001 Compressed air




第40卷第10期2019年10月自㊀动㊀化㊀仪㊀表PROCESSAUTOMATIONINSTRUMENTATIONVol 40No 10Oct.2019收稿日期:2019 ̄03 ̄29作者简介:徐颖(1988 )ꎬ男ꎬ学士ꎬ工程师ꎬ主要从事核电站仪控系统调试㊁维修以及DCS数字化升级改造工作ꎬE ̄mail:xuying208119@163.comCPR1000核岛仪用压缩空气流量测量仪表换型研究及实践徐㊀颖ꎬ许金泉ꎬ杨宗伟ꎬ于㊀航(中广核工程有限公司ꎬ广东深圳518000)摘㊀要:CPR1000核电站(NPP)核岛仪用压缩空气流量测量值是安全壳泄漏率计算的重要输入ꎮ测量仪表(SAR001MD)初始选型为涡轮流量计ꎮ受涡轮流量计量程比限制ꎬ在核岛仪用压缩空气小流量的运行特点下ꎬ会出现测量值波动幅度大㊁频繁归零等现象ꎮ通过对流量测量领域应用广泛的差压式流量计㊁涡街流量计㊁超声波流量计㊁热式质量流量计的换型研究ꎬ综合比较仪表连接方式的匹配㊁量程比及精度㊁管道布置的改动量㊁温压补偿等多方面因素ꎬ最终恒温差热式质量流量计以其小流量测量精度高㊁量程比高㊁压损小㊁安装简单㊁无需温压补偿等显著优势而被确定为换型仪表ꎮ换型后的热式质量流量计大大简化了测量系统结构及仪表和管道布置ꎬ同时运行稳定㊁测量值波动幅度大幅减小㊁归零现象未再发生ꎬ有效保障了安全壳泄漏率监测的准确性和稳定性ꎬ为操作员对机组判断提供了良好保障ꎬ也为三代核电站的仪表选型提供了借鉴ꎮ关键词:核电站ꎻCPR1000ꎻSAR001MDꎻ换型ꎻ涡轮流量计ꎻ热式质量流量计中图分类号:TH ̄86㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀DOI:10.16086/j.cnki.issn1000 ̄0380.2019030099ResearchandPracticeonTypeChangeofCompressedAirFlowmeterforCPR1000NuclearIslandInstrumentXUYingꎬXUJinquanꎬYANGZongweiꎬYUHang(ChinaNuclearPowerEngineeringCo.ꎬLtd.ꎬShenzhen518000ꎬChina)Abstract:ThenuclearislandcompressedairflowmeasurementvalueofCPR1000nuclearpowerplant(NPP)isanimportantinputofcontainmentleakratecalculationꎬturbineflowmeterwasinitiallyselectedtobethemeasurementinstrument(SAR001MD)ꎬrestrictedbyrangeratioofturbineflowmeterꎬwhenthecompressedairisoperatinginsmallflowrateꎬthemeasuredvaluefluctuatesgreatlyandreturnstozerofrequently.Thetypechangeofdifferentialpressureflowmeter㊁vortexflowmeter㊁ultrasonicflowmeterandthermalmassflowmeterisstudiedꎬcomprehensivecomparisonofinstrument sconnectionmatching㊁rangeratioandprecision㊁pipelinelayoutchange㊁temperatureandpressurecompensationandotherfactorsꎬtheconstanttemperaturedifferentialthermalmassflowmeterisdeterminedtobethetransformationinstrumentbecauseofitsobviousadvantagesꎬsuchassmallflowmeasurementaccuracy㊁highrangeratio㊁smallpressureloss㊁simpleinstallationandnoneedfortemperatureandpressurecompensation.Thethermalmassflowmetergreatlysimplifiesthestructureofthemeasuringsystemandthearrangementofinstrumentsandpipesꎬatthesametimeꎬtheoperationisstableꎬthefluctuationrangeofthemeasuredvalueisgreatlyreducedꎬandthephenomenonofreturningzerodoesnotoccuragain.Itensurestheaccuracyandstabilityofthemonitoringforcontainmentleakagerateandprovidesguaranteefortheoperatortojudgethepowerunit.ItalsoprovidesreferencefortheinstrumentselectionofthethirdgenerationNPP.Keywords:Nuclearpowerplant(NPP)ꎻCPR1000ꎻSAR001MDꎻTypechangeꎻTurbineflowmeterꎻThermalmassflowmeter0㊀引言安全壳是核电厂防止一回路放射性物质外泄的最后一道安全屏障ꎬ其泄漏率监测及完整性判断对机组安全运行非常重要ꎮCPR1000核电厂通过安全壳泄漏率监测系统(containmentleakagemonitoringsystemꎬEPP)ꎬ在线监测安全壳泄漏率ꎮ泄漏率计算模型遵循安全壳内气体质量守恒原理ꎮ其中ꎬ核岛仪用压缩空气流量测量值是泄漏率计算模型的重要输入ꎮCPR1000核电厂核岛仪用压缩空气系统(instrument自㊀动㊀化㊀仪㊀表第40卷compressedairdistributionsystemꎬSAR)流量计SAR001MD初始选型为涡轮流量计ꎬ在使用过程中仪表本体故障率高㊁测量值波动幅度大㊁频繁归零等异常严重影响安全壳的泄漏率监测ꎬ同时带来了较高的运行和维修成本ꎮ综合SAR系统运行工况㊁原始仪表连接方式的匹配㊁各类型仪表的应用特点㊁数字化仪控系统(digitalcontrolsystemꎬDCS)信号接口等多方面因素考虑ꎬ最终选用恒温差热式质量流量计对其进行换型改造ꎮ换型后的热式质量流量计运行稳定㊁测量值波动幅度明显减小ꎬ有效保障了安全壳泄漏率监测的准确性和稳定性ꎮ1㊀SAR001MD初始选型及应用情况SAR系统分为核岛㊁常规岛㊁核电厂配套设施(balanceofplantꎬBOP)三部分ꎮ其中ꎬ核岛部分为岛内气动阀提供动力气源ꎮ其压缩空气管网通过空压机自动带卸载功能将压力维持在760000~900000Paꎮ因此ꎬ在核岛入口管线设置1台流量计SAR001MDꎬ以监测岛内用气量ꎮ1.1㊀涡轮流量计测量原理及仪表布置CPR1000核电站SAR001MD初始选型为法国福尔赫曼(FAUREHERMAN)双螺旋气体涡轮流量计ꎬ型号为TGN25G6.5(150#)ꎮ其仪表管径尺寸(DN)为25mmꎬ最大测量流量为6.5m3/hꎬ压力等级为1034kPaꎬ量程比为10ʒ1ꎬ操作温度为-30~+180ħꎬ测量精度可以达到ʃ0.15%ꎬ重复性为ʃ0.02%ꎬ可承受暂时的超量程流量ꎮ涡轮流量计是典型的速度式流量计ꎬ具有压力损失小㊁精度高㊁抗干扰能力强等优点ꎬ在气体和液体流量测量领域应用非常广泛ꎮ其测量原理是以动量矩守恒原理为基础的ꎮ当流体流经涡轮流量计时ꎬ产生驱动力矩克服摩擦力矩和流体阻力后带动涡轮旋转ꎬ在力矩平衡后转速稳定ꎮ其转速与管道流体流速成正比ꎮ由于带导磁性的旋转叶片周期性地改变检测线圈的磁通量ꎬ从而通过电磁感应原理产生周期性的感应电势ꎬ经仪表自带的前置放大器放大整形后ꎬ最终以脉冲信号进行远距离传输ꎮ脉冲信号的频率与被测流体的流量成正比ꎬ涡轮流量计实用流量方程为:Qv=fK(1)式中:Qv为被测流体体积流量ꎬm3/sꎻf为脉冲信号频率ꎬHzꎻK为流量计仪表系数ꎬP/m3ꎮ仪表系数K通过流量校验装置校验得出ꎬ与涡轮的材料㊁结构㊁流体性质等有关ꎮ涡轮流量计运行区间分线性段和非线性段ꎮ当气体流量低于涡轮流量计始动流量Qmin时ꎬ受轴承摩擦力㊁流体粘性阻力影响ꎬ气体不具备足够能量吹动涡轮ꎬ即无法准确测量出Qmin以下的流量值[1]ꎮ由于涡轮流量计受上游流体流动状态影响很大ꎬ为减少上游局部阻力件的影响ꎬ涡轮流量计的安装严格要求上㊁下游保持一定长度的等径直管段ꎮ根据福尔赫曼涡轮流量计设备运行维修手册ꎬ要求仪表在水平安装的情况下:上游直管段大于10D(D表示仪表管径为25mm)ꎬ即250mmꎻ下游直管段大于5Dꎬ即125mmꎮ换型前ꎬCPR1000核电站SAR001MD安装图如图1所示ꎮ仪表采用水平法兰连接方式ꎬ上游直管段(CD)和下游直管段(AB)均为300mm左右ꎬ满足设备运行维修手册要求ꎮ图1㊀SAR001MD安装图(换型前)Fig.1㊀InstallationofSAR001MD(beforetypechange)1.2㊀温压补偿及测量系统整体结构根据式(2)ꎬ其直接测量值Qv为体积流量ꎮ由于气体体积流量受温度和压力影响较大ꎬ故必须将气体体积流量通过温压补偿转换为质量流量ꎮ温度和压力值通过核岛仪用压缩空气注入管线上的温度传感器SAR001MT和压力变送器SAR001MP测得ꎬ补偿后的质量流量单位为Nm3/hꎮ标准立方米(Nm3)看似体积单位ꎬ实则为质量单位ꎬ与使用地点的压力㊁温度无任何关系ꎮ国内外对气体标准状态的压力定义均采用标准大气压ꎬ即101.325kPaꎬ但对温度定义却不尽相同ꎮ当前ꎬ国际上较常见的气体标准状态定义主要有以下三种ꎮ①1954年第十届国际计量大会(CGPM)协议的标准状态是:温度273.15K(0ħ)㊁压力101.325kPaꎮ世界各国科技领域广泛采用这一标态ꎮ②国际标准化组织和美国国家标准规定以温度288.15K(15ħ)㊁压力101.325kPa作为计量气体体积流量的标态ꎮ③我国«天然气流量的标准孔板计算方法»规定以温度293.15K(20ħ)㊁压力101.325kPa作为计量气体体积流量的标准状态ꎮCPR1000核岛仪用压缩空气(SAR001MD)质量流8第10期㊀CPR1000核岛仪用压缩空气流量测量仪表换型研究及实践㊀徐㊀颖ꎬ等量单位采用第3种气体标准状态定义ꎬ即温度293.15K(20ħ)㊁压力101.325kPaꎮ依据理想气体状态方程ꎬ修正公式为:Qvn=QvPTnZnPnTZ(2)式中:Qvn为标准状态质量流量ꎬNm3/hꎻQv为体积流量测量值ꎻPn为标准状态气体绝对压力ꎬ即10132.5kPaꎻP为气体压力测量值ꎻTn为标准状态气体温度ꎬ即293.15KꎻT为气体温度测量值ꎻZn为标准状态下空气压缩系数ꎬ为0.99963ꎻZ为实际状态下空气压缩系数ꎮ根据ISO12213空气压缩系数表ꎬ空气压缩系数在本仪表工作条件下变化范围极小ꎬ可将Z设为1ꎮ温压补偿算法通过DCS内部功能模块实现ꎮ转换后的质量流量经累计计算和I/O分配ꎬ最终输出5路信号ꎬ分别为EPP安全壳泄漏率在线监测系统㊁后备盘(BUP)日累计流量显示㊁主控(KIC)日累计流量显示㊁主控(KIC)总累计流量显示㊁主控(KIC)实时流量显示ꎮ换型前ꎬSAR001MD测量系统整体结构如图2所示ꎮ图2㊀SAR001MD测量系统整体结构(换型前)Fig.2㊀OverallstructureofSAR001MDmeasurementsystem(beforetypechange)1.3㊀涡轮流量计在CPR1000各电厂应用情况福尔赫曼双螺旋气体涡轮流量计TGN25G6.5(150#)最大测量流量为6.5m3/hꎬ量程比为10ʒ1ꎬ涡轮流量计始动流量为Qmin=0.65m3/hꎮ正常运行情况下ꎬ压缩空气管网压力维持在760~900kPaꎮ通过体积流量修正公式(2)ꎬ将始动流量(Qmin=0.65m3/h)通过管网平均压力值900kPa转换为质量流量ꎬ约为6.0Nm3/hꎮ根据EPP系统运行经验值ꎬSAR001MD测量值始终在6.0Nm3/h以上ꎮ当气体流量低于6.0Nm3/h时ꎬ由于低于涡轮始动流量从而导致测量值频繁归零ꎮ根据EPP系统长期运行的计算理论值ꎬ核岛内理论用气量Qvn约为6.5~9Nm3/hꎬ与涡轮始动流量接近ꎬ故很难保障测量值的准确性ꎮ并且ꎬ当实际流量偶尔低于始动流量时ꎬ出现异常归零现象[2]ꎮ表1为CPR1000阳江核电站1#~3#号机组在2014年11月至2015年10月间SAR001MD的异常事件ꎬ总计12起ꎮ综合涡轮流量计(SAR001MD)在CPR1000其他核电站的应用情况ꎬ总结存在如下三类问题ꎮ①低量程范围仪表线性度低ꎬ测量精度无法保证ꎬ测量值波动幅度较大ꎮ②当气体实际流量达不到涡轮始动流量时ꎬ频繁出现异常归零现象ꎮ③涡轮流量计测量值为体积流量ꎬ需设置温压补偿仪表和DCS后处理环节ꎬ整体结构较为复杂ꎮ对此ꎬ研究一种能够适应核岛仪用压缩空气小流量的运行特性㊁最大限度适应当前仪表和管线布置情况㊁减小压缩空气的压力损失㊁满足EPP系统精度和稳定性要求的换型方案极为必要ꎮ表1㊀CPR1000阳江核电站1#~3#号机组SAR001MD异常事件记录Tab.1㊀CPR1000YJnuclearpowerplantunit1#~3#SAR001MDabnormaleventrecords通知单功能位置描述创建日期200002428626YJ ̄3 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD3SAR001MD运行过程中每隔15min出现有规律归零20151006200002428665YJ ̄3 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD3SAR001MD维修合格后ꎬ再次出现异常20151006200002389489YJ ̄3 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD3SAR001MD出现异常归零现象20150918200002366270YJ ̄1 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD1SAR001MD异常上涨20150907200002294267YJ ̄3 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD3SAR001MD大幅度波动20150803200002256172YJ ̄2 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD2SAR001MD投运后流量从11Nm3/h逐渐上升至27Nm3/h20150725200002243943YJ ̄3 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD3SAR001MD示数异常归零20150719200002221558YJ ̄2 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD2SAR001MD示数偏低20150707200002035343YJ ̄2 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD2SAR001MD读数怀疑异常20150510200002035411YJ ̄2 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD2SAR001MD多次出现持续几分钟显示为零的现象20150510200001938872YJ ̄1 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD1SAR001MD无示数20150326200001700452YJ ̄2 ̄34 ̄SAR ̄001MD2SAR001MD输出信号异常201411249自㊀动㊀化㊀仪㊀表第40卷2㊀SAR001MD换型研究针对气体流量测量ꎬ除涡轮流量计外ꎬ在工业领域应用较广泛的还有差压式流量计㊁涡街流量计㊁超声波流量计以及直接测量质量流量的热式质量流量计[3]ꎮ2.1㊀差压式流量计换型研究差压式流量计测量原理以伯努利方程为基础ꎮ当气体流经如孔板㊁锥形管等节流元件时ꎬ在节流元件附近形成局部收缩㊁流速增快ꎬ在节流元件前后形成压差[4]ꎮ压差的平方根与流量成正比ꎬ测量公式为:Q=KΔP(3)式中:Q为流体流量ꎻK为测量系数(与节流元件孔径㊁流体特性等参数有关)ꎻΔP为孔板前后差压ꎮ在核电领域ꎬ孔板式差压流量计应用广泛ꎬ但主要应用于液体流量测量领域ꎮ根据式(4)可知ꎬ在小流量情况下ꎬ流量测量值对ΔP的变化非常敏感ꎬ故差压式流量计普偏量程比偏小ꎬ一般仅为3ʒ1至4ʒ1ꎬ在小流量范围内测量精度无法保证ꎮ工程应用领域甚至大多会作小流量切除ꎮ同时ꎬ差压式流量计受节流装置影响ꎬ对流体压损很大ꎬ需要对节流元件前后增加取压管线ꎮ这也进一步增加了现场改造量ꎮ2.2㊀涡街流量计换型研究涡街流量计与涡轮流量计均属速度式流量计ꎬ其测量原理以卡门漩涡原理为基础ꎮ在流体中设置三角柱型旋涡发生体ꎬ从旋涡发生体两侧交替地产生有规则的旋涡ꎮ这种旋涡称为卡门旋涡ꎮ在一定雷诺数范围内ꎬ稳定的漩涡产生频率f与流体流速v有确定关系ꎮ当管道内径及漩涡发生体的形状和尺寸确定后ꎬ可采用简化的实用流量方程:Qv=fK(4)式中:Qv为被测流体体积流量ꎬm3/sꎻf为脉冲信号频率ꎬHzꎻK为仪表系数ꎬP/m3ꎬ一般通过试验测得ꎮ涡街流量计结构简单稳固㊁量程比大㊁精度高㊁压损小ꎻ但其对安装要求很高ꎮ表2为涡街流量计根据管道布置情况对上下游等径直管段的一般要求ꎮ根据图1所示ꎬ仪表上游的管道布置存在于不同平面的两个ø90ʎ弯头ꎬ所以若换型为涡街流量计ꎬ其上游应至少保持40Dꎬ即1000mm的等径直管段长度ꎬ远超原涡轮流量计上游CD段的实际长度(300mm)ꎮ因此ꎬ要重新大范围调整仪表上游管道和阀门的布置ꎬ这极大地增加了额外改造工作和改造成本ꎮ表2㊀涡街流量计安装要求Tab.2㊀Installationrequirementsforvortexflowmeters管道情况㊀㊀㊀㊀上游下游同心收缩管全开闸阀15D5Dø90ʎ直角弯头20D5D同平面两个ø90ʎ弯头25D5D半开闸阀调节阀50D5D不同平面两个ø90ʎ弯头40D5D带整流管束12D5D2.3㊀超声波流量计换型研究超声波流量计工作原理为:在流体流道两侧安装两个超声波发生器ꎬ超声波入射到管道流体中ꎬ顺流传播时间与逆流传播的时间之差与流体的流速有确定的对应关系ꎮ这样可根据该时间差的测量来推算流体流速ꎬ进一步通过温度和压力补偿转换为流体的质量流量ꎮ超声波流量计最大的优势为非接触式仪表ꎬ对流体无压力损失ꎮ但超声波流量计测量精度普遍偏低ꎬ对探头入射角度安装要求很高ꎬ抗振及抗干扰能力较差ꎬ仪表故障率较高ꎮ同时ꎬ由于探头与管道接触面涂抹有耦合剂ꎬ在高温㊁潮湿等环境下容易导致耦合剂失效[5]ꎮ综合上述原因ꎬ超声波流量计的应用受到较大限制ꎬ一般应用于大管径㊁高流速㊁精度要求较低的液体流量测量ꎮCPR1000核电站海水循环泵出口流量测量(SEC001MD)采用超声波流量计ꎮ针对核岛仪用压缩空气的小流量特点ꎬ超声波流量计在精度和稳定性方面都无法保证ꎮ2.4㊀热式质量流量计换型分析及选型总结热式质量流量计是一种虽起步较晚㊁但发展迅速的流量计ꎮ其采用热扩散原理ꎬ能够直接测量气体的质量流量ꎬ而无需温度㊁压力补偿ꎬ并且具有量程比高㊁对微小流量测量响应快㊁精度高㊁结构稳固㊁安装简单㊁无移动部件㊁对流体压力损失小等特点ꎮ目前ꎬ其在国内外液体及气体流量测量领域的应用越来越广泛ꎮ插入式热式质量流量计由两个铂电阻温度传感器以及补偿电路构成:其中一个铂电阻用于测量流体自身温度T2ꎬ称为测温探头ꎻ另一个铂电阻由补偿电路加热至T1(高于环境温度)ꎬ称为测速探头ꎮ热式质量流量计结构如图3所示ꎮ图3㊀热式质量流量计结构图Fig.3㊀Structureofthermalmassflowmeter01第10期㊀CPR1000核岛仪用压缩空气流量测量仪表换型研究及实践㊀徐㊀颖ꎬ等测温探头一般放置于测速探头上游ꎬ并与测速探头保持一定距离ꎮ当流体流经铂电阻时ꎬ测速探头在补偿电路加热的作用下ꎬ其温度T1高于周围气体环境温度ꎮ在热扩散作用下ꎬT1下降ꎮ故根据热效应的金氏定律ꎬ测速探头的耗散功率P(加热功率)㊁测速探头与测温探头的温差ΔT及质量流量Qm的关系如下:PΔT=A+BQKm(5)式中:A㊁B㊁K均为与气体物理性质(如热导率㊁比热容㊁黏度等)有关的系数[6]ꎮ工业领域一般设计有两种热式质量流量计:一种为恒功率热式质量流量计ꎬ即保持测速探头加热功率P不变ꎬ通过测量探头间温差ΔT来获得质量流量值ꎻ另一种为恒温差热式质量流量计ꎬ即保持ΔT不变ꎬ通过电路自动补偿的加热功率P来获得质量流量值ꎮ恒温差热式质量流量计为保持对温度的快速响应和恒㊀㊀㊀㊀定温差ꎬ其铂电阻一般做得比较细ꎮ受电路电源功率及铂电阻通流能力影响ꎬ故其最大测量值受限ꎬ适用于小管径小流量工况ꎮ而恒功率式热式质量流量计铂电阻设计较粗ꎬ所以其可测流量较大ꎬ并且适用于脏湿介质ꎮ但其响应偏慢ꎬ在小流量工况下测量精度较差ꎬ适用于大管径大流量工况ꎮ综合上述分析ꎬ针对核岛仪用压缩空气流量小㊁介质干净等特点ꎬ相对于恒功率热式质量流量计ꎬ恒温差热式质量计明显更适合作为换型仪表ꎮ2.5㊀换型总结总结上述章节的差压式流量计㊁涡街流量计㊁超声波流量计㊁热式质量流量计换型研究ꎬ综合比较小流量测量精度㊁量程比㊁适用范围㊁管道布置要求㊁温压补偿等多方面因素ꎬ可得各类型流量计对比分析如表3所示ꎮ最终ꎬ恒温差热式质量流量计以其小流量测量精度高㊁适用范围广㊁量程比高㊁压损小㊁无需温压补偿㊁管道布置匹配性强㊁改造工程量小等显著优势ꎬ被确定为换型仪表[7 ̄8]ꎮ表3㊀各类型流量计对比分析Tab.3㊀Comparativeanalysisforeachtypeofflowmeter项目孔板流量计涡街流量计超声波流量计恒温差热式质量流量计量程比1ʒ3(4)1ʒ201ʒ40~1601ʒ100压损大小无无是否需要温压补偿是是是否小流量测量精度低高低高上下游直管段要求上游5Dꎬ下游3D上游40Dꎬ下游5D上游10Dꎬ下游5D上游8Dꎬ下游4D对涡流敏感度很敏感很敏感不敏感不敏感对流速分布敏感度很敏感很敏感不敏感不敏感测脉动流不适合不适合适合适合测双向流不能不能可以可以测量湿气不能不能可以可以3㊀恒温差热式质量流量计换型实践经市场调研及应用情况考察ꎬCPR1000核电站最终选用FOX公司的FT3型恒温差热式气体质量流量计ꎬ具体型号为FT3 ̄10F ̄SS ̄ST ̄E1 ̄DD ̄B0 ̄G1ꎬ流量测量范围为0~60Nm3/hꎬ量程比为1ʒ100ꎬ温度范围为0~50ħꎬ压力范围为200~1000kPaꎮ3.1㊀管道改造FT3型热式质量流量计长度为305mmꎬ管径为㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀25mmꎬ换型后仪表长度比改造前涡轮流量计长度增加175mmꎬ管径保持不变ꎬ连接方式依然为水平法兰连接ꎮ根据FOX公司FT3型热式质量流量计设备运行与维护手册要求ꎬ必须在仪表上游至少保持8倍管径㊁下游保持4倍管径ꎮ所以改造实施中ꎬ将上游直管段切割50mmꎬ下游直管段切割125mmꎮ㊀换型前后的上下游直管段数据对比如表4所示ꎮ表4㊀换型前后上下游直管段对比㊀㊀㊀Tab.4㊀Comparisonofupstreamanddownstreamstraightsectionsbeforeandaftertypechange㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀mm流量计流量计长度管径长度上游直管段长度下游直管段长度涡轮流量计(换型前)13025约300约300热式质量流量计(换型后)30525约250约17511自㊀动㊀化㊀仪㊀表第40卷㊀㊀切割后ꎬ直管段长度能够满足选型质量流量计上下游直段管要求ꎮ由于热式质量流量计测量值直接为质量流量ꎬ无需温度和压力补偿ꎬ所以原温压补偿仪表SAR001MP/SAR001MP在仪表换型后可取消ꎮSAR001MP取消后ꎬ仪表引压管可用1/2堵头焊接封堵ꎮSAR001MT采用插入式热电阻测量ꎬ取消后取样口使用3/8实心BOSS头焊接封堵ꎬ封堵材质均为碳钢ꎮ换型后ꎬSAR001MD安装图如图4所示ꎮ而未完成施工项目可以在施工设计中直接取消SAR001MP/SAR001MTꎬ将大大简化管道布置ꎬ降低整体成本ꎮ图4㊀SAR001MD安装图(换型后)Fig.4㊀InstallationofSAR001MD(aftertypechange)3.2㊀电源改造及信号分配换型后ꎬSAR001MD测量系统整体结构如图5所示ꎮ图5㊀SAR001MD测量系统整体结构图(换型后)Fig.5㊀OverallstructureofSAR001MDmeasurementsystem(aftertypechange)由于热式质量流量计测速探头需要反馈电路持续加热ꎬ根据FT3热式质量流量计设备运维手册ꎬFT3 ̄10F ̄SS ̄ST ̄E1 ̄DD ̄B0 ̄G1供电电压要求(24ʃ10%)VDCꎬ平均电流约为0.7Aꎬ平均功耗约为16.8Wꎮ相对原涡轮流量计ꎬ需要单独提供电源ꎮ具体实施方式如下ꎮ在现场仪表房间增加一台电源柜SAR901CR及相关电源转换模块ꎬ上游电源取至220VAC不间断电源LNEꎬ通过电源转换模块转换为24VDC后为热式质量流量计供电ꎮ电源转换模块型号选用施耐德ABL8MEM24012ꎬ其输出电流为1.2Aꎬ额定功率为30Wꎬ满足FT3热式质量流量计供电要求ꎮSAR001MD初始选型涡轮流量计输出信号为脉冲频率信号ꎮCPR1000示范项目岭澳二期核电站NC级DCS采用西门子SPPAT2000平台ꎬ而其他CPR1000项目目前均采用国产HOLLiASMACS6平台ꎮSPPAT2000平台无单独处理频率信号的卡件ꎬ所以需要设置PLCI/O模块向涡轮流量计提供24VDC供电ꎬ并将其输出的频率信号转换为4~20mA标准电流信号ꎮ转换后的标准电流信号最终被SPPAT2000平台FUM230电流输入模块采集ꎮHOLLiASMACS6平台单独开发有采集和处理频率信号的卡件NM640ꎬ频率测量范围为0~7kHzꎬ满足涡轮流量计输出信号测量要求ꎬ故无需设置PLCI/O转换模块ꎮ涡轮流量计换型为热式质量流量计后ꎬ仪表输出信号为4~20mA标准电流信号ꎮ岭澳二期SPPAT2000平台可直接通过FUM230卡件采集ꎬ取消原PLCI/O接口ꎮ国产HOLLiASMACS6平台则通过电流输入模块NM480卡件采集ꎮDCS组态中ꎬ如图2所示的原温压补偿组态可全部删除ꎬ逻辑组态将得到很大简化ꎮ3.3㊀应用情况SAR001MD换型改造首先在CPR1000示范项目岭澳二期核电站完成ꎬ是热式质量流量计在CPR1000核电站的首次应用ꎮ换型后ꎬ热式质量流量计应用情况良好ꎮ后续可将其逐渐推广至红沿河/阳江/防城港等其他CPR1000核电站ꎬ同时也为三代核电站小流量气体流量测量的设计选型提供了良好反馈ꎮAP1000三门核电站针对放射性废气处理系统㊁仪用压缩空气系统㊁主控室应急可居留系统气体流量测量便选用了DeltaM公司TM6000系列恒温差热式质量流量计ꎮ4㊀结束语基于核岛仪用压缩空气小流量的运行特点ꎬ初始选型涡轮流量计受量程比低及涡轮始动流量影响ꎬ并不适用于小流量气体流量的测量ꎬ导致应用过程中测量值波动幅度大㊁频繁归零等异常情况ꎬ无法保障安全壳泄漏率监测的稳定性和准确性要求ꎮ本文对流量测量领域应用较广泛的差压式流量计㊁涡街流量计㊁超声㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀(下转第17页)21第10期㊀基于FirmSys平台的核电厂成组控制研究及应用㊀孙月亮ꎬ等有配置方案的偏差设置统一的复位按钮ꎬ以此来复位故障报警ꎮ图9㊀防城港3号机组成组指令控制的人机界面示意图Fig.9㊀SchematicdiagramofgroupconfigurationcontrolbyHMIinFCGunit34 结束语防城港二期工程单个机组的现场设备近千个ꎬ完全依靠手动或自动的单个设备控制ꎬ不利于设备的定位ꎬ甚至会造成操作响应动作滞后ꎮ成组控制功能的应用不仅提高了操作效率保证了设备及时响应ꎬ而且降低了操作员的操作负担ꎮ本文针对成组控制中典型的成组模式㊁成组指令和成组配置功能进行了初步分析ꎬ提出基于FirmSys平台的实现方案ꎮ由于首次应㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀用成组控制方案ꎬ仍有不足之处需经过后续的测试和调试继续进行优化ꎮ该研究可为其他核电厂的成组控制提供借鉴ꎮ参考文献:[1]广东核电培训中心.900MW核电站压水堆核电站系统与设备[M].北京:原子能出版社ꎬ2007.[2]张健ꎬ张学财ꎬ郭国良ꎬ等.核电厂中基于非安全级DCS设备控制设计[J].中国核电ꎬ2012ꎬ5(2):126 ̄133.[3]李敏ꎬ孔伟力ꎬ赵利强ꎬ等.核电厂主控室联锁系统方案设计[J].核电子学与探测技术ꎬ2017ꎬ37(11):1141 ̄1145.[4]王光文ꎬ吴忠明.对一种电动阀门成组控制典型设计的修改[J].安装ꎬ1998(3):28 ̄29.[5]詹林钰ꎬ昌海ꎬ殷中平.台山EPR核电厂成组控制研究[J].核科学与工程ꎬ2011ꎬ31(2):118 ̄123.[6]NB/T20026.核电厂安全重要仪表和控制系统总体要求:IEC61513 ̄2001ꎬIDT[S].2010.[7]史觊ꎬ蒋明瑜ꎬ郑健超ꎬ等.核电站仪表与控制(I&C)系统数字化关键技术研究现状[J].测控技术ꎬ2004ꎬ23(2):29 ̄32.[8]蒋建军ꎬ张力ꎬ王以群ꎬ等.基于人因可靠性的核电厂数字化人机界面功能布局优化方法研究[J].原子能科学技术ꎬ2015ꎬ49(9):1666 ̄1672.[9]张卫国.人机界面及规范化人机界面设计方法[J].计算机工程ꎬ1990ꎬ16(4):58 ̄65.[10]U.S.NRC.Human ̄systeminterfacedesignreviewguidelines:NUREG ̄0700ꎬRev.2[S].2002.(上接第12页)波流量计㊁热式质量流量计进行换型研究ꎮ其中:差压式流量计由于压损大㊁小流量测量精度低㊁额外改造工作量大而被否定ꎬ涡街流量计由于直管段长度要求高而被否定ꎬ超声波流量计由于精度低㊁稳定性差等因素而被否定ꎮ最终ꎬ恒温差热式质量流量以其精度高㊁量程比高㊁压损小㊁安装简单㊁改造工作量小㊁无需温压补偿等显著优势而被确定为换型仪表ꎮ这也是热式质量流量计在CPR1000核电站的首次应用ꎮ换型后的热式质量流量计取消了温压补偿仪表和后端DCS补偿组态ꎬ大大简化了测量系统结构及仪表和管道布置ꎬ运行稳定㊁测量值波动幅度大幅减小㊁异常归零现象未再发生ꎮ该设计有效保障了安全壳泄漏率监测的准确性和稳定性ꎬ为操作员对机组的判断提供了良好保障ꎬ降低了由于仪表频繁故障而带来的运行和维修成本ꎬ同时为后续三代核电站仪表选型提供了借鉴ꎮ参考文献:[1]谢胜秋ꎬ张世荣ꎬ黄书旺.涡轮流量计始动流量的分析[J].传感器技术ꎬ2001ꎬ20(2):22 ̄23.[2]陈军ꎬ韩巍ꎬ周冲ꎬ韦庆典.仪用压缩空气SAR001MD涡轮流量计故障分析及处理[J].核科学与工程ꎬ2017ꎬ37(4):545 ̄553.[3]薛晔ꎬ李晶.我国微小流量计的发展现状和前景探讨[J].自动化仪表ꎬ2016ꎬ37(10):40 ̄42.[4]翟小金ꎬ沈新建ꎬ王光磊ꎬ等.新型差压式流量计性能研究[J].自动化仪表ꎬ2017ꎬ38(1):81 ̄85.[5]王飞ꎬ吴国贵ꎬ和卫星.基于超声检测的新型二元混合气体传感器[J].自动化仪表ꎬ2017ꎬ38(12):77 ̄80.[6]巩爱华ꎬ马金权ꎬ朱成伟.热式气体流量计原理分析及其应用[J].齐齐哈尔大学学报ꎬ2002ꎬ18(3):75 ̄76.[7]罗尧ꎬ何维廉ꎬ朱财.热式质量流量计在空压站房改造中的运用[J].传动技术ꎬ2014ꎬ28(3):34 ̄36.[8]余莉ꎬ朱春玲ꎬ孙卫平.热式质量流量计在多通道管路系统中的应用[J].传感器技术ꎬ2005ꎬ24(1):81 ̄83.71。



