



湖南省永州市三年级下学期语文期末检测卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________亲爱的同学,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定学到不少知识,今天就让我们大显身手吧!一、积累运用 (共6题;共48分)1. (12分)看拼音,写词语。

rèlièběn lái cōng míng kěxīdòng tīng________________________________________méi yóu dēn g lái de jíbào fēng yǔwài zǔ fùshǎn shǎn fā guāng________________________________________dàchīyìjīng chéng qún jiéduì________________2. (14分) (2018三上·获嘉月考) 把下列词语补充完整。

________风破________ 声如________________竽________数装________作________________人________目成________结________________耳________铃________无声3. (6分)照样子,写一写。


①后 ________ ________②五 ________ ________③会 ________ ________4. (8分)填上恰当的关联词语。





统编版小学语文三年级下册期末复习专项训练题18——字词专项(三)(含答案+详细解析)期末复习专项训练18——字词专项(三)班级:_________ 姓名:__________1.选词填空。

扇动感动生动拨动(1)听了黄文秀的先进事迹,大家( )得流下眼泪。

(2)刚下水的群鸭,( )着翅膀拍水戏耍。

(3)我和弟弟跟爸爸去游泳,弟弟不停地用双手( )着水花。

(4)李老师讲课( )有趣,语言幽默,同学们都很喜欢他。

只要……就……虽然……但是……(5)( )我们仔细地观察,( )能从极普通的事物中找到美。

(6)( )以前没有干过这一行,( )我好像很有剃头的天分。






( )(2)看着妈妈熟睡的样子,就知道她很累了。

( )(3)红通通的苹果成熟了。

( )(4)大厨师熟练的刀工,叫人赞叹不已。

( )3.把下面的词语补充完整。

景色奇( ) 守株( )兔( )闻问切笔墨( )砚世界( )名杞人( )天( )舟求剑南辕( )辙4.先补全下列四字词语,再按要求将序号填写在括号里。

A.杞人忧( ) B.琴( )书画C.自( )矛盾D.邯郸学( ) E.笔墨( )砚F.念念不( ) (1)我们不管学什么,都不能( ),生搬硬套。

(2)我们无论做事说话,都要注意留有余地,不能( )。

(3)再写两个F这样的AABC式的词语:______ ________ 5.补全词语,并按要求写词语。

一( )正经滥竽充( ) 争( )斗艳四面八( )窃窃私( ) 晕( )转向走南( )北大( )一惊(1)仿照画“___”的词语,再写三个含有两个数字的四字词语:____、____、____。


) (
) (
q ng shu
?ng l
mg hu
gan bo nong
( )
“ 我”一次次忍受着饥饿的煎熬
y mg
du ming x
iw eng
ao q

?u lf
an w ?n
1.方法是把用剩的碎肥皂放在一只小木碗里,加上点儿 水,和(hehu0弄和弄,使它融化。
• •送,有时能飞得很高很高。




bō dóng zhúgān qīng shuǎng________ ________ ________chòu rén dǎn xiǎo fēi yuè________ ________ ________huà láng tóu míng xī wàng________ ________ ________2.按要求写词语。

①轻悠悠(ABB式)、________、________、________②明明亮亮(AABB式)、________、________、________③耿耿于怀(AABC式)、________、________、________3.下列字音和字形完全正确的一项是()A. 瞭望(liǎo)溅落(jàn)执行(zhí)B. 道歉(qiàn)照耀(yào)奔腾(téng)C. 山巅(diān)透明(tòu)负钱(fù)4.“理发”一词中“理”的意思是()A. 道理,事物的规律。

