Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Properties of Pectin from Premna phylla Turcz. Leaves




戴璐遥,常薇,董世蓉,等. 不同干燥方式对工厂速成腊肉品质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(9):81−87. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022060060DAI Luyao, CHANG Wei, DONG Shirong, et al. Effects of Different Drying Methods on the Quality of Factory Instant Bacon[J].Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(9): 81−87. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022060060· 研究与探讨 ·不同干燥方式对工厂速成腊肉品质的影响戴璐遥1,常 薇2,董世蓉3,赵 静1,赵旭珠1,张鹭艳1,邹 强1,*(1.成都大学食品与生物工程学院,四川成都 610106;2.四川省轻工业研究设计院有限公司,四川成都 610084;3.四川饭扫光食品集团股份有限公司,四川成都 611730)摘 要:为满足腊肉工业化生产的不同需求,分别使用自然风干、热风干燥、热泵干燥三种方式干燥腊肉,比较水分活度、水分含量、出品率、酸价、过氧化值、色泽、感官、质构,并对理化指标进行主成分分析。


其水分活度为0.718,水分含量为18.13 g/100 g ,出品率为62.20%,过氧化值为0.127 g/100 g ,酸价为0.83 mg/g ,色差值为12.28,感官评分为39.50分,硬度为8120.16 g 。



不同干燥方式对菠萝果干品质的影响研究陈 麟1,2,徐 健1,2,唐 睿1,2,张剑林1,2,李海霞1*(1.新疆理工学院,新疆阿克苏 843100;2.慕萨莱斯品质检测重点实验室,新疆阿克苏 843100)摘 要:本研究以新鲜菠萝为研究对象,采用自然干燥、真空冷冻干燥、热风干燥对菠萝进行干燥处理,研究3种干燥方式对菠萝果干的感官评分、理化性质以及挥发性化合物的影响。



关键词:菠萝果干;干燥方式;理化性质;挥发性成分Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Quality of Dried PineappleCHEN Lin1,2, XU Jian1,2, TANG Rui1,2, ZHANG Jianlin1,2, LI Haixia1*(1.Xinjiang Institute of Technology, Aksu 843100, China;boratory of Quality Testing in Musalles, Aksu 843100, China)Abstract: This study focuses on fresh pineapples and uses natural drying, vacuum freeze-drying, and hot air drying to dry them. The study investigates the effects of three drying methods on the sensory evaluation, physicochemical properties, and volatile compounds of dried pineapple. The results showed that the sensory score of vacuum freeze-dried dried fruits was the highest, at 94.1 points, and the rehydration ratio of dried fruits was the highest, at 4.18, which was closest to fresh fruits; the moisture content of dried fruits dried by hot air is the lowest, followed by those dried by vacuum freeze-drying, and those dried naturally have the highest moisture content; through texture analysis, it was found that the hardness, brittleness, adhesiveness, and chewiness of the dried pineapple in the vacuum freeze-drying group were moderate, and had a better taste compared to the other two drying methods; by analyzing the changes in volatile components of pineapple under different drying methods using gas chromatography olfactory mass spectrometry, vacuum freeze-drying can better preserve the volatile flavor of pineapple and maintain its aroma. Therefore, based on comprehensive sensory evaluation and nutritional flavor, vacuum freeze-dried pineapple has the best quality.Keywords: dried pineapple; drying method; physical and chemical properties; volatile component菠萝是一种热带植物,其果实可食用,加工后的菠萝果干是我国果干蜜饯中的传统品种之一,具有保存期长、风味独特、口感香甜等优点[1]。



分析检测不同干燥方式对柠檬片品质特性的影响黄卉卉,曹 蒙,吴春锐,刘 涛*(信阳农林学院 食品学院,河南信阳 464000)摘 要:为探究不同干燥方式对柠檬片品质特性的影响,分别采用自然干燥法、真空冷冻干燥法、热风干燥法进行对比干燥试验。


结果表明,真空冷冻干燥法的复水比和维生素C含量最高,分别为2.9、40 mg/100 g;热风干燥法的感官评分和硬度最高,分别为74分、125.5 N。



关键词:柠檬片;自然干燥;真空冷冻干燥;热风干燥Effect of Different Drying Methods on the QualityCharacteristics of Lemon SlicesHUANG Huihui, CAO Meng, WU Chunrui, LIU Tao*(College of Food Science, Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University, Xinyang 464000, China)Abstract: In order to explore the effect of different drying methods on the quality characteristics of lemon slices, three methods of natural drying, vacuum freeze-drying method and hot-air drying method were compared. Through the sensory evaluation of the influencing factors of each drying method, the optimal process parameters of each method were determined. On this basis, the hardness, rehydration ratio, vitamin C content and and sensory score of lemon slices prepared by different drying methods were determined. The results showed that the rehydration ratio and vitamin C content of the vacuum freeze-drying method were the highest, which were 2.9 and 40 mg/100 g; the sensory score and hardness of the hot-air drying method were the highest, which were 74 points and 125.5 N. The comparative analysis showed that the vacuum freeze-drying method was the preferred drying method for high value-added lemon slices. The experiment provided a theoretical basis for the processing and quality evaluation of lemon slices.Keywords: lemon slices; natural drying; vacuum freeze-drying; hot-air drying柠檬为芸香科柑橘属植物,果实中含有糖类、钙、磷、铁及维生素B1、B2、C等多种营养成分,还含有丰富的柠檬酸、黄酮类、挥发油等。



纯) 。
加入 20 %盐酸溶液 ,p H 调到 415 达到蛋
11112 设备 101 - 2 - BS - 热风干燥 白质的等电点 ,如沉淀缓慢 ,可调节 p H
箱 (南京) 、GL Z - 5 - 喷雾干燥机 (无锡 至 215 ,搅拌速度 30~40 r/ min ,时间 5
昂益达干燥设备厂) 、L CJ - 10 - 真空冷 min 。
水性的影响 吸水性是指蛋白质产品吸附或摄取 水分的能力 。大豆蛋白质的结构长链中 含有极性侧链 ,所以大豆分离蛋白具有 亲水性[11 ]能够吸收水分 ,图 3 是四种干 燥方法所得的大豆分离蛋白在 32 ℃时 ,
相对湿度 RH =
表 1 不同干燥方法性质比较
90 %条件下测得
粘度 / Mpa·S
培养皿的质量为 m2 ,则 吸水性 (g/ g) = (m2 - m1) / 1. 00
白 ,溶解部分多 ,因此 ,微波和热风干燥 的大豆分离蛋白粘度更高 。
11414 吸油性测定[8 ] 准确量取 20 ml
精炼油 ,放入离心管再称取 3100 g 样品
加入到离心管中 ,用细玻璃棒搅拌 1
min ,静止 30 min 后用 100 r/ min 的速度
国外对于大豆分离蛋白的研究可追 溯到 20 世纪 30 年代 ,近年来在大豆分 离蛋白的结构与功能性质的关系方面做 了很多工作 ,找到了一些规律 , 特别是 美 、日等国在大豆分离蛋白技术开发方
安徽省教育厅课题 (2002 KJ 077) 安徽技术师范学院副教授 ,233100 凤阳 收稿日期 2002 - 11 - 26
水合能 力 = [ ( 离 心 管 重 + 沉 淀 物 重) - (离心管重 + 样品重) ]/ 样品重 ( g 水/ g 样品)



医药化工化 工 设 计 通 讯Pharmaceutical and ChemicalChemical Engineering Design Communications·200·第45卷第4期2019年4月1 甲硝唑片简介低价却高效的甲硝唑片是一种人工合成的硝咪唑类药物,它具有抗厌氧菌的效用,常被用于各种厌氧菌感染的预防和治疗,在妇科疾病、呼吸道疾病及消化疾病方面都有很好的疗效。




2 常见物料干燥方法与物料水分构成生产过程中对甲硝唑片干燥的目的就是为了将甲硝唑片中的水分气化,提高甲硝唑片的稳定性,使得甲硝唑片达到最佳药效。








焦睿智,岳田利,高振鹏,等. 不同干燥方式对黑木耳理化特性及抗生素含量变化的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(24):87−94.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023020268JIAO Ruizhi, YUE Tianli, GAO Zhenpeng, et al. Effects of Different Drying Methods on Physicochemical Properties and Antibiotic Content of Auricularia auricularia [J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(24): 87−94. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023020268· 研究与探讨 ·不同干燥方式对黑木耳理化特性及抗生素含量变化的影响焦睿智1,岳田利2,高振鹏1,赵子丹3,李鸣雷1,王周利1, *,葛 谦3(1.西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程学院,陕西杨凌 712100;2.西北大学食品科学与工程学院,陕西西安 710127;3.宁夏农产品质量标准与检测技术研究所,宁夏银川 750002)摘 要:本文系统探究了自然晾晒、热风干燥和真空微波干燥三种处理方式对黑木耳的干燥效率,并评价了不同处理对黑木耳的理化特性影响以及喹诺酮类抗生素(恩诺沙星、环丙沙星)的降解效果。

结果表明,以自然晾晒的黑木耳为参照,黑木耳在80 ℃热风干燥条件下所需的干燥时间大幅缩短为150 min ,在2.4 kW 真空微波干燥条件下继续缩短为15 min ;热风干燥和真空微波干燥处理对黑木耳中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、灰分含量无显著影响(P >0.05),经干燥处理后总糖含量分别下降了1.34%和2.28%,且理化指标仍满足国标要求。









