Understanding anemia of chronic disease
1 SLE血液学异样的发病率SLE发生血液系统异样较为常见,几乎所有的SLE患者在其疾病的某一时期都可发生一项或几项血液系统的异样,其中以贫血最为常见,其贫血的发生率可高达73%~90%,贫血的轻重与病程长短和病情的严峻程度有关,多数为轻至中度贫血,少数为重度贫血[1]。
温习国内外资料发觉SLE归并血液系统损害占75%~%,其中贫血19%~57%,白细胞减少11%-75%,血小板减少7%~30%[3] 。
2 SLE相关血液系统异样的机制贫血发生的机制贫血是SLE血液系统最多见的一种表现,约60%~80%的活动期SLE患者有不同程度贫血,有人报导贫血发生率可高达98%,贫血的轻重与病程长短和病情的严峻度有关,多为轻至中度正细胞正色素贫血,少数为重度贫血。
前者包括自身免疫性溶血性贫血(autoimmune hemolytic anemia,AIHA)、再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia,AA)、纯红细胞再生障碍性贫(pure red cell aplasia,PRCA);后者包括慢性病贫血(animea of chronic disease,ACD)、慢性肾功能不全所致贫血、缺铁性贫血(iron deficient anemia,IDA)等。
EPO与其受体结合后主要通过激活Jak2/stat5通路,进而激活 Pim、c-Myc、OncostatinM、Bcl-2、Bcl-xL、SOCS 和 D-type cyclin 等基因,在红细胞生成过程中起到抗细胞凋亡和促进细胞增殖等重要作用。
%Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein composed of 165 amino acid residue that is mainly produced in the fetal liver and adult kidney cortex fibroblast. The binding of EPO and its receptor can activate Jak2/stat5 pathway. Several important Stat5 target genes, such as Pim, c-Myc, OncostatinM, Bcl-xL SOCS or D-type cyclins are required for functional erythropoiesis. The expression of EPO is regulated by a variety of transcription factors and epigenetic regulation. Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA) can increase hemoglobin levels, and thus improve the energy level and quality of life in patients with anemia, but the long-term use of ESA also has some side effects. In this paper, the EPO expression regulation mechanism and its application in the treatment of anemia of chronic disease is discussed.【期刊名称】《分子诊断与治疗杂志》【年(卷),期】2014(000)006【总页数】5页(P424-428)【关键词】促红细胞生成素;缺氧;甲基化;贫血【作者】孙士鹏;刘贵建【作者单位】中国中医科学院广安门医院检验科,北京 100053;中国中医科学院广安门医院检验科,北京 100053【正文语种】中文1906年在激素能够通过血液运送到体内较远的组织器官发挥功能的新观点影响下,法国学者Carnot和DeFlandre提出缺氧条件下红细胞生成受到一种激素调控,这种激素命名为促红细胞生成素(erythropoietin,EPO)[1]。
aCML: 不典型慢性粒细 胞白血病(atypical chronic myeloid leukemia)
AD 阿尔茨海默病
A.G.I 急性胃肠炎
AHA: 自身免疫性溶血 性贫血(autoimmune hemolytic anemia)
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
ITP:特发性血小板减少 性紫癜(idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura)
JMML:幼年型粒-单核细 胞白血病(juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia)
LBBB 左束支阻滞
淋巴瘤(adult t-cell
Atrioventricul ar Block
bundle branch block
PSVT 阵发性室上性心 动过速
PT:原发性或特发性血小 板增多症(primary or idiopathic thrombocythemia)
PTCA 经皮冠脉成形术
Pulmonary Thromboembolism
P: PU (消化性溃疡)
PV:真性红细胞增多症 (polycythemia vera)
APA:急性失血性贫血 (acute posthemorrhagic anemia)
引发疾病的原因英语作文英文回答:Causes of Disease.Disease is a complex phenomenon that can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and environmental exposure. Understanding the causes of disease is essential for developing effective prevention and treatment strategies.Genetic Causes.Genetic factors play a significant role in the development of certain diseases. Some diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia, are caused by mutations in a single gene. Others, such as heart disease and diabetes, are influenced by multiple genes. Genetic testing can be used to identify individuals who are at risk for developing certain diseases.Lifestyle Factors.Lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, and smoking, can also contribute to the development of disease. For example, a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. Lack of physicalactivity can lead to obesity, which is a risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes and cancer. Smoking is a major risk factor for lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.Environmental Exposure.Environmental exposure to toxins and pollutants can also increase the risk of disease. Exposure to airpollution can lead to respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis. Exposure to certain chemicals, such as asbestos and benzene, can increase the risk of cancer.Infectious Agents.Infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, can also cause disease. These agents can be spread through contact with an infected person, through the air, or through contaminated food or water. Infectious diseases can range from mild to severe, and some can be fatal.Multifactorial Causes.Many diseases are caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and environmental exposure. For example, lung cancer is caused by a combination of smoking, exposure to air pollution, and genetic susceptibility. Heart disease is caused by a combination of genetic factors, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and lack of physical activity.Conclusion.The causes of disease are complex and can vary depending on the specific disease. Understanding the causes of disease is essential for developing effective preventionand treatment strategies.中文回答:疾病的成因。
