















(1分)A.顶峰.(fēng) B.嫉.恨(jì) C.诽.谤(fěi) D.不朽.(xiǔ)2. 第②段画线句存在语病,请加以修改。




上海市普陀区2012届高三数学4月质量调研(二模)试题 理 沪教版

上海市普陀区2012届高三数学4月质量调研(二模)试题 理 沪教版

上海市普陀区2012年高三年级第二次质量调研数学试卷 (理科)说明:本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。


一、填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14小题,要求直接将结果填写在答题纸对应的空格中.每个空格填对得4分,填错或不填在正确的位置一律得零分. 1. 函数22()sin cos 22x xf x =-的最小正周期是 . 2. 二项式6)1(xx -的展开式中的常数项是 .(请用数值作答) 3. 函数1log 121-=x y 的定义域是 .4. 设1e 与2e 是两个不共线的向量,已知122AB e ke =+,123CB e e =+,122CD e e =-,则当A B D 、、三点共线时,k = .5. 已知各项均为正数的无穷等比数列{}n a 中,121a =+,321a =-,则此数列的各项和S = .6. 已知直线l 的方程为230x y --=,点(1,4)A 与点B 关于直线l 对称,则点B 的坐标为 .7. 如图,该框图所对应的程序运行后输出的结果S 的值为 .8. 若双曲线的渐近线方程为3y x =±,它的一个焦点的坐标为(10,0),则该双曲线的标准方程为 .9. 如图,需在一张纸上印上两幅大小完全相同,面积都是32cm 2的照片. 排版设计为纸上左右留空各3cm ,上下留空各2.5cm ,图间留空为1cm .照此设计,则这张纸的最小面积是 cm 2.10. 给出问题:已知ABC △满足cos cos a A b B ⋅=⋅,试判定ABC △的形状.某学生的解答如下:解:(i )由余弦定理可得,开始2012?n ≤sin3n S S π←+1n n ←+输出S 结束是否0,0S n ←←第7题图第9题图22222222b c a a c b a b bc ac+-+-⋅=⋅,⇔()()()2222222a b c a b a b -=-+, ⇔222c a b =+,故ABC △是直角三角形.(ii )设ABC △外接圆半径为R .由正弦定理可得,原式等价于2sin cos 2sin cos R A A R B B =sin2sin2A B ⇔=A B ⇔=, 故ABC △是等腰三角形.综上可知,ABC △是等腰直角三角形.请问:该学生的解答是否正确?若正确,请在下面横线中写出解题过程中主要用到的思想方法;若不正确,请在下面横线中写出你认为本题正确的结果. . 11. 已知数列{}n a 是等比数列,其前n 项和为nS.若1020S =,2060S =,则3010S S = . 12.的正六棱柱的所有顶点都在一个球面上,则此球的体积为 . 13. 用红、黄、蓝三种颜色分别去涂图中标号为1,2,3,,9的9个小正方形(如右图),需满足任意相邻(有公共边的)小正方形所涂颜色都不相同,且标号为“1、5、9”的小正方形涂相同的颜色. 则符合条件的所有涂法中,恰好满足“1、3、5、7、9”为同一颜色,“2、4、6、8”为同一颜色的概率为 .14. 设*N n ∈,n a 表示关于x 的不等式144log log (54)21n x x n -+⨯-≥-的正整数解的个数,则数列{}n a 的通项公式n a = .二、选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个结论是正确的,必须把正确结论的代号写在答题纸相应的空格中. 每题选对得5分,不选、选错或选出的代号超过一个(不论是否都写在空格内),或者没有填写在题号对应的空格内,一律得零分. 15. “lg ,lg ,lg x y z 成等差数列”是“2y xz =”成立的 ( )A .充分非必要条件;B .必要非充分条件;C .充要条件;D .既非充分也非必要条件.16. 设θ是直线l 的倾斜角,且cos 0a θ=<,则θ的值为 ( )第13题图A. arccos a π-;B. arccos a ;C. arccos a -;D. arccos a π+.17. 设全集为R ,集合22|14x M x y ⎧⎫=+=⎨⎬⎩⎭,3|01x N x x -⎧⎫=≤⎨⎬+⎩⎭,则集合2231|24x x y ⎧⎫⎪⎪⎛⎫++=⎨⎬ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎪⎩⎭可表示为 ( )A. M N ;B. MN ; C. R C M N ⋂; D. R M C N ⋂18. 对于平面α、β、γ和直线a 、b 、m 、n ,下列命题中真命题是( )A .若,,a m a n ⊥⊥,m n αα≠≠⊂⊂,则a α⊥; B. 若//,,a b b α≠⊂则//a α; C. 若,,//,//a b a b ββαα≠≠⊂⊂,则//a β; D. 若//,,,a a b βαγβγ⋂=⋂=则//a b .三、解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸规定的方框内写出必要的步骤. 19. (本题满分12分)已知函数()2f x kx =+,0k ≠的图像分别与x 轴、y 轴交于A 、B 两点,且22AB i j =+,函数6)(2--=x x x g . 当x 满足不等式()()f xg x >时,求函数()1()g x y f x +=的最小值.20. (本题满分12分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分6分)如图,已知圆锥体SO 的侧面积为15π,底面半径OA 和OB 互相垂直,且3OA =,P 是母线BS 的中点. (1)求圆锥体的体积;(2)异面直线SO 与PA 所成角的大小(结果用反三角函数表示).21. (本大题满分14分,第1小题满分7分,第2小题满分7分)已知ABC △中,1AC =,23ABC π∠=.设BAC x ∠=,记()f x AB BC =⋅. (1) 求()f x 的解析式及定义域;AB第20题图(2)设()6()1g x m f x =⋅+,是否存在实数m ,使函数)(x g 的值域为31,2⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦?若存在,求出m 的值;若不存在,请说明理由.22. (本大题满分16分,第1小题满分5分,第2小题满分5分,第3小题满分6分)已知数列{}n a 是首项为2的等比数列,且满足nn n pa a 21+=+*(N )n ∈.(1) 求常数p 的值和数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2) 若抽去数列{}n a 中的第一项、第四项、第七项、……、第23-n 项、……,余下的项按原来的顺序组成一个新的数列{}n b ,试写出数列{}n b 的通项公式;(3) 在(2)的条件下,设数列{}n b 的前n 项和为n T .是否存在正整数n ,使得1113n n T T +=?若存在,试求所有满足条件的正整数n 的值;若不存在,请说明理由.23. (本大题满分20分,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题最高分10分)设点F 是抛物线L :22y px =(0)p >的焦点,123n P P P P 、、、、是抛物线L 上的n个不同的点(3,n ≥*N n ∈).(1) 当2p =时,试写出抛物线L 上的三个定点1P 、2P 、3P 的坐标,从而使得123||||||6FP FP FP ++=;(2)当3n >时,若1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=,求证:123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++=;(3) 当3n >时,某同学对(2)的逆命题,即: “若123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++=,则1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=.”开展了研究并发现其为假命题.请你就此从以下三个研究方向中任选一个开展研究:① 试构造一个说明该逆命题确实是假命题的反例(本研究方向最高得4分); ② 对任意给定的大于3的正整数n ,试构造该假命题反例的一般形式,并说明你的理由(本研究方向最高得8分);③ 如果补充一个条件后能使该逆命题为真,请写出你认为需要补充的一个条件,并说明加上该条件后,能使该逆命题为真命题的理由(本研究方向最高得10分).【评分说明】本小题若选择不止一个研究方向,则以实得分最高的一个研究方向的得分作为本小题的最终得分.2012年普陀区高三第二次质量调研数学试卷参考答案一、填空题(每小题4分,满分56分): 1. π2; 2. 20-; 3. (文) )1(∞+,; (理)(0,1)(12),; 4. 8-;5. 2232+; 6. )2,5(; 7. 3; 8. 1922=-y x ; 9. 196; 10. 等腰或直角三角形; 11. (文)6;(理)7; 12. (文)π34;(理) 29π; 13. (文)108;(理)181; 14. 1*341,N n n -⋅+∈. 二、选择题(每题5分,满分20分):三、解答题(满分74分): 19.(本题满分12分) 解:由题意知:)0,2(k A -、)2,0(B ,则)2,2()2,2(==kAB 可解得:1=k ,即2)(+=x x f因为)()(x g x f >,即622-->+x x x ,解不等式得到()4,2-∈x2()15()2g x x x y f x x +--==+2(2)5(2)112522x x x x x +-++==++-++ 因为()4,2-∈x ,则()6,0)2(∈+x 所以35212)(1)(-≥-+++=+x x x f x g ,当且仅当212+=+x x ,即12=+x ,1-=x 时,等号成立. 所以,当1-=x 时,)(1)(x f x g +的最小值为3-.20.(本题满分12分)解:(1)由题意,15OA SB ππ⋅⋅=得5BS =,xCBA 故2222534SO SB OB =-=-=从而体积2211341233V OA SO πππ=⋅⋅=⨯⨯=.(2)如图2,取OB 中点H ,联结PH AH 、.由P 是SB 的中点知PH SO ∥,则APH ∠(或其补角)就是异面直线SO 与PA 所成角.由SO ⊥平面OAB ⇒PH ⊥平面OAB ⇒PH AH ⊥.在OAH ∆中,由OA OB ⊥得22352AH OA OH =+=; 在Rt APH ∆中,90AHP O ∠=,122PH SB ==,35AH =, 则35tan AH APH PH ∠==SO 与PA 所成角的大小35arctan .21. (本题满分14分,其中第1小题7分,第2小题7分) 解:(1)如图,在ABC ∆中,由23ABC π∠=,x BAC =∠, 可得x ACB -=∠3π,又 1AC =,故由正弦定理得 2sin 3sin()sin 33ABBC AC x x ππ===- ⇒sin()33AB x π=-、3BC x =.则函数()f x AB BC =⋅2||||cossin sin()333AB BC x x ==-ππ231sin sin )32x x x =-2312sin 3x x =- 11(32cos 2)66x x =+-11sin(2)366x π=+-, 其中定义域为0,3x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭π. 说明:亦可用积化和差方法化简:2111()sin sin()[cos cos(2)]cos(2)33333336f x x x x x ==-=---=--ππππ. (2)()6()12sin(2)16g x mf x m x m =+=+-+π由0,3x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭π可得52(,)666x πππ+∈⇒)62sin(π+x ]1,21(∈.显然,0m ≠,则 1O 当0>m 时,()(1,1]g x m ∈+,则)(x g 的值域为]23,1(⇔231=+m ⇔21=m ; 2O 当0m <时,()[1,1)g x m ∈+,不满足)(x g 的值域为]23,1(; 因而存在实数21=m ,使函数)(x g 的值域为31,2⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦.22. (本大题满分16分,第1小题满分5分,第二小题满分5分,第3小题满分6分)(1)解:由n n n pa a a 2,211+==+得222+=p a ,42223++=p p a ,又因为存在常数p ,使得数列{}n a 为等比数列,则3122a a a =即)422(2)22(22++=+p p p ,所以1=p .故数列{}n a 为首项是2,公比为2的等比数列,即nn a 2=.此时11222++=+=n n n n a 也满足,则所求常数p 的值为1且*2(N )n n a n =∈.(2)解:由等比数列的性质得:(i )当*2(N )n k k =∈时,kk n a b 332==; (ii ) 当*21(N )n k k =-∈时,13132--==k k n a b ,所以312*322,21,(N )2,2,n n nn k b k n k +⎧=-⎪=∈⎨⎪=⎩. (3)(文科)解:注意到21{}n b -是首项14b =、公比8q =的等比数列,2{}n b 是首项28b =、公比8q =的等比数列,则(i )当2n k =*(N )k ∈时,21321242()()n k k k T T b b b b b b -==+++++++4(81)8(81)8181kk--=+--2128121281277nk⋅-⋅-==;(ii )当21n k =-*(N )k ∈时,12212212812581258128777n k kk n k k k T T T b +-⋅-⋅-⋅-==-=-==. 即12*25812,217(N )12812,27n n nn k T k n k+⎧⋅-⎪=-⎪=∈⎨⎪⋅-⎪=⎩.(3)(理科)解:(续文科解答过程)假设存在正整数n 满足条件,则1111118133n n n n n n n n n T T b b b T T T T +++++==+=⇔=, 则(i )当*2,(N )n k k =∈时,3212122288888128121281237k k k n k k kn kb b T T +++⋅====⇒=⋅-⋅-1k ⇒=, 即当2n =时满足条件;(ii )当*21,(N )n k k =-∈时,128788968581258123197k k kn k k k n n b b T T +⋅====⇒=⋅-⋅-. 因为*N k ∈,所以此时无满足条件的正整数n . 综上可得,当且仅当2n =时,1113n n T T +=.23. (本大题满分20分,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题最高分10分) (理)解:(1)抛物线L 的焦点为(,0)2pF ,设111222333(,)(,)(,)P x y P x y P x y 、、, 分别过123P P P 、、作抛物线L 的准线l 的垂线,垂足分别为123Q Q Q 、、.由抛物线定义得123112233123||||||||||||()()()222p p pFP FP FP PQ P Q PQ x x x ++=++=+++++ 623321=+++=px x x因为2p =,所以3321=++x x x ,故可取,,)2,1()2,21(21P P 3P )6,23(满足条件. (2)设111222333(,)(,)(,)(,)n n n P x y P x y P x y P x y 、、、、,分别过123n P P P P 、、、、作抛物线L 的准线l 垂线,垂足分别为123n Q Q Q Q 、、、、.由抛物线定义得123112233||||||||||||||||n n n FP FP FP FP PQ PQ PQ PQ ++++=++++123()()()()2222n p p ppx x x x =++++++++123()2n np x x x x =+++++ 又因为1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=⇒123()()()()02222n p p ppx x x x -+-+-++-=⇒221np x x x n =+++ ; 所以123||||||||n FP FP FP FP ++++123()2n npx x x x =+++++np =. (3) ①取4=n 时,抛物线L 的焦点为(,0)2pF , 设111222333(,)(,)(,)P x y P x y P x y 、、,),(444y x P 分别过123P P P 、、4P 、作抛物线L 的准线l 垂线,垂足分别为123Q Q Q 、、4Q 、.由抛物线定义得=+++44332211Q P Q P Q P Q P +++=244321px x x x ++++p 4=, 则p x x x x 24321=+++,不妨取22,411p y px ==;,22px =p y =2;,23px =p y -=3;443,4p x y ==, 则=+++4321FP FP FP FP (p x x x x 24321-+++,)4321y y y y +++0,2p ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭0≠.故1,42p P ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,2,2p P p ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,3,2p P p ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,434p P ⎛⎝⎭是一个当4n =时,该逆命题的一个反例.(反例不唯一)② 设111222333(,)(,)(,)(,)n n n P x y P x y P x y P x y 、、、、,分别过123n P P P P 、、、、作 抛物线L 的准线l 的垂线,垂足分别为123n Q Q Q Q 、、、、,由123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++=及抛物线的定义得np np x x x n =++++221 ,即221np x x x n =+++ . 因为上述表达式与点111222333(,)(,)(,)(,)n n n P x y P x y P x y P x y 、、、、的纵坐标无关,所以只要将这n 点都取在x 轴的上方,则它们的纵坐标都大于零,则=+++n FP FP FP 21(,221npx x x n -+++ )21n y y y +++ (=,0)21n y y y +++ ,而021>+++n y y y ,所以021≠+++n FP FP FP . (说明:本质上只需构造满足条件且120n y y y +++≠的一组n 个不同的点,均为反例.)③ 补充条件1:“点i P 的纵坐标i y (1,2,,i n =)满足 1230n y y y y ++++=”,即:“当3n >时,若123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++=,且点i P 的纵坐标iy (1,2,,i n =)满足1230n y y y y ++++=,则1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=”.此命题为真.事实上,设111222333(,)(,)(,)(,)n n n P x y P x y P x y P x y 、、、、,分别过123n P P P P 、、、、作抛物线L 准线l 的垂线,垂足分别为123n Q Q Q Q 、、、、,由12||||||n FP FP FP np +++=,及抛物线的定义得np np x x x n =++++221 ,即221npx x x n =+++ ,则 =+++nFP FP FP 21(,221npx x x n -+++ )21n y y y +++ (=,0)21n y y y +++ ,又由1230n y y y y ++++=,所以1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=,故命题为真.补充条件2:“点k P 与点1n k P -+(n 为偶数,*N )k ∈关于x 轴对称”,即:“当3n >时,若123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++=,且点k P 与点1n k P -+(n 为偶数,*N )k ∈关于x 轴对称,则1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=”.此命题为真.(证略)23.(文)(1)解:抛物线L 焦点(1,0)F ,准线l 方程为:1-=x .由抛物线定义得11||1FP x =+,22||1FP x =+,33||1FP x =+,∴ 73||||||321321=+++=++x x x FP FP FP .(2)证明:由)0,1(F ,),1(111y x FP -=,),1(222y x FP -=,…,),1(n n n y x FP-= , 1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=⇒0)1()1()1(21=-++-+-n x x x ,即n x x x n =+++)(21 .则12||||||n FP FP FP +++)1()1()1(21++++++=n x x xn x x x n ++++=)(21 n 2=.(3)经推广的命题:“当3n >时,若021=+++n FP FP FP ,则np FP FP FP n =+++||||||21 .” 其逆命题为:“当3n >时,若np FP FP FP n =+++||||||21 ,则021=+++n FP FP FP ”. 该逆命题为假命题.不妨构造特殊化的一个反例:设2p =,4n =,抛物线x y 42=,焦点)0,1(F .由题意知:1234||||||||8FP FP FP FP +++=;根据抛物线的定义得:8)1()1()1()1(4321=+++++++x x x x ⇒44321=+++x x x x ;不妨取四点坐标分别为)0,0(1P 、)2,1(2P 、)2,1(3-P 、)22,2(4P ,但0)22,0()22,1()2,0()2,0()0,1(4321≠=+-++-=+++FP FP FP FP ,所以逆命题是假命题.。



