全文检索经典例子全文检索(Full-text Search)是指在大规模的文本数据集合中,通过快速搜索算法,将用户输入的查询词与文本数据进行匹配,并返回相关的文本结果。
1. 搜索引擎:全文检索是搜索引擎的核心技术之一。
2. 文档管理系统:在大型企业或机构中,通常需要管理大量的文档和文件。
3. 电子商务平台:在线商城通常会有大量的商品信息,用户可以通过全文检索快速找到需要购买的商品,提供更好的购物体验。
4. 社交媒体平台:全文检索可以用于搜索和过滤用户发布的内容,帮助用户找到感兴趣的信息或用户。
5. 新闻媒体网站:新闻网站通常会有大量的新闻报道和文章,全文检索可以帮助用户快速找到感兴趣的新闻内容。
6. 学术文献检索:在学术领域,全文检索可以帮助研究人员找到相关的学术论文和研究成果,促进学术交流和研究进展。
7. 法律文书检索:在法律领域,全文检索可以帮助律师和法官快速搜索和查找相关的法律文书和判例,提供法律支持和参考。
8. 医学文献检索:在医学领域,全文检索可以帮助医生和研究人员找到相关的医学文献和病例,提供医疗决策和研究支持。
9. 电子图书馆:全文检索可以用于电子图书馆中的图书检索,帮助读者找到需要的图书和资料。
10. 代码搜索:开发人员可以使用全文检索工具搜索代码库中的代码片段和函数,提高开发效率和代码重用。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)H O L I S T I C W E B B R O W S I N G:T R E N D S O F T H E F U T U R EThe future of the Web is everywhere. The future of the Web is not at your desk. It’s not necessarily in your pocket, either. It’s everywhere. With each new technological innovation, we continue to become more and more immersed in the Web, connecting the ever-growing layer of information in the virtual world to the real one around us. But rather than get starry-eyed with utopian wonder about this bright future ahead, we should soberly anticipate the massive amount of planning and design work it will require of designers, developers and others.The gap between technological innovation and its integration in our daily lives is shrinking at a rate much faster than we can keep pace with—consider the number of unique Web applications you signed up for in the past year alone. T hishas resulted in a very fragmented experience of the Web. While running several different browsers, with all sorts of plug-ins, you might also be running multiple standalone applications to manage feeds, social media accounts and music playlists.Even though we may be adept at switching from one tab or window to another, we should be working towards a more holistic Web experience, one that seamlessly integrates all of the functionality we need in the simplest and most contextual way. With this in mind, l et’s review four trends that designers and developers would be wise to observe and integrate into their work so as to pave the way for a more holistic Web browsing experience:1.The browser as operating system,2.Functionally-limited mobile applications,3.Web-enhanced devices,4.Personalization.1. The Browser As Operating SystemThanks to the massive growth of Web productivity applications, creative tools and entertainment options, we are spending more time in the browser than ever before. The more time we spend there, the less we make use of the many tools in the larger operating system that actually runs the browser. As a result, we’re beginning to expect the same high level of reliability and sophistication in our Web experience that we get from our operating system.For the most part, our expectations have been met by such innovations as Google’s Gmail, Talk, Calendar and Docs applications, which all offer varying degrees of integration with one another, and online image editing tools like Picnik and Adobe’s on line version of Photoshop. And those expectations will continue to be met by upcoming releases, such as the Chrome operating system—we’re already thinking of our browsers as operating systems. Doing everything on the Web was once a pipe dream, but now it’s a reality.U B I Q U I T YThe one limitation of Web browsers that becomes more and more obvious as we make greater use of applications in the cloud is the lack of usable connections between open tabs. Most users have grown accustomed to keeping many tabs open, switching back and forth rapidly between Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and various social media tools. But this switching from tab to tab is indicative of broken connections between applications that really ought to be integrated.Mozilla is attempting to functionally connect tools that we use in the browser in a more intuitive and rich way with Ubiquity. While it’s definitely a step in the right direction, the command-line approach may be a barrier to entry for thoseunable to let go of the mouse. In the screenshot below, you can see how Ubiquity allows you to quickly map a location shown on a Web page without having to open Google Maps in another tab. This is one example of integrated functionality without which you would be required to copy and paste text from one tab to another. Ubiquity’s core capability, which is creating a holistic browsing experience by understanding basic commands and executing them using appropriate Web applications, is certainly the direction in which the browser is heading.This approach, wedded to voice-recognition software, may be how we all navigate the Web in the next decade, or sooner: hands-free.T R A C E M O N K E Y A N D O G GMeanwhile, smaller, quieter releases have been paving the way to holistic browsing. This past summer, Firefox released an update to its software that includes a brand new JavaScript engine called TraceMonkey. This engine delivers a significant boost in speed and image-editing functionality, as well as the ability to play videos without third-party software or codecs.Aside from the speed advances, which are always welcome, the image and video capabilities are perfect examples of how the browser is encroaching on the operating system’s territory. Being able to edit images in the browser could replace the need for local image-editing software on your machine, and potentially for separate applications such as Picnik. At this point, it’s not certain how sophisticated this functionality can be, and so designers and