Nonlinear Q-Design for Convex Stochastic Control
是C -
F (T ) 的 紧 非 扩 张 映 像 , 0 ≤ sn ≤ s < 1 ,对任意Βιβλιοθήκη λ (1 − t1
) )‖
tn → 1 , ∑ (1 − tn ) = +∞
n =1
(1 − tnk ) ε
(4) x 0 ∈ C , Ishikawa 迭代序列{ x
进而由(4) ‖x n
T :D→ X
x, y ∈ D , 有
|| Tx − Ty || ≤ || x − y || 。关于非扩张映像不动点的存在性
及逼近不动点迭代办法的研究已经取得了很多成果 迭 代 过 程
[1− 4 ]
其中 {tn }, {sn } 是实数列及 t , s 是给定常数,如果 {xn } 有 界,则 lim
∞ n =1
→ C 是具不动点的非扩张映像,
xn +1 = (1 − tn ) xn + tnT ( snTxn + (1 − sn ) xn ) , tn → 1 , sn → 0 , ∑ (1 − tn ) < +∞ 的子序列 {xn k } , 使
|| xn k − Txn k || → 0
∑ (K
n =1
− 1) < ∞ , {xn } ⊂ C
T :D→ X
(ⅰ) 0
是非扩张映像,设 {xn } ⊂
关键词:移动荷载识别;桥梁;时域法;预处理最小二乘QR分解法;优化分析中图分类号: TU311.3; U441+.2文献标志码: A文章编号: 1004-4523(2018)04-0545-08DOI:10.16385/ki.issn.1004-4523.2018.04.001引言桥梁移动荷载识别属结构动力学逆问题范畴,由桥梁动态响应识别桥面移动荷载已取得较大进展,其中尤以时域法(TDM)[1]和频时域法(FTDM)[2]识别理论完备、识别精度较高而备受关注[3]。
1.非定常不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程的特征稳定化非协调有限元方法 [J], 荆菲菲;苏剑;张晓旭;刘小民
2.不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程的压力投影两重网格稳定化人工粘性方法 [J], 覃燕梅
度方法 [J], 薛菊峰;尚月强
4.求解不可压Navier-Stokes方程的一种高效两水平方法 [J], 杜彬彬; 黄建国
5.不可压Navier-Stokes方程的投影方法 [J], 张庆海;李阳
r (n-3)/2 1-n D
坠pD 坠tD
D D dp D
dt DD
坠pD 坠rD
rD =1
p =p DDDBiblioteka wDD rD =1
pD(rD, 0)=0
DDpD(∞, tD)=0
DDpD(reD, tD)=0
qB 2πh
r1-n w
在井筒压力 pwf 和井底油层表面压力 p(rw, t)间 产 生 1 个
pwf=p(rw, t)-Δps
t)-S· qBμ* 2πKh
简化,求得了相应的解析式,绘制了理论图版,对曲线形态进行了进一步分析。 分析结果表明,均质模型试井曲线早期阶段受井筒存
储系数、表皮系数组合参数的影响,径向流段受幂律指数的影响。 该模型可以为三元复合驱试井测试资料分析提供理论基础。
关键词 非牛顿流;均质油藏;试井;有效半径解;典型曲线
中图分类号 TE355
1 试井模型的建立
1.1 有量纲试井模型的建立
律 ;不 考虑 ASP 溶 液 在 地 层 中 的 稀 释与 吸 附 ,忽 略 重 力 和 毛
%In the process of complicated workpiece edge detection,the interruption of noise and the lost of details will cause dramatic error in the detection result.To solve this problem,a novel edge detection algorithm by combining non-sub-sampled Contourlet transform (NSCT) and mathematical morphology is proposed in thispaper.Firstly,multi-scale decomposition of the image is performed with NSCT.Then,the edge detection of low-frequency sub-image and high-frequency sub-image are obtained.Finally,the image edge is obtained by reasonable fusion rule.Simulation results show that this algorithm can extract more image edge details than other algorithm and it also has good continuity,anti-noise performance and robustness.【总页数】3页(P38-40)【作者】刘静寒;鲁昌华;刘玉娜【作者单位】合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,安徽合肥230009/中国科学院安徽光学精密研究所,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,安徽合肥230009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911.73【相关文献】1.基于非下采样Contourlet变换的多传感器图像边缘检测 [J], 王小军2.基于非下采样Contourlet变换的图像边缘检测 [J], 岳爱菊;汪西莉3.基于非下采样contourlet变换的图像边缘检测新方法 [J], 肖易寒;席志红;海涛;郭亮4.基于优化模糊增强的顺序形态学细胞图像边缘检测算法 [J], 张瑞华5.基于优化模糊增强的顺序形态学细胞图像边缘检测算法 [J], 张瑞华因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
顾超; 朱德通
【摘要】宇和濮在文[Yu Z S,Pu D G.A new nonmonotone line search technique for unconstrained optimization[J].J Comput Appl
【作者】顾超; 朱德通
【作者单位】上海立信会计金融学院统计与数学学院上海201620; 上海师范大学数学系上海200234
1.LC1无约束优化问题的非单调线搜索算法 [J], 席敏;蔡邢菊
2.无约束优化问题的一类带线搜索的非单调信赖域算法 [J], 王春梅
3.无约束优化的一个滤子非单调信赖域算法 [J], 冯琳;段复建
4.无约束优化中带线搜索的非单调信赖域算法 [J], 莫降涛;颜世翠;刘春燕
5.非凸优化中一种带非单调线搜索的惯性邻近算法 [J], 刘海玉
Improving the accuracy of static GPS positioning with a new stochastic modelling procedure
INTRODUCTION GPS carrier phase measurements are extensively used for all high precision static and kinematic positioning applications. The least-squares estimation technique is usually employed in the data processing step, and basically requires the definition of two models: (a) the functional model, and (b) the stochastic model. The functional model describes the mathematical relationship between the GPS observations and the unknown parameters, while the stochastic model describes the statistical characteristics of the GPS observations (see, eg., Leick, 1995; Rizos 1997; and other texts). The stochastic model is therefore dependent on the selection of the functional model. A double-differencing technique is commonly used for constructing the functional model as it can eliminate many of the troublesome GPS biases, such as the atmospheric biases, the receiver and satellite clock biases, and so on. However, some unmodelled biases still remain in the GPS observables, even after such data differencing. Many researchers have emphasised the importance of the stochastic model, especially for high accuracy applications, for example, Barnes et al. (1998), Cross et al. (1994), Han (1997), Teunissen (1997), Wang (1998), Wang et. al. (2001) for both the static and kinematic positioning applications. In principle it is possible to further improve the accuracy and reliability of GPS results through an enhancement of the stochastic model. Previous studies have shown that GPS measurements have a heteroscedastic, space- and timecorrelated error structure (eg., Wang 1998; Wang et al., 1998a). The challenge is to find a way to realistically incorporate such information into the stochastic model. This paper deals only with the static positioning case. Several stochastic modelling techniques have recently been proposed to accommodate the heteroscedastic behaviour of GPS observations. Some are based on the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio model (eg., Barnes et al., 1998; Brunner et al., 1999; Hartinger & Brunner, 1998; Lau & Mok, 1999; Talbot, 1988), others use a satellite elevation dependent approach (eg., Euler & Goad, 1991; Gerdan, 1995; Han, 1997; Jin, 1996; Rizos etPHY Chalermchon Satirapod is currently a Ph.D. student at the School of Geomatic Engineering, The University of New South Wales (UNSW), supported by a scholarship from the Chulalongkorn University. He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Surveying) and Master of Engineering (Surveying) from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, in 1994 and 1997 respectively. He joined the Department of Survey Engineering at Chulalongkorn University as a lecturer in late 1994. In early 1998 he joined UNSW's Satellite Navigation and Positioning (SNAP) group as a Ph.D. student. His research is focussed on automated and quality assured GPS surveying for a range of applications. ABSTRACT For high precision static GPS positioning applications, carrier phase measurements have to be processed. It is well known that there are two important aspects to the optimal processing of GPS measurements: the definition of the functional model, and the associated stochastic model. These two models must be correctly defined in order to achieve high reliability in the positioning results. The functional model is nowadays sufficiently known, however the definition of the stochastic model still remains a challenging research topic. Previous studies have shown that the GPS measurements have a heteroscedastic, space- and time-correlated error structure. Therefore, a realistic stochastic modelling procedure should take all of these error features into account. In this paper, a new stochastic modelling procedure is introduced. This procedure also takes into account the temporal correlations in the GPS measurements. To demonstrate its performance, both simulated and real data sets for short to medium length baselines have been analysed. The results indicate that the accuracy of GPS results can be improved to the millimetre level.
