Beyond graphene silicene and germanene novel two dimensional electronic



务 全球 研 发 总监 Ke i t h Wa t s o n说 : 进 可持续 发 展 的充分 肯定 。 ” 美 国 总 统 绿 色 化 学 挑 战 奖 是
陶氏化 学发 明了世 界上首个 由美 国环境保 护署下 属化学品安 “ E V O Q U E Z M预 复 合 聚合 物技 术 T 的开发 旨在通过 提高原料 的使用 部分取代涂料 配方 中钛 白粉 的中 全 和 污 染 预 防 办公 室 与美 国 化 学 效率及涂料使用性 能, 推动环境 的 空微珠颜料——R O P A Q u E T M 不透 学会绿 色化学研究所 和化 学界其 可持续发展 。6 0 年前 , 我们首次推 明聚合物 , 确立了其在油漆和涂料 他 成员 联合 发起 。 出了水性粘合剂技术 ; 这次所取得 行业遮盖技术领域的领先地位 。 如
o s t a r 生热塑性复合材料 ( 基于牡蛎壳填 r Eng i n e e r i n g Pl a s t i c s , WWW.
全 球 领 先 的特 种 化 学 品 制 造
低, 对机 械性 能 的影 响较小 。
料 )发展提供 至关重要 的阻燃保 e u r o s t a r 一 印. c o n)一 直 处 于 开 发 和 r “ 该 项 目成果 是 证 明在 阻燃 性 护。 商业化无卤阻燃复合物的前沿 。 该 要求 较高的高端应用领域 ( 如汽
项研究表明 ,使用科莱恩 E x o l i t  ̄ 能 耗 问题 。
授表示 , “ 除牡蛎壳 之外 , 我们还在
A P 无 卤阻燃剂可实现牡蛎壳增强 此外 , 该方法还能通过 回收利 积极地研究 阻燃剂在如 以亚麻等 型聚丙烯 ( P P ) 的高效阻燃 。 研究结 用减少垃圾填埋 。E x o l i t A P可有 植 物 为填 料 的聚合 物 中阻燃 效果 ,






尽管问题的最后解决是有几何分析的开创者Yau的弟子Schoen完成的,Thierry Aubin仍然是无法回避的一个。

Thierry Aubin (1942—)虽然称不上大家,但好歹也算是法国在世界上比较有名的几何分析学家,1990年当选法国科学院通讯院士。









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Isambard Kingdom Brunel 将其作为改造世界的宣言,并播下现代主义的种子。










有多少人能看出铝和钢的区别?木头之间明显不同,但有多少人能说出原因?塑料是混杂的;谁知道聚乙烯和聚丙烯的区别?最终,我进入牛津大学(Oxford University)材料科学系攻读学位,接着攻读喷气发动机合金博士学位,现在是伦敦大学学院(University College London)材料与社会教授和制造研究所(Institute of Making)主任。



recital superficial syndicated columns tabloid ticker top the list virulence wire services adversity arbitrary arthritis barricade bittersweet come to terms conserve contingent (up) on cost of Living debilitating defective deprivation desolation dignified diagnostic discrepant drastically eradicate euphemism excruciatingly existential folder fraudulent fulfilling funnel herein hearing aids housing humiliating impair inflationary inherently inhospitable superstitious tippet wring accelerator backboard blocks blueberry 使整洁 打听,窥探(常作贬义,口语化用 boulevard 词) bulge 勒死,掐死,限制,阻止 click 小事,琐事 cop 放松,松弛 crib (人)瘦长而结实的 dash 使羞愧,使窘迫 dent 理解;领悟 dopey 秘密的,暗地的,偷偷地 dribble 狡猾,狡诈的 droop 滑稽的 exhale (嗓音)颤抖,结结巴巴地说 feel like oneself 烦躁,坐立不安,惹人生厌 fender 烦躁的,不安的 flip 焦急,不安;心绪不宁 hot dog 短柄小斧 hot-shot 铰链 (美国历史上)移民到某地定居并 ignition 耕种政府分给的土地 ignition key 用打成花结连接 irk 孤单的,寂寞的,偏远的 jerk 衬裙 lettuce 用小布拼缝被子

