3.2 米机器参数表详细解读编辑:毛毛本文共有1800 个字,阅读本文您可能需要2 分钟时间。
随着大型户外广告、家居墙纸个性定制的日益普及,3.2 米大幅面UV 平板打印机行业使用率的日益增长。
设备厂家的不断增加,各家厂家又都有各家的技术参数,看得人眼花缭乱,不知道从何看起,今天毛毛就结合设备,带领大家详细解读一下3.2 米裁切设备的参数表的各项数据的意义。
已经对2019 年市面上最热门的两款设备“经纬科技的CB08II-3032-PM”和爱科科技的“TK3S-2532”进行对比。
设备裁切速度通常在0.6-1 米/分左右。
从两家的官方数据来看,经纬科技提供了平移速度和最大的裁剪速度时80-1200mm/min 两组数据,且根据材料有对应的浮动,保证不同材料提供对应的参数,相比之下爱科科技方面仅提供了最大速度参考性不大。
该项数据从两家数据来看差距不大,均保持在0.1mm 的范围内,均能符合现有工艺要求。
Z23S2407N中文资料(AEROVOX)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
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SuperMet & ZeMax TM 技术指标
TM 电容器
请求 - 请联系工厂)SuperMet
• 窗式空调 • 单元式空调 • 电动汽车 • 风扇与鼓风机 • Pumps • 洗衣房设备 • 除湿机 • 压缩机 •炉
• 温度范围:-40〜+ 70℃. • 电容范围3至80μF. • 电容公差±10%. • 电压范围240至440 VAC,60赫兹. • 损耗因数0.1%以下@ 60赫兹和25℃. • 绝缘电阻1000MΩ每μF.
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ZeMax TM - 铝合金外壳
SuperMet - 金属外壳
Aerovox公司 ®
AEROMET II规格(系列M型).......................................... .................................... 3 SuperMet & ZeMax TM 规格(系列Z型)............................................ .................. 4 部分编号系统.............................................................................................................五 AEROMET II评分表(单台容量)系列M型....................................... ........... 6 AEROMET II评分表(双功能)系列型号M ....................................... ............. 8 SuperMet评分表(单台容量)系列Z型........................................ ............... 9 SuperMet评分表(双容量)系列Z型........................................ .............. 11 ZeMax TM 评分表(单台容量)系列Z型......................................... ........... 13 AEROMET II机械尺寸.............................................. .......................................... 15 SuperMet机械尺寸............................................... ........................................... 16 ZeMax TM 机械Dimensions............................................................................................17 附件 - 安装硬件.............................................. ............................................ 18
如有更改事宜恕不另行通知The parts companion is subject to change without notice.滚槽机零件手册PARTS MANUAL OF QINGYANG PIPE GROOVING MACHINEMODEL GC984-A成都中电锦江信息产业有限公司CEC JINJIANG INFO INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD.序号No.零件编号Code No.零件名称Name 数量Qty 备注Interchangeability 1JLM4.114.1040右滚轮架 Pipe Stablilizer 12JLM4.114.1041料架Pipe Stand 13JLM4.114.1046辅助支撑1Require special ordering 4JLM6.151.1000底架15JLM6.430.1005后罩Cover 167JLM8.001.1021底板Platform 18JLM8.604.1033角钢Angle Steel 19JLM8.613.1001封板Cover 110JLM8.632.1002门Cover 111JLM8.807.1113面板Switch Gasket 112JLM8.969.1001销Pin 41314GB14048.5转换开关 Switch LW5-16 5.5N/3115开关Switch KAO-5116GB/T5780螺栓Hex Bolt M20×50417GB/T818螺钉Screw M4×10618GB/T818螺钉Screw M4×12419GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw (S.H.C.S.) M8×161820GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw (S.H.C.S.) M12×40521GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw (S.H.C.S.) M16×25822GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw (S.H.C.S.) M16×40223GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw (S.H.C.S.) M16×50424GB/T834滚花头螺钉 Screw M4×10125GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring Washer 81826GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring Washer 12527GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring Washer 161428GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring Washer 2042930313233343536373839404142432Auxiliary Support Chassis序号No.零件编号Code No.零件名称Name 数量Qty 备注Interchangeability 1JLM4.229.1004液压缸 Manual Pump 12JLM6.206.1021压轮组合 Pinch Roller Assembly 134JLM8.007.1014框架 Frame 15JLM8.008.1068压轮架 Roller Housing 16JLM8.038.1013支架 Bracket 17JLM8.040.1034端盖 Cover 18JLM8.040.1070端盖 Cover 19JLM8.040.1071端盖 Cover 110JLM8.200.1025滑座 Slide Block 111JLM8.201.1017导轨 Guideway 212JLM8.205.1021滑块 Slide Block 113JLM8.210.1021衬套 Sleeve 114JLM8.220.1067衬套 Sleeve 115JLM8.241.1022调整环 Sleeve 116JLM8.241.1023安装环 Sleeve 117JLM8.242.1019环Sleeve 118JLM8.310.1116主轴 Spindle 119JLM8.310.1117压轮轴 Shaft 120JLM8.322.1069压轮 Pinch Roller 121JLM8.324.1019滚花轮 Knurl Roller 122JLM8.340.1002联轴器123JLM8.340.1003联轴器124JLM8.353.1001杆Pole 125JLM8.804.1059标尺 Scale 126JLM8.922.1001螺杆 Screw Bolt 127JLM8.934.1022圆螺母 Nut 128JLM8.934.1023圆螺母 Nut 129JLM8.934.1024螺母 Nut 130JLM8.940.1069垫圈 Washer 131JLM8.940.1070垫圈 Washer 132JLM8.970.1011键Key 1333435GB/T276轴承 Ball Bearing 6215236GB/T297锥度滚子轴承 Tapered Roller Bearing 32216237JB/T3588滚针轴承 Needle bearing RNAV4008238GB/T4605推力滚针轴承 Bearing(T.N.) 889112239GB/T4605滚针轴承垫片 Spacer AS6085240GB/T5782螺栓 Hex Bolt M8×25441GB/T5782螺栓 Hex Bolt M16×70242GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw (S.H.C.S.) M6×25243GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw (S.H.C.S.) M8×161244GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw (S.H.C.S.) M8×30345GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw (S.H.C.S.) M16×402446GB/T810小圆螺母 Nut M72×2247GB/T810小圆螺母 Nut M80×2248GB/T97.1垫圈 Washer 16249GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring Washer 81250GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring Washer 162451GB/T858止动垫圈 Stop Washer 72152GB/T858止动垫圈 Stop Washer 80153GB/T867铝铆钉 Aluminium Rivet 2×6254GB/T1096键Key B20×55155JB/T7940.1直通式压注油杯 Oil Cup M10×1156JB/T9616电动机 Motor Y112M B5 380V 4kW 1440r/min 157JB/T2982摆线减速器ZWD4-7A-71158GB/T79紧定螺钉 Screw M8×1214Cycloid Gearbox Coupler Coupler序号No.零件编号Code No.零件名称Name数量Qty备注Interchangeability1JLM4.136.1003垫铁 Wedge Assembly12JLM6.276.1001溢流阀 Relief Valve13JLM6.276.1007低压溢流阀 Relief Valve145JLM8.007.1014框架 Frame16JLM8.032.1014泵座 Pump Base17JLM8.035.1020泵体 Pump Body18JLM8.039.1028摇臂 Rocker19JLM8.040.1069螺盖 Hex Cover110JLM8.048.1050支撑板 Wedge Base111JLM8.048.1051安装板 Fixing Plate112JLM8.225.1020缸套 Cylinder113JLM8.241.1020调整杆 Adjusting Screw Bolt114JLM8.241.1021环Cover115JLM8.270.1012活塞Piston116JLM8.270.1013泵活塞 Piston Rod117JLM8.271.1010油缸Cylinder118JLM8.272.1007油箱Oil Case119JLM8.273.1007阀芯Cock120JLM8.333.1025手柄Operation Handle121JLM8.382.048弹簧Spring222JLM8.382.1043弹簧Spring123JLM8.600.1020滑块Slide Wedge124JLM8.610.1116连接板 Link125JLM8.626.1053管Syphon Tube126JLM8.634.1005罩Cover127JLM8.652.1002油堵Drain Plug128JLM8.680.1002垫圈 Washer229JLM8.929.1002螺栓Hex Bolt130JLM8.940.1064垫片Limite Plate131JLM8.940.1065垫圈 Washer1323334JB/ZQ4264Yx型密封圈 Yx-Seal For Hole 80135GB/T3452.1O型圈O-Ring7.1×1.8136GB/T3452.1O型圈O-Ring9×1.8137GB/T3452.1O型圈O-Ring25×2.65138GB/T3452.1O型圈O-Ring26.5×3.55139GB/T3452.1O型圈O-Ring75×2.65140GB/T3452.1O型圈O-Ring100×3.55241GB/T3452.1O型圈O-Ring125×2.65242GB/T3452.1挡圈Ring12×9.2×1.3243GB/T308钢球Steel Ball5244GB/T308钢球Steel Ball8345GB/T818螺钉Screw M4×25146GB/T818螺钉Screw M6×10447GB/T819沉头螺钉 Screw M6×12248GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M6×35149GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M10×16250GB/T5786细牙螺栓 Hex Bolt M10×1×20251GB/T119.2销Pin8u8×30352GB/T894.1轴用挡圈 Circlip For Shaft 18153FJ314毛毡Felt≠4×5×120154GB/T5330铜丝网Filtering Screen 0.4/0.224155手柄套Handle Sleeve 2216序号No.零件编号Code No.零件名称Name数量Qty备注Interchangeability1JLM6.160.1002千斤顶改造 Hydraulic Jack12JLM8.008.1079搁架Support13JLM8.018.1016滑板Slide Support14JLM8.048.1063板Plate15JLM8.300.1043导向轴 Guide Rail26JLM8.600.1023支块Angle Support47JLM8.600.1024支块Angle Support28JLM8.610.1125板Plate191011万向球 Universal Ball KU511212GB/T16940直线轴承 Bearing LB203245413GB/T5780螺栓Hex Bolt M10×35814GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M6×20215GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M8×25416GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M8×351617GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M10×30418GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M12×35419GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M16×45620GB/T78紧定螺钉 Screw M8×10221GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring washer 82022GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring washer 10423GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring washer 12424GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring washer 16625GB/T894.1轴用挡圈 Circlip For Shaft 32826272829303132333435363738394041428序号No.零件编号Code No.零件名称Name数量Qty备注Interchangeability1JLM8.018.1006角板 Angle Plate12JLM8.048.1048支板 Angle Support13JLM8.048.1049支板 Angle Support14JLM8.048.1057安装板 Fixing Plate15JLM8.220.1065套Sleeve16JLM8.223.1009导套 Guide Sleeve17JLM8.223.1011导套 Guide Sleeve48JLM8.300.1037导向轴 Guide Rail29JLM8.310.1111中心轴 Center Shaft110JLM8.322.1064滚套Roller Sleeve111JLM8.330.1008手轮Hand Wheel112JLM8.370.002丝杆Screw Rod113JLM8.382.1042弹簧Spring114JLM8.610.1113前板Front Plate115JLM8.610.1114后板Rear Plate116JLM8.940.1063垫圈Washer217JLM8.961.1001销Pin1181920GB/T276轴承Ball Bearing 6202-2Z121GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M8×25422GB/T70.1内六角螺钉 Screw(S.H.C.S.) M10×25423GB/T71紧定螺钉 Screw M6×8424GB/T810圆螺母 Nut M18×1.5225GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring washer 8426GB/T93弹簧垫圈 Spring washer 10427GB/T858止动垫圈 Stop Washer 18128GB/T893.1挡圈Circlip For Hole 32229GB/T879.2弹性圆柱销 Pin6×25130GB/T91开口销 Split Pin4×251313233343536373839404142434410成都中电锦江信息产业有限公司厂址:四川成都市建设北路三段168号通讯地址:成都市107信箱41分箱电话:(028)84394452传真:(028)84113787邮编:610051E-mail:**************CEC JINJIANG INFO INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD. Address:No.168, Jian She Bei Road,Chengdu, China Tel: 86-28-84394405,84394227Fax: 86-28-84125748E-mail:****************.com2016年7月制。
