


Section Reading
In the following article,some sentences or paragraphs have been removed. For questions 16 to 20, choose the most suitable one from the list A - F tofit into each of the numbered gaps. There is ONE which does notfit in any of the gaps.
9.A. producedB.decoratedC.coloredD.outlined
10. A. accentsB.tonesC.intonationsD.feelings
11- A. concealed away B. concealed againstC.concealed fromD. concealed over
10.B。in hushed tone表示“整个氛围是宁静缄默,低调的”。
11,C。这里考词组搭配。as if it were something furtive,to be concealed from the world意为“似乎这是见不得人的事,需小心掩饰,不为他人知晓”。
12.A。primitive culture指“未受现代下业文明影响的原始文化与下文scientific culture形成对比。
Advance notice is often referred to in America as "lead time," an expression which is significant in a culture where schedules are important. While it is learned informally, most of us are familiar with how it works in our own culture, even though we cannot state the rules technically.16At the most they are known by experience to those who lived abroad for some time. Yet think how important it is to know how much time is required to prepare people, or for them to prepare themselves, for things to come. Sometimes lead time would seem to be very extended. At other times, in the Middle East, any period longer than a week may be too long.



华约自主招生试题一、数学部分1. 有一个集合A={1,2,3,4,5},请列举出A中的所有子集。

2. 设集合A={a, b, c},集合B={1, 2, 3},则集合A与集合B的笛卡尔积为什么?3. 已知函数f(x) = 3x + 4,求f(-2)的值。

4. 已知集合A={1, 2, 3},集合B={2, 3, 4},则集合A与集合B的交集为什么?5. 求方程3x^2 - 2x + 1 = 0的解。

6. 在一个等边三角形ABC中,BC=x,求三角形ABC的面积。

7. 已知函数f(x) = x^3 + 2x^2 - 3x,求f'(x)。

二、英语部分1. 根据所给的短文,回答以下问题:The Great Wall is one of the most famous sights in the world. It is more than 20,000 kilometers long and is known as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Great Wall was built over 2,000 years ago to protect the Chinese Empire from invasions. It attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every year.a) How long is the Great Wall?b) Why was the Great Wall built?c) What does the Great Wall attract every year?2. 根据所给的对话,填写空缺处的单词:A: Can you help me with my math homework?B: Sure, what's the problem?A: I can't solve this equation. _______ you show me how?B: Of course, let me take a look. ________ the equation for me.A: It's 3x^2 + 4x - 5 = 0.B: Alright, first we need to find the _______ of the equation. Then we can use the quadratic formula.A: How do we find the _______?B: We look at the coefficient of the x^2 term, which is 3 in this case. Now let's plug the values into the quadratic formula...三、逻辑思维部分1. 莉莉、爱丽丝、汤姆和鲍勃是四个朋友。



数学试题一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题3分,共36分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.4的算术平方根是 ( )A .±2B .2C .2D .±2.旱魃肆虐,河流干涸,大地荒芜,近期西南旱情时时牵动着人们的心,截至3月30日,兰州市三县五区受旱农田面积已经达到176.81万亩,将176.81万亩用科学记数法表示为( )A .176.81×104亩B .1.77×106亩C .1.7681×104亩D .1.7681×106亩 3.从小明、小凡、小丽、小红四人中用抽签的方式,选取两人为上海世博会的志愿者,那么能选中小明、小丽两人同时为上海世博会志愿者的概率为 ( )A .14B .112C .12D .164.某物体的三个视图如图所示,该物体的直观图是 ( ) 5.如图4,边长为1的正方形ABCD 绕点A 逆时针旋转300,得到正方形A 'B 'C 'D ',则图中阴影部分的面积为( ) A .12 B . C .1- D .1- 6.据报道,在4月22日世界地球日来临之际,世界各地呼吁人们关注地球,热爱地球,珍爱生命,创建和谐世界大型庆祝活动中,四个大城市参加庆祝活动人数统计如下表:A .27,28B .27.5,28C .28,27D .26.5,27A .B .C .D . A 第5题图7.如图,正方形ABCD 的边长为2,点E 在AB 边上.四边形EFGB 也为正方形,设△AFC 的面积为S ,则 ( ) A .S=2 B .S=2.4 C .S=4 D .S 与BE 长度有关8.连接边长为1的正方形对边中点,可将一个正方形分成2个大小相同的长方形,选右边的长方形进行第二次操作,又可将这个长方形分成2个更小的正方形……重复这样的操作,经过仔细地观察与思考,猜想n n )21()21()21()21(21132+++++- 的值等于( ) A .1 B .n)21(C .1)21(1--nD .n)21(1-9.如图,在四边形ABCD 中,动点P 从点A开始沿A B CD 的路径匀速前进到D 为止。


















1.在光滑的水平面上有一质量为M 、倾角为θ的光滑斜面,其上有一质量为m 的物块,如图所示。

物块在下滑的过程中对斜面压力的大小为 ( C ) A. θcos θsin m M θcos Mmg +B.θcos θsin m M θcos Mmg -C.θsin m M θcos Mmg 2+ D. θsin m M θcos Mmg 2-分析和解:设物块对斜面的压力为N ,物块m 相对斜面的加速度为a 1,斜面的加速度为a 2,方向向左;则物块m 相对地面的加速度为a x =a 1cos θ – a 2,a y =a 1sin θ,由牛顿第二定律得: 对m 有 )a c o s a (m s i n N 21-=θθθθsin ma cos N 1=对M 有 2Ma sin N =θ 解得 θθ2s i n m M c o s M m g N += 故选C 正确。

