抗生素缩写集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)头孢呋新(CXM)、红霉素(E)、青霉素(P)、去甲氧万古霉素(NVA)头孢三嗪(CRO)、亚胺培南(IPM)、头孢哌酮(CFP)、头孢唑肟(CZ)、头孢噻肟(CTX)、头孢哌酮/舒巴坦(CFP/SU)、头孢吡肟(FEP)、头孢他啶(CAZ)、阿莫西林(AM)、阿莫西林/舒巴坦AM/SU、复方新诺明(SXT)、阿莫西林/克拉维酸(AM/CA)、庆大霉素(GM)、哌拉西林(PIP)、环丙沙星(CIP)AM 氨节西林/安比西林/氨青霉素AMC 经氨节西林/奥格门丁/克拉维酸AMx 阿莫西林/轻氨节青霉素AN 阿米卡星/丁胺卡那霉素/AMK ATM 氨曲南/菌克单/唾肪单酞胺菌素AZ 阿洛西林/苯咪哩青霉素CAZ 头抱他吮/复达欣/头抱唾甲竣肘CB 卡比西林/梭节青霉素/CB - - PC CC 克林霉素/氯洁霉素/氯林克霉素CEC 头抱克罗/CCL /头抱氯氨CF 头抱唾吩/头抱霉素钠/先锋H CFM 头抱克肘/世福素/CFIXCFP 先锋必/头抱氧呱哇/CPZ /头抱呱酮CIP 环丙沙星/环丙氟呱嚓CMX 头抱甲肘/头抱氨唾肪哇/倍司特克CRO 头抱三嗓/CTRX /菌必治CTT 头抱替坦/头抱双硫哇甲氧CTX 头抱噬肪/凯福隆/头抱氨唾肪CXM 头抱吠辛/头抱吠肪/西力欣CZ 头抱哇琳/CEZ /先锋VD 脱氧土霉素/DOXY /强力霉素/多西环素DP 甲氧苯青霉素/甲氧西林/新青霉素nE 红霉素/EMFOX 头抱西丁/美福仙/CFXFM 吠喃妥因/吠喃坦陡G 磺胺异嗯哇/512注:" / ”示前后同药不同名。
英国进口药敏纸片抗生素英文名全称中文名全称名称缩写浓度产品编号AAmikacin 阿米卡星(丁胺卡那霉素)AK30μg CT0107BAmoxycillin 阿莫西林(羟氨苄青霉素)AML2μg CT0060BAmoxycillin 阿莫西林(羟氨苄青霉素)AML10μg CT0161BAmoxycillin 阿莫西林(羟氨苄青霉素)AML25μg CT0061BAmoxycillin/clavulanic acid 阿莫西林/克拉维酸(棒酸)(2:1)(澳格门汀)AMC3μg CT0538BAmoxycillin/clavulanic acid 阿莫西林/克拉维酸(棒酸)(2:1)(澳格门汀)AMC30μg CT0223BAmpicillin氨苄西林AMP2μg CT0002B Ampicillin氨苄西林AMP10μg CT0003B Ampicillin氨苄西林AMP25μg CT0004BAmpicillin/sulbactam 1:1氨苄西林/舒巴坦(1:1)SAM20μg CT0520BAmpicillin/sulbactam 2:1氨苄西林/舒巴坦(2:1)SAM30μg CT1653BApramycin 阿泊拉霉素(安普霉素)APR15μg CT0545BAzithromycin 阿齐霉素(阿奇霉素)AZM15μg CT0906BAztreonam安曲南ATM30μg CT0264B BBacitracin杆菌肽B10 units CT0005B CCarbenicillin 羧苄西林(羧苄青霉素)CAR100μg CT0006BCefaclor 头孢克洛(头孢克罗)CEC30μg CT0149BCefadroxil头孢羟氨苄CFR30μg CT0453B Cefamandole头孢孟多MA30μg CT0108B Cefepime头孢吡肟(马斯平)FEP30μg CT0771B Cefixime头孢克肟(世福素)CFM5μg CT0653B Cefoperazone头孢哌酮(先锋必)CFP30μg CT0193B Cefoperazone头孢哌酮(先锋必)CFP75μg CT0249BCefoperazone/sulbactam 2:1头孢哌酮/舒巴坦(2:1)(舒普深)SCF105μg CT1727BCefotaxime头孢噻肟(凯福隆)CTX5μg CT0407B Cefotaxime头孢噻肟(凯福隆)CTX30μg CT0166B Cefotetan头孢替坦CTT30μg CT0665B Cefoxitin头孢西丁(美福仙)FOX30μg CT0119B Cefpirome头孢匹罗CPO30μg CT1412B Cefpodoxime头孢泊肟CPD10μg CT1612B Cefprozil头孢丙烯CPR30μg CT1647BCefsulodin 头孢磺胺(达克舒林)CFS30μg CT0263BCeftazidime头孢他啶CAZ10μg CT1629B Ceftazidime头孢他啶CAZ30μg CT0412B Ceftibuten头孢布烯CFT30μg CT1662B Ceftiofur头孢噻呋EFT30μg CT1751BCeftizoxime 头孢唑肟(安保速灵)ZOX30μg CT0477BCeftriaxone 头孢曲松(头孢三嗪)CRO5μg CT1743BCeftriaxone 头孢曲松(头孢三嗪)CRO30μg CT0417BCefuroxime sodium头孢呋新钠CXM5μg CT0406B Cefuroxime sodium头孢呋新钠CXM30μg CT0127BCephalexin 头孢氨苄(头孢力新,先锋IV)CL30μg CT0007BCephalothin 头孢噻吩(头孢菌素,先锋I )KF30μg CT0010BCephazolin头孢唑啉(先锋V)KZ30μg CT0011B Cephradine头孢拉定(先锋VI)CE30μg CT0063B Chloramphenicol氯霉素C10μg CT0012B Chloramphenicol氯霉素C30μg CT0013B Chloramphenicol氯霉素C50μg CT0014B Cinoxacin西诺沙星CIN100μg CT0162B Ciprofloxacin环丙沙星(悉复欢)CIP1μg CT0623B Ciprofloxacin环丙沙星(悉复欢)CIP5μg CT0425B Ciprofloxacin环丙沙星(悉复欢)CIP10μg CT1615B Clarithromycin克拉霉素CLR2μg CT1599B Clarithromycin克拉霉素CLR5μg CT1623B Clarithromycin克拉霉素CLR15μg CT0693BClindamycin 克林霉素(氯林可霉素,氯洁霉素)DA2μg CT0064BClindamycin 克林霉素(氯林可霉素,氯洁霉素)DA10μg CT0015BCloxacillin 氯唑西林(邻氯青霉素)OB5μg CT0016BColistin sulphate 多粘菌素E(硫酸粘杆菌素)CT10μg CT0017BColistin sulphate 多粘菌素E(硫酸粘杆菌素)CT25μg CT0065BColistin sulphate 多粘菌素E(硫酸粘杆菌素)CT50μg CT0664BCompound sulphonamides磺胺复合物S3300μg CT0059B DDoxycycline强力霉素DO30μg CT0018B EEnrofloxacin恩诺沙星ENR5μg CT0639B Ertapenem厄他培南ETP10μg CT1761B Erythromycin红霉素E5μg CT0066B Erythromycin红霉素E10μg CT0019B Erythromycin红霉素E15μg CT0020B Erythromycin红霉素E30μg CT0021B FFlorfenicol氟苯尼考FFC30μg CT1754B Fluconazole氟康唑FCA25μg CT1806BFlumequine氟甲喹UB30μg CT0666B Fosfomycin磷霉素FOS50μg CT0183BFosfomycin/trometamol 磷霉素/氨丁三醇(复安欣)FOT200μg CT0758BFramycetin新霉素B FY100μg CT0071B Fusidic acid褐霉素(夫西地酸)FD5μg CT0493B Fusidic acid褐霉素(夫西地酸)FD10μg CT0023B Fusidic acid褐霉素(夫西地酸)FD50μg CT1617B GGentamicin庆大霉素CN10μg CT0024B Gentamicin庆大霉素CN30μg CT0072B Gentamicin庆大霉素CN120μg CT0794B Gentamicin庆大霉素CN200μg CT0695B IImipenem亚胺培南(配能)IPM10μg CT0455B KKanamycin卡那霉素K5μg CT0025B Kanamycin卡那霉素K30μg CT0026B LLatamoxef拉氧头孢MOX30μg CT0302BLevofloxacin 左氧氟沙星(可乐必妥)LEV1μg CT1586BLevofloxacin 左氧氟沙星(可乐必妥)LEV5μg CT1587BLincomycin林可霉素(洁霉素)MY2μg CT0027B Lincomycin林可霉素(洁霉素)MY10μg CT0123B Lincomycin林可霉素(洁霉素)MY15μg CT0028BLincomycin/neomycin 林可霉素(洁霉素)/新霉素LN75μg CT1757BLincomycin/spectinomycin林可霉素/壮观霉素LS109μg CT1758B Linezolid利奈唑胺LZD10μg CT1649B Linezolid利奈唑胺LZD30μg CT1650B Lomefloxacin洛美沙星LOM10μg CT1661B MMecillinam美西林MEL10μg CT0096B Mecillinam美西林MEL25μg CT0091B Meropenem美罗培南(美平)MEM10μg CT0774B Metronidazole甲硝唑(灭滴灵)MTZ5μg CT0067B Metronidazole甲硝唑(灭滴灵)MTZ50μg CT0466B Mezlocillin美洛西林MEZ30μg CT0174B Mezlocillin美洛西林MEZ75μg CT0192BMinocycline 米诺环素(二甲胺四环素)MH30μg CT0030BMoxalactam拉氧头孢MOX30μg CT0302B Moxifloxacin莫西沙星MXF1μg CT1683B Moxifloxacin莫西沙星MXF5μg CT1633B Mupirocin莫匹罗星MUP5μg CT0522B Mupirocin莫匹罗星MUP20μg CT1826B Mupirocin莫匹罗星MUP200μg CT0523B NNalidixic acid萘啶酸NA30μg CT0031B Neomycin新霉素N10μg CT0032B Neomycin新霉素N30μg CT0033BNetilmicin 奈替米星(乙基西梭霉素)NET10μg CT0424BNetilmicin 奈替米星(乙基西梭霉素)NET30μg CT0225BNitrofurantoin 呋喃妥因(呋喃妥英)F50μg CT0069BNitrofurantoin 呋喃妥因(呋喃妥英)F100μg CT0034BNitrofurantoin 呋喃妥因(呋喃妥英)F200μg CT0035BNitrofurantoin 呋喃妥因(呋喃妥英)F300μg CT0036BNorfloxacin诺氟沙星(氟哌酸)NOR2μg CT0687B Norfloxacin诺氟沙星(氟哌酸)NOR5μg CT0668B Norfloxacin诺氟沙星(氟哌酸)NOR10μg CT0434B Novobiocin新生霉素NV5μg CT0037B Novobiocin新生霉素NV30μg CT0038B Nystatin制霉菌素NS100units CT0073B OOfloxacin 氧氟沙星(泰利必妥)OFX5μg CT0446BOleandomycin竹桃霉素OL15μg CT0039B Oxacillin苯唑西林OX1μg CT0159B Oxacillin苯唑西林OX5μg CT0040B Oxolinic acid奥索利酸(恶喹酸)OA2μg CT0181BOxytetracycline 土霉素(氧四环素,地霉素)OT30μg CT0041BPPefloxacin培氟沙星(甲氟哌PEF5μg CT0661B酸)Penicillin G青霉素G P1unit CT0152B Penicillin G青霉素G P 1.5unit CT0042B Penicillin G青霉素G P2units CT0088B Penicillin G青霉素G P5units CT0124B Penicllin G青霉素G P10units CT0043B Penicillin/novobiocin青霉素/新生霉素PNV40CT1755B Pipemidic acid吡哌酸PIP20μg CT0180BPiperacillin 哌拉西林(氧哌嗪青霉素)PRL30μg CT1619BPiperacillin 哌拉西林(氧哌嗪青霉素)PRL75μg CT0261BPiperacillin 哌拉西林(氧哌嗪青霉素)PRL100μg CT0199BPiperacillin/tazobactam 哌拉西林/他唑巴坦(特治星)TZP36μg CT1616BPiperacillin/tazobactam 哌拉西林/他唑巴坦(特治星)TZP40μg CT1628BPiperacillin/tazobactam 哌拉西林/他唑巴坦(特治星)TZP85μg CT0720BPiperacillin/tazobactam 哌拉西林/他唑巴坦(特治星)TZP110μg CT0725BPirlimycin吡利霉素PIR2μg CT1668B Polymyxin B多粘菌素B PB300units CT0044B QQuinupristin/dalfopristin喹奴普汀/达福普汀QD15μg CT1644B RRifampicin利福平RD2μg CT0078B Rifampicin利福平RD5μg CT0207B Rifampicin利福平RD30μg CT0104B SSpectinomycin 大观霉素(壮观霉素)SH10μg CT0046BSpectinomycin 大观霉素(壮观霉素)SH25μg CT0411BSpectinomycin 大观霉素(壮观霉素)SH100μg CT0823BSpiramycin螺旋霉素SP100μg CT0232B Streptomycin链霉素S10μg CT0047B Streptomycin链霉素S25μg CT0048B Sulbactam/ampicillin 1 : 1舒巴坦/氨苄西林SAM20μg CT0520BSulbactam/ampicillin 1 : 2 舒巴坦/氨苄西林(优立新) SAM 30μg CT1653B Sulphafurazole 磺胺异恶唑SF 300μg CT0075B Sulphamethoxazole 磺胺甲基异恶唑(新诺明)RL 25μg CT0051B Sulphamethoxazole 磺胺甲基异恶唑(新诺明)RL100μg CT0074BSulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim 19 : 1 磺胺甲基异恶唑(新诺明)/甲氧苄氨嘧啶 SXT 25μg CT0052B Sulphonamides compound 磺胺复合物 S3300μg CT0059BTTeicoplanin 替考拉宁(壁霉素) TEC 30μg CT0647B Telithromycin 泰利霉素 TEL 15μg CT1714B Tetracycline 四环素 TE 10μg CT0053B Tetracycline 四环素TE 30μg CT0054BTicarcillin 替卡西林(羧噻吩青霉素)TIC 75μg CT0167B Ticarcillin/clavulanic acid 7.5 : 1 替卡西林/克拉维酸(7.5:1) TIM 85μg CT0449B Tigecycline 替加环素 TGC 15μg CT1841B Tilmicosin 替米考星TIL 15μg CT1756B Tobramycin 妥布霉素(托普霉素)TOB 10μg CT0056B Tobramycin 妥布霉素(托普霉素) TOB 30μg CT1618B Trimethoprim 甲氧苄氨嘧啶 W 1.25μg CT0057B Trimethoprim 甲氧苄氨嘧啶 W 2.5μg CT0070B Trimethoprim 甲氧苄氨嘧啶W5μg CT0076BTrimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole 1:19 甲氧苄氨嘧啶/磺胺甲基异恶唑(复方新诺明) SXT25μg CT0052BVVancomycin 万古霉素(稳可信) VA 5μg CT0188B Vancomycin 万古霉素(稳可信) VA 30μg CT0058B Voriconazole 优立康唑VOR1μg CT1807B注释:CLSI: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute 美国临床实验室标准化研究所DIN: Deutsches Institut für Normung 德国标准化学会BSAC: British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy英国抗生素化疗协会SRGA: Swedish Reference Group for Antibiotics瑞典抗生素委员会SFM:Société Fran?aise de Microbiologie法国微生物学会抗生素药敏纸片中英文对照一览表(中文顺序)(这条文章已经被阅读了3408次) 时间:2005/05/03 07:47am 来源:cell抗生素名称代码阿米卡星AK阿莫西林AMLApramycinAPRCefpiromeCPOCefsulodinCFSCinoxacinCINEnrofloxacinENRFlumaquineUBFramycetinFYMoxifloxacinMOXTrovafloxacinTA阿洛西林AZL阿莫西林/棒酸2:1 AMC阿齐红霉素AZM氨苄西林AMP氨苄西林/舒巴坦1:1 SAMATM奥索利酸OA苯唑西林OX吡哌酸PIP壁霉素TEC呋南妥因F呋喃唑酮FR复方新诺明SXT杆菌肽B褐霉素FD红霉素ECIP磺胺复合药物S3磺胺甲基异恶唑RL磺胺异恶唑SF甲硝唑MZT甲氧苄啶W甲氧西林MET卡那霉素K克拉霉素CLR克林霉素DA拉氧头孢MOXRD链霉素S两性霉素BPB林可霉素MY磷霉素FOS磷霉素/trometamol FOT硫酸盐多粘菌素CT氯霉素C氯唑西林OB螺旋霉素SP美罗配能MEMMEZ美西林MEL米诺环素MH莫匹罗星MUP奈啶酸NA奈替米星NET诺氟沙星NOR哌拉西林PRL哌拉西林/他唑巴坦TZP 7.5:1哌拉西林/他唑巴坦TZP 10:1陪氟沙星PEF强力霉素DO青霉素P庆大霉素CN四环素TE羧苄西林CAR替卡西林TIC替卡西林/棒酸TIM头孢氨苄CL头孢吡肟FEP头孢泊肟CPD头孢呋新钠盐CXMCEC头孢克肟CFM头孢拉定CE头孢孟多MA头孢哌酮CFP头孢羟氨苄CFR头孢曲松CRO头孢噻定CR头孢噻吩KF头孢噻肟CTX头孢他定CAZCTT头孢西丁FOX头孢唑啉KZ头孢唑肟ZOX土霉素OT妥布霉素TOB万古霉素VA西索霉素SIS新霉素N新生霉素NV亚胺配能IPM氧氟沙星OFX制霉菌素NS竹桃霉素OL壮观霉素SH左旋氧氟沙星LEV。
