Is high amplitude propagated
High Energy Positrons and the WMAP Haze from Exciting Dark Matter
arXiv:0802.2922v1 [astro-ph] 20 Feb 2008
An overwhelming amount of evidence has established cold dark matter (CDM) as the standard paradigm for the missing matter of the universe. Beginning with early observations of velocity dispersions of galaxies in clusters [1], and later measurements of galactic rotation curves [2, 3], CDM has been supported by numerous additional observations. Some of these include strong lensing of background galaxies [4], and x-ray emission from galaxy clusters [5], the combination of CMB and type Ia supernovae data [6], measurements of the distributions of galaxies [7, 8], as well as the highly remarkable recent study of the bullet cluster [9].
Proximal colonic
Proximal colonic propagating pressure waves sequences and their relationship with movements of content in the proximal human colonP.G.DINNING,M.M.SZCZESNIAK&I.J.COOKDepartment of Gastroenterology,The St.George Hospital,University of New South Wales,Sydney,AustraliaAbstract Abnormal colonic motor patterns have been implicated in the pathogenesis of severe constipation. Yet in health,the mechanical link between movement of colonic content and regional pressures have only been partially defined.This is largely due to current methodological limitations.Utilizing a combination of simultaneous colonic manometry,high-resolution scintigraphy and a quantitative technique for detect-ing discrete episodicflow,our aim was to examine the propulsive properties of colonic propagating sequences (PS)in the healthy colon.In six healthy volunteers a nasocolonic manometry catheter was positioned to record colonic pressures at7.5cm intervals from ter-minal ileum to the splenicflexure.With subjects positioned under a gamma camera,30MBq of99m Tc sulfur colloid was instilled into the terminal ileum, 22.5cm proximal to the ileocolonic junction.Isotopic images were recorded(10s/frame)and synchronized with the manometric trace.In the proximal colon we identified137antegrade PSs,of which93%were deemed to be associated temporally with movements of luminal content.Low amplitude PSs,with compo-nent pressure waves between2mmHg and5mmHg, were as likely to be associated with colonic move-ments as higher amplitude PSs.As such there was no correlation between the amplitude of the PS and the temporal relationship with colonic movements. Within the proximal colon,24retrograde PSs were identified,23of which were associated with retro-grade movements of colonic content.We conclude that proximal colonic PSs are highly propulsive and are a major determinant of proximal colonicflow.Keywords automated analysis,colon,propagating sequences,scintigraphy,transit.INTRODUCTIONColonic propagating pressure waves or propagating sequences(PS)are reported to be an important deter-minant of luminal propulsion and defecation.1–9 Altered colonic PS characteristics may represent important markers of colonic dysfunction.10–13How-ever as manometry can be an insensitive measure of wall motion,particularly in large calibre chambers such as the colon where non-lumen occluding contractions are common,14the clinical significance that can attributed to manometricfindings remains undetermined.Animal studies have shown that colonic PSs have a close temporal relationship with actual movements of content.15–18Human studies on the other hand have either failed to demonstrate a relationship,16shown a relatively poor relationship1or been unable to establish a real time correlation between all pressure events and flow.4–7Unlike animal studies that can utilize pro-longed,continuous radiology,human studies are con-strained by the radiation exposure and therefore rely on scintiscanning that can be limited by relatively slow frame,capture rates.4–7Other factors,which may hinder human studies,include a reliance upon the relatively insensitive method of visual analysis of isotopicflow,1and in all studies a substantial inter-sidehole distance yields a relativelyÔlow resolutionÕmanometric recording which inevitably underscores the frequency of propagating events.19Combined,Address for correspondenceDr.Philip Dinning,Department of Gastroenterology,The StGeorge Hospital,Kogarah,NSW,2217Australia.Tel:+61291132208;fax:+61291133993;e-mail:P.dinning@.auReceived:10September2007Accepted for publication:24October2007A section of this work has been presented in abstract form atthe International Motility Society meeting in Barcelona Spain(October5–8,2003).Dinning PG,Szczesniak M,Cook IJ.The relationships amongcaecalfilling and ileal and colonic propagating sequences.Neurogastroenterol Mot2003;15:591–681:A299.Neurogastroenterol Motil(2008)20,512–520doi:10.1111/j.1365-2982.2007.01060.xÓ2008The AuthorsJournal compilationÓ2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd512these technical deficiencies limit the precision with which any temporal relationship between pressure and movement can be detected.Recently we developed and validated a quantitative, scintigraphic method able to accurately detect discrete episodic movements of colonicflow on a moment-by-moment basis over prolonged periods.20Therefore, by combining this high-resolution scintigraphic technique with closely spaced recording sites in the proximal human colon we aimed to determine the relative propulsive nature of colonic PSs.Specifically, we hypothesized that;(i)all colonic PSs propel luminal content;and(ii)episodes of movements of content that are associated with low amplitude PSs are detectable by high resolution scintigraphy.METHODSSubjectsWe studied six healthy subjects(two male and four female)with a mean age of22.7±2.8years.All had normal bowel habits,defined as between two bowel movements a day and one bowel movement every 2days.None was taking regular medications including laxatives.None had a history of prior abdominal surgery,other than appendectomy.All gave written, informed consent and the study was approved of by the Human Ethics Committees of the South Eastern Area Health Service,Sydney and the University of New South Wales.Manometric techniqueWe used a21lumen(16recording sideholes)4.5m long extruded silicone perfused manometric assembly (DentSleeve,Wayville,South Australia,Australia), with an overall diameter of 4.2mm.Each of the recording lumina had an internal diameter of0.4mm with an inter-sidehole distance of7.5cm.Tantalum slugs imbedded with silicone adjacent to each of the sideholes permittedfluoroscopic localization of each sidehole.In addition2–4MBq of57Co was sealed within the silicone catheter at sideholes1,4,7,10, 13and16to allow localization of sideholes during scintiscanning.A silicone balloon at the tip of the catheter,which could be inflated and deflated with water through two0.4mm lumina,assisted catheter passage through the gut.The catheter was rendered radio-opaque along its entire length byfilling the larger centre core(I.D. 1.9mm)with a1:1mixture of barium sulphate and sylgard(silicone surfactant, Wilbur-Ellis Company,San Francisco,CA,USA).The recording lumina were perfused with degassed distilled water preceded by a CO2flush to ensure removal of all air bubbles from the catheter,thus minimizing compliance.21A low compliance pneu-mohydraulic perfusion pump drove the perfusate at 0.15mL/min(DentSleeve).Pressures were measured from each sidehole with16external pressure trans-ducers(Abbott Critical Care Systems,North Chicago, IL,USA).Signals were amplified and digitized at 10Hz by preamplifiers(AqcKnowledge III Soft-ware,BIOPAC Systems,Inc.Santa Barbara,CA, USA).We have previously demonstrated that the rise rate characteristics afforded by a catheter of this nature is adequate for recording colonic pressure waves.9Experimental protocolThe technique of nasocolonic manometry of the unprepared colon has been described in detail else-where.9,19All subjects ate standard meals(breakfast: 500Kcal,15%protein,34%fat,51%carbohydrate; lunch and dinner:1000kCal,24%protein,43%fat, 33%carbohydrate)during the positioning of the cath-eter on days1and 2.On day3a continuous manometric recording commenced at0800h after a breakfast500kCal taken at0745h.With subjects supine point markers were placed on the right iliac crest and xiphisternum in order to monitor body movement during scintiscanning.Anterior and poster-ior isotope images were then recorded in13-min time intervals at10s/frame(80frames per13min)by a scintillation camera(Picker Prisim2000XP;Picker International,Cleveland,OH,USA)with a medium energy collimator.The camera was linked to a dedi-cated computer.There was a2-min gap between each 13-min recording interval,during which data was saved.At the commencement of each13min scinti-graphic recording period a mark was registered on the manometric trace,which facilitated synchronization of scintigraphic and manometric recording.Data were recorded for4–6h.Distinction between ileal and colonic pressure trac-ings was readily apparent from the characteristic morphology of the tracings from the two regions. Compressing the tracings to better appreciate the characteristic ileal motor pattern facilitated this pro-cess.At the commencement of the scintigraphic recording,30MBq of99m Tc sulphur colloid in1mL of saline was instilled into the terminal ileum,via a recording sidehole in the manometry catheter,approx-imately22.5cm proximal to the ileocolonic junction. The total effective radiation dose to each subject fromVolume20,Number5,May2008Determinants of colonicflow Ó2008The AuthorsJournal compilationÓ2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd513fluoroscopy and scintigraphy including the cobalt markers within the catheters was equivalent to 4.8mSv.Data analysisManometric definitions and analysis The proximal colon,for the purposes of analysis,was divided into eight regions extending from cecum(region1),through hepaticflexure(region4)to the splenicflexure(region 8).A PS was defined as an array of three or more pressure waves recorded from adjacent recording sites which displayed a conduction velocity of0.2–12cm/s. Propagating sequences were further qualified by the terms antegrade or retrograde,depending upon the direction of propagation.9,22Antegrade PSs were sub-classified as high amplitude propagating sequences (HAPS)if the amplitude of at least one component propagating pressure wave was‡116mmHg.This value represents the mean plus two standard devia-tions of propagating pressure waves from the mid colon in our previously collected healthy control data.19In order to address the hypothesis that low ampli-tude PSs are propulsive of content,a further sub-group was defined asÔlow amplitude PSÕif the PS comprised two or more component pressure waves with a trough to peak amplitude between2mmHg and5mmHg but which satisfied the same conduction velocity criteria as for PS described above.Quantitative(high resolution)identification of isotope movement Quantitative analysis of isotope movement was performed using the MrVoxel image analysis soft-ware.23This technique has been validated and is described in detail previously.20Briefly,a composite image was obtained by combining all80frames cap-tured during a13-min epoch by the camera positioned anterior to the abdomen.This yielded an overall image of isotope distribution within the small and large bowel, enabling it to be divided anatomically into regions of interest(ROI).Using this composite image,ROI were constructed to measureflow across the(i)mid-ascend-ing colon and(ii)mid-transverse colon(Fig.1).Con-struction of the ROIs was established for each subject. Isotopeflow through each region was measured inde-pendent offlow through adjacent regions.Applying these ROIs to the geometric mean of the anterior and posterior images,produced time-activity curves.In the absence of noise and gross movement of the subject,the slope of the regional time-activity curves may be interpreted as the rate of net inflow or outflow from the corresponding region.For the pur-poses of this study,declining or increasing activity over three or more consecutive frames were considered to indicate a potential movement of isotope into or out of that region respectively.For each of these potential movements,the index of thefirst and last frame were recorded on a grid,on which each box of the grid represented a10s frame.Grids from adjacent ROIs within a13-min recording period were compared. Where three or more consecutive frames demonstrat-ing declining counts coincided with three or more frames demonstrating increasing counts in an aboral adjacent region,it was deemed that antegradeflow had occurred while the converse indicated retrogradeflow. False-positiveflow episodes were removed from anal-ysis through a previously validatedflow value index.20 Correlation between scintigraphically-determined flow and propagating sequences The next step was to assign the labelÔpropulsiveÕorÔnon-propulsiveÕto each PS by determining whetherflow occurred as a direct consequence of each PS.The time of onset of each PS was superimposed on theflow grids(refer quantitative scintigraphic analysis above).A scintigraphically-determinedflow episode was considered to be associ-ated temporally with a PS if the onset of the PS occurred not more than three frames(30s)prior to and not more than two frames(20s)after the onset of the isotope movement.This range was determined from our previous study in which we simulatedflow between adjacent ROI in a phantom model and ran the computer analytical algorithm to detect these simu-lated isotope movements.Our data showed that the computer algorithm placed the onset of95%these movements within a time window commencing30s Figure1Composite images of the technician in the(A) terminal ileum and proximal colon and(B)throughout the colon.The composite image was used to mark the regions of interest(ROI).These ROI were used to measureflow across (C)the mid-ascending colon and(D)mid-transverse colon.P.G.Dinning et al.Neurogastroenterology and MotilityÓ2008The AuthorsJournal compilationÓ2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd514prior and up to20s following the actual isotope movement(i.e.,total time window of50s).20All PSs found to be temporally associated with isotope move-ment in this manner were defined asÔpropulsive PSsÕ, the remainder were consideredÔnon-propulsiveÕ. Following stratification of PS in this manner,the pressure wave amplitude,conduction velocity of component propagating pressure waves and extend of propagation were compared between propulsive and non-propulsive PS in order to define how these vari-ables relate to the phenomenon of propulsion by a PS. Statistical analysis and determination of association probability To test whether a genuine association existed between PSs and episodicflow the association probability was calculated as previously described.24,25 Each of the13min grids upon whichflow episodes and PSs were detailed(see above)were divided into con-secutive60s periods(six10s frames).The number of these60s periods varied amongst regions and volun-teers and was dependant upon the presence of isotope within the region.The selection of a60s period was based upon the50s window in which our computer algorithm placed the onset of95%of isotope move-ments in our pilot studies20(see previous section). However,as the scintigraphic computer retrieving data from the collimator had to acquire data over13min intervals it was necessary to choose a time window that was a multiple of13and as close to50s as pos-sible.Hence,a60s time window was adopted.The number of these60s periods varied amongst regions and volunteers and was dependant upon the presence of isotope within the region.All60s periods were then evaluated for the existence offlow(F+:flow present;F):flow absent)and for the presence of a PS (PS+:propagating sequence present;PS):propagating sequence absent).A60s period was considered to be flow positive ifflow occurred over a minimum of two consecutive frames within the60s period.A60s period was considered to be PS positive if the point in time at which the PS was initiated occurred within the period.From these data a2·2contingency table was constructed with fourfields:Field one contained the number of PSflow positive60s periods(PS+F+),field two the number offlow positive episodes without PSs (PS)F+),field3the number of PS positive periods withoutflow(PS+F))andfield4the number of periodswithoutflow or PSs(PS)F))(Fig.2).Individual contin-gency tables were constructed for each of the colonic regions(ascending and transverse colon)in each of the subjects.The next stage of the analysis determined the X1 relation between the number of PS positive60s periods and the total number of60s periods and X2 relation between the number of PSflow positive periods and the total number of Flow positive periods. If X2<X1it indicated that PSs coincided significantly less than could be expected if the association between PSs andflow occurred by chance.In such instancesthevalue of1was assigned to the P value resulting in a flow associated probability of0.If X2>X1then the calculation offlow associated probability was possible. FisherÕs Exact Test was then determined