Coagulation property of hyaluronic acid–collagen chitosan




混凝预处理对超滤膜通量的影响董秉直1,王洪武2,冯晶2,李伟英1(1 同济大学长江水环境教育部重点实验室,上海 200092;2 同济大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 200092)摘要:为探讨混凝预处理对改善超滤膜过滤通量的效果.试验采用了4种具有不同亲疏水性的水样,着重探讨混凝对有机物的疏水性和亲水性组分的去除效果以及所带来的通量改善.试验结果表明,超滤膜直接过滤原水时,4种水样的有机物截留率在12%~20%,但其中的疏水性组分均超过了50%,说明膜倾向于截留疏水性有机物.投加25mg L 的混凝剂,4种水样的有机物去除率在12%~28%,投加量增加至100mg L,去除率也相应增加至25%~38%,但其中的疏水性组分均占50%以上.混凝预处理均可有效提高通量.对有机物各组分的分析表明,膜处理混凝预处理水时,主要截留亲水性组分,这是由于混凝可有效去除疏水性组分的缘故.由此也可得出结论,超滤膜的通量下降主要是由疏水性有机物引起的,亲水性组分对通量的影响较小.关键词:饮用水处理;超滤膜过滤;混凝预处理;通量中图分类号:X505 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0250 3301(2008)10 2783 05收稿日期:2007 09 25;修订日期:2008 01 08基金项目: 十一五 国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAJ08B02)作者简介:董秉直(1955~),男,博士,教授,主要研究方向为饮用水处理理论与技术,E mail:dongbingzhi@Influence of Coagulation Pretreatment on UF Membrane FluxDONG Bing zhi 1,W ANG Hong wu 2,FE NG Jing 2,LI Wei ying1(1.Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment,Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;2 School of Environmen tal Science and Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)Abstract :In this study,the effect of coagulation pretreatment on improvement of UF membrane filtration flux was investigated.The experiment using four water samples having different hydrophobic and hydrophilic compound was focused on the effect of coagulation on removin g hydrophobic and hydrophilic fraction of organics and resulting enhanced flux.In the filtration of raw water,the organics removal for the four water samples were in the ranges of 12%and 20%,in which hydrophobic fraction accounting for over 50%,suggesting that membrane prefers to remove hydrophobic fraction.In the addition of 25mg L coagulant,the organics removals for the four water samples were in the ranges of 12%and 28%.As coagulan t dosage i ncreased to 100mg L,removals increased to 25%and 38%accordingly,in which hydrophobic fraction accounting for over 50%,suggesting that coagulation prefers to remove hydrophobic fraction.Coagulation pretreatment could enhance flux of all of water samples studied.The analyses for each organic compound show that after coagulation pretreatment membrane reject hydrophilic fraction mainly due to removal of hydrophobic fraction effectively by coagulation.It can be concluded that the flux decline of UF membrane was mainly caused by hydrophobic compound and hydrophilic compound had less effect on flux.Key words :drinking water treatment;ultrafiltrati on membrane filtration;coagulation pretreatment;flux混凝 膜联用处理饮用水是目前研究最为广泛的技术之一,而且逐渐得到了应用[1].混凝作为超滤膜和微滤膜的预处理,其作用是去除有机物,从而达到提高膜通量的目的[2~5].许多研究表明,混凝可有效地提高膜通量,减缓膜污染[6,7].但一些试验却表明,混凝非但不能提高膜通量,反而加重了膜污染.例如,莫罹等[8]采用混凝与微滤膜联用技术处理微污染水,结果表明投加混凝剂后,虽然提高了有机物去除效果,但膜污染反而加重.Veronigue 等[9]发现,尽管混凝能有效去除DOC 和降低膜过滤阻力,但无法降低膜污染的速度和程度.Kerry 等[10]指出,导致膜污染的有机物并非它们的总量,而是有机物的某些特殊的组分.天然水中的有机物可分为3种组分,强疏水、弱疏水和亲水.强疏水性组分具有较大的分子量,占总有机物的约50%左右,其主要组成为腐殖酸类;亲水性组分具有较小的分子量,约占总有机物的25%左右,主要由多糖类、蛋白质和氨基酸等构成;而弱疏水性组分的分子量位于强疏水性和亲水性之间,约占总有机物的25%左右,主要由富里酸构成.Carroll 等[11]采用树脂将天然原水分离成强疏水性、弱疏水性、极性亲水性和中性亲水性有机物,并分别进行了过滤试验,试验结果发现,造成通量下降的主要有机物组分是中性亲水性有机物.将混凝作为预处理进行的试验表明,虽然混凝提高了通量,但仍呈一定程度的下降.对混凝后的有机物各组分进行分析后,发现混凝可有效去除疏水性和极性亲水性有机物,而对中性亲水性有机物的效果甚微.Carroll 等[11]认为,中性亲水性有机物是造成通量下降的主第29卷第10期2008年10月环 境 科 学ENVIRONME NTAL SCIENCEVol.29,No.10Oct.,2008要因素.许多研究者的试验结果支持了Carroll等的观点[12~14],但也有研究者得出了与Carroll等相反的结果.例如,Nilson等[15]对纳滤膜的试验表明:疏水性的有机物是引起通量下降的主要因素,而亲水性的有机物对通量的影响较小.作者的研究结果表明,中性亲水性有机物仅造成通量的缓慢下降,而造成通量急剧下降的主要有机物组分是疏水性有机物[16].由此可见,对于哪种组分是造成膜污染的主要因素,不同研究者之间的结论存在矛盾之处,这种分歧可能是采用不同材质的膜或水质不同的原水造成的.本研究选择4种来自不同水源,具有不同亲疏水性的原水,采用DAX 8和XAD 4树脂将有机物分离成疏水性和亲水性,考察超滤膜直接过滤和采用混凝作为预处理,膜通量的变化,同时了解混凝去除和膜截留不同有机物组分的效果,以期了解混凝预处理改善膜通量的效果和机制.1 材料与方法1.1 试验水样本试验采用4种水样,蛟塘水、黄浦江水、三好坞水和浓缩的自来水.蛟塘是镇江的延陵镇的水塘,作为延陵镇水厂的水源;黄浦江是上海市的主要自来水厂的水源;三好坞是位于同济大学校内的小河,河水的富营养化严重,藻类繁殖旺盛,河水呈现绿色;浓缩自来水是纳滤膜处理同济大学校内的自来水时得到的浓水.4种水样的主要水质指标如表1所示.表1 试验水样的主要水质指标Table1 Main water qualities of experi mental s amples水质指标蛟塘原水黄浦江原水浓缩自来水三好坞原水pH7 748 28 548 83浊度 N TU14 94 01 2427 8色度30593098硬度(以CaCO3计) mg L-1141 8169 7311250TDS mg L-1277 9301 2968 9505 6高锰酸盐指数 mg L-15 8104 68413 3328 27 DOC mg L-16 0545 37214 2312 65 UV254 cm-10 1180 1210 2490 189 SUV A L (mg m)-11 92 31 81 51.2 混凝试验混凝剂采用精制硫酸铝[Al2(SO4)3 18H2O], Al2O3含量为15 3%,用去离子水配制成25mg mL [以Al2(SO4)3计,下同]的投加液.混凝试验在六联搅拌机上进行.分别投加25mg和100mg的投加液至1L的原水中,快速搅拌(100r min)1min,然后慢速搅拌(60r min)30min,静止30min后,上清液用0 45 m膜过滤.1.3 膜试验采用中国科学院上海原子核研究所膜分离技术研究开发中心提供的杯式过滤器和超滤膜.过滤器的有效容积300mL.超滤膜的膜材质为聚醚砜(PES),截留分子量为30000.每次过滤前,先用去离子水过滤,测定纯水通量J0,然后测定水样.水样过滤通量J与J0的比值J J0作为通量进行不同试验工况的比较.每个工况均采用新膜.所有的水样过滤前均用0 45 m膜过滤,以避免悬浮固体和胶体的影响.试验水样的pH 值均调节至7 5左右.1.4 有机物分离试验采用罗门哈斯公司的AmberliteDAX 8和XAD 4树脂进行有机物亲疏水性的分离,其分离方法详见文献[12].1.5 分析方法与仪器浊度采用HACH 2100N浊度仪测定,UV254采用上海精密科学仪器厂的UV755B紫外分光光度仪测定,总有机炭(TOC)采用日本岛津公司的TOC V CPH 测定.测定UV254和TOC之前,水样均用0 45 m膜过滤,相应得到的TOC代表水中溶解性的有机物,也可表示为DOC(dissolved organic carbon).2 结果与分析2.1 不同原水的亲疏水性从图1可以看出,不同的原水,其亲疏水性也不同.就4种原水中,疏水性组分最多的是三好坞水,占72%,最少的是浓缩自来水,约占50%;而亲水性组分最多的是浓缩自来水,约占49%,而最少的是三好坞水,仅为27%.2.2 超滤膜直接过滤不同原水时的通量变化从图2可见,不同的原水,通量的下降程度不同,其顺序为三好坞水、浓缩自来水、黄浦江水和蛟塘水,过滤结束时的通量分别为0 39、0 7、0 74和0 86.由于三好坞水和浓缩自来水的溶解性有机物是黄浦江水和蛟塘水的2倍,远高于它们,因此,通量下降的程度较严重.这说明有机物含量越高,导致的膜污染也越严重.三好坞水的有机物与浓缩自来水相近,但通量下降程度较浓缩自来水严重.由图2可知,三好坞水的疏水性组分较浓缩自来水高;而黄2784环 境 科 学29卷图1 试验原水的亲疏水性Fi g.1 Hydrophilic and hydrophobic of water s ources浦江水的疏水性组分略高于蛟塘水,因而通量下降程度也略比蛟塘水的严重.通过比较可知,在溶解性有机物含量相近的情况下,疏水性有机物越高者,导致的通量下降程度也越严重.图2 不同原水通量下降情况Fi g.2 Flux decline of di fferent water source图3为过滤原水时,膜截留有机物的效果.从中可见,对于三好坞水和浓缩自来水,三好坞水的截留率明显高于浓缩自来水,这可解释为三好坞水的疏水性组分含量明显高于浓缩自来水.而对于蛟塘水和黄浦江水,两者的有机物截留率相同,但黄浦江水的疏水性截留率明显高于蛟塘水.同时,从图4还可以看出,超滤膜对4种原水截留的有机物中,疏水性有机物占多数,均超过50%.值得一提的是,三好坞水的有机物和疏水性组分均大于黄浦江水,但膜截留这2种水的有机物相近,且膜截留疏水性中,黄浦江水高于三好坞水.这可解释为黄浦江水中的大分子有机物和疏水性组分均高于三好坞水.由此可见,通量的下降不仅与原水中的疏水性有机物含量有关,还与截留的有机物组分有着密切的关系.本试验表明,截留疏水性有机物越多者,通量下降也越严重.这结果表明,疏水性有机物是造成通量下降的主要因素.这结果也与Nilson 等[15]的结论相符.图3 过滤原水时的膜截留有机物的效果Fi g.3 Effec t of organics rejection by membrane i n the direct filtration图4 投加混凝剂改善不同原水通量的效果Fig.4 Effect of enhanci ng flux by addition of coagulant2.3 混凝改善通量的效果从图4可知,经25mg L 混凝处理后,通量大小278510期董秉直等:混凝预处理对超滤膜通量的影响的顺序是黄浦江、蛟塘、浓缩自来水和三好坞;而混凝剂投加量增加至100mg L 后,通量得到了进一步的改善.从图4还可以看出,混凝处理后,膜过滤黄浦江和蛟塘水的通量明显高于浓缩自来水和三好坞水.这是由于浓缩自来水和三好坞水的有机物含量远高于黄浦江和蛟塘的缘故.2.4 混凝对有机物各组分的处理效果混凝去除有机物各组分的效果如图5所示.可见投加25mg L 时,黄浦江水的去除效果明显高于蛟塘;而浓缩自来水的去除效果略高于三好坞水.从图5还可以看出,混凝去除疏水性有机物明显高于亲水性有机物,这说明本研究所采用的混凝剂可有选择地去除疏水性有机物.当混凝剂投加量增加至100mg L 时,各原水的有机物去除率明显增加.虽然亲水性组分的去除效果也相应增加,但混凝对疏水性组分的去除仍高于亲水性组分.图5 不同混凝剂投加量去除有机物的效果Fi g.5 Effect of different coagulant dosage on organics re moval在25mg L 时,虽然三好坞水的处理效果稍劣于浓缩自来水,但投加量在100mg L 时,又优于浓缩自来水;而无论是25mg L 还是100mg L,混凝处理黄浦江水的效果均优于蛟塘.这结果表明,疏水性有机物含量较高的水,其混凝处理效果也相应较好.虽然浓缩自来水中的疏水性组分低于三好坞水,但混凝效果却略优于三好坞水,这可解释为2种水中的疏水性组分的分子量大小有所差别.根据凝胶色谱测定的结果,浓缩自来水中的疏水性组分的相对分子质量在2500~4000范围内,而三好坞水的疏水性组分的相对分子质量在700~1700,浓缩自来水的相对分子质量大于三好坞水.因此,混凝去除有机物的效果不仅与其组分有关,还与相对分子质量的大小有关.2.5 混凝预处理后膜对有机物各组分的截留效果膜截留的有机物多少以及组分是影响通量的主要因素,因此,分析混凝处理后,膜截留有机物组分的变化可进一步了解膜污染的机理.混凝预处理后,膜截留有机物的效果如图6所示.可以看出,混凝处理后,膜截留的有机物组分发生了很大的变化,即主要截留亲水性组分.膜过滤蛟塘和黄浦江水时,黄浦江水的截留率略高于蛟塘水,但蛟塘水还有少量的疏水性组分,而黄浦江水几乎全部为亲水性组分.膜对三好坞水的截留明显高于浓缩自来水,而且截留的三好坞水中还有部分的疏水性组分,而截留的浓缩自来水几乎全部为亲水性组分.结合图4可以看出,膜截留的疏水性有机物的多少与通量的多少紧密相关.同时,经混凝预处理后,与直接过滤原水时相比,不仅截留的有机物大为降低,而且膜截留的有机物主要是亲水性组分.由此可见,混凝预处理后,通量的改善是由于膜截留较多的亲水性组分,而亲水性组分对膜通量的影响较小的缘故.如果混凝去除较多的有机物,则膜截留较少的有机物,改善通量的效果也越好.因此,混凝 膜处理工艺更适合于疏水性组分较多的原水.3 讨论Carroll 等[11]认为:混凝去除较多的疏水性有机物,混凝水中的剩余组分多为中性亲水性,因此,混凝预处理后,亲水性有机物对通量的改善起到关键作用.本试验的结果表明,混凝预处理后,超滤膜主要截留亲水性有机物,从而证实了Carroll 的猜测.尽管Carroll 强调中性亲水性有机物是造成通量下降的主要因素,但在Carroll 的试验中,混凝处理后,通量的下降由直接过滤原水时的80%变化为50%,通量提高了30%,仍然说明混凝处理有效地减缓了膜污染.疏水性有机物和亲水性有机物各自对通量的影响是不同的.例如,作者的试验表明,疏水性有机物2786环 境 科 学29卷图6 投加混凝剂后膜截留有机物的效果Fig.6 Effect of organics rejecti on by membrane after coagulati on treatment造成通量的急剧下降,而中性亲水性有机物导致通量的缓慢下降[7].进一步的试验证实了造成通量缓慢下降主要是由中性亲水性有机物[16].中性亲水性有机物的相对分子质量较小,且与带负电的膜表面没有电性相斥作用,这使得这类有机物容易接近膜并吸附在膜表面或膜内,逐渐累积在膜孔内,因而膜通量的下降表现为缓慢;而疏水性有机物多为腐殖酸和富里酸,它们具有带负电荷的羧基等的极性官能团.当这类有机物在压力驱动下接近膜表面时,容易与膜产生相斥作用(由于膜表面带负电荷),从而聚集在膜表面,同时它们的相对分子质量较大,容易将膜孔堵塞,因而导致通量的急剧下降.由此可以得出结论,虽然混凝处理后,亲水性有机物对通量的影响占主要地位,但由于这类有机物对通量的影响较小,混凝对通量的提高或膜污染的减缓是有利的.4 结论(1)超滤膜直接过滤原水时,会造成较严重的通量下降,其原因是截留较多的疏水性有机物的缘故.(2)投加混凝剂可有效地去除疏水性有机物,超滤膜过滤混凝处理水时,倾向截留亲水性有机物,从而提高膜过滤通量.(3)疏水性有机物会造成严重的通量下降,而亲水性有机物对通量的影响较小.参考文献:[1] 董秉直,曹达文,陈艳.饮用水膜深度处理技术[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2006.1 6.[2] Park P K,Lee C H,Choi S J,et al.Effect of the removal of DO M son the performance of a coagulati on UF me mbranes system fordrinking water producti on[J].Des ali nati on,2002,145:237 245.[3] Guigui C,Rouch J C,Durand Bourlier L,et al.Impac t ofcoagulati on condi ti ons on the in line coagulation UF proces s fordrinking water producti on[J].Des ali nati on,2002,147:95 100.[4] Choi K Y,Dempsey B A.In line coagulation with low pres suremembrane 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马齿苋中抗炎活性物质的提取、分离及结构鉴定张会敏1,邢岩2,仇润慷1,张丽梅2,倪贺3,赵雷1*(1.华南农业大学食品学院,广东广州 510642)(2.国珍健康科技(北京)有限公司,北京 100000)(3.华南师范大学生命科学学院,广东广州 510640)摘要:以活性物质示踪为导向,建立脂多糖诱导的RAW264.7巨噬细胞炎症模型对马齿苋中的抗炎物质进行跟踪,采用柱层析提取法、硅胶柱色谱分离法、制备液相色谱法及气相色谱-质谱联用技术对抗炎物质进行提取分离和结构鉴定。

结果表明,石油醚-乙醇、无水乙醇和纯水溶剂依次对马齿苋样品进行提取,三种粗提物将细胞中一氧化氮(Nitric Oxide,NO)的分泌量分别减少至33.13、25.83和20.53 μmol/L,其中石油醚相粗提物的抑制效果最强(P<0.05)。