FAQ 04/2016Working with the 3SK2 diagnostic displayEasy diagnosis and transferring of safety programS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dThis entry is from the Siemens Industry Online Support. The general terms of use (/terms_of_use ) apply.Security informa-tionSiemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and/or networks. They are important components in a holistic industrial securityconcept. With this in mind, Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly check for product updates.For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should also be considered. For more information about industrial security, visit /industrialsecurity . To stay informed about product updates as they occur, sign up for a product-specific newsletter. For more information, visit .Table of contents1 Product overview ............................................................................................... 5 2Controlling and monitoring .............................................................................. 6 2.1 Preparation in the software .................................................................. 8 2.1.1 Filling in of project information ............................................................. 8 2.1.2 Preparation for detailed status information ........................................ 10 2.2 Displaying of plant information ........................................................... 11 2.2.1 Reading out of project information ..................................................... 11 2.2.2 Reading out of status information ...................................................... 12 2.3 Fault diagnostic .................................................................................. 14 3Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic display (15)3.1 Preconditions ...................................................................................... 15 3.2 Procedure ........................................................................................... 17 3.3 Use cases ........................................................................................... 20 3.3.1 Fast device exchange ........................................................................ 20 3.3.2 Fast commissioning of same application . (21)4 Contact/Support (22)S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dQuestionWhich functionality can be realized by the 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB 3SK2611-3AA00)?S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dAnswerThe diagnostic display offers easy fault location without PC/PG. It supports fast problem solution by detailed fault messages. There is no engineering in advance in the basic module necessary to connect the display. The connection outside of the control cabinet allows easy access.Furthermore with two integrated memory slots you can use the diagnostic display for saving and transferring of projects. This simplifies commissioning of identical machinery and allows quick device exchange in case of fault. It is especially helpful by use of the 22,5 mm width basic module which has no exchangeable memory module.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d1Product overviewBeside the 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB 3SK2611-3AA00) the 3RK3 diagnostic display (MLFB 3RK3611-3AA00) still exists. The following table shows an overview of compatibility and functionality.Table 1: Compatibility diagnostic display 3SK2 and 3RK3It is not possible to transfer projects with the 3RK3 diagnostic display.For both displays you need a connection cable, which is available in different lengths and flat and round version: MLFB 3UF793*-0*A00-0.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2Controlling and monitoringBesides the fault detection via monitoring function within the software, the diagnostic display helps for easy problem analysis without connection of PC or PG by detailed error messages. Even in case of no failure project and status information are helpful which are available at the display.In the following image you can see a simplified menu overview of the diagnostic display.Figure 1: Menu structure diagnostic displayS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dMenu items have no fixed numbering and can be hidden in the display depending on the connected device and current status. The menu items …Status Info“, …Status“ and …Configuration Transmission “ are shown in detail as they are more relevant for this FAQ.In the menu item …Status “ the state of all in- and outputs can be read out (e.g. “Switching output Switching ON Condition not satisfied ”). Comprehensive project information (e.g. Config-CRC, Project Engineer) can be found in the menu item …System Configuration “. In case of troubleshooting the menu item …Status Info “ is helpful. Here you can see detailed error messages and warnings. All status information which are available in Safety ES can be shown at the display. If no errors are present the menu item is empty.By means of an example with guard door monitoring and emergency stop theeasy diagnose in case of fault and no fault will be shown subsequently.Figure 2: Logic plan application exampleS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.1 Preparation in the softwareThere is no previous engineering of the diagnosis display in the software necessary. The display can be plugged in without any effort in advance.For easy error tracking it is helpful to assign informative names to the function elements which will be shown in the diagnostic display. Furthermore all added project / hardware information can be read out in the display.2.1.1 Filling in of project informationIn …Identification“ and …Configuration“ information regarding project and hardware configuration can be filled in.Figure 3: Filling in of project informationS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dFigure 4: Filling in of hardware informationIn the main system the diagnostic display can be added on system slot 1 optionally. This is only for documentation purpose and is not mandatory. All project information can be found in the diagnostic display in the menu item …System C onfiguration“.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.1.2 Preparation for detailed status informationFor easy diagnose it is advisable to name the function elements.Figure 5: Naming of function elementsBy double-clicking on the respective function element a symbolic name can be assigned in the window …properties“. T his name is displayed as further information in the diagnostic display. It is helpful to assign names for all input elements (e.g. “Emergency Stop”) as well for all output elements (e.g. “F -output”).S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.2Displaying of plant informationTo read out information at the diagnostic display an active connection to the energised basic module must be established. There mustn’t be any additional connection from the PCs/PGs via the diagnostic display to basic module. In this case the display is locked.2.2.1Reading out of project informationInformation regarding the project or hardware can be found in the menu item …System Configuration “. In the menu item …Project“ details regarding Config- CRC, Time Stamp, Release and Project Engineer are listed. Certain information are provided automatically from the system. Other information like …Project Engineer “ are only available if the corresponding fields were filled in in thesoftware (see chapter 2.1.1 Filling in of project information).In the menu item …Slot 3“ details regarding the used basic module can be found.Table 1: Project- and HardwareinformationS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.2.2 Reading out of status informationThe full information concerning input and output elements can be found in the menu item …Status“.The elements are displayed as follows:Figure 6: Displaying of status/status infoFor this example the guard door is opened, the Emergency Stop was pushed and released but not acknowledged yet. Thus the output is not activated. These information can be read out in …Status / Input Elements “ as well …Status / Output Elements “.E-Stop 1 (symbolic name of the element),S i e m e nsA G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dProtective Door (type of function element)You can read out status information which are available as element status in the Safety ES (e.g. …Timer running “, …Wa iting for Start“).S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.3Fault diagnosticTroubleshooting with the help of the diagnostic display will be explained by means of the application example of figure 2. There is a cross circuit between input 1 and input 2 of the emergency stop with element number 1.In case of fault detailed information can be found in the menu item “Status Info “. According to the default setting of the display the status info will be directly shown on the start screen in case of a fault (Setting adjustable in …Display Settings/ Statu s Info“)Table 2: Error messages in case of Cross-CircuitThe same procedure applies to other faults like discrepancy fault or fault within the feedback circuit. Below the element you find then the error message ‚Dis crepancy violated ‘ or ‚Feedback Circuit invalid ‘. All element messages which are available in Safety ES can be shown on the diagnostic display as well.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic displayThe 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB: 3SK2611-3AA00) has two internal memory slots at which Safety ES projects can be stored.NoteThis functionality is only available for the diagnostic display 3SK2611-3AA00. The 3RK3 diagnostic display (MLFB: 3RK3611-3AA00) has no internal memory slots and it is not possible to connect it to the 3SK2.3.1PreconditionsTo be able to transfer Safety ES projects from or to the display an activeconnection to the running basic module must be established. Furthermore it is not possible to have an additional connection from the basic module to the PG/PC via the diagnostic display. In this case the display is locked. Transferring of projects is possible with both types of 3SK2 basic modules (3SK2112, 22,5mm width/ 3SK2122, 45 mm width) as well as with the 3RK3 Advanced and 3RK3 ASIsafe.Preconditions for saving projects in the diagnostic display/ reading configurations from the deviceTo save projects within the diagnostic display 2 memory slots are available. If a project was already stored on the selected memory slot and you read out a new configuration on the same memory slot, the old one will be replaced. There are no restrictions for reading out configurations. It is possible to read out not approved and approved configurations. The device can be in configuration or safety mode. If the protection level ‚write protection‘ was selected by password for the project which will be read out from the basic module, the protection level will be copied to the configuration in the display as well.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dHinweisThe protection level ‚Read Protection ‘ should not be activated in the basicmodule (3SK“/3RK3). In this case it is not possible to read out any configuration. Thus it is not possible to copy a project with Read Protection. This can be set after download via the Safety ES Tool.Preconditions for transferring of projects to the basic module It is possible to transmit a project to the device on condition that: - Device is running in configuring mode. - No password for device access is set.- The configuration on the basic module is not approved or there is no configuration on the basic moduleIf one of these conditions is not fulfilled the download of the project fails. In case that the download fails it is possible to download the project by resetting thebasic module to factory settings via reset button (See manual 3SK2 chapter 8.1/ manual 3RK3 chapter Afterwards the device runs up in configuring mode and the project can be downloaded.DANGERAccidentally start possibleThe operator has to ensure that the configuration is downloaded to the correct machine, otherwise it can lead to a dangerous situation.NoteThe menu …factory settings“ in the diagnostic display refers only to the diagnostic display and not to the basic module. By executing the command the configurations in the diagnostic display among others will be deleted.