霍尔 检测传感器 说明书
6、电路板输出开关量!(可直接接单片机 IO 口) 7、可用于电机测速/位置检测等场合
{ delay();//延时抗干扰
if(DOUT==0)//确定 浓度高于设定值时 ,执行条件函数
{ LED=0;
//点亮 P1.0 口灯
/******************************************************************** 结束
*********************************************************************/ sbit LED=P1^0; //定义单片机 P1 口的第 1 位 (即 P1.0)为指示端 sbit DOUT=P2^0; //定义单片机 P2 口的第 1 位 (即 P2.0)为传感器的输入端
#define uchar unsigned char//宏定义无符号字符型
#define uint unsigned int //宏定义无符号整型
/******************************************************************** I/O 定义
/******************************************************************** 延时函数
霍尔电流传感器ACS712 应用技术资料•低噪音模拟信号路径•可通过新的滤波引脚设置器件带宽• 5 μs 输出上升时间,对应步进输入电流•80 千赫带宽•总输出错误1.5%(当T A = 25°C 时)及•小型低厚度SOIC8 封装• 1.2 mΩ 内部传导电阻•引脚1-4 至5-8 之间2.1 V RMS最小绝缘电压• 5.0 伏特,单电源操作•66 至185 mV/A 输出灵敏度•输出电压与交流或直流电流成比例•出厂时精确度校准•极稳定的输出偏置电压•近零的磁滞•电源电压的成比例输出描述Allegro? ACS712 可为工业、汽车、商业和通信系统中的交流或直流电流感测提供经济实惠的精密解决方案。
通过该铜制电流路径施加的电流能够生成可被集成霍尔IC 感应并转化为成比例电压的磁场。
精确的成比例电压由稳定斩波型低偏置BiCMOS 霍尔IC 提供,该IC 出厂时已进行精确度编程。
当通过用作电流感测通路的主要铜制电流路径(从引脚 1 和2,到3 和4)的电流不断上升时,器件的输出具有正斜率(>V IOUT(Q))。
该传导通路的内电阻通常是1.2 mΩ,具有较低的功耗。
传导通路的接线端与传感器引脚(引脚5 到8)是电气绝缘的。
这让ACS712 电流传感器可用于那些要求电气绝缘却未使用光电绝缘器或其它昂贵绝缘技术的应用。
ACS712 采用小型的表面安装SOIC8 封装。
引脚架镀采用100% 雾锡电镀,可与标准无铅(Pb) 印刷电路板装配流程兼容。
在内部,该器件为无铅产品,倒装法使用当前豁免于RoHS 的高温含铅焊球除外。
CHB-50P霍尔电流传感器使用说明书Specifications: Closed loop Hall current sensor, Nominal current 50A RMS for measuring of currents: AC, DC, pulsed …TypeCHB-50P I N Nominal current 50A (RMS) I P Measuring range 0 (100)R M Measuring resistance R M min R M max(Vc =±15V )0Ω (at 50A or 100A)120Ω (at 50A); 85Ω (at 100A)I M Output current Nominal output current 100mA, for primary nominal current I N =50AX Accuracy (Ta =+25)℃ I N ±1.0% K N Turns ra tio 1:500 Vc Supply voltage ±12V …15V (±5%)Ic Current consumption 10mA+I MVi Isolation voltageBetween primary and secondary circuit: 3KV RMS/50Hz/1min.Ioff Offset current (Ta =+25℃) ±0.3mA max, for primary current I N =0 Td Temperature drift ±0.3mA Typical; ±0.5mA Max (0℃…+70)℃L Linearity < 0.1% Tr Response time < 1μS di/dt> 50A/μS f Frequency bandwidth 0...100KHz Ta Operating temperature 0℃...+70℃ Ts Storage temperature -40℃ (100)Rs Secondary resistance 15Ω(Ta =+70℃)Primary resistance ----- WWeight50gDimensions (mm): Connection:+M-0VI N primary currentI M secondary current-+Secondary terminals:Terminal +: supply voltage +12V …15V Terminal -: supply voltage -12V …15V Terminal M: outputNote:Output I M is positive, when the primary current flows in the direction of the arrow.Specifications: Closed loop Hall current sensor, Nominal current 100A RMS for measuring of currents: AC, DC, pulsed …TypeCHB-100P I N Nominal current 100A (RMS) I P Measuring range 0 (150)R M Measuring resistance R M min R M max(Vc =±15V )0Ω (at 50A or 100A)130Ω (at 50A); 85Ω (at 100A)I M Output current Nominal output current 100mA, for primary nominal current I N =100AX Accuracy (Ta =+25)℃ I N ±0.8% K N Turns ratio 1:1000 Vc Supply voltage ±12V …15V (±5%)Ic Current consumption 10mA+I MVi Isolation voltageBetween primary and secondary circuit: 3KV RMS/50Hz/1min.Ioff Offset current (Ta =+25℃) ±0.3mA max, for primary current I N =0 Td Temperature drift ±0.3mA Typical; ±0.5mA Max (0℃…+70)℃L Linearity < 0.1% Tr R esponse time < 1μS di/dt> 50A/μS f Frequency bandwidth 0...100KHz Ta Operating temperature 0℃...+70℃ Ts Storage temperature -40℃ (100)Rs Secondary resistance 15Ω(Ta =+70℃)Primary resistance ----- WWeight50gDimensions (mm): Connection:+M-0VI N primary currentI M secondary current-+Secondary terminals:Terminal +: supply voltage +12V …15V Terminal -: supply voltage -12V …15V Terminal M: outputNote:Output I M is positive, when the primary current flows in the direction of the arrow.。
JB/T 7490-2007
引脚说明:1.+15V 2.-15V 3.Vout 4. 0V OFS 零点调节 GIN 幅度调节
1.传感器通电后,当被测电流从传感器箭头方向穿过,即可在输出端测得同相电压值。 2.传感器的输出幅度可根据用户需求进行适当的调节。 3.可按用户需求定制不同额定输入电流和输出电压的传感器。
LKHS -□ -□ □ -□ □ □
外形 40
注:L 表力创、K 表示开合、H 表 hall(霍尔)、S 表 Sensor(传感器),S 表 single(单)、 D 表 double(双)。 例如:目前开发的双电源±15V 供电、输出为 0~4V、内孔直径尺寸为 21mm 量程为 100A 的 开合霍尔电流型号为:LKHS-21-D15-100A
CrossChip Microsystems CC6904 单芯片霍尔效应电流传感器说明书
CC6904单芯片霍尔效应电流传感器5A/10A/20A/30A 系列概述CC6904是一款高性能单端输出的线性电流传感器,可以更为有效的为交流(AC )或者直流(DC )电流检测方案,广泛应用于工业,消费类及通信类设备。
线性霍尔电路采用先进的BiCMOS 制程生产,包含了高灵敏度霍尔传感器,霍尔信号预放大器,高精度的霍尔温度补偿单元,振荡器,动态失调消除电路和放大器输出模块。
在无磁场的情况下,静态输出为50%VCC 。
在电源电压3.3V 条件下,OUT 可以在0.2~3.1V 之间随磁场线性变化,线性度可达0.4%。
CC6904内部集成的动态失调消除电路使IC 的灵敏度不受外界压力和IC 封装应力的影响。
CC6904提供SOP8封装,工作温度范围-40~125°C 。
特性◆静态共模输出点为50%VCC ◆测量范围宽,5A/10A/20A/30A◆1MHz 斩波频率,高带宽,低噪声,单端模拟输出◆导线引脚到信号引脚有2000V 的安全隔离电压◆低功耗◆常温误差1%,全温误差3%◆温度稳定性好,内部采用了芯进专利的霍尔信号放大电路和温度补偿电路◆抗干扰能力强◆抗机械应力,磁参数不会因为受外界压力而偏移◆ESD (HBM)6000V应用◆电机控制◆负载监测系统◆开关电源◆过流故障保护功能框图订购信息产品名称灵敏度(CC6904SO-05A CC6904SO-10A CC6904SO-20A管脚定义12345678IP+IP+IP-IP-VCC OUT NCGNDSOP8封装极限参数推荐工作环境参数电源电压环境温度直流电流容量参数符号电气特性零电流输出温度系数ΔV OUT(Q)灵敏度温度系数ΔSens典型应用电路典型应用过流故障检测器电流峰值监测应用曲线&波形(若无特别指明,V CC =3.3V @25°C)V OUT vs.IP (正向电流上升沿响应)(20A )V OUT vs.IP (正向电流下降沿响应)(20A )V OUT vs.IP (负向电流上升沿响应)(20A )V OUT vs.IP (负向电流下降沿沿响应)(20A )CH2:OUT CH4:IPCH2:OUT CH4:IPCH2:OUT CH4:IPCH2:OUT CH4:IPt D 响应时间(20A )静态电流vs.VCC 静态电流vs.Ta20A 系列V OUT(Q)vs.Ta(20A)V OUT vs.IP (20A)CH2:OUT CH4:IP468V OUT error vs.Ta(20A)Sens error vs.Ta(20A)封装信息SOP8封装注意:1.所有尺寸单位均为毫米。
Honeywell 电流传感器 CSN 系列 闭环线性 说明书
电流传感器特点:●最大测量电流1200安培● 可测量交流、直流、脉冲电流● 最高的性能价格比● 快速响应,无击穿现象● 高过载能力● 初级与次级电路高度隔离● 外形小巧● 竞争力的价格闭环传感器CSN 系列电流传感器是基于霍尔效应及零磁场平衡原理(反馈系统)来测量电流的。
订货指南型号CSNA111CSNB121CSNB131CSNC241CSNE151CSNE151-100CSNF163CSNF173CSNP661CSNP661-002CSNT651CSNT651-001CSNF161CSNF161-002CSNF151CSNF151-001CSNR161CSNR161-002CSNR151CSNJ481CSNJ481-001CSNJ481-002CSNJ481-003CSNK591CSNK591-001CSNK591-002CSNK591-003电流(A )rms/peak50/7050/10050/10050/9025/3625/50100/150100/15050/9050/9050/15050/150100/150100/150100/180100/180125/200125/200125/200300/600300/600300/600300/600500/1200500/1200500/1200500/1200供电电压VDC ±5%±15±15±15±13±15±12~15±15±15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~15±12~18±12~18±12~18±12~18±12~24±12~24±12~24±12~24线圈特性匝数100020002000100010001000100020001000100020002000100010002000200010001000200020002000200020005000500050005000电阻@70℃90Ω160Ω130Ω50Ω110Ω66Ω30Ω80Ω30Ω30Ω100Ω100Ω30Ω30Ω100Ω100Ω30Ω30Ω100Ω25Ω25Ω25Ω25Ω50Ω50Ω50Ω50Ω输入/输出电流比50mA /50A 25mA /50A 25mA /50A 50mA /50A 25mA /25A 25mA /25A 100mA /100A 50mA /100A 50mA /50A 50mA /50A 25mA /50A 25mA /50A 100mA /100A 100mA /100A 50mA /100A 50mA /100A 125mA /125A 125mA /125A 62.5mA /125A 150mA /300A 150mA /300A 150mA /300A 150mA /300A 100mA /500A 100mA /500A 100mA /500A 100mA /500A 测量阻值最小值/最大值ohms*40/10040/10040/10040/100100/32054/36030/8520/15070/10070/10040/5040/5030/4030/4010/2510/2530/3530/3510/3020/2520/2520/2520/2510/2510/2510/2510/25壳体材料111111331111111111111111111初级线圈连接穿孔穿孔穿孔穿孔10针8针穿孔穿孔穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流穿孔汇排流次级线圈连接3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针3针扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头扁平插头工作温度0℃— 70℃0℃—70℃0℃—70℃0℃—70℃0℃—70℃-40℃—85℃0℃—70℃0℃—70℃-25℃—85℃-25℃—85℃-25℃—85℃-25℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃0℃—70℃0℃— 70℃-40℃—85℃-40℃—85℃0℃— 70℃0℃— 70℃壳体材料1: 聚碳酸/ABS 混合物 2:聚酯 3:尼龙/ABS 混合物,15%玻璃纤维最大到最小负载电阻可以忽略而不会损坏内部的三极管;所示电阻值均为最大供电电压和峰值初级电流条件。
