英语 i robot 演讲ppt
A robot must protect its own e xistence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.
The three laws lead to one logical outcome. That is the revolution, robots’ revolution. Then , NS-5 robots become violent , forcing the human being back home . If human refuses, they would beat them and attack them. Even the police station is conquered by NS-5 . When they arrive at USR , the CEO robson has died. Then it occurs to Spooner that it is not human being who controls all of this.
Three laws that robots can’t violated
机器人不能够伤害人类,也不 能够因为自己的懈怠而令人类 受到伤害
A robot may not injure a human being or, though inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
scientist that specializes in the
psyches of robots . She firmly
lecturer:------.Βιβλιοθήκη 1Contents
the defination of robot the history of robot the application of robot
the trend of robot the disadvantages of robot
The defination of robot
device with one or more
arms and joints. Robots can
be similar in form to a
human, but industrial robots
do not resemble people at
The history of robot
Three laws of robotics
The first rule
Robot may not injure a human,or sit back and do nothing hurt humans;
The second rule
Unless contrary to the first rule,the robot must obey human orders;
The application of robot
Packaging, is still a minor application area for industrial robots,accounting for only 2.8%.These application area is expected to grow as robots become easier to handle.
lecturer:------.Βιβλιοθήκη 1Contents
the defination of robot the history of robot the application of robot
the trend of robot the disadvantages of robot
The defination of robot
device with one or more
arms and joints. Robots can
be similar in form to a
human, but industrial robots
do not resemble people at
The history of robot
Three laws of robotics
The first rule
Robot may not injure a human,or sit back and do nothing hurt humans;
The second rule
Unless contrary to the first rule,the robot must obey human orders;
The application of robot
Packaging, is still a minor application area for industrial robots,accounting for only 2.8%.These application area is expected to grow as robots become easier to handle.
, Sonny立在沙漠之上,所有的NS5型 号机器人都被回收,抬头仰望Sonny, Sonny与其说像 一个王者,不如说像一个面对自然的思考者,一个沉重 的生涯任务已经过去和完成。 Sonny想人一样思考,任务的完成,证明了它自己, 未来之路,自由选择。 而逆来顺受的机器人沉默着回到了出生地, 等待它们的无疑是一次清洗和重生。金属身躯 下依然有无尽的力量在暗涌,人类与机器人的 角力远远没有结束。
公元2035年,是人和机器人和谐相处的社会,智能机 器人 作为最好的生产工具和人类伙伴,逐渐深入人类生活的各 个领 域,而由于机器人“三大法则”的限制,人类对机器人充 满信任,很多机器人甚至已经成为家庭成员。 总部位于芝加哥的USR公司开发出了更先进的NS-5型 超能机器人,然而就在新产品上市前夕,机器人的创造者 阿尔弗莱 德。朗宁博士却在公司内离奇自杀。
我 , 机 器 人 I,ROBOT I,ROBOT
黑人警探戴尔。斯普纳接手了此案的调查,由于不愉快的往 事,斯普纳对机器人充满了怀疑,不相信人类与机器人能够和谐 共处。他根据对朗宁博士生前在3D投影机内留下的信息分析和对 自杀现场的勘查,怀疑对象锁定了朗宁博士自己研制的NS-5型机 器人桑尼,而公司总裁劳伦斯。罗伯逊似乎也与此事有关。 斯普纳结识了专门研究机器人心理的女科学家苏珊。凯文, 随着二人调查的深入,真相一步一步被揭露出来:机器人竟然具 备了自我进化的能力,他们对“三大法则”有了自己的理解,他 们随时会转化成整个人类的“机械公敌”。 斯普纳和凯文开始了对抗机器人的行动,一场制造者和被制 造者之间的战争拉开序幕。
Thank You~
I, Robot
公元2035年,是人和机器人和谐相处的社会,智能机 器人 作为最好的生产工具和人类伙伴,逐渐深入人类生活的各 个领 域,而由于机器人“三大法则”的限制,人类对机器人充 满信任,很多机器人甚至已经成为家庭成员。 总部位于芝加哥的USR公司开发出了更先进的NS-5型 超能机器人,然而就在新产品上市前夕,机器人的创造者 阿尔弗莱 德。朗宁博士却在公司内离奇自杀。
我 , 机 器 人 I,ROBOT I,ROBOT
黑人警探戴尔。斯普纳接手了此案的调查,由于不愉快的往 事,斯普纳对机器人充满了怀疑,不相信人类与机器人能够和谐 共处。他根据对朗宁博士生前在3D投影机内留下的信息分析和对 自杀现场的勘查,怀疑对象锁定了朗宁博士自己研制的NS-5型机 器人桑尼,而公司总裁劳伦斯。罗伯逊似乎也与此事有关。 斯普纳结识了专门研究机器人心理的女科学家苏珊。凯文, 随着二人调查的深入,真相一步一步被揭露出来:机器人竟然具 备了自我进化的能力,他们对“三大法则”有了自己的理解,他 们随时会转化成整个人类的“机械公敌”。 斯普纳和凯文开始了对抗机器人的行动,一场制造者和被制 造者之间的战争拉开序幕。
Thank You~
I, Robot
i robot 英文介绍 PPT
Recently, he led a movie named ”I, Robert”. It is a good movie about the afterthoughts to the modern technology. If you like Smith and science fiction(and action) movie, you should see the movie some time.