ordinary users will probably continue to run local copies of Photoshop for some time to come.The new video functionality, which relies on an open-source codeccalled Ogg, opens up many possibilities, the first one being for developers who do not want to license codecs. Currently, developers are required to license a codec if they want their videos to be playable in proprietary software such as Adobe Flash. Ogg allows video to be played back in Firefox itself.What excites many, though, is that the new version of Firefox enables interactivitybetween multiple applications on the same page. One potential application of this technology, as illustrated in the image above, is allowing users to click objects in a video to get additional information about them while the video is playing.2. Functionally-Limited Mobile ApplicationsSo far, our look at a holistic Web experience has been limited to the traditional br owser. But we’re also interacting with the Web more and more on mobile devices. Right now, casual surfing on a mobile device is not a very sophisticated experiences and therefore probably not the main draw for users. Thecombination of small screens, inconsistent input options, slow connections and lack of content optimized for mobile browsers makes this a pretty clumsy, unpredictable and frustrating experience, especially if you’re not on an iPhone.However, applications written specifically for mobile environments and that deal with particular, limited sets of data—such as Google’s mobile apps,device-specific applications for Twitter and Facebook and the millions of applications in the iPhone App Store—look more like the future of mobile Web use. Because the mobile browsing experience is in its infancy, here is some advice on designing mobile experiences: rather than squeezing full-sized Web applications (i.e. ones optimized for desktops and laptops) into the pocket, designers and developers should become proficient at identifying and executing limited functionality sets for mobile applications.A M A Z O N M OB I L EA great example of a functionally-limited mobile application is Amazon’s interface for the iPhone (screenshot above). Amazon has reduced the massive scale of its website to the most essential functions: search, shopping cart and lists. And it has optimized the layout specifically for the iPhone’s smaller screen.FA C E B O O K F O R I P H O N EFacebook continues to improve its mobile version. The latest version includes a simplified landing screen, with an icon for every major function of the website in order of priority of use. While information has been reduced and segmented, the scope of the website has not been significantly altered. Each new update brings the app closer to replicating the full experience in a way that feels quite natural.G M A I L F O R I P H O N EFinally,Gmail’s iPhone application is also impressive. Google has introduced a floating bar to the interface that allows users to batch process emails, so thatt hey don’t have to open each email in order to deal with it.3. Web-Enhanced DevicesMobile devices will proliferate faster than anything the computer industry has seen before, thereby exploding entry points to the Web. But the Web will vastly expand not solely through personal mobile devices but through completely new Web-enhanced interfaces in transportation vehicles, homes, clothing and other products.In some cases, Web enhancement may lend itself to marketing initiatives and advertising; in other cases, connecting certain devices to the Web will make them more useful and efficient. Here are three examples of Web-enhanced products or services that we may all be using in the coming years:W E B-E N H A N C E D G R O C E RY S H O P P I N GWeb-connected grocery store “VIP” card s may track customer spending as they do today: every time you scan your customer card, your purchases are added to a massive database that grocery stores use to guide their stocking choices. In exchange for your data, the stores offer you discounts on selected products. Soon with Web-enhanced shopping, stores will be able to offer you specific promotions based on your particular purchasing history, and in real time (as illustrated above). This will give shoppers more incentive to sign up for VIP programs and give retailers more flexibility and variety with discounts, sales and other promotions.W E B-E N H A N C E D U T I L I T I E SOne example of a Web-enhanced device we may all see in our homes soon enough is a smart thermostat (illustrated above), which will allow users not only to monitor their power usage using Google PowerMeter but to see their current charges when it matters to them (e.g. when they’re turning up the heater, not sitting in front of a computer).W E B-E N H A N C E D P E R S O N A L B A N K I N GAnother useful Web enhancement would be a display of your current bank account balance directly on your debit or credit card (as shown above). This data would, of course, be protected and displayed only after you clear a biometric security system that reads your fingerprint directly on the card. Admittedly, this idea is rife with privacy and security implications, but something like this will nevertheless likely exist in the not-too-distant future.4. PersonalizationThanks to the rapid adoption of social networking websites, people have become comfortable with more personalized experiences online. Being greeted by name and offered content or search results based on their browsing history not only is common now but makes the Web more appealing to