



SMS-WD-BLKSMS-WD-BLU MANUALE UTENTEAvvertenze di sicurezza Contenuto della confezione Un messaggio da 50Visione d’insieme Guida d’avvio rapido Domande Frequenti (FAQ)Garanzia 23467910............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Hai appena acquistato un prodotto dalle prestazioni audio incredibili all’ultimo grido in quanto a comfort, stile e design esclusivo.Concediti qualche minuto per capire meglio ilfunzionamento e i comandi delle tue nuove cuffi e. Inoltre, leggi attentamente gli avvisi di sicurezza di questo manuale. Ricorda che l’ascolto di fonti audio a volumi troppo elevati può arrecare danni permanenti all’udito.c o n g r a t u l a z i o n ic o n t e n u t i23Avvertenze Contenuto della confezione 1] Cuffi e con fi lo STREET by 50™2] Custodia 3] Cavo da 3,5 mm asportabile con microfono integrato 4] Adattatore presa in volo 5] Soffi ce panno 6] Manuale utente 7] Dépliant prodottop e r l a t u a s i c u r e z z ac o n t e n u t ode l l a c o nf e z i o n e54Un messaggio da Se mi stai leggendo adesso, devi avere davvero buon gusto in fatto di elettronica. Quindi sarò breve… ma ecco due righe sul perché ho scelto di creare la mia linea personale di cuffi e di alto livello con SMS Audio ™:Primo, la qualità del suono. Voglio che la mia musica sia la stessa in casa, in città o in viaggio, proprio come nello studio di registrazione.Secondo, lo stile. Comfort e lusso esclusivo sono tutto per me e voglio che i miei accessori esaltino il mio stile, non che lo sminuiscano.Terzo, la resistenza. Mi piacciono le cose che durano a lungo e le cuffi e, per me, devono poter sopportare un uso costante. Ecco perché queste di SMS sono resistenti, robuste e fl essibili.Spero ti piacciano proprio come piacciono a me: io me ne porto sempre dietro un paio, così la musica che amo è sempre a portata di mano.P .S. Vieni su Twitter e dimmi cosa ne pensi: @SMSby50 e @50cent.ottima scelta76Consultare questa guida per la descrizione dei comandi, il loro posizionamento ed altre funzioni citate nel manuale.Panoramica funzioni BASE AURIC. SINISTROJack audio da 3,5 mmLATO AURIC. SINISTRO Barra regolazione archetto Ascoltare la musica Inserire la parte dritta del cavo audio/microfono nel jack da 3,5 mm dell’auricolare sinistro delle cuffi e e l’estremità a 90° nel dispositivo audio desiderato.1]Regolare il volume del dispositivo audio in base alle esigenze, ricordando sempre che l’ascolto di musica a volume troppo elevato per periodi prolungati può arrecare danni all’udito.2]Regolare l’archetto in base alle esigenze fi nché gli auricolari non sonoin posizione corretta nell’orecchio.3]Pulsante Accetta chiamata/Guida all’avvio rapido p a n o r a m i c a d e l l e f u n z i o n i g u i d a d ’a v v i o r a p i d a89Per iniziare FAQ *Il cavo audio/microfono è compatibile con iPod ®, iPhone ™ e iPad ™.Comandi audio*Per saltare alla traccia successiva, basterà premere due voltevelocemente il pulsante ACCETTA CHIAMATA / REGOLAZIONE AUDIO ( ) sul cavo audio/microfono.•Per rispondere ad una chiamata in arrivo, premere una sola volta il pulsante ACCETTA CHIAMATA ( ) sul cavo audio/microfono; premerlo nuovamente per agganciare.•La riproduzione di musica andrà in pausa automaticamente in caso dichiamata in arrivo; se accetterete la chiamata, la musica rimarrà in pausa fi no a quando la telefonata sarà conclusa e poi riprenderà automaticamente.Per tornare alla traccia precedente, premere tre volte velocemente il pulsante ACCETTA CHIAMATA / REGOLAZIONE AUDIO ( ) sul cavo audio/microfono.•Quali dispositivi audio funzionano con le mie cuffi e STREET by 50™?Le cuffi e sono compatibili con tutti i dispositivi dotati di jack stereo a 3,5 mm, semplicemente collegando il cavo audio da 3,5 mm direttamente alla fonte audio, ad es.: lettori MP3, iPod ®, iPhone ™, iPad ™, tablet, lettori CD, alcuni dispositivi mobili come cellulari, console di gioco e laptop.Sono cuffi e “noise-cancelling”?Le cuffi e STREET by 50™ non dispongono della tecnologia di cancellazione del rumore. La forma e il design unico dell’auricolare forniscono tuttavia una certa protezione dai rumori passivi, con livelli di rumore di sottofondo inferiore.Come pulisco le cuffi e senza danneggiarle?Le cuffi e sono dotate di panno speciale per la pulitura e la lucidatura periodica a secco. Si raccomanda di non usare liquidi, fl uidi, soluzioni o solventi sulle cuffi e per evitare di arrecare danni e invalidare così la garanzia.F A QGaranzia limitata 1011Garanzia limitata SMS Audio LLC (“SMS”) garantisce all’acquirente originale che questo prodotto, laddove acquistato come nuovo nella confezione originale presso un rivenditore autorizzato e qualora se ne faccia uso ai sensi delle istruzioni e delle raccomandazioni di SMS fornite nella documentazione che accompagna l’articolo, sarà privo di difetti materiali e di fabbrica al momento dell’acquisto che potrebbero comportare mancate prestazioni dello stesso prodotto ai sensi della documentazione che lo accompagna per un periodo pari ad 1 anno dalla data iniziale di acquisto del prodotto nella confezione originale presso un rivenditore autorizzato (“Periodo di garanzia”).Qualora fossero riscontrati difetti e fosse presentato un valido reclamo nei confronti di SMS nel Periodo di Garanzia, SMS, a sua discrezione, potrà (a) decidere di procedere alla riparazione del prodotto senza costi aggiuntivi, servendosi di pezzi nuovi o ricondizionati oppure (b) sostituire il prodotto con un altro identico ma nuovo o prodotto usando pezzi nuovi o riparati e che sia quantomeno corrispondente al prodotto originale in termini di funzionalità.Per presentare un valido reclamo o ottenere la sostituzione entro i termini della garanzia, si prega di restituire il prodotto con prova d’acquisto, descrizione del difetto e spese postali pagate al seguente indirizzo:SMS Audio, LLC Attn: SMS Audio Warranty 2885 South Congress Ave., Suite D, Delray Beach, FL 33445 – USA Si prega di includere un assegno circolare del valore di 5$ a favore di SMS Audio, LLC per le spese di spedizionee movimentazione. L’utente sarà responsabile delle spese di spedizione e di eventuali rischi in caso di danneggiamento al prodotto durante la consegna.Questa garanzia non sarà valida: (a) per danni al prodotto causati da altri usi diversi da quello privato senza fi nicommerciali, eventuali incidenti, abuso, uso improprio, applicazione scorretta; (b) per danni causati dalla manutenzione o da altre riparazioni non svolte da SMS; (c) per prodotti o pezzi manomessi o modifi cati da altri che non siano gli addetti SMS; (d) qualora eventuali numeri di serie o ID prodotto SMS siano stati rimossi o resi illeggibili; (e) in caso di esposizione del prodotto a temperature troppo elevate o troppo basse, raggi solari, acqua ed altri liquidi, sostanze chimiche, contatto con animali, sporco, sabbia e altri contaminanti; (f) per soggetti che abbiano acquistato il prodotto usato o senza la confezione originale o per fi ni di rivendita, affi tto o prestito nonché altri usi commerciali; o (g) per eventi al di fuori del controllo di SMS, inclusi senza tuttavia limitarvisi, atti di vandalismo, incendi, tempeste, terremoti, inondazioni o casi di Forza Maggiore.Non autorizziamo alcun fornitore, retailer, rivenditore, agente o dipendente SMS a procedere a modifi che, proroghe o aggiunte della presente garanzia.La responsabilità di SMS ai sensi della presente garanzia è limitata alla riparazione o alla sostituzione di cui sopra e in nessun caso essa supererà l’importo del prezzo versato all’acquisto.NELLA MASSIMA MISURA STABILITA DALLA LEGGE, LA PRESENTE GARANZIA E I PROVVEDIMENTI A RIMEDIO IVI STABILITI SONO ESCLUSIVI E IN VIRTÙ DI TUTTE LE ALTRE GARANZIE, RIMEDI E CONDIZIONI, SIANO ESSERE ORALI O SCRITTE, ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE. NELLA FATTISPECIE, SMS NON RICONOSCE ALCUNA DELLE SINGOLE GARANZIE IMPLICITE, INCLUSE SENZA TUTTAVIA LIMITARVISI, GARANZIE DI COMMERCIABILITÀ O IDONEITÀ PER SCOPI SPECIFICI. QUALORA IN TERMINI LEGALI SMS NON POTESSE RINUNCIARE O ESCLUDERE LE GARANZIE IMPLICITE AI SENSI DELLE NORMATIVE VIGENTI.NELLA MASSIMA MISURA STABILITA DALLA LEGGE, SMS DECLINA OGNI RESPONSABILITÀ PER EVENTUALI DANNI DIRETTI, INDIRETTI, ACCIDENTALI O CONSEGUENTI DERIVANTI DA QUALSIVOGLIA VIOLAZIONE DELLA GARANZIA O DELLA CONDIZIONE DEL PRODOTTO O AI SENSI DI QUALSIVOGLIA ALTRA DOTTRINA presente Garanzia Limitata ed eventuali contenziosi derivanti da o in relazione alla presente Garanzia Limitata o alla condizione del prodotto, alla sua documentazione o alla sua confezione (“Contenziosi”) saranno regolati dalle leggi dello Stato di New York, con l’esclusione di tutte le norme in tema di confl itti di legge. La Convenzione sui contratti di compravendita internazionale di beni non sarà valida ed è ivi esclusa. I tribunali statali e federali dello Stato di New York, Contea di New York, Stati Uniti d’America avranno giurisdizione e saranno foro esclusivo per la risoluzione di eventuali PRESENTE GARANZIA LIMITATA CONCEDE SPECIFICI DIRITTI LEGALI. L’UTENTE POTREBBE ANCHE DISPORRE DI ULTERIORI DIRITTI CHE VARIANO DA STATO A STATO E A SECONDA DELLA GIURISDIZIONE. ESSI NON SARANNO INTERESSATI DA QUESTA GARANZIA LIMITATA. LA PRESENTE GARANZIA LIMITATA NON È TRASFERIBILE NÉ CEDIBILE.Qualora eventuali disposizioni della presente Garanzia Limitata risultassero illegali, nulle o non applicabili, esse saranno ritenute separabili e non avranno effetti sulle rimanenti disposizioni. In caso di eventuali discrepanze fra la versione inglese e quella in altre lingue della presente Garanzia Limitata, la versione inglese prevarrà sulle altre. Per eventuali dubbi o domande sulla garanzia, inviare un’e-mail a ********************.CAMBI E RIMBORSI.Sarà possibile sostituire il prodotto con un altro prodotto SMS o restituirlo su rimborso, ai sensi dei seguenti termini e condizioni entro 15 giorni dalla data originale di acquisto del prodotto (Richiesta di cambio / rimborso).Per ottenere un cambio o un rimborso, dovrete procurarvi un codice di reso RMA (Return Merchandise Number) che dovrà essere inviato a SMS insieme al prodotto nella confezione originale e etichetta UPC e prova d’acquisto entro il periodo di Cambio / Rimborso. I codici RMA hanno una validità di 10 giorni. Per ottenere un codice RMA, si prega di contattare l’Assistenza Clienti all’indirizzo ********************.Inviare il prodotto nella confezione originale con una prova d’acquisto e codice di reso RMA oltre ad una nota giustifi cante le ragioni per cui si richiede un cambio (e in tal caso, quale altro prodotto si desidera ricevere) o un rimborso all’indirizzo:SMS Audio, LLC Attn: SMS Audio Exchange/Return 2885 South Congress Ave., Suite D, Delray Beach, FL 33445 – USA Le spese di spedizione relative a cambi e rimborsi per nuovi prodotti non sono rimborsabili. I costi di spedizione e eventuali rischi per la perdita o per il danneggiamento del prodotto durante la spedizione e ricezione da SMS saranno a carico del cliente. Su presentazione di una valida richiesta di cambio / rimborso durante il periodo di Cambio / Rimborso, SMS, in caso di cambio, accrediterà l’importo d’acquisto del prodotto soggetto a cambio (escluse tasse e spese di spedizione/movimentazione/assicurazione/doganali) sull’ordine online di un prodotto SMS in stock. In caso di rimborso, SMS provvederà al risarcimento dell’importo del prodotto reso (escluse tasse e spese di spedizione/movimentazione/assicurazione/doganali) entro 30 giorni dalla ricezione della richiesta di rimborso. SMS Audio si riserva il diritto di respingere eventuali richieste di cambio o rimborso laddove il prodotto non sia fornito “come nuovo”. “Come nuovo” implica che il prodotto sia completo di imballaggio originale con attrezzatura, confezione, garanzie, manuali e/o accessori non danneggiati né usurati. Gli ordini online di prodotti in stock richiedono generalmente 2 giorni dall’arrivo della richiesta; se si desidera cancellare un ordine dopo averlo effettuato, sarà possibile farlo entro e non oltre 24 ore. Si prega di contattare ******************** facendo riferimento al n° dell’ordine e sarà emesso un rimborso. Nota bene: tutti gli ordini al di fuori degli USA potrebbero essere soggetti a dazi e costi di spedizione per i quali SMS declina ogni responsabilità.garanzia limitataREGISTRATI SU ©2011 SMS Audio, LLC, Delray Beach, FL 33445. Tutti i diritti riservati. “SMS Audio” e “STREET by 50” con i rispettivi loghi sono marchi commerciali di SMS Audio, LLC o dei suoi licenziatari. Il marchio è un marchio commerciale registrato di SMS Audio, LLC o dei suoi licenziatari. iPod, iPhone e iPad sono marchi commerciali registrati di Apple, Inc. negli USA e in altri paesi. Apple declina ogni responsabilità per l’uso del dispositivo o della conformità dello stessoa norme legali e di sicurezza.。

