五、装配圆柱销 添加圆柱销,选取光盘文件chapter9\ass9_2\ch9_1_4.prt。选 择定位方式为【配对】,打开【配对条件】对话框。单击 按钮, 选圆柱销和基础组件小孔中心, 【应用】完成中心配对。单击 按 钮,选择两零件端面,在【距离表达式】文本框中输入距离值“300” 【应用】完成距离配对。
七、创建爆炸视图 1.单击【爆炸视图】工具栏上的 话框,输入爆炸视图名称。 按钮,打开【创建爆炸视图】对
2.单击【爆炸视图】工具栏上的【自动爆炸组件】 按钮,选则全部 组件为爆炸组件,单击 按钮。 3.打开【爆炸距离】对话框,在【距离】文本框中输入参数值500, 单击 按钮。
4.单击【编辑爆炸】按钮 ,打开【编辑爆炸视图】对话框,选 择 单选按钮,选择YC轴,输入距离值800,即可将上一步获 得的爆炸图距离加大。 5.参照步骤4【编辑爆炸】的过程,将其它件沿选择的坐标方向和 移动距离进行移动,将全部组件分离,得到最后爆炸图。保存。
三、装配轴承零件2 过程同装配轴承零件1。
5.2.2 发动机活塞组件装配
2.装配活塞连杆。 3.装配套筒。
5.装配圆柱销。 6.装配活塞。 7.创建爆炸图。
一、创建装配文件,添加曲轴盘零件 1.建立新文件“ch9_2”,进入装 配模块。单击【添加现有组件】按 钮 ,打开【选择部件】对话框。 2.单击【选择部件文件】选项,选 取光盘文件chapter9\ass9_2\ch9 _1_1.prt,弹出【添加现有部件】 对话框。 3.接受默认设置,确定后弹出【点 构造器】对话框,确定原点为定位 点,则将曲轴盘添加到工作部件中。
复习CH51. 一个频带限制在0到m f 以内的低通信号m(t),用s f 速率进行理想抽样,m s f f 2≥,若要不失真的恢复m(t),低通滤波器带宽B与m f 和s f 的关系应满足: 。
A .m fB ≥ B .m m s f B f f ≥≥-C .m s f B f ≥≥D .m f B 2≥2. 设x(t)为调制信号,调频波的表示式为:))(cos(⎰∞-+tf c d x k t ττω,则FM 调制方式的瞬时相位偏差为 :A .()t x k fB .⎰∞-+t f c d x k t ττω)(C .()t x k t f c +ωD .⎰∞-t f d x k ττ)(3. 以奈奎斯特速率进行抽样得到的以下抽样信号,仅用理想低通滤波器不可能将原始信号恢复出来的是 。
A .自然抽样B .瞬时抽样C .理想抽样D .平顶抽样4. 将5路频率范围为0.3KHz —4KHz 的话音信号用FDM 方法传输。
当采用AM 调制方式时最小传输带宽为 ,采用SSB 调制时的最小传输带宽为 。
CH61. 在“0”、“1”等概率出现情况下,包含直流成分的码是:A .HDB3码B .单极性归零码C .双极性归零码D .AMI 码2. HDB3码中连零数最多有 个。
A .3B .2C .43. 在“0”、“1”等概率出现情况下,以下哪种码能够直接提取位同步信号 。
A .单极性不归零码B .双极性归零码C .单极性归零码D .双极性不归零码4. 线路编码中的AMI 码解决了 问题,但没有解决 问题。
A .码间干扰,噪声B .误码率,误差传播C .长连1,长连0D .长连0,误码率5. 如果采用理想低通传输特性,则PCM 信号所需的最小传输带宽是 。
A. 16KHz B . 32KHz C. 64KHz D.128KHz6. 选用_______传输形式,系统的频带利用率最高。
A .理想低通B .余弦滚降C .直线滚降D .升余弦7. 为了使基带脉冲传输获得足够小的误码率,必须最大限度的减少 。
由于本文图片皆来自于网络,如果无意间触犯了您的权益1.原始种:(Base Color):稀有度:☆原产于澳大利亚的内陆地区,在野外为群居生活。
[例图请参照介绍蛋白石的部分]2.灰翅种(Grewing or Dilution):稀有度:紫色、深蓝色灰翅:★★★★黄绿色、浅天空蓝灰翅:★☆深受虎皮鹦鹉彩虹种爱好者的喜爱,是培育彩虹的基础材料。
3. 蛋白石种(Opaline)稀有度:紫色、深蓝色:★★★天空蓝:★★绿色:★★蛋白石是培育各个复合品种的基础,例如培育彩虹珍珠都需要蛋白石,可以说是品种类基础鸟。
对培育复合品种意义:可培育珍珠彩虹,培育品种基础鸟小编:蛋白石与原始最好区分的地方就是倒三角了~~下图介绍4派特(Dominant Pied、Recessive Pied、Clearflight Pied)派特又分为三类:显性派特、隐性派特、亮飞行羽派特隐派:蓝白色、黄绿色隐派稀有度:★★全名隐性派特,属于市场上常见鸟之一。
we may have this multiplier
1 y 3 +( 2α − X ) yy +α (α − X + β XX ) y
by which that is returned integrable.
Translated and annotated by Ian Bruce.
