signum_l-9517-9435(zh) 光栅

z 整体尺寸小, 截面宽,刚性好. z 滑动方向双层保护(四根密封条). z 读数头由塑料和金属制成. z 压铸件滑动块,带有安装螺纹孔. z 使用橡胶垫圈使得机械部件更好的固定.(在分离的情况下) z 加强线缆不需要外部接头(接头在滑座内部). z 混合线路由激光校准,信号高度稳定,(线性驱动的负信号)直接从滑座输出. z 高可靠高速度的零位参考信号. z 安装公差范围大. z 完全可分离,可以直接维护.
准确的安装情况下不会变形. z 光栅侧部固定.
z 长光栅的自校正压缩弹簧吸收了 AB 端长度的变化(, 壳体由于热膨胀效应引起变化,类似于制造机床的材料) 测量的基准温度为 20°C (68°F)
z 屏蔽线由不锈钢编制线制成,截面积单股 0.14mm2 或 0.22mm2 (可选),长度可超过 50-60m. z 橡胶垫用于光栅尺端部的保护. z 端头盒用于尺带的最后固定.
Sensors/Emitters 电源
相位差 线缆
GIVI SCR3923 信号:
Phototransistor / Led
cod. 05V
cod. 12V
典型 Typical
65mA (5V) 40mA (12V)
意大利 GIVI SCR 3923 封闭式钢带光栅尺
GIVI SCR 3923 技术特点:应用于 CNC 机床的测量系统
系统的高可靠性使它特别适合于安装在机床中,即使在恶劣的条件下也能保证正确工作。特制的 防护用来防止任何故障。免维护,少维修。
M-9414-9579-01-B RSLM高精度直线光栅 ATOM DX

安装指南M-9414-9579-01-B目录产品合规性 1存储与使用 2 ATOM DX系统安装概述 3RTLF钢带栅尺:安装图 4安装方式 5安装(仅限长度 <500 mm) 6应用(任意长度) 7基准夹具 8端部盖条 8取消选择参考零位 8RCLC玻璃直线硬栅尺:安装图 9安装 10系统连接:顶部出线型读数头 11读数头安装和调整:方法 12垫片组件 (A-9401-0050) 13仿真头 (A-9401-0072) 14精确支架和塞尺 15ATOM DX校准概述 16系统校准 17恢复出厂默认设置 17启用/禁用AGC 17读数头LED指示灯状态诊断 17故障排除 18ATOM DX线缆型读数头尺寸 20顶部出线型读数头尺寸 21读数头支架尺寸 22输出信号 23速度 24电气连接 25输出规格 26通用规格 27栅尺规格 27 RTLF钢带栅尺 27 RCLC玻璃直线硬栅尺 27C雷尼绍公司特此声明,ATOM DX 符合适用标准和法规。
欢迎访问以下网站,下载EU 符合声明副本:/productcompliance符合FCC 标准本设备符合FCC 规则第15款的规定。
操作须遵守以下两项条款:(1) 该设备不得造成有害干扰,而且 (2) 该设备必须接受所收到的任何干扰,包括那些可能导致意外操作的干扰。
本设备经测试符合FCC 规则第15款关于A 类数字设备的限制。
ATOM DX 顶部出线型读数头ATOM DX 顶部出线型读数头作为系统的组成部分,需要符合与最终产品相关的EMC 标准。

我们的目标是作中国色彩管理的领跑者!详情查看企业官方商铺 2、深圳市斯铭威科技有限公司主营产品:称重传感器,磁致伸缩位移传感器,直线位移传感器。
详情查看企业官方商铺 3、东莞市威尔安防科技有限公司主营产品:防盗系统,门禁系统,视频会议。
主要产品有:视频监控系统、防盗报警系统、公共广播系统、集团电话网络综合布线、电动门、停车管理系统、视频会议系统、LED 电子显示屏等。
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ErrataTitle & Document Type:Manual Part Number:Revision Date:HP References in this ManualThis manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett-Packard's former test and measurement, semiconductor products an d chemical analysisbusinesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. We have made no changes to thismanual copy. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is now the Agilent XXXX.For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A.About this ManualWe’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support yourproduct. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incomplete or contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a bettercopy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website.Support for Your ProductAgilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any other availableproduct information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website:Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guideyou to any available information. Our service centers may be able to perform calibrationif no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent is available.3562A Programming Manual03562-90031October 1985Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 。

RELM 高精度直线光栅重新定义了 光栅的性能,具有高速、可靠、非接触 的性能,它还具有 IN-TRAC ™内置刻划 光学零位等先进功能。
为何使用 RELM?
• IN-TRAC ™内置刻划光学零位具有双 向、可重复功能,甚至可以实现最高 速度(12.5 m/s)。
系 统 由 SR 读 数 头、Si 细 分 盒 和 • 动态信号控制确保了周期误差通常小
• 防护等级达 IP68
• 分辨率达 40 皮米
• 安装简单,“即装即用”
• 用户可选的配置
• 细分盒 / 接口和数字读数输出(DRO)
• 光栅尺安装器
• 专用安装选件和用户定制的解决方案
SiGNUM ™ RELM 高精度直线光栅
IN-TRAC ™参考零位以黑线的形式内置于增量光 栅尺中。此特性被光学滤波系统滤除,但被读数头内 一个分离的光电检测器检测到。通过光学感应和门控 电路产生参考零位信号,在各种速度下都具有双向可 重复性。与模拟通道有关的标定相位一安装即通过接 口内的逻辑自动执行,并提供全面的系统监控和安装
欢迎来到 Renishaw 光栅世界
Renishaw 提供品种繁多的紧凑型光
学式光栅及磁式编码器,能够满足工业 影响,Renishaw 在全球的 30 多个分支
自动化领域的不同需求。本产品样本详 机构备有库存,由于采用了灵活的制造
细介绍了多种高速直线光栅、高精度圆 技术,即使对于没有现货的产品也能迅

可使用特殊配方预涂不干胶和环氧胶粘合的“端压片”将栅 尺固定在轴基体上。这种安装方式可确保栅尺与基体之间的移动 差几乎为零,即使出现较大的温度波动也不受影响。
RGH22系列经验证可应对具有挑战性的工作。许多世界领先 的线性运动系统原始设备制造商 (OEM) 都安装了该系列光栅系 统,涉及的应用领域包括计量、电子、半导体和平板显示器制造 等。
RGH22读数头 • 开放式非接触光学系统 • 内置细分电路 • 行业标准数字和模拟信号选项 • 分辨率从5 µm至50 nm • 内置参考零位和限位传感器 • 集成LED安装指示灯
规格手册 L-9517-9742-01-A
雷尼绍RGH22系列是一种非接触式光栅系统,可 提供高度可靠的位置反馈。RGH22读数头配有可简化 安装过程的LED安装指示灯、抗污能力优异的独特光 学滤波系统,以及分辨率达50 nm的内置细分电路。
RGH22可提供经验证的可靠性、性能和价值,因此成为最常 用的光栅系统之一。
RGS20栅尺 • 应用灵活,可按需裁剪 • 长度从100 mm至50 m不等 • 保护膜或坚固的聚酯涂层选项,适用于
使用强溶剂的应用场合 • 安装快捷、精准 • 可粘贴在大多数常见的工程材料上 • 背面自带不干胶带 • 安装工具可利用轴运动安装栅尺
规格手册 RGH22光栅系统
间隙 0.8 ± 0.1
温度 湿度 防护等级 加速度 冲击 振动 质量 电缆 插头选项
Agilent SPME Fiber or Arrow Manual Injection Kit U