LG C100 P NO MMBB0392801 (1.1) 简体中文用户指南说明书

LG C100 P NO   MMBB0392801 (1.1) 简体中文用户指南说明书

BahasaIndonesia简体中文E N G L I S H Petunjuk PenggunaanLG-C100P/NO : MMBB0392801(1.1)2010-11-16 ¿ÀÈÄ 4:13:10Program Pendaftaran ProdukKepada Pelanggan, Untuk melindungi seluruh pelanggan LG daripenipuan dan barang tidak resmi dan memastikan bahwa andamenerima layanan garansi yang asli, LG menjalankan sebuah programpendaftaran produk. Untuk memastikan bahwa handphone anda adalahproduk asli dari LG, hanya dengan cara mengirimkan satu SMS padasaat anda membeli yang berisi no IMEI dari handphone yang andabeli yang secara otomatis akan terkirim ke LG. Jika handphone andatelah terdaftar, anda akan menerima pesan “Handphone anda adalahproduk asli dari LG” Pelanggan harus menanggung biaya dari satu kaliSMS tersebut untuk program pendaftaran produk. Sebagai balasannya,anda akan menerima tambahan satu bulan garansi secara cumacuma.Tambahan satu bulan garansi hanya berlaku untuk mobile phone, bukanbaterai dan aksesoris. No IMEI handphone yang telah terkirim ke LG akanmendapatkan garansi secara gratis dari kerusakan pabrik selama masagaransi, dimulai dari tanggal pembelian tanpa menggunakan bukti pem-belian atau kartu garansi.Bluetooth QD ID B016785Melihat Riwayat Panggilan andaAnda hanya dapat mengecek log panggilan yang tak terjawab, yang diterima, dan panggilan keluar, jika jaringan mendukung Identifikasi Saluran Penelepon (Calling Line Identification/CLI) dalam area layanan.Mengubah pengaturan panggilanAnda dapat mengatur fungsi panggilan tertentu. Tekan Menu, pilih Pengaturan dan pilih Panggil.• A lih panggilan - Pilih apakah akan mengalihkan panggilan anda.• P emblokiran panggilan - Pilih kapan anda ingin memblokir panggilan.• N omor panggil tetap - Pilih daftar nomor yang dapat dipanggil dari ponsel anda. Anda nanti memerlukan kode PIN2 dari operator. Hanya nomor yang dimasukkan dalam daftar panggil tetap yang dapat dipanggil dari ponsel anda.• P anggilan tunggu - Akan diperingatkan bila ada panggilan tunggu. Ini tergantung pada penyedia jaringan anda.• T olak panggilan - Mengatur daftar panggilan yang ditolak.• K irim nomorku - Pilih apakah nomor anda akan ditampilkan pada orang yang menelepon anda. Ini tergantung pada penyedia jaringan anda.• A uto pgl ulang - Pilih Hidup atau Mati.• M ode jawab - Pilih apakah ingin menjawab telepon dengan Sembarang tombol, Tombol kirim saja atau Geser ke atas.• T imer pgl bebas - Pilihapakah waktu panggilan akan ditampilkan atau tidak.• P engingat menit - Pilih Hidup untuk mendengarkan nada setiap menit selama panggilan.• M ode jawab BT - Atur Bebas-genggam atau Handset.• S impan nomor baru - Pilih Ya atau Tidak.67KontakMencari KontakPilih Nama dari layar siaga.Dengan keypad, isikan huruf pertama dari kontak yang ingin anda panggil. Untuk menggulir menyusuri kontak, pakailah tombol navigasi.Menambah Kontak Baru Tekan Menu, kemudian pilih Kontak dan pilih Nama . Kemudian tekan Opsi - Tambah kontak baru .Isikan semua informasi yang anda miliki dalam field yang tersedia dan pilih Opsi-Simpan .Menambahkan Kontak ke sebuah Grup Anda dapat menyimpan kontak ke dalam beberapa grup, misalnya, untuk memisahkan kolega dankeluarga. Ada sejumlah grup termasuk Keluarga , Teman , Kolega , Sekolah dan VIP yang telah dibuat pada ponsel.1 2 3 1 2 Pesan LG-C100 anda menyertakan fungsi pesan teks, pesan multimedia dan E-mail, dan juga menerima pesan layanan jaringan.Mengirim Pesan Tekan Menu , pilih Pesan dan pilih Buat pesan .Sebuah editor pesan baru akan terbuka. Editor pesan mengkombinasikan Pesan teks dan Pesan multimedia menjadi satu editor yang intuitif dan mudah untuk berpindah. Pengaturan default untuk editor pesan adalah pesan teks.Isikan pesan anda.Pilih Opsi - Sisipkan untukmenambahkan Gambar , Klip video , Klip suara , Jadwal , Kartu nama , Catatan , Field teks , Tugas atau Templet teks .Tekan Opsi - Kirim .1 2 3 4 58Mengatur Email andaAnda tetap dapat terhubung selagi bepergian dengan memakai email pada LG-C100 anda. Cepat dan mudah mengatur akun email POP3 atau IMAP4.Tekan Menu , pilih Pesan , dan pilih Pengaturan Pesan .Pilih Email kemudian Akun email .T ekan Tambah kemudian atur Akun email .Mengirim Email Dengan Memakai Akun Baru anda Untuk mengirim/menerima email, anda harus mengatur akun email.Pilih Menu , pilih Pesan dan pilih Buat pesan .Pilih Email dan sebuah email baru akan terbuka.I silah perihalnya.I sikan pesan anda.T ekan Opsi dan pilih Sisipkan untuk menambahkan sebuah Gambar , Klip Video , Klip Suara , Kartu nama , Jadwal atau Catatan .1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 T ekan Kirim ke dan isikan alamat penerima atau tekan Opsi dan pilih Sisipkan - Perincian Kontak untuk membuka daftar kontak anda .Tekan Kirim maka email anda akan terkirim.Mengisikan teks Anda dapat mengisikan karakter alfanumerik dengan keypad ponsel. Metode input teks berikut ini tersedia di ponsel: mode T9 prediktif, mode Abc manual dan mode 123.Catatan: Beberapa fi eld mungkin hanya memungkinkan satu mode input teks (misalnya nomor telepon dalam fi eld buku alamat).Mode T9 Prediktif Mode T9 prediktif memakai kamus bawaan untuk mengenali kata-kata yang sedang anda tulis berdasarkan urutan tombol yang anda tekan. Tekan saja tombol angka yang berkaitan dengan huruf yang ingin anda isikan, dan kamus akan mengenali kata tersebut setelah semua huruf anda isikan. 6 7Mode ABC ManualMode ini memungkinkan anda untuk mengisikan huruf dengan menekan tombol berlabel huruf yang diperlukan sekali, dua kali, tiga atau empat kali sampai huruf tersebut ditampilkan.Mode 123Ketikkan angka dengan memakai satu tekanan tombol per angka. anda juga dapat menambahkan angka selagi berada dalam mode huruf dengan menekan dan menahan tombol yang diinginkan.Folder PesanTekan Menu dan pilih Pesan. Struktur folder yang dipakai pada LG-C100 anda sudah cukup jelas. Kotak masuk - Semua pesan yang anda terima dimasukkan dalam Kotak masuk.Kotak surat - Berisi semua pesan email anda.Konsep - Jika anda tidak punya waktu menyelesaikan menulis pesan, anda dapat menyimpan apa yang sudah anda kerjakan sejauh ini.Kotak keluar - Ini adalah folder penyimpan sementara selagi pesan sedang dikirim. Juga menyimpan pesan yang gagal dikirim.Pesan terkirim - Semua pesan yang anda kirim akan dimasukkan dalam folder Terkirim.Pesan tersimpan - Anda dapat mengakses pesan tersimpan, templet teks dan templet multimedia di sini.Emoticon - Daftar emoticon berguna yang telah ditulis agar dapat dipakai untuk balasan cepat. MediaMusikLG-C100 anda mempunyai pemutar Musik bawaan agar anda dapat memainkan semua musik favorit. CATATAN: Hak cipta file musik mungkin dilindungi oleh perjanjian internasional dan hukum hak cipta etiap negara.Karena itu, mungkin perlu memperoleh izin atau lisensi dulu untuk menggandakan atau menyalin musik.Di beberapa negara, hukum setempat melarang penyalinan materi berhak9P ilihVideokuFolder Video menayangkan daftar video yang telah didownload dan video yang telah anda rekam pada ponsel.LainnyaDalam folder Lainnya, anda dapat melihat berbagai file yang tak disimpan dalam folder Gambar, Suara atau folder Video. Permainan & AplkskuLG-C100 anda telah disertai dengan beberapa permainan untuk menghibur anda di waktu senggang. Jika anda memilih untuk mendownload permainan atau aplikasi tambahan, mereka akan disimpan dalam folder ini. AgendaMengatur Alarm andaAnda dapat mengatur hingga lima alarm agar berbunyi pada waktu yang ditentukan.Memakai KalenderBila anda masuk ke menu ini, sebuah kalender akan muncul. Terdapat kursor kotak pada tanggal saat ini. Anda dapat memindahkan kursorini ke tanggal lain dengan memakai tombol navigasi. Menambahkan Item ke Daftar Tugas andaAnda dapat melihat, mengeditdan menambah tugas yang akan dilakukan.Memakai Kalkulator Kalkulator menyediakan fungsi perhitungan dasar-penambahan,p engurangan, perkalian dan pembagian-serta fungsi ilmiah. Memakai StopwatchOpsi ini memungkinkan anda memakai fungsi stopwatch. Mengkonversi SatuanIni akan mengkonversi beberapa ukuran ke dalam satuan yang anda inginkan.Menambahkan Kota ke Waktu Dunia andaAnda dapat menambahkan kota yang diperlukan ke daftar jam dunia. anda juga dapat mengecek Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) saat1213ini dan waktu di kota-kota besar di seluruh dunia.WebMengakses WebAnda dapat meluncurkan browser WAP dan mengakses halaman asal profil yang telah diaktifkan pada pengaturan Web. Anda juga dapat mengisikan alamat URL secara manual dan mengakses halaman WAP-nya.Tekan Menu dan pilih Web .U ntuk mengakses halaman asal Web secara langsung, pilih Home . Atau, pilih Ke alamat dan ketikkan URL yang anda inginkan.KonektivitasMengubah PengaturanKonektivitas andaMode koneksi USBP enyimpan massal: Pilih Penyimpanmassal dan hubungkan handset kekomputer anda. Anda kemudiandapat menyeret dan meletakkan file ke folder perangkat lepas-pasangLG-C100.1 2 1 P C Suite: Pilih PC Suite danhubungkan handset ke komputer anda dalam mode PCSync.S elalu tanya: Memilih opsi ini akan memungkinkan anda memilih metode yang akan dipakai setiap kali anda menghubungkan handset ke komputer anda.Catatan : Untuk memakai fungsi Penyimpan massal USB, anda perlu menyisipkan kartu memori eksternal ke ponsel.Mengubah Pengaturan Bluetooth andaT ekan Menu dan pilihPengaturan - Konektivitas . Pilih Bluetooth .P ilih Pengaturan untuk opsi berikut:• V isibilitas ponselku - Pilih apakah anda ingin menayangkan atau menyembunyikan perangkatanda pada perangkat lain.• N ama ponselku - Isikan namaLG-C100 anda.• L ayanan yg didukung - Menayangkan layanan yang didukung.2 3 1 214• A lamatku - Melihat alamat Bluetooth anda.Memasangkan dengan Perangkat Bluetooth LainDengan memasangkan LG-C100 anda dan perangkat lain, handset anda akan membuat kata sandi secara default setiap kali anda menghubungkan ke handset lain via Bluetooth.Cek apakah Bluetooth anda sudah Hidup dan Terlihat. Anda dapat mengubah visibilitas dalam menu Pengaturan, dengan memilih Visibilitas ponselku kemudian Terlihat.Pilih Perangkat aktif dari menu Bluetooth.LG-C100 anda akan mencari perangkat. Bila pencarian selesai, Tambah dan Perbarui akan muncul pada layar.Pilih perangkat yang ingin anda pasangkan, pilih Tambah, isikan kode pas kemudian tekan Tombol tengah. Bila anda telah memilih perangkat yang ingin dipasangkan, handset nanti akan membuat kata sandi secara default setiap kali anda 1 2 3 4 menghubungkan.Ponsel anda kemudianmenghubungkan ke perangkat lain tersebut. Kode pas yang sama nanti perlu diisikan pada perangkat ini.Bila anda telah memilih perangkat yang ingindipasangkan, handset nanti akan membuat kata sandi secara default setiap kali anda menghubungkan.Koneksi Bluetooth anda yang dilindungi kode pas kini telah siap.PengaturanMengubah Profil andaAnda dapat melakukanpersonalisasi setiap pengaturan profil.Pilih Profil yang anda inginkan dan pilih Edit dari Opsi.Jika anda mengaktifkan Mode senyap, ponsel akan bergetar saja.5 6 1 2Memakai Mode PenerbanganBila Mode penerbangan diaktifkan, anda tidak akan dapat membuat panggilan, menghubungkan ke Internet, atau mengirim pesan. Mengubah Pengaturan Pengamanan andaUbah pengaturan pengamanan anda untuk menjaga LG-C100 dan informasi penting di dalamnya tetap terlindungi.• P ermintaan kode PIN - Pilih kode PIN yang akan diminta saat anda menghidupkan ponsel.• K unci handset - Pilih kode pengamanan untuk mengunci ponsel anda: Bila dihidupkan, Bila SIM berubah atau Segera.• A nti Theft Mobile Tracker - Bila handset dicuri, handset akan mengirimkan SMS ke nomor yang telah dikonfigurasi oleh pemilik aslinya. Untuk mengaktifkan fitur ATMT, anda perlu mengaktifkan ATMT, dan mengkonfigurasi pengaturan ATMT dengan nama, nomor utama dan nomor kedua. Kode ATMT default adalah “0000”.SMS ATMT akan berisi informasi tentang IMEI telepon yang dicuri, lokasi saat ini (tertangkap melalui Pesan Siaran Seluler) & nomor orang yang sedang memakai handset itu.• U bah kode- Mengubah kode pengaman, kode PIN, kode PIN2atau kode Anti-pencurian.Melihat Status MemoriAnda dapat memakai manajer memori untuk mengetahuiberapa banyak pemakaian setiap memori dan berapa banyakruang yang masih tersedia di Memori umum handset, Memori cadangan handset, Memori SIM atau Pengaturan penyimpan utama. Anda juga dapat mengatur Memori eksternal bila kartu memori telah dimasukkan.15Pedoman untuk Pemakaian yang Aman dan Efi sien Paparan Terhadap Energi Frekuensi RadioInformasi Paparan Gelombang Radio dan Tingkat Penyerapan Spesifik (SAR)Model ponsel LG-C100 ini dirancang untuk memenuhi persyaratan keselamatan yang berlaku untuk paparan gelombang radio. Persyaratan ini berdasarkan pada pedoman ilmiah dengan mempertimbangkan batas keselamatan yang dirancang untuk memastikan keselamatan semua pengguna, tidak tergantung usia dan kondisi kesehatannya.• P edoman paparan gelombang radio memakai satuan pengukuran yang dikenal sebagai Tingkat Penyerapan Spesifik, atau SAR. Pengujian SAR dilakukan memakai metode yang telah distandardisasi dengan ponsel memancarkan padalevel daya tertinggi yang diizinkan di semua band frekuensi yang dipakainya.• M eskipun mungkin terdapat perbedaan level SAR dari beragam model ponsel LG, kesemuanya dirancang untuk memenuhi pedoman yang terkait dengan paparan terhadap gelombang radio.• B atas SAR yang disarankan oleh International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) adalah rata-rata 2 W/kg pada sepuluh 10 g jaringan tubuh.• N ilai SAR tertinggi untuk model ponsel ini yang diuji oleh DASY4 untuk pemakaian dekat telinga adalah 0,908 W/kg (10 g) dan bila dipakai di tubuh 0,599 W/kg (10 g).• I nformasi data SAR untuk penduduk negara/kawasan yang menerapkan ambang batas SAR yang disarankan oleh Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), adalah sebesar rata-rata 1,6 W/kg pada satu 1 g jaringan tubuh.16• J angan sampai ponsel terkena cairan atau kelembapan.• P akailah aksesori seperti earphone dengan hati-hati. Jangan sentuh antena bila tidak perlu. Pengoperasian Ponsel Secara Efisien Perangkat Elektronik • J angan memakai ponsel anda dekat peralatan medis tanpa meminta izin. Hindari meletakkan ponsel di atas alat pacu jantung, misalnya di saku baju anda.• B eberapa alat bantu-dengar dapat terganggu oleh ponsel.• I nterferensi ringan dapat mempengaruhi TV, radio, PC, dsb. Keselamatan Di Jalan Raya Perhatikan hukum dan peraturan tentang pemakaian ponsel di daerah tempat anda mengemudi.• J angan memakai ponsel selagi mengemudi.• P usatkan perhatian anda untuk mengemudi.• P akailah kit bebas-genggam, jika tersedia.• P inggirkan dan parkir di tepi jalan sebelum membuat ataumenjawab panggilan jika kondisi mengemudi mengharuskan.• E nergi RF dapat mempengaruhi beberapa sistem elektronik pada kendaraan anda seperti halnya stereo mobil dan peralatan keselamatan.• J ika kendaraan anda dilengkapi kantung udara, jangan menghalanginya dengan peralatan nirkabeltetap atau portabel. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kantung udara gagal berfungsi atau menyebabkan cedera serius karena kinerja yang tidak sesuai.• J ika anda mendengarkan musik selagi berjalan-jalan, pastikan volume diatur pada level yang wajar agar anda tetap mengetahui keadaan sekitar. Hal ini terutama penting bila dekat jalan raya. Hindari Kerusakan pada Pendengaran anda Mendengarkan suara keras dalam waktu lama dapat merusak pendengaran anda. Oleh karenanya kami sarankan anda untuk tidak menghidupkan atau mematikan handset bila dekat telinga anda.18Kami juga menyarankan untuk mengatur volume musik dan volume panggilan pada level yang wajar. Area PeledakanJangan gunakan di tempat peledakan sedang berlangsung. Perhatikan tanda larangan, serta ikuti peraturan dan regulasi. Udara yang Berpotensi Ledakan• J angan gunakan telepon di SPBU.• J angan memakai ponsel di dekat bahan bakar atau bahan kimia.• J angan mengangkut atau menyimpan gas, cairan yang mudah terbakar, atau bahan peledak di tempat yang sama pada kendaraan anda di mana terdapat telepon anda dan aksesorinya.Di Pesawat Terbang Perangkat nirkabel dapat menyebabkan interferensi pada pesawat terbang.• M atikan ponsel anda sebelum naik ke pesawat terbang.• J angan pakai ponsel di pesawat tanpa izin dari kru.Anak-anakSimpan telepon di tempat yang aman jauh dari jangkauan anak kecil. Telepon berisi komponen kecil yang dapat menyebabkan bahaya tercekik jika lepas.Panggilan DaruratMungkin tidak semua jaringan seluler mendukung panggilan darurat. Oleh karenanya, jangan hanya mengandalkan ponsel untuk panggilan darurat. Tanyakan pada penyedia layanan di tempat anda. Informasi dan Pemeliharaan Baterai• A nda tidak perlu mengosongkan baterai anda sebelum mengisi ulang. Tidak seperti sistem baterai lainnya, tidak ada efek memori yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja baterai.• P akailah hanya baterai dan pengisi daya LG. Pengisi daya LG dirancang untuk memaksimalkan masa pakai baterai.• J angan membongkar atau menyebabkan arus-pendek pada paket baterai.19• J agalah kebersihan kontak logam pada paket baterai.• G anti baterai bila kinerjanya sudah tidak dapat diterima lagi. Paket baterai dapat diisi ulang ratusan kali sampai saatnya diganti.• I si ulang baterai jika baterai tidak dipakai dalam waktu lama untuk memaksimalkan kegunaannya.• J angan sampai pengisi daya baterai terkena sinar matahari langsung atau dipakai di tempat dengan kelembapan tinggi, seperti halnya dalam kamar mandi.• J angan tinggalkan baterai di tempat yang panas atau dingin, karena hal ini dapat menurunkan kinerja baterai.• A da risiko ledakan jika baterai diganti dengan jenis yang salah.• B uanglah baterai bekas sesuai dengan petunjuk pabriknya. Harap daur ulang bila memungkinkan. Jangan buang baterai dalam limbah rumah tangga.• J ika anda perlu mengganti baterai, bawalah ke tempat servis atau dealer resmi LG Electronics untuk minta bantuan.• C abutlah selalu pengisi daya dari stopkontak dinding setelah ponsel terisi penuh untuk menghemat konsumsi daya yang tidak perlu pada pengisi daya.• M asa pakai baterai sesungguhnya akan tergantung pada konfigurasi jaringan, pengaturan produk, pola pemakaian, baterai dan kondisi lingkungan.2022Data TeknisSuhu SekitarMaks : +55 °C (pemakaian), +45 °C (pengisian)Min : -10 °C››PT. LG ELECTRONICS INDONESIAKawasan Industri MM2100 Blok GCikarang Barat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17520 INDONESIA• 固定拨号号码固定拨号号码 - 选择可从此手机拨出的号码列表。