关键词:秋葵;干燥方式;多糖;挥发性风味物质;基本结构;流变特征Abstract:This study investigated the effects of different drying methods (hot air, vacuum, and microwave drying) on the volatile flavor substances and polysaccharides of okra, as well as the basic structure and rheological characteristics of its fruit peel polysaccharides. The results showed that microwave drying had the least effect on the volatile flavor substances and polysaccharides of okra, with a relatively high content of aromatic alcohol, hydrocarbon, and ester volatile substances. Vacuum drying obtained the best result in terms of polysaccharide content. In terms of the basicstructure of okra fruit peel polysaccharides, FT-IR spectra showed that the polysaccharides mainly contained glucose, mannose, xylose, galactose, and rhamnose monosaccharides. At the same time, the polysaccharides contained ester, thioester, and hydroxyl groups of varying degrees. In terms ofrheological characteristics, the viscosity of okra fruit peel polysaccharides showed non-Newtonian fluid characteristics under different concentrations and temperatures, and the viscosity of vacuum-dried samples was the highest. This study provides valuable reference for the basic structure, rheological characteristics, and effects on polysaccharides and volatile substances of okra fruit peel polysaccharides.Keywords: okra;drying method;polysaccharide;volatile flavor substances;basic structure;rheologicalcharacteristics1. IntroductionOkra (Abelmoschus esculentus), is a commonly grown vegetable crop in many countries, particularly in Africa, India, Asia, and the United States. It is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and has been found to have various health benefits, including improving digestion and reducing the risk of chronic diseases (Pervez et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2017). The fruit peel of okra is rich in polysaccharides, which have been found to have manybiological activities, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunity-enhancing effects (Shan et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2020). These bioactive properties arerelated to the polysaccharide structure and molecular weight (Mw).In recent years, various drying methods have been widely used to preserve vegetables and fruits because they caneffectively reduce the water activity and prevent microbial growth (Koutsoumanis et al., 2021). However, different drying methods may have different effects on the quality and composition of the food product. For example, high-temperature and long-time drying methods may cause the degradation of polysaccharides and other bioactive compounds (Deng et al., 2018). On the other hand, modern drying methods, such as microwave and vacuum drying, have been found to have advantages in preserving the flavor and nutritional qualityof food products (Hou et al., 2010). Therefore, it isimportant to investigate the effects of different drying methods on the quality and composition of okra, particularly on the polysaccharide structure and volatile flavor substances.In this study, we investigated the effects of three common drying methods, namely, hot air, vacuum, and microwave drying, on the volatile flavor substances and polysaccharides of okra. We also analyzed the basic structure of the fruitpeel polysaccharides and their rheological characteristics. Our results will provide valuable information for the use and processing of okra products.2. Materials and methods2.1. MaterialsFruits of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) were purchased from a local market. The fruits were sorted and washed, then harvested, and stored in plastic bags at 4℃ for further analysis.2.2. Drying methodsThe drying methods used in this study included hot air drying, vacuum drying, and microwave drying.Hot air drying: The okra fruits were sliced into pieces(60 mm×60 mm×5 mm) and then dried in a hot air dryer (DHG-9140A, Shanghai Baihui Instrument Co., Ltd., China) at 60℃for 10 h.Vacuum drying: The okra fruits were sliced into pieces (60 mm×60 mm×5 mm) and then dried in a vacuum dryer (DZF-6020, Shanghai Yarong Biochemical Instrument Factory, China)at 60℃ for 10 h.Microwave drying: The okra fruits were sliced intopieces (60 mm×60 mm×5 mm) and then dried in a microwavedryer (MDF-4000, Suzhou Hengyi Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd., China) for 10 min at 600 W.2.3. Volatile flavor substances analysisThe volatile flavor substances of different drying methods were analyzed by GC-MS. Approximately 5 g of okra powder was extracted by adding 20 mL of distilled water and sonicated for 30 min. The supernatant was then centrifuged at 10,000 g for 10 min. The volatile flavor substances were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Agilent 6890N-5973, Agilent Technologies, USA) equipped with a DB-5MS capillary column (30 m×0.25 mm×0.25 μm). The oven temperature was programmed to start at 60℃ with a hold of 2 min, then increased by 10℃/min to 220℃, and held for 20 min. The carrier gas was helium with a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min.The injector and d etector temperatures were set at 290℃ and 250℃, respectively.2.4. Polysaccharide extraction and determinationPolysaccharides were extracted according to the methodof Sun et al. (2018). The dried okra powder was extractedwith 70% ethanol for 24 h at room temperature. The extractwas filtered, and the residue was further extracted threetimes with distilled water for 4 h. The water extracts werecombined, concentrated, and precipitated with four volumes of absolute ethanol for 24 h at 4℃. The precipitat es were collected by centrifugation at 10,000 g for 15 min and washed twice with 95% ethanol and once with acetone. The purity of the polysaccharides was determined by the phenol-sulfuric acid method (DuBois et al., 1956). The polysaccharide content was expressed as a percentage of the dry weight.2.5. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysisThe basic structure of okra fruit peel polysaccharides was analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer, USA). The polysaccharide powder was mixed with KBr, and pressed into pellets. The spectra were scanned in the range of 4000–400 cm-1.2.6. Rheological measurementRheological measurements were performed on a rotational viscometer (B type, Brookfield, USA). The polysaccharide solutions were prepared with distilled water at concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, and 2% (w/v), and stirred for 6 h at 25℃. The viscosity of the solutions was determined at different shear rates (0.1–100 s-1) and temperatures (10℃, 25℃, and 40℃).3. Results and discussion3.1. Effect of different drying methods on volatile flavor substancesThe effect of different drying methods on the volatile flavor substances of okra is shown in Table 1. Compared with hot air and vacuum drying, microwave drying showed the least effect on the volatile flavor substances of okra. The total ion current (TIC) chromatograms of the GC-MS analysis of different dried samples are shown in Figure 1.Table 1. Effect of different drying methods on the volatile flavor substances of okra (μg/g, dry weight).Drying methodCompounds Hot air Vacuum MicrowaveEsters 1.38±0.12a 0.63±0.06b 1.71±0.11cAlcohols 0.71±0.04a 0.29±0.05b 0.92±0.08cAlkanes 0.22±0.03a 0.22±0.08a 0.39±0.07bKetones 0.29±0.06a 0.26±0.03a 0.31±0.05bAldehydes 0.12±0.02a 0.11±0.02a 0.10±0.01aTotal 2.72±0.15a 1.51±0.12b 3.43±0.23cValues are the means ± SD (n=3). Values with different letters in the same row are significantly different at P<0.05 (LSD test).Figure 1. TIC chromatograms of the GC-MS analysis of different dried samples.Esters are a major group of volatile flavor substances in okra, contributing to its characteristic aroma (Kanatt et al., 2008). In this study, the contents of esters in okra dried by microwave were significantly higher than those in hot air and vacuum drying. The content of alcohols in microwave drying is also significantly higher than those in hot air and vacuum drying. On the other hand, alkanes and ketones had the highest content in microwave drying, whereas the content of aldehydes in all three drying methods showed no significant difference.3.2. Effect of different drying methods on polysaccharidesThe effect of different drying methods on the polysaccharide content of okra is shown in Table 2. The vacuum drying method obtained the highest polysaccharide content, which is significantly higher than the other twodrying methods.Drying method Polysaccharide contentHot air 14.70±1.23aVacuum 21.20±0.78bMicrowave 18.72±2.45cValues are the means ± SD (n=3). Values with different letters in the same row are significantly different at P<0.05 (LSD test).The polysaccharide content of okra is higher than that found in other vegetables, such as sweet potato, carrot, and onion samples (Miller and Lewis, 1997). This may be due to the higher content of water-soluble polysaccharides in okra, which are easier to extract than water-insoluble polysaccharides (Gao and Dong, 2018).3.3. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysisThe FT-IR spectra of the okra fruit peel polysaccharides are shown in Figure 2. The characteristic absorption bands of the polysaccharides are shown in Table 3.Wave numberFunctional groups (cm-1)3421 O–H stretching vibration2920 and 2852 C–H stretching vibration1638 and 1583 C=O stretching vibration1418 C–H bending vibration and C–OH symmetrical stretching vibration1318 C–N stretching vibration1043 C–O–C asymmetric stretching vibration906 C–H bending vibrationThe FT-IR spectra showed prominent band peaks at around3421 cm-1, 2920 cm-1, and 1638 cm-1, which corresponded to the vibrational bands of the O-H stretching, C-H stretching, and C=O stretching vibrations, respectively. Additionally, the absorption band at around 1043 cm-1 was attributed to the C-O-C asymmetric stretching vibration of the pyranose rings (Gibbs and Mamelak, 1997).3.4. Rheological measurementThe effect of concentration and temperature on the viscosity of okra fruit peel polysaccharides is shown in Figure 3. The results showed that the viscosity of the polysaccharide solutions increased with increasing concentration and decreasing temperature. All the solutions showed non-Newtonian flow behavior, as evidenced by the curve not passing through the origin, and the viscosity decreasing with increasing shear rate. This behavior may be due to the entanglement and aggregation of the polysaccharide chains in the solution (Abdel-Raheem et al., 2015).The viscosity of different samples at the same conditions showed that vacuum drying samples had the highest viscosity compared to the other two drying methods. This may be due to the fact that vacuum drying reduces the water activity, leading to a higher degree of polysaccharide crosslinking and a higher Mw distribution (Brozzi et al., 2011).4. ConclusionIn this study, we investigated the effect of different drying methods on the composition and quality of okra, focusing on the volatile flavor substances and polysaccharides. The results showed that microwave drying had the least effect on the volatile flavor substances of okra,with a relatively high content of aromatic alcohol, hydrocarbon, and ester volatile substances. Vacuum drying obtained the best result in terms of polysaccharide content. The FT-IR spectra showed that the okra fruit peel polysaccharides mainly contained glucose, mannose, xylose, galactose, and rhamnose monosaccharides, and had non-Newtonian flow behavior at different concentrations and temperatures. The viscosity of vacuum drying samples was the highest. These findings provide valuable information for the use and processing of okra products. Future research should focus on further exploring the properties and structural characteristics of the polysaccharides in okra, as well astheir potential applications in functional food development.AcknowledgmentsWe gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 31801596), the Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation (grant no. BK20181077), and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions.ReferencesAbdel-Raheem, T. A., M. El-Badawy, N. I. Hussien, et al. (2015) Rheological properties of the polysaccharide extracted from Moringa oleifera leaves. J Food Process Preserv 39:2255-2260.Brozzi, C., E. Duranti, and L. Colombo (2011) Effects of thermal and high-pressure treatments on structure andrheology of soybean soluble polysaccharides. Food Hydrocoll 25: 1518-1525.Deng, Y. C., J. P. Ye, X. H. Hou, et al. 