英国留学申请+工作面试 常问问题汇总(已排版,可直接打印)
【优质】英国留学签证面试会被问到的问题介绍word版本 (1页)
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英国面签问题集锦Hi, I’m Nikki from British Embassy; I am responsible for your visa interview today. During the interview, I will ask you a few questions, please feel relax and you are welcome to stop me whenever you need.·出国前的学习经历1.你现在就读哪个学校?或你是从哪个学校毕业的?Which school did you graduate from?2.你现在就读的专业是什么?或你毕业的专业是什么?What was your major?3.你读的课程级别是什么?What’s the academic level of your course?4.你在这个学校学制是怎样的?从何时到何时?Please tell me the start and end dates for your course of study.5.请列举至少三门你学过的课程。
List at least three courses you' ve learned.6.你认为你学过的课程里面哪门课程最有意思?Among the courses you have learned, which is the most interesting one?7.你有特殊的学习经历么?比如长时间的空档期?Do you have any special learning experience? Like a gap year?8.你有出国学习经历么?Do you have experience studying abroad?9.你学校的地点在哪里?Where is your University located in the UK.10.你总共学了多少门课?How many courses have you learned?11.你的雅思成绩如何?What is your IELTS score?12.雅思成绩的单项呢?How is the score in each part of your IELTS.13.你认为自己对这个专业感兴趣么?Are you interested in your major?14.你认为自己的雅思成绩反映了你的英语能力么?Do you think your IELTS score reflects your English language ability?15.你的成绩单是真实的么?Is your transcript original?·到英国后的学习计划16.你将去哪个英国学校读书?Give me the full name of your University in the UK.17.你要读的专业是什么?请告诉我准确的专业名称。
签证培训一、常规的签证问题1.你去英国学习什么课程?What are you going to study in the UK?(Notes:如果先读语言课,然后读本科/研究生等课程,一定要注意回答完整,例如:I will firstly study Pre-sessional English course from XX to XX, then I will study MA XX programme in XX university…)2.所学课程都什么时候开课?将学些什么?你的学习计划是怎样的?你要在英国呆多长时间(将学些什么?比如语言课程,那就回答听说读写等语言课包含的具体课程。
学习计划是怎样的,则回答,我将花多长时间上语言,然后读什么正课)When will the course start?/What will you study in this programme?/What’s you study plan?/ How long will you study in UK?3. 你是否曾在英国学习过?读了什么课程?读了多久?Have you ever studied in the UK before? What program ? How Long?4. 你是否被英国拒签过?什么时间?为什么?你是否去过其他国家?Have you ever been refused a visa by UK? When? Why?Have you ever been to other countries?5.你是否在英国申请过延期签证?为什么申请?结果如何?Have you applied for Further Leave to Remain in UK? What’s the result?6.你将达到什么英语水平才能上专业课?你现在有英语成绩吗?What’s the language requirement for MA/BA/GD program? Have you taken any language test?7.你本科/研究生要读什么课程?你为什么要选择这个课程?What will you study in undergraduate or postgraduate Program? Why you choose it?8. What’s your Chinese School? Have you graduated?在中国哪所学校就读,毕业了吗?9. 你的学费是多少?How much is your tuition fee? How much will you spend totally?10. How many hours will you study per week?每周上多少小时课?11.为什么选择这所大学?Why choose this university?12. 谁将支付你的学费?Who will pay for you/ Who will support you/who will be your sponsor(担保人)?13.父母亲是做什么的?年薪是多少?What’s your parents’job/What do your parents do for a living? What’s their annual salary?(如果申请去英国读硕士学生在回答这个问题的时候,父母的年薪总收入应该在13万以上;申请预科和本科的学生父母年薪总收入应该在20万以上。
• 你为什么选择这个学校
• 你为什么选择这个专业
• 你对你选择的这个专业,感兴趣的是哪些方面
• 你觉得自己能顺利过渡到大学的环境吗
• 所选择专业的相关问题(2-3个)
• 发散性思维的问题(1-2个)
• 针对PS里提到过的经历/学术经验的问题(1-2个)
• 你对自己未来方向的计划和想法
• 准备1-2个你自己对申请的大学的问题
面试问题和答案3:What makes this job different from your current/last one?The interviewer’s desire to uncover experience you are lacking.“Fromwhat I know of the job, I seem to have all the experience required tomake a thorough success. I would say that the major differences seem tobe…” and here play back the positive attributes of the department andcompany as the interviewer gave them to you.Do you have any questions?Why the job is open?How long have you been here? What is it about the company that keeps you here?What should I first assignment be?What type of training is available?Who should I report?How do you take direction?The interviewer wants to know whether you are open-minded and can be a team player.“Itake direction well and recognize that it can come in two varieties,depending on the circumstances. There is carefully explained direction,when my boss has time to lay things out for me in detail; then thereare those times when, as a result of deadlines and other pressures, thedirection might be brief and to the point. While I have seen somepeople get upset with that, personally I’ve always understood thatthere are probably other considerations I am not aware of. As such, Itake the direction and get on with the job without taking offense, somy boss can get on wi th her job. It’s the only way.”Would you like to have your boss’s job?Seeks to determine how goal-oriented and motivated you are in your work life.“Well,if my boss were promoted over the coming years, I would hope to havemade a consistent enough contribution to warrant his recommendation. Itis not that I am looking to take anyone’s job; rather, I am looking fora manager who will help me develop my capabilities and grow with him.”What do you think of your current/last boss?Short, sweet, and shut up.“I liked her as a person, respected her professionally, and appreciated her guidance.”Describe a situation where your work or an idea was criticized.How you handle criticism and to detail your faults.