C21的主要结合 蛋 白是成纤维细胞裂解 物 中的 CD ,这也
细胞凋亡 。此外 ,细胞因子通过诱导一氧 化氮合酶 (NOS)对红 正好是骨桥蛋 白(OPN)主要的受体 。据先前发现 ,OPN是骨髓
系祖细胞产生直接 的毒性影 响。
中骨内膜生态位 中较 大的细胞 因子 ,负 向调节 造血 干细胞池 的
疗作用作一综述 。
胞 生成 素依赖性 内皮 蛋 白)如 血小 板 一4(TSP 一4) J,分子
1 EPO抵 抗 的原 因
伴 侣 10 ,IGFBP一3和 TSP一1 ,能够起 到影 响红细胞增殖 或分化 的作用 。
引起 EPO抵抗的原因很多 ,最常见原因是铁缺乏和炎症 。
2.1 C21和 TSP一4 c21是 TSP一4的 C末端残基 ,是促
通过刺激 Hepcidin的合成影 响铁代谢 。
剂 -l 。因此 ,C21通过 防止 OPN的作用 ,可以间接增 加了造血
Hepcidin是 一种主要在肝脏 中产生 的 II型 急相蛋 白,是铁 干细胞池 的大小 。此 外 ,OPN在巨 噬细胞 、树 突状 细胞 和 T细
代谢的重要调节器 J。其 作用 是抑制 小肠 的铁 吸收 。除 了其 胞趋化 因子 的免疫调 控 中发 挥 了作用 。如果 C21在免疫 细胞
1.3 受体相 互作 用 促 红细 胞生成 素 与 EPO受体 结合 成素治疗 的患者 比非 治疗 患者浓度 高 。因为促 红细 胞生成
对于成熟 的血红细胞 的产生 至关 重要 。在红系 细胞 ,EPO受体 素在内皮细胞上调 TSP一1mRNA的合成 ,刺激 CKD患者的 IG-
是 由两个相 同亚基组成 的同型二聚体 ,而 IL一3受体是一 种异 FBP-3的合成。IGFBP一3实际上抑制红 系细胞的增殖。TSP一1 二聚体 ,包括对 IL一3具有 高亲 和力 的 A亚基 和共 同亚 基 BC 消除在 同一 细胞 中 结 合 蛋 白 一3介 导 的抑 制 DNA 合 成 作
但贫血组患者治疗后Hb水平高于治疗前((=1.9832,<0.05)o②肿瘤贫血组治疗后Hb水平为91.18士15.91g/L,高于治疗前的85.45士18.33g/L,差异有统计学意义((=1.9711,P<0.05)o③肿瘤贫血组治疗后Hepcd n和IL-6分别为0.73士0.45g/L和30.33士28.39mg/ml,均低于治疗前的 1.09士0.41g/L和50.76士42.10mg/ml,差异有统计学意义(分别为t=3.3941,<0.01和1=2.3597,P<0.05),而BMP6差异则无统计学意义(P>0.05)o④肿瘤无贫血组各项指标差异均无统计学意义。
Hepcidin在慢性病贫血中的研究进展曾婷【摘要】慢性病贫血(ACD)是在慢性感染、肿瘤和风湿性疾病等慢性疾病患者中出现的一种贫血,其发病机制目前尚未完全阐明.Hepeidin是调节机体铁稳态的一类抗微生物蛋白物质.越来越多的研究表明,人体铁转运以及铁调素hepcidin在ACD发病中起着不可替代的作用.随着研究不断的深入,针对hepcidin的特异性靶向治疗有望为临床慢性病贫血的防治提供新的思路和方法.【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】2014(020)012【总页数】2页(P2176-2177)【关键词】慢性病贫血;铁代谢;铁调素【作者】曾婷【作者单位】上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院崇明分院血液内科,上海202150【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R556慢性病贫血(anemia of chronic disease,ACD)发病率很高,仅次于缺铁性贫血,ACD多见于慢性疾病患者中,如风湿性疾病、肿瘤、慢性感染以及其他慢性病患者等。
1 Hepcidin的结构功能和调控Hepcidin是一种抗微生物蛋白物质,人体中的hepcidin大部分来自于肝脏系统,在血液循环系统中发挥作用,最后随尿液排出人体。
Mild anemia can be managed in daily life and work, but some people may feel fatigued and short of breath after exercise.2.中度贫血患者在日常生活中可能感到疲倦,运动时会更加吃力。
Patients with moderate anemia may feel tired in dailylife and have more difficulty during exercise.3.重度贫血可导致严重的疲劳,甚至在休息时也难以缓解。
Severe anemia can lead to extreme fatigue, even difficult to alleviate at rest.4.临界贫血需要紧急治疗,患者可能出现头晕、恶心和心悸等严重症状。
Critical anemia requires urgent treatment, and patients may experience severe symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and palpitations.5.轻度贫血的诊断标准是男性血红蛋白浓度小于130g/L,女性小于120g/L。
The diagnostic criteria for mild anemia are hemoglobin levels less than 130g/L in men and less than 120g/L in women.6.中度贫血的诊断标准是血红蛋白浓度在100-129g/L之间。
The diagnostic criteria for moderate anemia are hemoglobin levels between 100-129g/L.7.重度贫血的诊断标准是血红蛋白浓度小于100g/L。
引发疾病的原因英语作文Title: Causes of Diseases: A Multifaceted AnalysisDiseases are often the result of a complex interplay between various factors, ranging from geneticpredisposition to environmental exposures. Understanding the underlying causes of diseases is crucial for prevention and effective treatment.Genetic factors play a significant role in the onset of many diseases. Inherited genetic mutations can increase the risk of developing certain conditions, such as genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. However, genetics alone is not sufficient to explain all cases, as environmental triggers often play a pivotal role.Environmental exposures are another major contributor to disease development. Pollution, poor diet, and lack of exercise can all lead to the development of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. For instance, prolonged exposure to air pollutants can increase the risk of respiratory problems, while a diet high in processed foods and low in nutrients can contribute to obesity and associated health issues.Infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, andparasites, are another common cause of diseases. These microorganisms can invade the body and cause illnesses like the flu, pneumonia, or malaria. The spread of these infections can be controlled through vaccination, hygiene practices, and timely medical intervention.Moreover, lifestyle choices can also contribute to the development of diseases. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug abuse can all lead to serious health problems, including lung cancer, liver disease, and mental health issues.In conclusion, the causes of diseases are diverse and multifaceted, involving genetic, environmental, infectious, and lifestyle factors. A comprehensive understanding of these causes is essential for preventing and managing diseases effectively. By adopting healthy lifestyles, limiting environmental exposures, and seeking timely medical care, we can significantly reduce the risk of developing various diseases.。
