


Tom Hei
Columbia University
Cancer Biology Division, Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University
Zhang Jian-Ting
Indiana University
SHURIN Michael R.
University of Pittsburgh
Elliot Androphy
Indiana University School of Medicine
Phalguni Gupta
The University of Pittsburgh
Qing Yi
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

(2011)标定准直性 y

(2011)标定准直性 y

Collimation testing using coherent gradient sensingJitendra Dhanotia,Shashi Prakash nPhotonics Laboratory,Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,Institute of Engineering and Technology,Devi Ahilya University,Khandwa Road,Indore452017,Indiaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received2January2011Received in revised form23April2011Accepted2May2011Available online14May2011Keywords:CollimationDiffraction gratingGrating shearing interferometrya b s t r a c tIn the present communication,an application of coherent gradient sensing(CGS)for collimation testingof an optical beam has been proposed.In the path of the beam to be tested,a set of two identical linearRonchi gratings is introduced.The diffracted orders from the two gratings traveling in the samedirection are isolated using spatialfiltering arrangement.The resulting laterally sheared wavefrontscarry information regarding the defocusing errors.The grating rotation mechanism has beenincorporated for collimation setting.The results of experimental investigation are presented.Improvedaccuracy and precision has been achieved because the requirement of maintaining the gratingseparation to be equal to self-imaging distance as in Talbot interferometry has been alleviated.&2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionBeam collimation is an important parameter affecting themeasurement accuracy in any optical system.Hence,several tech-niques have been devised for testing the collimation of an opticalbeam[1–9].These may be classified as those based on self-imagingtechniques,interferometric techniques and the other specialisedtechniques.Out of these techniques,collimation testing using theself-imaging concept is promising because it offers a simple and lowcost solution.Collimation testing using self-imaging phenomenonwasfirst proposed by Silva[2].In the path of the beam to be tested,a coarse grating was placed.The self-image of the grating appearedat certain well defined planes called the Talbot planes.By placing anidentical grating at the self-imaging plane,a moire´fringe patternwas formed.The fringe spacing of the moire´pattern provided theinformation regarding the degree of collimation.Kothiyal and Sirohi[10]used dualfield gratings in a Talbotinterferometer for collimation testing.The technique has beenadvantageous in the sense that it has been a self-referencingtechnique,i.e there is no requirement of external reference forchecking the parallelism of the fringes.Subsequently several otherkinds of gratings,such as circular gratings[11],spiral gratings[12],evolute gratings[13],etc.,were also tested for achieving improvedaccuracy in the collimation checking test procedure.Zhao and Chung[14]proposed collimation testing using circular Dammann gratings.Here,corresponding to the collimated test beam,minimum separa-tion double humped radial fringe pattern has been observed at theimage plane.For the decollimated beam,the rings start separatingfrom each other.Torroba et al.[15]proposed collimation testingbased on the Talbot effect and moire´technique.A digital replica of agrating and its self image has been recorded and digitally subtractedin the computer memory.Variation of the moire´period correspond-ing to the decollimation of collimating lens yields information aboutthe amount of decollimation.The authors claimed that the errors dueto misalignment of optical components may be minimized using thistechnique.Sanchez-Brea et al.[16]reported an automated collima-tion technique in which two photodetectors are placed behind thedetector grating and the phase shift between the two signals ismeasured as the collimation position is approached.The phase shiftso measured indicated the degree of collimation of the input beam.Rana and Prakash[17]and Prakash and Rana[18]proposed thecollimation testing of an incoherent beam in Lau interferometry.The same group reported automated set-up for the collimationtesting by incorporating the phase shifting technique to a Talbotinterferometer[19],and also in a Lau interferometer[20].However this method required the use of precision translation stage,which is relatively costly,and requires the critical positioning of thedetector grating at the self-imaging plane.Also,common to all theself-imaging techniques is the problem encountered when the gratingseparation is to be increased to achieve higher accuracy.As thegrating separation increases,the diffraction orders start separatingand the contrast deteriorates.This limits the measurement accuracyachievable in self imaging based techniques.Recently,double grating lateral shearing interferometry calledthe coherent gradient sensing(CGS)has been used extensively invarious engineering applications.Tippur et al.[21]proposed theCGS method to study surface deformation near a crack tip.Tippur[22]also used this technique for simultaneous determination ofslope and curvature of specularly reflective thin structures in realtime.This technique like Talbot interferometry uses two gratingsplaced in tandem.However,here instead of allowing superpositionContents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/optlasengOptics and Lasers in Engineering0143-8166/$-see front matter&2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2011.05.002n Corresponding author.Tel.:þ917312361116x7,þ919977186156;fax:þ917312764385.E-mail address:sprakash_davv@(S.Prakash).Optics and Lasers in Engineering49(2011)1185–1189of various diffracted orders for the formation of self image,any two diffracted orders are separated and selectively superposed to form high contrast fringes at the image plane.This facilitates the fringe formation corresponding to any arbitrary distance between the gratings,thereby alleviating problems associated with the exact location of self-imaging planes.Also,the two interfering wavefronts have equal amplitudes;hence excellent visibility of fringes is obtained.As the effects due to Fourier imaging are absent,the contrast of fringes is independent of the grating separation.In the present communication,we report an improved design for collimation testing using the coherent gradient sensing technique.The fringe rotation mechanism has been used to detect the collimation position.The research has been extended towards the experimental determination of accuracy achievable in the collimation test.The experimental arrangement is very simple,inexpensive and uses a pair of gratings.The requirement of a fixed self imaging distance between the gratings has been alleviated.2.Basic principleThe basic principle of coherent gradient sensing is shown in Fig.1.The expanded and collimated laser beam is incident on a pair of Ronchi gratings G 1and G 2having the same pitch ‘p ’and an arbitrary separation ‘d ’.Beyond the grating G 1,several diffraction orders emerge.For simplicity,only the zeroth and the first orders (71)are considered to propagate in the forward direction.Then the magnitude of the angle between the propagation directions of the zeroth and the first order beams is given by the diffraction equation y ¼sin À1ðl =p Þ,where l is the wavelength and p is the grating period.These beams,after being incident on the second grating G 2,are further diffracted into orders such as E (0,0),E (þ1,0),E (0,þ1)and so on.These wavefronts,which propagate in different directions,are focussed at spatially separate diffraction spots at the focal plane of the lens L 1.Out of these,the spots corresponding to the first order (E þ1,0,E 0,þ1)are segregated and allowed to propa-gate while the rest are blocked using a spatial filter kept at the back focal plane of the lens.Under this condition the grating shearing interferometer acts as a shearing interferometer,bearing fringes of sinusoidal profile in the common area between the two wavefronts.It has been established elsewhere that the fringes obtained at the image plane correspond to the contours of constant wavefront slope about an axis parallel to the direction of shear.Under this condition,uniform illumination in the field of view is observed for the collimated beam.In-focus and out-of-focus positions of colli-mating lens result in the formation of vertical fringes in the field of view.Fig.2(a),(b)and (c)corresponds to in-focus,at-focus and out-of-focus position of the collimating lens,respectively.Improved accuracy in the collimation testing can be achieved if besides wavefront shear,the tilt in the direction perpendicular to the shear direction is also introduced between the two interferometric wavefronts.The wavefront tilt may be introduced by rotating thetwoFig.1.Principle of coherent gradient sensingmethod.Fig. 2.(a)Fringe pattern recorded (grating lines are parallel to each other)by CCD camera at in-focus position of collimating lens of focal length 250mm.(b)Fringe pattern recorded (grating lines are parallel to each other)by CCD camera at at-focus position of collimating lens of focal length 250mm.(c)Fringe pattern recorded (grating lines are parallel to each other)by CCD camera at out-of-focus position of collimating lens of focal length 250mm.J.Dhanotia,S.Prakash /Optics and Lasers in Engineering 49(2011)1185–11891186gratings,G1and G2,about an axis perpendicular to the grating lines. Under this condition,the collimation position is indicated by the visualization of the horizontal fringes perpendicular to the grating lines;the fringes incline as the collimation setting is disturbed.The inclination angle of the fringes is related to the defocusing distance,‘D f’.Hence,the setting of the collimation position can be determined easily by noticing the variation in the inclination angle of the fringes.3.Experimental arrangementThe experimental arrangement for testing collimation using coherent gradient sensing is shown in Fig.3.Light from15mW He–Ne laser is spatiallyfiltered using a combination of microscopic objective of magnification40Âand a pinhole of5m m diameter.The diverging beam so obtained is collimated using a collimating lens of focal length250mm.The collimating lens is mounted on the precision translation stage so as to translate it along the optic axis. Based on‘in-focus’,‘at-focus’or‘out-focus’position of the collimating lens with respect to the pinhole(point source),the emerging wavefront may be diverging,planar or converging,respectively. Beyond the collimating lens a set of two identical gratings of period 0.04mm each,separated by a distance,d,of28mm,is placed.The gratings G1and G2are mounted on a precision rotational stage and positioned in such a way that the lines of the gratings make small, equal and opposite angle with the vertical.Afield lens L1acts so that the diffraction orders corresponding to the incident beam are separated out at the focal plane.An aperture is used to separate the needless diffraction orders.Ultimately,thefirst order spot was allowed to pass and the resulting superposed beams were captured using an optoelectronic device,i.e.a charge coupled device(CCD),anda computer system for gaining prevalence.4.ObservationsTo experimentally determine the values of accuracy and precision of the proposed collimation testing technique,the following procedure was adopted:(i)The collimating lens mounted on the translation stage istranslated upscale and downscale,so that one approaches the collimated position in either direction.Fringe rotation based detection mechanism was used for the detection of collimation position.Towards this,gratings G1and G2are rotated11each in clockwise and anticlockwise direction, respectively.When the incident optical beam is collimated, equidistant parallel fringes perpendicular to the gratinglines Fig.3.Schematic of the experimentalarrangement.Fig. 4.(a)Fringe pattern recorded(grating lines are inclined with equal andopposite angles to each other)by CCD camera at in-focus position of collimatinglens of focal length250mm.Fringe rotation mechanism has been used fordetection of collimation position.(b)Fringe pattern recorded(grating lines areinclined with equal and opposite angles to each other)by CCD camera at at-focusposition of collimating lens of focal length250mm.Fringe rotation mechanism hasbeen used for detection of collimation position.(c)Fringe pattern recorded(gratinglines are inclined with equal and opposite angle to each other)by CCD camera atout-of-focus position of collimating lens of focal length250mm.Fringe rotationmechanism has been used for detection of collimation position.J.Dhanotia,S.Prakash/Optics and Lasers in Engineering49(2011)1185–11891187were observed at the image plane.Corresponding to the decollimation of the input beam,the fringes tend to be inclined in the anticlockwise or clockwise direction based on whether the collimating lens is at in-focus or out-focus position.(ii)Initially the collimating lens is positioned at the ‘in-focus’position.Corresponding to this position the fringes appear inclined at a positive angle with respect to the horizontal.Fig.4(a)corresponds to the fringes obtained at this position.The lens is moved farther away from the source,so that the collimation position is approached.The inclination angle of the fringes decreases as the collimation position is approached.The position of the collimating lens correspond-ing to the minimum detectable angle of inclination of the fringes is recorded using micrometer scale attached to the translation stage.The collimating lens is moved in the same direction,till the fringes become parallel to the reference surface.This position is shown in Fig.4(b).The difference between the two observations is the measure of accuracy ‘D f ’.(iii)The translation of collimating lens along the optic axis,in thedirection same as above,is undertaken.The horizontal fringes start getting inclined in the clockwise direction as the ‘out-focus’position of the collimating lens is approached.Fig.4(c)corresponds to the fringe pattern obtained at the CCD plane corresponding to the ‘out-focus’position of the collimating lens.The position of the collimating lens corre-sponding to the minimum detectable inclination of the fringes is again recorded.This observation is subtracted from the observation corresponding to the collimated position,to obtain the value of accuracy ‘D f ’.(iv)Similar exercise is repeated in the downscale direction,i.e.bytranslating the collimating lens from the out-focus position to the in-focus position.The difference between collimation and decollimation position is recorded in each case.The above procedure was repeated five times to determine the precision of measurement successfully.5.Results and discussionThe determination of accuracy and precision of measurements is undertaken using collimating lenses of different focal lengths.The accuracy and precision achievable in the test are presented in Table 1.The accuracy of the measurement has been defined by ‘D f ’.The precision of the measurement relates to the repeatability achievable among a set of measurements.It has been measured in terms of standard deviation (s )for a set of five observations.It is evident from the table that the accuracy decreases with the increase in focal length of collimating lenses.To test the suitability of the technique,we compared the accuracy obtainable in the use of the proposed technique with the other grating based techniques reported in literature.Sriram et al.[13]undertook a comparative study wherein collimation testing using different types of gratings in Talbot interferometry was carried out.They reported the accuracy of 300,750and 600m m,for linear dual field,spiral and evolute gratings,respectively.The authors used collimating lens of focal length 250mm and gratingof period 0.4mm.Mehta and Kandpal [23]demonstrated the method for collimation testing of coherent beam using triangular gratings.As per the data provided by the authors,the accuracy of measurement was determined to be 150m m for collimating lens of focal length 200mm and grating of period ter,Shakher et al.[11]reported the method for collimation testing using circular grating.They reported an accuracy of D f ¼190m m in collimation setting for the collimating lens of focal length 250mm.Recently,Zhao and Chung [14]reported accuracy of 150m m for the collimating lens of focal length 250mm using circular Dammann ing coherent gradient sensing for collimation testing,accuracy in measurement,D f ,has been achieved to be 121m m.The standard deviation for a set of five observations has been determined to be 0.011mm.It is evident from the above discussion that the technique provides better measurement characteristics vis a vis other grating based techni-ques.In coherent gradient sensing,the image formation is not due to self imaging phenomenon,but due to interference of two diffracted orders.The accuracy achievable may be as high as that achievable using the wedge plate interferometric technique,because both work on the principle of shearing interferometric superposition of two wavefronts.The proposed technique uses a grating interferometer,which is a common path interferometer,and hence the errors due to environmental perturbations are minimized.Also,it is easier to incorporate direct phase measuring techniques to the interferometric set-up.However,factors such as the quality of optical components used,the grating imperfections,tilt angle of gratings,etc.may limit the accuracy and precision achievable with the use of this technique.6.ConclusionsThe applicability of coherent gradient sensing in collimation testing has been successfully demonstrated.The detection of diver-ging,collimating and converging nature of the optical beam has been successfully tested using this technique.Two sheared wave-fronts from the gratings are isolated and superposed to produce interference fringes.The errors due to inaccurate separation between gratings,as in self imaging based techniques,are comple-tely eliminated.Also,the profile of recorded patterns is sinusoidal and devoid of grating noise as in the case of Talbot/Lau based interferometers.Hence,a higher accuracy and precision of measure-ment as compared to other similar techniques has been reported.The technique proposed is simple and inexpensive.As the diffracted beams travel in the same path,the effect of environ-mental perturbations is minimized.AcknowledgementThe authors are grateful to the reviewers for their valuable suggestions.These have helped the treatment to be concise and effective.The financial support of University Grants Commission (UGC),New Delhi in terms of Research Project Grants 33-395/2007(SR)is gratefully acknowledged.References[1]Langenbeck P.Improved collimation test.Applied Optics 1970;9:2590–3.[2]Silva DE.A simple interferometric technique for collimation testing.AppliedOptics 1971;10:1980–2.[3]Lee YW.Half-aperture shearing interferometer for collimation testing.Optical Engineering 1993;32:2837–40.[4]Darlin JS,Sriram KV,Kothiyal MP,Sirohi RS.Modified double wedge-plateshearing interferometer for collimation testing.Applied Optics 1995;34:2886–7.Table 1Variation of accuracy (D f )with focal length (f )for a grating separation of 28mm.Sl.no.f (mm)s (mm)D f (mm)(D f /f 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孟德尔随机化分析方法在非酒精性脂肪性肝病病因探索中的应用郭紫薇1,武庆娟1,叶永安2,陈兰羽1,吕文良11 中国中医科学院广安门医院感染疾病科,北京 1000532 北京中医药大学东直门医院脾胃科,北京 100700通信作者:吕文良,*******************(ORCID:0000-0002-6866-4394)摘要:非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)是以肝内脂质大量堆积为特点的肝脂质代谢异常类疾病,是目前世界范围内最常见的肝脏疾病。