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不同干燥方式对丹参挥发性成分的影响王雨晨1,2,张敏敏1,赵恒强1,刘伟1,李强1,崔莉1∗,王晓1㊀(1.齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)山东省分析测试中心,山东济南250014;2.山东中医药大学,山东济南250355)摘要㊀[目的]比较不同干燥方式对丹参挥发性成分的影响㊂[方法]采用常温晾干㊁晒干㊁热风干燥(40㊁60㊁80ħ)和真空冷冻干燥的方式处理丹参,通过气相色谱-离子迁移谱法(GC-IMS)分析挥发性成分的变化㊂[结果]在干燥后的丹参中鉴别出了30种挥发性成分,其中有9种醇类化合物㊁7种醛类化合物㊁4种酮类化合物,高温热风干燥(60㊁80ħ)的丹参中部分挥发性成分的含量较低,80ħ热风干燥丹参中醇类化合物和酮类化合物的种类比40ħ烘干时减少㊂采用主成分分析真空冷冻干燥的丹参与其他方法干燥的丹参可以实现较好的分类,40ħ热风干燥㊁晒干与晾干的丹参样品中成分相近㊂[结论]建立了一种丹参挥发性成分的GC-IMS检测分析方法,具有高效无损㊁样品处理简单的特点,可实现不同干燥方式丹参的判别区分,40ħ热风干燥可以有效保留丹参样品中的挥发性成分,实现与晒干和晾干相似的风味㊂关键词㊀气相色谱-离子迁移谱法(GC-IMS);丹参;干燥方式;挥发性成分;指纹图谱中图分类号㊀R284㊀㊀文献标识码㊀A㊀㊀文章编号㊀0517-6611(2023)22-0188-05doi:10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2023.22.043㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):EffectofDifferentDryingMethodsonVolatileComponentsinSalviamiltiorrhizaWANGYu⁃chen1,2,ZHANGMin⁃min1,ZHAOHeng⁃qiang1etal㊀(1.QiluUniversityofTechnology(ShandongAcademyofSciences),ShandongAnalysisandTestCenter,Jinan,Shandong250014;2.ShandongUniversityofTraditionalChineseMedicine,Jinan,Shandong250355)Abstract㊀[Objective]TocomparetheeffectsofdifferentdryingmethodsonvolatilecomponentsofS.miltiorrhiza.[Method]S.miltiorrhizawasdriedbydifferentmethodsincludingairdrying,sundrying,hotairdrying(40,60,80ħ)andvacuumfreezdrying.Gaschromatography⁃ionmobilityspectrometry(GC⁃IMS)wasusedtocomparethechangesofvolatilecomponentsinthesamplesafterdifferenttreatments.[Result]Atotalof30volatileswereidentifiedfromdriedS.miltiorrhiza.Thenumberofalcohols,aldehydesandketonescompoundswere9,7and4.Therewerefewestvolatilecompoundsinhotair(60,80ħ)driedsamples.Thenumberofalcoholsandketonescompoundsin80ħhotairdriedsampleswerelessthan40ħhotairdriedsamples.Comparedwithotherdryingmethods,vacuumfreezedryingaffectedsignificantlyonthevolatilecomponents,whichcouldbedifferentiatedbyprincipalcomponentanalysis(PCA).Andthevolatilecomponentsofsundrying,airdryingand40ħhotairdryingweresimilar.[Conclusion]GC⁃IMSanalysismethodforvolatilecomponentsofS.miltiorrhizawasestablished,whichwasfastandlossless,thesampleprocessingwassimple.ThismethodcouldbeusedforthedistinctionofS.miltiorrhizadriedbydiffi⁃erentmethods.AndthevolatilecomponentsofS.miltiorrhizadriedby40ħhotaircouldbeeffectivelyretained.Theflavorcharacteristicsweresimilarwithsundryingandairdrying.Keywords㊀Gaschromatography⁃ionmobilityspectrometry(GC⁃IMS);Salviamiltiorrhiza;Dryingmethod;Volatilecomponents;Fingerprint基金项目㊀国家自然科学基金项目(82003886,82173917);国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-21)㊂作者简介㊀王雨晨(1997 ),女,山东枣庄人,硕士,从事中药质量控制研究㊂∗通信作者,副研究员,博士,从事中药资源开发研究㊂收稿日期㊀2022-11-03;修回日期㊀2023-05-24㊀㊀丹参为唇形科植物丹参(SalviamiltiorrhizaBunge.)的干燥根和根茎[1],为我国传统中药,具有活血祛瘀㊁通经止痛等功效,用药历史悠久且地域分布广泛㊂采后干燥是丹参生产中的必要环节,其传统的干燥方式主要是阴干与晒干,受地域㊁气候㊁天气影响较大[2],且效率较低,随着现代干燥技术的发展,已逐渐发展出热风干燥㊁真空冷冻干燥等干燥方式,目前由于产地采收加工与炮制方法参差不齐,导致丹参药材㊁饮片等质量差异很大[3-4],因此采用现代分析技术更好地评价和调控丹参的品质,对于提升丹参的质量稳定性至关重要㊂丹参中有多种化学成分,目前对脂溶性的二萜醌类化合物和水溶性的酚酸类成分的相关研究较深入,但对其挥发性成分的研究报道相对较少[5-6],主要集中在丹参花㊁茎㊁叶㊁根等不同部位的挥发性成分组成,不同产地丹参的差异性比较,挥发性成分的活性评价等方面[7],对丹参干燥加工中挥发性成分变化的研究鲜见报道㊂研究显示丹参中挥发油具有抗氧化㊁抗阿尔茨海默病等功效[6],在药材的传统质量评价中,气味也是十分重要的评价指标[8],因而挥发性成分也是药材真伪和质量优劣的重要影响因素㊂目前丹参挥发性成分研究主要采用气相色谱质谱联用技术(GC-MS),如周晓希[9]以萜类化合物为丹参挥发性成分的指标,采用GC-MS法对24个产地的丹参进行了分类评价;冀海伟等[10]从丹参根中鉴定出17种化合物,证实根中挥发性成分与茎㊁叶㊁花中差异较大㊂陈康健等[11]采用GC-MS技术在丹参根中分析鉴定出9种化合物,相对含量之和占总含量的5.67%㊂气相色谱-离子迁移谱技术(GC-IMS)是近年来新兴的一种气味分析技术[12],较GC-MS等相关技术具有快速高效㊁灵敏度高㊁前处理简单等优点[13],非常适合挥发性有机气体成分的快速鉴别与检测[14]㊂近年来越来越多地应用于中药材的鉴别㊁加工㊁质量控制等方面[15-17],但在丹参中相关应用研究鲜见报道㊂因此,该研究拟应用GC-IMS技术分析不同干燥方式对丹参挥发性成分的影响,以期为丹参的加工及质量控制提供理论依据和技术支持㊂1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀试验材料㊀丹参采自山东省济南市莱芜紫光生态园种植基地,经山东中医药大学李佳教授鉴定为唇形科植物丹参(SalviamiltiorrhizaBunge.)㊂选择大小粗细均匀㊁无损伤的㊀㊀㊀安徽农业科学,J.AnhuiAgric.Sci.2023,51(22):188-192一年生样品,样品在采摘后剪去地上部位,用流动水冲洗表面泥土,沥干水分后备用㊂1.2㊀仪器设备㊀FlavourSpec 型气相离子迁移谱联用仪(德国G.A.S.公司);FW100型高速万能粉碎机(天津市泰斯特仪器有限公司);GZX-9140MBE型数显鼓风干燥箱(上海博迅实业有限公司医疗设备厂);MS205DU型电子分析天平[梅特勒-托利多仪器(上海)有限公司];Epsilon2-4真空冷冻干燥机(德国MarinChrist公司)㊂1.3㊀试验方法1.3.1㊀丹参的干燥处理㊂将丹参随机分成6组,单层平铺于托盘中,分别进行不同的干燥处理:晾干,即置于室内阴凉处,在室温下自然晾干;晒干,即置于室内向阳的窗户处,在室温条件下自然晒干;热风干燥,于鼓风干燥箱内进行,分别采用温度为40㊁60㊁80ħ;真空冷冻干燥,冷阱温度为-70.4ħ,绝对压力为0.204hPa㊂干燥过程中进行称重,当前后2次测得的质量差小于0.1g时,停止干燥㊂1.3.2㊀GC-IMS分析㊂将干燥后的丹参去除须根,置于粉碎机内粉碎,过5号筛,精密称定丹参粉末约1g,放入20mL色谱顶空瓶内㊂色谱柱为MulticapillarySE-54毛细管色谱柱(0.32mmˑ30m,0.25μm),柱温60ħ,分析时间35min㊂顶空进样时,孵化温度80ħ,在转速500r/min的条件下孵育15min,进样体积为100μL,载气程序为在20min内从2mL线性上升至150mL,IMS温度为60ħ㊂1.3.3㊀软件分析㊂采用仪器配套的GCˑIMSLibrarySearch软件进行挥发性成分的定性分析,比较不同挥发性风味成分的保留时间和离子迁移时间,并通过内置气相保留指数数据库(NIST)和离子迁移谱数据库(IMS)进行匹配㊂采用LAV(laboratoryanalyticalviewer)软件查看分析图谱,从而对丹参的挥发性成分进行定量分析㊂利用LAV软件的GalleryPlot和Reporter插件,获得指纹图谱及差异图谱,采用origin软件进行主成分分析并作图㊂2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀丹参样品的GC-IMS谱图分析㊀比较不同挥发性风味成分的保留时间和离子迁移时间,并利用GC-IMS中LibrarySearch内置数据库进行匹配[16],从而对丹参挥发性成分进行定性分析,如图1所示,水平方向表征离子迁移时间,竖直方向表征气相色谱保留时间,最左侧为归一化处理后的反应离子峰(RIP),RIP均为8.22ms,RIP峰右侧的点代表丹参干燥后所含有的挥发性成分,点的颜色深浅反映成分含量的多少,点的颜色越红,则该组分的含量越多㊂真空冷冻干燥的丹参深色点的数目很少,即挥发性成分的种类和含量明显少于其他5种干燥方式,在姬松茸㊁冬笋等的相关研究中也得到相似的结论[18-19],推测可能长时间处在低压的环境下,沸点较低的物质(酯类㊁烃类等)会挥发损失[19],同时干燥温度较低,丹参无法发生美拉德等化学反应,因而未产生新的挥发性成分㊂另外5种干燥方式处理的丹参样品中挥发性成分的数量差异不大㊂A区域为晒干㊁晾干和热风干燥共有的化学成分,真空冷冻干燥的丹参样品中没有此成分㊂B区域为真空冷冻干燥样品中颜色较深的点,可以作为真空冷冻干燥丹参的特异性成分㊂C区域为80ħ热风干燥的丹参区别于其他干燥方式含量较多的化学成分㊂注:a.真空冷冻干燥;b.晾干;c.晒干;d.40ħ热风干燥;e.60ħ热风干燥;f.80ħ热风干燥㊂Note:a.Vacuumfreeze⁃drying;b.Airdrying;c.Sundrying;d.40ħhotairdrying;e.60ħhotairdrying;f.Drywithhotairat80ħ.图1㊀不同干燥方式丹参中挥发性成分的GC-IMS谱图Fig.1㊀GC⁃IMSdiagramofvolatilecomponentsinS.miltiorrhizawithdifferentdryingmethods2.2㊀丹参中挥发性成分的定性分析㊀从表1可以看出,采用GC-IMS分析,在真空冷冻干燥的样品中鉴定出24种挥发性成分,在晾干㊁晒干和40ħ热风干燥的丹参样品中,鉴定出的挥发性成分一致,均为30种,在60ħ热风干燥的样品中鉴定出29种,在80ħ热风干燥的样品中鉴定出25种挥发性成分㊂98151卷22期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀王雨晨等㊀不同干燥方式对丹参挥发性成分的影响表1㊀丹参挥发性成分的GC-IMS定性分析Table1㊀GC⁃IMSqualitativeanalysisofvolatilecomponentsinS.miltiorrhiza编号No.化合物名称CompoundnameCAS号CASNo.分子式Formula保留指数Retentionindex保留时间Retentiontimeʊs离子迁移时间Ionmigrationtimeʊms干燥方式Dryingmethod1(E)-2-庚醛C18829555C7H12O956.8348.3971.2553ABCDEF2(E)-2-庚醛C18829555C7H12O956.8348.3971.6650ABCDEF31-辛烯-3-酮C4312996C8H14O980.1373.3511.2789ABCDEF41-辛烯-3-酮C4312996C8H14O977.5370.4711.6820ABCDEF53-羟基丁酮C513860C4H8O2710.1186.2001.3252BCDEF6(E)-2-辛烯醛C2548870C8H14O1059.1488.5201.3318ABCDEF7(E)-2-辛烯醛C2548870C8H14O1060.2490.4401.8160ABCDEF8(Z)-3-己烯-1-醇C928961C6H12O846.7257.2221.5064ABCDEF9(Z)-3-己烯-1-醇C928961C6H12O848.2258.1811.2280ABCDEF10乙酸乙酯C141786C4H8O2607.2155.1401.3304ABCDEF112-甲基丙酸C79312C4H8O2776.9216.8881.1609BCDEF122-甲基丙酸C79312C4H8O2761.3209.3171.3715ABCDEF13二甲基酮C67641C3H6O514.1133.1901.1123ABCDEF142-乙基己醇C104767C8H18O1032.4444.7901.4259ABCDEF15苯乙醛C122781C8H8O1039.0455.2321.2636BCDEF16异硫氰酸烯丙酯C57067C4H5NS863.5268.0831.3766ABCDE17水芹烯C99832C10H161010.6411.8591.6897BCDEF18正壬醛C124196C9H18O1106.1576.5171.9417ABCDEF19庚醛C111717C7H14O900.2294.6191.6937ABCDEF202-苯乙醇C60128C8H10O1107.0578.3501.5030ABCDEF212,3-二甲基6-乙基-吡嗪C15707343C8H12N21091.2546.9561.2311ABCDEF22反式-2-戊烯醛C1576870C5H8O744.1201.2651.3536ABCDEF231-戊醇C71410C5H12O756.5207.0371.5246ABCDEF241-戊醇C71410C5H12O761.9209.6021.2557ABCDEF252-乙酰噻唑C24295032C5H5NOS1008.6409.0711.1238BCD26二甲基三硫醚C3658808C2H6S3955.9347.4991.3064ABCDEF271-辛烯-3-醇C3391864C8H16O982.2375.7191.1564ABCDEF286-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮C110930C8H14O990.2384.6981.1731ABCDEF293-甲基丁醛C590863C5H10O643.8164.7061.1970ABCDEF302-辛醇C123966C8H18O1002.8400.7031.8277ABCDEF312-辛醇C123966C8H18O1002.8400.7031.4329ABCDEF322-甲基-2-丙烯C78853C4H6O565.8144.9671.2206ABCDEF331-丁醇C71363C4H10O682.2175.4101.3733ABCDE341-丁醇C71363C4H10O664.3170.3361.1865ABCDE352-戊基呋喃C3777693C9H14O994.4389.5321.2500BCDEF36正己醇C111273C6H14O866.9270.2941.3279BCDE372-甲基丁酸C116530C5H10O2858.4264.7121.2198ABCDE382-甲基丁酸C116530C5H10O2862.3267.2491.4739ABCDE395-甲基-2-呋喃甲醇C3857258C6H8O2955.8347.4181.5616ABCDEF㊀注:A.真空冷冻干燥;B.晾干;C.晒干;D.40ħ热风干燥;E.60ħ热风干燥;F.80ħ热风干燥㊂㊀Note:A.Vacuumfreeze⁃drying;B.Airdrying;C.Sundrying;D.40ħhotairdrying;E.60ħhotairdrying;F.Drywithhotairat80ħ.㊀㊀选择40ħ热风干燥的丹参进行分析,根据图2中的特征峰分布选取位置点,在鉴定出的30种化合物中,其中有9种醇类化合物㊁7种醛类化合物和4种酮类化合物㊂除此之外,还有酯类化合物㊁呋喃㊁有机酸㊁吡嗪㊁噻唑和硫醚㊂其中一部分挥发性成分可在离子迁移谱图上检测出一个以上的信号,即谱图上出现了2个被定性为同一挥发性成分的点,为此成分的单体与二聚体,单体与二聚体的化学式和CAS号均相同,仅形态不同㊂2.3㊀GC-IMS指纹图谱分析㊀采用LAV软件的GalleryPlot插件进行指纹图谱分析,进一步对比不同干燥方式对丹参挥发性成分的影响,结果如图3所示,每一列为一种挥发性成分的信号峰,每一行为一种干燥方式下选取的全部信号峰,各化合物编号见表1㊂反式-2-戊烯醛㊁(E)-2-庚醛㊁3-甲基丁醛㊁1-辛烯-3-酮㊁2-苯乙醇㊁(E)-2-辛烯醛㊁2,3-二甲基6-乙基-吡嗪㊁二甲基三硫醚和(Z)-3-己烯-1-醇为6种干燥方式中丹参中共有且含量均较多的挥发性成分,在A区域中可以看出,2,3-二甲基6-乙基-吡嗪㊁二甲基三硫醚㊁2-乙基己醇和(Z)-3-己烯-1-醇在真空冷冻干燥的丹参中含量较多㊂B区域内,正壬醛㊁1-戊醇㊁2-甲基丙酸㊁二甲基酮㊁1-辛烯-3-醇㊁异硫氰酸烯丙酯㊁庚醛7种挥发性成分在晒091㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀安徽农业科学㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2023年图2㊀40ħ热风干燥丹参的GC-IMS谱图Fig.2㊀GC⁃IMSdiagramofS.miltiorrhizadriedby40ħhotairdrying干㊁晾干和40ħ热风干燥的丹参中含量较多㊂C区域内,3-羟基丁酮㊁2-戊基呋喃和2-甲基丁酸为晒干㊁晾干㊁40ħ热风干燥和60ħ热风干燥的丹参中含量较多的化合物㊂㊀㊀真空冷冻干燥样品的指纹图谱颜色较其他干燥方式浅,部分挥发性成分已完全消失,醇类化合物㊁醛类化合物和酮类化合物数目较少,60和80ħ热风干燥的丹参指纹图谱颜色大多较40ħ热风干燥样品浅,这与图1所得的结论相同,80ħ热风干燥的丹参中醇类化合物和酮类化合物的数目比40ħ热风干燥丹参少,结果见表2㊂目前普遍认为真空冷冻干燥较高温加热等方式可更好地保留药材中的黄酮等活性成分[20],但该研究中发现在真空冷冻干燥的丹参中鉴定出的挥发性成分种类最少,且大多化合物的含量也较低,说明真空冷冻干燥技术对丹参中挥发性成分具有较大的影响,会造成风味的损失,在无花果㊁太子参等研究中也有类似的结果[21-22],但真空冷冻干燥技术对挥发性成分的影响机理尚不明确,同时真空冷冻干燥技术的成本较高,也限制了此技术在中药干燥中的应用㊂图3㊀不同干燥方式丹参中挥发性成分的GC-IMS指纹谱Fig.3㊀GC⁃IMSfingerprintofvolatilecomponentsinS.miltiorrhizadriedbydifferentmethods表2㊀丹参中不同种类挥发性成分分析Table2㊀AnalysisofvolatilecomponentsinS.miltiorrhiza化合物种类Compoundsepo化合物数量Numberofcompoundsʊ个晾干Airdrying晒干Sundrying真空冷冻干燥Vacuumfreeze⁃drying40ħ热风干燥40ħhotairdrying60ħ热风干燥60ħhotairdrying80ħ热风干燥80ħhotairdrying醇类Alcoho998997醛类Aldehydes776777酮类Ketones4434432.4㊀PCA分析㊀为更直观地比较各组别之间的差异,采用origin软件对不同干燥处理的丹参样品进行PCA主成分分析(图4),第一主成分(PC1)与第二主成分(PC2)之和占比为65.4%,真空冷冻干燥的丹参与其他方法干燥的丹参可以实现较好的分类,60ħ热风干燥和80ħ热风干燥的丹参样品中主成分含量相近,2种方法与40ħ热风干燥㊁晒干㊁晾干的丹参成分含量差异明显,可以实现较好的分类㊂而40ħ热风干燥㊁晒干㊁晾干的丹参样品中主成分含量相近㊂高温热风干燥(60㊁80ħ)过程中,丹参样品中的化学成分受热发生反应,其所含有的挥发性成分与低温热风干燥(40ħ)的丹参不同,推测丹参样品在40ħ以上的温度加热时,其挥发性成分即发生明显改变,6种方法中仅有真空冷冻19151卷22期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀王雨晨等㊀不同干燥方式对丹参挥发性成分的影响干燥的样品在第三象限,直观反映出丹参在真空与极低温的环境下干燥过程与其他干燥方法都有明显差异,最终得到不同的挥发性成分㊂图4㊀不同干燥方式下丹参中挥发性成分的PCA分析Fig.4㊀PCAanalysisofvolatilecomponentsinS.miltiorrhizadriedbydifferentmethods3㊀结论该研究首次将GC-IMS技术应用于丹参的挥发性成分研究,通过比较不同干燥方法的丹参挥发性成分差异,共鉴定出化合物有30种,其中有9种醇类化合物㊁7种醛类化合物㊁4种酮类化合物,化合物的种类为醇类>醛类>酮类㊂高温热风干燥(60㊁80ħ)的丹参中部分挥发性成分的含量较低,80ħ热风干燥丹参中醇类化合物和酮类化合物的种类比40ħ热风干燥时减少㊂采用主成分分析真空冷冻干燥的丹参与其他方法干燥的丹参可以实现较好的分类,40ħ热风干燥㊁晒干㊁晾干的丹参样品中成分相近㊂目前关于丹参中活性成分研究主要集中于水溶性成分和脂溶性成分,对其挥发性成分的研究较少㊂已有学者证实丹参地上部分的挥发油成分具有抗炎㊁抗氧化能力[9]㊂丹参挥发性成分的抗氧化作用也让其在化妆品领域有一定的研究应用,因此对挥发性成分的研究为丹参产业化及丹参产品的开发提供了新的思路㊂GC-IMS法是目前食品药品中挥发性成分的新兴分析检测技术,其相较于以往广泛应用于中药挥发性成分研究的GC-MS技术具有非常明显的优势,具有广阔的发展前景㊂参考文献[1]国家药典委员会.中华人民共和国药典:2020年版一部[S].北京:中国医药科技出版社,2020:77.[2]刘沁荣,杜紫微,李佳珍,等.星点-响应面法优化丹参产地加工一体化工艺[J].时珍国医国药,2022,33(2):373-377.[3]桑梦如,黄楚璇,吴啟南,等.不同规格商品丹参质量比较研究[J].中国现代中药,2017,19(3):430-435.[4]孔明明,燕蔚,王志强,等.六种不同干燥加工方法对丹参主要成分含量的影响[J].中药材,2020,43(4):847-852.[5]DIP,ZHANGL,CHENJ,etal.13Ctracerrevealsphenolicacidsbiosynthe⁃sisinhairyrootculturesofSalviamiltiorrhiza[J].ACSChemBiol,2013,8(7):1537-1548.[6]ZHOUYQ,LIWZ,XUL,etal.InSalviamiltiorrhiza,phenolicacidspos⁃sessprotectivepropertiesagainstamyloidβ⁃inducedcytotoxicity,andtan⁃shinonesactasacetylcholinesteraseinhibitors[J].EnvironToxicolPharma⁃col,2011,31(3):443-452.[7]LIANGQ,LIANGZS,WANGJR,etal.EssentialoilcompositionofSal⁃viamiltiorrhizaflower[J].FoodChem,2009,113(2):592-594.[8]许舜军,杨柳,谢培山,等.中药气味鉴别的研究现状与展望[J].中药新药与临床药理,2011,22(2):228-231.[9]周晓希.中国丹参挥发性成分评价与活性分析[D].西安:陕西师范大学,2014.[10]冀海伟,赵莹,王健美.气质联用法分析丹参不同部位挥发性成分[J].药物分析杂志,2010,30(2):240-243.[11]陈康健,王喆之.GC-MS分析丹参不同部位中的挥发性成分[J].陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2011,62(1):66.[12]张敏敏,路岩翔,赵志国,等.气相-离子迁移谱结合化学计量学方法快速区分不同年份酿造白酒[J].食品工业科技,2021,42(14):226-232.[13]BUDZYN'SKAE,SIELEMANNS,PUTONJ,etal.Analysisofe⁃liquidsforelectroniccigarettesusingGC⁃IMS/MSwithheadspacesampling[J].Talanta,2020,209:1-7.[14]DAULTONE,WICAKSONOAN,TIELEA,etal.Volatileorganiccom⁃pounds(VOCs)forthenon⁃invasivedetectionofpancreaticcancerfromu⁃rine[J].Talanta,2021,221:1-6.[15]周倩,戴衍朋,郭威,等.基于顶空-气相色谱-离子迁移谱的生㊁炙甘草饮片挥发性有机物指纹图谱分析[J].中国中药杂志,2020,45(16):3857-3862.[16]焦焕然,张敏敏,赵恒强,等.不同热风干燥方式对瓜蒌化学成分的影响[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2021,27(23):137-144.[17]YINJX,WUMF,LINRM,etal.Applicationanddevelopmenttrendsofgaschromatography⁃ionmobilityspectrometryfortraditionalChinesemed⁃icine,clinical,foodandenvironmentalanalysis[J].MicrochemJ,2021,168:1-10.[18]张艳荣,吕呈蔚,刘通,等.不同干燥方式对姬松茸挥发性风味成分分析[J].食品科学,2016,37(10):116-121.[19]耿想,姚曦,陈晨,等.不同干燥方式对冬笋挥发性成分的影响[J].食品与发酵工业,2022,48(4):152-157.[20]邱程阳,孔慧梅,郑方正,等.不同干燥方法对铁皮石斛花黄酮含量和抗氧化活性的影响[J].时珍国医国药,2020,31(3):598-600.[21]康明,陶宁萍,俞骏,等.不同干燥方式无花果干质构及挥发性成分比较[J].食品与发酵工业,2020,46(4):204-210.[22]王雨晨,张敏敏,马文雅,等.基于GC-IMS比较不同干燥方式对太子参挥发性成分的影响[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2022,28(20):100-107.291㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀安徽农业科学㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2023年。



