



高隔离电压的大功率IGBT驱动芯片TX-KE106产品手册目录一、概述 (3)二、原理框图 (3)三、电气参数 (3)3.1 极限参数 (3)3.2 驱动特性 (4)3.3 工作条件 (5)3.4 短路保护特性 (5)3.5 对驱动电源Vp要求 (6)四、波形图 (6)4.1 正常驱动波形图 (6)4.2 保护波形图 (6)4.3 说明 (6)五、尺寸结构 (7)5.1 外形尺寸 (7)5.2 管脚说明 (7)六、应用电路说明 (7)6.1 驱动器低压信号侧的连接说明 (7)6.1.1 逻辑电路输入电源Vdd (8)6.1.2 输入信号PWM (8)6.1.3 报警信号/Fault (8)6.1.4 复位信号Reset (8)6.2 与外部驱动电源的连接 (8)6.3 驱动器高压侧的输出连接 (8)6.3.1 驱动器输出功率的计算 (8)6.3.2 与IGBT的连接 (8)6.4 保护参数的设置 (9)6.4.1 短路保护阈值Vn的设置 (9)6.4.2 保护盲区Tblind的设置 (9)6.4.3 软关断时间Tsoft的设置 (9)6.5 驱动芯片测试方法 (10)6.6 典型应用连接图 (10)七、相关产品信息 (10)7.1 TX-PD106(DC-DC高隔离模块电源) (10)7.2 TX-DE106D2 IGBT驱动板 (10)八、常见问题 (11)九、其它说明 (11)TX-KE106 高隔离电压、大电流IGBT驱动器一、概述∙高隔离电压IGBT驱动器,可驱动电压≤4500V的全系列IGBT。









二、原理框图三、电气参数3.2 驱动特性除另有指定外,均为在以下条件时测得:Ta=25℃,Vdd=5V,Vp=24V,Fop=30KHz四、波形图4.1 正常驱动波形图4.2 保护波形图4.3 说明工作时,由输入端串入的很窄的正负脉冲均被抑制,提高抗干扰性。



D Package (SO-8C)
S1 S2 BP 3 FB 4
8S 7S
BP 1 FB 2
8S 7S 6S 5S
图 3. 引脚布局
LinkSwitch-TN 功能描述
LinkSwitch-TN在一个器件上结合了一个高压功率MOSFET 开关及一个电源控制器。与传统的PWM(脉宽调制)控制器 不同,LinkSwitch-TN采用简单的开/关控制器来调节输出 电压。LinkSwitch-TN的控制器包括一个振荡器、反馈电 路(检测及逻辑电路)、5.8 V稳压电路、旁路引脚欠压电 路、过温保护、频率调制、限流电路、前沿消隐电路及 一个700 V的功率MOSFET。LinkSwitch-TN还另外集成了 用于自动重启动的保护电路。
典型的振荡器频率由内部设置,其平均频率为66 kHz。 振荡器可生成两个信号:最大占空比信号(DCMAX)及每个 开关周期开始的时钟信号。
LinkSwitch-TN的振荡器电路可产生轻微的频率调制,通 常为4 kHz峰峰值用来降低EMI。频率调制的调制速率设 置在1 kHz的水平,目的是优化EMI并降低其平均值及准 峰值。测量频率调制时应把示波器触发设定在漏极电压 波形的下降沿来测量。图4的波形显示了LinkSwitch-TN的 频率调制状态。
反馈输入电路 在FB引脚的反馈输入电路由一个低阻抗的源极跟随器 输出,其输出设定为1.65 V。当流入此引脚的电流大于 49 µA时,在反馈电路的输出会产生一个低的逻辑电平信 号(禁止信号)。在每个时钟信号的上升沿,对此输出电 平进行采样。如果采样值为高电平,功率MOSFET在此 周期开通(使能)。相反,如果此采样电平为低电平,功率 MOSFET会保持关断状态(禁止)。由于采样仅在每个周期 信号的上升沿处进行,此周期中随后产生的FB引脚电压或 电流的变化对MOSFET状态都不构成影响。

TCL王牌集团电话交换机操作说明书[AT208 系列说明书](PDF)

TCL王牌集团电话交换机操作说明书[AT208 系列说明书](PDF)

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附录二 、出厂状 态值
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附 录 三 、 系 统 功 能 编 程 指 令 集-------------------------------- 27
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别克GL8维修手册 发动机机械系统

别克GL8维修手册 发动机机械系统

0.18-0.44 毫米
0.007-0.017 英寸
6.9264 毫米 47.443-47.468 毫米
51.03-51.08 毫米 50.77-50.82 毫米 47.523-47.549 毫米 0.026-0.101 毫米
0.025 毫米
0.2727 英寸 1.868-1.869 英寸 2.009-2.011 英寸 1.999-2.001 英寸 1.871-1.872 英寸 0.001-0.0039 英寸
活塞 直径 - 在活塞销孔中心线下 12 毫米裙部测量 间隙 销孔
活塞环 顶槽侧隙 第二道槽侧隙 顶活塞环开口间隙 第二道活塞环开口间隙 槽中间隙 扇板为 89.0 毫米间隙
活塞销 直径 活塞间隙 嵌入连杆
曲轴 主轴颈直径 主轴颈锥度 不圆度 法兰跳动 - 最大 气缸体主轴承孔径 曲轴主轴承内径 主轴承间隙 主止推轴承间隙 曲轴端隙 曲轴法兰跳动 - 最大
发动机 发动机
发动机机械系统 - 3.0 升 (LW9)
发动机机械系统 - 3.0 升 (LW9)
油门控制拉线托架螺栓 / 螺母 凸轮轴位置传感器螺栓 凸轮轴链轮螺栓 凸轮轴止推板螺钉 连杆轴承盖螺栓
第一次紧固 最终紧固 冷却液泄放塞 冷却液温度传感器 曲轴配重螺栓 曲轴主轴承盖螺栓 / 双头螺栓 第一次紧固 最终紧固 曲轴导油板螺母 曲轴箱位置传感器螺栓 - 前盖 曲轴箱位置传感器双头螺栓 - 缸体侧 曲轴箱位置传感器导线托架螺栓 气缸盖螺栓 第一次紧固 最终紧固 传动带护板螺栓 传动带张紧器螺栓 排气再循环阀螺栓 排气再循环阀管路 发动机飞轮螺栓 发动机前盖螺栓 - 大 发动机前盖螺栓 - 中 发动机前盖螺栓 - 小 发动机支座托架螺栓 发动机支座下螺母 发动机支座支柱和提升架螺栓 - 发动机左后 发动机支座支柱螺栓 / 螺母 发动机支座支柱托架螺栓 - 上部散热器支座 发动机支座支柱托架螺栓 - 车右侧 发动机支座上螺母 发动机机油压力指示灯开关 发动机线束托架螺栓

