



英语版导游欢送词参考篇一:导游欢送词(英文版)通用Ladiesandgentlemen:Thetimehasgonebyquicklyandyourtriptochinaisdraw ingtoaclose.It’sapitythatyoucannotstayinourcountryanylonger.Thenallowmetotakethisop portunitytosaygoodbyetoyou.Iwouldliketotellyouthatitisagreatpleasurefor metospendthelastfewdaysasyourguide.Ihavehadtheopportunitytomeetandg ettoknowyou,andwehavespentagreatdealoftimetogether.Ihopeyouhaveenjo yedthesefewdaysasmuchasIhave.wehavetriedtomakeyourstayhereinchinaa spleasantandenjoyableaspossible.wesincerelyhopethatyouhaveenjoyedbei nghereandthatonedayinthefutureyouwillreturntovisitusagain.Ifthereisanyt hingwecandotomakethispossible,pleasefeelfreetocallus.Iwishtothankyoual lforthecooperationandsupportyouhavegivenusinthepastseveraldays.Youha vekeptgoodtimeonalloccasions,whichmadethingsaloteasierforme.Youhave beenveryattentivewhenwehadanythingtotellyou.I’dliketoaddthatyouarethebestgroupwe’veeverbeenwith.severaldaysago,wemetasstrangers;today,wesaygoodbyeto eachotherasfriends.Achinesesayinggoes,“Agoodfriendfromafarbringsadistantlandcloser.”Ihopeyou’lltakebackhappymemoriesofyourtriptochinaandyouarewelcometocomebacksometimeinthefuture.Asyouhaveprobablyobserved,chinaisdevelopingver yquickly.whenandifyoucomebackinthefuture,ourcountrymayhavechanged beyondrecognition.meanwhile,Iwillcontinuemyhumblejobasatourguide.I wishtoseeyouagaininthefutureandtobeyourguide.onceagain,thankyouforyourcooperationandsupport.goodbye!篇二:导游英语欢送词TheimpactAndsignificanceofReligiousetiquette题目:学院:专业:班级:学号:学生姓名:指导教师:论文TheImpactAndsignificanceofReligiousetiquette宗教礼仪的重要性及影响外国语学院旅游翻译20XX级英语四班0601110227王庆任素珍20XX年11月TheImpactAndsignificanceofReligiousetiquettebywangQingsupervisor:RensuZhenxi’anuniversityofArtsandscienceoctober20XXAbstractReligionistheproductofhuman’sunderstandingabouttheworldandthemselves.It’sauniversalculturephenomenoninthehumansocietyindifferentfield,affectsg reatlyonmanyaspectsofhumanlife.Itoccursonlywhenhumansocietyreachesi ntoacertainstage.sonodoubtreligionplaysanimportantroleinthecommunicat ionandconnectionofallkindsofindividuals,peoplesorevencountries. byclarifyingsomethingaboutthereligiousetiquette,elaboratingtheeffectofrel igiontowardshumanindifferentculturesandtheimportantfactorsofimpedingr eligiousetiquettewhenpeoplediscoursing,thispaperaimstopointouttheimpac tandsignificanceofreligiousetiquette,analyzingthefactorofinfluencingpeopl e’sreligiousetiquette.Italsodiscusseshowpeopleshouldbehavecorrectlywhen meetmanwhohastotallydifferentbeliefs.Keywords:religiousetiquette;impactandsignificance;connection摘要宗教是人类认识世界和自身的产物。



导游词的欢送词英语篇一:Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my pleasure to have friends from afar. Wele to Confucius hometown—Shandong Province. Please sit back and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don’t have to worry about it.Let me introduce my team first. Mr. Wang is our driver. He has 20 years of driving under his belt, so you’re in very safe hands. Miss. Li, a recent college graduate, is a trainee tour guide. My name is Zeng Zhaoxi, but you mayjust call me Zeng, which is my surname. The surname is the same as Zencius, one of Confucius famous disciples. We’re from Shandong China Youth Travel Service (CYTS). On behalf of CYTS Shandong and our colleagues, I’d like to extend a warm wele to you.During your stay in our province, Miss. Li and I will be your local guides. We’ll do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will do everything in our power to smooth them away.As you will be staying in our province for eight days, you’d better remember the number of our bus. The number is 20216. Let’s repeat it together: 20216. And besides that, your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Thank you.Now we are traveling in Jinan downtown area. We will reach the hotel soon. After you get off the bus, you’ll be warmly weled by the hotel’s attendants and enjoy very convenient services. You know Shandong people have the tradition of hospitality. I hope you will enjoy your stay in the hotel. Thank you for your attention. Now please take the valuables with you and get off the bus one by one.篇二:Ladies and gentleman :good morning !Wele to changchun.please sit back and relax.your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you don't have to worry about that. first on behalf of shanxi international travel service and myselfwele everyone e to jilin province I’m very pleased to be yourguide during your stay in shanxi province ,if you have just e to here I can show you around. now please allow me introduce myself my name is li Wang Lichao,you can call me lily,sitting beside me is our driver Mr li ,he has more than ten year’s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one,We will always be using the same bus while we are here in changchun so I reaommed that you write down the number on our license plate .There will be a lot of tour buses at the scenic spots we visit.If you happen to get separated from the group ,you will have the bus number and still be able to find our bus .an oldChinese saying may express our hospitality:"Isn't it a great pleasure to have friends ing from afar ".Mr li and I will do as much as we can to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable ,I hope that your visit to this ancient province will be a happy and memorable experience in your life . You are going to stay at the Holiday Inn Shangri-LaHotel.Hotel DetailsShangri-La Hotel, Changchun is the city's onlyinternational luxury hotel. Located in the centre of one of China's fastest-growing cities, the hotel's 458 guest rooms and 98 fully serviced apartments provide a convenient, private and quiet haven for short- and long-term guests. The hotel sits at the junction of Chongqing Road and Xian Road-the financial, business and entertainment centre of Changchun city. Shangri-La Hotel, Changchun features the city's largest ballroom among Changchun hotels, along with 7 function rooms in various sizes and several fine restaurants, making it a focal point for virtually any traveller visiting the city.We will always infrom you in advace when we will meet to go somewhere and when we will have our meals.It's very important taht you always try to be on time.To make sure that we don't have any problems,I'd like to remind you of the time difference.While you are traveling in Chian,you will always use Bejing Standard Time.Right now it isSptmber 20 and the current time is 10:00 AM.please adjust you watches now.So that we can avoid any confusion later on. If you have any special interests,please don't hesitate to let us know.Our job is to smoon your way,care for your welfare,answer any questions you have assist you inwhatever way we can.We relly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope you will enjoy your stay in my city.。



On the way to struggle, time always flies quickly. The current difficulties and troubles are many, but as long as you don’t forget your original intention and step by step towards your goal, the final outcome will be determinedby time.勤学乐施积极进取(页眉可删)英文导游欢送词导游欢送词用于导游送团的时候,英文导游欢送词怎么写,以下的英文导游欢送词范文,一起来阅读下吧。