page 528
1. 2 Pdx + dQ − dM = 0 and
II. PMdx + MdQ − M − II ⋅ 2 produces
− MdQ − MdM + 2α dQ + 2QdM = 0 or
y + Myy + Ny
the common denominator ignored gives : −2 Py 3 − PMy 2 = y 3 + Myy + Ny which following the ordered powers of y gives : 0 = 2 Py 3dx + PMy 2dx + y 3dQ + My 2dQ + NydQ − y 3dM − y 2dN − Qy 2dM − QydN from which the individual powers each are taken to zero, and in the first place we find NdQ − QdN = 0 or
3. 用顺序阀控制的泄压回路
Namuru FPGA GPS tracking module Issue 1.3January 2007Features∙12 channels (or user defined)∙ 6 correlator arms per channel∙Compatible with Zarlink GP2015 RF front end ∙Verilog or VHDL versionsOverviewThe Namuru tracking module provides tracking and measurement services to navigation firmware running on a micro-processor. The Namuru tracking module is well-suited for integrating location functionality into a device with an FPGA chip. The inherent flexibility of the FPGA solution provides advantages in the changing landscape of GNSS, and facilitating easy application specific modifications.Functional DescriptionThe design can be partitioned into three main blocks as seen in Fig. 1. There are a number (nominally 12) of identical tracking channels, a time-base block and a register and address decoder block for interfacing witha micro-processor.Figure 1. Tracking module block diagramTime-baseThe time-base provides two primary signals; the TIC, and the accumulator interrupt. The TIC signal synchronizes measurements across all channels. The accumulator interrupt provides an interrupt to the micro-processor so that accumulation and measurement data can be collected and processed. The time-base also provides a 40/7 MHz sample clock to the RF front end.Register and Bus Interface BlockThe tracking module attaches to a processor as a memory-mapped peripheral. In the test-bench system this is a NiosII soft core processor and the attaching process is handled by the SOPC builder in the ‘Quartus’software from Altera.The tracking module occupies a 256 byte address space, however many spare slots exist. The address map is provided in tables 1 to 4. Explanations of the register functions can be found in the following sections.Functionaddress offset (hex)block Channel 0 block 00 - 0F CH0Channel 1 block 10 – 1F CH1Channel 2 block 20 – 2F CH2Channel 3 block 30 – 3F CH3Channel 4 block 40 – 4F CH4Channel 5 block 50 – 5F CH5Channel 6 block 60 – 6F CH6Channel 7 block 70 – 7F CH7Channel 8 block 80 – 8F CH8Channel 9 block 90 – 9F CH9Channel 10 block A0 – AF CH10Channel 11 blockB0 - BF CH11C0 - CF spare D0 - DF spare Status block E0 - EF status Control blockF0 - FFcontrolTable 1. Address MapChannel block address offset (hex)register functionwrite 0PRN_KEYwrite 1CARRIER_NCO write 2CODE_NCO write 3CODE_SLEW read 4I_EARLY read 5Q_EARLY read 6I_PROMPT read 7Q_PROMPT read 8I_LATE read 9Q_LATEread A CARRIER_MEASUREMENT read B CODE_MEASUREMENT read C EPOCHread D EPOCH_CHECK writeE EPOCH_LOAD FspareTable 2. Tracking channel offsetsStatus blockaddress offset (hex)register function read (cleared by read)0STATUS read (cleared by read)1NEW_DATA read 2TIC_COUNTread3ACCUM_COUNT 4- FspareTable 3. Status block offsetsControl block address offset(hex)register function write 0RESET write 1PROG_TICwrite2PROG_ACCUM_INT 3- FspareTable 4. Control block offsetsTracking ChannelA block diagram of the tracking channel is given in figure 2. The primary blocks are the carrier_mixers, code_mixers, accumulators, carrier_nco, code_nco,code_generator and the epoch counter.Figure 2. Tracking channel block diagramThere are quadrature and in-phase arms for early, prompt and late accumulators. The early – late separation is one chip.Tracking Channel RegistersThe PRN_KEY register is used to set the gold code sequence for that channel. The key is a 10 bit initial value that is loaded into the G2 linear feedback shift register in the code generator. PRN key writes have immediate effect.The PRN keys are shown in table 3,in hexadecimal.13EC 112E8212603115823D8123A0220C0322B033B013340230CE 3316043601428024270340B0509615100250E035316612C 16200261C03622C 71961722627380370B0832C 1804C 28300925819098290561037420130300ACTable 5. PRN keysThe CARRIER_NCO register is used to control the frequency of the local carrier oscillator. It has a 30 bit wide accumulator. Writes to the carrier NCO register have an immediate effect on the frequency. The nominal center frequency is 1.405396825MHz.f = p X clk / 2^30, where:∙ f is the NCO frequency ∙p is the register value ∙clk is the clock frequency For a 40MHz clock, p = 0x23FA689 for the nominal center frequency.The resolution (increment value) is 0.037252902Hz The CODE_NCO register is used to control the frequency of the locally generated C/A code sequence.It has a 29 bit wide accumulator. Writes to