®1/6Table 1: Main FeaturesDESCRIPTIONAvailable in high power packages, the BTW67 /BTW69 Series is suitable in applications where power handling and power dissipation are critical,such as solid state relays, welding equipment,high power motor control.Based on a clip assembly technology, they offer a superior performance in surge current handling capabilities.Thanks to their internal ceramic pad, they provide high voltage insulation (2500V RMS ), complying with UL standards (file ref: E81734).Symbol Value Unit I T(RMS)50A V DRM /V RRM600 to 1200V I GT80mABTW67 and BTW69 Series50A SCR SREV. 5February 2006STANDARDTable 2: Order CodesPart Numbers Marking BTW67-xxx BTW67xxx BTW69-xxxRGBTW69xxxTable 3: Absolute Ratings (limiting values)SymbolParameterValueUnit I T(RMS) RMS on-state current(180° conduction angle)RD91T c = 70°C 50A TOP3 Ins.T c = 75°C IT (AV) Average on-state current (180° conduction angle)RD91T c = 70°C 32A TOP3 Ins.T c = 75°C I TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current t p = 8.3 ms T j = 25°C 610A t p = 10 ms580I ²t I ²t Value for fusingT j = 25°C 1680A 2S dI/dt Critical rate of rise of on-state current I G = 2x I GT , t r ≤ 100 ns F = 60 HzT j = 125°C 50A/µs I GM Peak gate currentt p = 20 µsT j = 125°C 8A P G(AV)Average gate power dissipation T j = 125°C1W T stg T j Storage junction temperature range Operating junction temperature range - 40 to + 150- 40 to + 125°C V RGMMaximum peak reverse gate voltage5VBTW67 and BTW69 Series2/6Tables 4: Electrical Characteristics (T j = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)Table 5: Thermal resistance Symbol Test ConditionsValue Unit I GT V D = 12 V R L = 33 ΩMIN.8mA MAX.80V GT MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k ΩT j = 125°CMIN.0.2V I H I T = 500 mA Gate open MAX.150mA I L I G = 1.2 x I GTMAX.200mA dV/dt V D = 67 % V DRM Gate open T j = 125°C MIN.1000V/µs V TM I TM = 100 A tp = 380 µs T j = 25°C MAX. 1.9V V t0Threshold voltage T j = 125°C MAX. 1.0V R d Dynamic resistance T j = 125°C MAX.8.5m ΩI DRM I RRMV DRM = V RRMT j = 25°C MAX.10µA T j = 125°C 5mASymbol ParameterValue Unit R th(j-c)Junction to case (D.C.)RD91 (Insulated) 1.0°C/W TOP3 Insulated 0.9R th(j-a)Junction to ambient (D.C.)TOP3 Insulated50°C/WFigure 1: Maximum average power dissipation versus average on-state currentFigure 2: Average and D.C. on-state current versus case temperatureBTW67 and BTW69 Series3/6Figure 3: Relative variation of thermal impedance versus pulse durationFigure 4: Relative variation of gate trigger current, holding current and latching current versus junction temperatureFigure 5: Surge peak on-state current versus number of cyclesFigure 6: Non-repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width tp <10ms, and corresponding values of I²tFigure 7: On-state characteristics (maximum values)BTW67 and BTW69 Series4/6Figure 8: Ordering Information SchemeTable 6: Product Selector Figure 9: RD91 Package Mechanical DataPart Numbers Voltage (xxx)Sensitivity Package 600 V 800 V 1200 V BTW67-xxx X X X 80 mA RD91BTW69-xxxXXX80 mATOP3 Ins.BTW67 and BTW69 Series5/6Figure 10: TOP3 Insulated Package Mechanical DataIn order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in ECOPACK® packages. These packages have a Lead-free second level interconnect . The category of second level interconnect is marked on the package and on the inner box label, in compliance with JEDEC Standard JESD97. The maximum ratings related to soldering conditions are also marked on the inner box label. ECOPACK is an ST trademark. ECOPACK specifications are available at: .Table 7: Ordering InformationOrdering type Marking Package Weight Base qtyDelivery modeBTW67-xxx BTW67xxx RD9120 g 25Bulk BTW69-xxxRGBTW69xxxTOP3 Ins.4.5 g30TubeNote: xxx = voltageTable 8: Revision HistoryDate Revision Description of ChangesApr-20014A Last update.13-Feb-20065TOP3 Insulated delivery mode changed from bulk to tube.ECOPACK statement added.BTW67 and BTW69 SeriesInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics.All other names are the property of their respective owners© 2006 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America6/6。
XB6 系列 PROFINET 插片式 I O 用户手册-1690782667.3704727说明书
安装指南....................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.1.1 耦合器命名规则........................................................................................................................................3
模拟量参数 .....................................................................................................................................................8
外形尺寸....................................................................................................................................................... 22
产品参数 ........................................................................................................................................................................6
Note 2 Pulse test: Pulse Width ≤ 300µs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2.0%
.135 (3.45) Min
.210 (5.33) Max
Seating Plane
.500 (12.7) Min
.021 (.445) Dia Max
NTE69 Silicon NPN Transistor UHF/VHF Amplifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings: Collector–Emitter Voltage, VCEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25V Collector–Base Voltage, VCBO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35V Emitter–Base Voltage, VEBO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3V Continuous Collector Current, IC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50mA Total Device Dissipation (TA = +25°C), PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350mW Derate above 25°C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8mW/°C Total Device Dissipation (TC = +25°C), PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0W Derate above 25°C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0mW/°C Operating Junction Temperature Tange, TJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –55° to +150°C Storage Temperature Range, Tstg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –55° to +150°C Thermal Resistance, Junction–to–Case, RthJC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125°C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction–to–Ambient (Note 1), RthJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357°C/W Note 1 RthJA is measured with the device soldered into a typical printed circuit board. Electrical Characteristics: (TA = +25°C unless otherwise noted)
Parameter Supply voltage (VDD - VSS) Input voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Specification -0.3V to +7.0V VSS -0.3V to VDD +0.3V -20°C to 70°C -55°C to 125°C
Items Operating Voltage Sym VDD VDD Standby Current Operating Current Drive Current of Port 2, 3, 4, 5 Sink Current of Port 2, 3, 4, 5 ISB ISB IOP IOP IOH IOH IOL IOL IOL IOL VIH VIL VIH VIL II II IVO IVO FOSC FOSC Min. 2.4 2.4 9 2 3.5 2.5 1.8 1.4 2 2 Typ. 3 1.5 8 3 3 3 4 Max. 5.5 3.6 5 1.0 5 3 24 12 0.8 0.6 12 5 4 4 8 4 Unit V V µA µA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA V V V V μA μA mA mA MHz MHz Condition For EM60001, EM60101, EM60201, EM60301 For EM60600S VDD=4.5V VDD=3V VDD=4.5V, FOSC=6MHz, no load VDD=3V, FOSC=4MHz, no load VDD=4.5V, VOH=2.4V VDD=3V, VOH=2.4V VDD=4.5V, VOL=0.4V VDD=4.5V, VOL=3V VDD=3V, VOL=0.4V VDD=3V, VOL=1.5V VDD=4.5V VDD=4.5V VDD=3V VDD=3V VDD=4.5V VDD=3V VDD=4.5V, VO=0.7V VDD=3V, VO=0.7V VDD=4.5 V VDD=2.4V
Absolute Rotary Encoder
Absolute Rotary Encoders with Gray Code Output
s Gray code output decreases output errors s Lightweight plastic housing s In combination with Omron’s H8PS Cam Positioner, this encoder detects the operation timing of various automatic machines with high precision s Optical system eliminates brush noise and minimizes errors from temperature fluctuation compared with potentiometers
Shaft Coupler E69-C06B
22 (0.873) 5.5 2.8 11 16.4 5.5 2.8 Four M3 set screws
6 (0.24) dia.
15 (0.59) dia.
Note: 1. Material: Glass-filled polybutadiene terephthalate (PBT). 2. Each set screw must be tightened to 2.5 kg-cm (2.17 in-lbs.)
NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. To convert millimeters to inches, divide by 25.4.