from the contingency table to test the probability(P value)that the observed association between PSs andflow occurred by chance.Theflow associated probability was calculated as(1)P value)·100%.A value of>95% defined as an association between the PS andflow,a value<95%indicated no association.The statistical comparison of the degree of associa-tion between PSs andflow was performed with|2 parison between the amplitude and velocity of PS associated withflow and those that were not associated was performed with a standard two-tailed T test.Data are presented as mean±SD. RESULTSCatheter placementThe catheter tip was located at the mid-transverse colon(n=2),mid descending colon(n=2)and sigmoid colon(n=2)prior to recording.As a result these data represent combined manometry and scintigraphy from the ascending colon in n=6and from the transverse colon in n=4.Propagating sequences:distribution,frequency and amplitudeIn all,585min of combined manometric and isotopic flow data were collated across the mid-ascending colon and273min across the mid-transverse colon.Ante-grade PSs were recorded in each of the colonic regions, with96originating at or proximal to the mid-ascending colon and41PSs originating from a site proximal to the mid-transverse colon and extending up to or through the mid-transverse colon.Of the41PSs which extended through the mid-transverse colon,17had their site of origin in the cecum,the remaining24had their site of origin at or distal to the hepaticflexure. There were no HAPSs detected during the recording time.In comparison to antegrade PSs,retrograde PSs were significantly less prevalent(P<0.0001)(Table1). Eight low amplitude antegrade PS were identified with a site of origin proximal to the mid-ascending colon and four with a site of origin distal to the mid-ascending colon and proximal to the mid-transverse colon(Table1).Five low amplitude retrograde PSs were identified,with three distal to the mid-ascending and two distal to the mid-transverse colon. Propagating sequences:relationship toluminalflowOver93%of antegrade(Fig.3)and retrograde(Fig.4) PSs were temporally associated with the propulsion of luminal contents(Table1).There was no apparent difference in PS amplitude or velocity between those PS associated withflow and those that were not.The antegrade low amplitude PSs also displayed a strong temporal association with episodicflow(91.6%)(Fig.3) while only two offive(40%)low amplitude retrograde PS were temporally associated with retrogradeflow (Table1).Theflow-associated probability could be calculated for all of the regions in which a contingency table was constructed.Aflow associated probability of ‡95%was calculated infive of the six subjects in the ascending colon and four of four subjects in the transverse colon,indicating a genuine association between PSs and episodicflow across both the mid-ascending and mid-transverse colon(Table2). Episodic luminalflow and association with propagating sequencesIn total292discrete episodes of antegradeflow and175 discrete episodes of retrogradeflow were detected.In the ascending colon episodes of antegradeflow travers-ing the mid-ascending colon(226episodes;37.6±16.5 episodes/subject)were more prevalent than retrogradeTable1Total number of propagatingsequences(PS)recorded from the sixvolunteers and their temporal associationwithflow.Cecal PS are associated withflow across the mid-ascending colonicand transverse colonic PSs are associatedwithflow across the mid-transversecolonRegion Polarity Numberof PSsAssociatedwithflowAscending PS PSs Antegrade9689(93%)Retrograde1514(93%)Low amplitude PSs Antegrade88(100%)Retrograde32(67%)Transverse PS PSs Antegrade4138(93%)Retrograde99(100%)Low amplitude PSs Antegrade43(75%)Retrograde20P.G.Dinning et al.Neurogastroenterology and MotilityÓ2008The AuthorsJournal compilationÓ2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd516flow (127episodes;21.2±7.3episodes/subject)(P <0.0001).In the transverse colon antegrade flow(66episodes;16.5±5.2episodes/subject)and retro-grade flow (48episodes;12.0±5.1episodes/subject)were equally prevalent.For the 273min in which isotope was present inboth the ascending and transverse colon,nearly half(43.5%)of antegrade flow episodes that crossed themid-ascending colon continued beyond the mid-trans-verse colon.Indeed the majority (66%)of flow episodesthat crossed the mid-transverse colon originated in theproximal ascending colon.The remaining episodes of flow originating in the proximal ascending colon terminated at the hepatic flexure.Of the 292episodes of antegrade flow,45%were temporally associated with PSs.The degree of associ-ation between flow and PSs varied considerably amongst colonic regions [ascending colon 41.6%vs 60.6%transverse colon;(P =0.006)]and amongst sub-jects (range:8%to 91%).Of the 175episodes of retrograde flow only 10.8%were associated with retrograde PSs.Just under half (49%)of theretrograde Figure 3Temporal association between propagating sequences and flow in the proximal colon.The hatched arrows link theindividual scintiscan image corresponding to the time along the horizontal axis at which acquisition of the frame was completed.Each solid arrow indicates the location of the manometric sidehole from which the corresponding pressure trace was recorded.The solid bars indicate episodes of flow across the mid-ascending colon and mid-transverse colon.The first cecal propagating sequence (PS1)contains individual propagating pressure waves with a trough to peak amplitude <5mmHg.The corresponding scintigraphic images clearly show content moving from the cecum to the hepatic flexure.The second propagating sequence (PS2)originates in the cecum and propagates throughout the proximal colon.It was temporally linked with flow across both the mid-ascending and mid-transversecolon.Figure 4An example of a retrograde propagating sequence temporarily associated with retrograde flow across the mid-transverse colon.The hatched arrows link the individual scintiscan image corresponding to the time along the horizontal axis at which acquisition of the frame was completed.Each solid arrows indicates the location of the manometric sidehole from which the corresponding pressure trace was recorded.The solid bar represents the flow period across the mid-point of the transverse colon.Volume 20,Number 5,May 2008Determinants of colonic flow Ó2008The AuthorsJournal compilation Ó2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd 517flow episodes were recorded immediately following episodes of antegradeflow.DISCUSSIONThis study has shown that the vast majority of proximal colonic PSs,regardless of site of origin, amplitude or polarity,are temporally linked to luminal propulsion.These data are in contrast to the only previously study which has attempted to detail the relationship between proximal colonic PSs and luminal flow.1In that study only30%of antegrade PSs and less than10%of retrograde PSs originating distal to hepatic flexure were deemed propulsive.In addition that study showed a correlation between propulsion and the amplitude of PSs.The difference in the reported findings between that study and ours can be explained by our use of high resolution scintigraphy and our development of a quantitative technique for analyzing the data.20In human colonic studies of combined manometry and scintigraphy,motor patters are recorded in real time while the image capture is limited by the frame rate of the scintiscanning equipment.As the majority of colonic propulsive events are thought to involve subtle movements of colonic content over short distances,26–28the larger the time window between captured scintigraphic images the more likely is the chance of overlooking these subtle movements.The scintigraphic frame rates used in the majority of previous human studies,have ranged from successive 1min frames5,7,29to1min frames every5min.6Such frame rates would limit detailed correlation between motor patterns andflow.Even when the image capture rate is improved to1 frame every15s two-thirds of the identified PSs were not associated with any detectable movement of isotope.1The incomplete correlation described in that study might be explained by that studyÕs reliance upon visual identification of individual isotopic movements. Such analysis can be problematic because it is difficult to pick up discreet movements over short distances, especially if image quality is poor.Visual analysis is more likely to detect high volume movements over large distances.To overcome problems associated with visual detec-tion offlow we designed a quantitative technique to identify discrete,episodic movements of colonic con-tent on a moment-to-moment basis.20This quantita-tive technique increased our ability to detectflow when compared to visual analysis and therefore allowed us for thefirst time to examine in detail the propulsive nature of all PSs,including those with low amplitude pressure ing this technique we have shown that PSs are a major determinant of luminalflow.Thisfinding allows us to readdress previously conceived hypotheses regarding the physi-ology of the colon.For example Cook et al.1had described the relative propulsiveÔinefficiencyÕof ante-grade PS which was hypothesized to help retard antegrade transit,thus allowing time for optimal water and electrolyte absorption and reduce the challenge to continence.As our data indicates that PSs are propulsive,other factors are likely play a role in slowing antegrade transit.We propose that these factors include;(i)short extent PSs with component pressure waves between 2mmHg and40mmHg,(previously shown to make up the vast majority of PSs recorded in the human the proximal colon9,30);(ii)retrograde PSs;and(iii)the reflux of50%of the aboral proximal colonic bolus movement.Together,these factors are likely to con-tribute to the subtleÔto and froÕmotion helping to maintain maximal absorption and retard transit and stool frequency.Despite the propulsive properties of PSs,just over half of the identifiedflow episodes occurred in the absence of any identifiable PSs.While other factors are also attributed to propulsion of colonic content such as the tone of colon wall4,31and the viscosity of faecal material,27it is also likely that colonic manometry, will fail to detect a proportion of the colonic activity. Manometry is less sensitive when the diameter of the gut exceeds5.6cm14and as the cecum is the most capacious of the proximal colonic regions,it may explain why the degree of association betweenflow and PSs was significantly reduced in the ascending compared to the transverse colon.In addition it has been reported that manometric pressure patterns can extend over relatively limitedTable2In each patient for each region the X2relation was greater than the X1relation allowing for calculation of the flow associated probability.A value<95%indicates that any association between propagating sequences andflow could occur by chance.A value>95%indicates that there is a gen-uine association between propagating sequences andflowSubject Ascendingcolon(%)Transversecolon(%)196NA299.7NA39399.7499.9999.99599.9999.7699.9999.3P.G.Dinning et al.Neurogastroenterology and MotilityÓ2008The AuthorsJournal compilationÓ2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd518。
High-gain, polarization-preserving, Yb-doped fiber
High-gain,polarization-preserving,Yb-dopedfiberamplifier for low-duty-cycle pulse amplificationJ.R.Marciante and J.D.ZuegelAmplified spontaneous emission(ASE)suppression techniques were utilized to fabricate a double-pass,Yb-doped amplifier with the noise properties of a single-pass amplifier.Simulations based on a rateequation model were used to analyze the ASE and the effectiveness of the suppression techniques.Thesetechniques were implemented in an alignment-free,double-pass,Yb-dopedfiber amplifier with a26dBgain at a wavelength23nm off the gain peak and aϪ48dB noisefloor while amplifying linearly polarizedoptical pulses with a low-duty cycle.©2006Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes:060.2320,140.3280,060.2340,060.2420,140.3510,140.4480.1.IntroductionEr-dopedfiber amplifiers have become commonplace in telecommunications systems.1High-bit-rate pulse trains mean that continuous pumping can be utilized. Additionally,the unknown polarization state of the arriving pulses is ideal for commonfiber-optic com-ponents and Er-dopedfibers,which typically do not preserve the polarization state of the light passing through them.For other applications,however,such conditions do not apply.Low-duty-cycle pulses leave gain available in thefiber for long durations between pulses,which can lead to parasitic lasing or destructive self-pulsations.The amplification of signals with wave-lengths far from the gain peak only enhances this prob-lem,since the gain can be substantially lower for such signals.Additionally,the amplification of linear polar-izations requires not only a polarization-maintaining (PM)activefiber but also PM wavelength-division multiplexers(WDMs)and otherfiber components that can be difficult to fabricate.Utilizing a double-pass configuration allows for sig-nificantly higher gains to be obtained in a single-fiber amplifier than can be achieved in a single pass.2–6 Additionally,using a Faraday rotator just before the end mirror ensures that the pulse returning from the second pass through the cavity has a polarization state that is orthogonal to that of the input pulse. Thus when used in conjunction with a polarizing beam splitter,the output pulse can be separated from the input pulse with highfidelity.3Double-pass con-figurations are ripe for parasitic lasing or destructive self-pulsations in a highly pumped unsaturated am-plifier,however,since half a resonator is created in-tentionally.Special care must be taken to minimize reflections from components,connectors,and splices. Utilizing a timed gate,e.g.,an acousto-optic modula-tor(AOM),at the end of thefirst pass can ensure stable operation3but significantly adds to the com-plexity of the system.In this work,a double-pass,Yb-dopedfiber ampli-fier is presented that overcomes these hurdles to pro-vide high gain for low-duty-cycle pulse repetition rates while preserving the linear polarization state in a single-spatial-mode package that requires no align-ment.In Section2,the amplified spontaneous emis-sion(ASE)is modeled in Yb-dopedfiber amplifiers.In particular,the effects of ASEfiltering are studied for use in a double-pass amplifier configuration.In Sec-tion3,results are presented on the measurements of a double-passfiber amplifier built with the various ASE-suppression schemes described in Section2.Ad-ditional discussions regarding the experimental con-figuration,modeling,noise,and nonlinear effects are given in Section4,along with concluding remarks.2.Amplified Spontaneous Emission Considerations The ASE offiber amplifiers can be studied via rate-equation modeling.7Such a model represents the op-tical power resolved in wavelength along the length of thefiber and the Yb atomic states as a homoge-The authors are with the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester,250East River Road,Rochester,New York 14623-1299.J.Marciante’s e-mail address is johnm@lle.rochester. edu.Received19January2006;revised21April2006;accepted24 April2006;posted24April2006(Doc.ID67379).0003-6935/06/266798-07$15.00/0©2006Optical Society of America6798APPLIED OPTICS͞Vol.45,No.26͞10September2006neously broadened inversion.The resultant equa-tions are given byϮѨPϮѨzϩ1v gѨPϮѨtϭ⌫͓e N2Ϫa N1͔PϮϪ␣PϮϩ2e N2hc3⌬ϩS␣RS Pϯ,(1)ѨN2Ѩtϭ1͵⌫͓e N2Ϫa N1͔ϫ͑PϩϩPϪ͒dϪN2,(2)where PϮ͑z,t,͒is the forward͑ϩ͒or backward͑Ϫ͒propagating power as a function of wavelength,time, and axial position along thefiber.N2and N1are the upper and lower state population densities,respec-tively,as a function of time and axial position along the fiber and are related by the total ion concentration as N tϭN2ϩN1,which is constant throughout thefiber. Wavelength-dependent parameters in Eqs.(1)and (2)include the geometrical overlap of thefiber mode with the core⌫,the modal area A,the absorption͞emission cross section of the active iona͞e,the group velocity v g,thefiber attenuation␣,and the Rayleigh scattering coefficient␣RS.Additional parameters in-clude the upper state lifetime,thefiber-core capture coefficient S,and the optical sampling bandwidth⌬. Equation(1)represents the bidirectional power flow through thefiber including stimulated emission, spontaneous emission,and absorption from the ac-tive ions;loss due to the inherentfiber attenuation; and Rayleigh scattering.Since the parameters all have wavelength dependence,only a single equation is mathematically required to represent the behavior of the pump,the signal,and the ASE.Equation(2)represents the excited-state popula-tion density,which is governed by the absorption and emission of optical power as well as nonradiative decay.One notable omission in Eq.