第 9 期曹仁伟等.溴化丁基橡胶对天然橡胶基并用胶性能的影响 661溴化丁基橡胶对天然橡胶基并用胶性能的影响曹仁伟1,尹田雨1,赵 慧2,陈家辉2,张 凯1,赵素合1,赵秀英1*(1.北京化工大学 北京市新型高分子材料制备与加工重点实验室,北京 100029;2.中策橡胶集团有限公司,浙江 杭州 310018)摘要:以溴化丁基橡胶(BIIR )等量替代天然橡胶(NR )和顺丁橡胶(BR ),分别制备NR /BIIR 和NR /BR /BIIR 并用胶,研究并用胶的物理性能、耐热空气老化性能和动态力学性能的变化。
结果表明:与NR 胶料和NR /BR 并用胶分别相比,NR /BIIR 和NR /BR /BIIR 并用胶的物理性能略有下降,耐热空气老化性能大幅度提升,抗湿滑性能提高、滚动阻力变化不大;当BIIR 用量分别为10和15份时,NR /BIIR 和NR /BR /BIIR 并用胶的耐热空气老化性能较好。
关键词:溴化丁基橡胶;天然橡胶;顺丁橡胶;物理性能;耐热空气老化性能;动态力学性能中图分类号:TQ332.1+2;TQ333.2/.6 文章编号:1000-890X (2019)09-0661-04文献标志码:A DOI :10.12136/j.issn.1000-890X.2019.09.0661作者简介:曹仁伟(1992—),男,山东德州人,北京化工大学硕士研究生,主要从事溴化丁基橡胶的改性及轮胎性能研究工作。
*通信联系人(zhaoxy@ )现代高速公路的发展和车辆行驶速度的提高,对轮胎的综合使用性能和寿命提出了更高的要求。
轮胎在室外使用过程中难以避免地受到雨雪淋洗、风吹日晒和臭氧侵袭,在滚动过程中产生周期性应力应变,这些因素极易使轮胎发生老 化[1]。
天然橡胶(NR )由于综合性能优异几乎应用于轮胎的每个部件胶料中,顺丁橡胶(BR )由于其出色的弹性也大量被应用于轮胎胶料中。
Walsin RF Device
Product code ANT : Antenna
Dimension code Per 2 digits of Length, Width, Thickness : e.g. : 321612 = Length32, Width 16, Thickness 12
■ RFANT5220110A□T Series
L = 2.0 ± 0.2mm T = 1.15 ± 0.10mm
Specification 2.4 GHz ~ 2.5 GHz 2 dBi (Typical) 2 max. Linear Omni-directional 50 Ω 3 Watts 5 Watts for 5 minutes
Working Frequency Range Gain VSWR Polarization Azimuth Bandwidth Impedance Rated Power (max.) Maximum Input Power
A = 0.40 ± 0.25mm
W = 5.2 ± 0.2mm A = 0.40 ± 0.25mm
பைடு நூலகம்
w w w. p a s s i v e c o m p o n e n t . c o m
■ 2.4 GHz Bluetooth/WLAN-Chip Antenna-RFANT5220110A□T ■ How to Order
■ Dimensions
目录超五类非屏蔽信息模块 (5)超五类非屏蔽直通信息模块 (6)超五类屏蔽信息模块 (7)超五类屏蔽直通信息模块 (8)六类非屏蔽信息模块 (9)六类屏蔽信息模块 (10)超六类非屏蔽信息模块 (11)超六类非屏蔽信息模块 (12)超六类屏蔽信息模块 (13)超五类非屏蔽免打线水晶头 (14)经典系列平口面板 (15)雅典系列平口面板 (16)雅典系列斜口面板 (17)雅典系列有线电视面板 (18)数据语音电视三合一面板 (19)二位方形光纤开起式地脚插座 (20)三位方形信息弹起式地脚插座 (21)三位圆形信息弹起式地脚插座 (22)三位方形信息开起式地脚插座 (23)三位圆形信息开起式地脚插座 (24)五孔方形弹起式电源插座 (25)五孔圆形弹起式电源插座 (26)六孔方形弹起式电源插座 (27)六位桌面型地脚插座 (28)地插功能配件 (29)24口非屏蔽空配线架 (31)24口非屏蔽空配线架(带防尘门) (32)24口超五类非屏蔽配线架 (33)24口超五类非屏蔽角型配线架 (34)24口超五类屏蔽配线架 (35)24口六类非屏蔽配线架 (36)24口六类非屏蔽角型配线架 (37)24口六类屏蔽配线架 (38)24口超六类非屏蔽配线架 (39)24口超六类屏蔽配线架 (40)0.5U24口超五类非屏蔽配线架 (41)0.5U24口六类非屏蔽配线架 (42)0.5U24口六类屏蔽配线架 (43)封闭式理线架 (44)智能电子配线架 (45)智能电子配线架控制主机 (46)智能电子扫描仪 (47)110理线架 (49)110连接块 (50)110跳线 (51)110转RJ45跳线 (52)超五类非屏蔽跳线 (53)超五类屏蔽跳线 (54)六类非屏蔽跳线 (55)六类屏蔽跳线 (56)超六类非屏蔽跳线 (57)超六类屏蔽跳线 (58)超五类屏蔽防水跳线 (59)六类屏蔽防水跳线 (60)五类1对非屏蔽线缆 (61)五类2对非屏蔽线缆 (62)五类4对非屏蔽线缆 (63)超五类4对非屏蔽线缆 (64)超五类4对屏蔽线缆 (65)超五类4对双屏蔽线缆 (66)六类4对非屏蔽线缆 (67)六类4对屏蔽线缆 (68)六类4对双屏蔽线缆 (69)六类4对对对屏蔽线缆 (70)超六类4对非屏蔽线缆 (71)超六类4对屏蔽线缆 (72)超六类4对双屏蔽线缆 (73)超六类4对对对屏蔽线缆 (74)七类4对屏蔽线缆 (75)五类4对非屏蔽室外线缆 (76)五类4对屏蔽室外线缆 (77)超五类4对屏蔽室外线缆 (78)超五类4对屏蔽室外线缆 (79)六类4对非屏蔽室外线缆 (80)六类4对屏蔽线缆 (81)五类4对双护套非屏蔽线缆 (82)超五类4对双护套非屏蔽线缆 (83)超五类4对双护套屏蔽线缆 (84)3类非屏蔽室内线缆(50对) (85)5类非屏蔽室内线缆(25对) (86)3类屏蔽室内线缆(50对) (87)5类屏蔽室内线缆(25对) (88)3类非屏蔽室外线缆(50对) (89)5类非屏蔽室外线缆(25对) (90)3类屏蔽室外线缆(50对) (91)5类屏蔽室外线缆(50对) (92)市话充油通信电缆(50对) (94)市话重铠通信电缆(50对) (95)超五类非屏蔽信息模块产品说明:应用范围:1000 BASE-TX千兆以太网;100 BASE-TX快速以太网;10 BASE-T以太网;语音,视频及其它应用网络工作区域内语音、数据信息的连接。
4.在机铭板上标示出以下内容 ・制造者名 ・制造年月 ・形式以及model编号 ・定格电源电压(电压、位相、周波数、最大负荷电流、etc) 在电源上不可以用「AC200V」表示,而要用「~200V」表示 ・气压(定格压力) ・原产地表示(MADE IN JAPAN等) 注)FA标准机铭板: 4—710—156—01(大—11) 带孔、by三立产业 EN60204 UL1740
8.盖子、马达框架、trans core、电装品筐体、以及接续管等的金属部, 如果和地线或金属接触,会导致和物品本身的导通。
1.电源切断装置要使用得到认可的漏电断路器、自动断路器、线路保护器 EN60204、UL1740 2.主断路器的定格要遵循以下事项。 EN60204、UL1740 a)电流容量:最大负荷电流的115%以上,或者使用的导线的要求容许电流以下 (14配线以及电路——参照17) b)切断容量:在机器上使用的马达中,最大马达的 rotor rock电流+其他装置的 最大负荷电流以上 3.电力引入线(一次电源)要直接和断路器连接 EN60204、UL1740 4.电源切断装置遵循一下事项。 EN60204、UL1740 (a)安装把手,方便从外部操作 (b)把手的中心高度在0.6~1.9以内 (c)要有OFF锁定机能.(可以上锁的构造) (d)门关上时要有ON/OFF的明确指示 (e)ON/OFF可以用「O」也可以用「I」来表示 (f)接地导线以外所有的相要同时切断 (g)主断路器上如果没有OFF锁定机能,要在负荷侧设定带钥匙的主开关。
贵社 check
本社 check
① 外 观 以 及 构 造 的 规 定
Acoustimass 5 系列 V 和 Acoustimass 3 系列 V 立体扬音器系统用户指
Regulatory InformationThis symbol means the product must not be discarded as household waste, and should be delivered to an appropriate collection facility for recycling. Proper disposal and recycling helps protect natural resources, human health and the environment. For more information on disposal and recycling of this product, contact your local municipality, disposal service, or the shop where you bought this product.Bose Corporation hereby declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC and all other applicable EU directive requirements. The complete declaration of conformity can be found at: /compliance.Names and Contents of Toxic or Hazardous Substances or ElementsPart Name Toxic or Hazardous Substances and ElementsLead (Pb)Mercury (Hg)Cadmium (Cd)Hexavalent (CR(VI))Polybrominated Biphenyl (PBB)Polybrominated d iphenylether (PBDE) PCBs X00000Metal parts X00000Plastic parts000000Speakers X00000Cables X000000: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for this part is below the limit requirement in SJ/T 11363-2006.X: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials used for this part is above the limit requirement in SJ/T 11363-2006.Please complete and retain for your records.The serial numbers are located on the connector panel of the Acoustimass® module.Serial Number: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Model Number:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Purchase date: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please keep your receipt together with this owner’s guide.©2015 Bose Corporation. No part of this work may be reproduced, modified, distributed, or otherwise used without written permission.2 - EnglishTable of Contents IntroductionAbout your Bose® Acoustimass® stereo speaker system (4)System features (4)Unpacking the system (4)Setting UpPlacement guidelines (5)Sample system placement (5)Connecting the speakers to the Acoustimass module (6)Mounting the speakers (6)Connecting the Acoustimass module to your receiver or amplifier (7)Before plugging in your receiver or amplifier (7)Checking the system (7)Understanding automatic system protection (7)Care and MaintenanceTroubleshooting (8)Cleaning (8)Customer service (8)Limited warranty (8)Accessories (8)Technical informationCompatibility (9)Wire recommendations (9)English - 3About your Bose® Acoustimass® stereo speaker systemThe Bose Acoustimass stereo speaker system delivers spacious, true sound from small, h igh-performance speakers for consistent audio performance regardless of content, source or room layout.System Features• Bose Acoustimass speaker technology delivers full, natural audio performance.• Hideaway Acoustimass module provides impactful bass sound.• Speakers can be mounted on the wall, table stands or floor stands (kits available separately).Unpacking the systemCarefully unpack the carton and confirm that the following parts are included:WARNING: This product contains magnetic material. Contact your physician if you have questions on whether this might affect the operation of your implantable medical device.Acoustimass module Rubber feet(2) speaker wires(2) speaker cablesAcoustimass 5 system(2) Direct/Reflecting® series II speakers Acoustimass 3 system(2) Virtually Invisible® series II speakersNote: If part of the system is damaged, do not use it. Contact your authorized Bose dealer or Bose Customer Service. Refer to thec ontact sheet in the carton.Introduction4 - EnglishSetting Up Placement guidelinesPlace the system outside of and away from metal cabinets, other audio/video components and direct heat sources.Acoustimass® Module• Stand the module on its rubber feet along a wall within 5 ft. (1.5 m) of the corner. To increase bass, move the module closer to a corner.• Choose a stable and level surface. Vibration can cause the module to move, p articularly on smooth surfaces like marble,glass or highly polished wood.