



- 每天背诵200个单词,并复习前几天的单词。

- 阅读英语原文或英语文章,加强词汇运用和阅读能力。

- 每天做一套英语阅读理解练习,重点训练对于长篇文章的理解和文章结构分析。

- 阅读高频考点的范文,提高写作水平。

- 每天听一段英语录音,选择有难度的材料,提高听力理解能力。

- 做听力题,加强对于考点的掌握。

- 每天写一篇英语作文,练习写作技巧和表达能力。

- 多读范文,学习优秀作文的结构和表达方式。

- 做模拟试题,模拟考试环境,检验复习效果。

- 针对答题情况和分析错题,总结经验。

- 复习重点知识点,强化记忆和理解。

- 做真题,熟悉考试形式和题型。

- 小范围组织讨论,解决疑惑和加强理解。






六级单词备考计划一、第一阶段:基础积累(第1 - 2周)1. 每天背诵30个新单词。

- abandon [əˈbændən] vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃(vt. = transitive verb 及物动词)- ability [əˈbɪləti] n. 能力;才能(n. = noun 名词)- abnormal [æbˈnɔːml] adj. 反常的;不正常的(adj. = adjective 形容词)- aboard [əˈbɔːd] prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上;上(船、飞机、车)adv. 在船(或飞机、车)上;上船(或飞机、车)(prep. = preposition 介词;adv. = adverb 副词)- abolish [əˈbɒlɪʃ] vt. 废除;废止(vt. = transitive verb 及物动词)- abortion [əˈbɔːʃn] n. 流产;堕胎;(计划等)失败;夭折(n. =noun 名词)- abound [əˈbaʊnd] vi. 大量存在;充满;富于(vi. = intransitive verb 不及物动词)- about [əˈbaʊt] prep. 关于;大约;在…周围adv. 大约;到处;在附近(prep. = preposition 介词;adv. = adverb 副词)- above [əˈbʌv] prep. 在…上面;超过;高于adv. 在上面;以上;上述adj. 上述的(prep. = preposition 介词;adv. = adverb 副词;adj. = adjective 形容词)- abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. 在国外;到国外;广为流传(adv. = adverb 副词)- abrupt [əˈbrʌpt] adj. 突然的;意外的;(举止、言谈等)唐突的(adj. = adjective 形容词)- absence [ˈæbsəns] n. 缺席;不在;缺乏(n. = noun 名词)- absent [ˈæbsənt] adj. 缺席的;不在场的;缺少的vt. 使缺席(adj. = adjective 形容词;vt. = transitive verb 及物动词)- absolute [ˈæbsəluːt] adj. 绝对的;完全的;专制的(adj. =adjective 形容词)- absorb [əbˈsɔːb] vt. 吸收;吸引;使全神贯注(vt. = transitive verb 及物动词)- abstract [ˈæbstrækt] adj. 抽象的;理论上的n. 摘要;抽象派艺术作品vt. 提取;抽取;使抽象化(adj. = adjective 形容词;n. = noun 名词;vt. = transitive verb 及物动词)- absurd [əbˈsɜːd] adj. 荒谬的;可笑的(adj. = adjective 形容词)- abundant [əˈbʌndənt] adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产(adj. = adjective 形容词)- abuse [əˈbjuːz] vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂(vt. = transitive verb 及物动词;n. = noun 名词)- academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的n. 大学教师;学者(adj. = adjective 形容词;n. = noun 名词)- academy [əˈkædəmi] n. 学院;研究院;学会(n. = noun 名词)- accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] vt. 使…加快;使…增速vi. 加速;促进;增加(vt. = transitive verb 及物动词;vi. = intransitive verb 不及物动词)- accent [ˈæksent] n. 口音;重音;强调vt. 强调;重读(n. = noun 名词;vt. = transitive verb 及物动词)- accept [əkˈsept] vt. 接受;承认;承担vi. 同意;承认(vt. =transitive verb 及物动词;vi. = intransitive verb 不及物动词)- acceptance [əkˈseptəns] n. 接受;接纳;承认(n. = noun 名词)- access [ˈækses] n. 通道;进入;机会;使用权vt. 使用;存取;接近(n. = noun 名词;vt. = transitive verb 及物动词)- accessible [əkˈsesəbl] adj. 可进入的;可使用的;可理解的(adj. = adjective 形容词)- accident [ˈæksɪdənt] n. 事故;意外;偶然(n. = noun 名词)- accidental [ˌæksɪˈdentl] adj. 意外的;偶然的;附属的(adj. = adjective 形容词)2. 复习方法。





