外汇黄金投资 - 词汇
1. 资产(Asset):指拥有的任何有经济价值的物品或权利,包括现金、股票、债券、房产等。
2. 负债(Liability):指应该支付的任何债务或义务,包括贷款、信用卡欠款、租金等。
3. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet):记录企业或个人的所有资产和负债的表格,是财务状况的重要指标。
4. 利润表(Income Statement):记录企业或个人的收入和支出的表格,是了解经济活动的重要指标。
5. 现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement):记录企业或个人现金流入和流出的表格,是了解现金流的重要指标。
6. 利息(Interest):指借款人支付给贷款人的钱,通常以年利率计算。
7. 投资(Investment):指将资金投入到某些项目或资产中,以期望获取回报。
8. 股票(Stock):指公司发行的股份,代表股东对公司的所有权。
9. 债券(Bond):指公司或政府发行的债务证券,代表借款人对债权人的欠款。
10. 资本(Capital):指企业或个人投入的资金,通常用于购买资产或进行投资。
11. 货币(Currency):指国家或地区的货币,如人民币、美元、欧元等。
12. 汇率(Exchange Rate):指两种不同货币之间的比率,如人民币兑美元的汇率。
13. 金融市场(Financial Market):指进行金融交易的市场,包括股票市场、债券市场、外汇市场等。
14. 股票市场(Stock Market):指股票交易的市场,包括证券交易所、场外交易等。
15. 债券市场(Bond Market):指债券交易的市场,包括公开市场、场外交易等。
16. 外汇市场(Foreign Exchange Market):指货币交易的市场,包括银行、外汇交易所等。
1. 明确打电话的目标:目标是什么呢?目标是电话结束以后的效果。
二.怎样打电话做客户1第一通电话业务员:**先生,您好,我这边是工商银行合作单位的,打电话来是想跟您介绍下现货黄金,您之前有了解过吗?客户:没了解过业务员:那像您之前股票之类的投资有没有做过呢? (谈股论金方式开始说,这样说的是因为我们的客户资料基本都是做过股票的,还有自己要对股票有些认识,这样容易找到谈话的出入口!不过要注意不要过多的纠缠在股票里。
要明白自己的目的是推广现货黄金这一产品)客户:有业务员:(有做过),那现在在做什么股票呢?(这个时候客户会为难,解决掉是进步的开始,在问的前提最好加上一些味道,比如现在行情不是很好,大盘从2800点已经跌倒2700点,近期一个月时间跌幅100点,那你现在手上持有什么股票呢?)这样就可以顺利谈下去,(仓位情况,什么时候介入股市,喜欢操作风格短中线,平时买股票是根据什么买的,总体状况如何,如果赔了感觉哪里比较难把握,多问点问题问问客人)举例业务员:**先生,你平时都喜欢做短线还是中线呢?客户:我喜欢做短线业务员:短线都是根据消息面来掌握的,(接着上面需要了解的东西继续了解,电话中少停顿,流利感要强,要不然都有遭到挂电话的可能,继续下去)那像这样的行情热点比较少,那你手上持有的是什么股票呢?(问到了所持有的股票)业务员:(如果没做过)现如今炒黄金是比较热门的投资品种,您可以了解下的, 黄金每年都是以30%的速度在上涨,可以说已经成为投资的明星产品!而且我们这边是现在国内唯一一家由工商银行第三方托管的可以做现货黄金的品种,资金安全有保障。
金融学专业词汇(中英文对照)目录1. 货币与货币制度 (3)2. 国际货币体系与汇率制度 (4)3. 信用、利息与信用形成 (5)4. 金融范畴的形成与发展 (7)5. 金融中介体系 (7)6. 存款货币银行 (9)7. 中央银行 (10)8. 金融市场 (10)9. 资本市场 (13)10. 金融体系结构 (14)11. 金融基础设施 (14)12. 利率的决定作用 (15)13. 货币需求 (16)14. 现代货币的创造机制 (17)15. 货币供给 (17)16. 货币均衡 (18)17. 开放经济的均衡 (18)18. 通货膨胀和通货紧缩 (19)19. 货币政策 (20)20. 货币政策与财政政策的配合 (21)21. 开放条件下的政策搭配与协调 (22)22. 利率的风险结构与期限结构 (22)23. 资产组合与资产定价 (23)24. 商业银行业务与管理 (25)25. 货币经济与实际经济 (26)26. 金融发展与经济增长 (26)27. 金融脆弱性与金融危机 (27)28. 金融监管 (27)1.货币与货币制度货币:(currency)外汇:(foreign exchange)铸币:(coin)银行券:(banknote)纸币:(paper currency)存款货币:(deposit money)价值尺度:(measure of values)货币单位:(currency unit)货币购买力:(purchasing power of money)购买力平价:(purchasing power parity,PPP)流通手段:(means of circulation)购买手段:(means of purchasing)交易的媒介:(media of exchange)支付手段:(means of payment)货币需求:(demand for money)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)保存价值:(store of value)汇率:(exchange rate)一般等价物:(universal equivalent)流动性:(liquidity)通货:(currency)准货币:(quasi money)货币制度:(monetary system)本位制:(standard)金本位:(gold standard)造币:(coinage)铸币税:(seigniorage)本位币:(standard money)辅币:(fractional money)货币法偿能力:(legal tender powers)复本位制:(bimetallic standard)金汇兑本位:(gold exchange standard)金平价:(gold parity)金块本位制:(gold bullion standard)2.国际货币体系与汇率制度浮动汇率制:(floating exchange rate regime)货币局制度:(currency board arrangement)联系汇率制度:(linked exchange rate system)美元化:(dollarization)最优通货区理论:(theory of optimum currency area)货币消亡:(money disappearance)外汇:(foreign currency)外汇管理:(exchange regulation)外汇管制:(exchange control)可兑换:(convertibility)不可兑换:(inconvertibility)经常项目:(current account)资本项目:(capital account)汇率:(exchange rate)牌价:(posted price)直接标价法:(direct quotation)间接标价法:(indirect quotation)单一汇率:(unitary exchange rate)多重汇率:(multiple exchange rate)市场汇率:(market exchange rate)官方汇率:(official exchange rate)黑市:(black market)固定汇率:(fixed exchange rate)浮动汇率:(floating exchange rate)管理浮动:(managed float)盯住汇率制度:(pegged exchange rate regime)固定钉住:(fixed peg)在水平带内的盯住:(pegged within horizontal bands)爬行钉住:(crawling peg)外汇指定银行:(designated foreign exchange bank)货币的对外价值:(external value of exchange)货币的对内价值:(internal value of exchange)名义汇率:(nominal exchange rate)实际汇率:(real exchange rate)铸币平价:(mint parity)金平价:(gold parity)黄金输送点:(gold transport point)国际借贷说:(theory of international indebtedness)流动债权:(current claim)流动负债:(current liablity)国际收支说:(theory of balance payment)汇兑心理说:(psychology theory of exchange rate)货币分析说:(monetary approach)金融资产说:(portfolio theory of exchange rate determination)利率平价理论:(theory of interest rate parity)外汇风险:(exchange risk)中国的外汇调剂:(foreign exchange swap)3.信用、利息与信用形成信用:(credit)利息:(interest)收益:(yield)资本化:(capitalization of interest)高利贷:(usury)利率:(interest rate)债权:(claim)债务:(debt obligation)借入:(borrowing)贷出:(lending)盈余:(surplus)赤字:(deficit)跨时预算约束:(intertemporal budget constraint)资金流量:(flow of funds)部门:(sector)借贷资本:(loan capital)实体:(real)商业信用:(commercial credit)银行信用:(bank credit)本票:(promissory note)汇票:(bill of exchange)商业本票:(commercial paper)商业汇票:(commercial bill)承兑:(acceptance)背书:(endorsement)直接融资:(direct finance)间接融资:(indirect finance)短期国库卷:(treasury bill)中期国库卷:(treasury note)长期国库卷:(treasury bond)国债:(national debt)公债:(public debt)资本输出:(export of capital)国际资本流动:(international capital flow)国外商业性借贷:(foreign direct investment,FDI)国际游资:(hot money)4.金融范畴的形成与发展财政:(public finance)公司理财:(corporate finance)投资:(investment)保险:(insurance)财产保险:(property insurance)人身保险:(mutual life insurance)相互人寿保险:(mutual life insurance)信托:(trust)租赁:(leasing)5.金融中介体系金融中介:(financial intermediary)金融机构:(financial institution)借者:(borrower)贷者:(lender)货币中介:(monetary intermediation)权益资本:(equity capital)中央银行:(central bank)货币当局:(monetary authority)存款货币银行:(deposit money bank)商业银行:(commercial bank)投资银行:(investment bank)商人银行:(merchant bank)财务公司:(financial companies)储蓄银行:(saving bank)抵押银行:(mortgage bank)信用合作社:(credit cooperative)保险业:(insurance industry)跨国银行:(multinational bank)代表处:(representative office)经理处:(agency)分行:(branch)子银行:(subsidiary)联营银行:(affiliate)国际财团银行:(consortium bank)中国人民银行:(People’s Bank of China)政策性银行:(policy banks)国有商业银行:(state-owned commercial banks)资产管理公司:(assets management company)证券公司:(securities company)券商:(securities dealer)农村信用合作社:(rural credit cooperatives)城市信用合作社:(urban credit cooperatives)信托投资公司:(trust and investment companies)信托:(trust)金融租赁:(financial leasing)邮政储蓄:(postal savings)财产保险:(property insurance)商业保险:(commercial insurance)社会保险:(social insurance)保险深度:(insurance intensity)保险密度:(insurance density)投资基金:(investment funds)证券投资基金:(security funds)封闭式基金:(closed-end investment funds)开放式基金:(open-end investment funds)私募基金:(private placement)风险投资基金:(venture funds)特别提款权:(special drawing right,SDR)国有化:(nationalization)6.存款货币银行货币兑换商:(money dealer)银行业:(banking)贴现率:(discount rate)职能分工型商业银行:(functional division commercial bank)全能型商业银行:(multi-function commercial bank)综合性商业银行:(comprehensive commercial bank)单元银行制度:(unit banking system)总分行制度:(branch banking system)代理行制度:(correspondent banking system)银行控股公司制度:(share holding banking system)连锁银行制度:(chains banking system)金融创新:(financial innovation)自动转账制度:(automatic transfer services,ATS)可转让支付命令账户:(negotiable order of withdrawal account,NOW)货币市场互助基金:(money market mutual fund,MMMF)货币市场存款账户:(money market deposit account,MMDA)不良债权:(bad claim)坏账:(bad loan)不良贷款:(non-performing loans,NPL)存款保险制度:(deposit insurance system)金融资本:(financial capital)7.中央银行中央银行:(central bank)一元式中央银行制度:(unit central bank system)二元式中央银行制度:(dual central bank system)复合中央银行制度:(compound central bank system)跨国中央银行制度:(multinational central bank system)发行的银行:(bank of issue)银行的银行:(bank of bank)最后贷款人:(lender of last resort)再贴现:(rediscount)在抵押:(recollateralize)国家的银行:(the state bank)8.金融市场金融市场:(financial market)证券化:(securitization)金融资产:(financial assets)金融工具:(financial instruments)金融产品:(financial products)衍生金融产品:(derivative financial products)原生金融产品:(underlying financial products)流动性:(liquidity)变现:(encashment)买卖差价:(bid-ask spread)做市商:(market marker)到期日:(due date)信用风险:(credit risk)市场风险:(market risk)名义收益率:(nominal yield)现时收益率:(current yield)平均收益率:(average yield)内在价值:(intrinsic value)直接融资:(direct finance)间接融资:(indirect finance)货币市场:(money market)资本市场:(capital market)现货市场:(spot market)期货市场:(futures market)机构投资人:(institutional investor)资信度:(credit standing)融通票据:(financial paper)银行承兑票据:(bank acceptance)贴现:(discount)大额存单:(certificates of desposit,CDs)回购:(counterpurchase)回购协议:(repurchase agreement)隔夜:(overnight)银行同业间拆借市场:(interbank market)合约:(contract)远期:(forward)期货:(futures)期权:(options)看涨期权:(call option)看跌期权:(put option)期权费:(option premium)互换:(swap)投资基金:(investment funds)契约型基金:(contractual type investment fund)单位型基金:(unit funds)基金型基金:(funding funds)公司型基金:(corporate type investment fund)投资管理公司:(investment management company)共同基金:(mutual fund)对冲基金:(hedge fund)风投基金:(venture fund)权益投资:(equity investment)收益基金:(income funds)增长基金:(growth funds)长期增长基金:(long-term growth funds)高增长基金:(go-go groeth funds)货币市场基金:(money market funds)养老基金:(pension fund)外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)风险资本:(venture capital)权益资本:(equity capital)私人权益资本市场:(private equity market)有限合伙制:(limited partnership)交易发起:(deal origination)筛选投资机会:(screening)评价:(evaluation)交易设计:(deal structure)投资后管理:(post-investment activities)创业板市场:(growth enterprise market,GEM)二板市场:(secondary board market)金融创新:(financial innovation)金融自由化:(financial liberalization)全球化:(globalization)离岸金融市场:(off-shore financial center)9.资本市场权益:(equity)剩余索取权:(residual claims)证券交易所:(stock exchange)交割:(delivery)过户:(transfer ownership)场外交易市场:(over the counter,OTC)金融债券:(financial bond)抵押债券:(mortgage bond)担保信托债券:(collateral trust bonds)信用债券:(trust bonds)次等信用债券:(subordinated debenture)担保债券:(guaranteed bonds)初级市场:(primary market)二级市场:(secondary market)公募:(public offering)私募:(private offering)有价证券:(security)面值:(face value)市值:(market value)股票价格指数:(share price index)有效市场假说:(effective market hypothesis)弱有效市场:(weak efficient market)中度有效市场:(semi-efficient market)强有效市场:(strong efficient market)股份公司:(stock certificate)股票:(stock certificate)股东:(stock holder)所有权:(ownership)经营权:(right of management)10.金融体系结构功能主义金融观:(perspective of financial function)金融体系格局:(pattern of financial system)激励:(incentive)公司治理:(corporate governance)路径依赖:(path dependency)市场主导型:(market-oriented type)银行主导型:(banking-oriented type)参与成本:(participative cost)影子银行体系:(the shadow banking system)11.