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The United States found that three “new earths”: humans may not be alone
Key words
NASA Ames Research Centre
NASA’s Kepler space telescope s discovered three planets that e to support life, while one of e most earth-like world spotted cientists say。 (望远镜)ha may be abl them is th to date, s
Some opinions

Many Western media hailed the discovery of "new earth" which has the Milepost significance, but there are also some doubts .The United States Time magazine journal article said, some experts think that "livable" does not mean that the biological, ecological circle of the earth is produced by a variety of factors. In addition ,there are 1200 light years from new found "livable planet" to earth. Even if "livable planet" is really suitable for living , human beings could not reach it. The United States National Broadcasting Company doubt that weather people are wrong or not about the search extraterrestrial life.
The three potentially habitable worlds are part of a larger find. Scientists unveiled a total of seven new exoplanets, five in the Kepler62 system and two in Kepler-69. The five newfound planets range from 0.54 to1.95 times the size of earth, but only Kepler-62e and f are potentially habitable (可居住的)。
Deep analysis of “new earth”
• Two exoplanets 【(太阳系以外的) 外部行星】have been discovered in their stars’ habitable zones, what is known as just the right range of distance where liquid water can exist on a planet’s surface。 • Kepler-62f is a rocky world 1.4 times bigger than earth and circles a star smaller and dimmer(暗淡的, 昏暗的,不明亮的 ) than the sun. Its neighbor, Kepler-62e, is just 1.6 times larger than Earth. Both are the smallest exoplanets ever found in their stars’ habitable zones。
The article said, astrobiology conference in England started over a year of debate for where can be the most suitable for life.Some scientists say, solar system has more possibility to exist potential life, such as satellite Europa and Saturn and Jupiter's moon six, but they have not been studied first.
DeBiblioteka Baidup analysis of “new earth”
• The third potential earth-like planet identified by the scientists is Kepler69c, standing at 1.7 times bigger than Earth and orbits a star similar to our own sun. Borucki said it represents a big step towards finding the first ever “alien earth”。 • The Kelper-62 discovery paper, which is being led by Borucki, was published Thursday in the journal Science。