2.如图所示,用等长绝缘线分别悬挂两个质量、电量都相同的带电小球A 和B ,两线上端固定于O 点,B 球固定在O 点正下方。

当A 球静止时,两悬线夹角为θ.能保持夹角θ不变的方法是 ( BD ) A .同时使两悬线长度减半B .同时使A 球的质量和电量都减半C .同时使两球的质量和电量都减半D .同时使两悬线长度和两球的电量都减半分析和解:设两球距离为d ,分析A 球的受力如图示,图中,dq q kF BA 2⋅=由平衡条件得,dq q kF /sin mg ,mg T BA 222⋅===θ同时使两悬线长度减半,则d 减半,不能满足上式,A 错; 同时使A 球的质量和电量都减半,上式仍然能满足,B 正确;同时使两球的质量和电量都减半,不能满足上式,C 错;同时使两悬线长度和两球的电量都减半, 则d 、q 1、q 2减半,上式仍然能满足,D 正确。



2010年“华约”自主招生试题解析一、选择题 1.设复数2()1a i w i +=+,其中a 为实数,若w 的实部为2,则w 的虚部为( ) (A )32- (B )12- (C )12 (D )322.设向量,a b ,满足||||1,==⋅=a b a b m ,则||+a tb ()t R ∈的最小值为( ) (A )2 (B(C )1 (D3.已知平面α//平面β,直线,m n αβ⊂⊂,点,,A m B n AB ∈∈与平面α的夹角为4π,AB n ⊥,AB 与m 的夹角为3π,则m 与n 的夹角为 度 (A )60 (B )45 (C )30 (D )22.54.正四棱锥P-ABCD 中,B 1为PB 的中点,D 1为PD 的中点, 则两个棱锥A-B 1CD 1与P-ABCD 的体积之比11A B CD P ABCDV V --(A )1:6 (B )1:5 (C )1:4 (D )1:35.在ABC ∆中,三边长,,a b c ,满足3a c b +=,则tan tan 22A C的值为( ) (A )15 (B )14 (C )12 (D )236.如图,ABC ∆的两条高线,AD BE 交于H ,其外接圆圆心为O ,过O 作OF 垂直BC 于F ,OH 与AF 相交于G ,则OFG ∆与GAH ∆面积之比为( )(A )1:4 (B )1:3 (C )2:5 (D )1:27.设()e (0)axf x a =>.过点(,0)P a 且平行于y 轴的直线与曲线:()C y f x =的交点为Q ,曲线C 过点Q 的切线交x 轴于点R ,则PQR ∆的面积的最小值是( )(A )1 (B (C )e2(D )2e 48.设双曲线2212:(2,0)4x y C k a k a -=>>,椭圆2222:14x y C a +=.若2C 的短轴长与1C 的实轴长的比值等于2C 的离心率,则1C 在2C 的一条准线上截得线段的长为( )(A ) (B )2 (C ) (D )49.欲将正六边形的各边和各条对角线都染为n 种颜色之一,使得以正六边形的任何3个顶点作为顶点的三角形有3种不同颜色的边,并且不同的三角形使用不同的3色组合,则n 的最小值为( )(A )6 (B )7 (C )8 (D )910.设定点A B C D 、、、是以O 点为中心的正四面体的顶点,用σ表示空间以直线OA 为轴满足条件()B C σ=的旋转,用τ表示空间关于OCD 所在平面的镜面反射,设l 为过AB 中点与CD 中点的直线,用ω表示空间以l 为轴的180°旋转.设στ表示变换的复合,先作τ,再作σ。