B. 对别人的言语行动表示态度。

C. 整理,使整齐。

5.“我的女儿一个人在家,该多没意思啊!”和这句话中划线词语的意思相同的一项是()A. 请你不要误会我的意思。

B. 听了妈妈的话,我不好意思地低下了头。

C. 学习滑轮,是一件非常有意思的事情。

6.下列哪句话没有围绕“雨下得真大”的中心写?()A. 豆大的雨点打在窗前、瓦上、地上,天地顷刻间挂起了一片珠帘。

B. 雨水汇成了一条小溪,不停地冲刷着柏油路。

C. 游客一边撑着伞,一边欣赏着美丽的风景。








2. 选择正确的读音打■”(1) 我拿起担(d a n d 子,担(d a n d 了满满两桶水。

(2) 弟弟在地上画了一个圈(qu a n ju,笑)着说:这是猪圈(qu a n ju。

”小⑶ 天上有多少数(sh u sh目的星星,你能数(sh u sh得清吗?3.选择正确的字填在括号里。

箭剑急及弓( )着( )宝( )( )时刀( )( )忙射( )( )格4.给带点的字选择正确的解释。

【闹】A. 喧哗;不安静B. 害(病);发生(灾害或不好的事)C. 吵;争吵D.搞;弄;干(1) 妈妈没有满足他的要求,他又哭又闹。

()(2) 我们要把问题闹清晰。

()(3) 倒是夏天雨水少,年年闹旱灾。

()(4) 节日的夜晚,大街上热烈极了。

() 5.补充词语,再选词填空。

()()之鸟()辕()辙()羊补()和()()色()然大悟(1) 这道题我不会做,经老师一指点,我()。

(2) 我想往南边去,却走到了北边,真是()呀。

(3) 经过上次惊吓后,一有点风吹草动,他就吓得不行,简直成了()。

(4) 每次我犯错,妈妈总是()地教育我。

(5) 虽然你已犯下错误,但是只要你(),就为时不晚。


(1) 桂林山水怎能不令人流连忘返呢?(改为陈述句)7.在横线上填上适合的谚语。

(1) ___________________________________ 爷爷语重心长地说:“ 。


”(2) ___________________________________________________ 我做事没毅力,常常半途而废,妈妈把“ ___________________________________ 。


(3) __________________________________________________ 爸爸常用“ ______________________________________________________________ 。



第六单元专项训练——字词基础训练题班级:_________ 姓名:__________一、书写1.读拼音,写汉字。

(1)爸爸正在为一个yīng ér lǐfà。

(2)zǒu láng里挂满了绿色的húlu。

(3)我打着mòlǜ的伞,yǎng wàng蔚蓝色的天空。

(4)弟弟把妈妈刚买的féi zào放在了fàn wǎn里。


rǎn lǜ làng huāxìshuǎbiǎo dìlǐfà suīrán xīwàng shèng xià3.看拼音,写词语。

lóu tī mìmì qiǎo hé líng qiánjìxù téng fēi mógūzǒu láng4.看拼音,写词语。

xíng zhuàng jìxù máfan shān dòng qīng yōu yōuchuíliǔ mógu xìshuǎ pūteng féi zào pào5.看拼音,写词语。

mò shuǐyōu yáng yǎng wàng féi zàoqīng shuǎng dǎn xiǎo shìjiàn mógu二、选择题6.下列各项字形有误的一项()A.害人精摆布痛苦过年B.央求虽然天分睡衣C.镜子清除肥皂泡廊子D.木碗透明骄软飞越7.下列各组词语中不是互为近义词的一项是()A.协助——帮助依然——居然B.精致——精美惊奇——惊讶C.特殊——特别祝愿——祝福D.干净——洁净清晰——清楚8.下列词语和其它三组不是一类的一组是()A.潮湿——湿润破裂——分裂B.透明——浑浊自由——约束C.希望——希冀飞越——越过D.潮湿——干燥轻悠悠——轻飘飘9.下列括号里的词语与带点词不是近义词的一项是()!(发泄)A.别剪破耳朵,你得发誓..我替他剪头发,并答应剪完后付给我五块钱。

人教版六年级下册语文基础训练 1-13课

人教版六年级下册语文基础训练 1-13课

1 文言文两则一、看拼音写词语。

xu é y ì h ón ɡ h ú zhu ān x īn zh ì zh ì( )( )(1)通国..之善弈..者也 (2)思援..弓缴而射之 (3)我以.日始出时去.人近 (4)孔子不能决.也 (5)孰为汝多知.乎 三.把下列句子的意思写出来。















(孟子·梁惠王下)2 匆匆课堂导练一.看拼音写词语。

nuó yí zhēnɡ rónɡ pái huái yóu sī二.仿照例子写词语。


确乎( ) 觉察( ) 叹息( ) 旋转( ) 挪移( )四.根据课文内容填空。

燕子去了,有( )的时候;杨柳枯了,有( )的时候;桃花谢了,有( )的时候。

但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子为什么( ) ?五.阅读课文语段,完成练习。





《雨说》综合能力测试题一、下面词语中加粗的字读音全都正确的一项是[ ] A.田圃(f()丝缕(l[)B.喑哑(4n)禁锢(g))C.蓑笠(shu1i)襁褓(qi2ng)D.留滞(zh@)喧嚷(xu1n)二、下列句子中加粗词解释有误的一项是[ ] A.当鱼塘寒浅留滞着游鱼留滞:停滞,不流通。