many. The next step is to increase the user’s control of their personal information and to offer more tools that deliver new information tailored to them.C E N T R A L I Z ED P R O F I LE SIf you’re like most people, you probably maintain somewhere between two to six active profiles on various social networks. Each profile contains a set of information about you, and the overlap varies. You probably have unique usernames and passwords for each one, too, though using a single sign-on service to gain access to multiple accounts is becoming more common. But wh y shouldn’t the information you submit to these accounts follow the same approach? In the coming years, what you tell people about yourself online will be more and more under your control. This process starts with centralizing your data in one profile,which will then share bits of it with other profiles. This way, if your information changes, you’ll have to update your profile only once.D ATA O W NE R S H I PThe question of who owns the data that you share online is fuzzy. In many cases, it even remains unaddressed. However, as privacy settings on social networks become more and more complex, users are becoming increasingly concerned about data ownership. In particular, the question of who owns the images, video and messages created by users becomes significant when a user wants to remove their profile. To put it in perspective, Royal Pingdom, inits Internet 2009 in Numbers report, found that 2.5 billion photos were uploaded to Facebook each month in 2009! The more this number grows, the more users will be concerned about what happens to the content they transfer from their machines to servers in the cloud.While it may seem like a step backward, a movement to restore user data storage to personal machines, which would then intelligently share that data with various social networks and other websites, will likely spring up in response to growing privacy concerns. A system like this would allow individuals to assign meta data to files on their computers, such as video clips and photos; this meta data would specify the files’ availability to social network profiles and other websites. Rather than uploading a copy of an image from your computer to Flickr, you would give Flickr access to certain files that remain on your machine. Organizations such as the Data Portability Project are introducing this kind of thinking accross the Web today.R E C O M M E N D AT I O N E N G I N E SSearch engines—and the whole concept of search itself—will remain in flux as personalization becomes more commonplace. Currently, the major search engines are adapting to this by offering different takes on personalized search results, based on user-specific browsing history. If you are signed in to your Google account and search for a pizza parlor, you will more likely see local results. With its social search experiment, Google also hopes to leverage your social network connections to deliver results from people you already know. Rounding those out with real-time search results gives users a more personal search experience that is a much more realistic representation of the rapid proliferation of new information on the Web. And because the results are filtered based on your behavior and preferences, the search engine will continue to “learn” more about you in order to provide the most useful information.Another new search engine is attempting to get to the heart of personalized results. Hunch provides customized recommendations of information based onusers’ answers to a set of questions for each query. The more you use it, the better the engine gets at recommending information. As long as you maintain a profile with Hunch, you will get increasingly satisfactory answers to general questions like, “Where should I go on vacation?”The trend of personalization will have significant impact on the way individual websites and applications are designed. Today, consumer websites routinely alter their landing pages based on the location of the user. Tomorrow, websites might do similar interface customizations for individual users. Designers and developers will need to plan for such visual and structural versatility to stay on the cutting edge.整体网页浏览:对未来的发展趋势克里斯托弗·巴特勒未来的网页无处不在。
全文检索方案1. 简介全文检索(Full-Text Search)是一种用于快速搜索大量文本数据的技术。
2. 全文检索原理全文检索的原理主要包括以下几个步骤:2.1 索引建立在进行全文检索之前,需要先将文本数据进行索引建立。
2.2 搜索查询当用户输入关键词进行搜索时,系统会将关键词进行分词处理,并根据索引快速定位匹配的文档。
2.3 相关性排序在搜索查询的结果中,通常需要根据相关性进行排序,以便将最相关的文档排在前面。
2.4 结果展示最后,系统会根据排序结果将匹配的文档展示给用户。
3. 常见的全文检索方案目前,市面上有多种成熟的全文检索方案可供选择。
下面介绍几种常见的方案:3.1 ElasticsearchElasticsearch是一个高性能的分布式全文搜索引擎,基于Lucene开发。
3.2 Apache SolrSolr是基于Apache Lucene的开源搜索平台。
Solr也提供了RESTful API,方便与其他应用集成。
3.3 SphinxSphinx是一种开源的全文搜索引擎,专注于高性能和低内存消耗。
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):计算机科学与工程专业:计算机科学与技术姓名:杨玉婷学号:120602127外文出处:[1]Jérôme Vouillon,Vincent Balat.From bytecode to JavaScript: the Js_of_ocaml compiler[J].Softw.Pract.Exper.,2014,44(8):Pages 951-955附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
简介我们提出了一个编译器将字节码转换为JavaScript OCaml[1][2]。
(其他平台,如Flash 和Silverlight,并没有广泛使用和集成。
【关键词】中文全文信息检索系统、索引项技术、分词系统、实现、实验结果、系统优化、研究成果、展望未来1. 引言1.1 研究背景信息量过少或者是大量的重复单词。
1.2 研究目的研究目的主要是为了探究如何在中文全文信息检索系统中更有效地利用索引项技术和分词系统,从而提高检索系统的性能和准确性。
具体来说,研究目的包括以下几个方面:1. 分析当前中文全文信息检索系统存在的问题和不足,发现其中的症结所在,为系统的改进和优化提供理论基础。
外文搜索方法经常看见很多考友问一些问题,这个单词怎么讲?这个词组是什么意思?…等等问题,其实这些问题都是可以通过现在的搜索技术解决的,不知道? 那你搜呀!!! 下面我转一篇文章希望大家仔细看看,你会发现你想要知道的东西与你的距离就是点几下鼠标而已.对于外语学习者,请大家用Google,因为国内一些搜索引擎的外文检索能力的确不敢恭维根据我的经验,外文信息搜索中会常用到的几个命令有:site: 例如:site: (需要查的东西) intext: intitle: define(define的用法是define:(冒号)后面接需要define的内容.下面转一些就翻译而言比较有帮助的文章:Article 1因特网辅助翻译(IAT)技巧浅议(转自) 奚德通:中国译典总编辑身为因特网时代的翻译员,我们有没有充分利用信息革命给我们带来的巨大便利呢?就本人来讲,在搞笔译时是须臾离不开电脑和网络的,我最常用的二件工具是中国译典和GOOGLE,其它词典基本上不用。