(2)is the wave-length dependence of the excited state governed by the details of the atomic transition manifold.This leads to,for example,excitation due to the absorption of long-wavelength light that can then be used to amplify shorter-wavelength light.While this effect issmall in the presence of a highly invertedfiber,theimpact on the current work is to overestimate theASE at the gain peak.Since the current goal is tosuppress this feature,the model will yield a worsecase than is expected experimentally.For simplicity,the wavelength dependences ofA,v g,␣,and␣RS are neglected.Since the currentwork considers core-pumped(as opposed to cladding-pumped)activefibers,⌫can also be well approxi-mated by a constant.The Yb cross sections areobtained from the data in Ref.8.For convenience,these cross sections arefit to a series of Gaussians of the formjϭ͚m A j,m exp͕Ϫ͓͑Ϫj,m͒͞w j,m͔2͖with the coefficients listed in Table1.Other parametersutilized are listed in Table2.Data provided with the Yb-dopedfiber(Nufern),along with our own measurements on thefiber,de-termined the values of N t,⌫,and A.The other valueswere obtained from Ref.7.The parameters usedare compiled in Table2.A simplefinite-differencemethod is utilized to calculate the power and inver-sion distributions in thefiber.Initial conditions as-sume no optical power or inversion within thefiber.The pump power is included as a boundary condition.A double-pass configuration can also be realized byapplying the appropriate boundary conditions.Unsaturatedfiber amplifiers cannot be pumped toarbitrarily high levels because of self-pulsations andoscillation,which limit the length offiber that can bepractically used in a single-pass amplifier.In an un-saturated amplifier,this translates to limited avail-able gain.Figure1shows the forward and reverseamplified spontaneous emission for the case of re-verse pumping and very weak signal amplification(no gain depletion)for a3.5m length of Yb:fiber withthe characteristics in Table2.Also shown in thisfigure are the small-signal gain,defined as the ratioof output energy to input energy,for a1053nm signaland the pump leakage.After140mW of pump power,thefiber is almost completely inverted,and the re-maining pump is lost out of the opposite end of thefiber.The small-signal gain of23nm off the gain peakis therefore limited to approximately20dB.Since the gain is in fact unsaturated,simply sendingthe signal back through for a second pass increasesthe amplification without additional pumping.Such aTable1.Gaussian Coefficients for Yb Emission and AbsorptionCross SectionsjA j,m(10Ϫ27m2)j,m(nm)wj,m(nm)a18095070 a36089524 a51091822 a16097112 a,e23259754 e16097812 e340102520 e175105060 e150103090Table2.Parameters Used in SimulationsParameter ValueNt9.4ϫ1024mϪ3⌫0.85A30m2vgc͞1.5␣0.003mϪ1S␣RS1.2ϫ10Ϫ7mϪ10.84ms⌬1nmpump976nmsignal1053nm10September2006͞Vol.45,No.26͞APPLIED OPTICS6799double-pass configuration,however,also allows the ASE to make a second trip through the gain,which can lead to undesirable oscillation and self-pulsations. Therefore the ASE must befiltered to use a double-pass configuration.Two simple methods offiltration are investigated,as depicted in Fig.2.Thefirst is a bandpassfilter,which is inserted between subsequent trips through the activefiber to deny double-pass ASE except in a small bandwidth around thefilter peak. The second is a WDM designed to split the ASE peak from the signal,which removes a significant fraction of the ASE power from the signal,provided the signal is not near the gain peak.Four different amplifier con-figurations are modeled,as shown in Fig.2.Thefirst two are simple single-and double-pass configurations through thefiber.In the third configuration,a band-passfilter is added between subsequent passes through thefiber.The fourth configuration adds a WDMfilter to the output of the third configuration. For simplicity,thefilters are assumed to be lossless at the transmission peaks with zero transmission at the nulls.The mirror adds1dB of loss to the double-pass amplifiers.Assuming pump and signal wave-lengths of976and1053nm,respectively,the total (spectrally integrated)ASE power out of the different amplifier configurations is shown in Fig.3as a func-tion of pump power.Because of undepleted gain and pump leakage,the single-pass ASE has a maximum power below6mW.In the double-pass configuration, the amplifier becomes saturated by the ASE,which extracts a significant fraction of the gain in thefiber. This linear trend in the ASE growth with pump powerto an ASE level that is greater than25times thecase and means that there will be veryreduced gain available for the signal.In con-the dotted trace shows that the insertion of thebandpassfilter prohibits the ASE closest to the gainpeak from experiencing double-pass gain.The totalASE is therefore limited to small-signal amplification,even with double-pass amplification far off the gainpeak,and accumulates no more than twice the powerof the single-pass configuration.The insertion of thisfilter then allows for exponential signal gain from thedouble-pass amplifier.The addition of the WDMfilter(solid curve)reduces the total ASE output power ofthe double-passfiber amplifier to only30%more thanthe single-pass ASE.The ASE spectra for the four configurations areshown in Fig.4at a pump power of250mW.The ASE Fig.1.Total(spectrally integrated)forward(solid curve)andreverse(dashed curve)ASE,976nm pump leakage,and1053nmsmall-signal gain as a function of pump power for a3.5m length ofYb:fiber.Fig.2.Depiction of modeled configurations:(a)single pass,(b)double pass,(c)double pass with an intracavity bandpassfilter,and(d)same as(c)with a WDMfilter at the amplifier output.Fig.3.Total(spectrally integrated)ASE power at the amplifieroutput as a function of pump power for the configurations shown inFig.2using thefiber from Fig.1.6800APPLIED OPTICS͞Vol.45,No.26͞10September2006within the bandpass filter is actually stronger thanunfiltered double-pass ASE since the gain is un-Nonetheless,this lack of gain saturation for double-pass gain of the signal in the am-The bandpass filter is therefore critical for the operation of this double-pass configuration for the amplification of signals off the gain peak.3.Experimental ResultsUnder the guidance of Section 2,a double-pass polar-ized amplifier was constructed containing both the bandpass filter and the WDM,utilizing a Faraday mirror with a polarizing beam splitter (PBS)to sep-arate input from output and preserve the linear polarization state.This amplifier configuration is shown in Fig.5and utilizes both single-mode (SM)and PM fibers.The input signal comes through a PM-pigtailed isolator (Optics for Research)to prevent any ASE or signal from returning to the seed source.The light then passes through a PM-pigtailed polariz-ing beam splitter (OZ Optics)followed by a SM 1030nm ͞1053nm WDM (ITF)used to reduce ASE.A SM WDM (Lightel)combines the seed light with pump light from a fiber-Bragg-grating-stabilized pump laser (JDSU)with a second WDM in series for additional isolation of the pump diode from the am-plified signal.The combined light is sent into 3.6m of SM,single-clad,Yb-doped fiber (Nufern)with an un-saturated absorption coefficient of approximately 70dB ͞m at 975nm.After the first pass of amplifica-tion,the signal passes through a Faraday mirror (Op-tics for Research),a factory-aligned,fiber-coupled package containing a Faraday rotator,a 10nm band-pass filter at 1053nm (Andover),and a mirror.The reflected light passes back through the Faraday mir-ror package,the Yb-doped fiber,and the WDMs,one of which acts to filter out the ASE centered at 1030nm (WDM1).Since the polarization at the PBS is orthogonal to that which entered the PBS because of the Faraday mirror,the light is ejected out of a different port and sent through a PM 90͞10splitter (Lightel)to provide polarized signal and sample ports.All fibers were spliced using a Furukawa S183PM fusion splicer,and there are no alignment knobs in the system.The pump was operated contin-uously,and there is no AOM gate,so no temporal alignment is required between the seed pulses and the amplifier.The seed pulse used in this amplifier was a 2ns square pulse with 1.56pJ of energy,resulting in a peak power of 0.78mW.The seed pulse had an opti-cal wavelength of 1053nm and a pulse repetition rate of 300Hz and was linear polarized with a polariza-tion extinction ratio of 20dB.Different lengths of Yb-doped fiber were tested in the amplifier to opti-mize the active fiber length in terms of maximizing gain while maintaining stability as well as operation free from parasitic lasing or self-pulsations.For a given fiber length,a fraction of the fiber remains unpumped,and thus lossy to the signal wavelength.If the pumped portion of the fiber has sufficient gain,then the amplifier can Q switch because of the satu-rable absorption of the unpumped section of fiber andFig.4.Amplified spontaneous emission spectra at the amplifier output for the configurations shown in Fig.2using the fiber from Fig.1with 250mW of pump power.Fig.5.Schematic of a high-gain double-pass amplifier consisting of input and output isolators,a PBS,an ASE–signal wavelength division multiplexer (WDM1),two pump–signal wavelength division multiplexers (WDM2),3.6m of Yb-doped fiber,a Faraday mirror,and a 90͞10splitter.The Faraday mirror was a factory-aligned package containing a lens (L),a Faraday rotator (FR),a bandpass filter (F),and a mirror (M).The PM fiber is notated by dotted curves,while the SM fiber is notated by solid curves.10September 2006͞Vol.45,No.26͞APPLIED OPTICS6801minute reflections in the system.This can be reme-died by making the fiber sufficiently short;however,there is an optimum fiber length for which the fiber provides maximum gain without self-pulsations.For several amplifiers that were constructed,the opti-mum fiber length was determined to be near 3.5m,regardless of the variability between components or splice quality.The pump utilized had a threshold of 16mA and a slope efficiency of 0.68mW ͞mA.Figure 6shows the signal gain,output energy,and total ASE power as a function of pump current.As the pump current is increased beyond 200mA,the am-plifier gain rolls off since the additional pump light is mostly not absorbed in the active fiber,a feature that is also reflected in the ASE curve.It is important to note that because of the low seed energy and repetition rate,the amplifier is unsaturated.Thus the small-signal gain afforded by this amplifier 23nm off the gain peak is nearly 27dB.Self-pulsations were not observed at any pump cur-rents because of the bandpass filter in the Faraday mirror assembly and the 1030nm ͞1053nm WDM that suppresses the stronger gain at shorter wave-lengths.Figure 7shows the ASE spectra of the double-pass amplifier for various pump current levels.The seed wavelength is depicted by the vertical dashed curve.The traces clearly show the double-pass gain of the wavelengths in the filter passband compared to the single-pass gain of those outside the passband.The top trace in Fig.7,which is offset for clarity,is the ASE spectra for the double-pass amplifier without the 1030nm ͞1053nm WDM.This WDM,combined with the 10nm bandpass filter,has a significant impact both on the output of the amplifier as well as the stability against lasing and self-pulsations,as evi-denced in Fig.7,and shows results very similar to the modeling results shown in Fig.4.It is difficult to define the noise floor of a system with regard to a low-repetition-rate signal.Simply comparing the strength of the signals on an optical spectrum analyzer requires an optical gate such that the spectrum is only integrated for the duration of the pulse.One alternative method compares the peak power of the amplified signal to the ASE power.Amore meaningful metric that more accurately repre-sents an optical signal-to-noise figure of merit com-pares the peak power of the amplified pulse to the ASE power in a limited spectral bandwidth around the seed-pulse wavelength.While the total noise floor is less than Ϫ28dB across the entire operating range,the bandwidth-limited noise floor is better than Ϫ48dB in a 0.1nm bandwidth around the signal wavelength.Since the amplifier runs unsaturated,the noise floor is essentially constant as a function of the pump current.The combination of a Faraday mirror and PBS al-lows for high-fidelity separation of the input and out-put signals at the front end of the amplifier while maintaining the linear polarization state of the seed.The polarization extinction of the amplified signal was measured to be 19.9dB,which is identical to that of the input signal.4.Discussion and ConclusionsThe pump is a grating-stabilized diode centered at 975.5nm.The feedback from the fiber Bragg grating maintains stable laser operation even in the presence of optical feedback,which can otherwise destabilize a diode laser.9However,the amplified seed can be a problem in damaging the diode.Starting with a 2pJ seed signal of 2ns duration,the amplified signal be-comes ϳ1nJ.By some spurious reflection,a second round trip through the double-pass amplifier is pos-sible,leading to 0.5J.Even in the presence of a pump–signal WDM,the fraction split off from this energetic pulse ͑ϳ15dB ͒leads to a pulse impinging on the face of the pump diode with an energy of 15nJ and a peak power over 7W.This can cause cata-strophic optical damage on the facet of the laser di-ode.Two components in our system serve to eliminate this problem.The first is the output isolator,which significantly reduces the risk of a high-energy back-reflection into the amplifier.The second is thesecondFig.7.Amplified spontaneous emission spectra from a dual-pass fiber amplifier for various pumping levels.Also shown are the seed wavelength at 1053nm and the ASE trace for the amplifier with-out the 1030nm ͞1053nm WDM,which has been offset forclarity.Fig.6.Gain,output energy,and ASE power of the experimental amplifier described in Fig.5as a function of pump current.6802APPLIED OPTICS ͞Vol.45,No.26͞10September 2006pump–signal WDM,which serves as anϳ15dB iso-lator of the signal pulse into the diode.The agreement between measurements and simu-lations is favorable in the prediction of the noise char-acteristics of the amplifier,as shown in Table3.In particular,using the ratio of small-signal gain over ASE power leads to an amplifier performance metric of1161͞mW,which agrees exceedingly well with the measurements.Both the signal gain and the ASE power levels were approximately6dB too high in the simulations,even when accounting for realistic component loss.There are several reasonable expla-nations for the discrepancy.First,there is the uncer-tainty in the loss owing to the components and the splices.Second,the addition of the10nmfilter in the Faraday mirror assembly may cause additional in-sertion loss due to slight perturbations in propaga-tion length and͞or angle between the mirror and the fiber within the assembly.Finally,some of the parameters used in the simulations were simply taken from previous work.7,8In particular,the emis-sion and absorption cross sections can play a large role in determining the output performance of the amplifier.By varying the simulated emission cross section at1053nm,it is found that the ASE and gain change by9.5%and8.1%,respectively,for a1% change in the emission cross section alone.Given the variability between measurements of Yb absorption and emission cross sections,8,10this is likely a strong contributor to the mismatch in absolute values of gain and ASE power.The unpumped amplifier has a passive loss of approximately15dB.The simulations show an un-pumped amplifier loss of13.9dB.While some of this loss is due to absorption in the unpumped Yb-doped fiber,almost9dB of this loss is insertion loss of the constituent components.Many of these components are free-space optics that are packaged withfiber pigtails at the vendor.All-fiber components would certainly help to increase the gain of the system,as well as the noisefigure.The noisefigure of the am-plifier is given by11NFϭ2P ASEh⌬opt G,(3)where P ASE is the ASE power measured on a band-width⌬opt,G is the signal gain,andis the optical frequency of the ing measured parameters, the noisefigure of the double-pass amplifier in a 0.1nm bandwidth is6.6dB.Considering that the seed is degraded by2.8dB because of the insertion loss of the components before the activefiber,this result leads us to conclude that,in spite of operating far from the gain peak in a double-pass configuration, the amplifier is of extremely high quality because of the ASE suppression techniques utilized.Further, our model shows that our double-pass amplifier does not add any penalty to the noisefigure,as has been observed in Er-doped amplifiers used in a simple double-pass configuration.4Multiple path interference(MPI)can also lead to a degradation of the signal-to-noise ratio infiber amplifiers.12–14In conventional single-pass amplifi-ers,Rayleigh scattering can reflect a portion of the signal backward.A second Rayleigh event can sub-sequently reflect that portion back into the signal path.This effect is particularly important when the scattering occurs at locations that allow the scattered photons to see additional gain,as compared to the signal gain in the amplifier.For double-pass ampli-fiers,the more significant contribution comes from a single Rayleigh scattering event that occurs in the return trip through the amplifier.This backscattered light will see additional gain and a deterministic sec-ond reflection(via the mirror)back through the am-plifier into the signal path.The strength of the double Rayleigh scattering(DRS)compared to the signal is generally given by15P DRS͑L͒S͑͒ϭ͵0L d z2͵0z2d z1͑S␣RS͒2Gជ͑z1,z2͒Gឈ͑z1,z2͒,(4)where the G terms represent the gain in the for-ward and reverse directions.In applying this for-malism to our double-pass case,one of the Rayleigh scattering terms,S␣RS,is replaced by a determinis-tic reflection from the back end of the double-pass amplifier,R2␦͑z2ϪL͞2͒,where R2is the power re-flection coefficient of the amplifier end mirror.The highest gain case is where the signal has completed its trip through the gainfiber and the scattered light then sees a complete additional double pass through the gainfiber.This can be formally written for our unsaturated amplifier asP DRS͑L͒P S͑L͒ϭR2S␣RS͵L͞2Ld z2e g͑z2ϪL͞2͒ϭR2S␣RS2g͑G DPϪͱG DP͒,(5)where G DP is the double-pass amplifier gain.For the amplifier described in Section3,the resultant rela-tive noise strength due to MPI isϪ47dB.It is important to note,however,that for low-duty-cycle pulse-train amplification,this MPI is temporally sep-arable from the desired signal pulse and can there-fore be eliminated by temporal gating.Consideringparison of Measured and Simulated Values for theDouble-Pass Fiber AmplifierCharacteristic Measured Value Simulation ResultSmall-signal gain͞ASE1175͞mW1161͞mWTotal noisefloorϪ28dBϪ30.6dBNoisefloor in0.1nmbandwidthϪ48dBϪ43.5dBSmall-signal gain26.6dB32.3dB10September2006͞Vol.45,No.26͞APPLIED OPTICS6803only MPI noise that contributes during the signal implies significantly shorter gain paths for the MPI photons.This effect will,therefore,be more pro-nounced at the trailing edge of the pulse.The gain length of the backscattered light is confined to half the pulse duration.This is simply represented in Eq.