血液系统疾病名称英文缩写AA:再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia)ACD:慢性病贫血(anemia of chronic disorders)aCML:不典型慢性粒细胞白血病(atypical chronic myeloid leukemia) AHA:自身免疫性溶血性贫血(autoimmune hemolytic anemia)AIHA:自身免疫性溶血性贫血(autoimmune hemolytic anemia)AL:急性白血病(acute leukemia)ALL:急性淋巴细胞性白血病(Acute lymphocytic leukemia)AML:急性粒细胞性白血病(Acute myelocytic leukemia)AMKL:急性巨核细胞白血病(acute megakaryocytic leukemia )ANLL:急性非淋巴细胞性白血病(acute nonlymphocytic leukemia ) APA:急性失血性贫血(acute posthemorrhagic anemia)ATL:成人T细胞白血病/淋巴瘤(adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma) ATP:自身免疫性血小板减少性紫癜(autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura)BL:嗜碱性粒细胞白血病(basophilic leukemia)CDA:纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血(congenital dyserythropoietic anemia) CEL:慢性嗜酸性粒细胞白血病(chronic eosinophilic leukemia)CIMF:慢性特发性骨髓纤维化(chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis)CL:慢性白血病(chronic leukemia)CLL:慢性淋巴系白血病(chronic lymphoid leukemia)CLL:慢性淋巴细胞白血病(chronic lymphocytic leukemia)CLPD:慢性淋巴细胞增殖性疾病(chronic lymphoproliferative disorders) CML:慢性髓系白血病(chronic myeloid leukemia)CML:慢性髓细胞白血病(chronic myelocytic leukemia)CML:慢性粒细胞白血病(chronic myelocytic leukemia)CMML:慢性粒-单核细胞白血病(chronic myelomonocytic leukemia) CMPDs:慢性骨髓增殖性疾病(chronic myeloproliferative disorders) CNL:慢性中性粒细胞白血病(chronic neutrophilic leukemia)DIHA:药物性溶血性贫血(drug-induced hemolytic anemia)EL:嗜酸性粒细胞白血病(eosinophilic leukemia)HA:溶血性贫血(hemolytic anemia)HAL:低增生性急性白血病(hypoplastic acute leukemia)HCL:毛细胞白血病(hairy cell leukemia)HSP:过敏性紫癜又称亨-舒综合症(Henoch-Schonlein purpura)IDA:缺铁性贫血(iron deficiency anemia)IM:传染性单核细胞增多症(Infectious Mononucleosis)IMF:原发性骨髓纤维化症(Idiopathic myelofibrosis)ITP:特发性血小板减少性紫癜(idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) JMML:幼年型粒-单核细胞白血病(juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia) LGLL:大颗粒淋巴细胞白血病(large granular lymphocytic leukemia) MA:地中海贫血(Mediterranean anemia)MA:巨幼细胞性贫血(megaloblastic anemia)MAL:急性混合细胞白血病(mixed acute leukemia)MCL:组织嗜碱细胞(肥大细胞)性白血病(mast call leukemia)MDS:骨髓增生异常综合征(myelodysplastic syndrome)MH:恶性组织细胞病(malignant histiocytosis)MH:恶性组织细胞增多症(malignant histiocytosis)ML:巨核细胞白血病(megakaryoblastic leukemia)MM:多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma)PHT:原发性出血性血小板增多症(primary hemorrhagic thrombocythemia) PLL:幼淋巴细胞白血病(prolymphocytic leukemia)PNH:阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿(paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria) PRCA:纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血(pure red cell aplasia)PS:单纯性紫癜(purpura simplex)PT:原发性或特发性血小板增多症(primary or idiopathic thrombocythemia)PV:真性红细胞增多症(polycythemia vera)RA:难治性贫血(refractory anemia)RARS:难治性贫血伴环状铁粒幼细胞RAWS:难治性贫血伴铁粒幼红细胞增多(refractory anemia with sideroblastosis)RCMD:难治性血细胞减少伴有多系发育异常RCMD-RS:难治性血细胞减少伴有多系发育异常和环状铁粒幼细胞SA:铁粒幼细胞改贫血(sideroblastic anemia)SCVL:绒毛淋巴细胞脾淋巴瘤(splenic lymphoma with circulating villous lymphocytes)ST:继发性或反应性血小板增多症(secondary thrombocythemia)TEG:嗜酸性粒细胞增多症(cal eosinophilic granulocytosis)TTP:血栓性血小板减少性紫癜(thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)。
中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursing2024 年第 10 卷第 2 期Vol.10, No.2, 20241例极重型再生障碍性贫血合并多重感染患者的护理体会武珂君, 李昕砾(中国医学科学院血液病医院 中国医学科学院血液学研究所 实验血液学国家重点实验室 国家血液系统疾病临床医学研究中心 细胞生态海河实验室 贫血诊疗中心, 天津, 300020)摘要: 极重型再生障碍性贫血(VSAA )是一种非常罕见的、严重的造血系统疾病,表现为骨髓造血功能持续受损,导致全血细胞中的三大类细胞(红细胞、白细胞和血小板)数量不足。
关键词: 极重型再生障碍性贫血; 感染; 护理风险评估; 跌倒; 出血; 心理护理中图分类号: R 473.5 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 2709-1961(2024)02-0180-04Nursing of a patient with very severe aplastic anemiacomplicated with multiple infectionsWU Kejun ,LI Xinli(Center for Anaemia Diagnosis and Treatment , Hematology Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College , Institute of Hematology and Blood Diseases Hospital and Peking Union Medical College , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences , State Key Laboratory of Experimental Hematology , NationalClinical Research Center for Blood Diseases , Haihe Laboratory of Cell Ecosystem , Tianjin , 300020)ABSTRACT : Very severe aplastic anemia is a very rare and serious disease of hematopoietic sys⁃tem , which is characterized by continuous impairment of hematopoietic function of bone marrow , resulting in insufficient number of three types of cells (red blood cells , white blood cells and plate⁃lets ) in whole blood cells. This paper summarized the nursing management of a patient with se⁃vere aplastic anemia complicated with multiple infections. According to the patient's existing symptoms , key issues of nursing were clarified including infection prevention and control , illness condition monitoring , risk assessment and prevention of falls and bleeding. In addition to routine personalized care psychological care was carried out to improve the patients ’ treatment adherence.KEY WORDS : very severe aplastic anemia ; multiple infection ; nursing risk assessment ; falls ; bleeding ; psychological care 极重型再生障碍性贫血(VSAA )是一种非常罕见的、严重的造血系统疾病,表现为骨髓造血功能持续受损,导致全血细胞中的三大类细胞(红细胞、白细胞和血小板)[1]数量不足。
