Symmetry and asymmetry from local phase
Marine Animals without a Backbone Part 4
第七节 棘皮动物门 (Echinodermata)
全部海洋中生活,从浅海到深海。化 石20000多种,现存6000多种。 高度特化的后口动物
• 主要特征(General Characteristics) • 分类及代表种(Taxonomy & respective species) • 进化意义(Evolution & significance)
(Evolution & significance)
• 进化地位 棘皮动物为辐射型卵裂; • 具有内骨骼——中胚层起源的钙化骨片形成; • 内陷法形成原肠胚,肠腔法形成中胚层、真体腔; • 原胚孔——成体肛门,口——于原肠孔相对的一端形成—— 最原始的后口动物。 棘皮动物与此前讲述的无脊椎动物不同: • 它的卵裂、早期胚胎发育、中胚层的产生、体腔的形成、以 及骨骼由中胚层产生等,都与脊索动物有相同的地方,而不 同于无脊椎动物。 • 从成体口的形成和肛门的形成看,棘皮动物也同于脊椎动 物——棘皮动物、脊椎动物都属于后口动物——普遍认为, 脊索动物与棘皮动物具有相同的祖先。
•幼虫形态各异,但基本结构相同,都 是两侧对称,变态后成为辐射对称的 成体,因而其辐射对称称为次生性辐 射对称
羽腕幼虫、短腕幼虫、 海胆幼虫、蛇尾幼虫、 樽形幼虫、耳状幼虫、 五触手幼虫等
18:15 10
7.2 分类及代表种
医学英文知识点总结1. Anatomy and PhysiologyAnatomy is the study of the structure and shape of the human body, while physiology is the study of how the body functions. Understanding of the human body's structure and function is essential for healthcare providers, as it informs their diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.2. Cellular BiologyCellular biology is the study of cells, their structure, function, and interactions with one another. This knowledge is fundamental in understanding the mechanisms of disease, as many conditions stem from abnormalities in cellular processes.3. BiochemistryBiochemistry is the study of the chemical processes that occur within living organisms. Understanding biochemical pathways and the role of specific molecules in the body is crucial for diagnosing and treating metabolic diseases.4. PharmacologyPharmacology is the study of how drugs affect the body and vice versa. Healthcare providers need to have a solid understanding of pharmacology to select appropriate medications, determine dosages, and predict potential drug interactions or adverse effects.5. PathophysiologyPathophysiology is the study of how diseases and disorders alter the normal physiological processes of the body. Healthcare providers must understand the underlying mechanisms of diseases to make accurate diagnoses and develop effective treatment plans.6. Medical EthicsMedical ethics is the moral principles that guide the conduct of healthcare professionals in their practice. Understanding the ethical considerations of patient care, research, and public health is essential for ensuring the well-being and autonomy of patients.7. EpidemiologyEpidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specific populations. Healthcare providers use epidemiological data to identify patterns of disease, assess risk factors, and develop strategies for disease prevention and control.8. Medical History TakingTaking a thorough and accurate medical history is essential in diagnosing and treating patients. Healthcare providers must ask targeted questions to gather information about a patient's symptoms, medical history, family history, and social history.9. Physical ExaminationConducting a systematic and comprehensive physical examination is essential for assessing a patient's overall health. Healthcare providers must be proficient in techniques such as inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation to identify abnormalities and make accurate diagnoses.10. Diagnostic TestingInterpreting diagnostic tests such as blood work, imaging studies, and electrocardiograms is essential for diagnosing and monitoring medical conditions. Healthcare providers must understand the indications for specific tests, their limitations, and the interpretation of results.11. Clinical Decision MakingClinical decision making involves synthesizing patient information, medical knowledge, and available evidence to make informed choices about patient care. Healthcare providers must weigh the risks and benefits of treatment options and involve patients in shared decision making.12. Patient CommunicationEffective communication with patients is essential for building trust, conveying information, and involving patients in their care. Healthcare providers must use clear, empathetic, and culturally sensitive communication to ensure patient understanding and engagement.13. Patient EducationPatient education is crucial for empowering patients to manage their health and participate in treatment decisions. Healthcare providers must provide relevant information about medical conditions, treatment options, lifestyle modifications, and self-care strategies. 14. Preventive MedicinePreventive medicine aims to reduce the incidence and impact of disease through health promotion, disease prevention, and early detection. Healthcare providers must understand risk factors, screening guidelines, and immunization schedules to promote primary and secondary prevention.15. Interprofessional CollaborationInterprofessional collaboration involves working with other healthcare professionals to optimize patient care. Healthcare providers must effectively communicate, coordinate care, and respect each other's expertise to achieve positive patient outcomes.16. Patient SafetyPatient safety involves addressing the risks, errors, and harm in healthcare to prevent adverse events and promote a culture of safety. Healthcare providers must implement strategies to improve medication safety, prevent healthcare-associated infections, and reduce diagnostic errors.17. Quality ImprovementQuality improvement involves systematic efforts to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and safety of healthcare delivery. Healthcare providers must use data-driven approaches to identify and address opportunities for improvement in patient care.18. Global HealthGlobal health focuses on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Healthcare providers must understand the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health to address global health challenges such as infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, and health disparities.19. Medical ResearchMedical research aims to advance knowledge in healthcare and improve patient outcomes. Healthcare providers must understand research methodology, scientific evidence, and ethical considerations to critically appraise research findings and apply them to practice.20. Healthcare PolicyHealthcare policy involves the development and implementation of regulations, laws, and programs to improve the delivery, quality, and cost-effectiveness of healthcare. Healthcare providers must understand healthcare policy to advocate for patients, promote health equity, and address healthcare disparities.In conclusion, a comprehensive understanding of medical knowledge points is essential for healthcare providers to provide high-quality, safe, and effective care to patients. Continual learning and application of these knowledge points are crucial for improving patient outcomes and advancing the field of medicine.。
酸值(价):中和1g 油脂中的自由脂酸所需KOH 的mg 数。
[关键词]商陆;化学成分;药理作用;质量标志物;质量控制[中图分类号]R284[文献标志码]A[文章编号]1674-0440(2020)03-0188-11DOI:10.13220/ki.jipr.2020.03.004Chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of Phytolaccae Radix and prediction of quality markers:research advancesHUANG Hong-wei,LIU Chuan-xin,YAN Chang-yang,XIAO Zhi-jun,LI Wei,KONG Jiao,LI Meng-yu,WANG Xiao-yu,FU Ting-ting,YAO Meng-xin,ZHANG Chen-ning*(College of Chinese Medicine,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing100029,China)[Abstract]Phytolaccae Radix is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine.In recent years,its study has gradually been deep⁃ened,and its effective ingredients and pharmacological effects have attracted much attention,and it has broad application prospects in the treatment of various diseases.Phytolaccae Radix mainly contains triterpenoid saponins,polysaccharides,flavonoids,phenolic ac⁃ids and other components.According to modern pharmacological studies,it has diuretic,immunomodulatory and expectorant effects. On the basis of the studies,and according to the definition of quality marker(Q-marker),we predict its Q-markers from the aspects of the traditional efficacy,traditional medicinal properties,new clinical use,measurable composition,composition changes before and after processing,the plasma composition,and so on,which provides a scientific basis for the quality evaluation of Phytolaccae Radix.[Key words]Phytolaccae Radix;chemical compositions;pharmacological effects;quality marker(Q-marker);quality control中药商陆(Phytolaccae Radix)为商陆科植物商陆(Phytolacca acinosa Roxb.)或垂序商陆(P.ameri⁃cana L.)的干燥根。
不同剂量甲氨蝶呤在异位妊娠患者治疗中血药浓度及疗效分析李宁DOI :10.11655/zgywylc2018.05.054作者单位:030006太原,山西省煤炭中心医院妇产科受精卵在子宫体腔以外着床称为异位妊娠,习称宫外妊娠,其中以输卵管妊娠多见,大约占所有患者的96%。
大多数输卵管性宫外妊娠患者在输卵管未破裂之前采用甲氨蝶呤(MTX )进行治疗,这种治疗能够杀死胚胎组织,同时也不破坏患者的输卵管组织,能够保持输卵管的畅通,疗效较好[2]。
本研究用不同浓度的MTX 对患者进行治疗,检测患者的血药浓度,并分析其临床疗效。
1资料与方法1.1一般资料选取2014年10月至2015年10月在本院应用MTX 进行治疗的宫外妊娠患者165例,将患者随机分为2组,即高剂量组(85例)与低剂量组(80例)。
高剂量组:患者年龄25~43岁,平均年龄(28±6)岁,平均受孕天数为(45±4)d ,平均体质量为(53±5)kg ;低剂量组:患者年龄26~41岁,平均年龄(27±8)岁,平均受孕天数为(44±3),平均体质量为(52±4)kg 。
经2组患者的年龄、平均受孕天数、平均体质量的差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),具有可比性。
2组患者均停经14d 以上,且伴随着腹部剧痛住院,没有出血现象。
1.2纳入排除标准纳入标准:无活动性内出血,生命体征稳定;B 超未见输卵管妊娠包块内有胎心搏动及胎芽;宫外妊娠包块最大径≤6cm ;宫外妊娠未破裂或流产型,内出血少;患者自愿要求MTX 治疗者。
第四章遗传物质的改变-动物遗传学习题第四章遗传物质的改变(一) 名词解释:1.转换(Transition):同型碱基的置换,一个嘌呤被另一个嘌呤替换;一个嘧啶被另一个嘧啶置换。
3.基因突变(gene mutation):指染色体上某一基因位点内部发生了化学性质的变化,与原来基因形成对应关系。
4.正向突变(forward mutation):野生型基因经过突变成为突变型基因的过程。
5.无义突变(nonssense mutation):碱基替换导致终止密码子(UAG UAA UGA)出现,使mRNA的翻译提前终止。
6.错义突变(missense mutation):碱基替换的结果引起氨基酸顺序的变化。
9.回复突变(back mutation):突变型基因通过突变而成为原来野生型基因。
10.自交不亲和性(self incompatibity):自花授粉不能受精(结实)或相同基因型异花授粉时不能受精的现象。
11.致死突变(1ethal mutation):能使生物体死亡的突变称为致死突变。
12.同义突变(samesense mutation):碱基替换翻译出的氨基酸不改变。
viously ( Zhao et al . 2005 a, b , 2006 ; Giannasi and Niklas, 1977; Niklas and Giannasi, 1977 , 1978; ) . Abundant plant and animal fossils occured in complicated strata in west Yunnan Province, China ( Ge et al . 1999) , part of which were buried in coal-bearing basins . Tsuga dumosa is an economically important conifer indigenous to the Yunnan Province of China (Southwest College of Forestry , Yunnan Forestry Administration , 1988) . Sesquilignans and lignans from this genus have been reported, previously (Zhao et al . 2004 , 2005c ) . A piece of Pliocene-fossil wood of T. dumosa , which was preserved morphologically , was discovered in an
Symmetry and asymmetry from local phase
1 Introduction
Under the most general de nition of symmetry an object is considered symmetric if it remains invariant under some transformation. Two forms of symmetry that we can readily identify in images are bilateral symmetry and rotational symmetry. An object exhibits bilateral symmetry if it remains invariant with respect to re ection about some axis. An object has rotational symmetry if it remains invariant with respect to rotations about some axis. This paper will mainly consider bilateral symmetry and in the following discussion where the word symmetry is used it should be taken to mean bilateral symmetry.
