• 语言学家研究语言,可以在两个地方找 到它的踪影。(p16页)
• 一是在说出的话(作品)里——语言的客观 存在形式首先表现为有声的口头语言即 口语,而当出现了文字以后,又表现为 有形的书面语言即书面语。
• 二是存在于说话人的脑子里。
第二节 语言是符号系统
• 三、言语和语言
第四节 语言学的任务
• (三)希腊-罗马 • 1.希腊 • 狄俄尼修斯·特拉克斯《语法术》
(前1世纪)——第一部系统的希腊 语法。 • 阿波洛尼·狄斯科勒斯《论句法》 (前2世纪)——西方第一部句法著 作。
第四节 语言学的任务
• 2.古罗马 • 全盘继承了希腊人的文化,照搬希腊语
法体系,硬套在拉丁语上。 • 多纳图斯《语法学》(4世纪)——西
• 五百罗汉渡江,岸畔波心千佛子; • 一位美人映月,人间天上两婵娟。
第四节 语言学的任务
• 一、语言学的三大发源地
• 中国、印度、希腊-罗马
• (一)古代中国
• “小学”:音韵学、训诂学和文字学
• (二)古代印度(吠陀时期起,约前 1200-前1000)
❖ 语法学:巴尼尼语法
• (一)功能
• 1.人类语言功能开放
• 是个开放的系统,能够传递的信息无限 的丰富多样。能够造出无穷的句子,能 传递无限多的信息。
• 2.动物“语言”封闭
• 是现场的刺激引起的,所能传递的信息
第一节 语言是人类特有的财富 一、为什么语言是人类特有的
• a.想说什么说什么 b.想啥时说啥时说 c.一种话多样说 d.想说多少说多少 e.话里有话(正话反说,反话正说) f.有的说,没的也说
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
meaning in a context of language use. Wife: Oh ,darling, I like this gold earring very
much. Husband: You know, I’m now out of job. What is the semantic meaning of the 2
----A person who studies linguistics is known as a linguist.
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
II The major branches of linguistics
sentences? What is the pragmatical meaning?
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
2.7 Sociolinguistics(社会语言学)is the study of
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
Ⅲ Some important distinctions in
ran away with the gun.
Language is hierarchical. Stratification is the physical manifestation of the infinite use of finite means
3. Creativity ( 创 造 性 ) : language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness Words can be used in new ways to mean new things. Language has its potential to create endless sentences. e.g. He bought a book which was written by a teacher who taught in a school which was known for its graduates who…
朱永生, “论语言符号的任意性与象似性”, 《外语教学与研究》2002年第1期
Design features of language
2. Duality ( 二 重 性 ) : the property of having two levels of structures, units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization The mad man
chapter 1(1) 英语语言学,第一章
We find the subject of language intriguing and useful for many different reasons. Language can be used as a way of finding out more about how the brain works, how damage to the brain results in certain kind of language disorders, how children learn language, how people learn and teach different languages, why people use different varieties of language, why there are linguistic differences between different groups, and how scientists make the computer work in a more human-like manner. …
system of lexicogrammar and a system of semantics. ❖ Everyone speaks a dialect. ❖ Language slowly changes.
❖ Speakers of all languages employ a range of styles and a set of jargons.