1. 铁缺乏性贫血(IDA)铁缺乏性贫血是最常见的贫血类型之一。
2. 酸性缺乏性贫血(Sideroblastic anemia)酸性缺乏性贫血是一种由于体内铁元素代谢紊乱导致的贫血类型。
3. 铁粒幼细胞性贫血(Thalassemia)铁粒幼细胞性贫血是一组遗传性疾病,主要影响血红蛋白的合成。
4. 长期慢性病性贫血(Anemia of chronic disease)长期慢性病性贫血是一种由于慢性疾病引起的贫血类型。
5. 非再生性贫血(Aplastic anemia)非再生性贫血是一种由于骨髓造血功能受损而引起的贫血类型。
6. 铁粒幼细胞性贫血(Megaloblastic anemia)铁粒幼细胞性贫血是一种由于维生素B12或叶酸缺乏引起的贫血类型。
Fatigue is different than ordinary tiredness. Fatigue is disruptive and interferes with all aspects of daily living. About 10 million doctor visits each year are attributed to fatigue, and many of those are tied to arthritis-related conditions.【点评】 ·disruptive:具有破坏性的; ·visit:在医学英语中表⽰“出诊,诊断”; ·arthritis:关节; ·condition:在公共英语中指“情况,状况”,但在医学英语中指“疾病,病症”。
arthritis-related conditions即“与关节炎有关的疾病”。
. According to the Arthritis Foundation, 98% of rheumatoid arthritis patients and 50% of people with lupus or Sjogren's syndrome report fatigue. The percentage escalates with obesity and depression, and complications of secondary conditions such as fibromyalgia, lung conditions, and cardiovascular problems.【点评】·rheumatoid:类风湿的。
贫血约血的工作流程英文回答:The workflow for diagnosing and treating anemia includes several steps. Anemia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, leading to a reduced ability to carry oxygen to the body's tissues. Here is an overview of the workflow:1. Medical history and physical examination: The first step in diagnosing anemia is to gather information about the patient's medical history, including any symptoms they may be experiencing, such as fatigue, weakness, or shortness of breath. A physical examination is also conducted to look for signs of anemia, such as pale skin or an enlarged spleen.2. Blood tests: Blood tests are essential for diagnosing anemia. The most common test is a complete bloodcount (CBC), which measures the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood. The CBC also provides information about the size and shape of red blood cells. Additional tests may be performed to determine the cause of anemia, such as iron studies, vitamin B12 and folate levels, or tests for specific genetic conditions.3. Classification and identification of the type of anemia: Once the blood tests are completed, the type of anemia can be determined. Anemia can be classified into different types based on the size and shape of red blood cells, as well as the underlying cause. Common types of anemia include iron deficiency anemia, vitamin deficiency anemia (e.g., vitamin B12 or folate deficiency), hemolytic anemia, and anemia of chronic disease.4. Further investigations: Depending on the type of anemia identified, further investigations may be necessary. For example, if iron deficiency anemia is suspected, additional tests may be performed to determine the cause of the iron deficiency, such as a stool test to check for gastrointestinal bleeding or a biopsy to evaluate the bonemarrow.5. Treatment: Treatment for anemia depends on the underlying cause. It may involve dietary changes, such as increasing iron-rich foods or taking supplements. In some cases, medications may be prescribed, such as vitamin B12 injections or iron supplements. If anemia is severe orlife-threatening, blood transfusions may be necessary. Treating the underlying cause of anemia is also importantto prevent recurrence.中文回答:贫血的诊断和治疗工作流程包括以下几个步骤。
中医骨伤科对慢性踝关节不稳定的认识及治疗进展徐 欣1 姜劲挺1 王强强1 马理元2 李祥雨1 杨 波1 张 博11.甘肃中医药大学中医临床学院,甘肃兰州 730000;2.甘肃中医药大学附属医院,甘肃兰州 730000[摘要] 慢性踝关节不稳定是踝关节扭伤后,失治误治,造成陈旧性踝关节扭伤。
[关键词] 慢性踝关节不稳定;骨错缝;筋出槽;筋骨并重[中图分类号] R274.9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2019)19-55-04Understanding and treatment progress of chronic ankle instability in traditional Chinese medicine orthopedicsXU Xin1 JIANG Jinting1 WANG Qiangqiang1 MA Liyuan2 LI Xiangyu1 YANG Bo1 ZHANG Bo11.Clinical School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Gansu, Lanzhou 730000, China;2.Affiliated Hospital of Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Gansu, Lanzhou 730000, China[Abstract] Chronic ankle instability is an ankle sprain, and no treatment or mistreatment can cause old ankle sprain.The most important hazard is the instability of the ankle joint in the later stage, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. At present, the diagnosis and treatment of chronic ankle instability is still controversial. Traditional Chinese medicine has a unique understanding of the disease and has unique advantages in the treatment of chronic ankle instability, especially functional ankle instability. This article will review the understanding and treatment of chronic ankle instability in TCM orthopedics.[Key words] Chronic ankle instability; Bone break joint; Sinews off-position; Equal emphasis on bones and tendons人体负重关节诸多,而在维持人体的平衡中,踝关节发挥着尤为重要的作用。