2 A Frequency Approach to Symmetry
An important aspect of symmetry is the periodicity that it implies in the structure of the object that one is looking at. Accordingly it is perhaps natural that one should use a frequency based approach in attempting to recognize and analyze symmetry in images. Indeed, an inspection of the Fourier series of some simple functions makes this very apparent. At points of symmetry and asymmetry we nd readily identi able patterns of phase. Figure 1 shows the Fourier series representation of both a square wave and a triangular wave. We can see that the axis of symmetry corresponds to the point where all the frequency components are at either the minimum or maximum points in their cycles, that is, where all the frequency components are at the most symmetric points in their cycles (the mid-point of the square wave and the peaks/troughs of the triangular wave). Similarly one can see that the axis of asymmetry corresponds to the point where all the frequency components are at the most asymmetric points in their cycles; the in ection point (the steps on the square wave and the mid-point of the ramp on the triangular wave).
10th Annual meeting of French Society of Pharmacology,73rd Annual meeting of Society of Physiology,27th pharmacovigilance meeting,54th APNET Seminar and 4th CHU CIC meeting (Corum Montpellier 10–12April 2006)1Training does not reverse the impairment of pulmonary artery relaxation in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertensive rats:involvement of L-arginine bioavailabilityL Goret a ,S Tanguy a ,I Guiraud b ,M Dauzat c ,P Obert a a Faculte´des Sciences,Je2426Laboratoire de Physiologie Cardiovasculaire A´l’Exercice,Avignon;b Faculte ´de Me ´decine,Laboratoire d’Histologie,embryologie,cytoge ´ne ´-tique,Nıˆmes;c Faculte ´de Me ´decine,Ea2992,dynamique des Incohe ´rences Cardiovasculaires A ´l’Exercice,Nıˆmes Introduction:Hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension is associated with deleterious effects on the nitric oxide mediated endothelium-dependent pulmonary artery relaxation.We previously demonstrated that pulmonary artery relaxation was not improved by exercise training in pulmonary hypertensive rats.This study was designed to test whether an hypoxia-related alteration in L-arginine bioavailability is involved in the impairment in nitric oxide-induced vasorelaxation.Methods:40male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to 4groups:normotensive sedentary,normotensive trained,pulmonary hypertensive sedentary,pulmonary hypertensive trained.Pulmonary hypertension was obtained by chronic exposure to hypobaric hypoxia (PIO 2»90mmHg,alti-tude »4000m).Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation to acetylcholine (10)8–10)4M)with or without L-arginine (10)3M)and/or nitro-L-arginine methylester (5.10)6M)was assessed on isolated pulmonary artery rings.Results:There was a significant impairment of maximal relaxation to acetylcholine in both sedentary and trained pulmonary hypertensive rats.However,although it has no effect in pulmonary hypertensive sedentary rats,the acute L-arginine supplementation led to a significant improvement of acetylcholine-induced vasorelaxation in pulmonary hypertensive trained rats to the level obtained in normotensive sedentary rats.Conclusion:Our results clearly suggest that the potential beneficial effect of exercise on nitric oxide-mediated pulmonary artery vasorelaxation is partly blunted by deleterious effects of hypoxia on L-arginine bioavailability.Therefore we can postulate that combinated L-arginine supplementation and exercise training may have beneficial effects on hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.2Electrophysiological effects of the association of Droperidol and OndansetronJ Weissenburger a ,B Charbit b ,E Fligeil a ,P Jaillon a ,C Funck-Brentano b a Laboratoire de Pharmacologie,Hoˆpital Saint-Antoine –Universite´Pierre et Marie Curie,Paris;b Centre d’Investigation Clinique,Ho ˆpital Saint-Antoine –Universite´Pierre et Marie Curie,Paris Introduction:Droperidol (DRO)and ondansetron (OND)have both been reported to prolong QT interval through HERG blockade.These two antiemetics are frequently combined in patients at high risk of postoperative vomiting.This study assessed cardiac electrophysiological effects of this association.Methods:Purkinje fibres were excised from Rabbit hearts and exposed to increasing doses (0.01,0.1,1&10l M)of DRO (n =7)or OND (n =8)at 30min intervals at 36.5°C.Other fibres were exposed to a constant DRO concentration (0.1l M)together with the same increasing doses of OND (n =6).Action potential driven at 1Hz were recorded using conventional intracellular glass microelectrode.Data are presented as mean ±parison between experiments used a Kruskal-Wallis test.Results:DRO increased action potential duration measured at 90%repolarization (APD90)from the first DRO dose (0.01l M:27±5ms,P <0.02)while the third dose was necessary for OND (1l M:60±10ms,P <0.01).The maximal effect was a lengthening of 426±175ms at 1l M of DRO and of 205±36ms at 10l M of OND.When OND was added to DRO,the maximal increase was similar:216±53ms at 10l M.Early after depolarization occurred in 6DRO experiments and 1OND experiment.Conclusion:Both OND and DRO prolong action potential duration in Purkinje fibres,DRO being more potent than OND on a molar bination of OND and DRO exhibits an additive effect on action potential duration.This might favor arrhythmia during combination therapy in clinical practice.3Improvement of carotid diameter and functional properties with perindopril 8mg but not with perindopril 4mg in diabetic hypertensive patients :a pressure-independent effectP Boutouyrie a ,AI Tropeano a ,B Pannier b ,R Joannides c ,E Balkestein d ,H Struijker-Boudier d ,C Thuilliez c ,SLaurent a a Service de Pharmacologie,Hoˆpital Europe ´en Georges Pompidou,Paris;b Service de Cardiologie,Manhe `s,Fleury Me´rogis;c Service de Pharmacologie,Chu –Hopitaux de Rouen,Rouen;d Service de Pharmacologie,University Of Medecine,Maastricht,NETHERLANDSBackground and objective:Hypertension and diabetes are associated with an increased of carotid internal diameter and arterial stiffness.ACE inhibitors (ACEI)reduce arterial stiffness and improve arterial distensibility.These reductions under treatment could be related to the decrease in blood pressure.However,taking into account the predominant role of the renin-angiotensin system in arterial remodeling,we hypothesized that carotid diameter and carotid distensibility would be improved by a pressure-independent pharmacological effect of ACEI,mainly in diabetic hypertensive patients who have predominant arterial stiffening and carotid dilatation.Methods:After a placebo run-in period,57essential hypertensive patients with type 2diabetes (age 63±7)were randomized to 6months of double-blind treatment with either Perindopril 4mg or Perindopril 8mg.Patients were allocated to an ACEI as first step and a diuretic (DIU)as second step.All patients had a preserved renal function (creatinin clearance 60mL/min).Common carotid diameter,carotid cross-sectional distensibility and elastic modulus were determined with a high resolution echotracking system (Walltrack)and aplanation tonometry at baseline and after treatment.For comparison of serial changes in BP and arterial parameters,repeated-measures ANOVA (period,group)was performed to detect treatment differences.The effects of relevant variables on the study endpoints were analyzed by use of a multivariate analysis.Results:The reduction in BP was significantly more important with Perindopril 8mg (from 154±18/88±9to 139±18/80±10mmHg)than Perindopril 4mg (from 156±15/87±9to 148±15/82±9mmHg,P >0.05).However,ambulatory blood pressure showed no difference in the hypotensive effects of the two doses in 28patients.ACEI decreased carotid diameter with Perindopril 8mg ()3.6%)but not with Perindopril 4mg (3.6%,P <0.01).Moreover,carotid distensibility and elastic modulus were improved with Perindopril 8mg but not with Perindopril 4mg,with a significant treatment-period interaction (P <0.05).These differences remained significant after adjustment to BP changes.Conclusion:Despite adjustment to BP changes,and similar ambulatory BP reduction in the two groups,Perindopril 8mg but not Perindopril 4mg improved carotid distensibility and diameter in diabetic hypertensive patients after 6month.These results suggest that Perindopril improves carotid diameter and distensibility independently of the blood pressure changes.4Effect of chronic hypoxia on the expression and functional role of gap junctions in rat intrapulmonary arteriesC Guibert a ,M Lafargue a ,A Moothoocarpen a ,R Marthan a ,JP Savineau a a Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire Respiratoire,Inserm E356,BordeauxIntroduction:Since the activity and the number of gap junctions are linked to cellular proliferation and variation of vascular reactivity,such intercellular communications may participate to the hyperreactivity and the increase in the proliferation to serotonin (5)HT)observed following hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.In the present study,we focused on the expression of connexins,and their role in the reactivity to 5)HT in small intrapulmonary arteries from normoxic and chronic hypoxic rats.Methods:Vessels from normoxic (N)rats were compared to vessels from rats exposed to 3weeks of hypobaric chronic hypoxia (CH).To determine the expression of connexins 37,40and 43,immuno-fluorescent labelling and western blot experiments were performed in confluent smooth muscle cells (SMC)and vessels,respectively.Isometric contraction to 5-HT was measured in an organ bath system and confluent SMC were loaded with indo-1to record intracellular calcium signal to 5-HT.N indicates the number of vessels or slides of confluent SMC.Results:Immunofluorescent labelling demonstrated the presence of connexins 40and 43unlike 37in N confluent SMC.Western blot analyses on whole vessels showed the presence of connexins 37,40and 43in N and CH vessels suggesting the presence of connexins 37in endothelial cells (n =5).Normalisation of the expression of connexins against the expression of b -actin indicated no differences in the amount of connexins 37,40and 43in CH versus N.The amount of b -actin was not changed following hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.Isometric contraction to increasing concentrations of 5-HT (0.01–100l M),in normoxic vessels,was decreased after one hour incubation with 300l M Gap 27,a specific peptide blocker of connexins 37and 43(n =9).Inversely,the same pretreatment with 300l M Gap 27did not affect the calcium response to 10l M 5-HT in N confluent SMC (n =5).Conclusion:All together,connexins 37,40and 43were equally expressed in N and CH vessels.In confluent SMC,the expression of connexin 37was absent suggesting the importance of this connexin in intercellular junctions between endothelial cells.Moreover,the effects of Gap 27suggest (1)the importance of connexins 37and 43in endothelial and/or myoendothelial junctions and (2)the functional role of these endothelium-dependent connexins in the contraction to 5-HT in N rats.From these results,we can speculate that gap junctions may participate to the hyperreactivity to 5-HT in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.5Hypoxia differentially regulates vesiculation of human endothelial progenitor cells and mature endothelial cellsC Labrande a ,B Guillet a ,JL Codaccioni b ,F Sabatier c ,F Dignat-George c ,P Pisano a a Laboratoire dePharmacodynamie,Faculte de Pharmacie,Marseille;b Service d’Anesthe´sie,Ho ˆpital de la Timone,Marseille;cLaboratoire d’He´matologie,Hopital de la Conception,Marseille Introduction:An increasing number of studies provide evidence that exogenous hematopoietic stem cell application improves functional outcome after ischemic brain lesions.Although hypoxic preconditioning was shown to enhance neovascularization efficacy of human endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs)transplanted into the ischemied hindlimb of rats,the exact effects of hypoxia on EPCs phenotype and vesiculation are not fully characterized.We therefore present here preliminary results showing the effect of different techniques of hypoxia on the vesiculation of human EPCs and mature endothelial cells (HUVECs).Methods:HUVECs and EPCs were incubated for 24hours in growth factor free-medium with 1%of fetal bovin serum,in presence of cobalt chloride (CoCl2,150l M:chemical hypoxia)or in oxygen free-atmosphere with bubbled-medium (5%CO2,10%H2/N2:drastic hypoxia)or in 1.5%oxygen-atmosphere without bubbled-medium (1.5%O2,5%CO2and 94.5%N2:soft hypoxia)or in normoxic conditions (21%O2,5%CO2and 74%N2).Cell viability was estimated by LDH release and MTT reduction.Endothelial microparticles (EMP)release (number of EMP/1000cells)was estimated by annexin-V labelling analyzed by flow cytometry.Results:HUVECs viability (expressed as %of normoxic conditions)was significantly altered by chemical hypoxia (MTT:79±11%and LDH:11±7%)and by drastic hypoxia (MTT:73±14%and LDH:21±18%).In the same way,EPCs viability was significantly altered by chemical hypoxia (MTT:82±7%and LDH:8±5%)and by drastic hypoxia (MTT:64±10%and LDH:23±19%).Surprisingly,soft hypoxia seemed to protect HUVECs (MTT:102±8%and LDH:-20±8%)as well as EPCs (105±11%and LDH:)4±8%).Chemical and drastic hypoxia induced a significant increase of the number of EMP released by HUVECs (respectively 3709±653and 3507±978)and by EPCs (respectively 15295±8408and 14508±6756)compared to normoxic conditions (HUVECs:2504±844and EPCs:5630±2626).In a different way,soft hypoxia significantly decreased the number of EPM released by HUVECs 44±602)whereas it seemed to increase the release of EMP by EPCs (11478±3302%).Conclusion:Our results indicate that the effect of hypoxia on HUVECs and PECs viability and vesiculation depend on the hypoxia modalities.However,further research is needed to explore the functional properties of EMP released.6The anchoring protein SAP97reduces the mobility of Kv1.5channels in CHO cells and cardiac myocytesJ Abi Char a ,C Pouzet b ,A Coulombe a ,S Hatem a a Faculte´de Me ´decine,Inserm-Upmc,Paris;b Faculte ´de Me´decine,Groupe Hospitalier Bichat –Claude Bernard,Paris Introduction:Localization of ion channels in discrete plasma membrane domains is critical for cell function.Excitatory synapses of neurons and gap junctions of the myocardium are the best examples of this phenomenon.However,little information is available on the regulation of ion channel expression in the plasma membrane,owing mainly to the difficulty of studying membrane proteins with conventional immunocytochemical and imaging approaches.Methods:Here,using the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)approach,we examined the mobility of Kv 1.5channels in CHO cells and neonatal rat cardiac myocytes expressing GFP-tagged Kv1.5channels.Immunocytochemistry was used to study the expression of endogenous proteins.Currents were recorded with the patch clamp technique.The expression of endogenous proteins was studied by means of immunocytochemistry.Results:In CHO cells,Kv1.5channels were evenly distributed and highly mobile:the fraction of mobile channels was 88.0±1.8%and the apparent diffusion constant was 0.086±0.011l m 2/s,n =18.When co-expressed with the membrane-associated guanylate kinase protein SAP97,the channels formed plaque-like clusters in the plasma membrane and became poorly mobile (the mobile fraction and apparent diffusion constant became respectively 42.6±3.0%and 0.032±0.003l m 2/s,n =35).This effect was suppressed by colchicine,which disrupts the cytoskeleton.The sustained outward current was markedly increased in cardiac myocytes over expressing GFP-Kv1.5channels attesting of their functionality (30fold the endogenous Kv1.5current).Channels were highly mobile when clustered at the bottom of the cell whereas they were immobile when linearly organized in membrane at the cell periphery.The immunostaining of endogenous SAP97predominanted also at the myocyte periphery.Conclusion:The mobility of Kv1.5channels depends on their clustering and interaction with an anchoring protein,possibly explaining the presence of distinct pools of channels in cardiac myocytes.As in neuron,regulation of cardiac channel mobility could play an important role in their replacement and recruitment of in specializeddomains.+ DRO (0.1 µM )I n c r e a s e i n A P D 90 (m s )Fundamental &Clinical Pharmacology 20(2006)145–234doi:10.1111/j.1472-8206.2006.00409.xÓ2006Blackwell Publishing Fundamental &Clinical Pharmacology 20(2006)145–2341457Hyaluronan induces migration though RHAMM-mediated activation of Rac-andPI3K-dependent pathway in rat vascular smooth muscle cellsY Goue¨ffic a,C Guilluy a,P Gue´rin a,P Pacaud a,G Loirand a a U-533,L’Institut du Thorax,Nantes Introduction:Atherosclerosis and restenosis are characterized by marked changes in the content and distribution of hyaluronan,an important glycoaminoglycan constituent of the extra cellular matrix. Hyaluronan is known to regulate cellular events such as proliferation and locomotion through binding to at least two cell surface receptors:CD44and the receptor for hyaluronan-mediated motility(RHAMM). However,the relative contribution of these receptors and the intracellular signaling pathways involved in hyaluronan-mediated effects in vascular smooth muscle cells remains unknown.Methods:In this study we identified the receptors and the signaling pathways involved in hyaluronan-mediated effects in rat aortic smooth muscle cells in culture.Results:Hyaluronan(0.1to5mg/ml)stimulated the actin cytoskeleton organization,leading to actin stressfiber and lamelipodia formation,and dose-dependently induced vascular smooth muscle cell migration,analyzed by both scratch test and Boyden chamber assay.Hyaluronan had no effect on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation.Time-course analysis of Rho protein activity by pull-down assay indicated that hyaluronan induced sequential activation of RhoA and Rac.Hyaluronan rapidly(10min)and transiently activated RhoA,and induced delayed(1–6h)but maintained Rac activation.The RhoA inhibitor Tat-C3(10l g/ml),the Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632(10l M)and blocking anti-CD44antibody have no effect on HA-induced vascular smooth muscle cell migration.In contrast,hyaluronan-induced VSMC migration was reduced by89±4%by the non-selective Rho protein inhibitor simvastatin(10l M), by96±1%by the Rac inhibitor LT-toxin(1l g/ml)and by84±1%by the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 (25l M)(n=5).To further assess the respective role of CD44and RHAMM in hyaluronan effects,we selectively knockdown CD44and RHAMM in vascular smooth muscle cell by small interfering RNA.CD44 knockdown did not alter hyaluronan-induced vascular smooth muscle cell migration but inhibited hyaluronan-mediated RhoA activation.In contrast,small interfering RNA-mediated RHAMM gene silencing inhibited both hyaluronan-induced vascular smooth muscle cell migration and Rac activation. Conclusion:Our results demonstrate that hyaluronan activates two independent signaling pathways in vascular smooth muscle cells and that,although hyaluronan binding to CD44induced transient RhoA activation,hyaluronan-induced migration exclusively depends on Rac-and PI3K-dependent signaling pathway downstream to RHAMM activation.8Infection is associated with an overexpression of pro-apoptotic proteins that is reversed by ADRB3stimulation:an In Vitro approach in human myometriumF Lirussi a,Z Rakotoniaina a,F Goirand a,P Guerard a,M Dumas a,P Sagot b,MJ Leroy b,M Breuiller-Fouche c, M Bardou a a LPPCE Faculte´de Me´decine,Dijon;b De´partement d’Obste´trique,CHU du Bocage,Dijon;c INSERM U427,Hoˆpital Saint Vincent de Paul,Paris,FranceIntroduction:Pre-term delivery remains the main cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality.Infection is one of the leading causes of preterm labour(PTL).Recent data have suggested that apoptotic pathways may play a role in triggering PTL.This study was aimed to assess,In Vitro,the consequences of lipopolysaccharide(LPS)induced inflammation on human myometrium and to evaluate the ability of ADRB3agonists to interfere with this process.Material&Methods:Myometrium biopsies were obtained from pregnant women delivered by caesarean section.Myometrium samples were placed in a24-well plate and leaved to stabilize at37°C for48h and were thereafter incubated with LPS at three different concentrations(50ng/ml,1l g/ml,10l g/ml)or the vehicle for8h,24h,or48h.The level of expression of apoptosis proteins(cleaved caspase-3CC-3,Bax, Bcl-2)was assessed by western blot(WB)and immunostaining(IS)experiments.In a second set of experiments myometrial samples were incubated for48h with LPS(10l g/ml)and SAR59119A(10)7to 10)5M),an ADRB3agonist,We performed similar IS and WB experiments in two myometrial samples obtained from women with confirmed chorioamniotitis.Results:Compared with controls,LPS stimulation was associated with a significant increase in CC-3and Bax and a decrease in the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2,with a time and dose relationship.The same level of CC-3 expression was observed in IS of samples obtained from infected women.We defined that the optimal conditions of LPS-stimulation to reproduce the clinical situation were10l g/ml