Section I ReadingPart ARead the following text.Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank.(30 points)Learning theorists emphasize the role of environmental influences in shaping the way a person develops.__1__ their view, child development is guided by both deliberate and __2__ learning experiences in the home, peer group, school, and community.Therefore, childhood growth is significantly __3__ by the efforts of parents, teachers, and others to __4__ children in desirable ways.According to learning theories, the same __5__ that explain how people can use a bicycle orcomputer also explain how children acquire social skills, emotional self-control, reasoning strategies, and the __6__ skills of walking and running.One kind of learning occurs when a child’s actions are __7__ by a reward or punishment.A reward increases the probability that behavior will be repeated.For example, a young child may __8__ draw pictures because she receives praise from her parents after __9__ each one.A punishment decreases the probability that behavior will be repeated.For example, a child who touches a hot stove and burns his fingertips is not __10__ to touch the stove again.__11__ kind of learning, classical conditioning, occurs when a person makes a __12__ association between two events.For example, babies begin sucking when they are put in a familiar nursing __13__, children fear dogs whose barking has startled them in the past.A third kind of learning __14__ of imitating the behavior of others.A boy may acquire his father’s __15__ of talking, his mother’s tendency to roll her eyes, and his favorite basketball player’s moves __16__ the court.In doing so, he also acquires __17__ about the consequences of these behaviors.Learning theories provide extremely useful ways of understanding how developmental changes in behavior and thinking __18__ and, for some children, why behavior problems arise.These theories can be studied scientifically and practically applied.Critics point out, __19__, that learning theorists sometimes neglect children’s __20__ role in their own understanding and development.1.A.For B.From C.In D.With 2.A.unintended B.uninvolved C.undiscovered D.unlimited 3.A.achieved B.created C.developed D.shaped 4.A.moralize B.recognize C.socialize D.standardize 5.A.considerations B.instructions C.principles D.tendencies6.A.physical B.personal C.original D.technical 7.A.directed B.followed C.pursued D.tracked 8.A.continuously B.immediately C.occasionally D.regularly 9.A.completing B.fulfilling C.handling D.obtaining 10.A.liable B.likely C.possible D.ready 11.A.Another B.Next C.One D.Other 12.A.emotional B.intellectual C.mental D.spiritual 13.A.condition B.location C.position D.situation 14.A.contains B.consists C.comprises D.composes 15.A.custom B.means C.type D.style16.A.over B.on C.in D.at 17.A.estimations B.evaluations C.explorations D.expectations 18.A.appear B.emerge C.exist D.occur 19.A.accordingly B.however C.moreover D.therefore 20.A.active B.dominant C.positive D.socialPart B In the following article, some sentences or paragraphs have been removed.For questions 21 to 25, choose the most suitable one from the list A-F to fit into each of the numbered gaps.There is ONE which does not fit in any of the gaps.(15 points) Horror stories about the food industry have long been with us – ever since 1906, when Upton Sinclair’s landmark novel The Jungle told some ugly truths about how America produces its meat.In the century that followed, things got much better, and in some ways much worse.The U.S.agricultural industry can now produce unlimited quantities of meat and grains at remarkably cheap prices.But it does so at a high cost to the environment, animals and humans.21.Add to the price tag the acceleration of global warming – our energy-intensive food system uses 19% of U.S.fossil fuels, more than any other sector of the economy.And perhaps worst of all, our food is increasingly bad for us, even dangerous.22. A food system that generates cheap, filling food at the expense of healthier produce is also a major cause of America’s widespread obesity.At a time when the nation is close to a civil war over health-care reform, obesity adds $147 billion a year to our doctor bills.“The way we farm now is destructive of the soil, the environment and us,” says Doug Gurian-Sherman, a senior scientist with the food and environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists.23.Film documentaries like the highly critical Food Inc.and the work of investigative journalists like Eric Schlosser and Michael Pollan are repeating Sinclair’s work, awakening a sleeping public to the uncomfortable realities of how we eat.Change is also coming from the very top.First Lady Michelle Obama’s White House garden has so far yielded more than 225 lb.of organic produce – and tons of powerful symbolism.24.Sustainable food is also more expensive than conventional food and harder to find.And while large companies like General Mills have opened organic divisions, there is worry that the very definition of sustainability will be used by those companies only for their own good.But we can’t afford to remain in philosophizing about food.With the exhaustion of the soil, the impact of global warming and the inevitably rising price of oil – which will affect everything from fertilizer to supermarket electricity bills –our industrial style of food production will endsooner or later.25.Unless Americans radically rethink the way they grow and consume food, they face a future of damaged farmland, emptied-out countryside, terrifying germs, higher health costs – and tasteless diet.Sustainable food has an élitist reputation, but each of us depends on the soil, animals and plants –and as every farmer knows, if you don’t take care of your land, it can’t take care of you.A.Some Americans are paying attention to such warnings and working to transform the way the country eats –farmers who are raising sustainable food in ways that don’t bankruptthe earth.B.A series of recalls involving polluted foods this year –including a case of salmonella poisoning from tainted peanuts that killed at least eight people and sickened 600 – hasconsumers rightly worried about the safety of their meals.C.But, despite increasing public awareness, sustainable agriculture remains a tiny enterprise: according to the most recent data from the U.S.Department of Agriculture, less than 1%of American cropland is farmed organically.D.And when the rains come, the excess fertilizer that helped to take so much corn out of the ground will be washed into the Mississippi River and down into the Gulf of Mexico,where it will help kill fish for miles and miles around.E.Those hidden prices are the gradual damage of our rich farmland, cages for egg-laying chickens so packed that the birds can’t even raise their wings and the horrible rise ofantibiotic-resistant bacteria among farm animals.F.As the developing world grows richer, hundreds of millions of people will want to shift to the same calorie-heavy, protein-rich diet that has made Americans so unhealthy –demand for meat and poultry worldwide is set to rise 25% by 2015 – but the earth canno longer deliver.Part C26.Read the following text and summarize it in Chinese.Y ou should write approximately 200 characters.(20 points)Word travels quickly in the small fishing village of Port Washington, Wisconsin.So when Mardy McGarry wanted to build a playground for kids with special needs, she knew it wouldn’t take long to create interest in the project.But she never expected that 2,800 people – a third of the town – would roll up their sleeves and use their vacation days to bring her vision to life.“A lot of learning comes through play,” says McGarry, 52, a special education teacher for 28 years.But her students were too often left out.She’d seen the wood chips and sand of traditional playgrounds stop wheelchairs dead in their tracks.McGarry started researching play equipment and contacting design firms.When a piece of land became available, the city council agreed to give a portion for a playground if she would build it.McGarry asked classrooms of kids for their wish list.“They all said pirate ships,” she says.She also asked physical, occupational, and speech specialists for their input.And she brought on board her friend Sue Mayer, whose eight-year-old son, Sam, is disabled.“Neither of us is good at math, which is why $450,000 didn’t sound like a lot of money,” McGarry says of the initial estimate.Her Kiwanis Club came through with $7,000, and that’s when the grass-roots movementreally got started.One woman gave $25,000 and had her company match it.Soon smaller businesses were joining in.Families bought wood blocks for the fence at $30 apiece.Bricks for the walkways went for $50 to $750 each.There were silent money-raising activities, T-shirt sales, a coin drive, and a run-walk-and-roll-a-thon.The local Pieper Family Foundation offered to donate half of the remaining $170,000 balance if McGarry could raise the rest.The $450,000 covered materials, but the actual construction would cost an additional $900,000.Out of the question.But the community could build it.The design firm they’d selected, Leathers & Associates, had sent a 164-page how-to binder.All McGarry needed now was 500 volunteers to work six 12-hour days.On September 16, 2008, the first day of construction, they came.Two women heard about the project from a friend on the way to work and took the day off to help.A couple in their 80s manned the tool trailer.Ten-year-olds sanded surfaces and cleared up wood pieces.“It was truly an amazing week,” says McGarry.“The site looked like an anthill.So many people can take ownership of this playground.”Only three “build captains,” sent by Leathers & Associates, were paid.V olunteers with “build experience” became coordinators, those who could operate power tools formed a separate group, and so on –down to t he “runners.” One team served meals donated from local restaurants and churches, and another organized activities for the children of volunteers.Today, Possibility Playground is one of the most popular destinations in Ozaukee County.The finished wonderland, the length of a football field, sits on a slope overlooking Lake Michigan.There’s a giant rocking pirate ship, a lighthouse, a rock-climbing wall, high and low rings, monkey bars, palm drums, sandboxes, swings, slides, bridges, and slip roads.All children play shoulder to shoulder.“It’s neat to see Tori fitting in,” says Charlene Landing of her five-year-old wheelchair-bound daughter.“Some playgrounds have special equipment in a different section.Here, you see all the kids on the same playground having fun.”It’s exactly what McGarry wished for.“People used to ask, ‘Why do you want to build a playground just for children with disabilities?’” she says.“They didn’t get it.It’s only when you build a playground for children with disabilities that you build one for all children.”Section II WritingPart A27.Translate the following text into English.(10 points)世界上最容易的事情,莫过于踩着别人的脚印走。