❖ final exam: 70%
Books for Reference
❖ 《现代语言学简明教程》 梅德明编著,上海 外语教育出版社。
Linguistics●Why study linguistics?Linguistics is the scientific study of language. (Lyons,1968).the process of linguistic study1st : O bserving & questioning2nd: Formulating hypotheses3rd: Verifying the hypotheses4th: Proposing a theoryFour principles in linguistics study:●exhaustiveness●consistency●economy●objectivity(大连外语考研)●Language and LinguisticsLinguistics:a brilliant and fascinating exploration of the basic weapon by which man has advanced from savagery to civilization.-----Mario Pei马里奥·佩●“We sometimes overlook the fact that th ere is much that we can knowand need to know about our universe and ourselves. By the same token, we are too prone to reject knowledge for which we cannot find an immediate practical application.”Chapter 1When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the “human essence”, the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. (Noam Chomsky, 1972, Language and Mind)●乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky, 1928--)●“Chomsky is currently among the most-cited writers in all of the humanities(behind only Marx, Lenin, Shakespeare, Aristotle, Plato, and Freud) and the only living number of the top ten.” (Pinker,1994)● 1. What is Language?●Definitions of Language:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Key words:Language as systemSound <Phonetics发音学< Phonology 音韵学Structure <morphology 形态学<Syntax 句法学meaning <Semantics语义学<Pragmatics 语用学●Definitions of Language:●Language is a means of verbal communication.It is instrumental; it is social and conventional.(P3)2.Origin of language●The …Divine‟ origin:●The “bow-wow” theory “汪汪理论”●Imitation of the sounds of the animal●OnomatopoeicProblematic (P9)●The “pooh-pooh” theory噗噗理论●instinctive sounds of pain, anger and joy.●interjections●Problematic (P9)●The “yo-he-ho” theory“哟-嗬-哟理论”rhythmic grunts●Problematic (P9)● 3. Design Features of Language●Design features (本质特征) refer to the defining properties of human languagethat distinguish it from any animal system of communication. (P4)●Language distinguishes human beings from animals in that it is far moresophisticated than any animal communication system.● 2.Design features2.1 Arbitrariness2.2 Duality2.3 Creativity2.4 Displacement● 1. Arbitrariness●--Ferdinand de Saussure 索绪尔(Swiss)●the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural (logical, intrinsic)relationship to their meaning●At lexical level:词汇层面“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”---Shakespeare in Romeo and JulietCan onomatopoeia change the arbitrary nature of language?●at the syntactic level●language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level.●(a) He came in and sat down.●(b) He sat down and came in.●(c) He sat down after he came in.Arbitrariness and convention●Duality(双重性)●Duality means that language has two levels of structure, the primary leveland the secondary level.●At secondary level are elements which have no meaning but which combine toform units at primary level which do have meaning.●Secondary level is made up of meaningless sounds, and primary level ofmeaningful words.●Does the traffic light system have duality?Creativity (创造性)Recursiveness (递归性)means that one sentence can expand into endless possible sentences in a way of recurring.Displacement (移位性)●Displacement enables us to talk about a wide range of things.Unlike animal communication systems, human language is ()(电子科大2003考研)(p8)A.Stimulus freeB.Stimulus boundC.Under immediate stimulus controlD.Stimulated by some occurrence of communal interest4. Functions of language1 Informative(信息功能)2 Interpersonal function(人际功能)It embodies the use of language to express, establish and maintain social relations. The ways you talk to different people show your social status.3 Performativ e (施为功能)It means that language is also used to “do things”, to perform actions.It is primarily to change the social status of a person, or the state of a thing.4 Emotive function(感情功能)It is the use of language to reveal some feelings and attitudes of the speaker.5 Phatic communion (寒暄功能)It refers to language used for maintaining social contact rather than exchanging information or ideas.6 Recreational function (娱乐功能)It refers to the use of language for the sheer joy of using it.7. Metalingual function (元语言功能)The metalingual function is used to clarify meanings or what the other personhas said.5. Important Distinctions1 Descriptive vs. prescriptive2 Synchronic vs. diachronic3 Langue vs. parole4 Competence vs. performance1 Descriptive vs. Prescriptive (描写式和规定式)A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for correct behavior.The description of a language at any one time is a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.__________ studies a particular state of language;__________ studies the historical development of a language.Parole refers to the realization of langue._______: abstract_______: specific_______: stable and systematic_______: subject to personal and situational constraintsAs a social product, langue is a set of conventions that members of a speech community seem to abide by. Parole, on the other hand, is the concrete use of the conventions.Competence is the language user’s intuitive knowledge of his language.Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances.A speaker’s competence is s_____, but his performance is often influenced by p___________ factors.Where does the knowledge of language come from?Chomsky’s solution is to invoke the innate properties of the mind.What is the difference between these two pairs of distinction?Similarity:Difference:Saussure looks at language from a ___________ point of view;Chomsky looks at it more from a _____________ point of view.According to Saussure and Chomsky, which should be studied, the abstract knowledge or the actual speech?The significance of these two distinctions lies in defining the task of linguistics, which is to discover langue from instances of parole, to discover the language knowledge of the speaker from his performances.。
新编语言学教程 Chapter 1 Introduction(课堂PPT)
1.2 Linguistics vs. Traditional grammar 1.3 The differences between linguistics and
• The course is intended to introduce undergraduates the major components of modern linguistics, the main concerns, explorations, and discoveries of this subject, the principles and methods of its different branches, the views and contributions of influential researchers, and important models and disputes between traditions and schools.