关键词:非酒精性脂肪性肝病;孟德尔随机化分析;因果律;工具变量基金项目:中国中医科学院科技创新工程(CI2021A00801, CI2021A00802)Application of Mendelian randomization analysis in exploring the etiology of nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseGUO Ziwei1,WU Qingjuan1,YE Yongan2,CHEN Lanyu1,LYU Wenliang1.(1. Department of Infectious Diseases,Guang’anmen Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China; 2. Department of Spleen and Stomach, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China)Corresponding author: LYU Wenliang,*******************(ORCID: 0000-0002-6866-4394)Abstract:Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)is an abnormal lipid metabolic disorder of the liver characterized by accumulation of a large amount of lipids in the liver, and it is currently the most common liver disease around the world. Mendelian randomization (MR)incorporates genomic data into traditional epidemiological study designs to infer the causal relationship between exposure factors and disease risk. In recent years,MR has been widely used in studies on inference of the etiology of NAFLD. This article systematically summarizes the advances in the application of MR in NAFLD research, so as to provide new ideas for understanding the nature of the disease and scientific interventions.Key words:Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease; Mendelian Randomization Analysis; Causality; Instrumental Variables Research funding:Science and Technology Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CI2021A00801,CI2021A00802)非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)是指除外酒精和其他明确肝损伤因素所致的以肝细胞内脂肪过度沉积为主要特征的临床病理综合征[1-3]。


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D2 Lymphadenectomy Alone or with Para-aortic Nodal Dissection for Gastric Cancer .--

D2 Lymphadenectomy Alone or with Para-aortic Nodal Dissection for Gastric Cancer  .--

D2 Lymphadenectomy Alone or with Para-aortic NodalDissection for Gastric CancerMitsuru Sasako, M.D., Takeshi Sano, M.D., Seiichiro Yamamoto, Ph.D., Yukinori Kurokawa, M.D., Atsushi Nashimoto, M.D., Akira Kurita, M.D., Masahiro Hiratsuka, M.D., Toshimasa Tsujinaka, M.D., Taira Kinoshita, M.D., Kuniyoshi Arai, M.D., Yoshitaka Yamamura, M.D., and Kunio Okajima, M.D.,for the Japan Clinical Oncology GroupABSTR ACTFrom the Gastric Surgery Division, Na-tional Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo (M.S.,T.S.); the Japan Clinical Oncology Group Data Center, National Cancer Center, To-kyo (S.Y., Y.K.); the Department of Sur-gery, Niigata Cancer Center Hospital, Ni-igata (A.N.); the Department of Surgery, National Shikoku Cancer Center, Matsuy-ama (A.K.); the Department of Surgery, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Car-diovascular Disease, Osaka (M.H.); the Department of Surgery, Osaka National Hospital, Osaka (T.T.); the Department of Surgery, National Cancer Center Hos-pital East, Kashiwa (T.K.); the Department of Surgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Komago-me Hospital, Tokyo (K.A.); the Department of Surgery, Aichi Cancer Center, Nagoya (Y.Y.); and Osaka Medical College, Osaka (K.O.) — all in Japan. Address reprint re-quests to Dr. Sasako at the Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine, 1-1, Mukogawa-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, Japan, or at msasako@hyo-med.ac.jp.N Engl J Med 2008;359:453-62.Copyright © 2008 Massachusetts Medical Society.BackgroundGastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy is the standard treatment for curable gastric cancer in eastern Asia. Whether the addition of para-aortic nodal dissection (PAND) to D2 lymphadenectomy for stage T2, T3, or T4 tumors improves survival is contro-versial. We conducted a randomized, controlled trial at 24 hospitals in Japan to com-pare D2 lymphadenectomy alone with D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND in patients undergoing gastrectomy for curable gastric cancer.MethodsBetween July 1995 and April 2001, 523 patients with curable stage T2b, T3, or T4 gastric cancer were randomly assigned during surgery to D2 lymphadenectomy alone (263 patients) or to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND (260 patients). We did not per-mit any adjuvant therapy before the recurrence of cancer. The primary end point was overall survival.ResultsThe rates of surgery-related complications among patients assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy alone and those assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND were 20.9% and 28.1%, respectively (P = 0.07). There were no significant differences between the two groups in the frequencies of anastomotic leakage, pancreatic fistula, abdominal abscess, pneumonia, or death from any cause within 30 days after surgery (the rate of death was 0.8% in each group). The median operation time was 63 minutes longer and the median blood loss was 230 ml greater in the group assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy plus PAND. The 5-year overall survival rate was 69.2% for the group as-signed to D2 lymphadenectomy alone and 70.3% for the group assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy plus PAND; the hazard ratio for death was 1.03 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.77 to 1.37; P = 0.85). There were no significant differences in recurrence-free survival between the two groups; the hazard ratio for recurrence was 1.08 (95% CI, 0.83 to 1.42; P = 0.56).ConclusionsAs compared with D2 lymphadenectomy alone, treatment with D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND does not improve the survival rate in curable gastric cancer. ( number, NCT00149279.)T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicineG astric cancer is the second lead-ing cause of cancer death worldwide, al-though its incidence is decreasing.1 About 60% of new cases of gastric cancer occur in east-ern Asia; the incidence of new cases in Japan is 100,000 per year. Chemotherapy helps to prolong survival in cases of advanced disease, but surgical resection is the most effective treatment for cur-able gastric cancer. Reports from the Gastric Can-cer Registry and other retrospective studies2-4 have made radical gastrectomy with extended (D2) re-moval of regional lymph nodes the standard for the treatment of curable gastric cancer in Japan. Two randomized, controlled European trials that compared the less extended D1 dissection with the D2 procedure failed to show a survival benefit for D2 dissection,5,6 but lack of experience with the surgical procedure and with postoperative care were thought to account for the poor outcome of patients who underwent D2 lymphadenec-tomy.7-9 In 2001, the American Intergroup 0116 study showed that chemoradiotherapy after lim-ited lymphadenectomy (D0 or D1) decreased the local recurrence rate and increased long-term survival,10 a result suggesting that chemoradio-therapy eliminates the residual lymph-node metas-tases that could be removed by D2 lymphadenec-tomy. In 2006, a randomized trial in Taiwan showed a significant benefit in overall survival for a D2 or D3 procedure as compared with D1 dissection, with no increase in operative mortality.11 These trials indicate that adequate local control is essen-tial for the treatment of gastric cancer. Hence, the standard of care for curable gastric cancer in east-ern Asia and the United States is either gastrecto-my with D2 lymphadenectomy and without post-operative chemoradiation or D0 or D1 gastrectomy with postoperative chemoradiation.12-14Once the gastric tumor invades the subserosa (stage T2b), the serosa (stage T3), or the adjacent structures (stage T4), metastases can spread to the para-aortic lymph nodes, which are termed N3 nodes according to the Japanese Classification of Gas-tric Carcinoma, second English edition,15 and M1 nodes according to the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) tumor–node–metastasis (TNM) classification.16 In advanced gastric cancer, the incidence of microscopic metastases in the para-aortic region is 10 to 30%.17-19 Because the 5-year overall survival rate of patients with para-aortic nodal metastases can be as high as 20% after sys-tematic dissection,20 extensive surgery has been performed in Japan since the 1980s for stage T2b, T3, and T4 gastric cancers. However, to our knowl-edge there has never been a large prospective study to investigate whether para-aortic nodal dissection (PAND) for gastric cancer has a survival benefit. Here we report the final results of a multi-insti-tutional, randomized, controlled trial by the Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG9501) that was conducted to determine whether the addition of systematic PAND to standard gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy improves survival rates among patients with curable gastric cancer. An interim analysis found no differences between the two procedures in the rates of short-term major com-plications or in-hospital death.21MethodsEligibilityIn this trial, we enrolled patients who were young-er than 75 years of age and who had histologi-cally proven gastric adenocarcinoma that was con-sidered potentially curable. Additional eligibility criteria, as determined from intraoperative find-ings, were the presence of a stage T2b, T3, or T4 tumor, the absence of gross metastases to the para-aortic nodes, and negative cytologic findings in peritoneal-lavage fluid. Diagnosis of metastases by examination of frozen sections of para-aortic nodes was not allowed, because sampling of the nodes would involve dissection. The study proto-col was approved by the JCOG protocol review committee and the institutional review boards of each of the 24 participating hospitals. In accor-dance with JCOG policy in 1995 (the year in which enrollment began), all patients gave written in-formed consent before undergoing randomization.Randomization and Data ManagementAfter confirming the eligibility of the patient dur-ing surgery, the surgeon contacted the JCOG Data Center by telephone to receive a randomly gener-ated assignment of the patient to standard D2 lymphadenectomy alone or D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND. Assignments were made by the min-imization method according to clinical T stage (T2b vs. T3 or T4), Borrmann macroscopic type (type 0, 1, or 2 vs. type 3 or 5), and institution (patients with Borrmann type 4 tumors were ex-cluded because there was no chance of cure for such patients if they had para-aortic nodal metas-tases). The surgeon then performed the assigned operation according to the methods described in the protocol.D2 Lymphadenectomy plus Para-Aortic Dissection for Gastric CancerThe JCOG data center performed data man-agement, central monitoring, and statistical anal-ysis. The center also provided twice-yearly moni-toring reports, each of which was submitted to and reviewed by an independent JCOG data and safety monitoring committee. None of the sur-geons who performed the operations were involved in data analysis. For quality assurance, the JCOG audit committee made site visits to monitor wheth-er the study was being conducted according to protocol.SurgeryD2 lymphadenectomy alone and D2 lymphadenec-tomy plus PAND were performed as described previously.21,22 The dissected lymph nodes were classified according to the Japanese Classification of Gastric Carcinoma, first English edition.23 The meth-od of reconstruction of the gastrointestinal tract was not specified.During the planning of the study, all participat-ing surgeons reached agreement concerning the technical details of both procedures. All opera-tions either were performed by surgeons who had previously performed more than 100 gastrecto-mies with D2 dissection or took place at institu-tions with specialized units where more than 80 gastrectomies were performed annually. In addi-tion to reviewing the twice-yearly monitoring re-ports, the surgeons observed videos of both types of procedures obtained in a sample of patients (at least three patients from each institution during the course of the study) and discussed the tech-nical details of the operations to ensure unifor-mity of treatment. To assess adherence to the lymphadenectomy protocol, the dissection status of all regional nodal stations and the number of dissected nodes in the para-aortic area were re-corded on case report forms, which were also re-viewed by the surgeons.Postoperative EvaluationPathologic findings were categorized according to the first English edition of the Japanese Classifica-T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicinetion of Gastric Carcinoma23; thus, some lymph nodes currently classified as N2 or N3 were recorded as N3 or N4 in this study. Stage T2 was subdivided into stages T2a and T2b, as specified by the UICC TNM classification.16 The rates of hospital death, defined as death during the period of hospitaliza-tion for the operation or death from any cause within 30 days after surgery, and surgery-related complications were calculated by dividing the num-ber of patients in whom an event occurred by the total number of enrolled patients. Patients were fol-lowed every 3 months until April 2006, which was 5 years after the last patient had been enrolled. Adjuvant therapy was not allowed before the re-currence of cancer.Statistical AnalysisThe primary end point of this study was overall survival, defined as the time from randomization to death. The secondary end points were recur-rence-free survival, surgery-related complications, and hospital death. Recurrence-free survival was defined as the time from randomization to the first recurrence of cancer or death from any cause.The expected 5-year survival rate of the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone was 50%. We initially planned to recruit 412 patients (206 in each group), a number that would allow the detection of a 12% increase in survival in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomyplusD2 Lymphadenectomy plus Para-Aortic Dissection for Gastric CancerPAND, with a one-sided alpha level of 0.05 and a power of 80%. We planned this study with a one-sided test because D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND is more invasive than D2 lymphadenectomy alone and should in principle result in better survival than D2 lymphadenectomy alone. Because differ-ences smaller than 12% would be clinically mean-ingful, the protocol was amended to increase the sample size to 520 (260 in each group) to detect an 8% increase in survival in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND (hazard ra-tio, 0.73), with a total accrual period of 5.5 years and an additional 5 years of follow-up. The data and safety monitoring committee approved this change in July 2000 without knowledge of any survival data.Two interim analyses were planned, with ad-justments for repeated comparisons taken into account by the O’Brien–Fleming alpha-spending function.24 At the first and second interim analy-ses in March 2002 and March 2004, the data and safety monitoring committee reviewed the results and approved continuation of the planned fol-low-up.Data from all eligible patients were analyzed for overall survival and recurrence-free survival on an intention-to-treat basis. Survival curves were estimated by the Kaplan–Meier method and com-pared with the use of the log-rank test, with stratification according to the factors used in the randomization, except for the institution where the surgery was performed. Hazard ratios were calculated by Cox regression analysis after adjust-ment for baseline stratification factors except for* PAND denotes para-aortic nodal dissection.