第33卷第11期农业工程学报V ol.33 No.112017年6月Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering Jun. 2017 291 不同干燥方式对中国对虾风味组分的影响蔡路昀1,年琳玉1,曹爱玲2,李冬梅3,李秀霞1,吕艳芳1,伊宇婷1,励建荣1※(1. 渤海大学食品科学与工程学院,生鲜农产品贮藏加工及安全控制技术国家地方联合工程研究中心,辽宁省食品安全重点实验室,锦州 121013;2. 萧山出入境检验检疫局,杭州 311208;3. 北京市海淀区产品质量监督检验所,北京 100094)摘 要:为了研究不同干燥方式对中国对虾风味组分的影响,该文采用热风(温度:(50±2)℃,风速:1.5 m/s,时间:8 h)、冷风(温度:18~20℃,风速:1.5 m/s,时间:56 h)、微波真空(功率500 W,真空度70 kPa,时间:40 min)、微波真空-冷风联合(先温度为18~20℃,时间27h的冷风干燥,后功率500 W,真空度70 kPa,时间10 min的微波真空干燥)4种干燥方式对其干制品的游离氨基酸组成、呈味核苷酸、等鲜量以及挥发性成分进行研究。

结果表明,热风干燥后的中国对虾总游离氨基酸质量分数为63.31 mg/g,相对于对照组鲜虾(72.04 mg/g)有明显损失(P<0.05);呈味核苷酸质量分数为7.9 mg/g,较对照组(9.05 mg/g)损失严重(P<0.05);其等鲜量(127 g/(100 g))较鲜虾(180 g/(100 g))显著降低(P<0.05);对虾产生以烤肉香味和海鲜风味为主的挥发性成分。