目前网站开发的主流平台包括LAMP(Linux操作系统,Apache网络服务器,MYSQL数据库,PHP编程语言),J2EE 和.NET商业软件。
因为PHP和MYSQL是免费的,开源等等,他们是为专业的IT 人士开发的。
这个项目小,不需要使用支付开发平台如 and JSP。
尽管起初只能在Linux和Apache Web服务器环境中开发,现在已经可以移植到任何的操作系统,并兼容标准的Web服务器软件。
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine完整中文翻译
![The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine完整中文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b369c568af1ffc4ffe47ac50.png)
大规模的超文本网页搜索引擎的分析Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page{sergey, page}@Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305摘要在本文中我们讨论Google,一个充分利用超文本文件结构进行搜索的大规模搜索引擎的原型。
本文提供了一种深入的描述,与 Web 增殖快速进展今日创建 Web 搜索引擎是三年前很大不同。
外文翻译 基于ASPNET的网上图书销售系统的设计与实现
![外文翻译 基于ASPNET的网上图书销售系统的设计与实现](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a1730c11c281e53a5802ff2a.png)
毕业论文外文翻译The Active Server Pages( ASP)The Active Server Pages( ASP) is a server to carry the script plait writes the environment, using it can create to set up with circulate the development, alternant Web server application procedure. Using the ASP cans combine the page of HTML, script order to create to set up the alternant the page of Web with the module of ActiveX with the mighty and applied procedure in function that according to Web. The applied procedure in ASP develops very easily with modify.The HTML plait writes the personnel if you are a simple method that a HTML plait writes the personnel, you will discover the script of ASP providing to create to have diplomatic relation with each other page. If you once want that collect the data from the form of HTML, or use the name personalization HTML document of the customer, or according to the different characteristic in different usage of the browser, you will discover ASP providing an outstanding solution. Before, to think that collect the data from the form of HTML, have to study a plait distance language to create to set up a CGI application procedure. Now, you only some simple instruction into arrive in your HTML document, can collect from the form the data combine proceeding analysis. You need not study the complete plait distance language again or edit and translate the procedure to create to have diplomatic relation alone with each other page.Along with control to use the ASP continuously with the phonetic technique in script, you can create to set up the more complicated script. For the ASP, you can then conveniently usage ActiveX module to carry out the complicated mission, link the database for example with saving with inspectional information.If you have controlled a script language, such as VBScript, JavaScript or PERL, and you have understood the method that use the ASP.As long as installed to match the standard cowgirl in the script of ActiveX script engine, can use in the page of ASPan any a script language. Does the ASP take the Microsoft? Visual Basic? Scripting Edition ( VBScript) with Microsoft? Script? Of script engine, like this you can start the editor script immediately. PERL, REXX with Python ActiveX script engine can from the third square develops the personnel acquires. The Web develops the personnel if you have controlled a plait distance language, such as Visual Basic, you will discover the ASP creates a very vivid method that set up the Web application procedure quickly. Pass to face to increase in the HTML the script order any, you can create the HTML that set up the applied procedure connects. Pass to create to set up own the module of ActiveX, can will apply the business in the procedure logic seal to pack and can adjust from the script, other module or from the other procedure the mold piece that use.The usage ASP proceeds the calculating Web can convert into the visible benefits, it can make the supplier of Web provide the alternant business application but not only is to announce the contents. For example, the travel agency can compare the announcement aviation schedule makes out more; Using the script of ASP can let the customer inspect the current service, comparison expenses and prepare to book seats.Include too can lower in the Windows NT Option Microsoft in the pack Transaction Server ( MTS) on the server complexity of constructing the procedure with expenses. The MTS can resolve to develop those confidentialities strong, can ratings of and the dependable Web applies the complexity problem of the procedure. Active Server Pages modelThe browser requests from the server of Web. Hour of asp document, the script of ASP starts circulating. Then the server of Web adjusts to use the ASP, the ASP reads completely the document of the claim, carry out all scripts order any, combining to deliver the page of Web to browser.Because script is on the server but is not at the customer to carry the movement, deliver the page of Web on the browser is on the Web server born. Combining to deliver the standard HTML to browser. Because only the result that there is script returns the browser, so the server carries the not easy replication in script. The customer cans not see to create to set up them at script order that the page that view.We introduce the Basic form of the database language known as SQL, a language that allows us to query and manipulate data on computerized relational database systems. SQL has been the lingua franca for RDBMS since the early 1980s, and it is of fundamental importance for many