伊顿 紧凑型电路保护器 UL 98 隔离开关(产品编号 CCP2B) 数据表

伊顿  紧凑型电路保护器 UL 98 隔离开关(产品编号 CCP2B) 数据表

CUBEFuse™ Compact Circuit Protector UL 98 DisconnectSwitch (cat. no. CCP2B)2011/65/EUDescriptionThe revolutionary Bussmann™ series Compact Circuit Protector UL ® 98 Disconnect Switch (CCP2B) with CUBEFuse™ is a horsepower rated fused circuit disconnect. Primarily used in the Bussmann series Quik-Spec™ Coordination Panelboard, the CCP2B with CUBEFuse simplifies selective coordination for code compliance and features a lockout/tagout feature for isolating individual branch circuit loads to promote safe work practices.Features•Uses finger-safe, current-limiting Class CF CUBEFuse with Class J performance available in time-delay or fast-acting versions from 1 to 100 amps•Patented amp rating rejection feature helps prevent overfusing• High 200 kA short-circuit current rating •Disconnect rated to provide a means for load isolation • 600 Vac• Up to 125 Vdc ratings• UL 98 Listed disconnect switch• 1-, 2- and 3-pole versions are horsepower rated • UL and cULus Listed•Open fuse indication lamp per pole speeds troubleshooting•Additional open fuse indication can be provided by using the time-delay indicating CUBEFuse in ratings from 6 to 100 amps•Built-in switch/fuse interlock prevents removing or installing a fuse while energized•Permanent lockout/tagout and lock-on provision using a 1/4” lock•IEC 60947-3 AC-21A (up to 30 A)1612Technical Data 1161Effective September 2024CUBEFuse Compact Circuit Protector (CCP2B)/bussmannseriesSpecifications:Switch amp ratings and rejection breaks•15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 90 and 100 APoles•1-, 2- and 3-polesVolts• 600 Vac •125 Vdc** Switch amp rating and installed fuse amp rating dependent, see catalog number table for details.Agency information• UL 98 Listed, Guide WHTY , File E302370•cULus to Canadian Standard 22.2 No. 4, Guide WHTY7, File E302370• RoHS compliant • CE•IEC 60947-3 AC-21A (up to 30 A)Lineside bolt-on bus connector and torque•Bolt-mounted design fits into Quik-Spec Coordination Panelboard bus•#10-32 UNC hex flange Phillips screw; 2.8 N•m (25 lb-in)Loadside box lug terminal conductor data•See conductor table for detailsLoadside fork terminal•Max. 30 A suitable for use with:• 10-24 screw for switches up to 60 A •1/4-28 screw for switches from 70 to 100 ALockout/tagout•1/4” lockLocal open fuse indication light•Light illumination requires closed circuit and minimum 90 voltsCarton quantity and shipping weight70 to 100 amp switches62.6 (1.18)Environmental dataStorage and operating temperature -20°C to 75°C**** For fuse performance under or above 25°C, consult fuse performance derating charts.Available Bussmann series fusesCFPeak™ CUBEFuse (6-100 A)600 Vac/300 Vdc 9000Non-indicating time-delay,Low-Peak CUBEFuse (1-100 A)Non-indicating fast-actingCUBEFuse (1-100 A)600 Vac/dc 2147Switch handle Lockout/tagout provisionLoadside fork terminalLoadside box lug terminalLocal open fuse indication lightSwitch ON and OFF symbolsCUBEFuse base1-Pole2-Pole3-poleCCP2B-1-_CFCCP2B-2-_CFCCP2B-3-_CFCCP2B lock on device (sold as accessory)Set screw size:5/64”x3/8”, 8-32 thread Allen wrench size: 5/64”Lock on device for CCP2B disconnect switches up to 60 ampsCCP2B-60-LODLock on device for select CCP2B basesCCP2B-X-15CF*CCP2B-X-20CF*CCP2B-X-30CF*CCP2B-X-40CF*CCP2B-X-50CF*CCP2B-X-60CF**(X = 1,2,3 poles)•Lock Shackle Size = ¼” dia. max•Flammability rating of lock on device PA12-GB nylon resin = 94V-03Technical Data 1161Effective September 2024CUBEFuse Compact Circuit Protector (CCP2B)/bussmannseriesCatalog numbers and ratingsCCP2B-1-15CF 1125 Vdc 1 to 15TCF1RN, TCF3RN, TCF6RN, TCF10RN, TCF15RNTCF6, TCF10, TCF15FCF1RN, FCF3RN, FCF6RN, FCF10RN, FCF15RN15200 kA AC100 kA DC0.5 Hp @ 120 VCCP2B-2-15CF 2600 Vac, 125 Vdc 1.5 Hp @ 240 V CCP2B-3-15CF 3600 Vac 3 Hp @ 240 V 5 Hp @ 480 V 7.5 Hp @ 600 V CCP2B-1-20CF 1600 Vac, 125 Vdc 1 to 20TCF17-1/2RN,TCF20RNTCF17-1/2, TCF20FCF20RN 200.75 Hp @ 120 VCCP2B-2-20CF 2600 Vac, 125 Vdc 2 Hp @ 240 V CCP2B-3-20CF 3600 Vac 3 Hp @ 240 V 7.5 Hp @ 480 V 10 Hp @ 600 V CCP2B-1-30CF 1600 Vac, 125 Vdc 1 to 30TCF25RN, TCF30RN TCF25, TCF30FCF25RN, FCF30RN301.5 Hp @ 120 VCCP2B-2-30CF 2600 Vac, 125 Vdc 3 Hp @ 240 V CCP2B-3-30CF 3600 Vac 5 Hp @ 240 V 15 Hp @ 480 V 10 Hp @ 600 V CCP2B-1-40CF 1600 Vac, 125 Vdc 1 to 40TCF35RN, TCF40RN TCF35, TCF40FCF35RN, FCF40RN402.0 Hp @ 120 VCCP2B-2-40CF 2600 Vac, 125 Vdc 3 Hp @ 240 V CCP2B-3-40CF 3600 Vac 7.5 Hp @ 240 V 20 Hp @ 480 V 10 Hp @ 600 V CCP2B-1-50CF 1600 Vac, 125 Vdc* 1 to 50TCF45RN, TCF50RN TCF45, TCF50FCF45RN, FCF50RN503.0 Hp @ 120 VCCP2B-2-50CF 2600 Vac, 125 Vdc* 5 Hp @ 240 V CCP2B-3-50CF 3600 Vac 7.5 Hp @ 240 V 20 Hp @ 480 V 10 Hp @ 600 V CCP2B-1-60CF 1600 Vac, 125 Vdc* 1 to 60TCF60RN TCF60FCF60RN 603.0 Hp @ 120 VCCP2B-2-60CF 2600 Vac, 125 Vdc*7.5 Hp @ 240 V CCP2B-3-60CF 3600 Vac 7.5 Hp @ 240 V 20 Hp @ 480 V 10 Hp @ 600 V CCP2B-1-70CF 1600 Vac, 125 Vdc 1 to 70TCF70RN TCF70FCF70RN 703.0 Hp @ 120 VCCP2B-2-70CF 2600 Vac, 125 Vdc 7.5 Hp @ 240 V CCP2B-3-70CF 3600 Vac 15 Hp @ 240 V 30 Hp @ 480 V 40 Hp @ 600 V CCP2B-1-90CF 1600 Vac, 125 Vdc** 1 to 90TCF90RN TCF90FCF80RN, FCF90RN905.0 Hp @ 120 VCCP2B-2-90CF 2600 Vac, 125 Vdc**10 Hp @ 240 V CCP2B-3-90CF 3600 Vac 20 Hp @ 240 V 50 Hp @ 480 V 40 Hp @ 600 V CCP2B-1-100CF 1600 Vac, 125 Vdc** 1 to 100TCF100RN TCF100FCF100RN 1005.0 Hp @ 120 VCCP2B-2-100CF 2600 Vac, 125 Vdc**10 Hp @ 240 V CCP2B-3-100CF3600 Vac20 Hp @ 240 V 50 Hp @ 480 V 40 Hp @ 600 V† 1 and 3 A indicating CUBEFuse not available.†† Not for use with motors.††† Any amp rating less than or equal to the switch max fuse rating may be installed. E.g., TCF15 can be installed in the CCP2B-1-20CF .†††† Indicating or non-indicating time-delay CUBEFuse only.* 125 Vdc for installed fuse amp ratings up to 40 A. 24 Vdc for installed fuse amp ratings from 45 to 60 A.**125 Vdc for installed fuse amp ratings up to 80 A, 24 Vdc for installed fuse amp ratings from 90 to 100 A.4Technical Data 1161Effective September 2024CUBEFuse Compact Circuit Protector (CCP2B)/bussmannseriesBox lug conductor data75°C Cu 12-18Stranded, Class B to K Single2.26 (20)10 2.82 (25)8 4.52 (404-6 5.08 (45)1-3 6.21 (55)3-12Stranded, Class B to K Dual3.95 (35)12-18Stranded, UL ferrule, Class B/CSingle2.26 (20)103.95 (35)1-84.52 (40)10-18Twin†2.26 (20)6-8 2.82 (25)10-18Solid Single 2.26 (20)10-18Dual 2.26 (20)8-18Class KSingle 2.26 (20)1-6 3.39 (30)3-10Dual5.08 (45)8-18Class K, UL ferruleSingle 2.26 (20)1-6 3.39 (30)6-18Twin2.26 (20)† Two stranded conductors placed in one UL Listed twin ferrule.5Technical Data 1161Effective September 2024CUBEFuse Compact Circuit Protector (CCP2B)/bussmannseries Dimensions — in (mm)70-100 A switchesFor details on the CCP2B and its use in the Quik-Spec Coordination Panelboard, see data sheet no. 1160.0.515-60 A switchesCUBEFuse Compact Circuit Protector (CCP2B) T echnical Data 1161Effective September 2024Motor sizing table:Low-Peak™ TCF_ andTCF_RN time-delay Class CF fuses115 Vac, 1-Phase 0.25 5.8101515 0.3337.2151515 0.59.8152020 0.7513.8252530 116253035 1.520303545 224404550 3345060N/A 5**5690100N/A230 Vac,1-Phase 0.167 2.2666 0.25 2.9666 0.333 3.661010 0.5 4.9101010 0.75 6.9151515 18151517.5 1.510152020 212202525 317253035 528455060 7.54060N/A N/A 10**508090N/A200 Vac, 3-Phase0.5 2.56660.75 3.7610101 4.8101010 1.5 6.9151515 27.8151517.5 31117.52020 517.5303535 7.525.3404550 20**62.1100N/A N/A208 Vac, 3-Phase0.5 2.46660.75 3.5610101 4.61010101.5 6.610151527.5151515310.617.52020516.72530357.524.240455020**59.490N/AN/A230 Vac, 3-Phase0.75 3.26661 4.21010101.561015152 6.815151539.6152020515.22530307.52235404520**5490100N/A460 Vac, 3-Phase0.51.13330.751.63331 2.16661.536662 3.46663 4.810101057.61515157.51117.5202010142525301521354045202740506050**65100N/A N/A575 Vac, 3-Phase0.50.93330.751.333311.73331.52.46662 2.76663 3.9610105 6.11015157.59152020101117.5202040**41708080Note: Use Code max column for low to moderate reverse/jog/plugapplications.* Heavy Start permitted only if Code Max does not allow motor start-up.** I f equipment terminations are rated for 60°C conductors only, the 60°Cconductor ampacities must be utilized and therefore larger conductor sizes orconduit sizes may be required.Eaton1000 Eaton BoulevardCleveland, OH 44122Bussmann Division114 Old State RoadEllisville, MO 63021United States/bussmannseries© 2024 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. 1161 - BU-SB18055September 2024The only controlled copy of this Data Sheet is the electronic read-only version located on the Eaton Network Drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.Eaton, Bussmann, Quik-Spec and CUBEFuseare valuable trademarks of Eaton in the U.S.and other countries. Y ou are not permittedto use the Eaton trademarks without priorwritten consent of Eaton.CSA is a registered trademark of the Canadian Standards Group.NEC is a registered trademark of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.UL is a registered trademark of the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.。