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59.444 50.117 70.164 156.891 127.990 191.986 96.541 160.902 52.336 78.503 104.671 98.921istance is measured at 25°C. (2) The rated current (Irated) is the current at which the inductance will be decreased by 20% from its initial (zero DC) value. (3) The heating current is the DC current, which causes the component temperature to increase by approximately 40°C. This current is determined by soldering the component on a typical application PCB, and then apply the device for 30 minutes. (4) Core Loss approximation is based on published core data: Core Loss = K1 * (f)1.77 * (K2∆I)2.21 Where: core loss in watt f = switching frequency in kHz K1 and K2 = core loss factor ∆I = delta I across the component in Amp. K2∆I = one half of the peak to peak flux density across the component in Gauss
汉语主题词表摘要该词表是 1974 年作为“汉字信息处理系统工程”的配套项目开始编制,并在研究和借鉴国外叙词表编制技术的基础上,根据国际标准 ISO2788《单语种叙词表编制规则》,经过近 9000 人 5 年时间的工作,于 1980 年编成问世。
该词表具有科学性和实用性,其编制技术达到了国际先进水平,因而在 1985 年荣获国家科学技术进步奖二等奖。
目录1基本内容2简介3汉语主题词表4国务院公文主题…目录1基本内容2简介3汉语主题词表4国务院公文主题…收起编辑本段基本内容我国第一部大型的综合性的叙词表,由中国科技信息研究所和北京图书馆负责主持,1975 年开始编制,1980 年正式出版。
分为社会科学、自然科学和附表 3 卷,共 10 个分册,全表收录主题词 108568 个。
其中正式主题词 91158 个,非正式主题词 17410 个,词族数 3707 个,一级范畴数 58 个,二级 674 个,三级 1080 个。
中国科学技术信息研究所与北京图书馆主编,1980 年科学技术文献出版社出版。
共收正式叙词 91158 条,非叙词 17410 条,范畴类目分为三级。
1991 年自然科学部分出增订本,增补新词 8221 条,删除不适用词 5434 条。
《汉语主题词表》分 3 卷10 册:第一卷(2 册)为社会科学部分,第二卷(7 册)为自然科学部分,两部分均包括字顺主表、范畴索引、词族索引和英汉对照索引,第三卷为附表,包括世界各国政区名称、自然地理区划名称、组织机构名称及人物名称。
一部大型的综合性中文叙词表,它包括了人类知识的所有门类,分 3 卷 10 个分册出版,共收叙词 11 万条。
标准阻值表E-96 0603F(+1%) Standard Resistance Table教你如何用WORD文档(2012-06-27 192246)转载▼标签:杂谈1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同?答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。
2. 问:请问word 中怎样让每一章用不同的页眉?怎么我现在只能用一个页眉,一改就全部改了?答:在插入分隔符里,选插入分节符,可以选连续的那个,然后下一页改页眉前,按一下“同前”钮,再做的改动就不影响前面的了。
3. 问:如何合并两个WORD 文档,不同的页眉需要先写两个文件,然后合并,如何做?答:页眉设置中,选择奇偶页不同与前不同等选项。
4. 问:WORD 编辑页眉设置,如何实现奇偶页不同比如:单页浙江大学学位论文,这一个容易设;双页:(每章标题),这一个有什么技巧啊?答:插入节分隔符,与前节设置相同去掉,再设置奇偶页不同。
5. 问:怎样使WORD 文档只有第一页没有页眉,页脚?答:页面设置-页眉和页脚,选首页不同,然后选中首页页眉中的小箭头,格式-边框和底纹,选择无,这个只要在“视图”――“页眉页脚”,其中的页面设置里,不要整个文档,就可以看到一个“同前”的标志,不选,前后的设置情况就不同了。
6. 问:如何从第三页起设置页眉?答:在第二页末插入分节符,在第三页的页眉格式中去掉同前节,如果第一、二页还有页眉,把它设置成正文就可以了●在新建文档中,菜单―视图―页脚―插入页码―页码格式―起始页码为0,确定;●菜单―文件―页面设置―版式―首页不同,确定;●将光标放到第一页末,菜单―文件―页面设置―版式―首页不同―应用于插入点之后,确定。
第2 步与第三步差别在于第2 步应用于整篇文档,第3 步应用于插入点之后。
极限参数Ta=25℃ VCEO VEBO IC PC (V) (V (A) (W) 50m 100m 300m 150m 150m 100m 50m 100m -600m 600m 1.5 -1.5 30m -500m 500m 100m -100m 25m 50m 0.2 0.2 50m 1 30m 70m 70m 70m 70m 20m 300m 250m 400m 625m 400m 1.2 300m 2 350m 350m 1 1 400m 625m 625m 450m 450m 400m 400m 1.25 1.25 1 1 100m 750m 750m 1 1 250m
引脚 国内型号 国外型号 封装 TO-92 TO-92S TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-126F TO-92 TO-220F TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92L(M) TO-92 TO-92L(M) TO-92L(M) TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92L(M) TO-92L(M) TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-126F TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 类型 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN PNP NPN NPN PNP NPN PNP NPN NPN PNP NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 1 2 3 B E E E E E B B E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E C C C C C E C B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C B C C C C C C C C C C C VCBO (V)
Snap-Action Temperature ControlsThe 69T line of 3/4” (19mm) bimetal disc temperature controls from Therm-O-Disc offers multiple temperature operation in a unique, cost-effective design. Our “TK” model offers an increased temperature depression for even greater design flexibility. The snap-action bimetal disc provides high-speed contact separation resulting in exceptional life characteristics at electrical loads up to 25 amps at 240VAC. By utilizing heaters mounted internally, the open or close calibration of the bimetal disc can be biased lower. The more power applied to the internal heaters the more supplemental heat is generated to bias the operating temperature of the control. The 69T is a cost-effective alternative in applications where multiple temperature control is required.Features and BenefitsThe 69T features include:•Internal heater construction for consistent temperature depression.•Available in automatic reset SPST and SPDT switch configurations.•Snap-action bimetal disc for high-speed contact separation.• A wide variety of terminal and mounting options for design flexibility.•Welded construction for integrity of current-carrying components.•Exposed or enclosed bimetal disc for either increased thermal response or protection from airborne contaminants.Switch Actions and Typical ApplicationsThe 69T is available in two automatic reset switch actions:Automatic Reset SPST – In this design, the switch can be built to either open or close its electrical contacts on temperature rise. Once the temperature of the bimetal disc has returned to the specified reset temperature, the contacts automatically return to their original state. The SPST switch action is typically used to regulate clothes dryer drum temperatures (see figures 1 and 2).Automatic Reset SPDT – This design is the same as the SPST described above with the addition of an auxiliary set of contacts that open and close in opposition to the main contacts.Refer to the “General Electrical Ratings” chart for rating limitations on the auxiliary contacts. Typical uses of this construction include fan speed changeover at a specified temperature and lighting of an indicator lamp when an abnormal temperature condition has been reached (see figure 3).CAUTION. . . When designing a circuit for a single pole double throw control, an electrical load must be applied to terminal number 2 and/or 3 to avoid a possible short-circuit condition.69T, 69TK SeriesInternal Heater Biased Temperature ControlsSPST Automatic Reset Airstream MountingFigure 1SPST Automatic Reset Surface MountingFigure 2SPDT Automatic Reset Airstream MountingFigure 3Dimensions are shown in inches and (millimeters).1.688(42.88)2.00(50.8)1.11(28.2)0.81(20.8)0.89(22.6)1.40(35.6)0.39(9.9)Ø0.93(23.6)0.170(4.32)1.563(39.70)0.170(4.32)1.563(39.70) 1.750(44.50)1.63(41.4)0.89(22.6)1.36(34.5)0.02(.5)Ø0.93(23.6)0.170(4.32)2.00(50.8)1.688 (42.88)1.563(39.70)1.63(41.4)1.36(34.5)0.39(9.9)0.89(22.6)Mounting ConfigurationsAirstream Mounting – This mounting configuration positions the bimetal disc .39” (9.9mm)through a hole in the mounting surface to sense temperature within an enclosure such as a heater box or air duct. Airstream configurations may be specified with a flange (see figures 1 and 3)or without a flange (see figure 4)to suit specific application needs.Surface Mounting – This optional mounting configuration positions the bimetal disc firmly against the mounting surface to sense the actual mounting surface temperature (see figure 2).SPST Automatic Reset Airstream MountingFigure 4Dimensions are shown in inches and (millimeters).Thermal ResponseAn exposed or enclosed bimetal disc may be specified with any of the airstream or surface mounting configurations. The enclosed disc construction provides greater protection than the exposed disc construction, keeping airborne contaminants, such as dirt and dust, from entering the control. It also protects the bimetal disc from possible physical damage during assembly and in the final application. In applications where faster response to radiant heat is required, an exposed bimetaldisc or an optional black oxide mounting finish may be specified.1.06(26.9)1.63(41.4)1.36(34.5)0.39(9.9)Ø0.93(23.6)Terminal ConfigurationsStandard terminations for the 69T are .250” x .032” (6.3 x .8mm) tin-plated brass blade terminals formed at 90 angular degrees to the thermostat mounting surface. Terminal angles of 0 and 30 degrees can also be provided.Terminal orientation – For added flexibility, the orientation of the terminals with respect to the mounting bracket can be specified in 45 angular degree increments (see figure 5).Terminals 90°to mounting Terminals 45°counterclockwise Terminals 45°clockwise to holes (standard)to mounting holes mounting holesFigure 5Temperature DepressionThe amount of change in the open or close calibration that results from energizing the internal heaters is referred to as temperature depression. The amount of depression which can be realized in an actual application is dependent upon several characteristics. Heater wattage and voltage, ambient, airflow, thermal off-set and rate of temperature change are all variables which affect temperature depression. As a point of reference, the depression chart reflects the approximate temperature shift after energizing the internal heaters in a circulating air chamber. Due to the material rating of the thermostat body, limitations to the heater wattage and thermostat calibration are necessary. Refer to the temperature depression chart for maximum heater and calibration combinations.Temperature DepressionInternal Heater Maximum Temperature Depression* Voltage Wattage Calibration Open Close120VAC 2.00180°F (82.2°C)13°F (7.2°C)15°F (8.3°C)120VAC 1.40233°F (111.7°C)9°F (5.0°C)11°F (6.1°C)120VAC** 3.90155°F (68.3°C)27°F (15°C)32°F (17.8°C)24VAC 2.00171°F (77.2°C)10°F (5.6°C)11°F (6.1°)NOTE:*Depression data obtained in a controlled test environment; application performance may vary.**TK style configurations.Calibration Temperatures, Differentials and TolerancesTo use the calibration chart, locate the range in the left hand column, in which the highest calibration set point (open or close) falls. Then locate, across the top, the range in which the nominal dif-ferential falls. The standard open and close set point tolerances are shown where the two columns converge. The chart also indicates what differentials are available in each of the calibration set point ranges. Tighter open and close tolerances are available at added cost. Thermocouple samples can be provided to assist in determining the appropriate calibration temperature for specific application.For more information on tightened tolerances or availability of differentials not listed in the chart,please consult one of our sales engineers.Calibration Temperatures, Differentials and Standard Tolerance of the 69T, 69TK SeriesProduct Numbering SystemNominal Differentials(temperature difference between nominal open and close set point)10-14°F*15-19°F 20-29°F 30-39°F 40-59°F 60-80°F 5.5-8°C 8.5-10.5°C 11-16°C 16.5-21.5°C 22-33°C 33.5-44.5°C Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close 0°-79°F ±5±6±5±6±5±6±5±7±5±7––-18°-26°C ±3±3.5±3±3.5±3±3.5±3±4±3±4––80°-233°F ±5±5±5±5±5±5±5±7±5±7––28°-111.7°C±3±3±3±3±3±3±3±4±3±4––Highest Calibration Set Point Range (Open or (Close)General Electrical RatingsThe 69T, 69TK series of controls has been rated by major agencies throughout the world. The agency ratings can be used as a guide when evaluating specific applications. However, the mechanical, electrical, thermal and environmental conditions to which a control may be exposed in an application may differ significantly from agency test conditions. Therefore, the user must not rely solely on agency ratings, but must perform adequate testing of the product to confirm that the control selected will operate as intended in the user’s application.Thermostat Contact Inductive Pilot duty Resistive Volts AC Agency Type Arrangement Amperes VA Amperes RecognitionFLA LRA69T Contacts 1 & 3106048025120UL69TX*SPST or SPDT53048025240E19279——12512.5277-4801472——1201060——240530——480Contacts 1 & 2——125—120-277SPDT 5.834.8——1202.917.4——2402.515.0——48069T Contacts 1 & 3106012525120CSA69T*SPST or SPDT53012525240LR1028121240010600——125—240-480Contacts 1 & 2——125—120-277SPDTThese are consolidated ratings some of which are limited to 6,000 cycles. For complete and current ratings, please contact our Sales Engineering Department. At thermostat end-of-life, the contacts may remain permanently closed or open.* The 69TX has electrical clearances of 1/4” through air and 3/8” over surface which may be required for some heating and air conditioning applications. Overall physical dimensions are the same as the 69T.Important NoticeUsers must determine the suitability of the control for their application, including the level of reliability required, and are solely responsible for the function of the end-use product.These controls contain exposed electrical components and are not intended to withstand exposure to water or other environmental contaminants which can compromise insulating components. Such exposure may result in insulation breakdown and accompanying localized electrical heating.A control may remain permanently closed or open as a result of exposure to excessive mechanical, electrical, thermal or environmental conditions or at normal end-of-life. If failure of the control to operate could result in personal injury or property damage, the user should incorporate supplemental system control features to achieve the desired level of reliability and safety. For example, backup controls have been incorporated in a number of applications for this reason.。