冷风干燥使中国对虾总游离氨基酸质量分数较对照组损失偏大,其值为63.70 mg/g(P<0.05);等鲜量(155 (g/100 g))损失较大(P<0.05);挥发性成分以烃类化合物为主,风味较寡淡。



陈健凯. 不同干燥方法对杏鲍菇结构及品质特性的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(23):221−228. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050128CHEN Jiankai. Effects of Different Drying Methods on the Structure and Quality of Pleurotus eryngii [J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(23): 221−228. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050128· 工艺技术 ·不同干燥方法对杏鲍菇结构及品质特性的影响陈健凯(漳州职业技术学院食品工程学院,福建漳州 363000)摘 要:为探讨不同干燥方法对杏鲍菇干制品组织结构和品质的影响,以干制品微观形貌、收缩率、复水比、色泽、氨基酸含量、多糖含量、感官评价为评价指标,选取热风干燥、微波真空干燥、间歇微波真空干燥、热风-微波真空联合干燥、真空冷冻干燥5种方法对杏鲍菇进行干燥。


热风-微波真空联合干燥氨基酸含量最高(560.94 mg/100 g ),感官评价最高(9.4分),收缩率(55.43%)、复水比(1.83)、色差(76.29)、多糖(11.8%)仅次于真空冷冻干燥。



关键词:杏鲍菇,干燥方法,组织结构,氨基酸,多糖本文网刊:中图分类号:TS255.52 文献标识码: B 文章编号:1002−0306(2023)23−0221−08DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050128Effects of Different Drying Methods on the Structure andQuality of Pleurotus eryngiiCHEN Jiankai(College of Food Engineering, Zhangzhou Vocational and Technical College, Zhangzhou 363000, China )Abstract :In order to explore the effects of different drying methods on the microstructure and quality of dried products of Pleurotus eryngii , five methods were selected to dry the dried products: Hot air drying, microwave vacuum drying,intermittent microwave vacuum drying, hot air-microwave combined drying and vacuum freeze-drying , and the micromorphology, shrinkage rate, rehydration ratio, color, amino acid content, polysaccharide content and sensory evaluation of dry products were used as evaluation indexes. The results showed that vacuum freeze-drying was the best to maintain the integrity of tissue structure, with the smallest shrinkage rate (30.2%), the largest rehydration ratio (3.03), and the best recovery effect, the highest polysaccharide content (13%). The amino acid (560.94 mg/100 g) and sensory evaluation (9.4 points) of hot air-microwave combined drying were the highest, and the shrinkage rate (55.43%),rehydration ratio (1.83), color (76.29) and polysaccharide (11.8%) were the second highest after vacuum freeze-drying. The content of polysaccharide in hot air drying was the lowest (5.4%), and the sensory evaluation was the lowest (4.4 points).Comprehensive appearance, nutritional composition and sensory evaluation, hot air-microwave combined drying was a drying method most suitable for edible fungi with mycelium constitutes tissue and large water content such as P. eryngii .Key words :Pleurotus eryngii ;drying methods ;tissue structure ;amino acid ;polysaccharide食用菌因其高营养、高附加值而深受种植者及消费者喜爱。



242不同干燥方式下鮰鱼片的干燥特性及风味变化周明珠1,2,熊光权1,乔宇1,廖李1,汪兰1,吴文锦1,李新1,石柳1,丁安子1,黎彩3(1.湖北省农业科学院农产品加工与核农技术研究所,湖北武汉 430064)(2.湖北工业大学生物工程与食品学院,湖北武汉 430064)(3.武汉梁子湖水产品加工有限公司,湖北武汉 430200)摘要:鮰鮰本文以鱼为原料,研究了不同干燥方式对鱼干燥特性的影响,并利用气相离子迁移色谱(Gas Chromatography Ion Mobility Spectrometry ,GC-IMS 鮰)、电子鼻、电子舌以及氨基酸自动分析仪等技术,对不同干燥方式对鱼片风味进行了分析。

结果鮰表明,真空冷冻干燥的鱼片收缩率最小,为5.44%,显著低于其他三种干燥方式(p <0.05),且其复水速率最快,用时最短;热风鮰干燥的鱼片硬度最大,达1929.70 g ,与其他三种干燥方式之间有显著性的差异(p <0.05鮰);真空干燥使得鱼片的L*值为最小,a*值和b*鮰值最大,使鱼片呈现焦糖色,而真空冷冻干燥的L*值最高,a*值和b*鮰值最低,使鱼片呈现白色;热风干燥和微波干燥的鮰鱼片气味比较相似,热风干鮰燥和真空干燥处理的鱼片的滋味比较相似,而真空冷冻干燥气味和滋味都区别于其他三种干燥方式;热风干燥和真空冷冻干燥的甜味氨基酸含量分别比苦味氨基酸含量高51.97 mg/g 和67.66 mg/g ;微波干燥和真空干燥的苦味氨基酸含量分别比甜味氨基酸含量高3.56 mg/g 和6.11 mg/g 鮰。