Rev: 1.11 11/2000
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see .
A3 A2 A1 A0 NC NC VSS VDD NC A17 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 2/25 © 2000, Giga Semiconductor, Inc.
Functional Description
The GS880E18/32/36T is a 9,437,184-bit (8,388,608-bit for x32 version) high performance synchronous SRAM with a 2bit burst address counter. Although of a type originally developed for Level 2 Cache applications supporting high performance CPUs, the device now finds application in synchronous SRAM applications, ranging from DSP main store to networking chip set support.
Specifications cited are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation see .
Preliminary GS880E18/32/36T-11/11.5/100/80/66

卡特 306 CR迷你挖掘机特性说明书

卡特 306 CR迷你挖掘机特性说明书
SIMPLE SERVICE FOR LESS DOWNTIME Maintenance is quick and easy on the Cat Mini Excavator.
Routine check points are easy to access at ground level with grouped service points and robust service panels.
57.9 hp 3.4 in 4 in 148 in3
Minimum Operating Weight with Canopy* 6411 kg Maximum Operating Weight with Canopy** 7107 kg Minimum Operating Weight with Cab* 6485 kg Maximum Operating Weight with Cab** 7175 kg
250 kg 44 kg 375 kg 102 kg 64 kg
551 lb 97 lb 827 lb 225 lb 141 lb
Travel System
Travel Speed – High Travel Speed – Low Maximum Traction Force – High Speed Maximum Traction Force – Low Speed Ground Pressure – Minimum Weight Ground Pressure – Maximum Weight Gradeability (maximum)
CHOICES Configure the machine to meet your specific application needs with



Eaton 263589Eaton Moeller series xPole - PF6/7 RCCB. PF7, 4 pole, In: 40 A, Icn: 10 kA, I ΔN: 0.5 A, Type AC, AC current sensitive, Partly surge-proof 250 A, residential and commercialGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller series xPole - PF6/7 RCCB263589PF7-40/4/05-DE401508263589380 mm 71 mm 70 mm 0.32 kg RoHS conformIEC/EN 61008Product NameCatalog Number Model Code EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Certifications40 AIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.7035-35 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.DIN railQuick attachment with 2 latch positions for DIN-rail IEC/EN 6071540 ADoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.0.5 A184 V AC - 440 V ACMeets the product standard's requirements.Non-delayedIS/SPE-1TE 101911Interlocking device500 A eaton-rcd-application-guide-br019003en-en-us.pdfeaton-xpole-pf7-rccb-catalog-ca019032en-en-us.pdf eaton-xpole-pf6-rccb-catalog-ca019034en-en-us.pdfDA-DC-03_PF7eaton-circuit-breaker-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-dimensions.jpg eaton-xpole-pf6/7-rccb-3d-drawing.jpgIL019140ZUeaton-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-wiring-diagram-002.jpgRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) 10.11 Short-circuit ratingRAL-numberPermitted storage and transport temperature - min10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityMounting MethodAmperage Rating10.2.5 LiftingRated fault current - maxTest circuit range10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Tripping timeFitted with:Rated residual making and breaking capacity Application notes Catalogs Certification reports DrawingsInstallation instructions Wiring diagramsFrequency rating50 Hz10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Fault current rating500 mATerminal protectionFinger and hand touch safe, DGUV VS3, EN 50274Special featuresMaximum operatingtemperature is 60 °C:Starting at 40 °C, the max.permissible continuouscurrent decreases by 2.5%for every 1 °CTripping signal contact forsubsequent installation Z-NHK 248434Sensitivity typeAC current sensitiveAmbient operating temperature - max60 °CHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent0 WClimatic proofing25-55 °C / 90-95% relative humidity according to IEC 60068-2Built-in depth69.5 mmShort-circuit rating63 A (max. admissible back-up fuse)FeaturesAdditional equipment possibleResidual current circuit breakerLifespan, electrical4000 operationsConnectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - min1.5 mm²10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Number of polesFour-poleTerminal capacity (solid wire)1.5 mm² - 35 mm²Ambient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Rated short-circuit strength10 kA10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Used withKLV-TC-4 276241 (Compact enclosure)Z-FW/LP 248296 (Remote control and automatic switching device)Z-RC/AK-4TE 101062 (sealing cover set)Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent8.4 W10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent0 WApplicationResidual current circuitbreaker for residential andcommercial applicationsxPole - Switchgear forresidential and commercialapplications10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Voltage typeACTerminal capacity (stranded cable)16 mm² (2x)Leakage current typeACFrame45 mmBuilt-in width (number of units)70 mm (4 SU)Terminals (top and bottom)Open mouthed/lift terminalsHeat dissipation capacity0 WImpulse withstand currentPartly surge-proof 250 AWidth in number of modular spacings4Busbar material thickness0.8 mm - 2 mm10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Lifespan, mechanical20000 operationsVoltage rating230 V AC / 400 V AC10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - max35 mm²Degree of protectionIP20, IP40 with suitable enclosureIP20Rated short-time withstand current (Icw)10 kAAccessories requiredZ-HK 248432Pollution degree210.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - min 1.5 mm²Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)4 kV10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - max 16 mm²TypePF7Residual current circuitbreakersType AC10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Surge current capacity0.25 kAPermitted storage and transport temperature - max60 °CAdmissible back-up fuse overload - max25 A gG/gLRated fault current - min0.5 AEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia400 V440 VRated operational voltage (Ue) - max Rated insulation voltage (Ui)。

