





1. apple: 苹果- An apple is a round fruit with firm, white flesh and red or green skin.2. baby: 婴儿- A baby is a very young child, especially one who cannot yet walk or talk.3. bag: 袋子- A bag is a container made of paper, plastic, or cloth, usually with handles, for holding things.4. ball: 球- A ball is a round object that you play games with, especially a game in which you kick, throw, or hit it.5. bed: 床- A bed is a piece of furniture that you sleep on.6. bee: 蜜蜂- A bee is an insect with a yellow-and-black striped body that makes a buzzing noise as it flies.7. bird: 鸟- A bird is a creature with feathers and wings that can typically fly.8. book: 书- A book is a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.9. box: 盒子- A box is a square or rectangular container with hard or stiff sides.10. boy: 男孩- A boy is a male child or young man.11. brother: 兄弟- A brother is a male sibling.12. bus: 公共汽车- A bus is a large vehicle used for carrying passengers, especially along a fixed route according to a schedule.13. cake: 蛋糕- A cake is a sweet baked food made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and other ingredients.14. cat: 猫- A cat is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur and sharp retractile claws.15. chair: 椅子- A chair is a seat for one person that has a back, usually four legs, and sometimes two arms.16. chicken: 鸡- A chicken is a bird that is raised by people for its eggs and meat.17. children: 孩子们- Children is the plural form of child, referring to more than one child.18. coat: 外套- A coat is a long outer garment worn to keep warm or as a protection against rain.19. cow: 母牛- A cow is a large female animal that is kept on farms for its milk.20. cup: 杯子- A cup is a small, open container used for drinking tea, coffee, or other liquids.21. dad: 爸爸- Dad is an informal word for father.22. day: 白天- Day refers to the time from sunrise to sunset when there is light.23. dog: 狗- A dog is a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, and a barking, howling, or whining voice.24. doll: 娃娃- A doll is a child's toy in the form of a human figure.25. door: 门- A door is a hinged or otherwise movable barrier that allows ingress and egress into or out of an enclosure.26. duck: 鸭子- A duck is a waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a waddling gait.27. ear: 耳朵- An ear is the organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates.28. egg: 蛋- An egg is an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, from which a young animal hatches.29. eye: 眼睛- An eye is each of a pair of organs in the head that enable sight.30. face: 脸- The face is the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal.31. family: 家庭- A family is a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.32. father: 父亲- Father is a formal word for dad or daddy.33. fish: 鱼- A fish is a limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins.34. floor: 地板- A floor is the lower surface of a room on which one may walk.35. flower: 花- A flower is the seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs surrounded by petals and sepals.36. food: 食物- Food is any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink in order to maintain life and growth.37. foot: 脚- A foot is the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks.38. friend: 朋友- A friend is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection and trust.39. fruit: 水果- Fruit is the sweet or savory product of a plant or tree that consists of seeds and flesh.40. girl: 女孩- A girl is a female child or young woman.41. glass: 玻璃- Glass is a hard, brittle substance, typically transparent or translucent, made by fusing sand with soda lime and cooling rapidly.42. goat: 山羊- A goat is a domesticated ruminant mammal that is typically kept for milk or meat.43. hand: 手- A hand is the end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb.44. head: 头- The head is the upper part of the human body, or the front or upper part of an animal.45. horse: 马- A horse is a large mammal used for riding and carrying loads.46. house: 房子- A house is a building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.47. leg: 腿- A leg is each of the limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands.48. mother: 母亲- Mother is a formal word for mom or mommy.49. mouth: 嘴- A mouth is the opening in the face through which food and drink are taken in and through which sounds come out.50. name: 名字- A name is a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.51. nose: 鼻子- A nose is the protruding part of the face above the mouth, through which air and food pass.52. pen: 钢笔- A pen is an instrument used for writing or drawing, consisting of a slender cylindrical piece of wood or metal with a nib.53. pig: 猪- A pig is an omnivorous domesticated hoofed mammal, having a bristly snout and a long, straight tail.54. pencil: 铅笔- A pencil is a long, thin object made of wood with a black or colored graphite core.55. plate: 盘子- A plate is a flat dish, typically circular and made of china or porcelain, which food is served or eaten from.56. rabbit: 兔子- A rabbit is a small burrowing mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and ashort fluffy tail.57. room: 房间- A room is a space or division within the inside of a building, enclosed by walls.58. sheep: 绵羊- A sheep is a domesticated ruminant mammal with a thick woolly coat that is often used for food and wool.59. sister: 姐妹- A sister is a female sibling.60. star: 星星- A star is a fixed luminous point in the night sky that is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.61. station: 站台- A station is a place or building where a specified activity or service is concentrated.62. table: 桌子- A table is a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at.63. teacher: 老师- A teacher is a person who teaches, especially in a school.64. telephone: 电话- A telephone is a system that converts acoustic vibrations to electrical signals in order to transmit sound, typically voices, over a distance using wire or radio.65. television: 电视- Television is a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly used for entertainment or broadcasting news.66. tree: 树- A tree is a woody perennial plant with a long main stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves.67. wall: 墙- A wall is a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land, often attached to a building.68. watch: 手表- A watch is a small timepiece worn typically on a strap on one's wrist.69. water: 水- Water is a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.70. window: 窗户- A window is an opening in the wall or roof of a building or vehicle that is fitted with glass or other transparent material.71. wolf: 狼- A wolf is a wild carnivorous mammal of the dog family, living and hunting in packs.72. woman: 女人- A woman is an adult female human being.73. wood: 木材- Wood is the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub.74. zoo: 动物园- A zoo is a park-like area in which live animals are kept in cages or large enclosures for public exhibition.75. leaf: 叶子- A leaf is the flattened, usually green, outer part of a plant stem, attached to the stem by a petiole.76. sky: 天空- The sky is the area of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the Earth's surface.77. cloud: 云- A cloud is a visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere.78. mountain: 山- A mountain is a large natural elevation of the Earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level or a large steep hill.79. river: 河流- A river is a large natural stream of water that flows in a particular direction.80. road: 路- A road is a wide track for vehicles, typically between two edges, often laid with tarmac or concrete.81. sun: 太阳- The sun is the nearest star to the Earth, a yellow dwarf star that is the center of the Solar System.82. moon: 月亮- The moon is the natural satellite of the Earth, orbiting around it and causing tides.83. starfish: 海星- A starfish is a marine invertebrate animal with a radial, star-like body plan and a central disc.84. jellyfish: 水母- A jellyfish is a marine coelenterate invertebrate animal with a gelatinous bell or saucer-shaped body.85. shark: 鲨鱼- A shark is a cartilaginous fish with a long, flat snout, and five gills on each side of the body.86. octopus: 章鱼- An octopus is a mollusc with eight arms, typically living in marine environments.87. dinosaur: 恐龙- A dinosaur is a reptile from the past that had a body covered with scales, four legs, and a long tail.88. flowerpot: 花盆- A flowerpot is a container used for growing flowers or plants, typically made of clay or plastic.89. keyboard: 键盘- A keyboard is a flat surface with keys that can be pressed to type letters, numbers, or other characters.90. mouse: 鼠标- A mouse is a small, handheld device that is moved on a flat surface to control the pointer on a computer screen.91. computer: 电脑- A computer is an electronic device that processes data, usually for purposes such as typing, gaming, or calculating.92. keyboard: 键盘- A keyboard is a flat surface with keys that can be pressed to play musical notes or control a musical instrument.93. guitar: 吉他- A guitar is a stringed musical instrument with a long, narrow neck and a body typically made of wood.94. piano: 钢琴- A piano is a musical instrument with a keyboard and strings that are struck with hammers when the keys are pressed.95. drum: 鼓- A drum is a musical instrument consisting of a round, hollow container that is beaten with sticks or hands.96. music: 音乐- Music is a sound or combination of sounds organized in a way that is pleasant, harmonious, or otherwise engaging to the ear.97. dance: 舞蹈- Dance is a rhythmic, physical activity that involves moving to music.98. art: 艺术- Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture.99. bookstore: 书店- A bookstore is a shop that sells books, magazines, and other printed materials.100. library: 图书馆- A library is a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing by the public or the members of an institution.以上是人教版二年级重点英语单词的详细介绍。