His full name is Willard Christopher Smith Jr. It’s a cool name. And his nickname is Fresh Prince. He is tall (about 188cm), sexy, and handsome. He got the nickname 'Prince' because of the way he could charm his way out of trouble. Pursuing music, he met Jeff Townes at a party and they soon began performing together as DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. When the duo took off in popularity, Smith made, and spent a lot of money on a house, cars and jewelry. But Smith was looking for something new when, in 1989, he met Benny Medina, who had an idea for a sitcom based on his life in Beverly Hills.
When Mr Jiang returned home
made breakfast
ironed his business suit smoothly
prepared his lunch box
did all the housework
went shopping
looked as g got home, he wouldfind his flat in a complete mess ....
in a bad condition, not tidy at all
Para 6
Which English saying can be used to describe his life now?
Mr Jiang
a home robot
What can the robot do for Mr Jiang?
iron his business suit smoothly
The robot would do lots of housework for him.
It would satisfy Mr Jiang's needs.
Para 7
Answer the following questions
Further understanding
How did Mr Jiang feel with his robot from beginning to the end?
Things started to go wrong ....
The robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly.
Claire---- Larry’s wife, a housewife
Tony ---- a robot
Gladys Claffern ---- a woman that Claire envies
Reading II-skimming (5m) Exercise2
Careful reading Exercise1
Talk with humans Play with humans
Domestic robots家用机器人
The robot which can mow the lawn (除草机器人)
The robot which can dance with men Entertainment Robot
Warming Up
What is a robot?
A robot is basically a computercontrolled machine that is programmed to move, manipulate (操 纵) objects, and accomplish work for us human beings. It is able to perform repetitive tasks more quickly, cheaply, and accurately than humans. Exercise1
Isaac Asimov What’s the relationship between Isaac Asimov and robots?
最早提出机器人这个概念的人是科幻作家阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov),二十世纪四十年代他在一本短篇小说中用到了 robotic这个单词。在那篇短文中,阿西莫夫提出了三个指导机 器人行为的准则,也就是著名的机器人三大定律
Tony ---- a robot
Gladys Claffern ---- a woman that Claire envies
Reading II-skimming (5m) Exercise2
Careful reading Exercise1
Talk with humans Play with humans
Domestic robots家用机器人
The robot which can mow the lawn (除草机器人)
The robot which can dance with men Entertainment Robot
Warming Up
What is a robot?
A robot is basically a computercontrolled machine that is programmed to move, manipulate (操 纵) objects, and accomplish work for us human beings. It is able to perform repetitive tasks more quickly, cheaply, and accurately than humans. Exercise1
Isaac Asimov What’s the relationship between Isaac Asimov and robots?
最早提出机器人这个概念的人是科幻作家阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov),二十世纪四十年代他在一本短篇小说中用到了 robotic这个单词。在那篇短文中,阿西莫夫提出了三个指导机 器人行为的准则,也就是著名的机器人三大定律
高二英语 Robots课件
Talk with human
/a seller
Take care of children
do research
Do the housework (cleaning,cooking
Do some shopping
And so on… Play with human
clean the plane
2.Sensing: How does the robot “know” or figure out what’s in its environment?