for48h Compared with LPS alone, treatment with SR59119A was associated with a decrease of Bax and an increase of Bcl-2expression(cf.table).Bax(n=3)Bcl-2(n=3) Control14999±1055335189±5162 LPS53505±225489201±1356 LPS+SR59119A0.1l M23831±740412199±1199 LPS+SR59119A1l M31134±905424198±2243 LPS+SR59119A10l M60287±12954Level of Bax and Bcl-2expression assessed by western blot experiments.Results are expressed as(mean±s.e.m)in Arbitrary Density Unit.Conclusion:This study suggests that inflammation,in a validated In Vitro model of human myometrial infection,is associated with an over expression of pro-apoptotic protein that is reversed by ADRB3 stimulation.This result,with our previous works,strengthens the potential clinical interest of ADRB3 agonists in the management of preterm labour.9Time course of ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia in a model of transgenic anemic miceF Favret a,JL Macarlupu´b,A Buvry a,OE Morel a,F Leo´n-Velarde b,JP Richalet a a Ea2363‘‘Re´ponses Cellulaires et Fonctionnelles A´l’Hypoxie’’,Universite´Paris13,Bobigny;b Departamento de Ciencias Biolo´gicas Y Fisiolo´gicas,laboratorio de Transporte de Oxı´geno/Iia,Universidad Cayetano Heredia,Lima,PERU Introduction:Exposure to hypoxia induces polycythemia secondary to an increase in erythropoietin release,allowing to increase oxygen carrying capacity to maintain O2delivery.To survive at high altitude, anemic transgenic mice need to develop other adaptation mechanisms to maintain oxygen delivery,such as a higher ventilatory acclimatisation to hypoxia.This study focuses on the time course and effect of acute and chronic hypoxia on the ventilatory response in the erythropoietin SV-40T antigen mouse(Epo-TAg h) with a reduction in Epo expression resulting in anemia.Methods:Epo-Tag h and Wild Type mice were exposed to different FIO2(8%to21%)to characterise hypoxic ventilatory response.Acclimatisation to hypoxia(14days)was achieved in both groups using a hypobaric chamber(PB=450mmHg,equ.4200meters).Ventilation was measured at day1,day5and day14.After the physiological measurements,the heart was rapidly removed and weighed(left and right ventricle). Results:Hemoglobin concentration(g/dl)was lower in Epo-TAg h than in Wild type mice in normoxia (6.9±0.3vs.17.1±0.3,P<0.05).Acclimatisation to hypoxia induced an increase in hemoglobin in Wild Type but not in Epo-TAg h mice(19.2±0.4vs.7.3±0.4).Ventilation in normoxia in Epo-TAg h mice was greater than in Wild Type,and the difference was due to a higher tidal volume.Hypoxic ventilatory response was higher in Epo-TAg h mice at every FIO2suggesting a higher chemosensitivity.However ventilation declined only in Epo-TAg h at FIO28%.Epo-TAg h mice increased their ventilation with acclimatisation,mainly through a greater tidal volume at every FIO2.Non-acclimatised Epo-TAg h mice showed an hypertrophied heart but did not develop right ventricular hypertrophy secondary to acclimatisation to hypoxia. Conclusion:We show that anemia in Epo-TAg h mice is partially compensated by a hyperventilation in normoxia and probably a higher cardiac output as suggested by heart hypertrophy.Epo-TAg h mice survive to chronic hypoxia through a greater ventilatory acclimatisation probably due to the higher chemosensitivity.10Alteration of the diaphragm contractility in piglet and its recovery after acute hypercapniaS Jaber a,B Jung a,M Sebbane a,M Ramonatxo b,J Mercier b,X Capdevila c,JJ Eledjam a,S Matecki d a Service de Re´animation,Hopital Saint-Eloi,Montpellier;b Faculte´de Me´decine,Institut de Biologie,Montpellier;c Service de Re´animation,Hopital Lapeyronie,Montpellier;d Faculte´de Me´decine,Hopital Arnaud de Villeneuve,Montpellier Introduction:The effects of hypercapnic acidosis on the diaphragm and its recovery to normocapnia have been poorly studied.Thus our aim was to study diaphragmatic contractility facing acute variations of PaCO2and evaluated the contractile function at60minutes after normocapnia recovery.Methods:Eight anaesthetized and ventilated piglets were acutely and shortly exposed tofive consecutive ranges of PaCO2(40,50,70,90and110mmHg).Then CO2insufflation was stopped.Diaphragmatic contractility was assessed by measuring transdiaphragmatic pressure(Pdi)variation obtained after bilateral transjugulary phrenic pacing at increased frequencies(20–120Hz).Results:For each level of PaCO2,force-frequency curves were obtained in in vivo by phrenic nerve pacing.Mean(±SEM)Pdi decreased significantly from42±3to30±3cm H2O(P<0.01)between the first(40mmHg)and thefifth stage of capnia(116mmHg)at the supramaximal frequency of stimulation (120Hz).The observed alteration of the contractile force was proportional to the level of capnia(r=0.78, P<0.01).Normocapnia recuperation allowed a partial recovery of the diaphragmatic contractile force (80%of the initial value)at sixty minutes after CO2insufflation interruption.Conclusion:A short exposure to respiratory acidosis may impair diaphragmatic contractility propor-tionally to the degree of hypercapnia and this impairment is only partially(80%of the initial value) reversed at60min following exposure.11Chaotic dynamics of ventilatoryflow in humans during sleepMN Fiamma a,M Wysocki b,E Konofal c,I Arnulf c,M Zelter d,JP Derenne e,T Similowski e,C Straus f;a Upres Ea 2397,Faculte´de Me´decine Pitie´-Salpeˆtrie`re,University Pierre et Marie Curie,Paris b Service de Pneumologie, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere,Paris;c Fe´de´ration des Pathologies du Sommeil,Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere,Paris;d Explorations Fonctionnelles Respiratoires et Upres Ea2397,Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere,Paris;e Service de Pneumologie et Upres Ea2397,Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere,Paris;f Explorations Fonctionnelles Respiratoires,Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere,ParisIntroduction:Although seemingly periodic,the ventilatoryflow of awake humans follows a chaotic trajectory.This does not means that this oscillatory phenomenon would be random or stochastic but that it depends on deterministic processes,without any period however.The chaos that characterizes the ventilatoryflow may originate either in the mechanical properties of the peripheral ventilatory apparatus or,most probably,in the central pattern generator that controls ventilation.The degree of chaos in the ventilatoryflow may then provide a new approach to study the human control of breathing.To further investigate this issue we analyzed the ventilatoryflow of humans,when their control of breathing was naturally modified by sleep.Methods:Six healthy volunteers(5men and1woman,25–26years)participated in the study.The ventilatoryflow was reconstructed from the signal recorded with a thoracic and abdominal inductance plethysmograph.Sleep stages were assessed by EEG.Recordings were performed during wakefulness,light (stages I–II),deep slow wave sleep(stages III-IV)and rapid eye movement sleep(REM).The chaotic behavior of theflow was assessed with the noise titration method.If chaos was confirmed,the degree of chaos was assessed with the Lyapunov exponents,its complexity with the correlation dimension,and its unpredictability with the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy.Results:The ventilatoryflow followed a chaotic trajectory,during wakefulness and during all sleep stages.The correlation dimension,the largest Lyapunov exponent(bit/iteration)and the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy(bit/iteration)did not differ between wakefulness,either in the evening(respectively 3.103±0.216,0.285±0.047,0.339±0.073)or in the morning(respectively 3.095±0.230, 0.264±0.090,0.314±0.133),and REM(respectively 3.125±0.152,0.288±0.037,0.348±0.050).They were significantly higher(ANOVA,P<0.016)during wakefulness and during REM than in light(respectively 1.768±0.207,0.216±0.065,0.244±0.089)and deep slow-wave sleep (respectively2.125±0.303,0.163±0.027,0.163±0.027).In light sleep,the correlation dimension was significantly smaller than in deep slow wave sleep(P<0.05)and than in REM(3.125±0.152) (P<0.0001).Conclusion:The trajectory of the ventilatoryflow remains chaotic during sleep.The chaotic structure of the ventilatoryflow is similar during wake and REM sleep.However,the degree of chaos,its complexity and its unpredictability decrease during slow wave sleep.The results suggest also that the complexity of he flow may not be simply related to the depth of sleep.12A model of lung diffusionS Glenet a,C de Bisschop b,R Dridi c,H Gue´nard a a Service de Pneumologie,Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Bordeaux;b Faculte´de Sport,Laphap,Poitiers;c Service de Pneumologie,Faculte´de Me´decine Ibn El Jazzar,Sousse, TUNISIAIntroduction:The usual model describing the lung transfer of a gas is that of Roughton and Forster (1957):1/TL=1/Dm+1/(h x.Vc).In which the transfer of a gas x is a function of two conductances, that for the alveolo-capillary membrane,Dm,the other for the blood h x.Vc where h x is the rate of reaction of a gas x with haemoglobin and Vc the amount of blood within the lung capillaries assuming that the haemoglobin concentration is normal.The criticism which can be made to this model is that, Dm depends on Vc,as if there was no capillary behind the membrane,the membrane conductance would be nil.Methods:We hypothesized that the surface of exchange S of the membrane is related to the capillary volume.In afirst attempt:Vc=K.S.If lung capillaries are considered to form a sheet of blood,K is the thickness of this sheet.If l is the thickness of the membrane,setting c=K.l,1/c=(TLNO/TLCO-A).B, with A=d NO.a NO.Coefficients d and a are diffusivity and solubility respectively.TLNO/TLCO ratio is then inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane and of the pulmonary capillary bed.Coefficient A without unit is about2.Coefficient B is6.2x107cm2taking into account a The experimental protocols were devised as to illustrate the sensitivity of the TLNO/TLCO ratio to alterations in the thickness of either the alveolo-capillary membrane or the blood sheet.TLNO and TLCO were measured with a commercially available device(Hypair’compact Medisoft,Belgique).Results:In18subjects in the sitting position,the TLNO/TLCO ratio decreased from 4.9±0.6to 4.2±0.5when alveolar volume decreases from7.4±1.4to 4.8±0.5L.Vc did not changed significantly(from113to105ml),suggesting that the thickness of the membrane increase by32%, without appreciable change in the thickness of the blood sheet.In50subjects the TLNO/TLCO ratio was measured while the subjects breathed freely or during continuous negative pressure()13hPa)at the same alveolar volume.The TLNO/TLCO ratios decreased from4.88±0.32to4.71±0.25respectively, suggesting an increase in the thickness of the blood sheet of6%in the negative pressure breathing condition.Conclusion:The present model seems to give some more insight in the analysis of the diffusion of gases in the lung however further works should be made to validate the assumptions made in the model.Ó2006Blackwell Publishing Fundamental&Clinical Pharmacology20(2006)145–234 146Abstracts。