小学一年级上册yes n.是,是的old adj.老的are v.是too adv.也car n.小汽车bu t conj.但是for prep.为,对于r ed adj.红色box n.盒子,箱how adv.多少one n.一bag n.书包sit v.坐下new adj.新的two num.二her adj.她的no t adv.不now adv.现在you pron.你,你们his adj.他的dog n.狗cat n.猫pen n.钢笔and conj.和six num.六ten num.十boy n.男孩blue adj.蓝色kite n.风筝look v看four num.四five num.五nine num.九hello n.你好this pron.这个pink adj.粉色ball n.球monkey n.猴子seven num.七eight num.八monster n.怪物house n.房子,住宅brown n.棕色welcome vt.欢迎father n.父亲many adj.许多book n.书three num.三that pron.那,那个bird n.鸟fine adj.很好good adj.好的d oor n.门point v.指d own adv.向下name n.名字what pron.什么your pron.你的girl n.女孩many adj.许多help v.帮忙,救命stand v.站open v.打开black n.黑色desk n.书桌chair n.椅子white n.白色please int.请sorry adj.对不起thank v.谢谢goodbye v.再见morning n.早上afternoon n.下午panda n.熊猫window n.窗口orange n.橙,橙色teacher n.教师school n.学校yellow n.黄色colour n.颜色(=color)gr een n.绿色classroom n.教室child小孩schoolbag n.书包pencil n.铅笔ruler n.尺子eraser n.橡皮crayon n.蜡笔happy adj.快乐的birthday n.生日fish n.鱼daddy n.爸爸mother n.母亲g ran d p a n.爷爷g r an dma n.奶奶friend n.朋友sister n.姐妹brother n.兄弟am vi.是no adv不,不是my adj.我的t o prep.向…our pron.我们的up adv.向上is vt.是or conj.或者so adv.那么it它the那个小学一年级下册toy n.玩具cow n.奶牛pig n.猪egg n.鸡蛋,蛋zoo n.动物园can aux.可以,能see v.看见fat adj.胖的big adj.大的bed n.床hat n.帽子eye n.眼睛leg n.腿she n.她ho t adj.热的ear n.耳朵all pron.全部,所有bear n.熊know v.知道long adj.长的thin adj.瘦的help v.帮助tall adj.高的some adj.一些very adj.非常favourite adj.最喜欢的(=favorite)shoe n.鞋子swim v.游泳sock n.短袜cute adj.可爱的tree n.树feet n.脚,足baby n.婴儿they pron.他(她/它)们farm n.农场duck n.鸭子nose n.鼻子here adv.这里with prep.用…like vt.喜欢lion n.狮子play vt.参加them pron.他们face n.脸hand n.手body n.身体idea n.主意,想法sing vt.唱歌head n.头doctor n.医生nurse n.护士driver n.司机policeman n.警察pupil n.小学生where adv.哪里under prep.在…下eleven num.十一twelve num.十二other adj.其他的touch v.触摸mouth n.嘴巴these pron.这些chicken n.鸡little adj.小的snake n.蛇short adj.矮的,短的small adj.小的sport n.运动tiger n.老虎dance v.跳舞tired adj.累的,疲惫的guess v.猜meatball v.肉丸子swimming n.游泳me pron.我at prep.在he n.他in prep.在…里on prep.在…上go v.去OK行,好小学二年级上册too adv.太…one num.一个run vt.跑sky n.天,天空fly vi.放飞bus n.公共汽车eat vt.吃son g n.歌曲team n.球队milk n.牛奶rice n.米饭nice adj.好的have v.吃,喝home家meat n.肉goal n.进球,得分live vi.居住moon n.月亮with prep.与…在一起have vt.有then adv.然后ship n.轮船love vt.喜爱city n.城市wish v.祝,祝愿r ead vt.阅读c o me vi.来play vt.演奏how adv.怎样,如何train n.火车walk vt.步行work vt.工作warm adj.温暖的wear vt.穿,戴elephant n.大象giraffe n.长颈鹿strong adj.强壮的horse n.马animal n.动物shorts n.短裤clothes n.衣服football n.足球basketball n.篮球t ogether adv.一起really adv.很,非常their pron.他(她/它)们的favourite n.最喜爱的事物dress n.连衣裙trousers n.裤子party n.聚会poster n.海报,招贴画lunch n.午餐watch v.观看Sunday n.星期日gr eat adj.太好了holiday n.假期plane n.飞机week end n.周末piano n.钢琴music n.音乐listen v.听d ru m n.鼓winter n.冬天spring n.春天summer n.夏天a u t u mn n.秋天skating n.滑冰jacket n.夹克sunglasses n.太阳镜sweater n.毛线衫glove n.手套present礼物dumpling n.水饺Chinese adj.中国的firecracker n.鞭炮,爆竹Christmas n.圣诞节dinner n.正餐,主餐on prep.在…的时候bike n.自行车cool adj.凉爽的cold adj.寒冷的hair n.头发coat n.外套year n.年park n.公园noodles n.面条sweets n.糖果children n.孩子们小学二年级下册cap n.(有帽檐的)帽子ski v.滑雪sad adj.伤心的ill adj.有病的say v.念,朗诵ou t n.出,向外kid n.小孩way n.道路路线hill n.小山sofa n.沙发sunny adj.阳光充足的,阳光明媚take vt.带,拿like vt像,如同rain vt.下雨tidy vt.整理,收拾room n.房间card n.贺卡snow vt.下雪hide vt.躲藏seek vt.寻找skip vi.跳绳late adj.晚的,迟的,weather n.天气windy adj.有风的,刮风的street n.街道radio n.收音机photo n.照片draw vt.绘画,画picture n.图画,照片call v.打电话,通话talk vt.说话write vt.写g r oun d n.地面again adv.又一次,再一次by prep.乘,坐ginger n.姜onion n.洋葱b an an a n.香蕉apple n.苹果orange n.柑橘,橙fruit n.水果milkshake n.奶昔everything n.每件事tomato n.番茄,西红柿smile n.微笑letter n.信clap v.拍手game n.游戏ride v.骑well adv.喔,好cook v.做饭,烧菜st op v.停止turn v.转向,转弯lost adj.迷路的Jump v.跳跃back v.回到,返回left adj.向左,左边的right adj.向右,右边的r o ad n.公路,道路play n.演出poem n.诗well adj.完全的,充分的taxi n.出租车past v.经过colour v.给……着色newspaper n.报纸little adj.年幼的,幼小的camera n.照相机homework n.家庭作业sleep v.睡觉secret n.秘密flower n.花science n.科学today n.今天noise n.声音,响声drink vt.喝,饮st one n.石头behind prep.在…后面straight adv.直地,直线地factory n.工厂cousin n.堂表兄(弟姐妹)supermarket n.超市wrong adj.不正确的front n.前面cinema n.电影院do vt.做no adv.没有TV n.电视台us pron.我们Mrs.n.太太,夫人小学三年级上册use v.使用;mum n.妈妈;row v.划(船);far adv.远;fly v.飞;cry v.哭;dad n爸爸;sea n.大海;g et v.拿,取;lake n.湖;want v.想要;test n.考试;mess n.肮脏;凌乱;har d adj.困难的;fork n.叉;chips n.(常复)炸薯条;grass n.草;food n。

