1.Actually Sole trade illustrates a person business in which the take full responsibilities in bothmanaging and having the possession of the business.AdvantagesBecause there are no legal formalities, naturally the business is easy to set upUsually, the sole trader could take all key decisions without concerning other unnecessary effectsIt is the simplest form of business organization recognized by Scots Law. The only one who takes responsibility for the owner is himself.It is convenient for owner to keep personal touches with customers.The owner could keep all the profits because he owns the company.Disadvantages:Unlimited liability: The owner has unlimited liability for all debts or obligations owed by the business if the business fails.His business is firmly associated with his personal possession which means he maintains a lot of pressures in raising finance.Intense competition will lead the company lacking of continuity and worry about the pressure from larger units.As the owner of the business.All major business decisions can be taken by XX has rights to lay down contracts and decisions about the management of the business.If the business is a success, X will share all profits. If not, he will be responsible for every penny owed. (可写可不写,X代表公司名字)Partnership is a business operated by 2 or more people, in which each partner contributes something to the business, whether it be a skill or merely capital investment.Advantage:Comparing to sole trader, partnership is much easier to raise finance and attract investment.Because two or people can have more ideas than one, partnership would take less risks in managing.It is an undeniable fact that it maximize the possibility to introduce limited liability.Disadvantage:For some situations, partners might have conflicts in managing decisions making.Partnership is normally sued for its debts first. All debts owed must be separated to all other partners equally.The liability of the partnership is normally unlimited.The capital is limited because of lack of finance.According to Partnership Act 1890, the right of partners in the running of the business and decision making is equal. Every partner’s act can bind the firm and their partners, and it is the partner’s implied authority. If this is not the case, the other partners have to their customers.pany is an organization that has been incorporated under Companies Act 2006 and mustfollow extensive legal requirements when setting up the business.Advantage:Limited liability: The members of a company are not responsible for the company’s debts without agreement. The way the members have made the risk lowest and cannot be asked to make contribution to further finance, especially when it’s in debts.The only responsibility for the debts is the investment in the company.Separate corporate personality: The Company becomes a separate legal person different from the members.The company can have assets, sue and be sued and takes responsible for company debts.The company has legal rights and becomes a part of contract which in participate in.The ownership can be exercised by company over property.Salomon V A Saloman& Co Ltd (1897)Mr. Aron Salomon made leather boots and shoes in a large Whitechapel High Street establishment. And he set up a company with his partners. But the business was not successful and ended up with liabilty of £7,733. The company’s liquidator claimed that the company’s business was still Salomom’s.The original judge agreed with the liquidator.The Court of Appeal agreed with the liquidator stating the principle of limited liability was privilege conferred by the Companies Acts only on genuinely independent shareholders and not on “one” substantial person and six mere dummies.It is easier to raise finance than other business and has less involvement.The ownership and control are separated to members.DisadvantageThere are extensive legal requirement when setting up the business.It must be registered and comply with Companies Act 2006.3.Sole traderThere are no formalities and agreements needed or documents to be registered. Just do the business when you want, in the common law.PartnershipA agreement about the details of the duties and obligations and authority of partners is needed.Partnership is leaded bu the Partnership Act 1890, if there is no agreement.The treats to all partners of the act are equal in the managenment of the type of business.Limited CompanyIt is the most difficult to set up because of the extensive legal requirement.The document and application must be sent to Companies House and be registered.Under previous Companies Acts, every registered company was required to have a memorandum of association.And now, it plays a minor role in company formation,providing the name of the company, the registered office address, items which must be kept at the registered office, statement of limited liability, capital clause, statement ofproposed officers, statement of compliance.It is mandatory for acompany to have articles of association., which are the regulations for the inrerna arrangements and the management of the company.Some fees are needed to pay for the process.。
.word 可编辑 .Index pageIndex page⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.. Introduction⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.Background ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.. FindingsSection 1⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Section 2⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Section 3⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Conclusion⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Reference⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..word 可编辑 .IntroductionBackgroundSSP plc is a company operating in the food manufacturing industry. It is engaged in food processing, supplying all the main supermarket chains with first class process meat products. During the last few years the company has been difficult because of the BSE andFoot and Mouth disease made a declining demand for meat product. The bad outstanding achievement stopped in 2004 and a partial rebound in the market produced an increase in turnover by nearly 15%. It is expected that this rebound in the market will gather momentum over the coming year and the SSP plc is planning to take even greater strides forward by opening a new processing plant in Glasgow.As requested in the chief executive s memo’ of 30 December, here is my reportsummarising and analysising the financial position of the SSP plc for the year 2003 and2004.OutlineThe main body of the report will evaluate five parts:Part 1--- Analyze the users of financial information and the purpose of using.Part 2--- State of financial source and categorize with their characteristics.Part 3---Explain the cash flow statement of SSP plc.Analyze the recent financial performance and position of the SSP plc.(Including my recommendations about how to improvement of business performance).word 可编辑 .FindingsSection ers of financial accounts.Users of financial statements are a group of people or organizations who use the information to make evaluations and decisions. Users of financial information can bedivided into two categories: internal and external users.Now, I will use a table to show you the users’ purpose and sources of information to get the statements.Section 2.Source of financesTo run a business, organizations require finance for different proposes and for varyinglengths of time. In the finance, we divide sources of capital into two categories: equitycapital and loan capital. Equity capital is the finance provided by the owner and there is nointerest to pay. Loan capital refers to money that is borrowed from a source outside thebusiness. The interest of loan capital must be paid. Sources of finances could be clarifiedinto short, medium and long term. The short-term refers to finance that are borrowed fora period of no more than one year. The medium-term refers to funds that are borrowed fora period of between two and ten years. Long-term refers to funds that are borrowed for aperiod of more than ten years.In the case study, the source of finances of SSP plc is: trade creditors, tax, bank overdraft, debentures, ordinary share capital and the retained profits from last account period..word 可编辑 .Short-term sources:1.Trade creditors:Trade creditors are produced when the purchase of raw materials or stock is delaying topay, thus, there is more cash which would be used for other uses. There is also aninterest free way of raising finance. However, the credit could lead to poor relationswith suppliers and the customers may forfeit discounts.The credit is£544,000 in 2003 and it decreased to he percentage£405,000ofin 2004. T decrease is 25.56%. The decrease of credit infers that SSP plc has a good financialsituation that it has a strong ability to pay credits back to suppliers. This could improvethe relationship with suppliers.2.Bank overdraft:Bank account holders can prearrange with the bank to draw cheques to a greater valuethan the actual balance in the account. Interest should be paid by customers and bankcharges will apply where an overdraft limit has been exceeded. Bank overdraft is flexibleand cheap. It has a low cost. Some small bank overdraft even has a free of charge.SSP plc had no overdraft but the number increased to£86,000 in 2004. The shows that the company borrowed money from bank for its expansion in Glasgow.Long-term sources:1.Debentures:Debentures are loans make to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest.Thecompany ’fixeds assets normally secure debentures. Debentures have a fixed timeperiod or an open time period. The shareholders are not debenture holders.Adebenture interest is paid as an expense not an appropriation of profit.SSP plc has a fixed debenture (£1,560,000) in the year of 2003 and 2004. It tells us the company ’ s fixed assets are steady.2.Ordinary shares:Ordinary shareholders receiving pay-outs from company after preference shareholdersare paid. Ordinary share dividends are not fixed and subject to companyperformances and decisions of management in paying dividend.In SSP Company, the ordinary share capital is£1,950,000and in2004both.It2003infers that the company has a steady operation situation.3. Retained ProfitsThe retained profit is the finance brought from the last financial period. It is not fixedand may be a negative number. It presents operational situation of last period.The retained profits decreased from 505,000£ to420,000£. The percentage change ofdecrease is 16.83%. The lower ratio shows us the company had made fewer profits in2003 then it was in 2002.Section 3. Ratio Analysis1.Major inflows is Net cash flow op erating activates of£ 1,345,000.Major outflow is Payments to acquire fixed assets, which takes£ 984, 2.Ratio AnalysisProfitability Ratios:Gross Profit Percentage=Gross profit/Turnover x 100%2003: GPP=£ 7,000,000/£ 11,674,000 x59100.96%=2004: GPP=£ 8,037,000/£ 13,382,000 x60100.06%=Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: The increase of ratio is a good sign. The positive trend can be an indicationthat stock control of meat product has improved, demand for the meat product has increased after the diseases, or purchasing policies have improved. The managers should keep the good trend and go on develop it, such as improving marketing strategy, setting better pricing policy, or improving stock control.Net Profit Percentage=Net Profit before Taxation/ Turnover x 100%2003: NPP=£ 1,182,000/£ 11,674,000 x10100.13%=2004: NPP=£ 901,000/£ 13,382,000 x 6100.73%=Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease of the ratio is a bad sign that it indicates a low profit of the company. From the P&L Account of the SSP plc, we know that although the grossprofit increased, the operation cost is much higher in 2004; it leads to a decrease innet profit. So the managers should think about how to decrease our operation cost tohelp our company earn more profit.Liquidity Ratios:Current Ratio=Total Current Assets/Total Current Liabilities.word 可编辑 .2003: CR=£ 1,195,000/£ 767,000=1.562004: CR=£ 1,248,000/£ 701,000=.78Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: the increase of ratio is a good sign. Generally speaking a healthy current ratiois at least 2:1. The 1.56 and 1.78 indicate the company is a little bit over trading andhave difficulty in meeting its short-term debts. The main reason for the increase is the increase in the total current assets and decrease in the total current liabilities.I suggest that the company may keepmore profit for the short-term debts.The Acid Test Ratio=Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities2003: (£ 1,195,000-£608,000)/£ 767,000=.772004: (£ 1,248,000-£796,000)/£ 701,000=.64Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease is a bad sign. The ratio should be 1:1. But the ratio in both of2003 and 2004 is less that 1. And unfortunately, the ratio is still decreasing. SSP plcmeets a liquidity problem that the liquid assets decrease. The company managersshould pay attention to this ratio and organizatio n ’ s development.Efficiency Ratios:Fixed Asset Turnover=Turnover/Fixed Assets2003:£ 11,674,000/£ 4,017,000=2.91 times2004:£ 13,382,000/£ 4,318,000=.10times.word 可编辑 .Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: Where this ratio gas increase, this is a good sign. It indicates that the existingfixed assets are generating more sales and maybe investment in new fixed assets gascould be been paid off. Managers of SSP plc should develop and focus on it.Debtors Collection Period=Debtors/Turnover x 3652003:£ 306,000/£11,674,000 9x.57365=days2004:£ 452,000/£13,382,000 12x365=.33daysTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: It is a bad sign that there is an increase in DCP. It indicates that SSP’ s m have a poor credit control of poor invoicing system. The bad debts may also increase.The leaders of SSP should check their invoicing and reminder system to keep the ratioa proper range.Investment Ratios:Interest Cover=Profit Before Interest & Tax/Interest Charges2003:£ 1,416,000/£ 234,000=6.052004:£ 1,135,000/£ 234,000=.85Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: This ratio shows how capable the company is of covering its interest charges.The decrease is not good because the company is less able to meet its interest payments. But the ratio is still in a reasonable range. Leaders should try to increasecompany ’ s profit to keep this ratio a high level..word 可编辑 .Debt Ratio=Total Debts/Total Assets x 100%2003: (£ 767,000+£ 1,560,0(£4,017,000+0)/ £1,195,000) x 100%=44.65%2004: (£ 701,000+£ 1,560,000)/(£4,318,000+ £1,248,000) x 100%=40.62%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: It is a good sign that the ratio increased. However, a healthy ratio shouldkeep around 50%. It indicates that SSP has fewer liabilities or keeps more assets. Thesign should be kept by managers.3.RecommendationAfter reading and analyzing three accounts from SSP Company, I found some problemswith it and now I will present my suggestions about the future management in thesetwo parts.Operational recommendationA ratio of Net Profit Percentage shows us that SSP plc has a high expenditure inoperation cost. It also indicates that the company has a low level of cost control.Therefore, I suggest that SSP should try to decrease the costs of sales and theoperation cost, such as adopting new management system and using contractors tofind distribution channels but to find them itself.Financial recommendationFor the source of finance, SSP has a bad performance of financial operating. In the CashFlow Statement, the Financing is£0, but the company is planning expansion in Glasgo The main inflow of the company is the sales. It is a dangerous phenomenon if the.word 可编辑 .company wants to use the turnover to expanse its business because it is impossible touse the current cash to support long-term investment. So I suggest that the companymay increase the number of share capital or make more debentures to get more long-term capital for expansion.ConclusionBy analyzing the P&L Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, we can infer thatSSP plc has a good operational performance. However, there are still many parts to improve and develop to help the company maximize profits.ReferenceRay H. Garrison, Managerial Accounting, Business Publications Inc., 1985, Printed inU.S.A.J.R.DYSON, Accounting for Non-accounting Students, Financial Times, 2004, Printed in Great Britain.Frank Wood & Alan Sangster, Business Accounting 2, Financial Times,Pitman Publishing, 1999, Printed in China.。
How to compare growth rates of different countries
• NI growth rate (%)
country 2000
Government Spending (G) and Taxation (T)
• Government taxes both the household and business, so that taxes (T) are withdraw.