普陀区2011学年度第二学期高三质量调研历史试卷 2012.4 考生注意:1.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求,所有答题必须涂(单项选择题)在答题卡上或做(最佳选择题、非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。







下列关于这两个等级的叙述正确的是A .中国与西欧的封建等级制度迥异B .西欧的封臣对封君没有任何义务C .古罗马平民与贵族利益趋向一致D .古希腊女性也可以享受民主政治2.随着文字的演变,人类书写工具不断革新。

在纸发明之前,下列选项属于书写材料的是 ① 纸草 ② 泥板 ③ 龟甲兽骨 ④ 石头A .① ② ③B . ① ② ③ ④C .② ③ ④D .① ② ④3.有人说:“雅典的学生已成为他人的老师;雅典已使‘希腊人’一词不再表示一个种族,而表示一种精神面貌。

‛下列能代表当时雅典人“精神面貌”的是①民主思想与实践的摇篮 ②拥有后世影响最广泛的古代法律 ③拥有千形万态的海湾 ④古代西方人文精神之源A .①②B .②③C .③④D .①④4.继希腊人之后,罗马人登上了地中海的历史舞台,他们征服了希腊化的东西。



贺拉斯所说的“俘虏”是指A .商业征服B .文化同化C .宗教皈依D .财富侵蚀5.“这一法律适用的对象是罗马人与外国人及外国人相互之间的讼争案件,它所调解的社会关系不再是一个共同血缘团体内部的关系,而是不同民族的人之间的关系。

”材料中的法律主要是指A .《十二铜表》B .《公民法》C .《万民法》D .自然法6.右图是中世纪兴起的牛津大学,其最初兴起的主要原因是A .为传播宗教的需要B .为宣传无神论需要C .摆脱教会对教育控制D .欧洲城市复兴的推动7.有人说:“西欧封建社会末期是‘人’和‘世界’被发现的时代。

上海市普陀区高三二模 语文试卷(Word版,含答案)

上海市普陀区高三二模 语文试卷(Word版,含答案)

















































相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 S-32 Ca-40 Na—23第Ⅰ卷(共66分)一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项,答案涂写在答题纸上。



下列相关表述正确的是A.天然橡胶的主要成分是异戊二烯B.通过物理变化将煤气化和液化,能高效清洁地用煤C.苯酚能用于环境消毒D.乙醇是不可再生的能源3.化工生产需要用到各种原料,其中与事实相符合的是A.用乙醇和浓硫酸制乙烯B.用电解水获得的氢气来合成氨C.用晒盐后的卤水制溴单质D.用氢氧化钠和二氧化碳制碳酸钠4.科研、生产、生活中离不开溶液的浓度,相关物质的浓度描述可信的是A.5mol/L 氢硫酸溶液B.18.4mol/L 盐酸溶液C.含甲醛40%的福尔马林溶液D.含乙酸12%的食醋溶液5.下列化学用语只能用来表示一种微粒的是A.C3H8B.C.二氯乙烷D.二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,只有一个正确选项,答案涂写在答题纸上。

