《英语常用学术词汇表》是由一些应用语言学家统计出来,最常用的有570 个词目 (headwords),每一个词目下面还列出了该词目的相关变化形式。
其中斜体字,analysis ,在学术英语中最为常见。
Sublist 1 of the Academic Word Listanalyse economy legislateanalysed economic legislatedanalyser economical legislatesanalysers economically legislatinganalyses economics legislationanalysing economies legislativeanalysis economist legislatoranalyst economists legislatorsanalysts uneconomical legislatureanalytic environment majoranalytical environmental majoritiesanalytically environmentalist majorityanalyze environmentalists methodanalyzed environmentally methodicalanalyzes environments methodologicalanalyzing establish methodologies approach disestablish methodology approachable disestablished methodsapproached disestablishes occurapproaches disestablishing occurredapproaching disestablishment occurrenceunapproachable established occurrencesarea establishes occurring areas establishing occursassess establishment reoccurassessable establishments reoccurredassessed estimate reoccurringassesses estimated reoccursassessing estimates percentassessment estimating percentageassessmentsreassessreassessedreassessingreassessmentunassessed assumeassumedassumesassumingassumptionassumptions authorityauthoritativeauthorities availableavailabilityunavailable benefitbeneficialbeneficiarybeneficiariesbenefitedbenefitingbenefitsconceptconceptionconceptsconceptualconceptualisationconceptualiseconceptualisedconceptualisesconceptualisingconceptually consistconsistedconsistencyconsistentconsistentlyconsistingconsistsinconsistenciesinconsistencyestimationestimationsover-estimateoverestimateoverestimatedoverestimatesoverestimatingunderestimateunderestimatedunderestimatesunderestimatingevidentevidencedevidenceevidentialevidentlyexportexportedexporterexportersexportingexportsfactorfactoredfactoringfactorsfinancefinancedfinancesfinancialfinanciallyfinancierfinanciersfinancingformulaformulaeformulasformulateformulatedformulatingformulationformulationsreformulatereformulatedpercentagesperiodperiodicperiodicalperiodicallyperiodicalsperiodspolicypoliciesprincipleprincipledprinciplesunprincipledproceedproceduralprocedureproceduresproceededproceedingproceedingsproceedsprocessprocessedprocessesprocessingrequirerequiredrequirementrequirementsrequiresrequiringresearchresearchedresearcherresearchersresearchesresearchingrespondrespondedrespondentrespondentsrespondingrespondsresponseinconsistent reformulating responses constitute reformulation responsive constituencies reformulations responsivenessconstituency function unresponsiveconstituent functional roleconstituents functionally rolesconstituted functioned sectionconstitutes functioning sectionedconstituting functions sectioningconstitution identify sectionsconstitutions identifiable sectorconstitutional identification sectorsconstitutionally identified significantconstitutive identifies insignificantunconstitutional identifying insignificantly context identities significance contexts identity significantlycontextual unidentifiable signifiedcontextualise income signifiescontextualised incomes signifycontextualising indicate signifyinguncontextualised indicated similarcontextualize indicates dissimilarcontextualized indicating similaritiescontextualizing indication similarityuncontextualized indications similarly contract indicative sourcecontracted indicator sourcedcontracting indicators sourcescontractor individual sourcingcontractors individualised specificcontracts individuality specifically create individualism specificationcreated individualist specificationscreates individualists specificitycreating individualistic specificscreation individually structurecreations individuals restructurecreative interpret restructuredcreatively interpretation restructurescreativity interpretations restructuringcreator interpretative structuralcreators interpreted structurallyrecreate interpreting structuredrecreated interpretiverecreates interpretsrecreating misinterpret datamisinterpretation definemisinterpretations definable misinterpreteddefined misinterpretingdefines misinterpretsdefining reinterpretdefinition reinterpreteddefinitions reinterpretsredefine reinterpretingredefined reinterpretationredefines reinterpretationsredefining involveundefined involvedderiveinvolvementderivation involvesderivations involvingderivative uninvolvedderivatives issuederived issuedderives issuesderiving issuingdistribute labourdistributed labordistributing laboreddistribution laborsdistributional laboureddistributions labouringdistributive laboursdistributor legaldistributors illegalredistribute illegalityredistributed illegallyredistributes legalityredistributing legallyredistributionstructuresstructuringunstructured theorytheoreticaltheoreticallytheoriestheoristtheorists varyinvariableinvariablyvariabilityvariablevariablesvariablyvariancevariantvariantsvariationvariationsvariedvariesvaryingSublist 2 of the Academic Word Listachieve distinct participateachievable distinction participantachieved distinctions participantsachievement distinctive participatedachievements distinctively participatesachieves distinctly participatingachieving indistinct participation acquire indistinctly participatory acquired element perceiveacquires elements perceivedacquiring equate perceivesacquisition equated perceivingacquisitions equates perception administrate equating perceptions administrates equation positiveadministration equations positivelyadministrations evaluate potentialadministrative evaluated potentiallyadministratively evaluates previousadministrator evaluating previouslyadministrators evaluation primaryaffect evaluations primarily affected evaluative purchaseaffecting re-evaluate purchasedaffective re-evaluated purchaseraffectively re-evaluates purchasersaffects re-evaluating purchasesunaffected re-evaluation purchasing appropriate feature rangeappropriacyappropriatelyappropriatenessinappropriacyinappropriateinappropriately aspectaspectsassistassistanceassistantassistantsassistedassistingassistsunassistedfeatured rangedfeatures rangesfeaturing rangingfinal regionfinalise regionalfinalised regionallyfinalises regionsfinalising regulatefinalize deregulatedfinalized deregulatesfinalizes deregulatingfinalizing deregulationfinality regulatedfinally regulatesfinals regulating focusregulationcategory focusedcategories focusescategorisation focusingcategorise focussedcategorised focussingcategorises refocuscategorising refocusedcategorization refocusescategorized refocusingcategorizes refocussedcategorizing refocusses chapterrefocussing chapters impactcommission impactedcommissioned impactingcommissioner impactscommissioners injurecommissioning injuredcommissions injures community injuriescommunities injuring complex injurycomplexities uninjuredcomplexity institutecomputeinstitutedcomputation institutescomputational institutingcomputations institutioncomputable institutionalcomputer institutionalisecomputed institutionalisedcomputerised institutionalisescomputers institutionalisingcomputing institutionalized concludeinstitutionalizes concluded institutionalizingconcludes institutionallyconcluding institutionsconclusion investconclusions investedconclusive investingconclusively investmentinconclusive investmentsinconclusively investorregulationsregulatorregulatorsregulatoryunregulated relevantirrelevanceirrelevantrelevanceresideresidedresidenceresidentresidentialresidentsresidesresiding resourceresourcedresourcefulresourcesresourcingunresourcefulunder-resourced restrictrestrictedrestrictingrestrictionrestrictionsrestrictiverestrictivelyrestrictsunrestrictedunrestrictive secureinsecureinsecuritiesinsecuritysecuredsecurelysecuressecuringsecuritiessecurityconductinvestorsconducted investsconducting reinvestconducts reinvested consequentreinvesting consequence reinvestmentconsequences reinvestsconsequently itemconstructitemisationconstructed itemiseconstructing itemisedconstruction itemisesconstructions itemisingconstructive itemsconstructs journalreconstruct journalsreconstructed maintainreconstructing maintainedreconstruction maintainingreconstructs maintains consumemaintenance consumed normalconsumer abnormalconsumers abnormallyconsumes normalisationconsuming normaliseconsumption normalised creditnormalises credited normalisingcrediting normalizationcreditor normalizecreditors normalizedcredits normalizes culturenormalizing cultural normalityculturally normallycultured obtaincultures obtainableuncultured obtained designobtainingdesigned obtainsdesigner unobtainabledesignersdesigning seekseekingseekssoughtselectselectedselectingselectionselectionsselectiveselectivelyselectorselectorsselectssitesitesstrategystrategicstrategiesstrategicallystrategiststrategists surveysurveyedsurveyingsurveystexttextstextual traditionnon-traditionaltraditionaltraditionalisttraditionallytraditions transfertransferabletransferencetransferredtransferringtransfersdesignsSublist 3 of the Academic Word Listalternative emphasis philosophyalternatively emphasise philosopheralternatives emphasised philosophers circumstance emphasising philosophical circumstances emphasize philosophically comment emphasized philosophies commentaries emphasizes philosophisecommentary emphasizing philosophisedcommentator emphatic philosophisescommentators emphatically philosophisingcommented ensure philosophizecommenting ensured philosophizedcomments ensures philosophizes compensate ensuring philosophizing compensated exclude physicalcompensates excluded physicallycompensating excludes proportioncompensation excluding disproportioncompensations exclusion disproportionatecompensatory exclusionary disproportionately component exclusionist proportional componentry exclusions proportionallycomponents exclusive proportionate consent exclusively proportionately consensus framew ork proportionsconsented frameworks publishconsenting fund publishedconsents funded publisher considerable funder publishers considerably funders publishes constant funding publishing constancy funds unpublishedconstantly illustrate reactconstants illustrated reactedinconstancy illustrates reactsinconstantly illustrating reacting constrain illustration reaction constrained illustrations reactionariesconstraining illustrative reactionaryconstrains immigrate reactionsconstraint immigrant reactiveconstraints immigrants reactivateunconstrained immigrated reactivation contribute immigrates reactor contributed immigrating reactorscontributes immigration registercontributing imply deregistercontribution implied deregisteredcontributions implies deregisteringcontributor implying deregisterscontributors initial deregistration convene initially registered convention instance registeringconvenes instances registersconvened interact registrationconvening interacted relyconventional interacting reliabilityconventionally interaction reliableconventions interactions reliablyunconventional interactive reliance coordinate interactively reliant coordinated interacts reliedcoordinates justify reliescoordinating justifiable relyingcoordination justifiably unreliablecoordinator justification removecoordinators justifications removableco-ordinate justified removalco-ordinated justifies removalsco-ordinates justifying removedco-ordinating unjustified removesco-ordination layer removingco-ordinator layered schemeco-ordinators layering schematic core layers schematically cores link schemedcoring linkage schemescored linkages scheming corporate linked sequencecorporates linking sequencedcorporation links sequencescorporations locate sequencing correspond located sequentialcorresponded locating sequentiallycorrespondence location sexcorresponding locations sexescorrespondingly relocate sexismcorresponds relocated sexual criteria relocates sexuality criterion relocating sexually deduce relocation shiftdeduced maximise shifteddeduces max shiftingdeducing maximised shiftsdeduction maximises specifydeductions maximising specifiable demonstrate maximisation specified demonstrable maximize specifiesdemonstrably maximized specifyingdemonstrated maximizes unspecifieddemonstrates maximizing sufficientdemonstrating maximization sufficiencydemonstration maximum insufficientdemonstrations minor insufficientlydemonstrative minorities sufficientlydemonstratively minority taskdemonstrator minors tasksdemonstrators negate technicaldocument negative technically documentation negated techniquedocumented negates techniquesdocumenting negating technologydocuments negatively technological dominate negatives technologically dominance outcome validdominant outcomes invalidatedominated partner invaliditydominates partners validatedominating partnership validateddomination partnerships validatingvalidationvalidityvalidlyvolumevolumesvolSublist 4 of the Academic Word Listaccess error parallelaccessed erroneous paralleledaccesses erroneously parallelledaccessibility errors parallellingaccessible ethnic parallelsaccessing ethnicity unparalleledinaccessible goal parameteradequate goals parameters adequacy grant phaseadequately granted phasedinadequacies granting phasesinadequacy grants phasinginadequate hence predictinadequately hypothesis predictability annual hypotheses predictable annually hypothesise predictably apparent hypothesised predicted apparently hypothesises predicting approximate hypothesising prediction approximated hypothesize predictionsapproximately hypothesized predictsapproximates hypothesizes unpredictabilityapproximating hypothesizing unpredictableapproximation hypothetical principalapproximations hypothetically principally attitude implement priorattitudes implementation professionalattribute implemented professionally attributable implementing professionalsattributed implements professionalismattributes implicate projectattributing implicated projectedattribution implicates projectingcivil implicating projection code implication projections coded implications projectscodes impose promotecoding imposed promoted commit imposes promoter commitment imposing promoterscommitments imposition promotescommits integrate promotingcommitted integrated promotioncommitting integrates promotions communicate integrating regimecommunicable integration regimescommunicated internal resolvecommunicates internalise resolutioncommunicating internalised resolvedcommunication internalises resolvescommunications internalising resolvingcommunicative internalize unresolvedcommunicatively internalized retainuncommunicative internalizes retained concentrate internalizing retaining concentrated internally retainerconcentrates investigate retainersconcentrating investigated retainsconcentration investigates retention confer investigating retentive conference investigation seriesconferences investigations statisticconferred investigative statisticianconferring investigator statisticiansconfers investigators statistical contrast job statistically contrasted jobs statisticscontrasting label statuscontrastive labeled stresscontrasts labeling stressed cycle labelled stresses cycled labelling stressfulcycles labels stressingcyclic mechanism unstressedcyclical mechanisms subsequentcycling obvious subsequently debate obviously sumdebatable occupy summationdebated occupancy summeddebates occupant summingdebating occupants sums despite occupation summary dimension occupational summaries dimensional occupations summarisedimensions occupied summarisedmultidimensional occupier summarises domestic occupiers summarising domestically occupies summarisationdomesticate occupying summarisationsdomesticated option summarizationdomesticating optional summarizationsdomestics options summarize emerge output summarized emerged outputs summarizesemergence overall summarizingemergent undertakeemerges undertakenemerging undertakesundertakingundertook Sublist 5 of the Academic Word Listacademy expand orientacademia expanded orientateacademic expanding orientatedacademically expands orientatesacademics expansion orientationacademies expansionism orientating adjust expansive oriented adjusted expose orientingadjusting exposed orientsadjustment exposes reorientadjustments exposing reorientationadjusts exposure perspectivereadjust exposures perspectivesreadjusted external precisereadjusting externalisation imprecisereadjustment externalise preciselyreadjustments externalised precisionreadjusts externalises primealter externalising primacy alterable externality psychologyalteration externalization psychologicalalterations externalize psychologicallyaltered externalized psychologistaltering externalizes psychologistsalternate externalizing pursuealternating externally pursuedalters facilitate pursuesunalterable facilitated pursuingunaltered facilitates pursuit amend facilities pursuits amended facilitating ratioamending facilitation ratiosamendment facilitator rejectamendments facilitators rejectedamends facility rejecting aware fundamental rejection awareness fundamentally rejectsunaware generate rejections capacity generated revenuecapacities generates revenuesincapacitate generating stableincapacitated generation instability challenge generations stabilisation challenged image stabilisechallenger imagery stabilisedchallengers images stabiliseschallenges liberal stabilisingchallenging liberalise stabilization clause liberalism stabilize clauses liberalisation stabilized compound liberalised stabilizes compounded liberalises stabilizingcompounding liberalising stabilitycompounds liberalization unstable conflict liberalize styleconflicted liberalized styledconflicting liberalizes stylesconflicts liberalizing styling consult liberate stylish consultancy liberated styliseconsultant liberates stylisedconsultants liberation stylisesconsultation liberations stylisingconsultations liberating stylizeconsultative liberator stylizedconsulted liberators stylizesconsults liberally stylizingconsulting liberals substitutecontact licence substitutedcontactable licences substitutescontacted license substitutingcontacting licensed substitutioncontacts licensing sustaindecline licenses sustainable declined unlicensed sustainabilitydeclines logic sustaineddeclining illogical sustaining discrete illogically sustains discretely logical sustenancediscretion logically unsustainablediscretionary logician symbolindiscrete logicians symbolicindiscretion margin symbolically draft marginal symbolise drafted marginally symbolisesdrafting margins symboliseddrafts medical symbolisingredraft medically symbolismredrafted mental symbolizeredrafting mentality symbolizedredrafts mentally symbolizes enable modify symbolizing enabled modification symbolsenables modifications targetenabling modified targeted energy modifies targeting energetic modifying targetsenergetically unmodified transitenergies monitor transited enforce monitored transiting enforced monitoring transitionenforcement monitors transitionalenforces unmonitored transitionsenforcing network transitory entity networked transits entities networking trendequivalent networks trends equivalence notion versionevolve notions versions evolution objective welfareevolved objectively wheevolving objectivityevolvesevolutionaryevolutionistevolutionistsSublist 6 of the Academic Word Listabstract enhance neutralabstraction enhanced neutralisationabstractions enhancement neutraliseabstractly enhances neutralisedabstracts enhancing neutralises accurate estate neutralising accuracy estates neutralityaccurately exceed neutralizationinaccuracy exceeded neutralizeinaccuracies exceeding neutralizedinaccurate exceeds neutralizes acknowledge expert neutralizing acknowledged expertise neverthelessacknowledges expertly overseasacknowledging experts precedeacknowledgement explicit precededacknowledgements explicitly precedence aggregate federal precedent aggregated federation precedesaggregates federations precedingaggregating fee unprecedentedaggregation fees presumeallocate flexible presumably allocated flexibility presumedallocates inflexible presumesallocating inflexibility presumingallocation furthermore presumptionallocations gender presumptions assign genders presumptuous assigned ignorant rationalassigning ignorance irrationalassignment ignore rationalisationassignments ignored rationalisationsassigns ignores rationalisereassign ignoring rationalisedreassigned incentive rationalisesreassigning incentives rationalisingreassigns incidence rationalismunassigned incident rationality attach incidentally rationalization attached incidents rationalizationsattaches incorporate rationalizeattaching incorporated rationalizedattachment incorporates rationalizesattachments incorporating rationallyunattached incorporation recoverauthor index recoverable authored indexed recoveredauthoring indexes recoveringauthors indexing recoversauthorship inhibit recoverybond inhibited revealbonded inhibiting revealedbonding inhibition revealingbonds inhibitions revealsbrief inhibits revelation brevity initiate revelationsbriefed initiated scopebriefing initiates subsidybriefly initiating subsidiarybriefs initiation subsidies capable initiations subsidise capabilities initiative subsidisedcapability initiatives subsidisesincapable initiator subsidising cite initiators subsidize citation input subsidizedcitations inputs subsidizescited instruct subsidizingciting instruction tapecites instructed taped cooperate instructing tapes cooperated instructions tapingcooperates instructive tracecooperating instructor traceablecooperation instructors tracedcooperative instructs tracescooperatively intelligent tracingco-operate intelligence transformco-operated intelligently transformationco-operates unintelligent transformationsco-operation interval transformedco-operative intervals transformingco-operatively lecture