Unit 12 preview outline1
新目标英语unit12课件-Section B 1
high school
put up
put up a tent scared
wake up
2b Read about Lisa’s weekend. Tick (√)
the right pictures.
their air ride went camping in made a fire was short a small village to cook food
Then what did she do on Sunday?
She went to the library.
How was Jim’s last weekend?
It was relaxing.
Really? What did he do on Saturday?
Well. He sang and played the guitar on Saturday morning.
Did Jim do his homework on Sunday?
No, he didn’t. He flew a kite in the park on Sunday afternoon.
What about
Well, he had dinner
Sunday evening? with friends.
My last weekend was boring. I stayed at home and did my homework on Saturday. I went to the park on Sunday morning, but it rained. So we went home and watched TV.
第十三节–覆铜(Copper Pouring)许多印制电路板(Printed Circuit Board)设计系统支持各种类型覆铜(Copper Pouring)或区域填充方式,但是很少能够达到PADS Layout 的覆铜(Copper Pour)如此功能强大有具有很大的灵活性。
本教程的这节将介绍以下内容:·建立覆铜(Copper Pour)外边框(Outline)·灌注(Flooding)覆铜边框(Pour Outline)·编辑覆铜(Copper Pour)的填充(Hatch)·覆铜的一些高级功能·贴铜(Copper)操作建立覆铜(Copper Pour)的边框(Outline)覆铜边域(Pour outline)定义了需要进行覆铜(Copper Pour)的几何图形。
当你使用灌注(Flood)命令建立被灌注的铜区域时,覆铜边框(Pour outline)现在暂时是不可见的。
PADS Layout 填充铜皮(Copper Hatching)后,并不同时显示覆铜边框(Pour outline)。
覆铜边框(Pour outline)还是存在的;如果你打入PO,然后按回车(Enter),还是可以看到它们的。
这个命令可以来回切换显示,即在显示覆铜边框(Pour outline)和已经覆铜填充(Poured Copper Hatch) 之间切换。
1. 从工具条(Toolbar)中选择打开(Open)图标。
2. 当Save old file before reloading?提示出现后,选择No。
3. 在文件打开(File Open)对话框中,双击名为previewsplit.pcb的文件。
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream! How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies。 The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into the deep ditch. Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not, whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, we'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.
I've been sitting there trying to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualities...
He must've had on some really nice pants.
Step2:Discuss the content
Descibe your feelings about your first week at junior high
Useful expressions: ·Qestions jumped into my mind.
·My mouth felt dry.
I still need to improve...
Tell your family and friends about your first week at junior high school in English and with the help of posters after class.
·problems ·feelings
Organise your ideas with the help of the following
unusiet .
·sing songs and read poems ·play games and do team activities
Step2:Discuss the content
State the problems you met during your first week
Useful expressions: ·Is it OK to...? ·It's hard to..
into .
Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom I ( 英国简介 I)一、本单元要点内容1. A complicated country with a complicated name (复杂的名称,复杂的国家 )2. The effects of its imperial past (帝国主义历史的影响)3. A multiracial society (多种族的社会 )4. Remarkable class, regional and economic differences (明显的阶级、地区和经济差别)5. The significant role of London ( 伦敦的重要地位 )6. Cultural and economic dominance of England (英格兰的在文化和经济上的统治地位)7. The conquest of Britain (对不列颠的征服)8. Parliament ’ s dominance over the throne(议会成为超出于王室权益之上的统治机构)9. Physical features of Scotland ( 苏格兰的地理特点 )10. The Battle of Bannockburn (班诺克本战斗 )12. Union with England in 1707 {1707 年 (苏格兰 )与英格兰归并 }13. Brief introduction of Wales (对威尔士的简要介绍)二、本单元重、难点指导1.A complicated country with a complicated nameThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandEngland Scotland Wales2. The effects of its imperial past1) The days of empire ended after World War II. But there are close relationships which exist withthe 50 or more colonies of that empire, and which maintain links through Commonwealth ofNations( 二战后,帝国主义时代过去了。
Use of formal sentences I. Television affects children in key areas of learning.
A. Television viewing can improve the vocabulary of children.
1. Four Main Components for Effective Outline
Ideally, you should follow these four suggestions to create an effective outline. 1.1 Parallelism - How do I
Each heading should be divided into 2 or more parts. Example: Ⅰ.Compile resume A. List relevant coursework B. List work experience C. List volunteer experience (The heading "Compile resume" is divided into 3 parts.)
Visit and evaluate college campuses Visit and evaluate college websites Note important statistics Look for interesting classes
(Campus and websites visits are equally significant. They are part of the main tasks you would need to do. Finding statistics and classes found on college websites are parts of the process involved in carrying out the main heading topics.)