(5)by substituting the gainfiber length L withv g͞2, whereis the pulse duration.For a2ns pulse,the relative noise is,therefore,Ϫ80dB on the back end of the pulse.From these calculations,it is evident that MPI will not present a significant impairment,par-ticularly if temporalfiltering is utilized.Finally,nonlinear effects in this amplifier need to be considered to understand the scaling to high output energy.For narrowband signals,stimulated Brillouin scattering(SBS)is generally the dominant limitation.In the application of low-duty-cycle pulse trains where only one pulse exists in the amplifier at any given time,however,the Brillouin gain only ex-ists during the pulse.Since SBS produces light that propagates backward with respect to the signal,the effectivefiber length is limited tov g͞2.The SBS gain threshold16for the6m corefiber is approximately 20W m,which leads to a peak power limitation of 100W or100nJ per nanosecond of pulse duration. Stimulated Raman scattering(SRS)has a higher threshold,but is not limited to the pulse duration since the photons are scattered in the forward direc-tion.For the case of exponential gain where the Raman pump changes during propagation,an effec-tive length of the SRS effect can be calculated,similar to what is done for pump loss in conventional Raman amplifiers.16For the amplifier described in Fig.5, however,thefiber length of interest is the span from the output end of the Yb-dopedfiber to the output of the amplifier(approximately3m),during which the signal strength(Raman pump)is at its highest level and is effectively constant.Given that the SRS thresh-old16is approximately500W m,this leads to a limi-tation of166W of peak power,or166nJ͞ns of pulse duration.For2ns pulses,energies below1nJ were reported in Section3,indicating that nonlinear ef-fects were not important for the performance of the amplifier.However,scaling the pulse energy by a factor of100is possible before running into nonlinear limitations in this amplifier.In conclusion,amplified spontaneous emission sup-pression techniques were utilized to fabricate a double-pass,Yb-doped amplifier with the noise properties of a single-pass amplifier.Simulations based on a rate-equation model were used to analyze the ASE and the impact of the suppression techniques.These tech-niques were implemented in an alignment-free,double-pass,Yb-dopedfiber amplifier with a26dB gain at a wavelength23nm off the gain peak and aϪ48dB noisefloor while amplifying linearly polarized optical pulses with a low-duty cycle.The authors thank Jake Bromage for technical discussions.This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy(DOE)Office of Inertial Con-finement Fusion under Cooperative Agreement DE-FC52-92SF19460,the University of Rochester,and the New York State Energy Research and Develop-ment Authority.The support of the DOE does not constitute an endorsement by the DOE of the views expressed in this paper.References1.E.Desurvire,Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers:Principles andApplications(Wiley,1994).2.S.Hwang,K.W.Song,H.J.Kwon,J.Koh,Y.J.Oh,and K.Cho,“Broad-band erbium-dopedfiber amplifier with double-pass configuration,”IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.13,1289–1291(2001).3.A.Galvanauskas,G.C.Cho,A.Hariharan,M.E.Fermann,and D.Harter,“Generation of high-energy femtosecond pulses in multimode-core Yb-fiber chirped-pulse amplification sys-tems,”Opt.Lett.26,935–937(2001).4.S.W.Harun,P.Poopalan,and H.Ahmad,“Gain enhancementin L-band EDFA through a double-pass technique,”IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.14,296–297(2002).5.M.Tang,Y.D.Gong,and P.Shum,“Dynamic properties ofdouble-pass discrete Raman amplifier with FBG-based all-optical gain clamping techniques,”IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.16,768–770(2004).6.L.L.Yi,L.Zhan,J.H.Ji,Q.H.Ye,and Y.X.Xia,“Improve-ment of gain and noisefigure in double-pass L-band EDFA by incorporating afiber Bragg grating,”IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.16,1005–1007(2004).7.Y.Wang and H.Po,“Dynamic characteristics of double-cladfiber amplifiers for high-power pulse amplification,”J.Light-wave Technol.21,2262–2270(2003).8.R.Paschotta,J.Nilsson,A.C.Tropper,and D.C.Hanna,“Ytterbium-dopedfiber amplifiers,”IEEE J.Quantum Elec-tron.33,1049–1056(1997).ach and A.R.Chraplyvy,“Regimes of feedback effectsin1.5-m distributed feedback lasers,”J.Lightwave Technol.LT-4,1655–1661(1986).10.N.A.Brilliant,R.J.Beach,A.D.Drobshoff,and S.A.Payne,“Narrow-line ytterbiumfiber master-oscillator power ampli-fier,”J.Opt.Soc.Am.B19,981–991(2002).11.P.C.Becker,N.A.Olsson,and J.R.Simpson,Erbium-DopedFiber Amplifiers:Fundamentals and Technology(Academic, 1999).12.S.Faralli and F.Di Pasquale,“Impact of double Rayleighscattering noise in distributed higher order Raman pumping schemes,”IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.15,804–806(2003).13.S.W.Harun,N.Tamchek,P.Poopalan,and H.Ahmad,“Double-pass L-band EDFA with enhanced noisefigure char-acteristics,”IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.15,1055–1057 (2003).14.M.Tang,P.Shum,and Y.D.Gong,“Design of double-passdiscrete Raman amplifier and the impairments induced by Rayleigh backscattering,”Opt.Express11,1887–1893(2003).15.J.Bromage,P.J.Winzer,and R.-J.Essiambre,“Multiple pathinterference and its impact on system design,”in Raman Am-plifiers for Telecommunications:2,Subsystems and Systems, M.N.Islam,ed.,Springer Series in Optical Science(Springer, 2004),Chap.15.16.G.P.Agrawal,Nonlinear Fiber Optics,2nd ed.,Optics andPhotonics Series(Academic,1995).6804APPLIED OPTICS͞Vol.45,No.26͞10September2006。
SY88149CL3.3V, 1.25Gbps PECL Limiting PostAmplifier w/High Gain TTL Signal DetectGeneral DescriptionThe SY88149CL is a high-sensitivity limiting postamplifier designed for use in fiber-optic receivers. Thesedevices connect to typical transimpedance amplifiers(TIAs). The linear signal output from TIAs can containsignificant amounts of noise and may vary in amplitudeover time. The SY88149CL quantizes these signals andoutputs PECL level waveforms.The SY88149CL operates from a single +3.3V powersupply, over temperatures ranging from –40o C to +85o C.With its wide bandwidth and high gain, signals with datarates up to 1.25Gbps, and as small as 5mV pp, can beamplified to drive devices with PECL inputs.The SY88149CL generates a high-gain signal-detect(SD) open-collector TTL output. The SD function has ahigh gain input stage for increased sensitivity. Aprogrammable Signal Detect level set pin (SD LVL) setsthe sensitivity of the input amplitude detection. SDasserts high if the input amplitude rises above thethreshold set by SD LVL and de-asserts low otherwise.The enable input (EN) de-asserts the true output signalwithout removing the input signal. The SD output can befed back to the EN input to maintain output stabilityunder a loss-of-signal condition. Typically, 3.4dB SDhysteresis is provided to prevent chattering.All support documentation can be found on Micrel’s website at: .Features•Single 3.3V power supply•Fast SD enable/disable time•622Mbps to 1.25Gbps operation•Low-noise PECL data outputs• High-gain SD•Chatter-free Open-Collector TTL signal detect (SD)output with internal 4.75kΩ pull-up resistor•TTL EN input•Programmable SD level set (SD LVL)•Available in a tiny 10-pin MSOP packageApplications• GE-PON/GPON/EPON• Gigabit Ethernet• 1062Mbps Fibre Channel• OC-12/24 SONET/SDH•High-gain line driver and line receiver•Low-gain TIA interfaceMarkets• FTTH/FTTP• Datacom/Telecom• Optical transceiverTypical Application CircuitOrdering Information(1)Part Number PackageType OperatingRangePackage MarkingLead FinishSY88149CLKG K10-1 IndustrialSY88149CLwithPb-Free bar line indicator NiPdAu Pb-Free SY88149CLKGTR(1)K10-1 Industrial SY88149CL with Pb-Free bar line indicator NiPdAu Pb-Free Notes:1. Tape and Reel.Pin Configuration10-Pin MSOP (K10-1)Pin DescriptionPin Number Pin Name Type Pin Function1 ENTTL Input: Default isHIGH. Enable: This input enables the outputs when it is HIGH. Note that this input is internally connected to a 25kΩ pull-up resistor and will default to a logic HIGH state if left open.2 DIN Data Input True data input.3 /DIN Data Input Complementary data input.4 VREF Reference voltage: Placing a capacitor here to V CC helpsstabilize SD LVL.5 SDLVL Input Signal Detect Level Set: a resistor from this pin to V CC sets thethreshold for the data input amplitude at which SD will beasserted.6 GND GroundDeviceground.7 SDOpen-collector TTLoutput w/internal 4.75kΩpull-up resistor Signal-Detect asserts high when the data input amplitude rises above the threshold set by SD LVL.8 /DOUT PECL Output Complementary data output.9 DOUT PECL Output True data output.10 VCC Power Supply Positive power supply.Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)Supply Voltage (V CC).......................................0V to +7.0V Input Voltage (DIN, /DIN).......................................0 to V CC Output Current (I OUT)Continuous........................................................±50mA Surge..............................................................±100mA EN Voltage.............................................................0 to V CC V REF Current..........................................-800µA to +500µA SD LVL Voltage...................................................V REF to V CC Lead Temperature (soldering, 20sec.).....................260°C Storage Temperature (T s).......................–65°C to +150°C Operating Ratings(2)Supply Voltage (V CC).............................+3.0V to +3.6V Ambient Temperature (T A)...................–40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature (T J).................–40°C to +120°C Junction Thermal ResistanceMSOP(θJA) Still-air...................................113°C/WDC Electrical CharacteristicsV CC = 3.0 to 3.6V; R L = 50Ω to V CC-2V; T A = –40°C to +85°C, typical values at V CC = 3.3V, T A = 25°C.Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units I CC Power Supply Current No output load 26 39 mASD LVL SD LVL Voltage V REF V CC V V OH PECL Output HIGH Voltage V CC-1.085 V CC-0.955 V CC-0.880VV OL PECL Output LOW Voltage V CC-1.830 V CC-1.705 V CC-1.555VV IHCMR Common Mode Range GND+2.0 V CC V V REF ReferenceVoltage V CC-1.48 V CC-1.32 V CC-1.16VTTL DC Electrical CharacteristicsV CC = 3.0 to 3.6V; R L = 50Ω to V CC-2V; T A = –40°C to +85°C, typical values at V CC = 3.3V, T A = 25°C.Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units V IH EN Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 VV IL EN Input LOW Voltage 0.8 VI IH EN Input HIGH Current V IN = 2.7VV IN = V CC20 100µAµAI IL EN Input LOW Current V IN = 0.5V -0.3 mAV OH SD Output HIGH Level V CC > 3.3V, I OH-MAX < 160µAV CC < 3.3V, I OH-MAX < 160µA 2.42.0VVV OL SD Output LOW Level I OL = +2mA 0.5 V Notes:1. Permanent device damage may occur if absolute maximum ratings are exceeded. This is a stress rating only and functional operation is notimplied at conditions other than those detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.2. The data sheet limits are not guaranteed if the device is operated beyond the operating ratings.3. Thermal performance assumes the use of a 4-layer PCB. Exposed pad must be soldered (or equivalent) to the device’s most negative potentialon the PCB.AC Electrical CharacteristicsV CC = 3.0V to 3.6V; R LOAD = 50Ω to V CC–2V; T A = –40°C to +85°C.Symbol Parameter Condition MinTypMaxUnitst r, t f Output Rise/Fall Time(20% to 80%) Note 4 260pst JITTER DeterministicRandom Note 5Note 6155ps PPps RMSV ID Differential Input Voltage Swing Figure 1 5 1800 mV PPV OD Differential Output VoltageSwing V ID > 18mV PP Figure 11500mV PPT OFF SD Release Time 100 500 nsT ON SDAssertTime 100500ns SD AL Low SD Assert Level R SDLVL = 15kΩ, Note 8 3.4 mV PPSD DL Low SD De-assert Level R SDLVL = 15kΩ, Note 8 2.3 mV PPHYS L Low SD Hysteresis R SDLVL = 15kΩ, Note 7 3.4 dBSD AM Medium SD Assert Level R SDLVL = 5kΩ, Note 8 6.2 8 mV PPSD DM Medium SD De-assert Level R SDLVL = 5kΩ, Note 8 3 4.2 mV PPHYS M Medium SD Hysteresis R SDLVL = 5kΩ, Note 7 2 3.4 5 dBSD AH High SD Assert Level R SDLVL = 100Ω, Note 8 16.4 20 mV PPSD DH High SD De-assert Level R SDLVL = 100Ω, Note 8 8 10.8 mV PPHYS H High SD Hysteresis R SDLVL = 100Ω, Note 7 2 3.4 5 dBB-3dB 3dBBandwidth 1 GHz A V(Diff)Differential Voltage Gain 42 dBS21Single-ended Small-Signal Gain 36 dBNotes:4. Amplifier in limiting mode. Input is a 200MHz square wave.5. Deterministic jitter measured using 1.25Gbps K28.5 pattern, V ID = 10mV PP.6. Random jitter measured using 1.25Gbps K28.7 pattern, V ID = 10mV PP.7. This specification defines electrical hysteresis as 20log(SD Assert/SD De-assert). The ratio between optical hysteresis andelectrical hysteresis is found to vary between 1.5 and 2 depending upon the level of received optical power and ROSAcharacteristics. Based upon that ratio, the optical hysteresis corresponding to the electrical hysteresis range 2dB-5dB, shownin the AC characteristics table, will be 1dB-4dB optical Hysteresis.8. See “Typical Operating Characteristics” for a graph showing how to choose a particular R SDLVL for a particular SD assert andits associated de-assert amplitude.Typical Operating CharacteristicsV CC = 3.3V, T A = 25°C, R L = 50Ω to V CC–2V, unless otherwise stated.R SDLVL (kΩ) R SDLVL (kΩ)Functional Block DiagramDetailed DescriptionThe SY88149CL high-sensitivity limiting post amplifier operates from a single +3.3V power supply, over temperatures from –40°C to +85°C. Signals with data rates up to 1.25Gbps and as small as 5mV PP can be amplified. Figure 1 shows the allowed input voltage swing. The SY88149CL generates an SD output, allowing feedback to EN for output stability. SD LVL sets the sensitivity of the input amplitude detection.Input Amplifier/BufferFigure 2 shows a simplified schematic of the input stage. The high-sensitivity of the input amplifier allows signals as small as 5mV PP to be detected and amplified. The input amplifier allows input signals as large as 1800mV PP . Input signals are linearly amplified with a typically 42dB differential voltage gain. Since it is a limiting amplifier, the SY88149CL outputs typically 1500mV PP voltage-limited waveforms for input signals that are greater than 12mV PP . Applications requiring the SY88149CL to operate with high-gain should have the upstream TIA placed as close as possible to the SY88149CL’s input pins. This ensure the best performance of the device.Output BufferThe SY88149CL’s PECL output buffer is designed to drive 50Ω lines. The output buffer requires appropriate termination for proper operation. An external 50Ω resistor to V CC –2V for each output pin provides this. Figure 3 shows a simplified schematic of the output stage.Signal DetectThe SY88149CL generates a chatter-free Signal-Detect (SD) open-collector TTL output with internal 4.75k Ω pull-up resistor, as shown in Figure 4. SD is used to determine that the input amplitude is too small to be considered a valid input. SD asserts high if the input amplitude rises above threshold set by SDLVL and de-asserts low otherwise. SD can be fed back to the enable (EN) input to maintain output stability under a SDs of signal condition. EN de-asserts low the true output signal without removing the input signals. Typically, 3.4dB SD hysteresis is provided to prevent chattering.Signal Detect Level SetA programmable SD level set pin (SD LVL ) sets the threshold of the input amplitude detection. Connecting an external resistor between V CC and SD LVL sets the voltage at SD LVL . This voltage ranges from V CC to V REF . The external resistor creates a voltage divider between V CC and V REF , as shown in Figure 5.HysteresisThe SY88149CL provides typically 3.4dB SD electrical hysteresis. By definition, a power ratio measured in dB is 10log (power ratio). Power is calculated as V 2IN /R for an electrical signal. Hence the same ratio can be stated as 20log (voltage ratio). While in linear mode, the electrical voltage input changes linearly with the optical power and hence the ratios change linearly. Therefore, the optical hysteresis in dB is half the electrical hysteresis in dB given in the data sheet. The SY88149CL is an electrical device; this data sheet refers to hysteresis in electrical terms. With 3.4dB SD hysteresis, a voltage factor of 1.5 is required to assert or de-assert SD.Figure 1. VIS and VID DefinitionFigure 2. Input Structure Figure 3. Output StructureFigure 4. SD Output StructureFigure 5. SD LVL Setting CircuitNote: Recommended value for R SDLVL is 15kΩ or less.Related Product and Support DocumentationPart Number Function Data Sheet Link/product-info/sy88933al.shtmlSY88933AL 3.3V/5V 1.25Gbps PECL High-SensitivityLimiting Post Amplifier with TTL SD/product-info/app_hints+notes.shtml Application Notes Notes on Sensitivity and Hysteresis in MicrelPost AmplifiersPackage Information10-Pin MSOP (K10-1)。