三、修辞方式与其他三项不同的一句是[ ] A.别关起你的门窗,放下你的帘子/别忙着披蓑衣,急着戴斗笠B.我来了,雷电不喧嚷,风也不拥堵C.君不见,柳条儿见了我笑弯了腰啊/石狮子见了我笑出了泪啊D.当鱼塘寒浅留滞着游鱼/小溪渐渐喑哑歌不成音调四、阅读下面的诗歌,回答问题。





天边的霞光哟脸上的红晕,化一朵神女峰前飘飘的云……1.对这首诗的讲解,不适当的一项是[ ] A.第一节把窗外雨声和窗内语声加以对照,以此笼罩全篇,统率全诗。




2.对这首诗的赏析,不适当的一项是[ ] A.诗题“秋雨声声”让人联想到秋雨中的人语,以秋雨的细腻连绵写出窗内人的甜蜜的情感。






湘教版三年级语文下学期古诗阅读专项加深练习题班级:__________ 姓名:__________ 时间:__________1. 阅读提升。











A.担心B.快乐C.着急D.忧伤2. 阅读古诗,完成练习。






①径A.小路 B.经过②生A.生活 B.产生,生出③坐A.座位 B.因为④擎A.举,向上托 B.拿取⑤君A.君主 B.对对方的尊称,相当于“您”(2)诗人在《山行》中描写了、、、、、六种景物,其中最让他心醉的景象是和。




部编三年级下册语文 第六单元测试卷(有答案)

部编三年级下册语文 第六单元测试卷(有答案)























