W35 Kaizen_21040696 Material Saving
SOLIDWORKS 平板钢制工程指南说明书
SOLIDWORKS Sheet MetalDassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation175 Wyman StreetWaltham, Massachusetts 02451 USA© 1995-2022, Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation, a Dassault Systèmes SE company, 175 Wyman Street, Waltham, Mass. 02451 USA. All Rights Reserved.The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are not commitments by Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation (DS SolidWorks).No material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or manually, for any purpose without the express written permission of DS SolidWorks.The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license. All warranties given by DS SolidWorks as to the software and documentation are set forth in the license agreement, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of any terms, including warranties, in the license agreement.For a full list of the patents, trademarks, and third-party software contained in this release, please go to the Legal Notices in the SOLIDWORKS documentation.Restricted RightsThis clause applies to all acquisitions of Dassault Systèmes Offerings by or for the United States federal government, or by any prime contractor or subcontractor (at any tier) under any contract, grant, cooperative agreement or other activity with the federal government. The software, documentation and any other technical data provided hereunder is commercial in nature and developed solely at private expense. The Software is delivered as "Commercial Computer Software" as defined in DFARS 252.227-7014 (June 1995) or as a "Commercial Item" as defined in FAR 2.101(a) and as such is provided with only such rights as are provided in Dassault Systèmes standard commercial end user license agreement. Technical data is provided with limited rights only as provided in DFAR 252.227-7015 (Nov. 1995) or FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987), whichever is applicable. The terms and conditions of the Dassault Systèmes standard commercial end user license agreement shall pertain to the United States government's use and disclosure of this software, and shall supersede any conflicting contractual terms and conditions. If the DS standard commercial license fails to meet the United States government's needs or is inconsistent in any respect with United States Federal law, the United States government agrees to return this software, unused, to DS. The following additional statement applies only to acquisitions governed by DFARS Subpart 227.4 (October 1988): "Restricted Rights - use, duplication and disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(l)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252-227-7013 (Oct. 1988)."In the event that you receive a request from any agency of the U.S. Government to provide Software with rights beyond those set forth above, you will notify DS SolidWorks of the scope of the request and DS SolidWorks will have five (5) business days to, in its sole discretion, accept or reject such request. Contractor/ Manufacturer: Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation, 175 Wyman Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451 USA.Document Number: PMT2306-ENGContents IntroductionAbout This Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Using this Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2About the Training Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Training Templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Accessing Training Templates in SOLIDWORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Conventions Used in this Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Windows OS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Use of Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5More SOLIDWORKS Training Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Local User Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lesson 1:Basic Flange FeaturesWhat are Sheet Metal Parts?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Sheet Metal Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Unique Sheet Metal Items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Flange Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Base Flange/Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Sheet Metal Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Sheet Metal Thickness and Bend Radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Bend Allowance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15K-Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Bend Allowance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Bend Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Specifying the Bend Allowance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17iContents SOLIDWORKSii Auto Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Editing Sheet Metal Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sheet Metal Bend Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Flat-Pattern Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Flatten and Exit Flatten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Toggle Flat Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Additional Flange Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Edge Flanges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Edge Flange Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Editing the Flange Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Flange Profile Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Edge Flanges on Curved Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Miter Flanges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Miter Flange Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hem Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Hem Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Tab Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Cuts in Sheet Metal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Summary of Flange Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Exercise 1: Sheet Metal Bracket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Exercise 2: Flange Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Exercise 3: Edit Flange Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Exercise 4: Sheet Metal Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Exercise 5: Assorted Framing Hangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Lesson 2:Working with the Flat PatternWorking with the Flat Pattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Flat Pattern Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Features for Manufacture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63Corner-Trim Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63Corner-Trim Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Corners in the Formed State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Closed Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67Closed Corner Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68Corner Relief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72Break Corner/Corner Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73Producing the Flat Pattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74Sheet Metal Cut List Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74Accessing Cut List Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76Sheet Metal Drawings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Flat Pattern Drawing Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Flat Pattern View Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81Cut List Properties as a Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Exporting the Flat Pattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83Exercise 6: Flat Pattern Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Exercise 7: Working with Corners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91SOLIDWORKS Contents Lesson 3:Standardizing Sheet Metal DesignsStandardizing Gauge Numbers and Bend Radii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Standardizing Bend Allowance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Topics for Standardizing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Using Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101Gauge Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101Bend Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102Bend Allowance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106Editing the Gauge Table Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107Gauge Table Training Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107Defining Table File Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107Custom Sheet Metal Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111Sheet Metal Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115Sheet Metal Part Document Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117Other Part Template Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119Sensors for Sheet Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119Sheet Metal Drawing Document Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125Sheet Metal Tables in Drawings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130Adding a Cut List Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130Adding a Bend Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132Mapping DXF Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134Options for Map File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137Exercise 8: Standardizing Sheet Metal Designs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Lesson 4:Additional Sheet Metal TechniquesAdditional Sheet Metal Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142Designing from the Flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142Sketched Bend Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142Jog Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147Adding Features in an Unfolded State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150Unfold and Fold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150Creating Cuts in the Flat Pattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153Swept Flange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153Swept Flange Flat Pattern Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155Lofted Bends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157Bent Lofted Bends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157Bent Bend Region Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158Formed Lofted Bends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161Formed Bend Region Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163Lofted Bends in the Design Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165Exercise 9: Sheet Metal from Flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166Exercise 10: Jogs and Hems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169Exercise 11: Fold & Unfold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176iiiContents SOLIDWORKSiv Exercise 12: Conical Swept Flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Exercise 13: Lofted Bends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Exercise 14: Using Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Manual Relief Cut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Sheet Metal Library Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190Lesson 5:Converting to Sheet MetalSheet Metal Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194Insert Bends Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194Adding Rips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195Insert Bends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196Associated Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198Switching Between States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199Making Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199Welded Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203Converting Cones and Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205Convert to Sheet Metal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210Convert to Sheet Metal Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212Using Rip Sketches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216Exercise 15: Working with Imported Geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218Exercise 16: Unrolling a Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220Exercise 17: Convert to Sheet Metal Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225Exercise 18: Convert with Rips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226Exercise 19: Sheet Metal Hopper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Lesson 6:Multibody Sheet Metal PartsMultibody Sheet Metal Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234Tools to Create Multibody Sheet Metal Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235Multibodies with Base Flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235Sheet Metal Parameters for Multibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238Solid Body Feature History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238Cut List Item Properties for Multibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239Flat Pattern Drawing Views for Multibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240Cut List Balloon Annotations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244Exporting to DXF/DWGs with Multibodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247Convert with Multibodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248Hiding and Showing Bodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250Hide and Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250Hide/Show Bodies Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250Isolate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250The Display Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251Sensors for Multibody Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253SOLIDWORKS ContentsUsing Split with Sheet Metal Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255Patterning for Multibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257Using Edge Flanges to Merge Bodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260Interfering Bodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261Combining Sheet Metal with Other Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263Assigning Materials to Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264Exercise 20: Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266Exercise 21: Mirroring and Merging Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280Exercise 22: Sheet Metal Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Lesson 7:Forming Tools and GussetsSheet Metal Forming Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300How They Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300Forming Tools in the Design Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301The Forming Tools Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301Using an Existing Forming Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303Form Tool Feature Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304Form Tool Features in the Flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306Part Document Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306Custom Forming Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308Split Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309Forming Tool Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310Legacy Behavior for Forming Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314Form Tools in Drawings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314Punch Tables and Punch ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314Sheet Metal Gusset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317Exercise 23: Customizing a Forming Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320Exercise 24: Sheet Metal Gusset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Lesson 8:Additional Sheet Metal FunctionsAdditional Sheet Metal Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332Cross-Breaks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332Cross Break Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333Cross Breaks in Drawings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334Vent Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336Fill Pattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338Mirror Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340Tab and Slot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343Process Plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348Exercise 25: Vent Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352vContents SOLIDWORKS Appendix A:Sheet Metal TablesTables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358The Sample Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358Templates and Other Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358Customizing Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359K-Factor Ratio Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 vi。
M436nda 备件手册
1.MAIN Exploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 11JC90-01212C CASSETTE;K2231,NON-MD SA1 21JC91-01217A FUSER;K2231,MK4N,230V,2RF,850W,24mm,22mm SA1 31JC91-01217A FUSER;K2231,MK4N,230V,2RF,850W,24mm,22mm SA1 41JC95-01833B COVER SIDE;K2231SA1 51JC95-02051A COVER-OPE;K2231SNA1 62JC63-05531A SHEET-WHITE;K2231,PP,0.45,HP SNA1 71JC97-04777A PLATEN;K2231,HP,NON-MD SA1 82JC93-00820A FRAME-DUCT FUSER;SCX-8120ND,SEC SNA1 91JC44-00223A SMPS-V2;CLP-680ND,PSPN-Type3R-V2,Flyback SA1 102JC44-00229A HVPS-CAPELLA HVPS;24V,21.6V~26.4V,MAX5K SA1 111JC92-02607H PBA MAIN;K2231NDA,128,NAND FLASH,MD,A150SA1 122JC95-02049A COVER-INNER;K2231SNA1 132JC95-02050A COVER-FRONT;K2231SNA1 142JC63-04163B COVER-EXIT STACKING;K2231,ABS,T2.5,354.2SNA1 152JC95-02052A COVER-LEFT;K2231SNA1 162JC61-05961A BRACKET-COVER REAR;SCX-8120ND,EGI-SECC,T SNA1 171JC97-04301A LSU;K2200,SEC,Mono,A3,600,Single beam,78SA1 182JC96-08455A CARTRIDGE SUB-DEVE KIT;SCX-8120ND,SEC SA1 192JC63-04155B COVER-RIGHT TOP;K2231,HIPS,T2.5,67.2,104SNA1 202JC63-05436A COVER-SCAN REAR DADF;K2231,ABS,HP,JACK B SNA1 212JC63-05433A COVER-FRONT TOP;K2231,HIPS,HP,OOV WHITE,SNA1 221JC93-01319A FRAME MAIN;K2231,NON-MD SA1 232JC61-05926A HOLDER-HINGE_R;SCX-8120ND,ABS,64.6,43SA1 241JC97-04832A RADF;k2231,hp,NON-MD SA1 252JC63-04173B COVER-RADF DUMMY;K2231,ABS,T2.45,JACK BL SNA1 262JC63-04162C COVER-RIGHT;K2231,HIPS,T2.5,57.1,245,OOV SNA1 272JC32-00015A SENSOR;HSU-07F1V2-N,CLX-9201,0~45'C,+3.3SA1 281JC63-05560A SHEET-MODEL;K2231NR,PC,0.254,92.0,12.0,O SNA12.CASSETTEExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 01JC90-01212C CASSETTE;K2231,NON-MD SA1 13JC90-01216B CASSETTE SUB-GUIDE;K2231,NON-MD SA1 23JC61-05975A PLATE-KNOCK UP;K2200,EGI-SECC,0.8T,ASF S SNA1 33JC61-05980B GUIDE-CASSETTE REAR;K2231,ABS,2.5,780U,OOVSA1WHITE,PAPER436107-003449SPRING-CS;SWPB,-,0.8,0.8,L61.5,-,-,ID19.SNA2 53JC66-05020A ROLLER PICKUP-SERRATION;K2231,EPDM SA1 63JC93-00830A FRAME-HOLDER PAD;SL-K2200ND SA1SNA1 73JC61-05976B FRAME-CASSETTE;K2231,ABS,OOVWHITE,780U,CASSETTE82JC63-04180B COVER-HANDLE;K2231,HIPS,OOV WHITE,S-834SNA1 93JC67-00712A COUPLER-PICK UP;K2200,POM,F20-02,Natural SNA1 1036107-003447SPRING-CS;SUS,0.8,160.8,13.7,15.3,FREE,C SNA1 113JC66-01020A GEAR-M_PINION24;SCX-6345N/XRX,POM,1,24,SA1No.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 123JC64-00897A LOCKER-CASSETTE;K2200,POM,Natural,F20-02SA1 133JC61-05981A GUIDE-LEFT CST;SL-K2200ND,ABS,HF-0660I,8SA13.EXIT ASSYExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 01JC90-01221A EXIT-ASSY;SL-K2200ND SA1 12JC90-01215A EXIT GUIDE-UPPER;SL-K2200ND SNA1 1-13JC67-00724A BRUSH-ANTISTATIC;SL-K2200ND,AL+SUS FIBER SA1 1-23JC61-05983A GUIDE-EXIT UPPER;SL-K2200ND,ABS+PC,2.5,V SNA1 1-33JC66-04008A ROLLER EXIT-FACE DOWN;SL-K2200ND,Shaft-E SNA1 1-43JC66-04011A ROLLER EXIT-DECURL;SL-K2200ND,Decurl Rol SNA6 22JC90-01211A EXIT GUIDE-LOWER;SL-K2200ND SNA1 2-13JC66-03973A ROLLER-EXIT IDLE WA VE;SL-K2200ND,POM,10.SNA4 2-236107-003458SPRING-TS;SUS304-WPB,0.45,26.7,24.5,13,0SNA44.FUSERExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 01JC91-01217A FUSER;K2231,MK4N,230V,2RF,850W,24mm,22mm SA1 12JC66-03979A ACTUATOR-EXIT;SCX-8120ND,PA66,2413GW,BLA SA1 22JC66-04943A GEAR-FUSER;K2231,PPS,1.0,36,NATURAL*SA1 32JC66-03981A ROLLER FUSER-PRESSURE;SCX-8120ND,sum22,2SNA1 42JC66-00764A ROLLER IDLE-IDLE FEED;CLP-600,POM,NW-02SA2 524713-001705LAMP-HALOGEN;230V,850W,2500200k,6SA1 62JC66-04945B ROLLER FUSER-HEAT;K2231,24,AL3340OR STH SA1 72JC61-05942A FRAME-LOWER;SCX-8120ND,PET+GF,HYPERITE8SNA1 82JC61-05991A GUIDE-OUTPUT;SCX-8120ND,PET+GF,340.8,HYP SA1 921404-001757THERMISTOR-NTC ASSY;7Kohm,3370K,0.3MWC SNA1 1024712-001091THERMOSTAT;AC125/250V,195+-5SNA1 112JC66-01813A ROLLER-IDLE;CLP-310,PTFE SNA6 122JC61-05941B FRAME-UPPER;K2231,PET+GF30%,BLACK,360.3,SNA1 132JC61-04093A BUSH-HR;ML-3700,PPS,17.4,19.9,DARK BLUE SA2 142JC61-07784A BRACKET-LAMP_R;EGI-SECC,0.8,PRESS SA1No.