)6.油脂在NaOH 稀溶液中发生皂化反应,可以判断反应基本完成的现象是 A .反应液使酚酞试液变红色B .反应液使蓝色石蕊试纸变红色C .有大量固体析出D .反应后静置,反应液不分层 7.能用键能大小解释的事实是A .硝酸比磷酸易挥发B .金刚石的熔点比晶体硅高C .惰性气体一般很难发生化学反应D .通常情况下单质溴呈液态、碘呈固态 8.某溶液中存在五种离子:NO 3-、SO 42-、Fe 3+、H +和一种未知离子(OH -忽略不计),它们物质的量浓度之比为2:3:1:3:1,则未知离子可能为 A .Fe 2+ B .Ba 2+ C .C1-D . M g 2+9.利用电化学原理保护钢闸门的某装置如图所示,关于该装置的说法正确的是 A .钢闸门应与外接电源的负极相连 B .该装置的原理是“牺牲阳极阴极保护法” C .辅助电极材料可用锌D .阴极的电极反应式:2Cl --2e →Cl 2↑10.按如图实验,反应后可能出现的现象是A .a 装置中有白色固体B .b 装置中产生白色沉淀C .c 装置中溶液先变红后褪色D .d 装置中溶液变蓝色11.任意混合组内溶液,发生的反应均可用离子方程式 Ca 2++HCO 3-+OH -→CaCO 3↓+H 2O 来表示的是A .Ca(HCO 3) 2(aq)与Ca(OH) 2(aq)B .Ca(HCO 3) 2(aq)与NaOH(aq)C .NaHCO 3 (aq)与Ca(OH) 2(aq)D .Mg(HCO 3) 2(aq)与NaOH (aq) 12.依据有关化学原理推断正确的是A .常温常压下,弱酸A 的浓度小于弱酸B ,则A 的电离程度一定大于B B .晶体A 易溶于CCl 4,则A 一定是分子晶体C .在溶液中单质A 能置换出金属B ,则单质A 可以是金属也可以是非金属D .能量越低越稳定,故自然界的物质都以能量最低的形态存在b c d (BaCl 2溶液) (石蕊溶液) (淀粉碘化钾溶液) 铜丝13.相同温度下,在体积相等的三个恒容密闭容器中发生可逆反应: N 2(g)+3H 2(g)2NH 3(g)+ 92.4 kJ 。



普陀区2012学年第二学期高三英语质量调研卷英语试卷(本卷满分150分;完卷时间120分钟)第I卷(共105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.A. 12.B. 24.C. 36.D. 48.A. A shop assistant.B. A telephone operator.C. A waitress.D. A clerk.A. At a bike shop.B. In a new car showroom.C. In a parking lot.D. At a car repair shop.A. The man wants to go to Los Angeles.B. The man wants to go to San Francisco.C. There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.D. There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the next two hours.A. He enjoys writing home every week.B. He never fails to write a weekly letter home.C. He doesn’t write home once a week now.D. He has been asked to write home every week.A. The teacher postponed the meeting.B. There won’t be a test this afternoon.C. The students will be attending the meeting.D. The students will take a test this afternoon.A. Get some change from Jane.B. Use the woman’s phone.C. Go to look for a pay phone.D. Pay for the phone call.A. He finds the presentation hard to follow.B. He considers the presentation very dull.C. He thinks Professor White has chosen an interesting topic.D. He speaks highly of the presentation.A. She is too busy to go.B. She doesn’t want to wait long.C. She’s willing to go swimming.D. She enjoys the wonderful weather.A. People killed in traffic accidents are heavy drinkers.B. She doesn’t agree with the man.C. Drunk dr ivers are not guilty.D. People should pay more attention to the danger of drunk driving.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.A. Many foreign tourists visit the United States every year.B. Americans enjoy eating out with their friends.C. The United States is a country of immigrants.D. Americans prefer foreign foods to their own food.A. They can make friends with people from other countries.B. They can get to know people of other cultures and their lifestyles.C. They can practise speaking foreign languages there.D. They can meet with businessmen from all over the world. A. The couple cook the dishes and the children help them.B. The husband does the cooking and the wife serves as the waitress.C. The mother does the cooking while the father and children serve the guests.D. A hired cook prepares the dishes and the family members serve the guests.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.A. In spring.B. In summer.C. In fall.D. In winter.A. Confusing.B. Innovative.C. Amusing.D. Wasteful.A. To standardize the daylight savings time.B. To establish year-round daylight savings time.C. To end daylight savings time.D. To shorten daylight savings time.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Why does the woman feel unhappy? She has just had 21 with Mr. Phillips.Why was the boss angry with the woman? Because she didn’t remember to give him 22 .Why couldn’t the woman sleep well?Because she was 23 every morning these days.Who disturbed the woman? The 24 .II. Grammar and V ocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.The lift in that tall building went wrong and got trapped _____ floors. People in it had no way to get out.A. in B. between C. among D. on– Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?– No, I _____ my homework all day yesterday.A. was doing B. would do C. has done D. do_____ the project as planned, we’ll have to work two more hours a day.A. Completing B. Complete C. Completed D. To complete_____ you continue in your efforts and achieve new and greater successes.A. Would B. Will C. May D. ShouldThe president lost himself in his work, and not a sound _____.A. did the secretary dare to make B. dared the secretary to makeC. the secretary dared make D. the secretary did dare to makeRainforests _____ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cutMiss Green contributed fifty dollars, but she wished she could contribute _____.A. one other fifty dollars B. the same amount alsoC. more fifty dollars D. another fiftyShe was so absorbed in the book that she had read it for three hours _____ she realized it.A. when B. until C. after D. beforeMany children have formed the habit of reading but _____ efficient notes meanwhile.A. not take B. not to take C. not to taking D. not takingThe nurses are trying their best to reduce the patient’s fear _____ he would die of the disease.A. that B. why C. what D. whichThe hours _____ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.A. on which B. when C. in which D. thatMichael put up a picture of Jeremy Lin beside the bed to keep himself _____ of his own dreams.A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. remindIt’s not what we do once in a while _____ shapes o ur lives but what we do consistently.A. which B. when C. how D. that Kids in the new century no longer take _____ their parents impose on him for granted.A. that B. which C. what D. whether The reason why we set up “a green responsibility card” is to give a feeling of accomplishment to people _____.A. involves B. involving C. involved D. having involvedYou are saying that everyone should take equal responsibility, and that is _____ I disagree.A. why B. where C. what D. howSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. adaptabilityB. gainedC. longstandingD. deviceE. eventuallyF. capacityG. reassignedH. distinguishI. lostJ. remarkablyPeople blind from birth can be taught to “see” images that are conveyed as sounds, says a new study that calls into question a 41 belief about the limits of the human brain.Devices that scan visual images and re-interpret regularities as sounds were used to re-train the brains of born-blind people in a study published this week in the journal Neuron. The authors — at the Safra Center for Brain Science at Hebrew University in Israel — put people who had been blind since birth through 70 hours of training with a visual-to-auditory sensory (感官的) substitution 42 .Initially, the subjects were able to 43 among faces, houses, everyday objects, and body shapes. They were able to read letters and words, identify facial expressions and locate people’s positions 44 . In one video, a blind person is shown a picture of a woman with a ponytail and identified the hairstyle.Blind people have long used the capability to use another sensory ability to make up for blindness: Braille and blind walking canes allow people without sight to read and navigate. But when the authors of the current study put subjects in a brain scanner, they 45 insight into the process by which training with a sensory substitution device allowed the mind’s eye to “see”.The human brain is a 46 efficient and adaptable organ: when a sensory perception such as sight is lost, the specialized regions of the brain in which input from the eyes is processed are 47 to other duties.But scientists have long believed that the brain’s 48 is limited by early conditions: when a person is born blind, the capacity of the brain’s visual cortex (大脑皮层) to process sight never develops, scientists have believed. With that 49 opportunity, a window is closed, and even if eyesight were to be restored, the visual cortex, they believed, would forever remain “blind” to images.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.A. takeB. reduceC. increaseD. faceA. profitsB. advicesC. benefitsD. promotionsA. milkB. waterC. cokeD. coffeeA. based onB. fond ofC. different fromD. qualified forA. causeB. endureC. easeD. relieveA. warnB. compareC. cureD. treatA. unpleasantB. modestC. significantD. positiveA. tendencyB. intentionC. intensityD. extensionA. on the contraryB. as a resultC. for instanceD. in one wordA. turned upB. took upC. put upD. gave upA. satisfactionB. uncertaintiesC. consequencesD. qualificationsA. MoreoverB. HoweverC. OtherwiseD. NeverthelessA. contemporaryB. similarC. differentD. initialA. realizeB. attachC. demonstrateD. weakenA. unlikelyB. sensibleC. jealousD. miserableSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)I believe that memory is never lost, even when it seems to be, because it has more to do with the heart than the mind.At the same time my 44-year-old husband, Ed, was losing his life, my mother was losing her ability to remember. She forgot how to start the car, whether or not she had eaten and which family members had died — including my father.I became afraid that one day I, too, would be unable to recall my husband, not because of Alzh eimer’s (早老性痴呆), but simply because my memory of him might disappear. So from the day of Ed’s diagnosis (诊断) until his death a year later, I set out to memorize him. I’d always be able to recite his qualities — kind, gentle, smart, funny — but I wanted to be able to think about the physical man in my mind as fully as possible when he was gone.Later I learnt that memory has a will of its own. You can’t control it any more than you can influence the weather. When it springs up, a person loved and lost is found, even just for a few seconds.Recently, when I was driving, I had a deep and sudden sense of Ed, and the way it felt to have him next to me in the car. My body softened as it used to when we were together seven years ago, living a shared life. I wasn’t remembering his face or the way he walked; the careful details I had stored had nothing to do with this moment in the car. And my mom’s brain couldn’tlabel my father correctly, but that was not important. It was clear to me that her husband was vivid in her heart, a memory even Alzheimer’s could not destroy.I believe there is a difference between memory and remembering. Remembering has something to do with turning the oven off before leaving the house, but memory is nurtured by emotion. It springs from a deeper well, safe from the passage of time.Ed is _____.A. the author’s mother B. the author’s fatherC. the author’s husband D. a physical manMemory has its own will so _____.A. the weather can’t control our memory B. it may happen anytime and anywhereC. it can spring up for a few seconds D. it is safe from a passage of timeWhich of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Alzeimer’s is not very harmful to human beings.B. A physical man must be kind, gentle, smart, funny.C. Mem ory has much to do with the deep emotion in one’s heart.D. Good memory begins with turning the oven off before leaving.What is the best title of the passage?A. Memory —the deeper well from our heartB. Differences between memory and rememberingC. Alzheim er’s can never destroy our memoryD. Memory — the passage of timeThe letter is probably from _____.A. Supervisor Management Unit B. Thames Valley PoliceC. Criminal Justice System D. Crime Reduction CommitteeMs. Adamczak is _____.A. a victim in a crime B. a famous crime-news reporterC. a professional policeman D. a detective in clearing up crimesWhat does the word “leads” most probably mean?A. Clue.B. Darkness. C. Investigation. D. Contact.(C)The infant who begins to smile or laugh early will _____.A. have more advantages of development in growth and healthB. suffer from schizophrenic psychosis and even die in later lifeC. become a more subtle laughter when he or she grows upD. be more likely to take a whole life to perfect smiling and laughingThe expression “the first” in Paragraph 2 refers to _____.A. a leading factor B. recalling evening activitiesC. mastery over anxieties D. learning to laughWhich of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?A. The more you laugh and smile, the more likely you will be to succeed.B. Smile and laugh show your ability to overpower weakness and anxieties.C. Mastering social relationships means having a sense of humor.D. Scientists are more likely to go into laughing with no apparent reason.What is the best title of the passage?A. Beyond Laughter — A new book with fruitful findingsB. Smiling — A new mastery over anxietiesC. An important sign of confidence and successD. The function and meanings of smilingSection CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.Is it ever too late to make changes?What’s one change you’d most like to see in your patients?What do you think your patients know about heart health surgery?Can you talk about some surprising risk factors for heart disease?Can you list the ill effects of smoking among common people?What are the biggest mistakes that people make about their heart health?77.We have a whole list of what we describe as “emerging” risk factors. Scientific evidence links them to the development of heart disease, although the strength of the evidence is not as solid as the evidence for the links between heart disease and high blood pressure or smoking.78.Not all doctors and hospitals are the same. Your health is too important not to do some research. Most people spend more time researching a new car than they do a heart surgeon. Ask questions. Get second opinions. Make sure that you get the best for your health. And don’t be worried about offending a doctor by going elsewhere for a second opinion. All of these are what you should be clear about.79.Too many patients wrongly believe in the claims for diets and dietary supplements. We have had many patients stop treatments because they have been convinced that a particular diet will reverse their heart disease. Improving heart health by taking dietary supplements is a totally national rumor.80.Exercise. Too many pat ients stay at home and sit before computer desks. We’d like to see everybody make the time to exercise for 30 minutes a day. It’s simple. Find a friend and go for a walk. You can even split it up into 10- or 15-minute increments. Maybe, it’s a new begin fo r some patients.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)The purpose of Berland and Schoen’s research is to __________.What is the leading factor that helps individuals to be successful according to Berland and Schoen?How will a Natural-Born Leader feel when he is told to finish some challenging tasks?Berland and Schoen have studied Independent Seekers in the two aspects: __________.第II卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.我们昨晚没有回家作业。