安全阀标准汇总标准编号标准中文名称标准英文名称SY/T0525.1-93 石油储罐液压安全阀SY/T10006-2000 海上井口地面安全阀和水下安全阀规范 SY/T10024-1998 井下安全阀系统的设计、安装、修理和操作的推荐作法 GB/T14087-1993船用空气瓶安全阀Safety valves for marine air vessel JB/T6441-1992(2005复审) 压缩机用安全阀 JB/T2203-1999 弹簧式安全阀 结构长度 JB/T9624-1999 电站安全阀技术条件JB/T53170-1999 弹簧直接载荷式安全阀 产品质量分等NF E86-512-1-2002冷凝容器.防超压安全设施.第1部分:冷凝设备的安全阀(Cryogenic vessels - Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure - Part 1 : safety valves for cryogenic service.)NF A84-330-1982气焊设备.乙炔发生器用“防回气—断火”的液压安全阀和组合装置.规范和试验(GAS WELDING EQUIPMENT. HYDRAULIC SAFETY SEALS AND COMBINED “NON-RETURN VALVE/FLAME ARRESTOR“ DEVICES FOR A CET YLENE GE NERATORS. REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS.)NF E32-110-10-2002水管锅炉和辅助设备.第10部分:防过压安全阀的要求(Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 10 : requirements for safeguards against excessive pressure.)NF D36-404-2000建筑阀门.温度和压力组合安全阀.试验和要求(Building valves - Combined temperature and pressure relief valves - Tests and requirements.)NF M87-213-2001石油和天然气工业.下降孔设备.地下安全阀设备(Petroleum and natural gas industries - Downhole equipment - Subsurface safety valve equipment.)NF T81-103-1980液态体化学产品的运输和装卸.底部注入或排放的罐车.内部关闭阀和安全阀.使用压力等于或小于4巴(TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING OF LIQUID CHEMICALPRODU CT S. TANKER VEHICLES FIL LED AND EMPTIED FROM BELOW. INTERNAL SAFETY AND STOP VALVE. OPERATING PRESSURE EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 4 BAR.)NF E29-420-1985工业阀门.安全阀.技术说明书样式和协调证明书(INDUSTRIAL VALVES. SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVES.MODEL OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE.)NF P52-001-1975取暖设备用安全阀.一般技术规范 (SAFETY VALVES FOR HEATING INSTALLATIONS.) NF E29-413-1989工业阀门.安全阀流量计算.其他方法(INDUSTRIAL VALVE. SAFETY VALVES AND BURSTING DISC(S) DEVICES. CALCULATION OF TH EO RETICAL FLOWRATE.)NF E29-414-1992工业阀门.安全阀门.安全阀门类型S,G1,L1和L2流率计算示例(INDUSTRIAL VALVES. SAFETY VALVES. EX AMP LES FOR FLOWRATE CALCULATION OF SAFETY VALVES TYPES S,G1,L1 AND L2.)NF E29-415-1990工业阀门.安全阀.G 平方型安全阀排出空气当量流量计算实例.GPL 标准蓄水池的应用(INDUSTRIAL VALVES. SAFETY VALVES. CALCULATIONOF AIR EQUIVALENT FLOW CA PA CITY FOR SAFETY VALVES OF TYPE G2. APP LICATION FOR STANDARD VESSELS FOR GPL.)NF E29-421-1987工业阀门.安全阀.安全膜.为获得工作特性的安装规范(Industrial valves. Safety valves. Bursting discs.) 2006.04.11NF D36-403-2000 建筑阀门.压力安全阀.试验和要求 (Building valves - Pressure safety valves - Tests and requirements.)ANSI/UL 132-2002无水氨气和液化石油气的安全阀的安全标准(Standard for Safety for Safety Relief Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP-Gas )ANSI Z21.22a Addenda-1990热水供给系统用安全阀和煤气自动关闭系统.补充件 (Relief valves and automatic gas shutoff devices for hot water supplysystems; Addenda) ANSI Z21.22-1986 热水供给系统用安全阀和煤气自动关闭系统(Relief valves and automatic gas shutoff devices for hot water supply systems)ANSI/API 527-1991 安全阀的阀座紧密性(Seat Tightness of Safety Relief Valves)BS EN 13953-2003液化石油气(LPG)用移动式可填充储气瓶的减压安全阀(Pressure relief valves for transportable refillable cylinders for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG))BS EN 13648-1-2002 冷凝容器.防超压保护设施.冷凝设备的安全阀(Cryogenic vessels - Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure - Safety valves for cryogenic service)BS EN 1489-2000 建筑物阀门.压力安全阀门.试验和要求 (Building valves - Pressure safety valves - Tests and requirements) BS EN ISO 10432-2000石油和天燃气工业.下井设备.地下安全阀设备(Petroleum and natural gas industries - Downhole equipment - Subsurface safety valve equipment)EN ISO 10432-1999 石油和天然气工业 下降孔设备 地下安全阀设备Petroleum and natural gas industries - Downhole equipment - Subsurface safety valve equipment (ISO 10432:1999)EN 1489-2000 建筑阀门 压力安全阀门 试验和要求Building valves - Pressure safety valves - Tests and requirementsprEN 45512-1994采购指南 管道系统和阀 包括安全阀的锅炉和高压管道阀Guide for procurement - Pipework and valves - Boiler and high pressure piping valves including safety valvesEN 13648-1-2002低温容器 抗过压保护安全设备 第1部分:低温服务用安全阀Cryogenic vessels - Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure - Part 1: Safety valves for cryogenic serviceprEN ISO 4126-1-2003防止过压防护的安全装置 第1部分:安全阀Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure - Part 1: Safety valves (ISO/FDIS 4126-1:2003)prEN ISO 4126-4-2003保护额外压力的安全设备 第4部分:飞行员操作安全阀Safety devices for the protection against excessive pressure - Part 4: Pilot operated safety valves (ISO/FDIS 4126-4:2003)BS 1123-1-1987压缩空气或惰性气体装置用安全阀、计量表和易熔塞.第1部分:安装实用规程(Safety valves, gauges and fusible plugs for compressed air or inert gas installations - Code of practice for installation)BS 6759-2-1984安全阀.第2部分:惰性气体或压缩空气用安全阀规范(Safety valves - Specification for safety valves for compressed air or inert gases)BS 6759-1-1984 安全阀.第1部分:蒸汽与热水用安全阀规范(Safety valves - Specification for safety valves for steam and hot water)BS 6759-3-1984 安全阀.第3部分:工作流体用安全阀规范(Safety valves - Specification for safety valves for process fluids) DIN 3394-3-2004自动控制阀.第3部分:压力为4巴及以下的0级减压安全阀(Automatic control valves - Part 3: Class 0 pressure relief, valves for pressure up to 4 bar)DIN 5589-1990有轨车辆的压缩空气装置.安全阀.安装和连接尺寸.要求(Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles; safety valves; mounting and connecting dimensions, requirements)DIN EN ISO 10432-2000石油和天燃气工业.下山巷道设备.地下安全阀规范(Petroleum and natural gas industries - Downhole equipment -Subsurface safety valve equipment (ISO 10432:1999); German version EN ISO 10432:1999)DIN 87901-2001 泵用双向安全阀(Sniffle valves for pumps)DIN EN 1489-2000 建筑物阀门.压力安全阀门.试验和要求 (Building valves - Pressure safety valves - Tests and requirements;German version EN 1489:2000)DIN EN 13648-1-2002冷凝容器.防超压保护设施.第1部分:冷(Cryogenic vessels - Safety devices for protection against excessive凝设备的安全阀 pressure - Part 1: Safety valves for cryogenic service; Germanversion EN 13648-1:2002)DL/T959-2005 电站锅炉安全阀应用导则JIS B8652-2002 比例电动液压减压阀及安全阀的试验方法(Test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional pressure reliefvalves and electro-hydraulic proportional pressure reducing andrelieving valves)JIS B8210-1994 蒸汽锅炉和压力容器.弹簧式安全阀 (Steam boilers and pressure vessels -- Spring loaded safety valves) JIS B8414 AMD 1-2003 热水器用安全阀(修改件1) (Relief valves for hot water appliances (Amendment 1))JIS B8210 ERRATUM 1-2001 蒸汽锅炉和压力容器.弹簧式载荷安全阀(勘误1)(Steam boilers and pressure vessels -- Spring loaded safety valves(Erratum 1))JIS B8225-1993 安全阀排放系数的测定方法 (SAFETY VALVES - MEASURING METHODS FORCOEFFICIENT OF DISCHARGE)JIS E7701-1992 高压气罐车用气罐安全阀 (Safety valves for high pressure gas tank car tanks) JIS B8414-1999 热水器用安全阀 (Relief valves for hot water appliances)ISO 4126-1-1991 安全阀.第1部分:通用要求 (Safety valves; part 1: general requirements)ISO 10417-1993 石油和天然气工业.地下安全阀系统.设计、装配、操作和修理(Petroleum and natural gas industries; subsurface safety valvesystems; design, installation, operation and repair)GB/T12241-2005 安全阀一般要求GB/T12243-2005 弹簧直接载荷式安全阀HG 3157-2006 液化气体罐车用弹簧安全阀2006.04.11。

P-HS-SF-016 Compressed Air and Gases压缩空气(气体)

P-HS-SF-016 Compressed Air and Gases压缩空气(气体)

Title 文件名Compressed Air and Gases 压缩空气(气体)Code编号P-HS-SF-016Revision版本01Responsible department负责部门Author作者Verifier审核者Approver批准者Validity date生效期Content目录:1.Purpose目的2.Legal and other requirement reference法规及其它要求3.Applicable range 适用范围pressed air use压缩空气使用pressed air pipeline inspection and maintenance 检查及维护6.Cylinder气瓶1.Purpose目的To protect personnel during the use, storage and transport of compressed air and gases. 在压缩空气的使用、储存和运输的过程中保护人员安全。

2.Legal and other requirement reference法规及其它要求2.1 OSHA Instruction STD 01-13-001 Reduction of Air Pressure below 30 psi for CleaningPurposes2.2 TSG D0001-2009压力管道安全技术监察规程——工业管道2.3 TSG R006-2014 气瓶安全技术监察规程3.Applicable range 适用范围Applies to all compressed air and gases used in PNAN. 适用于所有在PNAN范围内使用的压缩空气。

pressed air use 压缩空气使用4.1 Compressed air shall not be used for cleaning parts or surfaces unless reduced to less than30 psi (equals 2 bar or 2.1kg/cm2) and effective means are provided to protect employeesfrom flying chips or debris. 用于清洁工件或表面的压缩空气必须减压至2.1公斤(2巴),并采取有效的措施防止吹飞的碎片伤人。



第一章船舶动力装置0001 “Before disconnecting the Oil pipe ,would you flush the oil retained in the pipe _______?”asked the oil barge owner.0001 B A.by using of fresh water (用淡水)B.with compressed air(用压缩空气)C.by using Of sea water (用海水)D.with chemical compound(用化学混合物)油驳主人问:“在拆开油管前,你能否用压缩空气吹出保留在管路中的油呢?”加油结束后,在拆卸油管前,一般用压缩空气吹洗残留在软管内的油。

0002 “Stand by an engine”means _____。


A.“prepare to stop the engine ”(准备停止主机)B.“assemble an engine on its bedplate”(在机座上装配主机)C.“make an engine ready for starting”(使主机准备好以便起动)D.“dismantle an engine ”(解体主机)0002C0003 A _______ is the foundation of the engine,without the support of which the shaftalignment in particular,and engine structure as whole,would inevitably be lost.(机座是柴油机的基本,没有它的支撑柴油机整机结构的精确的轴线对中将会失去)A.Frame (机架)B.Bedplate(机座) C. Cylinder (汽缸)D.Liner(缸套)“机座”是发动机的基础。