Schurter PG06 电源模块说明书

Schurter PG06 电源模块说明书

IEC Appliance Inlet C14 with FilterApprovals and CompliancesC1470° CDescription- Panel Mount :Snap-in or screw-on mounting from front side- 2 Functions :Appliance Inlet Protection class I , Line filter in standard and medical version- Quick connect terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mmUnique Selling Proposition- Ultra-compact design- High quality filter case made of stainless steel- Highly resistant since potted filter- Various filter variants Characteristics- All single elements are already wired- Suitable for use in equipment according to IEC/UL 60950Suitable for use in medical equipment according to IEC/UL 60601-1 Other versions on request- Capacity CX 100 nF- Medical version M80ReferencesAlternative: version without line filter 6100-3; 6100-4Weblinkspdf datasheet, html-datasheet, General Product Information, Distributor-Stock-Check, Accessories, Detailed request for productT echnical DataRatings IEC 1 - 10 A @ Ta 40 °C / 250 VAC; 50 Hz Ratings UL/CSA 1 - 15 A @ Ta 40 °C / 125 VAC; 60 Hz Leakage Current standard < 0.5 mA (250 V / 60 Hz)medical < 5 µA (250 V / 60 Hz) Dielectric Strength> 1.7 kVDC between L-N> 2.7 kVDC between L/N-PETest voltage (2 sec)Allowable Operation Tempe-rature-25 °C to 85 °CClimatic Category25/085/21 acc. to IEC 60068-1IP-Protection from front side IP 40 acc. to IEC 60529 Protection Class Suitable for appliances with protectionclass I acc. to IEC 61140Terminal Quick connect terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm Panel Thickness S Screw: max 5 mmMounting screw torque max 0.5 NmSnap-in: 0.8 mm to 3 mmMaterial: Housing Thermoplastic, black, UL 94V-0appliance inlet/-outlet C14 acc. to IEC 60320-1,UL 498, CSA C22.2 no. 42 (for coldconditions) pin-temperature 70 °C, 10 A,Protection Class ILine Filter Standard and Medical Version, IEC60939, UL 1283, CSA C22.2 no. 8Technical DetailsMTBF> 3'100'000 h acc. to MIL-HB-217 FApprovals and CompliancesDetailed information on product approvals, code requirements, usage instructions and detailed test conditions can be looked up in Details about Approvals1ApprovalsThe approval mark is used by the testing authorities to certify compliance with the safety requirements placed on electronic products. Approval Reference T ype: 5110Approval Logo Certificates Certification Body DescriptionVDE Approvals VDE Certificate Number: 40035745UL Approvals ULUL File Number: E72928CQC Approvals CQC CCC File Number: 2006010204191430 Product standardsProduct standards that are referencedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned according to IEC 60320-1Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposesDesigned according to IEC 60939Passive filters for suppressing electromagnetic interferenceDesigned according to IEC 61058-1Switches for appliances. Part 1. General requirements Designed according to UL 498Standard for Attachment Plugs and ReceptaclesDesigned according to UL 1283Electromagnetic interference filtersDesigned according to CSA C22.2 no. 42General Use Receptacles, Attachment Plugs, and Similar Wiring DevicesDesigned according to CSA C22.2 no. 8Electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters Application standardsApplication standards where the product can be usedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned for applications acc.IEC/UL 60950IEC 60950-1 includes the basic requirements for the safety of informationtechnologyequipment.Designed for applications acc.IEC 60601-1Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basicsafety and essential performanceCompliancesThe product complies with following Guide LinesIdentification Details Initiator DescriptionCE declaration of conformity SCHURTER AG The CE marking declares that the product complies with the applicablerequirements laid down in the harmonisation of Community legislation onits affixing in accordance with EU Regulation 765/2008.RoHS SCHURTER AG EU Directive RoHS 2011/65/EUChina RoHS SCHURTER AG The law SJ / T 11363-2006 (China RoHS) has been in force since 1 March2007. It is similar to the EU directive RoHS.REACH SCHURTER AG On 1 June 2007, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration,Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals 1 (abbreviated as"REACH") entered into force.Medical Equipment SCHURTER AG Suitable for use in medical equipment according to IEC/UL 60601-12Dimension [mm]Screw-on mountingSnap-in mounting+0.234Diagrams Standard version1)2)LNPEL’N’PE’1) Line 2) LoadMedical version (M5)1)2)LNPEL’N’PE’1) Line 2) LoadAttenuation Loss- - - - 50Ω differential mode _____ 50Ω common modeStandard version1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A8 A10 A15AMedical version (M5)1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A8 A10 A15AAll VariantsPackaging unit 10 Pcs5AccessoriesDescriptionWire HarnessWire harness for SCHURTER productsAssorted CoversRear Cover0859.0048Cord retaining kitsCord retaining strain reliefFlat head, A4700.0001Countersunk, C4700.0003Mating Outlets/ConnectorsCategory / DescriptionAppliance Outlet Overview completeIEC Appliance Outlet F, Screw-on Mounting, Front Side, Solder Terminal4787IEC Appliance Outlet F, Snap-in Mounting, Front Side, Solder or Quick-connect Terminal4788IEC Appliance Outlet F or H, Screw-on Mounting, Front Side, Solder, PCB or Quick-connect Terminal5091Appliance Outlet further types to 5110Connector Overview complete4782 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C1347824022 Mounting: Power Supply Cord, 3 x 1.5 mm², Screw clamps, Connector: IEC C1340224785 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C1347854300-06 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C134300-064012 Mounting: Power Supply Cord, 3 x 1.5 mm², Screw clamps, Connector: IEC C134012Connector further types to 5110...The specifications, descriptions and illustrations indicated in this document are based on currentinformation. All content is subject to modifications and amendments. Information furnished is believed2.12.2176。

Schurter PG06 多功能电源模块说明书

Schurter PG06 多功能电源模块说明书

IEC Appliance Inlet C14 with Filter, Fuseholder 1- or 2-pole (5x20 mm or 6.3x32 mm), Line Switch 1- or2-pole, Voltage Selector (Step)Approvals and CompliancesC1470° CDescription- Panel Mount :Screw-on mounting from front side- 5 Functions :Appliance Inlet , Line Switch , Fuseholder with interchangeable fuse drawer for Fuse-links 5x20 mm or 6.3x32 mm , with or without voltage selector (step switch) , Line filter in standard and medical version- Quick connect terminals 4.8 x 0.8 mmUnique Selling Proposition- Multifunctional Power Entry Module- Solid metal flange- Various fuse drawers- Slim design Characteristics- All single elements are already wired- The fuse drawer "Fingergrip" can be removed by hand- Suitable for use in equipment according to IEC/UL 60950Suitable for use in medical equipment according to IEC/UL 60601-1 ReferencesAlternative: version without line filter KDAlternative: Standard versionWeblinkspdf datasheet, html-datasheet, General Product Information, Distributor-Stock-Check, Accessories, Detailed request for product, MicrositeNewly available variants corresponding to V-Lock mating cordset. The connector is equipped with a notch intended for use with the latching cordset. The cord latching system prevents against accidental removal of the cordset.T echnical DataRatings IEC 1 - 10 A @ Ta 40 °C / 250 VAC; 50 Hz Ratings UL/CSA 1 - 10 A @ Ta 40 °C / 125 VAC; 60 Hz Leakage Current standard < 0.5 mA (250 V / 60 Hz)medical < 5 µA (250 V / 60 Hz) Dielectric Strength> 1.7 kVDC between L-N> 2.7 kVDC between L/N-PETest voltage (2 sec)Allowable Operation Tempe-rature-25 °C to 85 °CClimatic Category25/085/21 acc. to IEC 60068-1IP-Protection from front side IP 40 acc. to IEC 60529 Protection Class Suitable for appliances with protectionclass I acc. to IEC 61140Terminal Quick connect terminals 4.8 x 0.8 mm Panel Thickness S Screw: max 8 mmMounting screw torque max 0.5 Nm Material: Housing Thermoplastic, black, UL 94V-0appliance inlet/-outlet C14 acc. to IEC 60320-1,UL 498, CSA C22.2 no. 42 (for coldconditions) pin-temperature 70 °C, 10 A,Protection Class IFuseholder 1 or 2 pole, Shocksafe category PC2acc. to IEC 60127-6,for fuse-links 5 x 20 or 6.3 x 32 mm Rated Power Acceptance @Ta 23 °C5 x 20: 2.5 W (1 pole)/ 2 W (2-pole) perpole6.3 x 32: 3.15 W (1 pole)/ 2.5 W (2-pole)per polePower Acceptance @ Ta >23°CAdmissible power acceptance at higherambient temperature see derating cur-vesLine Switch2-pole, non-illuminated, acc. to IEC61058-1Technical DetailsVoltage Selector optional, step, 2-4 digitsLine Filter Standard and Medical Version, IEC60939, UL 1283, CSA C22.2 no. 8Technical DetailsMTBF> 1'200'000 h acc. to MIL-HB-217 FApprovals and CompliancesDetailed information on product approvals, code requirements, usage instructions and detailed test conditions can be looked up in Details about Approvals1ApprovalsThe approval mark is used by the testing authorities to certify compliance with the safety requirements placed on electronic products. Approval Reference T ype: CDApproval Logo Certificates Certification Body DescriptionVDE Approvals VDE Certificate Number: 40004665 (FKSO, FKSP, FKSU, FKSV)UL Approvals UL UL File Number: E72928 (FKSO, FKSP, FKSU, FKSV) Product standardsProduct standards that are referencedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned according to IEC 60320-1Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposesDesigned according to IEC 60939Passive filters for suppressing electromagnetic interferenceDesigned according to IEC 60127-6Miniature fuses. Part 6. Fuse-holders for miniature fuse-linksDesigned according to IEC 61058-1Switches for appliances. Part 1. General requirements Designed according to UL 498Standard for Attachment Plugs and ReceptaclesDesigned according to UL 1283Electromagnetic interference filtersDesigned according to CSA C22.2 no. 42General Use Receptacles, Attachment Plugs, and Similar Wiring DevicesDesigned according to CSA C22.2 no. 8Electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters Application standardsApplication standards where the product can be usedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned for applications acc.IEC/UL 60950IEC 60950-1 includes the basic requirements for the safety of informationtechnologyequipment.Designed for applications acc.IEC 60601-1Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basicsafety and essential performanceDesigned for applications acc.IEC 60335-1Safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes. Meetsthe requirements for appliances in unattended use. This includes the en-hanced requirements of glow wire tests acc. to IEC 60695-2-12 and -13. CompliancesThe product complies with following Guide LinesIdentification Details Initiator DescriptionCE declaration of conformity SCHURTER AG The CE marking declares that the product complies with the applicablerequirements laid down in the harmonisation of Community legislation onits affixing in accordance with EU Regulation 765/2008.RoHS SCHURTER AG EU Directive RoHS 2011/65/EUChina RoHS SCHURTER AG The law SJ / T 11363-2006 (China RoHS) has been in force since 1 March2007. It is similar to the EU directive RoHS.REACH SCHURTER AG On 1 June 2007, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration,Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals 1 (abbreviated as"REACH") entered into force.MicrositeV-Lock SCHURTER AG V-Lock system are based on a matching plug-dose combination. Theconnector is equipped with a notch intended for use with the latchingcordset. The cord latching system prevents against accidental removal ofthe cordset.Medical Equipment SCHURTER AG Suitable for use in medical equipment according to IEC/UL 60601-123Dimension [mm]CDDiagrams Standard versionwith voltage selectorL N1)1) Line 2) Loadx) External connection to be made by the customer Medical versionwith voltage selectorLPEN1)1) Line 2) Loadx) External connection to be made by the customer4Derating Curves Fuses5 x 20 mm (1-pole)A d m i s s i b l e p o w e r a c c e p t a n c e i n W a t tAmbient air temperature T a °C Fuses5 x 20 mm (2-pole, per pole)A d m i s s i b l e p o w e r a c c e p t a n c e i nW a t tAmbient air temperature T a °C Fuses6.3 x 32 mm (1-pole)A d m i s s i b l e p o w e r a c c e p t a n c e i n W a t tAmbient air temperature T a °C Fuses6.3 x 32 mm (2-pole, per pole)A d m i s s i b l e p o w e r a c c e p t a n c e i n W a t tAmbient air temperature Ta °CAttenuation Loss- - - - 50Ωdifferential mode _____ 50Ω common modeStandard version1 A2 A 4 A6 A10 AMedical version (M5)1 A2 A 4 A 6 A10 AAll VariantsPackaging unit 10 Pcs Required AccessoryDescriptionFusedrawer 3Fusedrawer for Fuse Links 5x20 mm resp. 6.3x32 mmFingergrip, 5 x 20, 2-pole, Voltage Selector4303.2014.00 Fingergrip, 5 x 20, 2-pole, Voltage Selector, 100, 120, 220, 2404303.2014.01 Fingergrip, 5 x 20, 2-pole, Voltage Selector, 110, 150, 2204303.2014.02 Fingergrip, 5 x 20, 2-pole, Voltage Selector, 110, 2204303.2014.03...5AccessoriesWire HarnessWire harness for SCHURTER products Assorted CoversRear Cover0859.0077Cord retaining kitsCord retaining strain reliefFlat head, A4700.0001Mating Outlets/ConnectorsCategory / DescriptionAppliance Outlet Overview completeIEC Appliance Outlet F, Screw-on Mounting, Front Side, Solder Terminal4787IEC Appliance Outlet F, Snap-in Mounting, Front Side, Solder or Quick-connect Terminal4788IEC Appliance Outlet F or H, Screw-on Mounting, Front Side, Solder, PCB or Quick-connect Terminal5091Appliance Outlet further types to CDConnector Overview complete4782 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C1347824022 Mounting: Power Supply Cord, 3 x 1.5 mm², Screw clamps, Connector: IEC C1340224785 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C1347854300-06 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C134300-064012 Mounting: Power Supply Cord, 3 x 1.5 mm², Screw clamps, Connector: IEC C134012Connector further types to CD...Mating Outlets/Connectors shutteredPower Cord Overview completeVAC13KS, Overview, diverse Connector IEC C13, cord end:VAC13KSPower Cord further types to CDThe specifications, descriptions and illustrations indicated in this document are based on currentinformation. All content is subject to modifications and amendments. Information furnished is believed2.12.2176。