The scope or major branches of linguistics
• Theoretical linguistics 1. Phonetics 2. Phonology 3. Morphology 4. Syntax 5. Semantics • Use of linguistics 1. Applied linguistics 2. Sociolinguistics 3. Psycholinguistics
1.1.2 Linguistics as a science
旗语、电报等交际工具,是建立在语言和文字的基础 上辅助性的交际工具。
人们在运用语言进行交际的时候,脸部的表情、手的 动作乃至整个躯体的姿态等非语言的东西也都参加进 来。这就是说,交际的时候除了运用语言工具以外。 还可以运用一些非语言的交际工具。有些时候,离开 某些特定的伴随动作,语言的交际还可能发生故障, 不如身势等非语言的交际手段。例如,鼓掌欢迎,举 手为礼。挥手送别,伸舌表示惊讶,等等。在这种情 况下.如果用语言来表达就显得非常笨拙,甚至难以 完成特定的交际任务。这就是说,这种伴随动作也是 一种交际工具,不过使用的范围非常有限,只能起辅 助性的交际作用,以补充语言交际的某些不足。它们 都是在语言的基础上产生的,必须有语言的交际为基 础,预先有了一定的了解,对方才能领会。
这些词按照一定的规则组合成句子,而这 些规则也是交谈双方了解的。
2、语言和言语的关系 ①言语是个人的、动态的;语言是社会的、 静态的。个人的言语不能违反社会公认的语 言规则,要利用社会所公认的词语。 ②语言存在于言语之中,言语是语言存在的 形式。没有言语就无所谓语言。 ③言语是运用语言的行为和结果。
诗意的功能 poetic function(to indulge in language for its own sake);
意动的功能 conative function(to persuade and influence others through commands and entreaties);
指称的功能 referential function(to convey massage and information);
语言学教程第一章 PPT
Why bother to study linguistics
It makes you distinct from mere English learners and English speakers.
➢Time for the course:two sessions, one year
➢Assessment method: final examination (70%) +attendance+homework Miss more than six classes, fail; Leave of absence for private affairs for more than eleven classes, fail.
What is special about language of linguistics?
• Language of commonsense Vs. Language of science
• The discourse of science cannot translate into commonsense without lost of meaning.
How to study
➢ 网络教学平台
➢ Preview and review ➢ Relate it to your daily language use,
use it as a tool to explain
➢ An official account in Wechat : 语言学 午餐Ling-Lunch
2. 应用语言学 (可分广义和狭义) 狭义应用语言学:把语言理论的研究应用 于语言教学。 广义应用语言学:学科间的渗透产生的语 言学部分,如社会语言学、心理语言学等。
1. 语言变体 (1)语言的地域变体 (2)语言的社会变体 2. 双语现象:同一言语集体中存在两种及以上的语言
尼日耳:阿拉伯语、富尔富尔德语、古 尔曼斯语、豪萨语、卡努里语、
桑海一扎尔马语、塔马亚语、图布语( 共8种)
南 非:佩地语、索托语、茨瓦纳语、斯 威士语、文达语、聪加语、阿非利坎语、 英语、恩德贝莱语、科萨语、祖鲁语(
1786年英国的Sir William Jones(威廉·琼斯)在皇家 亚洲学会宣读的论文《三周年演说》中指出:“梵语跟希 腊语、拉丁语以及日耳曼语有共同的结构特点。”为了纪
2. 语言的发生和接收 言语生成是一个复杂的心理过程。它 由几个基本的心理环节组成。有人假设, 先有概念或命题,通过组合即语法) 插入词汇成分和语法成分,再得出语音 形式,通过声波传递出去。
四、语言学的功用 1. 理论上
2. 应用上 (1)语言政策 (2) 语文教学 3 翻译 4 信息传递 1) 资料检索 2) 机器翻译 3)人工智能
第一章 0 绪论
本章讨论四个问题: 一、语言学的对象、任务、方法 二、语言学的发展简史 三、语言学的分类 四、语言学的功用
语言学教程第一章ppt语言学教程胡壮麟主编Contents ?Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics Chapter 2 Speech Sounds(Phonetics) Chapter 3 From Morpheme to Phrase (Morphology)Chapter 4 From Word to Text(Syntax) Chapter 5 Meaning(Semantics)Chapter 6 Language and Cognition ?Chapter 8 Language in Use(Pragmatics)Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics ?1.1 Why study linguistics?1.2 What is language?1.3 Features of language1.4. Origin of