金融基础设施金融基础设施:(financial infrastructures)支付清算系统:(payment and clearing system)跨境支付系统:(cross-border inter-bank payment system,CIPS)全额实时结算:(real time gross system)净额批量清算:(bulk transfer net system)大额资金转账系统:(whole sale funds transfer system)小额定时结算系统:(fixed time retail system)票据交换所:(clearing house)金融市场基础设施:(financial market infrastructures)中央交易对手:(central counterparties,CCPs)双边清算体系:(bilateral clearing system)系统重要性支付体系核心原则:(the core principles for systemically important payment system)证券清算体系建议:(the recommendations for central counterparties)中央交易对手建议:(the recommendations for central counterparties)金融业标准:(financial standards)盯市:(mark-to-market)公允价值:(fair value)金融部门评估规划:(financial sector assessment program)12.利率的决定作用可贷资金论:(loanable funds theory of interest)储蓄的利率弹性:(interest elasticity of saving)投资的利率弹性:(interest elasticity of investment)本金:(principal)回报率:(returns)基准利率:(benchmark interest rate)无风险利率:(risk-free interest rate)补偿:(compensation)风险溢价:(risk premium)实际利率:(real interest rate)名义利率:(nominal interest rate)固定利率:(fixed interest rate)浮动利率:(floating rate)官定利率:(official interest rate)行业利率:(trade-regulated rate)一般利率:(general interest rate)优惠利率:(preferential interest rate)贴息贷款:(loan of interest subsidy)年利率:(annual interest rate)月利率:(monthly interest rate)日利率:(daily interest rate)拆息:(call money interest)13.货币需求货币需求:(demand for money)货币数量论:(quantity theory of money)货币必要量:(volume of money needed)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)交易方程式:(equation of exchange)剑桥方程式:(equation of Cambridge)现金交易说:(cash transaction approach)现金余额说:(cash balance theory)货币需求动机:(motive of the demand for money)交易动机:(transaction motive)预防动机:(precautionary motive)投机动机:(speculative motive)流动性偏好:(liquidity preference)流动性陷阱:(liquidity trap)平方根法则:(square-root rule)货币主义:(monetarism)恒久性收入:(permanent income)机会成本变量:(opportunity cost variable)名义货币需求:(nominal demand for money)实际货币需求:(real demand for money)客户保证金:(customer’s security marign)金融资产选择:(portfolio selection)14.现代货币的创造机制纯流通费用:(pure circulation cost)原始存款:(primary deposit)派生存款:(derivative deposit)派生乘数:(withdrawal multiplier)现金损露:(loss of cashes)提现率:(withdrawal rate)创造乘数:(creation multiplier)现金:(currency)基础货币:(base money)高能货币:(high-power money)货币乘数:(money multiplier)铸币收入:(seigniorage revenue)15.货币供给货币供给:(money supply)准货币:(quasi money)名义货币供给:(nominal money supply)实际货币供给:(real money supply)股民保证金:(shareholder’s security margin)货币存量:(money stock)公开市场操作:(open-market operation)贴现政策:(discount policy)再贴现率:(rediscount rate)法定准备金率:(legal reserve ratio)财富效应:(wealth effect)预期报酬率变动效应:(effect of expected yields change)现金持有量:(currency holdings)超额准备金:(excess reserves)外生变量:(exogenous variable)内生变量:(endogenous variable)16.货币均衡均衡:(equilibrium)投资饥渴:(huger for investment)软预算约束:(soft budget constraint)总需求:(aggregate demand)总供给:(aggregate supply)面纱论:(money veil theory)流:(flow)余额:(stock)17.开放经济的均衡国际收支:(balance of payments)居民:(resident)非居民:(nonresident)国际收支平衡表:(statement for balance of payments)经常项目:(current account)资本和金融项目:(capital and financial account)储备资产:(reserve assets)净误差与遗漏:(net errors and missions)自主性交易:(autonomous transaction)调节性交易:(accommodating transaction)偿债率:(debt service ratio)顺差:(surplus)逆差:(deficit)最后清偿率:(last liquidation ratio)资本流动:(capital movements)项目融资:(project finance)外债:(external debt)资本外逃:(capital flight)冲销性操作:(sterilized operation)非冲销性操作:(unsterilized operation)债务率:(debt ratio)负债率:(liability ratio)差额:(balance)18.通货膨胀和通货紧缩通货膨胀:(inflation)恶性通货膨胀:(rampant inflation)爬行通货膨胀:(creeping inflation)温和通货膨胀:(moderate inflation)公开性通货膨胀:(open inflation)显性通货膨胀:(evident inflation)隐蔽性通货膨胀:(hidden inflation)输入型通货膨胀:(import of inflation)结构性通货膨胀:(structural inflation)通货膨胀率:(inflation rate)居民消费物价指数:(CPI)零售物价指数:(RPI)批发物价指数:(WPI)冲减指数:(deflator)需求拉上型通货膨胀:(demand-pull inflation)成本推动型通货膨胀:(cost-push inflation)工资-价格螺旋上升:(wage-price spiral)强制储蓄:(forced saving)收入分配效应:(distributional effect of income)财富分配效应:(distributional effect of wealth)滞胀:(stagflation)工资膨胀率:(wage inflation)紧缩性货币政策:(tight monetary policy)紧缩银根:(tight money)紧缩信贷:(tight squeeze)指数化:(indexation)通货紧缩:(deflation)19.货币政策货币政策:(monetary policy)金融政策:(financial policy)货币政策目标:(goal of monetary policy)通货膨胀目标制:(inflation targeting)逆风向原则:(principle of leaning against the wind)反周期货币政策:(counter cycle monetary policy)相机抉择:(discretionary)单一规则:(single rule)告示效应:(bulletin effects)直接信用控制:(direct credit)信用配额:(credit allocation)流动性比率:(liquidity ratio)间接信用控制:(indirect credit control)道义劝告:(moral suasion)窗口指导:(window guidence)信用贷款:(lending)传导机制:(conduction mechanism)中介指标:(intermediate target)信贷配给:(credit rationing)资产负债表渠道:(balance sheet channel)时滞:(time lag)预期:(expectation)透明度:(transparency)信任:(credibility)软着陆:(soft landing)20.货币政策与财政政策的配合赤字:(deficit)经常性收入:(current revenue)税:(tax)费:(fee)经常性支出:(current expenditure)资本性收入:(capital revenue)补助:(grant)资本性支出:(capital expenditure)账面赤字:(book deficit)隐蔽赤字:(hidden deficit)预算外:(off-budget)透支:(overdraft)净举债:(net fiancing)未清偿债券:(outstanding debt)或有债务:(contingent liability)准备货币:(reserve money)国债依存度:(public debt dependency)国债负担率:(public debt-to-GDP ratio)国债偿债率:(government debt-service ratio)财政政策:(fiscal policy)补偿性财政货币政策:(compensatory fiscal and monetary policy) 21.开放条件下的政策搭配与协调米德冲突:(Meade’s conflict)国际政策协调:(international policy coordination)信息交换:(information exchange)危机管理:(crisis management)避免共享目标变量的冲突:(avoiding conflicts over shared targets)合作确定中介目标:(cooperation intermediate targeting)部分协调:(full coordination)汇率目标区:(target zone of exchange rate)马歇尔-勒纳条件:(Marshall-Lerner condition)J曲线效应:(J curve effect)22.利率的风险结构与期限结构单利:(simple interest)复利:(compound interest)现值:(present value)终值:(future value)竞价拍卖:(open-outcry auction)贴现值:(present discount value)利率管制:(interest rate control)利率管理体制:(interest rate regulation system)存贷利差:(interest rate regulation system)利率风险结构:(risk structure of interest rates)违约风险:(default risk)利率期限结构:(term structure of interest rates)即期利率:(spot rate of interest)远期利率:(forward rate of interest)到期收益率:(yield to maturity)现金流:(cash floe)预期理论:(expectation theory)流动性理论:(liquidity theory)偏好理论:(preferred habitat theory)市场隔断理论:(market segmentation theory) 23.资产组合与资产定价市场风险:(market risk)信用风险:(credit risk)流动性风险:(liquidity risk)操作风险:(operational risk)法律风险:(legal risk)政策风险:(policy risk)道德风险:(moral hazard)主权风险:(sovereign risk)市场流动性风险:(product liquidity)现金流风险:(cash flow)执行风险:(execution risk)欺诈风险:(fraud risk)遵守与监管风险:(compliance and regulatory risk)资产组合理论:(portfolio theory)系统性风险:(systematic risk)非系统性风险:(nonsystematic risk)效益边界:(efficient frontier)价值评估:(evaluation)市盈率:(price-earning ratio)资产定价模型:(asset pricing model)资本资产定价模型:(capital asset pricing model,CAPM)无风险资产:(risk-free assets)市场组合:(market portfolio)多要素模型:(multifactorCAPM)套利定价理论:(arbitrage pricing theory,APT)期权加价:(option premium)内在价值:(intrinsic value)时间价值:(time value)执行价格:(strike price)看涨期权:(call option)看跌期权:(put option)对冲型的资产组合:(hedge portfolios)套利:(arbitrage)无套利均衡:(no-arbitrage equilibrium)均衡价格:(equilibrium price)多头:(long position)空头:(short position)动态复制:(dynamic replication)头寸:(position)风险偏好:(risk preference)风险中性:(risk neutral)风险厌恶:(risk averse)风险中性定价:(risk-netural pricing)24.商业银行业务与管理银行负责业务:(liability business)存款:(deposit)活期存款:(demand deposit)支票存款:(check deposit)透支:(overdraft)定期存款:(time deposit)再贴现:(rediscount)金融债券:(financial bond)抵押贷款:(mortgage loan)信用贷款:(credit loan)通知贷款:(demand loan)真实票据论:(real bill doctrine)商业贷款理论:(commercial loan theory)证券投资:(portfolio investment)中间业务:(middleman business)表外业务:(off-balance sheet business)无风险业务:(risk-free business)汇款:(remittance)信用证:(letter of credit)商品信用证:(commercial letter of credit)代收业务:(business of collection)代客买卖业务:(business of commission)承兑网络银行:(internet bank)虚拟银行:(virtual bank)企业对个人:(B2C)企业对企业:(B2B)挤兑:(bank runs)资产管理:(assets management)自偿性:(self-liquidation)可转换性理论:(convertibility theory)预期收入理论:(anticipated income theory)负债管理:(liability management)资产负债综合管理:(comprehensive management of assets and liability)风险管理:(risk management)在险价值:(value at risk,VAR)25.货币经济与实际经济两分法:(dichotomy)实际经济:(real economy)货币经济:(monetary economy)虚拟资本:(monetary capital)泡沫经济:(bubble economy)虚拟经济:(virtual economy)货币中性:(neutrality of money)相对价格:(relative price)货币面纱:(monetary veil)瓦尔拉斯均衡:(Walras equilibrium)一般均衡理论:(theory of general equilibrium)超中性:(super-neutrality)26.金融发展与经济增长金融发展:(financial development)金融自由化:(financial liberalization)金融深化:(financial deepening)金融压抑:(financial repression)金融机构化:(financial institutionalization)分层比率:(gradation ratio)金融相关率:(financial interrelation ratio,FIR)货币化率:(monetarization ratio)脱媒:(distintermediation)导管效应:(tube effect)27.金融脆弱性与金融危机金融脆弱性:(financial fragility)金融风险:(financial risk)长周期:(long cycles)安全边界:(margins of safety)汇率超调理论:(theory of exchange rate over shooting)金融危机:(financial crises)资产管理公司:(asset management corporation,AMC)金融恐慌:(financial panic)优先/次级抵押贷款债券:(senior/subordinate structure) 28.金融监管金融监管:(financial regulation)公共选择:(public choice)最低资本要求:(minimum capital requirements)监管当局的监管:(supervisory review process)市场纪律:(market discipline)宏观审慎框架:(macro-prudential framework)分行:(branch)子行:(subsidiary)并表监管:(consolidated supervision)。
A B C D E F G H I J K L M NO P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAAccrual 累积计息:远期外汇交易中由掉期存款(套利)交易产生的利息及折扣的累积。
Adjustment 政策调整:政府行为,一般表现为更改国内经济政策以应对收支不平衡或调节本国汇率。
Appreciation 升值:一国货币价格因市场需求增大而上升被称为“升值”。
Arbitrage 套利:指在买进或卖出一种投资产品的同时在相关市场反向交易相同数量的头寸,从而套取不同市场间微小价格波动带来的收益。
Ask (Offer) Price 庄家卖价(散户买价):指庄家(市场)准备以什么价格卖出外汇合约或交叉盘合约中的某一货币。
例如:USD/CHF 报价1.4527/32,庄家卖价为1.4532,意味着你可以用1.4532 瑞郎买入1 美元。
At Best 最好价位交易:一个叫操盘者以最低价买进或最高价卖出的指令。
At or Better 此位或更好价位交易:一个在某一价位或更好价位交易的指令。
BBalance of Trade 贸易差额:一国出口减去进口的差值。
Bar Chart 柱状图:外汇图表类型中的一种,有4 个重要组成部分:构成垂直高度的最高价与最低价以及开盘价(显示为垂直线左边的一条短横线)与收盘价(显示为垂直线右边的一条短横线)。
Base Currency 基础货币:指货币对中前一个货币。
例如,如果USD/CHF=1.6215,则意味着一美元(基础货币)价值1.6215 瑞郎。
Bear Market 熊市:呈跌势的市场。
Bid Price 庄家买价(散户卖价):指庄家(市场)准备以什么价格买入外汇合约或交叉盘合约中的基础货币。
利润=(卖出价-买入价)*合约单位*合约数量± 利息-手续费=盈/亏
存在历史悠久,现在为金融市场普遍流行 的买卖方式。
以小博大的有效工具 用1000美元操纵价值10万美元的合约价值。 控制风险是关键。
个人投资黄金的价值主要体现在下列三个方面: ➢ 1.税收优势
黄金交易有实物黄金纸黄金目前公司平台上做是 伦敦金交易。
实物黄金是指: 实金买卖金条、金币和金饰等交 易,以持有黄金作为投资。可以肯定其投资额较 高,实质回报率虽与其他方法相同,但涉及的金 额一定会较低(因为投资的资金不会发挥杠杆效应) ,而且只可以在金价上升之时才可以获利。在战 争时期供不应求。
第一次热潮为1929至1932年间,当年黄金采掘企业股股票平 均上涨了650%;
第二次热潮为1974年至1980年间,黄金由100美元涨至850美 元,黄金企业股股票上涨1000%.