(6分)我用一根zhúɡān()bō nònɡ()着那些小虾,突然有一只小虾ténɡ kōnɡ()而起,似乎在抗议。

弟弟把吃shènɡ xià()的饼干suì mò()扔到水缸里,一下子吸引了好几只小虾,于是,他得意地冲我做了个ɡuǐ liǎn()。






部编版语文三年级下册第六单元提升练习 (含答案)及答案.docx

部编版语文三年级下册第六单元提升练习 (含答案)及答案.docx

【本文档由书林工作坊整理发布,谢谢你的下载和关注!】1第六单元提升练习(时间:90分钟 总分:100分)一 给下列加点的字选择正确的读音。

(5分)1.我不小心把碗打碎.(suì shuì)了,碗片溅.(jàn jiàn )到了我的手上。

2.妈妈在走廊.(lán láng )上给弟弟剃.(tī tì)头。

3.她站在舞台上,就像一颗耀.(yào rào )眼的明星。

二 看拼音,写汉字。

(11分)m ò r ǎn1.同桌的( )水洒了,( )黑了桌布,我马上帮他收拾。

m ó gu chu àn2.妈妈把采来的( )( )起来晒干。

d ǎn gu ǐ x ī3.哥哥笑我是个( )小( ),他( )望我能勇敢一些。

y īng w ǎn ji āo4.小( )儿正在吃( )里的米粉,她( )嫩的脸庞真惹人爱。

三 比一比,组词语。

(6分){碎( )粹( ) {倍( )陪( ) {仰( )抑( )四 给下面的词语选择恰当的解释。









( ) 2.这台电视机买了还不满.一年。

( ) 3.爸爸对我的成绩很满.意。

( ) 4.取得这么点成绩就骄傲自满.了吗? ( ) 五 按要求完成句子练习。




(用加点词语写句子)六 按课文内容填空。

(12分)【本文档由书林工作坊整理发布,谢谢你的下载和关注!】31.《童年的水墨画》一共描述了 幅画面,分别在 、 、 ,表现了童年生活的 和 。




(1)David Sills is a talented football player. He is thin but he has strong arms. He (throw) a ball for a long distance. His family hired(雇请) a personal coach for him andhe (have) the football training for one year. The coach believes that he (become) an NFL star in the future.(2)One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor when she (cook). She was very afraid of mice, so she ran out of the house, got on abus and (go) down to the shops.There she spent 10 dollars 3 (buy) amouse-trap. The shopkeeper said to her, “Pout some cheese on it, then you 4 (catch) that mouse soon.”(3)Rob Kalin always has a great interest in making something by hands. After high school, he 1 (become) a carpenter(木匠). Later he set up a website for artisans(工匠)to show and sell their works. The website 2 (call) . It 3 (sell) a lot of things and has many customers. Now, Rob has a new project. He 4 (help) some of his artisans develop their own small businesses.(4)I’m busy working these days. I 1 (not receive) any news from my family since last Sunday. Just now I telephoned my family. My father 2 (tell) me to buy him a new TV set. He enjoys 3 (watch) TV plays. If I am free, I’ll buy one for him. I think he will be very happy 4 (see) it.(5)My brother Tim is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer, and he 1 (work) for a big company now. Last month he 2 (buy) an Australian car. Since then he 3 (visit) a lot of different places in Australia. He has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the center of Australia. Soon he 4 (go) to Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.(6)I came from Russia. I started learning English at school in Russia when I was eleven, so I 1 (learn) it for nearly ten years. Six months ago I 2 (come) to London to learn English. At first, I didn’t understand anything, but I studied hard 3 (improve) my English. I have just taken an exam. When I pass, I 4 (move) into the next class. I’m excited today because my parents are coming tomorrow to stay with me for a few days.(7)All of my students think I’m a good teacher. I 1 (work) in the school since 1999.I am always nice to students. I often 2 (help) them with their school work. So I 3 (regard) as their best friend. They love me very much and they often do something nice for me.One day before Teachers’ Day, some of my students 4 (buy) me some presents. When they gave me the presents, they said, “Thank you for teaching us so well and we 5 (study) harder than before.” How nice my students are!(8)Kieran Williamson is a seven-year-old boy. He 1 (start) topaint on a family holiday last year. Since then, he 2 (develop)a talent for painting landscape.Last year, Kieran 3 (sell) 16 watercolors and oil17,000 in a show of artwork, though he was landscapes for £expecting only one or two to sell.As a painter, Kieron 4 (learn) quickly and has masteredcertain techniques at an early age. Being a seven-year-old, helikes playing football and 5 (play) computer games. He saidpainting and playing football are his favorite hobbies.(9)I 1 (have) dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came2in. Harry worked in a lawyer’s office years ago, but now he (work) at a bank. He always borrows money from his friends andnever 3 (pay) it back. Harry saw me and came and sat at thesame table. He has never borrowed money from me. While hewas eating, I asked him 4 (lend) me £2. To my surprise, he5 never 5 (borrow) anygave me the money at once. “Imoney from you,” Harry said, “so now you can pay for my dinner!(10)My uncle is a doctor in Britain. He 1 (work) in a hospitalsince 1980.Last month he 2 (come) back to China. We were happy tosee him on National Day. After we finished lunch, we showed him3 (build) last year. Look,around our hometown. “This hotelthe workers 4 (put) up another one over there.” “What a great change!” uncle said.“We 5 (plant) more trees and flowers in the town soon. And we’ll do something to s top the factories form pouring the waste water into the rivers.” I told him.动词应用(1. can throw 2. has had 3. will become(2) 1. was cooking 2. went 3. buying 4. will /cancatch(3) 1. became 2. is called 3. sells 4. is helping(4) 1. have not received 2. told 3. watching 4. to see(5) 1. is working /works 2. bought 3. has visited 4.will go(6) 1. have learned 2. came 3. to improve 4. will move(7) 1. have worked 2. help 3. am regarded 4. bought 5. will study(8) 1. started 2. has developed 3. sold 4. learns 5. playing(9) 1. was having 2. is working 3. pays 4. to lend d 5. has, borrowe(10) 1. has worked /has been working 2. came 3. was built 4. are putting 5. are going to /will plant。



部编版语文三年级下册第六元基础知识练习卷一、选择题1. 下列词语书写全部正确的一项是()A.廊子员满若是娇气B.透明址下仰头轻悠悠C.樱儿希望种类网球D.分裂剩下飞越肥皂泡2. 下列词语和其它三组不是一类的一组是()A.潮湿——湿润破裂——分裂B.透明——浑浊自由——约束C.希望——希冀飞越——越过D.潮湿——干燥轻悠悠——轻飘飘3. 下列词语搭配不恰当的一项是()A.扇动翅膀两排银牙B.抖落雨珠一顶斗笠C.欢迎顾客一条水花D.钻出泥土一声欢叫4. 下列加点字的读音完全正确的一组是()A.剃⋅头(dì)厘⋅米(lǐ)重叠⋅(dié)巡⋅视(xún)B.代替⋅(tì)山巅⋅(diān)缆⋅绳(lǎn)闪耀⋅(yào)C.倘若⋅(ruò)颤⋅抖(càn)道歉⋅(qàn)判刑⋅(xíng)5. 下列读音全部正确的一项是()A.水墨⋅画(mù)染⋅绿(rǎn)碎⋅了(suì)B.钓竿⋅(gǎn)浪⋅花(lànɡ)飞溅⋅(jiàn)C.清爽⋅(shuǎnɡ)松针⋅(zhēn)浪⋅花(làng)D.蘑⋅菇(mú)拨⋅动(bō)扑腾⋅(téng)6. “这里的桃花好美!桃花由一些粉红的花瓣组成,鹅黄色的花蕊镶在粉红的花朵上,十分显眼。