the code NCO register have an immediate effect on the frequency. The code NCO operates at twice the C/A code chipping rate of 1.023MHz. This is to enable half-chip spacing between the early-prompt and late code sequences.Code f = 0.5 X p X clk / 2^29, where:∙Code f is the code frequency ∙p is the register value ∙clk is the clock frequencyFor a 40MHz clock, p = 0x1A30552 for the center frequency of 1.023MHz.The resolution (increment value) is 0.074505805Hz.The CODE_SLEW register controls the delay of the C/A code sequence at the start of the sequence. A write to this register will delay the start of the C/A sequence at the next dump. The range is 1 to 2045 half chips.I_EARLY is the accumulation value for the in-phase,early correlator arm.Q_EARLY is the accumulation value for the quadrature,early correlator armI_PROMPT is the accumulation value for the in-phase,prompt correlator armQ_PROMPT is the accumulation value for thequadrature, prompt correlator armI_LATE is the accumulation value for the in-phase, latecorrelator armQ_LATE is the accumulation value for the quadrature,late correlator armAll the accumulator registers represent 16 bit 2’s compliment numbers. These are overwritten on the tracking channels dump signal (~1ms period).The CARRIER_MEASUREMENT register provides a 32 bit value representing the carrier cycle count and phase, at the TIC. Bits [31:10] are the carrier cycle count since the last TIC. Bits [9:0] are the carrier NCO phase (top 10 accumulator bits).The CODE_MEASUREMENT register provides a 21 bit value representing the code half-chip number and code NCO phase at the TIC. Bits [20:10] are the code half chip number (0 to 2045). Bits [9:0] are the code NCO phase (top 10 accumulator bits).The EPOCH register provides a count of the C/A code sequence latched on the TIC. There are two counters, the C/A code sequence counter and the ‘bit’ counter. The code sequence counter increments on the dump signal and counts from 0 to 19 (represented by bits [4:0]). The bit counter increments when the codesequence counter rolls over and counts 0 to 49 (represented by bits [10:5]).The EPOCH_CHECK register provides the instantaneous epoch count. This register has the same structure as the epoch register, but is not latched on the TIC. Writing to the EPOCH_LOAD register results in the epoch counters being set to the values loaded. The counters will then continue counting from those values. Bits [4:0] is the C/A code sequence counter (1ms period). Bits [10:5] represent the bit counter.Status RegistersBit 0 of STATUS is 1 if a TIC has occurred since the last read. Bit 1 is 1 if an accumulator interrupt has occurred since the last read. Cleared on read.The NEW_DATA register provides accumulation status for each tracking channel. It is a bit map with tracking channel 0 represented by bit 0, channel 1 by bit 1 etc. Each bit is set to 1 when the corresponding channel accumulator registers have new data. This occurs on the channels ‘dump’ signal that is aligned to the beginning / end of the C/A code sequence. Note that each tracking channel has an independent dump cycle. Cleared on read.The TIC_COUNT register provides the current value of the 24 bit TIC down counter.The ACCUM_COUNT register provides the current value of the 24 bit ACCUM_INT down counter. Control RegistersA write to the RESET register resets the entire tracking module including the time base functions.The PROG_TIC register is used to set the TIC period. The value written to this register is used as a down counter.TIC period = (p + 1) / clock frequency, where p is the value written to the register.For a system with a 40MHz clock:p = (40X10^6 X TIC_period) – 1For a 100ms TIC, p = 0x3D08FFThe PROG_ACCUM_INT register is used to set the accumulator interrupt period. This period must be less than 1ms to ensure that accumulation data is not overwritten and lost.ACCUM period = (p + 1) / clock frequency,where p is the value written to the register.For a system with a 40MHz clock:p = (40X10^6 X ACCUM_period) – 1For a 500us interrupt p = 0x4E1F Resource UsageThe Namuru test bench system was built using Altera’s ‘Quartus’ software on a Cyclone II FPGA part (EP2C35F), with 35,000 logic elements (‘LEs’). The system includes a NiosII (II/f) soft-core processor with various peripherals (including JTAG and other serial comms) and extensive debug logic.∙Single tracking channel uses575LEs∙12 channel tracking module uses8890LE’s∙Full system uses 18201 LE’s。
• ⑤ 催化剂来源
• ⑥ 是否易于分离等。
• ① 浓硫酸 • 优点:酸性强、催化剂效果好、性质稳定、吸 水性强及价格低廉等,是应用最为广泛的催化 剂。 • 缺点:氧化性,易使反应物发生磺化、碳化或 聚合等副反应,对设备腐蚀严重,后处理麻烦, 产品色泽较深等。 • 注意:不饱和酸、羟基酸、甲酸、草酸和丙酮 酸等的酯化,不宜用硫酸催化,因为它能引起 加成、脱水或脱羧等副反应。
序 号 羧 酸 转 化 率/% 平衡常数K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
•Rˊ可以是脂肪族或芳香烃基; •RCOZ为酰化剂,其中的Z可以代表OH,X, OR″, OCOR″,NHR″等。