12345SPME Fiber or Arrow Manual Injection KitSPME manual samplingThe Agilent manual injection kit will allow the end user to extract samples using SPME fibers or Arrows. They can then inject the samples into a GC inlet.Manual SPME SamplingSPME fibers and Arrowsp/n 5191-58772PAL3 alignment ring (gray) for split/splitless (S/SL) inletManual injectionManual injection guidePAL3 alignment ring (Gray) for S/SL inlet (G7371-67001)The manual injection guide sits on thealignment ring for manual sample injection.3Methodology—manual samplingInstalling a PDMS SPME (100 μm) Arrow into the manual syringeLoosen the cap at the base of the syringe and remove it.Depress the black plunger completely.Screw the hub of an SPME fiber/Arrow into the bottom of the plunger at the end of thesyringe bodyRetract the black plunger and slide the cap over the SPME fiber/Arrow and tighten itonto the syringe.4The extraction guide has two positions where the syringe can be installed.The upper position is used for headspace extraction.The lower position is used for immersion extraction.Incorrect and correct position of the lower locking screw.Do not tighten the screw against the black plunger or you will not be able to move the SPME fiber/Arrow intoposition for sampling.Setting the locking screwsLarge inner diameter (id) locking screwSmall inner diameter (id) locking screwSlide the locking screws onto the syringe from the plunger side (the right side as shown above).• Install the large id locking screw onto the silver body of the syringe.• Install the small id locking screw onto the wider portion of the black plunger.•Tighten the locking screws until finger-tight. Do not overtighten, as they will be adjusted in later steps.5• Raise the syringe plunger to the fully extended position and insert the syringe and lower locking screw into the upper position of the extraction guide.•Lock the syringe into place by rotating it until the locking screw is positioned in the notch.• Adjust the syringe so that the SPME fiber/Arrow is protruding ~1 cm beyond the inner base of the extraction guide (A).• Tighten the lower locking screw securely.•The tip of the SPME fiber/Arrow will be recessed at least 1 mm in from the end ofthe extraction guide (B).A BSetting the locking screws for septum penetration depthPlace the extraction guide (with syringe in place) on a headspace sampling vial and loosen the upper locking screw.Adjust the SPME fiber/Arrow to the desired exposure depth by moving the black plunger.Choose a depth that ensures that the SPME fiber/Arrow will be in the gas phase.Once the SPME fiber/Arrow is at the proper depth, hold the plunger in place and slide the upper locking screw until it is flush against the top of the silver syringe body. Then tighten the upper locking screw securely.Setting the exposure depth for headspace extraction6Fine depth adjustment for direct immersion extractionAdjusting the injector penetration depthInsert the syringe into the lower position of the extraction guide.1. Manual SPME injection guide2. PAL3 alignment ring (gray) forS/SL inlet (G7371-67001)• Carefully insert the syringe into the injection guide.• Use caution to avoid damaging the SPME fiber/Arrow when threading it through the hole in the base of the injection guide.•Lock the syringe into place by rotating it until the locking screw is positioned in the notch.Penetrate a vial and fully expose the SPME fiber/Arrow within the vial.Adjust the lower locking screw and upper locking screw to obtain the desired exposure depth (to ensureimmersion in the sample liquid).127Setting injector penetration depthWith the appropriate GC-specific adaptor cup on the end of the injection guide, measure the distance from the tip of the SPME fiber/Arrow to the groove inside the adaptor cup.Adjust the desorption depth by screwing the body of the injection guide up or down (maximum depth = 67 mm).Twist the locking ring down until it locks on the body of the injection guide./chemDE.3985648148This information is subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2020 Printed in the USA, March 6, 2020 5994-1732ENInjection onto the GC inletRemove the adapter cup from the injection guide.The adapter cup is placed onto the GC inlet to guide the manual injection.Push the plunger down until the top locking screw is resting on the body of the syringe.The sample is then injected.。

2991 7092 20
3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33
查阅运行时间.......................................................................45 查阅电动机起动次数.................................................................46 查阅控制器运行时间.................................................................47 查阅加载时间.......................................................................47 查阅加载继电器.....................................................................47 查阅/复位保养定时器 ...............................................................48 在本地、远程或 LAN 控制之间进行选择................................................49 查阅/修改 CAN 地址控件.............................................................49 查阅/修改 IP、网关和子网掩码.......................................................51 查阅/修改压力带设置值..............................................................53 修改压力带选择.....................................................................54 查阅/修改保养定时器设置............................................................55 查阅/修改温度单位..................................................................55 查阅/修改压力单位..................................................................56 激活断电后自动重新起动功能.........................................................56 在星/三角起动或直接起动之间进行选择................................................56 查阅修改加载延迟时间...............................................................57 查阅修改最小停机时间...............................................................57 激活密码保护.......................................................................58 激活加载/卸载远程压力传感功能......................................................58 查阅/修改保护设置值................................................................59 测试屏幕...........................................................................60 WEB 服务器.........................................................................61 可设定的设置值.....................................................................70