Compressed air filtrationthe new generation2|Glass-fibre reinforced nylon end caps Nitrile™ O ringStainless steel support cylinderMicrofibre fabric Special manufactureStainless steel support cylinderNew drainage sleeve made of polymer Hankison is one of the leading manufacturers of compressed-air drying and filtration systems.Hankison products are renowned throughout the world for their outstand-ing performance, their proven reliability and optimum energy saving capa-bilities.The NGF Series is based on the latest state-of-the art compressed-air fil-tration materials and was developed to ensure excellent compressed-air quality with low operating costs.Compressed air filtration - the new generationCompressed-air quality and energy savingsThe new NGF Series was developed to comply with the internationally recognised compressed-air standard ISO 8573.The performance of the filter elements was established in accordance with ISO 12500 test specifications.Pleated filter elements with a particularly large surface area are used as the filter medium for the NGF Series.This considerably reduces pressure loss.The unique design of the filter element caps enablesturbulence-free transition for incoming and outgoing compressed air.The optimised flow paths and the new design of the end caps also minimise the pressure loss for this filter series.|3 Large surface area due to pleatingUnique filter sizes14 models cover volume flows from 34 m 3/h to 2,549 m 3/h.Specifically designed housings with optimised flow paths reduce pressure loss.The light, compact design makes installation easy and also saves space.The housings have optimum anti-corrosion protection due to a double powder coating.The benefits at a glanceⅢMaximum operating pressure 16 bar.g ⅢMaximum inlet temperature +66°CⅢLarge effective surface area, up to 4.5 times larger than with traditional wrapped elements ⅢPleated filter medium made of borosilicate • improved continuous service life • reduced pressure lossⅢInternal and external stainless steel supports increase the stability of the filter elementⅢSpecially treated drainage sleeve increases discharge capacity ⅢColour-coded end caps on the filter elements enables easy identification and replacement of original partsⅢFilters can easily be joined together by means of a clamp connection ⅢDifferential pressure gauge mounted on the filter head ⅢElement change after 12 months or upon reaching 400 mbar differential pressureⅢChange active carbon elements after 1000 operating hours maximum(based on 20°C inlet temperature)Drainage sleeve made ofpolymer needle felt ensures optimum drainage and is resistant to all standard compressor oils.All materials are silicon-free/paint-compatibleInlet and outlet flanges ensure easy installation.Connections from R ¼" to R 3"Nitrile™ O ring sealPatented Venturi-Wave™ element design Patent no. 7,618,480Aluminium die-cast housingColoured end caps on the filter elements clearly define the filtration efficiency.Pleated filter element with 96% cavity space.Up to 50% reduction in ∆p compared to conventional filter elements.Automatic condensate drain for secure condensate drainage.4|International standards for testing and measuring compressed-air quality ISO 12500ISO 12500 defines the universal test methods for compressed-air filter manufacturers.Critical input parameters are specified for oil inlet conditions and input particle sizes.ⅢISO 12500-1 defines the testing of coalescence filtersfor aerosol separation.ⅢISO 12500-2 defines the oil-vapour adsorption for adsorption filters.ⅢISO 12500-3 defines the particle size for particle filtration.The NGF Series is tested and certified to ISO 12500..NGF filter series performance data Filtration grade SF PF HF UF CF Particles 13.0µm 1.0µm 0.01µm 0.01µm 0.01µm Particle retention efficiency -99.999+%99.999+%99.999+%99.999+%Oil retention efficiency 50%80%99.9+%99.99+%-Residual5.02.0<0.01<0.0013<0.0044Oil Content 2 mg/m 31Liquid particles with 0.01 to 5 µm 2Oil inlet concentration 10 mg/m 33Oil particles 4Oil vapourISO 8573.1:2009 Quality classesISO 8573, the international standard for compressed-air quality, defines the quantity of component parts remaining in the compressed air such as oils, particles, aerosols.ⅢThis standard differentiates three basic forms of contamination in compressed air: solids, water and oil.ⅢContamination is classified and used to indicate a quality class, beginning with Class 0, the highest quality level to Class 9, the lowest quality level.Filtration gradeISO Quality ISO Quality Class SolidsClass OilSF 35PF 24HF 11UF 11CF11NGF filter series differential pressures*Initial differential pressure elementFilter Filter stage Dry ∆p Wet ∆p ⅥSF Centriflex 0.06 bar 0.07 bar ⅪPF Universal filter 0.04 bar 0.10 bar ⅥHF Heavy-duty fine filter 0.04 bar 0.12 bar ⅥUF Heavy-duty ultra-fine filter 0.06 bar 0.14 bar ⅥCF Activated carbon filter 0.07 bar -*Differential pressures do not exceed the values specified in ISO 12500|5HANKISON NGF filter series - naming convention ACDSpace forelement changeDL-outletDL-inlet Flow Max. Volume Dimensions Capacity Pressure Weight A B C D ConnectionModel[ m³/h][bar pressure][kg][mm][mm][mm][mm]R Filter element F02-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 3416,00,8113,6205,5171,4102,0 1/4"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-02F03-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 5916,00,8113,6205,5171,4102,0 3/8"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-03F04-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 8516,00,9113,6252,0216,4102,0 ½"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-04F06-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 12716,01,4132,0262,1219,8127,0 3/4"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-06F07-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 17516,01,4132,0262,1219,8127,0 3/4"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-07F08-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 26716,01,6132,0326,1283,8127,0 1"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-08F10-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 43716,03,8200,0336,7276,1178,0 1 ½"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-10F11-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 61216,04,5200,0433,7373,1178,0 1 ½"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-11F12-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 68116,05,3200,0566,0505,4178,0 2"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-12F13-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 99311,08,4230,8634,4550,0204,0 2 ½"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-13F14-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 131711,08,4230,8634,4550,0204,0 2 ½"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-14F15-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 175011,08,4230,8634,4550,0204,0 2 ½"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-15F16-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 203911,012,6230,8817,1732,7204,0 3"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-16F17-B-SF/PF/HF/UF/CF 254911,028,7230,81085,11000,7204,03"SF/PF/HF/UF/CF-17ⅥNew GenerationFilter Series UFRemoves liquid and solid particles larger than 0.01 µm.Residual oil content based on 20 °C and 1 bar absolute:0.0008 ppm w/wMaximum permissible inlet load 100 ppm w/w.ISO 8573.1Quality classes - particles: class 1, oil: class 1ⅥNew GenerationFilter Series CFRemoves solid particles larger than 0.01 µm.Residual oil content based on 20 °C and 1 bar absolute:0.003 ppm w/w (vapour phase)Maximum permissible inlet load 0.01 ppm w/w.ISO 8573.1Quality classes - particles: class 1, oil: class 1ⅥNew GenerationFilter Series SFRemoves liquid and solid particles larger than 3 µm.Residual oil content based on 20 °C and 1 bar absolute:5ppm w/wMaximum permissible inlet load 25,000 ppm w/w.ISO 8573.1Quality classes - particles: class 3, oil: class 5ⅪNew GenerationFilter Series PFRemoves liquid and solid particles larger than 1 µm.Residual oil content based on 20 °C and 1 bar absolute:0.5 ppm w/wMaximum permissible inlet load 2,000 ppm w/w.ISO 8573.1Quality classes - particles: class 2, oil: class 2ⅥNew GenerationFilter Series HFRemoves liquid and solid particles larger than 0.01 µm.Residual oil content based on 20 °C and 1 bar absolute:0.01 ppm w/wMaximum permissible inlet load 1,000 ppm w/w.ISO 8573.1Quality classes - particles: class 1, oil: class 1NGF filter elements are tested to ISO 12500with air quality in compliance with ISO 8573.1:2009Air QualityClassesISO 8573.1Particle size (d), µm Aerosol, Liquid and Vapour 0,10 < d ≤ 500,10 < d ≤ 1,00,10<d≤ 5,0°C mg/m3ppm w/w0As specified by the equipment user or supplier and more stringent than class 16|Stainless steel connection kits Optional (02-17)Wall bracketRugged design provides installation flexibility Optional (02-17)Differential pressure indicator with colour displayStandard: Series SF, PF, HF, UF (02-07)Differential pressure gaugeTwo color gauge face indicates element change-out based on differential pressureStandard: Series SF, PF, HF, UF (08-17)Filter monitorOptional (02-17)Manual DrainStandard: Series CF (02-12)Optional: Series SF, PF, HF, UF (02-12)Internal automaticcondensate drainStandard: Series SF, PF, HF, UF (02-12)External automaticcondensate drainOptional: (13-17)Electronic level-controlled condensate drain X-DRAIN®Optional: SF (02-08)SXD-1PF/HF/UF (02-12) SXD-1SF (09-12)SXD-3Standard: PF/HF/UF (13-17) SXD-3Standard: SF (13-17)SXD-10Oil indicatorOptional: CF (02-17)|7Accessories and optionsconsistently clean, dry compressed air for seamlessoperation of their plants since 1948.Today, in combination with other market leaders in thecompressed-air preparation industry under the SPX brandname, HANKISON provides you with the highest qualitycompressed-air systems available on the market.We have earned this strong reputation through thedevelopment and production of products that meet thechallenging expectations of our customers in terms ofinnovation, reliability, availability and an optimumprice/performance ratio.Customer satisfaction is the focus of all our endeavours.Service and advice, technical dependability of the solutions,innovations, competence, and efficiency guarantee both yourand our success.Trust our worldwide experience and benefit from it.With best regardsSPX Dehydration & Process Filtration GmbHKonrad-Zuse-Straße 25D-47445 Moers · GermanyT elefon: + 49 (0) 28 41 / 8 19-0Fax: + 49 (0) 28 41 / 8 19 83email:*******************.comFor further information on our worldwide locations, licences, certifications and our local representatives, please visit our website: / .The SPX Corporation reserves the right to include the latest design and material changes without prior notice and without obligation. Design configurations, materials and dimensions as specified in this document are for information only. All data is non-binding, unless confirmed in writing.Edition: 04.2010 Copyright ©2010 SPX Corporation。



压缩空⽓检验标准Compressed air is a common utility in various industries,generated by compressing normal air.It's widely used for powering tools,cleaning,and in various pneumatic systems due to its adjustable pressure,flow,and pressed air systems provide efficient and cost-effective solutions for various industrial applications.⼆、检验标准1.压⼒检验:压缩空⽓的压⼒应稳定,符合设备或⼯艺规定的压⼒范围。
















实现更厚材料的切割,明显提高加工能力。但由于氧气的存在,会在切口端面产生明显的氧化膜,而且会对切割 面周围材料产生淬火效应,提高这部份材料的硬度,对后续加工造成一定的影响。氧气切割的材料切口端面发黑 或者暗黄色。一般碳钢板采用氧气切割,低压打孔,低压切割。

范ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
围 济实用的选择。
(4)氩气(Ar)氩气为惰性气体,在激光切割中能起到防止氧化和氮化的作用,在溶接中也可以使用。但是氩气价 格比氮气更高,一般普通激光切割采用氩气极不划算。氩气切割主要用于钛及钛合金等,氩气切割的切口端面发白。



(3)压缩空气(Compressed Air)压缩空气可以用空气压缩机直接提供,相对于氧气和氮气要容易获得,价格非常 便宜。虽然空气中只含有约20%的氧气,切割效率远不及氧气切割,但切割能力与氮气接近,空气切割效率略高于
激光切割辅助气体的作用主要包括:助燃及散热、及时吹掉切割产生的熔渍、防 止切割熔渍向上反弹进入喷嘴、保护聚焦透镜等。根据被切割材料的不同,结合 激光切割机的功率,选择不同的激光切割工艺,辅助气体的选择也不尽相同。不 同种类辅助气体的特点、用途和适用范围如下页
辅 助 气 体
(1) 氧气(O2)主要用于切割碳钢材料。氧气与铁元素的化学反应热促进金属吸热熔化,可大幅度提高切割效率,

compressed air systems-cn

compressed air systems-cn
一个合格的空气系统包括什么? 一个合格的空气系统包括什么?
5. Water vapor condenses at the?
水蒸气的压缩比例是多少? 水蒸气的压缩比例是多少?
6. Air tools operate at?
气动工具运行时的压力是多少? 气动工具运行时的压力是多少?
气 压
主要线路 接收器 冷却器
压缩机 自动排 水器
连到 空气 系统 从三连件来的空气
连接件 连到气动工具 过滤器 润滑器 调压器
限制性 • Slows down air flow 减缓气流 • Robs performance from tool 降低工具性能 • Things that restrict air flow其他限制气流的有:
• Contamination 污染物
– Dust and dirt 灰尘和污垢 – Pipe scale and rust 管垢和锈迹 – Air compressor lube 空压机润滑
液化装置 自动排水器 第一阶段液化装置
干燥和充分的or Tools
• Good Air System = Dependable Tool Performance 好的空气系统=可靠的工具 好的空气系统= • Poor Air System = Inconsistent Tool Performance 差的空气系统=操作不协调的工具 差的空气系统=

TJJW 015-2014年 HXN5型内燃机车总体技术规范(报批稿)

TJJW 015-2014年 HXN5型内燃机车总体技术规范(报批稿)
AAR GII轮轴手册(Wheel andaxles(shop)mannuals)
AAR M101热处理碳素钢车轴(Axles.carbonsteel,heat—Treated)
AAR M107/M208:2011碳素钢车轮(Wheel,carbon steel)
AAR M201:2005铸钢件(Castings steel)
ISO 8573-1:2010压缩空气第1部分:杂质和质量等级(Compressed air— Part1: Contaminnants and purity classes)
ISO 10816 振动监测评估标准(Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on nonrotating parts)
AARS580:2001机车防撞性要求(Locomotive crashworthiness requirements)
AARS660:2009机车和货车车轮设计分析评定方法(Wheeldesigns,locomotive andfreightcar—Analyticevaluation)
ANSI/AWSD15.1:2012铁路机车车辆焊接规范(Railroad welding specification for cars and locomotives—Fifth edition)



Piloted check valve HGLPiloted check valve HGLCharacteristicsAtaglanceShut-off valve with manual override option.• Valve function: piloted non-return function• Screw-in with male thread• Pneumatically piloted• Pilot air connection: M5, G1/8, G1/4, G3/8, QS-4• Manually operated exhaust with separate accessories possibleAdditional measures are required for use in safety-related applications; in Europe, for example, the standards listed under the EC Machinery Directive must be ob-served.ProductsegmentationFesto Core RangeSolves the majority of your automation tasksWith the Festo Core Range, we have selected the most important products and functions from our broad product catalogue, and added the quickest delivery.the Core Range offers you the best value with the expected high Festo quality.• Quickest delivery, worldwide – wherever, whenever• Expected high Festo quality• Easy and fast to selectDiagrams Further information → hgl The diagrams shown in this document are also available online. These can be used to display precise values.2d/catalogue/...– 2023/10Piloted check valve HGLType code32023/10 – d/catalogue/...Piloted check valve HGLDatasheetFunction2) More information /catalogue/hgl → Support/Downloads.4d/catalogue/...– 2023/1052023/10 – d /catalogue/...Piloted check valve HGLDatasheet2) More information /catalogue/hgl → Support/Downloads.Minimumpilotpressurep21asafunctionofoperatingpressurep1Piloted check valve HGLDimensions6d/catalogue/...– 2023/10Piloted check valve HGL Dimensions7 2023/10 – d/catalogue/...Piloted check valve HGLDimensions8d/catalogue/...– 2023/10Piloted check valve HGL Dimensions9 2023/10 – d/catalogue/...Piloted check valve HGLDimensions10d/catalogue/...– 2023/10Push-inconnectorHGL–Gthread FemalethreadHGL–M-thread FemalethreadHGL–G-threadAccessories。

Clean, Dry Compressed Air Vacuum Regeneration WVM

Clean, Dry Compressed Air Vacuum Regeneration WVM

Clean, Dry Compressed Air Vacuum Regeneration WVM Generation 5WVM 45 ~ WVM 750Adsorption DryersWhether a compressed air userwants to control the growth of micro-organisms (essential for direct andin-direct contact applications in thefood, beverage & pharmaceuticalindustries), ensure air used for criticalapplications / instrumentation is freefrom water contamination or hasexternal piping where low ambienttemperature can cause condensation,adsorption dryers are the go to dryertechnology.Th ere are many diff erent adsorptiondryer technologies available andwhilst they all reduce water from thecompressed air in the same way, theydiff er in the way they regenerate thedesiccant material.Vacuum RegenerationAdsorption DryersVacuum regeneration dryers donot use process air to regeneratethe adsorbent desiccant material,instead they use ambient air for bothregeneration and cooling (reducingenergy consumption and process airloss).For regeneration, the ambient air isheated and pulled across the desiccantbed using a vacuum pump. To coolthe desiccant and ensure it is at theoptimum temperature for adsorption,the heat source is simply removed,and the desiccant cooled to ambienttemperature.Vacuum regeneration dryers can besupplied with electric heaters or heatexchangers that utilise existing heatsources on site (steam, hot oil, etc.)Advantages• Parker WVM dryers provide a constant outlet dewpoint in accordance with ISO8573-1 classes 1, 2 or 3 for water vapour & -25°C PDP• Air quality is enhanced when installed with Parker OIL-X General Purpose & High Effi ciency Coalescing pre-fi ltration and General Purpose Dry Particulate post fi ltration• No process air is used during regeneration & cooling of the desiccant material, reducing energy consumption• Regeneration under vacuum further improves energy effi ciency• Can utilise existing heat sources (eliminating need for electrical heater) to further reduce energy consumption - Options for Steam Only Heat Exchanger or Steam + Electric Heat Exchanger in place of electricheater• Full feature electronic control with dewpoint display and Energy Saving Technology fi tted as standard• Large fl ow capacitiesFlow RatesProduct Selection & Correction FactorsFor correct operation, compressed air dryers must be sized using for the maximum (summer) inlet temperature, maximum (summer) ambient temperature, minimum inlet pressure, required outlet dewpoint and maximum fl ow rate of the installation. To select a dryer, fi rst calculate the MDC (Minimum Drying Capacity) using the formula below then select a dryer from the fl ow rate table above with a fl ow rate equal to or above the MDC.Minimum Drying Capacity = System Flow x CFMIT x CFMAT x CFMIP x CFODDryer Performance*For -70°C PDP Dewpoint Selection - Please Contact Parker GSFE DivisionStated fl ows are referred to to 20°C, 1 bar (a) and 0%relative humidity. These fl ow rates are for operationat 7 bar (g) (102 psi g), 35°C dryer inlet temperature and 100% relative humidity. Ambient temperature 25°C and 60% relative humidity. For fl ows at otherpressures, apply the correction factors shown below.Weights & Dimensions*) To know all the controller features, please contact Parker GSFE Division.Europe, Middle East, AfricaAE – United Arab Emirates, DubaiTel: +971 4 8127100********************AT – Austria, St. Florian Tel: +43 (0)7224 66201 *************************AZ – Azerbaijan, Baku Tel: +994 50 2233 458****************************BE/NL/LU – Benelux, Hendrik Ido Ambacht Tel: +31 (0)541 585 000********************BG – Bulgaria, Sofi a Tel: +359 2 980 1344**************************BY – Belarus, Minsk Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************CH – Switzerland, Etoy Tel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00*****************************CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111*******************************DE – Germany, Kaarst Tel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, Ballerup Tel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, Madrid Tel: +34 902 330 001***********************FI – Finland, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)20 753 2500parker.fi ****************FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – Greece, Piraeus Tel: +30 210 933 6450************************HU – Hungary, Budaörs Tel: +36 23 885 470*************************IE – Ireland, Dublin Tel: +353 (0)1 466 6370*************************IL – IsraelTel: +39 02 45 19 21************************IT – Italy, Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21***********************KZ – Kazakhstan, Almaty Tel: +7 7273 561 000****************************NO – Norway, Asker Tel: +47 66 75 34 00************************PL – Poland, Warsaw Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – PortugalTel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, Moscow Tel: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – Sweden, Spånga Tel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SK – Slovakia, Banská Bystrica Tel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo Mesto Tel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TR – Turkey, Istanbul Tel: +90 216 4997081************************UA – Ukraine, Kiev Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************UK – United Kingdom, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878********************ZA – South Africa, Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************Parker WorldwidePISWVM5 45-750-01-ENNorth AmericaCA – Canada, Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, Cleveland Tel: +1 216 896 3000Asia Pacifi cAU – Australia, Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hong Kong Tel: +852 2428 8008IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85JP – Japan, Tokyo Tel: +81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – South Korea, Seoul Tel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah Alam Tel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealand, Mt Wellington Tel: +64 9 574 1744SG – Singapore Tel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailand, Bangkok Tel: +662 186 7000TW – Taiwan, Taipei Tel: +886 2 2298 8987South AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos Aires Tel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil, Sao Jose dos Campos Tel: +55 800 727 5374 CL – Chile, Santiago Tel: +56 2 623 1216MX – Mexico, Toluca Tel: +52 72 2275 4200© 2019 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.EMEA Product Information Centre Free phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT , BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT , LU, MT , NL, NO, PL, PT , RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA)US Product Information Centre Toll-free number: 1-800-27 27 537/gsfe。