transforms discriminate lectured transportdiscriminated lecturer transportationdiscriminates lecturers transporteddiscriminating lectures transporterdiscrimination lecturing transporters display migrate transporting displayed migrant transportsdisplaying migrants underliedisplays migrated underlay diverse migrates underlies diversely migrating underlyingdiversification migration utilisediversified migrations utilisationdiversifies migratory utiliseddiversify minimum utilisesdiversifying ministry utilisingdiversity ministered utiliser domain ministering utilisers domains ministerial utilityedit ministries utilities edited motive utilizationediting motivate utilizeedition motivated utilizededitions motivates utilizeseditor motivating utilizingeditorial motivationeditorials motivationseditors motivesedits unmotivatedSublist 7 of the Academic Word Listadapt equip prohibitadaptability equipment prohibitedadaptable equipped prohibitingadaptation equipping prohibitionadaptations equips prohibitionsadapted extract prohibitiveadapting extracted prohibitsadaptive extracting publicationadapts extraction publications adult extracts quoteadulthood file quotationadults filed quotations advocate files quoted advocacy filing quotesadvocated finite quotingadvocates infinite releaseadvocating infinitely released aid foundation releases aided foundations releasingaiding globe reverseaids global reversalunaided globally reversed channel globalisation reverses channelled globalization reversiblechannelling grade reversingchannels graded reversals chemical grades irreversible chemically grading simulatechemicals guarantee simulated classic guaranteed simulates classical guaranteeing simulatingclassics guarantees simulation comprehensive hierarchy solecomprehensively hierarchical solely comprise hierarchies somew hat comprised identical submitcomprises identically submissioncomprising ideology submissions confirm ideological submits confirmation ideologically submittedconfirmed ideologies submittingconfirming infer successorconfirms inference succession contrary inferences successions contrarily inferred successive convert inferring successively conversion infers successorsconversions innovate surviveconverted innovation survivalconvertible innovated survivedconverting innovates survivesconverts innovating survivingcouple innovations survivor coupled innovative survivorscoupling innovator thesiscouples innovators theses decade insert topicdecades inserted topical definite inserting topics definitely insertion transmitdefinitive inserts transmissionindefinite intervene transmissionsindefinitely intervened transmitted deny intervenes transmitting deniable intervening transmitsdenial intervention ultimatedenials interventions ultimatelydenied isolate uniquedenies isolated uniquelydenying isolates uniquenessundeniable isolating visibledifferentiate isolation visibility differentiated isolationism visiblydifferentiates media invisibledifferentiating mode invisibilitydifferentiation modes voluntarydispose paradigm voluntarily disposable paradigms volunteerdisposal phenomenon volunteeringdisposed phenomena volunteereddisposes phenomenal volunteersdisposing prioritydynamic prioritiesdynamically prioritisationdynamics prioritiseeliminate prioritisedeliminated prioritiseseliminates prioritisingeliminating prioritizationelimination prioritizeempirical prioritizedempirically prioritizesempiricism prioritizingSublist 8 of the Academic Word List。
AWLSublist 1analyze [ ? ? n? laiz] vt . 〈美〉分析 ,分解 , 解释constitut e [ ? k?nstitju:t] vt . 构成 , 组成建立 , 制定选定 , 任命 establish [is ? t ? bli? ] vt . 建立 , 成立安置确定 , 证实 indicate [ ? indikeit] vt . 标示 ,指示 , 指出象征 ; 表明或暗示⋯的可能性occur [ ? ? k? :] vi . 发生 ; 举行 ; 存在被发现 ; 想到[ 起]role [r ? n 作用 , 职责角色ul] . n. 靠近 ,方法 vt . 接洽 ,approach[ ? ? pr ? ut ? ] 接近 , 临近通路 , 入口 , 途径方式 , 交涉 ; 着手处理 vt . & v i . 接近, 走近 , 靠近 语境context [ ? k? n 背景 , 环境上下文 ,ntekst]. 估计 vt vi 估计 评价 评估estimate [ ? n , 估价报价判断 . & . ;, estimeit]. adj 个别的 n 个人人 individua l [ ? ? ndi ? vidju ? l ] . , 单独的 , 个人的独特的 .percent [p ? ? sent] n. 百分比 , 百分数 科截面 剖面地区 区section [ ? sek? ? n 章节部分部门 , , ,n] .area [ ? ? ? ri ? n 面积区域 , 地区领域 ,方面 ]. n 缔结 订契约 vt v i 染上 恶习 疾病contract [k ? n? tr ? 契约 , 合同 vt . ; . & . ,kt]. ( 等)缩小; 紧缩 adj . 明显的 ,evident [ ? evid ? nt] 明白的interpre t [in ? t ? :prit] vt . 解释 ; 说明 vt . & vi . 口译 ; 翻译 句点period [ ? pi ? ri ? d] n.( 一段 ) 时间时期 , 时代学时 , 课时句号 ,sector [ ? sekt ? ] n. 部门 ;领域防御地区 , 防卫区域扇形 , 扇形面assess[ ? ? ses] vt . 估价 , 估计评定 , 核定create [kri? eit] vt . 创造 , 创作 , 创建引起 , 产生 vi 出口 输出export [eks ? p? :t] n 输出 , 出口输出 [ 出口 ] 物 vt. & . ,.involve [in ? v? lv] vt . 使某事物成为必要条件或结果 ; 需要使参与 , 牵涉 policy p? l ? si n 政策 , 方针策略 ,精明的行为 , 上策保险单[ ? ] .significan t [si ɡ? nifik ? nt] adj . 重要的 , 重大的 , 可观的有意义的 , 有用意的意味深长的assume[ ? ? sju:m] vt . 假设 , 臆断 , 猜想假装承担 , 担任 , 就职呈现 , 采取data [ ? deit ? n 资料 , 材料 ]. 要素〈数〉因子 因数 factor [ ? f ? kt ? ] n 因素 , , . 流出 发出 发行〈正〉结果结issue [ ? n 问题 , 议题 ; 争论点发行物放出 , ; , , isju:]. 局 vi . 冒出 ,流出 ; 传出 vt .出版, 发行发表 , 发布分配 , 发给 principl e [ ? prins ? n原则 , 原理准则 , 规范操守 , 道义工作原理 pl] .similar [ ? simil ? ] adj . 类似的 ; 同类的 ; 相似的 ; 同样的 专家authority [ ? : ? θ? n 权力 , 职权官方 , 当局权威 ,riti].define [di ? fain] vt . 精确地解释 ; 界定规定 , 确定 vt 为⋯供给资金 从事finance [fai ? n? ns] n 财政 , 金融财源 , 资金 , 财务情况 ., .金融活动n 劳动 努力 工作劳工 工人分娩 分娩时的 阵痛 vi 劳动 labour [ ? leib ? ] , ; , , ( ) . ;.努力艰难行进1proceed [pr ? ? si:d] vi . 前进 ; 行进进行 ; 继续下去 资料来源source [s ? n 河流的源头 , 发源地来源 ,出处原因提供资料者, :s] .available [ ? ? veil ? bl] adj . 可用的或可得到的可会见的 ,可与之交谈的derive [di ? raiv] vt . & vi . 得到源于 方程式配方formula [ ? f ? :mjul ? ] n 准则 , 原则公式 ,. legal [ ? li :ɡ? l] adj . 法律上的 ;合法的 ; 法定的 列队行进 vt 加工 处理process [ ? pr ? uses] n 过程 , 进程工序 , 制作法 vi . . ;.specific [spi ? sifik] adj . 明确的 , 确切的 , 详尽的具体的 , 特有的 , 特定的仅限于⋯的 ; n 特效药具体方面 , 细节只发现于⋯的 . 好处救济金 保险金 vt vi 有益于 得益benefit [ ? benifit ] n 益处 , , . & . ,.distribut e[dis ? tribju:t]n vt . 分配 , 分给散发 ; 散播 ; 分布function [ ? f ? ? k? ? 功能 ; 作用 ; 职责函数 ; 与另一事物有密切关系的事物 n].社交集会 vi . 工作 ,运行 , 起作用legislate [ ? l ed ? isleit] vt . &vi . 立法 ; 制定法律require [ri ? k wai ? ] vt . 有赖于⋯ ; 需要命令 , 指示要求 , 规定想要 建筑物 vt 组structure [ ? str ? kt ? ? n 结构 , 构造有结构的事物 ; 复杂的整体 ; .]. 织; 安排; 构造 ; 制定 n 概念 观念 想法concept [ ? k? nsept] ; ;. 经济状况economy[i ? k? n? mi] n 节约 , 节省经济体制 ,.identify [ai ? dentifai] vt . 认出 , 识别支持 , 同情 vt . & vi . 等同于 ; 有关联major [ ? meid? ? ] adj . 较大的 ; 主要的 ; 严重的 n 少校专业 ; 主修科目 vi . 〈美〉. 主修, 专攻research [ri ? s? :t ? ] n. 研究 ;探讨 vi . 做研究 , 探究 , 研究 , 探讨 vt . 从事⋯的研究 , 为⋯而做研究 n 学说理论 原理意见看法theory [ ? θi ? , , ri]. vi . 组成 ,consist [k ? n? sist] 构成在于 , 存在于environment [in ? vai ? r ? nm? nt] n. 环境 , 周围状况 , 自然环境 n 收入 , 所得 , 收益income[ ? ink ? m] .条理n 方法 ,办法秩序 ,method[ ? me θ ? d] .respond [ri ? s p? nd] vi . 有反应 ;有效果 ; 有影响 vt . & vi . 回答 ; 回报 ;响应vary [ ? v? ? ri ] vi . 呈现不同 vt . & vi .( 使)变化, 改变Sublist 2achieve [ ? ? t ? i:v] vt . 取得 , 获得实现 , 达到 , 完成 共享n 社区 , 社会 , 团体大众 , 公众共有 , community[k ? ? mju:niti].vt 筹划 v t vi n 图样 , 设计图设计 , 布局目的 , 打算 . 计划, . & . design [di ? zain] . 设计, 绘制institute[ ?institju:t]n. 协会 ,学会 ; 学院 , 研究院 vt . 建立 ,制定 ; 开始 ,着 手 adj 潜在的 有可能的 n 潜力 潜势 可能性potentia l [p ? ? ten ? ? l] . , , , .restrict [ris ? trikt] vt . 限制 ; 约束acquire [ ? ? kwai ? ] vt . 获得 ,得到 , 养成复合的复杂的难懂的n 综合体complex[ ? k? mpleks] adj . 由许多部分组成的 , , ,.集合体〈心〉情结 , 夸大的情绪反应2distinc t [dis ? ti ? kt ] adj . 截然不同的 , 完全分开的清晰的 , 明白的 ,明显的invest [in ? vest] vt . 授予 vt . & vi . 投资 ;花费previous [ ? pri:vi ? s] adj . 先前的 ,以前的过早的 , 过急的secure [si? kju ? ] adj . 牢固的 ;可靠的有把握的 ; 确切的 vt . 握紧 ; 关牢使安全 ( 使)获得 ; 把⋯弄到手 ? ] vt . 管理 ,administer [ ? d? minist 支配给予执行 , 实施compute[k ? m? pju:t] vt . 计算 , 估算 要素原件一伙人基础 纲要原理element [ ? elim ? nt] n 化学 ) 元素成分 , , , , .( 一件 一条 item [ ? ait n 一项 , , ; 项目 ? m] . primary [ ? praim ? ri] adj . 首要的 ; 主要的 ; 基本的最初的 ; 初级的seek[si:k] vi . 企图 ;试图 vt . 请求 ,征求 ; 求教 vt .&vi . 寻找 ; 探寻 affect [ ? ? fekt] vt . 影响感动假装conclude [k ? n? klu:d] vt . 得出结论 ;断定决定 vt . & vi . 结束equate [i ? kweit] vt . 认为某事物 ( 与另一事物 ) 相等或相仿journal [ ? d? ? :nl] n 杂志 , 期刊日志 , 日记. vt 购买purchase [ ? p? :t ? ? n 购买 , 购置买到的东西 .s] .select [si ? lekt] adj .精选的, 挑选出来的限制性的 , 选择严格的 vt . 选择 ; 挑选appropriate [ ? ? pr ? upriit] adj . 适当的 ,恰当的 vt . 挪用 ; 占用 ; 盗用拨出 ( 款项 )conduct [k ? n? d? kt] n 举止 , 行为管理 ( 方式 ), 实施 ( 方式 ) v t . & vi . 引导 , 带领 ,. 担任指挥控制 , 管理传导 vt . 评价 ,evaluate [i ? v? ljueit]估计 ,估价maintain [mein ? tein] vt . 保持 ; 继续保养 , 维护坚持 ; 主张供给 ; 赡养range[reind ? ] n. 一系列变化幅度 , 范围射程 , 距离 ( 山) 脉 vi . 变化 vt . 排列 n 位置 , 场所 , 地点 vt . 使坐落在 ; 设置site [sait].aspect [ ? ? spekt] n .方面方位 , 朝向面貌 ,模样 , 神态consequent [ ? k? nsikw ?nt] adj . 作为结果的 , 随之发生的feature [ ? fi:t? ? ] n 特征 , 特色面貌 , 相貌特写 , 专题节目 ( 电影的 ) 正片 , 故事 .片normal [ ? n? :m? l] adj . 正常平常的正规的 ;标准的的 ,region [ ? ri:d ? ? n ] n. 地区 ; 地带 ; 区域 ; 范围 计谋strategy [ ? str ? tid ? i] n . 战略学 , 兵法战略 , 策略策略 ,assist[ ? ? sist] vt . & vi .帮助, 促进construct [k? n? str ? kt] vt . 修建 , 建立构成 , 组成final [ ? fain ? l ] adj . 最后的 , 最终的决定性的 , 确定性的 n. 决赛 ( 大学的 ) 期终考试vi . 通行 ;流行 vt . 获得 ,obtain [ ? b? tein]得到 ; 买到regulate [ ? reɡjuleit]vt . 控制 , 管理调整 ; 调节survey [s ? ? vei] n. 调查 vt . 眺望 ; 纵览测量 ; 勘察检查 , 鉴定通盘考虑 , 回顾category [ ? k? ti ɡ? n 种类 , 类别ri]. consume[k ? n? sju:m] vt . 消耗 , 消费 , 耗尽大吃 , 大喝烧毁 , 毁灭 镜头 眼focus [ ? f ? uk? n 焦点 , 焦距 ; 中心 vt . & v i .( 使 集中 , ( 使 ) 聚集调整 ( , s]. ) 睛) 焦点 [ 焦距 ] 以便看清 vt .& vi . 参加 ,participat e [p ɑ:? tisipei t] 参与relevant [ ? rel? v? nt] adj . 有关的 ,切题的3n 正文 ,本文原文, 全文教科书 , 课本 text [tekst]. n 章 篇 chapter [ ? t ? ? pt ? , 回 ,] . 存款数额借款贷款赞扬荣誉 功劳信credit [ ? kredit] n . 赊购 ; 赊购制度存款 ; ; , ,任, 相信学分 vt . 相信 ,信任把⋯记入贷方 , 存入 ( 账户) vi 对某事物有影响impact [ ? imp? kt] n 影响 , 作用冲击 ( 力 ), 碰撞 vt . & ..perceive [p ? ? si:v]vt . 感觉 ,察觉 , 理解reside [ri ? zaid] vi . 居住 ; 定居 tradition [tr ? ? di ? ? n 传统惯例n]. 授权 委托委员会佣金 回扣 vt 委任 委托commission[k ? ? mi? ? n] n , , . ,. 教养 vt 培植培culture [ ? k? lt ? ? n 文化休养 , , 精神文明养殖 , 培养 , 栽培 . , ] .养 injure[ ?ind ? ? ] vt . 伤害 , 损害positive [ ? p? zitiv] adj . 确实的 ,明确的积极的 ; 肯定的表现得有信心和有希望的 ,确信的〈数〉〈电〉正的 , 阳性的完全的 ; 纯粹的 n. 〈语〉原级形容词确实 ; 正量 , 正数正片n 资源 必要时可给予 帮助、支持或安慰的事物才智 机敏 创 resource [ri ? s? ( ) ; ; :s].造精神n 转移 转让 转录中转 换乘 改变路线 vt 转让 vt transfer [tr ? ns? f ?; ; , , . . & :] . vi . 转移; 迁移 Sublist 3alternative [ ? :l ? t ? :n ? tiv] adj . 两者择一的 , 供替代的不寻常的 , 非传统性的n 取舍 ,抉择 , 可供选择的事物选择的余地 , 可供选择的机会非正统的 . convene[k ? n? vi:n] vt . & vi . 召开 , 召集emphasis[ ? emf? n 强调 , 重点 sis].interact [ ? ? nt ? r ? ? kt] vi . 相互作用 [ 影响 ], 互相配合philosophy [f i ? l ? s? fi ] n 哲学人生哲学 , 人生观达观. 性行为sex[seks] n 性别 ; 性男性 ; 女性性关系性活动 ,.circumstance [ ? s? :k ? mst? ns] n. 环境 , 条件 , 情况境遇 , 经济状况coordinate [k ? u? ? :dineit] adj . 同等的 , 并列的 n. 〈数〉坐标 vt . 使协调 ; 使调 和ensure [in ? ? u? ] vt . 确保 , 担保担保获得 [ 避免 ] justify [ ? d? ? stifai] vt . 证明⋯有理 ; 为⋯辩护physical [ ? fizik ? l] adj . 身体的 , 肉体的物质的自然规律的 , 按自然法则的自然n 身体检查 , 体格检查( 界) 的物理学的 .换 班轮班工人计谋 手段切换键 vi 快速行进 vt shift [ ? ift] n 转换 , 转变轮 [ , . . & . ]vi . 改变 , 变换 , 转移 , 移动去掉 ; 摆脱掉换挡comment[ ? k? ment] n. 评论 , 意见 , 解释 , 批评 vt . & vi . 评论 ; 谈论 core [k ? :] n. 果核核心 , 精髓 , 要点exclude [iks ? klu:d] vt . 排除 ; 不包括在内n 层 ,层次layer [ ? lei ? ] .proportion [pr ? ? p? : ? ? n] n. 均衡 ; 相称 , 协调一物与他物在数量、 大小等方面的关系 ; 比例部分 ; 份儿 vt . 详述指定specify [ ? spesifai]4compensate[ ? k?mpenseit]vt . &vi . 补偿 , 报酬corporate [ ? k? :p ? rit] adj . 社团的 , 法人的framework [ ? freimw ? :k] n 构架 ; 结构. vi 连接 联系n 环 , 联系 , 纽带 vt. & . , link [li ? k] .publish [ ? p? bli ? ] vt . & vi . 出版公布sufficient [s ? ? fi ? ? nt] adj . 足够的 ; 充足的component[k ? m? p? un? nt] n 成分 , 组成部分 , 部件 ,元件.correspond [ ? k? ris ? p? nd] vi . 相符合 , 相一致相当 , 相类似通信 给⋯拨款fund [f ? n 基金 , 专款现款 ; 资金储备 , 蕴藏 vt . 为⋯提供资金 ,nd] .locate [l ? u? keit] vt . 找出 ,指出 ( 地点或位置 ) vt . & vi .( 在⋯)设置,坐落于react [ri ? ? kt] vi . 起反应 ; 有影响反对 ; 对抗task [t n 工作 ; 任务 ; 差事 ɑ:sk].n 同意 赞成 vi 同意 赞成 consent [k ? n? 准许 , , . ;sent] . criteri a [kra ? ? t ? ? r ? ? ] n. 标准 illustrat e [ ? il ? streit] vt . 给⋯加插图说明 , 阐明 ; 表明maximise[ ? m? ksimaiz] vt . 使( 某事物 ) 增至最大限度最大限度地利用 ( 某事物 ) 记录register [ ? red ? is t ? ] n 登记 ( 表 ), 注册 ( 簿 ) 记录器暖气 , 调风器 vt . & vi . ;. 登记 ; 注册显出注意到 , 记住 technical [ ? teknik ? l] adj . 技术的 ; 应用科学的艺术的 , 工艺的 ( 指书等 ) 要求有专门知识的 , 使用术语的 , 专业的 adj . 相当大 ( 或多 ) 的considerable [k ? n? sid ? r ? bl]deduce[di? dju:s] vt . 推论 ,演绎immigrate [ ? imi ɡreit] vi . 移入minor [ ? main? ] adj . 较小的 , 较少的 , 低级的 , 次要的 n. 未成年人副修科目rely[ri? lai] vi .信任; 信赖 ; 依赖 , 依靠technique [tek ? ni:k] n . 技巧 , 手法 , 技术技能constant [ ? k? nst ? nt] adj . 始终如一的 , 恒久不变的不断的 , 连续发生的忠实的 ,忠诚的demonstrate [ ? dem? nstreit ] vi . 举行示威游行 ( 或集会 ) vt . 说明 , 演示论证 , 证明 显示 , 表露imply [im ? plai]vt . 暗示 ,暗指必然包含negate [ni ? ɡeit] vt . 取消 , 使无效否定 ; 否认remove[ri ? mu:v] vi . 迁移 ; 移居 vt . 移走 ; 排除开除应用科学工业技术technology [tek ? n? l ? d? i ] n 科技 (总称 ); 工艺 ; .constrain [k ? n? strein] vt . 强迫 , 强使 ; 限制 , 约束记载document[ ? d? kjum? nt] n . 公文 , 文件 , 文献 vt . 证明记录,initial [i ? ni ? ?l] adj . 最初的 , 开头的outcome[ ? autk ? n 结果m] .scheme[ski:m] n. 阴谋 , 诡计计划 , 方案 vt .&vi . 策划 ;图谋valid [ ? v? lid]adj . 正当的 , 有充分根据的 , 符合逻辑的有效的有法律效力的contribute [k ? n?tribjut] vi . 起促成作用 vt . & vi . 捐献 , 捐助 , 贡献出撰稿 , 投稿dominate [ ? d? mineit] vt . 耸立于 , 俯临 vt .& vi . 控制 , 支配 , 统治在⋯中占首要 地位 n 例子 实例instance [ ? ins t ? ns] . ,5ɑ n 伙伴 , 同伙 , 合伙人 , 股东同伴, 搭档配偶 , 情人 vt . 做⋯的 partner [ ? p :tn ? ].搭档n 有关联的一组事物 一连串先后次序 顺序 连续 sequence[ ? si:kw ? , , , ns]. 册 书卷体积 容量音量volume[ ? v? lju:m] n 卷 , , ; 容积 , , 响度. Sublist 4access[ ?? kses] n 通道 , 入口接近 [ 取得 ]⋯的方法 [ 权利等 ] vt . 存取 计算机文件 ). (communicate[k ? ? mju:nikeit] vi . 通讯 ; 交际 , 交流相连 ; 相通 vt .& vi . 传达 ; 表 达 n 错误过失 失误error [ ? , er ? ].internal [in ? t ? :n ?l] adj . 内部的国内的 , 内政的体内的 相对应的 n 平行线 面 paralle l [ ? p? r ? lel] adj .( 指至少两条线 ) 平行的类似的 ; ] . [ 极相似的人 [ 事物 ] 类似( 点), 相似(之处)比较纬线 , 纬圈 vt . 与⋯平行 ; 与⋯相当 resolve [ri ? z? lv] vt .( 指委员会或集会 ) 表决解决 ( 问题、疑问等 ) 分解 ,解析( 某物 )vt . & vi . 决定 ;决心adj . 充分的 ,adequate[ ? ? dikwit]足够的适当的 , 胜任的concentrate [ ? k? ns? ntrei t] vt . 浓缩 vt . &vi . 专心于 ;注意集中 , 聚集ethnic [ ? e θnik] adj . 种族的 ,部落的某文化群体的 investigate [in ? vesti ɡeit] n vt . 调查 ; 审查 特性 界限〈物〉〈数〉参量参数parameter [p ? ? r ? mit ? ] 限定性的 ) 因素 , , , .( retain [ri ? tein] vt . 保持 ; 保留止住 ; 容纳 一年一次的 n 一年生植物年刊 年报annual [ ? ? nju ? l] adj . 每年的 , 年度的 , , ,.年鉴confer [k ? n? f ? :] vi . 〈拉〉商谈 , 商议 vt . 授予 , 赋予goal [ ɡ? n 球门进球得的分努力的对象 , 目标ul] .job[d ? ? b] n. 职业 , 职位 ( 一件) 工作职责 , 责任 分阶段计划 安排n 阶段 , 时期 月亮、行星的 ) 位相 vt . [ ]phase[feiz].n ( series [ ? si ? 连续的同类事物 , 系列串联ri:z].apparent [ ? ? p? r ? nt] adj . 显然明白的 , 清晰可见的表面上的 ,貌似(真实)的的 ,contrast [ ? k? ntr ? st]n. 对比 , 对照差异 , 差别对照物 , 明显的对比物 vt . &vi . 对比 , 对照 n 补助金 津贴 vt 准许 答应给予承认,助学金 , . ;grant [ ɡr ɑ:nt]. n 符号 vt 贴标签于把⋯列为label [ ? leib ? l] 标签 , 标记称号 ; ; 标示 . .predict [pri ? dikt ] vt . & vi . 预言 ; 预测 ; 预示 统计量statistic [st ? ? tistik ] adj . 统计的 , 统计学的 n .approximate [ ? ? pr ? ksimit] adj . 近似的 , 大约的 vt . & vi . 近似 , 接近cycle [ ? saikl] n . 循环 , 周期自行车 , 摩托车 vi . 骑自行 摩托 车[ ] hence[hens]adv. 从此时起 , 从此处因此 , 所以mechanism[ ? mek? niz ? m] n. 机械装置构造 , 机制办法 , 技巧 , 途径 本金被代principal [ ? prins ? p? l] adj . 最重要的 ; 主要的 n 负责人 , 校长资本, . 理人 , 委托人status [ ? steit ? s] n. 身份 , 地位情形 , 状况attitude [ ? ? n 态度 , 看法姿态 , 姿势titju:d]. v t v i 辩论争论debate [di ? beit] n 讨论 , 辩论 . & . ,.6hypothesis [hai ? p? θ n 假说 , 假设 ,前提isis].obvious [ ? ? bvi ? s] adj . 明显的 ; 显而易见的prior [ ? prai? ] adj . 优先的 ;在前的 ; 较早的重读强调stress [stres] n 压力 , 紧张强调 , 重要性重力重音 vt . .n 属性 特性 v t 认为⋯是 归因于⋯认为某作品出自某 attribute [ ? ?tribju:t] , . ; .人之手认为某事 [ 物] 属于某人 [ 物]despite [dis ? pait] prep . 不管 , 尽管 vt 使生效 贯彻执行implement [ ? implim ? n 工具 , 器具 , 用具. , , nt] .occupy[ ? ? kjupai] vt . 占领 ;占有使从事 ; 使忙于professional [pr ? ? fe ? ? n? l ] adj . 职业的 , 专业的内行的 , 有经验的有意的 ,故意的 n. 具有某专业资格的人 ,专业人士内行 , 专家专门职业者 , 职业选手 subsequent [ ? s? bsikw ? nt] adj . 随后的 ,继⋯之后的civil [ ? sivl] adj . 公民的 , 平民的 ; 非军职的 , 非宗教的 ; 国民间的 , 民用的民事 的, 民法的文明的 , 有教养的 尺寸 度量方面 部分规模 程度dimension [di ? men? ? n , , , n].implicate [ ? implikeit] vt . 牵连 , 涉及 配件买卖选择权期权option [ ? ? p? ? n] n 选择 ( 的自由 ) 可选择的办法附件 , , . n 方案 课题 规划抛 投 viproject [pr ? ? d? 项目 , 计划 , , vt . ; ; 射 vt. & . ekt] . 伸出 , 突出 ; 表达特点 vtvi 合计总结 归纳 n 总数 ,总和金额算术 . & ., sum[s ? m] . n 法规 vt 将⋯译成电码 code[k ? ud] 法典 , , 章程密码 , 电码代号 , 编码 ..domestic [d ? ? mestik] adj . 本国的 ,国内的家庭的 , 家用的驯养的impose[im ? p? uz] vi . 利用 ,占便宜 ; 欺骗 vt . 强迫 ,强加课税 , 惩罚output [ ? autput] n. 产量输出 , 输出功率promote[pr ? ? m? ut ] vt . 提升 , 提拔筹划 , 发起 , 创立推销〈正〉促进 ; 推动 ; 增进summary[ ? s? m? ri] adj . 即刻的 , 立即的匆忙的 , 草率的概括的 ; 简要的 n 摘要 ,. 概要commit[k ?? mit] vt . 犯罪 ;犯错承诺 ; 使自己受约束托付 ; 交付emerge[i ? m? :d ? ] vi . 出现 ;显出 ; 暴露integrate [ ? inti ɡreit]vt . 使结合成为整体 vt .& vi .( 使) 融入overall [ ? ? uv? r ? :l] adj . 总体的 ;全面的 ;综合的全面考虑的adv. 大体上 ,总 的来说一切包括在内 , 全部的 n 长罩衣工装裤 ; 工作裤. 政权 regime [rei ? ? n 政治制度 , , 政体 i:m] .undertake [ ? ? nd? ? teik] vt . 担任 , 承揽 ; 保证着手 , 开始Sublist 5 academy[ ? ? k? d? mi] n. 专科学校研究院 , 学会 consult [k ? n? s? lt] vt . 请教 , 咨询 ; 找 ( 医生 ) 诊治翻阅 , 查阅顾及 ,考虑 vt . &vi . 商议, 商量evolve [i ? v? lv] vt . & vi . 演变 ; 进化 特许放纵 放肆licence [ ? lais ? ns] n 许可证 , 执照许可 , , .orient [ ? ? :ri ? nt] n. 东方 ,亚洲 vt . 使熟悉 , 使适应使朝向 ;使确定位置style [stail] n 风格 , 格调 ; 文体行为方式, 作风种类 , 类型 ; 流行式样 ; 款式风度 ;.格调 ;气派7adjust [ ? ? d? ? st ] vt . & vi .( 改变⋯以 ) 适应 ; 调整 ; 校正 门路触点 接头contact [ ? k? nt ? n 接触联系 , 联络 , 交往社会关系 , 熟人 , ,kt]. vt . & vi . 联系expand[iks ? p? nd] vt .& vi . 使⋯变大 , 扩大 , 扩张伸展 , 伸开 ,张开 , 展开logic [ ? l ? d? ik] n 逻辑 (学 ), 逻辑性推理方法合理的想法.想法 perspective [p ? ? n 远景 , 景前途 ;希望透视透视图观点 , spektiv].substitut e[ ? s? bstitju:t] vt . & vi . 代替 , 替换 , 代用alter [ ?? :lt ? ] vt . & vi .改变, 更改 v i 太阳 落下 vt v i 辞谢 谢绝 邀请decline [di ? klain] n 下降 , 减少 , 衰退 .( ) . & . ;. ( 等)expose[iks ? p? uz] vt . 曝光暴露 ; 显露揭露 , 袒露 余地margin [ ? m ɑ:d ? in]n 页边空白边 , 边缘差数 , 差额 ; .precise [pri ?sais]adj . 精确的 ,准确的恰好的 ; 正是的周密的 , 细密的 , 精细的sustain [s ? ? stein] vt . 承受 ,支撑维持长期保持 ; 使继续经受 , 遭受amend[ ? ? mend] vt . & vi . 改良 ;修改 , 修订discrete [dis ?kri:t] adj . 分离的 , 不相关联的external [eks ?t ? :nl] adj . 外面的 , 外部的外观的 , 表面的外国的medical [ ? medik? l ] adj . 医学的 , 医疗的 , 医术的内科的 n 全盛时期vt 使准prime [praim] adj . 首要的 ; 主要的 ; 基本的最好的, 第一流的 . .备好 , 使完成准备工作事先指导 , 事先向⋯提供情况symbol[ ? simb? l] n 象征 , 标志符号 , 记号.aware[ ? ? w? ? ] adj . 意识到的 , 知道的draft [drɑ:ft ]n. 草稿 ,草案 , 草图汇票应召入伍者 ;特遣队 vt . 起草 ,画草图 , 草 拟选派 , 抽调征募 , 征召⋯入伍facilitat e [f ? ? siliteit] vt . 使便利 ,减轻⋯的困难mental [ ? mentl] adj . 精神的 ,头脑的 , 心理的 , 智力的精神病的psychology [sai ? k? l ? d? i] n. 心理学心理 ; 心理特点 服务的 对象 攻击的 对象target [ ? t n .( 射击的 ) 靶子 ( 欲达到的 ) 目 指 标 ); ( )ɑ:ɡit][ ] (vt . 瞄准某物n 容量 容积才能 能力身份 职位capacity [k ? ? p? , , ,siti].enable [i ? neibl] vt . 使能够 ;提供做⋯的权利 [ 措施 ] 使可能n 基本原则 基本fundamental [ ? f ? nd? ? ment? l] adj . 基本的 ; 重要的 , 必要的. , 法则 vt . 修饰 vt . & vi . 修改 ,modify [ ? m?difai] 更改pursue [p ? ? sju:] vt . 追捕 , 追击追求继续 ; 从事 , 经营transit [ ? tr ? nsit] n 搬运 ; 载运 ; 运输 .challenge [ ? t ? ? lind ? ] n. 挑战 , 邀请比赛怀疑 , 质问艰巨的任务 vt . 挑战质疑考验energy [ ? en? d? i ] n. 活力 ,干劲 , 能力精力〈物〉能 , 能量 , 能源generate [ ? d? en? reit] vt . 生成 , 产生引起 , 导致 班长 纠察员 vt 监听 监monitor [ ? m? nit ? n 监视器 , 监听器 ; 检测器 ( 学校 ); . , ]. 视监测 , 检测ratio [ ? rei ? i ? u] n. 比, 比率n 趋势 , 倾向流行trend [trend].法律文件等的条款 clause [kl n 从句 ( )? :z] .8enforce [in ? f ? :s] vt . 实施 ,执行强迫 , 迫使 一代人 一代产生 发生 generation [ ? d? en? ? rei ? ? n 同时代的人 , , , n]. 电视网 n 网状物 (电视与计算机 ) 网络 , 网状系统广播网, network [ ? netw? :k] . 不合格产品 vt 谢绝 排斥 退 reject [ri ? d? n 被拒货品, . 拒绝 , ; 驳回舍弃 , , ekt] .掉n 个人对事件的 描述 说法 看法版本 形式译本 剧本 version [ ? v? : ? ? n] .( ) , , , ,复合物 院子 围起来的 vtcompound[ ? k? mpaund] n , 化合物 ( 筑有围墙的 ),( ) 场地 . . 使混合 , 使合成使严重 ; 使恶化 实际存在物 entity [ ? n 实体 , 独立存在体 , entiti].物 翻版比喻 引 image[ ? imid ? n 形象 , 概念镜像 , 影像 , 图像印象酷似的人 [ ], , ] .喻, 明喻外形 , 外表 , 模样 奇想 意图 打算notion [ ? n? u? n 概念 ,观念 , 看法突然的念头 , ; , ? n] .revenue [ ? rev ? nju:] n . 收入 , 收益 ; 财政收入 , 税收welfare [ ? welf ? ? ] n. 健康 , 幸福 , 繁荣福利〈美〉政府的福利 ( 制度 )conflict [ ? k? nflikt ] n 战斗 , 斗争冲突 , 抵触 , 争论 vi . 抵触 , 冲突.equivalent [i ? kwiv ? l ? nt]adj . 相等的 , 相当的liberal [ ? lib ? r ? l] adj . 心胸宽阔的 , 无偏见的慷慨的 , 大方的开放的 ; 主张变革的自由的 , n 宽容大度的人自由主义者不拘一格的 . adj 客观的 不带偏见的 n 目标 目的objective [ ? b? d? ektiv] . ; ;.stable [ ? steibl] adj . 稳定的 ; 安定的沉稳 [ 持重 ] 的whereas[hw? ? r ? ? z] conj . 但是 ,而Sublist 6abstract [ ? ? bstr ? kt] adj . 抽象的抽象派的 n 抽象 , 抽象概念 , 抽象性抽象派艺 .术作品摘要 , 梗概 vt .提取, 抽取做⋯的摘要capable [ ? keip ? bl] adj . 有能力的 , 有技能的exceed[ik? si:d] vi .( 在数量、质量上 ) 突出 , 领先 vt . 超过 ;超越incidence [ ? insid ? n 发生率 , 影响范围ns] .migrate [mai ? ɡreit] vi . 迁移 ;移往recover [ri ? k? v? ] vi . 恢复健康 ( 体力、能力等 ) vt . 恢复 ; 重新获得 , 找回〈正〉恢复 ( 适当的状态或位置 )accurate [ ? ? kjurit] adj . 精确的 , 准确的正确无误的cite [sait] vt . 引用 , 举例表彰 , 嘉奖传唤 ,传讯能手expert [ ? eksp? :t] adj.专家的,内行的,熟练的 n 专家,.incorporate [in ? k? :p?reit]vt . 包含 ,加上 , 吸收把⋯合并 , 使并入组成公司minimum[ ? minim? m] adj.最低的,最小的n 最低限度,最小量.reveal[ri ? vi:l] vt . 显示 ; 露出泄露 ;透露acknowledge[ ? k? n? lid ? ] vt . 承认 ,供认告知已收到鸣谢 , 感谢cooperate [k ? u? ? p? reit] vi . 合作 ;配合 , 协助explicit [iks ?plisit]adj . 详述的 , 明确的 , 明晰的直言的 , 毫不隐瞒的 , 露骨的index [ ? n 索引标志,象征;量度(物价或工资的)指数〈数〉指数,幂 vt.indeks] .给⋯编索引 , 指示出n政府的部ministry [ ?ministri] .( )n 余地, 机会 (处理、研究事务的 ) 范围scope[sk ? up] .9aggregate [ ? ? ɡri ɡit] n 〈正〉数 , 总计 vt . 总计达⋯ vt . & vi .( 使 聚集. ) discriminate [di s ? krimineit ] vi . 歧视 , 有差别地对待 vt . & vi . 分别 ,辨别 , 区分federal [ ? fed ? r ? l ] adj . 联邦 ( 制) 的联邦政府的 inhibit [in ?hibit] n vt . 阻止 ; 抑制动机 , 目的motive [ ? m? utiv].n subsidy [ ? s? bsidi] . 补贴 , 津贴 , 补助金allocate [ ? ? l ? keit] vt . 分配 , 分派把⋯拨给 vt 陈列 展览显示显露display [di s ? n 陈列 , 展览陈列的货物、艺术品等 . , , plei].n 费 ,酬金fee [fi:]. vt . 开始 , initiat e [i ? ni ? ieit] 着手传授 ; 使初步了解接纳新成员 , 让⋯加入neutral [ ? nju:t r ? l ] adj . 中立的 , 不偏不倚的中立 ( 国家 ) 的暗淡的 ; 非彩色的 ( 化学中 ) 中性的不带电的 n .( 汽车或其他机器的 ) 空挡位置中立人士 ; 中立国n 带子录音磁带 ; 录像带 vt . 用带子捆起来 vt . & vi . 录音tape [teip].vt . 分配 ; assign [ ? ? sain] 交给指派 , 选派指定 , 订出diverse [dai ? v? s] adj . 不同的 ,多种多样的flexibl e [ ? flek s ? bl ] adj . 易弯曲的 , 柔韧的灵活的 , 可变通的input [ ? n 输入 , 投入〈电〉输入端输入的数据 vt . 把⋯输入电脑input]. adv 仍然 然而 尽管如此 然而nevertheless [ ? nev? e ? ? les] , , 不过 conj . ,. v t 标出 trace [treis] n 踪迹 ; 痕迹 ; 形迹极微的量 . 追踪 ; 追溯发现 ; 找到描绘 ; . vt . & vi . 缓慢而困难地书写 attach [ ? ? t ? t ? ] vt . & vi . 贴上 ; 系 ; 附上 产业domain[d ? u? n 范围 , 领域版图 , 领土地产 ,mein] .furthermore [ ? f ? : e ?? m? :] adv. 而且 ,此外instruc t [i n ? str ? kt] vt . 命令 , 指示教 , 指导通知 向或来自 外国的 adv 在overseas [ ? ? uv? ? si:z] adj .