• • • • • • • • • • •
即,主要有以下几种: ① 羧酸与醇或酚作用: RˊOH + RCOOH ② 酸酐与醇或酚作用: RˊOH +(RCO)2O ③ 酰氯与醇或酚作用: RˊOH + RCOCl ④ 酯交换: R″OH + RCOORˊ R″COOH + RCOORˊ R″COOR‴ + RCOORˊ
• 缺点:耐高温性能较差,使用温度低于120℃,因此 限制了它们的应用范围。
树脂 C H 3C O O H C H 3 (C H 2 ) 3 O H S O 3 H ;C a S O 4 C H 3C O O C 4H 9 室温 ( 100% ) H 2O
第二章 饱和烃习题 写出分子式为C 6H 14烷烃和C 6H 12环烷烃的所有构造异构体,用短线式或缩简式表示。
(P26) 解:C 6H 14共有5个构造异构体:CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 3CHCH 2CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 2CHCH 2CH 3CH 3CH 3CCH 2CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH CHCH 3CH 3CH 3C 6H 12的环烷烃共有12个构造异构体:CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 33CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 2CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 9CH 3)2习题 下列化合物哪些是同一化合物哪些是构造异构体(P26) (1) CH 3C(CH 3)2CH 2CH 3 2,2-二甲基丁烷 (2) CH 3CH 2CH(CH 3)CH 2CH 3 3-甲基戊烷 (3) CH 3CH(CH 3)(CH 2)2CH 3 2-甲基戊烷 (4) (CH 3)2CHCH 2CH 2CH 3 2-甲基戊烷 (5)CH 3(CH 2)2CHCH 3CH 32-甲基戊烷(6) (CHJ 3CH 2)2CHCH 3 3-甲基戊烷解:(3)、(4)、(5)是同一化合物;(2)和(6)是同一化合物;(1)与(3)、(6)互为构造异构体。
(P29)(1)CH 3CH CHCH CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 3CH CH 3CH 23CH 31234567 2,3,5-三甲基-4-丙基庚烷(2)1234567CH 3CH CHCH CH 2CH 2CH 33CH CH 333 2,3-二甲基-4-异丙基庚烷(3)123456CH 3CH CHCH 2CHCH 3CH 3CH 3CH 32,3,5-三甲基己烷习题 下列化合物的系统命名是否正确如有错误予以改正。
30第九章 市场调查的组织与实施
6. 作业管理:解释整个调查操作流程;
7. 问题与解决方案:列举问题及解决方案。
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
CH9-2 调查前的准备 8
1. 招聘和培训; 2. 分配任务; 3. 监控调查过程; 4. 后勤服务:发放回收资料,经费管理; 5. 安全和隐私保护; 6. 调查特殊情况处理。
• 政策法规 • 调查对象情况 • 问题现场处置
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
CH9-2 调查前的准备 12
课堂培训 与被调查者建立良好关系,掌握调查技巧
模拟访问 模拟调查过程,体会调查情景
实习访问 实习调查访问,积累调查经验
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
CH9-2 调查前的准备 14
第九章 市场调查的组织与实施
第三节 数据收集过程
一 编规写定手调册查员的任务
二 调有查效员访的问招的聘关和键培和训提问方式
三 追问技巧
四 调查中的记录
五 访问中相关问题的处理
六五 结束访问
《市场调查理论与方法9-3 数据收集过程 21
二、有效访问的关键和提问方式 (二)提问方式
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
CH9-3 数据收集过程 22
第九章 市场调查的组织与实施
《市场调查理论与方法》 主编:徐映梅
学习目标 1 2
第九章 市场调查的组织与实施 主编:徐映梅
熟悉市场调查实施的全过程 明确公关工作的主要内容
CH9 保险费率(1)(2)-5-18 5-30共67页
在规定同一类别基本费率后,在具体承保中就个 别风险依其预期或实际损失的差别,在基本费率 的基础上进行费率的增减变动。
保险费是建立保险基金的主要来源,也是保险人 履行义务的经济基础。
每一保险金额单位与应缴纳保险费的比率 保险人用以计算保险费的标准 保险人承保一笔保险业务,用保险金额乘以保险费率就得
保险金额、保险费率及保险期限 三个因素均与保险费成正比关系,即保险金额越大,保险
当损失为1000元,应缴的保费为3720元 当损失为2万元,应缴的保费为28800元
但保费的缴纳有最高限额和最低限额,假设最低保费额为标 准保费的50%,最高保费额为标准保费的150%。当投保人 损失1000元,就必须缴纳5000元的保费,而不是3720元; 当投保人损失为2万元时,只需缴纳15000元,而不必缴纳 28800元。
是指保险费率的厘定应有利于促进防灾防损 对注重防灾防损工作的被保险人采取较低的费率
又被称为个别法或观察法,它就某一保险标的单独 厘定出费率,在厘定费率的过程中保险人主要依据 自己的判断。
在保险期开始时规定保险期间的最高保险费和最低保险费。 如实际损失小,那么调整后的保费低于最低保费,则按最 低保费收取;如果实际损失较大,调整后的保费高于最高 保费,则按最高保费收取。
A. 光电效应传感器B. 红外热释电探测器C. 固体图像传感器D. 光纤传感器2、下列光电器件是根据外光电效应做出的是()。
A. 光电管B. 光电池C. 光敏电阻D. 光敏二极管3、当光电管的阳极和阴极之间所加电压一定时,光通量与光电流之间的关系称为光电管的()。
A. 伏安特性B. 光照特性C. 光谱特性D. 频率特性4、下列光电器件是基于光导效应的是()。
A. 光电管B. 光电池C. 光敏电阻D. 光敏二极管5、光敏电阻的相对灵敏度与入射波长的关系称为()。
A. 伏安特性B. 光照特性C. 光谱特性D. 频率特性6、下列关于光敏二极管和光敏三极管的对比不正确的是()。
A. 光敏二极管的光电流很小,光敏三极管的光电流则较大B. 光敏二极管与光敏三极管的暗点流相差不大C. 工作频率较高时,应选用光敏二极管;工作频率较低时,应选用光敏三极管D. 光敏二极管的线性特性较差,而光敏三极管有很好的线性特性7、光电式传感器是利用()把光信号转换成电信号。
A. 被测量B. 光电效应C. 光电管D. 光电器件8、光敏电阻的特性是()A.有光照时亮电阻很大 B.无光照时暗电阻很小C.无光照时暗电流很大 D.受一定波长范围的光照时亮电流很大9、基于光生伏特效应工作的光电器件是()A.光电管 B.光敏电阻C.光电池 D.光电倍增管10、CCD以()为信号A. 电压B.电流C.电荷 D.电压或者电流11、构成CCD的基本单元是()A. P型硅B.PN结C. 光电二极管D.MOS电容器12、基于全反射被破坏而导致光纤特性改变的原理,可以做成()传感器,用于探测位移、压力、温度等变化。
A.位移B.压力C.温度D.光电13、光纤传感器一般由三部分组成,除光纤之外,还必须有光源和( )两个重要部件。
A.反射镜B.透镜C.光栅D.光探测器14、按照调制方式分类,光调制可以分为强度调制、相位调制、频率调制、波长调制以及( )等,所有这些调制过程都可以归结为将一个携带信息的信号叠加到载波光波上。
CH9 数据库完整性与安全_2
<procedureName>:过程名,必须符合标识符规则,且在数 据库中唯一; <parameterName>:参数名,存储过程可不带参数,参数可 以是变量、常量和表达式; OUTPUT:说明该参数是输出参数,被调用者获取使用。缺 省时表示是输入参数。
School of Information Technology, Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics 6
9.4 存储过程
存储过程存放在数据库中,且在服务器端运行; 对于不允许用户直接操作的表或视图,可通过调用存储过程来间接 地访问这些表或视图,达到一定程度的安全性; 这种安全性缘于用户对存储过程只有执行权限,没有查看权限; 拥有存储过程的执行权限,自动获取了存储过程中对相应表或视图 的操作权限; 这些操作权限仅能通过执行存储过程来实现,一旦脱离存储过程, 也就失去了相应操作权限。
第 9 章
9.4.1 创建存储过程
[例9.24] 输入某个同学的学号,统计该同学的平均分,并返 回该同学的姓名和平均分。 分析: 该过程涉及三个参数:
一个输入参数,设为@sNo,用于接收某同学的学号; 两个输出参数,用于返回查询到的同学姓名和平均分,设 为@sName 和@avg
定义局部变量@score,用于接收从游标集中获取的成绩; 定义局部变量@count,用于统计选课门数; 定义局部变量@sum,用于对成绩进行累加。
ch9-2 防火防爆对通风的要求
第2章防火防爆对通风的要求第1节通风导管及挡火闸2.1.1 导管的布置及挡火闸2.1.1.1 穿过耐火分隔的通风导管应保证耐火分隔的完整性不遭破坏。 厨房的通风导管,不得通过起居处所、服务处所或控制站,但符合下列两种情况之一者除外:(1) 厨房到每一挡火闸以外至少5m处,导管为A—60级标准,且:①导管为钢质,如宽度或直径为300mm及以下,所用钢板厚度至少为3mm;如其宽度或直径为760mm及以上,所用钢板厚度至少为5mm;如导管宽度或直径在300mm和760mm之间,所用钢板厚度按内插法求得;②导管有适当支承和加强;③导管在紧靠贯穿的限界面处设有自动挡火闸;(2) 穿过起居处所、服务处所或控制站的导管为A-60级标准,且钢质导管符合本款(1)中①和②的规定。 起居处所、服务处所或控制站的通风导管,均不得通过厨房,但符合下列两种情况之一者除外:(1) 保持厨房的限界面在贯穿处的完整性且通过厨房的导管符合本节2.1.1.2(1)①、②和③的规定。
(2) 在厨房内的导管为A-60级标准且符合本节2.1.1.2(1)①和②的规定。 非危险处所的通风导管不得穿过危险处所,除非采取措施保证通风导管内的压力始终高于危险处所5mm水柱,并且当此压力消失时在有人值班的控制室能够发出报警。 危险处所的通风导管不得穿过非危险处所。 2类和1类危险区的通风导管不能穿过0类危险区。 2类和1类危险区的通风导管一般情况下也不得互相穿过,当不可避免时,应采取措施保证1类危险区的可燃气体不可能漏至2类区。