费斯托比例压力调节器MPPE MPPES产品参考手册说明书

费斯托比例压力调节器MPPE MPPES产品参考手册说明书

Proportional-pressure regulators MPPE/MPPESProportional-pressure regulators MPPE/MPPESProduct range overview1)Pressure regulation range also on customer request2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/0832022/08 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Proportional-pressure regulators MPPE/MPPESPeripherals overview498Proportional-pressure regulators MPPEType codes4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/0852022/08 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Proportional-pressure regulators MPPEData sheet-M-Flow rate350 ... 8800 l/min-P- Voltage18 ... 30 V DC-L-Pressure regulation ranges 0 ... 0.1 MPa 0 ... 0.25 MPa 0 ... 0.6 MPa 0 ... 1 MPaVariants• Setpoint input as analogue voltage signal 0 ... 10 V• Setpoint input as analogue currentsignal 4 ... 20 mAqn [l/min]p 2[b a r ]2004006008001000120014000123456qn [l/min]p 2[b a r ]400800120016002000012345678910116d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/08Proportional-pressure regulators MPPEData sheetqn [l/min]p 2[b a r ]4008001200160020002400280001234567qn [l/min]p 2[b a r ]5001000150020002500300035000123456789101172022/08 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Proportional-pressure regulators MPPEData sheetqn [l/min]p 2[b a r ]1000200030004000500060007000800001234567qn [l/min]p 2[b a r ]200040006000800010000012345678910Proportional-pressure regulators MPPEData sheet1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.2)For information about the area of use, see the EC declaration of conformity at: /catalogue/... d Support/Downloads.If the devices are subject to usage restrictions in residential, commercial or light-industrial environments, further measures for the reduction of the emitted interference may be necessary.8d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/08Proportional-pressure regulators MPPE Data sheet9 2022/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Proportional-pressure regulators MPPE Data sheetConnections Switching functionTerminal allocation1X ext,in2GND3GND4W in (setpoint input)510 V OUT6X out (actual value output)724 V DC (supply voltage)8GND10d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/08Proportional-pressure regulators MPPE Data sheet1)The special adaptation type allows a pressure PU to be assigned to the setpoint value 0 V or 4 mA and an upper pressure PO to be assigned to the setpoint value 10 V or 20 mA.Proportional-pressure regulators MPPESType codesProportional-pressure regulators MPPES Data sheet-M-Flow rate230 ... 8500 l/min -P- Voltage18 ... 30 V DC-L-Pressure regulation ranges0 ... 0.2 MPa0 ... 0.6 MPa0 ... 1 MPa Variants• Setpoint input as analogue voltage signal 0 ... 10 V• Setpoint input as analogue currentsignal 4 ... 20 mAProportional-pressure regulators MPPES Data sheetProportional-pressure regulators MPPES Data sheetProportional-pressure regulators MPPESData sheet1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.2)For information about the area of use, see the EC declaration of conformity at: /catalogue/... d Support/Downloads.If the devices are subject to usage restrictions in residential, commercial or light-industrial environments, further measures for the reduction of the emitted interference may be necessary.Proportional-pressure regulators MPPES Data sheetProportional-pressure regulators MPPESData sheetConnections Switching functionTerminal allocation MPPES-3-1/8-...MPPES-3-1/4-.../MPPES-3-1/2-...1n. c.2GND3GND4W in (setpoint input)5n. c.6X out (actual value output)724 V DC (supply voltage)8GNDProportional-pressure regulators MPPES Data sheet1)The special adaptation type allows a lower pressure PU to be assigned to the setpoint value 0 V or 4 mA and an upper pressure PO to be assigned to the setpoint value 10 V or 20 mA.Proportional-pressure regulators MPPE/MPPES Accessories。



GP1/GP2 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDESCRIPTION / IDENTIFICATIONThe GP series control valve is an electronic pressure regu-lator designed to precisely control the pressure of gaseous media proportional to an electronic signal.The GP1 operates using two normally closed solenoid valves, a pressure sensor, and a control circuit. One valve is actuated to allow unregulated supply media into the sys-tem. The second valve is actuated to allow working media to vent to atmosphere. The pressure sensor provides feed-back to the control circuit. The control circuit comparesthe pressure sensor feedback to the user supplied electronic command signal and actuates the appropriate valve until the two signals match.The GP series can be teamed with a variety of one-to-one ratio high pressure volume boosters for even greater flow. When using a volume booster, the GP2 can be used toachieve accuracy similar to the GP1 alone with higher flow capacity.GP series product comes with a monitor output signal. This output is an electrical signal originating from the inter-nal sensor used in the control circuit of the GP1 valve. On GP2 units this signal originates from the external trans-ducer. This allows the system parameters to be monitored and provides a signal for data acquisition needs.The output of this signal can be configured to either 0-10Vdc or 4-20mA.The GP2 is similar to the GP1 but uses a double loop con-trol scheme. In addition to the internal pressure transducer, the GP2 also receives a 0-10Vdc feedback signal from an external sensing device. The external signal functions as the primary feedback and is compared to the command sig-nal. A difference between the two comparisons causes one of the two solenoid valves to open allowing flow in or out of the system.A Proportion-Air DSY or DSTY will work as a second loop feedback to the GP2 (See ordering information).The GP series has several other beneficial features. An on board split power supply allows true zero for command and monitor even though the GP is powered by a conventional single ended power supply. The GP utilizes advanced on board power management hardware to minimize current draw and heat build up. The GP also features status indi-cating LEDs for power and TTL. The TTL signal is a con-ditional on/off signal to use for diagnostic purposes. This signal is LOW when the pressure is within 1% of final set-ting.• Description & identification • General specifications • Connection procedure • Re-calibration procedure • Repair procedure•Dimensions, ordering and accessoriesBefore you get started, please read these warnings:♦ Examine the product. Ensure that you received what you ordered. ♦ Read this guide first before you start and save it for later use.♦ You must have a good understanding of what the adjustments are on this product before using them.♦All compressed air and power should be shut off before installing, removing or performing maintenance on this prod-uct.♦ Installation and use of this product should be under the supervision and control of properly qualified personnel inorder to avoid the risk of injury or death.e s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mGENERAL SPECIFICATIONS & PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSELECTRICALMINIMUM TYPICAL MAXIMUM Supply Voltage Supply Current Command Signal VoltageCurrent Command Signal Impedance Voltage Current Analog Monitor Output Voltage Current (Sourcing) TTLSatisfied Not-Satisfied 2nd Loop Input 15VDC100mADC (standbystate) 0VDC 4mADC- - 0VDC 4mADC- - 0VDC - - - - 10K Ω 100Ω - - 0VDC 5VDC - 24VDC985mADC (operating)10VDC 20mADC- - 10VDC 20mADC- - 10VDCPNEUMATIC MINIMUM TYPICAL MAXIMUM Input PressurePressure Range Flow RateFiltration Required Accuracy (Pressure) Accuracy (Monitor) Hysteresis/Linearity Repeatability Port Size (all) Critical Volume VacuumVacuum 0 SCFM (0 m³/hr)40 micron ±0.1%F.S.- 0%F.S. - - - 110% of full scalecalibration-5 SCFM (8.5 m³/hr)20 micron ±0.25%F.S. ±0.3%F.S. ±0.2%F.S. ±0.05%F.S. 1/8 inch NPT female3 in³1100 psig (75.84 bar)1000 psi (68.95 bar) 10 SCFM (17 m³/hr)- ±0.5%F.S. ±0.5%F.S. ±0.5%F.S.Depends on Hysteresis- -(Note 1)(Note 2)(Note 3)(Note 4)PHYSICALMINIMUM TYPICALMAXIMUM Operating Temperature Environment Protection WeightElectrical Connector32ºF (0ºC)- - -- -3.75 lbs (1.75 kg)6 pin molded 16 gauge wire158ºF (70ºC) NEMA 4/IP65- -(Note 5) (Note 6)(Note 1) Pressure ranges are customer specified.(Note 2) Pressure range up to 250 PSI (17.24 BAR) may be ordered as PSIG or PSIA. Pressure range above 251 PSI (17.3 BAR) may be ordered as PSIS or PSIA.(Note 3) User adjustable(Note 4) The minimum downstream closed volume is determined by the pressure range, orifice size, hysteresis window, plumbing, aswell as other factors. Consult factory for small volume applications. (Note 5) CE approval pending(Note 6) Depends on density of manifold materialLINEARITY12345678910Command [Volts]0102030405060708090100P r e s s u r e [% o f s c a l e ]Fig 1Times for GP to fill/exhaust a closed chamber. Step command signal Fig 2% o f S c a l eTime (seconds)Volume = 5 cu.in. [82mL]e s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mGP CONNECTION PROCEDURE Electrical connections:1. Ensure all power is off before making any electricalconnections. 2. Figure 2 shows the location of the GP electrical con-nector and figure 3 shows the connector. Table 2 iden-tifies the color codes Note: Both current and voltage command units require that both the command (+) and command (–) pins be connected.3. See figure 4 and 5 for second loop connections.Pneumatic Connections:1. A typical 20 micron (minimum 40 micron) in-linefilter is recommended on the inlet of the GP. 2. Connect supply pressure to the “I” inlet port (figure 1)not to exceed rated supply pressure. (Table 1) 3. Connect one of the “O” outlet port (figure 1) to thedevice being controlled and plug the unused one. 4. Proceed with electrical connection.MAX calibrated pressure of:Max inlet pressure is:Vacuum up to 15 psig (Vac. to 1.03 bar) 30 psig (2.07 bar) 16 up to 30 psig (1.1 to 2.07 bar) 60 psig (4.14 bar) 31 up to 50 psig (2.14 to 2.45 bar) 100 psig (6.89 bar) 51 up to 100 psig (3.52 to 6.89 bar) 200 psig (13.79 bar) 101 up to 250 psig (6.96 to 17.24 bar) 500 psig (34.47 bar) 251 up to 500 psig (17.31 to 34.47 bar)600 psig (41.37 bar)501 up to 1000 psig (34.54 to 68.95 bar) 1100 psig (75.84 bar)TABLE 1RATED PRESSURE FOR GP VALVESTABLE 2WIRE COLOR*FUNCTION WHITE COMMAND (+) RED ANALOG OUTPUT GREEN DC COMMON ORANGE TTL OUT BLACK 15-24 VDC POWER BLUECOMMAND (-)e s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o me s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mREPAIR PROCEDURE:1.) Disassemble GP unit:A. Remove the two 8-32 flat head screws and o’rings on the GP lid. Figure 7B. Unplug main connector wires and LED wires from the board. Figure 8C. Remove lid, lid o’ring and can assembly from manifold . Figure 9D. Unplug valve and sensor wires from board. Figure 8E. Remove the two 8-32 SHCS screws and o’rings from manifold to remove both the regular tall standoff and the boardstandoff. Figure 10F. Of each valve assembly, remove hex nuts and disassemble valve tube from coil and valve housing. (Keep coil washer,valve housing and hex nut because they are not included in the repair kit and can be reused) Figure 14G. Using span wrench (figure 11) , remove valve tube from manifold cavity.H. Remove poppet and o’ring spacer from manifold. See figure 12 for o’ring spacer location and figure 14 for valve ori-entationI. If sensor needs to be replaced, unthread sensor from manifold. See figure 13 for sensor locationFIGURE 10FIGURE 8LEDesyofCMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne▪MotionControl▪Hydraulic▪Pneumatic▪Electrical▪Mechanical▪(8)426-548▪www.cmafh.comFIGURE 14e s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mPROPORTION-AIR, INC. BOX 218 MCCORDSVILLE, IN USA 46055PHONE: (317)335-2602 FAX: (317)335-3853Proportion-Air products are warranted to the original purchaser only against defects in material or workmanship for one (1) year from the date of manufac-ture. The extent of Proportion-Air's liability under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the defective unit at Proportion-Air's option. Pro-portion-Air shall have no liability under this warranty where improper installation or filtration occurred.All specifications are subject to change without notice. THIS WARRANTY IS GIVEN IN LIEU OF, AND BUYER HEREBY EXPRESSLYWAIVES, WARRANTIES OR LIABILITIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY OBLI-GATION OF PROPORTION-AIR WITH REGARD TO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, DE-SCRIPTION, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.............................................................................................................................................................................................................WARNING: Installation and use of this product should be under the supervision and control of properly qualified personnel in order to avoid the risk of injury or death.e s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。