二维材料 英语

二维材料 英语

二维材料英语Two-Dimensional Materials。


Two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted significant attention in recent years due to their unique properties and potential applications in various fields. These materials, consisting of a single layer of atoms or molecules, exhibit extraordinary mechanical, electrical, optical, and thermal properties. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of 2D materials and their promising future.Graphene。

Graphene, the first discovered 2D material, is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. It possesses exceptional electrical conductivity, mechanical strength, and thermal conductivity. Graphene's unique properties make it an ideal candidate for applications in electronics, energy storage, and composites. Researchers are actively exploring ways to scale up the production of graphene and integrate it into practical devices.Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs)。






尤其是狄拉克锥(Dirac cone)的存在赋予了石墨烯许多新奇的物理现象和电子性质,例如半整数、分数和分形量子霍尔效应,超高迁移率等。














硅版的石墨烯—硅烯 (Silicene)也具有狄拉克锥特征。

然而,人们发现由碳和硅交替混合形成的碳硅烯 (Silagraphene),是具有 3.8eV带隙的半导体。



Advances in Geosciences地球科学前沿, 2021, 11(4), 459-464Published Online April 2021 in Hans. /journal/aghttps:///10.12677/ag.2021.114040橄榄石的研究现状及其地质学意义张琦桂林理工大学地球科学学院,广西桂林收稿日期:2021年3月8日;录用日期:2021年4月16日;发布日期:2021年4月23日摘要橄榄石是一种镁铁硅酸盐矿物,是基性、超基性岩的主要造岩矿物。



关键词橄榄石,结构性质,分类方法,共生组合,地质学意义Research Status of Olivine and Its Geological SignificanceQi ZhangSchool of Earth Sciences, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin GuangxiReceived: Mar. 8th, 2021; accepted: Apr. 16th, 2021; published: Apr. 23rd, 2021AbstractOlivine is a kind of magnesium iron silicate mineral, which is the main rock-building mineral of basic and ultrabasic rocks. In this paper, a series of previous research results were summarized, and the research status of the discovery and naming, structure and properties, classification, sym-biotic combination and application of peridot were expounded. The crystal structure characteris-tics of olivine, such as granular structure and reactive edge structure, can obtain effective infor-mation about partial melting of mantle, early crystallization process of magma and metasomatism of mantle. The study of the phase transition process of peridotite is of great significance for un-张琦derstanding the causes of mantle discontinuity, material composition and evolution of the whole mantle, mantle convection, subduction plate deep-source earthquakes and other deep earth dy-namics problems. KeywordsOlivine, Structure Properties, Classification Method, Paragenetic Groups, Geological Significance Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言橄榄石是一种镁铁硅酸盐矿物,它广泛存在于各类岩石中,是基性、超基性岩的主要造岩矿物,也是地幔岩、石陨石的主要组成矿物。



乳液聚合胶束成核机理谁提出来的对应的英文文章乳液聚合胶束成核机理是由法国物理学家Jean-Pierre Chapel提出的。

该理论在1971年由他在《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》发表的一篇名为"Polymerization of Micelles: A Phenomenological Approach"的英文文章中详细阐述。