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 152JC66-03980A LEVER-RELEASE_JAM;SCX-8120ND,PC,NH-1035,SNA2 162JC61-07752A SPRING CS;PWB-SWPB,1,6,7,19.5SA2 172JC61-02154A GUIDE-CLAW;ML-3471ND,PPS,13.20,15.79,BRO SNA55.FRAME-MAIN Exploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 143JC61-05885A PLATE-SUPPORT SCAN R;SL-K2200,EGI-SECC,0SNA1 152JC93-00819A FRAME-LEFT;SCX-8120ND,SEC SNA1 162JC61-05915A GUIDE-OPC UPPER;SCX-8120ND,HIPS,1.8,61.7SNA1 173JC63-04247A COVER-LEVER SLIDE;SL-K2200,HIPS,2.5,50.4SNA15.1.FRAME-BASEExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 13JC66-03983A CLUTCH-ELECTRIC;SCX-8120ND,POM,M1,Z32,12SA1 23JC93-00830B FRAME-HOLDER PAD;K2200ND,121.6*85.6,NTR SA1 35JC66-05020A ROLLER PICKUP-SERRATION;K2231,EPDM SA1 43JC61-05990B GUIDE-MP PATH;K2231,ABS,780U,OOV WHITE,P SNA1 53JC61-01350A LEG-M_ACT NO PAPER;SCX-6345N/XRX,ABS,2,3SA1 640604-001393PHOTO-INTERRUPTER;TR,75mW,BGA,TR SA4 73JC66-03971A ROLLER-REGI IDLE;SL-K2200ND,POM,14,18,NA SNA8 83JC61-05984A GUIDE-REGI;SL-K2200ND,ABS+PC,2,368.5,26,SNA1No.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 94JC66-03968A LEVER-KNOCKUP_LOCK;SNA2SL-K2200ND,POM,F20-02SNA1 103JC66-03969A LEVER-ACTUATOR_MP;SL-K2200ND,POM,F25-03H113JC61-05919B FRAME-BASE;K2231,ABS,OOV WHITE,509,556,7SNA1 1236107-003460SPRING-TS;SUS-WPB,1.1,7.8,10.5,12.4,146SA2 133JC93-00822A FRAME-CASSETTE RAIL R;SCX-8120ND,SEC SNA1 13-14JC63-04235A SHEET-GUIDE PICKUP;SCX-8120ND,PET,0.125,SNA1 13-24JC61-05913A HOLDER-CASSETTE RAIL R;SL-K2200,ABS,2.5,SNA15.2.FRAME SUB-REARExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 13JC66-03937A GEAR-FUSER DR IN;SCX-8120ND,POM,0.5/0.SA1 23JC66-00417A GEAR-RDCN FUSER OUT;ML-2150,NYLON,1,25,8SA1 33JC66-03939A GEAR-DUPLEX IDLE;SCX-8120ND,POM,0.8,53,N SA1 53JC66-03929A GEAR-AGI IDLE;SCX-8120ND,POM,0.5,63,WHIT SA1 63JC66-03923A GEAR-OPC COUPLER;SL-K2200ND,POM,0.4,119,SA1 73JC66-03935A GEAR-PICKUP IDLE;SCX-8120ND,POM,1.0,39,W SA1 83JC47-00037A CLUTCH-ELECTRIC;5,32,1,120mA,200Ohm SA1 94JC66-03927A GEAR-REGI DR IN;SCX-8120ND,POM,0.6/1.0,6SA1 104JC66-03932A GEAR-AGI COUPLER;SCX-8120ND,POM,0.5,43,W SA1 113JC31-00145A MOTOR BLDC-BT3;600~2500rpm,DC24V,1.3SA1 123JC31-00078A MOTOR DC;NF213G-1020515,DC24V,CLX-8380ND SA1 133JC31-00152B FAN-TYPE1;Type1,24V,90mA,1.6mmH20,0.127SA1 143JC93-00825A FRAME-REAR HIGH VOLTAGE;SL-K2200,SEC SA1 153JC66-03928A GEAR-REGI DR OUT;SCX-8120ND,POM,1.0,31,W SA1 163JC66-03940B GEAR DRIVE-EXIT;K2231,POM,0.8/1.0,40/15,SNA1 173JC66-03933A GEAR-MP IDLE;SCX-8120ND,POM,1.0,19,WHITE SA1Exploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 01JC95-02051A COVER-OPE;K2231SNA1 12JC07-00020A LCD;YMC12864-309BEEFDGN,ML-4510ND,128x SA1 22JC63-05420A COVER-OPE;K2231,ABS,HP,JACK BLACK,780U SA1 32JC92-02523A PBA-BLU;CLX-6260ND,SEC,BLU,FR4,2L,SA1 42JC92-02522C PBA OPE;k2231,IC micom JC13-00056A,290.5SA1 52JC67-00651A LENS-BACKLIGHT;CLX-4195FN,PC,64.54x44.32SNA1 62JC63-03718A GROUND-LCD;CLX-4195FN,STS304,0.2T,GROUND SNA1 72JC63-03728A COVER-LCD;CLX-4195FN,PC,73.4,52.65SNA1 82JC64-00817B KEY-NUMERICAL;K2231,ABS,JACK BLACK SA1 92JC61-05625A HOLDER-KEY;CLX-6260ND,ABS,66.9,51.2,SPLI SNA1Exploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 12JC90-01223B MP SUB-TRAY;K2231SA11-13JC63-04188B TRAY-MP;K2231,ABS,OOV WHITE SNA1SNA11-23JC61-05985B PLATE-KNOCK UP;K2231,ABS,OOVWHITE,780U,GUIDE SUPPORT1-33JC66-03967A GEAR-RACK;SCX-8120ND,POM,NATURAL,F20-02SNA21-43JG66-40003A GEAR-PINION;SF4000,POM,1,Z16,WHT SA11-53JC63-04189B TRAY-MP SUB;K2231,ABS,OOV WHITE SNA1 23JC95-01834C COVER SIDE-GUIDE;K2231NDA SNA12-14JC63-04175B COVER-SIDE LOWER;K2231,ABS,OOV WHITE,780U SNA1SNA12-24JC63-04176B COVER-HANDLE SIDE;K2231,ABS,OOVWHITE,780U2-34JC63-04263A SHEET-SIDE COVER;SL-K2200ND,Nylon,1.0,13SNA22-44JC61-06011A BRACKET-REAR DUPLEX;SL-K2200ND,EGI-SECC,SNA12-54JC64-00899A LOCKER-SIDE;SL-K2200ND,POM,BLACK,F25-03H SNA1No.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 33JC90-01222A DUPLEX;SL-K2200ND SNA1SNA13-14JC66-04001A ROLLER FEED-DUPLEX D_CUT;SL-K2200ND,EPDM3-24JC66-03934A GEAR-DUPLEX DR OUT;SCX-8120ND,POM,0.8,29SNA13-34JC66-03938A GEAR-DUPLEX DR IN;SCX-8120ND,POM,0.8,31,SNA13-45JC61-05968A GUIDE-GATE;SL-K2200ND,PET+GF,LV2550GN30,SNA13-54JC61-05971A GUIDE-DUPLEX UPPER;SL-K2200ND,ABS,HF-066SA13-64JC66-04003A ROLLER FEED-DUPLEX DRIVE D_CUT;SL-K2200N SNA13-72JC61-05963A ROLLER-IDLE;SL-K2200ND,POM,NW-02,WHITE,R SA2SNA23-84JC66-04006A PULLEY-DUPLEX D_CUT;SL-K2200ND,POM,BLACK42JC95-01830A COVER-SIDE DUPLEX H;SL-K2200ND SA17.1.COVER-SIDE DUPLEX HExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 13JC61-05972A GUIDE-FEED;SL-K2200ND,ABS+PC,NH-1000T,K2SNA1 23JC61-05973A GUIDE-SIDE TR;SL-K2200ND,ABS,HF-0660I,K2SA1 33JC66-03985A LINK-TR;SL-K2200ND,POM,K21441(BLACK)SNA2SNA1 43JC63-04202A GROUND-SAW LOWER;SL-K2200ND,STAINLESS-SU53JC93-00842A TRANSFER-ASSY;SL-K2200ND SA15-14JC61-05987A FRAME-TR;SL-K2200ND,ABS+PC,K21441,NH-100SNA15-24JC61-05994A GUIDE-TR LOWER;SL-K2200ND,ABS,HF-0660I,K SNA15-34JC66-04015A ROLLER TR;SL-K2200ND,19,NBR+ECO,310,0.2~SNA15-44JC61-06031A PLATE-SAW;SL-K2200ND,STAINL ESS-SUS304,0.SNA15-54JC61-05966A HOLDER-PLATE SAW;SL-K2200ND,ABS,K21441,H SNA1 636107-003452SPRING-CS;SUS304-WPB,-,0.7,0.7,L17,-,-,I SNA2 73JC63-04201A GROUND-TR GUIDE FEED;SL-K2200ND,STAINLES SNA18.PLATENExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 12JC97-04831A PLATEN LOWER;K2231,HP,NON-MD SA1 1-130609-001508CONTACT IMAGE SENSOR;308mm,7344DOT,0.179SA1 1-230604-001393PHOTO-INTERRUPTER;TR,75mW,BGA,TR SA1 1-336602-003472BELT-TIMING GEAR;S1M1042,3.2,BALCK SNA1 1-43JC93-00810A DRIVE-PLATEN;0,NBR+ECO Foam,217(mm),0.3SA1 1-53JC61-05871A GUIDE-SPACER;SCX-8120ND,POM,27,GUIDE SA2 22JC97-04790A PLATEN-MAIN;K2231,HP,NON-MD SA1 32JC97-04792A PLATEN UPPER;K2231,HP,NON-MD SA1 3-13JC63-05423A COVER-LOWER;K2231,HIPS,HP,OOV WHITE SNA1 3-236107-001194SPRING-CS;SWP-B,BLK,PI0.9,D6.95,L20,ID6.SA1 3-33JC66-00713A PULLEY-M_IDLE;SCX-4100,POM,NATURAL,5,SNA1No.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty.3-43JC61-05897A BRACKET-PLATE RAIL;SCX-8120ND,EGI-SECC A SNA1 42JC01-00096A GLASS OTHERS-SCAN;357.6*472,3.2SNA1 52JC01-00095A GLASS OTHERS-SCAN ADF;355.6*31,3.2SNA19.RADFExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 12JC97-04787A RADF SUB-STACKER;K2231,HP,NON-MD SA1 22JC63-05427A COVER-SIDE R;K2231,HIPS,HP,OOV WHITE SNA1 32JC92-02446E PBA OPTION-DADF;K2231,SEC,44*126.8mm,Ba SNA1 42JC97-04788A RADF SUB-BASE;K2231,HP,NON-MD SA1 52JC97-04555B HINGE-RIGHT;K2231,HP SNA1 62JC97-04757B HINGE-LEFT;K2231,HP SNA1 72JC63-05426A COVER-SIDE F;K2231,HIPS,HP,OOV WHITE SNA1No.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 82JC66-03901A DAMPER-STACKER;CLX-9201,PORON,1,4,35,NTR SA2 93JC97-04732A RADF-FRAME MAIN;X3220,NON-MD SNA1 102JC97-04789A RADF SUB-OPEN;K2231,HP,NON-MD SA1 113JC97-03993A DADF-MOTOR;CLX-9201,SEC SA19.1.DADF-MOTORExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 03JC97-03993A DADF-MOTOR;CLX-9201,SEC SA1 14JC31-00156A MOTOR BLDC-TYPE1;300~2500rpm,DC24V,25W,SA1 24JC33-00007A SOLENOID-PICK UP;SCX-5100,DC24V,80,36.5SA1 34JC61-04534A HOLDER-HARNESS;CLX-9201,HIPS,198,BLACK SNA1 44JC61-00699B BUSH-EXIT;CLX-9350,BRONZE,6D,With Out De SA1 54JC61-04627A BRACKET-MOTOR;CLX-9201,EGI-SECC,1.0,NATU SNA1 640604-001393PHOTO-INTERRUPTER;TR,75mW,BGA,TR SA3SA2 74JC47-00033G CLUTCH-ELECTRONIC CLUTCH;SCX-8128NA,POM,84JC66-03260A GEAR-CAM_OUTER;CLX-9201,POM,1.0,28,BLACK SNA1 94JC66-03265A GEAR-PICKUP_IDLE;CLX-9201,POM,1.0,20,BLA SNA1 104JC66-03263A GEAR-REDUCTION;CLX-9201,POM,0.5/1.0,55/2SA1 114JC66-03259A GEAR-CAM_INNER;CLX-9201,POM,1.0,28,BLACK SNA1 124JC66-03262A GEAR-EXIT_IDLE;CLX-9201,POM,1.0,16,BLACK SA1 134JC61-00482A SPRING ETC-PICKUP;SCX-5100,SUS304-WPB,0.SA19.2.RADF FRAME-MAINExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 03JC97-04732A RADF-FRAME MAIN;X3220,NON-MD SNA1 14JC97-04733A RADF-FRICTION PAD;X3220,NON-MD SA1 1-15JC67-00832A FRICTION PAD-RADF;X3220,Urethane SNA1 1-25JC61-07808A SPRING CS;X3220,STS304,0.6,7,8.2,18.5SNA1 1-35JC63-05332A SHEET-GUIDE PAD;X3220,PET,0.125,BLACK SNA1 24JC69-02810A PAD-GUIDE_PICKUP;CLX-9201,PU SA1 34JC61-07774A GUIDE-PICK UP;X3220,ABS,2.2,79.26,330,TX SA1 44JC61-04908A BRACKET-EXIT;CLX-9201,EGI-SECC,0.8,316.1SNA1 54JC67-00562A BRUSH-ANTISTATIC;CLX-9201,SUS FIBER,0.2,SNA1 64JC66-04947A ROLLER ADF-EXIT;X3220,SUM22,EPDM,8,16,0.SNA1 74JC66-03094A ROLLER ADF-REGI;CLX-9201,EPDM,16SA1 840604-001393PHOTO-INTERRUPTER;TR,75mW,BGA,TR SA1No.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty.SA2 94JC47-00033G CLUTCH-ELECTRONIC CLUTCH;SCX-8128NA,POM,104JC66-03261A GEAR-EXIT;CLX-9201,POM,1.0,27,BLACK,29.0SNA1 114JC66-03264A GEAR-IDLE_CLUTCH;CLX-9201,POM,1.0,22,BLA SA1 1246602-003874BELT-TIMING GEAR;304-S2M-5.5,RUBBER,BLAC SA1 1346602-003186BELT-TIMING GEAR;40S2M258,RUBBER,W4.0,L2SA1 144JC66-03266A GEAR-KNOB;CLX-9201,POM,0.8,20,ICE GREEN SNA1 154JC66-03267A GEAR-REDUCTION_KNOB;CLX-9201,POM,0.8,48,SNA1 164JC66-03184A ACTUATOR-EXIT;CLX-9201,PC,126.2SA1 174JC66-03177A ROLLER ADF-EXIT_IDLE;CLX-9201,POM,12SA2 184JC61-04832A HOLDER-EXIT IDLE_F;CLX-9201,POM,44,BLACK SNA1 194JC66-03093A ROLLER ADF-RUBBER-FEED;CLX-9201,EPDM,16SA1 204JC61-04584A GUIDE-WHITE_BAR;CLX-9201,PC,319.5,PATH SA1 214JC66-03175A PULLEY-CLUTCH;CLX-9201,POM,6.02,19.864SA1 224JC66-03176A PULLEY-FEED;CLX-9201,POM,BLACK,6,19.864SA39.3.RADF SUB STACKERExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 02JC97-04787A RADF SUB-STACKER;K2231,HP,NON-MD SA1 13JC61-05930B GUIDE-STAKCER UPPER;SL-K2231,HIPS,S-834,SNA1 23JC61-05933B GUIDE-DOC R;SL-K2231,ABS,780U,PHI GRAY#SNA1 33JC61-04751A GUIDE-GEAR_RACK_R;CLX-9201,ABS,37.03,224SNA1 43JF72-41354A GEAR;CF4500,POM,NATURAL(WHITE)SNA1 53JC61-04750A GUIDE-GEAR_RACK_F;CLX-9201,ABS,33.08,158SNA1 63JC61-05932B GUIDE-DOC F;SL-K2231,ABS,780U,PHI GRAY#SNA1 73JC66-03209D ACTUATOR-PAPER_LENGTH;SL-K2231,ABS,780U,SNA2 830604-001393PHOTO-INTERRUPTER;TR,75mW,BGA,TR SA5 93JC61-01438A GUIDE-STACKER WIRE;SCX-6345N/XRX,STS,PI1SNA1 103JC61-05931B GUIDE-STAKCER LOWER;SL-K2231,HIPS,S-834,SNA19.4.RADF SUB-BASE Exploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 13JC63-05485A COVER-PLATEN;K2231,HIPS,HP,OOV WHITE,S-8SNA1 230604-001393PHOTO-INTERRUPTER;TR,75mW,BGA,TR SA2 33JC61-05948A BRACKET-DUMMY PLATEN;EGI-SECC,1T,311,25,SNA1 43JC66-03211A SHAFT-IDLE_FEED;CLX-9201,SUM23,172,4SNA2 53JC66-01022B ROLLER IDLE-IDLE SCF;SCX-6555N,POM,NW-02SNA6 63JC66-03210A ACTUATOR-SCAN;CLX-9201,PC,96.4,BLACK,ACT SA1 736107-003277SPRING-ES;SWP A,0.45,18.2,5.6,11.5,RIGHT SA4 83JC63-03351A GROUND-HINGE_RIGHT;CLX-9201,C5210P,0.2,4SNA1 93JC63-03349A GROUND-HINGE_FRAME;CLX-9201,C5210P,0.2,4SNA1 103JC61-40001A FOOT-ML80;ML-80,NBR,GRAY SNA49.5.RADF SUB-OPENExploded ViewParts ListNo.Lvl.Loc.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty. 02JC97-04789A RADF SUB-OPEN;K2231,HP,NON-MD SA1 13JC63-05428A COVER-OPEN;K2231,HIPS,HP,OOV WHITE SNA1 23JC64-00885B HANDLE-COVER OPEN;SNA1SL-K2231,ABS,780U,OOV33JC66-03148A ACTUATOR-REGI;CLX-9201,PC,156.8SA1SA1 43JC66-03147A ACTUATOR-DETECT;CLX-9201,PC,124,BLACK,AC53JC97-04009A DADF GUIDE-PIKCUP;CLX-9201,SEC SA1 63JC61-04647A STOPPER-PAPER;SA2CLX-9201,POM,35.57,BLACK73JC63-03890A SPONGE-COVER OPEN;PUR,3,40,29,GRAY SNA1No.Lvl.Loc.Material Code Description&Specification SNA Qty.SNA2 83JC66-02384A ROLLER IDLE-IDLE TAKE AWAY;CLX-9350,POM,936107-003022SPRING-CS;SWP,1.1,30.63,10.1,12.3,11.5,R SA2 103L7229JC61-00482A SPRING ETC-PICKUP;SA1SCX-5100,SUS304-WPB,0.。
PowerWeld Inc. 铝合金焊胶和焊丝安全数据表说明书
S AFETY D ATA S HEETSection 1: Product and Company IdentificationProduct Identifier:Aluminum Filler Metals and Welding RodsProduct Use: Welding filler; brazing filler on aluminum based metals Item Code: (ER) 4043, 5356, 5554 Supplier Name: PowerWeld Inc. Supplier Address: 2501 Beech StreetValparaiso, IN 46383 Supplier Web Address: Supplier Phone: 219-462-8700 1-800-826-9073 Manufacturer: Nexal Aluminum Inc. Manufacturer Address: 5938 Ambler DriveMississauga, ON L4W 2N3 Manufacturer Web Address: Manufacturer Phone: 1-905-629-8282Emergency Phone: CHEMTREC (24-hour) 1-800-424-9300 Prepared By: PowerWeld Inc. Preparation Date:19 January 2016Section 2: Hazard Identification Classification:Not classifiedLabel Elements:Not applicableOther Hazards:Arc rays can injure eyes and burn skin. Welding arc and sparks can ignite combustibles and flammable materials. Overexposure to welding fumes and gases can be hazardous. The welding fumes produced from this welding electrode may contain the following: Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone.Section 3: Composition/Information on Hazardous IngredientsHAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS CAS NUMBER OSHA PELACGIH TLVAPPROXIMATE CONCENTRATION (%)Aluminum (Al) 7429-90-5 15 (total dust), 5(Resp)X10 (dust), 5 (Resp) Balance Chromium (Cr) (*) 7440-47-3 1 (metal), 0.5 (Cr III),0.05 (Cr Vi) 0.5 (metal), 0.5 (Cr III), 0.05 (Cr VI) 0.35 Copper (Cu)7440-50-8 1 (dust), 0.1 (fume)1 (dust), 0.2 (fume)6.8 Iron (Fe) (limits as oxide fume)7439-89-6 105 0.95 Magnesium (Mg)7439-95-4 15 (total particulate)10 5.5 Manganese (Mn) (limits as fume)7439-96-5 1, 5*, 3.0** 0.2 1.0 Silicon (Si) 7440-21-3 15 (dust), 5 (Resp)1013.0 Beryllium (Be)7440-41-7 0.002 (TWA)0.002 (TWA)0.0003 Titanium (Ti) Oxide dust 7440-32-6 15 (total particulate),5 (Resp)10 0.20 Zinc (Zn) Fume7440-66-6550.30Single % are maximum; complete ingredients can be found on manufacturer’s website or data sheets. (*) water soluble CR III & VI0142422Section 4: First-aid MeasuresInhalation:Inhalation may be the most common cause of overexposure due to thewelding fumes. Large amounts of welding fumes will cause irritation of thenose, eyes and skin. Move from the area that has any fumes to fresh air. Ifbreathing is difficult, give oxygen. If not breathing, give artificial respirationand transport to nearest medical facility for additional treatment.Ingestion:Not an expected route of exposure. Rinse month completely and drink a cupof water if conscious; obtain medical assistance when needed.Eye Contact:If arc flash or burns occur, obtain medical assistance. Large exposure towelding fumes may cause irritation to the eyes. Immediately flush upperand lower eyelids with plenty of water. After initial flushing, remove anycontact lenses and continue flushing for at least 15 minutes. Rest eyes for30 minutes. If redness, burning, blurred vision or swelling persists, visitnearest medical facility for additional treatment.Skin Contact:Large exposure to welding fumes may cause irritation to skin. If burnsoccur, flush with clean cool water for 15 minutes; obtain medical assistancewhen needed.NOTE: In all severe cases, contact physician immediately. Local telephone operators can provide number of regional poison control centre.Section 5: Fire-fighting MeasuresFlammable:NoMeans of Extinction:Not applicableAuto-ignition Temperature:Data not availableHazardous Combustion Products: Data not availableExplosion Data Sensitivity toMechanical Impact:Data not availableExplosion Data Sensitivity toStatic Discharge: Data not availableSpecial Equipment:Not applicablePrecautions for Fire Fighters:This product as shipped is non-flammable; however, fine chips and dustmay increase the explosion rating under certain heat and other ignitionhazards. Hydrogen gas and irritating fumes may form when involved in afire or if decomposing is caused from water, alcohol or sodium hydroxides.Do not use water with any molten metals and use self-contained safetyclothing/equipment in case of fires.Section 6: Accidental Release MeasuresProtection Equipment:Gloves may be worn while handling aluminum.Emergency Procedures:This product is in rod and wire form and has no hazards as shipped.Leak or Spill Procedure:If spilled, the product may be picked up (wearing gloves) and placed backinto the container. If metals become molten, contain with sand and allow toreturn back into a solid for recycle as scrap.Section 7: Handling and StorageHandling Procedures and Equipment:Proper protective gloves can be worn while handling product. During alloperations, do not eat or drink while handling and ensure properventilation while welding, brazing or processing.Storage Requirements:Store in a cool, dry and low humid location.Incompatibilities:None knownSection 8: Exposure Controls/Personal ProtectionExposure Limits:I NGREDIENTSC ANADA TWA V ALUE (MG/M3) E XPOSURE L IMITS (MG/M3) (A) (BC) (M) (O) (Q) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLVAluminum (Al) 5(p), 10(dust) 1(Resp)1(RF)1(RF)10, 5(WF)15(total dust), 5(Resp)10(dust), 1(Resp)Chromium (Cr) 0.5 0.5, 0.01 (Cr VI) 0.5 1(metal), 0.5 (Cr III),0.005 (Cr VI) 0.5(metal), 0.5 (Cr III), 0.05 (Cr VI)Copper (Cu) 1(DM), 0.2(fume) 0.2(fume) 1(DM), 0.2(fume) 1(dust), 0.1(fume) 1(dust), 0.2(fume)Iron (Fe) [oxide fume] 5(Resp)10.0(STEL), 5(FD),3(RF), 10.0(TD)5(FD)5(RF)5(FD), 10.0(TD),10(fume) 10 5Magnesium (Mg) 10(oxidefume) (box) 10.0(STEL), 3,10.0(IU)10.0(IF)10(fume) 15 (total particulate) 10Manganese (Mn) [fume] 0.2 0.1(IF),0.02(RF)0.2 3(fume)(STEL),5(dust), 1(fume) 1, 5(CL), 3.0(STEL)0.2Silicon (Si) 10.0(TD)15(dust), 5(Resp)10Beryllium (Be) 0.002 (TWA) 0.002 (TWA) Titanium (Ti) Oxide Dust 15 (totalparticulate), 5(Resp)10Zirconium 5, 10.0(STEL)5, 10.0(STEL)Zinc (Zn) Fume 2(RESP), 10.0(STEL) (Resp)2(RF), 10.0(STEL)(RF)5, 10.0(STEL),10.0(TD) 5 5Notes: (A)Canada Alberta OLEs –Occupational Health & Safety Code Schedule 1 table 2; (BC)Canada British Columbia OLEs –Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Substance, Occupational Health & Safety Regulation 296/97, as amended; (M) Canada Manitoba OLEs – Safety Regulation 217/2006, The workplace Safety and Health Act(MM) Respirable fraction for(M); (O)Canada Ontario OLEs –Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents; (Q)Canada Alberta OLEs –Ministry of Labor Regulation Respecting the Quality of the Work Environment; (p) Pyrophoric Powder; (CL) Ceiling Limit; (STEL) Short Term Exposure Limit; (IF) Inhalable Fraction; (FD) Fume and Dust; (TD) ;Total Dust; (box) Respirable Dust and/or Fume on Entire Box; (IU) Inhalable Fume; (Resp) Respirable; (RF)Respirable Fraction; (WF) Welding Fume; (DM ) Dust and MistEngineering Controls:Ensure proper ventilation and respiratory protection is used when welding,brazing or processing. Respiratory protection is recommended andinformation may be found regarding the OSHA STANDARDS (29 CRF1910.134), as well as CSA Standards Z94.4, along with many other safetystandards.Personal Protective Equipment:Use proper welding helmet or safety shield, as well as clothing and gloves,as required for job duties. Do not eat or drink while using these productsand wash hands after use.Section 9: Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical State:SolidOdour and Appearance:Odourless silver metalOdour Threshold (ppm): Not applicablepH: Not applicableMelting Point:1218°F (658°C)Freezing Point: Not applicableBoiling Point:4521°F (2494°C)Flashpoint:Not applicableUpper Flammable Limit (% by volume):Not applicableLower Flammable Limit (% by volume):Not applicableSection 10: Stability and ReactivityChemical Stability:StablePossible Hazardous Reactions:During welding, brazing and processing: fumes, dust and gas decompositionmay form.Conditions to Avoid:Avoid extreme temperaturesMaterials to Avoid (Incompatibilities):Strong acids; strong bases; strong oxidizers; metal oxides; alcohols;hydrocarbons; halogensConditions of Reactivity:Not applicableHazardous Decomposition By-Products: Not availableHazardous Polymerization:Does not occurSection 11: Toxicological InformationSkin Contact:Arc rays can burn skin; skin cancer has been reported.Skin Absorption: Not applicableEye Contact:Arc rays can injure eyes.Inhalation:Inhalation is the most likely route of exposure; refer to “Effects of AcuteExposure” and “Effects of Chronic Exposure” below.Ingestion:Unlikely due to form of product.Effects of Acute Exposure:Overexposure or inhalation of large amounts of welding fumes may causesymptoms such as metal fume fever, dizziness, nausea, dryness andirritation of your nose, throat or eyes as well as lung disease.Effects of Chronic Exposure:Overexposure or prolonged inhalation of large amounts of welding fumeswith chromium compounds may cause cancer. Other overexposure orprolonged inhalation of large amounts of welding fumes symptoms mayinclude damage to the central nervous system, respiratory system, skin andcould affect organs such as pancreas and liver.Irritancy of Product:Not availableSensitization to Product:Not availableCarcinogenicity:OSHA (29 CFR 1910.1200) lists Nickel and Chromium as possiblecarcinogens, welding fumes as possible carcinogens (2B), and hexavalentchromium as carcinogenic to humans (1) per IARC Monographs. Hexavalentchromium confirmed as human carcinogen (A1) per ACGIH and US NTPReport on CarcinogenReproductive Effects:Not availableRespiratory Sensitization:Not availableToxicological Data:Acute oral (Rat) –Manganese (LD50): 9000 mg/kg; Silicon (LD50): 3160 mg/kg Section 12: Ecological InformationAquatic and Terrestrial Toxicity:Not availablePersistence and Degradability:Not availableBioaccumulative Potential:Not availableSoil Mobility:Not availableSection 13: Disposal ConsiderationsNOTE: Always dispose of waste in accordance with local, provincial and federal regulations.Safe Handling:Gloves can be worn while handling discarded or unwanted product.Methods of Disposal:Recycle when possible. Do not allow to enter drains, sewers orwatercourses. Discard any unwanted product, residues, containers, orliners in a suitable disposal container in an environmentally acceptablemanner, as required by relevant legislation.Section 14: Transportation InformationThis material is not considered as a dangerous good per transportation regulations.Section 15: Regulatory InformationCanadian Controlled ProductsRegulations:This product has been classified according to the hazard criteria of theCanada Controlled Products Regulations, Section 33.California –Permissible ExposureLimits for Chemical Contaminants:Aluminum, Aluminum Oxide, Chromium, Copper, Magnesium, MagnesiumOxide, Manganese, Silicon, Titanium, Vanadium, Iron, Iron Oxide, Zirconium,Zinc, Zinc OxideCalifornia Proposition 65:Hexavalent chromium compounds listed in the following –a Carcinogens &Reproductive Toxic Listed Substance, Carcinogenic Substance 2/27/1987,Developmental Toxin 12/19/2008, Female Reproductive Toxin12/19/2008, Male Reproductive Toxin 12/19/2008Massachusetts – Substance Act: Aluminum, Aluminum Oxide, Chromium, Copper, Magnesium, MagnesiumOxide, Manganese, Silicon, Vanadium, Iron Oxide, Zirconium, Zinc, ZincOxideNew Jersey –Right to Know HazardousSubstance List: Aluminum, Aluminum Oxide, Chromium, Copper, Iron Oxide, HexavalentChromium compounds, Magnesium, Magnesium Oxide, Manganese, Silicon,Titanium, Titanium Oxide, Vanadium, Zinc, Zinc Oxide, Zirconium Pennsylvania – Hazardous SubstanceList: Aluminum, Aluminum oxide, Chromium, Copper, Iron oxide, Hexavalentchromium compounds , Iron oxide, Magnesium, Manganese, Silicon,Welding Fume, Vanadium, Zinc oxide and ZirconiumSection 16: Other InformationDate of Last Revision:19 January 2016Preparation Date:10 July 2015This SDS format is in accordance with GHS. PowerWeld Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Product use and conditions of use are beyond the control of PowerWeld. Warranty of materials is limited to test results of product performance as detailed in certificates of compliance. Interpretation of test results is the responsibility of end-user. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made.。