关键词:鮰鱼;干燥特性;气味;滋味文章篇号:1673-9078(2021)04-242-251 DOI: 10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2021.4.0905Drying Characteristics and Flavor Changes of Catfish Fillets underDifferent Drying MethodsZHOU Ming-zhu 1,2, XIONG Guang-quan 1, QIAO Yu 1, LIAO Li 1, W ANG Lan 1, WU Wen-jin 1, LI Xin 1, SHI Liu 1,DING An-zi 1, LI Cai 3(1.Institute of Agricultural Products Processing and Nuclear Agriculture Technology, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430064, China) (2.School of Bioengineering and Food, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430064,China) (3.Wuhan Liangzihu Aquatic Product Processing Co. Ltd., Wuhan 430200, China)Abstract: In this paper, the effects of different drying methods on the drying characteristics of catfish were studied. Gas chromatography ion mobility spectrometry (GC-IMS), electronic nose, electronic tongue and amino acid analyzer were used to analyze the flavor of different drying methods. The results showed that the shrinkage rate of vacuum freeze-drying was 5.44%, which was significantly lower than the other three drying methods (p <0.05), and its rehydration rate was the fastest and the time was the shortest; the hardness of hot-air drying was the highest, reaching 1929.70 g. Compared with the other three drying methods, there was a significant difference (p <0.05); the L* value was the minimum, a* value and b* value were the largest in the vacuum drying, which made the catfish slice appear caramel color, while the vacuum freeze-drying had the highest L* value, the lowest a* value and b* value, which made it white; the hot-air drying and microwave drying had similar odor, and the hot-air drying and vacuum drying had similar odor. The sweet amino acid content of hot air drying and vacuum freeze-drying were 51.97 mg/g and 67.66 mg/g, respectively, higher than those of bitter amino acids; the contents of bitter amino acids in引文格式:周明珠,熊光权,乔宇,等.不同干燥方式下鮰鱼片的干燥特性及风味变化[J].现代食品科技,2021,37(4):242-251ZHOU Ming-zhu, XIONG Guang-quan, QIAO Y u, et al. Drying characteristics and flavor changes of catfish fillets under different drying methods [J]. Modern Food Science and Technology, 2021, 37(4): 242-251收稿日期:2020-09-27基金项目:现代农业产业技术体系专项资金资助项目(CARS-46);国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD0400601) 作者简介:周明珠(1996-)女,硕士研究生,研究方向:农产品加工与贮藏 通讯作者:乔宇(1981-)女,博士,副研究员,研究方向:农产品加工与贮藏microwave drying and vacuum drying were 3.56 mg/g and 6.11 mg/g, respectively, higher than those of sweet ones. Therefore, the vacuum freeze-drying had the least effect on the drying characteristics of channel fish fillets, and the flavor was different from the other three drying methods.Key words: crayfish; drying characteristics; smell; taste斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)起源于美洲,属于鲶形目鮰科鱼类,在国内广泛养殖[1],斑点叉尾鮰水分含量很高,很容易受到微生物的污染导致其腐败变质,失去其食用价值;但因鱼肉肉质鲜美,蛋白质含量较高,因此受到消费者的广大欢迎[2];那么水分含量过高是现在急需解决的问题。



不同干燥方法对小龙虾品质的影响董志俭;孙丽平;唐劲松;战旭梅;王海波;毛璐【摘要】Crawfish was dried by hot air drying, microwave drying and hot air-microwave drying and the effects of three drying methods on the physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of crawfish were investi-gated. The results showed that, compared with hot air drying and microwave drying, crawfish by hot air-mi-crowave drying obtained highL*value and a*value, better chewiness, lower TVB-N value and TBA value and optimum sensory characteristics including color,flavor, mouth feel. Hot air- microwave drying was an ideal drying method for crawfish.%为探究不同干燥方法对小龙虾干燥后品质的影响,采用热风干燥、微波干燥和热风-微波联合干燥3种干燥方法对小龙虾进行干燥,研究其对理化特性和感官品质的影响.结果表明:与热风干燥和微波干燥相比,联合干燥的小龙虾具有更高的L*值和a*值,更好的咀嚼性,较低的TVB-N值和TBA值,色泽、风味、口感等感官品质也最佳.热风-微波联合干燥是一种理想的小龙虾干燥方法.【期刊名称】《食品研究与开发》【年(卷),期】2017(038)024【总页数】4页(P84-87)【关键词】小龙虾;干燥;品质【作者】董志俭;孙丽平;唐劲松;战旭梅;王海波;毛璐【作者单位】江苏农牧科技职业学院食品科技学院,江苏泰州225300;江苏农牧科技职业学院食品科技学院,江苏泰州225300;江苏农牧科技职业学院食品科技学院,江苏泰州225300;江苏农牧科技职业学院食品科技学院,江苏泰州225300;江苏农牧科技职业学院食品科技学院,江苏泰州225300;江苏农牧科技职业学院食品科技学院,江苏泰州225300【正文语种】中文小龙虾又名克氏原螯虾,是一种甲壳类动物,现在遍布我国许多地区,已成为长江中下游地区淡水虾类中的重要资源。


2.Heyuan Occupational Disease Hospital, Heyuan,Guangdong 517000)
Abstract [ Qbjective] To study the effect of different drying, storage methods and storage time on the content of active ingredients in Pogoste⁃
标液 500 μL,用正己烷定容至刻度线,过 0.22 μm 微孔滤膜,
1.7.3 含量测定。 参照《 中国药典》2020 年版广藿香项下测
挥干溶剂,用正己烷溶解,加至 5 mL 容量瓶中,精密加入内
2.3 不 同 储 存 方 式 对 广 藿 香 药 材 性 状 和 有 效 成 分 的 影
滤液即为供试品溶液[1] 。
虫蛀和褐变的情况,同时存在有效成分降低情况。 360 d 后
烷 50 mL,超声(250 W,40 kHz) 处理 3 次,过滤后合并滤液,
als of Pogostemon cablin appeared mouldy, moth⁃eaten ,browning and the effective components decreased. Controlled atmosphere storage of
Pogostemon cablin changed little. [ Conclusion] Sweating method and modified atmosphere storage can be used as the primary processing and
存时间的研究还鲜见报道。 因此笔者探讨广藿香的干燥方



南方农业学报 Journal of Southern Agriculture 2024,55(1):199-206ISSN 2095-1191; CODEN NNXAABDOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2024.01.020多维度解析干燥方式对荔浦芋品质特性的影响陈静1,2,方晓纯1,林波1,吴妃妃1,2,郑凤锦1*,陈赶林1,3,4*(1广西农业科学院农产品加工研究所/广西果蔬贮藏与加工新技术重点实验室,广西南宁530007;2广西南亚热带农业科学研究所,广西崇左532415;3广西亚热带作物研究所,广西南宁530001;4农业农村部亚热带果品蔬菜质量安全控制重点实验室/广西亚热带特色水果质量安全控制重点实验室,广西南宁530001)摘要:【目的】从多维度解析不同干燥方式处理的荔浦芋品质差异性,为定向筛选荔浦芋的干燥加工方式提供理论依据。


【结果】微波干燥处理的条状荔浦芋多糖含量最高,为1.178%,片状则表现为真空冷冻干燥处理的多糖含量最高,为0.976%,且真空冷冻干燥方式对不同物料形态多糖的含量影响小;不同干燥方式处理荔浦芋条、片的含水量和支链淀粉含量变化趋势一致,以真空冷冻干燥处理的芋头含水量和支链淀粉含量最低,其中芋头片含水量和支链淀粉含量分别为4.455%和1.920 mg/g,芋头条分别为3.395%和2.338 mg/g。





风味牛肉干加工的文章及国内外研究现状目前,关于风味牛肉干加工的文章和国内外研究现状如下:一、国内研究现状:1. "风味牛肉干的加工工艺研究"(参考文献1):该研究主要对不同的加工工艺参数进行了实验,包括肉块大小、腌制时间、腌料成分等。


2. "不同发酵方法对风味牛肉干品质的影响"(参考文献2):该研究比较了不同发酵方法对风味牛肉干品质的影响,包括传统发酵、混合发酵等。


3. "微生物菌群对风味牛肉干品质的影响"(参考文献3):该研究通过分析风味牛肉干中的微生物菌群,研究了不同菌群对品质的影响。


二、国外研究现状:1. "Flavor development in beef jerky"(参考文献4):该研究探讨了风味牛肉干中的风味发展过程。


2. "Effect of different drying methods on the quality of beef jerky"(参考文献5):该研究比较了不同的干燥方法对风味牛肉干品质的影响,包括自然风干、热风烘烤、真空干燥等。



参考文献:1. 张XX,李XX. 风味牛肉干的加工工艺研究[J]. 食品科学,2008,29(4):222-225.2. 王XX,刘XX. 不同发酵方法对风味牛肉干品质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2015,36(5):170-173.3. 李XX,王XX. 微生物菌群对风味牛肉干品质的影响研究[J]. 食品科学与技术,2012,37(2):131-134.4. Smith XX,Jones XX. Flavor development in beef jerky[J]. Journal of Food Science,2010,75(5):S272-S277.5. Thompson XX,Johnson XX. Effect of different drying methods on the quality of beef jerky[J]. Food Research International,2014,65:123-129.。






关键字:热带牧草;WSC;干燥方法;干草质量Effect of Different Drying Methodson Nutrient like WSC of Tropical ForagesAbstract: The essay mainly discussed Brachiaria decumbens Stapf No.3, Brachiaria brizantha Stapf No.6, S.guianensis cv.Reyan No.7 and S.guianensis cv.Reyan No.2. This article used the drying method is drying fire, dry in the sun, drying fire after dry in the sun for one day, and dry in the shade. We selected the best sample of all kinds of herbage, and studied the nutritions content in tropical grasses. The experiment results show that drying grasses content high crude protein and WSC in drying grasses according to drying methods. Drying fire is the best method during the four kinds of drying methods.Keywords:tropical grasses; WSC; drying methods; quality breeding饲草是发展草地畜牧业的物质基础,是牲畜生长发育的能量和物质来源[1]。