星科技 USB 3.0 Mini 多功能适配器用户手册说明书

星科技 USB 3.0 Mini 多功能适配器用户手册说明书

Quick Start GuideDE: Bedienungsanleitung - FR: Guide de l'utilisateur - ES: Guía del usuario - IT: Guida per l'uso - NL: Gebruiksaanwijzing - PT: Guia do usuário - Manual Revision: 08/29/2014Packaging Contents• 1x USB 3.0 Mini Docking Station • 1x Instruction Manual • 1x Driver CDSystem Requirements• USB enabled computer system with an available USB 3.0 port • Windows® 8 / 8.1 (32/64bit), 7 (32/64), Vista (32/64), XP SP3 (32), Mac OS® 10.6 and up (Tested up to 10.9)• HDMI® or VGA enabled display device if desiredNote: Only a single video output port can be used at one time, HDMI® or VGA. If two displays are connected, the HDMI port will take priority.USB3SMDOCKHVUSB 3.0 Mini Docking Station with HDMI® or VGA, GbE, and USB Pass-throughProduct OverviewFront ViewRear ViewHDMI®Driver InstallationWindows / Mac1. Download the latest drivers from the website (recommended) applicable to your host Operating System that you are connecting to, or, insert the included Driver CD into your computer’s CD/DVD-ROM drive.2. If AutoPlay is enabled, select the “Open folder to view files” option when the dialog appears and run the DisplayLink “.exe” application.3. If AutoPlay is disabled, browse to your CD/DVD drive location (or to where the driver was downloaded) and run the DisplayLink “.exe” application.4. Follow any on-screen instructions to complete the driver installation.Note: You may be prompted to restart your system.InstallationDepending on your Operating System version and whether or not you have an active network connection, the Mini Docking Station may auto-install once connected to an available USB 3.0 port on the host system.If the Mini Docking Station does not auto-install, follow the steps below to complete the Driver Installation process.Hardware Installation1. Connect the Mini Docking Station to an available USB 3.0 port on the computer via the built-in USB Upstream Cable.2. Connect a HDMI® monitor to the HDMI® port on the adapter, or, connect a VGA monitor to the VGA port on the adapter and power on the monitor.Note: Only a single video output can be used at one time, HDMI® or VGA. If a display is connected to each video output port at the same time, then the HDMI® port will take priority.3. Connect your Cat 5e/6 network connection to the RJ-45 port on the adapter if desired4. Connect your USB 3.0 peripheral to the USB 3.0 downstream (USB Pass-through) port on the adapter if desired.Supported Video ResolutionVGA2048x1152Please visit /USB3SMDOCKHV for full operating instructions and installation proceduresFCC Compliance StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Industry Canada StatementThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe [B] est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Digital apparatus (ICES003)CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)Use of Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and other Protected Names and SymbolsThis manual may make reference to trademarks, registered trademarks, and other protected names and/or symbols of third-party companies not related in any way to . Where they occur these references are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent an endorsement of a product or service by , or an endorsement of the product(s) to which this manual applies by the third-party company in question. Regardless of any direct acknowledgement elsewhere in the body of this document, hereby acknowledges that all trademarks, registered trademarks, service marks, and other protected names and/or symbols contained in this manual and related documents are the property of their respective holders. Technical Support’s lifetime technical support is an integral part of our commitment to provide industry-leading solutions. If you ever need help with your product, visit /support and access our comprehensive selection of online tools, documentation, and downloads.For the latest drivers/software, please visit /downloadsWarranty InformationThis product is backed by a two year warranty.In addition, warrants its products against defects in materials and workmanship for the periods noted, following the initial date of purchase. During this period, the products may be returned for repair, or replacement with equivalent products at our discretion. The warranty covers parts and labor costs only. does not warrant its products from defects or damages arising from misuse, abuse, alteration, or normal wear and tear.Limitation of LiabilityIn no event shall the liability of Ltd. and USA LLP (or their officers, directors, employees or agents) for any damages (whether direct or indirect, special, punitive, incidental, consequential, or otherwise), loss of profits, loss of business, or any pecuniary loss, arising out of or related to the use of the product exceed the actual price paid for the product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. If such laws apply, the limitations or exclusions contained in this statement may not apply to you.。



STSPOWER不间断电源u n i n t e r r u p t i b l e p o w e rs u p p l yO N L-(10~400)K V A产品说明书目录1.产品介绍-------------------------------2 2.操作要求-------------------------------2 3.注意事项-------------------------------2 4.工作原理-------------------------------3~6 5.前板介绍-------------------------------7 6.安装-------------------------------------8~10 7. 主要技术指标-------------------------11 8.UPS启动程序------------------------11 9.UPS维修关机程序------------------1210. 紧急关机程序-----------------------1211. 前显示板说明-----------------------12~1512. 并机操作说明-----------------------15~171.产品介绍:ONL-(10~400)KV A型全数字化UPS,是我公司的最新产品,集数字化、信息化、网络化为一体的高智能型产品,具有强大的信息采集系统、信号处理系统、侦测系统和完善的保护系统。










9. 单机电气规格...........................................................................................................................43
10. 并机安装指导................................................................................................. 45 10.1 概述.................................................................................................................................. 45 10.2 并机安装.......................................................................................................................... 45 10.3 并机设置及 LCD 显示..................................................................................................... 49 10.4 并机规格.......................................................................................................................... 49 10.5 并机故障诊断及处理...................................................................................................... 50



多合一驱动器规格说明书匯出日期:2023-05-10修改日期:2023-01-31••••••••••型号定义(Definition of Multi-axis Servo Drive)规格(Specification)通用规格(General Spec.)一般规格(Spec.)外型尺寸(External Dimensions)硬体安装与配线(Installation and Wiring Instructions)// 通用规格(General Spec.)// 一般规格(Spec.)// 外型尺寸(External Dimensions)// 硬体安装与配线(Installation and Wiring Instructions)版本号(CF 版本)编修日期编修内容Excel 档作者审查核准v.442022-6-27將所有表格置換成CF 格式新增S08-SMD34E2550-00新增S08-SMD34E2550-04新增S08-SMD34E3575-00新增S08-SMD34E3575-04新增S08-SMD34E50150-00新增S08-SMD34E50150-04新增S08-SMD33C2575-00新增S08-SMD33C35100-00新增S08-SMD22C20-00新增S08-SMD23C20-00新增S08-SMD24C20-00將部分不具有鋰電池盒的上代驅動器移至下架區--鄧乃維v1.82022-5-19新增SMH-20/20-50-M 三合一驅動器修正驅動器重量业务选型-多合一驱动器_v1.8.xlsx 劉任翔文件目录文件履历文件目录文件履历1.2.1.2.版本号(CF 版本)编修日期编修内容Excel 档作者审查核准v1.72020-11-20新增34D 五回授口版本驅動器將34C 移至接單生產區业务选型-多合一驱动器_v1.7.xlsx 黃揚程v1.62020/04/24改版大四合一34B 成34C 新增大四合一34D 业务选型-多合一驱动器_v1.6.xlsx 李宇雙v1.52020/01/02導入SAP 料號业务选型-多合一驱动器_v1.5.xlsx 李宇雙v1.42019/12/30更新規格,修改回生電阻;新增最大搭配規格业务选型-多合一驱动器_v1.4.xlsx 李宇雙v1.32019/11/13修改功率、額定、尖峰電流业务选型-多合一驱动器_v1.3.xlsx 李宇雙v1.22019/01/23新增品名敘述业务选型-多合一驱动器_v1.2.xlsx 楊娟v1.12018/12/0533B 及34B 上線,修改驅動器規格與外型尺寸业务选型-多合一驱动器_v1.1.xlsx 楊娟V1.02018/09/19新增新代多合一驱动器之规格与外型尺寸、建议搭配扩充卡/扩充模组等选型资讯业务选型-多合一驱动器_v1.0.xlsx刘思伶1.••1 型号定义(Definition of Multi-axis Servo Drive) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 項目Item SMD50/50/50150XL定義Definition系列號 SeriesSMD series (220V )SMH series (380V )各軸向模塊電流 [A] Axial Module Current 50:模塊電流Module Current 50 A主軸模塊電流[A]Axial Module Current 150:模塊電流Module Current 150 A外型尺寸 规格(Specification)2.1 通用规格(General Spec.)控制方式 Control Method: 3-phase full wave rectification, SVPWM -VVVF control PC 通讯介面 PC Interface : USB控制器串列通讯介面 Controller Serial Communication : M3输入输出讯号 I/O Signal :数位输入Digital Input: 4 ports 数位输出Digital Output: 2 ports冷却方式 Cooling Method : 风扇冷却 Fan cooling 鋰電池 Battery: 標配 Y2.2 一般规格(Spec.)註:*最大搭配規格: 超過本表最大搭配軸向電機規格,請選配外置回生電阻。