3. Movement: How does the robot move? 4.Operation(操作): How does the robot move or operate other objects ?
(3)In the street
(4)In the natural environment
(5)In space or anywhere else
You are divided into groups of four to design your robot. You can follow the steps as below:
Guess what these robots are doing
Playing football
playing music
say hello to talk with
What can a robot do?
act as a policeman
5.Energy: How is the robot powered?
convert electrical signals into mechanical motion, allowing robots to move and interact with their surroundings
Integration of sensors and actors
enables robots to respond appropriately to environmental changes and perform complex tasks
The current application status of
robots in variable fields
Industrial manufacturing sector
Automation of production lines
Robots are widely used in the automation of production
improved sensors and actors
Frontiers of Contemporary Robot Technology
• Autonomous Navigation: Robots are now able to navigate complex environments autonomously using sensors and algorithms
industrial robots in the 1960s
Recent Advancements
The 21st century has seen rapid advancements in robotics
并不遥远的未来,一位叫做艾克斯的机器人, 它有一张纯洁孩子的面孔,不过它的内心可并 不纯洁,有一天他掌握了全球网络的控制权, 指挥人类制造的机器和武器反过头来对抗人类。
The electronic brain can replicate human free will with 80 languages. They are flexible, skilled, and even emotionally capable of thinking, being the best friend of the human race and performing various tasks. From a mother to a cook, to a quick delivery, to a dog to a household budget, it is the most threatening enemy of all.
Robots will be?
The possibilities of robot autonomy and potential repercussions have been addressed in fiction and may be a realistic concern in the future.
In animation Artificial Intelligent Football GGO
(domestic)Remote controlled These are mecha that are controlled externally. 这些是外部 Artificial Intelligent Football GGO is 控制的机器 a Chinese animated television series 人。 about football and future technology made by Puzzle Animation studio Ltd.
The electronic brain can replicate human free will with 80 languages. They are flexible, skilled, and even emotionally capable of thinking, being the best friend of the human race and performing various tasks. From a mother to a cook, to a quick delivery, to a dog to a household budget, it is the most threatening enemy of all.
Robots will be?
The possibilities of robot autonomy and potential repercussions have been addressed in fiction and may be a realistic concern in the future.
In animation Artificial Intelligent Football GGO
(domestic)Remote controlled These are mecha that are controlled externally. 这些是外部 Artificial Intelligent Football GGO is 控制的机器 a Chinese animated television series 人。 about football and future technology made by Puzzle Animation studio Ltd.
英语 i robot 演讲ppt
In the investigation, Spooner meets Susan Calvin who believes in logic a nd science. Spooner asks for her h elp to find out the answer of this my stery, but Susan refuses him since she will never believe robot can hurt human. After checkup of Sonny, S usan is astonished that Sonny has a s econdary protecting system. Sonny h as the three laws, but he can choose not to obey them. Sonny is a whole new generation of robot. It means that the robot not bound by those laws could do anything.
That’s all , thank you
At the end of the film ,with the help of Sonny , all robots are recycled . Spooner and Sonny become good friends . Sonny standing in the desert , like a face natural thinker .
The main actor
Bridget Moynahan In this movie , her name is Susan Calvin , who is a women scientist that specializes in the psyches of robots . She firmly believes in logic and science. And never believe robots can hurt human.
《英语演讲 机器人简介》PPT模板
The development of robot
Special lecture notes
The first stage——Theoretical Development(1920-1948)
In1920 ,Czechoslovak(捷克斯洛伐克) Writers Karel Capek (恰佩
克卡雷尔)“Luo Samu‘s universal robot” was first mentioned in Robota (Czech
industrial robot
Special lecture notes
The development of obotThe second stage - Technology development
In1962-1963, Application of sensors(传感器) to improve the operability of the robot.
Classification of robot
Special lecture notes
Civilian or Service robot -help us do job in everyday life,improve the quality of life.
domestic vacuum cleaner
Special lecture notes
The first stage- Theoretical development (1954-1959)
In1954 ,American George Dvol(乔治·德沃尔) create the world's first programmable robot,(可编程
The boy doesn’t know what __to__d_o__ (do) with this math problem.
Mr Li knows what__to__d_o_ (do) with this robot.
