Valentine's Time Microsoft Office PowerPoint 演示文稿


office visio密钥

office visio密钥
Microsoft® Office Project 标准版 2007中文试用版
Microsoft® Office Project 标准版 2007 中文试用版
Microsoft® Office中小型企业版 2007 英文试用版
Microsoft® Office 中小型企业版 2007 英文试用版
Microsoft® Office 家庭与学生版 2007 英文试用版
Microsoft® Office 家庭与学生版 2007 英文试用版
Microsoft®Office Sharepoint Designer 2007 英文试用版
Microsoft®Office Sharepoint Designer 2007 英文试用版




其中,Office 2010作为Office系列软件的一部分,具有强大的功能和广泛的应用范围。

然而,为了合法使用Office 2010,用户需要拥有正确的密钥。

本文将探讨Office 2010永久版密钥的相关信息,为用户提供合法且永久的使用Office 2010的方法。

一、什么是Office 2010永久版密钥Office 2010永久版密钥,简而言之,是一串由字母和数字组成的序列,用于激活和授权一份合法的Office 2010软件副本。

通过输入正确的密钥,用户可以永久地享受Office 2010所提供的各项功能,而不必担心软件激活过期或限制的问题。

二、Office 2010永久版密钥的来源Office 2010永久版密钥可以从多个渠道获得,以下是一些常见的来源:1. 零售通路购买:用户可以通过正规的零售商购买正版的Office 2010软件,随附的密钥用于激活Office 2010。

2. 在线购买:微软官方网站和其他合法的在线销售渠道提供Office 2010的购买服务。


3. 新电脑购买:许多计算机品牌将Office 2010预装在其产品中,并提供相应的密钥。

用户在购买新电脑时可以获得一个已经预安装Office 2010的密钥。

4. 企业许可:对于大型企业和机构而言,微软提供了企业许可计划。

通过企业许可,企业可以为所有员工购买Office 2010的许可证,并获得相应的密钥。

三、如何有效使用Office 2010永久版密钥为了有效地使用Office 2010永久版密钥,并确保其合法性和持久性,以下是一些建议的方法:1. 购买正版软件:确保从正规渠道购买Office 2010软件,并获得唯一且合法的密钥。



Office Professional Plus 2010 VOL版“MAK”密钥:828CH-G4FPY-HMH4R-32GCK-6D9BHXCTBG-VK6G7-72B9R-D2MGC-4VWQCHQJRB-MCYFT-KW4M8-4H49M-6CKRHV6TH8-HCFG3-GW3PX-CCDGW-GBBXXD4JPR-FFKV3-68YFC-KV836-84F4J微软对于Office 2010“VOL”版,主要采取两种激活方式:其一,MAK。




以下五枚“MAK密钥”,适用于任何语种的32 / 64位Office 2010“VOL”版2V3PD-3YMPX-FJG7R-4W49V-M92KH828CH-G4FPY-HMH4R-32GCK-6D9BHGVB9G-PC7XD-GHGT7-79FMG-6JH9WV6TH8-HCFG3-GW3PX-CCDGW-GBBXXYF7DF-86YY3-W6W8H-DF8WR-FGHY3以下提供的八枚有效密钥,其中:适用于“VOL”版的六枚;适用于“Retail”版的两枚。


其中,可永久激活Office 2010专业增强“VOL”版的“MAK”密钥两枚;可永久激活Office 2010专业增强“零售”版的“Retail”密钥两枚。

Microsoft Office 2023

Microsoft Office 2023

2014年2月25日,微软Office团队向32位、64位桌面版Office2013推出首个Service Pack 1,即SP1服务包。 该服务包带来性能增强、功能升级、为Win 8.1优化。
据Office官方博客介绍:今天,我们为桌面平台的Office产品:Office 2013、SharePoint 2013、 Exchange Server 2013,Office2013 365发布了Service Pack 1 (SP1)服务包。这次SP1带来更好的稳定性, 扩展Office功能特性、增强安全性。
微软于2012年1月30日释出 Office 15 Technical Preview技术预览版,但并未对外界公开,只有少数合 作伙伴、OEM厂商、企业可抢先玩到最新版本。the verge也进一步对Office 15做了深入介绍,除了看出抛弃 Ribbon UI改走简化风格、类似Metro UI的接口之外,Office 15还加入了许多新功能、改进功能,以及针对触 控操作加入的新元素。
正如用户期待的那样,新一代Office具备Metro界面,简洁的界面和触摸模式也更加适合平板,使其浏览文 档同PC一样方便。
Office 2013(29张)Word获得如下改进:双击放大、平滑滚动、视频嵌入,还可以通过浏览器在线分享文档。 Excel在此基础上还可获得新的格式控制以及图表动画;与此同时,在Power Point嵌入Excel图表更加容易,不 会再受到格式困扰。
Office 2013幻灯片1、动感图像:新版PPT不仅几次单击即可放大图、图表或图形,还可以平滑地缩小图像, 这些演示动感足以将观众的注意力引向文稿的要点。
2、放映格:放映者可以从放映格中按随意切换幻灯片,而观众只能看到放映者选择的。 3、在幻灯片播放中引入了查看所有幻灯片,较原有版本的定位幻灯片加入了可视化效果和节等内容,更加方 便易用。 软件图标 软件图标

基于“MS Office”的计算机应用基础教学改革

基于“MS Office”的计算机应用基础教学改革



作为在校大学生,在毕业前务必掌握好MS office 软件的使用已经成为了大学生找工作的敲门砖。

而作为一名从教15年的《计算机应用基础》课程的老师,怎样把MS Office 部分上得让学生学得有兴趣,学以致用,是我一直思考并不断尝试新教学方法的目标。

1 MS Office课程教学现状在常规教学过程中,都采用的是案例教学法,即就一个案例,老师一边操作、一边演讲,学生听,听完做[1]。

这种方式主要存在以下几个问题:(1)学生的基础水平参差不齐,部分学生可能已经掌握了相关的知识点,听着没兴趣;(2) 学生对所讲的内容不感兴趣;(3)学生的基础知识不扎实,课前没有做好预习工作,觉得老师讲的内容过深,难以吸收消化;(4)对所做的案例不感兴趣;(5)即便案例完成了,因为是跟着老师或课本上的步骤完成的,学生没有一个摸索的过程,对一些操作要点依然掌握不熟,很多学生是实验一做完,操作就忘了,或者就只会老师上课讲的一些操作方法。