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.2 ProcedureFor reading out a configuration from the basic module an active connection to it is necessary. Downloading a project from Safety ES to the diagnostic display is not possible without the basic module.Saving a configuration in the diagnostic displaySelect the favoured Memory Slot e.g.Table 3: Backup of a projectThe project is now saved in the selected memory slot in the diagnostic display.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dThe project information of the saved project (Name, Project Engineer, Company, Config-CRC, Time Stamp, Approval, Cycle Time …) can be read out in the corresponding memory slot.Transmission of a configuration from the diagnostic display to the basic moduleTable 4 Write project to deviceThe configuration is now saved in the basic module.The project information of the downloaded project (Name, Project Engineer, Company, Config-CRC, Time Stamp, Approval, Cycle Time …) can be read out in “System Configuration/ Project”.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dNoteWhen downloading an approved configuration to the basic module the device first stays in configuring mode. To change to safety mode turn off and on the basic module. After running up, the device changes automatically to safety mode.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.3Use cases3.3.1 Fast device exchangeIn case of a faulty basic module the approved configuration can be transferred fast and easily to the new basic module by the help of the diagnostic display. Thus the plant operation can continue quickly.Figure 7: Fast device exchange NoteBack up the Safety ES project straight after successful commissioning of the safety application to the diagnostic display.3 Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic displayWorking with the 3SK2 Diagnostic displayEntry-ID: 109482844, V1.0, 04/201621S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.3.2 Fast commissioning of same applicationBy help of the possibility to download projects from the diagnostic display the commissioning of identical machinery can be sped up. After successful function test and approving once the safety program can be downloaded to the other machinery.Figure 8: Fast commissioning of identical machinery4 Contact/SupportWorking with the 3SK2 Diagnostic displayEntry-ID: 109482844, V1.0, 04/201622Si emensA G2016Al lrigh tsr ese rv ed4 Contact/SupportSiemens AGTechnical AssistanceTel: +49 (911) 895-5900Fax : +49 (911) 895-5907Mail: ******************************** Internet: www.siemens.de/automation/support-request。
Scenix™ and the Scenix logo are trademarks of Scenix Semiconductor, Inc.I 2C™ is a trademark of Philips CorporationMicrowire™ is a trademark of National Semiconductor CorporationAll other trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respec-tive companies.January 19, 2000SX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC75Configurable Communications Controllers with EE/Flash Program Memory, In-System Programming Capability and On-Chip Debug1.0PRODUCT OVERVIEW1.1IntroductionThe Scenix SX family of configurable communications controllers are fabricated in an advanced CMOS process technology. The advanced process, combined with a RISC-based architecture, allows high-speed computa-tion, flexible I/O control, and efficient data manipulation.Throughput is enhanced by operating the device at fre-quencies up to 50/75 MHz and by optimizing the instruc-tion set to include mostly single-cycle instructions. In addition, the SX architecture is deterministic and totally reprogramable. The unique combination of these charac-teristics enables the device to implement hard real-time functions as software modules (Virtual Peripheral™) to replace traditional hardware functions.On-chip functions include a general-purpose 8-bit timer with prescaler, an analog comparator, a brown-out detec-tor, a watchdog timer, a power-save mode with multi-source wakeup capability, an internal R/C oscillator, user-selectable clock modes, and high-current outputs.Figure 1-1. Block DiagramInterrupt MIW U Port B C ompPow er-O n R eset RESET 8-bit W atchdog Tim er (W DT)8-bit Tim er RTC C 888Port C 88Port A 84Internal D ata BusIn-System D ebugging In-System Programm ing2k W ords EEPRO M SystemC lockBrow n-O ut MIW U M C LR O SC D river 4M Hz InternalR C OSCClock Select ÷ 4 or ÷ 1136 BytesSR AM Address W rite D ataR ead D ata Instruction W FSRSTATU S PC M O D EOPTIO N System C lockOSC 1O SC2Fetch 8812Address 128888ALU 8883RTC CAnalog 8Interrupt StackPC3 Level Decode ExecutiveW rite BackIR EADStack Instruction Pipeline Prescaler for R TCC or Prescaler for W DTSX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC75Table of Contents1.0Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.2Key Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31.3Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.3.1The Virtual Peripheral Concept . . . . . . . .41.3.2The Communications Controller. . . . . . . .41.4Programming and Debugging Support . . . . . . . . . .41.5Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42.0Connection Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52.1Pin Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52.2Pin Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52.3Part Numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63.0Port Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73.1Reading and Writing the Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73.1.1Read-Modify-Write Considerations . . . . .93.2Port Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.2.1MODE Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.2.2Port Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . .93.2.3Port Configuration Upon Reset . . . . . . .104.0Special-Function Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114.1PC Register (02h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114.2STATUS Register (03h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114.3OPTION Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125.0Device Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135.1FUSE Word (Read/Program at FFFh in main memorymap) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135.2FUSEX Word (Read/Program via ProgrammingCommand) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145.3DEVICE Word (Hard-Wired Read-Only) . . . . . . . .146.0Memory Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156.1Program Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156.1.1Program Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156.1.2Subroutine Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156.2Data Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156.2.1File Select Register (04h) . . . . . . . . . . .157.0Power Down Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177.1Multi-Input Wakeup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177.2Port B MIWU/Interrupt Configuration . . . . . . . . . . .188.0Interrupt Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199.0Oscillator Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219.1XT, LP or HS modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219.2External RC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239.3Internal RC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2310.0Real Time Clock (RTCC)/Watchdog Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . .2310.1RTCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2310.2Watchdog Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2310.3The Prescaler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2411.0Comparator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2512.0Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2713.0Brown-Out Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2814.0Register States Upon DiffeRent reset operations . . . . . . .2915.0Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3015.1Instruction Set Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3015.2Instruction Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3015.3Addressing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3015.4RAM Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3115.5The Bank Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3115.6Bit Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3115.7Input/Output Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3115.8Increment/Decrement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3115.9Loop Counting and Data Pointing Testing . . . . . . .3115.10Branch and Loop Call Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . .3115.10.1Jump Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3115.10.2Page Jump Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3215.10.3Call Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3215.10.4Page Call Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3215.11Return Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3215.12Subroutine Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3315.12.1Push Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3315.12.2Pop Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3315.13Comparison and Conditional Branch Instructions .3415.14Logical Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3415.15Shift and Rotate Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3415.16Complement and SWAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3415.17Key to Abbreviations and Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . .3416.0Instruction Set Summary Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3516.1Equivalent Assembler Mnemonics . . . . . . . . . . . . .3817.0Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3917.1Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3917.2DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4017.3AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4117.4DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4217.5AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4317.6Comparator DC and AC Specifications . . . . . . . . .4317.7Typical Performance Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . .4418.0Package Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47SX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC751.2Key Features50 MIPS Performance•SX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC: DC - 50 MHz operation SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC75: DC - 75 MHz •SX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC: 20 ns instruction cycle,60 ns internal interrupt responseSX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC75: 13.3 ns instruction cycle, 39.9 ns internal interrupt response• 1 instruction per clock (branches 3)EE/FLASH Program Memory and SRAM Data Memory •Access time of < 10 ns provides single cycle access •EE/Flash rated for > 10,000 rewrite cycles•2048 Words