英文导游欢送词【1】that trip to dalian to master of here will have been over.believe in more of dalian public square , big of greenbelt area, clean appearance of a city and euro-style city construction are stayed by you deeply impression, keeps an incense especially among the dalian seafood lip and tooth definitely as early as you.那到这里大家的大连之行就要结束了。


little meng thanks everybodys all the way support to my job and understands that also in here.hope that everybody gets chance to come to dalian again, small meng and my location (所在)__ travel service will be that you provide (提供)the service using more well.wish everybodys returning journey all smooth god-speed finally! 最后祝大家归途一切顺利一路平安英语导游欢送词【2】(Farewell speech)Respected Dr.Mills leader of People-to-People Forensic Science delegation and Mrs.Mills.Respected Mr.Lucas leader of the delegation and Mrs.Lucas.Ladies and gentlemen comrades and friends.Time goes so quickly and your trip to China is drawing to a close.Tomorrow morning our friends will be leaving Guangzhou for Hong Kong by train.Before wee part I would like to say a few words.Entrusted by the Ministry of Public Security Miss Chao and I took on the responsibility of doing logistics on behalf of the China Civil International Touristt Corporation during your stay in China.Your duration of stay in this country was only two and half weeks ` time.You visited Beijing which is the capital of the People` s Republic of China Then the delegation was divided into two teams.l` s team went to Shenyang and Guilin and Mr.Lucas ` team toured Shanghai and Hangzhou.Shanghai and Shenyang are industrious cities while Guilin and Hangzhou are scenic spots.In China people usually say : up above there is paradise down below there are Suzhou and Hanggzhou.Guilin claims to be second to none in scenery.(Guilin scenes are the finest under heaven.) In 1985 an English newspapar “China Tourism news” sponsored a poll for the Chinese people to select the ten most popular scenic spots in China.The West lake of Hangzhou and mountains and waters of Guilin were on the top of the ten.Finally the two teams came to Guangzhou by air in different directions.While the delegation members were in China they exchanged the technical information with the Chinese professional counterparts about forensic sciences visited several criminal science and technology research institutes the China Criminal Police College a jail and hospital.The accompanying persons toured some unique place.Examples of these were a township an arts and crafts factory a kindergarten jade factory and ivory carving factories and carpet factory.The whole delegation also toured the grounds of some famous historical spots in China.They had several banquets and tasted the different varieties of Chinese food in different places.It is our belief that everything wascovered and your trip to this country was worth “all the tea in China.” You were in good hands and good company.While you were and are in China the delegation members have been very co-operative friendly and understanding .We appreciated that very much .This is because that friendship does not go on way it goes both ways.Friendship always benefits.英语导游欢迎词【3】every guest , everybody are good , i represent (代表)a driver first,the travel service who represents __ welcomes everybody arriving in beautiful sea town- - dalian , i am a tourist guide of __ travel service member, i am called meng li na , everybody lets my small meng can.fronts be a driver x master, the x master driving experience having many years , the driving technology isexcellent(驾驶技术高超), is at ease therefore everybody can be complete in the process of bridge crane(所以大家在行车过程中可以完全放心).this several day is served for everybody by our and x master then right away.there is a sentence in china as the saying goes regards: construct such that the same boat spends for a century.today we will be: repair same car dealers for a century.everybody knows each other well from not being acquainted for to meeting in all of us being gone to from different place ride in in the same vehicle with a destination, this is really one kind of very marvellous and fine as well preordained relationship , lets us carry this fine preordained relationship through to the end so right away.that little meng first here wish everybody trip to dalian happy, hope we dalian good mountain, good water, good tourist guide, good driver bring a portion to a portion good state of mind, make everybody with face to face dalianexpectation and long for but come with face to face dalian satisfied and linger around but return to.bless everybody shu eating in dalian finally中国有句俗话说的好:百年修得同船度。



英语版导游欢送词5篇第一篇:英语版导游欢送词ladies and gentlemen:the time goes quickly and your trip in wuhan is drawing to a close.it’s a pity that you cannot stay in our countryany longer.then allow me to take this opportunity to say goodbye to you.i would like to tell you that it is a great pleasure for me to be your guide these days.i have had the opportunity to meet andget to know you.thank you for the cooperation and support you gave us in the past several days.as a chinese old saying which goes, “a good friend from afar brings a distant land closer.” i hope you’ll take happy memories ofyour trip in china back homei wish to see you again in the future and to be your guide.once again, thank you for your cooperation and support.goodbye!第二篇:英语导游欢送词大家可以改部分的可以开自己需要的地方记得顶下我,谢谢英语导游词欢迎词欢送词Ladies and Gentlemen:The time goes quickly and your trip in wuhan isdrawing to a close.It’s a pity that you cannot stay in our countryany longer.Then allow me to take this opportunity to say goodbye to you.I would like to tell you that it is a great pleasure for me to be your guide these days.I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know you.thank you for the cooperation and support you gave us in the past several days.As a Chinese old saying which goes, “A good friend from afar brings a distant land closer.” I hope you’ll takehappy memories of your trip inChina back homeI wish to see you again in the future and to be your guide.Once again, thank you for your cooperation and support.Goodbye!大家可以改部分的可以开自己需要的地方记得顶下我,谢谢Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to wuhanPlease sit down and relax.Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don't have to worry about it.Let me introduce my team first.Mr.Zhang is our driver.He has 30 years of driving.My name is cailiekai, your tour guide, you may just call me kaise, which is my english name.We're from the China International Travel Service(CITS).Here, I'd like to welcome to you all.During your stay in our city, we'll do everything possible to make your tour a happy experience.If you have any problems or requests, please don't hesitate to let me know.You're going to stay at a five-star hotel of wuhan,.There is one thing I must warn you against.You must remember the number of our bus.The number is 12345.let me repeat: 12345.I hope you'll enjoy your stay in our cityWritebysiguahao第三篇:导游欢送词导游欢送词欢送词:(一)各位游客:随着最后一站周村古商城之行渐近尾声,我们的**之行也即将结束了,回顾我们朝夕相处的三天行程,在旅途中建立起的真诚友谊,已使大家情投意合,难舍难分。



Ladies and Gentlemen:The time has gone by quickly and your trip to China is dra wing to a close. It’s a pity that you cannot stay in our country any longer. Then allow me to take this opportunity to say goodbye to yo u.I would like to tell you that it is a great pleasure for me to spend the last few days as your guide. I have had the opportu nity to meet and get to know you, and we have spent a great deal of time together. I hope you have enjoyed these few days as much as I h ave. We have tried to make your stay here in China as pleasant and e njoyable as possible. We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed being here and that one day in the future you will return to visit us agai n. If there is anything we can do to make this possible, please feel free to call us.I wish to thank you all for the cooperation and support you have given us in the past several days. You have kept good time on a ll occasions, which made things a lot easier for me. You have been v ery attentive when we had anything to tell you. I’d like to add that you are the best group we’ve ever been with.Several days ago, we met as strangers; today, we say goodb ye to each other as friends. A Chinese saying goes, “A good friend f rom afar brings a distant land closer.” I hope you’ll take back hap py memories of your trip to China and you are welcome to come back s ometime in the future.As you have probably observed, China is developing very quickly. When and if you come back in the future, our country may ha ve changed beyond recognition. Meanwhile, I will continue my humble job as a tour guide. I wish to see you again in the future and to be your guide.Once again, thank you for your cooperation and support. Goodbye!。