language1.5. Functions of language1.6. What is linguistics1.7 Main branches of linguistics1.8. Macrolinguistics1.9 Important distinctions in linguisticsLead-inQestion1: Other animals can beat us in many different ways, but what makes us superior to all of them?Qestion2: Why are children easy to undrstand their mother's tongue??Qestion3: Why do people in different social classes speak in different ways??Qestion4: Why is it "I love you" in English, but "私はあなたを愛して" in Japanese?1.2 What is language ?Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.__ by (英)沃德霍(Wardhaugh,R.)1.3 Design Features of languageArbitrarinessDualityCreativityDisplacement1.3.1 Arbitrariness ?Arbitrariness: the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning –Saussure.Eg: name,book,pen(1) Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning.Eg: Hi, Aha,Hush, Hem, Hey.(2) Arbitrariness at the syntactic level: according to systemic-functionalists and American functionalists, language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level. In other words, syntax is less arbitrary than words.Eg: He came in and sat down.(3) Idiom is not arbitrary.Eg: apple-polisher, black sheep, a yellow dog.1.3.2 DualityDuality (double articulation)Lower level----sounds (meaningless Eg: Consonants and Vowels)Higher level----meaning (larger units of meaning Eg: word)A communication system with duality is considered more flexible than one without it, for a far greater number of messages can be sent.A small number of sounds can be grouped and regrouped into a large number of units of meaning (words), and the units of meaning can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite number of sentences. (we make dictionary of a1.3.3 CreativityPeculiar to human languages,users of language can understand and produce sentences they have never heard before, e.g. we can understand sentence like “A red-eyed elephant is dancing on the hotel bed”, though it does not describe a common happening in the world.Eg: 说曹操曹操到(not refer to Cao Cao himself)1.3.4 Displacement----Language can be used to refer to things, which are not present: real or imagined matters, in the past, present or future, or in far-away places.Eg: 911 events , New York1.4. Origin of language语言的起源是语言学的基本理论问题之一。
考场作文。 ❖ C 这位老师解答学生疑问时,语言干净利落,浅显易懂。 ❖ D 两个人没有共同语言怎么能在一起生活。 ❖ E 领导干部做群众工作时要掌握一定的语言艺术。 ❖ F 交际功能是语言的本质属性。 ❖ G 文学作品需要塑造典型人物,典型人物有其典型语言。
第一章 语言的功能
❖ 语言与言语的区别与联系
❖ 语言的性质:
❖ 语言的功能:
社会功能 和 思维功能
“言语”(parole) “语言”(langue)
语言≠言语 ≠英语、汉语、俄语 =人类语言的现象和行为总结出来的规律
人际互动功能是建立或保持某种社会关联,通 过语言人们建立并维持他们在社会中的身份 地位。
第一,交际活动是由说者和听者双方 共同参与的,而不是单方面的事情。
第二,交际功能只是语言的基本社会功能,除此以 外,还有其他的功能,如:调节情绪、思维工具等。