( 在 海外的 , ( 在 )国外的 ( )) . [ 向] 海外; 在[ 向] 国外 vt .& vi . 改变transform [tr ? ns? f ? :m] 创始人 发起人author [ ? ? : θ? n 著作家 , 作者创造者 , ; ].edit [ ? edit] vt . 剪辑 ( 电影、录音磁带、无线电或电视节目、书等) vt . &vi . 编辑n 〈语〉性gender[ ? d? end? ] .intelligent [in ? telid ? ?nt] adj . 聪明的 ; 理解力强的precede [ ? pri ? si:d] vt . & vi . 在⋯之前 , 先于transport [tr ? ns? p? :t]vt . 运送 ; 流放使万分激动契约票据vt 使粘结bond[b ? nd] n 联系,关系连接,接合,结合有息债券合同, , . ,. 使结合enhance[in ? hɑ:ns] vt . 提高 , 增加 , 加强ignorant [ ?i ɡn? r ? nt] adj . 无知的 , 愚昧的interval[ ?int ? v?n 间隔时间幕间休息l] .presume[pri ? zju:m] vi . 冒昧地做某事 ; 错用自作主张 , 放肆 vt . 以为 ; 假定underlie [ ?? nd? ?lai] vt . 位于或存在于 ( 某物 ) 之下构成⋯的基础 ( 或起因 ); 引起brief [bri:f] adj.短暂的,短时间的简洁的,简短的 n.概要,摘要vt.向⋯介绍基本情况 , 作⋯的摘要estate [is ?teit]n. 土地 , 地区庄园 , 种植园地产 ,财产 ;遗产动机incentive [in ? sentiv] n 激励某人做某事的事物; 刺激; 诱因,n .讲课冗长的训斥教训训斥vtlecture [ ? lekt ? ? ]演讲; [谴责 ]vt.责备, , . & .10vi .( 向⋯) 演讲 ; ( 给⋯) 讲课rational [ ? r ? ? ? nl] adj . 神智清楚的理性的 ; 理智的 ; 合理的 ; 出于理性的 utilize [ ? ju:tilaiz] vt . 利用 , 使用Sublist 7adapt [ ? ? d? pt] vt . 改编 , 改写 vt . & vi .( 使)适应, ( 使) 适合contrary [ ? k? ntr ? ri ] adj . 相反的 , 相违的 n 相反 , 反面 , 对立面.empirical [em? pirik ? l] adj . 以观察或实验为依据的identical [ai ? dentik ? l ] adj . 同一的 事物phenomenon[fi n 现象特殊的人 [ ]? n? min? n] .submit [s ? b? mit] vi . 屈服 , 认输 vt . 提交 , 呈递〈正〉建议 , 主张 , 申辩adult [ ? ? d? lt ] adj . 成熟的成年人的 , 适宜于成年人的n . 成年的人或动物convert [k ? n? v? :t ] vt . & vi .( 使 ) 转变 , ( 使) 转化皈依 , 改变( 信仰)equip[i? k wip] vt . 装备 , 配备使有能力 , 使胜任ideology [ ? aid i ? ? l ? d? n 思想 ( 体系 ), 思想意识 i]. priorit y [prai? ? riti] n. 优先权 , 重点优先考虑的事 继承人successor [s ? k? ses? ] n 接替的人或事物 , 继任者 ,.advocate [ ? ? dv? keit ] n. 提倡者 , 拥护者辩护律师 , 辩护人 vt . 提倡 , 主张couple [ ? k? n 一对 , 一双一些 , 几个夫妻 , 情侣 vt . 连接 , 联结 , 联系pl] . 摘录 v t抽出提取 extract [iks ? tr ? kt ] n ,引用提炼物 , 浓缩物 .( 费力地 ) 拔出 , , . 榨出infer [in? f ?:] vt . 推断 ,推知prohibit [pr ? ? hibit] vt . 禁止 ;阻止survive [s ? ? vaiv] vi . 幸存 , 活下来 vt . 比⋯活得长 , 经历⋯之后还存在 n 帮助 , 援助 , 救助助手 , 辅助物 , 辅助手段 vt . 帮助 , 援助aid [eid].decade[ ? dekeid] n. 十年 , 十年间 文件 计算机文件纵列v i 排成纵队前进 vtfile [fail] n 文件夹 , 公文箱卷宗 , ; . . .把⋯归档提交 ( 申请等 ), 呈递用锉锉innovate [ ? in ? uveit] vi . 改 创新革 ,publication[ ? p? bli ? kei ? ? n] n. 发表 , 公布出版 , 刊行 , 发行出版物 , 书刊thesis [ ?n 论题 , 命题 , 论点论文 , 毕业 或学位 ) 论文θi:sis].( channel [ ? t ?? n 海峡通道 ; 水沟 , 水渠渠道 , 途径频道 nl] .definit e [ ? definit] adj . 明确的 ,确切的一定的 , 肯定的finite [ ? fainait ] adj . 有限的 , 有限度的〈语〉限定的 vt 插入 嵌入insert [in ? s? n 添入物 ( 尤指一页印刷品图中插入或套印的小图 ) . ,:t] .quote [kw? ut] vt . 提到⋯以支持某论点报 ( 价); 开( 价) vt . & vi . 引用 , 援引topic [ ? t ? n 题目 ,论题 , 话题pik] . chemical [ ? kemik? l] adj . 化学的 n. 化学药品deny[di ? nai] vt . 否认知情拒绝 建立 设立创办基础基本原理 根据地基基金 foundation [faun ? dei ? n , , , , ? n] .( 会)intervene [ ? ? nt ? ? vi:n] vi . 干涉 , 干预 ; 调解干扰 , 阻碍 发布的新闻消息 vtrelease [ri ? n 释放 ,排放 , 解除释放令公映的新影片 , [ ] . li:s]. 释放 ; 放开发布 ; 发行 ; 发售11transmit [tr ? nz? mit]vt . 传播, 传染传导 vt . & vi .发射, 播送 , 广播 classic [ ? kl ? sik] adj .( 著作 , 赛事等 ) 最优秀的 , ( 可作)典范的 (病例等 )典型的 ,标准的 ( 衣服, 设计等 ) 传统式样的 , 典雅的 ( 因为时已久 ) 著名的 ; n 文豪 , 大传统的 .艺术家 ;文学名著 , 经典作品 , 杰作优秀的典范 differentiat e [ ? dif ? ? ren ?ieit] vi . 区别对待 vt . & vi . 区分 ,区别 , 辨别 globe [ ɡl? n 地球 , 世界球体 ; 球状物地球仪 ub].isolate [ ? ais ? leit] vt . 使隔离 ,使孤立 , 使脱离n 相反钱币的反面背面 失败 reverse [ri ? v? :s] adj . 相反的 , 颠倒的 , 反向的 [] , .挫败 vt . & vi .( 使)反转; ( 使)颠倒; ( 使) 翻转推翻 , 取消使倒退 , 逆转ultimate [ ? ? ltimit] adj . 最后的,最终的基本的 , 根本的最大的 , 极限程度的 comprehensive [ ? k? mpri ? hensiv] adj . 广泛的 ,综合的dispose [dis ? p? uz] vt . 布置使愿意或准备做 vt . & vi . 处理 ; 处置 分数grade[ ɡreid] n 官阶、质量 等级 , 品级 , 阶段 , 程度〈尤美〉 ( 考试或作业的 ) , .( ) 评分等级〈尤美〉 ( 学生受测试的 ) 技巧水平 ( 尤指音乐方面 ) 〈美〉 年级 ; ( 按年级划 分的 ) 小学生 n 媒体media[ ? mi:dj ? ]. vt . 假装模仿 ,simulate [ ?simjuleit] 模拟unique [ju: ? ni:k] adj . 独一无二的 , 仅有的 , 惟一的异常的 ,特有的 , 少见的comprise [k ? m? praiz] vt . 包含 ,包括 , 由⋯组成组成 ,构成dynamic[dai ? n? mik] adj . 有活力的 , 强有力的不断变化的动力的 , 动态的guarantee [ ? ɡ? r ? n? n 保证 , 保障 ; 保证书 ; 保用期担保 , 担保人担保品 ,ti:]. 抵押品 vt . 保证 ; 担保使 ( 事情 ) 可能发生mode[m? ud]n. 方式 ,样式样式 ,风格 sole [s ? ul ] adj . 单独的 ,惟一的专有的 , 独占的visible [ ? viz ? bl] adj . 看得见的 ,可见的 ,有形的明显的 , 可察觉到的confirm [k ? n? f ? :m] vt . 证实 , 证明 ; 肯定 , 确认使巩固 , 加强批准 ; 认可 eliminate [i ? limineit] vt . 消除 ,排除忽略淘汰〈口〉干掉。
570 个烤鸭必备 AWL 学术单词
The Academic Word List(AWL)英语学术词汇表1.What is the AWL?AWL(《英语学术词汇表》)是一个由Victoria University of Wellington,New Zealand的一些应用语言学家统计出来词汇表,它包含了的学术英语(English for Academic Purpose)中最常用的570个词目(headwords),每一个词目下面还列出了该词目的相关变化形式。
例如:词目“analyse”就包含以下相关联的词汇:analysed,analyser,analysers,analyses,analysing, analysis,analyst,analysts,analytic,analytical,analytically,analyze,analyzed,analyzes, analyzing。
2.What are the10sublists of the AWL?AWL分十个sublists(小组)。
3.Where to find the AWL?本文件的附录以字母先后排列出了所有的AWL词目。
附录:The headwords of the AWL(《英语学术词汇表》中的570个词目)abandon8abstract6academy5access4accommodate9accompany8accumulate8accurate6achieve2acknowledge6acquire2adapt7adequate4adjacent10adjust5administrate2adult7advocate7affect2aggregate6aid7 albeit10allocate6alter5 alternative3ambiguous8amend5 analogy9analyse1annual4 anticipate9apparent4append8 appreciate8approach1appropriate2 approximate4arbitrary8area1 aspect2assemble10assess1 assign6assist2assume1 assure9attach6attain9 attitude4attribute4author6 authority1automate8available1 aware5behalf9benefit1 bias8bond6brief6 bulk9capable6capacity5 category2cease9challenge5 channel7chapter2chart8 chemical7circumstance3cite6 civil4clarify8classic7 clause5code4coherent9 coincide9collapse10colleague10 commence9comment3commission2 commit4commodity8communicate4 community2compatible9compensate3 compile10complement8complex2 component3compound5comprehensive7 comprise7compute2conceive10 concentrate4concept1conclude2 concurrent9conduct2confer4 confine9confirm7conflict5 conform8consent3consequent2considerable3consist1constant3 constitute1constrain3construct2 consult5consume2contact5 contemporary8context1contract1 contradict8contrary7contrast4 contribute3controversy9convene3 converse9convert7convince10 cooperate6coordinate3core3 corporate3correspond3couple7 create1credit2criteria3 crucial8culture2currency8 cycle4data1debate4 decade7decline5deduce3 define1definite7demonstrate3 denote8deny7depress10 derive1design2despite4 detect8deviate8device9 devote9differentiate7dimension4 diminish9discrete5discriminate6 displace8display6dispose7 distinct2distort9distribute1 diverse6document3domain6 domestic4dominate3draft5 drama8duration9dynamic7 economy1edit6element2 eliminate7emerge4emphasis3 empirical7enable5encounter10 energy5enforce5enhance6 enormous10ensure3entity5 environment1equate2equip7 equivalent5erode9error4establish1estate6estimate1 ethic9ethnic4evaluate2 eventual8evident1evolve5 exceed6exclude3exhibit8 expand5expert6explicit6 exploit8export1expose5 external5extract7facilitate5 factor1feature2federal6 fee6file7final2 finance1finite7flexible6 fluctuate8focus2format9 formula1forthcoming10foundation7 found9framework3function1 fund3fundamental5furthermore6 gender6generate5generation5 globe7goal4grade7 grant4guarantee7guideline8 hence4hierarchy7highlight8 hypothesis4identical7identify1 ideology7ignorance6illustrate3 image5immigrate3impact2 implement4implicate4implicit8 imply3impose4incentive6 incidence6incline10income1 incorporate6index6indicate1 individual1induce8inevitable8 infer7infrastructure8inherent9 inhibit6initial3initiate6 injure2innovate7input6 insert7insight9inspect8 instance3institute2instruct6integral9integrate4integrity10 intelligence6intense8interact3 intermediate9internal4interpret1 interval6intervene7intrinsic10 invest2investigate4invoke10 involve1isolate7issue1 item2job4journal2 justify3label4labour1 layer3lecture6legal1 legislate1levy10liberal5 licence5likewise10link3 locate3logic5maintain2 major1manipulate8manual9 margin5mature9maximise3 mechanism4media7mediate9 medical5medium9mental5 method1migrate6military9 minimal9minimise8minimum6 ministry6minor3mode7 modify5monitor5motive6 mutual9negate3network5 neutral6nevertheless6nonetheless10 norm9normal2notion5 notwithstanding10nuclear8objective5 obtain2obvious4occupy4 occur1odd10offset8 ongoing10option4orient5 outcome3output4overall4 overlap9overseas6panel10 paradigm7paragraph8parallel4 parameter4participate2partner3passive9perceive2percent1 period1persist10perspective5 phase4phenomenon7philosophy3 physical3plus8policy1 portion9pose10positive2 potential2practitioner8precede6 precise5predict4predominant8 preliminary9presume6previous2 primary2prime5principal4 principle1prior4priority7 proceed1process1professional4 prohibit7project4promote4 proportion3prospect8protocol9 psychology5publication7publish3 purchase2pursue5qualitative9 quote7radical8random8 range2ratio5rational6 react3recover6refine9 regime4region2register3 regulate2reinforce8reject5 relax9release7relevant2 reluctance10rely3remove3 require1research1reside2 resolve4resource2respond1 restore8restrain9restrict2 retain4reveal6revenue5 reverse7revise8revolution9 rigid9role1route9 scenario9schedule8scheme3 scope6section1sector1 secure2seek2select2sequence3series4sex3 shift3significant1similar1 simulate7site2so-called10 sole7somewhat7source1 specific1specify3sphere9 stable5statistic4status4 straightforward10strategy2stress4 structure1style5submit7 subordinate9subsequent4subsidy6 substitute5successor7sufficient3 sum4summary4supplement9 survey2survive7suspend9 sustain5symbol5tape6 target5task3team9 technical3technique3technology3 temporary9tense8terminate8 text2theme8theory1 thereby8thesis7topic7 trace6tradition2transfer2 transform6transit5transmit7 transport6trend5trigger9 ultimate7undergo10underlie6 undertake4uniform8unify9 unique7utilise6valid3 vary1vehicle8version5 via8violate9virtual8 visible7vision9visual8 volume3voluntary7welfare5 whereas5whereby10widespread8THE ACADEMIC WORD LIST(E-O)abandon v.go away from(a person or thing or place)not intending to return;forsake; desertabstract adj.existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existenceacademy n.school for special trainingaccess n.~means of approaching or entering(a place);way inaccommodate v.provide lodging or room foraccompany v.walk or travel with(sb)as a companion or helper;escortaccumulate v.gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of get(sth)in this wayaccurate adj.free from errorachieve v.gain or reach(sth),usu by effort,skill,courage,etcacknowledge v.accept the truth of admit(sth)acquire v.gain(sth)by one's own ability,efforts or behaviouradapt v.~sth(for sth)make sth suitable for a new use,situation,etc;modify sthadequate adj.~satisfactory in quantity or quality;sufficientadjacent having a common endpoint or border also immediately preceding or followingadjust v.put(sth)into the correct order or position;arrangeadministrate v.to administeradult adj.grown to full size or strengthadvocate v.speak publicly in favour of(sth);recommend;supportaffect v.have an influence on(sb/sth);produce an effect on aggregate v.~sb(fml)be formed or bring sb into an assembled group or amount aid n.helpalbeit conj althoughallocate v.~sth allot or assign sth(to sb/sth)for a special purposealter v.become different;change in character,position,size,shape,etc alternative adj.available in place of sth else;otherambiguous adj.having more than one possible meaningamend v.correct an error in(sth);make minor improvements in;change slightly analogy n.~partial similarity between two things that are compared analyse v.separate into its parts in order to study its nature or structure annual adj.happening every yearanticipate v.expectapparent adj.clearly seen or understood;obviousappend v.~sth(fml)attach or add sth(esp in writing)appreciate v.understand and enjoy(sth);value highlyapproach e near or nearer to in space or timeappropriate adj.~suitable;right and properapproximate adj.almost correct or exact but not completely soarbitrary adj.based on personal opinion or impulse,not on reasonarea n.extent or measurement of a surfaceaspect n.particular part or feature of sth being consideredassemble e together;collectassess v.~sth decide or fix the amount of sthassign v.~sth to sb give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be usedassist v.~in/with sth;~(sb)in doing sth(fml)helpassume v.accept as true before there is proofassure v.tell(sb)positively or confidentlyattach v.~sth fasten or join sth(to sth)attain v.succeed in getting(sth);achieveattitude n.~way of thinking or behavingattribute v.~sth to sb/sth regard sth as belonging to,caused by or produced by sb/sthauthor n.writer of a book,play,etcauthority n.power to give orders and make others obeyautomate v.cause to operate by automationavailable adj.that can be used or obtainedbehalf n.on behalf of sb/on sb's behalf;US in behalf of sb/in sb's behalf as the representative of or spokesman for sb;in the interest of sbbenefit n.profit;gain;future good(used esp with the vs and preps shown)bias n.opinion or feeling that strongly favours one side in an argument or one item in a group orseries;predisposition;prejudicebond n.written agreement or promise that has legal force;covenantbrief sting only a short time;shortbulk n.size,quantity or volume,esp when greatcapable adj.having ability;able;competentcapacity n.ability to hold or contain sthcategory n.class or group of things in a complete system of groupingcease e or bring(sth)to an end;stopchallenge n.~(to do sth)invitation or call(to sb)to take part in a game,contest, fight etc to prove who is better,stronger,more able,etcchannel n.sunken bed of a river,stream or canalchapter n.(usu numbered)division of a bookchart n.detailed map used to help navigation at sea,showing coasts,rocks, the depth of the sea,etcchemical adj.of or relating to chemistrycircumstance n.condition or fact connected with an event or actioncite quote;commendcivil adj.of or relating to the citizens of a countryclarify v.(cause sth to)become clear or easier to understandclassic adj.having a high quality that is recognized and unquestioned;of lasting value and import anceclause n.group of words that includes a subject1(4a)and a verb,forming a sentence or part of a sentencecode n.(system of)words,letters,symbols,etc that represent others,used for secret messages or for presenting or recording information brieflycoherent adj.connected logically or consistent;easy to understand;clearcoincide v.~(of events)occur at the same time or occupy the same period of time as sth elsecollapse v.fall down or in suddenlycolleague n.person with whom one works,esp in a profession or businesscommence v.begin(sth);startcomment n.~written or spoken remark giving an opinion on,explaining or criticizing(an event,a person,a situation,etc)commission n.~action,task or piece of work given to sb to docommit v.do(sth illegal,wrong or foolish)commodity n.thing bought in a shop and put to use,esp in the homecommunicate v.~sth make sth known;convey sthcommunity n.the community the people living in one place,district or country, considered as a wholecompatible adj.~(of people,ideas,arguments,principles,etc)suited;that can exist togethercompensate v.~for sth give(sb)sth good to balance or lessen the bad effect of damage, loss,injury,etc;compile v.~sth(for/from sth)collect(information)and arrange it in a book, list,report,etccomplement n.~thing that goes well or suitably with sth else,or makes it completecomplex adj.made up of(usu several)closely connected partscomponent n.any of the parts of which sth is madecompound n.thing made up of two or more separate things combined togethercomprehensiv e adj.that includes everythingcomprise v.have as parts or members;be made up ofcompute v.~sth calculate sth with a computerconceive v.become pregnantconcentrate v.~(sth)(on sth/doing sth)focus(one's attention,effort,etc) exclusively and intensel y on sth,not thinking about other less important thingsconcept n.~idea underlying sth;general notionconclude v.~(with sth)(usu fml)come or bring(sth)to an endconcurrent adj.~existing,happening or done at the same timeconduct n.person's behaviourconfer v.~(with sb)(on/about sth)have discussions(esp in order to exchange opinions or get advice)confine v.~sb/sth keep(a person or an animal)in a restricted spaceconfirm v.provide evidence for the truth or correctness of(a report,an opinion, etc);establish the truth ofconflict n.struggle;fightconform v.~keep to or comply with(generally accepted rules,standards,etc) consent v.~give agreement or permissionconsequent adj.~(fml)following sth as a result or an effect considerable adj.great in amount or sizeconsist v.(phr v)consist of sth be composed or made up of sthconstant adj.going on all the time;happening again and againconstitute v.(fml)make up or form(a whole);be the components of constrain v.make(sb)do sth by strong(moral)persuasion or by force construct v.build(sth);put or fit together;formconsult v.~sb/sth go to(a person,book,etc)for information,advice,etc consume e(sth)upcontact n.~state of touching(used esp with the vs shown) contemporary adj.~of the time or period being referred to;belonging to the same time context writings preceding and following passage quotedcontract n.~(for sth/to do sth)legally binding agreement,usu in writing contradict v.say sth that conflicts with by(sb),suggesting that the person iscontrary adj.opposite in nature,tendency or directioncontrast v.~A and/with B compare so that differences are made clearcontribute v.~(to/towards sth)give one's share of(money,help,advice,etc)to help a joint causecontroversy n.~public discussion or argument,often rather angry,about sth which many people disagreewithconvene v.summon to come together;arrange(a meeting,etc)converse v.~(about sth);~(together)(fml)talkconvert v.~(sth)(from sth)(into/to sth)change(sth)from one form or use to anotherconvince v.~sb make sb feel certain;cause sb to realizecooperate to work or act togethercoordinate vt.to organize or integrate(diverse elements)in a harmonious operation core n.centre of such fruits as the apple and pear,containing the seeds corporate adj.of or shared by all the members of a group;collective correspond v.~be in agreement;not contradict sth or each othercouple n.two people or things that are seen together or associated,esp a man and woman togethercreate v.cause to exist;make(sth new or original)credit n.permission to delay payment for goods and services until after they have been received;system of paying in this waycriteria n.(pl of criterion)standard by which sth is judgedcrucial adj.~very important;decisiveculture n.refined understanding and appreciation of art,literature,etccurrency n.money system in use in a countrycycle n.series of events that are regularly repeated in the same orderdata n.facts or information used in deciding or discussing sthdebate n.formal argument or discussion of a question,eg at a public meeting or in Parliament,with two or more opposing speakers,and often ending in a votedecade n.period of ten yearsdecline v.say`no'to(sth);refuse(sth offered),usu politelydeduce v.~sth arrive at(facts,a theory,etc)by reasoning;infer sthdefine v.~sth state precisely the meaning of(eg words)definite adj.clear;not doubtfuldemonstrate v.~sth(to sb)show sth clearly by giving proof or evidencedenote v.be the name,sign or symbol of(sth);refer todeny v.say that(sth)is not truedepress v.make sad and without enthusiasmderive v.~sth from sth obtain sth from sth;get sth from sthdesign n.~(for sth)drawing or outline from which sth may be madedespite prep without being affected bydetect v.discover or recognize that(sth)is presentdeviate v.~from sth stop followingdevice n.thing made or adapted for a special purposedevote v.~oneself/sth to sb/sth give to sb/sth;dedicate;differentiat e v.~between A and B;~A(from B)see or show(two things)to be different; show sth to be different(from sth else)dimension n.measurement of any sortdiminish v.become smaller or less;decreasediscrete adj.separate;distinctdiscriminate v.~~A from B see or make a difference(between two things) displace v.move from the usual or correct placedisplay v.~sth put sth on showdispose v.place(sb/sth)in a suitable way;arrangedistinct adj.easily heard,seen,felt or understood;definitedistort v.pull or twist out of its usual shapedistribute v.~sth separate sth into parts and give a share to each person or thing diverse adj.of different kinds;varieddocument n.paper,form,book,etc giving information about sth,evidence or proof of sthdomain nds owned or ruled by a nobleman,government,etcdomestic adj.of the home,household or familydraft n.rough preliminary written version of sthdrama n.play for the theatre,radio or TVduration n.time during which sth lasts or continuesdynamic adj.of power or forces that produce movementeconomy n.avoidance of waste(of money,strength,time,resources,etc)edit v.prepare for publication,eg in a book,newspaper,or magazineelement n.~necessary or characteristic part of stheliminate v.~sb/sth remove(esp sb/sth that is not wanted or needed)emerge v.~come out or up(from water,etc)emphasis n.force or stress given to a word or words when spoken,to make the meaning clear or to sho w importanceempirical adj.based on observation or experiment,not on theoryenable v.make able to do sth by giving him the necessary authority or meansencounter v.meet or find oneself faced by(sth/sb unpleasant,dangerous,difficult, etc)energy n.ability to act or work with strength and eagernessenforce v.~sth force people to obey(a law,etc);make sth effectiveenhance v.increase make(sb/sth)look betterenormous adj.very large;immenseensure v.make sure;guaranteeenvironment n.conditions,circumstances,etc affecting people's livesequate v.~sth consider sth as equal or equivalent(to sth else)equip v.~sb/sth(with sth)supply sb/sth(with what is needed,for a particular purpose)equivalent adj.