九年级下册英语Unt12知识点Unit 12 Secrets of the RainforestThe rainforest is a mysterious and diverse ecosystem that is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species. It covers only about 6% of the Earth's surface, yet it harbors more than half of the world's plant and animal species. In this unit, we will explore the secrets of the rainforest and learn about its unique features and challenges.1. Layers of the RainforestThe rainforest can be divided into several layers: the emergent layer, canopy layer, understory, and forest floor. Each layer has its own characteristics and supports different forms of life. The emergent layer is the tallest and has the least vegetation, while the forest floor is the darkest and has the most decomposing plant matter.2. BiodiversityOne of the most fascinating aspects of the rainforest is its incredible biodiversity. It is estimated that a single square mile of rainforest can contain up to 60,000 species of plants, animals, insects, and microorganisms. This rich diversity is the result of millions of years of evolution and adaptation to the rainforest environment.3. Endangered SpeciesUnfortunately, the rainforest is also home to many endangered species. Deforestation, climate change, and illegal hunting pose significant threats to their survival. Animals like the Sumatran tiger, orangutan, and jaguar are at risk of extinction if immediate action is not taken to protect their habitats.4. Indigenous PeopleThe rainforest is not only a haven for wildlife but also a home for indigenous people. These traditional communities have lived in harmony with the rainforest for centuries, relying on its resources for their survival. However, their way of life is increasingly threatened by deforestation and the encroachment of modern civilization.5. Medicinal PlantsThe rainforest is a treasure trove of medicinal plants. Indigenous communities have used the diverse flora to treat various ailments for generations. For example, the bark of the cinchona tree is used to produce quinine, a drug used to treat malaria. The knowledge of these medicinal properties is invaluable and must be preserved for future generations.6. The Water CycleThe rainforest plays a crucial role in the water cycle. The dense vegetation acts as a sponge, absorbing rainfall and releasing it into the atmosphere through evaporation. This process creates a cycle of precipitation that not only sustains the rainforest but also affects weather patterns around the world.7. DeforestationDeforestation is one of the biggest threats to the rainforest. Large-scale logging, agriculture, and urbanization have led to the destruction of vast areas of rainforest. This not only affects the biodiversity and ecosystem of the rainforest but also contributes to climate change. It is essential to raise awareness and promote sustainable practices to protect this fragile ecosystem.In conclusion, the rainforest is a remarkable ecosystem that is teeming with life and holds many secrets. Its biodiversity, indigenous communities, and medicinal plants are just a few aspects that make it a critical resource for our planet. However, the rainforest is under threat, and it is our responsibility to take action and ensure its preservation for future generations.。
1、下列描述正确的是:A. 如果要观察图形的线条状态,可选择View>Outline(视野>线条)命令。