❖其实,不仅是一个国家、民族 的语言能带给该团体内的成员 很强烈的归属感、认同感,不 同的方言同样也有类似的效果。
❖“老乡见老乡,两眼泪汪汪。” ❖“乡音未改鬓毛衰”
第二节 语言的思维功能
一、语言和思维的关系 (一)思维及其分类 1、什么是思维
Байду номын сангаас
闭塞 闭塞 鼻音 闭塞 闭塞 鼻音
不送气 送气
不送气 送气
音位通过区别特征和其他音位相联系,聚合成群。 双向聚合:体现音位的系统性、有相同的语音组合规
则。 单向聚合:在组合和演变中表现特殊。
语言研究主要从结构规律、社会功能、语言与 思维的关系几方面着眼,有共时和历时研究、理论 和应用研究、宏观和微观研究等不同领域。 三、语言学科的前景及其应用价值
语言学的方法和成果被广泛地应用到许多学科 领域,前景非常广阔。
第一节 重要概念:语言、言语、言语活动 重点掌握:语言的客观存在形式。语言和言语的区分。
语音的物理属性、生理属性、心理属性和 社会属性。
1上下唇 2上下齿
12声带 13喉头
14气管 15食道
16口腔 17鼻腔
1,音素 从音质角度切分出来的最小的语音单位。
2,两类音素: a,辅音音素 b,元音音素
3,音标 专门用来记录语音的符号。
俗成的,有规律可循而又成系统的部分,是一个均 质的,抽象的实体。 言语是言语活动中去除语言部分所剩余的部分,是 言语活动中个别的特殊的部分,具有个人特色。
第一节 什么是语言(续二)
3、语言和言语的统一 语言体现在言语中,没有言语就无法体会语言; 言语中包含着语言,没有语言就无法产生相互明白
❖ 一.语言、言语的含义
❖ 例1:老王激动得很厉害,连语言都无伦次了。 ❖ 例2:茅盾是运用语言的楷模,他的语言很值得我们学习。 ❖ 例3:小王和小张虽然住在一个屋檐下,却始终没有共同
语言,最后还是散伙了。 ❖ 例4:《三国演义》第45回:“周瑜梦中做忽觉之状,故
问那人曰:‘床上睡着何人?答曰:‘都督请子翼同寝。 何故忘却?’瑜懊悔曰:‘吾平日未尝饮醉,昨日醉后 失事,不知可曾说甚言语?’” ❖ 例5:《三国演义》第46回:“且说黄盖卧于帐中,诸将 皆来动问,盖不言语,但长吁而已。”
❖ 另一方面,没有言语就无所谓语言,语言 存在于社会集体的言语当中,语言的词语 和语法规则就是从大量的言语中概括出来 的。
例:“语言的句子”和“言语的句 子”
❖ 例:“男同志就是游泳裤。” ❖ N1就是N2的结构模式是表判断的,N1和N2同一,在句型上
是判断主谓句。 ❖ 但男同志是人,万物之灵,游泳裤是物,人制造出来的东西,
❖ 他们将狗的叫声用录音设备记录下来,随后在计 算机上进行数字化处理,然后研究人员使用计算 机软件研究这些狗的叫声,以便分析 这些叫声 的不同之处。
❖ 研究人员发现,计算机基本能正确地辨别狗 的叫声,计算机在分析狗所表达“打架”和“陌 生者”这两种叫声时非常准确,高达43%。尽管 辨别的成功率不是很高,但是这个数字是人类无 法比拟的。科学家表示,这个分析软件的识别率 还有待于改善。
现场直播 ❖问:你理解动物吗? ❖一只麻雀的凄婉故事
第二节 语言的思维功能
• 认知语言学的观点:语言以认知为前提,认知先于
• 理据:
– 儿童会说话之前已能够辨别物体的颜色、大小 和形状;能够将图片上的东西归类堆放;给他 帽子他很自然会戴在头上。
– 这些现象说明:儿童先有意识、思想,后才习பைடு நூலகம்得语言。
第二节 语言的思维功能
• 二、语言思维功能的生理基础
• 归纳:
–语言是人类最重要的交际工具。 –文字是建立在语言基础上的一种最重要的辅助
性交际工具。 –旗语之类是建立在语言文字基础上的辅助性交
际工具。 –体态语等伴随动作是非语言的交际工具。
第一节 语言的社会功能
• 语言的人际互动功能——建立和保持某种 社会关联。包括两方面:
– 决不能把聋哑人不能说话和其他动物不能说话的情形相提并论。 其他动物的大脑,左右两半球没有专门分工,没有专门管语言的 大脑机构,而且发音器官也发不出人类语言那样多种多样的音, 因此他们根本不可能学会语言,这与聋哑人失去语言能力是根本 不可能的两回事情。
第二节 语言的思维功能
• 四、关于聋哑人的语言和思维
第一节 语言的社会功能
• 语言的社会功能
– 语言的信息传递功能
语言的功能中最基本的功能是信息传递功能。 如:发布通知等 横向传递和纵向传递
• 文字:写信;写小纸条 • 旗语、 • 灯光语、 • 标志语、 • 体态语(摇头) • 借物传情(信):花语;戒指 • 各种代码……
the common features of all human languages (e.g. He studies language) a tool for human communication. (social function) a set of rules. (rule-governed)
languages is sound, no matter how well developed their writing systems are. Writing systems came much later than the spoken forms. e. g. Small children learn and can only learn to speak and listen before they write or read indicates that language is primarily vocal, rather than written. People with little or no literacy can also be competent language users.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Language slowly changes. Speakers of all language employ a range of styles and a set of jargons. Languages are intimately related to the societies and individuals who use them. Writing is derivative of speech.