• Example: direct tax (income tax) and indirect tax (sales taxes). In detail, value added tax (VAT), Capital gains tax, Corporation tax, Environment Affecting Tax, Inheritance tax, Property tax, etc.
Difficulties of measuring National Income
1. Arbitrary definition of production (what should and should not be measured).
2. Value of service rendered by consumer durable goods. 3. Inadequate Information. 4. Danger of double counting. 5. Problems in making comparisons over time and between
Market Failure and Government PolicySCN: 177099996GTB4Li WenxuanTutor: Lou QiuyinNovember 6th, 2016Content 1.0 introduction2.0 Market Failure2.1 Merit Goods2.2 Public Goods2.3 Imperfect Competition2.4 Externalities3.0 Welfare Policy3.1 Some important welfare3.1.1 child benefits3.2 Case of welfare3.3 Instrument4.0 ConclusionReference1.0 IntroductionEconomy is human activity that consists in producing exchanging, distributing, and consuming goods and services, studied by economics and realized inside on. In this report, discussing the reasons for market failure and probe government roles in relation to each of the following and government policy.2.0 Market FailureThe market is a set of buyers and sellers with the potential to trade with each other. But when the market cannot distribution goods and labor efficiency that is market failure.2.1 Merit goodsMerit goods are products whose consumption or production creates social benefits that exceed the private benefit. Just like education, healthcare, public transport. Because many people cannot know anything the advantages, so the government should intervene people choice. Government can get to make a law. For Chinese, have ‘Nine-year compulsory education law’. That can help people choose merit goods and benefits of people.2.2 Public GoodsPublic goods are ready for societal members enjoy the items together, strict sense of the public goods with non-competitive and non-exclusive. It is a public thing just like the Park bench or civil defense siren. Someone used it that do not hinder others use it. The government should build this goods, because do not have someone could even want to build build but the society need it. The government use tax to build and maintain it.2.3 Imperfect CompetitionImperfect competition is monopolistic competition and oligopoly. It is meant by perfect competition cannot maintain. Because have some buyers or sellers could affect the market price. The market cannot change the price. Because the imperfect competition will decrease the market efficiency. The government should change it to adjust a market to a new environment. For example make a law. Just likes Antitrust Law.2.4 ExternalitiesThe following sentences are from Wikipedia. In economics, an externality is the cost or benefit that affects a party who did not decide to incur that cost or benefit. Economists often urge all governments adopt policies that "internalize" an externality, so that costs and benefits will affect mainly parties who choose to incur them. Just like the pollution, government thinks who take this who should solve this. If there are external benefits, such as in communal safety, less of the good may be produced thanwould be the case if the producer were to receive payment for the external benefits to others. Thus, unregulated markets in goods or services with significant externalities generate prices that do not take into account the full social cost or benefit of their transactions; such markets are therefore inefficient. So government should make some laws or rules to standard it.3.0 WelfareThe UK as a long-term capitalist country. It is a long and perfect social welfare safeguard system. Society welfare including the benefits of family, child benefits, death and benefits etc.3.1 Some important welfare3.1.1 Child BenefitsThe child benefits in the UK, government ensures that every child can receive education and life even they do not have kinsfolks. From child to adult, government subsidies, aid, guarantee the smooth growth of children. The British government's children's welfare, both in terms of welfare, welfare content and service level, its integrity and comprehensiveness is exemplary. first of all, British children welfare legislation perfect, various kinds of laws and regulations, not only covers the grand, and established the principle of "children's welfare is the highest", for children's right to survival and development, such as participation rights protection are made a detailed regulations and emphasis. second, the completion of the "welfare state" for citizens "from cradle to grave tomb" comprehensive social security, the benefit of children mainly include: the national health insurance, children can enjoy besides dental surgery, visual acuity and glasses all free medical care. Family subsidy system, covering maternity benefits, birth allowance, children stick, Tianjin, children, child care allowance, single special allowance, etc.; Education funding, children receive primary and secondary school education for free, with free books, stationery, lunch at school; Social services, set up the children's home within the community, for too busy to take care of the child's family to provide help and received orphans and abandoned children, and is responsible for their life and education. Again, the whole society to found a multi-level, vertical and comprehensive child welfare system. This way is mainly under the government's macro management, association for the disabled, charitable organizations, social service machine structure, all kinds of schools and community organizations and groups, within their respective fields to carry out the child welfare services, formed a multi-level, three-dimensional type, a full range of child welfare services network. The British not only built up social relief, social insurance, social security, basic education, medical service content such as children's social welfare system, and children's rights in government policies, laws and institutions for medical treatment and teaching education practice of occupies more and more important position.3.2 Case of welfareIn the UK, child benefit is operated by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC).As of April 2015, This is £20.70 per week for the first child (including the eldest of a multiple birth) and £13.70 per week for each additional child.The system was also implemented in August 1946 as "family allowances" under the Family Allowances Act 1945, at a rate of 5s (= £0.25) per week per child in a family, except for the eldest. This was raised from September 1952, by the Family Allowances and National Insurance Act 1952, to 8s (= £0.40), and from October 1956, by the Family Allowances Act and National Insurance Act 1956, to 8s for the second child with 10s (= £0.50) for the third and subsequent children.By 1955, some 5,000,000 allowances were being paid, to about 3,250,000 families.It was revised in 1977, with the payments being termed "child benefit" and given for the eldest child as well as the younger ones; by 1979 it was worth £4 per child per week. In 1991, the system was further altered, with a higher payment now gave the first child than for their younger siblings. In October 2010, the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government announced that Child Benefit would be cancelled from households containing a higher-rate taxpayer from January 2013.After some controversy this was amended so that any householder with a least one person with prescribed income over £50,000 would lose Child Benefit by a taper which removed it altogether when the income reached £60,000. This came into force on 7 January 2013.3.3 InstrumentIn the UK, child benefit is administered by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC)4.0 ConclusionOver the years, the welfare policy help stabilize the social order, ensure the people's living standards, the general improvement of social material and cultural level. Close the gap between the rich and the poor area, ease social contradictions in all walks of life. However,, at the same time, the years of high welfare, let government deficit continue to increase, and weakening the enthusiasm of people to work, make socialefficiency is low, and the resulting a series of struggle between the parties.ReferenceExternalities https:///wiki/Externality Buchanan, James; Wm. Craig Stubblebine (November 1962). "Externality". Economical. 29 (116): 371–384. doi:10.2307/2551386Case of welfare,https:///wiki/Child_benefit,Https:///government/publications/tax-and-tax-credit-rates-and-thresholds-for-2015-16/tax-and-tax-credit-rates-and-thresholds-for-2015-16#child-benefit-and-guardians-allowanceJump up ^ Whitaker's Almanack: For the year 1958, p. 1127. J. Whitaker & Sons, London, 1957Jump up ^ "Spending Review, October 2010, United Kingdom HM Treasury, Oct 2010. Jump up ^ "HMRC High Income Child Benefit chargeRedo:3.1.1 Child Benefits. No matter how much you earn or how much insurance you pay, you are eligible for Child Benefit as long as you have a duty to caring for the child. Benefits apply to children under 16 years of age and are eligible if children aged 16 to 18 are still enrolled in non-tertiary institutions.How to Apply: Request by the hospital or the Social Security Office.British university before the stage of education is free, university stage, 90% of college students are eligible for government subsidies. Therefore, for low-income families, from kindergarten to university education is a loose way.。
hnd 经济学导论 outcome3 答案
Outcome 31. What is meant by public goods and merit goods? Give an example of each.Merit Goods: The Government provides services that might not be provided by the private sector in sufficient quantities or of a sufficient quality, for example, health services and education. These are commonly referred to as Merit Goods.For example: 1. Beijing International Studies University.Public Goods: These are commodities, which would not be provided by the private sector because they would find that many people, even if they benefited from them, would refuse the finance through taxation. The level of spending allocated to public goods varies and will depend on many things such as needs and circumstances and political philosophies.For example: 1. Street lamp.2.Explain why the Government allowed the merger of Carlton and Granada while refusing Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA the opportunity of taking over Safeway.Because of TV isn’t maintaining products of the p eople’s living standard. And merger will be saving cost and rational use of resources. The main incomes are from enterprise income of Carlton and Granada. Customers aren’t main income of Carlton and Granada. Within this field, Government encourages merger to integration of resources. According to economic theory, we know that a scale monopoly is where at least a person or company supplies 25 percent or more of the goods or services of a particular type in UK. In this case, Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA of the three companies in any one company merger of Safeway, after merger of company’s supplies will over 25 percent. The three companies will increase power after merger lead to monopoly. Because of monopoly will be threatened to benefits of customers. Therefore, the Government refuses Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA the opportunity of taking over Safeway. On the other hand, Morrisons is a smaller than Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA. Even if Morrisons merger Safeway, it supplies can’t more than 25 percent. Therefore, Government encourages Morrisons merger Safeway will be grow market share and improve competitive strength of Morrisons. And Morrisons have power participate competitive with other three companies. And customers will get benefits from monopoly between companies. On the other hand, products of supermarket are closely related with the household, they are direct impact on consumption level, decreasing competitive lead to increasing price to against benefits of customers.Therefore, Government allowed the merger of Carlton and Granada while refusing Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA the opportunity of taking over Safeway.3. Government use taxation policy to regulate ‘negative externalities’. One of these isa tax on fuel used in transport. Explain why governments tax fuel and how it affects the transport market in the UK.The fuel cost and fuel tax are increasing must impact traffic. On the surface, thegovernment improves tax on fuel. In fact, the UK Government is improving price of fuel. According demand rules, we know that price increasing lead to lower demand. Therefore, after increasing price of fuel lead to drivers reduce. If people will drive as little as possible, it will be relieve traffic to bring good environment.。