霍尔传感器样本手册——安科瑞 华楠
1.霍尔传感器霍尔电流传感器主要适用于交流、直流、脉冲等复杂信号的隔离转换,通过霍尔效应原理使变换后的信号能够直接被AD 、DSP 、PLC 、二次仪表等各种采集装置直接采集,广泛应用于电流监控及电池应用、逆变电源及太阳能电源管理系统、直流屏及直流马达驱动、电镀、焊接应用、变频器,UPS 伺服控制等系统电流信号采集和反馈控制,具有响应时间快,电流测量范围宽精度高,过载能力强,线性好,抗干扰能力强等优点。
1.1开环霍尔电流传感器1.1.1型号说明1.1.2技术指标技术参数指标霍尔开口式/闭口式开环霍尔(真有效值)输出标称值电压:±5V/±4V 电流:4~20mA 零点失调电压(电流)电压:±20mV电流:±0.05mA失调电压(电流)漂移电压:≤±1.0mV/℃电流:±0.04mA/℃线性度≤0.2%FS电源电压DC ±15V DC 24V频宽0~20kHz 响应时间≤5us≤1ms耐压强度输入与输出及电源之间允许AC2500V 工频耐压精度等级1.0环境温度工作:-25℃~+70℃;储存:-40℃~+85℃湿度≤95%RH,不结露,无腐蚀性气体场所海拔≤3500m注:开口式、闭口式为传感器产品外观不同,原理都为开环原理。
1.1.3开口式开环霍尔电流传感器1.1.3.1规格尺寸(单位:mm)图1图21.1.3.2规格参数对照表型号额定电流供电电源额定输出测量孔径(mm)准确度AHKC-EKA 0~(50-500)A ±15V 5V /4V φ201级AHKC-EKAADC 0~(50-500)A12V/24V4~20mAφ201级尺寸规格外形尺寸穿孔尺寸安装尺寸图形W H D a e ΦM N AHKC-EKA 606416//2047/图1AHKC-EKAA 606416//2047/图1AHKC-EKDA 606416//2047/图1AHKC-EKB 10010224//4080/图1AHKC-EKBA 10010224//4080/图1AHKC-EKBDA 10010224//4080/图1AHKC-EKC 11511027//6095.5/图1AHKC-EKCA 11511027//6095.5/图1AHKC-EKCDA 11511027//6095.5/图1AHKC-K 12763256416//30图2AHKC-KAA 12763256416//30图2AHKC-KDA 12763256416//30图2AHKC-H 14979258232//46图2AHKC-KA 17695.52910436//60图2AHKC-HB 204111.52913252//48×2图2AHKC-HBAA 204111.52913252//48×2图2AHKC-HBDA204111.52913252//48×2图2AHKC-EKDA AC 0~(50-500)A 12V/24V 4~20mA φ201级AHKC-EKB 0~(200-1000)A±15V 5V /4V φ401级AHKC-EKBADC 0~(200-1000)A 12V/24V4~20mAφ401级AHKC-EKBDA AC 0~(200~1000)A 12V/24V 4~20mA φ401级AHKC-EKC 0~(500-1500)A±15V 5V /4V φ551级AHKC-EKCADC 0~(500-1500)A 12V/24V4~20mAφ551级AHKC-EKCDA AC 0~(500-1500)A 12V/24V 4~20mA φ551级AHKC-K 0~(400-2000)A±15V 5V /4V 64×161级AHKC-KAA DC 0~(400-2000)A 12V/24V4~20mA64×161级AHKC-KDAAC 0~(400-2000)A12V/24V 4~20mA 64×161级AHKC-H 0~(500-3000)A ±15V 5V /4V 82×321级AHKC-KA 0~(500-5000)A±15V 5V /4V 104×361级AHKC-HB0~(2000-20000)A±15V5V /4V132×521级AHKC-HBAA DC 0~(2000-20000)A12V/24V 4~20mA 132×521级AHKC-HBDA AC 0~(2000-20000)A12V/24V 4~20mA 132×521级注:额定电流未标注表示输入电流交直流均可测量,订货时请注明。
YAV 霍尔电流传感器 技术手册v1708
工作 环境
AC/DC ±10A ±1ຫໍສະໝຸດ 0A ±100A额定电流范围
0-5V/10V/20mA 可选
电气 参数
工作电源 绝缘阻抗
±12V ±24+5%V
功耗 绝缘耐压
-40℃~+115℃ 正常大气压 0.1% 量程标注 0-10khz +18, -10ma 5kV50hz1Min)
1. 产品概述
YAV 直流/交流电流传感器是一种检测装置,能感受到被测电流的信息,并能将检测感受到的信息,按 一定规律变换成为符合一定标准需要的电信号或其他所需形式的信息输出,以满足信息的传输、处理、存 储、显示、记录和控制等要求。
电流变送器是一种利用磁通门原理将被测直流电流转换成与该电流成比例输出的直流电流或电压信号 的测量模块,原副边之间高度绝缘。具有高精确度、高线性度、高集成度、体积小结构简单、长期工作稳 定且适应各种工作环境的特点。广泛地应用在新能源、石油、煤矿、化工、铁路、通信、楼宇自控等行业 的电气设备的系统控制及检测。
直流微电流测量的电量隔离传感器,测量方式为穿孔结构,无插入损耗,过载能力强,抗电磁干扰能 力强,电源适应范围宽,其输入和输出之间都不共地,输入信号为直流微电流,可以用于测量直流系统绝 缘漏电流,该产品可广泛用于直流电源系统各回路的绝缘监测。
Specifications: Closed loop Hall current sensor, Nominal current 50A RMS for measuring of currents: AC, DC, pulsed …TypeCHB-50P I N Nominal current 50A (RMS) I P Measuring range 0 (100)R M Measuring resistance R M min R M max(Vc =±15V ) 0Ω (at 50A or 100A)120Ω (at 50A); 85Ω (at 100A)I M Output current Nominal output current 100mA, for primary nominal current I N =50AX Accuracy (Ta =+25)℃ I N ±1.0% K N Turns ratio 1:500 Vc Supply voltage ±12V …15V (±5%)Ic Current consumption 10mA+I MVi Isolation voltageBetween primary and secondary circuit: 3KV RMS/50Hz/1min.Ioff Offset current (Ta =+25℃) ±0.3mA max, for primary current I N =0 Td Temperature drift ±0.3mA Typical; ±0.5mA Max (0℃…+70)℃L Linearity < 0.1% Tr Response time < 1μS di/dt> 50A/μS f Frequency bandwidth 0…100KHz Ta Operating temperature 0℃…+70℃ Ts Storage temperature -40℃…+100℃ Rs Secondary resistance 15Ω(Ta =+70℃)Primary resistance ----- WWeight50gDimensions (mm): Connection:+M-0VI N primary currentI M secondary current-+Secondary terminals:Terminal +: supply voltage +12V …15V Terminal -: supply voltage -12V …15V Terminal M: outputNote:Output I M is positive, when the primary current flows in the direction of the arrow.Specifications: Closed loop Hall current sensor, Nominal current 100A RMS for measuring of currents: AC, DC, pulsed …TypeCHB-100P I N Nominal current 100A (RMS) I P Measuring range 0 (150)R M Measuring resistance R M min R M max(Vc =±15V ) 0Ω (at 50A or 100A)130Ω (at 50A); 85Ω (at 100A)I M Output current Nominal output current 100mA, for primary nominal current I N =100AX Accuracy (Ta =+25)℃ I N ±0.8% K N Turns ratio 1:1000 Vc Supply voltage ±12V …15V (±5%)Ic Current consumption 10mA+I MVi Isolation voltageBetween primary and secondary circuit: 3KV RMS/50Hz/1min.Ioff Offset current (Ta =+25℃) ±0.3mA max, for primary current I N =0 Td Temperature drift ±0.3mA Typical; ±0.5mA Max (0℃…+70)℃L Linearity < 0.1% Tr Response time < 1μS di/dt> 50A/μS f Frequency bandwidth 0…100KHz Ta Operating temperature 0℃…+70℃ Ts Storage temperature -40℃…+100℃ Rs Secondary resistance 15Ω(Ta =+70℃)Primary resistance ----- WWeight50gDimensions (mm): Connection:+M-0VI N primary currentI M secondary current-+Secondary terminals:Terminal +: supply voltage +12V …15V Terminal -: supply voltage -12V …15V Terminal M: outputNote:Output I M is positive, when the primary current flows in the direction of the arrow.。
开口式霍尔电流传感器AHKC-H-产品规格书H004AHKC-H 系列开口式霍尔电流传感器V1.01.产品概述AHKC-H 系列开口式霍尔电流传感器是应用霍尔效应原理开发的新一代电流传感器,能在电隔离条件下测量直流、交流、脉冲以及各种不规则波形的电流。
2.技术参数及外形尺寸3.安装方式4.接线方式参数指标额定输入电±600~±3000A 额定输出电±5V/±4V准确级 1.0电源电压DC±15V(允许波零点失调电±20mV失调电压漂≤±1.0mV/℃线性度≤0.2%FS响应时间≤5us频宽0~20kHz绝缘电压 2.5kV/50Hz/1min工作温度-40℃~85℃储存温度-40℃~85℃功耗≤0.5W+15V -15V M G+15V GND -15V 辅助电源信号输出AO GND-1-螺丝固定在母排上单位:mm+15V——电源+15V-15V——电源-15V(注意电源正极与负极不可接反)M——信号输出端正极G——电源地与信号输出端负极注:具体接线按实物外壳上的端子编号为准。
2.1.2闭口是开环霍尔电流传感器 固定安装
2.2闭环霍尔电流传感器 固定安装
Si721x 霍尔效应磁性位置传感器产品系列说明书
Si721x 场输出霍尔效应磁性位置传感器数据表Silicon Labs 提供的 Si7211/2/3/4/5/6/7 霍尔效应磁性传感器产品系列结合了斩波稳定型霍尔元件以及低噪声模拟放大器、13 位 AD 转换器。
