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叶 柯




摘 要 在传统的草原生态系统退化价值估算基础上,利用遥感技术对草原生态系统退化

的价值损失进行估算,利用2003和2005年的MODIS 数据获得草原生态系统退化的价值损失量空间分布图。结果表明:2003)2005年价值损失量共为661603亿美元;单位面积价值

损失量在0~1000美元#k m -2


元#km -2

的面积约占草原总面积的1/3;内蒙古、新疆、西藏、青海、甘肃、云南和四川等西部7省的价值损失总量为521219亿美元,占总价值损失量的78141%,其中,内蒙古的价值损失量最大,占总价值损失量的25189%。关键词 草原生态系统;生态系统退化的价值损失;遥感;中国

中图分类号 F06212 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1000-4890(2007)05-0657-05Lost value of Chinese grassland ecosyste m due to degradation :A n esti m ate based on re -m ote sensing .WANG Ru-i jie 1,Q I N Zh-i hao 1,2,JI A NG L-i peng 1,YE K e 1(1International Insti -t u te for Earth Syste m Science ,Nanjing Universit y ,Nanjing 226007,China;2Institute o f Agro -R e -sources and R eg ional P lanning,Chinese Acade m y o f Agricult u ral S ciences ,B eijing 100081,Chi -na).Chinese Journal of E colo gy ,2007,26(5):657-661.Abst ract :Ch i n ese grassland ecosyste m plays an i m portant ro le i n econo m ic deve l o p m ent and ec -olog ical services of this coun try .In recent decades ,th is ecosyste m is fac i n g cha llenges of degra -dation due to heavy population pressure and over g razi n g .Based on the conventional eva l u ation on the lost val u e of range land due to deg radati o n ,an i m pr oved m ode lw as used to reevalua te the l o st val u e w ith theMODIS data of 2003and 2005,and the spatial distribution pattern o f t h e l o st value of Ch i n ese g rassland ecosyste m w as deve l o ped .The resu lts sho w ed that fro m 2003to 2005,the

tota l lost value o f Chinese grassland ecosyste m serv ices due to degradation w as 661603@108


$.The area w ith a lost value o f 0-1000U S$#km -2

w as about 1/4o f the to ta l area o fm eas -ured grasslands ,and thatw ith a lost va l u e o f 1000-3000US$#km -2w as about 1/3of the to -ta.l The seven prov inces ofW est Ch i n a i n cluding Inner M ongo lia ,X i n jiang ,T ibe,t Q ingha,i

Gansu ,Yunnan and S ichuan had a lost va l u e of 521219@108

US$,accounting for 78141%o f the tota,l a m ong w hich ,Inner M ongo lia had the lar gest loss ,occupy i n g 25189%of the tota.l K ey w ords :grassland ecosyste m;lost value of ecosyste m degradation ;re m ote sensing ;China .


(2003DI A7J 047)。**通讯作者E-m ai:l ru iji e w ang m 收稿日期:2006-07-21 接受日期:2007-01-29

1 引 言


大类(赵同谦等,2004a ,2004b)。草原生态系统的直接经济价值早已被认同,但对其生态价值目前还了解不多。对于草原生态价值的研究国内外已取得一定进展,如Sala 和Paruelo(1997)阐述草地能维持

大气成分、基因库、改善小气候和土壤保持等功能,并对部分功能的生态经济价值进行了评价。Costan -za 等(1997)在全球生态系统服务价值评价中,得出了基于全球尺度的各功能类型的单位面积平均价值。陈仲新和张新时(2000)、谢高地等(2001)和潘耀忠等(2004)根据Costanza 等(1997)的研究成果

生态学杂志Chinese Journal o f Eco l ogy 2007,26(5):657-661