PACSystems RX3i IC695ACC400 GFK-2724能源包说明说明书
PACSystems RX3iIC695ACC400 GFK-2724Energy Pack*September 2011The PACSystems* RX3i Energy Pack is intended for use with an RX3i CPE305 or CPE310 Array controller CPU. In the event of loss of system power, the Energy Pack maintains power longenough for the CPU to write its user memory contents to non-volatile storage (flash)memory.The Energy Pack can be mounted on the left side of an RX3i module and is connected tothe CPU using cable IC695CBL001. The Energy Pack charges from the RX3i 24 VDC fromthe CPE3xxx, via the I695CBL001 cable that connects the CPE to the Energy Pack, whilethe system is powered up.The Energy Pack is compliant with EU RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC using the followingexemptions identified in the Annex: 7(a), 7(c)-I and III.Related DocumentsPACSystems CPU Reference Manual, GFK-2222PACSystems RX3i System Manual, GFK-2314Additional documentation for PACSystems RX3i products is available on the Supportwebsite: /support.For cable specifications, see page 3.For product standards, general operating specifications, and installation requirements for the RX3i system, referto the PACSystems RX3i Hardware and Installation Manual, GFK-2314.*indicates a trademark of GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.GFK-2724InstallationThe Energy Pack is mounted on the left side of an RX3i module. To avoid taking up a backplane slot, it should be mounted on the module (usually a power supply) in slot 0 of the rack. It is connected to the CPU by cableIC695CBL001.Note that, when mounted on a module in slot 0, the Energy Pack will extend approximately 13mm (0.5") beyond the left side of the backplane.To install the Energy Pack:1. Engage the Energy Pack’s mounting hooks on the frame of the module as shown in the figure below.2. Rotate the bottom of the Energy Pack into place, engaging the bottom hooks. The latch will snap into place.3. Connect the IC695CBL001 cable from the connector on the bottom of the Energy Pack to the correspondingconnector on the bottom of the CPU.Energy PackEnergy Pack Front View, InstallationBottom ViewCable IC695CBL001 toEnergy Pack connectoron bottom of CPUGFK-2724OperationNote:When the Energy Pack is powered up for the first time, or is in a system that has been powered down long enough to completely discharge the Energy Pack, it may require a few seconds for it to charge to its operating level. The Energy Pack will report a Charging state to the CPU during this time.The Energy Pack provides the following status information to the CPU, which the CPU uses to generate LED indications and fault messages. For details on these indications and faults, refer to the CPU user documentation.Charging:The Energy Pack is charging; not yet charged above the minimum operating voltage.Fault: A hardware fault exists in the Energy Pack.Low capacitance:The Energy Pack is near its end of life and should be replaced.Charged:The Energy Pack is charged above its minimum operating voltage and is ready to support CPU operation.Replacement ScheduleReplacement schedules for Energy Pack modules can be based on the following estimates.Energy Pack Typical Life ExpectancyDiagnosticsNote:Any testing of this unit should be performed only by qualified personnel who are trained in electrical safety practices and procedures. This unit is not user-serviceable.IC695CBL001 Cable SpecificationsThis cable uses straight-through end-to-end wiring (pin 1 to pin 1, etc.).GFK-2724General Conditions of Safe UseThis product is intended for use with the RX3i system. Its components are considered to be open equipment [having live electrical parts that may be accessible to users] and must be installed in a protective enclosure or incorporated into an assembly that is manufactured to provide safety. As a minimum, the enclosure or assembly shall provide a degree of protection against solid objects up to12mm (e.g. fingers). This equates to a NEMA/UL Type 1 enclosure or an IP20 rating (IEC60529) providing at least a pollution degree 2 environment.Installation in Hazardous AreasThe following information is for products installed in Class 1 Division/Zone 2 environments:⏹THIS EQUIPMENT IS SUITABLE FOR USE IN CLASS 1, DIVISION 2 GROUPS A B C D OR IN ZONE 2AREAS WHEN INSTALLED IN A MINIMUM IP54 RATED ENCLOSURE.⏹WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - SUBSTITUTION OF COMPONENTS MAY IMPAIR SUITABILITY FORCLASS I, DIVISION 2.⏹WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - WHEN IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS, TURN OFF POWER BEFOREREPLACING OR WIRING MODULES.⏹WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - DO NOT CONNECT OR DISCONNECT EQUIPMENT UNLESSPOWER HAS BEEN SWITCHED OFF OR THE AREA IS KNOWN TO BE NONHAZARDOUS.。
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Lectrosonics HHa系列手持传输器快速入门指南说明书
Q uick S tart G uideFill in for your records: Serial Number:Purchase Date:This guide is intended to assist with initial setup and operation of your Lectrosonics product.For a detailed user manual, down-load the most current version at: /manualsHandheld TransmitterHHa, HHa-941, HHa/E01, HHa/E02,HHa/EO6, HHa/XDigital Hybrid Wireless®US Patent 7,225,13514 October 2019Capsule and Battery InstallationA common threaded mount allows the use of a variety of different capsules fromdifferent manufacturers. Capsules are attached with a right-hand threadA mic capsule isthreaded onto the bodyof the transmitter in thedirection shown.Do not overtighten it.The lower housing opensby rotating it in the directionshown. After the threads aredisengaged, pull the housingdownward until it engages thedetent that holds it open.The threaded interface is a 1.25”opening with 28 threads per inch andthree contact ringsTo remove the windscreenfrom the mic capsule, lineup the blue wrench (thatwas included with yourunit) with the flat notcheson the lower threaded areaof mic capsule.To remove the batteries, pull the eject leveroutward. the battery tips will move outward,making them easier to grasp.To insert batteries, closethe eject lever and insertthe upper contactsfirst (closest to the miccapsule). Polarity ismarked on the label inthe bottom of the batterycompartment.Do not touch the contacts between the mic capsuleand transmitter body. When necessary, the contactscan be cleaned with a cotton swab and alcohol.LECTROSONICS, INC. 2 3Controls and Functions UP/DOWN Buttons for Menu Item SelectionPower ButtonModulation LEDsEnter Menu and Select ItemPrevious ScreenSide ButtonSetup SwitchPowering OnPress and hold the Power Buttonfor several seconds until a countdown on the LCD is completed. The countdown from 1 through 3 will appear on theLCD, followed by a display of the model, firmware version, frequency block and compatibility mode.When you release the button, the unit will be operational with the RF output turned on and the Main Window displayed.The Main WindowNOTE: If the Power Button i s released before the countdown iscompleted, the unit will boot up in the “standby” mode with the RF output turned off.Powering OffPress and hold the Power Button for several seconds and observe the count-down on the LCD. The countdown on the LCD will progress from 3 to 1 and the power will then be turned off. This can be done from any menu or screen.NOTE: If the Power Button is released before the countdown iscompleted, the unitwill remain turned on and the LCD willreturn to the same screen or menu that was displayed previously.Standby ModeA brief push of the Power Button turns the unit on and places it into a “standby” mode (not transmitting). This allows the transmitter to be set up without the risk of creating interference for other wireless systems that are operating in the vicinity.A notice will appear briefly confirming that the RF output of the transmitter is turned off, followed by the Main Window. A symbol will blink as a reminder that the RF output is turned off.SymbolPower MenuWith the unit turned on, a brief push of the Power Button will reveal a menu al-lowing you to choose between Resume , Pwr Off, Rf On?, and Backlit . Use the UP/DOWN buttons to select one of these menu items, then press the MENU/SEL button to confirm this action.Continued on pg 4.IR Sync Port• Resume: Continue operating in the same condition as before.• Pwr Off?: Turns off the transmitter.• Rf On?: Begin transmitting the RF signal.• Backlit: The LCD backlight is set to come on when any button onthe control panel is pressed, thenstay on for either 30 seconds or 5minutes, or to stay on all the time.. The unit can also be turned off from any menu or screen on the LCD by holding the power button in for the duration of the countdown.Battery ConditionAn icon on the Main Window indicates the remaining power of the transmitter batteries. This battery gauge is most accurate with the typical voltage drop across the life of alkaline and dry cell lithium batteries.Rechargeable batteries give little or no warning when nearing depletion. If you use rechargeable batteries in the HHa, we recommend trying fully charged batteries first, noting the length of time that the batteries will run the unit, andin the future using somewhat less than that time to determine when the battery needs to be replaced. The Venue and other receivers from Lectrosonics offer a timer function to assist in this process. Menus and Screens The Main Window displays the following information:Hex Code forOperating Icon indicates whether RFoutput is turned on or off in MHzside button1) Press the MENU/SEL button toenter the setup menu. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to highlight themenu item.2) Press the MENU/SEL button to en-ter the setup screen for that item.Use the UP/DOWN buttons toselect the desired value or mode.3) Press the MENU/SEL button tosave this setting and return to theprevious screen.4) Press the BACK button to return tothe Main Window.GainThis setting is very important since it will determine the audio signal to noise ratio and dynamic range that the wireless system will deliver. Gain must be set according to the individual voice, the mic capsule in use and the handling tech-nique of the user. LEDs in the control panel facilitate accurate gain adjustment.IMPORTANT: See the sectionAbout Setting Audio Gain onpage 6 for details.Freq.is normally determinedusing the scanningfunction in the receiveror with coordinationsoftware. The frequency is shown on the transmitter LCD display in MHz and with a hexadecimal code that is used on most Lectrosonics receivers.LECTROSONICS, INC.45ProgSwThe Programmable Switch on the housing can be set to Talkback, Power, Cough or a Mute function, or be bypassed (none).RolloffA sharp low frequencyrolloff filter protectsagainst breath popsand can be used toadjust the frequencyresponse to suitpersonal preferences. The slope istypically 36 dB/octave and varies slightly as the turnover point is selected.CompatThe HHa can be used with earlier Lec-trosonics wireless and IFB systems and systems from other manufacturers by selecting the correct Compatibility Mode . The receiver must be set to the same mode .The available modes are as follows:• Nu Hybrid: Digital Hybrid receivers • Mode 3: (other brand contact the factory)• IFB Mode: Lectrosonics IFB receiv-ersNOTE: If your Lectrosonics receiver does not have Nu Hybrid mode, set thereceiver to Euro Digital Hybrid Wireless® (EU Dig. Hybrid).StepSizThe frequency can be adjusted in 100 kHz or 25 kHz steps to match the receiver. 100 kHz is the standard increment forLectrosonics wireless systems, but 25 kHz increments may be needed for use with systems from other manufacturers or when frequency coordination requires it.The Hex Code on the Main Screen will be smaller in the 25 kHz mode and a fraction will appear next to the characters if a frequency in between even 100 kHz steps is selected.modeTxPowerOutput power can be set to 100 mW to extend operating range (whichcan also suppress noise and dropouts to some extent) or set to50 mW to extend the operating life of the batteries. US: Selectable 25 or 100 mW 941: Selectable 50 or 100 mW E01: Selectable 25 or 50 mW E02: 10 mWE06: Selectable 50 or 100 mW EIRPX:Selectable 50 or 100 mWPhaseThe phase (polarity) of the audio can be inverted to match other microphone capsules as needed.LECTROSONICS, INC.6Rf On?The transmitter output can be switched on or off with this menu item. This isuseful, for example, when the transmitter is in the “standby” mode during setup, allowing it to be turned on for normal operation without having to cycle thepower.This menu item can also be used to change the transmitter to the “standby” mode with the RF output turned off for additional setup.DefaultThe default setting simple returns the transmitter back to the factory settings and any of the menu items can be read-justed from that default point.Input Gain AdjustmentThe two bicolor Modulation LEDs (lo-cated at the bottom of the control panel) provide a visual indication of the audio signal level entering the transmitter.The modulation LEDs are oriented and labeled to be read when holding the mic capsule in front of your mouth.The gain should be set so that the -20 LED just turns red on the loudestpeak.The LEDs will glow either red or green to indicate modulation levels as shown inthe following table.It is best to go through the following procedure with the transmitter in the “standby” mode so that no audio will enter the sound system, which could cause feedback.1) With fresh batteries in the trans-mitter, power the unit on into“standby” (no transmission) mode.2) Press the MENU/SEL button onceto enter the setup menu. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to select Gain . Press the MENU/SEL button again to enter the setup screen.3) Hold the microphone the way it willbe used in actual operation.4) Speak or sing at the same voicelevel that will actually be used dur-ing the program, while observing the modulation LEDs. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the gain until the –20 dB LED starts to flicker red and the –10 dB glows green.5) Once the audio gain has been set,the signal can be sent through the sound system for overall level adjustments, monitor settings, etc. To do this, the unit must be set to transmit (see Powering On and Off , and the Standby Mode on page 3).NOTE: Full modulation isachieved when the -20 LED first turns red. 30 dB of clean limiting is available above this point.Programmable Switch FunctionsA special button (the Side Button)on the outside of the housing can be configured to provide several different functions, or to be inoperative.The ProgSw on the control panel opens a setup screen to select the function of the Side Button .Side Button Functions:• TalkBack• Power• Cough• Push To Talk• Mute• (none)The ProgSw menu provides a scrollable list of the available functions. Us the UP/ DOWN arrows to highlight the desired function and press BACK or MENU/SEL to select it and return to the main menu.Press theProgrammable Switchor select ProgSw onthe main menu.Side ButtonSetup SwitchTalkback is a “push to talk” function that is active only while the button is pressed. The talkback function provides a com-munication channel when used with a receiver equipped with this function, such as a Venue Wideband receiver with firmware Ver. 5.2 or higher. When pressed and held in, the side buttonre-directs the audio output to a differ-ent audio channel on the receiver. As soon as the switch is released, audio is returned to the program channel.NOTE: The Talkback functionis only available in the DigitalHybrid compatibility mode. Anerror message will appear ifTalkback is selected while inanother mode.Power turns the power on and off.Hold the button in until the countdown sequence from 3 to 1 is completed. The power will then be turned off.Cough is a momentary mute switch. Au-dio is muted while the button is held in. Push to Talk is a momentary talk switch. Audio is transmitted while the button is held in (opposite of cough).Mute is a “push on/push” off function that toggles on and off each time the Side Button is pressed. The mute func-tion defeats the audio in the transmitter, so it works in all compatibility modes and with all receivers.(none) disables the switch.For detailed information on setting up the Talkback function and the Venue receiver, refer to the Installa-tion Guide for the Venue Wideband Receiver.Main Window Displays for Mute and Talkback FunctionsThe function of the SideButton is displayed inthe LCD Main Window.When the Side Buttonis pressed, the functionwill be active and theLCD will display anindication.7LIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTYThe equipment is warranted for one year from date of purchase against defects in materials or workmanship provided it was purchased from an authorized dealer. This warranty does not cover equipment which has been abused or damaged by careless handling or shipping. This warranty does not apply to used or demonstrator equipment.Should any defect develop, Lectrosonics, Inc. will, at our option, repair or replace any defective parts without charge for either parts or labor. If Lectrosonics, Inc. cannot correct the defect in your equipment, it will be replaced at no charge with a similar new item. Lectrosonics, Inc. will pay for the cost of returning your equipment to you.This warranty applies only to items returned to Lectrosonics, Inc. or an authorized dealer, shipping costs prepaid, within one year from the date of purchase.This Limited Warranty is governed by the laws of the State of New Mexico. It states the entire liablility of Lectrosonics Inc. and the entire remedy of the purchaser for any breach of warranty as outlined above. NEITHER LECTROSONICS, INC. NOR ANYONE INVOLVED IN THE PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF THE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS EQUIPMENT EVEN IF LECTROSONICS, INC. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE LIABILITY OF LECTROSONICS, INC. EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ANY DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT.This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have additional legal rights which vary from state to state.®。
FUJITSU PalmSecure OEM Sensor产品说明书