中国血液净化2020年3月第19卷第3期Chin J Blood Purif,March,2020,Vol.19,No.3·贫血专题·红细胞生成刺激因子低反应的原因分析及处理策略蒲蕾1王莉1【摘要】贫血是慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)患者常见的并发症。
红细胞生成素(erythropoietin,EPO)的使用明显改善了CKD患者贫血状态,但仍有5%~10%的患者尽管使用了较大剂量EPO,血红蛋白水平仍不能达标,临床考虑存在红细胞生成刺激剂(erythropoiesis stimulatoryagent,ESA)低反应性。
【关键词】慢性肾脏病;贫血;红细胞生成刺激剂低反应性中图分类号:R459.5文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4091.2020.03.003The etiology and management strategy of low responsiveness to erythropoiesis stimulatory agentPU Lei1,WANG Li11Department of Nephrology,Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences&Sichuan Provin-cial People’s Hospital,Chengdu610072,ChinaCorresponding author:WANG Li,Email:******************【Abstract】Anemia is a common complication of chronic kidney disease(CKD).Erythropoietin(EPO)significantly improves the anemia status of CKD patients.However,about5~10%of the patients failed toreach the required hemoglobin level despite the use of a large dose of EPO,which is clinically considered tohave low responsiveness to erythropoietin stimulating agent(ESA).According to the recent understanding,iron deficiency,inflammation and infection,severe secondary hyperparathyroidism,inadequate dialysis,anti-gen-mediated pure erythrocyte aplastic anemia,are the complications leading to low responsiveness to ESA.Clinically,regular diagnostic processes should be conducted to find out the cause of this disease situation andthe appropriate management.【Key words】Chronic kidney disease;Anemia;Erythropoiesis stimulatory agent hyporesponsiveness贫血是慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)患者常见的并发症,随着肾功能进展,贫血的患病率逐渐升高,在eGFR<15ml/min的患者中约90%以上的患有贫血[1]。
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Understanding anemia of chronic diseasePaula G.Fraenkel 11BethIsrael Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School,Boston,MAThe anemia of chronic disease is an old disease concept,but contemporary research in the role of proinflammatory cytokines and iron biology has shed new light on the pathophysiology of the condition.Recent epidemiologic studies have connected the anemia of chronic disease with critical illness,obesity,aging,and kidney failure,as well as with the well-established associations of cancer,chronic infection,and autoimmune disease.Functional iron deficiency,mediated principally by the interaction of interleukin-6,the iron regulatory hormone hepcidin,and the iron exporter ferroportin,is a major contributor to the anemia of chronic disease.Although anemia is associated with adverse outcomes,experimental models suggest that iron sequestration is desirable in the setting of severe infection.Experimental therapeutic approaches targeting interleukin-6or the ferroportin–hepcidin axis have shown efficacy in reversing anemia in either animal models or human patients,although these agents have not yet been approved for the treatment of the anemia of chronic disease.EpidemiologyThe anemia of chronic disease refers to the impaired production of erythrocytes associated with chronic inflammatory states,including cancer,chronic infection,or autoimmune diseases.Recent data indicate that anemia can also occur in the setting of severe,acute inflammation,such as critical illness,or with milder but persistent inflammatory signals that occur in obesity,aging,and kidney failure.For these reasons,the name “anemia of inflammation”may be more suitable than anemia of chronic disease.The National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES III)revealed that ϳ1million Americans older than 65years exhibit anemia related to inflammation.In NHANES III,anemia of inflammation was defined as a low serum iron level (Ͻ10.74M or Ͻ60g/dL)without evidence of low iron stores,ie,transferrin saturation Ͼ15%,serum ferritin Ͼ12ng/mL,or erythrocyte protoporphyrin concentration Ͼ1.24M.1Other features of anemia of inflammation include inappropriately low levels of erythropoietin and elevated measures of inflammatory markers,such as C-reactive protein.2The anemia of inflammation is particularly common in hospitalized patients.In the CRIT study of anemia and blood transfusion in the critically ill,an observational cohort analysis of 4892patients in intensive care units across the United States,3mean hemoglobin levels in these patients decreased over a 30-day period despite the administration of blood transfusions.Furthermore,a nadir hemoglo-bin Ͻ9g/dL was an independent predictor of increased mortality and length of stay.In a recent study of 191consecutive