A system----since elements in it are
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Linguistics: A Course Book 语言学教程胡壮麟主编Contents •Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics Chapter 2 Speech Sounds(Phonetics) Chapter 3 From Morpheme to Phrase (Morphology)Chapter 4 From Word to Text(Syntax) Chapter 5 Meaning(Semantics)Chapter 6 Language and Cognition •Chapter 8 Language in Use(Pragmatics)Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics •1.1 Why study linguistics?•1.2 What is language?•1.3 Features of language•1.4. Origin of language•1.5. Functions of language•1.6. What is linguistics•1.7 Main branches of linguistics•1.8. Macrolinguistics•1.9 Important distinctions in linguisticsLead-in•Qestion1: Other animals can beat us in many different ways, but what makes us superior to all of them?•Qestion2: Why are children easy to undrstand their mother's tongue?•Qestion3: Why do people in different social classes speak in different ways?•Qestion4: Why is it "I love you" in English, but "私はあなたを愛して" in Japanese?1.2 What is language •Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.__ by (英)沃德霍(Wardhaugh,R.)1.3 Design Features of language•Arbitrariness•Duality•Creativity•Displacement1.3.1 Arbitrariness •Arbitrariness: the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning –Saussure.Eg: name,book,pen•(1) Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning.•Eg: Hi, Aha,Hush, Hem, Hey.•(2) Arbitrariness at the syntactic level: according to systemic-functionalists and American functionalists, language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level. In other words, syntax is less arbitrary than words.•Eg: He came in and sat down.•(3) Idiom is not arbitrary.•Eg: apple-polisher, black sheep, a yellow dog.1.3.2 Duality•Duality (double articulation)•Lower level----sounds (meaningless Eg: Consonants and Vowels)•Higher level----meaning (larger units of meaning Eg: word)•A communication system with duality is considered more flexible than one without it, for a far greater number of messages can be sent.A small number of sounds can be grouped and regrouped into a large number of units of meaning (words), and the units of meaning can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite number of sentences. (we make dictionary of a1.3.3 Creativity•Peculiar to human languages,users of language can understand and produce sentences they have never heard before, e.g. we can understand sentence like “A red-eyed elephant is dancing on the hotel bed”, though it does not describe a common happening in the world.•Eg: 说曹操曹操到(not refer to Cao Cao himself)1.3.4 Displacement•----Language can be used to refer to things, which are not present: real or imagined matters, in the past, present or future, or in far-away places.•Eg: 911 events , New York1.4. Origin of language•语言的起源是语言学的基本理论问题之一。
1.4. Origin of language•第一种文字图画文字。
拉丁字母表与斯拉夫字母表以及阿拉伯字母表一起是世界上通行1.5 Functions of language •Jakobson:referential;poetic;emotive;conative(意动的);phatic(交感的);metalingual function •Halliday : ideational; interpersonal; textual •Informative•Interpersonal•Performative•Emotive•Phatic communion•Recreational•Metalingual1.5.1 Informative •Language is the instrument of thought and people often feel need to speak their thoughts aloud, for instance, when they are working on a math problem.1.5.3 Performative•(1) This concept originates from the philosophical study of language represented by Austin and Searle.•(2) The performative function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons, as in marriage ceremonies, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children, the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies.•Eg: Kill him!•Fire!1.5.2 Interpersonal Function •Interpersonal function, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society.1.5.4 Emotive Function •The emotive function of language is one of the most powerful uses of language because it is crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something.•Eg: My God! Oh, Darling!•Damn it!•Go to hell!•Shit!1.5.5 Phatic Communion •(1) The term PHATIC COMMUNION originates from Malinowski’s study of the functions of language perfomed by Trobriand Islanders.•(2) It refers to the social interaction of language, maintains a comfortable relationship between people without involving any factual content.•Eg: Chinese people always say "吃了吗?" when first meeting, but English say "How is the weather today?"1.5.6 Recreational Function •It refers to the use of language for the sheer joy.