后附译文Introduction:Emulsion polymerization is a widely used technique for the synthesis of various polymers. The process involves the formation of polymer particles in a water-insoluble monomer phase dispersed in water through the use of surfactants and emulsifiers. The understanding of the nucleation mechanism in this process is crucial for optimizing the synthesis and controlling the particle size and morphology. In this regard, the groundbreaking work of Jean-Pierre Chapel on the mechanism of micelle nucleation in emulsion polymerization provides valuable insights and has been of significant interest to researchers.Brief Background:Emulsion polymerization involves the formation of micelles, which are colloidal aggregates of surfactant molecules, to stabilize the monomer droplets in water. These micelles act as the nucleation sites for the polymerization reaction. Jean-Pierre Chapel proposed a phenomenological approach to explain the micelle nucleation process in emulsion polymerization. His work focused on understandingthe role of surfactants and their interactions with the monomer molecules in the nucleation process.Chapel's Phenomenological Approach:Chapel's approach involved the use of classical thermodynamics to model the micelle nucleation mechanism in emulsion polymerization. He considered the system as a two-phase mixture of monomer droplets dispersed in water and the impact of surfactant molecules on the nucleation process. Chapel formulated his theory based on well-established thermodynamic principles and made a few key assumptions.Assumptions:1. The surfactant molecules are assumed to spontaneously adsorb at the monomer-water interface due to the hydrophobicity of the monomers.2. The adsorption of surfactant at the monomer-water interface leads to the formation of a monolayer around the monomer droplet, stabilizing it against coalescence.3. Polymerization occurs within the surfactant-stabilized monomer droplets.Theoretical Explanation:Chapel's phenomenological approach involved the use of classical nucleation theory and the Gibbs free energy change associated with micelle formation. He derived equations that describe the change in free energy due to the adsorption of surfactant molecules at the monomer-water interface, the deformation of the surfactant monolayer, and the formation of micelles. Chapel recognized that the monomer-water interfaceequilibrium must be considered in the calculations. His model allowed for the prediction of the critical micelle concentration (CMC) and the rate of polymerization based on the thermodynamic parameters of the system.Significance of Chapel's Work:Chapel's model provided a deeper understanding of the nucleation process in emulsion polymerization. His approach allowed for the prediction and control of the CMC, which is a critical parameter in determining the stability of the emulsion and the particle size distribution. Chapel's work also highlighted the importance of surfactant properties, such as hydrophobicity and molecule structure, in the nucleation and stabilization processes. This knowledge has been invaluable for the design and synthesis of emulsion polymerization systems with desired properties.Further Research and Applications:Since Chapel's seminal work, researchers have built upon his model and expanded the understanding of emulsion polymerization mechanisms. The development of more efficient and versatile surfactants, advancements in experimental techniques, and computational modeling have further enhanced the understanding of the nucleation process. This knowledge has led to the development of new emulsion polymerization techniques and the synthesis of polymers with tailored properties for a wide range of applications, including coatings, adhesives, and biomaterials.Conclusion:Jean-Pierre Chapel's phenomenological approach to understanding the micelle nucleation mechanism in emulsion polymerization has provided valuable insights into the roleof surfactants in this process. His work has laid the foundation for further research in the field and has contributed significantly to the design and synthesis of polymer particles with controlled properties. The understanding of the nucleation mechanism is crucial for optimizing emulsion polymerization processes and enables the production of polymers for diverse applications.乳液聚合胶束成核机理是由法国物理学家Jean-Pierre Chapel提出的.该理论在1971年由他在《胶体和界面科学杂志》发表的一篇名为“胶束聚合:现象学方法”的英文文章中详细阐述。

第6章 表面活性剂汇总

第6章 表面活性剂汇总

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表面张力 f = r×L×2 r—表面张力系数,r f 单位N·m-1。
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§ 6.2 表面活性与表面活性剂
某些物质能使溶剂的表面张力降低的性 质称为表面活性。具有表面活性的物质叫表 面活性物质。
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←↖↙↑↓↘↗→ 液相
结论:表面分子不稳定,它有向液体内部 迁移的趋势,即有缩小表面积的趋势。这 个力简称表面张力。ex:水珠、汞滴等。
表面张力的物理意义为:沿着与表面相 切的方向,垂直作用于液体表面上任一单位 长度的表面紧缩力,通常简称表面张力。
1. 米浆洗碗为什么很干净? 2.洗衣粉和肥皂能不能混合使用? 3.泡沫越多、温度越高洗衣服越干净吗? 4.洗发时洗发精用不用冲洗得很净? 5.牙膏可以去除强污垢吗? 6. 餐具洗涤剂有毒吗?
这就是表面活性剂,它广泛应用于工业、 农业、医药、建筑、化妆品等领域。美国是我国
冰淇淋是我们最喜爱的食物;有了洗涤 剂我们的生活才能如此美好。若没有表面活性 剂,这两样东西都不会有。这真是太可悲了。
但是,如果真的没有了表面活性剂,也 不会有人为没有冰淇淋和洗涤剂而哭泣。因为 没有表面活性剂,人也没有了。 ——英国著名界面化学家Ckint
§6.1 表面与表面张力


