2010湖南师大英语专业考研 英语语言运用与思维真题

例题The new design was well received by the reception staff of the hotel chain._________正确选项句子为:They all believe that its introduction has led to a modern , more professional corporate image and greater confidence among them.例题分析:选项中的they是一个复数人数主格代词,对应空格前句中的staff。

Chapter 1 (答案D D C A C A D B C A \ F T F F T F F T T F)1) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study ofA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal(反常的)behavior.D) the behavior of individuals(个别的) and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations(观察)about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ________ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions(结论)about behavior, psychologists rely onA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense(常识)."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies(例子)the broadest, most global level of analysis?A) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus (艾宾浩斯)wrote that "Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures(描述)the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing (表达)?A) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun to record the accomplishments(造诣)of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance(实质)has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes (是……的特征)the current (流行)view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior?AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from(混合)different perspectives(观点).B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be askedand how they should be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's(强奸犯) behavior in terms of the rapist's displaced hostility(敌意)toward his mother is most likely to prefer the __D______ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic(人本主义)C) evolutionary D) psychodynamic(精神动力)8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate解释the innate天生的品质goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli(刺激)control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks aquestion increases the likelihood (可能性)that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedent environmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.CA) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance to AA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False F T F F T F F T T F1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective(主观的)point of view, making sure to include their own biases(偏见)and expectations in their observations.2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable(可知觉的)information, whereas(但是)explanations deliberately(谨慎的)go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's(弗洛伊德)view, human nature is not always rational(理智的), and behavior may be driven by motives(动机)that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive(本能)forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined(坚定的)by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences.8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms (有机体)that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring(后代)more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.9) Brain imaging techniques(脑成像技术)have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the field of cognitive neuroscience(神经科学).10) Clinical psychologists apply the insights of researchers, but are not trained to do research themselves.Chapter 21) In what ways are theories and hypotheses(臆测)interrelated?A) Hypotheses are more important than theories.B) Theories are more important than hypotheses.C) When a hypothesis derived from a theory is not validated, the theory must be modified.D) Theories are not of fundamental importance in generating new hypotheses, except when a theory has been proven.Answer: C2) When psychological researchers are ready to put their hypotheses to the test, they rely onA) intuition. B) the scientific method.C) common sense. D) subjective judgments.Answer: B3) There is a joke among scientists about a researcher who tells others that he belongs to a secret scientific society, where no one but the researcher will ever know about the studies members are doing. This joke is humorous because it violates(违反)the principle(原则)ofA) determinism. B) control groups. C) open-mindedness. D) public verifiability.Answer: D4) A research assistant who is working in a psychologist's laboratory learns the importance of keeping complete records of observations and data analyses. Such procedures(程序)are followed in order toA) increase objectivity.(增大客观性)B) increase subjectivity.C) increase observer bias.D) prevent other researchers from replicating a study.Answer: A5) An "observer bias" isA) an "educated guess" about what will happen.B) the direct result of the context of discovery.C) the direct result of the context of justification.D) an error due to personal motives and expectations.Answer: D6) If a researcher defines variables(变量)or conditions in terms of the specific(明确的)procedures used to determine their presence, he or she is using a(n) ________ definition.A) biased B) confounded C) operational D) hypotheticalAnswer: C7) A placebo effect (安慰剂效应)occurs whenA) an experimenter finds what he or she expected to discover.B) participants have not been randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions.C) participants change their behavior because of their belief that a treatment has an effect.D) both participants and experimental assistants are unaware of which participants get which treatment.Answer: C8) When neither research participants nor research assistants are aware of which participants receive which treatment, researchers have employed aA) placebo control. B) between-subjects design.C) single-blind control technique. D) double-blind control technique.(双盲控制技术)Answer: D9) When planning a study, you determine that of the one hundred participants, fifty will have to be randomly (随便的)assigned to the experimental condition and the other fifty to the control condition. The type of experimental design you are using is known as a ________ design.A) placebo control B) single-subject C) within-subjects D) between-subjectsAnswer: D10) Which of the following is true of the within-subjects (被试内设计)experimental design?A) It is a type of between-subjects design.B) There are no comparison conditions in this design.C) There are two experimental groups and one control group.D) Each participant serves in all conditions of the experiment.Answer: D11) A researcher is interested in the relationship between brain damage and the ability of humans to plan their behavior. Which type of research design would be most appropriate(合适的)for the researcher to use?A) placebo control B) experimental C) correlational(相关)D) within-subjectsAnswer: C12) Imagine that your instructor asks you to determine whether there is a relationship betweenmusical ability and mathematical ability. The type of design best suited to this task would be a(n)A) experiment. B) case study.C) correlational study(相关研究). D) naturalistic observation.Answer: C13) With respect to psychological measurement, when data are consistent or dependable they are referred to as________, whereas the term ________ means that the information that is produced accurately measures the variable or quality that it is intended to measure.A) valid; reliable B) reliable(信度); valid(效度)C) consistent; reliable D) reliable or valid; consistentAnswer: B14) Which of the following is true of the within-subjects experimental design?A) It is a type of between-subjects design.B) There are no comparison conditions in this design.C) There are two experimental groups and one control group.D) Each participant serves in all conditions of the experiment.Answer: D15) A teacher is trying to see whether smiling at her students will increase the number of questions they ask. In the first and third week of the study, the number of questions students ask is recorded. In the second week, the teacher smiles a lot at her students, and the number of questions is also recorded. What type of research design is being used?A) within-subjects B) correlational C) placebo control(1.安慰剂控制法) D) between-subjectsAnswer: A16) A researcher who is interested in documenting the relationship between internal (内部的)psychological states such as a person’s motivation to succeed a nd his or her feelings ofself-confidence would most likely use a ________measure.A) behavioral B) self-report(自我报告)C) physiological D) naturalistic observationalAnswer: B17) Suppose an elementary school teacher is interested in measuring the amount of time a young student in her class is working productively(有效果的)versus chatting with classmates. It would be most appropriate for the teacher to use aA) questionnaire.(问卷法)B) behavioral measure.C) a self-report measure. D) a face-to-face interview.Answer: B18) Suppose you were interested in the kinds of movies your friends like to watch. You develop a simple questionnaire that asks them about their attitudes toward different film genres(风格)and then you also record which films they actually attend. The measurement technique you are using is best described asA) self-report measures.B) behavioral observations.C) naturalistic observations.D) a combination of self-report and behavioral observations.Answer: D19) A clinical psychologist is working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation(1.(美国)联邦调查局)(FBI)to develop an understanding of serial killers. She decides to focus her attention and measurements on a particularly brutal murderer who is serving a life sentence. Her approach is referred to as aA) case study. B) representative sample.C) within-subjects design. D) naturalistic observation.Answer: A20) Imagine that you have agreed to participate in psychological research. Prior(先验的)to the study, you will be given information about what you can expect and other details of the research, and asked to sign a form indicating(指示)your willingness to participate. This process is known asA) debriefing. B) informed consent.(知情同意)C) risk/gain assessment. D) intentional deception.Answer: BII True or False1) A theory is defined as an organized set of concepts(概念)that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.Answer: TRUE2) In order to minimize(.把…减至最低数量[程度]) the potential(潜在的)for bias, researchers must be certain that no variable in an experiment is operationally defined.(不可能做到)Answer: FALSE3) In an experiment, researchers manipulate(熟练操作)the dependent variable (因变量)and measure the independent variable.Answer: FALSE4) A double-blind control is an experimental technique in which biased expectations are eliminated by only telling the experimental assistants which participants have received which treatment.Answer: FALSE5) In a within-subjects research design, different groups of participants are randomly(随便的)assigned to experimental conditions or to control conditions.Answer: FALSE6) The entire(全部)set of individuals to which generalizations will be made based on an experimental sample is called the population(总体).Answer: TRUE7) The primary purpose of using correlational methods is to establish cause and effect relationships.(因果研究才是)Answer: FALSE8) If two variables are completely unrelated to each other, they will yield a correlation coefficient (系数)of zero.Answer: TRUE9) Questionnaires and surveys are examples of self-report measures.Answer: TRUEChapter 31) 1) Nature is to nurture (教养)as heredity(遗传)is toA) evolution. B) aggression. C) environment. D) natural selection.Answer: C2) A prisoner is violent and hostile, although he wasn't always this way. His therapist believes that the environment the prisoner was raised in brought about his aggressive tendencies. The therapist (咨询师)is espousing the view that behavior is primarily influenced byA) nature. B) biology. C) nurture. D) heredity.Answer: C3) In evolutionary terms, an individual's success is measured by theA) amount of territory one controls. B) degree of comfort an individual attains.C) number of offspring an individual produces. D) level of intelligence an individual acquires.Answer: C4) Members of a species who posses the range of physical and psychological attributes best adapted to the environment are most likely to survive. This concept is known asA) natural selection. B) genotypical structure.C) phenotypical structure. D) survival of the fittest.Answer: D5) As you enter the crowded room, you catch a glimpse of your friend's dark hair and slim frame.What you are noticing most directly are aspects of your friend'sA) genotype. B) phenotype(1.表现型).C) adaptations. D) selective advantage.Answer: B6) In the vocabulary of evolutionary theory, you have inherited ________ from your parents.A) a genotype B) a phenotypeC) a behavioral repertory D) your outward appearanceAnswer: A7) You are hastily (1.匆忙地,仓促地)jotting notes for a quiz on basic genetics. Luckily, a friend notices that you have incorrectly written thatA) DNA contains 46 chromosomes(1.【医】同原染色体).B) genes are located on chromosomes.C) DNA is located in the nucleus of each cell.D) DNA contains instructions for the production of proteins.Answer: A8) Sex chromosomesA) contain 23 pairs of genes.B) are identical for males and females.C) bring about the union of a sperm and an egg.D) code the development of male or female physical characteristics.Answer: D9) In the human male, the sex chromosomes normally consist of a(n) ________ pair; in the humanfemale they consist of a(n) ________ pair.A) XY; XX B) XX; XX C) YY; XX D) XX; YYAnswer: A10) The goal of the Human Genome Project(1.【医】基因组(测序)计划) is toA) identify all of the human genes.B) verify Darwin's theory of natural selection.C) show research support for the major events in human evolution.D) build human-like robots or cyborgs.Answer: A11) A girl has two older brothers and a stepsister(1.(继父与其前妻或继母与其前夫所生的)姐姐; 妹妹). You can best guess thatA) her brothers will be genetically identical.B) she has the exact same genetic makeup as her brothers.C) she has about 50% of her genes in common with her brothers.D) genetically she will be more like her stepsister than like her brothers.Answer: C12) Imagine traveling back in time to the seventeenth century. A French philosopher by the name of Descartes(1.笛卡尔(法国哲学家、数学家,1596-1650)) has proposed the radical idea thatA) all animals have spirits.B) the human body is an "animal machine".C) humans are no more intelligent than animals.D) human action cannot be understood by using scientific means.Answer: B13) Broca's area in the brain is most closely associated withA) memory. B) emotion.C) language. D) physical movement.Answer: C14) The nervous(1.神经系统的) system is subdivided into two major divisions: What are they?A) somatic and autonomic B) peripheral and somaticC) central and peripheral D) sympathetic and parasympatheticAnswer: C15) You are working with a friend to develop flash cards to help you with your study of brain structures and their functions. Your friend remembers correctly that the ________ is involved primarily in autonomic processes such as heart rate and breathing, and you remember that the________ is involved in motivation, emotion and memory processes.A) cerebrum(1.<解>大脑); cerebral cortex(1.大脑皮层) B) brain stem(1.脑干); limbic system(1.(大脑)边缘系统)C) limbic system; brain stem D) cerebral cortex; brain stemAnswer: B16) The limbic system includes theA) medulla(1.(拉丁语)骨髓), hippocampus(2.海马回) and pons. B) hypothalamus, cerebrum(1.<解>大脑) and cerebellum(1.小脑).C) hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala(1.[解]扁桃体). D) reticular formation, amygdala and thalamus.Answer: C17) Research on split-brain patients(裂脑人)has suggested that, when compared to the right hemisphere(1.半球), the left hemisphere has a "style" that is moreA) global. B) holistic. C) analytical. D) insightful.Answer: C18) In the brain, the ________ serves as a relay station(1.中继站) between the endocrine system(1.内分泌系统) and the central nervous system(1.中枢神经系统).A) thalamus(1.丘脑) B) hippocampus C) hypothalamus D) cerebral cortexAnswer: CII True or False1) Your observable characteristics are known as your genotype.Answer: FALSE2) DNA is organized into units called genes.Answer: TRUE3) The human genome contains about four million genes.Answer: FALSE4) Broca's area of the brain is most closely associated with emotional behavior.Answer: FALSE5) The peripheral nervous system(1.周围神经系统) consists of the brain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves(1.颅神经;脑神经) that connect the body's sensory receptors to the central nervous system.Answer: FALSE6) The amygdala is the part of the limbic system that controls emotion, aggression, and the formation of emotional memory.Answer: TRUE7) In males, the testes secrete testosterone, which stimulates production of sperm and may increase aggression and sexual desire.Answer: TRUE8) Interneurons(中间神经元)are one class of neurons.Answer: TRUE9) The all-or-none law states that the size of the action potential(3.电位) is unaffected by increases in the intensity of stimulation beyond the threshold level(阈值).Answer: TRUE10) During the absolute refractory period(1.绝对不应期), further stimulation, no matter how intense, cannot cause another action potential to be generated.Answer: TRUEChapter 41) Signal detection theory(1.信号检测理论) suggests that differences in absolute thresholds between different people reflectA) signal strength.B) sensory processes.C) human judgment.D) absolute thresholds.Answer: C2) The visual cortex is located within theA) cerebellum.B) parietal lobe.C) frontal lobe.D) occipital lobe(1.枕叶).Answer: D3) The ________ of sound allows us to distinguish a guitar note from a saxophone note.A) timbre(1.音色;音品)B) kinestheticsC) harmonicsD) auditory diffusionAnswer: A4) The process of ________ is responsible for the conversion of physical energy to neural impulses.A) transduction(1.换能).B) plasticity.C) absolute threshold.D) psychophysics.Answer: A5) Nerve impulses that carry information travel along ________ to specialized processing areas in the brain.A) vestibular canalsB) nerve endingsC) sensory pathways(感觉通路)D) olfactory epitheliumAnswer: C6) Loudness is determined by soundA) pitch.B) quality.C) amplitude(振幅).D) frequency.Answer: C7) The eyes have two distinct types of photoreceptors(1.光感受器,感光器): the rods, which which detect ________, and the cones(1.(人眼)圆锥细胞), which detect ________.A) low intensity light; wavelengths corresponding to colorsB) motion; shapeC) bright light; dim lightD) stimuli in consciousness; unconscious stimuliAnswer: A8) Which one refers to the least amount of stimulation that your perceptual system(感知系统)can detect about half of the time?A) The stimulus threshold B) The difference thresholdC) The absolute threshold D) The action potentialAnswer: C9) Different senses give us different sensations mainly becauseA) They involve different stimuli.B) They activate different sensory regions(1.【医】感觉区, 顶颞区) of the brain.C) They have different intensities.D) We have different memories associated with them.Answer: B10) Which of the following is an example of the kind of information that top-down processingcontributes to perception?A) Looking for a friend’s face in the crowdB) Having to wait for your eyes to adjust to the dark in a theatreC) Hearing a painfully loud noiseD) Feeling a pinprickAnswer:AII True or False1) Gustav Fechner coined the term psychophysics, which refers to the study of the relationship between the intensity of a physical stimulus and the magnitude of an individual's sensory experience.Answer: TRUE2) The transformation of one form of energy, such as light, to another form, such as neural impulses, is called sensory adaptation.Answer: FALSE3) The absolute threshold is operationally defined as the stimulus level at which a sensory signal is detected 100% of the time.Answer: FALSE4) In a signal detection study, an observer who is a yea sayer will give a high number of hits but will also have a high number of false alarms.Answer: TRUE5) David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel won a Nobel Prize for their studies of receptive fields of cells in the visual cortex.Answer: TRUE6) The loudness of a sound is dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound wave. Answer: FALSE7) Transduction refers to the process of converting neural impulses into psychological energy that the brain can process.Answer: FALSE8) Bottom-up processing(1.自下而上加工) refers to perceptual analysis in which information from an individual's past experience, knowledge, expectations, motivations, and background influence the way a perceived object is interpreted and classified.Answer: FALSE9) The principle of relative size states that objects of the same size but different distances project the same size images on the retina.Answer: FALSE10) When your expectations affect perceptions the process is called bottom-up processing. Answer: FALSEChapter 51) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study of DA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal behavior.D) the behavior of individuals and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ____D____ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions about behavior, psychologists rely on CA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies the broadest, most global level of analysis?AA) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus wrote that "Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing? CA) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun torecord the accomplishments of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes the current(1.现在的, 现行的) view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior? AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from different perspectives.B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be asked and how theyshould be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's behavior in terms of the rapist's displaced hostility toward his mother is most likely to prefer the ____C____ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic C) evolutionary D) psychodynamic8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate the innate goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks a question increases the likelihood that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedentenvironmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.A) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance toA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective point of view, making sure to include their own biases and expectations in their observations.2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable information, whereas explanations deliberately go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's view, human nature is not always rational, and behavior may be driven by motives that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences.8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.。