Data SheetFUJITSU Accessory PalmSecure OEM Sensor Security Access ProtectionSecure access to build uponThe Fujitsu PalmSecure OEM Sensor captures an individual´s palm image with a near-infrared light for highly secure logins. The sensor cube is designed specifically for integrationin other products and solutions. It provides the opportunity to build custom secure accessequipment based on Fujitsu PalmSecure technology.SecurityHighly secure biometric solution through palm vein authentication. It provides apowerful combination of strong biometric authentication for log-in security, accessmanagement and data protection for enterprise environments.Usability and ErgonomicsPalmSecure is effortless to use. Simply hold the palm over the small infrared scannerand within a second the identity is verified. PalmSecure is completely hygienic becausethe system is contactless.Designed for OEMsProvides an off the shelf biometric identification solution for original equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs) to integrate into their access systems.PalmSecure OEM SensorTechnical specificationsMax. operable lenght of USB cable: 4 m (no USB cable included!)Lighting environment for authentication:Natural light (sunlight): below 3.000 luxFluorescent light: below 3.000 luxIncandescent / Halogen lamps: below 700 luxLighting environment for enrollment:Natural light (sunlight): below 2.000 luxFluorescent light: below 2.000 luxIncandescent / Halogen lamps: below 500 luxEncryption scheme: AES 128 bitAuthentiction rate: FRR: 0,01% (1 Retry) , FAR: below 0.00008%When verifying 1 to 1 under ISO/IEC 19795MTBF: 1.000.000 hoursCapturing distance: 40 to 60 mmPower supply: 4.4 to 5.4 VPower consumption: 2.5W max. provided by USB Interface cableCurrent consumption: 500 mA max. / power saving mode: 45 mA max.Required interface Recommended connector at the Sensor side: ACON brand: MNC12--5K5210 or equivalent Ethernet (RJ-45)Notes USB mini-B plug (with 5 pins)Required interface Recommended connector at the Sensor side: ACON brand: MNC12--5K5210 or equivalent Supported operating systems Windows® XPWindows 8Windows 7 Professional 64-bitWindows 7 Professional 32-bitComplianceEurope CECompliance link /sites/certificatesDimensions / Weight / EnvironmentalDimensions (W x D x H)35 x 35 x 27 mmWeight35 g maxOrder codeS26381-K434-L100EAN: 4051554509682WarrantyWarranty period 2 yearsWarranty type Bring-In / Send-In ServiceWarranty Terms & Conditions /warrantyService Weblink /fts/services/supportContactFujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH Website: /fts2016-09-01 CE-ENworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment.Using our global know-how, we aim to contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment for future generations through IT.Please find further information at http://www./global/about/environmentdelivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.More informationAll rights reserved, including intellectual property rights. Changes to technical data reserved. Delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded.Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.For further information see /terms © 2016 Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH。
佛山凯特威空压机有限公司批发日立压缩机原装配件,三滤及专用油优惠价!佛山凯特威批发日立配件传动皮带50551090佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器50532330佛山凯特威批发日立配件机油滤清器21115810佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离器50533021佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气节流阀包50512030佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀包21116911佛山凯特威批发日立配件减压阀包25302750佛山凯特威批发日立配件最小压力阀包20115410佛山凯特威批发日立配件缸出口连接33212035佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位计组件包25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件注油口21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀垫21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件本体21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴承21111030佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封50510140佛山凯特威批发日立配件压缩腔出口50510240佛山凯特威批发日立配件传动皮带52301090佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器52302330佛山凯特威批发日立配件机油滤清器52305910佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离器52303020佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气节流阀包20513030佛山凯特威批发日立配件减压阀包25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件最小压力阀包52305560佛山凯特威批发日立配件缸出口连接36016070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位计组件包25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件注油口21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴承21711030佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封36011140佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封垫36011180佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承21711030佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承21711040佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承21711050佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承21711060佛山凯特威批发日立配件机械油封36011140佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(排气部)36011240佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(排气部)36011250佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承21711620佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承21711630佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带36012090佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带35714051佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮360G1520佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮360G1520佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气轴封20513030佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36013300佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36013150佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(吸气部)36016410佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器感应器50512240佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器36055000佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器外绵21718640佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气部连接管36018170佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴承底垫36013390佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离过滤器36014040佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(油分离器)36014250佛山凯特威批发日立配件安全阀36015600佛山凯特威批发日立配件回油过滤器21716180佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺36014130佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈20901100佛山凯特威批发日立配件油入口胶圈21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应(51013240)36015080佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应220115080佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温表2171630佛山凯特威批发日立配件回气过滤器21116120佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气压力表21715070佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体1800930佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件压力制51015330佛山凯特威批发日立配件后冷却器36014500佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀胶圈25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件散气过滤器36013460佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体21113500佛山凯特威批发日立配件最少压力阀本体20515420佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(大)21715410佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(小)21715360佛山凯特威批发日立配件止回阀(20514100)20514101佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36016000佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36016070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器本体25303700佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接器36016750佛山凯特威批发日立配件真空阀36016200佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050100佛山凯特威批发日立配件计时表21715040佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH65TK55A51014010佛山凯特威批发日立配件Reverse phase relay5051404021115099佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH50NO.42.5251014080佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH35NO.651014090佛山凯特威批发日立配件COILASSEMB1Y36015900佛山凯特威批发日立配件3WAYSOIENOIDVA1VE25302470佛山凯特威批发日立配件PCUNIT36018601佛山凯特威批发日立配件PCUNIT(2f)36018611佛山凯特威批发日立配件pcunit(1f)36018600佛山凯特威批发日立配件压缩器51099010佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷却风扇51099040佛山凯特威批发日立配件风扇马达51099050佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷冻压力过荷制51099080佛山凯特威批发日立配件反相保护器51099090佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷冻压力器51099150佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度电磁阀51099190佛山凯特威批发日立配件Hotgasbypassvalve51099200佛山凯特威批发日立配件Y型过滤器25304100佛山凯特威批发日立配件自动排水器25101250佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111030佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111040佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承22111050佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承22111060佛山凯特威批发日立配件机械油封36211140佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(机械油封)36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(排气部)36211240佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(排气部)36211250佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111620佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111630佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带36212090佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带22212091佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮(8.5Kg)362G1520佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮(8.5Kg)36211520佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气轴封20513030佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36013300佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36013150佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(吸气部)36016410佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器感应器50512240佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器36055000佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器外绵21718640佛山凯特威批发日立配件戏气部连接管36218170佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封底座36013390佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离过滤器36214040佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(油分离器)36014250佛山凯特威批发日立配件安全阀36015600佛山凯特威批发日立配件回油过滤器21716180佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺36014130佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件传动皮带52321090佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器52322330佛山凯特威批发日立配件机油滤清器52305910佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离器52323020佛山凯特威批发日立配件戏气节流阀20513030佛山凯特威批发日立配件减压阀25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件最小压力阀52325560佛山凯特威批发日立配件缸出口连接35216070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位计组件25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件注油口21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴承22111030佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封36211140佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封垫36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺铜圈20901100佛山凯特威批发日立配件油入口胶圈21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应036015080佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应220115080佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温表21716030佛山凯特威批发日立配件回气过滤器21116120佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气压力表21715070佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体21800930佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件压力制51015330佛山凯特威批发日立配件后冷却器36214500佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀配件25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀胶圈25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件散气过滤器36013460佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀本体21113500佛山凯特威批发日立配件最少压力阀本体22115300佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(大)21715410佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(小)21715360佛山凯特威批发日立配件止回阀30115500佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36216000佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36216070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器本体25303700佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36216750佛山凯特威批发日立配件真空阀21715890佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050100佛山凯特威批发日立配件Reversephaserelay5051404021115099佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH65TK55A51014010佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH50NO.42.5251054080佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH35NO.651054090佛山凯特威批发日立配件COILASSEMB1Y36015900佛山凯特威批发日立配件3WAYSOIENOID25302470佛山凯特威批发日立配件PCUNIT36018601佛山凯特威批发日立配件PCUNIT(2f)36018601佛山凯特威批发日立配件pcunit(1f)21715040佛山凯特威批发日立配件压缩器51099010佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷却风扇50801110佛山凯特威批发日立配件风扇马达51099050佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷冻压力过荷制51099080佛山凯特威批发日立配件反相保护器51099090佛山凯特威批发日立配件冷冻压力器51099150佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度电磁阀51099190佛山凯特威批发日立配件Hotgasbypasvalve51099200佛山凯特威批发日立配件Y型过滤器25304100佛山凯特威批发日立配件自动排水器25101250佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH80TK5180A570佛山凯特威批发日立配件反相保护器50514040佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH805180A580佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH655180A590佛山凯特威批发日立配件MGSWH80TK5180A630佛山凯特威批发日立配件Printedciromit board,PWB351014230佛山凯特威批发日立配件Printedciromit board,PWB151014240佛山凯特威批发日立配件Printedciromit board,PWB451014250佛山凯特威批发日立配件电流表36015570佛山凯特威批发日立配件REGULATORVALVE37190佛山凯特威批发日立配件GASKET,CHECK VALVE1040110佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILLOEVELGAUGE12902520佛山凯特威批发日立配件TEMPERATUERCOMTROL VALVE21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRFILTERELEMENT21717210佛山凯特威批发日立配件DCOVERPACKING24211640佛山凯特威批发日立配件JACKETCOVERPACKING(lST)24211650佛山凯特威批发日立配件65BEARING24213040佛山凯特威批发日立配件45BEARING24213050佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILFILLINGPORT PACKING24213160佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRENDPK24213220佛山凯特威批发日立配件GLEANINGCOVER PK24213231佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILPUMPCOVERPK24213250佛山凯特威批发日立配件PKOHPUMP24213260佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILPUMPBEARING24213280佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILSEALOILPUMP24213290佛山凯特威批发日立配件BEARINGSUPPPORT PACKING24213370佛山凯特威批发日立配件INSPECTIONCOVER PK24213390佛山凯特威批发日立配件PK(1),OILPUMP24213480佛山凯特威批发日立配件PK(2),OILPUMP24213490佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,OILPUMP24213630佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,OILPUMP24213650佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERBLOW-OFF VALVE SEAT24 215070佛山凯特威批发日立配件UNLOADERPK24215110佛山凯特威批发日立配件AUCTIONPK24215120佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERGASKET24215130佛山凯特威批发日立配件UNLOADERPK(2)(4)24215150佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERSEAL PK(3)24215160佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERSEAI,WSHER24215180佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERPISTON GASKET24215340佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,AIRCYLINDER24215371佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERNEEDLE GASKET24215380佛山凯特威批发日立配件CHECKVALVE24215390佛山凯特威批发日立配件VORTEXGASKET24219061佛山凯特威批发日立配件COVERPLCHECKVALVE24219150佛山凯特威批发日立配件FILTERBLEMENT CONTROL VAI,VE24 220240佛山凯特威批发日立配件GREASE24298100佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORINGOILSEALGLAND0佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING TEMPERATURE VALVE0佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORINGRELIFFVALVE35649830佛山凯特威批发日立配件PRESSURESWTTCH(63产U)40620151佛山凯特威批发日立配件0RINGCOOLANTPUMP42218210佛山凯特威批发日立配件COOLANTSTRAINER42218340佛山凯特威批发日立配件COOLANTPRESSURE CAP42218360佛山凯特威批发日立配件DSPCOOLANT42220940佛山凯特威批发日立配件COOLANTMECHANICAL SEAL(50上Hz)42 518080佛山凯特威批发日立配件RUBBERRINGCOOLANT PUMP42518120佛山凯特威批发日立配件BEARINGCOOLANT PUMP(50Hz)42518130佛山凯特威批发日立配件COVERPKCOOLANT PUMP(50Hz)42518150佛山凯特威批发日立配件FLANGEPKCOOLANT PUMP(50Hz)42518190佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERGASKET45915201佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORINGAIRCYLINDER45915400佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIRCYLINDERGASKET45915620佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILSTRAINER45919080佛山凯特威批发日立配件SOLENOIDVALVE MANIFOLD45920970佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORINGOILSEALCOVER46514720佛山凯特威批发日立配件AIREND48111000佛山凯特威批发日立配件BUSH48413090佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING(A),VISO GLAND48413930佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,VISCOGLAND48413940佛山凯特威批发日立配件VISOSPRING48313950佛山凯特威批发日立配件VBELT(50Hz)48414051佛山凯特威批发日立配件COUPLINGRUBBER,COOLANT PUMP484182 40佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILFILTERELEMENT54488820佛山凯特威批发日立配件电子板PCUNIT40617340佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应器51013240佛山凯特威批发日立配件电池50514220佛山凯特威批发日立配件回气过滤器21116120佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气压力表50515050佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体1800930佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件压力制51015330佛山凯特威批发日立配件后冷却器36214500佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀配件25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀胶垫25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件散气过滤器36013460佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀本体21113500佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(大)22115410佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(小)22115360佛山凯特威批发日立配件止回阀25304200佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36216000佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36216070佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器本体25303700佛山凯特威批发日立配件连接管36216570佛山凯特威批发日立配件真空阀21715890佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤芯25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050010佛山凯特威批发日立配件电池50514220佛山凯特威批发日立配件回气过滤器42618750佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气压力表50515050佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀本体42613400佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀本体1800930佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件调节阀配件25302740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈,调节阀25302750佛山凯特威批发日立配件压力制5101A240佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀配件25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件调压阀胶垫25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈22115410佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈33226038佛山凯特威批发日立配件油温控制阀21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件油过滤器25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(油过滤器)36050010佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111030佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111040佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承22111050佛山凯特威批发日立配件走珠轴承22111060佛山凯特威批发日立配件机械油封36211140佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(机械油封)36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36211240佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫36211250佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111620佛山凯特威批发日立配件滚子轴承22111630佛山凯特威批发日立配件V型皮带42611520佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮(7.okg)42611520佛山凯特威批发日立配件皮带轮(7.okg)426G1520佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气轴封25402240佛山凯特威批发日立配件轴封底座25402270佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫25402340佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫25402350佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈(1840350)33212055佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(吸气部)36016410佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器感应器50512240佛山凯特威批发日立配件空气过滤器29417211佛山凯特威批发日立配件油水分离过滤器51803020佛山凯特威批发日立配件纸垫(油分离器)51803030佛山凯特威批发日立配件安全阀(8.5kg)29281030佛山凯特威批发日立配件回油过滤器21716180佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺51803130佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件油位尺胶圈20901100佛山凯特威批发日立配件胶圈21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件温度感应器036015080佛山凯特威批发日立配件Cylimderroller bearing42611030佛山凯特威批发日立配件Angularballbearing22111040佛山凯特威批发日立配件Angularballbearing22111050佛山凯特威批发日立配件Cylindricalroller bearing22111060佛山凯特威批发日立配件Mechanicalseal22111620佛山凯特威批发日立配件Mechanicalseal pk22111630佛山凯特威批发日立配件Dischargecover pk42611140佛山凯特威批发日立配件Dischargecasing O-ring36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件Elementpkseparator36211240佛山凯特威批发日立配件Elementpksepartor36211250佛山凯特威批发日立配件Vbelt29414040佛山凯特威批发日立配件Capseal25302561佛山凯特威批发日立配件Gasket42612090佛山凯特威批发日立配件Suctionpk25402240佛山凯特威批发日立配件Gasket25402350佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oring1840350佛山凯特威批发日立配件Valve plate25402270佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oillevelgauge pk25302631佛山凯特威批发日立配件Gasket25302530佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilsuuplly poarat O-ring21114260佛山凯特威批发日立配件Copper pk20901100佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oring(small)22115360佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oring(Large)22115410佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oiltemp,Conterol valve21115830佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oiltemppk21115840佛山凯特威批发日立配件Gasket36216070佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilscavengefilter21116120佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilscavengefilter21716180佛山凯特威批发日立配件Regulatordiaphragm21116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件Modulatordiaphragm25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件Modulatorrubber pk25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件Airfilterelement29417211佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilfilterelement25303740佛山凯特威批发日立配件OilfilterORing(G-60)33212060佛山凯特威批发日立配件OilfilterORing25303760佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilfilter pk36050090佛山凯特威批发日立配件Oilfilter pk36050100佛山凯特威批发日立配件80滚子轴承22111031佛山凯特威批发日立配件35滚子轴承22111041佛山凯特威批发日立配件60滚子轴承22111051佛山凯特威批发日立配件40滚子轴承22111061佛山凯特威批发日立配件SPACER36211090佛山凯特威批发日立配件机械油封42611140佛山凯特威批发日立配件SCOVERPACKING36211180佛山凯特威批发日立配件DCOVERPACKING36211240佛山凯特威批发日立配件DCASINGPACKING36211250佛山凯特威批发日立配件60滚子轴承22111621佛山凯特威批发日立配件40滚子轴承22111631佛山凯特威批发日立配件BELT52651090佛山凯特威批发日立配件吸气轴封25402240佛山凯特威批发日立配件卸载阀件25402340佛山凯特威批发日立配件卸载阀件25402350佛山凯特威批发日立配件卸载阀件O型圈33211135佛山凯特威批发日立配件SUCTIONPACKING36016410佛山凯特威批发日立配件风格52652330佛山凯特威批发日立配件油分52303020佛山凯特威批发日立配件油分O型圈52303030佛山凯特威批发日立配件销子5230314佛山凯特威批发日立配件SEALWASHER5230315佛山凯特威批发日立配件O型圈33216040佛山凯特威批发日立配件OILLEVELGAUGE ASSEMBLY52653250佛山凯特威批发日立配件RUBBERPKMODULATOR VALVE25302760佛山凯特威批发日立配件DIAPHRAGMASSEM BLY,REGULATOR21 116910佛山凯特威批发日立配件VALVEASSEMBLY,REGULATOR25302740佛山凯特威批发日立配件MINIMUMPRESSURE VALRE PISTON526555 70佛山凯特威批发日立配件DIAPHRAGM25302770佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING,REGULATOR25302750佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING52655560佛山凯特威批发日立配件CHECKVALVEPISTON52655580佛山凯特威批发日立配件OTLTBMPCONTROL VALRE52655720佛山凯特威批发日立配件ORING33216045佛山凯特威批发日立配件FLANGEPACKING36216071佛山凯特威批发日立配件STARTERFAN51034170佛山凯特威批发日立配件OLLFILTERELEMENT52655910目录产品名称零件编号适用机型备注1 传动皮带50551090 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI2 空气过滤器50532330 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI3 