在复合材 料中的 比例为 O1 . %时 ,它几 乎是绝缘的,而当 比例达到 1 %时 ,就 变成 了良好的导体 。 研究人员认为 , 这种 以单壁纳米碳 层 为基础 的聚合 塑料也呈 现优异 的机
面纳米尺度 的精 细调控 ,同 时引入金
纳米粒子进 行 电化 学信 号放大 ,从而
产 生 的光信号输 出 能够 在产 品使用 的 寿 命期 限和工作温 度 范 围内维持稳 定
完整的色彩管理解决方案的公司 。 司 公 希望通 过将 传感器 和控制 器整合 在一 起, 将色彩管理 的优势扩展 到了更 多在
更小 的消 费电子产 品中使用 彩色 L D C 屏幕的领域 。”
读者服务卡编号 0 6 2口
可满足各种便携 式显示设备的 L D背 C
光需求 。 AD D. 2 J J 3是一款 为 R BL D背 8 G E 光系 统 的闭环 光学 反馈装 置而设 计的 整合 了R GB光传感器 的 C S混合信 MO
( DS , C ) 这一生物传感 器具有高灵敏度
和 高特异性 ,研 究水 平达 到国际先进 水 平,在生物 医学领 域显示 出广泛 的 应用前 景, 美 国化学会会 志》《AC 》 《 (J S )
号芯片 。 这款器件 同样拥有 多种增益控
制选择 , 采用一个可 以 自动选择最佳增
美 国西 北大 大小 写发现 新 型 碳 基复合材料
安华 高科 中国及 香港地 区总经 理 李艇先生表 示, 安华高科是 目前业 内唯
一 一
发生方式来提 高识别精确度 。
读者服 务卡编号 0 4 2口
家可为 L D背光提供整合 了R C GB
安华高科 为 L D背光推 出首 C 款整合 R B光传感器的色彩 G 控制器












l “Graphene”的发现史及简介1962年,Boehm等人在电镜上观察到了数层甚至单层石墨(氧化物)的存在,1975年van Bom-mel等人报道少层石墨片的外延生长研究,1999年德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的R Ruoff等人对用透明胶带从块体石墨剥离薄层石墨片的尝试进行相关报道。


石墨烯有着巨大的比表面积(2630 m2/g)、极高的杨氏模量(1.06 TPa)和断裂应力(~130GPa)、超高电导率(~106 S/cm)和热导率(5000W/m·K)。

石墨烯中的载流子迁移率远高于传统的硅材料,室温下载流子的本征迁移率高达200000 cm2/V.s),而典型的硅场效应晶体管的电子迁移率仅约1000 cm2/V.s。






按以上生产工艺流程,可以制造出厚度在3~6 mm之间的PVC涂层发泡材料。





参考文献:[1]华载文,王忠霞,尹哲.耐洗防酸防碱防水透湿涂层布的研制[J].纺织学报,1994,15(2):31-33.[2]张玉龙,任滨.塑料制品配方与制备手册[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2015:22.收稿日期:2019年5月谢志海:高倍率PVC涂层发泡材料生产工艺第6期Production Process of High-rate PVC-CoatedFoaming MaterialXIE ZhihaiAbstract:The preparation process of polyvinyl chloride(PVC)coated foaming materials is quite complicated,it has high requirements on formula,foaming temperature,and oven air volume.At present,there is no domestic manufacturer that can produce PVC-coated foaming materials with thickness of more than5mm.Through exploring and studying the foaming principle,paste formula of PVC-coated foaming material,coating process and application field of finished products,the PVC-coated foaming material with high foaming ratio(6to8times)was prepared to fill the gap of top products in this industry.Key words:Foaming principle;PVC-coated foaming materials;Production process陶氏百历摩生物基丙烯酸乳液斩获2019年荣格技术创新奖最近,陶氏公司旗下陶氏涂料材料业务部最新研制的百历摩生物基丙烯酸乳液荣膺“2019涂料行业-荣格技术创新奖”,这是陶氏连续第九年获此殊荣。