第一周:1. 复习词汇:每天背诵500个单词,每天花1小时进行复习。

2. 复习语法:每天学习和复习一到两个语法知识点,每天花1小时进行复习。

3. 阅读理解:每天做一篇阅读理解练习,每天花2小时做题和总结。

第二周:1. 复习词汇:继续每天背诵500个单词,每天花1小时进行复习。

2. 复习语法:每天学习和复习一到两个语法知识点,每天花1小时进行复习。

3. 阅读理解:继续每天做一篇阅读理解练习,每天花2小时做题和总结。

4. 翻译:每天进行一篇翻译练习,每天花2小时进行练习和总结。

第三周:1. 复习词汇:继续每天背诵500个单词,每天花1小时进行复习。

2. 复习语法:每天学习和复习一到两个语法知识点,每天花1小时进行复习。

3. 阅读理解:继续每天做一篇阅读理解练习,每天花2小时做题和总结。

4. 翻译:继续每天进行一篇翻译练习,每天花2小时进行练习和总结。

5. 写作:每天进行一篇作文练习,每天花2小时进行练习和总结。

第四周:1. 复习词汇:继续每天背诵500个单词,每天花1小时进行复习。

2. 复习语法:每天学习和复习一到两个语法知识点,每天花1小时进行复习。

3. 阅读理解:继续每天做一篇阅读理解练习,每天花2小时做题和总结。

4. 翻译:继续每天进行一篇翻译练习,每天花2小时进行练习和总结。

5. 写作:继续每天进行一篇作文练习,每天花2小时进行练习和总结。

第五周:1. 复习词汇:继续每天背诵500个单词,每天花1小时进行复习。

2. 复习语法:每天学习和复习一到两个语法知识点,每天花1小时进行复习。

3. 阅读理解:继续每天做一篇阅读理解练习,每天花2小时做题和总结。

4. 翻译:继续每天进行一篇翻译练习,每天花2小时进行练习和总结。

5. 写作:继续每天进行一篇作文练习,每天花2小时进行练习和总结。






















对于词汇学习,我们推荐一种记忆单词的技巧:艾宾浩斯记忆/遗忘曲线,德国心理学家艾宾浩斯 (H.Ebbinghaus)研究发现,遗忘在学习之后立即开始,而且遗忘的进程并不是均匀的。







但是普遍的记忆规律是:在5 分钟后重复一遍,30 分钟后再重复一遍,12 小时后,1 天后,2 天后,4 天后,7 天后,15 天后重复记忆,就会记得很牢。

具体复习时间表一、复习点的确定(根据艾宾浩斯记忆曲线制定):1、第一个记忆周期:5 分钟即每隔五分钟检查前5 分钟的2、第二个记忆周期:30 分钟即每隔30 分钟检查前30 分钟的3、第三个记忆周期:12 小时即每隔12 小时检查前12 小时的4、第四个记忆周期:1 天……5、第五个记忆周期:2 天……6、第六个记忆周期:4 天……7、第七个记忆周期:7 天……8、第八个记忆周期:15 天……二、背诵方法:1、初记单词时需要记忆的内容:a) 单词外观b) 单词的词形及前两个中文释义c) 简单的搭配2、每个list 的具体背诵过程(每个list 按平均5 页,每页按平均15 个单词计,即为同学们复习计划每天需要记忆的单词的任务量):a) 背完一页(大约5-6 分钟),立即返回该页第一个单词开始复习(大约几十秒)b) 按上面方法背完一个list(大约30 分钟),回到第1 页开始复习(两三分钟)考研英语有成效的背单词的注意事项要富有成效地学习词汇,必须解决好几个问题:(1)时间的分配;(2)明确需要掌握的内容;(3)记忆的方法。





