











一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分,每题四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.3i 等于( ) A. -3i B .-32 i C . i D .-i【知识点】复数代数形式的乘除运算.【答案解析】A 解析 :解:==﹣3i .故答案选:A .【思路点拨】利用复数的运算法则即可得出. 2.用数学归纳法证明1+a +2a +…+1n a +=-211n a a+--(a ≠1,n ∈N *),在验证n =1成立时,左边的项是( )A .1B .1+aC .1+a +2aD .1+a +2a +4a 【知识点】数学归纳法.【答案解析】C 解析 :解:当n=1时,易知左边=1+a+a 2, 故答案选C【思路点拨】在验证n=1时,左端计算所得的项.只需把n=1代入等式左边即可得到答案. 3 在验证吸烟与否与患肺炎与否有关的统计中,根据计算结果,认为这两件事情无关的可能性不足1%,那么2K 的一个可能取值为( )A .6.635B .5.024C .7.897D .3.841【知识点】独立性检验.【答案解析】C 解析 :解:∵计算出P (Χ2≥6.635)≈0.01, 这说明两件事情无关的可能性不足1%,即判断吸烟与患肺炎有关,合理的程度约为99%以上,由此可得C 正确. 故答案选:C .【思路点拨】同临界值表进行比较,得到假设两件事情无关不合理的程度约为99%,即无关的可能性不足1%,由临界值表可得答案.【典型总结】本题是一个独立性检验,熟练掌握临界值表及独立性检验的思想方法是解题的关键.4 在极坐标系中,以极点为坐标原点,极轴为x 轴正半轴,建立直角坐标系,点M (2,6π)的直角坐标是( )A .(2,1)B .,1)C .(1)D .(1,2)【知识点】极坐标刻画点的位置;简单曲线的极坐标方程.【答案解析】B 解析 :解:根据直角坐标和极坐标的互化公式x=ρcos θ、y=ρsin θ, 可得点M (2,)的直角坐标为(,1),故答案选:B .【思路点拨】根据直角坐标和极坐标的互化公式x=ρcosθ、y=ρsinθ,把点M (2,)化为直角坐标.5.在一个投掷硬币的游戏中,把一枚硬币连续抛两次,记“第一次出现正面”为事件A ,“第二次出现正面”为事件B ,则P (B |A )等于( )A.12B.14C.16D.18【知识点】条件概率与独立事件.【答案解析】A 解析 :解:由题意知本题是一个条件概率, 第一次出现正面的概率是,第一次出现正面且第二次也出现正面的概率是,∴P (B|A )=故答案选A .【思路点拨】本题是一个条件概率,第一次出现正面的概率是,第一次出现正面且第二次也出现正面的概率是,代入条件概率的概率公式得到结果.【典型总结】本题解题的关键是看出事件AB 同时发生的概率,正确使用条件概率的公式. 6.如图,阴影部分的面积是( )A .2 3B .2- 3 C.323 D.353【知识点】定积分在求面积中的应用.【答案解析】C 解析 :解:直线y=2x 与抛物线y=3﹣x 2解得交点为(﹣3,﹣6)和(1,2) 抛物线y=3﹣x 2与x 轴负半轴交点(﹣,0)设阴影部分面积为s ,则==所以阴影部分的面积为 ,故答案选:C .【思路点拨】求阴影部分的面积,先要对阴影部分进行分割到三个象限内,分别对三部分进行积分求和即可.7 我国第一艘航母“辽宁舰”在某次舰载机起降飞行训练中,有5架歼-15飞机准备着舰.如果甲、乙两机必须相邻着舰,而丙、丁两机不能相邻着舰,那么不同的着舰方法有( )A .12种B .18种C .24种D .48种【知识点】排列、组合及简单计数问题.【答案解析】C 解析 :解:把甲、乙看作1个元素和戊全排列,调整甲、乙,共有种方法,再把丙、丁插入到刚才“两个”元素排列产生的3个空位种,有种方法,由分步计算原理可得总的方法种数为:=24故答案选C【思路点拨】分两大步:把甲、乙看作1个元素和戊全排列,调整甲、乙,共有种方法,再把丙、丁插入到刚才“两个”元素排列产生的3个空位种,有种方法,由分步计算原理可得答案.8.81(3)x x+(n ∈N +)的展开式中含有常数项为第( )项A .4B .5C .6D .7 【知识点】二项式定理的应用.【答案解析】B 解析 :解:由于81(3)x x+(n ∈N +)的展开式的通项公式为8821881)33(r r n r r rr r T xC x C x +==⋅﹣﹣﹣(), 令8﹣2r=0,则r=4,∴81(3)x x+(n ∈N +)的展开式中含有常数项为第5项. 故答案选:B .【思路点拨】先求出二项式展开式的通项公式,再令x 的幂指数等于0,即可求得结论.9. 口袋中有n (n ∈N *)个白球,3个红球.依次从口袋中任取一球,如果取到红球,那么继续取球,且取出的红球不放回;如果取到白球,就停止取球.记取球的次数为X .若P (X =2)=730,则n 的值为( ) A .5 B .6 C .7 D .8 【知识点】等可能事件的概率. 【答案解析】C 解析 :解:P (X=2)=即7n 2﹣55n+42=0,即(7n ﹣6)(n ﹣7)=0.因为n ∈N *,所以n=7. 故答案选:C .【思路点拨】x=2 说明第一次取出的是红球,第二次取出的是白球,取球方法数为A 31•A N 1,所有的取球方法数23n A +.10 有四辆不同特警车准备进驻四个编号为1,2,3,4的人群聚集地,其中有一个地方没有特警车的方法共________种.A .144 B.182 C.106 D.170【知识点】排列、组合及简单计数问题.【答案解析】A 解析 :解:由题意,四辆不同特警车准备进驻四个编号为1,2,3,4的人群聚集地,其中有一个地方没有特警车,说明必须恰有一个地方有2辆特警车,再从四辆不同特警车中选两个作为一个元素,同另外两个元素在三个位置全排列,故共有C 42A 43=144种不同的放法. 故答案选:A【思路点拨】要保证恰好有一个地方没有特警车,则必须恰有一个地方有2辆特警车.先选两个元素作为一组再排列,再从四辆不同特警车中选两个作为一个元素,同另外两个元素在三个位置全排列,根据分步计数原理得到结果【典型总结】本题的考点是排列、组合的实际应用,主要考查分步计数原理,注意这种有条件的排列要分两步走,先选元素再排列.11直线的参数方程为0sin 501cos50x t y t ⎧=-⎪⎨=-⎪⎩ (t 为参数),则直线的倾斜角为( )A .040B .050C .0140D .0130 【知识点】直线的倾斜角.【答案解析】C 解析 :解:由直线的参数方程为(t 为参数),可得,∴α=1400,故答案选:C .【思路点拨】利用直线斜率的计算公式、正切函数的诱导公式即可得出. 12. 已知函数()f x =2x x ⋅,则下列结论正确的是( )A .当x =1ln2时()f x 取最大值B .当x =1ln2时()f x 取最小值C .当x =-1ln2时()f x 取最大值D .当x =-1ln2时()f x 取最小值【知识点】利用导数求最值. 【答案解析】D 解析 :解:()()2,()21ln 2xx f x x f x x '=⋅∴=+,11()0,()0ln 2ln 2f x x f x x ''>⇒>-<⇒<-,故当x =1ln 2-时()f x 取最小值 故答案选:D.【思路点拨】先对原函数求导,借助导数与单调性的关系判断出最值.卷II二、填空题 (本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13 在某项测量中,测量结果ξ服从正态分布N (1,σ2)(σ>0).若ξ在(0,1)内取值的概率为0.4,则ξ在(0,2)内取值的概率为________.【知识点】正态分布曲线的特点及曲线所表示的意义;概率的基本性质.【答案解析】0.8 解析 :解:∵ξ服从正态分布N (1,σ2),ξ在(0,1)内的概率为0.4, 由正态分布的对称性可知ξ在(1,2)内的取值概率也为0.4, ∴P (0<ξ<2)=P (0<ξ<1)+P (1<ξ<2)=0.4+0.4=0.8 故答案为:0.8【思路点拨】根据变量符合正态分布和ξ在(0,1)内的概率为0.4,由正态分布的对称性可知ξ在(1,2)内的取值概率也为0.4,根据互斥事件的概率得到要求的区间上的概率. 14 复数z 满足方程(1)z i --+=4,那么复数z 在复平面内对应的点P 的轨迹方程____________【知识点】复数求模;复数的代数表示法及其几何意义.【答案解析】22(1)(1)16x y ++-=解析 :解:设z=x+yi ,则由|z ﹣(﹣1+i )|=4得|(x+1)+(y ﹣1)i|=4, 即,则(x+1)2+(y ﹣1)2=16, 故答案为:22(1)(1)16x y ++-=.【思路点拨】根据复数模长的公式,建立方程即可得到结论. 15下列五个命题①任何两个变量都具有相关关系 ②圆的周长与该圆的半径具有相关关系 ③某商品的需求量与该商品的价格是一种非确定性关系④根据散点图求得的回归直线方程可能是没有意义的⑤两个变量间的相关关系可以通过回归直线,把非确定性问题转化为确定性问题进行研究 正确命题的序号为____________.【知识点】命题的真假判断与应用.【答案解析】③④⑤解析 :解:①任何两个变量不一定具有相关关系,故①错; ②圆的周长与该圆的半径是函数关系,而不是具有相关关系,故②错; ③某商品的需求量与该商品的价格是一种非确定性关系,故③正确; ④根据散点图求得的回归直线方程可能是没有意义的,故④正确;⑤两个变量间的相关关系可以通过回归直线,把非确定性问题转化为确定性问题进行研究,故⑤正确.故答案为:③④⑤【思路点拨】客观现象之间存在的互相依存关系叫相关关系,全称为统计相关关系.有如下两个特点:1.现象之间确实存在着数量上的依存关系.2.现象之间数量上的关系是不确定、不严格的依存关系. 根据相关关系的定义与回归分析的统计意义进行判断.16 古希腊毕达哥拉斯学派的数学家研究过各种多边形数。



