Category of Code Number - machinery Spare Parts (start from "2 - 2")编码目录-设备专用备件(起始于“2-2”)13Fermentation 发酵14Filtration 过滤15Yeast Handling 酵母处理16Bright Beer Tank 清酒罐17Utility Installations for B&P/Packaging 酿造/包装车间公用设施22Canning Line 听装线23PET Bottling Line PET瓶装线24Asceptic Filling Line 无菌灌装线25Kegging Line 桶装线32CO2 Recovery Plant/N2 Generation Plant 二氧化碳回收单元/N2发生器33Compressed Air Plant 压缩空气单元34Steam/High Temperature Hot Water Boiler Plant 蒸汽/高温热水锅炉单元35Electricity Supply 供电系统36Raw Water Treatment Plant/Water Puming Station 天然水处理单元/水泵站37Waste Water Treatment Plant 污水处理单元42验室设备MachineSerial Number 机器设备系列号Line Capacity 生产线能力Weak Wort & Trub Tanks 弱麦汁及热凝固物贮罐14 Wort Pre-Heater 麦汁预热器15 Wort Chiller 冷麦计薄板换热器16 Wort Pumps 麦汁泵17 CIP System CIP清洗系统18 Wort Aeration Unit 麦汁冲氧装置19 Spent Grain Silo & its Assessories 麦糟罐及其附属设施20 2nd Steam Recovery System 二次蒸气回收系统21 Automation Control Unit 糖化自控及计量系统 (例如,中央控制操作系统SCADA)22 Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components (Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90 Others 其它951Fermentation Tanks WithFlowplate/Matrix Valve 发酵罐及接管板/阀阵系统01 Beer Cooler 倒罐冷却设备02 Sampling Pipework System 取样管道系统03 CIP Sytem CIP清洁系统04 Automation Control Unit 酿造自控系统(例如,中央控制操作系统SCADA)05 Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components(Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90 Others 其它951Beer Treatment Coolers 倒罐设备01Kieselguhr Filter 硅藻土过滤机02Spent Kieselguhr System 废硅藻土处理装置03Filter Cooler Beer Cooler 激冷设备/啤酒薄板冷却器04Beer Centrifuge 啤酒离心机05High Gravity De-Brewing System 高浓稀释设备06Water De-aeration Plant 脫氧水系统07Steriled Water Plant 无菌水系统08Beer Buffer Tanks 啤酒缓冲罐09Dosing Units for Additives 添加剂添加设备10CO2 Dosing/Aeration Units 二氧化碳添加/冲氧装置11 Beer Recovery Equipments (First & Last Running/FOB) 啤酒回收装置12 CIP System CIP清洁装置13 Automation Control Unit 自控及计量系统(例如,中央控制操作系统SCADA)14 Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components (Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90 Others 其它951Yeast Storage Tanks Including Harvest & Pitching Devices 酵母贮存系统(含酵母回收/添加装置)01 CIP for Yeast Storage Tanks 酵母贮存系统的CIP清洁装置02 Yeast Propagator 酵母扩培系统03 Spent Yeast Handling 废酵母处理设备04 Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components (Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90 Others 其它951Bright Beer Tanks With Flowplat/Matrix Valve 清酒罐及接管扳阀阵系统01 Constant Pressure Beer Pump 清酒恆压泵装置02 Automation Control Unit 自控及计量系统03 Others 其它951Compressed Air Supply 供压缩空气装置01N2 Supply 供氮气装置02CO2 Supply 供CO2装置03Steam/HTHW Supply 供蒸汽/高温热水装置04Cooling Supply 制冷装置05Beer/Yeast/Water Pipework 啤酒/酵母/水供给管道装置06Sampling Devices 取样装置07Others 其它95Crown Cork Crusher 瓶盖粉碎机26Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components(Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90CIP System CIP 清洁系统27Others 其他951Beer Buffer Tank 啤酒缓冲罐00Beer Cooler/Beer Pump/GAF Filter 啤酒薄板冷却器/酒泵/袋式捕捉器01Depalletizer 卸垛机02Can Rinses 冲罐机03Can Filler 易拉罐灌装机04Can Seamer 易拉罐封盖机05Tunnel Pasteurizer/Bottle Warmmer 隧道式巴氏杀菌机/暖瓶机06Fill Height Monitor/Full Crate or CartonMonitor 液位测检仪/滿箱测检机07High Pressure Air blowing Sysem 高压吹气装置08Carton/Tray Packers 纸箱装箱机09Shrink Wrapper 膜包机10Palletizer 码垛机11Date Coder 喷码机12Conveyor & Elevator System/Combiner &Channelizer/Lubrication System 输送带及垂直升降系统/合併和分行/润滑系统13Can Crushher 易拉罐压榨机14Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components(Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90CIP System CIP 清洁系统15Others 其他951Beer Buffer Tank 啤酒缓冲罐00Beer/Water Membance Filtration Systems啤酒/水膜过滤系统01Water TreatmentSystem/Steriled WaterPlant 水处理系统/无菌水处理设备02Steriled Plant Room Facilities 无菌间设施03Beer Cooler/Beer Pump/GAF Filter 啤酒薄板冷却器/酒泵/袋式捕捉器04Blow Moulder 吹瓶机05Bottle Rinser 冲瓶机06Crown Cork/Cap Delivery System withDeinfection Unit 带杀菌单元的皇冠盖/易拉罐盖输送系统07Decapper 旋盖机08PET Bottle Filler PET瓶灌装机09Bottle Capper/Crowner 瓶子压盖机10Tunnel Pasteurizer/Bottle Warmmer 隧道式巴氏杀菌机/暖瓶机11High Pressure Air blowing Sysem 高压吹气装置12Fill Height Monitor/Full Crate or CartonMonitor 液位测检仪/滿箱测检机13Labeler 贴标机14Carton Packers 纸箱装箱机15Shrink Wrapper 膜包机16Palletizer 码垛机17Date Coder 喷码机18Conveyor & Elevator System/Combiner &Channelizer/Lubrication System 输送带及垂直升降系统/合併和分行/润滑系统19Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components(Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90CIP System CIP 清洁系统20Others 其他951Beer Buffer Tank 啤酒缓冲罐00Steam Generator/CL2 Generator/OzoneGenerator 蒸汽发生器/CL2发生器/臭氧发生器01Beer/Water Membance Filtration Systems啤酒/水膜过滤系统02Water TreatmentSystem/Steriled WaterPlant 水处理系统/无菌水处理设备03CIP System CIP 清洁系统04Steriled Plant Room Facilities 无菌间设施05Beer Cooler/Beer Pump/GAF Filter 啤酒薄板冷却器/酒泵/袋式捕捉器06Bulk Glass Depalletizer 散瓶卸垛机07Crate Depalletizer 塑箱卸垛机08Crate Washer 洗箱机09Bottle Pre-Washer 预洗瓶洗瓶机10Bottle Washer 洗瓶机11Empty Bottle Inspector 空瓶验瓶机12Crown Cork/Cap Feeding System withDeinfection Unit 带杀菌单元的皇冠盖/易拉罐盖输送系统13Decapper 旋盖机14Bottle Rinser 冲瓶机15Bottle Filler 玻璃瓶灌装机16Bottle Capper/Crowner 瓶子压盖机17Tunnel Pasteurizer/Bottle Warmmer 隧道式巴氏杀菌机/暖瓶机18Fill Height Monitor/Full Crate or CartonMonitor 液位测检仪/滿箱测检机19High Pressure Air blowing Sysem 高压吹气装置20Crate Unpacker/Packer 塑料箱卸箱/装箱机21Labeler 贴标机22PSL Labeler 压敏标(塑料)贴标机30Carton Packers 塑料箱/纸箱装箱机23Shrink Wrapper 膜包机24Palletizer 码垛机25Date Coder 喷码机26Conveyor & Elevator System/Combiner &Channelizer/Lubrication System 输送带及垂直升降系统/合併和分行/润滑系统27Spent Caustic Recovery system/BeerRecovery System/Water Recovery System残醎回收/残酒回收/溢水回收28Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components(Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90CIP System CIP 清洁系统29Others 其他951Beer Buffer Tank 啤酒缓冲罐00Flash Pasteurizer 瞬时杀菌机01Depalletizer 卸垛机02External Keg Washer 洗桶机03Washing/Kegging Machine 洗桶/灌装机04Labeler 贴标机05Keg Turner 翻桶机06Keg Capper 封盖机07Others 其它951CO2 Recovery Unit Including Cooling Compressor System 二氧化碳回收系统(含冷却设备)01 CO2 Balloon Unit 贮存气囊02 CO2 Evaporator with Pressure Regulation Station 二氧化碳蒸发器(含穩压输出装置)03 Evaporative Condenser/Cooling Tower 蒸发冷凝器/水塔冷却设施04 CO2 Liquid Storage Tank 二氧化碳贮罐系统05 Cylinder Filling Station 二氧化碳气瓶灌装设备06 CO2 Leakage Detector/Ventilation Facility二氧化碳洩漏报警装置/通风设施07 N2 Generation Unit Including Cooling Compressor System 制氮机(含冷却设备)08 N2 Buffer Tank 氮气贮罐09 Gas Filtration System 气体过滤系统10 Gas Pipework System 气体管道设施11 Gases Distribution Manifold 供气分配管束12 CO2/N2 Pipework System 二氧化碳/氮气管道系统13 Automation Control Unit 自控及计量系统(例如,制冷负荷中央控制系统)80 Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components (Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90 Others 其它951Air Compressor 空压机01Air Dryer 空气干燥机02Air Purifier 空气淨化机03Air Receiver 空压贮罐04Gas Filtration System 气体过滤系统05Equipment Cooling Water System 设备冷却水系统06Compressed Air Pipework System 压缩空气管道设施07Compressed Air Distribution Manifold 供气分配管束08Compressed Air Pipework System 空压管道系统09Automation Control Unit 自控及计量系统(例如,制冷负荷中央控制系统)80 Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components (Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90 Others 其它951Steam/High Temperature Hot WaterBoiler Unit 蒸汽/高温热水锅炉01 Chimney/Water Scrubber for SO2 & Soot Removal 煙囱/脱硫除尘系统02 Water Treatment Unit 软水处理系统03 Pump Station Including Steam Pump 水泵设备(含蒸汽否)04 O2 Scavenger 除氧装置05 Coal Handling Facilities 燃煤处理系统(含输送、破碎和秤重设备)06 Steam Vessels 蒸汽贮罐07 Coal Sludge Handling Facilities 煤渣处理没施08 Steam Condensate Recovery System 蒸汽冷凝水回收系统09 Steam/HTHW Distribution Manifold 供汽分配管束(含穩压装置及安全阀系统)10 Diesel/Oil Supply Installation 燃油供应装置11 Steam Pipework System 蒸汽管道设施13 Automation Control Unit 自控及计量系统(例如,制冷负荷中央控制系统)80 Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components (Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90 Others 其它951High-Tension Switchboard 高压开关切换电柜01 Power Transformer 变压器02 Low-Tension Main Distribution Switchboard 低压主配电柜03 Distribution Cabinets 车间配电柜04 Power Factor Correction 功率因素修正装置05 Cable & Wiring/Cable Tray & Ladder 电缆/桥架06Equipotential Bonding 等电位连接07Standby Generator 后备发电机组08Power Energy Saving System 电力节能系统09Others 其它951Submerged Pump Station 深井水泵系统01Water Buffer Tanks 水缓冲罐02Water Pump Stations 水泵站03Water Softening Plant 软水处理系统04Reverse Osmosis Treatment Unit 純水处理系统05Sedimentary & Filtering Unit 沉淀及过滤设备06Chlorination/Sterilization Plant 氯气添加/消毒设备07Sand Filter 石英沙过滤器08Activated Carbon Filter 活性碳过滤器09Processed Water Tanks 酿造水贮罐10Chemical Dosing/Cleaning Unit 化学品添加/清洁装置11Water Distribution Manifold 供水分配管束(含穩压/恆压或恆流装置及安全阀系统)12Water Pipework System 水管道设施13Main Distribution & ControlSwitchboard/Control Components(Sensing, Counting & Measuring) 主要配电及开关切换/控制组件电柜(含自控:传感器,计数和测量)90Others 其它951Waste Water Treatment System 污水处理系统01 Spent Caustic/Acid Receiver 残酸碱回收及中和设备02 High Preesure/Flow Air Supply 空压供应系统03 Methane Collection/Disposal Unit 甲烷收集/处理设备04 Chemical Dosing Unit 化学品添加装置05 Pump/Submerged Pump 水泵/潜水泵06 Belt Press 压滤机07 Sewage Pipework System 污水管道系统09 Automation Control Unit 自控及计量系统80Coal Quality Analyser/Sampling Crusher全自动煤分析仪/制样粉碎机27 Incubator 恒温培养箱28 Oven 恒温干燥箱29 Steriliser 干热灭菌箱30 Autoclave 高压消毒器31 Microscope 显微镜32 Centrifuge 离心机33 Water Distillator 蒸馏水器34 Ice Water Bath 冰水柜35 Cross Beater Mill 粉碎机36 EBC Mill EBC 粉碎机37 Sampling Crusher 制样粉碎机38 Jaw Crusher 鄂式破碎机39 Mincer 实验麦芽标准粉碎机40 Hop Mill 啤酒花粉碎机41 Vacuum Pump 真空泵42 Carlsberg Flask 卡氏罐43 Standard/Super Clean Bench 标准/超净化无菌工作台44 General Working Bench With Its Accessories 工作台及其附属配置设施45 Mutifunction Shaker 多用振荡器/摇床46 Shaking Instrument 摇瓶仪47 Pycnometer Washer 比重瓶清洗仪48 Magnifying Glass With Light 带灯放大镜49 Diacetyl Aparatus 双乙酰蒸馏仪50 Elecyric Agitator & Heater 电磁加热搅拌器51 Electric Agitator 磁力搅拌器52 Refrgerator 冰箱53 Malt Modification Analyser 溶解度分析仪54 Friabilimeter 脆度仪55 Disc Sander 麦粒砂膜机56 Digital Burette 电子滴定仪57 Plastic Bag Seal 封袋加热器58 Oxioid Anaerobic Jar 厌氧罐59 Steam Generator 蒸汽产生器60 Blow Lamp for Steam Generator 蒸汽产生器喷灯61 Blowtorch 喷枪62 Distillation for SO2 二氧化硫蒸馏仪63 Electromantle 窝式电炉/电热套64 Transformer 电压转换器65 Membrane Filtration 微膜抽滤器66 Glasswares 玻璃器具67 Others 其它952Pasteurizer Monitor 巴氏杀菌监测仪01Double Seam Monitor 二重卷边监测仪02Video Monitor 视频监测仪03Seam Thickness Gauge 卷边厚度测定仪04Seam Height Gauge 卷边长度测定仪05Plate Thickness Gauge 铝片厚度测定仪06Can Height GaugingDevice 罐高测定仪07Enamel Rater 内喷涂检测仪08Pressure Test Apparatus 玻璃瓶耐内压测定仪09Impact resistance test Apparatus 玻璃瓶抗冲击测定仪10Crown Cork Tester 瓶盖气密性测定仪11Crown Height Gauge 瓶盖高度百分表12Digimatic Heightgage 瓶高测定仪13Go-Nogo Gauge 瓶盖规尺14Crimp Diameter Gauge 瓶盖外径规尺15Skirt Gauges 瓶盖尺寸规尺16Vernier Caliper 游标卡尺17Oxygen Analyzer 测氧仪18Indicating Devices 显示器19Sensor/Transmitter Devices 感然/传感器20Flow Chamber 溶氧取样器21Sampling Device for DO 溶氧取样器22Manometer 显示仪表23Sampling Device for Air Headspace 顶空空气取样器24Air in Headspace Analyzer25Light Box Visual Haze 目测浊度灯箱26Universal Can Stripper 开罐器27Lab. Crowner 手工封盖机28Bottle Turner 旋瓶仪29UV-Lamp 紫外灯30Light Box Labels 标签检测灯箱31RUB Tester 标签摩擦仪32Bar Code Quick-Check 条码解读器33Digital Thermometer 数字温度计34Bottle Axis Deviation Digital Instrument啤酒瓶数显轴偏差仪35Bottle Thickness Tester (Bottom & SideWall) 啤酒瓶数显底/壁厚度仪36Carton Compression Strength Tester 纸箱抗压强度检测仪37Timer 计时器(秒表)38Others 其它95。