2021年第7卷第1期Vol.7,No.1,2021中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursinghttp ://全息经络刮痧在黄褐斑治疗中的应用胡海荣,王梁敏,许冰,田亚娟,唐玲(北京中医药大学东方医院,北京,100078)摘要:全息经络刮痧美容是通过对脏腑、气血、面部同时调理,调内以美外,达到标本兼治,美丽与健康兼得的效果,具有简便易行、效果明显且无不良反应的特点,被称为中医美容技法精粹。
关键词:全息经络刮痧;黄褐斑;美容医学;中医护理中图分类号:R 248文献标志码:A文章编号:2618-0219(2021)01-0007-03Application of holographic meridian scraping therapyin the treatment of chloasmaHU Hairong ,WANG Liangmin ,XU Bing ,TIAN Yajuan ,TANG Ling(Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine ,Beijing ,100078)ABSTRACT :The holographic meridian scraping therapy is a healing technique which can dredgethe qi and blood ,improve the microcirculation ,get rid of toxins and other metabolites ,it is con⁃venient to use ,with obvious curative effect and less adverse reactions.Chloasma is an acquired pigmentation dermatosis leading excess symmetry pigmentation in face and neck.It is an influenc⁃ing factor of facial beauty and psychological stress.This paper briefly discussed the application of holographic meridian scraping therapy in the treatment of chloasma.KEY WORDS :holographic meridian scraping ;chloasma ;aesthetic medicine ;Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing生物全息理论指出生物体的各局部器官包含了整体的全部信息,是整体的缩影。
」、技术词汇(一)综合名词1.电;电学electricity2.电的;电气的electrical3.电的;用电的electric4.用电electrically5.电气化electrificatio n;electrify6.电源power supply;powersource7.能en ergy8.能源electrical en ergy9.能量en ergy;capabilities10.能耗en ergy con sumpti on11.原子能atomic en ergy12.能源工业en ergy in dustry13.电能electric en ergy14.电力electric power;power15.电业electric utility16.电力工业power in dustry17.电力系统power system18.电力网power n etwork19.电力工程electric power project20.电机工程electrical engin eeri ng21.电力技术power tech no logy22.电工技术electrotech nics 23.电讯技术telecom muni cati on tech nology24.电子技术electr onics tech no logy25.标称电力nominal power26.电力供应supply of electricity27.电力消耗power con sumpti on28.供电supply electricity or power29.配电(power)distributi on30.配电网distribution network31.供电干线supply mai n32.电力线power line33.电力馈线power feeder34.输电线路tran smissi on line35.高压电力网high-te nsion n etwork36.超高压电力网extrahigh-te nsi on network37.发电站power stati on or utility38.发电厂power pla nt39.火力发电厂thermal power pla nt40.水力发电厂hydraulic power pla nt41.原子能发电厂atomic power pla nt42.地热发电厂geothermal power pla nt43.风力发电厂wind power stati on44.热电厂power-a nd-heati ng pla nt45.升压站step-up stati on46.降压站step-dow n stati on47.开关站switch stati on48.变电所;配电站substati on升压变电所step-up substati on 降压变电所step-dow n substation户外变电所outdoor substati on 户内变电所in door substati on中心变电所cen tral substati on 枢纽变电所pivotal substati on高压变电所high-voltage substation低压变电所low-voltage substation用户变电所user substati on配电装置distributing equipment 控制室con trol room中央控制室cen ter con trol room 集中控制室cen tralizati on control ro主控制室main con trol room开关室switch room交流电alter nat ing current(A.C.)直流电direct curre nt(D.C.)自动;自动化automatic;auto自动化automatizati on半自动semi-automatic手动manual热力系统heati ng power system 供汽系统supply steam system 供热系统heati ng system热机系统heat engine system燃烧系统fire system 75.输煤系统tran smissi on coal system76.输灰系统tran sport ash system77.自动控制automatic con trol78.自动测量automatic measureme nt79.自动信号automatic sig nal80.自动报警系统automatic alarm system81.自动监测系统automatic mon itor system82.遥控telec on trol83.遥测telemeteri ng84.遥信telecom85.远动化telemecha ni sati on86.接地系统earth ing or gro unding system87.接地网earth n etwork;gro und n etwork88.不接地电网earthfree n etwork89.大电流接地电网large curre nt earth n etwork90.通讯系统com muni cati on system91.载波通讯carrier com mun icati on92.微波通讯microwave com muni cati on93.调度通讯dispatch com muni cati on94.调度系统dispatch 'system95.系统调度telecomma nd96.保护装置protect ion; protector97.保安装置protective device98.保安措施security measurespower measureme nt99.电力计量100.电价electrovale nee49.二)容量功work(A)容量;功率;电容capacity(cap.)额定容量rati ng capacity总容量aggregate capacity取大容量end capacity最大需求容量maxim un n eeds capacity 可用容量available capacity备用容量idle capacity断续(负载)容量duty cycle capacity断路容量broke n circuit capacity 功率;电力power(P.,p.)电功率electric power总功率;总容量aggregate capacity 标称功率nominal power额定功率rati ng power有功功率active power无功功率reactivepower;reacti 视在功率appare nt power(S)输入功率in put power输出功率output power容许功率power-carry ing功率三角形power tria ngle功率因素power factor(P.F.)马力horsepower capacity(Q)125.额定马力rated horsepower126.系数;率;因素co-efficie nt127.效率efficie ncy(eff.)128.有效的effictive(eff.)(三)电压129.电位(electric)pote ntial130.电位差pote ntial differe nee131.电势;电动势electro-motive force(EMF)132.电压voltage;electric tension133.端电压term inal pote ntial134.线电压line voltage135.相电压line to n eutral wire voltage136.额定电压rated voltage137.输入电压in put voltage138.输出电压output voltage139.短路电压short circuit voltage140.阻抗电压(压降)impeda nee voltage141.动作电压action voltage142.电压比voltage ratio143.变压比tran sformer ratio144.分接电压voltage & tapp ings145.分接位置tapp ings positi on146.电压调正(节)voltage regutati on147.升压step-up;a n in crease in voltage148.降压step-dow n;a decrease involtage101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. crease progressively decrease progressively low- voltage medium- voltage high- voltage extrahighvoltage;extrahigh tensionapplied high voltage voltage-resisti ng in duced voltagepower-freque ncy resist voltage power-freque ncy spark over voltage thun der bolt shock voltage dry-flashover wet-flashover voltage bias voltage;bias cut-off bias sett ing voltage sett ing range han dle positi on retur n co-efficie nt(四)电流curre nt;electric curre nt rated curre nt in put curre nt output curre nt149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167.递增 递减 低压 中压 高压 超高压 外施高压 耐压 感应电压 工频耐压 工频放电电压 雷电冲击电压 干闪络电压 湿闪络电压 偏压 截止电压 整定电压 整定范围 把手位置 返回系数 电流 额定电流 输入电流 输出电流173. 空载电流 174. 负载电流 175. 短路电流 176. 开断电流 177. 额定断路电流 178. 动作电流 179. 电流密度 180. 电流强度 181. 动稳定电流 182. 热稳定电流 183. 动平衡电流 184. 励磁涌流 185. 励磁电流 186. 感应电流 187. 脉冲电流 188. 载波电流 189. 无效电流 190. 分路电流 191. 反向电流 192. 起动电流 193. 充电电流 194. 冲击电流 195. 返回电流 196. 整定电流 197. 泄漏 198. 泄漏电流No-l oad curr e nt load curr e nt shor t circu it curr e nt ope n circu it curr e nt ra ted brok en circu it curr ent电容电流capacitive curre nt 223.互感电感电流in ductive curre nt 224.电导零序电流zero seque nee curre nt 225.电导率;导电性接地电流earth connection curre nt 226.电阻率合闸(线圈)电流switch-on( coil) curre nt 227.电阻系数分闸(线圈)电流switch-off(coil) curre nt 228.内电阻电流比curre nt ratio 229.分路电阻闭合电流closed circuit curre nt 230.串联电阻准确度级accurate class 231.并联电阻趋肤效应Kelvin effect 232.放电电阻(五)阻抗233. 阻尼234. 串并联电阻resista nee 235.阻抗匹配电感in ducta nee 236.等效电抗电容capacita nce(cap.) 237.等值电阻阻抗impeda nee 238.电纳电抗reacta nce(X,x) 239.导纳感抗in ductive reacta nee 240.动态电阻容抗capacitive reacta nee 241.人体电容阻抗三角形impeda nee tria ngle 242.泄漏传导系数勾股弦定律propositi on the Pythagorea n theorem 243.静电感应欧姆定律Ohm ' law 244.对地电容阻容resista nse capacita nce(R.C.) 245.装配(布线)电容互阻tran sresista nee互导;互纳tran sadmitta nee互抗tran sreacta nee 246.频率mutual in ducta nee con ducta neeelectroc on ductivity resistivity;specific resista nee resista nee coefficie nt internal resista nee shunt resista nee series resista nee parallel resista nee discharge resista nee damp ingseries-parallel connection impeda nee match ing equivale nt reacta nee equivale nee circuit suscepta nee admitta needyn amic resista nee bodycapacity leaka neeelectrostatic in ducti onearth capacita nee wiri ngcapacita nee(六)频率及电波freque ncy(n;f)199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208.209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222.频带freque ncy band 273.全波频率范围freque ncy range 274.波形工频power freque ncy 275.波长固有(自然)频率free freque ncy 276.波段低频low freque ncy 277.波幅;振幅中频medium or in termediate freque ncy 278.波峰高频high freque ncy 279.波谷超高频ultrahigh freque ncy 280.峰值;最大值变频freque ncy con vers ion 281.波速自由振荡free-r unning 282.波束谐振频率resonance freque ncy 283.正弦形的串联(电压)谐振series resonance 284.正弦曲线并联(电流)谐振in verse resonance 285.脉冲波形波wave 286.波形系数电波electric wave 287.波形失真周波cycle 288.失真;畸变正弦波sine wave 289.对称冲击波shock or blast wave 290.对称的电磁波electromag netic wave 291.不对称超声波ultras onics 292.不对称的超短波ultrashort wave 293.半波整流微波microwave 294.全波整流短波shortwave 295.单相整流中波medium wave 296.三相整流长波long wave 297.检波半波half wave;s in gleway 298.滤波器total wave;full wave waveform wavele ngth wavebandamplitude(A) wave crest troughpeak;crest wave velocity beamsinu soidalsinu soidpulse shapeshape factorwave shape distort iondistortio nsymmetry symmetrical asymmetryasymmetricalsin gle-way rectificatio n total-wave rectificati on sin gle-phase rectificatio n three-phase rectificati on detect ionfilter247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272.299.带通滤波器ban d-pass filter 300.高通滤波器high-pass filter(七)相位、向量301.相;相位phase(ph.)302.相角photo corner303.功角power corner304.相序phase seque nee305.相位差phase differ306.角速度an gular velocity307.相数No.of phases308.单相sin gle-phase309.两相two-phase310.三相three-phase;triphase 311.定相phas ing312.调相phase modulati on 313.移相phase shift314.同步synchroni sm;s ync 315.异步asynchronism316.整步synchroni zati on317.正序positive seque nee 318.负序n egative seque nee 319.零序zero sequenee320.分相split phase321.控制相con trol phase322.同相in-phase 323. 异相324. 反相325. 反相序326. 正相序327. 逆相序328. 向量;矢量329. 向量图330. 方向331. 箭头332. 分量;分力333. 分解334. 合力335. 合成336. 超前337. 超前角338. 落后339. 滞后340. 相反341. 相应342. 相等343. 相同344. 顺时针旋转345. 逆时针旋转346. 圆方向图out-phase reversal phasereverse phase seque neecorrect phase seque neecoun ter-phase seque neevectorvector draw ing directi onarrowhead;arrow comp onentresolve resulta nt of forcessyn thesize leadlead an gle backward delayopposite;c on trary correspondin g;releva nt be equalinden tical;alikeclockwise(CW,cw.) counter-clock-wise(CCW.clock diagram(八)电路347.电路circuit;electric circuit348.回路retur n circuit;retur n;loop 349.回路;电路con tour350.母线;汇流条bus351.汇流排bus bar352.汇流线bus wire353.主母线main bus354.分段母线sect ion bus;segme nt bus 355.分支(路)母线branch bus356.正母线regular bus-bar357.副母线vice-bus;auxiliary bus-bar 358.旁路母线bypass bus;i n bridge bus 359. I段母线bus bar I 360.分支线leg line361.馈线feed line362.出线;输出线outlet;out li ne363.进线;输入线in let;i n line364.直流回路 D.C. return365.交流回路 A.C. return366.电压回路voltage retur n367.电流回路curre nt return368.控制回路con trol return369.操作回路operati on retur n370.分相操作回路split-phase operat ing retur n 371.测量回路measure return372. 信号回路sig nal retur n 396. 星形结构397. 三角形结构398.不完全星形结构373.保护回路protective return374.回路电压voltage of retur n375.回路电流curre nt of retur n376.接地回路earth return377.事故信号回路fault sig nal retur n378.预告信号回路herald sig nal retur n379.串联电路series circuit380.并联电路parallel circuit381.混联电路series-parallel retur n382.