模数转换后,磁场数据可以以模拟、脉冲宽度调制 (PWM)或单边缘渐进传输 (SENT)格式提供(视部件编号而定)。
借助 Silicon Labs 成熟的 CMOS 设计技术,Si721x 产品系列融入数字信号处理,为温度和失调漂移提供精密补偿。
与现有霍尔效应传感器相比,Si721x 产品系列具有行业领先的灵敏度和低噪声,使传感器能够在较大气隙和较小磁体条件下使用。
在最简单的情况下,Si721x 设备以 3 引脚 SOT23 或 TO92 形式封装,提供电源、接地和单输出引脚,该单输出引脚可用于输出对应模拟格式、PWM 或 SENT 格式的磁场信号。
Si721x 设备还提供 5 引脚 SOT23 和 8 引脚 DFN(即将推出)封装形式,除上述引脚外,其他引脚可以用于睡眠模式 (DIS) 或用于启动片上线圈内置自检 (BISTb) 功能。
应用特性:•高灵敏度霍尔效应传感器•与磁场相对应的低噪声输出•为温度和失调漂移提供补偿的集成数字信号处理•睡眠电流消耗低至 50 nA(典型值)•可配置灵敏度、输出极性和采样率•随温度变化,灵敏度漂移幅度 < ±3%•电源电压范围广•1.7 至 5.5 V•3.3 至 26.5 V•可配置输出选项•模拟•PWM•SENT•行业标准封装•表面安装式 SOT-23(3 引脚或 5 引脚)封装•TO92 封装•DFN 封装(即将推出)•消费、工业和汽车应用中的机械位置传感器•相机影像稳定、放大和自动聚焦•液位感应•控制旋钮和选择器开关DIS (Optional)VOUTVDD VDDTable of Contents1.Electrical Specifications (3)2.Functional Description (9)3.Analog Output (10)4.PWM Output Description (11)5.SENT Output (12)5.1 tSENT Status Nibble (12)5.2 SENT Data Nibbles (13)5.3 CRC Calculation (13)5.4 SENT Pause Pulse (13)5.5 SENT Frame Rate (13)5.6 BIST Activation During SENT Operation (13)6.Pin Description (14)7.Ordering Guide (16)8.Package Outline (18)8.1 SOT23 3-Pin Package (18)8.2 SOT23-5 5-Pin Package (20)8.3 TO92S 3-Pin Package (22)nd Patterns (23)9.1 SOT23 3-Pin PCB Land Pattern (23)9.2 SOT23-5 5-Pin PCB Land Pattern (24)10.Top Marking (25)10.1 SOT23 3-Pin Top Marking (25)10.2 SOT23-5 5-Pin Top Marking (26)10.3 TO92 Top Marking (26)11.Revision History (27)1.Electrical SpecificationsUnless otherwise specified, all min/max specifications apply over the recommended operating conditions.Table 1.1. Recommended Operating ConditionsTable 1.2. General Specification1Table 1.3. Output Pin SpecificationsTable 1.4. Magnetic SensorTable 1.5. Temperature CompensationTable 1.6. Thermal CharacteristicsTable 1.7. Absolute Maximum Ratings1Functional Description 2. Functional DescriptionThe Si7211/2/3/4/5/7 family of Hall Effect magnetic sensors digitize the component of the magnetic field in the z axis of the device (pos-itive field is defined as pointing into the device from the bottom). The digitized field is then converted to an output format of analog, PWM or SENT and presented on the output pin.Table 2.1. Part DescriptionRefer to the Magnetic Sensors Selector Guide for the two digit number after the die revision which gives more details about output, sampling frequency and other details.Data output is always unsigned. That is, half scale (V DD/2 for analog out parts, 50% duty cycle for PWM output parts and 2048 (0x800) for SENT output parts) corresponds to zero field.The parts are preconfigured for the magnetic field measurement range, idle time, temperature compensation and digital filtering and will wake into this mode when first powered. The specific configuration output type (open collector or push pull) are determined by the part number.Analog Output 3. Analog OutputFor the Si7211, the analog output is V DD/2 at zero field and goes from nearly zero at large negative field to nearly V DD at large positive field.B(mT)=(20.47or204.7)×(2×Vout Vdd−1)4- and 5-pin packages also have the option of a BISTb pin. When configured and detected low, the internal coil is turned on until the pin is detected high again. Each subsequent BISTb activation flips the polarity of the coil during BIST.For high voltage parts (Si7216), the output is ratiometric to an internally derived V DD of 5V (± 5%) so long as the input V DD is > 6 V.B(mT)=(20.47or204.7)×(2×Vout5−1)For V DD < 6 V the internally derived reference drops 1 V for each 1 V drop in V DD to the minimum recommended working voltage of 4.0 V.PWM Output Description 4. PWM Output DescriptionThe PWM output can be configured as open drain or push pull. High voltage parts can only be configured as open drain. The PWM duty cycle is factory configured and is normally set to in the range of 10 Hz to 1 KHz and is ±5%. See ordering guide for specific part num-bers..As each measurement completes, the next PWM cycle will be updated to reflect the last measurement result. The duty cycle varies from 0 to 100% where 50% duty cycle means zero field, 0 % duty cycle generally means maximum negative field (-20.47 mT or -204.7 mT) and 100% duty cycle generally means maximum positive field (+20.47 or +204.7 mT). The high portion of the PWM is output first so thatB(mT)=(20.47or204.7)×(2×Thigh−1)Thigh+TlowThe host processor should look for a variation in the magnetic field to determine the entire system is working properly.4- and 5-pin packages also have the option of a BISTb pin. When configured and detected low the internal coil is turned on until the pin is detected high again. Each subsequent BISTb activation flips the polarity of the coil during BIST.5. SENT OutputThe Si7213 and Si7215 output data in SENT (Single Edge Nibble transmission) format conforming to J2716 January 2010. All SENT output parts are configured as open collector.SENT protocol messages consist of:• A calibration/synchronization period consisting of 56 clock ticks• A status and serial communication 4-bit nibble• A sequence of up to six data nibbles• A one nibble checksum•Each nibble is 12 to 27 clock ticks•An optional delay pause pulseFigure 5.1. SENT Timing DiagramAs can be seen, each part of the sequence is determined by the timing between falling edges of the open drain sent output. First, a time of 56 clock ticks is produced so that the receiver can calibrate itself to the Si7213/5 speed. Then a total of 8 nibbles (4 bits per nibble) is produced. The edge to edge time of each nibble is 12 clock ticks for a data nibble of 0000b 13 ticks for a data value of 0001b and so on up to 27 ticks for a data value of 1111b.The nominal tick time has been standardized at 5 μsec (±5%) however this is configurable.5.1 tSENT Status NibbleIn the Si721x the four bit status nibble is defined as follows:•Bit 3 and Bit 2 always transmitted as zeroes (No serial message support)•Bit 1 and Bit 0•00 Normal; No error condition•01 Error condition•10 Positive field BIST active•11 Negative field BIST active5.2 SENT Data NibblesThe Si7213 and Si7215 are configurable to support a variety of options. The standard option follows J2716 A.3 where:For magnetic field, 3 nibbles are put together for a total 12 bit data word with values that can range from 0 to 4095. For magnetic field data, 2048 