2.1.2 导管材料及挡火闸2.1.2.1 通风导管应为不燃材料制成。
但对长度一般不超过2m、横截面积不超过0.02m2的短节导管,如其符合下列条件者除外:(1) 这些导管是用具有低着火危险的材料制成;(2) 这些导管只用作通风装置的末端;(3) 沿着导管量起,这些导管的敷设位置离开A或B级分隔(包括B级连续天花板)的开口间距不小于600mm。
今天,小朋友们在建构区搭了一个小滑梯,两个圆柱形 积木做支柱,三块长方形积木表现出了滑梯的主要特征。孩子 们高兴地喊我:“老师,快來看我们搭的滑梯。”几天后,孩 子们对滑梯的兴趣更浓,滑梯的造型也由简单的桥式滑梯转向 了旋转滑梯,同时他们也对转馬、旋转飞机产生了兴趣。于是 我趁机抓住了孩子们的兴趣点,引导他们讨论还有什么游乐器 械,从而生成了新的构建主題“游乐场里真有趣”。通过讨论, 大家选择了一些易于用积木表现的游乐设施,如旋转飞机、丛 林鼠、碰碰车、激流勇进、组合滑梯等,孩子们的搭建兴趣非 常浓厚。
四、建构游戏的结构技能 (一)从建构游戏的不同材料来看 建构游戏主要的结构技能包括排列、组合、插接、镶 嵌、编织、黏合、旋转等; 纸、线、绳以及竹、木、布等物品和自然物品材料需 要编织、黏合等技能; 积木等块状几何图形需要排列组合、铺平、延长、对 称、加宽、加长、 加高、间隔、围合、盖顶、搭台阶等 技能; 形状多样的各类积塑需要插接(如 一字插、十字插、 整对插、环形插、正方形插等)、镶嵌、整体连接、端点 连接、交叉连接、围合连接; 塑料或木质的螵丝系列需要捶打、敲击、旋转等技能。
(二)提供各种建构材料是学前儿童生成建构意愿的必要条 件 建构游戏作为一种建筑活动,是离不开建筑材料的。 建构游戏的材料是非常丰富的:由基本几何形体构成的 大、中、小型的成套的积木;金属的、木制的、塑料制的各 种可装拆的积塑、胶粒、插片、积铁;各种颜色和形状的串 珠、插板、拼板等。 这些定型的成品玩具为建构游戏的开展提供了必要的物 质保证。 幼儿园更应就地取材,充分利用多种原材料进行材料加 工。 此外,还可以为学前儿童提供或共同制造许多辅助材料, 如各色小旗、纸花、小树枝、橡皮泥、彩纸、大小纸盒、水 陆交通工具、动物园的小动物、小铲、小桶等。
Covaris E220 DNA Shearing Quick Guide
Quick Guide:This Quick Guide provides DNA Shearing protocols when using microTUBE-130, microTUBE-50, microTUBE-15, microTUBE-500, or miniTUBE and a Covaris E220 Focused-ultrasonicator.Revision History010308 K 1/17 Format Changes; Addition of microTUBE-500 AFA Fiber Screw-Capprotocols; update ‘Additional Accessories’; update Appendix B 010308 L 2/17 Changes to 8 microTUBE-50 Strip V2 protocols; addition of 8 microTUBE-15AFA Beads H Slit Strip V2 and 8 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber H Slit Strip V2010308 M 5/17 Addition of 96 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber Plate Thin Foil (PN 520232) and 130ul 96 microTUBE AFA Fiber Plate Thin Foil (PN 520230)010308 N 7/17 Add the names of the well plates definition for 520230 & 520232. Changedyear for Rev M Date.Values mentioned in this Quick Guide are nominal values. The tolerances are as follows: -Temperature +/-2°C-Sample volumeo microTUBE-15: from 15 to 20 µl, +/- 1 µlo microTUBE-50: 55 µl, +/- 2.5 µlo microTUBE Plate, Strip, Snap and Crimp Cap: 130 µl, +/- 5 µlo microTUBE-500: 500 µl, +/- 10 µl or 320 µl, +/- 10 µlo miniTUBE: 200 µl, +/- 10 µl-Water Level +/- 1Sample guidelines-DNA input: up to 5 µg purified DNA (1 µg for the microTUBE-15; minimum 320 ng for the microTUBE-500) -Buffer: Tris-EDTA, pH 8.0-DNA quality: Genomic DNA (> 10 kb). For lower quality DNA, Covaris recommends setting up a time dose response experiment for determining appropriate treatment times.-DO NOT use the microTUBE or miniTUBE for storage. Samples should be transferred after processing. Instrument setup-Refer to the instrument manual for complete setup.-microTUBE and miniTUBE have specific holders or racks associated with them.-E220 and E220 evolution may require the Intensifier (PN 500141). Refer to Appendix C for instructions.-E220 and E220 evolution may require Y-dithering. Refer to Appendix A for instructions.Instrument settings-Recommended settings are subject to change without notice.-Mean DNA fragment size distributions are based on electropherograms generated from the Agilent Bioanalyzer with the DNA 12000 Kit (cat# 5067-1509), with the exception of the 320 µl microTUBE-500 protocol (HighSensitivity DNA Kit, cat# 5067-4626). DNA fragment representation will vary with analytical systems, please carry out a time course experiment based on settings provided in this document to reach desired fragment sizedistribution.See /wp-content/uploads/pn_010308.pdf for updates to this document.130 µl sample volume - from 150 to 1,500 bpVessel microTUBEAFA FiberSnap-Cap(PN 520045)microTUBEAFA FiberCrimp-Cap(PN 520052)8 microTUBEStrip(PN 520053)96 microTUBEPlate(PN 520078)96 microTUBEAFA Fiber PlateThin Foil(PN 520230)Sample Volume 130 µlE220RacksRack 24 PlacemicroTUBESnap-Cap (PN500111)Rack 96 PlacemicroTUBECrimp-Cap(PN 500282)Rack 12 Place 8microTUBE Strip(PN 500191)No Rack needed Plate Definitions“500111 24microTUBEsnap +4mmoffset”“E220_500282Rack 96 PlacemicroTUBE-6mm offset”“E220_500191 8microTUBE stripPlate -6mmoffset”“E220_52007896 microTUBEPlate -6mmoffset”“E220_52023096 microTUBEPlate Thin Foil -6mm offset”Water Level 6Intensifier (PN 500141) YesY-dithering NoE220 evolutionRacks Rack E220e 8 Place microTUBECrimp and Snap Cap (PN 500433)Rack E220e 8microTUBE Strip(PN 500430)Non Compatible Plate Definitions“500433 E220e 8 microTUBECrimp and Snap Cap -3.7mmoffset”“500430 E220e 8microTUBE Strip-6mm offset”N/A Water Level 6Intensifier (PN 500141) YesY-dithering NoAllTemperature (°C) 7Target BP (Peak) 150 200 300 400 500 800 1,000 1,500 Peak Incident Power (W) 175 175 140 140 105 105 105 140 Duty Factor 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 2% Cycles per Burst 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Treatment