导游英语情景口语Item 欢送词

导游英语情景口语Item  欢送词
Peking Opera and ancient mausoleums of emperors.
4. Try to explain the Chinese saying “there is nothing more delightful than to meet friends afar” in English.
Wp但roh愿mic在hot将ceit来y i的s c某vo.n个si时de候re,d a与s大th家e e再n相gin会e。of China’s economy?
culture? W但有T令ryh愿朋人ato在 自 尊t me将远敬xap来方的ylaa的来info某,trhe个不eigC时亦nhe候乐irnae,乎psp与erse大aciy家ainte再gC“相thh会ienre。eseiscnuolttuhrineg? more delightful than to meet friends afar” in English. For example, Chinese handippcrafts, 孔S海h子滨anghai.
7. I would like to welcome you back. 但愿在将来的某个时候,与大家再相会。
▪ Listen and Answer
1. Where does the tour guide come from?
She comes from China International Travel Service. h但IT没awh愿有neodut在 各iolcdur将位arlifkc来的teo的支utold某持wnn’个,et. lhc时这aovm候次ee,旅bye与游oeun大不btha家可ac再能kt .s相如uc会此ce。成ss功fu。l without your support.



导游欢送词英文版导游欢送词英文版导游欢送词英文版导游欢送词英文版【1】Visitors and friends, today's visit to this end.Thank you for explaining in tourism of my support and help, and if there be any inadequacies, criticism please! Welcome you again! I would like you once again guided visits.Thank you all!导游欢送词英文版【2】How time flies, just a two day trip to Wuxi has been completed, although there are many parting sadness, but it was time to say goodbye, thanks for the support and cooperation of all the two days of my work,in the process of traveling, there will inevitably be many not in place also, please forgive me, but also hope that you give us valuable advice, your opinion will enable us to continue to grow, continue to progress.We can not do the best, but we will strive to do better!Maybe I am not the best tour guide, but we are the best guests I met, and the best guests to spend the happy two days is my lucky, meetis a song, you and i!Thank you again for your support and cooperation.In the future, if you have any need of our help, if you have relatives and friends to travel abroad, please visit China inspirational network, we look forward to the next cooperation!Finally, I wish all my friends good health and happiness!导游欢送词英文版【3】Dear friends, when our tourist car is once again on the familiar airport highway, our trip to Sichuan will soon be over.Chinese saying "ten years of repair the same boat".We came to the land of abundance beautiful from the beautiful XX.We can spend together happy X days, that is a fate, now the time is coming, hope the fate between us, like Sichuan, X places the Yangtze River water as continual.Just a few days to get along, we appreciate the rich folk customs of Sichuan.I remember in the Shu wind Yayun, surprised everyone to watch face stunts look; I remember the old tea house laughing, eating spicy Huantian scene when Hot pot;Just a few days to get along, we appreciate the splendid history and culture of Chengdu.I still remember the solemn expression of everyone in Wuhou Temple, Du Fu Thatched Cottage, the mood of everyone's attention, the Manjusri temple where all devout worship;Just a few days to get along, we enjoy the beautiful mountainsof Sichuan.I remember the fairy tale world, we happy laughter; nostalgia tired renjianyaochi on;Just a few days to get along, let me remember, no matter howhard the conditions, how tired, all of our members have always maintained a good state of mind and a happy mood.Joy is our friend.Everyone gave me joy, but also gave us great support X master.Here, I deeply appreciate.。