2 MS Office模块学生的上课方式改革2.1 分小组把班级的同学分为4~5人一组,自愿组合,方便以后讨论案例,做作业[2]。


2.2 案例案例的内容由小组决定,但是案例中要规定必须要掌握的知识点。



2.3 学生的平时成绩对于大学生而言,平时测验基本很少,计算平时成绩的方法也是多种多样,很多学生一学期下来不知道自己的平时成绩是怎么算出来的,不知道自己是怎么考及格的。

为了提高学生的积极性和主动性,课程基于“MS Office”的计算机应用基础教学改革叶小琴 易欣 鲜敏(四川工程职业技术学院,四川德阳 618000)摘要:随着办公软件的日益重要化,大学生在校期间必须掌握MS Office 的基本操作与使用,而MS Office 正是《计算机应用基础》课程中的重要部分。



微软Windows 10操作系统虚拟化许可说明书

微软Windows 10操作系统虚拟化许可说明书

This brief applies to all Microsoft Licensing programs.ContentsSummary .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Details ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 How to license Windows in a virtual environment ........................................................................................................... 2 Licensing users for Windows Enterprise E3/E5 subscription or Windows VDA E3/E5 subscription on a per user basis .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Comparing Windows Virtualization rights ........................................................................................................................... 4 Scenarios .. (6)SummaryThis licensing brief is an overview of the Microsoft Commercial Licensing use rights for the Windows 10 operating system when running virtual machines.The topics covered in this brief apply to the licenses listed below. We will refer to them as SoftwareAssurance for the Windows desktop operating system, Windows Enterprise E3/E5 subscription licenses, and Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) subscription licenses.• Windows 10 Enterprise E3/E5 • Windows 10 Enterprise per device • Windows 10 Education E3/E5 • Windows VDA E3/E5 •Windows VDA per device(Microsoft 365 F3/E3 licenses include Windows 10 Enterprise E3 entitlements. Microsoft 365 E5 licenses include Windows 10 Enterprise E5 entitlements)For use rights provided with Windows preinstalled by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or purchased through other channels, review the license terms that accompany those products.Licensing briefApril 2020DetailsSoftware Assurance for the Windows desktop operating system, Windows 10 Enterprise E3/E5 subscription licenses, and Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) subscription licenses provides the greatest flexibility for how you use Windows. They include access to unique products and license rights not available through other licensing programs. These offerings enable flexible work styles by providing access to Windows instances in a variety of ways across devices.You can separate license users or devices that do not have or are not eligible for Windows licenses (such as thin clients) with a Windows VDA subscription to gain access to these benefits.This brief provides an overview of the Windows virtualization rights available to Microsoft Commercial Licensing customers. The information here applies only to licensing the Windows desktop operating system for virtualization scenarios. It does not address other licenses that may be required for specific scenarios, such as Microsoft Office licenses and Client Access Licenses (CALs).For Windows desktop operating system software licenses acquired through the OEM channel, the Windows use rights are outlined in the Software License Terms that accompany the software. These license terms provide use rights to run Windows locally on the licensed device in a virtual operating system environment (OSE). However, they do not provide use rights for accessing Windows running remotely in a virtual OSE from the licensed device and are limited in other ways when compared to virtualization use rights provided with Software Assurance for the Windows desktop operating system, Windows 10 Enterprise E3/E5 subscription licenses, and Windows VDA subscription licenses acquired through Microsoft Commercial Licensing. For example, OEM licenses do not permit remote access to a Windows virtual machine running in a data center.How to license Windows in a virtual environmentThere are three ways to license and access a remote virtual machine running Windows desktop software: •Windows Virtualization rightsWindows Virtualization Rights allow for a licensed device or user to access virtual Windows desktops either remotely and/or locally, depending on how the device or user is licensed. You can licensedevices or users for Windows Virtualization rights in the following ways:o License devices with Software Assurance for the Windows desktop operating system or Windows VDA subscription on a per device basis via one of the following programs: Open License,Select/Select Plus, Microsoft Products and Services Agreement, Open Value, EnterpriseAgreement, or Enrollment for Education Solutions.o License users with Windows Enterprise E3/E5 subscription licenses or Windows VDA E3/E5 subscription on a per user basis via one of the following programs: Open License, Select/SelectPlus, Microsoft Products and Services Agreement, Open Value, Enterprise Agreement, orEnrollment for Education Solutions.Customers may choose to use a third party to host their Windows client virtual machines for remote access by their end users. This is often referred to as "Outsourcing Software Management" or using a third party to host Desktop as a Service (DaaS) and requires the third party to be an AuthorizedOutsourcer. The hosted environment must be on servers dedicated to the customer. An Authorized Outsourcer is restricted from being a Listed Provider and may not use a Listed Provider as a datacenter provider. A list of Listed Providers can be found at The license terms for Outsourcing Software Management were updated October 1, 2019,which the explanations in this brief reflect. The use of a Listed Provider was not restricted prior to the terms being updated. Refer to the Product Terms for more details.Note: Microsoft 365 licenses that include Windows 10 Enterprise E3/E5 are only eligible if the user is the primary user of a device with a Qualifying Operating System.•Windows 10 Multitenant Hosting rightsCustomers also have the option to host their Windows client virtual machines for remote access on Microsoft Azure or a third-party shared server under Windows 10 Multitenant Hosting rights. When using a third-party shared server, the third party hoster must be a Qualified Multitenant HostingPartner (QMTH). A list of Authorized QMTH Partners can be found at Qualified Multitenant Hosting Partner. The customer may only deploy Windows 10 desktops (Creators Update or later versionsoftware) using Azure AD-based activation. Windows 10 Multitenant Hosting rights are not provided with any device-based licenses and are only available with Windows Enterprise E3/E5 subscriptionlicenses and Windows VDA E3/E5 subscription licenses on a per user basis. (Licenses acquired through all programs are eligible)Note: Microsoft 365 licenses that include Windows 10 Enterprise E3/E5 are only eligible if the user is the primary user of a device with a Qualifying Operating System.•Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) in AzureWVD is a desktop and app virtualization service running in Azure and provides licensed users access to Windows 7 and Windows 10 virtual machines. In addition to the eligible per user license, you only pay the base compute and storage costs in Azure. You can license users for WVD rights with WindowsEnterprise E3/E5 subscription licenses, Windows VDA E3/E5 subscription licenses, or Microsoft 365suite license on a per user basis. (Licenses acquired through all programs are eligible.)Note: Microsoft 365 licenses are eligible in all cases.Licensing users for Windows Enterprise E3/E5 subscription or Windows VDA E3/E5 subscription on a per user basisYou have the choice to license your users—instead of devices—for Windows 10 Enterprise E3/E5 subscription or Windows VDA E3/E5 subscription on a per user basis. If the primary user’s primary work device is already covered for Software Assurance for the Windows desktop operating system or Windows VDA subscription on a per device basis, you can acquire a Windows Enterprise E3/E5 per User Add-on or Windows VDA E3/E5 per User Add-on, which gives you all of the benefits of Windows per User or Windows VDA per User license at a price that recognizes your existing investment.Here’s an overview of the requirements for each per user option:For more information about Windows Software Assurance and Windows VDA subscription options, refer to the Commercial Licensing Reference Guide for Windows.Comparing Windows Virtualization rightsSome differences exist between the Windows Virtualization Rights granted depending on whether you are licensed for Windows Software Assurance or Windows VDA subscription and whether you are licensed on a per device or per user basis.The following table provides an overview of the Windows Virtualization Rights by license type.The following table below provides details of the Windows Virtualization Rights by license type.ScenariosThe following business scenarios can help you understand how you can license the Windows desktop operating system in your environments on servers dedicated to you. If the Dedicated Servers are under the management or control of a third party, they are subject to the Outsourcing Software Management terms. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Outsourcing Software Management terms, Customer’s Windows VDA E3 and E5 Licensed Users may remotely access Windows software under these Remote Virtualization rights on any Listed Provider’s Servers dedicated to Customer’s use.Note: These examples are focused on scenarios for customers with Windows Software Assurance and/or Windows VDA subscription. They do not necessarily specify all licenses needed for the scenario. For example, Users or Devices also need to license for remotely accessing a VDI/Session desktop or application on Windows Server, if used, with the corresponding access licenses, i.e. Windows Server CALs and RDS CALs. Some scenarios may also require Microsoft Office Professional Plus licenses. For simplicity, those separate licensing requirements are not always included.Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Desktops The Windows desktop operating systemruns within virtual machines in the datacenter, on servers dedicated to thecustomer, on a hypervisor platform (suchas Hyper-V technology). These virtualdesktops are accessed from either PCs, thinclients, or other devices.Because they are accessing the Windowsdesktop operating system running withinvirtual machines, the devices or users wouldneed active Windows Software Assurance,Windows VDA subscription, or WindowsE3/E5 licenses acquired through an eligibleprogram (see above).Remote Desktop SessionHost/Terminal Services Session Virtualization “Desktops”A Windows Server operating system (suchas Windows Server 2019) is shared acrossmultiple users via Remote Desktop SessionHost running applications like MicrosoftOffice Professional Plus 2019. Either PCs,thin clients, or other devices access thesesessions.Because the devices access a WindowsServer operating system only, they do notneed any additional licensing for theWindows desktop operating system.However, the devices/users need to belicensed for the session technology (such asWindows Server CALs and Remote DesktopServices [RDS] CALs). The devices accessingthe sessions also need licenses for OfficeProfessional Plus.Mixed VDI and Session Desktops Some users access VDI desktops and someaccess session-based desktops orapplications. In some cases, a particulardevice may need to access bothsimultaneously (for example, a user logsinto a VDI desktop and then accesses aremote application or desktop through asession).Users or devices accessing Windows Clientand Windows Server sessions will need bothan eligible Windows 10 license and WindowsServer access licenses (Windows Server CALand RDS CAL).Roaming VDI Users A user’s primary device is a thin client atwork that has been licensed for VDI. Theuser also needs the flexibility to accesstheir VDI desktops from home or whiletraveling using their personal tablet device. The user needs a Windows VDA per User license— to allow access to up to four concurrent Windows virtual machines running in a data center from any device.Bring Your Own Companion Device (BYOCD) The company provides employees with aprimary work device covered by SoftwareAssurance for Windows, or Windows VDAsubscription and wants to allow employeesto bring their own companion devices(such as tablets) to work and access acorporate VDI form those devices.Because the primary work device is licensedfor Software Assurance for Windows orWindows VDA subscription, the companycan acquire a Windows Software Assuranceper User Add-on for the user, which allowsthat user to access a corporate VDI at workfrom any device.Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) The company decides to let users bringtheir own devices to work and sets up VDIdesktops for all users. Devices do not havea qualifying operating system (for example,they may be licensed for Windows 7 HomePremium). These users do not have accessto any other devices.The Windows VDA per User license wouldallow the user to access the VDI desktopsfrom any device.Contractor PCs Organization A contracts some work toorganization B and allows organization B’semplo yees to access organization A’s VDIdesktops through orga nization B’s PCs.Devices have a qualifying operating system(such as Windows 10 Pro). Organization A will need to license devices that organization B’s employees use to access organization A’s VDI d esktops with either Windows Enterprise per device with Software Assurance or Windows VDA per device subscription license; or license the users with Windows Enterprise E3/E5 subscription or Windows VDA E3/E5 subscription on a per user basis.Local Windows Virtual Machines An organization has a group of developerswho need to test an application acrossmultiple Windows images running in localvirtual machines on PCs running Windows10 Pro.The PC or the primary user of the PC needsactive Windows 10 Enterprise with SoftwareAssurance or Windows 10 Enterprise E3/E5subscription, which permits running up tofour virtual machines concurrently.© 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control. Prices for licenses acquired through Microsoft resellers are determined by the reseller.。