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
空间中无界域的光滑边界上的奇异积分和奇异积分方程 [J], 钟同德
2.一种求解边界积分方程中三阶奇异体积分的数值方法 [J], 邹广德;王志超
3.Helmholtz边界积分方程中奇异积分间接求解方法 [J], 周琪; 陈永强
4.改进的无网格局部边界积分方程方法 [J], 戴保东;程玉民
5.关于薄板的无网格局部边界积分方程方法中的友解 [J], 龙述尧;熊渊博
%One of the difficulties for numerical simulation of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equa-tions is the nonlinearity, when characteristic discretization can effectively weaken the non-physical concussion caused by nonlinear form. Based on the local Gauss quadrature, this paper proposes a characteristic stabilized nonconforming finite ele-ment method to solve the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, where the characteristic method and lowest equal-order nonconforming pair NCP1-P1 are employed. We obtain the unconditional stability of its full discrete format and the corresponding error analysis of the approximate solutions.【期刊名称】《工程数学学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【总页数】15页(P764-778)【关键词】特征线方法;稳定化;非协调有限元;误差估计;Navier-Stokes方程【作者】荆菲菲;苏剑;张晓旭;刘小民【作者单位】西安交通大学数学与统计学院,西安 710049;西安交通大学数学与统计学院,西安 710049;西北工业大学自动化学院,西安 710072;西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院,西安 710049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O241.21;O241.821 IntroductionFor the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes problemswhereis a bounded convex domain with Lipschitz continuous boundary[1-6].J=(0,T],T is the given f i nal time.u(x,t)and f(x,t)denote the f l ow velocity and the external force,p(x,t)is a scalar function which denotes the pressure,µ>0 is the viscous coefficient.The existence of the nonlinear term in(1)increases the difficulty for numerical simulation,while characteristic discretization can effectively weaken the non-physical concussion caused by its nonlinearity.The characteristics methods mean to rewrite the governing equations in terms of Lagrangian coordinates def i ned by the particle trajectories associated with the problem under consideration.The Lagrangian treatment in these methods greatly reduces the time truncation error in Eulerian scheme[7-10].That is approximation o fby standard backward difference leads toerrors of the form C‖For problems with signi fi cant convection,the solution changes much less in suitable norms,while characteristic methods give errors of the form rapidly in the characteristic τ direction than in the tdirection[7,9,10].Simultaneously,these methods have been shown to possess remarkable stability properties[10].When f i nite element methods are used to solve the equation(1),the approximations for velocity and pressure must satisfy the inf-sup condition to have a stable solution[11-23].This limits the use of the lowest equal-order pairs P1−P1or Q1−Q1,which do not satisfy inf-supcondition,although they have the practical importance in scientif i c computation for their simplicity and convenience[11,12].To f i ll this gap,a new family of stabilized method based on local Gauss iteration is presented recently with some prominent computational features[13-19].And recent studies have been focused on the stabilization of the lowest equal-order f i nite element pair P1−P1for the Stokes,Navier-Stokes problems[13-15,19].Moreover,nonconforming f i nite element methods for incompressible f l ows are more popular due to their simplicity,small support sets of basis functions,and the superior actual effect of computing to conforming f i nite element methods[18-23].Based on this idea,we adopt the lowest equal-order nonconforming fi nite element pairs with characteristics methods to solve problem(1).The organization of this paper is given as follows:in the next section,we will introduce the characteristic f i nite element method,some function spacesand assumption about regularity of the solution.Section 3 will bring in the nonconforming f i nite pair NCP1−P1,the properties of local Gauss integration,and the full discretization ofequation(1).Furthermore,conclusion shows that our method is unconditionally stable provided the characteristics are transported by divergence-free velocity f i eld.Optimal error estimates for the characteristic stabilized nonconforming f i nite element solution are derived in section 4.2 Functional setting of the Navier-Stokes problemWhen solve equation(1)with characteristic method(u ·∇)u can be written as Dtu,the total derivative of u in the direction of f l ow u. Let ψ=(1+andcan be def i ned as be real numbers from the interval[0,2π]such that cos Then,the characteristic direction of operatorSoWith this def i nition,the f i rst formula of equation(1)turns intoNext we brief l y introduce some notations.Let H10(Ω)be the standard Sobolev space[24]equipped with the usual norm ‖ ·‖1andseminorm|·|1.Let X,Y,M,V and H be def i ned by as followsThe scalar product and norm in M are denoted by the usual L2(Ω)inner product and‖ ·‖0,respectively.For a real Banach spaces A,Lp(A),Hs(A)andC(A)will denote the spaces Lp(0,T;A),Hs(0,T;A)and C(0,T;A).Spaces consisting of vector-valued functions are denoted in boldface and the constant C>0 is independent of mesh parameter may change anywhere. Assume the solution(u,p)of(1)satisfy the following regularity hypotheses[5]:Hence,an equivalent variational formulation of(1)iswhereFor a characteristic method,the discretization of Dtu hinges on the approximation of the directional derivativeLet M be a positiveinteger,△t=T/M and tm=m△t.In view of this,we denote by X(x,tm+1;t)the characteristic curves associated with the material derivative which is def i ned by the following initial value problemThanks to the Cauchy-Lipschitz Theorem[7],this ODE has a unique solution when u∈C0,1)d,where X(x,tm+1;t)is the departure point and represents the position at time t of a particle which locates at x at the timetm+1.Hence for all(x,t)∈Ω×[tm,tm+1],we haveIf the integral approximation is f i rst order,then yieldsThe backward difference approximation ofis described astogether with(5)and(6),yieldsThe approximation of the material derivative combined with a spatial discretization by a mixed f i nite element method is described in the next section.3 Stabilized noncon for ming f i nite element approximationLet h>0 be a parameter,Thbe a regular triangulatio n of Ω into elements Kj:=∪.Denote the boundary segment and an interior boundary byΓj=∂Ω∩∂Kj,Γjk=Γkj= ∂Kj ∩ ∂Kk,and the centers of Γkand Γjkare ξkandξjk,respectively.Then the nonconforming f i nite element space for the velocity and the conforming space for pressure areAs is known NCP1X.For any v∈NCP1,hold the compatibility conditions for all j and k:where[v]=v|Γjk − v|Γkjindicates the jump of the function v across the interface Γjk.The two f i nite element spaces NCP1and P1satisfy the following approx imation property:for all(v,q)∈(H2(Ω)∩X,H1(Ω)∩M),exists(vI,qI)∈ (NCP1,P1)holdswhere ‖ ·‖1,hdenotes the energy normAs noted earlier,this