英语导游欢送词英语导游欢送词范文(精选22篇)英语导游欢送词篇1That trip to Dalian to master of here will have been over.Believe in more of Dalian public square , big of greenbelt area, clean appearance of a city and Euro-style city construction are stayed by you deeply impression, keeps an incense especially among the Dalian seafood lip and tooth definitely as early as you.Little meng thanks everybody's all the way support to my job and understands that also in here.Hope that everybody gets chance to come to Dalian again, small Meng and my location (所在)XX travel service will be that you provide (提供)the service using more well.Wish everybody's returning journey all smooth God-speed finally!英语导游欢送词篇2Ladies and gentlemen:The time has gone by quickly and your trip to X is drawing to a close. It’s a pity that you can’t stay in our country any longer. Allow me , then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.I would like to tell you that it had been a great pleasure for me to spend the last few days as your guide. I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know you, and we have spend much time together. I hope you have enjoyed these last few days as much as I have. I wish to thank you all for the cooperation and support you have given me in the past several days. I’d like to add that you are the best group we’ve ever been with.As you have probably observed, X is developing very quickly.I sincerely hope that you can come back in the future and to be you guide.Once again, I wish everybody have a pleasant journey in xx! 英语导游欢送词篇3Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:welcome to China! Welcome to xx! With such great joy, on behalf of CITS, I’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you. At first please allow me to say a few words about myself, My name is Wanli, you can simply call me Xiao Wan. And this is our driver, Mr. Liu, who has been driving for more than twenty years, so don’t worry about your journey when you are using this tour b us. If you have some questions, please ask me, I’ll do all my best to answer it.At last, I also hope that during your short stay in Wuhan, you can not only satisfy your eyes and stomach, but also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of the Chinese people and its on-going reform, which shaped the greatness of China.英语导游欢送词篇4Paris, the capital of the French republic, historical and cultural city, one of the antic".Paris is the city of real floing flos and park, is to let people linger. This is a city pared to its reputation as a "romantic" in Paris, I felt more "floeters, eters, about more than 1000 people, this is Western Europe metropolis. The tophe, all over the e.Paris, the famous landscape in addition to the Eiffel Tophe, the Louvre ` Notre Dame DE Paris, there are more than 70 museums, numerous scenic spots and historical sites, the church square, if pleted in 1345, lasted more than 180 years.Once had many great ceremony held here, such as read ,reflect people's pursuit and yearning for a better life.英语导游欢送词篇5Transport from Ngurah Rai international airport, 2.5km south of Kuta, is quite simple.Choose from an official taxi counter, where you pay a set price in advance, or walk across the airport car park and hail a metered cab. The lightly-laden can walk straight up the road to Kuta, although it's a more pleasant stroll along the beach.The main forms of public transport on Bali are the cheap buses and bemos (minibus) that run on more or less set routes within or between towns. If you want your own transport, you can charter a bemo or rent a car, motorcycle or bicycle. The Balinese drive on the left, use their horns a lot and give way to traffic pulling onto the road.Tourist shuttle buses, running between the major tourist centers, are more expensive than public transport but are also more comfortable and convenient.英语导游欢送词篇6God photolysis Italy, extracts abstains the knife, has struck off from already the left arm, the blood seven red white snows, have reached immediately touch the heart movement, then has bequeathed the god light the clothes earthen bowl Buddhist musical istrument, the achievement passing on method certificate, and names for it is "is bright may". We now said "clothes earthen bowl true line" the idiom story is the source to this. "Breaks the arm asks the law" the story also continuously for the imperial sacrifices to be on everybody's lips. At the same time, for commemorates two ancestors to be bright may set up the snow to break the arm to obtain the Buddhist doctrine, the people called "reaches touches the pavilion" is "sets up the snowpavilion".英语导游欢送词篇7Situated at the foot of Wulao Peak on the southern end of Xiamen is nanputuo Temple. The temple's Heavenly King Hall, the main prayer hall, the Hall of Great Compassion and the Shrine of Buddhist Scriptures are all graced passion Hall, all of another. The temple attracts a large number of pilgrims at home and abroad. The excellent craftsmanship of the Thousand-handed Guanyin is marked by its thousand hands and thousand eyes and glistening golden color.As to the Pavilion the Song Dynasty, calligraphic the ancient times. Among them, "Intriguing Lotus Scripture" ing to the top, you not only have a vie far, the five peaks ing to the top, you not only have a view of the mountain undulating in the wind, but also the view of the sea surging in the distance.英语导游欢送词篇8Dalian golden pebble beach is located in the northeast in the yelloeters from the center of dalian city, the land area of 62 square kilometers, sea area of 58 square kilometers, about 30 km long coastline. Surrounded by sea on three sides by the peninsula in the east and eters of coastline, condensed the geological posed of tobile campsite, stone hunting club, equestrian base metal and stone, stone international conference center, golf club, jin theme park and other projects and buildings of different styles and beautiful seaside tourist road, the gold coast, integration of the natural geographical environment fusion, here is full of exotic atmosphere, and the temptation of sending out the mysterious nature, is the ideal tourist vacation leisure resort.Jin shi tan scenic area in the middle of the tobile campsite, theme park - stone? Discovery kingdom theme park, djembeplaza has been open to the public.英语导游欢送词篇9"Yangzhou is good, the first is the hongqiao. Young willow green, three feet of rain, cherry red broken a shaw, in LanRao everywhere." Here is the yangzhou history of the famous hongqiao. Hongqiao scenery, has attracted many scholars opine on this play, left many precious ink and moving story. Kangxi years Wang Yuyang has a song: "fly across the water of the red bridge, a railing jiuqu red; perfect day painting ship under the bridge, the fragrance of people should be too in a hurry." Is more popular, even emperor qianlong had poetry appreciation GuoHongQiao scenery.If compared the lake is a classical beauty, hongqiao is revealed her LIDS; If the lake is sometimes compared to a play, it is hongqiao opened for her. Let us start from hongqiao, enjoy the "two dike flower in accordance with the water, gazebo all the way until the mountain" of beauty.英语导游欢送词篇10Each group, we now come to the second peak of nanjing purple mountain, small maoshan foothill, here is the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution sun yat-sens tomb is located - sun yat-sens mausoleum.Of sun yat-sens mausoleum burial site was selected. Sun yat-sen alive in March 1925, Mr. Sun. Dying, he asked about after my death, can be buried in nanjing zijin foothills, for nanjing interim government was established, so dont forget the xinhai revolution.Lv Yanzhi designed by sun yat-sens mausoleum, flat as a MuDuo form, shape such as clock, a symbol of the sun spirit, such as a loud bell, no far, this design is the most accord with arouse people meaning. In Mr Will be buried in Shanghai think simplesolid and completely according to the spirit of ancient Chinese architecture, to unanimously decided to adopt, mausoleum first anniversary of the death of sun yat-sen founded on June 1, 1926, was completed in the spring of 1929.英语导游欢送词篇11Xiangshawan was opened up as a tourist attraction in January 1984, listed as a national line scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 1991, turned into a private joint-stock enterprise in 1999, and rated as a national 4A scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 20xx. What's more proud is that Xiangshawan was rated as a national 5A scenic spot in January 20xx, which is a super large comprehensive desert leisure landscape integrating sightseeing and leisure District.Xiangshawan, the first desert resort in China, is a super large comprehensive desert leisure scenic spot integrating sightseeing and leisure. It is located at the easternmost end of China's famous Kubuqi Desert. It is the nearest Desert Resort in China to the mainland and Beijing. It is a national AAAAA scenic spot and a national cultural industry demonstration base. It has the longest camel team in the world - more than 500 peaks.英语导游欢送词篇12Hello everyone, I am the guide from the spring travel agency we will visit the Forbidden City, please don't throw rubbish to the Palace Museum tour. Thank you very much! Has now reached the Forbidden City, please don't speak. The Forbidden City in Beijing city center, used to be called the Forbidden City, is the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace, is the world largest living, building the most magnificent, the most complete ancient palace complex. Ming yongle palace was built in four years. Took 14 years to build. Two most of the points of the imperial palaceimperial dynasty, the imperial household.Follow in the etheric and, neutralization, and three main halls as the center, the mandarin, wu and the temple for flank. Imperial palace to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility after for three palace, and the east sixth, west, CiNing sixth, tranquility and palace, palace, imperial garden, etc.I have today a visit to the end. I sincerely hope everyone happy, happy forever thank you!英语导游欢送词篇13Beishan park is a prestigious temple landscape architecture. It is located in the north of jilin city, so called beishan, also called the north mountain. Beishan covers an area of 128 hectares, was founded in 1924, took three years to build. After the liberation, and the repair and expansion, has now become a tourist resort. Park built many pavilions, Bridges, corridors, and pavilions. "Jilin eight sights" in the past, beishan in beishan "twin towers", "medicine temple bells", "DE tablet afterglow" known.Beishan park, dense forests, waves rippling lake. Pavilions, shaded by it; Is most famous for its cultural relics. Beishan mountain has three wu lake, the mountains are ancient temples built in the qing dynasty years, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, Taoism, woven, unique. The lake is divided into two and a half lying wave bridge. The lake has a pavilion, named xiushui pavilion. Is full of lotus, lotus lake, a lake, mountain, visible to bridle bridge across the valley.英语导游欢送词篇14Short for Fujian province of Fujian Province, located on the southeast coast of China, and Taiwan province across the sea. The province area kilometer of 12 square. A population of 32370000. Han, Hui, Miao, such as mountains, full of national.Fujian is known as the "southeast mountain country", hilly accounted for about more than eighty percent. Mainly in Wuyishan, Fujian Dai Yunshan. Fuzhou, Xiamen along the coastal plain. The winding coast islands. The main rivers are Minjiang, Longjiang nine. Here is a subtropical humid monsoon climate, frost free period for 8-11 months, annual rainfall 1000-1900 mm.Fujian province has the advantage of agriculture and forestry, seafood rich, rich rice, tobacco, tea and tropical fruit. The forest coverage rate in the mainland provinces and autonomous regions in the first. In recent years, Fuzhou City, Xiamen opened the civil aviation line leading to Beijing, Hongkong and other places. The capital of Fuzhou, Quanzhou has important city, hometown of Zhangzhou City, Xiamen.英语导游欢送词篇15Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide. I am very glad to be with you the happy time together! My name is zhang. You can call me a guide.Please come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. I'll give you a brief introduction of lijiang. Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is the only ancient city without walls in China's famous historical and cultural city. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns. The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and business activities.英语导游欢送词篇16Welcome to the bai cause time to tome did: "love koto line is insufficient, green Yang Yinli memorate the poet, kno, looking back to the mountains e quickly, my heart already fly to hangzhou has been knoent, the sun appears to be particularly friendly to me, his head from the clouds to smiling, golden sunlight on the scenery, as if she is e a piece of lakes and mountains, the scenery is fantastic! Walking, I volunteered as a part-time tour guide, plausibly, introduces the origin of bai causememorate his feats call this dike bai cause and dad surprised expression, I smiled proudly. Looking at this is invigorating the beauty, intoxicated by me. "To spend gradually a charming eye, shallo. Under the like green lace colour ornament, the bai cause the earth fortable to sit on. Looked up and sa of mountains, both coasts stands on the mountainside, its "chubby figure" plus the glittering "pointy hat" at the top, like to the west lake with golden crown.英语导游欢送词篇17It's snowing again in Zhangjiakou. The snow is crystal clear, pure, naturaland unsophisticated. It is curling like a swan's plumage and a jade's pearblossom.Snow fell to the ground, gently, quietly, for the earth covered with alayer of quilt. Sometimes, the snow is a little bit smaller, and it floats downlike reed catkins, covering the ground, thin, like gauze clothes on theearth.The snow fell on the roof, and the red roof soon turned white. The wall isyellow, with a touch of white, gentle and elegant. After a while, it snowedheavily. There was too much snow on the roof. Some of them were squeezed down,floating and falling under the eaves.The snow fell on the tree, and the tree was shaken by the wind. Althoughthe snow is sticky, it can't be swayed violently. It slowly flies down and makesa layer of small snowflakes under the tree. After a while, it mysteriouslydisappears.Zhangjiakou, my hometown, your snow is so beautiful, your winter is sobeautiful!英语导游欢送词篇18The Stone Forest lies about 80 miles to the southeast of Kunming. A geological phenomenon, the Stone Forest e 270 million years ago. Later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earth’s crust, causing the sea to recede and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming land.Due to the constant seeping ofrain through the cracks in the limestone, some of the stone formation dissolved and the fissures broadened, producing a group of great sculptures of different shapes, all molded by nature.In the midst of the forest, there is a huge rock screen on of the pond. Other astonishing sights include "Figure of Ashima," "Shi Ba Xiang Song" (its name originating in the Chinese love story, "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai"), and "Lotus Peak."The splendor of the Stone Forest is enhanced by the local customs of the native Sani people (en are expert at spinning, en to propose marriage in the light of colored lanterns.英语导游欢送词篇19Bijiashan scenic spot is located in the west of Liaoning Province inNortheast China, facing the Bohai Sea, adjacent to Jinzhou port, and in JinzhouEconomic and Technological Development Zone. Bijiashan island and "Overpass" arethe main scenic spots in Bijiashan scenic spot, which can be roughly dividedinto five areas: Island Tour, sea sightseeing, shoreentertainment, beachbathing and vacation cultivation. The total area is 8 square kilometers,including land area of 4.72 square kilometers and sea area of 3.28 squarekilometers. Here beautiful landscape, beautiful environment, rich resources,life service facilities, convenient transportation. There are many naturalscenic spots, such as MA'ANQIAO, yixiantian, Shengui going to sea, Shihouswimming, hukendong, Menglan Bay, etc. There are many cultural relics andhistoric sites: Lu Zuting, sun hall, Wumu palace, Wanfo hall, Longwang temple,Sanqing Pavilion, etc.英语导游欢送词篇20shanxi, to the ground relics of the hsbc, said underground energy masterpiece. today, he ordered a large number of traditional houses to discover the art of architecture and parable and the house of intact, to their eternal truth, of the chinese nation and hardes." china's historical and cultural city - qixian county residents, set song, yuan, ming and qing of the french, the department of the hebei jiangnan dacheng, the most famous of eters. also knomercial finance capitalists qiao yong attended by the . , pound closed for the plex covering 10,642 (about 16 acres) square meters, the construction area 4,175 square meters, at 6 compound, 20 small courtyard, 313 housing. compound iii faced street, not connected pound, the canopies are the east to e, northpound, the hospital os and living rooms zaofang servants. construction on the relatively lopound, the gatehouse, more floor balconies court 6. the roof of a es patrol easy night.looking at the e and abroad.英语导游欢送词篇21Morning everybody after a good night sleep we are going to visit an amazing building which is filled with Knowledge.—thelibrary building.A criticism often heard these days is that the subjects taught in schools tend to be too academic; However I am in favor of the opinion that man does not live by bread alone knowledge can enrich our lives and make us feel that we are part of the great family of mankind. In brief this marvelous building will give us wonderful affection so what we are waiting for? Let’s have a 0-meter-contect with this erection. This library was set up in 1990. She receive a copy of almost every publication produced in the china. The collection includes 1.5 million items in most known languages30 thousand new items are incorporated every year. We house manuscripts maps newspapers magazines prints and drawings music scores and patents With the rapidly development of our school the equipment of library is better and better by step and step.英语导游欢送词篇22today ebody'sfame big the provincial capitalguiyang 137 kilometers, is located guiyang tothe yello the shorehangs doan gauze…… . for several hundred years, the yello thedeep deep pool, cause your fresh grand appearance to be unparalleled,feeling of the gorgeous illustrious day.called it yelloe one viepare posed. according to the chinese myth storyreorganization large-scale tv serial "monkey" center shui liandong aplay, is here photographs.this is the first hole e several meters pletely sealsup the hole several meters to several meters.this is the second hole the rhinoceros bination, broke down collapses, hascreated the nowadays grand magnificent sight yellow fruit tree bigwaterfall and the waterfall downriver sincere precipitous canyon.i hoped you lift your photographic camera, pats down the yellow fruittree waterfall, keeps in your memory, propagandizes for more people,because, the yellow fruit tree waterfall is china, simultaneously alsobelongs to the world.。