AIR COMPRESSOROPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPLEASE READ THIS MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING YOUR AIR COMPRESSOR UNIT. IT CONTAINS VALUABLE INFORMATION THAT WILL HELP YOU IN THE RECEIVING, INSTALLATION, USE, AND MAINTENANCE OF THE UNIT. KEEP THIS BOOKLET IN A SAFE PLACE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.COMPRESSOR IDENTIFICATIONPlease fill in the appropriate information in the spaces provided below. These numbers will allow us to correctly identify your compressor in the event you need service or parts.UNIT MODEL NUMBER: ___________________________ (i.e. OLT-5080) (Located on Base of Air Receiver or Air Receiver – White Label)UNIT SERIAL (MFG.) NUMBER: ___________________________ (i.e. PLP-040902780) (Located on Base of Air Receiver or Air Receiver – White Label)PUMP MODEL NUMBER: ___________________________ (i.e. OLT-50) (Located on Front or Side of Compressor Pump)PUMP SERIAL NUMBER: ___________________________ (i.e. 23045) (Located on Front or Side of Compressor Pump – Professional Series Compressor Pumps do not have Serial Numbers)ELECTRICS: ___________________________ (i.e. 230V/60Hz/1PH) (Located on Nameplate of Motor)COMPRESSOR DISTRIBUTOR ________________________________________________ (Who You Bought the Air Compressor From)TABLE OF CONTENTS•COMPRESSOR IDENTIFICATION……………………………...………Front Cover •TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................Inside Front Cover •SAFETY PRECAUTIONS……………………...………………….………pg. 1-2•GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AIR COMPRESSOR.………...……….pg. 2•INSPECTION OF AIR COMPRESSOR……...………………...………...pg. 2•GENERAL REQUIREMENTS……………………...…………………….pg. 3•INSTALLATION – MECHANICAL……………………...………………pg. 3•INSTALLATION – ELECTRICAL………………………...……………..pg. 3-4•INITIAL START–UP PROCEDURES.............…………...……………...pg. 4-5•PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE……………………...……………...pg. 5•TROUBLESHOOTING………………………………...….………………pg. 6-7•WARRANTY…………………………………………...…..………………Back CoverSAFETY PRECAUTIONSPlease familiarize yourself with the following information for preventing damage to your air compressor unit and injury to the operator and/or property damage.ELECTRICAL HAZARDNever use the air compressor without connection to a properly grounded outlet with the specified voltage and fuse protection. Do not use the compressor in a wet or explosive environment, as the electrical components on the compressor are general purpose and the motors are open drip proof. The compressor must be located a minimum of 20 feet (6.1 metres) from any source of potentially explosive vapours. Never attempt maintenance or adjustment with power connected or while the equipment is in operation.TANK SAFETY VALVEThe safety valve is factory installed to prevent the air receiver from damage should malfunction occur in the pressure switch. It is factory set at a specific limit for your particular model, and should never be tampered with. Adjustment by user will automatically void warranty.PRESSURE SWITCHThe air compressor switch is set at the factory for optimum performance of your particular model. Never bypass or remove this switch as serious damage to equipment or personal injury could result from too high of pressure.MOTOR AND COMPRESSOR PUMPAir compressors become hot while in operation. Never touch the motor, compressor pump, and/or discharge tubing while in operation or immediately after operation. Touching these areas may cause severe burns. The compressor automatically operates while the power is on. Do not come into contact with moving parts. Shut off all power to the unit before attempting to repair or maintain the compressor. Never operate the compressor with the belt guard removed.COMPRESSED AIR CAUTIONCompressed air from the unit may contain poisonous vapours which are not suitable for inhaling and could be harmful to your health. Never directly inhale compressed air produced by the compressor. Always use proper filtration, carbon monoxide monitor and quality tested air for breathing applications from a compressor. Ensure your breathing apparatus meets NIOSH and OSHA requirements. Always wear proper safety equipment while using compressed air.AIR RECEIVEROver pressurizing the air receiver could cause an explosion or rupture. To protect from over pressurizing a factory preset safety valve is included. Do not remove, make adjustments or substitutions for this valve. Occasionally pull the ring on the valve to make sure that the valve operates freely. If the valve does not operate freely, it must be replaced.Never weld to, drill, or change the air receiver in any way. If any of the above conditions are changed or tampered with this may result in voiding of the manufacturer’s warranty.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AIR COMPRESSORTo compress air, the piston moves up and down in the cylinder. During the downstroke, air is drawn in through the inlet valve. The discharge valve remains closed. During the upstroke of the piston, air is compressed. The inlet valve closes and compressed air is forced out through the discharge valve, through the discharge tube, through the check valve and into the air receiver. Working air is not available until the compressor has raised the air receiver pressure above the requirement at the air service connection. The air inlet filter openings must be kept clear of obstructions.INSPECTION OF AIR COMPRESSOREach Omega Air Compressor is factory tested and inspected before shipment. Every attempt is made to ensure safe and complete shipment of our products. Freight damage or misplacement of goods may occur. Shipments of Omega products are the property of the consignee when the products leave our facility. Omega Compressors is not responsible for any damages or shortages caused to the products after it has left our facility.It is the responsibility of the receiver of the goods to ensure the product has been received in full and has arrived in suitable condition. Damage may not be visible at the time of off-loading, but may only become apparent upon unpacking or start-up.Should there be shortages or damages in shipment to the product, A Loss or Damage Claim should be submitted to the carrier and supported by copies of the bill of lading, invoice, estimate to repair and a damage report. Do not discard any of the products or packaging as they may be required by the carrier for inspection.GENERAL REQUIREMENTSAs the owner of a new Omega Air Compressor Unit, it is your responsibility to ensure it is installed correctly, as well as maintained and serviced on a regular basis. Information has been included in this booklet outlining the suggested air compressor maintenance schedules and a trouble shooting guide. It is important that you read this information and keep it in a safe place for future reference.INSTALLATION - MECHANICALLocate the air compressor in a clean, dry and well ventilated area. The air compressor should be located 12 to 18 inches away from walls or any other obstruction that would interfere with the air flow through the pump flywheel. If possible, the air compressor should be located in a separate room or area with an air intake or fan positioned on an outside wall for maximum air flow and cooling. The air compressor is designed with heat dissipation fins that allow for proper cooling. Keep the fins and other components clean. A clean compressor runs cooler and provides longer service. Allow room for easy access to the air compressor for maintenance and service work.For permanent installation, the compressor may be bolted to the floor through holes provided in the compressor feet. Shims and vibration isolators or vibration pads must be used to level the compressor before bolting it to the floor. Severe vibration will result when the compressor is bolted down tightly and the feet are not level. This can lead to welds cracking or fatigue failure of the air receiver.Omega Compressors offers vibration isolators or vibration pads, flex hoses, electronic auto drains or pneumatic auto drains along with a host of other accessories such as filters and refrigerated air dryers etc. to provide reliable clean dry compressed air. Ask your local Omega distributor for details on all our accessories.INSTALLATION - ELECTRICALIt is your responsibility to ensure that the Air Compressor Unit is electrically connected in a safe and correct manner. Any electrical work should be carried out by a competent electrician and installed in a way which meets all applicable codes and regulations. A magnetic starter must be an integral part of the air compressor except on contractor and professional series units. A magnetic starter may be supplied with your unit from the factory.Failure to connect the air compressor correctly to your buildings electrical services may result in serious personal injury or damage to the equipment.Please note that under normal conditions, the air compressor will operate intermittently. Should it be necessary to service the air compressor ensure the power source has been shut down. This must be done to prevent personal injury or damage to the unit.Do not attempt to operate the air compressor unit without first checking the oil level in the pump. Add oil as required. Serious damage may result from use without oil.MOTORSWiring must be done in a manner that full voltage nameplate +/- 10% is available at the motor terminals during startup. Use of an incorrect electric motor for your particular building service will result in premature motor failure and is not covered by Omega Compressors or Motor manufacturer’s warranty. The warranty that exists on the electric motor is that of the original manufacturer. In the event of a motor failure contact your Omega Distributor or Service Centre for the location of the nearest authorized motor service centre.PRESSURE SWITCHESThe pressure switch located on the compressor unit acts as a pilot device activating the coil on the magnetic starter except on contractor and professional units where the pressure switch would act as a pilot device activating the motor. The pressure switch cut in/cut out has been preset at the factory. Do not tamper with the settings. Consult your local distributor or service centre should the switch not be operating properly.PUMP ROTATIONThe compressor is to be wired in a manner that the rotation of the flywheel causes the air to be blown over the pump. This allows the pump to cool properly. When facing the nameplate side of the unit the flywheel must rotate clockwise unless otherwise noted on the unit with an arrow on the belt guard or motor.INITIAL START-UP PROCEDURE1.)Check to see that nuts and bolts are all snug. This must be done, as somefasteners may become loose in transit.2.)Check to see if the belt is installed properly, with proper tension.3.)Check belt tightness so that when pressure is applied at the centre, there is ½”slack.4.)Check that compressor is fixed on a strong, stable level base.5.)Check that air filter is clean.6.)Do not place any materials on or against the belt guard, or the compressor unititself. Placing materials there will limit the cooling of the compressor and could lead to premature failure.7.)Turn the compressor “on” momentarily by positioning the fused disconnect inthe “on” position. Ensure that the flywheel is turning in the correct position.See “PUMP ROTATION” (page 4). On compressors with three phase power, adjust the wiring at the motor terminals if the rotation is incorrect. Refer to the wiring diagram on or in the motor terminal box.8.)Open the air receiver outlet ball valve and start the unit. Ensure air is escapingto atmosphere. After running the compressor unit for twenty minutes, close the ball valve, and allow the unit to reach maximum operating pressure. Ensure that the compressor shuts down at the pre-set maximum pressure, and the headpressure is released through either the pressure switch or the CPR on the front of the pump.9.)Check the air compressor and piping systems for air leaks, and correct asrequired.10.)Shut off all power to the air compressor before attempting any repair ormaintenance.11.)Your compressor is ready for use.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCEBefore doing any maintenance or adjustments to your air compressor, the following safety precautions should be taken.1.)DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL POWER.2.)DRAIN AIR RECEIVER OF AIR PRESSURE.DAILY CHECK LIST1.)Drain Condensation from Air Receiver.2.)Check for Any Unusual Noise or Vibration.3.)Be Sure All Nuts and Bolts are Tight.WEEKLY CHECK LIST1.)Clean Air Filter by Opening Air Filter Cap. Replace Filter if Necessary.QUATERLY OR 300 HOUR CHECK LIST1.)Change Filter Element.2.)Check Condition and Alignment of Belt, Flywheel and Motor Pulley. Adjust BeltTension if Necessary or Replace Belt if Worn.3.)Check Safety Valve.4.)Check Pressure Switch Unloader to Ensure Compressor Head Unloads WheneverMotor Shuts Down.5.)Clean and Blow Off Pump Fins and Motor.6.)Inspect Air System for Leaks, by Applying Soapy Water to All Joints. TightenJoints if Leakages are Observed.TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE CONDITION CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION Compressor Will Not Start. 1.) Fuse blown or circuit breaker tripped.2.) Loose electrical connections.3.) Overheated motor. 1.) Check for cause of blown fuse or breaker and replace or reset. 2.) Check wiring connections. 3.) Press reset button or wait for automatic reset. Check belt tension. Low Pressure 1.) Air leak in safety valve. 2.) Loose tube of fittings. 3.) Restricted air filter.4.) V-Belt loose.5.) Defective check valve 1.) Check valve manually by pulling upward on ring. If condition persists replace valve. 2.) Tighten fittings. 3.) Clean or replace. 4.) Adjust belt tension. 5.) Replace check valve. Safety Valve Releasing On Air Receiver. 1.) Defective pressure switch or improper adjustment. 2.) Defective safety valve. 1.) Check for proper adjustment and if problem persists replace pressure switch. 2.) Replace safety valve. Intercooler Safety Valve Releasing On Air Compressor Pump. 1.) Dirty or defective high pressure intake or exhaust valves. 2.) Defective safety valve. 1.) Clean, repair or replace valves as required. 2.) Replace safety valve. Excessive Noise 1.) Loose flywheel or motor pulley. 2.) Loose valve. 3.) Noisy only during start-up, check for loose belts. 4.) Vibrating belt guard, piping or loose belts. 5.) Unit not installed level.6.) Carbon or foreign material on piston.7.) Worn Bearings. 1.) Tighten as required. 2.) Inspect valve for damage. Replace as required. 3.) Adjust for proper tension. 4.) Tighten as required. 5.) Ensure that unit is mounted level. 6.) Clean piston. Check cylinder walls for scoring. 7.) Replace main bearings. Reduced Air Delivery or Insufficient Air 1.) Restricted air filter. 2.) Loose V-belt. 1.) Clean or replace filter. 2.) Adjust to proper tension.3.) Pump valves or tank check valve leaking, sticking or carbon build up4.) Air leaks in the system.5.) Undersized unit for air requirements. 3.) Clean, repair or replace.4.) Fix leaks.5.) Contact Omega Compressor distributor.Compressor Over-Heating 1.) Undersized unit for airrequirements.2.) Compressor location3.) Pump rotating thewrong way.4.) Air leaks in the system.5.) Restricted air filter. 1.) Contact Omega Compressor distributor. 2.) See Installation – Mechanical Section. (pg.3) 3.) See Pump Rotation Section. (pg.4)4.) Fix leaks.5.) Clean or replace filter.V-Belts Roll Off the Flywheel or Motor Pulley 1.) Flywheel and motorpulley not aligned properly.2.) Belts do not matchflywheel groove.3.) A nick or tear on theedge of the belt.4.) Not a matched set. (Iftwo or more belts are used.)1.) Align using a straightedge.2.) Purchase new set ofmatched belts.3.) Purchase new set ofmatched belts.4.) Purchase new set ofmatched belts.Flywheel or Motor Pulley Wobbles or Comes Loose 1.) Bolt not tight enough onflywheel.2.) Set screw on motorpulley not tight enough.1.) Tighten as required.2.) Replace set screw withlock-tite coating or replacemotor pulley.Pressure Switch Unloader Does Not Function or Leaks Air When Unit is Operating. 1.) Pressure Switchunloader may be dirty orfaulty.1.) Clean, repair or replacePressure Switch.Pressure Switch Unloader Leaks Air When Unit Is Not Operating. 1.) Check valve may bedirty or faulty.1.) Clean, repair or replaceCheck Valve.Water in Air Receiver 1.) Condensation in the airreceiver. 1.) Drain daily or install an automatic drainONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY – OILLESS OUTFITSThe Manufacturer warrants this equipment to the original purchaser against defects in material or workmanship under normal use for a period of one year from the date of purchase.This Limited Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of materials found defective, at the sole discretion of The Manufacturer. In the event of defect in material or workmanship within the period of this Limited Warranty, portable compressors (Contractor Series and Professional Series) and merchandise of a size suitable for shipping is to be sent to a point designated by Omega Compressors, at the purchaser’s expense; larger fixed merchandise will be inspected at the Purchaser’s site. If, after inspection by Omega Compressors or its authorized service representatives, a defect is confirmed, at our option, the equipment will be repaired or replaced. Unauthorized repairs or replacements will not be subject to factory warranty.Motors and engines are warranted to the extent of the original manufacturer’s warranty. These warranties and authorized service centres are available upon request.Failure of this equipment caused by accident, misuse or abuse of the equipment including, but not limited to, damages or defects resulting from improper packaging of returned equipment or improper repairs made by others, is not covered by this Limited Warranty. The effects of corrosion, erosion and normal wear and tear are specifically excluded from this warranty. The Manufacturer reserves the right to determine whether the defect is covered by this Limited Warranty. If the Manufacturer determines that the returned equipment or the merchandise at the Purchaser’s site is not covered by this Limited Warranty, then at the Purchaser’s option, such equipment shall be either:1.Returned to the Purchaser freight collect.2.Repaired or Replaced on the basis of the Manufacturer’s or AuthorizedService Centres’ regular repair, replacement or reconditioning charges.This Limited Warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use and purpose. The Purchaser agrees that the sole and exclusive remedy against The Manufacturer shall be limited to the repair or replacement of defective parts. The Purchaser further agrees that no other remedy, including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential damages for lost profits, lost sales, injury to person or property, or any other incidental or consequential loss, shall be available to it. In any event, the liability of The Manufacturer for any damages shall be limited to and shall not exceed the purchase price of the equipment.This warranty constitutes the entire agreement between The Manufacturer and The Original Purchaser and no representative or agent is authorized to alter the terms of same without expressed written consent of The Manufacturer.。



Operating ManualThank you for your choice of Parker product. Please read this operating manual carefully and use the product correctly. Keep this operating manual in case questions arise about this product in the future. If this operating manual becomes unreadable or lost, consult our distributors or Parker sales offices.For Safety UseThe following safety precautions are provided to prevent damage and injury to personnel and to provide instructions on the correct usage of this product. These precautions are classified into 3 categories: “CAUTION”, ”WARNING”, and “DANGER” according to the severity of possible injury or damage and the likelihood of such injury or damage. Be sure to comply with all precautions. Also comply with safety regulations such as JIS B 8370(*1), Industrial Safety and Health Law, and High Pressure Gas Safety Law, and ISO 4414(*2).Danger:Indicates an impeding hazardous situation whichmay arise due to improper handling or operationand could result in serious personal injury or death.Warning:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may arise due to improper handling or operationand could result in serious personal injury or death.Caution:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may arise due to improper handling or operationand could result in personal injury or property-damage-only accidents.*1 JIS B8370 : General Rules for Pneumatic Systems*2 ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power recommendations for the application of equipment totransmission control system.● This product is designed for air blowgun.Do not use it for other purposes.● Use compressed air from an air compressor.Do not use air from a high pressure tank or any other gas.● Do not blow air from air blowgun towards personnel or animals.Direct air blow or substance blown by air blow can potentially cause injury for humans or animals.● Wear safety glasses and ear plugs.Regardless of the use of this product, wear safety glasses and earplugs when operating an air blowgun. Without proper protection, injury to eyes due to blown dust or noise induced deafness would be potentially caused.● Do not disassemble or modify this product.Disassembling or modification may causes safety accidents in addition to operation failure.● Attach a pipe fitting or joint properly.If a pipe fitting or joint are attached improperly, it may cause danger such as hose whip due to unplugged piping. Confirm the connection of hose, tube or coupler joint is tight as well as the connection to this product prior to use.● Do not use for medical equipment or cooking equipmentThis product contains a small amount of lubricant. If there is concern for contamination due to lubricant, do not use.SpecificationsFluid Compressed air Pressure Range 0.35 to 0.8MPaMaximum Flow *1 1300L/min (@0.5MPa) Ambient Temperature*210 to 50℃ Pulse Adjustment Range5 to 15HzPort SizeIN Rc1/4OUTR1/4Weight155g*1 “Maximum Flow” in this case is the flow capacity of this product,and actual flow consumption is depending on the attached air blowgun.*2 If the temperature is under the specified temperature, pulse blowmay be unstable. In this case, please use it as continuous blow temporally for a while to reach specified temperature. This product works correctly within the specified ambient temperature.Connection≪取付例≫1. Before Piping, thoroughly flush the inside of each pipe toremove chips, machining oil, and dust etc. If sealing tape is used for the thread, leave 1.5 to 2 thread turns unwrapped. Do not use liquid sealant. It has possibility to contaminate the product and may cause malfunction.Push-in fitting or joint such as coupler(Sold Separately) Air Saver Unit for Air Blowgun“Air Saver Module” HASV08R9IM-E009-aIssued :Jan.14.2016Air blowgun“Air Saver Module”HASV08R Reference blowgun:Parker LegrisPart Number: 0659 00 13(Sold Separately)WarningCaution<Example of attachment>2.When installing piping or a joint, prevent contamination of chips or sealing agent. Also tightening torque should be within the range indicated below.Port Size Tightening Torque (N ・m)R ・Rc1/412 to 143.An air filter (Nominal filtration rating of 5 micron or smaller) must be placed upstream of piping. There is no need for additional lubrication.4. Attach the piping towards the direction of air flow described on the body. If it is opposite direction, this product does not work.5.This product must be attached directly to an air blow gun. If connected with any part such as coupler, it has the possibility to decrease the capability due to pressure loss.6.This product is not water & drip proof. Do not install this product in a place with direct water contact (rain, etc). Also install this product in a place without dew condensation or direct sunlight.Product Function[Pulse Adjustment Screw]This is a throttle valve for pulse ON time adjustment (Approx.5 to 15 Hz). When tightening this screw clockwise with flat-bladedscrewdriver, the air ON time will be longer. When loosening the screw counter clockwise, the air ON time will be shorter. The air OFF time is fixed for approx. 30ms. Adjust the air ON time in accordance with using air blowgun or object. Control angle is approx. single rotation of the screw. When tightening at the end of clockwise, it will stop air output, however it is not malfunction.[Pulse/ Continuous Switching Button]Press this button when requiring continuous blow. When pushing this button, air blows continuously. To keep continuous blow, press this button and turn the button 90 degrees. To release from this mode, press this button and turn counter clockwise for pulse blow mode.DimensionsNotes for Usage● Discharge drain from upstream air filter periodically. If periodic drain discharge is difficult, Parker recommends setting up an air filter with automatic drain.● Maintenance compressor periodically. If sludge, which isproduced in compressor oil, enters pneumatic equipment, it will cause operation failure of pneumatic equipment. Coalescing filter removes oil and sludge which cannot be removed by air filter. Parker recommends setting up a coalescing filter.Effect of Pulse BlowIn many factories, air blow accounts for more than 50% of total compressed air consumption. Pulse blow can be a measure forsaving energy by reducing the consumption of compressed air while maintaining the same capability of air blow operation.・Hole machining, tap, chip removing of complex shape work ・Removing stuck dust or viscous liquid ・Blowing at narrow space・Reducing load of compressor ・Energy saving activityPulse blow is especially effective for works listed above, however it is not for all applications. There is a possibility to reduce the removal effectiveness depending on the air blowgun. Parker recommends attaching to an air blowgun that has nozzle diameter bigger than I.D.2mm and low pressure loss.Also, for the case of using reduced pressure for air supply, installing this product without regulator enables a low energy loss circuit, which provides improved blow effectiveness compared to the current circuit.Kuroda Pneumatics Ltd(Parker Hannifin Automation Division Japan)10243 Kamakazu, Asahi city, Chiba 289-2505, JapanE-mail:********************10HzWhen screwing, seal tape may enters the product and cause malfunction.Leave space of 1.5 -2 turnsUse half width seal tape. It may reduce cost as well. Cut with knife.(Not good)(Good) Air Blow Gun Connecting Port (R1/4)Pulse Control Trimmer[Note] ● Please contact our distributors or Parker for after-sales service. ● Please keep this operating manual.15HzPressure Supply Port (Rc1/4)Vent HolePulse/ContinuousSwitching ButtonFlow Flow Current Circuit Pulse Blow A i r C o n s u m p t i o n L /m i nA i r C o n s u m p t i o n L /m i nTime (sec)Time (sec) Pulse Adjustment Screw (ON Time Control)Pulse/ Continuous Switching button Time Time。