EE/Flash program memory•136x8 bits SRAM data memoryCPU Features•Compact instruction set•All instructions are single cycle except branch•Eight-level push/pop hardware stack for subroutine linkage•Fast table lookup capability through run-time readable code (IREAD instruction)•Totally predictable program execution flow for hard real-time applicationsFast and Deterministic Interrupt•Jitter-free 3-cycle internal interrupt response •Hardware context save/restore of key resources such as PC, W, STATUS, and FSR within the 3-cycle inter-rupt response time•External wakeup/interrupt capability on Port B (8 pins)Flexible I/O•All pins individually programmable as I/O•Inputs are TTL or CMOS level selectable•All pins have selectable internal pull-ups •Selectable Schmitt Trigger inputs on Ports B, and C •All outputs capable of sourcing/sinking 30 mA•Port A outputs have symmetrical drive•Analog comparator support on Port B (RB0 OUT, RB1 IN-, RB2 IN+)•Selectable I/O operation synchronous to the oscillator clock Hardware Peripheral Features•One 8-bit Real Time Clock/Counter (RTCC) with pro-gramable 8-bit prescaler•Watchdog Timer (shares the RTCC prescaler)•Analog comparator•Brown-out detector•Multi-Input Wakeup logic on 8 pins•Internal RC oscillator with configurable rate from 31.25 kHz to 4 MHz•Power-On-ResetPackages•18-pin SOP/DIP, 20-pin SSOP, 28-pin SOP/DIP/SSOPProgramming and Debugging Support•On- chip in-system programming support with serial and parallel interfaces•In-system serial programming via oscillator pins•On-chip in-System debugging support logic•Real-time emulation, full program debug, and integrat-ed development environment offered by third party tool vendorsSX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC751.3ArchitectureThe SX devices use a modified Harvard architecture. This architecture uses two separate memories with sepa-rate address buses, one for the program and one for data, while allowing transfer of data from program mem-ory to SRAM. This ability allows accessing data tables from program memory. The advantage of this architec-ture is that instruction fetch and memory transfers can be overlapped with a multi-stage pipeline, which means the next instruction can be fetched from program memory while the current instruction is being executed using data from the data memory.Scenix has developed a revolutionary RISC-based archi-tecture and memory design techniques that is 20 times faster than conventional MCUs, deterministic, jitter free, and totally reprogramable.The SX family implements a four-stage pipeline (fetch, decode, execute, and write back), which results in execu-tion of one instruction per clock cycle. For example, at the maximum operating frequency of 50 MHz, instruc-tions are executed at the rate of one per 20-ns clock cycle.1.3.1 The Virtual Peripheral ConceptVirtual Peripheral concept enables the “software system on a chip” approach. Virtual Peripheral, a software mod-ule that replaces a traditional hardware peripheral, takes advantage of the Scenix architecture’s high performance and deterministic nature to produce same results as the hardware peripheral with much greater flexibility.The speed and flexibility of the Scenix architecture com-plemented with the availability of the Virtual Peripheral library, simultaneously address a wide range of engineer-ing and product development concerns. They decrease the product development cycle dramatically, shortening time to production to as little as a few days.Scenix’s time-saving Virtual Peripheral library gives the system designers a choice of ready-made solutions, or a head start on developing their own peripherals. So, with Virtual Peripheral modules handling established func-tions, design engineers can concentrate on adding value to other areas of the application.The concept of Virtual Peripheral combined with in-sys-tem re-programmability provides a power development platform ideal for the communications industry because of the numerous and rapidly evolving standards and pro-tocols.Overall, the concept of Virtual Peripheral provides bene-fits such as using a more simple device, reduced compo-nent count, fast time to market, increased flexibility in design, customization to your application, and ultimately overall system cost reduction.Some examples of Virtual Peripheral modules are:•Communication interfaces such as I2C™, Microwire™ (µ-Wire), SPI, IrDA Stack, UART, and Modem func-tions•Frequency generation and measurement•PPM/PWM output •Delta/Sigma ADC•DTMF generation/detection•PSK/FSK generation/detection•FFT/DFT based algorithms1.3.2 The Communications ControllerThe combination of the Scenix hardware architecture and the Virtual Peripheral concept create a powerful, creative platform for the communications design communities: SX communications controller. Its high processing power, recofigurability, cost-effectiveness, and overall design freedom give the designer the power to build products for the future with the confidence of knowing that they can keep up with innovation in standards and other areas. 1.4Programming and Debugging Support The SX devices are currently supported by third party tool vendors. On-chip in-system debug capabilities have been added, allowing tools to provide an integrated development environment including editor, macro assem-bler, debugger, and programmer. Un-obtrusive in-system programming is provided through the OSC pins. There is no need for a bon-out chip, so the user does not have to worry about the potential variations in electrical charac-teristics of a bond-out chip and the actual chip used in the target applications. the user can test and revise the fully debugged code in the actual SX, in the actual application, and get to production much faster.1.5ApplicationsEmerging applications and advances in existing ones require higher performance while maintaining low cost and fast time-to-production.The device provides solutions for many familiar applica-tions such as process controllers, electronic appli-ances/tools, security/monitoring systems, consumer automotive, sound generation, motor control, and per-sonal communication devices. In addition, the device is suitable for applications that require DSP-like capabili-ties, such as closed-loop servo control (digital filters), dig-ital answering machines, voice notation, interactive toys, and magnetic-stripe readers.Furthermore, the growing Virtual Peripheral library fea-tures new components, such as the Internet Protocol stack, and communication interfaces, that allow design engineers to embed Internet connectivity into all of their products at extremely low cost and very little effort.SX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC752.0CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 2.1Pin Assignments2.2Pin DescriptionsSSOP123456781615RC4RC3RB6RB5SX 28-PINOSC2RC7RC6RC5V dd V ddRA2RA3RB0RB1RB2RB3RB4VssMCLR OSC1RC2RC1RC0RB791011121314282726252423222120191817Vss RTCC RA0RA1123456781615RC4RC3RB6RB5SX 28-PINOSC2RC7RC6RC5n.c.Vss RA2RA3RB0RB1RB2RB3RB4MCLR OSC1RC2RC1RC0RB791011121314282726252423222120191817RTCC V ddRA0RA1n.c.DIP/SOP 123456781615RB5RB4SX 20-PINOSC2RTCC RA0RB0RB1RB2RB3MCLR OSC1V dd V ddRB7RB69101413121120191817RA2RA3Vss RA1Vss SSOP123456781615RB5RB4SX 18-PINOSC2RTCC RA0RB0RB1RB2RB3MCLR OSC1V ddRB7RB6910141312111817RA2RA3RA1Vss DIP/SOPNamePin Type Input LevelsDescriptionRA0I/O TTL/CMOS Bidirectional I/O Pin; symmetrical source / sink capability RA1I/O TTL/CMOS Bidirectional I/O Pin; symmetrical source / sink capabilityRA2I/O TTL/CMOSBidirectional I/O Pin; symmetrical source / sink capability RA3I/O TTL/CMOS Bidirectional I/O Pin; symmetrical source / sink capability RB0I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O Pin; comparator output; MIWU input RB1I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O Pin; comparator negative input; MIWU input RB2I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O Pin; comparator positive input; MIWU input RB3I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O Pin; MIWU input RB4I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O Pin; MIWU input RB5I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O Pin; MIWU input RB6I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O Pin; MIWU input RB7I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O Pin; MIWU input RC0I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O pin RC1I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O pin RC2I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O pin RC3I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O pin RC4I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O pin RC5I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O pin RC6I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O pin RC7I/O TTL/CMOS/ST Bidirectional I/O pinRTCC I STInput to Real-Time Clock/Counter MCLR I ST Master Clear reset input – active low OSC1/In/Vpp I ST Crystal oscillator input – external clock source inputOSC2/Out O CMOSCrystal oscillator output – in R/C mode, internally pulled to V dd through weakpull-upV dd P –Positive supply pin Vss P –Ground pin Note:I = input, O = output, I/O = Input/Output, P = Power, TTL = TTL input, CMOS = CMOS input,ST = Schmitt Trigger input, MIWU = Multi-Input Wakeup inputSX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC752.3Part NumberingTable 2-1. Ordering InformationDevicePinsI/OOperating Frequency (MHz)EE/Flash (Words)RAM (Bytes)Operating Temp. (°C)SX18AC/SO SX18AC-I/SO SX18AC75/SO 1818181212125050752K 2K 2K 1361361360°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C 0°C to +70°C SX18AC/DP SX18AC-I/DP SX18AC75/DP 1818181212125050752K 2K 2K 1361361360°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C 0°C to +70°C SX20AC/SS SX20AC-I/SS SX20AC75/SS 2020201212125050752K 2K 2K 1361361360°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C 0°C to +70°C SX28AC/SO SX28AC-I/SO SX28AC75/SO 2828282020205050752K 2K 2K 1361361360°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C 0°C to +70°C SX28AC/DP SX28AC-I/DP SX28AC75/DP 2828282020205050752K 2K 2K 1361361360°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C 0°C to +70°C SX28AC/SS SX28AC-I/SS SX28AC75/SS2828282020205050752K 2K 2K1361361360°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C 0°C to +70°CFigure 2-1. Part Number Reference GuideSX18ACXX-I/SOPackage TypeExtended Temperature Memory Size Feature Set Pin Count SceniXA =512 wordB =1k wordC =2k wordD =4k word Speed Blank =50 MHz 75 =75 MHz 100 =100 MHzDP =DIP SO =SOP SS =SSOP TQ =Tiny PQFP PQ =PQFPBlank =0°C to +70°C I =-40°C to +85°CSX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC753.0PORT DESCRIPTIONSThe device contains a 4-bit I/O port (Port A) and two 8-bit I/O ports (Port B, Port C). Port A provides symmetrical drive capability. Each port has three associated 8-bit reg-isters (Direction, Data, TTL/CMOS Select, and