OFFICE练习题库一、单选题(共56题,每题1分,共56分)1.在Excel 2010中可以输入公式。

下列公式写法正确的是A、SUM(A4:G10)B、=AVERAGE($B$8:B9,B$11,B$13)C、H3*45+C9D、=MIN(AVERAGE(B8:B12):AVERAGE(C8:C12)))正确答案:B2.在powerpoint中,提供的播放演示的方式有()种A、4B、5C、3D、6正确答案:C答案解析:演讲者放映,观众自行浏览,在展台浏览3.powerpoint 2010演示文稿的默认的扩展名是()A、.PPSB、.PPTC、.PPTXD、.PPSX正确答案:C4.在WORD编辑窗口中要将光标移到文档尾可用()A、CTRL+ENDB、ENDC、CTRL+HOMED、HOME正确答案:A5.在EXCEL2010中,一个工作簿默认打开三个工作表。

若需要增加工作表,快捷键为A、Ctrl+F11B、Alt+F12C、Ctrl+F12D、Shift+F11正确答案:D6.在日期和时间对话框中不能设置的是()A、语言B、选用全角字符C、样式D、自动更新正确答案:C7.在Powerpoint中,不能打开已有的演示文稿的操作是( )A、快速访问工具栏中的”打开”按钮B、文件”按钮中的”打开”选项C、“文件”按钮——最近使用文件D、双击演示文稿图标正确答案:D8.有关表格排序的说法正确是A、排序规则有升序和降序B、只有数字类型可以作为排序的依据C、只有日期类型可以作为排序的依据D、笔画和拼音不能作为排序的依据正确答案:A9.Word中拆分单元格的完整含义是()A、把一个单元格拆分成两个,并分别并到上、下两个相邻的单元格中去B、把一个单元格拆分成两个,并分别并到左、右相邻的单元格中去C、把一个单元格的行数或列数一分为二D、把一个单元格的行数或列数增多正确答案:D10.如果删除的单元格是其他单元格的公式所引用的,那么这些公式将会显示A、#######B、#REF!C、#VALUE!D、#NUM正确答案:B11.在Excel2010工作表中建立图表时:A、数据系列只能是字符串B、数据系列只能是数值C、分类数据只能是数值D、分类数据只能是字符串正确答案:B12.如果要将某个新建样式应用到文档中,以下哪种方法无法完成样式的应用( )A、使用快速样式库或样式任务窗格直接应用B、使用查找与替换功能替换样式C、使用格式刷复制样式D、使用CTRL+W快捷键重复应用样式正确答案:D13.EXCEL中分类汇总的默认汇总方式是A、求和B、求平均C、求最大值D、求最小值正确答案:A14.在word中不是插入单元格的插入方式的是()A、活动单元格右移B、整行插入C、活动单元格左移D、整列插入正确答案:C15.打开一个旧文档后,按组合建CTRL+N,则新建的是()A、文档0B、文档1C、文档2D、文档3正确答案:B16.将插入点定位于句子“飞流直下三千尺”中的“直”与“下”之间,按一下DEL键,则该句子()A、变为“飞流下三千尺”B、变为“飞流直三千尺”C、整句被删除D、不变正确答案:B17.Excel2010中,在对某个数据库进行分类汇总之前,必须A、使用数据记录单B、设置筛选条件C、不应对数据排序D、应对数据库的分类字段进行排序正确答案:D18.关于分类汇总,叙述正确的是A、分类汇总前首先应按分类字段值对记录排序B、汇总方式只能求和C、只能对数值型字段分类D、分类汇总可以按多个字段分类正确答案:A19.在Word中,设置“下标”的快捷键是()。

关于Office word内嵌MAC时间的提取

关于Office word内嵌MAC时间的提取

关于Office word内嵌MAC时间的提取李子川【摘要】基于微软公司混合文档结构创建文件的MAC时间往往令人迷惑,因为它在计算机系统中的存放位置有二处,一个是存放在文件分配表目录项中,另一处存放位置嵌入到文件中,同一文件的创建时间在二处是不一致的,为了获得文件的真正文件属性时间,笔者根据文献对office文档二进制格式进行分析.提出了一种新的提取office word内嵌MAC时间的方法.【期刊名称】《黑龙江科技信息》【年(卷),期】2010(000)033【总页数】1页(P34)【关键词】计算机系统时间;UTC;CompoundFile;MAC时间【作者】李子川【作者单位】中国刑警学院计算机犯罪侦查系电子物证司法检验教研室,辽宁,沈阳,110035【正文语种】中文时间在计算机世界中无处不在,但是如同现实世界中的时间一样,计算机取证中的时间总是令人迷惑。


而MS office Word文档的创建时间,修改时间,访问时间,在计算机系统中的存储位置有二处,这二处存放的时间有时是不同的,为了找到文件的正真的MAC时间,对MS office文档的二进制结构进行了分析,找到了一种提取office内嵌创建时间的方法。








office考试试题一、选择题1. 下列关于Microsoft Word的说法中,正确的是:a) Word是一款制作电子表格的软件b) Word是一款制作演示文稿的软件c) Word是一款制作文档的软件d) Word是一款制作数据库的软件2. 下列关于Microsoft Excel的说法中,正确的是:a) Excel是一款制作电子表格的软件b) Excel是一款制作演示文稿的软件c) Excel是一款制作文档的软件d) Excel是一款制作数据库的软件3. 下列关于Microsoft PowerPoint的说法中,正确的是:a) PowerPoint是一款制作电子表格的软件b) PowerPoint是一款制作演示文稿的软件c) PowerPoint是一款制作文档的软件d) PowerPoint是一款制作数据库的软件二、单词填空1. Excel是一款强大的数据分析工具,可以进行数据的计算、图表的作成以及数据的_____________。

2. PowerPoint是一款用于制作演示文稿的软件,可以添加文字、图片、视频等多种_____________。

3. 在Word中,可以使用_____________功能对文本进行格式化,如加粗、斜体、下划线等。

4. 在Excel中,可以使用函数对数据进行_____________和_____________。

5. Outlook是一款常用的邮件客户端,可以收发电子邮件以及管理_____________。

三、简答题1. 请简要介绍一下Microsoft Office套件的主要应用程序。

2. Word、Excel和PowerPoint分别在哪些场景下经常被使用?3. Outlook的主要功能有哪些?如何设置邮件的签名?4. 在Excel中,常用的公式有哪些?请举例说明其应用场景。

四、实操题请根据以下要求,在Microsoft Word中创建一份简历:姓名:张三性别:男年龄:25岁学历:本科工作经验:3年技能:熟练使用Microsoft Office套件、良好的沟通能力请在合适的位置插入适当的分隔线,并使用合适的字体和字号进行排版。

power bi计算工作日公式

power bi计算工作日公式

在Power BI中,计算工作日的公式是一种非常常见的需求,特别是在处理日期数据时。


在本文中,我将深入探讨Power BI中计算工作日的公式,包括如何使用该公式以及其在数据分析中的实际应用。

一、什么是Power BI计算工作日公式?在Power BI中,计算工作日的公式是一种用于计算两个日期之间的工作日天数的函数。



二、如何在Power BI中使用计算工作日公式?在Power BI中,我们可以使用DAX语言来编写计算工作日的公式。





在Power BI中,我们可以在“编辑查询”或“新建列”中编写DAX公式,以实现计算工作日的功能。


三、Power BI计算工作日公式的实际应用计算工作日的公式在数据分析中有着广泛的应用。








大学office试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在Word中,要将文档中的文字加粗,应该使用以下哪个快捷键?A. Ctrl + IB. Ctrl + BC. Ctrl + UD. Ctrl + P答案:B2. 在Excel中,要计算一列数据的总和,可以使用以下哪个函数?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. COUNTD. MAX答案:A3. 在PowerPoint中,要将幻灯片切换效果设置为“溶解”,应该在哪个选项卡中操作?A. 视图B. 插入C. 动画D. 设计答案:D4. 在Outlook中,要将一封邮件标记为已读,应该点击邮件的哪个选项?A. 标记为未读B. 标记为已读C. 标记为后续跟进D. 标记为重要答案:B5. 在Access中,要创建一个新的查询,应该在哪个选项卡中操作?A. 创建B. 外部数据C. 表设计D. 报表答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在Word中,要将文档的页边距设置为2厘米,应该在“页面布局”选项卡中的_________对话框中进行设置。