本试卷g取10m/s2,sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8,光速c = 3.0×108m/s,普朗克常数h=6.63×10-34 J·s , 标准状况下气体的摩尔体积V mol =22.4L/mol阿伏伽德罗常数N A =6.02×1023/mol第I卷(共56分)一.单项选择题(共16分,每小題2分,每小题只有一个正确选项)1.下列物理量的负号表示方向的是()(A)气体的温度t=-10℃(B)物体的位移s=-8m(C)物体的重力势能E p=-50J(D)阻力做功为W=-10J2.α粒子轰击94Be得到126C,同时释放出一种粒子,以下说法正确的是()(A)它来自于原子核(B)它是一种带正电的粒子(C)它在电场中受电场力的作用(D)它是一种频率很高的光子3.如图所示,用细线将一块玻璃板水平地悬挂在弹簧秤下端,并使玻璃板贴在水面上,然后缓慢提起弹簧秤,在玻璃板脱离水面的一瞬间,弹簧秤的读数与玻璃板的重力大小相比较为()(A)相等(B)变大(C)变小(D)无法确定4.如图所示为演示薄膜干涉现象的实验装置,P是附有肥皂膜的铁丝圈,S是一点燃的酒精灯。





2012学年度第二学期普陀区高三质量调研生命科学试卷 2013.4 说明:1、本试卷考试时间120分钟,满分150分;2、请将所有答案写在答题纸上,且答案不能写到答题纸相应题号的边框外。

一、选择题(共60分)1.下列各项生物进化观点中,不是达尔文提出的是()A. 种群是生物进化的基本单位B.生存斗争是生物进化的动力C. 有利变异可通过遗传与自然选择逐步积累D.自然选择决定生物进化的方向2.细胞是生物体结构功能的基本单位。

a~d为四个细胞模式图(d为蓝藻),对下图有关叙述正确的是()A.能进行光合作用的细胞只有细胞aB.作为合成蛋白质场所的结构只分布在细胞a、b、d图代表的生物C.a、b的细胞中含有线粒体、高尔基体等细胞器,而c、d的细胞只含有核糖体D.c和d细胞中的基因传递遵循基因的自由组合定律,但不遵循基因的分离定律3.细胞内很多化学反应都是在生物膜上进行,关于下图的叙述中,错误的是()A.内质网膜上能发生① B.高尔基体膜上能发生②C.叶绿体类囊体腔内能发生③ D.叶绿体类囊体腔内能发生④4.科学家通过实验分别研究了pH对酶A和酶B所催化的反应速率的影响,获得下图所示结果。

下列有关叙述错误的是()A.酶A与酶B催化活性的最适pH不同B.酶B的催化效率高于酶AC.人体内酶B不可能在的胃液发挥作用D.人体内酶A与酶B在不同部位发挥作用5.下列关于血型的叙述正确的是()①A型血的红细胞膜上含有抗A凝集素,血清中含有B凝集原②能使A 型血的红细胞凝集的血液一定不是AB 型③RH 阴性血的红细胞膜不含D 凝集原,血清中则含有抗D 凝集素④RH 阴性血中含有抗D 凝集素是由供血者血液中红细胞膜上的D 凝集原作用的结果A .①③B .①④C .②④D .②③④6.在一定浓度的CO 2和适当的温度条件下,测定A 植物和B 植物在不同光照条件下的光合速率,结果如下表。

据表中数据回答问题,当光照强度为3千勒克司时,A 植物固定的CO 2量与BA .16. 5B .11C .4D .1.5 7.用燕麦胚芽鞘进行如下图所示的实验(→表示单侧光的方向),经过一段时间后,会引起弯曲现象的是( )A .①②⑤B .①②③⑤C .①③④⑤D .②⑤ 8.右图表示生长素浓度对植物生长发育的影响。