B. 如果要观察图形完整的绘制信息,包括颜色、渐变等,可选择View>Preview(视野>线条)命令C. 可通过Window>New Window(窗口>新窗口)命令,对同一个文件建立两个窗口,分别显示线条状态和预视状态D. Window>New Window(窗口>新窗口)命令,对同一个文件只能建立两个窗口,当创建第三个窗口时,第二个窗口会自动被替换答案:ABC2、在Adobe Illustrator 9.0中,下列描述哪个正确的?A. Illustrator 9.0的文件置入的图像分为嵌入和链接两种方式B. Illustrator 9.0文件中的图形可以通过Object>Rasterize(图形>光栅化)命令转换为像素图C. Illustrator 9.0的文件置入的图像只能是链接的方式D. Illustrator 9.0中的图形转化成像素图后可以执行Effect(效果)菜单下的Photoshop滤镜效果答案:AB3、对页面显示进行缩放的方法有下列哪几种?A. 使用放大镜工具B. 使用View(视野)菜单下的Zoom In(放大)、Zoom Out(缩小)命令C. 使用Navigator(浏览器)调板D. 使用Info(信息)调板答案:ABC4、关于Object>Transform>Transform again(图形>变换>再次变换)命令,下面的描述哪些是正确的?A. “再次变换”命令可以完成物体的多次固定距离的移动(Move)及复制B. “再次变换”命令可以完成物体的多次固定数值的移动(Rotate)及复制C. “再次变换”命令可以完成物体的多次固定数值的倾斜(Shear)及复制D. “再次变换”命令可以完成物体的多次固定数值的涡形旋转(Twirl)及复制答案:ABC5、下列有关倾斜工具(Shear Tool)的叙述哪些是正确的?A. 利用倾斜工具使图形发生倾斜前,应先确定倾斜的基准点B. 用鼠标拖拉一个矩形倾斜的过程中,按住Option (Mac OS) / Alt (Windows)键,原来的矩形保持位置不变,新复制的矩形相对于原来的矩形颂斜了一个角度C. 在倾斜工具的对话框中,Shear Angle(倾斜角度)和Axis(轴)中的Angle(角度)定义的角度必须完全相同D. 精确定义倾斜的角度,需打开倾斜工具的对话框,设定Shear Angle(倾斜角度)及Axis(倾斜轴)的Angle(角度)答案:ABD6、关于矩形、椭圆及圆角矩形工具的使用,下列的叙述哪些是正确的?A. 在绘制矩形时,起始点为右下角,鼠标只需向左上角拖移,便可绘制一个矩形B. 如果以鼠标击为中心绘制矩形、椭圆及圆角矩形,使用工具的同时按Shift键就可实现C. 在绘制圆角矩形时,如果希望长方形的两边呈对称的半圆形,可在Rounded Rectangle(圆角矩形)对话框中使圆角半径值大于高度的一半D. 如果欲显示图形的中心点,首先确定图形处于选择状态,然后在Attributes(属性)调板上单击Show Center(显示中心)按钮答案:ACD7、下面的快捷键的使用哪些是有效的?A. 选择多边形工具后,在按住鼠标进行拖拉的过程中,敲击键盘向上的箭头键可增加多边形的边数,每敲击一次,可增加一个边数B. 选中星形工具后,在按住鼠标进行拖拉的过程中,按住键盘上的Command (Mac OS) / Ctrl (Windows)键可保持星形的内部半径C. 选择涡形工具后,直接用鼠标在页面上拖拉,在按住鼠标进行拖拉的过程中,按住键盘上的空格键,就可随鼠标拖拉移动涡形的位置D. 选择多边形,多边形的移动方向水平、垂直或者45°的倍数答案:ABC8、下列关于剪刀工具(Scissors Tool)的描述正确的是?A. 剪刀工具在曲线路径上单击得到的裁剪点是曲线点B. 剪刀工具在直线路径上单击得到的裁剪点是直线点C. 剪刀工具只能剪开开放路径D. 剪刀工具可以剪开封闭路径和开放路径答案:ABD1、当使用圆角矩形工具时,在何处设定圆角半径(Corner Radius)?A. Edit>Preference>General(编辑>预置>一般设置)对话框中B. 使用圆角矩形工具在页面上单击,弹出Rounded Rectangle(圆角矩形)对话框,其中可设置圆角半径C. 圆角半径是因定的,不可以修改D. 使用矩形工具在页面上单击,弹出Rectangle(矩形)对话框,其中可设置圆角半径答案:AB2、下列有关Transform(变换)调板的叙述哪些是正确的?A. 通过Transform(变换)调板可以移动、缩放、旋转和倾斜面图形B. Transform(变换)调板最下面的两个数值框的数值分别表示旋转的角度值和缩放的比例C. 通过Transform(变换)调板移动、缩放、旋转和倾斜图形时,只能以图形的中心点为基准点D. 在Transform(变换)调板中X和Y后面的数值分别代表图形在页面的横坐标和纵坐标的数值3、下列关于铅笔工具(Pencil Tool)的描述正确的是:A. 在使用铅笔工具绘制任意路径的过程中,你无法控制的位置,但可以在路径绘制完成后进行修改,如增加或删除锚点B. 铅笔工具绘制的路径上的锚点数是由路径的长度、路径的复杂程序以及Pencil Tool Preferences(铅笔工具预置)对话框中Fidelity(精确度)和Smoothness(平滑度)的数值决定的C. 当使用铅笔工具绘制完路径后,根据默认的设定,路径保持选中状态D. 铅笔工具不可以绘制封闭的路径答案:ABC4、下列有关镜像对称工具(Reflect Tool)的叙述哪些是正确的?A. 通过打开镜像对称工具对话框的方式来精确定义对称轴的角度B. 在使用镜像对称工具时,需要先确定轴心C. 对称轴的轴心位置必须在图形内部D. 对称轴可以是水平的、垂直的也可以是任意角度的答案:ABD5、下列有关Pen Tool(铅笔工具)的描述正确的是:A. 使用铅笔工具绘制直线路径时,确定起始点需要按住鼠标键拖拉出一个方向线后,再确定下一个节点B. 选中工具箱中的钢笔工具,将光标移到页面上,钢笔工具右下角显示“X”符号,表示将开始画一个新路径C. 当用钢笔工具绘制曲线时,曲线上节点的方向线和方向点的位置确定了曲线段的形状D. 在使用钢笔工具绘制直线的过程中,按住Shift键,可以得到0度,45度或45度的整数倍方向的直线答案:BCD6、下列关于变形工具(Reshape Tool)和自由变换工具(Free Transform Tool)的描述哪些是正确的?A. 变形工具(Reshape Tool)可在保护图形形状的同时移动锚点B. 使用自由变换工具(Tree Transform Tool)可以使图形发生旋转(Rotate)和倾斜(Shear)C. 自由变换工具(Free Transform Tool)可以代替涡形旋转工具(Twirl Tool)的使用D. 变形工具(Reshape Tool)和自由变换工具(Free Transform Tool)虽然使用方法不同,但本质相同,都是用来使图形发生扭曲变形答案:ABD7、两个部分重叠、具有不同填充色和边线色的圆形执行“路径寻找器”(Pathfinder)中的拆分(Divide)命令后,下列描述正确的是:A. 重叠部分可用选择工具(黑色箭头工具)单独选中B. 重叠部分可用直接选择工具(白色箭头工具)单独选中C. 重叠部分的填充色和边线色与位于前面的圆形相同D. 拆分后的每个部分不可以单独旋转答案:BC8、若要改变渐变色的色彩渐变方向可通过下列哪些途径?A. 在Gradient (渐变)调板中输入角度值B. 在Gradient (渐变)调板中调整滑块的位置C. 使用在Gradient Tool (渐变工具)D. 在Gradient (渐变)调板中调整菱形的位置答案:AC1、下列哪两个物体之间不能执行混合(Object>Blend>Make)命令?A. 两个置入的图像B. 两个渐层网格之间C. 两个开放路径之间D. 两个填充有图案(Pattern)的封闭路径之间答案:AB2、下列有关画笔(Brushes)调板描述正确的是:A. 在画笔(Brushes)调板中包含四种类型的画笔:书法效果画笔(Calligraphic Brushes)、散点画笔(Scatter Brushes)、艺术画笔(Art Brushes)和图案画笔(Pattern Brushes)B. 在新建散点画笔(Scatter Brushes)之前,必须在页面上选择一个图形,此图形中可以包含使用画笔效果的路径,渐变色以及渐层网格等图形C. 艺术画笔(Art Brushes)在新建之前,工作页面上必须有选中的图形,且此图形中不包含使用画笔设置的路径D. 在图案画笔(Pattern Brushes)的对话框中,需要设定五部分图案,分别为:图案周边、外拐角、内拐角、开头和结尾答案:ACD3、下列关于Adobe Illustrator 9.0中混合工具(Blend Tool)的描述哪个是正确的?A. 可以在两个开放路径,或者是两个闭合路径之间进行混合操作B. 使用混合工具时,在不同的图形上单击不同的节点会影响到最终混合的形状C. 两个封闭图形在进行混合操作后,在混合图形中间会有一个直线路径,这个直线路径是不能修改的D. 在两个使用了渐变网格的图形之间也可以通过混合工具进行混合答案:AB4、下列有关图层的描述正确的是:A. 通过Layers(图层)调板可以显示或者隐藏单个图层B. 在Layer Options(图层选项)对话框中,选择Print(打印)选项,该图层不但在屏幕中显示,还可以在打印稿中出现C. 按住Ctrl (Windows) / Command (Mac OS)键的同时,单击Layers(图层)调板中的眼睛,可将图形以线稿(Outline)形式显示D. 在Layer Options(图层选项)对话框中选择Template(模板)选项,可令该图层不能输出但是可以打印答案:ABC5、下列关于Type(文字)菜单命令的使用,哪些是正确的?A. 