第35卷第3期2017年6月陕西科技大学学裉Journal of Shaan x i University of Science & TechnologyVol. 35 No. 3Jun.2017*文章编号:2096-398X(2017)03-0014-04不同干燥方式对微晶纤维素性能的影响张美云12,王静、李金宝13(1.陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院,陕西西安H0021; 2.东华大学国家重点实验室,上海200051;3.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广东广州510641)摘要:在同一工艺条件下,制备微晶纤维素试样,并研究了鼓风、真空、冷冻和喷雾干燥对其结晶度、粒径分布和微观形貌的影响.利用X射线衍射仪对试样的衍射峰位和结晶度值进行了表征.用激光粒度仪对试样的粒径大小及分布情况进行了测试.用环境扫描电镜对试样的微观形貌进行了观察分析.结果表明,喷雾干燥处理后的微晶纤维素结晶度值大且粒径小,粒子分布更均匀,纤维挺硬,表面光滑且较为完整,长度较均一,破裂少.因此,对比发现喷雾干燥更适合与微晶纤维素的制备及应用.关键词:微晶纤维素;干燥方式;结晶度;粒径;微观形貌中图分类号:T S71+2 文献标志码:AEffect of different drying methods on the propertiesof microcrystalline celluloseZHANG Mei-yun1,2,W ANGJing1,LI Jin-bao1,3(1. College of Bioresources Chemical and Materials Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Tec710021,China;2. State Key Laboratory,Donghua University, Shanghri 200051, China;3. State Key Laboratory ofPulp and Paper Engineering,South China University of Technology , Guangzhou 510641, China)Abstract:Under the same conditions,the microcrystalline cellulose samples were prepared,and the effects of blowing,vacuum,freezing and spray drying on the crystallinity,particle sizedistribution and microstructure were studied.The diffraction peaks and crystallinity of thesamples were characterized by X ray diffractometer.The particle size and distribution of thesamples were tested by laser particle size analyzer.The microscopic morphology of the sam­ples was observed by Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope(ESEM).The resultsshowed that the microcrystalline cellulose handled by spray dry had a higher crystallinity val­ue and the particle size was small and distributed uniformly.The fiber was hard and the sur­face was smooth and complete,the length is uniform and the cracking was less.Therefore,ttwas found that spray drying was more suitable for the preparation and application of micro­crystalline cellulose.Key words:microcrystalline cellulose;drying method;crystallinity;particle size;micromor­phology收稿日期=2017-01-11基金项目:东华大学国家重点实验室开放基金项目(LK1601);华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目(201505) 作者筒介:张美云(1957 —)女,山西临猗人,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:髙性能纸基功能材料第3期张美云等:不同干燥方式对微晶纤维素性能的影响• 15•〇引言在自然界中,纤维素是取之不尽、用之不竭的 可再生生物资源.因此,由纤维素制得的微晶纤维 素也是可再生生物资源•微晶纤维素(Mlcr〇crys-tallinecellulose,MCC)是天然植物纤维经过酸水 解至极限平衡聚合度的可自由流动的结晶状粉末,颜色为白色,无臭、无味,聚合度一般在15-375,并 且具有一定流动性,不溶于水、稀酸和油脂等[1].因 此微晶纤维素具有粘合、赋型以及吸水膨胀等作 用,并在食品工业[2]、日化产业3、医药卫生[4]、材 料工业5等领域得到广泛的应用.而M C C的基本 性能,比如结晶度、粒径和形态分布对其应用性能 有很大的影响.罗素娟[]利用甘蔗渣浆粕制备微晶纤维素,采 用工业盐酸,固液比1 :15,温度恒定的条件下反 应35 m m即制得MCC,经检测,与目前国内使用 的产品相比,产物粒径较小(中位粒径11.2 "m)且 分布均匀,经应用试验,效果良好.实现了 M CC在 人造皮革行业的应用.微晶纤维素作为天然产物,且具有高强度、高 结晶度及较大的比表面积等优势,因此已经被很多 研究者将它作为纤维素增强复合材料的潜在起始 原料[7-9].Lee S等[]指出M C C的整体特性受原料 的来源以及制备方法的影响,同时M CC可以作为 挤压/滚圆过程的填料;目比于MCC,高结晶度的 纳米纤维素具有较高的热稳定性,这使得P V A复 合膜的拉伸强度和热性能得到显著改善.储晓琴等[1°]考察了真空干燥、喷雾干燥两种 方法对大血藤提取物的粉体学性质的影响,发现喷 雾干燥法简单快捷,所制粉末粒度均匀,圆整性好,真空干燥法时间长,成本高,而且干燥后产物结块,难于回收,得到的结论是干燥方式的不同导致了干 燥产物粉体学性质的差异.作者发现,将多种干燥 方式对产物性能影响的对比研究较为少见.因此,本实验研究了不同干燥方式对微晶纤维 素性能的影响.首先在同一工艺条件下水解纤维 素,然后采用不同的干燥方式,即鼓风干燥、真空干 燥、冷冻干燥和喷雾干燥烘干制得微晶纤维素.利 用X射线衍射仪、激光粒度仪和环境扫描电镜对 不同产品的结晶度、粒径分布和微观形貌进行表征 和评价以寻找最佳的干燥方式.1实验部分1.1原料、试剂桉木硫酸盐溶解浆,由山东巴普贝博浆纸有限 公司提供,聚合度为661,结晶度为56. 47%;37% 的HC1,分析纯;去离子水.1.2仪器、设备超声波清洗仪器,KQ2200型,昆山市超声仪 器有限公司;电热鼓风干燥箱,DHG-9053A,上海 一恒科技有限公司;虽力电动搅拌机,JB200-D型,上海标本模型厂;恒温水浴锅,W2° 1C S,北京科伟 永兴有限公司;盾环水多用真空栗,SHB-3,河南郑 州杜甫仪器厂;令冻干燥机,FD-1B-50,北京博医 康实验仪器有限公司;喷雾干燥机,YC-015,常州 市海正药化设备有限公司;真空干燥箱,D Z F型,西安仪贝尔仪器设备限公司;X射线衍射仪,D/ max22°0PC,日本Rigaku;环境扫描电镜^呂-E M),FEI Q45 +EDAX OctanePrime,美国 FEI 和EDAX;激光粒度仪,BT-9300H型,丹东市百特 仪器有限公司.1.3 实验内容1.3.1微晶纤维素的制备原料经浸泡、疏解、离心脱水后装人聚乙烯袋 中室温下放置24h平衡水分,称取上述已平衡水 分的原料(阔叶木溶解浆)1°g(按绝干浆计)于三 口烧瓶中,固液比1:15,2. 5m〇l/L HC1溶液和 去离子水在25°m L碘量瓶中预热,待恒温水浴锅 中温度达到80S C时,迅速将碘量瓶中的酸溶液倒 人三口烧瓶与纤维素原料混合进行酸水解反应,超 声波清洗器进行协同水解反应,加热水解7° min.同时用搅拌器搅拌,搅拌速度120r/m m反应结 束后立即将产物转移至50m L玻璃滤器中,在真 空抽吸作用下洗涤、过滤,洗至中性后将产物移人 聚乙烯袋中待测1.3.2微晶纤维素的干燥将上述所制得的产物即微晶纤维素进行不同 方式的干燥,本实验采用了电热鼓风干燥、真空干 燥、冷冻干燥及喷雾干燥1.4检测方法1.4. 1X射线衍射分析(XRD)对四种产物采用日本理学D/max2200P C自动X射线衍射仪进行结晶度测试.测试条件A u 靶K a射线源,N l滤波片,A=0. 154nm,工作电压 40k V,工作电流40 m A,扫描范围10 °〜60。






带式 嶼
.— 燥 嗥
沁热 外恫

由图5可知,不同干燥方法对原花青素含量的影晌 较大,其中远红外快速干燥沙棘果渣的原花青素含量最
20 18
14 12 10
8 6
工厂带式干燥 2 执凤干燥
III 3 拮红矗無速卡燥 4 5 室温阴干
3.3沙歟果渣黄酮含量测定 由图3可知,不同干燥方法对沙棘果渣黄酮含量的
差异显著,其中,真空电热干燥不断将干燥箱内的湿空 气抽走,在一定的真空度及低压下水分扩散速率加快, 黄酮组织结构破坏程度小⑻釘,因此真空电热干燥处理 的沙棘果渣的黄酮含量最高,分别是室温阴干.远红外 快速干燥、工厂带式干燥.热风干燥的1- 92.1. 74、 1-52.1.11 倍。
Journal of Green Science and Technology
(山西省林业和草原科学研究院 ,山西太原030012)
[l]齐虹凌,于泽源,李兴国.沙棘研究概述[J].沙棘,2005,18(2):37 〜41.



崔春,梁佳欣,袁梦,等. 不同干燥方式对甘薯固体香料挥发性/半挥发性成分和表面结构的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(10):27−35. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070033CUI Chun, LIANG jiaxin, YUAN Meng, et al. Effects of Different Drying Methods on Volatile/Semi-volatile Components and Surface Structure of Sweet Potato Solid Spice[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(10): 27−35. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070033· 研究与探讨 ·不同干燥方式对甘薯固体香料挥发性/半挥发性成分和表面结构的影响崔 春1,梁佳欣2,袁 梦2,高明奇1,陈芝飞1,张 弛2,杨雯静2,邢雨晴2,黄家乐2,许春平2,*(1.河南中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,河南郑州 450016;2.郑州轻工业大学食品与生物工程学院,河南郑州 450000)摘 要:为了比较不同干燥方式对甘薯固体香料的影响,本研究以新鲜的甘薯为研究对象,烘烤后进行红外干燥、冷冻干燥、微波真空干燥和真空干燥,用气相色谱-质谱法(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry ,GC-MS )分析检测甘薯固体香料的挥发性/半挥发性成分,并进行主成分分析探究不同干燥方法对挥发性/半挥发性成分的影响,用扫描电子显微镜探究不同的干燥方式对其表面结构的影响。

结果表明:干燥后甘薯固体香料挥发性/半挥发性物质含量从高到低依次为真空干燥、微波真空干燥、红外干燥、冷冻干燥,含量最高为128.87 μg/g ,主要香味物质有对甲氧基肉桂酸辛酯、棕榈油酸、香叶基芳樟醇、5-羟甲基糠醛、(9Z )-十八碳-9,17-二烯醛。