”这几句话的意思是()A.这里的桃花好美B.桃花由一些粉红的花瓣组成C.桃花的花蕊镶在花朵上D.粉红的花朵像一个害羞的小姑娘7. “我的女儿一个人在家,该多没意思啊!”和这句话中划线词语的意思相同的一项是()A.请你不要误会我的意思。



8. “这台电视机买了还不满一年”中的“满”意思是()A.完全B.达到一定期限C.满足D.全,整个9. 下面句子所用的修辞方法与其他几句不同的一项是()A.只见松林里一个个斗笠像蘑菇一样。




[判断题] *对错(正确答案)2、1“社”是土地神,“稷”是谷神,古文化中常用社稷代指国家。


[判断题] *对(正确答案)错3、《雨中登泰山》的点睛之笔是()[单选题] *山没有水,如同人没有眼睛一路行来,虽有雨趣而无淋漓之苦,自然也就格外兴趣盎然(正确答案)我们敢于在雨中登泰山,看到有声有势的飞泉流瀑过而不登,像是欠下悠久的文化传统一笔债似的4、1“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”是由柳宗元提出的。

[判断题] *对错(正确答案)5、1护士对刚出院的病人说:“欢迎您再来!”她这样表述是得体的。

[判断题] *对(正确答案)错6、修辞手法选择:我走在天街上,轻松愉快,像个没事人一样。

[单选题] *未用修辞(正确答案)比喻拟人夸张7、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、埋怨(mán)目睹(dǔ)对峙(zhì)B、弊病(bì)栖息(qī)烘托(hōng)C、绷带(bēng)骤然(zhòu)哽咽(yè)D、吹嘘(xū)浮躁(cào)停滞(dài)(正确答案)8、1肖像描写即描写人物的外貌特征,它包括人物的身材、容貌、服饰、打扮以及表情、仪态、风度等。

[判断题] *对(正确答案)错9、关联词选择:在北平()不出门去吧,()在皇城人海之中,租人家一椽破屋住着,早晨起来,泡一碗浓茶,向院子一坐,你()能看得到很高很高碧绿的天色[单选题] *虽然只要就虽然但也即使就是也(正确答案)即使只要就10、关于《红楼梦》,下列说法中不正确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.贾元春是荣府的大小姐,因为德才兼备,被晋封为凤藻宫尚书,加封贤德妃。




三沙市2020版语文四年级下册第一次月考测试试卷(二)D卷一、积累运用 (共8题;共53分)1. (3分)一字多词我能行。

钱________、________、________币________、________、________关________、________、________2. (4分)拼拼写写我最棒píng jiǎng jíshíbào gào shí hou ná zhe yìfúhuà________________________________________________3. (14.0分)多音字组词拧nǐng________nìng________níng________塞sāi________sài________sè ________4. (4分)找出词语中用错的字,并改正。

情不自尽________5. (4分) (2020三下·) 选择正确的词语。





6. (8分)在横线上填上合适的四字词语________的季节________的画册________的珍珠________的心声________的奖杯________的槐树7. (4分)回忆诗文,按提示填空。

(1)诗人袁枚在《湖上杂诗》中用诗句“________ ,________”表达出了对青春的渴盼,对青年人的希冀。













___________________________________________________________ 2.只见松林里一个个斗笠像蘑菇一样。











撑.圆(chēng chēn)逮.小鱼(dǎi děi)2.从诗的前三行,我们可以体会到_____________________________。

3.读了这首诗歌,你的体会是什么?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 五、下面这些游戏你知道叫什么名字吗?请你连一连。

参考答案一、一个个一串串一双双一阵阵二、1.梳妆 2.戏耍 3.清清爽爽 4.扇动三、1.拟人溪水被垂柳当作梳妆的镜子。

2.戴斗笠的孩子们蘑菇示例:晶莹的露珠珍珠四、1.chēng dǎi2.乡下孩子从小就生活在大自然里3.示例:我体会到了乡下孩子无忧无虑的生活,他们就像鸟儿一样自由。