choose of the f i nite element pair NCP1−P1does not satisfy the inf-sup conditions uniformly in h:For error estimates of the mixed f i nite element solution and f i lter the unstable factors,we employ the local stabilized form based on Gauss integrationand∫K,ig(x,y)dxdy indicates the Gauss integration over K and is exact for i(i=1,2),g(x)is a polynomial of degree not greater than two[14].Let Πh:L2(Ω)→ W0be the standard L2projection operator satisfying the follow-ing properties[14]Where W0 ⊂ L2(Ω)denotes the piecewise constant on set Kj,for the operator Πh,it is introduced to counteract the lack of inf-supstability,which acts on C0pressure and has a discontinuous range,andΠhq=qh ∈ W0if and only ifSois the element average of q.Then,we can rewrite G(ph,qh)asBased on the above description,a new scheme can be described as follows[9]:suppose that ,are approximations of velocity and pressure at the point(x,tm),respectively,f i ndfor all vh∈Xh,qh∈Mhholdswhereandis the solution ofAlong with the stabilized bilinear termwhereGh(ph,qh)is def i ned as above anddenote the L2-inner products on Kjand∂Kj,respectiv ely.About the bilinear form Bh,the following stability lemma is established.Lemma 1 Let(NCP1,P1)be def i ned as above,then there exists a positive constant β independent of h,for all(uh,ph),(vh,qh)∈ (NCP1,P1),such that[19]The linear system of(12)is symmetric and the presented method is unconditionally stable provided the characteristics are transported by divergence-free f i eld.Indeed,as in[6],choosingin(12)givesUsing the Young’s inequality can obtainThat isnamelyso the stability is proved.4 Error estimatesTo derive optimal error estimates for the f i nite elementsolution(uh,ph),we introduce the Galerkin projectionoperator(Rh,Qh):(X,M)−→ (NCP1,P1)byletwhich is well def i ned and have the following approximation properties. Lemma 2 For all(u,p)∈(X,M),there holds[15]and for all(u,p)∈ (H2(Ω)∩X,H1(Ω)∩ M),also holdsTheorem 1 Under assumption 1)–3),we have the following error estimateProofLetSubtractfrom both side of(12),givesUsing Green’s formula and(2),we havewhere ν is the outward unit normal to ∂K.ChoosingyieldsHenceWe use the conclusions in[8]and by a scaling argument to estimate Ii(i=1,2,···,8),Substituting the above estimates into(20),multiplying the resulting inequality by 2△t,from 0 to n for index m,and choosing we obtain the recursion relationBy the equation(8)and triangle inequality can obtainFinally by the discrete version of Gronwall’s Lemma and Lemma 2,Theorem 1 holds.Theorem 2 Under assumption 1)–3)andholds thatProofTakingin equation(18)getMoreover,we know thatand based on the conclusion in[11],the term can be changed toso let the left of equation(22)is L,and L can be transformed byNoting thatthus there isForchoosingtogether with equation(22),yieldsNext we estimate IIi,respectively,by the similar argument to[8,11]can obtainwhereSubstituting the above estimates into equation(22),and multiplying by 2△t,then summing from 0 to n,for index m,and choosingwe obtainSincetogether with the discrete Gronwall’s Lemma and Lemma 2 imply that By Poincare-Friedrichs inequality and the discrete Gronwall’sLemma,Theorem 2 holds.Next,the error ‖will be estimated.Theorem 3 Under the assumption 1)–3),the following L2error estimate holdsHere just we do a simple explanation to this theorem.From the def i nition Bhand equation(18)givesfrom the Theorem 2,yieldsFurthermore,we haveBy the similar argument with the proof of Theorem 2,together with Theorem 1 and equation(18),we can obtain the conclusion of Theorem 3. 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一类非线性偏微分方程的唯一解的证明一类非线性偏微分方程的唯一解的研究可以追溯到上世纪六十年代,当时有不少研究者投身于此,其中最有名的便是拉内克史凯什(Learning Sanchez)。
第二种方法则是基于山梨准则(Shanley criterion),它主要利用一类非线性偏微分方程的一些性质,如逐步可求解性、渐近平衡性等,通过山梨准则可以较容易地证明一类非线性偏微分方程的唯一解的存在。
非正曲率流形及其子流形上有界区域的特征值刘建成;郭芳承【期刊名称】《数学杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(031)003【摘要】本文研究了完备单连通具有非正曲率黎曼流形及其子流形上有界区域的特征值问题.利用广义Hessian比较定理,获得了局部特征值的下界估计式,将McKean[2]的定理在局部上推广到了非正曲率的情形.%In this article, we study the first eigenvalue problems on complete simply connected Riemannian manifold with nonpositive sectional curvatures and its submanifolds with bounded mean curvature. By using generalized Hessian comparison theorem, we obtain a local bound from below of the first eigenvalue, and generalize the results in [2] due to H. P. McKean locally to the case of manifolds with nonpositive sectional curvatures.【总页数】6页(P451-456)【作者】刘建成;郭芳承【作者单位】西北师范大学数学与信息科学学院,甘肃兰州730070;陇东学院数学系,甘肃庆阳745000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O186.12【相关文献】1.具有有界曲率的黎曼流形上的双调和子流形 [J], 冯书香;方联银;李静2.截面曲率有界的Riemann流形中的闭子流形 [J], 王如山;孙国汉3.黎曼流形中常平均曲率子流形的第一特征值 [J], 孙华飞4.具有常平均曲率的曲率子流形上一类Schrödinger算子的特征值估计 [J], 杜玮翎5.具有正Ricci曲率紧Riemann流形上的第一特征值估计 [J], 徐森林;杨芳云;徐栩因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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2.一类非线性压缩生成的不变集的局部维数 [J], 肖加清;熊波
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4.广义自相似集的重fractal分解集的点态维数及packing维数 [J], 苏峰;赵兴球
5.非线性压缩生成的不变集的Hausdorff维数 [J], 肖加清
实验结果表明,该方法在COCO 2017和Cityscapes数据集上平均精度和平均交并比分别为41.1%和83.3%,相比Mask R-CNN、SOLO、Yolact等方法,能够有效改进实例分割效果并具有较优的鲁棒性。
2.基于改进Mask R-CNN的在架图书书脊图像实例分割方法
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2.具有加权测度的H型群上漂移Laplace算子的Levitin-Parnovski型特征值不等式 [J], 韩承月;孙和军;江绪永
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On the asymptotic expansion of the solutions of the separated nonlinear Schroedinger equati
a r X i v :n l i n /0012025v 3 [n l i n .S I ] 10 M a y 2001On the Asymptotic Expansion of the Solutions of the Separated Nonlinear Schr¨o dinger EquationA.A.Kapaev,St Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute,Fontanka 27,St Petersburg 191011,Russia,V.E.Korepin,C.N.Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics,State University of New York at Stony Brook,Stony Brook,NY 11794-3840,USAAbstractNonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation with the Schwarzian initial data is important in nonlinear optics,Bose condensation and in the theory of strongly correlated electrons.The asymptotic solutions in the region x/t =O (1),t →∞,can be represented as a double series in t −1and ln t .Our current purpose is the description of the asymptotics of the coefficients of the series.MSC 35A20,35C20,35G20Keywords:integrable PDE,long time asymptotics,asymptotic expansion1IntroductionA coupled nonlinear dispersive partial differential equation in (1+1)dimension for the functions g +and g −,−i∂t g +=12∂2x g −+4g 2−g +,(1)called the separated Nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation (sNLS),contains the con-ventional NLS equation in both the focusing and defocusing forms as g +=¯g −or g +=−¯g −,respectively.For certain physical applications, nonlin-ear optics,Bose condensation,theory of strongly correlated electrons,see [1]–[9],the detailed information on the long time asymptotics of solutions with initial conditions rapidly decaying as x →±∞is quite useful for qualitative explanation of the experimental phenomena.Our interest to the long time asymptotics for the sNLS equation is inspired by its application to the Hubbard model for one-dimensional gas of strongly correlated electrons.The model explains a remarkable effect of charge and spin separation,discovered experimentally by C.Kim,Z.