通过定位标尺(Tab Ruler)的使用,可以快速对文字进行缩排定位B. Find / Change(查找与替换)命令,适用于中文,但不适用于英文C. 在Adobe Illustrator中,可通过Find Font(查找字体)命令来替换字体,如将当前文件中用的黑体变成宋体D. 在Adobe Illustrator中可以对文字块分排和分栏答案:ACD6、下列哪两种字体不能被转换为图形?A. TrueType字体B. Bitmap(点阵)字C. PostScript字体D. ATM字体答案:BD7、在Adobe Illustrator中,下面有关图表设计的描述哪些是正确的?A. 对于柱状图表,用选择工具将其选中后,可直接选择变色对其进行填充色的改变,但改变成渐变色后,图表数据就不可以修改了B. 用户可以自定义图表元素C. 图表生成以后是自动在组的,可通过Ungroup(解组)命令对图表解组,但解组后的图表不可以再更改图表类型D. 填充色含有渐变色、图案的图形不可以被定义为图表图案答案:BC8、绘制作为图表图案蒙板的矩形时,应注意什么问题?A. 矩形的填充色必须设定为无色B. 矩形的边线色必须设定为无色C. 矩形必须放置在图案之后D. 矩形必须放置在图案之前答案:AD9、 Illustrator的文件可以通过Save(存储)直接存储为下列哪种格式?A. TIFF格式B. PDF格式C. JPEG格式D. EPS格式答案:BD1、下列Adobe Illustrator中关于文字处理的描述哪些是正确?A. 可将某些文字转换为图形B. 文字可沿路径进行水平或垂直排列C. 文字是不能执行绕图操作的D. 文字可在封闭区域内进行排列答案:ABD2、下列描述正确的是:A. Appearance(外观)调板中可显示Fill(填充)、Stroke(边线)、Transparency(透明)和使用的效果等信息B. Actions(动作)调板中可记录操作过程,并通过记录的动作对其他类似的图形进行批处理C. 如果内存允许,Layers(图层)调板中的图层数量没有限制D. 在Layers(图层)调板中,最多可设定25个图层答案:ABC3、下列关于Adobe Illustrator 9.0中文字功能的描述哪些是正确的?A. 可设定段前距B. 可设定复合字体C. 可进行文字绕图D. 可将TrueType字体转成图形答案:ACD4、下面关于文字转化为矢量图形的相关内容哪些是正确的?A. 中文文字只有TrueType字体才能转化为图形B. 文字转化为图形之后,还可以转回文字C. 如果要给文字填充渐变色,必须将文字转换为图形D. 英文的TrueType和PostScript字体都可转为图形答案:ACD5、下列有关文字工具描述正确的是:A. Illustrator 9.0在工具箱中提供了六个文字工具,分别是:常规文字输入工具、区域文字输入工具、路径文字输入工具、竖排文字输入工具、竖排区域文字输入工具以及竖排路径文字输入工具B. 如果有大量的文字输入,必须使用区域文字输入工具C. 当使用沿路排布的文字输入工具时,该路径可以是闭合路径,也可以是开放路径D. 在Type(文字)菜单下选择Type Orientation(文字方向)>Vertical(竖排)命令,横排的文字就转成了竖排答案:ACD6、 Adobe Illustrator中,下列有关图表类型的描述正确的是:A. 柱状图表(Column Graph)是以坐标轴的方式,逐栏显示输入的资料,柱的高度代表比较的数值,数值越大,柱的高度就越高B. 图表类型一旦确定,就不能做任何改动C. 叠加条状图表(Stacked Bar Graph)用点来表示一组或者多组数据,以不同颜色的折线连接不同组的所有点,而且形成面积区域D. 点状图表(Scatter Graph)的X轴和Y轴都为数据坐标轴,在两组数据的交汇处形成坐标点,有直线在这些点之间连接,使用这种图表可反映数据的变化趋势答案:AD7、在Adobe Illustrator中,下列关于图表的创建描述正确的是:A. 工具箱中提供了六种图表工具B. 创建图表有两种方式,一是选中图表工具后在页面上直接拖拉,另一种是用图表工具在页面上单击,在弹出的图表(Graph)对话框中设定图表的高度和宽度C. 图表中的数据可以从其他软件中输入D. 图表制作完成之后,数据就不可以做任何变动.13.* 6楼C. 如果内存允许,Layers(图层)调板中的图层数量没有限制D. 在Layers(图层)调板中,最多可设定25个图层答案:ABC3、下列关于Adobe Illustrator 9.0中文字功能的描述哪些是正确的?A. 可设定段前距B. 可设定复合字体C. 可进行文字绕图D. 可将TrueType字体转成图形答案:ACD4、下面关于文字转化为矢量图形的相关内容哪些是正确的?A. 中文文字只有TrueType字体才能转化为图形B. 文字转化为图形之后,还可以转回文字C. 如果要给文字填充渐变色,必须将文字转换为图形D. 英文的TrueType和PostScript字体都可转为图形答案:ACD5、下列有关文字工具描述正确的是:A. Illustrator 9.0在工具箱中提供了六个文字工具,分别是:常规文字输入工具、区域文字输入工具、路径文字输入工具、竖排文字输入工具、竖排区域文字输入工具以及竖排路径文字输入工具B. 如果有大量的文字输入,必须使用区域文字输入工具C. 当使用沿路排布的文字输入工具时,该路径可以是闭合路径,也可以是开放路径D. 在Type(文字)菜单下选择Type Orientation(文字方向)>Vertical(竖排)命令,横排的文字就转成了竖排答案:ACD6、 Adobe Illustrator中,下列有关图表类型的描述正确的是:A. 柱状图表(Column Graph)是以坐标轴的方式,逐栏显示输入的资料,柱的高度代表比较的数值,数值越大,柱的高度就越高B. 图表类型一旦确定,就不能做任何改动C. 叠加条状图表(Stacked Bar Graph)用点来表示一组或者多组数据,以不同颜色的折线连接不同组的所有点,而且形成面积区域D. 点状图表(Scatter Graph)的X轴和Y轴都为数据坐标轴,在两组数据的交汇处形成坐标点,有直线在这些点之间连接,使用这种图表可反映数据的变化趋势答案:AD7、在Adobe Illustrator中,下列关于图表的创建描述正确的是:A. 工具箱中提供了六种图表工具B. 创建图表有两种方式,一是选中图表工具后在页面上直接拖拉,另一种是用图表工具在页面上单击,在弹出的图表(Graph)对话框中设定图表的高度和宽度C. 图表中的数据可以从其他软件中输入D. 图表制作完成之后,数据就不可以做任何变动答案:BC8、下列有关文件的打印描述正确的是:A. 图像细节的打印结果,由分辨率和显示器的质量来决定B. 打印纸张的大小可以设定,但其方向不能改变C. 可以将文件打印在纸上、传送到数码印刷机上,或是输出为胶片的正片或负片D. RGB模式的颜色需转化为CMYK模式才可以正确分色答案:CD9、下列哪种格式为Illustrator的有效输出格式?A. BMPB. JPEGC. PNG-24D. Photoshop5答案:ABD、下列关于图形复制的描述哪个是正确的?A. 执行Copy(拷贝)命令后的图形,通过Paste(粘贴)命令可将图形粘贴到原图形的上面,和原图形完全重叠B. 执行Copy(拷贝)命令后的图形,通过Paste(粘贴)命令可将图形粘贴到当前窗口的中间C. 执行Copy(拷贝)命令后的图形,通过Paste In Front (粘贴到前面)命令可将图形粘贴到原图形的上面,和原图形完全重叠D. 按住Option (Mac OS) / Alt (Windows)键的同时用鼠标拖拉图形可将其复制到任何位置答案:BCD2、下面Adobe Illustrator 9.0的界面描述正确的是:A. 启动Adobe Illustrator 9.0后,软件就会自动建立一个大小为A4,色彩模式为RGB的新文件B. 创建新文件时,在New Document(新文件)对话框中只有RGB和CMYK两种色彩模式可以设定C. 创建新文件时,在New Document(新文件)对话框中可任意设定文件的大小,并且输入的时候数字及度量单位可以同时输入,如可直接输入12cmD. 如果工具箱中某工具图标的右下角有黑色小三角,表示还有隐含的工具答案:BCD3、使用Smooth Tool(平滑工具)时,影响平滑程度的因素有:A. 路径上节点数量的多少B. Smooth Tool Preference(平滑工具预置)对话框中Fid elity(精确度)的数值的设定C. 路径是否为封闭路径或者开放路径D. 