Pull-Up Enable) to configure each port pin as Hi-Z input or output,to select TTL or CMOS voltage levels, and to enable/dis-able the weak pull-up resistor. The upper four bits of the registers associated with Port A are not used. The least significant bit of the registers corresponds to the least significant port pin. T o access these registers, an appro-priate value must be written into the MODE register.Upon power-up, all bits in these registers are initialized to “1”.The associated registers allow for each port bit to be indi-vidually configured under software control as shown below:3.1Reading and Writing the PortsThe three ports are memory-mapped into the data mem-ory address space. To the CPU, the three ports are avail-able as the RA, RB, and RC file registers at data memory addresses 05h, 06h, and 07h, respectively.Writing to a port data register sets the voltage levels of the corresponding port pins that have been configured to operate as outputs. Reading from a register reads the voltage levels of the corresponding port pins that have been configured as inputs.Table 3-1. Port ConfigurationData Direction Registers: RA, RB, RCTTL/CMOSSelect Registers: LVL_A, LVL_B, LVL_CPullup Enable Registers:PLP_A, PLP_B, PLP_C010101OutputHi-Z InputCMOSTTLEnableDisableFigure 3-1. Port A ConfigurationMODE RA RA DataLVL_A 0 = Output 1 = Hi-Z InputWRWR0 = CMOS 1 = TTL RDTTL Buffer CMOS Buffer V ddPullupPort A PINI n t e r n a l D a t a B u sMU XM o d e = 0F M o d e = 0E M o d e = 0DWRDirection PLP_A0 = Pullup Enable 1 = Pullup Disable Port A INPUTWRSX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC75For example, suppose all four Port A pins are configuredas outputs and with RA0 and RA1 to be high, and RA2and RA3 to be low:The second “mov” instruction in this example writes the Port A data register (RA), which controls the output levels of the four Port A pins, RA0 through RA3. Because Port A has only four I/O pins, only the four least significant bits of this register are used. The four high-order register bits are “don’t care” bits. Port B and Port C are both eight bits wide, so the full widths of the RB and RC registers are used.When a write is performed to a bit position for a port that has been configured as an input, a write to the port data register is still performed, but it has no immediate effect on the pin. If later that pin is configured to operate as an output, it will reflect the value that has been written to the data register.When a read is performed from a bit position for a port,the operation is actually reading the voltage level on the pin itself, not necessarily the bit value stored in the port data register. This is true whether the pin is configured to operate as an input or an output. Therefore, with the pin configured to operate as an input, the data register con-tents have no effect on the value that you read. With the pin configured to operate as an output, what is read gen-erally matches what has been written to the register.Figure 3-2. Port B, Port C ConfigurationMODE RB or RC PLP_B or PLP_CLVL_B or LVL_C 0 = Output 1 = Hi-Z InputWR0 = Pullup Enable 1 = Pullup Disable WR0 = CMOS 1 = TTLRDPort B: Input, MIWU, Comparator V ddPullup Resistor (~20k Ω)Port B or I n t e r n a l D a t a B u sM U XM o d e = 0F M o d e = 0E M o d e = 0D M o d e = 0CWRST_B or ST_CWR0 = Schmitt Trigger Enable 1 = Schmitt Trigger Disable Port C: Input OnlyTTL Buffer CMOS Buffer MU XPort C PINSchmitt Trigger BufferDirection RB or RC WRData~~mov W,#$03;load W with the value 03h ;(bits 0 and 1 high)mov$05,W;write 03h to Port A data ;registerSX18AC/SX20AC/SX28AC/SX18AC75/SX20AC75/SX28AC753.1.1 Read-Modify-Write ConsiderationsCaution must be exercised when performing two succes-sive read-modify-write instructions (SETB or CLRB oper-ations) on I/O port pin. Input data used for an instruction must be valid during the time the instruction is executed, and the output result from an instruction is valid only after that instruction completes its operation. Unexpected results from successive read-modify-write operations on I/O pins can occur when the device is running at high speeds. Although the device has an internal write-back section to prevent such conditions, it is still recom-mended that the user program include a NOP instruction as a buffer between successive read-modify-write instructions performed on I/O pins of the same port.Also note that reading an I/O port is actually reading the pins, not the output data latches. That is, if the pin output driver is enabled and driven high while the pin is held low externally, the port pin will read low.3.2Port ConfigurationEach port pin offers the following configuration options: •data direction•input voltage levels (TTL or CMOS)•pullup type (pullup resistor enable or disable)•Schmitt trigger input (for Port B and Port C only)Port B offers the additional option to use the port pins for the Multi-Input Wakeup/Interrupt function and/or the ana-log comparator function.Port configuration is performed by writing to a set of con-trol registers associated with the port. A special-purpose instruction is used to write these control registers: •mov !RA,W (move W to Port A control register)•mov !RB,W (move W to Port B control register)•mov !RC,W (move W to Port C control register)Each one of these instructions writes a port control regis-ter for Port A, Port B, or Port C. There are multiple control registers for each port. To specify which one you want to access, you use another register called the MODE regis-ter.3.2.1 MODE RegisterThe MODE register controls access to the port configura-tion registers. Because the MODE register is not mem-ory-mapped, it is accessed by the following special-purpose instructions:•mov M, #lit (move literal to MODE register)•mov M,W (move W to MODE register)•mov W,M (move MODE register to W)The value contained in the MODE register determines which port control register is accessed by the “mov !rx,W”instruction as indicated in Table3-3. MODE register val-ues not listed in the table are reserved for future expan-sion and should not be used. Therefore, the MODE register should always contain a value from 08h to 0Fh. Upon reset, the MODE register is initialized to 0Fh, which enables access to the port direction registers.After a value is written to the MODE register, that setting remains in effect until it is changed by writing to the MODE register again. For example, you can write the value 0Eh to the MODE register just once, and then write to each of the three pullup configuration registers using the three “mov !rx,W” instructions.The following code example shows how to program the pullup control registers.First the MODE register is loaded with 0Eh to select access to the pullup control registers (PLP_A, PLP_B, and PLP_C). Then the MOV !rx,W instructions are used to specify which port pins are to be connected to the internal pullup resistors. Setting a bit to 1 disconnects the corresponding pullup resistor, and clearing a bit to 0 con-nects the corresponding pullup resistor.3.2.2 Port Configuration RegistersThe port configuration registers that you control with the MOV !rx,W instruction operate as described below. RA, RB, and RC Data Direction Registers (MODE=0Fh) Each register bit sets the data direction for one port pin. Set the bit to 1 to make the pin operate as a high-imped-ance input. Clear the bit to 0 to make the pin operate as an output.Table3-3. MODE Register and PortControl Register AccessMODE Reg.mov !RA,W mov !RB,W mov !RC,W 08h not used CMP_B not used09h not used WKPND_B not used0Ah not used WKED_B not used0Bh not used WKEN_B not used0Ch not used ST_B ST_C0Dh LVL_A LVL_B LVL_C0Eh PLP_A PLP_B PLP_C0Fh RA Direction RB Direction RC Directionmov M,#$0E;MODE=0Eh to access port pullup;registersmov W,#$03;W = 0000 0011mov!RA,W;disable pullups for A0 and A1mov W,#$FF;W = 1111 1111mov!RB,W;disable all pullups for B0-B7mov W,#$00;W = 0000 0000mov!RC,W;enable all pullups for C0-C7。
TW-282 introduction
Using the wireless remote control technology to achieve shutter’s external socket with camera for remote control . FSK 2.4GHz wireless controls system, which more reliability and stability, 15 channels available. Operating distance range up to 80M or above. LCD display is showing channel, power, function mode, it ' s easy to understand and operate. Ultra-low power standby, transmitter (TW-282TX) uses 2pcs AAA batteries , which standby time over four years; the receiver (TW-282RX) uses 3V CR-2 lithium battery, which more than 400 hours of standby time. Different shutter connect cable can be connect with different brand cameras. It can control multiple cameras simultaneously. The camera can be single shooting, continuous shooting within one sec, BULB shooting and user-defined delay and timing plan shooting . Set the parameters for timing shooting.
单位 V V V V mA
% MHz mW ℃/W
最大 5.5 28 6 120 200 1 --1.5 --
单位 V V V mA mA uA mA mA mA uS
0.2*VDD V
DS-2801-SC rev0.1
DS-2801-SC rev0.1
crossLED series
图3, WS2801 DC12V恒流典型应用电路
图4, WS2801 DC5V恒压典型应用电路
DS-2801-SC rev0.1
crossLED series
电压大于5V时候的应用: WS2801 的工作电源电压范围为 3.3~5.5V,芯片内部集成了 5.5V 稳压器以满足在高输入电压下芯片能够可靠工作。只需要在电
其中RL是电流设定电阻,VDD是LED串的电源,VLED是LED串工作时的正向导通压降,VOUT是驱动输出的饱和压降,大概在0.1~0.2V, ILED是LED工作的工作电流,通常ILED≤20mA.
故障记录.................................................................................................................................... 9
通信.......................................................................................................................................... 10
CSC-280 系列数字式保护(测控)装置 说明书
CSC-280 系列数字式保护(测控)装置
校 核: 王焕焕 审 定: 邹卫华
出 版 号:V4.00 文 件 代 号:0SF.451.069 出 版 日 期:2014 年 6 月
机械性能.................................................................................................................................... 3
电磁兼容性................................................................................................................................ 3
W28 二维指环扫描枪 产品规格书说明书
版本信息目录概述 (4)产品特点 (4)产品优势 (4)产品展示 (4)穿戴方式 (6)充电 (7)通过W2X/SC100充电座进行充电 (7)通过C20充电柜进行充电 (8)更换指环套 (8)指环套安装更换方法 (9)规格参数 (10)指示灯提示 (12)振动提示 (13)景深参数 (15)视场角度 (16)更新扫描枪固件 (17)包装明细 (18)电池安全指南 (19)附录 (20)功能设置条码 (20)通用设置 (20)换行符/制表符 (21)触发方式设置 (22)开启/关闭可识别码制 (23)可识别条码位数设置 (24)前导码输出开关设置 (29)附加码输出开关设置 (29)FULL ASCII开关设置 (30)蓝牙断开报警设置条码 (30)自动间隙出光扫描识别成功后的灭光时间设置 (31)概述除了商超柜台结账扫描目的是为了提取价格信息外,在快递、物流供应链、食品药品溯源管理、智能制造等领域的条码、二维码、RIFD扫描,都只是为了理清责任,起到作业环节转移时的电子签章功能。
60 V 0.35 (0.5) A 1.05 A
( ): in case of using only 1 channel 100 ms (1 shot), VL = DC
Power dissipation Total power dissipation I/O isolatiom voltage Operating temperature Storage temperature
AC/DC type
1,000 pcs.
* Indicate the peak AC and DC values. Notes: (1) Tape package is the standard style. Also available in tube. (Part No. suffix “X” or “Z” is not needed when ordering; Tube: 50 pcs.; Case: 1,000 pcs.) (2) For space reasons, the package type indicator “X” and “Z” are omitted from the seal.
