1. 安装位置选择在安装油烟机时,正确的位置选择至关重要。
2. 适当的使用时间在使用油烟机时,要根据实际烹饪情况来决定使用时间。
3. 清洁与维护定期清洁和维护油烟机是保证其正常使用和延长寿命的关键。
4. 注意安全使用在使用油烟机时,一定要注意安全使用。
5. 选择适合的油烟机在购买油烟机时,要根据自己的厨房和使用需求选择适合的型号和规格。
6. 注意噪音控制油烟机在使用时会发出一定的噪音,特别是功率较大的商用油烟机。
烟气轮机风机变速器电机6E1800-3.7/0.9冲转盘车20分 30分 30分 30分 1小时 0.5 0.5 24小时 72小时时间(小时)图2 机组启动和升降表烟机将再生烟气中的热能和压力能膨胀作功,转变为机械能。
主风机负责供给再生器、外取热器烧焦需要的氧气,保证催化剂流化的动力空气,并维持再生器压力,它能否正常运转直接关系到整个装臵的正常生产,因此,必须坚持以下原则:----------- 在任何情况下,必须确保设备的安全,必与反应岗位紧密配合,克服一切困难,保证热平衡所需要的氧气,保证再生器流化需要的风量和压力;----------- 机组的仪表自控系统必须灵敏、准确,自保系统确实可靠;----------- 对机组的微小变化都要及时发现,找清原因,及时处理。
1.2 机组性能参数2机组性能参数2.1主风机型号: D800-330工艺编号: M-101轴功率: 2880KW最大流量: 800Nm3/min设计流量: 720 Nm3/min最小流量:进口温度(年平均): 30℃进口压力:0.098MPa(A)排出压力: 0.32 MPa(A)工作转速: 6899r/min第一临界转速: 3513 r/min第二临界转速:8512 r/min出口温度:170℃生产厂家:沈阳鼓风机(集团)有限公司2.2电动机型号: YKS710-4额定功率: 3200KW电压: 10000V频率: 50Hz工作转速: 1486 r/min额定电流: 221.2A满载效率:满载功率因数: 0.87临界转速:绝缘等级: F级转向:从烟机端顺时针生产厂家:佳木斯电机股份有限公司2.3变速箱型号: GYR-660-3200/4.64传动比: 6899/1486传动型式:渐开线齿形传动功率: 3200KW高速轴临界转速:低速轴临界转速:工作转速:生产厂家:沈阳鼓风机(集团)有限公司2.4烟气轮机型号: YL-3000型烟气轮机进气温度: 680℃进气压力P1: 0.23 MPa(A)排气温度: 563℃排气压力P2: 0.108 MPa(A)进口流量: 700 Nm3/min一级临界转速转向:从烟机端看逆时针效率: 81%工作转速: 6899 r/min输出功率: 2150KW生产厂家:兰州石化机械厂2.5电动盘车器型号: DRC-16-900-R-D1/7F-PS-P-PK 盘车转速: 46 r/min电机型号: Y2-90L-4功率: 1.5KW电压: 380V转速: 1390 r/min工作力矩最大力矩生产厂家:江苏大中电机股份有限公司2.6主要辅助设备2.6.1高温平板闸阀型号: DN800设计温度: 700℃公称压力: 0.4 MPa(A)气源压力: 0.4 MPa(A)控制方式:风关风动全开(全关)时间:2.6.2 高温电液蝶阀型号:公称直径: DN800油源方式介质压力: 0.35 MPa(A)介质温度: 720℃2.6.3 风机入口蝶阀型号: LSHN-63控制方式:风关气源压力: 0.49 MPa(A)开∕关时间最大输出力矩最大开度灵敏度准确度介质温度:常温介质压力: 0.096 MPa(A)2.6.4 机组润滑油系统a) 油泵型号: HSA660-51流量: 570L/min 44 m3/h输出压力: 1.0 MPa轴功率: 18.5KW电机型号: Y2-180-M-4功率: 18.5KW转速: 1470电压: 380Vb) 冷油器型号: 721.253TV545冷却油量: 44.22m3/h冷却面积: 59.72m2耗水量: 41 m3/h设计入口水温:32℃设计出口水温:≰40℃c) 滤油器型号: 112.227TV424过滤油量: 96 m3/h过滤面积:过滤精度: 10umd) 油箱规格: 731.269TV506e) 高位油箱(2000L)规格: 741.171TG257f)N46防锈汽轮机油质量指标运动粘度(40℃):41.4mm2/s–50.6 mm2/s闪点(开口):≮180℃酸值:≯0.3mgKOH/g凝点:≯-7℃机械杂质:无水份:无破乳化时间(54℃):≯15min氧化后酸值达2.0mgKOH∕g时间:≮1500h3开机前的准备工作3.1润滑油系统3.1.1主油箱内装入合格的N46防锈汽轮机油,并使其处于正常油位。
油烟机操作程序及注意事项一、操作程序1. 打开油烟机的电源开关,确保电源线插入电源插座,并且插头没有松动。
2. 按下油烟机的启动按键,启动油烟机。
3. 调节油烟机的风速和照明。
4. 使用油烟机时,应保持油烟机的工作区域干燥,避免接触水或其他液体。
5. 使用完毕后,按下油烟机的停止按键,关闭油烟机。
6. 拔出油烟机的电源插头,断开电源。
二、注意事项1. 在清洁和维护油烟机之前,务必先断开电源,以免发生触电事故。
2. 定期清洁油烟机的油网和油盒,以防止油脂积累过多引发火灾。
3. 油烟机的风管应保持畅通,定期检查和清洁风管以确保油烟排放畅通。
4. 在使用油烟机时,应确保风口和进风口的通风口不被堵塞,以确保油烟排放畅通。
5. 在使用油烟机时,应避免将易燃物品放置在油烟机附近,以免引发火灾。
6. 使用油烟机时应保持警惕,避免将炊具或其他物品靠近油烟机,以免发生意外。
7. 如果油烟机出现异常情况,如噪音过大、异味等,应立即停止使用并及时联系售后服务。
8. 在清洁油烟机时,应使用柔软的湿布擦拭,避免使用腐蚀性或磨损性物质,以免损坏油烟机的表面。
9. 在清洁油烟机时,应避免将水或其他液体溅入油烟机内部,以免引发电气故障。
10. 定期检查油烟机的电源线和插头,如有损坏或老化应及时更换,以确保安全使用。
1 引言1.1 液压传动的发展液压传动是根据 17 世纪帕斯卡提出的液体静压力传动原理而发展起来的一门新兴技术,是工农业生产中广为应用的一门技术。
1795 年英国约瑟夫·布拉曼 (Joseph Braman,1749 -- 1814) ,在伦敦用水作为工作介质 , 以水压机的形式将其应用于工业上 ,诞生了世界上第一台水压机。
1905 年将工作介质水改为油 ,又进一步得到改善。
第一次世界大战 (1914 -- 1918) 后液压传动广泛应用 ,特别是 1920 年以后 ,发展更为迅速。
液压元件大约在19世纪末20世纪初的20 年间 ,才开始进入正规的工业生产阶段。
1925年维克斯(F.Vikers)发明了压力平衡式叶片泵 ,为近代液压元件工业或液压传动的逐步建立奠定了基础。
20世纪初康斯坦丁·尼斯克(G · Constantimsco)对能量波动传递所进行的理论及实际研究 ;1910 年对液力传动( 液力联轴节、液力变矩器等 )方面的贡献,使这两方面领域得到了发展。
第二次世界大战 (1941 -- 1945) 期间 ,在美国机床中有 30% 应用了液压传动。
应该指出 ,日本液压传动的发展较欧美等国家晚了近 20 多年。
在1955年前后 ,日本迅速发展液压传动 ,1956年成立了“ 液压工业会”。
近 20~30 年间日本液压传动发展之快,届世界领先地位。
1. 产品概述:先宝油烟机采用先进的油烟过滤技术,能快速有效地吸附和净化厨房产生的油烟,同时降低噪音和能耗。
2. 安装步骤:在安装油烟机之前,请确保您已经阅读并理解了本说明书中的所有内容,并且具备一定的电器安装知识。
按照以下步骤进行安装:a. 将油烟机固定在烟道上方,并确保其与炉灶平行。
b. 连接油烟机的电源线,并确保电源插座符合安全标准。
c. 检查各部件是否牢固固定,并确保油烟机能够正常运行。
3. 使用方法:a. 打开油烟机电源开关,并选择合适的风速档位。
b. 使用炉灶时,请确保将油烟机开启,以确保有效抽排产生的油烟。
c. 油烟机的风速可根据实际需要进行调节。
d. 定期清洁油烟机的过滤网和油杯,以保证其正常运行和吸油烟效果。
4. 安全提示:a. 在清洁和维护油烟机时,请务必切断电源,以避免触电危险。
b. 请勿将易燃物品靠近油烟机,以防止火灾发生。
c. 如发现油烟机存在异常情况,如漏电、异味等,请立即停止使用,并与售后服务联系。
5. 常见问题解答:a. 为什么油烟机出现异味?油烟机使用一段时间后,可能会出现异味,这是正常现象。
b. 油烟机抽风效果不佳,有什么解决方法?请先检查油烟机的风速档位是否正确设置,同时确保过滤网和油杯清洁干净。
油烟机产品知识手册一、 产品基础知识(一)产品概念油烟机是指抽吸室内的油烟气体,经分离油雾清除油雾和气体的机器。
(二) 产品分类2.1按净化方式分类 a ) 外排式:是指抽吸室内的油烟气体,经分离油雾后通过管道排向室外的吸油烟机。
b ) 循环式:是指抽吸室内的油烟气体,经过滤装置清除油雾和气味,并重新返回室内的吸油烟机。
c ) 两用式:是指既能装上过滤装置作循环式吸油烟机使用,又能拆除过滤装置,装上排气管作为外排式吸油烟机使用的吸油烟机。
2.2按集烟腔的深度分类 a ) 薄型 b ) 亚深型 c ) 深罩型2.3按外观造型分类a ) 欧式b ) 中式2.4按风轮的安装方式分类a ) 侧吸式b ) 直吸式(三) 产品型号表示方式例如:C X • _ • _ ——• _—— 产品设计序号(EF01) 主电机输入功率(168)净化方式分类(W :外排式、X :循环式、L :两用式) 吸油烟机 厨房器具类“亮点”CXW-188-ES01表示:厨房用 —— C吸油烟机 —— X 外排式 —— W主电机输入功率 —— 188W 设计序号 —— ES01(四)油烟机工作原理通过电机的工作来带动风轮的运转,风轮运转时所产生的吸力能将油烟、废气抽吸到风道,再通过烟管排出到室外。
安装要求在安装抽油烟机之前,请确保以下条件已满足:- 安全距离:抽油烟机上方至炉灶底部的最低距离应为700mm。
- 确保厨房通风良好,以便排放油烟和异味。
- 电源:确保有符合电源要求的插座。
- 合适的排气管道:抽油烟机需要与排气管道相连,确保油烟能够顺利排出室外。
- 所需工具:安装所需的工具包括螺丝刀、电钻、水平尺等。
安装步骤按照以下步骤安装抽油烟机:1. 准备工作- 找到合适的安装位置,确保距离炉灶合适。