复合电路compo und circuit383.空载电路idle circuit384.起动电路start circuit385.放电电路de-excitati on circuit386.同期回路sync retur n387.谐振电路accepter;acceptor388.闪光同步回路flash sync retur n389.合闸回路switch-on return390.跳闸回路switch-off return391.整流电路rectificati on circuit392.单向电路on eway circuit393.联锁回路in terlock return394.闭锁回路deadlock(or occlusi on)retur n395.闭合电路closed circuitstar(or Y) conn ecti ondelta(or △) connectionin complete star connection;two-phase-style connection 424.电气结线图electrical connection drawing399.星形-三角形结构star-delta(Y- △) connection 425.电气接线图electrical wiring drawing 400.结线方式connection style 426.电路图electric circuit draw ing 401.结线组别connection group 427.原理图prin ciple draw ing402.Y/ △ -11 star/delta eleve n o 'lock 428.展开图un fold (or ope n up) draw ing 403.串激线卷serise excitati on winding 429.安装图in stall draw ing404.并激线卷shu nt excitati on winding 430.施工图work ing draw ing405.复激compo und excitati on 431.结线图line wiri ng draw ing406.励磁电路excit ing circuit 432. 一次图Main wiri ng drawi ng407.电枢回路armature return 433.二次图sec on dary wiri ng draw ing 408.初级;一次primary(PRL) 434.控制图con trol draw ing409.初级线卷primary coil 435.导体con ductor410.次级;二次sec on dary(SEC.) 436.超导体superc on ductor411.次级线卷sec on dary coil 437.导线wire;lead412.输入绕组in put winding 438.电线electric wire413.输出绕组output winding 439.非导体noncon ductor414.高压线卷H.V.wi ndings 440.半导体semic on; semic on ductor 415.中压线卷M.V.wi ndings 441.导电con duct electricity416.低压线卷L.V.wi ndings 442.导电性electric con ductivity417.中性点n eutral point 443.超导电性superc on ductivity418.中性线n eutral wire 444.绝缘in sulati on419.接地线earth (or gro und) wire 445.绝缘体in sulator420.临时电线haywire 446.绝缘性能in sulati on ability421.屏敝scree n 447.绝缘等级in sulati on class422.屏敝线scree n wire 448.电气强度electric stre ngth423.接地屏蔽earth scree n 449.电气性能electrical characteristics介质medium电介质dielectric介电常数capacitivity隔离;绝缘isolati ng开路;断路ope n circuit;broke n circuit 短路short-circuit断路abrupti on切断abscissi on ;cut off;absci nd打开;分开ope n;un fold;off拉开pull ope n;draw back启动start合闸switch on分闸switch off合上on熔断cut-off;fus ing跳闸;脱口;释放trip跳闸线卷trip coil切换tran sfer(九)负载负载;何载load空载;空负载idle load;No-load额疋负载rated load容许负载allowable load极限负荷limit load超负荷excess load;overload 474.超载能力overload capacity 475.冲击负荷shock load476.高峰负荷peak load477.峰谷负荷trough load478.工作负荷operati ng load479.满负荷full-load480.负荷调正load regulati on481.照明负荷illumination load482.动力负荷motive power load 483.空转idle motio n484.安全用电electric safety485.计划用电electric pla n; pla nnedelectricity486.节约用电econo mize on electricity 487.感性负荷in ductive load488.容性负荷capacitive load489.能耗en ergy con sumpti on 490.耗电量power con sumpti on 491.损耗;损失con sume;waste;loss 492.无损耗free of losses493.空载损耗idli ng loss;No-load loss 494.短路损耗short-circuit loss495.磁滞损失stag nant-mag netic loss 496.铜损copper wire loss497.铁损steel core loss498.漏电损失leak electric loss499.涡流损失eddy ing loss450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467.468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473.用户con sumer;user安全safety;safe安全第一!safety first!注意安全atte nti on safety安全牛产safety product ion安全操作safe operati on保证安全on sure safety安全规程safety regulati ons安全措施safety measures(oraction)安全设施safety devices(十)测试测试;试验test测量survey;measure;gauge 测算measure and calculate 试验报告testi ng report试验数据(资料)test data技术数据(资料)tech nical data证明书;检验证certificate化验单an alysis report试验标准test sta ndard标准;规范sta ndard标准值sta ndard value保证值guara nteed value相对值relative value相对误差relative truth(or error) 524. 绝对值525. 绝对误差526. 出厂序号527. 出厂日期528. 出厂检验529. 合格证530. 技术鉴定531. 技术规范532. 结果533. 结论534. 审查535. 检查;检验536. 铭牌537. 电气试验absolute valueabsolute truth(or error)ex-factory serial No.product ion(or manu facture)date delivery in specti oncertificate of in spect iontech nical appraiseme nttechnical specificationsesult;effect con clusi on approvedtesteddata plate ;n ameplateelectric test538. 定期(例行)试验539. 常规试验540. 常数试验541. 交接试验542. 参数543. 性能试验544. 特性试验545. 特性曲线546. 伏-安特性547. 测漏548. 泄漏试验549. 外施高压试验routi ne test ingconven ti onal testi ngcon sta nt testdelivery and recepti on testparameterperforma nee testproperty(or specific) testcurvevolt-ampere property trackdow n a leakleakage tsetapplied high voltage tset500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509.510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523.550.感应高压试验in duced high voltage test 551.破坏性试验destruct iven ess test552.型式试验type tests553.油化验oil laboratory test554.油分析oil an alysis555.油简化oil simplify laboratory556.取样试验sample test ing557.抽样检杳sampli ng survey558.定量分析qua ntitative an alysis 559.定性分析qualitative an alysis 560.光谱分析spectrum(or spectral) analysis561.色谱分析chromatographic an alysis 562.操作性能serviceability563.负荷试验load test ing564.温升试验temp.rise test ing565.温度temperature(temp.,t.)566.温升temperature rise567.额定温升rated temp.rise568.油面温升temp.rise of top oil569.线卷温升temp.rise of wdg570.膨胀系数coefficie nt of expa nsion 571.吸收系数absorpti on coefficie nt 572.室温room temp.573.密封试验air-tight test574.气密试验air seal test;leakage test 575.油箱强度tank stre ngth 576.疲劳试验fatigue test577.疲劳强度fatigue stre ngth578.弹性疲劳elastic fatigue579.金属疲劳metal fatigue580.动态平衡dyn amic equilibrium581.动态特性dyn amic characteristic 582.饱和saturati on583.饱和点saturati on point584.饱和曲线saturati on curve585.不饱和un saturated586.不饱和曲线un saturated curve587.不饱和铁芯un saturated iron core 588.过饱和oversaturatio n; supersaturation589.正比例direct proporti on590.反比例in verse ratio(or proporti on) 591.线性;直线性lin earity592.变量;变数variable593.湿度humidity;wet ness594.相对湿度relative humidity(R.H.,r.h.) 595.极性polarity596.定值fixed value597.粘度viscosity598.凝点conden sati on point599.凝固点solidify ing point600.熔点melt ing point601.燃点ign iti on point闪点浓度比重比热比容比率;比值酸值水溶性酸碱真空;真空度超高真空恒温油面油位拉力试验拉力抗拉强度抗弯强度抗剪强度抗压强度灵敏度公差制造公差安装公差公称公称尺寸精度flash pointcon siste ncy;c oncen trati onspecific gravity specific heatspecific volumeratio;rateacid valuewater soluble acid & alkalivacuum(vac.)ultrahigh vacuum con sta nttemperature top oil oil positi onpull(or tension) test pulli ngforceten sile stre ngthbending stre ngthsheari ng stre ngthcompressive stre ngth sensitivitu tolera neemanu facturi ng tolera neelocatio n tolera neenominalnominal dime nsionprecisi on628.光洁度smooth finish629.电光light produced;light ning630.弧光arc light;arc631.电弧electric arc632.电泳electrophoresis633.放电de-excitati on; discharge634.辉光放电glow discharge635.火花spark636.电火花electric spark637.火花放电spark discharge638.尖端放电point discharge639 .闪络flashover;arc-over640.电离ioni zati on641.电离层iono sphere642.灭弧Arc-ext in guish ing643.灭弧性能Arc-ext in guish ing ability644.击穿pun cture;breakdow n645.电击electric shock646.漏电leak electricity647.雷电thun der and light ning648.雷击be struck by light ning649.雷害damage to crops caused by thunder650.污染con tam in ati on651.污染监测con tam in ati on mon itor652.污染等级con tam in ati on class653.污染地区con tam in ative area602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627.(十)电磁654.电磁electro magn etism 655.电场electric field656.电场强度electric field inten sity 657.电力线electric line force 658.磁magn etism659.磁场magn etic field660.磁化magn etizati on661.磁体magn etic body;mag net 662.磁铁magnet663.磁石magn etite;mag net 664.磁针magn etic n eedle 665.磁子magneton666.永久磁铁perma nent magnet 667.电磁铁electromag net668. 磁性magn etism;mag netic 669.磁极magn etic pole670.南极south pole671.北极n orth pole672.极化polarizati on673.磁力magn etic force674.磁力线;磁通flux675.磁通量magn etic flux676.磁通密度magn etic flux density677.磁力强度magn etic field intensity 678.磁动势magn etomotive force 679.转矩;力矩torque(T.,t.)680.右手定则right-ha nd rule681.左手定则left-ha nd rule682.漏磁通flux leak ing683.磁阻magn etoresista nee684.磁滞stag nant-mag netic685.磁感应magn etic in duct ion 686.电磁感应electromag netism in duction687.电磁波electromag netism wave 688.感应in duct ion689.自感应self- in ducti on690.互感应mutual in ducta nee691.感应力in ductivity692.铁磁性ferromag netism693.共振sympathetic vibratio n 694.磁铁共振ferromag netic resonance 695.核磁共振nu clear magn eticresonance696.防磁protect aga inst magn etization; by an timag netic(十二)其他697.核能;核子能nu clear en ergy698.核电;核动力nu clear power699.核反应nu clear react ion700.反应堆reactor701.高温反应堆high-temp.reactor浓缩铀反应堆 en riched uranium reactor 728.核燃料 nu clear fuel 热中子反应堆 thermal reactor729.铀 uranium(U) 石墨减速反应堆 graphitemoderated reactor 730.轻水 light water 轻水慢化反应堆 light-water-moderated reactor 731.重水 heavy water 反应塔 react ion tower 732.硬水 hard water 核反应堆 n uclear reactor 733.软水 soft water 核聚变n uclear fusion 734.高温 high temperature 核裂变 un clear fissi on 735.咼压 high pressure核扩散 un clear proliferati on 736.超高温 superhigh temperature 核辐射 un clear radiati on 737.超高压 superhigh pressure 热核 thorm onu clear738 .临界温度 critical temperature 热核反应 thorm onu clear react ion 739.临界状态 critical state原子 atom740.大气压 atmosphericpressure;atmosphere原子核 atomic nu cleus 741.标准大气压 sta ndard atmosphere分子 molecule 742.海拔;标高 elevati on 离子 ion 743.摄氏 cen tigrade(C.) 阴离子 anion 744.华氏 fahre nheit(F.) 阳离子 cati on 745.转速 rotati onal speed 质子proto n 746.每分钟转数 revoluti ons per mi nu te(r.p.m.)中子n eutr on747.冷却方式 type of cooli ng快中子fast(or high-speed) n eutr on 748.空气冷却 air-cooli ng慢中子slow(or low-speed) n eutr on 749.油浸自冷 oil-immersed self-cooled核子n ucle on750.双水内冷stator & rotor inner water-cooled电子 electr on; electr onic charge 751.强迫油循环冷却 compel oil-circutati on cooli ng自由电子free electr on 752.辐照 irradiati on 束缚电子bound electr on753.辐照度irradia nee702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721.722.723.724.725.726. 727.继电保护 relayi ng 779.氢 hydroge n(H) 微(处理)机microprocessor780.氟 fluori ne(F) 微机保护 microprocessor protect ion 781.氮 n itroge n(N) 电子计算机 electr onic computer 782.氧 oxygen(O) 设计程序program ming783.硫 sulphur(S) 程序设计语言 program ming Ian guage; 784.酸acidprogram Ian guage 785.六氟化硫气体 SF6 程序控制 pre-prgrammed automatic con trol 786.充氮 filled n itroge n数据处理 data process 787.充氮压力 filled n itroge n pressure 文字处理 word process 788.氢冷 hydroge n-cooli ng 输入数据 data-in 789.瓦斯 gas输出数据 data-out 790.乙炔 acetyle ne 触发电路 trigger circuit 791.质量 quality脉冲电路 pulse circuit 792.保证质量 guara ntee both quality and qua ntity逻辑电路 logical circuit 793.优质产品 high-quality products 颜色 colour 794.缺陷 defect;defective 黄(色) yellow 795.废品 discard;reject;scrap 绿(色) gree n 796.产值 output value 红(色) red 797.产量 output;yield 白(色)white 798.指标;标的 target灰(色)gray799.定额;限额 quota银灰(色) silver gray 800.按期交货 deliver goods on schedule 黑(色) black 801.实测 actual 蓝、青(色) blue 802.复测 remeasured 褐、棕色 brow n 803.摘要 resume 紫(色)purple804.备注remarke754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763.764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773.774. 775.776. 777. 778.805.备用spare;reserve;alternate 806.备用;备件spare parts807.记录;注释no te( n.)808.说明;解释expla nati on809.型号model;type810.规格specificati on( spec.)811.数量qua ntity(qty.)一、电气计量单位1.安培ampere(A,a)2.伏特volt(V.,v)3.欧姆ohm( Q)4.瓦watt(W)5.乏尔,乏(无功伏安) var(volt ampere reactive)6.千瓦小时;度kilowatt hour(KWH)7.周cycle(C)8.赫兹hertz(Hz)9.周/秒;赫cycle per sec on d(CPS,cps)10.伏安volt ampere(VA,va)11.法拉farad(f)12.亨(利)he nry(H.,h.)13.咼斯gauss(G)14.