Time (s) 430 180 80 55 80 50 40 15Vessel microTUBE-50Screw-Cap (PN 520166)8 microTUBE-50 AFA FiberStrip V2 (PN 520174)8 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber HSlit Strip V2 (PN 520240)96 microTUBE-50AFA Fiber Plate(PN 520168)96 microTUBE-50AFA Fiber Plate ThinFoil (PN 520232) Sample Volume 55 µlE220RacksRack 24 PlacemicroTUBE Screw-Cap (PN 500308)Rack 12 Place 8 microTUBEStrip (PN 500444) No Rack needed Plate Definitions“E220_500308 Rack24 Place microTUBE-50 Screw-Cap+6.5mm offset”“E220_500444 Rack 12 Place 8microTUBE-50 Strip V2-10mm offset”“E220_520168 96microTUBE-50 Plate-10.5mm offset”“E220_520232 96microTUBE-50 PlateThin Foil -10.5mmoffset”E220evolutionRacksRack E220e 4 PlacemicroTUBE ScrewCap (PN 500432)Rack E220e 8 microTUBE StripV2 (PN 500437) Non Compatible Plate Definitions“500432 E220e 4microTUBE-50 ScrewCap -8.32mm offset”“500437 E220e 8 microTUBE-50 Strip V2 -10mm offset” N/AAllTemperature (°C) 7Water Level 6 -2 0 Intensifier (PN 500141) Yes Yes YesY-dithering No No Yes (0.5mm Y-dither at10mm/s) Target BP (Peak) 150 200 250 300 350 400 550Screw-CapPeak Incident Power(W) 100 75 75 75 75 75 30Duty Factor 30% 20% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10%Cycles per Burst 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Treatment Time (s) 130 95 62 40 30 50 708-StripPeak Incident Power (W) 75 75 75 75 75 75 50Duty Factor 15% 15% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10%Cycles per Burst 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Treatment Time (s) 360 155 75 45 35 52 50 PlatePeak Incident Power (W) 100 100 75 75 75 75 75Duty Factor 30% 30% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10%Cycles per Burst 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Treatment Time (s) 145 90 70 49 34 50 32 The Y-dithering function is required for shearing with 96 microTUBE-50 plate (PN 520168). This function is only available on SonoLab versions 7.3 and up. Please see Appendix A for detailed instructions.Vessel microTUBE-15 AFA BeadsScrew-Cap (PN 520145)8 microTUBE-15 AFA BeadsStrip V2 (PN 520159)8 microTUBE-15 AFA BeadsH Slit Strip V2 (PN 520241)Sample Volume 15 µlE220Racks Rack 24 Place microTUBEScrew-Cap (PN 500308)Rack 12 Place 8 microTUBEStrip V2 (PN 500444) Plate Definitions“E220_500308 Rack 24 PlacemicroTUBE-15 Screw-Cap+15mm offset”“E220_500444 Rack 12 Place 8microTUBE-15 Strip V2 -1.5mmoffset”Water Level 10 6Intensifier (PN 500141) NoY-dithering NoE220evolutionRacks Rack E220e 4 Place microTUBEScrew Cap (PN 500432)Rack E220e 8 microTUBE StripV2 (PN 500437)Plate Definitions ”500432 E220e 4 microTUBE-15Screw Cap 0.18mm offset”“500437 E220e 8 microTUBE-15Strip V2 -1.58mm offset”Water Level 10 6Intensifier (PN 500141) NoY-dithering NoAllTemperature (°C) 20Target BP (Peak) 150 200 250 350 550Peak Incident Power (W) 18 18 18 18 18Duty Factor 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%Cycles per Burst 50 50 50 50 50Treatment Time (s) 300 120 80 45 22To ensure reproducible DNA shearing, it is required to centrifuge samples before processing DNA in amicroTUBE-15. Please see Appendix B for instructions.Please note that microTUBE-15 requires removal of the Intensifier (PN 500141) from the E220 focused-ultrasonicator. Please see Appendix C for instructions.200 µl sample - 2,000; 3,000 and 5,000 bpVesselminiTUBE Clear(PN 520064)Blue(PN 520065)Red(PN 520066) Sample Volume 200 µlE220Racks Rack 24 Place miniTUBE (PN 500205)Plate Definition “500205 24 miniTUBE +15mm offset”Water Level 11Intensifier (PN 500141) NoY-dithering NoE220evolutionRacks Rack E220e 4 Place miniTUBE (PN 500434)Plate definition “500434 E220e 4 miniTUBE 4.9mm offset”Water Level 11Intensifier (PN 500141) NoY-dithering NoAllTemperature (°C) 7 20 20 Target BP (Peak) 2,000 3,000 5,000miniTUBE Clear Blue RedPeak Incident Power (W) 3 3 25Duty Factor 20% 20% 20%Cycles per Burst 1000 1000 1000Treatment Time (s) 900 600 600Please note that miniTUBE requires removal of the Intensifier (PN 500141) from the E220 focused-ultrasonicator. Please see Appendix C for instructions.320 µl and 500 µl sample volume – from 150 to 600 bpVesselmicroTUBE-500 AFA Fiber Screw-Cap(PN 520185)Sample Volume320 µl 500 µlE220Rack Rack, 24 microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap (PN 500452)Plate Definition “E220_500452 Rack 24 Place microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap +6mmoffset” Water Level6 Intensifier (PN 500141)Yes Y-dithering NoE220 evolutionRackRack E220e 4 microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap (PN 500484) Plate Definition “500484 E220e 4 microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap -9.9mm offset”Water Level6 Intensifier (PN 500141)Yes Y-ditheringNo AllTemperature (°C)7Target BP (Peak)500 - 