midea+sm0293-bk+stand mixer+instruction 说明书

midea+sm0293-bk+stand mixer+instruction 说明书

1.版面尺寸2.材质标注3.物料编码4.颜色标注5.客户型号6.产品名称7.重量标注8.电压功率34General mixing guideThe following mixing guide is a suggestion for selecting mixing speeds for 6-speedmixers. Begin on speed 1 and increase to desired speed depending on the recipe consistencyUse a large mixing bowl so that the ingredients spread out for easier mixing.Butter and margarine should be at room temperature.Add 200g flour +200sugar+200butter+4pcs egg at a time and at max speed setting, mixing thoroughly after each addition.Chips and nuts should be stirred by hand.1Bowl 2Whisk 3Right hook4Left hook (with flange)5Right beater6Left beater (with flange)7Turbo switch (Eject button)8Rotary switch9Unit mixer10Unlock button 11StandSpeed12345Turbo 5TurboFoodDry ingredients, muffins ,or quick breads.Cream butter and suger Most packaged cake mixers Frosting and mashed potatos Egg whites Heavy loading Egg whitesMost cookie dough • Cookie dough mixing guide• • •34Panduan mengadun yang amPanduan mengadun seperti berikut adalah cadangan pemilihan kelajuan mengadun untuk perkakas yang hadir dengan 6-kelajuan. Bermula dengan kelajuan 1 dan ditambahkan kepada kelajuan yang dikehendaki bergantung kepada konsistensi resipi.1Mangkuk 2Pemukul telur3Pemuku berbentuk cangkuk kanan4Pemuku berbentuk cangkuk kiri (dengan bebibir)5Pemukul kanan6Pemukul kiri (dengan bebibir)7Suis Turbo(butang pelepas)8Suis Putar9Unit Pengadun10Butang buka kunci 11PenopangLetakkan mangkuk di atas kedudukan yang ditetapkan pada tapak.Letakkan badan di atas kedudukan yangditetapkan pada tapak.Kelajuan12345Turbo 5TurboMakanan Bahan-bahan kering, muffin, atau roti cepat saji.Memukul mentega dan gulaKebanyakan campuran kek dalam bungkusan Sediakan aising dan kentang lenyek Putih telur Muatan beratPutih telurKebanyakan doh biskut • Gunakan mangkuk mengadun yang besar bagi memudahkan pengadunan bahan-bahan.• Mentega dan marjerin hendaklah berada pada suhu bilik.• Tambahkan 200g tepung + 200g gula + 200g mentega + 4 biji telur setiap kali dan adun pada kelajuan maksimum, adun hingga sekata selepas setiap penambahan.• Cip atau kacang hendaklah diadun dengan tangan.Panduan mengadun doh biskutkekal pada kedudukan “0” dan/atau “E” untuk menanggalkan semua bahagian pasangan.。

菲博电子芯片有限公司 CUBE 1200可重充电锂离子电池用户手册说明书

菲博电子芯片有限公司 CUBE 1200可重充电锂离子电池用户手册说明书

Features• A high-capacity, high-load on-ground battery with integrated charger • 1172 Wh – 81,6 Ah• Multivoltage (5,0V - 14,4Vnom - 24,0V - 48,0V) • For cinematography cameras and lighting •RecellableSafety Instructions• Only for professional use! Keep batteries out of reach of children and personnel that has not been instructed concerning the use of high-capacity Lithium-Ion batteries! • Use only with integrated charger.• Keep the battery dry and do not immerse in water. • Never open the case of the battery.• Do not expose the battery to temperatures over 60°C.• Do not expose the battery to fire! May explode if thrown into fire! • Maximum load 500W.•Handle with care! Do not throw! Do not drop!CUBE 1200 rechargeable Li-Ion Battery USER MANUALWE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU READ THIS INSTRUCTION BEFORE USING YOUR CUBE 1200 BATTERY! PLEASE KEEP THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCECharging•Never load unattended•Wait 30 Minutes after discharge before charging your battery.•The bebob CUBE 1200 battery can be charged via the internal charger.•Charging time ~ 8,5h•Approximate charging time may vary depending on charger and temperature.•For optimal performance, the bebob CUBE 1200 should be charged in ambienttemperature around 10°C - 30°C.•The bebob CUBE 1200 can be recharged in any state of charge.•Charger input: AC IN 90-240V – 50-60Hz•Input fuse: 1x5AT – 1 spare fuse•Charging current 10A internalAC Adapter•The bebob CUBE 1200 battery can be used as an 150W AC adapter when plugged into AC.•When the device powered needs more than 150W, the overload gets compensated through the battery until the battery is empty.•When the device powered needs less than 150W, the free power will be charged into the battery.•When the AC Adapter is on, the Status led will light greenDischarging•5,0V: 2x USB.1x 2A self-resetting fuse•12V (unreg 12 to 16,8V)): 2x XLR4 10A, 1x Twist D-Tap 10A, electronic fuses•24V (28,0V+/- 5V adjustable): 2x XLR3 16A, electronic fuses•48V (48,0V +/- 3V adjustable): 1x XLR10 10A electronic fuse•The battery can be used in ambient temperature of - 20°C to + 55°C.Status LED•Status LED lights up for 3 seconds after switch off:-- green: full capacity over 80%- yellow: between 60% and 80%- red: under 60%•Status LED lights green when the CUBE is plugged into AC.Fuel Gauge•Five-step LED power indicator•Flashes while charging•Lights up while discharging•Last LED (20%) flashes when the capacity comes under 10%.Outputs LED´s•12V/24V LED light up green when the CUBE is switched ON at 24V.•12V/48V LED light up green when the CUBE is switched ON at 48V.•12V/24V/48V LED are off when the CUBE is switched OFF.•12V/24V/48V LED turn first yellow and then red after 5s when overloaded (more than 10A).The output is locked. Remove or reduce load!•24V/48V LED flash red when the internal temperature of the CUBE reaches 90°C.24V/48V output is locked. Remove or reduce load!Storage•Storage temperature range is - 20°C to + 35°C (<85% humidity).•To store the battery for a long period (longer than 4 weeks), the battery should be charged between 50% and 75%. The battery should be recharged every 4 weeks.•After storage some self-discharge will occur. Before re-use it is advisable to fully recharge the battery.Warranty•The CUBE 1200 is covered by a 2 years unconditional warranty on all parts, except the cells.•The cells are covered by a 2 year warranty, for 80% of the original capacity.•For warranty issues, or if you have any additional questions, please contact the appropriate bebob distributor listed at .Voltage Selection•Main Switch on Position OFF: No Voltages available•Main Switch on Position 24V: 5, 12 and 24V Voltage available•Main Switch on Position 48V: 5, 12 and 48V availableVoltage SettingDisposal•The CUBE 1200 battery has to be disposed within a dedicated collection container for used device batteries. Please be aware that only empty batteries are allowed for disposal incollection containers. In case the battery is not completely discharged, precautions againsta potential short-circuit have to be taken.SpecificationsModel CUBE 1200Capacity 1172 Wh – 81,6 AhVoltage 5,0V DC14,4V DC (12,0V to 16,8V unreg.) 28,0V DC (adjustable +/-5V) 48,0V DC (adjustable +/-3V)Cells Lithium-Ion Trimix HL made in Japan Max. Discharge Power 500WFuel Gauge 5-Step LEDStatus Green: Full Capacity over 80%Yellow: Full Capacity between 60 and 80%Red: Full Capacity under 60%Weight 8,95 KgDimensions (WXHXD) 208x356x167mmCharger IntegratedCharging time 8,5 HoursOperating Temp. Range Charge: + 10°C ~ + 30°C recommendedDischarge:- 20°C ~ + 55°CStorage:- 20°C ~ + 35°C (<85% RH )Transport as of April 1st 2016•This summary reflects our current knowledge.1. Transport by Commercial Airline / Carry-on Luggage•The CUBE 1200 is forbidden in your carry-on luggage.2. Transport by Commercial Airline / Checked-in Luggage•The CUBE 1200 is forbidden in your checked-in luggage.3. Transport as air-, road- and sea-freight•Li-Ion batteries, including the bebob CUBE 1200, when shipped by air, road or sea are classified as dangerous goods class 9 and subject to special UN certified packaging.•Air transport authority training and authorisation (PK 1/ PK 2) are required for packing the CUBE 1200 for an air cargo shipment.•Li-Ion batteries for air cargo must have a state-of-charge of no more than 30% for shipping – meaning only one out of the five fuel gauge LED lights up.•We recommend that you confirm with your carrier of choice to determine any further restriction or local policies before travelling. You will find the actual regulations ofyour carrier of choice in the bebob transport information system。



HC-33B三相电量采集模块V2.0.1目录一、产品介绍1.1 简介1.2 功能特点1.3 技术参数二、应用2.1 外形及安装2.2 端子定义2.3 典型接线2.4 应用说明2.5显示界面及操作三、Modbus寄存器四、通讯规约五、选型及订购一、产品介绍1.1、简介HC-33B三相电量采集模块是高度集成化的针对三相电量参数测量应用的产品,三表法准确测量三相交流电压、三相电流(真有效值测量)、总有功功率、无功功率、功率因数、各单相功率、频率、总有功电度、总无功电度、ABC各单相有无功电度等电参量,并具备2路DI、2路开关量输出、1路电能脉冲输出、1路RS-485或232通讯接口,具有极优的性价比。


1.2、功能特点1.2.1.采集三相电参量,包括电压、电流、功率、电能等 30多个电参量,信息全1.2.2.采用专用测量芯片,交流真有效值测量方式,测量精度高1.2.3.通信规约采用标准Modbus-RTU方式,兼容性好,方便编程1.2.4.带ESD保护电路的RS-485(可选232)通信接口1.2.5.多种供电方式可选1.2.6.宽工作电压DC10~30V,并具防接反保护功能,接反电源不会损坏模块1.2.7.采用工业级芯片,内置看门狗,并具有完善的防雷抗干扰措施,保证可靠性1.2.8.高隔离电压,电压电流输入信号采用微型精密互感器隔离,耐压达DC2500V1.2.9.多电能计量:有正反向总有无功累计电能、当日累计电能、各单相电能计量1.2.10.具有2路开关量输出、2路开关量输入1.2.11.具有1路可配置的有功或无功电能脉冲输出功能1.2.12.可配置的实时数据更新周期,方便应用于各种测量要求1.2.13.具有越限、故障等的自动上传报警功能1.2.14.带LED指示工作状态(或LCD中文液晶显示数据),便于现场安装调试1.2.15.35mm 标准DIN导轨安装,多种接线方式,方便现场安装布线1.3、技术参数1.3.1三相交流输入1)输入频率:工频,45~65Hz;2)电压量程(相电压):70V、120V、260V、450V等可选3)电流量程: 1A、5A等可选;超过5A量程需外配互感器;4)信号处理:采用专用测量芯片,24位AD,6通道4.8K同步采样;5)数据更新周期:0.04S~1.00S可配置;6)过载能力:1.2倍量程可持续;瞬间(<10周波)电流5倍,电压3倍量程不损坏;7)输入阻抗:电压通道>1 kΩ/V;电流通道≤100mΩ;1.3.2开关量输入2路,无源触点或电压型输入,0~0.5V或短接为0,+3~30V或开路为1;1.3.3开关量输出2路,集电极开路输出(50V/30mA);可设置为遥控或报警保护输出功能;1.3.4电能脉冲输出1)1路,可配置选择的三相总(绝对值和)有功或无功电能脉冲输出;2)脉冲输出宽度为50mS,负脉冲;3)每个脉冲当量为:仪表电压量程*电流量程/2400 000度;1.3.5通讯接口1)可选配1路或2路通讯接口;2)接口类型:可选RS-485接口,或RS-232接口。