† P values were calculated with the use of Fisher’s exact test except for comparisons of age, tumor size, and number of positive nodes, for which the Wilcoxon test was used.‡ The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.§ The undifferentiated type included two cases of adenosquamous carcinoma in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenec-tomy alone and one case of malignant lymphoma in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND.¶ The T stage was determined according to the first English edition of the Japanese Classification of Gastric Carcinoma .23 Stage T2 was subdivided into T2a (invasion confined to the muscularis propria) and T2b (subserosal invasion) accord-ing to the 6th edition of the International Union Against Cancer tumor–node–metastasis classification.16T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicineinstitution. Analyses of two prespecified sub-groups (Borrmann macroscopic type and clinical T stage) and nine post hoc subgroups were also conducted to evaluate interactions between treat-ment and subgroup with the use of Cox regres-sion; we report the result of all these analyses. No more than one significant interaction test re-sult (P<0.05) would be expected on the basis of chance alone as a result of multiple testing. Two-sided P values were calculated for all tests and are reported here. Because the study was planned to use a one-sided test, we also present one-sided P values for the results of the survival analyses. P values less than 0.05 were consid-ered to indicate statistical significance. Analy-ses were performed with the use of SAS software, version 9.13.R esultsPatientsBetween July 1995 and April 2001, 523 patients were randomly assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone (263 patients) or D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND (260 patients). One patient was deemed in-eligible after enrollment because of a change in the histologic diagnosis to malignant lymphoma. Protocol violations occurred in 12 patients. In one patient, an intraoperative biopsy of a frozen sec-tion of a para-aortic node was performed. Another patient assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone underwent D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND. The remaining 10 patients did not undergo all aspects of the lymph-node dissection required in the pro-tocol. At the time of final analysis in April 2006, two patients had been lost to follow-up for more than 1 year, but they had already been followed for more than 5 years after surgery. Figure 1 shows the disposition of the patients.The characteristics of the two groups were well balanced (Table 1). Total gastrectomy was per-formed in 102 patients assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy alone (38.8%) and in 97 patients as-signed to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND (37.3%);98 patients assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone (37.3%) and 93 assigned to D2 lymphadenec-tomy plus PAND (35.8%) also underwent splenec-tomy. Only 9 patients assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy alone (3.4%) and 12 assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND (4.6%) underwent distal pancreatectomy. The median operation time for gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND was 300 minutes, which was 63 minutes longer than that for gastrectomy with D2 lymph-adenectomy alone (P<0.001). The median blood loss was 230 ml greater (660 ml vs. 430 ml, P<0.001) and blood transfusions were more fre-quent (30.0% vs. 14.1%, P<0.001) in patients un-dergoing D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND than in those undergoing D2 lymphadenectomy alone.Operative Complications and DeathsAs reported previously,21 the overall incidence of surgery-related complications was 20.9% (55 of 263 patients) in the group assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy alone and 28.1% (73 of 260 patients) in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND (P = 0.07). The incidence rates of the four major surgery-related complications in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone and the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND were 2.3% and 1.9%, respectively, for anas-tomotic leakage, 5.3% and 6.2% for pancreatic fistula, 5.3% and 5.8% for abdominal abscess, and 4.6% and 1.5% for pneumonia. None of these dif-ferences were statistically significant. The frequen-cy of minor complications, such as ileus, lymph-orrhea, left pleural effusion, and severe diarrhea, was significantly higher in the group assigned to undergo D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND than in the group assigned to undergo D2 lymphadenecto-my alone (20.0% vs. 9.1%, P<0.001). The rate of hos-pital death was 0.8% (two deaths in each group).Overall and Recurrence-Free SurvivalAfter median follow-up periods of 5.6 years in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone and 5.7 years in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenec-tomy plus PAND, 96 patients assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy alone and 95 assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy plus PAND had died, and 100 patients assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone and 98 assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND had had recurrences of cancer. Table 2 lists the site of first tumor recurrence for the two groups. The most frequent site was the peritoneum (38.1% of all recurrences), and the pattern of recurrence was similar in the two groups. The 5-year overall sur-vival rate for 22 of 260 patients (8.5%) who had histologically detected metastases in the para-aor-tic lymph nodes after undergoing D2 lymphadenec-tomy plus PAND was 18.2% (95% confidence in-terval [CI], 5.7 to 36.3).Figures 2A and 2B show the overall and recur-D2 Lymphadenectomy plus Para-Aortic Dissection for Gastric Cancer rence-free survival rates for all eligible patients.The 5-year overall survival rate was 69.2% (95% CI,63.2 to 74.4) for the group assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy alone and 70.3% (95% CI, 64.3 to 75.4)for the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomyplus PAND. The hazard ratio for death was 1.03(95% CI, 0.77 to 1.37) in the group assigned to D2lymphadenectomy plus PAND, and the stratifiedlog-rank test showed no significant difference be-tween the groups (one-sided P = 0.57, two-sidedP = 0.85). After adjustment of eight baseline vari-ables (age, sex, body-mass index, tumor location,tumor size, Borrmann macroscopic type, clinicalT stage, and clinical N stage) with the use of Coxregression analysis, the hazard ratio was essen-tially unchanged (hazard ratio, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.78 to 1.38; P = 0.83).The 5-year recurrence-free survival rate was 62.6% (95% CI, 56.4 to 68.2) in the group as-signed to D2 lymphadenectomy alone and 61.7% (95% CI, 55.4 to 67.3) in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND. The hazard ratio for recurrence in the group assigned to D2 lymph-adenectomy plus PAND was 1.08 (95% CI, 0.83 to 1.42; one-sided P = 0.72; two-sided P = 0.56). Although there were no significant interactions between treatment effect and any baseline clini-cal findings, there were significant interactions between treatment effect and pathologic T stage and nodal status (Fig. 3). Among the 174 node-negative patients, the 5-year overall survival rate was 78.4% (95% CI, 67.6 to 86.0) in the group as-signed to D2 lymphadenectomy alone and 96.8% (95% CI, 90.5 to 99.0) in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND. Conversely, among the 348 node-positive patients, the 5-year overall survival rate was 65.2% (95% CI, 57.9 to 71.6) in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone and 54.9% (95% CI, 46.9 to 62.1) in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND. The hazard ratios for death in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND were 0.39 (95% CI, 0.18 to 0.84; P = 0.009) for node-negative pa-tients and 1.39 (95% CI, 1.02 to 1.89; P = 0.04) for node-positive patients.DiscussionThe clinical value of systematic PAND in addition to D2 gastrectomy in curable gastric cancer has been controversial. In this randomized trial, we found no improvement in overall or recurrence-free survival with D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND gastrectomy as compared with D2 lymphadenec-tomy alone. The pattern of recurrence was simi-lar in the two groups, and D2 lymphadenectomyplus PAND did not reduce the rate of recurrenceof cancer in the lymph nodes. There were no sig-nificant differences between the two groups in therates of surgery-related complications. D2 lymph-adenectomy plus PAND, however, was associatedwith a longer operation time, greater blood loss,and a significant increase in minor complications.For all these reasons, we cannot recommend D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND for patients withcurable gastric cancer.Multiple studies have reported a close relationbetween the number of cases treated in a hospitaland outcomes in the surgical treatment of can-cer.25-29 In two European randomized trials com-paring D1 with D2 gastrectomy, the mortality ratesin patients treated with D2 gastrectomy reached10% or higher.30,31 The excessive number of earlydeaths in these studies may have obscured anypotential difference in long-term survival betweenpatients undergoing D1 and D2 gastrectomy. TheDutch trial was conducted in 80 hospitals, includ-ing small community hospitals, by 11 surgeonswho had little experience with D2 gastrectomybefore the study. The limited experience of thesurgeons made it difficult for them to learn howto perform the procedure safely and effectively,and the small volume of cases limited the abilityof the hospitals to manage major surgical com-plications. By contrast, in a Taiwanese single-insti-tution trial comparing D1 gastrectomy with D2or more extensive gastrectomy, all the surgeonshad performed at least 80 D2 procedures before* In nine patients in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone and seven patients in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus para-aortic nodal dissection (PAND), more than one site was involved at the time of first recurrence.T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicineparticipating in the study, and there were no deaths in either group. The procedures in our study either were performed by experienced sur-geons or took place in 24 specialized hospitals with a high volume of cases, and our patients had no major coexisting conditions. These two fea-tures accounted for very low mortality rates (0.8%) and good long-term survival in both groups. There were no significant interactions between treatment effect and any baseline clinical findings. We also conducted a post hoc subgroup analysis based on pathologic T stage and node status, variables that were determined after randomiza-tion. Surprisingly, among patients with pathologi-cally negative nodes, survival rates were better in those assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND than in those assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy alone, whereas in patients with any metastatic nodes, survival rates in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND were worse than those in the group assigned to D2 lymphadenec-tomy alone. This paradoxical interaction with nodal pathologic findings needs cautious interpre-tation, because it was detected in a post hoc sub-group analysis and was thus subject to biases and errors resulting from multiple testing; moreover, this finding should not influence clinical deci-sions, since we have no accurate method of assess-ing lymph-node metastases before surgery, and intraoperative frozen-section diagnosis of all dis-sected lymph nodes (of which the median num-ber is >50) is not feasible. In fact, the proportion of patients with pathologically negative nodes (33.5%) was twice as high as that determined from clinical findings (16.3%). Within the range of the first- and second-tier nodal stations, a high prob-ability of residual nodal metastasis, as calculated by a computer program based on the large data-base at the National Cancer Center Tokyo, was associated with a poor prognosis. This finding was confirmed in two randomized trials of surgery for gastric cancer conducted in Europe and the United States.32,33 Our results are contradictory, since treatment with D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND should reduce the probability of residual metas-tases in node-positive patients but not in node-negative patients, in whom there is no possibility of nodal metastases in the para-aortic area. Since this result from a post hoc subgroup might be a false positive owing to multiple testing, the pos-sible survival benefit of D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND in node-negative patients will need to be clarified in further studies.One limitation of this study is that the inci-dence of metastases in the para-aortic nodes (8.5%) was lower than expected. A previous report showed that the most reliable predictor of metas-tases in the para-aortic nodes was the pathologic status of nodes at station 7.34 In our 76 patients with metastases at this station, however, 5-year overall survival rates after D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND (36.4%; 95% CI, 20.6 to 52.3) were not significantly better than those after D2 lymph-adenectomy alone (44.2%; 95% CI, 29.2 to 58.2; hazard ratio, 1.09; 95% CI, 0.62 to 1.93; P = 0.76). D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND in node-positive patients results in worse survival rates; it is un-D2 Lymphadenectomy plus Para-Aortic Dissection for Gastric CancerA large phase 3 trial recently demonstrated that adjuvant therapy with S-1, an orally active fluo-ropyrimidine, significantly improved survival in surgery and adjuvant treatment. In our study, which was performed before the S-1 trial, no pa-tients received any adjuvant treatment.D2 Lymphadenectomy plus Para-Aortic Dissection for Gastric CancerIn conclusion, extended D2 lymphadenectomy plus PAND should not be used to treat curable stage T2b, T3, or T4 gastric cancer. D2 gastrectomy is associated with low mortality and reasonable survival times when performed in selected in-stitutions that have had sufficient experience with the operation and with postoperative man-agement.Supported in part by grants-in-aid for cancer research (5S-1, 8S-1, 11S-3, 11S-4, 14S-3, 14S-4, 17S-3, 17S-5) and for the Sec-ond Term Comprehensive 10-Year Strategy for Cancer Control (H10-Gan-027, H12-Gan-012) from the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of Japan.No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.We thank Dr. Kenichi Yoshimura and Dr. Naoki Ishizuka for data analysis; Ms. Kyoko Hongo, Ms. Chizuko Takeuchi, and Ms. Harumi Kaba for data management; and Dr. Haruhiko Fukuda for directing the JCOG Data Center and overseeing the manage-ment of this study.ReferencesKelley JR, Duggan JM. Gastric cancer 1.epidemiology and risk factors. J Clin Epi-demiol 2003;56:1-9.de Aretxabala X, Konishi K, Yonemura 2.Y, et al. 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九球高分辨角度指示器(API)Model 8810A 双同型旋转 解析度测量以及可选的参考供应说明书