Isolated, Field Configurable Analog Input6B11 / 6B11HV Rev.0Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for anyinfringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies.One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: Fax: 781.326.8703© 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.FEATURESSingle-channel isolated signal-conditioning modules. Accepts outputs from Thermocouple, millivolt, volt and current signals.Complete microcomputer-based data acquisition systems.Can be remotely reconfigured for various sensor types and input ranges.APPLICATIONSProcess Monitoring & ControlTest Stand AutomationMachine MonitoringMaterial TestingRemote Energy MangementLaboratory Data AcquisitionPRODUCT OVERVIEWThe 6B Series delivers sensor-to-host signal-conditioning for remote applications. Software-configurable for a wide variety of sensor types, including: analog input, analog output, and digital I/O, the 6B Series is intended for remote data acquisition, machine monitoring, remote energy management and process monitoring and control applications.Including transformer-based isolation, ranging, linearization,A/d conversion and RS-232C/RS-485 serial communication for up to 256 channels per serial port, the 6B Series modules and boards are a complete, low-cost interface between computers and analog signals.All 6B Series input/output modules are fully encapsulated and identical in pin-out and size, facilitating their ability to be mixed and matched with all other 6B Series modules on the same backplane. The 6B Series is fully rated over the industrial temperature range of -25o C to +85oC.Each 6B Series module and board is a complete microcontroller-based process monitoring and control system, with all calibration, address and linearizing parameters stored in non-volatile memory. Being microcontroller-based, 6b Series modules can be configured for various sensor types, including RTD and thermocouple, and a wide variety of input ranges. This reduces the number of different modules that need to be used in a given application and carried in inventory.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 1. 6B11 & 6B11HV Functional Block Diagram Designed for industrial applications, the 6B Series modules incorporate transformer-based isolation with surface-mount manufacturing technology – providing increased reliability at low cost. The compact, rugged 6B Series analog modules can be mixed and matched on a 16-channel backplane for high density, remote process monitoring and control.Communications between backplanes, modules and host is in ASCII over an RS-232C link or RS-485 bi-directional serial bus. Circuitry to convert RS-232C to RS485 is built into the 6B backplane. Baud rates are software programmable, with speeds up to 19.2 K Baud.The 6B Series digital subsystem communication is compatible with the overall 6B Series communication protocol. Each digital I/O board can be configured for its address, baud rate and checksum status. Connection to the 16 and 24-channel solid state relay backplanes is by a 50-conductor ribbon cable. This enables interfacing with input and outputs from 4 V to 240 V. Power control modules are also available that can switch up to 3A and come with a variety of ratings for low voltage DC up to 280 V AC.6B11 / 6B11HVRev. 0 | Page 2 of 8GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe 6B11 and 6B11HV are single-channel isolated signal-conditioning modules which accept the outputs fromthermocouple, milli-volt, voltage, and process current signals. Unlike conventional signal conditioners, the 6B11 and 6B11HV are complete microcomputer-based data acquisition systems. A major advantage of the onboard microcontroller is its ability to be remotely reconfigured for various sensor types and input ranges.Synchronized Sampling – The synchronized samplingcommand allows data to be sampled simultaneously from all 6B11, 6B11HV , 6B12, 6B12HV modules and all 6B50 boards in a 6B Series system. Each module or board stores the data in a separate register within its microcontroller and can access the data with a separate command.Software Configuration – The 6B11 and 6B11HV linearize and compensate J, K, T, E, R, S and B thermocouples. Additionally, these modules also digitize milli-volt and voltage ranges from +15mV to +5V as well as 0 to +20mA process current inputs. Software is used to configure the 6B11 and 6B11HV modules for address, input range, baud rae, data format, checksum status and integration time. All programmable parameters are stored in the nonvolatile memory of the module.Each analog input signal is conditioned and scaled by a programmable-gain amplifier and digitized by a 16-bit integrating converter under microprocessor control. Thedigitized value is passed serially across a magnetically isolated barrier (1500 V rms – Model 6B11, 2500 V rms – Model6B11HV) and clocked in by a custom controller chip. The on-board microprocessor then converts the data into engineering units as determined by the channel parameters. In between conversions, the microprocessor auto zeros the offset and gain by monitoring the on-board temperature and compensating for reference drift. Cold junction compensation (CJC) is also performed at this stage. The 6B11 and 6B11HV usecompensation factors to ensure the highest accuracy possible. ..Figure 26B11 / 6B11HVRev. 0 | Page 3 of 8Models 6B11 and 6B11HVRange Description (Software Configurable)Accuracy 1 (Typical)Accuracy 1 (Maximum) Noise(Peak-to-Peak)±15 mV ±0.03 % FS ±0.06 % FS ±0.02 % FS ±50 mV ±0.015 % FS ±0.04 % FS ±0.01 % FS ±100 mV ±0.0055 % FS ±0.03 % FS ±0.005 % FS ±500 mV ±0.005 % FS ±0.03 % FS ±0.002 % FS ±1 V ±0.005 % FS ±0.03 % FS ±0.005 % FS ±5 V ±0.005 % FS ±0.03 % FS ±0.0015 % FS ±20 mA±0.008 % FS 2 ±0.03 % FS 2 ±0.005 % FS J Thermocouple, 0°C to 760°C ±0.4°C ±0.75°C ±0.14°C K Thermocouple, 0°C to 1000°C ±0.5°C ±0.75°C ±0.22°C T Thermocouple, -100°C to +400°C ±0.5°C ±0.75°C ±0.2°C E Thermocouple, 0°C to +1000°C ±0.5°C ±0.75°C ±0.2°C R Thermocouple, +500°C to +1750°C ±0.63°C ±1.5°C ±0.3°C S Thermocouple, +500°C to +1750°C ±0.62°C ±1.5°C ±0.4°C B Thermocouple, +500°C to +1800°C±1.2°C±2.0°C±0.7°C1Accuracy is given for 6B11 and 6B11HV module only. When measuring thermocouple signals, the CJC temperature sensor error should be added to the module accuracy to compute the system accuracy. The AC1361 CJC temperature sensor is provided on each channel of the 6B Series backplanes. 2Does not include the error of the current to voltage input resistor, Model AC1381.6B11 and 6B11HV Specifications (typical @ +25°C and V s = +5 V dc)DescriptionModel 6B11 and 6B11HVInputs, Software SelectableThermocouple Types J, K, T, E, R, S, BmV ±15 mV to ±500 mV (Refer to Model Table) Volt±1 V; ±5 V Current Range±20 mA CommunicationsProtocol RS-485 Baud Rates, Software Selectable300K, 600K, 1.2K, 2.4K. 9.6K, 19.2K AccuracyInitial @ +25°CRefer to Model Table Input Offset vs. Temperature ±0.3µ V/°CSpan vs. Temperature±3 ppm/°C (±25 ppm/°C, maximum)Cold Junction Compensation 1Initial Accuracy @ +25°C ±0.25°C (±0.75°C, maximum) Accuracy, +5°C to +45°C±0.5°C (±0.0125°C/°C)6B11 / 6B11HVRev. 0 | Page 4 of 8Input Resistance 100 M Ω Bandwidth, -3 dB 4 HzConversion Rate9 samples /second Synchronized Sampling Command YesConversion Time70 ms maximumCommon-Mode Voltage (CMV)Input-to-Output and Power Model 6B11 1500 V rms, continuous Model 6B11HV2500 V rms, continuousCommon-Mode Rejection (CMR)1 k Ω Source Imbalance @ 50/60 Hz160 dBNormal Mode Rejection (NMR)1 k Ω Source Imbalance @ 50/60 Hz 58 dBInput Protection240 V rms, continuous Input Transient ProtectionANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1989 Power SupplyVoltage, Operating+5 V dc ±5% Voltage, maximum safe limit+6.5 V dcCurrent +100 mA Mechanical Dimensions2.3" x3.1" x 0.79"(58.4 mm x 78.7 mm x 19.1 mm) EnvironmentalTemperature Range Rated Performance -25°C to +85°C Operating -25°C to +85°C Storage -40°C to +85°CRelative Humidity0 to 95% @ +60°C non-condensing1When used with the CJC temperature sensor, model AC1361, provided on each channel of 6B Series backplanes. Specifications subject to change without notice.6B11 / 6B11HVRev. 0 | Page 5 of 8PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONSFigure 3 . Model 6B Series Module, with pin-out assignments.Table 1. Pin Function Descriptions—Pin No. Description1 N/C2 HI3 LO4 N/CFigure 4 6B11 & 6B11HV Input Field ConnectionsESD CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges.Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.6B11 / 6B11HVRev. 0 | Page 6 of 8OUTLINE DIMENSIONSFigure 5. Outline Dimensions6B11 / 6B11HV NOTESRev. 0 | Page 7 of 86B11 / 6B11HVRev. 0 | Page 8 of 8NOTES© 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies. D05163-0-9/04(0)。
5.08+0.20 –0.10
2.20 +0.20 –0.10
0.70 ±0.20
0.80 ±0.15
0.80 ±0.15
0.50 ±0.15
0.55 ±0.15
(3) Flat Terminal type
A1 A2 EXB18V G T G W P L B B
Type (inches) EXB18V (0201 4)
W 0.60 ±0.10 1.00 ±0.10 1.00
T 0.35 ±0.10 0.35 ±0.10 0.35
A1 0.35 ±0.10 0.40 ±0.10 0.45
A2 — — 0.35
B 0.15 ±0.10 0.18 ±0.10 0.20
May. 2005
Chip Resistor Array
Item Resistance Range Resistance Tolerance 14V,24V,V4V,34V Specifications 10 to 1 M :E24 series J: ±5 % 4 terminal Item 14V,18V (1) Limiting Element Voltage 2HV Max. Rated Continuous 24V,28V,N8V,38V,34V,V4V,V8V Working Voltage S8V Specifications 12.5 V 25 V 50 V 100 V 25 V 50 V 200 V ±200 10 -6/°C(ppm/°C)
Dimensions (mm) L 1.40 ±0.10 W 0.60 ±0.10 T 0.35 ±0.10 A1 0.20 ±0.10 A2 0.20 ±0.10 B 0.10 ±0.10 P (0.40) G 0.20 ±0.10
1 .6 5 (.0 6 5 ) 3 .8 1 (.1 5 0 )
2 - A n o d e 1 - C a th o d e
2 .2 1 (.0 8 7 ) 2 .5 9 (.1 0 2 )
1 0 .9 0 (.4 3 0 ) B S C
D im e n s io n s in M illim e te r s a n d (In c h e s )
DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC VR = 300V di / dt = 800A/µs VR = 300V di / dt = 800A/µs VR = 50V di / dt = 100A/µs IF = 60A TJ = 25°C IF = 60A TJ = 125°C IF = 1A TJ = 25°C
Semelab Plc reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by Semelab is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However Semelab assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. Semelab encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders.