-X.M.Shen,N.Motoyama,H.Eisaki,hida,T.Tohyama and S.Maekawa [19].Theoretical justification1of the charge and spin separation include the study of temperature dependent correlation functions in the Hubbard model.In the papers[1]–[3],it was proven that time and temperature dependent correlations in Hubbard model can be described by the sNLS equation(1).For the systems completely integrable in the sense of the Lax representa-tion[10,11],the necessary asymptotic information can be extracted from the Riemann-Hilbert problem analysis[12].Often,the fact of integrability implies the existence of a long time expansion of the generic solution in a formal series, the successive terms of which satisfy some recurrence relation,and the leading order coefficients can be expressed in terms of the spectral data for the associ-ated linear system.For equation(1),the Lax pair was discovered in[13],while the formulation of the Riemann-Hilbert problem can be found in[8].As t→∞for x/t bounded,system(1)admits the formal solution given byg+=e i x22+iν)ln4t u0+∞ n=12n k=0(ln4t)k2t −(1t nv nk ,(2)where the quantitiesν,u0,v0,u nk and v nk are some functions ofλ0=−x/2t.For the NLS equation(g+=±¯g−),the asymptotic expansion was suggested by M.Ablowitz and H.Segur[6].For the defocusing NLS(g+=−¯g−),the existence of the asymptotic series(2)is proven by P.Deift and X.Zhou[9] using the Riemann-Hilbert problem analysis,and there is no principal obstacle to extend their approach for the case of the separated NLS equation.Thus we refer to(2)as the Ablowitz-Segur-Deift-Zhou expansion.Expressions for the leading coefficients for the asymptotic expansion of the conventional NLS equation in terms of the spectral data were found by S.Manakov,V.Zakharov, H.Segur and M.Ablowitz,see[14]–[16].The general sNLS case was studied by A.Its,A.Izergin,V.Korepin and G.Varzugin[17],who have expressed the leading order coefficients u0,v0andν=−u0v0in(2)in terms of the spectral data.The generic solution of the focusing NLS equation contains solitons and radiation.The interaction of the single soliton with the radiation was described by Segur[18].It can be shown that,for the generic Schwarzian initial data and generic bounded ratio x/t,|c−xthese coefficients as well as for u n,2n−1,v n,2n−1,wefind simple exact formulaeu n,2n=u0i n(ν′)2n8n n!,(3)and(20)below.We describe coefficients at other powers of ln t using the gener-ating functions which can be reduced to a system of polynomials satisfying the recursion relations,see(24),(23).As a by-product,we modify the Ablowitz-Segur-Deift-Zhou expansion(2),g+=exp i x22+iν)ln4t+i(ν′)2ln24t2] k=0(ln4t)k2t −(18t∞n=02n−[n+1t n˜v n,k.(4)2Recurrence relations and generating functions Substituting(2)into(1),and equating coefficients of t−1,wefindν=−u0v0.(5) In the order t−n,n≥2,equating coefficients of ln j4t,0≤j≤2n,we obtain the recursion−i(j+1)u n,j+1+inu n,j=νu n,j−iν′′8u n−1,j−2−−iν′8u′′n−1,j+nl,k,m=0l+k+m=nα=0, (2)β=0, (2)γ=0, (2)α+β+γ=ju l,αu k,βv m,γ,(6) i(j+1)v n,j+1−inv n,j=νv n,j+iν′′8v n−1,j−2++iν′8v′′n−1,j+nl,k,m=0l+k+m=nα=0, (2)β=0, (2)γ=0, (2)α+β+γ=ju l,αv k,βv m,γ,(7)where the prime means differentiation with respect toλ0=−x/(2t).Master generating functions F(z,ζ),G(z,ζ)for the coefficients u n,k,v n,k are defined by the formal seriesF(z,ζ)= n,k u n,k z nζk,G(z,ζ)= n,k v n,k z nζk,(8)3where the coefficients u n,k,v n,k vanish for n<0,k<0and k>2n.It is straightforward to check that the master generating functions satisfy the nonstationary separated Nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation in(1+2)dimensions,−iFζ+izF z= ν−iν′′8zζ2 F−iν′8zF′′+F2G,iGζ−izG z= ν+iν′′8zζ2 G+iν′8zG′′+F G2.(9) We also consider the sectional generating functions f j(z),g j(z),j≥0,f j(z)=∞n=0u n,2n−j z n,g j(z)=∞n=0v n,2n−j z n.(10)Note,f j(z)≡g j(z)≡0for j<0because u n,k=v n,k=0for k>2n.The master generating functions F,G and the sectional generating functions f j,g j are related by the equationsF(zζ−2,ζ)=∞j=0ζ−j f j(z),G(zζ−2,ζ)=∞j=0ζ−j g j(z).(11)Using(11)in(9)and equating coefficients ofζ−j,we obtain the differential system for the sectional generating functions f j(z),g j(z),−2iz∂z f j−1+i(j−1)f j−1+iz∂z f j==νf j−z iν′′8f j−ziν′8f′′j−2+jk,l,m=0k+l+m=jf k f lg m,2iz∂z g j−1−i(j−1)g j−1−iz∂z g j=(12)=νg j+z iν′′8g j+ziν′8g′′j−2+jk,l,m=0k+l+m=jf kg l g m.Thus,the generating functions f0(z),g0(z)for u n,2n,v n,2n solve the systemiz∂z f0=νf0−z (ν′)28g0+f0g20.(13)The system implies that the product f0(z)g0(z)≡const.Since f0(0)=u0and g0(0)=v0,we obtain the identityf0g0(z)=−ν.(14) Using(14)in(13),we easilyfindf0(z)=u0e i(ν′)28n n!z n,4g0(z)=v0e−i(ν′)28n n!z n,(15)which yield the explicit expressions(3)for the coefficients u n,2n,v n,2n.Generating functions f1(z),g1(z)for u n,2n−1,v n,2n−1,satisfy the differential system−2iz∂z f0+iz∂z f1=νf1−z iν′′8f1−ziν′8g0−z(ν′)24g′0+f1g20+2f0g0g1.(16)We will show that the differential system(16)for f1(z)and g1(z)is solvable in terms of elementary functions.First,let us introduce the auxiliary functionsp1(z)=f1(z)g0(z).These functions satisfy the non-homogeneous system of linear ODEs∂z p1=iν4−ν′′4f′0z(p1+q1)−i(ν′)28−ν′g0,(17)so that∂z(q1+p1)=−(ν2)′′8z,p1(z)= −iνν′′8−ν′u′032z2,g1(z)=q1(z)g0(z),g0(z)=v0e−i(ν′)24−ν′′4v0 z+i(ν′)2ν′′4−ν′′4u0 ,v1,1=v0 iνν′′8−ν′v′0u n,2n −1=−2u 0i n −1(ν′)2(n −1)n −1ν′′u 0,n ≥2,v n,2n −1=−2v 0(−i )n −1(ν′)2(n −1)n −1ν′′v 0,n ≥2.Generating functions f j (z ),g j (z )for u n,2n −j ,v n,2n −j ,j ≥2,satisfy the differential system (12).Similarly to the case j =1above,let us introduce the auxiliary functions p j and q j ,p j =f jg 0.(21)In the terms of these functions,the system (12)reads,∂z p j =iνz(p j +q j )+b j ,(22)wherea j =2∂z p j −1+i (ν′)28−j −14(p j −1f 0)′8f 0+iν4−ν′′zq j −1−−ν′g 0+i(q j −2g 0)′′zj −1 k,l,m =0k +l +m =jp k q l q m .(23)With the initial condition p j (0)=q j (0)=0,the system is easily integrated and uniquely determines the functions p j (z ),q j (z ),p j (z )= z 0a j (ζ)dζ+iνzdζζζdξ(a j (ξ)+b j (ξ)).(24)These equations with expressions (23)together establish the recursion relationfor the functions p j (z ),q j (z ).In terms of p j (z )and q j (z ),expansion (2)readsg +=ei x22+iν)ln 4t +i(ν′)2ln 24tt2t−(18tv 0∞ j =0q j ln 24tln j 4t.(25)6Let a j (z )and b j (z )be polynomials of degree M with the zero z =0of multiplicity m ,a j (z )=M k =ma jk z k,b j (z )=Mk =mb jk z k .Then the functions p j (z )and q j (z )(24)arepolynomials of degree M +1witha zero at z =0of multiplicity m +1,p j (z )=M +1k =m +11k(a j,k −1+b j,k −1)z k ,q j (z )=M +1k =m +11k(a j,k −1+b j,k −1) z k.