考试时间:120分钟 试题分数:150分 命题人:孙咏霞 校对人:王琪卷Ⅰ【试卷综析】试题保持稳定性和连续性,试题的题型、题量没有变化,全卷仍设填空题、选择题和解答题三种,试卷满分150分;覆盖面大,难度适中。


全面考查基础知识和基本技能;有不少题目紧扣教材,源于课本,又着重于对考生能力的考查;坚持理论联系实际,注重考察数学的应用意识;有利于培养学生分析和解决实际问题的能力,培养学生的创新意识和实践能力. 一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分,每小题有4个选项,其中有且仅有一个是正确的,把正确的选项填在答题卡中) 1.与角-6π终边相同的角是( )A .56π B. 3π C. 116π D. 23π2.某扇形的半径为1cm ,它的弧长为2cm ,那么该扇形的圆心角为( ) A .2° B. 4rad C. 4° D. 2rad 【知识点】扇形的弧长公式.【答案解析】D 解析 :解:因为扇形的弧长公式为l=r|α|,由已知,l=2,r=1,所以lrα==2弧度,故选D . 【思路点拨】由已知得到l=2,r=1代入扇形的弧长公式:l=r|α|,得到答案. 3.已知平面向量a =(3,1),b =(x,-3),且a ⊥b ,则x 等于( ) A .3 B.1 C.-1 D.-3 【知识点】数量积判断两个平面向量的垂直关系.【答案解析】B 解析 :解:a =(3,1),b =(x,-3),由a ⊥b ⇒3x+1³(-3)=0,即x=1.故选B .【思路点拨】由两向量垂直,直接用横坐标乘横坐标加纵坐标乘纵坐标等于0求解.4.某单位有职工750人,其中青年职工350人,中年职工250人,老年职工150人,为了了解该单位职工的健康情况,用分层抽样的方法从中抽取样本.若样本中的青年职工为7人,则样本容量为()A.7 B.25 C.15 D.355.在[0,2]内,满足sinx>cosx的x的取值范围是()6.如图1,在正六边形ABCDEF中,BA CD EF++=()A.0B.BEC.ADD.CF图1 图2 【知识点】向量的加法及其几何意义.【答案解析】D 解析 :解:根据正六边形的性质,我们易得BA CD EF ++=BA AF EF++=BF CB CF +=.故选D 【思路点拨】根据相等向量的概念与向量加法的多边形法则,进行向量加法运算即可.7.某时段内共有100辆汽车经过某一雷达地区,时速频率分布直方图如图2所示,则时速超过60km/h 的汽车数量为( )A .38辆B .28辆C .10辆D .5辆 【知识点】样本的频率估计总体分布.【答案解析】A 解析 :解:根据频率分步直方图可知时速超过60km/h 的概率是10³(0.01+0.028)=0.38,∵共有100辆车∴时速超过60km/h 的汽车数量为0.38³100=38(辆) 故选A .【思路点拨】根据频率分步直方图看出时速超过60km/h 的汽车的频率比组距的值,用这个值乘以组距,得到这个范围中的频率,用频率当概率,乘以100,得到时速超过60km/h 的汽车数量. 8.已知MP ,OM ,AT 分别为角θ()42ππθ<<的正弦线、余弦线、正切线,则一定有( )A.MP OM AT <<B.OM MP AT <<C.AT OM MP <<D.OM AT MP <<【知识点】三角函数线.【答案解析】B 解析 :解:由MP ,OM ,AT 分别为角θ()42ππθ<<的正弦线、余弦线、正切线,如图)2πθ<,所以OM <MP 又由图可以看出MP <AT,故可得OM <MP <AT【思路点拨】作出角θ的三角函数线图象,由图象进行判断 即可得到OM <MP <AT.9.利用计算机产生0~1之间的均匀随机数a ,则使关于x 的一元二次方程x 2-x+a=0无实根的概率为( )A .12 B.14 C.34 D.23解.a =(2,-1b =(1,1)c =(-5,1()a kb +∥c ,【知识点】平面向量共线(平行)的坐标表示.【答案解析】B 解析 :解:∵a =(2,-1),b =(1,1),∴a kb +=(2,−1)+k (1,1)=(2+k ,k −1),又c =(-5,1),且()a kb +∥c ,,【思路点拨】直接由向量的数乘及坐标加法运算求得()a kb +的坐标,然后直接利用向量共线的坐标表示列式求解k 的值.至少向左平移23π个单位.故选A .【思路点拨】根据函数y=Asin (ωx+φ)的图象变换规律,得出结论.12.阅读程序框图,当输入x 的值为-25时,输出x 的值为( ) A .-1 B .1 C .3 D .9 【知识点】循环结构.【答案解析】C 解析 :解:当输入x=-25时,|x|>1,执行循环,x 14=-=;|x|=4>1,执行循环,x 11=-=, |x|=1,退出循环,输出的结果为x=2³1+1=3.故选:C .【思路点拨】根据题意,按照程序框图的顺序进行执行,当|x|≤1时跳出 循环,输出结果.卷Ⅱ二、填空题(本大题共4个小题,每空5分,共20分,把正确答案填在题中横线上) 13.已知1,2,,60,2a b a b a b ==<>=+=则 【知识点】平面向量数量积的性质及其运算律.【答案解析】解析 1,2,,60,a b a b ==<>=∴a b cos601a b ⋅=⋅︒=由此可得2222444141412a b a a b b +=+⋅+=⨯+⨯+=(2)23a b +=故答案为:【思路点拨】先计算出向量的数量积a b ⋅的值,再根据向量模的定义,计算出212a b (2)+=,a b +的长度.14. 若α为锐角,且sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫α-π6=13,则sin α的值为________. 【知识点】两角和的正弦公式;三角函数求值.解析 :解: sin 6πα⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭=13,α为锐角,故63ππα<<,∴cos 6πα⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭, sin cos cos sin 666666sin ππππππαααα⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫∴=-+=-+- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦11332=+=,【思路点拨】先通过已知条件求出cos 6πα⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,然后把角α分解成66ππα⎛⎫-+ ⎪⎝⎭,再利用两角和的正弦公式求解即可.【知识点】正弦定理在解三角形中的应用.BC s i nA =,可得BC si nB 3s i AC s i nA s i n60⨯︒===︒,解析 :解:∵偶函数f(x)是最小正周期为π的周期函数,2f f 333ππππ-=-=()()()3π()=3πsin =【思路点拨】根据条件中所给的函数的周期性,奇偶性和函数的解析式,把要求的自变量变化到已知解析式的位置,再利用奇偶性变化到已知解析式的一段,代入解析式求出结果.【典型总结】本题考查函数的性质,遇到这种题目解题的关键是看清题目的发展方向,把要求的结果,向已知条件转化,注意使用函数的性质,特别是周期性. 三、解答题(本大题共6个大题,共70分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤) 17.(本小题满分10分(1)化简()f α;【答案解析】(1)()f α=cos - 解析 :解:(1)..........5分分求出sin α18. (试.这25位学生的考分编成的茎叶图,其中有一个数据因电脑操作员不小心删掉了(这里暂用x 来表示),但他清楚地记得两班学生成绩的中位数相同. (1)求这两个班学生成绩的中位数及x 的值;(2)如果将这些成绩分为“优秀”(得分在175分以上,包括175分)和“过关”,若学校再从这两个班获得“优秀”成绩的考生中选出3名代表学校参加比赛,求这3人中甲班至多有一人入选的概率.【思路点拨】(1)直接由茎叶图求出甲班学生成绩的中位数,由两班学生成绩的中位数相同求得x 的值;(2)用列举法写出从5名成绩优秀的学生中选出3人的所有方法种数,查出至多1名甲班同学的情况数,然后由古典概型概率计算公式求解. 19. (本小题满分12分) 已知函数f (x )=2sin x 4cos x 4+3cos x2.(1)求函数f (x )的最小正周期及最值;(2)令g (x )=f ⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫x +π3,判断函数g (x )的奇偶性,并说明理由.【知识点】三角函数中的恒等变换应用;三角函数的周期性及其求法;正弦函数的奇偶性.【答案解析】(1) 最小正周期4π ;(2) 函数g (x )是偶函数. (1)(x)f =f (x )的最小正周期∴函数g (x )是偶函数. ........................................ ...1分(1)若OA =-2OM ,求证:OA +OB +OC =0;(2)若P 为中线AM 上的一个动点,求P A →·(PB →+PC →)的最小值. 【知识点】平面向量数量积的运算.【答案解析】(1) 见解析;(2) 最小值-2. 解析 :解:(1)证明:∵M 是BC 的中点, ∴OM →=12(OB →+OC →)............................................3分代入OA →=-2OM →,得OA →=-OB →-OC →,...............................2分 即OA →+OB →+OC →=0.............................................1分(2)设|AP →|=x ,则|PM →|=2-x (0≤x ≤2).....................................1分∵M 是BC 的中点,∴PB →+PC →=2PM →...........................2分 ∴PA →²(PB →+PC →)=2PA →²AM →=-2|PA →||PM →|=-2x (2-x )=2(x 2-2x )=2(x -1)2-2,..............................2分 当x =1时,取最小值-2..................................................1分【思路点拨】(1) ∵M 是BC 的中点,∴OM →=12(OB →+OC →).代入OA →=-2OM →,得OA →=-OB →-OC →,即OA →+OB →+OC →=0(2) 若P 为中线AM 上的一个动点,若AM =2,我们易将PA →²(PB →+PC →),转化为-2|PA →||PM→|=2(x -1)2-2的形式,然后根据二次函数在定区间上的最值的求法,得到答案. 21. (本小题满分12分)在△ABC 中,a ,b ,c 分别为内角A ,B ,C 的对边,且2asinA=(2b+c )sinB+(2c+b )sinC . (1)求A 的大小;(2)求sinB+sinC 的最大值. 【知识点】余弦函数的应用.sin(60B)+ (2)代入2asinA=(2b+c )sinB+(2c+b )sinC 求出a 2=b 2+c 2+bc 再与余弦定理联立方程,可求出cosA 的值,进而求出A 的值.(2)根据(Ⅰ)中A 的值,可知c=60°-B ,化简得sin (60°+B )根据三角函数的性质,得出最大值.22. (本小题满分12分)设函数f (x )=sin(2x +φ)(-π<φ<0),y =f (x )图象的一条对称轴是直线x =π8.(1)求φ;(2) 求函数y =f (x )的单调增区间;(3)画出函数y =f (x )在区间[0,π]上的图象.第 11 页 共 11 页【知识点】三角函数的对称性;三角函数的单调区间;五点作图法.22【思路点拨】(1)函数f (x )=sin(2x +φ)(-π<φ<0),y =f (x )图象的一条对称轴是直线x +ϕ=k π+(2)求函数y=f (x )的单调增区间可令2k π−2π≤2x −34π≤2k π+2π,k ∈Z ,解出x 的取值范围即可得到函数的单调递增区间.(3)由五点法作图的规则,列出表格,作出图象.。