Fr.3组分经硅胶柱分离得到三个组分,Fr.3.1组分表现出最强的抑制NO的分泌量效果(11.80 μmol/L)。



关键词:马齿苋;抗炎活性;提取分离;鉴定文章编号:1673-9078(2024)03-191-199 DOI: 10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2024.3.0324Extraction, Separation and Structural Identification of Anti-inflammatory Active Substances from Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.)ZHANG Huimin1, XING Y an2, QIU Runkang1, ZHAGN Limei2, NI He3, ZHAO Lei1*(1.College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)(2.Guozhen Health Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Beijing 100000, China)(3.College of Life Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510640, China)Abstract: To track the anti-inflammatory substances in purslane, the lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW264.7 macrophage inflammation model was established, which was guided by the tracer of active substances. The extraction, separation and structural identification of anti-inflammatory substances in purslane were performed by column chromatography (for extraction), silica gel column chromatography (for separation), and preparative high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (for analyses). The results showed that the three crude extracts obtained from purslane through sequential extractions with petroleum ether-ethanol, anhydrous ethanol and pure引文格式:张会敏,邢岩,仇润慷,等.马齿苋中抗炎活性物质的提取、分离及结构鉴定[J] .现代食品科技,2024,40(3):191-199.ZHANG Huimin, XING Yan, QIU Runkang, et al. Extraction, separation and structural identification of anti-inflammatory active substances from purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) [J] . Modern Food Science and Technology, 2024, 40(3): 191-199.收稿日期:2023-03-16基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31771980);广东省自然科学基金(2023A1515012599)作者简介:张会敏(1996-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向:活性物质分离提取,E-mail:;共同第一作者:邢岩(1981-),女,博士,助理研究员,研究方向:抗氧化与抗衰老,E-mail:通讯作者:赵雷(1982-),男,博士,教授,研究方向:天然产物绿色修饰及热带水果加工,E-mail:191water solvents reduced the secretion of nitric oxide (NO) in the cells to 33.13, 25.83 and 20.53 μmol/L, respectively, with the crude petroleum ether extract exhibiting the strongest inhibitory effect (P<0.05). The petroleum ether phase was further separated into four fractions, with the Fr.1, Fr.2 and Fr.3 fractions had stronger anti-inflammatory effects, though the Fr.1 and Fr.2 fractions contained potential toxic components. Therefore, the Fr.3 fraction was selected for further separation. The Fr.3 fraction was separated through a silica gel column to obtain three fractions. The Fr.3.1 subfraction exhibited the strongest inhibitory effect against the NO secretion (11.80 μmol/L). The Fr.3.1 subfraction was further purified by the preparative liquid chromatography and GC-MS analysis, and the main components of the Fr.3.1 subfraction were identified as stearic acid (47.09%), di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (13.21%) and other components. This study established a method for separating and purifying anti-inflammatory substances from purslane, and provides a theoretical reference for the development and utilization of purslane.Key words: Portulaca oleracea L.; anti-inflammatory activity; extraction and isolation; identification炎症是机体受到外部刺激时做出的一种保护性生理反应,能够及时清除体内受损或死亡的细胞,帮助机体恢复内部平衡[1] 。



第37卷第6期农业工程学报 V ol.37 No.6282 2021年3月Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering Mar. 2021 高产生物膜乳酸菌抗逆性及其抗氧化特性张悦,贺银凤※,顾悦,王艳,郑砚学(内蒙古农业大学食品科学与工程学院,呼和浩特 010018)摘要:为了揭示乳酸菌生物膜抵抗不良环境的作用机制,该研究以2株乳酸片球菌RJ2-1-4、TG1-1-10和2株植物乳杆菌RJ1-1-4、RM1-1-11(菌株均高产生物膜)为研究对象,探究浮游态、被膜态菌株对酸、碱、胆盐、模拟人工胃肠液的耐受能力以及抗氧化能力。


随着pH值递增,菌体密度增加,在pH值7.0-9.0时,碱性环境对除TG1-1-10外其他3株菌的生长有一定抑制作用;当胆盐浓度为0~0.03%时,菌株生长有小幅度上升,且被膜态菌株RJ2-1-4、TG1-1-10生长量显著低于浮游态(P<0.05);但随着胆盐浓度继续增加,菌株生长受到抑制,除浮游态菌株TG1-1-10外,其余3株菌被膜态菌株生长量均显著高于浮游态;菌株在模拟人工胃肠液中处理3 h后发现,相比于浮游态菌株,被膜态各菌株在胃、肠液中的存活率均有所提高。

4株菌对于不同种类自由基均有一定清除能力,清除率从高到低分别为HO·、DPPH·、脂质过氧化、超氧阴离子,其中RJ1-1-4浮游态菌悬液对DPPH·清除率为214.12 μg/mL,RJ2-1-4被膜态无细胞提取物、TG1-1-10浮游态无细胞提取物对HO·清除率分别为713.81 μg/mL和637.01 μg/mL,RJ2-1-4浮游态无细胞提取物对超氧阴离子清除率为93.80 μg/mL,RM1-1-11被膜态菌悬液对脂质过氧化物的清除率为122.82 μg/mL。



河北农业科学,2013,17(6):28-31Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences编辑 杜晓东盐胁迫对紫穗槐种苗形态指标的影响孙 宇1,王文成1∗,郭艳超1,李克晔1,邢春强1,苏晨光2(1.河北省农林科学院滨海农业研究所,河北唐海 063200;2.乐亭县农牧局,河北乐亭 063600)摘要:采用砂基培养法,研究了不同浓度〔0(CK )、0.5%、1.0%、1.5%、2.0%〕NaCl 胁迫对紫穗槐种苗形态指标的影响。

结果表明:随着NaCl 胁迫浓度的升高,紫穗槐幼苗的株高、茎粗、地上生长量和含水量均呈逐渐降低趋势;浓度超过一定数值后,植株叶片存在不同程度的干枯、发黄现象,生长势出现衰退。



关键词:紫穗槐;NaCl 胁迫;幼苗;形态指标中图分类号:S792.26 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008⁃1631(2013)06⁃0028⁃04Effects of NaCl Stress on the Morphological Indexes of Amorpha fruticosa SeedlingsSUN Yu 1,WANG Wen⁃cheng 1∗,GUO Yan⁃chao 1,LI Ke⁃ye 1,XING Chun⁃qiang 1,SU Chen⁃guang 2(1.Institute of Coastal Agriculture ,Hebei Academy of Agiculture and Forestry Sciences ,Tanghai 063200,China ;oting Agriculture and Pasture Bureau ,Laoting 063600,China )Abstract :The effects of different NaCl solutions (0,0.5%,1.0%,1.5%and 2.0%)on the morphologicalindexes of Amorpha fruticosa seedlings under sand⁃cultured were studied.The results showed that the height ,stemdiameter ,growth and water content of above⁃ground of Amorpha fruticosa seedlings were decreased gradually withthe increase of NaCl concentration.The leaves of Amorpha fruticosa appeared different degree dry and yellow ,and the growth potential had recession phenomenon ,when the concentration exceeded a certain value.Through comprehensive analysis of morphological indexes and water content of seedlings ,it was concluded that the salttolerant threshold of Amorpha fruticosa seedlings was 1.0%,and the survival threshold was 1.5%.The researchprovided the scientific basis for exploitation and utilization of Amorpha fruticosa in saline⁃alkali land.Key words :Amorpha fruticosa ;NaCl stress ;Seedlings ;Morphological index 收稿日期:2013⁃09⁃05基金项目:国际科技合作与交流专项经费资助项目(2011DFA30990)作者简介:孙 宇(1972-),河北唐山人,副研究员,主要从事耐盐植物资源筛选鉴定研究。







关键词芜菁子;挥发油提取物;单核细胞增生李斯特菌;抑菌处理;培养温度;处理时间;培养基pH值;最小抑菌浓度中图分类号TS255.3文献标识码A文章编号1007-5739(2023)18-0193-04DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5739.2023.18.047开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Antibacterial Conditions of Volatile Oil Extracts from Seeds of Brassica rapa L.LU Ke LI Jingyan HE Jingliu*LIU Feng ZHONG Yuanyang CHEN Hong GU Fengyu(Department of Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory,Ya'an Polytechnic College,Ya'an Sichuan625100) Abstract This paper obtained the volatile oil extract of the seeds of Brassica rapa steam distillation,and took the common pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes in fresh cut fruits and vegetables as the test bacterium, used the volatile oil extracts of seeds of Brassica rapa carry out short-term volatile contact bacteriostasis treatment on Listeria monocytogenes at room temperature of25℃,simulated the low temperature storage temperature and pH value of fresh cut fruits and vegetables to culture Listeria monocytogenes.With the minimum inhibitory concentration as the index,this paper carried out the single factor experiment and the orthogonal test of three factors and three levels, including culture temperature,treatment time and the culture medium pH value,in order to optimize the antibacterial treatment conditions.The results showed that under the conditions of culture temperature of10℃,treatment time of 25min,and culture medium pH value of5,the minimum inhibitory concentration of volatile oil extracts from seeds of Brassica rapa L.against Listeria monocytogenes was0.0056%,and the sensory evaluation in the inhibitory space was very slight odor,not pungent,not dazzling,which was65.85%lower than the minimum inhibitory concentration in the routine test.The antibacterial effect was improved,and the odor in the inhibitory space was reduced.The antibacterial treatment conditions are stable,reasonable and feasible,which can provide references for the comprehensive utilization of volatile oil extracts from seeds of Brassica rapa L.Keywords seed of Brassica rapa L.;volatile oil extract;Listeria monocytogenes;antibacterial treatment;cultivation temperature;treatment time;the culture medium pH value;minimum inhibitory concentration基金项目雅安职业技术学院高层次人才科研工作室项目“川蜀农产品保鲜技术研发工作室”(Yzygcky202218)。



国际商事争议解决研究术语摘录常设仲裁法院permanent court of arbitration 国际商会The International Chamber of Commerce,ICC 国际商会友好争议解决规则The ICC Amicable Dispute Resolution Rules 在线争议解决方法Online Dispute Resolution.,ODR 替代性争议解决Alternative Dispute Resolution,ADR 裁判adjudication 自然公正natural justice 正当程序due process 美国公众援救中心center of public sources,CPR 英国争议解决中心The Center for Effective Dispute Resolution,CEDR 管辖根据jurisdiction basis 直接国际裁判管辖权Direct international jurisdictional competence 间接国际裁判管辖权indirect international jurisdictional competence 欧洲自由贸易联盟European Free Trade Association,EFTA 取证嘱托书rogatory commission 审判前文件保留discovery of document 仲裁arbitration 实质性连结因素material connecting factors 联邦仲裁法federal arbitration act,FAA 产业化industry 国际的仲裁文化international arbitration culture程序公正procedural justice 实体公正substantive justice 显然漠视法律原则manifest disregard of law 仲裁协议arbitration agreement 往来函电in an exchange of letters or telegrams 临时仲裁ad hoc arbitration 自动移转规则automatic assignment rule 披露本人的代理agency of disclosed principal 未披露本人的代理agency of undisclosed principal 显名代理agency of named principal 隐名代理agency of unnamed principal 仲裁条款独立性理论doctrine of arbitration clause autonomy 又(称仲裁条款自治性理论reparability of arbitration clause 仲裁条款分离性理论severability of arbitration clause 仲裁条款分割性理论theory of autonomy of the arbitration clause)合同自始无效uoid ab initio 无中不能生有ex nitil nil fit 特殊类型sui genceris 管辖权自决学说compentence de la compentence(Kompetenz-kompetenz。



赵志强,朱叙丞,冯真颖,等. 沙棘果多糖的理化特征及其体外抗氧化活性[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(13):30−38. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070288ZHAO Zhiqiang, ZHU Xucheng, FENG Zhenying, et al. Physicochemical Characteristic and Antioxidant Activity in Vitro of Seabuckthorn Fruit Polysaccharide[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(13): 30−38. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070288· 研究与探讨 ·沙棘果多糖的理化特征及其体外抗氧化活性赵志强1,朱叙丞1,冯真颖1,陈海婷1,余佳乐1,闫 笛1,宋松泉2,申迎宾1, *,唐翠芳2,*(1.广州大学生命科学学院,广东广州 510006;2.湘南学院南岭现代种业研究院,湖南郴州 423043)摘 要:本研究通过热水提取法从沙棘果实中提取并初步纯化得到一种精制多糖(Seabuckthorn Berry Polysaccha-ride ,SBP ),对其单糖组成、分子量组成、微观表征、热稳定性、流变学特性等理化特征进行表征,并采用四种体外模型评价其抗氧化活性。

结果表明:该多糖的主要组分是一种大分子的酸性多糖,分子量为37.82×104 Da ,由岩藻糖、鼠李糖、阿拉伯糖、半乳糖、葡萄糖、木糖、葡萄糖醛酸等单糖构成,其摩尔比为0.244:0.098:0.265:0.075:0.091:0.081:0.103,含有α、β型糖苷键以及羰基、羧基、醛基、羟基等官能团,具有三螺旋结构,微观结构呈片状。

滑石粉 氢键 收缩率

滑石粉 氢键 收缩率

滑石粉氢键收缩率英文回答:Talc is a naturally occurring mineral composedprimarily of hydrated magnesium silicate (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2). It possesses a layered structure characterized by weak Van der Waals forces between the layers. This unique structure imparts talc with various properties, including its low friction coefficient and high lubricity.One of the key features of talc is its ability to form hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are intermolecular forces that occur between electronegative atoms, such as oxygen and nitrogen, and hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to these electronegative atoms. In the case of talc, the hydrogen bonds form between the oxygen atoms of the hydroxyl groups (OH) and the hydrogen atoms of the water molecules present in the mineral's structure.The formation of hydrogen bonds in talc plays asignificant role in determining its properties. Hydrogen bonds contribute to the structural stability of the mineral and influence its surface reactivity. They also affect the shrinkage behavior of talc when subjected to thermal treatment.When talc is heated, the water molecules present in its structure begin to evaporate. As the water molecules are removed, the hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl groups and the water molecules break. This leads to a rearrangement of the talc layers and a reduction in the overall volume of the material. The extent of shrinkage depends on the temperature and duration of the heating process.The shrinkage behavior of talc is important in various industrial applications. For example, in the production of ceramic tiles, talc is often used as a filler material. The shrinkage of talc during firing helps to reduce theporosity of the tiles, resulting in a stronger and more durable product.中文回答:滑石粉是一种天然存在的矿物,主要成分为水合硅酸镁(Mg3Si4O10(OH)2)。



《实验诊断学》名词解释2013.12目录:1实验诊断(laboratory diagnosis):2全面质量管理(total quality management TQM):3循证医学(evidence based medicine, EBA)4危急值(critical value):5医学决定水平(medical decision level)6红细胞计数 (red blood cell count, RBC)7血细胞比容(hematocrit,HCT):8网织红细胞计数(reticulocyte count, Ret):9红细胞体积分布宽度(red blood cell volume distribution width,RDW)10白细胞绝对值(absolute value of WBC)11白细胞分类计数(Differential count, DC)12靶形红细胞(target cell):13球形红细胞(spherocyte)14嗜多色性红细胞(polychromatic erythrocyte):15高色素性红细胞(hyperchromic erythrocyte):16嗜碱性点彩(basophilic stippling):17染色质小体(Howell-jolly body)18卡-波环(cabot ring )19有核红细胞 nucleated erythrocyte):20中毒颗粒:(toxic granulation)21空泡(vacuole degeneration22杜勒小体(dohle bodies):23核变性(degeneratio of nuceus):24棒状小体(auer bodies):25异形淋巴细胞(atypical lymphocyte)26核左移(nuclear shift to left):27核右移(nueclear shift to right)28分裂池(mitotic pool)29贮备池(storage pool)30边缘池(vessel wall)31类白血病反应(leukemoid reaction)32红细胞沉降率(erythrocyte sedimentation rete ESR)33骨髓穿刺(bone marrow puncture)34骨髓增生程度(proliferative degree)35粒红比(myeloid erythrocyte ratio,M:E) 36、细胞化学染色(cyto-chemical stain)37过氧化物酶染色(peroxidase stain,POX)38中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色(neutrophil alkaline phosphatase stain,NAP)39骨髓纤维化(myelofibrosis, MF)40骨骼增生异常综合征(myelodysplastic syndrome,MDS)41巨幼细胞性贫血(megaloblastic anemia,MA)42再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia,AA)43出血时间(bleeding time,BT)44束臂实验(capillary fragility test,CFT)45血块收缩试验(clot retraction test,CRT)46大血小板比率(platelet large cell ratio, P-LCR)47活化部分凝血活酶时间(activated partial thromboplastin time,APTT)。