文献翻译-PC ASA-共混物的低温韧性具有改进性

文献翻译-PC ASA-共混物的低温韧性具有改进性

外文资料翻译PC/ASA-Blends with Improved Low Temperature ToughnessIntroductionFor many years, the automotive industry has been one of the application areas most open to innovations. Increasing demands in terms of environmental compatibility and thus lightweight construction for automobiles are the reasons for the ever-growing amount of plastics being used. In fact, plastics are even making inroads into the exterior car body parts that up to now has been the sole domain of the classic materials namely, steel and aluminium.During the last ten years, especially impact toughened PA/PPE- and PC/PBT-alloys were used as materials for fenders, bumpers or tailgates. These materials offer excellent impact strength, but suffer from their low dimensional stability.Blends based on amorphous components like PC and Styrenics offer a much higher dimensional stability as well as high toughness. They already have reached a sales volume of more than 300.000 t per year. In this paper we will discuss about the opportunities to use a new developed PC/ASA-blend as material for exterior car parts. Especially we will focus on the possibilities to improve the low temperature toughness of PC/ASA-blends.Experimental DetailsFor the preparation of the investigated materials the following raw materials were used:Polycarbonate (PC): Lexan 161 (General Electric Plastics)ASA- Rubber: PSAN-grafted Acrylate-Rubber with 65 wt.-% Rubber and a particle size of the grafted rubber particles (d50) of 510 nm.PSAN: Copolymer consisting of 80 wt.-% Styrene and 20 wt.-%AcrylonitrileSiloxane-Rubber: Metablen S 2001 (Elf-Atochem)HM-PMMA: PMMA with Mw=1800000 g/molThe blends were compounded using a twin screw extruder (ZSK 30, Werner & Pfleiderer).The samples for the mechanical testing were prepared by injection moulding according to ISO-standards. The materials temperature was 260°C, the mould temperature 80°C. The mechanical testing was performed according to ISO- and DIN-procedures:Charpy notched impact a k ISO 179 1eAPuncture Test Wt ISO 6603Melt volume index (260°C, 5kg) MVI ISO 1133Vicat B Vicat B DIN 53460The morphology of certain samples was investigated by transmission electron microscopy(TEM) using RuO4 as staining agent.DiscussionDimensional StabilityCompared to steel, thermoplastic materials suffer from a high coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE). Due to the fact, that the glass transition temperatures of some thermoplastic materials are in the area covered by the regular use- and paint conditions, the CTE of body panels made by thermoplastics show a significant temperature dependence. Although most of the materials have the same behaviour at room temperature , they behave quite different in the temperature range of the off-line painting procedure (80 –90°C). While the CTE of the completely amorphous material (PC/ASA-blend) is almost constant up to 100°C, the alloys containing semi-crystalline polymers show a significant increase of the CTE after passing the glasstransition temperature of their semi-crystalline component.Impact BehaviourAs previously mentioned, the impact at low temperatures (-30°C) is another point of interest for these applications. Due to the low glass transition temperature of the Polybutadiene-rubber, PC/ABS-blends offer a much higher toughness at low temperatures than PC/ASA-blends. As will be discussed later, Polybutadiene-rubbers on the other hand suffer from their limited thermal- and UV-resistance.In order to improve the low temperature impact toughness of PC/ASA-blends without loss of weather resistance, a part of the ASA-rubber was replaced by the commercially available Siloxane-rubber Metablen S 2001.With increasing content of Siloxane-rubber the notched impact at –30°C increases substantially whereas the melt flow index decreases. Due to the high rubber content of S 2001 the Vicat B-temperature decreases as well with increasing amount of S 2001 in the formulations .In order to achieve a substantial increase in low temperature toughness, 6 to 10 wt.-% of the Siloxane-modifier are necessary. This would lead to a significant increase in material costs. Therefore other alternatives to increase the toughness were evaluated.From the literature it was known, that PMMA can act as dispersant in PC/ABS-blends. Therefore the influence of high molecular PMMA (HM-PMMA) on the mechanical performance of PC/ASA-blends was studied .Already 1 wt.-% HM-PMMA gives a significant improvement of ak at –30°C. Larger amounts of HM-PMMA reduce the toughness at roomtemperature as well as the Vicat B temperature.The addition of HM-PMMA has a significant influence on the morphology of injection moulded samples. TEM-images of injection moulded samples without HM-PMMA have a anisotropic morphology with lamellar aggregates of ASA in the PC-matrix. The addition of HM-PMMA gives rise to a higher amount of spherical ASA-domains in the PC matrix, although also in this sample elongated ASA-domains are visible.Another approach to increase the toughness of PC/ASA-blends is to increase the amount of ASA-rubber in the system.This leads to a formulation with improved low temperature impact and good flow (Luran S KR 2868 C).Heat AgeingAs already mentioned Polybutadiene-based rubbers suffer from their limited thermal and UV-resistance.This can be demonstrated by annealing samples of PC/ASA and PC/ABS-blends at 90°C for several thousand hours. Even though PC/ABS-blends have a higher initial toughness in the puncture test as PC/ASA-blends, these materials lose their toughness due to the thermal degradation of the Polybutadiene-rubber. After 2500 hours PC/ABS-blends show a brittle fracture, with a low energy absorption in the puncture test, while PC/ASA-blends still behave ductile with a 90 %-retention of the initial energy absorption.UV-ResistanceAnother interesting feature of PC/ASA-blends is their excellent resistanceagainst UV-exposure. This property is another consequence of the Acrylate-rubber of the ASA component. As can be seen from figure 5, PC/ASA-blends with a white pigmentation and a clear coat painting show almost no colour shift (dE-value) during a period of 3000 h UV weathering whereas the colour of pigmented PBT/PC-blends changes significantly.This behaviour would allow the automotive industry to replace off line painted parts by pigmented and clear coat painted PC/ASA-parts in order to reduce system costs.Mechanical PropertiesA comparison of major mechanical properties between PC/ASA and PC/PBT or PA/PPE-alloys shows the superior performance of PC/ASA-blends . Compared to PA/PPE-alloys they offer a very low water absorption and a high E-modulus. Furthermore the room temperature impact toughness of PC/ASA is excellent and the impact strength at –30°C is in the same range compared to PA/PPE and PC/PBT-alloys.Compared to PC/PBT-blends, PC/ASA-blends show a higher HDT B-value, which is important during the paint procedure. The lower shrinkage of PC/ASA-blends compared to the blends with semi-crystalline polymers allows the preparation of large parts with better dimensional accuracy.ConclusionsPC/ASA-blends offer an interesting combination of mechanical properties and dimensional stability. Due to the stability of the Acrylate-rubber this material also features excellent heat and UV-resistance. The major drawback of this material, the limited low temperature impact toughness can be overcome by several measures. The new developed PC/ASA-grade Luran SKR 2868 C additionally offers improved low temperature impact. Therefore Luran S KR 2868 C has a high potential to replace PBT/PC and PA/PPE-alloys in exterior car part applications.PC / ASA-共混物的低温韧性具有改进性引言多年以来,汽车行业一直是最开放以及最有创新特性的应用领域之一。



