English Speaking in the Workplace
Career development
In many industries, English speaking ability is an important factor in career development, which can help you stand out in competition.
Reading accumulation
Read English original works, news reports, etc., increase vocabulary, and improve language organization ability.
Recite good sentences
Difficiencies in grammar and presence structure
• Summary words: Difficulties in grammar and sentence structure
Difficiencies in grammar and presence structure
Engage in daily conversations with native English speakers to improve oral expression and responsiveness.
Participate in English corner
Participate in English corner or language exchange activities, practice with people who also want to improve their English.
小学英语口语竞赛四年级即兴演讲精品PPT课件 图文
2.My classroom(我的教室)
那夜子都想,自打他俩分手以来,他 看着若 总觉得 隔着、 不透亮 ,像在 雾里, 掩着纱 帘…… 是由于 他不适 应新角 色、心 理有问 题,还 是她的 确有事 儿瞒了 他…… 他画着 问号, 一时又 理不出 头绪… … 第二天上午,也就是周五上午,子都 给亦冰 打电话 问若的 情况, 亦冰说 昨晚他 走后若 就没再 醒过来 ,早晨 他离家 的时候 她还在 床上躺 着;说她 应该是 不去上 班了, 是他给 雨馨准 备的早 饭、送 的学校 ……子 都想一 定是若 的酒劲 还没缓 过来。 他不想 打扰她 休息, 想下午 与她联 系。 下午子都给若打电话,那时她正在去 单位的 路上, 子都说 都三点 了,问 她这么 晚还去 单位干 吗,她 说单位 有事儿; 他又约 她吃晚 饭、或 是找个 地方坐 会儿; 她说晚 上约了 人…… 子都心 里很是 不爽, 嘴上又 不便说 什么, 就说她 身体不 好,办 完事儿 早点回 家,到 家后告 诉他一 声;她应 承着 …… 那晚子都在家心不在焉地看着电视, 总觉着 要发生 点什么 事儿… …“她 这叫归 家吗?今 天这事 儿、明 天那事 儿,以 前也没 说这么 忙过; 还说身 体不好 ,好人 又怎样? 谁经得 起天天 这般折 腾…… 唉!碍 着我啥 事儿了 ,跟着 瞎起哄 ,爱咋 咋吧… …”他 说是不 挂念, 心里别 扭着。 九点过 半,仍 无若的 消息, 他心神 不宁… …“又 喝了? 不要命 了?昨晚 的事情 过眼就 忘…… 可怜的 亦冰, 这些年 真够难 为他的 ……” 他待要 给若发 信息, 问她是 不是还 在外面 ,她给 他发来 信息, 说她到 家了, 要他放 心…… 他悬着 的心算 是告一 段落地 放下来 ,也该 洗洗睡 了…… 子都刚躺下,有电话打进来,是杨巍 的,他 吃了一 惊,第 一反应 就是若 ……这 还是杨 巍初次 用手机 给他打 电话, 他的手 机号码 也是上 次找他 办事儿 时存下 的。“ 若是不 是还在 外面没 回家?出 什么事 儿了… …”他 刚待接 听,那 边挂了 ,等了 几分钟 ,对方 没再打 过来… …“诶 ?怎么 回事儿 ?这么 晚了, 误碰… …不对 ……不 管怎样 ,打过 去问问 。”于 是他就 把电话 打过去 ,电话 通着, 没人接 听,他 心犯狐 疑,一 连又打 了七、 八个过 去…… “莫非 他与若 在一起 ……绝 不是误 碰…… ”他随 即给若 打电话 ,没人 接,再 打…… “她俩 一定在 一起… …发生 了什么? 不行, 得去找 她…… ”他毫 无迟疑 ,起身 穿上衣 服…… “今晚 一定要 见着她 ……” 一种不 安袭击 着他。 他想给 亦冰打 电话, 问若在 不在家 ,又一 想先别 大惊小 怪的, 过去看 看若的 车是否 在家再 做道理 。他匆 匆离家 ,走的 时候连 屋里的 灯也没 顾得关 …… 路上车少,子都心似弹飞,往日的路 程此刻 只用了 一半的 时间。 他留心 过往车 辆,生 怕路上 与她错 过。在 距若的 家不足 一分钟 里程时 ,他发 现前面 路边上 停着一 辆白色 的小车 ,尾灯 闪亮着 ……“ 车上一 定有人 ……” 他心里 一惊, 因为杨 巍家就 在这儿 附近。 “莫非 若的车 ……” 车速太 快,他 急点刹 车,错 车的一 刹凝眸 望去, 正是若 的车, 前排影 影绰绰 的两个 人影, 他脑袋 嗡地一 声,竟 至于狠 踩了一 脚油门 ,那车 轰的一 声穿窜 出去多 远…… 待他回 过神来 ,赶忙 把车停 靠在路 边,深 呼吸… …
Dialogue 4 A: Have a nice weekend! B: Thanks. You too!. A: Do you have any plans? B: Another day, another dollar. (和往常一样)
Do you know……
It’s been lovely to see you again.