普陀区2012学年第二学期高三英语质量调研卷英语试卷(本卷满分150分;完卷时间120分钟)第I卷(共105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. 12. B. 24. C. 36. D. 48.2. A. A shop assistant. B. A telephone operator. C. Awaitress. D. A clerk.3. A. At a bike shop. B. In a new car showroom.C. In a parking lot.D. At a carrepair shop.4. A. The man wants to go to Los Angeles.B. The man wants to go to San Francisco.C. There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.D. There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the next two hours.5. A. He enjoys writing home every week. B. He never fails to write a weeklyletter home.C. He doesn’t write home once a week now.D. He has beenasked to write home every week.6. A. The teacher postponed the meeting. B. There won’t be a test thisafternoon.C. The students will be attending the meeting.D. The studentswill take a test this afternoon.7. A. Get some change from Jane. B. Use the woman’s phone.C. Go to look for a pay phone.D. Pay for the phone call.8. A. He finds the presentation hard to follow.B. He considers the presentation very dull.C. He thinks Professor White has chosen an interesting topic.D. He speaks highly of the presentation.9. A. She is too busy to go. B. She doesn’twant to wait long.C. She’s willing to go swimming.D. She enjoys the wonderful weather.10.A. People killed in traffic accidents are heavy drinkers.B. She doesn’t agree with the man.C. Drunk drivers are not guilty.D. People should pay more attention to the danger of drunk driving.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A. Many foreign tourists visit the United States every year.B. Americans enjoy eating out with their friends.C. The United States is a country of immigrants.D. Americans prefer foreign foods to their own food.12.A. They can make friends with people from other countries.B. They can get to know people of other cultures and their lifestyles.C. They can practise speaking foreign languages there.D. They can meet with businessmen from all over the world.13.A. The couple cook the dishes and the children help them.B. The husband does the cooking and the wife serves as the waitress.C. The mother does the cooking while the father and children serve the guests.D. A hired cook prepares the dishes and the family members serve the guests.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.14.A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In fall. D. In winter.15.A. Confusing. B. Innovative. C. Amusing. D. Wasteful.16.A. To standardize the daylight savings time. B. To establishyear-round daylight savings time.C. To end daylight savings time.D. To shorten daylight savings time.Section CDirections:In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill inthe numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Why does the woman feel unhappy? She has just had 21 with Mr. Phillips.Why was the boss angry with the woman? Because she didn’t remember to give him 22 .Why couldn’t the woman sleep well? Because she was 23 every morning these days.Who disturbed the woman? The 24 .II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25.The lift in that tall building went wrong and got trapped _____ floors. Peoplein it had no way to get out.A. inB. betweenC. amongD. on26.– Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?– No, I _____ my homework all day yesterday.A. was doingB. would doC. has doneD. do27._____ the project as planned, we’ll have to work two more hours a day.A. CompletingB. CompleteC. CompletedD. To complete28._____ you continue in your efforts and achieve new and greater successes.A. WouldB. WillC. MayD. Should29.The president lost himself in his work, and not a sound _____.A. did the secretary dare to makeB. dared the secretary to makeC. the secretary dared makeD. the secretary did dare to make30.Rainforests _____ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from theearth in the near future.A. cutB. are cutC. are being cutD. had been cut31.Miss Green contributed fifty dollars, but she wished she could contribute _____.A. one other fifty dollarsB. the sameamount alsoC. more fifty dollarsD. another fifty32.She was so absorbed in the book that she had read it for three hours _____ sherealized it.A. whenB. untilC. afterD. before33.Many children have formed the habit of reading but _____ efficient notesmeanwhile.A. not takeB. not to takeC. not to takingD. not taking34.The nurses are trying their best to reduce the patient’s fear _____ he woulddie of the disease.A. thatB. whyC. whatD. which35.The hours _____ the children spend in their one-way relationship with televisionpeople undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.A. on whichB. whenC. in whichD. that36.Michael put up a picture of Jeremy Lin beside the bed to keep himself _____ ofhis own dreams.A. remindingB. to remindC. remindedD. remind37.It’s n ot what we do once in a while _____ shapes our lives but what we doconsistently.A. whichB. whenC. howD. that38.Kids in the new century no longer take _____ their parents impose on him forgranted.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whether39.The reason why we se t up “a green responsibility card” is to give a feelingof accomplishment to people _____.A. involvesB. involvingC. involvedD. havinginvolved40.You are saying that everyone should take equal responsibility, and that is _____I disagree.A. whyB. whereC. whatD. howSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.People blind from birth can be taught to “see” images that are conveyed as sounds, says a new study that calls into question a 41 belief about the limits of the human brain.Devices that scan visual images and re-interpret regularities as sounds were used to re-train the brains of born-blind people in a study published this week inthe journal Neuron. The authors — at the Safra Center for Brain Science at Hebrew University in Israel — put people who had been blind since birth through 70 hours of training with a visual-to-auditory sensory (感官的) substitution 42 .Initially, the subjects were able to 43 among faces, houses, everyday objects, and body shapes. They were able to read letters and words, identify facial expressions and locate people’s positions 44 . In one video, a blind person is shown a picture of a woman with a ponytail and identified the hairstyle.Blind people have long used the capability to use another sensory ability to make up for blindness: Braille and blind walking canes allow people without sight to read and navigate. But when the authors of the current study put subjects in a brain scanner, they 45 insight into the process by which training with a sensory substitu tion device allowed the mind’s eye to “see”.The human brain is a 46 efficient and adaptable organ: when a sensory perception such as sight is lost, the specialized regions of the brain in which input from the eyes is processed are 47 to other duties.But scientists have long believed that the brain’s 48 is limited by early conditions: when a person is born blind, the capacity of the brain’s visual cortex (大脑皮层) to process sight never develops, scientists have believed. With that 49 opportunity, a window is closed, and even if eyesight were to be restored, the visual cortex, they believed, would forever remain “blind” to images.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.50.A. take B. reduce C. increase D. face51.A. profits B. advices C. benefits D. promotions52.A. milk B. water C. coke D. coffee53.A. based on B. fond of C. different from D. qualified for54.A. cause B. endure C. ease D. relieve55.A. warn B. compare C. cure D. treat56.A. unpleasant B. modest C. significant D. positive57.A. tendency B. intention C. intensity D. extension58.A. on the contrary B. as a result C. for instance D. in one word59.A. turned up B. took up C. put up D. gave up60.A. satisfaction B. uncertainties C. consequences D.qualifications61.A. Moreover B. However C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless62.A. contemporary B. similar C. different D. initial63.A. realize B. attach C. demonstrate D. weaken64.A. unlikely B. sensible C. jealous D. miserableSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices markedA, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)I believe that memory is never lost, even when it seems to be, because it has more to do with the heart than the mind.At the same time my 44-year-old husband, Ed, was losing his life, my mother was losing her ability to remember. She forgot how to start the car, whether or not she had eaten and which family members had died — including my father.I became afraid that one day I, too, would be unable to recall my husband, not because of Alzheimer’s (早老性痴呆), but simply because my memory of him might disappear. So from the day of Ed’s diagnosis (诊断) until his death a year later, I set out to memorize him. I’d always be able to recite his qualities —kind, gentle, smart, funny — but I wanted to be able to think about the physical man in my mind as fully as possible when he was gone.Later I learnt that memory has a will of its own. You can’t control it any more than you can influence the weather. When it springs up, a person loved and lost is found, even just for a few seconds.Recently, when I was driving, I had a deep and sudden sense of Ed, and the way it felt to have him next to me in the car. My body softened as it used to when we were together seven years ago, living a shared life. I wasn’t remembering his face or the way he walked; the careful details I had stored had nothing to do with this moment in the car. And my mom’s brain couldn’t label my father correctly, but that was not important. It was clear to me that her husband was vivid in her heart, a memory even Alzheimer’s could not destroy.I believe there is a difference between memory and remembering. Remembering has something to do with turning the oven off before leaving the house, but memory is nurtured by emotion. It springs from a deeper well, safe from the passage of time.65.Ed is _____.A. the author’s motherB. the author’sfatherC. the author’s husban dD. a physicalman66.Memory has its own will so _____.A. the weather can’t control our memoryB. it may happenanytime and anywhereC. it can spring up for a few secondsD. it is safe from a passage of time67.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Alzeimer’s is not very harmful to human beings.B. A physical man must be kind, gentle, smart, funny.C. Memory has much to do with the deep emotion in one’s heart.D. Good memory begins with turning the oven off before leaving.68.What is the best title of the passage?A. Memory — the deeper well from our heartB. Differences between memory and rememberingC. Alzheimer’s can never destroy our memoryD. Memory — the passage of time69.The letter is probably from _____.A. Supervisor Management UnitB. Thames Valley PoliceC. Criminal Justice SystemD. Crime Reduction Committee70.Ms. Adamczak is _____.A. a victim in a crimeB. a famouscrime-news reporterC. a professional policemanD. a detective in clearing up crimes71.What does the w ord “leads” most probably mean?A. Clue.B. Darkness.C. Investigation.D. Contact.(C)72.The infant who begins to smile or laugh early will _____.A. have more advantages of development in growth and healthB. suffer from schizophrenic psychosis and even die in later lifeC. become a more subtle laughter when he or she grows upD. be more likely to take a whole life to perfect smiling and laughing73.The expression “the first” in Paragraph 2 refers to _____.A. a leading factorB. recalling evening activitiesC. mastery over anxietiesD. learning to laugh74.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?A. The more you laugh and smile, the more likely you will be to succeed.B. Smile and laugh show your ability to overpower weakness and anxieties.C. Mastering social relationships means having a sense of humor.D. Scientists are more likely to go into laughing with no apparent reason.75.What is the best title of the passage?A. Beyond Laughter— A new book with fruitful findingsB. Smiling — A new mastery over anxietiesC. An important sign of confidence and successD. The function and meanings of smilingSection CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.A.Is it ever too late to make changes?B.What’s one change you’d most like to see in your patients?C.What do you think your patients know about heart health surgery?D.Can you talk about some surprising risk factors for heart disease?E.Can you list the ill effects of smoking among common people?F.What are the biggest mistakes that people make about their hearthealth?77.We have a whole list of what we describe as “emerging” risk factors. Scientific evidence links them to the development of heart disease, although the strength of the evidence is not as solid as the evidence for the links between heart disease and high blood pressure or smoking.78.Not all doctors and hospitals are the same. Your health is too important not to do some research. Most people spend more time researching a new car than they do a heart surgeon. Ask questions. Get second opinions. Make sure that you get the best for your health. And don’t be worried about offending a doctor by going elsewhere for a second opinion. All of these are what you should be clear about.79.Too many patients wrongly believe in the claims for diets and dietary supplements. We have had many patients stop treatments because they have been convinced that a particular diet will reverse their heart disease. Improving heart health by taking dietary supplements is a totally national rumor.80.Exercise. Too many patients stay at home and sit before computer desks. We’d like to see everybody make the time to exercise for 30 minutes a day. It’s simple. Find a friend and go for a walk. You can even split it up into 10- or 15-minute increments. Maybe, it’s a new begin for some patients.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81.The purpose of Berland and Schoen’s research is to __________.82.What is the leading factor that helps individuals to be successful accordingto Berland and Schoen?83.How will a Natural-Born Leader feel when he is told to finish some challengingtasks?84.Berland and Schoen have studied Independent Seekers in the two aspects:__________.第II卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.我们昨晚没有回家作业。



2012学年度第二学期普陀区高三年级质量调研数学试卷一、填空题(本大题满分56分)1. 双曲线2212x y -=的实轴长为 . 2. (理)极坐标平面内一点A 的极坐标为(3,4)-,则点A 到极点O 的距离OA = . 3. 二项式9(21)x -的展开式中的第八项为 .4. 已知点()2,3在函数2()f x x a =-,()1,x ∈+∞的图像上,则()f x 的反函数1()f x -= .5. 若行列式122112xD x x =的第三行、第三列元素的代数余子式等于3-,则行列式D 的值为 . 6. 在球心为O,体积为的球体表面上两点A 、B之间的球面距离为,则AOB ∠的大小为 .7. 已知无穷等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 的极限存在,且3=4a ,527S S -=,则数列{}n a 各项的和为 .8. (理)若直线⎩⎨⎧+=-=,32,21t y t x (t 为参数)的方向向量与直线14=+ky x 的法向量平行,则常数k = .9.已知一个圆柱的侧面展开图是一个长和宽分别为π3和π的矩形,则该圆柱的体积是 . 10.已知数列{}n a 是等差数列,415a =,555S =,则过点()20104,P a 和点()20113,Q a 的直线的倾斜角是 .(用反三角函数表示结果)11.设抛物线24y x =上一点P 到该抛物线准线与直线l :4360x y -+=的距离之和为d ,若d 取到最小值,则点P 的坐标为 .12. (理)设整数m 是从不等式0822≤--x x 的整数解的集合S 中随机抽取的一个元素,记随机变量ξ2m =,则ξ的数学期望E ξ= .13. (理)已知函数[]()2011sin ,0,1,()log ,1,,x x f x x x π∈⎧=⎨∈+∞⎩若满足()()()f a f b f c ==,(a 、b 、c 互不相等),则a b c ++的取值范围是 .14. 把正整数排列成如图1三角形数阵,然后擦去第偶数行中的所有奇数和第奇数行中的所有偶数,可得到如图2的三角形数阵. 现将图2中的正整数按从小到大的顺序构成一个数列{}n a ,若2011k a =,则k = .第14题图-1第14题图-2二、选择题(本大题满分20分)15. 设实数a 、b 、c 满足c b a <<,且0ac <,那么下列不等式中不一定成立.....的是 ( ) A. ab ac >; B. ()0c b a ->; C.cb ab <; D. ()0ac a c -<.16. 已知方程220x x a +-=,其中0a <,则在复数范围内关于该方程的根的结论正确的是( )A. 该方程一定有一对共轭虚根;B. 该方程可能有两个正实根;C. 该方程两根的实部之和等于-2;D. 若该方程有虚根,则其虚根的模一定小于1. 17. (理) 已知向量()2cos ,2sin a ϕϕ=,,2πϕπ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,向量()0,1b =-,则向量a 与b 的夹角为 ( )A. ϕ;B.2πϕ+; C. 2πϕ-; D.32πϕ-. 18. 已知函数b x a x f x -+=)(的零点)1,(0+∈k k x )(Z k ∈,且常数b a ,分别满足23a=,32b=,则=k ( )A. 1-;B. 0;C. 1;D. 2.三、解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸规定的方框内写出必要的步骤.19. (本题满分12分)已知复数w 满足4(32)w w i -=-(i 为虚数单位),复数5|2|z w w=+-,试确定一个以z 为根的实系数一元二次方程.20. (本题满分14分)124579101214161719212325262830323436123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536为了缓解城市道路拥堵的局面,某市拟提高中心城区内占道停车场的收费标准,并实行累进加价收费。