经济学 outcome 2 3
Outcome 2 and 31.⑴There are four types of unemployment: Frictional, Cyclical, Seasonal and Structural.Frictional: labour is not perfectly mobile and cannot simply give up one job and quickly move to take up another.Cyclical: trade cycle is the expl anation of how a country’s economy grows, not usually in a straight line but up and down in a series of curves.Seasonal: this is much less serious than it used to be.Structural: Structural unemployment occurs when the structure of industry changes. About Liverpool, unemployment is being quietly and determinedly overturned.In the case study, there is Structural unemployment. When old style industries decline and are not immediately replaced by new industries, which can absorb the labour made redundant. Two industrial giants such as Triumph and Dunlop closed down. And generations of people are unemployed. As an economy develops over time the type of industries may well change. This may be because people's tastes have changed or it may be because technology has moved on and the product or service is no longer in demand. Long cycle of unemployment and after training will not necessarily be able to find a job.⑵ About the Speke estate, unemployment in 1996 was over 22%.New Deal is about welfare work policy. It is against unemployment, to help people employment welfare policy.Government actions to deal with unemployment, headed under the banner of training and learning to develop skills, which will make individuals more employable and mobile.Example: proved four months of training. It includes vocational skills, re-employment guidance and how to write job application letters and so on. Provide employment information and auxiliary posts. When beginning of worked in the six month early, they can get the allowance.⑶The impact of unemployment about individual and manufacturersIndividuals –when people unemployment, there is no income. Families have been affected, falling living standards. A decline in social status and the rights of the individual affected.Manufacturers - No need of the highest caliber. Spend lots of money to staff training and the cost will be increase. People’s demand dropping, then manufacturers need to reduce output. And the manufacturers will loss of potential output.⑷The trends on unemployment in Britain over the last 20 years, from 1983 to 2003 had an under change. From 1983 to 1986 the unemployment kept a high standard around 11% of the labour force. And then, from 1986 the situation had an obvious change which had been keeping a rapid decrease till 1990 (about 5%). From 1990 the fall trend had an intensely rebound and reached another peak at 10% in 1993. From then on till 2000 the unemployment had been kept a decline trend, and from 2000 the number contained a steady relative low situation below 4%.2.⑴The fiscal policy is by using government power to adjusting public spending and taxation revenue, either direct or indirect. The policy is aimed to stimulate or restrain the aggregate demand, then to pursue equilibrium in the macroeconomic environment. In this article, the two aims are: a way of influencing the economy and achieving the economic objectives is through the use of government spending. Taxation represents one of the simplest means of collecting revenue open to the government.⑵G overnment spending will cause National Debt. Whenever a Government borrows money it will clearly have to pay a rate of interest for that money. Over a period of time of all of that is not paid up it will accumulate into the National Debt. Government spending on public which may cause two aspects effects: higher productivity and quality of output or a rise in the rates of interest and inflation. For example, government spending on improving transport systems which means faster and more effective to individuals and business is an example. If the spending purely on wages and there is no corresponding increase in quality or output then the inflation will be appeared.Government spending will affect the total level of activities in the economy and at last influence the national income, and also the government spending may influence the income redistribution by collecting tax, and then by transfer payment to redistribute the income⑶At 1980s of the 20th century the economy is prosperity. Fiscal policy to add monetary policy. The fiscal policy is deliberate manipulation of government income and expenditure to achieve desired economic and social objective. On the money supply and bank credit market interest rates and the implementation of regulation and control of specific measures.During the late 1980s and early 1990s, the economy appears depression. After the late 1990s, the economy is recovery. Through the tax revenue way the policy, it will be inspire with policy.From June 1997 to December 2003, the target was 2.5% for RPIX inflation3.1).The disparity increased in early and mid-1980s, and recession-hit north regionswhere traditional heavy industries exist suffer more than the south.2). The consequent disparities in average income, economic growth and level of price, etc. –‘north-south divide’.3). Recent regional disparities due to recession in industries, e.g. service industry in the south in 1990s, or industrial structural changes.Regional policies in the UK1). certain areas are identified as Assisted Areas (AAs), requiring government financial assistance to boost their local economies. a. Such AAs cover around 29 percent of UK Population. b. Two tiers of AAs were identified to identify the level of need of receiving assistance.Tier 1 –areas suffering most acute economic problems –Cornwall, South Yorkshire, Merseyside and much of Wales.Tier 2 –large part of Scotland, north-east of England and many smaller areas affected by economic decline.2).The assistances to such AAs come from UK government (the Dept. of Trade and Industry) and EU. The most important current UK assistances are: a. Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) –discretionary grants given to firms for investment projects of over £500,000 and provides skilled jobs.Grants up to 35% of total investment costs available to Tier 1 AAs, and up to 20% to Tier 2 AAs.£785 million has been available in 2000-2003.the competitiveness, employment prospects and overall prosperity of the Assisted Areas of Scotland, those areas of Scotland designated for regional aid under European Community Law.Regional enterprise grantsThis grant is available to manufacturing companies throughout Swale that meets certain criteria.Grants are primarily aimed at small and medium sized enterprises (employing less than 250 people) to support companies seeking to make capital investment leading to improved competitiveness.。
HND大2 金融业导论答案
第一题:Functions of the Bank of Finance England1)Bank to the government●The Bank of England maintains accounts on behalf of the government.●The main account is the Exchequer Account. Government receipts from taxation, borrowing.●The accounts of government departments are also held at the Bank of England.2)Banker to the banksHigh street banks keep hold of their cash reserves at the bank of England.The bank of England maintains a current account for banks for:●Operational balances for cleaning●Non-operational balances for cash deposit ratios●Special deposits from time to time3)Note issueNote issue in the UK is fiduciary. The Bank of England is the sole bank for note issue.4)Management of the national debt●The Bank of England's registrar's department continues to maintain a register of holders ofgilts.●The Bank of England is responsible for management the national debt since 1751 to 1998.●This responsibility has been passed to the DMO.5)Monetary policy implementationIt is responsible for the control of interest rates and money supply growth in the economy.6)Lender of Last ResortThis involves providing liquidity. This helps to stabilize the banking system. The bank of England must legally provide liquidity at all times.7)International relations●The Bank of England works closely with other central banks and provides services for them.●It is a member of various international financial institutions such as the InternationalMonetary Fund and has representation on committees of central banks.8)Managing the exchange equalization accountThe EEA was set up in 1932 to stabilize the value of sterling in relation to other currencies and consists of the country's gold and foreign currency.9)Private bankingThe Bank of England has limited number of old established private banking customers whose accounts were opened prior to nationalization in 1946,plus staff members' accounts.10)Open market operations●The main aim of the Bank of England's operations in sterling money markets is to meet theMPC'S interest rate decisions.●The buying and selling of government bonds on the open market by all bank of England.11)payment and settlement systems●The bank of England monitors trading, clearing and settlement systems relating to, e.g.:equities, bonds and exchange-traded derivatives.●The bank of England plays a critical role in payment and settlement systems by ensuringstability in the UK's clearing and settlement procedures.第二题:Credit cardsAll high street banks offer credit card facilities through either the VISA or MasterCard systems. The bank offer cardholders the opportunity to obtain goods and services on credit with the option of repaying the balance of the account in full without interest penalty or paying the balance in installments’, subject to payment of interest.(is sued for people transfer of funds between accounts. The banker automated Clearing System the computerized version of APACS allows automated transfer of wages and salaries, standing orders and direct debits, etc. for full details of the types of transactions that are effected an APACS and for details of its membership,第三题:How to raise money?●Companies raise fresh capital through the stock exchange, which brings lenders andborrowers together and encourages of those with funds to invest.●It satisfies the requirements of those in need of funds, whether government.Why issue the shares in the primary market?● A government or company wishing to raise money sells securities and receives money.●Companies issue stocks and shares. A stock refers to fixed interest securities that pay aguaranteed interest rate.● A listing will be sought on the listed market or the smaller, less regulated market known asthe alternative investment market.●Reasons for such issues vary but the main reason is to cover any anticipated budget deficitwhere government spending is expected to exceed income from taxes.第四题:Advantages and disadvantages of quotation/listingAdvantages:1.Personal guarantees of directors are not usually required for borrowing.2.Offering employees extra incentive by granting shares IPO option.3.It being a public company can provide customers and suppliers with added reassurance.4.The company may gain a higher public profile which can be good for business.5. A float makes it easier for company and other investors to realize your investment.Disadvantages:1.The cost of quotation can be substantial and there are also ongoing costs such as higherprofession fees.2.The company may have to give up some management control of the business and ultimatelythere is a risk that the company could be taken over.3.Managers could be distracted from running the business by the demands of the floatationprocess, and by dealing with investors.4.If the market conditions change during the quotation process you may have to abandon thequotation.5.The business may become vulnerable to market fluctuations which are outside your control.