小学二年级英语单词汇总表 上册 下册单词汇总表

小学二年级英语单词汇总表 上册 下册单词汇总表

nice adj. 令人愉快的;友好的
103 beautifuladj. 美丽的
104 cry v. 哭;哭泣
105 yak n.
106 zebra n.
第 2 页,共 4 页
英文 词性
序号 英文 词性
are v./n. 是;就是
28 thing* n. 东西;物
27 ride a bicycle
序号 英文 词性 中文
28 can't
29 giraffe n.
30 family n. 家;家庭
31 brother n. 哥哥;弟弟
32 sister n. 姐姐;妹妹
33 friend n.
34 young adj. 年轻的
old adj.
36 insect n.
37 jellyfish n.
38 hair n.
39 head n.
40 your adj.
41 long adj.
now adv
43 look v.

44 kangaroo n.
45 lion n.
has vt.
序号 英文 词性 中文
evening n.




Words:1. chopstick 筷子2.difficult 困难的3. city 城市4 . answer 回答5. finish 完成6. start 开始7. answer 回答8. better 较好的9. end 结束10. alone 单独的11.CD-ROM 电脑光盘12. bamboo 竹子13.copy 模仿14.child 孩子15. awake 醒的16. animal 动物17.sleep 睡觉18.snake 蛇19.fantastic 美好的20. tidy 整理21. often 经常22. messy 杂乱的23.bookshelf 书架24. choose 选择25. together 一起26. week 星期27. suck 吮吸28. thumb 大拇指29. UN 联合国30. important 重要的31.peace 和平32. world 世界33. country 国家34. inside 里面35. kangaroo 袋鼠36. parrot 鹦鹉37. aunt 姨、姑38.picnic 野餐39.hungry 饿的40. thirsty 渴的41. bring 拿来42. way 方式43. line 排、列44. drink 喝、饮料45. forget 忘记46. clean 干净的47. thousand 千48. kilometre 千米/ 公里49 place 地方50. visit 拜访51. building 楼房52. museum 博物馆53. surprise 惊喜54. everywhere 到处55. restaurant 饭馆56. dancing 舞蹈57. album 集邮册58.collect 收集59. mountain 山60. special 特别的61. hear 听见62. nearly 几乎63. poem 诗64. festival 节日65. important 重要的66. Christmas 圣诞节67. pretty 美丽的68. cousin 堂兄69. write 写70. photo 照片71. listen 听72. ask 问73. question 问题74.letter 信75. China 中国76. start 开始77. finish 结束78. half 一半儿79. past 经过80.about 关于81.favourite 最喜欢的82. love 喜爱83.elephant 大象84. say 说85. twelve 十二86. another 另一个87. night 夜晚88. sleep 睡觉89. where 在那里90. when 什么时候91. what 什么92. who 谁93. whose 谁的94. see 看见95. today 今天96. owl 猫头鹰97. often 经常98. story 故事99. shoe 鞋100. house 房子小学二年级常用短语Phrases:1. play with 和…玩;2. thank sb for sth 为某事感谢某人;3. from start to end 从开始到结束4. look at 看一看;5. come out 出来;6. in the day在白天;7. at night 在夜晚;8. an hour a day 一天一小时;9. like to do sth / like doing sth 喜欢做某事;10. live in 住在;11. learn a lesson 得到教训;12. gool idea 好主意;13. how often 多长时间一次;14. put into 把放进;15. be from / come from 来自;16. Chinese stamps 中国邮票;17. lots of / a lot of 许多;18. need to do sth 需要做某事;19. a picture of 一张… 的照片;20. have got 有;21. tell sb about sth 告诉某人某件事;22. millions of 无记其数的;23. how long 多长;24. how old 多大;25. in the street 在街上;26. be different from 与…不同;27. be difficult for sb 对于某人来说很难;28. the Great Wall 长城;29. the Summer Palace 颐和园;30. pen pal 笔友;31. New York 纽约;32. hurry up 快点;33. go swimming 去游泳;34. go to school 上学;35. play basketball 打篮球;36. draw a picture 画一幅画;37. stay at home 呆在家里;38. watch TV 看电视;39. in the world 在世界上;40. drink water 喝水.。



fore finger / thin 食指
39 fried bread stick
fruit shop go shopping go to school hands down hands up have a breakfast have a picnic have dinner have lunch here we are in her cage in the classroom in the country park in the garden in the rain in the street in the tree join the cups jump high jumping up and down learn the letter
小学二年级英语单 词表:
序 英文

1 a big mouth
一个大嘴巴 40
2 a bottle of jam
3 a red nose
一个红鼻子 42
4 a white bird
5 an apple pie 6 ask and answer
一个苹果派 44
7 at the circus
馒头 超市 超级演出 甜的糖 乒乓球 脱下鞋子 长城 自然界 红太阳 大拇指 关闭龙头 打开龙头 两只棕色的眼睛 两只蜡笔 两只长耳朵 两个纸杯 上上下下 洗毛巾 挥挥手 用一根细绳 写信 你的照相机
97 spin the spinner 98 spring rolls 99 stand up