~equal in value,amount,meaning,importance,etcerode v.destroy or wear(sth)away graduallyerror n.thing done wrongly;mistakeestablish v.set up on a firm or permanent basisestate n.area of land,esp in the country,with one ownerestimate n.judgement or calculation of the approximate size,cost,value,etc of sthethic n.system of moral principles;rules of conductethnic adj.of a national,racial or tribal group that has a common cultural traditionevaluate v.find out or form an idea of the amount or value of(sb/sth);assesseventual adj.happening at last as a result;ultimateevident adj.~(that...)obvious(to the eye or mind);clearevolve v.(cause to)develop naturally and(usu)graduallyexceed v.be greater or more numerous than(esp a quantity)exclude v.~sb/sth prevent sb from entering somewhere,taking part in sth,etc; keep sb outexhibit n.object or collection of objects displayed for the public,eg in a museumexpand v.~(into sth)(cause sth to)become greater in size,number or importance expert n.~person with special knowledge,skill or training in a particular field explicit adj.(of a statement,etc)clearly and fully expressedexploit n.brave or adventurous deed or actionexport n.exportingexpose v.uncover or make(sth)visible;displayexternal adj.outside;situated on the outside of sth(esp the body) extract v.~sth take or get sth out,usu with effort or by forcefacilitate v.(of an object,a process,etc but not of a person)make(sth)easy or less difficultfactor n.fact,circumstance,etc that helps to produce a resultfeature n.one of the named parts of the face(eg nose,mouth,eyes)which together form its appear ancefederal of or relating to a form of government or a country in which power is divided between one central and several regional governmentfee n.(usu pl)amount paid for professional advice or service,eg to private teachers,doctor s,etcfile n.metal tool with a rough surface for cutting,smoothing or shaping hard substancesfinal adj.of the end;coming lastfinance n.management of moneyfinite adj.having bounds;limited;not infiniteflexible adj.that can bend easily without breakingfluctuate v.~(of a price,number,rate,etc)rise and fall;change irregularlyfocus n.=>Usage at data data.point at which rays(of light,sound,etc)meet or from which theyappear to comeformat n.shape,size,binding,etc of a bookformula n.(chemistry)set of symbols showing the elements that a substance is made offorthcoming adj.about to happen or appear in the near futurefoundation n.act of foundingfounded[find:]to meet with or discover by chanceframework n.structure giving shape and supportfunction n.special activity or purpose of a person or thingfund n.sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose fundamental adj.of or forming the basis or foundation of sth;essential furthermore adv.in addition;moreover;gender n.(in certain languages)classification of a noun or pronoun as masculine or femininegenerate v.cause to exist or occur;producegeneration n.productionglobe n.small spherical model of the earth showing the continents and usu also countries,rivers,cities,etcgoal n.(in football,hockey,etc)pair of posts with a crossbar,between which the ball has to be kicked,hit,etc in order to scoregrade n.step,stage or degree of rank,quality,etc;level of classificationgrant v.agree to give or allow(what is asked for)guarantee n.~(against sth)promise(usu in writing)that certain conditions agreed to in a transaction will be fulfilledguideline a principle put forward to set standards or determine a course of actiohence adv.from this timehierarchy n.system with grades of authority or status from the lowest to the highesthighlight n.best,most interesting or most exciting part of somethinghypothesis n.idea or suggestion that is based on known facts and is used as a basis for reasoning or further investigationidentical adj.the~the sameidentify v.~sb/sth as sb/sth show,prove,etc who or what sb/sth is;recognize sb/sth(as being th e specified person or thing)ideology n.ideas that form the basis of an economic or political theory or that are held by a partic ular group or personignorant adj.~(of sth)knowing little or nothing;lacking education or information; unawareillustrate v.supply with pictures,diagrams,etcimage n.copy of the shape of a person or thing,esp one made in stone or wood; statueimmigrate v.~enter a foreign country in order to live there permanentlyimpact n.hitting of one object against anotherimplement n.tool or instrumentimplicate v.~sb show that sb is involved in sth,esp a crimeimplicit adj.~implied,but not expressed directly;not explicitimply v.suggest(sth)indirectly rather than state it directly;hintimpose v.~sth place(a penalty,tax,etc)officially on sb/sthincentive n.~thing that encourages sb to do sth;stimulusincidence n.~of sth extent to which sth happens or has an effectincline v.~towards sth lean or slope in the direction of sthincome n.money received over a certain period,esp as payment for work or as interest on investmen tsincorporate v.~sth(in/into sth)make sth part of a whole;includeindex n.list of names or topics referred to in a book,etc,usu arranged at the end in alphabetic al orderindicate v.~sth(to sb)show sth,esp by pointingindividual adj.single;separateinduce v.persuade or influence(sb)to do sthinevitable adj.that cannot be avoided;that is sure to happeninfer v.~sth(from sth)reach(an opinion)from facts or reasoning;conclude sthinfrastructu re n.subordinate parts,installations,etc that form the basis of a system, an organization oran enterprise(eg of an army),inherent adj.~existing as a natural or permanent feature or quality of sb/sthinhibit v.~sb prevent sb from doing sth that should be natural or easy to doinitial adj.of or at the beginning;firstinitiate v.put(a scheme,etc)into operation;cause(sth)to begininjure v.hurt(sb);harminnovate v.make changes;introduce new thingsinput n.~action of putting sth ininsert v.~sth put,fit,place sth into sth or between two thingsinsight n.~(approv)ability to see into the true nature(of sth);deep understandinginspect v.examine(sth)closelyinstance n.~particular occurrence of sth that happens generally or several times; example;caseinstitute n.society or organization for a special(usu social,professional or educational)purposeinstruct to direct to do something;orderintegral adj.~necessary for completenessintegrate v.~sth(into sth);~A and B/~A with B combine sth in such a way that it becomes fully a part of sth elseintegrity n.quality of being honest and morally uprightintelligence n.power of learning,understanding and reasoning;mental abilityintense adj.(of sensations)very great or severe;extremeinteract v.~act or have an effect on each otherintermediate adj.~situated or coming between two people,things,etc in time,space, degree,etcinternal adj.of or on the insideinterpret v.explain(sth which is not easily understandable)interval n.~time between two eventsintervene v.(of time)come or be betweenintrinsic adj.belonging naturally;existing within,not coming from outsideinvest v.~(in sth/with sb)use(money)to buy shares,property,etc,in order to earn interest or bring profitinvestigate v.find out and examine in order to obtain the truthinvoke e(sth)as a reason for one's actioninvolve v.make necessary as a condition or result;entailisolate v.~sb/sth put or keep sb/sth entirely apart from other people or things; separate sb/sth;issue n.outgoing;outflowitem n.single article or unit in a list,etcjob n.the patience of jobjournal n.newspaper or periodical,esp one that is serious and deals with a specialized subjectjustify v.show that(sb/sth)is right,reasonable or justlabel n.piece of paper,cloth,metal,etc on or beside an object and describing its nature,name,owner,destination,etclabour n.physicalor mental worklayer n.thickness of material laid over a surface or forming a horizontal divisionlecture n.~(on sth)talk giving information about a subject to an audience or a class,often as part of a teaching programmelegal adj.of or based on the lawlegislate v.~make lawslevy v.~sth(on sb)collect(a payment,etc)by authority or force;impose sthliberal adj.tolerant and open-minded;free from prejudicelicence n.official document showing that permission has been given to own,use or do sthlikewise adv.similarlylink n.one ring or loop of a chainlocate v.discover the exact position or place oflogic n.science of reasoningmaintain v.~sth cause sth to continue;keep sth in existence at the same level, standard,etcmajor adj.important;great(er)manipulate v.control or handle with skillmanual adj.of,done with or controlled by the handsmargin n.blank space round the written or printed matter on a pagemature adj.fully grown or developed mentally or physically;having achieved one's full potentialmaximise[maximize:]vt.to make as high or great as possible;increase to a maximummechanism n.working parts of a machine,etcmedia n.the media means of mass communication,eg TV,radio,newspapersmediate v.~act as a peacemaker or go-between for two or more people,groups, etc who disagreemedical adj.of the art of medicine;of curing diseasemedium n.(pl usu media)means by which sth is expressed or communicatedmental adj.of,in or to the mindmethod n.waymigrate v.~(to...)move from one place to go to live or work in anothermilitary adj.of or for soldiers or an army;of or for armed forcesminimal adj.smallest in amount or degree。
accept, account (for), achieve, acquire, act, adapt, adopt, advance, advocate, affect, aid, aim, allocate, allow, alter,analyse, appear, apply, argue, arise, assert, assess, assign, associate, assist,assume, attain, attempt, attend, attribute, avoid, base, be, become, benefit, can, cause,characterise, choose, cite, claim, clarify, classify, coincide, combine, compare, compete, comprise, concentrate, concern, conclude, conduct, confine, conform, connect, consider, consist, constitute, construct, contain, contrast, contribute, control, convert, correspond, create, damage, deal, decline, define, demonstrate, depend, derive, describe, design, destroy, determine, develop, differ, differentiate, diminish, direct, discuss, display, distinguish, divide, dominate, effect, eliminate, emerge, emphasize, employ, enable, encounter, encourage, enhance, ensure, establish, evaluate, evolve, examine, exceed, exclude, exemplify, exist, expand, experience, explain, expose, express, extend, facilitate, fail,favour, finance, focus, follow, form, formulate, function, gain, generate, govern, highlight, identify, illustrate, imply, impose, improve, include, incorporate, increase, indicate, induce, influence, initiate, integrate, interpret, introduce, investigate, involve, isolate, label, lack, lead, limit, link, locate, maintain, may, measure, neglect, note, obtain, occur, operate, outline, overcome, participate, perceive, perform, permit, pose, possess, precede, predict, present, preserve, prevent, produce, promote, propose, prove, provide, publish, pursue, quote, receive, record, reduce, refer, reflect, regard, regulate, reinforce, reject, relate, rely, remain, remove, render, replace, report, represent, reproduce, require, resolve, respond, restrict, result, retain, reveal, seek, select, separate, should, show, solve, specify, state, stimulate, strengthen, stress, study, submit, suffer, suggest,summarise, supply, support, sustain, tackle, tend, term, transform, treat, undermine, undertake, use, vary, view, write, yield
Academic Word List学术词表介绍:Academic Word List(简称AWL,即英语学术词汇表)包含了学术英语中使用频率最高的570个词目,也是在各种学术类英语考试(四六级、考研、雅思等)中极为常见的词汇,需要重点掌握。
Sublist 1sector • available • financial • process • individual • specific • principle • estimate • variables • method • data • research • contract • environment • export • source • assessment • policy • identified • create • derived • factors • procedure • definition • assume • theory • benefit • evidence • established • authority • major • issues • labour / labor • occur • economic • involved • percent • interpretation • consistent • income • structure • legal • concept • formula • section • required • constitutional • analysis • distribution • function • area • approach • role • legislation • indicate • response • period • context • significant • similar •Sublist 2community • resident • range • construction • strategies • elements • previous • conclusion • security • aspects • acquisition • features • text • commission • regulations • computer • items • consumer • achieve • final • positive • uation • assistance • normal • relevant • distinction • region • traditional • impact • consequences • chapter • equation • appropriate • resources • participation • survey • potential • cultural • transfer • select • credit • affect • categories • perceived • sought • focus • purchase • injury • site • journal • primary • complex • institute • investment • administration • maintenance • design • obtained • restricted • conduct •Sublist 3comments • convention • published • framework • implies • negative • dominant • illustrated • outcomes • constant • shift • deduction • ensure • specified • justification • funds • reliance • physical • partnership • location • link • coordination • alternative • initial • validity • task • techniques • excluded • consent • proportion • demonstrate • reaction • criteria • minorities • technology • philosophy • removed • sex • compensation • sequence • corresponding • maximum • circumstances • instance • considerable • sufficient • corporate • interaction • contribution • immigration • component • constraints • technical • emphasis • scheme • layer • volume • document • registered • core •Sublist 4overall • emerged • regime • implementation • project • hence • occupational • internal • goals • retained • sum • integration • mechanism • parallel • imposed • despite • job • parameters • approximate • label • concentration • principal •series • predicted • summary • attitudes • undertaken • cycle • communication • ethnic• hypothesis • professional • status • conference • attributed • annual • obvious • error • implications • apparent • commitment • subsequent • debate • dimensions • promote • statistics • option • domestic • output • access • code • investigation • phase• prior • granted • stress • civil • contrast • resolution • adequate •Sublist 5alter • stability • energy • aware • licence / license• enforcement • draft • styles • precise • medical • pursue • symbolic • marginal • capacity • generation • exposure • decline • academic • modified • external • psychology • fundamental • adjustment • ratio • whereas • enable • version • perspective • contact • network • facilitate • welfare • transition • amendment • logic •rejected • expansion • clause • prime • target • objective • sustainable • equivalent • liberal • notion • substitution • generated • trend • revenue • compounds • evolution • conflict • image • discretion • entities • orientation • consultation • mental • monitoring • challenge •Sublist 6intell igence • transformation • presumption • acknowledged • utility • furthermore • accurate • diversity • attached • recovery • assigned • tapes • motivation • bond • edition • nevertheless • transport • cited • fees • scope • enhanced • incorporated • instructions • subsidiary • input • abstract • ministry • capable • expert • preceding • display • incentive • inhibition • trace • ignored • incidence • estate • cooperative • revealed • index • lecture • discrimination • overseas • explicit • aggregate • gender• underlying • brief • domain • rational • minimum • interval • neutral • migration • flexibility • federal • author • initiatives • allocation • exceed •Sublist 7intervention • confirmed • definite • classical • chemical • voluntary • release • visible • finite • publication • channel • file • thesis • equipment • disposal • solely • deny • identical • submitted • grade • phenomenon • paradigm • ultimately • e xtract • survive • converted • transmission • global • inferred • guarantee • advocate • dynamic • simulation • topic • insert • reverse • decades • comprise • hierarchical • unique • comprehensive • couple • mode • differentiation • eliminate • priority • empirical • ideology • somewhat • aid • foundation • adults • adaptation • quotation • contrary • media • successive • innovation • prohibited • isolated •Sublist 8highlighted • eventually • inspection • termination • displacement • arbitrary • reinforced • denote • offset • exploitation • detected • abandon • random • revision • virtually • uniform • predominantly • thereby • implicit • tension • ambiguous • vehicle • clarity • conformity • contemporary • automatically • accumulation • appendix • widespread • infrastructure • deviation • fluctuations • restore • guidelines • commodity • minimises • practitioners • radical • plus • visual • chart • appreciation • prospect • dramatic • contradiction • currency • inevitably • complement • accompany • paragraph • induced • schedule • intensity • crucial • via • exhibit • bias • manipulation • theme • nuclear •Sublist 9bulk • behalf • unified • commenced • erosion • anticipated • minimal • ceases • vision • mutual • norms • intermediate • manual • supplementary • incompatible • concurrent • ethical • preliminary • integral • conversely • relaxed• confined • accommodation • temporary • distorted • passive • subordinate • analogous • military • scenario • revolution • diminished • coherence • suspended • mature • assurance • rigid • controversy • sphere • mediation • format • trigger • qualitative• portion • medium • coincide • violation • device • insights • refine • devoted • team • overlap • attained • restraints • inherent • route • protocol • founded • duration •Sublist 10whereby • inclination • encountered • convinced • assembly • albeit• enormous • reluctant • posed • persistent • undergo • notwithstanding • straightforward • panel • odd • intrinsic • compiled • adjacent • integrity • forthcoming • conce ived • ongoing • so-called • likewise • nonetheless • levy • invoked • colleagues • depression • collapse •。
Sublist 1 of the Academic Word Listanalyseanalysedanalyseranalysersanalysesanalysinganalysisanalystanalystsanalyticanalyticalanalyticallyanalyzeanalyzedanalyzesanalyzing economyeconomiceconomicaleconomicallyeconomicseconomieseconomisteconomistsuneconomicalenvironmentenvironmentalenvironmentalistenvironmentalistsenvironmentallyenvironmentsestablishlegislatelegislatedlegislateslegislatinglegislationlegislativelegislatorlegislatorslegislaturemajormajoritiesmajoritymethodmethodicalmethodologicalmethodologiesapproachapproachableapproachedapproachesapproachingunapproachable areaareasassessassessableassessedassessesassessingassessmentassessmentsreassessreassessedreassessingreassessmentunassessed assumeassumedassumesdisestablishdisestablisheddisestablishesdisestablishingdisestablishmentestablishedestablishesestablishingestablishmentestablishmentsestimateestimatedestimatesestimatingestimationestimationsover-estimateoverestimateoverestimatedoverestimatesoverestimatingunderestimateunderestimatedmethodologymethodsoccuroccurredoccurrenceoccurrencesoccurringoccursreoccurreoccurredreoccurringreoccurspercentpercentagepercentagesperiodperiodicperiodicalperiodicallyperiodicalsperiodspolicypoliciesassumingassumptionassumptions authorityauthoritativeauthorities availableavailabilityunavailable benefitbeneficialbeneficiarybeneficiariesbenefitedbenefitingbenefitsconceptconceptionconceptsconceptualconceptualisationconceptualiseconceptualisedunderestimatesunderestimatingevidentevidencedevidenceevidentialevidentlyexportexportedexporterexportersexportingexportsfactorfactoredfactoringfactorsfinancefinancedfinancesfinancialfinanciallyfinancierprincipleprincipledprinciplesunprincipledproceedproceduralprocedureproceduresproceededproceedingproceedingsproceedsprocessprocessedprocessesprocessingrequirerequiredrequirementrequirementsrequiresrequiringresearchconceptualisesconceptualisingconceptually consistconsistedconsistencyconsistentconsistentlyconsistingconsistsinconsistenciesinconsistencyinconsistent constituteconstituenciesconstituencyconstituentconstituentsconstitutedconstitutesconstitutingconstitutionconstitutionsfinanciersfinancingformulaformulaeformulasformulateformulatedformulatingformulationformulationsreformulatereformulatedreformulatingreformulationreformulationsfunctionfunctionalfunctionallyfunctionedfunctioningfunctionsidentifyidentifiableresearchedresearcherresearchersresearchesresearchingrespondrespondedrespondentrespondentsrespondingrespondsresponseresponsesresponsiveresponsivenessunresponsiverolerolessectionsectionedsectioningsectionssectorconstitutionalconstitutionallyconstitutiveunconstitutional contextcontextscontextualcontextualisecontextualisedcontextualisinguncontextualisedcontextualizecontextualizedcontextualizinguncontextualized contractcontractedcontractingcontractorcontractorscontractscreatecreatedidentificationidentifiedidentifiesidentifyingidentitiesidentityunidentifiableincomeincomesindicateindicatedindicatesindicatingindicationindicationsindicativeindicatorindicatorsindividualindividualisedindividualityindividualismindividualistsectorssignificantinsignificantinsignificantlysignificancesignificantlysignifiedsignifiessignifysignifyingsimilardissimilarsimilaritiessimilaritysimilarlysourcesourcedsourcessourcingspecificspecificallyspecificationspecificationscreatescreatingcreationcreationscreativecreativelycreativitycreatorcreatorsrecreaterecreatedrecreatesrecreating datadefinedefinabledefineddefinesdefiningdefinitiondefinitionsredefineredefinedindividualistsindividualisticindividuallyindividualsinterpretinterpretationinterpretationsinterpretativeinterpretedinterpretinginterpretiveinterpretsmisinterpretmisinterpretationmisinterpretationsmisinterpretedmisinterpretingmisinterpretsreinterpretreinterpretedreinterpretsreinterpretingreinterpretationspecificityspecificsstructurerestructurerestructuredrestructuresrestructuringstructuralstructurallystructuredstructuresstructuringunstructuredtheorytheoreticaltheoreticallytheoriestheoristtheoristsvaryinvariableinvariablyvariabilityredefinesredefiningundefined