辽宁省东北育才学校、省实验中学、大连二十高(新疆部)三校2013-2014学年高一下学期期末联考生物试题一、单选题(1-20题,每题1分,21-40,每题2分,共60分)1. 下列各组性状中,属于相对性状的是 ( )A.兔的长毛和短毛 B.玉米的黄粒与圆粒C.鸡的长腿和毛腿 D.马的白毛和羊的黑毛2.下列各项中,属于种群的是( )A. 一个池塘中的全部衣藻B. 一个池塘中的全部水生植物C. 一个池塘中的全部生物D. 一个池塘中的全部生物和非生物3.在生命系统的结构层次中,植物不具备的是( )A. 组织B. 系统C. 器官D.群落4.一位鸟类学家正在研究某一种鸟的季节性迁徙行为;一位果树专家正在研究某种果树的丰产措施。

他们研究的对象分别属于( )A. 种群、群落B. 群落、生态系统C. 物种、种群D. 种群、生态系统5.比较小麦和家兔体内的各种化学元素( )A.种类和含量都相差很大 B.种类和含量都相差不大C.种类相差很大,含量大体相同 D.种类大体相同,含量相差很大6.关于生物体内氨基酸的叙述错误的是( )A.构成蛋白质的氨基酸分子的结构通式是B.人体内氨基酸的分解代谢终产物是水、二氧化碳和尿素C.人体内所有氨基酸均可以互相转化D.两个氨基酸通过脱水缩合形成二肽7.细胞内结合水的生理作用是( )A.各种离子、分子的良好溶剂 B.为各种生化反应提供液体环境C.吸收热量维持体温恒定 D.细胞结构的组成物质之一8.若给予放射性同位素标记的氨基酸研究胰腺细胞合成和分泌消化酶(属于蛋白质)的过程,放射性标记先后出现在( )A.高尔基体、内质网、核糖体 B.内质网、高尔基体、核糖体C.核糖体、内质网、高尔基体 D.核糖体、高尔基体、内质网9. 下列关于高倍物镜使用的叙述中,正确的是( ))A. 因为藓类的叶片大,在高倍镜下容易找到,所以可以直接使用高倍物镜观察B. 在低倍镜下找到叶片细胞,即可换高倍物镜观察C. 换用高倍物镜后,必须先用粗准焦螺旋调焦,再用细准焦螺旋调至物像最清晰D. 为了使高倍镜下的视野亮一些,可使用最大的光圈或凹面反光镜10.细胞膜的结构特点是( )A.磷脂含量多蛋白质少B.是一种选择透过性膜C.由磷脂和蛋白质分子构成且蛋白质有流动性D.构成膜的磷脂分子和蛋白质分子具有流动性11.用显微镜观察洋葱根尖的装片时,为使视野内看到的细胞数目最多,应选用( ) A.目镜5× 物镜10× B.目镜10× 物镜15×C.目镜5× 物镜40×D.目镜10× 物镜40×12.“SARS”病毒的遗传物质中含有核苷酸的种类及碱基的种类分别是( )A.1、4 B.5、8 C.4、4 D.5、413.ATP转化为 ADP 可表示如下:式中X代表( )A.H2O B.[H] C.P D.Pi14.在分泌蛋白的合成、运输、加工和分泌过程中,需要大量的能量,该能量直接来自于( ) A.C6H12O6的分解 B.蛋白质的分解C.ATP的水解D.脂肪的分解15.光合作用的暗反应中,CO2的固定和还原需要光反应产生的( )A.CO2和[H]B.[H]ATP和酶C.[H]和O2D.ATP和[H]16.下图是胎儿手的发育过程图,下列有关说法错误的是( )A.胎儿手的发育过程中细胞的凋亡使得五指分开B.此时手的组成细胞中不存在衰老的细胞C.若此时受到致癌因子的影响,细胞更容易发生癌变D.此过程中存在着细胞的分化17.下列关于细胞分化、衰老、凋亡和癌变的叙述正确的有( )A.个体发育过程中细胞的衰老对生物体都是有害的B.由造血干细胞分化成红细胞的过程是可逆的C.癌细胞容易在体内转移,与其细胞膜上糖蛋白等物质减少无关D.原癌基因和抑癌基因的变异是细胞癌变的内因18.血红蛋白是由574个氨基酸构成的蛋白质,含四条多肽链,那么在形成肽链过程中,其肽键的数目和脱下的水分子数分别是( )A.573和573 B.570和570 C.572和572 D.571和57119.在孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验中,必须对母本采取的措施是( )①开花前人工去雄②开花后人工去雄③自花授粉前人工去雄④去雄后自然授粉⑤去雄后人工授粉⑥授粉后套袋隔离⑦授粉后自然发育A.①④⑦ B.②④⑥ C.③⑤⑥ D.①⑤⑥20.下列关于基因的叙述中,不正确的是( )A.不同的基因含有不同的遗传信息B.每一个DNA分子片段都有一个基因C.不同的基因分别控制着不同的遗传性状D.基因存在于染色体上,且在染色体上呈线性排列21.某DNA分子一条链上的腺嘌呤为17%,胞嘧啶为22%,那么另一条链上的鸟嘌呤和胸腺嘧啶之和应为( )A.39% B.50% C.55% D.61%22.下列各图,能正确表示显微镜下观察到的紫色洋葱表皮细胞质壁分离现象的是( )23.某双链DNA分子中,A为200个,占碱基总数的20%。