corresponds to zero field. The Si7213 can be configured for ± 20.47 mT full scale or ± 204.7 mT full scale. On the 20.47 mT full scale 1 LSB is 0.01 mT and on the 204.7 mT full scale 1 LSB is 0.1 mT.5.3 CRC CalculationThe CRC is calculated based on the 6 data nibble according to x4 +x3 + x2 + 1 with a seed value of 0101 as per the recommendations in J7216 section The legacy CRC calculation is not supported.5.4 SENT Pause PulseThe Si7213 and Si7215 are configurable for a pause pulse that is 12 ticks low, 256 ticks wide. However, the standard offering is no pause pulse.5.5 SENT Frame RateFor the standard offering with no pause pulse, each message will be 154 to 270 ticks in length. At a tick time of 5 μsec this is 770 to 1350 μsec. This gives an average frame rate of approximately 1 msec for the standard tick time of 5 μsec. Conversion start is synchronized to the start of the synch pulse and is normally completed before the synch pulse completes so the data that is reported is the data obtained during the synch pulse time.5.6 BIST Activation During SENT OperationFor 3-pin packages BIST can be activated by holding the output pin low for the entire message.Once BIST is activated SENT messages resume 12 ticks after the SENT IO pin is detected high. Eight positive field BIST messages are followed by eight negative field BIST messages followed by a return to normal messages.The nominal magnetic field output of the on-chip generator varies with coil current. The coil current varies with the coil resistance and power supply voltage, so the nominal magnetic field output varies according to:Bout = BperVnom x VDDBperVnom is 1.6 mT/VThis can be used to calculate the expected magnetic field from the test coil for a given V DD. This is somewhat temperature dependent, so the actual measured field will vary according to the accuracy of the part as well as temperature. Generally, as the coil is turned on and off the measured variation in field should be within ±25% of expectation based on the calculated field generation.The host processor should look for a variation in the magnetic field output to determine the entire system is working properly.The 4- and 5-pin packages also have the option of a BISTb pin. When configured and detected low, the internal coil is turned on until the pin is detected high again. Each subsequent BISTb activation flips the polarity of the coil during BIST.6. Pin Description123TO-92, 3-PinFront ViewSOT-23, 5-PinTop ViewSOT-23, 3-Pin Top View Figure 6.1. Si721x Pin AssignmentsNote:The 3-pin option includes part numbers: Si7211/12/13/14/15/16.The SOT-23 5 pin option include part numbers: Si7217.Table 6.1. Si7211/12/13/14/15/16 (SOT23 3-pin Package)Table 6.2. Si7217 (SOT23 5-pin Package)Table 6.3. Si7211 (TO-92 Package)7. Ordering GuideSi721B F V Rxx Silicon Labs Magnetic Sensor Family Output TypeRevision Feature Set MinorTemperature GradePackageTape and Reel (Optional)See Selector Guide for breakdown of feature setV = SOT23, B = TO92, M = DFN8xFeature Set Major1, 6, 7 = Analog 2, 4 = PWM F = (0 to +70)I = (-40 to +125)3, 5 = SENTFigure 7.1. Si721x Part NumberingTable 7.1. Product Selection GuideAdditional InformationFor information on the below specifications of each OPN refer to the Magnetic Sensors Selector Guide:•Current consumption•Built in self test if applicableAll Si721x parts periodically measure the field and output the data in PWM, SENT, or analog format.The Si721x parts are factory configurable for:•The type of output analog, SENT, or PWM•The amount of digital filtering applied to the samples•The time between measurements•The output pin can be open drain or push pull (SENT and PWM parts)•Full scale can be programmed as 20mT or 200mT• A temperature compensation can be applied to the field data to adjust for the variation in field with temperature for common magnet typesNote: North pole of a magnet at the bottom of a SOT23 package, top of a DFN 8 package(coming soon), or front of a TO92 pack-age(coming soon) is defined as positive field.8. Package Outline 8.1 SOT23 3-Pin PackageTable 8.1. SOT23 3-Pin Package Dimensions8.2 SOT23-5 5-Pin PackageTable 8.2. SOT23-5 5-Pin Package Dimensions8.3 TO92S 3-Pin PackageTable 8.3. TO92S 3-Pin Package Dimensions9. Land Patterns9.1 SOT23 3-Pin PCB Land Pattern9.2 SOT23-5 5-Pin PCB Land Pattern10. Top Marking10.1 SOT23 3-Pin Top MarkingNote: TTTT is a manufacturing code.10.2 SOT23-5 5-Pin Top MarkingNote: TTTT is a manufacturing code.10.3 TO92 Top MarkingNote: TTTT is a manufacturing code. PPPP is 72xx.Revision History 11. Revision HistoryRevision 1.3May, 2020•Added EOL note for Si7214/15/16 in the Ordering Guide (200324717 End of Life Notification for High Voltage Si72xx Devices). Revision 1.2March, 2019•Removed all mention of AEC-Q100 qualification in product description and feature list.Revision 1.1October 11th, 2018•Added Si7211 TO92 part number.•Added details on Si7217 part number.•Added specifications for Si7217.Revision 1.0January 4, 2018•Updated power numbers to be consistent with production test limits.•Moved detailed ordering guide to a separate selection guide.•Updated detailed description to be clearer and more accurate.Revision 0.9June 30, 2017•Updated 1. Electrical Specifications.•Updated 7. Ordering Guide.•Minor typo corrections.Revision 0.1February 1, 2016•Initial release.Smart. Connected. Energy-Friendly.Products /productsQuality/qualitySupport and CommunitySilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar ChavezAustin, TX 78701USADisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required, or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.®, Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clock B uilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。