derivederivationderivationsderivativederivativesderivedderivesderiving distributedistributeddistributingdistributiondistributionaldistributionsdistributivedistributordistributorsredistributeredistributedredistributesreinterpretationsinvolveinvolvedinvolvementinvolvesinvolvinguninvolvedissueissuedissuesissuinglabourlaborlaboredlaborslabouredlabouringlabourslegalillegalillegalityillegallylegalityvariablevariablesvariablyvariancevariantvariantsvariationvariationsvariedvariesvaryingredistributingredistributionlegally Sublist 2 of the Academic Word Listachieveachievableachievedachievementachievementsachievesachieving acquireacquiredacquiresacquiringacquisitionacquisitions administrateadministratesadministrationadministrationsadministrativeadministratively distinctdistinctiondistinctionsdistinctivedistinctivelydistinctlyindistinctindistinctlyelementelementsequateequatedequatesequatingequationequationsevaluateevaluatedevaluatesparticipateparticipantparticipantsparticipatedparticipatesparticipatingparticipationparticipatoryperceiveperceivedperceivesperceivingperceptionperceptionspositivepositivelypotentialpotentiallypreviousadministratoradministrators affectaffectedaffectingaffectiveaffectivelyaffectsunaffected appropriateappropriacyappropriatelyappropriatenessinappropriacyinappropriateinappropriately aspectaspectsassistassistanceassistantassistantsassistedevaluatingevaluationevaluationsevaluativere-evaluatere-evaluatedre-evaluatesre-evaluatingre-evaluationfeaturefeaturedfeaturesfeaturingfinalfinalisefinalisedfinalisesfinalisingfinalizefinalizedfinalizesfinalizingfinalitypreviouslyprimaryprimarilypurchasepurchasedpurchaserpurchaserspurchasespurchasingrangerangedrangesrangingregionregionalregionallyregionsregulatederegulatedderegulatesderegulatingderegulationregulatedassistingassistsunassisted categorycategoriescategorisationcategorisecategorisedcategorisescategorisingcategorizationcategorizedcategorizescategorizing chapterchapters commissioncommissionedcommissionercommissionerscommissioningcommissions communityfinallyfinalsfocusfocusedfocusesfocusingfocussedfocussingrefocusrefocusedrefocusesrefocusingrefocussedrefocussesrefocussingimpactimpactedimpactingimpactsinjureinjuredinjuresinjuriesregulatesregulatingregulationregulationsregulatorregulatorsregulatoryunregulatedrelevantirrelevanceirrelevantrelevanceresideresidedresidenceresidentresidentialresidentsresidesresidingresourceresourcedresourcefulcommunities complexcomplexitiescomplexity computecomputationcomputationalcomputationscomputablecomputercomputedcomputerisedcomputerscomputing concludeconcludedconcludesconcludingconclusionconclusionsconclusiveconclusivelyinconclusiveinjuringinjuryuninjuredinstituteinstitutedinstitutesinstitutinginstitutioninstitutionalinstitutionaliseinstitutionalisedinstitutionalisesinstitutionalisinginstitutionalizedinstitutionalizesinstitutionalizinginstitutionallyinstitutionsinvestinvestedinvestinginvestmentinvestmentsresourcesresourcingunresourcefulunder-resourcedrestrictrestrictedrestrictingrestrictionrestrictionsrestrictiverestrictivelyrestrictsunrestrictedunrestrictivesecureinsecureinsecuritiesinsecuritysecuredsecurelysecuressecuringsecuritiesinconclusively conductconductedconductingconducts consequentconsequenceconsequencesconsequently constructconstructedconstructingconstructionconstructionsconstructiveconstructsreconstructreconstructedreconstructingreconstructionreconstructs consumeconsumedinvestorinvestorsinvestsreinvestreinvestedreinvestingreinvestmentreinvestsitemitemisationitemiseitemiseditemisesitemisingitemsjournaljournalsmaintainmaintainedmaintainingmaintainsmaintenancenormalsecurityseekseekingseekssoughtselectselectedselectingselectionselectionsselectiveselectivelyselectorselectorsselectssitesitesstrategystrategicstrategiesstrategicallystrategiststrategistsconsumerconsumersconsumesconsumingconsumption creditcreditedcreditingcreditorcreditorscredits cultureculturalculturallyculturedculturesuncultured designdesigneddesignerdesignersdesigningdesignsabnormalabnormallynormalisationnormalisenormalisednormalisesnormalisingnormalizationnormalizenormalizednormalizesnormalizingnormalitynormallyobtainobtainableobtainedobtainingobtainsunobtainablesurveysurveyedsurveyingsurveystexttextstextualtraditionnon-traditionaltraditionaltraditionalisttraditionallytraditionstransfertransferabletransferencetransferredtransferringtransfersSublist 3 of the Academic Word Listalternativealternativelyalternatives circumstancecircumstances commentcommentariescommentarycommentatorcommentatorscommentedcommentingcomments compensatecompensatedcompensatescompensatingcompensationcompensationscompensatory component emphasisemphasiseemphasisedemphasisingemphasizeemphasizedemphasizesemphasizingemphaticemphaticallyensureensuredensuresensuringexcludeexcludedexcludesexcludingexclusionexclusionaryexclusionistphilosophyphilosopherphilosophersphilosophicalphilosophicallyphilosophiesphilosophisephilosophisedphilosophisesphilosophisingphilosophizephilosophizedphilosophizesphilosophizingphysicalphysicallyproportiondisproportiondisproportionatedisproportionatelyproportionalcomponentrycomponents consentconsensusconsentedconsentingconsents considerableconsiderably constantconstancyconstantlyconstantsinconstancyinconstantly constrainconstrainedconstrainingconstrainsconstraintconstraintsunconstrained contributeexclusionsexclusiveexclusivelyframeworkframeworksfundfundedfunderfundersfundingfundsillustrateillustratedillustratesillustratingillustrationillustrationsillustrativeimmigrateimmigrantimmigrantsimmigratedimmigratesproportionallyproportionateproportionatelyproportionspublishpublishedpublisherpublisherspublishespublishingunpublishedreactreactedreactsreactingreactionreactionariesreactionaryreactionsreactivereactivatereactivationreactorcontributedcontributescontributingcontributioncontributionscontributorcontributors conveneconventionconvenesconvenedconveningconventionalconventionallyconventionsunconventional coordinatecoordinatedcoordinatescoordinatingcoordinationcoordinatorcoordinatorsimmigratingimmigrationimplyimpliedimpliesimplyinginitialinitiallyinstanceinstancesinteractinteractedinteractinginteractioninteractionsinteractiveinteractivelyinteractsjustifyjustifiablejustifiablyjustificationjustificationsreactorsregisterderegisterderegisteredderegisteringderegistersderegistrationregisteredregisteringregistersregistrationrelyreliabilityreliablereliablyreliancereliantreliedreliesrelyingunreliableremoveremovableco-ordinateco-ordinatedco-ordinatesco-ordinatingco-ordinationco-ordinatorco-ordinators corecorescoringcored corporatecorporatescorporationcorporations correspondcorrespondedcorrespondencecorrespondingcorrespondinglycorresponds criteriacriterionjustifiedjustifiesjustifyingunjustifiedlayerlayeredlayeringlayerslinklinkagelinkageslinkedlinkinglinkslocatelocatedlocatinglocationlocationsrelocaterelocatedrelocatesrelocatingremovalremovalsremovedremovesremovingschemeschematicschematicallyschemedschemesschemingsequencesequencedsequencessequencingsequentialsequentiallysexsexessexismsexualsexualitysexuallydeducededuceddeducesdeducingdeductiondeductions demonstratedemonstrabledemonstrablydemonstrateddemonstratesdemonstratingdemonstrationdemonstrationsdemonstrativedemonstrativelydemonstratordemonstrators documentdocumentationdocumenteddocumentingdocumentsrelocationmaximisemaxmaximisedmaximisesmaximisingmaximisationmaximizemaximizedmaximizesmaximizingmaximizationmaximumminorminoritiesminorityminorsnegatenegativenegatednegatesnegatingnegativelyshiftshiftedshiftingshiftsspecifyspecifiablespecifiedspecifiesspecifyingunspecifiedsufficientsufficiencyinsufficientinsufficientlysufficientlytasktaskstechnicaltechnicallytechniquetechniquestechnologytechnologicaldominatedominancedominantdominateddominatesdominatingdominationnegativesoutcomeoutcomespartnerpartnerspartnershippartnershipstechnologicallyvalidinvalidateinvalidityvalidatevalidatedvalidatingvalidationvalidityvalidlyvolumevolumesvolSublist 4 of the Academic Word Listaccessaccessedaccessesaccessibilityaccessibleaccessinginaccessible adequate errorerroneouserroneouslyerrorsethnicethnicitygoalgoalsparallelparalleledparallelledparallellingparallelsunparalleledparameterparametersadequacyadequatelyinadequaciesinadequacyinadequateinadequately annualannually apparentapparently approximateapproximatedapproximatelyapproximatesapproximatingapproximationapproximations attitudeattitudes attributeattributableattributedattributes grantgrantedgrantinggrantshencehypothesishypotheseshypothesisehypothesisedhypothesiseshypothesisinghypothesizehypothesizedhypothesizeshypothesizinghypotheticalhypotheticallyimplementimplementationimplementedimplementingimplementsimplicatephasephasedphasesphasingpredictpredictabilitypredictablepredictablypredictedpredictingpredictionpredictionspredictsunpredictabilityunpredictableprincipalprincipallypriorprofessionalprofessionallyprofessionalsprofessionalismprojectattributingattributioncivilcodecodedcodescodingcommitcommitmentcommitmentscommitscommittedcommitting communicatecommunicablecommunicatedcommunicatescommunicatingcommunicationcommunicationscommunicativecommunicativelyuncommunicativeimplicatedimplicatesimplicatingimplicationimplicationsimposeimposedimposesimposingimpositionintegrateintegratedintegratesintegratingintegrationinternalinternaliseinternalisedinternalisesinternalisinginternalizeinternalizedinternalizesprojectedprojectingprojectionprojectionsprojectspromotepromotedpromoterpromoterspromotespromotingpromotionpromotionsregimeregimesresolveresolutionresolvedresolvesresolvingunresolvedretainretainedconcentrateconcentratedconcentratesconcentratingconcentration conferconferenceconferencesconferredconferringconfers contrastcontrastedcontrastingcontrastivecontrasts cyclecycledcyclescycliccyclicalcycling debateinternalizinginternallyinvestigateinvestigatedinvestigatesinvestigatinginvestigationinvestigationsinvestigativeinvestigatorinvestigatorsjobjobslabellabeledlabelinglabelledlabellinglabelsmechanismmechanismsobviousobviouslyretainingretainerretainersretainsretentionretentiveseriesstatisticstatisticianstatisticiansstatisticalstatisticallystatisticsstatusstressstressedstressesstressfulstressingunstressedsubsequentsubsequentlysumdebatabledebateddebatesdebating despitedimensiondimensionaldimensionsmultidimensional domesticdomesticallydomesticatedomesticateddomesticatingdomestics emergeemergedemergenceemergentemergesemerging occupyoccupancyoccupantoccupantsoccupationoccupationaloccupationsoccupiedoccupieroccupiersoccupiesoccupyingoptionoptionaloptionsoutputoutputsoverallsummationsummedsummingsumssummarysummariessummarisesummarisedsummarisessummarisingsummarisationsummarisationssummarizationsummarizationssummarizesummarizedsummarizessummarizingundertakeundertakenundertakesundertakingundertookSublist 5 of the Academic Word Listacademyacademiaacademicacademicallyacademicsacademies adjustadjustedadjustingadjustmentadjustmentsadjustsreadjustreadjustedreadjustingreadjustmentreadjustmentsreadjusts alteralterablealteration expandexpandedexpandingexpandsexpansionexpansionismexpansiveexposeexposedexposesexposingexposureexposuresexternalexternalisationexternaliseexternalisedexternalisesexternalisingexternalityexternalizationorientorientateorientatedorientatesorientationorientatingorientedorientingorientsreorientreorientationperspectiveperspectivespreciseimprecisepreciselyprecisionprimeprimacypsychologypsychologicalalterationsalteredalteringalternatealternatingaltersunalterableunaltered amendamendedamendingamendmentamendmentsamends awareawarenessunaware capacitycapacitiesincapacitateincapacitated challengechallengedexternalizeexternalizedexternalizesexternalizingexternallyfacilitatefacilitatedfacilitatesfacilitiesfacilitatingfacilitationfacilitatorfacilitatorsfacilityfundamentalfundamentallygenerategeneratedgeneratesgeneratinggenerationgenerationsimagepsychologicallypsychologistpsychologistspursuepursuedpursuespursuingpursuitpursuitsratioratiosrejectrejectedrejectingrejectionrejectsrejectionsrevenuerevenuesstableinstabilitystabilisationstabilisechallengerchallengerschallengeschallenging clauseclauses compoundcompoundedcompoundingcompounds conflictconflictedconflictingconflicts consultconsultancyconsultantconsultantsconsultationconsultationsconsultativeconsultedconsultsimageryimagesliberalliberaliseliberalismliberalisationliberalisedliberalisesliberalisingliberalizationliberalizeliberalizedliberalizesliberalizingliberateliberatedliberatesliberationliberationsliberatingliberatorliberatorsliberallystabilisedstabilisesstabilisingstabilizationstabilizestabilizedstabilizesstabilizingstabilityunstablestylestyledstylesstylingstylishstylisestylisedstylisesstylisingstylizestylizedstylizesstylizingconsulting contactcontactablecontactedcontactingcontacts declinedeclineddeclinesdeclining discretediscretelydiscretiondiscretionaryindiscreteindiscretion draftdrafteddraftingdraftsredraftredraftedredraftingliberalslicencelicenceslicenselicensedlicensinglicensesunlicensedlogicillogicalillogicallylogicallogicallylogicianlogiciansmarginmarginalmarginallymarginsmedicalmedicallymentalmentalitysubstitutesubstitutedsubstitutessubstitutingsubstitutionsustainsustainablesustainabilitysustainedsustainingsustainssustenanceunsustainablesymbolsymbolicsymbolicallysymbolisesymbolisessymbolisedsymbolisingsymbolismsymbolizesymbolizedredrafts enableenabledenablesenabling energyenergeticenergeticallyenergies enforceenforcedenforcementenforcesenforcing entityentities equivalentequivalence evolveevolutionevolvedevolvingevolvesmentallymodifymodificationmodificationsmodifiedmodifiesmodifyingunmodifiedmonitormonitoredmonitoringmonitorsunmonitorednetworknetworkednetworkingnetworksnotionnotionsobjectiveobjectivelyobjectivitysymbolizessymbolizingsymbolstargettargetedtargetingtargetstransittransitedtransitingtransitiontransitionaltransitionstransitorytransitstrendtrendsversionversionswelfarewheevolutionaryevolutionistevolutionistsSublist 6 of the Academic Word Listabstractabstractionabstractionsabstractlyabstracts accurateaccuracyaccuratelyinaccuracyinaccuraciesinaccurate acknowledgeacknowledgedacknowledgesacknowledgingacknowledgementacknowledgements aggregate enhanceenhancedenhancementenhancesenhancingestateestatesexceedexceededexceedingexceedsexpertexpertiseexpertlyexpertsexplicitexplicitlyfederalneutralneutralisationneutraliseneutralisedneutralisesneutralisingneutralityneutralizationneutralizeneutralizedneutralizesneutralizingneverthelessoverseasprecedeprecededprecedenceprecedentaggregatedaggregatesaggregatingaggregation allocateallocatedallocatesallocatingallocationallocations assignassignedassigningassignmentassignmentsassignsreassignreassignedreassigningreassignsunassigned attachattachedfederationfederationsfeefeesflexibleflexibilityinflexibleinflexibilityfurthermoregendergendersignorantignoranceignoreignoredignoresignoringincentiveincentivesincidenceincidentincidentallyincidentsprecedesprecedingunprecedentedpresumepresumablypresumedpresumespresumingpresumptionpresumptionspresumptuousrationalirrationalrationalisationrationalisationsrationaliserationalisedrationalisesrationalisingrationalismrationalityrationalizationrationalizationsattachesattachingattachmentattachmentsunattached authorauthoredauthoringauthorsauthorship bondbondedbondingbondsbriefbrevitybriefedbriefingbrieflybriefs capablecapabilitiescapability incorporateincorporatedincorporatesincorporatingincorporationindexindexedindexesindexinginhibitinhibitedinhibitinginhibitioninhibitionsinhibitsinitiateinitiatedinitiatesinitiatinginitiationinitiationsinitiativeinitiativesrationalizerationalizedrationalizesrationallyrecoverrecoverablerecoveredrecoveringrecoversrecoveryrevealrevealedrevealingrevealsrevelationrevelationsscopesubsidysubsidiarysubsidiessubsidisesubsidisedsubsidisesincapable citecitationcitationscitedcitingcites cooperatecooperatedcooperatescooperatingcooperationcooperativecooperativelyco-operateco-operatedco-operatesco-operationco-operativeco-operatively discriminatediscriminateddiscriminatesinitiatorinitiatorsinputinputsinstructinstructioninstructedinstructinginstructionsinstructiveinstructorinstructorsinstructsintelligentintelligenceintelligentlyunintelligentintervalintervalslecturelecturedlecturerlecturerssubsidisingsubsidizesubsidizedsubsidizessubsidizingtapetapedtapestapingtracetraceabletracedtracestracingtransformtransformationtransformationstransformedtransformingtransformstransporttransportationtransported。
虽然,尽管 allocated, allocates, allocating, allocation, allocations 分配,分派 alterable, alteration, alterations, altered, altering, alternate, alternating, alters, unalterable, unaltered alternatively, alternatives ambiguities, ambiguity, unambiguous, unambiguously 含糊的:难以理解的
albeit allocate alter alternative ambiguous amend analogy analyse annual anticipate apparent append appreciate approach appropriate approximate arbitrary area aspect assemble assess assign assist assume assure
amended, amending, amendment, amendments, amends 修正,修改(法律或文 件) analogies, analogous 类比,类推,比拟 analysed, analyser, analysers, analyses, analysing, analysis, analyst, analysts, analytic, analytical, analytically annually anticipated, anticipates, anticipating, anticipation, unanticipated apparently appendix, appended, appends, appending, appendices, appendixes 附加,增补 (文字) appreciable, appreciably, appreciated, appreciates, appreciating, appreciation, unappreciated approachable, approached, approaches, approaching, unapproachable appropriacy, appropriately, appropriateness, inappropriacy, inappropriate, inappropriately approximated, approximately, approximates, approximating, approximation, approximations arbitrariness, arbitrarily 专横的,武断的;任意的 areas aspects assembled, assembles, assemblies, assembling, assembly assessable, assessed, assesses, assessing, assessment, assessments, reassess, reassessed, reassessing, reassessment, unassessed assigned, assigning, assignment, assignments, assigns, reassign, reassigned, reassigning, reassigns, unassigned assistance, assistant, assistants, assisted, assisting, assists, unassisted assumed, assumes, assuming, assumption, assumptions assurance, assurances, assured, assuredly, assures, assuring
IELTS,TOEFL 考试必备之AWLIntroductionTheAcademicWordListwasdevelopedbPAverilCoGheadasherMAthesisattheSchoolofLin guist icsan dAppliedLa nguageStudiesatVictoriaU niversitPofWelli ngt on ,NewZeala nd.Thelistc on tai n s570wordfamilieswhichwereselectedaccordi ngtopri nciplesoutlinedbelow.Thelistdoes noti nclu dewordsthatarei nthemostfreque nt20PPwordsofEnglish.TheAWLwasprimarilPmadesothatitco uldbeusedbPteachersaspartofaprogrammeprepari nglearnersfortertiarPlevelstudPorusedbPstud en tsworki ngalo netolearnthewordsmost neededtostudPattertiarPi nstitutio ns.TheAcademicWord ListreplacestheU ni versitPWordList.SublistsoftheAcademicWordListEachwordi nitalicsisthemostfreque ntIPoccurri ngmemberofthewordfamilPi ntheAcademicCorp us.ForeGamplea nalPsisisthemostcom mon formofthewordfamilPanalPse.Britisha ndAmerica n spelli ngisi ncludedi nthewordfamilies.socon teGtualisea ndcon teGtualizearebothi ncludedi nthefa milPco nteGtSublist1co ntai nsthemostcom mon wordsi ntheAWL.Sublist2c on tai nsthe neGtmostcom mon word s,an dso on .Thereare60familiesi neachsublist,eGceptforsublist10whichhas30. Sublist1oftheAcademicWordListan alPsean alPsed an alPser an alPsers an alPses an alPs ing an alPsis an alPst an alPsts an alPtic an alPtical an alPticallP an alPze an alPzed an alPzes an alPz ing approachapproachable approached approaches approachi ng un approachable areaareas assessassessableassessedassesses assessing assessme ntassessme ntsreassessreassessedreassess ingreassessme ntunassessedassume assumedassumes assuming assumpti onassumpti onsauthoritPauthoritativeauthoritiesavailableavailabilitP unavailable ben efitben eficialben eficiarP beneficiaries ben efitedben efiti ng ben efitscon ceptcon cepti oncon cepts conceptualcon ceptualisation con ceptualise conceptualised conceptualises conceptualis ing conceptuallP con sistcon sisted consiste ncP consiste ntcon siste ntIP creativitP econo micallP con sist ing creator econo micscon sists creators econo miesincon siste ncies recreate econo mistincon siste ncP recreated econo mistsincon siste nt recreates unecono mical con stitute recreat ing en vir onment con stitue ncies data en vir onmen tal con stitue ncP defi ne en viro nmen con stitue nt defi nable en viro nmen con stitue nts defi ned en vir onmen con stituted defi nes en vir onments con stitutes defi ning establishcon stitut ing defi niti on disestablish con stituti on defi niti ons disestablished con stituti ons redefi ne disestablishes con stituti onal redefi ned disestablishi ng con stitutio nallP redefi nes disestablishme con stitutive redefi ning establisheduncon stituti onal un defi ned establishescon teGt derive establishi ng con teGts derivati on establishme nt con teGtual derivati ons establishme nts con teGtualise derivative estimatecon teGtualised derivatives estimatedcon teGtualisi ng derived estimatesuncon teGtualised derives estimat ingcon teGtualize deriv ing estimati oncon teGtualized distribute estimati ons con teGtualizi ng distributed over-estimate uncon teGtualized distribut ing overestimate con tract distributio n overestimated con tracted distributio nal overestimates con tract ing distributio ns overestimati ng con tractor distributive un derestimate con tractors distributor un derestimated con tracts distributors un derestimates create redistribute un derestimat created redistributed evide ntcreates redistributes evide needcreat ing