Coagulation & Flocculation

Coagulation & Flocculation

Coagulation and FlocculationProcess FundamentalsWHY THEY ARE USEDAll waters, especially surface waters, contain both dissolved and suspended particles. Coagulation and flocculation processes are used to separate the suspended solids portion from the water.The suspended particles vary considerably in source, composition charge, particle size, shape, and density. Correct application of coagulation and flocculation processes and selection of the coagulants depend upon understanding the interaction between these factors. The small particles are stabilized (kept in suspension) by the action of physical forces on the particles themselves. One of the forces playing a dominant role in stabilization results from the surface charge present on the particles. Most solids suspended in water possess a negative charge and, since they have the same type of surface charge, repel each other when they come close together. Therefore, they will remain in suspension rather than clump together and settle out of the water.HOW THE PROCESSES WORKCoagulation and flocculation occur in successive steps intended to overcome the forces stabilizing the suspended particles, allowing particle collision and growth of floc. If step one is incomplete, the following step will be unsuccessful.COAGULATIONThe first step destabilizes the particle’s charges. Coagulants with charges opposite those of the suspended solids are added to the water to neutralize the negative charges on dispersed non-settlable solids such as clay and color-producing organic substances.Once the charge is neutralized, the small suspended particles are capable of sticking together. The slightly larger particles, formed through this process and called microflocs, are not visible to the naked eye. The water surrounding the newly formed microflocs should be clear. If it is not, all the particles’ charges have not been neutralized, and coagulation has not been carried to completion. More coagulant may need to be added.A high-energy, rapid-mix to properly disperse the coagulant and promote particle collisions is needed to achieve good coagulation. Over-mixing does not affect coagulation, but insufficient mixing will leave this step incomplete. Coagulants should be added where sufficient mixing will occur. Proper contact time in the rapid-mix chamber is typically 1 to 3 minutes.FLOCCULATIONFollowing the first step of coagulation, a second process called flocculation occurs. Flocculation, a gentle mixing stage, increases the particle size from submicroscopic microfloc to visible suspended particles.The microflocs are brought into contact with each other through the process of slow mixing. Collisions of the microfloc particles cause them to bond to produce larger, visible flocs called pinflocs. The floc size continues to build through additional collisions and interaction with inorganic polymers formed by the coagulant or with organic polymers added. Macroflocs are formed. High molecular weight polymers, called coagulant aids, may be added during this step to help bridge, bind, and strengthen the floc, add weight, and increase settling rate. Once the floc has reached it optimum size and strength, the water is ready for the sedimentation process. Design contact times for flocculation range from 15 or 20 minutes to an hour or more.Operational ConsiderationsFlocculation requires careful attention to the mixing velocity and amount of mix energy. To prevent the floc from tearing apart or shearing, the mixing velocity and energy input are usually tapered off as the size of the floc increases. Once flocs are torn apart, it is difficult to get them to reform to their optimum size and strength. The amount of operator control available in flocculation is highly dependent upon the type and design of the equipment. SEDIMENTATIONDesign and Operating ConsiderationsSedimentation basins are used in conventional plants. Direct-filtration plants skip the sedimentation stage and go directly to filtration. Detention times for sedimentation are in the range of 1 to 4 hours. Inlets are designed to distribute water evenly and at uniform velocities. Overflow rates should not exceed 20,000 gallons per day per foot of weir length. Velocity should not exceed 0.5feet per minute.Sedimentation basins are used to settle out the floc before going to the filters. Some type of sludge collection device should be used to remove sludge from the bottom of the basin.DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: CONVENTIONAL PLANTSConventional plant designs separate the coagulation, or rapid-mix, stage from the flocculation, or slow-mix, stage. Normally this is followed by a sedimentation stage, after which filtration takes place. Plants designed for direct filtration route the water directly from flocculation to filtration. These systems typically have a higher raw-water quality. Conventional designs can incorporate adjustable mixing speeds in both the rapid-mix and slow-mix equipment. Multiple feed points for coagulants, polymers, flocculants, and other chemicals can be provided. There is generally adequate space to separate the feed points for incompatible chemicals.Conventional plant designs have conservative retention times and rise rates. This usually results in requirements for large process basins and a large amount of land for the plant site. On-site pilot plant evaluation of the proposed process, by a qualified engineer familiar with the source of the water, is advisable prior to selection and construction of the units.Retention or detention time is the theoretical time in minutes that water spends in a process. It is calculated by dividing the liquid volume, in gallons, of a basin by the plant flow rate in gallons per minute. Actual detention time in a basin will be less than the theoretical detention time because of “dead areas” and short circuiting, which could be due to inadequate baffling.Retention time = basin volume (gallons)gpm flowThe rise rate is calculated by dividing the flow in gallons per minute by the net upflow area of the basin in square feet.Rise Rate = gpm flowareasurfaceDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: COMBINATION UNITSSome designs incorporate coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation within a single unit. These designs can be separated into upflow solids contact units and sludge blanket units. Most solids contact designs use recirculation of previously formed floes to enhance floc formation and maximize usage of treatment chemicals. Sludge bed designs force the newly forming flocs to pass upward through a suspended bed of floc. In both styles of units, the cross-sectional surface of the basin increases from the bottom to top, causing the water flow to slow as it rises, and allowing the floc to settle out. The combination units generally use higher rise rates and shorter detention time than conventional treatment. Numerous manufacturers market proprietary units based on these design concepts. These units are more compact and require less land for plant site location. On-site pilot plant evaluation of the proposed process, by a qualified engineer familiar with the source water, is advisable prior to selection and construction of combined units.COAGULANT SELECTIONThe choice of coagulant chemical depends upon the nature of the suspended solid to be removed, the raw water conditions, the facility design, and the cost of the amount of chemical necessary to produce the desired result.Final selection of the coagulant (or coagulants) should be made following thorough jar testing and plant scale evaluation. Considerations must be given to required effluent quality, effect upon down stream treatment process performance, cost, method and cost of sludge handling and disposal, and net overall cost at the dose required for effective treatment.Inorganic CoagulantsInorganic coagulants such as aluminum and iron salts are the most commonly used. When added to the water, they furnish highly charged ions to neutralize the suspended particles. The inorganic hydroxides formed produce short polymer chains which enhance microfloc formation. Inorganic coagulants usually offer the lowest price per pound, are widely available, and, when properly applied, are quite effective in removing most suspended solids. They are also capable of removing a portion of the organic precursors which may combine with chlorine to form disinfection by-products. They produce large volumes of floc which can entrap bacteria as they settle. However, they may alter the pH of the water since they consume alkalinity. When applied in a lime soda ash softening process, alum and iron salts generate demand for lime and soda ash. They require corrosion-resistant storage and feed equipment. The large volumes of settled floc must be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.Inorganic Coagulant ReactionsCommon coagulant chemicals used are alum, ferric sulfate, ferric chloride, ferrous sulfate, and sodium aluminate. The first four will lower the alkalinity and pH of the solution while the sodium aluminate will add alkalinity and raise the pH. The reactions of each follow:ALUMA12(SO4)3 + 3 Ca(HCO3)2 ------------> 2 Al(OH)3 +3CaSO4 + 6 CO2 Aluminum + Calcium gives Aluminum + Calcium + Carbon Sulfate Bicarbonate Hydroxide Sulfate Dioxide(already in thewater to treat)FERRIC SULFATEFe2(SO4)3 + 3 Ca(HCO3)2 ------------> 2 Fe(OH)3 +3CaSO4 + 6 CO2 Ferric + Calcium gives Ferric + Calcium + Carbon Sulfate Bicarbonate Hydroxide Sulfate Dioxide(present in thewater to treat)FERRIC CHLORIDE2 Fe Cl3 + 3 Ca(HCO3)2 ------------> 2 Fe(OH)3 + 3CaCl2 + 6CO2 Ferric + Calcium gives Ferric + Calcium + Carbon Chloride Bicarbonate Hydroxide Chloride Dioxide(present in thewater to treat)FERROUS SULFATEFeS04 + Ca(HCO3)2 ------------> Fe(OH)2 + CaS04 + 2CO2 Ferrous + Calcium gives Ferrous + Calcium + Carbon Sulfate Bicarbonate Hydroxide Sulfate Dioxide(present in thewater to treat)SODIUM ALUMINATE2 Na2A12O4 + Ca(HCO3)2 ------------> 8 Al(OH)3 + 3 Na2CO3 + 6 H20Sodium + Calcium gives Aluminum + Sodium + Water Aluminate Carbonate Hydroxide Carbonate(present in thewater to treat)Na2Al2O4 + CO2 ------------> 2 Al(OH)3 + NaCO3Carbon gives Aluminum + SodiumSodium +Aluminate Dioxide Hydroxide Carbonate(present in thewater to treat)Na2Al2O4 + MgCo3 ------------> MgAl2O4 + Na2CO3Sodium +Magnesium gives Magnesium + SodiumAluminate Carbonate Aluminate Carbonate(present in thewater to treat)POLYMERSPolymers--long-chained, high-molecular-weight, organic chemicals--are becoming more widely used, especially as coagulant aids together with the regular inorganic coagulants. Anionic (negatively charged) polymers are often used with metal coagulants. Low-to-medium weight, positively charged (cationic) polymers may be used alone or in combination with the aluminum and iron type coagulants to attract the suspended solids and neutralize their surface charge. The manufacturer can produce a wide range of products that meet a variety of source-water conditions by controlling the amount and type of charge and relative molecular weight of the polymer.Polymers are effective over a wider pH range than inorganic coagulants. They can be applied at lower doses, and they do not consume alkalinity. They produce smaller volumes of more concentrated, rapidly settling floc. The floc formed from use of a properly selected polymer will be more resistant to shear, resulting in less carryover and a cleaner effluent.Polymers are generally several times more expensive in their price per pound than inorganic coagulants. Selection of the proper polymer for the application requires considerable jar testing under simulated plant conditions, followed by pilot or plant-scale trials.All polymers must be approved for potable water use by regulator y agencies.。



化学及化工专业英语词汇(H)h acid h 酸h bomb 氢弹h cell h 电池h theorem h 定理habit 习惯性haem 血红素hafnium 铪hafnium carbide 碳化铪hair crack 毛细裂纹hair hygrometer 毛发湿度计halation 晕影halazone 哈拉宗half bleaching 半漂白half cell 半电池half cell potential 半电池电势half finished product 半制品half finished rubber 未硫化橡胶half life 半裹期half mirror 半透玫half step potential 半波电势half tone 中间色调half wave potential 半波电势halide 卤化物halite 岩盐hall effect 霍耳效应halochromism 加酸显色halochromy 加酸显色haloform 卤仿haloform reaction 卤仿反应halogen 卤素halogenation 卤化halogenide 卤化物halogeno salt 卤代盐halohydrin 卤代醇halometer 盐量计halometry 盐分测定法halt 停止时间hamiltonian function 哈密顿函数hamiltonian operator 哈密顿算符hammer crusher 锤式破碎机hammer mill 锤式破碎机hand filter press 手工压力过滤器hand furnace 人工炉hand mold brick 手工砖hand picked coal 手选碳hand printing 手工印花hank dyeing 纹纱染色hank printing 纹纱印花hansa yellow 汉萨黄hantzsch synthesis 汉栖合成haptoglobin 亲血色蛋白haptophore 附着簇hard acid 硬酸hard base 硬碱hard burned magnesia 硬烧镁氧hard charcoal 白炭hard coal 无烟煤hard coke 焦炭hard detergent 硬性洗涤剂hard glass 硬玻璃hard metal 硬质合金hard pitch 硬沥青hard porcelain 硬质瓷器hard rubber 硬橡胶hard soap 钠皂hard sphere collision theory 刚性球碰撞理论hard water 硬水hardened filter paper 硬滤纸hardened oil 硬化油hardened rosin 硬化松香hardener 硬化剂hardening 硬化hardening bath 硬化浴hardening solution 硬膜液hardening time 硬化时间hardness 硬度hardness gage 硬度计hardness of water 水的硬度hardness scale 硬度计hardness test 硬度试验hardness tester 硬度试验器hardwood 硬材harman 哈尔满hazardous material 危险物head 水头head temperature 纺丝口温度head to head configuration 头对头结构head to tail configuration 头尾结构head velocity 顶端速度healing 加硫hearth 炉床heat 热heat absorber 吸热器heat accumulator 蓄热器heat balance 热平衡heat capacity 热容heat conduction 热传导heat conductivity 导热系数heat consumption 耗热量heat content 热含量heat control 热控制heat convection 热对流heat cure 干热硫化heat curing 热固化heat distortion 热变形heat effect 热效应heat engine 热机heat equivalent 热当量heat exchange 热交换heat exchanger 热交换器heat function 热函heat hardening 加热硬化heat insulating material 绝热材料heat loss 热损失heat medium 传热介质heat of activation 活化热heat of coagulation 凝结热heat of combustion 燃烧热heat of condensation 冷凝热heat of crystallization 结晶热heat of dilution 稀释热heat of dissociation 离解热heat of dissolution 溶解热heat of evaporation 蒸发热heat of explosion 爆炸热heat of formation 生成热heat of fusion 熔化热heat of hydration 水化热heat of immersion 湿化热heat of ionization 电离热heat of neutralization 中和热heat of reaction 反应热heat of solidification 凝固热heat of sublimation 升华热heat of swelling 膨润热heat of transformation 转变热heat of transition 转变热heat of vaporization 蒸发热heat of wetting 湿化热heat pipe 热导管heat pump 热泵heat quantity 热量heat radiation 热辐射heat recovery 热量回收heat resistance 耐热性heat resistant alloy 耐热合金heat resistant polymer 耐热聚合物heat resistant resin 耐热尸heat resisting coating 耐热涂料heat resisting glass 耐热玻璃heat sensitive paint 示温漆heat source 热源heat test 耐热试验heat transfer 热传递heat transfer coefficient 传热系数heat treatment 热处理heater 加热器heating 加热heating area 加热面积heating curve 加热曲线heating element 发热体heating loss 加热减量heating method of microwave furnace 微波炉加热法heating surface 加热面heatronic molding 高频模塑heavy atom method 重原子法heavy chemicals 化工制品heavy ends 重质馏分heavy hydrogen 重氢heavy ion nuclear reaction 重离子核反应heavy liquid 重液heavy metal 重金属heavy naphtha 重石脑油heavy oil 重油heavy oxygen 重氧heavy water 重水hecogenin 海柯皂苷元hehner number 亥讷值hehner value 亥讷值height per transfer unit 每迁移单位高度helical condenser 旋管冷凝器helicin 水杨醛葡糖甙heliotropin 天芥菜精helium 氦helium cooling 氦冷却helleborein 嚏根草毒苷hematein 苏木因hematin 正铁血红素hematite 赤铁矿hematoporphyrin 血卟啉hematoxylin 苏木精heme 血红素heme synthetase 血红素合成酶hemerythrin 血赤藓素hemiacetal 半缩醛hemicellulose 半纤维素hemicolloid 半胶质hemihydrate 半水合物hemiketal 半酮缩醇hemimorphic crystal 异极晶体hemimorphy 异极象hemin 氯化血红素hemipic acid 半蒎酸hemitropy 半体双晶hemocyanin 血蓝蛋白hemoglobin 血红蛋白hemolysin 溶血素hemolysis 溶血酌hemoporphyrin 血紫质hemopyrrole 血吡咯hemp 大麻hempel gas apparatus 汉培尔气体分析器hempseed oil 大麻子油hendecane 十一烷henry's law 享利定律hentriacontane 三十一烷heparin 肝素heptachlor 七氯heptacosane 廿七烷heptadecane 十七烷heptadecanol 十七烷醇heptanal 庚醛heptane 庚烷heptanoic acid 庚酸heptanol 庚醇heptavalence 七价heptene 庚烯heptose 庚糖heptoxide 七氧化物heptyl alcohol 庚醇heptyl aldehyde 庚醛heptylene 庚烯heptylic acid 庚酸herbicide 除草剂heroin 海洛因hesperidin 橙皮苷hess's law 蒜斯定律heteroatom 杂原子heteroauxin 杂茁长素heteroazeotrope 多相非共沸混合物heterocycle 杂环heterocyclic compound 杂环化合物heterogeneity 不均匀性heterogeneous catalyst 非均相催化剂heterogeneous equilibrium 多相平衡heterogeneous polymerization 非均相聚合heterogeneous reaction 多相反应heterogeneous system 非均相体系heteroion 杂离子heterolysis 异种溶解heterolyte 极性分解质heteronuclear 杂核的heteropolar bond 极性结合heteropolar compound 异极化合物heteropolar crystal 异极结晶heteropolarity 异极性heteropoly acid 杂多酸heteropoly compound 杂多化合物heteropolymer 异质共聚物heterotope 异位素heterotopic faces 异序面heterotrophism 营养异常heterotrophy 营养异常hexachlorobenzene 六氯代苯hexachloroethane 六氯乙烷hexacyanoferrate 铁氰化物hexacyanoferric acid 氰亚铁酸hexadecane 十六烷hexadiene 己二烯hexagonal close packed structure 六角密积结构hexagonal system 六方晶系hexahydrobenzyl alcohol 六氢化苯甲醇hexahydrocresol 六氢化甲酚hexahydropyrazine 六氢吡嗪hexahydropyridine 六氢化吡啶hexahydrothymol 六氢化百里酚hexalin 环己醇hexametaphosphate 六偏磷酸盐hexamethylene 环己烷hexamethylenediamine 己撑二胺hexamethylenetetramine 六甲撑四胺hexanal 己醛hexane 己烷hexanediol 己二醇hexanitrodiphenylamine 六硝基二苯胺hexanoic acid 己酸hexanol 正己醇hexene 己烯hexenol 己烯醇hexogen 黑素金炸药hexokinase 己糖激酶hexonic acid 己糖酸hexosan 聚己糖hexose 己糖hexyl acetate 乙酸己酯hexyl alcohol 正己醇hexylaldehyde 己醛hexylene 己烯hexylic acid 己酸hexylresorcin 己基间苯二酚hide powder 皮粉hiding power 遮盖力high alumina refractory 高铝耐火物high boiler 高沸点化合物high boiling phenols 高沸点石炭酸high density lipoprotein 高密度脂蛋白high density polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯high early strength portland cement 高快固波特兰水泥high elasticity 高弹性high explosive 高级炸药high fermentation 上层发酵high fired porcelain 高温焙烧瓷器high flash solvent 高闪点溶剂high frequency 高频high frequency analyzer 高谐波分析器high frequency coating material 高谐波涂料high frequency concentration meter 高频浓度计high frequency furnace 高谐波炉high frequency heating 高频加热high frequency oscillator 高谐波振荡器high frequency polarography 高谐波极谱法high frequency titration 高频滴定high furnace 高炉high gloss 高度光泽high malecular compound 高分子化合物high performance material 高性能材料high polymer 高分子聚合物high polymer chemistry 高分子化学high polymer ion 高分子离子high pressure 高压high pressure chemical industry 高压化学工业high pressure chemistry 高压化学high pressure compressor 高压压缩机high pressure gas 高压气体high pressure gasifier 高压气体发生炉high pressure plant 高压装置high pressure washing 高压冲洗high purity material 高纯度材料high speed flow 高速流high speed steel 高速钢high temperature carbonization 高温干馏high temperature cracking 高温热分解high temperature tar 高温焦油high vacuum 高真空high vacuum insulation 高真空绝缘higher alcohol 高级醇higher calorific 高发热值higher fatty acid 高级脂肪酸higher homologue 高级同系物higher order reaction 高级反应higher oxide 高级氧化物hindrance 阻碍hippuric acid 马尿酸histamine 组胺histidase 组氨酸酶histidine 组氨酸histochemistry 组织化学histogram 柱式图解hofmann degradation 霍夫曼氏分解hofmann reaction 霍夫曼反应hofmann rearrangement 霍夫曼重排hold up 滞留量hollow article 空心制品hollow brick 空心砖hollow rayon 空心人造丝hollow space radiation 空心辐射holmium 钬holmium chloride 氯化钬holmium hydroxide 氢氧化钬holmium nitrate 硝酸钬holmium oxide 氧化钬holoenzyme 全酶holography 全息照相holohedral form 全面体holohedry 全面体holohyaline 全玻璃质的holomorphic function 全纯函数holosymmetry 全面对称homatropine 后马托品homeomorphism 异质同晶homeopolar compound 无极化合物homochemical compound 二原子化合物homochromic isomer 同色异构体homocycle 同素环homocyclic compound 同素环化合物homogeneity 均一性homogeneous catalysis 均相催化酌homogeneous equilibrium 均相平衡homogeneous ion exchange membrane 均一离子交换膜homogeneous precipitation 均匀沉淀homogeneous reaction 均匀反应homogeneous system 均匀系homogenization of glass 玻璃均化homogenizer 均化器homogentisase 尿黑酶homogentisic acid 尿黑酸homologation 同素化homologous series 同系列homologue 同系物homology 同系现象homolysis 均裂homolytic reaction 均裂反应homophthalic acid 高邻苯二酸homopolar bond 同极键homopolar colloid 同极胶体homopolar compound 同无极化合物homopolymer 均聚物homopolymerization 均聚合homosteroid 高甾类homotropine 升马托品homozeotrope 均匀非共沸混合物hondrometer 粒度计hop 酒花hop resin 酒花尸hopper 料箱漏斗hordenine 大麦芽碱horizontal axis 水平轴horizontal dispersion 水平分散horizontal section 水平断面horizontal tube evaporator 水平管蒸发器hormone 激素horn substitute 角质物horse power 马力hot air cure 热空气硫化hot air sterilizer 干热灭菌器hot air vulcanization 热空气硫化hot atom chemistry 热原子化学hot bath 热浴hot blast 热风hot cure 热硫化hot filter 保温漏斗hot funnel 保温漏斗hot melt adhesive 热熔性胶粘剂hot plate 热板hot press 热压hot setting adhesive 热固胶粘剂hot shortness 热脆性hot strength 热强度hot vulcanization 热硫化hot wire anemometer 热线风速计hot working 热加工household soap 家用皂humectant 湿润剂humic acid 腐殖酸humidification 湿润humidifier 增湿器humidity 湿度humidity drier 可控湿度干燥器humification 腐殖质化humin 腐黑物humulene 蛇麻烯humus 腐殖质hyaluronic acid 透檬酸hyaluronidase 玻璃酸酶hybridization 杂化hybridized orbital 杂化轨道hydantoic acid 海因酸hydantoin 海因hydnocarpus oil 大风子油hydracrylic acid 羟基丙酸hydrargillite 水铝矿hydrastine 白毛莨碱hydrate 水化物hydrated alumina 水合氧化铝hydrated cellulose 水合纤维素hydrated electron 水合电子hydration 水合酌hydration energy 水合能hydrator 水化器hydraulic cement 水硬水泥hydraulic classification 水力离析hydraulic classifier 水力分粒机hydraulic extruder 液压式压出机hydraulic index 水硬系数hydraulic lime 水硬石灰hydraulic module 水硬系数hydraulic modulus 水硬系数hydraulic press 水压机hydraulic radius 水力半径hydraulic separation 水力离析hydraulic test 水力试验hydraulicity 水凝性hydrazine 肼hydrazine sulfate 硫酸肼hydrazinium 肼hydrazo compound 肼基化合物hydrazobenzene 肼撑苯hydrazoic acid 叠氮酸hydrazone 腙hydride 氢化物hydrido complex 氢化络合物hydrizing 氢化酌hydroaromatic hydrocarbon 氢化芳族碳氢化合物hydrobromic acid 氢溴酸hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物hydrocarbons of acetylene series 炔系碳氢化合物hydrocellulose 水合纤维素hydrochloric acid 氢氯酸hydrochloride 盐酸盐hydrochlorination 氯氢化反应hydrocooling 用水冷却hydrocortisone 氢化可的松hydrocracking 加氢裂化法hydrocyclon 水力旋林离器hydrocyclone 水力旋流hydrodealkylation 加氢脱烃酌;加氢脱烷基化hydrodesulfurization 加氢脱硫法;加氢脱硫酌hydrodynamic diameter 铃动力直径hydrodynamics 铃力学hydroextractor 脱水器hydrofining 加氢精制hydrofinishing 氢化精制hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸hydroforming 临氢重整hydroformylation 烯烃醛化hydrogel 水凝胶hydrogen 氢hydrogen acceptor 受氢体hydrogen arsenide 砷化氢hydrogen bond 氢键hydrogen bromide 溴化氢hydrogen carrier 氢载体hydrogen chloride 氯化氢hydrogen cooling 氢冷却hydrogen cyanide 氰化氢hydrogen donor 氢供体hydrogen electrode 氢电极hydrogen embrittlement 氢脆性hydrogen exponent 氢指数hydrogen halide 卤化氢hydrogen iodide 碘化氢hydrogen ion 氢离子hydrogen ion concentration 氢离子浓度hydrogen peroxide 过氧化氢hydrogen polysulfide 多硫化氢hydrogen salt 氢盐hydrogen storing alloy 氢贮藏合金hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢hydrogen value 氢值hydrogenated fat 氢化脂hydrogenated oil 氢化油hydrogenation 氢化hydrogenolysis 加氢裂化法hydrogenous 富氢的hydroiodic acid 氢碘酸hydrolase 水解酶hydrolysis 水解hydrolysis constant 水解常数hydrolyte 水解质hydrolytic acidity 水解酸性hydrolytic adsorption 水解吸附hydrolytic dissociation 水解离解hydrolytic enzyme 水解酵素hydrolyzate 水解产物hydromechanics 铃力学hydrometallurgy 湿法冶金hydrometer 比重计hydron blue 海昌蓝hydronium ion 水合氢离子hydroperoxide 氢过氧化物hydrophile lipophile balance 亲水亲油平衡hydrophilic 亲水的hydrophilic colloid 亲水胶体hydrophilic group 亲水基团hydrophilization 亲水化hydrophily 亲水性hydrophobic 疏水的hydrophobic bond 疏水键合hydrophobic colloid 疏水胶体hydrophobic group 疏水基hydrophobic hydration 疏水性水合hydrophobic interaction 疏水性相互酌hydrophobing 疏水酌hydrophobization 疏水化hydroquinone 氢醌hydroquinone dimethyl ether 对苯二酚二甲醚hydrosilicate 含水硅酸盐hydrosilylation 氢化硅烷化hydrosol 水溶胶hydrostatic head 静水压头hydrosulfide 氢硫化物hydrothermal crystal growth 热液晶体生长hydrothermal synthesis 热液合成法hydrotimeter 水硬度计hydrotimetry 水硬度测量术hydrotropy 助溶性hydrous 含水的hydroxamic acid 氧肟酸hydroxide 氢氧化物hydroxy acid 羟基烃酸hydroxy compound 羟基化合物hydroxy fatty acid 羟基脂肪酸hydroxyaldehyde 羟醛hydroxyalkanoic acid 羟基烃酸hydroxyamino acid 羟基氨基酸hydroxybenzoic acid 羟基苯酸hydroxycarboxylic acid 羟基烃酸hydroxyketone 羟基酮hydroxyl ion 羟离子hydroxyl value 羟值hydroxylamine 羟胺hydroxylamine hydrochloride 盐酸羟胺hydroxylation 羟基化hydroxyproline 羟基脯氨酸hydroxyquinoline 羟基喹啉hydroxysalt 羟盐hydroxysuccinic acid 苹果酸hydrozincite 水锌矿hygrograph 自记湿度计hygrometer 湿度计hygrometry 测湿法hygroscopic 吸湿的hygroscopic depression 吸湿性降低hygroscopic equilibrium 吸着水平衡hygroscopic moisture 湿存水hygroscopicity 吸湿性hygrostat 恒湿器hymecromone 羟甲香豆素hyoscyamine 天仙子胺hyperbolic function 双曲线函数hyperchrome 增色团hyperchromic effect 增色效应hyperchromicity 增色性hyperconjugation 超共轭hyperfine structure 超精细结构hyperfine structure of spectral line 光谱线超精细结构hypergol 自燃火箭燃料hyperoxide 过氧化物hypersensitization 超增感hypertonic solution 高渗溶液hypnotoxin 催眼毒素hypoboric acid 连二硼酸hypochlorite 次氯酸盐hypochlorite titration 次氯酸盐滴定hypochlorous acid 次氯酸hypochlorous acid anhydride 次氯酸酐hypochromic effect 浅色效应hypochromicity 减色性hypoiodite 次碘酸盐hypometamorphism 亚变质酌hyponitric acid 过氧化氮hyponitrous acid 连二次硝酸hypothesis 假说hypotonic solution 低渗压溶液hypsochromic effect 色光变浅效应hysteresis 滞后hysteresis loss 滞后损失hysterocrystallization 次生结晶酌。