焦耳joule(J)15.牛顿n ewt on(N)16.马力horse-power(Hp.,h.p.)17.库仑coulomb(C.) 18. 麦克斯韦19. 巴20. 卡路里21. 大卡,千(克)卡22. (角)度23. (摄氏)度24. (华氏)度25. 时;小时26. 分(钟)27. 秒28. 千(103)29. 兆;百万(10 6)30. 百万;兆(10 6)31. 毫(10-3)32. 微(10-6)33. 毫微(10-9)34. 微微(10-12)maxwell(Mx)barcalorie(caL)kilogram-calory(CaL)degree( ° )(cen tigrade) (fahre nheit)hour(H.,h.) min .;mi nu te(sec on d;sec.( kilo-(K,k)mega-(M);meg mill.;millio nmilli-(m.) micro-( 口)millimicro-(mmicromicro-(三、电气设备(一)发电机1. 同步发电机synchronous generator2. 汽轮发电机steam turbo-generator3. 水轮发电机water turbo-generator4. 柴油发电机组diesel generating set5. 交流发电机 A.C.generator卩;n)…)6.直流发电机 nerator7.变频同步发电机variable freque ncy syn chro gen erator8.高频发电机high freque ncy gen erator9.并激发电机shunt gen erator10.串激发电机series gen erator11.复激发电机compo und gen erator12.他激发电机separately excited gen erator13.自激发电机self-excited gen erator14.磁石发电机magn eto15.单极发电机un ipolar gen erator16.换向极发电机commutati ng pole gen erator17.异极发电机heterpolar gen erator18.异步发电机asynchronous gen erator19.同极发电机(非循环发电机)homopolar generator;acyclic gen erator20.感应发电机in duct ion gen erator21.定流发电机con sta nt-curre nt generator22.定压发电机con sta nt-voltage generator23.电机扩大机amplidy ne24.补偿发电机compe nsated gen erator25.多相发电机polyphase gen erator26.二相发电机2-phase gen erator27.三相发电机3-phase gen erator28.三线发电机three-wire gen erator29.电动发电机组motor gen erator set 30.风力发电机win dmill gen erator31.手摇发电机hand gen erator32.内燃发电机internal combustio n gen erator33.燃气轮发电机combusti on gas turb ine gen erator34.双水内冷汽轮发电机turboge nerator with innerwater-cooled stator and rotor35.三相同步交流发电机3-phase syn c.alter nator36.单相发电机sin gle-phase gen erator37.永磁发电机magn eto gen erator38.立式发电机vertical type gen erator39.卧式发电机horiz on tal type gen erator40.移动式发电机portable gen erator41.真空管发电机vacuum tube gen erator42.汽油发电机组gasoli ne gen erat ing set43.汽轮机steam turbi ne44.燃气轮机combusti on gas turb ine45.励磁机exciter(二)变压器1.电力(源)变压器power tran sformer2.主变压器mai ns tran sformer3.升压变压器step-up tran sformer4.降压变压器step-dow n tran sformer5.高压变压器high-te nsion tran sformer6.低压变压器low-te nsion tran sformer7.电源变压器mai ns tran sformerdistributio n tran sformerbala nee tran sformertest ing tran sformer requlati ng tran sformer adjustable(orvariable) tran sformercon trol tran sformerin strume nt tran sformerlighti ng(or filame nt) tran sformer portable lamp tran sformer stro ng curre nt tran sformer high-freque ncy tran sformer con sta nt-curre nt tran sformer local illumination transformer auto- tran sformerring auto requlati ng tran sformersin gle-phase tran sformer2-phase tran sformerthree(or 3)-phase tran sformerin put tran sformer output tran sformer double winding tran sformer three wi ndi ng tran sformer polyphase tran sformer core-type tran sformer leakage testi ng tran sformer oil tast ing tran sformer34.自冷变压器self-cooled tran sformer35.油浸变压器oil-immersed tran sformer36.油冷变压器oil-cooled tran sformer37.壳式变压器shell tran sformer38.干式变压器dry-type tran sformer39.风冷变压器air-cooled tran sformer40.强油冷却变压器compel-oil circulati oncooli ng tran sformer 41.户内式变压器in door type tran sformer42.户外式变压器outdoor type tran sformer43.变电所变压器substatio n tran sformer44.电流互感器curre nt tran sformer(C.T.)45.电压互感器pote ntial tran sformer(P.T.)46.零序电流互感器zero seque nee C.T.47.抗流变压器dra ining tran sformer48.转角变压器tran sfer corner tran sformer49.中间变流器in termediate C.T.(orconvertor)50.接地变压器conn ected earth tran sformer51.扼流变压器choke curre nt tran sformer52.辅助电压互感器auxiliary P.T.(AuPT)(三)电动机1.直流电动机 D.C.motor2.交流电动机 A.C.motor3.同步电动机syn chro nous motor4.异步电动机asynchronous motor8. 配电变压器9. 平衡变压器10. 试验变压器11. 调压变压器12. 可调变压器13. 控制变压器14. 仪表变压器15. 照明变压器16. 行灯变压器17. 大电流变压器18. 高频变压器19. 恒流变压器20. 局部照明变压器21. 自耦变压器22. 环形自耦调压器23. 单相变压器24. 二相变压器25. 三相变压器26. 输入变压器27. 输出变压器28. 双卷变压器29. 三卷变压器30. 多相变压器31. 铁芯式变压器32. 泄漏试验变压器33. 油试验变压器5.感应电动机in duct ion motor6.绕线式电动机woun d-rotor motor7•滑环式电动机slip-ri ng motor8.换向极电动机commutat ing pole motor9.鼠笼式感应电动机squirrel-cage in duct ionmotor10.整流式电动机commutator motor11.串激电动机series motor12.分激电动机shunt motor13.复激电动机compo und motor14.分马力电动机fractional horse power motor15.单速电动机sin gle speed motor16.多速电动机multispeed motor17.定速电动机con sta nt speed motor18.变速电动机variable speed motor19.单相电动机sin gle-phase motor20.三相电动机3-phase motor21.分相电动机split-phase motor22.高速电动机high speed motor23.低速电动机low speed motor24.可调速电动机adjustable speed motor25.通用电动机uni versal motor26.电容起动电动机capacitor start motor27.半封闭式电动机semi-e nclosed type motor28.气密式电动机air-tight type motor29.全封闭式电动机totally-e nclosed type motor30.防爆式电动机explosi on-proof motor 31.防尘式电动机dust-tight type motor32.防滴式电动机drip-proof type motor33.防水式电动机water-tight type motor34.防风雨式电动机weather-proof type motor35.立式电动机vertical type motor36.卧式电动机horiz on tal type motor37.补偿电动机compe nsated motor38.超冋步电动机supers ynchronous motor39.辅助电动机pilot motor40.辊道电动机roll motor41.双轴电动机double-axis motor42.伺服电动机servomotor43.液压马达hydraulic motor44.油泵马达motor for oil pump45.电动泵motor-drive n pump46.发动机engine; motor47.高压电动机high-voltage motor48.高压同步电动机high-voltage syn c.motor49.低压电动机low-voltage motor(四)断路器1.油断路器oil circuit breaker2.高压油断路器high voltage circuit breaker3.少油断路器low-oil-c ontent circuitbreaker4.多油断路器multioil circuit breaker5.空气断路器air circuit breaker。
记录了晚古生代 — 中生代弧后扩张、多岛弧盆系发 育、 弧# 弧碰撞、 弧#陆碰撞的地质演化历史。 碰撞之 后该区的大部分地区于晚三叠世转化为陆地,并形 成碰撞后地壳伸展背景下的裂陷或裂谷盆地。 冈瓦纳北缘晚古生代 — 中生代冈底斯 # 喜马拉 雅构造区:班公湖 # 丁青 # 碧土 # 昌宁 # 孟连对接带 是冈瓦纳与劳亚 # 泛华夏大陆的分界线,亦即冈瓦 纳大陆的北界。伯舒拉岭 # 高黎贡山属于冈瓦纳晚 古生代 — 中生代前锋弧, 聂荣隆起、 嘉玉桥变质地体 等是前锋弧的残块。在前锋弧的后面 (南侧) 是晚古 生代 — 中生代冈底斯 # 喜马拉雅弧后扩张、多岛弧 盆系发育、 弧 #弧碰撞、 弧#陆碰撞的演化结果。 该区 三叠纪和侏罗纪 — 早白垩世的雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩是 目前青藏高原乃至中国大陆内, 保存最好、 最完整的 蛇绿岩 “三位一体” 组合, 代表了特提斯洋向南俯冲 诱导出的一系列藕断丝连的弧后扩张盆地。
(或晚古 !#*&#奥依塔格 &库地 &苏巴什 &东昆中结合带 生代裂谷带) (含前寒武纪岩块、 海山和洋岛残块) !#*&!南昆仑残余弧
#+&!高喜马拉雅结晶岩带或基底逆冲带 #+&)低喜马拉雅褶冲带 #+&+锡伐利克后造山前陆盆地带
!#*&)麻扎&康西瓦&木孜塔格&西大滩晚古生代结合带 ! 泛华夏大陆晚古生代羌塘 &三江构造区 "#扬子陆块:
青藏高原具有复杂而独特的巨厚地壳和岩石圈 结构, 是一个由北部劳亚大陆、 泛华夏陆块西缘和南 部冈瓦纳大陆北缘不断弧后扩张、裂离,又互相对 接、 镶嵌构成的复杂地区, 经历了漫长的构造变动历 史, 特别是古生代以来的多岛弧盆系的形成演化, 最 终由!"多条规模不等的弧#弧、弧#陆碰撞结合带和 其间的岛弧或陆块拼贴而成。由于后期印度板块向 北强烈顶撞,在其左右犄角处分别形成帕米尔和横 断山构造结及相应的弧形弯折,在东西两端改变了 原来东西向展布的构造面貌,加之华北和扬子刚性 陆块的阻抗和陆内俯冲对原有构造,特别是深部地 幔构造的改造, 造成了青藏高原独特的构造、 地貌景 观, 形成了统一的深部幔拗和地表的隆升。
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Symmetry and Asymmetry from Local PhasePeter KovesiDepartment of Computer ScienceThe University of Western AustraliaNedlands W.A.6907pk@.auAbstract.Symmetry is an important mechanism by which we identify the structure of objects.Man-made objects,plants and animals are usually highly recognizable from the symmetry,orpartial symmetries that they often exhibit.Two difficulties found in most symmetry detectionalgorithms arefirstly,that they usually require objects to be segmented prior to any symmetryanalysis,and secondly,that they do not provide any absolute measure of the degree of symmetryat any point in an image.This paper presents a new measure of symmetry that is based on theanalysis of local frequency information.It is shown that points of symmetry and asymmetry giverise to easily recognized patterns of local phase.This phase information can be used to construct acontrast invariant measure of symmetry that does not require any prior recognition or segmentationof objects.Keywords:Computer Vision,Symmetry,Asymmetry,Local Phase,Quadrature Filters1IntroductionUnder the most general definition of symmetry an object is considered symmetric if it remains invariant under some transformation.Two forms of symmetry that we can readily identify in images are bilateral symmetry and rotational symmetry.An object exhibits bilateral symmetry if it remains invariant with respect to reflection about some axis.An object has rotational symmetry if it remains invariant with respect to rotations about some axis.This paper will mainly consider bilateral symmetry and in the following discussion where the word symmetry is used it should be taken to mean bilateral symmetry.Symmetry is an important mechanism by which we identify the structure of objects.Man-made objects,plants and animals are usually highly recognizable from the symmetry,or partial symmetries that they often exhibit.A limited number of approaches have been tried in the detection of symmetry in images.A fundamental weakness found in most is that they require objects to be segmented prior to any symmetry analysis.For example Atallah[1]describes an algorithm that requires objects to be represented in terms of points,line segments and circles.Morphological techniques such as medial axis transforms,thinning,and‘grassfire’algorithms can only be applied to binary objects.A survey of these approaches is provided by Xie[12].A difficulty with morphological approaches is that they are very sensitive to small variations in the outlines of objects;a notch in an object contour will propagate several symmetry axes,complicating the representation of the object.Brady and Asada[2]attempt to overcome these problems by using smoothed object contours as input to an algorithm that is effectively morphological in nature.Reisfeld et al.[10]provide one of the few approaches to symmetry that does not require object recognition or segmentation.Opposing pairs of points within some distance of a location in the image are considered with respect to the direction and strength of the intensity gradients at these points.At each location in the image a weighted sum of the degree of symmetry of the surrounding opposing pairs of points is computed to obtain an overall symmetry measure.Each pair of points contributes to the measure of symmetry according to the symmetry of the directions and magnitudes of their intensity gradients,and to the strength of the intensity gradients themselves.An objection to Reisfeld et al.’s measure of symmetry is that it depends on the contrast of the feature in addition to its geometric shape.A bright circle will be considered to be more‘symmetric’than a low contrast one.Thus,we have no absolute sense of the degree of symmetry of an object,all one obtains are locations in the image where symmetry is locally maximal.2A Frequency Approach to SymmetryAn important aspect of symmetry is the periodicity that it implies in the structure of the object that one is looking at.Accordingly it is perhaps natural that one should use a frequency based approach in attempting to recognize and analyze symmetry in images.Indeed,an inspection of the Fourier series of some simple functions makes this very apparent.At points of symmetry and asymmetry wefind readily identifiable patterns of phase.Figure1shows the Fourier series representation of both a square wave and a triangular wave.We can see that the axis of symmetry corresponds to the point where all the frequency components are at either the minimum or maximum points in their cycles,that is,where all the frequency components are at the most symmetric points in their cycles(the mid-point of the square wave and the peaks/troughs of the triangular wave).Similarly one can see that the axis of asymmetry corresponds to the point where all the frequency components are at the most asymmetric points in their cycles;the inflection point(the steps on the square wave and the mid-point of the ramp on the triangular wave).symmetry axisasymmetry axisFig.1.Phase patterns at points of symmetry and asymmetryIt should be noted that here we are only considering symmetry and asymmetry of intensity values in images,that is,a low-level view of symmetry and asymmetry.Overall geometric symmetries that might exist in the image are not considered;this level of analysis requires the recognition of higher level structures in images which will not be considered here.3Localized Frequency Representation of a SignalIn this work the Wavelet Transform is used to obtain local frequency information.The use of the Wavelet Transform for frequency analysis was developed by Morlet et al.