凉山州小学语文教师考试题目丛书(附带答案)目录1. 第一章: 词语运用2. 第二章: 句子理解3. 第三章: 阅读理解4. 第四章: 写作技巧5. 第五章: 文学常识第一章: 词语运用1. 下列词语中,哪个不属于同义词组?a) 美丽的 b) 漂亮的 c) 俊美的 d) 英俊的答案: d)2. “悲伤”与下列哪个词意义相反?a) 高兴 b) 快乐 c) 开心 d) 愉快答案: a)3. 找出下列动词的过去式形式。

a) 跑 b) 吃 c) 唱 d) 看答案: a) 跑→跑过 b) 吃→吃过 c) 唱→唱过 d) 看→看过第二章: 句子理解1. 下列句子中,哪个是陈述句?a) 你能帮我一下吗? b) 今天天气真好! c) 请安静一下! d) 我喜欢吃苹果。

答案: d)2. “我们一起去游泳吧?”这个句子是属于下列哪种句子类型?a) 祈使句 b) 疑问句 c) 感叹句 d) 陈述句答案: b)3. 找出下列句子中的并列成分。

a) 他喜欢唱歌和跳舞。

b) 小明是个聪明的孩子。

c) 我们去了公园和动物园。

d) 我们要吃饭和做作业。

答案: a) 他喜欢唱歌和跳舞。

c) 我们去了公园和动物园。

第三章: 阅读理解请根据阅读理解文章,选择正确的答案。





1. 小明和小华去了哪里?a) 公园 b) 动物园 c) 学校 d) 图书馆答案: b)2. 小明觉得哪种动物很凶猛?a) 老虎 b) 狮子 c) 大象 d) 猴子答案: a)3. 大象的什么部分非常长?a) 耳朵 b) 头发 c) 鼻子 d) 尾巴答案: c)第四章: 写作技巧1. 请用一句话概括下面这段文字的主题。