One optional Reference supply •Direct replacement for all 8810’s•High resolution touch-screen•Two isolated Input Channels•0.0001° Resolution•±0.004°Accuracy (Optional ±0.0015°)•LXI compatible•Programmable display options•Auto-ranging Signal and Reference•47 Hz to 20 KHZ Frequency Range•DC rate or angle output•Auto Phase Correction•Optional 2.2 VA internal Reference•Measures and displays ReferenceVoltage, frequency, and VL-L•Ethernet, USB, IEEE-488 andparallel ports•| compliantGENERALThis second generation API, Model 8810A, truly represents a major step forward in synchro to digital conversion technology. The use of an intelligent DSP design eliminates push buttons and allows all programming to be done either via an integrated touch-screen or a mouse interface. In addition, IEEE-488, Ethernet, and USB interfaces have been added to extend remote operation capabilities. The display can be set for one of three display modes; 0-360º, ±180°, or Degrees, Minutes, Seconds. A wide (47 Hz to 20 KHz) frequency range is standard. As an option, a programmable 2.2 VA internal reference supply can be specified.Improved flexibility is provided by two fully independent inputs that can be used to simultaneously read two separate input signals or can be combined to measure multi-speed Synchros or Resolvers. The gear ratio, for the two-speed mode, is programmable from 2:1 to 255:1Built-in phase correction eliminates errors caused by quadrature and harmonics when reference and signal are out of phase by as much as 60°.The 8810A automatically accepts and displays input voltages from 1.0 to 90 V L-L and Reference voltages from 2 to 115 Vrms over a broad frequency range of 47 Hz to 20 KHz.Therefore, one Instrument can handle most known Synchro and Resolver measurement requirements.The 8810A is a direct replacement for all variations of the previously supplied North Atlantic Industries Model 8810. Special versions (P/N = 8810 –Sxxxx), contact factory to determine compatibility.Optional Reference: This design can also incorporate a 2.2 VA programmable reference generator that is used for stand alone applications (See P/N)One optional Reference supply(Drop In Replacement for NAI API Model 8810 with significant new features)One optional Reference supply SPECIFICATIONSResolution0.0001°Input Channels 2 separate isolated InputsSignal Inputs Ch.1: Synchro/Resolver programmable. 1-90V L-L auto-rangingCh.2: Synchro/Resolver programmable. 1-90V L-L auto-rangingEach channel measures the Input V L-L, Reference voltage and frequency.Data is displayed on the front panel and also available via various digital outputs. Accuracy See detailed Accuracy Specifications below.Frequency Range47 Hz – 20 kHz. See detailed Accuracy Specifications below.Angular Range0.0000°-359.9999° or ±179.9999° programmable, or output angle can be viewed in degrees, minutes and secondsTwo-speed mode Both inputs can be combined with a ratio from 2 to 255Reference Voltage2V to 115 V auto-rangingInput Impedance Signal: >28 V L-L 200 kΩ ; >11.8 V L-L 60kΩ; <11.8 V L-L 13.3 kΩTracking Speed 2.76 rps. at 60 Hz4.68 rps. at 360 Hz or higherSettling Time 1.5 s max. for 180° step change (Based on Bandwidth selected)3.0 s max. at 47-66 Hz (Based on Bandwidth selected)Phase Correction Automatically corrects for up to a 60° phase shift between stator and rotorVelocity or DC angle for Ch.1 & Ch.2 ±1000 °/sec = ±10 VDC ±100 °/sec = ±10 VDC 0 to 359.99°= 0 -10 VDC ±179.99° = ±10 VDCBand width Automatically set to 28% of frequency up to a max. of 100 Hz. User canchange this parameter as desired.Data averaging Selectable from 10 ms to 10 secondsConverter Busy TTL compatible pulses, 1µs wide nom. Pulses present when tracking. Digital Output 6 decade BCD (1-2-4-8) 10 TTL loadsSerial Interfaces Ethernet, USB, and IEEE-488, and legacy 50 pin connector Temperature Range0-50°C operatingInput Power 85 Vrms to 265 Vrms, 47 to 440 HzWeight 4 lbs.Dimensions12.5" L x 9.5" W x 3.5" HREFERENCE GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS: Optional, see part number Voltage Output: 2 Vrms to 115 Vrms, Programmable with a resolution of 0.1 V• 2.0 to 9.9 Vrms / 47 Hz to 20 KHz frequency range•10.0 to 27.9 Vrms / 47 Hz to 4 KHz frequency range•28.0 to 115.0 Vrms / 47 Hz to 800 Hz frequency range Accuracy: ±3% of settingHarmonic Content: 2.0% maximumOutput Drive: 2.2 VA (See Operation manual for detail description of Output Drive) Output Protection: Over-current and over-temperatureFrequency: 47 Hz to 20 kHz Programmable with 0.1 Hz stepsFrequency accuracy: 0.1% FSOne optional Reference supplyDETAIL ACCURACY SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy: 8810A SPECIFICATIONS APPLY AFTER A 15 MINUTE WARMUP AND CALIBRATION Resolver mode:2.0 to 28 V L-L±0.004° from 47 Hz to 5 KHzResolver mode: 28 to 90 VL-L ±0.004° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.004° to ±0.008° from 5 KHz to 10 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.008° to ±0.015° from 10 KHz to 15 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.015° to ±0.02° from 15 KHz to 20 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.006° from 47 Hz to 5 KHzResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.006° to ±0.015° from 5 KHz to 10 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.015° to ±0.025° from 10 KHz to 15 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.025° to ±0.035° from 15 KHz to 20 KHz derated linearlySynchro mode: 2.0 to 90 V L-L±0.004° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzAccuracy: 8810AH SPECIFICATIONS APPLY AFTER A 15 MINUTE WARMUP AND CALIBRATION Resolver mode:2.0 to 28 V L-L±0.0015° from 47 Hz to 5 KHzResolver mode:28 to 90 V L-L±0.002° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.0015° to ±0.005° from 5 KHz to 10 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.005° to ±0.01° from 10 KHz to 15 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.010° to ±0.015° from 15 KHz to 20 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.0025° from 47Hz to 5 KHzResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.0025° to ±0.01° from 5KHz to 10 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.010° to ±0.02° from 10 KHz to 15 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.02° to ±0.03° from 15 KHz to 20 KHz derated linearlySynchro mode:2.0 to 28 V L-L±0.0015° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzSynchro mode:28 to 90 V L-L±0.0025° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzCALIBRATIONWhen unit is turned on it will automatically initiate calibration. After warm-up of 15 minutes, unit will again automatically calibrate the channel or channels being used. Once calibrated, unit will monitor usage. Should frequency or voltage of measured signal change by more than 12.5%, unit will automatically recalibrate the channel in use. Calibration takes about 2 seconds.One optional Reference supplyINTERFACESThe 8810A is available with several different interfaces for ATE applications. Interfaces include, Ethernet, USB, IEEE-488, and a legacy 50 pin connector for API parallel BCD outputs. The legacy 50 pin connector and the IEEE-488 are both 100% backwards compatible with the model 8810. Below is information, for each interface. Detail programming commands / information are included in “8810A Programmer’s Reference Guide.” The Ethernet connector and the USB connector J3, are industry standard connections.(Table 4) J1 CONNECTOR, API PARALLEL PIN DESIGNATIONSDD50P, Mate DD50S or equivalentPin Designation Pin Designation Pin Designation Pin Designation Pin Designation1 *Do Not Use 11 Converter busy 21 S1 Ch.2 310.4º 41 DC out Ch.12 *Do Not Use 12 0.04º 22 S2 Ch. 2 32 2 deg. (BCD) 42 Data Freeze3 Chassis ground 13 0.01º 23 S3 Ch. 2 338 deg. (BCD) 43 Remote Ch. select4 Digital ground 14 0.8º 24 S4 Ch. 2 34Do Not Use 44 0.004º or 0.005º for5 S1 Ch. 1 15 0.2º 25 R1 Ch.2 Ref Hi 35Do Not Use 45 20 deg. (BCD)6 S2 Ch. 1 16 4º 26 R2 Ch. 2 Ref LO 36Reference Out Hi 46 40 deg. (BCD)7 S3 Ch. 1 17 1º 27 Not Data Freeze 37Reference Out Lo 47 80 deg. (BCD)8 S4 Ch. 1 18 Do Not Use 28 0.02º 380.008º 48 10 deg. (BCD)9 R1 Ch. 1 Ref HI 19 DC out Ch.2 29 0.08º 390.002 º 49 100 deg. (BCD)10R2 Ch. 1 Ref LO 20Local/Rem select300.1º400.001º or 0.005º for179.9950200º or + bit for 179.9º* Previous models allowed power input at pins 1 & 2. To meet new safety requirements, power input is ONLY via the Power Entry module.(Table 5) J2 CONNECTOR, IEEE - 488 PIN DESIGNATIONSStandard IEEE Interface ConnectorPin Designation Pin Designation1 DIO1 13 DIO52 DIO214 DIO63 DIO315 DIO74 DIO416 DIO85 EOI 17 REN6 DAV 18 Gnd., DAV7 NRFD 19 Gnd.,NRFD8 NDAC 20 Gnd.,NDAC9 IFC 21 Gnd., IFC10 SRQ 22 Gnd., SRQ11 ATN 23 Gnd., ATN12 Shield 24 Gnd., LogicOne optional Reference supplyORDERING INFORMATIONPart numbers:8810A- *Standard accuracy ±0.004° (See Detail Accuracy Specifications)Add “R” for an internal programmable 2.2 VA Reference Generator8810AH- *Optional high accuracy unit±0.0015° (See Detail Accuracy Specifications) Add “R” for an internal programmable 2.2 VA Reference GeneratorNOTE: The 8810A (all models) are | compliantACCESSORIESIncluded with the 8810A is an accessory kit NAI part number 8810A-ACCESSORY-KIT.Kit includes the following items:Description NAI P/N50 Pin Mating connector for J1 05-0053Fuse, 5 x 20mm, 2A, slo-blo 99-0146Line Cord 202-0002Optional Mounting AccessoriesThe 8810A can be ordered with mounting adapters for mounting either one or two units in a standard 19-inch equipment rack. The table below describes full rack and tandem full rack mounting accessories.Type of Mount Description NAI P/NFull Rack Mounting Mounts one unit in 19-inch rack 783893Tandem Full Rack Mounting ½ height Mounts two units side by side in 19-inch rack548557(3-1/2" rack height)One optional Reference supply MECHANICAL OUTLINE, Model 8810AOne optional Reference supplyRevision HistoryRevision DescriptionofChange EngineerDateA PreliminaryRelease FH / as 05 DEC 05 A1 PreliminaryRe-release FH / as 06 JAN 06B InitialRelease AS 10 FEB 06C Corrected discrepancies (Resolution / accuracy) with operations manual FR 30 JUN 06D Restated accuracy specifications pg 1 & pg 3, changed operating temp. to 50 deg C max.added high accuracy P/N 8810AHFR 18 JUL 06E Updated all screen shots to latest actual units, added additional connector interfaceinformation, added Mechanical outline drawing, modified Title of document, changed filename from “8810A-B001 revX” to from “8810A-A001 revX” for consistency.FR 07 AUG 06F Corrected Tilt stand information (standard, not optional) FR 08/11/06F1 Deleted mouse as a purchase option, changed Ref. Generator output to 1.2VA FR 08/22/06F2 NewAddress KL 04/25/07F3 Edited accuracy specifications pg 1& 3, changed Band Width statement pg.3, added pageafter “SPECIFICATIONS” with Accuracy Tables for “A” & “AH” models & addedCALIBRATION statement. Edited Part numbers re: accuracy. Changed power output ratingfor Optional reference from 1.2 VA to 2.2 VA on pgs 1, 3 & 6.FR 09/27/07F4 Added|compliant statement to page 1 & 6. FR10/09/07 F5 Corrected minor typo. errors pages 1,3 & 4, added note re: Reference Output Drive details. FR 10/11/07G Added REF frequency characterization for voltage output, changed max REF harmoniccontent from 1% to 2% (Reference Generator Specifications pg.3).AS 11/07/07H Updated 3 screen shots on page 2 (Dual Ch., Int. Ref. & Loc./Remote). Updated “MechanicalOutline” drawing on pg. 7.FR 1/02/08。