of the concepts presented in this text. The SQL language is currently in transition from the relational form (the ANSI SQL –92 standard) to a newer object-relational form (ANSI SQL -99, which was released in 1999). SQL-99 should be thought of as extending SQL-92, not changing any of the earlier valid language. Usually, the basic SQL we define matches most closely the ANSI SQL standards basic subsets, called Entry SQL -92 and core SQL-99 that are commonly implemented; our touchstone in defining basic SQL is to provide a syntax that is fully available on most of the major RDBMS products[7].We begin with an overview of SQL capabilities, and then we explain something about the multiple SQL standards and dialects and how we will deal with these in our presentation.We will learn how to pose comparable queries in SQL, using a form known as the Select statement. As we will see, the SQL select statement offers more flexibility in a number of ways than relational algebra for posing queries. However, there is no fundamental improvement in power, nothing that could not be achieved in relational algebra , given a few well-considered extensions. For this reason, experience with relational algebra gives us a good idea of what can be accomplished in SQL. At the same time, SQL and relational algebra have quite different conceptual models in a number of respects, and the insight drawn from familiarity with the relational algebra approach may enhance your understanding of SQL capabilities.The most important new feature you will encounter with SQL is the ability to pose queries interactively in a computerized environment. The SQL select statement is more complicated and difficult to master than the relatively simple relational algebra, but you should never feel list or uncertain as long as you have access to computer facilities where a few experiments can clear up uncertainties about SQL use. The interactive SQL environment discussed in the current chapter allows you to type a query on a monitor screen and get an immediate answer. Such interactive queries are sometimes called ad box queries. This term refers to the fact that an SQL selectstatement is meant to be composed all at once in a few type written lines and not be dependent on any prior interaction in a user session. The feature of not being dependent on prior interaction is also down as non-procedurality. SQL differs in this way even from relational algebra, where a prior alias statement might be needed in order to represent a product of a table with itself. The difference between SQL and procedural languages such as java or c is profound: you do not need to write a program to try out an SQL query, you just have to type the relatively short, self-contained text of the query and submit it .Of course, an SQL query can be rather complex . A limited part of this full form, know as a sub-query, is defined recursively, and the full select statement form has one added clause. You should not feel intimidated by the complexity of the select statement, however. The fact that a select statement is non-procedural means that it has a lot in common with a menu driven application, where a user is expected to fill in some set of choices from a menu and then press the enter key to execute the menu choices all at once. The various clauses of the select statement correspond to menu choices: you will occasionally need all these clauses, but on not expect to use all of them every time you pose a query.Observed reliability depends on the context in which the system s used. As discussed already, the system environment cannot be specified in advance nor can the system designers place restrictions on that environment for operational systems. Different systems in an environment may react to problems in unpredictable ways, thus affecting the reliability of all of these systems. There for, even when the system has been integrated, it may be difficult to make accurate measurements of its reliability.Visual Basic Database Access prospectsWith the recent Web application software and the rapid development of the existing data stored in diverse forms, Visual Basic Database Access Solutions faces such as rapid extraction enterprises located in the internal and external business information with the multiple challenges. To this end Microsoft, a new database access strategy "unified data access" (UniversalDataAccess) strategy. "Unified data access" to provide high-performance access, including relational and non-relationaldata in a variety of sources, provide independent in the development of language development tools and the simple programming interface, these technologies makes enterprise integration of multiple data sources, better choice of development tools, application software, operating platforms, and will establish a maintenance easy solution possible.汉语翻译Active Server Pages(ASP)是服务器端脚本编写环境,使用它可以创建和运行动态、交互的Web 服务器应用程序。
设计阶段:1. 语义理解模块设计语义理解是语义搜索引擎的关键环节之一。
2. 语义索引构建语义索引是语义搜索引擎实现高效搜索的关键之一。
3. 查询匹配与排序在语义搜索引擎中,查询匹配是指将用户的查询与语义索引中的信息进行匹配,并找到与查询最相关的实体或属性。
实现阶段:1. 数据采集与处理语义搜索引擎需要从互联网上采集大量的数据,并对数据进行清洗、去重和标注等处理。
搜索引擎 毕业设计