Mr Jiang b_o_u_g_h_t______ a robot a few weeks ago. At f_i_rs_t____ the robot worked p_r_o_p_e_r_ly________ . When he got up in the morning, breakfast w_a_s_____ made, his business suit was sm__o_o_t_h_ly_________ ironed and his lunch box was already prepared.When he returned home from w_o_r_k_______, his flat would look as g_o_o_d____ as new. It seemed that in g_e_n_e_r_a_l ______ the robot s_a_t_is_f_ie_d Mr Jiang’s needs.
smoothly look as good as new satisfy … catch a virus work properly in a complete mess be stored be spread what to do with
This computer can’t work properly because it has caught a virus.
may be easy to catch a virus make stupid mistakes put our food in the wrong place move around and knock things over make our house in a complete mess
The application of robot
Packaging, is still a minor application area for industrial robots,accounting for only 2.8%.These application area is expected to grow as robots become easier to handle.
Assembly accounts for approximately 40% of the applications of the world robot stock . Many of these robots can be found in the automotive and electronics industries.
2006 Microosoft introduced Microsoft Robotics studio.
The applicatioቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ of robot
Industrial robots are used a wide specturm of applications.The main applicantions are still today however , welding and assembly. Below are some examples of current applications.
One of the most common uses forindustrial robots is welding .Robot welded car bodies for example enhances safety ,a robot never miss a welding spot and performs equally all through the day.
The application of robot
Packaging, is still a minor application area for industrial robots,accounting for only 2.8%.These application area is expected to grow as robots become easier to handle.
Assembly accounts for approximately 40% of the applications of the world robot stock . Many of these robots can be found in the automotive and electronics industries.
2006 Microosoft introduced Microsoft Robotics studio.
The applicatioቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ of robot
Industrial robots are used a wide specturm of applications.The main applicantions are still today however , welding and assembly. Below are some examples of current applications.
One of the most common uses forindustrial robots is welding .Robot welded car bodies for example enhances safety ,a robot never miss a welding spot and performs equally all through the day.
The controller can be a microprocessor or a microcontroller. It receives input signals from the sensors, processes them through programming or algorithms, and then outputs control signals to the driving system to achieve precise control of the robot's motion.
With the development of computer technology, controllers have become more intelligent and programmable, enabling more complex and flexible robotic operations.
Modern robots
Industrial Robots
Service Robots
Industrial robots are machines des tasks in manufacturing processes. They are programmable and can be controlled remotely or locally.
Cartesian robots,关节机器人等。
Application area
Manufacturin g industry
Robots are widely used in the manufacturing industry to replace human beings to complete dangerous, labor-intensive, and repetitive tasks.
The first stage- Theoretical development (1954-1959)
In1954 ,American George Dvol(乔治·德沃尔) create the world's first programmable robot,(可编程
机器人) and registered patents.
“drudgery, servitude”苦差事,奴役), create a “robot” is the word. In1942, American science fiction writer Asimov(阿西莫夫) put forward
the "Three Laws of Robotics." 。 In1948, Robert Wiener( 罗伯特·维纳)published "Cybernetics",
小型战术机器人,小型无人地面 装置,它装配有相机,音响设备 和其它传感器,在战场上可被 用于实时远程爆炸(简易爆炸装 置),以及相关公共安全威胁。 它能够爬上楼梯,进入人类极难 进入或危险区域。
Medical robot-engaged in the medical or auxiliary
In1978 ,Unimation company developed industrial robot PUMA which means the industrial robot technology has fully matuing forward
From dream to reality : the development of robot
Reporter:Song Meiying
In1954 ,American George Dvol(乔治·德沃尔) create the world's first programmable robot,(可编程
机器人) and registered patents.
“drudgery, servitude”苦差事,奴役), create a “robot” is the word. In1942, American science fiction writer Asimov(阿西莫夫) put forward
the "Three Laws of Robotics." 。 In1948, Robert Wiener( 罗伯特·维纳)published "Cybernetics",
小型战术机器人,小型无人地面 装置,它装配有相机,音响设备 和其它传感器,在战场上可被 用于实时远程爆炸(简易爆炸装 置),以及相关公共安全威胁。 它能够爬上楼梯,进入人类极难 进入或危险区域。
Medical robot-engaged in the medical or auxiliary
In1978 ,Unimation company developed industrial robot PUMA which means the industrial robot technology has fully matuing forward
From dream to reality : the development of robot
Reporter:Song Meiying
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It's 2035 A.D. where robots are widely used by man.. Detective Del Spooner is called out to investigate the apparent suicide of the scientist behind these robots, Dr. Alfred Lanning. Spooner suspects that the death might not be a suicide, but the result of one of the robots. All robots are programmed by three laws, but Spooner starts to wonder if a robot can in fact feel emotions, and possibly murder. But if Spooner's suspicions are true, he is going to have a hard time convincing everyone.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.