普芦卡必利和莫沙必利分别联用小剂量聚乙二醇治疗老年难治性功能性便秘的短期疗效比较黄海辉;张小敏;赵亮【摘要】目的比较普芦卡必利、莫沙必利分别联用小剂量聚乙二醇治疗老年难治性功能性便秘的短期疗效.方法对2014年5月至2016年2月在该院门诊诊治的老年难治性功能性便秘患者90例进行回顾性分析.入选病例分为两组,每组45例.普芦卡必利组:琥珀酸普芦卡必利片,2 mg,每日1次;莫沙必利组:枸橼酸莫沙必利胶囊,5 mg,每日3次.两组均联用复方聚乙二醇电解质散(PEG)13.125 g,每日2次,疗程4周.观察两组患者首次排便和排便困难缓解时间、每周完全自发排便(SCBM)平均次数、排便困难、大便性状、不良反应及生命质量的变化.结果两组慢传输型、排便障碍型的治疗有效率比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),混合型差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).与莫沙必利组比较,普卢卡必利组首次排便时间和排便困难缓解时间均较短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).治疗后4周,两组患者SCBM>3次,普卢卡必利组次数更多;普芦卡必利组排便困难改善更为明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).大便性状改善组间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).两组总有效率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),不良反应发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).治疗后4周,两组患者便秘患者生存质量自评量表(PAC-QOL)评分的总均分均有下降,普芦卡必利组降低更为明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论普芦卡必利+PEG治疗老年难治性功能性便秘起效更快,且在总体疗效及生命质量改善方面有优势,尤适用于慢传输型和排便障碍型.%Objective To compare the short-term curative effects of prucalopride and mosapride respectively combined with low dose polyethylene glycol in treating elderly refractory functional constipation.Methods Ninety patients with elderly refractory functionalconstipation in the outpatient department of our hospital from May 2014 to February 2016 were retrospectively analyzed and divided into two groups randomly,45 cases in each group.the prucalopridegroup:Prucalopride Succinate Tablets,2mg,4 times daily;the mosapride group:Mosapride Citrate Capsules,5mg,3 times daily.Polyethylene Glycol Electrolytes Powder(PEG) was also used in the two groups,13.125g,twice daily.The course of treatment was 4 weeks.The first defecating time and defecation difficulty relief time,average weekly spontaneous complete bowel movements (SCBM),defecating difficulty,stool character,adverse reactions and change of life quality were observed in the twogroups.Results The treatment effective rate of slow transit constipation(STC) and defecatory disorder had the statistical difference between the two groups (P<0.05).The comparison of the effective rates in mixed type showed no statistical difference between the twogroups(P>0.05).Compared with the mosapride group,the first defecating time and defecation difficulty relief time in the prucalopride group were shorter with statistical difference (P<0.05).After 4-week treatment,SCBM times per week in the two groups were more than 3 times;the times of the prucalopride group were even more.In the prucalopride group,the defecation difficulty improvement was more obvious,the difference between the two groups had statistical significance (P<0.05).As for the comparison of the stool character improvement,the difference had no statistical significance(P>0.05).The total effective rate had statistical difference between the two groups(P<0.05).The incidence rate of adversereactions had no statistical difference between the two groups(17.78%vs.15.56%,P<0.05).The total average score of PAC-QOL after treatment in the two groups were both decreased,moreover the decrease in the prucalopride group was more obvious;the difference between the two groups had statistical significance(P<0.05).Conclusion Prucalopride +PEG take effect faster in the treatment of elderly refractory functional constipation and has the advantages in the aspects of overall curative effect and life quality improvement,which is specially suitable for STC and defecatory disorder type.【期刊名称】《重庆医学》【年(卷),期】2017(046)020【总页数】4页(P2793-2796)【关键词】难治性功能性便秘;老年;聚乙二醇;琥珀酸普芦卡必利;枸橼酸莫沙必利【作者】黄海辉;张小敏;赵亮【作者单位】广东省河源市源城区人民医院消化内科 517000;广东省河源市源城区人民医院消化内科 517000;广东省河源市源城区人民医院消化内科 517000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R57我国60岁以上人群慢性便秘的患病率高达22%,其中约50%为功能性便秘[1-3]。
胃结肠反射的研究概况黄敏;陈继红;谭诗云;罗和生;JanDHUIZINGA【摘要】Gastrocolic reflex is one of physiological phenomenon in gastrointestinal tract,which is involved in the development of functional gastrointestinal disorders and has potential clinical value. Main methods for research on gastrocolic reflex are electromyography and colon manometry,increases of colonic spike bursts and colonic motility index occur after meal. Recent studies showed specific postprandial colonic motor patterns by using manometry,however,the mechanism of gastrocolic reflex is still uncertain. This article reviewed the study on gastrocolic reflex.%胃结肠反射是胃肠道生理现象之一,参与功能性胃肠疾病的发生和发展,具有潜在的临床价值。
【期刊名称】《胃肠病学》【年(卷),期】2016(021)008【总页数】4页(P505-508)【关键词】胃结肠反射;进食;肌电描记术;测压法【作者】黄敏;陈继红;谭诗云;罗和生;JanDHUIZINGA【作者单位】武汉大学人民医院消化内科消化系统疾病湖北省重点实验室430060;武汉大学人民医院消化内科消化系统疾病湖北省重点实验室 430060;武汉大学人民医院消化内科消化系统疾病湖北省重点实验室 430060;武汉大学人民医院消化内科消化系统疾病湖北省重点实验室 430060;麦克马斯特大学健康科学学院医学【正文语种】中文结肠功能紊乱性疾病如便秘为最常见的疾病之一,但其发病机制仍未完全阐明。
• 次声 • 人耳能听见的声音 • 超声 • 特超声
0~20Hz 20Hz~20KHz 20KHz~1GHz 1GHz~10THz
• Infra-sound
from 0 to 20 Hz
• Human hearing frequency range from 20Hz to 20kHz
• Ultrasound
•Байду номын сангаас声音和音频技术涉及的主要是声波(声学信号)的处理。
编码、录音机或数字音频带的存储、音乐及语音处理是 这一领域的主要课题。
• Sound methodology and audio techniques engage in processing these sound waves (acoustic signals). Important topics in this area are coding, storage on recorders or digital audio tapes, music and speed processing.
• The waveform repeats the same shape at regular intervals and this portion is called a period. Since sound waves occur naturally, they are never perfectly smooth or uniformly periodic. However, sounds that display a recognizable periodicity tend to be more musical than those that are nonperiodic. Examples of periodic sound sources are musical instruments, vowel sounds, the whistling wind and bird songs. Nonperiodic sound sources include unpitched percussion instruments, coughs and sneezes and rushing water.
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杰出的理论与实验物理学家——瑞利勋爵(Lord Rayleigh)1904年诺贝尔物理学奖授予英国皇家研究所的瑞利勋爵(Lord Rayleigh, 1842~1919),以表彰他在研究⼀些⽓体的密度中发现了惰性⽓体氩这⼀重要成就。
瑞利原名约翰·威廉·斯特拉特(John William Strutt),尊称瑞利男爵三世(Third Baron Rayleigh),1842年11⽉12⽇出⽣于英国埃塞克斯郡莫尔登(Malden)的朗弗德林园。
从液态空⽓中分馏出来的氮,密度为1.2572 g/cm3,⽽⽤化学⽅法从亚硝酸铵直接得到的氮,密度却为 1.2505 g/cm3。
2010-PE-07---Effects of Discretization Methods on the Performance of Resonant Controllers
Effects of Discretization Methods on the Performance of Resonant ControllersAlejandro G.Yepes,Student Member,IEEE,Francisco D.Freijedo,Member,IEEE, Jes´u s Doval-Gandoy,Member,IEEE,´Oscar L´o pez,Member,IEEE,Jano Malvar,Student Member,IEEE,and Pablo Fernandez-Comesa˜n a,Student Member,IEEEAbstract—Resonant controllers have gained significant impor-tance in recent years in multiple applications.Because of their high selectivity,their performance is very dependent on the ac-curacy of the resonant frequency.An exhaustive study about dif-ferent discrete-time implementations is contributed in this paper. Some methods,such as the popular ones based on two integrators, cause that the resonant peaks differ from expected.Such inac-curacies result in significant loss of performance,especially for tracking high-frequency signals,since infinite gain at the expected frequency is not achieved,and therefore,zero steady-state error is not assured.Other discretization techniques are demonstrated to be more reliable.The effect on zeros is also analyzed,establishing the influence of each method on the stability.Finally,the study is extended to the discretization of the schemes with delay compensa-tion,which is also proved to be of great importance in relation with their performance.A single-phase active powerfilter laboratory prototype has been implemented and tested.Experimental results provide a real-time comparison among discretization strategies, which validate the theoretical analysis.The optimum discrete-time implementation alternatives are assessed and summarized.Index Terms—Current control,digital control,power condition-ing,pulsewidth-modulated power converters,Z transforms.N OMENCLATUREVariablesC Capacitance.f Frequency in hertz.G(s)Model in the s domain.G(z)Model in the z domain.H(s)Resonant controller in the s domain.H(z)Resonant controller in the z domain.i Current.K Gain of resonant controller.L Inductance value.m Pulsewidth modulation(PWM)duty cycle. N Number of samples to compensate with com-putational delay compensation.n Highest harmonic to be compensated. Manuscript received September17,2009;revised December29,2009.Date of current version June18,2010.This work was supported by the Spanish Min-istry of Education and Science under Project DPI2009-07004.Recommended for publication by Associate Editor P.Mattavelli.The authors are with the Department of Electronic Technology,University of Vigo,Vigo36200,Spain(;;jdoval@;;; Color versions of one or more of thefigures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TPEL.2010.2041256R Equivalent series resistance value.R(s)Resonant term in the s domain.R(z)Resonant term in the z domain.T Period.θPhase of grid voltage.V V oltage.ωAngular frequency in radians per second.u(s)Input value.y(s)Output value.Subscripts1Fundamental component.a Actual value(f).c Generic current controller(G).d Degree of freedom in the zero-pole matchingdiscretization method(K).dc Relative to the dc link(V).f Relative to the passive inductivefilter(V,i,L,R,and G).I Equivalent to the double of the integral gainof a proportional+integral(PI)controller indq frame(K).k Relative to the k th harmonic(H,R,K P,andK I).L Relative to the load(i).Lh Relative to the harmonics of the load(i).o Resonant frequency of a continuous resonantterm or resonant controller(f andω).P Equivalent to the double of the proportionalgain of a PI controller in dq frame(K). PCC Relative to the point of common coupling(V).PL Relative to the plant(G).rms Root mean square.s Relative to sampling(f and T).src Relative to the voltage source(V,i,and L). sw Relative to switching(f).T Sum of the gains for every value of harmonicorder k(K P).X Resonant term R or resonant controller Hdiscretized with method X,where X∈{zoh,foh,f,b,t,tp,zpm,imp}.X&Y Resonant term R or resonant controller Himplemented with two discrete integrators,with the direct one discretized with method Xand the feedback one with method Y,whereX,Y∈{zoh,foh,f,b,t,tp,zpm,imp}.0885-8993/$26.00©2010IEEEX−Y Resonant controller H VPI(z),in whichR1(s)is discretized with method X andR2(s)with method Y,where X,Y∈{zoh,foh,f,b,t,tp,zpm,imp}. Superscripts∗Reference value.1Resonant term R of the form s/(s2+ω2o). 2Resonant term R of the form s2/(s2+ω2o).d Including delay compensation(H and R). PR Resonant controller H of the PR type.VPI Resonant controller H of the VPI type. Others∆x Difference between x and its target value(i f).ˆx Estimated value of x(θ1andω1).I.I NTRODUCTIONI N recent years,resonant controllers have gained significantimportance in a wide range of different applications due to their overall good performance.They have been applied with satisfactory results to cases such as distributed power generation systems[1],[2],dynamic voltage regulators[3],[4],wind tur-bines[5],[6],photovoltaic systems[7],[8],fuel cells[9],[10], active rectifiers[11],active powerfilters(APFs)[12]–[17], microgrids[18],and permanent magnet synchronous motors [19].Resonant controllers allow to track sinusoidal references of arbitrary frequencies with zero steady-state error for both single-phase and three-phase applications.An important saving of computational burden and complexity is obtained due to their implementation in stationary frame,avoiding the coordinates transformations,and providing perfect tracking of both positive and negative sequences[1],[13],[14],[20]–[22].Resonant con-trollers in synchronous reference frame(SRF)have been also proposed to control pairs of harmonics simultaneously when no unbalance exist[7],[15]–[17],[22],[23].An essential step in the implementation of resonant digital controllers is the discretization.Because of the narrow band and infinite gain of resonant controllers,they are specially sensitive to this process.Actually,a slight displacement of the resonant poles causes a significant loss of performance.In the case of proportional+resonant(PR)controllers[14],[20]–[22],even for small frequency deviations,the effect of resonant terms becomes minimal,and the PR controller behaves just as a proportional one[14].The resonant regulator proposed in[16]is less sensitive to these variations when cross coupling due to the plant appears in the dq frame,but if these deviations in the resonant poles are present,it does not achieve zero steady-state error either. Furthermore,if selectivity is reduced to increase robustness to frequency variations,undesired frequencies and noise may be amplified.Thus,an accurate peak position is preferable to low selectivity.Therefore,it is of paramount importance to study the effectiveness of the different alternatives of discretization for implementing digital resonant controllers,due to the critical characteristics of their frequency response.As proved in this paper,many of the existing discretization techniques cause a displacement of the poles.This fact results in a deviation of the frequency at which the infinite gain occurs with respect to the expected resonant frequency.This error becomes more significant as the sampling time and the desired peak frequency increase.In practice,it can be stated that most of these discretization methods result in suitable implementations when tracking50/60Hz(fundamental)references and even for low-order harmonics.However,as shown in this paper,some of them do not perform so well in applications in which signals of higher frequencies should be tracked,such as APFs and ac motor drives. This error has special relevance in the case of implementations based on two integrators,since it is a widely employed option mainly due to its simplicity for frequency adaptation[8],[13], [15],[23]–[25].Discretization also has an effect on zeros,modifying their distribution with respect to the continuous transfer function. These discrepancies should not be ignored because they have a direct relation with stability.In fact,resonant controllers are often preferred to be based on the Laplace transform of a cosine function instead of that of a sine function because its zero im-proves stability[13],[19].In a similar way,the zeros mapped by each technique will affect the stability in a different man-ner.Consequently,it is also convenient to establish which are the most adequate techniques from the point of view of phase versus frequency response.However,for large values of the resonance frequency,the computational delay affects the system performance and may cause instability.Therefore,a delay compensation scheme should be implemented[14],[15],[17],[23].It can be per-formed in the continuous domain as proposed in[15].However, the discretization of that scheme leads to several different expressions.A possible implementation in the z domain was posed in[14],but there are other possibilities.Consequently,it should be analyzed how each method affects the effectiveness of the computational delay compensation.This aspect has a significant relevance since it will determine the stability at the resonant frequencies.The study of these effects of the discretization on resonant controllers has not been analyzed in the existing literature. Therefore,it is of paramount importance to analyze how each method affects the performance in relation with these aspects.A single-phase APF laboratory prototype has been built to check the theoretical approaches,because it is an application very suitable for proving the controllers performance when tracking different frequencies,and results can be extrapolated to other single-phase and three-phase applications where a perfect tracking/rejection of references/disturbances is sought through resonant controllers.The paper is organized as follows.Section II presents alterna-tive digital implementations of resonant controllers.The reso-nant peak displacement depending on the discretization method, as well as its influence on stability,is analyzed in Section III. Several discrete-time implementations including delay compen-sation,and a comparison among them,are posed in Section IV. Section V summarizes the performance of the digital imple-mentations in each aspect and establishes the most optimum alternatives depending on the existing requirements.Finally, experimental results of Section VII validate the theoreticalanalysis regarding the effects of discretization on the perfor-mance of resonant controllers.II.D IGITAL I MPLEMENTATIONS OF R ESONANT C ONTROLLERS A.Resonant Controllers in the Continuous DomainA PR controller can be expressed in the s domain as[14],[20]–[22]H PR(s)=K P+K Iss2+ω2o=K P+K I R1(s)(1)withωo being the resonant angular frequency.R1(s)is the resonant term,which has infinite gain at the resonant frequency (f o=ωo/2π).This assures perfect tracking for components rotating at f o when implemented in closed-loop[21].R1(s) is preferred to be the Laplace transform of a cosine function instead of that of a sine function,since the former provides better stability[13],[19].H PR(s)in stationary frame is equivalent to a propor-tional+integral(PI)controller in SRF[21].However,if cross coupling due to the plant is present in the dq frame,unde-sired peaks will appear in the frequencies around f o in closed loop[17].This anomalous behavior worsens even more the per-formance when frequency deviates from its expected value.An alternative resonant regulator,known as vector PI(VPI)con-troller,is proposed in[16]:H VPI(s)=K P s2+K I ss2+ω2o.