二年级上册英语单词重点归纳Unit 1- apple: 苹果- banana: 香蕉- cake: 蛋糕- duck: 鸭子- egg: 鸡蛋- fish: 鱼- grapes: 葡萄- hat: 帽子- ice cream: 冰淇淋- juice: 果汁- kite: 风筝- lion: 狮子- milk: 牛奶- nose: 鼻子- orange: 橙子- pear: 梨- queen: 女王- rabbit: 兔子- sun: 太阳- turtle: 乌龟- umbrella: 雨伞- vest: 背心- whale: 鲸鱼- xylophone: 木琴- yogurt: 酸奶- zebra: 斑马Unit 2- ant: 蚂蚁- bee: 蜜蜂- cat: 猫- dog: 狗- ear: 耳朵- foot: 脚- girl: 女孩- hand: 手- insect: 昆虫- jar: 罐子- key: 钥匙- leg: 腿- mouse: 老鼠- nose: 鼻子- owl: 猫头鹰- pig: 猪- queen: 女王- rabbit: 兔子- snake: 蛇- turtle: 乌龟- umbrella: 雨伞- violin: 小提琴- whale: 鲸鱼- xylophone: 木琴- yogurt: 酸奶- zebra: 斑马Unit 3- apple: 苹果- ball: 球- cat: 猫- dog: 狗- engine: 发动机- flower: 花- gate: 大门- hat: 帽子- insect: 昆虫- juice: 果汁- key: 钥匙- lion: 狮子- mouse: 老鼠- nose: 鼻子- orange: 橙子- pen: 钢笔- queen: 女王- rabbit: 兔子- snake: 蛇- turtle: 乌龟- umbrella: 雨伞- violin: 小提琴- xylophone: 木琴- yogurt: 酸奶- zebra: 斑马Unit 4- ant: 蚂蚁- bear: 熊- cat: 猫- dog: 狗- elephant: 大象- fish: 鱼- goat: 山羊- horse: 马- insect: 昆虫- jellyfish: 水母- kangaroo: 袋鼠- lion: 狮子- monkey: 猴子- nose: 鼻子- octopus: 章鱼- pig: 猪- queen: 女王- rabbit: 兔子- snake: 蛇- turtle: 乌龟- umbrella: 雨伞- violin: 小提琴- whale: 鲸鱼- xylophone: 木琴- yogurt: 酸奶- zebra: 斑马Unit 5- apple: 苹果- ball: 球- car: 汽车- duck: 鸭子- elephant: 大象- frog: 青蛙- goat: 山羊- insect: 昆虫- juice: 果汁- key: 钥匙- lion: 狮子- monkey: 猴子- nose: 鼻子- orange: 橙子- pig: 猪- queen: 女王- rabbit: 兔子- snake: 蛇- turtle: 乌龟- umbrella: 雨伞- violin: 小提琴- whale: 鲸鱼- xylophone: 木琴- yogurt: 酸奶- zebra: 斑马Unit 6- ant: 蚂蚁- bird: 鸟- cat: 猫- dog: 狗- elephant: 大象- fish: 鱼- goat: 山羊- hat: 帽子- insect: 昆虫- jellyfish: 水母- key: 钥匙- lion: 狮子- mouse: 老鼠- nose: 鼻子- octopus: 章鱼- pig: 猪- queen: 女王- rabbit: 兔子- snake: 蛇- turtle: 乌龟- umbrella: 雨伞- violin: 小提琴- whale: 鲸鱼- xylophone: 木琴- yogurt: 酸奶- zebra: 斑马Unit 7- aardvark: 土豚- bat: 蝙蝠- bear: 熊- camel: 骆驼- deer: 鹿- fox: 狐狸- giraffe: 长颈鹿- hare: 野兔- hippopotamus: 河马- kangaroo: 袋鼠- leopard: 豹- mouse: 老鼠- narwhal: 角鲸- orca: 虎鲸- panda: 熊猫- quokka: 短尾矮袋鼠- rhino: 犀牛- scorpion: 蝎子- tiger: 老虎- warthog: 疣猪- wolf: 狼- yak: 牦牛- zebra: 斑马- cloud: 云- mountain: 山- river: 河- sea: 海- sky: 天- sun: 太阳- tree: 树- wind: 风- star: 星- moon: 月亮Unit 8- accent: 口音- anger: 愤怒- beauty: 美- community: 社区- confidence: 自信- courage: 勇气- creativity: 创造力- culture: 文化- diversity: 多样性- education: 教育- empathy: 同理心- enthusiasm: 热情- faith: 信仰- family: 家庭- friendship: 友谊- generosity: 慷慨- grace: 优雅- gratitude: 感恩- happiness: 幸福- health: 健康- humor: 幽默- imagination: 想象力- independence: 独立- intelligence: 智力- joy: 喜悦- kindness: 善良- knowledge: 知识- love: 爱- loyalty: 忠诚- manner: 礼貌- morality: 道德- nature: 自然- patience: 耐心- peace: 和平- philosophy: 哲学- poem: 诗歌- science: 科学- season: 季节- simplicity: 简单- smile: 微笑- spirit: 精神- sports: 运动- talent: 天赋- technology: 技术- time: 时间- truth: 真理- victory: 胜利- wisdom: 智慧- worry: 担忧Unit 9- actor: 演员- architect: 建筑师- artist: 艺术家- athlete: 运动员- doctor: 医生- engineer: 工程师- entrepreneur: 企业家- farmer: 农民- fashion designer: 时尚设计师- firefighter: 消防员- food critic: 美食评论家- gardener: 园丁- journalist: 记者- lawyer: 律师- librarian: 图书管理员- musician: 音乐家- painter: 画家- pharmacist: 药剂师- photographer: 摄影师- poet: 诗人- police officer: 警察- professor: 教授- programmer: 程序员- psychologist: 心理学家- researcher: 研究员- teacher: 教师- writer: 作家Unit 10- ambition: 野心- challenge: 挑战- dream: 梦想- failure: 失败- goal: 目标- hard work: 努力工作- inspiration: 灵感- journey: 旅程- learning: 学习- mistake: 错误- opportunity: 机会- passion: 激情- persistence: 坚持- problem-solving: 解决问题- progress: 进步- resilience: 弹性- risk-taking: 冒险- self-improvement: 自我提升- success: 成功- teamwork: 团队合作- time management: 时间管理- victory: 胜利- visualization: 视觉化- wisdom: 智慧- work-life balance: 工作与生活平衡以上是二年级上册英语单词重点归纳的详细介绍。



花 flower 树 tree 捡拾采 pick 爬 climb
不 don't=do not
公园 park 黄色 yellow 斑马 zebra 动物园 zoo 盒子 box
太阳 sun 月亮 moon 星星 star 天空 sky 汤 soup 桌子 table 明亮的 bright 小的 little 光滑的 smooth 软的 soft
年轻 young 年老 old 他 he 她 she 我的 my 你的 your 这 this 那 that 昆虫 insect 罐子 jar
滑滑梯 slide 秋千 swing 跷跷板 seesaw 孩子们 children 花园 garden 在... 里面 in 向上 up 向下 down 老鼠 mouse 网 net
书包 bag 盒子 box 书桌 desk 椅子 chair 房间 room 在... 上面 on 放 put 书本 book 猪 pig 在... ree 四 four 五 five 六 six 七 seven 八 eight 九 nine 十 ten
游泳 swim 跑 run 跳( 绳) skip 飞 fly 骑 ride 画画 draw 唱歌 sing 写 write 看 look 大门 gate
碗 bowl 盘子 plate 汤匙 spoon 筷子 chopsticks 厨房 kitchen 烧饭 cook 桌子 table 皇后 queen 兔子 rabbit 桔色 orange
头发 hair 头 head 脸 face 耳朵 ear 眼睛 eye 鼻子 nose 嘴 mouth 手 hand 风筝 kite 狮子 lion
狐狸 fox 河马 hippo 肉 meat 草 grass 伞 umbrella 面包车 van 窗户 window 狮子 lion 猴子 monkey 香蕉 banana