• Leave at least 2 in. (50 mm) of space between the opening and the wall.• Place at least 2 ft. (0.6 m) from any TV to avoid magnetic interference with the TV image. Move it farther away if you stillnotice interference.Speakers• Place the speakers 3 - 15 ft. (1- 4.6 m) apart.• Place the speakers at least 6 in. (.15 mm) away from any CRT (picture tube) TV.Sample system placementAcoustimass 5 systemNote: Attach the rubber feet to the Acoustimass module to protect your floor.CAUTION: Do not place the Acoustimass module on its front or back panel when in use.English - 56 - EnglishConnecting the speakers to the Acoustimass moduleUse the two provided speaker cables to connect your speakers to the Acoustimass module.CAUTION: Turn off and unplug all components before making the connections.1. Insert the left speaker cable’s L plug into the left speaker, with the label facing down.2. Insert the right speaker cable’s R plug into the right speaker, with the label facing down.CAUTION: Do not connect your amplifier or receiver directly to the speakers. Connect the speakers to the A coustimass module to avoiddamaging your system.3. Connect the other end of the left speaker cable to the L (left) OUTPUTS TO CUBE SPEAKERS terminal on the connector panel ofthe Acoustimass module.A. Insert the marked wire into the positive (+) terminal (with the red marking).B. Insert the unmarked wire into the negative (–) terminal (with the black marking). 4. Repeat step 3 for the right speaker cable, connecting its wires to the R (right) terminal.–R+–L +OUTPUTSTO CUBE SPEAKERS–R +–L +INPUTSFROM AMP OR RECEIVERMounting the speakersYou can place system speakers on wall brackets, table stands or floor stands. You can also use additional speaker wire and a Bose connector to increase the distance between the speakers and the A coustimass module. To purchase these accessories, contact your local Bose dealer or visit w CAUTION: Do not use any other hardware to mount the speakers.Setting UpRLAcoustimass 3 systemAcoustimass 5 systemEnglish - 7Setting UpConnecting the Acoustimass ® module to your receiver or amplifierThe speaker wires without plugs connect the Acoustimass module to your receiver or amplifier. Your speaker system works withr eceivers or amplifiers rated from 10 to 200 watts per channel with 4 to 8 ohm impedance. Refer to your receiver or amplifier owner’s guide.CAUTION: Incorrect wiring results in little or no bass output and could damage the system.1. Connect the speaker wires to the INPUTS FROM AMP OR RECEIVER terminals on the Acoustimass module’s rear panel:A. Connect the marked wire to the positive (+) terminal of the L (left) pair of input terminals.B. Connect the unmarked wire to the negative (–) terminal of the L (left) pair of input terminals.C. Repeat steps A and B with the other speaker wire for the R (right) pair of input terminals.–R +–L +OUTPUTSTO CUBE SPEAKERS–R +–L +INPUTSFROM AMP OR RECEIVER2. Connect the other ends of the cables to the speaker terminals of your amplifier or receiver.A. Connect the marked wire connected to the L (left) pair of input terminals on the module to the LEFT positive (+) terminal on youramplifier or receiver. B. Connect the unmarked wire connected to the L (left) pair of input terminals on the module to the LEFT negative (–) terminal onyour amplifier or receiver.C. Repeat steps A and B with the wire connected to the R (right) pair of input terminals on your Acoustimass module and theRIGHT pair of input terminals on your amplifier or receiver.–R+–L +OUTPUTSTO CUBE SPEAKERS–R+–L +INPUTSFROM AMP OR RECEIVERBefore plugging in your receiver or amplifier:• Ensure no strands of wire from any terminal are brushing against any other terminal. Such “bridged” wires create short circuits which can damage your receiver or amplifier.• Check all connections to avoid damaging your speakers. Make sure the speakers are connected to the module and not directly to the amplifier or receiver.Checking the systemWith your amplifier and Acoustimass ® module powered, your system should respond accordingly:• With the balance control on your amplifier turned to the left, sound comes from the Acoustimass module and left speaker only.• With the balance control turned to the right, sound comes from the Acoustimass module and right speaker only.• With the balance control in the center position, music with bass should be the same or louder with the control in the center than to the left or right.If your system does not respond as described, check all the wires for proper positive to positive and negative to negative connections. If your system still doesn’t respond properly, see “Troubleshooting” on page 8.Understanding automatic system protectionWhen played at high volume, your Acoustimass systems’ automatic protection circuit activates to prevent damage to the system from electrical stress or overload. When this happens, you may notice a slight decrease in volume. This indicates that the power input may have exceeded safe levels. Setting the volume at or above this level for sustained periods is not r ecommended.Care and MaintenanceTroubleshootingProblem What to doDistorted or no sound• Disconnect the amplifier or receiver from the system, and reconnect the Acoustimass® module to another amplifieror receiver that is working properly. If the system now works, the problem is in your amplifier or receiver.• Power off the amplifier or receiver and check all the connections between the speakers, the module, and amplifieror receiver.• Refer to your amplifier or receiver’s owner’s guide for more troubleshooting information.• See “Checking your receiver or amplifier’s speaker channels”.Checking your receiver or amplifier’s speaker channelsIf one of the speakers does not play or sounds distorted, your amplifier or receiver’s speaker channel may be defective.1. Disconnect both speaker cables from the amplifier or receiver.2. Reconnect the cable from the Acoustimass® module’s L INPUTS to the amplifier or receiver’s right speaker terminals.3. Disconnect both speaker cables from the amplifier or receiver. Reconnect the cable from the Acoustimass® module’s L INPUTS tothe amplifier or receiver’s right speaker terminals.4. Set the amplifier or receiver’s balance control all the way to the right and power it on. If the left speaker now plays properly, youramplifier or receiver’s left speaker channel may be defective.5. Repeat to check your right speaker, reconnecting the cable from the module’s R INPUTS to the amplifier or receiver’s left speakerterminals.CAUTION: DO NOT connect the other speaker to the potentially defective channel. If the channel is defective, it could d amage your Acoustimass system.Cleaning• Clean the surface of the system with a soft, dry cloth.• Do not use any sprays near the system. Do not use any solvents, chemicals, or cleaning solutions containing alcohol, ammonia or abrasives.• Do not allow liquids to spill into any openings.• You can vacuum the speaker grilles. To avoid damaging the drivers located directly behind the grille, use light pressure only.Customer serviceFor additional help, contact Bose® Customer Service. Refer to the contact sheet in the carton.Limited warrantyYour system is covered by a limited warranty. Details of the limited warranty are provided on the product registration card that is in the carton. Please refer to the card for instructions on how to register. Failure to register will not affect your limited warranty rights.The warranty information provided with this product does not apply in Australia or New Zealand. See our website at.au/warranty or /warranty for details of the Australia and New Zealand warranty.8 - EnglishTechincal Information CompatibilityCompatible with receivers or amplifiers rated from 4 – 8 ohmsCompatible with receivers or amplifiers rated from 10 – 100 watts per channelIEC rating: 50 watts per channelWire recommendationsBased on maximum frequency response deviation of ±0.5 dB.Gauge Length18 (0.75 mm2)30 ft (9 m) maximum16 (1.5 mm2)45 ft (14 m) maximumEnglish - 9。