贝伐珠单抗 单药
PD *
CP + 安慰剂 (Pl) 3周方案, n=138

安慰剂 单药
主要终点: PFS –通过与E4599研究的一致性,证实
次要终点:OS,ORR,疾病缓解时间,安全性,血浆生物标志物(VEGF-A, VEGFR-2) 探索性生物标志物:组织和血浆EGFR突变状态 分层因素:性别,吸烟状态,年龄
– 接受疾病进展后治疗的EGFR 突变阳性患者中, 26% B+CP组 及 35% Pl+CP组患者接受了EGFR TKI的治疗
数据截止时间 2014年4月30日
Caicun Zhou, et al. 2015 JCO.
B+CP (n=136) 54 (45.4–62.9)
• •
在中国人群中的疗效(HR临界 ≤0.83)
* 进展揭盲后,仅贝伐珠单抗组可选择使用贝伐珠单抗联合已被批准的二、三线治疗
PD = 疾病进展; R = 随机; ORR = 客观缓解率; HR = 风险比; VEGF-A = 血管上皮生长因子-A VEGFR-2 = 血管上皮生长因子受体-2; EGFR =表皮生长因子受体
ECOG PS = 东部肿瘤协作组行为状态
137 (99.3) 1 (0.7) 0 (0.0)
4 (2.9) 8 (5.8) 126 (91.3) 0 (0.0) 85 (61.6) 23 (27.1) 62 (72.9)
136 (98.6) 1 (0.7) 1 (0.7)
3 (2.2) 9 (6.5) 125 (90.6) 1 (0.7) 67 (48.6) 17 (25.4) 50 (74.6)