1. 制定复习计划:将所有需要复习的词汇按照难度和重要性进行分类。



2. 设置闪过复习周期:根据自己的时间安排和进度要求,合理设置闪过复习的周期。


3. 分段复习:将每个难度级别的词汇分成若干个小组,每个小组包含相同数量的词汇。



4. 制定复习计划表:根据闪过复习周期和每个小组的词汇数量,制定一个复习计划表。



5. 开始闪过复习:按照复习计划表进行闪过复习。



6. 及时调整复习计划:每次复习后,根据自己的记忆效果和感觉来评估复习情况。



7. 充分利用碎片时间:除了按照复习计划进行闪过复习外,还可以充分利用零散的碎片时间进行词汇复习。





考研英语周计划分级词汇记忆宝典txt格式全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Graduate English Weekly Plan - Graded Vocabulary Memory BookIntroductionAs a graduate student preparing for the English section of the postgraduate entrance examination, building a strong vocabulary is essential for success. In order to help you efficiently memorize and master a large volume of words, we have developed a weekly plan for vocabulary study, which is categorized and presented in a convenient TXT format for easy access and review.Week 1: Foundation VocabularyStart by focusing on basic vocabulary that forms the foundation of English language proficiency. This includes commonly used words in everyday communication and academic writing. Use flashcards or vocabulary apps to memorize and test yourself on these words.Week 2: Intermediate VocabularyIn the second week, move on to intermediate vocabulary that is more specific and advanced. These words are often found in academic articles and research papers. Practice using them in sentences to solidify your understanding and application.Week 3: Advanced VocabularyIn the third week, challenge yourself with advanced vocabulary that is complex and specialized. These words may require additional context and practice to fully grasp their meanings. Use mnemonic devices or create associations to aid in retention.Week 4: Review and AssessmentAt the end of the month, take time to review all the vocabulary you have studied and assess your progress. Identify any weaknesses or gaps in your knowledge and dedicate extra time to reinforce those areas. Consider forming study groups with peers to practice and discuss challenging words.ConclusionBy following this weekly plan and utilizing the graded vocabulary memory book in TXT format, you can systematically improve your English vocabulary and enhance your performanceon the graduate entrance examination. Remember to stay consistent and dedicated in your study efforts, and you will see noticeable improvements in your language skills. Good luck with your preparation!篇2Title: GRE Vocabulary Memory Guide in TXT formatIntroductionAs the GRE exam approaches, it is crucial to have awell-structured plan for memorizing and mastering the vast amount of vocabulary that is tested on the exam. In this document, we will provide a comprehensive weekly plan for dividing and memorizing GRE vocabulary words in a systematic and efficient manner. The plan will be presented in a TXT format for easy access and organization.Week 1: Basic Words (Day 1-3)- Compile a list of 50 basic GRE vocabulary words- Divide the list into three sections for each day- Create flashcards for each word including the definition and example sentence- Review the flashcards multiple times throughout the day- Test yourself on the words at the end of the weekWeek 2: Intermediate Words (Day 4-7)- Compile a list of 100 intermediate GRE vocabulary words- Divide the list into four sections for each day- Create flashcards for each word including the definition and example sentence- Review the flashcards regularly and practice using the words in sentences- Test yourself on the words at the end of the weekWeek 3: Advanced Words (Day 8-14)- Compile a list of 150 advanced GRE vocabulary words- Divide the list into seven sections for each day- Create flashcards for each word including the definition and example sentence- Review the flashcards daily and practice using the words in writing- Test yourself on the words at the end of the weekConclusionBy following this weekly plan for dividing and memorizing GRE vocabulary words, you will be able to systematically build and strengthen your vocabulary skills in preparation for the exam. This TXT format provides a convenient and organized way to track your progress and ensure that you are effectively memorizing the words. Good luck with your GRE exam preparation!篇3Graduate English Weekly Plan: Graded Vocabulary Memory GuideWelcome to the Graduate English Weekly Plan! In this document, you will find a comprehensive guide to help you improve your English vocabulary for the upcoming exams. By following this graded vocabulary memory guide, you will be able to expand your knowledge of English words and improve your overall language skills.Each week, we will focus on a specific set of words categorized by their level of difficulty. By breaking down the vocabulary into different levels, you can gradually build up your vocabulary without feeling overwhelmed. We will also provideyou with tips and tricks on how to remember and effectively use these words in your writing and speaking.Week 1: Basic Words (100 words)This week, we will start with basic words that are commonly used in everyday communication. These words are essential for establishing a strong foundation in English vocabulary. Make sure to practice using these words in sentences to reinforce your understanding.Week 2: Intermediate Words (200 words)In week 2, we will move on to intermediate level words that are more complex and specific in meaning. These words will help you express yourself more fluently and accurately in both written and spoken English. Focus on understanding the context in which these words are used.Week 3: Advanced Words (300 words)For week 3, we will tackle advanced level words that are often found in academic texts and professional settings. These words will challenge you to think critically and expand your intellectual horizons. Pay attention to the nuances of meaning and usage of these words.Week 4: Review and PracticeIn the final week of the month, take the time to review all the words you have learned so far and practice using them in various contexts. Test yourself with quizzes and exercises to reinforce your memory and retention of the vocabulary.By following this structured weekly plan, you will gradually build up your English vocabulary and improve your language skills in a systematic way. Remember to stay consistent and dedicated in your studies, and you will see significant progress in your English proficiency. Good luck with your exam preparations!。



考研英语单词学习计划IntroductionAs we all know, English is a global language that is widely spoken and used in many different fields. It is also an important subject for the postgraduate entrance examination. In order to achieve a good score in the English section of the exam, it is crucial to have a strong vocabulary. Therefore, having an effective and organized plan for learning and memorizing English words is essential. In this study plan, I will outline a step-by-step approach to building a solid English vocabulary for the postgraduate entrance examination.Step 1: Set a goalThe first step in any successful study plan is to set a clear and achievable goal. When it comes to learning English words for the postgraduate entrance examination, the goal should be to learn a specific number of words within a certain period of time. For example, you may set a goal to learn 5000 new words within six months. This goal should be challenging but also realistic.Step 2: Create a word listOnce you have set a goal, the next step is to create a word list. This can be done by finding a reliable source of English words, such as a vocabulary book or an online database. You can also use the vocabulary list provided by the postgraduate entrance examination board as a starting point. It is important to choose words that are relevant to the exam and are commonly used in academic texts and articles.Step 3: Organize the word listAfter creating a word list, it is important to organize it in a systematic way. You can categorize the words based on their parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs), or you can group them based on their themes or topics (e.g., science, technology, literature, history). Organizing the word list will make it easier to study and memorize the words.Step 4: Study the wordsOnce the word list is organized, the next step is to study the words. There are many different ways to do this, and it is important to find a method that works best for you. Some people like to use flashcards, while others prefer to create mnemonic devices or use online resources such as word games and quizzes. It is also helpful to practice using the words in sentences and paragraphs, as this will aid in understanding and retention.Step 5: Review regularlyIn order to retain the words in your long-term memory, it is important to review them regularly. This can be done by setting aside a specific time each day to review a certain number of words, or by incorporating word review into your daily routine (e.g., reviewingwords while commuting to work or before going to bed). Regular review is essential for maintaining and reinforcing your vocabulary.Step 6: Test yourselfAfter studying and reviewing the words, it is important to test yourself to ensure that you have mastered them. This can be done by taking vocabulary quizzes, completing practice exams, or by using online resources that offer vocabulary exercises and tests. Testing yourself will help you identify any weak areas and allow you to focus on improving.Step 7: Seek feedbackFinally, it is important to seek feedback from teachers, tutors, or peers on your progress. This can be done by showing your word list or vocabulary exercises to others and asking for their input. Getting feedback can help you identify any areas for improvement and provide you with valuable insights on how to enhance your vocabulary learning.ConclusionIn conclusion, building a strong English vocabulary for the postgraduate entrance examination requires a systematic and organized approach. By setting clear goals, creating a word list, organizing the list, studying the words, reviewing regularly, testing yourself, and seeking feedback, you can effectively learn and retain a large number of English words. With determination and perseverance, you can achieve your vocabulary learning goals and excel in the English section of the postgraduate entrance examination. Good luck!。



