积层贴片陶瓷片式电容 CGA、CKC系列(车载级、树脂电极)
TDK 型号(产品目录上的标识) C1608C0G1E103J C1608C0G1E103J080AA
交货品名(交货标签上的标识) C1608C0G1E103JT000N C1608C0G1E103JT000N
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Version A13
001-04 / 20121222 / mlcc_automotive_soft_zh
Issue date: January 2013
Version A13
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47,000 100,000 220,000 2,200,000 4,700,000 10,000,000
473 K: ± 10% 104 M: ± 20% 224 225 475 106
2J 2E 2A 2A 1H 2J 2W (630V) (250V) (100V) (100V) (50V) (630V) (450V)
1.60 mm 2.00 mm 2.30 mm 2.50 mm
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Version A13
001-04 / 20121222 / mlcc_automotive_soft_zh
NCP5030MTTXGEVB NCP5030 High PowerLighting Evaluation Board User's ManualOverviewThe NCP5030 is a fixed frequency PWM buck −boost converter optimized for constant current applications such as driving high −powered white LED. The buck −boost is implemented in an H −bridge topology and has an adaptive architecture where it operates in one of three modes: boost,buck −boost, or buck depending on the input and load condition. This device has been designed with high −efficiency for use in portable applications and is capable of driving up to 1.2 A pulse current and 900mA continuous current into a high power LED for camera flash,flashlight, torch and similar applications. To protect the device cycle by cycle current limiting and a thermal shutdown circuit have been incorporated as well as outputOVP (Over −V oltage Protection). The high switching frequency allows the use of a low value 4.7 m H inductor and ceramic capacitors. The NCP5030 is in a low profile and efficient thermally enhanced 3 x 4 mm DFN package.NCP5030 High Power Lighting Evaluation BoardThis evaluation board demonstrates the overall NCP5030capabilities and offers very easy current programming. The output current is fully configurable via the usage of 4external resistors and corresponding jumper headers. The NCP5030 lighting evaluation board schematic is depicted in Figure2.Figure 1. NCP5030MTTXGEVB Board PictureEVAL BOARD USER’S MANUALSCHEMATICFigure 2. NCP5030 High Power Lighting Evaluation Board SchematicOperationL101 selection depends on the output current, VLF5014A4R7M1R1 is recommended at output current under 500mA, and RLF7030T4R7M3R4 is recommended when output current is larger than 700mA.The power supply of NCP5030 should be from 2.7V to 5.5V. Maximum input voltage is 7.0V and maximum continuous output current is 900mA.CAUTION:1.Exceeding the maximum input voltage maydamage NCP5030 permanently!2.Too long time duration at over output currentmay decrease LED life time or even damageLED!Table 1. Input Power ConnectorSymbol Descriptions J101−1Positive terminal of external power supplyJ101−2GND of external power supplyJ107−1Positive terminal of 3*AA batteries in serialJ107−2GND of 3*AA batteries in serialTable 2. Output Power ConnectorJ108−1/2VOUT of NCP5030J108−5/6FB of NCP5030Table 3. Jumper SetupSymbol DescriptionsJ102−1/2Peak current set to about 3 A, peak current and setting resistor selection can reference the datasheet of NCP5030J102−2/3Peak current set to about 1.5 A, peak current and setting resistor selection can reference the datasheet of NCP5030J103Short will connect CTRL to PVIN and enable NCP5030J110GND test jumperJ104Must be connected to ensure NCP5030 work properly, can measure inductor current here, such as peak current of inductorJ105Select D101 as load of NCP5030, be careful if J111 or J108 is connectedJ111Select D102 as load of NCP5030, be careful if J105 or J108 is connectedJ109Output current setting, reference to table 5(Output current setting table)Table 4. Test PointsTP101CTRL and enable of NCP5030.TP102FB, feedback, reference voltage is 200 mV.TP103Switch LX1TP104Switch LX2Current Setting SelectionThe output is determined by the resistor or resistors connected between FB pin and GND. R102 to R106 and J109 are used for output current setting according to eq. 1:I out(A)+0.2R(W)(eq. 1)Where R is the total resistance between FB and GND, J109 allows parallel connections of several resistors to select output current.Following is the output current setting table of J109 (1=short connected; 0=left open)Table 5. Output Current Setting TablePIN9−10PIN7−8PIN5−6PIN3−4PIN1−2Output Current (mA) 000011000001020000011300001004000010150000110600001117000110080001101900Efficiency TestFigure 3 and Figure 4 describe efficiency results in different conditions. mA 500 mA700 mA900 mAFigure 3. Efficiency vs. Input Voltage, R pca = 82 K W , load = LXHL − PW09,Inductor = VLF5014A4R7M1R1 for I out = 350 mA, 500 mA and 700 mA, RLF7030T4R7M3R4 for I out = 900 mAEfficiency vs. V IN0. 4. Efficiency vs. Input Voltage @ Inductor, I out = 900 mA,R pca = 82 K W , load = LXHL − PW09, V f = 3.9 VEfficiency vs. V INOutput Current RegulationFigure 5 shows the relationship between output current regulation R pca and input voltage. There may be a tradeoff between output current and input current limit.0.0100.0200.0300.0400.0500.0600.0700.0800.0900.01000.05.505.405.305. 5. Output Current Regulation vs. Input Voltage @ R pca , I out = 900 mAInductor = RLF7030T4R7M3R4; Load = LXHL − PW09, V f = 3.9 VEfficiency vs. V INR pca = 82 K WR pca = 39 K WPCB LAYOUTFigure 6. Assembly LayerFigure 7. Top Layer RoutingBILL OF MATERIALSTable 6. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR THE NCP5030MTTXGEVB HIGH POWER LIGHTING EVALUATION BOARDD e s i g n a t o rQty Description Value T o l e r a n c eFootprint MFG MFG Part Number S u b s t i t u t i o n A l l o w e d R O H S C o m p l i a n t C1011Ceramic chip capacitor 330 pF 5%0603TDK C1608C0G1H331J Yes Yes C1021Ceramic chip capacitor 22 pF 5%0603TDK C1608C0G1H220J Yes Yes C1031Ceramic chip capacitor 22 m F 20%0805TDK C2012X5R0J226M Yes Yes C1041Ceramic chip capacitor 1 m F 20%0603TDK C1608X5R0J105M Yes Yes C1051Ceramic chip capacitor 10 m F 20%0805TDK C2012X5R0J106M Yes Yes L1011Chip winding magnetic shielded inductor 4.7 m H20%4.5*4.7 mm TDKVLF5014AT-4R7M1R1Yes Yes 6.8*7.3 mmRLF7030T-4R7M3R4R1011Chip resistor 100 K W 5%0603Std.Std.Yes Yes R1021Chip resistor TBD (not mounted)NA 0805/1206Std.NA NA NA R103,R1042Chip resistor 0.51 W 1%,1/4 W 0805/1206Std.Std.Yes Yes R1051Chip resistor 1 W 1%,1/8 W 0805/1206Std.Std.Yes Yes R1061Chip resistor 2.2 W 1%,1/8 W 0805/1206Std.Std.Yes Yes R1071Chip resistor 39 K W 5%0603Std.Std.Yes Yes R1081Chip resistor 82 K W 5%0603Std.Std.Yes Yes TP101-TP1044PCB terminal 1 mm NA NA Standard 1mm Std.Std.Yes Yes U1011Buck −Boost driver for high power flash LED NANAWDFN12,3*4mm NCP5030MTTXGNo Yes ON Semiconductor J1011Header X 2NA NA SL5.08/2/90SL5.08/2/90B Weidmüller Yes Yes J102,J1062Header 3 pin, 0.1 inch spacingNA NA 0.100*3Std.Std.Yes Yes J103,J104,J105,J1114Header 2 pin, 0.1 inch spacingNANA0.100*2Std.Std.Yes YesJ10713*AA Battery holder NA NA 1.84*2.25 mm MPD BH3AA −PC No Yes J1081Header 6NA NA 0.100*6AMP 535676No Yes J1091Header 2*5,0.1 inch spacing NA NA 0.100*2*5Std.Std.Yes Yes J1101GND jumper 400 mil spacing NA NA 0.400spacing D3082−B01Harwin Yes Yes D1011LXCL −PWT1NA NA 2.0*1.6 mm Lumileds LXCL −PWT1No Yes D1021Lambertian LED modulesLUXEON I LUXEON IIINALambertianLumiledsLXHL −PW01LXHL −PW09YesYesTEST PROCEDURE1.Visual inspection the board after solder, thereshould be no short, redundant solder ball.2.Measure the resistance of each pin of NCP5030 toGND, there should be no short to GND (except pin GND) or each other. Measure the forward andbackward resistance of D101/D102. Ensure solder is good.3.Short J104;4.Short J103;5.Short J106 2−3(power supply from J101);6.Configure J102 in 2−3 position;7.Short J105, open J111, J108;8.Configure J109 in 100 mA position (pin1−2shorted);9.Configure power supply output voltage to 3.7 V.10.Power off and connect power supply to J101;11.Power on, check D101 is lighting;12.Power off and Configure J109 in 200 mA position(pin3−4 shorted);13.Power on, check D101 is lighting;14.Power off and Configure J109 in 400 mA position(pin5−6 shorted);15.Power on, check D101 is lighting;16.Power off and Configure J109 in 400 mA position(pin7−8 shorted);17.Power on, check D101 is lighting;18.Power off and configure J102 at 1−2 position;19.Configure J109 in 100 mA position (pin1−2shorted);20.Power on, check D101 is lighting;21.Power off, open J105, short J111 (if D102mounted);22.Power on, check D102 is lighting (if D102mounted);23.Power off, open J105, J111, connect J108 toexternal LED or LED module (if there is);24.Power on, check external LED or LED module islighting (if there is);25.Power off;26.Configure board default and connect jumpersaccordingly•Place board in 300 mA output currentconfiguration:•Place jumpers on J109 1−2(100 mA), 3−4(200 mA), 9−10(0 mA);•Place a jumper on J102 2−3;•Place jumpers on J103/J104;•Place a jumper on J105 and make sure J111 is open;•Place a jumper on J106 2−3;ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION。
Supertex inc.HV9918DB1High Current LED Driver DemoboardThe HV9918DB1 demoboard is a high current LED driver designedto drive one or two LEDs at 700mA from a 9.0 - 16VDC input. Thedemoboard uses Supertex’s HV9918 hysteretic buck LED driver IC.The HV9918DB1 includes digital control of PWM dimming, which allows the user to dim the LEDs using an external, TTL-compatible square wave source applied between DIM and GND . In this case, the PWM dimming frequency and duty ratio are set by the external square wave source.The demoboard is protected against short circuit and open LEDconditions. It also includes thermal derating of the LED current us-ing an external NTC resistor to prevent over-heating.The bottom of the HV9918DB1 is an exposed copper plane (con-nected to the input ground) which can be connected to a 1” square heatsink (eg: 374324B00035G from Aavid Thermalloy) to allow for operation in higher ambient temperatures without tripping the HV9918’s built-in over temperature protection.General DescriptionInput Connection: Connect the input DC voltage between VIN andGND terminals.Output Connection:Connect the LED(s) between LED+ (anode of LED string) and LED- (cathode of LED string) ter-minals.PWM Dimming Connection:1. If no PWM dimming is required, short PWMD and VDD terminals.2. If dimming using an external PWM dimming source, connect the PWM source between the PWMD and GNDterminals.NTC Thermistor Connection:1. If no thermal derating is required, the NTC terminalcan be left open.2. If thermal derating of the LED current is required, the NTC thermistor can be connected between NTCand GND terminals as shown.ConnectionsSilk ScreenOperation of the BoardThe HV9918DB1 uses Supertex’s HV9918 hysteretic buck LED driver IC to control the LED current. Since the regula-tion method controls both the peak and the valley current in the inductor, the demoboard has excellent line and load regulation.The LED current can be controlled in by PWM dimming. PWM dimming can be achieved in one of two ways:1. Analog control of PWM dimming where a 0-2V sourcecan be applied between NTC and GND terminals (the NTC terminal can also be used for thermal derating of the LED current as explained in the next section).2. Direct control of PWM dimming by applying a TTL com-patible square wave source between PWMD and GND terminals.Analog Control of PWM Dimming / Thermal De-ratingAnalog Control of PWM dimming can be accomplished by applying a 0 – 2.0V DC voltage between NTC and GND (the DC voltage must have a 500μA source/sink capability). In this case, PWMD is connected to VDD and the LEDs are dimmed at 1.0kHz (as set by the capacitor at the RAMP pin of the IC). The duty cycle of the LED current can be adjusted by varying the external voltage at NTC (0V = 0% LED cur-rent and 2.0V = 100% LED current).The same NTC terminal can instead be used to de-rate the LED current based on the LED temperature, if desired. This would reduce the LED current as the LED temperature rises and prevents over-heating of the LED. An NTC resistor can be used to sense the temperature of the LED and this resis-tor can be connected between the NTC and GND terminals of the HV9918DB1. The demoboard is designed to operate with a 100k NTC thermistor which has a B-constant of 4250 (eg: NCP18WF104 from Murata). With this NTC thermistor, the LED current will start dropping at 85ºC and will reach about 350mA at 125ºC.Thermal derating in the HV9918DB1 uses the analog control of PWM dimming function to limit the LED current when the LED temperature rises. During normal operating mode (con-stant LED current; no PWM dimming), the LED current will be PWM dimmed at 1.0kHz. During PWM dimming mode, the thermal derating function limits the maximum PWM dim-ming duty cycle so that the LED current does not exceed the maximum allowable current determined by the thermal derating circuit.Direct Control of PWM DimmingIn the direct control method, the PWM dimming of the LEDs is achieved by driving the PWMD terminal using an external square wave source. In this case, PWM dimming frequency and duty cycle are set by the external source.In this mode, if the thermal derating function is not desired, NTC terminal should be left open. In this case, the recom-mended PWM dimming frequency can be anything up to 10kHz.If thermal derating is desired, then the NTC thermistor should be connected between the NTC and GND terminals. In this case, the PWM dimming frequency should be greater than 1.2kHz.Fig. 1. Normal Operation – Drain Voltage and LED CurrentFig. 2. PWM Dimming WaveformFig. 3. PWM Dimming – Rising Edge WaveformFig. 4. PWM Dimming – Falling Edge WaveformFig. 5. Transient Response of LED Current to a Step Changein Input Voltage from 12V to 32VFig. 6. PWM Dimming of LED current with 2.78k between NTC and GNDFig. 7. Efficiency vs. Input Voltage798183858789Input Voltage (V)E f f i c i e n c y (%)Fig. 8 Line Regulation of LED Current0.711Input Voltage (V)L E D C u r r e n t (A )Fig. 9 Switching Frequency vs. Input Voltage100150200250300350400450500550Input Voltage (V)S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z )LED Current vs NTC TemperatureTemperature (C)L E D C u r r e n t (%)Fig. 10. Thermal Derating of the LED CurrentII Normal inductor current waveformII 0Note:The increase in the LED current at 9.0V input and 6.7V output can be explained by the fact that when the dif-ference between the input and output voltages is very small, the rising inductor current waveform becomes more exponential rather than linear (the falling edge of the inductor current remains linear because the output voltage is high). This causes the average inductor (and therefore LED) current to increase even though the up-per and lower bounds are still the sameHV9918DB1 Schematic DiagramHV9918DB1 WaveformsSupertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http//)©2013 Supertex inc.All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.Supertex inc.。