美元贬值引发黄金大涨 黄金的真实价值? 黄金经历了20多年的下跌,现在逾越80年代的水
常见黄金度量单位 欧美:盎司 大陆:克 香港:司马两 印度:托拉 黄金纯度表达方式 国家标准规定,每k含金量为4.166%,所以,各k金含金
量分别为 例如:8k=8*4.166%=33.328%(333‰) 18k=18*4.166%=74.998%(750‰) 24k=24*4.166%=99.984%(999‰)
1944年二次世界大战后,美国和40多个国家成立布雷顿森林条约. 规定黄金直接和美元挂钩.一盎司黄金兑换35美元.这是世界黄金 公开计价的开始.
金融外汇买卖相关英语词汇翻译Accepted 承兑Accrued interest累计利息advance 放款American style 美式选择权appreciation 升值Arbitrage 套利交易asset allocation 资产分配原则Asset swap 就持有的资产利息进行交换Asset/liability management 资产负债管理Assets liquidity 资产的流动性Assets safety 资产安全Assets yield 资产的获利性AT the money (ATM) 价平Auction 标售Authority letter 授权书Banker’s acceptance 银行承兑汇票Basis swap (floating -against floating IRS)Bear call spread 买权看空价差Bear put spread 卖权看空价差Bearer form 持有人形式best order 最佳价格交易指示单Bid rate 借入利率(或买入价格,汇率)Big figure 大数(交易时忽略不报的前几位数)Book entry form 无实体形式Break-even exchange rate 两平点汇率Bretton Woods system 布莱登国际货币制度Broken date 畸零天期(见Odd date)Bull call spread 买权看多价差Bull put spread 卖权看多价差Buy call 买入买权Buy or sell forward 买卖远期Buy or sell spot 买卖即期Buy put 买入卖权Buyer 买方Calendar spread 水平式价差策略Call option 买权Calling customer 询价者Calling party 询价者Cash flow book 现金流量登记薄Cash flow gap 现金流量缺口Cash flow gap 资金缺口Cash flow projection现金流量之预期Cash 当日交割CD(certificate of deposit) 存单Chain method 联算法Chief money dealer首席货币交易员Clearing house 清算所Commercial hedge 进出口商避险Commercial paper商业本票Commodity futures trading commission 美国期货交易委员会Competitive bid 竞标Contract date 定约日Contract limit 契约额度Contract risk 契约风险Counter party 交易对手Country limit 国家额度Coupon rate 票面利率Coupon swap (fixed-against floating IRS)Cover 补回,冲销covered interest arbitrage 无汇率波动风险的套利操作Credit risk 信用风险Cross hedge 交叉避险Cross rates 交叉汇率(通过第三种货币计算两种货币的汇率)Currency future 外汇期货Currency futures contracts 外汇期货契约Currency futures 外汇期货Current yield 当期收益率Cut off time 营业截止时间Day trading 当日冲销(使当日净部位为零)Dealer’s authority 交易权限Dealing day 交易日Dealing room 交易室Dealing ticket 交易单Delivery Date 交割日Direct quotation=price quotation直接报价Discount 贴水Dj index future 道·琼斯指数期货合约Draft 汇票Duration 存续期间Easy money 低价货币Effective interest rate 有效利率Engineered swap transaction操纵式换率交易(将买入卖出两个不同交易合并,使其具有换汇交易的效果)European currency unit(ECU)欧洲货币单位Exchange control system 外汇管制制度Exercise price 履约价格Expiry date 到期日Face value 面值(股票、票据上记载的名目价值)Firm market 行情坚挺的市场Firm order 确定指示单Fixed exchange rate system 固定汇率制定Fixed rate liability 利率固定负债Fixing date 指标利率定订基准日Flat yield curve 水平收益率曲线floating exchange 浮动汇率制度Floor broker 场内经纪商Floor trader 场内交易商Follow up action 动态策略Forward against forward远期对远期换汇交易Forward rate agreement(FRA)远期利率协定Forward rate 远期汇率Forward value date 远期外汇到期日FT-SE 100 Index Future 伦敦金融时报指数期货Futures 期货FX risk 汇率风险Gapping 期差操作General floating 普遍浮动Generic Swap 标准型的IRS 交易gold exchange standard金汇兑本位制度gold export point 黄金输出点Gold rush 黄金抢购风gold standard 金本位制度Government bonds 政府债券Group of Twenty 20国委员会Hang Seng Index 恒生估价指数Hedging interest rate risk规避利率波动风险Hit 询价者以bid rate 卖出被报价币给报价银行Holding position 持有部位If order 附条件交易指示单IMM 芝加哥国际货币市场In the money (ITM) 价内Index swap 利率交换indirect quotation=quantity quotation 间接报价Inter bank offer rates 银行同业拆放利率Interest rate futures 利率期货Interest rate parity theory 利率平价理论Interest rate return 报酬率Interest rate swaps(IRS)利率交换intermediary 中间人international payment system 国际支付制度Intra day limit 日间额度Intra-day trader日间交易者,短线交易员Intrinsic value 隐含价值Junior money dealer资浅货币交易员LIBOR 伦敦银行同业拆借利率LIFFE 伦敦国际金融期货交易所Line of credit 信用额度Line of limit 额度限制liquidity premium流通性风险补贴London inter bank bid rate (LIBID) 伦敦银行间存款利率Long butterfly call spread 买入碟式买权价差Long butterfly put spread 买入碟式卖权价差Long currency future contract 买入外汇期货契约Long Straddle 买入跨式部位,下跨式部位Long strangle 买入不同履约价格的跨式部位Margin call 追加保证金Margin trading 保证金交易Mark to market 调整至市场价Market order 市场价格指示单Mismatch gapping 到期缺口Money market swap IRS持有时间短于两年者Money position 货币部位long position 买超或长部位(借入的金额大于贷)Monthly limit 每月限额multiple currency reserve system多种货币准备制度Nasdaq Index Future 纳斯达克指数期货Near the money 价近Negative yield curve 负收益率曲线Negotiable certificate of deposit 可转让定期存单Net mismatch 净缺口Nikki index future 日经指数期货Nominal interest rate 名目利率Nominal Interest rate名目利率(票面或双方约定的利率,减通货膨胀等于实质利率)Non earning asset 非利率敏感资产Non profitable liability非利率敏感负债Non reference currency 报价币Notional amount 承作金额Odd date(Odd maturity)畸零天期,畸零期(FX交易非整周整月的日期,如10天,40天)Off-balance Sheet 表外交易工具(衍生性金融产品)Offer rate 贷放利率(或卖出价格,汇率)Offset 对冲,轧平Open spot net position 即期净部位Operation risk 作业风险Option date forward 任选交割日的远期汇率Option 选择权Options reserve 选择权保留额度Order 交易指示单Out of the money(OTM) 价外Outright forward 远期直接汇率Over the counter店头市场,柜台交易市场Overall limit 总合限额Overbought 买超Overnight(O/N) 当日交割之隔夜拆放Oversold 卖超Par 报价与被报价币的利率相同,换汇汇率为零。
一、经济指标1. GDP(Gross Domestic Product,国内生产总值):一个国家或地区在一定时间内所生产的全部最终产品和劳务的市场价值的总和。
2. CPI(Consumer Price Index,消费者价格指数):衡量一篮子消费品和服务的价格变动情况。
3. PMI(Purchasing Managers' Index,采购经理人指数):衡量制造业经理人对生产活动和经济状况的看法。
4. PPI(Producer Price Index,生产者价格指数):衡量生产领域的价格变动情况。
5. IIP(Index of Industrial Production,工业生产指数):衡量工业部门生产活动的指标,包括工业产值、工业增加值等。
二、金融市场1. 股票市场:- 上证指数:上海证券交易所的股票指数,反映上海股市整体走势。
- 深证成指:深圳证券交易所的股票指数,反映深圳股市整体走势。
- 沪深300指数:综合考虑上海和深圳市场的300只股票,是中国市场的主要股票指标。
2. 债券市场:- 国债:国家发行的债券,用于筹集资金和债务管理。
- 企业债:由企业发行的债券,用于筹集资金。
3. 外汇市场:- 汇率:一国货币兑换另一国货币的比例。
- 外汇储备:各国央行持有的外汇资产,用于维持货币稳定和支付国际债务。
4. 商品市场:- 黄金:作为避险资产和价值储备的一种贵金属,具有重要的货币和金融属性。
- 原油:作为能源的重要来源,原油价格对全球经济和市场有重大影响。
金融行业英语词汇大全一、债券和股票- Bond(债券)- Stock(股票)- Share(股份)- Dividend(股息)- Equity(股权)- Coupon(利息券)- Par Value(面值)- Yield(收益率)- Maturity(到期日)- Initial Public Offering (IPO)(首次公开募股)二、投资和交易- Investment(投资)- Portfolio(投资组合)- Asset(资产)- Liability(负债)- Hedge Fund(对冲基金)- Mutual Fund(共同基金)- Stock Exchange(证券交易所)- Bull Market(牛市)- Bear Market(熊市)- Option(期权)三、银行和金融机构- Bank(银行)- Investment Bank(投资银行)- Central Bank(中央银行)- Retail Bank(零售银行)- Mortgage(抵押贷款)- Loan(贷款)- Interest Rate(利率)- ATM(自动取款机)- Credit Card(信用卡)四、风险管理和保险- Risk Management(风险管理)- Insurance(保险)- Underwriter(承销商)- Premium(保费)- Claim(索赔)- Policyholder(保单持有人)- Insurer(保险公司)- Reinsurance(再保险)- Actuary(精算师)- Catastrophe(灾难)五、国际金融- International Trade(国际贸易)- Foreign Exchange (Forex)(外汇)- Exchange Rate(汇率)- Tariff(关税)- Balance of Trade(贸易余额)- World Bank(世界银行)- International Monetary Fund (IMF)(国际货币基金组织)- Free Trade Agreement(自由贸易协议)- World Trade Organization (WTO)(世界贸易组织)- Globalization(全球化)以上是金融行业英语词汇大全的部分内容,希望对您有所帮助。
国际金融专业词汇第一章国际收支与国际收支平稳表国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Fund,IMF 国际收支 Balance of Payment国际收支平稳表 Balance of Payments Statement国际借贷 Balance of International Indebtedness 顺差 Favorable Balance〔Deficit〕逆差 Unfavorable Balance (Surplus)经常账户 Current Account非货币性黄金 Nonmonetary Gold贸易差额 Trade balance职工酬劳 Compensation of Employees投资收益 Investment Income无形贸易 Invisible Trade经常转移 Current Transfers单方面转移 Unilateral Transfers无偿转移 Unrequited Transfers资本和金融账户 Capital and Financial Account平稳项目 Balancing Account直截了当投资 Direct Investment证券投资 Portfolio Investment调剂性项目 Accommodating Transactions官方储备资产 Official Reserve Assets专门提款权 SDRs (Special Drawing Rights)错误与遗漏 Errors and Omissions贸易差额 Trade Balance经常项目差额 Balance of Current Account差不多差额 Basic Balance综合差额 Over-all Balance第二章国际收支失衡及其调剂季节性失衡 Accidental Disequilibrium周期性失衡 Cyclical Disequilibrium结构性失衡 Structure Disequilibrium货币失衡 Monetary Disequilibrium收入性失衡 Income Disequilibrium冲击性失衡 Shock Disequilibrium自动调剂机制 Automatic Adjustment Mechanism调剂政策 Adjustment Polices自动价格调剂机制 Automatic Price Adjustment Mechanism 货币—价格流淌机制 Price Specie-Flow Mechanism再贴现率 Rediscount Rate自动收入调剂机制 Automatic Income Adjustment Mechanism 自动利率调剂机制 Automatic Interest Adjustment Mechanism 支出改变政策 Expenditure-changing policies外汇管制 Foreign exchange control支出转换政策 Expenditure-switching policies内部均衡 Internal balance外汇缓冲政策 Foreign exchange cushion policies 外部均衡 External balance米德冲突Meade’s Conflict弹性论 Elasticities Approach马歇尔—勒纳条件 Marshall-Lerner Condition时滞 Time LagJ曲线效应 J Cure乘数论 Multiplier Approach收入分析理论 Income Approach小国开放经济 Small Open Economy对外贸易乘数 Foreign Trade Multiplier开放经济乘数 Open Economy Multiplier哈伯格条件 Harberger Condition吸取论 Absorption Approach支出分析法 Expenditure Approach闲置资源效应 Idle Resource Effect贸易条件效应 Terms of Trade Effect现金余额效应 Real Cash Balance Effect收入再分配效应 Redistribution of Income Effect货币幻觉效应 Money Illution Effect其他直截了当效应 Miscellaneous direct Absorption Effect货币论 Monetary Approach一价定律 Law of Price结构论 Structural Approach第三章国际储备国际储备 International reserve国际清偿力International liquidity黄金储备 Gold Reserves货币性黄金Monetary Gold黄金非货币化Demonetization of Gold外汇储备 Foreign Exchange Reserves储备货币 Reserve Currency在基金组织的储备头寸Reserve Position in Fund一般提款权General Drawing Rights专门提款权 Special Drawing Rights,SDRs多种货币储备体系Multiple Currency Reserve System第四章外汇、汇率和汇率制度外汇Foreign Exchange汇率Exchange Rate黄金输送点Gold Points黄金平价 Gold Parity直截了当标价法Direct Quotation System间接标价法Indirect Quotation System汇率制度Exchange Rate System法定贬值Devaluation法定升值Revaluation固定汇率制Fixed Rate System浮动汇率制Floating Rate System自由浮动Free Floating治理浮动 Managed Floating稳固性投机Stabilizing Speculation非稳固性投机 Destabilizing Speculation爬行钉住制 Crawling Pegging System汇率目标区 Exchange Rate Target-zone货币局制 Currency Board System第五章西方汇率理论国际借贷说Theory of International Indebtedness 购买力平价说Theory of Purchasing Power Parity, PPP 利率平价理论T he interest rate parity货币主义的汇率理论 Theory of Currency Exchange Rates资产组合平稳理论Theory of Portfolio Balance Approach第六章外汇交易基础外汇市场Foreign Exchange Market外汇经纪人Foreign Exchange Broker客户市场 Customer Markets同业市场Inter-bank Markets多头Long Position空头Short Position即期外汇交易 Spot Exchange Transaction营业日 Working Day交割日 Delivery Date远期外汇交易 Forward Exchange Transaction直截了当报价法 Outright Forward Method掉期率 Swap Rate远期套算汇率 Forward Cross Rate定期远期交易 Fixed Date Forwards择期远期交易 Optional Date Forwards买空 Bull卖空 Bear掉期交易 Swap Transaction一日掉期 One-Day Swap即期对远期的掉期交易 Spot Against Forward Swaps远期对远期的掉期交易 Forward Against Forward Swaps套汇 Arbitrage直截了当套汇 Direct Arbitrage间接套汇 Indirect Arbitrage套利交易 Interest Arbitrage Transaction 抛补套利 Covered Interest Arbitrage非抛补套利 Uncovered Interest Arbitrage第七章外汇期货与期权交易佣金经纪人 Commission Broket开仓 Opening对冲交易 Reversing Transition外汇期货 Foreign exchange futures清算所 Clearing house商业交易者C ommercial trader基差交易者Basic traders差价交易者Spread traders头寸交易者Position traders帽客 Scalpers 当日轧平头寸交易者D ay trader市价定单 Market order限价定单 Limit order到价定单 Spot order跨国套利定单Saddle order换月定单 Switch order公布叫价 Open outcry保证金制度M M argin system原始保证金Initial margin坚持保证金Maintenance margin变动保证金Variation margin逐日盯市制制度M arket to market daily套期保值 Hedge空头套期保值Short hedge多头套期保值Long hedge外汇期权 Currency options期权价格 Option price行使期权 Exercise option看涨期权 Call option看跌期权 Put option美式期权 American option欧式期权 European option协定价格 Strike price内在价值 Intrinsic value时刻价值 Time value现汇期权 Option on spot foreign currency外汇期货期权O ption on foreign currency futures 期货式期权Futures style option平均汇率期权Average rate options平均协定汇率期权A verage strike option期权的期权O ption on an option回头期权 Lookback option或有期权 Contingent option被担保的汇率期权Guaranteed exchange rate option互换期权 Swaption买入看涨期权B uy call option卖出看涨期权Sell caIl option买入看跌期权Buy put option卖出看跌期权S ell put option平行贷款 Parallel Loan对等贷款 Back-to-Back loan互换交易 Swap Transaction利率互换 Interest Rate Swaps货币互换 Currency Swaps名义本金 Notional Principal伦敦银行同业拆放利率 LIBOR国债收益率Treasure Note Yield基点 Basic Point利差 Spread比较优势 The Comparative Advantage 互换仓库 Swap Warehouse市场风险 Market Risk信用风险 Credit Risk第九章外汇风险及其治理外汇风险 Foreign exchange risk,交易风险 Transaction risk会计风险 Translation risk经济风险 Economic risk保值 Hedge应对帐款保值Payables hedge应收帐款保值Receivables hedge远期合约 Forward contract期货合约保值 Future hedge期权交易保值Currency option hedge 硬货币 Hard currency软货币 Soft currency货币市场法Money market hedge 定价 Pricing国际金融市场International