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2022年7月于青岛大学医学院附属青岛市中心医院就诊的116例急性心肌梗死病人作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组58例㊂对照组采用常规治疗,观察组在常规治疗基础上加用黄芪桂枝五物汤辅助治疗,均治疗14d后比较治疗效果㊂结果:观察组治疗后的心肌梗死溶栓分级优于对照组(P<0.05)㊂治疗后,观察组的左室射血分数(LVEF)㊁左室收缩末期内径(LVESD)㊁左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)㊁左室舒张期末容积(LVEDV)㊁心肌重量指数(LVMI)㊁左室后壁厚度(LVPWT)㊁舒张末期室间隔厚度(IVST)㊁可溶性细胞间黏附分子1(sICAM-1)㊁内皮素-1(ET-1)㊁血清miR-21㊁miR-126改善情况优于对照组(P<0.05)㊂观察组治疗后中医证候积分低于对照组(P<0.05)㊂随访6个月后,两组不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.152,P=0.697),但主要不良心血管事件发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.833,P=0.028)㊂结论:对急性心肌梗死病人实施黄芪桂枝五物汤辅助治疗,可降低心肌缺血及再灌注损伤,改善冠状动脉灌注和心功能,下调血清miR-21㊁miR-126水平㊂关键词急性心肌梗死;黄芪桂枝五物汤;心室重塑;心功能d o i:10.12102/j.i s s n.1672-1349.2024.04.020急性心肌梗死(AMI)可因冠状动脉粥样斑块破裂导致冠状动脉管腔受阻,血小板聚集于破裂斑块表面,作者单位 1.青岛大学医学院附属青岛市中心医院(山东青岛266042);2.青岛市中医医院/青岛市海慈医院(山东青岛266042)通讯作者刘学峁,E-mail:*******************引用信息田苗艳,徐丹,宋炜,等.黄芪桂枝五物汤对急性心肌梗死病人心室重塑及血清miR-21㊁miR-126水平的影响[J].中西医结合心脑血管病杂志,2024,22(4):686-690.从而使心肌发生严重缺血,形成血栓,表现为气促㊁胸闷㊁乏力㊁剧烈胸骨后疼痛,严重时可并发心力衰竭㊁心律失常㊁休克,严重危及生命安全[1]㊂目前,治疗AMI 的主要治疗方式为经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI),能够缓解因缺血导致的心肌坏死及损伤,快速恢复心肌血液灌注,但研究发现心肌缺血后再灌注本身便会引起心肌坏死或损伤,甚至扩大梗死面积㊁出现无复流,严重损害心肌组织,因此需重视介入术后的相关治疗[2]㊂中医认为,介入治疗后引起的再灌注损伤属于本虚标实之证[3]㊂AMI本身便因痰阻㊁寒凝㊁气滞㊁血瘀等瘀毒之邪堵塞于心脉,久而成痹,加之介入治疗会损伤正气,故应尽快给予温经通痹㊁泄毒化痰㊁益气活血㊁补气固本之法[4]㊂黄芪桂枝五物汤是中医补气生血名方,具有活血化瘀㊁温阳益气㊁利水化饮等功效,能够改善梗死后心功能,降低心肌耗氧量,缓解心肌缺血症状,更好地保护心肌,对AMI病人预后有益[5]㊂本研究探讨黄芪桂枝五物汤对AMI病人血清miR-21㊁miR-126水平及心室重塑的影响㊂1资料与方法1.1一般资料选取2021年2月 2022年7月于青岛大学医学院附属青岛市中心医院就诊的116例AMI病人作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组58例㊂观察组,男30例,女28例;年龄(56.65ʃ8.95)岁;病程(5.83ʃ2.16)h;梗死部位:后壁9例,下壁18例,前壁31例㊂对照组,男32例,女26例;年龄(56.31ʃ8.87)岁;病程(5.54ʃ2.23)h;梗死部位:高侧壁8例,下壁17例,前壁33例㊂两组一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂本研究经过医院伦理委员会审批通过㊂1.2诊断㊁纳入与排除标准诊断标准:1)西医诊断,符合AMI西医诊断指南中的相关诊断标准[6];且持续剧烈胸痛>30min;相邻ȡ2个导联心电图ST段抬高ȡ0.1mV㊂2)中医诊断,符合AMI中医诊断相关标准[7],主症为胸痛㊁胸闷不缓解;次症为乏力㊁头晕㊁自汗㊁喘促㊁心悸㊁无法平卧㊁气短㊁苔白腻㊁舌淡暗㊁脉无力㊂纳入标准:符合中西医诊断标准;年龄>20岁;符合PCI介入适应证;签署书面知情同意书者㊂排除标准:合并严重心脏机械并发症者;合并血液系统㊁严重自身免疫性疾病者;合并肝肾功能衰竭者;有明确临床感染证据者;合并各种慢性炎症及创伤者;近期有手术史者㊂1.3方法两组均在PCI术后给予相应药物治疗㊂对照组采用常规西药治疗,即普伐他汀钠片,每日1次,每次20mg,口服;硫酸氢氯吡格雷,每日1次,每次75mg,口服㊂观察组在常规治疗基础上加用黄芪桂枝五物汤治疗,组方:当归15g,川芎15g,白芍15g,黄芪30g,炒白术12g,桂枝12g,丹参15g,元胡15g,人参9g,黄连9g,薤白9g,丹参15g,生姜6g,三七6g,瓜蒌9g,大枣6g,每日1剂,分早晚两次服用㊂两组均治疗14d㊂1.4观察指标1)心肌梗死溶栓治疗(TIMI)分级:0级为血管完全堵塞,无灌注;1级为少量造影剂通过狭窄部位,渗透而无灌注;2级为>3个心动周期远端血管可被充盈,部分灌注;3级为排空缓慢;4级为完全灌注,排空迅速㊂2)使用YZB/吉0052-2004SDD动态心电图检测左室射血分数(LVEF)㊁左室收缩末期内径(LVESD)㊁左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)㊁左室舒张期末容积(LVEDV);使用HP2500型号彩色多普勒心脏超声仪检测左室心肌重量指数(LVMI)㊁左室后壁厚度(LVPWT)㊁舒张末期室间隔厚度(IVST)㊂3)使用迈瑞Mindray全自动生化分析仪检测可溶性细胞间黏附分子1(sICAM-1)㊁内皮素-1(ET-1)水平㊂4)采集4mL 肘静脉血,3500r/min离心15min分离血清,收集上层液体,使用RNA提取试剂盒提取RNA,逆转录成cRNA,进行基因扩增,引物序列见表1,经历45个循环后曲线溶解,设置3个复孔,取平均值检测血清miR-21㊁miR-126水平㊂5)中医证候积分[8]:按照‘症状分级量化表“判定病人当前胸痛㊁胸闷㊁气喘㊁心烦㊁心悸㊁神倦乏力㊁双下肢水肿㊁烦躁㊁出汗㊁尿少腹胀㊁畏寒肢冷㊁口唇青紫㊁颜面灰白等症状,每项按照0~3分标记,分值越高,症状越重㊂6)不良反应和主要不良心血管事件(MACE)㊂表1miR-21、miR-126引物序列血清指标引物miR-21正向:5'TTTGGCTCTGACCATTCTGT3'反向:5'GTCCTCACCTFGAGGGACCCC3' miR-126正向:5'ACTAATRCCTCCCTCCTT3'反向:5'ATAAACTTCTRGGTGTCC3'1.5统计学处理采用SPSS20.0软件进行数据分析㊂符合正态分布的定量资料以均数ʃ标准差表示(xʃs),两组多时点对比采用重复测量的方差分析,两两比较采用LSD-t 检验㊂定性资料以例数或百分比(%)表示,采用χ2检验㊂等级资料采用秩和检验㊂以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果2.1两组TIMI分级比较治疗前,两组TIMI分级比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),观察组治疗后TIMI分级优于对照组(P< 0.05)㊂详见表2㊂表2 两组TIMI 分级比较单位:例(%)组别例数时间0级1级2级3级4级观察组58治疗前6(10.34)22(37.93)20(34.48)10(17.24)0(0.00)治疗后0(0.00)0(0.00)5(8.62)25(43.10)28(48.28)对照组58治疗前7(12.07)24(41.38)18(31.03)8(13.79)1(1.72)治疗后1(1.72)5(8.62)7(12.07)35(60.34)10(17.24)2.2 两组心功能比较治疗前,两组心功能比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗后,观察组LVEF ㊁LVESD ㊁LVEDD ㊁LVEDV 改善情况优于对照组(P <0.05)㊂详见表3㊂表3 两组心功能比较(x ʃs )组别例数时间LVEF (%)LVESD (mm )LVEDD (mm )LVEDV (mL )观察组58治疗前35.86ʃ5.4639.79ʃ9.3646.52ʃ7.45258.74ʃ16.35治疗后51.43ʃ8.91①27.15ʃ4.13①35.26ʃ6.31①201.13ʃ14.28①t 值-11.348 9.412 8.78320.209P<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001对照组58治疗前35.56ʃ5.2439.81ʃ9.4446.89ʃ7.62258.82ʃ16.51治疗后43.72ʃ7.7933.34ʃ5.6540.22ʃ6.63229.77ʃ15.74t 值-6.616 4.479 5.033 9.701P<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001注:与对照组治疗后比较,①P <0.05㊂2.3 两组心室重塑指标比较治疗前,两组心室重塑指标比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗后,观察组LVMI ㊁IVST ㊁LVPWT 改善情况优于对照组(P <0.05)㊂详见表4㊂表4 两组心室重塑指标比较(x ʃs )组别例数 时间LVMI (g/m 2)IVST (mm )LVPWT (mm )观察组58治疗前90.35ʃ5.5911.32ʃ2.3812.65ʃ2.22治疗后108.95ʃ9.36①7.05ʃ2.49①8.36ʃ1.72①t 值-12.9979.42211.629P<0.001<0.001<0.001对照组58治疗前90.49ʃ5.6311.59ʃ2.4912.73ʃ2.54治疗后101.78ʃ8.829.65ʃ2.5210.98ʃ1.55t 值-8.216 4.1744.477P<0.001<0.001<0.001注:与对照组治疗后比较,①P <0.05㊂2.4 两组心肌缺血再灌注指标比较治疗前,两组心肌缺血再灌注指标比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗后,观察组sICAM -1㊁ET -1改善情况优于对照组(P <0.05)㊂详见表5㊂表5 两组心肌缺血再灌注指标比较(x ʃs )单位:ng/mL组别例数 sICAM -1 治疗前治疗后ET -1 治疗前治疗后观察组58425.39ʃ34.19131.68ʃ17.74162.28ʃ17.2249.86ʃ10.67对照组58426.78ʃ33.62198.54ʃ22.35162.37ʃ17.5495.55ʃ11.33t 值-0.221 -17.848-0.028 -22.358P0.826<0.0010.978<0.0012.5 两组血清miR -21㊁miR -126水平比较 治疗前,两组血清miR -21㊁miR -126水平比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗后,观察组血清miR -21㊁miR -126改善情况优于对照组(P <0.05)㊂详见表6㊂表6 两组血清miR -21㊁miR -126水平比较(x ʃs )组别例数 miR -21 治疗前治疗后miR -126 治疗前治疗后观察组58 2.89ʃ0.65 1.02ʃ0.11 2.75ʃ0.39 1.08ʃ0.12对照组582.72ʃ0.41 1.86ʃ0.34 2.82ʃ0.41 1.74ʃ0.29t 值 1.688-17.945-0.950 -16.082P0.094<0.0010.344<0.0012.6 两组中医证候积分比较重复测量数据方差分析显示,中医证候积分以时间因素和分组的交互作用㊁时间因素均有统计学意义(P <0.05)㊂两组治疗前中医证候积分差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),而观察组治疗后各时间段中医证候积分更低(P <0.05)㊂详见表7㊂ 表7 两组中医证候积分比较(x ʃs )单位:分组别例数治疗前治疗后7d 治疗后14d 观察组5811.35ʃ2.58 6.65ʃ2.36①4.12ʃ1.25①对照组5811.49ʃ2.668.94ʃ2.556.64ʃ1.33注:F 时点=901.769,F 交互=38.583,F 组间=30.159;P 时点<0.001,P 交互<0.001,P 组间<0.001㊂与对照组同时间比较,①P <0.05㊂2.7 两组不良反应和MACE 发生率比较两组病人均随访6个月,其中观察组在治疗期间出现低血压1例,面目潮红1例,胃肠道反应1例,不良反应发生率为5.17%(3/58);在随访中,1例发生再梗阻,MACE 发生率为1.72%(1/58)㊂对照组治疗期间出现面目潮红2例,恶心呕吐2例,不良反应发生率为6.90%(4/58);在随访中出现心源性死亡1例,再梗阻5例,复发心绞痛1例,MACE 发生率为12.07%(7/58)㊂两组不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.152,P =0.697),但两组MACE 发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.833,P =0.028)㊂3 讨 论AMI 属于中医学真心痛 范畴,以心前区剧烈疼痛为典型之证,伴随脉微欲绝㊁大汗淋漓㊁四肢厥冷㊁面色苍白病证[9]㊂中医古籍中有较多关于AMI 的表达,其中‘医碥㊃心痛“提及 真心痛,其证卒然大痛,咬牙噤口,气冷,汉出不休,面黑,手足青过节,冷如冰,旦发夕死,夕发旦死,不治 ;‘灵枢㊃厥病“: 真心痛,手足青至节,心痛甚,旦发夕死,夕发旦死 ;‘难经㊃六十难“: 手足青者,痛在心,名真心痛 ㊂上述文献综合了真心痛定义㊁部位㊁症状㊁预后,与 胸痹 病因病机相似,与寒邪侵袭㊁痰浊化生㊁过食肥甘㊁气滞血瘀㊁七情内伤㊁阳气不足㊁年老体衰有关,发病条件是标实,本虚是发病基础,严重者可因气血运行中断,心脉突然闭塞,危及生命,故需尽早治疗[10]㊂而在‘灵枢㊃脉度“: 经脉为里,络之别者为孙,支而横着为络 ;‘灵枢㊃邪客“: 营气者,注之于脉,泌其津液,化以为血,内注五脏六腑 ,以上文献重点强调络脉具有互渗津血㊁渗灌血气㊁贯通营卫之功[11]㊂因此,针对AMI 发病机制,中医治法应以温经通痹㊁化痰泄毒㊁益气活血为主,致使痰浊得以温化㊁瘀血得以通畅㊁瘀毒得以疏泄,心脉气血通畅,疾病得除[12]㊂ 黄芪桂枝五物汤包含多种药材,方中黄芪为君,具有益气固表㊁扶助心气㊁补气实卫㊁补气培元㊁益气之功㊂‘本草便读“中提及 黄芪之补,使阳气和利,自然生津生血,善达表益卫 ;当归性温㊁苦㊁辛㊁甘,具有润肠㊁止痛㊁活血㊁补血之功;桂枝性温㊁甘㊁辛,具有温经通痹㊁散风寒㊁开痹涩㊁通经络之功;配伍黄芪,可达到益气㊁通经㊁温阳;芍药微寒,性酸㊁苦,具有养血合营㊁缓中止痛㊁养血柔肝㊁通血痹㊂‘名医别录“论白芍, 散恶血,通顺血脉,去水气,利膀胱 ㊂与桂枝合用,可调营卫而和表里㊂元胡性温㊁苦㊁辛,具有理气止痛㊁活血散瘀之功;黄连性寒㊁苦,具有泻火解毒㊁清热燥湿之功;瓜蒌性寒㊁甘,具有润燥滑肠㊁宽胸散结㊁清热涤痰之功;白术性温㊁苦㊁甘,具有止汗㊁燥湿利水㊁健脾益气之功;人参性甘,具有生津止渴㊁补脾益肺㊁大补元气㊁安神益智之功;薤白性温㊁苦㊁辛,具有下气行滞㊁通阳散结之功;三七具有止痛㊁活血通络之功;大枣甘温,具有养血益气之功;生姜辛温,具有疏散风邪之功,综合全方,共奏温经通痹㊁化痰泄毒㊁益气活血㊁补益正气之功[13-15]㊂ 心室重塑是AMI 发病后一个进行性㊁慢性过程,主要是因心肌间质内基质金属蛋白酶突发增多,导致神经内分泌系统被激活,增加肌肉组织体积,增重心脏负荷,导致心室指标㊁心功能指标发生改变[16]㊂分析本研究结果,两组接受治疗后,心功能㊁心室重塑指标㊁心肌缺血再灌注指标均有所改善,说明病人经过相关药物治疗能够有效减轻心肌缺血再灌注损伤,改善心功能㊂两者比较,观察组LVMI㊁IVST㊁LVPWT㊁LVEF㊁LVESD㊁LVEDD㊁LVEDV㊁sICAM-1㊁ET-1及TIMI分级改善情况更优,中医证候积分更低,提示黄芪桂枝五物汤利用价值更高,不仅在症状改善方面具有一定优势,还可改善心功能,逆转心室重塑,对预后具有一定价值㊂分析原因,黄芪桂枝五物汤虽包含多种药材,其中黄芪㊁桂枝为主要用药,其中桂枝具有温阳通脉之功;黄芪为君药,可发挥健脾㊁行血㊁益气之功[17]㊂董扬等[18]在大鼠研究中发现,黄芪能够改善心室重塑,保护心功能㊂现代药理学研究证实,黄芪中包含黄芪多糖,能够改善冠状动脉血管内皮细胞功能,清除氧自由基,增强心肌收缩力;桂枝所含皂苷成分,能够增加病变区域血流灌注量,使冠状动脉有效扩张,减轻缺血区域再灌注损伤程度;诸药合用,可修复受损心肌细胞,促进侧支循环形成,减少心肌耗氧量,抑制重塑,从而缩小梗死面积,改善心室重塑和心功能[19]㊂同时,有研究表明,miRNA也参与了AMI发生㊁发展过程,可调控转录后水平基因表达,在不同疾病中存在不同表达谱,故近年来也被心血管疾病作为特异性判定标准[20]㊂本结果显示,观察组治疗后miR-21㊁miR-126改善情况优于对照组,进一步说明黄芪桂枝五物汤能够抑制冠状动脉血管平滑肌痉挛,修复凋亡内皮细胞,改善心功能,促使疾病恢复㊂从远期疗效分析,观察组随访后心脏不良事件更低,说明黄芪桂枝五物汤远期疗效也更为显著,可降低复发心绞痛㊁再梗阻率㊂综上所述,黄芪桂枝五物汤具有安全㊁有效特点,用于AMI病人中,可保护血管内皮细胞,减少心血管事件发生㊂参考文献:[1]LI S B,SHENG J,ZHOU Q,et al.Chinese medicine in treatment ofa patient with acute extensive anterior myocardial infarctioncomplicated by shock after 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Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).(19)E P 2 964 551B 1TEPZZ 96455_B_T(11)EP 2 964 551B1(12)EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION(45)Date of publication and mentionof the grant of the patent: 17.10.2018Bulletin 2018/42(21)Application number: 14716008.9(22)Date of filing: 03.03.2014(51)Int Cl.:B65G 47/68(2006.01)B65G 47/22(2006.01)(86)International application number:PCT/IB2014/059390(87)International publication number:WO 2014/136033 (12.09.2014Gazette 2014/37)(54)SINGULATORVEREINZELER SÉPARATEUR(84)Designated Contracting States:AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR(30)Priority:04.03.2013IT MI20130318(43)Date of publication of application:13.01.2016Bulletin 2016/02(73)Proprietor: Mechanica Sistemi S.r.L.20037 Paderno Dugnano (MI) (IT)(72)Inventor: CRISTOFORETTI, GiorgioI-21100 Varese (IT)(74)Representative: Ponzellini, Gianmarco et alPGA S.P.A., Milano Succursale di Lugano Viale Castagnola, 21c 6900 Lugano (CH)(56)References cited:WO-A2-2012/101576US-A- 5 701 989510152025303540455055Description[0001]The present invention relates to a singulator,intended in particular to receive a plurality of incoming loose articles and to output the aforementioned plurality of articles, suitably singulated (in one or more lines), i.e.arranged consecutively along predetermined advance-ment lines.TECHNOLOGICAL BACKGROUND[0002]As is known, many commercial and industrial activities require a fixed number of articles that are gen-erally fed randomly and are loosely ordered and then automatically sorted so that they can thereafter be han-dled more easily in an automatic or semiautomatic way.[0003]The machines designed for this operation are known as "singulators". WO 2012/101576 A2 discloses singulators. The areas of use of singulators are varied,and include, by way of non-limiting example, the field of sorting and delivering mail, the dispatching and parcel distribution sector, etc. There are several devices on the market today suitable for the performance of the above-mentioned task.[0004] A first type of these machines comprises, in the main structure thereof intended for singulating opera-tions, the use of a first converger station consisting of a central high-friction conveyor belt flanked on both sides by two respective roller conveyors having axes that are inclined relative to the direction of advancement of the articles.[0005]The roller conveyors impart, to the articles rest-ing thereon, an advancement motion and lateral transla-tion towards the high-friction central belt, carrying the ma-jority of articles onto the central belt itself.[0006]Located after the converger station there is a diverger station, which is also a high-friction central belt which follows on from the central belt of the converger station and is designed to receive the articles that have been brought to the central zone of the device.[0007]Flanking the central belt there are two roller con-veyors which have rollers with inclined axes and are de-signed to impart to the articles entirely resting thereon an advancement motion and a corresponding lateral movement conveying them away from the high-friction central belt.[0008]In particular, an article that might be at least partially resting on the central belt would be conveyed thereby and would not be affected by the lateral thrust of the corresponding roller conveyor; in contrast, a product resting exclusively on the roller conveyor will be con-veyed away from the central belt. Appropriate conveyor belts or recirculating belts are present at the sides of the diverger station, which belts are destined to receive the products that have been conveyed away from the diver-ger roller conveyors and return them to the inlet of the machine and in particular to the inlet of the converger station so that they can be newly processed.[0009]In contrast, the singulated products that are on the high-friction central belt proceed towards the further processing stations.[0010]In this way, the products are singulated at the central zone of the machine, while all the articles which,in particular due to being superimposed in a direction that is transversal to the conveyance direction, should they not reach the central zone, are advantageously recircu-lated via the diverger station, and via the recirculating belts they are returned to the machine inlet and then re-processed.[0011]U.S. patent 5701989 describes, with particular reference to figure 13, a singulator according to the pre-amble of claim 1. The main difference is linked to the absence of a conveyor belt in the convergence zone (in other words there are only two roller conveyors converg-ing towards the central advancement axis) and to the presence of a diverger station consisting of a plurality of additional conveyor belts with the aim of removing arti-cles that are not singulated in such a way as to return them into the singulating cycle.[0012] A second type of known devices suitable for sin-gulating products is constituted by a complex apparatus in which all articles entering the device are suitably scanned by, for example, suitable cameras which can provide the read information to a control unit that recon-structs the distribution of the articles along the advance-ment pathway thereof.[0013]In particular, a movement surface is present,consisting of an array of individual conveyor belts, all independently movable.[0014]In other words, the movement surface consists of a fixed number of rows and columns defined by a plu-rality of individual conveyor belts which are driven by the control unit via respective motors. As the control unit has the position of the single articles in its memory, and is monitoring the movements, it drives the conveyor belts at differentiated speeds, so as to be able to suitably ori-entate the articles by rotating them, and also to be able to space them apart in the longitudinal direction by dif-ferentiating the advancement speeds of the belts on which the articles are resting.[0015]When leaving the deck, the various articles will be orientated in an orderly manner and will be sufficiently spaced along their respective advancement lines.[0016]In this way, it will be possible to operate down-stream of the surface along which the articles move, as they are already pre-ordered, and perform thereon a final singulation.[0017]The above-mentioned machine is at least par-tially described in some patent publications, for example,in patents EP 1556297 and U.S. 2003/141165.[0018]The singulators briefly described above, while admirably fulfilling the tasks they are designed for, are not free from limitations and/or operational problems.[0019]For example, the singulators described above are not able to assure the correct singulation of articles in the event that two or more of said articles are super-both longitudinally and transversally.[0020]equate filling of the high-friction central belt. [0021]mensions thereof in that direction. What isabove generally implies the need to have large umes/dimensions in order to install the singulators structing the device and managing the machine itself. [0022]of the operation thereof.[0023]the conveyor belts.[0024]Furthermore, each of the conveyor belts which clearly increase the costs of construction electrical and mechanical parts that make it up). OBJECT OF THE INVENTION[0025]The object of thelimitations of the previous solutions.[0026] A first aim of the singulator, of whichof articles, and in particular of assuring, in a diverger ule, the separation of articles also in theleast two of them are vertically superimposed on another.[0027]control.[0028]tions required for singulating, thus also limiting well as the mechanical parts in motion.[0029]tudinal dimensions, by providing a singulator ableobjects, figure 1 illustrates a first embodiment of a singu-lator described hereunder;figure 2 illustrates a variant of the singulator of figure 1;figure 3 illustrates a further variant of the singu-lator of figure 1;figure 4 illustrates a possible variant of the con-verger module;figure 5 illustrates a possible further variant of the converger module;figure 6 shows a cross section of the converger module of figure 5;figures 7 and 8 schematically show the different behaviour of the module of figures 4 and 5;figures 9, 11 and 12 are section views of three different embodiments of the converger module;figure 10 schematically shows the functioning of a module according to figure 9;figures 13-16 illustrate four possible variants of the diverger module;figures 17 and 18 illustrate two possible variants of the selector module;figures 19A to 19O show an operating sequence of the singulator in successive instants of time;figures 20, 21 and 22 show three possible variants of systems the description relates;figure 23 module according to an alternative and advantageous em-bodiment;figures 24, 25, 26 are further views of the selector of figure 23 with some parts removed in order better to illustrate others;figure 27 is a perspective view of the singulator in a further embodiment;figure 28 shows an overall view of a singulator included in a plant for treating articles; and figure 29 shows the vertical switcher of figure 28.figure 30 is a perspective view of a possible em-bodiment of the diverger module of a singulator ac-510152025303540455055cording to the present invention;figures 31 to 42 show an operating sequence of the singulator in successive instants of time.DETAILED DESCRIPTION[0032]With reference to the aforesaid figures, 1 de-notes in its entirety a singulator as described below.