英语六级学习训练计划I. IntroductionThe College English Test (CET), often called the CET-6, is a standardized test designed to assess the English proficiency of non-English majors in China. This test is widely recognized and used by universities and employers as a tool to measure the English language skills of potential candidates. Passing the CET-6 is a requirement for graduation from many universities in China, making it a crucial milestone for students in their academic and professional development. Therefore, it is important for students to have a solid study plan in place to effectively prepare for this exam. This study training plan is designed to help students develop the necessary skills and strategies to succeed in the CET-6.II. Understanding the CET-6 Test StructureThe CET-6 test consists of two parts: listening and reading. The listening section includes short conversations, longer conversations, and discussions. The reading section includes reading comprehension and cloze tests. Additionally, there may be a writing section in some test versions. Understanding the test structure is crucial for effective preparation as it allows students to focus on specific skills and strategies needed for each section.III. Study Training Plan1. Setting GoalsThe first step in the study training plan is to set clear and achievable goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound. Whether it is achieving a certain score on a practice test or mastering a specific skill, having clear goals will help students stay motivated and focused throughout their study period.2. Building VocabularyA strong vocabulary is essential for success in the CET-6. Students should make it a priority to expand their vocabulary by learning new words and phrases regularly. This can be done through various methods such as reading English books, newspapers, and magazines, using vocabulary flashcards, and practicing with vocabulary-building apps.3. Improving Listening SkillsThe listening section of the CET-6 test requires students to listen to recorded conversations and discussions and answer questions based on the content. To improve listening skills, students should regularly listen to English audio materials, such as podcasts, news broadcasts, and TED talks. Additionally, practicing with past CET-6 listening exercises can help students familiarize themselves with the test format and develop effective listening strategies.4. Enhancing Reading ComprehensionThe reading comprehension section of the CET-6 test assesses students' ability to understand and analyze written English passages. To improve this skill, students can practice reading a variety of English texts, including articles, essays, and academic papers. It is also beneficial to practice summarizing and paraphrasing the main ideas of the passages to enhance comprehension.5. Mastering Test-taking StrategiesIn addition to building language skills, mastering test-taking strategies is crucial for success in the CET-6. Students should familiarize themselves with the test format and practice with past exam papers to get a sense of the types of questions and the time constraints. Time management is also important during the test, so students should practice completing the test within the allotted time.6. Writing Practice (if applicable)If the CET-6 test includes a writing section, students should allocate time for regular writing practice. This can include writing essays, reports, and letters on various topics and receiving feedback from teachers or peers. Practicing writing under timed conditions will also help students become more comfortable with the writing section of the test.7. Review and RevisionRegular review and revision of study materials are essential for retaining knowledge and improving overall performance. Students should schedule regular review sessions to consolidate their learning and identify areas that require further attention.IV. Study Habits and Tips1. ConsistencyConsistent study habits are essential for effective learning. Students should allocate regular time slots for English study and stick to the schedule.2. Active LearningEngaging in active learning activities, such as discussions, debates, and presentations, can help students improve their English language skills and develop confidence in using the language.3. Seek SupportStudents should not hesitate to seek support from teachers, tutors, or study groups when facing challenges in their English studies. Collaborative learning and seeking feedback can help students improve their skills.4. Stay MotivatedStaying motivated throughout the study period is important for success. Setting small milestones and rewarding oneself for achieving them can help maintain motivation and focus.V. ConclusionPreparing for the CET-6 test requires a dedicated study training plan that focuses on building language skills and mastering test-taking strategies. By setting clear goals, developing effective study habits, and seeking support from resources, students can enhance their English language proficiency and succeed in the CET-6 test. This study training plan serves as a roadmap for students aiming to excel in the CET-6 and achieve their academic and professional goals.。