hospitalized elderly patients with anemia,70%of patients were found to have anemia of chronic disease.Sixteen percent of the patients with anemia of chronic disease had concomitant chronic renal failure.4Seventy-one percent of the patients with anemia of chronic disease were suffering from an acute infection,12%had cancer,and 16%had a chronic infection,such as a pressure ulcer,or a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease.4The intersection of obesity,chronic inflammation,and metabolic derangements with anemia is an emerging area of interest.Obese patients exhibit higher plasma levels of proinflammatory cytokines and acute-phase reactants,as well as higher rates of iron-restricted erythropoiesis that can result in anemia.5In patients with chronic inflammation,one would expect increased levels of serum ferritin,thus the concept of “functional iron deficiency”has been defined for patients with serum ferritin Ͻ100ng/mL despite chronic inflammation.6A recent cross-sectional study of 947obese patients under evaluation for bariatric surgery revealed that 52.5%exhibited functional iron deficiency,defined as a serum ferritin of 12-100ng/mL for females or 15-100ng/mL for males with serum C-reactive protein Ͼ3mg/L.7Seventy percent of obese patients with functional iron deficiency exhibited a transferrin saturation Ͻ20%.7Further suggesting a link between obesity and impaired iron metabolism,weight loss has been associated with an increase in transferrin saturation in over-weight individuals.8Anemia commonly affects patients with neoplasia.Although hema-tologic cancers are more likely to cause anemia via infiltration of the bone marrow by an abnormal cell population,solid tumors often cause anemia even without bone marrow involvement.A recent prospective,observational study of 888patients with a variety of carcinomas revealed that 63.4%of the patients were anemic.9The prevalence and severity of anemia increased with a more advancedConflict-of-interest disclosure:The author declares no competing financial interests.Off-label drug use:None disclosed.A NEMIA :W HEN S OMETHING ’S W RONG WITH I RONstage of cancer.Furthermore,advanced-stage patients had signifi-cantly increased mean plasma levels of markers of inflammation,including C-reactive protein,fibrinogen,interleukin (IL)-6,tumor necrosis factor ␣,IL-1,ferritin,hepcidin,erythropoietin,and reactive oxygen species,compared with early-stage patients,whereas serum iron,leptin,triglyceride,and glutathione peroxidase levels were reduced significantly in advanced-stage patients.9PathophysiologyThe discovery of the iron exporter ferroportin and the peptide hormone hepcidin revolutionized the understanding of anemia of inflammation.As erythroid progenitors mature to the polychromato-philic stage,they express increasing amounts of transferrin receptor1to acquire iron for the production of hemoglobin.Macrophages consume senescent erythrocytes,degrade hemoglobin,and store the liberated iron in ferritin for subsequent release of iron to developing erythrocytes.10Characterization of the ferroportin -deficient ze-brafish weissherbst 11,12and the ferroportin knockout mouse 13re-vealed that ferroportin is required for the export of iron from macrophages to developing erythrocytes.In ferroportin-deficiency,iron remains sequestered in macrophages,resulting in impaired delivery to developing erythrocytes and a block in erythroid maturation.11,12In response to iron overload or inflammation,human hepatocytes secrete the iron-regulatory peptide hormone hepcidin.14-16Hepcidin binds ferroportin,resulting in the internalization and degradation of both proteins 17(Figure 1).Hepcidin appears to be the key regulator of iron homeostasis,because loss-of-function mutations in genes that regulate Hepcidin expression,for example,Transferrin recep-tor 2,HFE ,Hemojuvelin ,or in Hepcidin itself,have each been associated with hereditary iron overload syndromes.18Maintaining appropriate hepcidin levels depends on a complex interaction of regulatory factors,including bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs),the BMP coreceptor hemojuvelin,proteases such as furin and matriptase-2,and inflammatory cytokines.Inflammatory cytokines that trigger Hepcidin expression include IL-6and IL-1,19whereas transcription factors that mediate the effects of inflammation include Stat3,C/EBP ␣,and p5320,21(Figure 2).IL-6enhances JAK/Stat signaling,22,23which leads to increased phosphorylation of Stat3and increased Stat3binding to the Hepcidin promoter.21,24IL-1induces Hepcidin expression via the C/EBP ␣and BMP/SMAD signaling pathways.Hepatocyte damage,via endoplasmic reticulum stress or oxidation,enhances C/EBP ␣25,26or