[单选题] *A.强调在社会环境中研究语言B.强调研究言语的个人特色C.明确语言学的研究对象(正确答案)D.更好地研究书面语2、从不同语言的名称可以看出,()是民族的重要标志。
[单选题] *A.文化B.人口C.地域D.语言(正确答案)答案解析:从不同语言的名称可以看出,语言是民族的重要标志,或者说语言就是根据民族来划分的。
3、汉语属于() [单选题] *A.孤立语(正确答案)B.屈折语C.粘着语D.复综语答案解析:汉语没有形态变化,是“孤立语”和“分析性语言”。
[单选题] *A.法语B.拉丁语C.德语(正确答案)D.斯拉夫语答案解析:谱系分类的层级系统:语系—语族—(语支)—语言—方言—次方言(土语),德语和英语同属日耳曼语族。
[单选题] *A.语言的谱系分类(正确答案)B.语言的语音分类C.语言的语体分类D.语言的语调分类答案解析:根据语言的特点,把语言进行分类,最主要的有“语言的谱系分类”和“语言的形态分类”。
[单选题] *A. 语言能力是每个正常人都具有的B.他讲话的语言精彩极了(正确答案)C.语言学的价值正在被人们越来越清楚地认识到D.语言是人类最重要的交际工具答案解析:言语动作、言语作品统称为“言语”;说话工具则是“语言”。
7、什么是言语() [单选题] *A.全社会约定俗成的产物B.普通话C.言语产品D.言语动作和言语产品(正确答案)答案解析:言语包括言语动作和言语产品。

一、英译汉All through my boyhood and youth, I was known as an idler; and yet I was always busy on my own private end, which was to learn to write. I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in. As I walked, m y mind was busy fitting what I saw with appropriate words; when I sat by the roadside, I would either read, or a pencil and a notebook would be in m y hand, to note down the features of the scene or write som e poor lines of verse. Thus I lived with words. And what I thus wrote was for no future use; it was written consciously for practice. It was not so much that I wished to be an author (though I wished that too) as that I had vowed that I would learn to write. That was a proficiency that tem pted m e; and I practiced to acquire it. Description was the principal field of m y exercise; for to any one with senses there is always som ething worth describing, and town and country are but one continuous subject. But I worked in ot her ways also; I often accom panied m y walks with dramatic dialogues, in which I played m any parts; and often exercised m yself in writing down conversations from memory.This was all excellent, no doubt. And yet this was not the m ost efficient part of m y training. Good as it was, it only taught m e the choice of the essential note and the right word. And regarded as training, it had one grave defect; for it set m e no standard of achievem ent. So there was perhaps more profit,as there was certainly more effort,in my secret labors at hom e.二、汉译英改编自下文。

10年(46) Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them.(47) but we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us.(48) Time was when biologists somewhat over worded the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak, or that they prey only on "worthless" species.(49) In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced, the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community, to be preserved as such, within reason.(50) It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land community that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning.46.科学家们赶紧拿出某些明显站不住脚的证据前来救驾,大致说的是如果鸟儿不能控制害虫的话,害虫就会把我们吃掉。