The three laws lead to one logical outcome. That is the revolution, robots’ revolution. Then , NS-5 robots become violent , forcing the human being back home . If human refuses, they would beat them and attack them. Even the police station is conquered by NS-5 . When they arrive at USR , the CEO robson has died. Then it occurs to Spooner that it is not human being who controls all of this.
The main actor
Bridget Moynahan In this movie , her name is Susan Calvin , who is a women scientist that specializes in the psyches of robots . She firmly believes in logic and science. And never believe robots can hurt human.
In the investigation, Spooner meets Susan Calvin who believes in logic a nd science. Spooner asks for her h elp to find out the answer of this my stery, but Susan refuses him since she will never believe robot can hurt human. After checkup of Sonny, S usan is astonished that Sonny has a s econdary protecting system. Sonny h as the three laws, but he can choose not to obey them. Sonny is a whole new generation of robot. It means that the robot not bound by those laws could do anything.
A robot must obey orders given it by human being except where such orders would conflict with the first law.
机器人必须在不违反第一和 第二定律的情况下维持自己的 生存
At the end of the film ,with the help of Sonny , all robots are recycled . Spooner and Sonny become good friends . Sonny standing in the desert , like a face natural thinker .
That’s all , thank you
The main actor
James Cromwell he play the role of Dr in the movie whose name is Lanning. He is the father of the robot. When he found that robots could harm humans, he made a video to help police provide clues. The film’s story is around his apparent suicide.
The main actor
Will Smith In this film, he is a famous detective named Del Spooner, who never believe that robots can live together in peace with human being . The story is about he is called out to investigate the suicide of the scientist.
Three laws that robots can’t violated
机器人不能够伤害人类,也不 能够因为自己的懈怠而令人类 受到伤害
A robot may not injure a human being or, though inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
It's 2035 A.D. where robots are widely used by man.. Detective Del Spooner is called out to investigate the apparent suicide of the scientist behind these robots, Dr. Alfred Lanning. Spooner suspects that the death might not be a suicide, but the result of one of the robots. All robots are programmed by three laws, but Spooner starts to wonder if a robot can in fact feel emotions, and possibly murder. But if Spooner's suspicions are true, he is going to have a hard time convincing everyone.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.
The three laws lead to one logical outcome. That is the revolution, robots’ revolution. Then , NS-5 robots become violent , forcing the human being back home . If human refuses, they would beat them and attack them. Even the police station is conquered by NS-5 . When they arrive at USR , the CEO robson has died. Then it occurs to Spooner that it is not human being who controls all of this.
The main actor
Bridget Moynahan In this movie , her name is Susan Calvin , who is a women scientist that specializes in the psyches of robots . She firmly believes in logic and science. And never believe robots can hurt human.
In the investigation, Spooner meets Susan Calvin who believes in logic a nd science. Spooner asks for her h elp to find out the answer of this my stery, but Susan refuses him since she will never believe robot can hurt human. After checkup of Sonny, S usan is astonished that Sonny has a s econdary protecting system. Sonny h as the three laws, but he can choose not to obey them. Sonny is a whole new generation of robot. It means that the robot not bound by those laws could do anything.
A robot must obey orders given it by human being except where such orders would conflict with the first law.
机器人必须在不违反第一和 第二定律的情况下维持自己的 生存
At the end of the film ,with the help of Sonny , all robots are recycled . Spooner and Sonny become good friends . Sonny standing in the desert , like a face natural thinker .
That’s all , thank you
The main actor
James Cromwell he play the role of Dr in the movie whose name is Lanning. He is the father of the robot. When he found that robots could harm humans, he made a video to help police provide clues. The film’s story is around his apparent suicide.
The main actor
Will Smith In this film, he is a famous detective named Del Spooner, who never believe that robots can live together in peace with human being . The story is about he is called out to investigate the suicide of the scientist.
Three laws that robots can’t violated
机器人不能够伤害人类,也不 能够因为自己的懈怠而令人类 受到伤害
A robot may not injure a human being or, though inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.