Power dissipation Total power dissipation I/O isolatiom voltage Operating temperature Storage temperature
300 mW 350 mW 1,500 V AC –40°C to +85°C –40°F to +185°F –40°C to +100°C –40°F to +212°F
4.3 .169 4.4 .173 2.1 .083
单线 256 级灰度三通道 恒流 LED 驱动 IC
注:其中 D1 为 MCU 端发送的数据,D2、D3、D4 为级联电路自动整形转发的数据。
24bit 数据结构:
R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
0.5 µs
GLC 283 333MC4 脉冲数字化 MIG MAG 焊机 中文说明书
GLC 283/333MC4脉冲数字化MIG/MAG焊机使用说明书版本号:2.11 as of 05/2003珠海市金宝热融焊接技术有限公司第一章 MC4焊机的外观与操作界面1.1 焊机的外观 正面和侧面图1 焊机正面图2 焊机的后面图3 焊机的侧面1.2 控制面板(MPC )1.2.1 显示和操作控件图4 控制面板(MPC )指示灯1 显示数据保持功能显示器1(电流显示)区域键1 显示器1 的功能切换 指示灯2 焊接电流 指示灯3 送丝速度 指示灯4 板厚显示器2(电压显示)区域键2 显示器2 的功能切换 指示灯6 给定/焊接电压 指示灯7 弧长指示灯8 电弧挺度/熔深指示灯1 指示灯2 指示灯3 指示灯4 指示灯5指示灯8 指示灯7 指示灯6显示器3(专家系统通道JOB )区域键3 显示器3的功能切换 指示灯9 普通MIG/MAG 焊 指示灯10 非脉冲一元化 指示灯11 脉冲一元化指示灯5 专家系统工作指示焊机的功能调节范围与应用的材料有关调节旋钮4的使用方式调节旋钮4的使用有如下两种方式 1)左、右方向旋转改变参数值2)当做键按下时,可以作为当前参数的确认。
相当于ENTER 键。
1.2.2参数选择和编程面板的控件L —指示灯 K —键图5 参数选择和编程面板键功能键4 记忆储存键5 光标上移键6 光标下移键7 光标右移键8 光标左移键9 选择焊接形式/选择专家系统键10 选择操控种类/选择程序焊接指示灯功能指示灯12 启动命令指示指示灯13 错误指示指示灯13显示信息如下:* 逆变器电路故障* 电路温度过高(连接外部水冷器时)* 水泵过热* 风扇电机过热* 流量或水量不足注意:温度超标时指示灯13长亮,其他错误指示灯13闪烁。
指示灯14 专家系统工作指示灯15 普通MIG/MAG形式指示灯16 一元化非脉冲指示灯17 脉冲或双脉冲一元化指示灯18 钨极氩弧焊形式指示灯19 手工弧焊形式、指示灯20 焊枪开关-两步指示灯21 焊枪开关-四步(自保持)指示灯22 焊枪开关-高级四步(自保持)指示灯23 点焊定时指示灯24 外部启动命令指示灯25 程序焊接第二章 焊机的操作 2.1 焊接形式的选择操作者可以通过参数选择和编程面板上的键9 来选择不同的焊接形式种类,可选择的焊接形式如图6所示图6 焊接形式选择界面2.1.1 普通MIG/MAG 焊操作者可以通过参数选择和编程面板上的键9 来选择普通MIG/MAG 焊的形式,这种方式下,可以通过选择送丝速度、焊接电压、电弧挺度来调节焊接规范。
282iQ、282iR、282iX Sonic Maximizer用户手册说明书
For your protection, please read these safety instructions completely before operating the appli-ance, and keep this manual for future reference.Carefully observe all warnings, precautions and instructions on the appliance and described in the operating instructions supplied with the appliance. INSTALLATIONWater and Moisture - Do not install the appli-ance near water: for example, near a bathtub, wash-bowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool.Heat - Do not install the appliance near sources of heat such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other appliances that produce heat.Ventilation - Situate the product so its location or position does not interfere with its proper ventilation. For example, you should not place the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface that might block the vent openings, or placed in a built-in installation, such as a bookcase or cabinet that might impede the flow of air through the ventilation openings.Wall or Ceiling Mounting - If your appliance can be mounted to a wall or ceiling, mount it onlyas recommended.Accessories - Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The product may fall, causing serious injury to a childor adult, and serious damage to the product. Useonly with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or tablerecommended by the manufacturer, or sold with theproduct. Any mounting of the product should followthe manufacturer’s instructions, and should usea mounting accessory recommended bythe manufacturer.USEPower Source - Connect the appliance to a pow-er supply only of the type described in the operatinginstructions or as marked on the appliance.Power Cord Protection - Route the power cordso that it is not likely to be walked on or pinched byhaving objects placed on it, paying particular atten-tion to the plugs, receptacles, and the point wherethe cord exits from the appliance.Grounding or Polarization - Do not defeat thegrounding or polarization feature of the AC powercord. If your AC receptacle will not accept the powercord plug, contact your electrician to install a properAC receptacle.When not in use - Unplug the power cord fromthe outlet when left unused for a long period of time.To disconnect the cord, pull it out by grasping theplug. Never pull the plug out by the cord.AC Receptacle - Check to make sure that the ACreceptacle holds the power cord plug firmly and se-curely. If the power cord plug is loose, contact yourelectrician to replace the defective and unsafe ACForeign Objects - Be careful that foreignobjects and liquids do not enter the enclosurethrough openings.Cleaning - unplug this product from the walloutlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners oraerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.SERVICEUnplug the appliance from the wall outlet andconsult qualified service personnel when:• T he power cord or the plug hasbeen damaged• A solid object or liquid has fallen intothe cabinet.• T he appliance has been exposed to rainor moisture.• T he appliance does not appear to operatenormally or exhibits a marked changein performance.• T he appliance has been dropped, or theenclosure damaged. Do not attemptto service the appliance beyond thatdescribed in the operating instructions.For all other servicing, refer to qualifiedservice personnel only.IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS1SONIC MAXIMIZERThank you for your purchase of the 282i, and for the trust that you’ve placed in BBE. We are committed to bringing you the finest products, with useful and unique features to serve your audio needs.The BBE 282i Sonic Maximizer isa two channel signal processor that will benefit any recording or sound reproduc-tion system. Whether you purchased the Sonic Maximizer for your home studio, P.A., DJ system, or instrument rack, you will find the Sonic Maximizer’s rugged construction and careful electronic design a welcome addition to your sonic arsenal. 282i FEATURES• A full-function Sonic Maximizer• +23dB of output headroom (282iX),+20dB (282iR and iQ)• 108dB signal to noise ratio• U nbalanced ¼” (282iQ), BalancedXLR (282iX) or Unbalanced RCA and3.5mm Mini (282iR)IMPORTANTBefore you begin, please check thecontents within this box to insure thatincluded are:1. The BBE 282i Sonic Maximizer2. The BBE 282i User’s Manual.3. 12 VAC External Power Supply(282iR and iQ), 15 VAC ExternalPower Supply (282iX)If any of these items are found to bedamaged or missing, immediately contactthe BBE dealer from whom the unitwas purchased.This manual will help you to effec-tively utilize the BBE 282i. Reviewing theinformation contained in this manual willanswer most of the common questionsthat our service department receives. Ifyou still have questions, please feel freeto call 800-233-8346.CONTENTSProduct Features (2)BBE Process Explained (3)Front Panel .........................4 Rear Panel - 282iQ (5)Rear Panel - 282iR (6)Rear Panel - 282iX (7)Service and Maintenance (8)Warranty (9)Specifications (10)2Loudspeakers have difficulty working with the electronic signals supplied by an amplifier. These difficulties cause such major phase and amplitude dis-tortion that the sound reproduced by speaker differs significantly from the sound produced by the original source.In the past, these problems proved unsolvable and were thus delegated to a position of secondary importance in audio system design. However, phase and amplitude integrity is essential to accurate sound reproduction.Research shows that the informa-tion which the listener translates into the recognizable characteristics of a live performance are intimately tied into complex time and amplitude relation-ships between the fundamental and harmonic components of a given musi-cal note or sound. These relationships define a sound’s “sound.”When these complex relationshipspass through a speaker, the properorder is lost. The higher frequenciesare delayed. A lower frequency mayreach the listener’s ear first or perhapssimultaneously with that of a higher fre-quency. In some cases, the fundamentalcomponents may be so time-shiftedthat they reach the listener’s earahead of some or all of theharmonic components.This change in the phase and ampli-tude relationship on the harmonic andfundamental frequencies is technicallycalled “envelope distortion.” The listenerperceives this loss of sound integrityin the reproduced sound as “muddy”and “smeared.” In the extreme, it canbecome difficult to tell the differencebetween musical instruments, for exam-ple, an oboe and a clarinet.BBE Sound, Inc. conducted ex-tensive studies of numerous speakersystems over a ten year period. Withthis knowledge, it became possible toidentify the characteristics of an idealspeaker and to distill the correctionsnecessary to return the fundamentaland harmonic frequency structures totheir correct order. While there are dif-ferences among various speaker designsin the magnitude of their correction, theoverall pattern of correction needed isremarkably consistent.THE BBE PROCESS — ”WHAT IT IS”SONIC MAXIMIZER3LO CONTOUR CONTROL Regulates the amount of phase corrected low frequencies.FRONT PANEL (all 282i models)IN/OUT BUTTONEngages the Sonic Maximizer Pro-cess. When the button is in, the BBE Process is on. When the button is out, the BBE Process is off.LED INDICATORWhen LED indicator is RED, Sonic Maximizer function is off. When it shows GREEN, Sonic Maximizerfunction is on.PROCESS CONTROL Regulates the amount of phase corrected high frequencies.4SONIC MAXIMIZERAC Inlet 12 VAC only.Power SwitchInput and Output Connection Unbalanced ¼” Connections Left and Right.512 VAC only.Input and Output ConnectionUnbalanced 3.5mm Stereo Mini Jack Left and Right. (Tip = Right, Ring = Left)Unbalanced RCA Connections Left and Right6SONIC MAXIMIZERInput and Output Connection Balanced XLR Connections Left and Right.AC Inlet 15 VAC only.Power Switch7We recommend that if at all possible, a BBE 282i whichrequires service be sent to our facility in Huntington