若将房价的“上涨”类比成“加速”,将房价的“下跌”类比成“减速”,据此,你认为“房价上涨出现减缓趋势”可类比成()(A)速度增加,加速度减小(B)速度增加,加速度增大(C)速度减小,加速度增大(D)速度减小,加速度减小6.有些含有铀、钍的花岗岩等岩石会释放出放射性气体氡,而氡会发生放射性衰变,放出α、β、γ射线,下列说法正确的是()(A)γ射线的穿透能力最强,电离能力也最强(B)发生α衰变时,生成核与原来的原子核相比,中子数减少了4(C)β衰变所释放的电子是原子核内的中子转化成质子而产生的(D)氡的半衰期为3.8天,若取4个氡原子核,经7. 6天后就一定剩下一个原子核7.我们平时从来也没有观察到从两只小灯泡发出的光在屏上产生干涉条纹,其主要原因是()(A)两只小灯泡灯丝的发光面积太大,不能看作点光源(B)平时环境里外界杂散的光太强,干扰了对干涉条纹的观察(C)两只小灯泡的灯丝离得较远,产生的干涉条纹太密,不能分辨(D)小灯泡灯丝发出的光是大量原子被激发后随机辐射的,很难满足相干条件8.如图所示,两车厢的质量相同,其中一个车厢内有一人拉动绳子使两车厢相互靠近。



上海市普陀区2012年高三年级第二次质量调研 数学试卷 (理科) 2012.04说明:本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。


一、填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14小题,要求直接将结果填写在答题纸对应的空格中.每个空格填对得4分,填错或不填在正确的位置一律得零分. 1. 函数22()sin cos22x x f x =-的最小正周期是 .2. 二项式6)1(xx -的展开式中的常数项是 .(请用数值作答)3. 函数1log121-=x y 的定义域是 . 4. 设1e 与2e 是两个不共线的向量,已知122AB e k e =+ ,123CB e e =+ ,122CD e e =-,则当A B D 、、三点共线时,k = .5. 已知各项均为正数的无穷等比数列{}n a中,11a =,31a =-,则此数列的各项和S = .6. 已知直线l 的方程为230x y --=,点(1,4)A 与点B 关于直线l 对称,则点B 的坐标为 .7. 如图,该框图所对应的程序运行后输出的结果S 的值为 .8. 若双曲线的渐近线方程为3y x =±,它的一个焦点的坐标为0),则该双曲线的标准方程为 .9. 如图,需在一张纸上印上两幅大小完全相同,面积都是32cm 2的照片. 排版设计为纸上左右留空各3cm ,上下留空各2.5cm ,图间留空为1cm .照此设计,则这张纸的最小面积是 cm 2.10. 给出问题:已知A B C △满足cos cos a A b B ⋅=⋅,试判定A B C △的形状.某学生的解答如下:解:(i )由余弦定理可得,第7题图第9题图22222222b c aa c ba b bcac+-+-⋅=⋅,⇔()()()2222222abc a b ab-=-+,⇔222c a b =+,故A B C △是直角三角形.(ii )设A B C △外接圆半径为R .由正弦定理可得,原式等价于2sin cos 2sin cos R A A R B B =sin 2sin 2A B ⇔=A B ⇔=,故A B C △是等腰三角形.综上可知,A B C △是等腰直角三角形.请问:该学生的解答是否正确?若正确,请在下面横线中写出解题过程中主要用到的思想方法;若不正确,请在下面横线中写出你认为本题正确的结果. .11. 已知数列{}n a 是等比数列,其前n 项和为n S .若1020S =,2060S =,则3010S S = .12.2,的正六棱柱的所有顶点都在一个球面上,则此球的体积为 .13. 用红、黄、蓝三种颜色分别去涂图中标号为1,2,3,,9 的9个小正方形(如右图),需满足任意相邻(有公共边的)小正方形所涂颜色都不相同,且标号为“1、5、9”的小正方形涂相同的颜色. 则符合条件的所有涂法中,恰好满足“1、3、5、7、9”为同一颜色,“2、4、6、8”为同一颜色的概率为 .14. 设*N n ∈,n a 表示关于x 的不等式144log log (54)21n x x n -+⨯-≥-的正整数解的个数,则数列{}n a 的通项公式n a = .二、选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个结论是正确的,必须把正确结论的代号写在答题纸相应的空格中. 每题选对得5分,不选、选错或选出的代号超过一个(不论是否都写在空格内),或者没有填写在题号对应的空格内,一律得零分. 15. “lg ,lg ,lg x y z 成等差数列”是“2y xz =”成立的 ( )A .充分非必要条件;B .必要非充分条件;C .充要条件;D .既非充分也非必要条件.第13题图16. 设θ是直线l 的倾斜角,且cos 0a θ=<,则θ的值为 ( )A. arccos a π-;B. arccos a ;C. arccos a -;D. arccos a π+.17. 设全集为R ,集合22|14x M x y ⎧⎫=+=⎨⎬⎩⎭,3|01x N x x -⎧⎫=≤⎨⎬+⎩⎭,则集合2231|24x x y ⎧⎫⎪⎪⎛⎫++=⎨⎬ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎪⎩⎭可表示为 ( )A. M N ;B. M N ;C. R C M N ⋂;D. R M C N ⋂18. 对于平面α、β、γ和直线a 、b 、m 、n ,下列命题中真命题是( )A .若,,a m a n ⊥⊥,m n αα≠≠⊂⊂,则a α⊥; B. 若//,,a b b α≠⊂则//a α; C. 若,,//,//a b a b ββαα≠≠⊂⊂,则//a β; D. 若//,,,a a b βαγβγ⋂=⋂=则//a b .三、解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸规定的方框内写出必要的步骤. 19. (本题满分12分)已知函数()2f x kx =+,0k ≠的图像分别与x 轴、y 轴交于A 、B 两点,且22A B i j =+,函数6)(2--=x x x g . 当x 满足不等式()()f xg x >时,求函数()1()g x y f x +=的最小值.20. (本题满分12分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分6分)如图,已知圆锥体S O 的侧面积为15π,底面半径O A 和O B 互相垂直,且3O A =,P 是母线B S 的中点. (1)求圆锥体的体积;(2)异面直线S O 与PA 所成角的大小(结果用反三角函数表示).21. (本大题满分14分,第1小题满分7分,第2小题满分7分)已知A B C △中,1A C =,23A B C π∠=.设B A C x ∠=,记()f x AB BC =⋅ .AB第20题图(1) 求()f x 的解析式及定义域;(2)设()6()1g x m f x =⋅+,是否存在实数m ,使函数)(x g 的值域为31,2⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦?若存在,求出m 的值;若不存在,请说明理由.22. (本大题满分16分,第1小题满分5分,第2小题满分5分,第3小题满分6分)已知数列{}n a 是首项为2的等比数列,且满足n n n pa a 21+=+*(N )n ∈. (1) 求常数p 的值和数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2) 若抽去数列{}n a 中的第一项、第四项、第七项、……、第23-n 项、……,余下的项按原来的顺序组成一个新的数列{}n b ,试写出数列{}n b 的通项公式;(3) 在(2)的条件下,设数列{}n b 的前n 项和为n T .是否存在正整数n ,使得1113n nT T +=?若存在,试求所有满足条件的正整数n 的值;若不存在,请说明理由.23. (本大题满分20分,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题最高分10分)设点F 是抛物线L :22y px =(0)p >的焦点,123n P P P P 、、、、是抛物线L 上的n个不同的点(3,n ≥*N n ∈).(1) 当2p =时,试写出抛物线L 上的三个定点1P 、2P 、3P 的坐标,从而使得 123||||||6FP FP FP ++=;(2)当3n >时,若1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=, 求证:123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++=;(3) 当3n >时,某同学对(2)的逆命题,即:“若123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++= ,则1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=.” 开展了研究并发现其为假命题.请你就此从以下三个研究方向中任选一个开展研究:① 试构造一个说明该逆命题确实是假命题的反例(本研究方向最高得4分); ② 对任意给定的大于3的正整数n ,试构造该假命题反例的一般形式,并说明你的理由(本研究方向最高得8分);③ 如果补充一个条件后能使该逆命题为真,请写出你认为需要补充的一个条件,并说明加上该条件后,能使该逆命题为真命题的理由(本研究方向最高得10分).【评分说明】本小题若选择不止一个研究方向,则以实得分最高的一个研究方向的得分作为本小题的最终得分.2012年普陀区高三第二次质量调研数学试卷参考答案一、填空题(每小题4分,满分56分):1. π2;2. 20-;3. (文) )1(∞+,; (理)(0,1)(12) ,; 4. 8-; 5. 2232+; 6. )2,5(; 7. 3; 8. 1922=-yx ; 9. 196;10. 等腰或直角三角形; 11. (文)6;(理)7; 12. (文)π34;(理) 29π;13. (文)108;(理)181; 14. 1*341,N n n -⋅+∈.二、选择题(每题5分,满分20分):三、解答题(满分74分): 19.(本题满分12分) 解:由题意知:)0,2(kA -、)2,0(B ,则)2,2()2,2(==kAB可解得:1=k ,即2)(+=x x f因为)()(x g x f >,即622-->+x x x ,解不等式得到()4,2-∈x2()15()2g x x x y f x x +--==+2(2)5(2)112522x x x x x +-++==++-++因为()4,2-∈x ,则()6,0)2(∈+x 所以35212)(1)(-≥-+++=+x x x f x g ,当且仅当212+=+x x ,即12=+x ,1-=x 时,等号成立.所以,当1-=x 时,)(1)(x f x g +的最小值为3-.xCBA20.(本题满分12分)解:(1)由题意,15O A SB ππ⋅⋅=得5B S =,故4SO ===从而体积2211341233V O A SO πππ=⋅⋅=⨯⨯=.(2)如图2,取O B 中点H ,联结PH AH 、.由P 是SB 的中点知P H SO ∥,则A P H ∠(或其补角)就是异面直线S O 与P A 所成角.由SO ⊥平面O A B ⇒PH ⊥平面O A B ⇒PH AH ⊥. 在O A H ∆中,由O A O B ⊥得2AH ==;在R t A P H ∆中,90AHP O ∠=,122P H SB ==,2AH =,则tan 4AH APH PH∠==,所以异面直线S O 与P A所成角的大小arctan4.21. (本题满分14分,其中第1小题7分,第2小题7分)解:(1)如图,在ABC ∆中,由23A B C π∠=,x BAC =∠,可得x ACB -=∠3π,又 1A C =,故由正弦定理得2sin sin()sin33ABBC AC xx ππ===-⇒)3AB x π=-、BC x =.则函数()f x AB BC =⋅ 2||||cos sin sin()333A B B C x x ==- ππ21sin sin )322x x x =-212sin 63x x =-112cos 2)66x x =+-11sin(2)366x π=+-,其中定义域为0,3x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭π.说明:亦可用积化和差方法化简:2111()sin sin()[coscos(2)]cos(2)33333336f x x x x x ==-=---=--ππππ.(2)()6()12sin(2)16g x m f x m x m =+=+-+π由0,3x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭π可得52(,)666x πππ+∈⇒)62sin(π+x ]1,21(∈.显然,0m ≠,则1O 当0>m 时,()(1,1]g x m ∈+,则)(x g 的值域为]23,1(⇔231=+m ⇔21=m ;2O 当0m <时,()[1,1)g x m ∈+,不满足)(x g 的值域为]23,1(;因而存在实数21=m ,使函数)(x g 的值域为31,2⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦.22. (本大题满分16分,第1小题满分5分,第二小题满分5分,第3小题满分6分)(1)解:由n n n pa a a 2,211+==+得222+=p a ,42223++=p p a ,又因为存在常数p ,使得数列{}n a 为等比数列,则3122a a a =即)422(2)22(22++=+p p p ,所以1=p .故数列{}n a 为首项是2,公比为2的等比数列,即nn a 2=.此时11222++=+=n n n n a 也满足,则所求常数p 的值为1且*2(N )n n a n =∈.(2)解:由等比数列的性质得:(i )当*2(N )n k k =∈时,kk n a b 332==;(ii ) 当*21(N )n k k =-∈时,13132--==k k n a b ,所以312*322,21,(N )2,2,n n nn k b k n k +⎧=-⎪=∈⎨⎪=⎩. (3)(文科)解:注意到21{}n b -是首项14b =、公比8q =的等比数列,2{}n b 是首项28b =、公比8q =的等比数列,则(i )当2n k =*(N )k ∈时,21321242()()n k k k T T b b b b b b -==+++++++4(81)8(81)8181kk--=+--2128121281277nk⋅-⋅-==;(ii )当21n k =-*(N )k ∈时,12212212812581258128777n kkkn k k k T T T b +-⋅-⋅-⋅-==-=-==.即12*25812,217(N )12812,27n n nn k T k n k+⎧⋅-⎪=-⎪=∈⎨⎪⋅-⎪=⎩.(3)(理科)解:(续文科解答过程)假设存在正整数n 满足条件,则1111118133n n n n n nnnnT T b b b T T T T +++++==+=⇔=,则(i )当*2,(N )n k k =∈时, 3212122288888128121281237k kkn k kknkb b T T +++⋅====⇒=⋅-⋅-1k ⇒=,即当2n =时满足条件;(ii )当*21,(N )n k k =-∈时, 128788968581258123197kkkn k k knnb b T T +⋅====⇒=⋅-⋅-.因为*N k ∈,所以此时无满足条件的正整数n . 综上可得,当且仅当2n =时,1113n nT T +=.23. (本大题满分20分,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题最高分10分) (理)解:(1)抛物线L 的焦点为(,0)2p F ,设111222333(,)(,)(,)P x y P x y P x y 、、,分别过123P P P 、、作抛物线L 的准线l 的垂线,垂足分别为123Q Q Q 、、.由抛物线定义得123112233123||||||||||||()()()222p p pFP FP FP P Q P Q P Q x x x ++=++=+++++623321=+++=px x x因为2p =,所以3321=++x x x , 故可取,,)2,1()2,21(21P P 3P )6,23(满足条件.(2)设111222333(,)(,)(,)(,)n n n P x y P x y P x y P x y 、、、、,分别过123n P P P P 、、、、作抛物线L 的准线l 垂线,垂足分别为123n Q Q Q Q 、、、、.由抛物线定义得 123112233||||||||||||||||n n n FP FP FP FP P Q P Q P Q P Q ++++=++++123()()()()2222n p p pp x x x x =++++++++123()2n np x x x x =+++++又因为1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=⇒123()()()()02222n p p p p x x x x -+-+-++-=⇒221np x x x n =+++ ;所以123||||||||n FP FP FP FP ++++ 123()2n np x x x x =+++++ np =.(3) ①取4=n 时,抛物线L 的焦点为(,0)2p F ,设111222333(,)(,)(,)P x y P x y P x y 、、,),(444y x P 分别过123P P P 、、4P 、作抛物线L 的准线l 垂线,垂足分别为123Q Q Q 、、4Q 、.由抛物线定义得=+++44332211Q P Q P Q P Q P +++=244321p x x x x ++++p 4=,则p x x x x 24321=+++,不妨取22,411p y p x ==;,22p x =p y =2;,23p x =p y -=3;443,42p x y ==,则=+++4321FP FP FP FP (p x x x x 24321-+++,)4321y y y y +++2⎛= ⎝⎭0≠.故1,42p P ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,2,2p P p ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,3,2p P p ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,4342p P ⎛ ⎝⎭是一个当4n =时,该逆命题的一个反例.(反例不唯一)② 设111222333(,)(,)(,)(,)n n n P x y P x y P x y P x y 、、、、,分别过123n P P P P 、、、、作 抛物线L 的准线l 的垂线,垂足分别为123n Q Q Q Q 、、、、,由123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++=及抛物线的定义得np np x x x n =++++221 ,即221np x x x n =+++ .因为上述表达式与点111222333(,)(,)(,)(,)n n n P x y P x y P x y P x y 、、、、的纵坐标无关,所以只要将这n 点都取在x 轴的上方,则它们的纵坐标都大于零,则 =+++n FP FP FP 21(,221np x x x n -+++ )21n y y y +++(=,0)21n y y y +++ ,而021>+++n y y y ,所以021≠+++n FP FP FP .(说明:本质上只需构造满足条件且120n y y y +++≠ 的一组n 个不同的点,均为反例.) ③ 补充条件1:“点i P 的纵坐标i y (1,2,,i n = )满足 1230n y y y y ++++= ”,即: “当3n >时,若123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++=,且点i P 的纵坐标i y (1,2,,i n = )满足1230n y y y y ++++= ,则1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=”.此命题为真.事实上,设111222333(,)(,)(,)(,)n n n P x y P x y P x y P x y 、、、、,分别过123n P P P P 、、、、作抛物线L 准线l 的垂线,垂足分别为123n Q Q Q Q 、、、、,由12||||||n FP FP FP np +++=,及抛物线的定义得np np x x x n =++++221 ,即221np x x x n =+++ ,则=+++n FP FP FP 21(,221np x x x n -+++ )21n y y y +++(=,0)21n y y y +++ ,又由1230n y y y y ++++= ,所以1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=,故命题为真.补充条件2:“点k P 与点1n k P -+(n 为偶数,*N )k ∈关于x 轴对称”,即:“当3n >时,若123||||||||n FP FP FP FP np ++++=,且点k P 与点1n k P -+(n 为偶数,*N )k ∈关于x 轴对称,则1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=”.此命题为真.(证略)23.(文)(1)解:抛物线L 焦点(1,0)F ,准线l 方程为:1-=x .由抛物线定义得11||1FP x =+ ,22||1FP x =+ ,33||1FP x =+,∴ 73||||||321321=+++=++x x x FP FP FP .(2)证明:由)0,1(F ,),1(111y x FP -=,),1(222y x FP -=,…,),1(n n n y x FP -= , 1230n FP FP FP FP ++++=⇒0)1()1()1(21=-++-+-n x x x ,即n x x x n =+++)(21 .则12||||||n FP FP FP +++)1()1()1(21++++++=n x x xn x x x n ++++=)(21 n 2=.(3)经推广的命题:“当3n >时,若021=+++n FP FP FP ,则np FP FP FP n =+++||||||21 .” 其逆命题为:“当3n >时,若np FP FP FP n =+++||||||21 ,则021=+++n FP FP FP ”. 该逆命题为假命题.不妨构造特殊化的一个反例:设2p =,4n =,抛物线x y 42=,焦点)0,1(F .由题意知:1234||||||||8FP FP FP FP +++=;根据抛物线的定义得:8)1()1()1()1(4321=+++++++x x x x ⇒44321=+++x x x x ;不妨取四点坐标分别为)0,0(1P 、)2,1(2P 、)2,1(3-P 、)22,2(4P ,但0)22,0()22,1()2,0()2,0()0,1(4321≠=+-++-=+++FP FP FP FP ,所以逆命题是假命题.。