导游欢送词英语导游欢送词英语范文Friends: Good morning, everybody!I am very glad to join you in the spring outing organized by the Shenzhou travel agency.First of all, let me introduce myself: my name is Wang Feng.I am a full-time tour guide from Shenzhou travel agency. You can call me Wang Dao or Xiao Wang. On behalf of the company and myself, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you. 〔male guide, female bow〕This is our driver, Master Wang. Master Wang has many years of driving experience, skilled and safe driving. We ride his car safely and comfortably.In the next few days, Xiao Wang will eat and live with you. If you have any opinions and requests on the journey, let me say to me, in the range of Xiao Wang Li, in a reasonable and possible case, we will try to meet the demands of everyone. There is an old saying in China: "there are thousands of miles to meet each other." Today, we go from different places to the same destination and ride in the same car. We don't know each other to meet and know. It's the old saying. This is really awonderful and beautiful fate. Let's take this happy fate to the end and let us feel happy and satisfied.The bright morning sun is bathed in the refreshing morning breeze. Our journey has begun. Every friend must work very hard at ordinary times and seldom have the chance to walk out. Work is important, but proper relaxation is essential. Haha, work is to make money, and to earn money is to pursue a higher quality life.Introduce the journey of the tour.Introduce the notices of tourism.It's not a good habit to see some friends dozing off. Well, Xiao Wang is no longer bothersome. Let's take a break, or eat something, or close your eyes. After a while, Xiao Wang will provide you with a tour service.导游欢送词英语范文2Welcome to all the friends, everybody.I am glad to see you, first of all, on behalf of our company's new state of Shenzhen national brigade, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you in this tour. I am lucky to be the guide of everyone. Thank you for saying "thank you". Let's introduce myself first. I'm the tour guide from Qingdao* * * Travel Agency 〔pause〕. My surname is Huang, and I have a single front word. You can call my name directly: Huang Feng. It's a simple name, right? Remember, oh, I hope everyone likes it.The one beside me is one of the most hardworking people in our journey. Our master Chen, who has been driving for two days, is very fortunate.Here, we thank our master Chen with warm applause.〔a little stop〕 thank you. So, in these two days, I will be with master Chen and the three staff with us to serve all of us to make sure that we can get satisfied service in our journey.If you have any help to do, we may as well say that we do everything we can to meet your requirements.Therefore, we also hope that every member here can cooperate with the work of our tour guide, and care for the cleanliness in the compartment.Finally, please once again, with warm applause, wish us a happy and pleasant journey.。