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江汉大学毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文来源The Hadoop Distributed File System: Architecture and Design 中文译文Hadoop分布式文件系统:架构和设计姓名 XXXX学号 XXXX2013年4月8 日英文原文The Hadoop Distributed File System: Architecture and DesignSource:/docs/r0.18.3/hdfs_design.html IntroductionThe Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file system designed to run on commodity hardware. It has many similarities with existing distributed file systems. However, the differences from other distributed file systems are significant. HDFS is highly fault-tolerant and is designed to be deployed onlow-cost hardware. HDFS provides high throughput access to application data and is suitable for applications that have large data sets. HDFS relaxes a few POSIX requirements to enable streaming access to file system data. HDFS was originally built as infrastructure for the Apache Nutch web search engine project. HDFS is part of the Apache Hadoop Core project. The project URL is/core/.Assumptions and GoalsHardware FailureHardware failure is the norm rather than the exception. An HDFS instance may consist of hundreds or thousands of server machines, each storing part of the file system’s data. The fact that there are a huge number of components and that each component has a non-trivial probability of failure means that some component of HDFS is always non-functional. Therefore, detection of faults and quick, automatic recovery from them is a core architectural goal of HDFS.Streaming Data AccessApplications that run on HDFS need streaming access to their data sets. They are not general purpose applications that typically run on general purpose file systems. HDFS is designed more for batch processing rather than interactive use by users. The emphasis is on high throughput of data access rather than low latency of data access. POSIX imposes many hard requirements that are notneeded for applications that are targeted for HDFS. POSIX semantics in a few key areas has been traded to increase data throughput rates.Large Data SetsApplications that run on HDFS have large data sets. A typical file in HDFS is gigabytes to terabytes in size. Thus, HDFS is tuned to support large files. It should provide high aggregate data bandwidth and scale to hundreds of nodes in a single cluster. It should support tens of millions of files in a single instance.Simple Coherency ModelHDFS applications need a write-once-read-many access model for files. A file once created, written, and closed need not be changed. This assumption simplifies data coherency issues and enables high throughput data access. AMap/Reduce application or a web crawler application fits perfectly with this model. There is a plan to support appending-writes to files in the future.“Moving Computation is Cheaper than Moving Data”A computation requested by an application is much more efficient if it is executed near the data it operates on. This is especially true when the size of the data set is huge. This minimizes network congestion and increases the overall throughput of the system. The assumption is that it is often better to migrate the computation closer to where the data is located rather than moving the data to where the application is running. HDFS provides interfaces for applications to move themselves closer to where the data is located.Portability Across Heterogeneous Hardware and Software PlatformsHDFS has been designed to be easily portable from one platform to another. This facilitates widespread adoption of HDFS as a platform of choice for a large set of applications.NameNode and DataNodesHDFS has a master/slave architecture. An HDFS cluster consists of a single NameNode, a master server that manages the file system namespace and regulates access to files by clients. In addition, there are a number of DataNodes, usually one per node in the cluster, which manage storage attached to the nodes that they run on. HDFS exposes a file system namespace and allows user data to be stored in files. Internally, a file is split into one or more blocks and these blocksare stored in a set of DataNodes. The NameNode executes file system namespace operations like opening, closing, and renaming files and directories. It also determines the mapping of blocks to DataNodes. The DataNodes are responsible for serving read and write requests from the file system’s clients. The DataNodes also perform block creation, deletion, and replication upon instruction from the NameNode.The NameNode and DataNode are pieces of software designed to run on commodity machines. These machines typically run a GNU/Linux operating system (OS). HDFS is built using the Java language; any machine that supports Java can run the NameNode or the DataNode software. Usage of the highly portable Java language means that HDFS can be deployed on a wide range ofmachines. A typical deployment has a dedicated machine that runs only the NameNode software. Each of the other machines in the cluster runs one instance of the DataNode software. The architecture does not preclude running multiple DataNodes on the same machine but in a real deployment that is rarely the case.The existence of a single NameNode in a cluster greatly simplifies the architecture of the system. The NameNode is the arbitrator and repository for all HDFS metadata. The system is designed in such a way that user data never flows through the NameNode.The File System NamespaceHDFS supports a traditional hierarchical file organization. A user or an application can create directories and store files inside these directories. The file system namespace hierarchy is similar to most other existing file systems; one can create and remove files, move a file from one directory to another, or rename a file. HDFS does not yet implement user quotas or access permissions. HDFS does not support hard links or soft links. However, the HDFS architecture does not preclude implementing these features.The