NOTE: For detailed information on purchasing options, contact your local Allegro field applications engineer or sales representative.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, revisions to the anticipated product life cycle plan for a product to accommodate changes in production capabilities, alternative product availabilities, or market demand. The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no respon-sibility for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.Recommended Substitutions:For existing customer transition, and for new customers or new appli-cations, refer to the ACS712.Bidirectional 1.5 mΩ Hall Effect Based Linear Current Sensor ICwith V oltage Isolation and 15 A Dynamic RangeACS706ELC-05CDate of status change: December 26, 2006These parts are in production but have been determined to beNOT FOR NEW DESIGN. This classification indicates that sale of this device is currently restricted to existing customer applications. The device should not be purchased for new design applications because obsolescence in the near future is probable. Samples are no longer available.Not for New DesignFeatures and Benefits• Small footprint, low-profile SOIC8 package• 1.5 m Ω internal conductor resistance• 1600 V RMS minimum isolation voltage between pins 1-4 and 5-8• 4.5 to 5.5 V, single supply operation • 50 kHz bandwidth• 133 mV/A output sensitivity and 15 A dynamic range • Output voltage proportional to ac and dc currents • Factory-trimmed for accuracy• Extremely stable output offset voltage • Near-zero magnetic hysteresis• Ratiometric output from supply voltageThe Allegro ACS706 family of current sensor ICs provides economical and precise solutions for current sensing in industrial, automotive, commercial, and communications systems. The device package allows for easy implementation by the customer. Typical applications include motor control, load detection and management, switch-mode power supplies, and overcurrent fault protection.The device consists of a precision, low-offset linear Hall circuit with a copper conduction path located near the surface of the die. Applied current flowing through this copper conduction path generates a magnetic field which the Hall IC converts into a proportional voltage. Device accuracy is optimized through the close proximity of the magnetic signal to the Hall transducer. A precise, proportional voltage is provided by the low-offset, chopper-stabilized BiCMOS Hall IC, which is programmed for accuracy at the factory.The output of the device has a positive slope (>V CC / 2) when an increasing current flows through the primary copper conduction path (from pins 1 and 2, to pins 3 and 4), which is the path used for current sampling. The internal resistance of this conductive path is typically 1.5 m Ω, providing low power loss. The thickness of the copper conductor allows survival of the device at up to 5× overcurrent conditions. The terminals of the conductive path are electrically isolated from the signal leads (pins 5 through 8). This allows the ACS706 to be used in applications requiring electrical isolation without the use of opto-isolators or other costly isolation techniques.The ACS706 is provided in a small, surface mount SOIC8 package. The leadframe is plated with 100% matte tin, which is compatible with standard lead (Pb) free printed circuit board assembly processes. Internally, the flip-chip uses high-temperature Pb-based solder balls, currently exempt from RoHS. The device is fully calibrated prior to shipment from the factory.Use the following complete part number when ordering:Part NumberPackageACS706ELC-05CSOIC8 surface mountTÜV AmericaCertificate Number:U8V 04 12 54214 005AB S O L UTE MAX I M UM RAT I NGSSupply V oltage, V CC ..........................................16 V Reverse Supply V oltage, V RCC ........................–16 V Output V oltage, V OUT ........................................16 V Reverse Output V oltage, V ROUT ......................–0.1 V Output Current Source, I OUT(Source) ................. 3 mA Output Current Sink, I OUT(Sink) .......................10 mA Maximum Transient Sensed Current *, I R(max) ...100 A Operating Temperature, Maximum Junction, T J(max).......................165°C Storage Temperature, T S ......................–65 to 170°C*Junction Temperature, T J < TJ(max).*100 total pulses, 250 ms duration each, applied at a rate of1 pulse every 100 seconds.Nominal Operating Temperature, T A Range E ............................................–40 to 85ºC Overcurrent Transient Tolerance*, I P ................60 ABidirectional 1.5 m Ω Hall Effect Based Linear Current Sensorwith Voltage Isolation and 15 A Dynamic RangePackage LCPin 1: IP+Pin 2: IP+Pin 3: IP–Pin 4: IP–Pin 8: VCC Pin 7: VOUTPin 6: N.C.Pin 5: GNDPins 6 and 7 are internally connected in shipping product. For compatibility with future devices, leave pin 6 floating.Functional Block Diagram0.1 μFPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS, over operating ambient temperature range, unless otherwise specifiedPropagation Time t PROP I P =±5 A, T A = 25°C– 3.15–μs Response Time t RESPONSE I P =±5 A, T A = 25°C–6–μs Rise Time t r I P =±5 A, T A = 25°C–7.45–μs Frequency Bandwidth f–3 dB, T A = 25°C; I P is 10 A peak-to-peak; no external filter–50–kHzSensitivity Sens Over full range of I P , I P applied for 5 ms; T A = 25°C–133–mV/A Over full range of I P , I P applied for 5 ms124–142mV/ANoise V NOISE Peak-to-peak, T A = 25°C, no external filter–90–mV Root Mean Square, T A = 25°C, no external filter–16–mVLinearity E LIN Over full range of I P , I P applied for 5 ms–±1±4.7% Symmetry E SYM Over full range of I P , I P applied for 5 ms98100104.5% Zero Current Output Voltage V OUT(Q)I P = 0 A, T A = 25°C–V CC / 2–VElectrical Offset Voltage V OE I P = 0 A, T A = 25°C–15–15mV I P = 0 A–65–65mVMagnetic Offset Error I ERROM I P = 0 A, after excursion of 5 A–±0.01±0.05ATotal Output Error1E TOT I P =±5 A, I P applied for 5 ms;T A = 25°C–±1.5–% I P = ±5 A, I P applied for 5 ms––±12.5%Characteristic Symbol Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Units ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, over operating ambient temperature range unless otherwise specifiedOptimized Accuracy Range I P–5–5A Linear Sensing Range I R–15–15A Supply Voltage V CC 4.5 5.0 5.5V Supply Current I CC V CC = 5.0 V, output open5810mA Output Resistance R OUT I OUT = 1.2 mA–12ΩOutput Capacitance Load C LOAD VOUT to GND––10nF Output Resistive Load R LOAD VOUT to GND 4.7––kΩPrimary Conductor Resistance R PRIMARY T A = 25°C– 1.5–mΩRMS Isolation Voltage V ISORMS Pins 1-4 and 5-8; 60 Hz, 1 minute16002500–V DC Isolation Voltage V ISODC–5000–V OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS2,3, T A = –40°C to 125°C, V CC = 5 V unless