传送带的速度为θ=4m/s ,摩擦系数为θ=0.8,将一个质量θ=4kg 的小物块轻轻的放置在装置的底部,已知传送带装置的底部到顶部之间的距离θ=20m 。

(本题重力加速度θ=10m/s 2) (1)求物块从传送带底部运动到顶部的时间θ; (2)求此过程中传送带对物块所做的功。

1 【解答】(1)如图做受力分析。

垂直斜面方向受力平衡: θ=θθθθθθ=4θθ/5 则摩擦力θ1为:θ1=θθ=5/4×4θθ/5=θθ平行斜面方向做匀加速运动:θθ=θ1−θθθθθθ=θθ−3θθ/5=2θθ/5 则θ=25θ=4m/s 2,且方向沿传送带向上运动到物块速度与传送带速度相同时经过的时间为:θ1=θ/θ=1s 运动的距离为:θ1=θθ2/2=2m 。

剩下的距离为θ2=θ−θ1=18m ,之后物块与传送带一起作匀速运动,则θ2=θ2/θ=4.5s 故θ=θ1+θ2=5.5s(2)法一:由第一问可知,在物块加速过程中摩擦力为θ1=θθ=40N 此时摩擦力对物块做功θ1 = θ1θ1θ12/2 = 80J匀速过程中摩擦力满足:θ2 = θθθθθθ = 35 θθ = 24N 则传送带做功θ2 = θ2θ2 = 432J 则总做功θ = θ1 + θ2 = 512J(注:若是求传送带做功,则需考虑内能的变化,此时θ1 = θ1θ1θ1 = 160J ,θ2不变,总功为θ = θ1 + θ2 = 592J )法二:用功能原理,传送带对物块所做的功为物块获得的机械能(动能与重力势能)则: θ =θθ2/2+ θθθθθθθ = 512J2. 已知地球的半径为θ,地球附近的重力加速度为θ。


已知在万有引力作用下的势能公式为θθ = − θθθ/ θ ,其中θ为地球的质量,θ为卫星到地心的距离。



2012年高水平大学自主选拔学业能力测试(华约)物理真题一. 选择题(每小题3分)1. 带有等量异电荷的板状电容器不是平行放置的,下列图像中的电场线描绘正确的是()2. 一铜板暴露在波长=200nm λ的紫外线中,观测到有电子从铜板表面逸出。

当在铜板所在空间加一方向垂直于板面、大小为15V /m 的电场时,电子能运动到距板面的最大距离为10cm 。

已知光速c 与普朗克常数h 的乘积为-61.2410eVm ⨯,则铜板的截止波长约为( ) A 、240nmB 、260nmC 、280nmD 、300nm3. 若实心玻璃管长40cm ,宽4cm端正中心射入,则光最多可以在管中反射几次( )A 、5B 、6C 、7D 、84. 已知两电源的电动势12>E E ,当外电路电阻为R 时,外电路消耗功率正好相等。

当外电路电阻将为R '时,电源为1E 时对应的外电路功率1P ,电源为2E 时对应的外电路功率2P ,电源1E 的内阻为1r ,电源2E 的内阻为2r 。

则( )A 、12>r r ,12P P >B 、12<r r ,12P P <C 、12>r r ,12P P <D 、12<r r ,12P P >5. 如图所示,绝热容器的气体被绝热光滑密封活塞分为两部分A 、B ,已知初始状态下A 、B 两部分体积、压强、温度均相等,A 中有一电热丝对A 部分气体加热一段时间,稳定后()A 、A 气体压强增加,体积增大,温度不变B 、B 气体的温度升高,B 中分子运动加剧C 、B 气体的体积减小,压强增大D 、A 气体的内能变化量等于B 气体的内能变化量6. 如图,一简谐横波沿x 轴正方向传播,图中实线为t =0时刻的波形图,虚线为t =0.286s 时刻的波形图。

该波的周期T 和波长λ可能正确的是()A、0.528s,2mB、0.528s,4mC、0.624s,2mD、0.624s,4m7.铁路上使用一种电磁装置向控制中心传输信号以确定火车的位置,能产生均匀磁场的磁铁安装在火车首节车厢下面,如图所示(俯视图)。






示例题目:1.下列哪个国家是华约项目的发起国?– A. 美国– B. 中国– C. 日本– D. 加拿大参考答案:B2.以下哪个术语不属于计算机科学领域?– A. 数据结构– B. 数据分析– C. 数据库– D. 数据挖掘参考答案:B解答题解答题是考察学生分析和解决问题能力的题型,需要学生提供详细的解答和推理过程。




则根据题意,有:(3+x) / 2 = (x+8) / 2 解得: x = 114.请设计一个算法,计算一个整数数组中的最大值。

参考答案:以下是一个简单的算法实现,时间复杂度为O(n):fun findMax(array: IntArray): Int { var max = Integer.MIN_VALUEfor (i in array) {if (i > max) {max = i}}return max}编程题编程题是考察学生编程能力和解决实际问题的题型,需要学生用编程语言实现指定的功能。