专业英语:臭氧预处理对于稳定垃圾填埋池 沥出液的高压薄膜处理

专业英语:臭氧预处理对于稳定垃圾填埋池 沥出液的高压薄膜处理

Ozonation pretreatment for stabilized land fill leachate high-pressure membrane treatmentShrawan K.Singh,Chris M.Moody,Timothy G.Townsend ⁎Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences,University of Florida,P.O.Box 116450,Gainesville,FL 32611-6450,USAH I G H L I G H T S •Ozone pretreated stabilized leachate was treated using high pressure membranes.•Ozone reduced 78%UV-254and 23%dissolved organic matter from stabilized leachate.•Ozone pretreatment did not improve permeate flux as compared to raw leachate.•The flux decline analysis did not show a distinct development of fouling stages.a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 19March 2013Received in revised form 4March 2014Accepted 7March 2014Available online xxxx Keywords:Land fill LeachateLeachate treatment OzoneMembrane treatmentLaboratory-scale experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness of ozonation as a pretreatment op-tion for treating stabilized land fill leachate using reverse osmosis and nano filtration membranes.Leachate from three different land fills was collected and characterized as stabilized leachate with a ratio of biochemical oxygen demand to chemical oxygen demand in the range of 0.02to 0.12.Batch ozonation experiments were conducted by using an ozonation dose of 66.7g m −3for duration of 5to 30min.A maximum reduction of 78%UV-254ab-sorbing compounds and 23%dissolved organic carbon was observed for all three leachates.An effective ozonation time of 10min at an ozone dose of 66.7g m −3was selected for leachate pretreatment before membrane opera-tion.Even though the ozone-treated leachate contained approximately 50%fewer UV-254absorbing compounds than raw leachate,ozonation of leachate prior to membrane treatment resulted in a greater reduction in perme-ate flux as compared to raw leachate.The cause of increased permeate flux reduction with the ozonated leachate was assessed by using a flux decline analysis alongside Hermia's cross flow filtration model.Hermia's cross flow filtration model indicated that each fouling mechanism occurred.The flux decline analysis suggested that distinct stages of fouling did not develop.While the cause of the increased fouling is suspected to be the coagulation of calcium and natural organic matter,further investigation is needed to determine the primary source of fouling.©2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionLand fill leachate's complex chemical makeup,changing characteris-tics over time,and variable production rate make its management one of the fundamental challenges for land fill operators [1].Multiple factors in fluence leachate characteristics (e.g.,land fill age,waste type,rainfall volume,operation practices);however,no factor impacts leachate qual-ity from a treatment perspective as much as the state of land fill stabili-zation.Leachate generated from waste in the preliminary stages of biological decomposition contains mostly organic matter (OM)biode-gradable in nature and is thus amenable to standard biological waste-water treatment processes.However,once waste decomposition reaches the stable methanogenic phase,land fill leachate OM is domi-nated by biologically refractory OM,reducing the effectiveness ofbiological treatment techniques and necessitating other physico-chemical processes.Leachate treatability is often evaluated as a function of land fill age [2],or by the ratio of BOD 5(biochemical oxygen demand)to COD (chemical oxygen demand),with values close to 1representa-tive of young leachate and values of 0.1or less described as stabilized leachate [3].Physico-chemical treatment methods commonly used for stabilized leachate treatment include coagulation,oxidation,adsorption,and membrane systems [4,5].Many investigations report stabilized leachate treatment using single or multiple treatment methods.However,meet-ing stringent discharge standards required by many jurisdictions remains a challenge as most treatment techniques are selective for par-ticular chemical classes [6–9].Leachate treatment is typically focused upon the removal of COD,BOD 5,and ammonium [4].For stabilized leachate to meet ef fluent discharge standards,many land fills utilize high-pressure membrane technologies,such as nano filtration (NF)and reverse osmosis (RO),to remove a broad array of leachateDesalination 344(2014)163–170⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+13523920846;fax:+13523923076.E-mail address:ttown@u (T.G.Townsend)./10.1016/j.desal.2014.03.0110011-9164/©2014Elsevier B.V.All rightsreserved.Contents lists available at ScienceDirectDesalinationj o u r n a l h o m e pa ge :ww w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l oc a t e /d e s a lconstituents[10].Membrane systems by themselves may not be eco-nomically competitive as the fouling of membrane surfaces during leachate treatment requires more frequent membrane cleaning and re-placement,as well as higher operational pressures.Membrane fouling is influenced by membrane surface properties,turbulence in the mem-brane vessel,and the feed solution chemistry,including pH,calcium content,and the presence of hydrophobic humic-and fulvic-like OM [11–13].Since stabilized leachate contains high molecular weight or-ganic compounds,pretreatment of leachate to reduce humic-and fulvic-like OM is one strategy to reduce fouling and increase membrane life[9,14,15].Ozone(O3)has a high reactivity with humic-and fulvic-like OM and has been effectively applied to reduce membrane fouling during surface and groundwater treatment[14–17].When O3comes in contact with this primarily aromatic OM,it ruptures the unsaturated bonds or aro-matic rings and produces alcohols,carbonyl,and carboxyl compounds [18,19].At high pH conditions(pH N8),O3produces hydroxyl radicals, which accelerate the oxidation of OM from the complex wastewater matrix.Although O3has the potential to completely oxidize most OM, its utility as a complete leachate OM treatment step is limited due to the high doses required and the necessary reaction time[7].Table S1in the supplementary material summarizes previously re-ported leachate treatment research using ozonation.COD reductions of10to75%from stabilized leachate have been reported for O3doses in the range of6.3g m−3to12.5×103g m−3at various ozonation du-rations[6,20–25].While several researchers have examined the use of O3as a pretreatment step for stabilized leachate treatment using methods such as biological treatment,adsorption,and coagulation[20, 21,24],O3as a pretreatment for high-pressure membrane treatment of stabilized leachate has not been reported.The objective of the research presented here was to examine the ef-fectiveness of ozonation as a pretreatment step for stabilized landfill leachate treatment using RO and NF membranes.In thefirst phase of the experiment,an effective O3dose for leachate pretreatment was assessed by using leachate from three different landfills.In the second phase,ozonated leachate was used as a feed solution for NF and RO membrane treatment,and time-dependent permeateflux and perme-ate quality were measured(and compared to treatment using raw leachate).The type of fouling that occurs during the treatment of both raw and ozonated leachate by NF and RO membranes was assessed by using Hermia's constant pressure,crossflowfiltration model[26] along with aflux decline analysis[27].2.Experimental material methods and analysis2.1.MaterialsLeachate samples were collected from three municipal solid waste landfills in Florida,USA:the Alachua County Southwest Landfill(ACL), the Polk County North Central Landfill(NCL),and the New River Regional Landfill(NRL).All three landfills have been fully or partially operated as bioreactor landfills,where leachate was added into the waste to accelerate the waste degradation rate.Leachate samples were collected in Nalgene containers and kept at4°C in the dark until used in each experiment.Ozonation experiments were carried out in a laboratory-scale,semi-batch bubble reactor(Fig.S1in the supplementary material)consisting of a Plexiglas column with a height of45cm and an internal diameter of 10cm,having a total volume of3500mL.O3was produced by using high purity oxygen(O2)as a feed gas to the laboratory-scale O3generator (Pacific lab series O3generator,Model:L20)and supplied to the ozona-tion column through a ceramic porous diffuser of porosity10to15μm from the bottom of the reactor.O3concentration in the column inlet and outlet gas stream was measured by using a gas phase digital O3an-alyzer(T-API Model452).The residual gas stream was passed through an O3destruction unit.Flat-sheet RO(BW-30)and NF(NF-90)membranes were obtained from DOW FILMTEC(Minneapolis,MN)to conduct the membrane per-formance studies.The physical and operational characteristics of these membranes are presented in Table S2in the supplementary material. Theflat-sheet membranes were cut into14.6cm×9.5cm coupons, stored dry in the dark,and soaked in deionized water for24h before use.Membranefiltration experiments were conducted by using a high-pressure crossflow Osmonics SEPA CF Membrane Cell(Fig.S2in the supplementary material).The membrane coupons were placed into the membrane cell sandwiched between a feed spacer of thickness 0.86mm and a permeate carrier of thickness0.2mm.The feed solution was pumped by using a variable speed Hydra-Cell industrial pump from a15L Nalgene feed tank.A recirculation water bath(RTE-5B, Neslab Instruments Inc.)was used to control the feed water tempera-ture.The crossflow velocity and the operating pressure were controlled by the valves connected to the concentrate return line and the bypass line and were monitored by aflow meter and a pressure gauge,respec-tively.A hydraulic hand pump(Enerpac,P142)was used to pressurize membrane cells and the pressure was maintained constant(2.06×106 N m−2)throughout the experiment.ndfill leachate pretreatment using ozonationThe O3generator was turned on approximately20min prior to the start of each experiment to stabilize the rate of O3generation by the in-strument.The concentration of O3in the produced O3/O2gas mixture was controlled by the feed gas pressure and the applied voltage.Before starting the experiments,leachate was brought to room temperature, approximately23°C.Leachate samples were shaken to resuspend set-tled solids to avoid changing leachate characteristics(removing settled solids or prefiltration of leachate could possibly reduce the organic load-ing of leachate).To determine the optimum ozonation time for the selected O3dose,1000mL leachate samples were added to the ozona-tion column and ozonated for5,10,15,and30min at a constant O3 dose of66.7±0.3g m−3(13.8×10−4mol L−1)and a feed gasflow rate of3.5L min−1.At the end of each experiment,samples were with-drawn from the column and analyzed for pH,dissolved organic carbon (DOC),ultraviolet-254(UV-254)absorbance,and dissolved organic matter(DOM)characterization.All experiments were conducted in duplicate.The amount of O3consumed during leachate ozonation was calculated by subtracting the off-gas O3concentration from the O3con-centration in the feed gas.ndfill leachate treatment using membranesRaw and ozonated leachate were treated by RO and NF membranes to study the membranes'performance.The experiments were conducted in two steps as described by Tang et al.[28].In thefirst step,membranes were pre-compacted with deionized water for48h at a constant pres-sure(1.4×106N m−2),crossflow velocity(0.2m s−1),and temperature (23±1°C),until a constant permeateflux was achieved.The second step involved pre-compaction of the membranes by using a10mMol NaCl solution.After the pre-compaction run,the membrane system was stopped and deionized water was drained from the feed tank.Ap-proximately8to10L of feed leachate wasfiltered by using a0.7μm glass-fiberfilter and added to the feed tank.Raw and ozonated leachate were used separately as feed leachate.The membrane system was then restarted and operated at the same operating conditions as in the pre-compaction run for24h[28].Feed pressure,crossflow velocity,and tem-perature were maintained constant throughout the experiment.The per-meateflux was determined intermittently by measuring the time taken to reach a predetermined volume of permeate.Concentrate and perme-ate were recycled to the feed tank,except for the samples collected inter-mittently to measure pH,conductivity,DOC,and UV-254absorbance.164S.K.Singh et al./Desalination344(2014)163–170Membrane performance was studied by determining permeate flux and the rejection percentage of OM and salt.2.4.Analytical methodsA multi-function Orion Research instrument was used to analyze pH,conductivity (mS cm −1or μS cm −1),and temperature (°C).Samples were filtered through a pre-rinsed 0.45μm nitrocellulose filter (Millipore)to analyze for DOC,UV-254absorbance,and DOM character-ization.The filtered samples were stored in capped 40-mL glass vials at 4°C in the dark;samples were brought to room temperature before analysis.DOC was measured by using a Shimadzu TOC-V CPH total organ-ic carbon analyzer.UV-254absorbance was measured by using a HACH DR 4000spectrophotometer.The type of DOM present in the leachate samples was characterized by using fluorescence spectroscopy (Hitachi F-2500Fluorescence spectrophotometer).Fluorescence spectrometry provides detailed information about the OM by generating a three-dimensional picture of fluorescence intensity as a function of excitation and emission wave-lengths,also known as a Fluorescence Excitation –Emission Matrix (EEM)[29].The EEM was divided into five regions (Region-I to Region-V)based on the characteristics of each type of OM;Region-I and Region-II represent aromatic protein-like OM,Region-III and Region-V belong to fulvic-and humic-like OM,respectively,and Region-IV represents microbial-derived OM [29,30].The amount of each OM type was quanti fied by using the Fluorescence Regional Inte-gration (FRI)technique developed by Chen et al.[29].The supplementa-ry material contains the detailed procedure for OM characterization and quanti fication.2.5.Characterization of fouling mechanismThe fouling of RO and NF membranes during raw and ozonated leach-ate treatment was first characterized by Hermia's filtration model that uses flux decline data with respect to the time for determining the type and cause of membrane fouling [26].Several researchers have used the model equations for various types of feed water with different types of membranes [16,31–33];however,no study was found that analyzes fouling mechanisms due to stabilized leachate treatment by NF and RO membranes.The model assumes that the membrane contains the same pore diameter throughout the membrane surface and operations are performed at constant pressure in a cross flow filtration system.The model describes four fouling mechanisms:standard blocking,cake filtration,intermediate blocking,and complete blocking,which are mathematically expressed as Eqs.(1)through (4),respectively.A de finition of each fouling mechanism is presented in the supplemental material.1=J 1=2t¼1=J 1=2þK 0s t ;where ;K 0s ¼1=2K s AJ 1=2ð1Þ1=J 21¼1=J 20þK 0c t ;where ;K 0c ¼2K c A 2ð2Þ1=J t ¼1=J 0þK 0i t ;where ;K 0i ¼K i A ð3Þ1n 1=J t ðÞ¼1n 1=J 0ðÞþK b tð4Þwhere J 0and J t are flux rates (L m −2h −1)at the start (time =0)and at time t ;A is the area of the membrane (m 2);t is the time of filtration (h);K s is the standard blocking constant (L −1);K c is the cake layer filtration constant (h L −2);K i is the intermediate blocking constant (L −1);and K b is the complete blocking constant (h −1).The flux data obtained from the membrane experiments were fitted in Eqs.(1)through (4)for each leachate to assess the fouling mechanism.The governing equation for membrane fouling can be written in a general mathematical relationship as Eq.(5)d 2t =dV 2¼k dt =dV ðÞnð5Þwhere t is the filtration time;V is the filtered volume;and k is a propor-tionality constant.The exponent n is used to characterize the fouling model.The cake filtration model is represented by n =0,while n =1,1.5,and 2are representative of intermediate blocking,standard blocking,and complete blocking,respectively.Previous studies have used this rela-tionship to illustrate how the fouling mechanism of membranes changes during operation [27,34,35].An alternative approach for this analysis was conducted by Ho and Zydney [27];they used flux data throughout the experiment and performed this analysis by using Eqs.