在Smooth Tool Preference(平滑工具预置)对话框中S moothness(平滑度)的数值的设定答案:ABD4、下列哪些工具属于Adobe Illustrator 9.0中的选择工具?A. 直接选择工具(Direct Selection Tool)∙2009-1-8 01:21∙回复218.66.13.* 8楼B. 群组选择工具(Group Selection Tool)C. 套索工具(Lasso Tool)D. 磁性套索工具(Magnetic Lasso Tool)答案:ABC5、下面有关路径操作的描述哪些是正确的?A. 边线只能以单一的路径形式出现,不可能转化为图形B. 偏移路径(Object>Path>Offset Path)就是路径在水平或者垂直方向发生位移C. 路径是不能填充渐变色的,但可以将路径执行描边命令(Object>Path>Outline Stroke)后,就可以填充渐变色D. 偏移路径(Object>Path>Offset Path)就是以原路径为中心生成新的封闭图形答案:CD6、在Stroke(边线)调板中,Cap(线端)后面有三个选项,它们是:A. Butt Cap(平端)B. Round Cap(圆端)C. Projecting Cap(矩形平端)D. Corner Cap(拐角平端)答案:ABC7、下列有关路径的描述正确的是:A. 路径是由锚点连接起来组成的B. 路径可分为开放路径和封闭路径C. 路径的粗细可以通过 Stroke(边线)调板进行改变D. 路径只能填充单色,而不能填充图案和渐变色,也不能使用Brushes(画笔)调板中的各种画笔效果答案:ABC8、下列有关旋转工具(Rotate Tool)的使用哪些是正确的?A. 如果要精确控制旋转的角度,可以打开旋转工具(Rotate To ol)对话框,在Angle(角度)后面的数字框中输入旋转的角度值即可B. 使用旋转工具(Rotate Tool)旋转图形时,旋转基准点就是图形的中心点,是不可以改变的C. 使用旋转工具(Rotate Tool)旋转图形时,旋转基准点的位置可以改变的D. 在使用旋转工具(Rotate Tool)进行旋转图形的过程中,按住Option (Mac OS) / Alt (Windows)键可以同时进行图形的复制答案:ACD9、下列关于曲线锚点的描述正确的是:A. 曲线锚点通常有两个方向线B. 曲线锚点的两个方向线不一定是相反方向C. 曲线锚点的两个方向线一定是相反方向D. 曲线锚点的两个方向线可以成90度答案:ABD、下列有关缩放工具(Scale Tool)的叙述哪些是正确的?∙2009-1-8 01:21∙回复2 1 8. 6 6. 1 3. *9A. 缩放工具只可以对矢量图形进行缩放,不能对Illustrator中置入的像素图进行放B. 缩放工具和旋转工具不同的是,旋转工具需要先确定基准点,缩放工具不需确定基准点C. 缩放工具和旋转工具都需要先确定基准点,并且基准点的位置可用鼠标任意动D. 如果想调出Scale(缩放)对话框,按住Option (Mac OS) / Alt (Windows)键的时单击鼠标即可,鼠标的击点将成为缩放的基准点答案:CD2、下列关于曲线锚点的描述哪些是正确的?A. 曲线锚点的两个方向线可以成任意角度B. 曲线锚点的方向线和它所控制的曲线路径成90度关系C. 曲线锚点的方向线和它所控制的曲线路径相切D. 曲线锚点可以有一个方向线答案:ABCD3、下列描述正确的是:A. 在Gradient(渐变)调板中设定好的渐变色可以直接拖放到Swatches(储色调板中B. 在Color(颜色)调板中,可以设定填充色和边线色C. 在Swatches(储色)调板中可存储印刷四色、RGB颜色、专色、图案,但不以存储渐变色D. 在使用RGB颜色时,如果在Color(颜色)调板中出现一个中间有感叹号的色三角形,表示这种颜色可在Web上使用答案:AB4、当创建散点画笔(Scatter Brush)和艺术画笔(Art Brush)时,被选中的图形中含有列哪些因素不能够完成新建画笔的操作?A. 渐层网格B. 透明C. 图案D. 渐变答案:AD5、下列有关渐变色的描述正确的是:A. 定义好的渐变色可直接拖到Swatches(储色)调板中供取用B. 通过移动Gradient(渐变)调板上菱形的位置可以控制渐变颜色的组成比例菱形的缺省的位置位于两种颜色的中间位置,即颜色为均匀混合C. Gradient(渐变)调板上颜色滑块的颜色改变是通过Color(颜色)调板来实的。
She got to school and realized she had left her bag at home.
Listen to Mary talking about her morning. Complete the sentence.
1. By the time I__g_o_t _u_p, my brother __h_a_d__g_o_tt_e_n__in__th_e__s_h_o_w_e_r.
He will be a teacher by the time he is twenty.
Listen to Mary talking about her morning. Complete the sentence.
ahnerdcklaeysssm…aOtehs ,lathueghmeodsOattimnheepro.pr“toYasonsutitabhrilenegsovwueanrslsutihcoakntyI!”mMisaserdy’tshcelabsusms!a”teAll
laughed again. Mary’s face turned red and tears came to her eyes. “Please stop!” Her teacher shouted,” This isn’t a funny story. Remember, we shouldn’t laugh at other’s mistakes. Mary, take your seat and we’ll go on with our lesson.” The class became very quiet. Mary smiled.
Unit 1 Outline (Ⅰ)
Ⅱ. Main idea A. Sub-idea SubB. Sub-idea Sub1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail 3. Supporting detail C. Sub-idea SubⅢ. Conclusion
Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations. Ⅰ. Introduction: the foundation of foreign trade Ⅱ. The necessity of visible trade A. Lack of certain commodities B. Insufficiency of particular items C. Comparative advantage in certain items D. Latest innovations and different styles of commodities
Ⅲ. The necessity of invisible trade—exchange of trade— services between nations A. Transportation B. Insurance C. Tourism D. Technology
Ⅳ. Conclusion: the purpose of foreign trade and the importance of the balance of payments
present the material in a logical form, show the relationship between ideas in writing, and construct an orderly overview of the essay.