英语试卷本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,满分150分, 考试时间120分钟。

第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从(A、B、C、D)四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was such _____ most interesting novel that many children want to read it _____ second time.A. a; aB. the; aC. the; theD. /; the2. Lucy tried her best to find a good job in the city , but she had no _______ .A. troubleB. ideaC. luckD. time3.—It’s not so difficult , Mr Green , I want ___________ .— Come on , please .A. tryB. a goC. startingD. to happen4.There are quite a few old books on the shelf , but _________ of them is useful to him .A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none5. —I don’t think it very expensive t o buy a family computer here .—Really ? I’ll buy _________ next week .A. itB. thisC. oneD. mine6._______ all the passengers are here , why don’t we start at once ?A. As soon asB.WhenC.Now thatD.After7. —I’m going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend .— _______ you are there , can you buy me some green tea ?A. BecauseB. WhileC. IfD. Though8. ----I _______his telephone number.----- I have his number,but I ___________to bring my phone book.A.forgot,forgetB.forget,forgetC.forget,forgotD. forgot,forgot9. _______ the night before Christmas Day , parents fill their children’s stocking with small presents .A. InB. AtC. ToD. On10.—Why do you like the music?—Because it reminds me __ my childhood..A. ofB. about.C.onD.for11.The coat bought last week is too big for me . I’d like to change it for a_______ one .A. smallB. largeC. nicerD. smaller12. Everyone except Bill and Jim ______there when the meeting began.A. wasB. isC. areD. were13. This kind of cloth________well.A.wash B.is washed C.washes D.washing14. He often helps the students _____ he thinks are not quick at their studies.A. whomB. whoC. whenD. because15. Some rules are almost the same _______in the world, but rules of etiquette can be different from place to place.A. somewhereB. anywhereC. nowhereD. everywhere16. ---Tom will take care of our cat while we're away.---_______________A. It doesn't matter.B. I'll do it myself.C. That's very kind of him.D.You are welcome17 The teacher explained the question again to make herself ________.A. understandB. to understandC. understandingD. understood18 The life we were used to __________ greatly since 1992.A. changeB. has changedC. changingD. have changed19. ---- How long do you think it is______ he arrived here?---- No more than half a year, I believe.A. whenB. thatC. beforeD. since20. Help! Tom ________ an accident.A. will haveB. has hadC. was havingD. had had第二节:完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的(A、B、C、D)四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。