BKI Sandwich Merchandiser 产品说明书

BKI Sandwich Merchandiser 产品说明书

Sandwich Merchandiser MODELS SM27, SM27-2L, SM39, SM51, SM63, SM75 Service ManualSerial Numbers 122562 and HigherBKI LIMITED WARRANTY PO Box 80400 • Simpsonville, SC29680-0400 • USA (864) 963-3471 • Toll Free: (800) 927-6887 • Fax:(864) 963-5316Asia ∙ Europe ∙ Latin America ∙North AmericaWHAT IS COVERED This warranty covers defects in material and workmanship under normal use, and applies only to the originalpurchaser providing that: The equipment has not been accidentally or intentionally damaged, altered or misused; The equipment is properly installed, adjusted, operated and maintained in accordance with national and localcodes, and in accordance with the installation and operating instructions provided with this product. The serial number rating plate affixed to the equipment has not been defaced or removed.WHO IS COVERED This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and applies only to equipment purchased for usein the U.S.A.COVERAGE PERIODWarranty claims must be received in writing by BKI within one (1) year from date of installation or within one (1) year and three (3) months from data of shipment from the factory, whichever comesfirst.COB Models: One (1) Year limited parts and labor.COM Models: Two (2) Year limited parts and labor. COM convection ovens also have a two (2) year doorwarranty.CO1 Models: Two (2) Year limited parts and labor. Five (5) Year limited door warranty.BevLes Products: Two (2) Year limited parts and labor.Warranty period begins the date of dealer invoice to customer or ninety (90) days after shipment datefrom BKI, whichever comes first.WARRANTY COVERAGE This warranty covers on-site labor, parts and reasonable travel time and travel expenses of theauthorized service representative up to (100) miles round trip and (2) hours travel time andperformed during regular,weekday business hours.EXCEPTIONS Any exceptions must be pre-approved in advance and in writing by BKI. The extended door warranty onconvection ovens years 3 through 5 is a parts only warranty and does not include labor, travel, mileage orany other charges.EXCLUSIONSNegligence or acts of God,Thermostat calibrations after (30) days from equipment installation date,Air and g as adjustments, Light bulbs, Glass doors and door adjustments, Fuses, Adjustments to burner flames and cleaning of pilot burners, Tightening of screws or fasteners, Failures caused by erratic voltages or gas suppliers, Unauthorized repair by anyone other than a BKI F actory Authorized Service Center,Damage in shipment, Alteration, misuse or improper installation, Thermostats and safety valves with broken capillary tubes, Freight –other than normal UPS charges, Ordinary wear and tear, Failure to follow installation and/or operating instructions,Events beyond control of the company.INSTALLATION REPLACEMENT PARTS Leveling, as well as proper installation and check out of all new equipment- per appropriate installation and use materials – is t he responsibility of the dealer or installer, not the manufacturer.BKI genuine Factory OEM parts receive a (90) day materials warranty effective from the date of installation by a BKI F actory Authorized Service Center.Warranty is in lieu of all other warranties,expressed or implied, and all other obligations or liabilities on the manufacturer’s part. BKI shall in no event be liable for any special,indirect or consequential damages, or in any event for damages in excess of the purchase price of the unit. The repair or replacement of proven defective parts shall constitute a fulfillment of all obligations under the terms of this warranty.Sandwich Merchandiser Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents (1)Introduction (2)Safety Precautions (2)Safety Signs and Messages (2)Safe Work Practices (2)Safety Labels (4)Installation (6)Instructions For Shipping Damage (6)Electrical Information (6)Important Installation Instructions (6)Replacement Parts (7)Models SM27, SM39, SM51, SM63, SM75 (7)Control Panel Assembly (7)Inside Top Assembly (8)Components (9)Model SM27-2L (10)120V Calrod Assembly (10)Control Panel Assembly (11)Components (12)Wiring Diagrams (13)Introduction Congratulations! You have chosen a Sandwich Merchandiser that will give you many years of fine service from the original manufacturer, BKI .The BKI name and trademark on this unit assures you of the finest in design and engineering — that it has been built with care and dedication — using the best materials available. Attention to the operating instructions regarding proper installation, operation, and maintenance will result in long lasting dependability to insure the highest profitable return on your investment.PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE OPERATING THE UNIT. If you have any questions, please contact your BKI Distributor. If they are unable to answer yourquestions, contact the BKI Technical Service Department, toll free: 1-800-927-6887.Outside the U.S., call 1-864-963-3471.Safety PrecautionsThis message indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.This message indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.This message indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.This message is used when special information, instructions or identification are required relating to procedures, equipment, tools, capacities and other special data.Safe Work PracticesBeware of High VoltageThis equipment uses high voltage. Serious injury can occur if you or any untrainedor unauthorized person installs, services, or repairs this equipment. Always Use anAuthorized Service agent to Service Your Equipment.Keep this manual with the EquipmentThis manual is an important part of your equipment. Always keep it near for easy access. If you need to replace this manual, contact:BKITechnical Services DepartmentP.O. Box 80400Simpsonville, S.C. 29680-0400Or call toll free: 1-800-927-6887Outside the U.S., call 864-963-3471Protect ChildrenKeep children away from this equipment. Children may not understand that this equipment is dangerous for them and others.NEVER allow children to play near or operate your equipment.Keep Safety Labels Clean and in Good ConditionDo not remove or cover any safety labels on your equipment. Keep all safety labels clean and in good condition. Replace any damaged or missing safety labels. Refer to the Safety Labels section for illustration and location of safety labels on this unit. If you need a new safety label, obtain the number of the specific label illustrated on page 4, then contact:BKITechnical Services DepartmentP.O. Box 80400Simpsonville, S.C. 29680-0400Or call toll free: 1-800-927-6887Outside the U.S., call 864-963-3471Be Prepared for EmergenciesBe prepared for fires, injuries, or other emergencies.Keep a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher near the equipment. You must use a 40-pound Type BC fire extinguisher and keep it within 25 feet of your equipment. Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambulance services, hospitals, and the fire department near your telephone.Know your responsibilities as an Employer•Make certain your employees know how to operate the equipment.•Make certain your employees are aware of the safety precautions on the equipment and in this manual.•Make certain that you have thoroughly trained your employees about operating the equipment safely.•Make certain the equipment is in proper working condition. If you make unauthorized modifications to the equipment, you will reduce the function and safety of the equipment.Safety LabelsModels SM27, SM39, SM51, SM63, SM75Model SM27-2LInstallationSerious injury, equipment damage or death could result if attempting to install this unityourself. Ensure that an authorized BKI service agent installs the unit.Instructions For Shipping DamageYou are responsible for filing all freight claims with the delivering truck line. Inspect all cartons and crates for damage when they arrive. If there is damage noted to shipping crates or cartons, or, if a shortage is found, note this on the bill of lading (all copies) before signing.If damage is detected when the equipment is uncrated, immediately call the delivering truck line and follow up the call with a written report indicating concealed damage to your equipment. Ask for an immediate inspection of your concealed damage item. Crating material MUST be retained to show the inspector from the truck line. Electrical InformationElectrocution, equipment failure or property damage could result if an unlicensedelectrician performs the electrical installation. Ensure that a licensed electrician performthe electrical installation in accordance with local codes, or in the absence of local codes,with the National Electrical Code, ANSI NFPA 70-20XX.This unit, when installed by an authorized BKI service agent, must be wired for use in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal codes. For specific electrical requirements and connections refer to the wiring diagram attached to the unit or provided in the Service Manual.Important Installation InstructionsLEVELING THE UNIT: Your SM should be level for best operating results. The unit maybe leveled by placing shims under the base. The shims must be made of metal or othernon-combustible material. If you have any questions, please contact your BKIDistributor. If they are unable to answer your questions, contact the BKI TechnicalService Department, toll free: 1-800-927-6887. Outside the U.S., call 1-864-963-3471.COUNTERTOP INSTALLATIONS: To conform to NSF Standard 4, countertop modelsare designed to be sealed to the supporting surface using an NSF approved Siliconesealant. BKI recommends Dow Corning RTV # 732 Multi-purpose Sealant. If you haveany questions, please contact your BKI Distributor. If they are unable to answer yourquestions, contact the BKI Technical Service Department, toll free: 1-800-927-6887.Outside the U.S., call 1-864-963-3471.This unit is designed for pre-packaged foods only. If you have any questions, pleasecontact your BKI Distributor. If they are unable to answer your questions, contact the BKITechnical Service Department, toll free: 1-800-927-6887. Outside the U.S., call 1-864-963-3471.Replacement PartsUse the information in this section to identify replacement parts. To order replacement parts, call your local BKI sales and service representative. Before calling, please note the serial number on the rating tag affixed to the unit. Models SM27, SM39, SM51, SM63, SM75Control Panel AssemblyITEM # PART # QTY DESCRIPTION1 K00402 KNOB, S/S STRAT T00752 S0141 2SWITCH, INFINITE 240V-12453 PL0003 2 PILOT LIGHT, 250V RECT BLK BEZEL4 S0319 1 SWITCH, RKR DPST 15A 250V5 N0476 1 DECAL, CTL PNL SMInside Top AssemblyITEM # PART # QTYDESCRIPTION1 C0056C0080 C0064 C0057 C0060 C0064 C0056 C0064 C0057 C00562 2 2 2 2 2 23 3 3 CERAMIC HEATER 650W FULL SIZE 220/240V (SM27) CERAMIC HEATER 120V 400W (SM39)CERAMIC HEATER 250W FULL SIZE (SM39)CERAMIC HEATER 400W FULL SIZE 220/240V (SM39) CERAMIC HEATER 120V 250W FULL SIZE (SM51) CERAMIC HEATER 250W FULL SIZE (SM51)CERAMIC HEATER 650W FULL SIZE 220/240V (SM51) CERAMIC HEATER 250W FULL SIZE (SM63)CERAMIC HEATER 400W FULL SIZE 220/240V (SM63) CERAMIC HEATER 650W FULL SIZE 220/240V (SM75) 2 LH00013 4 44 5 5 5 7 7 8 LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN 650W (SM27)LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN 120V 400W (SM39) LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN 250W (SM39) LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN 400W (SM39) LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN (SM51)LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN 250W CERAMIC (SM51) LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN C0056 650W (SM51) LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN (SM63)LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN 400W (SM63)LAMPHOLDER, RD PORCELAIN C0056 650W (SM75) 3 FA421063123 4 4 4 5 5 7 7 8 LIGHT GUARD 650W (SM27)LIGHT GUARD 120V 400W (SM39) LIGHT GUARD 250W (SM39) LIGHT GUARD 400W (SM39) LIGHT GUARD (SM51)LIGHT GUARD C0056 650W (SM51) LIGHT GUARD (SM63)LIGHT GUARD 400W (SM63)LIGHT GUARD C0056 650W (SM75) 4 B0553B0066 B0553 B0553 B0066 B0553 B05533 4 4 5 5 7 8BULB, TUFFSKIN 40W 250V (SM27)BULB, 40A15 130V TEFLON COATED (SM39) BULB, TUFFSKIN 40W 250V (SM39) BULB, TUFFSKIN 40W 250V (SM51)BULB, 40A15 130V TEFLON COATED (SM51) BULB, TUFFSKIN 40W 250V (SM63) BULB, TUFFSKIN 40W 250V (SM75)ComponentsPART # QTY DESCRIPTIONPICTURER0168 R0161 R0162 R0161 R0162 R01691 2 1 1 2 2RACK, SHELF 22.75 X 22.875 (SM27) RACK, SHELF 17 3/8 X 22 7/8 SM (SM39) RACK, SHELF 22 7/8 X 29 3/8 SM (SM51) RACK, SHELF 17 3/8 X 22 7/8 SM (SM51) RACK, SHELF 22 7/8 X 29 3/8 SM (SM63) RACK, SHELF 22.875 X 35.375 (SM75)MA421022117DIVIDER, SM51Model SM27-2L120V Calrod AssemblyITEM # PART # QTY DESCRIPTION1 FC42110509 1 CALROD MOUNT SM272 FB31212718 2 CALROD PAN SUPPT.BRKTS.SFW3 C0110 1 CALROD, 120V 375W4 FC42110609 1 INSUL COVER SM275 I0005 2 INSULATION, 1"TKControl Panel AssemblyITEM # PART # QTY DESCRIPTION1 K0040 4 KNOB, S/S STRAT T00752 S0029 4 SWITCH, INFINITE 120V-12463 PL00054 PILOT LIGHT, 125V4 S0356 1 SWITCH, ROCKER 16A 250V5 N0529 1 DECAL, CTL PNL SFWComponentsPART # QTY DESCRIPTION PICTUREB0066 6 BULB, 40A15 130V TEFLON COATEDC0060 4 CERAMIC HEATER 250W 120V FULL SIZEC0080 2 CALROD, 120V 400W CERAMICCS0024 2 CORD SET, 12/3 SJTO 8' 30"LEADLH0021 6 LAMPHOLDER, #62602 HI TEMPMB31213011 6 DIVIDER BAR SFWFB31211003 1 SIGN HOLDER SANDWICH SIDE SFWWiring DiagramsRefer to the table below to find the wiring diagram associated with your unit.Wiring Diagram Part # Figure # Page # SM27 (208V/1 Phase) SB42192300 Figure 1 14 SM27-2L (120V/1 Phase) SB31291300 Figure 2 15 SM39 (120V/1 Phase) SB42191700 Figure 3 16 SM39 (208V or 240V/1 Phase with 400W Calrod) SB42191100 Figure 4 17 SM39 (208V/1 Phase with 600W Calrod) SB42191800 Figure 5 18 SM51 (120V/1 Phase with 600W Calrod) SB42190300 Figure 6 19 SM51 (120V/1 Phase with 800W Calrod) SB42190500 Figure 7 20 SM51 (208V or 240V/1 Phase with 600W Calrod) SB42190000 Figure 8 21 SM51 (208V or 240V/1 Phase with 800W Calrod) SB42191600 Figure 9 22 SM63 (208V or 240V/1 Phase with 400W Calrod) SB42191200 Figure 10 23 SM63 (208V or 240V/1 Phase with 500W Calrod) SB42192200 Figure 11 24 SM75 (208/1 Phase with 600W Calrod) SB42191900 Figure 12 25Figure 4.SM39 (208V or 240V/1 Phase with 400W Calrod)Figure 5.SM39 (208V/1 Phase with 600W Calrod)Figure 12.SM75 (208/1 Phase with 600W Calrod)P.O. Box 80400, Simpsonville, S.C. 29680-0400, USA 。



BB-ESDSM00 评估板用户手册版本1.0–2016年11月版权声明:●BB-ESDSM00评估板及其相关知识产权由深圳市英蓓特科技有限公司所有。




版本更新记录:版本更新日期描述1.0 2016-11-01 初始版本目录第1章产品概述 (1)1.1 产品简介 (1)1.1.1 包装内容 (1)1.1.2 产品特性 (2)1.2 接口和按钮 (3)1.3 系统框图 (4)1.4 产品尺寸(mm) (5)第2章硬件系统简介 (6)2.1 BB-ESDSM00简介 (6)2.2 外围芯片介绍 (6)2.2.1 CH7026B (6)2.2.2 WM8904 (6)2.3 接口详述 (6)2.3.1 SAMRC接口 (7)2.3.2 LVDS/VGA/HDMI (21)2.3.3 Touch (24)2.3.4 CAMERA (25)2.3.5 千兆以太网 (27)2.3.6 TF卡 (27)2.3.7 USB (28)2.3.8 SATA (29)2.3.9 3*PCIE x1 (30)2.3.10 Wifi /BT (31)2.3.11 Audio (32)2.3.12 Beep (32)2.3.13 UART (32)2.3.14 CAN (33)2.3.15 RS485 (33)2.3.16 SPDIF (34)2.3.17 I2C (34)2.3.18 按钮 (34)2.3.19 LED (34)2.3.20 拨码开关 (34)2.3.21 RTC (35)2.3.22 扩展接口 (35)技术支持和保修服务 (36)第1章产品概述1.1 产品简介BB-ESDSM00是英蓓特自研核心板SM8800/SM9300的应用底板。

LG TM300 手机 使用说明书

LG TM300 手机 使用说明书

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Eaton 3SMini 3SM36 3SM36B 高级用户指南说明书