人教版一年级起点小学英语二年级上(英语单词表,带发音)Unit 1Unit 2father英音 [ˈfɑːðə(r)]美音 [ˈfɑːðər]n. 父亲,爸爸;神父;祖先;前辈 vt. 发明,创立;当…的父亲mother英音 [ˈm ʌðə(r)]美音 [ˈm ʌðər]n. 母亲;大娘;女修道院院长 vt. 生下;养育;像母亲般关怀或照管 adj. 母亲的;出生…brother英音 [ˈbr ʌðə(r)]美音 [ˈbr ʌðər]n. 兄弟;同事;战友 int. 我的老兄!sister英音 [ˈs ɪstə(r)]美音 [ˈs ɪst ər]n. 姐妹;(称志同道合者)姐妹;修女;护士adj. 姐妹般的;同类型的grandmother英音 [ˈɡrænm ʌðə(r)]美音 [ˈɡrænm ʌðər]n. 祖母;女祖先 vt. 当…的祖母 vi. 当祖母grandfather英音 [ˈɡrænfɑːðə(r)]美音 [ˈɡrænfɑːðər]n. 祖父;始祖 vt. 不受新规定限制who 英音 [hu ː]美音 [hu ː]pron. 谁;什么人he英音 [hi; i ː; i; hiː]美音 [hi; i ː; i; hiː]n. 男孩,男人;它(雄性动物) pron. 他she 英音 [ʃi]美音 [ʃi; ʃi ː]n. 女人;雌性动物 pron. 她(主格);它(用来指雌性动物或国家、船舶、地球、月亮等)classmate英音 [ˈklɑːsmeɪt]美音 [ˈklæsmeɪt]n. 同班同学friend英音 [frend]美音 [frend]n. 朋友;助手;赞助者woman英音 [ˈw ʊm ən]美音 [ˈw ʊmən]n. 妇女;女性;成年女子Unit 3girl 英音 [ɡɜːl]美音 [ɡɜːrl]n. 女孩;姑娘,未婚女子;女职员,女演员;(男人的)女朋友 n. (捷)吉尔man 英音 [mæn]美音 [mæn]n. 人;男人;人类;丈夫;雇工 vt. 操纵;给…配置人员;使增强勇气;在…就位boy 英音 [b ɔɪ]美音 [b ɔɪ]n. 男孩;男人look英音 [l ʊk]美音 [l ʊk]vt. 看;期待;注意;面向;看上去像 vi. 看;看起来;注意;面向 n. 看;样子;面容his 英音 [h ɪz]美音 [h ɪz; ɪz]pron. 他的name 英音 [ne ɪm]美音 [ne ɪm]n. 名称,名字;姓名;名誉 vt. 命名,任命;指定;称呼;提名;叫出 adj. 姓名的;据以…her 英音 [h ə(r)]美音 [h ər; ɜːr; ər; h ɜːr]pron. 她(she的宾格);她的(she的所有格);她(指某个国家;一艘船)or 英音 [ɔː(r)]美音 [ɔːr]conj. 或,或者;还是big英音 [b ɪɡ]美音 [b ɪɡ]adj. 大的;重要的;量大的 adv. 大量地;顺利;夸大地tall英音 [t ɔːl]美音 [t ɔːl]adj. 高的;长的;过分的;夸大的 adv. 夸大地pretty英音 [ˈpr ɪti]美音 [ˈpr ɪti]n. 有吸引力的事物(尤指饰品);漂亮的人adj. 漂亮的;可爱的;优美的 adv. 相当地;…thin英音 [θɪn]美音 [θɪn]n. 细小部分 adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的 vt. 使瘦;使淡;使稀疏 vi. 变薄;变瘦;…short英音 [ʃɔːt]美音 [ʃɔːrt]n. 短;缺乏;短路;短裤 adj. 短的;不足的;矮的,低的 adv. 不足;突然;唐突地handsome英音 [ˈhæns əm]美音 [ˈhæns əm]adj. (男子)英俊的;可观的;大方的,慷慨的;健美而端庄的new英音 [nju ː]美音 [nu ː]adj. 新的,新鲜的;更新的;初见的 adv. 新近Unit 4Unit 5does 英音 [d ʌz]美音 [d ʌz]v. 做;工作;有用(do的第三人称单数形式)bookshop英音 [ˈb ʊk ʃɒp]美音 [ˈb ʊk ʃɑːp]n. 书店zoo英音 [zu ː]美音 [zu ː]n. 动物园; <美俚>(铁路货车的最后一节)守车; <美俚>核粒子园school英音 [sku ːl]美音 [sku ːl]n. 学校;学院;学派;鱼群 vt. 教育supermarket英音 [ˈsu ːp əmɑːk ɪt]美音 [ˈsu ːp ərmɑːrk ɪt]n. 超级市场;自助售货商店park英音 [pɑːk]美音 [pɑːrk]n. 公园;[交] 停车场 vt. 停放;放置;寄存 vi.停放车辆hospital英音 [ˈh ɒsp ɪt(ə)l]美音 [ˈhɑːsp ɪtl]n. 医院go英音 [ɡəʊ]美音 [ɡo ʊ]n. 去;进行;尝试 vi. 走;达到;运转;趋于vt. 忍受;出产;以…打赌 [复数 goes 第三…to英音 [t ə]美音 [t ə; tu; tu ː]prep. 到;向;(表示时间、方向)朝…方向adv. 向前;(门等)关上grass英音 [ɡrɑːs]美音 [ɡræs]n. 草;草地,草坪 vt. 放牧;使……长满草;使……吃草 vi. 长草tree英音 [tri ː]美音 [tri ː]n. 树;木料;树状物 vt. 把...赶上树 vi. 爬上树;逃上树flower英音 [ˈfla ʊə(r)]美音 [ˈfla ʊər]n. 花;精华;开花植物 vt. 使开花;用花装饰vi. 成熟,发育;开花;繁荣;旺盛boat英音 [b əʊt]美音 [bo ʊt]n. 小船;轮船 vi. 划船Unit 6lake 英音 [le ɪk]美音 [le ɪk]n. 湖;深红色颜料;胭脂红 vt. (使)血球溶解 vi. (使)血球溶解hill英音 [h ɪl]美音 [h ɪl]n. 小山;丘陵;斜坡;山冈Christmas英音 [ˈkr ɪsm əs]美音 [ˈkr ɪsm əs]n. 圣诞节;圣诞节期间Father Christmas na. 圣诞老人Christmas tree英音 [ˈkr ɪsm əs tri ː]美音 [ˈkr ɪsm əs tri ː]n. 【节】圣诞树card英音 [kɑːd]美音 [kɑːrd]n. 卡片;纸牌;明信片 vt. 记于卡片上present英音 [ˈprez(ə)nt]美音 [ˈpreznt]n. 现在;礼物;瞄准 adj. 现在的;出席的 vt.提出;介绍;呈现;赠送 vi. 举枪瞄准New Year n. 新年merry英音 [ˈmeri]美音 [ˈmeri]adj. 愉快的;微醉的;嬉戏作乐的 n. 甜樱桃too 英音 [tu ː]美音 [tu ː]adv. 太;也;很;还;非常;过度here英音 [h ɪə(r)]美音 [h ɪr]n. 这里 adv. 在这里;此时 int. 嘿!;喂!for英音 [f ə(r)]美音 [f ər; f ɔːr]prep. 为,为了;因为;给;对于;至于;适合于 conj. 因为thank英音 [θæŋk]美音 [θæŋk]n. 感谢 vt. 感谢 int. 谢谢happy英音 [ˈhæpi]美音 [ˈhæpi]adj. 幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的。



义务教育英语课程标准二年级词汇表Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】《义务教育英语课程标准》二级词汇表(423个)根据2011年版《义务教育英语课程标准》,整理出来了二级词汇表(国家规定:小学阶段应学习600~700个单词。