- 确保有必要的安装工具和材料。
2. 安装固定架- 使用水平尺测量抽油烟机上方距离,标记出安装位置。
- 钻孔并安装固定架,确保稳固牢固。
3. 连接排气管道- 将合适的排气管道与抽油烟机连接。
4. 安装抽油烟机- 将抽油烟机安装到固定架上。
5. 完成安装- 确保抽油烟机已正确安装,牢固稳定。
- 接通电源,测试抽油烟机的功能是否正常。
使用方法开机和关机- 开机:按下电源按钮,抽油烟机开始工作。
- 关机:再次按下电源按钮,抽油烟机停止工作。
选择风速- 抽油烟机通常设置有多个风速档位,用户可以根据需要选择适当的风速。
- 适当的风速可以更好地吸收油烟和异味。
定期清洁- 为保证抽油烟机的正常运行和长寿命,建议定期对它进行清洁。
- 清洁前,请先断电并等待抽油烟机完全冷却。
- 使用清洁剂和软布擦拭抽油烟机的外壳和内部零件。
- 清洁过程中,不要将水或清洁剂直接喷洒到电机部分。
注意事项- 在使用抽油烟机前,请确保电源已经接通,同时确保油烟机的插头和电源插座配对无误。
- 不要将易燃物体放置在抽油烟机附近,以免发生火灾。
- 在清洁抽油烟机时,请务必断电,并等待它完全冷却后再进行清洁工作。
万宝油烟机说明书篇一:抽油烟机产品说明书.抽油烟机说明书一、产品特色? 本产品材质采用? 医用级不锈钢? 防腐耐摔? 侧吸式? 不容易碰头,外观时尚? 采用现代工业自动控制技术、互联网技术与多媒体技术的完美组合,为现代智能厨房提供了样板二、产品优势? 安装在厨房健康节能? 吸油烟机炉灶上方? 能将炉灶燃烧的废物和烹饪过程中产生的对人体有害的油烟迅速抽走? 排出室外? 减少污染,净化空气,并有防毒、防爆的安全三、装配示意图四、售后服务全国联保,2年保修,7天包退,30天包换。
服务热线700820篇二:超人吸油烟机说明书篇三:豪华油烟机使用说明书中英对照豪华吸油烟机Luxurious Cooker Hood安装说明Installation Instruction1、安装工具准备,①冲击电钻(带钻头)②扳手③螺丝刀④尺1. Prepare installation tools: ①Impact Electric Drill (with drill) ②Spanner ③Screwdriver ④Ruler2、确定位置:吸油烟机平行安装于炉头正上方.底部距炉台安装参考高度650—750mm,可拆卸挡板安装参考尺寸430mm,可根据实际的安装情况适当调整。
(如煤气炉灶安装说明规定了较大的安装距离者,对此应予考虑,)例:吊顶装饰罩(无拆卸挡板的安装方法)吊顶装饰罩可拆卸挡板(有拆卸挡板的安装方法)2. Determine Installation Site: the hood should be installed over the cooker. The reference setting distance from the bottom to the cooker is 650-750mm. The reference dimension of the dischargeable baffle plate is 430mm. It can be adjusted according to practical installation situation. The mounting hole should align vertical centers and keep horizontal with the cooker hood.(For instance, if a longer distance is stipulated in the instruction manual of cooker, it should be considered.)E.g. suspending ceiling decorative covering (installation method without dischargeable baffle plate )Suspending ceiling decorative covering dischargeable baffle plate (installation method with dischargeable baffle plate )3、安装挂脚:按照挂脚的尺寸在墙壁的相应位置上.钻出直径为8mm (严禁钻孔过大,造成膨胀管松动而意外跌落).深度为50一60mm的四个孔,将膨胀管压入孔内.再用随机配备的St4X40木螺钉将挂脚可靠固定。
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XtremeAir PX06-I36 I42 I48 PX04-I36 42 抽油烟机说明书
INSTALLATION GUIDE & USER’S MANUAL ISLAND MOUNT RANGE HOODPRODUCT WARRANTYMPORTANT N OTICE: The Important Safety Instructions and warnings in this manual are not meant to cover all possible problems and/or situations that can occur upon installation of this unit. Use extreme caution when installing, maintaining or operating this or any other appliance. Contact the XtremeAir USA, LLC, Support Teamin this manual.To avoid the possibility of an explosion or fire,Min 26” Max 30” 36” BaseCabinet Jack OPTIONALPencil or MarkerPhillip ScrewdriverLevelAluminum TapeWall/Keyhole SawTape MeasurePowered ScrewdriverGUPPER “HOOK”CHIMNEYLOWER “SLOT”CHIMNEYLOWER “HOOK”CHIMNEY MANUAL BOOKIMPORTANT: DUE TO THE WEIGHT AND SIZE OF THIS UNIT, CEILINGBRACKET MUST BE MOUNTED TO A WEIGHT-BEARING CEILING(SUPPORT SYSTEM OR FRAMEWORK BEING USED IS STABLE ANDD1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D9 10.5inch3.8inch12 5/8inch23.0inch19.0inch23.6inch35.4/41.3/ 47.2inch5.75inch CeilingmountbracketdepthCeiling mountbracketperimeterheightCeilingmountbracketwidthUpperchimneylengthLowerchimneylengthBodydepthBody width (I36,I42 , I48)Bodyheight DIMENSION TABLED8: Total bracket length. See formula belowD8= CEILING HEIGHT FROM FLOOR –D11–D10–D9D10:Clearance from bottom of hood to cook top (26” to 30” as per your design)D11:Cook top height from floor (36”)STEP #4: ATTACHING HOOD BODYSTEP #5: INSTALLING CHIMNEYSSet the lower “HOOK”chimney piece into place so it drops into the top of the hood.HINT: Due to the heavy weight of this range hood, use of a vertical jack to lift and support the hood in place is highly recommended.Attach the multi-hole brackets (P2) to the outside 4 corners of the ceiling brackets (P1) IMPORTANTBefore moving to STEP5, do the following:Slide upper “hook” chimney (UHC) in, leave about 1” from the ceiling. tape to hold it up from falling down if you don’t have any helper to hold it.(USC) into place 31TYPE 1 (PX06 Models): SCREEN TOUCH CONTROLImportance Notice:INCORRECTEntire button covered and lightly touched.CORRECTOPEN: While holding a bafflefilter, pull baffle filter lock down.: While a baffle filter is open, use both hand to hold both end of it then useyour index finger (either left or right) to push baffle filter hinge pin toward to middle of baffle filter to release it.: Please reverse the process.Button is NOT completely coveredActivating Smoke Detector Function:Remote Control Sensor:TYPE 2 (PX04 Models): TOUCH BUTTONImportance Notice:4.2 ½ HOUR AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF: this range hood will be shut off for every approx. 