第五题:Negotiable CDs1.Negotiable CDs are certificates acknowledging deposit of funds, the ownership of which canbe transferred to third parties.2.These are guaranteed by the bank and can usually be sold in a highly liquid secondary market,but they cannot be cashed-in before maturity.3.They are issued at par and carry a rate of interest that is usually fixed for the life of thecertificate, although occasionally floating rate CDs are issued.4. A certificate of deposit with a minimum face value of $100,000.5.Payable to the bearer, which means that the owner’s name does not appear anywhere on thecertificate.6.Technically, a certificate can be transferred to a third party by simply delivering it by hand.7.Issued on terms of 3 months to 5 years8.For amounts usually ranging from 50,000 to 500,000 pounds.9.Dollar is the main non-sterling currency of denomination but other currencies are used aswell.10.Institutions often use these as a way to invest in a low-risk, low-interest security.11.Due to their large denominations, NCDs are bought most often by large institutionalinvestors.第六题:Options1)Call optionsA call option gives the buyer the right, in return for paying a premium, to buy a share at a predetermined price up to a specified date.An investor would buy a call option if he/she expected the market price of the share to rise.2)Put optionsA put option gives the buyer the right, in return for paying a premium, to sell a share at a predetermined price up to a specified date.An investor would buy a put option if he/she expected the market price of the share to fall. Futures:●If the investor buys the contract, he/she must take delivery.●If the investor sells the contract, he/she must make delivery.●If the investor wishes to avoid having to take or make delivery investor must close outinvestor position.●The primary difference between options and futures is that options give the holder the right tobuy or sell the underlying asset at expiration, while the holder of a futures contract is obligated to fulfill the terms of his/her contract.。
HND 经济学(2) outcome3
Report for Economic IssuesOutcome 3Name: Zhang ChenMajor: International Economic and TradeClass: 2Number: 20115434Contents1. Introduction2. Findings2.1 Market Failure2.2 Public Goods2.3 Merit Goods2.4 Externalities2.5 Imperfect Competition2.6 UK Government policy on welfare2.7 The evaluation3. Conclusion4. Reference1. IntroductionMy reporter is expounding the market failure, and in my explanation I make appropriate reference to the role of government in relation to each of the following: Public Goods, Merit Goods, Externalities and Imperfect Competition. Later, I will explain the UK government policy on welfare and identify and describe the instruments the government use to achieve their policy and give a justified evaluation of the performance of the policy in relation to its use within the UK2. Findings2.1 Market FailureAn economic term that encompasses a situation where, in any given market, the quantity of a product demanded by consumers does not equate to the quantity supplied by suppliers. This is a direct result of a lack of certain economically ideal factors, which prevents equilibrium.Market failures have negative effects on the economy because an optimal allocation of resources is not attained. In other words, the social costs of producing the good or service (all of the opportunity costs of the input resources used in its creation) are not minimized, and this results in a waste of some resources.For example, the common argument against minimum wage laws. Minimum wage laws set wages above the going market-clearing wage in an attempt to raise market wages. Critics argue that this higher wage cost will cause employers to hire fewer minimum-wage employees than before the law was implemented. As a result, more minimum wage workers are left unemployed, creating a social cost and resulting in market failure.2.2Public GoodsImagine that the government did not provide an army, navy, air force, etc. A private company might have the idea of forming a national army and to raise the required money, they decide to ask everyone for £10. If you were that person on the CND march, and you did not want to be defended, then you would not pay. There may be a lot of people who refuse to pay for this reason. Also, there may be some people who do quite want to be defended, but take the risk of not paying on the assumption that there will be some people in the UK that will care enough to pay the inevitable increased price. This is the free-rider problem. The people who do not pay, for whatever reason, are having a free ride.To sum up, the reason why public goods come under the topic 'Market failure' is that the free market would fail, horribly, to provide defense and street lighting if left to them. The government has to intervene to correct this market failure.2.3 Merit GoodsMerit goods are also things that are 'good' for you, but unlike public goods they can be provided privately. The problem is that if they are provided solely by the privatesector then they tend to be under-consumed, so, again, the government has to step in to correct the market failure.The best two examples are health and education. Both of these goods can be provided privately. Some of you may be at a private school (or independent school, as they are called), or your family may have a private health insurance scheme. But, if the government did not step in and provide state schools and the NHS, then numerous families would not be able to afford either. This would cause increased crime and reduced productivity from an underclass of the non-educated and increased health problems which can also cause problems for the labor market.2.4ExternalitiesNegative Externalities in Production: The socially optimal output level is less than the market equilibrium quantity. Negative externalities in production or consumption lead markets to produce a larger quantity than is socially desirable.When externalities are significant and private solutions are not found, government may attempt to solve the problem through command-and-control policies, market-based policies.The government can either regulate behavior or internalize the externality by using Pigovian taxes.2.5 Imperfect CompetitionIn economic theory, imperfect competition is the competitive situation in any market where the conditions necessary for perfect competition are not satisfied. It is a market structure that does not meet the conditions of perfect competition.There may be imperfect competition due to a time lag in a market. An example is the “jobless recovery”. There are many growth opportunities available after a recession, but it takes time for employers to react, leading to high unemployment. High unemployment decreases wages, which makes hiring more attractive, but it takes time for new jobs to be created.2.6 UK Government policy on welfareWelfare economics is the study of how an economy can best allocate its resources to ensure that they achieve the greatest utility or economic welfare of its people, When resources are used efficiently then they maximize the welfare or utility of all. This is refers to people’s well being, and the United Kingdom Government believes it has a role in the redistribution of income and wealth allowing the increase in economic welfare. This policy is achieved by1.Taxation——by taxing those “who have ”,the Government can then give to those who do not “have ”2. Legislation——employment laws or discrimination laws (see supply side policies)3. Providing system of benefits and support.Government accepts that there are certain goods and services that are beneficial tosociety but will not be provided by the private sector in either the correct quantity or at an affordable level. Such areas include health and welfare.Traditionally the Government provides the majority of care for the elderly in the form of large long-stay institution/nursing homes. The Thatcher Conservative Government believed in the role of the free market and introduced the legislation that would introduced the legislation that would introduce market principles into welfare by closing the long stay institution and increasing the number of services-care in the community.2.7 The evaluationIt is clear that the policy has proved to be more expensive than was envisaged. It is difficult to assess the amount of money needed to carry out the policies, such as, care in the community and free personal care-local authorities that may not have enough money to provide these partly due to the aging population. However, another issue arose. Once the policies were put in place, local authorities and social workers soon discovered that there were many more people in the community entitled to these benefits than had previously claimed Government help.This problem will, in the future, be exacerbated with the decline in the population –there will not be enough young people to work and provide the taxes needed to support an aging population. Another issue was that demand was outstripping supply. When free personal care was introduced, social work and health services were swamped with demand for these services.This is not the only area of public ownership. We must always remember that the role of public ownership will cover many aspects of our society:·Public goods·Nationalized / Government owned industries for example, BBC, Royal Mail ·Regulation of industries for example, transport with OFGAS, OFTEL etc3. ConclusionThis report mainly writes the term market failure, and discusses the role of government in the market failure by four parts. Also talk about the UK government policy on welfare and the way or instrument to achieve this policy and give a justified evaluation for this policy.4. Reference·Economic Issues: An Introduction··· 。
—Index pageIndex page………………………………………..…. Introduction…………………………………………. Background………………………………………..…Findings》Section 1…………………………………………Section 2…………………………………………Section 3…………………………………………Conclusion………………………………………….. Reference…………………………………………….IntroductionBackgroundSSP plc is a company operating in the food manufacturing industry. It is engaged in food processing, supplying all the main supermarket chains with first class process meat products. During the last few years the company has been difficult because of the BSE and Foot and Mouth disease made a declining demand for meat product. The bad outstanding achievement stopped in 2004 and a partial rebound in the market produced an increase in turnover by nearly 15%. It is expected that this rebound in the market will gather momentum over the coming year and the SSP plc is planning to take even greater strides forward by opening a new processing plant in Glasgow.,As requested in the chief executive’s memo of 30 December, here is my report summarising and analysising the financial position of the SSP plc for the year 2003 and 2004.OutlineThe main body of the report will evaluate five parts:Part 1--- Analyze the users of financial information and the purpose of using. Part 2--- State of financial source and categorize with their characteristics. Part 3---Explain the cash flow statement of SSP plc.Analyze the recent financial performance and position of the SSP plc.(Including my recommendations about how to improvement of business performance)FindingsSection 1. Users of financial accounts.Users of financial statements are a group of people or organizations who use the information to make evaluations and decisions. Users of financial information can bedivided into two categories: internal and external users.Now, I will use a table to show you the users’ purpose and sources of information they use to get the statements.