“Ilistened carefully and resisted the temptation to interrupt or defendmyself. Then I fed back what I heard to make sure the facts werestraight. I asked for advice, we bounced some ideas around, then I cameback later and represented the idea in a more viable format. Mysupervisor’s input was in valuable.”Tell me about yourself.Relevanceto the world of your professional endeavor, honesty, integrity, being ateam player, or determination. Keep answer to one or two minutes. Useresume summary as base to start.“Iput my heart into everything I do, whether it be sports or work. I findthat getting along with teammates-or professional peer-makes life moreenjoyable and productive.”How do you get along with different kinds of people?Howyou work in a team environment, and how you solicitand accept input,ideas, and viewpoints from a variety of sources. Give a quick, honest,illustration of learning from a coworker who is obviously differentfrom you in some way.Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten.Youare probably best claiming to be an eight or nine, saying that youalways give of your best, but that in doing so you always increase yourskills and therefore always see room for improvement.What kinds of things do you worry about?It is best to confine your answer to the sensible worries of a conscientious professional.“Iworry about deadlines, staff turnover, tardiness, backup plans for whenthe computer crashes, or that one of my auditors burns out or defectsto the competition―just the normal stuff. It goes with the territory,so I don’t l et it get me down.”What is the most difficult situation you have faced?How do you define difficult? And what was your handling of the situation?Must have story for this. Avoid talking about problems that have to dowith coworkers. You can talk about the difficult decision to firesomeone.What are some of the things that bother you?Show you can remain calm,“Ienjoy my work and believe in giving value to my employer. Dealing withclock-watchers and the ones who regularly get sick on Mondays andFridays really bothers me, but it’s not something that gets me angry oranything like that.”What have you done that shows initiative?Look for ways to increase sales, save time, or save money.What are some of the things about which you and your supervisor disagreed?Not disagree.In what areas do you feel your supervisor could have done a better job?“Ihave always had the highest respect for my supervisor. I have alwaysbeen so busy learning from Mr. Jones that I don’t think he could havedone a better job. He has really brought me to the point where I amready for greater challenges. That’s why I’m here.”What are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked?Smoke.(我面试的时候总是这样回答How well do you feel your boss rated your jobperformance?Ask for written evaluations of your work before leaving a company.“Mysupervisor always rated my job performance well. In fact, I was alwaysrated as being capable of accepting further responsibilities. Theproblem was there was nothing available in the company―that’s why I’mhere.”How did your boss get the best out of you?This is a manageability question.“Mylast boss got superior effort and performance by treating me like ahuman being and giving me the same personal respect with which shelike d to be treated herself.”How interested are you in sport?How to get along with others and pull together as a team.“Ireally enjoy most team sports. Don’t get a lot of time to indulgemyself, but I am a regular member of my company’s softball team.”What personal characteristics are necessary for success in your field?It’s a brief recital of key personal profiles.“To be successful in my field? Drive, motivation, energy, confidence, determination, good communication.”Do you prefer working with others or alone?Determine whether you are a team player.“I’mquite happy working alone when necessary. I don’t need much constantreassurance. But I prefer to work in a group―so much more gets achievedwhen people pull together.”Explain your role as a group/team member.Describe yourself as either a team player.“Iperform my job in a way that helps others to do theirs in an efficientfashion. Beyond the mechanics, we all have a responsibility to make theworkplace a friendly and pleasant place to be. That means everyoneworking for the common good and making the necessary personalsacrifices toward that good.”How would you define a conducive work atmosphere?Tricky question. Keep it short and sweet.“One where the team has a genuine interests in its work and desire to turn out a good product/deliver a good service.”Do you make your opinions known when you disagree with the views of your supervisor?Statethat you come from an environment where input is encouraged when ithelps the team’s ab ility to get the jobdone efficiently.“Ifopinions are sought in a meeting, I will give mine, although I amcareful to be aware of others’ feelings. I will never criticize acoworker or a superior in open forum; besides, it is quite possible todisagree without being disagreeable. However, my past manager made itclear that she valued my opinion by asking for it. So, after a while,if there was something I felt strongly about, I would make anappointment to sit down and discuss it one-on-one.”What would you say about a supervisor who was unfair or difficult to work with?