哈尔滨师大附中 东北师大附中 辽宁省实验中学2024年高三第一次联合模拟考试数学注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上.2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,定在.本试卷上无效.3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.一、单项选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合{}1,2M =,(){}2log 212x N x −≤=∈R ,则M N = ( ) A .{}1B .{}2C .{}1,2D .∅2.已知复数z 的共轭复数是z ,若i 1i z ⋅=−,则z =( ) A .1i −+B .1i −−C .1i −D .1i +3.已知函数()y f x =是定义在R 上的奇函数,且当0x <时,()2af x x x=+,若()38f =−,则a =( ) A .3−B .3C .13D .13−4.已知平面直角坐标系xOy 中,椭圆C :22221x y a b+=(0a b >>)的左顶点和上顶点分别为A ,B ,过左焦点F 且平行于直线AB 的直线交y 轴于点D ,若2OD DB =,则椭圆C 的离心率为( )A .12B C .13D .235.()521x x y y −−的展开式中32x y 的系数为( ) A .55B .70−C .30D .25−6.已知正四棱锥P ABCD −各顶点都在同一球面上,且正四棱锥底面边长为4,体积为643,则该球表面积为( ) A .9πB .36πC .4πD .4π37.已知函数()22e e xx f x ax −=−−,若0x ≥时,恒有()0f x ≥,则a 的取值范围是( )A .(],2−∞B .(],4−∞C .[)2,+∞D .[)4,+∞8.设1033e a =,11ln 10b =,ln 2.210c =,则( ) A .a b c <<B .c b a <<C .b c a <<D .a c b <<二、多项选择题:本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.等差数列{}n a 中,10a >,则下列命题正确的是( ) A .若374a a +=,则918S =B .若150S >,160S <,则2289a a > C .若211a a +=,349a a +=,则7825a a += D .若810a S =,则90S >,100S <10.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,抛物线C :24y x =的焦点为F ,点P 在抛物线C 上,点Q 在抛物线C 的准线上,则以下命题正确的是( ) A .PQ PF +的最小值是2 B .PQ PF ≥C .当点P 的纵坐标为4时,存在点Q ,使得3QF FP =D .若PQF △是等边三角形,则点P 的橫坐标是311.在一个只有一条环形道路的小镇上,有2家酒馆A ,一个酒鬼家住在D ,其相对位置关系如图所示.小镇的环形道路可以视为8段小路,每段小路需要步行3分钟时间.某天晚上酒鬼从酒馆喝完酒后离开,因为醉酒,所以酒鬼在每段小路的起点都等可能的选择顺时针或者逆时针的走完这段小路。



辽宁省实验中学、东北育才、鞍山一中等五校2023-2024学年高三上学期期末联考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解The Children’s Museum of Manhattan Exhibitions Beginning in 2024Adventures with Dora and Diego(Ages: 3-6 years)Join Diego on a series of animal rescue missions. Learn facts about animals and their habitats by helping Diego rescue animals in trouble. Explore a cave, a beach and the rainforest or rub animal footprints, even build a Bear’s nest! By helping Dora and her friends. kids will learn problem-solving skills, and gain a greater appreciator and awareness of Latin American culture.Inside Art(Ages: 4-10 years)The exhibition continues our tradition of providing families with access to beautiful, complex, and challenging art, as well as access to working artists and opportunities for art making. Come to celebrate art as a vehicle for building healthy communities and explore ideas of home and identity.PlayWorks(Ages: birth years)We’ve designed every aspect of PlayWorks TM to help families prepare children to enter school. By combining hands-on games and learning, PlayWorks TM creates a fun and rewarding experience for children.For adults, PlayWorksn TM provides an opportunity to observe each child’s unique learning style and appreciate how play creates a strong foundation for later learning. This innovative environment includes Alphie -a giant talking dragon who “cats” letters! Come lo get more resources to support your child’s language development.Superpowered Metropolis: Early Learning City (Ages: 2-6 years)The exhibit invites children and their grown-ups to feel like heroes, building their learning brain skills together. These skills, known as executive functions, include self-control. working memory, and mental flexibility. Children practice these learning “superpowers” with Zip, Zap, and Zoom, who guide families on a series of city adventures exploring the subways, parks, music, travel, tree houses, and more.1.Which exhibition is suitable for a boy aged 3 who is learning spelling?A.Adventures with Dora and Diego B.Inside ArtC.Superpowered Metropolis: Early Learning City D.PlayWorks2.What is a child expected to learn after attending Adventures with Dora and Diego?A.Learn more about nature and culture.B.Draw a map of city subways and parks.C.Graduate with a specific qualification.D.Get resources for language learning. 3.What do the four exhibitions have in common?A.They are free of charge for kids.B.They are only designed for kids.C.They improve kids’ academic performance.D.They provide kids with hands-on experience.For his entire life, Sergio Peralta from the US dreamed about playing catch. When he was born, his right hand didn’t fully develop, with only tiny fingers at the end of his arm. So he learned to write, eat and carry books with only one hand. Over the years, the 15-year-old lost hope that anything would change.Peralta said on his first day of high school he honestly felt like hiding his hand in his sleeve, so nobody would ever find out. But his classmates, to his surprise, supported him in a way he never expected. The school’s engineering teacher, Jeff Wilkins, came and told him that his fellow students might be able to help.“They ended up offering, ‘We could build your prosthetic (假体的) hand,’ and I never expected it,” he told CBS News. “Like, never in a million years.” Three students used their access to online models of prostheses and a 3D printer to make a plan. After four weeks, their project came to fruition. They used polylactic acid (聚乳酸), a common material in 3D printing that’s also used to make electronic devices, as the hand’s main fabric. They applied another plastic material commonly found in phone shells to make the fingers spread and squeeze objects. And they added a fishing line, so Peralta could fix the hand to his forearm.Bob Cotter, the principal of Hendersonville High School, told the BBC that his students are encouraged to turn concepts “into reality”, adding that Peralta’s new prosthesis is “a proof to the students who care about each other”.Peralta-who grew up learning to do everything with his left hand-was even able to catch a baseball with the prosthetic hand created by his classmates. “When I caught it for the first time, everyone started freaking out.” Peralta said with a smile. “It was the first time I caught a ball with my right hand in my IS years.”4.How did Sergio feel about his hand when he started high school?A.He felt at a loss for it.B.He felt unaffected by itC.He was optimistic about it.D.He was open to accepting it5.What do we know about the prosthesis made by Peralta’s classmates?A.It was finished in four months.B.It could be controlled by a phone.C.Its main material is polylactic acid.D.Its fingers were not flexible enough. 6.What does Peralta’s new prosthesis show according to Bob Cotter?A.The students’ critical thinking.B.The students’ imagination.C.The students’ determination.D.The students’ mutual support. 7.What does the underlined phrase “freaking out” in the last paragraph probably mean?A.Feeling panicked.B.Becoming overjoyed.C.Calming down.D.Showing concern.Middle school. For teens and their parents. the two words can arouse anxiety, fear and even horror. Kids are, all of a sudden, really growing up. Their bodies are changing: they’re dropping some of their childhood interests and trying on new ones. Friendships form and are torn apart. Academic expectations grow bigger.But some books-like the novel Curlfriends: New in Town, written and drawn by Sharee Miller-remind us of the many possibilities and excitements that present themselves within those challenging years.The book follows 12-year-old Charlie Harper, beginning her first day of middle school. This is no small change, and in order ta cope. Charlie promises to “completely reinvent” herself. She is tired of letting other people label her and is ready to take control of her own story. What follows is a series of meetings, first with Nola. She introduces Charlie to her lunchtime crew. The girls come together around shared particulars of their lives-homework. girlhood and fashion -even if their differences in tastes and personalities create cracks of uncertainty from time to time.Curlfriends is a delightful book packed with sunny illustrations. It also cuts into the heart of the challenging tensions that are part of this intermediate stage of life. Young teens want to be known and seen by others, but they are also coming to terms with who they are. It can be tricky, for example, to distinguish between the passions and pastimes that your parents picked for you and those you actively care to pursue. It can be difficult to figure out what youlike and what you are like.Curlfriends is also a book about finding one’s passions, responsibilities and independence despite changing situations. It is as much about expressions of self-respect as it is about showing care for others. The one constant in Charlie’s life is her love of drawing. and it’s through art that she figures out how to mark her place in middle school. It’s not all under her control, but, as with good art, sometimes mistakes along the way end up making for the most amazing details.8.What is the central theme explored in Curlfriends: New in Town?A.The challenges of studies during the teenage years.B.The difficulty of making new friends in middle school.C.The transformations and opportunities in growing up.D.The impact of parental expectations on teenagers.9.What does Charlie plan to do in middle school?A.Listen to others more carefully.B.Follow her heart and passions.C.Live up to her parents’ expectations.D.Be more confident and outgoing. 10.What is the tone of the book Curlfriends: New in Town?A.Serious and formal.B.Light-hearted and inspiring.C.Humorous and carefree.D.Cold and indifferent.11.What can be the best title of the text?A.Finding Her Place B.Maintaining Friendships.C.Changing with Times.D.Seeking the Passions.In the summer of 2019, Tomas Quinones was undertaking a seven-day “bikepacking” trip, covering some remote desert in Southern Oregon, US. His trip had been marked with the usual minor troubles. But there had also been those moments of unexpected kindness from strangers.On the last day of his trip, he was riding down a dusty track when he came upon a man lying unconscious on the desert floor. Quinones tried to give him some water with little success. Luckily, he called the emergency rescue team and an ambulance arrived within an hour. “I never had a doubt about what I would do,” he said. Quinones, who’d received some gestures of help over the course of his trip, paid it forward.The odds are, if you’ve spent any time in the wild, you’ll have experienced thesegestures of kindness from strangers or given them yourself too even if they were nothing so dramatic as the aid given by Quinones.So what is it about being outside in nature that makes people want to help others? The first explanation is that in the wild, there may not be any other help. According to the “bystander effect”, the more people who are in the presence of someone needing help, the less likely any of those people are to actually provide it.But another idea is that there is something about nature itself that seems to promote “prosocial” attitudes. As a recent study suggests, exposure to nature can promote feelings of transcendence-a sense of connection to other people, to the world around us and to the universe.When we take adventure into the wild, we are easy to get hurt. And that makes us look at the world differently. So, in the wild, where we lose our normal possessions, surroundings and identities, we seem more willing to go the extra mile for someone. It’s in nature that we can learn new things about humanity.12.What can we know about Tomas Quinones’ trip in 2019?A.He passed on the kindness he’d received.B.He was saved by a fellow traveler.C.He got tost for some time in the desert D.He came across unexpected dangers. 13.Why does the author write about Tomas Quinones’ story?A.To suggest the unstoppable power of nature.B.To highlight the risks of traveling alone.C.To introduce a common phenomenon.D.To question connections between people. 14.What might happen if many people were present when somebody needed help, according to the “bystander effect”?A.They might offer help immediately.B.They might be unwilling to help.C.They might encourage others to help.D.They might blame the person in need. 15.Why are we more likely to help strangers when in the wild, according to the text?A.Exposure to nature boosts our confidence.B.We are more clear-headed in natural environments.C.Fear promotes our desire for connection with nature.D.Feeling small in the wild makes us tend to act big.You may not get enough physical activity throughout the day, especially since sitting stillis required or encouraged in many jobs, at school, and in social situations. But there’sinactive or sedentary (久坐的).What counts as being physically inactive?While there is no strict definition of what can be considered a sedentary lifestyle, researchers have a few different measures to assess what a sedentary lifestyle is. One measure is the time an individual spends seated during waking hours. 17 . Some other researchers label people inactive or sedentary if they take fewer than 5, 000 steps per day.Is physical inactivity dangerous?18 It can also affect the way the body processes fats and sugars in the diet and lead to some weight gain if you aren’t burning enough calories. Over the long term, sedentary lifestyles increase the risk of death from heart discase and cancer.How can you prevent being inactive?Health authorities recommend exercise at a medium level for either 30 minutes a day for five days a week or a total of 2 hours and 30 minutes per week. 19 . It can work to break up sitting time and add steps hourly throughout the day. A pedometer or fitness band can show you whether you are getting enough steps. Many people aim to take 10. 000 steps per day, which indicates that you have met your daily physical activity goal. 20 , but the value of being more physically active is worth it for its many benefits.A.Walking is an easy activity to add to your dayB.There are many options for exerciseC.Being physically inactive or sedentary can increase health risksD.In the short term, being inactive can increase depression or anxietyE.Fixing a sedentary lifestyle takes some conscious effort at firstF.Spending four to six waking hours sitting or lying down is considered sedentaryG.Simply walking more or doing household chores positively impacts health二、完形填空I could feel the excitement rising in me as I held the beautifully wrapped present in mymy friends who were exchanging news in “chat rooms”, all of which I knew nothing about. Now was going to find out.It started out 24 enough. I was searching for information online when I came across a social networking site. Soon I was 25 to my new-found electronic friend and then my sleep was 26 to some naps, and my 27 at school also began getting worse.It was about this time that my parents started voicing their 28 . I was asked to reduce my 29 of the internet. Yet, however hard I tried, I was unable to pull myself away unable to stop my chat 30 and unable to concentrate on my lessons. I was 31 for just another click and another look. Then one day, my father took away my laptop. I complained but 32 .Over time, I realized that Dad and Mom had always 33 the best for me. That was when I decided to take the big step- to 34 my internet addiction. Quitting was harder than I expected. But with dogged determination, I knew that I would 35 a new leaf. 21.A.keep B.contain C.leave D.conclude 22.A.reward B.profit C.income D.treat 23.A.bore B.joined C.blamed D.envied 24.A.barely B.originally C.simply D.frequently 25.A.accustomed B.committed C.glued D.introduced 26.A.reduced B.fed C.promoted D.caused 27.A.matters B.majors C.needs D.grades 28.A.delight B.disapproval C.inspiration D.imagination 29.A.usage B.boredom C.tiredness D.thought 30.A.favor B.doubt C.sessions D.security 31.A.curious B.desperate C.impatient D.dynamic 32.A.in peace B.in regret C.in secret D.in vain 33.A.spent B.wanted C.compromised D.stored 34.A.clarify B.display C.kick D.identify 35.A.tum over B.move on C.drop out D.take away三、语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。