2 ½ hour. You can re-startoperation as usual after it was shut off.5.30 HOUR REMINDER: after 30 hours of use, the timer (8) will be flashing. T o clear it, please refer to “G-To ClearCleaning Reminder” on page 7.TYPE 2: TOUCH BUTTON1.(1) To power ON/OFF, and to activate power-off delay timer.9.(9) Indicates the length of time left for delay off function.10.(10) Lights up when auto-shutdown delay timer function is on.A. ACTIVATING BLOWER FUNCTION:∙Option 1: Touch and hold down (+) for 1-2 seconds.∙Option 2: Touch and hold down power sign (1) for 1-2 seconds. (The blower will be running at the same speed as last used).Note: The system saves user configurations, settings such as timer and blower (motor) speed will remain the same the next time it is turned on.B. ADJUSTING BLOWER SPEED:∙Touch and hold down (+) for increase.∙Touch and hold down (-) for decrease.C. TURNING OFF THE BLOWER:∙Touch and hold down power sign (1) for 1-2 seconds.D. TO TURN THE LIGHT ON/OFF:∙Touch Light button (6) once to turn on the lights, and once again to turn off the lights.E. ADJUSTING THE TIMER FUNCTION:∙While the blower (motor) is not running, touch and hold Decrease Value button (2) over 3 seconds (until it’s flashin g) to enter timer mode.∙Adjust to desired period of delay off timer by touching Increase Value or Decrease Value button (minimum 1 minute to maximum 15 minutes).This setting will be saved immediately.F. ACTIVATING THE TIMER FUNCTION:∙While the blow er (motor) is running, touch and hold “Power” button (1) for over 3 seconds to activate delay off timer. Power-Off Delay Timer Indicator(10) will light up and Power-Off Delay Digital Timer (9) will begin to countdown. When it reaches zero, the blower (motor) will shut down.G. TO CLEAR CLEANING REMINDER:∙When blower (motor) starts to rotate, cumulative running time will be shown in Power-On Elapsed Digital Timer (8). This timer icon flashes when 30 hours is up and reminds user to clean the baffle filters.∙After cleaning the filters and when the motor is not in use, touch and hold (+) Increase Value button (7) over 3 seconds to reset the timer. Please note that turning off the system will not reset the Power-On Elapsed Digital Timer (8).12. SPECIFICATIONBody Design Non-Magnetic 1.0 mm Stainless Steel, Satin FinishPower Rating 120V/60Hz (USA & Canada standard)General Input Power 158W (150W + 4x2W)Motor Input Power 150 W eachAmpere 1.3 ALevels Of Speed Control 4 LevelsMaximum Airflow 900CFMNoise Level Approximately 1.5 – 6.0 sones or 33 – 54 dBNumber Of Motors Single MotorMotor Type Single Chamber Ultra QuietFan Type Squirrel Cage blowerFiltration Type Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Baffle FilterIllumination 4 LED lights, 2W Maximum/eachVenting Size Top 6 inches RoundInterference Protection Radio Frequency Interference ProtectedNote Specification subject to change without notice.1. If the range hood or lights does not operate after installation:∙ Check if the range hood has been plugged in. Make sure that all power has been turned back ON. Check if the fuse is not blown and all electrical wiring is properly connected.∙ Swap out light assembly to working ones to deter mine whether it is caused by defective bulbs. See replacing the light bulbs on Page 13. 2. The range hood vibrates when the blower is on:∙ The range hood might not have been secured properly on to the ceiling or wall.∙ Check if the motor is secured in place. If not, then tighten the motor in place. Check if the blower wheel is damaged. 3. The blower or fan seems weak:∙ Check that the duct sized used is at least 6”. Range hood WILL NOT function efficiently with insufficient duct size & loosel y secured.∙ Check if duct is clogged or if damper unit (half-circular flapper) is not installed correctly or opening properly. A tight mesh on a side wall cap unit mightalso cause restriction to the air flow.4. The lights work but the blower is not spinning at all, is stuck or is rattling.∙ The blower might be jammed or scraping the bottom due to shipping damage. Please contact us immediately. ∙The motor is defective, possibly seized - change the motor. 