Chapter 1 (答案D D C A C A D B C A \ F T F F T F F T T F)1) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study ofA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal(反常的)behavior.D) the behavior of individuals(个别的) and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations(观察)about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ________ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions(结论)about behavior, psychologists rely onA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense(常识)."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies(例子)the broadest, most global level of analysis?A) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus (艾宾浩斯)wrote that "Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures(描述)the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing (表达)?A) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun to record the accomplishments(造诣)of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance(实质)has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes (是……的特征)the current (流行)view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior?AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from(混合)different perspectives(观点).B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be asked and how they should be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's(强奸犯) behavior in terms of the rapist's displacedhostility(敌意)toward his mother is most likely to prefer the __D______ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic(人本主义)C) evolutionary D) psychodynamic(精神动力)8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate解释the innate天生的品质goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli(刺激)control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks a question increases the likelihood (可能性)that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedent environmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.CA) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance to AA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False F T F F T F F T T F1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective(主观的)point of view, making sure to include their own biases(偏见)and expectations in their observations.2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable(可知觉的)information, whereas(但是)explanations deliberately(谨慎的)go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's(弗洛伊德)view, human nature is not always rational(理智的), and behavior may be driven by motives(动机)that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive(本能)forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined(坚定的)by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences.8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms (有机体)that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring(后代)more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.9) Brain imaging techniques(脑成像技术)have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the field of cognitive neuroscience(神经科学).10) Clinical psychologists apply the insights of researchers, but are not trained to do research themselves.Chapter 21) In what ways are theories and hypotheses(臆测)interrelated?A) Hypotheses are more important than theories.B) Theories are more important than hypotheses.C) When a hypothesis derived from a theory is not validated, the theory must be modified.D) Theories are not of fundamental importance in generating new hypotheses, except when a theory has been proven.Answer: C2) When psychological researchers are ready to put their hypotheses to the test, they rely onA) intuition. B) the scientific method.C) common sense. D) subjective judgments.Answer: B3) There is a joke among scientists about a researcher who tells others that he belongs to a secret scientific society, where no one but the researcher will ever know about the studies members are doing. This joke is humorous because it violates(违反)the principle(原则)ofA) determinism. B) control groups. C) open-mindedness. D) public verifiability.Answer: D4) A research assistant who is working in a psychologist's laboratory learns the importance of keeping complete records of observations and data analyses. Such procedures(程序)are followed in order toA) increase objectivity.(增大客观性)B) increase subjectivity.C) increase observer bias.D) prevent other researchers from replicating a study.Answer: A5) An "observer bias" isA) an "educated guess" about what will happen.B) the direct result of the context of discovery.C) the direct result of the context of justification.D) an error due to personal motives and expectations.Answer: D6) If a researcher defines variables(变量)or conditions in terms of the specific(明确的)procedures used to determine their presence, he or she is using a(n) ________ definition.A) biased B) confounded C) operational D) hypotheticalAnswer: C7) A placebo effect (安慰剂效应)occurs whenA) an experimenter finds what he or she expected to discover.B) participants have not been randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions.C) participants change their behavior because of their belief that a treatment has an effect.D) both participants and experimental assistants are unaware of which participants get which treatment.Answer: C8) When neither research participants nor research assistants are aware of which participants receive which treatment, researchers have employed aA) placebo control. B) between-subjects design.C) single-blind control technique. D) double-blind control technique.(双盲控制技术)Answer: D9) When planning a study, you determine that of the one hundred participants, fifty will have to be randomly (随便的)assigned to the experimental condition and the other fifty to the control condition. The type of experimental design you are using is known as a ________ design.A) placebo control B) single-subject C) within-subjects D) between-subjectsAnswer: D10) Which of the following is true of the within-subjects (被试内设计)experimental design?A) It is a type of between-subjects design.B) There are no comparison conditions in this design.C) There are two experimental groups and one control group.D) Each participant serves in all conditions of the experiment.Answer: D11) A researcher is interested in the relationship between brain damage and the ability of humans to plan their behavior. Which type of research design would be most appropriate(合适的)for the researcher to use?A) placebo control B) experimental C) correlational(相关)D) within-subjectsAnswer: C12) Imagine that your instructor asks you to determine whether there is a relationship between musical ability and mathematical ability. The type of design best suited to this task would be a(n) A) experiment. B) case study.C) correlational study(相关研究). D) naturalistic observation.Answer: C13) With respect to psychological measurement, when data are consistent or dependable they are referred to as________, whereas the term ________ means that the information that is produced accurately measures the variable or quality that it is intended to measure.A) valid; reliable B) reliable(信度); valid(效度)C) consistent; reliable D) reliable or valid; consistentAnswer: B14) Which of the following is true of the within-subjects experimental design?A) It is a type of between-subjects design.B) There are no comparison conditions in this design.C) There are two experimental groups and one control group.D) Each participant serves in all conditions of the experiment.Answer: D15) A teacher is trying to see whether smiling at her students will increase the number of questions they ask. In the first and third week of the study, the number of questions students ask is recorded. In the second week, the teacher smiles a lot at her students, and the number of questions is also recorded. What type of research design is being used?A) within-subjects B) correlational C) placebo control(1.安慰剂控制法) D) between-subjects Answer: A16) A researcher who is interested in documenting the relationship between internal (内部的)psychological states such as a pers on’s motivation to succeed and his or her feelings ofself-confidence would most likely use a ________measure.A) behavioral B) self-report(自我报告)C) physiological D) naturalistic observationalAnswer: B17) Suppose an elementary school teacher is interested in measuring the amount of time a young student in her class is working productively(有效果的)versus chatting with classmates. It would be most appropriate for the teacher to use aA) questionnaire.(问卷法)B) behavioral measure.C) a self-report measure. D) a face-to-face interview.Answer: B18) Suppose you were interested in the kinds of movies your friends like to watch. You develop a simple questionnaire that asks them about their attitudes toward different film genres(风格)and then you also record which films they actually attend. The measurement technique you are using is best described asA) self-report measures.B) behavioral observations.C) naturalistic observations.D) a combination of self-report and behavioral observations.Answer: D19) A clinical psychologist is working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation(1.(美国)联邦调查局)(FBI)to develop an understanding of serial killers. She decides to focus her attention and measurements on a particularly brutal murderer who is serving a life sentence. Her approach is referred to as aA) case study. B) representative sample.C) within-subjects design. D) naturalistic observation.Answer: A20) Imagine that you have agreed to participate in psychological research. Prior(先验的)to the study, you will be given information about what you can expect and other details of the research, and asked to sign a form indicating(指示)your willingness to participate. This process is known asA) debriefing. B) informed consent.(知情同意)C) risk/gain assessment. D) intentional deception.Answer: BII True or False1) A theory is defined as an organized set of concepts(概念)that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.Answer: TRUE2) In order to minimize(.把…减至最低数量[程度]) the potential(潜在的)for bias, researchers must be certain that no variable in an experiment is operationally defined.(不可能做到)Answer: FALSE3) In an experiment, researchers manipulate(熟练操作)the dependent variable (因变量)and measure the independent variable.Answer: FALSE4) A double-blind control is an experimental technique in which biased expectations are eliminated by only telling the experimental assistants which participants have received which treatment.Answer: FALSE5) In a within-subjects research design, different groups of participants are randomly(随便的)assigned to experimental conditions or to control conditions.Answer: FALSE6) The entire(全部)set of individuals to which generalizations will be made based on an experimental sample is called the population(总体).Answer: TRUE7) The primary purpose of using correlational methods is to establish cause and effect relationships.(因果研究才是)Answer: FALSE8) If two variables are completely unrelated to each other, they will yield a correlation coefficient (系数)of zero.Answer: TRUE9) Questionnaires and surveys are examples of self-report measures.Answer: TRUEChapter 31) 1) Nature is to nurture (教养)as heredity(遗传)is toA) evolution. B) aggression. C) environment. D) natural selection.Answer: C2) A prisoner is violent and hostile, although he wasn't always this way. His therapist believes that the environment the prisoner was raised in brought about his aggressive tendencies. The therapist (咨询师)is espousing the view that behavior is primarily influenced byA) nature. B) biology. C) nurture. D) heredity.Answer: C3) In evolutionary terms, an individual's success is measured by theA) amount of territory one controls. B) degree of comfort an individual attains.C) number of offspring an individual produces. D) level of intelligence an individual acquires. Answer: C4) Members of a species who posses the range of physical and psychological attributes bestadapted to the environment are most likely to survive. This concept is known asA) natural selection. B) genotypical structure.C) phenotypical structure. D) survival of the fittest.Answer: D5) As you enter the crowded room, you catch a glimpse of your friend's dark hair and slim frame. What you are noticing most directly are aspects of your friend'sA) genotype. B) phenotype(1.表现型).C) adaptations. D) selective advantage.Answer: B6) In the vocabulary of evolutionary theory, you have inherited ________ from your parents.A) a genotype B) a phenotypeC) a behavioral repertory D) your outward appearanceAnswer: A7) You are hastily (1.匆忙地,仓促地)jotting notes for a quiz on basic genetics. Luckily, a friend notices that you have incorrectly written thatA) DNA contains 46 chromosomes(1.【医】同原染色体).B) genes are located on chromosomes.C) DNA is located in the nucleus of each cell.D) DNA contains instructions for the production of proteins.Answer: A8) Sex chromosomesA) contain 23 pairs of genes.B) are identical for males and females.C) bring about the union of a sperm and an egg.D) code the development of male or female physical characteristics.Answer: D9) In the human male, the sex chromosomes normally consist of a(n) ________ pair; in the human female they consist of a(n) ________ pair.A) XY; XX B) XX; XX C) YY; XX D) XX; YYAnswer: A10) The goal of the Human Genome Project(1.【医】基因组(测序)计划) is toA) identify all of the human genes.B) verify Darwin's theory of natural selection.C) show research support for the major events in human evolution.D) build human-like robots or cyborgs.Answer: A11) A girl has two older brothers and a stepsister(1.(继父与其前妻或继母与其前夫所生的)姐姐; 妹妹). You can best guess thatA) her brothers will be genetically identical.B) she has the exact same genetic makeup as her brothers.C) she has about 50% of her genes in common with her brothers.D) genetically she will be more like her stepsister than like her brothers.Answer: C12) Imagine traveling back in time to the seventeenth century. A French philosopher by the nameof Descartes(1.笛卡尔(法国哲学家、数学家,1596-1650)) has proposed the radical idea thatA) all animals have spirits.B) the human body is an "animal machine".C) humans are no more intelligent than animals.D) human action cannot be understood by using scientific means.Answer: B13) Broca's area in the brain is most closely associated withA) memory. B) emotion.C) language. D) physical movement.Answer: C14) The nervous(1.神经系统的) system is subdivided into two major divisions: What are they?A) somatic and autonomic B) peripheral and somaticC) central and peripheral D) sympathetic and parasympatheticAnswer: C15) You are working with a friend to develop flash cards to help you with your study of brain structures and their functions. Your friend remembers correctly that the ________ is involved primarily in autonomic processes such as heart rate and breathing, and you remember that the________ is involved in motivation, emotion and memory processes.A) cerebrum(1.<解>大脑); cerebral cortex(1.大脑皮层) B) brain stem(1.脑干); limbic system(1.(大脑)边缘系统)C) limbic system; brain stem D) cerebral cortex; brain stemAnswer: B16) The limbic system includes theA) medulla(1.(拉丁语)骨髓), hippocampus(2.海马回) and pons. B) hypothalamus, cerebrum(1.<解>大脑) and cerebellum(1.小脑).C) hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala(1.[解]扁桃体). D) reticular formation, amygdala and thalamus.Answer: C17) Research on split-brain patients(裂脑人)has suggested that, when compared to the right hemisphere(1.半球), the left hemisphere has a "style" that is moreA) global. B) holistic. C) analytical. D) insightful.Answer: C18) In the brain, the ________ serves as a relay station(1.中继站) between the endocrine system(1.内分泌系统) and the central nervous system(1.中枢神经系统).A) thalamus(1.丘脑) B) hippocampus C) hypothalamus D) cerebral cortexAnswer: CII True or False1) Your observable characteristics are known as your genotype.Answer: FALSE2) DNA is organized into units called genes.Answer: TRUE3) The human genome contains about four million genes.Answer: FALSE4) Broca's area of the brain is most closely associated with emotional behavior.Answer: FALSE5) The peripheral nervous system(1.周围神经系统) consists of the brain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves(1.颅神经;脑神经) that connect the body's sensory receptors to the central nervous system. Answer: FALSE6) The amygdala is the part of the limbic system that controls emotion, aggression, and the formation of emotional memory.Answer: TRUE7) In males, the testes secrete testosterone, which stimulates production of sperm and may increase aggression and sexual desire.Answer: TRUE8) Interneurons(中间神经元)are one class of neurons.Answer: TRUE9) The all-or-none law states that the size of the action potential(3.电位) is unaffected by increases in the intensity of stimulation beyond the threshold level(阈值).Answer: TRUE10) During the absolute refractory period(1.绝对不应期), further stimulation, no matter how intense, cannot cause another action potential to be generated.Answer: TRUEChapter 41) Signal detection theory(1.信号检测理论) suggests that differences in absolute thresholds between different people reflectA) signal strength.B) sensory processes.C) human judgment.D) absolute thresholds.Answer: C2) The visual cortex is located within theA) cerebellum.B) parietal lobe.C) frontal lobe.D) occipital lobe(1.枕叶).Answer: D3) The ________ of sound allows us to distinguish a guitar note from a saxophone note.A) timbre(1.音色;音品)B) kinestheticsC) harmonicsD) auditory diffusionAnswer: A4) The process of ________ is responsible for the conversion of physical energy to neural impulses.A) transduction(1.换能).B) plasticity.C) absolute threshold.D) psychophysics.Answer: A5) Nerve impulses that carry information travel along ________ to specialized processing areas in the brain.A) vestibular canalsB) nerve endingsC) sensory pathways(感觉通路)D) olfactory epitheliumAnswer: C6) Loudness is determined by soundA) pitch.B) quality.C) amplitude(振幅).D) frequency.Answer: C7) The eyes have two distinct types of photoreceptors(1.光感受器,感光器): the rods, which which detect ________, and the cones(1.(人眼)圆锥细胞), which detect ________.A) low intensity light; wavelengths corresponding to colorsB) motion; shapeC) bright light; dim lightD) stimuli in consciousness; unconscious stimuliAnswer: A8) Which one refers to the least amount of stimulation that your perceptual system(感知系统)can detect about half of the time?A) The stimulus threshold B) The difference thresholdC) The absolute threshold D) The action potentialAnswer: C9) Different senses give us different sensations mainly becauseA) They involve different stimuli.B) They activate different sensory regions(1.【医】感觉区, 顶颞区) of the brain.C) They have different intensities.D) We have different memories associated with them.Answer: B10) Which of the following is an example of the kind of information that top-down processing contributes to perception?A) Looking for a friend’s face in the crowdB) Having to wait for your eyes to adjust to the dark in a theatreC) Hearing a painfully loud noiseD) Feeling a pinprickAnswer:AII True or False1) Gustav Fechner coined the term psychophysics, which refers to the study of the relationshipbetween the intensity of a physical stimulus and the magnitude of an individual's sensory experience.Answer: TRUE2) The transformation of one form of energy, such as light, to another form, such as neural impulses, is called sensory adaptation.Answer: FALSE3) The absolute threshold is operationally defined as the stimulus level at which a sensory signal is detected 100% of the time.Answer: FALSE4) In a signal detection study, an observer who is a yea sayer will give a high number of hits but will also have a high number of false alarms.Answer: TRUE5) David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel won a Nobel Prize for their studies of receptive fields of cells in the visual cortex.Answer: TRUE6) The loudness of a sound is dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound wave. Answer: FALSE7) Transduction refers to the process of converting neural impulses into psychological energy that the brain can process.Answer: FALSE8) Bottom-up processing(1.自下而上加工) refers to perceptual analysis in which information from an individual's past experience, knowledge, expectations, motivations, and background influence the way a perceived object is interpreted and classified.Answer: FALSE9) The principle of relative size states that objects of the same size but different distances project the sam e size images on the retina.Answer: FALSE10) When your expectations affect perceptions the process is called bottom-up processing. Answer: FALSEChapter 51) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study of DA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal behavior.D) the behavior of individuals and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ____D____ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions about behavior, psychologists rely on CA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies the broadest, most global level of analysis?AA) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus wrote that "Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing? CA) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun to record the accomplishments of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes the current(1.现在的, 现行的) view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior? AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from different perspectives.B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be asked and how theyshould be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's behavior in terms of the rapist's displaced hostility toward his mother is most likely to prefer the ____C____ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic C) evolutionary D) psychodynamic8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate the innate goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks a question increases the likelihood that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedentenvironmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.A) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance toA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective point of view, making sure to include their own biases and expectations in their observations.2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable information, whereas explanations deliberately go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's view, human nature is not always rational, and behavior may be driven by motives that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences.8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.9) Brain imaging techniques have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the field of cognitive neuroscience.10) Clinical psychologists apply the insights of researchers, but are not trained to do research themselves.Chapter 61) In his classic text written in 1892, William James defined psychology as the description and explanation ofA) behavior. B) states of consciousness.C) animal and human intelligence. D) emotion and motivation.Answer: B2) Although you were not thinking about what you had for dinner the night before, when your。

Chapter 1 (答案D D C A C A D B C A \ F T F F T F F T T F)1) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study ofA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal(反常的)behavior.D) the behavior of individuals(个别的) and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations(观察)about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ________ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions(结论)about behavior, psychologists rely onA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense(常识)."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies(例子)the broadest, most global level of analysis?A) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus (艾宾浩斯)wrote that "Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures(描述)the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing (表达)?A) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun to record the accomplishments(造诣)of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance(实质)has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes (是……的特征)the current (流行)view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior?AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from(混合)different perspectives(观点).B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be asked and how they should be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's(强奸犯) behavior in terms of the rapist's displaced hostility(敌意)toward his mother is most likely to prefer the __D______ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic(人本主义)C) evolutionary D) psychodynamic(精神动力)8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate解释the innate天生的品质goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli(刺激)control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks a question increases the likelihood (可能性)that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedent environmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.CA) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance to AA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False F T F F T F F T T F1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective(主观的)point of view, making sure to include their own biases(偏见)and expectations in their observations. 2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable(可知觉的)information, whereas(但是)explanations deliberately(谨慎的)go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's(弗洛伊德)view, human nature is not always rational(理智的), and behavior may be driven by motives(动机)that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive(本能)forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined(坚定的)by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences. 8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms (有机体)that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring(后代)more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.9) Brain imaging techniques(脑成像技术)have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the field of cognitive neuroscience(神经科学).10) Clinical psychologists apply the insights of researchers, but are not trained to do research themselves.Chapter 21) In what ways are theories and hypotheses(臆测)interrelated?A) Hypotheses are more important than theories.B) Theories are more important than hypotheses.C) When a hypothesis derived from a theory is not validated, the theory must be modified.D) Theories are not of fundamental importance in generating new hypotheses, except when a theory has been proven.Answer: C2) When psychological researchers are ready to put their hypotheses to the test, they rely onA) intuition. B) the scientific method.C) common sense. D) subjective judgments.Answer: B3) There is a joke among scientists about a researcher who tells others that he belongs to a secret scientific society, where no one but the researcher will ever know about the studies members are doing. This joke is humorous because it violates(违反)the principle(原则)ofA) determinism. B) control groups. C) open-mindedness. D) public verifiability.Answer: D4) A research assistant who is working in a psychologist's laboratory learns the importance of keeping complete records of observations and data analyses. Such procedures(程序)are followed in order toA) increase objectivity.(增大客观性)B) increase subjectivity.C) increase observer bias.D) prevent other researchers from replicating a study.Answer: A5) An "observer bias" isA) an "educated guess" about what will happen.B) the direct result of the context of discovery.C) the direct result of the context of justification.D) an error due to personal motives and expectations.Answer: D6) If a researcher defines variables(变量)or conditions in terms of the specific(明确的)procedures used to determine their presence, he or she is using a(n) ________ definition.A) biased B) confounded C) operational D) hypotheticalAnswer: C7) A placebo effect (安慰剂效应)occurs whenA) an experimenter finds what he or she expected to discover.B) participants have not been randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions.C) participants change their behavior because of their belief that a treatment has an effect.D) both participants and experimental assistants are unaware of which participants get which treatment.Answer: C8) When neither research participants nor research assistants are aware of which participants receive which treatment, researchers have employed aA) placebo control. B) between-subjects design.C) single-blind control technique. D) double-blind control technique.(双盲控制技术)Answer: D9) When planning a study, you determine that of the one hundred participants, fifty will have to be randomly (随便的)assigned to the experimental condition and the other fifty to the control condition. The type of experimental design you are using is known as a ________ design.A) placebo control B) single-subject C) within-subjects D) between-subjectsAnswer: D。