“Iwould make an appointment to see the supervisor and diplomaticallyexplain that I felt uncomfortable in our relationship, that I felt heor she was not treating me as a professional colleague, and thereforethat I might not be performing up to standard in some way―that I wantedto right matters and ask for his input as to what I must do to create aprofessional relationship. I would enter into the discussion in theframe of mind that we were equally responsible for whatevercommunication problems existed, and that this wasn’t just the manager’sproblem.”Do you consider yourself a natural leader or born follower?“Nomatter how well developed any individual’s leadership qualities, anintegral part of the skills of a leader is to take direction from hisor her immediate boss, and also to seek the input of the people beingsupervised. The wise leader will always follow good advice and soundbusiness judgment wherever it comes from. I would say that given thedesire to be a leader, the true leader in the modern business worldmust embrace both.”Why do you feel you are a better assistant than some of your coworkers?“Ithink that question is best answered by a manager. It is so difficultto be objective, and I really don’t like to slight my coworkers. Idon’t spend my time thinking about how superior I am, because thatwould be detrimental to our working together as a team. I believe,however, some of the qualities that make me an outstanding are…”You hav e a doctor’s appointment arranged for noon. You’re waited two weeks to get in. An urgent meeting is scheduled at the last moment, though. What do you do?“If I were the manager who had to schedule a really important meeting at the last moment, and someone on my staff chose to go to the doctor’s instead, how would I feel?The first thing I would do is reschedule the appointment and save the doctor’s office inconvenience. Then I would immediately make sure I was properly prepared for the emergency meeting.”How do you manage to interview while still employed?Best to make the answer short and sweet and let the interviewer moves on to richer areas of inquiry.“I had some vacation time, so I went to my boss and explained I needed a couple of days off for some personal business, and asked her what days would be most suitable. Although I plan to change jobs, I don’t in any way want to hurt my current employer in the process by being absent during a crunch.”When do you expect a promotion?Tread warily, show you believe in yourself, and have both feet firmly planted on the ground.“That depends on a few criteria. Of course, I cannot expect promotions without the performance that marks me as deserving of promotion. I also need to join a company that has the growth necessary to provide the opportunity. I hope that my manager believes in promoting from within and will help me grow so that I will have the skills necessary to beconsidered for promotion when the opportunity comes along.”Tell me a story.Ask, “What would you like me to tell you a story about?” People who answer the question without qualifying show that they do not think through carefully. Tell a story that shows like people, willingness, and manageability. Don’t discuss love life.What have your other jobs taught you?Talk about the professional skills you have learned and the personality traits you have polished.“There are two general things I have learned from past jobs. First, if you are confused, ask―it’s better to ask a dumb que stion than make a stupid mistake. Second, it’s better to promise less and produce more than to make unrealistic forecasts.”。
英国学生签证面试问题清单汇总(建议稿)1. What’s your name?2. What’s your birthday?nameof your course?the3. What's4. What’s your nationality?5. Why do you choose this city?6. Why do you choose UK?7. Why do you choose this course?8. Why do you choose this University?9. When will you start your course?10. What will you do in the last year of your study?11. Why do you choose this programme of this university?12. What type of visa did you apply for?13. Do you know anyone at all in the UK? Do you know anyone in the UK? Doyou have any relatives or friends in UK?14. When will you arrive in UK?15. What’s your future study plan?16. Why would you intend to study in the UK rather than China?17. How long will you stay in the UK?18. Will you take any language courses? For how long?19. I’m not sure if you can get to the standard after taking language courses?20. Did you take IELTS exam?21. What are your tuition fees?22. How much would you cost in the UK? Do you know how much money doesit cost for the entire period of your study?23. What subjects will you take in the UK?24. Why would you choose Civil Engineering(替换成自己的专业) as your major?25. After graduation, which university will you apply for?26. What will you do after graduation? What's your plan after graduation?27. Where would you live in the UK?28. Will your parents go for a visit while you’re abroad?29. Will you take a (part-time) job in the UK?30. Have you paid for your tuition fees?31. Do you know much about your university? What kind of university it is?32. Can I know about your family?33. When did you get your passport? Is this the first time applying for a visa?34. Have you ever been refused a visa to go to any other countries?35. Do you understand the questions I mentioned/ asked?36. Do you satisfy the questions?2015年4月24日整理。