A(21个)a(an)art.aboutprep&ad.afraidaafterad,prep&conjafternoonnagainadalla&pronalsoadalwaysadandconjangryaanimalnanswern&vanypron&aapplenAprilnarmnartnaskvatprepAugustnauntnautumnnB(39个)babynbackad&nbadabagnballnbanananbasketba llnbe(is,am,are,was,were)auxvbear nbeautifula becauseconjbednbeforeprep,ad&conj beginvbehindprep besideprep betweenprepbigabike=bicyclenbirdnbirthdaynblacka&n blackboardnblue n&aboatnbodynbooknboxnboynbreadnbreakfastnbringvbrothernbrownn&abusnbusyabutconjbuyvbyprepbyeinterjC(33个)cakencallv&ncann&modalvcandyncapncarncardncatnchairnchickennchild(pl.children)nChinesea&n cineman cityn classn cleana&v clevera clockn closev&a clothesn cloudya coatncolda&n colourn&v comev computern cookv&n coola cousinn cown crayonn cryn&v cupnD(18个)dad(daddy)n dancev&n daughtern dayndeara Decembern deskn difficulta dinnern dirtyadovdoctorn dogndoorn downad&prep drawv dressn&v drinkv&n drivern ducknE(12个)earlya&ad easyaeatveggnelephantnE-mailn Englishn&a eveningn everya exercisev&n eyenF()facen&v familynfannFara&adfarmnfarmernfasta&adfatafathern favouritea&n Februarynfeelvfilmnfindvfineafishnfloornflowernflyv&nfoodnfoot(pl.feet)n footballn forprep Fridaynfriendn fromprepfruitnG()gamengetvgirlngivevgood(better,best)a goodbye(bye-bye)interj grandma=grandmothern grandpa=grandfathern grassngreatagreena&nH(27个)hairnhalfa&nhandnhappyahatnhave(has,had,had)v hepronheadnhealthyahearvheavyahello(hi)interjhelpv&nhennherpronhereadHihighahimpronhispronhobbynholidaynhomen&adhomeworknhorsenhospitalnhotahournhousenhowadhungryaI(8个)Ipronice-creamnideanillainprepinterestingaitprop.itspronJ(2个)JanuarynJapannJapanesen&ajobnjuicenJulynjumpvJunenK(5个)kidnkindn&akitchennkitenknowvL(16个)lakenlatea&adlazyalefta&nlegnlessonnlet(let,let)vletternlibrarynlighta&nlikevlionnlistenvlittlealivevlongalookv.&nlovev&nlunchnM(23个)makevman(pl.men)nmany(more,most)pron&a mapnMarchnmaths=mathematicsn maymodalvMaynmaybeadmepronmeetvmilknminutenMissnmom(mum)n Mondaynmoneynmonkeynmonthnmoonnmorningnmothernmouse(pl.mice)n mouthnMr.(mister)nMrs.(mistress)n MsnmuchamusicnmypronN()namennearanecknnewanexta,ad&nniceanightnninenum nineteennum ninetynum ninthnumnoad&anoodlennosennotadNovembernnowadnumbernnursenOKadOctobernofoftenadoldaonpreponenum&pronopena&vorconjorangea&nourpronP()paintnpandanpapernparentnparkn&vpartynPEpearnpennpencilnpeoplenphonev&nphoto=photographn picturenpignplacen&vplaina&nplann&vplanenplantv&nplayvplaygroundnpleasevpolicenpoliceman(policewoman)n potatonpupilnpurplea&nputvQquestionnquicka&adR(9个)rabbitnrainv&nrainyareadvreda&nricenrightn&arivernroadnroomnrulernrunvS(46个)sadasayvschooln schoolbagn sciencenseanseasonn secondnum,a&n seev Septembern sevennum seventeennum seventhnum seventynum shepronsheep(pl.sheep)n shipnshirtnshoenshopnshortashortsnsickasingvsisternsitvsixnum sixteennum sixthnum sixtynumskynsleepnslowa&ad smalla snowv&n snowya socksn somea&pron sometimesad sonnsongnsorrya soupn speakv sportn springn standvstarnstopn&v storyn streetn stronga studentn studyv&n subject n summern sunn Sundayn sunnya supermarketn suppern sweatern sweepv sweetn&a swimvT(38个) tablen tabletennisn takevtalkvtallataxinteantellvtennumtenthnumthankv&nthata&pron theart.theirpron thempron thereint,n&ad thesepron theypronthickathinathinkvthirdnum thirteennum thirtynumthisa&pron thosea&pron threenum Thursdayntigerntimentiredatopreptodayad&ntoiletntomaton tomorrowad&n tooadtooth(pl.teeth)n toyntrainn&vtravelv&ntreentrousersntryvT-shirtn Tuesdaynturnn&v twelfthnum twelvenum twentiethnumTVU(6个)uglya umbrellan unclen underprep upad&prep uspron usen&vV(3个)vegetablen veryad visitv&n volleyballn W(33个)waitvwalkv&n wallnwantv warma warnv washv watchn&v watern wayn wepron wearv weathern Wednesdayn weekn welcomea wella,ad&n whatpron&a whenconj&ad wheread whitea&n whopron whosepron whyad&int wifenwindn windown windyawoman(pl.women)n wonderfula wordnworkv&nworkernworldnworryvwritevwrongaY(7个)yearnyellowa&nyesad yesterdayn&ad youpronyoungayourpronZ(1个)zeron&numzoon。



