Lesson 17 Beijing is great! 2
冀教版五年级英语下册 Unit3 Lesson 17 Danny's Email授课课件+作业

六、阅读下面的电子邮件,完成任务。 To: rose@ From: brian@compmail.ca Subject: A trip to Shanghai. Dear Brian, I'm in Harbin now. How's the weather in Canada? It's cold and snowy here. I'm having fun.
A: __A_r_e__th_e_r_e__ any _c_o_m__p_u_te_r_s_ in the room? B: Yes, there are.
4. A: __D_o_n_'_t__ forget to__w_r_i_te___ your name. B: OK!
A. in
B. to
C. from
( B )2. —________ the weather in Beijing?
—It's rainy.
A. What's
B. How's C. How
( A )3. I get an email. It's________ Anna.
A. from
an︶egg look out
︶ look︶at
in front︶of an orange
︶ ︶put on
get︶up a map of China
in to from on ( 1) It’s sunny ___i_n___ Beijing. ( 2) Say hi ___t_o___ your friends. ( 3) She will come to Beijing ___o_n___ February 12. ( 4) This is an email __f_ro_m___ Steven.

Concrete n. adj.
►混凝土路面 ►Concrete pavement ►水泥从林 ►Concrete jungle ►We should make a concrete analysis of each
► Suspense n. 担心,悬念
► Come on, Frank, don’t keep me in suspense. Just tell me the truth.
► Suspender n. (裤子或裙子的)背带 ~ trousers
Agreeable adj.
►宜人的,令人愉快的 ►Today’s weather is very agreeable
has achieved. ► A bridge spans the river. ► Her army career spanned four decades.
Cable n. 缆索,电缆;电报
►Cable television 有线电视 ►CNN (Cable News Network) 美国有线电视
精美的家具 ► Elegant manners
Overestimate underestimate guesstimate I estimate the damage at 8000 yuan. At a rough estimate, the car is worth 500 thousand dollars. 在我看来: in my opinion, in my view, in my estimation
【冀教版】英语五上:《Lesson 13 Beijing Is Great》ppt课件(2)

Beijing is great北京真伟大

宣化区跃进街 李玉娇
a map of Beijing
Trips are
Go, go, go
Go on a trip, Go on a trip to Beijing, Come, come, come Come with me Come with me and go on a trip
Yours, Tracy
I am a little guide
Have a nice day!
Can I go with you?
Ok, let’s go!
The Palace Museum is very old and beautiful .
It is about five hundred years old .
It’s time to go now, good bye! Have a good time.
Good bye! Have taurant
Dear Jenny,
I go on a trip to Beijing with my dear students. Beijing is a very big city. Tian’anmen Square is in Beijing, it is very big and famous. We also go to the Palace Museum, it is very old and beautiful. Beijing has many shops, restaurants and hotels. We have a lot of fun. Beijing is great, I love Beijing. I want you to come, too.

五上课本翻译Lesson 1: Li Ming’s Big Family1.Li Ming’s family 李明的家人This is my father, my mother and me. We live in China.这是我和我的父亲,母亲。
I have two grandfathers and two grandmothers. 我有两个祖父和祖母。
I don’t have brothers or sisters. 我没有兄弟姐妹。
My parents have one child: me! 我的父母只有一个孩子:我!I have aunts and uncles. 我有姨妈、婶婶和姨夫、叔叔。
My mother has a sister. 我妈妈有一个妹妹。
She is Aunt Wanrong.她是婉蓉姨妈。
My father has a brother. 我爸爸有一个弟弟。
He is Uncle Dachao. 他是大超叔叔。
I have one cousin. Her name is Jing. 我有一个堂妹,她叫静。
Uncle Dachao and Aunt Meiping are Jing’s parents. 大超叔叔和美萍婶婶是静的父母。
I love my family. 我爱我的家人。
Lesson 2: What do they look like?1.Who are they ? 他们是谁?My grandfather is eighty-one years old. 我爷爷81岁了。
He has white hair. 他有一头白发。
My grandmother is seventy-five years old. She has white hair, too.我的奶奶75岁了,她也是一头白发。
My parents and I have black hair. 我和我的父母都是黑头发。