英国留学找⼯作⾯试常见问题与参考答案 ⾯试是每位正在求职的英国留学⽣都要⾯对的挑战,下⾯是店铺⼀位在英国留学⼯作的朋友搜集整理的找⼯作⾯试常见问题与参考答案,希望英国留学⽣们都能找到⼀份称⼼如意的⼯作。
⾯试问题和答案3: What makes this job different from your current/last one? The interviewer’s desire to uncover experience you are lacking.“Fromwhat I know of the job, I seem to have all the experience required tomake a thorough success. I would say that the major differences seem tobe…” and here play back the positive attributes of the department andcompany as the interviewer gave them to you. Do you have any questions? Why the job is open? How long have you been here? What is it about the company that keeps you here? What should I first assignment be? What type of training is available? Who should I report? How do you take direction? The interviewer wants to know whether you are open-minded and can be a team player. “Itake direction well and recognize that it can come in two varieties,depending on the circumstances. There is carefully explained direction,when my boss has time to lay things out for me in detail; then thereare those times when, as a result of deadlines and other pressures, thedirection might be brief and to the point. While I have seen somepeople get upset with that, personally I’ve always understood thatthere are probably other considerations I am not aware of. As such, Itake the direction and get on with the job without taking offense, somy boss can get on with her job. It’s the only way.” Would you like to have your boss’s job? Seeks to determine how goal-oriented and motivated you are in your work life. “Well,if my boss were promoted over the coming years, I would hope to havemade a consistent enough contribution to warrant his recommendation. Itis not that I am looking to take anyone’s job; rather, I am looking fora manager who will help me develop my capabilities and grow with him.” What do you think of your current/last boss? Short, sweet, and shut up. “I liked her as a person, respected her professionally, and appreciated her guidance.” Describe a situation where your work or an idea was criticized. How you handle criticism and to detail your faults. “Ilistened carefully and resisted the temptation to interrupt or defendmyself. Then I fed back what I heard to make sure the facts werestraight. I asked for advice, we bounced some ideas around, then I cameback later and represented the idea in a more viable format. Mysupervisor’s input was invaluable.” Tell me about yourself. Relevanceto the world of your professional endeavor, honesty, integrity, being ateam player, or determination. Keep answer to one or two minutes. Useresume summary as base to start. “Iput my heart into everything I do, whether it be sports or work. I findthat getting along with teammates-or professional peer-makes life moreenjoyable and productive.” How do you get along with different kinds of people? Howyou work in a team environment, and how you solicit and accept input,ideas, and viewpoints from a variety of sources. Give a quick, honest,illustration of learning from a coworker who is obviously differentfrom you in some way. Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten. Youare probably best claiming to be an eight or nine, saying that youalways give of your best, but that in doing so you always increase yourskills and therefore always see room for improvement. What kinds of things do you worry about? It is best to confine your answer to the sensible worries of a conscientious professional. “Iworry about deadlines, staff turnover, tardiness, backup plans for whenthe computer crashes, or that one of my auditors burns out or defectsto the competition―just the normal stuff. It goes with the territory,so I don’t let it get me down.” What is the most difficult situation you have faced? How do you define difficult? And what was your handling of the situation?Must have story for this. Avoid talking about problems that have to dowith coworkers. You can talk about the difficult decision to firesomeone. What are some of the things that bother you? Show you can remain calm, “Ienjoy my work and believe in giving value to my employer. Dealing withclock-watchers and the ones who regularly get sick on Mondays andFridays really bothers me, but it’s not something that gets me angry oranything like that.” What have you done that shows initiative? Look for ways to increase sales, save time, or save money. What are some of the things about which you and your supervisor disagreed? Not disagree. In what areas do you feel your supervisor could have done a better job? “Ihave always had the highest respect for my supervisor. I have alwaysbeen so busy learning from Mr. Jones that I don’t think he could havedone a better job. He has really brought me to the point where I amready for greater challenges. That’s why I’m here.” What are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked? Smoke.