(6)and (7).dt =dV ¼1=JA ðÞð6Þd 2t =dV 2¼‐1=J 3A2ÃdJ =dt ð7ÞFlux data for this study were used in conjunction with Eq.(7)to per-form a flux decline analysis as another means of assessing the foulingmechanism.3.Results and discussion 3.1.Leachate characterizationRelevant physico-chemical characteristics of the ACL,NCL,and NRL leachate samples collected during the research period are summarized in Table 1.All three leachates were characterized as slightly alkaline pH (N 7),dark in color,low BOD 5,and high COD with a ratio of BOD 5/COD in the range of 0.02to 0.12,consistent with typical stabilized or in-termediate stabilized leachate.The fluorescence EEM of all three leach-ates is shown in Fig.1.Each leachate showed an overlapping peak in Region-III and Region-V,representing the presence of fulvic-and humic-like OM,respectively.Lu et al.[36]also observed similar fluores-cence peaks in old land fill leachate.The distribution of DOM (as quanti-fied by FRI analysis)showed the maximum concentrations of DOM in ACL leachate (shown by the maximum total volume of EEM).For all three leachates,the greatest volume of EEM was recorded for Region-V (humic-like OM).3.2.OzonationBatch experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of ozonation for treating stabilized land fill leachate and to select an effec-tive O 3dose for leachate pretreatment to be used for leachate treatment using membranes.The off-gas O 3concentrations were measured as a function of ozonation time for each leachate (shown in Fig.2),to deter-mine the ozone consumption rate.The off-gas O 3concentrations with respect to time were the same from each batch experiment of the same leachate,representing result reproducibility and experimentalTable 1Leachate characteristics of Alachua County Land fill (ACL),North Central Land fill (NCL),and New River Land fill (NRL)leachate used for the study.ParameterACL NCL NRL pH (S.U.)7.717.477.9Conductivity (mS cm −1)13.1712.81 6.79Total dissolved solids (mg L −1)655042204030BOD 5(mg L −1)57135260COD (mg L −1)229021702030BOD 5/COD (mg L −1)523413276Alkalinity (mg L −1as CaCO 3)680050501300UV-254(cm −1) et al./Desalination 344(2014)163–170procedure validity.The off-gas O 3concentrations were observed to in-crease slowly until approximately 5min from the start of the experi-ment,indicating high reactivity of ozone and faster reaction kinetics in each of the three leachates.Afterwards,a sharp increase in the off-gas O 3concentration was observed,representing decreased availability of organic compounds that could react with O 3at a faster rate.The ACL and NCL leachates showed off-gas O 3concentrations of 8.6and 17.5g m −3(absorbed O 3concentrations of 58.1and 49.2g m −3)respectively after 5min of ozonation compared to NRL leachate that showed 23.3g m −3off-gas ozone concentration (43.4g m −3absorbed O 3concentration)indicating relatively faster kinetics of ozonation in ACL and NCL leachate.Higher concentrations of humic-and fulvic-like organic compounds resulted in more rapid OM ozonation in ACL and NCL leachate.The off-gas O 3concentration leveled off after an ozonation of 8to 10min in the ACL (45g m −3)and NCL (50g m −3)leachates and 15min in the NRL leachate (62g m −3)(absorbed O 3concentrations of 21.7,16.7,and 4.7g m −3,respectively).The off-gas O 3concentrations were much lower than the input O 3concentration (66.7g m −3),indi-cating that O 3reactions were still taking place,possibly with the byproducts of initial reactions and the organic compounds that were slower to react with O 3.The pH of ozonated samples was observed as a function of time as shown in Fig.3(a).The potential causes of pH changes include forma-tion of acidic byproducts (which generally reduces the pH)and strip-ping of carbon dioxide (CO 2)from leachate,which decreases the bicarbonate concentrations in leachate and consumes H +ions,causing an increase in pH [25].The NRL leachate pH dropped from 7.9to 7.0,whereas the ACL and NCL leachate pH increased.All three leachates also showed a 15to 20%drop in alkalinity as a result of ozonation:ACL leachate showed a decrease in alkalinity from 6800to 5600mg L −1as CaCO 3;NCL leachate showed a decrease in alkalinity from 3200to 2800mg L −1as CaCO 3;and NRL leachate showed a decrease in alka-linity from 800to 400mg L −1as CaCO 330min into the ozonation experiment.The presence of UV-254absorbing compounds can be attributed to unsaturated and aromatic organic compounds with C _C and C _O structures,such as phenolic,poly-aromatic hydrocarbons,aromatic ketones,and aromatic aldehydes [37].After 30min of ozonation,over 65%of UV-254absorbing compounds from ACL leachate and 78%from NCL and NRL leachates were either removed or transformed into byproducts,as shown in Fig.3(b).Other researchers observed compara-ble reductions in UV-254absorbance during ozonation of similar leach-ate types [8,24].A maximum 13to 17%reduction in DOC was observed in all three leachates after 30min of ozonation (Fig.3(c)),which is com-parable to the results of previous studies.Cortez et al.[22]observed an approximately 11%reduction in TOC from land fill leachate containing an initial TOC of 284mg L −1using a similar O 3dose.The ozonation ex-periments of all three leachates found percent differences between the duplicates that varied from 1.5%to 3.7%with respect to DOC reduction.The reduction rate of UV-254absorbance and DOC was faster at the start of ozonation and slowed with ozonation time,likely because the molecular O 3quickly breaks the aromatic rings and forms byproducts that do not react easily with O 3[19,38].Ntampou et al.[8]observed aEm (nm)E x (n m )300350400450500550250300350400450500(a)I (1)II (5)III (13)IV (17)V (64)Em (nm)E x (n m )300350400450500550250300350400450500(b)I (1)II (4)III (13)IV (14)V (68)Em (nm)E x (n m )300350400450500550250300350400450500(c)I (1)II (2)III (12)IV (10)V (76)Fig.1.Fluorescence EEM,operationally de fined EEM boundaries,and percentage volumetric distribution of OM (in parentheses)for five EEM regions of (a)Alachua County Land fill (ACL),(b)North Central Land fill (NCL),and (c)New River Land fill (NRL)leachate.Total vol-ume of EEM in ACL,NCL,and NRL leachate:4946,4185,and 3846AU-nm 2(mg L −1)−1,respectively.Ozonation time (min)O f f -g a s O 3 c o n c e n t r a t i o n (g m -3)Fig.2.Evolution of the off-gas ozone concentration as a function of ozonation time for Alachua County Land fill (ACL),North Central Land fill (NCL),and North Regional Land fill (NRL).166S.K.Singh et al./Desalination 344(2014)163–170similar trend for COD removal with the increase in ozonation time.A slightly higher rate of DOC removal was observed in NRL leachate as compared to ACL and NCL leachates because leachate containing higher concentrations of humic-and fulvic-like OM (ACL and NCL leachate)re-quires higher O 3doses and exposure times to completely mineralize OM than is required for leachate containing lower concentrations of humic-and fulvic-like OM (NRL leachate)[38].The off-gas O 3concentration re-sults were consistent with these results.With the increase in ozonation time,the rate of DOC removal became almost constant similar to the off gas O 3concentrations;the rate was lower than that of UV-254absor-bance removal,further supporting the observation that O 3reacted faster with the unsaturated and aromatic compounds than during complete mineralization of OM.The effect of ozonation on the type of OM removal during the ozonation process was assessed by using the FRI analysis of the Fluores-cence EEM.The normalized concentrations of DOM in each region are presented in Fig.4.All three leachates showed a similar pattern of DOM removal,such that the DOM present in Region-V (humic-like)Ozonation time (min)p H (S .U .) time (min)N o r m a l i z e d U V -254 a b s o r b a n c e(b)(A /A 0), c m -1Ozonation time (min)N o r m a l i z e d D O C (C /C 0), m g /L(c)Fig.3.Effect of ozonation on (a)pH,(b)UV-254absorbance,and (c)DOC of the Alachua County Land fill (ACL),North Central Land fill (NCL),and North Regional Land fill (NRL).The data points and error bars shown for pH represent the average of the duplicate mea-surements and the range.Ozonation time (min)N o r m a l i z e d D O M (V /V 0),(A U -n m 2(m g -C L -1)-1(a)Ozonation time (min)N o r m a l i z e d D O M (V /V 0), (A U -n m 2(m g -C L -1)-1(b)Ozonation time (min)N o r m a l i z e d D O M (V /V 0),(A U -n m 2(m g -C L -1)-1(c)Fig.4.Effect of ozonation on removal of DOM for each EEM region derived from FRI anal-ysis of (a)Alachua County Land fill,(b)North Central Land fill,and (c)New River Land fill (NRL)leachate for one replicate.For NRL leachate,the data point for Region-I at 5min of ozonation was out of the plot range.167S.K.Singh et al./Desalination 344(2014)163–170and Region-III (fulvic-like)had a maximum reduction at each ozonation time,con firming the above observations.The kinetics of UV-254absorbance,DOC,and DOM in Region-III and Region-V removal decreased after 10min of ozonation;hence,the effec-tive ozonation time selected for the membrane experiments was 10min.An ozonation of 10min corresponds to an average removal of 55%UV-254absorbance and 8%DOC in all three leachates.Ntampou et al.[8]and Cortez et al.[22]observed comparable reductions in UV-254absorbance and TOC for leachate with similar characteristics.The pH after 10min of ozonation was in the range of 7to 8for all three leachates,which is within the pH range of raw leachate.3.3.Leachate treatment using membranesRO and NF membrane treatment of raw and ozonated leachate showed a high rejection ef ficiency of salts and DOM (see Table S3in the supplementary material).For each leachate,salts were rejected at approximately 93to 96%with RO membranes and 91to 95%with NF membranes.RO and NF membranes rejected greater than 99%DOM (measured by UV-254absorbance)from each leachate.Renou et al.[4]reviewed previous studies on leachate treatment using membranes and observed 99%rejection of salts and OM from RO membranes and 99%and 80%rejection of salts and OM,respectively by NF membranes.The time-dependent permeates flux of raw and ozonated leachate for RO and NF membranes are shown in Fig.5.For the initial 2h (approximately),the permeate flux decreased rapidly in all conditions followed by gradual reductions in permeate flux.A 10to 14%decrease in permeate flux was observed for raw leachate treatment by using RO membranes,whereas the NF membranes showed a flux decline of approximately 18to 19%after the 24-h experiment.Although leachate pretreated with O 3had approximately 4%,12%,and 10%less DOC and 54%,64%and 59%less UV-254absorbance with respect to raw ACL,NCL,and NRL leachates,respectively and the initial fluxes of ozone treated leachates were higher than the raw leachates (Table 2),the rate of permeate flux decline in ozone treated leachates was higher than the raw leachate.The RO membrane treatment of ozone treated leachates showed a permeate flux reduction of 17to 23%and the NF membrane treatment showed even greater flux declines of 23%in ACL leachate and 32%in NCL and NRL leachate at the end of the experiment.The reduction in permeate flux may have been associated with the fouling that resulted from characteristics of the feed water (e.g,concen-tration of salts,organic matter,and pH),membrane properties (e.g.sur-face charge and roughness),and hydrodynamic conditions (e.g,pressure,temperature,and cross flow velocity)[28,39].During the experiments,hydrodynamic conditions remained constant;hence,the fouling likely developed from the different characteristics of raw and ozonated leach-ate and different surface properties between RO and NF membranes.The continuous recycle of permeate and concentrate in the feed tank dur-ing the membrane experiment could impact the solution's pH due to per-meation of CO 2through the membrane surface [40];however,the pH of raw and ozone treated leachates were in the range of 7to 8for all three leachates,which did not change signi ficantly during membrane experi-ments.Therefore,the feed solutions'pH during membrane experiments should not have signi ficantly impacted the permeate flux.As shown in the FRI analysis of leachates,ACL leachate contained slightly higher concentrations of hydrophobic humic-and fulvic-like or-ganic compounds that have the tendency to adsorb on the hydrophobic membrane surfaces at high-pressure operations,which may contribute to the more reduced flux in ACL leachate as compared to NCL and NRL leachate [28,39].Additionally,the membrane surface roughness plays an important role in fouling;the higher the roughness,the higher the fouling potential in the presence of humic-and fulvic-like OM [41].Hence,the higher flux decline in NF versus RO membranes may be at-tributed to NF membranes having a higher surface roughness than RO membranes (see Table S2in the supplementary material).Following the experiments,both Hermia's cross flow filtration model and a flux decline analysis were performed in an effort to evaluate the mechanisms that caused fouling.As presented in Table 2,each mem-brane showed closely related r 2values that varied only a relatively small amount (0to 10%)for each fouling mechanism when analyzed through Hermia's cross flow filtration model;this suggests that the membranes were subject to all four mechanism of fouling from each leachate.In addition,a flux decline analysis was performed,with the results suggesting that no dominant fouling mechanism occurred throughout the experiment.In previous studies,flux decline analysis has been used to illustrate how the dominant fouling mechanism changes during an experiment,and is indicated by a smooth line with an in flection point when the mechanism changes.For eachleachate,Time (hrs)N o r m a l i z e d p e r m e a t e f l u x (J /J 0), m d a y -1(a)Time (hrs)N o r m a l i z e d p e r m e a t e f l u x (J /J 0), m d a y -1(b)Time (hrs)N o r m a l i z e d p e r m e a t e f l u x (J /J 0), m d a y -1(c)Fig.5.Normalized permeate flux with time for raw and ozonated (a)Alachua County Land fill,(b)North Central Land fill,and (c)New River Land fill leachate using BW-30and NF-90membranes.Arrows represent the drop in permeate flux from raw to ozonated leachate for each type of membrane.Solid lines represent the model fits for complete blocking based on Hermia's Cross flow Filtration Model.168S.K.Singh et al./Desalination 344(2014)163–170。



(1092)溶出度试验的开发和验证【中英文对照版】INTRODUCTION前言Purpose目的The Dissolution Procedure: Developmentand Validation<1092> provides a comprehensive approach covering items to considerfor developing and validating dissolution procedures and the accompanyinganalytical procedures. It addresses the use of automation throughout the testand provides guidance and criteria for validation. It also addresses thetreatment of the data generated and the interpretation of acceptance criteriafor immediate- and modified-release solid oral dosage forms.溶出实验:开发和验证(1092)指导原则提供了在溶出度方法开发和验证过程中以及采用相应分析方法时需要考虑的因素。



Scope范围Chapter <1092> addresses the development andvalidation of dissolution procedures, with a focus on solid oral dosage forms.Many of the concepts presented, however, may be applicable to other dosageforms and routes of administration. General recommendations are given with theunderstanding that modifications of the apparatus and procedures as given in USP general chapters need to be justified.<1092>章节讨论了溶出度实验的开发和验证,重点是口服固体制剂。



Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia

2nd most common side effect after bleeding Occurs in 3-5% of patients 5 to 10 days after initiation of therapy of standard heparin Lower incidence in low molecular wt heparin. Can be life-threatening.
Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia

Heparin from beef lung is more likely to cause this than heparin from porcine intestinal mucosa. Once thrombocytopenia is determined, heparin must be stopped. Platelets must NOT be given because they will react with antibody already being produced against them, causing greater chance of thrombosis.
Heparin – Action

It acts (with antithrombin III) most effectively on IIa, and to a lesser extent, on Xa, IXa, VIIa, and possibly others. The above reaction provides anticoagulant effect within minutes.



Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actinomycetes in the marine environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Role of actinomycetes in marine environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rare actinomycetes and selective isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molecular approaches to search for indigenous marine actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Different genera of marine actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marine streptomycetes – a boundary microorganism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fermentation process for metabolites production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secondary metabolites from actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Novel/new metabolites from marine actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



rhamnosus[J].Journal of Functional Foods,2012,4(3):594-601[12]Xiao Y,Xing G,Rui X,et al.Enhancement of the antioxidant capac -ity of chickpeas by solid state fermentation with Cordyceps militaris SN-18[J].Journal of Functional Foods,2014,10:210-222[13]Wang C Y,Shi L L,Fan L T,et al.Optimization of extraction andenrichment of phenolics from pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)leaves[J].Industrial Crops and Products,2013,42:587-594[14]Shou S,Lu G,Huang X.Seasonal variations in nutritional compo -nents of green asparagus using the mother fern cultivation[J].Sci -entia Horticulturae,2007,112(3):251-257[15]Almeida M L,Freitas W E,de Morais P L,et al.Bioactive com -pounds and antioxidant potential fruit of Ximenia americana L [J].Food Chemistry,2016,192:1078-1082[16]Harzallah A,Bhouri A M,Amri Z,et al.Phytochemical content andantioxidant activity of different fruit parts juices of three figs (Ficus carica L.)varieties grown in Tunisia[J].Industrial Crops and Prod -ucts,2016,83:255-267收稿日期:2018-03-30食品研究与开发F ood Research And Development圆园18年11月第39卷第21期DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1005-6521.2018.21.005基金项目:西藏自治区自然科学基金项目(XZ2017ZRG-109)作者简介:任军辉(1981—),男(汉),副教授,硕士,主要从事植物资源开发与利用方面的科研和教学工作。



Coagulation and FlocculationProduction of potable water from a water supply contaminated by naturally introduced or man-made pollutants involves a series of unit processes , An important process is that of coagulation and flocculation, which is discussed in this chapter. Several broad aspects have been considered , such as history, the nature and physical chemistry of particles, the theories of coagulants currently available. Of course, the discussion could have been written in greater detail, but this would be impractical, since this chapter would necessarily expand into many volumes. For those desiring further elaboration, an extensive bibliography has been appended.IntroductionAncient literature and archaeological evidence record man’s relentless search for “pure” water. In the earliest days of man’s existence, water was taken as found. It might be pure and abundant, plentiful but muddy, scarce but good, or both scarce and bad’ To get more or better water, ancient man either found other sources 0r, because of necessity, devised methods to improve the quality of the available water. Man’s earliest standards of quality were few: freedom from gross turbidity, taste, and odor. While his criteria of purity have become more complex and certainly more quantitative, the principles, methods, and materials for purifying water have remained remarkably similar from the earliest recorded date of about 2000 B.C. down to the present time. But except fo r the developments of the last few decades, the history of “treatment” of water is largely a record of empiricism and a description of an art rather than of a science.When, after many centuries, watertight household vessels became available, man observed that water could be more or less clarified by storage in containers or by filtration through porous receptacles or sand layers, leaving the objectionable sediment behind. After a lapse of many more centuries, he discovered that sedimentation could be aided by adding a precipitant or coagulant. This recognition that coagulation aided both sedimentation and filtration and the use of a great variety of organic and inorganic materials mark the beginning of the treatment of water. Moreover, for the first time, man was not constrained to accept the quality of water that nature provided but rather was able to modify it to meet his demands for increasingly higher standards of water quality.History of CoagulationSanskrit medical lore and Egyptian inscription afford the earliest re-corded knowledge of water treatment, dating back perhaps to 2000 B.C. In addition to heating or boiling and filtration other methods of purifying water included the use of a variety of mineral and vegetable substance principally the seed of Strychnos pototorum.With time other substances were found to be effective coagulants. The list includes an amazing variety of materials among which were certain nuts (e. g. , almonds) , beans , macerated laurel, pounded barley, and many others.Alum, the coagulant most widely used today , also has an ancient background and was known to the early Egyptians of 2000 B.C. Its use, however, as a coagulant for water conditioning was first mentioned by Pliny (ca. 77 A.D.), who described the use of both lime (chalk of Rhodes) and alum (argilla of Italy) as useful for rendering bitter water potable. It is interesting to note that alum was in important item of trade in the world of the ancient Egyptians, well before its usefulness for water treatment was known. By the fifteenth century , the preparation of purified alum had reached manufacturing dimensions. In 1461 Pope Pius Ⅱattempted to create a monopoly on the production of alum, and within 2 or 3 years the papal manufacture of alum required the services of no fewer than 8,000 workmen.During the Dark Ages, the art of water treatment, as with much other technology, seems not to have advanced but was revived during the 1600s by Sir Francis Bacon and others. By 1767, the common people of England were successfully treating muddy water by adding 2 to 8 grains of alum to a quart and allowing it to flocculate, after which the supernatant was filtered. While coagulation as an aid to sedimentation and filtration of individual household and small industrial water supplies had been practiced from ancient times, its use in large industrial plants seems to have begun in the early part of the nineteenth century. The earliest use of coagulation for the treatment of municipal water supplies occurred at Bolton, England, in 1881. Alum at the rate of 1-1/2 grains per imperial gallon was added at the intake. Form 1885onward, coagulation was widely used to precede rapid-sand filtration. Thus, coagulation and filtration, each used in a small way through the ages, were finally wedded.Coagulation for the improvement of public water supplies might have been utilized earlier had it not been for the influence of ill-informed or prejudiced people whose word was respected, notably Arago of France in 1837 and the Massachusetts Board of Health in the 1880s, as well as medical men who frantically protested against both coagulation and rapid filtration during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries . The investigations on the use of alum for water treatment reported by D ’Arce tin 1838 and by Jeunet in 1865 were influential in dispelling doubts about the effectiveness of coagulation.In 1884 the first patent on coagulation was granted to Isaiah Smith Hyatt, who, following a suggestion of Col. L.H. Gardner, Superintendent of the New Orleans Water Company, described the use of perchloride of iron as a coagulant with his system of rapid-sand filtration in the treatment of a turbid water. When a year later the Sommerville & Raritan Water Company of New jersey adopted Hyatt’s coagulation-filtration system, the use of coagulation as an adjunct of rapid filtration had its inception as a full-scale method of treatment.In 1885, Austin and Willber of Rutgers University published the results of the first scientifically conducted American investigation of alum as a coagulant. After testing a large number of salts, the authors concluded that none offered the advantages of alum. In the years 1895 to 1897 at Louisville, Kentucky, George Warren Fuller and his associates conducted a series of important experiments on turbid Ohio River water in which a series of coagulants were tried: alum or basic sulfate of alumina, potash alum, and lime. Of these, alum was found most suitable. These experiments established coagulation as an adjunct to rapid-sand filtration. Its use rapidly became more Common, so that by the turn of the century coagulation combined with rapid-sand filtration was in full swing in this country.Notwithstanding the use of perchloride of iron by Isaiah Hyatt in his first use of coagulation, it was aluminum sulfate that dominated the field of coagulants in the early days. Nevertheless, iron, either as metal or as part of a salt, was widely employed as a coagulant at several water-treatment plants in the latter part of the nineteenth century. William B. Bull in 1898 first introduced the use of a combination of ferrous sulfate and lime, preparing his ferrous sulfate by burning sulfur and reacting the sulfurous acid with iron scrap in a procedure devised by William Jewell. In 1912, E. V. Bull reported the first use of chlorinated copperas (ferrous sulfate reacted with chlorine) and, though this material was not tried again until 1928 , it was then found useful by Hedgepeth and Olsen in the coagulation of a highly colored water. This latter application served to focus attention on iron salts, several of which are in use today. While such iron salts as ferric chloride, chlorinated copperas, and ferric sulfate are used, the sulfate of alumina (alum) still is the most widely used coagulant.Other metals capable of producing a hydrous oxide floc have been suggested as coagulants. Both sodium zincate and titanium salts have been studied but have proved to possess no advantage over alum and have remained laboratory curiosities with no practical use in water treatment.Need for CoagulationWith relatively few exceptions, surface waters require some kind of treatment before distribution to the consumer. Contaminants resulting from land erosion, dissolution of minerals, and the decay of organic vegetation have always been present in widely varying proportions in streams and have required removal to make the water potable. The need for such treatment is ever increasing because of the additional pollution contributed by an expanding industrial complex and a burgeoning human population.Natural waters, polluted either by man or by nature, are likely to contain dissolved inorganic and organic substances, biological forms such as bacteria and plankton and suspended inorganic material. To remove these substances, the usual unit processes include plain sedimentation, removal by coagulation generally followed by filtration and chemical precipitation used generally to remove dissolved minerals like hardness components and iron and manganese. Other processes such as adsorption, aeration, ion exchange, oxidation, and distillation are also important for the removal of dissolved substances. Coagulation, generally followed by filtration, is by far the most widely used process to remove the substances producing turbidity in water. These substances normally producing turbidity consist largely of clay minerals and microscopic organisms and occur in widely Varying Sizes, ranging from those large enough to settle readily to those small enough to remain suspended for very long times.Coarser components, such as sand and silt, can be removed from water by simple sedimentation. Finer particles, however, will not settle in any reasonable time and must be flocculated to produce the larger particles that are settleable. The long-term ability to remain suspended in water is bas1cally a function of both size and specific gravity. The importance of size is illustrated in Table 3-1, which shows the relative settling times of spheres of different sizes. It can be seen that the settling rates of the colloidal and finely divided (approximately 0.001 to 1 micron) suspended matter are so slow that removing them from water by plain sedimentation in tanks having ordinary dimensions is impossible. The enormous increase of surface area for a given weight of solids as the particles become smaller and more numerous is an important property of colloids which is discussed later.Substances producing color, as distinct from turbidity, consist either of colloidal metallic hydroxides, iron for example, or of organic compounds having a much smaller particle size. These substances, too, can be removed by coagulation, which servesto agglomerate the very small particles into sizes which are settleable or can be removed by filters.The process of coagulation many also find use, although not always, in the softening of hard water with lime or lime and soda ash, Softening is more properly a precipitation of hard water with lime or lime and soda ash. Softening is more rapid and complete settling of the precipitated hardness components.A turbidity limit of 0.1 unit and a color limit of 3 units have been recommended by the American Water Works Association Task Group 925M on water quality criteria for high-quality finished water’ These limits are readily obtainable by properly performed coagulation and filtration.It should be pointed out here that even a high-quality treated water that meets the recommendation of residual turbidity of 0.1 unit still contains enormous numbers of particles. These either represent uncoagulated primary clay panicles or fragments of coagulant floc which have passed through the filters. For example, simple calculation will show that each liter of insoluble alum coagulant, assuming a suspended solids content of 0,1 mg/L and spheres 1 μin diameter with specific gravity of 1.01.。