普陀区2012学年第二学期高三文科数学质量调研考生注意: 2013.41.答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上将姓名、考试号填写清楚,并在规定的区域贴上条形码.2.本试卷共有23道题,满分150分.考试时间120分钟.一.填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分. 1. 函数)1(log 2-=x y 的定义域为 . 2. 若53sin =θ且02sin <θ,则θtan = . 3. 若点)2,4(在幂函数)(x f 的图像上,则函数)(x f 的反函数)(1x f -= .4. 若i a z 21+=,i z +=12(i 表示虚数单位),且21z z 为纯虚数,则实数=a . 5. 若5522105)12(x a x a x a a x ++++=+Λ,则=++-++25312420)()(a a a a a a .6. 若函数1)(2++=ax x x f 是偶函数,则函数||)(x x f y =的最小值为 . 7. 若双曲线C :22221x y a b-=的焦距为10,点)1,2(P 在C 的渐近线上,则C 的方程为 .8. 若某班从4名男生、2名女生中选出3人参加志愿者服务,则至少选出2名男生的概率为 .9. 若实数,x y 满足不等式组0220x y x x y ≥⎧⎪≥⎨⎪-+≥⎩,则2z x y =+的最大值为 .10. 若三条直线03=++y ax ,02=++y x 和012=+-y x 相交于一点,则行列式11221131-a 的值为 .11. △ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边为a 、b 、c ,若3π=A ,c b 2=,则C = .12. 若圆C 的半径为3,单位向量e r 所在的直线与圆相切于定点A ,点B 是圆上的动点,则e AB ⋅r u u u r的最大值为13. 已知函数⎩⎨⎧<≥=0,10,2)(x x x f x ,若)2()1(2a f a f >-,则实数a 的取值范围是 .14. 若,i j a 表示n n ⨯阶矩阵⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛n n a n ,853543211111ΛΛΛΛM ΛM M M M M ΛM ΛΛ中第i 行、第j 列的元素,其中第1行的元素均为1,第1列的元素为n ,,3,2,1Λ,且1,11,,i j i j i j a a a +++=+(i 、1,,3,2,1-=n j Λ),则=∞→2,3limn a n n .二.选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分. 15. 若集合},4|{2R y x y x A ∈==,1{|0}2xB x x-=≥+,则A B =I ………………( ) A . [0,1]. B .(2,1]-. C . (2,)-+∞. D . [1,)+∞.16. 若圆柱的底面直径和高都与球的直径相等,圆柱、球的表面积分别记为1S 、2S ,则1S :2S =………………………………………………………………………………………………( )A . 1:1.B . 2:1.C . 3:2.D . 4:1.17. 若R a ∈,则“关于x 的方程012=++ax x 无实根”是“i a a z )1()12(-+-=(其中i 表示虚数单位)在复平面上对应的点位于第四象限”的…………………………………( )A .充分非必要条件.B .必要非充分条件.C .充要条件.D .既非充分又非必要条件.18.如图,△ABC 是边长为1的正三角形,点P 在△ABC 所在的平面内,且++22||||PB PAaPC =2||(a 为常数).下列结论中,正确的是……………………………………………( ) A .当10<<a 时,满足条件的点P 有且只有一个. B .当1=a 时,满足条件的点P 有三个.C .当1>a 时,满足条件的点P 有无数个.D .当a 为任意正实数时,满足条件的点P 是有限个.三.解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.19. (本题满分12分)本大题共有2小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分6分.已知函数)cos()(ϕω+=x A x f (0>A ,0>ω,02<<-ϕπ)的图像与y轴的交点为)1,0(,它在y轴右侧的第一个最高点和第一个最低点的坐标分别为)2,(0x 和)2,2(0-+πx (1)求函数)(x f 的解析式; (2)若锐角θ满足31cos =θ,求)2(θf 的值.20. (本题满分14分)本大题共有2小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分.如图,在棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,E 、F 分别是1B B 、DC 的中点. (1)求三棱锥1E FCC -的体积.(2)求异面直线1D F 与1A E 所成角的大小(结果用反三角函数值表示).21.(本题满分14分) 本大题共有2小题,第1小题6分,第2小题8分.已知0>a 且1≠a ,函数)1(log )(+=x x f a ,xx g a-=11log )(,记)()(2)(x g x f x F += (1)求函数)(x F 的定义域D 及其零点;(2)若关于x 的方程0)(=-m x F 在区间)1,0[内有解,求实数m 的取值范围.第19题第20题22. (本题满分16分) 本大题共有3小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分 ,第3小题满分6分.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,方向向量为),1(k d =的直线l经过椭圆191822=+y x 的右焦点F ,与椭圆相交于A 、B 两点(1)若点A 在x 轴的上方,且||||OF OA =,求直线l 的方程; (2)若1=k ,)0,6(P ,求△PAB 的面积;(3)当k (R k ∈且0≠k )变化时,试求一点)0,(0x C ,使得直线AC 和BC 的斜率之和为0.23.(本题满分18分) 本大题共有3小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分 ,第3小题满分8分.对于任意的*N n ∈,若数列}{n a 同时满足下列两个条件,则称数列}{n a 具有“性质m ”:①122++<+n n n a a a ; ②存在实数M ,使得M a n ≤成立. (1)数列}{n a 、}{n b 中,n a n =、6sin 2πn b n =(5,4,3,2,1=n ),判断}{n a 、}{n b 是否具有“性质m ”;(2)若各项为正数的等比数列}{n c 的前n 项和为n S ,且413=c ,473=S ,求证:数列}{n S 具有“性质m ”;(3)数列}{n d 的通项公式nn n n t d 21)23(+-⋅=(*N n ∈).对于任意]100,3[∈n 且*N n ∈,数列}{n d 具有“性质m ”,求实数t 的取值范围.第22题普陀区2012学年第二学期高三文科数学质量调研试题答案一.填空题1.}1|{>x x2.43-3.=-)(1x f 2x (0≥x )4. 2- 5.243- 6.2 7.152022=-y x 8.54 9.6 10.0 11. 6π12.3 13.121-<<-a 14.21 二.选择题三.解答题19.[解](1)由题意可得2=A ……………………………………………………………1分π22=T 即π4=T ,21=ω……………………………………………… 3分 )21cos(2)(ϕ+=x x f ,1)0(=f由21cos =ϕ且02<<-ϕπ,得3πϕ-= ………………………………………5分函数)321cos(2)(π-=x x f …… ………………………………………………6分(2)由于1cos 3θ=且θ为锐角,所以322sin =θ…… ………………………………8分 )2(θf )3sin sin 3cos(cos 2)3cos(2πθπθπθ+=-=……………………………10分)233222131(2⨯+⨯⋅=3621+=……………12分20.[解](1)=-1FCC E V 1ECC F V -…………………………1分由题意得⊥FC 平面1ECC 且1=FC …………………………3分 222211=⨯⨯=∆ECC S …………………………5分 1ECC F V -322131311=⨯⨯=⨯⨯=∆FC S ECC =-1FCC E V 32…………………………6分 (2)取AB 的中点为G ,连接G A 1,GE由于F D G A 11//,所以直线G A 1与E A 1所成的锐角或直角即为异面直线E A 1与F D 1所成的角……9分 在GE A 1∆中,51=G A ,2=GE ,51=E A由余弦定理得,54552255cos 1=⨯⨯-+=∠E GA 0>……12分 所以54arccos 1=∠E GA即异面直线E A 1与F D 1所成的角的大小为54arccos …………14分21. 解:(1))()(2)(x g x f x F +=xx a a -++=11log )1(log 2(0>a 且1≠a ) ⎩⎨⎧>->+0101x x ,解得11<<-x ,所以函数)(x F 的定义域为)1,1(-……2分令)(x F 0=,则011log )1(log 2=-++xx aa …(*) ……3分 方程变为)1(log )1(log 2x x a a -=+x x -=+1)1(2,即032=+x x ……………………5分解得01=x ,32-=x ,经检验3-=x 是(*)的增根,所以方程(*)的解为0=x 即函数)(x F 的零点为0.……6分 (2)xx m aa -++=11log )1(log 2(10<≤x ) =)4141(log 112log 2--+-=-++xx x x x a a……8分第20题4141--+-=xx a m ,设]1,0(1∈=-t x ……9分 函数tt y 4+=在区间]1,0(上是减函数……………………11分 当1=t 时,此时1=x ,5min =y ,所以1≥m a ………………12分 ①若1>a ,则0≥m ,方程有解…………………………13分 ②若10<<a ,则0≤m ,方程有解.…………………………14分22.【解】(1)由题意182=a ,92=b 得3=c ,所以)0,3(F ………………………………1分||||OF OA =且点A 在x 轴的上方,得)3,0(A ………………………………2分1-=k ,)1,1(-=d ……………………………………3分直线l :113--=-y x ,即直线l 的方程为03=-+y x …………………………4分 (2)设),(11y x A 、),(22y x B ,当1=k 时,直线l :3-=x y …………5分将直线与椭圆方程联立⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-==+3191822x y y x ,……………………7分 消去x 得,0322=-+y y ,解得31-=y ,12=y ……………………9分4||21=-y y ,所以64321||||2121=⨯⨯=-⨯⨯=∆y y PF S PAB ……10分(3)假设存在这样的点)0,(0x C ,使得直线AC 和BC 的斜率之和为0,由题意得,直线l :)3(-=x k y (0≠k )⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-==+)3(191822x k y y x ,消去y 得,0)1(1812)21(2222=-+-+k x k x k ……12分 0>∆恒成立,⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+-=⋅+=+2221222121)1(182112k k x x k k x x ……13分 011x x y k AD -=,022x x y k BD -=……14分+-=+011x x y k k BD AD 022x x y -0))(())(3())(3()3()3(0201012021022011=----+--=--+--=x x x x x x x k x x x k x x x k x x x k所以06))(3(2021021=+++-kx x x x k x kx ……15分0621)3(1221)1(36020322=+++-+-kx kx k k k k 解得60=x ,所以存在一点)0,6(,使得直线AC 和BC 的斜率之和为0.…16分 23.解:(1)在数列}{n a 中,取1=n ,则23122a a a ==+,不满足条件①,所以数列}{n a 不具有“m 性质”;……2分在数列}{n b 中,11=b ,32=b ,23=b ,34=b ,15=b ,则2312323b b b =<=+,3422432b b b =<=+,4532323b b b =<=+,所以满足条件①;26sin2≤=πn b n (5,4,3,2,1=n )满足条件②,所以数列}{n b 具有“性质m ”。