(2)The VPI controller cancels coupling terms produced when the plant has the form1/(sL f+R f)[16],[17],[23],such as in shunt APFs and ac motor drives,with L f and R f being, respectively,the inductance and the equivalent series resistance of an R–Lfilter.Parameters detuning due to estimation errors in the values of L f and R f has been proved in[17]to have small influence on the performance.H VPI(s)can be decomposed as the sum of two resonant terms,R1(s)and R2(s),as follows:H VPI(s)=K Ps2s2+ω2o+K Iss2+ω2o=K P R2(s)+K I R1(s).(3) Equation(3)permits to discretize R1(s)and R2(s)with dif-ferent methods.In this manner,the most optimum alternative for H VPI(z)will be the combination of the most adequate discrete-time implementation for each resonant term.B.Implementations Based on the Continuous Transfer Function DiscretizationTable I shows the most common discretization methods.The Simpson’s rule approximation has not been included because it transforms a second-order function to a fourth-order one,which is undesirable from an implementation viewpoint[26].The techniques reflected in Table I have been applied to R1(s) and R2(s),leading to the discrete mathematical expressions shown in Table II.T s is the controller sampling period and f s=1/T s is the sampling rate.From Table II,it can be seen thatTABLE IR ELATIONS FOR D ISCRETIZING R1(s)AND R2(s)BY D IFFERENT METHODS the effect of each discretization method on the resonant poles displacement will be equal in both R1(s)and R2(s),since each method leads to the same denominator in both resonant terms. It should be noted that zero-pole matching(ZPM)permits a degree of freedom(K d)to maintain the gain for a specific frequency[26].C.Implementations Based on Two Discrete IntegratorsThe transfer function H PR(s)can be discretized by decom-posing R1(s)in two simple integrators,as shown in Fig.1(a) [13].This structure is considered advantageous when imple-menting frequency adaptation,since no explicit trigonometric functions are needed.Whereas other implementations require the online calculation of cos(ωo T s)terms,in Fig.1schemes the parameterωo appears separately as a simple gain,so it can be modified in real time according to the actual value of the frequency to be controlled.Indeed,it is a common practice to implement this scheme due to the simplicity it permits when frequency adaptation is required[13],[15],[24],[25].An analogous reasoning can be applied to H VPI(s),leading to the block diagram shown in Fig.1(b).Instead of developing an equivalent scheme to the total transfer function H VPI(s), it could be obtained as an individual scheme for implementing each resonant term R1(s)and R2(s)could be obtained,but in this case the former is preferable because of the saving of resources.It has been suggested in[8]to discretize the direct integrator of Fig.1(a)scheme using forward Euler method and the feedback one using the backward Euler method.Additional alternatives of discretization for both integrators have been analyzed in[25], and it was also proposed to use Tustin for both integrators,or to discretize both with backward Euler,adding a one-step delay in the feedback line.Nevertheless,using Tustin for both integrators poses implementation problems due to algebraic loops[25].In this paper,these proposals have been also applied to the block diagram shown in Fig.1(b).Table III shows these three discrete-time implementations of the schemes shown in Fig.1.TABLE IIz -D OMAIN T RANSFER F UNCTIONS O BTAINED BY D ISCRETIZING R 1(s )AND R 2(s )BY D IFFERENT METHODSFig.1.Block diagrams of frequency adaptive resonant controllers (a)H P R (s )and (b)H V P I (s )based on two integrators.It should be noted that H jt&t (z )and H j t (z )are equivalent for both j =PR and j =VPI ,since the Tustin transformation is based on a variable substitution.The same is true for the rest of methods that consist in substituting s as a function of z .However,zero-order hold (ZOH),first-order hold (FOH),and impulse invariant methods applied separately to each integratordo not lead to H j zoh,H j foh ,and H jimp ,respectively.Indeed,to dis-cretize an integrator with ZOH or FOH results in the same way as a forward Euler substitution,while to discretize an integrator with the impulse invariant is equivalent to employ backward Euler.III.I NFLUENCE OF D ISCRETIZATION M ETHODSON R OOTS D ISTRIBUTIONA.Resonant Poles DisplacementThe z domain transfer functions obtained in Section II can be grouped in the sets of Table IV,since some of them present an identical denominator,and therefore,coinciding poles.Fig.2represents the pole locus of the transfer functions in Table IV.Damped resonant controllers do not assure perfect tracking [21];poles must be placed in the unit circumference,which corresponds to a zero damping factor (infinite gain).All discretization techniques apart from A and B lead to undamped poles;the former maps the poles outside of the unit circle,whereas the latter moves them toward the origin,causing a damping factor different from zero,so both methods should be avoided.This behavior finds its explanation in the fact that these two techniques do not map the left half-plane in the s domain to the exact area of the unit circle [26].However,there is an additional issue that should be taken into account.Although groups C ,D ,and E achieve infinite gain,it can be appreciated that,for an identical f o ,their poles are located in different positions of the unit circumference.This fact reveals that there exists a difference between the actual resonant frequency (f a )and f o ,depending on the employed implementation,as also observed in Fig.3(d).Consequently,the infinite gain may not match the frequency of the controller references,causing steady-state error.Fig.3(a)–(c)depicts the error f o −f a in hertz as a function of f o and f s for each group.The poles displacement increases with T s and f o ,with the exception of group E .The slope of the error is also greater as these parameters get higher.Actually,the denominator of group D is a second-order Tay-lor series approximation of group E .This fact explains the in-creasing difference between them as the product ωo T s becomes larger.Some important outcomes from this study should be highlighted.1)The Tustin transformation,which is a typical choice in digital control due to its accuracy in most applications,features the most significant deviation in the resonant frequency.2)The error exhibited by the methods based on two dis-cretized integrators becomes significant even for highTABLE IIID ISCRETE T RANSFERF UNCTIONS H P R (s )AND H V P I (s )O BTAINED BY E MPLOYING T WO D ISCRETIZED INTEGRATORSTABLE IVG ROUPS OF E XPRESSIONS W ITH I DENTICAL P OLES IN THE z DOMAINFig.2.Pole locus of the discretized resonant controllers at f s =10kHz (fundamental to the 17th odd harmonics).sampling frequencies and low-order harmonics.For in-stance,at f s =10kHz,group D exhibits an error of +0.7Hz for the seventh harmonic,which causes a consid-erable gain loss [see Fig.3(d)].When dealing with higher harmonic orders (h ),such as 13and 17,it raises to 4.6and 10.4Hz,respectively,which is unacceptable.3)Group E leads to poles that match the original continuous ones,so the resonant peak always fits the design frequency f o .B.Effects on Zeros DistributionOnce assured infinite gain due to a correct position of the poles,another factor to take into account is the displacement of zeros caused by the discretization.Resonant controllers that be-long to group E have been proved to be more suitable for an op-timum implementation in terms of resonant peak displacement.However,the numerators of these discrete transfer functions are not the same,and they depend on the discretization method.This aspect has a direct relation with stability,so it should not be ignored.On the other hand,although group D methods produce a resonant frequency error,they avoid the calculation of explicit cosine functions when frequency adaptation is needed.This fact may imply an important saving of resources.Therefore,it is also of interest to establish which is the best option of that set.The analysis will be carried out by means of the frequency response.The infinite gain at ωo is given by the poles po-sition,whereas zeros only have a visible impact on the gain at other frequencies.Concerning phase,the mapping of zeros provided by the discretization may affect all the spectrum,in-cluding the phase response near the resonant frequency.Due to the high gain around ωo ,the phase introduced by the reso-nant terms at ω≈ωo will have much more impact on the phase response of the whole controllers than at the rest of the spec-trum [14].Therefore,the influence of discretization on the stabil-ity should be studied mainly by analyzing the phase lag caused at ω≈ωo .1)Displacement of R 1(s )Zeros by Group E Discretiza-tions:Fig.4compares the frequency response of a resonant controller R 1(s ),designed for the seventh harmonic,when dis-cretization methods of group E are employed at f s =10kHz.An almost equivalent magnitude behavior is observed,eventhough R 1imp(z )has a lower attenuation in the extremes,and both R 1tp (z )and R 1foh (z )tend to reduce the gain at high fre-quencies.However,the phase versus frequency plot differs more significantly.From Fig.4,it can be appreciated that R 1tp(z )and R 1foh (z )are the most accurate when comparing with R 1(s ).On thecontrary,the phase lag introduced by R 1zoh (z )and R 1zpm (z )is higher than for the continuous model.This fact is particu-larly critical at ω≈ωo ,even though they also cause delay for higher frequencies.As shown in Fig.4,they introduce a phase lag at f o =350Hz of 6.3◦.For higher values of ωo T s ,it be-comes greater.For instance,if tuned at a resonant frequency of f o =1750Hz with f s =10kHz,the delay is 32◦.There-fore,the implementation of R 1zoh (z )and R 1zpm (z )may lead to instability.On the other hand,R 1tp (z ),R 1foh (z ),and R 1imp(z )accurately reproduce the frequency response at the resonance frequency,maintaining the stability of the continuous controllerat ωo .Fig.4also shows that R 1imp(z )can be considered the most advantageous implementation of R 1(s ),since it maintains the stability at ω≈ωo and introduces less phase lag in open-loop for the rest of the spectrum,thereby allowing for a larger phase margin.Fig.3.Deviation of the resonance frequency of the discretized controller f a from the resonance frequency f o of the continuous controller.(a)Group C transfer functions.(b)Group D transfer functions.(c)Group E transfer functions.(d)Discretized seventh harmonic resonant resonant controller at f s= 10kHz.Fig.4.Bode plot of R1(s)discretized with group E methods for a seventh harmonic resonant controller at f s=10kHz.In any case,the influence of the discretization atω=ωo is not as important as its effect on the stability atω≈ωo,since the gain of R1(z)is much lower at those frequencies.Consequently, this aspect can be neglected unless low sample frequencies, high resonant frequencies,and/or large values of K I/K P are employed.In these cases,it can be taken into account in order to avoid unexpected reductions in the phase margin that could affect the stability,or even to increase its value over the phase margin of the continuous system by means of R1imp(z).2)Displacement of R2(s)Zeros by Group E Discretizations: The frequency response of R2(s)discretizations is shown in Fig.5(a).It can be seen that ZOH produces a phase lag near the resonant frequency that could affect stability.Among the rest of possibilities of group E,the impulse invari-ant method is also quite unfavorable:it provides much less gain after the resonant peak than the rest of the discretizations.This fact causes that the zero phase provided by R2(z)forω>ωo has much less impact on the global transfer function H VPI(z), in comparison to the phase delay introduced by R1(z).In this manner,the phase response of H VPI(z)would show a larger phase lag if R2(s)is discretized with impulse invariant instead of other methods,worsening the stability atω>ωo. Actually,as shown in Fig.5(b),if R2imp(z)is used,the delay of H VPI(z)can become close to−45◦for certain frequencies, which is certainly not negligible.This is illustrated,as an exam-ple,in Fig.5(b),in which Bode plot of H VPI(z)is shown when it is implemented as R1imp(z),and R2(s)is discretized with the different methods.Fixed values of K I and K P have been employed to make the comparison possible.K I=K P R f/L f has been chosen,so the cross coupling due to the plant is can-celed[16],[17],and an arbitrary value of1has been assigned to K P as an example.According to the real parameters of the laboratory prototype,L f=5mH and R f=0.5Ω.If the ra-tio K I/K P is changed,the differences will become more or less notable,but essentially,each method will still affect in the same manner.It should be remarked that the phase responseFig.5.Study of group E discretizations effect on R2(s)zeros.(a)Frequency response of R2(s)discretized with group E methods for a seventh harmonic resonant controller at f s=10kHz.(b)Frequency response of H V P I(z)for a third harmonic resonant controller at f s=10kHz,with R1im p(z),when R2(s) is discretized by each method of group E.K P=1and K I=K P R f/L f, with R f=0.5Ωand L f=5mH.of H VPI(z)atω≈ωo is not modified by R1imp(z),but only by the discretization of R2(s).Fig.5(b)also shows that some implementations introduce less phase at low frequencies than H VPI(s),but the influence of this aspect on the performance can be neglected.In conclusion,any of the discretization methods of group E, with the exception of impulse invariant and ZOH,are adequate for the implementation of R2(z).Actually,the influence of these two methods is so negative that they could easily lead to instability continuous resonant controllers with considerable stability margins.3)Displacement of Zeros by Group D Discretizations: Fig.6(a)shows the Bode plot of R1(s)implemented with setD schemes.R1f&b (z)produces a phase lead in comparisontoFig.6.Frequency response of R1(s)and H V P I(s)implemented with groupD methods for a seventh harmonic resonant controller at f s=10kHz.(a)R1(s).(b)H V P I(s),K P=1,and K I=K P R f/L f,with R f=0.5Ωand L f=5mH.R1(s),whereas R1b&b(z)causes a phase lag.This is also trueatω≈ωo,which are the most critical frequencies.Therefore,R1f&b(z)is preferable to R1b&b(z).On the other hand,as can beappreciated in Fig.6(b),the Bode plot of H VPIf&b(z)and H VPIb&b(z)scarcely differ.They both achieve an accurate reproduction ofH VPI(s)frequency response.Actually,atω≈ωo,they provideexactly the same phase.Consequently,they can be indistinctlyemployed with satisfactory results.IV.D ISCRETIZATION I NFLUENCE ON C OMPUTATIONALD ELAY C OMPENSATIONA.Delay Compensation in the Continuous DomainFor large values ofωo,the delay caused by T s affects the sys-tem performance and may cause instability.Therefore,a delaycompensation scheme should be implemented[14],[15],[17], [23],[27].1)Delay Compensation for H PR(s):Concerning resonant controllers based on the form H PR(s),a proposal was posed in[15]for performing the compensation of the computational delay.The resulting transfer function can be expressed in the s domain asH PR d(s)=K P+K I s cos(ωo NT s)−ωo sin(ωo NT s)s2+ω2o=K P+K I R1d(4) with N being the number of sampling periods to be compen-sated.According to the work of Limongi et al.