1. Goodbye, everyone! It has been a pleasure guiding you all today. I hope you’ve enjoyed the tour and that it’s been an experience you will never forget.大家好!今天来游览的这位导游,非常感谢大家的光临。



再见!2. It’s time to say goodbye, but remember that memories last forever. I hope that the time we’ve spent together will be one of those unforgettable memories that y ou’ll be able to cherish forthe rest of your lives.时间过得飞快,在这美好的旅途中,我们一起度过了很多美妙时光。



再见!3. This adventure may be coming to an end, but I hope that you all will continue to explore even after the tour is over. Always remember to keep exploring and learning about the world around us.这次旅行结束了,但是希望大家依然保持探索精神,继续对我们周围的世界保持好奇。



英语导游欢迎词和欢送辞英语导游欢迎词和欢送辞英语导游欢送词一Ladies and gentleman!Time goes so quickly and your travel in Zhejiang is drawing to close.Let me take this opportunity to say something about our wonderful trip.First of all, I wish to thank you all for your cooperation given us in the past days.Days ago, we met as strangers,today, we say goodbye to each other as friends.If you want to travel in Zhejiang someday in the future I hope to be your guide again and take you around more tourist sites.Thank you!女士们,先生们!时光的流逝得那么快,浙江之旅即将结束。



几天前,我们还是不相识的陌生人, 今天,我们是要说再见的朋友。


谢谢!英语导游欢送词二Friends:See station is coming, I also want to guangxi guide and said goodbye. As and will send prince li, different. In this guide, I thank everyone guangxi friends of my work. Only a few days time, you leave me a very deep impression, thank you for your cooperation! In the days of the tour process, if you please, correct, your opinion is our direction, we improve the proposal will be the target. In return, if there is any deficiencies, please forgive. Hope everyone can have the opportunity to come again, we appreciate our spring lake, summer fragrance, autumn and winter snow red light. All of your beauty, when I come again to guangxi guide you as a guide. Finally I wish you have a nice trip! Family happiness! Health!各位朋友:眼看火车站就要到了,桂导我也要和大家说再见了。