Look forward to seeing you again.
All the best.
Best wishes.
Regards to your parents.
Send your parents my best.
Are you leaving for Guangzhou soon?
I guess so. Perhaps next Monday.
Dialogue 2 How are you getting along? I haven’t seen much of you lately. Keeping busy. Doing what? I am supposes to give you my oral defense(答辩) tomorrow. A: Well, keeping busy before oral defense is all in day’s work. be all in day’s work:不足为奇,司空见惯
Dialogue 2 A: I must run along now. I’ve enjoyed this evening very much. B: It was a pleasure having you. A: Every success with your research project. I hope it goes well. B: Thank. Take care then.
•Must Be taken course •Totally 100 points
Personal Opinion
•KaoYan is not a easy thing,
there is no shortcut. What you
need to is to study by yourself.
The number of students that
recent year graduated
Number/ million
338 2005 2021/3/27 2006 200C7HENL2I 008 2009 2010 4
The two graphics means there are more and more students take part in the national post-graduate entrance examination (考研) ,but the number of graduate is more large than it! So what you should do? You Know It(你懂得)!
Do more exercise
Get English
Do it carefully and be confidence
•Must Be taken course •Totally 100 points
When I got stuck in a question, I would draw circles on my head with my forefinger just like Yi Xiu, my deskmate asked me whether it was useful suspiciously. I told that it was no use because of my hair.Yi Xiu is a bald head.
One day I was scared to find that there were two bumps on my chest. I didn’t tell it to my mom. And I tried to flatten them by bending over to sleep. It was proved to be no use after a week’s practice. Let it be, cancer is cancer.
பைடு நூலகம்
Everytime when we sang the song<让我们 荡起双桨>,the first section was lyric.but when it came to the second section After a day of doing schoolwork...we were in a bad mood and didn't want to sing any more...
I have ever DIY a red scarf .The students on duty didn’t recognize it but my mom was looking for her red briefs for several days.
Here is the video, let’s go!!!
If you have grown weary(厌倦) of a traditional commute(通勤), Kuratas is fully functioning (起作用)on the road - but will not get you to work any faster as its top speed barely hits 7 mph( miles per hour )
Don't misunderstand my smile!!!!
When I smile,when you die!
• With the alignment ([ə‘lainmənt] 瞄准) set appropriately ,the system will fire BBs when the pilot smiles(适当设置瞄准后,只要操纵人员一笑,系统会发射BB弹 (不致命的橡胶子弹).
Giant Robot
Wang Huan 2013-03-26
Driving a Robot is a wonderful thing that most of us would want to do, and now it comes true.
KURATAS is the first giant boarding-robot(
Hand gun
Lohas launcher 乐活发射器
Iron crow 金钢爪
Lohas launcher( 乐活发射器 )use water as shell(炮弹) ,and it will not hurt you .