XP-242E/XP—243E1. 固定值的详细内容 (4)1.1 MACHINE_TYPE (4)1.2 OPERATION (7)1。
3 SERVO_OFST (13)1。
4 OPERATION_2 (15)1。
5 VISION (21)1。
8 CAMERA_UNIT (25)1。
27 JIG_POSITION (54)1.28 ELEGANCE (55)1.29 F_GLASS_V ALUE (55)1。
30 TRAY (56)1。
33 GLASS_QF_V ALUE (60)1.34 MA TRIX_TABLE (62)1。
35 NOZZLE_TYPE (62)1。
RQA0008NXAQSSilicon N-Channel MOS FETREJ03G1569-0100Rev.1.00Jul 04, 2007Features• High Output Power, High Gain, High EfficiencyPout = +36 dBm, Linear Gain = 18 dB, PAE = 65% (f = 520 MHz)• Compact package capable of surface mountingOutline*UPAK is a trademark of Renesas Technology Corp.Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta = 25°C)UnitRatingsItem SymbolDrain to source voltage V DSS 16 V Gate to source voltage V GSS ±5 V Drain current I D 2.4 A Channel dissipation Pch note 10 W Channel temperature Tch 150 °CStorage temperature Tstg –55 to +150 °CNote: Value at Tc = 25°CThis device is sensitive to electro static discharge. An adequate careful handling procedure is requested.Electrical Characteristics(Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol Min. Typ Max. Unit Test ConditionsZero gate voltage drain current I DSS — — 10 µA V DS = 16 V, V GS = 0 Gate to source leak current I GSS — — ±2 µA V GS = ±5 V, V DS = 0 Gate to source cutoff voltage V GS(off) 0.15 0.4 0.8 V V DS = 6 V, I D = 1 mA Forward Transfer Admittance |yfs| — 2.4 — S V DS = 6 V, I D = 1.2 A Input capacitance Ciss — 44 — pF V GS = 5 V, V DS = 0, f = 1 MHz Output capacitance Coss — 25 — pF V DS = 6 V, V GS = 0, f = 1 MHz Reverse transfer capacitance Crss — 6.0 — pF V DG = 6 V, V GS = 0, f = 1 MHz — 36 — dBm Output Power Pout — 3.98 — WPower Added Efficiency PAE — 65 — % V DS = 6 V, I DQ = 400 mAf = 520 MHz, Pin = +20 dBmMain CharacteristicsEvaluation Circuit (f = 520 MHz)S Parameter(V DS = 6 V, I DQ = 400 mA, Zo = 50 Ω)S11 S21 S12 S22(deg.) MAG ANG(deg.)(deg.)MAG ANGf(MHz) MAG ANG(deg.) MAG ANG100 0.883 -170.0 8.48 84.9 0.021 -3.0 0.867 -175.4 150 0.904 -175.7 5.46 80.1 0.021 -5.3 0.879 -177.3 200 0.902 -178.2 4.13 72.6 0.021 -12.0 0.872 -178.5 250 0.900 179.6 3.30 67.1 0.021 -16.5 0.872 -179.7 300 0.898 177.8 2.75 61.6 0.021 -19.8 0.873 179.5 350 0.898 176.2 2.34 56.2 0.020 -24.2 0.873 178.8 400 0.897 174.8 2.04 50.9 0.020 -27.7 0.874 178.4 450 0.898 173.4 1.80 45.7 0.020 -31.3 0.873 177.8 500 0.899 172.3 1.61 40.7 0.020 -34.4 0.873 177.4 550 0.900 171.2 1.46 35.5 0.019 -38.2 0.875 176.8 600 0.900 170.1 1.33 30.5 0.019 -41.5 0.876 176.5 650 0.899 169.0 1.22 25.5 0.019 -45.0 0.876 176.0 700 0.899 167.9 1.13 20.5 0.019 -47.8 0.878 175.6 750 0.899 166.9 1.04 15.6 0.018 -51.2 0.878 175.2 800 0.898 165.8 0.97 10.6 0.018 -54.8 0.880 174.9 850 0.899 164.7 0.91 5.7 0.018 -57.4 0.878 174.4 900 0.901 163.7 0.85 0.9 0.018 -60.9 0.880 173.9 950 0.903 162.7 0.80 -3.9 0.017 -63.5 0.882 173.5 1000 0.903 161.8 0.75 -8.7 0.017 -66.5 0.883 173.1 1050 0.903 160.8 0.71 -13.4 0.017 -69.3 0.884 172.6 1100 0.905 159.8 0.68 -18.1 0.016 -71.9 0.883 172.1 1150 0.906 158.8 0.64 -22.8 0.016 -74.8 0.886 171.6 1200 0.907 157.8 0.61 -27.3 0.016 -76.8 0.888 171.2 1250 0.909 156.8 0.58 -32.0 0.015 -79.6 0.891 170.8 1300 0.911 155.8 0.55 -36.6 0.015 -81.9 0.893 170.4 1350 0.912 154.9 0.52 -41.2 0.015 -84.1 0.896 170.0 1400 0.912 154.0 0.50 -45.8 0.015 -86.2 0.897 169.5 1450 0.912 153.1 0.48 -50.3 0.014 -88.6 0.898 169.1 1500 0.913 152.1 0.46 -54.8 0.014 -90.2 0.900 168.7 1550 0.914 151.2 0.44 -59.2 0.014 -92.6 0.900 168.4 1600 0.915 150.3 0.42 -63.8 0.014 -94.1 0.902 167.8 1650 0.916 149.4 0.40 -68.3 0.013 -95.9 0.903 167.4 1700 0.915 148.5 0.39 -72.6 0.013 -97.6 0.904 167.0 1750 0.914 147.6 0.38 -76.9 0.013 -99.0 0.904 166.4 1800 0.913 146.7 0.36 -81.1 0.013 -100.8 0.906 165.8 1850 0.915 145.7 0.35 -85.3 0.013 -102.2 0.909 165.5 1900 0.920 144.5 0.34 -89.5 0.013 -103.9 0.909 165.0 1950 0.923 143.3 0.33 -93.6 0.013 -105.8 0.910 164.5 2000 0.925 142.3 0.31 -97.9 0.013 -107.2 0.911 163.9 2050 0.926 141.4 0.30 -102.1 0.013 -108.7 0.913 163.5 2100 0.928 140.5 0.29 -106.3 0.013 -109.9 0.914 163.0 2150 0.929 139.6 0.28 -110.6 0.013 -112.2 0.916 162.4 2200 0.930 138.7 0.27 -114.7 0.013 -112.8 0.917 161.8 2250 0.932 137.8 0.27 -118.9 0.013 -114.9 0.921 161.5 2300 0.931 137.1 0.26 -123.0 0.013 -116.5 0.921 161.0 2350 0.930 136.3 0.25 -127.1 0.013 -118.5 0.921 160.5 2400 0.926 135.5 0.24 -131.2 0.013 -120.2 0.924 159.9 2450 0.922 134.4 0.24 -135.4 0.014 -121.9 0.923 159.5 2500 0.920 133.3 0.23 -139.5 0.014 -123.7 0.921 159.0Package DimensionsOrdering InformationPart Name Quantity Shipping Containerφ178 mm reel, 12 mm emboss tapingRQA0008NXTL-E 1000pcs.Note: For some grades, production may be terminated. Please contact the Renesas sales office to check the state of production before ordering the product.Refer to "/en/network " for the latest and detailed information.Renesas Technology America, Inc.450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95134-1368, U.S.A Tel: <1> (408) 382-7500, Fax: <1> (408) 382-7501Renesas Technology Europe LimitedDukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5FH, U.K.Tel: <44> (1628) 585-100, Fax: <44> (1628) 585-900Renesas Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Unit 204, 205, AZIACenter, No.1233 Lujiazui Ring Rd, Pudong District, Shanghai, China 200120Tel: <86> (21) 5877-1818, Fax: <86> (21) 6887-7898Renesas Technology Hong Kong Ltd.7th Floor, North Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 1 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> 2265-6688, Fax: <852> 2730-6071Renesas Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.10th Floor, No.99, Fushing North Road, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: <886> (2) 2715-2888, Fax: <886> (2) 2713-2999Renesas Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.1 Harbour Front Avenue, #06-10, Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632 Tel: <65> 6213-0200, Fax: <65> 6278-8001Renesas Technology Korea Co., Ltd.Kukje Center Bldg. 18th Fl., 191, 2-ka, Hangang-ro, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-702, Korea Tel: <82> (2) 796-3115, Fax: <82> (2) 796-2145Renesas Technology Malaysia Sdn. BhdUnit 906, Block B, Menara Amcorp, Amcorp Trade Centre, No.18, Jalan Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel: <603> 7955-9390, Fax: <603> 7955-9510RENESAS SALES OFFICES。