对这 些研 究成果 作 一 简要 综 述 , 以利今 后 的研 究发展 。
关 键词 :分析化 学 ; 丹 宁衍 生物 ; 绕 贵金属 ; 析测 定 ; 分 综述 ; 国 中
中图分 类 号 : 6 3 3 文 献标 识码 : 文 章编 号 :10 0 7 (0 0 0 0 6 0 4 .6 A 0 4~ 6 6 2 1 ) 4— 0 9—1 2
Absr c Th h d ni e d rv tv s,s n h sz d wih r o a n st e p r n ,a e a ki fv r a us t a t: e r o a n e ia ie y t e ie t h d ni e a h a e t r nd o e y fmo r a e t o h e emi ai n o r c o s me as e g n s fr t e d tr n t fp e iu tl .Th t dis o h s e g n s b g n i 5 n Ch n o e su e n t e e r a e t e a n 1 0 i i a, 9 a d f s rg e s h sbe n ma e sn e t e 1 8 .Th s p p rg v sa rv e o he r s a c c iv me t n a tp o r s a e d i c h 9 0s i a e ie e iw ft e e r h a h e e n s i od,sl e ,p ai u a d paldi m ee mi ai n wi h h d n n rv t e n Chia,i c u i g ngl i r ltn m n la u d t r n to t te r o a i e de a i si n v h i v n ldn



➢ 早在150年前,英国著名的物理学家 、化学家M.Faraday就在该领域做出 了突出贡献,他发现了胶体金的变色 现象。
➢ 近年来,人们越来越多的研究金纳米 粒子,发现其具有高电子密度、介电 特性和催化作用,能与多种生物大分 子结合等性质
➢ 其应用领域涉及光学探针、电化学探 针、组织修复、传感器、DNA、催化 剂、检测,葡萄糖传感器、药物传递 及表面增强拉曼散射等方面。
由于肿瘤组织中血管扭曲扩张、血流阻力大、血管感受 器不健全,对温度敏感性差,在高温作用下散热困难,热 量易聚焦,升温快,形成巨大的储热库,可与正常组 5~10℃的温差;而正常细胞可以长时间耐受42.5℃~ 43.5℃高热,从而杀死肿瘤细胞而正常细胞不受影响,不 会引起诸如骨髓抑制、脱发等不良反应。这是热疗有别于 化疗、放疗的独特之处。
➢ siRNA与金纳米粒子接合已被证明,可以保护这些核酸在细胞
金纳米粒子绑定雌性激素受体tamoxifen治疗乳腺癌, 效能(每药物分子) 增加了270%。
PT4+顺铂的前体药物(a) 连接到寡核苷酸化的金 纳米粒子和宫颈癌细胞 孵育6小时(b)和12小 时(细胞内微 管(绿色)和共定位 (黄色)与纳米粒子的 结合物显示出高效的传 递和核内体逃逸。

马永祥《化学专业英语》课文翻译 第14课

马永祥《化学专业英语》课文翻译 第14课

化学专业英语马永祥,兰州大学出版社课文翻译14. 含氧化合物醇和酚在醇的取代物和连结体的命名中,羟基作为主要基团,是通过后缀“醇”来表示,省略母体化合物名称末尾“e”(如果有的话),例如:甲醇,2-丙醇,三苯甲醇等。
















三种常见原生动物对褐潮藻种抑食金球藻(Aureococcus anophagefferens)的摄食

三种常见原生动物对褐潮藻种抑食金球藻(Aureococcus anophagefferens)的摄食

三种常见原生动物对褐潮藻种抑食金球藻(Aureococcusanophagefferens)的摄食陈瑶;杨茜露;何学佳【摘要】微型浮游动物在抑食金球藻(Aureococcus anophagefferens)引发褐潮时表现的摄食压力可潜在控制褐潮的爆发和消亡.本研究就三种海洋常见原生动物——海洋尖尾藻(Oxyrrhis marina)、海洋尾丝虫(Uronema marinum)和扇形游仆虫(Euplotes vannus)——对单种饵料及混合饵料中抑食金球藻中国株的摄食进行了研究.单种抑食金球藻指数期细胞喂食的三种原生动物的生长率和摄食率呈现米氏方程变化趋势.比较三种原生动物摄食抑食金球藻的最大摄食率,发现其随动物粒径的增大而增大,但仅为摄食球等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)的30%~59%.海洋尖尾藻和海洋尾丝虫的最大生长率(μmax)与饵料种类无关,扇形游仆虫摄食抑食金球藻时的μmax值小于摄食球等鞭金藻的个体.海洋尖尾藻、海洋尾丝虫和扇形游仆虫摄食抑食金球藻时的毛生长率(gross growth efficiency,GGE)分别为65.8%、35.2%和49.1%.三种原生动物摄食抑食金球藻指数期细胞和球等鞭金藻以不同比例混合的饵料时表现出对抑食金球藻的选择倾向;在含有抑食金球藻稳定期细胞的混合饵料喂食的情况下,三种原生动物避食抑食金球藻或不表现明显摄食倾向性.抑食金球藻释放胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substance,EPS)的测定结果显示,细胞从指数期生长至稳定期释放出的EPS的水平显著上升(P<0.05),可能与原生动物对不同生长期藻细胞具有不同选择偏好有关.【期刊名称】《热带海洋学报》【年(卷),期】2018(037)006【总页数】13页(P120-132)【关键词】褐潮;抑食金球藻;原生动物;摄食;EPS【作者】陈瑶;杨茜露;何学佳【作者单位】暨南大学赤潮与海洋生物学研究中心,水体富营养化与赤潮防治广东普通高校重点实验室,广东广州 510632;暨南大学赤潮与海洋生物学研究中心,水体富营养化与赤潮防治广东普通高校重点实验室,广东广州 510632;暨南大学赤潮与海洋生物学研究中心,水体富营养化与赤潮防治广东普通高校重点实验室,广东广州510632【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q178.53;Q958.12+2.2抑食金球藻(Aureococcus anophagefferens)是引发褐潮的主要原因种之一, 其引发的褐潮在美国和南非等地持续了20年之久(Bricelj et al, 1997; Probyn et al, 2001; Deonarine et al, 2006)。