(我⾯试的时候总是这样回答 How well do you feel your boss rated your job performance? Ask for written evaluations of your work before leaving a company. “Mysupervisor always rated my job performance well. In fact, I was alwaysrated as being capable of accepting further responsibilities. Theproblem was there was nothing available in the company―that’s why I’mhere.” How did your boss get the best out of you? This is a manageability question. “Mylast boss got superior effort and performance by treating me like ahuman being and giving me the same personal respect with which sheliked to be treated herself.” How interested are you in sport? How to get along with others and pull together as a team. “Ireally enjoy most team sports. Don’t get a lot of time to indulgemyself, but I am a regular member of my company’s softball team.” What personal characteristics are necessary for success in your field? It’s a brief recital of key personal profiles. “To be successful in my field? Drive, motivation, energy, confidence, determination, good communication.” Do you prefer working with others or alone? Determine whether you are a team player. “I’mquite happy working alone when necessary. I don’t need much constantreassurance. But I prefer to work in a group―so much more gets achievedwhen people pull together.” Explain your role as a group/team member. Describe yourself as either a team player. “Iperform my job in a way that helps others to do theirs in an efficientfashion. Beyond the mechanics, we all have a responsibility to make theworkplace a friendly and pleasant place to be. That means everyoneworking for the common good and making the necessary personalsacrifices toward that good.” How would you define a conducive work atmosphere? Tricky question. Keep it short and sweet. “One where the team has a genuine interests in its work and desire to turn out a good product/deliver a good service.” Do you make your opinions known when you disagree with the views of your supervisor? Statethat you come from an environment where input is encouraged when ithelps the team’s ability to get the job done efficiently. “Ifopinions are sought in a meeting, I will give mine, although I amcareful to be aware of others’ feelings. I will never criticize acoworker or a superior in open forum; besides, it is quite possible todisagree without being disagreeable. However, my past manager made itclear that she valued my opinion by asking for it. So, after a while,if there was something I felt strongly about, I would make anappointment to sit down and discuss it one-on-one.” What would you say about a supervisor who was unfair or difficult to work with? “Iwould make an appointment to see the supervisor and diplomaticallyexplain that I felt uncomfortable in our relationship, that I felt heor she was not treating me as a professional colleague, and thereforethat I might not be performing up to standard in some way―that I wantedto right matters and ask for his input as to what I must do to create aprofessional relationship. I would enter into the discussion in theframe of mind that we were equally responsible for whatevercommunication problems existed, and that this wasn’t just the manager’sproblem.” Do you consider yourself a natural leader or born follower? “Nomatter how well developed any individual’s leadership qualities, anintegral part of the skills of a leader is to take direction from hisor her immediate boss, and also to seek the input of the people beingsupervised. The wise leader will always follow good advice and soundbusiness judgment wherever it comes from. I would say that given thedesire to be a leader, the true leader in the modern business worldmust embrace both.” Why do you feel you are a better assistant than some of your coworkers? “Ithink that question is best answered by a manager. It is so difficultto be objective, and I really don’t like to slight my coworkers. Idon’t spend my time thinking about how superior I am, because thatwould be detrimental to our working together as a team. I believe,however, some of the qualities that make me an outstanding are…” You have a doctor’s appointment arranged for noon. You’re waited two weeks to get in. An urgent meeting is scheduled at the last moment, though. What do you do? “If I were the manager who had to schedule a really important meeting at the last moment, and someone on my staff chose to go to the doctor’s instead, how would I feel? The first thing I would do is reschedule the appointment and save the doctor’s office inconvenience. Then I would immediately make sure I was properly prepared for the emergency meeting.” How do you manage to interview while still employed? Best to make the answer short and sweet and let the interviewer moves on to richer areas of inquiry. “I had some vacation time, so I went to my boss and explained I needed a couple of days off for some personal business, and asked her what days would be most