雷尼绍圆光栅resa_l-9517-9399-01-D(en)L-9517-9399-01-DRESA is a one-piece stain l ess steel ring with a single track, true absolute scale marked di r ect l y onto the periphery.Read by Renishaw’s revolutionary new absolute ? ne pitch encoder sys t em,, it has high tol e r a nce to dirt,scratch e s and greasy ? n g erprints that can cause other en c od e r sys t ems to mis c ount.The RESA offers impressive accuracy with resolution to 0.00030 arc second, suiting the most demanding precision applications. The low pro? le RESA, with large internal di a m e t er, is easy to design into most in s tal l a t ions. Equally important, its low mass, low inertia design does not compromise system per f or m ance. RESA is available in a wide range of sizes and line counts, providing compatibility with industry standard controllers.System featuresCompatible with the revolutionary newtrue absolute encoder, ? Angular resolution to 0.00030 arc second ? System repeatability to 0.0075 arc second ? 36 000 rev/min maximum speed for all resolutions ? Patented taper mount sim p li ? es integration and minimises installation errors ? Large internal diameter for ease of integration ? Available in sizes from ?52 mm to ?550 mmCustom sizes also available Low mass and low inertia Ultra-low inertia versions also availableIntegral set-up LED on readhead for quick set-up and instant ‘health check’ at any time30 µm scale pitch ensures exceptional motion control performanceResolutions to 27 bit with FANUC or 32 bit with BiSSRESA absolute angle encoder± 0.2°NOTE: θ is the angle between one tapped hole and the adjacent clearance hole. For example, the angle between two clearance holes is 2θ.Sec t ion A-ADimensions and tolerances in mmDH 3.5Mounting holesθ30°30°30°30°20°15°15°15°11.25°11.25°10°*18°9°DH (mm)406590105140196219245290340390462520N666691212121616182020DO(mm)52.2052.1075.4075.30104.40104.20114.70114.50150.40150.20208.80208.40229.40229.00254.80254.40300.40300.20350.40350.20417.40417.00 489.12488.72550.20549.80Nominal external diameter (mm)DI(mm)30.0430.0055.0455.0080.0480.0095.0495.00130.04130.00186.05186.00209.05209.00235.06235.00280.06280.00330.06330.00380.10380.00 451.10450.90510.10510.005275104115150209229255300350417489550*NOTE: There are no tapped holes on the 489 mm ringNOTE: When using an RESOLUTE ETR the hub should be made of a material with a CTE of between 15 and 19 µm/m/°C. Contact your local Renishaw representative for more information.Dimensions and tolerances in mmNominal external diameter (mm)7510015020075.4075.30100.30100.20150.40150.20200.40200.2055.0455.0080.0480.00130.04130.00180.04180.00DO (mm)DH (mm)DI (mm)Nθ61861361866691230°30°20°15°NOTE: θ is the angle between one tapped hole and the adjacent clearance hole. For example, the angle between two clearance holes is 2θ. Sec tion A-AFor further information on installation and mounting options, please refer to the RESOLUTE RESA Installation guide(M-9553-9140) which is available from your local representative, or can be downloaded from:/doc/16ee2628d15abe23492f4d5a.htmlMounting methodsRing rotation to give increasing countNOTE: When using an RESOLUTE ETR the hub should be made of a material with a CTE of between 15 and 19 µm/m/°C. Contact your local Renishaw representative for more information.installation drawing (on RESA ring)Dimensions and tolerances in mmd e d r e d >R 20 D y n >R 10 S t a t i ? 4.7 ±0.2e(O f f s e t N O T E : R o l l t o l e r a n c e a p p l i e s o v e r m o u n t i n g f a c e s d i m e n s i o n *S c a l e c e n t r e l i n ‘F o r w a r d ’ i r r e s F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n i n s t a l l a t i o n a n d m o u n t i n g o p t i o n s p l e a s e r e f e r t o t h e R E S O L U T E R E S A I n s t a l l a t i o n g u i d e (M -9553-9140). T h i s c a n b e d o w n l o a d e d f r o m o u r w e b s i t e w w w .r e n i s h a w .c o m /e n c o d e r o r c o n t a c t y o u r l o c a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e .R e c o m m e n d e d t h r e a d e n g a g e m e n t 5 m i n (8 m m i n c l u d i n g c o u n t e r b o r e ). R e c o m m e n d e d t i g h t e n i n g t o r q u e 0.5 t o 1.0 N m .Operating speci? cationsMaterial303/304 stainless steel Coef? cient of expansion 17 µm/m/°C (ppm/°C)Temperature Storage standard RESOLUTE: +80 °C to -20 °C ETR: +80 °C to -40 °COperating standard RESOLUTE: +80 °C to 0 °CETR: +80 °C to -40 °C Nominal external diameter (mm)Nominal internal diameter (mm)Mass (kg)Moment of inertia (kgmm 2)52300.1–47–75550.150.0716********–0.1–200104800.25–550–115950.25–640–200180–0.2–1 8001501300.30.151 600720‘A’ section ‘B’ section ‘A’section ‘B’ section2091860.5–4 900–Nominal external diameter (mm)Nominal internal diameter (mm)Mass (kg)Moment of inertia (kgmm 2)‘A’ section ‘B’ section ‘A’ section ‘B’ section2292090.5–5 900–2552350.55–8 000–3002800.65–14 000–3503300.75–22 000–4173801.76–70 000–4894512.12–120 000–5505102.67–188 000–System accuracy is graduation accuracy plus SDE. Effects such as eccentricity in? uence installed accuracy;for application advice, please contact your local representative.Caution: Very high speed motion axes require additional design consideration. For applications that will exceed 50% of the rated maximum reading speed of the ring, please contact Renishaw for further advice .Speed and accuracyResolutionRESOLUTE is available with a variety of resolutions, to meet the needs of a wide range of applications.The choice of resolutions depends on the serial protocol being used, but there are no limitations due to ring size, eg, FANUC 27 bit resolution is available on all ring sizes.BiSS RESOLUTE resolution options:18 bit (262 144 counts per revolution, ≈ 4.94 arc second)26 bit (67 108 864 counts per revolution, ≈ 0.019 arc second)32 bit (4 294 967 296 counts per revolution, ≈ 0.00030 arc second)Note that 32 bit resolution is below the noise ? oor of the RESOLUTE encoder. FANUC RESOLUTE resolution options:23 bit (8 388 608 counts per revolution, ≈ 0.15 arc second)27 bit (134 217 728 counts per revolution, ≈ 0.0097 arc second)For resolution options on other protocols, please contact Renishaw.Nominal externaldiameter (mm)Maximum reading speed (rev/min)System accuracy (arc second)527510010411515020020922925530035041748955036 00025 00019 00018 00016 50012 0009 5009 0008 3007 4006 3005 4004 5003 9003 400±5.49±3.82±2.86±2.69±2.44±1.91±1.43±1.4±1.27±1.11±0.95±0.82±0.68±0.59±0.52Scale codeB - Standard Diameter052 - 52 mm 075 - 75 mm100 - 100 mm (‘B’ section only)104 - 104 mm 115 - 115 mm 150 - 150 mm200 - 200 mm (‘B’ section only)209 - 209 mm 229 - 229 mm 255 - 255 mm 300 - 300 mm 350 - 350 mm 417 - 417 mm 489 - 489 mm 550 - 550 mm FormA - tapered internal diameterB - low inertia (only available in 75, 100, 150 and 200 mm diameters)MaterialS - stainless steelPitch30U - 30 µmAbsolute angle encoder seriesRenishaw plcNew Mills, Wotton-under-Edge,Gloucestershire GL12 8JR United KingdomT +44 (0)1453 524524F +44 (0)1453 524901E uk@/doc/16ee2628d15abe23492f4d5a.html/doc/16ee2628d15abe23492f4d5a.html*L-9517-9399-01*For worldwide contact details, please visit ourmain website at /doc/16ee2628d15abe23492f4d5a.html /contactRENISHAW HAS MADE CONSIDERABLE EFFORTS TO ENSURE THE CONTENT OF THIS DOCUMENT IS CORRECT A T THE DA TE OF PUBLICA TION BUT MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENT ATIONS REGARDING THE CONTENT . RENISHAW EXCLUDES LIABILITY , HOWSOEVER ARISING, FOR ANY INACCURACIES IN THIS DOCUMENT .RENISHAW ? and the probe emblem used in the RENISHAW logo are registered trademarks of Renishaw plc in the UK and other countries. apply innovation is a trademark of Renishaw plc.? 2009-2011 Renishaw plc All rights reserved Issued 1211Angle encoder part numbersRESA 30U S A 300 BRESA compatible readheadsRESAInstallation guide M-9553-9140 Data sheet FANUC L-9517-9442 BiSS L-9517-9448 Mitsubishi L-9517-9454ETRL-9517-9420。
AES 1235 品牌 BNS 产品名称 磁性安全传感器 型号 101170049说明书