(26)On the other hand,a j (z )and b j (z )are described in (23)as the actions of the differential operators applied to the functions p j ′,q j ′with j ′<j .Because p 0(z )=q 0(z )≡1and p 1(z ),q 1(z )are polynomials of the second degree and a single zero at z =0,cf.(19),it easy to check that a 2(z )and b 2(z )are non-homogeneous polynomials of the third degree such thata 2,3=−(ν′)4(ν′′)2210(2+iν),(27)a 2,0=−iνν′′8−ν′u ′08u 0,b 2,0=iνν′′8−ν′v ′08v 0.Thus p 2(z )and q 2(z )are polynomials of the fourth degree with a single zero at z =0.Some of their coefficients arep 2,4=q 2,4=−(ν′)4(ν′′)24−(1+2iν)ν′′8u 0−ν(u ′0)24−(1−2iν)ν′′8v 0−ν(v ′0)22.Proof .The assertion holds true for j =0,1,2.Let it be correct for ∀j <j ′.Then a j ′(z )and b j ′(z )are defined as the sum of polynomials.The maximal de-grees of such polynomials are deg (p j ′−1f 0)′/f 0 =2j ′−1,deg (q j ′−1g 0)′/g 0 =72j′−1,anddeg 1z j′−1 α,β,γ=0α+β+γ=j′pαqβqγ =2j′−1. Thus deg a j′(z)=deg b j′(z)≤2j′−1,and deg p j′(z)=deg q j′(z)≤2j′.Multiplicity of the zero at z=0of a j′(z)and b j′(z)is no less than the min-imal multiplicity of the summed polynomials in(23),but the minor coefficients of the polynomials2∂z p j′−1and−(j−1)p j′−1/z,as well as of2∂z q j′−1and −(j−1)q j′−1/z may cancel each other.Let j′=2k be even.Thenm j′=min m j′−1;m j′−2+1;minα,β,γ=0,...,j′−1α+β+γ=j′mα+mβ+mγ =j′2 . Let j′=2k−1be odd.Then2m j′−1−(j′−1)=0,andm j′=min m j′−1+1;m j′−2+1;minα,β,γ=0,...,j′−1α+β+γ=j′mα+mβ+mγ =j′+12]p j,k z k,q j(z)=2jk=[j+12]z nn−[j+18k k!,g j(z)=v0∞n=[j+12]k=max{0;n−2j}q j,n−k(−i)k(ν′)2k2]k=max{0;n−2j}p j,n−ki k(ν′)2k2]k=max{0;n−2j}q j,n−k(−i)k(ν′)2kIn particular,the leading asymptotic term of these coefficients as n→∞and j fixed is given byu n,2n−j=u0p j,2j i n−2j(ν′)2(n−2j)n) ,v n,2n−j=v0q j,2j (−i)n−2j(ν′)2(n−2j)n) .(32)Thus we have reduced the problem of the evaluation of the asymptotics of the coefficients u n,2n−j v n,2n−j for large n to the computation of the leading coefficients of the polynomials p j(z),q j(z).In fact,using(24)or(26)and(23), it can be shown that the coefficients p j,2j,q j,2j satisfy the recurrence relationsp j,2j=−i (ν′)2ν′′2jj−1k,l,m=0k+l+m=jp k,2k p l,2l q m,2m++ν(ν′)2ν′′4j2j−1k,l,m=0k+l+m=jp k,2k(p l,2l−q l,2l)q m,2m,q j,2j=i (ν′)2ν′′2jj−1k,l,m=0k+l+m=jp k,2k q l,2l q m,2m−(33)−ν(ν′)2ν′′4j2j−1k,l,m=0k+l+m=jp k,2k(p l,2l−q l,2l)q m,2m.Similarly,the coefficients u n,0,v n,0for the non-logarithmic terms appears from(31)for j=2n,and are given simply byu n,0=u0p2n,n,v n,0=v0q2n,n.(34) Thus the problem of evaluation of the asymptotics of the coefficients u n,0,v n,0 for n large is equivalent to computation of the asymptotics of the minor coeffi-cients in the polynomials p j(z),q j(z).However,the last problem does not allow a straightforward solution because,according to(8),the sectional generating functions for the coefficients u n,0,v n,0are given byF(z,0)=∞n=0u n,0z n,G(z,0)=∞n=0v n,0z n,and solve the separated Nonlinear Schr¨o dinger equation−iFζ+izF z=νF+18zG′′+F G2.(35)93DiscussionOur consideration based on the use of generating functions of different types reveals the asymptotic behavior of the coefficients u n,2n−j,v n,2n−j as n→∞and jfixed for the long time asymptotic expansion(2)of the generic solution of the sNLS equation(1).The leading order dependence of these coefficients on n is described by the ratio a n2+d).The investigation of theRiemann-Hilbert problem for the sNLS equation yielding this estimate will be published elsewhere.Acknowledgments.We are grateful to the support of NSF Grant PHY-9988566.We also express our gratitude to P.Deift,A.Its and X.Zhou for discussions.A.K.was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant99-01-00687.He is also grateful to the staffof C.N.Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics of the State University of New York at Stony Brook for hospitality during his visit when this work was done. 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2426IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2009Nonlinear Q-Design for Convex Stochastic ControlJoëlle Skaf and Stephen Boyd, Fellow, IEEEAbstract—In this note we describe a version of the Q-design method that can be used to design nonlinear dynamic controllers for a discrete-time linear time-varying plant, with convex cost and constraint functions and arbitrary disturbance distribution. Choosing a basis for the nonlinear Q-parameter yields a convex stochastic optimization problem, which can be solved by standard methods such as sampling. In principle (for a large enough basis, and enough sampling) this method can solve the controller design problem to any degree of accuracy; in any case it can be used to find a suboptimal controller, using convex optimization methods. We illustrate the method with a numerical example, comparing a nonlinear controller found using our method with the optimal linear controller, the certainty-equivalent model predictive controller, and a lower bound on achievable performance obtained by ignoring the causality constraint. Index Terms—Convex optimization, nonlinear control, Q-parameter, stochastic control., sensor signal , disturbance or exogenous input , and output signal . As exsignal plained in [2, Chap. 2], the exogenous input signal can represent plant and measurement noise, as well as command, reference, or tracking signals; the exogenous output signal can represent the regulated variables or tracking errors. We will use , , , and to denote the associated trajectories:The plant is linear, and so can be described by (1) where , the matrix above, is the plant input-output matrix.B. Causality I. INTRODUCTION We consider the stochastic control problem for a finite-horizon discrete-time linear time-varying system with convex objective and constraints. The optimal controller can be described recursively via dynamic programming, but this gives a practical method for implementing the controller only in a few special cases, such as when the state-space dimension is very low (say, no more than two or three), or when the objective is quadratic and there are no constraints. On the other hand there are many methods for finding a suboptimal controller, including classical control techniques, model predictive control, and approximate dynamic programming (which will be described in more detail later). In this note we show how the Youla or Q-parametrization, suitably extended, can be used to convert the controller design problem into an equivalent stochastic convex optimization problem. By choosing a large enough basis of nonlinear functions, and approximate solution of the resulting stochastic convex optimization problem, we can (at least in principle), solve the controller design problem to any desired