[0033]In particular, and as previously mentioned, the singulator that is the subject matter of the following de-scription is particularly intended for the singulation of loosely arranged items 5.[0034]In particular, the articles 5, which may have un-dergone further manipulation if necessary before reach-ing the inlet of the singulator (e.g. unstacking operations for supplying them to the inlet in a two-dimensional con-figuration) are brought to the inlet of the singulator by a suitable conveyor belt (or equivalent system) for infeed-ing them to the main modules of the singulator.[0035]In particular, the products initially reach an inlet station 3 of a converger module 2.[0036]The converger module 2 extends longitudinally along a main direction 6 of advancement of the articles between the above-mentioned inlet station 3 and an out-let station 4.[0037]In general, the loose articles 5 entering the con-verger module 2 will be conveyed (and appropriately han-dled) starting from the inlet station 3 along the main ad-vancement direction up until reaching the outlet station 4, so as to be received by successive modules of the singulator.[0038]Observing in particular the figures and the var-ious embodiments, it can be seen that, in general terms,the converger module 2 primarily features at least a first zone 7 defined between the inlet station 3 and the outlet station 4 along the main advancement or conveyance direction of the articles 6.[0039]This zone 7 will generally, in a view from above,have a rectangular profile with a main geometry that ex-tends substantially parallel to the main direction of ex-tension 6, and with the two opposite shorter sides located at the inlet and outlet stations 3 and 4.[0040]This zone 7 will be generally configured so as to impart to the articles resting thereon a direct advance-ment motion exclusively along the main advancement direction 6 (see for example figure 1). In other words, the first zone 7 will include at least one conveyor configured so as to impart this movement to the articles 5.[0041]Alternatively (see figure 3) the first zone 7 (i.e.the corresponding conveyor) may be configured so as to impart to the articles 5 resting thereon not only an ad-vancement motion along the main direction 6, but also a lateral movement 9b in a direction perpendicular to the advancement direction directed towards a second zone 8. In other words, the conveyor will be able to impart a parallel motion to the articles or, in an alternative embod-iment, a motion directionally inclined (resultant R in thefigures) relative to the main advancement direction 6 (or to the main axis of extension of the singulator). Once more from a general point of view, the converger module 2 also features a second zone 8 which flanks the first zone 7 along the main advancement direction 6 and also extends between the inlet station 3 and the outlet station 4 of the module 2.[0042]The second zone 8 is configured to impart to the articles 5 resting thereon an advancement motion along the main direction 6 and also a lateral movement 9a in the direction of the first zone 7.[0043]In this regard, the second zone 8 will include at least one conveyor (and in general a plurality thereof)configured to impart the described movement to the ar-ticles (inclined; resultant R).[0044]This second zone 8, in a view from above, also has a rectangular profile extending mainly in a direction parallel to the main advancement direction 6, and with the shorter opposite sides positioned at the inlet station 3 and the outlet station 4.[0045]In particular, the two corresponding longer sides of the first zone 7 and the second zone 8, are side by side and facing each other.[0046]In the majority of the illustrated embodiments (except for figures 2 and 3) the converger module 2 also includes a third zone 23 flanking the first zone 7 along the main advancement direction 6 and positioned on the side opposite to the second zone 8.[0047]In general, the first zone 7 will therefore be in-terposed between the second zone 8 and the third zone 23; the three zones 23, 7, 8 will be adjacent (in particular in contact) and parallel to one another along the advance-ment direction of the articles as shown in figure 1 for example.[0048]The third zone 23 also extends between the inlet station 3 and the outlet station 4 and exhibits, in a view from above, a substantially rectangular profile with the longer sides directed along the main advancement direc-tion 6 and shorter sides that are opposite and positioned at the inlet and outlet stations 3 and 4. The third zone 23is configured to impart to the articles 5 resting thereon an advancement motion along the main direction 6 and also a lateral movement 9b in the direction of the first zone 7; in particular, the lateral movements 9a, 9b im-parted respectively by the second zone 8 and the third zone 23 have the same direction (perpendicular to the main direction 6) and are respectively directed in the op-posite way towards the first zone 7.[0049]In still other words, the second zone 8 and the third zone 23 impart, to the articles resting thereon, not only an advancement motion towards the outlet station 4, but also a lateral movement serving to convey the ar-ticles towards the first central zone 7; the resultant force on the articles is denoted by R.[0050]From the point of view of realisation, the first zone 7 will include a corresponding conveyor 30 which can, by way of example, be defined by a conveyor belt as shown in figures 1 and 2.510152025303540455055[0051]This conveyor belt is generally more limited in its transversal dimensions relative to the transversal di-mensions and respective conveyors of the second and third zones 8, 23 of the converger module 2.[0052]Figure 1 (and the following figures) shows a sin-gle conveyor belt that runs along the whole converger module 2 from the inlet station 3 to the outlet station 4.[0053]Obviously two or more belts having longitudinal dimensions that are more modest may be present, con-secutively arranged and aligned with one another.[0054]In a further variant, illustrated for example in figures 4 and 5, the conveyor 30 may consist in a suitable belt 45 which bears a plurality of free rollers 46 rotating about their own axis 46a and which are appropriately positioned in respective cavities of the belt.[0055]In other words, the belt 45 will be made to ad-vance along the indicated direction and the respective rollers 46 borne by the belt 45 will impart to the articles 5 resting thereon a movement that depends on the ori-entation of the rollers themselves.[0056]In particular, as shown in figure 5, the rollers 46in the first zone 7 will be orientated in such a way as to impart only a movement R directed along the main ad-vancement direction 6 towards the outlet station 4.[0057]With reference to the second zone 8 of the con-verger module 2, it can be seen that the second zone 8includes at least a conveying element 34 and in general a plurality of conveying elements for defining substan-tially a roller conveyor 35 whose rollers have an axis that is inclined relative to the main advancement direction 6so as to impart the advancement motion towards the out-let station 4, and also the lateral movement 9a towards the first zone 7 (resultant R).[0058]The figures show rollers orientated substantially in the same direction, with axes thereof parallel to each other and also equidistant.[0059]However, it should be noted that the above con-figuration is disclosed and illustrated solely by way of example, as variously spaced rollers might well be used,respectively inclined in a more or less accentuated man-ner relative to the main advancement direction 6.[0060]The geometry of these rollers, generally cylin-drical, can also be varied so as to vary the pushing forces on the articles 5. Purely by way of example, a truncated cone shape could also be used for the geometry of the lateral surface of the rollers. The third zone 23 of the converger module 2 also comprises at least one respec-tive conveying element 36 and in general a plurality of the elements 36 suitable for defining a respective roller conveyor 37 whose rollers have an axis that is inclined relative to the main advancement direction and is able to impart the advancement motion towards the outlet sta-tion 4 and also the lateral movement 9b towards the first zone 7 of the module (resultant R).[0061]In other words, the two roller conveyors 35 and 37, which in particular will have the same transversal and longitudinal dimensions, will be suitable for supportingly receiving the articles 5 and directing them towards theconveyor belt or central conveyor 30.[0062]In this case, too, an alternative embodiment of the roller conveyors 35, 37 is illustrated in figures 4 and 5.[0063]As with the first zone 7, each of the two lateral zones 8, 23 may be formed by a respective conveyor belt 47 affording the appropriate seatings within which a plu-rality of rollers 48 are mounted.[0064]As previously mentioned, the axis of inclination 48a of the rollers will be such as to define the forces applied on the articles placed on them.[0065]In particular, by appropriately tilting the axis of rotation relative to the advancement direction of the belts 47 the articles 5 can be directed in such a way that move-ments are imparted to them along the main advancement direction 6 and also along a direction perpendicular there-to, so that they are directed, with a lateral movement 9a,9b, towards the first zone 7 of the converger module (re-sultant R).[0066]It should also be noted that the conveyor belts 45, 47 supporting the rollers 46, 48 may be separate and distinct (figure 5) or even a single belt 49 (figures 11 and 12) in which the various movements are imparted exclu-sively by mounting the idle rollers 46, 48 and directing the axes 46a, 48a as deemed appropriate. It should also be noted that the motion of the rollers can be imparted in accordance with various embodiments, for example by making them roll (thanks to the motion of the belts they are mounted on) on surfaces 50 suitable for gener-ating the rotation of the rollers due to the friction that is created.[0067]In a possible configuration that has certain ad-vantages, the first zone 7 can be placed at a lower aver-age level L 1, equal to or greater than L 2, L 3, of the cor-responding second zone 8 and/or the corresponding third zone 23 of the converger module 2.[0068]In particular, figure 6 illustrates a situation in which the first zone 7 is at a level L 1 that is lower than both the second zone 8 and the third zone 23.[0069]The difference in effects with respect to planar zones is shown in figures 7 and 8, which show that the presence of a lowered central zone 7 enables articles 5of small transversal dimensions to be conveniently re-ceived and directed along the advancement direction 6without any need for further intervention on the part of the device.[0070]Figure 9 shows the opposite situation where the first zone 7 lies in an average plane L 1 (rest surface for the articles) that is greater than the average plane L 2, L 3defined by the second zone 8 and/or the third zone 23.[0071]In this case the effect is illustrated in figure 10,where it can be observed that in the presence of articles having larger transversal dimensions than the first zone 7, the positioning thereof is improved.[0072]It should be noted, moreover (figures 11 and 12), that the different heights of the first zone 7 relative to the adjacent zones 8, 23 can be obtained using a same conveyor belt 49 and by varying the heights of the indi-vidual rollers 46, 48 constrained to the belt.510152025303540455055[0073]Obviously, the above-described effects can al-so be obtained with the roller conveyors and the conveyor belt, by appropriately selecting the respective planes in which the articles rest/lie. Alternatively, roller conveyors having axes perpendicular to the direction 6 can be used in the second and third zones 8, 23, said roller conveyors being inclined, however, relative to the horizontal plane,towards the first zone 7 so that gravity defines the push towards the first zone 7, while the roller conveyors direct the articles exclusively towards the outlet station 4.[0074] A diverger module 10 is positioned following the converger module 2.[0075]The accompanying figures represent, by way of non-limiting examples, the two modules 2, 10 consec-utively arranged and immediately adjacent, i.e. without gaps or spaces between them. However, it will be pos-sible in any case to envisage the presence of intermedi-ate transfer modules which do not influence the subse-quent behaviours and operations of the diverger module.[0076]In any event, the articles 5 handled by the con-verger module 2 are infed to the diverger module 10 at a respective inlet station 11.[0077]The diverger module 10, in general terms, also has a first zone 13 configured to receive the articles from the first zone 7 of the converger module 2 and to impart to the articles resting thereon an advancement motion along the main advancement direction 6.[0078]In this case too, the first zone 13 of the diverger module 10 has, by way of non-limiting example, a rec-tangular profile when viewed from above, with the two longer sides parallel to the main advancement direction 6 and the opposite shorter sides positioned at the inlet and outlet stations 11 and 12.[0079]The first zone 13 of the diverger module will also be intended solely to impart this motion along the main advancement direction 6 from the inlet station 11 to the outlet station 12.[0080]The first zone 13 is generally defined by a re-spective conveyor 31, such as a conveyor belt, which can have and assume the same configurations as the conveyor belt or previously mentioned conveyor 30 be-longing to the converger module 2.[0081]In particular, it can alternatively consist of a plu-rality of conveyor belts arranged in series along the ad-vancement direction, or even, in an alternative embodi-ment, consist of the belt 51 having rollers 52 mounted idly and intended to impart the force R and the direction of advancement of the articles resting thereon.[0082]It should be noted that in general, although not necessarily, both the conveyor 30 of the converger mod-ule and the conveyor 31 of the diverger module 10 are configured to define, in cooperation with an article 5, a predetermined coefficient of friction that is greater than the respective coefficient of friction defined by the adja-cent areas of the converger module 2 and diverger mod-ule 10. In fact, the same article 5 advancing in the first zones 7 and 13 will determine, in cooperation with the latter, a coefficient of friction that is greater than the co-efficient of friction that the article 5 can determine with the various zones of the converger and/or diverger mod-ule. In the discussion that follows, to identify such zones reference will be made, by way of non-limiting example,to zones having a high coefficient of friction, whereas for the adjacent zones reference will be made to zones hav-ing a low coefficient of friction.[0083]In this way, it is ensured that an article 5, partially resting in the first zone 7 of the converger module 2 or the first zone 13 of the diverger module 10, will mainly receive the motion imparted by the zone itself and will therefore be exclusively directed along the main ad-vancement direction 6.[0084]Once again from a general point of view, the diverger module 10 comprises a second zone 14 flanking the first zone 13 along the advancement direction 6.[0085]The second zone 14 extends between the inlet station 11 and the outlet station 12 and is defined, in a plan view, by a rectangular profile with the longer sides disposed parallel to the main advancement direction 6and opposite shorter sides located at the inlet station 11and the outlet station 12. In particular, the second zone 14 extends along a prevalent plane of extension which,under conditions of use of the singulator 1, is situated horizontally.[0086]The second zone 14 is configured to impart, to the articles resting thereon, an advancement motion along the main direction 6 and a lateral movement 15a away from the first zone 13 (resultant R).[0087]As can be seen from figures 32 to 42, the first zone 13 of the diverger module 10 projects, at least for a portion of its overall length (between the inlet station 11 and outlet station 12), away from a prevalent average plane of extension of the second zone 14 in the direction of the articles 5 to be supported, in order to define an ascent zone 15 of the diverger module 10.[0088]In accordance with the present invention, the ascent zone 15 comprises at least an ascending ramp 44a and a descending ramp 44b consecutively disposed along the advancement direction 6. The ascending ramp 44a extends, by way of non-limiting example, along a prevalent direction of extension which defines, with the prevalent average plane of extension of the second zone 14, a subtended angle comprised between 3° and 30°,in particular between 3° and 25°, and more in particular between 5° and 20°.[0089]In a preferred, but non-limiting embodiment, the first ramp 44a extends inside an initial portion of the first zone 13 comprised within 50% of the total extent of said first zone 13, in particular within 30% of said first zone 13.[0090]In the latter configuration described, the maxi-mum difference in height of the ascent zone 15 is defined in the first 50% of the total extent of said first zone 13, in particular in the first 30% of said first zone 13.[0091]With regard to the descending ramp 44b, the latter also extends, by way of non-limiting example, along a prevalent direction of extension which defines, with the prevalent average plane of extension of the second zone。