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第 1 页 共 14 页 文件编号:
晶体管型号 反压 Vbeo 2SB649 180V 2SB647 120V 2SB449 50V 2SA1943 230V 2SA1785 400V 2SA1668 200V 2SA1516 180V 2SA1494 200V 2SA1444 100V 2SA1358 120V 2SA1302 200V 2SA1301 200V 2SA1295 230V 2SA1265 140V 2SA1216 180V 15000 * 2SB1243 40V 2SB1240 40V 2SB1238 80V 2SB1185 60V 2SB1079 100V 2SB1020 100V 2SB834 60V 2SB817 160V 2SB772 40V 2SB744 70V 2SB734 60V 2SB688 120V 2SB675 60V 2SB669 70V 2SA1162 50V 2SA1123 150V 2SA1020 50V 2SA1009 350V 2N6678 650V 2N5685 60V 2N6277 180V 2N5551 160V 2N5401 160V 2N3773 160V 2N3440 450V
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MJ15024 MJ13333 MJ11033 MJ11032 MJ10025 MJ10016 BUS13A BUH515 BU2532 BU2527 BU2525 BU2522 BU2520 BU2508 BU2506 BU932R BU806 BU406 BU323 BF458 BD682 MJ10015 MJ10012 MJ4502 MJ3055 MJ2955 MN650 BUX98A BUX84 BUW13A BUV48A BUV28A BUV26 BUT12A BUT11A BUS14A BD681 BD244 BD243 BD238 BD237 BD138 BD137 BD136 400V 400V 120V 120V 850V 500V 1000V 1500V 1500V 1500V 1500V 1500V 800V 700V 1500V 500V 400V 400V 450V 250V 100V 400V 400V 90V 60V 60V 1500V 400V 800V 1000V 450V 225V 90V 450V 1000V 1000V 100V 45V 45V 100V 100V 60V 60V 45V 16A 20A 50A 50A 20A 50A 15A 10A 15A 15A 12A 11A 10A 8A 7A 15A 8A 7A 10A 0.1A 4A 50A 10A 30A 15A 15A 6A 30A 2A 15A 15A 10A 14A 10A 5A 30A 4A 6A 6A 2A 2A 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 250W 175W 300W 300W 250W 200W 175W 80W 150W 150W 150W 150W 150W 125W 50W 150W 60W 60W 125W 10W 40W 200W 175W 200W 115W 115W 80W 210W 40W 150W 150W 65W 65W 125W 100W 250W 40W 65W 65W 25W 25W 12.5W 12.5W 12.5W * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
电阻模型参数R 电阻倍率因子TC1 线性温度系数TC2 二次温度系数电容模型参数C 电容倍率因子VC1 线性电压系数VC2 二次电压系数TC1 线性温度系数TC2 二次温度系数电感模型参数L 电感倍率因子IL1 线性电流系数IL2 二次电流系数TC1 线性温度系数TC2 二次温度系数二极管模型参数IS 饱和电流RS 寄生串联电阻N 发射系数TT 渡越时间CJO 零偏压PN结电容VJ PN结自建电势M PN结剃度因子EG 禁带宽度XT1 IS的温度指数FC 正偏耗尽层电容系数BV 反向击穿电压(漆点电压)IBV 反向击穿电流(漆点电流)KF 闪烁躁声系数AF 闪烁躁声指数双极晶体管(三极管)IS 传输饱和电流EG 禁带宽度XTI(PT)IS的温度效应指数BF 正向电流放大系数NF 正向电流发射系数V AF(V A)正向欧拉电压IKF (IK)正向漆点电流ISE(C2)B-E漏饱和电流NE B-E漏饱和电流BR 反向电流放大系数NR 反向电流发射系数V AR(VB)正想欧拉电压IKR 反向漆点电流ISC C4 B-C 漏饱和电流NC B-C漏发射系数RB 零偏压基极电阻IRB 基极电阻降致RBM/2时的电流RE 发射区串联电阻RC 集电极电阻CJE 零偏发射结PN结电容VJE PE 发射结内建电势MJE ME 集电结剃度因子CJC 零偏衬底结PN结电容VJC PC 集电结内建电势MJC MC 集电结剃度因子XCJC Cbe 接至内部Rb的内部CJS CCS 零偏衬底结PN结电容VJS PS 衬底结构PN结电容MJS MS 衬底结剃度因子FC 正偏势垒电容系数TF 正向渡越时间XTF TF随偏置变化的系数VTF TF随VBC变化的电压参数ITF 影响TF的大电流参数PTF 在F=1/(2派TF)Hz时超前相移TR 反向渡越时间XTB BF和BR的温度系数KF I/F躁声系数AF I/F躁声指数Is=14.34f 反向饱和电流。
XC61C SeriesLow Voltage Detectors (V DF = 0.8V ~1.5V)Standard Voltage Detectors (V DF 1.6V ~6.0V)■GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XC61C series are highly precise, low power consumption voltage detectors, manufactured using CMOS and laser trimming technologies.Detect voltage is extremely accurate with minimal temperature drift.Both CMOS and N-channel open drain output configurations are available. ■APPLICATIONS●Microprocessor reset circuitry ●Memory battery back-up circuits ●Power-on reset circuits ●Power failure detection●System battery life and charge voltage monitors■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS■FEATURESHighly Accurate : ± 2% (Low Voltage VD: 0.8V~1.5V) (Standard Voltage VD: 1.6V~6.0V) ± 1% (Standard Voltage VD: 2.6V~5.0V) Low Power Consumption : 0.7μA (TYP .) [V IN =1.5V] Detect Voltage Range : 0.8V ~ 6.0V in 100mV increments Operating Voltage Range : 0.7V ~ 6.0V (Low Voltage) 0.7V ~10.0V (Standard Voltage) Detect Voltage Temperature Characteristics: ±100ppm/℃ (TYP .) @Ta=25 O C Output Configuration : N-channel open drain or CMOS CMOSUltra Small Packages : SSOT-24 (150mW) SOT-23 (250mW) SOT-89 (500mW) TO-92 (300mW)■TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITSETR0201_006PIN NUMBERSSOT-24SOT-23SOT-89TO-92 (T)TO-92 (L)PIN NAMEFUNCTION2 3 2 2 1 V INSupply Voltaget I t4 2 3 3 2 V SS Ground 1 1 1 1 3 V OUT Output3 - - - -NCNo ConnectionDESIGNATORDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONC: CMOS output① Output ConfigurationN : N-ch open drain output : e.g.0.9V → ②0, ③9② ③Detect Voltage08 ~ 60: e.g.1.5V → ②1, ③5④ Output Delay 0 : No delay1 : Within ±1%⑤ Detect Accuracy2 : Within ±2% N : SSOT-24 (SC-82) M : SOT-23P : SOT-89T : TO-92 (Standard) ⑥ Package L : TO-92 (Custom pin configuration) R : Embossed tape, standard feed L : Embossed tape, reverse feedH : Paper type (TO-92) ⑦ Device OrientationB : Bag (TO-92)■PIN CONFIGURATION■PIN ASSIGNMENT■PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION ●Ordering InformationXC61C ①②③④⑤⑥⑦XC61CSeries*1: Low voltage: V DF(T)=0.8V~1.5V*2: Standard voltage: V DF(T)=1.6V~6.0VPARAMETERSYMBOL RATINGS UNITS *1 9.0 Input Voltage*2 V IN 12.0 VOutput CurrentI OUT 50 mACMOS V SS -0.3 ~ V IN +0.3N-ch Open Drain Output *1V SS -0.3 ~ 9.0Output VoltageN-ch Open Drain Output *2 V OUTV SS -0.3 ~ 12.0VSSOT-24 150SOT-23 250SOT-89 500Power Dissipation TO-92 Pd 300mWOperating Temperature Range Topr -40~+85 OC Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40~+125 OC ■BLOCK DIAGRAMS■ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTa = 25O C (1) CMOS Output(2) N-ch Open Drain OutputPARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONSMIN.TYP . MAX. UNITS CIRCUITS V DF(T)=0.8V~1.5V *1 V DF(T)=1.6V~6.0V *2 V DF(T)x 0.98V DF(T) V DF(T)x 1.02 V 1Detect VoltageV DFV DF(T)=2.6V~5.0V *2V DF(T)x 0.99V DF(T) V DF(T)x 1.01V 1Hysteresis RangeV HYSV DFx 0.02V DF x 0.05 V DF x 0.08 V 1V IN = 1.5V- 0.7 2.3 V IN = 2.0V- 0.8 2.7V IN = 3.0V- 0.9 3.0V IN = 4.0V - 1.0 3.2 Supply Current I SS V IN = 5.0V- 1.1 3.6 μA 2 Operating Voltage *1 V DF(T) = 0.8V to 1.5V0.7 - 6.0Operating Voltage *2 V INV DF(T) = 1.6V to 6.0V0.7 - 10.0 V 1V IN = 0.7V0.10 0.80 -N-ch V DS = 0.5VV IN = 1.0V0.85 2.70- 3Output Current *1 CMOS, P-ch V DS = 2.1V V IN = 6.0V- -7.5 -1.5 4 V IN = 1.0V1.02.2- V IN = 2.0V3.07.7 - V IN = 3.0V5.0 10.1- V IN = 4.0V 6.0 11.5- N-ch V DS = 0.5V V IN = 5.0V 7.0 13.0- 3 Output Current *2I OUT CMOS, P-ch V DS = 2.1V V IN = 8.0V - -10.0 -2.0 mA 4 CMOS - 10 -Leak Current I leakV IN =6.0V, V OUT =6.0V*1 V IN =10.0V, V OUT =10.0V*2N-ch Open Drain - 10 100nA 3 Temperature Characteristics ΔV DF ΔTopr ・V DF -40℃ ≦ Topr ≦ 85℃ - ±100 - ppm/℃ -Delay Time(V DR →V OUT inversion)tDLY Inverts from V DR to V OUT - 0.03 0.20 ms 5■ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV DF (T) = 0.8V to 6.0V ± 2% V DF (T) = 2.6V to 5.0V ± 1%NOTE:*1: Low Voltage: V DF(T)=0.8V~1.5V*2: Standard Voltage: V DF(T)=1.6V~6.0V V DF (T): Setting detect voltageRelease Voltage: V DR = V DF + V HYSTa=25℃XC61CSeries ■OPERATIONAL EXPLANATION(Especially prepared for CMOS output products)①When input voltage (V IN) rises above detect voltage (V DF), output voltage (V OUT) will be equal to V IN.(A condition of high impedance exists with N-ch open drain output configurations.)②When input voltage (V IN) falls below detect voltage (V DF), output voltage (V OUT) will be equal to the ground voltage(V SS) level.③When input voltage (V IN) falls to a level below that of the minimum operating voltage (V MIN), output will becomeunstable. In this condition, V IN will equal the pulled-up output (should output be pulled-up.)④When input voltage (V IN) rises above the ground voltage (V SS) level, output will be unstable at levels below theminimum operating voltage (V MIN). Between the V MIN and detect release voltage (V DR) levels, the ground voltage (V SS) level will be maintained.⑤When input voltage (V IN) rises above detect release voltage (V DR), output voltage (V OUT) will be equal to V IN.(A condition of high impedance exists with N-ch open drain output configurations.)⑥The difference between V DR and V DF represents the hysteresis range.●Timing Chart■NOTES ON USE1. Please use this IC within the stated maximum ratings. Operation beyond these limits may cause degrading or permanentdamage to the device.2. When a resistor is connected between the V IN pin and the input with CMOS output configurations, oscillation may occuras a result of voltage drops at R IN if load current (I OUT ) exists. (refer to the Oscillation Description (1) below)3. When a resistor is connected between the V IN pin and the input with CMOS output configurations, irrespective of N-choutput configurations, oscillation may occur as a result of through current at the time of voltage release even if load current (I OUT ) does not exist. (refer to the Oscillation Description (2) below )4. With a resistor connected between the V IN pin and the input, detect and release voltage will rise as a result of the IC'ssupply current flowing through the V IN pin.5. In order to stabilize the IC's operations, please ensure that V IN pin's input frequency's rise and fall times are more thanseveral μ sec / V.6. Please use N-ch open drains configuration, when a resistor R IN is connected between the V IN pin and power source.In such cases, please ensure that R IN is less than 10k Ω and that C is more than 0.1μF.●Oscillation Description(1) Output current oscillation with the CMOS output configurationWhen the voltage applied at IN rises, release operations commence and the detector's output voltage increases. Load current (I OUT ) will flow at R L . Because a voltage drop (R IN x I OUT ) is produced at the R IN resistor, located between the input (IN) and the V IN pin, the load current will flow via the IC's V IN pin. The voltage drop will also lead to a fall in the voltage level at the V IN pin. When the V IN pin voltage level falls below the detect voltage level, detect operations will commence. Following detect operations, load current flow will cease and since voltage drop at R IN will disappear, the voltage level at the V IN pin will rise and release operations will begin over again.Oscillation may occur with this " release - detect - release " repetition.Further, this condition will also appear via means of a similar mechanism during detect operations.