DATASHEETDataOrdering dataNote (Delivery capacity)Phased-out product Product type description AES 1235101170049Article number (ordernumber)EAN (European Article4030661297118 Number)27-37-18-19eCl@ss number, version12.027-37-18-19eCl@ss number, version11.027-37-18-19eCl@ss number, version9.0EC001449ETIM number, version7.0EC001449ETIM number, version6.0Available until31.12.2023Approvals - StandardsCertificates BGcULusGeneral dataStandards BG-GS-ET-14BG-GS-ET-20EN IEC 62061EN ISO 13849-1EN IEC 60947-5-1EN IEC 60947-5-3EN IEC 60947-5-5EN IEC 60204-1EN IEC 60947-1Climatic stress EN 60068-2-3BG-GS-ET-14Enclosure material Glass-fibre reinforced thermoplastic, ventilated Gross weight240 gGeneral data - FeaturesStop-Category0Wire breakageYesdetectionCross-circuit detection YesFeedback circuit YesYesAutomatic resetfunctionReset afterYesdisconnection of supplyvoltageEarth connectionYesdetectionYesIntegral systemdiagnostics, statusNumber of LEDs12Number of normallyclosed (NC)1Number of normallyopen (NO)Number of undelayed2semi-conductor outputswith signaling functionNumber of safety2contactsNumber of signalling2outputsSafety classificationStandards EN ISO 13849-1EN IEC 61508Safety classification - Relay outputsdPerformance Level, uptoCategory3PFH value 1.00 x 10⁻⁷ /hNotice for max. 50,000 switching cycles/year and max. 80% contact load2Safety Integrity Level(SIL), suitable forapplications inMission time20 Year(s)Mechanical data20,000,000 OperationsMechanical life,minimumMounting Snaps onto standard DIN rail to EN 60715Mechanical data - Connection techniqueTerminal designations IEC/EN 60947-1Termination rigid or flexibleScrew terminals M20 x 1.5Cable section, minimum0.25 mm²2.5 mm²Cable section,maximumTightening torque of0.6 NmClipsMechanical data - DimensionsWidth22.5 mmHeight100 mmDepth121 mmAmbient conditionsDegree of protection ofIP40the enclosureDegree of protection ofIP54the mounting spaceDegree of protection ofIP20clips or terminalsAmbient temperature+0 ... +55 °CStorage and transport-25 °Ctemperature, minimumStorage and transport+70 °Ctemperature, maximumResistance to vibrations10...55 Hz, Amplitude 0.35 mm, ± 15 % Restistance to shock30 g / 11 msAmbient conditions - Insulation valuesRated impulse4 kVwithstand voltage UimpOvervoltage category IIIDegree of pollution2Electrical dataFrequency range50 Hz60 HzOperating voltage24 VAC -15 % / +10 %24 VDC -10 % / +20 %Ripple voltage10 %Thermal test current 6 ARated operating voltage24 VACRated operating voltage24 VDC20.4 VACRated AC voltage forcontrols, 50 Hz,minimum26.4 VACRated control voltage atAC 50 Hz, maximum20.4 VACRated AC voltage forcontrols, 60 Hz,minimum26.4 VACRated control voltage atAC 60 Hz, maximum20.4 VDCRated AC voltage forcontrols at DC minimumRated control voltage at28.8 VDCDC, maximum5 WElectrical powerconsumption0.1 ΩContact resistance,maximumin new stateNote (Contactresistance)Drop-out delay in case80 msof power failure,typically20 msDrop-out delay in caseof emergency, typically100 msPull-in delay atautomatic start,maximum, typically20 msPull-in delay at RESET,typicallyMaterial of the contacts,Ag-Ni 10 and 0.2 µm gold-plated electricalElectrical data - Safe relay outputsVoltage, Utilisation230 VACcategory AC-156 ACurrent, Utilisationcategory AC-15Voltage, Utilisation24 VDCcategory DC-136 ACurrent, Utilisationcategory DC-13Switching capacity,10 VDCminimum10 mASwitching capacity,minimum250 VACSwitching capacity,maximum8 ASwitching capacity,maximumElectrical data - Digital inputs10 … 30 VDCInput signal, HIGHSignal "1"0 … 2 VDCInput signal, LOW Signal"0"40 ΩConduction resistance,maximumElectrical data - Digital OutputVoltage, Utilisation24 VDCcategory DC-120.1 ACurrent, Utilisationcategory DC-12Electrical data - Relay outputs (auxiliary contacts) Switching capacity,24 VDCmaximumSwitching capacity,2 AmaximumElectrical data - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)EMC rating EMC-DirectiveIntegral system diagnosis (ISD)Note (ISD -Faults)The following faults are registered by the safety monitoring modules and indicated by ISD.Faults Failure of the safety relay to pull-in or drop-outFailure of door contacts to open or closeCross-wire or short-circuit monitoring of the switch connectionsInterruption of the switch connectionsFault on the input circuits or the relay control circuits of the safety monitoring moduleOther dataNote (applications)Safety sensorGuard systemNoteNote (General)Inductive loads (e.g. contactors, relays, etc.) are to be suppressed by means of asuitable circuit.Wiring exampleNote (Wiring diagram)The wiring diagram is shown with guard doors closed and in de-energised condition.To secure a guard door up to PL d and Category 3Monitoring 1 guard door(s), each with a magnetic safety sensor of the BNS rangeThe ISD tables (Intergral System Diagnostics) for analysis of the fault indications andtheir causes are shown in the appendix.Expansion of enable delay time: The enable delay time can be increased from 0.1 s to1 s by changing the position of a jumper link connection under the cover of the unit.The feedback circuit monitors the position of the contactors K3 and K4.Start push button: A start push button (NO) can optionally be connected into thefeedback circuit. With the guard door closed, the enabling paths are then not closeduntil the start push button has been operated.If only one external relay or contactor is used to switch the load, the system can beclassified in Control Category 3 to ISO 13849-1, if exclusion of the fault “Failure of theexternal contactor” can be substantiated and is documented, e.g. by using a reliabledown-rated contactor. A second contactor leads to an increase in the level of securityby redundant switching to switch the load off.If neither start button nor feedback circuit are connected, a jumper connection must bemounted between X1 and A1.Modification for 2 NC contacts: The safety monitoring module can be modified tomonitor two NC contacts by bridging the terminals A1 and X2. In this configuration, theshort-circuit detection becomes inoperative.Ordering codeProduct type description:AES 123(1)(1)56without start-up test6with start-up testDocumentsOperating instructions and Declaration of conformityAES 1235 / AES 1236(245.3 kB, 10.05.2019, Revision D)BG-test certificateAES and BNS - BG-GS-ET-14 - AES 1135 / AES 1136 / AES 1145 / AES 1146 / AES 1155 / AES 1156 / AES 1165 / AES 1166 / AES 1175 / AES 1176 / AES 1235 / AES 1236 / AES 1265 / AES 1266 / AES 1185(1.4 MB, 10.05.2019, Revision F)BG-test certificateAES - BG-GS-ET-20 - AES 1135 / AES 1136 / AES 1145 / AES 1146 / AES 1155 / AES 1156 / AES 1165 / AES 1166 / AES 1175 / AES 1176 / AES 1235 / AES 1236 / AES 1265 / AES 1266(738.9 kB, 10.05.2019, Revision D)UL CertificateAES / FWS / BNS / BN(415.3 kB, 01.08.2019)Wiring example (electr. wiring)AES 123x(19.6 kB, 10.05.2019)Wiring example (electr. wiring)AES 123x(19.7 kB, 10.05.2019)InfoAES 1135 / AES 1136 / AES 1165 / AES 1166 / AES 1185 / AES 1235 / AES 1236(34.3 kB, 30.06.2021)SISTEMA-VDMA library(659.5 kB, 23.03.2023)PicturesProduct picture (catalogue individual photo)ID: kaes1f09| 711.0 kB | .jpg | 265.642 x 529.167 mm - 753 x 1500 px - 72 dpi| 84.7 kB | .png | 74.083 x 147.461 mm - 210 x 418 px - 72 dpiWiring exampleID: maes1l11| 34.0 kB | .cdr || 143.8 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 408.517 mm - 1000 x 1158 px - 72 dpiWiring exampleID: kaes1l41| 34.1 kB | .cdr || 139.5 kB | .jpg | 352.425 x 396.875 mm - 999 x 1125 px - 72 dpiK.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG, Möddinghofe 30, 42279 WuppertalThe details and data referred to have been carefully checked. Images may diverge from original. Further technical data can be found in the manual. Technical amendments and errors possible.Generated on: 27/07/2023, 01:44。