financial market国际货币市场International money market国际资本市场International capital market外汇市场 Foreign exchange market欧洲货币Euro currency欧洲银行 Euro bank欧货币市场Euro currency market离岸金融市场O ff-shore financial market国际银行设施 IBF在岸金融市场On – shore financial market国际债券 International bonds外国债券 Foreign bonds欧洲债券 Euro bonds全球债券 Global bonds浮动利率债券Floating rate bonds与股权联系债券Equity related bonds双币债券Dual-curreny bonds中期票据 Medium-term notes, MTN国际股票市场International stock market美国存托凭证 ADR全球化 Globalization证券化 Securitization金融自由化Financial deregulation第十一章国际融资实务无抵押贷款Unsecured loans打包放款 Packing list票据信贷 Bill credit保付代理业务International Factoring信贷风险Credit risk预支货款 Advance funds到期保付代理业务Maturity Factoring保付代理手续费Commission of Factoring卖方信贷Supplier’s credit买方信贷 Buyer’s credit混合贷款 Mixed credit信用限额 Line of Credit银团贷款 Consortium Loan福费廷 Forfeiting无追索权 Non-recourse有限追索权Limited-recourse主办单位 Sponsor项目单位 Project entity设备供应商Supplier托管人 Trustee可行性研究Feasibility study经济可行性Economic viability国际租赁International Lease金融租赁Finance Lease 完全付清租赁Full Pay-Out Lease 经营租赁Operating Lease 杠杆租赁Leverage Lease 回租租赁 Sale and Back Lease第十二章国际资本流淌与国际金融危机国际资本流淌International Capital Flow所有权特定优势Ownership Specific Advantage内部化优势Internalization Advantage区位优势Location Specific Advantage贸易渠道传染Trade Channel Infection恐慌性传染Panicky Infection补偿性传染 Compensation Infection外债 International Debt负债率 Liability Ratio债务率 Foreign Debt Ratio偿债率 Debt Service Ratio国际债务危机International Debt Crisis国际货币危机International Monetary Crisis第十三章国际货币体系与国际金融机构国际货币体系International Monetary System金本位制Gold Standard价格-铸币流淌机制Price-specie-flow Mechanism布雷顿森林体系Bretton Woods System特里芬两难Triffin Dilemma黄金总库Gold Pool借款总安排General Agreement to Borrow黄金双价制The System of Dual Price of Gold 牙买加体系Jamaiga System国际货币基金组织International monetary Fund份额Quota信托基金Trust Fund世界银行集团 World Bank Group。
外汇相关英语词汇--------------------------------------------------------------------------------AABS 资产担保证券(Asset Backed Securities的英文缩写)Accelerated depreciation 加速折旧Acceptor 承兑人;受票人;接受人Accommodation paper 融通票据;担保借据Accounts payable 应付帐款Accounts receivable 应收帐款Accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制Accrued interest 应计利息Accredited Investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人指符合美国证券交易委员(SEC)条例,可参与一般美国非公开(私募)发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者Accredit value 自然增长值Accrediting 本金增值适用于多种工具,指名义本金在工具(如上限合约、上下限合约、掉期和互换期权)的期限内连续增长。
ACE 美国商品交易所Acid Test Ratio 酸性测验比率;速动比率Across the board 全面一致;全盘的Acting in concert 一致行动;合谋Active assets 活动资产;有收益资产Active capital 活动资本Actual market 现货市场Actuary 精算师;保险统计专家ADB 亚洲开发银行ADR 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证[股市] 指由负责保管所存托外国股票的存托银行所发行一种表明持有人拥有多少外国股票(即存托股份)的收据。
大部份预托收据为ADR;但也可以指全球预托收(GDR) ,欧洲预托收据(EDR) 或国际预托收据(IDR) 。
外汇交易基础知识一、基础知识主要货币符号:人民币 RMB 美元 USD 日元 JPY 欧元 EUR 英镑 GBP 瑞士法郎 CHF主要货币对:所有与美元兑换的货币对称为“主要货币对”。
四种主要货币对是:EUR/USD即欧元/美元(缩写 EU或者E/U,下同)GBP/USD即英镑/美元USD/JPY即美元/日元USD/CHF即美元/瑞郎交易汇率:汇率简而言之是以一种货币为另一种货币标价。
例如GBP/USD = 1.5545表示一个单位的英镑(基本货币)可以兑换1.5545美元(二级货币)。
例如在GBP/USD = 1.5545中,大数为1.55而第三和第四位小数45代表点。
差价有特定形式来表示,例如GBP/USD = 1.5545/50就意味着1GBP的买方出价是1.5545 USD,而卖方要价为1.5550 USD。
例如,当交易者卖出1 GBP,他同时就买入了1.5545 USD。
同样,当交易者买入1 GBP,他同时卖出了1.5550 USD。
USD/GBP = (1/1.5550) 买方出价; (1/1.5545) 卖方要价 = 0.6431/33这意味着1USD的买方出价是0.6431 GBP(或 64.31点)而1USD的卖方要价是0.6433 GBP (或 64.33点)。
国际经济学专业词汇(中英文对照)目录1. 绪论 (2)2. 比较优势原理 (2)3. 国际贸易标准理论 (3)4. 需求、供给、提供曲线与贸易条件 (3)5. 要素禀赋与赫克歇尔-俄林理论 (3)6. 规模经济、不完全竞争与国际贸易 (4)7. 经济增长与国际贸易 (5)8. 贸易壁垒:关税 (6)9. 非关税贸易壁垒和新保护主义 (7)10. 经济一体化:关税同盟和自由贸易区 (8)11. 国际贸易与经济发展 (8)12. 国际资源流动与跨国公司 (9)13. 国际收支平衡表 (9)14. 外汇市场与汇率 (10)15. 汇率决定 (11)16. 汇率调节机制 (12)17. 收入调节机制与自动调节 (12)18. 宏观经济调控 (13)19. 价格与产出 (14)20. 浮动与固定汇率和宏观政策协调 (14)21. 国际货币体系 (14)精选文档1.绪论国际收支的调节:(adjustment in balance of payments)反全球化运动:(antiglobalization movement)国际收支:(balance of payments)外汇市场:(foreign exchange markrt)全球化:(globalization)贸易引力模型:(gravity model)相互依存:(interdependence)国际金融:(international finance)国际贸易政策:(international trade policy)国际贸易理论:(international trade theory)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)微观经济学:(microeconomics)开发经济宏观经济学:(open-economy macroeconomics)2.比较优势原理绝对优势:(absolute advantage)贸易基础:(basis for trade)完全专业化:(complete specialization)固定机会成本:(constant opportunity cost)贸易所得:(gains from trade)劳动价值论:(labor theory of value)自由放任:(laissez-faire)比较优势原理:(law of comparative advantage)重商主义:(mercantilism)小国情况:(small-country case)相对商品价格:(relative commandity prices)生产可能性曲线:(production possibility frontier)精选文档贸易模式:(pattern of trade)机会成本理论:(opportunity cost theory)3.国际贸易标准理论自给自足:(autarky)社会无差异曲线:(community indiffernnce curve)去工业化:(deindustrialization)孤立均衡相对价格:(equilibrium-relative commodity price in isolation)贸易均衡相对价格:(equilibrium-relative commodity price with trade)交易所得:(gains from exchange)专业化所得:(gains from specialization)不完全专业化:(incomplete specialization)机会成本递增:(increasing opportunity costs)边际替代率:(marginal rate of snbstitution,MRS)边际转化率:(marginal rate of transformation,MRT)4.需求、供给、提供曲线与贸易条件商品或易货贸易条件:(commodity or net barter terms of trade)一般均衡模型:(general equilibrium model)相互需求法则:(law of reciprocal demand)提供曲线:(offer curves)相互需求曲线:(reciprocal demand curves)贸易条件:(terms of trade)贸易无差异曲线:(trade indifference curve)5.要素禀赋与赫克歇尔-俄林理论资本密集型商品:(capital-intensive commodity)资本/劳动比率:(capital-labor ratio)精选文档柯布-道格拉斯生产函数:(Cobb-Douglas Porduction)固定替代弹性生产函数:(constant elasticity of substitution(CES) production)规模报酬不变:(constant returns to scale)派生需求:(derived demand)替代弹性:(elasticity of substitution)尤拉定理:(Euler’s theorem)要素充裕度:(factor abundance)要素密集度颠倒:(factor-intensity reversal)要素价格均等定理:(factor-price equalization(H-O-S)Theorem)要素禀赋理论:(factor-proporitions or factor-endowment theory)赫克歇尔-俄林定理:(Hechscher-Ohlin(H-O) theorem)赫克歇尔-俄林理论:(Hechscher-Ohlin(H-O) theory)人力资本:(human capital)进口替代品:(import substitutes)投入产出表:(input-output table)国内要素流动:(internal factor mobility)国际要素流动:(international factor mobility)劳动资本比率:(labor-capital ratio)劳动密集型商品:(labor-intensive commodity)里昂惕夫之谜:(leontief paradox)完全竞争:(perfect competition)相对要素价格:(relative-factor prices)特定要素模型:(specific-factor model)6.规模经济、不完全竞争与国际贸易差别产品:(differertiated products)动态外部经济:(dynamic external economies)环保标准:(environment standards)精选文档外部经济:(external economics)流动性产业:(footloose industries)一般均衡分析:(general equilibrium analysis)规模报酬递增:(increasing returns to scale)幼稚产业观点:(infant industry arguement)国际规模经济:(international economics of scale)产业内贸易指数:(intra-industry trade index)学习曲线:(learning curve)市场定向型企业:(market-oriented industries)垄断竞争:(monopolistic competition)非贸易商品与服务:(montraded goods and services)离岸外包:(offshoring)寡头垄断:(oligopoly)外包:(outsourcing)局部均衡分析:(partical equilibrium analysis)产品生命周期模型:(product cycle model)资源定向型企业:(resource-oriented industries)技术差距模型:(technological gap model)运输成本或物流成本:(transport or logistics costs)7.经济增长与国际贸易反贸易的生产和消费:(antitrade production and consumption)平衡增长:(balanced growth)资本节约型技术进步:(capital-saving technical progress)比较静态:(comparative statics)动态分析:(dynamic analysis)不幸的增长:(immiserizy growth)劣等品:(inferior goods)劳动节约型技术进步:(labor-saving technical progress)精选文档中性的生产和消费:(neutral production)中性技术进步:(neutral technical progress)正常品:(normal goods)产生贸易的生产和消费:(protrade production and consumption)雷布津斯基理论:(Rybczynski theorem)贸易条件效应:(terms-of-trade effect)福利效应:(wealth effect)8.贸易壁垒:关税从价关税:(ad valorem tariff)混合关税:(compound tariff)消费者剩余:(consumer surplus)关税消费效应:(consumption effect of a tariff)国内增加值:(domestic value added)出口关税:(export tariff)进口关税:(import tariff)梅茨勒悖论:(Metzler paradox)名义关税:(nominal tariff)最优关税:(optimum tariff)关税生产效应:(production effect of a tariff)关税保护成本或称重负损失:(protection cost or deadweight loss of a tariff)禁止性关税:(prohibitive tariff)有效保护率:(rate of effective protection)租金或生产者剩余:(rent or producer surplus)关税收入效应:(revenue effect of a tariff)从量关税:(specific tariff)斯托尔帕-塞缪尔森定理:(Stolper-Samuelson theorem)关税贸易效应:(trade or commercial policies)贸易或商业政策:(trade or commercial policies)9.非关税贸易壁垒和新保护主义双边贸易:(bilateral trade)集中化的卡特尔:(centralized cartel)反补贴税:(countervailing duties,CVSs)倾销:(dumping)豁免条款:(escape clause)进出口银行:(export-import bank)出口补贴:(export subsides)外国销售公司:(Foerign sales corporations,FSC)博弈理论:(game theory)产业政策:(industrial policy)幼稚产业观点:(infront-industry arguement)国际卡特尔:(international cartel)最惠国原则:(most-favored-nation principle)多边贸易谈判:(multilateral trade negotiations)国家安全条款:(national security clause)新保护主义:(new protectionism)非关税贸易壁垒:(nontariff trade barriers,NTBs)危险点条款:(peril-point provisions)持续性倾销:(persistent dumping)掠夺性倾销:(predatory dumping)配额:(quota)科学关税:(scientific tariff)偶然性倾销:(sporadic dumping)战略性贸易政策:(strategic trade policy)技术的、行政的和其他法规:(technical,administrative and other regulations) 触发价格机制:(trigger-price mechanism)贸易调整援助:(Trade Adjustment Assistance,TAA)贸易保护授权:(trade promotion authority or fast track)自动出口限制:(Voluntary Export Restraints,VERS)10.经济一体化:关税同盟和自由贸易区双边协议:(bilateral agreements)大量采购:(bulk purchasing)中央计划经济:(centrally planned economies)共同市场:(common market)关税同盟:(customs union)免税区或自由经济区:(duty-free zones or free economic zones)经济一体化:(economic integration)经济同盟:(economic union)自贸区:(free trade area)特惠贸易协定:(preferential trade arrangements)国家贸易公司:(state trading companies)关税工厂:(tariff factories)次优理论:(theory of the second best)贸易创造关税同盟:(trade-creation custom union)贸易偏差:(trade deflection)贸易转移关税同盟:(trade-diversion customs union)可变进口税额:(variable import levies)11.国际贸易与经济发展缓冲库存储备:(buffer stocks)商品或纯物物交换贸易条件:(commodity or net barter terms of trade)双边要素贸易条件:(double factoral terms of trade)内生性增长理论:(ecdogenous groeth theory)增长动力:(engine of growth)出口管制:(export controls)精选文档出口波动:(export instability)出口导向工业化:(export-oriented industrialization)出口悲观论:(export pessinism)外债:(foreign debt)进口代替工业化:(import-substitution industrialization,ISI)贸易收入条件:(income terms of trade)国际商品协定:(international commodity)市场委员会:(marketing boards)国际经济新秩序:(New International Economic Order,NIEO)新兴工业化国家:(Newly Industrialized Economies,NIEs)购货合约:(purchase contract)新定居区:(regions of recent settlement)单边要素贸易条件:(single factoral terms of trade)剩余出口:(vent for surplus)12.国际资源流动与跨国公司脑力流失:(brain drain)直接投资:(direct investments)横向一体化:(horizontal integration)跨国公司:(multinational)组合投资:(portfolio investments)资产组合理论:(portfolio theory)风险分散化:(risk diversification)转移定价:(transfer pricing)纵向一体化:(vertical integration)13.国际收支平衡表调节性交易:(acconnmous transactions)精选文档自主性交易:(autonomous transactions)国际收支平衡表:(balance of transactions)资本项目:(capital account)贷方交易:(credit transactions)经常项目:(current account)借方交易:(debit transactions)国际收支中的逆差:(deficit in the balance of payments)复式薄记:(double-entry bookkeeping)金融项目:(financial account)金融性资本流入:(financial inflows)金融性资本流出:(financial outflows)国际投资头寸:(international investment position)官方结算余额:(official settlements balance)官方储备账户:(official reserve account)统计误差:(statistical discrepancy)国际收支中的盈余:(surplus in the balance of patments)单方面转移支付:(unilateral transfers)14.外汇市场与汇率升值:(appreciation)套利:(arbitrage)套利交易:(carry trade)抛补套利利润率:(covered interest arbitrage margin ,CIAM)抛补套利平价:(covered interest arbitrage parity,CIAP)交叉汇率:(cross-exchange rate)贬值:(depreciation)不稳定性投机:(destabilizing speculation)有效汇率:(effecitive exchange rate)外汇市场有效性:(efficiency of foreign exchange markets)精选文档外汇期货:(foreign exchange futures)外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)外汇期权:(foreign exchange option)外汇风险:(foreign exchange risk)远期贴水:(forward discount)远期升水:(forward premium)远期汇率:(forward rate)套期保值:(hedging)套利:(interest arbitrage)离岸存款:(offshore deposits)铸造利差:(seignorage)投机:(speculation)即期汇率:(spot rate)稳定性投机:(stabilizing speculation)无抛补套利:(uncovered interest arbitrage)国际支付货币:(vehicle currency)15.