机油滤清器21115810 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI4 油水分离器50533021 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI5 吸气节流阀包50512030 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI6 调压阀包21116911 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI7 减压阀包25302750 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI8 最小压力阀包20115410 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI9 缸出口连接33212035 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI10 油位计组件包25302631 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI11 注油口21114260 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI12 油温控制阀垫21115840 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI13 本体21115830 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI14 轴承21111030 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI15 轴封50510140 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI16 压缩腔出口50510240 OSP15E,EI,BII,UI HITACHI17 传动皮带52301090 OSP22M,S HITACHI18 空气过滤器52302330 OSP22M,S HITACHI19 机油滤清器52305910 OSP22M,S HITACHI20 油水分离器52303020 OSP22M,S HITACHI21 吸气节流阀包20513030 OSP22M,S HITACHI22 减压阀包25302760 OSP22M,S HITACHI23 最小压力阀包52305560 OSP22M,S HITACHI24 缸出口连接36016070 OSP22M,S HITACHI25 油位计组件包25302631 OSP22M,S HITACHI26 注油口21114260 OSP22M,S HITACHI27 油温控制阀21114260 OSP22M,S HITACHI28 轴承21711030 OSP22M,S HITACHI29 轴封36011140 OSP22M,S HITACHI30 轴封垫36011180 OSP22M,S HITACHI31 滚子轴承21711030 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI32 滚子轴承21711040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI33 走珠轴承21711050 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI34 走珠轴承21711060 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI35 机械油封36011140 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI36 纸垫(排气部)36011240 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI37 纸垫(排气部)36011250 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI38 滚子轴承21711620 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI39 滚子轴承21711630 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI40 V型皮带36012090 OSP22U5AI(R)HITAC3HI41 V型皮带35714051 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI42 皮带轮360G1520 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI43 皮带轮360G1520 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI44 吸气轴封20513030 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI45 纸垫36013300 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI46 纸垫36013150 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI47 纸垫(吸气部)36016410 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI48 空气过滤器感应器50512240 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI49 空气过滤器36055000 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI50 空气过滤器外绵21718640 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI51 吸气部连接管36018170 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI52 轴承底垫36013390 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI53 油水分离过滤器36014040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI54 纸垫(油分离器)36014250 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI55 安全阀36015600 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI56 回油过滤器21716180 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI57 油位尺36014130 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI58 油位尺胶圈25302631 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI59 油位尺胶圈20901100 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI60 油入口胶圈21114260 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI61 温度感应(51013240)36015080 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI62 温度感应2 20115080 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI63 油温表2171630 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI64 回气过滤器21116120 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI65 空气压力表21715070 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI66 调节阀本体1800930 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI67 调节阀配件21116910 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI68 压力制51015330 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI69 后冷却器36014500 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI70 调节阀配件25302770 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI71 调节阀胶圈25302760 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI72 散气过滤器36013460 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI73 调节阀本体21113500 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI74 最少压力阀本体20515420 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI75 胶圈(大) 21715410 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI76 胶圈(小) 21715360 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI77 止回阀(20514100) 20514101 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI78 连接管36016000 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI79 油温控制阀21115830 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI80 胶圈(油温控制阀) 21115840 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI81 纸垫36016070 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI82 油过滤器本体25303700 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI83 连接器36016750 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI84 真空阀36016200 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI85 油过滤器25303740 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI86 胶圈(油过滤器) 25303760 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI87 胶圈(油过滤器) 33212060 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI88 胶圈(油过滤器) 36050090 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI89 胶圈(油过滤器) 36050100 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI90 计时表21715040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI91 MGSWH65TK55A 51014010 OSP22U5OSP22U5AI k30BN-EP92 Reverse phaserelay50514040 21115099 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI93 MGSWH50NO.42.52 51014080 OSP22U5AI(R)k30BN-EP94 MGSWH35NO.6 51014090 OSP22U5AI(R)k25BN-EP95 COILASSEMB1Y 36015900 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI96 3WAYSOIENOIDVA1VE 25302470 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI97 PCUNIT 36018601 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI98 PCUNIT(2f) 36018611 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI99 pcunit(1f) 36018600 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI100 压缩器51099010 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI101 冷却风扇51099040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI102 风扇马达51099050 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI103 冷冻压力过荷制51099080 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI104 反相保护器51099090 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI105 冷冻压力器51099150 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI106 温度电磁阀51099190 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI107 Hotgasbypassvalve 51099200 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI108 Y型过滤器25304100 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI109 自动排水器25101250 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI110 滚子轴承22111030 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI111 滚子轴承22111040 OSP22U5AI(R)HITACHI112 走珠轴承22111050 OSP37U5AI/37B5AII HITACHI113 走珠轴承22111060 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI114 机械油封36211140 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI115 纸垫(机械油封) 36211180 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI116 纸垫(排气部) 36211240 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI117 纸垫(排气部) 36211250 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI118 滚子轴承22111620 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI119 滚子轴承22111630 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI120 V型皮带36212090 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI121 V型皮带22212091 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI122 皮带轮(8.5Kg) 362G1520 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI123 皮带轮(8.5Kg) 36211520 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI124 吸气轴封20513030 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI125 纸垫36013300 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI126 纸垫36013150 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI127 纸垫(吸气部) 36016410 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI128 空气过滤器感应器50512240 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI129 空气过滤器36055000 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 130 空气过滤器外绵21718640 OSP37U5AI/37B5A 36055010 131 戏气部连接管36218170 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 132 轴封底座36013390 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI133 油水分离过滤器36214040 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 134 纸垫(油分离器) 36014250 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 135 安全阀36015600 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI136 回油过滤器21716180 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 137 油位尺36014130 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI138 油位尺胶圈25302631 OSP37U5AI/37B5A HITACHI 139 传动皮带52321090 OSP37M.S HITACHI140 空气过滤器52322330 OSP37M.S HITACHI141 机油滤清器52305910 OSP37M.S HITACHI142 油水分离器52323020 OSP37M.S HITACHI143 戏气节流阀20513030 OSP37M.S HITACHI144 减压阀25302760 OSP37M.S HITACHI145 最小压力阀52325560 OSP37M.S HITACHI146 缸出口连接35216070 OSP37M.S HITACHI147 油位计组件25302631 OSP37M.S HITACHI148 注油口21114260 OSP37M.S HITACHI149 油温控制阀21114260 OSP37M.S HITACHI150 轴承22111030 OSP37M.S HITACHI151 轴封36211140 OSP37M.S HITACHI152 轴封垫36211180 OSP37M.S HITACHI153 油位尺铜圈20901100 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI154 油入口胶圈21114260 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI155 温度感应0 36015080 OSP37U5AI(R)51013240156 温度感应2 20115080 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI157 油温表21716030 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI158 回气过滤器21116120 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI159 空气压力表21715070 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI160 调节阀本体21800930 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI161 调节阀配件21116910 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI162 压力制51015330 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI163 后冷却器36214500 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI164 调压阀配件25302770 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 165 调压阀胶圈25302760 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI166 散气过滤器36013460 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI167 调压阀本体21113500 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI168 最少压力阀本体22115300 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI169 胶圈(大)21715410 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI170 胶圈(小)21715360 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI171 止回阀30115500 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI172 连接管36216000 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI173 油温控制阀21115830 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI174 胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 175 纸垫36216070 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI176 油过滤器本体25303700 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI177 连接管36216750 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI178 真空阀21715890 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI179 油过滤器25303740 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI180 胶圈(油过滤器)25303760 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 181 胶圈(油过滤器)33212060 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 182 胶圈(油过滤器)36050090 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 183 胶圈(油过滤器)36050100 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 184 Reversephaserelay 21115099 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI185 MGSWH65TK55A 51014010 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI 186 MGSWH50NO.42.52 51054080 OSP37U5AI(R)K30BN-EP 187 MGSWH35NO.6 51054090 OSP37U5AI(R)K25BN-EP 188 COILASSEMB1Y 36015900 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI189 3WAYSOIENOID 25302470 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI190 PCUNIT 36018601 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI191 PCUNIT(2f) 36018601 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI192 pcunit(1f) 21715040 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI193 压缩器51099010 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI194 冷却风扇50801110 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI195 风扇马达51099050 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI196 冷冻压力过荷制51099080 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI197 反相保护器51099090 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI198 冷冻压力器51099150 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI199 温度电磁阀51099190 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI200 Hotgasbypasvalve 51099200 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI201 Y型过滤器25304100 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI202 自动排水器25101250 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI203 MGSWH80TK 5180A570 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI204 反相保护器50514040 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI205 MGSWH80 5180A580 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI206 MGSWH65 5180A590 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI207 MGSWH80TK 5180A630 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI208 Printedciromitboard,PWB3 51014230 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI209 Printedciromitboard,PWB1 51014240 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI210 Printedciromitboard,PWB4 51014250 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI211 电流表36015570 OSP37U5AI(R)HITACHI212 REGULATORVALVE 37190 DSP37 HITACHI213 GASKET,CHECK VALVE 1040110 DSP37 HITACHI214 OILLOEVELGAUGE12902520 DSP37 HITACHI 215 TEMPERATUERCOMTROLVALVE 21115830 DSP37 HITACHI216 AIRFILTERELEMENT 21717210 DSP37 HITACHI 217 DCOVERPACKING 24211640 DSP37 HITACHI218 JACKETCOVERPACKING(lST) 24211650 DSP37 HITACHI219 65BEARING 24213040 DSP37 HITACHI220 45BEARING 24213050 DSP37 HITACHI221 OILFILLINGPORTPACKING 24213160 DSP37 HITACHI222 AIRENDPK 24213220 DSP37 HITACHI223 GLEANINGCOVER PK 24213231 DSP37 HITACHI 224 OILPUMPCOVERPK 24213250 DSP37 HITACHI225 PKOHPUMP 24213260 DSP37 HITACHI226 OILPUMPBEARING 24213280 DSP37 HITACHI227 OILSEALOILPUMP 24213290 DSP37 HITACHI228 BEARINGSUPPPORTPACKING 24213370 DSP37 HITACHI229 INSPECTIONCOVER PK24213390 DSP37 HITACHI 230 PK(1),OILPUMP 24213480 DSP37 HITACHI231 PK(2),OILPUMP 24213490 DSP37 HITACHI232 ORING,OILPUMP 24213630 DSP37 HITACHI233 ORING,OILPUMP 24213650 DSP37 HITACHI234 AIRCYLINDERBLOW-OFFVALVE SEAT 24215070 DSP37 HITACHI235 UNLOADERPK 24215110 DSP37 HITACHI236 AUCTIONPK 24215120 DSP37 HITACHI237 AIRCYLINDERGASKET 24215130 DSP37 HITACHI 238 UNLOADERPK(2)(4)24215150 DSP37 HITACHI 239 AIRCYLINDERSEALPK(3)24215160 DSP37 HITACHI240 AIRCYLINDERSEAI,WSHER 24215180 DSP37 HITACHI241 AIRCYLINDERPISTONGASKET 24215340 DSP37 HITACHI242 ORING,AIRCYLINDER 24215371 DSP37 HITACHI243 AIRCYLINDERNEEDLEGASKET 24215380 DSP37 HITACHI244 CHECKVALVE 24215390 DSP37 HITACHI245 VORTEXGASKET 24219061 DSP37 HITACHI246 COVERPLCHECKVALVE 24219150 DSP37 HITACHI 247 FILTERBLEMENTCONTROL VAI,VE24220240 DSP37 HITACHI248 GREASE 24298100 DSP37 HITACHI249 ORINGOILSEALGLAND 0 DSP37A HITACHI250 ORING TEMPERATUREVALVE 0 DSP37A HITACHI251 ORINGRELIFFVALVE 35649830 DSP37A HITACHI252 PRESSURESWTTCH(63产U)40620151 DSP37A HITACHI253 0RINGCOOLANTPUMP 42218210 DSP37A HITACHI254 COOLANTSTRAINER 42218340 DSP37A HITACHI255 COOLANTPRESSURE CAP 42218360 DSP37A HITACHI 256 DSPCOOLANT 42220940 DSP37A HITACHI257 COOLANTMECHANICALSEAL(50上Hz) 42518080 DSP37A HITACHI258 RUBBERRINGCOOLANTPUMP 42518120 DSP37A HITACHI259 BEARINGCOOLANTPUMP(50Hz) 42518130 DSP37A HITACHI260 COVERPKCOOLANTPUMP(50Hz) 42518150 DSP37A HITACHI261 FLANGEPKCOOLANTPUMP(50Hz) 42518190 DSP37A HITACHI262 AIRCYLINDERGASKET 45915201 DSP37A HITACHI 263 ORINGAIRCYLINDER 45915400 DSP37A HITACHI264 AIRCYLINDERGASKET 45915620 DSP37A HITACHI 265 OILSTRAINER 45919080 DSP37A HITACHI266 SOLENOIDVALVEMANIFOLD 45920970 DSP37A HITACHI267 ORINGOILSEALCOVER 46514720 DSP37A HITACHI 268 AIREND 48111000 DSP37A HITACHI269 BUSH 48413090 DSP37A HITACHI270 ORING(A),VISO GLAND 48413930 DSP37A HITACHI271 ORING,VISCOGLAND 48413940 DSP37A HITACHI272 VISOSPRING 48313950 DSP37A HITACHI273 VBELT(50Hz) 48414051 DSP37A HITACHI274 COUPLINGRUBBER,COOLANT PUMP 48418240 DSP37A HITACHI275 OILFILTERELEMENT 54488820 DSP37A HITACHI276 电子板PCUNIT 40617340 DSP37A HITACHI277 温度感应器51013240 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI278 电池50514220 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI279 回气过滤器21116120 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI280 空气压力表50515050 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI281 调节阀本体1800930 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI282 调节阀配件21116910 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI283 压力制51015330 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI284 后冷却器36214500 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI285 调压阀配件25302770 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI286 调压阀胶垫25302760 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI287 散气过滤器36013460 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI288 调压阀本体21113500 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI289 胶圈(大)22115410 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI290 胶圈(小)22115360 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI291 止回阀25304200 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI292 连接管36216000 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI293 油温控制阀21115830 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI294 胶圈(油温控制阀)21115840 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 295 纸垫36216070 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI296 油过滤器本体25303700 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI297 连接管36216570 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI298 真空阀21715890 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI299 油过滤芯25303740 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI300 胶圈(油过滤器)25303760 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 301 胶圈(油过滤器)33212060 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 302 胶圈(油过滤器)36050090 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 303 胶圈(油过滤器)36050010 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI 304 电池50514220 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI305 回气过滤器42618750 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI306 空气压力表50515050 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI307 调压阀本体42613400 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI308 调节阀本体1800930 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI309 调节阀配件21116910 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI310 调节阀配件25302740 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI311 胶圈,调节阀25302750 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI312 压力制5101A240 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI313 调压阀配件25302770 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI314 调压阀胶垫25302760 OSP37E5AII(R)HITACHI。