(2) Oscillation as a result of through currentSince the XC61C series are CMOS IC S , through current will flow when the IC's internal circuit switching operates (during release and detect operations). Consequently, oscillation is liable to occur as a result of drops in voltage at the through current's resistor (R IN ) during release voltage operations. (refer to Figure 3)Since hysteresis exists during detect operations, oscillation is unlikely to occur.XC61CSeries 100kΩ*■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ●Low VoltageXC61CSeries■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Low Voltage (Continued)(4) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. V DS0. 1.0V DS (V) 1.0V DS (V) 1.0V DS (V) 1.0 1.2 1.4V DS (V)XC61CC0902(0.9V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )XC61CC1102(1.1V)XC61CC1502(1.5V)XC61CC1502(1.5V)(5) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. InputVoltage0. u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )Input Voltage:V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)(6) P-ch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage 0246801234560246810120123456246810120123456XC61CC0902(0.9V)XC61CC1102 (1.1V)Input Voltage:V IN (V)Input Voltage:V IN (V)Input Voltage:V IN (V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )XC61CC1502(1.5V) DS (V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )XC61CC1102(1.1V)■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Standard Voltage00. Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)S u p p l y C u r r e n t : I S S (μA )S u p p l y C u r r e n t : I S S (μA )Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)S u p p l y C u r r e n t : I S S (μA )S u p p l y C u r r e n t : I S S (μA )(2) Detect, Release Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature-50-250255075100Ambient Temperature :Ta (℃)-50-250255075100Ambient Temperature :Ta (℃)-50-250255075100Ambient Temperature :Ta (℃) Temperature :Ta (℃)XC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)XC61CC4502(4.5V)XC61CC3602(3.6V)D e t e c t ,R e l e a s e V o l t a g e :V D F ,V D R (V )D e t e c t ,R e l e a s e V o l t a g e :V D F ,V D R (V )D e t e c t ,R e l e a s e V o l t a g e :V D F ,V D R (V )D e t e c t ,R e l e a s e V o l t a g e :V D F ,V D R (V )(1) Supply Current vs. Input Voltage■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Standard Voltage (Continued) (3) Output Voltage vs. Input VoltageNote : The N-channel open drain pull up resistance value is 100k Ω.0123012312340123401234501234512012XC61CN1802(1.8V)XC61CN2702(2.7V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)O u t p u t V o l t a g e : V O U T (V )O u t p u t V o l t a g e : V O U T (V )O u t p u t V o l t a g e : V O U T (V )O u t p u t V o l t a g e : V O U T (V )XC61CN4502(4.5V)XC61CN3602(3.6V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)(4) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. V DS24681000.5 1.0 1.5 2.0V DS (V) DS (V)0102030400. DS (V)XC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)XC61CC3602(3.6V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )Note : The N-channel open drain pull up resistance value is 100k Ω.■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Standard Voltage (Continued)(4) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. V DS200400600800100000. 1.0V DS (V)200400600800100000. 1.0V DS (V)200400600800100000. 1.0V DS(V)200400600800100000. 1.0V DS (V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (μA )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (μA )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (μA )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (μA )XC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)XC61CC3602(3.6V)XC61CC4502(4.5V)(5) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage510155101520255101520253010203040XC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t :I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t :I O U T (m A )Input Voltage: V IN (V)XC61CC3602(3.6V)XC61CC4502(4.5V)■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Standard Voltage (Continued)(6) P-ch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage051015051015246810051015246810051015246810XC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)XC61CC4502(4.5V)Input Voltage:V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t :I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t :I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )■PACKAGING INFORMATION●SSOT-24 (SC-82)●SOT-23●SOT-89●TO-92MARK CONFIGURATION VOLTAGE (V)A CMOS 0.XB CMOS 1.XC CMOS 2.XD CMOS 3.XE CMOS 4.XF CMOS 5.X H CMOS 6.XMARK CONFIGURATION VOLTAGE (V)K N-ch 0.X L N-ch 1.X M N-ch 2.X N N-ch 3.X P N-ch 4.X R N-ch 5.X S N-ch 6.XMARK VOLTAGE (V)MARK VOLTAGE (V)0 X.0 5 X.5 1 X.1 6 X.6 2 X.2 7 X.7 3 X.3 8 X.8 4 X.4 9 X.9MARKDELAY TIMEPRODUCT SERIES3 No Delay TimeXC61Cxxx0xxx① Represents integer of detect voltage and CMOS Output (XC61CC series)■MARKING RULE● SSOT-24, SOT-23, SOT-89①②④1234①②③④123④③②①123N-Channel Open Drain Output (XC61CN series)②Represents decimal number of detect voltage③Represents delay time (Except for SSOT-24)④Represents production lot numberBased on the internal standard. (G, I, J, O, Q, W excepted)MARK② ③VOLTAGE (V)3 3 3.3 5 0 5.0MARKOUTPUTCONFIGURATIONC CMOS N N-chMARK DELAY TIME0 No delayMARKDETECT VOLTAGE ACCURACY1 Within ± 1% (Semi-custom)2 Within ± 2%MARKPRODUCTION YEAR5 20056 2006■MARKING RULE (Continued)⑥Represents a least significant digit of production year●TO-92⑦Represents production lot number0 to 9, A to Z repeated. (G, I, J, O, Q, W excepted) * No character inversion used.①Represents output configuration②, ③Represents detect voltage (ex.)④Represents delay time⑤Represents detect voltage accuracy。
JAN. 2000. Ver. 1.2
S6B0759 Specification Revision History Version 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.0 1.1 1.2 Modify 6800 parallel interface timing Add the programming guidelines comment for n-line inversion Original Remove HPMB,CS2 Pin and Change Vol, Voh value Modify Pad Dimensions and Chip Configuration Modify serial/parallel timing requirements ;added icon enable/disable function Content Date July.1999 July.1999 Aug. 1999 Dec. 1999 Jan. 2000 Feb 2000 Mar 2000
HIT5609 NPN 三极管△主要用途:主要用于开关、音频放大,适用于应急灯、电动玩具等电子产品。
(与HIT5610 互补)△极限值(TA=25℃)△电参数(Ta=25℃)参数符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位集电极漏电流 I CBO V CB=25V,I E=0 100 nA发射极漏电流 I EBO V BE=5V,I C=0 100 nA基极漏电流 I CEO V CE=20V,I B=0 5 μA集电极、发射极击穿电压 BV CEO I C=10mA,I B=0 20 V发射极、基极击穿电压 BV EBO I E=1mA,I C=0 6 V集电极、基极击穿电压 BV CBO I C=100μA,I E=0 25 V集电极、发射极饱和压降 V CE(sat) I C=0.8A,I B=0.08A 0.5 V 基极、发射极饱和压降 V BE(on) V CE=2V,I C=0.5A 1.0 V直流电流增益H FE1 V CE=2V,I C=0.5A 120 240H FE2 V CE=2V,I C=1mA 105H FE3 V CE=2V,I C=10mA 110脉冲方式测试:PW≤300μs;占空比≤2% 实际分如档:B C1 C2120-160 160-200 200-240脚位排列与快捷三星相同TO-921. 发射极 E2. 集电极 C3. 基极 B参数符号标称值单位集电极、基极击穿电压 V CBO 25 V集电极、发射极击穿电压 V CEO 20 V发射极、基极击穿电压 V EBO 5 V集电极电流 I C 1.5 A集电极功率 P C 2 W结温 T J 150 ℃贮存温 T STG -55-150 ℃名称封装极性功能耐压电流功率频率配对管D633 28 NPN 音频功放开关100V 7A 40W 达林顿9013 21 NPN 低频放大 50V 0.5A 0.625W 90129014 21 NPN 低噪放大 50V 0.1A 0.4W 150HMZ 90159015 21 PNP 低噪放大 50V 0.1A 0.4W 150MHZ 90149018 21 NPN 高频放大 30V 0.05A 0.4W 1000MHZ8050 21 NPN 高频放大 40V 1.5A 1W 100MHZ 85508550 21 PNP 高频放大 40V 1.5A 1W 100MHZ 80502N2222 21 NPN 通用 60V 0.8A 0.5W 25/200NS2N2369 4A NPN 开关 40V 0.5A 0.3W 800MHZ2N2907 4A NPN 通用 60V 0.6A 0.4W 26/70NS2N3055 12 NPN 功率放大 100V 15A 115W MJ29552N3440 6 NPN 视放开关 450V 1A 1W 15MHZ 2N66092N3773 12 NPN 音频功放开关160V 16A 50W2N3904 21E NPN 通用 60V 0.2A2N2906 21C PNP 通用 40V 0.2A2N2222A 21 铁 NPN 高频放大 75V 0.6A 0.625W 300MHZ2N6718 21 铁 NPN 音频功放开关100V 2A 2W2N5401 21 PNP 视频放大 160V 0.6A 0.625W 100MHZ 2N5551 2N5551 21 NPN 视频放大 160V 0.6A 0.625W 100MHZ 2N5401 2N5685 12 NPN 音频功放开关60V 50A 300W2N6277 12 NPN 功放开关 180V 50A 250W9012 21 PNP 低频放大 50V 0.5A 0.625W 90132N6678 12 NPN 音频功放开关650V 15A 175W 15MHZ9012 贴片 PNP 低频放大 50V 0.5A 0.625W 90133DA87A 6 NPN 视频放大 100V 0.1A 1W3DG6B 6 NPN 通用 20V 0.02A 0.1W 150MHZ3DG6C 6 NPN 通用 25V 0.02A 0.1W 250MHZ3DG6D 6 NPN 通用 30V 0.02A 0.1W 150MHZMPSA42 21E NPN 电话视频放大300V 0.5A 0.625W MPSA92 MPSA92 21E PNP 电话视频放大300V 0.5A 0.625W MPSA42 MPS2222A 21 NPN 高频放大 75V 0.6A 0.625W 300MHZ9013 贴片 NPN 低频放大 50V 0.5A 0.625W 90123DK2B 7 NPN 开关 30V 0.03A 0.2W3DD15D 12 NPN 电源开关 300V 5A 50W3DD102C 12 NPN 电源开关 300V 5A 50W3522V 5V 稳压管A634 28E PNP 音频功放开关40V 2A 10WA708 6 PNP 音频开关 80V 0.7A 0.8WA715C 29 PNP 音频功放开关35V 2.5A 10W 160MHZA733 21 PNP 通用 50V 0.1A 180MHZA741 4 PNP 开关 20V 0.1A 70/120NSA781 39B PNP 开关 20V 0.2A 80/160NSA928 ECB PNP 通用 20V 1A 0.25WA933 21 PNP 通用 50V 0.1A 140MHZA940 28 PNP 音频功放开关150V 1.5A 25W 4MHZ C2073A966 21 PNP 音频激励输出30V 1.5A 0.9W 100MHZ C2236A950 21 PNP 通用 30V 0.8A 0.6WA968 28 PNP 音频功放开关160V 1.5A 25W 100MHZ C2238A1009 BCE PNP 功放开关 350V 2A 15WA1220P 29 PNP 音频功放开关120V 1.5A 20W 150MHZA1013 21 PNP 视频放大 160V 1A 0.9W C2383A1015 21 PNP 通用 60V 0.1A 0.4W 8MHZ C18152N6050 12 PNP 音频功放开关60V 12A 150W2N6051 12 PNP 音频功放开关80V 12A 150WA1175 PNP 通用 60V 0.10A 0.25W 180MHZA1213 贴片 PNP 超高频 50V 0.15A 80MHZA719 ECB PNP 通用 30V 0.50A 0.625W 200MHZB12 G-PNP 音频 30V 0.05A 0.05WB1114 ECB PNP 通用贴片 20V 2A 180MHZB205 锗管 PNP 音频功放开关80V 20A 80WB1215 BCE PNP 功放开关贴片120V 3A 20W 130MHZC294 6 NPN 栾生对管 25V 0.05A 200MHZC1044 6 NPN 视放 45V 0.3A 2.2GHZC1216 6 NPN 高速开关 40V 0.2A T,20nSC1344 ECB NPN 通用低噪 30V 0.10 230MHZC1733 6 NPN 栾生对管 30V 0.05A 2GHZC1317 21ECB NPN 通用 30V 0.5A 0.625W 200MHZC546 21ECB NPN 高放 30V 0.03A 0.15W 600MHZC680 11 NPN 音频功放开关200V 2A 30W 20MHZC665 12 NPN 音频功放开关125V 5A 50W 15MHZC4581 BCE NPN 电源开关 600V 10A 65W 