…Section 2. Source of financesTo run a business, organizations require finance for different proposes and for varying lengths of time. In the finance, we divide sources of capital into two categories: equity capital and loan capital. Equity capital is the finance provided by the owner and there is no interest to pay. Loan capital refers to money that is borrowed from a source outside the business. The interest of loan capital must be paid. Sources of finances could be clarified into short, medium and long term. The short-term refers to finance that are borrowed for a period of no more than one year. The medium-term refers to funds that are borrowed for a period of between two and ten years. Long-term refers to funds that are borrowed for a period of more than ten years.In the case study, the source of finances of SSP plc is: trade creditors, tax, bank overdraft, debentures, ordinary share capital and the retained profits from last account period.Short-term sources:1.Trade creditors:Trade creditors are produced when the purchase of raw materials or stock is delaying to pay, thus, there is more cash which would be used for other uses. There is also an interest free way of raising finance. However, the credit could lead to poor relations with suppliers and the customers may forfeit discounts.)The credit is £544,000 in 2003 and it decreased to £405,000 in 2004. The percentage of decrease is %. The decrease of credit infers that SSP plc has a good financial situation that it has a strong ability to pay credits back to suppliers. This could improve the relationship with suppliers.2.Bank overdraft:Bank account holders can prearrange with the bank to draw cheques to a greater value than the actual balance in the account. Interest should be paid by customers and bank charges will apply where an overdraft limit has been exceeded. Bank overdraft is flexible and cheap. It has a low cost. Some small bank overdraft even has a free of charge.SSP plc had no overdraft but the number increased to £86,000 in 2004. The increase shows that the company borrowed money from bank for its expansion in Glasgow.Long-term sources:1.Debentures:Debentures are loans make to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. The company’s fixed assets normally secure debentures. Debentures have a fixed time period or an open time period. The shareholders are not debenture holders. A debenture interest is paid as an expense not an appropriation of profit.SSP plc has a fixed debenture (£1,560,000) in the year of 2003 and 2004. It tells us the company’s fixed assets are steady.2.Ordinary shares:Ordinary shareholders receiving pay-outs from company after preference shareholders are paid. Ordinary share dividends are not fixed and subject to company’s periodical performances and decisions of management in paying dividend. In SSP Company, the ordinary share capital is £1,950,000 in both 2003 and 2004.It infers that the company has a steady operation situation.3.Retained ProfitsThe retained profit is the finance brought from the last financial period. It is not fixed and may be a negative number. It presents operational situation of last period.The retained profits decreased from £505,000 to £420,000. The percentage change of decrease is %. The lower ratio shows us the company had made fewer profits in2003 then it was in 2002.【Section 3. Ratio Analysis1.Major inflows is Net cash flow operating activates of £1,345,000.Major outflow is Payments to acquire fixed assets, which takes £984,000.2.Ratio AnalysisProfitability Ratios:Gross Profit Percentage=Gross profit/Turnover x 100%¥2003: GPP=£7,000,000/£11,674,000 x 100%=%2004: GPP=£8,037,000/£13,382,000 x 100%=%Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: The increase of ratio is a good sign. The positive trend can be an indication that stock control of meat product has improved, demand for the meat product has increased after the diseases, or purchasing policies have improved.The managers should keep the good trend and go on develop it, such as improving marketing strategy, setting better pricing policy, or improving stock control.Net Profit Percentage=Net Profit before Taxation/ Turnover x 100% 2003: NPP=£1,182,000/£11,674,000 x 100%=%2004: NPP=£901,000/£13,382,000 x 100%=%%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease of the ratio is a bad sign that it indicates a low profit of the company. From the P&L Account of the SSP plc, we know that although the gross profit increased, the operation cost is much higher in 2004; it leads toa decrease in net profit. So the managers should think about how to decrease ouroperation cost to help our company earn more profit.Liquidity Ratios:Current Ratio=Total Current Assets/Total Current Liabilities 2003: CR=£1,195,000/£767,000=2004: CR=£1,248,000/£701,000=Trend: Increase…Analysis: the increase of ratio is a good sign. Generally speaking a healthy current ratio is at least 2:1. The and indicate the company is a little bit over trading and have difficulty in meeting its short-term debts. The main reason for the increase is the increase in the total current assets and decrease in the total current liabilities. I suggest that the company may keepmore profit for the short-term debts.The Acid Test Ratio=Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities 2003: (£1,195,000-£608,000)/£767,000=2004: (£1,248,000-£796,000)/£701,000=Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease is a bad sign. The ratio should be 1:1. But the ratio in both of 2003 and 2004 is less that 1. And unfortunately, the ratio is still decreasing. SSP plc meets a liquidity problem that the liquid assets decrease.The company managers should pay attention to this ratio and organization’s development.;Efficiency Ratios:Fixed Asset Turnover=Turnover/Fixed Assets2003: £11,674,000/£4,017,000= times2004: £13,382,000/£4,318,000= timesTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: Where this ratio gas increase, this is a good sign. It indicates that the existing fixed assets are generating more sales and maybe investment in newfixed assets gas could be been paid off. Managers of SSP plc should develop and focus on it.@Debtors Collection Period=Debtors/Turnover x 365 2003: £306,000/£11,674,000 x 365= days2004: £452,000/£13,382,000 x 365= daysTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: It is a bad sign that there is an increase in DCP. It indicates that SSP’s may have a poor credit control of poor invoicing system. The bad debts may also increase. The leaders of SSP should check their invoicing and reminder system to keep the ratio a proper range.Investment Ratios:Interest Cover=Profit Before Interest & Tax/Interest Charges&2003: £1,416,000/£234,000=2004: £1,135,000/£234,000=Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: This ratio shows how capable the company is of covering its interest charges. The decrease is not good because the company is less able to meet its interest payments. But the ratio is still in a reasonable range. Leaders should try to increase company’s profit to keep this ratio a high level.Debt Ratio=Total Debts/Total Assets x 100%2003: (£767,000+£1,560,000)/(£4,017,000+£1,195,000) x 100%=%~2004: (£701,000+£1,560,000)/(£4,318,000+£1,248,000) x 100%=%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: It is a good sign that the ratio increased. However, a healthy ratio should keep around 50%. It indicates that SSP has fewer liabilities or keeps more assets. The sign should be kept by managers.3.RecommendationAfter reading and analyzing three accounts from SSP Company, I found some problems with it and now I will present my suggestions about the future management in these two parts.Operational recommendationA ratio of Net Profit Percentage shows us that SSP plc has a high expenditure inoperation cost. It also indicates that the company has a low level of cost control.Therefore, I suggest that SSP should try to decrease the costs of sales and the operation cost, such as adopting new management system and using contractors to find distribution channels but to find them itself.Financial recommendationFor the source of finance, SSP has a bad performance of financial operating. In the Cash Flow Statement, the Financing is £0, but the company is planning expansion in Glasgow. The main inflow of the company is the sales. It is a dangerous phenomenon if the company wants to use the turnover to expanse its business because it is impossible to use the current cash to support long-term investment. So I suggest that the company may increase the number of share capital or make more debentures to get more long-term capital for expansion.ConclusionBy analyzing the P&L Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, we can infer that SSP plc has a good operational performance. However, there are still many parts to improve and develop to help the company maximize profits.ReferenceRay H. Garrison, Managerial Accounting, Business Publications Inc., 1985, Printed in Accounting for Non-accounting Students, Financial Times, 2004, Printed in Great Britain.Frank Wood & Alan Sangster, Business Accounting 2, Financial Times, Pitman Publishing, 1999, Printed in China.。
门票价格需求量供给量£6 20,000 100,000£5 40,000 80,000£4 60,000 60,000£3 80,000 40,000£2 100,000 20,000£1 120,000 0问题:1.steamscot面临的基本经济问题是什么?这个问题是什么,什么是更换和维修计划的机会成本?2。
b),如果你是steamscot董事会的一员, 在这两种情况下你有什么推荐给公司呢?听听你的意见。
政府开支的必要性,四个角度:1公共物品:因为它的特征,非竞争性,非排他性,证明政府的必要(Public goods non-competitive, non-exclusive govement is necessary)(私人提供不了1.盈利困难(Private companies profit difficult)2.提供公共产品确定目标消费者非常困(Provision of public goods is Very difficult to determine the target consumers),无法确定消费群体,受益对象非常广泛,无法收费(Unable to determine consumer groups, beneficiaries is very wide and can not charge))有益性的,除了私人公司无法生产,是有益的。
2.搭顺风车:由于有人想享受公共商品的成果,但又不想付出代价,这就是搭顺风车的心理(Some people want to enjoy the fruits of public goods, but do not want to pay the price)。
导致这个产品会生产不足,没有计划的资金购买完整的商品(This leads to lack of commodity production, program money can not buy the full of Goods),导致供应不足,生产不充分(under-production non-production)可以责任转给政府,克服这个弱点(Private companies can shift responsibility to the government, to overcome these weaknesses)。
3.外部性:正(Positive externalities)负外部性:属于市场失灵现象market failave。
Assessment task instructionsRead the following passage and answer the questions which follow. SteamScot is a privately run rail company; which provides steam train journeys in Scotland. At present they operate three specific rail journeys in various parts of Scotland. These journeys are aimed at the tourist market and operate throughout the summer months. Around 70% of passengers are domestic tourists with the other 30% overseas visitors.The company has been fairly profitable over the last decade; and with the help of various grants available; they are considering an expansion of its operations. However; it is also aware that within the next five years a major overhaul of its capital stock as well as major repairs will have to be undertaken. It is this dilemma that the board of the company faces.It is estimated that in the coming year it will have £2.5 million to spend. This money could be used to open a new line between Inverness and Fort William; or to begin the repair and replacement plan on its current routes.A recent report has highlighted that following recent terrorist threats; visitors from the USA are expected to fall within the next three years; but that European visitors are likely to increase asthe Euro rises in value. It is also expected that Visit Scotland the tourist organization will mount a major advertising campaign in England to encourage more visitors from that country.The boards of directors of SteamScot are also considering a change in their pricing but are unsure if this is a wise move. At present the average price of a journey is £4 and 60;000 tourists use the services. A report commissioned by the board on price; supply and demand is shown on the following table.1 SteamScot face a ‘basic economic problem’What is this ‘problem’ and what is the opportunity cost of the replace and repair programme2 From the table in the previous passage; construct a demand and supply schedule on a diagram and identify the equilibrium price and quantity.3 a Calculate; using total revenue; the price elasticity of demand when: i price rises from £4 to £5ii price falls from £4 to £3b If you were a member of the SteamScot board; what would you recommend the company does in both situations Give reasons for your advice.4 How would the advertising campaign by Visit Scotland affect demand for SteamScot journeysShow the effect on a diagram.5 Apart from an increase in price; what other determinant would encourage SteamScot to increase its supply of rail journeys6 If the Chancellor of the Exchequer was to reduce income tax; would this affect demand for SteamScot’s products Explain your answer with reference to income elasticity of demand.7 Using a diagram; show what would happen to the equilibrium if the Scottish Executive gave SteamScot a subsidy. Explain any changes and how the market would return to equilibrium.评估任务说明阅读下面的文章;回答下列问题..SteamScot是一个私有的铁路公司; 在苏格兰提供蒸汽火车旅行..他们目前在苏格兰各部操作三个具体铁路旅程..这些旅行目的是旅游市场并在夏季经营几个月..大约有70%的旅客国内游客与其他30%的外地游客..公司在的过去十年来一直相当有利可图;借助各种可用的奖助金;他们正在考虑扩大其运营..然而;它也知道在未来五年内主要检修的资本存量以及大修必须实行..这种进退两难的局面;是该公司的董事会面对的..据估计;在未来的一年里会有£2500000可用..这笔钱可以用来在因弗内斯堡和威廉之间打开一个新线;或在其目前的路线开始修复和更换计划..最近的一份报告强调;伴随着最近恐怖分子的威胁; 来自美国的游客预计将跌在3年内减少;但欧洲游客可能由于欧元的升值而上涨..但同时预期Visit Scotland 旅游组织将在英国安排一个重要的广告宣传活动;以吸引更多英国游客..SteamScot的董事会也正在考虑改变他们的价格;但不确定这是一个明智的做法..目前的平均价格是一个旅程£4并且60000名游客使用我们的服务..一份报告董事会委托价格、供给与需求显示在下面的表格..1 SteamScot面临一个基本经济问题”这个问题是什么;更换和维修计划的机会成本是什么2从先前的表格中;构建供给和需求图表;并确定均衡价格和数量..3a用总收益计算下列情况的价格需求弹性..i价格从£4上涨至5£ii价格从£4下跌至£3b如果你是一个SteamScot董事会的成员;你会建议公司在这两种情况下如何做呢给出理由;听听你的意见..4 Visit Scotland的广告如何影响SteamScot旅行的需求量在图形显示作用..5 除了涨价之外;还有什麽其他决定性会鼓励SteamScot增加铁路旅行的供应6如果财政大臣将减少所得税;是否会影响SteamScot的需求请解释你的答案;参照收入需求弹性..7使用一个图表;显示如果苏格兰行政院给SteamScot一种补贴平衡会发生什么..解释如何变化;市场会回到平衡..。