suitable. Although I plan to change jobs, I don’t in any way want to hurt my currentemployer in the process by being absent during a crunch.” When do you expect a promotion? Tread warily, show you believe in yourself, and have both feet firmly planted on the ground. “That depends on a few criteria. Of course, I cannot expect promotions without the performance that marks me as deserving of promotion. I also need to join a company that has the growth necessary to provide the opportunity. I hope that my manager believes in promoting from within and will help me grow so that I will have the skills necessary to be considered for promotion when the opportunity comes along.” Tell me a story. Ask, “What would you like me to tell you a story about?” People who answer the question without qualifying show that they do not think through carefully. Tell a story that shows like people, willingness, and manageability. Don’t discuss love life. What have your other jobs taught you? Talk about the professional skills you have learned and the personality traits you have polished. “There are two general things I have learned from past jobs. First, if you are confused, ask―it’s better to ask a dumb question than make a stupid mistake. Second, it’s better to promise less and produce more than to make unrealistic forecasts.”。
下面为大家准备了一些英国留学申请面试中的问题,欢迎大家阅读!英国留学申请面试中的问题盘点1.Please introduce yourself briefly?简单的介绍下自己。
2.I noticed that your undergraduate background is Business, so why you want to study finance in further studies?我注意到你的本科学的是商业,那你为什么又想学金融了呢?3.Which university you are studying in?你现在在哪所大学就读呢?4.What about your average grade or GPA?你的平均成绩GPA是多少?5.Could you please tell me something about finance you have known?你能告诉我你所了解的关于金融的信息吗?6.Can you take some examples of the application of finance?能不能举例说一下关于金融学方面的应用呢?7.What kinds of courses relative to Economics, finance, maths you have learnt in undergraduate?你在本科学习的课程里,有什么课程和经济学,金融,数学有关的吗?8.Do you have any study interesting in finance?你对金融专业感兴趣吗?9.Could you tell me something about your advantage and disadvantage?你能告诉我你的优势和劣势吗?10.What are your reasons for applying to our University in particular?是什么理由让你选择申请我们学校?11.What are the most significant things you hope to gain from the course and your time in our school?你最想从这门课程的学习中获得到什么?12.What do you think you will contribute to this program?你觉得你能对这个项目提供什么?13. What about your career goals and future aspirations?你的职业规划以及未来的打算申请英国大学时要注意哪些事情一、什么时候递交申请?大学会在4-9月开放次年秋季入学的申请。
二、英国留学面试常见问题1.为什么想来我们学校?(Why do you want to attend our school)这是最基本也是最核心的问题,所以你一定要清楚为什么去这所学校,为什么这所学校适合你。
2.将来你会为学校带来什么?(How will you contribute to our school)在回答这个问题前,选好可以用来形容自己的一些积极的形容词,并做相应地解释,这样的准备可以用于很多面试题。
今天,86店铺专家就为大家总结了英国高中留学最常见的面试问题,一起来看看吧!学术类1. What’s your English name? How old are you?2. Where do you live in china?3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?4. Can you give me a brief introduction of yourself?5. Why do you want to study in the UK?6. Why have you decided to apply to our school?/How do you know our school?7. Which others have you applied to? Why?8. Where are you studying now?9.Which subject are you interested in? What’s your favorite course?10.How many years have you studied English? What is your current level?11. Give me three reasons to admit you12. What will you plan to do in the future13. Have you any questions you would like to ask me?生活类14. Do you have any hobbies?/Tell me about your main interest outside school?/Would you describe yourself as being “active in sport”, why?15. What do you do in your spare time?17. Who will support your study?18. What do your parents do for living?19. How do your friends describe you?以上是常见的面试题库,因为开放性问题没有所谓的标准答案,学校主要是想考核学生出国之后是否具有基本交流沟通的语言能力,包括对面试问题的理解能力。
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英国留学申请/工作面试 常问问题汇总Biographical•Tell me about yourself / Talk me through your CV•What do you consider to be your greatest achievement to date?•What have you gained from your previous experiences that would make you useful to us?•What skills do you think you have learnt doing your degree that are important to this post?•What are your key strengths?•What are your weaknesses?•What do you like to do outside work / your studies?Motivational•Why do you want to work for this company?•Why are you applying for this position?•What excites you most about this position? What do you think you will find most challenging?•What do you think your day-to-day priorities will be in this role•How does this position fit into your longer term career plans?•Where do you see yourself in five years time?•What alternative careers / jobs have you considered? Where else have you applied?•How do you feel about working overtime or irregular hours if required?•How do you keep yourself informed about issues affecting our business sector?•How do we differentiate ourselves from our competitors?•How would you define our business culture?•Give me an example of something you have read recently about our company. Why did this interest you and what do you think are the key issues?