TJJW 014-2014 HXN3型内燃机车总体技术规范(报批稿)

TJJW 014-2014 HXN3型内燃机车总体技术规范(报批稿)
IEC 60349-2:2002电力牵引铁路和道路车辆用旋转电机第2部分:电子变流器供电的交流电动机(Electric traction—Rotating—Part 2:Electronic converter-fed alternating current mortors)
IEC 60811电缆和光缆的绝缘和护套材料通用测试方法(Commontestmethods forinsulating andsheathingmaterials ofelectriccables)
EN 50121-1:2008铁路设施电磁兼容性第1部分:总则(Railway applications—Electromagnetic compatibility—Part1:General)
EN 50121-2:2008铁路设施电磁兼容性第2部分:整个铁路系统对外界的辐射(Railway applications—Electromagneticcompatibility—Part2: emissions of the whole railway system to the outside world)
EN 50121-3-1:2008铁路设施电磁兼容性第3-1部分:车辆—列车和配套车辆(Railway applications—Electromagnetic compatibility—Part 3-1:Rollingstock - train and complete vehicle)
EN 50121-3-2:2008铁路设施电磁兼容性第3-2部分:机车车辆电器设备(Railway applications - electromagnetic compatibility -Part 3-2: rolling stock - apparatus)



SFI Group SystemTABLE OF CONTENT目录1. Introduction 介绍 (3)2. Background,Purpose And Advantages背景,目的和优点 (3)2.1Background背景 (3)2.2 Purpose And Advantages目的和优点 (3)2.3 Scope范围 (4)3.The Problems SFI Can Solve SFI 系统能够解决的问题 (4)3.1Controlling Shipping and Offshore Operations (4)3.2 Specifications规格书 (5)3.3 Estimates评估(估价) (6)3.4 Drawings And Document Handling图纸和文件的处理 (6)3.5 Purchasing采购 (6)3.6 Material Administration材料管理 (7)3.7 Maintenance维修 (7)3.8 Repair修理 (7)3.9 Operation Budget 运行预算 (7)3.10 Cost Control 成本 (8)3.11Quality Assurance (8)3.12 Filing 文件(档案)管理 (8)4.The Coding Structure of SFI SFI的编码结构 (9)4.1 SFI Group System(3 digit) SFI分组系统(3-数字) (9)4.1.1 Main Group 1- Ship General 主组1――总述 (9)4.1.2 Main Group 2 –Hull 主组2――船体 (9)4.1.3 Main Group 3 Equipment For Cargo 主组3――货物设备 (9)4.1.4 Main Group 4- Ship Equipment 主组4――船舶设备 (10)4.1.5 Main Group -5 Equipment For Crew And Passengers (10)4.1.6 Main Group-6 Machinery Main Components (10)4.1.7 Main Group -7 Systems For Machinery Main Components (10)4.1.8 Main Group-8 Ship Common Systems (10)4.1.9 SFI Coding Structure For Rig 平台的SFI编码结构 (10)4.2 SFI Detail And Material Codes (6digit) SFI详细和材料编码(6-数字) (11)er Rights For the SFI Group SystemSFI 分组系统用户的权利 (11)5.1 SFI User License SFI用户许可 (11)6. Formats Of SFI Group System SFI分组系统格式 (11)6.1 SFI Manuals SFI手册 (11)7.Conclusion 结论 (12)1. Introduction 介绍The SFIGroup System is the most widely used classification system for the maritime and offshore industry worldwide. It is an international standard, which provides a functional subdivision of technical and financial ship or rig informatio n.SFI consists of a technical account structure covering all aspects of ship/rig specification, and it can be used as a basi c standard for all systems in the shipping/offshore industry. More than 6000 SFI systems have been installed worldwid e. SFI is used by shipping and offshore companies, shipyards, consultancies,software suppliers, authorities and classifi cation societies.SFI 分组是目前全世界航运业和海洋工程业使用最广泛的分类体系。



The dependable packageThanks to the simplicity and the tested design of the lobe blower, it is the ideal choice for difficult environments around the world that have limited supervision requirements, providing the exact amount of air required by the application.The innovation packageThe ZS blower is designed to guarantee maximum product safety. It ensures a continuous and long-term supply ofoil-free air. It is highly reliable and energy efficient in all your applications and has the lowest possible operating costs.• Flow rate from 140–5,200 cfm • Pressure from 14.5–58 psigGuaranteed reliability and performanceLow-pressure compressed air is the basis of many production processes. A reliable and constant flow is essential, and the air quality must be high. The Atlas Copco ZB range is the ideal choice for meeting the high demands of these processes. This range offers a complete package that comes with all the components perfectly synchronized.The plug and play packageThe ZE/ZA compressor is supplied as a ready-to-go, all-in-one package and includes a powerful controller and an optional integrated after-chiller (internal or external depending on the model). The completeness of the supply eliminates the need for additional components and minimizes installation work, consequently saving time and money.The ZM series is a centrifugal blower with oil-free compressionAvailable as one-stage(ZHL) or two-stage (ZH)solution, our geared turboair for applications with Reliability at a low lifecycle cost Our DZS dry claw blowers are an ideal solution for applications that requireService and Support is GuaranteedAtlas Copco has a factory-trained team of over 350 technicians across the United States, backed by dedicated low-pressure experts and key distributors. We offer a complete turnkey package to take care of every aspect of your application, including remote monitoring and optimization services.Filter backwashSulfur recovery Pneumatic conveying (pressure)Basin aeration Pneumatic conveying (pressure)LeachingOxidation air© A t l a s C o p c o A B , S t o c k h o l m , S w e d e n . Atlas Copco Compressors LLC Phone: +1 866-546-3588/blowers-usa Service SolutionsAny product you buy from us will enhance the productivity of your business at the lowest cost of ownership over its lifetime. This is our promise to you!Factory Trained Technicians Remote MonitoringCustomized Service Plans 24/7 Uptime。



LZ OIL-FREE COMPRESSORA zero-compromiseoil-free air solutionPREMIUM PERFORMANCEPiston compressors have always presented a compelling offer: robust, low maintenance and energy efficient. However, this strong performance typically came with high noise levels and few control options.The Atlas Copco LZ eliminates this trade-off. Simply the most complete oil-free piston compressor on the market today, the LZ meets all your compressed air needs and then some. ABSOLUTEL Y CLEAN AIRWhen your operations require unquestionably cleanair, “technically oil-free” really won’t do. Oil-injectedcompression, even filtered, cannot guarantee thatall oil vapors, aerosols and other contaminants areremoved from the air. T hanks to the pioneeringAtlas Copco oil-free technology built into the LZ,you can be sure of absolutely clean air.FIRST-CLASS RELIABILITYWith an operational lifetime of 16,000 hours, the LZis a long-term companion. T his supreme reliabilitystems from the LZ’s quality components as well as itscompression technology. Because the LZ doesn’t useany oil, it will last longer with only minimal service.No oil changes are required.HIGH EFFICIENCYEnergy use matters, as it constitutes the highestcost of running a compressor. T he direct driven LZcomes with a number of innovations (one-bearingmotor, load/stop technology, etc.) to reduce energyconsumption to an impressive minimum.LOW NOISEThanks to its sound-attenuating materials and canopy,the LZ offers noise levels as low as 67 dB(A). With thissilent performance previously unattainable for an oil-free piston compressor, the LZ is suitable for sound-sensitive environments.ADVANCED CONTROLThe LZ comes with the Atlas Copco Elektronikon®already built in to give you advanced electroniccontrol and monitoring. T he one-touch controlleris easy to use, optimizing both performance andreliability.LZThe zero-compromise piston compressorReliability•pump valves.••Energy savings• Direct drive technology offers major energy savings compared to belt-driven compressors.• Start-stop technology eliminates waste during the unload cycle.• One-bearing motor to reduce mechanical friction.Flexibility• Full range with different power (7–20 hp), pressure (4–10 bar) and electric potential (230/400/460V) options.• Pack and full feature, base and tankmounted versions available (for the LZ 7/10).Complete control• Dual pressure set point.• Remote control.• Remote alarm.• Integrated saver cycles.• Integrated smart algorithm for cooling and duty cycle.• Maintenance schedule.• Pressure, temperature and lifetime monitoring.D E S I G N E D I N E U R O P ET h e A tl a s C o p c oL Z c o m p re s s o r w a s d e s ig n e d an dd e v e lo p e d i n t heA tl a s C o p c o p isto nc e n te r o f e x c e lle n c ein I ta ly .Continuous operationLubricated compressors operate up to 20% of their running time in cool-down mode. T hanks to its oil-free technology and internal cooling fan system, the LZ can offer a 100% duty cycle for uninterrupted service.Quality air• ISO 8573-1 Class 0 pump produces TÜV-certified 100% clean air.• Dryer and filters included as standard in the full feature and pack versions.NEED NITROGEN? ADD THE LZAre you a frequent user and/or producer of nitrogen? The Atlas Copco LZ is the high-performance, cost-saving foundation of your nitrogen generation system. Unlike lubricated compressors, the oil-free LZ doesn’t require additional filtration equipment.As a result, the LZ gives you a more compact footprint, lower maintenance and minimized downtime. Because the LZ doesn’t compromise the adsorbent of the nitrogen generator, your system will last longer as well.T raditional nitrogen generation systems:LZ-powered nitrogen generation systems:*BM: base mounted – T M: tank mounted – FF: full feature.**Voltage: 400 50Hz – 230/380/460 60Hz.***Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Ed.3, Annex C-2009.****Mean noise level measured according to ISO 2151/Pneurop/Cagi PN8NTC2 test code; tolerance 3 dB(A).TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPERFORMANCEREFERENCE CONDITIONSDIMENSIONSTank mounted:LZ 7/10 • Smaller investment.• Reduced maintenance cost.• Increased generatorlifetime.Nitrogen generatorNitrogen generatorreceiverreceiverBase mounted: LZ 7/10 – LZ 15/20Full feature: LZ 7/10COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.2935 0805 44 © 2015, Atlas Copco Airpower NV, Belgium. All rights reserved.Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.Read all safety instructions in the manual before usage.。

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001 Compressed air: Pressure is fallingThe pressure of compressed air has been lower for 5 sec or more Check the supply condition of the primary side in the factoryCheck that the valve of compressed air is open.Check if the hose of compressed air is bent or LeakingCheck if the connect ion cable of pressure switch (in side the base sect ion of equipment) for compressed air is disconnected..Cooling-Water: Pressure is fallingThe pressure of cooling water has been lower for 10 sec or more. ·Check the supply condition of the primary side in the factory.Check that the valve of cooling water is open.·Check if the water way is bent or leaking.·Check if the connection cable of pressure switch (on the primary side inside the base section of equipment)for cooling water is disconnected.003 Ar Gas: Pressure is fallingThe pressure of argon gas for ion guns has been lower for 5 sec or more. ·Check the supply condition of the primary side in the factory.·Check that the valve of argon gas is open.·Check if the hose of argon gas is bent or leaking.Check if the connect ion cab I e of pressure switch (inside the base sect ion of equipment) for argon gas is disconnected.004 IG Cooling-water: Volume is decreasingThe quantity of cooling water for ion guns has been smaller for 10 sec or more·Check the supply condition of IG circulating water and supplement pure water if it is short Supply.·Check if the hose of cooling water is bent or leaking.Check if there is no water choking in flow switches or hoses.Check if the connection cable (X113) of flow switch for cooling water is disconnected.Refer to the manuals for attached components.005IG Cooling-water: Flow switch ErrorThe setting or operation is abnormal with flow switch of ion gun cooling water.The flow switch does not operate despite of stopping cooling water (Cooling water stops automatically for 10 sec after starting main pumping or in 30 min after venting in order to check a flow switch). Check the connection cab I e (X113) of flow rate switch for cooling water is disconnected.Refer to the manuals for attached components.007 DC24V for Solenoid Valve is shut offSystem error of sequencer.,Check that DC24V is ON.·Check that AC100V is ON.·Check the connection (REM+/-) of remote l/0 units ts. And check if any unit is displaying an error.·Check the communication rout of upper link (RS一232C) unit. ·Check the connection of the battery in sequencer CPU.008 Rotary Pump is not turned onON signal has not returned all though start signal was output to an oil rotary pump.·Check if the thermal of oil rotary pump is s tripped. Check the connection between power supp I y cab I e and signal I cable. I f it is stripped, check the set value. If the set value is s normal,it t is s due to the malfunction of oil rotary pump.·Check that the breaker of oil rotary pump is ON.009 CP ErrorIt appears with the alarms of CRYO pump, the following 101~017 and 051·Reset each CP alarm.010 CP Cooling: Pressure check is unfinishedThe pressure rising check inside CRYO pump, which is operated when starting COOL DOWN, has not been finished in one hour.Operate regeneration.Check there in no leakage in the safe valve of CRYO pump and the solenoid valve for N2blowing Check that there no dust caught in the pumping valve (MV, FV, N2, introduction valve, etc.)Check the cable connection of PIRANI vacuum gauge for CRYO pump .And also check that the power supply is ON.;011 CP Cooling: CRYO-PUMP is turned offThe temperature of CRYO pump has not reached the L set value (20K) or below by temperature although five hours elapsed after COOL DOWN stats.Operate regenerationCheck there is no leakage in the safe valve of CRYO pump and the solenoid valve for N2 blowingCheck that there is no dust caught in the pumping valves (MV, FV, N2, introduction valve, etc.)Check the cable connection of the thermometer for CRYO pump. And also check that the power supply is ON012 CP Regeneration is not finished.The pressure check for regeneration of CRYO pump has not been finished although N2 blowing was operated twice.·Check the supply pressure for N2 blowing (0. 03Pa).·Check if there is no leakage in the safe valve of CRYO pump and the solenoid valve for N2 blowing.·Check that there is no dust caught in the pumping valves (MV, FV, N2, introduction valve, etc.).,Check the cable connection of PIRANI vacuum gauge for CRY0 pump. And also check that the power supply is ON.013 CP REGENE ERROR: CP Pumping is unfinishedThe pressure has not reached40Pa in 6 min after pumping in CRYO pump when starting REGENE.·Check if there is no leakage in the save and the solenoid valve for N2 blowing.·Check that there is no dust caught in the pumping valves (MV, FV, N2 introduction valve, etc)Check the cable connection vacuum of PIRANI gauge for CRYO pump. And also check that the power supply is ON014 CP Temperature is rising.The temperature inside CRYO pump has been over L set value (20K) by thermometer for 30 sec or more when the cooling CRYO pump is finished(ready).·Operate REGENE. The pumping capacity of CRYO pump might lower. ·Check the cable connection of the thermometer for CRYO pump. And also check that the power supply of the thermometer is 0N.015 CP pressure is risingThe pressure inside CRYO pump has risen during cooling CRYO pump (ready)·Check that there is no dust caught in the pumping valves (MV, FV, N2 introduction valve, etc)·Check the cable connection of PlRANl vacuum gauge for CRYO pump. And also check that the power supply of the vacuum gauge is ON.·Operate REGENE.016 CP is not turned onThe confirmation of operating CRYO pump has not been obtained for the operation output to CRYO pump.Check the connection between power supply cable and signal cable. Check that the switch on the operation face (compressor) is remote controlledCheck if there is an alarm on the operation panel (compressor).If an alarm is being given remove, the cause and restart. Contact us if it cannot be restored。