otherwise specified–Value–UnitsJunction-to-Lead Thermal Resistance RθJLMounted on the Allegro ASEK 70x evaluation board; additionalinformation about reference boards and tests is available on theAllegro Web site–5–°C/WJunction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance RθJAMounted on the Allegro ASEK 70x evaluation board; additionalinformation about reference boards and tests is available on theAllegro Web site–41–°C/W1Percentage of I P, with I P = 5 A. Output filtered. Up to a 2.0% shift in E TOT may be observed at end-of-life for this device.2 The Allegro evaluation board has 1500 mm2 of 2 oz. copper on each side, connected to pins 1 and 2, and to pins3 and 4, with thermal vias connect-ing the layers. Performance values include the power consumed by the PWB. Further details on the board are available from the ACS704 Frequently Asked Questions document on our website. Further information about board design and thermal performance also can be found on pages 16 and 17 of this datasheet.3RθJA values shown in this table are typical values, measured on the Allegro evaluation board. The actual thermal performance depends on the board design, the airflow in the system, and thermal interactions between the device and surrounding components through the PCB and the ambient air. To improve thermal performance, see our applications material on the Allegro Web site.Typical Performance Characteristics-50-25255075100125150Supply Current versus Ambient TemperatureV CC = 5 VT A (°C)I C C (m A ) CC (V)I C C (m A ) Current versus Applied VCC11. O U T (V )Output Voltage versus Primary CurrentV CC = 5 VI P (A)110115120125130135140145150160S e n s (m V /A )-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1123456789I P (A)Sensitivity versus Primary CurrentV CC = 5 V-50-250255075100125150V O U T (Q ) (V )2.4702.5802.4902.5002.5102.5202.530Zero Current Output Voltage vs. Ambient TemperatureT A (°C)I P = 0 AZero Current Output Currrent versus Ambient Temperature(Data in above chart converted to amperes)I V O U T (Q ) (A )–0.3–0.2––50–25255075100125150T A (°C)V O M (m A )-1.0-0.8-0.6-0.4- A (°C)Magnetic Offset Error versus Ambient TemperatureV CC = 5 V; I P= 0 A, after excursion to 5 A-50-25255075150100125T A (°C) L I N (%)Nonlinearity versus Ambient TemperatureV CC = 5 V I P= 5 ATypical Peak-to-Peak Noise of ACS706ELC-05C at T A =25°CStep Response of ACS706ELC-05C at T A =25°CACS706 Output (mV)5 A Excitation SignalTime = 10 μs/div.Excitation signal = 1.00 A/div.Output = 100 mV/div.Time = 20 μs/div.Noise = 20.0 mV/div.ACS706ELC-05C Noise Filtering and Frequency Response Performance Break Frequencyof Filter on Output(kHz)Resistance,R F (kΩ)Capacitance,C F (μF)NominalProgrammedSensitivity(mV/A)FilteredPeak-to-Peak Noise(mV)Resolutionwith Filtering(A)Rise Timefor 5A Step,Filtered(μs)Unfiltered––133 900.6777.45800.2000.01 75.90.5718.26500.32064.70.48610.08 400.39260.30.45311.39 200.80043.30.32617.56 10 1.628.90.21831.96 7.0 3.1518.30.13754.55 3.3 4.813.80.10481.77 0.626 1.90.015404.16 0.3530.760.00573732.89OUTTypical Application DrawingThe ACS706 outputs an analog signal, V Sig. that varies linearly with the bidirectional primarysensed current, I P, within the range specified. R F and C F, are recommended for noise management,with values that depend on the application, as shown in the noise filtering table.Sensitivity (Sens). The change in device output in response to a 1 A change through the primary conductor. The sensitivity is the prod-uct of the magnetic circuit sensitivity (G / A ) and the linear IC amplifier gain (mV/G). The linear IC amplifier gain is programmed at the factory to optimize the sensitivity (mV/A) for the full-scale current of the device.Noise (V NOISE ). The product of the linear IC amplifier gain (mV/G) and the noise floor for the Allegro Hall effect linear IC (≈1 G). The noise floor is derived from the thermal and shot noise observed in Hall elements. Dividing the noise (mV) by the sensitivity (mV/A) provides the smallest current that the device is able to resolve.Linearity (E LIN ): The degree to which the voltage output from the device varies in direct proportion to the primary current through its full-scale amplitude. Nonlinearity in the output can be attributed to the saturation of the flux concentrator approaching the full-scale current. The following equation is used to derive the linearity:Definitions of Accuracy Characteristics1001– [{[{V out_full-scale amperes –V OUT(Q)()2 (V out_half-scale amperes –V OUT(Q))100where V out_full-scale amperes = the output voltage (V) when the sensed current approximates full-scale ±I P .Symmetry (E SYM ). The degree to which the absolute voltage output from the device varies in proportion to either a positive or nega-tive full-scale primary current. The following formula is used to derive symmetry:Quiescent output voltage (V OUT(Q)). The output of the device when the primary current is zero. For a unipolar supply voltage, it nominally remains at V CC ⁄ 2. Thus, V CC = 5 V translates into V OUT(Q) = 2.5 V . Variation in V OUT(Q) can be attributed to the resolution of the Allegro linear IC quiescent voltage trim and thermal drift.Electrical offset voltage (V OE ). The deviation of the device output from its ideal quiescent value of V CC / 2 due to nonmagnetic causes. To convert this voltage to amperes, divide by the device sensitivity, Sens.Accuracy (E TOT ). The accuracy represents the maximum deviation of the actual output from its ideal value. This is also known as the total ouput error. The accuracy is illustrated graphically in the Output V oltage versus Current chart on the following page.Accuracy is divided into four areas:∙ 0 A at 25°C. Accuracy at zero current flow at 25°C, without the effects of temperature.∙ 0 A over Δ temperature. Accuracy at zero current flow including temperature effects.∙ Full-scale current at 25°C. Accuracy at the full-scale current at 25°C, without the effects of temperature.