汇率决定绝对购买力平价理论:(absolute purchasing-power parity theory)巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应:(Balassa-Samuelson effect)货币需求:(demand for money)汇率超调理论:(exchange rate overshooting)预期的即期汇率变化:(expected change in the spot rate)一价法则:(law of one price)国际收支的货币分析法:(monetary approach to the balance of payments)基础货币:(monetary base)资产组合平衡法:(portfolio balance approach)实际汇率:(real exchange rate)相对购买力平价理论:(relative purchasing-power parity theory)精选文档风险溢价:(risk premium ,RP)货币供给:(supply of money)16.汇率调节机制贬值:(devaluation)荷兰病:(Dutch disease)弹性悲观主义:(elasticity pessimism)黄金输入点:(gold export point)黄金输出点:(gold import point)金本位制:(gold standard)识别问题:(identification problem)J曲线效应:(J-curve effect)铸币评价:(mint parity)传递:(paee-through)价格黄金流动机制:(price-specie-flow mechanism)货币数量论:(quantity theory of money)金本位制的博弈原则:(rules of the game of the gold standard)稳定的外汇市场:(stable foreign exchange market)贸易或弹性方法:(trade or elasticity approach)不稳定外汇市场:(unstable foreign exchange market)17.收入调节机制与自动调节吸收法:(absorption approach)平均进口倾向:(average propensity to import,APM)封闭经济:(closed economy)消费函数:(consumption function)预期或计划的投资:(desired or planned investment)均衡国民收入水平:(equilibrium level of national income)精选文档出口函数:(export function)国外反馈效应:(foreign repercussion)对外贸易乘数:(foreign trade multiplier)进口函数:(import function)进口收入需求弹性:(income elasticity of demand for import)投资函数:(investment function)边际消费倾向:(marginal propensity to consume,MPC)边际储蓄倾向:(marginal propensity to save,MPS)边际进口倾向:(marginal propensity to import,MPM)储蓄函数:(saving function)自动调节的综合:(synthesis of automatic adjustments)18.宏观经济调控BP曲线:(BP curve)直接控制:(direct control)外汇控制:(exchange controls)支出-改变政策:(expenditure-changing policies)支出-转换政策:(expenditure-switching policies)外部均衡:(external balance)内部均衡:(internal balance)IS曲线:(IS-curve)LM曲线:(LM-curve)多重汇率:(multiple exchange rates)蒙代尔-弗莱明模型:(Mundell-Fleming model)菲利普斯曲线:(Phillips curve)市场有效分割理论:(principle of effective market classification)货币投机需求:(speculative demand for money)货币交易需求:(transaction demand for money)贸易控制:(trade control)精选文档19.价格与产出总需求曲线:(aggregate demand(AD) curve)总供给曲线:(aggregate supply(AS) curve)预期价格:(expected prices)通货膨胀目标值:(inflation targeting)长期总供给曲线:(long-run aggregate supply(LRAS) curve)自然产出水平:(natural level of output)短期总供给曲线:(short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) curve)滞胀:(stagflation)20.浮动与固定汇率和宏观政策协调可调整盯住汇率体系:(adjustable peg system)爬行钉住汇率体系:(crawling peg system)货币发行局制:(currency board arrangement,CBAs)肮脏浮动:(dirty floating)美元化:(dallarization)汇率机制:(exchange rate mechanism,ERM)自由浮动汇率体系:(freely floating exchange rate system)逆风而上:(leaning against the wind)有管制的浮动汇率体系:(managed floating exchange rate system)最佳货币区域国家货币集团:(optimum currency area or bloc)稳定和增长协议:(stabality and growth pact,SGP)21.国际货币体系调整:(adjustment)善意忽视:(benign nelect)布雷顿森林体系:(Bretton Woods System)可靠性:(confidence)精选文档信用份额:(credit tranches)货币自由兑换:(currency convertibility)美元过剩:(dollar glut)美元泛滥:(dollar overhang)美元短缺:(dollar shortage)美元本位制:(dollar standard)第一信用份额:(first-credit trade)货款安排总协定:(General Arrangements to Borrow,GAB)黄金份额:(gold tranche)国际货币基金组织条件:(IMF conditionality)国际开发协会:(International Development Association)国际金融公司:(International Finance Corporation,IFC)国际基金组织:(International Monetary Fund,IMF)国际货币体系:(International monetary system)干预货币:(intervention currency)流动性:(liquidity)国际货币基金组织净头寸:(net IMF position)借款新安排:(New Arrangement to Borrow,NAB)原罪:(original sin)铸币利差:(seigniorage)特别提款权:(Special Drawing Rights,SDRS)备用协议:(standby arrangements)次贷危机:(subprime mortgage crisis)替代账户:(substitution account)超黄金份额:(super gold tranche)互换协议:(swap arrangements)。
金融英语常见词汇(2)equity portfolio 股票资产.establishing bank 开证银行ethics risks 道德风险.Euro-bank 欧洲银行Eurocard 欧洲系统卡.European terms 欧洲标价法evaluation of property 房产估价. evasion of foreign currency 逃汇exception clause 免责条款.excess insurance 超额保险.exchange adjustment 汇率调整exchange alteration 更改汇率exchange arbitrage 外汇套利exchange bank 外汇银行exchange broker 外汇经纪人exchange brokerage 外汇经纪人佣金exchange business 外汇业务exchange clearing agreement 外汇结算协定exchange clearing system 汇结算制exchange competition 外汇竞争exchange contract 外汇成交单exchange control 外汇管制exchange convertibility 外汇兑换exchange customs 交易所惯例exchange depreciation 外汇下降exchange dumping 汇率倾销exchange dumping 汇率倾销. exchange fluctuations 汇价变动exchange for forward delivery 远期外汇业务exchange for spot delivery 即期外汇业务exchange freedom 外汇自由兑换exchange loss 汇率损失exchange parity 外汇平价exchange position 外汇头寸exchange position 外汇头寸;外汇动态. exchange premium 外汇升水exchange profit 外汇利润exchange proviso clause 外汇保值条款exchange quota system 外汇配额制exchange rate 汇价exchange rate fluctuations 外汇汇价的波动exchange rate parity 外汇兑换的固定汇率exchange rate risks 外汇汇率风险. exchange reserves 外汇储备exchange restrictions 外汇限制exchange risk 外汇风险exchange risk 兑换风险.exchange settlement 结汇exchange speculation 外汇投机exchange stability 汇率稳定exchange surrender certificate 外汇移转证exchange transactions 外汇交易exchange value 外汇价值exchange war 外汇战excise 货物税,消费税.exercise date 执行日exercise price, striking price 履约价格,认购价格. expenditure tax 支出税.expenditure tax regime 支出税税制. expenses incurred in the purchase 购买物业开支. expiration date 到期日export and import bank 进出口银行export gold point 黄金输出点exposure 风险.external account 对外帐户extraneous risks 附加险.extrinsic value 外在价值.face value 面值facultative insurance 临时保险.fair and reasonable 公平合理far future risks 长远期风险.farm subsidies 农产品补贴farmland occupancy tax 耕地占用税. favourable exchange 顺汇fax base 税基.feast tax 筵席税.feathered assets 掺水资产.fee 不动产.fee interest 不动产产权.fictions payee 虚构抬头人.fictitious assets 虚拟资产.fictitious capital 虚拟资本.fiduciary a. 信托的,信用的,受信托的(人) fiduciary field 信用领域,信托领域finance broker 金融经纪人.financial advising services 金融咨询服务financial arrangement 筹资安排.financial crisis 金融危机financial crisis 金融危机financial crisis 金融危机financial forward contract 金融远期合约. financial futures 金融期货.financial futures contract 金融期货合约. financial insolvency 无力支付.financial institutions' deposit 同业存款financial lease 金融租赁.financial leases 金融租赁.financial risk 金融风险.financial statement analysis 财务报表分析. financial system 金融体系financial system 金融体系financial system 金融体系financial transaction 金融业务financial transaction 金融业务financial transaction 金融业务financial unrest 金融动荡financial unrest 金融动荡financial unrest 金融动荡financial world 金融界financial world 金融界financial world 金融界first mortgage 第一抵押权.fiscal and monetary policy 财政金融政策fiscal and monetary policy 财政金融政策fiscal and monetary policy 财政金融政策fixed assets 固定资产.fixed assets ratio 固定资产比率fixed assets ratio 固定资产比率fixed assets ratio 固定资产比率fixed assets ration 固定资产比率.fixed assets turnover ratio 固定资产周转率fixed assets turnover ratio 固定资产周转率fixed assets turnover ratio 固定资产周转率fixed capital 固定资本.fixed costs 固定成本.fixed deposit (=time deposit) 定期存款fixed deposit by installment 零存整取fixed exchange rate 固定汇率fixed par of exchange 法定汇兑平价fixed savings withdrawal 定期储蓄提款fixed-rate leases 固定利率租赁.flexibility and mobility 灵活性与机动性flexibility of exchange rates 汇率伸缩性flexible exchange rate 浮动汇率floating exchange rate 浮动汇率floating policy 流动保险单.floating-rate leases 浮动利率租赁.floor 带利率下限的期权.floor broker 场内经纪人.fluctuations in prices 汇率波动foregift 权利金.foreign banks 外国银行foreign correspondent 国外代理银行foreign currency futures 外汇期货.foreign enterprises income tax 外国企业所得税. foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机foreign exchange cushion 外汇缓冲foreign exchange dumping 外汇倾销.foreign exchange earnings 外汇收入foreign exchange liabilities 外汇负债foreign exchange loans 外汇贷款foreign exchange parity 外汇平价foreign exchange quotations 外汇行情foreign exchange regulations 外汇条例foreign exchange reserves 外汇储备foreign exchange restrictions 外汇限制foreign exchange retaining system 外汇留存制foreign exchange risk 外汇风险.foreign exchange risk 外汇风险.foreign exchange services 外汇业务foreign exchange transaction centre 外汇交易中心forward exchange 期货外汇forward exchange intervention 期货外汇干预forward exchange sold 卖出期货外汇forward foreign exchange 远期外汇汇率forward operation 远期(经营)业务forward swap 远期掉期.fraternal insurance 互助保险.free depreciation 自由折旧.free foreign exchange 自由外汇freight tax 运费税.fringe bank 边缘银行full insurance 定额保险.full payout leases 充分偿付租赁.full progressive income tax 全额累进所得税. fund 资金,基金fund account 基金帐户fund allocation 基金分配fund appropriation 基金拨款fund balance 基金结存款fund demand 资金需求.fund for relief 救济基金fund for special use 专用基金fund in trust 信托基金fund liability 基金负债fund obligation 基金负担fund raising 基金筹措fundamental insurance 基本险.funds statement 资金表futures commission merchants 期货经纪公司. futures contract 期货合约.futures delivery 期货交割.futures margin 期货保证金.futures market 期货市场.futures price 期货价格.futures transaction 期货交易.FX futures contract 外汇期货合约. galloping inflation 恶性通货膨胀galloping inflation 恶性通货膨胀galloping inflation 恶性通货膨胀gap 跳空general endorsement 不记名背书.general fund 普通基金general mortgage 一般抵押.Giro bank 汇划银行given rate 已知汇率go long 买进,多头.go short 短缺;卖空,空头.going away 分批买进going rate 现行汇率Gold Ear Credit Card 金穗卡.government revenue 政府收入.graduated reserve requirement 分级法定准备金graduated reserve requirement 分级法定准备金graduated reserve requirement 分级法定准备金Great Wall card 长城卡.gross cash flow 现金总流量guarantee of payment 付款保证.guaranteed fund 保证准备金guaranteed fund 保证准备金guaranteed fund 保证准备金hammering the market 打压市场handling charge 手续费.harmony of fiscal and monetary policies 财政政策和金融政策的协调harmony of fiscal and monetary policies 财政政策和金融政策的协调harmony of fiscal and monetary policies 财政政策和金融政策的协调hedge 套头交易hedge against inflation 为防通货膨胀而套购hedge buying 买进保值期货hedge fund 套利基金hedging mechanism 规避机制.hedging risk 套期保值风险hire purchase 租购.hit the bid 拍板成交hoarded money 储存的货币holding the market 托盘horizontal price movement 横盘hot issue 抢手证券hot money deposits 游资存款hot stock 抢手股票house property tax 房产税. hypothecation 抵押idle capital 闲置资本idle cash (money) 闲散现金,游资idle demand deposits 闲置的活期存款immobilized capital 固定化的资产. immovable property 不动产.import regulation tax 进口调节税. imposition 征税;税;税款.imprest bank account 定额银行存款专户in force (法律上)有效的.in the tank 跳水inactive market 不活跃市场income in kind 实物所得.income tax liabilities 所得税责任,所得税债务. income taxes 所得税.indemnity 赔偿,补偿.indirect arbitrage 间接套汇indirect finance 间接金融.indirect hedging 间接套做.indirect leases 间接租赁(即:杠杆租赁). indirect rate 间接汇率indirect taxation 间接税.individual income regulation tax 个人调节税.individual income tax 个人所得税.individual savings 私人储蓄Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行industrial financing 工业融资.industrial-commercial consolidated tax 工商统一税. industrial-commercial income tax 工商所得税. industrial-commercial tax 工商税.inflation 通货膨胀inflation 通货膨胀inflation 通货膨胀inflation rate 通货膨胀率inflation rate 通货膨胀率inflation rate 通货膨胀率inflationary spiral 螺旋式上升的通货膨胀inflationary spiral 螺旋式上升的通货膨胀inflationary spiral 螺旋式上升的通货膨胀inflationary trends 通货膨胀趋势inflationary trends 通货膨胀趋势inflationary trends 通货膨胀趋势infrastructure bank 基本建设投资银行initial margin 初始保证金.initial margin 期初保证权.initial margins 初始保证金.initial reserve 初期准备金initial reserve 初期准备金initial reserve 初期准备金insider 内幕人installment savings 零存整取储蓄institution 机构投资者insurance appraiser 保险损失评价人.insurance broker 保险经纪人.insurance contract 保险契约,保险合同. insurance saleman 保险外勤.insurance services 保险业务insure against fire 保火险.insured 被保险人.interbank market 银行同业市场inter-business credit 同行放帐.interest on deposit 存款利息interest per annum 年息interest per month 月息interest rate futures contract 利率期货合约. interest rate policy 利率政策interest rate policy 利率政策interest rate policy 利率政策interest rate position 利率头寸.interest rate risk 利率风险.interest restriction 