沈阳市近三年省级重点高中排名情况:2014年:一等一类:东北育才、辽宁省实验中学、2中一等二类:1中、20中、4中、120中、31中一等三类:回民中学,铁路实验中学,同泽女中,27中,11中学,10中,5中,同泽中学,东北中山中学一等四类:56中学(于洪),30中学(苏家屯),51中学(东陵),83中学(沈北),朝鲜族第一中学一等五类:新民市高级中学,辽中县高级中学,法库县高级中学,康平县高级中学2014年中考各高中录取分数线:2015年中考各高中录取分数线:省级重点高中学校东北育才学校715;沈阳市第二十中学713;沈阳市回民中学684、660(回族考生);沈阳铁路实验中学695;东北中山中学673;沈阳市外国语学校629;沈阳市第二中学714;沈阳市同泽高级中学689;沈阳市同泽高级中学女中部630;沈阳市第二十七中学704;沈阳市第一中学709;沈阳市第五中学688;辽宁省实验中学719;沈阳市第十中学664;沈阳市第十一中学698;沈阳市第一二0中学711;沈阳市朝鲜族第一中学633;沈阳市第四中学706;沈阳市第三十一中学707;沈阳市第三十中学687;沈阳市第五十一中学682;沈阳市第五十一中学(沈抚校区) 640;沈阳市第八十三中学674;沈阳市第五十六中学683;辽中县第一高级中学689;康平县高级中学651;法库县高级中学664;新民市高级中学676同批次录取学校公费生沈阳市外国语学校(日、俄零起点班) 621;沈阳市外国语学校(中加班) 394;沈阳市第三十八中学620;沈阳市第二中学(中加班) 642;沈阳市第九中学660;沈阳市第十七中学598;沈阳市共青团实验中学595;沈阳市第二十八中学639;沈阳市第三十五中学609;辽宁省实验中学(中美课程实验班) 688;辽宁省实验中学分校651;沈阳市第二十四中学613;沈阳市第四十中学662;沈阳市第三十六中学668;沈阳市第十五中学617;沈阳市第二十二中学646;沈阳市青松中学600;沈阳市第一四六中学555;沈阳市矿务局中学577;沈阳市第一七O中学590省级示范性高中(民办):东北育才外国语学校:公费634;沈阳师范大学附属学校:公费684 470;沈阳市新北方高级中学:公费595自费369;沈阳市洪庆中学;沈阳市广全中学:公费679自费553;沈阳市翔宇中学:公费6452013年沈阳市中考分数线。