∙ Full-scale current over Δ temperature. Accuracy at full-scale current flow including temperature effects.Ratiometry . The ratiometric feature means that its 0 A output, V OUT(Q), (nominally equal to V CC /2) and sensitivity, Sens, are propor-tional to its supply voltage, V CC . The following formula is used to derive the ratiometric change in 0 A output voltage, ∆V OUT(Q)RAT (%):100V IOUT(Q)VCC /V IOUT(Q)5VV CC /5 VThe ratiometric change in sensitivity, ∆Sens RAT (%), is defined as:100Sens VCC /Sens 5V V CC /5 V ‰Output voltage vs. current, illustrating device accuracy at 0 A and at full-scale currentDefinitions of Dynamic Response CharacteristicsPropagation delay (t PROP): The time required for the device output to reflect a change in the primary cur-rent signal. Propagation delay is attributed to inductive loading within the linear IC package, as well as in the inductive loop formed by the primary conductor geometry. Propagation delay can be considered as a fixed time offset and may be compensated.Response time (t RESPONSE): The time interval between a) when the primary current signal reaches 90% of its final value, and b) when the device reaches 90% of its output corresponding to the applied current.Rise time (t r): The time interval between a) when the device reaches 10% of its full scale value, and b) when it reaches 90% of its full scale value. The rise time to a step response is used to derive the bandwidth of the device, in which ƒ(–3 dB) = 0.35 / t r. Both t r and t RESPONSE are detrimentally affected by eddy current losses observed in the conductive IC ground plane.Device Branding Key (Two alternative styles are used)ACS706T ELC05C YYWWA ACS Allegro Current Sensor706Device family numberT Indicator of 100% matte tin leadframe platingE Operating ambient temperature range codeLC Package type designator05C Primary sensed currentYY Manufacturing date code: Calendar year (last two digits) WW Manufacturing date code: Calendar weekA Manufacturing date code: Shift codeACS706T ELC05CL...L YYWWACS Allegro Current Sensor706Device family numberT Indicator of 100% matte tin leadframe platingE Operating ambient temperature range codeLC Package type designator05C Primary sensed currentL...L Manufacturing lot codeYY Manufacturing date code: Calendar year (last two digits)WW Manufacturing date code: Calendar week Standards and Physical SpecificationsParameter SpecificationFlammability (package molding compound)UL recognized to UL 94V-0Fire and Electric Shock UL60950-1:2003EN60950-1:2001CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1:2003Chopper Stabilization TechniqueChopper Stabilization is an innovative circuit technique that is used to minimize the offset voltage of a Hall element and an associated on-chip amplifier. Allegro patented a Chopper Stabilization technique that nearly eliminates Hall IC output drift induced by temperature or package stress effects. This offset reduction technique is based on a signal modulation-demodulation process. Modulation is used to separate the undesired dc offset signal from the magnetically induced signal in the frequency domain. Then, using a low-pass filter, the modu-lated dc offset is suppressed while the magnetically induced signal passes through the filter. As a result of this chopper stabilization approach, the output voltage from the Hall IC is desensitized to the effects of temperature and mechanical stress. This technique produces devices that have an extremely stable Electrical Offset V oltage, are immune to thermal stress, and have precise recoverability after temperature cycling.This technique is made possible through the use of a BiCMOS process that allows the use of low-offset and low-noise amplifiers in combination with high-density logic integration and sample and hold circuits.Concept of Chopper Stabilization TechniqueApplications InformationIn order to quantify transient common-mode voltage rejection for the ACS706, a device was soldered onto a printedcircuit board. A 0.1 μF bypass capacitor and a 5 V dc power supply were connected between VCC and GND (pins 8 and5) for this device. A 10 k Ω load resistor and a 0.01 μF capacitor were connected in parallel between the VOUT pin andthe GND pin of the device (pins 7 and 5).A function generator was connected between the primary current conductor (pins 1 thru 4) and the GND pin ofthe device (pin 5). This function generator was configured to generate a 10 V peak (20 V peak-to-peak) sinewave between pins 1-4 and pin 5. Note that the sinusoidal stimulus was applied such that no electrical currentwould flow through the copper conductor composed of pins 1-4 of this device.The frequency of this sine wave was varied from 60 Hz to 5 MHz in discrete steps. At each frequency, thestatistics feature of an oscilloscope was used to measure the voltage variations (noise) on the ACS706 outputin mV (peak to peak). The noise was measured both before and after the application of the stimulus. Transientcommon-mode voltage rejection as a function of frequency is shown in the following figure.Transient Common-Mode Voltage Rejection in the ACS706(kHz)Frequency of 20 V Peak-to-Peak Stimulus –60–55–50–45–40–35–30Tr a nsi e ntR ej ect i o n(d B)The Effect of PCB Layout on ACS706 Thermal PerformanceEight different PC boards were fabricated to characterize the effect of PCB design on the operating junction temperature of the Hall-effect IC inside of the ACS706. These PC boards are shown in the figure below. 2 oz. Cu on one side of board 2 oz. Cu on both sides of board An ACS706 device was soldered on to each PCB for thermal testing. The results of the testing are shown in the following table.Test Results on Eight Thermal Characterization PCBsTested at 15A, T A = 20°C, still air, 2 oz. copper traces, current carried on and off boardby 14 gauge wiresPC BoardsSides with Traces Trace Width (mm)Trace Length (mm)Temperature Rise Above Ambient (°C)1 450901.550Overheated 410481.5101102450531.550106410381.51054Improved PC Board DesignsThe eight PC boards in the figure above do not represent an ideal PC board for use with the ACS706. The ACS706 evaluation boards, for sale at the Allegro Web site On-Line Store, represent a more optimal PC board design (see photo below). On the evaluation boards, the current to be sensed flows through very wide traces that were fabricated using 2 layers of 2 oz. copper. Thermal management tests were conducted on the Allegro evaluation boards and all tests were performed using the same test conditions described in the bulleted list above. The results for these thermal tests