Eaton 3SMini 3SM36 3SM36B 高级用户指南说明书

X²Eaton 3SMini3SM363SM36BAdvanced User GuideCopyright © 2021 EATONAll rights reserved.AUG_EATON-3SMINI_V03SMini EMEASpecial symbolsThe following are examples of symbols used on the UPS or accessories to alert you to important information:1.Table of contents1.Table of contents (3)2.Introduction (4)3.Presentation (5)4.Installation (6)4.1.Package contents (6)4.2.Safety (7)4.3.Power supply cord / socket (8)4.4.Start UPS (9)4.5.Voltage setup (10)4.6.Connect the equipment (12)5.Other functions (13)5.1.Turn OFF, turn ON (13)5.2.Display battery level (13)6.Troubleshooting (14)7.Technical specifications (16)8.Equipment care (17)9.Service and support (17)Thank you for selecting an Eaton product to protect your equipment.The Eaton 3SMini range has been designed with the utmost care. We recommend that you take the time to read this advanced user guide and documentations provided to take full advantage of the many features of your UPS (Uninterruptible Power System).Before installing your Eaton 3SMini, please read the information and safety instructions provided. Follow the instructions in the quick start guide and if necessary, refer to this advance user guide.To discover the entire range of Eaton products, we invite you to visit our web site at or contact your Eaton representative.The Eaton 3SMini Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) is designed for small electrical such as, but not limited to, Internet gateways, switches or routers, IP cameras etc. It must not be used to supply other electrical equipment (lighting, household appliances, etc.). It prevents your critical equipment from power failures and power surges.Barrel adaptor polarity:Note: Extended replacementkit can be ordered throughyour local customer (/productstewardship).4.4.Start UPSDo not connect load until the voltage has been appropriately setup (see 4.5) Press the ON/OFF button for three seconds. The battery level is first displayed for five seconds then the LED indicates the output voltage level (default 12V):Figure 2 Start UPSBattery levels:Slow blinking LEDFast blinking LEDFigure 3 Battery levels4.5.Voltage setupBefore entering voltage setup, ensure that the protected equipment is disconnected from the UPS:Figure 4 Disconnect the equipmentThen enter voltage setup mode and select the appropriate output DC voltage corresponding to equipment nominal input voltage (9V, 12, 15V or 19V): •Press the ON/OFF button (5) for eight secondsImportant: The LED and UPS will briefly shut down (OFF to 0V) during the process and it will turn off any connected equipment, just keep pressing the button until eight seconds have passed. When LED start flashing (slow), release the button.•You can then cycle through the different LED position which indicate the voltage output by pressing the ON/OFF button (quick press).Note that the voltage is not active until the selection is confirmed.Figure 5 Cycle through the voltage levels•Once the voltage is selected, then simply press eight seconds to confirm the choice. The LED will stop blinking and steady itself.The DC output is now delivering the new voltage.connectorYour equipment is now backed-upInternal failureKeeps blinking for 20 seconds then enters shutdown modeThe unit needs replacement. Contact your customer service.Problem Possible cause ActionAll LED are OFF The UPS is turned OFF Press 3s the ON/OFF button.UPS does not start This could be linked toinitial state (out-of-box) Make sure that the UPS is plugged in a wall outlet that delivers power and press three seconds the ON/OFF button.If this does not work, contact your local customer service.One LED remainsOFF when UPS isfully charged, andbattery leveldisplayedLED is defective Contact your local customer service.UPS does not charge Power is not delivered toUPS or batteries may bedefective1) Ensure that charging is notinterrupted.2) Check mains are delivering power.3) Check that the input cord is wellplugged in the UPS.4) Contact your local customer service.Load is not powered UPS is in Auto-Recovery(AR) modeUnplug the equipment.1) Verify load electrical characteristics(voltage, power).2) Let the UPS cool down (keep deviceaway from any heat source).Wait several minutes and try again.UPS is frozen and ON/OFF button is ineffective UPS is locked Disconnect equipment, turn OFF UPSand unplug it from mains.Wait a minute and reconnect UPS.Turn it back ON.Other option: Reset to factory settings:press 15 seconds from the OFF state(unplugged). Then plug UPS andrestart UPS.7.Technical specificationsT e chnical specificationsTechnical specificationsAC Input voltage 100-240V~ ACAC Input current CEE7/7 (FR/DIN): 1.6ABS 1363: 1.6AInput frequency 50/60HzOutput voltage/Amps 9V/3A12V/3A15V/2,4A19V/1,89AOutput connection Barrel adaptors 5,5 x 2,55,5 x 2,14,75 x 1,73,5 x 1,35Power rating 36WBattery type Li-Ion x2 (ICR18650)*Cell weight: 45g MaxBattery capacity 3,7 V/2200mAh (x2)UPS dimensions (W x H x D) 95,5 x 30 x 136 mmUPS weight 0,4 kgOperating temperature 0 - 35°cSafety IEC 62477-1, CE mark, CB report EMC IEC 62040-2Performance IEC 62040-5-3Warranty 2 years* Typical full charge time (may vary): ~4hPart number Input cord3SM36 FR/DIN (1m long)3SM36BS BS1363 (1m long)。

上海超精电子科技 SM100-C(Ⅲ) HART-USB MODEM 用户手册说明书

上海超精电子科技 SM100-C(Ⅲ) HART-USB MODEM 用户手册说明书

SM100-C(Ⅲ)HART-USB MODEM USER MANUALContents1SM100-C(Ⅲ)Introduction (3)1.1Product Introduction (3)1.2Product Specifications (3)1.3Product Features (3)1.4Main Parameters (3)2SM100-C(Ⅲ)Diagram and LED Functions (4)2.1Diagram (4)2.2Connection Diagram (4)2.3LED Indications (6)3Configuration Software Functions and Operation (7)3.1Communicating Connection (7)3.2Online Test (8)3.3Instrument IO Correction (8)3.4Basic Parameters Configuration of Instrument (9)3.5Basic Information of Instrument (9)3.6Parameters Configuration of Temperature Transmitter (9)3.7Differential Pressure and Multivariable Transmitter (10)4WIFI Virtual Serial Port Creation (11)4.1Cable Connection (11)4.2Wireless Hotspot Connection (11)4.3Virtual Serial Port Creation (12)5Service and Warranty Information (13)Statement:Copyright©2017SMDZNET.All Rights Reserved.Please read the manual intensively before using the product.SMDZNET does not warrant or accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any damage towards the product unless following the instructions.SMDZNET provides the manual for instructions.Specifications and information contained in this manual are furnished for informational use only,and are subject to change at any time without notice,and should not be construed as a commitment by SMDZNET.SMDZNET assumes no responsibility or liability for any changes or invalidation that may appear in this manual,due to the upgrading for the products or software described in it.Please notice the version and update it timely.Please visit the support website for the latest information.If any confusion towards the specifications and information contained in this manual,please contact us or the local supplier directly.Copyright statement:No part of this manual,including the products and software described in it,may be reproduced,transmitted,transcribed,stored in a retrieval system,or translated into any language in any form or by any means,except documentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes,without the express written permission of SMDZNET.1SM100-C(Ⅲ)Introduction1.1Product IntroductionThe SM100-C is a HART intelligent communicator designed by JIAXING SONGMAO and complied with the industrial standard. It communicates with any manufacturer of HART instruments,such as Rosemount,E+H,Siemens,Cologne,Yokogawa,SIC etc. The appearance is complied with integrated design,enabling to install and carry portably.The communicator is compatible with a standard USB interface and serial bus power supply to ensure the convenience and quickness.Since the SM100-C intelligent communicator is specially designed for industrial product integration,its design specialized in the temperature range,vibration,electromagnetic compatibility and interface diversity etc..The SM100-C ensures the stable and high efficient operation in the bad environment and makes it ideal for high quality with the device.1.2Product Specifications●Supports Operation System Windows XP,Windows7,Windows10●Compatible with USB V1.1,USB CDC V1.1Standard●Compatible with USB V2.0,USB CDC V2.0Standard●USB Bus Power Supply(Uninsulated Cables),DC5V DC30mA●Standard HART Protocol Transmission●Transparent Data Transfer●Compatible with HART Protocol1.3Product Features●Built-In Isolated DC24V Output.Provide Power Supply and Communication to Two-Wire Channel Instrument,to Maximize the Reduction of Wiring.●HART Signal Transfer with Isolation Transformer●Built-In High Precision250ΩResistance.No need to add resistance if communication test.●Provides Switch to Transfer with WIFI Connection●LED Panel to Monitor the Operation Status1.4Main Parameters●Physical Dimensions(L×W×H):71mm×52mm×22mm.●Operation Ambient Temperature:-20℃~+80℃●Relative Humidity:10%~80%2SM100-C (Ⅲ)Diagram and LED Functions2.1Diagram2.2Connection Diagram●Communication cable:Black USB cable (48cm),using for communication between SM100-C and PC,and provide power supply to SM100-C.●Test cable:Red and black cables,using for connection between SM100-C and HART instruments.●Serial port change-over switch :Two serial port conversion modes:USB and WIFI.Switch to USB to enable the communication between communication cable andPC.The communication cable is connected with PC.Switch to WIFI to enable the communication between virtual serial port andPC.The communication cable is connected with the charger.●HART change-over switch :Three HART conversion modes:250Ω,NO,24V/250Ω.Switch to 250 to instruct the working status with built-in 250Ωresistance.Switch to NO to instruct the working status without built-in 24V or 250Ωresistance.Switch to 24V/250Ωto instruct the working status with built-in 24V and 250Ωresistance.You can switch the change-over switch to the proper position according to the physical condition,then start the connection.1.With Built-In 250ΩResistanceImported gold-plated hook design,highlighted the high quality Imported gold-plated port2.Without Built-In24V or250ΩResistance3.With Built-In24V and250ΩResistance2.3LED Indications●POW Power LED:Constant lighting when normal communication ●TXD Communication LED:Blinking when data transfers●RXD Communication LED:Blinking when data receives3Configuration Software Functions and Operation3.1Communicating Connection1)Connecting to HART instrumentPlease take the wiring diagram2.2for reference.According to the HART instrument,you can turn the HART change-over switch to the proper position,then connect the Test cable to the HART instrument.2)Connecting to Serial portPlease take the wiring diagram2.2for reference.According to the physical condition,you can turn the Serial port change-over switch to the proper position,then connect the Communication cable.B Serial Port:Connect the USB communication cable to the computer.Right-click Computer,then chooseProperty-Device Manager to view the Serial Number.b.WIFI Virtual Serial Port:Please refer to section of4.WIFI Virtual Serial Port Creation to create Virtual Serial Number. 3)Turn on the configuration and debugging software.According to the serial number,select the correct serial number and open the serial port.3.2Online Test3.3Instrument IO Correction3.4Basic Parameters Configuration of Instrument3.5Basic Information of Instrument3.6Parameters Configuration of Temperature Transmitter3.7Differential Pressure and Multivariable Transmitter4WIFI Virtual Serial Port Creation4.1Cable ConnectionYou can switch the seral port to WIFI virtual serial port connector,and then connect USB cable with the charger to supply power.4.2Wireless Hotspot Connection1)Search for the wireless network,and choose the wireless hotspot SM100-C,then click Connect.2)Configure the IP address for the wireless hotspot and modify it to the same network segment192.168.0.#.4.3Virtual Serial Port CreationYou can start the virtual serial port configuration software,and click Add,and tap in the information of virtual serial port configuration in the pop-up window,then click OK to accomplish the creation for the virtual serial port.The serial port information would be displayed in the main window.5Service and Warranty Information1.The warranty period for the product is36months with normal operation conditions from the date of purchase byend-customers.2.The company warrants the Product to be free from defects in workmanship and technology for the Warranty Period.3.This Free Warranty does not include such as but not limited to:a.The Product has been tampered with,repaired and/or modified without the permission from the company;b.Damage to the Product caused by external force and other natural disaster.4.When the warranty service is needed,please contact us with calling the service hotline.We would maintain the warrantyservice and deliver the product back as soon as possible.5.This warranty liability limits to the warranty period for the breakdown maintenance of the product,and do not assume other responsibilities.。