英语导游欢送词英语导游欢送词(通用14篇)英语导游欢送词篇1ladies and gentleme!the time goes quickly and your trip in wuhan is drawing to a close.it’s a pity that you cannot stay in our countryany longer.then allow me to take this opportunity to say goodbye to you.i would like to tell you that it is a great pleasure for me to be your guide these days.i have had the opportunity to meet andget to know you.thank you for the cooperation and support you gave us in the past several days.as a chinese old saying which goes, “a good friend from afar brings a distant land closer.”i hope you’ll take happy memories ofyour trip in china back homei wish to see you again in the future and to be your guide.once again, thank you for your cooperation and support.goodbye!英语导游欢送词篇2Owing to lack of time, today's visit is over now.Thanks for your cooperation.I do hope you enjoyed today's tour.Have a good rest.See you tommorrow.Thanks for your cooperation.Today is the last day of the tour.We spent a happy days together.I do hope the tour is rewarding and enjoyable.Wish you pleasant journey home and good health.I introduced over, hope you all have a happy trip英语导游欢送词篇3Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum and th e Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses MuseumEmperor Qin Shihuang (259-210B.C.) had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name.He name to the throne of the Qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22.By 221 B.C., he had annexed the six rival principalities of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei, and established the first feudal empire in China’s history.In the year 221 B.C., when he unified the whole country, Ying Zheng styled himself emperor.He named himself Shihuang Di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system.Since then, the supreme feudal rulers of China’s dynasties had continued to call themselves Huang Di, the emperor.After he had annexed the other six states, Emperor Qin Shihuang abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and county system.He standardized legal codes, written language, track, currencies, weights and measures.To protect against harassment by the Hun aristocrats.Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the Great Wall be built.All these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unification of the whole country as well as promotion the development of economy and culture.They had a great and deep influence upon China’s 2,000 year old feudal society.Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the Qin dynasty’s history and culture, divination and medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field.As a result, China’s ancient classics had been devastated and destroy.Moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive.Those events were later called in history“the burning of books and the burying of Confucian scholars.”Emperor Qin Shihuang,for his own pleasure, conscribed several hundred thousand convicts and went in for large-scale construction and had over seven hundred palaces built in the Guanzhong Plain.These palaces stretched several hundred li and he sought pleasure from one palace to the other.Often nobody knew where he ranging treasures inside the tomb, were enclosed alive.Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum has not yet been excavated.What looks like inside could noly be known when it is opened.However, the three pits of the terra-cotta warriot excavated outside the east gate of the outer enclosure of the necropolis can make one imagine how magnificent and luxurious the structure of Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum was.英语导游欢送词篇4Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:welcome to China! Welcome to xx! With such great joy, on behalf of CITS, I’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you. At first please allow me to say a few words about myself, My name is Wanli, you can simply call me Xiao Wan. And this is our driver, Mr. Liu, who has been driving for more than twenty years, so don’t worry about your journey when you are using this tour bus. If you have some questions, please ask me, I’ll do all my best to answer it.At last, I also hope that during your short stay in Wuhan, you can not only satisfy your eyes and stomach, but also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of the Chinese people and its on-going reform, which shaped the greatness of China.英语导游欢送词篇5Ladies and gentlemen:The time has gone by quickly and your trip to X is drawing to a close. It’s a pity that you can’t stay in our country any longer. Allow me , then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.I would like to tell you that it had been a great pleasure for me to spend the last few days as your guide. I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know you, and we have spend much time together. I hope you have enjoyed these last few days as much as I have. I wish to thank you all for the cooperation and support you have given me in the past several days. I’d like to add that you are the best group we’ve ever been with.As you have probably observed, X is developing very quickly.I sincerely hope that you can come back in the future and to beyou guide.Once again, I wish everybody have a pleasant journey in xx! 英语导游欢送词篇6Paris, the capital of the French republic, historical and cultural city, one of the antic".Paris is the city of real floing flos and park, is to let people linger. This is a city pared to its reputation as a "romantic" in Paris, I felt more "floeters, eters, about more than 1000 people, this is Western Europe metropolis. The tophe, all over the e.Paris, the famous landscape in addition to the Eiffel Tophe, the Louvre ` Notre Dame DE Paris, there are more than 70 museums, numerous scenic spots and historical sites, the church square, if pleted in 1345, lasted more than 180 years.Once had many great ceremony held here, such as read , reflect people's pursuit and yearning for a better life.英语导游欢送词篇7Situated at the foot of Wulao Peak on the southern end of Xiamen is nanputuo Temple. The temple's Heavenly King Hall, the main prayer hall, the Hall of Great Compassion and the Shrine of Buddhist Scriptures are all graced passion Hall, all of another. The temple attracts a large number of pilgrims at home and abroad. The excellent craftsmanship of the Thousand-handed Guanyin is marked by its thousand hands and thousand eyes and glistening golden color.As to the Pavilion the Song Dynasty, calligraphic the ancient times. Among them, "Intriguing Lotus Scripture" ing to the top, you not only have a vie far, the five peaks ing to the top, you not only have a view of the mountain undulating in the wind, but also the view of the sea surging in the distance.英语导游欢送词篇8off from already the left arm, the blood seven red white snows, have reached immediately touch the heart movement, then has bequeathed the god light the clothes earthen bowl Buddhist musical istrument, the achievement passing on method certificate, and names for it is "is bright may". We now said "clothes earthen bowl true line" the idiom story is the source to this. "Breaks the arm asks the law" the story also continuously for the imperial sacrifices to be on everybody's lips. At the same time, for commemorates two ancestors to be bright may set up the snow to break the arm to obtain the Buddhist doctrine, the people called "reaches touches the pavilion" is "sets up the snow pavilion".英语导游欢送词篇9Transport from Ngurah Rai international airport, 2.5km south of Kuta, is quite simple.Choose from an official taxi counter, where you pay a set price in advance, or walk across the airport car park and hail a metered cab. The lightly-laden can walk straight up the road to Kuta, although it's a more pleasant stroll along the beach.The main forms of public transport on Bali are the cheap buses and bemos (minibus) that run on more or less set routes within or between towns. If you want your own transport, you can charter a bemo or rent a car, motorcycle or bicycle. The Balinese drive on the left, use their horns a lot and give way to traffic pulling onto the road.Tourist shuttle buses, running between the major tourist centers, are more expensive than public transport but are also more comfortable and convenient.英语导游欢送词篇10off from already the left arm, the blood seven red white snows, have reached immediately touch the heart movement, then has bequeathed the god light the clothes earthen bowl Buddhist musical istrument, the achievement passing on method certificate, and names for it is "is bright may". We now said "clothes earthen bowl true line" the idiom story is the source to this. "Breaks the arm asks the law" the story also continuously for the imperial sacrifices to be on everybody's lips. At the same time, for commemorates two ancestors to be bright may set up the snow to break the arm to obtain the Buddhist doctrine, the people called "reaches touches the pavilion" is "sets up the snow pavilion".英语导游欢送词篇11Dalian golden pebble beach is located in the northeast in the yelloeters from the center of dalian city, the land area of 62 square kilometers, sea area of 58 square kilometers, about 30 km long coastline. Surrounded by sea on three sides by the peninsula in the east and eters of coastline, condensed the geological posed of tobile campsite, stone hunting club, equestrian base metal and stone, stone international conference center, golf club, jin theme park and other projects and buildings of different styles and beautiful seaside tourist road, the gold coast, integration of the natural geographical environment fusion, here is full of exotic atmosphere, and the temptation of sending out the mysterious nature, is the ideal tourist vacation leisure resort.Jin shi tan scenic area in the middle of the tobile campsite, theme park - stone? Discovery kingdom theme park, djembe plaza has been open to the public.英语导游欢送词篇12"Yangzhou is good, the first is the hongqiao. Young willow green, three feet of rain, cherry red broken a shaw, in LanRao everywhere." Here is the yangzhou history of the famous hongqiao. Hongqiao scenery, has attracted many scholars opine on this play, left many precious ink and moving story. Kangxi years Wang Yuyang has a song: "fly across the water of the red bridge, a railing jiuqu red; perfect day painting ship under the bridge, the fragrance of people should be too in a hurry." Is more popular, even emperor qianlong had poetry appreciation GuoHongQiao scenery.If compared the lake is a classical beauty, hongqiao is revealed her LIDS; If the lake is sometimes compared to a play, it is hongqiao opened for her. Let us start from hongqiao, enjoy the "two dike flower in accordance with the water, gazebo all the way until the mountain" of beauty.英语导游欢送词篇13Each group, we now come to the second peak of nanjing purple mountain, small maoshan foothill, here is the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution sun yat-sens tomb is located - sun yat-sens mausoleum.Of sun yat-sens mausoleum burial site was selected. Sun yat-sen alive in March 1925, Mr. Sun. Dying, he asked about after my death, can be buried in nanjing zijin foothills, for nanjing interim government was established, so dont forget the xinhai revolution.Lv Yanzhi designed by sun yat-sens mausoleum, flat as a MuDuo form, shape such as clock, a symbol of the sun spirit, such as a loud bell, no far, this design is the most accord with arouse people meaning. In Mr Will be buried in Shanghai think simple solid and completely according to the spirit of ancient Chinese architecture, to unanimously decided to adopt, mausoleum firstanniversary of the death of sun yat-sen founded on June 1, 1926, was completed in the spring of 1929.英语导游欢送词篇14Xiangshawan was opened up as a tourist attraction in January 1984, listed as a national line scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 1991, turned into a private joint-stock enterprise in 1999, and rated as a national 4A scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 20xx. What's more proud is that Xiangshawan was rated as a national 5A scenic spot in January 20xx, which is a super large comprehensive desert leisure landscape integrating sightseeing and leisure District.Xiangshawan, the first desert resort in China, is a super large comprehensive desert leisure scenic spot integrating sightseeing and leisure. It is located at the easternmost end of China's famous Kubuqi Desert. It is the nearest Desert Resort in China to the mainland and Beijing. It is a national AAAAA scenic spot and a national cultural industry demonstration base. It has the longest camel team in the world - more than 500 peaks.。

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The impact And significance Of Religious Etiquette论文题目:The Impact And Significance of Religious Etiquette宗教礼仪的重要性及影响学院:外国语学院专业:旅游翻译班级:2011级英语四班学号:0601110227学生姓名:王庆指导教师:任素珍2013年11月The Impact And Significance of Religious EtiquetteByWang QingSupervisor: Ren SuZhenXi’an University of Arts and ScienceOctober 2013AbstractReligion is the product of human’s understanding about the world and themselves. It’s a universal culture phenomenon in the human society in different field, affects greatly on many aspects of human life.It occurs only when human society reaches into a certain stage.So no doubt religion plays an important role in the communication and connection of all kinds of individuals,peoples or even countries.By clarifying something about the religious etiquette, elaborating the effect of religion towards human in different cultures and the important factors of impeding religious etiquette when people discoursing, this paper aims to point out the impact and significance of religious etiquette, analyzing the factor of influencing people’s religious etiquette . It also discusses how people should behave correctly when meet man who has totally different beliefs .Keywords: religious etiquette; impact and significance; connection摘要宗教是人类认识世界和自身的产物。