AChildren are our future, and i t’s up to us to arm them with the tools to succeed. Sadly, today’s children are being armed with more dangerous tools like weapons (武器), drugs and gangs. Once a relatively peaceful environment, many schoolyards of today are becoming unsafe for both students and teachers.Home schools are available to give you choices. Home schooling provides top-quality education, flexibility, and freedom to create your own schedule (日程表). At Heritage Home School we believe the choice should be yours.Thanks in part to modern technology, home schooling information is becoming readily available across our nation. A recent study by the ITBS(Iowa Tests of Basic Skills)and TAP (Tests of Achievement and Proficiency)shows us that students of home schools do particularly well when compared with the nationwide average. In every subject at every grade level, students of home schooling scored obviously higher than those in public and private schools.If you’re new to home schooling, you may be asking yourself, “Will home schools real ly work for my children? ”Fact: A nationwide study using a random(任意)selection of 1,516 families found students of home schooling to be scoring, on average, at or above the 80th percentile in all areas on standardized achievement test.Note: The national average on standardized achievement tests is the 50th percentile.Collectively, the staff(全体职员)at Heritage Home School brings 65 years of experience in home schooling curriculum(全部课程). We’ve placed students in the top 2% of the nation in math and many are successfully moving on to college.One study found that of the home schooled adults, 2% were unemployed, 2% were on welfare(福利)and 94% said home education prepared them to be independent persons.For more home schooling information, call us today toll free at 1(877)532-7665.1. We can learn from the first paragraph that _______.A. many schools armed their students with weaponsB. violence and crime exist in many schoolyardsC. students use weapons to defend their schoolyardsD. weapons are more dangerous than drugs2. All of the following are true of home schools EXCEPT that _______.A.students are free to choose their coursesB. students do well in important national testsC. they help students find jobsD. they help students to be independent3. What is the purpose of the text?A. To give information about different schools.B. To compare home schools with other schools.C. To suggest a new method of school education.D. To persuade people to choose home schools.4. The advertisement is mainly aimed at _______.A. studentsB. parentsC. teachersD. adults5. Students of home schooling get higher scores than those in public and private schools____ .A. in some subjects at every grade levelB. in part subjects at every grade levelC. in few subjects at every grade levelD. in all subjects at every grade levelBInvention of TV began in 1922 in Rigby, Idaho, the hometown of Philo. At the age of 16, Philo was a very shy boy. Only his teacher, Justin Tolman, realized that Philo was a special person.One day after school Mr Tolman found Philo in the schoolroom. The boy was making drawings on the blackboard.“What are you doing?” Mr Tolman asked with interest. “What are these drawings?”“I want to invent things,” Philo answered, “and these are the dra wings of one of my first inventions. I have an idea for a way of sending pictures through the air. Please, just let me tell you about it. You are the only person who can understand what I have done.” In the school library Philo had read about a man who had worked on an idea for TV, but had failed. Philo was sure that his idea was better and that he could succeed.Mr Tolman was not sure and asked Philo many questions about the drawings. Giving facts and figures, Philo answered every question.In 1926, Philo sent his drawings to Washington, along with a letter asking for patent (专利)rights on TV. Since then, television has become an important business all over the world.6. When he lived in his hometown, Philo was _____________.A. quite different from othersB. an activity boyC. an inventorD. a hard-working boy7. When Philo said “ You are the only person who can understand what I have done.”, hismood(情绪)was_________.A. discouragedB. guilty (内疚的)C. trustingD. hopeless8. It took Philo ________ to invent the television.A. 2 yearsB. 4 yearsC. 6 yearsD. 8 years9. Philo ________ after he invented television.A. asked for the patent rights on televisionB. sent his drawings to Mr TolmanC. answ ered Mr Tolman’s questionsD. gave facts and figures to Mr Tolman10. When Mr Tolman saw Philo’s dra wings, he ______________.A. did not believe it was Philo’s inventionB. believed Philo could succeedC. did not believe Philo could succeedD. believed Philo was a special personC“It hurts me more than you,” and “This is for your own good.” These are the statements my mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and do homework..That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right not to push our children to achieve their best in school.The schools and the educators made it easy on us. They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy. We stopped making our children do homework. We gave them calculators(计算器), turned on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.Now teachers, faced with children who have been developing at their pace for the past 15 years, are realizing we’ve made a terrible mistake. One such teacher is Sharon Klompus who says of her students ----- “so passive” ----- and wonders what happened. Nothing was demanded of them, she believes. Television, says Klompus, contributes to chil dren’s passivity; “We’re not training kids to work any more.” says Klompus. “We’re talking about a generation of kids who’ve never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it for them. Instead of saying go look it up, you tell them th e answer. It takes greater energy to say no to a kid.”Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It’s time for parents to end their vacation and come back to work. It’s time to take the car away, to turn the TV off, to tell them it hurts you more than them but it’s for their own good, It’s ti me start telling them no again.11. By “permissive period of education” the author means an age ______.A. when children are allowed to do what they wish to.B. when everything can be taught in schoolsC. when every child can be educated.D. when children are permitted to receive education.12. We learn from the passage that th e author’s mother used to connect importance with _____A. learning LatinB. natural developmentC. disciplineD. school education13 According to the passage, children are growing inactive in study mainly because _____.A. they watch TV too oftenB. their parents leave them aloneC. their teachers are strict with themD. they take on too many duties14.To today’s kids as described in this passage,_____.A. it is easier to give a negative(否定的)reply than to give a positive(肯定的) replyB. it is easier to give a positive reply than to give a negative replyC. neither is easy —to say yes or to say noD. neither is no easy job —to say yes or to say no15.The main idea of this passage is that _____.A. parents should set a good example for their kidsB. kids should have more activities outside campus(校园)C. educators should not he so permissiveD. it is time to be strict with our children第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。






一、辽宁省重点高中排名1. 沈阳市第 122 中学沈阳市第 122 中学是一所综合性重点高中,同时也是辽宁省示范高中、沈阳市特色高中。

学校创建于 1947 年,拥有着悠久的历史和优秀的师资力量。


2. 辽宁省实验中学辽宁省实验中学是一所历史悠久的综合性重点中学,成立于 1935 年,是辽宁省第一家实验性学校。



3. 东北育才中学东北育才中学位于大连市高新技术产业园区内,是一所省级示范高中。


4. 大连市第 24 中学大连市第 24 中学成立于 1964 年,是大连市重点中学之一,也是国家基础教育改革综合试验学校之一。


5. 朝阳市第一中学朝阳市第一中学是一所示范性、特色化、国际化、高水平的中学。






































2024届辽宁省东北育才、实验中学高三阶段性调研测试数学试题注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置. 3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效. 5.如需作图,须用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。


1.已知,x y 满足001x y x y x -⎧⎪+⎨⎪⎩,则32y x --的取值范围为( )A .3,42⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦B .(1,2]C .(,0][2,)-∞+∞D .(,1)[2,)-∞⋃+∞2.已知定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 满足()()11f x f x +=-,且当[]0,1x ∈时,()2xf x m =-,则()2019f =( ) A .1B .-1C .2D .-23.已知椭圆C :()222210x y a b a b +=>>的左,右焦点分别为1F ,2F ,过1F 的直线交椭圆C 于A ,B 两点,若290ABF ∠=︒,且2ABF 的三边长2BF ,AB ,2AF 成等差数列,则C 的离心率为( )A .12BCD4.记()[]f x x x =-其中[]x 表示不大于x 的最大整数,0()1,0kx x g x x x≥⎧⎪=⎨-<⎪⎩,若方程在()()f x g x =在[5,5]-有7个不同的实数根,则实数k 的取值范围( ) A .11,65⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦B .11,65⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦C .11,54⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭D .11,54⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭5.设函数()()21ln 11f x x x=+-+,则使得()()1f x f >成立的x 的取值范围是( ). A .()1,+∞ B .()(),11,-∞-+∞ C .()1,1-D .()()1,00,1-6.221a b +=是sin cos 1a b θθ+≤恒成立的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件7.已知3ln 3a =,1b e -=,3ln 28c =,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系为( ) A .a b c >>B .a c b >>C .b c a >>D .b a c >>8.已知复数z 满足()1i +z =2i ,则z =( )A .2B .1C .22D .129.已知数列满足,且,则数列的通项公式为( ) A .B .C .D .10.已知函数32,0()ln ,0x x x f x x x ⎧-≤=⎨>⎩,则1(())f f e =( )A .32B .1C .-1D .011.以下关于()sin 2cos 2f x x x =-的命题,正确的是 A .函数()f x 在区间20,3π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上单调递增 B .直线8x π=需是函数()y f x =图象的一条对称轴C .点,04π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭是函数()y f x =图象的一个对称中心 D .将函数()y f x =图象向左平移需8π个单位,可得到22y x =的图象 12.复数21iz i+=-,i 是虚数单位,则下列结论正确的是 A .5z =B .z 的共轭复数为31+22i C .z 的实部与虚部之和为1D .z 在复平面内的对应点位于第一象限二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。