953Mobile Equipment and Stationary Processing Systems demand absolute accuracy and reliability in linear position feedback . . . Regardless.Innovation, proprietary technology and decades ofexperience were the key to the development of our 953 VMAX Linear Displacement Transducer.We know the manufacturing challenges of today are extreme, so we designed and built a sensor to meet and exceed these demands, regardless of the application or environment.Introducing the 953 VMAX LDT features:• High Vibration Resistance to 30 Gs (lab tested)• High Shock Resistance to 1000 Gs (lab tested)• Wide Input Power Range of 7 to 30 VDC (no need to specify different models)• High Accuracy with High Resolution• Applications Include All Mobile/Stationary Equipment, or Both with the Same Sensor • Sensor Lengths up to 300”• Durability and Reliability Exceeds Competitive Offerings • Tri-Color Diagnostic LED Indicator• Gives Quick Indication on the Status of the LDT• Very Low Power Consumption, 1 Watt Typical, Allows Direct Connection to Display and Control Interface Modules• Removable Cartridge for Hydraulic Applications • Digital Output, Start/Stop, Variable Pulse (PWM), Control Pulse• SSI (Synchronous Serial Interface), 24, 25 or 26 Bit, Binary or Gray Code, Position Update• Analog Output, 0-10 VDC, +/-10 VDC, 0-5 VDC, +/-5 VDC, 4-20mA • Contaminant Resistant • IP68 Rated• Optional Stainless Steel Cover and Connector • Multi-Magnet Option (Digital Start/Stop only)Applications IncludeAbsolute linear position feedback for equipment and process automation in extreme applications.Process Automation• Steel Mills, Primary and Secondary Metals Processing that includes Stamping, Roll Forming and Die-Casting • Hydraulic & Pneumatic Cylinders• Adaptive Housing Options to Withstand Extreme Temperatures and Contaminants (Gemco 950MD units)Mobile Equipment• Lumber and Forest Products Processing • Refuse Collection, Vehicles, Recycling and Compaction • Off RoadStationary Machines• Sawmill, Plastic, Rubber, Injection Molding, Extrusion Equipment, Material Handling, Nonwoven, Dancers and AccumulatorsRemovable Cartridge953SSI (Synchronous Serial Interface)Displacement value is encoded into a 24, 25 or 26 Bit format and transmitted at high speeds. Synchronization in a closed loop system is made easy. A clock pulse train from a controller is used to gate out sensor data: one bit of position data is transmitted to the controller per one clock pulse received by the sensor. The absolute position data is continually updated by the sensor and converted by the shift register into serial information. The sensors fulfi ll all requirements to the SSI standard for absolute encoders.S Connector Style 5 or 6 Pin Micro, 12mm EuroM Connector Style 6 Pin DIN, Fits MTS D607 Pin DIN, Fits MTS D70 (for SSI only)B Connector Style 8 Pin DIN, Fits Balluff S32C Connector StyleIntegral Cable AssemblyStainless Steel Cover and Connector953Analog Part NumberingSSI Part Numbering953Digital, VP (PWM) Part NumberingDigital, CP and RS Part Numbering953953Standard 4 Hole MagnetStandard P/N: SD0400800Stainless Steel P/N: SD0480900。

LED“最佳”状态指示灯在内的内置安 指示。
装状态指示灯和 SiGNUM ™软件使系统
SiGNUM ™ RELM 技术资料
SiGNUM ™ RELM 技术资料
RELM 因钢栅尺
SiGNUM ™ RELM 系统由 SiGNUM ™ SR 读数头、Si 细分盒和 RELM 栅尺组成。
流的精度、重复精度、可靠性和速度, 标时,许多人寻求位置反馈系统来提供
您可以依靠 RELM 为您的机器提供优势。 更强大的性能。焊线机要求低 CTE、重
复 精 度 和 速 度 — 这 只 是 SiGNUM ™
RELM 众多优异性能中的三个。
光栅、坚固耐用的磁旋转编码器以及一 速地制造并发货。
Renishaw 光 栅 测 量 系 统 应 用 于 工
Renishaw 的光栅系统基于创新的非 业自动化的所有领域,如半导体、电子、
接触式光学结构。这种设计在实现零机 医 疗、 扫 描、 印 刷、 科 研、 空 间 测 量、
械滞后和精确测量的同时,还具有极强 影像和专用机床等,其中包括精密测量
师提供了高性能和使用便利的完美平衡, 自动光学检测系统 (AOI) 在此过程中扮
其许多应用以前只能靠易损的小栅距光 演着重要角色,要求高性能的直线光栅
的高精度光栅尺对许多高性能的光学检 测机器来说都非常重要。

材料 尺寸 栅距 基准固定 参考零位
精度(20 °C时) 热膨胀系数 长度 (mm)
钠钙玻璃 1.1 mm x 6.35 mm (H x W)(包括不干胶带) 20 µm和40 µm 栅尺的一侧涂抹粘合剂 (A-9531-0342) 自动调相光学参考零位的重复精度在整个指定速度和温度范围内均可达到单位分辨率 在行程中间或一端,由读数头的方向确定 ±3 µm ~8 µm/m/°C
ATOM是使用雷尼绍TONiC系列光栅的独特 光学滤波系统的微型化版本。
这一光学系统设计可以产生特定的空间频 率,因此可以过滤其他谐波信号,包括由灰尘或 其他污染物导致的谐波信号。
结果便是利萨如 (Lissajous) 圆具有极高的纯度,即 使栅尺暴露在污染物之中,也可以维持其保真度:适合用 于可靠性至关重要的场合。
规格手册 ATOM光栅系统
端部参考零位 读数头方向
1.42 ±0.25 5
40 µm型 (扭摆公差±1°)
20 µm型 (扭摆公差±0.5°)
中间参考零位 读数头方向
栅尺 基准边缘
参考零位 粘贴式基准夹具 (长度8 - 16,宽度1 - 5)
材料 尺寸 栅距 基准固定 参考零位
精度(20 °C时)
热膨胀系数 长度
0.41 mm x 8 mm (H x W)(包括不干胶带)