利息限制interest subsidy 利息补贴interest-rate risk 利息率风险.interim finance 中间金融.intermediary bank 中间银行intermediate account 中间帐户internal reserves 内部准备金internal reserves 内部准备金internal reserves 内部准备金international banking services 国际银行业务International Investment Bank (IIB) 国际投资银行international leasing 国际租赁.in-the-money 有内在价值的期权.intraday 日内intrinsic utility 内在效用.intrinsic value 实际价值,内部价值.inward documentary bill for collection 进口跟单汇票,进口押汇(汇票)isolation of risk 风险隔离.issue bank 发行银行JCB card JCB卡.joint financing 共同贷款.key risk 关键风险.kill a bet 终止赌博.land use tax 土地使用税.large deposit 大额存款large leases 大型租赁.latent inflation 潜在的通货膨胀latent inflation 潜在的通货膨胀latent inflation 潜在的通货膨胀lease agreement 租约.lease and release 租借和停租.lease broker 租赁经纪人.lease financing 租赁筹租.lease immovable 租借的不动产.lease in perpetuity 永租权.lease insurance 租赁保险.lease interest insurance 租赁权益保险.lease land 租赁土地.lease mortgage 租借抵押.lease out 租出.lease property 租赁财产.lease purchase 租借购买.lease rental 租赁费.lease territory 租借地. leaseback 回租.leasebroker 租赁经纪人.leased immovable 租借的不动产. leasehold 租赁土地.leasehold 租借期,租赁营业,租赁权. leasehold property 租赁财产. leasehold property 租赁财产. leaseholder 租赁人. leaseholder 承租人,租借人. leases agent 租赁代理.leases arrangement 租赁安排. leases company 租赁公司. leases structure 租赁结构. leasing 出租.leasing agreement 租赁协议. leasing amount 租赁金额. leasing asset 出租财产,租赁财产. leasing clauses 租赁条款. leasing consultant 租赁顾问. leasing contract 租赁合同. leasing cost 租赁成本.leasing country 承租国. leasing division 租赁部. leasing equipment 租赁设备. leasing industry 租赁业. leasing industry (trade) 租赁业. leasing money 租赁资金. leasing period 租赁期.leasing regulations 租赁条例.legal interest 法定利息legal tender 法定货币legal tender 本位货币,法定货币lessee 承租人,租户.lessor 出租人.letter of confirmation 确认书.letter transfer 信汇leveraged leases 杠杆租赁.lien 扣押权,抵押权.life insurance 人寿保险.life of assets 资产寿命.limit order 限价指令limited floating rate 有限浮动汇率line of business 行业,营业范围,经营种类. liquidation 清仓liquidity 流动性liquidity of bank 银行资产流动性liquidity of bank 银行资产流动性liquidity of bank 银行资产流动性listed stock 上市股票livestock transaction tax 牲畜交易税. loan account 贷款帐户loan amount 贷款额.loan at call 拆放.loan bank 放款银行loan volume 贷款额.loan-deposit ratio 存放款比率loan-deposit ratio 存放款比率loan-deposit ratio 存放款比率loans to financial institutions 金融机构贷款loans to government 政府贷款local bank 地方银行local income tax (local surtax) 地方所得税. local surtax 地方附加税.local tax 地方税.long arbitrage 多头套利.long position 多头头寸long position 多头寸;买进的期货合同.long-term certificate of deposit 长期存款单long-term credit bank 长期信用银行long-term finance 长期资金融通.loss leader 特价商品,亏损大项loss of profits insurance 收益损失保险.loss on exchange 汇兑损失low-currency dumping 低汇倾销low-currency dumping 低汇倾销.M/T (= Mail Transfer) 信汇main bank 主要银行maintenance margin 最低保证金,维持保证金. major market index 主要市场指数management risk 管理风险.managing bank of a syndicate 财团的经理银行manipulation 操纵margin 保证金margin call 保证金通知.margin call 追加保证金的通知.margin money 预收保证金,开设信用证保证金. margin rate 保证金率.markdown 跌价.market discount rate 市场贴现率.market expectations 市场预期.market makers 造市者.market order 市价订单.market risk 市场风险.marketability 流动性market-clearing 市场结算.Master card 万事达卡.matching 搭配.mature liquid contracts 到期合约.maximum limit of overdraft 透支额度. measures for monetary ease 金融缓和措施measures for monetary ease 金融缓和措施measures for monetary ease 金融缓和措施medium rate 中间汇率medium-term finance 中期金融.member bank 会员银行Million card 百万卡.minimum cash requirements 最低现金持有量(需求) minimum reserve ratio 法定最低准备比率minimum reserve ratio 法定最低准备比率minimum reserve ratio 法定最低准备比率mint parity 法定平价monetary action 金融措施monetary action 金融措施monetary action 金融措施monetary aggregates 货币流通额monetary and credit control 货币信用管理monetary and credit control 货币信用管理monetary and credit control 货币信用管理monetary and financial crisis 货币金融危机monetary and financial crisis 货币金融危机monetary and financial crisis 货币金融危机monetary area 货币区monetary assets 货币性资产monetary base 货币基础monetary circulation 货币流通monetary device 金融调节手段monetary device 金融调节手段monetary device 金融调节手段monetary ease 银根松动monetary market 金融市场monetary market 金融市场monetary market 金融市场monetary risk 货币风险.monetary stringency 银根奇紧monetary stringency 银根紧monetary stringency 银根奇紧monetary stringency 银根奇紧monetary unit 货币单位money capital 货币资本.money collector 收款人money credit 货币信用money down 付现款money equivalent 货币等价money paid on account 定金.money-flow analysis 货币流量分析money-over-money leases 货币加成租赁. moral hazard 道德风险.mortgage bank 抵押银行motor vehicle and highway user tax 机动车和公路使用税. movables all risks insurance 动产综合保险.movables insurance 动产保险.multinational bank 跨国银行multiunit 公寓楼.mutual insurance company 相互保险公司.national bank 国家银行nationalized bank 国有化银行near money 准货币nearby contracts 近期合约.nearby futures 近期期货.nearby risks 近期风险.negotiability 流通性negotiating bank 议付银行nesting 配套.net settlement status 净结算状况,净结算头寸.neutral money 中介货币neutrality of the central bank 中央银行的中立性neutrality of the central bank 中央银行的中立性neutrality of the central bank 中央银行的中立性nominal account 名义帐户nominal deposit 名义存款non-member bank 非会员银行non-resident account 非居民存款notional principal 名义本金.notional sum 名义金额.off-balance-sheet 表外业务.offer rate 卖出汇率official borrowing 政府借款.official devaluation 法定贬值official rate (of exchange) 官方汇价official short-term credit 官方短期信用.offset reserve 坏帐准备金offset reserve 坏帐准备金offset reserve 坏帐准备金on a discount basis (以)折价形式.open account business (= open account tr赊帐交易open an account 开户open fair transaction tax 集市交易税.open market 公开市场.open market operation 公开市场业务open market operation 公开市场业务open market operation 公开市场业务open market policy 公开市场政策open market policy 公开市场政策open market policy 公开市场政策open mortgage 可资抵押.open negotiation 公开议付.open outcry 公开喊价,公开叫价.open policy 预约保单.open position (期货交易中的)头寸.open positions 敞口头寸.open-ended 开口的,无限制的,无限度的.opening order 开市价订单.operating bank 营业银行operating cash flow 营运现金流(量).operating lease 经营租赁.operating leases 操作租赁.operating risk 经营风险.operation account 交易帐户option 期权,选择权,买卖权.option buyer 期权的买方.option fee (=option premium or premium o期权费.option purchase price 期权的购进价格.option seller 期权的卖方.options on futures contract 期货合同的期权交易.ordinary bank 普通银行ordinary deposit 普通存款ordinary time deposit 普通定期存款our bank 开户银行out-of-the-money 无内在价值的期权.output-capital ratio 产出与资本的比率output-capital ratio 产出与资本的比率output-capital ratio 产出与资本的比率outright position 单笔头寸.outward documentary bill for collection 出口跟单汇票,出口押汇outward remittance 汇出汇款over-loan position 贷款超额over-loan position 贷款超额over-loan position 贷款超额overnight call loan 日拆.overseas bank 海外银行overseas branches 国外分行oversold 超卖over-the-counter 场外的,买卖双方直接交易的,不通过交易所交易的.over-the-counter (OTC) option 场外交易市场overvalued 估。
金衡盎司(Troy Ounce)是黄金的英制计量单位,主要在英国和美国使用,1金衡盎司等于31.10克。
三、黄金价格类型现货价格(Spot Price)是即期黄金交割的价格。
远期价格(Forward Price)是指定交割日远期合约的价格。
期货价格(Futures Price)是标准到期日期货合约的价格。
central banks持有黄金作为外汇储备。
7:净值 :即已将未平仓定单的盈亏列入计算所显示的实际余额,会随仓位的盈亏而变动。
o o offer (ask) 卖出价 - 在卖出时,卖方愿意依照的价格或汇率。
offsetting transaction 抵销交易 - 用於撤销或者抵销未结头寸的部分或全部市场风险的交易。
one cancels the other order (oco) 选择性委托单 - 一种突发性定单,执行定单的一部分将自动撤销定单的另一部分。
open order 开放定单 - 在市场价格向指定价位移动时买入或卖出的定单。
open position 未结头寸 - 尚未撤销或者清算的交易,此时投资者利益将受外汇汇率走势的影响。
over the counter (otc) 柜台市场 - 用於描述任何不在交易所进行的交易。
overnight position隔夜交易 - 直到第二个交易日仍保持开放的交易。
order 指令
- 一给以交易在特定日期执行的指示。
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Glossary 外汇投资词汇AggregateTotal amount of exposure a bank has with a customer for both spot and forward contracts. American OptionAn option which may be exercised at any valid business date throughout the life of the option.AppreciationDescribes a currency strengthening in response to market demand rather than by official action.ArbitrageA risk-free type of trading where the same instrument is bought and sold simultaneously in two different markets in order to cash in on the difference in these markets.AroundUsed in quoting forward "premium / discount".Ask PriceAsk is the lowest price acceptable to the buyer.AssetIn the context of foreign exchange it is the right to receive from a counterparty an amount of currency either in respect of a balance sheet asset (e.g. a loan) or at a specified future date in respect of an unmatched forward or spot deal.At BestAn instruction given to a dealer to buy or sell at the best rate that is currently available in the market.At or BetterAn order to deal at a specific rate or better.At Par Forward SpreadWhen the forward price is equivalent to the spot price.At the Price Stop-Loss OrderA stop-loss order that must be executed at the requested level regardless of market conditions.At-the-MoneyAn option whose strike/exercise price is equal to or near the current market price of the underlying instrument.AuctionSale of an item to the highest bidder. (1) A method commonly used in exchange control regimes for the allocation of foreign exchange. (2) A method for allocating government paper, such as US Treasury Bills. Small investors are given preferential access to the bills. The average issuing price is then computed on the basis of the competitive bids accepted. In some circumstances for government auctions it is the yield rather than the price which is bid.Average Rate OptionA contract where the exercise price is based on the difference between the strike price and the average spot rate over the contract period. Sometimes called an "Asian option".Back OfficeSettlement and related processes.Back to Back(1) Transaction where all the obligations and liabilities in one transaction are mirrored in a second transaction. (2) Transaction where a loan is made in one currency in one country against a loan in another country in another currency.Balance of PaymentsA systematic record of the economic transactions during a given period for a country.(1) The term is often used to mean either: (i) balance of payments on "current account"; or (ii) the current account plus certain long term capital movements. (2) The combination of the trade balance, current balance, capital account and invisible balance, which together make up the balance of payments total. Prolonged balance of payment deficits tend to lead to restrictions in capital transfers, and or decline in currency values.Balance of TradeThe value of exports less imports. Invisibles are normally excluded, and is otherwise referred to as mercantile or physical trade. Figures can be quoted on FoB/ FaS , customs cleared, or FoB export.BandThe range in which a currency is permitted to move. A system used in the ERM.Bank LineLine of credit granted by a bank to a customer, also known as a " line".Bank NotesBank notes are paper issued by the central or issuing bank and are legal tender, but are not usually considered to be part of the FX market. However bank notes can be converted, in some counties, into FX. Bank notes are normally priced at a premium to the current spot rate for a currency.Bank RateThe rate at which a central bank is prepared to lend money to its domestic banking system.Barrier OptionA family of path dependent options whose pay-off pattern and survival to the expiration date depend not only on the final price of the underlying currency but also on whether or not the underlying currency breaks a predetermined price level at any time during the life of the option. See Down and Out call/put, Down and in call/put, Up and out call/put, Up and in call/put.Base CurrencyThe currency in which the operating results of the bank or institution are reported.Base RateA term used in the UK for the rate used by banks to calculate the interest rate to borrowers. Top quality borrowers will