5. The hood is not venting out properly :∙ Make sure the distance between the stove top and the botto m of the hood is within 26” and 30” in distance. Due to different ceiling height configura-tions, recommended height may not be applicable.∙ Reduce the number of elbows and length of ductwork. Check if all joints are properly connected, sealed, and taped. ∙ Make sure the power is on high speed for heavy cooking. 6. The hood is noisier than normal∙ The duct is not secure and causes vibration. ∙ The smaller duct size than required is being used. 7. Control panel is not active∙ Check to make sure the auto function is not on.Operations:∙ Read and understand all instructions and warnings in this manual before operating the appliance. Save these instructions for future reference. ∙ Always leave safety grills and filters in place. Without these components, operating blowers could catch on to hair, fingers and loose clothing. ∙ NEVER dispose cigarette ashes, ignitable substances, or any foreign objects into blowers.∙ NEVER leave cooking unattended. When frying, oil in the pan can easily overheat and catch fire. The risk of self combustion is higher when the oil hasbeen used several times.∙ NEVER cook on “open” flames under the range hood. Check deep -fryers during use: Superheated oil may be flammable. Cleaning:∙ The saturation of greasy residue in the blower and filters may cause increased inflammability. Keep unit clean and free of grease and residue build-up at all times to prevent possible fires.∙ FILTERS MUST BE CLEANED PERIODICALLY AND FREE FROM ACCUMULATION OF COOKING RESIDUE.∙ DO NOT operate blowers when filters are removed. Never disassemble parts to clean without proper instructions. Disassembly is recommended tobe performed by qualified personnel only. Read and understand all instructions and warnings in this manual before proceeding.13. TROUBLESHOOTING14. USE & CARE INFORMATION15. MAINTENANCESAFETY WARNING: Never put your hand into area housing the fan while the fan is operating! For optimal operation, clean range hood and all baffle/spacer /filter/grease tunnel/oil container regularly. Regular care will help preserve the appearance of the range hood.Cleaning Exterior surfaces:∙Clean periodically with stainless steel cleaner or hot soapy water and clean cotton cloth. Do not use corrosive or abrasive detergent (e.g.Comet Power Scrub®, EZ-Off® oven cleaner), or steel wool/scoring pads, which will scratch and damage the stainless steel surface.For heavier soil use liquid degrease such as “Formula 409®” or “Fantastic®” brand cleaner.∙If hood looks splotchy (stainless steel hood), use a stainless steel cleaner to clean the surface of the hood. Avoid getting cleaning solution on or into the control panel. Follow directions of the stainless steel cleaner. CAUTION: Do not leave on too long as this may cause damage to hood finish. Use soft towel to wipe off the cleaning solution, gently rub off any stubborn spots. Use dry soft towel to dry the hood.∙After cleaning, you may use non abrasive stainless steel polish such as 3M ® or ZEP®, to polish and buff out the stainless luster and grain. Always scrub lightly, with clean cotton cloth, and with the grain.∙DO NOT allow deposits to accumulate or remain on the hood.∙DO NOT use ordinary steel wool or steel brushes. Small bits of steel may adhere to the surface and cause rusting.∙DO NOT allow salt solutions, disinfectants, bleaches, or cleaning compounds to remain in contact with stainless steel for extended periods. Many of these compounds contain chemicals, which may be harmful. Rinse with water after exposure and wipe dry with a clean cloth.Cleaning Grease Filter / Stainless Steel Filter less Grill:IMPORTANT: Drain oil from oil containers before oil and residue overflow!∙The metal filters fitted by the factory are intended to filter out residue and grease from cooking. It needs not be replaced on a regular basis but are required to be kept clean.∙Filters should be cleaned after every 30 hours of use. Remove and clean by hand or dishwasher. Use proper degreasing detergent for stainless steel and leave to soak if heavily soiled. Dry filters and re-install before using hood.16. LIMITED WARRANTY。
油烟净化一体机使用说明目录简介 (1)关于本手册 (1)设备工作原理 (1)产品特点 (1)注意事项及安全警告 (2)新一体机的包装 (2)旧一体机的处理 (2)使用新油烟机之前 (2)安全警告 (2)产品技术规格 (3)执行标准 (3)产品示意图 (3)产品型号命名 (4)产品型号参数 (5)安装使用及维护说明 (5)安装详述 (5)安装示意图 (6)使用详述 (7)电路图 (7)维护方法 (9)常见问题及处理方法 (10)保修指南 (11)产品保修条件 (11)收费条件 (11)简介非常感谢您选购赛米控油烟净化一体机。
c、烟机、风机、电机增速箱,联轴器油压 0.2 MPa。
KD 9570 OBC KD 9570 OJ 抽油烟机使用说明书