20MHZC4584 BCE NPN 电源开关 1200V 6A 65W 20MHZC4897 BCE NPN 行管 1500V 20A 150WC4928 BCE NPN 行管 1500V 15A 150WC5411 BCE NPN 彩显行管17” 1500V 14A 60WHQ1F3P 贴片 NPN 功放开关 20V 2A 2WTIP132 28 NPN 音频功放开关100V 8A 70W TIP137A1020 21 PNP 音频开关 50V 2A 0.9WA1123 21 PNP 低噪放大 150V 0.05A 0.75WA1162 21D PNP 通用贴片 50V 0.15A 0.15WA1216 BCE PNP 功放开关 180V 17A 200W 20MHZ C2922 A1265 BCE PNP 功放开关 140V 10A 100W 30MHZ C3182 A1295 BCE PNP 功放开关 230V 17A 200W 30MHZ C3264 A1301 BCE PNP 功放开关 160V 12A 120W 30MHZ C3280 C3280 BCE NPN 功放开关 160V 12A 120W 30MHZ A1301 A1302 BCE PNP 功放开关 200V 15A 120W 30MHZ C3281 C3281 BCE NPN 功放开关 200V 15A 120W 30MHZ A1302 A1358 BCE PNP 120V 1A 10W 120MHZA1444 BCE PNP 高速电源开关100V 15A 30W 80MHZA1494 BCE PNP 功放开关 200V 17A 200W 20MHZ C3858 A1516 BCE PNP 功放开关 180V 12A 130W 25MHZA1668 BCE PNP 电源开关 200V 2A 25W 20MHZA1785 BCE PNP 驱动 120V 1A 1W 140MHZA1941 BCE PNP 音频功放形状140V 10A 100W C5198A1943 BCE PNP 功放开关 230V 15AA 150W C5200C5200 BCE NPN 功放开关 230V 15A 150W A1943A1988 BCE PNP 功放开关B449 锗管 12 PNP 功放开关 50V 3.5A 22.5WB647 21 PNP 通用 120V 1A 0.9W 140MHZ D667D667 21 NPN 通用 120V 1A 0.9W 140MHZ B649B1375 BCE PNP 音频功放 60V 3A 2W 9MHZD40C BCE NPN对讲机用40V0.5A 40W 75MHB688 BCE PNP 音频功放开关120V 8A 80W D718B734 39B PNP 通用 60V 1A 1W D774B649 29 PNP 视放 180V 1.5A 20W D669D669 29 NPN 视频放大 180V 1.5A 20W 140MHZ B649B669 28 PNP 达林顿功放 70V 4A 40WB675 28 PNP 达林顿功放 60V 7A 40WB673 28 PNP 达林顿功放 100V 7A 40WB631K 29 PNP 音频功放开关120V 1A 8W 130MHZ D600KD600K 29 NPN 音频功放开关120V 1A 8W 130MHZ B631KC3783 BCE NPN 高压高速开关900V 5A 100WB1400 28B PNP 达林顿功放 120V 6A 25W D1590B744 29 PNP 音频功放开关70V 3A 10WB1020 28 PNP 功放开关 100V 7A 40WB1240 39B PNP 功放开关 40V 2A 1W 100MHZB1185 28B PNP 功放开关 60V 3A 25W 70MHZ D1762B1079 30 PNP 达林顿功放 100V 20A 100W D1559B772 29 PNP 音频功放开关40V 3A 10W D882B774 21 PNP 通用 30V 0.1A 0.25WB817 30 PNP 音频功放形状160V 12A 100W D1047B834 28 PNP 功放开关 60V 3A 30WB1316 54B PNP 达林顿功放 100V 2A 10WB1317 BCE PNP 音频功放 180V 15A 150W D1975B1494 BCE PNP 达林顿功放 120V 20A 120W D2256B1429 BCE PNP 功放开关 180V 15A 150WC380 21 NPN 高频放大 35V 0.03A 250MHZC458 21 NPN 通用 30V 0.1A 230MHZC536 21 NPN 通用 40V 0.1A 180MHZ2N6609 12 PNP 音频功放开关160V 15A 150W >2MHZ 2N3773 C3795 BCE NPN 高压高速开关900V 5A 40WC2458 21ECB NPN 通用低噪 50V 0.15A 0.2WC3030 BCE NPN 开关管 900V 7A 80W. 达林顿C3807 BCE NPN 低噪放大 30V 2A 1.2W 260MHZD985 29 NPN 达林顿功放150V ±1.5A 10WC2036 29 NPN 高放低噪 80V 1A 1-4WC2068 28E NPN 视频放大 300V 0.05A 1.5W 80MHZC2073 28 NPN 功率放大 150V 1.5A 25W 4MHZ A940C3039 28 NPN 电源开关 500V 7A 50WC3058 12 NPN 开关管 600V 30A 200WC3148 28 NPN 电源开关 900V 3A 40WC3150 28 NPN 电源开关 900V 3A 50WC3153 30 NPN 电源开关 900V 6A 100WC3182 30 NPN 功放开关 140V 10A 100W A1265C3198 21 NPN 高频放大 60V 0.15A 0.4W 130MHZ3DK4B 7 NPN 开关 40V 0.8A 0.8W3DK7C 7 NPN 开关 25V 0.05A 0.3W3D15D 12 NPN 电源开关 300V 5A 50WC2078 28 NPN 音频功放开关80V 3A 10W 150MHZC2120 21 NPN 通用 30V 0.8A 0.6WC2228 21 NPN 视频放大 160V 0.05A 0.75WC2230 21 NPN 视频放大 200V 0.1A 0.8WC2233 28 NPN 音频功放开关200V 4A 40WC2236 21 NPN 通用 30V 1.5A 0.9W A966C1733 小铁 NPN 孪生对管 30V 2GHZC1317 21EBC NPN 通用 30V 0.5A 0.625W 200MHZC2238 28 NPN 音频功放开关160V 1.5A 25W 100MHZ A968 C752 21 NPN 通用 30V 0.1A 300MHZC815 21 NPN 通用 60V 0.2A 0.25WC828 21 NPN 通用 45V 0.05A 0.25WC900 21 NPN 低噪放大 30V 0.03A 100MHZC945 21 NPN 通用 50V 0.1A 0.5W 250MHZC1008 21 NPN 通用 80V 0.7A 0.8W 50MHZC1162 21 NPN 音频功放 35V 1.5A 10WC1213 39B NPN 监视器专用 30V 0.5A 0.4WC1222 21 NPN 低噪放大 60V 0.1A 100MHZC1494 40A NPN 发射 36V 6A PQ=40W 175MHZC1507 28 NPN 视放 300V 0.2A 15WC1674 21 NPN HF/ZF 30V 0.02A 600MHZC1815 21 NPN 通用 60V 0.15A 0.4W 8MHZ A1015C1855 21F NPN HF/ZF 20V 0.02A 550MHZC1875 12 NPN 彩行 1500V 3.5A 50WC1906 21 NPN 高频放大 30V 0.05A 1000MHZC1942 12 NPN 彩行 1500V 3A 50WC1959 21 NPN 通用 30V 0.4A 0.5W 300MHZC1970 28 NPN 手机发射 40V 0.6A PQ=1.3W 175MHZC1971 28A NPN 手机发射 35V 2A PQ-7.0W 175MHZC1972 28A NPN 手机发射 35V 3.5A PQ=15W 175MHZC2320 21 NPN 通用 50V 0.2A 0.3W 200MHZC2012 21 NPN 高放 30V 0.03A 200MHZC2027 12 NPN 行管 1500V 5A 50WD814 BCE NPN 低噪放大贴片150V 0.05A 150MHZC5142 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 20A 200WD998 BCE NPN 音频功放开关120V 10A 80W <1/3USD2253 BCE NPN 彩显行管 1700V 6A 50WD110 12 NPN 音频功放开关130V 10A 100W 1MHZC2335 28 NPN 视频功放 500V 7A 40WC2373 28 NPN 功放 200V 7.5A 40WC2383 21 NPN 视频开关 160V 1A 0.9W A1013C3300 30 NPN 音频功放开关100V 15A 100WC3310 28C NPN 电源开关 500V 5A 40WC3320 28C NPN 电源开头 500V 15A 80WC3355 21F NPN 高频放大 20V 0.1A 6500MHZC3358 40B NPN 高频放大 20V 0.1A 7000MHZC3457 BCE NPN 电源开关 1100V 3A 50WC3460 BCE NPN 电源开关 1100V 6A 100WC3466 BCE NPN 电源开关 1200V 8A 120WC3505 28B NPN 电源开关 900V 6A 80WC3527 BCE NPN 电源开关 500V 15A 100WC3528 BCE NPN 电源开关 500V 20A 150WC3866 BCE NPN 高压高速开关900V 3A 40WC2443 大铁 NPN 功放开关 600V 50A 400WC2481 29 NPN 音频功放开关150V 1.5A 20WC2482 21 NPN 视频放大 300V 0.1A 0.9WC2500 21 NPN 通用 30V 2A 0.9W 150MHZC2594 29 NPN 音频功放开关40V 5A 10WC2611 29 NPN 视频放大 300V 0.1A 1.25WC2625 30 NPN 音频功放开关450V 10A 80WC2682 29 NPN NF/Vid 180V 0.1A 8WC2688 29 NPN 视放管 300V 0.2A 10W 80MHZC2690 29 NPN 音频功放开关120V 1.2A 20W 150MHZ A1220P C2751 BCE NPN 电源开关 500V 15A 120WC2837 30 NPN 音频功放开关150V 10A 100WC3873 BCE NPN 高压高速开关500V 12A 75W 30MHZC3886 BCE NPN 开关行管 1400V 8A 50W 8MHZC3893 28B NPN 行管 1400V 8A 50W 8MHZC3907 28B NPN 功放开关 180V 12A 130W 30MHZC3595 29 NPN 射频 30V 0.5A 1.2WC4059 BCE NPN 高速开关 600V 15V 130W 0.5/2.2USC4106 BCE NPN 电源开关 500V 7A 50W 20MHZ?C4111 BCE NPN 开关行管 1500V 10A 150WC3679 BCE NPN 电源开关 900V 5A 100W 6MHZC2898 28 NPN 音频功放开关500V 8A 50WC2922 43 NPN 音频功放开关180V 17A 200W 50MHZ A1216 C3026 12 NPN 开关管 1700V 5A 50WD986 29 NPN 达林顿功放 150-80V ±1.5A 10WC3262 BCE NPN 功放 800V 10A 100WC3264 BCE NPN PA功放开关230V 17A 200WB=170 A1295 C3280 30 NPN 音频功放开关160V 12A 120WB=100C3281 30 NPN 音频功放开关200V 15A 150W 30MHZC3680 BCE NPN 电源开关 900V 7A 120W 6MHZC3688 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 10A 150WC3720 12 NPN 彩行 1200V 10A 200WC3953 29 NPN 视放 120V 0.2A 1.3W 400MHZC3987 28 NPN 达林顿 50V 3A 20WC3995 BCE NPN 行管 1500V 12A 180WD1025 28 NPN 达林顿功放 200V 8A 50WC3997 BCE NPN 行管 1500V 15A 250WC3998 BCE NPN 行管 1500V 25A 250WC4024 BCE NPN 功放开关 100V 10A 35W 24MHZC4038 BCE NPN 门电路 50V 0.1A 0.3W 180MHZD1037 BCE NPN 音频功放开关150V 30A 180WD1047 30 NPN 音频功放开关160V 12A 100W B817C4119 BCE NPN 微波炉开关1500V 15A 250WC4231 50C NPN 音频功放 800V 2A 30WC4237 BCE NPN 高压高速开关1000V 8A 120W 30MHZC4242 BCE NPN 高压高速开关450V 7A 40WC4297 BCE NPN 电源开关 500V 12A 75W 10MHZC4429 BCE NPN 电源开关 1100V 8A 60WC4517 BCE NPN 音频功放 550V 3A 30W 6MHZC4532 BCE NPN 大屏行管 1700V 10A 200WC4582 BCE NPN 电源开关 600V 15A 75W 20MHZON4673 BCE NPNON4873 BCE NPNC5244 BCE NPN 彩行 1700V 15A 200WC5249 BCE NPN 功放开关 600V 3A 35W 6MHZC5250 BCE NPN 开关 1000V 7A 100WC5251 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 12A 50WD1071 28 NPN 达林顿功放 300V 6A 40WC4706 BCE NPN 电源开关 900V 14A 130W 6MHZC4382 BCE NPN 功放开关 200V 2A 25W 20MHZ A1668C4742 46 NPN 彩行 1500V 6A 50WC4745 46 NPN 彩行 1500V 6A 50WC4747 46 NPN 彩行 1500V 10A 50WC4769 BCE NPN 微机行管 1500V 7A 60WC4913 BCE NPN 大屏视放管 2000V 0.02A 35WC4924 BCE NPN 音频功放 800V 10A 70WC4927 BCE NPN 行管 1500V 8A 50WC4927 BCE NPN SONY29 行管1500V 8A 50WC4941 BCE NPN 行管 1500V 6A 65W 500/380NSC4953 BCE NPN 功放开关 500V 2A 25W t=300nSC5020 BCE NPN 彩行 1000V 7A 100WC5068 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 10A 50WC5086 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 10A 50WC5088 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 10A 50WC5129 BCE NPN 彩显行管 1500V 8A 50WD1163A 28 NPN 行偏转用 350V 7A 40W 60MHZD1175 12 NPN 行偏转用 1500V 5A 100WC5132 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 16A 50WC5144 BCE NPN 大屏彩行 1700V 20A 200WC5148 BCE NPN 大屏彩行 1500V 8A 50WC5149 BCE NPN 高速高频行管1500V 8A 50WC5198 BCE NPN 功放开关 140V 10A 100WC5200 BCE NPN 功放开关 230V 15A 150W A1943D1273 28 NPN 音频功放 80V 3A 40W 50MHZC5207 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 10A 50WC5243 BCE NPN 彩行 1700V 15A 200WC5252 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 15A 100WC5294 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 20A t=200MSC5296 BCE NPN 开关管带阻1500V 8A 80WC5297 BCE NPN 开关管 1500V 16A 60WC5331 BCE NPN 大屏彩显行管1500V 15A 180WD325 BCE NPN 功放开关 50V 3A 25WD385 11 NPN 达林顿功放 100V 7A 30WD400 21 NPN 通用 25V 1A 0.75WD1302 21 NPN 音频 25V 0.5A 0.5W 200MHZD1397 BCE NPN 开关 1500V 3.5A 50W 3MHZD1398 BCE NPN 开关 1500V 5A 50W 3MHZD1403 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 6A 120WD401 28 NPN 音频功放开关200V 2A 20WD415 29 NPN 音频功放开关120V 0.8A 5WD438 21 NPN 通用 500V 1A 0.75W 100MHZD560 BCE NPN 达林顿功放 150V 5A 30WD637 39E NPN 通用 60V 0.1A 150MHZD667 21 NPN 视频放大 120V 1A 0.9W 140MHZ B647 D1403 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 6A 120WD1415 BCE NPN 功放电源开关100V 7A 40W 达林顿D718 30 NPN 音频功放开关120V 8A 80W B668D774 39B NPN 通用 100V 1A 1W B734D789 21 NPN 音频输出 100V 1A 0.90D820 12 NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 50WD870 12 NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 50WD880 28 NPN 音频功放开关60V 3A 10WD882 29 NPN 音频功放开关40V 3A 30W B772D884 28 NPN 音频功放开关330V 7A 40WD898 12 NPN 彩行 1500V 3A 50WD951 12 NPN 彩行 1500V 3A 65WD965 21 NPN 音频 40V 5A 0.75WD966 21 NPN 音频 40V 5A 1WD633 拆 28 NPN 音频功放开关100V 7A 40W 达林顿D1431 28B NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 80WD1433 28B NPN 彩行 1500V 7A 80WD1980 61B NPN 达林顿 100V 2A 10WD1981 EBC NPN 达林顿 100V 2A 1WD1993 45B NPN 音频低噪 55V 0.1A 0.4WD1416 BCE NPN 功放电源开关80V 7A 40W 达林顿D1427 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 80W 带_8奯_______ _阻尼BU2525AF 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 12A 150W 350NSD1428 28B NPN 彩行 1500V 6A 80W 带阻尼BU2525AX 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 12A 150W 350NSD1439 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 3A 80WD1541 28B NPN 彩行 1500V 3A 80WD1545 28B NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 50WD1547 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 7A 80WBU2527AF 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 15A 150WD1554 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 3.5A 