[23],N=2is the most optimum value.2)Delay Compensation for H VPI(s):Because of H VPI(s) superior stability,it only requires computational delay for much greater resonant frequencies than H PR(s)[16],[17],[23]. Delay compensation could be obtained by selecting K P= cos(ωo NT s)and K I=−ωo sin(ωo NT s).However,this ap-proach would not permit to choose the parameters so as to satisfy K I/K P=R f/L f;thus,it would not cancel the cross coupling terms as proposed in[16]and[17].Therefore,an alternative approach is proposed shortly. R1d(s)and R2d(s)are individually implemented with a de-lay compensation of N samples each,so K P and K I can be still adjusted in order to cancel the plant pole:H VPI d(s)=K P s2cos(ωo NT s)−sωo sin(ωo NT s)s2+ω2o+K I s cos(ωo NT s)−ωo sin(ωo NT s)s2+ω2o=K P R2d+K I R1d.(5)3)Delay Compensation for R1d(s)and R2d(s):If the res-onant terms are decomposed by the use of two integrators,it is possible to perform the delay compensation by means of the block diagrams depicted in Fig.7(a)and(b)for R1d(s)and R2d(s),respectively.Fig.8illustrates the effect of the computational delay com-pensation for both R1d(s)and R2d(s),setting f o=350Hz and f s=10kHz as an example.As N increases,the180◦phase shift at f o rises,compensating the phase lag that would be caused by the delay.B.Discrete-Time Implementations of Delay Compensation SchemesAs stated in the previous section,the delay compensation should be implemented for each resonant term separately.For this reason,it is convenient to study how each discretization method affects the effectiveness of the delay compensation for R1d(z)and R2d(z)individually.Effects on groups E and D implementations,due to their superior performance,are ana-lyzed.Tables V and VI reflect the discrete transfer functions obtained by the application of these methods to R1d(s)andR2d(s),respectively.R1df&b (z)and R1db&b(z)result of apply-ing the corresponding discretization transforms to theschemeFig.7.Implementations of(a)R1d(s)and(b)R2d(s)based on twointegrators.Fig.8.Frequency response of(a)R1d(s)and(b)R2d(s)for different valuesof N;f o=350Hz and f s=10kHz.shown in Fig.7(a).On the other hand,R2df&b(z)and R2db&b(z) are obtained by discretizing the integrators shown in Fig.7(b).Substituting N=0in Tables V and VI leads to the expres-sions of Tables II and III,respectively.It can be also noted that。
结肠慢传输型便秘诊治进展目前,我们将慢性顽固性便秘(chronic intractable consti-pation)已专指慢性传输便秘(slowtransit constipation,STC),又称结肠无力(colonic interia),是因结肠传输功能减弱致使肠内容物滞留于结肠而引起的顽固性便秘。
Surrenti 报道慢传输型便秘占慢性便秘的37% [2],Johanson报告美国家庭慢性传输性便秘的发病率为3% [3]。
1 病理生理学慢性传输型便秘是由结肠无效推进所致的一系列以便秘为主要表现的临床综合征。
对结肠推进有意义的是收缩幅度≥75~90mmHg的高幅推进性收缩(high-amplitude propagated contractions,HAPCs),常发生于白天进食后,可能与结肠的激发排便有关。
【关键词】溃疡性结肠炎;结肠动力;结肠传输;肠神经系统DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.2096⁃367X.2019.03.016Colonic motility disorders in ulcerative colitisDong Jinpei,Zhang Lu,He Shengduo,Zhang Shangqing,Wang HuahongDepartment of Gastroenterology,Peking University First Hospital,Beijing100034,ChinaCorresponding author:Wang Huahong,Email:wwwanghuahong @,Tel:0086⁃10⁃83572226【Abstract】Colonic motility disorder is an important pathogenesis of diarrhea in ulcerative colitis patients.In the active stage of ulcerative colitis,colon appears decreased contractility and prolonged transmission time.The transmission time various in different colon segments.Colonic motility in remission of ulcerative colitis improves apparently,but not returns to normal.The pathogenesis of colonic motility disorder is unclear,inflammation and dysfunction of enteric nervous system may be involved in this process.【Key words】Ulcerative colitis;Colonic motility;Colonic transit;Enteric nervous systemDOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.2096⁃367X.2019.03.016溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)是一种病因尚不清楚的慢性非特异性肠道炎性疾病,表现为腹痛、腹泻和黏液血便。
幅度相位误差纠正英语Amplitude and Phase Error Correction.Amplitude and phase error correction are crucial processes in various fields of engineering and science, particularly in signal processing, telecommunications, and electronics. These errors can arise due to various factors such as noise, distortion, and equipment limitations. Correcting these errors is essential to ensure accurate signal transmission and reliable system performance.Amplitude error correction involves adjusting the amplitude of a signal to its original or desired value. Amplitude errors can occur due to attenuation, gain variations, and nonlinearities in the signal path. To correct these errors, various techniques can be employed, such as gain adjustment, equalization, and amplitude compensation. Gain adjustment involves adjusting the amplifier gain to compensate for attenuation losses. Equalization techniques are used to correct frequency-dependent amplitude distortion by adjusting the signal's amplitude at different frequencies. Amplitude compensation techniques involve adjusting the signal amplitude to compensate for nonlinearities in the system.Phase error correction, on the other hand, involves adjusting the phase of a signal to align it with its original or desired phase. Phase errors can occur due to propagation delays, phase shifts introduced by components, and phase noise. To correct these errors, various phase correction techniques can be applied, such as phase alignment, phase compensation, and phase locking. Phase alignment techniques involve adjusting the phase of the signal to align it with a reference signal. Phase compensation techniques involve introducing an opposite phase shift to cancel out the phase error introduced by the system. Phase locking techniques involve using a phase-locked loop (PLL) or a frequency-locked loop (FLL) to maintain a constant phase relationship between two signals.Amplitude and phase error correction techniques are widely used in various applications, such as radar systems,satellite communications, audio processing, and image processing. In radar systems, amplitude and phasecorrection techniques are essential for accurate target detection and ranging. In satellite communications, these techniques are crucial for reliable signal transmission over long distances. In audio processing, amplitude and phase correction can improve sound quality by reducing distortion and noise. In image processing, these techniques can enhance image clarity and resolution by correcting distortions introduced during image acquisition or transmission.In conclusion, amplitude and phase error correction are fundamental processes in signal processing and system design. Correcting these errors is essential to ensure accurate signal transmission and reliable system performance. Various techniques and algorithms have been developed to address amplitude and phase errors, and their application depends on the specific application and system requirements. As technology continues to evolve, so will the methods and techniques used for amplitude and phaseerror correction, leading to more efficient and accurate systems in the future.。
专利名称:ACOUSTIC MEMBRANE OSCILLATOR发明人:CHARBONNEAUX, Marc,PERRICHON, Claude, Annie,PICCALUGA, Pierre申请号:FR1999000255申请日:19990205公开号:WO99/041942P1公开日:19990819专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:In the field of sound reproduction the movements of membranes have too high amplitude levels relative to the deformations of low amplitude levels propagated on the surfaces of materials of the objects which have emitted the original sounds. To remedy this, the method proposed by the invention is not concerned with higher sound efficiency, but it rather aims at exciting the particles of air by adding at least a membrane vibrating without emitting audible sound in the ambient medium. The method is characterised it that it uses low acoustic efficiency with high oscillating dissipation of low amplitude in the membrane material, and air, it is a physiological electro-acoustic transducer of air. An apparatus is produced characterised in that it has no magnet. Said physiological electro-acoustic transducer of air does not require yokes, membrane suspensions. The coil is electrically coupled to a sound reproducing system. The assembly is mounted fixed so as to vibrate freely on a support. Said method and apparatus are applicable in all types of sound, audio and audio-visual reproduction.申请人:CHARBONNEAUX, Marc,PERRICHON, Claude, Annie,PICCALUGA, Pierre地址:6, rue Dumange F-69004 Lyon FR,6, rue des Escoffiers F-38080 L'Isle d'Abeau FR,6, rue des Escoffiers F-38080 L'Isle d'Abeau FR国籍:FR,FR,FR代理机构:CHARBONNEAUX, Marc 更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Instruction manual.pdf_1693225695.0476854说明书
I. M EASUREMENT OF DC AND AC VOLTAGE AND CURRENT , MEASUREMENTUNCERTAINTY AND ERRORS.M ESUREMENT OF THE PARAMETERS OF DIODES ANDTRANSISTORSTheory:Theory of errors and uncertainty in the measurement. Uncertainty of type A ,type B and C. Definitions of the instrument precision by the producers. Principle of multimeters. Measurement of DC and AC voltage and current. Connection of the multimeter to the tested circuit. Measurement of the effective value of the voltage and current- definitions & principles. Measurement of the effective value alternating voltage/current with or without superimposed direct voltage/current. Shape coefficient, crest factor. Testing of diodes and transistors using the multimeter Principle of the digital frequency measurement. Exercises:1) Get acquainted with Agilent 33220A waveform generator. Set the appropriate load value according tothe resistor used (Utility > Output Setup> Load> 50Ω). ATTENTION: The generator output must be matched to the load impedance for all laboratory tasks.2) Set the generator for harmonic signal output of 2Vpp amplitude and 100 Hz frequency (setting of thegenerator, not measured value on the voltmeter). Connect the rectifier to loaded output according to the schematic. Measure the rectified voltage by available multimeters (using DC mode). Read at least10 measured values. Estimate measurement uncertainty of type A. Estimate the measurementuncertainty of type B based by parameters from datasheets. Determine overall uncertainty of your measurements (type).3) Generate a harmonic, rectangular, triangular, saw tooth and at least one of embedded arbitrarysignals with arbitrary amplitude from the range 1-5 V and frequency from the range 50-300 Hz with the offset equal to zero. Measure voltages for all shapes using both a TRMS voltmeter and simple multimeter with diode rectifier. Explain why the multimeter readings differ for every waveform and amplitude. Use a multimeter also for frequency measurement of every waveform.4) Repeat task 3 for harmonic, rectangular, triangular, saw-tooth waveform with DC offset set to 1V.Measure the output voltage of the generator by TRMS voltmeter in both AC and DC mode. What is the total dissipated power on the resistor load and what is the effective value of the voltage? Hint -Parceval´s theorem.5) Generate a harmonic signal with amplitude 1V and frequency of 5Hz. What is measured by themultimeter? Gradually adjust the frequency 10, 50, 200, 1k, 10k, 25k, 100k, 500kHz and 1MHz. What is measured by the multimeter? Try to explain the multimeter behavior.6) Set the generator for rectangular pulses of 100 Hz repeating frequency and pulse width of 100 s. Setthe low voltage level to 0V. The high level (pulse amplitude) set gradually to 0.02V, 0.2V, 2V. How does the measured rms value change for different peak values of the signal? What voltage value is shown by the multimeter? Is its variation consistent with the changes of the pulse amplitude?Compare your measurement results acquired with other types of multimeters.7) Repeat task 4 for AC and DC current through the load. How can you calculate total power dissipatedon the resistor load from the measured current and resistor’s value? Compare results with those of the task 4.8) Test available diodes using a multimeter and assess whether they passed. What does thismeasurement tell us about the measured diode? Measure also the Graetz bridge9) Measure PN junctions and h21E of available transistors in the active and inverse mode. Comparemeasured results with datasheet values.10) Switch the multimeter to frequency measurement mode. Set the generator to an arbitrary harmonicwaveform of frequency within kHz range. Gradually rise the amplitude from minimum up to 5V.Observe the measured frequency and determine an amplitude threshold, where multimeter starts to measure correctly. Try to explain the results and behavior of the multimerter in frequency measurement mode.Instruments‘ manuals:Multimeter UT 803Multimeter Agilent 34410AMultimeter Agilent 34405AMultimeter Metex 3640Multimeter METEX 3850DGenerator Agilent 33220AStudy materials:Agilent multimeter simulation installation filesWebsite simulating the function of selected instruments -。
考研英语作文中 表明 显示的高级表达
考研英语作文中表明显示的高级表达In the field of postgraduate entrance examination, especially in the English writing test, it is essential for candidates to express their ideas clearly and logically. As a result, advanced expressions for indicating or showing are crucial for enhancing the quality of the composition. In this article, we will discuss some high-level expressions that can be used in the context of showing or indicating in the writing of the postgraduate English examination.To begin with, one effective way to indicate or show a point is to use the phrase "it is evident that." This phrase emphasizes the clarity and obviousness of the point being made, making the argument more persuasive and convincing. For example, "It is evident that the rapid development of technology has greatly impacted people's daily lives."Another useful expression to show a relationship between two ideas is "this demonstrates that." This phrase is often used to illustrate a cause-and-effect relationship or to show evidence supporting a claim. For instance, "This demonstrates that environmental protection should be a top priority for governments around the world."Furthermore, the phrase "it is clear that" can also be employed to indicate a point in a straightforward and direct manner. This expression is useful for emphasizing the clarity and certainty of a statement. For example, "It is clear that education plays a crucial role in reducing poverty and inequality."Additionally, the use of the phrase "it is apparent that" can help to highlight the obviousness of a point or situation. This phrase is particularly effective when emphasizing the visibility or significance of a particular aspect. For instance, "It is apparent that social media has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other."Moreover, the expression "it is manifest that" can be utilized to emphasize the clarity and visibility of a concept or idea. This phrase is often used to highlight the obviousness or self-evident nature of a point. For example, "It is manifest that diversity in the workplace leads to greater innovation and productivity."In conclusion, the use of advanced expressions for indicating or showing in the context of postgraduate English writing is crucial for effectively conveying ideas and arguments. By incorporating phrases such as "it is evident that," "this demonstrates that," "it is clear that," "it is apparent that," and "it is manifest that," candidates can enhance the quality andpersuasiveness of their compositions. It is important for candidates to practice using these expressions in their writing in order to improve their overall performance in the English writing test of the postgraduate entrance examination.。
Байду номын сангаасBIAS
Rev.1.0, Apr 20, 2004, page 4 of 22
Block Diagram
16 18 19 Timing generator
31 16 18 19 19 42 OEB
Bias generator
44 45 43
32 34 33
Rev.1.0, Apr 20, 2004, page 5 of 22
Output latch circuit
Internal Functions
Functional Description • CDS input CCD low-frequency noise is suppressed by CDS (correlated double sampling). The signal level is clamped at 14 LSB to 76 LSB by resister during the OB period. *1 Gain can be adjusted using 8 bits of register (0.132 dB steps) within the range from –2.36 dB to 31.40 dB. *2 • ADC input The center level of the input signal is clamped at 512 LSB (Typ). Gain can be adjusted using 8 bits of register (0.01784 times steps) within the range from 0.57 times (–4.86 dB) to 5.14 times (14.22 dB). *1 • Automatic offset calibration of PGA and ADC • DC offset compensation feedback for CCD and CDS • Pre-blanking CDS input operation is protected by separating it from the large input signal. Digital output is set at clamp level by resister. • Digital output enable function Notes: 1. It is not covered by warranty when 14LSB settings 2. Full-scale digital output is defined as 0 dB (one time) when 1 V is input. Operating Description Figure 1 shows CDS/PGA + ADC function block.