BEDIENUNGSANWEISUNG mit MontageanweisungenInstrucciones de Uso y de MontajeInstructions for use and installationInstructions d΄utilisation e avis de montageInstruções de utilizaçao e instalaçaoKD 9570 OBCKD 9570 OJ(Rev. 0)ENG Dear clientCongratulations on your choice. We are surethat this modern, functional and practicalappliance, made with top quality materials,will fully satisfy your needs.Please read every section of thisINSTRUCTIONS MANUAL before using yourkitchen hood for the first time, to ensuremaximum performance from the applianceand to avoid breakdowns, which may becaused by incorrect use, as well as to allowany minor problems to be solved.Store this manual, as it will provide usefulinformation about your kitchen hood at alltimes and will also help other people to use it.•Please be aware of current localregulations with reference to domesticelectrical fittings and gas eduction.•Verify that the tension and frequency of thenetwork match those indicated on the labellocated inside the kitchen hood.•If the supply cable is damaged it should bereplaced by the manufacturer, the after-sales service or a suitably qualified personin order to avoid hazard.•Once the kitchen hood has been installed,ensure that the mains cable to the networkis not in contact with any live metal edges.•Avoid connecting the appliance toconductors used as exits for fumesproduced by a non-electric energy source,e.g.: boilers, chimneys, etc.•If the extractor fan is going to be usedsimultaneously with equipment powered bya non-electric energy source, e.g.: gascookers, then the room must havesufficient ventilation.•Excessive fat accumulation in the kitchenhood and metal filters is a fire risk and mayalso cause dripping, therefore the inside ofthe kitchen hood and the metal filters mustbe cleaned at least once a month.•The lower part of the kitchen hood must befitted at least 65cm. over gas or mixedhobs. FOLLOW THE HOBS´ MANUFAC-TURER'S MINIMUM RECOMMENDA-TIONS.•Never leave gas hobs lit if not covered by acontainer. The fat accumulated in the filtersmay drip or catch fire when thetemperature increases.•Avoid cooking under the kitchen hood if themetal filters are not fitted, e.g.: while theyare being cleaned in the dishwasher.•You must not produce flames under thekitchen hood.•Do not place anything on top of the cookerhood.•Disconnect the appliance before anyinterior manipulation, e.g. during cleaningor maintenance.•We recommend the use of gloves and tobe extremely careful when cleaning thekitchen hood's interior.•Your kitchen hood is designed for domesticuse and only for extraction and purificationof fumes produced during foodpreparation. It will be your responsibility if itis used for other purposes, which may bedangerous. The manufacturer cannotaccept responsibility for damage causedby improper use of the appliance.•For repairs please contact the nearestKÜPPERSBUSCH Technical AssistanceService, and always use genuine spareparts. Repairs or modifications carried outby unqualified personnel can causemalfunctions or may damage theappliance, putting your safety in danger.•This appliance is marked according to theEuropean directive 2002/96/EC on “WasteElectrical and Electronic Equipment”(WEEE). This guideline is the frame of aEuropean-wide validity of return andrecycling on Waste Electrical andElectronic Equipment, .•This device is not meant to be used bypersons (including children) whosephysical, sensory or mental capacities arereduced, or who lack experience/knowledge,except if they have supervision or receivedinstructions for using the device by theperson responsible for his/her safety. Keepchildren away from the device and neverlet them play with it.Safety Instructions10E N G12KÜPPERSBUSCH reserves the right to make changes and corrections to its products as it deems necessary, without altering their basic characteristics .Sizes and specificationsSee page 22.4Wall plugs (Ø8 x 40).4Long bolts (Ø5 x 45).2Wall plugs (Ø6 x 30).2Long bolts (Ø4 x 30).2Ø6,4 x Ø18, washers.Fig. 1On installing the kitchen hood make sure that the Safety Instructions set out on page 10 are complied with.To obtainoptimum performance, the external conduct must not be more than FOUR METRES long, have no more than two 90°angles and its diameter must be at least Ø120.1) Mark and drill the points for fitting the wall plugs onto the wall (P) (Ø8 x 40). See figure 1.2) Place the wall plugs and screw the long long bolts (Q) (Ø5 x 45) with the head of the screw