Beach,California. We request that a “RETURN AUTHORIZATION”be issued by the dealer from whom you purchased the unit.If this is not possible, call BBE Sound, Inc. directly at (800) 233-8346, extension 116 to obtain a “RETURN AUTHO-RIZATION.” Include a copy of the bill of sale with the unit when it is shipped to BBE Sound, Inc. so that the service canbe expedited.As the repair turnaround time is minimal, we requestthat the unit be sent to BBE Sound, Inc. We also need toadd reliability data to our files so that future revision may beundertaken, if necessary, to improve the product. If unit hasbeen purchased outside the US, please contact yournational distributor.Maintenance of the BBE 282i is limited to proper clean-ing of the unit with mild household cleaner such as Formula 409™ or Windex™. The chassis is steel , the casing is an aluminum extrusion. Both are finished with a durable polyure-thane paint.There are no user replaceable parts and the unit should not be opened for any reason unless you are a qualified technician. Calibration should be performed if parts are re-placed or if a performance check-out indicates a problem with calibration. Long term use has shown that over the life of this unit there is little or no drift of the components in the BBE 282i which would cause a change in calibration.SERVICE MAINTENANCE85 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYWarranty registration of the unit to BBE Sound, Inc. is not necessary. It is strongly recommended that you retain a copy of the bill of sale for future refer-ence.IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE END USER TO PROVIDE THE BILL OF SALE OR OTHER MEANS OF PROOF OF PURCHASE TO VALIDATE THE WARRANTY IF WARRANTY SERVICE IS REQUESTED.The BBE282i is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from date of purchase from BBE Sound Inc. or from an authorized dealer. During this period, we will repair units free of charge providing that they are shipped prepaid to:BBE Sound, Inc.,5381 Production Drive,Huntington Beach, CA 92649.We will pay return UPS shippingcharges within the USA. All charges relat-ed to non-UPS shipping, including customsclearance, will be billed. The warranty willbe honored for the longer of either 90days from the date of any service or theremainder of the original 5 Year factorywarranty.This warranty will be consider nulland void by BBE Sound, Inc. if any of thefollowing is found:1. The equipment has been physicallydamaged.2. The equipment shows signs ofabuse.3. The equipment has been electri-cally damaged by improper connection orattempted repair by the customer or athird party.4. The equipment has been modifiedwithout authorization.5. The bill of sales indicates that thepurchase date of the equipment is notwithin the warranty period.All non-warranty repairs are warrant-ed for a period of 90 days from the dateof service.BBE Sound, Inc. is NOT LIABLEFOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.Should the unit fail to operate for anyreason, our sole obligation is to repair itas described above.DO NOT RETURN ANY PRODUCT TOTHE ABOVE ADDRESS WITHOUTINSTRUCTIONS ANDAUTHORIZATION ISSUED BYTHE ABOVE LOCATION.SONIC MAXIMIZER9SPECIFICATIONSFrequency Response.................................5Hz to 30kHz +/-0.5dBu, -10dBu inputTHD in process mode.................................less than 0.1% at -10dBu input, 20-20kHzMaximum Output.................................+ 23dB (282iX), +20dB (282iR and iQ)Input Impedance.................................47k Ohms, unbalanced 1/4” phone jack,RCA jack or balanced XLROutput Impedance.................................1k Ohms, unbalanced 1/4” phone jack orRCA jack (282iQ and iR)600 Ohms balanced XLR (282iX)Sensitivity.................................-45dBu for maximum processMaximum Process.................................+12dBu boost at 5kHzLo Contour.................................+12dBu boost at 50HzPower Requirements.................................12 VAC power supply (282iR and iQ),15 VAC (282iX) power supply.Dimensions.................................10.63”(W) x 8.27”(D) x 2.36”(H)Shipping Weight.................................2.65 lbs.105381 Production DriveHuntington Beach, CA 92649714-897-6766 • FAX 714-896-0736Covered by U.S. Patent 5,736,897 and other U.S. and foreign patents pending • BBE is the registered trademark of BBE Sound, Inc. • 282i v1 6/13。
APPLICATION: Combines: 403, 615, After ESN 44821; Cotton Pickers: 414, 416, 420, 422, ESN 44822-71819; Crawlers: TD6-62 ESN 2XXX-3711; TD9B ESN 6903-11440; Tractors: 560, 656, 660, 706, 2656, 2706, ESN 44822-71777;QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 944254 In-Frame Kit, STD Liners & Cast Oil Rings (1) I1 944184 In-Frame Kit, .002 Oversize Liners & Cast Oil Rings I1 945254 Out-of-Frame Kit, STD Liners & Cast Oil Rings (1) O1 945184 Out-of-Frame Kit, .002 Oversize Liners & Cast Oil Rings O1 945185 Out-of-Frame Kit, .005 Oversize Liners & Cast Oil Rings O 1 945257 Out-of-Frame Kit, .010 Oversize Liners & Cast Oil Rings O6 141155 Sleeve & Piston Assembly, STD Liner & Cast Oil Rings (1) O I6 141156 Sleeve & Piston Assembly, .002 OS Liner & Cast Oil Rings O I6 141157 Sleeve & Piston Assembly, .005 OS Liner & Cast Oil Rings O6 141158 Sleeve & Piston Assembly, .010 OS Liner & Cast Oil Rings O6 141466 Piston Assembly6 141475 Cylinder Liner, STD OD6 141476 Cylinder Liner, .002 Oversize OD6 141477 Cylinder Liner, .005 Oversize OD6 141478 Cylinder Liner, .010 Oversize OD1 141479 Cylinder Liner Shim, .0031 141481 Cylinder Liner Shim, .0056 141472 Piston Ring Set, HD Cast Oil Ring (1-1/8HK 1-1/8 1-1/4)6 141473 Piston Ring Set, LD 3 Pc Oil Ring (1-1/8HK 1-1/8 1-1/4)1 141474 Piston Ring Set, LD 3 Pc Oil Ring (1-3/32HK 1-1/8 1-1/4)6 241186 STD Rod Bearing O O O O I I6 241187 .001 Rod Bearing6 241188 .002 Rod Bearing6 241189 .010 Rod Bearing6 241191 .020 Rod Bearing6 241192 .030 Rod Bearing6 241193 .040 Rod Bearing6 241194 .060 Rod Bearing1 241195 STD Main Bearing Set (4" Thrust Flange Diameter) O O O O I I1 241196 .002 Main Bearing Set (4" Thrust Flange Diameter)1 241197 .010 Main Bearing Set (4" Thrust Flange Diameter)1 241198 .020 Main Bearing Set (4" Thrust Flange Diameter)1 241199 .030 Main Bearing Set (4" Thrust Flange Diameter) (2)1 341333 Head Gasket Set w/Nozzle & Precup Gaskets I I1 341334 Head Gasket12 301114 Positive Valve Seal, Optional (Not in Gasket Sets) (3)1 341336 Full Gasket Set w/Seals O O O O1 341337 Lower Gasket Set w/Seals1 341338 Timing Cover Gasket Kit, Combines & Cotton Pickers (4)1 341194 Pan Gasket Set I I1 341339 Front Crank Seal1 301115 Front Wear Sleeve, Optional (Not in Gasket Sets)1 341197 Rear Crank Seal Kit (Includes Seal & Main Cap Plugs)1 301116 Rear Wear Sleeve, Optional (Not in Gasket Sets)6 241363 Pin Bushing1 241213 Cam Bearing Set12 741223 Rod Bolt 1 741224 Head Bolt Kit w/Washers(1)Also Available w/LD 3 Pc Oil Ring (2)For .010" Oversize Thrust Length Use 241539 (3)Use VST1812 Seal Tool(4) Optional Gaskets IH-282-I 8/1/2004APPLICATION: Combines: 403, 615, After ESN 44821; Cotton Pickers: 414, 416, 420, 422, ESN 44822-71819;Crawlers: TD6-62 ESN 2XXX-3711; TD9B ESN 6903-11440; Tractors: 560, 656, 660, 706, 2656, 2706, ESN 44822-71777;QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 949523 Cam Kit C1 949321 Basic Valve Kit B1 949121 Valve Train Kit V1 541159 Rebuilt Camshaft1 541161 New Camshaft C 1 541162 Cam Thrust Plate1 541163 Camshaft Nut1 541164 Camshaft Nut Lock12 541113 Tappet C6 441325 Exhaust Valve V B6 441326 Intake Valve V B12 441327 Valve Guide (5) V B12 441328 Valve Spring V B12 441329 Valve Rotator V24 441116 Valve Keeper (Half) V B6 401117 Exhaust Valve Seat6 401118 Intake Valve Seat3 441331 Exhaust Rocker Arm, LH3 441332 Exhaust Rocker Arm, RH6 441333 Intake Rocker Arm12 441219 Rocker Arm Adjusting Screw2 441334 Rocker Arm Shaft1 541165 Cam Gear1 541166 Crank Gear1 NLA Idler Gear1 541168 Idler Gear Bushing (1.550" Wide)12 541173 Push Rod1 641152 New Oil Pump (Use w/Floating Screen)1 641147 New Oil Pump w/Solid Screen1 641148 Oil Pump Kit1 641186 Oil Pump Screen (Float Type)2 641151 Valve (Bypass/Check) for Aluminum Filter Base1 641187 Oil Cooler Upgrade Kit1 641153 Spin-On Filter Conversion Kit (Filter not Included)1 721118 Cam Plug (Stainless Steel)5 721118 Block Plug, Side (Stainless Steel)2 721117 Block Plug, End (Stainless Steel)6 841228 Precombustion Chamber6 841231 Glow Plug2 841195 Breather Element In Tappet Cover1 821136 Thermostat (6)1 841189 Block Heater1 841191 Water Pump, Except 656 & 2656 International10 821123 Exhaust Manifold Stud(5) For .002 Oversize Guide Use 441456 or .003 Guide Use 441457 or .005 Guide Use 441458 (6)Use 841229 For Thermostat SealIH-282-I 8/1/2004。
電話∶ 電話∶0769-8662 5999 8200 2226 網址: 網址:
Viewing Angle(2 θ1/2) (发光角度(全角)) 色温 Forward Voltage(VF) (电压)
------6000 3.0
120 ---------
-----7000 3.5
deg K V
If=20mA If=20mA If=20mA
Reverse Current(IR) (反向电流)
Part Number (产品型号 产品型号): 产品型号
Typical Electrical/Optical Characteristics Curves(25℃ Ambient Temperature Noted)(25℃条件下的电性曲线图) Unless Otherwise Noted)(25℃条件下的电性曲线图)
--- -
客服熱線∶ 客服熱線∶400-676-8616 傳真∶ 傳真∶0769-8200 2227
電話∶ 電話∶0769-8662 5999 8200 2226 網址: 網址:
台灣統佳電子科技有限公司 統佳電子(東莞 東莞)有限公司 統佳電子 東莞 有限公司
台灣統佳電子科技有限公司 統佳電子(東莞 東莞)有限公司 統佳電子 東莞 有限公司
Part Number (产品型号 产品型号): 产品型号
*Low power consumption . (低耗电量) *High efficiency. (高功率) *Versatile mounting on p.c board or panel. (通用的装备在 PCB 板上或面板上) *I.C compatible/ low current requirement. (与 IC 配套使用/低电流需求)
Copyright © Marui Textile Machinery Co.,Ltd. All right reserved.