NCP1608临界工作模式PFCPFC控制器使用手册NCP1608 是一个主动的功率因素控制器,专门设计用来在AC-DC转换适配器,电子镇流器和其他的中等功率的离线转换器(通常功率350W以下)。
它通常是SOIC-8 封装。
通用特性:●高的功率因素(接近1)●不需要输入电压感应●封闭的PWM逐周期控制开通时间(电压模式)●宽的控制范围为高功率应用噪音免疫(>150W)●跨导放大器●高精度电压参考源(1.6%任何温度下)●非常低的开启电压(<35uA)●低的工作电流(2.1mA)●上升500mA/下降800mA图腾柱结构门驱动●带有滞后功能的低电压保护●Pin to pin和工业通用的标准兼容●PB free ,Halide free安全特性●过电压保护●低电压保护●反馈悬空保护●过电流保护●精准的可编程的最大开通时间经典应用●固体照明设备(半导体照明)●电子镇流器●AC适配器,TV,监控器●所有的离线的需要PFC的应用Tape上有卷的说明信息包括部分方向和Tape大小,请参考我们的tape上的包装说明手册,BRD8011/D图1经典应用图2 内部结构框图表格1:pin针功能说明超过最大额定值可能损坏芯片。
1.这个芯片包括静电放电(ESD)保护达到以下测试:Pin1-8:人体模型超过2000V 每个JEDEC 标准JESD22-A114E机器模型办法200V 每个JEDEC 标准JESD22-A115A 。
表格3 电气特性V FB=2.4V,V Control = 4 V, Ct = 1 nF, V CS = 0 V, V ZCD = 0 V, C DRV = 1 nF, V CC = 12 V,除非另有说明。
MAX25611EVKIT#Evaluates: MAX25611A/MAX25611B MAX25611 Evaluation KitGeneral DescriptionThe MAX25611 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX25611A/MAX25611B auto-motive high-voltage, high-brightness LED (HB LED) controller. The EV kit is set up for boost and buck-boost configurations and operates from a 6V to 18V DC supply voltage. The EV kit is configured to deliver up to 0.88A to one string of LEDs. The total voltage of the string can vary from 3V to 36V. The anode of the LED string should be connected to the LED+ terminal. The cathode of the LED string can be connected either to GND (boost mode) or IN (buck-boost mode). In the case of boost mode, the input voltage should not exceed the LED string voltage. Benefits and Features●Configured for Boost and Buck-Boost Application●Analog Dimming Control●Proven PCB Layout●Fully Assembled and Tested FeatureOrdering Information appears at end of data sheet.Quick StartRequired Equipment●MAX25611 EV kit●12V, 5A DC power supply● A series-connected LED string rated at least 1A●Oscilloscope with a current probeProcedureThe EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation. Caution: Do not turn on power supply until all connections are made.1)Verify that all jumpers (J1, J2, and J7) are in theirdefault positions, as shown in Table 1.2)Connect the positive terminal of the 12V supply to theVIN PCB pad and the negative terminal to the nearest GND PCB pad.3)Connect the LED string across the LED+ and LED-PCB pads on the EV kit for buck-boost configura-tion. For boost configuration, connect the LED string across the LED+ and GND PCB pads on the EV kit.The LED string voltage should be higher than the input voltage in this configuration.4)Clip the current probe on the wire connected to theLED string.5)Turn on the DC power supply.6)Verify that the LEDs turn on.7)Verify that the oscilloscope displays approximately0.88A.Click here for production status of specific part numbers.Evaluates: MAX25611A/MAX25611BMAX25611 Evaluation Kit Detailed DescriptionThe MAX25611 EV kit provides a proven design to evalu-ate the MAX25611A/MAX25611B high-voltage HB LED driver with integrated high-side current sense. The EV kit is set up for boost and buck-boost configurations and operates from a 6V to 18V DC supply voltage. The string-forward voltage can vary from 3V to 36V. The EV kit is optimized for 0.8A and a series of 8 LEDs in a string. Other configurations may require changes to component values.Analog Dimming Control (REFI)When J2 is installed across pins 1-2, the LED current is set at the maximum current. The REFI pin is connected to VCC and in this case, the LED current is given by the following equation:LED 220mVI R14=In the case of the EV kit, I LED is set to 0.88A.When J2 is installed across pins 2-3, the REFI pin is con -nected to the voltage-divider of R1 and R2, which sets the REFI voltage. If V REFI < 1.2V, then V REFI sets the LED current level.()REFI LEDV 0.2V I 5R14−=×Alternatively, the analog dimming can be controlled by removing the shunt on J2 and applying a voltage between 0 and 5.5V on the REFI test point on the EV kit. REFI voltages above 1.3V are limited to an equivalent of 1.3V inside the IC.Pulse-Dimming Input (PWMDIM)The EV kit demonstrates the PWM dimming feature of the buck controller using either an external PWM signal, or a DC voltage at the DIM pin.Analog-to-PWM dimming: Install a shunt across J1 (1-2). Adjust the potentiometer R18 to set a DC voltage on the PWMDIM pin. The PWM dimming duty cycle is set by the voltage at PWMDIM between 0.2V (0% duty) and 3V (100% duty). Alternatively, drive the PWMDIM testpoint with an external DC source. PWMDIM voltages above 3V set the dimming duty cycle to 100%.Direct PWM dimming: Leave J1 open and connect a PWM signal to the PWMDIM testpoint. Vary the duty cycle to increase or decrease the intensity of the HB LED string. The PWMDIM input of the device has a 2V (max) rising threshold and a 0.8V (min) falling threshold and is com -patible with 3.3V and 5V logic-level signals. Uninstall C2 to achieve fast PWMDIM rise and fall edges at the IC pin.Table 1. MAX25611 EV Kit Jumper DescriptionsJUMPERSHUNTPOSITION DESCRIPTIONJ11-2*Connects the PWMDIM pin of the device to VCC through a voltage divider formed by R13 and R18. The dimming duty cycle is adjusted from 0% to 100% for PWMDIM level between 0.2V and 3V. The dimming frequency is internally set at 200Hz.2-3Connects the PWMDIM pin to ground to disable the analog dimming function and keep the IC off.OpenConnect an external function generator to drive the PWMDIM pin with a signal from 0 to 3.3V or higher. PWMDIM pulse width should be at least above one switching period.Recommended PWMDIM frequency range is from 200Hz to 2kHz for visible LEDs. IR LEDs can operate at lower frequencies where flicker is not visible.J21-2*Connects VCC to the REFI pin. LED current is at the maximum value of 0.88A in this configuration.2-3Connects the REFI pin of the device to VCC through a voltage divider formed by R1 and R2.Adjusting R2 allows programming the LED current from 0 to 0.88A for REFI levels from 0.2V to 1.3V. For REFI voltages above 1.3V, the LED current is limited at 0.88A.OpenConnect an external voltage source to set the LED current from 0 to 0.88A for REFI levels from 0.2V to 1.3V. For REFI voltages above 1.3V, the LED current is limited at 0.88A.J71-2*Connects the IN pin to the same input supply as the boost power stage through a 10Ω filter resistor.OpenConnect an external supply voltage greater than 4.7V to J7 pin 2 to bias the IC IN pin.Evaluates: MAX25611A/MAX25611B MAX25611 Evaluation Kit2.2MHz OperationThe EV kit can be used to evaluate 2.2MHz operation. To test the 2.2MHz application:●Change the IC to MAX25611B (provided).●Change L2 to 2.2µH.●Change C9 to 0.22µF. R6 remains at 50Ω.●Output capacitance can be reduced to 1x 4.7µF. Notethat short pulse widths at low frequencies benefit from having higher total output capacitance to counter leak-age currents that discharge the output voltage before the next pulse.●Change other components as required (e.g., MOSFET,FET current sense R9, LED current sense R14). High-Beam/Low-Beam ApplicationThe EV kit can be used to evaluate high-beam/low-beam switching applications. Connect the low-beam LED string across LED+ and HB_LED+, and the high-beam LED string across HB_LED+ and GND. Use a function genera-tor or a DC source to drive the HIGHBEAM_OFF pad to 5V or GND to disabled or enable the high-beam LEDs. Slew rate control of the driving signal, or adjustment of R19 and C17 values can be used to control the transi-tion of the Q3 shunting FET to minimize surge currents through the low-beam LEDs.Latch CircuitThe latch circuit proves HB+LED+ short-to-battery protec-tion by disabling the shunt FET gate. This prevents the shunt FET from shorting out the battery. The latch is reset by removing power to recycle VCC.Voltage Regulator ConfigurationThe EV kit can be reconfigured as a voltage regulator using R27 and R28 as the voltage feedback resistor divider, after removing R14.()()REFIOUTV0.2R27R28V5R27−+=×Setting V REFI = 1.2V selects a large feedback signal for better accuracy and noise immunity. For simplicity, select R27 to match the programmed regulation voltage across ISENSEP and ISENSEN. For example, with V REFI = 1.2V, V(ISENSEP - ISENSEN) = 200mV, and R27 should be 200Ω. This makes 1mV per Ω or 1mA down the resis-tor string, minimizing the error due to ISENSEN leakage current. The calculation for R28 is then simplified to (VOUT - 0.2) x 1000.The following components should also be changed:●Power stage components (Q1, L2, D1, R9 and outputcapacitance) as required for the application (voltage, current rating, etc).●COMP components (R6, C9, C16) to match the appli-cation requirements.●Remove C14, R17, and Q2.#Denotes RoHS compliance.PART TYPEMAX25611EVKIT#EV KitOrdering InformationEvaluates: MAX25611A/MAX25611B MAX25611 Evaluation KitMAX25611 EV Kit Bill of MaterialsITEM REF_DES DNI/DNP QTY MFG PART #MANUFACTURER VALUE DESCRIPTION1C1, C19—2GRM32ER72A225KA35;CGA6N3X7R2A225K230;CC1210KKX7R0BB225MURATA;TDK;YAGEO2.2UFCAPACITOR; SMT (1210); CERAMIC CHIP; 2.2UF; 100V; TOL = 10%;MODEL = GRM SERIES; TG = -55°C to +125°C; TC = X7R2C2, C16—2CGA3EANP02A103J080AC TDK0.01UF CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.01UF; 100V; TOL = 5%; MODEL = MULTILAYER CERAMIC CHIP CAPACITOR; TC = NPO3C3—1EEE-TG2A220UP PANASONIC22UF CAPACITOR; SMT (CASE_F); ALUMINUM-ELECTROLYTIC; 22UF; 100V; TOL = 20%; MODEL = TG SERIES; TG = -40°C TO +125°C4C4, C5,C11-C13, C15—6CGA6M3X7S2A475K200AE;CGA6M3X7S2A475K200ABTDK;TDK 4.7UFCAPACITOR; SMT (1210); CERAMIC CHIP; 4.7UF; 100V;TOL = 10%; TG = -55°C TO +125°C; TC = X7S; AUTO5C6—1C1608X6S1A475K TDK 4.7UF CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 4.7UF; 10V; TOL = 10%; TG = -55°C TO +105°C; TC = X6S6C7, C8—2GCJ188R71H104KA12;GCM188R71H104K;CGA3E2X7R1H104K080AAMURATA;MURATA;TDK0.1UFCAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.1UF; 50V;TOL = 10%; TG = -55°C TO +125°C; TC = X7R; AUTO7C9—1GCM188R71C105KA64;CGA3E1X7R1C105K080ACMURATA;TDK1UFCAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 1UF; 16V; TOL = 10%;TG = -55°C TO +125°C; TC = X7R; AUTO8C10—1GRM1885C1H102JA01;C1608C0G1H102J080MURATA;TDK1000PFCAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 1000PF; 50V;TOL = 5%; TG = -55°C TO +125°C9C14—1C0603C101K1GAC KEMET100PF CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 100PF; 100V; TOL = 10%; MODEL = C0G; TG = -55°C TO +125°C; TC = +10C17—1C0603X472J1GAC KEMET4700PF CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 4700PF; 100V; TOL = 5%; MODEL = FT-CAP; TG = -55°C TO +125°C; TC = C0G11C20—1C0805C104J1RAC KEMET0.1UF CAP; SMT (0805); 0.1UF; 5%; 100V; X7R; CERAMIC CHIP12C21—1CGA3E3X7S2A104K080AB TDK0.1UF CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.1UF; 100V; TOL = 10%; TG = -55°C TO +125°C; TC = X7S13D1—1DFLS2100DIODESINCORPORATEDDFLS2100DIODE; SCH; SMT (POWERDI-123); PIV = 100V; IF = 2A14D2—11N4148WS-7-FDIODESINCORPORATED1N4148WS-7-F DIODE; SWT; SMT (SOD-323); PIV = 75V; IF = 0.3A15D5—11N4148W-7-FDIODESINCORPORATED1N4148W-7-FDIODE; SWT; SMT (SOD-123); PIV = 100V;IF = 0.3A; -65°C TO +150°C16FB1—1HF70ACB322513TDK52INDUCTOR; SMT (1210); FERRITE-BEAD; 52; TOL = ±25%; 0.4A; -40°C TO +125°C17GND, HB_LED+,HIGHBEAM_OFF, J3-J6,LED+, LED-, VCC, VIN—119020 BUSS WEICO WIRE MAXIMPADEVK KIT PARTS; MAXIM PAD; WIRE; NATURAL; SOLID;WEICO WIRE; SOFT DRAWN BUS TYPE-S; 20AWG18J1, J2—2PCC03SAAN SULLINS PCC03SAAN CONNECTOR; MALE; THROUGH HOLE; BREAKAWAY; STRAIGHT THROUGH; 3PINS; -65°C TO +125°C19J7—1PCC02SAAN SULLINS PCC02SAAN CONNECTOR; MALE; THROUGH HOLE; BREAKAWAY; STRAIGHT THROUGH; 2PINS; -65°C TO +125°C20L1—1MSS1278T-472ML COILCRAFT 4.7UH INDUCTOR; SMT; FERRITE BOBBIN CORE; 4.7UH; TOL = ±0.2; 6.2A; -40°C TO +125°C21L2—1MSS1278T-153ML COILCRAFT15UH INDUCTOR; SMT; FERRITE; 15UH; 20%; 4.9A22MH1-MH4—49032KEYSTONE9032MACHINE FABRICATED; ROUND-THRU HOLE SPACER; NO THREAD; M3.5; 5/8IN; NYLON23Q1—1SQJA86EP-T1_GE3VISHAY SILICONIX SQJA86EP-T1_GE3TRAN; NCH; SO-8L; PD-(48W); I-(30A); V-(80V)24Q2—1FDC3535FAIRCHILDSEMICONDUCTORFDC3535TRAN; P-CHANNEL POWER TRENCH MOSFET; PCH;SSOT-6; PD-(1.6W); I-(-2.1A); V-(-80V)Evaluates: MAX25611A/MAX25611B MAX25611 Evaluation KitMAX25611 EV Kit Bill of Materials (continued)ITEM REF_DES DNI/DNP QTY MFG PART #MANUFACTURER VALUE DESCRIPTION25Q3—1FDC3512ON SEMICONDUCTOR FDC3512TRAN; N-CHANNEL POWERTRENCH MOSFET; NCH; SUPERSOT-6; PD-(1.6W); I-(3A); V-(80V)26Q4—1MMBT2907AFAIRCHILDSEMICONDUCTORMMBT2907ATRAN; SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR; PNP; SOT-23;PD-(0.35W); IC-(-0.6A); VCEO-(-60V)27Q5—1MMBT2222LT1G ON SEMICONDUCTOR MMBT2222LT1G TRAN; NPN; SOT-23; PD-(0.225W); I-(0.6A); V-(30V)28R1—1CRCW060324K9FK VISHAY DALE24.9K RESISTOR; 0603; 24.9KΩ; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM29R2, R18—23296W-1-103LF BOURNS10K RESISTOR; THROUGH-HOLE-RADIAL LEAD; 3296 SERIES;10KΩ; 10%; 100PPM; 0.5W; SQUARE TRIMMING POTENTIOMETER;25 TURNS; MOLDER CERAMIC OVER METAL FILM30R3, R4—2CRCW0603100RFK;ERJ-3EKF1000;RC0603FR-07100RLVISHAY DALE;PANASONIC100RESISTOR; 0603; 100Ω; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM31R6—1CRCW060349R9FK VISHAY DALE49.9RESISTOR; 0603; 49.9Ω; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM 32R7—1CRCW06033K32FK VISHAY DALE 3.32K RESISTOR; 0603; 3.32K; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM33R8, R12,R16, R17—4CRCW06030000ZS;MCR03EZPJ000;ERJ-3GEY0R00VISHAY DALE;ROHM;PANASONIC0RESISTOR; 0603; 0Ω; 0%; JUMPER; 0.10W; THICK FILM34R9—1ERJ-8CWFR043PANASONIC0.043RESISTOR; 1206; 0.043Ω; 1%; 75PPM; 1W; THICK FILM35R10—1CRCW0603475KFK VISHAY DALE475K RESISTOR; 0603; 475KΩ; 0.1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM36R11—1CRCW060310K0FK;ERJ-3EKF1002VISHAY DALE;PANASONIC10K RESISTOR; 0603; 10K; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM37R13—1CRCW06033K00FK VISHAY DALE3K RESISTOR; 0603; 3KΩ; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM 38R14—1LRC-LR2512LF-01-R250F TT ELECTRONICS0.25RESISTOR; 2512; 0.25Ω; 1%; 100PPM; 2W; THICK FILM 39R15—1CRCW06031M00JN VISHAY DALE1M RESISTOR; 0603; 1MΩ; 5%; 200PPM; 0.10W; METAL FILM 40R19—1CRCW060320K0JN VISHAY DALE20K RESISTOR; 0603; 20KΩ; 5%; 200PPM; 0.10W; METAL FILM 41R21—1ERA-V15J100V PANASONIC10RESISTOR; 0603; 10Ω; 5%; 1500PPM; 0.063W; METAL FILM 42R22—1LRC-LR1206LF-01-R100-F TT ELECTRONICS0.1RESISTOR; 1206; 0.1Ω; 1%; 100PPM; 0.5W; THICK FILM 43R23, R25—2ERJ-3GEYJ102V PANASONIC1K RESISTOR; 0603; 1KΩ; 5%; 200PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM 44R24—1301-10K-RC XICON10K RESISTOR, 0603, 10KΩ, 5%, 200PPM, 1/16W, THICK FILM 45R26—1ERJ-3GEYJ472V PANASONIC 4.7K RESISTOR; 0603; 4.7KΩ; 5%; 200PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM46SU1-SU3—3S1100-B;SX1100-B KYCON;KYCON SX1100-B TEST POINT; JUMPER; STR; TOTAL LENGTH = 0.24IN; BLACK; INSULATION = PBT;PHOSPHOR BRONZE CONTACT = GOLD PLATED47TP1—17006KEYSTONE7006CONNECTOR; PANELMOUNT; BINDING POST; STRAIGHT THROUGH; 1PIN; RED48TP2—17007KEYSTONE7007CONNECTOR; PANELMOUNT; BINDING POST; STRAIGHT THROUGH; 1PIN; BLACK49U1—1MAX25611ATC MAXIM MAX25611ATC EVKIT PART - IC; MAX25611ATC; PACKAGE OUTLINE DRAWING: 21-0139; LAND PATTERN DRAWING: 90-0068; TQFN16-EP50PCB—1MAX25611MAXIM PCB PCB:MAX2561151C18DNP0C0805C104J1RAC KEMET0.1UF CAP; SMT (0805); 0.1UF; 5%; 100V; X7R; CERAMIC CHIP52D3DNP01N4148W-7-FDIODESINCORPORATED1N4148W-7-FDIODE; SWT; SMT (SOD-123); PIV = 100V;IF = 0.3A; -65°C TO +150°C53R5DNP0ERJ-8CWFR043PANASONIC0.043RESISTOR; 1206; 0.043Ω; 1%; 75PPM; 1W; THICK FILM 54R20DNP0CRCW0603499KFK VISHAY DALE499K RESISTOR; 0603; 499KΩ; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM 55R27DNP0CRCW0603220RFK VISHAY DALE220RESISTOR; 0603; 220Ω; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM 56R28DNP0CRCW060360K4FK VISHAY DALE60.4K RESISTOR, 0603, 60.4KΩ, 1%, 100PPM, 0.1W, THICK FILM80TOTALEvaluates: MAX25611A/MAX25611B MAX25611 Evaluation KitMAX25611 EV Kit SchematicsEvaluates: MAX25611A/MAX25611BMAX25611 Evaluation Kit MAX25611 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Top SilkscreenMAX25611 EV Kit PCB Layout DiagramsEvaluates: MAX25611A/MAX25611BMAX25611 Evaluation Kit MAX25611 EV Kit PCB Layout—Top ViewMAX25611 EV Kit PCB Layout Diagrams (continued)Evaluates: MAX25611A/MAX25611BMAX25611 Evaluation Kit MAX25611 EV Kit PCB Layout—Bottom ViewMAX25611 EV Kit PCB Layout Diagrams (continued)Maxim Integrated │ MAX25611 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Bottom SilkscreenMAX25611 EV Kit PCB Layout Diagrams (continued)Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.© 2019 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. │ 11REVISIONNUMBERREVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PAGES CHANGED 03/19Initial release —13/19Updated part number to MAX25611A/MAX25611B 1–11Revision HistoryFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https:///en/storefront/storefront.html .MAX25611EVKIT#。