Stat3activity,27respectively,and increases Hepcidinexpression.Figure 1.Inflammation stimulates increased production of the iron-regulatory peptide hepcidin by hepatocytes.Hepcidin binds the iron exporter ferroportin (Fpn),causing internalization and degradation of both proteins and decreasing delivery of iron from macrophages todeveloping erythrocytes.This impairs erythroid development and leads toanemia.Figure 2.Inflammation and hepatocyte damage augment Hepcidin transcription and iron sequestration via several pathways.LPS released by bacterial infection activates TLR-4signaling,which increases IL-6release by macrophages.IL-6signaling leads to phosphorylation of Stat3and increased Stat3binding to the Hepcidin promoter,whereas endoplasmic reticulum (ER)stress in hepatocytes promotes CEBP-␣binding to the Hepcidin promoter.BMP signaling via ligands,such as BMP2,BMP4,BMP6,and BMP9activating BMP receptor-I,causes Smad phosphorylation and Smad binding to the Hepcidin promoter,which is required for Hepcidin transcription.The BMP coreceptor hemojuvelin (HJV)interacts with the BMP receptor toenhance BMP signaling.Inflammation also promotes macrophage release of lipocalin,which can interact with bacterial siderophores to sequester iron.Lipopolysaccharide(LPS)released by severe bacterial infection activates toll-like receptor(TLR)4signaling,which enhances production of IL-628by macrophages.IL-6,in turn,stimulates hepatocyte production of hepcidin.Hepcidin is not the only protein causing iron sequestration during bacterial infection.Recent studies indicate that stimulation of TLR2 and TLR6in mouse models reduces expression of ferroportin in macrophages and causes hypoferremia without increasing macro-phage hepcidin expression.29LPS stimulates macrophages to pro-duce lipocalin2,which sequesters iron by binding bacterially produced siderophores.30Furthermore,infection or inflammation stimulates neutrophil release of the iron binding protein lactoferrin, which can be internalized by bacteria,isolate iron from pathogens, and arrest microbial growth.31Obese individuals exhibit increased plasma levels of proinflamma-tory cytokines,the metabolic regulatory hormones leptin and hepcidin,and the iron-sequestering protein lipocalin-2.There are two proposed mechanisms by which obesity may contribute to functional iron deficiency and anemia based on experimental models:(1)leptin and proinflammatory cytokines stimulate hepci-din production in adipocytes and hepatocytes32;and(2)adipocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells in obese patients produce lipocalin2,which restricts iron availability to developing erythroid cells.33In addition to effects on iron metabolism,proinflammatory cytokines diminish erythropoietin synthesis,impair the differentia-tion of erythroid progenitors,and shorten the lifespan of mature red blood cells.34New experimental modelsNew models of the anemia of chronic disease are facilitating the evaluation of therapeutic approaches to the condition.The killed Brucella abortus model of anemia of inflammation35,36produces a 50%decrease in hemoglobin level in mice14days after a single intraperitoneal injection.Furthermore,erythropoiesis gradually re-covers after the injection,just as human patients may recover from the insult of a critical illness,such as sepsis.The ease and consistency of the killed Brucella abortus model provided the basis for an in-depth evaluation of the hematologic effects of inflamma-tion over time and in multiple mouse strains.Injection of the killed Brucella abortus bacteria in Hepcidin knockout mice produced a blunted effect on the onset of anemia.Gardenghi et al.35further evaluated the effects in IL-6knockout mice and found that IL-6 deficiency protected against hypoferremia and anemia.Arguing for a protective effect of the anemia of inflammation,Hepcidin knockout mice exhibited significantly impaired survival compared with wild-type controls after injection of killed Brucella abortus.36 Experimental treatmentsThe best treatment for the anemia of chronic disease is to eradicate the underlying disease.When that is not possible,patients have been treated with transfusions,intravenous iron supplementation,and erythropoiesis stimulating agents.37Newer,experimental ap-proaches target IL-6activity and the hepcidin–ferroportin axis.The first observations indicating that IL-6is a potential drug target for the anemia of chronic disease were documented in1993,when researchers observed that treating patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma with a murine anti-IL-6antibody improved paraneoplas-tic thrombocytosis and anemia.38,39Multicentric Castleman disease(MCD)has proven to be a useful human model of the anemia