三、填空题解析1. 填空题的设置包含了对词汇、语法、逻辑等多方面的考察。
2. 解答填空题需要考生具备较高的语言能力和语境理解能力。
3. 在解答填空题时,要注意上下文的连贯性和逻辑性,不要脱离文章语境随意填写。
四、短文改错题解析1. 短文改错题着重考察了考生对语法和词汇的掌握程度。
2. 解答短文改错题需要考生对句子结构和用词准确性的把握。
3. 在解答短文改错题时,要仔细审题,务必注意句子的完整性和上下文的逻辑关系。
五、信息匹配题解析1. 信息匹配题考察了考生对文章整体内容的把握能力。
2. 解答信息匹配题需要考生能够准确把握文章的中心思想和各部分的逻辑通联。
3. 在解答信息匹配题时,要注重阅读文章的全貌,理清各部分的主题和次题,确保答案的准确性。
六、解题思路1. 在应对这些新题型时,考生要注意提高自己的语言能力和阅读能力,加强对词汇、语法和句子结构的学习和理解。
2. 在解答题目时,要保持冷静,理性思考,不能因为题型的新颖而感到慌乱和迷茫。
3. 在备考过程中,要注重练习和模拟,多做一些模拟题目,培养自己的解题技巧和应对策略。
以下是一些建议:1. 积极扩充词汇量:词汇在填空题和短文改错题中占据重要位置,因此考生需要通过阅读、背诵、应用等方式,扩充自己的词汇量,增强对词汇的认知和记忆。


湖南大学2010年翻译硕士考研真题及答案I.Phrase Translation1)三个代表: Three Represents2)与时俱进: advance with the times;keep pace with the times3)自主创新能力:capacity for independent innovation;independent innovation capability4)以德治国:Rule the country by virtue;run the country by virtue5)科学发展观:Scientific Outlook on Development6)房奴:house slave;mortgage slave7)“三农”问题:issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers;issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area8)传销:pyramid selling;pyramid sales9)服务型政府:service-oriented government;Service Government10)经济适用房:affordable housing;economically affordable housing11)以人为本: people oriented;Put People First12)次贷危机: subprime mortgage crisis;subprime crisis13)廉政建设: construction of a clean and honest administration;clean government building14)精神文明: cultural and ideological progress15)中部崛起: rise of central china16)normalization of diplomatic relations: 外交关系正常化17)labor dispute: 劳动争议;劳资纠纷18)irrenewable energy:不可再生能源19)wealth gap: 贫富差距;贫富悬殊20)cyberterrorism: 网络恐怖主义21)bubble economy:泡沫经济22)greenhouse gases:温室气体;温室效应气体23)think tank:智囊团;智库24)intellectual property rights: 知识产权25)oil-for-food program: 石油换粮食计划;石油换食品计划26)anthrax: 炭疽,炭疽热27)Pacific Rim: 太平洋周边地区;环太平洋(地区);太平洋沿岸(地区)28)soft landing: 软着陆29)the carrot and the stick: 胡萝卜加大棒;威逼加利诱;软硬兼施30)multilateral negotiation: 多边谈判;多方协商II.Passage translation凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构Section A English to ChineseLawrence lived his relatively short life during a period of social and political upheaval.His experience as a student and a teacher would not have been possible had the Education Act of 1870 not established compulsory elementary schools for children of back grounds like his.The industrialism he hated, particularly the large-scale coal mining in areas like Notting hamshire, with the accompanying blight of surrounding countryside, was reaching a peak during his childhood and early manhood.World War I was a shock, followed by disillusionment , to many educated Europeans, who had believed that materialprogress, equated with the advance of civilization, had banished war wrence had never shared the near universal faith in material progress.His horror of the war, for reasons more personal, proved socially and politically prophetic — he saw the war as the beginning of the conformism , the assault on authentic individualism that has in fact characterized the twentieth century.Because Lawrence spent years in Italy during the fascist period, and because his “dream of leadership” often emerged in authoritarian statements or the invention of authoritarian figures , one of the many strands of adverse criticism woven around him during his life was a charge that he had fascist leanings.The charge is absurd, as insight into the essential core of the man — his hatred of conformism, insistence on singular passional being — reveals.However, it is true that Lawrence, like many artists who believe in the magic of words, sometimes expressed his yearnings for power in an idiom colored by the socialist, communist, and fascist language of the 1920s and 1930s.参考译文:劳伦斯比较短促的一生,正处在社会和政治大动荡的时期。