”答案: 春天的美好和欢乐。

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动词练习题…刘伶俐1.Look, who(sing) a pop song in the room.2.The teacher said the earth(go) around the sun.3.1hope that you(come) to Shanghai next spring.st night while I(do) my maths exercises, my parents(watch) TV.5.By the end of last term, we(learn) ten English songs.6.The police(catch) the thief yesterday.7.Til give the message to her as soon as she(return).8.He(write) two letters since we got to know9.If you don't like the drink you(order), just leave it and try a different one.10.ni go to the library as soon as I finish what I(do).1 l.In the last few years thousands of films(produce)all over the world.st month, the Japanese government expressed their thanks fbr the aid they (receive)from China.13.一Is everyone here?一Not yet. Look, there(come)the rest of our guests!14.The book has been translated into thirty languages since it(come) on the market in 1973.15.Up to now, the program(save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.16.In the near future, more advances in the robot technology(make) by scientists-17.All visitors to this village(treat) with kindness.18.Linda, make sure the tables(set) before the guests arrive.19.People say that a smile can(pass) from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so..20.The meeting(hold) tomorrow.21.All the tickets(sell) out22.The cloth(wash)welL23- He swimming in the river every day in summer, (go)24.It you are right. ( seem )25.He to the radio when I came in, (listen )26.It is cloudy J think it• ( rain )27.1need some paper •I some for you . ( bring )28.1cant find my pen . Who it ? (take )29. He said that he back in five minutes . ( come )30.1didn't meet him. He when I got there. (leave )31 . I my bike, so I have to walk to school. (lose )32.He down and began to read his newspaper. ( sit)33.He is very hungry. He anything for three days. ( not eat)34.I with you if I have time . ( go )35.We will go to the cinema if it fine . (be )36.1will tell her the news when she to see me next week, (come)37.When you the car ? In 1998 . ( buy )38.We good friends since we met at school. (be)39.What you at five yesterday afternoon ? (do)40.The bike is nice • How much it? (cost)41 .The sun always(rise) in the east二、选择最佳答案填空( ) LWe'll go swimming if the weather fine tomorrow.A. isB.wasC. will beD.is going to be ( )2.1t five years since he has left for Beijing.A. wasB. has beenC.isD.is going to be ( )3.Please don't leave the office until your friend back.A.cameesC.have comeD.will come( )4.By the end of last year he about 1500 English words.A. learnsB.learnedC.was learningD.had learned( )5.You must tell him the news as soon as you him.A.seeB.seesC.will seeD.is seeing( )6.He told me that he to see us the next day.esB. cameC. will comeD. would come ( )7.We can't find him anywhere . Perhaps he home.D. washD. are you coming D. never is walking D. has served the armyD. has diedA. is goingB. wentC. has goneD. would come)8.The teacher told us that the sun bigger than the earth.A. isB. wasC. has beenD.will be )9.We to the Great Wall several times.A. goB. were goingC. have goneD.have been)10.It seemed that the old man for something over there.A. looksB. lookedC. was lookingD. has looked)1 l.You must study hard if you want to fail the exam.A. Won'tB. Don'tC. Haven'tD. Hadn't)12. Im afraid you cant sit here . Sorry , I know.A. Don'tB. Won'tC. Can'tD. Didn't )13.He often his clothes on Sundays.A. washingB. washesC. has washed )14.Fm Chinese. Where from?A. do you comeB. you are comingC. you come )15.May to school.A. never walksB. is never walkingC. walk never)16.We will start as soon as our teacher.A. comesB. will comeC. comeD. is coming)17.It hard when I left my house .A. is rainingB. rainsC. was rainingD. will rain)18. Dont talk so loudly . Your father.A. sleepsB. is sleepingC. sleptD. had slept)19.1 my homework now.A. finishB. finishedC. have finishedD. had finished )2O.He for threeyears.A. has joinedB. has been in the army C< joined )21.His grandfather for thirty years.A. diedB. was deadC. has been dead )22.1 from my brother for a long time.A. not have heardB. have not heardC. have heard notD. do not hear23. Maths, one of the most important subjects,always interested him.A. hasB. haveC. areD. is)24.Did your brother go to America last year? .A. No , he did never go thereB. No , he has never gone thereC. No , he never was thereD. No , he has never been there)25.Our teacher to Beijing three times.A. wentB. had goneC. has goneD. has been)26.Jack his thick coat because it was snowing.A. puts onB. put onC. takes onD. took on)27.The picture on the wall.A. hangedB. hungC. has hangedD. was hanged)28.You her again in a few weeks.D. have been seen A. will see B. have seen C. had seen ( )29.They said they our answer the next day . A. had heard B. would hear of C. would hear D. will hear ()3O.The old man said that light faster than sound- A. went B. will go C. travels D. will travel 31. A mother who her son will do everything for his happiness. A. is loving B. loves C. loved D. has loved32. He signed to us with his hand, “The lesson is over. You ,C. have dismissed D. were dismissed A. dismissed B. are dismissed33.1 think Jack the answer. A. has known B. does know 34. Where? A. Maiy works B. works Mary35.1 think this question to answer. A. easy B. is easy C. was easy D. Both A and B 36. Zhang Hua does a lot of housework every evening, but now he their lessons. A. help B. is helping C. helps D. has helped37. How long ago playing with soldiers? A. have you stopped B. had you stopped 38. It hard when I left my house. A. is raining B. rains C. was raining39. The railway in three years. A. is complete B. will completed C. has completed D. will be completed 40. ---- What are you doing under the table? --- I to find my pen.A. triedB. had triedC. tryD. am trying 41 . Jane and Tom the door.A. are walking atB. walk atC. walks toD. are walking to 42. How many people does the doctor know of the disease? A. are dying B. is dying