accuracy, using standard (finite-dimensional) convex optimization techniques. In any case, our method can be used to find a suboptimal controller, using standard convex optimization methods. We illustrate our method with an example, in which the synthesized controller yields substantially better performance than a linear controller, or a model predictive controller, despite an ad hoc choice of basis. A more detailed version of this note, including the data and source code for the numerical example, can be found in [1]. II. SYSTEM MODEL A. Signals and Plant We consider a discrete-time linear time-varying plant, over the time , with control or actuator signal intervalManuscript received July 16, 2008; revised July 17, 2008, February 17, 2009, and June 29, 2009. First published September 18, 2009; current version published October 07, 2009. This was supported by the Focus Center for Circuit & System Solutions (C2S2), by the Precourt Institute on Energy Efficiency, by NSF Award 0529426, by NASA Award NNX07AEIIA, by AFOSR Award FA9550-06-1-0514, and by AFOSR Award FA9550-06-1-0312. Recommended by P. A. Parrilo. The authors are with the Information Systems Lab, Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9510 USA (e-mail: jskaf@; boyd@). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2009.2029300To describe causality assumptions and restrictions we will need the idea of block lower triangularity. Suppose we write a matrix in block form, where denotes the block. If for , we say that is block lower triangular. If in addition the diagonal blocks vanish, i.e., , we say the matrix is block strictly lower triangular. for We extend these concepts to (possibly nonlinear) functions as follows. , with , Suppose that , and where , with . We say that is block lower triangular if depends only on , and block strictly lower triangular if depends . When is block lower triangular, we write only on as , to emphasize that it depends only on . When the indices represent time, block lower triangularity corresponds to causality, and block strict lower triangularity corresponds to strict causality. block strictly is We will assume in what follows that lower triangular, which means that the mapping from actuator to sensor is strictly causal. It often occurs that , , and are also block lower triangular, but we do not need this assumption. C. Causal Controller We will consider causal feedback controllers (or control policies), , where is block lower for which triangular. We can write this out as Since is block strictly lower triangular, the system equations are always well-posed. Indeed, the trajectories of and are readily found from the recursion. . .We can then find from , the actuator signal and output. Once we fix the controller become functions of the exoge-0018-9286/$26.00 © 2009 IEEEAuthorized licensed use limited to: MIT Libraries. Downloaded on November 14, 2009 at 10:40 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 20092427nous input . We refer to these as the closed-loop exogenous input to actuator mapping, and the closed-loop exogenous input to output mapping, respectively. III. STOCHASTIC CONTROL PROBLEM We assume that is random, with known distribution. Via the closed-loop mappings, the actuator signal and the output are also be a convex (objective) random variables. Let function. We judge our control performance by the expected value of , where the expectation is over . this objective function, , We treat constraints in a similar way. Let , be a set of convex (constraint) functions. Our control , design constraints are . Such constraints, which require the expected value of a function to be less than zero (say) are called stochastic constraints. But the same form can be used to enforce an almost-sure constraint, such as almost surely. Here we simply define for , and for ; the stochastic constraint is then equivalent to almost surely. The stochastic controller design problem can then be expressed asIV. NONLINEAR Q-PARAMETRIZATION We define the signal asWe can think of as the sensor signal, with the effect of the actuator signal removed, i.e., is the direct effect of the exogenous input on the sensor signal, after compensating for its effect via feedback. be any block lower triangular Now let function. We define a causal control policy via the relation (3) which can be more explicitly written, using recursion , as the. . . This recursion shows that is a function of , i.e., is block lower triangular. We have seen that from any block lower triangular function , we can construct an block lower triangular controller . We will now show that every causal controller can be realized by some choice of . Let be a given block lower triangular controller. , we obtain a recursion that defines Using (3) and as(2) where the expectation is over , and the (infinite dimensional) optimization variable is the function (control policy) . The stochastic control problem can be solved in a few very special cases. For example, in the linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) problem (i.e., when there are no constraints, is Gaussian, and is (convex) quadratic), the optimal policy is an affine function, i.e., a linear function of the past measurements, plus a constant, and can be found from dynamic programming (see [3], [4]) or by the method described below. Another case in which the optimal control policy is known, and affine, is when the cost is the exponential of a quadratic function, and the disturbances are Gaussian, which is the linear exponential quadratic Gaussian (LEQG) or risk-sensitive LQG problem [5, vol. 1, §19]. A. Controller Design Methods There is a large number of heuristic methods for solving the stochastic control problem, also called stochastic optimization with recourse [5]–[9]. Perhaps the simplest methods are those from classical linear feedback control techniques, such as PID (proportional-integralderivative) control [10]. One very effective technique that can be used when a noiseless measurement of the state is available is model predictive control (MPC) [5], [11]–[15], which also goes by many other names, including dynamic matrix control [16], rolling horizon planning [17], and dynamic linear programming (DLP) [18]. MPC is based on solving a convex optimization problem at each step, with the unknown future disturbances replaced with some kind of estimates available at the current time (such as conditional means); but only the current action or input is used. At the next step, the same problem is solved, this time using the exact value of the current state, which is now known from the measurement. Another approach goes under the name approximate dynamic programming [7], [19], [20], in which some estimate of the optimal value function, or optimal policy, is found. We also mention that there is a large literature on multistage