MAX16141 诊断试验板 通用描述说明书
MAX16141EVKIT#/MAXESSENTIAL01+Evaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit General DescriptionThe MAX16141 evaluation kit (EV kit) evaluates the MAX16141 IC family. The MAX16141 is a diode controller and protection device that protects systems against fault conditions, such as reverse-current, overcurrent, input over-voltage/undervoltage, short-circuit, and overtemperature. The MAX16141 EV kit comes with the MAX16141AAF/V+ IC installed. The MAX16141 EV kit undervoltage/overvoltage thresholds are set to 8.6V/36.2V, respectively.Features●8.6V to 36.2V Undervoltage/Overvoltage Thresholds ●Output Short-Circuit Protection●Resistor Adjustable Overvoltage and UndervoltageTrip Threshold ●Proven 2-Layer, 2oz Copper PCB Layout ●Demonstrates Compact Solution Size ●Fully Assembled and Tested319-100230; Rev 0; 8/18Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.Quick StartRequired Equipment●MAX16141 EV kit●40V, 10A DC power supply●One digital multimeter (DMM)ProcedureThe EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation.Caution: Do not turn on power supply until all connections are completed.1) Verify that shunts are installed onto their respectivedefault positions for jumpers JU1–JU3 (Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3).2) Connect the power supply between the IN andSYSGND terminal posts.3) Connect the DMM between the OUT and SYSGNDterminal posts.4) Turn on the power supply.5) Manually sweep the power supply from 8.6Vto 36.2V. Verify that the output voltage at OUT approximately follows the input voltage at IN.6) Increase the input voltage to 37V.7) Verify that the output voltage is 0V (overvoltageprotection)8) Set the input voltage to 12V and verify that OUT isalso about 12V.9) Using an insulated shorting cable, take caution tohold the insulated parts of the shorting cable while shorting OUT to SYSGND, and verify that the output voltage is 0V (Short circuit protection).10) Remove the shorting cable between OUT andSYSGND and verify that the output voltage is 12V.11) Decrease the input voltage to 7V.12) Verify that the output voltage is approximately 0V(undervoltage protection).FILEDECRIPTION MAX16141 EV BOM EV Kit Bill of MaterialMAX16141 EV PCB Layout EV Kit Layout MAX16141 EV SchematicEV Kit SchematicMAX16141 EV Kit FilesClick here for production status of specific part numbers.Evaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit Detailed Description of HardwareThe MAX16141 EV kit evaluates the MAX16141 IC. The MAX16141 is a diode controller and protection device that protects systems against fault conditions such as reverse current, overcurrent, input overvoltage/undervoltage, short circuit and over temperature. The MAX16141 EV kit’s undervoltage and overvoltage thresholds are configured to 8.6V and 36.2V, respectively.The MAX16141 EV kit comes with the MAX16141ATE+ (16-TQFN) installed and is configured to operate normally between 8.6V and 36.2V. Under normal operation, the output follows the input. The output will shut down (0V) when the input is risen above 36.2V (i.e., 37V or higher), or drop below 8.6V (i.e., 7V or lower). The output will also shut down when the load at the output goes above 5A, or in an event of a short circuit at the output.SHDNThe MAX16141 EV kit provides a jumper (JU1) to enable or disable the MAX16141. Refer to Table 1 for JU1 jumper settings.SLEEPThe MAX16141 EV kit provides a jumper (JU2) to pullup the active-low sleep mode input of the MAX16141. Refer to Table 2 for JU2 jumper settings.GATE SnubberFor applications that require slower gate rise time than what is achieved using a resistor from GRC to GND, an external resistor and capacitor (snubber) network can be added from GATE to GND. However, the recommended value is 1k Ω resistor in series with a 10nF cap.The MAX16141 EV Kit provides a jumper (JU3) to add or remove the snubber at the power MOSFET gates. Refer to Table 3 for jumper settings.Overvoltage ProtectionThe MAX16141 EV kit shuts down the output when the input voltage exceeds the upper input voltage limit set by resistors R11 and R9 between the TERM and OVSET pins of the MAX16141. Refer to the equation below to set the overvoltage limit for the MAX16141 EV kit.R11 = ((VOV_TH x R9)/VTH) - (R9 + 700Ω)where,VOV_TH is the desired overvoltage threshold.R9 = 10kΩV TH = 0.5V (typ) threshold for OVSET and 700Ω is the TERM switch typical resistance.Undervoltage ProtectionThe MAX16141 EV kit shuts down the output when the input voltage drops below the lower input voltage limit set by resistors R10 and R8 between the TERM and UVSET pins of the MAX16141. Refer to the equation below to set the undervoltage limit for the MAX16141 EV kit.R10 = ((V UV_TH x R8)/V TH ) - (R8 + 700Ω)where,V UV_TH is the desired undervoltage threshold.R8 = 10kΩV TH = 0.5V (typ) threshold for UVSET and 700Ω is the TERM switch typical resistance.Table 2. SLEEP (JU2)Table 3. GATE Snubber (JU3)Table 1. SHDN (JU1)*Default position.Note: Larger cap values will decrease the gate fall time during reverse-voltage fault.*Default position.*Default position.JU1SHUNT POSITION DESCRIPTIONInstalled*Enabled. SHDN = VCC (through pullup resistor R12)Not Installed Disabled. SHDN = SYSGND (through internal pulldown)JU2SHUNT POSITION DESCRIPTIONInstalled*SLEEP (pullup through resistor R13)Not Installed SLEEP (floating)JU3SHUNT POSITION DESCRIPTIONInstalled GATE snubber (R3 and C7) added Not Installed*GATE snubber (R3 and C7) removedEvaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit Overcurrent ProtectionThe MAX16141 EV kit shuts down the output when the load current exceeds the current limit set by the OC_THRESHOLD (See MAX16141 IC data sheet) and the sense resistor R1 between the RS and OUT pins of the MAX16141. Refer to the equation below to set the overcurrent limit for the MAX16141 EV kit.RSENSE = V(RS-OUT)/IOCTHwhere,RSENSE is the sense resistor between RS and OUT in Ω,V(RS-OUT) is the overcurrent threshold in V (refer to the IC data sheet for the proper value)IOCTH is the desired overcurrent threshold in A.Short-Circuit ProtectionThe MAX16141 EV kit shuts down the output in event the output is shorted to ground. The output will resume normal level, same as the input, when the short at the output is removed.Evaluating other ICs in the MAX16141 FamilyThe MAX16141 EV kit comes with the MAX16141AAF/V+ installed. To evaluate other ICs in the MAX16141 IC family, replace U1 with the desired IC and refer to the MAX16141 IC data sheet for additional detail.Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX16141 when contacting these component suppliers.#Denotes RoHSSUPPLIERWEBSITECentral Semiconductor Kemet Murata/TOKO NXP ON Semiconductor PanasonicPARTTYPE MAX16141EVKIT#EV KitComponent SuppliersOrdering InformationEvaluates: MAX16141 MAX16141 Evaluation KitMAX16141 EV Kit Bill of MaterialsITEM REF_DES DNI/DNP QTY MFG PART #MANUFACTURER VALUE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS1C1, C2-2GRM31CR72E104KW03MURATA0.1UF CAPACITOR; SMT (1206); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.1UF; 250V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R2C3-1GRM43DR72E334KW01MURATA0.33UF CAPACITOR; SMT (1812); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.33UF; 250V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R3C4-1EEE-FK1V331GP PANASONIC330UF CAPACITOR;SMT (CASE_G); ALUMINUM-ELECTROLYTIC; 330UF; 35V; TOL=20%4C7-1C0805C103K1RAC;GRM21BR72A103KA01;08055C103KAT2AKEMET;MURATA;AVX0.01UFCAPACITOR; SMT (0805);CERAMIC CHIP; 0.01UF; 100V;TOL=10%; MODEL=;TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC;TC=X7R5C8-1GRM1885C1H102JA01;C1608C0G1H102J080MURATA;TDK1000PFCAPACITOR; SMT (0603);CERAMIC CHIP; 1000PF; 50V;TOL=5%; TG=-55 DEGC TO+125 DEGC6COM, IN_PAD,OUT_PAD, SYSGND,SYSGND_PAD_OUT-5MAXIMPAD N/A MAXIMPADEVK KIT PARTS;MAXIM PAD; NO WIRE TO BESOLDERED ON THEMAXIMPAD7COM_TP1, COM_TP2-25001KEYSTONE N/A TEST POINT; PIN DIA=0.1IN; TOTAL LENGTH=0.3IN; BOARD HOLE=0.04IN; BLACK; PHOSPHOR BRONZE WIRE SILVER PLATE FINISH;8D1-1CMPZ5245B CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR15V DIODE; ZNR; SMT (SOT-23); VZ=15V; IZ=0.0085A9D2, D3-2CMHZ5231B CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 5.1V DIODE; ZNR; SMT (SOD-123);VZ=5.1V; IZ=0.02A10D4-1BAV300VISHAY BAV300DIODE; SS; SMT (MICROMELF); PIV=60V; IF=0.25A11EN, FAULT, GATE,OVSET, SLEEP, UVSET-65002KEYSTONE N/ATEST POINT; PIN DIA=0.1IN;TOTAL LENGTH=0.3IN; BOARDHOLE=0.04IN; WHITE;PHOSPHOR BRONZE WIRESILVER;12IN, OUT,SYSGND_OUT, TP1-4108-0740-001EMERSON NETWORK POWER108-0740-001CONNECTOR; MALE;PANELMOUNT; BANANAJACK; STRAIGHT; 1PIN13JU1-JU3-3PEC02SAAN SULLINS PEC02SAAN CONNECTOR; MALE; THROUGH HOLE; BREAKAWAY; STRAIGHT; 2PINS14N1, N2-2NVD6824NLT4G ON SEMICONDUCTOR NVD6824NLT4G TRAN; POWER MOSFET; NCH; DPAK; PD-(90W); I-(41A); V-(100V)15R1-1CSSH2728FT5L00STACKPOLE ELECTRONICS INC.0.005RESISTOR; 2728; 0.005 OHM; 1%; 25PPM; 4W; METAL FOIL16R2-1CRCW121010R0FK VISHAY DALE10RESISTOR; 1210; 10 OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.5W; THICK FILM17R3-1TNPW06031K00BE;RG1608P-102-BVISHAY DALE;SUSUMU CO LTD.1KRESISTOR; 0603; 1K OHM;0.1%; 25PPM; 0.10W; THICKFILM18R4-1RG1608P-101-B;ERA-3YEB101VSUSUMU CO LTD.;PANASONIC100RESISTOR; 0603; 100 OHM;0.1%; 25PPM; 0.1W; THICKFILM19R6-R9-4CHPHT0603K1002FGT VISHAY SFERNICE10K RESISTOR; 0603; 10K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.0125W; THICK FILM20R10-1CRCW0603162KFK VISHAY DALE162K RESISTOR; 0603; 162K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILMEvaluates: MAX16141 MAX16141 Evaluation KitMAX16141 EV Kit Bill of Materials (continued)ITEM REF_DES DNI/DNP QTY MFG PART #MANUFACTURER VALUE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS21R11-1CRCW0603715KFK VISHAY DALE715K RESISTOR; 0603; 715K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; METAL FILM22R12-R14-3ERJ-3EKF1003PANASONIC100K RESISTOR; 0603; 100K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM23R18-1RC0402JR-070RL;CR0402-16W-000RJTYAGEO PHYCOMP;VENKEL LTD.0RESISTOR; 0402; 0 OHM;5%; JUMPER; 0.063W; THICKFILM24SU1-SU3-3S1100-B;SX1100-B KYCON;KYCON SX1100-B TEST POINT; JUMPER; STR; TOTAL LENGTH=0.24IN; BLACK;INSULATION=PBT;PHOSPHOR BRONZE CONTACT=GOLD PLATED25U1-1MAX16141AAF/V+MAXIM MAX16141AAF/V+EVKIT PART - IC; CONTROLLER; IDEAL DIODE CONTROLLER WITH VOLTAGE AND CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER; TQFN16-EP; PACKAGE OUTLINE NO.: 21-0139; PACKAGE CODE: T1644-4; PACKAGE LAND PATTERN: 90-007026PCB-1MAX16141MAXIM PCB PCB:MAX16141-27D5DNP0CMZ5938B CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR36V DIODE; ZNR; SMA (DO-214AC); VZ=36V; IZ=0.0104A28D6DNP0CMZ5944B CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR62V DIODE; ZNR; SMA (DO-214AC); VZ=62V; IZ=0.006A29C5, C6DNP0N/A N/A OPEN PACKAGE OUTLINE 0805 NON-POLAR CAPACITOR30R15, R16DNP0N/A N/A OPEN PACKAGE OUTLINE 0603 RESISTORTOTAL51Evaluates: MAX16141 MAX16141 Evaluation KitEvaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit MAX16141 EV Kit—Top Silkscreen MAX16141 EV Kit—TopMAX16141 EV Kit—BottomMaxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.Evaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit REVISION NUMBERREVISION DATE DESCRIPTIONPAGES CHANGED8/18Initial release—Revision HistoryFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https:///en/storefront/storefront.html.MAXESSENTIAL01+DescriptionThe Essential Analog toolkit contains a unique collection of Maxim's high-performance, analog building block products. This curated group of parts represent a selection of Maxim’s vast product lines, specific to 20 product categories, from key performance areas including power efficiency, precise measurement, reliable connectivity, and robust protection.The ICs in the toolkit offer the breadth of each product category: low power, low noise, multi-channel, high resolution, high accuracy, and high speed. All these features empower your designs and bring value to your systems.At 6.4cm x 8.9cm x 1.3cm, the box itself is small, lightweight, and easy to carry. Products are guarded from ESD using a gel and ESD-protected box.A guide that labels each of the part types inside the box supports the toolkit. Go to the Maxim website to find more information for the individual part numbers.When planning your next design, pick up an Essential Analog toolkit to review Maxim’s high-performance analog products.Key Features∙Small, 6.4cm x 8.9cm x 1.3cm Package∙ESD Protection-Lined Package∙Accelerate Your Design with Quick AccessMaxim IntegratedMAX16141EVKIT#/MAXESSENTIAL01+。
± 5% ± 10% ± 20%
B = Bulk
R = Tape and Reel
* 1.0 [25.4] minimum lead length.