Panduit TDP43ME PA26305A01修订版 2022年11月商品说明书

Panduit TDP43ME PA26305A01修订版 2022年11月商品说明书

TDP43MEPA26305A01修订版 08 2022 年 11 月© Panduit Corp. 2022注意:为追求更高品质和价值,Panduit 会持续改进和更新产品。


地区电话电子邮件美国和加拿大 1-866-871-4571 **************************拉丁美洲 1-708-532-1800 ****************************欧洲/中东 +31-546-580-452 ***************************亚太地区 65-6305-7575 *************************日本81-3-6863-6060*************************面向美国用户的FCC 合规声明根据 FCC 规则第 15 部分,本设备已通过测试,符合对 A 类数字设备的限制。




面向欧洲用户的EMS 与 EMI 合规声明本设备已接受并通过了以下标准的电磁兼容性相关要求的测试:EN 55022:1998+A1:2000+A2:2003,CISPR 22,A 类、EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003,IEC 61000-4 系列、EN 61000-3-2/2000 与 EN 61000-3-3/1995。

本设备还接受并通过了欧洲标准 EN55022 的辐射和传导排放限制的测试。

面向韩国用户的KC 合规声明A급기기 (업무용방송통신기자재) Class A Equipment (Industrial Broadcasting & Communication Equipment)이기기는업무용(A급) 전자파적합기기로서판매자또는사용자는이점을주의하시기바라며,가정외의지역에서사용하는것을목적으로합니다.This equipment is Industrial (Class A) electromagnetic wave suitability equipment and the seller or user should take notice of it, and this equipment is to be used in places except for home.本声明所涉及的 TDP43ME 打印机符合以下标准EN55022:1998,CLSPR 22,A 类/EN55024:1998IEC 61000-4 系列/EN61000-3-2:2000/EN 6100-3-3:1995/CFR 47,第 15 部分/CISPR 22 第 3 版:1997,A 类/ANSI C63.4:2001/CNS 13438/IEC60950-1:2001/GB4943:2001/GB9254:1998/GB17625.1:2003/EN60950-1:2001规格如有更改,恕不另行通知。