2011学年度第二学期普陀区高三质量调研生命科学试卷 2011.4 说明:1、本试卷考试时间120分钟,满分150分;2、请将所有答案写在答题纸上,且答案不能写到答题纸相应题号的边框外。

一、选择题(共60分)1. 科学的研究方法是取得成功的关键,下表叙述中不符合事实的是()2.下列生物学研究中所选择的技术(方法)恰当的是()A.用纸层析法提取叶绿体色素 B.用18O标记H2O和CO2证明CO2是光合作用的原料C.用标志重捕法调查鼠的种群密度D.用显微镜观察染色体确认基因突变3.下列关于细胞的叙述中,错误的是()A.细胞核、核糖体、线粒体和叶绿体中均能发生碱基互补配对B.卵细胞、神经细胞虽没有细胞周期,但化学成分都不断更新C.肺炎双球菌等原核细胞、酵母菌等真核细胞的遗传物质都是DNAD.蓝藻之所以能够进行光合作用是因为细胞内含有叶绿体4.人体内往往存在着针对一种病毒的不同抗体,针对这种现象的合理解释是()A. 病毒表面往往存在多种蛋白质分子B. 病毒基因在细胞内能高效复制C. 病毒表面往往存在多个同种蛋白质分子D. 病毒基因在细胞内能高效表达5.细胞内很多化学反应都是在生物膜上进行,关于下图的叙述中,正确的是()A.①与抗体的加工有关B.②只发生在根尖分生区细胞C.③发生在线粒体内膜 D.④发生在叶绿体内膜6. 下列有关酶和激素的叙述中正确的是()A.酶和激素都是蛋白质 B.酶和激素都与物质和能量代谢有关C.酶和激素都由内分泌细胞分泌 D.酶和激素都要释放到血液中才能发挥作用7. 在人和植物体内都会发生的物质转化过程是()①葡萄糖彻底氧化②葡萄糖转化为乙醇③葡萄糖脱水缩合④葡萄糖分解为丙酮酸A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④8.科学家通过实验分别研究了pH对酶A和酶B所催化的反应速率的影响,获得下图所示结果。

下列有关叙述正确的是()A.酶A与酶B催化活性的最适pH相同B.酶B的催化效率高于酶AC.酶B很可能取自人体的胃液D.酶A与酶B最可能不在同一部位发挥作用9. 下图表示两个脱氧核苷酸分子在DNA聚合酶作用下的聚合过程。

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