重点单词英文学习计划Learning a new language takes time and dedication, and one of the most important aspects of mastering a language is building a strong vocabulary. A robust vocabulary not only allows you to express yourself more accurately, but it also enhances your listening and reading comprehension. In this article, we will outline an effective vocabulary learning plan that incorporates various strategies and techniques to help you expand and improve your English vocabulary.1. Set Clear GoalsBefore you embark on your vocabulary learning journey, it's essential to set clear and achievable goals. Determine why you want to improve your vocabulary and how you plan to use it. For example, if you are aiming to enhance your professional communication skills, your vocabulary learning plan may focus on business-related terminology. If you are preparing for an English proficiency exam, your goals may revolve around learning academic vocabulary. Setting specific and measurable goals will provide you with a sense of direction and motivation as you work towards expanding your vocabulary.2. Create a Personalized Vocabulary ListStart by creating a personalized vocabulary list based on your interests, needs, and goals. You can categorize the list based on themes such as technology, education, health, travel, etc. Additionally, include words that are relevant to your daily life or professional field. This will help you stay motivated and engaged as you learn new words that are directly applicable to your experiences.3. Use Contextual LearningInstead of memorizing isolated words, focus on learning words in context. This could involve reading articles, books, or essays that use the words you are trying to learn. By encountering words in meaningful contexts, you will not only understand their meanings more clearly but also how they are used in different contexts.4. Employ Mnemonics and Visualization TechniquesMnemonics and visualization techniques can be extremely helpful in retaining new vocabulary. For example, you can create vivid mental images or associations to help you remember the meaning of a word. Mnemonic devices such as acronyms, rhymes, or word associations can also aid in memorization. Integrating these techniques into your learning process can make vocabulary acquisition more engaging and effective.5. Utilize Technology and AppsThere are numerous vocabulary-building apps and online resources available that make learning new words a fun and interactive experience. Apps like Duolingo, Quizlet, and Memrise offer a wide range of vocabulary exercises, flashcards, and quizzes to help youexpand your word bank. Additionally, you can use dictionary apps or websites to look up the meanings, synonyms, and usage of unfamiliar words in real-time.6. Practice Active Recall and Spaced RepetitionActive recall involves deliberately recalling a word's meaning from memory rather than simply re-reading it. This can be done through flashcards, quizzes, or self-testing. Spaced repetition, on the other hand, involves reviewing words at increasing intervals to ensure long-term retention. The combination of active recall and spaced repetition has been proven to be an effective method for learning and retaining new vocabulary.7. Engage in Conversations and Language ExchangePracticing the words you've learned in real-life conversations is crucial for reinforcing your vocabulary. Engage in language exchange with native English speakers or fellow language learners to apply the words in context and receive feedback on your usage. Additionally, participating in group discussions, debates, or public speaking can help you become more comfortable using your expanded vocabulary in various social and professional settings.8. Read ExtensivelyReading extensively is one of the most effective ways to build vocabulary. Whether it's books, newspapers, magazines, or online articles, exposing yourself to a wide range of written materials will introduce you to new words and their usage. Make it a habit to read regularly and challenge yourself with a variety of genres and topics to expand your vocabulary in different domains.9. Keep a Vocabulary JournalMaintaining a vocabulary journal or digital document can be a valuable tool for tracking your progress and reviewing newly learned words. Write down the words, their definitions, and example sentences. You can also include the source of where you encountered the word and any mnemonic devices or visual associations you used to remember it. Reviewing your vocabulary journal regularly will reinforce your memory retention of the words.10. Seek Feedback and CorrectionLastly, seek feedback and correction from teachers, language partners, or language learning communities. Constructive feedback on your usage and application of new vocabulary will help you identify any mistakes and misconceptions. It also provides an opportunity to further refine your understanding and mastery of the words you've learned.In conclusion, expanding and improving your vocabulary is a gradual process that requires consistent effort and the implementation of various learning strategies. By setting clear goals, creating personalized vocabulary lists, using contextual learning, employing mnemonic techniques, utilizing technology, practicing active recall and spaced repetition, engaging in conversations, reading extensively, keeping a vocabulary journal, and seekingfeedback, you can develop a strong and diverse vocabulary in the English language. Remember that building a robust vocabulary is not only about memorizing words, but also understanding their nuances, usage, and application in different contexts. With persistence and dedication, you can enhance your language proficiency and express yourself more eloquently and effectively.。




