文件编号:42012 修订25九月00
Thisisexpressed in volts. To complete the three-digit block, zeros precede the voltage rating.
See Dimensional Configurations.
文件编号:42012 修订25九月00
1C20C0G222J050R 1C20C0G222J100B 1C20C0G222J100R 1C20C0G330J050B 1C20C0G330J050R 1C20C0G330J100B 1C20C0G330J100R 1C20C0G331J050B 1C20C0G331J050R 1C20C0G331J100B 1C20C0G331J100R 1C20C0G332J050B 1C20C0G332J050R 1C20C0G332J100B 1C20C0G332J100R
1C20X7R333K100B 1C20X7R333K100R 1C20X7R472K050B 1C20X7R472K050R 1C20X7R472K100B 1C20X7R472K100R 1C20X7R473K050B 1C20X7R473K050R 1C20X7R473K100B 1C20X7R473K100R 1C20Z5U103M050B 1C20Z5U103M050R 1C20Z5U103M100B 1C20Z5U103M100R 1C20Z5U104M050B 1C20Z5U104M050R 1C20Z5U104M100B 1C20Z5U104M100R 1C20Z5U223M050B 1C20Z5U223M050R
104=100000pF Z=+80/-20%
尺寸规格 0201 0402 0603 0805 1206 1210
误差: B=±0.1pF C=±0.25pF D=±0.5pF F=±1% G=±2% J=±5% K=±10% M=±20% Z=+80/-20%
由3位字母数字 表示,前两位为 有效数字,第三 位为有效数字后 “0”的个数 4R7=4.7pf 104=100000pf
包装代码 温度系数: 额定电压: R:纸编带7英 NPO 5=6.3V 寸盘 X7R 6=10V K:塑料编带7 Z5U 7=16V 英寸盘 Y5V 8=25V C=塑料散包装 9=50V
产品类型: CL:贴片电容
误差: B=±0.1pF C=±0.25pF D=±0.5pF F=±1% G=±2% J=±5% K=±10% M=±20% Z=+80/-20%
电压: R=4V Q=6.3V P=10V O=16V A=25V L=35V B=50V C=100V D=200V E=250V G=500V H=630V I=1000V J=2000V K=3000V
R=纸带 K=塑料编带
07=7寸盘 10=10寸盘 13=13寸盘
厚声电阻 UMIOHM 0402
尺寸规格 0201 0402 0603 0805 1206 1210 2010 2512 4D03
Evaluates: MAX16826MAX16826 Evaluation KitGeneral DescriptionThe MAX16826 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX16826, a four-string, I 2C programmable high-brightness LED (HB LED) driver with PWM dimming control. The EV kit also includes Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista ®-compatible software that pro-vides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for exercis-ing the features of the MAX16826. The MAX16826 EV kit PCB comes with a MAX16826ATJ+ installed. The EV kit is configured in a boost application.This EV kit can be modified by changing component val -ues on the board for other configurations (including RGB LED applications). Refer to the MAX16826 IC data sheet for more information.Features●Four Independently Controllable LED Strings ●7 LEDs Per String Configuration●Independently Programmable 50mA to 150mAString Current●7.5V to 22V Input Voltage●Can Withstand Automotive Load Dump Up to 40Vfor 400ms●0% to 100% DIM Duty Cycle Range ●Shorted LED Protection and Detection ●Open LED String Detection●Adaptive Boost-Stage Voltage Optimization●Convenient Breakaway LED Driver Board EasilyAdaptable to End Application ●Low Mechanical Profile●Windows 2000/XP/Vista (32-Bit)-Compatible Software ●USB-PC Interface●USB-to-I 2C On-Board Circuitry ●Fully Assembled and Tested ●Lead-Free and RoHS Compliant19-4271; Rev 1; 12/20Windows and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.+Denotes lead-free and RoHS compliant.#Denotes RoHS compliant.PARAMETERDESCRIPTION Configuration 7 white LEDs/stringNumber of Strings4 strings LED Current Adjustment Range 50mA to 150mATotal Maximum LED Power 16.8W V IN (min)7.5V V IN (max)22V Load Dump40V for < 400ms Nominal Boost Voltage Adjustment Range22.4V to 32VNominal OVP Trip Threshold 35V Boost Stage Switching Frequency350kHzPARTTYPE MAX16826EVKIT+EV Kit MAX16826EVKIT#EV KitDESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTIONC1, C2, C3, C5–C8, C12, C15,C17, C23, C2412100nF ±10%, 16V X7R ceramic capacitors (0603)TDK C1608X7R1C104K C9133nF ±10%, 50V X7R ceramic capacitor (0603)TDK C1608X7R1H333K C10, C11222pF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramic capacitors (0603)TDK C1608C0G1H220J C13, C14,C18–C2161μF ±10%, 16V X7R ceramic capacitors (0603)TDK C1608X7R1C105K C16, C25210μF ±10%, 10V X5R ceramic capacitors (1210)Murata GRM32FR61A106KDESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTIONC26, C28210μF ±20%, 50V X5R ceramic capacitors (2220)Murata GRM55DR61H106K C27110μF ±20%, 50V X7S ceramic capacitor (1210)Taiyo Yuden UMK325BJ106MM-T C2912.2nF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramic capacitor (0603)Murata GRM1885C1H222K C3011μF ±10%, 50V X7R ceramic capacitor (1210)Murata GRM32RR71H105K C3214.7μF ±10%, 6.3V X5R ceramic capacitor (0603)Murata GRM188R60J475KLED Driver Board SpecificationOrdering InformationComponent ListClick here to ask about the production status of specific part numbers.DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTIONC3312200pF ±10%, 50V X7R ceramic capacitor (0402)Murata GRM155R71H222KC34, C35247μF ±20%, 50V electrolytic capacitorsPanasonic EEE-FK1H470XPC36, C370Not installed, capacitors (0603)C3811000pF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramic capacitor (0402)Murata GRM1555C1H102JA01DC391220pF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramic capacitor (0402)Murata GRM1555C1H221JC401100pF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramic capacitor (0402)Murata GRM1555C1H101JC41–C4440.01μF ±10%, 50V X7R ceramic capacitors (0402)Murata GRM155R71H103KC450Not installed, capacitor (0402)D1160V, 1A Schottky diode (SMB) Diodes, Inc. B160B-13-FJ11USB series-B right-angle PC-mount receptacleJ2, J30Not installed JU2–JU873-pin headersL11Ferrite bead (0603) TDK MMZ1608R301AL2122μH ±20%, 5A, 52mΩ inductor Coilcraft MSS1260-223MlLED11Red LED (0603) Panasonic LNJ208R8ARAP1, P22Connectors, FFC/FPC 18-pos, 1mm P31Connector, FFC/FPC 6-pos, 1mmQ1140V, 9A, 2.5W n-channel MOSFET (8 SO)International Rectifier IRF7469Q2–Q5455V, 1.9A, 160mΩ n-channel MOSFET s (SOT223) International Rectifier IRFL014NPbFR11220Ω ±5% resistor (0603)R21 2.2kΩ ±5% resistor (0603)R3, R9, R103 1.5kΩ ±5% resistors (0603) R4, R5227Ω ±5% resistors (0603)R61470Ω ±5% resistor (0603)R71100kΩ ±5% resistor (0603)R817.5kΩ ±1% resistor (0603)R11168Ω ±1%, 0.25W resistor (1206)DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION R1210.04Ω ±1%, 0.5W sense resistor(2010)Vishay/Dale WSL2010R0400FEA R131215kΩ ±1% resistor (0402) R14, R16210kΩ ±1% resistors (0402) R151249kΩ ±1% resistor (0402)R171 1.27kΩ ±1% resistor (0603)R181182kΩ ±1% resistor (0603)R1912kΩ ±1% resistor (0402) R20, R22,R24, R264100kΩ ±1% resistors (0402) R21, R23,R25, R27416.5kΩ ±1% resistors (0402) R28–R3142.2Ω ±1%, 100mW sense resistors(0603)Panasonic ECG ERJ-3RQF2R2V R32, R3320Ω ±5% resistors (0603)R34–R3740Ω ±5% resistors (0402)R38112.1Ω ±1% resistor (0805)R391470Ω ±5% resistor (0402)R40110kΩ ±5% resistor (0603) R41–R444237kΩ ±1% resistors (0603) U11LED driver (32 TQFN)Maxim MAX16826ATJ+ U2, U82Microcontrollers (68 QFN-EP*)Maxim MAXQ2000-RAX+ U31UART-to-USB converter (32 TQFP)FTDI FT232BLU4193C46A 3-wire EEPROM (8 SO)Atmel AT93C46A-10SU-2.7 U51p-channel MOSFET power switch(8 SO)Maxim MAX890LESA+U61LDO regulator (5 SC70)Maxim MAX8511EXK25+T U71LDO regulator (5 SC70)Maxim MAX8511EXK33+T Y1120MHz crystal oscillatorY216MHz crystalHong Kong X’talsSSL6000000E18FAF—1Cable, flat flex 18-position, 1mm, 5in—7Shunts—1USB high-speed A-to-B cable,5ft (1.5m)—1PCB: MAX16828 Evaluation Kit+Component List (continued)*Exposed pad.Quick StartRecommended EquipmentBefore beginning, the following equipment is needed: ●MAX16826 EV kit (USB cable included)● A user-supplied Windows 2000/XP/Vista PC with a spare USB port●7V to 24V, 5A DC power supply●Four strings of white LEDs (7 LEDs/string)Note: In the following sections, software-related items are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly from the EV kit software. Text in bold and underlined refers to items from the Windows operating systemProcedureThe MAX16826 EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation:1) Visit /evkitsoftware to down-load the latest version of the EV kit software,16826Rxx.ZIP (xx in the filename denotes the soft -ware version number). Save the EV kit software to a temporary folder and uncompress the ZIP file.2) Install the EV kit software on your computer by run -ning the INSTALL.EXE program inside the temporary folder. The program files are copied and icons are created in the Windows Start | Programs menu.3) Verify that all jumpers (JU2–JU8) are in their defaultpositions, as shown in Table 1.4) Connect the USB cable from the PC to the EV kitboard. A New Hardware Found window pops up when installing the USB driver for the first time. If you do not see a window that is similar to the one described above after 30 seconds, remove the USB cable from the board and reconnect it. Administra-tor privileges are required to install the USB device driver on Windows.5) Follow the directions of the Add New HardwareWizard to install the USB device driver. Choose the Search for the best driver for your device option. Specify the location of the device driver to be C:\Program Files\MAX16826 (default installation direc-tory) using the Browse button. During device driver installation, Windows may show a warning message indicating that the device driver Maxim uses does not contain a digital signature. This is not an error condi-tion and it is safe to proceed with installation. Refer to the USB_Driver_Help.PDF document included with the software for additional information.6) Set the output of the power supply to 12V. Turn offthe power supply.7) Connect the positive terminal of the power supply tothe VIN pad of the LED driver board.Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX16826 when contacting these component suppliers.SUPPLIERPHONE WEBSITECoilcraft, Diodes, Inc.Hong Kong X’tals Ltd.852-******** International RectifierMurata Electronics North America, Panasonic Taiyo Yuden TDK Vishay/Dale402-563-6866FILE DESCRIPTIONINSTALL.EXE Installs the EV kit files on your computerMAX16826.EXE Application program FTDIBUS.INF USB device driver file FTDIPORT.INF VCP device driver file UNINST.INI Uninstalls the EV kit software USB_Driver_Help.PDFUSB driver installation help fileComponent SuppliersMAX16826 EV Kit Files8) Connect the negative terminal of the power supply tothe PGND pad of the LED driver board.9) Ensure that the supplied ribbon cable is firmly con -nected to the P1 and P2 connectors.10) Connect the anode ends of the LED strings to theP3-1 pin of the P3 connector.11) Connect the cathode ends of the LED strings to theP3-2 to P3-5 pins of the P3 connector.12) Turn on the power supply13) Start the MAX16826 EV kit software by opening itsicon in the Start | Programs menu. The EV kit soft-ware main window appears, as shown in Figure 1.14) Press the Start button to start the LED driver.15) Verify that all of the LEDs are lit.Table 1. MAX16826 EV Kit Jumper Descriptions (JU2–JU8)*Default position.JUMPER SHUNT POSITIONDESCRIPTIONJU21-2*On-board PWM signal for Ch12-3Connect user-supplied PWM signal for Ch1 to the on-board DIM1 pad JU31-2*On-board PWM signal for Ch22-3Connect user-supplied PWM signal for Ch2 to the on-board DIM2 pad JU41-2*MAX16826 SDA signal connected to on-board microcontroller 2-3Connect user-supplied SDA signal to the on-board SDA pad JU51-2*MAX16826 SCL signal connected to on-board microcontroller 2-3Connect user-supplied SCL signal to the on-board SCL pad JU61-2*MAX16826 SYNC/EN signal connected to on-board microcontroller 2-3Connect user-supplied SYNC/EN signal to the on-board SYNC/EN pad JU71-2*On-board PWM signal for Ch32-3Connect user-supplied PWM signal for Ch3 to the on-board DIM3 pad JU81-2*On-board PWM signal for Ch42-3Connect user-supplied PWM signal for Ch4 to the on-board DIM4 padDetailed Description of SoftwareThe MAX16826 evaluation kit software has all the functions to evaluate the MAX16826 IC. To start the MAX16826 EV kit software, click Start | Programs | Maxim MAX16826 Evaluation Kit | Maxim MAX16826 Evaluation Kit that is created during installation. The GUI main window appears as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. MAX16826 EV Kit Software Main WindowString Current SetThe String Current Set group box is located at the upperleft corner of the main window. Use the scrollbars toadjust the current of the LED strings. The correspondingvalues of the current will be shown in the adjacent editboxes. Press the Read button to read the values from thelinear regulator output registers of the MAX16826. Theequivalent values of the output current will be shown inthe edit boxes.Boost Output ControlThe Boost Output Control Mode group box has thefunctions to control the boost output voltage.To control the boost output voltage manually, click on theradio button next to the Manual Control group box. Usethe scrollbar to adjust the output voltage, and the volt-age value will be displayed in the adjacent edit box. Theactual boost output voltage can be seen in the Read BackValues group box.To use the software automatic control, click on the radiobutton next to the Software Control group box. The editbox next to the Set button is used to change the Drain toGND regulated voltage of the current sink FETs on the LEDstring with the highest voltage drop. This voltage setting willdepend on how much overhead the user is willing to have.If the set value is too low, the LED currents will no longerbe well regulated and may indeed drop because the boostvoltage might fall too low. The scrollbar in this mode willmove automatically to compensate and regulate the outputvoltage. The update rate is approximately once per second.In any case, the channel with the lowest voltage across thesink FET will be regulated to the value in the edit box. DIM Pulse Width Modulation (DPWM)The DPWM group box is located at the center of the mainwindow. The four DIM PWM signals generated by theon-board MAXQ2000 microcontrollers are used to controlthe brightness of the LEDs. Adjust the scrollbars in theDPWM Duty Cycle group box to change the duty cycles of the PWM signals and the values of the duty cycle (%)are shown in the adjacent edit boxes. Check the Set AllChannels to 100% Duty Cycle checkbox to force all channel duty cycles to 100%.In the DPWM Frequency group box, change the DPWMfrequency by adjusting the scrollbar position and pressthe Set button. The frequency value will be shown in theedit box.To guarantee that the leading edge of all the DIM signalsare synchronized, press the Set button in the DPWMFrequency group box.Press the Start button to start to generate the PWM signals.Press the Stop button to stop all PWM signals.StatusThe Status group box is located at the right of the main window. The software reads the external FET drain voltage measurements, and the boost output voltage measurement from the ADC output registers of the MAX16826. The software multiplies the measured values by the appropriate scaling factor and then displays them in the Read Back Values group box.Enter the values into the edit boxes in the Fault Level Set group box to set the fault-detection values. When the value in the Read Back Values group box is less than the fault-detection value, then the color of the read-back value changes to dark green. When the read-back value is 0 to 10% higher than the fault-detection value, the read-back value turns a lime color. If the read-back value is more than 10% higher than the fault-detection value, then the read-back value turns purple. The read-back value turns red when it is more than 20% higher than the fault-detection value.The software also reads the fault register to detect the fault conditions. If a fault condition exists, it will be shown in the String Fault Status group box. See Table 2 for the fault-condition explanations.Press the Read button to update the Status group box. By checking the Automatic Read checkbox, the Status group box will be automatically updated every second. Enable/DisableThe Enable/Disable group box controls the signal on the SYNC/EN pin. Click on the Enable radio button to set the signal high and enable the MAX16826. Click on the Disable radio button to set the signal low and disable the MAX16826.StandbyCheck the Standby checkbox to set the MAX16826 to standby mode. Refer to the MAX16826 IC data sheet for more information regarding standby mode.Table 2. Fault Conditions*Open LED string detection may require multiple flag examination. FAULT NAME CONDITIONTOADC conversion timeout; alsocorresponds to open string condition* Open LED string openShort LED string shortedOVP OvervoltageScaling FactorsThe calculations for the LED string current, boost output voltage, and the read-back values are based on the scal-ing factors. You can change the scaling factor by select-ing the Scaling Factor menu item under the Scaling Factors menu bar. In the pop-up window shown in Figure 2, enter the appropriate scaling factor.See Table 3 for the formulas for the scaling factors. These values can be used for calibration against actual read values with external instruments.When the default values are changed, they are stored in the software. Re-enter the default values to bring the software back to the default setting.Table 3. Scaling FactorFigure 2. Scaling Factor WindowSCALING FACTOR FORMULADEFAULTVALUE DR1 (ADC read-back voltageacross Drain and GND for thesink FET on Ch1)1 + (R20/R21)7.046DR2 (ADC read-back voltageacross Drain and GND for thesink FET on Ch2)1 + (R22/R23)7.046DR3 (ADC read-back voltageacross Drain and GND for thesink FET on Ch3)1 + (R24/R25)7.046DR4 (ADC read-back voltageacross Drain and GND for thesink FET on Ch4)1 + (R26/R27)7.046Read Back VBoost (ADC read-back boost output voltage)1 + (R15/R16)25.900 String Current Set Ch1 (LEDstring current for Ch1)R31 2.200 String Current Set Ch2 (LEDstring current for Ch2)R30 2.200 String Current Set Ch3 (LEDstring current for Ch3)R29 2.200 String Current Set Ch4 (LEDstring current for Ch4)R28 2.200 VBoost (Boost output