2010自主招生试题及答案【篇一:2010孝高英语自主招生试题及参考答案】参考)1.答题前,考生务必将自己所在县(市,区),毕业学校,考号,姓名填写在试卷上,答题卡上指定的位置.2.选择题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题的答案必须写在答题卡的指定位置,在本试卷上答题无效.3.本试卷满分120分,考试时间90分钟.第一部分:单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从四个选择中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.1.my father is ___university teacher. he always works very hard. aa. ab. anc. thed./2.jack,a friend of _______,keeps healthy by taking an activepart in sports and recreation. da. meb.ic. myd. mine3.there is still _____fish on the plate. please finish it off. ba. littleb .a little c. few d. a few.4.thanks to elaine. with her help, we finished the work an hour ______.ca. earlyb. earliestc. earlierd. the earliest5.he can hardly wait to hear the good news,__________? ba. can’t heb. can hec. does hed. doesn’t he6.since you are very tied, you ________finish the work today. you should go home earlier. aa. needn’tb. may notc. mustn’td. can’t7.try your best, ____you will make a great progress in your study. da. butb. ifc. ord .and8.let john ___milk and bread for breakfast himself. he’s ten years old now. aa. buyb. buysc. boughtd. is buying.9.a lot of workers set out to build the bridge _____a windy day. ba .inb .on c. atd. of10.after _____talk, they decided to go to beijing on holiday. da. two hourb. two hoursc. two-hoursd .two hours’11.---can we get together on saturday or sunday?---i’m afraid _______day is possible. da. eitherb. each c .bothd. neither12.”would you like me to show you the way?” the volunteersaid __to the tourist. da. lovelyb. likelyc. kindly d .friendly13.nowadays many people are too busy to ____a holiday with the family. ba. gob. affordc. offerd. cost.14.i _____vegetables to meat because they are good for my health. ca .produce b. prepare c. preferd. process15.i can’t ______the maths problem within an hour. it’s very difficult. ba. talk out b .work out c. put outd. look out16.many students have to ___their hobbies because of their busy school work. aa. give upb .put up c. stay upd .look up17.don’t forget to ____the lights and the tv in the sitting room before going to bed. ca. turn overb. turn onc. turn offd. turn up18.---have you read these books?---yes ,i _____them three days ago. aa .read b. have readc. have done d. did19.---_____will the astronaut be away from the earth? b---for about one month.a .how soon b. how long c. how oftend. how much20.---shall we make a pizza by ourselves instead of buying one? c---_______.a. the same to you .b. don’t worry. c .that’s a good idea.d .sodid i .第二部分:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.on father’s day, i spent the day with my granddaughter emma. soon after i21my son’s home, emma told me that she 22to read me a story. emma has just finished kindergarten. she read meher 23 story the red rose. i was surprised24emma actuallyread the story, word25 word, from the book.it is a short story of a young boy who falls in love with a little girl who always26a small red rose on her head. they grow up and get married, and though he asks her27 she always wears the rose, she does not28 his question. finally in their 29 age, as she is lying on her death bed, she tells him to take off the rose. slowly and 30 he takes off the red rose and as he does, she31 and becomes a red rose.emma loves this story. she read it32 twice that day. then at bedtime, she told me the story again, this time in her own 33 .i wondered at how she 34 the story’s plot line, the vocabulary of the story, and the flow of the words. she did not try to 35the whole story word for word, but she used nearly the exact phrases she had read 36 .the point i want to make is that stories have a37 impact(作用)on the development of children. they help children understand the 38 around them and they also help children find39 for the way things are. storytelling helps them understand events, cause and effect, good and bad, and the list40 .21. a. look overb. arrived atc. went through d. set upb22. a. fearedb. pretended c. forgot d. wantedd23. a. favorite b. happy c. own d. boringa24. a. since b. as c. untild. beforeb25. a. with b. in c. for d. on c26. a. wears b. dressesc. puts d. takes a27. a. if b. becausec. why d. so c28. a. like b. repeat c. replyd. answerd29. a. middleb. colorful c. important d. oldd30. a. carefullyb. bravelyc. strangely d. casually a31. a. cries b. disappearsc. growsd. jumps b32. a. at last b. at mostc. at leastd. in anger c33. a. words b. bookc. voiced. experiencea34. a. lost b. understandc. read d. forgot b35. a. miss b. design c. writed. remember d36. a. betterb. louder c. earlier d. morea37. a. badb. great c. disappointing d. convincingb38. a. world b. danger c. character d. people d39. a. skillsb. newsc. reasons d. books C40. a. takes offb. turns up c. picks upd. goes ondand the list goes on数不胜数第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选择中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.athere was once a king who had plenty of money and always bought beautiful clothes, but he was prouder of his boots than of anything else that he wore. the king had a very good servant(仆人), but he was old. one day, the old servant died and another man came to take his place.waited and waited, and then at last when he felt very hungry, he said, “please, yo ur majesty, you have not given me anything for my lunch yet.” “oh,” answered the king calmly, “it would be a waste of time to give you any food now, because you would only be hungry again in a few hours’ time.”41.what was the king proudest of according to the passage? _____ca. his old servantb. his beautiful clothesc. his bootsd. his money42.the king found a new servant because _____.ba. the new servant was young and clever.b. the old servant passed away.c. he needed the new servant to clean the boots for himd. the old servant was too old to serve him43.why did the king leave nothing for the servant to eat?____da. because the servant was not hungry.b. because the king was cruelc. because it would be a waste of time to give the servant something for his lunch.d. because he wanted to teach the lazy servant a lesson.bmany children use the internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. but some of them are not using it in a good way. here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the internet.make rules for using the internet with your parents. for example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you do online.don’t give your password(密码)to anyone else, and never leak out the following information: your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information. check with your parents before giving out a credit card (信用卡) number.never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say it’s ok.check with your parents before going into a chat room. different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people. you and your parents will want to make sure it’s a right place for you.never agree to meet anyone you meet on the internet without your parents’ permission(允许). never meet anyone you meet online alone.always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. treat everyone online as if they were strangers.if something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. tell a parent or teacher right away.treat other people as you’d like to be treated. never use bad language.remember—not everything you read on the internet is true.44.it’s good for children to ____on the internet. ba. give password to othersb. get useful knowledge and informationc. give out a credit card numberd. go into a chat room as they’d like to45.the underlined phrase ”leak out ”in the third paragraph may mean ”_________”aa. make something knownb. to allow liquid or gas outc. hided. help out46.if your parents don’t ag ree never _____.ca. read anything on the internetb. relax in your free timec. have a face to face meeting with anyone you met onlined. treat other people as you’d like to be treated.47.this passage is mainly about ”_____”da. how to use computersb. surfing the internetc. information on the internetd. internet safety rulesCmiss bailey taught me english in junior school. she cycled to school, and then when entering the school gate, she would give her bicycle to anyone of us to park it for her. it was a great honor when miss bailey gave her bicycle to you. one day shankar stood at the gate; shankar was a hunchback(驼背的人). we laughed and said, “move out of the way, shankar! miss bailey is going to enter!” miss bailey drov e in and we all rushed to offer our hands to her. but miss bailey looked past us all. “will you park it for me?”she asked. we looked back to see who it was and were surprised to see it was towards shankar. “i don’t think so, miss bailey!” stammered(结结巴巴地说) shankar. “why? you lazy fellow!”said miss bailey playfully. “you don’t want to help your teacher, do you?” “of course i want to, miss bailey!” whispered shankar. “but i might drop your cycle!” “if you drop it, you pick it up!”said the teacher with a smile.with that she gave her cycle to shankar and didn’t look to see how he’d manage. pretending she had confidence in his abilities, miss bailey turned and walked to class. we watched shankar as he held her bike. we held our breath as we thought it was goin g to fall. dinesh rushed to help. “leave it!” shankar said, and we all stopped. it seemed that his hump(驼背) disappeared as he drew himself up to his full height, and then with growing confidence, he pushed miss bailey’s cycle to the parking lot. the school bell rang, and we rushed to class. shankar was the last to enter, but we were surprised; it was a different boy who walked in.miss bailey didn’t even look at him as he walked to her and handed her the keys. fromthat day on, shankar was ready to answer the questions in class, his grades went up and a smile appeared on his face. 48. what does the underlined word “it” in the first paragraph probably refer to? ba) miss bailey’s bike b) parking the bike for miss bailey.c) going to school by bike. d) being a student of miss bailey.49.. from paragraph 2, we learn that _________.ca) miss bailey’s students disliked to help her. b) miss bailey didn’t like shankarc) shankar didn’t believe in his ability at first d) shankar didn’t want to help miss bailey50.. when shankar entered the classroom after parking the bike, _____.da)miss bailey praised him b)his classmates cheeredc)his hump disappeared d)he was full of confidence51. from the passage, we know that ____________.ca) shankar never stood at the school gateb) miss bailey pretended not to see shankar and walked to classc) parking the bike for miss bailey made shankar change himselfd) nobody wanted to help shankar park miss bailey’s bikedin canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. these are their pets. people love these pets and have them as their good friends. before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections(注射)so that they wont carry disease. they have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every kind of store. some people spend around two hundred canadian dollars a month on animal food. when you visit peoples houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. you will also find that almost every family has a feeding place for birds in their garden. all kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. they are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in canada. they have a law against killing wild animals. if you killed an animal, you would be punished. if an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.people in canada have many reasons to like animals. one of them might be that their family ties are not as close as ours. when children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life. then the old will feel lonely, but pets can solve this problem. they can be good friends and never leave them alone.52.people can buy animal food for their pets_____. ba. only at the animal food storesb. in almost every storec. in the supermarkets d .in the pet shops53.when you visit people’s homes, _____.aa. people would be happy to show their animalsb .people would ask you to feed birdsc. you are not allowed to see their animalsd. it’s necessary for you to buy some animal food.54. when they grow up ____.ba. they dont love their parents any moreb. they don’t live together with their parentsc. they find jobs far from their parents【篇二:2010清华大学自主招生试题数学试题(带答案)】t>11.解:(Ⅰ)由得所以即因为所为内角,,(Ⅱ)又由余弦定理得即又所以,,有当且仅当即为等边三角形时,,的面积取得最大值12.解:(Ⅰ)设则由可知的斜率因此可以设直线方程为把所以因为所以直线代入,整理得都不平行于轴,斜率之和为可知直线所以作则由已知可得所以,所以为直角三角形可得,平分的倾角互补,而为垂足平行于轴,(Ⅱ)如图,根据的结果,可以设直线的方程分别为把分别代入,得【篇三:2010-2014年华约自主招生物理试题与答案】=txt>1.如图所示的传送带装置,与水平面的夹角为??,且????????=0.75。