protruding 5 mm from the wall.3) Hang the cooker hood onto the long bolts(Q). Level the unit and tighten the long bolts.4) Mark the position of the wall plugs (R) (Ø8 x 40) through the inner side of the kitchen hood.5) Loosen the long bolts(S) (Ø5 x 45) and remove the hood. If your hood is made of stainless steel, remove the plastic film beforemounting.6) Drill the holes and put the wall plugs (R).7) Hang the hood, tighten thelong bolts (Q)and (S) (Ø5 x 45) with washers (T) (Ø6, 4 x Ø18). When exterior gas extraction is not possible,then the kitchen hood may be set to purify the air by recycling it through active charcoal filters.The active charcoal filters have an active life of between three to six months, depending on the individual conditions of use. These filters cannot be washed nor regenerated. They must be replaced once their useful life comes to an end.Active charcoal filters (Optional)Installation Accesories supplied 13EN G22FIG.123。
抽油烟机使用说明书 - Power Series PW2300HAS、PW2336HAS
抽油煙機使用說明書極 風 系 列抽油機型號:序 號:Use,Care,and lnstallation GuidePower SeriesPW2300HAS,PW2336HASPW2300HAS,PW2336HASModel number:Serial Number:IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICEREAD AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS a) Use this unit only in the manner intended by the manufacturer, if you have questions, contact the manufacturer.b) Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off at service panel and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power from being switched on accidentally. When the service disconnecting means cannot be locked, securely fasten a prominent warning device, such as a tag, to the service panel.a) Never leave surface units unattended at high settings. Boil overs cause smoking and greasy spillovers that may ignite. Heat oils slowly on low or medium settings.b) Always turn hood ON when cooking at high heat or when flaming food.(i.e.Cherries Jubilee, Peppercom Beef Flambe’).c) Clean ventilating fans frequently. Grease should not be allowed to accumulate on fan or filter.d) Use proper pan size. Always use cookware appropriate for the size of the surface element.e) Keep fan, fillters and grease laden surfaces clean.f ) Use high setting on hood only when necessary. g) Don’t leave hood unattended when cooking.h) Always use cookware and utensils appropriate for the type of and amount of food being prepared. a) SMOTHER FLAMES with a close-fitting lid, cookie sheet, or metal tray, then turn off the burner. BE CAREFUL TO PREVENT BURNS. If the flames do not go out immediately, EVACUATE AND CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT.b) NEVER PICK UP A FLAMING PAN – You may be burned.c) DO NOT USE WATER, including wet dishcloths or towels – a violent steam explosion will result.d) Use an extinguisher ONLY if:1) You know you have a Class ABC extinguisher, and you already know how to operate it. 2) The fire is small and contained in the area where it started. 3) The fire department is being called.4) You can fight the fire with your back to an exit WARNINGWARNINGTO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR INJURY TO PERSONS, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING:WARNING -TO REDUCE THE RISK OF A RANGE TOP GREASE FIRE:WARNING -TO REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY TO PERSONS IN THE EVENT OF A RANGE TOP FIRE, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING:WARNING -TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK OR INJURY TO PERSONS, CAUTIONFor General Ventilating Use Only. Do Not Use To Exhaust Hazardous Or Explosive Materials And Vapors. TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT USE THIS FAN WITH ANY SOLID-STATE CONTROL DEVICE.IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICEa) Installation work and electrical wiring must be done by qualified person(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and standards. Including fire-rated construction.b) Sufficient air is needed for power combustion and exhausting of gases through the flue (chimney) of fuel burning equipment to prevent back-drafting. Follow the heating equipment manufacturer’s guideline and safety standards such as those published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the local code authorities.c) When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling, do not damage electrical wiring and other hidden utilities.d) Ducted fans must always vent to the outdoors.e) NEVER place a switch where it can be reached from a tub or shower.f ) Make sure the power is off before installing, wiring or maintenancing.WARNINGTO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, USE ONLY METAL DUCTWORK. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTSImportant: Observe all governing codes and ordinances. OPERATIONAlways leave safety grilles and filters in place. Without these components, operating blowers could catch onto hair, fingers and loose clothing.The manufacturer declines all responsibility in the event of failure to observe the instructions given here for installation, maintenance and suitable use of the product. The manufacturer further declines all responsibility for injury due to negligence and the warranty of the unit automatically expires due to improper maintenance. CAUTIONTo reduce risk of fire and to properly exhaust air outside - Do not vent exhaust air into spaces within walls, ceilings, attics, crawl spaces or garages.It is the customer’s responsibility:- To contact a qualified electrical installer.- To assure that the electrical installation is adequate and in conformance with National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 latest edition* or CSA standards C22.1-94, Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1 and C22.2 No.0-M91 - latest edition** and all local codes and ordinances.If codes permit and a separate ground wire is used, it is recommended that a qualified electrician determine that the ground path is adequate.*National Fire Protection Association Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269** CSA International 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44131-5575This appliance requires a 120V 60Hz electrical supply and connected to an individual properly grounded branch circuit protected by a 15 or 20 ampere circuit breaker or time delay fuse. Wiring must be 2 wire with ground. Please also refer to Electrical Diagram on product.Do not have a fuse in the neutral or ground circuit.Check with a qualified electrician if you are not sure the range hood is properly grounded.Do not ground to a gas pipe.目錄一.功能簡介/性能規格表………………………....1二.配件說明………………………………………. 2三.安裝原則………………………………………. 3四.安裝步驟………………………………………. 4五.按鍵說明 ….........................................… 5 .......................................5 六.移除燈泡.............................................. 6七.機身表面保養和清潔 ................................ 7八.注意事項...............................................8九.排除故障. (9)Table of ContentI. PRODUCT FEATURES/PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION CHART..1II. PARTS INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................2III. INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ...........................................3IV. INSTALLATION PROCEDUR ES . (4)V. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VI. REPLACING LIGHT BULB ................................................6VII. SURFACE MAINTENANCE ..............................................7VIII. CAUTIONS ....................................................................8IX. TROUBLESHOOTING (9)I. PRODUCT FEATURES/PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION CHARTA. Product FeaturesModel:PW2300HAS,PW2336HAS 1. 6-speed options.2. Light has varying degrees of brightness: Bright, Dim and Off.3. Delay-off function.4. Display Window: indicates speed levels and delay off, heater.B. Performance Specification Chart PW2336HAS PW2300HAS 2.0A/214W Net Weight(LBS)ModelsMeasurement (inch)Maximum Voltage Exhaust Pipe Diamet AL foil heater powerer LightMaximum consumption powerRound 7 inches, Rectangle 3-1/4"x10 inches LED Light strip 8Wx1120V – 60Hz29-3/4"X24-13/16"X7-7/8"35-11/16"X24-13/16"X7-7/8"37.9 LBS34.1 LBS一.功能簡介/性能規格表1. 6速風速選擇。
我们的产品结构合理、设计前卫,外观精致美观,操作简便,具有以下特点:1. 强劲的排风功能:通过高效电机及优质风叶的配合,实现了快速、高效的排风效果,有效清除油烟和异味,保持厨房空气清新。
2. 多档调速:内置多档风速调节功能,您可以根据不同的烹饪需求选择适当风速,保证烹饪时的灵活性和舒适性。
3. 超静音设计:通过科学的降噪技术和优质材料的使用,使得我们的抽油烟机在工作时噪音极低,不会对您的生活和休息造成干扰。
4. 易于清洁:我们的抽油烟机设计合理,可拆卸清洗,方便快捷,确保产品始终保持洁净卫生。
二、安装说明1. 安全须知:在安装我们的抽油烟机之前,请务必仔细阅读并理解以下安全须知:1.1 请确保安装环境通风良好,不要堵塞抽油烟机的进出风口。
1.2 请确保电气安装符合国家/地区的相关规范,避免因错误电气连接引起安全隐患。
1.3 请在使用过程中,保持抽油烟机与可燃物体保持一定的距离,避免因接触火源引起事故。
1.4 请勿将抽油烟机安装于高温、潮湿或易燃的环境中,避免影响产品安全性能。
2. 安装步骤:我们提供了详细的安装图解供您参考,在安装之前,您可以阅读以下步骤:2.1 确定安装位置:请根据您的厨房布局和操作需求,选择适当的安装位置,确保与烹饪设备之间有足够的间隔。
2.2 安装支架:将抽油烟机支架固定于安装位置,确保支架水平牢固。
2.3 安装油烟机:将抽油烟机的连接口与支架连接好,确保稳定。
2.4 连接电源:根据产品说明书上的电气连接图,正确接入电源线,确保安全可靠。