LI olikoek farut imtse (我(瞧喜我欢) 水果) I小lik学e三fru年it级s 组(我口喜语欢比水赛果即) 兴演讲部分-4 CI loikleoufrufuitlswo(我rld喜(欢多水彩果的)世界) I小lik学e三fru年it级s 组(我口喜语欢比水赛果即) 兴演讲部分-4
2.Numbers in our life (生活 ILolikoekfarut imtse(我(瞧喜我欢) 水果)
小My学fa三vo年u级rite组f口oo语d 比(我赛最即喜兴欢演的讲食部物分) -5
中的数字) I like fruits (我喜欢水果)
小学三年级组口语比赛即 兴演讲部分-5
1.My favourite food (我 最喜欢的食物)
2.Welcome back to school (欢 迎回到学校)
1.I love animals (我爱动物) 小学三年级组口语比赛即兴演讲部分-45
ILolikoek farut imtse (我(瞧喜我欢) 水果) Let’s go to the zoo (让我们去动物园吧) CMoylofauvrofuulrwiteorflodod(多(彩我的最世喜界欢)的食物) MI liykefafvrouuitsrite(我fo喜od欢(水我果最)喜欢的食物) IClolvoeurafnuilmwaolrsld(我(多爱彩动的物世) 界) 小Lo学ok三at年m级e组(瞧口我语)比赛即兴演讲部分-4
小学英语口语竞赛三年级即兴 演讲
小学三年级组口语比赛即 兴演讲部分-2
We spend a great part of our childhood studying,
我们花了很多 童年的时光在学习上
and finally we get the diploma that will ensure us “the position we deserve.
最后我们获得了一张文凭 来确保地位
But we need some time more
to triumph completely. 获得完全的胜利
严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活 动报批 制度等 相关规 章制度 。做到 及时发 现、制 止、汇 报并处 理各类 违纪行 为或突 发事件 。
Gosh! One day they tell they can do without you.
You realise you’ve been living in the fog
You become a walking ghostபைடு நூலகம்
You are the only one longing for the hours to pass
in search of a silly target. 追求着可笑的目标
“Well, say what you want, but I am a nice guy!” 说你想要什么 我是个不错的人
No harm from a glass more. HIC! 再饮一杯也无 妨,~打嗝~
when my time comes.
严格执行突发事件上报制度、校外活 动报批 制度等 相关规 章制度 。做到 及时发 现、制 止、汇 报并处 理各类 违纪行 为或突 发事件 。
> > 谢 谢 观 看
3.Tolerence:Man can not be a perfect one.Everyone will make mistakes,the key point is whether he/she realize did wrong things.Good temper only will be better.
You can exchange your thought with others,no matter what it is. Maybe it results from internet or your own,even someone montions it…………….
You may experienced some Negative attitude for learning,living and life.They have not enough enthusiasm for most • They have endless words to talk when the light‘s off.
90% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85% 84% 83% 82% 81% 80% 79% 78% 77% 76% 75% 74% 73% 72% 71% 70% 69% 68% 67% 66% 65% 64% 63% 62% 61% 60% 59% 58% 57% 56% 55% 54% 53% 52% 51% 50% 49% 48% 47% 46% 45% 44% 43% 42% 41% 40% 39% 38% 37% 36% 35% 34% 33% 32% 31% 30% 29% 28% 27% 26% 25% 24% 23% 22% 21% 20% 19% 18% 17% 16% 15% 14% 13% 12% 11% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 98% 97% 96% 95% 94% 93% 92% 91% 99% 100%
ladies and
Conversations 情景对话
• 你好,Jim. • 你好,Jarr y. • 好久不见。 • 是啊,好久不见。我很想你。 • 我也很想你。 • 见到你很开心。 • 见到你也很开心。
Let's sing and dance.
left left right right go turn around go go go left right left left right right left left right right go go go left left right right go turn around go go go
What’s your name?
My name is Lucy.
Hi, Lucy. I’m Rebecca. Hi, Rebecca.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
(Long time no see.
I miss you.)
all night long • Let's go ever ybody • And play again this song
around • go go go • Jumping grooving dancing
英文PPT 演讲必备口语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of thepresentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-soplease feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at anytime.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later . But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众( 正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众( 非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to cometoday.- Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my teammembers...- A brief look at today's agenda...( 告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has beenso successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that willchange the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another , ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first, ...next, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order ...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particularproblem (...in general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more generalconclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you二做presentation ,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
----The Quotidian World 《平凡的世界》
*** 000000000
Lu Yao(路遥)(1949—1992) oldname Wang Weiguo. Died at the age of 42 at xian in nov 17th 1992, died for his opus. Opuses:
Thank you !
Breathtaking scene(惊人动魄的一幕)
life(人生) (人生) The Quotidian World ------ the maodun Literature Prize.