FAQ 04/2016Working with the 3SK2 diagnostic displayEasy diagnosis and transferring of safety programS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dThis entry is from the Siemens Industry Online Support. The general terms of use (/terms_of_use ) apply.Security informa-tionSiemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and/or networks. They are important components in a holistic industrial securityconcept. With this in mind, Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly check for product updates.For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should also be considered. For more information about industrial security, visit /industrialsecurity . To stay informed about product updates as they occur, sign up for a product-specific newsletter. For more information, visit .Table of contents1 Product overview ............................................................................................... 5 2Controlling and monitoring .............................................................................. 6 2.1 Preparation in the software .................................................................. 8 2.1.1 Filling in of project information ............................................................. 8 2.1.2 Preparation for detailed status information ........................................ 10 2.2 Displaying of plant information ........................................................... 11 2.2.1 Reading out of project information ..................................................... 11 2.2.2 Reading out of status information ...................................................... 12 2.3 Fault diagnostic .................................................................................. 14 3Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic display (15)3.1 Preconditions ...................................................................................... 15 3.2 Procedure ........................................................................................... 17 3.3 Use cases ........................................................................................... 20 3.3.1 Fast device exchange ........................................................................ 20 3.3.2 Fast commissioning of same application . (21)4 Contact/Support (22)S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dQuestionWhich functionality can be realized by the 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB 3SK2611-3AA00)?S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dAnswerThe diagnostic display offers easy fault location without PC/PG. It supports fast problem solution by detailed fault messages. There is no engineering in advance in the basic module necessary to connect the display. The connection outside of the control cabinet allows easy access.Furthermore with two integrated memory slots you can use the diagnostic display for saving and transferring of projects. This simplifies commissioning of identical machinery and allows quick device exchange in case of fault. It is especially helpful by use of the 22,5 mm width basic module which has no exchangeable memory module.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d1Product overviewBeside the 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB 3SK2611-3AA00) the 3RK3 diagnostic display (MLFB 3RK3611-3AA00) still exists. The following table shows an overview of compatibility and functionality.Table 1: Compatibility diagnostic display 3SK2 and 3RK3It is not possible to transfer projects with the 3RK3 diagnostic display.For both displays you need a connection cable, which is available in different lengths and flat and round version: MLFB 3UF793*-0*A00-0.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2Controlling and monitoringBesides the fault detection via monitoring function within the software, the diagnostic display helps for easy problem analysis without connection of PC or PG by detailed error messages. Even in case of no failure project and status information are helpful which are available at the display.In the following image you can see a simplified menu overview of the diagnostic display.Figure 1: Menu structure diagnostic displayS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dMenu items have no fixed numbering and can be hidden in the display depending on the connected device and current status. The menu items …Status Info“, …Status“ and …Configuration Transmission “ are shown in detail as they are more relevant for this FAQ.In the menu item …Status “ the state of all in- and outputs can be read out (e.g. “Switching output Switching ON Condition not satisfied ”). Comprehensive project information (e.g. Config-CRC, Project Engineer) can be found in the menu item …System Configuration “. In case of troubleshooting the menu item …Status Info “ is helpful. Here you can see detailed error messages and warnings. All status information which are available in Safety ES can be shown at the display. If no errors are present the menu item is empty.By means of an example with guard door monitoring and emergency stop theeasy diagnose in case of fault and no fault will be shown subsequently.Figure 2: Logic plan application exampleS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.1 Preparation in the softwareThere is no previous engineering of the diagnosis display in the software necessary. The display can be plugged in without any effort in advance.For easy error tracking it is helpful to assign informative names to the function elements which will be shown in the diagnostic display. Furthermore all added project / hardware information can be read out in the display.2.1.1 Filling in of project informationIn …Identification“ and …Configuration“ information regarding project and hardware configuration can be filled in.Figure 3: Filling in of project informationS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dFigure 4: Filling in of hardware informationIn the main system the diagnostic display can be added on system slot 1 optionally. This is only for documentation purpose and is not mandatory. All project information can be found in the diagnostic display in the menu item …System C onfiguration“.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.1.2 Preparation for detailed status informationFor easy diagnose it is advisable to name the function elements.Figure 5: Naming of function elementsBy double-clicking on the respective function element a symbolic name can be assigned in the window …properties“. T his name is displayed as further information in the diagnostic display. It is helpful to assign names for all input elements (e.g. “Emergency Stop”) as well for all output elements (e.g. “F -output”).S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.2Displaying of plant informationTo read out information at the diagnostic display an active connection to the energised basic module must be established. There mustn’t be any additional connection from the PCs/PGs via the diagnostic display to basic module. In this case the display is locked.2.2.1Reading out of project informationInformation regarding the project or hardware can be found in the menu item …System Configuration “. In the menu item …Project“ details regarding Config- CRC, Time Stamp, Release and Project Engineer are listed. Certain information are provided automatically from the system. Other information like …Project Engineer “ are only available if the corresponding fields were filled in in thesoftware (see chapter 2.1.1 Filling in of project information).In the menu item …Slot 3“ details regarding the used basic module can be found.Table 1: Project- and HardwareinformationS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.2.2 Reading out of status informationThe full information concerning input and output elements can be found in the menu item …Status“.The elements are displayed as follows:Figure 6: Displaying of status/status infoFor this example the guard door is opened, the Emergency Stop was pushed and released but not acknowledged yet. Thus the output is not activated. These information can be read out in …Status / Input Elements “ as well …Status / Output Elements “.E-Stop 1 (symbolic name of the element),S i e m e nsA G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dProtective Door (type of function element)You can read out status information which are available as element status in the Safety ES (e.g. …Timer running “, …Wa iting for Start“).S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.3Fault diagnosticTroubleshooting with the help of the diagnostic display will be explained by means of the application example of figure 2. There is a cross circuit between input 1 and input 2 of the emergency stop with element number 1.In case of fault detailed information can be found in the menu item “Status Info “. According to the default setting of the display the status info will be directly shown on the start screen in case of a fault (Setting adjustable in …Display Settings/ Statu s Info“)Table 2: Error messages in case of Cross-CircuitThe same procedure applies to other faults like discrepancy fault or fault within the feedback circuit. Below the element you find then the error message ‚Dis crepancy violated ‘ or ‚Feedback Circuit invalid ‘. All element messages which are available in Safety ES can be shown on the diagnostic display as well.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic displayThe 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB: 3SK2611-3AA00) has two internal memory slots at which Safety ES projects can be stored.NoteThis functionality is only available for the diagnostic display 3SK2611-3AA00. The 3RK3 diagnostic display (MLFB: 3RK3611-3AA00) has no internal memory slots and it is not possible to connect it to the 3SK2.3.1PreconditionsTo be able to transfer Safety ES projects from or to the display an activeconnection to the running basic module must be established. Furthermore it is not possible to have an additional connection from the basic module to the PG/PC via the diagnostic display. In this case the display is locked. Transferring of projects is possible with both types of 3SK2 basic modules (3SK2112, 22,5mm width/ 3SK2122, 45 mm width) as well as with the 3RK3 Advanced and 3RK3 ASIsafe.Preconditions for saving projects in the diagnostic display/ reading configurations from the deviceTo save projects within the diagnostic display 2 memory slots are available. If a project was already stored on the selected memory slot and you read out a new configuration on the same memory slot, the old one will be replaced. There are no restrictions for reading out configurations. It is possible to read out not approved and approved configurations. The device can be in configuration or safety mode. If the protection level ‚write protection‘ was selected by password for the project which will be read out from the basic module, the protection level will be copied to the configuration in the display as well.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dHinweisThe protection level ‚Read Protection ‘ should not be activated in the basicmodule (3SK“/3RK3). In this case it is not possible to read out any configuration. Thus it is not possible to copy a project with Read Protection. This can be set after download via the Safety ES Tool.Preconditions for transferring of projects to the basic module It is possible to transmit a project to the device on condition that: - Device is running in configuring mode. - No password for device access is set.- The configuration on the basic module is not approved or there is no configuration on the basic moduleIf one of these conditions is not fulfilled the download of the project fails. In case that the download fails it is possible to download the project by resetting thebasic module to factory settings via reset button (See manual 3SK2 chapter 8.1/ manual 3RK3 chapter Afterwards the device runs up in configuring mode and the project can be downloaded.DANGERAccidentally start possibleThe operator has to ensure that the configuration is downloaded to the correct machine, otherwise it can lead to a dangerous situation.NoteThe menu …factory settings“ in the diagnostic display refers only to the diagnostic display and not to the basic module. By executing the command the configurations in the diagnostic display among others will be deleted.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.2 ProcedureFor reading out a configuration from the basic module an active connection to it is necessary. Downloading a project from Safety ES to the diagnostic display is not possible without the basic module.Saving a configuration in the diagnostic displaySelect the favoured Memory Slot e.g.Table 3: Backup of a projectThe project is now saved in the selected memory slot in the diagnostic display.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dThe project information of the saved project (Name, Project Engineer, Company, Config-CRC, Time Stamp, Approval, Cycle Time …) can be read out in the corresponding memory slot.Transmission of a configuration from the diagnostic display to the basic moduleTable 4 Write project to deviceThe configuration is now saved in the basic module.The project information of the downloaded project (Name, Project Engineer, Company, Config-CRC, Time Stamp, Approval, Cycle Time …) can be read out in “System Configuration/ Project”.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dNoteWhen downloading an approved configuration to the basic module the device first stays in configuring mode. To change to safety mode turn off and on the basic module. After running up, the device changes automatically to safety mode.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.3Use cases3.3.1 Fast device exchangeIn case of a faulty basic module the approved configuration can be transferred fast and easily to the new basic module by the help of the diagnostic display. Thus the plant operation can continue quickly.Figure 7: Fast device exchange NoteBack up the Safety ES project straight after successful commissioning of the safety application to the diagnostic display.3 Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic displayWorking with the 3SK2 Diagnostic displayEntry-ID: 109482844, V1.0, 04/201621S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.3.2 Fast commissioning of same applicationBy help of the possibility to download projects from the diagnostic display the commissioning of identical machinery can be sped up. After successful function test and approving once the safety program can be downloaded to the other machinery.Figure 8: Fast commissioning of identical machinery4 Contact/SupportWorking with the 3SK2 Diagnostic displayEntry-ID: 109482844, V1.0, 04/201622Si emensA G2016Al lrigh tsr ese rv ed4 Contact/SupportSiemens AGTechnical AssistanceTel: +49 (911) 895-5900Fax : +49 (911) 895-5907Mail: ******************************** Internet: www.siemens.de/automation/support-request。
PASCO Force Sensor (PS-2104) User Manual
Force Sensor (PS-2104)Force Sensor Bumper attachment Hook attachmentCart thumbscrew (M5 × 45 mm)Use to secure the sensor to a P ASCO dynamics cart. Rod clamp thumbscrew (1/4-20 × 0.75 in.)Use to secure the sensor to a rod, such as the 120 cm Stainless Steel Rod (ME-8741).Additional equipment required:•P ASPORT interface, such as the 550 Universal Interface (UI-5001) or 850 Universal Interface (UI-5000)•P ASCO Capstone or SP ARKvue data collection softwareGet the softwareY ou can use the sensor with SP ARKvue or P ASCO Capstone software. If you’re not sure which to use, visit/products/guides/software-comparison .SPARKvue is available as a free app for Chromebook, iOS, and Android devices. We offer a free trial of SP ARKvue and Capstone for Windows and Mac. T o get the software, go to/downloads or search for SPARKvue in your device’s app store.If you have installed the software previously, check that you havethe latest update:SPARKvueCheck for UpdatesPASCO CapstoneGo to Help > Check for Updates .Software setup1.T urn on SP ARKvue, then click Sensor Data .2.T urn on the P ASPORT interface if needed, then connectyour interface to SP ARKvue. For more specific details, see the manual for your chosen interface and the SP ARKvue online help.3.Plug the Force Sensor into one of the P ASPORT ports on the interface. SP ARKvue will automatically detect and identify the sensor.To collect data using SPARKvue:1.From the Select Measurements for Templates column,select the appropriate measurement for your experiment.2.From the Templates column, select Graph to enter the experiment screen. The display will automatically plot your selected measurement on the y-axis and time on the x-axis.3.Click Startto begin recording data.1.T urn on Capstone, then click Hardware Setup from the Tools palette.2.T urn on the P ASPORT interface if needed, then connect your interface to Capstone. For more specific details, see the manual for your chosen interface and the Capstone online help.3.Plug the Force Sensor into one of the P ASPORT ports on the interface. Capstone will automatically detect and identify the sensor.To collect data using Capstone:1.Double-click the Graph icon from the Displays palette to create a new Graph display.2.Click each <Select Measurement> box and select an appropriate measurement to assign that measurement to the associated axis.3.Click Recordto begin recording data.Zero the sensorPress the ZERO button on the front of the sensor to automatically adjust the sensor’s output to zero.Sample rateBy default, the sensor collects 20 samples per second. It can collect data as fast as 1000 samples per second (or up to 5000samples per second if connected to an 850 or 550 Universal Interface) or as slowly as one sample every 24 hours. Thesample rate can be changed in PASCO Capstone or SP ARKvue.Product Guide | 012-07297F1Hardware setupConnect bumper and hook attachmentsScrew the bumper or hook into the sensor as illustrated below.Sensor mountingTo mount the sensor on a PASCO cart:1.Align the hole in the sensor labeled Cart with one of the threaded holes in the accessory tray of the cart.2.Insert the included cart thumbscrew through the Cart hole in the sensor.3.Screw the thumbscrew into the threaded hole on top of thecart, as shown below.To mount the sensor on a rod:1.Slide the sensor onto a rod, as shown below.2.Tighten the thumbscrew to secure the rod in place.Software helpThe SPARKvue and P ASCO Capstone Help provide additional information on how to use this product with the software. Y oucan access the help within the software or online.SPARKvueSoftware:Online:/sparkvuePASCO CapstoneSoftware: Help > P ASCO Capstone Help Online: /capstoneSpecifications and accessoriesVisit the product page at /product/PS-2104 to view the specifications and explore accessories. Y ou can also download experiment files and support documents from the product page.Experiment filesDownload one of several student-ready activities from the P ASCO Experiment Library. Experiments include editable student handouts and teacher notes. Visit /freelabs/PS-2104.Technical supportNeed more help? Our knowledgeable and friendly T echnical Support staff is ready to answer your questions or walk you through any issues.Chat Phone 1-800-772-8700 x1004 (USA)+1 916 462 8384 (outside USA) Email*****************Force Sensor | PS-21042Regulatory informationLimited warrantyFor a description of the product warranty, see the Warranty and Returns page at /legal.CopyrightThis document is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Permission is granted to non-profit educational institutions for reproduction of any part of this manual, providing the reproductions are used only in their laboratories and classrooms, and are not sold for profit. Reproduction under any other circumstances, without the written consent of P ASCO scientific, is prohibited.TrademarksP ASCO and P ASCO scientific are trademarks or registered trademarks of PASCO scientific, in the United States and in other countries. All other brands, products, or service names are or may be trademarks or service marks of, and are used to identify, products or services of, their respective owners. For more information visit /legal.Product end-of-life disposalThis electronic product is subject to disposal and recycling regulationsthat vary by country and region. It is your responsibility to recycle yourelectronic equipment per your local environmental laws and regulationsto ensure that it will be recycled in a manner that protects human healthand the environment. T o find out where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local waste recycle or disposal service, or the place where you purchased the product. The European Union WEEE (Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment) symbol on the product or its packaging indicates that this product must not be disposed of in a standard waste container.Product Guide | 012-07297F3。
Vaisala WINDCAP WMT52 无声风速和方向传感器商品说明书
Order formValid from 6 October 2008WMT52 Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Direction SensorVaisala WINDCAP® Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WMT520 Measurement parameters Wind speed and direction ACommunication interface SDI-12 v 1.3, 1200 baud, 7,E,1A ARS-232, Standard ASCII auto, 19200 baud,8,N,1 A BRS-485, Standard ASCII polled, 19200 baud, 8,N,1A CRS-422, Standard ASCII auto, 19200 baud, 8,N,1A DRS-422 NMEA 0183 v3.0, 4800 baud, 8,N,1A EUSB/RS-232, 1.4 m USB / M12 cable, ASCII auto, 19200,8,N,1 A FUSB/RS-485, 1.4 m USB / M12 cable, ASCII polled, 19200, 8,N,1 A GEnhancements None0Heating 1Connector No connector, bushing & grounding accessories A8-pin M12 male connector and bushing & grounding accessories BCable No Cable AShielded 2 meters long 8-pin M12 cable BShielded 10 meters long 8-pin M12 cable CShielded 40 meters long 12-pin cable, open end wires DShielded 10 meters long 8-pin M12 cable, connectors on both ends EInstallation accessories None0Mounting kit improves classification from IP65 to IP661Bird spike2Mounting kit and Bird spike improves classification from IP65 to IP663Supporting software None0Service Pack 2: Vaisala Configuration Tool for Windows, USB Service cable1Manual No manual AEnglish BJapanese J Packing Standard0TOTAL Selections in bold are included in the prices of the basic versions.QTY Selections in italic are available at an extra price.TOTAL VALUE Shielded 40 meters cable does not fit with 8-pin M12 connector Example of order code with typical settings:WMT52A A A0A A00A0WXT52 Spare parts & Accessories220614Service Pack 2: Vaisala Configuration Tool for Windows, USB Service cableWMTBOTTOMSP WMT52 Bottom assembly (with BIF card, M12 connector, short screws. O-rings)WMT50/52 Spare parts & Accessories220782USB RS-232/485, 1.4 meters USB / M12 cable222287Shielded 2 meters long 8-pin M12 cable222288Shielded 10meters long 8-pin M12 cable217020Shielded 40 meters long 12-pin cable, open end wires215952Shielded 10 meters long 8-pin M12 cable, connectors on both ends222109Bushing & grounding accessory kit212792Mounting kit (improves classification from IP65 to IP66)WSP150Surge protector, no connectorsWSP152Surge protector for host PC (e.g. USB connection) inc. M12 connectors. Suitable with 220782 and 215952.212793Bird kitWMT50 Spare parts & Accessories215194Service Pack 1: Vaisala Configuration Tool, Weather Measurements (software and RS-232 WXT510 service cable) 221523M8 adapter to WXT510 Service connector (use with Service pack 2)。
埃克森美孚Mobil Delvac极限服役润滑脂 MSDS说明书