L17课堂笔记New words and expressions1.suspensio.[sə'spenʃn]n.悬挂;暂停;(因违规而)停职, 停课⑴suspension bridge吊桥the suspension of the peace talks和平谈判的终止Annie got a 3-day suspension for smokingin school.⑵suspen.sth.fro.sth.把某物挂在某物上A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.hang from sth.挂在某物上(主动)In the corner of the room was a large lamp,hanging from the ceiling.暂停, 终止The ferry service has beensuspended for the day because of badweather.停职;听课The policeman wassuspended while the complaint wasinvestigated.2.situatio.[sɪtʃu'eɪʃn]n.地点, 位置;情况,处境⑴表地点、位置时situation =locationa beautiful situation / location overlookingthe valley可以俯瞰山谷的优美的位置His apartment is in a really good situation/ location.⑵情况;处境She found herself in anembarrassing situation.⑶The monastery is situated / located /使位于站、坐、躺用主动The house sits on top of a hillThe town lies on the coast.3.immorta.[ɪ'mɔ:tl]adj.永生的;流芳百世的Plato believed that the soul is immortal.柏拉图认为灵魂是永生的。

冀教版五年级《Lesson 17: Beijing Is Great!》教学设计【教材分析】本课是冀教版五年级Unit 3 :“A Trip to Beijing” 系列学习主题之一。
既是Unit 2 :“China” 内容的延伸,又是Unit 3 :A Trip to B eijing故事的开端,具有承上启下的作用.本课主要是讲李明计划去北京旅游,他将邀请朋友同行,并且带领我们重新复习了北京的一些著名景地。
【学习目标】1.能听、说、读、写单词:Beijing、trip、hotel2.能认读单词:great 、beautiful、 famous3.能听懂本课句型:Let’s go on a trip.I want to go to (somewhere).I want (somebody) to come ,too.并能进行简单对话。
【教学过程】第一部分:开始上课和复习1.问候T: Hello, everyone! How are you today? Look out the window. How’s th e weather today?(设计意图:轻松会话,互相问候,拉近与学生间的距离。
)2.复习T: First, let’s have a revision.a.认读单词,用以复习学生已经掌握的词汇:China 、 Canada 、Australia、 Chinese 、English、French、map 、capital city、restaurant、 shop、apartment 、 house 、 come 、 go .(1)指名读——师指着学生说You please!(2)集体读——师说Now , letˊs read them twice together .T: Can you answer these questions? —— Yes or No ? Who wants to try?b. 回答问题,用以复习地点名称的词汇:T: Where do you buy? (shop)T: Where do you live? (A house或 An apartment)T: Where do you eat? (A restaurant)T: What is the capital city of China? (Beijing)(设计意图:师生自由对话,使学生很快融入到英语课堂中,利用课件快速复习学过的知识,帮助学生回忆所学并为下面的学习做铺垫。
英语五上《lesson 13 beijing is great》课件(2)

Group Work小组活动 let’s go on a trip .
I want to go to ____.(U.S. U.K. Canada, Australia, )
I want to ___and___to come.
要求: 组长给出示范 每一位组员必须用以上三个句子造句 组长纠错 小组展示
• 2、如果我们调查的范围扩大,生物种类会 有所增加吗,会有多少?
• 校园里的动植物种类很多, 生活的环境也各不相同。我 们共同来制作一幅校园生物 分布图,展现校园生物大家 庭。
• 1、绘制一张简单的校园平面图。 • 2、把发现的校园生物的名称写到
广西火铜现仅存3株 梧桐科落叶乔木,濒危种,国家
2级保护植物,为我国特有。木材纹理直,材质柔韧易 加工,不开裂,是制作家具、建筑、胶合板的上等用材。 先花后叶,花色鲜艳靓丽。具有很高的观赏价值,是园 林绿化和行道树的佳品。
• 水杉:水杉, 落叶乔木,柏 科水杉属唯一 现存种,中国 特产的孑遗珍 贵树种,第一 批列为中国国 家一级保护植 物的稀有种类, 有植物王国 “活化石”之 称。
• 银杏为落叶乔木,5月开花, 10月成熟,果实为橙黄色的 种实核果。银杏是一种孑遗 植物。和它同门的所有其他 植物都已灭绝。银杏是现存 种子植物中最古老的孑遗植 物。变种及品种有:黄叶银 杏、塔状银杏、裂银杏、垂 枝银杏、斑叶银杏
现仅存3株 松科常绿乔木,濒危种,国家1级保护植物,中国 特有种。百山祖冷杉是我国特有的古老残遗植物,也是我国东 南沿海唯一残存至今的冷杉属植物。1987年,国际物种生存 保护委员会将百山祖冷杉公布为世界上最受严重威胁的12个濒 危物种之一。