voltage) 1 + (R13/R14)22.500Detailed Description of HardwareThe MAX16826 EV kit board provides a proven layout for evaluating the MAX16826 IC. This EV kit consists of a controller board and an LED driver board. The break-away slots at the center of the EV kit make it easier for the user to break and separate the controller board from the LED driver board. This is done so that once the evaluation is complete with the included software, the driver board can easily be used in the target application environment with the target system microcontroller.To connect the power, ground, PWM, and the I2C inter-face signals of the boards, attach the ribbon cable to the P1 connector of the controller board and attach the other end of the ribbon cable to the P2 connector of the LED driver board.Controller BoardThe controller board acts as the bridge between the soft-ware in the PC and the actual LED driver board containing the MAX16826. In addition to the USB connectivity, it gen-erates the four adjustable PWM DIM signals that control the brightness of the LEDs. The controller board com-municates with the driver board through the I2C interface, and is able to read or change the values of the registers in the MAX16826.The user can use the MAX16826 evaluation kit software to control the controller board.See Table 1 to control the MAX16826 with a user-supplied PWM signal.LED Driver BoardThe LED driver board is able to drive up to four LED strings (7 LEDs/string). LED strings can be connected to the LED driver board through the P3 connector by using a ribbon cable. Connect all of the anode ends of the LED strings to the P3-1 pin (which connects to the boost out-put) of the P3 connector. Then connect the cathode ends of the LED strings to the P3-2 to P3-5 pins (that connects to the drains of the sink FETs) of the P3 connector. User-Supplied I2C InterfaceTo use the MAX16826 EV kit with a user-supplied I2C interface, install the shunts on pins 2-3 of JU4 and JU5. Connect SDA, SCL, and GND lines from the usersupplied I2C interface to the SDA, SCL, and PGND pads on the MAX16826 controller board.After the LED driver board has broken away from the controller board, the user may connect their supplied I2C, DIM, and power signals to the LED driver board through the P2 connector using a ribbon cable. See Table 4 for the pin description of the P2 connector.Table 4. Pin Description for P2 Connector PIN NUMBER DESCRIPTIONP2-1 to P2-5Connect to the VIN pin of the MAX16826 P2-6Not connectedP2-7 to P2-11Connect to the groundP2-12Connects to the SYNC/EN pin of theMAX16826P2-13Connects to the SDA pin of the MAX16826P2-14Connects to the SCL pin of the MAX16826P2-15Connects to the DIM4 pin of the MAX16826P2-16Connects to the DIM3 pin of the MAX16826P2-17Connects to the DIM2 pin of the MAX16826P2-18Connects to the DIM1 pin of the MAX16826Figure 3. MAX16826 EV Kit LED Driver Board SchematicFigure 4a. MAX16826 EV Kit Controller Board Schematic (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4b. MAX16826 EV Kit Controller Board Schematic (Sheet 2 of 2)Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.REVISIONNUMBERREVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PAGES CHANGED 009/08Initial release —112/20Updated Ordering Information 1Revision HistoryFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https:///en/storefront/storefront.html.。
C:C0G A:X5R B:X7R F:Y5V Y:X7S 温度特性 3
R50:0.5pF 1R0:1.0pF 100:10pF 103:10nF 容值 4
2 3 5 8 9 A C E F I D 厚度 7
A 电极 8 N:Normal
产品码 9 N:
P:2.5 A:4 J:6.3 L:10 E:16
M:通用 W:保留 V:高频
K:电镀 S:内铜
021:025012/008004 042:0402/01005 063:0603/0201 105:1005/0402 107:1608/0603 212:2012/0805 316:3216/1206 325:3225/1210 432:4532/1812
D:200 V
G: 350 V H:630 V J:2 kV H:1 kV K:3 kV
0100:0402 0201:0603 0402:1005 0603:1608 0805:2012 1206:3216 1210:3225 1808:4520 1812:4532 2220:5750 2225:5763 3035:7690 尺寸 LW 1
0402:01005 0603:0201 1005:0402 1608:0603 2012:0805 3216:1206 3225:1210 4532:1812 5750:2220 尺寸 LW 2
MIC33050 600mA 4MHz 切换电源调节器说明书
MIC33050 Evaluation Board4MHz Internal Inductor PWM Buck Regulator with HyperLight Load ®HyperLight Load is a trademark of Micrel, Inc.MLF and Micro LeadFrame are registered trademarks of Amkor Technology, Inc.Micrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 • General DescriptionThe MIC33050 is a 600mA 4MHz switching regulatorfeaturing HyperLight Load ®mode. The MIC33050 is highly efficient throughout the entire output current range, drawing just 20µA of quiescent current inoperation. The tiny 3mm x 3mm MLF ®package, in combination with the 4MHz switching frequency, enables a compact sub-1mm height solution with only three external components. The MIC33050 provides accurate output voltage regulation under the most demanding conditions and responds extremely quickly to a load transient with exceptionally small output voltage ripple. Factoring in the output current, the internal circuitry of the MIC33050 automatically selects between two modes of operation for optimum efficiency. Under light load conditions, the MIC33050 goes into HyperLight Load mode. HyperLight Load uses a pulse-frequency modulation (PFM) control scheme that controls the off time at light load. This proprietary architecture reduces the amount of switching needed at light load, thereby increasing operating efficiency. The MIC33050 attains up to 83% efficiency at 1mA output load. As the load current increases beyond approximately 100mA, the device operates using the pulse-width modulation (PWM) method for up to 93% efficiency at higher load. The two modes of operation ensure the highest efficiency across the entire load range.The MIC33050 operates from an input voltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V and features internal power MOSFETs that deliver up to 600mA of output current. This step-down regulator provides an output voltage accuracy of ±2.5% across the junction temperature range of 40ºC to +125ºC. The MIC33050 is available in fixed or adjustable versions supporting an output voltage as low as 0.7V. RequirementsThe MIC33050 evaluation board requires an input power source that is able to deliver greater than 650mA at 2.7V. The output load can either be an active (electronic) or passive (resistive) load.Getting Started1. Connect an external supply to the V IN (J1)terminal . Apply the desired input voltage to V IN (J1) and ground (J2) terminals of the evaluation board, paying careful attention to polarity and supply voltage (2.7V ≤ V IN ≤ 5.5V). An ammeter may be placed between the input supply and the V IN (J1) terminal. Be sure to monitor the supply voltage at the V IN (J1) terminal, since the ammeter and/or power lead resistance can reduce the voltage supplied to the device. 2. Connect a load to the V OUT (J3) and groundterminal (J4). The load can be either passive (resistive) or active (electronic load). An ammeter may be placed between the load and the output terminal. Ensure the output voltage is monitored at the V OUT (J3) terminal. 3. Enable the MIC33050. The MIC33050 evaluationboard has a pull-up resistor to V IN . To disable the device, apply a voltage below 0.5V to the EN (J5) terminal. In the absence of the pull-up resistor, the device is enabled by applying a voltage greater than 1.2V to the EN (J5) terminal. The enable pin must be either pulled high or low for proper operation. Removing the pull-up resistor and leaving the pin floating will cause the regulator to operate in an unknown state. Output VoltageThe MIC33050 evaluation board is available with the following output voltage options listed in Ordering Information .Ordering InformationOutput Voltage (Adjustable Option Only)The output voltage of the MIC33050-AYHL is set by the feedback resistors R2 and R3. Follow the equation and circuit below to determine V OUT :⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⨯=R3R210.4V V OUT Eq. 1Figure 1. Typical Circuit for MIC33050-AYHL (V OUT = 1.8V)The default output voltage for the evaluation board is set to 1.8V (R2=348k Ω, R3=100k Ω). A different output voltage can be obtained by removing R2 and replacing it with the desired resistance. The equation below can be used to find R2:⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⨯=10.4V V R3R2OUTEq. 2Changing the output voltage to 2.5V, assuming R3=100k Ω, can be accomplished via the equation below:⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⨯=10.4V 2.5V 100k ΩR2 Eq. 3The result is 523k Ω for R2 which gives an output voltage of 2.5V.HyperLight Load ModeMIC33050 uses a minimum on and off time proprietary control loop (patented by Micrel). When the output voltage falls below the regulation threshold, the error comparator begins a switching cycle that turns the PMOS on and keeps it on for the duration of the minimum-on-time.This increases the output voltage. If the output voltage is over the regulation threshold, then the error comparator turns the PMOS off for a minimum-off-time until the output drops below the threshold. The NMOS acts as an ideal rectifier that conducts when the PMOS is off. Using a NMOS switch instead of a diode allows for lower voltage drop across the switching device when it is on. The asynchronous switching combination between the PMOS and the NMOS allows the control loop to work in discontinuous mode for light load operations. In discontinuous mode, the MIC33050 works in pulse frequency modulation (PFM) to regulate the output. As the output current increases, the off-time decreases, thus provides more energy to the output. This switching scheme improves the efficiency of MIC33050 during light load currents by only switching when it is needed. As the load current increases, the MIC33050 goes into continuous conduction mode (CCM) and switches at a frequency centered at 4MHz. The equation to calculate the load when the MIC33050 goes into continuous conduction mode may be approximated by the following formula:⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⨯⨯->f 2L D )V (V I OUT IN LOAD Eq. 4As shown in the previous equation, the load at which MIC33050 transitions from HyperLight Load mode to PWM mode is a function of the input voltage (V IN ), output voltage (V OUT ), duty cycle (D), inductance (L) and frequency (f). As shown in Figure 1, as the Output Current increases, the switching frequency also increases until the MIC33050 goes from HyperLight Load mode to PWM mode at approximately 120mA. The MIC33050 will switch at a relatively constant frequency around 4MHz once the output current is over 120mA.Figure 2. SW Frequency vs. Output CurrentMIC33050 Typical Circuit (Fixed)Bill of MaterialsNotes:1. TDK: .2. Vishay: .3. Micrel, Inc: .MIC33050 Typical Circuit (Adjustable)Bill of MaterialsNotes:1. TDK: .2. Vishay: .3. Micrel, Inc: .PCB Layout RecommendationsTop LayerBottom Layer。
Rubycon TDK
Fairchild Hulsin Yageo Yageo Yageo XLSEMI
VIN(V) 24.34 24.30
2.7KΩ,1%,1/16W,Thick Film,0603 30KΩ,1%,1/16W,Thick Film,0603 51Ω,1%,1/4W,Thick Film,1206 150KHz,0.4A,80V,BUCK DC/DC Converter,SOP8-EP
生产商型号 C2012X7R2A104K C1608C0G2A561J C1608X7R1H333K YXJ-33uF-100V C3216X7R1E106K
第 3 页 ,共 7 页
XL7005A DEMO bo72V IOUT=0.1A
版 本:1.0 页 数:第 4 页, 共 7 页
Output current(mA)
热插拔上电输出电压波形: IOUT=0A
72 DC-DC
额定电流800mA, 最大1200mA
73 单非门
74 B5 发射滤波器
工作频率范围824 ~849MHz,插损 2.5dB
1 0.002
5015 5015 5010 5010 5010 5010 5010 5010
5010 5010 5010 5010
5010 5010
77 WIFI滤波器 LFB212G45CG7D227 2.4G WIFI滤波器 1R25X2R00 1 0.002 5010
78 电阻跨接 79 B5 功放 80 射频开关
1 0.003 5015
22 贴片电阻
560Ω 5%
1 0.003 5015
23 贴片电阻
1.5kΩ 1%
1 0.003 5015
24 贴片电阻
22KΩ 5%
1 0.003 5015
25 贴片电阻
100KΩ 5%
8650 发料清单
产品名称: 8650
序 号
1 贴片电阻
2 贴片电阻
3 贴片电阻
232280675608L// RK73H1HTTC5R60F
5.6Ω 1%
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遥控器IC型号 遥控器 型号 20142 D6600 D6600 D6600 D6600 D6600
电视机CPU型号 型号 电视机
TC-9028-021 SAA3010 SAA3010 SAA3010 SAA3010
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TMP47C433AN TMP47C433AN TMP47C433AN-3849 TMP47C433AN TMP47C433AN TMP47C433AN TMP47C433AN TMP47C433AN M50436-560SP M50436-560SP PCM84C640/CH05001
第 1页
管脚描述 管脚名称 A0-A12 DQ0-7 /CE
/OEΒιβλιοθήκη /WEVDD VSS类型 IN I/O IN
Supply Supply
描述 地址:13 位地址线选择内存的某一字节,地址值在/CE 的下降沿被锁存。 数据:访问 FRAM 内存的双向 8 位数据总线 芯片使能:当为低电平时选中芯片,在/CE 的下降沿时地址被内部锁存,在下一 个下降沿来临前,在/CE 为低电平时地址值的改变均被忽略。 输出使能:低电平有效,在读周期中允许输出缓冲区输出,使/OE 变为高电平后 将使 DQ 转变为三态状态。 输入使能:低电平时,允许将数据总线上数据写入在/CE 的下降沿时锁存的地址 单元
China Service Center of RAMTRON
absorbed in ferroelectrics professional technology and attentive service
64K 位铁电非易失性随机存储器 l 结构容量为8,192*8位 l 1万亿次以上的读写次数 l 掉电数据保持10年 l 写数据无延时 l 先进的铁电制造工艺
FRAM 的优点 虽然电池后备 SRAM 是一个成熟的和已确立 的方案,但它有很多缺点,这些缺点直接或间 接地由于电池的存在,FRAM 使用具有天然非 易失性的存储机制,它不需要电池,这样就自 然地避免了这样的缺点。简要地设计注意事项 列于下面。
结构问题 1 成本 SRAM 加后备电池的制造和元件成本很高,拥有单片 结构的FRAM必然成为低成本解决方案,另外当进行 表面贴装时不需要电池内建的重复步骤,这样装配就 得到改进而且提高了效率,在采用双列直插电池后备 模组中,用户必须使用穿孔装配,而且不能用水清洗 线路板。 2 湿度 一个典型的电池后备SRAM模组适合的条件是60ºC, 90% Rh,之所以选择这样的条件是因为多元件装配 易受到潮气及灰尘的攻击,FRAM 通过 HAST(highly accelerated stress test)认证,它认证的条件是120ºC at 85% Rh, 24.4 psia at 5.5V。
General DescriptionThe MAX7500 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested surface-mount PCB that evaluates the MAX7500 digital temperature sensor. The MAX7500accurately measures temperature and provides an overtemperature alarm/interrupt/shutdown output.The EV kit is self-powered from the on-board USB inter-face and selects between the eight available I 2C slave addresses of the MAX7500 IC. The MAX7500 EV kit can also evaluate the MAX7501–MAX7504 ICs. Request free IC samples from the factory when ordering the MAX7500 EV kit.The MAX7500 EV kit provides an on-board I 2C/SMBus™ interface and is connected to the comput-er through the universal serial bus (USB) port. The EV kit includes Windows ®2000/XP and Windows Vista ®-compatible software that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for control of the MAX7500’s program-mable features.Featureso Self-Powered from USB sourceo Optional 3V to 5.5V Single Power Supply o Digital Temperature Sensor o Also Evaluates MAX7501–MAX7504o On-Board I 2C/SMBus Interface Control Through USB o Eight Available I 2C Slave Addresseso Windows 2000/XP and Windows Vista (32-Bit)-Compatible Software o Lead(Pb)-Free and RoHS Compliant o Fully Assembled and TestedEvaluates: MAX7500–MAX7504MAX7500 Evaluation Kit________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products119-4548; Rev 0; 4/09Component ListFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,or visit Maxim’s website at .Ordering InformationSMBus is a trademark of Intel Corp.Windows and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.+Denotes lead(Pb)-free and RoHS compliant.E v a l u a t e s : M A X 7500–M A X 7504MAX7500 Evaluation Kit 2_______________________________________________________________________________________Component List (continued)µMAX is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Quick StartRecommended Equipment •User-supplied Windows 2000/XP or Windows Vista-compatible PC with a spare USB portNote: In the following sections, software-related items are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly from the EV kit software. Text in bold and under-lined refers to items from the Windows operating system.Procedure The MAX7500 EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation. Caution: Do not turn on the power supply until all connections are completed.1)Verify that shunts are installed across pins 1-2 ofjumpers JU1 and JU2.2)Verify that shunts are installed across pins 2-3 ofjumpers JU3, JU4, JU6, and JU8.3)Visit /evkitsoftware to down-load the latest version of the MAX7500 EV kit soft-ware, MAX7500Rxx.ZIP. Save the EV kit software toa temporary folder and uncompress the ZIP file.4)Install the EV kit software on your computer by run-ning the INSTALL.EXE program inside the temporary folder. The program files are copied and icons are created in the Windows Start | Programs menu.5)Connect the USB cable from the PC to the EV kitboard. A Building Driver Database window pops up in addition to a New Hardware Found message when installing the USB driver for the first time. If you do not see a window that is similar to the one described above after 30s, remove the USB cable from the board and reconnect it. Administrator privi-leges are required to install the USB device driver on Windows 2000/XP and Windows Vista.6)Follow the directions of the Add New HardwareWizard to install the USB device driver. Choose the Search for the best driver for your device option.Specify the location of the device driver to be C:\Program Files\M AX7500(default installation directory) using the Browse button. During device driver installation, Windows may show a warning message indicating that the device driver Maxim uses does not contain a digital signature. This is not an error condition and it is safe to proceed with instal-lation. Refer to the TROUBLESH OOTING_USB.PDF document included with the software for additional information.7)Start the MAX7500 EV kit software by opening itsicon in the Start | Programs menu.8)Normal device operation is verified when MAX7500device connected is displayed in the bottom-left status bar on the MAX7500 EV kit main window(Figure 1).Figure 1. MAX7500 EV Kit Software Main WindowEvaluates: MAX7500–MAX7504MAX7500 Evaluation Kit _______________________________________________________________________________________3E v a l u a t e s : M A X 7500–M A X 7504Detailed Description of HardwareThe MAX7500 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assem-bled and tested surface-mount PCB that evaluates the MAX7500 