Page 1 of 8______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETPRODUCTProduct Name: MOBIL DELVAC XTREME SERVICE GREASEProduct Description:Base Oil and AdditivesProduct Code: 2015A020F010, 530089-00, 97M078Intended Use: GreaseCOMPANY IDENTIFICATIONSupplier: EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION3225 GALLOWS RD.FAIRFAX, VA. 22037 USA24 Hour Health Emergency 609-737-4411Transportation Emergency Phone 800-424-9300ExxonMobil Transportation No. 281-834-3296MSDS Requests 713-613-3661Product Technical Information 800-662-4525, 800-947-9147MSDS Internet Address , * All concentrations are percent by weight unless material is a gas. Gas concentrations are in percent by volume.This material is not considered to be hazardous according to regulatory guidelines (see (M)SDS Section 15). POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTSLow order of toxicity. Excessive exposure may result in eye, skin, or respiratory irritation. High-pressure injection under skin may cause serious damage.NFPA Hazard ID:Health: 0 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0HMIS Hazard ID:Health: 0 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0NOTE: This material should not be used for any other purpose than the intended use in Section 1 without expert advice. Health studies have shown that chemical exposure may cause potential human health risks which may vary from person to person.Page 2 of 8______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INHALATIONUnder normal conditions of intended use, this material is not expected to be an inhalation hazard.SKIN CONTACTWash contact areas with soap and water. If product is injected into or under the skin, or into any part of the body, regardless of the appearance of the wound or its size, the individual should be evaluated immediately bya physician as a surgical emergency. Even though initial symptoms from high pressure injection may beminimal or absent, early surgical treatment within the first few hours may significantly reduce the ultimate extent of injury.EYE CONTACTFlush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, get medical assistance.INGESTIONFirst aid is normally not required. Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs.EXTINGUISHING MEDIAAppropriate Extinguishing Media: Use water fog, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish flames.Inappropriate Extinguishing Media: Straight Streams of WaterFIRE FIGHTINGFire Fighting Instructions: Evacuate area. Prevent runoff from fire control or dilution from entering streams, sewers, or drinking water supply. Firefighters should use standard protective equipment and in enclosedspaces, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Use water spray to cool fire exposed surfaces and toprotect personnel.Hazardous Combustion Products: Aldehydes, Smoke, Fume, Sulfur oxides, Incomplete combustionproducts, Oxides of carbonFLAMMABILITY PROPERTIESFlash Point [Method]: >204C (400F) [ EST. FOR OIL, ASTM D-92 (COC)]Flammable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: N/D UEL: N/DAutoignition Temperature: N/DNOTIFICATION PROCEDURESIn the event of a spill or accidental release, notify relevant authorities in accordance with all applicableregulations. U.S. regulations require reporting releases of this material to the environment which exceed thereportable quantity or oil spills which could reach any waterway including intermittent dry creeks. The National Response Center can be reached at (800)424-8802.Page 3 of 8______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPILL MANAGEMENTLand Spill: Scrape up spilled material with shovels into a suitable container for recycle or disposal.Water Spill: Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Confine the spill immediately with booms. Warn other shipping. Skim from surface.Water spill and land spill recommendations are based on the most likely spill scenario for this material;however, geographic conditions, wind, temperature, (and in the case of a water spill) wave and current direction and speed may greatly influence the appropriate action to be taken. For this reason, local experts should be consulted. Note: Local regulations may prescribe or limit action to be taken.ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONSPrevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas.HANDLINGPrevent small spills and leakage to avoid slip hazard.Static Accumulator: This material is not a static accumulator.STORAGEDo not store in open or unlabelled containers.EXPOSURE LIMIT VALUESNOTE: Limits/standards shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations.ENGINEERING CONTROLSThe level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary depending upon potential exposure conditions.Control measures to consider:No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation. PERSONAL PROTECTIONPersonal protective equipment selections vary based on potential exposure conditions such as applications,handling practices, concentration and ventilation. Information on the selection of protective equipment for use with this material, as provided below, is based upon intended, normal usage.Respiratory Protection: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne contaminant concentrations at a level which is adequate to protect worker health, an approved respirator may be appropriate. Respiratorselection, use, and maintenance must be in accordance with regulatory requirements, if applicable. Types of respirators to be considered for this material include:No protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use and with adequate ventilation.Page 4 of 8______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For high airborne concentrations, use an approved supplied-air respirator, operated in positive pressure mode.Supplied air respirators with an escape bottle may be appropriate when oxygen levels are inadequate,gas/vapor warning properties are poor, or if air purifying filter capacity/rating may be exceeded.Hand Protection: Any specific glove information provided is based on published literature and glovemanufacturer data. Work conditions can greatly effect glove durability; inspect and replace worn or damaged gloves. The types of gloves to be considered for this material include:No protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use.Eye Protection: If contact is likely, safety glasses with side shields are recommended.Skin and Body Protection: Any specific clothing information provided is based on published literature or manufacturer data. The types of clothing to be considered for this material include:No skin protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use. In accordance with goodindustrial hygiene practices, precautions should be taken to avoid skin contact.Specific Hygiene Measures: Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing afterhandling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated clothing and footwear that cannot be cleaned.Practice good housekeeping.ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLSSee Sections 6, 7, 12, 13.Typical physical and chemical properties are given below. Consult the Supplier in Section 1 for additional data.GENERAL INFORMATIONPhysical State: SolidForm: Semi-fluidColor: OrangeOdor: CharacteristicOdor Threshold: N/DIMPORTANT HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONRelative Density (at 15 C ): 0.908Flash Point [Method]: >204C (400F) [ EST. FOR OIL, ASTM D-92 (COC)]Flammable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: N/D UEL: N/DAutoignition Temperature: N/DBoiling Point / Range: > 316C (600F)Vapor Density (Air = 1): N/DVapor Pressure: < 0.013 kPa (0.1 mm Hg) at 20 CEvaporation Rate (n-butyl acetate = 1): N/DpH: N/ALog Pow (n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient): > 3.5Solubility in Water: NegligibleViscosity: 320 cSt (320 mm2/sec ) at 40 COxidizing Properties:See Sections 3, 15, 16.Page 5 of 8______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER INFORMATIONFreezing Point: N/DMelting Point: 260°C (500°F)DMSO Extract (mineral oil only), IP-346: < 3 %wtNOTE: Most physical properties above are for the oil component in the material.STABILITY: Material is stable under normal conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat. High energy sources of ignition.MATERIALS TO AVOID: Strong oxidizersHAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Material does not decompose at ambient temperatures. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur.CHRONIC/OTHER EFFECTSContains:Base oil severely refined: Not carcinogenic in animal studies. Representative material passes IP-346, Modified Ames test, and/or other screening tests. Dermal and inhalation studies showed minimal effects; lungnon-specific infiltration of immune cells, oil deposition and minimal granuloma formation. Not sensitizing in test animals.Additional information is available by request.Page 6 of 8______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following ingredients are cited on the lists below:None.--REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED--1 = NTP CARC 3 = IARC 1 5 = IARC 2B2 = NTP SUS 4 = IARC 2A 6 = OSHA CARCThe information given is based on data available for the material, the components of the material, and similar materials. ECOTOXICITYMaterial -- Not expected to be harmful to aquatic organisms.MOBILITYBase oil component -- Low solubility and floats and is expected to migrate from water to the land.Expected to partition to sediment and wastewater solids.PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITYBiodegradation:Base oil component -- Expected to be inherently biodegradableBIOACCUMULATION POTENTIALBase oil component -- Has the potential to bioaccumulate, however metabolism or physical properties may reduce the bioconcentration or limit bioavailability.Disposal recommendations based on material as supplied. Disposal must be in accordance with current applicable laws and regulations, and material characteristics at time of disposal.DISPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONSProduct is suitable for burning in an enclosed controlled burner for fuel value or disposal by supervisedincineration at very high temperatures to prevent formation of undesirable combustion products. REGULATORY DISPOSAL INFORMATIONRCRA Information: The unused product, in our opinion, is not specifically listed by the EPA as a hazardous waste (40 CFR, Part 261D), nor is it formulated to contain materials which are listed as hazardous wastes. It does not exhibit the hazardous characteristics of ignitability, corrositivity or reactivity and is not formulated with contaminants as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). However, usedproduct may be regulated.Empty Container Warning PRECAUTIONARY LABEL TEXT: Empty containers may retain residue and can be dangerous. DO NOT PRESSURIZE, CUT, WELD, BRAZE, SOLDER, DRILL, GRIND OR EXPOSE SUCH CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAME, SPARKS, STATIC ELECTRICITY, OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION; THEY MAY EXPLODE AND CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. Do not attempt to refill or clean container since residue is difficult to remove. Empty drums should be completely drained, properly bunged and promptly returned to a drumPage 7 of 8______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ reconditioner. All containers should be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner and in accordance with governmental regulations.LAND (DOT) : Not Regulated for Land TransportLAND (TDG) : Not Regulated for Land TransportSEA (IMDG) : Not Regulated for Sea Transport according to IMDG-CodeAIR (IATA) : Not Regulated for Air TransportOSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD: When used for its intended purposes, this material is not classified as hazardous in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200.NATIONAL CHEMICAL INVENTORY LISTING: TSCAEPCRA:This material contains no extremely hazardous substances.SARA (311/312) REPORTABLE HAZARD CATEGORIES: None.--REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED--1 = ACGIH ALL 6 = TSCA 5a2 11 = CA P65 REPRO 16 = MN RTK2 = ACGIH A1 7 = TSCA 5e 12 = CA RTK 17 = NJ RTK3 = ACGIH A2 8 = TSCA 6 13 = IL RTK 18 = PA RTK4 = OSHA Z 9 = TSCA 12b 14 = LA RTK 19 = RI RTK5 = TSCA 4 10 = CA P65 CARC 15 = MI 293Code key: CARC=Carcinogen; REPRO=ReproductivePage 8 of 8______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * EPA recently added new chemical substances to its TSCA Section 4 test rules. Please contact the supplier to confirm whether the ingredients in this product currently appear on a TSCA 4 or TSCA 12b list.THIS SAFETY DATA SHEET CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING REVISIONS:No revision information is available.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of ExxonMobil's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date issued. You can contact ExxonMobil to insure that this document is the most current available from ExxonMobil. The information and recommendations are offered for the user's consideration and examination. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy itself that the product is suitable for the intended use. If buyer repackages this product, it is the user's responsibility to insure proper health, safety and other necessary information is included with and/or on the container. Appropriate warnings and safe-handling procedures should be provided to handlers and users. Alteration of this document is strictly prohibited. Except to the extent required by law,re-publication or retransmission of this document, in whole or in part, is not permitted. The term, "ExxonMobil" is used for convenience, and may include any one or more of ExxonMobil Chemical Company, Exxon Mobil Corporation, or any affiliates in which they directly or indirectly hold any interest.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal Use OnlyMHC: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 PPEC: ADGN: 2006067XUS (553320)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2002 Exxon Mobil Corporation, All rights reserved。
该模式中,样品能在静态力、线性变化力或动态振荡力的作用下,并且在设定的温度程 序和气氛下进行测量。样品变形(应变)用膨胀或穿透实验记录,通过样品变形的特点来分 析材料的内在性质;动态实验用于测量粘弹性参数(DTMA)、检测热效应和分离重叠转变 (MTMATM)。
在该弯曲形变中,样品被放置在两个石英刀口支架上,固定的静态力通过锲形的石英探 头垂直施加在样品的中部。材料的性质通过力和测量探头偏移来测定。因为没有夹具效 应,所以该模式是“纯”形变方式。它主要用来测定硬材料(如复合材料)在温度变化条件 下的弯曲性质。该夹具对Q400EM动态测量(DTMA)同样适用,这时用一个专门的低摩擦金属 支架代替石英刀口支架。
Strain (Force)
Force Strain
Temperature (Time) 标准模式
Force (Time)
在恒定的温度下,施加线性变化的应力或应变,测量对应的 应变或应力, 从而得到应力/应变图谱及相关的模量信息。另 外所计算出的模量作为应力、应变、温度或时间的函数来显示。
炉体 样品室
Q400 TMA样品测量系统的核心是精确的线性差
三点弯曲 110
TMA原理 / 操作模式
TMA是在设定的力、气氛、时间和温度的条件下测量材料的形变。施加力可采用压缩、弯曲或拉伸的形变方式(参见P109-110页)。 TMA测量材料固有的性质(如热膨胀系数、玻璃化转变温度、杨氏模量)等,以及工艺/产品性能参数(如软化点)。这些参数均具有 广泛的应用价值,它们既可通过Q400也可通过Q400EM获得。
XL6004 400KHz 60V 3A LED 常压电源驱动器说明书
400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Featuresn Wide 3.6V to 32V Input Voltage Range n0.22V FB adjustable LED drive current n Directly drive up to 16 Series 1W LED n Fixed 400KHz Switching Frequencyn Max. 3A Switching Current Capability n Up to 92% efficiencyn Excellent line and load regulationn EN PIN TTL shutdown capabilityn Internal Optimize Power MOSFETn Built in Soft-Start Functionn Built in Frequency Compensationn Built in Thermal Shutdown Functionn Built in Current Limit Functionn Available in TO252-5L package Applicationsn LED Lightingn Boost constant current drivern Monitor LED Backlightingn7’ to 15’ LCD Panels General DescriptionThe XL6004 regulator is fixed frequency PWM Boost (step-up) LED constant current driver, capable of driving Series 1W/3WLED units withexcellent line and load regulation. The regulator issimple to use because it includes internal frequencycompensation and a fixed-frequency oscillator sothat it requires a minimum number of externalcomponents to work.The XL6004 could directly drive 12 Series 1W LEDunits at VIN>12V.The PWM control circuit is able to adjust theduty ratio linearly from 0 to 95%. An enablefunction, an over current protection functionis built inside. An internal compensationblock is built in to minimize externalcomponent count.Figure1. Package Type of XL6004400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 Pin ConfigurationsFigure2. Pin Configuration of XL6004 (Top View)Table 1 Pin DescriptionPin Number Pin Name Description1 GND Ground Pin.2 EN Enable Pin. Drive EN pin low to turn off the device, drive it high to turn it on. Floating is default high.3 SW Power Switch Output Pin (SW).4 VIN Supply V oltage Input Pin. XL6004 operates from a 3.6V to 32V DC voltage. Bypass Vin to GND with a suitably large capacitor to eliminate noise on the input.5 FB Feedback Pin (FB). The feedback threshold voltage is 0.22V.400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 Function BlockFigure3. Function Block Diagram of XL6004Typical Application CircuitFigure4. XL6004 Typical Application Circuit400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Ordering InformationPart Number Marking ID Lead Free Lead Free Packing Type XL6004E1 XL6004E1 Tube PackageTemperature RangeXL6004TRE1XL6004E1Tape & ReelXLSEMI Pb-free products, as designated with “E1” suffix in the par number, are RoHS compliant.Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note1)ParameterSymbol Value Unit Input VoltageVin -0.3 to 36 V Feedback Pin Voltage V FB -0.3 to Vin V EN Pin VoltageV EN -0.3 to Vin V Output Switch Pin Voltage V Output -0.3 to 60 V Power DissipationP D Internally limitedmW Thermal Resistance (TO252-5L)(Junction to Ambient, No Heatsink, Free Air) R JA 50 ºC/W Operating Junction Temperature T J -40 to 125 ºC Storage TemperatureT STG -65 to 150 ºC Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) T LEAD 260 ºC ESD (HBM)>2000VNote1: Stresses greater than those listed under Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 XL6004 Electrical CharacteristicsT a = 25℃;unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit System parameters test circuit figure4VFB FeedbackV oltageVin = 5V to 12V, V out=24VIload=100mA209 220 231 mVEfficiency ŋVin=12V ,V out=24VIout=0.5A- 92 - %Electrical Characteristics (DC Parameters)Vin = 12V, GND=0V, Vin & GND parallel connect a 100uf/50V capacitor; Iout=100mA, T a = 25℃; the others floating unless otherwise specified.Parameters Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Input operation voltage Vin 3.6 32 V Shutdown Supply Current I STBY V EN=0V 70 100 uAQuiescent Supply Current I q V EN =2V,V FB =Vin2.5 5 mAOscillator Frequency Fosc 320 400 480 Khz Switch Current Limit I L V FB =0 3 AOutput Power NMOS Rdson Vin=12V,I SW=3A110 120 mohmEN Pin Threshold V EN High (Regulator ON)Low (Regulator OFF)1.40.8VI H V EN =2V (ON) 3 10 uA EN Pin Input LeakageCurrent ILV EN =0V (OFF) 3 10 uA Max. Duty Cycle D MAX V FB=0V 90 %400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Schottky Diode Selection TableCurrent SurfaceMountThrough Hole VR (The same as system maximum input voltage)20V 30V 40V 50V60V1A √1N5817 1N5818 1N5819√ 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822√ MBR320 MBR330 MBR340 MBR350 MBR360 √ SK32 SK33 SK34SK35SK36 √ 30WQ03 30WQ04 30WQ05 √ 31DQ03 31DQ04 31DQ05 3A√SR302SR303SR304SR305SR306Typical System Application for VIN=5V to driver 8 x 1W series LED unitsFigure5. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (5V ~ 8 x 1W LED)400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 Typical System Application for VIN=12V to driver 12 x 1W series LED unitsFigure6. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (12V ~ 12 x 1W LED) Typical System Application for VIN=12V to driver 6 x 3W series LED unitsFigure7. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (12V ~ 6 x 3W LED)400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 Typical System Application for VIN=24V to driver 16 x 1W series LED unitsFigure8. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (24V ~ 16 x 1W LED) Typical System Application for SEPIC Buck-Boost LED DriverFigure9. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (Buck-Boost LED Driver)400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Typical System Application for VIN=12V to driver 12 series x 24 parallel White LED ArrayTypical System Application for VIN=12V to driver 12 x 1W series LED units With Dimming FunctionFigure11. XL6004 System Test Circuit (12V ~ 12 x 1W LED with Dimming Function)400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Package InformationTO252-5L。
修改日期: APRIL 2013修改的内容 3安全资料手册的性质THERMAL BONDING SYSTEM产品标识产品名称THERMAL BONDING SYSTEM产品编号TBS-B, ETBS20S, ETBS01K, ZE化学品的推荐用途和限制用途推荐的用途粘合剂限制的用途现在及时我们没有关于用途制约的信息。
他们在这张安全数据表将包括, 当可得到时化学品安全技术说明书提供者的详细信息供应商ELECTROLUBE. A division of HKWENTWORTH LTDASHBY PARK, COALFIELD WAY,ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH, LEICESTERSHIRELE65 1JRUNITED KINGDOM+44 (0)1530 419600+44 (0)1530 416640应急电话+44 (0)1530 419600 between 8.30am - 5.00pm GMT Mon – Fri物质或混合物的分类标号与 GHS一致物理化学危害性没有分类。
人类健康方面1A 皮肤腐蚀 - H314;1 敏化皮肤 - H317环境方面 1 危害水生环境-急性危险 - H400;1 危害水生环境-慢性危险 - H410分类(1999/45/EEC)C;R35. R43. N;R50/53.所有的风险术语和危险性说明见第16部分环境会使水中的生物体严重中毒, 可对水生环境造成长期的不良影响。
在处理该化学物品及其试剂瓶时, 不能倒入排水设施, 应将其放置在危险品收集处或特殊废弃物收集处。
应避免排放到环境中去, 请参阅特殊说明/安全手册。
标签要素含有成分Meth yl ene Di(c y c l ohe xyl amine)TRIETHYLENETETRAMINE符合(EC) No. 1272/2008的标签警示词危险危险性说明H314造成严重皮肤灼伤和眼损伤。