答案:页面设置2. 在Excel中,要将一个单元格的数字格式设置为货币,应该在“开始”选项卡中的“数字”组中选择“__________”。

答案:货币3. 在PowerPoint中,要将幻灯片的背景设置为图片,应该在“设计”选项卡中的“背景”组中选择“__________”。

答案:背景样式4. 在Outlook中,要创建一个新的联系人,应该在“开始”选项卡中的“联系人”组中点击“__________”。

答案:新建联系人5. 在Access中,要打开数据库的导航窗格,应该在“创建”选项卡中的“数据库工具”组中点击“__________”。

答案:导航窗格三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述在Word中插入脚注的步骤。






返回值为1900 到9999 之间的整数。





3.TODAY格式:TODAY( )功能:返回当前日期的系列数,系列数是Microsoft Excel 用于日期和时间计算的日期-时间代码。


4.DAY格式:DAY(serial_num)功能:返回以系列数表达的某日期的天数,用整数1 到31 表达。



5.NOW格式:NOW( )功能:返回当前日期和时间所相应的系列数。



6.HOUR格式:HOUR(serial_num)功能:返回时间值的小时数,即一个介于0 (12:00 A.M.) 到23 (11:00 P.M.) 之间的整数。

举例:=HOUR("3:30:30 AM" ) ,确认后返回第一个时间值的小时数3。

7.MINUTE格式:MINUTE(serial_num)功能:返回时间值中的分钟,即一个介于0 到59 之间的整数。



全国计算机二级考试MS Office历真题精选(三)

全国计算机二级考试MS Office历真题精选(三)
全国计算机二级考试MS Office历真题精 选(三)
一、选择题 .小刘使用Word编写与互联网相关的文章时,文中频繁出现“贮符号,他希望能够在输入“(A.”后自动变为“第,最 优的操作方法是: A.将“(A.”定义为自动更正选项 B.先全部输入为“(A.”,最后再一次性替换为 C.将“(A.”定义为自动图文集 D.将“(A.”定义为文档部件 正确答案:A .郝秘书在Word中草拟一份会议通知,他希望该通知结尾处的日期能够随系统日期的变化而自动更新,最快捷 的操作方法是: A.通过插入日期和时间功能,插入特定格式的日期并设置为自动更新 .通过插入对象功能,插入一个可以链接到原文件的日期 C.直接手动输入日期,然后将其格式设置为可以自动更新 D.通过插入域的方式插入日期和时间 正确答案:A
(3)设置第四至第六段文字,要求首行缩进2个字符。将第四至第六段的段首“《报告》显示”和“《报告》表示“设 置为斜体、加粗、红色、双下划线。
(4)将文档“附:统计数据”后面的内容转换成2列9行的表格,为表格设置样式;将表格的数据转换成簇状柱形图, 插入到文档中“附:统计数据”的前面,保存文档。
(3)第三某至第六某幻灯片,标题内容分别为素材中各段的标题;左侧内容为各段的文字介绍,加项目符号,右侧 为考生文件夹下存放相对应的图片,第六某幻灯片需插入两某图片(“第四代计算机-Ljpg”在上,“第四代计算机-2.jpg” 在下);在第七某幻灯片中插入艺术字,内容为“谢谢!”。
D.41 正确答案:B .某编辑休假前正在审阅一部IV。rd书稿,他希望回来上班时能够快速找到上次编辑的位置,在W。rd202*中最 优的操作方法是()。

Office2016办公软件高级应用任务式教程 任务4制作新年贺卡与标签

Office2016办公软件高级应用任务式教程 任务4制作新年贺卡与标签

6)单击“邮件”选项卡下“完成”功能组中的“完成并合并”按钮,在弹出的下拉列表中选 择“编辑单个文档”命令,弹出“合并到新文档”对话框,直接单击“确定”按钮。即可生成 新文件“标签2”。
1)启动Word 2016,创建一个空白文档。
2)切换 “布局”选项卡,单击“页面设置”功能组右下角的对话框启动器按钮,弹出“页面 设置”对话框,在“页边距”选项卡中,设置页边距栏中“上”为“13厘米”,“下”、 “左”、“右”分别为“3厘米”,切换到“纸张”选项卡,将“宽度”设置为“18厘米”, 将“高度”设置为“26厘米”,单击“确定”按钮返回文档中,完成文档的页面设置。
1)将光标置于文档中“尊敬的”之后,切换到“邮件”选项卡,单击“开始邮件合并”功能组中 的“选择收件人”按钮,在下拉列表中选择“使用现有列表”命令,弹出“选取数据源”对话框, 找到素材文件夹中的“客户通讯录.xlsx”文件,单击“打开”按钮,弹出“选择表格”对话框, 选中“通讯录”,单击“确定”按钮,返回主文档,完成数据源的选择。
任务7 制作新年贺卡与标签
元旦来临之际,晨光公司设计部需要为销售部门设计并制作一份新年贺卡以及包含邮寄地址的标签, 由销售部门分送给相关客户。 案例效果:
2)单击“编写和插入域”功能组中的“插入合并域”按钮,在下拉列表中选择“姓名”,然后单 击“规则”按钮,在下拉列表中选择“如果…那么…否则”,弹出“插入Word域:如果”对话框, 在“域名”下拉列表中选择“性别”,在“比较条件”下拉列表中选择“等于”,在“比较对象” 的文本框中输入“男”,在“则插入此文字”中输入“先生”,在“否则插入此文字”中输入 “女士”,设置完成后单击“确定”按钮。