Eaton PDG23M0060P8WJPower Defense Globally Rated, Frame 2, Three Pole, 60A,65kA/480V, PXR25 LSI Motor Protection w/ Modbus RTU, ZSI and Relays, Standard Line and Load (PDG2X3T100)Eaton Power Defense molded case circuit breakerPDG23M0060P8WJ 78667925859088.9 mm 152.4 mm 104.6 mm 1.82 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant IEC 60947-2UL 489CCC MarkedCSAProduct NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertifications60 AComplete breaker 2Three-polePD2 Global Class A PXR 25 Motor Protection LSIModbus RTU600 Vac600 VStandard Line and Load65 kAIC at 480 Vac 35 kAIC @600V (UL/CSA)70 kAIC Icu/ 53 kAIC Ics/ 154 kAIC Icm @380-415V (IEC) 50 kAIC Icu/ 30 kAIC Ics/ 105 kAIC Icm @480V Brazil (IEC) 50 kAIC Icu/ 40 kAIC Ics/ 105 kAIC Icm @440V (IEC) 65 kAIC @480V (UL) 22 kAIC Icu @250 Vdc10 kAIC Icu/ 5 kAIC Ics/ 21 kAIC Icm @690V (IEC) 100 kAIC @240V (UL)100 kAIC Icu/ 100 kAIC Ics/ 220 kAIC Icm @240V (IEC) 30/25 kAIC Icu/ 15/13 kAIC Ics @525V South Africa (IEC) 22 kAIC Icu @125 VdcEaton Power Defense MCCB PDG23M0060P8WJ 3D drawing Amperage Rating Circuit breaker frame type Frame Number of poles Circuit breaker type Class Trip TypeCommunication Voltage rating Voltage rating - max TerminalsInterrupt rating Interrupt rating range 3D CAD drawing packageApplication notesConsulting application guide - molded case circuit breakersPower Xpert Protection Manager x32Power Xpert Protection Manager x64BrochuresPower Defense technical selling bookletPower Defense brochurePower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection posterPower Defense molded case circuit breakers - Frame 2 product aidCatalogsMolded case circuit breakers catalogPower Xpert Release trip units for Power Defense molded case circuit breakersCertification reportsPDG4 CCC certificationPDG4 CB reportPower Defense Declaration concerning California’s Proposition 65PDG2 CB reportEU Declaration of Conformity - Power Defense molded case circuit breakersInstallation instructionsPower Defense Frame 2 global terminal shield, 3 pole - IL012330EN Power Defense Frame 2 locking devices and handle block instructions - IL012149ENPower Defense Frame 2/3/4/5/6 voltage neutral sensor module wiring instructions – IL012316ENPower Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 100A, 3 pole instructions - IL012237EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 box terminal (aluminum), 225A, 3 pole instructions - IL012235EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 box terminal (steel), 100A, 3 pole instructions - IL012234EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 shunt trip UVR instructions - IL012130EN Power Defense Frame 2 clamp terminal (steel), 20A, 3 pole instructions - IL012246EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 150A, 3 pole instructions - IL012238EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 multi wire connector kit -PDG2X3(2)(4)TA2253W instructions - IL012243EN H01Power Defense Frame 1-2-3-4 IP door barrier assembly instructions -IL012278ENPower Defense Frame 2 screw terminal_end cap kit, 225A, 3 poleinstructions - IL012258EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 Direct Rotary Handle Assy With Interlock Version Instructions (IL012138EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 50A, 3 pole instructions - IL012236EN H03Power Defense Frame 1 IEC and Frame 2 Rotary Mechanism with NFPA Handle Attachment Instructions (IL012260EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 2 PDG2 and PDC(E)9 breaker instructions -IL012106ENPower Defense Frame 2 multi wire connector kit -PDG2X3(2)(4)TA2256W instructions - IL012242EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 Bell Alarm Switch Instructions (IL012154EN).pdf Power Defense Frame 2 bell alarm switch instructions - IL012154EN Power Defense Frame 2 terminal kit - PDG2X3(2)(4)TA150RF instructions - IL012244EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 motor circuit protector (HMCP) - IL012326EN Power Defense Frame 2 handle mech variable depth rotary handle instructions - IL012136ENPower Defense Frame 2 handle mech direct rotary handle instructions - IL012134ENPower Defense Frame 2 terminal kit - PDG2X3(2)(4)TA225RF instructions - IL012245EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal kits - PDG2X1TA225K instructions- IL012239EN H01Installation videosPower Defense Frame 2 TMTU Aux, Alarm, ST and UVR Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Locking Devices and Handle Block Animated Instructions.pdf.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Handle Mech Variable Depth Rotary Handle Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 withTMTU, Shunt Trip_UVR Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Bell Alarm with PXR Animated Instructions.pdf.rhMultimediaPower Defense Frame 2 Aux, Alarm, Shunt Trip, and UVR How-To Video Power Defense Frame 3 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 2 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 2 Direct Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaEaton Power Defense for superior arc flash safety Power Defense molded case circuit breakers Power Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit How-To Video Power Defense BreakersPower Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit How-To Video Eaton Specification Sheet - PDG23M0060P8WJ Power Defense time current curve Frame 2 - PD2Power Defense time current curves MCP Motor Circuit Protection – PD1, PD2, PD3Intelligent circuit protection yields space savings Making a better machineIntelligent power starts with accurate, actionable data Molded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker health Single and double break MCCB performance revisited Molded case and low-voltage breaker health Safer by design: arc energy reduction techniquesSpecifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWhite papers。



Product features6125FAFast acting surface mount fuse•Fast acting surface mount fuse•Complies with the EIA-IS-722 Standard •Solder Immersion Compatible•Overcurrent protection of systems up to 125 Vac/dc•Wire-in-air designAgency information•UL Listed Guide and File Numbers (250 mA-12 A):JDYX & E19180•UL Recognized Guide and File Numbers (15 A):JDYX2 & E195337•CSA Component Acceptance: 053787 C 000 &Class No: 1422 30Environmental data•Shock: MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Test condition 1 (100 g's peak for 6 milliseconds)•Vibration : MIL-STD-202, Method 201, (10 - 55 Hz, 0.06 inch total excursion)•Salt spray : MIL-STD-202, Method 101, Test condition B (48hours)•Insulation resistance : MIL-STD-202, Method 302, Test condition A (After opening) 10, 000 ohms min.•Thermal shock: MIL-STD-202, Method 107, Test condition B (-65 °C to + 125 °C)•Resistance to solder heat : MIL_STD-202, Method 210, Test condition F (20 sec at 260 °COrdering•Specify packaging and product codeSolder information•Wave solder: 260 °C, 10 sec max.(MIL-STD-202, Method 210)•Infrared reflow: 260 °C, 30 sec max.SPECIFICATIONSProduct Voltage Interrupting Resistance Typical Typical CodeRating Rating*(ohms)**Melt Voltage AC DC DC 125V AC 125V DC 86V DCTyp.I 2t†Drop (V)‡6125FA250mA 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.650.010.306125FA375mA 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.360.030.256125FA500mA 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.070.410.156125FA2A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.050.800.156125FA2.5A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.038 1.40.146125FA3A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.028 2.40.136125FA3.5A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.025 3.30.136125FA4A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.022 4.40.136125FA5A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.0167.80.126125FA6.3A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.01214.00.126125FA7A 125V 125V 86V 50A 300A 10,000A 0.01119.00.1146125FA10A 125V N/A 86V 50A N/A 10,000A 0.007440.1076125FA12A 125V N/A 86V 50A N/A 10,000A 0.006690.1036125FA15AN/AN/A86VN/A N/A10,000A0.0041240.098* AC Interrupting Rating (Measured at designated voltage, 100% power factor); DC Interrupting Rating (Measured at designated voltage, time constant of less than 50microseconds, battery source)** DC Cold Resistance (Measured at 10% of rated current)† T ypical Melting I 2t (Measured with a battery bank at rated DC voltage, 10x-rated current, time constant of calibrated circuit less than 50 microseconds)‡ Typical Voltage Drop (Measured at rated current after temperature stabilizes)Device designed to carry rated current for four hours minimum. An operating current of 80% or less of rated current is recommended, with further derating required at elevated ambient temperatures.6125F A r a t i n g s a b o v e 2 A m p s a r e N O T r e c o m m e n d e d f o r n e w d e s i g n s . R e c o m m e n d e d r e p l a c e m e n t f o r 2 A+ i s CB 61F d at a s h e e t 4377EatonElectronics Division 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States/electronics © 2017 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 2531 August 2017Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.6125FAFast-acting surface mount fuseTechnical Data 2531Effective August 20172. Not to ScaleTop ViewDimensions- mm (in)Land PatternTIME CURRENT CURVEPACKAGING CODEPackaging CodeDescriptionTR25,000 pieces of fuses on 12mm tape-and-reel on a 13 inch (330mm) reel per EIA Standard 4816125F A r a t i n g s a b o v e 2 A m p s a r e N O T r e c o m m e n d e d f o r n e w d e s i g n s . R e c o m m e n d e d r e p l a c e m e n t f o r 2 A+ i s CB 61F d at a s h e e t 4377。

美工电子_Eaton ULT 1008 Listed 模块式转换开关产品说明说明书

美工电子_Eaton ULT 1008 Listed 模块式转换开关产品说明说明书

Reliability, versatility and performanceEaton offers a comprehensive portfolio of UL T 1008 Listed transfer switch solutions to meet a wide variety of standby power applications. The molded case transfer switch line is not only reliable and simple to operate, but also available in a broad selection of product configurations. When coupled with our extensiv e custom engineering capabilities, finding the right transfer switch for your project has never been easier. Whether your needs are standard commercial or harsh industrial, the robust construction and performance of an Eaton transfer switch sets the standard for maintaining power to critical loads and optimizing system uptime.Product configurations•Open transition (time delayed, load voltage decay)•Automatic, non-automatic, manual operation • 30 to 1000 amperes • Two-, three- and four-pole • Up to 600 Vac, 50/60 Hz • Single-phase or three-phase •Cam-Lok E quick-connect terminals•Service entrance—UL 1008 Listed and 100% rated •Overcurrent protection with Power Xpert Release (PXR) thermal-magnetic or electronic trip unit•NEMA T 1, 12, 3R, 4X enclosure or open frame design•Automatic transfer controller: ATC-900, ATC-300+, ATC-100Codes and standards• UL 1008 Listed• CSA T C22.2 No. 178 Certified •Seismic qualified—OSHPD, CBC, IBC, UBC Zone 4•NFPA T 110 and National Electrical Code T (NEC T ) Articles 700, 701, 702, 708Features and benefits•Power Defense™ (PD) molded case switch/circuit breaker pair with self-protecting main contacts•Ability to field replace molded case switch/circuit breaker individually •Mechanically interlocked to prevent simultaneous connection of both sources •Quick-connect, multi-tap transformer panel derives control power from either source and permits field selection of system voltage • Front accessible • Top/bottom cable entry • Internal dead-front cover •Industry standard serial communication (Modbus T RTU)•Auxiliary contacts indicate position of main contacts •Dual automatic plant exercisers for scheduling unloaded and loaded engine-generator testing •Programmable control inputs and relay outputs for load management •Advanced source sensing incorporates negativesequence voltage detection for identifying phase loss condition•USB port for downloading power quality data, managing setpoint profiles and updating firmwareOptions and accessories•ATC-900 controller accessory modules:•DCT—integral powermetering (load) and 24 Vdc external supply power •I/O—expand programmable control inputs (up to 20) and Form C relay outputs (up to 20)•Advanced power quality metering (PXM series) of source or load•Surge protection device (UL 1449 5th edition)•7-inch color touch screen HMI remote annunciator to monitor and control single or multiple (up to eight) transfer switches •Ethernet communication (Modbus TCP/IP , BACnet, EtherNet/IP)•Thermostat controlled heater element for outdoor applications • Compression lug terminals •Non-automatic operatorcontrols and indication lightsService entrance rated transfer switch with Cam-Lok terminalsEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2023 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. PA140016EN / Z28189November 2023Product selectionCatalog numbering systemA Limited to 600 A and below.A Ethernet communication option requires use of serial port.Quick-connect Cam-Lok terminationTransfer switches can be configured with a Cam-Lok power panel for quick connection to a temporary emergency power source (engine-generator).The color-coded power panel resides in an isolated compartment and is constructed of industry-standard 16 series Cam-Lok receptacles (male) mounted on a high-strength fiberglass-reinforced polyester material. Each Cam-Lok receptacle is rated for 400 A and can be equipped with an optional hinged cover. Ground ampacity can be specified as 25%, 50% or 100% of the transfer switch ampere rating.Cam-Lok quick-connect panel (1000 A) with 25% (minimum) ground ampacity Cam-Lok quick-connect panelHinged bottom flapSafety interlockFollow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.。