How to treading at top roller
Top weight roller Feed roller
To Yarn guide roller
From corn
/2( 31(
(, / - 1
) -,- 0 ( )2 0 )
11. + /20 ,0 -+ (, - + /20 ,0 -+
Copyright © Marui Textile Machinery Co.,Ltd. All right reserved.
How to treading for the traveler
S direction twist
Threading from right side of the traveler to left side, because the bobbin rotate anticlockwise direction.
Main switch
Start/Stop switch
Speed controller of spindle The number indicate the amount of movement of twist ring .(mm/min). We already adjust 5.0 mm/min before shipment. (Maximum = 52.0mm/min)
Speed controller of spindle The number indicate the number of revolution of spindle.(B rpm). We already adjust 5500 rpm before shipment. (Maximum = 6450rpm)
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电源输入 恒压模式下环路补偿端 辅助绕组电压反馈端,通过分压电阻连接到反馈绕组上
电流检测输入 MOSFET 漏极
漏极电压 VDD 输入电压 VDD 箝位流入最大电流 COMP 输入电压 CS 输入电压 INV 输入电压 最大结点工作温度 Tj 存储温度范围
-0.3V to BVdss -0.3V to Vdd_clamp
l 保护控制
ZT3282S 为提高电源系统的可靠 性集成了多种保护功能。其中包括: 逐周期限流控制、VDD 过压箝位、软 启动和 VDD 欠压锁定功能等。VDD 是依靠变压器的辅助绕组来供电。对 ZT3282S 来讲,当 VDD 的电压低于 欠压锁定开启电压时,开关管将被关 断,同时进入重启状态,每次重启都 具有软启动特性。
电;如果采样电压等于 2V,采用恒压
- 5-
高效率高精度,PSR 充电器驱动芯片
ZT3282S 规格书
在不连续反激工作模式下,其最 大输出功率可通过下式计算:
图2 INV 脚通过分压电阻与辅助绕组 连接,辅助绕组上的电压在退磁结束 时被采样并保持采样值直到下一次采 样。采样电压与内部 2V 基准电压比较 并被放大。误差放大器输出 COMP 电 压反映了负载的状况,同时控制脉宽 调制导通占空比,进一步实现恒压控 制。 当采样电压低于基准电压且误差放大 器输出 COMP 电压达到最大值时,其 开关频率通过采样电压控制输出电压 去调节输出电流,进而实现恒流控制。
I_Comp_Max 最大线补电流
功率 MOSFET 部分
漏极与源极最 大击穿电压
最小值 典型值 最大值 单位
- 7-
高效率高精度,PSR 充电器驱动芯片 ZT3282S 规格书
- 8-
- 1-
高效率高精度,PSR 充电器驱动芯片 ZT3282S 规格书
- 2-
高效率高精度,PSR 充电器驱动芯片 ZT3282S 规格书
1 2 3 4 5/6 7/8
值得注意的是,ZT3282S 通过内 置的线补功能实现高负载调整率。恒 压轻载时,通过 PWM 方式调节导通 占空比稳定输出。
ZT3282S 集成多种保护功能:软 启动、逐周期电流限制、VDD 过压保 护、VDD 过压箝位和欠压锁定等功能; 另外内置抖频技术可提高抗 EMI 能 力。
ZT3282S 采用无铅(PB FREE)封 装。
高效率高精度,PSR 充电器驱动芯片 ZT3282S 规格书
ZT3282S 是一款高性能离 线式 PFM 电源管理 IC,可用在小功率交流 转直流充电器和适配器中,其采用原 边反激拓扑应用电路,省掉了光耦和 TL431。内部集成高精度恒压控制器, 可实现 ±5% 的精度。
在恒压工作模式下,INV 脚通过 采样辅助绕组电压来稳定输出电压; 在恒流工作模式下,输出电流和输出 功率都是通过 CS 脚外接的 RS 电阻来 调节。
VDD 下降时 VDD 上升时
IDD=10mA 增加 VDD 电压直到频率关断
TD _ oc
TSS 频率振荡部分
过流延迟 输入阻抗 软启动时间
IC 最大 工作频率
Freq_staBiblioteka tup△f/Freq抖频范围
10mA -0.3V to 7V -0.3V to 7V -0.3V to 7V
150℃ -55 to 150℃ 260℃/10S
- 3-
高效率高精度,PSR 充电器驱动芯片 ZT3282S 规格书
(Ta=25℃,VDD= 16V)
l 可调线压降补偿
ZT3282S 线压降补偿功能提高了
- 6-
高效率高精度,PSR 充电器驱动芯片 ZT3282S 规格书
负载调整率。INV 脚流出的电流在外 部分压电阻上产生偏置电压,该电压 与 COMP 脚电压和输出负载电流成反 比。即输出负载电流从满载变为空载, 这个偏置电压的值将会增加。可以通 过改变分压电阻的阻值来调节线压降 补偿的大小。
ZT3282S 是一款高性价比 PFM 控制电源管理 IC,可用在离线式小功 率 AC/DC 变换器中,例如电池充电器、 手机充电器、小功率适配器等。
ZT3282S 采用原边反激拓 扑架 构,无需光耦和 TL431 即可实现稳定 输出。CC/CV 精度高达±5% 。
l 启动电流和启动控制
l 恒压恒流
ZT3282S 具有高精度的恒压恒流特 性,如图 1 所示:.
池电量最大限度被充满。 适配器应用中,ZT3282S 只工作
在恒压模式下,恒流控制电路此时只 起到过流限制作用。在恒压模式下,
VDD 电压是由 INV 外接的分压电阻比 值来决定的,可通过下式计算得出:
启动电流 工作电流 VDD 关断电压
VDD 最大工作 电压
Vth _ oc
过流保护 检测电压
VDD=13V INV=1.9V,CS=0V,VDD=16V
对照公式 4,改变变压器原边电感
为了系统能够安全工作,ZT3282S 必
(5) FSW
= 2´
由于 TDEMAG 与变压器原边电感量
成正比,所以电感量和工作频率的乘 积为定值,从而限制了最大输出功率。
(1+RA ) ;(1)
此时VINV =2V, RA 为与辅助绕组相连
接的电阻, RB 为 INV 对地电阻,该电
阻阻值决定线补功能大小,电阻阻值 越大,线补功能就越强。
l 工作原理
ZT3282S 为实现高精度恒流恒压 控制,整个电源系统须工作在不连续 模式。 在不连续反激转换应用中,输出电压 由辅助绕组来决定。当 MOSFET 导通 时,负载电流由输出滤波电容提供, 原边电流呈斜坡上升,变压器存储能 量。当 MOSFET 关断时,存储在变压 器磁心中的能量传递到输出端。下式 为原边电流与输出电流之间的关系:
(VO +DV )
DV 为整流二极管上的压降,如图 2
电池充电中,ZT3282S 通过 INV
组端采集的电压低于 2V,采用恒流充
l 全电压输入范围内±5%输出恒压/ 恒流精度
l 原边检测,无需光耦和 TL431 l 内置自适应峰值电流调节控制 l 内置初级绕组电感补偿 l 可编程线压降补偿 l 开机软启动技术 l 内置前沿消隐技术 l 逐周期电流限制技术 l VDD 过压保护/欠压锁定/过压箝
l 便携式手机充电器 l 数码相机充电器 l 小功率适配器 l 台式机/电视机辅助电源等
l 可调恒流和输出功率
恒流点和最大输出功率是通过连 接在 CS 脚的限流电阻 RS 来调节的。 输出功率随着恒流点的改变而改变, RS 越大,恒流点和输出功率就越小, 图 3 为其特性曲线:
=1´ 2
LP ´
2 P
Lp 为变压器原边电感量;
Ip 为变压器原边峰值电流;
ZT3282S 的启动电流非常小,当 VDD 被充电且电压高于其欠压锁定关 断电压后,ZT3282S 快速启动,在应 用设计时,为了降低系统损耗,启动 电阻应选择兆欧级。
l 软启动
ZT3282S 内置软启动功能,开机 时可减小元器件承受的电压应力。一 旦 VDD 的电压达到欠压锁定关断电 压,内部控制器控制峰值电流流过限 流电阻所产生的电压从 0 逐渐上升到 阈值电压 0.8V,且每次启动均为软启 动。
l 栅极驱动
l 工作频率
ZT3282SD 的工作频率可根据输 出负载和工作模式进行自我调节,不 需要通过外围器件来设置,其内部最 大工作频率可达 65Khz。
ZT3282S 内部集成的 MOSFET 是由专门的栅极驱动电路控制。栅极 驱动能力小会带来高的导通和开关损 耗,影响系统的散热和效率;驱动能 力大会增大 EMI,所以 ZT3282S 内部 采用图腾柱式栅极驱动控制技术,解 决驱动能力不合适所带来的设计困 扰。