角茴香根和地上部水浸液对杂草反枝苋的化感作用西北林学院学报2011,26(1):138~142JournalofNorthwestForestryUniversity角茴香根和地上部水浸液对杂草反枝苋的化感作用陈礼玲,庞珂佳,李同臣,李西柳.,王俊儒.(1.西北农林科技大学资源环境学院,陕西杨陵712100;2.西北农林科技大学生命科学学院,陕西杨陵712100;3.西北农林科技大学理学院,陕西杨陵712100)摘要:以常见杂草反枝苋为受体植物,采用培养皿滤纸法,通过测定角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液对杂草反枝苋的种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:不同浓度的角茴香根和地上部水浸液均对反枝苋种子的萌发和幼苗的根长产生了明显的抑制作用,且随着浓度的增加抑制作用增强,当各水浸液的浓度大于0.030g?mL时,即可对反枝苋种子72h萌发的抑制率达到50以上; 当各水浸液处理浓度大于0.010g?mI时,反枝苋幼苗的根长便低于对照的50.角茴香根水浸液对反枝苋幼苗的下胚轴产生低促高抑的浓度双重效应,当根水浸液浓度小于0.030g?mL时,促进反枝苋下胚轴的生长;当根水浸液浓度大于0.030g?mL时,抑制反枝苋下胚轴的生长. 研究发现,角茴香根和地上部水浸液均对反枝苋表现出明显的化感作用.关键词:角茴香;水浸液;反枝苋;化感作用中图分类号:X173文献标志码:A文章编号:1001—7461(2011)01—0138—05 AllelopathyoftheAqueousExtractsfromtheRootandAerialPartofHypecoumerectumL.onAmaranthusretroflexusL.CHENLi—ling,PANGKe-jia,LITong-chen,LIXi—liu.,W ANGJun—rll.(1.CollegeofNaturalResourcesandEnvironment,NorthwestA&amp;FUniversity,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China;2.CollegeofLifeSciences,NorthwestA&amp;FUniversity,Y angling,Shaanxi712100,China;3.CollegeofScience,NorthwestA&amp;FUniversity,Yangling,Shaanxi712100,China) Abstract:TheallelopathyoftheaqueousextractsfromtherootandaerialpartofHypecoumerectumL.on seedgerminationandseedlinggrowthofAmaranthusretroflexusL.werestudiedbyadoptingpetridishbi —oassay.TheprimaryresultsshowedthattheaqueousextractsfromtherootandaerialpartofHypecoum erectumL.withdifferentconcentrationsinhibitedtheseedgerminationandrootlengthofA.retroflexus L.,andthesuppressionincreasedwiththeincreaseoftheconcentrationofaqueousextracts.Further—more,thereweredualeffectsonhypocotyllengthofA.retroflexusL.:Astheconcentrationofaqueous extractsfromtherootofH.erectumwaslowerthan0.030g?mL,thegrowthofhypocotylswaspro—moted,whilehigherthan0.030g?mL—couldrestrainthegrowth.Keywords:HypecoumerectumL.;aqueousextracts;AmaranthusretroflexusL.;allelopathy植物之间的化感作用(allelopathy)是当前化学生态学的研究热点.植物通过淋溶,挥发,残体分解和根系分泌向环境中释放化学物质,对周围植物(包括微生物)产生间接或直接的有害或有利的作用.植物的化感作用广泛地存在于自然界中,在外来物种入侵,种问互作,农田杂草控制,作物的虫害和病害的防治,减少连作障碍危害以及在调节植物生长和发育等方面起着重要的作用E].角茴香(Hypecoumerectum)为罂粟科角茴香属植物,别名山黄连,咽喉草,麦黄草,黄花草,雪里收稿日期:2010—03—08修回日期:2010—04—30基金项目:教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET20520855);2005年西北农林科技大学青年学术骨干支持计划项目作者简介:陈礼玲,女,在读硕士,主要从事药用植物化学成分和环境生物学的研究.E—mail:***********************通讯作者:王俊儒,男,教授,主要从事药回植物化学与环境生物学教学与研究.第1期陈礼玲等角茴香根和地上部水浸液对杂草反枝苋的化感作用139青等,全草人药,性寒,味苦,具有清热解毒止痛等作用,民间常用于治疗急性咽喉炎,目赤肿痛和肝炎等症].迄今国内外对角茴香及角茴香属植物的研究报道非常有限,且多集中在生药学,药理学,化学成份,栽培引种等方面,而对角茴香的化感作用的研究较少,仅王俊儒等I6测定了角茴香根水浸液对生菜的种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,初步研究了角茴香根水浸液的化感作用及其可能的作用机理.本试验采用培养皿滤纸法,以常见杂草反枝苋为受体植物,通过测定角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液对杂草反枝苋的种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,初步探讨了角茴香根和地上部水浸液的化感作用,为角茴香植物资源的开发利用和在角茴香中寻找作为除草剂的先导化合物提供理论依据.l材料与方法1.1材料1.1.1供体材料罂粟科角茴香属植物角茴香,2006年5月采自河南新乡黄河故道自然保护区.1.1.2受体材料反枝苋(Arnaranthusretrofle:c—US),2006年lO月采自于西北农林科技大学北校区北门实验田.1.2方法1.2.1角茴香根水浸液,地上部水浸液的制备将角茴香置于阴凉处风干后,把根和地上部分分开,分别粉碎后于阴凉通风处保存.取25g角茴香根的粉末,用500mL的蒸馏水室温浸泡24h,过滤,收集滤液,即为浓度0.050g?mL_1的角茴香根水浸液母液.取相应体积的角茴香根水浸液母液,加入蒸馏水分别稀释成为0.005,0.010,0.020,0.030和0.040g?mL,和原母液0.050g?mL一一起构成6个浓度梯度的角茴香根水浸液,置于冰箱中, 4℃保存备用.取25g角茴香地上部分的粉末,其水浸液的制备同上.置于冰箱中,4℃保存备用.1.2.2受体种子的预处理选择籽粒饱满的反枝苋种子,用0.2的NaC10溶液表面消毒10min,再用蒸馏水冲洗干净,供试验用.1.2.3生物测定采用培养皿滤纸法.将经过预处理的反枝苋种子播于培养皿(直径为9cm)中,每皿50粒.皿盖和皿底各铺一层滤纸,皿盖用2mL蒸馏水浸湿,皿底加入上述不同浓度的角茴香根水浸液或地上部水浸液4mI,对照为等量的蒸馏水,每个浓度处理3个重复.然后置于电热恒温培养箱中,在28℃下黑暗中培养.从O~72h观察记录反枝苋的萌发率,72h后测量反枝苋的根长,下胚轴长,并计算萌发率,萌发指数和抑制率[7].种子萌发的标准是胚根突破种皮1~2mm.萌发率(G):(种子的萌发数/培养皿中种子总数)×100萌发指数(GI)一三(G/D)一G./1+G/2+G./3其中,为在t日内的萌发率,为第t天.抑制率(J)一(C—T)/c其中,T为受到处理的反枝苋的各项指标的值,C为对照的值.1.2.4数据分析方法使用DPS2000软件进行分析数据处理.2结果与分析2.1不同浓度角茴香根水浸液,地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子萌发的影响从不同浓度角茴香根和地上部水浸液处理的反枝苋种子的萌发情况见表1和图1.由表1可以看出,随着角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液浓度的增加,反枝苋种子的72h萌发率降低,抑制率增高.不同浓度的角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液均抑制了反枝苋种子的萌发,并且抑制作用呈现出浓度依赖的特征,即随着水浸液处理浓度的增大,反枝苋种子72h萌发的抑制率逐渐增高.当处理浓度为0.005,0.010g?mL时,角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子72h萌发率的影响均不显着;而当处理浓度大于0.010g?mL时,角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子72h萌发率的影响均为显着或者极显着.对于角茴香根水浸液处理的反枝苋种子,当处理浓度为0.040,0.050g?mL时,反枝苋种子的72h萌发率分别为对照的31.25和1O.42,达到50以上的抑制率.对于角茴香地上部水浸液处理的反枝苋种子,当处理浓度为0.040,0.050g?mL时,反枝苋种子的72h萌发率分别为对照的9.13和1.63,达到90以上的抑制率.萌发指数反应不同浓度角茴香根和地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子72h萌发的影响的累积效应.由图1可以看出,随着各水浸液处理浓度的增加,反枝苋种子的72h萌发指数逐渐降低,表明不同浓度角茴香根和地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子72h萌发的影响的累积效应随着浓度的增大而增强.由表1和图1还可看出,72h时不同浓度的角茴香根水浸液处理的反枝苋种子萌发率和萌发指数140西北林学院学报26卷均高于同等浓度的地上部水浸液处理,当处理浓度小于0.030g?mL时,角茴香根水浸液对反枝苋种子72h萌发的抑制率要高于同等浓度的地上部水浸液,而当处理浓度大于或者等于0.030g?mL时,角茴香根水浸液对反枝苋种子72h萌发的抑制率则低于同等浓度的地上部水浸液,尤其是当地上部水浸液浓度为0.050g?mL时,对反枝苋种子的72h萌发几乎达到了完全抑制,所以整体而言,角茴香地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子72h萌发的化感效应要强于角茴香根水浸液.表1角茴香根和地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子的72h萌发率和抑制率的影响Table1Inhibitionoftheaqueousextractsfromtherootandaerial partofH.erectumon72hour_germinationrateandinhibitionrateofA.retroflexus/处理浓度根水浸液/(g.mL)72h萌发率抑制率地上部水浸液72h萌发率抑制率注:表中数字后小写和大写英文字母分别表示Duncan’S新复极差测验5和1%水平的差异显着性.1.21.0籁0.8橙O.4O.2O.OCK0.0050.01O0.0200.0300.0400.050浓度/(g?mL)图1角茴香根和地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子萌发指数的影响Fig.1Effectoftheaqueousextractsfromtherootand aerialpartofH.erectumongerminationindexofA.retroflexus2.2不同浓度角茴香根水浸液,地上部水浸液对反枝苋幼苗生长的影响在培养72h后测定反枝苋幼苗的根和下胚轴的长度,不同浓度角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液对反枝苋幼苗的根长和下胚轴长的影响由图2和图3可看出,角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液对反枝苋幼苗的根和下胚轴的生长均产生了显着影响,并且分别呈现出不同的特点.2.2.1不同浓度角茴香根水浸液,地上部水浸液对反枝苋幼苗根长的影响从图2和图3可看出,当角茴香根和地上部水浸液浓度为0.005g?mL时,反枝苋幼根的生长便已经受到了抑制作用,并且随着各水浸液处理浓度的增大,抑制作用增强(当浓度为0.040,0.050g?mL时,因为萌发率极低,根生长长度极短,故没有测量).当各水浸液处理浓度大于0.010g?mL时,反枝苋幼苗的根长便低于对照的5O%:当角茴香根水浸液浓度为0.020,0.030g?mL时,反枝苋幼苗的根长分别为0.31±0.12,0.17±0.49cm,是对照(3.03-0.44cm)的10.23和5.5O%,差异显着;当角茴香地上部水浸液浓度为0.020,0.030g?mL时,反枝苋幼苗的根长分别为1.37±0.4O,0.77±0.06cm,是对照(2.89±0.14cm)的47.29和26.53,差异显着.由此可以看出,当各水浸液处理浓度大于0.010g? mI时,角茴香根水浸液对反枝苋幼苗根的生长的影响大于角茴香地上部水浸液.4.OO3.5O3.OO吕2.5O趣2.00半1.501.00O.OO■根长口下胚轴长CK0.0050.0l00.0200.030浓度/(g?mL)图2角茴香根水浸液对反枝苋种子幼苗生长的影响Fig.2EffectoftheaqueousextractsfromtherootofH.erectumonseedlinggrowthofA.retroflexus一根长口下胚轴长4.003.503.OO目2.50越2.001501.O00.5O0.O0CK0.0050.0l00.0200.030浓度/(g?mL)图3角茴香地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子幼苗生长的影响Fig.3EffectoftheaqueousextractsfromtheaerialpartofH.erectumonseedlinggrowthofA.retroflexus2.2.2不同浓度角茴香根水浸液,地上部水浸液对反枝苋幼苗下胚轴生长的影响从图2和图3可看出,不同浓度角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液对反枝苋幼苗的下胚轴的生长的影响则呈现出不同的特点.第1期陈礼玲等角茴香根和地上部水浸液对杂草反枝苋的化感作用141 对角茴香根水浸液处理的反枝苋幼苗来说,0.005,0.010和0.020g?mL3个测试浓度均不同程度的促进了反枝苋幼苗的下胚轴的生长,下胚轴长度分别为3.66±0.53,3.68±0.36和2.3O±0.49cm,是对照(1.79±0.39cm)的204.47,205.59和128.68oA,表明随着角茴香根水浸液处理浓度的增加,对反枝苋幼苗下胚轴生长的促进作用减弱.角茴香根水浸液处理浓度从0.030g?mL开始,其生长才受到抑制,该处理的下胚轴长度为1.30±0.06cm,是对照的72.81.所以角茴香根水浸液对反枝苋幼苗下胚轴生长的作用特点为:低促高抑,即低浓度促进,但是随着浓度的增大,促进的程度逐渐减弱,浓度高到一定程度时便开始出现抑制作用.对于角茴香地上部水浸液处理的反枝苋幼苗来说,0.005,0.010,0.020和0.030g?mL4个测试浓度均对反枝苋幼苗的下胚轴长产生了不同程度的促进作用,其下胚轴长分别为3.49±0.35,3.O0±0.10,2.86±0.52和2.57±0.21cm,为对照(1.57±0.07cm)的222.77,191.08,182.17和163.699/6,同样,随着处理浓度的增大,促进的程度逐渐减弱.3讨论与结论3.1角茴香根和地上部水浸液对反枝苋种子的萌发和幼苗的生长均有抑制作用研究表明,不同浓度的角茴香根和地上部水浸液均不同程度的抑制了反枝苋种子的萌发和幼苗根的生长,当处理浓度达到一定水平时,对反枝苋下胚轴的生长也会产生抑制作用.其中,对于角茴香地上部水浸液处理的反枝苋幼苗来说,随着处理浓度的增大,对反枝苋幼苗下胚轴生长的促进程度逐渐减弱,由此可以推测,当处理浓度高到一定程度时, 促进作用可能会消失,最终可能将对幼苗下胚轴的生长产生抑制作用.3.2角茴香的化感作用具有低促高抑的浓度双重效应植物的化感作用具有低促高抑的浓度双重效应¨】”].这种现象表明化感物质的作用与浓度密切相关.孔垂华等l121人指出,这种不同浓度表现出的差异说明化感物质在生态功能上普遍存在着一物多用的现象,各功能之间很可能通过化感物质不同的作用浓度来协调.本研究结果也证实了这一点,角茴香根水浸液对反枝苋幼苗的下胚轴的生长产生低浓度促进,高浓度抑制的浓度双重效应,即当角茴香根水浸液浓度低于0.030g?mL时,促进反枝苋幼苗下胚轴的生长,随着浓度的增大,促进作用减弱,当浓度增大到0.030g?mI时,开始对其下胚轴的生长产生抑制作用.除此之外,还有对番茄化感作用研究”],对李子叶水浸液化感作用研究,对百合地上部水浸液的化感作用研究_1中也有同样的结果.由此可认为这种低促高抑的现象可能是由于较低浓度时,水浸液中的化感物质含量太少而不足以产生化感效应,但其中的其他浸提物则含有比纯净水较多的养分而促进了受体作物的生长,而较高浓度下的化感物质含量则达到了抑制作物生长的浓度.3.3角茴香的化感作用存在器官差异性试验结果表明,角茴香根和地上部水浸液对同一受体植物的不同部位有不同的化感效应,0.005,0.010租0.020g?mL3个处理浓度对反枝苋幼苗的根的生长产生抑制作用,而对其下胚轴生长产生促进作用.童晓翠等口.对卷丹鳞茎的化感作用研究表明,25g?L的卷丹鳞茎水提液处理对根和下胚轴的效果不同,使根生长受抑制,而下胚轴生长被促进.张远莉_l等对薄荷化感作用研究表明,薄荷根分泌物促进幼苗生长,而抑制幼根的生长.沈平等1]4_对李子叶水浸液化感作用研究表明,在李子叶水浸液的处理下,受体作物的幼根比幼苗表现敏感.王婷等l_1对核桃青皮水提液的各萃取物及水相萃取物的化感作用研究表明,不同萃取物对小麦,绿豆等4种植物幼根生长的抑制作用均大于对幼芽生长的抑制作用.这些现象均表明,植物的化感作用存在器官差异性,可能是由于受体植物的不同器官对同一种化感物质的敏感性不同,一般表现为,根比下胚轴敏感,幼根比幼苗敏感.3.4角茴香中的化感物质具有作为除草剂的先导化合物而进行开发利用的可能性反枝苋是一种常见的恶性杂草,经试验表明,角茴香根水浸液和地上部水浸液对反枝苋的种子萌发和幼苗生长均有明显的抑制作用,说明角茴香水浸液中可能含有某些化感物质,影响受体植物种子的萌发和幼苗生长,预示着角茴香中的化感物质具有作为除草剂的先导化合物而进行开发利用的可能性.至今已发现的化感物质主要有酚类,萜类,糖和糖苷,生物碱和非蛋白氨基酸等.角茴香中主要含多种生物碱成分,还含有酚类,糖和糖苷等成分,但角茴香中的化感物质有待于进一步的分离和鉴定,从而有可能为角茴香植物资源的利用提供更多新的依据.参考文献:[1]RICEEL.Allelopathy[M].2nded.NewY 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8.1 化学混凝