Tripp Lite TLP810SAT保护器设备描述说明书

Tripp Lite TLP810SAT保护器设备描述说明书

Protect It! 8-Outlet Surge Protector, 10 ft. (3.05m) Cord, 3240 Joules, Tel/Fax/Modem/Coax Protection, RJ11MODEL NUMBER:TLP810SATDescriptionTripp Lite's TLP810SAT Surge Suppressor offers complete AC, telephone and coax line surge suppression on two lines for comprehensive system protection of home theaters, A/V systems and desktop PCs. Heavy grade AC surge suppression shields connected equipment from damage and performance problems due to the heaviest transient surges. Two sets of 2.2GHz gold coax connectors for cable-TV, satellite, broadcast antenna or cable modems. Set of RJ11 jacks offers surge suppression for pay-per-view satellite systems, dial-up and DSL modems, fax machines and cordless phones.TLP810SAT offers 8 total outlets, 10-ft. (3.05 m) cord with space-saving angled plug and diagnostic LEDs with audible alarm to warn of wiring problems and suppressor damage. Network grade AC suppression rated at 3240 joules shields equipment from surges and line noise. Integrated child-safety outlet covers safely seal off unused outlets. Attractive black suppressor housing with keyhole mounting tabs and 3designated transformer plug outlets offers convenient protection of entire home theatre, a/v and computer equipment and accessories. $250,000 Ultimate Lifetime Insurance (U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico only)PLUG/OUTLETS: Input: NEMA5-15P/Output: 8 NEMA5-15R/10-ft. (3.05 m) AC line cord ELECTRICAL: 120V AC, 50/60Hz, 15A (Requires NEMA5-15R wall receptacle)FORMAT: Corded multi-outlet strip with transformer-spaced outlets SUPPRESSION: AC: 150V RMS Clamping/3570 joules PHONE: Set of phone jacks (RJ11, 2-wire, 1 line)COAX: 2 Sets 2.2GHz gold coax jacksFeatures3240 joules AC surge suppression shields equipment from the strongest surges and line noise q 8 AC outlets with room for 3 transformer plugs without blocking outlets covers computers and all peripheralsqPhone line surge suppression protects both dialup and DSL modems, plus fax machines, cordless phones and more (pair of RJ11 jacks, 2-wire, 1 line, includes 6-ft. (1.83 m) phone cable)qHighlights8 outlets / 10-ft. (3.05 m) cord q 3240 joule ratingq 2 sets of 2.2GHz goldcoaxial/satellite surge protection jacks bandwidths)qModem/fax surge protectionqPackage IncludesTLP810SAT Surge Suppressor q 6-ft. (1.83 m) telephone cable q Two 6-ft. (1.83 m) coax cables q Instruction manual with warranty informationqSpecificationsTwo sets of coax jacks protect cable modems, plus satellite, cable TV and broadcast antennas (includes 6-ft. (1.83 m) coax cable)qLong 10-ft. (3.05 m) AC line cable with space-saving angle input plug conveniently reaches distant outletsqLighted power switch with integrated 15A circuit breaker offers power control and overload protection q Integrated child-safety sliding outlet covers safely seal off all unused outlets q Diagnostic LEDs confirm outlet grounding and surge suppression status q Audible alarm offers notification of suppressor damageq Attractive black suppressor housing with keyhole mounting tabs allow versatile placement options q $250,000 Ultimate Lifetime Insurance (U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico only)q Automatic shutoff permanently cuts power to outlets if protection circuit is incapacitated, preventing equipment damage and indicating replacement is requiredq© 2022 Tripp Lite. All rights reserved. All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. Tripp Lite has a policy of continuous improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Tripp Lite uses primary and third-party agencies to test its products for compliance with standards. See a list of Tripp Lite's testing agencies:https:///products/product-certification-agencies。



306 小型液压挖掘机卡特306 小型液压挖掘机拥有卓越的性能,生产力,可操控性和可靠性,并且维护成本比较低。


单位: 美制| 公制发动机发动机机型缸径3.7 in驾驶室简单而容易的操作可以使驾驶员更专注于提高生产力。



»了解详情发动机发动机机型缸径排量173 in3尺寸发动机尺寸行驶系统液压系统(标准)斗杆挖掘力5733 lb主系统- 最大流量先导系统-最大流量4.9 gal/min回转系统机器回转速度声级电气系统铲刀宽度76.8 in保养加注容量冷却系统4.1 gal液压油箱15 gal液压系统22.4 gal履带长度支重轮数目(每侧)MSC 备注传动行驶速度3 mph简单的操作符合人机工程学的液压先导控制手柄将提供机器的全部控制,包括前端工作装置,行走系统,推土铲和附属液压管路。




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UltraShift PLUS自动变速箱产品说明书

UltraShift PLUS自动变速箱产品说明书

TOUGH JOBSGet to Know UltraShift ® P LUSFleet managers and drivers alike will appreciate the improved safety and greater fleet-wide fuel efficiency these automated transmissions deliver compared to their manual counterparts and torque converter automatics.A Transmission for Every JobWith models ranging from 10 to 18 speeds, world-classstartability and ratio coverage, UltraShift PLUS transmissions are capable of handling high torque and high GVWs, making them popular in some of the most rigorous vocations you’ll find — logging, oil field and other heavy-haul applications. In fact, the 18-speed UltraShift PLUS MXP and VXP have no gross vehicle weight limitations. For fleets needing additional capability, these transmissions can be paired with 2-speed, axles for even more gear reduction.Performance You Can Count OnVehicle control is vital on job sites. That’s why we engineer advanced features such as GearLogic™ technology, which improves low-speed performance, into our products. When it comes to grades, UltraShift PLUS transmissions offer superior performance compared to torque converter automatics. The Aggressive Performance calibration also improves acceleration through enhanced shift strategies. Enhanced split-shaft power take-off (PTO) capabilities allow the operator to control the throttle and transmission gear selection outside the vehicle’s cab for improved efficiency and safety.Designed for Your Bottom LineUltraShift PLUS transmissions are designed for optimal fuel efficiency, and less wear and tear on drivetrain components for reduced maintenance costs. Compared to a torqueconverter automatic, an UltraShift PLUS will cost you about 50% less. It will also double the length of lubricant change intervals and use 50% less fluid. Service can be performed at your local dealer to get your vehicle back on the job faster maximizing your uptime -- no need for a two-step repair process.Dual-plate ceramic clutch for Enhances maneuverability at lower and reverse speeds, and makes backing up even easier.period - spn global.Creep ModeEnables the driver to “creep” at low speeds, and offers ultimate control for curbing, spreading and paving.Hill Start AidPrevents unintended roll back or roll forward. When the grade exceeds one percent, foundation brakes hold the truck for a controlled launch. It works when pointing uphill in drive or facing downhill in reverse.Oil-Level Sight GlassEasy way to check fluid level for quicker preventative maintenance.Smart Gear SelectionUrge to MoveDrivers simply release the brake pedal to automatically inch forward, similar to the feel of a passenger car.Blended PedalDrivers can use the throttleto feather the clutch for seamless low-speed control.Enhanced Engine BrakingProvides maximum engine braking to 600 horsepower or more.Multiple Operating ModesAutomatic, Manual and Lowmodes offer the driver full control. In Manual mode, the driver can override computerized shifts on demand. Using Low mode can help maximize engine braking and reduce wear on brakes.Auto NeutralAutomatically switches thetransmission into neutral, once the parking brake is engaged, to prevent potential movement.UP TO THE CHALLENGEThere are two things we know: the job site is tough and no two are alike. Severe service and performance-minded fleets demand a lot from their trucks — capability, reliability, low cost of ownership and vehicle control.Our UltraShift ® PLUS automated manualtransmissions are built to handle a broad variety of jobs — from construction fleets taking on tough terrain, to loggers with the heaviest of loads. So, if you’re looking for superior ratio coverage, higher torque capability, while balancing fuel efficiency and driveability, look no further.。