Grade 9 English Unit 12 is all about different aspects of the English language and communication. One of the key topics covered in this unit is the importance of handwritten notes. In the digital age where technology dominates, many people assume that handwriting is becoming obsolete. However, the skills and benefits of handwriting should not be overlooked.Firstly, the process of handwriting notes can actually aid memory and information retention. Studies have shown that when people write things down by hand, they tend to better remember the content compared to typing the same information. This is because the physical act of writing engages the brain in a more active way and helps to cement the information in our minds. The connection between the hand movement and the brain activity during handwriting creates a stronger neural pathway, making it easier to recall what was written later on.Additionally, handwritten notes often have a more personal touch. When we take the time to carefully write something out, itdemonstrates a level of engagement and thoughtfulness that cannot be replicated through typing. The unique style and flow of an individual's handwriting can make their notes feel more authentic and heartfelt. This can be especially valuable in academic or professional settings where clear communication and attention to detail are paramount.Moreover, handwritten notes can be a valuable tool for organizing information and ideas. Many people find that the act of physically writing things down helps them to better structure their thoughts and prioritize key points. The flexibility of pen and paper allows for easy editing, rearranging, and highlighting - features that are not always as seamless on a computer. This can be particularly useful when reviewing complex concepts or preparing for exams.Of course, the digital revolution has brought about numerous advantages as well. The speed and efficiency of typing notes can be incredibly beneficial, especially for those with poor handwriting or mobility issues. The ability to easily search, copy, and share digital notes is also a major asset. However, this does not negate the merits of handwriting - the two methods can actually complement each other quite well.In fact, many educators and professionals recommend incorporating both handwritten and typed notes into one's study or work routine.The process of first handwriting notes and then typing them up can serve as an effective review technique. Writing things out by hand can help with initial understanding and retention, while typing them provides an opportunity for further organization and revision.Beyond just記-taking, handwriting also has broader applications in daily life. The act of putting pen to paper can be a valuable creative outlet, allowing individuals to express themselves through journaling, letter-writing, or even simple doodling. This can have therapeutic benefits, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.Handwriting skills are also still highly valued in many professional contexts. From filling out forms to signing contracts, the ability to write clearly and legibly remains an important practical skill. In a world increasingly dominated by digital communication, the personal touch of a handwritten note or signature can make a lasting impression.In conclusion, while the digital revolution has undoubtedly transformed the way we communicate and process information, the importance of handwriting should not be overlooked. The cognitive benefits, personal touch, and organizational advantages of handwritten notes make it a vital skill for students and professionals alike. As we move further into the 21st century, finding the right balance between handwriting and technology will be key tomaximizing productivity and creativity. By embracing both methods, we can harness the unique strengths of each to become more effective communicators and learners.。
Each part is further divided into subsections that provide more detailed information on specific topics.