2010年“华约”自主招生试题解析一、选择题 1.设复数2()1a i w i +=+,其中a 为实数,若w 的实部为2,则w 的虚部为( ) (A )32- (B )12- (C )12 (D )322.设向量,a b ,满足||||1,==⋅=a b a b m ,则||+a tb ()t R ∈的最小值为( ) (A )2 (B(C )1 (D3.已知平面α//平面β,直线,m n αβ⊂⊂,点,,A m B n AB ∈∈与平面α的夹角为4π,AB n ⊥,AB 与m 的夹角为3π,则m 与n 的夹角为 度 (A )60 (B )45 (C )30 (D )22.54.正四棱锥P-ABCD 中,B 1为PB 的中点,D 1为PD 的中点, 则两个棱锥A-B 1CD 1与P-ABCD 的体积之比11A B CD P ABCDV V --(A )1:6 (B )1:5 (C )1:4 (D )1:35.在ABC ∆中,三边长,,a b c ,满足3a c b +=,则tan tan 22A C的值为( ) (A )15 (B )14 (C )12 (D )236.如图,ABC ∆的两条高线,AD BE 交于H ,其外接圆圆心为O ,过O 作OF 垂直BC 于F ,OH 与AF 相交于G ,则OFG ∆与GAH ∆面积之比为( )(A )1:4 (B )1:3 (C )2:5 (D )1:27.设()e (0)axf x a =>.过点(,0)P a 且平行于y 轴的直线与曲线:()C y f x =的交点为Q ,曲线C 过点Q 的切线交x 轴于点R ,则PQR ∆的面积的最小值是( )(A )1 (B (C )e2(D )2e 48.设双曲线2212:(2,0)4x y C k a k a -=>>,椭圆2222:14x y C a +=.若2C 的短轴长与1C 的实轴长的比值等于2C 的离心率,则1C 在2C 的一条准线上截得线段的长为( )(A ) (B )2 (C ) (D )49.欲将正六边形的各边和各条对角线都染为n 种颜色之一,使得以正六边形的任何3个顶点作为顶点的三角形有3种不同颜色的边,并且不同的三角形使用不同的3色组合,则n 的最小值为( )(A )6 (B )7 (C )8 (D )910.设定点A B C D 、、、是以O 点为中心的正四面体的顶点,用σ表示空间以直线OA 为轴满足条件()B C σ=的旋转,用τ表示空间关于OCD 所在平面的镜面反射,设l 为过AB 中点与CD 中点的直线,用ω表示空间以l 为轴的180°旋转.设στ表示变换的复合,先作τ,再作σ。



2013年华约自主招生物理试题1、如图所示,一质量为M 、倾角为θ的光滑斜面,放置在光滑的水平面上,另一个质量为m 的滑块从斜面顶端释放,试求斜面的加速度。

2、如图所示,小球A 、B 带电量相等,质量均为m ,都用长L 的绝缘细线挂在绝缘的竖直墙上O 点,A 球靠墙且其悬线刚好竖直,B 球悬线偏离竖直方向θ角而静止,此时A 、B 两球之间的库仑力为F 。

由于外部原因小球B 的电量减小,使两球再次静止时它们之间的库仑力变为原来的一半,则小球B 的电量减小为原来的( )A.1/2B.1/4C.1/8D.1/163、如图,一个质量为m 的圆环套在一根固定的水平直杆上环与杆的动摩擦因数为μ,现给环一个向右的初速度v 0,如果环在运动过程中还受到一个方向始终竖直向上的力F 的作用,已知F =kv ,(k 为常数,v 为速度),试讨论在环的整个运动过程中克服摩擦力所做的功。

(假设杆足够长,分F =mg ,F <mg ,F >mg 三种情况)4、粗糙绝缘的水平面附近存在一个平行于水平面的电场,其中某一区域的电场线与x 轴平行,且沿x 轴方向的电势根据上述表格中的数据可作出如下的—x 图像。

现有一质量为0.10kg ,电荷量为1.0⨯10-7C 带正电荷的滑块(可视作质点),其与水平面的动摩擦因数为0.20。

问: (1)由数据表格和图像给出的信息,写出沿x 轴的电势ϕ与x 的函数关系表达式。

(2)若将滑块无初速地放在x =0.10m 处,则滑块最终停止在何处?(3)在上述第(2)问的整个运动过程中,它的加速度如何变化?当它位于x =0.15m 时它的加速度多大?(电场中某点场强为ϕ—x 图线上某点对应的斜率)(4)若滑块从x =0.60m 处以初速度v 0沿-x 方向运动,要使滑块恰能回到出发点,其初速度v 0应为多大?5、如图所示,有一个竖直固定在地面的透气圆筒,筒中有一劲度为k 的轻弹簧,其下端固定,上端连接一质量为m 的薄滑块,圆筒内壁涂有一层新型智能材料——ER 流体,它对滑块的阻力可调。

2010-2019最新大学自主招生物理真题(华约、卓越、北大博雅、清华领军)(PDF版 无答案)