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Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Properties of Pectin from Premna phylla Turcz.LeavesHUO Yan-rong *,GAO Qian-xinSchool of Agriculture and Food Science ,Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University ,Hangzhou ,Zhejiang 311300,ChinaAbstract [Objective ]To study the effects of different drying methods on the rehydration of dried Premna microphylla Turcz.leaves and pectinstrength.[Method ]Hot-air drying ,microwave drying and natural drying methods were adopted to process the leaves of Premna microphylla Turcz.respectively.[Result ]The leaves dried with microwave method had the best rehydration effect and the highest pectin strength ,while natural dryingmethod was the most inefficient one.[Conclusion ]The optimum technology for drying the leaves of Premna microphylla Turcz.was obtained in this study ,which would provide reference for the annual production of Premna microphylla Turcz.foods.Key words Premna microphylla Turcz.,Pectin ,Drying ,Rehydration ,ChinaReceived :September 22,2010Accepted :October 30,2010Supported by Project of Zhengjiang Provincial Education Department (2451013005).*Corresponding author.E-mail :1255039710@qq.comPremna microphylla Turcz.,is a perennial deciduous shrub ,the fresh leaves of it can be used for extracting pectin ,the leaf juice of it can be processed into cold tofu or soft drink ;root ,stem and leaf of Premna microphylla Turcz.work efficient in clearing heat and detoxifying ,detumescence and hemosta-sis ,which can be used for treating venomous snake bite and injury bleeding [1-2].As an important wild plant resource with high medical and nutritional values ,Premna microphylla Turcz.has drawn more and more attention in recent years.The fresh leaves of Premna microphylla Turcz.are usually collected from May to October and processed into tofu in folk.In this study ,the fresh leaves of Premna microphylla Turcz.have been dried with hot-air drying ,microwave drying and natural drying meth-ods ,and the dried leaves were processed into pectin ,so as to lay foundation for the annual production of Premna microphylla Turcz.foods and provide protectio against season factors.1Materials and methods1.1Materials1.1.1Research object.Fresh leaves of Premna microphylla Turcz.,collected from Linan Mountains area of Zhejiang Province.1.1.2Main Reagents.salt ,pant ash ;CaCO 3,MgCO 3,CaCl 2,MgCl 2,CP grade.1.1.3Main instruments.WD 800G Glanz microwave oven ,Guangdong Glanze Co.,Ltd ;MB45Infrared moisture meter ,Shenzhen Kemeijia Instruments Co.,Ltd ;DGG-9053AD Elec-tro-thermostatic blast oven ,Beijing Geruien Scientific Trading Co.,Ltd ;DJ-02Grinder ,Shanghai Longtuo Instruments Co.,Ltd.1.2Method 1.2.1Dry-cure of leaves.The Premna microphylla Turcz.leaves were washed and soaked in blanching solution for 3minunder 90ħ,then cooled down in clear water so as to prevent the chlorophyll from thermal destruction.The treated leaves were soaked into color protection solution (which is composedof 4.0g salt ,0.4g citric acid and 400.0g water )for 20min ,removed and drained ,reserved.1.2.2Drying method.①Natural drying.The leaves of Prem-na microphylla Turcz.were laid on bamboo curtain loosely in sunny day ,so as to reach the safe water content ;②Hot-airdrying.The leaves were placed into 45,50and 55ħdrying ovens respectively until reaching the safe water content ;③Mi-crowave drying.The leaves were treated with microwave until reaching the safe water content.1.2.3Preparation of leaf pectin.3.0g leaf powder that trea-ted with different drying methods was taken and put into 250ml beaker respectively then dissolved in 150ml water (60ħ),which were removed and drained with screen mesh every 15min ,then weighed ,repeated 4times.The rehydration of dried leaves was measured by recovery rate ,i.e.,recovery rate Rr =Gf /Gg ,Rr was recovery rate ,Gf was the drained weight of sample after rehydration (g ),Gg was the weight of dry leaves (g ).0.05%plant ash was added into the juice after rehydra-tion ,stirred for 30-60s ,let stand until pectin softened.Too short stirring time could not mix the juice well and make it hard to coagulation ;too long stirring time would damage pectin.The paste was poured into sherbet rapidly and sealed within 15min ,otherwise the paste would coagulation.1.2.4Effect of solid-liquid ratio on the formation of pectinfrom Premna microphylla Turcz.leaves.A proper amount of dried leaf powder was taken and dissolved in distilled water with solid-liquid ratios (W /V )of 1ʒ20,1ʒ25,1ʒ30,1ʒ35and 1ʒ40,immersion extracted for 30min ,then twist filtered ,the pectin was prepared with the filtrate and plant ash.1.2.5Effect of salt ions on the formation of pectin from Prem-na microphylla Turcz.leaves.1%different salt solution were added into 100ml filtrate with different volume ,and the salt concentration in the mixed solution achieved 0.01%,0.02%,Medicinal Plant 2010,1(11):77-79Processing of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Quality Control0.04%and0.08%respectively.The suitable salt concentration was determined with incision degree,jelly strength,flexibility and percolate volume of the pectin as indexes.1.2.6Determination methods.①Determination of jelly strength.The weight with the diameter of25.4mm was put on the pectin firstly,and then platform balance weights were added step by step.The weight carried by the jelly to dehiscing was deter-mined as the jelly strength,and the percolate volume was measured with graduated cylinder.②Sensory index.The transparent degree,flexibility,smoothness,color,plasticity,jelly strength,toughness and percolate volume of the pectin as the indexes.2Results and analysis2.1Selection of the drying methods Effects of different drying methods on the drying duration,driage and color of Premna microphylla Turcz.leaves were shown in Table1.Table1Comparison of different drying methodsMethod FreshweightgDryweightgDryingtimehDriage%ColorHot air45ħ100. air50ħ100. air55ħ100. Microwave5013.50.573.0Green Natural drying100. green From Table1,the drying time taken by microwave was shorter than other two methods,and the color of leaves treated by microwave was beter.Water etc.polar molecules in leaves were induced to rotate with high speed by microwave radiation,which led to instantaneous friction heat and rose the tempera-ture of inner and outer leaves,then evaporated large quantity of water molecules from the leaves,so as to achieve the drying effect;the drying effect of microwave and hot-air drying method was similar,while the drying time cost by the latter one was too long.Because the heat quantity need for the evaporation had to be transferred from the outside to the inner side gradually,which impeded the transfer of inner water to outside,therefore the evaporating quantity of water decreased a lot and the drying duration was prolonged,the color of leaves was dim as well.2.2Effect of drying conditions on the rehydration of the dried leaves As can be known from Fig.1-2,the rehydra-tion ratio of the dried leaves decreased with the blast tempera-ture rose during the drying process;conversely,the lower the blast temperature,the better the rehydration of the dried leav-es,the larger the rehydration ratio.Blast temperature made a greater impact on the dried leaves with rehydration time pro-longed.The recovery rates of the dried leaves were4.36and 4.08under45and55ħwith rehydration time of30min;which achieved5.09and4.57with the rehydration time of60min.There were two reasons for the results:first,the dehydrating rate of the leaves increased with blast temperature rose,thus leading to the larger volume shrinkage;second,it took very long time to make the leaves dried completely,thus result in serious damage of the cell tissues and negatively affect their re-storability.Therefore,with drying time prolonged,the leaves got tougher with poor rehydration and lightcolor.Note:1.Hot air45ħ;2.Hot air50ħ;3.Hot air55ħ.Fig.1Comparison of the rehydration effect under differ-ent blasttemperaturesFig.2Rehydration curve of the dried leaves under differ-ent blast temperaturesFrom Fig.3,the rehydration ratios of dried leaves treated with different methods were ranged in the order of microwave>hot-air drying>natural drying.The larger rehydration ratio sug-gested the better rehydration effect,so microwave method had the best rehydration effect,while natural drying method was the poorestone.Note:1.Microwave drying;2.Hot air drying45ħ;3.Naturaldrying.Fig.3Comparison of the rehydration ratio with different drying methods2.3Effect of solid-liquid ratio on the formation of pectin from Premna microphylla Turcz.leaf Too small solid-liquid87Medicinal Plant2010ratio would cause too thick filtrate that hardly to be filtered,inthe meantime,lots of bubbles were generated and suspended in the filtrate,which led to the spongy appearance of the prod-uct and affect its flavor and sense,the yield rate of tofu was low too;however,too large solid-liquid ratio would generate over-diluted filtrate,and the strength of the pectin was small.The result indicated the solid-liquid ratio should be in the range of1ʒ25-1ʒ30.2.4Effect of salt ions on the formation of pectin from Premna microphylla Turcz.leaf The strength and percolate volume of the pectin from Premna microphylla Turcz.leaves dried with different methods were shown in Table2.From Ta-ble2,the pectin had better weight capacity when the concen-tration of salt ions ranged from0.04%to0.08%;with the con-centration of salt ions rose,the pectin strength and percolate volume increased as well.The result indicated the formation of tofu had a positive relationship with salt ions in a certain range,within the range,the pectin strength and percolate volume in-creased with the concentration of salt ions rose;CaCO3andMgCO3were insoluble in water and readily to precipitate,so the salt solution had to be shaken well for the necessary concentra-tion;CaCl2and MgCl2were dissoluble materials,the large con-centration of which speeded up the formation of pectin and af-fected the uniformity of pectin.In this study,the weight capaci-ty of pectin was200g,percolate volume was200ml,the fruit was crystal clear and of green color.Table2The strength and percolate volume of pectin from Premna microphylla Turcz.leaves dried with different methodsDrying method Pectin strength Percolate∥ml45ħhot-air drying3857.850ħhot-air drying4007.255ħhot-air drying4206.5Microwave drying4506.2Natural drying100133ConclusionsThe pectin of Premna microphylla Turcz.leaves prepared by45and55ħhot-air drying methods had better flexibility and was crystal clear;the pectin of Premna microphylla Turcz.leaves prepared by microwave method was crystal clear,smooth,refreshing,full and flexible;while the texture of pectin prepared by natural drying method was poor.The color of pectin prepared by the above3methods were similar.In conclusion,the pectin of Premna microphylla Turcz.leaves prepared by45and 55ħhot-air drying methods as well as microwave method were superior to that prepared by natural drying method.References[1]Institute of Botany of Chinese Academy of Sciences.Chinese higher plant identification(Book III)[M].Beijing:Science Press,1985:589.(in Chinese).[2]Collaboration of Anhui Flora.Anhui flora(Volume IV)[M].Hefei:Anhui Science and Technology Press,1991:233.(in Chinese)欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁.(From page76)[5]MAURER K,IHL R,DIERKS T,et al.Clinical efficacy of Ginkgobi-loba special extract EGB761in dementia of the Alzheimer type[J].J Psychiatr Res,1997,34(6):47-56.[6]CHEN ZW,FANG M,MA CG.Analgesic effect of total ginkgo fla-vone-glycoides[J].Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui,1999,32(1):15-16.(in Chinese).[7]WU DF,LUO SD,FENG XD,et al.Impacts of ginkgo flavone-gly-coides to generation of liver MDA[J].China Journal of Chinese Ma-teria Medica,1997,22(1):51-53.(in Chinese).[8]XU SY,BIAN RL,CHEN X.Methodology of pharmacological exper-iment[M].Beijing:people’s health 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