15 Watt Single &Dual Output●Ultraminiature 25.4 x25.4x9.9mm Package ●15 Watts Output Power ●Single or Dual Outputs●Wide 4:1 Input Voltage Range ●1.6kVDC Isolation●Fixed Operating Frequency ●Six-Sided Continuous Shield ●Industry Standard Pinout ●Remote On/Off and Trim pins ●Efficiency to 87%FeaturesSelection Guide 24V and 48V Input TypesPart NumberInput Output Output Input (1)Efficiency (2)Capacitive (3)Range Voltage Current Current Load max.VDC VDC mA mA %RP15-243.3SAW**9-36 3.3400050/688861000µF RP15-2405SAW**9-365300070/762861000µF RP15-2412SAW**9-3612130020/78387330µF RP15-2415SAW**9-3615100020/75387220µF RP15-483.3SAW**18-75 3.3400040/336861000µF RP15-4805SAW**18-755300040/382861000µF RP15-4812SAW**18-7512130015/39287330µF RP15-4815SAW**18-7515100015/37787220µF RP15-2405DAW**9-36±5±150020/77285±500µF RP15-2412DAW**9-36±12±62525/75387±150µF RP15-2415DAW**9-36±15±50025/74488±100µF RP15-4805DAW**18-75±5±150015/38685±500µF RP15-4812DAW**18-75±12±62515/38286±150µF RP15-4815DAW**18-75±15±50015/37787±100µF** Standard part is without suffixes and Trim and CTRL pins are not fitted.* add suffix /P for CTRL function with positive logic (1=ON, 0=OFF) including trim pin for single output * add suffix /N for CTRL function with negative logic (0=ON, 1=OFF) including trim pin f or single output * add suffix -HC for premounted heatsink and clips Ordering ExamplesRP15-2405SAW/P = 24V 4:1 Input, 5V Output, Positive Logic CTRL pin and Trim pin fitted.RP15-4805DAW-HC = 48V 4:1 Input, ±5V Output, Premounted Heatsink RP15-483.3DAW/N = 48V 4:1 Input, ±5V Output, Negative Logic CTRL pin(no trim pin with dual output)The RP15-SAW series are ultraminiature wide input voltage range power DC/DC converters in a case half the size of industry standard 15W converters. Despite their small size, the RP15-SAW converters are fully specified devices with output currents up to 4 Amps, no minimum load, 1600VDC isolation and low ripple/noise figures.The outputs are also fully protected against short circuits, overcurrent and overvoltage. The RP15-SAW series will find many uses in applications where board space and/or board height is at a premium.DescriptionPlease Read Application NotesUL-60950-1 Certified E196683REV:1/2010P-45 RP15-AWPOWERLINEDC/DC-Converterwith 3 year WarrantyRoHS2002/95/EC6/6/Input Voltage Range 24V nominal input 9-36VDC 48V nominal input18-75VDC Input FilterPi Type Input Surge Voltage (100 ms max.)24V Input 50VDC 48V Input 100VDC Input Reflected Ripple (nominal Vin and full load) (see Note 4)30mAp-p Start Up Time (nominal Vin and constant resistor load)30ms max.Optional Remote ON/OFF (See Note 5)DC-DC ON Short or 0V < Vr < 1.2V (Negative logic)DC-DC OFF Open or 3.0V < Vr < 12VRemote Pin drive current Nominal Vin -0.5mA~1.0mARemote OFF input currentNominal Vin 2.5mAOutput Voltage Accuracy (full Load and nominal Vin)±1%Optional Output Trim (see Note 5)±10%Minimum Load0%Line Regulation (low line, high line at full load)Single ±0.2%Dual ±0.5%Load Regulation (0% to full load)Single ±0.2%Dual ±1%Cross Regulation (Asymmetrical 25% <> 100% load)Dual Output ±5%Ripple and Noise (20MHz bandwith) 3.3, 5V Outputs 75mVp-p Others100mVp-p Temperature Coefficient±0.02%/°C max.Transient Response (25% load step change)250µs Over Voltage Protection3.3V 3.7-5.4V Zener diode clamp (only single)5V 5.4-7.0V 12V 13.5-19.6V 15V16.8-20.5V Over Load Protection (% of full load at nominal Vin)150% typUndervoltage Lockout See Application Notes Short Circuit Protection Hiccup, automatic recovery Efficiencysee …Selection Guide“ tableIsolation Voltage (rated for one minute)1600VDC Isolation Resistance 1 G Ωmin.Isolation Capacitance1000pF max.continued on next pageSpecifications (typical at nominal input and 25°C unless otherwise noted)Typical CharacteristicsDerating graphs are valid only for the shown part numbers. If you need detailed derating-information about a part-number not shown here please contact our technical support service at info@recom-development.at125755025100Ambient Temperature Range (°C)-40-10050708090100O u t p u t P o w e r (%)60Natural Convection-25125755025100Ambient Temperature Range (°C)-40-10050608090100O u t p u t P o w e r (%)66Natural Convection-2570RP15-4805SAWRP15-4805SAW With Heat SinkR P 15-A WREV: 1/2010P-46/Specifications (typical at nominal input and 25°C unless otherwise noted)Operating Frequency 400kHz typOperating Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C(with derating)Maximum Case Temperature +105°CStorage Temperature Range -55°C to +125°CThermal Impedance Natural convection18.2°C/Watt (see Note 6)Natural convection with Heat Sink15.8°C/Watt Thermal Shock MIL-STD-810FVibration 10-55Hz, 10G, 30 Min. along X, Y and ZRelative Humidity 5% to 95% RH Case Material Nickel plated copperBase Material FR4 PCB Potting MaterialEpoxy (UL94-V0)Conducted Emissions (see Note 7)EN55022Class A Radiated Emissions EN55022Class A ESDEN61000-4-2Perf. Criteria A Radiated Immunity EN61000-4-3Perf. Criteria A Fast Transient EN61000-4-4Perf. Criteria A Surge (see note 8)EN61000-4-5Perf. Criteria A Conducted Immunity EN61000-4-6Perf. Criteria AWeight 15gPacking Quantity Refer to App Notes for tube dimensions8 pcs per Tube Dimensions 25.4 x 25.4 x 9.9mmMTBF (see Note 9)Bellcore TR-NWT-0003321330 x 103hours MIL-HDBK 217F 563 x 103hours1. Values at nominal input voltage and no load/full load.2. Typical Value at nominal input voltage and full load.3.Test by minimum Vin and constant resistor load.4.Simulated source impedance of 12µH. 12µH inductor in series with +Vin.5.The ON/OFF control function can be positive or negative logic. The pin voltage is referenced to negative input.Positive logic ON/OFF is marked with suffix-P (eg. RP15-2405SAW/P)Negative logic ON/OFF is marked with suffix-N (eg. RP15-2405SAW/N).If no suffix is specified, the control pin will be omitted.6.Optional Heat-sink P/N is 7G-0047-C. Powerline DC/DC Converters can be ordered with pre-mounted heatsinks including antivibration fixing clips (add suffix -HC). See Application Notes for heatsink details.7. Meets Class A with external input capacitors shown below. Will meet Class B with external common mode filter (see Application Notes)8.Requires external capacitor to meet EN61000-4-5: 220µF/100V, low ESR (48mOhm)9.BELLCORE TR-NWT-000332. Case l: 50% Stress, Temperature at 40°C.MIL-HDBK 217F Notice 2. Ta = 25°C, full load, (Ground Benign, controlled environment).Notes :Trim UpRUTrim DownR D5654External Output Trimming (optional)With /CTRL suffix, output can be externally trimmed by using the method shown here. See Application Notes for details.REV:1/2010P-47 RP15-AW/Package Style and Pinning (mm)1.0 dia3rd angle projectionEMC Filtering - For Class B filter suggestion, see Application NotesClass A FilterVin=24V: C1=6.8µF/50V 1812 MLCC, C2 omitted.Vin=48V: C1, C2 = 2.2µF/100V 1812 MLCCTypical CharacteristicsPin Connections Pin #Single Single/Dual Dual/P or /N P or /N 1+Vin +Vin +Vin +Vin 2-Vin -Vin -Vin -Vin 3no pin CTRL no pin CTRL 4+Vout +Vout +Vout +Vout 5no pin Trim Com Com 6-Vout-Vout-Vout-VoutCase Tolerance ±0.5 mm Pin Pitch Tolerance ±0.25 mm301848Efficiency VS Input Voltage3642245460667072747678808284868890E f f i c i e n c y (%)Input Voltage (V)7225075Efficiency VS Output load 501004045505560657075808590Output Load (%)E f f i c i e n c y (%)RP15-4805SAWRP15-4805SAWR P 15-A WREV: 1/P-48/分销商库存信息:RECOM-POWERRP15-2412SAW RP15-2405SAW RP15-4812SAWRP15-483.3SAW RP15-243.3SAW RP15-4805SAWRP15-2415DAW RP15-4815DAW RP15-4812DAWRP15-2415SAW RP15-4815SAW RP15-2405SAW-HC RP15-2412SAW-HC RP15-2415SAW-HC RP15-243.3SAW-HC RP15-4805SAW-HC RP15-4812SAW-HC RP15-4815SAW-HC RP15-483.3SAW-HC RP15-2405SAW/N RP15-2405SAW/PRP15-2412SAW/N RP15-2412SAW/P RP15-2415SAW/NRP15-2415SAW/P RP15-243.3SAW/N RP15-243.3SAW/PRP15-4805SAW/N RP15-4805SAW/P RP15-4812SAW/NRP15-4812SAW/P RP15-4815SAW/N RP15-4815SAW/PRP15-483.3SAW/N RP15-483.3SAW/P RP15-2405DAWRP15-4805DAW RP15-2412DAW RP15-2405SAW/N-HC RP15-2405SAW/P-HC RP15-2412SAW/N-HC RP15-2412SAW/P-HC RP15-2415SAW/N-HC RP15-2415SAW/P-HC RP15-243.3SAW/N-HC RP15-243.3SAW/P-HC RP15-4805SAW/N-HC RP15-4805SAW/P-HC RP15-4812SAW/N-HC RP15-4812SAW/P-HC RP15-4815SAW/N-HC RP15-4815SAW/P-HC RP15-483.3SAW/N-HC RP15-483.3SAW/P-HC RP15-2405DAW-HC RP15-2412DAW-HC RP15-2415DAW-HC RP15-4805DAW-HC RP15-4812DAW-HC RP15-4815DAW-HC RP15-2405DAW/N RP15-2405DAW/P RP15-2412DAW/NRP15-2412DAW/P RP15-2415DAW/N RP15-2415DAW/PRP15-4805DAW/N RP15-4805DAW/P RP15-4812DAW/NRP15-4812DAW/P RP15-4815DAW/N RP15-4815DAW/PRP15-2405DAW/N-HC RP15-2405DAW/P-HC RP15-2412DAW/N-HC RP15-2412DAW/P-HC RP15-2415DAW/N-HC RP15-2415DAW/P-HC RP15-4805DAW/N-HC RP15-4805DAW/P-HC RP15-4812DAW/N-HC RP15-4812DAW/P-HC RP15-4815DAW/N-HC RP15-4815DAW/P-HC。