高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析
No Signposts in the Sea一、In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men, Laura sits some way off with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures,①whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or②turns with a remark to one of her neighbors or takes a cigarette from her casewith those slender fingers(loose sentense松散句).I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shinyin the tropical heat; in the evening, she wears soft rich colors(metonymy借代), dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said. I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.PS:①soft:ADJ Something that is soft is very gentle and has no force. For example, a soft sound or voice is quiet and not harsh. A soft light or colour is pleasant to look at because it is not bright. (声音、光线或色彩) 柔和的;②rich:Rich smells are strong and very pleasant. Rich colours and sounds are deep and very pleasant. 浓郁的(气味); 浓厚的(色彩)因此soft和rich这里的修辞手法是:oxymoron n. (修词中的)矛盾修饰法在餐厅里我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。
通信专业英语-Lesson 6
The bandwidth (B) of an AM DSBFC wave is equal to the difference between the highest upper side frequency and the lowest side frequency, or two times the highest modulating signal frequency .
Q1: What is the purpose of modulation? Q2: What is modulation? Q3: What is demodulation? Q4: What is AM? Q5: What applications can the AM be used for? Q6: What is the construction of the AM modulator? Q7: What’s the definition of RF?
Lesson 6 Amplitude Modulation Transmission
6.1 Principles of Amplitude Modulation 6.2 Single-side Band Modulation 6.3 Generation of SSB Waves 6.4 Weaver SSB Frequency Shifting
This means that insofar as the transmission of information is concerned, only one sideband is necessary, and if the carrier and the other sidebands are suppressed at the transmitter, no information is lost.
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ORIGINAL ARTICLEIs high amplitude propagated contraction present after transanal endorectal pull-through for Hirschsprung’s disease?Miyuki Kohno ÆHiromichi Ikawa ÆKunio Konuma ÆHiroaki Masuyama ÆHironori Fukumoto ÆEri MorimuraPublished online:27July 2007ÓSpringer-Verlag 2007Abstract The transanal endorectal pull-through (TAEPT)procedure is now widely performed for Hirschsprung’s disease (HD),however,the colorectal function after TAEPT has not yet been adequately assessed.We evaluated the postoperative clinical outcome and colorectal function based on lower colonic manometry after TAEPT.Twenty-one cases of HD underwent TAEPT from 1998to 2005.We examined the clinical outcome based on the requirement of enemas/suppositories,the number of defecations per day,the severity of perianal erosion,and the incidence of enterocolitis requiring hospital ing a three-channel Dentsleeve catheter and UPS-2020measuring device,we performed postoperative colonic manometry at three loca-tions:(1)the anal canal,(2)5cm proximal to the anal canal,and (3)10cm proximal to the anal canal,during defecation,and then we measured the appearance of high-amplitude contraction (HAC)(duration ‡10s,amplitude ‡100cmH 2O).Four of 21cases were treated with enemas/sup-positories no longer than 1year.The number of defecations decreased gradually from 4to 5per day in the early post-operative period,reaching 2to 3per day about 1year postoperatively.Perianal erosion was noted in 3of 21cases but it disappeared within three postoperative years.Two cases had enterocolitis.Lower colon manometry was per-formed in eight cases.Manometry during defecation was successfully monitored in six cases.HAC occurred in five of six cases (83.3%).The clinical outcomes after TAEPT were satisfactory in almost all cases.These good outcomes werepossibly due to the occurrence of HAC during defecation,though HAC did not fill the definition of high amplitude propagated contractions (HAPCs).The occurrence of HAC after TAEPT might be caused by keeping any damage to the mesenteric ascending cholinergic nerve to a minimum during surgery.Further long-term observations are still re-quired to make an adequate assessment of such cases.Keywords Hirschsprung’s disease ÁTransanal endorctal pull-through ÁColonic manometryIntroductionThe one-stage transanal endorectal pull-through (TAEPT)procedure,which does not require either a laparotomy or laparoscopic assistance,has been recently advocated for the treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease (HD)[1].These methods are used because the procedures are less invasive,resulted in better esthetics and cause less postoperative pain and complications than a laparotomy.Short segment aganglionosis occurring distal to the sigmoid colon is a good indication for transanal endorectal pull-through without laparoscopic assistance or a laparotomy [2].The colorectal function after TAEPT,however,has not yet been adequately assessed for colorectal monometry during def-ecation,yet.The clinical outcomes and lower colon manometry during defecation after TAEPT of short seg-ment aganglionosis were investigated.Materials and methodsAt our institution,transanal Soave pull-through based on the prolapsing technique has been performed for theM.Kohno (&)ÁH.Ikawa ÁK.Konuma ÁH.Masuyama ÁH.Fukumoto ÁE.Morimura Department of Pediatric Surgery,Kanazawa Medical University,1-1Daigaku,Uchinada-machi,Kahoku-gun,Ishikawa 920-0293,Japan Surg Int (2007)23:981–986DOI 10.1007/s00383-007-1981-ztreatment of HD,since1998.The subjects consisted of21 cases(18boys and3girls)who underwent the TAEPT procedure for short-segment rectal or rectosigmoid agan-glionosis from1998to2005.HD was confirmed by a suction biopsy of the rectal mucosa in all patients.We investigated clinical outcome based on the require-ment of enemas/suppositories,the number of defecations per day,the severity of perianal erosion,and the incidence of enterocolitis requiring hospital stay.Follow-up infor-mation was obtained from outpatients visit notes and telephone interviews.Using a three-channel Dentsleeve catheter and UPS-2020measuring device,we performed postoperative co-lonic manometry at three locations:(1)the anal canal,(2) 5cm proximal to the anal canal,and(3)10cm proximal tothe anal canal,during defecation.All the measurements were performed without sedation.No drugs for inducing defecation were used during our measurements.The pat-terns of colon contractions during defecation were identi-fied by a qualitative analysis.High-amplitude contraction (HAC)was defined as contraction with amplitude of at least100cmH2O,lasting more than10s.ResultsThe median age at the time of surgery was2months (range,22days–9years),and seven patients were neo-nates.The median body weight at surgery was 5.1kg (range, 3.3–32.5kg).The median follow-up time after TAEPT in21cases was58months(range,13–84months). Enemas/suppositories were administered in four cases (19.0%)out of the21cases.Three of the four cases re-quired enemas/suppositories within1year.In the remain-ing one case,who had a Smad interacting protein1defect disease,enemas has been used one time per day for con-stipation up to the present,for3years after undergoing TAEPT.The number of defecations decreased gradually from4to5per day in the early postoperative period,while reaching2to3per day at about1year postoperatively (Fig.1).The frequency of defecation per day gradually declined with an elapse of a postoperative year.After one postoperative year,the frequency of defecation per day did not change greatly.Perianal erosion was noted in three out of21cases,but it disappeared within three postoperative years.Enterocolitis requiring hospital stay occurred in two cases.In addition,one case developed enterocolitis due to a rotavirus infection.Results of colonic manometry on defecationLower colon manometry was performed in eight cases (Table1).The median age at the time of manometry was 34months(range,26–52months).The median interval between TAEPT and manometric studies was31months (range,14–50months).The median anal resting pressure was29cmH2O(range,15–52.3cmH2O).Manometry during defecation was successfully monitored in six of eight cases.HAC during defecation occurred infive of six cases(83.3%)(Figs.2,3,4).In the remaining one case, moderate amplitude contraction occurred during defeca-tion.Even though a decrease in the anal pressure to below baseline was observed during the defecation in a few cases, none of them exhibited a normal anorectal reflex following rectal balloon inflation.DiscussionLaparoscopic radical surgery for HD[3–6]has been established as a form of minimally invasive surgery.Fur-thermore,for short segment aganglionosis,radical surgery by the transanal route alone without requiring any laparo-scopic assistance(TAEPT)[1]has been reported,and it has now become widely used because of its safety and less invasive nature.As for the defecation function after radical surgery with a conventional laparotomy,it has often been reported that the incidence of constipation or fecal incon-tinence is not always satisfactory[7–9].Conversely,it has often been reported that the defecation function after TA-EPT is good[10–13],and it was also generally observed not to be problematic in our study results.Regarding tests to verify the clinical evaluation,there have been some re-ports of studies with anorectal pressure such as the resting anal pressure and the anorectal reflex[12,14,15],but there have been very few reports regarding colonic motility during defecation.Therefore,in addition to the normal clinical evaluation after TAEPT,the manometryfindings of colonic motility during defecation were investigated.With TAEPT,it was feared that the enlargement and extension of the anal sphincter for transanal surgery could)91=n()81=n()12=n(11=n()31=n()51=n(damage defecation function,but recent reports have indi-cated that the resting anal sphincter pressure 1–2years after surgery does not differ from that of the laparotomy group [14],and that no physiological damage occurs [15].While the frequency of defecation increases in the early postop-erative period because of the effects of enlargement and extension of the anal sphincter,it is believed that the effects of enlargement and extension will gradually disappear [13].El-Sawaf et al.[16]reported that continence was unsatis-factory in the long-term outcomes of TAEPT compared to laparotomy,thus indicating that overstretching of the anal sphincter and mucosal sensory nerves damaged by anasto-mosis just above the dentate line could be the cause.We also experienced cases in which staining could sometimes be observed even when the frequency of defecation is 1–2per day,so further investigation,including an internal sphincter myotomy,is believed to be required.As one of the indications that the defecation function after TAEPT is good,we assume that the normal lower colon movement maintained during defecation may be involved,because HAC occurred in five of the six cases (83.3%)in which pressure during defecation could be measured.Successful defecation requires three actions:(1)stool moving into the rectum,(2)pelvic floor relaxation,and (3)an increase in intraabdominal pressure [17].High-amplitude propagated contractions (HAPCs)are the man-ometric equivalent of mass movements [18,19].HAPCs play an important role in defecation.HAPCs were defined as contraction with an amplitude of at least 60mmHg (=81.7cmH 2O),lasting more than 10s and propagating aborally across 30cm or more [17–19].Because our method of measurement is to measure a 15-cm-long range,it could not be determined whether it was propagated orally across a range of 30cm or more.However,since all theTable 1Lower colonic manometry on spontaneous defecation and the clinical outcome in eight cases No Age atmanometric study Age at TAEPT Anal resting pressure(cmH 20)Amplitude of contractions (cmH 20)Duration ofcontractions (s)Enemas/suppositories No.of defecations (per day)Perianal erosion Enterocolitis 1.4years 4months 4months 15.06726.0No 2.5No No 2.4years 3months 1months19.316111.0No 0.5No Yes 3.3years 7months 2years 5months 39.011610.0No 2.5No No 4.2years 11months 1months18.015117.0No 1.5No No 5.2years 9months 28days 46.3––No 4.0No No 6.2years 8months 2months 34.017613.2Yes 4.5Yes No 7.2years 6months 2months 24.015310.0No 3.5Yes No 8.2years 2months2months52.3––No1.0NoNoFig.2Lower colonicmanometry during defecation in case 2(4-years-3-month-old boy).High-amplitude contraction (HAC)is seenduring defecation,however,the anal pressure does not show relaxationfive cases of HAC were observed related to defecation [17],we believe that it is highly possible that it is the same as that for HAPCs.The presence of HAPCs is suggestive of a normal colonic function.HAPCs may be a manometric marker for colonic neuromuscular integrity [17].However,the coordination of anal function with HAPCs is still not completely understood.There have been very few reports in which the defecation function has been investigated after surgery for HD from colonic pressure motility,and all reports are related to investigation with laparotomy.Zaslavsky and Loening-Baucke [20]observed spontane-ous high amplitude contractions (‡50mmHg =68.1cmH 2O)at rest recorded in the rectum for 10of 28pa-tients (36%)but mentioned that the presence of propul-sive waves was not a prognostic indicator for achieving bowel control,because not all the clinical evaluations were good.Similarly,in rectal manometry,Keshtgar et al.[21]also mentioned that hyperperistaltic waves in the neorectum may have overcome anal sphincter resistance leading to fecal incontinence.Di Lorenzo et al.[22],and Martin et al.[23]mentioned that total colonic manometry can provide valuable information regarding the location and type of dysmotility and it can also be used to plan surgical intervention or assess the response to medical therapy.In particular,Di Lorenzo et al.[22]categorized four motility patterns from the colonic motility measure-ments of unsatisfactory,poor-outcome patients aftersur-Fig.3Lower colonicmanometry during defecation in case 3(3-year-7-month-old boy).HACs are seen during defecation andflatulationFig.4Lower colonicmanometry during defecation in case 7(2-year -6-month-old boy).HAC is seen during defecation,however,the anal pressure does not show relaxationgery for HD with conditions such as fecal incontinence or soiling,constipation,and abdominal pain,and mentioned that the group with abnormal colonic manometry, including the absence of HAPCs or persistent simulta-neous contractions over two or more recording sites,most likely had a neuropathic motility disorder proximal to the aganglionic colon.In addition,while there was a group with symptoms in the presence of normal HAPCs,in our cases of colonic motility in which HAPCs was observed during defecation,with the exception of one case of constipation,no symptoms such as soiling,abdominal pain,and vomiting were observed.The parasympathetic(cholinergic)nerves from the pelvic plexus ascend along the colonic wall as far as the splenicflexure and distal parts of the transverse colon. These nerves play an important role in the motility of the colon and defection.The occurrence of HAC after TA-EPT might be caused by keeping any damage to the mesenteric ascending cholinergic nerve to a minimum during surgery.The clinical outcomes after TAEPT were satisfactory in almost all cases.These good outcomes were possibly due to the occurrence of HAC during defecation.It is said that HAPCs are normally associated with the relaxation of the anal sphincter[24]and hyper-tensive anal sphincter is believed to be one of the causes of postoperative constipation[22].There has been some discussion as to the absence or presence of the anorectal reflex[20],but none of our patients exhibited a normal anorectal reflex following rectal balloon inflation.More-over,no anal sphincter relaxation was observed following HAC,in the cases in which HAC occurred.In the internal anal sphincter of HD,the inhibitory neural control by non-adrenergic,non-cholinergic inhibitory motor neurons is absent[25]and the innervation of the internal anal sphincter thus would not change after radical surgery for HD.Therefore,the normal anorectal reflex could not be present even after TAEPT.Further long-term observation is needed in order to make an adequate assessment.We believe that the accu-mulation of further results regarding colonic motility are thus needed to support the clinical evaluation of defecation after TAEPT.References1.De la Torre-Mondragon L,Ortega-Salgado JA(1998)Transanalendorectal pull-through for Hirschsprung’s disease.J Pediatr Surg 33:1283–12862.Albanese CT,Jennings RW,Smith B,Bratton B,Harrison MR(1999)Perineal one-stage pull-through for Hirschsprung’s dis-ease.J Pediatr Surg34:377–3803.Smith BM,Stein RB,Lobe TE(1994)Laparoscopic Duhamelpullthrough procedure for Hirschsprung’s disease in childhood.J Laparoendosc Surg4:273–2764.Georgeson KE,Fuenfer MM,Hardin WD(1995)Primary lapa-roscopic pull-through for Hirschsprung’s disease in infants and children.J Pediatr 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