600150200350550Peak Incident Power (W) 75 175 175 175 175 Duty Factor 25% 20% 20% 20% 5% Cycles per Burst 200 200 200 200 200 Treatment Time (s)7540018055110To fragment DNA to sizes larger than 5 kb, Covaris offers the g-TUBE: a single-use device that shears genomic DNA into selected fragments sizes ranging from 6 kb to 20 kb. The only equipment needed is a compatible bench-top centrifuge.Additional AccessoriesPart Number Preparation stationsmicroTUBE Prep Station Snap & Screw Cap 500330 microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap Prep Station 500510 miniTUBE loading and unloading station 500207 8 microTUBE Strip Prep Station500327 Centrifuge and Heat Block microTUBE Screw-Cap Adapter Fits microTUBE Screw-Caps into bench top microcentrifuges500406 Centrifuge 8 microTUBE Strip V2 Adapter Fits the 8 microTUBE Strip into a Thermo Scientific TM mySPIN TM 12 mini centrifuge 500541 g-TUBEg-TUBEs (10) and prep station520079Appendix A – Using Y-dithering with SonoLab 7.3 and upA Y-dithering step is required for DNA shearing with the 96 microTUBE-50 Plate-This feature is only available on SonoLab versions 7.3 and up.-To obtain a copy of the SonoLab 7.3 and the Plate Definition installers, please employ the Registered Users Login on the Covaris website, -For any assistance in this process, please contact your local representative, or Covaris Global Technical Services at ***********************.Use the following steps to include Y-dithering in sample treatment1.Go into the Method Editor2.Select ‘Add Step’ and enter the treatment settings for the desired fragment sizea.Note: The following steps must be done for each individual treatment3.Select the Motion tab4.Enter the following values into the ‘X-Y Dithering Box’a.Y Dither (mm): 0.5b.X-Y Dither Speed (mm/sec): 10.0c.Both X Dither (mm) and X-Y Dwell (sec) should be set to 0Appendix B – microTUBE-15 centrifugation before DNA Shearing1.Sample loading and centrifugationmicroTUBE-15 AFA Beads Screw-CapLoad and centrifuge microTUBE-15 Screw-Cap as described before placing the tubes in the rack.If some of the sample splashes onto the wall of the microTUBE while removing from centrifuge or placing into rack, repeat centrifuge step. All liquid should be at the bottom of the microTUBE-15 before starting the AFA treatment.8 microTUBE-15 AFA Beads Strip V2The 8 microTUBE-15 AFA Beads Strip V2 will fit into the Covaris Centrifuge 8 microTUBE Strip V2 Adapter (PN 500541) for the Thermo Scientific TM mySPIN TM 12 mini centrifuge. Place the strip in the adapter and spin for a minimum of 1 minute.2.Sample processingUse settings provided in page 4.3.Sample recoveryRepeat the centrifuge step before recovering sample from microTUBE-15.Appendix C – Removing or Installing the Intensifier (Covaris PN 500141) from an E System The 500141 Intensifier is a small inverted stainless steel cone centered over the E Series transducer by four stainless wires. The wires are held by in a black plastic ring pressed into the transducer well.If an AFA protocol requires “no intensifier”, please remove the Intensifier, using the following steps:1.Empty the water bath. Start the E System and start the SonoLab software.2.Wait for the homing sequence to complete (the transducer will be lowered with the rack holder at it home position,allowing easy access to the Intensifier).3.Grasp opposite sides of plastic ring and gently pull the entire assembly out of the transducer well. Do not pull on the steelcone or the wires. The ring is a friction fit in the well – no hardware is used to hold it in place.The 500141 Intensifier (left) shown installed in the E System transducer well and (right) removed.Note the “UP” marking at the center of the Intensifier.If a protocol requires the Intensifier to be present, simply reverse this process:1.Align the black plastic ring with the perimeter of the transducer well. Note that the flat side of the center cone (marked UP)should be facing up (away from the transducer).2.Gently press each section of the ring into the well until the ring is seated uniformly in contact with the transducer, withapproximately 2 mm of the ring evenly exposed above the transducer assembly. Do not press on the cone or wires. The rotation of the ring relative to the transducer assembly is not important.3.Refill the tank. Degas and chill the water before proceeding.Technical Assistance•By telephone (+1 781 932 3959) during the hours of 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, United States Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) minus 05:00 hours•By e-mail at ***********************。
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an k 1, 即 an (k 1)bn , bn
⑵仿⑴同证. ⑶设级数
b 发散, 且
n 1 n
an lim , n b n
an 1 an bn , bn
n 1
则存在 N , 当 n N 时, 有
因级数 bn 发散 an 发散.