The text is presented in a logical and coherent manner, making it easy for readers to understand and follow.
New Goal English 7th Grade Unit 12 Section B PPT Outline
• introduction • Overview of Text Content • Textual elaboration • Practice and consolidation • Summary and Review
It also highlights the role of individuals in taking action to protect the environment.
Text Organization
The text is divided into three main parts: the negative impact of pollution on the environment, the importance of recycling, reusing and reducing waste, and the role of individuals in taking action to protect the environment.
The cultural background in the text
British Education System
人教九年级英语U12知识点Unit 12: Looking back and looking aheadIntroduction:English is an international language that plays a crucial role in communication on a global level. In Unit 12 of the 9th grade English textbook, we will review and consolidate the knowledge learned throughout the school year. This unit provides an excellent opportunity for students to reflect on their progress and prepare for the challenges ahead.1. Grammar Review:In this section, students will revisit various grammar concepts covered in previous units. These include verb tenses, reported speech, conditional sentences, and the use of modal verbs. By reviewing these grammar points, students will enhance their understanding and proficiency in English.2. Vocabulary Expansion:Building a strong vocabulary is key to communicating effectively. Unit 12 further expands students' word bank by introducing new words and phrases related to various topics, such as travel, health,environment, and technology. Students will engage in activities that promote active vocabulary usage and retention.3. Reading Comprehension:Reading comprehension is an essential skill in language learning. Unit 12 offers a selection of interesting texts, including articles, short stories, and dialogues. These texts cover a wide range of themes, providing students with diverse exposure to different writing styles and perspectives. Through reading, students will improve their comprehension skills and gain knowledge in various subject areas.4. Listening Skills:Effective listening skills are vital for understanding spoken English in real-life situations. Unit 12 presents audio materials that challenge students' listening abilities. Through listening exercises, students will enhance their comprehension, note-taking, and inference skills. They will also develop their capacity to understand different accents and speech patterns.5. Speaking Practice:The ability to communicate orally is crucial for practical use of English. Unit 12 encourages students to engage in various speakingactivities, including discussions, debates, presentations, and role-plays. These activities not only help students improve their fluency but also foster critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork.6. Writing Skills:Writing is another key component of language proficiency. Unit 12 provides opportunities for students to practice different types of writing, such as essays, formal letters, opinion pieces, and narratives. Through these exercises, students will refine their grammar, vocabulary, coherence, and organization, ultimately enhancing their overall writing skills.Conclusion:Unit 12 serves as a comprehensive review and consolidation of the knowledge and skills learned throughout the 9th-grade English curriculum. By revisiting grammar, expanding vocabulary, improving reading and listening comprehension, practicing speaking, and honing writing skills, students will be better equipped to communicate effectively in English. Unit 12 not only prepares students for their final exams but also lays a solid foundation for their future language learning journey.。
英语作文 如何在学习中提前预习
英语作文如何在学习中提前预习Previewing is a crucial step in the learning process that can significantly improve a student's understanding and retention of new information. By taking the time to preview the material before diving into the main content, students can better prepare themselves for the upcoming lesson, anticipate key concepts, and develop a stronger foundation for deeper learning. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of previewing and provide practical strategies for effectively incorporating it into your study routine.One of the primary advantages of previewing is that it activates your prior knowledge and helps you make connections between new information and what you already know. When you preview a topic, you're essentially priming your brain to be more receptive to the upcoming content. This allows you to better understand the context and relevance of the material, making it easier to integrate the new information into your existing knowledge base.Moreover, previewing can enhance your engagement and focus during the actual lesson or reading. By familiarizing yourself with themain ideas, key terms, and overall structure of the material, you'll be better equipped to actively participate in discussions, ask relevant questions, and actively process the information being presented. This heightened engagement can lead to deeper understanding and improved retention of the material.Another significant benefit of previewing is that it can help you identify areas of confusion or difficulty before the lesson begins. By taking a quick glance at the content, you can pinpoint concepts or topics that you're unsure about or that might require additional attention. This allows you to prepare targeted questions or seek clarification from your teacher or peers, ensuring that you're fully equipped to tackle the material during the lesson.To effectively incorporate previewing into your learning routine, consider the following strategies:1. Skim the material: Before diving into the full text or lecture, take a few minutes to skim through the content. Look at headings, subheadings, images, and any other visual cues that can provide an overview of the topic. This will give you a general idea of what the material will cover.2. Review the learning objectives: Many textbooks or course materials include learning objectives or key takeaways at thebeginning of each chapter or unit. Carefully review these objectives to understand the core concepts and skills that you're expected to learn.3. Familiarize yourself with key terms: Identify any unfamiliar or important terms within the material and take the time to look up their definitions or meanings. This will help you better understand the vocabulary and concepts that will be discussed during the lesson.4. Create a preview outline: Develop a brief outline or mind map of the main ideas and topics covered in the material. This will help you visualize the structure of the content and identify any connections or relationships between different concepts.5. Generate questions: As you preview the material, jot down any questions or areas of confusion that come to mind. These questions can serve as a guide during the lesson, helping you actively seek out the answers and deepen your understanding.6. Reflect on your prior knowledge: Consider what you already know about the topic and how the new information might relate to or build upon your existing knowledge. This can help you make meaningful connections and better contextualize the upcoming content.By incorporating these previewing strategies into your learning routine, you'll be well on your way to becoming a more engaged, confident, and successful student. Previewing not only enhances your understanding of the material but also helps you develop essential study skills, such as active learning, critical thinking, and self-regulation.Remember, the key to effective previewing is to approach it with an open and curious mindset. Embrace the opportunity to explore the material, ask questions, and identify areas that require further attention. With consistent practice and a commitment to previewing, you'll find that your overall academic performance and learning outcomes will improve significantly.。
There are some carrots
There are some bananas
There are some apples
Here you are! 给你 You are welcome. =Not at all. 不用客气。 How far will it fly? 它能飞多远呢?