1. 在考生文件夹下,将“Word素材.docx”文件另存为“Word.docx”〔“.docx”为扩展名〕,后续操作均基于此文件,否则不得分。

2. 修改文档的页边距,上、下为厘米,左、右为3厘米。

3. 将文档标题“德国主要城市”设置为如下格式:4. 将文档第1页中的绿色文字内容转换为2列4行的表格,并进行如下设置〔效果可参考考生文件夹下的“表格效果.png”例如〕:①设置表格居中对齐,表格宽度为页面的80%,并取消所有的框线;②使用考生文件夹中的图片“项目符号.png”作为表格中文字的项目符号,并设置项目符号的字号为小一号;③设置表格中的文字颜色为黑色,字体为方正姚体,字号为二号,其在单元格内中部两端对齐,并左侧缩进字符;④修改表格中内容的中文版式,将文本对齐方式调整为居中对齐;⑤在表格的上、下方插入恰当的横线作为修饰;⑥在表格后插入分页符,使得正文内容从新的页面开始。

5. 为文档中所有红色文字内容应用新建的样式,要求如下〔效果可参考考生文件夹中的“城市名称.png”例如〕:6. 为文档正文中除了蓝色的所有文本应用新建立的样式,要求如下:7. 取消标题“柏林”下方蓝色文本段落中的所有超链接,并按如下要求设置格式〔效果可参考考生文件夹中的“柏林一览.png”例如〕:8. 将标题“慕尼黑”下方的文本“Muenchen”修改为“München”。

9. 在标题“波斯坦”下方,显示名为“会议图片”的隐藏图片。

10. 为文档设置“阴影”型页面边框,及恰当的页面颜色,并设置打印时可以显示;保存“Word.docx”文件。

11. 将“Word.docx”文件另存为“笔划顺序.docx”到考生文件夹;在“笔划顺序.docx”文件中,将所有的城市名称标题〔包含下方的介绍文字〕按照笔划顺序升序排列,并删除该文档第一页中的表格对象。

Micrisoft Office 系列

Micrisoft Office 系列

Microsoft Office 2010、Visio 2010、Project 2010 官方中文版 +有效激活方法以下提供的Microsoft Office 2010系列三个版本六个光盘镜像,均为同版本中功能最全的最高版本。



就Microsoft Office 2010系列三个“零售版”目前市场售价而言,分别为:8210元RMB(Visio 2010高级版);4899元RMB(系Office 2010专业版;市场暂无专业增强版发售);对于Project 2010,目前尚无报价信息。


Microsoft Office 2010简体中文专业增强(VOL)版:32位下载:/file/349837File:SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2010_W32_ChnSimp_MLF_X16-52528.iso Size: 926285824 bytesMD5: 62123980D01D31ADF53A71D756A746FCSHA1: 8CED13AC8CE7C8DB10337BE922B5E556C36C420FCRC32: C0043D3364位下载:/file/349807File:SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2010_64Bit_ChnSimp_MLF_X16-52534.ISO Size: 1009090560 bytesMD5: B3091BC749CE9EF412810193E593769CSHA1: 604AB2B401E0F1EAD8A643CFFAADF0F9023F25EDCRC32: A2BB19BF——功能和特性:/zh-cn/products/HA101812297.aspxMicrosoft Project 2010简体中文专业(VOL)版:32位下载:/file/349823File: SW_DVD5_Project_Pro_2010_W32_ChnSimp_MLF_X16-43249.ISOSize: 480309248 bytesMD5: 26D89EC79A696A56F76AC872E8B71F26SHA1: 7A8DBF88D86AA7D854934B69130E64DF94521485CRC32: BA18F55E64位下载:/file/349690File: SW_DVD5_Project_Pro_2010_64Bit_ChnSimp_MLF_X16-43255.ISOSize: 525422592 bytesMD5: FA16918791FFB3819F524F20B9861A06SHA1: 8F4B58BF52591D7AF49C56343025E4EA1CA0D7A9CRC32: 4E043F1A——功能和特性:/zh-cn/project-help/HA010354195.aspx Microsoft Visio 2010简体中文高级(VOL)版:32位下载:/file/349819File:SW_DVD5_Visio_Premium_2010_W32_ChnSimp_Std_Pro_Prem_MLF_X16-51022.ISO Size: 528869376 bytesMD5: 8664651980EF1970596D2BCEEDA0D508SHA1: 7035CA96725A64BE565807AF156512DF94730717CRC32: 46ACA02F64位下载:/file/349622File:SW_DVD5_Visio_Premium_2010_64Bit_ChnSimp_Std_Pro_Prem_MLF_X16-51028.i soSize: 588294144 bytesMD5: 98FC96E97606FD0060C8F9B8301DD3ACSHA1: E54CDB51ED80CBF78C4153EC8ADABE4A112C4ACCCRC32: 8D870811——功能和特性:/zh-cn/visio/“迷你KMS ”下载:请打开:我的威盘(Office 2010 Toolkit 2.1.1)——正常运行这个“迷你KMS”,需要Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0或更高版本(可从微软下载中心下载)的支Microsoft Visio Premium 2010 简体中文高级版(MSDN原版)+ 永久激活密钥刚才向大家提供了Microsoft Project 2010简体中文专业版 + 永久激活密钥。



计算机二级0ffice考试答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1. 在Word中,下列哪个功能可以插入页眉和页脚?A. 插入菜单B. 视图菜单C. 格式菜单D. 工具菜单答案:A2. Excel中,下列哪个函数用于计算一组数值的平均值?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. COUNTD. MAX答案:B3. 在PowerPoint中,下列哪个选项用于设置幻灯片的切换效果?A. 插入菜单B. 幻灯片放映菜单C. 视图菜单D. 设计菜单答案:B4. 在Access中,下列哪个视图用于创建查询?A. 数据表视图B. 查询设计视图C. 表单视图D. 报表视图答案:B5. Outlook中,下列哪个选项用于设置邮件的优先级?A. 文件菜单B. 工具菜单C. 视图菜单D. 邮件菜单答案:D6. Word中,下列哪个功能可以设置文档的页边距?A. 插入菜单B. 页面布局菜单C. 视图菜单D. 工具菜单答案:B7. Excel中,下列哪个函数用于计算一组数值中的最大值?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. MAXD. COUNT答案:C8. PowerPoint中,下列哪个选项用于设置幻灯片的背景?A. 插入菜单B. 设计菜单C. 幻灯片放映菜单D. 视图菜单答案:B9. Access中,下列哪个视图用于创建表?A. 数据表视图B. 查询设计视图C. 表单视图D. 报表视图答案:A10. Outlook中,下列哪个选项用于设置邮件的分类?A. 文件菜单B. 工具菜单C. 视图菜单D. 邮件菜单答案:D...20. 在Word中,下列哪个功能可以插入脚注?A. 引用菜单B. 插入菜单C. 视图菜单D. 工具菜单答案:A二、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Excel中,下列哪些函数可以用于计算数值的总和?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. COUNTD. MAX答案:A2. 在PowerPoint中,下列哪些选项用于插入多媒体元素?A. 插入菜单B. 设计菜单C. 幻灯片放映菜单D. 工具菜单答案:A3. 在Access中,下列哪些视图可以用于编辑表中的数据?A. 数据表视图B. 查询设计视图C. 表单视图D. 报表视图答案:A4. Outlook中,下列哪些选项用于管理联系人信息?A. 文件菜单B. 工具菜单C. 联系人菜单D. 邮件菜单答案:C5. Word中,下列哪些功能可以用于文档的格式设置?A. 插入菜单B. 页面布局菜单C. 引用菜单D. 工具菜单答案:B...10. 在Excel中,下列哪些函数可以用于查找和引用数据?A. VLOOKUPB. HLOOKUPC. INDEXD. MATCH答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 在Word中,可以通过“插入”菜单插入封面。