பைடு நூலகம்
The Ordinary World
completed in May 1988. Three parts in this book. Today, many people are still encouraged by the spirit of arduous struggle which was embodied by the hero.
Life is never-ending struggle! It was not squander for us to selected target and struggle for it. This life is fulfilling and the spirit would be young forever!
The main line of the novel two Sun Shaoan and his borther Sun Shaopings’ growing, learning, love, career, marriage and a series of other things. In my opinion Two brothers love and averages could be one clue.
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2.4 Super housewife - Lynette
• Lynette used to be a strong woman managing 65 individuals including her husband Tom. After being pregnant, she yieldes to be a housewife with 3 sons and 2 daughters.
• ‘Desperate Housewives’ is started in October 2004 by ABC, and It is broadcasted on television at 9 pm every Sunday. • The play has won the weekly ratings charts many times in US, and it also has swept many rewards in the major awards ceremony in US. The rewords contains Emmy Awards ,Golden Global Award and People's Choice Awards .
Desperate Housewives
Jane,1115053003 Dec11,2011
• • • • 1 About the series 2 Principal roles 3 Classic lines 4 My reflections
1 About the series
Yes, life is a journey, one that is much better traveled with a companion by our side. Of course, that companion can be just about anyone: a neighbor on the other side of the street...or the man on the other side of the bed. The companion can be a mother with good intentions...or a child who's up to no good. Still, despite our best intentions, some of us will lose our companions along the way. And then the journey becomes unbearable. You see, Human beings are designed for many things, But loneliness isn't one of them.
• With Carlos' unemployment and blindness, Gaby gives birth to two daughters . Gaby also mellowes into a more mature and loyal life. • Experiencing the marriage and divorce with the mayor, The love of Gaby and Carlos are more solid.
2.1 Perfect housewife - Bree
Bree is a perfect example of housewife, striving anything to one hundred points, whether it is the housework, or the cooking. Never dressing in intellectual elegance, or wearing a trace of chaos hair,. But her husband and children don’t appreciate it.
Bree’s only drawback is her compulsive perfectionist to the family trails, even when her husband fall ill, she insistes on cleaning well before going to hospital. In order to discipline his son, he put his son into the discipline school. Because of despair she drop her son on the street. After finding the son in the garbage , mother and son finally forgive each other.
• After quiting her job, the naughty guys make her depressed. Lynette faces 24 hours a day, 7 days a week busy trails. Her husband is busy making money outside, and she feels isolated and often blame herself a failed mother. • When the children grow up, the couple suddenly find they no longer be tolerate of each other’s shortcomings any more. They plan to pursue their own happiness.
2 Principal actors
The story is set in a fictional American town – Beautiful Town, depicting the beauty of the town's four housewives in Wisteria Lane. Every season has its main line ,and at the beginning of each season ,a new housewife jion in ,while some leave at the end.
4 My reflections
• (1)The 4 housewives are 4 parts of ourselves. • (2) The series are funny. beginning • (3)We can learn from the series.
2.3 Messy housewife - Susan
• Susan is a illustrator of children's books .Her exhusband betrays her after meeting a romantic lawyer, which makes a bad inflections on her later life. • Susan
2. 2 Beautiful housewife - Gaby
Gaby was a model with a hot figure before marriage. After meeting her husband Carlos, she enjoyed a easy life. The pity is Gaby’s soul is not satisfied with the fashion car and the luxury diamond ring. Her husband only knows to use roses to make her happy, ignoring her empty heart.
3 Classic lines
Family--there is nothing more important. They're the ones who show up when we're in trouble,the ones who push us to succeed,the ones who help keep our secrets. But what of those who have no family to rely on? What happens to those poor souls...who have no loved ones to help them in their hour of need? Well...most learn to walk life's road by themselves. But a sad few of us...simply...stop trying.
• "Desperate Housewives" has formed a cultural phenomenon sweeping newspapers , magazines and talk shows, and it leds a desperate, crazy housewives fashion in more than 130 countries . • Until now ,it has 8 seasons ,containing 160 sets. The eighth season is being broadcoes for different reasons , sometimes for their daring , sometimes for their bravery , sometimes for their goodness, but mostly we honor heroes , because at one point or another, we all dream to be rescued ,of course if the right heroes doesn’t come along , sometimes we just have to rescue by ourselves .