[8].The basic idea behind wavelet analysis is that one uses a bank offilters to analyze the signal.Thefilters are all created from rescalings of the one wave shape,each scaling designed to pick out a particular band of frequencies from the signal being analyzed.An important point is that the scales of thefilters vary geometrically,giving rise to a logarithmic frequency scale.We are interested in calculating local frequency and,in particular,phase information in signals.To preserve phase information linear-phasefilters must be used,that is,we must use wavelets that are in symmetric/anti-symmetric pairs.This constraint means that the work on orthogonal wavelets(which dominates much of the literature)is not applicable to us.Chui provides a proof that,with the exception of the Haar wavelet,one cannot have a wavelet of compact support that is both symmetric and orthogonal [3].For our work we will follow the approach of Morlet,that is,using wavelets based on complex valued Gabor functions-sine and cosine waves,each modulated by a ing twofilters in quadrature enables one to calculate the amplitude and phase of the signal for a particular scale/frequency at a given spatial location.However,rather than using Gaborfilters we prefer to use Log Gabor functions as suggested by Field[4];these arefilters having a Gaussian transfer function when viewed on the logarithmic frequency scale.Log Gaborfilters allow arbitrarily large bandwidthfilters to be constructed while still maintaining a zero DC component in the even-symmetricfilter.A zero DC value cannot be maintained in Gabor functions for bandwidths over1octave.Analysis of a signal is done by convolving the signal with each of the quadrature pairs of wavelets.If we let I denote the signal and M e n and M o n denote the even-symmetric (cosine)and odd-symmetric (sine)wavelets at a scale n we can think of the responses of each quadrature pair of filters as forming a response vector,[e n (x ),o n (x )]=[I (x )∗M e n ,I (x )∗M o n ].The values e n (x )and o n (x )can be thought of as real and imaginary parts of complex valued frequency component.The amplitude of the transform at a given wavelet scale is given byA n (x )= n n and the phase is given byΦn (x )=atan 2(e n (x ),o n (x )).At each point x in a signal we will have an array of these response vectors,one vector for each scale of filter.These response vectors form the basis of our localized representation of the signal as shown in Figure 2.odd symmetricfilter outputeven symmetricfilter output frequency0phaseFig.2.An array of filter response vectors at a point in a signal can be represented as a series of vectors radiating out from the frequency axis.The amplitude specifies the length of each vector and the phase specifies its angle.Note that wavelet filters are scaled geometrically,hence their centre frequencies vary accordingly.4Symmetry and PhaseAs shown in Figure 3at a point of symmetry the absolute value of the even-symmetric filter outputs will be large and the absolute value of the odd-symmetric filter outputs will be small.Thus,a natural way to quantify symmetry is to take the absolute value of the even-symmetric filter output and subtract from it the absolute value of the odd-symmetric filter output.This corresponds to taking the absolute value of the cosine of the phase angle and subtracting from it the absolute value of the sine of the phase angle.This produces a function that varies between ±1and varies almost linearly with phase deviation,as shown in Figure 4To combine information from filter responses over multiple scales a weighted average is formed.The difference of the absolute values of the even and odd filter responses at each scale is weighted by the magnitude of the filter response vector at each scale A n .The sum of these weighted differences is then normalized by the sum of the magnitude of the filter response vectors over all scales.This produces the following equation:Sym (x )=n A n (x )[|cos(φn (x ))|−|sin(φn (x ))|]−T n A n (x )+ε= n [|e n (x )|−|o n (x )|]−T n A n (x )+ε,odd symmetric filter output even symmetricfilter output frequency local phase pattern at a point of symmetry filter output odd symmetric even symmetricfilter outputfrequencylocal phase pattern at a point of asymmetryFig.3.At a point of symmetry the local phase pattern will be such that only even-symmetric filters will be responding,and at a point of asymmetry only odd-symmetric filters will be responding.-1-0.8-0.6-0.4- -pi/20pi/2piphase angle abs(cos(x)) - abs(sin(x))Fig.4.Plot of the symmetry measure |cos(x )|−|sin(x )|.The term εis a small constant to prevent division by zero in the case where the signal is uniform and no filter response is obtained.The factor T is a noise compensation term representing the maximum response that could be generated from noise alone in the signal.This factor is obtained by combining the estimated influence of noise on each of the filters.If one assumes the noise spectrum is flat the maximal effect of the noise on each of the filter outputs can be estimated from the mean amplitude response of the smallest scale filter as follows:Features in signals tend to be sparse but noise is everywhere.The regions where the smallest scale filter will be responding to features will be limited as its spatial extent is small,mostly the filter will be only responding to noise.Thus,the mean amplitude response will form an estimate of the mean influence of noise on the smallest scale filter.The noise response of other filters can then be estimated according to their bandwidths relative to that of the smallest scale filter.More details of this technique are described elsewhere by Kovesi [5,6].At points of high asymmetry the absolute values of the even and odd-symmetric filter outputs will be reversed from the symmetric case.The magnitude of the odd-symmetric filter output will be large and the even-symmetric filter output will be small.Thus,a measure of asymmetry can be expressed asASym (x )= n [|o n (x )|−|e n (x )|]−Tn A n (x )+εThese measures of symmetry and asymmetry can be related to the phase congruency model of feature perception [9,11,5,6].Symmetry,in some sense,represents a generalization of delta features and asymmetry represents a generalization of step edges.A delta feature starts offhaving all frequency components aligned in phase and in symmetry.As a delta feature is broadened into a rectangle function the alignment in phase of the higher frequency components starts to break down but the symmetry remains.Similarly,when a step function is gradually degraded to a trapezoidal function the phase congruency at the centre of the ramp progressively breaks down but all the frequency components remain asymmetric at that point.The equations above only deal with symmetry/asymmetry in one dimension.One can extend this 1D analysis to 2D by applying the 1D analysis in multiple orientations and forming a weighted sum of the result.It should be noted that this approach only provides a basic extension to 2D in that no attentionis paid to the type of symmetry that may be occurring at any point in an image.For example,no distinction is made between bilateral and radial symmetries,the symmetry measures are simply pooled over all orientations.Two examples of phase symmetry images obtained using this simple approach are shown in Figure5.Ideally,some consideration to the way in which symmetry varies with orientation at each point in the image should be made.This would allow classification of bilateral and radial symmetries.Whale image and corresponding phase symmetry imageTest image and corresponding phase symmetry imageFig.5.Two examples of phase symmetry images.The results obtained from the phase symmetry measure can sometimes be counter-intuitive.This is because it measures local symmetry to the exclusion of everything else.The measure is invariant to the magnitude of the local contrast and so features that we might consider to be of little significance can be marked as having strong symmetry(see the wave patterns in the Whale image of Figure5). Secondly,being a low-level measure that only considers local intensity values there is no distinction between foreground objects and background;it will faithfully report symmetries that occur in the spaces between foreground objects.This is in contrast to what we generally do when studying a scene,that is, we only consider the properties of the foreground objects which we have unconsciously segmented out from the scene.Thus,the output of the phase symmetry measure may not quite be what one‘wants’when one searches for‘symmetry’in an image.Perhaps this indicates we need to think more about what we really want when we say‘symmetry’;we may be talking about some other(undefined)quantity that incorporates other properties such as local contrast and foreground/background attributes.MATLAB code for reproducing the results presented here is provided by Kovesi[7].5SummaryIt has been shown that local symmetry and asymmetry in image intensity patterns can be identified as being particular arrangements of phase.The new phase-based measures of symmetry and asymmetry that are presented here are significant in that they are low-level operators that do not require any prior object recognition or segmentation.They are also unique in that,unlike symmetry measures developed by others,they are dimensionless measures that provide an absolute sense of the degree of local symmetry or asymmetry independent of the image illumination or contrast.References1.J.R.Atallah.On symmetry detection.IEEE Transactions on Computers,C-34:663–666,1985.2.M.Brady and H.Asada.Smoothed local symmetries and their implementation.The International Journalof Robotics Research,3(3):36–61,1984.3. 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