8.1 化学混凝

加药计量泵房 Dosing metering
pump room
Structure of flocculation particles
助凝剂概念 flocculation aid
助凝剂指用于混凝剂共同(在前、在后、同时)使用时,可促进水的混凝 过程的化学药剂.其主要作用有:
The principle of coagulation involves interface and colloid science. At present, the research on coagulation is still in the bottleneck stage.
The four mechanisms of coagulation are: 1. Compressed double layers theory;2. Adsorption neutralization theory; 3.adsorption and bridging;4. Precipitation and net traping. In fact, the coagulation of scientific research is not helpful.The key question is whether the quantitative property of coagulation exists or not and what is the basis of the quantitative property.
Mechanism of adsorption and
铝盐絮凝的化学系列反应 Chemical reactions of aluminum salt flocculation
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Coagulation property of hyaluronic acid–collagen/chitosan complex filmYangzhe Wu ÆYi Hu ÆJiye Cai ÆShuyuan Ma ÆXiaoping WangReceived:29March 2008/Accepted:15May 2008/Published online:19July 2008ÓSpringer Science+Business Media,LLC 2008Abstract Biomacromolecule has been widely used as biomedical material.Because different biomacromolecules possess different properties,how to exhibit the respective advantages of different components on one type of bio-material becomes the hot spot in the field of biomaterial studying.This work reported a type of complex film that consisted of hyaluronic acid (HA),type I collagen (Col-I),and chitosan (CS)(HA–Col-I/CS,HCC).Then,a series of experiments were performed,such as inverted microscopic observation,atomic force microscopic (AFM)imaging,flow cytometry (FCM)measurement,MTT assay,and MIC assay.In the present work,we observed the growing con-dition of 3T3fibroblasts on the surface of the HCC complex film,visualized the morphological changes of platelets during the coagulation process,and discovered microparticles on the platelet membrane.Moreover,we confirmed the microparticles are the platelet-derived microparticles (PMPs)using the FCM.In addition,the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)of HCC against Escherichia coli (E.coli )8099was 0.025mg/ml,against Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus )ATCC 6538was 0.1mg/ml.The results together indicated that the HCC film possessed promising coagulation property,cell com-patibility and anti-bacteria property,and the potential infuture clinical application such as wound healing and bandage.1IntroductionBiocompatible and biodegradable biomaterial such as hyaluronic acid (HA),type I collagen (Col-I),and chitosan (CS)have been widely used as biomedical engineering materials [1].HA is a glycosaminoglycan with anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties,and it is the main component of cellular matrix (CM).HA interacts with proteins such as CD44,RHAMM,and fibrinogen,and plays an important role in many natural processes such as cell motility,cell adhesion,and wound healing [2,3].However,HA,as a biomaterial,possessed a disadvantage of easy degradation,therefore,to decrease the degradation rate,the modifications such as crosslinking with other biomolecules become imminent in application.Collagen (including Col-I)is a glycoprotein and also a component of CM,and could promote wound healing [4].Collagen is mainly used as coagulation material,and there are many reports about its clinical application.The coag-ulation mechanism of collagen mainly includes (a)coagulation factors activation,(b)inducing platelets adhering,activation,and accumulation,and (c)blocking the bleeding wound [5,6].As the ideal coagulation mate-rial,natural collagen possesses the optimal efficiency;however,collagen modification is necessary due to its low stability and weak mechanical strength [7]and fast deg-radation speed [8,9].CS is a kind of unique natural alkalescence polysac-charide molecule that consists of double helix structure.CS film is easily prepared due to its physicochemicalYangzhe Wu and Yi Hu contributed equally to this work.Y.Wu ÁY.Hu ÁJ.Cai (&)Department of Chemistry,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,People’s Republic of China e-mail:tjycai@S.Ma ÁX.WangThe First Affiliated Hospital,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,People’s Republic of ChinaJ Mater Sci:Mater Med (2008)19:3621–3629DOI 10.1007/s10856-008-3477-3properties such as adhesion property,permeability,and tensile strength.In our previous work,the molecular chains and self-assembly structures of CS have been studied in detail[10].Up to now,biocompatible CSfilm has been extensively applied as biomedical materials[11,12]and there have many related reports,for example,used it as coagulation and anti-bacteria material.CSfilm possesses favorable hygroscopic property and air permeability due to its mesh structures[10].However,CS itself is not an ideal coagulation material,and it is often blended with collagen, coagulation factors or CaCl2in application.Platelets play a very important role in coagulation and could promote hemostasis and thrombosis.Morphological and functional changes of platelets could help us evaluate the properties of coagulation material.Membrane space configuration will change and the platelet-derived micro-particles(PMPs)will be released in the activated platelets, then the exposed platelet glycoprotein IIb–IIIa receptor complex will interact withfibrinogen and result in platelet accumulation[13–16],and ultimately the chain reaction of coagulation will be initiated.Up to now,platelets were studied mainly based onflow cytometry(FCM)[17–21] and electron microscope(EM)however,there is rare high-resolution image data to locate where the PMPs released from platelet membrane.Atomic force microscope(AFM), a powerful tool of bio-imaging[22–24],has been exten-sively applied in biomaterial studying[25–27];however, there are only a few AFM studies on platelets[28,29].To exert the advantages and avoid disadvantages,HA wasfirstly mixed with type I collagen(Col-I)and then assembled on the CSfilm.The properties of prepared HCC complexfilm(HA–Col-I/CS)were characterized by AFM, inverted microscope and FCM,and MTT assay and MIC assay were also performed.The results indicated that HCC complexfilm possessed promising cell compatibility, coagulation property and anti-bacteria efficiency,which determined the extensive applications of HCC complex film,such as curing the injured skin tissue,wound healing, and bandage.In addition,the convincing PMP images of this work provided complementary data for the studies of the process and mechanism of platelet activation and coagulation.2Materials and methods2.1Preparation of biomacromoleculefilm2.1.1Type I collagenfilmThe newly peeled mica wasfirstly treated with0.1M NiCl2solution to make mica electropositive,and then type I collagen(Col-I,1mg/ml,Sigma)solution was assembled on the surface of mica by electrostatic interaction,and air dried at room temperature.2.1.2HCC complexfilmIn our experiments,the concentration of CS(low molecular weight,Sigma)was10mg/ml,and that of HA(Sigma), Col-I(Sigma)were2mg/ml,respectively.CS polycation (dissolved in2%acetic acid solution)was assembled on the surface of the newly peeled mica(without NiCl2 treatment)and air dried at room temperature;and then the fully mixed and crosslinked solution of Col-I and HA (V:V=1:1)was assembled on the surface of CSfilm (HA–Col-I/CS),and air dried at room temperature.To determine the superiority of cell growth and prolif-eration of HCC complexfilm,we prepared six types offilm (including HCC)in the six-well plates for the next step cell culture(the preparedfilm have similar structure to that prepared on mica).The procedure(including the concen-tration of samples)was similar to the preparation of HCC, and thesefilms are also a two-layer system similar to the HCC-film.To improve the stability offilms that prepared for cell culture,glutaraldehyde was used as crosslinker in some groups.After the pH value of the CSfilm was adjusted to7.4 using1M NaOH and air-dried,glutaraldehyde was dropped on CSfilm and then washed with PBS,and then the other components of complexfilm were assembled on CS film.These preparedfilms werefilm1,CS;film2,Col-I/CS (without crosslinker:glutaraldehyde);film3,Col-I/CS(con-taining crosslinker glutaraldehyde);film4,HA–Col-I/CS (without crosslinker);film5,HA–Col-I/CS(containing crosslinker);film6,HA/CS(containing crosslinker).Further-more,to further examine the superiority of HCC on promoting the cell proliferation,the MTT assay was performed:film2 (designated asfilm b);film4(designated asfilm c);film1 (designated asfilm d);film e,CS+HA.2.2Platelet isolationVenous blood was drawn from healthy,aspirin free adult donors.The whole blood was drawn into3.8%sodium citrate anti-coagulant(Sigma)in the volume ratio of1:9. After centrifuging at the speed of800rpm for10min at 21°C,we pipette the upper75%of the yellow supernatant fraction of platelet-rich plasma(PRP)from the polyethyl-ene tube,and transfer it to another polyethylene tube,and the platelets were washed by centrifuging the PRP at 3,000rpm for10min,then removed the supernatant and resuspended the platelets in PBS.The platelet washing procedure was repeated triple.After the whole washing process,the platelets were left resting for20min at room temperature(21°C)to allow them to return to their resting shape:discoid shape.2.3Platelet activation and membrane protein labeling Platelet activation and membrane protein labeling were performed by the following processes.Briefly,five samples of100l l PRP werefirstly added intofive centrifugated tubes,and then HCC(10l l),HA(10l l),and CS(10l l) solution were added into three tubes,respectively,and gently mixed them up together,then incubated in the dark at room temperature for5min,and the tubes for the control group and isotype IgG1group were resting.Twenty microliter solution from each tube of the control and test groups was added into anotherfive new tubes,respectively; 10l l FITC-anti-CD41and10l l PE-anti-CD62P were added into control group,10l l PE-anti-IgG1was added into isotype group;10l l FITC-anti-CD41and10l l PE-anti-CD62P were added into three test tubes,respec-tively(FITC-anti-CD41,PE-anti-CD62P,and PE-anti-IgG1 were from JingMei Co.,China).Then gently mixed them up together and incubated in the dark at room temperature for 15–20min.Then500l l paraformaldehyde was added into every tube and incubated at2–8°C for30min.The prepared samples were analyzed by FCM(FACSCalibur,Becton Dickinson,USA)at24h.2.43T3fibroblast cultureThe3T3fibroblast used in the study was provided by (Biopharmaceutical R&D Center of Jinan University,Gu-angzhou).Cells were cultured in RPMI1640medium with 20%fetal bovine serum(FBS)(Sijiqing Bio Co.,China)in a humidified incubator under5%CO2.The cell prolifera-tion curve of3T3fibroblasts that cultured on bio-complex film was measured with the cytometry.2.5MTT assayMethylthiazolyl tetrazolium(MTT)assay could deter-mine the level of cellular energy metabolism and indicate the condition of cell proliferation indirectly.The cellular concentration of3T3cells in logarithmic growth period was adjusted to59104using culture medium (RPMI1640)containing10%FBS,then transferred the cellular solution into96-well plate(100l l every well), whose wells were covered by different types of complex films prepared beforehand,and then the cells cultured at 37°C(5%CO2)for24h.Fifteen microliters of MTT (5mg/ml,Sigma)was added into every well and incu-bated for4h,then culture medium was discarded; 150l l DMSO was added into every well and incubated at room temperature for40min.The optical density (OD)was measured at570nm wavelength.Then the condition of cell proliferation could be determined according to the OD value.2.6MIC assayMinimal inhibitory concentration(MIC)assay was per-formed at Guangdong Detection Center of Microbiology.E.coli8099and S.aureus ATCC6538in logarithmic growth period were diluted with0.01M PBS–106CFU/ml. Fifty microliters of E.coli and S.aureus were mixed with 50l l double diluted HCC solution(10mg/ml CS,2mg/ml type I collagen,2mg/ml HA),respectively,and transferred them into96-well plates and cultured at37°C for20h. Then the OD value was measured at600nm wavelength.2.7AFM observationThe prepared samples were observed using AFM (CP-Research,Veeco,USA).Images were acquired at room temperature in the tapping mode in air.The curvature radius of the silicon tip is less than10nm and the force constant about3N/m,the length,width and thickness of tip cantilever are215–235l m,30–40l m, 3.5–4.5l m, respectively,and the oscillation frequency of tip is 72–96kHz(manufacturer offered).Scan rate is0.6–1Hz and the scanning range of scanner is100l m.The acquired images(2569256pixels)were processed with the pro-vided software(Image Processing2.1,IP2.1)to eliminate low-frequency background noise in scanning direction,and statistical analysis of data was based on the software IP2.1, and presented as average±SD.As for platelet observa-tion,several microlitres of isolated platelet was dropped on the surface of the preparedfilm,thenfixed using2.5% glutaraldehyde(Sigma)for10min,and then washed three times using ultrapure water,air dried at room temperature in air for AFM observation.2.7.13T3cell observation3T3fibroblast cultured on the bio-complexfilm wasfixed using2.5%glutaraldehyde for10min and then observed directly.3Results and discussion3.1Characterization of cell compatibility of HCCcomplexfilmTo determine the superiority of cell growth and prolifera-tion on HCC complexfilm,cellular growth condition on films was observed using Inverted Microscope(Leica, Germany)after cultured for24h,and cell were further visualized using AFM(Fig.1).The control group was shown in Figs.1a and3,T3fibroblasts spread well and connected with each other,it isshown that cellular growth condition was good.Figure 1b showed cells cultured on CS film,cellular growth condition was good,whereas cells did not spread fully,which was due to the smooth surface and/or the single chemical composition of CS film.Figure 1c showed cells cultured on CS +Col-I film (without crosslinker),the results indicated that cellular growth condition was good,cells spread fully and presented spindle-shape,which meant that the CS +Col-I film could promote cell proliferation and growth of 3T3fibroblasts.The difference between Fig.1d (film 3)and c (film 2)was that in Fig.1d,glutaraldehyde was added as a crosslinker to crosslink the CS and Col-I components.Figure 1e (film 4)showed cells cultured on HA +Col-I +CS (without crosslinker),and cells spread fully and presented spindle-shape,which elucidated the better growth conditions of cells,but cells only grew locally.This phenomenon could attribute to the fact that:HA,as a component of extra cellular matrix (ECM),could provide nutrition for cell growth,however,it is unsuitable for cell adhesion.Therefore,in our following MTT experiment,HA and Col-I were mixed fully and then assembled on the CS film to improve the cell compatibility of HCC complex film.Figure 1f (film 5)showed cells cultured on HA +Col-I +CS film containing glutaralde-hyde,cellular growth condition was worse than that of Fig.1e (film 4).Figure 1g (film 6)showed cells cultured on CS +HA film containing glutaraldehyde,the results indicated that cells could not adhere to the complex film at all,which supported the results of Fig.1e (film 4)that HA is not suitable for cellular adherence,and these observed results were accordant with the result of cell proliferation curve (Fig.1h).The results (Fig.1c,e,h)seemed that the HCC film did not promote the cell proliferation effectively.This phenomenon could be ascribed to the fact that:HA,as a component of ECM,could provide nutrition for cell growth,however,it is unsuitable for cell adhesion.Therefore,in our following MTT experiment,HA and Col-I were mixed fully and then assembled on the CS film to improve the cell compatibility of HCC complex film.In addition,according to the results of cell growth,though theacbedf0h 6h 12h 24h510152025303540Cell Proliferation CurveC e l l N u m b e r (×104)Control Film 1 Film 2 Film 3 Film 4 Film 5 Film 6ghcrosslinker glutaraldehyde did not affect cell growth obviously,in the following experiment we did not use crosslinker because of the potential negative effects such as cytotoxicity.To further determine the superiority of cell growth and proliferation on HCC complex film,a comparative analysis of MTT assay was performed,including four types of film (b–e)(see Sect.2.1).Figure 2showed the MTT assay results of 3T3fibroblasts incubated on different films,which indicated that the OD value of cells cultured on film b and film c were higher than that of other groups.Though the OD value of film c is slightly lower than that of film b,however,biocompatible HA was still used as one compo-nent of the HCC complex film,because HA could be the nutrition in the process of cell growth and proliferation.Together,the results of microscopic observation and MTT assay indicated that the prepared HCC complex film possessed favorable cell compatibility due to the biocom-patible components [30–33].3.2The evaluation of coagulation property of HCCcomplex film 3.2.1AFM analysis of platelets on HCC complex film The morphological changes of platelets and adsorptive capacity of platelets adhered to biomaterial surface were important parameters of coagulation property of biomate-rial [34].The process of fibrinogen secreted from the activated platelets induced by Col-I film had been studied [11]prior to the evaluation of coagulation property of HCC complex film,AFM observation indicated that the a par-ticles and fibrinogen secreted from the activated platelets could result in platelets aggregation.Here,HA and Col-I were firstly mixed fully,and then assembled on the surface of CS film,therefore,the promising procoagulant property and anti-bacteria efficacy of the prepared HCC (HA–Col-I/CS)complex film could be expected.Figure 3showed the morphology of Col-I film (3a),HCC film (3b),and platelets (3c–f).The average roughness (Ra)of films is 1.401nm (3a)and 8.838nm (3b).Figure 3c showed a resting platelet with typical disk-like shape,whose diameter is 2.683l m,height is 189.3nm,and Ra is 84.74nm.Moreover,the statistical results indicated that the size of resting platelets is 2.44±0.51l m in diameter and 112.37±46.11nm in height.Figure 3d–f showed platelets interacted with Col-I film.Macroscopic image (3d)indicated that platelets were in dispersing state,and there were no pseudopodium between platelets,however,microscopic image (3e)of single platelet indicated that platelets were in dendrite shape and pseudo-podium were obvious (white arrows in 3e).Figure 3f was the enlarged view of the square frame in Fig.3e,in which the cluster particles could be observed (black arrows),and the Ra of platelet surface was 72.14±5.12nm according to the statistical results of 25platelets.Large-scale images indicated that the great majority of platelets accumulated after interacted with HCC film.Microscopic images of AFM further visualized the spreading and accumulating behavior of platelets (Fig.4).Figure 4a,d was the error signal mode images(someFig.2The MTT assay result of 3T3fibroblasts incubated on different films for 24h.The OD value of the control group was set as 100%and the percentages of different films was figured out correspondingly,and vertical ordinate and horizontal ordinate repre-sent percentage value of OD and the film notations,respectively (n =6,P \0.05)Fig.3Morphology of Col-I film (a ),HCC film (b ),and single resting platelet (c ).The average roughness (Ra)of films is 1.401nm (a )and 8.838nm (b ).(d )Platelets on the surface of Col-I film,(e )theenlarged view of the square frame in (d ),(f )the enlarged view of the square frame in (e )details can be more easily distinguished in this image mode).The results of AFM imaging indicated that the great majority of platelets were in dendrite and spreading state (4c,e),in which the pseudopodium were obviously presented,and some platelets were in accumulation state (4a,b).It was more important that there were large numbers of microparticles on the surface of spreading platelets (4c–e),and the ultrastructural images (4f–j)of Fig.4e more obviously visualized these microparticles with various sizes.AFM observation indicated that the particle density of the center was larger than that of the edge,which suggested that the microparticles were dif-fusing from the center to the edge.According to AFM analysis,these microparticles were PMPs,and our further data supported this view (see below).Moreover,the sta-tistical results of PMPs size were showed as Fig.5a,which indicated that PMPs size mainly distributed between 60and 110nm.Fig.4AFM images of platelets on the HCC film.Dendritic,spreading and accumulated platelets (a –e )on the HCC film,there are a lot of microparticles (PMPs)on the whole body of the platelets;(f –j )enlarged views of the respective square frames in (e ),and the scan range is 2l m (f –j );(a ,d )is the error signal modeimageFig.5(a )Statistical results of PMPs size (full wave at half maximum,FWHM).(b ,c )The statistical height and diameter value of platelet after interacted with HCC film and Col-I film,respectively.The diameter and height of resting platelets were 2.44±0.51l m and 130.19±39.33nm,and that of platelets interacted with Col-Ifilm were 2.28±0.58l m and 592.62±169.06,and after interacted with HCC film were 4.85±1.08l m and 1039.16±148.43nm,respectivelyTo clarify the difference of platelets respectively inter-acted with Col-I film and HCC film,a comparative analysis was performed (Fig.5b,c),which indicated that HCC film could activate platelets more effectively than pure collagen film.This result might relate to the larger Ra of HCC film (Fig.3)and more suitable for platelets adherence,which induced the larger contact area between HCC film and platelets.Moreover,the different chemical composition at the interface might also influence the platelet activation.To our knowledge,according to the changes of diameter,height,and morphology,the activated state of platelets could be divided into five stages:rotundity,dendrite shape,transition,spreading,and accumulation.The majority of platelets on Col-I film were in the activation stage of den-drite shape (Fig.3e),and there were no PMPs on the surface of platelets.However,on the HCC film,the majority of platelets were at transition and spreading stage and some were at the stage of accumulation,and there were large numbers of PMPs on the surface of platelets (60–110nm),and meanwhile,a few PMPs were also observed on material surface (black arrow in Fig.4g).Figure 6illustrated the activation process of the human platelet.In addition,the Ra of platelet surface (on HCC film)was 215.20±22.74nm according to the statistical results of random 25platelets.Together,according to the results of AFM visualization,HCC film possessed promising coagulation property.Moreover,HCC film possessed the locus for platelets adherence and could induce the release of platelet a granule to form microparticles (PMPs)on the platelet surface.On the other hand,previous studies [35]indicated that PMPs were the result of the budding of pseudopodium,and the PMPs formation was closely related to unique morphological changes in activated platelets,especially pseudopod formation,which might be the results of intra-cellular cytoskeletal reorganization.However,our AFM images indicated that PMPs were released not only from near the tip of pseudopodium [35],but also from the whole platelet surface,which narrated that PMPs were the result of the budding of the whole platelet body.3.2.2Flow cytometry (FCM)analysis of plateletmembrane protein Activated platelets could release PMPs,which possess integrated membrane structure and express plateletmembrane glycoprotein such as GPIIb/IIIa complex and P selectin.The released PMP is the indicator of the activated platelet.To testify the released microparticles of activated platelets in Fig.4were the PMPs,we examined the expression of platelet surface glycoprotein CD 41and CD 62P (P selectin).Both resting and activated platelets would express GP CD41,however,only the activated platelets would express CD62p,which could be the specific and sensitive marker of activated platelets.The results of FCM indicated that expression of FITC-anti-CD41in resting platelets (blank control group)was 99.46%,however,resting platelets did not express PE-anti-CD62P.Then,an isotype control analysis (PE-anti-mouse IgG1)was performed to exclude the background interfer-ences of non-specific recognition,such as T and B cells,and the results in Fig.7indicated that there were no non-specific interferences because of the negative expression of PE-anti-mouse IgG1.As for test groups (Fig.8),we performed three testing groups that included HCC (tube 1),CS (tube 2),and HA (tube 3).Tube 1,after platelets interacted with 0.1mg/ml HCC solution,the expression of FITC-anti-CD41was 87.70%and that of PE-anti-CD62P was 12.09%,which suggested that activated platelets released a granule that occupied the protein locus of CD41and resulted in expression decreasing of CD41.After platelets interacted with 2mg/ml CS (tube 2),the expression of FITC-anti-CD41was 99.33%and that of PE-anti-CD62P was 0.46%,Dendritic Platelet in Activation Spreading Platelet in ActivationRelease PMPsRelease PMPsFig.7The representative dot plots result.(a )The control group,FL2represented the fluorescence intensity of mouse anti-human CD62P/PE;(b )The isotype control group,FL2represented the fluorescence intensity of mouse IgG1isotype control/PE.(n =3,P \0.05)which indicated that CS could not activate platelets.As for HA (tube 3),the expression of FITC-anti-CD41was 98.74%and that of PE-anti-CD62P was 0.46%,which indicated that HA could not activate platelets by itself too.Because type I collagen is a natural coagulant,and CS and HA cannot induce platelet activation,these results alto-gether confirmed that Col-I component of HCC complex film played a key role in procoagulant process.Further-more,the results of FCM also supported the results of AFM observation (Figs.3and 4),HCC complex film could effectively induce platelets to release PMPs,and on the other hand,the microparticles that AFM observed on the surface of activated platelets (Fig.4)were PMPs.A series of variation such as morphological changes,pseudopodium formation,PMPs release and CD62P expo-sure were closely related to platelet activation,and the PMPs were the result of the release of inner a granule in activated platelets.Up to now,PMPs assay were mainly based on FCM [20,36–39],however,the direct image data were not enough.Siedlecki et al.[40]only observed the PMPs on the material surface;Cauwenberghs et al.[41]observed the PMPs on the surface of fibrinogen substrate and at the tip of platelet pseudopodium,however,there is rare image data to locate where the PMPs released from platelet membrane.Yano’s study [35]indicated that the size of most of the PMPs was less than 0.5l m,our AFM results further quantified the size of the PMPs,60–110nm.Thanks to the high resolution of AFM images,we determined the release location and the size range of PMP particles on the platelet membrane.3.3The evaluation of anti-bacteria property of HCCcomplex film To provide experimental data for future application,we further evaluated the anti-bacteria property of HCCcomplex film.Previous studies had proved the promising anti-bacteria efficiency of CS [42–44].The assay results indicated that HCC complex film possessed favorable anti-bacteria property,the MIC of HCC against E.coli 8099was 0.025mg/ml,against S.aureus ATCC 6538was 0.1mg/ml.4ConclusionIn the present study,a type of multi-function biomacromol-ecule complex film,whose components included HA,Col-I,and CS (HA–Col-I/CS,HCC)and could be used to promote wound healing,was prepared.The experimental results indicated that HCC complex film possessed promising coagulation capability,cell compatibility and anti-bacteria property.Moreover,the PMPs in activated platelets were visualized and analyzed in detail based on AFM and FCM,the PMPs size was 60–110nm.Our results provided the necessary and valuable data for the next experiments and future application of HCC film as a type of procoagulant material.Acknowledgments We thank associate professor Meiying Zhang (Biomedicine Research &Development Center,Jinan University)for her warm help in cell culture techniques.This work is supported by the NSFC (No.60578025,30540420311).References1.Q.Feng,G.Zeng,P.Yang et al.,Colloid Surf.A 257–258,85(2005)2.T.Yamada,T.Kawasaki,J.Biosci.Bioeng.99,521(2005)3.K.M.Stuhlmeier,Wien.Med.Wochenschr.156,563(2006)4.W.Choi,H.Kawanabe,Y.Sawa et al.,Acta Odontol.Scand.66,31(2008)5.L.J.Alberio,K.J.Clemetson,Curr.Hematol.Rep.3,338(2004)6.S.Ilveskero,P.Siljander,ssila,Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol.21,628(2001)Fig.8The representative FITC/PI double staining dot plots result.(a )The control group,in which platelets were in their resting stage,showed that the platelet rich plasma (PRP)could express mouse anti-human CD41/FITC by 99.46%,while there was no expression of anti-human CD62P(P-selectin)/PE (0.37%);(b )the experimental group showed that when the PRP was interacted with the HCC fluid,the percentage of platelets that could express mouse anti-human CD41/FITC is 87.70%,while the expression of anti-human CD62P(P-selectin)/PE increased to 12.09%;(c ,d )when the PRP was interacted with two main components of the HCC complex film:CS and HA solution,respectively,the expression ratios of mouse anti-human CD41/FITC and anti-human CD62P(P-selectin)/PE showed no sig-nificant difference compared with the control group by statistic evaluation (n =3,P \0.05)。