(Ambient Temperature)
Output Power (%)
60 40 20 0
Safe Operating Area
85 100 95 Operating Temperature °C 0 50
RQS types RQD types
Input Voltage Range Output Voltage Accuracy Line Voltage Regulation Load Voltage Regulation (10% to 100% full load) Output Ripple and Noise (20MHz limited) Operating Frequency Efficiency at Full Load No Load Power Consumption Isolation Voltage Rated Working Voltage Isolation Capacitance Isolation Resistance Short Circuit Protection P-Suffix Operating Temperature Range (free air convection) Storage Temperature Range Reflow Temperature Relative Humidity Package Weight MTBF (+25°C) (+85°C) ROHS compliant (tested for 1 second) (long term isolation) 1.8V, 3.3V output types 5V output type 9V, 12V, 15V, 24V output types ±10% ±5% 1.2%/1% of Vin typ. 20% max. 15% max. 10% max. 100mVp-p max. 50kHz min. / 100kHz typ. / 105kHz max. 65% min. / 75% typ. 45mW min. / 75mW typ. / 105mW max. 1000VDC min. see Application Notes 25pF min. / 82pF max. 10 GΩ min. 1 Second Continuous -40°C to +85°C (see Graph) -55°C to +125°C 245°C (30 sec) max. (for more details see Application Notes) 95% RH 1.5g 2.2g 1345 x 103 hours 310 x 103 hours 11
晶体管型号:7443763521022 产品说明书
Dimensions: [mm]detail Aand are connected to each other.AScale - 1:1,57443763521022744376352102274437635210227443763521022T e m p e r a t u r eT T T 7443763521022Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-HCFT ofWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The responsibility for the applicability of the customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the customer application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the component. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties.•Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations may have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODElGa001.0052023-07-27DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-HCFT Flat Wire THT HighCurrent Inductor ORDER CODE7443763521022SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODElGa001.0052023-07-27DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-HCFT Flat Wire THT HighCurrent Inductor ORDER CODE7443763521022SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。
XP-242E/XP-243E1. 固定值的详细内容 (4)1。
12 DISPOSE_MOOE (29)1。
13 CYCLE_STEAL (29)1.14 AUTO_SETUP (30)1.15 DEBUG_FLAG (30)1。
27 JIG_POSITION (54)1.28 ELEGANCE (55)1。
29 F_GLASS_V ALUE (55)1。
30 TRAY (56)1。
31 PLACE_OFFSET (57)1。
34 MA TRIX_TABLE (62)1。
35 NOZZLE_TYPE (62)1。
RQA0004PXDQSSilicon N-Channel MOS FETREJ03G1489-0100Rev.1.00Dec 12, 2006Features• High Output Power, High EfficiencyPout = +29 dBm, PAE = 68% (f = 520 MHz)• Compact package capable of surface mountingOutlineAbsolute Maximum Ratings(Ta = 25°C)UnitRatingsItem SymbolDrain to source voltage V DSS 16 V Gate to source voltage V GSS ±5 V Drain current I D 0.3 A Channel dissipation Pch note 3 W Channel temperature Tch 150 °CStorage temperature Tstg –55 to +150 °CNote: Value at Tc = 25°CThis Device is sensitive to Electro Static Discharge. An Adequate careful handling procedure is requested.Electrical Characteristics(Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol Min. Typ Max. Unit Test ConditionsZero gate voltage drain current I DSS — — 2 µA V DS = 16 V, V GS = 0 Gate to source leak current I GSS — — ±2 µA V GS = ±5 V, V DS = 0 Gate to source cutoff voltage V GS(off) 0.3 0.6 0.9 V V DS = 6 V, I D = 1 mA Forward Transfer Admittance |yfs| 0.3 0.43 0.6 S V DS = 6 V, I D = 0.3 A Input capacitance Ciss — 10 — pF V GS = 5 V, V DS = 0, f = 1 MHz Output capacitance Coss — 5 — pF V DS = 6 V, V GS = 0, f = 1 MHz Reverse transfer capacitance Crss — 0.4 — pF V DG = 6 V, V GS = 0, f = 1 MHz 28.7 29.7 — dBm Output Power Pout 0.74 0.93 — WPower Added Efficiency PAE 60 68 — % V DS = 6 V, I DQ = 50 mAf = 520 MHz Pin = +13 dBm (20 mW)Main CharacteristicsS11 S21 S12 S22(deg.) MAG ANG(deg.)MAG ANG(deg.)f(MHz) MAG ANG(deg.) MAG ANG100 0.946 -40.3 15.41 148.7 0.021 69.4 0.784 -30.2150 0.931 -58.4 12.58 136.4 0.029 46.8 0.744 -51.2200 0.898 -74.0 11.57 126.4 0.034 36.1 0.700 -66.0250 0.865 -87.5 11.08 117.4 0.037 27.8 0.657 -77.8300 0.856 -99.2 10.15 109.2 0.038 20.8 0.640 -86.9350 0.827 -108.7 9.91 102.2 0.039 14.1 0.615 -94.4400 0.812 -116.8 9.44 95.7 0.040 8.9 0.601 -100.8450 0.804 -122.6 8.78 90.2 0.040 4.0 0.595 -106.1500 0.792 -128.2 8.15 84.9 0.040 -0.9 0.595 -110.9550 0.791 -132.4 7.55 80.5 0.040 -4.6 0.596 -115.2600 0.790 -136.4 7.00 76.4 0.039 -8.2 0.602 -119.1650 0.787 -140.2 6.48 72.3 0.038 -11.5 0.608 -122.7700 0.787 -143.7 6.03 68.5 0.038 -14.5 0.616 -125.9750 0.788 -147.1 5.59 64.9 0.037 -17.6 0.626 -129.2800 0.792 -150.0 5.22 61.3 0.036 -20.5 0.634 -132.1850 0.797 -152.7 4.86 58.0 0.035 -23.1 0.643 -134.9900 0.801 -155.2 4.54 54.7 0.034 -25.1 0.654 -137.6950 0.807 -157.3 4.29 51.4 0.033 -27.5 0.664 -140.21000 0.812 -159.4 4.06 48.8 0.032 -29.7 0.675 -142.81050 0.817 -161.7 3.83 46.1 0.031 -31.6 0.686 -145.31100 0.827 -163.5 3.62 43.7 0.030 -33.7 0.695 -147.51150 0.834 -165.6 3.42 41.0 0.028 -35.1 0.704 -149.81200 0.840 -167.1 3.24 38.6 0.027 -36.6 0.714 -152.01250 0.846 -168.4 3.06 36.3 0.026 -38.2 0.723 -154.01300 0.845 -170.1 2.89 33.7 0.025 -39.6 0.733 -156.01350 0.839 -171.7 2.73 31.2 0.024 -40.9 0.740 -158.11400 0.843 -173.8 2.59 28.6 0.023 -41.9 0.749 -160.21450 0.847 -175.4 2.47 26.3 0.022 -43.0 0.755 -161.91500 0.850 -177.1 2.34 24.0 0.020 -43.9 0.760 -164.01550 0.852 -179.0 2.24 21.8 0.019 -44.6 0.768 -166.01600 0.858 179.6 2.13 19.7 0.018 -44.7 0.774 -167.81650 0.861 178.3 2.05 17.6 0.017 -45.2 0.777 -169.61700 0.863 176.8 1.96 15.4 0.016 -45.3 0.784 -171.71750 0.863 174.8 1.88 13.1 0.015 -44.9 0.792 -173.61800 0.873 173.0 1.81 10.9 0.014 -44.9 0.798 -175.31850 0.878 171.4 1.75 9.0 0.013 -43.7 0.800 -177.31900 0.886 170.2 1.68 7.3 0.012 -42.9 0.807 -179.31950 0.895 168.9 1.61 5.5 0.012 -41.0 0.816 179.12000 0.894 168.2 1.55 4.2 0.011 -38.6 0.818 177.62050 0.895 167.3 1.48 2.7 0.010 -35.6 0.822 175.62100 0.890 165.8 1.42 0.9 0.010 -33.6 0.830 173.82150 0.890 164.0 1.37 -1.1 0.009 -29.1 0.837 172.32200 0.896 162.6 1.32 -3.1 0.009 -24.1 0.838 170.72250 0.898 161.1 1.27 -5.2 0.008 -19.0 0.842 168.92300 0.902 159.8 1.22 -7.1 0.008 -12.8 0.848 167.12350 0.903 158.4 1.19 -9.0 0.008 -8.3 0.851 165.82400 0.901 157.4 1.15 -11.0 0.008 -3.0 0.852 164.12450 0.895 155.9 1.11 -12.6 0.008 2.0 0.855 162.4S11 S21 S12 S22(deg.) MAG ANG(deg.)MAG ANG(deg.)f(MHz) MAG ANG(deg.) MAG ANG100 0.973 -34.4 12.25 150.2 0.022 69.9 0.869 -20.3150 0.931 -49.5 11.13 138.3 0.031 54.5 0.858 -35.1200 0.913 -63.2 10.12 128.8 0.038 43.4 0.823 -45.4250 0.896 -74.6 9.10 120.5 0.043 34.8 0.801 -54.6300 0.892 -85.3 8.08 113.3 0.046 26.8 0.788 -62.5350 0.878 -93.6 7.27 107.0 0.048 19.3 0.773 -70.0400 0.870 -101.5 6.56 100.5 0.050 12.6 0.759 -77.0450 0.861 -108.4 5.95 94.8 0.051 6.6 0.754 -83.0500 0.853 -114.4 5.40 89.2 0.051 0.9 0.749 -88.6550 0.853 -119.5 4.91 84.0 0.051 -3.9 0.747 -93.9600 0.851 -124.3 4.50 79.0 0.050 -8.5 0.750 -98.8650 0.845 -128.6 4.15 74.4 0.050 -12.8 0.752 -103.3700 0.844 -132.8 3.79 70.0 0.048 -16.7 0.755 -107.5750 0.846 -136.7 3.48 65.6 0.047 -20.3 0.761 -111.6800 0.849 -140.2 3.22 61.6 0.046 -23.9 0.767 -115.4850 0.853 -143.5 2.99 57.7 0.045 -27.1 0.772 -119.2900 0.857 -146.4 2.78 53.9 0.043 -29.8 0.778 -122.7950 0.860 -149.0 2.59 50.1 0.042 -32.9 0.785 -126.11000 