pay a small amount over base.BasisThe difference between the cash price and futures price.Basis ConvergenceThe process whereby the basis tends towards zero as the contract expiry approaches.Basis PointOne per cent of one per cent.Basis PriceThe price expressed in terms of yield maturity or annual rate of return.Basis TradingTaking opposite positions in the cash and futures market with the intention of profiting from favorable movements in the basis.BasketA group of currencies normally used to manage the exchange rate of a currency. Sometimes referred to as a unit of account.BearA person who believes that prices will decline.Bear MarketA market in which prices decline sharply against a background of widespread pessimism (opposite of Bull Market).Bid PriceBid is the highest price that the seller is offering for the particular currency at the moment; the difference between the ask and the bid price is the spread. Together, the two prices constitute a quotation; the difference between the two is the spread. The bid-ask spread is stated as a percentage cost of transacting in foreign exchange.Big FigureRefers normally to the first three digits of an exchange rate that dealers treat as understood in quoting. For example a quote of "30/40" on dollar mark could indicates a price of 1.5530/40BIS: Bank of International Settlement.Bilateral ClearingA system used where foreign currency is limited. Payments are usually routed through the central banks, and sometimes require that the trade balance is equaled every year.Binary OptionsA binary "call" (or "step up") is like a standard European call option except that the pay off at expiry is fixed at one unit of the counter currency, if the call expires in the money.Black-Scholes ModelAn option pricing formula initially derived by Fisher Black and Myron Scholes for securities options and later refined by Black for options on futures. It is widely used in the currency markets.BookedThe recording of a transaction outside the country where the transaction is itself negotiated.BorisSlang for Russian trading.Break Even PointThe price of a financial instrument at which the option buyer recovers the premium, meaning that he makes neither a loss nor a gain. In the case of a call option, the break even point is the exercise price plus the premium.Break OutIn the options market, undoing a conversion or a reversal to restore the option buyer's original position.Bretton WoodsThe site of the conference which in 1944 led to the establishment of the post war foreign exchange system that remained intact until the early 1970s. The conference resulted in the formation of the IMF. The system fixed currencies in a fixed exchange rate system with 1% fluctuations of the currency to gold or the dollar.BrokerAn agent, who executes orders to buy and sell currencies and related instruments either for a commission or on a spread. Brokers are agents working on commission and notprincipals or agents acting on their own account. In the foreign exchange market brokers tend to act as intermediaries between banks bringing buyers and sellers together for a commission paid by the initiator or by both parties. There are four or five major global brokers operating through subsidiaries affiliates and partners in many countries.BrokerageCommission charged by a broker.BUBABundesbank, the reserve bank of Germany.BullA person who believes that prices will rise.Bull MarketA market characterized by rising prices.BulldogsSterling bonds issued in the UK by foreign institutions.BundesbankCentral Bank of Germany.Butterfly Spread(1) A futures butterfly spread is a spread trade in which multiple futures months are traded simultaneously at a differential. The trade basically consists of two futures spread transactions with either three or four different futures months at one differential.(2) An options butterfly spread is a combination of a bear and bull spread trade in which multiple options months and strike prices are traded simultaneously at a differential. The trade basically consists of two options spread transactions with either three or four different options months and strikes at one differentialCableA term used in the foreign exchange market for the US Dollar/British Pound rate.Cable TransferTelegraphic transfer of funds from one centre to another. Now synonymous with inter bank electronic fund transfer.Cable TransferTelegraphic transfer of funds from one centre to another. Now synonymous with inter bank electronic fund transfer.CallAn option that gives the holder the right to buy the underlying instrument at a specified price during a fixed period.Call OptionA call option confers the right but not the obligation to buy stock, shares or futures at a specified price.Capital AccountJuxtaposition of the long and short term capital imports and exports of a country.CarryThe interest cost of financing securities or other financial instruments held.Carry-Over ChargeA finance charge associated with the storing of commodities (or foreign exchange contracts) from one delivery date to another.CashNormally refers to an exchange transaction contracted for settlement on the day the deal is struck. This term is mainly used in the North American markets and those countries which rely for foreign exchange services on these markets because of time zone preference i.e. Latin America. In Europe and Asia, cash transactions are often referred to as value same day deals.Cash and CarryThe buying of an asset today and selling a future contract on the asset. A reverse cash and carry is possible by selling an asset and buying a future.Cash SettlementA procedure for settling futures contract where the cash difference between the future and the market price is paid instead of physical delivery.CBOEChicago Board Options Exchange.CBOT or CBTChicago Board of Trade.CDCertificate of Deposit.Central BankA central bank provides financial and banking services for a country's government and commercial banks. It implements the government's monetary policy, as well, by changing interest rates.Central RateExchange rates against the ECU adopted for each currency within the EMS.Currencies have limited movement from the central rate according to the relevant band.Certificate of Deposit (CD)A negotiable certificate in bearer form issued by a commercial bank as evidence of a deposit with that bank which states the maturity value, maturity rate and interest rate payable. CDs vary in size with maturities ranging from a few weeks to several years. CDs may normally be redeemed before maturity only by sale on the secondary market but may also be redeemed back to issuing bank through payment of a penalty.CFTCThe Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the US Federal regulatory agency for futures traded on commodity markets, including financial futures.CHAPSClearing House Automated Payment System.ChartistAn individual who studies graphs and charts of historic data to find trends and predict trend reversals which include the observance of certain patterns and characteristics of the charts to derive resistance levels, head and shoulders patterns, and double bottom or double top patterns which are thought to indicate trend reversals.CHIPSThe New York clearing house clearing system. (Clearing House Interbank Payment System). Most Euro transactions are cleared and settled through this system.CIBORCopenhagen Interbank Rate, the rate at which the banks lend the Danish Krone on an unsecured basis. The rate is calculated daily by the Danmarks Nationalbank (the Danish Central Bank), based on rules set out by the Danish Banker's Association.Closed PositionA transaction which leaves the trade with a zero net commitment to the market with respect to a particular currency.Closing Purchase TransactionThe purchase of an option identical to one already sold to liquidate a position.CMEChicago Mercantile Exchange.Coincident IndicatorAn economic indicator that generally moves in line with the general business cycle such as industrial production.ComexCommodity Exchange of New York.CommissionThe fee that a broker may charge clients for dealing on their behalf.Compound OptionAn option on an option, the dates and price of such option being fixed.ConfirmationA memorandum to the other party describing all the relevant details of the transaction.ContractAn agreement to buy or sell a specified amount of a particular currency or option for a specified month in the future (See Futures contract).Contract Expiration DateThe date on which a currency must be delivered to fulfill the terms of the contract. For options, the last day on which the option holder can exercise his right to buy or sell the underlying instrument or currency.Contract MonthThe month in which a futures contract matures or becomes deliverable if not liquidated or traded out before the date specified.Correspondent BankThe foreign banks representative who regularly performs services for a bank which has no branch in the relevant centre, e.g. to facilitate the transfer of funds. In the US this often occurs domestically due to inter state banking restrictions.Cost of CarryThe interest rate parity, where the forward price is determined by the cost of borrowing money in order to hold the position.Cost of Living IndexBroadly equivalent to Retail Price Index or Consumer price.CounterpartyThe customer or bank with which a foreign exchange deal is executed.Counterparty RisksForeign Currency Inter-bank Exchange (FOREX) instruments are Positions (Buys and/or Sell) between the Client and its Counterparty and, unlike exchange-traded foreign exchange instruments which are, in effect, guaranteed by a clearing organization affiliated with the exchange on which the instruments are traded, are not guaranteed by a clearing organization. Thus, when the Customer purchases an OTC foreign exchange instrument, itrelies on the Counterparty from which it has purchased the instrument to fulfill the contract. Failure of a Counterparty to fulfill a Position could result in losses of any prior payment made pursuant to the Positions as well as the loss of the expected benefit of the transaction.Country RiskFactors that affect currency trading unique to the specific country include political, regulatory, legal and holiday risks.Coupon(1) On bearer stocks, the detachable part of the hide behind nominee status. Certificate exchangeable for dividends.(2) Denotes the rate of interest on a fixed interest security.Coupon ValueThe annual rate of interest of a bond.Cover(1) To take out a forward foreign exchange contract.