AMy brother Ron joined the US army a few years ago. Most girls, especially those who are my age, are thrilled by anything that has to do with the “army”. It’s a novelty to them to shoot a gun, jump out of a plane, and wear uniform.Now I know you’re thinking that I must find it really cool to know a solider, who’s my brother. That’s wrong, before I found out that my brother joined the army, I was crazy about the army. Firstly, I wanted to go to college, knew that joining the army was probably the only way I could get it as my parents couldn’t afford it. Additionally there were all the other points of the army that grabbed my heart. I wanted the challenge, I wanted the discipline and I wanted the feeling that I would be doing something beyond the ability of average citizen.But as soon as my brother joined the army, all those things fell away. All I saw were dead people, guns shooting, tanks turning into a ball of fire, tents burning, and lots of blood. It was so horrible. When Ron went to Iraq, I freaked out whenever I didn’t hear from him for more than a week. I kept up with the news, reading the latest newspaper and listening to the hourly reports. And every time I heard that an American solider was killed, I prayed, it’ wasn’t Ron.I’m proud of my brother for serving our country, and his willingness to devote his life to something he finds important. It’s great to see how discipline and mature he’s got, and I’m glad he has his college paid for. But although I am proud, I gladly give up the “coolness”of having a brother in the army. I would be perfectly all right if I had never seen that uniform on him, and he was just a plain old “boring” brother.I love my brother, and I’m proud of him, but I want him back home!21. What did the writer think of the army before Ron joined?A. Joining the army was more beneficial than going to college.B. Joining the army was a good choice for those who couldn’t afford college education.C. Joining the army was meant risking one’s life for something important,D. Joining the army did more harm than good.22. After Ron joined the army, the writer .A. decide to join the army one dayB. became afraid of seeing soldiersC. often showed off Ron in front of friendsD. became aware of the danger of joining the army23. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Peace or war?B. Life in the armyC. Having a soldier in the familyD. A choice between your life and your dreamBThe greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women. During the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the proportion of a woman's life spent in caring for the children. A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, four or five of whom lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman's youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five years and can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty. Even while she has to take care of children, her work is lightened by modern living conditions.This important change in women's life-patterns has only recently begun to have its full effect on women's economic position. Even a few years ago most girls took a full-time job after they left school. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school- leaving age is sixteen; many girls stay at school after that age, and though women usually marry older, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Many more afterwards return to full-or-part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money, and running the home, according to the abilities and interests of each of them.24. At what age did most women marry around the 1890 according to the passage?A. At about twenty-fiveB. In their earl fiftiesC. At the age of fifteenD. At any age from fifteen to forty-five25. Many girls, the passage claims, are now likely to_______.A. give up their jobs for good after they are marriedB. leave school as soon as they canC. marry so that they can get a jobD. continue working until they are going to have a baby26. When she was over fifty, a late nineteenth-century mother ______.A. was usually expected to die fairly soonB. would expect to work until she diedC. would be healthy enough to take up paid jobsD. was less likely to find a job even if she wanted to27. Nowadays, a husband tends to_______.A. play a greater part in looking after the childrenB. help his wife by doing much of the houseworkC. feel dissatisfied with his role in the familyD. take a part-time job so that he can help in the homeCThe best example of something is often called the "gold standard." It sets the standard against which other things are measured. In economics, the term describes how major trading nations once used gold to set currency values and exchange rates. Many nations continued to use the gold standard until the last century.In the United States, people could exchange paper money for gold from the eighteen seventies until nineteen thirty-three. Then-President Richard Nixon finally disconnected the dollar from the value of gold in nineteen seventy-one. From time to time, some politicians call for a return to the gold standard.In 1978, the International Monetary Fund ended an official gold price. The IMF also ended the required use of gold in transactions with its member countries. Since that time, gold prices have grown and continued to be high. But people keep buying. Some people are "gold bugs." These are investors who say people should buy gold to protect against inflation(通货膨胀).People have valued gold for thousands of years. The soft, dense metal polishes to a bright yellow shine and resists most chemical reactions. It makes a good material for money, political power -- and, more recently, electrical power. If you own a device like a mobile phone or a computer, you might own a little gold in the wiring.The gold standard was the subject of one of the best-known speeches in American political history. William Bryan wanted the country to use both gold and silver as money. The idea was to devalue the dollar and make it easier for farmers to pay their debts. So he delivered a speech, which made him famous. He was a presidential candidate three times. But he never won.28. The underlined word “transactions” probably means “”A. warsB. tradeC. meetingsD. conflict29. After the IMF ended the official gold price, the gold prices .A. stayed the sameB. began to dropC. increasedD. increased a little at first and kept drop30. What’s the fourth paragraph mainly about?A. The reason for valuing goldB. The history of the use of goldC. New function of goldD. How to obtain gold31. We can learn from the last paragraph that William Bryan .A. was once a farmerB. loved to collect goldC. was a famous political figureD. was a good at giving speechesDEdward Wilson is America's, if not the world's, leading naturalist. In The Future of Life, he takes us on a tour of the world's natural resources. How are they used? What has been lost? What remains and is it able to continue with the present speed of use? Wilson also points out the need to understand fully the biodiversity(生物多样性)of our earth.Wilson begins with an open letter to the pioneer in environment protection, Henry David Thoreau. He compares today's Walden Pond with that of Thoreau's day. Wilson will use such comparisons for the rest of the book. The problem is clear: man has done great damage to his home over the years. Can the earth, with human help, be made to return to biodiversity levels that will be able to support us in the future?Biodiversity, Wilson argues, is the key to settling many problems the earth faces today. Even our agricultural crops can gain advantages from it. A mere hundred species(物种) are the basis of our food supply, of which but twenty carry the load. Wilson suggests changing this situation bylooking into ten thousand species that could be made use of, which will be a way to reduce the clearing of the natural homes of plants and animals to enlarge farming areas.At the end of the book, Wilson discusses the importance of human values in considering the environment. If you are to continue to live on the earth, you may as well read and act on the ideas in this book.32. We learn from the text that Wilson cares most about .A. the environment for plantsB. the biodiversity of our earthC. the waste of natural resourcesD. the importance of human values33. How many species are most important to our present food supply?A. TwentyB. EightyC. One hundredD. Ten thousand34. Wilson suggests that one way to keep biodiversity is to .A. learn how to farm scientificallyB. builds homes for some dying speciesC. makes it clear what to eatD. use more species for food35. We can infer that the text isA. description of natural resourcesB. a research reportC. a book reviewD. an introduction to a scientist第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



近三年辽宁省省级重点高中学校录取分数线省级重点高中学校 2011统招 2012统招 2013招 2011 2012 2013年公费生公费生公费生择校生择校生择校生东北育才学校 731 727 718 727 718 714沈阳市第二十中学 726 717 713 722 711 713沈阳铁路实验中学 709 701 687 704 699 694沈阳市回民中学 698 688 675 687 691 686687 669 674(回族考生)(回族考生)(回族考生)东北中山中学 685 677 663 673 682 672沈阳市外国语学校 644 651 629 635 660 644沈阳市第二中学 729 720 716 727 718 718沈阳市第二十七中学 717 709 701 708 702 702沈阳市同泽高级中学 703 695 686 697 695 686 沈阳市同泽高级中学女中部 658 657 628 646 662 625 沈阳市第一中学 723 716 710 716 709 708 沈阳市第五中学 705 698 687 692 694 685 辽宁省实验中学 735 725 724 731 722 722 沈阳市第一二?中学 723 716 711 712 709 706 沈阳市第十一中学 709 703 696 699 699 691 沈阳市第十中学 669 671 653 630 659 643 沈阳市朝鲜族第一中学 698 679 663 (空)(空)(空)沈阳市第四中学 722 711 707 708 700 695 沈阳市第三十一中学 724 715 709 711 702 699 沈阳市第三十中学 705 698 687 667 672 659 沈阳第五十一中学 696 690 683 682 684 672 沈阳市第八十三中学 699 690 681 666 674 663沈阳市第五十六中学 699 693 680 670 684 675辽中县第一高级中学 711 698 694 645 640 622康平县高级中学 695 682 671 610 600 582法库县高级中学 692 684 675 613 622 598新民市高级中学 708 696 690 656 655 642省级示范性高中(民办) 2011年 2012年 2013年 2011年 2012年 2013年 2011年 2012年 2013年统招统招统招自费生自费生自费生择校生择校生择校生公费生公费生公费生沈阳市洪庆中学(空)(空)(空) 374 (空) 330 382 (空) 357 沈阳市翔宇中学 647 644 625 332 (空) 331 349 (空) 338.2 沈阳师范大学附属学校(空) 675 662 (空)(空) 363 (空) 659 466省级重点高中同批次录取学校 2012年 2013年 2012年 2013年 2012年择校生公费生公费生自费生自费生择校生沈阳市外国语学校(中加班) 519 沈阳市第九中学 662 646 (空) 684 664 沈阳市第二中学(中加班) (空) 586 (空) 595 辽宁省实验中学合作学校(空) 665 (空) 652 辽宁省实验中学(中美班) (空) 643 (空) 683 沈阳市青松中学 618 590 (空) 638 615 辽中县第二高级中学 666 642 (空) 645 626 沈阳经济区跨市招生 2012年公费生 2013年公费生优质普通高中鞍山市第一中学 709 704抚顺市第二中学 706 690本溪市高级中学 730 723本溪市第一中学 687 营口市高级中学 651 626 阜新市实验中学 683 646 辽阳市第一高级中学 666 628 铁岭市高级中学 683 638。














九、2009 年
学 8 24 育 辽 23 1 20 理 11 12 48 红 15 36 16 13 3 鉴 2 铁 44 5 25 18
校中 中 明 附 中 中 中 附 中 中 中 旗 中 中 中 中 中 开中中中 中 中 中
统招 617 625.5 612
592 605.5 586.5 589.5 566.5 584.5 578
— — ——
调济 599 629. 614
594.5 571. 588.5 565.5 569.5

571 —

— — ——
择校 613. 626. 621.5
583 567.5 572
583 572.5 577.5 553 561.5 556

择校 594
585 574.5 571.5 584
570 580.5 555 564.5 562 564.5 525

555 546.5 542 534.5 506 509.5 517.5 507 517

调济 625.5 637.5 619




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这一结果直接导致()A.染色体被破坏 B.高尔基体被破坏C.中心体被破坏D.分泌蛋白的合成受到影响2.植物细胞发生质壁分离的原因有( )①外界溶液浓度大于细胞液浓度②细胞液浓度大于外界溶液浓度③细胞壁的伸缩性大于原生质层的伸缩性④原生质层的伸缩性大于细胞壁的伸缩性A. ②④B. ①④C. ②③D. ③④3.在人体细胞中除了细胞核外,以下哪个结构里还含有DNA()A.线粒体 B. 叶绿体 C. 核糖体 D. 液泡4.下列选项中,属于动植物细胞共有的糖类是( )A.葡萄糖、核糖、脱氧核糖 B. 麦芽糖、糖原和果糖C. 淀粉、脱氧核糖、纤维素D. 麦芽糖、果糖、乳糖5.在处理污水时,人们设计出一种膜结构,将有毒重金属离子阻挡在膜的一侧,以降低有毒重金属对水的污染,这是模拟了生物膜的()A. 单纯扩散功能B. 流动性C. 主动运输功能D. 选择透过性6. 下列有关组成生物体化学元素的论述,正确的是()A. 组成生物体和组成无机自然界的化学元素中,碳元素的含量最多B. 人、动物与植物所含的化学元素的种类差异很大C. 组成生物体的化学元素在无机自然界都可以找到D. 不同生物体内各种化学元素的含量比例基本相似7. 代谢旺盛的细胞中,下列哪一项不会上升()A.线粒体数量 B.细胞核内DNA含量 C.蛋白质的合成量 D.核糖体数量8. 关于细胞生理过程的描述,正确的是()A.活细胞在高浓度溶液中都会发生质壁分离B.蓝藻因没有叶绿体,所以不进行光合作用C.人的红细胞成熟后,仍继续合成蛋白质D.核孔实现核质之间的物质交换和信息交流9. 用呼吸抑制剂处理红细胞,其对下列物质吸收量显著减少的是()A. 乙醇和苯B. O2和H2OC. K+和氨基酸D. CO2和O210. 下列有关ATP的叙述,正确的是()A. 线粒体是蓝藻细胞产生ATP的主要场所B. 光合作用产物中的化学能全部来自ATPC. ATP分子由1个腺嘌呤和3个磷酸基团组成D. 细胞连续分裂时,伴随着ATP和ADP的相互转化11. 用高倍显微镜观察洋葱根尖细胞的有丝分裂。