* 可应要求提供60 bar / 870 psi版本。
额定转速 • 50 Hz: 2870 min-1 • 60 Hz: 3450 min-1
声压等级 • BM 4"和6"增压模块的声压水平低于70 dB(A)。 • BM 8"增压模块的声压水平低于80 dB(A)。 同时参见第11页的章节运行限制。
750 1000
60 Hz
BM 8"
60 250
80 100 500
150 200
300 400
Q [m³/h]
750 1000
BMhp 17 BMhp 30 BMhp 46 BMhp 60 BMhp 77 BMhp 95 BMhp 125 BMhp 160 BMhp 215
BM 4"
6 8 10
7.5 10
60 Hz
BM 6"
BM 8"
20 75 100
40 60 80 100
Q [m³/h]
500 750 1000
TM01 1232 3712
图 2 性能范围, BM 60 Hz
BMhp 17 BMhp 30 BMhp 46 BMhp 60 BMhp 77 BMhp 95 BMhp 125 BMhp 160 BMhp 215

5V 4k7 # Customer electronics
A B Z Q# Only required on alarm channel E
for fail safe operation.
4k7 # 0V
A B Z QStandard RS422A line receiver circuitry. Contact Renishaw for further details on receiver termination for 3-stated output.
Like all Renishaw encoders, the RGH20 offers reliable, high speed, open, non-contact performance with excellent immunity to dust, scratches and light oils on the scale. The RGH20 also benefits from Renishaw’s patented readhead set-up LED which simplifies installation and monitors signal condition during operation.
Analogue readheads
- type RGH20B only
Vq V0 V1 V2 + 120R Vq V0 V1 V2 -
Operating and electrical specifications
Power supply 5V±5% Typical 150 mA, worst case 210 mA (RGF0100, 0200, 0400, 1000 + RGH20F) Typical 190 mA, worst case 260 mA (RGF2000 + RGH20F) 90 mA RGH20D, X, Z 120 mA RGH20W, Y, H 110 mA RGH20B 200 mVpp @frequency up to 500 kHz maximum Code - connector type A - 9 pin D type plug D - 15 pin D type plug L - 15 pin D type plug F - Flying lead J/M - 15 pin D type plug Temperature (system) Humidity (system) Sealing (system) Acceleration (system) Shock non-operating Vibration operating Mass Storage -20 °C +70 °C Operating 0 °C to +55 °C Storage 95 % maximum relative humidity (non condensing) Operating 80 % maximum relative humidity (non-condensing) IP40 Operating 500 m/s² BS EN 60068-2-7:1993 (IEC 68-2-7:1983) 1000 m/s², 6 ms, ½ sine BS EN 60068-2-27:1993 (IEC 68-2-27:1987) 100 m/s² max @ 55 Hz to 2000 Hz BS EN 60068-2-6:1996 (IEC 68-2-6:1995) Readhead Interface Cable Cable Standard RGH20D, X, Z, W, Y, H, B: RGH20F: RGF0100, 0200, 0400, 1000: RGF2000 Standard: 11 g 9g 100 g 125 g 34 g/m Application RGH20D, X, Z, W, Y, H, B RGH20D, X, Z, W, Y, H RGH20B RGH20D, X, Z, W, Y, H, B For RGF interface NOTE: For digital outputs, current consumption figures refer to unterminated readheads/interfaces. A fur ther 25 mA per channel will be drawn when terminated with 120 Ω.

NMR Consumables and Accessories
全球 NMR 耗材 引领 60 年
百灵威科技有限公司成立于 1992 年,始终以“为科研和生产提供世界一流的产品和服务”为宗旨,致力于超精细化学品的研发与 制造。经过近二十年的发展,百灵威已具备为化学、分析、生物、材料、物理及药物研发等领域提供近五十万种产品和专业服务 的能力。 百灵威拥有一支强大的具有丰富经验和创新能力的研发团队,在江苏、河北设立的两个研发中心可迅速研发出毫克至数百公斤级 的医药、生化、材料等中间体及特殊高端化学品,并可为客户定制合成各类产品,尤其擅长小分子药物中间体以及催化剂配体的 合成。 百灵威人坚信“发展民族科技”的理念,坚持依靠中国人自己的智慧和力量, 不断建设和发展位于潮白河畔的现代化工业生产基地,发挥百灵威在尖端技术研究、敏捷制造和系统性物流管理等方面的突出优 势,积极地将中国的各种高端化合物推荐给国际同行,为促进中国化学事业发展,推动世界文明与和谐进步而奋斗不息。 百灵威的使命 促进科技和工业发展,造福人类……
管壁厚度(mm) 平均凸度(µm)

Ti0400 A
Ti1000 B
P (µm) S (µm)
20 4 2 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.008 0.004
5 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.002 0.001
对于数字输出,当与120 Ω连接时,每对通道(如A+、A-)会再消耗25 mA。 对于模拟输出,当与120 Ω连接时,会再消耗20 mA。 5 V直流电源,符合标准EN (IEC) 60950 SELV要求。 频率达500 kHz时最大200 mVpp
存储 工作
-20 °C至+70 °C 0 °C至+70 °C
触发点 触发点公差
安装 位置 重复性
读数头移动 方向
自粘式 用户根据需要放置 < 0.1 mm
触发点公差3 mm 标称触发点
实时信号调节,优化整个工作条件范围内的性能 – 自动增益控制 (AGC) – 自动偏移量控制 (AOC) 超低典型周期误差:±30 nm
0 V线和地线之间短路,进而导致电子干扰问题。
最大电缆长度 读数头到接口:
40至50 <40 模拟
最大电缆 长度 (m)
25 50 50
建议的信号终端 数字输出
接口 A B Z E+
客户端 电子设备
电缆Z 0 = 120R
电子定相,无需物理调节 T1xx0:根据磁励体选择单个参考零位 (A-9653-0143),用户定位 T1xx1和T2xx1:无需零位选择器,所有参考零位输出 在整个工作温度和速度范围内,重复性为一个单位分辨率
雷尼绍 RGH34 光栅系统 规格手册说明书