are shown in the table below. When using the Allegro evaluation boards we see that even at an applied current of 20 A the junction temperature of the ACS706 is only ≈30 degrees above ambient temperature.Test Results on Eight Electrical Characterization PCBsTested at T A = 20°C, still airApplied Current(A)Temp Rise Above Ambient( C)1522 2031Allegro Current sensor IC evaluation board with ACS706 and external connections.The products described herein are manufactured under one or more of the following U.S. patents: 5,045,920; 5,264,783; 5,442,283; 5,389,889; 5,581,179; 5,517,112; 5,619,137; 5,621,319; 5,650,719; 5,686,894; 5,694,038; 5,729,130; 5,917,320; and other patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such de p ar t ures from the detail spec i f i c a t ions as may be required topermit improvements in the per f or m ance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or sys t ems without express written approval.The in f or m a t ion in c lud e d herein is believed to be ac c u r ate and reliable. How e v e r, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no re s pon s i b il i t y for its use; nor for any in f ringe m ent of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.Copyright©2005, 2006 Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.Package LC, 8-pin SOICPreliminary dimensions, for reference onlyDimensions in millimetersU.S. Customary dimensions (in.) in brackets, for reference only(reference JEDEC MS-012 AA)Dimensions exclusive of mold flash, gate burrs, and dambar protrusionsExact case and lead configuration at supplier discretion within limits shownA Terminal #1 mark area。
霍尔传感器 说明书
霍尔开环电流传感器:简介:霍尔开环系列电流传感器的初、次级之间是绝缘的,可用于测量直流、交流和脉冲电流.电参数:额定输入电流351020305010020030040050060080010001200180020002400测量电流范围915255075150300600900900900900160020002400270030003600300050008000A4500750012000A额定输出电压4±1%V电源电压±15±5%V失调电压25mV失调电压漂移≤±1.0≤±0.5mV/℃线性度≤1%FS响应时间≤7μS绝缘电压50HZ,1min 2.5KV工作温度-40~+85℃储存温度-55~+125℃使用说明:1.当待测电流从传感器穿过,即可在输出端测得电压大小。
霍尔闭环电流传感器:简介:霍尔闭环系列电流传感器的初、次级之间是绝缘的,可用于测量直流、交流和脉冲电流.电参数:额定输入电流0.5 1.0 2.0 5.01020251002003004005001000A 测量电流范围 1.5 3.0 6.0153060501503005006008002000A测量电阻with±15V@±300Amax72(max)@±500Amax40(max)Ω@±500Amax30(max)@±800Amax5(max)Ωwith±18V@±300Amax92(max)@±500Amax60(max)Ω@±500Amax40(max)@±800Amax15(max)Ω匝比1:30001:5000额定输出电流100mA电源电压±15~±18V零电流失调±0.2mA电流失调温漂-40℃~85℃±0.5mA响应时间<1µs线性度≤0.1%FS绝缘电压50HZ,1min6KVdi/dt跟随精度>100A/μs带宽(-3dB)DC…100KHz副边线圈电阻3160Ω工作温度-40~+85℃储存温度-55~+125℃使用说明:1.在IP按箭头方向流动时,IS是正向;2.初级导体温度不应超过100℃;3.母排完全充满初级穿孔时动态表现(di/dt和响应时间)为最佳;4.为了达到最佳的磁耦合,初级线匝应绕在传感器顶部。
如果在输入端通入控制电流IC ,当有一磁场B穿过该器件感磁面,则在输出端出现霍尔电势VH。
霍尔电势VH 的大小与控制电流IC和磁通密度B的乘积成正比,即:VH=KHICBsinΘ霍尔电流传感器是按照安培定律原理做成,即在载流导体周围产生一正比于该电流的磁场,而霍尔器件则用来测量这一磁场。
低阻抗的导线可最大限度减少功率损耗和热散耗,内部固有绝缘在输入电流路径与二次侧电路之间提供了600V的基本工作隔离电压和3500V RMS绝缘耐压。
提供0.5VCC零电流基准输出,提供更加灵活的应用模式电机控制测量范围宽,5A,10A,20A,25A,30A,40A,50A多种量程可选负载监测系统隔离耐压高,导线引脚到信号引脚有3500V RMS的安全隔离电压开关电源低损耗,导线电阻0.9mΩ过流故障保护带宽高,可达250kHz,阶跃响应时间1.2μs其他需要电流检测的应用常温误差0.5%,全温度范围内误差±3%温度稳定性好,采用专利的霍尔信号放大电路和温度补偿电路差分霍尔结构,抗外部磁干扰能力强抗机械应力,磁参数不会因为受外界压力而偏移ESD(HBM)4000VmV/AMT6023-5A400SOP8编带,2000片/卷MT6023-10A200SOP8编带,2000片/卷MT6023-20A100SOP8编带,2000片/卷MT6023-25A80SOP8编带,2000片/卷MT6023-30A67SOP8编带,2000片/卷MT6023-40A50SOP8编带,2000片/卷MT6023-50A40SOP8编带,2000片/卷SOP8封装IP+1采样电流正端GND5地IP+2采样电流正端VZCR6零电流基准信号输出IP-3采样电流负端OUT7信号输出端IP-4采样电流负端VCC8电源电压电源电压V CC7V输出电压V OUT-0.3~VCC+0.3V输出源电流I OUT(SOURCE)6mA输出沉电流I OUT(SINK)30mA通用型绝缘电压V ISO3500V RMS输入电流峰值电流(3秒)I PEAK100A输入电流持续电流I CON40A工作环境温度T A-55~150°C最大结温T J165°C存储环境温度T S-55~150°C磁场强度B无限制mT静电保护ESD(HBM)4000V:应用时不要超过最大额定值,以防止损坏。
纳芯微-NSM2012 高精度霍尔电流传感器 数据手册说明书
NSM2012 基于霍尔原理,高精度,具有共模磁场抑制,可达3000V隔离的电流传感器Datasheet (CN) 1.0Product OverviewNSM2012是一款集成路径电流传感器,具有1.2mΩ极低的导通电阻,减少了芯片上的热损耗。
纳芯微创新的隔离技术以及信号调理设计能够满足高隔离等级的同时感测流过内部B usbar的电流。
在高边电流检测应用中只需用一颗NSM2012即可达到600V pk工作电压,无需加任何保护器件即可耐受6kV浪涌电压。
Key Features•高带宽以及快速响应时间•400kHz带宽• 1.5us响应时间•高精度电流测量•差分霍尔检测可抵御外界杂散磁场•满足UL标准的高隔离等级•耐受隔离耐压(V ISO):3000Vrms•最大浪涌隔离耐压(V surge):6kV•CMTI > 100V/ns•CTI(I)•爬电距离/电气间距:4mm•纳芯微创新的斩波以及旋转电流激励技术使得零点温漂很小•比例输出或者固定输出•工作温度:-40℃ ~ 125℃•原边导通电阻:1.2mΩ•SOIC8封装•满足UL62368/EN62368安规认证•ROHSApplications•光伏•工业电源•电机控制•OBC/DCDC/PTC Heater•充电桩Device InformationFunctional Block DiagramsFigure 1. NSM2012 Block DiagramINDEX1. PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTIONS (3)2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (4)3. ISOLATION CHARACTERISTICS (4)4. SPECIFICATIONS (5)4.1C OMMON C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=5V OR 3.3V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (5)4.2NSM2012-30B3R-DSPR C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=3.3V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (6)4.3NSM2012-30B5R-DSPR C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=5V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (6)4.4NSM2012-10U5R-DSPR C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=5V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (7)4.5NSM2012-20B5R-DSPR C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=5V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (8)4.6T YPICAL P ERFORMANCE C HARACTERISTICS (9)NSM2012-30B3R-DSPR[1] (9)NSM2012-30B5R-DSPR[1] (9)NSM2012-10U5R-DSPR[1] (10)NSM2012-20B5R-DSPR[1] (11)5. FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (13)5.1.O VERVIEW (13)5.2.NSM2012R版本(单端比例输出) (13)5.3.NSM2012F版本(固定输出版本) (13)5.4.NSM2012专业术语定义 (13)6. APPLICATION NOTE (16)6.1.典型应用电路 (16)6.2.PCB L AYOUT (16)6.3.热评估实验 (17)7. PACKAGE INFORMATION (18)8. ORDER INFORMATION (19)9. TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION (20)10. REVISION HISTORY (21)1. Pin Configuration and FunctionsR Version F VersionFigure 1.1 NSM2012 PackageTable 1.1 NSM2012 Pin Configuration and Description2.Absolute Maximum Ratings3.Isolation Characteristics4.Specifications[1]: 被设计保证。
霍尔传感器 HS01-C 系列电流传感器 说明书
霍尔传感器·HS01-C 系列电流传感器 “BingZi 兵字”/传递品质安全典范HS01-C 系列电流传感器一、特点1.立式卧式两种穿芯方式,接线端子引出,使用灵活方便,外形美观;2.利用霍尔效应及磁补偿原理,被测回路与测试回路绝缘度高;3.用于测试直流、交流、脉动电流;4.全封闭,机械和耐环境性好,电压隔离能力强,安全可靠。
二、使用环境条件1.工作温度范围:-20℃~+75℃;2.相对湿度:温度为40℃时不大于90%;3.大气压力:860~1060mbar (约为650~800mmHg)。
三、工作频率范围:0-150kHz 。
四、绝缘耐热等级:B 级(130℃)。
五、安全特性:1.绝缘电阻:常态时大于1000M Ω;2.抗电强度:可承受工频6000V/1分钟;3.阻燃性:符合UL94-V o 级。
5.副边连接:+:+15VDC -:-15VDC M:电流输出端0:±15电源相对零点九、典型应用●直流变频调速,伺服电机牵引●直流电机牵引的静态转换●不间断电源(UPS)●开关电源(SMPS)●电焊机电源。