目标: 在接下来的三个月内,掌握并能熟练运用1500个新单词。

时间周期: 3个月(共12周)
●晨读: 每天早上15分钟,复习前一天学习的单词,并朗读新单词及其例句,加强记忆。

●新词学习: 每天新增20个单词,利用词汇卡片或手机应用学习,包括单词的发音、词义、常用搭配及例句。

●分时段复习: 上午、下午、晚上各安排5分钟快速复习,利用碎片时间加深印象。

●情景模拟: 每晚挑选5个新学单词,尝试在日记或小故事中使用,增强实际应用能力。

●周一至周五: 按照每日学习安排进行,每天学习20个新单词。

●周六: 总结复习周内学习的100个单词,通过做单词测试、游戏或与朋友进行单词接龙等活动巩固。

●周日: 休息或自由学习日,可以选择看英文电影、阅读英文书籍或文章,以自然方式接触和复习单词。

●第四周周末: 完成月度测试,包括听写、选择题和短文填空,检查学习效果。



●利用工具: 利用像Anki、Quizlet这样的闪卡应用或背单词软件,提高学习效率。

●听力练习: 听英文歌曲、播客或TED演讲,注意新学单词的使用场景。

●写作练习: 尝试用新学的单词写日记或短文,加深理解和记忆。

●交流实践: 加入英语学习小组或找语伴,实际对话中运用新单词。





















2、在线学习平台:利用如百词斩、沪江开心词场等手机 APP,或者登录中国大学慕课、网易云课堂等在线学习网站,获取丰富的六级词汇学习资源。


三、学习进度安排1、基础阶段(具体时间段 1)每天背诵 50 个新单词,可以将词汇书分成若干个小单元,每天完成一个单元的学习。



2、强化阶段(具体时间段 2)每天背诵 80 个新单词,同时复习基础阶段所学的单词。



3、巩固阶段(具体时间段 3)每天背诵 100 个新单词,并对之前所学的所有单词进行系统复习。



4、冲刺阶段(具体时间段 4)重点复习真题中出现的高频词汇和易错词汇。











例如,您可以设定在两个月内掌握 1500 个新词汇,并能够熟练运用其中的 800 个词汇进行听、说、读、写。









例如,如果您每天有两个小时的时间用于学习六级词汇,可以将其分为以下几个部分:早上起床后,利用 30 分钟的时间复习前一天学习的词汇;上午或下午安排 45 分钟的时间学习新的词汇,可以通过词汇书、在线课程或学习 APP 等方式进行;晚上再用 45 分钟的时间进行词汇练习,如做词汇填空题、阅读理解题等,以巩固所学的词汇。