NameNode maintains the file system namespace. Any change to the file system namespace or its properties is recorded by the NameNode. An application can specify the number of replicas of a file that should be maintained by HDFS. The number of copies of a file is called the replication factor of that file. This information is stored by the NameNode.Data ReplicationHDFS is designed to reliably store very large files across machines in a large cluster. It stores each file as a sequence of blocks; all blocks in a file except the last block are the same size. The blocks of a file are replicated for fault tolerance. The block size and replication factor are configurable per file. An application can specify the number of replicas of a file. The replication factor can be specified at file creation time and can be changed later. Files in HDFS are write-once and have strictly one writer at any time.The NameNode makes all decisions regarding replication of blocks. It periodically receives a Heartbeat and a Blockreport from each of the DataNodes in the cluster.Receipt of a Heartbeat implies that the DataNode is functioning properly. A Blockreport contains a list of all blocks on a DataNode.Replica Placement: The First Baby StepsThe placement of replicas is critical to HDFS reliability and performance. Optimizing replica placement distinguishes HDFS from most other distributed file systems. This is a feature that needs lots of tuning and experience. The purpose of a rack-aware replica placement policy is to improve data reliability, availability, and network bandwidth utilization. The current implementation for the replica placement policy is a first effort in this direction. The short-term goals of implementing this policy are to validate it on production systems, learn more about its behavior, and build a foundation to test and research more sophisticated policies.Large HDFS instances run on a cluster of computers that commonly spread across many racks. Communication between two nodes in different racks has to go through switches. In most cases, network bandwidth between machines in the same rack is greater than network bandwidth between machines in different racks.The NameNode determines the rack id each DataNode belongs to via the process outlined in Rack Awareness. A simple but non-optimal policy is to place replicas on unique racks. This prevents losing data when an entire rack fails and allows use of bandwidth from multiple racks when reading data. This policy evenly distributes replicas in the cluster which makes it easy to balance load on component failure. However, this policy increases the cost of writes because a write needs to transfer blocks to multiple racks.For the common case, when the replication factor is three, HDFS’s placement policy is to put one replica on one node in the local rack, another on a different node in the local rack, and the last on a different node in a different rack. This policy cuts the inter-rack write traffic which generally improves write performance. The chance of rack failure is far less than that of node failure; this policy does not impact data reliability and availability guarantees. However, it does reduce the aggregate network bandwidth used when reading data since a block is placed in only two unique racks rather than three. With this policy, the replicas of a file do not evenly distribute across the racks. One third of replicas are on one node, two thirds of replicas are on one rack, and the other third are evenly distributed across the remaining racks. This policy improves write performance without compromising data reliability or read performance.The current, default replica placement policy described here is a work in progress. Replica SelectionTo minimize global bandwidth consumption and read latency, HDFS tries to satisfy a read request from a replica that is closest to the reader. If there exists a replica on the same rack as the reader node, then that replica is preferred to satisfy the read request. If angg/ HDFS cluster spans multiple data centers, then a replica that is resident in the local data center is preferred over any remote replica.SafemodeOn startup, the NameNode enters a special state called Safemode. Replication of data blocks does not occur when the NameNode is in the Safemode state. The NameNode receives Heartbeat and Blockreport messages from the DataNodes. A Blockreport contains the list of data blocks that a DataNode is hosting. Each block has a specified minimum number of replicas. A block is considered safely replicated when the minimum number of replicas of that data block has checked in with the NameNode. After a configurable percentage of safely replicated data blocks checks in with the NameNode (plus an additional 30 seconds), the NameNode exits the Safemode state. It then determines the list of data blocks (if any) that still have fewer than the specified number of replicas. The NameNode then replicates these blocks to other DataNodes.The Persistence of File System MetadataThe HDFS namespace is stored by the NameNode. The NameNode uses a transaction log called the EditLog to persistently record every change that occurs to file system metadata. For example, creating a new file in HDFS causes the NameNode to insert a record into the EditLog indicating this. Similarly, changing the replication factor of a file causes a new record to be inserted into the EditLog. The NameNode uses a file in its local host OS file system to store the EditLog. The entire file system namespace, including the