二年级上下册需要掌握的英语单词(带中文)词汇汇总1. 数字Number基数词:one1 two2 three3 four4 five5 six6 seven7 eight8 nine9 ten10 eleven11 twelve12 thirteen13 fourteen14 fifteen15 sixteen16 seventeen17 eighteen18 nineteen19 twenty20 thirty30 forty40 fifty50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety90 hundred 百thousand 千million百万序数词:first第一second第二third第三fourth第四fifth第五sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十eleventh第十一twelfth 第十二2. 食物foodmeat肉noodles面条bread面包rice米饭sweets 糖果peanut 花生biscuit 饼干soup汤cake蛋糕milk牛奶fish鱼肉ice-cream冰激凌fast food快餐chocolate巧克力cheese奶酪egg 鸡蛋hot dog 热狗sausages香肠tea 茶chips薯条moon cake月饼hamburger 汉堡cola可乐beef 牛肉water 水tofu 豆腐chicken 鸡肉pork 猪肉vegetable蔬菜tea 茶coffee 咖啡juice果汁(breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐dinner 晚餐)3. 水果fruitapple苹果pear梨子mango芒果banana香蕉orange橙子watermelon 西瓜4. 时间Timemorning早上afternoon下午evening晚上tonight今晚year年tomorrow明天minute分钟today今天yesterday昨天weekend周末o’clock时钟night 晚上break课间休息sometimes 有时holiday 假日someday有一天week星期Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday 星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期日month月份January一月February二月March 三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月hour 小时5. 节日FestivalNew Year新年Christmas圣诞节Spring Festival春节Children’s Day儿童节Thanksgiving感恩节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节Flag Day国旗日Lantern festival元宵节Mid-Autumn festival 中秋节6. 学校schoolbag书包book书paper纸pen钢笔pencil铅笔ruler尺子chair椅子desk 书桌homework作业pencil-box铅笔盒word单词dictionary字典library card图书卡Classroom教室card 卡片,贺卡letter字母middle school中学Chinese语文Math三数学Science科技课Music音乐课English英语physics 物理chemistry化学geography 地理7. 运动类sportball球basketball篮球skipping-rope跳绳football足球table-tennis乒乓球high jump跳高swimming游泳cycling骑自行车long jump跳远morning exercises早操race比赛baseball棒球Olympic Games 奥林匹克8. 动物animalbird鸟fish鱼panda大熊猫snake蛇cat猫lion狮子dog狗parrot鹦鹉dragon龙tiger老虎monkey猴子elephant大象chicken 鸡chick小鸡owl猫头鹰duck鸭子pet 宠物pig猪cow 牛sheep羊horse马frog青蛙rabbit兔子mouse老鼠kangaroo袋鼠monkey 猴子panda熊猫snake蛇9. 颜色colourblue蓝色red红色yellow黄色black黑色white白色brown褐色orange橙色green 绿色10. 交通工具:car汽车plane飞机bus公共汽车boat小船ship轮船train火车bike自行车bicycle自行车van 邮车lorry卡车spaceship 宇宙飞船11. 肢体部位Bodyear耳朵hand手arm手臂eye眼睛head头foot足mouth嘴巴leg腿nose 鼻子hair头发shoulder肩膀12. 服饰clothesshirt,衬衣shorts短裤skirt短裙jacket夹克trousers裤子sock袜子cap鸭舌帽hat有沿帽swimsuit泳衣coat外套dress连衣裙T-shirt T恤衫sweater 毛衣pocket口袋shoe鞋13. 国家countryChina中国Chinese中国的England英国English英国的India印度Indian印度的American美国的America美国Scotland苏格兰Australia 澳大利亚UN联合国14. 家庭FamilyDad爸爸father父亲parent父母brother兄弟mum妈妈mother母亲grandpa祖父grandma祖母cousin堂兄弟sister姐妹grandparent祖父母son 儿子15. 称呼:friend朋友children孩子们child 孩子(单数)boy男孩girl女孩queen 女王kin亲戚men 男人(复数) women 女人(复数) pen friend 笔友16. 职业teacher老师doctor医生driver司机nurse护士farmer农民pupil小学生worker 工人clown小丑goalkeeper守门员fireman消防员acrobat杂技演员painter 画家postman邮递员policeman警察model模范17. 音乐类music音乐erhu二胡guitar吉他drum 鼓zither古筝pop music流行音乐song歌曲Classical music古典音乐flute笛trumpet喇叭violin 小提琴dancing 舞蹈trumpet 小号18. 家居类room房间bedroom卧室bathroom 浴室living room 客厅kitchen 厨房dining room 餐厅window窗户hammer锤子floor 地板light灯chopsticks筷子house房屋shelf架子oil lamp油灯newspaper 报纸sofa 沙发vase 花瓶bed床ticket 票toothbrush牙刷fork 叉子knife餐刀stamp邮票cup茶杯door门photo 相片picture图片cooker炊具box盒子doorbell 门铃19. 电器:computer电脑radio收音机telephone电话TV电视camera相机screen屏幕CD激光唱盘CD-Rom 只读光盘television电视electricity电phone 电话电脑Computer: keyboard 键盘monitor显示器laser printer激光打印机mouse鼠标video 录像带icon图标address地址information信息message 信息E-card电子贺卡E-mail 电子邮件20. 大自然类sea海river河流island 岛stone 石头mountain 大山hill小山water水lake湖tree 树flower花sky 天空cloud云sun 太阳bamboo竹子fire火world 世界21. 娱乐Barbie doll芭比娃娃teddy bear玩具熊jigsaw拼图游戏kite风筝slide 滑梯swing秋千chess 国际象棋game游戏magazine杂志pet宠物balloon 气球24. 地点:station 车站school 学校park 公园department store百货商店pond 池塘playground 游乐场community社区circus马戏团factory 工厂library图书馆prairie草原theatre戏院airport飞机场building大楼Chinatown唐人街restaurant饭馆square广场farm农场space 太空25. 景点:Buckingham Place白金汉宫Hyde Park海德公园the London Eye伦敦眼River Thames泰晤士河Tower Bridge塔桥Big Ben大本钟Mount the Yellow River黄河the Changjiang River长江the Great Wall长城Mount Tai泰山West lake 西湖the Summer Palace颐和园Science Museum 科学博物馆Ming Tombs明陵26.城市CityWashington D.C.华盛顿New York纽约San Francisco旧金山Canada加拿大Sydney悉尼Hong Kong香港Shanghai上海Beijing北京Fujian福建Xiamen厦门Tibet西藏Harbin哈尔滨27.天气Weatherwarm温暖hot热的cool凉爽的cold寒冷的rainy下雨的sunny阳光充足的windy刮风的snowy下雪wet湿的season,季节spring春summer 夏autumn (fall) 秋winter 冬28. 疼痛:headache头痛stomachache胃痛cold感冒fever发烧29. 感觉Feeling:sad悲伤的hungry恶的thirsty渴的tired累的shy害羞的exciting兴奋的happy高兴的angry 生气的bored无聊的excited兴奋的nervous紧张的normal 正常的pleased高兴的30. 形态fat胖的thin瘦的tall高的short矮的long长的small小的big大的old老的young年轻的little年幼的strong强壮的large 大的light轻的31. 方位词at在…方面in在…里面on在…上面next to相邻under在…下面down向下over在…上up向上near附近left左边right右边north北west西around在…周围east东south南inside在…内32.人称he他I我it它my我的she她they他们we我们you你(你们) your你(你们)的them他们(宾格)me我us我们myself我自己their他们的mine我的yours 你(你们)的hers她的his他的herself她自己33. 指示代词:this这个that那个these这些those那些here这里there那里all over 到处34. 疑问词how怎么what什么where哪里why为什么how much 多少whose谁的which 哪个35. 副词:now现在about关于any一些bit一点every每一个for为了by乘all所有的from来自just仅仅so所以some一些then然后very非常with和---一起everything任何事than比… one某物also也need要but但是very 很too也well很好地badly很糟的together一起slowly 慢地still仍然abroad国外another另一个quickly 迅速地already已经never从不soon不久more更多maybe可能again再一次always总是hurry 赶紧often常常such这样的(地) because因为loudly 大声地everyone每个人36.词组:come on 快点lots of 许多over there 在那边Sports day运动日turn on 开灯stand up 起立point to指向sit down 坐下one day一天have breakfast吃早饭have lunch吃午饭have dinner吃晚饭watch TV看电视go to work 上班go home回家half past ……点半the others其它Spring Festival春节Christmas 圣诞节New Yea新年take pictures照play with 和……玩go straight on直着走Excuse me对不起next to 与……邻接go to school上学of course当然 a lot 很多good at 擅长at all根本by himself 靠他自己be made of 是……制成的go out 出去tide up 整理in a hurry 匆忙used to过去常常 a litter日少量look for 寻找for now 暂时have to必须switch on 打开think of思考the same as和……一样letter box 邮箱all around 到处in line成一条直线out of 往外。



