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公务接待费 hospitality spending
连锁反应 ripple effect/chain effect/butterfly effect
体制与机制 institutions and mechanisms
体制障碍 institutional barriers
企业退休人员 enterprise retirees
政策保险 policy insurance
冲破不合时宜的观念束缚 break the shackles of outdated ideas 生育率 fertility rate
人口红利 demographic dividend
超生人口 extra births
育龄妇女 woman of child-bearing age
第一责任人 person of primary/chief responsibility
管理机构 management organization/body
伪报 fraudulent report
漏报 incomplete report/omission of facts
heptathlon 七项全能
decathlon 十项全能
synchronized swimming 花样游泳
soccer fraud 假球
grand slam 大满贯
break a world record 打破世界纪录
host country/ nation 东道国
all-round champion 全能冠军
track and field/athletics 田径运动
Marathon (race)马拉松赛跑
wed in civil ceremony 登记结婚
wedding march 结婚进行曲
extramarital affair 婚外恋
premarital medical check-up 婚检
wedding dress 婚礼服
高效照明工具CFL(compact fluorescent lamp)
(Association of Charted Certified Accountants)
(China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters)计算机化考试CBT(Computer Based Test)
鉴别能力倾向考试DAT(different aptitude test)。