教案:五年级上册英语教案 Unit 3 Lesson 13 Beijing IsGreat! 冀教版一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)能够听懂、会说、会读本课的生词和句子。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够通过图片和文字资料,了解北京的一些景点和美食。
3. 情感目标:(1)培养学生对北京文化的兴趣和热爱。
三、教学重点与难点1. 重点:(1)能够听懂、会说、会读本课的生词和句子。
2. 难点:(1)如何正确运用所学词汇和句型描述某个地方的特点。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、图片、食物模型等。
2. 学具:课本、练习册、单词卡片等。
五、教学过程1. 热身(5分钟)(1)引导学生用英语进行自我介绍,复习已学的日常用语。
2. 导入(10分钟)(1)教师展示北京的图片,引导学生谈论图片中的景点和美食。
3. 新课呈现(15分钟)(1)教师展示课本图片,引导学生观察并说出图片中的景点和美食。
4. 课堂练习(10分钟)(1)学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学知识描述某个地方的特点。
5. 巩固练习(5分钟)(1)学生完成练习册上的相关练习。
六、板书设计1. 北京的景点和美食2. 描述某个地方的特点的句型七、作业设计1. 抄写本课生词和句子。
2. 运用所学知识,写一篇关于自己家乡的短文。
冀教版英语五年级上册Lesson 17精品课件

辨析:be going to 和 will (1)be going to表示近期就要发生的动作;will表示的 时间则较为久远一些。
例句:我打算去做作业。 (马上就做) I am going to do my homework. 有一天我们会去月球旅行。(不知道哪一天实现) We will travel to the moon one day.
Making a travel plan
We are going to travel by train. We will go to Beijing on February 3.
4. get ready for the trip 为旅行做准备 get ready for为固定短语,for后面接名词、动名词
或者代词作宾语,意指“为……做准备”。 例句:请准备好上课。 Please get ready for the class.
拓展:get ready to do sth. 准备做某事 例句:我正准备唱一首歌。
I am getting ready to sing a song. 我正准备去学校。 I am getting ready to go to school.
5. go home 回家 go home是一个固定短语,其中 home 用作副词,
表示“回家”的含义,前面不能加介词to。 例句:让我们回家吧。 Let’s go home!
3. We will go to Beijing on February 3。 我们要在二月三日去北京。

教案:Unit 3 Lesson 13 Beijing Is Great一、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)能够听懂、会说、会读本课的生词和重点句子。
2. 能力目标(1)能够运用所学知识进行简单的日常交流。
3. 情感目标培养学生热爱祖国,为我国悠久的历史和丰富的文化感到自豪的情感。
二、教学内容1. 单词:Great, history, visit, summer palace, temple of heaven, vegetable market。
2. 句子:Beijing is great.Beijing has a long history.How many places do you want to visit in Beijing?I want to visit the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven.Can you show me the way to the vegetable market?3. 语法:一般疑问句和回答。
三、教学重点与难点1. 重点:本课的生词、句子及语法。
2. 难点:一般疑问句的构成和回答。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、图片、地图。
2. 学具:课本、练习册、单词卡片。
五、教学过程1. 热身(5分钟)(1)跟唱歌曲“Hello, Hello, Hello!”。
2. 导入(10分钟)(1)老师出示北京的名胜古迹图片,引导学生谈论。
3. 课堂展示(15分钟)(1)老师带领学生学习生词和句子。
4. 练习与巩固(10分钟)(1)学生分组,进行对话练习。
Lesson17 Beijing is Great教学设计