Case Study 1◆Questions:1. List the main business organizations recognized by Scots Law.2. Given the fact that Lisa will be running the business herself and, for the time being, she is unlikely to be employing anyone, how would you classify her b usiness?3. Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of the type of business organization run by Lisa.◆KeyQuestion 1The main business organizations recognized by Scots Law are:Sole trader, Partnership, Limited partnerships, Limited liability partnerships, Private companies, Public companies.Question 2①Lisa is running a very small business, so the most appropriate form oforganization is sole trader.②According to the Companies Regulation 1992, Lisa’s organization form does notfit for the condition of private company; such a private company is limited by shares or by guarantee and need only have on member.③As a result, we can judge that the organization form of Lisa’s company is soletrader.Question 3Advantages:①very basic legal requirements to comply with②Total control over his/her business and does not have to take into account the opinions of any shareholders.③It is the simplest form of business organization recognized by Scots Law④ A sole trader is to all intents and purposes to be regarded as a self-employed person.Disadvantages:① A sole trader may find it difficult to fund an expansion of the business because she/he can not offer shares to other parties in order to raise funds.(筹集资金)②If the business fail, the sole trader is said to have unlimited liability for any debts or obligations owed to third parties.③The inclusion of new partners would force a change in the nature of business, operation by converting it into a partnership or some other form of corporate body.④(in any case), A business expansion requiring a major injection of capital might entail a loss of control over the business because new members who are a source of new finance will almost certainly demand a say in the running of the business.以上优、缺点各选两个答即可Case Study 2Question 1What are the main differences between a traditional partnership and a limited liability partnership (LLP)?PartnershipUnincorporated bodyPartners have unlimited liability in respect of partnership debtsNo need to be registered with registrar of companies and no need to supply formal documentsRegulated by Partnership Act 1890LLPCorporate bodyMembers enjoy limited liability in respect of LLP debtsMust be registered with the registrar of companies and certain documents must be suppliedRegulated by LLP Act 2000Question 2◆What are the main advantages for an existing partnership when it changes to alimited liability partnership?①The reason why many traditional partnerships try to translate to LLP is that the members can enjoy the limited responsibilities.②Further more, under the conditions of losing of privacy and greatering external regulation for the members, lots of traditional partnerships definitely hope to translate to LLP.(because of LLP…)Question 3◆What is the nature of the legal relationship between partners in firm and membersof a LLP?①There exist a fiduciary relationship in law relationship between company and partners.②举例说明公司与成员之间的忠实关系Pillans Brothers v Pillans [1908]③According to Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000, section 6 regulations, there should be recognized to an agent’s relationship between members and LLP.④The general rule of the law agency that an agent (member) must always act in the best interest of his principal (LLP).⑤ A member is not an agent of his fellow members.Case Study 3Question 1◆What is a company’s objects clause?①Object clause 是存在于Memorandum of Association 之中的。
Introduction.SSP plc is engaged in food processing, supplying all the main supermarket chains with first class processed meat products. SSP plc will open a new processing plant in Glasgow over the coming year. This report will analyze the information contained in the financial accounting statements of the company. In addition, it will consider the users of this accounting information, the sources of finance an analysis of the company’s financial performance and position.Section 1: Users of financial information.Section2: Source of finance.2.1 Short term sources.Trade creditor:Trade credit by delaying payment ,the cash is made available for other use .it also an interest free way of raising finance .the trade creditors is low .the reason of the poor relation with supplier.Tax due:Tax due is according to the profit ,the company have decrease to last year ,that is the net profit is low.Bank overdraft: Bank overdraft is a greater value drawn by bank account holder than the actual balance in the account, and customers are charge interest. it is fairly cheap and flexibility. The bank overdraft 2004 was increase 86. The reason of that expenses high,lead to the net profit decrease.2.2 Long term sorces.Debenture:Debenture have no taxation and reserves .but it need the repayment the principal .it is the best choice ,it have no change between 2003 and 2004 it have no issue bond and new investment . Share capital: Share capital is the most important source,it included preference capital and ordinary capital it is authorized share capital , share capital without principal .but this is please to the shareholders ,in the company it have not use it in 2003 and 2004. Retained profit:Retained profit is the best financing . It can used at anytime and have not the cost ,but the retained profit have contradiction with reserves . The ordinary shareholder may unsatisfied .it is the main method of financing. Company haveincrease by 40%,the reason of the good police.Section3: Analysis to financial performance3.1 Ratio analysis3.1.1 profitability ratiosGross Profit percentage:Year 2003: Gross Profit/Sales = 7000/11674=59.96%Year 2004: Gross Profit/Sales = 8037/13382=60.06%The Gross Profit percentage has increased for 59.96% to 60.06% between 2003 to 2004. This is a good sign. The positive trend can be an indication that purchasing policies will improve demand for the product. This may be lead to more efficient buying.Net Profit percentage:Year 2003: Operating Profit/Sales=1416/11674=12.13%Year 2004: Operating Profit/Sales =1135/13382=8.48%The Net Profit percentage has decreased from 12.13% to 8.48%., which is a bad trend. It compares the net profit figure with sales revenue. This indicates that the fall in profitability is due to a disproportionate rise in expenses in relation to turnover. The company should investigate this increase in expenses and take corrective action where appropriate.3.1.2 liquidity ratiosCurrent ratio:Year 2003: Current assets/Current liabilities = 1195:767=1.56:1Year 2004: Current assets/Current liabilities=1248:701=1.78:1SSP’s current ratio has increased from 1.56:1 to 1.78:1. However, the acid test ratio has fallen. It is not the absolute value of this ratio which might cause concern but the fact that it has fallen over the year. Generally, this is not healthy as the ratio is currently well below the ideal of 2:1. This may be indicates the company may be over trading and have difficulty in meeting its short-term debts. The Acid Test Ratio:Year 2003: (Current assets-Stock)/Current liabilities = (1195-608)/767=0.77:1Year 2004: (Current assets-Stock)/Current liabilities = (1248-796)/701=0.64:1The Acid Test Ratio has dropped from 0.77:1 to 0.64:1. However, the overall situation is serious. They have insufficient current assets to meet their current liabilities and are unable to pay their creditors who may ask for cash on delivery and new fixed assets without any new long term resources.3.1.3 Efficiency ratioStock turnover:Year 2003: Stock/Cost of sales*365= 608/4674*365=47.48 daysYear 2004: Stock/Cost of sales*365= 796/5345*365=54.36 daysThe stock turnover has increased from 47.48 to 54.36 days. As with all ratios, this is not a scale, which may be measured. Different departments have different standards, but in the wrong direction, higher inventory turnover rate is a healthy sign, because it shows that the company is buying more shares, as the most likely result of the sale.Debtors collection period:Year 2003: Debtors/Sales *365= (452/13382)*365=12.3 daysThe debtors collection period has increased form 9.57 to 12.3 days; it has rises by 2.73 days. Therefore a higher Debtors collection period is a bad sign. The debtors should be encouraged and cash discount offered.3.1.4 investment or capital structureGearing ratio2003Fixed return capital/ordinary share capital*100=1560*100/1950=80% 2004Fixed return capital/ordinary share capital*100=1560*100/1950=80% The gearing ratio have not change ,because it have no financing the level is stable ,so the liabilities decrease ,that is the current liabilities decrease the company should make full use of the financing for debtors.Interest cover:Year 2003: Operating Profit/Interest Payable =1416/234=6.05 timesYear 2004: Operating Profit/Interest Payable =1135/234=4.85 times Interest cover has decreased from 6.05 to 4.85, which is a fairly safe level. This increase is a good sign as is show the company is more able to meet its interest paid. But the company has a decline from the 2003 to 2004. Factors negatively affecting this ratio are as following: a decrease in net profit; an increase in debentures; and an increase in interest rate.3.2 Cash flow analysisCash flow decreased to £367000. The cash and bank overdraft are series flow positon. The company made a profit of £1355000, however the cash inflow from operating activities is £1345000. This is a heath inflow of cash.There was an inflow of £1345000 from operating activities, the net return on investments would have been even grater if not for the increase in interest paid . Interest payments could be reduce in future by issuing ordinary shares instead of debentures.There was an outflow of £234000 for tax. This is unavoidable outflow as it is based on profit . The next outflow on the cash flow statement was £984000 paid for purchase of fixed assets.this was a significate outflow and is the main factor contributing to the overall decrease in cash the company embarkes on a major stadium expansion and renovation programme that is hoped to generate more cash in the future .The company of cash flow is not good .the main reason of bought a lot of assets ,the expenses is too much , company should control the cash flow to maintain the normal operation of the company.ConclusionAccording to the proportion of case studies, reports that the company's short-term debt can not continue, but the present long-term stable capital structure. In addition, the company's expansion plans will require new fixed assets; it should be to find new funding long-term financing.Should the companies’ cash flow position continue to improve it is advised to invest the cash in short term investments or additional fixed assets. this will improve interest received, allowthe company to reduce fixed return capitals and improve theinvestment ratios.5.0 recommendation1. There are some suggestions for SSP:If the company can enlarge the sales revenue from businessactivities, therefore, the net cash flow from operating activitiescan be more.Directors can decide the amount of dividends paid equity. Accordingly, the Directors may reduce the cash, or even abolish the "pay if the company does not have enough money.Lease or use of some fixed assets, division of payment to pay for fixed assets, reduce expenditure and make the cost will reduce the company.The company should also look for other sources of resources. Such as money borrowed from the bank. Also proposed issue of new shares (if possible) and bonds.The company's long-term funding should be used to purchase new fixed assets.2.Give full play to the capital markets the company serves the role of the private economy, the optimal allocation of resources.Expand financing bonds and notes. Screening a number of sustained profitability, risk management, solvency strong small and mediumenterprises, to explore a collection of bonds issued to meet the funding requirements of which long-term development.Actively promote the development of equity markets. Vigorously promote the venture capital, venture capital, private equity and other equity investment funds, multi-channel solution business financial needs of different stages of development.。