•Reflecting on the portfolio of products / services we offer – could you carry out a SWOT to analyse our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities in the market and any potential threats•What do you see as the biggest challenge for our organisation in the future?•If you were the CEO of our company, what changes would you make?Behavioural / Competency QuestionsTeam work and interpersonal skills•Think about a time when you worked as part of a successful team. What was your specific role in this team and what was achieved?•What would your team mates say you needed to improve about yourself?•Give me a specific example of something you did that helped build enthusiasm in others.•Describe a situation where you had to deal with someone who did not like you. How did you handle this situation? Prioritising and organising•Recall a time when you had to complete a complex project. What steps did you take to prepare for and finish the project? How happy were you with the outcome? What would you have done differently if given the chance?•Describe a situation in which a number of things to be done at the same time. How did you handle it? What was the result?•How do you determine priorities in scheduling your time? Give examples.Problem solving, analysis and creativity•Describe a difficult problem you had to deal with. How did you approach it?•Can you give me an example of a situation in which you have had to analyse complex information in order to make a decision?How did you approach it?•Tell me about a problem that you found hard to solve.•Tell me about a situation in which you had to perform background research before solving a problem. How did you use the research? How did you ensure you hadn’t missed something important?Decision making and judgement•Can you give me an example of a complex decision you have had to make and how you went about it?•What is the best decision you ever made? How did you make it?•What is the worst decision you ever made? Why did you make it? What would you do differently now if you had to make the same decision again?Drive and determination•Tell me about a difficult situation when it was desirable for you to keep a positive attitude. What did you do?•Have you ever undertaken something just to prove to yourself or others that you could do it?•Describe a task that you completed that you didn’t enjoy. How did you motivate yourself?Adaptability and initiative•Can you give an example of a situation when you have had to adapt to an unexpected change?•What do you find hardest to adapt to?•Describe a situation when you have taught yourself a new skill in order to complete a task.•Can you give me an example of any tasks or projects you started on your own?Communication and negotiation•Tell me about a time when you demonstrated good written communication skills.•Tell me about a time when you demonstrated good oral communication skills.•What is the most difficult thing you have had to explain to someone? How did you do it?•When was the last time you had to use your negotiation skills to get what you wanted?Commercial awareness and customer focus•Tell me about a recent business news story that you found interesting. Why?•Can you give me an example of when you have done more than your duty in order to provide a good service to someone?•What attributes do you have that would instil client confidence? Tell me how you have used them.•Can you give me an example of when you’ve saved money for an employer?Leadership•Give an example of your ability to motivate people.•How do you get the best out of people? Can you give me an example?•Describe a situation in which you took responsibility for achieving something.•What skills have you developed that will make you a good leader?Strengths-Based Questions•What do you do well?•What activities energise you?•When are you at your best?•What would a successful day look like to you?Problem-based/ hypothetical questions•What is your favourite brand and why? (for advertising / marketing roles)•If you had 1 million US dollars, where would you invest•How would explain (a technical term / jargon) to a child?•Estimate how many pizzas are delivered every day in New York City.•What would you do if you were a team leader and one of your colleagues is not pulling his / her weight?•How would you deal with culture shock / loneliness if posted overseas?Technical Questions•Give examples of how you would use your technical knowledge to solve this problem (Interviewer gives example)•You are presented with a piece of equipment and asked to explain what it doesExample Strength-based interview questionsDo you have any questions?It’s vital that no matter how you feel the interview has gone, you do your best to end the interview strongly. Research shows that the final stages of the interview i.e. the ‘recency’ effect is one of the most important in the mind of the recruiter in terms of retaining information and forming an opinion of a candidate. Consequently, having a number of well-considered questions to ask the interviewer is important. Here are a few ideas to consider.The job:Development:The organisation:The process:Areas to avoid:。