redistributi ng evide neecreati on redistributio n evide ntialcreati ons economP evide ntIPcreative econo mic eGportcreativelP econo mical eGportedeGporter in comes issueeGporters in dicate issuedeGport ing in dicated issueseGports in dicates issui ng factor in dicat ing labour factored in dicati on laborfactori ng in dicatio ns laboredfactors in dicative labors finance in dicator laboured finan ced in dicators labouri ng finan ces in dividual laboursfinan cial in dividualised legalfinan ciallP in dividualitP illegalfinan cier in dividualism illegalitP finan ciers in dividualist illegallPfinancing in dividualists legalitP formula in dividualistic legallP formulae in dividuallP legislateformulas in dividuals legislated formulate in terpret legislates formulated in terpretatio n legislati ng formulati ng in terpretatio ns legislatio n formulatio n in terpretative legislative formulati ons in terpreted legislator reformulate in terpret ing legislators reformulated in terpretive legislature reformulati ng in terprets majorreformulati on misi nterpret majorities reformulatio ns misi nterpretati on majoritPfun cti on misi nterpretati ons method fun cti onal misi nterpreted methodical fun ctio nallP misin terpret ing methodologica fun cti oned misi nterprets methodologies fun cti oning rein terpret methodologP fun cti ons rein terpreted methodside ntifP rein terprets occur ide ntifiable rei nterpret ing occurredide ntificati on rei nterpretatio n occurre nee ide ntified rei nterpretati ons occurre nces ide ntifies invo Ive occurri ng ide ntifP ing invo Ived occurside ntities invo Iveme nt reoccuride ntitP invo Ives reoccurred uniden tifiable inv olvi ng reoccurri ng in come uninvo Ived reoccursperce ntperce ntage perce ntages periodperiodic periodical periodicals periodicals periods policPpolicies prin cipleprin cipled prin ciples unprin cipled proceed procedural procedure procedures proceeded proceedi ng proceedi ngs proceeds process processed processes process ing requirerequired requireme nt requireme nts requires requiri ng researchresearchedresearcherresearchersresearchesresearch ing resp ondresp on dedresp ondent resp ondents resp onding responds resp onse respon ses resp on siveresp on sive ness unresp on sive roleroles sect ionsect ionedsect ioningsect ionssectorsectors significa ntin sig nificant in sig nificantIP sig ni fica neesig ni fica ntlP signi fied sig ni fiessig nifP sig nifPing similardissimilarsimilaritiessimilaritPsimilarlP sourcesourcedsources sourcing specificspecificallPspecificati onspecificationsspecificitPspecificsstructurerestructurerestructuredrestructuresrestructuri ngstructuralstructurallPstructuredstructuresstructuri ngunstructuredtheorPtheoreticaltheoreticallP theoriestheoristtheoristsvarP invariable invariablPvariabilitPvariablevariablesvariablPvaria neevaria ntvaria ntsvariati onvariati onsvariedvaries varPingachiev ing acquireacquired acquires acquiri ng acquisiti on acquisiti ons admi ni strateadmi nistrates admi nistrati on admi nistrati ons admi nistrative admi nistrativelP admi nistrator admi nistrators affectaffectedaffecti ng affective affectivelPaffects un affected appropriate appropriacP appropriatelP appropriate ness in appropriacP in appropriate in appropriatelP aspectaspects assistassista neeassista ntassista ntsassistedassisti ngassistsun assistedcategorPcategoriescategorisati oncategorisecategorisedcategorisescategoris ingcategorizati oncategorizedcategorizescategoriz ingchapterchapterscommissi oncommissi onedcommissi onercommissi onerscommissi oningcommissi ons communitPcom mun itiescompleGcompleGitiescompleGitP computecomputati oncomputati onalcomputati onscomputablecomputer computedcomputerisedcomputers computing con cludecon cluded concludes concludi ng conclusi on conclusi ons conclusive conclusivelPincon clusiveinconclusivelP con ductcon ducted conduct ing con ductscon seque ntconsequeneeconsequences conseque ntIP constructcon structedcon struct ing construct ion construct ions constructive constructs rec onstruct reconstructed reconstructi ng reconstructio n reconstructs con sumecon sumedcon sumer consumers con sumesconsuming consumpti on creditcreditedcredit ing creditorcreditors creditscultureculturalculturallPcultured culturesun cultured desig ndesig ned designer desig nersSublist2oftheAcademicWordList achieveachievable achievedachieveme nt achieveme ntsachievesdesig ning fin als inv estor desig ns focus inv estors dist inct focused inv ests disti nctio n focuses reinv est disti nctio ns focus ing reinv ested disti nctive focussed reinv est ing disti nctivelP focuss ing reinv estme dist in ctlP refocus rei nv ests in disti net refocused itemin disti nctlP refocuses itemisati on eleme nt refocus ing itemise eleme nts refocussed itemised equate refocusses itemises equated refocuss ing itemisi ng equates impact itemsequati ng impacted journalequati on impacti ng journalsequati ons impacts main tai n evaluate injure main tai ned evaluated injured mai ntai ning evaluates injures main tai ns evaluat ing injuries maintenance evaluati on injuri ng no rmalevaluati ons injurP abno rmal evaluative uni njured abno rmallP re-evaluate in stitute no rmalisati re-evaluated in stituted no rmalise re-evaluates in stitutes no rmalised re-evaluat ing in stituti ng no rmalises re-evaluati on in stitutio n no rmalisi ng feature in stituti onal no rmalizati featured in stitutio nalise no rmalize features in stitutio nalised no rmalized featuri ng in stitutio nalises no rmalizes final in stitutio nalis ing no rmalizi ng fin alise in stitutio nalized no rmalitP fin alised in stitutio nalizes no rmallP fin alises in stitutio naliz ing obtai nfin alisi ng in stitutio nallP obta in able fin alize in stituti ons obta ined fin alized inv est obta ining fin alizes inv ested obta insfin alizi ng inv esti ng un obta inable fin alitP inv estme nt participatefin allP inv estme nts participa ntregulators regulatorP un regulated releva nt irreleva nee irreleva nt releva nee resideresided reside nee reside nt reside ntial reside nts resides residi ng resourceresourced resourceful resources resourci ng un resourceful un der-resourced restrictrestricted restricti ng restrictio n restrictio ns restrictive restrictivelP restricts un restricted un restrictive secure in securein securities in securitP secured securelP secures securi ngsecurities securitP seekseek ingseekssought select selected select ing selecti on selecti ons selective selectivelP selector selectors selectssite sites strategP strategic strategies strategicallP strategist strategists surveP survePed surveP ing survePs teGt teGts teGtualtraditi onnon-traditional traditional traditi onalist traditionallP traditionstran sfertran sferabletran sfere neetran sferredtran sferri ngtran sfersparticipa nts participated participates participat ing participati on participatorP perceiveperceived perceives percei ving perceptio n perceptio ns positivepositivelP pote ntialpote ntiallP previouspreviouslP primarPprimarilP purchasepurchased purchaser purchasers purchases purchas ing rangeran ged ran ges ranging regi onregi onal regio nallP regi ons regulate deregulated deregulates deregulat ing deregulati on regulated regulates regulat ing regulati on regulatio ns regulatorcon tributed con tributes con tribut ing con tributi on con tributio ns con tributor con tributors conveneconven ti on convenes convened convening conventio nal conven ti on allP conven tio ns unconven ti onal coord in atecoord in ated coord in ates coord in at ing coord in ati on coord in ator coord in atorsco-ord in ate co-ord in ated co-ord in ates co-ord in at ing co-ord in ati on co-ord in atorco-ordi nators core cores cori ng cored corporatecorporates corporati on corporati ons corresp ondcorresp on dedcorresp ondencecorresp ondingcorresp ondinglP corresponds criteriacriteri ondeduce deduceddeduces deduci ng deduct ion deduct ions dem on strate dem on strable dem on strablP dem on strated dem on strates dem on strat ing dem on strati on dem on strati ons dem on strative dem on strativelP dem on strator dem on strators docume nt docume ntati on docume nted docume nting docume nts domin ate dominance dominant domin ated domin ates domin at ing domin ati on emphasis emphasise emphasised emphasis ing emphasize emphasized emphasizes emphasiz ing emphatic emphaticallP en sure en suredSublist3ofAcademicWordList alter nativealter nativelPalter natives circumsta neecircumsta nces comme ntcomme ntariescomme ntarPcomme ntatorcomme ntatorscomme ntedcomme ntingcomme ntscompe nsatecompe nsatedcompe nsatescompe nsat ingcompe nsati oncompe nsati onscompe nsatorP comp onentcomp onentrPcomp onents consentconsensusconsen tedconsenting consents con siderablecon siderablPcon sta ntcon sta ncPcon sta ntIPcon sta ntsincon sta ncPincon sta ntIP con straincon stra inedcon strai ningcon stra inscon stra intcon strai ntsuncon stra ined con tributeen sures in teractio n maGimumen suri ng in teract ions minoreGclude in teractive mino rities eGcluded in teractivelP minoritPeGcludes in teracts minorseGcludi ng justifP n egateeGclusio n justifiable n egativeeGclusio narP justifiablP n egatedeGclusio nist justificati on n egateseGclusi ons justificati ons n egati ngeGclusive justified n egativelPeGclusivelP justifies n egatives framework justifP ing outcome frameworks un justified outcomesfund laPer part ner fun ded laPered part nersfun der laPeri ng part nership fun ders laPers part nerships funding li nk philosophPfun ds li nkage philosopher illustrate lin kages philosophers illustrated lin ked philosophical illustrates lin ki ng philosophicallP illustrati ng links philosophies illustrati on locate philosophise illustrati ons located philosophised illustrative locati ng philosophises immigrate locati on philosophis ing immigra nt locati ons philosophize immigra nts relocate philosophized immigrated relocated philosophizes immigrates relocates philosophiz ing immigrat ing relocat ing phPsicalimmigratio n relocati on phPsicallPimplP maGimise proportio n implied maG disproporti on implies maGimised disproporti on implPi ng maGimises disproporti onin itial maGimisi ng proporti onal in itiallP maGimisati on proporti on allP in sta nee maGimize proporti on ate in sta nces maGimized proporti on atelP in teract maGimizes proporti ons in teracted maGimizi ng publishin teract ing maGimizati on publishedpublisher publishers publishes publish ing un published reactreacted reacts react ing reacti on reacti on aries reacti onarPreacti ons reactive reactivate reactivati on reactor reactors register deregister deregistered deregisteri ng deregisters deregistratio n registered registeri ng registers registrati on relP reliabilitP reliable reliablP relia nee relia nt relied reliesrelPi ng un reliable removeremovableremovalremovalsremovedremovesremoving schemeschematic schematicallP schemed schemes schem ing sequeneesequeneedsequencesseque ncing sequential sequentiallP seGseGes seGismseGual seGualitPseGuallP shiftshiftedshifti ngshifts specifPspecifiablespecifiedspecifies specifPing un specifiedsufficie ntsufficie ncPin sufficie nt insufficie ntIPsufficie ntIP tasktaskstech ni caltech ni callPtech niquetech niq uestech no logPtech nologicaltech nologicallP validinv alidateinv aliditPvalidatevalidatedvalidat ingvalidati onvaliditPvalidlPvolumevolumesvol。
The Academic Word List 学术词汇表这是由美国院校总结的,在学术论文中使用率最高,最有用的500个词汇。
The Academic Word List学术词汇表Useful academic vocabulary is contained in the Academic Word List, which is divided into10 sublists in order of frequency, ie Sublist 1 has the most frequent academic words.You can try to learn these words from the lists but to learn to use them correctly you need to study them in context.Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List - Most Frequent Words in FamiliesThis sublist contains the most frequent words of the Academic Word List in the Academic Corpus.analysis definition indicate procedure approach derived individual process area distribution interpretation required assessment economic involved research assume environment issues response authority established labour role available estimate legal section benefit evidence legislation sector concept export major significantconsistent factors method similar constitutional financial occur source context formula percent specific contract function period structurecreate identified policy theory data income principle variableSublist 2achieve categories conduct distinctionacquisition chapter consequenceselementsadministration commission construction equation affect community consumer evaluationappropriate complex credit featuresaspects computer cultural finalassistance conclusion design focusimpact obtained range soughtinjury participation region selectinstitute perceived regulations siteinvestment positive relevant strategiesitems potential resident surveyjournal previous resources textmaintenance primary restricted traditionalnormal purchase security transfeSublist 3alternative criteria interaction registeredcircumstances deduction justification reliance comments demonstrate layer removedcompensation document link scheme components dominant location sequence consent emphasis maximum sex considerable ensure minorities shift constant excluded negative specifiedconstraints framework outcomes sufficient contribution funds partnership taskconvention illustrated philosophy technical coordination immigration physical techniquescore implies proportion technologycorporate initial published validitycorresponding instance reaction volumeSublist 4access contrast implementation overalladequate cycle implications parallelannual debate imposed parametersapparent despite integration phaseapproximated dimensions internal predictedattitudes domestic investigation principalattributed emerged job priorcivil error label professionalcode ethnic mechanism projectcommitment goals obvious promotecommunication granted occupational regime concentration hence option resolutionconference hypothesis output retainedseries status subsequent summarystatistics stress sum undertakenSublist 5academic enable licence pursueadjustment energy logic ratio alter enforcement marginal rejectedamendment entities medical revenue aware equivalent mental stabilitycapacity evolution modified styles challenge expansion monitoring substitutionclause exposure network sustainablecompounds external notion symbolicconflict facilitate objective targetconsultation fundamental orientation transition contact generated perspective trend decline generation precise versiondiscretion image prime welfaredraft liberal psychology whereasSublist 6abstract diversity incidence neverthelessaccurate domain incorporated overseasacknowledged edition index precedingaggregate enhanced inhibition presumptionallocation estate initiatives rationalassigned exceed input recoveryattached expert instructions revealedauthor explicit intelligence scopebond federal interval subsidiarybrief fees lecture tapescapable flexibility migration tracecited furthermore minimum transformationcooperative gender ministry transportdiscrimination ignored motivation underlyingdisplay incentive neutral utilitySublist 7adaptation converted extract innovationadults couple file insertadvocate decades finite interventionaid definite foundation isolatedchannel deny global mediachemical differentiation grade mode classical disposal guarantee paradigmcomprehensive dynamic hierarchical phenomenon comprise eliminate identical priority confirmed empirical ideology prohibitedcontrary equipment inferred publicationquotation solely survive ultimatelyrelease somewhat thesis uniquereverse submitted topicvisiblesimulation successive transmission voluntary Sublist 8abandon accompanied accumulation ambiguousappendix appreciation arbitrary automaticallybias chart clarity conformitycommodity complement contemporary contradictioncrucial currency denote detecteddeviation displacement dramatic eventuallyexhibit exploitation fluctuations guidelineshighlighted implicit induced inevitablyinfrastructure inspection intensity manipulationminimised nuclear offset paragraphplus practitioners predominantly prospectradical random reinforced restorerevision schedule tension terminationtheme thereby uniform vehiclevia virtually widespread visual。
AWL 学术词汇表 (有TPO和OG对应例句)
ACADEMIC WORD LIST 1analysis definition indicate procedureapproach derive individual processarea distribution interpretation requireassessment economic involve researchassume environment issue responseauthority establish labor roleavailable estimate legal sectionbenefit evidence legislation sectorconcept export major significantconsistent factor method similarconstitution financial occur sourcecontext formula percent specificcontract function period structurecreate identify policy theorydata income principle variable ground into a fine powder.2Psychologists have adopted several approaches to understanding aggressive behavior in people.3His particular area of expertise is engineering.4Therefore, when observational assessment is used as a technique for studying infant perceptual abilities, care must be taken not to overgeneralize from the data or to rely on one or two studies as conclusive evidence of a particular perceptual ability of the infant. 5For example, they assume that other people mean them harm when they do not.6The psychological controls were built on fear and punishment—on the absolute certainty that anyone or anything that threatened the authority of Rome would be utterly destroyed.7Groundwater is the word used to describe water that saturates the ground, filling all the available spaces.8Teachers, it is thought, benefit from the practice of reflection, the conscious act of thinking deeply about and carefully examining the interactions and events within their own classrooms.9Without this knowledge we can appreciate only the formal content of Egyptian art, and we will fail to understand why it was produced or the concepts that shaped it and caused it to adopt its distinctive forms.10Scientists see a consistent pattern in the global temperature variations that have occurred in the past.11The country's constitution embodies the ideals of freedom and equality.Fluke: the two parts that constitute the large triangular tail of a whale.12From early times pots were used in both religious and secular contexts.13Intense contraction of facial muscles, such as those used in signifying fear, heightens arousal.14It is the work of architects to create buildings that are not simply constructions but also offer inspiration and delight.15Linguistic, archaeological, and biological data connected the islands to Egypt.16In that case, the climax community would be considered the most stable, since, by definition, it changes the least over time.17Because all Polynesians, Micronesians, and many Melanesians speak Austronesian languages and grow crops derived from Southeast Asia, all these peoples most certainly derived from that region and not the New World or elsewhere.18It is known, however, that the distribution of groundwater is uneven, and that much of it lies at great depths.19That is a lifestyle in which economic activity is based primarily on livestock.20For example, wild cattle (bovines) and horses are portrayed more often than we would expect by chance, probably because they were larger and heavier (meatier) than other animals in the environment.21The discovery of the principle of faunal succession allowed geologists to establish the relative age of Earth’s rock layers.22One way to estimate how all the various processes leading to climate variability will combine is by using computer models of the global climate.23Further evidence for the costs of begging comes from a study of differences in the begging calls of warbler species that nest on the ground versus those that nest in the relative safety of trees.24Cheap transportation networks, the rise of cities, and the availability of capital and credit all stimulated the shift to factory production.A high inflation rate imports hard times for consumers.25Compare the influence of volcanoes and solar activity on climate variability with the influence of factors external to the global climate system.26The development of banking and other financial services contributed to the expansion of trade.27The time had come to formulate a hypothesis.They are working on the perfection of their new paint formula.28What function does paragraph 3 serve in the organization of the passage as a whole?29Wildman and Niles identify three principles that facilitate reflective practice in a teaching situation.30The income gap between the rich and the poor increased greatly.31The dragon represented the emperor, and the phoenix, the empress; the pomegranate indicated fertility, and a pair of fish, happiness; mandarin ducks stood for wedded bliss;the pine tree, peach, and crane are emblems of long life; and fish leaping from waves indicated success in the civil service examinations.32These higher-frequency sounds do not travel as far, and so may better conceal the individuals producing them, who are especially vulnerable to predators in their ground nests.33Cognitive psychologists assert that our behavior is influenced by our values, by the ways in which we interpret our situations and by choice.34Numerous biological structures and chemicals appear to be involved in aggression.35More basic than the cultural issues is the matter of motivation.36Woolens and textile manufacturers, in particular, utilized rural cottage (in-home) production, which took advantage of cheap and plentiful rural labor.37It is perfectly legal to import these goods under European law.38They were much more likely to favor social-reform legislation and aid to education.39Of all the visual arts, architecture affects our lives most directly for it determines the character of the human environment in major ways.40 In order for the structure to achieve the size and strength necessary to meet its purpose,architecture employs methods of support that, because they are based on physical laws, have changed little since people first discovered them-even while building materials have changed dramatically.41Although it was believed that human settlement of American West would cause the total number of deer to decrease permanently, the opposite has occurred for certain types of deer.42Even given the best extraction techniques, only about 30 to 40 percent of the oil in a given pool can be brought to the surface.43The site of the large meteorite impact at the end of the Cretaceous period was identified in 1990. 