Microsoft 365 Apps 企业版许可说明书

Microsoft 365 Apps 企业版许可说明书

This brief applies to all Microsoft Licensing programs.ContentsSummary (1)Details (2)Microsoft 365 Apps Licensing (2)Microsoft 365 Apps activation options (2)Remote Access for Microsoft 365 Apps (3)Licensing Office Online Server (3)Licensing Microsoft 365 for enterprise for use with Windows To Go (4)Acquiring Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise in Commercial Licensing (4)Online Services downgrade rights (4)Frequently asked questions (4)Appendix: Microsoft Office software vs. Microsoft 365 Apps (6)SummaryThis licensing brief addresses commonly asked questions about licensing Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise through Microsoft Commercial Licensing programs. This brief will help clarify the differences between use rights for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise acquired as a subscription service and Office acquired as a software product (Office 2019) under a desktop application license (typically, a perpetual one-time purchase license).This brief only addresses questions about Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise use rights. For more information on desktop application licenses for Office, see the “Licensing Microsoft Office Software in Commercial Licensing” brief. Licensing brief August 2020Microsoft 365 Apps LicensingMicrosoft 365 Apps for enterprise is productivity software (including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, Access, and Audio Services) that is licensed as a subscription service under the online services licensing model. It can be licensed on a per user or per device basis. This differs from Office Standard/Professional Plus 2019 licenses which are tied to Licensed Devices and licensed as a one-time purchase.The Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise per user license also allows Licensed Users to access Office experiences on PCs, Macs and mobile devices. The Licensed User may activate the software for local or remote use on up to five concurrent operating system environments (OSEs). Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise licensing treats physical and virtual OSEs the same, so the five concurrent activations may be on five different devices or multiple OSEs on one device. These devices may include company managed device and employee personal devices. The Licensed User may also use the software activated by another user under a different User SL.Each Licensed User may also access Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise remotely from any device, including third-party devices. This includes situations where you activate one of five copies of the software on a network server or a server hosted by a third party. See Remote Access below for additional details.Per device licenses allow one installation of the software on the Licensed Device. Users of the Licensed Device may also use the device to remotely access the software on a network server or server hosted by a third party. See Remote Access below for additional details.Microsoft 365 Apps activation optionsMicrosoft 365 Apps for enterprise primarily uses click-to-run deployment technology to activate the software. Shared computer activation is another activation mode for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and integrates with RDS virtualization technologies.•Click-to-run deployment technology integrates with user-dedicated virtualization technologies. Click-to-run supports the full client installation on physical PCs as well as dedicated virtual desktop infrastructure(VDI) deployment on user-dedicated Windows 10 and Windows Server virtual machines without RemoteDesktop Service (RDS) role enabled*.*Additional licenses are required to enable virtualization deployments on a network server. Please consult a VolumeLicensing Partner to determine your license needs.•Shared computer activation is another activation mode for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and integrates with RDS virtualization technologies. Examples of virtualization scenarios using the RDS roleinclude Remote Desktop Session Host and Pooled VDI (using RDS). When Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise is deployed on a network server with RDS role enabled, each Licensed User may sign in with theirsubscription account to temporarily activate Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise via shared computeractivation*. Shared computer activation also enables use of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on shareddevices such as those on a factory floor or those used by medical personnel in a hospital. DeployingMicrosoft 365 Apps for enterprise using shared computer activation does not count against a user’s fivedesktop installations of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. Shared computer activation may also be usedwhen deploying Microsoft 365 Apps for business only when Microsoft 365 Apps for business is licensed as a component of Microsoft 365 Business Premium.*Additional licenses are required to enable virtualization deployments on a network server. Please consult a VolumeLicensing Partner to determine your license needs.Remote Access for Microsoft 365 AppsCustomers may choose to deploy the Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise software for remote access by their users or devices licensed for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. This can be done on servers dedicated to the customer or in shared server environments. Per user licenses entitle the Licensed User to remotely access the software. Per device licenses allow users to remotely access the software through the Licensed Device.•Dedicated server scenarios include deploying on the customer’s own servers or using a third party to hosta dedicated server. If the customer chooses to use a third party, this is often referred to as "OutsourcingSoftware Management" and requires the third party to be an Authorized Outsourcer. The hostedenvironment must be on servers dedicated to the customer. An Authorized Outsourcer is any outsourcer that is not a Listed Provider and not using a Listed Provider as a datacenter provider. A list of ListedProviders can be found at See Microsoft’s Product Terms for details.•Shared server scenarios include using Microsoft Azure or a third-party service provider that is a Qualified Multitenant Hosting Partner (QMTH). A list of QMTH Partners and additional deployment requirements are available at https:///sca. If the customer chooses to use a QMTH, the QMTH may not be a Listed Provider or be using a Listed Provider as a data center provider. A list of Listed Providers can befound at See Microsoft’s Product Terms for details.Licensing Office Online ServerMicrosoft Office Online Server offers everyone view-only access to Office Online documents.For editing of Office Online documents, you need an Office license acquired through Volume Licensing. Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise provides licensing rights to use Microsoft Office Online when Microsoft Office Online Server is deployed on-premises. The Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise Licensed User can edit documents using Office Online Server from any device, including those not licensed for Office. External Users* don’t need an Office license to view or edit Office Online documents. All Microsoft 365/Office 365 plans that include Microsoft SharePoint Online include Office Online as a hosted service.See descriptions of M365 plans at https:///en-us/microsoft-365/business/compare-all-microsoft-365-business-products.For customers that qualify for Office Online Server but don’t have access to the Volume License Servicing Center to download a copy, the following actions are possible:•VL or Open customers can contact their Support Center.•Direct customers can submit a request from their O365 admin center or contact support.*External Users are those users that are not either your or your affiliates’ employees or your or your affiliates’ on-site contractors or on-site agents.Licensing Microsoft 365 for enterprise for use with Windows To GoLicensed Users can use Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise installed on a USB drive with Windows To Go when you license the work device for the following:•Windows 10 with Software Assurance, Windows E3/E5,, Microsoft 365 F3/E3/E5 or Windows Virtual Desktop Access subscription license; and•Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise**Shared computer activation may be required.As a result, a Licensed User can use a USB drive to run Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on any licensed work device whether on company premises or outside of the workplace.Acquiring Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise in Commercial LicensingMicrosoft 365 Apps for enterprise available through the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement, Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement, Microsoft Cloud Agreement, MPSA, Open programs, and Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (under the Campus and School Agreement). Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise is available as a stand-alone User SL and is also included as a component of certain Office 365 and Microsoft 365 plans. Users who are licensed for any of the following are licensed for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise:•Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, or•Office 365 E3/E5, or•Microsoft 365 E3/E5Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise may also be acquired under Government and Education offerings. You can compare Microsoft365 plans at https:///en-us/microsoft-365/business/compare-all-microsoft-365-business-products.Online Services downgrade rightsMicrosoft 365customers have access to the latest technology with the newest features and releases. As with all Subscription Services, Microsoft generally offers only the latest version of the service at a time. Therefore, downgrade rights aren’t available with Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise licenses.Q1: What is the difference between Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and Office Professional Plus 2019?A: Both Office Professional Plus 2019 and Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise deliver the same productivity software and application experiences. However, Office Professional Plus 2019 is a one-time purchase license that is tied to the computers it is installed on, and it is available through Volume Licensing only. Microsoft 365Apps for enterprise is available as a per user and per device subscription. See the comparison of the twolicensing models for Office in the Appendix section of this document.Q2: Which Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise subscriptions include shared computer activation?A: Any license that contains Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise is eligible for shared computer activation. This includes the following licenses:•Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise Office 365 E3/E5•Microsoft 365 E3/E5All equivalent Government and Education SKUs are also included. Project Online and Visio Online also include shared computer activation.Q3: How many machines can be activated via shared computer activation?A: Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise per user licenses allows a user to activate up to five desktop PCs/Macs in non-shared environment. When a user signs into Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise via shared computeractivation it will not count against a user’s five total desktop installations and thus will not show up on the user account management page.Q4: Which devices can be used to access Office deployment on a network server?A: Unlike Office Professional Plus 2019 per device licenses, with a Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise per user license you may access your Apps deployment on a network server from any device. You may also access Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise from your mobile devices, such as tablets.Q5: Can I run Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on my personal device to work from home?A: Yes. Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise per user licenses may be installed on up to five devices at a time (for use by the licensed user only)..Q6: Can I bring my personal device to work and use it with Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise?A: Yes. Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise per user licenses may be installed on up to five devices at a time and be used by the licensed user anywhere, at work or at home. Per device licenses entitle only one device to run Apps and can be either a personal device or a work device.Q7: Can I run Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on my Mac?A: Yes. Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise is available for MacOS.Q8: Can I use Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise with a partner-hosted solution?A: No. Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise is not sold under our service provider hoster channel (or SPLApartners). Customers may continue to purchase Subscriber Access License (SAL) for Office Professional Plus hosted desktop solutions provided by Microsoft Partners.Q9: Can I deploy Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on shared public cloud environments?A: Yes. Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise may be deployed on shared servers using shared computeractivation on Microsoft Azure or a Qualified Multitenant Hosting Partner (QMTH). A list of QMTH partners and additional deployment requirements are available at /sca.Q10: Can I deploy Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on Azure?A: Yes. Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise may be deployed on Azure with shared computer activation.Customers may license Office as a software product or Microsoft 365 Apps as a subscription service.. See the main differences between the two offerings below:**Requires Windows To Go, which is available as a benefit of Software Assurance for the Windows 10 Enterprise per device/E3/E5 license , or Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) subscription license.© 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRA NTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control. Prices for licenses acquired through Microsoft resellers are determined by the reseller.。