Lectrosonics SMWB系列无线麦克风传输器说明书

Lectrosonics SMWB系列无线麦克风传输器说明书

Q uick S tart G uideFill in for your records:Serial Number:Purchase Date:This guide is intended to assist with initial setup and operation of your Lectrosonics product.For a detailed user manual, down-load the most current version at:Wireless Microphone Transmitters and RecordersSMWB, SMDWB, SMWB/E01, SMDWB/E01, SMWB/X, SMDWB/X13 March 2020Digital Hybrid Wireless ® US Patent 7,225,135LECTROSONICS, INC.2Controls and FunctionsIndicators Battery Audio Input Antenna microSDHC memorycard portAntenna Audio Input microSDHC memory cardportSMWB SeriesThe SMWB transmitter delivers the advanced technology and features of Digital Hybrid Wireless ® and combines 24-bit digital audio chain with an analog FM radio link to eliminate a compandor and its artifacts, yet preserves the extended operating range and noise rejection of the finest analog wireless systems. DSP “compatibility modes” allow the transmitter to also be used with a variety of analog receivers by emulating the compandors found in earlier Lectrosonics analog wireless and IFB receivers, and certain receivers from other manufactur-ers (contact the factory for details).Plus, the SMWB has a built in recording function for use in situations where RF may not be possible or to work as a stand alone recorder. The record function and transmit functions are exclusive of each other - you cannot record AND transmit at the same time. The recorder samples at 44.1kHz rate with a 24 bit sample depth. (the rate was selected due to the required 44.1kHz rate used for the digital hybrid algorithm). The micro SDHC card also offers easy firmware updates capability without the need for a USB cable.and recording recording) 3Battery InstallationThe transmitters are powered by AA battery(ies). We recommend using lithium for longest life.Because some batteries run down quite abruptly, using the Power LED to verify battery status will not be reliable. However, it is possible to track battery status using the battery timer function available in Lectrosonics Digital Hybrid Wireless receivers.The battery door opens by simply unscrewing the knurled knob part way until the door will rotate. The door is also easily removed by unscrewing the knob completely, which is helpful when cleaning the battery contacts. The battery contacts can be cleaned with alcohol and a cotton swab, or a clean pencil eraser. Be sure not to leave any remnants of the cotton swab or eraser crumbs inside the compartment.A small pinpoint dab of silver conductive grease* on the thumbscrew threads can improve battery performance and operation. Do this if you experience a drop in battery life or an increase in operating temperature.Insert the batteries according to the markings on the back of the housing. If the batteries are inserted incorrectly, the door may close but the unit will not operate.*if you are unable to locate a supplier of this type of grease - a local electron-ics shop for example - contact the factory for a small maintenance vial.Turning Power ONShort Button Pressunit on in the Standby Mode with the RF output turned off.T o enable the RF output from the Standby Mode, press the Power Button, select Rf On? option, then select yes.LECTROSONICS, INC.4Long Button PressWhen the unit is turned off, a long press of the power button will start a count-down to turn the unit on with the RF output turned on. Continue to hold thebutton until the countdown is complete.Hold power button until the counter reaches 3If the button is released before the countdown is completed, the unit will power up with the RF output turned off.Power Button MenuWhen the unit is already turned on, the Power Button is used to turn the unit off, or to access a setup menu.A long press of the button begins a countdown to turn the unit off.A short press of the button opens a menu for the following setup options. Se-lect the option with the UP and DOWN arrow buttons then press MENU/SEL.• Resume returns the unit to the previous screen and operating mode • Pwr Off turns the unit off• Rf On? turns the RF output on or off• AutoOn? selects whether or not the unit will turn on automatically after a battery change• Remote enables or disables the audio remote control (dweedle tones)• Bat Type selects the type of battery in use • Backlit sets the duration of the LCD backlight • Clock sets the Y ear/Month/Day/Time • Locked disables the control panel buttons • LED Off enables/disables control panel LEDs•About displays the model number and firmware revisionMenu ShortcutsFrom the Main/Home Screen, the following shortcuts are available:• Record: Press the MENU/SEL + UP arrow simultaneously•Stop Recording: Press the MENU/SEL + DOWN arrow simultaneously NOTE: The shortcuts are only available from the main/home screen AND when a microSDHC memory card is installed. 5• T urn power on in the Standby mode (see previous section)• Connect microphone and place it in the position where it will be used.•Have the user talk or sing at the same level that will be used in theproduction, and adjust the input gain so that the -20 LED blinks red on louder peaks.Use the UP and DOWNarrow buttons to adjust the gain until the -20 LED blinks red on louder peaks• Set the frequency and compatibility mode to match the receiver.•T urn the RF output on with the Rf On? item in the power menu, or by turning the power off and then back on while holding the power button in and waiting for the counter to reach 3.LECTROSONICS, INC.6• Insert microSDHC memory card• T urn power on • Format memory card• Connect microphone and place it in the position where it will be used.•Have the user talk or sing at the same level that will be used in theproduction, and adjust the input gain so that the -20 LED blinks red onlouder peaksUse the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to adjust the gain until the -20 LED blinks red on louder peaks•Press MENU/SEL and choose Record from the menu•T o stop recording, press MENU/SEL and choose Stop; the word SAVED appears on the screenT o play back the recordings, remove the memory card and copy the files onto a computer with video or audio editing software installed.SMWB Main MenuUse arrow keys toadvance scene & take7LECTROSONICS, INC.8SMWB Power Button MenuUse arrow keys to turn RF signal on/offUse arrow keys to choose battery typeUse arrow keys to enable/disable remoteFrom the Main Window press the power e the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the item.Use arrow keys to enable auto power restoreUse arrow keys to select LCD backlight durationUse arrow keys to lock/unlock keypadUse arrow keys to turn LEDs on or off 9Setup Screen DetailsLocking/Unlocking Changes to SettingsChanges to the settings can be locked in the Power Button Menu.When changes are locked, several controls and actions can still be used:• Settings can still be unlocked • Menus can still be browsed•When locked, POWER CAN ONL Y BE TURNED OFF by removing the batteries.Main Window IndicatorsThe Main Window displays the block number, Standby or Operating mode, operating frequency, audio level, battery status and programmable switch function. When the frequency step size is set at 100 kHz, the LCD will look like the following.Frequency (MHz)Frequency When the frequency step size is set to 25 kHz, the hex number will appearsmaller and may include a fraction.Note that the frequency has increased by 25 example.1/4 = .025 MHz 1/2 = .050 MHz 3/4 = .075 MHzLECTROSONICS, INC.10Changing the step size never changes the frequency. It only changes the way the user interface works. If the frequency is set to a fractional increment be-tween even 100 kHz steps and the step size is changed to 100 kHz, the hex code will be replaced by two asterisks on the main screen and the frequency screen.Frequency set to fractional 25 kHz step, Connecting the Signal SourceMicrophones, line level audio sources and instruments can be used with the transmitter. Refer to the manual section entitled Input Jack Wiring for Different Sources for details on the correct wiring for line level sources and microphones to take full advantage of the Servo Bias circuitry.Turning Control Panel LEDs ON/OFFFrom the main menu screen, a quick press of the UP arrow button turns the control panel LEDs on. A quick press of the DOWN arrow button turns them off. The buttons will be disabled if the LOCKED option is selected in the Power Button menu.The control panel LEDs can also be turned on and off with the LED Off option in the Power Button menu.Helpful Features on ReceiversT o aid in finding clear frequencies, several Lectrosonics receivers offer aSmartTune feature that scans the tuning range of the receiver and displays a graphical report that shows where RF signals are present at different levels, and areas where there is little or no RF energy present. The software then automatically selects the best channel for operation.Lectrosonics receivers equipped with an IR Sync function allow the receiver to set frequency, step size and compatibility modes on the transmitter via an infrared link between the two units.FilesSelect recorded files on microSDHC memory card.Formats the microSDHC memory card.WARNING: This function erases any content on themicroSDHC memory card.Record or StopBegins recording or stops recording. (See page 7.)Adjusting the Input GainThe two bicolor Modulation LEDs on the control panel provide a visual indica-tion of the audio signal level entering the transmitter. The LEDs will glow either red or green to indicate modulation levels as shown in the following table.NOTE: Full modulation is achieved at 0 dB, when the “-20” LED firstturns red. The limiter can cleanly handle peaks up to 30 dB above thispoint.It is best to go through the following procedure with the transmitter in the standby mode so that no audio will enter the sound system or recorder during adjustment.1)With fresh batteries in the transmitter, power the unit on in the standbymode (see previous section Turning Power ON and OFF).2)Navigate to the Gain setup screen.3)Prepare the signal source. Position a microphone the way it will be usedin actual operation and have the user speak or sing at the loudest levelthat will occur during use, or set the output level of the instrument oraudio device to the maximum level that will be used.11LECTROSONICS, INC.124)–10 dB glows green and the –20 dB LED starts to flicker red during the loudest peaks in the audio.5) Once the audio gain has been set, the signal can be sent through the sound system for overall level adjustments, monitor settings, etc.6) If the audio output level of the receiver is too high or low, use only the controls on the receiver to make adjustments. Always leave the trans-mitter gain adjustment set according to these instructions, and do not change it to adjust the audio output level of the receiver.Selecting FrequencyThe setup screen for frequency selection offers several ways to browse the available of fouradjustmentsEach field will step through the available frequencies in a different increment. The increments are also different in the 25 kHz mode from the 100 kHz mode.1 MHz steps 13A fraction will appear next to the hex code in the setup screen and in the main window when the frequency ends in .025, .050 or .075 MHz.Fraction appears next to hex codein 25 kHz mode nate increments.NOTE: Y ou must be in the FREQ menu to access this feature. It is not available from the main/home screen.channelchannel25 kHz steps 25 kHz Mode If the Step Size is 25 kHz with the frequency set between even 100 kHz steps and the Step Size is then changed to 100 kHz, the mismatch will cause the hex code to display as two asterisks.mismatchLECTROSONICS, INC.14About Overlapping Frequency BandsWhen two frequency bands overlap, it is possible to select the same frequen-cy at the upper end of one and the lower end of the other. While the frequency will be the same, the pilot tones will be different, as indicated by the hex codes that appear.In the following examples, the frequency is set to 494.500 MHz, but one is in band 470 and the other in band 19. This is done intentionally to maintain compatibility with receivers that tune across a single band. The band number and hex code must match the receiver to enable the correct pilot tone.Make sure the band number and hex code match the receiver settingSelecting the Low Frequency Roll-offIt is possible that the low frequency roll-off point could affect the gain setting, so it’s generally good practice to make this adjustment before adjusting the input gain. The point at which the roll-off takes place can be set to:•LF 35 35 Hz •LF 50 50 Hz •LF 70 70 Hz •LF 100 100 Hz •LF 120 120 Hz • LF 150 150 HzThe roll-off is often adjusted by ear while monitoring the audio.Use the UP and DOWN arrows to select the desired mode, then press the BACK button twice to return to the Main Window.Compatibility modes are as follows:Receiver Models LCD menu itemSMWB/SMDWB:• Nu Hybrid: Nu Hybrid• Mode 3:* Mode 3• IFB Series: IFB ModeMode 3 works with certain non-Lectrosonics models. Contact the factory for details.NOTE: If your Lectrosonics receiver does not have Nu Hybrid mode,set the receiver to Euro Digital Hybrid Wireless® (EU Dig. Hybrid)./E01:• Digital Hybrid Wireless®: EU Hybr• Mode 3: Mode 3*• IFB Series: IFB Mode* Mode works with certain non-Lectrosonics models. Contact the factory for details./X:• Digital Hybrid Wireless®: NA Hybr• Mode 3:* Mode 3• 200 Series: 200 Mode• 100 Series: 100 Mode• Mode 6:* Mode 6• Mode 7:* Mode 7• IFB Series: IFB ModeModes 3, 6 and 7 work with certain non-Lectrosonics models. Contact the factory for details.15LECTROSONICS, INC.16Selecting Step SizeThis menu item allows frequencies to be selected in either 100 kHz or 25 kHzincrements.If the desired frequency ends in .025, .050 or .075 MHz, the 25 kHz step size must be selected.Normally, the receiver is used to find a clear operating frequency. All Lectro-sonics Digital Hybrid Wireless ® receivers provide a scanning function to quick-ly and easily find prospective frequencies with little or no RF interference. In other cases, a frequency may be specified by officials at a large event such as the Olympics or a major league ball game. Once the frequency is determined, set the transmitter to match the associated receiver.Selecting Audio Polarity (Phase)Audio polarity can be inverted at the transmitter so the audio can be mixedwith other microphones without comb filtering. The polarity can also be in-verted at the receiver outputs.Setting Transmitter Output PowerThe output power can be set to:SMWB/SMDWB, /X•25, 50 or 100 mW /E01• 10, 25 or 50 mW 17Setting Scene and Take NumberUse UP and DOWN arrows to advance Scene and Take and MENU/SEL toChoosing Takes for ReplayUse UP and DOWN arrows to toggle and MENU/SEL to play back.Recorded File Naming Choose to name the recorded files by the sequence number or by the clocktime.MicroSDHC Memory Card InfoMicroSDHC Memory Card information including space remaining on card.Restoring Default SettingsThis is used to restore the factory settings.LECTROSONICS, INC.18Compatibility with microSDHC memory cards Please note that the PDR and SPDR are designed for use with the microS-DHC memory cards . There are several types of SD card standards (as of this writing) based on capacity (storage in GB).SDSC : standard capacity, up to and including 2 GB – DO NOT USE!SDHC : high capacity, more than 2 GB and up to and including 32 GB – USE THIS TYPE .SDXC : extended capacity, more than 32 GB and up to and including 2 TB – DO NOT USE!SDUC : extended capacity, more than 2TB and up to and including 128 TB – DO NOT USE!The larger XC and UC cards use a different formatting method and bus struc-ture and are NOT compatible with the SPDR recorder. These are typically used with later generation video systems and cameras for image applications (video and high resolution, high speed photography).ONL Y the microSDHC memory cards should be used. They are available in capacities from 4GB to 32GB. Look for the Speed Class 10 cards (as indicat-ed by a C wrapped around the number 10), or the UHS Speed Class I cards (as indicated by the numeral 1 inside a U symbol). Also note the microSDHC Logo.If you are switching to a new brand or source of card, we always suggest test-ing first before using the card on a critical application.The following markings will appear on compatible memory cards. One or all of the markings will appear on the card housing and the packaging.Stand-aloneSpeed Class 10UHS Speed Class 1UHS Speed Class IAccompanying microSDHC logomicroSDHC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLCFormatting SD CardNew microSDHC memory cards come pre-formatted with a FA T32 file system which is optimized for good performance. The PDR relies on this performance and will never disturb the underlying low level formatting of the SD card. When the SMWB/SMDWB “formats” a card, it performs a function similar to the Windows “Quick Format” which deletes all files and prepares the card for re-cording. The card can be read by any standard computer but if any write, edit or deletions are made to the card by the computer, the card must be re-for-matted with the SMWB/SMDWB to prepare it again for recording. The SMWB/ SMDWB never low level formats a card and we strongly advise against doing so with the computer.T o format the card with the SMWB/SMDWB, select Format Card in the menu and press MENU/SEL on the keypad.NOTE: An error message will appear if samples are lost due to a poorperforming “slow” card.WARNING: Do not perform a low level format (complete format) with a computer. Doing so may render the memory card unusable with the SMWB/ SMDWB recorder.With a windows based computer, be sure to check the quick format box before formatting the card.With a Mac, choose MS-DOS (FA T).IMPORTANTThe formatting of the SD card sets up contiguous sectors for maximum ef-ficiency in the recording process. The file format utilizes the BEXT (Broadcast Extension) wave format which has sufficient data space in the header for the file information and the time code imprint.The SD card, as formatted by the SMWB/SMDWB recorder, can be corrupted by any attempt to directly edit, change, format or view the files on a computer. The simplest way to prevent data corruption is to copy the .wav files from the card to a computer or other Windows or OS formatted media FIRST.Repeat – COPY THE FILES FIRST!Do not rename files directly on the SD card.Do not attempt to edit the files directly on the SD card.Do not save ANYTHING to the SD card with a computer (such as the take log, note files etc) - it is formatted for SMWB/SMDWB recorder use only.Do not open the files on the SD card with any third party program such as Wave Agent or Audacity and permit a save. In Wave Agent, do not IMPORT - you can OPEN and play it but do not save or Import - Wave Agent will corrupt the file.In short - there should be NO manipulation of the data on the card or addi-tion of data to the card with anything other than an SMWB/SMDWB record-er. Copy the files to a computer, thumb drive, hard drive, etc. that has been formatted as a regular OS device FIRST - then you can edit freely.iXML HEADER SUPPORTRecordings contain industry standard iXML chunks in the file headers, with the most commonly used fields filled in.19。



ALMCB使用说明书件号:OM5339Z135杭州优迈科技有限公司2013年03月件号表单名称:[使用说明书] 版本:V1.0编制日期:[2013-03-14]表单全称:优迈-电路板-ALMCB-使用说明书- V1.0 -20130314页码:第2 页共2 页更改记录表序号日期版本号修订人更改内容更改原因1 20130314 V1.0 许迪斐新归档新归档ALMCB使用说明书版权所有,保留一切权利。




All rights reserved.The information in this document is subject to changewithout notice. No part of this document, including electronic,mechanical, micro-coping, photocopying, recording orotherwise, may in any form or by any means be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior writtenpermission from our company.目录目录1.产品介绍-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1产品名称 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.2产品图片 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21.3产品结构 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31.4串行通信 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 92.产品功能-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------102.1标配功能 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------102.2选配功能 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------123.适用范围-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------144.工作条件-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------155.调试说明-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------165.1 检修模式运行条件检查 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------165.2 上电检查------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------165.3 驱动部分参数设置 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------185.4 驱动部分调试------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------265.5 电梯运行方向检查 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------285.6 点动运行模式------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------285.7 位置参考系统调整 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------295.8 首次正常运行准备 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------305.9 井道位置自学习---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------305.10 正常运行------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------315.11 正常运行的平层位置的调整 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------325.12 启动舒适感的调整 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------335.13 快车舒适感的调整(高速段低频抖动) -------------------------------------------------------------------------335.14ARD功能调试说明 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------346.逻辑功能和驱动参数表 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------356.1 逻辑参数及设置---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------356.2 驱动参数设置及监控 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------767.常见故障及排除方法 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------827.1 常见逻辑故障表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------827.2 常见驱动故障表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------857.3 其它系统故障------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------911. 产品介绍1.1 产品名称ALMCB板是控制系统的核心部分,按照模块化设计,包含了OCSS(操作控制)、MCSS(运行控制)、DBSS(驱动控制)和DCSS(门系统控制)。

LG NB3520A 300W条形音响系统 使用说明书

LG NB3520A 300W条形音响系统 使用说明书

三角形内的惊叹号提醒用户, 随设备一起提供的印刷品中包 含重要的操作和维护(维修) 指南。
警告: 为了减少火灾或电击的危险,请勿使此 产品淋雨或暴露在潮湿的空气中。
小心: 切勿把电器暴露于有水(滴水或溅水)的 地方,而且不应将载有液体的对象(如花瓶) 放置于本电器上。
ཉེན་འགོག་སྲུང་སྐྱོང་སྐྱི་མོ་འདི་ལེན་མི་རུང་། གལ་ཏེ་སྐྱི་མོ་འདི་བླངས་ན་གནོད་ཚབས་ཆེ་ བའི་ཉེན་ཁ་ཆེ་རུ་འགྲོ་སྲིད།
‫ئاگاھلاندۇرۇش‬ ‫بۇ ئۈسكۈنىنىڭ كاتود نۇرى لامپىسىغا ئاسراش‬
电击危险 请勿打开
规格页并加以确认。请不要让电源插座过载。 插座过载、插座松动或损坏、电线加长、电线 磨损、电线损坏或出现裂纹都会产生危险。出
小心: 为了减少电击的危险,请勿拆下前盖( 检查电器电源线,如果有损坏的迹象,拔下插
或后盖) 内部没有任何用户可以维修的零部件 头,停止使用此电器,然后由经授权的服务中
དྲན་སྐུལ་ཐ་ཚིག གནོད་འཚེ་མི་ཡོང་བའི་ཕྱིར་ངེས་པར་དུ་སྒྲིག་སྦྱར་གསལ་བཤད་ཡི་གེའི་ནང་གསལ་ གཏན་འབེབས་ལྟར་སྒྲིག་ཆས་པང་གཅལ/ རྩིག་ངོས་སུ་སྒྲིག་སྦྱོར་བརྟན་པོ་བྱ་དགོས་།
སྒྲིག་ཆས་འདིའི་སྐུད་ཡོད་འཕྲིན་དྲའི་གནམ་སྐུད་དང་འབྲེལ་མཐུད་བྱེད་སྐབས་ངེས་པར་དུ་ ཉེན་འགོག་ས་སྐུད་དང་