2010-2019最新大学自主招生物理真题(华约、卓越、北大博雅、清华领军)(PDF版 无答案)
7.有一顶部开口、横截面积为 S 的绝热圆柱形容器,放在水平地面上。容器内有一质量为 m 的匀质绝热挡板 在下,另一个质量可略的绝热活塞在上,活塞与容器顶端相距甚远。挡板下方容器为V0 的区域内,盛有摩 尔质量为 1 、摩擦数为 v1 的单原子分子气体;挡板与活塞之间的容积为V0 的区域内,盛有质量为 2 、摩 尔数为 v2 的双原子分子气体。挡板和活塞与容器内壁之间无间隙,且都可以摩擦地上下滑动。设两种气体 均已处于平衡态,而后将挡板非常缓慢、绝热且无漏气地从容器壁朝外抽出,最终形成的混合气体达到热 平衡态。设整个过程中双原子分子的振动自由度始终未被激发。将大气压强记为 p0 ,设 m p0S /g ,将 1 、 v1 、 2 、 v2 、 p0 、V0 处理为已知量。 ⑴ 将末态混合其体内的单原子分子气体和双原子分子气体密度分别记为 1 和 2 ,试求 1 : 2 。 ⑵ 再求混合气体的体积V 。

3.如图所示,光滑导轨上垂直放置两根质量为 m 、且有电阻的金属棒,导轨宽处与窄轨间距比为 2:1 ,平面
内有垂直纸面向内的磁场。现给左边的杆一个初速度 v0 ,在系统稳定时,左杆仍在宽轨上右杆仍在窄轨上
运动。则这个过程产生热量 Q
放射源,在塔顶测的伽马射线频率为 v (具体数据忘了给没给了),在低端测的射线频率与之相差 v ,
已知 h 6.632× 1034 ,求 v 的数量级( ) v
25.已知空气分子的平均动能为 kT ,则在常温下,质量为 m 4.7× 1023 kg 的空气德布罗意波波长的数量级



“华约”自主招生试题解析一、选择题■1.设复数vv = (—)2,其中d为实数,若R的实部为2,则w的虚部为() 1 + /3 (A)——(B) -- (C)丄3(D)-2 2 222.设向量“”,满足\a\=^b\= \,a b=m ,则\a+tb\(t^R)的最小值为()(A) 2(B) y/l + m2(C) 1(D) Jl_屛3。


缺A r5.在AABC中,三边长a.b.c ,满足“ + <? = 3/儿贝ij tan — tan —的值为()2 2(A) —(B) — (C) —(D)—5 4 2 36.如图,AABC的两条髙线AD、BE交于H ,其外接圆圆心为0 ,过O作OF垂直BC于F , OH 与AF相交于G,则△OFG与NGAH而积之比为()(A) 1:4 (B) 1:3 (C) 2:5 (D) 1:27.设/(x) = e at(«>0)・过点P(aO)且平行于y轴的直线与曲线C:y = f(x)的交点为曲线C过点Q的切线交X轴于点R ,则APQR的而积的最小值是()(A) 1 (B) —(C) - (D)—2 2 4X2 V2V2 V28.设双曲线G :r—— = k(d>2K>0),椭圆G:r + — = 1・若G的短轴长与G的实轴长cr 4 4的比值等于c?的离心率,则G在c?的一条准线上截得线段的长为()(A) 2丿2 + «(B) 2 (C) 4J4 + R (D) 49.欲将正六边形的各边和各条对角线都染为〃种颜色之一,使得以正六边形的任何3个顶点作为顶点的三角形有3种不同颜色的边,并且不同的三角形使用不同的3色组合,则〃的最小值为()(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 910.设定点A、B、C、D是以O点为中心的正四面体的顶点,用o■表示空间以直线Q4为轴满足条件b(3) = C的旋转,用7•表示空间关于OCD所在平而的镜而反射,设/为过AB中点与CD中点的直线,用。

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著名学者、古文字学家、东方学家及翻译家季羡林先生说: “每个人都争取一个完满的
1.A.0 分 B.2 分 C.2 分 D.1 分 E.0 分
2011年高水平大学自主选拔学业能力测试( AAA测试)
高水平大学自主选拔学业能力测试(英文名称为 AdvancedAssessment forAdmission,
南京大学、浙江大学和清华大学共同发起、 共同委托专业考试机构组织的高中毕业生学业能
4、人文与社会( Humanities and
Social Sciences)。测试时间为 1.5 小时,满分为 100
AAA测试的命题以现行中学教学大纲为参照, 重点在于考察学生对于知识的综合应用
1、阅读与写作( Reading andWriting)。测试时间 3 小时,满分为 200 分。考察重点为
在检票员那严峻的目光下, 麦斯欧德恐惧得浑身都像要溶化似的, 僵坐在自己的位子上,
呆呆地目送纳吉娃走下火车, 泪花在眼睛里翻滚。 火车又慢慢起动了。 这时又过来一位姑娘,
考试当天,上午进行阅读与写作的测试。全部试卷一并下发,开考 1.5 小时后由监考
人员收中文阅读与写作部分的试卷,开考 3 小时后收英文阅读与写作、中英文综合部分的试
学教学内容为主。 考查重点为逻辑思维能力、运算变形能力、 空间想象能力、综合创新能力。
3、自然科学( Natural Science)。测试时间为 1.5 小时,满分为 100 分。测试内容包括
在传统小说中也是不可能出现的。正是这种荒诞手法的运用,使《12 点的列车》表现出了
与传统写实小说不同的现代意味。这种荒诞的手法, 可以更有效地揭示本身就是荒诞性的现
3. 方羲之之不可强以仕/而尝极东方/出沧海/以娱其意于山水之间/岂有徜徉肆恣/
[埃及]舒尔巴吉著 郅溥浩译
被无端扔出窗口, 检票员的话具有绝对权威, 两个年轻人为逃避不幸、 追求共同理想而不得,
AAA测试组织者不提供任何关于测试的大纲、辅导材料。上述资料均可通过 AAA 测试报
AAA测试组织者不承诺 2010 年 AAA测试题目与 2011 年测试题目之间存在任何相似
“因为我将去迎接的生活是值得为之作出牺牲的。 城市的拥挤已压得人喘不过气来。 相
下午进行数学、自然科学 /人文与社会的测试。两科试卷在开考时一并下发,开考 1..5
小时后由监考人员收数学试卷;开考 3小时后收自然科学 /人文与社会试卷。
2011 年 AAA测试的具体日期为 2 月 19 日。
除本说明、 2011 年测试题型示例以及相关高校招生办公室网站提供的情况介绍外,