1:(1) Market PenetrationHere we market our existing products to our existing customer groups. This means increasing our revenue by, promoting the product, repositioning the brand, and so on。
However, the product is not altered and we do not seek any new types of customers. It involves an increase in sales of existing products to existing markets-selling more of the same to the same people. It has two methods; the first one is using the existing product break new market to penetrated, the other is offer new products to existing market to penetrate。
This strategy has the lower risk and don't need more investment。
It is suitable for the product being in the growth process, when the market is not saturated the business would growth in the market and increased volumes lead to economies of scale, especially for some business which not have some clearly goals and development strategies。
B1 Summary of balance of paymentsBalances (net transactions)19971998 Seasonally adjustedCurrent accountTrade in goods and servicesTrade in goods BOKI-12892-22343 Trade in services IKBD1703214783Total trade IKBJ4140-7560Primary incomeCompensation of employees IJAJ83-10 Investment income HBOM-29911792 Other primary income MT5X686819Total primary income HBOJ47012601Secondary incomeCentral government FNSV-5977-8934 Other sectors FNTC-12056 Total secondary income IKBP-6097-8878 Current balance HBOP-1487-3837 Capital balance FNVQ509-261 Balances as a percentage of GDPTrade in goods and servicesTrade in goods D28J-1.5-2.4 Trade in services D28K 1.9 1.6 Total trade in goods and services D28L0.5-0.8 Primary income D28M0.1 1.4 Secondary income D28N-0.7-1.0Current balance as a percentage of GDP1 AA6H-0.2-0.4Not seasonally adjustedCurrent accountTrade in goods and servicesTrade in goods LQCT-12892-22343 Trade in services KTMS1703214783 Total trade KTMY4140-7560Primary incomeCompensation of employees KTMP83-10 Investment income HMBM-29911792 Other primary income MT5W686819Total primary income HMBP47012601Secondary incomeGeneral government FJUQ-5977-8934 Other sectors FJUR-12056 Total secondary income KTNF-6097-8878 Current balance HBOG-1487-3837 Capital balance FKMJ509-261 Financial account2Direct investment -MU7M1680834873 Portfolio investment -HHZD224556950 Financial derivatives (net) -ZPNN-11563043 Other investment -HHYR-29183-44139 Reserve assets -LTCV-2380-164 Net financial transactions -HBNT6544563Net errors and omissions3 HHDH752246611 Using series YBHA: GDP at current market prices2 When downloading data from the UKEA dataset users shouldreverse the sign of series that have an identifier that is prefixed witha minus sign.3 This series represents net errors and omissions in the balance ofpayments accounts. It is the converse of the not seasonally adjustedcurrent and capital balances (HBOG and FKMJ) and net financial accounttransactions (HBNT) and is required to balance these three accounts.199920002001200220032004200520062007 -29418-33472-41913-48953-50959-61941-70160-78963-90540135461328615952161952080326683337744284050807 -15872-20186-25961-32758-30156-35258-36386-36123-39733 201150666759-494-610-958-734 -1530667310615178611932422696320941659416626 711441579968127212791147892540 -618726411260188962065523481326311652816432-7371-9354-6065-8305-9680-9504-11211-11592-11974 -493-699-828-1077-1142-1586-1654-1110-2003 -7864-10053-6893-9382-10822-11090-12865-12702-13977 -24354-22975-21594-23244-20323-22867-16620-32297-37278 -25839373-675-6590-843-1527-169-3.0-3.3-3.9-4.4-4.3-4.9-5.3-5.6-6.11.4 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.72.1 2.53.0 3.4-1.6-2.0-2.4-2.9-2.5-2.8-2.7-2.6-2.7 -0.10.7 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.9 2.5 1.2 1.1 -0.8-1.0-0.6-0.8-0.9-0.9-1.0-0.9-0.9-2.5-2.2-2.0-2.1-1.7-1.8-1.2-2.3-2.5 -29418-33472-41913-48953-50959-61941-70160-78963-90540135461328615952161952080326683337744284050807 -15872-20186-25961-32758-30156-35258-36386-36123-39733201150666759-494-610-958-734 -1530667310615178611932422696320941659416626 711441579968127212791147892540 -618726411260188962065523481326311652816432-7371-9354-6065-8305-9680-9504-11211-11592-11974 -493-699-828-1077-1142-1586-1654-1110-2003 -7864-10053-6893-9382-10822-11090-12865-12702-13977 -24354-22975-21594-23244-20323-22867-16620-32297-37278 -25839373-675-6590-843-1527-169700927762014767227652915822931-51902-3601879487 -84285-10563448028-46591-95910878-46125-54444-106352 -2685-1553-8417-100154016769-5768-2060326989 -374411999-81356284548757-442919083082847-27871 -6393915-3085-459-1559196656-4261191 -21261-13653-30063-22441-14153-13517-12309-28644-2655633518929-85421478623592605154518010891200820092010201120122013201420151997Q1 -95026-86624-97384-93542-106498-115231-123143-125350-243648596519135433967332726158099888741886774537 -46430-34711-43045-26210-33883-34233-34402-366732101 -715-259-389-173-148-326-470-20326 5634486320468204271519-16036-31777-33743-261 415766114229-273-471-654-829211 5334537020193204831098-16833-32901-34775-24-11246-12997-17057-18180-18278-22720-20858-20440-1632 -2848-2839-3605-3493-3635-4122-4308-433911 -14094-15836-20662-21673-21913-26842-25166-24779-1621 -55190-45177-43514-27400-54698-77908-92469-96227456 2204043-380-167-472-415-1101187-6.3-5.8-6.3-5.8-6.4-6.6-6.8-6.7-1.13.2 3.5 3.54.2 4.4 4.7 4.9 4.8 2.1-3.1-2.3-2.8-1.6-2.0-2.0-1.9-2.0 1.3 1.30.1-1.0-1.8-1.9 --0.9-1.1-1.3-1.3-1.3-1.5-1.4-1.3-0.7 -3.6-3.0-2.8-1.7-3.3-4.5-5.1-5.20.2-95026-86624-97384-93542-106498-115231-123143-125350-2122 48596519135433967332726158099888741886774822 -46430-34711-43045-26210-33883-34233-34402-366732700-715-259-389-173-148-326-470-203-32 5634486320468204271519-16036-31777-33743-414 415766114229-273-471-654-829260 5334537020193204831098-16833-32901-34775-186-11246-12997-17057-18180-18278-22720-20858-20440-2235 -2848-2839-3605-3493-3635-4122-4308-433930 -14094-15836-20662-21673-21913-26842-25166-24779-2205 -55190-45177-43514-27400-54698-77908-92469-96227309 2204043-380-167-472-415-110115457675-38993-654233320-21995-42450-81600-66092158 -245426-310031379712308212999-50725-114735-2692725804 121682-29105-254952970-3011413947-14741-33078-490 2810664314-18106-71785-21335351281029822535846117 -133857636070494876424961711321079-1458 -39301-29024-30276-18239-44821-69139-100981-93779101311566915749132359541100449241-809735499668199719971997199819981998199819991999 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 -3278-2914-4264-4482-5963-5722-6176-7806-6866 387345914031402536333549357647373143 5951677-233-457-2330-2173-2600-3069-3723 8123770-25-27-282890 594-400-232309138448845215-1057-108 144177154205187198229215184 746-211-41584154650555416-814166 -1761-1555-1029-2363-1695-1852-3024-2011-1777 182-137-176174-123-1217-110-25 -1579-1692-1205-2189-1818-1864-3007-2121-1802 -238-226-1479-2062-26021018-191-6004-5359 -7111218-127-2162953-72-7-1.5-1.3-1.9-2.0-2.6-2.5-2.6-3.3- 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.5 2.0 -0.30.7 2.2 2.3-0.30.1 -0.7-0.8-0.5-1.0-0.8-0.8-1.3-0.9-0.8 -0.1-0.1-0.7-0.9-1.10.4-0.1-2.5-2.2-4340-3484-2946-4639-6125-6276-5303-8048-6768 352245584130415035423386370552512826 -81810741184-489-2583-2890-1598-2797-3942-187855-12-2328-3-3685 1076541-1502321196662483257-363-1563 154144128243202169205254194 1212763-1319552214564453459-145-1284-1322-1492-928-3036-1298-1767-2833-2374-1483 190-161-179201-123-3210-85-25 -1132-1653-1107-2835-1421-1799-2823-2459-1508 -738184-1242-2772-18591756-962-5401-6734 18121216-159-1913950-10217270150681312-2329-1116914629172-379079713 26864-1395837452399917682-18864-15867-208-70178 70-232-504-62659515311543-1519441 -34119-24591278-14116-203303956-136492236-12283 225336-1483-998309313212-837202 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3.3-2.9-2.7-2.5-2.4-2.0-2.4-2.6-2.3-3.20.6-1.3-0.8-0.3 1.60.9 1.4 1.5 1.2-1.0-0.7-1.0-1.3-1.1-0.9-1.2-1.2-1.3 -3.2-4.8-4.4-4.0-1.4-2.4-2.4-2.0-3.3-23728-22427-23024-21165-21606-20829-22427-22346-26252 97261413614153126541147613630134311378111085 -14002-8291-8871-8511-10130-7199-8996-8565-15167-181-207-28-32-108-91-45-87-100 3383-6109-2050-169659542655612356484274 776614325918218220033-70 3279-6250-1935-146960282746627855944104-2428-1983-4183-3106-2882-2826-5394-2866-3490 -858-514-710-761-739-629-850-935-979 -3286-2497-4893-3867-3621-3455-6244-3801-4469 -14009-17038-15699-13847-7723-7908-8962-6772-15532 -17-648311186124431116-5642456421713-1119-7441-17728-12705-1321325295-6753 -15767-122669-3566947616193-12003-32876-114786355 -14145542079688-5647-9667-23479-16456-15012-510 -769028943258353305-585941033548522444-6193 -21321617-187713046787-45113232862676 -15170-16189-3142-8003-10274-7605-63704111-6425-1144913124745833-27371792161107679671201020112011201120112012201220122012 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 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- - - Marketing: An IntroductionContentsIntroduction1Marketing concept1Pay attention to market research1Corporate Profit1Pay attention to the marketing plan2Marketing Orientation and Customer Relationship Management2After Service2The marketing environment2Types of Marketing Environment3Marketing Research&Information:4 Find out enterprise’s problems and mistakes4Market Segmentation4Opponents of information4Marketing plan4Market research and information Introduction4Quantitative&Qualitative Research5 Qualitative Research5In-depth interviews5Quantitative research6Face-to-Face surveys:6Segmentation & targeting6Research information6Market segmentation6Benefits of Market S&T7Conclusion7Reference7IntroductionThis report is writes for the Trusty-Land Food pany. The report consists of 5 point that includes the marketing environment segmentation and targeting, the market research and information and marketing conception. Making a final and review summary in the end.FindingsMarketing conceptPay attention to market researchThe organization researches the local environment that can help pany to make market segmentation. Finally, the organization can meet customer’s demand.Corporate ProfitThe organization uses advanced technology or policy to improve the product in market. The organization enhances the market shares that will increasecorporate profit.Pay attention to the marketing planThe organization pays attention to the customer’s demand petitions plan and own enterprise conditions. The marketing plan can ensure customer growth and growth enter pany’s profit.Marketing Orientation and Customer Relationship ManagementThe organization is gives priority to the customer’s demand. The organization municate and cooperate with customers that can help organization to take long-term benefits with customers.After ServiceThe organization reasonable to meets customer’s requirements. The organization mast timely and effective to deal with customer’s problem. Eventually the organization make customer satisfaction.The marketing environmentMicroenvironment: The pany met the specific conditions in the business environment and e*plores the relevance economic reasoning to managerial decision-making. The ‘Trusty-Land Food’formed a sales to large grocery chains. The large grocery chains includes Seven Eleven. But Seven Eleven wanted supplies under their name on Trusty-Land Food’s products, so the Seven Eleven bee a petition. It affects the reputation of our products,costumer always pay great attention to packing. Trusty-Land–Food’s logo represent a big part and Seven Eleven’s logo represent a small part. In 2009, the "HealthMeat〞 is imperative for panies to increase their focus on retaining e*isting customers and attracting new ones. Bring the benefits to pany from new ones. The panies adhere to innovation. Wide range of goods will attract more customers that can move the pany forward. Macroenvironment:The bird flu and the mad cow scare appeared in 2005 and 2006 that decreased the customer’s demand. The bird flu and the mad cow scare appeared that made the pany lose great profits. Security checks in the supplier have bee stricter to help the bird flu and mad cow scare disappeared. The mass media should be propagandas food Trusty-Land Food pany’s products safety that can maintains sales.The new dietary guidelines had been proposed by government is reduce consumption by red meat and processed meat. The new dietary guidelines effect the pany’s red meat and processed meat’s sales. Responding to government’s policy, the pany reduce products of the red meat and processed meat and production more products of write meat. Responding the government’s policy can make the product sales to rise.Types of Marketing EnvironmentAccording to Philip Kotler in his book Principles of Marketing (4th European Edition), the marketing environment consists of all the actors and forces that affect the marketing management’s ability to develop and maintain successful relationships with its target customers. According to Gary Armstrong & Philip Kotler, Marketing: An introduction (10th Edition), a public indicates any group that has an actual or potential interest inor impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives. Marketing Research&Information:Find out enterprise’s problems and mistakesIt can help enterprise to finds out enterprise’s problems and mistakes and then it can help enterprise to deal with problems and mistakes. It benefit the further development of the enterprise.Market SegmentationMarket segmentation can help the enterprise to makes market segmentation. The enterprise uses market segmentation to finds customers that can help enterprise to improve the product sales.Opponents of informationThe enterprise mast grasps the opponents of information to keeping the advantage of the enterprises in the petition. It beneficial to pany development.Marketing planThe marketing research brings the information. The information helps enterprise to makes ne*t marketing plan.Market research and information Introduction"The function linking the consumer, customer and public to the marketer through information that is used to identify and define marketingopportunities and problems, to generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions, to monitor marketing performance, and to improve understanding of the marketing process〞Quantitative&Qualitative Research Qualitative ResearchIn-depth interviewsThe Trusty-Land Food pany looks for three people to in-depth interviews. The three men is consumer representative and representative of major ad agencies and market development manager. The pany in order to improve the sales of the pany’s products that can attract more customers. Consumer representatives put forward opinions and suggestions on the quality of our meet’s products, to meet the majority of consumer preferences to make changes.Now advertising is very important to strengthen the use of the media to advertise. The representative of major ad agencies proposals bined with the pany's characteristics and corporate culture. Remendations includes the methods of packaging products and mass media. The success of the product packaging and advertising can attract more customers. The market development manager hear consumer representatives and representative of major ad agencies’remendations that can improvements products. Such as advertising panies to listen to consumers representative of the appearance of the product preferences and consumers gets information through what kinds of the media, Advertising pany to understand the corporate culture and characteristics through the market development manager. Three people to discusses and ultimately achieve the best packingeffect and publicity of pany’s products.Quantitative researchFace-to-Face surveys:The Investigation team to nearby food market in a number of neighborhoods face to face surveys before the lunch time and dinner time. The investigation team to conduct research on people who buy food, because most people cooks for family should buy food. Investigation team to understand people usually buy food to eat what kind of meat, raw food or cooked food which some more, people buy food for the food safety requirements, etc. Giving small gifts when the customers answered the question after. Small gifts may be the pany's new tasting product. Through investigation, improvement of products that can increase sales.Segmentation & targetingResearch informationThe enterprises to understand the details of their own problem, such as the petitiveness of an enterprise; band effect; fiscal reserves. Knowing the market. Trusty-Land Food pany to understand that consumer’s consumption habit and hobby. The pany respect the religious beliefs and customs, many people know that not eating pork is one of eating habits of the Muslim.Market segmentationThe pany chooses religion from demographic segmentation to make marketsegmentation. The market is dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics or behaviors, who might require separate products or marketing mi*es and pany evaluates each market segments. Philip Kotler also describes market targeting as "evaluating each market segments segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more of the market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more of the market segments to enter.〞The pany chooses Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic from religion to do market segmentationMoslem do not eat pork .Using differentiated marketing in Moslem market, such as the pany mast prints Islamic identity on food’s packaging. According to Muslim tastes to make improvements from the pany's products.Benefits of Market S&TThrough making Market S&T and making continuous improvements, customer satisfaction scores and courtesy, along with market share, are on the rise. Our customers get hooked on the good product and setting up the good enterprise image, they will buy and bee more loyal to our brand.ConclusionFinally, I remend that panies adhere to market research and innovation that can make the pany's product sales rise. I hope that the pany develop better and better.ReferenceWang Huihong, WANG Jing, 2013, SQA Unit Student Guide on Marketing: An Introduction, China Modern Economic Publishing House.Kotler Philip, Wong Veronica, Saunders John, Armstrong Gary, 2005, Principles ofMarketing 4th European Edition, Prentice Hall.。
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An Evaluation of UK Government Policy on Mentalhealth and behavior in schoolsTable of Contents1 Introduction (1)2 Market failure (2)2.1 Merit goods (2)2.2 Public goods (2)2.3 Impertfect competition (2)2.4 Externalities (2)3 UK Governments policy (1)3.1 Introduction to the policy (2)3.2 instruments used (2)3.3 Justification of the performance of policy (2)4 Conclusion (2)References (5)Appendices (6)Appendix I: (6)Appendix II: (6)1IntroductionThis report aims to explain the‘market failure’and the role of government in relative to merit goods, public goods, imperfect composition and externalities.The policy about mental health and behavior in school will also be introduced.Then it will describe the instruments used to achieve the policy and evaluate the policy.2Market failureMarket fail, that is, they do not provide all of the goods and services needed by the government,nor by society(SQA,2013a p184).2.1Merit goodsThe government provides services that might not be provided by the private sector in sufficient quantities or of a sufficient quantity (SQA,2013a p188).For instance,medical services,education and so on.In China,the government provides the public universities and nine year education,which support children to go to school and get a better education.2.2Public goodsThese are commodities, which would not be provided by the private sector because they would find that many people, even if they benefited from them, would refuse to pay(SQA,2013b p190), for example, grills in the park and Automatic Pet Water Fountain and so on.In many countries, the government provides the Automatic Pet Water Fountain, which is convenient for passerby to drink water whenever they want.2.3Imperfect competitionA company which control their own market , and they have no rival. A monoplist can adjust prices output in the market.for example, on February 5, 1991, pierpont Morgan bought Andrew Carnegie, Rockefeller,several iron ore and all the steel business,became the largest steel company , 65% of steel production by their control.The government could establish perfect competition through the establishment of enterprise competition policy (Peter,2013)2.4ExternalitiesAn externality is an effect of a purchase or use decision by one set of parties on others who did not have a choice and whose interests were not taken into account (SQA,2013d p188).For example, the negative externalities include car exhaust, smoking, kara OK noisy,which will do harm to the environment and people’health.As far as I am concerned, the government should have odd-and-even license plate rule and provide new energy electric vehicle.The positive externalities include new technology like purify the water and restoration of historical buildings.I think the government should support the enterprise to create more new technology.3UK Governments policy3.1 Introduction to the policy--Mental health and behavior in schoolsThe purpose of this policy is to let all pupils benefit from learning and developing in a well ordered school environment that fosters and rewards good behaviour and sanctions poor and disruptive behaviour. Their behaviour and discipline in schools advice sets out the powers and duties for school staff and approaches they can adopt to manage behaviour in their schools. It also says that schools should consider whether continuing disruptive behaviour might be a result of unmet educational or other needs. Published on16 June 2014,last updated on18 March 2016(Gov,UK,16 June 2014)3.2 Instruments usedInstruments- economic variables that governments can control directly for example, tax, public spending(SQA,2013e p194).The government take actions via government spending and relevant regulation.They found the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to deal with it.The specific services offered by CAMHS vary depending on the needs of the local area. The best way to influence those services overall is to get involved with the local health and wellbeing board.The government take actions to help them in referring pupils effectively to specialist CAMHS and otherwise working well with the service for the benefit of their vulnerable pupils. These include:1.The government hire some people documenting evidence of the symptoms or behaviour that are causing concern,encouraging the pupil and their parents/carers to speak to their GP2.The government spent some money working with local specialist CAMHS to make the referral process as quick and efficient as possible(Spence, S.H. 2003)3.1Justification of the performance of the policyI think the policy is successful, the mental health care benefits can make children to have a happier life.Thanks to the policy, children now have the ability to develop psychologically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.However,I think the policy also has some disadvantages.It has greatly increased government pressure.For example,Set up the CAMHS organization to support the school and some public organization。