2.5 安装检查:在完成以上步骤后,请检查安装是否牢固可靠,所有电气接线是否正确无误。
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万宝油烟机说明书篇一:抽油烟机产品说明书.抽油烟机说明书一、产品特色? 本产品材质采用? 医用级不锈钢? 防腐耐摔? 侧吸式? 不容易碰头,外观时尚? 采用现代工业自动控制技术、互联网技术与多媒体技术的完美组合,为现代智能厨房提供了样板二、产品优势? 安装在厨房健康节能? 吸油烟机炉灶上方? 能将炉灶燃烧的废物和烹饪过程中产生的对人体有害的油烟迅速抽走? 排出室外? 减少污染,净化空气,并有防毒、防爆的安全三、装配示意图四、售后服务全国联保,2年保修,7天包退,30天包换。
服务热线700820篇二:超人吸油烟机说明书篇三:豪华油烟机使用说明书中英对照豪华吸油烟机Luxurious Cooker Hood安装说明Installation Instruction1、安装工具准备,①冲击电钻(带钻头)②扳手③螺丝刀④尺1. Prepare installation tools: ①Impact Electric Drill (with drill) ②Spanner ③Screwdriver ④Ruler2、确定位置:吸油烟机平行安装于炉头正上方.底部距炉台安装参考高度650—750mm,可拆卸挡板安装参考尺寸430mm,可根据实际的安装情况适当调整。
(如煤气炉灶安装说明规定了较大的安装距离者,对此应予考虑,)例:吊顶装饰罩(无拆卸挡板的安装方法)吊顶装饰罩可拆卸挡板(有拆卸挡板的安装方法)2. Determine Installation Site: the hood should be installed over the cooker. The reference setting distance from the bottom to the cooker is 650-750mm. The reference dimension of the dischargeable baffle plate is 430mm. It can be adjusted according to practical installation situation. The mounting hole should align vertical centers and keep horizontal with the cooker hood.(For instance, if a longer distance is stipulated in the instruction manual of cooker, it should be considered.)E.g. suspending ceiling decorative covering (installation method without dischargeable baffle plate )Suspending ceiling decorative covering dischargeable baffle plate (installation method with dischargeable baffle plate )3、安装挂脚:按照挂脚的尺寸在墙壁的相应位置上.钻出直径为8mm (严禁钻孔过大,造成膨胀管松动而意外跌落).深度为50一60mm的四个孔,将膨胀管压入孔内.再用随机配备的St4X40木螺钉将挂脚可靠固定。
3. Install Hitching Legs: Determine the relevant position on the wall according to the dimensions of the hitching legs. Drill 4 holes with diameter of 8mm (Do not drill holes with too large diameter to prevent accidental fall of cooker hood due to the loose of expansion pipe.) and depth of 50~60 mm. Press the expansion pipe into the holes then fix the hitching legs with St4X40 wood screws accompanied with the machine.4、安装装饰罩:揭去装饰罩保护膜.将装饰罩组件由上向下套入机身。
4. Install Decorative Covering: Disclose the protective layer of the covering and put it on the body of cooker hood from up to down. If the decorative covering is not long enough, you can purchase from our company.5、安装机体:将机体后部的挂孔对准挂脚的按压滑入.用手晃动机体看是否挂牢。
5. Install the Body of Cooker Hood: Make sure the hanging holes in the back of cooker hood are directed at the hookers of the hitching legs and push the cooker hood to make the hookers slip into the holes. Shake the cooker hood to ensure it is fastened. Estimate the lower edge by eyes, and the cooker hood should be horizontal. If not, you can adjust the mounting bracket.6、安装排风管:将排风管插入止回阀出风口内外圈之间,然后将排风管的另一端接至室外。
6. Install Exhaust Duct: Insert the exhaust duct between inner race and outter race of the air outletcheck valve.豪华吸油烟机Luxurious Cooker Hood使用说明Operation Instruction照明强档弱档电源Light High Speed Low SpeedPowerI、电机电源开关键“OFF”/“电源”:用来关断油烟机电机电源1. Power Switch button “OFF” / “Power”: Press this button to cut off the power2、油烟机低速档按键“”/“弱档”:控此键,油烟机低速运转。
2. Low Speed button “”/”Low Speed”: Press this button to turn on the cooker hood at low speed3、油烟机高速档按键“”/“强档”:按此键,油烟机高速运转。
3. High Speed button “”/”High Speed”: Press this button to turn on the cooker hood at high speed4、照明灯开关按键“”/“照明”:按此键.可循环开启,关闭照明灯4. Light Switch button“”/”Light”: Press thisbutton to turn on the light, and press again to turn it off.豪华吸油烟机Luxurious Cooker Hood电机电源开关键“OFF”/“电源”:用来关断油烟机电机电源Power Switch button “OFF” / “Power”: Press this button to cut off the power油烟机低速档按键“”/“弱档”:控此键,油烟机低速运转。
Low Speed button “”/”Low Speed”: Press this button to turn on the cooker hood at low speed 油烟机高速档按键“”/“强档”:按此键,油烟机高速运转。
High Speed button “”/”High Speed”: Press this button to turn on the cooker hood at high speed 照明灯开关按键“”/“照明”:按此键.可循环开启,关闭照明灯Light Switch button “”/”Light”: Press this button to turn on the light, and press again to turn it off. 延时功能键控键“”:按此键,启动延时一分钟.油烟机进入低速运转.按电源开关“”或高速键“”.取消延时功能,延时完成后关闭所有电源。
Delay button””/: Press this button to activate the delay function. The cooker hood will continue to operate 1 minute at low speed. To cancel the delay function, press the Power Switch button “” or High Speed button“”. After the delay, power will be cut off automatically.照明上调下调快档慢档停止Lighten Upward Downward High Speed Low Speed Stop程序:上电时音乐声.按钮时伴有蜂鸣。
Application: When turning on the power, there are music sounds and when pressing buttons, there are beeps.开关程序功能:Switches Application Function:1、停止键和停止指示灯:停止键作为电机及延时总关键,电机不工作按此键无效。