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© 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS500051September 1997Revised April 2000GTLP8T306 8-Bit LVTTL/GTLP Bus TransceiverGTLP8T3068-Bit LVTTL/GTLP Bus TransceiverGeneral DescriptionThe GTLP8T306 is an 8-bit bus transceiver that provides LVTTL to GTLP signal level translation. The device pro-vides a high speed interface between cards operating at LVTTL logic levels and a backplane operating at GTLP logic levels. High speed backplane operation is a direct result of GTLP’s reduced output swing (<1V), reduced input threshold levels and output edge rate control. The edge rate control minimizes bus settling time. GTLP is a Fairchild Semiconductor derivative of the Gunning Transceiver logic (GTL) JEDEC standard JESD8-3.Fairchild’s GTLP has internal output edge-rate control and is process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) compensated.Its function is similar to BTL and GTL but with different out-put levels and receiver thresholds. The GTLP output LOW level is typically less than 0.5V, the output HIGH level is 1.5V and the receiver threshold is 1.0V.Featuress Bidirectional interface between GTL/GTLP and LVTTL logic levels s Output Edge Rate Control to minimize noise on the GTLP port s Power up/down/off high impedance for live insertion s Standard 245 functions CMOS technology for low power dissipation s 5V tolerant inputs and outputs on the A-Ports Bus-hold data inputs on the A-Port eliminates the need for external pull-up resistors on unused inputs s LVTTL compatible driver and control inputs s Flow through pinout optimizes PCB layouts Open drain on GTLP to support wired-or connection s A-Port source/sink −24 mA/+24 mA s B-Port sink 50 mAs Recommended Operating Temperature −40°C to +85°COrdering Code:Devices also available in T ape and Reel. Specify by appending the suffix letter “X ” to the ordering code.Logic Symbol Connection DiagramOrder Number Package NumberPackage DescriptionGTLP8T306MTCMTC2424-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm Wide 2G T L P 8T 306Pin DescriptionsTruth TableFunctional DescriptionThe GTLP8T306 is an 8-bit transceiver providing the standard 245 functionality that supports both GTL and GTLP signal levels.Data polarity is non-inverting and the data flow direction is controlled by the T/R pin. The outputs are enabled to allow data through the device when OE is LOW otherwise both the A and B ports are placed in a HIGH impedance state.Logic DiagramPin Names DescriptionOE Output Enable (Active LOW)T/R Transmit/Receive InputA0–A7Side A Inputs or 3-STATE Outputs B0–B7Side B Inputs or 3-STATE Outputs V REFGTLP Reference VoltageInputsOutputOE T/R H X HIGH Z on Bus A and Bus B L L Bus B Data to Bus A LHBus A Data to Bus BGTLP8T306Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 3)Note 1: The Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaranteed. The device should not be operated at these limits. The parametric values defined in the Electrical Characteristics tables are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum rating.The “Recommended Operating Conditions ” table will define the conditions for actual device operation.Note 2: I O Absolute Maximum Rating must be observed.Note 3: Unused inputs must be held high or low.Supply Voltage (V CC )−0.5V to 7.0V DC Input Voltage (V I )−0.5V to +7.0VDC Output Voltage (V O )Outputs 3-STATE −0.5V to +7.0V Outputs Active (Note 2)−0.5V to 7.0VDC Output Sink Current into A-Port I OL 48 mADC Output Source Current from A-Port I OH−48 mADC Output Sink Current into B-Port in the LOW State, I OL 100 mA DC Input Diode Current (I IK )V I < 0V−50 mA DC Output Diode Current (I OK )V O < 0V −50 mA V O > V CC +50 mA ESD Rating>2000VStorage Temperature (T STG )−65°C to +150°CSupply Voltage V CC3.15V to 3.45VBus Termination Voltage (V TT )GTLP 1.35V to 1.65V GTL1.14V to 1.26V Input Voltage (V I ) on A-Port and control pins0V to 5.5V HIGH Level Output Current (I OH )A-Port−24 mA LOW Level Output Current (I OL )A-Port +24 mA B-Port+50 mAOperating Temperature (T A )−40°C to +85°C 4G T L P 8T 306DC Electrical CharacteristicsOver Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range, V REF = 1.0V (unless otherwise noted).Note 4: All typical values are V CC = 3.3V and T A = 25°C.Note 5: For conditions shown as Min, use the appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions.Note 6: This is the increase in supply current for each input that is at the specified LVTTL voltage level rather than V CC or GND.Symbol Test ConditionsMin Typ(Note 4)Max Units V IH B-Port V REF +0.05V TT V Others 2.0V V IL B-Port 0.0V REF −0.05V Others 0.8V V REF GTLP 1.0V GTL0.8VV IK V CC = 3.15V I I = −18 mA −1.2VV OHA-Port V CC = Min to Max(Note 5)I OH = −100 µA V CC −0.2VV CC = 3.15VI OH = −12 mA 2.4I OH = −24 mA 2.0V OLA-PortV CC = Min to Max (Note 5)I OL = 100 µA 0.2VV CC = 3.15VI OL = 24 mA 0.5B-PortV CC = 3.15VI OL = 40 mA 0.4V I OL = 50 mA0.55I IA-Port V CC = 3.45V V I = 5.5V 20µA V I = 0V −20Control Pins V CC = 3.45V V I = 5.5V 5µAV I = 0V −5B-PortV CC = 3.45V V I = V TT 5µA V I = 0−5I OFF A-Port V CC = 0V I or V O =0to 4.5V 100µA I I (Hold)A-Port V CC = 3.15V V I = 0.8V 75µA V I = 2.0V −20I OZH A-Port V CC = 3.45VV O = 3.45V 20µA B-Port V O = 1.5V 5I OZL A-Port V CC = 3.45V V O = 0−20µA B-Port V CC = 3.45V V O = 0.55−5I CCA orB PortsV CC = 3.45V Outputs HIGH 718mAOutputs LOW 820I O = 0V I = V CC or GNDOutputs Disabled 820I CC A-Port and V CC = 3.45VOne Input at V CC –0.6V1mA(Note 6)Control Pins A or Control Inputs at V CC or GNDC INControl Pins V I = V CC or 05pFA-Port V I = V CC or 07B-PortV I = V CC or 09GTLP8T306AC Electrical CharacteristicsOver recommended range of supply voltage and operating free air-temperature, V REF = 1.0V (unless otherwise noted).C L = 30 pF for B-Port and C L = 50 pF for A-Port.Note 7: All typical values are at V CC = 3.3V and T A = 25°C.Symbol From (Input)To (Output)Min Typ (Note 7)Max Unitst PLH AnBn1.0 4.07.5nst PHL PLH BnAn1.05.88.3nst PHL RISE Transition Time, B Outputs (20% to 80%) 2.6ns t FALL Transition Time, B Outputs (20% to 80%) 2.6ns t RISE Transition Time, A Outputs (10% to 90%) 2.5ns t FALL Transition Time, A Outputs (10% to 90%)2.5nst PZH , t PZL OEAn1.0 4.59.5nst PHZ , t PLZ PLH OEBn1.0 5.49.5nst PHL1.06.09.5 6G T L P 8T 306Test Circuit and Timing WaveformsTest Circuit for A OutputsVoltage Waveforms Pulse Duration (V M = V CC /2 for A-Port and 1.0 for B-Port)Test Circuit for B OutputsVoltage Waveforms Enable and Disable TimesA-PortVoltage Waveforms Propagation Delay and Setup and Hold Times(V M = V CC /2 for A-Port and 1.0 for B-Port)Note A: C L includes probes and Jig capacitance.Note B: For B-Port, C L = 30 pF is used for worst case.7GTLP8T306 8-Bit LVTTL/GTLP Bus TransceiverPhysical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted24-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package, JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm WidePackage Number MTC24Fairchild does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and Fairchild reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD ’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be rea-sonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.2. A critical component in any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be rea-sonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.。