2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section I Use of English丁晓钟:2010年考研英语一真题参考答案Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)In 1924 American’ National Research Council sent to engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how stop-floorlignting__1__workers productivity. Instead, the studies ended __2___giving their name to the “Hawthorne effect”, the extremely influential idea that thevery___3____to being experimented upon changed subjects’ behavior.The idea arose because of the __4____behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant. According to __5____of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not __6____what was done in the experiment; ___7_someting was changed ,productivity rose. A(n)___8___that they were being experimented upon seemed to be ____9___to alter workers’ behavior ____10____itself.After several decades, the same data were _11__ to econometric the analysis. Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store _12 __the descriptions on record, no systematic _13__ was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting. It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may be have let to__ 14__ interpretation of what happed.__ 15___ , lighting was always changed on a Sunday .When work started again on Monday, output __16___ rose compared with the previous Saturday and__ 17 __to rise for the next couple of days.__ 18__ , a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Monday, workers__ 19__ to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case , before __20 __a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged” Hawthorne effect “ is hard to pin down.1. [A] affected [B] achieved [C] extracted [D] restored2. [A] at [B]up[C] with [D] off3. [A]truth [B]sight [C] act [D] proof4. [A] controversial [B] perplexing [C]mischievous [D] ambiguous5. [A]requirements [B]explanations [C] accounts [D] assessments6. [A] conclude [B] matter[C] indicate [D] work7. [A] as far as [B] for fear that [C] in case that [D] so long as8. [A] awareness[B] expectation [C] sentiment [D] illusion9. [A] suitable[B] excessive [C] enough [D] abundant10. [A] about [B] for[C] on [D] by11. [A] compared [B]shown [C] subjected [D] conveyed12. [A] contrary to [B] consistent with [C] parallel with [D] pealliar to13. [A] evidence [B]guidance [C]implication [D]source14. [A] disputable [B]enlightening [C]reliable [D]misleading15. [A] In contrast [B] For example [C] In consequence [D] As usual16. [A] duly [B]accidentally [C] unpredictably [D] suddenly17. [A]failed [B]ceased [C]started [D]continued18. [A]Therefore [B]Furthermore [C]However [D]Meanwhile19. [A]Attempted [B]tended [C]chose [D]intenced20. [A]breaking [B]climbing [C]surpassing [D]hitingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. Not only have many newspapers done away with their book-review sections, but several major papers, including the Chicago Sun-Times and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, no longer employ full-time classical-music critics. Even those papers that continue to reviewfine-arts events are devoting less space to them, while the “think pieces” on cultural subjects that once graced the pages of big-city Sunday papers are becoming a thing of the past.It is, I suspect, difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century, including Virgil Thomson’s The Musical Scene (1945), Edwin Denby’s Looking at the Dance (1949), Kenneth Tynan’s Curtains (1961), and Hilton Kramer’s The Age of the Avant-Garde (1973) consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their erudite contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.We are even farther removed from the discursive newspaper reviews published in England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War II, at a time when newsprint was dirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications in which it appeared. In those far-off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write in detail and at length about the events they covered.1 Theirs was a serious business, and even those reviewers who wore their learning lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be trusted to know what they were about. These men (for they were all men) believed in journalism as a calling, and were proud to be published in the daily press. “So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism,” Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define‘journalism’ as ‘a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are.’”Why, then, are virtually all of these critics forgotten? Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket. During his lifetime, though, he was also one of England’s foremost classica l-music critics, a stylist so widely admired that his Autobiography (1947) became a best-seller. He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic to be so honored. Yet only one of his books is now in print, and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists. How is it possible that so celebrated a critic should have slipped into near-total obscurity?21. It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 thatA arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapers.B English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews.C high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers.D young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies.22. Newspaper reviews in England before World War 2 were characterized byA free themes.B casual style.C elaborate layout.D radical viewpoints.23. Which of the following would shaw and Newman most probably agree on?A It is writers' duty to fulfill journalistic goals.B It is contemptible for writers to be journalists.C Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism.D Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing.24. What can be learned about Cardus according to the last two paragraphs?A His music criticism may not appeal to readers today.B His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute.C His style caters largely to modern specialists.D His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition.25. What would be the best title for the text?A Newspapers of the Good Old DaysB The Lost Horizon in NewspapersC Mournful Decline of JournalismD Prominent ritics in MemoryC Text 2Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted for what are called business methods. received one for its “one-click” online payment system. Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy. One inventor patented a technique for lifting a box.Now the nation’s top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business-method patents, which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10 years ago. In a move that has intellectual-property lawyers abuzz the U.S. court of Appeals for the federal circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of business-method patents. In re Bilski , as the case is known , is “a very big deal”, says Dennis’D. Crouch of the University of Missouri School of law. It “has the potential to eliminate an entire class of patents.”Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the federal circuit itself that introduced such patents with is 1998 decision in the so-called state Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging internet companies trying to stake out exclusive pinhts to specific types of online transactions. Later, move established companies raced to add such patents to their files, if only as a defensive move against rivalsthat might beat them to the punch. In 2005, IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 business-method patents despite the fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them. Similarly, some Wall Street investment films armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in court cases opposing the practice.The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market. The Federal circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the court’s judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and that one issue it wants to evaluate is whether it should” reconsider” its state street Bank ruling.The Federal Circuit’s action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the supreme Count that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. Last April, for example the justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld for “inventions” that are obvious. The judges on the Federal circuit are “reacting to the anti_ patent trend at the supreme court”,says Harole C.wegner, a partend attorney and professor at aeorge Washington University Law School.26. Business-method patents have recently aroused concern because of[A] their limited value to business[B] their connection with asset allocation[C] the possible restriction on their granting[D] the controversy over authorization27. Which of the following is true of the Bilski case?[A] Its ruling complies with the court decisions[B] It involves a very big business transaction[C] It has been dismissed by the Federal Circuit[D] It may change the legal practices in the U.S.28. The word “about-face” (Line 1, Paro 3) most probably means[A] loss of good will[B] increase of hostility[C] change of attitude[D] enhancement of dignity29. We learn from the last two paragraphs that business-method patents[A] are immune to legal challenges[B] are often unnecessarily issued[C] lower the esteem for patent holders[D] increase the incidence of risks30. Which of the following would be the subject of the text?[A] A looming threat to business-method patents[B] Protection for business-method patent holders[C] A legal case regarding business-method patents[D] A prevailing trend against business-method patentsText 3In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Aladuell argues that social epidemics are driven in large part by the acting of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, orwell-connected. The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn’t expl ain how ideas actually spread.The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible sounding but largely untested theory called the “two step flow of communication”: Information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else. Marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those selected people will do most of the work for them. The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certainlooks, brands, or neighborhoods. In many such cases, a cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people was wearing, promoting, or developing whatever it is before anyone else paid attention. Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people can drive trendsIn their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed. In fact, they don’t se em to be required of all.The researchers’ argument stems from a simple observing about social influence, with the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey-whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influence-even the most influential members of a population simply don’t interact with that many others. Yet it is precisely these non-celebrity influentials who, according to thetwo-step-flow theory, are supposed to drive social epidemics by influencing their friends and colleagues directly. For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected, must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example from the initial influential prove resistant, for example the cascade of change won’t propagate very far or affect many people.Building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers studied the dynamics of populations manipulating a number of variables relating of populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to people’s ability t o influence others and their tendency to be influenced. Our work shows that the principal requirement for what we call “global cascades”- the widespread propagation of influence through networks - is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people, each of whom adopts, say, a look or a brand after being exposed to a single adopting neighbor. Regardless of how influential an individual is locally, he or she can exert global influence only if this critical mass is available to propagate a chain reaction.31.By citing the book The Tipping Point, the author intends to[A]analyze the consequences of social epidemics[B]discuss influentials’ function in spreading ideas[C]exemplify people’s intuitive response to s ocial epidemics[D]describe the essential characteristics of influentials.32.The author suggests that the “two-step-flow theory”[A]serves as a solution to marketing problems[B]has helped explain certain prevalent trends[C]has won support from influentials[D]requires solid evidence for its validity33.what the researchers have observed recently shows that[A] the power of influence goes with social interactions[B] interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media[C] influentials have more channels to reach the public[D] most celebrities enjoy wide media attention34.The underlined phrase “these people” in paragraph 4 refers to the ones who[A] stay outside the network of social influence[B] have little contact with the source of influence[C] are influenced and then influence others[D] are influenced by the initial influential35.what is the essential element in the dynamics of social influence?[A]The eagerness to be accepted[B]The impulse to influence others[C]The readiness to be influenced[D]The inclination to rely on othersText 4Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public. Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters. Their rules, moan the banks, have forced them to r eport enormous losses, and it’s just not fair. These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch.Unfortunately, banks’ lobbying now seems to be working. The det ails may be unknowable, but the independence of standard-setters, essential to the proper functioning of capital markets, is being compromised. And, unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers, reviving the banking system will be difficult.After a bruising encounter with Congress, America’s Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) rushed through rule changes. These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on long-term ass ets in their income statement. Bob Herz, the FASB’s chairman, cried out against those who “question our motives.” Yet bank shares rose and the changes enhance what one lobby group politely calls “the use of judgment by management.”European ministers instantly demanded that the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) do likewise. The IASB says it does not want to act without overall planning, but the pressure to fold when it completes it reconstruction of rules later this year is strong. Charlie McCreevy, a European commissioner, warned the IASB that it did “not live in a political vacuum” but “in the real word” and that Europe could yet develop different rules.It was banks that were on the wrong planet, with accounts that vastly overvalued assets. Today they argue that market prices overstate losses, because they largely reflect the temporary illiquidity of markets, not the likely extent of bad debts. The truth will not be known for years. But bank’s shares trade below their book value, suggesting that investors are skeptical. And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell assets for fear of booking losses, yet are reluctant to buy all those supposed bargains.To get the system working again, losses must be recognized and dealt with. America’s new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive. Successful markets require independent andeven combative standard-setters. The FASB and IASB have been exactly that, cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions, for example, against hostility form special interests. But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions.36. Bankers complained that they were forced to[A] follow unfavorable asset evaluation rules[B]collect payments from third parties[C]cooperate with the price managers[D]reevaluate some of their assets.37.According to the author , the rule changes of the FASB may result in[A]the diminishing role of management[B]the revival of the banking system[C]the banks’ long-term asset losses[D]the weakening of its independence38.According to Paragraph 4, McCreevy objects to the IASB’s attempt to[A]keep away from political influences.[B]evade the pressure from their peers.[C]act on their own in rule-setting.[D]take gradual measures in reform.39.The author thinks the banks were “on the wrong planet ”in that they[A]misinterpreted market price indicators[B]exaggerated the real value of their assets[C]neglected the likely existence of bad debts.[D]denied booking losses in their sale of assets.40.The author’s attitude towards standard-setters is one of[A]satisfaction.[B]skepticism.[C]objectiveness[D]sympathyPart BDirections:For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable paragraphs from the list A-G and fill them into the numbered boxes to form a coherent text. Paragraph E has been correctly placed. There is one paragraph which dose not fit in with the text. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (10 points)[A] The first and more important is the consumer’s growing preference for eating out; the consumption of food and drink in places other than homes has risen from about 32 percent of total consumption in 1995 to 35 percent in 2000 and is expected to approach 38 percent by 2005. This development is boosting wholesale demand from the food service segment by 4 to 5 percent a year across Europe, compared with growth in retail demand of 1 to 2 percent. Meanwhile, as the recession is looming large, people are getting anxious. They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and consider eating at home a realistic alternative.[B] Retail sales of food and drink in Europe’s largest markets are at a standstill, leaving European grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow. Most leading retailers have already tried e-commerce, with limited success, and expansion abroad. But almost all have ignored the big, profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade, which appears to be just the kind of market retailers need.[C] Will such variations bring about a change in the overall structure of the food and drink market? Definitely not. The functioning of the market is based on flexible trends dominated by potential buyers. In other words, it is up to the buyer, rather than the seller, to decide what to buy .At any rate, this change willultimately be acclaimed by an ever-growing number of both domestic and international consumers, regardless of how long the current consumer pattern will take hold.[D] All in all, this clearly seems to be a market in which big retailers could profitably apply their scale, existing infrastructure and proven skills in the management of product ranges, logistics, and marketing intelligence. Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to rake in substantial profits thereby. At least, that is how it looks as a whole. Closer inspection reveals important differences among the biggest national markets, especially in their customer segments and wholesale structures, as well as the competitive dynamics of individual food and drink categories. Big retailers must understand these differences before they can identify the segments of European wholesaling in which their particular abilities might unseat smaller but entrenched competitors. New skills and unfamiliar business models are needed too.[E] Despite variations in detail, wholesale markets in the countries that have been closely examined-France, Germany, Italy, and Spain-are made out of the same building blocks. Demand comes mainly from two sources: independent mom-and-pop grocery stores which, unlike large retail chains, are two small to buy straight from producers, and food service operators that cater to consumers when they don’t eat at home. Such food service operators range from snack machines to large institutional catering ventures, but most of these businesses are known in the trade as “horeca”: hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Overall, Europe’s wholesale market for food and drink is growing at the same sluggish pace as the retail market, but the figures, when added together, mask two opposing trends.[F] For example, wholesale food and drink sales come to $268 billion in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom in 2000-more than 40 percent of retail sales. Moreover, average overall margins are higher in wholesale than in retail; wholesale demand from the food service sector is growing quickly as more Europeans eat out more often; and changes in the competitive dynamics of this fragmented industry are at last making it feasible for wholesalers to consolidate.[G] However, none of these requirements should deter large retailers (and even some large good producers and existing wholesalers) from trying their hand, for those that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe stand to reap considerable gains.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)One basic weakness in a conservation system based wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. Yet these creatures are members of the biotic community and, if its stability depends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance.When one of these noneconomic categories is threatened and, if we happen to love it .We invert excuses to give it economic importance. At the beginning of century songbirds were supposed to be disappearing.(46) Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them, the evidence had to be economic in order to be valid.It is painful to read these round about accounts today. We have no land ethic yet,(47) but we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us.A parallel situation exists in respect of predatory mammals and fish-eating birds .(48) Time was when biologists somewhat over worded the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak, or that they prey only on “worthless” species.Some species of tree have been read out of the party by economics-minded foresters because they grow too slowly, or have too low a sale vale to pay as imeber crops (49) In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced, thenon-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community, to be preserved as such, within reason.To sum up: a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelessly lopsided. (50) It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land community that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning. Without the uneconomic pats.Section Ⅲ WritingPart A51. Directions:You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization, you should conclude the basic qualification of applicant and the other information you think relative.You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “postgraduate association” instead.Part B52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)Section I Use of English1.A解析:A项 affect 意思是"影响,感动"; B项 achieve意思是"达成,完成"; C项extract意思是"提取,榨出";D项restore是"恢复,重建". 这句话的意思是:他们想通过实验探究车间照明是如何影响工人的生产率的,所以答案是A。

一、听力部分Section AQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.1. What does the woman think of the weather?2. What does the man suggest they do?3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?4. What day is it most likely?5. What are the speakers going to do?Section BQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?7. What does the professor think of the writer’s work?8. What does the woman imply about the professor?9. Why does the professor say the writer cannot improve her work?10. What do we learn about the writer?Section CQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.11. According to the passage, what is the key point about Sherlock Holmes?12. Why was Sherlock Holmes brought back to life?13. What can we infer from the passage about Conan Doyle?14. Why do some readers find it hard to believe in Sherlock Holmes?15. What does the passage mainly discuss?【答案】1. B2. C3. A4. C5. A6. C7. B8. C9. D 10. B11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A二、阅读理解Passage 116. B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. B21. D 22. A 23. A 24. C 25. BPassage 226. C 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. A Passage 336. C 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. A Passage 446. D 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. D 51. C 52. B 53. D 54. A 55. D 【答案】16. B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. A 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. A 46. D 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. D51. C 52. B 53. D 54. A 55. D三、翻译部分56. The idea of becoming an entrepreneur fascinated him.57. It is not advisable to go swimming in such cold weather.58. His consistent efforts eventually paid off.59. The company has been expanding its market share over the past few years.60. The employees were rewarded for their outstanding performance.四、写作部分【范文】Directions: Write a composition entitled "The Importance of Critical Thinking". You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1. 当今社会,批判性思维越来越受重视。

湖南师范大学学科英语复试真题1. It was _____ for us to solve the maths problem. Few of us could even understand it. [单选题] *A. easy enoughB. enough easyC. difficult enough(正确答案)D. enough difficult2. We need education because it helps us know ___________ our life. [单选题] *A. what to deal withB. what to do with(正确答案)C. how to do withD. how to help3. There ______ a river in front of the house, but now the government has turned it into farmland. [单选题] *A. used to be(正确答案)B. used to haveC. is used to beD. is used to have4. — Excuse me, may I speak to Michelle, please?—Sorry. She _________ the library. Shall I take a message? [单选题] *B. has been toC. has gone to(正确答案)D. has gone in5. The movie was very _______. All of us were _______ in it. [单选题] *A. exciting; interested(正确答案)B. excited; interestedC. excited; interestingD. exciting; interesting6. You must be very tired. Why not ________ a rest? [单选题] *A. to stop to haveB. to stop havingC. stop havingD. stop to have(正确答案)7. When did your father ______ your mother? [单选题] *A. marry(正确答案)B. marry toC. marry withD. get married8. —Have you decided _____ to go to Nanjing?—Yes, we’ll go there by train. It’s much cheaper than by plane. [单选题] *B. how(正确答案)C. whereD. who9. England is _______European country.It is also_______ island country. [单选题] *A. a; an(正确答案)B. an; anC. an; aD. the; an10. —Your father’s never been to other countries, _________ he?—________. He plans to go abroad for a second time. [单选题] *A. has; NoB. has; Yes(正确答案)C. hasn’t; YesD. hasn’t; No11. —It is too hot in the classroom. Would you mind ______ the fan?— ______. It is easy to catch a cold after doing some exercise. [单选题] *A. to turn up; Of course notB. to turn up; Good ideaC. turning up; You’d better not(正确答案)D. turning up; Never mind12. Though he lives _____ in the _____ village, he does n’t feel ____ for he has many things to do. [单选题] *A. alone; lonely; lonely(正确答案)B. alone; lonely; aloneC. lonely; alone; aloneD. lonely; alone; lonely13. Yesterday Andy ______ his dictionary to me and said I could ______it for a week. [单选题] *A. borrowed, haveB. lent, keep(正确答案)C. gave, keepD. lent, borrow14. —Miss Wang, I'm sorry I'm late. I ______ to catch the early bus.—It doesn't matter. You'd better come to school earlier next time. [单选题] *A. neededB. failed(正确答案)C. continuedD. tried15. —Did you notice a girl in red come in? —No, I didn't. I ______ a book. [单选题] *A. am readingB. was reading(正确答案)C. readD. have read16. Which of the following sentences is a fact? [单选题] *A. Beijing is the best city in the world.B. The new park in the town centre looks beautiful.C. There was once a steel factory near the Sunshine River.(正确答案)D. Life is getting better in some ways.17. —Where is Cecily? —She ______ be in the library, but I am not sure. [单选题] *A. wouldB. may(正确答案)C. mustD. need18. That park ________ some bridges and a lake. [单选题] *A. is made ofB. is made fromC. is made byD. is made up of(正确答案)19. — I dislike living in the city.—Me, ______. How I wish I had a dream home in the country. [单选题] *A. either(正确答案)B. neitherC. tooD. also20. Rules are important. As students, we must be ______ for school in the mornings. [单选题] *A. on time(正确答案)B. at timesC. from time to timeD. at a time21. I can’t buy this coat, because it is _____ expensive. [单选题] *A. a bit ofB. a fewC. a little ofD. a bit(正确答案)22. —______ wonderful advice Tom offers! —Exactly! He often gives so many good ideas. [单选题] *A. What(正确答案)B. What aC. HowD. How a23. Mary didn’t know who __________ the problem she met with at that time. [单选题] *A. to talk aboutB. to talk to about(正确答案)C. will take to aboutD. will to talk24.—Smart phones have already changed people's lives.— ______ . We can do lots of things with the help of them. [单选题] *A. SimplyB. MostlyC. Exactly(正确答案)D. Mainly25.—Hurry up! The bus is coming.—Wait a minute. Don't cross the street ______ the traffic lights turn green. [单选题] *A. until(正确答案)B. afterC. whileD. since26. — Have you noticed the “Tour” icon ______ the top of the page? — Yes, I have. [单选题] *A. aboveB. overC. at(正确答案)D. on27. The museum is about ______ ride from the school. We should start out right now. [单选题] *A. half an hourB. half an hour’s(正确答案)C. half an hours’D. half an hours28.They always warn us _____ ball games on the road to avoid _____ ourselves. [单选题] *A. to not play,; hurtingB. not to play; to hurtC. not to play ;hurting(正确答案)D. not play; to hurt29. —How long have you ______ Kitty? —For five days. I received it last Sunday. [单选题] *A. heard fromB. heard ofC. received the letter fromD. had the letter from(正确答案)30. —Please ______ the paper, Jimmy!. —But I haven't checked it. Mr. Smith. [单选题] *A. take outB. hand in(正确答案)C. look atD. go through31.—Andy’s parents _______ worried just now. Why?—They haven't heard from Andy________ he left for Africa. [单选题] *A. looked; since(正确答案)B. look; sinceC. looked; whenD. looked; while32. —Has Jack invited you to visit Shanghai Disneyland this weekend?— Yes, but I've ______. I'll have an important exam on that day. [单选题] *A. receivedB. acceptedC. refused(正确答案)D. missed33. — Thank you for offering me the travel guide. I've enjoyed myself these days.— ______. [单选题] *A. It's my pleasure(正确答案)B. With pleasureC. Don't say thatD. Never mind34. — ____________ has 2019-nCov vaccine(疫苗) been in use?— Since the beginning of this year, I think. [单选题] *A. How farB. How soonC. How long(正确答案)D. How often35. Lucy hit her head________ the wall when reading the message on the phone. Luckily, she wasn’t hurt. [单选题] *A. against(正确答案)B. oppositeC. onD. above36. My cousin got married__________. [单选题] *A. for two yearsB. since two years agoC. in two yearsD. two years ago(正确答案)37. The wind blew strongly. We________ stay in our classroom. [单选题] *A. mustB. shouldC. had to(正确答案)D. have to38. —Have you read the book Around the World in Eighty Days? —Who__________ it? [单选题] *A. will writeB. wrote(正确答案)C. was writingD. has written39. —Long time no see! I think you________ a lot.—Yes, I used to be quiet, but now I'm outgoing(外向的). [单选题] *A. will changeB. were changingC. are changedD. have changed(正确答案)40. It_______ me two hours_______ my maths homework. [单选题] *A. took; to finish(正确答案)B. cost; to finishC. paid; for finishingD. spent; finishing41. I ______Jack _______go to the cinema with you tonight. He always watches films with me. [单选题] *A.think; won’tB.don’t think; isC. don’t think; will(正确答案)D. think; isn’t going to42. The man _______ Shanghai an hour ago, so he _______ for an hour. [单选题] *A. was away for; has leftB. left; has leftC. left for; has been away(正确答案)D. has left for; has been away43. ________ this term, I'm sure I'll get better grades, because I study very hard. [单选题] *A. In the endB. At the endC. In the end ofD. At the end of(正确答案)44. John has ________ the Birdwatching Club for two months. [单选题] *A. joinedB. been a member of(正确答案)C. take part inD. joined in45. —Is Tom in the next room?—Well, it's hard to say. But I heard him ________ loudly when I passed by just now. [单选题] *A. speakB. to speakC. spokenD. speaking(正确答案)46. Being not far ________the sea, London is famous ________ its fog. [单选题] *A. from; withB. from; for(正确答案)C. away; withD. away; for47. He is businesslike(认真的)and is often______. I hope he will have more______at his business. [单选题] *A. success; successfulB. successful; success(正确答案)C. successfully; successfulD. successful; successful48. He always gets angry if he is kept ______ for five minutes. [单选题] *A. waiting(正确答案)B. waitC. to waitD. waiting49. You may go to play football as soon as you ______ homework . [单选题] *A. will be finishB. has finishedC. finishes(正确答案)D. is finished50. —Bob called to say welcome back. —Really? _______. [单选题] *A. It’s OKB. You’re welcomeC. Thanks for telling me(正确答案)D. It doesn’t matter。