0.867 -151.5 2.44 47.2 0.041 -35.5 0.792 -129.41050 0.870 -154.0 2.30 44.3 0.039 -38.2 0.798 -132.51100 0.875 -156.5 2.15 41.4 0.037 -40.8 0.805 -135.51150 0.883 -158.7 2.03 38.5 0.036 -43.1 0.811 -138.41200 0.888 -161.0 1.92 35.9 0.034 -45.2 0.818 -141.11250 0.890 -162.5 1.79 33.4 0.033 -47.4 0.823 -143.71300 0.890 -164.5 1.69 30.7 0.031 -49.1 0.830 -146.21350 0.886 -166.6 1.59 27.7 0.030 -51.1 0.834 -148.71400 0.886 -168.7 1.51 25.2 0.028 -52.6 0.840 -151.21450 0.886 -170.8 1.43 22.9 0.027 -54.4 0.843 -153.31500 0.889 -172.6 1.36 20.3 0.025 -56.0 0.846 -155.91550 0.891 -174.5 1.29 18.1 0.024 -57.4 0.851 -158.21600 0.895 -176.1 1.23 15.9 0.022 -58.5 0.855 -160.31650 0.898 -177.6 1.18 13.7 0.021 -59.9 0.855 -162.41700 0.896 -179.5 1.12 11.4 0.020 -60.8 0.859 -164.71750 0.897 178.5 1.08 9.3 0.019 -61.8 0.866 -166.91800 0.903 176.4 1.03 7.0 0.017 -62.7 0.869 -168.81850 0.911 174.8 0.99 4.9 0.016 -62.8 0.869 -171.01900 0.917 173.4 0.95 3.2 0.015 -63.2 0.874 -173.31950 0.926 172.0 0.91 1.5 0.014 -63.2 0.881 -175.12000 0.928 171.1 0.87 0.2 0.012 -63.1 0.879 -176.82050 0.925 170.1 0.83 -1.5 0.011 -61.7 0.883 -179.12100 0.918 168.7 0.80 -3.3 0.010 -60.9 0.888 179.02150 0.916 166.8 0.76 -5.3 0.009 -59.1 0.894 177.42200 0.918 165.3 0.73 -7.4 0.008 -55.0 0.894 175.62250 0.922 163.6 0.71 -9.4 0.007 -52.5 0.895 173.62300 0.921 162.2 0.68 -11.4 0.007 -46.3 0.900 171.82350 0.923 160.6 0.65 -13.3 0.006 -40.6 0.902 170.32400 0.920 159.7 0.63 -15.2 0.006 -33.7 0.902 168.52450 0.913 158.0 0.61 -16.8 0.005 -24.3 0.902 166.6S11 S21 S12 S22(deg.) MAG ANG(deg.)MAG ANG(deg.)f(MHz) MAG ANG(deg.) MAG ANG100 0.959 -37.1 15.64 150.5 0.021 68.6 0.793 -24.9150 0.921 -53.7 13.98 137.6 0.030 51.0 0.772 -42.1200 0.900 -68.0 12.68 128.1 0.034 40.6 0.732 -54.4250 0.880 -80.1 11.49 119.6 0.038 31.7 0.701 -64.6300 0.875 -90.8 10.21 112.2 0.040 24.1 0.685 -73.2350 0.857 -99.6 9.32 105.9 0.042 17.3 0.663 -80.8400 0.844 -107.8 8.53 99.4 0.043 11.5 0.649 -87.5450 0.836 -114.7 7.76 93.6 0.044 6.1 0.642 -93.1500 0.827 -120.7 7.12 88.2 0.044 1.3 0.639 -98.3550 0.824 -125.9 6.56 83.3 0.043 -3.1 0.637 -103.0600 0.821 -130.4 6.06 78.7 0.043 -7.0 0.641 -107.4650 0.818 -134.3 5.63 74.4 0.042 -10.7 0.645 -111.3700 0.813 -138.3 5.20 70.4 0.041 -14.2 0.651 -115.1750 0.816 -142.1 4.83 66.5 0.040 -17.5 0.659 -118.7800 0.817 -145.5 4.50 62.6 0.040 -20.5 0.667 -122.0850 0.820 -148.4 4.19 59.2 0.039 -23.3 0.674 -125.3900 0.826 -150.9 3.93 55.7 0.037 -25.8 0.684 -128.3950 0.830 -153.2 3.70 52.4 0.036 -28.5 0.693 -131.41000 0.834 -155.8 3.50 49.4 0.035 -30.8 0.703 -134.31050 0.841 -158.3 3.31 46.4 0.034 -33.1 0.713 -137.11100 0.847 -160.3 3.12 44.0 0.033 -35.4 0.722 -139.61150 0.852 -162.3 2.96 41.3 0.031 -37.3 0.730 -142.21200 0.856 -164.4 2.80 38.8 0.030 -39.1 0.739 -144.71250 0.865 -165.9 2.63 36.5 0.029 -41.0 0.747 -147.01300 0.862 -167.5 2.49 33.8 0.028 -42.5 0.756 -149.31350 0.860 -169.6 2.35 30.9 0.026 -43.9 0.762 -151.61400 0.860 -171.5 2.24 28.5 0.025 -45.5 0.771 -153.81450 0.862 -173.2 2.12 26.1 0.024 -46.8 0.777 -155.81500 0.863 -175.2 2.02 23.6 0.023 -48.1 0.781 -158.11550 0.866 -176.9 1.93 21.6 0.022 -49.2 0.788 -160.31600 0.871 -178.4 1.84 19.3 0.020 -49.9 0.793 -162.41650 0.875 -179.8 1.76 17.2 0.019 -50.8 0.796 -164.31700 0.873 178.5 1.68 14.8 0.018 -51.4 0.802 -166.51750 0.876 176.5 1.61 12.7 0.017 -51.4 0.810 -168.51800 0.883 174.5 1.56 10.4 0.016 -51.6 0.815 -170.31850 0.889 173.0 1.50 8.5 0.015 -51.7 0.816 -172.51900 0.897 171.7 1.44 6.7 0.014 -50.9 0.823 -174.61950 0.905 170.4 1.38 5.1 0.013 -50.1 0.832 -176.42000 0.909 169.7 1.33 3.6 0.012 -49.2 0.833 -178.02050 0.905 168.7 1.27 2.1 0.011 -47.0 0.837 179.92100 0.899 167.3 1.21 0.1 0.010 -45.2 0.843 177.92150 0.898 165.3 1.17 -1.8 0.009 -42.2 0.850 176.52200 0.902 163.9 1.12 -3.8 0.008 -37.3 0.851 174.72250 0.906 162.2 1.09 -6.0 0.008 -33.6 0.854 172.82300 0.908 160.9 1.05 -7.9 0.007 -28.1 0.860 171.02350 0.908 159.5 1.02 -9.8 0.007 -22.0 0.863 169.52400 0.907 158.5 0.98 -11.5 0.007 -16.1 0.863 167.82450 0.898 157.1 0.95 -13.3 0.007 -9.5 0.866 166.0S11 S21 S12 S22(deg.) MAG ANG(deg.)MAG ANG(deg.)f(MHz) MAG ANG(deg.) MAG ANG100 0.960 -41.0 19.06 150.1 0.019 63.9 0.702 -28.7150 0.916 -58.4 16.77 137.1 0.027 48.6 0.688 -48.7200 0.892 -73.5 15.28 127.1 0.031 38.3 0.646 -62.4250 0.868 -86.2 14.02 118.4 0.035 30.0 0.613 -73.4300 0.860 -97.3 12.48 110.8 0.036 22.9 0.602 -82.6350 0.840 -106.3 11.51 104.4 0.037 16.3 0.582 -90.1400 0.825 -114.5 10.57 98.0 0.038 11.5 0.571 -96.7450 0.816 -121.2 9.62 92.7 0.038 6.3 0.567 -102.2500 0.810 -126.8 8.80 87.6 0.038 2.0 0.567 -107.1550 0.806 -131.6 8.12 83.0 0.038 -2.0 0.569 -111.4600 0.802 -135.9 7.49 78.8 0.037 -5.4 0.573 -115.4650 0.797 -139.6 6.94 74.9 0.037 -8.7 0.578 -119.0700 0.795 -143.4 6.44 71.2 0.036 -11.8 0.586 -122.3750 0.797 -146.7 5.97 67.5 0.035 -14.7 0.596 -125.5800 0.798 -149.7 5.57 64.0 0.035 -17.6 0.604 -128.4850 0.806 -152.4 5.20 60.7 0.034 -19.9 0.612 -131.3900 0.807 -155.0 4.89 57.4 0.033 -21.9 0.623 -134.0950 0.811 -157.3 4.59 54.3 0.032 -24.5 0.632 -136.61000 0.817 -159.5 4.35 51.4 0.031 -26.4 0.645 -139.21050 0.822 -161.6 4.11 48.7 0.030 -28.4 0.655 -141.71100 0.831 -163.6 3.90 46.3 0.029 -30.5 0.666 -144.01150 0.834 -165.7 3.69 43.7 0.028 -32.1 0.674 -146.31200 0.842 -167.2 3.50 41.3 0.027 -33.4 0.685 -148.51250 0.846 -168.7 3.30 39.0 0.026 -35.1 0.695 -150.51300 0.848 -170.2 3.13 36.4 0.025 -36.5 0.703 -152.61350 0.842 -171.9 2.97 33.7 0.024 -37.5 0.711 -154.71400 0.843 -173.9 2.82 31.4 0.023 -38.5 0.721 -156.71450 0.844 -175.6 2.69 29.0 0.022 -40.1 0.727 -158.51500 0.849 -177.3 2.56 26.7 0.021 -40.5 0.733 -160.71550 0.849 -178.8 2.45 24.5 0.020 -41.3 0.740 -162.71600 0.857 179.6 2.33 22.4 0.018 -41.5 0.748 -164.61650 0.860 178.2 2.24 20.1 0.017 -42.1 0.752 -166.31700 0.860 176.8 2.15 17.9 0.017 -42.2 0.758 -168.41750 0.861 174.8 2.06 15.9 0.016 -42.1 0.767 -170.31800 0.870 172.9 1.99 13.6 0.015 -41.9 0.774 -172.11850 0.878 171.4 1.92 11.5 0.014 -40.8 0.776 -174.01900 0.884 170.1 1.84 9.8 0.013 -39.7 0.784 -176.11950 0.889 169.0 1.77 8.3 0.012 -38.1 0.793 -177.72000 0.895 168.3 1.71 6.7 0.011 -36.3 0.796 -179.32050 0.890 167.5 1.63 5.3 0.011 -33.9 0.799 178.72100 0.886 165.9 1.57 3.3 0.010 -31.3 0.808 176.82150 0.887 164.1 1.51 1.3 0.009 -27.8 0.816 175.32200 0.891 162.6 1.46 -0.7 0.009 -23.0 0.818 173.62250 0.895 161.2 1.40 -2.7 0.009 -19.0 0.822 171.82300 0.897 159.7 1.36 -4.8 0.008 -14.5 0.828 170.12350 0.898 158.5 1.31 -6.6 0.008 -9.8 0.833 168.62400 0.896 157.4 1.27 -8.5 0.008 -5.1 0.835 167.02450 0.890 155.8 1.23 -10.4 0.008 -0.3 0.836 165.2S11 S21 S12 S22(deg.) MAG ANG(deg.)MAG ANG(deg.)f(MHz) MAG ANG(deg.) MAG ANG100 0.972 -45.9 22.91 149.6 0.019 65.4 0.615 -34.3150 0.920 -64.3 19.70 136.4 0.024 48.3 0.597 -55.7200 0.888 -80.4 17.99 125.8 0.028 37.6 0.560 -70.8250 0.860 -93.9 16.78 116.9 0.031 29.8 0.534 -82.5300 0.847 -104.9 14.91 109.3 0.032 23.1 0.517 -91.7350 0.827 -113.3 13.65 103.1 0.033 16.8 0.517 -99.6400 0.816 -120.8 12.39 97.3 0.033 11.9 0.511 -106.1450 0.809 -126.9 11.24 92.4 0.033 7.4 0.512 -111.3500 0.799 -132.3 10.23 87.7 0.033 3.3 0.513 -115.9550 0.800 -136.7 9.38 83.4 0.033 -0.3 0.518 -120.0600 0.801 -140.6 8.68 79.5 0.033 -3.5 0.524 -123.5650 0.792 -144.0 8.00 75.9 0.032 -6.6 0.531 -126.7700 0.788 -147.5 7.41 72.3 0.032 -9.3 0.540 -129.7750 0.790 -150.6 6.89 68.9 0.031 -11.7 0.550 -132.5800 0.793 -153.5 6.42 65.6 0.031 -14.3 0.558 -135.0850 0.798 -156.1 5.99 62.3 0.030 -16.5 0.567 -137.5900 0.801 -158.5 5.62 59.1 0.029 -18.3 0.578 -139.8950 0.805 -160.5 5.31 56.1 0.028 -20.2 0.588 -142.21000 0.809 -162.7 5.03 53.5 0.027 -21.9 0.601 -144.51050 0.814 -164.5 4.77 51.1 0.027 -23.6 0.612 -146.51100 0.823 -166.3 4.51 48.5 0.026 -25.4 0.622 -148.51150 0.829 -168.2 4.29 45.9 0.025 -26.6 0.632 -150.61200 0.835 -169.7 4.08 43.7 0.024 -27.9 0.643 -152.61250 0.837 -171.0 3.85 41.5 0.023 -28.9 0.653 -154.31300 0.836 -172.5 3.65 39.0 0.022 -30.3 0.662 -156.11350 0.834 -174.2 3.47 36.4 0.021 -30.8 0.670 -158.11400 0.835 -176.1 3.31 33.9 0.021 -31.5 0.681 -159.91450 0.837 -177.8 3.15 31.6 0.020 -32.5 0.688 -161.41500 0.839 -179.4 3.00 29.4 0.019 -33.0 0.694 -163.41550 0.844 179.0 2.88 27.2 0.018 -33.2 0.702 -165.31600 0.849 177.7 2.75 25.1 0.017 -32.9 0.711 -167.01650 0.850 176.5 2.64 23.1 0.016 -32.8 0.715 -168.71700 0.850 174.9 2.53 20.8 0.015 -32.6 0.722 -170.61750 0.854 173.0 2.44 18.5 0.015 -31.9 0.731 -172.51800 0.861 171.4 2.36 16.4 0.014 -31.0 0.738 -174.11850 0.868 170.0 2.27 14.4 0.013 -29.7 0.741 -175.91900 0.875 168.7 2.19 12.6 0.012 -28.0 0.749 -177.91950 0.881 167.5 2.11 11.0 0.012 -26.0 0.759 -179.42000 0.886 166.8 2.03 9.6 0.011 -24.3 0.763 179.02050 0.882 166.0 1.95 8.0 0.011 -21.0 0.768 177.12100 0.878 164.6 1.87 6.2 0.010 -18.4 0.776 175.32150 0.877 163.1 1.80 4.2 0.010 -15.2 0.785 174.02200 0.883 161.5 1.74 2.2 0.010 -10.2 0.787 172.32250 0.891 159.9 1.68 0.1 0.009 -6.5 0.792 170.62300 0.892 158.6 1.63 -1.9 0.010 -2.2 0.799 168.92350 0.896 157.7 1.58 -3.8 0.009 1.0 0.804 167.52400 0.892 156.4 1.53 -5.7 0.009 4.1 0.806 166.02450 0.885 155.1 1.47 -7.5 0.010 7.7 0.810 164.3S11 S21 S12 S22(deg.) MAG ANG(deg.)MAG ANG(deg.)f(MHz) MAG ANG(deg.) MAG ANG100 0.978 -39.6 19.82 151.1 0.017 73.5 0.701 -27.0150 0.927 -56.8 17.53 138.2 0.024 50.7 0.654 -46.3200 0.899 -71.6 15.97 128.4 0.029 39.5 0.619 -59.5250 0.877 -84.2 14.52 120.0 0.032 31.8 0.591 -70.5300 0.869 -95.5 12.92 112.1 0.033 24.7 0.569 -79.3350 0.850 -104.7 11.88 105.7 0.034 18.1 0.565 -87.1400 0.834 -112.9 10.89 99.4 0.035 13.0 0.554 -93.7450 0.828 -119.5 9.93 94.0 0.035 8.3 0.551 -99.2500 0.815 -125.4 9.13 88.7 0.036 3.8 0.551 -104.1550 0.816 -130.4 8.40 84.3 0.035 -0.2 0.553 -108.6600 0.812 -134.5 7.77 80.1 0.035 -3.7 0.558 -112.6650 0.807 -138.5 7.21 76.2 0.034 -7.1 0.564 -116.1700 0.805 -142.2 6.69 72.5 0.034 -10.0 0.571 -119.6750 0.807 -145.8 6.21 69.0 0.033 -13.0 0.581 -122.9800 0.808 -149.0 5.79 65.3 0.033 -15.8 0.591 -125.8850 0.814 -151.7 5.41 62.0 0.032 -18.2 0.599 -128.7900 0.816 -154.2 5.07 58.7 0.031 -20.1 0.609 -131.5950 0.820 -156.5 4.79 55.5 0.030 -22.6 0.619 -134.21000 0.823 -158.8 4.54 52.7 0.029 -24.6 0.631 -136.81050 0.829 -161.1 4.30 50.0 0.028 -26.4 0.642 -139.31100 0.837 -163.0 4.07 47.5 0.027 -28.5 0.653 -141.61150 0.843 -164.8 3.86 44.8 0.026 -29.9 0.661 -144.01200 0.848 -166.7 3.66 42.5 0.025 -31.4 0.672 -146.31250 0.850 -168.3 3.45 40.0 0.024 -32.9 0.682 -148.31300 0.851 -169.6 3.27 37.7 0.023 -34.0 0.691 -150.41350 0.848 -171.6 3.11 34.9 0.022 -35.0 0.700 -152.51400 0.849 -173.5 2.96 32.5 0.021 -36.0 0.710 -154.61450 0.851 -175.3 2.82 30.1 0.020 -37.1 0.717 -156.41500 0.854 -176.9 2.69 28.1 0.019 -37.7 0.722 -158.61550 0.857 -178.7 2.57 25.5 0.018 -38.4 0.731 -160.71600 0.861 179.9 2.45 23.6 0.017 -38.4 0.738 -162.51650 0.864 178.7 2.35 21.4 0.016 -38.5 0.742 -164.31700 0.865 177.1 2.26 19.1 0.015 -38.3 0.749 -166.51750 0.865 175.2 2.17 16.9 0.014 -37.9 0.757 -168.41800 0.874 173.3 2.09 14.5 0.013 -37.6 0.764 -170.21850 0.880 171.7 2.02 12.6 0.013 -36.4 0.767 -172.21900 0.888 170.5 1.94 10.8 0.012 -34.9 0.775 -174.31950 0.895 169.3 1.87 9.1 0.011 -32.4 0.785 -176.02000 0.898 168.4 1.79 7.8 0.010 -30.7 0.786 -177.52050 0.893 167.4 1.72 6.1 0.010 -26.5 0.791 -179.62100 0.891 166.1 1.65 4.3 0.009 -24.2 0.799 178.62150 0.891 164.5 1.59 2.3 0.009 -19.9 0.808 177.12200 0.896 162.8 1.53 0.3 0.009 -14.9 0.809 175.32250 0.901 161.4 1.48 -1.7 0.008 -10.2 0.813 173.52300 0.902 160.0 1.43 -3.9 0.008 -5.4 0.821 171.82350 0.903 158.8 1.39 -5.7 0.008 -0.3 0.824 170.42400 0.901 157.6 1.35 -7.6 0.008 4.0 0.826 168.72450 0.894 156.2 1.30 -9.4 0.009 8.7 0.830 166.8S Parameter(V DS = 7.5 V, I DQ = 50 mA, Zo = 50 Ω)S11 S21 S12 S22(deg.) MAG ANG(deg.)(deg.)MAG ANGf(MHz) MAG ANG(deg.) MAG ANG100 0.986 -38.8 20.01 150.8 0.016 71.9 0.689 -26.5 150 0.929 -56.2 17.57 138.8 0.023 51.6 0.647 -46.0 200 0.901 -71.3 16.07 128.8 0.028 40.1 0.612 -59.1 250 0.879 -84.0 14.61 120.1 0.031 31.9 0.585 -69.9 300 0.872 -95.1 13.00 112.6 0.032 25.2 0.564 -78.7 350 0.851 -104.4 11.95 106.0 0.034 19.0 0.560 -86.6 400 0.838 -112.5 10.97 99.7 0.035 13.5 0.550 -93.1 450 0.831 -119.1 10.01 94.3 0.035 8.7 0.547 -98.7 500 0.821 -125.2 9.19 89.3 0.035 4.2 0.547 -103.5 550 0.817 -130.0 8.47 84.7 0.035 0.3 0.549 -108.0 600 0.817 -134.4 7.84 80.4 0.034 -3.3 0.554 -112.0 650 0.807 -138.3 7.27 76.4 0.034 -6.7 0.560 -115.7 700 0.808 -142.2 6.74 72.9 0.033 -9.5 0.568 -119.0 750 0.807 -145.7 6.25 69.1 0.033 -12.4 0.577 -122.3 800 0.809 -148.8 5.85 65.6 0.032 -15.3 0.587 -125.3 850 0.816 -151.6 5.46 62.3 0.031 -17.8 0.596 -128.2 900 0.820 -154.3 5.14 59.1 0.030 -19.5 0.605 -131.0 950 0.820 -156.5 4.84 55.8 0.029 -22.1 0.615 -133.7 1000 0.826 -158.6 4.58 53.1 0.029 -24.0 0.628 -136.3 1050 0.832 -161.0 4.34 50.3 0.028 -26.0 0.639 -138.9 1100 0.835 -162.8 4.11 47.8 0.027 -27.9 0.649 -141.2 1150 0.842 -165.0 3.90 45.3 0.026 -29.5 0.658 -143.5 1200 0.850 -166.6 3.70 42.9 0.025 -30.9 0.669 -145.8 1250 0.854 -167.9 3.50 40.6 0.024 -32.1 0.679 -147.8 1300 0.853 -169.6 3.31 37.9 0.023 -33.4 0.688 -149.9 1350 0.848 -171.4 3.14 35.3 0.022 -34.3 0.696 -152.0 1400 0.850 -173.4 3.00 32.8 0.021 -35.3 0.707 -154.2 1450 0.851 -175.2 2.85 30.6 0.020 -36.1 0.713 -155.9 1500 0.853 -176.7 2.72 28.1 0.019 -36.8 0.719 -158.1 1550 0.857 -178.3 2.60 25.9 0.018 -37.3 0.727 -160.2 1600 0.862 179.9 2.48 23.6 0.017 -37.2 0.735 -162.1 1650 0.866 178.8 2.38 21.7 0.016 -37.3 0.739 -163.9 1700 0.865 177.1 2.28 19.3 0.015 -37.7 0.745 -166.0 1750 0.869 175.1 2.20 17.0 0.014 -36.7 0.754 -168.0 1800 0.874 173.4 2.12 14.9 0.013 -36.4 0.761 -169.7 1850 0.882 171.9 2.05 12.9 0.012 -34.5 0.765 -171.8 1900 0.889 170.6 1.97 11.1 0.012 -33.5 0.772 -173.9 1950 0.895 169.4 1.89 9.5 0.011 -31.0 0.782 -175.5 2000 0.897 168.5 1.82 8.0 0.010 -29.2 0.784 -177.2 2050 0.896 167.7 1.74 6.4 0.010 -25.2 0.789 -179.2 2100 0.892 166.1 1.67 4.7 0.009 -22.6 0.797 179.0 2150 0.892 164.4 1.61 2.5 0.009 -18.1 0.805 177.5 2200 0.897 162.9 1.56 0.4 0.009 -12.7 0.807 175.8 2250 0.899 161.6 1.50 -1.6 0.008 -8.6 0.811 173.9 2300 0.902 160.0 1.46 -3.8 0.008 -2.5 0.819 172.1 2350 0.905 158.7 1.41 -5.7 0.008 2.0 0.822 170.8 2400 0.901 157.7 1.37 -7.3 0.008 6.0 0.824 169.0 2450 0.896 156.0 1.32 -9.2 0.009 10.1 0.828 167.2 2500 0.895 154.3 1.27 -10.9 0.009 14.5 0.834 165.6Package DimensionsOrdering InformationPart Name Quantity Shipping Containerφ178 mm Reel, 12 mm Emboss Tapingpcs.RQA0004PXTL-E 1000Refer to "/en/network " for the latest and detailed information.Renesas Technology America, Inc.450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95134-1368, U.S.A Tel: <1> (408) 382-7500, Fax: <1> (408) 382-7501Renesas Technology Europe Limited Dukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5FH, U.K.Tel: <44> (1628) 585-100, Fax: <44> (1628) 585-900Renesas Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Unit 204, 205, AZIACenter, No.1233 Lujiazui Ring Rd, Pudong District, Shanghai, China 200120Tel: <86> (21) 5877-1818, Fax: <86> (21) 6887-7898Renesas Technology Hong Kong Ltd.7th Floor, North Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 1 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> 2265-6688, Fax: <852> 2730-6071Renesas Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.10th Floor, No.99, Fushing North Road, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: <886> (2) 2715-2888, Fax: <886> (2) 2713-2999Renesas Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.1 Harbour Front Avenue, #06-10, Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632 Tel: <65> 6213-0200, Fax: <65> 6278-8001Renesas Technology Korea Co., Ltd.Kukje Center Bldg. 18th Fl., 191, 2-ka, Hangang-ro, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-702, Korea Tel: <82> (2) 796-3115, Fax: <82> (2) 796-2145Renesas Technology Malaysia Sdn. Bhd Unit 906, Block B, Menara Amcorp, Amcorp Trade Centre, No.18, Jalan Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel: <603> 7955-9390, Fax: <603> 7955-9510RENESAS SALES OFFICES。