digital temperature sensor. The MAX7500accurately measures temperature, provides an overtemperature alarm/interrupt/shutdown output, fea-tures three address select lines, and integrates a time-out feature that offers protection against I 2C bus lockups.The EV kit is self-powered from the on-board USB inter-face and requires no external power. The MAX7500 EV kit can also evaluate the MAX7501–MAX7504 ICs.Request free IC samples from the factory when order-ing the MAX7500 EV kit.The MAX7500 EV kit provides an on-board I 2C/SMBus interface and is connected to the computer through the USB port. The EV kit includes Windows 2000/XP and Windows Vista-compatible software that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for control of the MAX7500’s programmable features and selects between the eight available slave addresses of the MAX7500 IC.Power-Supply OptionsJumper JU1 selects between the MAX7500 EV kit’s power-up options; either on-board through the USB interface or through an external user-supplied DC power supply. The voltage from the USB interface is stepped down to +3.3V through the MAX8512 LDO. To configure these options, set JU1 as desired (see Table 1).MAX7500 Evaluation Kit 4_______________________________________________________________________________________Setting the I2C Slave Address (A2, A1, A0) The MAX7500 has eight available slave addresses that can be selected by setting the A2, A1, and A0 pins either high or low. The EV kit provides jumpers JU2, JU3, and JU4 to set A2, A1, and A0, respectively. JU2 also provides an additional option useful for evaluating the MAX7501–MAX7504 that will be discussed in a later section. The default configuration of the EV kit sets A2, A1, and A0 low, resulting in a slave address of 0x90.User-Supplied I2C/SMBus Interface To use the MAX7500 EV kit with a user-supplied I2C/SMBus interface, first move the shunts of JU6 and JU8 to the 1-2 position. Then, connect the SDA and SCL signals to the corresponding SDA and SCL pads on the MAX7500 EV kit board. R6 and R7 footprints are provid-ed for the option to add pullup resistors if needed.Evaluating the MAX7501–MAX7504 The MAX7500 EV kit can also be configured to accept the MAX7501–MAX7504. To evaluate the MAX7501–MAX7504, replace the IC (U1) and set JU2 to pins 1-3 (RESET input).To utilize the RESET input on the MAX7501–MAX7504, JU14 must also be set accordingly: Pins 1-2 for an external RESET input or pins 2-3 for software control of the RESET input. Note:To apply an external RESET signal, apply a low pulse with a duration of at least 1µs at the RESET pad. Refer to the MAX7501–MAX7504 IC data sheet for additional information.Detailed Description of Software The MAX7500 EV kit software accurately reads temper-ature data with a 0.5°C resolution, sets the upper and lower temperature threshold limits, and configures the behavior of the open-drain overtemperature shutdown (OS) output. The MAX7500 supports eight different I2C slave addresses; configure JU2, JU3, and JU4 to select between different addresses. Check the Shutdown checkbox (Figure 1) to shut down the MAX7500 internal blocks. By pressing the Defaults button, the device is restored to its power-on-reset (POR) state. Refer to the MAX7500–MAX7504 IC data sheet for further details.Reading Temperature Temperature data is displayed on the software main window (Figure 1). To read temperature, press the Read button and the sensor temperature is displayed on the software interface with a 0.5°C resolution. The Auto-Read checkbox is provided to continuously read and display the temperature and limit registers’ data when checked.The OS Fault indicator is displayed under the tempera-ture data on the software’s main GUI. The indicator asserts (turns red) when the OS is asserted. The indica-tor deasserts (turns green) when the OS is deasserted. Refer to the T OS and T HYST Registers section in the MAX7500–MAX7504 IC data sheet for more information.Setting T OS and T HYST Registers The T OS and T HYST registers can be set by writing the appropriate values in the TOS and THYST edit boxes and pressing their respective Write button. The current contents of the T OS and T HYST registers can be read by pressing on the Read button.Configuration Register The Configuration group box sets the fault queue, OS polarity, shutdown control, and whether the OS output functions in comparator or interrupt mode. The Fault Queue drop-down list determines the number of faults necessary to trigger an OS condition. The OS Polarity drop-down list forces the OS polarity to either active-low or active-high. The Shutdown checkbox, when checked, shuts down the internal blocks and drops the supply current to 3µA.The Mode drop-down list selects between running the OS output in comparator or interrupt modes. In com-parator mode, OS is asserted when the temperature rises above the T OS value and is deasserted when the temperature drops below the T HYST value. In interrupt mode, OS is asserted when the temperature rises above the T OS value or falls below the T HYST value and OS is deasserted only after performing a read operation. Evaluates: MAX7500–MAX7504MAX7500 Evaluation Kit_______________________________________________________________________________________5E v a l u a t e s : M A X 7500–M A X 7504MAX7501–MAX7504 Software ResetWhen using the optional MAX7501–MAX7504, the EV kit software gives the capability to send a reset pulse to the RESET pin on the IC. To reset the MAX7501–MAX7504, select the Options | Reset I2C (7501-7504Only)menu item from the menu bar. JU14 must be set to pins 2-3 and jumper JU2 must be set to pins 1-3.Simple SMBus CommandsThere are two methods for communicating with the MAX7500, through the MAX7500 EV kit software main window (Figure 1), or through the interface window available by selecting the Options | Interface Diagnostic Window menu item from the menu bar. The Maxim command module interface window (Figure 2)includes a 2-wire interface tab that allows for execu-tion of the frequently used commands.MAX7500 Evaluation Kit 6_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 2. Command Module Interface WindowEvaluates: MAX7500–MAX7504MAX7500 Evaluation Kit_______________________________________________________________________________________7Figure 3a. MAX7500 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 1 of 3)E v a l u a t e s : M A X 7500–M A X 7504MAX7500 Evaluation Kit 8_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 3b. MAX7500 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 2 of 3)Evaluates: MAX7500–MAX7504MAX7500 Evaluation Kit_______________________________________________________________________________________9Figure 3c. MAX7500 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 3 of 3)E v a l u a t e s : M A X 7500–M A X 7504MAX7500 Evaluation Kit 10______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 4. MAX7500 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Component SideEvaluates: MAX7500–MAX7504MAX7500 Evaluation Kit Figure 5. MAX7500 EV Kit PCB Layout—Component Side______________________________________________________________________________________11Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.12__________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600©2009 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.E v a l u a t e s : M A X 7500–M A X 7504MAX7500 Evaluation KitFigure 6. MAX7500 EV Kit PCB Layout—Solder Side。
REMINDERSPlease read this before using the product.SAFETY REMINDERSREMINDERS1. If you intend to use a product listed in this catalog for a purpose that may cause loss of life or other damage, you must contact our company’s sales window.2. We may modify products or discontinue production of a product listed in this catalog without prior notification.3. We provide “Delivery Specification” that explain precautions for the specifications and safety of each product listed in this cata-log. We strongly recommend that you exchange these delivery specifications with customers that use one of these products.4. If you plan to export a product listed in this catalog, keep in mind that it may be a restricted item according to the “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law”. In such cases, it is necessary to acquire export permission in harmony with this law.5. Any reproduction or transferring of the contents of this catalog is prohibited without prior permission from our company.6. We are not responsible for problems that occur related to the intellectual property rights or other rights of our company or a third party when you use a product listed in this catalog. We do not grant license of these rights.7. This catalog only applies to products purchased through our company or one of our company’s official agencies. This catalog does not apply to products that are purchased through other third parties.8. The descriptions in this catalog apply as of April 2007.General Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors C Series C1608 (EIA CC0603) TypeFEATURES•High capacitance has been achieved through precision technologies that enable the use of multiple thinner ceramic dielectric layers.• A monolithic structure ensures superior mechanical strength and reliability.•High-accuracy automatic mounting is facilitated through the maintenance of very precise dimensional tolerances.•Composed of only ceramics and metals, these capacitors provide extremely dependable performance, exhibiting virtually no degradation even when subjected to temperature extremes.•Low stray capacitance ensures high conformity with nominal values, thereby simplifying the circuit design process.•Low residual inductance assures superior frequency characteristics.•Because electrostatic capacity has been obtained up to the electrolytic capacitor range, these capacitors offer long service life and are optimally suited for power supply designs that require high levels of reliability.•Owing to their low ESR and excellent frequency characteristics, these products are optimally suited for high frequency and high-density type power supplies.SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION(1) Series name(2) Dimensions L×W(3) Capacitance temperature characteristicsClass 1 (T emperature compensation)Class 2 (T emperature stable and general purpose)(4) Rated voltage Edc(5) Nominal capacitanceThe capacitance is expressed in three digit codes and in units of pico farads (pF).The first and second digits identify the first and second significant figures of the capacitance.The third digit identifies the multiplier.R designates a decimal point.(6) Capacitance tolerance(7) Packaging styleConformity to RoHS DirectiveC1608CH1H100D(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)1608 1.6×0.8mmT emperaturecharacteristicsCapacitance change Temperature rangeCH0±60ppm/°C–25 to +85°CSL+350 to –1000ppm/°C+20 to +85°CT emperaturecharacteristicsCapacitance change Temperature rangeJB±10%–25 to +85°CJF+30, –80%–25 to +85°CX7R±15%–55 to +125°CX5R±15%–55 to +85°CY5V+22, –82%–30 to +85°C1A10V1C16V1H50V0101pF10010pF1021,000pF0R50.5pFSymbol T oleranceApplicable capacitancerangeC±0.25pF10pF or lessJ±5%Over 10pFK±10%Z+80, –20%T T aping (reel)B Bulk•Conformity to RoHS Directive: This means that, in conformity with EU Directive 2002/95/EC, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and specific bromine-based flame retardants, PBB and PBDE, have not been used, except for exempted applications.CAPACITANCE RANGES: CLASS 1 (TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION)TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: CH(0±60ppm/°C), C0G(0±30ppm/°C)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50V TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: SL(+350 to –1000ppm/ )RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 10VCAPACITANCE RANGES: CLASS 2TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: JB(±10%), X5R/X7R(±15%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness T (mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: CH T emperature characteristics: C0G 0.5 ±0.25pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H0R5C C1608C0G1H0R5C 0.75 ±0.25pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1HR75C C1608C0G1HR75C 1 ±0.25pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H010C C1608C0G1H010C 1.5 ±0.25pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H1R5C C1608C0G1H1R5C 2 ±0.25pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H020C C1608C0G1H020C 3 ±0.25pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H030C C1608C0G1H030C 4 ±0.25pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H040C C1608C0G1H040C 5 ±0.25pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H050C C1608C0G1H050C 6 ±0.5pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H060D C1608C0G1H060D 7 ±0.5pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H070D C1608C0G1H070D 8 ±0.5pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H080D C1608C0G1H080D 9 ±0.5pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H090D C1608C0G1H090D 10 ±0.5pF 0.8±0.10C1608CH1H100D C1608C0G1H100D 12 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H120J C1608C0G1H120J 15 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H150J C1608C0G1H150J 18 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H180J C1608C0G1H180J 22 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H220J C1608C0G1H220J 27 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H270J C1608C0G1H270J 33 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H330J C1608C0G1H330J 39 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H390J C1608C0G1H390J 47 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H470J C1608C0G1H470J 56 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H560J C1608C0G1H560J 68 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H680J C1608C0G1H680J 82 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H820J C1608C0G1H820J 100 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H101J C1608C0G1H101J 120±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H121J C1608C0G1H121J 150 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H151J C1608C0G1H151J 180±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H181J C1608C0G1H181J 220 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H221J C1608C0G1H221J 270±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H271J C1608C0G1H271J 330 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H331J C1608C0G1H331J 390±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H391J C1608C0G1H391J 470 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H471J C1608C0G1H471J 560±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H561J C1608C0G1H561J 680 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H681J C1608C0G1H681J 820±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H821J C1608C0G1H821J 1,000 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H102J C1608C0G1H102J 1,500 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H152J C1608C0G1H152J 2,200 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H222J C1608C0G1H222J 3,300 ±5%0.8±0.10C1608CH1H332JC1608C0G1H332JCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness T (mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: SL 15,000±5%0.80±0.10C1608SL1A153J 22,000±5%0.80±0.10C1608SL1A223JCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness T (mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: JB T emperature characteristics: X5R Temperature characteristics: X7R 10,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1H103KC1608X5R1H103K C1608X7R1H103K15,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1H153KC1608X5R1H153K C1608X7R1H153K 22,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1H223K C1608X5R1H223K C1608X7R1H223K 33,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1H333KC1608X5R1H333K C1608X7R1H333K 47,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1H473KC1608X5R1H473K C1608X7R1H473K 68,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1H683KC1608X5R1H683K C1608X7R1H683K 100,000±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1H104K C1608X5R1H104K C1608X7R1H104K ±20%0.8±0.10C1608JB1H104MC1608X5R1H104MC1608X7R1H104MRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 16VTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: JB(±10%), X5R(±15%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 25VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 16VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 10VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 6.3VTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: JF(+30, –80%), Y5V(+22, –82%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VT emperature characteristics: JB T emperature characteristics: X5R Temperature characteristics: X7R 150,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1E154K C1608X5R1E154K C1608X7R1E154K ±20%0.8±0.10C1608JB1E154M C1608X5R1E154M C1608X7R1E154M 220,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1E224K C1608X5R1E224K C1608X7R1E224K ±20%0.8±0.10C1608JB1E224M C1608X5R1E224M C1608X7R1E224M 330,000±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1E334K C1608X5R1E334K C1608X7R1E334K ±20%0.8±0.10C1608JB1E334MC1608X5R1E334MC1608X7R1E334MCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness T (mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: JB T emperature