Chapter 1 (答案D D C A C A D B C A \ F T F F T F F T T F)1) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study ofA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal(反常的)behavior.D) the behavior of individuals(个别的) and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations(观察)about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ________ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions(结论)about behavior, psychologists rely onA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense(常识)."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies(例子)the broadest, most global level of analysis?A) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus (艾宾浩斯)wrote that "Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures(描述)the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing (表达)?A) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun to record the accomplishments(造诣)of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance(实质)has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes (是……的特征)the current (流行)view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior?AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from(混合)different perspectives(观点).B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be asked and how they should be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's(强奸犯) behavior in terms of the rapist's displacedhostility(敌意)toward his mother is most likely to prefer the __D______ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic(人本主义)C) evolutionary D) psychodynamic(精神动力)8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate解释the innate天生的品质goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli(刺激)control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks a question increases the likelihood (可能性)that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedent environmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.CA) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance to AA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False F T F F T F F T T F1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective(主观的)point of view, making sure to include their own biases(偏见)and expectations in their observations.2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable(可知觉的)information, whereas(但是)explanations deliberately(谨慎的)go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's(弗洛伊德)view, human nature is not always rational(理智的), and behavior may be driven by motives(动机)that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive(本能)forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined(坚定的)by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences.8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms (有机体)that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring(后代)more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.9) Brain imaging techniques(脑成像技术)have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the field of cognitive neuroscience(神经科学).10) Clinical psychologists apply the insights of researchers, but are not trained to do research themselves.Chapter 21) In what ways are theories and hypotheses(臆测)interrelated?A) Hypotheses are more important than theories.B) Theories are more important than hypotheses.C) When a hypothesis derived from a theory is not validated, the theory must be modified.D) Theories are not of fundamental importance in generating new hypotheses, except when a theory has been proven.Answer: C2) When psychological researchers are ready to put their hypotheses to the test, they rely onA) intuition. B) the scientific method.C) common sense. D) subjective judgments.Answer: B3) There is a joke among scientists about a researcher who tells others that he belongs to a secret scientific society, where no one but the researcher will ever know about the studies members are doing. This joke is humorous because it violates(违反)the principle(原则)ofA) determinism. B) control groups. C) open-mindedness. D) public verifiability.Answer: D4) A research assistant who is working in a psychologist's laboratory learns the importance of keeping complete records of observations and data analyses. Such procedures(程序)are followed in order toA) increase objectivity.(增大客观性)B) increase subjectivity.C) increase observer bias.D) prevent other researchers from replicating a study.Answer: A5) An "observer bias" isA) an "educated guess" about what will happen.B) the direct result of the context of discovery.C) the direct result of the context of justification.D) an error due to personal motives and expectations.Answer: D6) If a researcher defines variables(变量)or conditions in terms of the specific(明确的)procedures used to determine their presence, he or she is using a(n) ________ definition.A) biased B) confounded C) operational D) hypotheticalAnswer: C7) A placebo effect (安慰剂效应)occurs whenA) an experimenter finds what he or she expected to discover.B) participants have not been randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions.C) participants change their behavior because of their belief that a treatment has an effect.D) both participants and experimental assistants are unaware of which participants get which treatment.Answer: C8) When neither research participants nor research assistants are aware of which participants receive which treatment, researchers have employed aA) placebo control. B) between-subjects design.C) single-blind control technique. D) double-blind control technique.(双盲控制技术)Answer: D9) When planning a study, you determine that of the one hundred participants, fifty will have to be randomly (随便的)assigned to the experimental condition and the other fifty to the control condition. The type of experimental design you are using is known as a ________ design.A) placebo control B) single-subject C) within-subjects D) between-subjectsAnswer: D10) Which of the following is true of the within-subjects (被试内设计)experimental design?A) It is a type of between-subjects design.B) There are no comparison conditions in this design.C) There are two experimental groups and one control group.D) Each participant serves in all conditions of the experiment.Answer: D11) A researcher is interested in the relationship between brain damage and the ability of humans to plan their behavior. Which type of research design would be most appropriate(合适的)for the researcher to use?A) placebo control B) experimental C) correlational(相关)D) within-subjectsAnswer: C12) Imagine that your instructor asks you to determine whether there is a relationship between musical ability and mathematical ability. The type of design best suited to this task would be a(n) A) experiment. B) case study.C) correlational study(相关研究). D) naturalistic observation.Answer: C13) With respect to psychological measurement, when data are consistent or dependable they are referred to as________, whereas the term ________ means that the information that is produced accurately measures the variable or quality that it is intended to measure.A) valid; reliable B) reliable(信度); valid(效度)C) consistent; reliable D) reliable or valid; consistentAnswer: B14) Which of the following is true of the within-subjects experimental design?A) It is a type of between-subjects design.B) There are no comparison conditions in this design.C) There are two experimental groups and one control group.D) Each participant serves in all conditions of the experiment.Answer: D15) A teacher is trying to see whether smiling at her students will increase the number of questions they ask. In the first and third week of the study, the number of questions students ask is recorded. In the second week, the teacher smiles a lot at her students, and the number of questions is also recorded. What type of research design is being used?A) within-subjects B) correlational C) placebo control(1.安慰剂控制法) D) between-subjects Answer: A16) A researcher who is interested in documenting the relationship between internal (内部的)psychological states such as a person’s motivation to succeed and his or her feelings ofself-confidence would most likely use a ________measure.A) behavioral B) self-report(自我报告)C) physiological D) naturalistic observationalAnswer: B17) Suppose an elementary school teacher is interested in measuring the amount of time a young student in her class is working productively(有效果的)versus chatting with classmates. It would be most appropriate for the teacher to use aA) questionnaire.(问卷法)B) behavioral measure.C) a self-report measure. D) a face-to-face interview.Answer: B18) Suppose you were interested in the kinds of movies your friends like to watch. You develop a simple questionnaire that asks them about their attitudes toward different film genres(风格)and then you also record which films they actually attend. The measurement technique you are using is best described asA) self-report measures.B) behavioral observations.C) naturalistic observations.D) a combination of self-report and behavioral observations.Answer: D19) A clinical psychologist is working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation(1.(美国)联邦调查局)(FBI)to develop an understanding of serial killers. She decides to focus her attention and measurements on a particularly brutal murderer who is serving a life sentence. Her approach is referred to as aA) case study. B) representative sample.C) within-subjects design. D) naturalistic observation.Answer: A20) Imagine that you have agreed to participate in psychological research. Prior(先验的)to the study, you will be given information about what you can expect and other details of the research, and asked to sign a form indicating(指示)your willingness to participate. This process is known asA) debriefing. B) informed consent.(知情同意)C) risk/gain assessment. D) intentional deception.Answer: BII True or False1) A theory is defined as an organized set of concepts(概念)that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.Answer: TRUE2) In order to minimize(.把…减至最低数量[程度]) the potential(潜在的)for bias, researchers must be certain that no variable in an experiment is operationally defined.(不可能做到)Answer: FALSE3) In an experiment, researchers manipulate(熟练操作)the dependent variable (因变量)and measure the independent variable.Answer: FALSE4) A double-blind control is an experimental technique in which biased expectations are eliminated by only telling the experimental assistants which participants have received which treatment.Answer: FALSE5) In a within-subjects research design, different groups of participants are randomly(随便的)assigned to experimental conditions or to control conditions.Answer: FALSE6) The entire(全部)set of individuals to which generalizations will be made based on an experimental sample is called the population(总体).Answer: TRUE7) The primary purpose of using correlational methods is to establish cause and effect relationships.(因果研究才是)Answer: FALSE8) If two variables are completely unrelated to each other, they will yield a correlation coefficient (系数)of zero.Answer: TRUE9) Questionnaires and surveys are examples of self-report measures.Answer: TRUEChapter 31) 1) Nature is to nurture (教养)as heredity(遗传)is toA) evolution. B) aggression. C) environment. D) natural selection.Answer: C2) A prisoner is violent and hostile, although he wasn't always this way. His therapist believes that the environment the prisoner was raised in brought about his aggressive tendencies. The therapist (咨询师)is espousing the view that behavior is primarily influenced byA) nature. B) biology. C) nurture. D) heredity.Answer: C3) In evolutionary terms, an individual's success is measured by theA) amount of territory one controls. B) degree of comfort an individual attains.C) number of offspring an individual produces. D) level of intelligence an individual acquires. Answer: C4) Members of a species who posses the range of physical and psychological attributes bestadapted to the environment are most likely to survive. This concept is known asA) natural selection. B) genotypical structure.C) phenotypical structure. D) survival of the fittest.Answer: D5) As you enter the crowded room, you catch a glimpse of your friend's dark hair and slim frame. What you are noticing most directly are aspects of your friend'sA) genotype. B) phenotype(1.表现型).C) adaptations. D) selective advantage.Answer: B6) In the vocabulary of evolutionary theory, you have inherited ________ from your parents.A) a genotype B) a phenotypeC) a behavioral repertory D) your outward appearanceAnswer: A7) You are hastily (1.匆忙地,仓促地)jotting notes for a quiz on basic genetics. Luckily, a friend notices that you have incorrectly written thatA) DNA contains 46 chromosomes(1.【医】同原染色体).B) genes are located on chromosomes.C) DNA is located in the nucleus of each cell.D) DNA contains instructions for the production of proteins.Answer: A8) Sex chromosomesA) contain 23 pairs of genes.B) are identical for males and females.C) bring about the union of a sperm and an egg.D) code the development of male or female physical characteristics.Answer: D9) In the human male, the sex chromosomes normally consist of a(n) ________ pair; in the human female they consist of a(n) ________ pair.A) XY; XX B) XX; XX C) YY; XX D) XX; YYAnswer: A10) The goal of the Human Genome Project(1.【医】基因组(测序)计划) is toA) identify all of the human genes.B) verify Darwin's theory of natural selection.C) show research support for the major events in human evolution.D) build human-like robots or cyborgs.Answer: A11) A girl has two older brothers and a stepsister(1.(继父与其前妻或继母与其前夫所生的)姐姐; 妹妹). You can best guess thatA) her brothers will be genetically identical.B) she has the exact same genetic makeup as her brothers.C) she has about 50% of her genes in common with her brothers.D) genetically she will be more like her stepsister than like her brothers.Answer: C12) Imagine traveling back in time to the seventeenth century. A French philosopher by the nameof Descartes(1.笛卡尔(法国哲学家、数学家,1596-1650)) has proposed the radical idea thatA) all animals have spirits.B) the human body is an "animal machine".C) humans are no more intelligent than animals.D) human action cannot be understood by using scientific means.Answer: B13) Broca's area in the brain is most closely associated withA) memory. B) emotion.C) language. D) physical movement.Answer: C14) The nervous(1.神经系统的) system is subdivided into two major divisions: What are they?A) somatic and autonomic B) peripheral and somaticC) central and peripheral D) sympathetic and parasympatheticAnswer: C15) You are working with a friend to develop flash cards to help you with your study of brain structures and their functions. Your friend remembers correctly that the ________ is involved primarily in autonomic processes such as heart rate and breathing, and you remember that the________ is involved in motivation, emotion and memory processes.A) cerebrum(1.<解>大脑); cerebral cortex(1.大脑皮层) B) brain stem(1.脑干); limbic system(1.(大脑)边缘系统)C) limbic system; brain stem D) cerebral cortex; brain stemAnswer: B16) The limbic system includes theA) medulla(1.(拉丁语)骨髓), hippocampus(2.海马回) and pons. B) hypothalamus, cerebrum(1.<解>大脑) and cerebellum(1.小脑).C) hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala(1.[解]扁桃体). D) reticular formation, amygdala and thalamus.Answer: C17) Research on split-brain patients(裂脑人)has suggested that, when compared to the right hemisphere(1.半球), the left hemisphere has a "style" that is moreA) global. B) holistic. C) analytical. D) insightful.Answer: C18) In the brain, the ________ serves as a relay station(1.中继站) between the endocrine system(1.内分泌系统) and the central nervous system(1.中枢神经系统).A) thalamus(1.丘脑) B) hippocampus C) hypothalamus D) cerebral cortexAnswer: CII True or False1) Your observable characteristics are known as your genotype.Answer: FALSE2) DNA is organized into units called genes.Answer: TRUE3) The human genome contains about four million genes.Answer: FALSE4) Broca's area of the brain is most closely associated with emotional behavior.Answer: FALSE5) The peripheral nervous system(1.周围神经系统) consists of the brain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves(1.颅神经;脑神经) that connect the body's sensory receptors to the central nervous system. Answer: FALSE6) The amygdala is the part of the limbic system that controls emotion, aggression, and the formation of emotional memory.Answer: TRUE7) In males, the testes secrete testosterone, which stimulates production of sperm and may increase aggression and sexual desire.Answer: TRUE8) Interneurons(中间神经元)are one class of neurons.Answer: TRUE9) The all-or-none law states that the size of the action potential(3.电位) is unaffected by increases in the intensity of stimulation beyond the threshold level(阈值).Answer: TRUE10) During the absolute refractory period(1.绝对不应期), further stimulation, no matter how intense, cannot cause another action potential to be generated.Answer: TRUEChapter 41) Signal detection theory(1.信号检测理论) suggests that differences in absolute thresholds between different people reflectA) signal strength.B) sensory processes.C) human judgment.D) absolute thresholds.Answer: C2) The visual cortex is located within theA) cerebellum.B) parietal lobe.C) frontal lobe.D) occipital lobe(1.枕叶).Answer: D3) The ________ of sound allows us to distinguish a guitar note from a saxophone note.A) timbre(1.音色;音品)B) kinestheticsC) harmonicsD) auditory diffusionAnswer: A4) The process of ________ is responsible for the conversion of physical energy to neural impulses.A) transduction(1.换能).B) plasticity.C) absolute threshold.D) psychophysics.Answer: A5) Nerve impulses that carry information travel along ________ to specialized processing areas in the brain.A) vestibular canalsB) nerve endingsC) sensory pathways(感觉通路)D) olfactory epitheliumAnswer: C6) Loudness is determined by soundA) pitch.B) quality.C) amplitude(振幅).D) frequency.Answer: C7) The eyes have two distinct types of photoreceptors(1.光感受器,感光器): the rods, which which detect ________, and the cones(1.(人眼)圆锥细胞), which detect ________.A) low intensity light; wavelengths corresponding to colorsB) motion; shapeC) bright light; dim lightD) stimuli in consciousness; unconscious stimuliAnswer: A8) Which one refers to the least amount of stimulation that your perceptual system(感知系统)can detect about half of the time?A) The stimulus threshold B) The difference thresholdC) The absolute threshold D) The action potentialAnswer: C9) Different senses give us different sensations mainly becauseA) They involve different stimuli.B) They activate different sensory regions(1.【医】感觉区, 顶颞区) of the brain.C) They have different intensities.D) We have different memories associated with them.Answer: B10) Which of the following is an example of the kind of information that top-down processing contributes to perception?A) Looking for a friend’s face in the crowdB) Having to wait for your eyes to adjust to the dark in a theatreC) Hearing a painfully loud noiseD) Feeling a pinprickAnswer:AII True or False1) Gustav Fechner coined the term psychophysics, which refers to the study of the relationshipbetween the intensity of a physical stimulus and the magnitude of an individual's sensory experience.Answer: TRUE2) The transformation of one form of energy, such as light, to another form, such as neural impulses, is called sensory adaptation.Answer: FALSE3) The absolute threshold is operationally defined as the stimulus level at which a sensory signal is detected 100% of the time.Answer: FALSE4) In a signal detection study, an observer who is a yea sayer will give a high number of hits but will also have a high number of false alarms.Answer: TRUE5) David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel won a Nobel Prize for their studies of receptive fields of cells in the visual cortex.Answer: TRUE6) The loudness of a sound is dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound wave. Answer: FALSE7) Transduction refers to the process of converting neural impulses into psychological energy that the brain can process.Answer: FALSE8) Bottom-up processing(1.自下而上加工) refers to perceptual analysis in which information from an individual's past experience, knowledge, expectations, motivations, and background influence the way a perceived object is interpreted and classified.Answer: FALSE9) The principle of relative size states that objects of the same size but different distances project the same size images on the retina.Answer: FALSE10) When your expectations affect perceptions the process is called bottom-up processing. Answer: FALSEChapter 51) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study of DA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal behavior.D) the behavior of individuals and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ____D____ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions about behavior, psychologists rely on CA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies the broadest, most global level of analysis?AA) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus wrote that "Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing? CA) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun to record the accomplishments of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes the current(1.现在的, 现行的) view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior? AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from different perspectives.B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be asked and how theyshould be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's behavior in terms of the rapist's displaced hostility toward his mother is most likely to prefer the ____C____ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic C) evolutionary D) psychodynamic8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate the innate goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks a question increases the likelihood that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedentenvironmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.A) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance toA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective point of view, making sure to include their own biases and expectations in their observations.2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable information, whereas explanations deliberately go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's view, human nature is not always rational, and behavior may be driven by motives that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences.8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.9) Brain imaging techniques have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the field of cognitive neuroscience.10) Clinical psychologists apply the insights of researchers, but are not trained to do research themselves.Chapter 61) In his classic text written in 1892, William James defined psychology as the description and explanation ofA) behavior. B) states of consciousness.C) animal and human intelligence. D) emotion and motivation.Answer: B2) Although you were not thinking about what you had for dinner the night before, when your。
湖南师范大学 专业硕士 期末英语口语考试