of chronic disease and a testing ground for therapies directed against IL-6.Patients with MCD exhibit generalized lymphadenopathy,systemic chronic inflammation,in-creased IL-6activity,and anemia of inflammation.40Siltuximab,a human–mouse chimeric anti-IL-6antibody was developed and approved for the treatment of MCD but has also been shown to improve anemia in patients with this condition.41Investigators hypothesized that siltuximab would be effective in early-stage myelodysplastic syndrome in which levels of proinflammatory cytokines are often elevated,but siltuximab failed to reduce transfusion dependence in a phase2trial in patients with transfusion-dependent,low-or intermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndrome.42 Tocilizumab,a humanized monoclonal antibody against the IL-6 receptor,has been shown to reduce serum hepcidin levels and improve anemia in patients with MCD and rheumatoid arthritis.37,40 Tocilizumab has now been approved to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Efforts to modulate the ferroportin–hepcidin axis have included drugs that inhibit hepcidin production,agents that block the activity of the hepcidin peptide,and antibodies to ferroportin.LDN-193189Table1.Agents with potential activity for the treatment of anemia of inflammation or chronic diseaseClass of agent Name Stage of developmentRoute ofadministration CitationsAnti-IL-6Elsilimomab or BE-8Decreased thrombocytosis and anemiain patients with metastatic renal cellcarcinomaIntravenous38,39Anti-IL-6Siltuximab Approved to treat MCD;decreasedanemia in patients with MCD;noteffective in patients with early-stagemyelodysplastic syndromeIntravenous41,42Anti-IL-6receptor Tocilizumab Approved to treat rheumatoid arthritis;decreased anemia in patients withMCDIntravenous40BMP receptor antagonist LDN-193189Evaluated in mouse models Oral43Anti-hepcidin oligoribonucleotide Spiegelmer NOX-H94Evaluated in cynomolgus monkeys andphase1trial in humans publishedIntravenous44,45Anti-hepcidin antibody12B9M Evaluated in cynomolgus monkeys Intravenous46Anti-ferroportin antibody LY2928057Phase1trial in humans completed;results unpublishedIntravenous Anti-hemojuvelin antibody ABT-207and h5F9-AM8Preclinical study in rats Intravenous47Soluble hemojuvelin extracellular domainfused with immunoglobulin FcHJV.fc Preclinical study in rats Intravenous48siRNA against hepatic EglN prolylhydroxylasesEglN1ϩ2ϩ3siRNA lipid nanoparticles Preclinical study in mice Intravenous49Suppressor of erythroid iron restrictionresponse,bypasses effect ofaconitase inactivationIsocitrate Preclinical study in rats Intravenous50is a potent BMP receptor antagonist that has been shown to inhibit BMP signaling and reduce hepcidin mRNA levels in a dose-dependent manner when administered to mice by oral gavage. Furthermore,LDN-193189ameliorated the anemia of inflammation in mice that had been injected with turpentine to generate sterile abscesses.43This agent is of particular interest because it is an orally available small molecule.Other efforts have focused on parenterally administered agents.NOX-H94is a structured L-oligoribonucle-otide that binds human hepcidin with a high affinity.In cynomolgus monkey models,NOX-H94blocked IL-6-induced hypoferremia and moderated the development of anemia.44In human trials, NOX-H94blocked LPS-induced hypoferremia.45The human anti-hepcidin antibody12B9M increased serum iron levels in cynomol-gus monkeys but has not been evaluated in a primate model of anemia of inflammation.46A phase1trial to evaluate the effect of an antibody against ferroportin,LY2928057,has been completed,but the results are not yet available().Table1summa-rizes other experimental therapies in development.Our knowledge of the interaction between inflammation,iron metabolism,and erythropoiesis has improved our ability to under-stand the anemia of chronic disease.Although drugs have not yet been approved to treat this condition,several agents are under investigation,and some agents improve anemia of inflammation in patients with MCD or rheumatoid arthritis.In some cases,the anemia of inflammation may be protective;for instance,in animal models of the anemia of critical illness,hepcidin-deficient mice exhibited significantly lower rates of survival than wild-type animals.36Thus,the best course of action continues to be to identify and treat the underlying causes of the anemia of chronic disease. CorrespondenceDr Paula G.Fraenkel,Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,Division of Hematology/Oncology and Cancer Research Institute,330Brook-line Avenue,CLS434,Boston,MA02215-5491;Phone:617-667-2168;Fax:866-345-0065.E-mail:pfraenke@. 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