考研英语分级词汇记忆宝典·周计划全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, I'm so excited to share with you the awesome study plan for the week using the "·"!First of all, we need to divide our study time wisely. Let's start with reading comprehension. We can spend Monday and Tuesday focusing on reading different passages and answering questions. Remember to read carefully and understand the main ideas of each passage.On Wednesday and Thursday, we can work on vocabulary and grammar. It's important to learn new words and phrases to improve our writing and speaking skills. We can also review grammar rules and practice using them in sentences.For listening practice, let's allocate Friday to listen to different audio materials and try to understand the content. Take notes if necessary and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Finally, for writing practice, let's reserve Saturday and Sunday to write essays or summaries. Don't forget to practice writing with a clear structure and logical arguments.Remember to take breaks in between study sessions to keep our minds fresh and focused. And most importantly, stay positive and believe in yourself! With hard work and dedication, we can ace the exam!Good luck, and let's strive for success together!篇2Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna talk about the "Weekly Study Plan" in the "Mnemonic Memory Encyclopedia for the English Graduation Exam". Sounds fancy right? But don't worry, I'll break it down for you!First things first, make sure you have a plan for each week. It's super important to be organized and know what you need to study. So grab a calendar or diary and map out your week. Monday to Friday, think about what chapters or topics you want to review each day.Next, set some goals for yourself. For example, you might want to finish reading a certain number of articles or vocabularywords by the end of the week. This will help you stay on track and motivated.Don't forget to practice, practice, practice! Whether it's doing grammar exercises, listening to English songs, or watching English movies, the more you practice, the better you'll get.And finally, don't be too hard on yourself. It's okay to make mistakes, that's how we learn. Just keep pushing yourself and you'll see improvement over time.So there you have it, the "Weekly Study Plan" in a nutshell. Just remember to stay focused, set goals, practice regularly, and be kind to yourself. Good luck with your studies, you got this!篇3Hey guys, I'm here to talk about the super cool "·"! Sounds fancy, right? But don't worry, I'll break it down for you in simple language.So, basically, this study plan is all about helping you ace the English section of the graduate entrance exam. It's like your secret weapon to crushing the test!First things first, let's talk about why English is so important for the exam. English is not just a subject, it's a skill that you'llneed in your future career. Plus, a good score in English can give you a competitive edge over other students. So, it's totally worth putting in the effort to improve your English skills.Now, let's dive into the details of the study plan. The plan is divided into different weeks, with each week focusing on a specific aspect of English, like vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing. Each day of the week has its own tasks and exercises for you to complete. It's like having a roadmap to guide you through your English studies.The best part about this plan is that it's super flexible. You can adjust it to fit your own schedule and pace of learning. Whether you have a lot of time to study or just a little, you can still benefit from this plan.So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started on the "·" and make sure you rock the English section of the exam!Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep working hard and you'll see great results. Good luck, guys!篇4Hey guys! Today I wanna share with you the super awesome 【Graduate English Level Memo Master Planner】for the College Entrance Exam! Woohoo!So, first things first, let's talk about making a study plan. It's super important to have a plan so you can study a little bit every day and not get overwhelmed. You can divide your time into different subjects and topics, and set daily goals to keep track of your progress.Next, let's talk about vocabulary. Remember to make flashcards or use an app to help you memorize new words. And don't just memorize them, use them in sentences or conversations to really understand their meanings.Reading comprehension is also super important for the exam. Try to read different types of texts like articles, essays, and stories to improve your reading skills. You can also practice summarizing and analyzing texts to help you better understand and remember the information.Grammar is another big part of the exam. Make sure to review different grammar rules and practice using them in sentences. You can also watch English videos or listen to English songs to help you get a feel for the language.Finally, don't forget about practice tests. Try to do as many practice tests as you can to get used to the format and timing of the exam. This will help you feel more confident on test day and improve your performance.So there you have it, guys! Follow this super amazing planner and you'll be on your way to acing the College Entrance Exam! Good luck and study hard! Go, go, go!篇5Hey guys, today I'm going to share with you my plan for studying for the GRE this week. It's super important to have a plan so you can stay on track and make sure you cover all the topics you need to.First things first, I'm going to review all the vocabulary words I've learned so far. I like to use flashcards to help me memorize them. I also like to use mnemonic devices to help me remember tricky words. For example, I remember that "benevolent" means kind because it starts with "bene," which sounds like "benevolent."Next, I'm going to focus on reading comprehension. I find that the best way to improve my reading skills is to read a little bit every day. This week, I'm going to read some articles from the New York Times and then practice summarizing them in my own words. This will help me improve my reading speed and comprehension.I also need to work on my math skills. This week, I'm going to review all the math concepts that are tested on the GRE. I like to practice with sample problems and then check my answers to see where I need to improve. I also plan to watch some online tutorials to help me understand any concepts that I'm struggling with.Finally, I'm going to set aside some time for writing practice.I find that the best way to improve my writing skills is to practice writing essays on different topics. This week, I'm going to write one essay a day and then ask a friend to read it and give me feedback. This will help me improve my writing skills and get used to the time constraints of the GRE writing section.So that's my plan for this week. I hope it helps you guys with your GRE studying too. Remember, it's important to make a plan and stick to it so you can achieve your goals. Good luck!篇6Hey guys, I have some super cool tips to share with you about how to study for the grad school entrance exam, also known as the GRE. The GRE is like a super tough boss level in a video game that you have to defeat to get into grad school. Butdon't worry, with the "GRE Memory Vault" that I'm about to share with you, you'll be able to conquer it like a pro!First things first, let's talk about setting up a study schedule. Just like how you have a schedule for playing video games or watching your favorite TV shows, you need a study schedule for the GRE. I call it the "Week Plan Power-up." Divide your study time into different subjects like vocabulary, math, and reading comprehension, and assign specific days to each. This way, you won't feel overwhelmed and can focus on one thing at a time.Next, let's talk about the "Flashcard Magic Spell." This is where you create flashcards for all the new words you learn and review them regularly. Just like how you memorize cheat codes for a game, memorizing new words will help you ace the vocabulary section of the GRE. You could even make it into a game by challenging your friends to a vocabulary showdown!Now, let's move on to the "Math Mission Quest." Math can be super tricky, I know. But with the right strategy, you can tackle those tough math problems like a pro. Practice different types of math questions every day, and don't forget to review your formulas regularly. It's like leveling up your math skills in a game – the more you practice, the stronger you become!Last but not least, let's talk about the "Reading Comprehension Adventure." Reading comprehension questions can be a bit daunting, but fear not! The key is to read actively and take notes as you go. Try to summarize each paragraph in your own words and pay attention to key details. It's like solving a mystery in a game – the more clues you gather, the closer you get to the right answer!So, there you have it – the ultimate "GRE Memory Vault" to help you slay the GRE dragon and get into grad school. Remember, with the right study plan and some fun strategies, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Good luck, and happy studying!篇7Hey guys, it's time to talk about our study plan for the week with the 【·】! Are you ready to rock your English exams like never before? Let's do this!First things first, make sure to set some goals for the week. Maybe you want to finish a certain number of vocabulary flashcards, or practice listening skills for at least 30 minutes a day. Whatever your goals are, write them down and make a plan to achieve them.Next up, let's dive into some vocab memorization. Don't just read the words and their meanings - try to use them in sentences or even in a conversation with a friend. This will help you remember them better and make studying more fun!When it comes to grammar, don't forget the importance of practice. Try doing some grammar exercises or writing short essays to test your skills. And if you're struggling with a particular concept, don't be afraid to ask for help from a teacher or study buddy.Speaking of study buddies, why not team up with a friend for some speaking practice? You can create dialogues or role plays together to improve your fluency and pronunciation. Plus, it's always more fun to study with a friend!And last but not least, don't forget to take breaks and relax. It's important to give your brain some time to rest and recharge. So go for a walk, listen to some music, or watch a funny video to unwind before getting back to studying.So there you have it - the 【·】to help you ace your English exams. Let's give it our all this week and show those exams who's boss! Good luck, everyone!篇8Hey guys, today I'm gonna share with you my study plan for the week using the "·" (Graduat e English Graded Memory Vault Weekly Plan).Monday:Today I'm going to focus on vocabulary. I'll start by reviewing the words from the previous week and then learn new words from the book. I'll make flashcards to help me memorize them.Tuesday:Grammar is on the menu for today. I'll revise the grammar rules I've learned so far and practice using them in sentences. I'll also do some exercises from the book to test my understanding.Wednesday:Listening practice is key for me today. I'll listen to some English podcasts or news reports and try to catch any new vocabulary or phrases. I'll also do some listening exercises from the book.Thursday:Reading time! I'll read a few articles or short stories in English to improve my reading skills. I'll make notes of any newwords or phrases I come across and try to use them in my own sentences.Friday:It's writing day! I'll practice writing essays or paragraphs on different topics. I'll focus on using the vocabulary and grammar I've learned throughout the week to make my writing more advanced.Saturday:Revision day. I'll go through everything I've learned this week - vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, and writing. I'll do some practice tests from the book to see how much I've improved.Sunday:Rest day! I'll take a break from studying and do something fun to recharge my batteries for the next week.That's my weekly study plan using the "·". I hope it helps me improve my English skills and ace my exams. How about you guys, what's your study plan for the week? Let's all work hard together and achieve our goals!篇9Hey guys, have you ever struggled with remembering all those difficult English words and phrases for the GRE exam? Well, worry no more because I've got the perfect solution for you - the GRE Memory Treasure of Weekly Plans!So, what's the deal with these weekly plans? Let me break it down for you. Each week, you'll have a specific set of words and phrases to focus on. For example, Week 1 might be all about synonyms and antonyms, while Week 2 could be dedicated to idioms and phrasal verbs.But wait, there's more! Along with the words and phrases, each weekly plan also includes fun and interactive activities to help you remember them. From word games to flashcards to quizzes, you'll have a blast while learning all those tricky vocab words.And here's the best part - you can tailor the weekly plans to fit your own schedule and study habits. Whether you want to study for 30 minutes every day or cram for a few hours on the weekend, you can make it work for you.So, what are you waiting for? Say goodbye to those boring memorization techniques and say hello to the GRE Memory Treasure of Weekly Plans. Start planning your study schedule today and get ready to ace that exam!篇10Title: My Study Plan for the Week with the ""Hey everyone! This week I have a super important study plan using the "" to help me prepare for my English exam. I want to share my plan with you guys, so we can all ace our exams together!Day 1: Vocabulary DayToday I will focus on building my vocabulary using the "". I will spend an hour going through different levels of words, from basic to advanced. I will make flashcards and use them to test myself throughout the day. By the end of the day, I hope to have memorized at least 50 new words!Day 2: Listening DayI will listen to English podcasts and songs to improve my listening skills. I will also use the "" to practice listening to different accents and speeds of speech. I will take notes on key points and new vocabulary I hear. By the end of the day, I want to be able to understand at least one full podcast without any difficulty.Day 3: Reading DayToday I will focus on reading comprehension. I will read articles and essays from the "" to improve my reading speed and understanding. I will take notes on the main ideas of each passage and practice paraphrasing key points. By the end of the day, I want to be able to summarize each article in my own words.Day 4: Writing DayI will spend today practicing my writing skills. I will write essays and responses to prompts from the "". I will focus on grammar and sentence structure, as well as using new vocabulary I have learned. I will ask my teacher or a friend to check my writing and give me feedback. By the end of the day, I want to have written at least two full essays.Day 5: Speaking DayToday I will focus on improving my speaking skills. I will practice speaking English with a friend or in front of a mirror. I will also use the "" to practice speaking on different topics. I will record myself speaking and listen back to see where I can improve. By the end of the day, I want to be able to speak confidently and fluently on a variety of topics.Day 6: Review DayI will spend today reviewing everything I have learned this week. I will go over my vocabulary, listening, reading, writing, and speaking notes. I will also take practice tests from the "" to see how much I have improved. By the end of the day, I want to feel confident and prepared for my exam.I hope you guys find my study plan helpful! Let's all work hard and do our best on the exam using the ""! Good luck everyone!。