C. has died D. dies43. He thin. A. was getting B. is getting C. will getting D. had been got 44. Our team eveiy match so far this year, but we still have three games to play. A. was winning B. has won C. had won D. wins45.1 shall tell you what he A. has done 46.1 _____ A. finish 47. ______ C. is knowing D. knows C. does Mary works D. does Mary work his schoolmates with C. did you stop D. do you stop D. will rain at three o' clock yesterday afternoon. B. has been done C. had been doing D. was doing my homework now. B. finished C. have finished D. had finished reading the book yet? B. Were you finishingD. Are you finishing .You are a little late. C. has just begun D. has begun just now A. Have you finished C. Had you finished 48. The evening party A. just began B. just has begun49.The dog is still wet. It out of the rain.A. only just comesB. has only just comingC. was only just comeD. has only just come50.Where did you study before you to this middle school?A. comeB. cameC. are comingD. will come51.He home for nearly three weeks.A. has gone away fromB. has leftC. has been away fromD. went away from52.---- D id your brother go to America last year? ----------- ------------ .A. No, he has never go thereB. No, he has never gone hereC. No, he never was thereD. No, he' s never been there53.My uncle in that factory since 1958.A. workedB. had workedC. is workingD. has worked54.1 her since she was a little girl.A. knewB. knowC. had knownD. have known55.He for three years.A. has joinedB. has been in the armyC. joinedD. has served the army56.His grandfather for thirty years.A. diedB. was deadC. has been deadD. has died57.1 a college student for more than a year.A. becameB. have becomeC. wasD. have been58.1 this radio for two years.A. usedB. useC. have usedD. am used59.1 from my brother for a long time.A. not have heardB. have not heardC. have heard notD. do not hear60.Since you don' t want to go, I alone.A. will goB. goC. wentD. have gone61.He his watch. Have you seen it anywhere?A. lostB. loseC. has lostD. had lost62.1 the exhibition on the life and work of Lenin.A. seeB. sawC. have seenD. am seeing63.When I was a little boy my father me the earth is round.A. tellsB. has toldC. had toldD. told64.You your homework..A. haven' t doneB. have doingC. have not doingD. not done65.Our teacher to Beijing three times.A. wentB. had doneC. has goneD. has been66.It' s time you a holiday.A. hadB. have C- will have D. have had67.The young engineer he is a friend of his.A. is talkingB. is going to talkC. talkedD. is talking to68.He in Shanghai in 1960.A. livesB. livedC. has livedD. is living69.Robert in England a few weeks ago.A. arrivesB. has arrivedC. could arriveD. arrived61.Jack a letter to his parents last night.A. writesB. wroteC. writeD. has written62.His parent did not know why his homework.A. did he not doB. did he not to doC. he had not doneD. he had done notst week John his leg.A. felt and brokenB. fell and brokeC. feels and breaksD. fallen and broken64.Wang Jinsi the whole nation as Iron Man.A. was known byB. is known toC. knewD. has known65.They to a new house last month.A. movesB. moveC. movedD. have moved66- r 11 let you know as soon as he.A. arrivesB. will arriveC. arriveD. reachst year and is now earning his living as a newsboy.A. He left the schoolB. He has left the schoolC. He had left schoolD. He left school68.Mike is now in New York. He there since six days ago.A. wasB. isC. had beenD. has been69.Yesterday Mary to me with a problem.A. cameB. goesC. wentD. come70.Where yesterday?A. went youB. was youC. have you beenD. were you71.the news last night?A. Heard youB. Did you heardC. Did you hearD. Were you hear72.1am sure he' 11 come to see me before he Beijing.A. leaveB. leftC. will leaveD. leaves73.Jack his thick coat because it was snowing.A. puts onB. put onC. takes onD. took on74.How many people the lecture on basic chemistry?A. attendedB. is attendingC. do they attendD. did attend75.You her again in a few days.A. will see B・ have seen C. had seen D. have been seen76.My parents me to become a doctor.A. hopedB. wantedC. decidedD. suggested77.If we study hard,.A. we had passed the examB. We are passing the examC. we have passed the examD. we will pass the exam78.She has been here.A. after 1978B. for 1978C. in 1978D. since 197879.They wanted to know when they have an examination.A. had gone toB. were going toC. would be goingD. had been going80.My sister to see me. She' 11 be here soon.A. comesB. is comingC. had comeD. came81.When, I' 11 talk to him.A. does Peter comeB. Peter will comeC. Peter comesD. can Peter come 82He will pay a visit to the exhibition when he time.A. hasB. will haveC. hasD. is going to have83I will go home for the vacation as soon as I my exams.A. will finishB. finishC. finishingD. finished84.If, we' 11 stay at home.A. it will rainB. it' s to rainC. it rainsD. it' 11 be raining85.It hard when we left.A. is rainingB. has rainedC. was rainingD. rained86.What when I saw you yesterday?A. did you doB. were you doingC. you were doingD. you did87.Bill said that he his homework at half past seven yesterday evening.A. didB. was doingC. will doD. has done88.They a meeting from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.A. were havingB. hadC. would haveD. have89.Yesterday afternoon some students wheat on the farm.A. had sowingB. sowedC. have sownD. were sowing90.She at seven o' clock this morning.A. is writingB. writeC. writesD. was writing91.By the end of last term we English for two years.A. have studiedB. have been studiedC. would studiedD. had studied92.He quite a lot in his work.A. use to travelB. is used to travelC. used to travelD. was used to travel93.He out when somebody called at his office.A. has just goneB. had just goneC. just wentD. just now went94.When the teacher came into the classroom, the pupils their exercises.A. have doneB. were doingC. are doingD. has done95.When we arrived, the dinner.A. already beganB. has already begunC. had already begunD. was just begun。