stochastic linear programming, which can be used to solve (exactly or approximately) some versions of our problem (with piecewise linear objectives and polyhedral constraints); see [21]–[29]. The proposed methods range from decomposition and partitioning methods to sampling-based approximation algorithms, and are usually limited to short horizons.. . . This recursion shows that is block lower triangular. When the construction above is applied to , we obtain the original causal controller . We conclude that the correspondence between and is a bijecblock lower triangular function , there is exactly tion: For each one block lower triangular , given by the recursion above. It follows that we can optimize over in the stochastic control problem, instead of . In other words, we parametrize by . We can express and in terms of and , using :These expressions show that and are (in general) nonlinear functions of , but they are affine functions of , for each . Since expectation preserves convexity, it follows that the objective and constraint functions:are convex functions (or, more formally, functionals) of . By using the variable instead of , we now have an infinite-dimensional stochastic convex optimization problem. A. Q-Design Procedure Our method is related to the classical Q-design procedure, or Youla parametrization [30], [31] for time-invariant, infinite-horizon linear controller design [32]–[36]. The book [2] and survey paper [37] describes this method, and the use of convex optimization to design continuous-time, time-invariant controllers, in detail; the Notes and References trace the ideas back into the 1960s. The books [38], [39] use these methods to minimize the worst-case output, with unknownAuthorized licensed use limited to: MIT Libraries. Downloaded on November 14, 2009 at 10:40 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.2428IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2009but bounded input, which can be cast (after Q-parametrization) as norm minimization problem, and then solved using linear proan gramming. The Ph.D. thesis [40] and the article [41] use the Q-design procedure to formulate the controller design problem as a constrained convex optimization problem. Our method is also related to the more recent purified output control method [42], [43]. Although not directly related to our topic, we mention some papers in which extensions of Q-design are used to design stabilizing controllers for nonlinear plants; our method, in contrast, concerns linear plants and nonlinear controllers. In [44], Desoer and Liu show the existence of a parametrization of stabilizing controllers for stable nonlinear plants. For unstable nonlinear plants, only partial results have been obtained (e.g., see [45]–[47]). V. APPROXIMATE SOLUTION A. Finite-Dimensional Restriction We can obtain an approximate solution of the stochastic controller design problem, with variable , by choosing a basis of block lower triangular (and generally nonlinear) functions, and expressing as (4) where are the design variables. We now have a finite-dimensional stochastic convex optimization problem. If we were to solve this problem, we would have a suboptimal solution of the stochastic controller design problem, obtained by expressing in terms of the found. We could also (very roughly) claim that, if the basis were large or rich enough, that we have ‘nearly’ solved the stochastic controller design problem; the only limit to our finding the optimal controller is our choice of basis for . But we will focus here on the less ambitious claim that this method simply produces a suboptimal controller, just like the many other methods listed above. B. Solving the Stochastic Optimization Problem Once a basis for has been chosen, our problem becomes a finitedimensional stochastic convex optimization problem. There is a large literature on this topic; see, e.g., [5], [7], [8], [48]–[50]. In a few very special cases we can solve such problems exactly. For example, when and are quadratic, and the mean and covariance of can be computed, the controller design problem reduces to a (convex) quadratic program. But in general, we have to solve the stochastic problem approximately. Typical methods involve a parameter which trades off computational effort and accuracy; arbitrary accuracy can (in principle) be obtained as the parameter (and computational effort) grows. We will describe here the simplest approximation method for stochastic optimization, based on sampling. Choose from the distribution of , and formwith variable . This is a standard finite dimensional convex optimization problem, which can be solved using standard techniques; see, e.g., [51]. Once we solve the convex optimization problem (5), we can check is large whether we have taken enough samples, i.e., whether enough, by validation, i.e., evaluating the solution found on another set of (typically, more) samples. If the empirical means of the objective or constraint functions substantially differ, between the original sample set and the validation sample set, we must increase ; if they are near each other, it gives us confidence that the sampling is adequate. We note that when sampling is applied to an almost sure constraint, we are guaranteed that the constraint will hold for the original set of samples; but with some of the validation samples of , the constraint can be violated. If the sample size is large enough, however, we expect that the constraint will hold with very high probability, and that when the violations occur, they will be small. To get to the finite-dimensional convex optimization problem (5), we have made two approximations: We have restricted our search to a -dimensional subspace of the infinite dimensional space of block lower triangular functions, and we have approximately solved the stochastic problem by sampling. The second (sampling) approximation is generally good, but the first one (restriction to a finite dimension subspace) is generally not. For this reason we generally would not claim that this method solves the stochastic controller design problem in practice, even when is large; we can simply claim that the method yields a good controller in a straightforward way, that relies on convex optimization. Finally, we mention the rough computational complexity of the design method. The main effort is in solving the problem (5), which has variables and constraints; each of these, in turn, involves terms. Evaluating the objective and constraints, and their gradients and operations. Since this is Hessians, requires on the order of the dominant effort per iteration of an interior-point method, which in practice require a few or several tens of iterations, we get an overall complexity estimate of . We note that this grows linearly with , the number of samples; this makes is practical to choose