characteristics: X5R Temperature characteristics: X7R 470,000 ±10%0.8+0.15, –0.1C1608JB1C474K C1608X5R1C474K C1608X7R1C474K ±20%0.8+0.15, –0.1C1608JB1C474M C1608X5R1C474M C1608X7R1C474M 680,000 ±10%0.8+0.15, –0.1C1608JB1C684K C1608X5R1C684K C1608X7R1C684K ±20%0.8+0.15, –0.1C1608JB1C684M C1608X5R1C684M C1608X7R1C684M 1,000,000±10%0.8+0.2, –0.1C1608JB1C105K C1608X5R1C105K C1608X7R1C105K ±20%0.8+0.2, –0.1C1608JB1C105MC1608X5R1C105MC1608X7R1C105MCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness T (mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: JB T emperature characteristics: X5R 470,000±10%0.80±0.10C1608JB1E474K C1608X5R1E474K ±20%0.80±0.10C1608JB1E474M C1608X5R1E474M 680,000±10%0.80±0.10C1608JB1E684K C1608X5R1E684K ±20%0.80±0.10C1608JB1E684M C1608X5R1E684M 1,000,000±10%0.80±0.10C1608JB1E105K C1608X5R1E105K ±20%0.80±0.10C1608JB1E105MC1608X5R1E105MCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness T (mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: JB T emperature characteristics: X5R 1,500,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1C155K C1608X5R1C155K ±20%0.8±0.10C1608JB1C155M C1608X5R1C155M 2,200,000±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1C225K C1608X5R1C225K ±20%0.8±0.10C1608JB1C225MC1608X5R1C225MCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness T (mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: JB T emperature characteristics: X5R 3,300,000 ±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1A335K C1608X5R1A335K ±20%0.8±0.10C1608JB1A335M C1608X5R1A335M 4,700,000±10%0.8±0.10C1608JB1A475K C1608X5R1A475K ±20%0.8±0.10C1608JB1A475MC1608X5R1A475MCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness T (mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: JB T emperature characteristics: X5R 6,800,000 ±10%0.80+0.15,–0.10C1608JB0J685K C1608X5R0J685K ±20%0.80+0.15,–0.10C1608JB0J685M C1608X5R0J685M 10,000,000±10%0.80+0.15,–0.10C1608JB0J106K C1608X5R0J106K ±20%0.80+0.20,–0.10C1608JB0J106MC1608X5R0J106MCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness T (mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: JF T emperature characteristics: Y5V 100,000 +80,–20%0.8±0.10C1608JF1H104Z C1608Y5V1H104Z 220,000 +80,–20%0.8±0.10C1608JF1H224Z C1608Y5V1H224Z 470,000 +80,–20%0.8±0.10C1608JF1H474ZC1608Y5V1H474ZRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 16V RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 6.3V T emperature characteristics: JF T emperature characteristics: Y5V1,000,000 +80,–20%0.8±0.10C1608JF1E105Z C1608Y5V1E105ZCapacitance (pF)ToleranceThickness T(mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: JF T emperature characteristics: Y5V2,200,000 +80,–20%0.8±0.10C1608JF1C225Z C1608Y5V1C225ZCapacitance (pF)ToleranceThickness T(mm)Part No.T emperature characteristics: JF T emperature characteristics: Y5V4,700,000 +80,–20%0.8±0.10C1608JF0J475Z C1608Y5V0J475Z 10,000,000 +80,–20%0.8+0.15,–0.10C1608JF0J106Z C1608Y5V0J106Z • For more information about the products of other capacitance or data, please contact us.。
IR38063 Evaluation Board User Guide
USER GUIDE FOR IR38063 EVALUATION BOARD DESCRIPTIONThe IR38063 is a synchronous buckconverter with a PMBus interface, providing a compact, high performance and flexible solution in a small 5mmx7mm PQFN package.Key features offered by the IR38063 include I2C/PMBus configurability of output voltage, soft-start, input UVLO, input overvoltage protection, output overvoltage protection, output overcurrent protection, Power Good, thermal protection and switching frequency. Additionally, the IR38063 also features enhanced line/ load regulation with feed forward, external frequency synchronization with smooth clocking, internal LDO, true differential remote sensing and pre-bias start-up. A temperature and bias compensated output over-current protection function is implemented by sensing the voltage developed across the on-resistance of the synchronous rectifier MOSFET for optimum cost and performance. This user guide contains the schematic and bill of materials for the IR38063 evaluation board. The guide describes operation and use of the evaluation board itself. Detailed application information for IR38063 is available in the IR38063 data sheet.BOARD FEATURES•PVin = +12V (+ 13.2V Max), No Vcc required.• V out = +1.2V @ 0-25A•Fs=600kHz•L= 0.215uH• C in= 4x22uF (ceramic 1206) + 1x330uF (electrolytic, optional)•Cout =7x47uF (ceramic 0805)Sup IR Buck TMA well regulated +12V input supply should be connected to PVin+ and PVin-. A maximum of 25A load should be connected to VOUT+ and VOUT-. The inputs and output connections of the board are listed in Table I.IR38063 needs only one input supply and internal LDO generates Vcc from PVin. Another internal LDo generates the 1.8V needed by the internal digital circuits. If operation with external Vcc is required, then R25 should be removed and external Vcc can be applied between Vcc+ and Vcc- pins. Vin pin and Vcc pins should be shorted together for external Vcc operation by installing R24.The board is configured for remote sensing. If local sense is desired, R8 should be uninstalled and R16 should be installed instead.I2C/PMBus communication is established through the 4 pin header which allows connection to the SCL/SDA/SALERT and GND lines from the host/dongle. For proper operation in digital communications mode, R35 must always be populated.External Enable signal can be applied to the board via exposed Enable pad and R18 should be removed for this purpose.CONNECTIONS and OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSLA YOUTThe PCB is a 6-layer board. All of layers are 2 Oz. copper. The IR38063 and most of the passive components are mounted on the top side of the board.Power supply decoupling capacitors and feedback components are located close to IR38063. The feedback resistors are connected to the output of the remote sense amplifier of the IR38063 and are located close to the IR38063. To improve efficiency, the circuit board is designed to minimize the length of the on-board power ground current path. Separate power ground and analog ground are used andmay be connected together using a 0 ohm resistor. Table I. Connections Connection Signal Name PVin+ PVin (+12V)PVin- Ground of PVin Vout+ Vout(+1.2V) Vout-Ground for VoutVcc+ Vcc PinVcc- Ground for Vcc input Enable EnablePGoodPower Good SignalCONNECTION DIAGRAMTop ViewBottom ViewVoutPVinPGoodEnableI2C / PMBus CommunicationF i g . 1: S c h e m a t i c o f t h e I R 38063 e v a l u a t i o n b o a r dS i n g l e p o i n t o f c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n P o w e rG r o u n d a n d S i g n a l ( “a n a l o g ” ) G r o u n dR 29N /SU 1I R 38063V i n21L G n d13R t /S y n c14V c c22C o m p 7V s n s 5P G n d 12S C L /O C S e t19F B6B o o t 2P G o o d11P V i n1R S -9R S +10R S o8S W243T r a c k _E nV p4E n /F C C M15S D A /I M O N 18S A l e r t /T M O N 17A D D R16P 1V 820N C 123N C 226R 30N /SR 250R 314.99KE n /F C C M 1R 80S A l e r t /T M O N V D D Q G N DS D A S D A /I M O NC L KD A T A J 1R 400R 360S C L V I NR 27N /SV c c R 24N /SS D A /I M O N S C L /O C C 351u F R 410V C C +1V C C V I N 1V s n s V I N V s e n s e 1V C C C 8010u FB O D E 212P G o o d1R 234.99K R 510 o h m R 520 o h mV o u t _+1V o u t _-1B O D E 1121R 390S A L E R T #A L E R T #V C C -1R 1849.9K R 197.5kC 38N /S C 28N /S C 40N /S C 39N /S R 220 o h m R 260 o h mP G N D 1C 3222u F C 2922u F C 3122u F C 3022u F C 37N /S C 100.1u F +C 1330u F P V i n -123456C 360.1u F C 34N /S C 33N /S V o u t -123456P V i n +123456V o u t +123456V C C I M O N1R 33N /ST M O N1R 34N /SS C L /O CS A l e r t /T M O NP V i nS y n cD 1N /S 12R t /S y n cS y n c 1R 966.5KR 28N /SC 61N /SC 62N /SC 530.1u F L 1215n H P C D C 1008-R 215E M O R 350C 54N /SR 10F bC 67N /SC 59N /SC 60N /SC 57N /SC 58N /S R 38N /SC 56N /S C 55N /S S W s 1S WR 16N /SR 4182R 25.62KC 52N /SV s n s R 620C 51N /SC 50N /SC 4947u F+C 63N /S C 4847u F C 4747u F V s n s 7X 47u F /805/6.3VR 15N /S +C 64N /S +C 65N /S +C 66N /SC 4647u F C 82200p FR 14C 4547u F R 110R 32N /S C 4447u F C 4347u F V o _R _P R 37V o _R _NC 420.1u F R t /S y n cC 412.2u F V p1R 20N /S R 21N /SR 3N /SR 29 a n d R 30 a r e u n p o p u l a t e d b e c a u s e o u r U S B /I 2C c o n v e r t e r d o n g l e h a s o n -b o a r d p u l l u p s .V o u t C 2622n FR 11.21K C 11390p FC 27N /SV D D Q1Schematic for Transient Load set upVoutS3 should be in position 1-2 to enable transient loadR5020mC75N/S C71N/S C70N/S C76N/S C6810uR420.2R430.2R440.2R460.2R471.5KExtLoadCtrl1M1IRF6721U2MIC4452/SO8VS 1IN 2GND 4GND 5OUT16OUT27VS 8N/A 3R45N/SR4910KS1SW 213C690.1uFC780.1uFR4810KVout C79100pC77N/SVo_R_PVo_R_NVCCI-Monitor1C72N/S C73N/S C74N/S KC1KC2VoutBill of Materials•The electrolytic input capacitor used on this demo board is to eliminate the impact of the parasitic inductance of a long input power cable. It may not be necessarily needed in real applications.Item Number Quantit y Part ReferenceValueDescription ManufacturerPart Number1 1 C1 330uF SMD Electrolytic, F size, 25V, 20% Panasonic EEE-FK1E331P2 1 C8 2200pF 2200pF, 0603, 50V, NPO TDK C1608C0G1H222J3 1 C79 100 pF 50V, 0603, NP0, 5% Murata GRM1885C1H101JA01D4 1 C11 390 pF 50V, 0603, NP0, 5% Murata GRM1885C1H391JA01D5 1 C26 22nF 0603,50V,X7R Murata GRM188R71H223KA01D 6 4 C29 C30 C31 C3222uF 22uF,1206, 25V, X5R, 20% TDK C3216X5R1E226M160AB 7 6 C10 C36 C42 C53 C69C78 0.1uF 0603, 50V, X7R, 10% Panasonic ECJ-1VB1H104K 8 1 C351uF 0603, X5R, 25V, 20% TDK C1608X5R1E105M 9 7 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48C4947uF0805, 6.3V, X5R, 20%TDKC2012X5R0J476M125AC10 18 EXTLOADCTRL EN/FCCM I-MONITOR IMON PGND PGOOD SW SYNC TMON VCC+ VCC- VDDQ VIN VIN_+ VOUT_+ VOUT_- VP VSENSE 0.075"SQ_SMT_Te stPoint Keystone Electronics 5000 and 500611 1 J1 (CLK, Data,GND, Alert) Header-4P 4x1 12 1 Bode1 Header-2P2x113 1 C41 2.2uF 0603, 10V, X5R TDK C1608X5R1A225M080AC 14 1 C68 10uF 0805, 10V, X5RTDK C2012X5R1A106M125AB 15 1 C80 10uF 0603, 10V, X5R, 20% Murata GRM188R61A106ME69D 16 1 R19 7.5k 0603,1/10W,1%Rohm MCR03EZPFX750117 1 L1 215nH 0.215uH, DCR=0.29mohm Cyntec PCDC1008-R215EMO 18 1 M1 IRF6721 Direct Fet 30V SQ International Rectifier IRF6721STRPbF 19 1 R1 1.21k 0603,1/10W,1% Rohm MCR03EZPFX1211 20 1 R2 5.62k 0603,1/10W,1% Rohm MCR03EZPFX5621 21 1 R9 66.5k 0603,1/10W,1% Rohm MCR03EZPFX6652 22 1 R4182 0603,1/10W,1% Rohm MCR03EZPFX1820 23 1 R620 0603,1/10W,1% Rohm CRCW060320R0FKEA 24 11 R8 R10 R11 R14 R25 R35 R36 R37 R39 R40 R41 0 ohm 0603,1/10W Rohm CRCW06030000Z0EA 25 1 R1849.9k 0603,1/10W,1% RohmMCR03EZPFX4992 26 4 R22 R26 R51 R52 0 ohm 1206,1/4 W Panasonic ERJ-8GEY0R00V 27 4 R42 R43 R44 R46 0.2 ohm 0805,1/8W, 5% CTS 73L3R20J28 1 R471.5k 0603,1/10W,1% Rohm MCR03EZPFX1501 29 2 R48 R49 10k0603,1/10W,1% Rohm MCR03EZPFX1002 30 1 R50 20 mohm1206,1/2W,1%Ohmite LVK12R020FER 31 2 R23 R31 4.99k 0603,1/10W,1% Rohm MCR03EZPFX4991 32 1 U2MIC4452/SO 8 Mosfet driver Non-inverting SO-8 MicrelMIC4452YM33 1 U1IR38063 IR38063 5mm X 7mm International Rectifier IR38063 342 Pvin+, Vout+ ConnectorRedScrew Terminal 30AKeystone Electronics 8199-2352 Pvin-, Vout- Connector Black Screw Terminal 30A Keystone Electronics 8199-3TYPICAL OPERATING WAVEFORMSPVin=12.0V, Vout=1.2V, Iout=0A-25A, Fs=600kHz, Room Temperature, no airflowFig. 5: Operation 00, Immediate OFF, 25A load Ch 1:P Vin , Ch 2:V out , Ch 3:P Good , Ch 4:EnableFig. 6: Inductor node at 25A loadCh 3:SW nodeFig. 3: P Vin Start up at 25A Load Ch 1:P Vin , Ch 2:V out , Ch 3:P Good ,Ch 4:V ccFig. 2: P Vin Start up at 25A Load Ch 1:P Vin , Ch 2:V out , Ch 3:P Good , Ch 4:Enable Fig. 4: Operation 80,Turn ON without margining, 25A loadCh 1:P Vin , Ch 2:V out , Ch 3:P Good , Ch 4:Enable Fig. 7: Output voltage ripple at 25A loadCh 2:V outFig. 9: Short-circuit recovery (Hiccup) at 25A loadCh2:V out , Ch3:P GoodFig. 8: 0.35V Prebias voltage startup at 0A loadCh 2:V out , Ch 3:P Good TYPICAL OPERATING WAVEFORMSPVin=12.0V, Vout=1.2V, Iout=0A-25A, Fs=600kHz, Room Temperature, no airflowTYPICAL OPERATING WAVEFORMSPVin=12.0V, Vout=1.2V, Iout=0A-25A, Fs=600kHz, Room Temperature, no airflowFig. 10: Transient Response, 2.5A to 10A step (2.5A/us)Ch1:V out, Ch4:I outFig. 11: Transient Response, 17.5A to 25A step (2.5A/us)Ch1:V out, Ch4:I out10/20/201510Fig. 12: Bode Plot at 0A loadBandwidth = 83.3kHz, Phase Margin = 56.3o , Gain Margin = 10.8dBFig. 13: Bode Plot at 25A loadBandwidth = 78.7kHz, Phase Margin = 50.8o , Gain Margin = 11.3dBTYPICAL OPERATING WAVEFORMSPVin=12.0V, Vout=1.2V, Iout=0A-25A, Fs=600kHz, Room Temperature, no airflow12-60-40-200204060-200-150-100-50050100150200103104105T R 1/d BTR2/°f/HzTR1: Mag(Gain)TR2: Unwrapped Phase(Gain)12-60-40-200204060-200-150-100-50050100150200103104105T R 1/d BTR2/°f/HzTR1: Mag(Gain)TR2: Unwrapped Phase(Gain)TYPICAL OPERATING WAVEFORMSPVin=12.0V, Vout=1.2V, Iout=0A-25A, Fs=600kHz, Room Temperature, no airflowFig.14: Efficiency versus load currentFig15: Power loss versus load currentTHERMAL IMAGEPVin=12.0V, Vout=1.2V, Iout=0A-25A, Fs=600kHz, Room Temperature, no airflowFig. 16: Thermal Image of the board at 25A loadIR38063: 72.9o C, inductor: 58.4o C, Ambient:26.5o CPMBus Command SummaryPVin=12.0V, Vout=1.2V, Iout=0A-25A, Fs=600kHz,Fig. 17: PMBus Command SummaryQuick Start: PowIRCenter GUIConnecting devicesStart PowIRCenter &Step 1Connect USB DongleStep 2 Detect attached demoboardsUSB Dongle connectedUSB Dongle NOT detectedPress “Auto Populate Devices” button todetect boards connected to USB dongleStep 3 Access different viewsClick device name toaccess save / loadconfiguration filesmenu.Access Board ViewClick Total Pout toreturn to the Board View Access PMBus commandsClick channel to access PMBus commands for selected channel Access Config File MenuQuick Start: PowIRCenter GUI Navigation: Accessing Different ViewsClick the command in right panel.Enable / Disable Channel (Command: OPERATION)Change Vout(Command: VOUT_COMMAND)1.Enter Vout voltage.2.Press enter after entering value.3.Click “Write” button to send the command.1.Ensure the channel enable is set high onboard. 2.Click “On” or “Immediate Off” to turn on oroff the channel. 3.Click “Write” button to send the command.PMBus Command Screen** Select command from pull down ListSelect Command for Selected Channelor*Click to sort the PMBus commands by name Click to sort PMBus commands by operation codeView Basic or All PMBus CommandsQuick Start: PowIRCenter GUIPMBus Commands。
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For General UseSMDFEATURES•High capacitance has been achieved through precision technol-ogies that enable the use of multiple thinner ceramic dielectric layers.• A monolithic structure ensures superior mechanical strength and reliability.•High-accuracy automatic mounting is facilitated through the maintenance of very precise dimensional tolerances.•Composed of only ceramics and metals, these capacitors pro-vide extremely dependable performance, exhibiting virtually no degradation even when subjected to temperature extremes.•Low stray capacitance ensures high conformity with nominal val-ues, thereby simplifying the circuit design process.•Low residual inductance assures superior frequency characteristics. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION(1) Series name(2) Dimensions L×W(3) Capacitance temperature characteristics Class 1 (Temperature compensation)Class 2 (Temperature stable and general purpose) (4) Rated voltage Edc (5) Nominal capacitanceThe capacitance is expressed in three digit codes and in units of pico farads (pF).The first and second digits identity the first and second significant figures of the capacitance.The third digit identifies the multiplier.R designates a decimal point.