mapping of blocks to files and file system properties, is stored in a file called the FsImage. The FsImage is stored as a file in the NameNode’s local file system too.The NameNode keeps an image of the entire file system namespace and file Blockmap in memory. This key metadata item is designed to be compact, such that a NameNode with 4 GB of RAM is plenty to support a huge number of files and directories. When the NameNode starts up, it reads the FsImage and EditLog from disk, applies all the transactions from the EditLog to the in-memory representation of the FsImage, and flushes out this new version into a new FsImage on disk. It can then truncate the old EditLog because its transactions have been applied to the persistent FsImage. This process is called a checkpoint. In the current implementation, a checkpoint only occurs when the NameNode starts up. Work is in progress to support periodic checkpointing in the near future.The DataNode stores HDFS data in files in its local file system. The DataNode has no knowledge about HDFS files. It stores each block of HDFS data in a separatefile in its local file system. The DataNode does not create all files in the same directory. Instead, it uses a heuristic to determine the optimal number of files per directory and creates subdirectories appropriately. It is not optimal to create all local files in the same directory because the local file system might not be able to efficiently support a huge number of files in a single directory. When a DataNode starts up, it scans through its local file system, generates a list of all HDFS data blocks that correspond to each of these local files and sends this report to the NameNode: this is the Blockreport.The Communication ProtocolsAll HDFS communication protocols are layered on top of the TCP/IP protocol. A client establishes a connection to a configurable TCP port on the NameNode machine. It talks the ClientProtocol with the NameNode. The DataNodes talk to the NameNode using the DataNode Protocol. A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) abstraction wraps both the Client Protocol and the DataNode Protocol. By design, the NameNode never initiates any RPCs. Instead, it only responds to RPC requests issued by DataNodes or clients.RobustnessThe primary objective of HDFS is to store data reliably even in the presence of failures. The three common types of failures are NameNode failures, DataNode failures and network partitions.Data Disk Failure, Heartbeats and Re-ReplicationEach DataNode sends a Heartbeat message to the NameNode periodically. A network partition can cause a subset of DataNodes to lose connectivity with the NameNode. The NameNode detects this condition by the absence of a Heartbeat message. The NameNode marks DataNodes without recent Heartbeats as dead and does not forward any new IO requests to them. Any data that was registered to a dead DataNode is not available to HDFS any more. DataNode death may cause the replication factor of some blocks to fall below their specified value. The NameNode constantly tracks which blocks need to be replicated and initiates replication whenever necessary. The necessity for re-replication may arise due to many reasons: a DataNode may become unavailable, a replica may become corrupted, a hard disk on a DataNode may fail, or the replication factor of a file may be increased.Cluster RebalancingThe HDFS architecture is compatible with data rebalancing schemes. A scheme might automatically move data from one DataNode to another if the free space on a DataNode falls below a certain threshold. In the event of a sudden high demand for a particular file, a scheme might dynamically create additional replicas and rebalance other data in the cluster. These types of data rebalancing schemes are not yet implemented.Data IntegrityIt is possible that a block of data fetched from a DataNode arrives corrupted. This corruption can occur because of faults in a storage device, network faults, or buggy software. The HDFS client software implements checksum checking on the contents of HDFS files. When a client creates an HDFS file, it computes a checksum of each block of the file and stores these checksums in a separate hidden file in the same HDFS namespace. When a client retrieves file contents it verifies that the data it received from each DataNode matches the checksum stored in the associated checksum file. If not, then the client can opt to retrieve that block from another DataNode that has a replica of that block.Metadata Disk FailureThe FsImage and the EditLog are central data structures of HDFS. A corruption of these files can cause the HDFS instance to be non-functional. For this reason, the NameNode can be configured to support maintaining multiple copies of the FsImage and EditLog. Any update to either the FsImage or EditLog causes each of the FsImages and EditLogs to get updated synchronously. This synchronous updating of multiple copies of the FsImage and EditLog may degrade the rate of namespace transactions per second that a NameNode can support. However, this degradation is acceptable because even though HDFS applications are very data intensive in nature, they are not metadata intensive. When a NameNode restarts, it selects the latest consistent FsImage and EditLog to use.The NameNode machine is a single point of failure for an HDFS cluster. If the NameNode machine fails, manual intervention is necessary. Currently, automatic restart and failover of the NameNode software to another machine is not supported.Snapshots。