(2) To close out a short position by buying currency or securities which have been sold.Covered Interest Rate ArbitrageAn arbitrage approach which consists of borrowing currency A, exchanging it for currency B, investing currency B for the duration of the loan, and, after taking off the forward cover on maturity, showing a profit on the entire set of deals. It is based on the theorem of interest rate parity (one of the key theoretical economic relationships) which says that the return on a hedged foreign investment will just equal the domestic interest rate on investments of identical risk. When the covered interest rate differential between the two money markets is zero, there is no arbitrage incentive to move funds from one market to another.CPIConsumer Price Index. Monthly measure of the change in the prices of a defined basket of consumer goods including food, clothing, and transport. Countries vary in their approach to rents and mortgages.CPSSCommittee on Payment and Settlement Systems.Crawling Peg (Adjustable Peg)An exchange rate system where a country's exchange rate is "pegged" (i.e. fixed) in relation to another currency. The official rate may be changed from time to time.Credit RiskThe risk that a debtor will not repay; more specifically the risk that the counterparty does not have the currency promised to be delivered.Cross DealA foreign exchange deal entered into involving two currencies, neither of which is the base currency.Cross HedgeA technique using financial futures to hedge different but related cash instruments based on the view that the price movements between the instruments move in concert.Cross RateAn exchange rate between two currencies, usually constructed from the individual exchange rates of the two currencies, as most currencies are quoted against the dollar.Cross-TradeA cross-trade transaction is a transaction where either the buy broker and the sell broker are the same, or the buy broker and the sell broker belong to the same firm.CurrencyThe type of money that a country uses. It can be traded for other currencies on the foreign exchange market, so each currency has a value relative to another.Currency BasketVarious weightings of other currencies grouped together in relation to a basket currency (e.g. ECU or SDR). Sometimes used by currencies to fix their rate often on a trade weighted basket.Current AccountThe net balance of a country's international payment arising from exports and imports together with unilateral transfers such as aid and migrant remittances. It excludes capital flows.Current BalanceThe value of all exports (goods plus services) less all imports of a country over a specific period of time, equal to the sum of trade and invisible balances plus net receipt of interest, profits and dividends from abroad.CycleThe set of expiration dates applicable to different classes of optionDay OrderAn order that if not executed on the specific day is automatically canceled.Day TradingA Day Trading deal is a currency exchange deal which renews automatically every night at 22:00 (GMT time) starting the day the deal was made and until it ends. The deal ends in one of the following events:1.Termination initiated by you.2.The day trading rate has reached the Stop-Loss or Take Profit rate you predefined.3.The deal end date.As long as the deal is open, it is charged a renewal fee every night at 22:00 (GMT time). Deal DateThe date on which a transaction is agreed upon.Deal TicketThe primary method of recording the basic information relating to a transaction.DealerAn individual or firm acting as a principal, rather than as an agent, in the purchase and /or sale of securities. Dealers trade for their own account and risk in contrast to the brokers who trade only on behalf of their clients.Declaration DateThe latest day or time by which the buyer of an option must intimate to the seller his willingness or unwillingness to exercise the option.DeficitShortfall in the balance of trade, balance of payments, or government budgets.DeliveryThe settlement of a transaction by receipt or tender of a financial instrument or currency.Delivery DateThe date of maturity of the contract, when the final settlement of transaction is made by exchanging the currencies. This date is more commonly known as the value date.Delivery RiskA term to describe when a counterparty will not be able to complete his side of the deal. This risk is very high in case of over the counter transactions where there is no exchange which can stand as a guarantee to the trade between the two parties to the contract.DeltaThe ratio comparing the change in the price of the underlying asset to the corresponding change in the price of a derivative. Also referred as the "hedge ratio".Delta HedgingA method used by option writers to hedge risk exposure of written options by purchase or sale of the underlying instrument in proportion to the delta.Delta SpreadA ratio spread of options established as a neutral position by using the deltas of the options concerned to determine the hedge ratio.DepoDepositDerivativesA broad term relating to risk management instruments such as futures, options, swaps, etc. The contract value moves in relation to the underlying instrument or currency. The issue of derivatives and their control following large losses by banks and corporates has been subject of much debate.DeskTerm referring to a group dealing with a specific currency or currencies.DetailsAll the information required to finalize a foreign exchange transaction, i.e. name, rate, dates, and point of delivery.DevaluationDeliberate downward adjustment of a currency against its fixed parities or bands which is normally accompanied by formal announcement.Direct QuotationQuoting in fixed units of foreign currency against variable amounts of the domestic currency.DiscountLess than the spot price. For example, forward discount.Discount RateThe rate at which a bill is discounted. Specifically it refers to the rate at which a central bank is prepared to discount certain bills for financial institutions as a means of easing their liquidity, and is more accurately referred to as the official discount rateDomestic RatesThe interest rates applicable to deposits domiciled in the country of origin. Value and values may vary from Eurodeposits due to taxation and varying market practices.Economic ExposureReflects the impact of foreign exchange changes on the future competitive position of a company in the sense of the impact it can have on the future cash flows of the company.Economic IndicatorA statistic which indicates current economic growth rates and trends such as retail sales and employment.ECU - European Currency UnitA basket of the member currencies. As a composite unit, the ECU consists of all the European Community currencies, which are individually weighted. It was created by the European Monetary System with the eventual goal of replacing the individual European member currencies.Effective Exchange RateAn attempt to summarize the effects on a country's trade balance of its currency's changes against other currencies.EFTElectronic Fund Transfer.Either Way MarketIn the Euro Interbank deposit market where both bid and offer rates for a particular period are the same.EMSEuropean Monetary System.EMUEuropean Monetary Union.EOEEuropean Options Exchange.EpsilonThe change in the price of an option associated with a 1% change in implied volatility (technically the first derivative of the option price with respect to volatility). Also referred to as eta, vega, omega and kappa.ERMExchange Rate Mechanism.Euro ClearA computerized settlement and depository system for safe custody, delivery of, and payment for Eurobonds.European UnionThe group formerly known as the European Community.Exchange Rate RiskThe potential loss that could be incurred from an adverse movement in exchange rates.Exercise Price (Strike Price)The price at which an option can be exercised.ExoticA less broadly traded currency.Expiration Date(1) Options - the last date after which the option can no longer be exercised.(2) Bonds - the date on which a bond matures.Expiration MonthThe month in which an option expires.Expiry DateThe last day on which the holder of an option can exercise his right to buy or sell the underlying security.Expiry DateThe last date on which an option can be bought or sold.ExposureThe total amount of money loaned to a borrower or country. Banks set rules to prevent overexposure to any single borrower. In trading operations, it is the potential for running a profit or loss from fluctuations in market prices.Fast MarketRapid movement in a market caused by strong interest by buyers and/or sellers. In such circumstances price levels may be omitted and bid and offer quotations may occur too rapidly to be fully reported.FedThe United States Federal Reserve. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Membership is compulsory for Federal Reserve members. The corporation had deep involvement in the Savings and Loans crisis of the late 80s.Fed Fund RateThe interest rate on Fed funds. This is a closely watched short term interest rate as it signals the Feds view as to the state of the money supply.Fed FundsCash balances held by banks with their local Federal Reserve Bank. The normal transaction with these funds is an inter bank sale of a Fed fund deposit for one business day. Straight deals are where the funds are traded overnight on a unsecured basis.FEDAIForeign Exchange Dealers Association of India is an association of all dealers in foreign exchange which sets the ground rules for fixation of commissions and other charges and also determines the rules and regulations relating to day-to-day transactions in foreign exchange in India.Federal National Mortgage AssociationA privately owned but US government sponsored corporation that trades in residential mortgages. Its activities are funded by the sale of instruments commonly known as Fannie Maes.Federal Reserve BoardThe board of the Federal Reserve System, appointed by the US President for 14 year terms, one of whom is appointed for four years as chairman.Federal Reserve SystemThe central banking system of the US comprising 12 Federal Reserve Banks controlling 12 districts under the Federal Reserve Board. Membership of the Fed is compulsory for banks chartered by the Comptroller of Currency and optional for state chartered banks.Fiscal PolicyUse of taxation as a tool in implementing monetary policy.Fixed Exchange RateOfficial rate set by monetary authorities for one or more currencies. In practice, even fixed exchange rates are allowed to fluctuate between definite upper and lower bands, leading to intervention by the central bank.FixingA method of determining rates by normally finding a rate that balances buyers to sellers. Such a process occurs either once or twice daily at defined times. Used by some currencies particularly for establishing tourist rates . The system is also used in the London Bullion market.Flat/SquareWhere a client has not traded in that currency or where an earlier deal is reversed thereby creating a neutral (flat) position. example: you bought $500,000 then sold $500,000 = FLAT .Float(1) see Floating exchange rate.(2) Cash in hand or in the course of being transferred between banks(3) Federal Reserve Float arises from the system where cheques sent to the Federal Reserve Banks are credited sometimes in advance of the depositing bank loosening the reserve.Floating Exchange RateWhen the value of a currency is decided by the market forces dictating the demand and supply of that particular currency.Floor(1) An agreement with a counterparty that sets a lower limit to interest rates for the floor buyer for a stated time.(2) A term for an exchanges trading area (cf. screen based trading), normally the trading area is referred to as a pit in the commodities and futures markets.FOMCFederal Open Market Committee, the committee that sets money supply targets in the US which tend to be implemented through Fed Fund interest rates etc.。