•Eg: Singing, QQ chatting, QQgame.1.5.7 Metalingual Function •Our language can be used to talk about itself. Writers employ certain expressions to keep their readers informed about where they are and where they are going.1.6 What is Linguistics? Linguistics: it’s usually defined as the science of language or, alternatively, as the scientific study of language.•Linguistics has firmly established its place as a major branch of humanities and social sciences as well.1.7 Main Branches of Linguistics •It is generally agreed that linguistics should include at least five parameters, namely, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic.1.7.1 Phonetics •Phonetics: it studies speech sounds, including the production of speech(言语), that is how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received, the description and classification of speech sounds, words and connected speech, etc.1.7.2 Phonology •Phonology: it studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape ofsyllables(音节). It deals with the sound system of a language by treating phoneme as the point of departure.•Phoneme(音位): it’s the smallest linguistic unit of sound that can signal(区分) a difference in meaning.1.7.3 Morphology •Morphology: it’s concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units of meaning –morphemes and word-formation processes.•As morphemes are pairings of sounds with meanings, there are many complexities involved, forming a new field by the name morphology.1.7.5 Semantics •Semantics: it examines how meaning is encoded in a language.1.7.4 Syntax•Syntax: it’s about principles of forming and understanding correct English sentences. The form or structure of a sentence is governed by the rules of syntax.These rules specify word order, sentence organization, and the relationships between words, word class and other sentence elements.•Eg: a. The children watched [the firework from the hill].• b. The children watched [the firework from the hill].1.8 Macrolinguistics•Psycholinguistics •Sociolinguistics •Anthropological Linguistics •Computational Linguistics1.7.6 Pragmatics •Pragmatics: it’s the study of meaning in context. In other words, pragmatics is concerned with the way language is used to communicate rather than with the way language is internally structured.1.9 Important Distinctions inLinguistics•Descriptive(描写式) vs. Prescriptive(规定式)•Synchronic(共时) vs. Diachronic(历时)•Langue(语言) & Parole(言语)•Competence(语言能力) and Performance(语言应用)1.9.4 Competence and Performance •This fundamental distinction is discussed by Chomsky in his Aspects of the Theory of Syntax(句法理论的若干问题). •Competence: unconscious knowledge ofthe system of grammatical rules in a language. •Performance: it refers to the language actually used by people in speaking or writing.1.9.1 Descriptive vs. Prescriptive •Descriptive ----describe/analyze linguistic facts observed or language people actually use (modern linguistic)•Prescriptive ----lay down rules for “correct and standard”linguistic behavior in using language (traditional grammar), i.e.to tell people what they should say and what they should not say.•The distinction lies in prescribing how things ought to be and describing how things are.•The nature of linguistics as a science determines its preoccupation with description instead of prescription.•Eg: Do/Don't say X.•People do/don't say X.1.9.2 Synchronic vs. Diachronic •Synchronic study----description of a languageat some point of time(modern linguistics)•Diachronic study----description of a languagethrough time (historicaldevelopment oflanguage over a periodof time)1.9.3 Langue & Parole •Langue ----the language system shared by " speech community".•Parole ----the concrete utterances of a speaker.•Saussure takes a sociological view of language and his notion of langue is a matter of social conventions.Thinking Questions•1. Does the traffic light system have duality? •2. The following are some well-known ambiguous sentences in syntactic studies of language. Can you disambiguate them?• a. The chicken is too hot to eat.• b. Flying planes can be dangerous.Homeworks•1. Explain the following linguistical terms in English.•Arbitrariness; Duality; Performative function of language; Phatic Communion of language; Phonology; Morphology; Syntax; Semantics; Pragmatics;•2. Explain the distinctions between the following terms in English.•Descriptive vs. Prescriptive•Langue & Parole•Competence and Performance。