(1)n1 an ,
n 1
(an 0)
的一般项满足下列两个条件: ⑴ an 单调递减; ⑵ lim an 0,
(1)n1 an 收敛且其和 s a1. 则级数
n 1
记交错级数(9.7)的部分和为 sn . 因
s2n a1 a2 a3 a4 a2n1 a2n ,
k 1
k 1
1 , 则存在 N , 当 n N 时, 有
an 1 1, an
即, 当 n充分大时, 级数的一般项单调递增, 从而
lim an 0,
故, 级数
a 发散.
n 1 n
n 2n 例9.14 证明级数 n 是收敛的. n 1 3 n 2n 证 设 an n , 则 3
an a1 a2 a3 1 an , (an 0)
1 1 n 1 n 1 , (1) , 均为交错 例9.19 级数 (1) n 1 n1 n ln n n 1
交错级数审敛法(莱布尼茨定理) 如果交错级数
t 1 x
1 1 且级数 n 收敛, 所以级数 n n 收敛. n 1 3 2 n 1 3
1 1 lim n / n 1, n n 3 2 3
n 1 考虑级数 n , 由等比级数的收敛性, 知级数 n n 1 2 n 1 2
是收敛的, 但
事实上, 对任何常数 p , 总有
lim n 1,
n p n
1 而当 p分别取1, 2 时级数 p 有不同的收敛性. n 1 n
n3n 例9.16 判定级数 n 的收敛性. n 1 5
解 由比值审敛法, 因
n3 3 lim an lim 1, 5 n n 5 5
1 ⑴ 1 cos ; n n 1
解 ⑴因
1 . ⑵ n n n 1 3 2
1 1 1 1 lim 1 cos / 2 lim 1 cos / 2 n n n x x x
1 cos t sin t 1 lim lim , 2 t 0 t 0 2t t 2 1 1 而级数 2 收敛, 故级数 1 cos 收敛. n n 1 n 1 n
n 1 n n n 1
bn , 级数为正项级数, 且
an 是收敛的, 所以
因 an , cn 是收敛的
n 1 n 1
cn bn cn an ,
n 1
c b 收敛,
n 1 n n
bn 是收敛级数.
n 1
n 1
n 1
n 1
n 1
n 1
⑴设 bn 收敛, 且
n 1
由定义, 存在 N , 当 n N 时, 有
an lim k 0, n b n
b 收敛, 故 k 1 b 收敛, 从而 a
n 1 n
n 1 n
n 1
解 ⑴因
n n 1
n n 2 1 1 1 1 1 ⑵因级数 n 收敛, 且 n , 故级数 n .收敛. n n2 2 n 1 2 n 1 n 2
n 1
的级数与原级数进行比较. 但有时候找到这样的级数是
设正项级数 an 的部分和为 sn , 因 an
n 1Biblioteka 0, 故s1 s2 sn , 即数列 s n 是单调递增的. 若数列 s n 有上界,
数的部分和数列有界. 由此得到
反之, 若数列收敛, 则由收敛数列必有界的性质可知, 级
定理9.1 正项级数
第二节 常数项级数及其审敛法
本节讨论数项级数中的及类重要级数及相应的审敛法. 一、正项级数及其审敛法 二、交错级数及其审敛法 三、绝对收敛与条件收敛
n 1
a1 a2 an ,
若级数中的每一项 an 正项级数.
0 n 1,2, , 则称该级数为
极限形式的比较审敛法 设 an 与 bn 是两个正项级
n 1
n 1
数, 且 则
an lim k , n b n
⑴若 0 k , 则级数
a 与级数 b
n 1 n
⑵若 k 0, 且级数 bn 收敛, 则级数 an收敛; ⑶若 k , 且级数 bn 发散, 则级数 an 发散.
an 例9.18 讨论级数 p 的收敛性. n 1 n
解 因
n n n
a lim an lim p a, n n n 由根值审敛法, 当a 1时级数收敛, 当 a 1时级数发散, 而当 a 1时, 级数为 p 级数, 因而当p 1时级数收敛.
1 而当 p分别取1, 2 时级数 p 有不同的收敛性. n 1 n
根值审敛法 根值判别法 (Cauchy) 设正项级数
a 满足
n 1 n
lim n an ,
1时, 级数收敛; 1时, 级数发散.
证明思路与比值审敛法基本相似, 故证明从略.
值得注意的是, 该审敛法当 收敛性.
n 1
1 例9.12 判别级数 2 的收敛性. n 2 n n ln n
解 因
1 1 lim 2 / 2 1, n n n ln n n
1 1 收敛. 又 2 收敛, 故级数 2 n 2 n n ln n n2 n
例9.13 判定级数下列级数的收敛性:
1 1 1 , 1 p 1 p 1 n p 1
即, 部分和数列有界, 因 而级数收敛.
1 xp
例9.11 判定下列级数的收敛性: ⑴
n 1
1 n n2 1 1 1
1 n
3 2
1 ⑵ n . n 1 n 2 1 , 而级数 3/ 2 收敛, 所以 n1 n
注意到括号中的每一项都 0, 故 s2n 为递增数列. 又
s2n a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a2n a2n1 a2n a1 ,
s2n 为单调递增且有上界,
因而数列收敛, 即
lim s2 n s.
存在; 又
s2n1 s2n a2n1 ,
n 1 n, n 2 2
所以, 由比较判别法, 我们无法得到该级数的收敛性, 为此我们引入下面的判别法.
比值判别法(达朗贝尔) 设 an是正项级数, 若极限
an1 lim , n a n 有确定意义, 则当 1 时, 级数收敛; 1级数发散.
证 设
n 1
an1 (n 1)2n1 n2n n 1 2 2 lim lim / n lim . n1 n a n 3 3 n n 3 3 n
故, 级数收敛.
n! 例9.15 判定级数 n 的收敛性. n 1 n n! 解 令 an n , 则 n
n 1! / n! lim n n an1 lim lim n 1 n a n n n n n 1n n 1 n
an bn , n 1, 2,
n 1
n 1
⑴设级数 bn 收敛, 其和为 , 级数 an 的部分和
n 1 n 1
为sn , 则
sn ,
即, 部分和数列有界, 因而极限存在. 从而 an 收敛.
n 1
⑵若 an 发散, 部分和为sn , 设级数 bn , 部分和为 sn ,
1 n ln n n 1
例9.9 设级数 an , bn , cn , 满足 ⑴ an , cn 收敛; ⑵ an bn cn , 证明 bn 收敛.
n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1
c a , c
1 lim 1 e1 1, n n 1
值得注意的是, 该审敛法当 敛性.
事实上, 对任何常数 p , 总有