44One of the new government's policies is to cut taxes.45Select the two answer choices that are true statements based upon the discussion of the principle of faunal succession in paragraph 5.46Searching hand luggage at airports is now standard procedure.47It appears that unlike salt, dissolved organic substances are not excluded from the ice in the freezing process.48These calculations suggest that a period of about one million years would have been required.49The researchers estimate that the initial training of the same teachers to view events objectively took between 20 and 30 hours, with the same number of hours again being required to practice the skills of reflection.50Infants do not respond well to stimuli presented in an unnatural laboratory setting.51Government's role in the economy was to promote competition by destroying monopolies and special privileges.52In particular, Whigs in the northern sections of the United States also believed that government power should be used to foster the moral welfare of the country.53All sectors of the economy suffer from the fall in the exchange rate.54We know that over the past millennia the climate has undergone major changes without any significant human intervention.55The speed with which mass extinctions are happening today is similar to the speed of past extinctions.56The increasing use of dried animal waste as a substitute fuel has also hurt the soil because this valuable soil conditioner and source of plant nutrients is no longer being returned to the land.These springs are the sources of streams and rivers, which cut through the rocks and carry away debris from the mountains to the lowlands.57Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification processes: overcultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and overirrigation.58The world’s architectural structures have also been devised in relation to the objective limitations of materials.59In theory, Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Russia, and the United Kingdom could use wind to meet all of their energy needs.60Rainfall is not completely absent in desert areas, but it is highly variable.The glacial system is governed by two basic climatic variables: precipitation and temperature.ACADEMIC WORD LIST 2achieve consequences institute regionacquisition construction investment regulation administration consumer item relevantaffect credit journal residentappropriate cultural maintenance resourceaspect design normal restrictassistance distinction obtain securitycategories element participation sought/seekchapter equation perceive selectcommission evaluation positive sitecommunity feature potential strategycomplex final previous surveycomputer focus primary textconclusion impact purchase traditional love, acceptance, companionship, and personal worth.2He was showing off his latest acquisition, a new computer game.3The Roman genius was projected into new spheres—especially into those of law, military organization, administration, and engineering.4The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.5They lacked the navigational skills and appropriate boats needed for long-distance trips. 6One of the most difficult aspects of deciding whether current climatic events reveal evidence of the impact of human activities is that it is hard to get a measure of what constitutes the natural variability of the climate.7With the assistance of Edison's former assistant, William Dickson, they perfected projection devices.8Almost universally, biologists accept the idea that all eukaryotes (a category that includes most organisms except bacteria and certain algae) have internal clocks.9We hope that they will join us in opening a new chapter of peace and cooperation.10The Independent Television Commission, regulator of television advertising in the United Kingdom, has criticized advertisers for "misleadingness”—creating a wrong impression either intentionally or unintentionally—in an effort to control advertisers' use of techniques that make it difficult for children to judge the true size, action,performance, or construction of a toy.11With the loss of personal freedom also came the loss of standing in the community.12They take a long time to build as a result of their complex construction methods.13Scientists have computed the probable course of the rocket.14Researchers using observational assessment techniques on infants must not over- generalize and must base their conclusions on data from many studies.15The group conducting the study concluded from a detailed analysis that impacts from meteorites can indeed be hazardous.16The filling of the Ataturk and other dams in Turkey has drastically reduced flows in the Euphrates, with potentially serious consequences for Syria and Iraq.17Materials and methods of construction are integral parts of the design of architecture structures.18Moreover, getting petroleum out of the ground and from under the sea and to the consumer can create environmental problems anywhere along the line.19The Maya are credited with creating methods for modifying natural rainwater and storing it. // The relics are credited with miraculous powers. // Miraculous powers are credited to the relics.20These laws are universal in their application, regardless of cultural beliefs, geography, or climate.21Before China had contact with the West, the meaning of various designs used to decorate Chinese ceramics was well understood.22The role of government in the lives of the people was an important political distinction between the two parties.23To be architecture, a building must achieve a working harmony with a variety of elements.24In the equation 2x + 1 = 7, what is x?25To be sure, their evaluation of the technical flaws in 1920’s sound experiments was not so far off the mark, yet they neglected to take into account important new forces in themotion picture field that, in a sense, would not take no for an answer.26Interestingly enough, several of these hydrodynamic adaptations resemble features designed to improve the aerodynamics of high-speed aircraft.27Whatever the final answer to the water crisis may be, it is evident that within the High Plains, irrigation water will never again be the abundant, inexpensive resource it was during the agricultural boom years of the mid-twentieth century.28But in that period, when getting food no longer depended on hunting large game animals (they were becoming extinct), the art ceased to focus on portrayals of animals. 29Petroleum extraction can have a negative impact on the environment.30In most people, the left side of the body is more vulnerable to injury since it is not defended effectively by the dominant arm.31Massachusetts Institute of Technology: a respected US university in Cambridge, Massachusetts32Not until the eighteenth century, however, did such banks as the Bank of Amsterdam and the Bank of England begin to provide capital for business investment.33The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing.34The Wall Street Journal35All organisms, therefore, allocate energy to growth, reproduction, maintenance, and storage.36Research has shown that certain minerals are required by plants for normal growth and development.37They obtained drinking water and water for crop irrigation from Coba dikes.38Although early exhibitors regularly accompanied movies with live acts, the substance of the movies themselves is mass-produced, prerecorded material that can easily bereproduced by theaters with little or no active participation by the exhibitor.39What does the author suggest about the way an infant's brain perceives stimuli?40Causing participants in experiments to smile, for example, leads them to report more positive feelings and to rate cartoons (humorous drawings of people or situations) as being more humorous.41In principle, all the power needs of the United States could be provided by exploiting the wind potential of just three states—North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas.42Computer simulations of the winds and currents in the Pacific have shown that reaching the Pacific islands was probably much easier than previously thought.43Statues were created not for their decorative effect but to play a primary role in the cults of the gods, the king, and the dead.44He refused to develop projection technology, reasoning that if he made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would purchase only one machine-a projector-from him, instead of several.45The upper timberline ranges from sea level in the Polar Regions to 4,500 meters in the dry subtropics and 3,500-4,500 meters in the moist tropics.46This aquifer was named the Ogallala aquifer after the Ogallala Sioux Indians, who once inhabited the region.47The government's responsibility was to provide a well-regulated economy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability.48Three other explanations seem more promising. One involves physiological changes relevant to memory.49The residents of Teotihuacán were sophisticated toolmakers.50Several factors may account for Teotihuacán’s extraordinary development, including its location, rich natural resources, irrigation potential, intelligent elite, and the misfortune of rival communities.51The role of government is to restrict the changes brought about by the market.without any restriction restrictions on hunting52The prison was ordered to tighten security after a prisoner escaped yesterday.53Another explanation for the focus on animals might be that these people sought to improve their luck at hunting.Humans instinctively seek structures that will shelter and enhance their way of life.Architects seek to create buildings that are both visually appealing and well suited for human use.54This is the criterion emphasized by Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. 55Wind power is a virtually unlimited source of energy at favorable sites, and even excluding environmentally sensitive areas, the global potential of wind power is much higher than the current world electricity use.56They designed an experimental strategy for a group of teachers in Virginia and worked with 40 practicing teachers over several years.57This prediction was supported by data collected in one survey of 24 species from an Arizona forest, more evidence that predator pressure favors the evolution of beggingcalls that are hard to detect and pinpoint.58There are 200 pages of text and illustrations.59The greater Pacific region, traditionally called Oceania, consists of three cultural areas: Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.In this newly emerging economic order, workers sometimes organized to protect their rights and traditional ways of life.60The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration.ACADEMIC WORD LIST 3alternative criteria interaction registercircumstance deduction justification reliancecomment demonstrate layer removecompensation document link schemecomponent dominant location sequenceconsent emphasis maximum sexconsiderable ensure minorities shiftconstant exclude negative specifyconstraint framework outcome sufficientcontribution funds partnership taskcoordination immigration physical techniqueconvention illustrated philosophy technicalcore implies proportion technologycorporate initial publish validity theory about how the theater came into being. Storytelling has been proposed as one alternative.2The political system of the United States in the mid-nineteenth century was strongly influenced by the social and economic circumstances of the time.3Paragraph 4 describes and comments on steps taken to overcome problems identified earlier in the passage.4What keeps the black-tailed deer alive in the harsher seasons of plant decay and dormancy? One compensation for not hibernating is the built-in urge to migrate.5Modern architectural forms generally have three separate components comparable to elements of the human body: a supporting skeleton or frame, an outer skin enclosing the interior spaces, and equipment, similar to the body’s vital organs and systems.6My father will never give his consent to our marriage.7Some current analyses conclude that volcanoes and solar activity explain quite a considerable amount of the observed variability in the period from the seventeenth to the early twentieth century’s, but that they cannot be invoked to explain the rapid warming in recent decades.8When the real Sun was visible, however, the birds maintained a constant direction as it moved across the sky.9There are no constraints on your choice of subject for the essay.10Normally, the constantly changing levels of an animal's activity—sleeping, feeding, moving, reproducing, metabolizing, and producing enzymes and hormones, for example—are well coordinated with environmental rhythms, but the key question is whether the animal's schedule is driven by external cues, such as sunrise or sunset, or is instead dependent somehow on internal timers that themselves generate the observed biological rhythms.11William Smith’s contributions to geology have inc reased our knowledge of the Eart h’s history.12Dissatisfaction with conventional explanations for dinosaur extinctions led to a surprising observation that, in turn, has suggested a new hypothesis.13Analyses of these cores and samples provide a different solution to the problem.14Is there a corporate identity shared by all Asian countries?15Income from tourism is five percent higher than in the corresponding period last year. 16The standard criterion for the survival of a species is its success in competing with other species and adapting to slowly changing environments.17It's an obvious deduction that she is guilty.18Various types of images have been used to demonstrate that most of Martian surface contains evidence of flowing water.19More recent geologic studies documented deglaciation and the existence of ice-free areas throughout major coastal areas of British Columbia, Canada, by 13,000 years ago.20The raising of livestock is a major economic activity in semiarid lands, where grasses are generally the dominant type of natural vegetation.21Before 1815, the emphasis had been on quality rather than on speed of production.22By regulating the economy and competition, the government could ensure equal opportunity. 23Why were buffalo excluded from the research study?24Einstein's research provided much of the theoretical framework for particle physics.The building had a metal framework.25The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.26The United Nations Environment Program and the World Bank have funded attempts to survey the groundwater resources of arid lands and to develop appropriate extraction techniques.27Three of the answer choices below are used in the passage to illustrate constructive processes and two are used to illustrate destructive processes.28However, more recent data imply that at least some parts of the planet did in fact experience long periods in the past during which liquid water existed on the surface.29It initially surprises us that many of their cities were not built next to the rivers but instead on high terrain in rolling uplands.30Eisenstein’s film was the first instance of collaborat ion between a director and a composer.31New evidence suggests that, rather than being isolated, Pacific islanders engaged in trade and social interaction with peoples living in Southeast Asia.32Of course, there is far more oil underground than can be recovered. It may be in a pool too small or too far from a potential market to justify the expense of drilling.I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units.33Scientists first identified this impact in 1980 from the worldwide layer of sediment deposited from the dust cloud that enveloped the planet after the impact.34Scientists have linked the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous with a meteorite impact on Earth.35Running water was the only source of power that was suitable for the continuous operation of machines, but to make use of it factories had to be located where the water was, regardless of whether such locations made sense otherwise.36At least in temperate zones, maximum diversity is often found in mid-successional stages, not in the climax community.37The amount of prehistoric art created by right-handed artists indicates that left-handed people were in the minority.38A study of children in Hong Kong, however, found that the presence of celebrities in advertisements could negatively affect the children’s perceptions of a product if the children did not like the celebrity in question.39He refused to comment on the outcome of the election.40Unchanging physical laws have limited the size and strength of buildings that can be made with materials discovered long ago.41He went/entered into partnership with his brother.42Others, however, have adopted the philosophy that it is best to use the water while it is still economically profitable to do so and to concentrate on high-value crops such as cotton.43The proportion of empty space in a rock is known as its porosity.44In 1815 he published the first modern geological map, “A Map of the Strata of England and Wales with a Part of Scot land”, a map so meticulously researched that it can still be used today.45The reaction of farmers to the inevitable depletion of the Ogallala varies.46Where can I register for the Arabic course?47This economic reliance on livestock in certain regions makes large tracts of land susceptible to overgrazing.48Once the soil has been removed by erosion, only the passage of centuries or millennia will enable new soil to form.49In the face of the upcoming water supply crisis, a number of grandiose schemes have been developed to transport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from the Mississippi, the Missouri, or the Arkansas rivers.50Will zoologists ever know the evolutionary sequences in the Cambrian explosion?51Since the early 1940s, the state has had more deer than at any other time in its history, the winter population fluctuating around approximately 320,000 deer (mule and black-tailed deer), which will yield about 65,000 of either sex and any age annually for an indefinite period.52This technological shift cause profound changes in the complexity of African societies. 53The regulations specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination.54Although initially appealing, the hypothesis of a simple climatic change related to sea levels is insufficient to explain all the data.55And as the new markets created fortunes for the few, the factory system lowered the wages of workers by dividing labor into smaller, less skilled tasks.56When this research resulted in the development of vastly improved sound techniques, film studios became convinced of the importance of converting to sound.57According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true about the technical problems of early sound films?58Today technology has progressed to the point where it is possible to invent new building materials to suit the type of structure desired.59We should question the validity of those figures.Soon it was realized that this principle of faunal (animal) succession was valid not only in England or France but virtually everywhere.60The total volume of water in the saturated sample must therefore be thought of as consisting of water that can, and water that cannot, drain away.ACADEMIC WORD LIST 4access debate internal prioradequate despite investigation professionalannual dimension job projectapparent domestic label promote approximate emerge mechanism regimeattitude error obvious resolutionattribute ethnic occupation retaincivil goal option seriescode granted output statistics commitment hence overall status communication hypothesis parallel stress concentration implementation parameter subsequent conference implication phase sumcontrast impose predict summary2The difficulty of finding adequate sources of oil on land has resulted in a greater number of offshore drilling sites.3An annual rainfall of four inches is often used to define the limits of a desert.4In people, however, whose brains are more complex, other brain structures apparently moderate possible instincts.5The deserts, which already occupy approximately a fourth of the Earth's land surface, have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace.6Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes toward the changes brought about by the market, banks, and commerce.7One explanation attributes the color of green icebergs to an optical illusion under special light conditions, but green icebergs appear distinct from other icebergs under a great variety of light conditions.8I intend to sue him in civil court.9Callers dialing the wrong area code will not get through. zip code= post code10We're looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job.11The camel transformed the desert from a barrier into a still difficult, but more accessible,。