碧云天生物技术 Propidium Iodide 产品说明书

碧云天生物技术 Propidium Iodide 产品说明书

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包装清单:产品编号产品名称包装ST511 Propidium Iodide/碘化丙啶5mg—说明书1份保存条件:4ºC避光保存。




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2.24)and thromboembolisms (OR 2.66,95%CI 1.75-4.05).Congenital anomalies (OR 2.11,95%CI 1.65-2.72),small for gestational age (OR 2.36,95%CI 2.09-2.66)and preterm birth (OR 1.81,95%CI 1.67-1.95)were more common in neonates of women with RA.CONCLUSION:RA in pregnancy is associated with a greater likelihood of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes.Women with RA should be made aware of these risks and be followed as a high risk preg-nancy.The influence of laser microseptostomy during fetoscopic laser photocoagulation onnewborn survival of the recipient and donor twins in twin pregnancies complicated by twin-twin transfusion syndromeMeredith Taylor 1,MacKenzie Lee 1,Foong-Yen Lim 2,3,Sammy Tabbah 2,4,Emily DeFranco 2,4,5,David McKinney 2,41University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,Cincinnati,OH,2Cincinnati Fetal Center,Cincinnati Children ’s Hospital Medical Center,Cincinnati,OH,3Division of Pediatric Surgery,Department of Surgery,University ofCincinnati College of Medicine,Cincinnati,OH,4Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine,Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,University ofCincinnati College of Medicine,Cincinnati,OH,5Center for Prevention of Preterm Birth,Perinatal Institute,Cincinnati Children ’s Hospital Medical Center,Cincinnati,OHOBJECTIVE:To determine the effect of performing concurrent lasermicroseptostomy at the time of selective fetoscopic laser photoco-agulation (SFLP)on recipient and donor twin survival during the treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).STUDY DESIGN:We performed a single center,retrospective cohort study of women with TTTS who underwent SFLP between 16and 27weeks gestation from 06/2012-10/2016.Patients were treated with SFLP plus microseptostomy or SFLP alone.The primary outcomes were the newborn survival to discharge rates of both the recipient and donor twins.Dichotomous data was compared using chi-squared analysis.Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the relative risk (RR)for each outcome.RESULTS:A total of 250patients with TTTS were included in the study.Of these women,42(16.8%)had Quintero stage I disease,45(18%)had stage II disease,136(54.4%)had stage III disease,and 27(10.8%)had stage IV ser microseptostomy was performed in 94(37.6%)patients.When comparing women who received SFLP plus microseptostomy to women who had SFLP only they had similar rates of recipient twin survival (85.4%vs 85.5%,p ¼0.977),donor twin survival (71.9%vs 77.0%,p ¼0.380),survival of at least one twin (86.5%vs 92.8%,p ¼0.111),and survival of both twins (70.8%vs 69.7%,p ¼0.864).Logistic regression demonstrated no association between laser microseptostomy and recipient twin sur-vival (RR 1.01,95%CI 0.48-2.12)or donor twin survival (RR 1.31,95%CI 0.72-2.37).CONCLUSION:Laser microseptostomy does not have a statistically signi ficant positive or negative impact on recipient twin survival,donor twin survival,the survival of at least one twin,or survival of both twins.These findings can be used to counsel patients and educate providers on the utility of laser microseptostomy in the treatment ofTTTS.Psychosocial background of pregnant women opiate use disorder (OUD)Craig V.Towers,Emily Katz,Emily Liske,Bobby Howard,Lynlee Wolfe,Kimberly FortnerUniversity of T ennessee Medical Center,Knoxville,Knoxville,TNOBJECTIVE:The current management of chronic pain has fueled theOUD epidemic in the United States.OUD has also increased during pregnancy.To our knowledge,the primary initiating events leading to opiate use in pregnancy has not been examined.The study objective was to evaluate the psychosocial background and initiating events leading to OUD in pregnant patients.STUDY DESIGN:We performed a prospective study collecting data on all pregnant women with OUD seen in our designated substance use disorder clinic.Data collection came from intensive interview ses-sions and included drugs used,the age opiates were started,whether other substances were used prior to beginning opioid use,and the background events that preceded the use of opiates.Simple statistics with Poisson binomial 95%CI ’s were performed.RESULTS:From 11/1/2015through 7/15/2016,192pregnant women underwent an intense psychosocial background evaluation that preceded their OUD.The Table shows that the majority (61.5%,95%CI 54-68%)have a history of abuse that is most often sexual (prior to the age of 13in half the cases)and/or involves physical abuse as precipitating events leading to the use of illicit substances.The gateway drug to opiates was found to be THC (marijuana)in nearly half the cases (45%,95%CI 38-52%).Mismanagement of chronic pain occurred in no more than 10%of the cases.CONCLUSION:The precipitating background history for OUD in pregnancy (in the Appalachia region)is primarily due to a history of abuse (mainly sexual and physical)and not the mismanagement of chronic pain.However,the diversion of prescription opiates has led to an availability of these drugs on the street for women to misuse,once they initiate the use of illicit substances (which often began with THC).Further research needs to occur in other areas of the country to see if our findings are consistent with other pregnant OUD populations.For primary prevention to be successful in our region,the focus needs to involve early identi fication of young women who have experienced abuse followed by psychotherapy and/or otherinterventions.Poster Session IVSupplement to JANUARY 2018American Journal of Obstetrics &GynecologyS489Psychosocial background history of 192 pregnant women with OUD Background History Behind use Number (%)95% CI Abuse 118 (61.5)54-68-----Sexual 76 (40)33-47-----Verbal only7 (4)2-7-----Physical violence (excluding sexual)35 (18)13-24Depression/anxiety only 29 (15)10-21Depression/anxiety PTSD 9 (5)2-9Chronic pain 11 (6)3-10Family/peer use25 (13)9-19Initial Drug Used Prior to Opiates THC (marijuana)86 (45)38-52ETOH32 (17)12-23Benzodiazepines 16 (8)5-13Cocaine/amphetamines 15 (8)4-13Opiates at the outset43 (22)17-29Cost-effectiveness of detoxification vs.in pregnancyAlicia S.Willey,Allison R.Walker,David E.Toffey,Aaron B.CaugheyOregon Health &Science University,Portland,OROBJECTIVE:As a result of the opiate epidemic,opiate-dependency inpregnancy is a growing problem,with associated maternal and neonatal complications.Buprenorphine and methadone maintenance therapies are both treatment strategies for women with opioid-dependence during pregnancy.Recent literature supports opioid detoxi fication may be a safe alternative choice for maternal treatment.The purpose of this study is to look at the cost-effectiveness of detoxi fication compared to buprenorphine maintenance.STUDY DESIGN:A decision-analytic model was constructed using TreeAge Pro was constructed for opioid-dependent pregnancy treated witheither detoxi fication from opiates or maintenance therapywith buprenorphine.Probabilities,utilities,and costs were approximated by the existing literature.Prenatal outcomes measured included intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD),neonatal demise (NND),NAS,major neurodevelopmental disorder (MNDD),and preterm delivery (PTD).Maternal outcomes of opioid relapse rate,and quality adjusted life years (QALYs)were also measured.RESULTS:We found that detoxi fication had better neonatal outcomes and was the cost-effective strategy,making it the dominant treatment strategy overall.In a theoretical cohort of 10,000singleton preg-nancies in opiate-dependent women,detoxi fication was associated with 1517fewer incidences of relapse,41fewer perinatal demises,and 3769less neonates with NAS in pregnancy compared to detoxi fication.Detoxi fication was associated with 37more cases of NND,2more cases of neonatal MNDD,and 140additional preterm deliveries.Detoxi fication was cost-effective and remained the dominant strategy up to a $15,640cost of detoxi fication.Patients who were detoxi fied patients saved $4,087per pregnancy.CONCLUSION:Detoxi fication is a cost-effective alternative to bupre-norphine maintenance.It produces improved rates of maternal opioid relapse,IUFD and NAS,but also leads to increased rates ofNND,MNDD and PTD.This study illustrates that detoxi fication should be considered when discussing treatment therapies for the opiate-dependent pregnant patient.Maternal asthma during pregnancy and the future long-term infectious morbidity in the offspringOfer Beharier 1,Asnat Walfisch 1,Tamar Wainstock 2,Irit Szaingurten-Solodkin 2,Eyal Sheiner 11Soroka University Medical Center,Beer-Sheva,Israel,2Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,Beer-Sheva,IsraelOBJECTIVE:Asthma is a common disease featuring immune systemdysfunction.While substantial evidence supports the notion that the atopic tendencies pass throughout generations,the link to other immune disorders is limited.We therefore aimed to assess whether maternal asthma increases the risk for long-term infectious morbidity in the offspring.STUDY DESIGN:In this retrospective population-based cohort study,we compared long-term infectious morbidity in offspring following pregnancies exposed and unexposed to maternal asthma.Deliveries occurred in a single regional tertiary medical center between the years 1991-2014.Congenital malformations and multiple pregnan-cies were excluded from the study.A survival curve and a Cox regression model were used to assess the association and control for confounders.RESULTS:During the study period 242,187deliveries met the in-clusion criteria;1.3%of which were in parturients diagnosed with asthma (n ¼3264).The incidence of infectious related hospitaliza-tions of the offspring was higher among children born to women with asthma,as compared to women without asthma (OR ¼1.5,95%Poster Session IVS490American Journal of Obstetrics &Gynecology Supplement to JANUARY 2018。

Tube-Tech CL 1B压力器说明书

Tube-Tech CL 1B压力器说明书

TUBE-TECH CL1BCompressorDESCRIPTION.The TUBE-TECH compressor CL1B differs from many other compressors,in that the gain-reduction element is made from a non-semiconductor element,which in itself has a very low harmonic distortion and none of the non-linearity problems involved when using most semiconductor elements.Furthermore there is no long-term degradation of the element thus giving it almost infinite life.This element is placed after the input-transformer of the compressor and followed by an all tube-based amplifier with a gain of-∞dB to+30dB.Thus the signal is not fed through any semiconductor circuitry on its way to the output.The amplifier consists of two tubes(valves)in push-pull configuration(one ECC83as thepre-amp and phase splitter,and one ECC82as the output stage),and an output transformer. The power supply for the pre-amp and phase splitter are stabilized and the heaters of both tubes(valves)are fed with a stabilized DC voltage.The whole amplifier(including input and output transformer)and the power supplies are placed on one PC-board.Both input and output are balanced(600Ω)and fully floating.The in/out key switches the compressor in and out without clicks.THE SIDECHAIN:The side chain is the only part of the compressor that contains semiconductors.They are used for three reasons:First they do not affect the sound reproduction,second they have a high slew rate,which is of importance for the performance of the compressor and third they don't take up much room.It contains two J-FET quad op-amps,one npn-transistor and one FET-transistor,which handles the signal for the gain-reduction element.The compressor contains two time constants circuits:1.Fixed attack and release times2.Variable attack and release timesThe attack/release select switch makes it possible to use these two circuits separately or combine their functions.This gives a feature not normally obtained in other compressors:In the combined(fix./man.)state the attack-and release controls makes it possible toobtain a complex release-time slope.(See page4)(980112)COMPRESSOR INTERCONNECTION:The side chain sockets for interconnection of several compressors are located on the rear panel.A switch(BUS SELECT)on the front selects which compressors are interconnected,and on which bus they are connected.If you e.g.have10compressors in a rack,you can select compressor1,5,7and8on bus1,and compressor2,3,6and9on bus2,leaving compressor4 and6in the off position.Compressors1,5,7,8are now interconnected and all four will perform the exact same compression.This applies to compressor2,3,6and9as pressor4and6are independent.The interconnection implies,that the unit,which performs the most compression,is controlling the others.To choose which one you want to control,select the attack/release time,the threshold and the ratio on that unit,and turn the threshold fully counter clockwise on the reminding compressors. It is of course possible to have all the interconnected compressors control each other simultaneously.NB:Remember to set the ratio control and the gain control in the same position on the "slaves".Otherwise the stereo image could be shifted during compression.Theattack/release-control on the slaves will have no effect.The input/output capability of the side chain-circuit allows up to ten compressors to be linked together.They are connected in parallel with a standard1/4"stereo jack/-jack cord(tip:bus1,ring:bus 2).The two jack socket on the rear panel is connected in parallel and both are input/output.(980112)CONTROLS:GAIN:The gain control is used to"make up"for the gain loss,which takes place when the unit is compressing.It is placed after the gain-reduction circuitand therefore has no influence on the threshold setting.The gain-control iscontinuously variable from off to+30dB.RATIO:The ratio control varies the ratio by which the input signal is compressed.If the ratio selected is to2:1,and the input signal increases10dB,theoutput signal is only increased by5db.The ratio control is continuouslyvariable from2:1to10:1.THRESHOLD:The threshold is the point where the compressor begins its action.It isdefined as the point where the gain is reduced by1dB.The threshold is continuously variable from+20dBU to-40dBU. METER:The VU-meter switch has three positions:1.Input The meter is reading the level at the input socket.pressionThe VU-meter is reading gain reduction.Its rest position is"0VU",and the amount ofcompression is shown as a decreasing deflection indB.3.Output The VU-meter is reading the level at the output socket."0VU"is equivalent to+4dBU.NB:Leave the meter switch in position compression as it mightintroduce distortion if left in the input or output position.IN/OUT:This leverswitch switches the compressor in and out of the signal path.The out position bypasses the entire compressor.ATTACK:The attack control chooses how fast/slow the compressor responds to an increase in the input signal.The attack control is continuously variable from0.5to300milliseconds. RELEASE:The release control chooses how fast/slow the compressor responds to a decrease in the input signal.The release control is continuously variable from0,05to10seconds.(980112)ATTACK/RELEASE SELECT:This switch selects how the compressor reacts to an increase(attack)ordecrease(release)of the input signal.There are three settings of the switch:1.Fixed.Attack time:1msecRelease time:50msec2.Manual.Attack time:from0.5msec to300msecRelease time:from0.05sec to10sec3.Fix/man.This setting combines the release times of fixed and manualmode.The attack time is as in the fixed mode.The fix/man mode always has a fast attack,but it is possible to obtain a release time depending on the input signal,e.g.get a fast release when the peak disappears,then superseded shortly thereafter by the release time selected by the release control.From the time the peak disappears,until the selected release time takes over,is dependent upon the setting of the attack control.That is,the attack control changes function from a pure attack control,to a control of delay with the same time range.The more CW the attack control is turned,the longer time before the release controltakes over.The more CCW the attack control is turned,the shorter time before the release control takes over.This function is valid only if the time of the peak is shorter than the setting of the attack control. If the peak of the program is longer than the setting of the attack control,or if the attack control has reached the full CCW position,it will respond as in the manual mode.The fix/man mode acts as an automatic release function with a constant fast attack time and fast release time for short peaks and a longer release times for longer peaks.This setting is mainly intended for use on program material(overall compression).BUS SELECT:Interconnects several compressors on bus1or bus2.If the compressor is left in the off position,it works entirely independently.(980112)SUGGESTED APPLICATIONSOFTUBE-TECH COMPRESSOR CL1BIn the following,you will find suggestions on various applications of the TUBE-TECH compressorCL1B.They are given as a convenient guide to enable you to familiarise yourself with the different aspects of using the compressor.We have not mentioned specific settings of gain and threshold as they are dependent upon input levels.Instead we have specified how much compression in dB,we feel,is needed for the various examples.OVERALL COMPRESSION:FINAL MIXCOMPRESSION NEEDED:3-4dBAttack/release select:Fix/manAttack:2o'clockRelease:10o'clockRatio:9o'clockSTANDARD COMPRESSION:BASS,PIANO,GUITAR,KEYBOARDS AND VOCALSCOMPRESSION NEEDED:4-5dBAttack/release select:ManualAttack:2o'clockRelease:10o'clockRatio:10-2o'clockHEAVY COMPRESSION ON INSTRUMENTS:LINE GUITAR AND PIANOCOMPRESSION NEEDED:10dBAttack/release select:ManualAttack:7o'clockRelease:1o'clockRatio:3o'clockCOMPRESSION OF DRUMS:SNARE AND BASS DRUMCOMPRESSION NEEDED:2-3dBAttack/release select:FixedRatio:9-12o'clock(980112)ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE:CAUTION:Before making any adjustment let the unit heat-up at least15min.Observe that the offset-voltage measured at the side chain jack socket,when the THRESHOLD is off,is not greater than+/-15mV DC in both position"fixed"and "manual".(tip is bus1and ring is bus2).If the voltage exceeds this value,replace either IC1or IC2.THE GRE SHALL BE MARKED BETWEEN1.225-1.285ADJUSTMENT OF BASIC GAIN:1)Apply a signal of1kHz,-30,0dBU into the input of the compressor.2)Turn the GAIN-control fully clockwise.3)Set the RATIO-control at2:14)Adjust the pre-set GAIN(located on amp/psu PCB)to an output-reading of0,0dBU.ADJUSTMENT OF COMPRESSION TRACKING:1)Turn the THRESHOLD-control fully counter-clockwise.2)Set the RATIO-control at2:1.3)Set the BUS-select-switch at1.4)Apply a signal of1kHz,0,0dBU into the input of the compressor.5)Adjust the GAIN-control to an output-reading of0,0dBU.6)Apply a DC-voltage of+250,0mV into the side chain jack socket(tip)and observe thatthe output level has dropped to-10,0dB.7)If this is not the case,adjust the level with P2(P1)*,to obtain a drop of exactly-10,0dB. *The trimpots in parenthesis refers to PCB870316-0,1,2(980810)ADJUSTMENT OF THE VU METER READING"COMPRESSION":1)Turn the THRESHOLD-control fully counter-clockwise.2)Switch the METER-selector to Compression.3)Set the RATIO-control at2:14)Apply a signal of1kHz,0,0dBU into the input of the compressor.5)Adjust the GAIN-control to an output-reading of0,0dBU.6)Adjust P4(P2)*until the meter is reading0VU.7)Apply a DC-voltage of+250,0mV into the side chain jack socket and observe that theoutput level has dropped to-10,0dBU.If this is not the case,adjust the compressiontracking(see above)8Adjust P3until the meter is reading-10,0VU.9)Remove the DC-voltage from the side chain jack socket.10)Repeat step6-9.NB:The VU-meter accuracy should be within+/-0,5dB when reading compression. ADJUSTMENT OF THE RELEASE CONTROL:1)Set the METER switch in position compression.2)Set the attack/release SELECT switch in position manual.3)Apply a signal of1kHz,0,0dBU into the input of the compressor.4)Adjust the THRESHOLD-control to a reading of-10VU of the VU-meter5)Set the ATTACK-control at fast.6)Set the RELEASE-control at slow.7)Switch off the1kHz and observe that the VU meter moves to0VU in approx.10sec.8)If this is not the case,adjust P1(P5)*,to obtain a release time of approximately10sec. *The trimpots in parenthesis refers to PCB870316-0,1,2(950119)Over view of the sidechain PCBPCB870316-0,1,2P2P3P1P50VU-10VU-10dB Rel.10Sec.PCB870316-3P4P3P2P10VU-10VU-10dB Rel10Sec.101115TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CL1B:Input impedance:600OhmsOutput impedance:<60OhmsFrequency-response:5Hz-25kHz+0.5/-3dB Distortion THD@40Hz:0dBU:<0,15%10dBU:<0,15%maximum output(1%THD):+26,0dBUmaximum input(1%THD):+21,0dBUNoise Rg=200Ohm:Output Gain0dB+30dB Unweighted-85,0dBU-75,0dBUCCIR468-3-75,0dBU-65,0dBUCMRR@10KHz<-60dBGain:off to+30dBCompressorRatio:2:1to10:1Threshold:off to-40dBUAttack:0,5mS to300mSRelease:0,05S to10STracking between interconnected compressors:(0to30dB compression):<+/-1dBTubesECC821ECC831DimensionsHeight:3units132m m/5,2”Width:483m m/19”Depth:170m m/6,7”WeightNet:4,1Kg/9,0lbsShipping:5,9Kg/13,0lbsPower requirements@115V/230V AC,50-60Hz30-40WAll specifications at RL=600Lydkraft reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice(051018jgp)。