...and make your own paper UFO. 自己的 May I use the sticky tape? ['stɪkɪ] [teɪp] May I use the scissors? ['sɪzəz] May I...?我能......?
May I use your scissors? Here you are./ No problem.
sticky tape
There are some tomatoes next to the box
There isn't a TV in the house
Are there any chairs in room?
No, there aren't any chairs in the room
are [eə]
This UFO is easy to make... =To make this UFO is easy. 这个UFO很容易制作。 ...and fun to fly. =To fly this UFO is fun. Just follow the steps. 跟着步骤来。
1、Status and Function:
➢ This unit is from Section A of Unit 12 PEPjunior English Grade 7. The topic of this unit is talking about the simple past events.So this unit is very interesting.This is the first period of the whole unit.Students would be interested in it.
wonderful weekend, Ss can enjoy life and the beautiful nature of emotion.
Part One: Analysis of the teaching materials
3、Teaching key and difficult points:
Part five: Analysis of the Teaching Procedures
➢ Step 1 : Warming-up and leading-in .
➢ Step 2 : Presentation ➢ Step 3 : Pairwork ➢ Step 4:Summary ➢ Step 5:Homework
Step 1 : Warming-up and leading-in
• T: How are you? • Ss: I’m fine. Thank you. How are you? • T: How was your last weekend? What did you
do last weekend? • The students will give different activities: • watch TV 、play badminton、listen to the
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Unit 12 What’s the best radio station?
Key words: 重点词语
Noun 名词
radio 无线电广播seat 座位
screen 屏幕service 服务,招待
theater 剧院quality 品质,质量
cinema 电影院clothing (总称)衣服
teen 青少年jeans 牛仔裤
jazz 爵士乐bargain 特价商品,便宜货
talent 天才,天资diner 路边小餐馆,(餐车式)小饭店performer 演出者deli 熟食店
act 一段表演meal 餐,饭
band 乐队curry 咖喱
piece 片,块,段camel 骆驼
leader 领导者,指挥者rat 老鼠
success 成功cow 母牛
distance 距离hen 母鸡
province 省份sea 海洋
Adjective 形容词
worse 更坏的,更差的comfortable 舒适的
worst 最坏的,最差的close 接近的
farthest 最远的trendy 时髦的,流行的
southern 南方的funky 时髦的
northern 北方的easy 容易的
central 中心的positive 积极的,肯定的
near 附近的negative 消极的,否定的
creative 有创意的loud 响亮的,喧闹的
dull 乏味的,无聊的musical 音乐的
lovely 可爱的enough 足够的
Adverb 副词
worse 更坏地,更差地together 一起,共同
worst 最坏地,最差地still 还,仍然
farthest 最远地seriously 严肃地
Preposition 介词Verb 动词
without 无,没有forbid 禁止,不许lay (产)卵
Key phrases: 重点词组
radio station 无线电台the dullest program 最无聊的节目talent show 才艺表演the most popular store 最受欢迎的店a great success 成功good quality service 品质佳的服务without music 无伴奏big screen 大荧幕
win the prize 获奖
close to home 离家近
beautiful piano piece 优美的钢琴曲cut the prices 降价
the closest cinema 最近的电影院the most comfortable seats
舒适的座位children’s clothes store 儿童服装店as for 至于
crowded city 拥挤的城市
be friendly to …对……友好
in town 城镇里in southern China 在华南
movie character 电影里的人物deal with 应付,处理
not... at all 一点也不... upside down 倒立
Key sentences 重点句型:(形容词比较级、最高级的应用)
1.I’m doing a survey for the Green City Daily News. 我正在为《绿城新闻日报》做一份调查。
2.It’s also cheaper than the other stores. 它同样比其他商店便宜。
3.It has the worst clothes in town. 他有全城最差的衣服。
4.What’s the best radio station? 最好的电台是什么?
5.It’s much better than the other stations in town. 它比城镇中的其他电台都好得多。
6.I couldn’t stop laughing! 我禁不住笑了。
7.I don’t know many people who can play the guitar upside down. 我不认识很多人可以倒立着弹吉他。
8.He can’t juggle at all. 他一点也不会杂耍。
9.He danced without music.。