Zener diodeUDZS6.2B●ApplicationsConstant voltage control●Features1) Compact, 2-pin mini-mold type for high-density mounting. (UMD2)2) High reliability.3) Can be mounted automatically,using chip mounter.●Structure●ConstructionSilicon epitaxial planar●Taping specifications (Unit : mm)●Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25 C)Unit mW ℃℃Limits 150-55 to +150200●Electrical characteristics (Ta=25 C)(2)The operating resistances(Zz,Zzk) are measured by superimposing a minute alternating current on the regulated current(Iz)P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N :P d (m W )TIME:t(ms)PRSM-TIME CHARACTERISTICST E M P .C O E F F I C I E N C E :γz (%/℃)ZENER VOLTAGE:Vz(V)γz-Vz CHARACTERISTICSTIME:t(s)Rth-t CHARACTERISTICST R A N S I E N T T H A E R M A L I M P E D A N C E :R t h (℃/W )R E V E R S E S U R G E M A X I M U M P O W E R :P R S M (W )0.111010010000.0010.010.1110100100005010015020025002550751001251500.11101001000100000.0010.010.1110100510152025303540Z E N E R C U R R E N T :I z (m A )ZENER VOLTAGE:Vz(V)Vz-Iz CHARACTERISTICS-0.08-0.06-0.04-0.0200. TEMPERATURE:Ta(℃)Pd-Ta CHARACTERISTICST E M P .C O E F F I C I E N C E :γz (m V /℃)Electrical characteristic curves (Ta=25 C)REVERSE VOLTAGE:VR(V)VR-IR CHARACTERISTICS R E V E R S E C U R R E N T :I R (n A )R E V E R S E C U R R E N T :I R (n A )IR DISPERSION MAP C A P A C I T A N C E B E T W E E N T E R M I N A L S :C t (p F )REVERSE VOLTAGE:VR(V)VR-Ct CHARACTERISTICSCt DISPERSION MAPC A P A C I T A N C E B E T W E E N T E R M I N A L S :C t (p F )Z E N E R C U R R E N T :I z (m A )ZENER VOLTAGE:Vz(V)Vz-Iz CHARACTERISTICSD Y N A M I C I M PE D A N C E :Z z (Ω)ZENER CURRENT(mA)Zz-Iz CHARACTERISTICSVz DISPERSION MAPZ E N E R V O L T A G E :V z (V)0.00010.0010.010.111010010001230. on using ROHM Products1.Our Products are designed and manufactured for application in ordinary electronic equipment (such as AV equipment,OA equipment, telecommunication equipment, home electronic appliances, amusement equipment, etc.). If you intend to use our Products in devices requiring extremely high reliability (such as medical equipment (Note 1), transport equipment, traffic equipment, aircraft/spacecraft, nuclear power controllers, fuel controllers, car equipment including car accessories, safety devices, etc.) and whose malfunction or failure may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or serious damage to property (“Specific Applications”), please consult with the ROHM sales representative in advance.Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ROHM in advance, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products for Specific Applications.2.ROHM designs and manufactures its Products subject to strict quality control system. However, semiconductorproducts can fail or malfunction at a certain rate. Please be sure to implement, at your own responsibilities, adequate safety measures including but not limited to fail-safe design against the physical injury, damage to any property, whicha failure or malfunction of our Products may cause. The following are examples of safety measures:[a] Installation of protection circuits or other protective devices to improve system safety[b] Installation of redundant circuits to reduce the impact of single or multiple circuit failure3.Our Products are designed and manufactured for use under standard conditions and not under any special orextraordinary environments or conditions, as exemplified below. Accordingly, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions. If you intend to use our Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions (as exemplified below), your independent verification and confirmation of product performance, reliability, etc, prior to use, must be necessary:[a] Use of our Products in any types of liquid, including water, oils, chemicals, and organic solvents[b] Use of our Products outdoors or in places where the Products are exposed to direct sunlight or dust[c] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to sea wind or corrosive gases, including Cl2,H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2[d] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves[e] Use of our Products in proximity to heat-producing components, plastic cords, or other flammable items[f] Sealing or coating our Products with resin or other coating materials[g] Use of our Products without cleaning residue of flux (Exclude cases where no-clean type fluxes is used.However, recommend sufficiently about the residue.) ; or Washing our Products by using water or water-solublecleaning agents for cleaning residue after soldering[h] Use of the Products in places subject to dew condensation4.The Products are not subject to radiation-proof design.5.Please verify and confirm characteristics of the final or mounted products in using the Products.6.In particular, if a transient load (a large amount of load applied in a short period of time, such as pulse,is applied,confirmation of performance characteristics after on-board mounting is strongly recommended. Avoid applying power exceeding normal rated power; exceeding the power rating under steady-state loading condition may negatively affect product performance and reliability.7.De-rate Power Dissipation depending on ambient temperature. When used in sealed area, confirm that it is the use inthe range that does not exceed the maximum junction temperature.8.Confirm that operation temperature is within the specified range described in the product specification.9.ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for failure induced under deviant condition from what is defined inthis document.Precaution for Mounting / Circuit board design1.When a highly active halogenous (chlorine, bromine, etc.) flux is used, the residue of flux may negatively affect productperformance and reliability.2.In principle, the reflow soldering method must be used on a surface-mount products, the flow soldering method mustbe used on a through hole mount products. If the flow soldering method is preferred on a surface-mount products, please consult with the ROHM representative in advance.For details, please refer to ROHM Mounting specificationPrecautions Regarding Application Examples and External Circuits1. If change is made to the constant of an external circuit, please allow a sufficient margin considering variations of thecharacteristics of the Products and external components, including transient characteristics, as well as static characteristics.2. You agree that application notes, reference designs, and associated data and information contained in this documentare presented only as guidance for Products use. Therefore, in case you use such information, you are solely responsible for it and you must exercise your own independent verification and judgment in the use of such information contained in this document. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of such information.Precaution for ElectrostaticThis Product is electrostatic sensitive product, which may be damaged due to electrostatic discharge. Please take proper caution in your manufacturing process and storage so that voltage exceeding the Products maximum rating will not be applied to Products. Please take special care under dry condition (e.g. Grounding of human body / equipment / solder iron, isolation from charged objects, setting of Ionizer, friction prevention and temperature / humidity control).Precaution for Storage / Transportation1. Product performance and soldered connections may deteriorate if the Products are stored in the places where:[a] the Products are exposed to sea winds or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2[b] the temperature or humidity exceeds those recommended by ROHM[c] the Products are exposed to direct sunshine or condensation[d] the Products are exposed to high Electrostatic2. Even under ROHM recommended storage condition, solderability of products out of recommended storage time periodmay be degraded. It is strongly recommended to confirm solderability before using Products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period.3. Store / transport cartons in the correct direction, which is indicated on a carton with a symbol. Otherwise bent leadsmay occur due to excessive stress applied when dropping of a carton.4. Use Products within the specified time after opening a humidity barrier bag. Baking is required before using Products ofwhich storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period.Precaution for Product LabelA two-dimensional barcode printed on ROHM Products label is for ROHM’s internal use only.Precaution for DispositionWhen disposing Products please dispose them properly using an authorized industry waste company.Precaution for Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade actSince concerned goods might be fallen under listed items of export control prescribed by Foreign exchange and Foreign trade act, please consult with ROHM in case of export.Precaution Regarding Intellectual Property Rights1. All information and data including but not limited to application example contained in this document is for referenceonly. ROHM does not warrant that foregoing information or data will not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party regarding such information or data.2. ROHM shall not have any obligations where the claims, actions or demands arising from the combination of theProducts with other articles such as components, circuits, systems or external equipment (including software).3. No license, expressly or implied, is granted hereby under any intellectual property rights or other rights of ROHM or anythird parties with respect to the Products or the information contained in this document. Provided, however, that ROHM will not assert its intellectual property rights or other rights against you or your customers to the extent necessary to manufacture or sell products containing the Products, subject to the terms and conditions herein.Other Precaution1. This document may not be reprinted or reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of ROHM.2. The Products may not be disassembled, converted, modified, reproduced or otherwise changed without prior writtenconsent of ROHM.3. In no event shall you use in any way whatsoever the Products and the related technical information contained in theProducts or this document for any military purposes, including but not limited to, the development of mass-destruction weapons.4. The proper names of companies or products described in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks ofROHM, its affiliated companies or third parties.Datasheet General Precaution1. Before you use our Pr od ucts, you are requested to care f ully read this document and fully understand its contents.ROHM shall n o t be in an y way responsible or liabl e for fa i lure, malfunction or acci d ent arising from the use of a n y ROHM’s Products against warning, caution or note contained in this document.2. All information contained in this docum en t is current as of the issuing date and subj e ct to change without any priornotice. Before purchasing or using ROHM’s Products, please confirm the la t est information with a ROHM sale s representative.3. The information contained in this doc u ment is provi d ed on an “as is” basis and ROHM d oes not warrant that allinformation contained in this document is accurate an d/or error-free. ROHM shall not be in an y way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties resulting from inaccur a cy or errors of or concerning such information.。



使用说明书高性能手持式扫描仪细部说明:1.探测面2.指示灯(绿色/红色)3.警报器4.灵敏度调节5.把手6.电池盖7.低灵敏度开关 8.开关9.充电电池插座 10.振动按钮简介MD-3003B型高性能手持式金属探测仪专为安全行业而设计,一般用于在拥挤的人群,机场与边境口岸探测人身所带凶器,或检查包裹,信件及其他地方所隐藏的金属物品.操作说明· MD-3003B型探测仪在9伏标准电池或充电电池下正常工作.安装电池时,请先卸下电池盖板,将电池放入槽中,并按所示的正负极+/-标志进行放置.· 按动开关启动该仪器,指示灯应显示绿色.金属探测仪开启后,可使用灵敏度调节功能增加灵敏度及探测深度,直至指示灯显示红色且持续警报声响起为止.如发生上述情况,则转动灵敏度调节旋钮(逆时针方向)直至红色指示灯熄灭且警报声消失.此时探测仪已调节至最佳的灵敏度及深度范围.· 手持本探测仪并将探测面朝向待探测表面,来回前后移动探测仪,并保持两表面距离在10-30毫米.· 如探测出金属物品,则探测仪将发出警报声,且指示灯显示红色.如探测仪静止保持在金属物品上方,则探测信号将自动减弱,因此在操作时,请务必不断移动探测仪对物体进行扫描.产品性能金属探测仪的灵敏度与待测物体的尺寸,形状及组成有关.产品的典型性能指标如下:最大探测范围物体低灵敏度最佳灵敏度38口径手枪 15厘米 20厘米小刀 10厘米 15厘米刀片 5厘米 10厘米低灵敏度操作探测时请按下低灵敏度开关,则探测仪仅对较大的金属物体做出反应,如手枪,刀具等,忽略如硬币,钥匙,帽针等体积较小的物件.探测过程中请勿关闭本开关. 充电电池插座· 本金属探测仪可使用9伏充电电池.· 电池完全充电时间为四至六小时.充电插座设置在探测仪侧面.注意:充电时请关闭探测仪.振动按钮本金属探测仪侧面同时设有振动按钮.振动功能可在吵闹的工作环境中或操作人员不愿产生报警声的情况下使用.按下本按钮,振动器启动;再次按动,则关闭本功能.注意事项· 如绿色指示灯完全熄灭或无法点亮,或仪器发出异常声响,则探测仪处于不稳定状态,请在使用前重新充电或更换电池.· 如长时间不使用,建议将电池取出,以免电池漏液损伤探测仪.· 探测仪应保存于干燥,温暖的环境中.规格电源电压 9V 标准或充电电池功率 270毫瓦工作频率 22KHz工作电流 <50毫安工作电压 7V~9V工作温度 -5C 至+55C净重 409克尺寸 41(长)X 8.5(宽)X 4.5(高)厘米。

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使 用 说








1.概述 (2)
2.主要功能与特点 (2)
3.主要技术指标 (2)
4.按键设置 (3)
5.操作方法 (3)
6.注意事项 (4)
7.售后服务 (5)



SM33B ─直阻测量新观念!









3.工作电源: AC220V±10%,或内置电池
SM33B 测试仪共设六个按键,现说明如下:
1. 光标移动键“▲”、“▼”、“►”: 在菜单选择状态下,用于移动光标选择所需菜单项,在参数设置状态下,用于使当前输入位加1、减1、右移。

2. “取消”键:在菜单选择及测量状态下,用于取消当前操作,回到上级菜单。


3. “确定”键: 用于确认当前选择或确认当

4. “复位”键:在任何状态下,按此健将使整

仪器开机或按复位键后,进入 初始状态(1)。



使光标指向所需要的输出电流,按“确定”键进入状态(3),显示变化的充电电流和测量时间,#SUPERMAN 是设备编号,用户可任意输入修改,MN 表示该被测设备测量次数,充电完成后自动显示电阻值,此时每按一次“确定”键则储存一次测量结果,测量次数MN 加1。



2. 参数设置
输入位从‘0’到‘9’,再从‘A ’到‘Z ’循环


3.内存操作: 在初始状态(1),将光标移至“查看内存”按“确定”键进入状态(6), 显示当前存储器记录总数及操作提示,此时按“▲”或“▼”键可进入状态(8) ,按时间顺序查看存储器记录内容,ABC123表示该记录设备编号,MN 表示该设备第MN 个电阻值,同时按“▲”和“▼”键将清除存储器全部数据,按“取消”或“复位”键退出内存操作返回状态(1)。



当内置电池电压不足时仪器不能正常显示和工作,需要充电,只需将仪器交流电源接到220V 交流电源即可,不用打开仪器工作电源,仪器有充电指示,充电时指示灯亮,当电池充满时内部充电电路自动关闭,充电指示灯熄灭。

对于3A 型仪器,电池充满后可在最大电流下连续工作约2小时。