Lesson17 Beijing is Great教学设计一、教材分析:本课是小学《学英语》教材第五册《Lesson 17 Beijing Is Great!》。
本学期将要讲述Li Ming、Jenny和Danny到北京旅行的故事。
在本课中,Li Ming 计划去北京旅行并邀请Jenny和Danny一起去。
二、教学目标:1.知识目标1)正确地听、说、读、写、用下列单词trip , hotel2)能理解并能运用下列句子a. Let’s go on a trip.b. I want to go to ____.c. I want___ and ___to come.2. 能力目标1) 能运用所学句型根据旅行说几句话。
2) 能简单描述北京。
3. 情感目标:使学生体会北京的伟大,增强对北京对祖国的热爱之情。
四、教学过程:Step 1、Warming up and review:T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! First let’s play a guessing game. 引出map, then ask : “ what do you know about China?” 复习旧知,谈论中国。
Step 2 Key Concepts1. Introduce “go on trips” 讲解go on a trip的意思。
just now you said Beijing is the capital city of China. Do you know about Beijing ? 引导学生说一说北京。
Beijing is great, and I want to go on a trip to Beijing. Where do you want to go? 询问学生,运用句型:I want to go on a trip to…2. T: If I go on a trip, I want my son and my husband to come. Who do you want to come? 练习句型:want somebody to do something.S1: I want … and …to come.3. enlarge knowledge:Tian’anmen Square is famous .Everyone knows Tian’anmen Square is in Beijing . so I can say Beijing is famous for Tian’anmen Square.引导学生说出be famous for的含义并板书)Can you tell me what’s Beijing famous for? And enjoy some pictures.给学生提供一些可供选择的北京景点!the Great Wall(长城) ,the Summer Palace(颐和园), Xiangshan Park(香山), Bird's Nest(鸟巢),Beijing Zoo(北京动物园)Longqingxia 龙庆峡,Wangfujing Street4、详细介绍这些著名的景点并进行分类Step 3. practice :group workT: We know so much about Beijing , let’s talk about it in group., everyone says one or two sentences, and then make a short passage about Beijing.Step 4、go back to the book.1. Listen to the tape and answer two questions.Where does Li Ming want to go?Who does Li Ming want to come with?2.Open your books and read it with one question :What does Li Ming know about Beijing ?T: now let’s see what we l earn from this lesson.(总结本课知识点)六、homework:Good !this is li ming goes on a trip to beijing, and we talk about we go on a trip to Beijing, at last we think about our city---langfang ,you can write about langfang . A trip to langfangUnit 1 My FamilyLesson 17Beijing Is Great!。

教案:Unit 3 Lesson 13 Beijing Is Great一、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)能够听懂、会说、会读本课的生词和重点句子。
2. 能力目标(1)能够通过图片和文字资料,了解北京的名胜古迹。
3. 情感目标培养学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡的情感。
三、教学重点与难点1. 重点:本课的生词和重点句子。
2. 难点:如何用英语描述北京的名胜古迹。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、图片、地图等。
2. 学具:课本、练习册、笔等。
五、教学过程1. 热身(5分钟)(1)教师与学生用英语进行简单的问候,询问学生上一节课的内容。
2. 导入(10分钟)(1)教师出示北京的名胜古迹图片,引导学生用英语进行描述。
3. 新课展示(15分钟)(1)教师引导学生学习本课的生词和句子。
4. 课堂练习(10分钟)(1)学生分组,每组选择一个北京景点,用英语进行描述。
六、板书设计板书设计如下:Unit 3 Lesson 13 Beijing Is Great1. 天安门 Tiananmen Square2. 颐和园 Summer Palace3. 长城 Great Wall4. 故宫 Forbidden City七、作业设计1. 完成练习册的相关练习。
2. 用英语写一篇关于北京名胜古迹的短文。
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shopsຫໍສະໝຸດ restaurantsWrite down the important words.
写一写重点单词。 trip 旅行 go on a trip
hotel restaurant shop 商店 旅馆 餐馆
go to Beijing I want to _______ . go to Beijing Gao Yu I want ______ to _______. go to Beijing go to the zoo play ping-pong
3. What square is famous in Beijing?
Tian’anmen Square is very famous.
Tian’anmen Square
4. What’s very old and beautiful in Beijing?
The Palace Museum is very old and beautiful in Beijing.
I love Beijing.
I love China.
• Fill in the blanks (B)1 Let’s go _____ a trip. A to B on C in ( C ) 2 I want to ______ Beijing. A / B go C go to ( A ) 3 It ____ shops, restaurants and hotels. A has B have C is ( C ) 4 The capital city of China is ______ . A Bei Jing B beijing C Beijing ( A )5 I want Danny and Jenny _____ come, ______ . A to, too B too, to C too, too
fly kites
1. Where does Li Ming want to go? 2. Who does Li Ming want to come? 3. What square is famous in Beijing? 4. What’s very old and beautiful in Beijing?
The Palace Museum
5. What’s the difference between a restaurant and a hotel? We live in a___________. hotel restaurant We eat in a ___________.
Beijing is great
Writing: (小笔头)
Where do you want to go? Why?
61th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China
5. What’s the difference between a
restaurant and a hotel?
Questions: 1. Where does Li Ming want to go? He wants to go to Beijing. 2. Who does Li Ming want to come? He wants Danny and Jenny to come.
the Great Wall
Water Cube
Bird’s Nest
Lesson17: Beijing is Great!
Let’s go on a trip to Beijing
Beijing is a big city. It’s the capital city of China, our country.