1.“Habit is a second nature. Habit is ten times nature.” Do youagree ? Why?It has been rightly said that habit is a second nature. That is what we do often today will soon become a part of our natural self tomorrow. For habit, whether good or bad, is the basis of character and a man is regarded by society according to his habits and disposition.We should never disregard the importance of habit. Some are in the habit of forgetting to do things or of mislaying things. Some have a habit for being always late. Some always give up a job after the first attempt. Some are habitual late-risers; others are always slow; habit causes loss to oneself and irritates others.I still remember a case which is unforgettable to me. It was duringthe summer vacation. After my shopping from the supermarket, I couldn't find my key when I arrived at home and began to do my homework. Being anxious and worried, I began to research each corner of my room for the key. And I even looked for it in everyoneplace of my house where I had passed. However, all that I did came to be vain and I wasted my whole morning in this meaningless thing otherwise I should have finished my homework.Finally, being depressed and frustrated, I told it to my parents and had the preparation of being criticized for my carelessness. It isnot out of my expectation that my parents blamed me, nevertheless my mother gave the key to me which I thought it was lost. She told me that I had forgotten to take it away after inserting it into the lock hole, and instructed me to be more careful in my daily life. Definitely this case indeed gives me alesson that I ought to be careful, and it also makes me recall a typical case which reflect the importance of habit. I think we must make automatic and habitual ,as early as possible,as many useful actions as we can .Because more of the details of our daily life we can hand over to the effortless custody of automatism, the more our higher powers of mind will be set free for their own proper and important work.2.Some people think “I speak both languages”equals “I’m agood translator”,Do you agree with them?I don’t agree with the ideal.The translator is a bridge betweenthe two languages.The translator's task is to create conditions under which the source language author and the target language reader can interact with one another. It is known to all thata good translator’s talentlies in being good with languages. They must have abilities to handle both languages very skillfully,which is the basic requirement for a translator.But it was not enough to become a good translator. Translation is a complicatedandchallenging work. Firstly, as a translator, you are expected to be an expert in translating each individual text.You have to be able to read as well as a critic and write as well as a writer.Secondly, a good translator should be familiar with the culture, customs, and social settings of the source and target language speakers. He should also be familiar with different registers, styles of speaking, and social stratification of both languages.In addition,a good translator should be patient. It is a work taking much time. You cannot act like a child.Today you are happy, and you translate several paragraphs; tomorrow you are unhappy, and you cannot put your heart into it. A translator must be sure that heis in good condition and not be influenced by emotion. In my opinion, translation is a silent work. So a good translator shouldn’t be afraid of loneliness andremaining nameless.Oppositely, he should love this situation and shoulder the responsibility readily.3.Is the work of translation easy or difficult?What is yourproblem while doing translation?I think translation is extremely difficult for me.I know my proficiency level in English is very low, so i will not try a work of translation, unless it is in the Englishexamination.First of all, thebiggest problem is that my vocabulary is very limited; therefore I often don’t understand what the author’s idea exactly,not to mentionfinding the right and appropriate words to express the author’s meaning. Secondly, lack of discourse management strategies;I feel that the original meaning of the text has been changed after my translation.Finally, I don't understand the social background of the original work.I easily put my personal ideas and the imagination into them.Although there are some difficulties in my learning English, but I will continue to work hard and continue to solve my own problems.4. The brainwashing song Little Apple is so popular that it can be heard here and there recently. Some readily dance to the music while others turn up their nose at it. What do you think of the song?Called "brainwashing pop song" by many, Little Apple has become popular overnight in China like Gangnam Style or Tante in the recent past. Like any other brainwashing song, it is simple and easy on rhythm with straightforward but meaningless lyrics and fast paced. I really love this song. First of all, I think one of the main functions of music is to bring happiness to people and this song really makes people relaxed and takes their minds off troubles. It can be quickly learned and easy to follow even devoted to the practical work. It canbe called a sense of the work song. Secondly, I think the lyrics of this song are very enthusiastic, expressing bold love to the lover. If this song was vulgar, that many other songs may have been group of vulgar. Finally, this song has no error values on publicity, also does not mislead the mass. I think that it’s necessary to have elegan t and meaningful music, and they will be the classics of the times and cast a long shadow. While, we also need some simple and crude folk songs which can satisfy the common and natural needs of everyone. Diversification and Inclusiveness is always good for our society.5. What are the major problems in China’s high education system? How do you think we should address them?Now, Chinese higher education systems, which were established since the reform in 1977, have been carried out, and have been developed for more than 20 years. When we review and meditate upon this system, we can find out some negative phenomenon. I have much of my opinions on Chinese higher education and have strong feeling in expressing my opinion.The following questions remain in the current Chinese higher education: As we know, a good education should train students to think for themselves, but the value outlook of traditional education pays much attention to the examination system.A student can or can’t gain credits and graduate is due to weather he or she can pass the allkinds of tests designed by school or other institutions.Thus not only can’t motivate studen ts to learn widely and develop their interests and passion for their major but also deprive the students’ freedom.Another problem in higher education is that there is less relationship between the theories and practices.What we have been learning now in a lot of time is the knowledge of the theories, which maybe underlie the students of the basic knowledge, but at the same time, it also makes students lose a lot of opportunities to discover and implement patterns by themselves in practice, and in the end leads them to be unfamiliar to realistic development of social environment.The third problem is therprevalent administrativization and bureaucratization in many universities.There are some officials who often do not have an academic background, yet they make decisions on issues ranging from setting majors, curriculum planning and performance evaluation to the distribution of funds. And it is well-known that many academics pay more attention to cultivating ties with influential officials to secure their career development than to serious scholarship, as the prevalent bureaucratisation has fuelled the desire for official ranks even among academics. Students are also affectedby these trends .They lose the qualities which as equally important to a person as the person's academic achievement and friendsourcingare her sense of self-worthiness, self-respect, herability to think critically and independently, her ethic standard, and her commitment to her civic responsibilities as a citizen of her country. These are aspects of life that a mere degree in higher education cannot offer to its recipient.The ideal modern university is one with academic freedom, institutional autonomy, and governance by professors and students. There needs to be a reasonable relationship between the education providers, educators and those being educated. Based on these standards, there is really no true modern university in our country at the moment.So higher education shouldfind some equilibrium pots among universities, government and society on the one hand, and on the other, set up equilibrium between economic interest and moral civilization. Only if higher education in China sets up the equilibrium and keeps it well, society would find the graduate students it needs and the graduate students could find their appropriate position in society, and real masters would arise in the future.6. What do you think college students should learn from their college experience?Time spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young person's life.This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life in general.During the four years,he not onlydevelops his academic intellectual abilities, but also develops social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for choosing a future career.I think that the most important we should learn in college isIndependent thinking. We need to establish the value system of our own, instead of being good boy or girl in the eyes of parents. The foremost objective in college life is not acquiring knowledge and academic skills, but to find your true passion, theidealitywhich you can pursuit during lifetime, and plan for the implementation of each step.In process of search, pursuit and realization, you will naturally understand what knowledge and ability you need, and you will naturally exercise these capabilities. I have ever met many college students who don’t know their own interests and what they really what to do,just following the crowd in different ways.When they faced with graduation, they attributethe confusion, vacantness, and helpless feeling tothe inevitable pain of youth. Eventually, the cost of all this forsocietyisthe simplification of social value orientation and money worship.Because the driving force of social progress don't know what theyreally want. For that reason, I believe that thinking independently and realizing what is the way to be your future life is foremost affairs that the college student should learn from college experience.7. What role does mass media play in our life?How much will itaffect people’s decision?The mass media plays extensi ve role in an individual’s daily life. There is no doubt that the mass media can influence the way that people’s behavior. Advertising is one of the most fundamental and typical way, where consumers are brought into buying what they are shown to be good or popular, with their decisions based on what they saw on television, newspapers or internet. Advertisers can promote, exploit the demands or even produce the needs of people. For example, since 2010online retailers have transformed theSingles' Day, also known as "Double 11" into an epic online shopping extravaganza akin to America's Cyber Monday.On that day you may don’t have much shopping demand, but under the overwhelmingadvertising campaigns, you might unknowingly buy a lot of things online not in the budget and spend lots of money beyond expected.Meanwhile it should be recognized that the mass media canpropagateinformation,changing people’s minds and guide st year,mass media reported many times that mainland touristswere discriminatedand suffered from unfair treatment in Hong Kong.As a result,the number of Chinese travelling abroad during Last Spring Festival went up 10 percent, but the number visiting Hong Kong fell for the first time over the past 20 years because of anti-mainland sentiment. In summary, the media role of informationprovider should be acknowledged and it can greatly affect people’s decisions and action.8. Do you like travelling? Can you share with us the most interesting or unforgettable experience during your travel?I love traveling. Last summer vacation, I went to Hainan. Going to Hainan for one week was a very enjoyable and excited experience for me. I have experienced a lot of things for the first time.In haikou, the sky is also brighter and clearer than that I had ever seen and the climate is totally different from that in Changsha.It was warm there and we could see coconut trees everywhere. I visited the tomb of Hairui, an officer in Qing dynasty who was famous for rectitude andincorruptness. I think he should be the role model of everyofficials. I also went to Boao where is famous for its forum. It was my first time to admirethe sea and the beach in the sunshine. I could clearly see the ocean wavesbreaking on the shore. The ship would lie there mirrored in a perfectly unmoving glossy sea.Tourists sunbathe and frolic in the ocean. Sunshine, beach and seawater, what a joyous and restful holiday!I can’t forget this trip, not only does it give me a lot of joy, relaxation and good memory, but also it give me a chance and time to think about myself and what I want out of life.9. Nowadays, people, especially the youth, like to follow andimitate celebrities.Do you have some tips for them?Nowadays,star-worship is popular among people,especially the youth.However, blindly worshipping and imitatingcelebrities is a kind of irrationalbehavior.To tell the truth,I am a fan of AKB48 but I am not crazy. According to my experience, there are some tips for these youth: Firstly,We can’t be a blindly fanboy or fangirl.Following an idol is not regarding him as a God .He is not your motivation of catfight, either.It is his life you see that you will never live forever.And that person will be very seriously go ahead carrying your dream. Only such a person can be an idol.What you worship should be truly character rather than appearance. Secondly,don't lavish too much time and money on these things. Star-worship should not become your whole life. I think that the cost should not be more than 10% of your expense. Thirdly,abandon the narrow perspective. Your classmate and friend may worship different idols;we can’t force others to accept our own preferences.For example,I like mayuyu-a member of AKB48 but one of my roommatelikes Huachenyu very much who is a littlesilly in my opinion.But we never say onebad wordabout our idols each other. Last but not least,be good at absorbing the positive experience from the idol and don't lose yourself because you can only be yourself.10. Are you fond of travelling? For what purpose do you usually travel?I love travelling. Travel is a good way to refresh and broaden my horizon. During the travel, I can turn off mobile phone and keep away from the Internet; forget my work, study and just enjoy the leisure time. From the moment when I start journey, all the trifles should be locked at my house. Travel is a window for me to know a different world. I have opportunity to meet various people and experience different cultures. It is inevitable that through these experiences i will learn a lot about myself. The ideal that whoi am as a person and what i want out of life might very well be changed.We all get a limited amount of time on this Earth, and no one knows when it will come to an end.As Mark Twain said“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”I really don’t want to stay in the same town or city formywhole life, without meeting new people, tasting new foods and seeing and experiencing life as others do.11. On Saturday evening,fireworks are set off on the Orange Isle from May to October every year. It has become a must for tourists to Changsha to watch the fireworks. On the other hand, environmentalists are lobbyingto put an end to this practice. What’s your opinion on this issue?As far as I'm concerned, it’s unrealistic to put an end to thispractice although it has produced a lot of air pollutantsand causedserious traffic congestion with the cost ofa huge amount of money. Fireworkshas been one of the famous travel brandfor Changsha and caused great economic effect and long-lasting social effect.It is reported thatevery Orange Island fireworksattracted an average of 150 thousand people to watch in 2013. At present tourist receipts has grown by35%, and the 97% of tour groups arrangedfor Orange Island fireworks. It has already become a part of cultural construction and an important step towards internationalization of Changsha. In other time, I think that fireworks were set off 30times this year was too much. It may bore the local audiences like me. I think we can conduct SuperFireworks Show in summer every year concluding several activities such as firework;music concert;Outdoor Play and Food Festivalat the same time just like a grand ceremonyinstead of increasing times to set off the fireworks.Meanwhile we couldcelebrate the festivals in summer likeDouble Seventh Festival or Children’s day.Above is only my individual viewpoint.12. What does “happiness” mean to you? What is the best thing happened on you during the last ten years?Happiness is very difficult to define, because it means so many different things to different people.While some people link happinessto wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. Yet others think that spiritual paths,are the only way to true happiness.In my opinion, happiness is doing what I love with someone I like.My happiest timeduring the last ten years is in the fourthyear of my college. I do not have any courses to learn and I spent most of time with my best friend---Chen Yuanyuan. It was the last free time for us and we didn’t do anything special like travelling together. I realized one year later we had to say a temporary goodbye so I really appreciated the leisure time we live together. We shared each other's gossip and feelings and talk about our life, ideals. We even exchanged our views on social issues and imaginedthe future.Almost every day we eat dinner together and took a walk. Even if it is only face to face with the phone or computer, I also feel very happy. Now she is a civil servant in local government, and we still sent messages everyday.13. What differences do you think your college education has made in your life? Say something about them.Time spent in collegewas a most worthwhile period in my life.Thatwas a time when I began to form my ideas about life and found my real passion. College education was not as a product that used to increase my income in that all-important first job ormaximize the return on investment, but as a platform from which I willgenerate some of the most important features in my life. It’s an intermediary,a capacity builder that led to many more things than at any one moment you could possibly know would be useful.During the four years, I had the opportunity and free time to readextensive books and listen to the lectures of top experts in their fields. I took part in a lot of practical activities to understand the world and other different people better. This stimulation and experiences encouragedme to thinkindependently, ask questions, and explore new ideas, which allowed for additional growth and development and providedme with an edge and opportunity to acquire the graduate education.。

I. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D 11. B (on the spot)12. D(He is at the meridian of life./ He is now at the meridian of his intellectual power. /He was at the meridian of his power then. /She was at the peak of her popularity. /Who, at the peak of happiness, can remember the number of Cupid, or any of the fun days around./A decision will be taken at the culmination of the initial research.在初始阶段研究结束时将作出决议。
)13. A (come down with染上病 Come into effect/come into play/Come into operation/come into bloom; come up with想出;come about 发生)14. A(bring about 引起 bring over You might bring him over tomorrow. Bring off a successful advertising campaign.) 15. C 16. A 17. D(CM, CDA, DTR, BA, SMD would partly decrease the mechanical performance of IFR/PP. 甲基纤维素、二乙酸纤维素、糊精、硼酸、钼酸钠在一定程度上会降低IFR/PP的力学性能。
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【2010英专英语语言运用与思维真题回忆】英语语言运用与思维第一改错第二阅读第一篇是John MasefieldBeverley Nichols1 A few weeks later I met Masefield himself. He had promised to read some of his poetry to a little literary society which we had gathered together, and we all assembled in my rooms to await his arrival. It was a bitterly cold night, with driving snow, land he lived some eight miles out of Oxford, in a region where there were neither taxis nor buses, so that he would have been perfectly justified in phoning us to say that he could not come.However, he turned up only a few minutes late, having bicycled all the way, in order not to disappoint us.2One never forgets Masefield's face. It is not the face of a young man, for it is lined and grave. And yet it is not the face of an old man, for youth is still in the bright eyes. Its dominant quality is humility.There were moments when he seemed almost to abase himself before his fellow-creatures. And this humility was echoed in everything he did or said, in the quiet, timid tone of his voice, in the way in which he always shrank from asserting himself.3This quality of his can best he illustrated by his behaviour that night. When the time came for him to read his poems, he would not stand up in any position of pre-eminence but sheltered himself behind the sofa, in the shade of an old lamp, and from there he delivered passages from The Everlasting Mercy, Dauber, The Tragedy of Nan, and Pompey the Great. He talked, too, melodiously, and with the ghost of a question mark after each of his sentences and though he were saying 'Is this right? Who am I to lay down the law?' And when it was all over, and we began to discuss what he had said, all talking at the top of our voices, very superficially, not doubt, but certainly with a great deal of enthusiasm, it was with a sudden shock that I realized that Masefield had retired into his shell, and was sitting on the floor, almost in the dark, reading a volume of poems by a young and quite unknown writer.4I saw a good deal of him after that. He lived in a little red house looking over the hills and valleys about eight miles out, and on fine days one could see from his window the grey spires and panes of Oxford glittering in the distance.5'Oxford is always different,' he said to me once. 'always I see her in a new mood of beauty from these hills.' We were looking down on the city from the distance and I too knew how he felt. Oxford from the hills is a dream eternally renewed. Under the rain, when only a few spires and towers rise above the driving sheets of grey, on an April morning, when the whole city is sparkling and dappled with yellow shadows, by moonlight when it is a fantastic vision of the Arabian Nights. 6Like many other literary geniuses, Masefield is clever with his hands. He will, with equal complacency, make a model of a ship or mend a garden gate. But since he was himself a sailor -- since he has himself known the sea in every mood of loveliness or of terror, it is only natural that, when he does model, he should turn, by instinct, to ships. He showed me, at his house, a most exquisite model in wood of an old sailing vessel of the eighteenth century. There was nothing of the dilettante about that work. Every spar, every rope, every mast, every tiny detail was there, modeled to scale. It would have satisfied the most ardent technician, and yet it had a grace and apoetry that only Masefield could have given it.7'You must keep this in a glass case,' I said to him. 'It's far to precious, too dainty, to knock about like the other things.'8He shook his head. "She's not going to stay here,' he said. 'I made her for a friend who has been very kind to me.'9That was like Masefield, I thought, to spend weeks and weeks of labour to please 'a friend who had been kind to him.然后上面这篇有有5个问题另外三篇是How to grow old,第二篇忘了,但也是关于老年的第三篇是If I were a boyagain综述三篇的大意150字,然后选其一根据你自身的感受写评论(300字)第三写作是英文作文12个可选题我只记得我选的了第四英翻中The delight of books另外文学的题目前面的基础题就不说了诗歌赏析是Christina Rossetti的The First Day戏剧节选是Tenassee Williams的 A Street Car Named Desire 评论BlancheSummary是Saki的The Open Window,后面还有三个问题中文作文是引用了梁实秋的一段话说有天才的作家,没有天才的批评家。
还有德语,题型又变了我倒选择题只有5分了加了个15分作文~课文翻译是Martin Luther und die deutsch Sprache.。