下列描述正确的是()A.处于分裂间期和中期的细胞数目大致相等B.视野中不同细胞的染色体数目可能不相等C.观察处于分裂中期的细胞,可清晰看到赤道板和染色体D.细胞是独立分裂的,因此可选一个细胞持续观察它的整个分裂过程12. 下列关于染色体的叙述中,正确的是( )A.都含有一个着丝点 B.只有一条染色单体C.都有两条染色单体 D.只有一个DNA分子13. 有关真核细胞分裂的叙述,正确的是( )A.有丝分裂过程核膜不消失B.动物细胞仅以有丝分裂方式进行增殖C.动物细胞有丝分裂末期不形成细胞板D.无丝分裂仅出现于高等生物的衰老细胞14. 下列有关酶的叙述正确的是( )A.酶提供了反应过程所必需的活化能,从而提高化学反应速率B.绝大多数酶是蛋白质,少数酶是RNAC. 人体中酶的活性受温度、PH的影响,并只能在细胞内起作用D. 酶的形成都要经过核糖体的合成、内质网和高尔基体的加工等几个阶段15. 下列各项应用中,主要利用细胞呼吸原理的是( )①及时松土②果蔬保鲜③贮存种子④汛期农田及时排水⑤合理密植⑥糖渍、盐渍食品⑦用透气的消毒纱布包扎伤口A.②③④⑤⑥ B.①②③④⑦ C.②③④⑤ D.①②③④⑤⑥⑦16. 下列细胞中,可能已发生癌变的是( )A.分裂前后产生稳定性差异的细胞 B.细胞膜上糖蛋白减少的细胞C.含水量减少、酶活性降低的细胞 D.细胞核增大、细胞膜通透性改变的细胞17. “野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”这句谚语就细胞而言,主要体现了细胞生命历程的()A.分裂和分化B.分裂和成熟C.分裂和衰老D.分化和癌变18. 隐性性状是指()A.生物个体能表现出的性状B.生物个体未表现出的性状C.子一代表现出的亲本的性状D.子一代未表现出的亲本性状19. 自由组合定律的实质()A.杂种后代中性状自由组合B.杂种后代性状比例9:3:3:1C. 杂种产生配子时,等位基因分离,非等位基因自由组合D.杂种产生的配子自由组合20. 用豌豆进行遗传试验时,下列操作错误的是()A.杂交时,须在花蕾期人工去雄B.自交时,雌蕊和雄蕊都无需除去C.杂交时,须在开花前除去母本的雌蕊D.人工授粉后,应套袋21. 下列对生物代谢的描述中,正确的说法是()A.同一植物体的各种细胞其光合作用的能力是相同的B.一般认为,生物体内酶的种类很多,但每一种酶量却不多,体现了酶的专一性C.光照是光合作用的必要条件,光照越强,光合作用也就越强D.细胞中绝大多数需要能量的生命活动由ATP直接提供能量22.在下列四支试管中分别加入一些物质,甲试管:豆浆;乙试管:氨基酸溶液;丙试管:牛奶和蛋白酶;丁试管:人血液中的红细胞和蒸馏水。

上述四支试管中加入双缩脲试剂振荡后,有紫色反应的是()A.甲、丁 B.甲、乙、丁C.甲、乙、丙 D.甲、丙、丁23. 已知20种氨基酸的平均相对分子质量是128,现有一个蛋白质分子由2条肽链组成,共有98个肽键,此蛋白质的相对分子质量最接近于()A.12800 B.12544 C.11036 D.1228824. 下列关于[H]的叙述不正确的是()A.细胞呼吸过程中产生的[H]与氧结合形成水分子,释放大量能量B.葡萄糖在线粒体中分解成丙酮酸,生成少量[H]同时还有能量释放C.光合作用光反应产生的[H]和ATP富含由光能转变而来的化学能D.光反应产生的[H]在暗反应中还原C3同时生成一部分C525. 酵母菌进行有氧呼吸和无氧呼吸分解葡萄糖,如果两个生理过程产生了等量的二氧化碳,消耗的葡萄糖之比是()A.3∶1B.1∶3C.2∶1D.1∶226. 如图表示植物光合作用的一个阶段,下列各项叙述正确的是( )A.该反应的场所是叶绿体的类囊体薄膜B.C3生成(CH2O)需要[H]、ATP和多种酶C.提高温度一定能促进(CH2O)的生成D.无光条件有利于暗反应进行27. 下列关于光合作用和细胞呼吸的叙述,正确的是( )A. 光合作用和细胞呼吸总是同时进行B. 光合作用形成的糖类能在细胞呼吸中被利用C. 光合作用产生的ATP主要用于细胞呼吸D. 光合作用与细胞呼吸分别在叶肉细胞和根细胞中进行28. 下列叙述中能表明高等植物细胞正在进行有丝分裂的显著特点是( )A. 线粒体产生大量的ATPB. 高尔基体数目显著增多C. 核糖体合成活动加强D. 中心体周围发出星射线29. 下图表示绿色植物细胞内部分物质的转化过程,以下有关叙述正确的是( )A.①、②物质依次是H2O和O2B.图中产生[H]的场所都是线粒体C.用18O标记葡萄糖,则产物水中会检测到放射性D.图示过程只能在有光的条件下进行30. 如图所示为研究光照强度和CO2浓度对某植物光合作用速率的影响。

下列有关叙述中不正确的是( )A.曲线中a点转向b点时,光反应增强,暗反应减弱B.曲线中b点转向d点时,叶绿体中C5浓度升高C.在一定范围内增加光照和CO2浓度,有利于提高光合效率D.曲线中c点产生的限制因素可能是叶绿体中酶的数量31. 通过实测一片叶子在不同光照条件下CO2吸收和释放的情况得到如图1所示曲线。

图1中所示细胞发生的情况与曲线中AB段(不包括A、B两点)相符的一项是图2中的( )32.下图表示某生物细胞有丝分裂过程细胞核内DNA含量变化曲线。

下列叙述正确的( )A.O~A段表示DNA复制,DNA含量加倍B.B~C段细胞有核膜和核仁C.D~E段细胞中染色体排列在赤道板上D.B~D段的蛙红细胞中出现染色体33.下图中,a→d表示连续分裂细胞的两个细胞周期,下列叙述不正确的是( )A.a和b为一个细胞周期B.c段结束DNA含量增加一倍C.遗传物质平分一般发生在d段D.b和c为一个细胞周期34. 下图为人体某个细胞所经历的生长发育各个阶段示意图,图中①~⑥为各个时期的细胞,a~c表示细胞所进行的生理过程。

据图分析,下列叙述正确的是( )A.与①相比,②的表面积/体积比值增大,与外界环境进行物质交换的能力也增强B.⑤与⑥的细胞核内遗传物质相同,细胞内的蛋白质也相同C.虽然⑤⑥已失去分裂能力,但其细胞内的物质合成与分解仍能进行D.细胞的衰老与死亡通常会引起人体的衰老与死亡35. 基因型为AaBB和aaBb的两个亲本交配,下列有关叙述错误的是()A.亲本各产生两种配子 B.后代有4种基因型C.后代有4种表现型D.后代基因型的比为1:1:1:136. 采用下列的哪一套方法,可以依次解决①一④的遗传学问题()①鉴定一只白羊是否是纯种②在一对相对性状中区分显、隐性③不断提高小麦抗病品种纯合度④检验杂种F1的基因型A.杂交、自交、测交、测交B.测交、杂交、自交、测交C. 测交、测交、杂交、自交 D.杂交、杂交、杂交、测交37. 在西葫芦的皮色遗传中,已知黄皮基因(Y)对绿皮基因(y)显性,但在另一白色显性基因(W)存在时,则基因Y和y都不能表达。

现有基因型WwYy的个体自交,其后代表现型种类是()A.2种 B.3种 C.4种 D.5种38. 羊的毛色白色对黑色为显性,两只杂合白羊为亲本,接连生下了3只小羊是白羊,若他们再生第4只小羊,其毛色()A.一定是白色的B.是白色的可能性大C.一定是黑色的D.是黑色的可能性大39. 右图是白化病遗传系谱图,根据图示推测,III一2为纯合子的概率是()A.1/4 B.1/3 C.1/2 D.2/340. 水稻的高秆(D)对矮秆(d)是显性,抗锈病(R)对不抗锈病(r)是显性,这两对基因自由组合。

甲水稻(DdRr)与乙水稻杂交,其后代四种表现型的比例是3∶3∶1∶1,则乙水稻的基因型可能是()A.Ddrr B.DdRR C.ddRR D. DdR卷Ⅱ二.非选择题(每空2分,共40分)41.(每空2分,共10分)在高等植物细胞中,线粒体和叶绿体是能量转换的重要细胞器,请回答以下问题:段,据图分析回答下列问题:(1)请按有丝分裂的过程将以下四幅图进行排序。