料号产品描述在出货时,再次增加全检104-00126-0HOUSING 3PIN 2.36mm 180Ang√104-00180-0HOUSING CONN TOP/BH-20S 2*10P 180°(S)√104-00510-0HOUSING 10PIN 2.5mm-PITCH NYLON6 UL94V-0√104-00700-0HOUSING M S 2*8P√104-00705-0HOUSING M S 2*13P√104-00814-0HOUSING 4P 8.0mm 180ang√104-00826-0HOUSING CVILUX/CH87082H100 2/4P 90° (公)√104-00944-0WAFER 4P 2.54mm 90AngleWHT√104-00958-0WAFER 3P 3.96mm 180√104-01110-0WAFER 1/3 P 3.96MM 90√104-01117-0WAFER 1/2P 3.96MM 90√104-05048-0WAFER 1/5 2,4PIN NC 3.96mm 180√104-05073-0WAFER 1/5 3.96 RP2 4 90√104-05074-0WAFER 1/3 3.96 RP3 180√104-10000-0SHORT JUMPER DINKLE/DS-002√104-10010-0CONNECTOR JUMPER DINKLE/DPS-1-02-0103 2P√104-10020-0CONNECTOR JUMPER DINKLE/DPS-1-03-0103 3P√104-10075-0CONNECTOR JUMPER 90Angle30P√104-10126-0CONNECTOR NSTECH/201S 2*7P (JUMPER)√104-10127-0CONNECTOR NSTECH/201S 2*10P (JUMPER)√104-10161-0CONNECTOR 20P SANTAK√104-10176-0CON 2/4 2.54 180√104-10193-0CONNECTOR NSTECH/DMR A-25MGTBBA3 2*25P√104-10270-0CONNECTOR D TYPE 90 Ang 9PIN FEMALE√104-10271-0CONNECTOR DTYPE 90 9P NOHEXAGON SCREW F√104-10320-0CONNECTOR JYUH CHING/SCM-10 10P√104-10387-0CONNECTOR 兆端/M2418411RX 90 Ang 11P 短腳√104-10422-0CON JODEN/M2418415 R 15P90Ang(MALE)√104-10424-0CON JODEN/PDF1-8S-020-B8P180Ang(FEMALE)√104-10630-0FEMALE HEADER 1/16P 1.27mm 180度 H-8.5√104-10694-0FM-HDR 1/10 2.54 180(GILD)√104-10877-0BOX-HDR 2/26P 2.54 90√104-10908-0CON 1/20 2.54 180√104-11142-0CONNECTOR JWT/C2522H02-2P 1/2P (JODEN)√104-11143-0CON.JWT/C2521H02-2P 1P JODEN 10X9N OMRON√104-12020-0CON 2/15 2.54 90 牛角公座√104-13002-0FULLY LATCH HEADER 2/30P 2.54mm 180 Ang√104-13003-0F-LAT-HDR 2/5P 2.54mm180DEG. MALE√104-13004-0F-LAT-HDR 2/7P 2.54180DEG. MALE√104-13007-0F-LAT-HDR 2/10P 2.54180DEG. MALE√104-13017-0F-LAT-HDR 2/10P 2.54 90M44.7*34.5*22.8√104-14173-0CON 1/3P SM-H-03P 2.5 180 FM√104-14212-0FM-HDR 2/15 10.16 180√104-14926-0CON 1/16P 2.54MM 90 (PIN 4,12 NC)√104-16010-0CON 1/2P 2.54/6.5 JUMPER 180√104-16061-0FM-HDR 2/4 2.54 180 PCB SYM√104-16068-0CON 2/9 2.77 RS232 180 FEMALE/PCB√104-30021-0PIN PLUG JST/B2B-XH-A 2P√104-30023-0PIN PLUG JST/S2B-EH 2P√104-30053-0PIN PLUG JST/B5B-XH-A 5P PITCH=2.54√104-30063-0PIN PLUG JST/B6B-XH-A 6P√104-30101-0PIN PLUG JST/B10B-XH-A 10P√104-30155-0PIN HEADER 8P 2.54mm 90 Angle√104-30173-0PIN-HDR 1/4P 3.96 90√104-30182-0PIN HEADER 2L/13P 2mm 90 Ang√104-30184-0PIN HEADER 4P 2.54mm 180°(SMD 腳長=3mm)√104-30351-0PIN HEADER 11P 2.54mm 90 Angle 4,5PIN拔除√104-30394-0PIN-HDR 1/10 2.54 180(GILD)√104-30468-0PIN PLUG 1/20 2.54mm 180Ang PIN:3mm√104-30520-0PIN PLUG WEKANG/R/A 0.318" 9PIN (公)√104-30561-0PIN PLUG 20P 25.56 180√104-30656-0PIN PLUG 1/20 2.54 180√104-30666-0PIN-HDR 2/10 2.54 180 (L:11.6MM)√104-30687-0PIN-HDR 2/24 2.0MM(LENGTH:4.0MM) 90 SMD√104-30692-0PIN-HDR 2/4 2.54 180 19MM√104-30697-0PIN-HDR 1/12P 2.54 90 PIN3.√104-30702-0PIN-HDR 2/20P 2.54MM 180(PANDA)√104-30703-0PIN-HDR 2/14P 2.54MM 180,RP6(PANDA)√104-40012-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/15P 2.54mm 180°(FEMALE)√104-40015-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/13P 2.54mm 180° (三合一)√104-40016-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/20P 2.54mm 180° (三合一)√104-40026-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/25P2.54mm 180DEG. 三合一√104-40027-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/32P2.54mm 180DEG. 三合一√104-40032-0INS-D-SOC 2/16P 2.54mm180√104-40161-0INS. D. SOCKET NSTECH/101S 16P√104-40260-0INS.D.SOCKET 26P 無反折蓋√104-40264-0INS-D-SOC 2/10 BARB 2.54 180√104-40323-0INS-D-SOC 2/16 2.54MM 90√104-40326-0INS-D-SOC 2/20 2.54MM 90√曾出现过问题的物料104-00700-0HOUSING M S 2*8P√104-00705-0HOUSING M S 2*13P√104-00711-0HOUSING 2*25P 2.54mm 90M PCB SOCKET√104-00716-0HOUSING 2*25P 2.54mm 180FM PCB SOCKET√104-00815-0HOUSING KINGDOM/17AA-301F1S3 2*15PIN 180√104-00950-0WAFER 5P (10,8)mm 180DEG.√104-10160-0CONNECTOR QS/201 12PSANTAK√104-10192-0CONNECTOR NSTECH/DMR A-25FGTBBA3 2*25P√104-10335-0CONNECTOR,26P CARD EDGE CONN. (22AD)√104-10375-0CONNECTOR 昆騰/SCN-50 50P (牛角公座)√104-10377-0CONNECTOR 昆騰/SCN-40 180°40P (牛角公座)√104-10385-0CONNECTOR 兆端/M2418410R 90angle 10P 短腳√104-10418-0CONNECTOR JODEN 15(-3)P 180ANG 牛角公座√104-10432-0CONNECTOR CONNTOP/SCN-50 50P 90Ang 牛角公座√104-10443-0CONNECTOR LEOCO/2545P26H 90Ang 2/26P√104-10491-0CON 1/10P 2.54 90√104-10549-0FM-HDR 25P 2.54 180√104-10622-0USB B 90Angle 15.7*11.85*10.65√104-10821-0CONNECTOR 南士/1123S-4P√104-13006-0FULLY LATCH HEADER 2/8P2.54 180DEG. MALE√104-14251-0CON 2/15P 2.54(PLATE NICKEL) 180√104-14252-0CON 2/5P 2.54(PLATE NICKEL) 180√104-14253-0CON 2/10P 2.54(PLATE NICKEL) 180√104-16005-0CON 1/10PIN 6.7.8NC 2.54 90√104-16047-0CON 2/6 2.04 90 RJ11√104-30298-0PIN-HDR 2/4P 2.54(LENGTH:35MM) 180√104-30482-0PIN PLUG 25P 2.54 180√104-30651-0PIN-HDR 2/2 2.54MM 180√104-40017-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/15P2.54mm 180度 無反折蓋√104-40100-0INS.D.SOCKET 10P√104-40325-0INS-D-SOC 2/34 2.54MM 90√104-00034-0HOUSING 1/8P 5.08 180按照原来的方式检验104-00143-0CONNECTOR 3/15P/15P/14P2.29mm 90Angle104-00149-0HOUSING 5/22P 2mm180DEG. MALE104-00161-0HOUSING 2/12P 2.54 180104-00162-0HOUSING 2/15P 2.54 180104-00163-0HOUSING 2/15P 2.54 90104-00170-0HOUSING QS/203 12P SANTAK104-00181-0HOUSING CONN TOP/BH-20R2*10P 90angle(R)104-00182-0HOUSING 2/7P 2.54mm180度104-00184-0HOUSING 2/7P 2mm 180DEG104-00520-0HOUSING 5P (10,8)mm 180DEG.104-00611-0HOUSING 2L/13 2mm 180Ang104-00857-0HOUSING 2*9P 2.54 180104-00860-0HOUSING 2/10P 2.54 180104-00974-0WAFER 1/5P 1.25 90104-00975-0WAFER 1/5P 1.25 180104-00985-0WAFER 1/8P 5.08 90104-00993-0WAFER 1/2P 2.5MM 90104-01091-0HOUSING 1/12 2.5 180-FM1104-01092-0HOUSING 1/12 2.5 180-M1104-05072-0WAFER 1/6 3.96 90104-10007-0CON 1/5 2.54 180104-10008-0CON 1/3 2.54 90104-10009-0CON 1/20 2.54 90104-10040-0CONNECTOR JUMPER 16P104-10070-0CONNECTOR JUMPER 90angle 16P104-10103-0CONNECTOR 3/5P 2.54mm 90Ang (FEMALE)104-10104-0CONNECTOR 3/5P 2.54mm 90Ang (MALE)104-10128-0CONNECTOR 4P 2.54mm90Ang104-10145-0CONNECTOR QUX XIN/201 8P SANTAK104-10190-0CONNECTOR NSTECH/DMS-M-25P 2*25P (MALE)104-10191-0CON NSTECH/ DMS-F-25P2*25P (FEMALE)104-10372-0CONNECTOR 2*2P 90Ang USB B TYPE DIP104-10388-0CON 兆端/M2418412R 9012P SHORT LEAD104-10448-0CON 2/26P 2.54MM 180104-10470-0CONNECTOR 2*30P 2.54mm 牛角公座104-10531-0FEMALE HEADER 2/20P2.54mm 180DEG.104-10533-0FEMALE HEADER 2/10 2.54mm 90Ang104-10538-0FEMALE HEADER 16P 2.5mm180DEG.104-10546-0FEMALE HEADER 2/7P 2.0mm180DEG 双层FEMALE 104-10548-0FEMALE HEADER 2/20P2.0mm 180DEG104-10550-0CON 9P 2.77mm 90 AngleFEMALE(D TYPE)104-10584-0CON 1/19PIN 2.54mm 90104-10585-0CON 2/20P 2.54 180104-10624-0USB A TYPE 90 04P104-10634-0FEMALE HEADER 2/8P 2.0mm180DEG. DIP104-10636-0FM-HDR 2/22P 2.54 180104-10649-0M-HDR 2/6P 2.0 180104-10659-0CONNECTOR 2/3P 2.54mm180Ang.104-10664-0CONNECTOR 10P 2.54mm90Angle 短腳 (拔除1腳) 104-10665-0CONNECTOR 20P 2.54mm90Angle 短腳104-10667-0CONNECTOR 2/10P 2.54mm180DEG.104-10668-0CON 9/40P 8mm 180 JMD-40AT (FEMALE)104-10669-0CON 9/40P 8mm 180 JMD-40AZ (MALE)104-10675-0CON 2/16 2.54MM 180104-10695-0F-LAT-HDR 2/16P 2.54 180 (MALE RP9,10) 104-10840-0FM-HDR 1/10 0.65 180104-10840-0FM-HDR 1/10 0.65 180104-10910-0CON 2/10P 2.54 180104-10918-0FM-HDR 2/24 2.0MM 180104-10930-0FM-HDR 2/24 2.0MM 90 SMD104-11504-0BOX HEADER 2/15P 2.54mm 90 Angle104-11506-0BOX HEADER 2/20P 2.54mm 90 Angle Male104-11507-0BOX HEADER 2/4P 2.54mm180 Angle Male104-11508-0BOX HEADER 2/6P 2.54mm180 Angle Male104-11510-0BOX HEADER 2/5P 2.54mm90 Angle104-11520-0BOX HEADER 5/22P 2mm90Angle FEMALE104-11521-0BOX-HDR 2/6P 2.0mm 90 (MALE)104-11522-0BOX-HDR 2/6P 2.0mm 180 (MALE)104-11523-0BOX-HDR 2/10P 2.0mm 90 (MALE)104-11524-0BOX-HDR 2/18P 2.0mm 90 (MALE)104-11525-0BOX-HDR 2/10P 2.0mm 180104-11526-0BOX-HDR 2/4P 2.0mm 90104-11527-0BOX-HDR 2/5P 2.0mm 90104-11528-0BOX-HDR 2/11P 2.0mm 90104-11529-0BOX-HDR 2/12P 2.0mm 90104-11530-0BOX-HDR 2/4P 2.0mm 180104-11531-0BOX-HDR 2/5P 2.0mm 180104-11532-0BOX-HDR 2/11P 2.0mm 180104-11533-0BOX-HDR 2/12P 2.0mm 180104-12012-0CONNECTOR SHIUNN/JS-1120-05 1/4P (N02)104-12019-0CON 2/6P 2.54MM 180104-12021-0CON 1/11P 2.54 90 PIN4. 1/11P 2.54 90 PIN4.5.8.9NC104-13000-0FULLY LATCH HEADER 2/10P 2.54mm 90 Angle 104-13005-0FULLY LATCH HEADER 2/7P 2.54 90DEG. MALE 104-13018-0F-LAT-HDR 2/14P 2.0mm180104-14172-0CON 1/3P SM-H-03S 2.5 180 FM104-14250-0CON 1/4PIN,2,3NC 2.54 90104-30006-0PIN PLUG 1/12 2.54mm 90Ang (短腳空6P)104-30009-0PIN PLUG 1/3P 2.5490Angle104-30012-0PIN PLUG 7P 2.54MM 90104-30064-0PIN PLUG 2*6P 2.54mm 180 Ang104-30070-0PIN PLUG 1/6P 2.54 180104-30071-0PIN PLUG 1/10P 2.54 180104-30072-0PIN PLUG 1/13P 2.54 180104-30141-0PIN PLUG 2L/13P 2mm (無反折蓋)104-30152-0PIN HEADER 3P 2.54mm 90 Angle104-30156-0PIN-HDR 13P 2.54mm 90(BLK RP5,6)104-30202-0PIN-HDR 2/16P 2.0 180104-30208-0PIN-HDR 2/6(BOTTOM) 2.0 180104-30299-0PIN-HDR 2/16 2.54 90NC3,4,7,8,9,10,13,14 104-30300-0PIN-HDR 2/24 2.54 90 NC3,4PIN104-30317-0PIN HEADER 2/4P 2.54mm180 Angle Male104-30321-0PIN HEADER 1/4 2.54mm180DEG.104-30323-0PIN HEADER 2/3 2.0mm180DEG.104-30324-0PIN HEADER 2/5 2.0mm180DEG.104-30333-0PIN HEADER 2/6P 2.54mm 90Angle 短腳104-30335-0PIN HEADER 10P 2.54mm90ANGLE104-30336-0PIN HEADER 7P 2.54mm 180DEG.104-30337-0PIN HEADER 8P 2.54mm 180DEG.104-30340-0PIN HEADER 2/3P 2.0mm90Angle104-30348-0PIN HDR 2/7P 2.54MM 90(-5,6,7,8)104-30353-0PIN HEADER 2/15P 2.54mm180DEG.104-30364-0PIN HEADER 4P 2.54mm90Angle 黑色塑膠104-30365-0PIN HEADER 2/20P 2.0mm90Angle MALE104-30372-0PIN-HDR 5P 2.54 90 (H=3)104-30373-0PIN-HDR 2/16P 2.54 90104-30374-0PIN-HDR 8P 2.54 180 8.0mm104-30375-0PIN-HDR 2/5P 2.54 180(-1P)104-30382-0PIN-HDR 1/20P 2.54mm 90104-30427-0PIN PLUG 1/21P 2.54mm180DEG.104-30428-0PIN PLUG 1/26P 2.54mm180DEG.104-30433-0PIN PLUG 2/8P 2.0mm180DEG DIP104-30467-0PIN PLUG 8P 2.54mm 90Angle 2,4,5P拔除104-30478-0PIN PLUG 2/7P 2.0mm 180DEG 双层MALE104-30479-0PIN PLUG 2/7 2mm 180DEG兩件套 無反折蓋104-30558-0PIN PLUG 10P 12.88 180104-30559-0PIN PLUG 26P 33.20 180104-30560-0PIN PLUG 14P 17.96 180104-30569-0PIN-HDR 2/12 2.0MM 90104-30573-0PIN-HDR 1/8P 2.54mm 90104-30574-0PIN-HDR 1/4P 2.54mm 90104-30575-0PIN-HDR 1/20P 2.54mm 180(PIN:3mm/6mm) 104-30605-0PIN PLUG 2/16P 2.54(PLATE NICKEL) 90104-30605-0PIN PLUG 2/8P 2.54(PLATE NICKEL) 90104-30627-0PIN PLUG 30P 47.20 180104-30664-0PIN-HDR 2/10P 2.54 90 RP7,8104-30665-0PIN-HDR 1/10P 2.54 90 RP4104-30683-0PIN-HDR 2/24 2.0MM 180 REMOVE PIN11104-30693-0PIN-HDR 1/11 PIN 2.54 90/PIN UP TO 3.9 104-30704-0PIN-HDR 1/8 2.54MM 90 LONGPIN104-30705-0PIN-HDR 1/4 2.54MM 90 LONGPIN104-30713-0PIN-HDR 1/10P 2.54MM 90 (SHORT PIN)104-30714-0PIN-HDR 1/11P 2.54MM 90 (SHORT PIN)104-30715-0PIN-HDR 1/8P 2.54MM 90 (SHORT PIN)104-30724-0PIN-HDR 1/6 2.54MM 90 LONGPIN104-40002-0INS. D. SOCKET 2P 20mm CIRCLE104-40013-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/7P 2.54mm 180 Ang104-40014-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/10P 2.54mm 180° (三合一) 104-40018-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/4P2.54mm 180度 無反折蓋104-40019-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/6P2.54mm 180度 無反折蓋104-40024-0INS. D. SOCKET 2/7P2.54mm 180DEG. 三合一104-40033-0INS-D-SOC 2/14P 2.0mm 180104-40038-0INS-D-SOC 2/26P 2.54MM 180104-40111-0INS-D-SOC 2/12P 2.54 180104-40160-0INS.D.SOCKET 16PIN104-40265-0INS-D-SOC 2/20 BARB 2.54 180104-40328-0INS-D-SOC 2/3 2.54 90104-40329-0INS-D-SOC 2/3 2.54 180。
Data SheetFUJITSU Uninterruptible Online Power Supply (UPS) Power ProtectionPower supply protection for systems and data – powerful andreliable (APC SURT Gen2)Fujitsu Technology Solutions UPS devices ensure high-performance power supply protection for systems and data, and thus provide reliable protection against power failure, currentfluctuations and electrical interference. Fujitsu Technology Solutions offers both line interactive and online devices. Capacities of up to 10kVA provide the right power supply and technology for all individual requirements.The use of uninterruptible power supplies can particularly benefit your company from a financial viewpoint: Having to search for and restore lost or damaged data after a power failure can cost a great deal of time and money. In such incidents UPS helps to protect your data.Uninterruptible Online Power Supply (UPS) Fujitsu Technology Solutions VFI (Voltage and Frequency Independent) online UPS devices from APC are the only UPS devices to offer protection against all kinds of faults, such as power failures, frequency fluctuations, voltage swings and peaks as well as low voltage and surges. They also have precise frequency and voltage regulation as well as the Smart Slot interface for integration into SNMP-based network management. Another outstanding feature is the ability to replace used or faulty batteries during ongoing operation without any interruption. All these APC UPS devices can be converted for installation in racks / towers.Fujitsu Technology Solutions not only offerscustomers a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty (door to door) on the UPS and the batteries, but also optimal integration of the control software into the network management solution ServerView Suite. Support of Windows / Linux and SOLARIS operating systems as well as virtualization layers is provided. In contrast to the VI (Voltage Independent) line interactive and VFD (Voltage and Frequency Dependent) offline versions, the output frequency of the VFI UPS devices is totally independent of any mains, voltage and frequency changes. The mains voltage is permanently rectified in order to then be inverted back to alternating voltage. Hence the rectifierinverter combination, which achieves a constant power supply and a high filter effect. The VFI UPSdevices also have a parallel bypass switch whichcompensates for overloads in problem situations.Technical detailsTechnical detailsPY Online UPS 10kVA /10kWPY Online UPS 3kVA / 2,7W PY Online UPS 5kVA / 4,5kW PY Online UPS 8kVA / 8kWInput voltage220V - 240V 1-phase380V - 415V 3-phase 220V - 240V 1-phase220V - 240V 1-phase380V - 415V 3-phaseInput frequency50Hz / 60Hz Output voltage230 VUPS Slots 1 smart card slot (free)Input connections Hardwire 3-wire (1Ph+N+G)Hardwire 3-wire (2Ph+G)Hardwire 5-wire (3Ph+N+G)Dual Input for bypassing feature Hardwire 3-wire (1Ph+N+G)Hardwire 3-wire (1Ph+N+G)Hardwire 3-wire (2Ph+G)Hardwire 5-wire (3Ph+N+G)Dual Input for bypassingfeatureUPS Notes Integrated SNMP WEB management interface (Serial interface is not supported) APC SW, cable and manuals Interfaces Integrated WEB management interfaceHigh Resolution Graphical LCD displayOutput connections SOG #1: 6x IEC 320 C13 (10A)SOG #2: 2x IEC 320 C19 (16A)SOG #3: 2x IEC 320 C19 (16A)MOG HW 3-Wire (L+N+G)SOG #1: 6x IEC 320 C13(10A)SOG #2: 4x IEC 320 C19(16A)SOG #1: 6x IEC 320 C13(10A)SOG #2: 2x IEC 320 C19(16A)SOG #3: 2x IEC 320 C19(16A)MOG HW 3-Wire (L+N+G)Output connection notes Switched Outlet Group(s) : Ability to control a group of output load receptacles independent from the main UPSInput protection80A 1-phase (and L1 respectively)25A 3-phase (L2 / L3)32A 1-phase63A 1-phase (and L1respectively)20A 3-phase (L2 / L3)UPS Battery Pack External runtime extensionfor APC Online (VFI) UPS- 5 kVA (3U rack version);Size (HxWxD) / Weight 130 x432 x 640 mm / 80 kg- 8 to 10 kVA (3U rackversion); Size (HxWxD) /Weight 30 x 432 x 640 mm/ 80 kg- Cable to connect UPS andextension battery are partof the delivery External runtime extensionfor APC Online (VFI) UPS- 3 kVA (2U rack version);Size (HxWxD) / Weight yyy xyyy x yyy mm / yy kg- 5 kVA (3U rack version);Size (HxWxD) / Weight 130 x432 x 640 mm / 80 kg- 8 to 10 kVA (3U rackversion); Size (HxWxD) /Weight 30 x 432 x 640 mm/ 80 kg- Cable to connect UPS andextension battery are partof the deliveryExternal runtime extension for APC Online (VFI) UPS- 5 kVA (3U rack version); Size (HxWxD) / Weight 130 x 432x 640 mm / 80 kg- 8 to 10 kVA (3U rack version); Size (HxWxD) / Weight 30 x432 x 640 mm / 80 kg- Cable to connect UPS and extension battery are part ofthe deliveryBattery runtime half load11.5 min11.8 min14.8 min Battery runtime full load 3.8 min 4 min 5.3 min Weight112 kg55 kg112 kgOperating systemCertified or supported operating systemsand virtualization softwareSoftware Support PowerChute Network Shutdown (for more detailed information please look at the software support matrix on the“APC by Schneider Electric” website)Order code Product NameA3C40178823PY Online UPS S2 3kVA R/TOrder code Product NameA3C40178825PY Online UPS 5kVA R/TA3C40178826PY Online UPS 8kVA R/TA3C40178827PY Online UPS 10kVA R/TApprovals & Conformity (Standards)Europe CEGlobal CBCompliance link https:///sites/certificatesWarrantyWarranty period 3 years (depending on country)Warranty type Door-to-Door Exchange ServiceProduct Support - the perfect extensionSupport Pack Options Globally available in major metropolitan areas:9x5, Next Business Day Onsite Response Time9x5, 4h Onsite Response Time (depending on country)24x7, 4h Onsite Response Time (depending on country) Recommended Service-Service Weblink https:///emeia/support/ContactFujitsu LIMITED Website: 2023-09-02 WW-ENworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment.Using our global know-how, we aim to contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment for future generations through IT.Please find further information at http://www./global/about/environmenttechnical specification with the maximum selection of components for the named system and not the detailed scope ofdelivery. The scope of delivery is defined by the selection of components at the time of ordering. The product was developed for normal business use.Technical data is subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective owner, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.More informationAll rights reserved, including intellectual property rights. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of therespective owner, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner. For further information see https:///global/about/resources/terms/ Copyright 2023 Fujitsu LIMITED。
HMT120 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter12345678910111213 Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMT120A Price Output parameters Humidity output only HHumidity and temperature output KHumidity and temperature, Catalytic sensor VTransmitter type Wall mount/fixed probe ARemote probe with 3 m cable BRemote probe with 5 m cable CRemote probe with 10 m cable DRemote probe with 10 m cable + 10 m extension ERemote probe with 20 m cable FDisplay No display0Display1Output signal 4...20 mA2-wire loop-powered AParameter for Output 1RH 0...100 %RH1Tdf-20...+80 °C(-4...+176 °F)2h-40...1500 kJ/kg(-9.5...+652.6 Btu/lb)3Tw0...+80 °C(+32...+176 °F)4a0...300 g/m3(0...131 gr/ft3)5x0...500 g/kg d.a.(0...3500 gr/lb)6Pw0...500 hPa(0...7.3 psi)7Pws0...500 hPa(0...7.3 psi)8Td -20...+80 °C(-4...+176 °F)9T -40...+60 °C(-40...+140 °F)B-20...+80 °C(-4...+176 °F)C0...+60 °C(+32...+140 °F)D-40...+80 °C(-40...+176 °F)E0...+50 °C(+32...+122 °F)FSPECIAL Define quantity ___________Scale___________XParameter for Output 2RH 0...100 %RH1None AT -40...+60 °C(-40...+140 °F)B-20...+80 °C(-4...+176 °F)C0...+60 °C(+32...+140 °F)D-40...+80 °C(-40...+176 °F)E0...+50 °C(+32...+122 °F)FSPECIAL Define quantity ___________Scale___________XDisplay Units Metric1Non metric2Sensor protection Plastic grid1Plastic grid with PTFE filter2Stainless steel sintered filter (for remote probes only)3Teflon sintered filter for HMP110DRW244938SP ETransmitter installation No accessories ARain shield with installation kit (215109)CInstallation kit for probe No accessories1Duct installation kit (215619)2Probe mounting flange (226061)3Outdoor installation: DTR504A Radiation Shield with probe installation kit (DTR504A)5Probe mounting clamp, 1 piece (225501)6Cable bushings Cable gland for 2...6 mm diameter cable AConduit fitting PG9BConduit fitting NPT 1/2"CNo bushing (rubber plug)DAll bushings (includes A, B, C and D)ZPC Accessories No0Service cable for PC, USB (219685)1 Operation manual No manual AMultilingual ZTotalQTYTotal value Selections in bold are included in the prices of the basic versionsSelections in italic are available at an extra costExample of order code with typical settingsHMT120K A0A1B11A1A0ZHMT120 Temperature Transmitter12345678910111213 Vaisala HUMICAP® Temperature Transmitter HMT120T A A Price Output parameters Temperature output only TTransmitter type Wall mount/fixed probe ARemote probe with 3 m cable BRemote probe with 5 m cable CRemote probe with 10 m cable DRemote probe with 10 m cable + 10 m extension ERemote probe with 20 m cable FDisplay No display0Display1Output signal 4...20 mA2-wire loop-powered AParameter for Output 1T -40...+60 °C(-40...+140 °F)B-20...+80 °C(-4...+176 °F)C0...+60 °C(+32...+140 °F)D-40...+80 °C(-40...+176 °F)E0...+50 °C(+32...+122 °F)FSPECIAL Quantity T Scale___________XParameter for Output 2None ADisplay Units Metric1Non metric2Sensor protection Plastic grid1Plastic grid with PTFE filter2Stainless steel sintered filter (for remote probes only)3Teflon sintered filter for HMP110DRW244938SP ETransmitter installation No accessories ARain shield with installation kit (215109)CInstallation kit for probe No accessories1Duct installation kit (215619)2Probe mounting flange (226061)3Outdoor installation: DTR504A Radiation Shield with probe installation kit (DTR504A)5Probe mounting clamp, 1 piece (225501)6Cable bushings Cable gland for 2...6 mm diameter cable AConduit fitting PG9BConduit fitting NPT 1/2"CNo bushing (rubber plug)DAll bushings (includes A, B, C and D)ZPC Accessories No0Service cable for PC, USB (219685)1 Operation manual No manual AMultilingual ZTotalQTYTotal value Selections in bold are included in the prices of the basic versionsSelections in italic are available at an extra costExample of order code with typical settingsHMT120T A0A B A11A1A0Z。