一、学习目标在考研前,熟练掌握考研大纲要求的 5500 个左右词汇,能够准确理解其含义,熟练运用常见词汇进行写作和翻译。


2、词汇 APP:利用碎片时间,通过 APP 进行复习和巩固,如百词斩、墨墨背单词等。


三、学习进度安排1、基础阶段(1 2 个月)每天背诵 50 80 个新单词,早上背诵,晚上复习。



2、强化阶段(2 3 个月)每天背诵 80 100 个新单词,同时复习之前学过的单词。



3、巩固阶段(2 3 个月)每天复习 150 200 个单词,重点复习容易遗忘和混淆的词汇。



4、冲刺阶段(1 2 个月)快速浏览词汇书,查漏补缺。









考研英语学习计划表2022 考研英语学习计划表2022 考研英语学习计划表考研英语是众多考生备考过程中的一大难点,因此制定一个明确的学习计划对于备考者来说尤为重要。










1. 初级阶段:建议通过做题和背诵经典文章来提高阅读理解水平。


2. 中级阶段:在初级阶段的基础上,开始做一些模拟卷和历年真题,提高解题速度和准确度。


3. 高级阶段:此阶段需要大量的练习和模拟考试,可以参考一些名师讲解的考研英语视频课程,掌握解题技巧和方法。



以下是一些建议:1. 学习范文:阅读并学习一些高分范文,了解写作的结构和表达方式。

























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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。






再另一个时段完成以前带星号的单元,看的时候尽量仔细,做到2页(共4面)一复习,1 list再一复习,3 list再一复习,增加重复率。