ROS 75 50 C/E
ROS: ROSwell 网络仪表
ROS-NFD 1000-1(3)-230(400)Ros:企业代号
XP243 使用手册
ADD,其中 ADD 必须为偶数,2≤ADD<31; 而且 ADD+1 的地址被占用,不可作其它节点地址用。 如:地址 02,04,06。 如果主控制卡按冗余方式配置,两块互为冗余的主控制卡的主机地址必须设置为以下格式: ADD 、ADD+1 连续,且 ADD 必须为偶数,2≤ADD<31 如:地址 02 与 03,04 与 05。 3.3.3 安装掉电保护电池 地址拨码开关旁边有一个钮扣电池槽,用于安装掉电保护电池。电池应选用 CR2032、3V、220mA 的锂电池。 1) 戴上防静电手腕; 2) 取出主控制卡,平放在桌面上; 3) 卸下主控制卡背板; 4) 将锂电池正极朝上装入到电池槽中; 5) 装上主控制卡背板。 3.3.4 掉电保护电池供电跳线 J5 掉电保护电池旁的 J5 为电池供电跳线,插上短路块时为 ON,接通锂电池,此时如果主控制卡 掉电,主控制卡内 RAM 中的组态、实时数据不会丢失。如果用户需要强制清除主控制卡内存数据 (包括系统配置、控制参数、运行状态等),只须拔去 J5 上的短路块(OFF 状态)。出厂时的缺省设 置为 OFF。跳线方式如图 3-2 错误!未找到引用源。所示。
D i e s e s D o k u m e n t i s t u r h e b e r r e c h t l i c h g e s c h üt z t ● T h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o t e c t e d b y c o p y r i g h t ● R o s e n b e r g e r H o c h f r e q u e n z t e c h n i k G m b H & C o . K G20/6.4All dimensions are in mm; tolerances according to ISO 2768 m-HIEC 61169-4, EN 122190, DIN 47223Printed Standard Definitions that can be used on nearly all Vector Network AnalyzersD i e s e s D o k u m e n t i s t u r h e b e r r e c h t l i c h g e s c h üt z t ● T h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o t e c t e d b y c o p y r i g h t ● R o s e n b e r g e r H o c h f r e q u e n z t e c h n i k G m b H & C o . K G20/6.4JackD i e s e s D o k u m e n t i s t u r h e b e r r e c h t l i c h g e s c h üt z t ● T h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o t e c t e d b y c o p y r i g h t ● R o s e n b e r g e r H o c h f r e q u e n z t e c h n i k G m b H & C o . K G20/6.4ShortOffset Z o / Impedance / Z o 50 ΩOffset Delay96.734 ps Length (electrical) / Offset Length 29.00 mm Offset Loss 0.50 GΩ/sLoss0.0084 dB/GHzShort Inductance L 0 = 0.0000 x 10-12 H / 0.0000 pH L 1 = 0.0000 x 10-24 H/Hz / 0.0000 pH/GHz L 2 = 0.0000 x 10-33 H/Hz 2 / 0.0000 pH/GHz 2L 3 = 0.0000 x 10-42 H/Hz 3/0.0000 pH/GHz 3LoadOffset Z o / Impedance / Z o 50 ΩOffset Delay0.0000 ps Length (electrical) / Offset Length 0.000 mm Offset Loss 0.00 GΩ/sLoss 0.0000 dB/GHzEnvironmental dataOperating temperature range 3 0 °C to +50 °C Storage temperature range - 55 °C to +90 °C RoHS compliant3Temperature range over which these specifications are valid.Declaration of documentationStandard delivery for this kit includes Test Results. The documentation issued reports which quantities were tested individually, traceable to national / international standards. Model based standard definitions of the calibration standards are reported in Agilent / Keysight, Rohde & Schwarz and Anritsu compatible VNA format.Inspection intervalRecommendation 12 monthsPackingWeight 310 g/pceDraft Date Approved Date Rev. Engineering change numberName Date While the information has been carefully compiled to the best of our knowledge, nothing is intended as representation or warranty on our part and no statement herein shall be construed as recommendation to infringe existing patents. In the effort to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes judged to be necessary.For the installation of theelectrotechnical equipment, particular electrotechnical expertise is required.。
XP-242E/XP-243E1. 固定值的详细内容 (4)1。
12 DISPOSE_MOOE (29)1。
13 CYCLE_STEAL (29)1.14 AUTO_SETUP (30)1.15 DEBUG_FLAG (30)1。
27 JIG_POSITION (54)1.28 ELEGANCE (55)1。
29 F_GLASS_V ALUE (55)1。
30 TRAY (56)1。
31 PLACE_OFFSET (57)1。
34 MA TRIX_TABLE (62)1。
35 NOZZLE_TYPE (62)1。
目录一.SiteMaster介绍.................................. 错误!未指定书签。
1.1简介........................................ 错误!未指定书签。
1.2性能指标................................. 错误!未指定书签。
3维护事项................................... 错误!未指定书签。
1.4校准........................................ 错误!未指定书签。
1.5年检..................................... 错误!未指定书签。
开始......................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2.1.给新电池充电 .............................. 错误!未指定书签。
2.给NIMH电池放电 .......................... 错误!未指定书签。
3.电池寿命 ................................. 错误!未指定书签。
4.处理电池注意事项 ......................... 错误!未指定书签。
三.功能和操作...................................... 错误!未指定书签。
3.1.简介 ...................................... 错误!未指定书签。
3.2.前面板 .................................... 错误!未指定书签。
3.3.测试连接头面板 ............................ 错误!未指定书签。
4按键(硬键).............................. 错误!未指定书签。
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● ● ● ● ●
1kVDC Isolation Internal SMD Construction UL94V-0 Package Material Toroidal Magnetics Efficiency to 80%
RQS & RQD Series
Total Output current (%)
Deviation / Load
25.000 00 25.000 20.000
Deviation / Load
Deviation from Nominal (%)
15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000 -10.000
Deviation from Nominal (%)
RECOM RQD-xxxx xxxx
7.40 9.00 11.10
1 2
4 5
Pin Connections Pin # Dual –Vin +Vin Com –Vout +Vout
Recommended Footprint Details
Bottom View
1 2 4
12.00 1.20
Efficiency %
Efficiency %
20 0
20 0
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Total Output current (%)
Total Output current (%)
Deviation / Load
Top View
5 7
1 2
4 5 1.80
10 NC NC = No Connection XX.X ± 0.5 mm XX.XX ± 0.25 mm
Detailed Information see Application Notes chapter "MTBF"
using MIL-HDBK 217F using MIL-HDBK 217F
Unregulated Converters
Selection Guide
Part Number SMD RQS-xx1.8 RQS-xx3.3 RQS-xx05 RQS-xx09 RQS-xx12 RQS-xx15 RQS-xx24 RQD-xx1.8 RQD-xx3.3 RQD-xx05 RQD-xx09 RQD-xx12 RQD-xx15 RQD-xx24 xx = Input Voltage
RQS & RQD Series
Package Style and Pinning (mm)
8 PIN SMD Package
3rd angle projection
12.75 12.10 5.35 1.65 2.54 x 3 7.30
Bottom View
12.00 0.55
Top View
1 2
8 NC NC = No Connection XX.X ± 0.5 mm XX.XX ± 0.25 mm
10 PIN SMD Package
15.24 14.70 5.35 1.65 2.54x4 7.30
8.15 7.90 10 7
8.15 7.90 8 5
RECOM RQS-xxxx xxxx
7.40 9.00 11.10
1 2
Pin Connections Pin # Single –Vin +Vin –Vout +Vout
Recommended Footprint Details
8 5 4 1.80
1 2 4 5
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
Efficiency %
Efficiency %
20 0
20 0
Total Output current (%)
Output Power (%)
100 80 60 40 20 0 -40 85 100 95 Operating Temperature °C 0 50 150
(Ambient Temperature)
-40°C to +85°C (see Graph)
Safe Operating Area
25.000 20.000 25.000 20.000
Deviation / Load
Deviation from Nominal (%)
15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000 -10.000
Deviation from Nominal (%)
15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000 -10.000
-55°C to +125°C ROHS compliant 245°C (30 sec) max. (for more details see Application Notes) MSL Level 1 RQS types RQD types 95% RH 1.5g 2.2g 1345 x 103 hours 310 x 103 hours
Typical Characteristics
RQS & RQD Series
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
Efficiency / Load
100 80 60 40
Output Voltage (VDC) 1.8 3.3 5 9 12 15 24 ±1.8 ±3.3 ±5 ±9 ±12 ±15 ±24
Output Current
0.25 Watt SMD Single & Dual Output
Specifications (Core Operating Area)
15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 -5.000 -10.000
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% Total Output current (%)