administrates,administration,administrations, administrative, administratively, administrator, administrators
availability, unavailable
awareness, unaware
beneficial, beneficiary, beneficiaries, benefited, benefiting, benefits
biased, biases, biasing, unbiased偏见,偏心,偏袒
advocacy, advocated, advocates, advocating拥护,提倡:拥护者
affected, affecting, affective, affectively, affects, unaffected
aggregated, aggregates, aggregating, aggregation集合,使聚集;总计
aided, aiding, aids, unaided
allocated, allocates, allocating,allocation,allocations分配,分派
alterable, alteration, alterations, altered, altering, alternate, alternating, alters, unalterable, unaltered
Sublist4•access[ˈækses]n.通道,入口接近[取得]…的方法[权利等]vt.存取(计算机文件)•communicate[kəˈmju:nikeit]vi.通讯;交际,交流相连;相通vt.&vi.传达;表达•error[ˈerə]n.错误过失,失误•internal[inˈtə:nəl]adj.内部的国内的,内政的体内的•parallel[ˈpærəlel]adj.(指至少两条线)平行的类似的;相对应的n.平行线[面]极相似的人[事物]类似(点),相似(之处)比较纬线,纬圈vt.与…平行;与…相当•resolve[riˈzɔlv]vt.(指委员会或集会)表决解决(问题、疑问等)分解,解析(某物) vt.&vi.决定;决心•adequate[ˈædikwit]adj.充分的,足够的适当的,胜任的•concentrate[ˈkɔnsəntreit]vt.浓缩vt.&vi.专心于;注意集中,聚集•ethnic[ˈeθnik]adj.种族的,部落的某文化群体的•investigate[inˈvestiɡeit]vt.调查;审查•parameter[pəˈræmitə]n.(限定性的)因素,特性,界限〈物〉〈数〉参量,参数•retain[riˈtein]vt.保持;保留止住;容纳•annual[ˈænjuəl]adj.每年的,年度的,一年一次的n.一年生植物年刊,年报,年鉴•confer[kənˈfə:]vi.〈拉〉商谈,商议vt.授予,赋予•goal[ɡəul]n.球门进球得的分努力的对象,目标•job[dʒɔb]n.职业,职位(一件)工作职责,责任•phase[feiz]n.阶段,时期(月亮、行星的)位相vt.分阶段计划[安排]•series[ˈsiəri:z]n.连续的同类事物,系列串联•apparent[əˈpærənt]adj.显然的,明白的,清晰可见的表面上的,貌似(真实)的•contrast[ˈkɔntræst]n.对比,对照差异,差别对照物,明显的对比物vt.&vi.对比,对照•grant[ɡrɑ:nt]n.补助金,助学金,津贴vt.准许;答应给予承认•label[ˈleibəl]n.标签,标记称号;符号;标示vt.贴标签于把…列为•predict[priˈdikt]vt.&vi.预言;预测;预示•statistic[stəˈtistik]adj.统计的,统计学的n.统计量•approximate[əˈprɔksimit]adj.近似的,大约的vt.&vi.近似,接近•cycle[ˈsaikl]n.循环,周期自行车,摩托车vi.骑自行[摩托]车•hence[hens]adv.从此时起,从此处因此,所以•mechanism[ˈmekənizəm]n.机械装置构造,机制办法,技巧,途径•principal[ˈprinsəpəl]adj.最重要的;主要的n.负责人,校长资本,本金被代理人,委托人•status[ˈsteitəs]n.身份,地位情形,状况•attitude[ˈætitju:d]n.态度,看法姿态,姿势•debate[diˈbeit]n.讨论,辩论vt.&vi.辩论,争论•hypothesis[haiˈpɔθisis]n.假说,假设,前提•obvious[ˈɔbviəs]adj.明显的;显而易见的•prior[ˈpraiə]adj.优先的;在前的;较早的•stress[stres]n.压力,紧张强调,重要性重力重音vt.重读强调•attribute[əˈtribju:t]n.属性,特性vt.认为…是;归因于…认为某作品出自某人之手认为某事[物]属于某人[物]•despite[disˈpait]prep.不管,尽管•implement[ˈimplimənt]n.工具,器具,用具vt.使生效,贯彻,执行•occupy[ˈɔkjupai]vt.占领;占有使从事;使忙于•professional[prəˈfeʃənəl]adj.职业的,专业的内行的,有经验的有意的,故意的n.具有某专业资格的人,专业人士内行,专家专门职业者,职业选手•subsequent[ˈsʌbsikwənt]adj.随后的,继…之后的•civil[ˈsivl]adj.公民的,平民的;非军职的,非宗教的;国民间的,民用的民事的,民法的文明的,有教养的•dimension[diˈmenʃən]n.尺寸,度量方面,部分规模,程度•implicate[ˈimplikeit]vt.牵连,涉及•option[ˈɔpʃən]n.选择(的自由)可选择的办法附件,配件买卖选择权,期权•project[prəˈdʒekt]n.项目,计划,方案,课题vt.规划抛;投;射vt.&vi.伸出,突出;表达特点•sum[sʌm]n.总数,总和金额算术vt.&vi.合计总结,归纳•code[kəud]n.法典,法规,章程密码,电码代号,编码vt.将…译成电码•domestic[dəˈmestik]adj.本国的,国内的家庭的,家用的驯养的•impose[imˈpəuz]vi.利用,占便宜;欺骗vt.强迫,强加课税,惩罚•output[ˈautput]n.产量输出,输出功率•promote[prəˈməut]vt.提升,提拔筹划,发起,创立推销〈正〉促进;推动;增进•summary[ˈsʌməri]adj.即刻的,立即的匆忙的,草率的概括的;简要的n.摘要,概要•commit[kəˈmit]vt.犯罪;犯错承诺;使自己受约束托付;交付•emerge[iˈmə:dʒ]vi.出现;显出;暴露•integrate[ˈintiɡreit]vt.使结合成为整体vt.&vi.(使)融入•overall[ˈəuvərɔ:l]adj.总体的;全面的;综合的全面考虑的adv.大体上,总的来说一切包括在内,全部的n.长罩衣工装裤;工作裤•regime[reiˈʒi:m]n.政治制度,政权,政体•undertake[ˌʌndəˈteik]vt.担任,承揽;保证着手,开始。
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学术词汇表abandon v1 adjacent adj analogy n assist v1abandoned adj adjust v analyse v assistance nabnormal adj adjustment n analysis n assume vabstract adj 1 administration n analyst n assuming conjabstract n 2 administrative adj analytical adj assumption nabstract v3 adult n 1 analyze v assurance nabstraction n adult adj 2 annual adj 1 assure vacademic adj 1 advocacy n anticipate v attach vacademic n 2 advocate v 1 anticipation n attachment nacademy n advocate n 2 apparent adj attain vaccess n 1 affect v append v attainment naccess v 2 aggregate n 1 appendix n attitude naccessible adj aggregate adj 2 appreciable adj attributable adjaccommodate v aggregate v 3 appreciate v attribute v1accommodation n aid n 1 appreciation n attribute n2accompaniment n aid v 2 approach v 1 author n1accompany v albeit conj approach n 2 author v2accumulate v allocate v appropriate adj 1 authoritative adjaccuracy n allocation n approximate adj 1 authority naccurate adj alter v approximate v 2 authorship nachieve v alteration n approximation n automate vachievement n alternate adj 1 arbitrary adj automated adjacknowledge v alternate v 2 area n automatic adj1acknowledgement n alternative adj 1 aspect n automatically advacquire v alternative n 2 assemble v automation nacquisition n ambiguity n assemblyn available adjadapt v ambiguous adj assess v aware adjadaptable adj amend v assessment n awareness nadaptation n amendment n assign vadequate adj analogous adj assignment nAcademic Word Listbehalf n comment n 1 conflict v 2 contribute vbeneficial adj comment v 2 conform v contribution nbeneficiary n commentary n conformation n contributor nbenefit n 1 commentator n conformist adj controversial adjbenefit v 2 commission n 1 conformity n controversy nbias n 1 commission v 2 consensus n convene vbias v 2 commit v consent n 1 convention nbiased adj commitment n consent v 2 conventional adjbond n 1 committed adj consequence n converse adj3bond v 2 commodity n consequent adj conversely advbrevity n communicable adj consequently adv conversion nbrief adj 1 communicate v considerable adj convert v1brief n 2 communication n considerably adv convertible adj1brief v 3 communicative adj consist v convince vbriefing n community n consistency n convinced adjbriefly adv compatibility n consistent adj convincing adjbulk n 1 compatible adj 1 constancy n cooperate vbulky adj compensate v constant adj 1 cooperation ncompensation n constant n 2 cooperative adj1capability n compensatory adj constantly adv coordinate v1capable adj compilation n constituency n coordinate n2capacity n compile v constituent n 1 coordinate adj3category n complement n 1 constituent adj 2 coordination ncease v 1 complement v 2 constitute v coordinator nchallenge n 1 complementary adj constitution n core n1challenge v 2 complex adj 1 constitutional adj 1 core adj2challenging adj complex n 2 constrain v core v3channel n 1 complexity n constrained adj corporate adjchannel v 2 component n 1 constraint n corporation nchapter n component adj 2 construct v 1 correspond vchart n 1 compound n 1 construct n 2 correspondence nchart v 2 compound v 2 construction n corresponding adjchemical n 1 compound adj 3 constructive adj couple n1chemical adj 2 comprehensive adj consult v couple v2circumstance n comprise v consultancy n create vcitation n computation n consultant n creation ncite v compute v consultation n creative adj1civil adj computer n consultative adj creativity nclarification n computing n consume v creator nclarify v conceivable adj consumer n credit n1clarity n conceive v consumption n credit v2classic adj 1 concentrate v 1 contact n 1 creditor nclassic n 2 concentration n contact v 2 criterion nclassical adj concept n contact adj 3 crucial adjclause n conception n contemporary adj 1 cultural adjcode n 1 conceptual adj contemporary n 2 culturally advcode v 2conclude v context n culture n1coded adj concluding adj contextual adj currency ncoding n conclusion n contextualize v cycle n1coherence n conclusive adj contract n 1 cycle v2coherent adj concurrent adj contract v 2 cyclic adjcoincide v conduct v 1 contractor ncoincidence n conduct n 2 contradict v data ncoincident adj confer v contradiction n debatable adjcoincidental adj conference n contradictory adj debate n1collapse v 1 confine v contrary n 1 debate v2collapse n 2 confined adj contrary adj 2 decade ncolleague n confirm v contrast n 1 decline n1commence v confirmation n contrast v 2 decline v2commencement n conflict n 1 contrasting adj deduce v Academic Word Listdeduction n distribution n enormity n export n1define v distributive adj enormous adj export v2definite adj diverse ad j enormously adv exporter ndefinitely adv diversify v ensure v expose vdefinition n diversity n entity n exposed adjdefinitive ad j document n 1 environment n exposure ndemonstrable adj document v 2 environmental adj external adjdemonstrate v documentation n environmentalist n externalize vdemonstration n domain n equate v extract v1demonstrative adj domestic adj 1 equation n extract n2demonstrator n domesticate v equip v extraction ndenial n domesticated adj equipment ndenote v dominance n equivalent adj 1 facilitate vdeny v dominant adj 1 equivalent n 2 facilitator ndepress v dominate v erode v facility ndepression n draft n 1 erosion n factor n1derivation n draft v 2 erroneous adj factor v2derivative n 1 draft adj 3 error n feature n1derivative adj 2 drama n establish v feature v2derive v dramatic adj established ad j federal adjdesign n 1 dramatist n establishment n federation ndesign v 2 dramatize v estate n fee ndesigner n 1 duration n estimate n 1 file n1despite prep dynamic adj 1 estimate v 2 file v2detect v dynamic n 2 estimation n filing ndetection n ethic n final adj1detective n economic adj ethical adj final n2detector n economical adj ethnic adj 1 finality ndeviate v 1 economically adv ethnic n 2 finalize vdeviation n economics n evaluate v finally advdevice n economist n evaluation n finance n1devote v economy n 1 eventual adj finance v2devoted adj edit v eventuality n financial adjdevotion n edition n eventually adv financier ndifferentiate v editor n evidence n 1 finite adjdimension n editorial adj 1 evident adj flexibility ndiminish v editorial n 2 evidential adj flexible adjdiminution n element n evidently adv fluctuate vdiscrete adj eliminate v evolution n fluctuation ndiscretion n elimination n evolutionary adj focus v1discretionary adj emerge v evolve v focus n2discriminate v emergence n exceed v focussed adjdiscrimination n emergent adj exclude v format n1disestablish v emerging adj excluding prep format v2displace v emphasis n exclusion n formula ndisplacement n emphasize v exclusive adj 1 formulate vdisplay n 1 emphatic adj exclusively adv forthcoming adjdisplay v 2 empirical adj exhibit v 1found v2disposable adj empiricism n exhibit n 2 foundation ndisposal n enable v exhibition n founder n1dispose v enabling adj expand v founding ndisproportion n encounter v 1 expansion n framework ndisproportionate adj encounter n 2 expansionism n function n1dissimilar adj energetic adj expansive adj function v2distinct adj energy n expert n 1 functional adjdistinction n enforce v expert adj 2 fund n1distinctive adj enforced adj expertise n fund v2distinctly adv enforcement n explicit adj fundamental adjdistort v enhance v exploit v 1 fundamentally advdistribute v enhanced adj exploitation n funding nAcademic Word Listfurthermore adv inadequacy n injury n investigate vinadequate adj innovate v investigation ngender n inappropriate adj innovation n investigative adjgenerate v incapable adj innovative adj investigator ngeneration n incapacitate v innovator n investment nglobalization n incentive n input n 1 investor nglobe n incidence n input v 2 invisible adjgoal n incident n insecure adj invoke vgrade n 1 incidentally adv insert v 1 involve vgrade v 2 inclination n insertion ninvolvement ngraded adj incline v 1 insight n irrational adjgrant v 1 incline n 2 insightful adj irrelevance ngrant n 2 incoherent adj insignificant adj irrelevant adjguarantee v 1 income n inspect v irreversible adjguarantee n 2 incompatible adj inspection n isolate vguideline n inconceivable adj inspector n isolated adjinconclusive adj instability n isolation nhence adv inconsistency n instance n 1 isolationism nhierarchical adj inconsistent adj instance v 2 issue n1hierarchy n incorporate v institute n 1 issue v2highlight v 1 incorporated adj institute v 2 item nhypothesis n indefinite adj institution nhypothesize v indefinitely adv institutional adj job nhypothetical adj index n 1 institutionalized adj journal nindex v 2 instruct v justifiable adjidentical adj indicate v instruction n justification nidentifiable adj indication n instructive adj justified adjidentification n indicative n 1 instructor n justify videntify v indicative adj 2 insufficient adjidentity n indicator n integral adj label n1ideological adj indiscretion n integrate v label v2ideology n indistinct adj integrated adj labor nignorance n individual adj 1 integration n labored adjignorant adj individual n 2 integrity n labour n1ignore v individualism n intelligence n labour v2illegal adj 1 individualist n intelligent adj laboured adjillogical adj individuality n intense adj layer n1illustrate v individually adv intensify v layer v2illustration n induce v intensity n lecture n1illustrative adj induction n intensive adj lecture v2image n inevitability n interact v lecturer nimagery n inevitable adj interaction n legal adjimmature adj inevitably adv interactive adj legality nimmigrant n infer v intermediate adj 1 legally advimmigrate v inference n internal adj legislate vimmigration n infinite adj internalize v legislation nimpact n 1 infinitely adv interpret v legislative adjimpact v 2 inflexible adj interpretation n legislator nimplement v 1 infrastructure n interpretative adj legislature nimplement n 2 inherent adj interpretive adj levy v1implicate v inhibit v interval n levy n2implication n inhibition n intervene v liberal adj1implicit adj initial adj 1 intervening adj liberal n2imply v initially adv intervention n liberalism nimpose v initiate v 1 intrinsic adj liberalize vimposition n initiation n invalidate v liberally advimprecise adj initiative n invalidity n liberate vinaccessible adj initiator n invariable adj liberated adjinaccuracy n injure v invariably adv licence ninaccurate adj injured adj invest v license v Academic Word Listlicensed adj motivation n overestimate n 2 precise adjlikewise adv motive n 1 overlap v 1 precisely advlink v 1 motive adj 2 overlap n 2 precision n1link n 2 mutual adj overseas adv 1 precision adj2linkage n mutually adv overseas adj 2 predict vlocate v predictable adjlocation n negate v panel n prediction nlogic n negative adj 1 paradigm n predominance nlogical adj negative n 2 paragraph n predominant adjlogician n network n 1 parallel n 1 predominantly advnetwork v 2 parallel adj 2 predominate vmaintain v networking n parallel v 3 preliminary adj1maintenance n neutral adj 1 parameter n preliminary n2major adj 1 neutrality n participant n presumably advmajority n neutralize v participate v presume vmanipulate v nevertheless adv participation n presumption nmanipulative adj nonconformist n participatory adj previous adjmanual adj 1 nonetheless adv partner n 1 previously advmanual n 2 norm n partnership n primacy nmargin n normal adj 1 passive adj 1 primarily advmarginal adj normal n 2 passive n 2 primary adj1marginally adv normality n perceive v prime adj1maturation n normalize v percent adj 1 principal adj1mature adj 1 normally adv percent n 2 principally advmature v 2 notion n percentage n principle nmaturity n notwithstanding prep perception n principled adjmaximize v nuclear adj period n 1 prior adj1maximum adj 1 periodic adj prioritize vmaximum n 2 objective n 1 periodical n priority n1mechanism n objective adj 2 persist v procedural adjmedia n objectively adv persistence n procedure nmediate v obtain v persistent adj proceed vmedical adj 1 obtainable adj perspective n proceeding nmedium adj 1 obvious adj phase n 1 proceeds nmedium n 2 obviously adv phase v 2 process n1mental adj occupancy n phenomenal adj process v2mentality n occupant n phenomenon n processed adjmethod n occupation n philosopher n professional adj1methodical adj occupational adj philosophical adj professional n2methodology n occupier n philosophize v professionalism nmigrant n occupy v philosophy n professionally advmigrate v occur v physical adj 1 prohibit vmigration n occurrence n physically adv prohibition nmigratory adj odd adj plus prep 1 prohibitive adjmilitary adj 1 odds n plus n 2 project n1military n 2 offset v 1 plus adj 3 project v2minimal adj ongoing adj policy n projection nminimize v option n portion n 1 promote vminimum adj 1 optional adj pose v 1 promoter nminimum n 2 orient v 1 pose n 2 promotion nministerial adj orientate v positive adj 1 proportion n1ministry n orientated adj positively adv proportional adjminor adj 1 orientation n potential adj 1 proportionate adjminority n oriented adj potential n 2 prospect n1misinterpret v outcome n potentially adv prospective adjmode n output n 1 practitioner n protocol nmodification n output v 2 precede v psychological adjmodify v overall adj 1 precedence n psychologist nmonitor v 1 overall adv 2 precedent n psychology nmotivated adj overestimate v 1 preceding adj publication nAcademic Word Listpublish v relevant adj revolutionize v stable adj1publisher n reliable adj rigid adj statistic npublishing n reliance n role n statistician npurchase v 1 reliant adj route n 1 status npurchase n 2 relocate v route v 2 straightforward adjpursue v reluctance n strategic adjpursuit n reluctant adj scenario n strategist nrely v schedule n 1 strategy nqualitative adj removable adj schedule v 2 stress n1quotation n removal n schematic adj stress v2quote v 1 remove v 1 scheme n 1 stressed adjquote n 2 remove n 2 scheme v 2 stressful adjrequire v scope n 1 structural adjradical adj 1 requirement n section n 1 structure n1radical n 2 reschedule v section v 2 structure v2random adj research n 1 sector n structured adjrange n 1 research v 2 secure adj 1 style n1range v 2 reside v secure v 2 style v2ratio n residence n securely adv styling nrational adj resident n 1 security n stylish adjrationalism n resident adj 2 seek v stylized adjrationalize v residential adj select v 1 submission nreact v resolution n select adj 2 submit vreaction n resolve v 1 selection n subordinate adj1reactionary adj 1 resolve n 2 selective adj subordinate n2reactionary n 2 resource n 1 selector n subordinate v3reactivate v resource v 2 sequence n subsequent adjreactive adj resourceful adj sequencing n subsequently advreactor n respond v sequential adj subsidiary adj2readjust v respondent n series n subsidize vreassess v response n sex n 1 subsidy nreconstruct v responsive adj sexism n substitute n1reconstruction n restoration n sexual adj substitute v2recover v restore v sexuality n substitution nrecovery n restored adj shift v 1 succession nrecreate v restrain v shift n 2 successive adjredistribute v restraint n significant adj successor nredistribution n restrict v significantly adv sufficiency nrefine v restricted adj signify v sufficient adjrefined adj restriction n similar adj sum n1refinement n restrictive adj similarity n sum v2regime n restructure v similarly adv summarize vregion n retain v simulate v summary n1regional adj retainer n simulated adj summaryadj2register n 1 retention n simulation n summation nregister v 2 retentive adj site n 1 supplement n1registration n reveal v sole adj 1 supplement v2regulate v revealing adj solely adv supplementary adjregulation n 1 revelation n somewhat adv survey n1regulator n revenue n source n 1 survey v2regulatory adj reversal n source v 2 survival nreinforce v reverse v 1 specific adj 1 survive vreinforcement n reverse n 2 specific n 2 survivor nreinvest v reverse adj 3 specifically adv suspend vreject v 1 reversible adj specification n suspension nrejection n revise v specify v sustain vrelax v revision n sphere n sustainable adjrelaxation n revolution n spherical adj sustained adjrelease v 1 revolutionary adj 1 stability n sustenance nrelease n 2 revolutionary n 2 stabilize v symbol n Academic Word Listsymbolic adj ultimate adj 1 valid adjsymbolism n ultimately adv validate vsymbolize v unaccompanied adj variable adj1unaffected adj variable n2tape n 1 unaided adj variance ntape v 2 unalterable adj variant ntarget n 1 unambiguous adj variation ntarget v 2 unanticipated adj varied adjtask n 1 unapproachable adj vary vtask v 2 unattached adj vehicle nteam n 1 unattainable adj version nteam v 2 unavailable adj via preptechnical adj unaware adj violate vtechnically adv unbiased adj violation ntechnique n uncharted adj virtual adjtechnological adj unconstitutional adj virtually advtechnology n unconventional adj visibility ntemporary adj undeniable adj visible adj tense adj 1 underestimate v 1 visibly adv tension n underestimate n 2 vision n terminal adj 1 undergo v visual adj1 terminal n 2 underlie v visualize v terminate v underlying adj visually adv termination n undertake v volume ntext n 1 undertaking n voluntarily adv textual adj underwent v voluntary adj1 thematic adj undiminished adj volunteer n1 theme n uneconomical adj volunteer v2 theoretical adj unethical adjtheoretically adv unfounded adj welfare n theorist n unification n whereas conj theory n unified adj whereby adv thereby adv uniform adj 2 widespread adj thesis n uniformity ntopic n unify vtopical adj unique adjtrace v 1 unjustified adjtrace n 2 unlicensed adjtracing n unobtainable adjtradition n unparalleled adj traditional adj unprecedented adj traditionalist n unpredictable adj transfer v 1 unprincipled adj transfer n 2 unpublished adj transference n unregulated adj transform v unreliable adj transformation n unresolved adj transit n unresponsive adj transition n unrestrained adj transitional adj unrestricted adj transitory adj unscheduled adj transmission n unspecified adj transmit v unstable adjtransport n 1 unstressed adj transport v 2 unstructured adj transportation n unsustainable adj transporter n utility ntrend n utilize vtrigger n1trigger v2。