(6) Capacitance tolerance(7) Packaging styleC1005CH1H100D (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)06030.6×0.3mm 1005 1.0×0.5mm 1608 1.6×0.8mm 2012 2.0×1.25mm3216 3.2×1.6mmTemperaturecharacteristicsCapacitance change Temperature range C0G0±30ppm/°C–55 to +125°CcharacteristicsCapacitance change Temperature range X7R±15%–55 to +125°CX5R±15%–55 to +85°CY5V+22, –82%–30 to +85°C0J 6.3V1A10V1C16V1E25V1H50V 0101pF10010pF1021000pF0R50.5pFSymbol TolerancerangeC±0.25pF10pF or less D±0.5pFJ±5%Over 10pF K±10%M±20%Z+80, –20%T Taping (reel)B BulkFor General Use SMDC0603 (EIA:CC0201) TYPE SHAPES AND DIMENSIONSCAPACITANCE RANGES :CLASS 1 (TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION)TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: C0G(0±30ppm/°C)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 25VCAPACITANCE RANGES:CLASS 2TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: X5R (±15%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 25VRATED VOLTAGE Edc:16VRATED VOLTAGE Edc:10VRATED VOLTAGE Edc:6.3VTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: Y5V (+22, –82%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc:25VRATED VOLTAGE Edc:16VCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.0.5∗±0.25pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E0R5C 0.75∗±0.25pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1ER75C 1±0.25pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E010C 1.5±0.25pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E1R5C 2±0.25pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E020C 3±0.25pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E030C 4±0.25pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E040C 5±0.25pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E050C 6±0.5pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E060D 7±0.5pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E070D 8±0.5pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E080D 9±0.5pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E090D 10±0.5pF 0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E100D 12±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E120J 15±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E150J 18±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E180J 20±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E200J 22±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E220J 27±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E270J 33±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E330J 39±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E390J 47±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E470J 56±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E560J 68±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E680J 82±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E820J 100±5%0.3±0.03C0603C0G1E101JCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.100±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1E101K 150∗±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1E151K 220±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1E221K 330∗±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1E331K 470±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1E471K 680∗±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1E681K 1000±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1E102K 1500∗±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1E152K 2200±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1E222K(pF)Tolerance (mm)Part No.3300∗±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1C332K 4700±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1C472KCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.6800∗±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R1A682KCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.10000±10%0.3±0.03C0603X5R0J103KCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.1000+80, –20%0.3±0.03C0603Y5V1E102Z(pF)Tolerance (mm)Part No.10000+80, –20%0.3±0.03C0603Y5V1C103Z∗These products marked ∗ are nonstandard.For General Use SMDC1005 (EIA:CC0402) TYPE SHAPES AND DIMENSIONSCAPACITANCE RANGES :CLASS 1 (TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION)TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: C0G(0±30ppm/°C)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VCAPACITANCE RANGES:CLASS 2TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: X7R (±15%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VRATED VOLTAGE Edc:25VRATED VOLTAGE Edc:16VTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: X5R (±15%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc:10VTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: Y5V (+22, –82%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc:16VRATED VOLTAGE Edc:10VCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.0.5∗±0.25pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H0R5C 0.75∗±0.25pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1HR75C 1±0.25pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H010C 1.5±0.25pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H1R5C 2±0.25pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H020C 3±0.25pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H030C 4±0.25pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H040C 5±0.25pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H050C 6±0.5pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H060D 7±0.5pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H070D 8±0.5pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H080D 9±0.5pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H090D 10±0.5pF 0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H100D 12±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H120J 15±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H150J 18±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H180J 22±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H220J 27±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H270J 33±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H330J 39±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H390J 47±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H470J 56±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H560J 68±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H680J 82±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H820J 100±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H101J 120±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H121J 150±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H151J 180±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H181J 220±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H221J 270±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H271J 330±5%0.5±0.05C1005C0G1H331JCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.220±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H221K 330∗±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H331K 470±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H471K 680∗±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H681K 1000±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H102K 1500∗±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H152K 2200±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H222K 3300∗±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H332K 4700±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H472K 6800∗±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1H682K(pF)Tolerance (mm)Part No.10000±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1E103K 15000∗±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1E153K 22000±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1E223K(pF)Tolerance (mm)Part No.33000∗±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1C333K 47000±10%0.5±0.05C1005X7R1C473KCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.68000∗±10%0.5±0.05C1005X5R1A683K 100000±10%0.5±0.05C1005X5R1A104KCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.100000+80, –20%0.5±0.05C1005Y5V1C104Z(pF)Tolerance (mm)Part No.220000+80, –20%0.5±0.05C1005Y5V1A224Z 470000+80, –20%0.5±0.05C1005Y5V1A474Z∗These products marked ∗ are nonstandard.For General Use SMDC1608 (EIA:CC0603) TYPE SHAPES AND DIMENSIONSCAPACITANCE RANGES:CLASS 1 (TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION)TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: C0G(0±30ppm/°C)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VCAPACITANCE RANGES:CLASS 2TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: X7R (±15%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VRATED VOLTAGE Edc:25VRATED VOLTAGE Edc:16VTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: X5R (±15%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc:10V(pF)Tolerance (mm)Part No.0.5∗±0.25pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H0R5C 0.75∗±0.25pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1HR75C 1±0.25pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H010C 1.5±0.25pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H1R5C 2±0.25pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H020C 3±0.25pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H030C 4±0.25pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H040C 5±0.25pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H050C 6±0.5pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H060D 7±0.5pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H070D 8±0.5pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H080D 9±0.5pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H090D 10±0.5pF 0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H100D 12±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H120J 15±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H150J 18±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H180J 22±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H220J 27±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H270J 33±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H330J 39±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H390J 47±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H470J 56±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H560J 68±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H680J 82±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H820J 100±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H101J 120±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H121J 150±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H151J 180±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H181J 220±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H221J 270±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H271J 330±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H331J 390±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H391J 470±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H471J 560±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H561J 680±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H681J 820±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H821J 1000±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H102J 1200±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H122J 1500±5%0.8±0.1C1608C0G1H152JCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.220±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H221K 330∗±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H331K 470±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H471K 680∗±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H681K 1000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H102K 1500∗±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H152K 2200±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H222K 3300∗±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H332K 4700±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H472K 6800∗±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H682K 10000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H103K 15000∗±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H153K 22000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H223K 33000∗±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H333K 47000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H473K 68000∗±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H683K 100000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1H104KCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.100000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1E104K 150000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1E154K ±20%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1E154M(pF)Tolerance (mm)Part No.220000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1C224K ±20%0.8±0.1C1608X7R1C224MCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.330000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X5R1A334K ±20%0.8±0.1C1608X5R1A334M 470000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X5R1A474K ±20%0.8±0.1C1608X5R1A474M 680000±10%0.8±0.1C1608X5R1A684K ±20%0.8±0.1C1608X5R1A684M 1000000[1µF]±10%0.8±0.1C1608X5R1A105K ±20%0.8±0.1C1608X5R1A105M∗These products marked ∗ are nonstandard.For General Use SMDTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: Y5V(+22, –82%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc:50VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 25VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 16VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 10VCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.100000+80, –20%0.8±0.1C1608Y5V1H104Z 220000+80, –20%0.8±0.1C1608Y5V1H224ZCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.470000+80, –20%0.8±0.1C1608Y5V1E474ZCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.1000000[1µF]+80, –20%0.8±0.1C1608Y5V1C105ZCapacitance (pF)Tolerance Thickness (mm)Part No.2200000[2.2µF]+80, –20%0.8±0.1C1608Y5V1A225ZCAPACITANCE RANGES:CLASS 1 (TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION) TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: C0G(0±30ppm/°C) RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VCAPACITANCE RANGES:CLASS 2TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: X7R (±15%) RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 25VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 16V RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 6.3VTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: Y5V(+22, –82%) RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 25VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 16VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 10VCapacitance (pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.2700±5%0.6±0.1C2012C0G1H272J 3300±5%0.6±0.1C2012C0G1H332J 3900±5%0.85±0.15C2012C0G1H392J 4700±5%0.85±0.15C2012C0G1H472J 5600±5%0.85±0.15C2012C0G1H562J 6800±5% 1.25±0.2C2012C0G1H682J 8200±5% 1.25±0.2C2012C0G1H822J 10000±5% 1.25±0.2C2012C0G1H103JCapacitance (pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.100000∗±10% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1H104K150000±10% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1H154K ±20% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1H154M220000±10% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1H224K ±20% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1H224M330000±10% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1H334K ±20% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1H334MCapacitance (pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.470000±10% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1E474K ±20% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1E474MCapacitance (pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.680000±10% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1C684K ±20% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1C684M1000000 [1µF]±10% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1C105K±20% 1.25±0.2C2012X7R1C105M(pF)Tolerance(mm)Part No.4700000[4.7µF]±10% 1.25±0.2C2012X5R0J475K±20% 1.25±0.2C2012X5R0J475M6800000[6.8µF]±20% 1.25±0.2C2012X5R0J685M10000000[10µF]±20% 1.25±0.2C2012X5R0J106MCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.470000+80, –20% 1.25±0.2C2012Y5V1H474Z1000000[1µF]+80, –20% 1.25±0.2C2012Y5V1H105Z(pF)Tolerance(mm)Part No.2200000[2.2µF]+80, –20% 1.25±0.2C2012Y5V1E225ZCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.4700000[4.7µF]+80, –20% 1.25±0.2C2012Y5V1C475ZCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.10000000[10µF]+80, –20% 1.25±0.2C2012Y5V1A106Z∗These products marked ∗ are nonstandard.For General Use SMDC3216 (EIA:CC1206) TYPECAPACITANCE RANGES:CLASS 1 (TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION)TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: C0G(0±30ppm/°C) RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VCAPACITANCE RANGES:CLASS 2TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: X7R(±15%) RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 25V TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: X7R(±15%), X5R(±15%) RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 16VTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: X5R (±15%)RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 6.3VTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS: Y5V(+22, –82%) RATED VOLTAGE Edc: 50VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 25VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 16VRATED VOLTAGE Edc: 10V(pF)Tolerance(mm)Part No.3900±5%0.6±0.1C3216C0G1H392J 4700±5%0.6±0.1C3216C0G1H472J 5600±5%0.6±0.1C3216C0G1H562J 6800±5%0.6±0.1C3216C0G1H682J 8200±5%0.85±0.15C3216C0G1H822J 10000±5%0.85±0.15C3216C0G1H103J 15000±5% 1.15±0.15C3216C0G1H153J 22000±5% 1.15±0.15C3216C0G1H223J 33000±5% 1.6±0.2C3216C0G1H333JCapacitance (pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.470000±10% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1H474K ±20% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1H474M(pF)Tolerance(mm)Part No.680000±10% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1E684K ±20% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1E684M1000000 [1µF]±10% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1E105K ±20% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1E105M1500000 [1.5µF]±10% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1E155K ±20% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1E155M2200000 [2.2µF]±10% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1E225K±20% 1.6±0.2C3216X7R1E225MCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.3300000[3.3µF]±10% 1.6±0.2C3216X5R1C335K±20% 1.6±0.2C3216X5R1C335MCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.6800000[6.8µF]±10% 1.6±0.2C3216X5R0J685K±20% 1.6±0.2C3216X5R0J685M10000000±10% 1.6C3216X5R0J106K[10µF]±20% 1.6C3216X5R0J106MCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.2200000[2.2µF]+80, –20% 1.15±0.15C3216Y5V1H225Z(pF)Tolerance(mm)Part No.4700000[4.7µF]+80, –20% 1.15±0.15C3216Y5V1E475ZCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.10000000[10µF]+80, –20% 1.6±0.2C3216Y5V1C106ZCapacitance(pF)ToleranceThickness(mm)Part No.22000000[22µF]+80, –20% 1.6±0.2C3216Y5V1A226Z+0.3–0.1+0.3–0.1。