L-9517-9734-01-ARGH34读数头和RGI34接口:• 超小型组件式读数头• 开放式非接触光学系统• 行业标准数字和模拟信号输出选项• 分辨率从10µm 至50nm • 可选参考零位或限位传感器• 集成LED 安装指示灯RGS40栅尺:• 应用灵活,可按需裁剪• 长度从100mm 至50m 不等• 保护膜或坚固的聚酯涂层选项,适用于使用强溶剂的应用场合• 安装快捷、精准• 可粘贴在大多数常见的工程材料上 • 背面自带不干胶带• 安装工具可利用轴运动安装栅尺雷尼绍RGH34系列是一种非接触式光栅系统,可提供高度可靠的位置反馈。
该模块化微型光栅系统包含一个可读取刻划栅尺的RGH34读数头,以及一个可选择输出具有各种分辨率的行业标准1Vpp 模拟信号或RS422数字信号的RGI34接口。
它具备雷尼绍成熟光栅产品系列的全部优点,如可简化安装过程的LED 安装指示灯,以及抗污能力优异的独特光学滤波系统。
RGH34可读取栅距为40µm 的RGS40镀金钢带栅尺。
RGH34具有模块化结构和业界公认的可靠性,专门设计用于传统封闭式光栅不适用的OEM 应用场合。
尺寸和公差(单位 mm )RGH34读数头安装图*从栅尺表面测得的尺寸。
(扭摆公差±1°)该视图未包含支架性能FPC 电缆至RGH34可选长度:50、100和尺寸和公差(单位 mm )RGI34接口图通用规格电源 5 V ±5%120 mA注:电流消耗数字指的是无端接的RGI34接口。
CONTRINEX AG工业电子产品数据表-安全继电器YRB-4EML-31S用于安全光幕 屏障类型