关键词:宗教礼仪;影响和意义;联系Table of ContentsChapter One Introduction (1)Chapter Two Similarities And Dissimilarities of Four Major Religions (2)2.1 Christianity,Buddhism,.............. (2)2.2 Islam,Taoism (4)Chapter Three Effect of Religion towards People in Different Cultures (7)3.1 Western (7)3.2 Eastern (10)Chapter Four Factors of Impeding Religious Etiquette When Discoursing (15)Chapter Five The Impact And Significance of Religious Etiquette (17)References (17)Acknowledgments (18)Conclusion (18)Chapter OneIntroductionTo understand the contemporary world, as well as the past, we need a sophisticated understanding of religion. The contemporary world is shaped by religions.Hardly a day goes by when there is not some manifestation of religion (religious identity, religious practice, religious conflict) reported on the TV or in newspapers. Major religious traditions in the world (such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and others) encourage prayers to reflect on and engage with abstract and supernatural aspects of reality (for example, concepts of a god or gods). So r eligion” is something that humans do, and so the study of religion is primarily concerned with people and cultures. Religion is what people do on a day-to-day level. To put this in another way, religion is nearly always both a set of ideas and beliefs that people can engage with, and also the framework for their lived experiences and daily practices. The study of religion and culture therefore is about understanding how religion may bean important element of how people across the world may manifest their differences. Particular religions are shaped by particular cultures, and of course the same occurs the other way round – most cultures are largely shaped by their dominant religions.While human are the main subject of cultures, so definitely, religion and human have inseparable and tight connections. The purpose of writing this thesis is quite obvious. Nowadays,with the development of all kinds of science and technology, human beings have been living in a communicative world. If any nations are unwilling to open his heart to other nation, to other people,inevitably, this nation will lag behind and will be hard to stand firmly in the forest of whole world. Of course,people should contact with each other,but there are still other questions appeared. They don’t know anything about dress code,customs and taboos on those special occasion.Sometimes,a bad impression will be left justbecause the lacking knowledge of religious manners. In chapter one,two, three,four, much efforts are made to solve this problem.Through those basic knowledge of religions, the problems will reduced.Chapter TwoSimilarities And Dissimilarities of Four Major ReligionsAs what has been pointed out in many materials, there are four major religions in the world. Though man knows something about them, but it still remains a comparatively worthy explored area. Many researchers have made their contribution and their constructive researches to introduce those four kind of totally different cultures and their properties respectively. This part will deal with the basic knowledge of four religions.2.1 Buddhism,ChristianityBuddhism is one of the four major religions in the world,and it has been disseminated for two thousand years. There are no rules or laws that must be followed in Buddhism, but there are suggestions about behaviors that are more conducive to achieving happiness than others. These are the ten precepts: Don't kill. Don't steal .Don't engage in illicit sex.Don't speak divisively. Don't speak abusively.Don't tell lies.Don't engage in idle gossip .Abandon ill will. Abandon greed and cultivate right views.Christianity originates from A.D.1 century. Today there are 2 billion Christians.And its influences are still increasing. The Bible is a collection of texts considered sacred in Christianity. Almost every christian have one book in hand. The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in Christianity. They include instructions to worship only God and to keep the sabbath, and prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, dishonesty,and adultery. Those ten commandments have a certain positive influence to human’s moral sense.2.2 Islam,TaoismIslam is the second-largest religion in the world and arguably the fastest-growing religion in the world. Muslims believe the Qur’an to be the verbal divine guidance and moral direction for mankind,just like Bible to Christians. They have five duties incumbent on every Muslim. These duties are profession of faith, prayers, fasting during the month of Ramadhan, giving of alms, and pilgrimage to Mecca.Taoism is a philosophical and religious tradition that emphasizes living in harmony In Taoism, however, Tao denotes something that is both the source and the driving force behind everything that exists.From what have been listed above, there are many similarities and dissimilarities of four major religions.The major thing are the humanism, the caring for people; the anticipation towards beautiful life. Of course historically, theologically there are points of argument and discussion and debate. Even within each faith people will have different ways of interpreting how to look at the world.But the overall global picture then, the four faiths have a great deal in common. Among what the three faiths share: an unshakable believe in their faith, an incisive understanding of their own rules , and a moral certainty that, charity is the duty of all faithful followers.Chapter ThreeEffect of Religion towards People in Different Cultures3.1 WesternChapter ThreeThe Application of Memory StrategyDuring the process of English learning, an overall goal for students is to develop automatic strategy use, as this increases efficiency when learning and studying. While in English teaching, teachers pay attention to what memory strategies to choose and they also should know how to apply them for different learners flexibly. In this chapter, the thesis will present the definitions of memory strategy, its classification and strategies for different individuals. Most important, the application of memory strategy in learning vocabulary, sentence and discourse will be discussed.3.1 Strategies of MemoryMemory theory lays down theoretical foundation for the content of how to teach the techniques, principles and methods of memorization, and memory strategy has been studied for a significant progress. Following are the introduction of memory strategy, including the definition and classification of it. 3.1.1 Definitions of memory strategyMemory strategy mainly refers to the cognitive activity and the behavioral activity whichhuman intend to enhance the memory operational effect under the conscious control. The cognitive psychology research thought the differences of individual memory may greatly sum up to the different memory strategies and how individuals use them. They will directly influence the speed and the quality of one’s memory. Flavell and his colleagues concluded three stages for the development of memorystrategy: 1. People have no strategy; 2.People can not apply the strategy initiatively at first, but after the induction, they can use the memory strategy; 3.People can use the strategy initiatively (Flavell 1979: 89-112). Therefore, at early points in the acquisition of memory strategies, children use a strategy when adults instruct them to use the strategy but they do not generate the strategies spontaneously. It shows dramatic improvement when children can effectively use memory strategies. The deliberate tactics for remembering develop over a lengthy period that spans the elementary and middle school years. When they are fully acquired, strategies are applied spontaneously in a wide array of task settings.三级标题、TimesNew Roman 小四号、顶格加粗、上下不空行Chapter FourCononclusionThis paper is a tentative study on the application of memory strategy in the learning of English. In theory, major theories of memory provide a solid theoretical foundation for this study. On the basis of these theories, there is a study of memory strategies and examples are exploited to illustrate the application of the major memory strategies in the study of English words, sentence and discourse.According to the above analysis and research, teachers would consciously adopt different memory theories and techniques to train and instruct students in the process of English teaching, which will greatly shorten the cognitive process from words to sentences then to the discourse.Language learning is the encoding and decoding process of two languages and the internalization of two different cultures. Good memory is essential to English learning. It seems that reciting English words, sentences and discourse is foolish but actually is most effective. Enhancing students' memory ability becomes one of important teaching goals. Trained by scientific memory methods, most students will arrive at surprising achievement during a period time. However, not every memory strategy is effective to all learners. It depends on different learners using different memory techniques and different teachers adopting different memory strategies to instruct their students. Thus, it becomes necessary for the English teachers to learn some basic memory theories and techniques.The study of application of memory strategy can make contributions to English learning in China. When using the memory strategy, the learners must elaborate new information to an unusual extent. That is to say, the memory strategy enhances learning by facilitating positive transfer from existing knowledge to the acquisition of new knowledge.The combination of memory strategy with English learning may play an important role in class, but we must recognize that the use of memory strategy is one skill that must be developed by the learners. The effectiveness of memory strategy depends on the expertise and ability of the learners tested. 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