AA: 氨基酸 OBS_sec: 二级结构的观测值 PROF_sec: 预测的二级结构 Rel_sec: 预测二级结构的可信度 SUB_sec: 预测的二级结构的集合
H: 螺旋 E: 折叠 L: 随机卷曲
O_3_acc: 相对亲水表面的观测值 P_3_acc: 预测的相对亲水表面 (b = 0 ~ 9%, i = 9% ~ 36%, e = 36% ~ 100%) Rel_acc: 预测亲水表面的可信度 SUB_sec: 预测的亲水表面的集合
感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!
图3.88 SEG搜索的低复杂度序列 18
是指编码这些氨基酸的DNA 序列为低复杂度序列
图3.89 ProDom搜索结果
图3.90 以MSF格式显示比对 (1/2) 21
图3.90 以MSF格式显示比对 (2/2) 22
图3.91 PROF预测结果(普通) 23
Shengwu Jishu
Then click here
PredictProtein (3/6)
Click here
PredictProtein (4/6)
swjs@ 88797059
Then click here
PredictProtein (5/6)
Click here
Result of SOPMA (1/2)
Result of SOPMA (2/2)
166 3.4.2 PredictProtein (1/6)
edictProtein (2/6)
swjs@ 88797059 88797059



Package‘rhierbaps’November18,2022Type PackageTitle Clustering Genetic Sequence Data Using the HierBAPS AlgorithmVersion1.1.4Description Implements the hierarchical Bayesian analysis of populations structure(hierBAPS) algorithm of Cheng et al.(2013)<doi:10.1093/molbev/mst028>for clustering DNA sequences from multiple sequence alignments in FASTA format.The implementation includes improved defaults and plotting capabilitiesand unlike the original'MATLAB'version removes singleton SNPs by default.License MIT+file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8Imports ape,purrr,utils,ggplot2,matrixStats,patchwork,methodsRoxygenNote7.2.1Suggests knitr,rmarkdown,ggtree,phytools,testthat,formatRVignetteBuilder knitrURL https:///gtonkinhill/rhierbapsBugReports https:///gtonkinhill/rhierbaps/issuesNeedsCompilation noAuthor Gerry Tonkin-Hill[cre,aut]Maintainer Gerry Tonkin-Hill<**********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2022-11-1814:50:07UTCR topics documented:calc_change_in_ml (2)calc_log_ml (2)hierBAPS (3)join_units_2 (4)load_fasta (5)log_stirling2 (5)12calc_log_ml model_search_parallel (6)move_units_1 (6)plot_sub_cluster (7)preproc_alignment (8)reallocate_units_4 (8)save_lml_logs (9)split_clusters_3 (10)Index11 calc_change_in_ml calc_change_in_mlDescriptionCalculate the change in the log marginal likelihood after moving index to each possible cluster Usagecalc_change_in_ml(snp.object,partition,indexes)Argumentssnp.object A snp.object containing the processed SNP data.partition An integer vector indicating a partition of the isolates.indexes Indexes of the isolates to be moved(must come from one cluster.)Valuethe best cluster to move indexes to.calc_log_ml calc_log_mlDescriptionCalculate the log marginal likelihood assuming a Multinomial-Dirichlet distributionUsagecalc_log_ml(snp.object,partition)Argumentssnp.object A snp.object containing the processed SNP data.partition An integer vector indicating a partition of the isolates.hierBAPS3ValueThe log marginal likelihood of the given partition.hierBAPS hierBAPSDescriptionRuns the hierBAPS algorithm of Cheng et al.2013UsagehierBAPS(snp.matrix,max.depth=2,n.pops=floor(nrow(snp.matrix)/5),quiet=FALSE,n.extra.rounds=0,assignment.probs=FALSE,n.cores=1)Argumentssnp.matrix Character matrix of aligned sequences produced by load_fasta.max.depth Maximum depth of hierarchical search(default=2).n.pops Maximum number of populations in the data(default=number of isolates/5) quiet Whether to suppress progress information(default=FALSE).n.extra.rounds The number of additional rounds to perform after the default hierBAPS settings (default=0).If set to Inf it will run until a local optimum is reached(this mighttake a long time).assignment.probswhether or not to calculate the assignment probabilities to each cluster(de-fault=FALSE)n.cores The number of cores to use.ValueA list containing a dataframe indicating an assignment of each sequence to hierarchical clusters aswell as the log marginal likelihoods for each level.Author(s)Gerry Tonkin-Hill4join_units_2ReferencesCheng,Lu,Thomas R.Connor,Jukka Sirén,David M.Aanensen,and Jukka Corander.2013.“Hi-erarchical and Spatially Explicit Clustering of DNA Sequences with BAPS Software.”Molecular Biology and Evolution30(5):1224–28.Examplessnp.matrix<-load_fasta(system.file("extdata","small_seqs.fa",package="rhierbaps")) hb<-hierBAPS(snp.matrix,max.depth=2,n.pops=20,quiet=FALSE)snp.matrix<-load_fasta(system.file("extdata","seqs.fa",package="rhierbaps"))system.time({hb<-hierBAPS(snp.matrix,max.depth=2,n.pops=20,quiet=FALSE)})join_units_2join_units_2DescriptionPeform an iteration of the second move in the algorithm.That is combine two clusters to improve the marginal likelihood.Usagejoin_units_2(snp.object,partition,threshold=1e-05,n.cores=1,comb.chache=NULL)Argumentssnp.object A snp.object containing the processed SNP data.partition An integer vector indicating an initial partition of the isolates.threshold The increase in marginal log likelihood required to accept a move.n.cores The number of cores to use.comb.chache a matrix recording previous marginal llks of combining clustersValueThe best partition after combining two clusters as well as a boolean value indicating whether a move increased the marginal likelihood.load_fasta5 load_fasta load_fastaDescriptionLoads a fastafile into matrix format ready for running the hierBAPS algorithm.Usageload_fasta(msa,keep.singletons=FALSE)Argumentsmsa Either the location of a fastafile or ape DNAbin object containing the multiple sequence alignment data to be clusteredkeep.singletonsA logical indicating whether to consider singleton mutations in calculating theclustersValueA character matrix withfiltered SNP dataExamplesmsa<-system.file("extdata","seqs.fa",package="rhierbaps")snp.matrix<-load_fasta(msa)log_stirling2log_stirling2Descriptionlog_stirling2Usagelog_stirling2(n,k)Argumentsn number of objectsk number of partitionsValuelog of the Stirling number of the second kind6move_units_1 model_search_parallel model_search_parallelDescriptionClusters DNA alignment using independent loci modelUsagemodel_search_parallel(snp.object,partition,round.types,quiet=FALSE,n.extra.rounds=0,n.cores=1)Argumentssnp.object A snp.object containing the processed SNP data.partition An integer vector indicating an initial starting partition.round.types A vector indicating which series of moves to make.quiet Whether to suppress progress information(default=FALSE).n.extra.rounds The number of additional rounds to perform after the default hierBAPS settings (default=0).If set to Inf it will run until a local optimum is reached(this mighttake a long time).n.cores The number of cores to use.Valuean optimised partition and marginal llkmove_units_1move_units_1DescriptionPeform an iteration of thefirst move in the algorithm.That is move units from one cluster to another to improve the marginal likelihoodplot_sub_cluster7 Usagemove_units_1(snp.object,partition,threshold=1e-05,frac.clust.searched=0.3,min.clust.size=20,n.cores=1)Argumentssnp.object A snp.object containing the processed SNP data.partition An integer vector indicating an initial partition of the isolates.threshold The increase in marginal log likelihood required to accept a move.frac.clust.searchedThe percentage of a large cluster that will be moved.min.clust.size All isolates in clusters less than or equal to min.clus.size will be searched.n.cores The number of cores to use.ValueThe best partition after moving units from one cluster to another as well as a boolean value indicat-ing whether a move increased the marginal likelihood.plot_sub_cluster plot_sub_clusterDescriptionCreates a zoom plot using ggtree focusing on a cluster.Usageplot_sub_cluster(hb.object,tree,level,sub.cluster)Argumentshb.object The resulting object from running hierBAPStree A phylo tree object to plotlevel The level of the subcluster to be considered.sub.cluster An integer representing the subcluster to be considered.8reallocate_units_4 Examplessnp.matrix<-load_fasta(system.file("extdata","seqs.fa",package="rhierbaps"))<-system.file("extdata","seqs.fa.treefile",package="rhierbaps") tree<-phytools::read.newick()hb.result<-hierBAPS(snp.matrix,max.depth=2,n.pops=20)plot_sub_cluster(hb.result,tree,level=1,sub.cluster=9)preproc_alignment preproc_alignmentDescriptionPreprocessed the snp matrix for hierBAPS.Usagepreproc_alignment(snp.matrix)Argumentssnp.matrix A matrix containing SNP data.Rows indicate isolates and columns loci.Valuean snp.objectreallocate_units_4reallocate_units_4DescriptionPeform an iteration of the fourth move in the algorithm.That is split cluster into n subclusters and re-allocate one sub-cluster.Usagereallocate_units_4(snp.object,partition,threshold=1e-05,min.clust.size=20,split=FALSE,n.cores=1)save_lml_logs9 Argumentssnp.object A snp.object containing the processed SNP data.partition An integer vector indicating an initial partition of the isolates.threshold The increase in marginal log likelihood required to accept a move.min.clust.size Clusters smaller than min.clust.size will not be split.split Whether to split only into two clusters(for move type3).n.cores The number of cores to use.ValueThe best partition after splitting a cluster and re-allocating as well as a boolean value indicating whether a move increased the marginal likelihood.save_lml_logs save_lml_logsDescriptionSaves the log marginal likelihoods to a textfile.Usagesave_lml_logs(hb.object,file)Argumentshb.object The resulting object from runnign hierBAPSfile Thefile you would like to save the log output to.Examplessnp.matrix<-load_fasta(system.file("extdata","small_seqs.fa",package="rhierbaps")) hb.result<-hierBAPS(snp.matrix,max.depth=2,n.pops=20)save_lml_logs(hb.result,file.path(tempdir(),"output_file.txt"))10split_clusters_3 split_clusters_3split_clusters_3DescriptionPeform an iteration of the third move in the algorithm.That is split cluster in two and re-allocate one sub-cluster.Usagesplit_clusters_3(snp.object,partition,threshold=1e-05,min.clust.size=20,n.cores=1)Argumentssnp.object A snp.object containing the processed SNP data.partition An integer vector indicating an initial partition of the isolates.threshold The increase in marginal log likelihood required to accept a move.min.clust.size Clusters smaller than min.clust.size will not be split.n.cores The number of cores to use.ValueThe best partition after splitting a cluster and re-allocating as well as a boolean value indicating whether a move increased the marginal likelihood.Indexcalc_change_in_ml,2calc_log_ml,2hierBAPS,3join_units_2,4load_fasta,3,5log_stirling2,5model_search_parallel,6move_units_1,6plot_sub_cluster,7preproc_alignment,8reallocate_units_4,8save_lml_logs,9split_clusters_3,1011。



【法学研究】DOI :10.14182/ki.j.anu.2023.01.011身体哲学视域下身体形式完整权研究*申长慧(中山大学马克思主义学院,广州510275)——————————————————————————————————————————关键词:身体哲学转向;具身完整理论;形式完整权;性骚扰侵权;非法搜查身体侵权摘要:《民法典》第1003条规定身体完整系身体权的内容,而身体免受触碰这一形式完整权是否是身体权的内容,学界对此莫衷一是。






中图分类号:D923.8文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-2435(2023)01-0108-10On the Right to Bodily Integrity in the View of Body PhilosophySHEN Chang-hui (School of Marxism ,Sun Yat-sen University ,Guangzhou 510275,China )Key words :turning to body philosophy ;the theory of embodied integrity ;the right to the bodily integrity ;the tort ofsexual harassment ;the tort of illegal search of the bodyAbstract :Article 1003of the Civil Code stipulates that the right to bodily integrity is the content of the body right ,but there is no agreement on whether the formal integrity right of body free from touch is the content of body right.Modern philosophy has shifted from the philosophy of consciousness to the philosophy of the body.It means that thebody is more the subject than the object to be perceived.Under the guidance of embodied theory of body philoso-phy ,the right to bodily integrity has realized the theoretical transmutation from boundary integrity to embodied in-tegrity.Articles 1010and 1011of the Civil Code regulate two types of violations of the right to the body :The tort ofsexual harassment and the tort of illegal search of the body ,which incorporate the right to be free from touch into thecontent of the right of body in a negatively prohibited manner.It has settled the academic debate ,responded to thephysical turning of the subject philosophy and practical problems ,and highlighted the progress and people's nature oflegislative technology.Although its content is rich ,the right to bodily integrity can not be fully defined and protectedonly by the tort remedy for the above two acts.The judicial interpretation of "Civil Code·Personality Right"shouldpositively define the right to formal integrity in the context of bodily rights in terms of subjective rights.——————————————————————————————————————————自古以来,身体就是哲学和法学研究的中心问题。

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4.3.aa12.2 Stream Classification Service
The stream classification service (SCS) enables the establishment of a classification using layer 2 and/or layer 3 signaling to match incoming unicast MSDUs. Once classified, unicast MSDUs matching the classification are assigned to an access category and are tagged with their drop eligibility. When intra-access category(prioritization is enabled (see4.3.aa12.5) SCS allows MSDUsmatching the classification(#2001)to be assigned to the primary or alternate EDCA transmit queues, so that finer grained prioritization can be applied.
Insert Table 9-aa1 after Table 9-1:
Table 9-aa1 – UP-to-AC mappings (dot11AlternateEDCAActivated true)
UP (Same as 802.1D user priority)
802.1D designation
AC Queue
Designation (informative)
Best Effort
Best Effort
Video (alternate) Control field
ChangeFigure 8-5as shown:
EDITORIAL NOTE— this figure replaces reserved bit 29 with a DEI bit field.
AC Queue
Designation (informative)
Best Effort
Best Effort
Video (primary)
Voice (alternate)
Voice (primary)
Insert the following paragraphs at the end of9.2.4.2
The AAC_VI and AAC_VO queues share the same EDCAF as AC_VI and AC_VO respectively. When dot11AlternateEDCAActivated is true, there is a scheduling function above the VI and VO EDCAFs that selects an MSDU,anA-MSDU(#2320)or an MMPDU from the primary and alternate queues(#2017). The default algorithm to prioritize between MSDU, A-MSDU(#2320)andMMPDU in the AAC_VI and AC_VI queues, and between MSDU, A-MSDUandMMPDU in the AAC_VO and AC_VO queues, is:
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Proposed resolutions LB173 SCS Comments
Alex Ashley
One London Road, Staines, Middlesex, TW18 4EX, UK
4(#2312)to 257
QLoad Report (see 7.3.2.aa93)
12 - 44
HCCA TXOP Update Count (see 7.3.2.aa94)
Higher Layer Stream ID (See 7.3.2.aa95)
8.4.2 Information elements
Insert the following additional Element IDs <ANA> rows before the “Reserved” entry of Table 8-51 and adjust the “Reserved” entries as appropriate (note that the entire table is not shown here):
Figure 8-5—HT Control field
Insert the following paragraph after the 10th paragraph of8.2.4.6:
The DEI subfield is 1 bit in length and is used by the transmitting STA to indicateifthe corresponding MSDU, A-MSDU(#2317), or fragment thereof, is eligible to be discarded if there are insufficient resources at the receiving STA.The DEI subfield isset to 1to indicate that the MSDU, A-MSDU,or fragment thereofiseligible to be discardedand set to zero toindicate that the MSDU, A-MSDU orfragment thereofisnoteligiblefor discarding, or that its eligibility is unknown(#2093).Inan MMPDU the DEI subfield is reserved.The mechanisms for determining whether the resources are insufficient or when to discard MSDUs, A-MSDUs,orfragments thereof(#2317)are beyond the scope of this standard.
B29ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Link Adaptation Control
Calibration Position
Calibration Sequence
CSI / Steering
NDP Announcement
AC Constraint
Alternative prioritization algorithms that meet the requirements of 9.8 may be used.
Oncean MSDU,A-MSDUorMMPDUhas been selectedfrom the primaryoralternate queue, it is appended tothe QVI or QVOintermediate queue.The QVO intermediate queue is used for MSDUs, A-MSDUsandMMPDUsselected from theAAC_VOand AC_VOtransmitqueues.The QVI intermediate queue is used for MSDUs, A-MSDUsandMMPDUs selected from the AAC_VI and AC_VItransmitqueues.Each of theQVI and QVOintermediatequeues shallcontainat mostdot11IntermediateQueueLengthMSDUs, A-MSDUsorMMPDUs.MSDUs, A-MSDUs andMMPDUs in the intermediate queues shall not be re-ordered,except whenanMSDU, A-MSDU orMMPDUisremoved from an intermediate queue anddiscarded due toreaching itslifetimeor retrylimit.(#2096)