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Abstract #3178, Honolulu PRiME 2012, © 2012 The Electrochemical Society
Beyond graphene: silicene and germanene novel two-
dimensional electronic materials
Guy Le Lay a, Andrea Resta a, Benedicte Ealet a Paola De
Padova b and Thomas Bruhn c and Patrick Vogt c
a Aix-Marseille University, CNRS-CINaM, Campus de
Luminy, Case 913, 13288, Marseille France.
b CNR-ISM, via Fosso del Cavaliere 100, Rome, Italy.
c Technische Universität Berlin, Hardenbergstrasse 36,
10623 Berlin, Germany.
Due to its unique physical properties graphene, a 2D
honeycomb arrangement of carbon atoms, has attracted
tremendous attention. Silicene and germanene, the
graphene equivalents for silicon and germanium, could
follow this trend, opening new perspectives for
applications, especially due to their compatibility with Si-
based electronics. Free standing silicene and germanene
have been theoretically predicted and are conjectured to
have a buckled honeycomb atomic arrangement of sp3/sp2
hybridized Si/Ge atoms [1]. Still, silicene and germanene
would share essentially the same electronic properties as
graphene, namely an electronic dispersion resembling that
of relativistic Dirac fermions at the K points of the
Brillouin-zone, the so-called Dirac points.
Recently we have succeeded in providing compelling
evidences of the first synthesis of epitaxial silicene on a
silver (111) template [2]. We have also started the quest
for germanene in a similar manner upon depositing
germanium onto a gold (111) substrate. STM observations
indicate the presence of large islands exhibiting a
honeycomb-like structure, hence the system appears
promising for the discovery of epitaxial germanene.
The demonstration that silicon can form sheets of
silicene, a two dimensional honeycomb low buckled
structure, which does not exist in Nature, is tantalizing for
new physics and potential applications.
Since, silicon can be considered the workhorse of
electronic industry, this synthesis should have a major
impact for novel electronic devices –possibly for more
than Moore- because of the compatibility with existing Si
technologies. Indeed, a key issue in this direction will be
the transfer on an insulating substrate, like, possibly AlN
Furthermore, silicene is predicted to have non-
trivial topological properties [4]. Hence, silicene could
offer the possibility, if interfaced with a s-wave
superconductor, for advances in the long quest for
Majorana fermions [5].
Finally, the epitaxial growth of silicene has
opened up the route to the synthesis of germanene, also
with nontrivial band topology and a gap induced by
effective spin orbit coupling for the π orbitals at the K
point in low-buckled geometry corresponding nearly to
room temperature [6].
[1] S. Cahangirov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 236804
[2] P. Vogt et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., in press
[3] M. Houssa et al. J. Electrochem. Soc. 158, H107
[4] [Cheng-Cheng Liu, Wanxiang Feng, and Yugui Yao,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 076802 (2011).
[5] Xiao-Liang Qi and Shou-Cheng Zhang, Rev. Mod.
Phys. 83, 1057 (2011).
Acknowledgements: support from FET-Open grant
number 270749 for the project “2D-NANOLATTICES"
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