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The resource of Valentine’s Day The development of Valentine’s Day
The gifts of Vaery month
The resource of Valentine’s Day
The resource of Valentine’s Day
The resourceofValentine’s Day
Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball. 此后2月14日就 成为了一个具有特殊意义的日子。在这天人们向自 己心仪的人传递信息以示爱意。而理所当然的桑特 瓦仑丁也就成为了为恋爱中的男女们牵线搭桥的人。 在2月14日这天人们会特意做诗或者用一些小礼物 送给自己心爱的人。而且人们还会组织各种各样的 聚会来庆祝这个特殊的节日。
Valentine’s time in every month
7月14日 Silver Day 银色情人节 8月14日 Green Day 绿色情人节 9月14日 Music &Photo Day 相片 情人节 10月14日 Wine Day 葡萄酒情人 节 11月14日 Orange & Movie Day 电影情人 节 12月14日 Hug Day 拥抱情人节
The development of Valentine’s Day
The reinvention of Saint Valentine's Day in the 1840s has been traced by Leigh Eric Schmidt. In the United States, the first mass-produced valentines of embossed paper lace were produced and sold shortly after 1847 by Esther Howland (1828-1904) of Worcester, Massachusetts
There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. 关于情人节的起源有许多种说法。有关人 士认为情人节是一个名叫桑特 瓦伦丁的人士发起的。 他是罗马人,因为拒绝放弃基督教而于公元前269年 2月14日惨遭杀害,这一天也正好是全城盛行彩票抽 奖的日子。
Since the 19th century, handwritten notes have largely given way to massproduced greeting cards. The mid-nineteenth century Valentine's Day trade was a harbinger of further commercialized holidays in the United States to follow.
The gifts of Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s time in every month
1月14日 Diary Day 日记情人节 2月14日 Valentine’s Day 传统情人节 3月14日 White Day 白色情人节 4月14日 Black Day 黑色情人节 5月14日 Yellow &Rose Day 玫瑰情人节 6月14日 Kiss Day 亲亲情人节
In the second half of the twentieth century, the practice of exchanging cards was extended to all manner of gifts in the United States, usually from a man to a woman.Such gifts typically include roses and chocolates packed in a red satin, heart-shaped box. In the 1980s, the diamond industry began to promote Valentine's Day as an occasion for giving jewelry.