a relatively large value of . The complexity estimate above assumes that no problem structure is exploited; however, if any problem structure is exploited, the complexity can be reduced further [51]. We note that the final controller is implemented using the recursions above, and so can run at extremely high rates, assuming the basis functions can be rapidly evaluated. In particular, no optimization problem is solved at run time, as in MPC. In other words, the run-time complexity of the method is very low. (But we should mention that the optimization problems that must be solved in each MPC step can be solved quite efficiently; see, e.g., [52].) C. Standardization Here we describe a method for standardizing the signal , i.e., applying a causal linear whitening transformation to it. This transformation is not essential, but it helps in coming up with a reasonable choice for the basis functions. We definewhere is the mean value of , and triangular) Cholesky factor of the covariance of for . These are affine functions of . Our approximate problem is thenis the (lower(5)where is the covariance matrix of . The signal is standardized, i.e., its entries have zero mean, unit variance, and are uncorrelated. Note that the standardization mapping, from to , is lower triangular. We can (loosely) interpret as an innovations signal, i.e., the component of the sensor signal that is not (linearly) predictable from the past.Authorized licensed use limited to: MIT Libraries. Downloaded on November 14, 2009 at 10:40 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 20092429The standardized signal can be expressed in terms of in a natural feedback form, which is called forward substitution in the context of numerical linear algebraTABLE I RESULTSfor . Here refers to the block matrix. as a We now choose our basis for asblock of , interpretedwhere block lower triangular. The functions are are also block lower triangular, since the composition of the block lower triangular function and the lower triangular function is also block lower triangular. Since we know that the entries of have zero mean and unit variance, we can choose nonlinear functions appropriate for this range saturates the th comof values. As a simple example, suppose that ponent of at the levelwhereand the saturation functionis defined asA choice of on the order of one would place the saturation level near the standard deviation of , and is likely to produce an interesting nonlinear function; in contrast, the choice would result in with probability at least 0.99, by the Chebyshev inequality. VI. EXAMPLE In this section we describe our numerical example. Space limitations do not allow us to give a full discussion of, or specification of, our example here; for much more detail about this example, and all data and code for it, see [1]. We consider a tracking problem with a scalar input, disturbance, sensor, and output signals. The tracking error, which is also the sensor signal, is given byWe compare the performance of the nonlinear controller found using our method to the optimal linear controller, designed using the same training set (see [53]), and the certainty-equivalent model predictive control (CE-MPC). We also show the results obtained with a prescient controller, i.e., a controller that is not causal (which, of course, gives us a lower bound on achievable performance). The results are shown in Table I, along with the performance of the (non-causal) prescient controller, which provides a lower bound on achievable performance. We can see that the nonlinear controller beats the optimal linear controller and CE-MPC. Its performance is around 30% higher than the lower bound given by the (non-causal) prescient controller. As mentioned in Section V, the almost-sure constraint on is guaranteed to hold for all samples in the training set, but not for samples from the validation set. It does however hold with very high probability. For the optimal linear controller, the constraint is violated for 0.16% of the samples in the validation set. For the nonlinear controller, it is violated for only 0.04% of the samples, and when these violations occur, they are very small, with typically a fraction of one percent larger than . VII. CONCLUSION We have shown that the problem of finding the optimal nonlinear controller, for a stochastic control problem with linear dynamics and convex cost and constraint functions, can itself be cast as an infinite-dimensional convex stochastic optimization problem, after a nonlinear change of variables. After choosing a finite-dimensional basis, this problem can be approximately solved using standard techniques for numerical solution of stochastic convex optimization problems. The (big) question that remains is: How should one choose the finitedimensional basis of nonlinear operators over which to search? Unlike the case of linear controllers, where this question can be answered, we know of no satisfactory general method for choosing this basis. The standardization technique described above at least sets the approximate range of input values for the basis elements, but does not answer the general question of how they should be chosen. Numerical results show that the method (even when the basis is chosen in an ad hoc way) synthesizes controllers with good, and often competitive, performance.(Thus and .) Here we interpret signal to track; we assume it has zero mean and covariance objective is the mean-square tracking erroras the . OurThe actuator input signalmust satisfy the (almost sure) constraintNow we describe (our basis for) uration levels. We take be to. Letbe positive sat-REFERENCES[1] J. Skaf and S. Boyd, Nonlinear Q-Design for Convex Stochastic Control Tech. Rep., 2008 [Online]. Available: /~boyd/papers/nonlin_Q_param.html [2] S. Boyd and C. Barratt, Linear Controller Design: Limits of Performance. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991. [3] B. Anderson and J. Moore, Optimal Control—Linear Quadratic Methods. 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INTRODUCTION The class of neutral time delay systems (NTDS) is characterized by the presence of delays not only at the system state, but also at its derivaManuscript received February 03, 2009; revised June 21, 2009. First published September 18, 2009; current version published October 07, 2009. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic under Project 1M0567. Recommended by Associate Editor Z. Wang. The authors are with the Center for Applied Cybernetics and Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague 166 07, Czech Republic (e-mail:; Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2009.20293010018-9286/$26.00 © 2009 IEEEAuthorized licensed use limited to: MIT Libraries. Downloaded on November 14, 2009 at 10:40 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.。