80WD1555 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 80WD1556 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 6A 80WD1559 BCE NPN 达林顿功放 100V 20A 100W B1079D1590 28 NPN 达林顿功放 150V 8A 25WD1623 28B NPN 彩行 1500V 4A 70WD1640 29 NPN 达林顿功放 120V 2A 1.2WD1651 SP NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 60W 3MHZD1710 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 50WD1718 28C NPN 音频功放 180V 15A 150W 20MHZD1762 BCE NPN 音频功放开关60V 3A 25W 90MHZ B1185D1843 BCE NPN 低噪放大 50V 1A 1WD1849 50A NPN 彩行 1500V 7A 120WD1850 50A NPN 彩行 1500V 7A 120WD1859 50A NPN 音频 80V 0.7A 1W 120MHZD1863 50A NPN 音频 120V 1A 1W 100MHZD1724 29 NPN 开关 120V 3A 180MHZD1877 30 NPN 彩行 1500V 4A 50W 带阻尼D1879 30 NPN 彩行 1500V 6A 60W 带阻尼D1887 20 NPN 彩行 1500V 10 70WD1930 21 NPN 达林顿 100V 2A 1.2W 达林顿D1975 53A NPN 音频功放 180V 15A 150W B1317BU2532AW 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 15A 150WD1978 21 NPN 达林顿 120V 1.5A 0.9WD1994A EBC NPN 音频驱动 60V 1A 1WBD237 29 NPN 音频功放 100V 2A 25W BD238BD238 29 PNP 音频功放 100V 2A 25W BD237BU2520AF 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 10A 150W 1/500NS BU2520DF 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 10A 150W 1/500NS BU2520DX 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 10A 50W 600NS BUH515 BCE NPN 行管 1500V 10A 80WBUH515D BCE NPN 行管 1500V 10A 80WBUS13A 12 NPN 开关功放 1000V 15A 175WD1997 45B NPN 激励管 40V 3A 1.5W 100MHZD2008 EBC NPN 音频功放 80V 1A 1.2WD2012 BCE NPN 音频功放 60V 3A 2W 3MHZD2136 EBC NPN 功放 80V 1A 1.2WD2155 53A NPN 音频功放 180V 15A 150WD2256 46 NPN 达林顿功放 120V 25A 125W B1494D2334 28B NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 80WD2335 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 7A 100W 带阻尼D2349 BCE NPN 大屏彩显行管1500V ±10A 50WD1959 BCE NPN 彩行 1400V 10A 50WD2374 BCE NPN 功放开关 60V 3A 25W 30MHZD2375 BCE NPN 高放大倍数 80V 3A 25W 50MHZD2388 EBC NPN 达林顿 90V 3A 1.2WD2445 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 12.5A 120WD2498 BCE NPN 彩行 1500V 6A 50WD2588 BCE NPN 点火器用DK55 BCE NPN 开关 400V 4A 60WBC307 21a PNP 通用 50V 0.2A 0.3WBC327 CBE PNP 低噪音频 50V 0.8A 0.625W BC337 BC337 21a NPN 音频激励低噪50V 0.8A 0.625W BC327 BC338 21a NPN 通用激励 50V 0.8A 0.6WBC546 21a NPN 通用 80V 0.2A 0.5WBC547 CBE NPN 通用 50V 0.2A 0.5W 300MHZBD135 29 NPN 音频功放 45V 1.5A 12.5WBD136 29 PNP 音频功放 45V 1.5A 12.5W BD137BD137 29 NPN 音频功放 60V 1.5A 12.5W BD136BD138 29 PNP 音频功放 60V 1.5A 12.5W BD139BD139 29 PNP 音频功放 80V 1.5A 12.5W BD138 BUS14A 12 NPN 开关功放 1000V 30A 250WBUT11A 28 NPN 开关功放 1000V 5A 100WBD243 28 NPN 音频功放 45V 6A 65W BD244BD244 28 PNP 音频功放 45V 6A 65W BD243BD681 29 NPN 达林顿功放 100V 4A 40W BD682BD682 29 PNP 达林顿功放 100V 4A 40W BD681BF458 29 NPN 视放 250V 0.1A 10WBU208A 12 NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 12.5WBU208D 12 NPN 彩行 1500V 5A 12.5WBU323 28 NPN 达林顿功放 450V 10A 125WBU406 28 NPN 行管 400V 7A 60WBU508A 28 NPN 行管 1500V 7.5A 75WBU508A 28 NPN 行管 1500V 7.5A 75WBU508D 28 NPN 行管 1500V 7.5A 75WBU806 28 NPN 功放 400V 8A 60WBU932R 12 NPN 功放 500V 15A 150WBUT12A 28 NPN 开关功放 450V 10A 125WBU941 12 NPN 功放开关 500V 15A 175W 达林顿BU1508DX 28 NPN 开关功放 1500V 8A 35WBU2506DX 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 7A 50W 600NSBU2508AF 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 8A 125W 600NSBU2508AX 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 8A 125W 600NSBU2508DF 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 8A 125W 600NSBU2508DX 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 8A 50W 600NSBUV26 28 NPN 音频功放开关90V 14A 65W 250NSBU2522AF 30 NPN 开关功放 1500V 11A 150W 350NSMJ15024 12 NPN 音频功放开关 400V 16A 250W 4MHZ MJ15025 MJ15025 12 PNP 音频功放开关400V 16A 250W 4MHZ MJ15024 MJE271 29 PNP 达林顿 100V 2A 15W 6MHZBUV28A 28 NPN 音频功放开关225V 10A 65W 250NSBUV48A 30 NPN 音频功放开关450V 15A 150WBUW13A 30 NPN 功放开关 1000V 15A 150WBUX48 12 NPN 功放开关 850V 15A 125WBUX84 30 NPN 功放开关 800V 2A 40WBUX98A 12 NPN 功放开关 400V 30A 210W 5MHZDK55 28 NPN 功放开关 400V 4A 65WDTA114 PNP 10K-10K 160V 0.6A 0.625WDTC143 NPN 录像机用 4.7kHPA100 BCE NPN 大屏彩显行管1500V 10A 150WHPA150 BCE NPN 大屏彩显行管1500V 15A 150WHSE830 BCE PNP 音频功放 80V 115W 1MHZ HSE800HSE838 BCE NPN 音频功放 80V 115W 1MHZ HSE830MN650 BCE NPN 行管 1500V 6A 80WMJ802 12 NPN 音频功放开关90V 30A 200W MJ4502MJ2955 12 PNP 音频功放开关60V 15A 115W MJ3055MJ3055 12 NPN 音频功放开关60V 15A 115W MJ2955MJ4502 12 PNP 音频功放开关90V 30A 200W MJ802MJ10012 12 NPN 达林顿 400V 10A 175WMJ10015 12 NPN 电源开关 400V 50A 200WMJ10016 12 NPN 电源开关 500V 50A 200WMJ10025 12 电源开关 850V 20A 250WMJ11032 12 NPN 电源开关 120V 50A 300W MJ11033MJ11033 12 PNP 电源开关 120V 50A 300W MJ11032MJ13333 12 NPN 电源开关 400V 20A 175WMJ11015 12 PNP 铁达林顿 500V 10AMJ14003 12 PNP 铁MJE340 29 NPN 视放 300V 0.5A 20W MJE350MJE350 29 PNP 视放 300V 0.5A 20W MJE340MJE2955T BCE PNP 音频功放开关60V 10A 75W 2MHZ MJE3055T MJE3055T BCE NPN 音频功放开关70V 10A 75W 2MHZ MJE2955T MJE5822 BCE PNP 音频功放开关500V 8A 80WMJE9730 BCE NPNMJE13003 29 NPN 功放开关 400V 1.5A 14WMJE13005 28 NPN 功放开关 400V 4A 60WMJE13007 28 NPN 功放开关 1500V 2.5A 60WKSE800 28 NPN 达林顿 140V 4A 20WTIP31C BCE NPN 功放开关 100V 3A 40W 3MHZ TIP32TIP32C BCE PNP 功放开关 100V 3A 40W 3MHZ TIP31TIP35C 30 NPN 音频功放开关100V 25A 125W 3MHZ TIP36TIP36C 30 PNP 音频功放开关100V 25A 125W 3MHZ TIP35TIP41C 30 NPN 音频功放开关100V 6A 65W 3MHZ TIP42TIP42C 30 PNP 音频功放开关100V 6A 65W 3MHZ TIP41TIP102 28 NPN 音频功放开关100V 8A 2WTIP105 28 PNP 音频功放开关60V 15A 80W 达林顿TIP122 28 NPN 音频功放开关100V 5A 65W TIP127TIP127 28 PNP 音频功放开关100V 5A 65W TIP122TIP137 28 PNP 音频功放开关100V 8A 70W TIP132TIP142 30 NPN 音频功放开关100V 10A 125W TIP147TIP142 大 30 NPN 音频功放开关100V 10A 125W TIP147TIP147 30 PNP 音频功放开关100V 10A 125W TIP142TIP147 大 30 PNP 音频功放开关100V 10A 125W TIP142TIP152 BCE 电梯用达林顿400V 3A 65WTL431 21 电压基准源BT33 电压结晶体管UGN3144 SGO 霍尔开关60MIAL1 电磁/微波炉1000V 60A 300WT30G40 BCE NPN 大功率开关管400V 30A 300W5609 21 NPN 音频低频放大50V 0.8A 0.625W 56105610 21 PNP 音频低频放大50V 0.8A 0.625W 56109626 21 NPN 通用__。
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Description Mounting brackets (set of 3) supplied with each E6CP encoder Part number E69-FCA-02
Shaft Coupler E69-C06B
22 (0.873) 5.5 2.8 11 16.4 5.5 2.8 Four M3 set screws
6 (0.24) dia.
15 (0.59) dia.
Note: 1. Material: Glass-filled polybutadiene terephthalate (PBT). 2. Each set screw must be tightened to 2.5ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้kg-cm (2.17 in-lbs.)
27 ON OFF Address 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Part number Supply voltage E6CP-AG3C E6CP-AG5C-C 5 VDC -5% to 12 VDC +10%; 12 VDC -10% to 24 VDC +15%; max. 5% ripple peak-to-peak max. 5% ripple peak-to-peak Current consumption 90 mA max. 70 mA max. Resolution (pulses/revolution) 8-bit (256 pulses/revolution) Output code Gray code (binary) Applicable Cam Positioner — H8PS Output form Open collector output Output capacity Applied voltage: 28 VDC Residual voltage: 0.4 V max. at sink current Sink current: 16 mA max. Maximum response 5 kHz frequency Logic Negative (H level: 0, L level: 1) Accuracy Within ±1° Rotation direction Output code increases in clockwise direction when viewed from shaft Output rise and fall times 1.0 µs max. with 16 V control output voltage, 1 kΩ load resistance and 2 m (6.56 ft.) output cable Starting torque 10 g-cm (0.14 oz.-inch) max. Shaft loading Radial 3 kgf (21.7 ft-lbs.) Axial 2 kgf (14.5 ft-lbs.) Moment of inertia 10 g-cm2 (0.055 oz.-inch2) max. Maximum rpm 1,000 rpm Electrical connection Prewired with 2 m (6.56 ft.) length cable Connector Weight Approx. 200 g (7 oz.) Enclosure rating IEC: IP50 Ambient Operating -10° to 55°C (14° to 131°F) temperature Storage -25° to 80°C (-13° to 176°F) Ambient humidity 35 to 85% RH Vibration resistance Mechanical durability: 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5 mm double amplitude, in X, Y, and Z directions for 2 hours each Shock resistance Mechanical durability: approx. 100 G in X, Y, and Z directions, 3 times each Insulation resistance 10 MΩ minimum at 500 VDC between current-carrying part and housing Dielectric strength 500 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 minute between current-carrying part and housing
37 (1.46)
Panel 5.5 mm (0.22 dia.) hole 2 120° 18 16 (0.71) (0.63) 9 (0.35) 8 Two C1 16 (0.63) 3.1 5.1 68 ±0.2 (2.68) dia. Three M5 120° 120° 25 (0.98) dia.
Absolute Rotary Encoder
Absolute Rotary Encoders with Gray Code Output
s Gray code output decreases output errors s Lightweight plastic housing s In combination with Omron’s H8PS Cam Positioner, this encoder detects the operation timing of various automatic machines with high precision s Optical system eliminates brush noise and minimizes errors from temperature fluctuation compared with potentiometers
Unit: mm (inch)
45° 45° 10 5 8 50 (1.97) 3
56 25 (2.21) (0.98) dia. dia.
1 6 dia.
50 (1.97) dia.
Four M4, depth 10
38 (1.50) dia.
Wiring Terminal no. E6CP-AG5C-C 1 — 2 — 3 Output 25 4 Output 21 5 Output 20 6 Output 27 7 Output 24 8 Output 22 9 Output 23 10 Output 26 11 GND 12 Power supply 12 to 24 V 13 0 V (common) Notes: 1. The output of each bit is from the same circuit. 2. Terminals no. 1 and no. 2 are short-circuited. Wire color Red Black Brown Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Gray White EC6P-AG3C + power supply 0V (common) Output 20 Output 21 Output 22 Output 23 Output 24 Output 25 Output 26 Output 27
Description Shaft coupler; fits two 6 mm (0.24 in.) dia. shafts Extension cable, 5 m (16.40 ft.) for E6CP-AG5C-C encoder Part number E69-C06B E69-DF5
Ordering Information
The encoder with a "-C" in the part number has a cable that terminates in a connector for Omron’s H8PS Cam Positioner. Standard stock products are shown in bold in the Part Number Index. Resolution (pulses/revolution) 8-bit (256 pulses/revolution) Output code Gray code Output form Open collector Supply voltage 5 to 12 VDC 12 to 24 VDC Cable termination Wire bundle Connector Part number E6CP-AG3C E6CP-AG5C-C
40 (1.57)