DATA SHEETSAFETY RELAYYRB-4EML-31SFOR SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS/BARRIERSTYPE 4 SAFETY PROTECTION DEVICETECHNICAL DATAAPPLICATION AREAThe safety relay can be used to monitor electrosensitive protective equipment with monitored active switching output (OSSD) in accordance with EN 61496 as well as emergency stop and safety door locking mechanisms.Depending on the external wiring, up to category 4, PL e according to EN ISO 13849-1 or SILCL 3 according to EN 62061 can be achieved.The safety relay is equipped with three enabling current paths that drop out without delay corresponding to stop category 0 according to EN 60204-1.–For safety light curtains and access control bar-riers, emergency stop, door switch –Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 according to IEC/EN 61508 –Claimed Level (SIL CL) 3 according to IEC/EN 62061 –Performance Level (PL) e and category 4 ac-cording to EN/ISO 13849-1 –Safety category 4 according to EN 954-1–Certified TÜV , CE and UL–Output: 3 N.O. safety contacts / 1 N.C. monitor-ing contact –Manual or automatic restart–LED indicator for channel 1, 2 and power supply –22.5 mm wide, DIN-rail-mountable housingMAIN FEATURESFigure 1 Derating curveTECHNICAL DATADATA SHEETYRB-4EML-S41_E.indd / page 1-2 / rev. 1 / 27.01.16 / MDMDATA SHEETPART REFERENCESTRUCTURE AND OPERATION (BLOCK DIAGRAM)WARNING: Risk of electric shockDuring operation, parts of electrical switching devices carry hazardous voltages.Before working on the switching device, disconnect the power.Please observe the safety regulations of electrical engineering and industrial safety and liability associations!Disregarding these safety regulations may result in death, serious personal injury or damage to equipment.Startup, mounting, modifications, and upgrades should only be carried out by a skilled electrical engineer!WARNING: Risk of automatic machine restart!For emergency stop applications, the machine must be prevented from restarting automatically by a higher-level controlsystem.Protective covers must not be removed when operating electrical switching devices.WARNING: Danger due to faulty devices!The devices may be damaged following an error and correct operation can no longer be ensured.In the event of an error, replace the device immediately.Repairs to the device, especially if the housing must be opened, may only be carried out by the manufacturer or autho-rized persons. Otherwise the warranty is invalidated.NOTE: Risk of damage to equipment due to incorrect installation!For reliable operation, the safety relay must be installed in housing protected from dust and humidity (IP 54).Carry out wiring according to the application. Refer to the “Application examples” section for this.NOTE: Risk of damage to equipment due to noise emissionsWhen operating relay modules the operator must meet the requirements for noise emission for electrical and electronic equipment (EN 61000-6-4) on the contact side and, if required, take appropriate measures.For the diagnostic description, please refer to the application manual for PSR safety relays.SAFETY NOTESFigure 2 Block diagramDATA SHEETKEYTwo-channel light grid monitoring (cross-circuit detection via light grid)– Manual activation– Automatic activation with jumper at S33-S35– Suitable up to category 4, PL e (EN ISO 13849-1), SILCL 3 (EN 62061)APPLICATION EXAMPLEFigure 4 Two-channel light grid monitoringOPERATING AND INDICATION ELEMENTSFigure 3 YRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-S41_E.indd / page 3-4 / rev. 0 / 19.11.15 / MDMDATA SHEETAPPLICATION EXAMPLETwo-channel emergency stop circuit without cross-circuit detection, with monitored reset button– Manual activation– Automatic activation with jumper at S33-S35– Suitable up to category 3, PL d (EN ISO 13849-1), SILCL 2 (EN 62061)Single-channel emergency stop monitoring– Manual activation– Automatic activation with jumper at S33-S35– Suitable up to category 1, PL c (EN ISO 13849-1), SILCL 1 (EN 62061)Two-channel safety door monitoring without cross-circuit detection, with monitored reset button– Manual activation– Automatic activation with jumper at S33-S35– Suitable up to category 3, PL d (EN ISO 13849-1), SILCL 2 (EN 62061)Figure 5 Two-channel emergency stop circuit without cross-circuit detectionFigure 6 Single-channel emergency stop circuit with monitored reset buttonFigure 7 Two-channel safety door monitoring without cross-circuit detectionYRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-S41_E.indd / page 5 / rev. 0 / 19.11.15 / MDM。
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• ాዃথཀྵሞ܁ຕཀྵࢅဦ࢈ݴኮक़LjথݛՍ • IP68 • ༵ࠃࢺݞቸ
• एᇀPCऐLj༵ࠃํ้ยۨĂၯጚࢅኑ
• USB!থڟ
• ཞօܠዡথ
• ሞኝ߲ົ֡࣍ޜፕࡗײዐথ
• ፌႎӲԨॲڦLjٗူሜ
! ླྀ४ڦፌگPCದዃᄲ൱ǖ
• USB1.1 • .NET Framework 1.1DŽॲԈࡤም݀ႜӲԨDž • Microsoft® Windows® Millennium edition (Me), XPWindows® 7 • Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.01ई߸ߛӲԨ
• Pentium® II processor
• 128 MB RAM • ೡటݴՐ୲800 x 600Lj16࿋֒
连接 Si输出(模拟和数字信号)
功能 电源
RS422A ຕጴ
警告 读数头俯仰调整 屏蔽
15 g 205 g 35 g/m
ມೡԸLjፌྔٷ০4.7 ±0.1 mm ྖ൸ӷ০20 mm้Ljష൸ం >20 x 106ْთ࣍ ྖ൸ӷ০20 mm้Ljష൸ం >20 x 106ْთ࣍ ULණڦፇॲ
Si-NN-0020 – 1 µm
Si-NN-0040 – 0.5 µm
Si-NN-0100 – 0.2 µm
Si-NN-0200 – 0.1 µm
Si-NN-0400 – 50 nm
Si-NN-1000 – 20 nm
Si-HN-2000 – 10 nm
Si-HN-4000 – 5 nm
Si-NN-0000 – ఇ ె
-20 °C+70 °C 0 °C+85 °C 0 °C+70 °C
ፌٷ၎ܔโ܈95%DŽݥૐౡDž ፌٷ၎ܔโ܈80%DŽݥૐౡDž
܁ຕཀྵ! থ੨ ۉમ!
IP64 IP30
500 m/s² BS EN 60068-2-7:1993 (IEC 68-2-7:1983) 1000 m/s², 6 ms, ½ኟ၀ BS EN 60068-2-27:1993 (IEC 68-2-27:1987) 55 Hz2000 Hz้Ljፌٷ100 m/s2 BS EN 60068-2-6:1996 (IEC 68-2-6:1995)
2߲Ҿጎ M3 x 6ศקڦ
2߲M3ҾጎཚLj ߲௬קྺۼཀྵLj ศྺ܈3 6* 0.8 ± 0.08
8 ± 0.25
8.9 ࠼ბዐ႐၍
3.8 ሺଉࢅ֖࠼ბዐ႐၍
0.32 (ޥᄠࠅֶ ± 0.5°)
၌࿋ߌدഗ࿋ዃ 7.15
注:ኻ၂๖RESMă ҾጎၘLj֖९RSLM/RELM (M-9572-9110)ĂRESM (M-9590-9106) ࢅREXM (M-9671-0021) Ҿጎኸళă ቆ႑တLj֖९RESM (L-9517-9154)ĂREXM (L-9517-9318)ĂRSLM (L-9517-9305) ࢅRELM (L-9517-9219) ࡀ߭֩ă
ᇆ၀ ኟ၀
RS422A ຕጴ ఇె
RS422A ຕጴ ఇె
RS422A ຕጴ
णۉटਸୟ णۉटਸୟ
– – –
信号 5 V ۉᇸ 5 V ߌᆌ 0 V ۉᇸ 0 V ߌᆌ
A+ AB+ BV+
V2+ V2Z+ ZV+
S+ SV0S+ V S-
• 内置LED指示灯可实现最佳设定和系统诊断 • 工业标准的模拟和数字输出、分辨率从
5 µm到10 nm、(40至0.0038秒) • 开放式非接触光学系统 • 光学滤波系统具有极强的抗污能力 • 高柔性、UL认可的电缆
规格手册 ࠼ቆဣཥ
SR 安装图
尺寸和公差, mm
ాೡԸ ྔೡԸ
针脚 26 18 9 8 24 6 7 16 1 19 2 11 15 23 12 20 5 14 21 3 25 17 4 13 22
客户端电 子装置
注:ሞDINࡆڞฉҾጎথ੨้Ljᆌ๑ᆩ !!!থ੨ฉྔڦևথںՔऻ
读数 头 (SR) SR005A – 0.5 mۉમ SR010A – 1.0 mۉમ SR015A – 1.5 mۉમ SR030A – 3.0 mۉમ SR050A – 5.0 mۉમ SR100A – 10.0 mۉમ
接口装置 (Si)
Si-NN-0004 – 5 µm
• ཚࡗ
! ! Siথ੨ฉڦCALDŽၯጚDžӀ౧
• ᆫࣅᆶ႑ࡽ
内置LED诊断 • ०ࣅକ؛๔ۙኝࢅยۨ • ֖ଭ࿋ࢅ၌࿋ጒༀ
• ܔᇀ၍Ⴀዡࢅ࣮ገዡLj༵ࠃႜײዕۅኸ๖ • ᆩࢽۨڦ࿋ • ߲၌࿋࿋ዃྺ܀૬ • ࢇ၍ࢅࢷ၍ገᆌᆩ
36 3
7 ྔևথںՔऻ
14.2 37.3
85 93.5
33.3 10 2.8
温度(系统) (读数头) (接口)
密封(读数头) (读数头)
加速度(读数头) 震动(系统) 振动(系统) 质量
符合EMC标准(系统) 读数头电缆
5 V ±10%
! հ࿖ ٪!ئ ߾ፕ ߾ፕ ٪ئ ߾ፕ
থ੨֑ᆩۯༀ႑ࡽ੦Ljᇑጆ૧࠼ბ୳հဣ ཥ၎ࢇLjᅜඓԍᆫᅴڦ႑ࡽྜኝႠࢅگג ዜဃֶDŽۉጱဦݴဃֶDžă
Siဦ࣏࢈ݴᅜᇺਐҾጎLj܁ຕཀྵۉમฉڦ ၭേ֭ཀྵݛՍںሞऐഗฉक़࿋ዃုၭڦ ݛںጽ၍ă
5 µm
1 µm
0.5 µm
0.2 µm
0.1 µm
50 nm
20 nm
10 nm
5 nm
接口 A B Z S E+
客户端电 子装置
ۉમZ = 120R 0
A B Z S E-
限位和警告输出 - 所有Si接口
<25 V
*ስRDŽۉፆDžLj๑ፌୁۉٷփ !ࡗג20 mA ᄺᅜ๑ᆩࢇڦीۉഗई ࠼ਨᇹ༹
模拟输出 - 所有Si接口
*ਐՊஓৈሞݴՐ୲ྺ1 µmई߸ߛڦຕጴဣཥዐ༵ࠃă ፌ֖ٷ܈ස܈ຎईፌگኵ5 m/să
• ํ้႑ࡽۙবLjኝ߲߾ፕཉॲڦాྷݔႠీڥᅜᆫࣅ • Ԉࡤጲۯሺᅮ੦ (AGC)Ăጲۯೋᅎଉ੦ (AOC)
ࢅጲۯೝ࢚੦ (ABC) • گגዜဃֶǖۆ႙±30 nm
规格手册 L-9517-9435-04-B
Renishaw(雷尼绍)的SR读 数
头 和 Si接口是
它 们 设 计 用 于 内 置 IN-TRAC ™双 向 参 考 零 位 的 Renishaw高精度RESM和REXM圆光栅以及 RSLM和RELM直线光栅。
增量信号 ሺଉມཚڢAࢅBݛհ DŽ90°ᅎ၎Dž!
P (µm) S (µm)
Si-NN-0004 20 Si-NN-0020 4 Si-NN-0040 2 Si-NN-0100 0.8 Si-NN-0200 0.4 Si-NN-0400 0.2 Si-NN-1000 0.08 Si-HN-2000 0.04 Si-HN-4000 0.02
规格手册 ࠼ቆဣཥ
IN-TRAC 光 学 参 考 零 位
• ాዃᇀਗ਼܈ዐLjยऺٙLjၯጚօየ߸०ڇ • ۉጱۨ၎LjႴႜۙব • ሞኝ߲߾ፕ࿒ࢅ܈ాྷݔ܈Ljሞႜڦײଇ߲ݛၠํ၄ჱྲपዘް܈ • ၍࠼ቆဣཥฉڦዐक़(!ۅRELMࢅRSLM)Ă(!ۅ܋RELEࢅRSLE)Ăᆩࢽ( ڦRSLC)! ! ! ईਐՊஓ* (RSLD)!࿋ዃ