小学二年级英语单词大全以及常用短语Words :1. chopstick 筷子2.difficult 回答困难的 3.city 城市 4 . answer 答5. finish 完成8. better6. start 较好的开始7.answer 回boo 9. end 竹子结束 10. alone单独的 11.CD-ROM 电脑光盘 12. bam13.copy 模仿14.child 孩子15. awake醒的 16. animal 动物17.sleep 睡觉 18.snake 蛇的20. tidy 整理21. often 经常22. messy杂乱的choose 选择19.fantastic 美好23.bookshelf 书架 24.25. together吸起26. week 星期 28. thumb 大拇指27. suck 吮29. UN 联合国 world 世界33. country 国家 parrot 鹦鹉37. aunt 姨、姑 0. thirsty 渴的41. bring 列 30. important 重要的 31.peace 和平 34. inside 里面 35. kangaroo 袋鼠 32.36拿来44. drink38.picnic 野餐 42. way 方式喝、饮料39.hungry 43. line45. forget 忘记 / 公里46. clean 干净的 47. thousand 千饿的 4排、48. kilometre 千米49 place 地方 seum 博物馆 50. visit 拜访 51. building 楼房 52. mu53. surprise 惊喜 舞蹈54. everywhere 到处 55. restaurant 饭馆 56. dancing57. album 集邮册 58.collect 特别的 收集 59. mountain 山 60. special21. tell sb about sth 告诉某人某件事; 22. millions of 无记其数的;小学二年级常用短语 Phrases :1. play with 和…玩;2. thank sb for sth 为某事感谢某人;3. from start to end 从开始到结束;4. look at 看一看;5. come out 出来;6. in the day 在白天;7. at night 在夜晚;8. an hour a day 一天一小时;11. learn a lesson 得到教训; 12. gool idea 好主意; 13. how often 多长时间一次; 14. put into 把放进; 15. be from / come from 来自; 16. Chinese stamps 中国邮票; 17. lots of / a lot of许多; 18. need to do sth 需要做某事;19. a picture of 一张… 的照片; 20. have got 有;69. write ask 问写 70. photo 照片 71. listen 听72.73.question 开始问题 74.letter 信 75. China 中国 76. start 77. finish t 关于结束78. half一半儿 79. past 经过80.abou81.favourite 最喜欢的 82. love 喜爱 83.elephant 大象84. say 说85. twelve 觉十二 86. another另一个87. night 夜晚88. sleep睡89. where 在那里 90. when 什么时候 91. what 什么 92 . who 谁93. whose n 经常 谁的 94.see 看见95. today今天 96. owl猫头鹰97. o fte美丽的98. story 故事99. shoe 鞋 100. house 房子61. hear 听见 val 节日 62. nearly 几乎 63. poem 诗 64. festi65. important 重要的 66. Christmas 圣诞节 67. pretty 兄68. cousin 堂9. like to do sth / like doing sth喜欢做某事; 10. live in 住在;23. how long 多长;24. how old 多大;25. in the street 在街上;26. be differe nt from 与…不同;27. be difficult for sb 对于某人来说很难;28. the Great Wall 长城;29. the Summer Palace 颐和园;30. pen pal 笔友;31. New York 纽约;32. hurry up 快点;33. go swimming 去游泳;34. go to school 上学;35. play basketball 打篮球;36. draw a picture 画一幅画;37. stay at home 呆在家里;38. watch TV 看电视;39. in the world 在世界上;40. drink water 喝水。

2 英语人教版(一年级起点)二年级上下册【单元词汇表打印背诵版共109词】

2 英语人教版(一年级起点)二年级上下册【单元词汇表打印背诵版共109词】
Unit 4

Unit 5



Unit 6
Unit 1



Unit 2
Unit 5



17、颜色blue蓝色/蓝色的white白色/白色的black黑色/黑色的green绿色/绿色的yellow黄色/黄色的red红色/红色的orange桔黄色的18、体育运动basketball蓝球football足球table tennis乒乓球high jump跳高skating滑冰swimming游泳19 、交通工具car小汽车bus公共汽车bike自行车plane飞机train火车taxi出租车20、天气和温度sunny阳光充足的cloudy多云的windy有风的rainy下雨的snowy下雪的cold冷的cool凉爽的warm温暖的hot热nice好的,漂亮的小学英语词汇oo'clock 点钟October 十月of ......的office 办公室often 常常oh 啊、噢Ok 好的old 旧的on 在......上once 一次one 一only 唯一的open 开着的or 或者、还是orange 橙子other 别的our 我们的out 不在over 在......的上方15职业doctor医生driver司机singer歌手farmer农民nurse护士teacher教师worker工人waiter服务员16 反义词big/ small大的/小的long /short长的/短的cold /hot冷的/热的thin/ fat瘦的/胖的heavy /light重的/轻的happy/ sad高兴的/悲伤的many/ few/little许多/一些/一点儿clean/ dirty干净的/脏的open/ close打开/关上good/ bad好的/坏的wet /dry湿的/干的new/ old新的/旧的old /young年长的/年青的tall/ short高的/矮的down/ up向下/向上slow /fast/quick慢的/快地/快的小学英语词汇nnight n. 晚上nine n. 九no adv. 不north n. 北方northeast adj.东北的nose n. 鼻子not 不notebook n. 笔记本november n.十一月now adv. 现在number n. 数字nurse n. 护士14 学校homework家庭作业classroom教室teacher教师ruler尺子pencil铅笔pencil-box文具盒knife小刀eraser橡皮檫pen钢笔desk课桌chair椅子floor地板blackboard黑板computer计算机小学英语词汇mmake 制造man 成年男子many 很多的map 地图march 三月market 市场mask 面罩maths 数学May 五月may 可以me 我meat 肉meet 遇见meeting 会议melon 瓜mention 谈到middle 中间的,中部的milk 牛奶mind 介意minute 分钟miss 小姐mistake 错误monday 星期一money 钱monkey 猴子month 月moon 月亮morning 早晨mother 母亲mouth 口,嘴Mr. 先生Mrs. 太太much 许多的Mum 妈妈music 音乐must 必须my 我的13、身体部位head 头hair头发eye眼睛ear耳朵nose鼻子face脸mouth嘴hand手arm手臂leg腿foot脚14 、学校homework家庭作业classroom教室teacher教师ruler尺子pencil铅笔pencil-box文具盒knife小刀eraser橡皮檫pen钢笔desk课桌chair椅子floor地板blackboard黑板computer计算机小学英语词汇llamp 灯large 大的late 迟的laugh 笑left 左边的leg 腿lemon 柠檬lemonade 柠檬汽水lesson 课let 让,允许letter 字母library 图书馆life 生命like 喜欢line 一排lion 狮子listen 听little 小的long 长look 看lot 很多love 爱,喜爱lovely 可爱的lunch 午餐11、节日Teachers’Day教师节New Year’s Day新年Mother’s Day母亲节Father’s Day父亲节Christmas圣诞节12国家语言及首都China中国Chinese中国的,中国人的,汉语Beijing 北京England英国English英语,英国的,英国人的London伦敦the USA美国America美国小学英语词汇kkey n.钥匙kind adj.友好的kitchen n,厨房kite n.风筝knee n.膝膝盖knife n.刀knock v.敲know v.懂得10 时间日期o’clock点钟clo ck挂钟watch手表day日子,白天week周,星期month月,月份year年hour小时spring春天summer夏天autumn秋天winter冬天am是pm下午Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期天January一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月小学英语词汇j jacket n.短上衣jam n.果酱January n.一月jeep n.吉普车jet n.喷气式飞机join v.参加加入juice n.果汁菜汁July n.七月jump v.跳跳跃June n.六月just adv.正好9介词up向上down向下on在……上面under在……下面in 在……里面at在小学英语词汇iI 我ice 冰icecream冰激凌.ill 有病的in 在地方ink 墨水interesting 有趣的is 是isn't 不是it 它这个it's 它的8 疑问词what 什么what time 什么时间what day 星期几what color什么颜色which哪一个which one哪一个who 谁why为什么when什么时候where哪里how多么,怎样how old几岁how many多少小学英语词汇hhair 头发half 一半hall 礼堂hand 手happy 高兴的hard 用功has 有hat 帽子have 有haventhe 他head 头hear 听hello 喂help 帮助hem 母鸡her 她here 这里hey 嗨hi 嘿hill 小山him 他his 他的home 家homework 家庭作业honey 蜂蜜horse 马hospital 医院hot 热的house 房屋how 怎么样hundred 百hungry 饿的hurry 赶快hurt 弄痛6 冠词a 一(个,件……)anthe 这,这个,那,那个7 代词I 我(主格)me 我(宾格)my 我的you 你,你们(主格) you 你,你们(宾格) your 你的,你们的he 他(主格)him 他(宾格)his 他的she 她(主格)her 她的her 她(宾格)we 我们(主格)us 我们(宾格)our 我们的you 你,你们you 你,你们your 你的they 他(她,它)们(主格) them 他(她,它)们(宾格) their他(她,它)们的it 它(主格)it 它(宾格)its 它的this 这,这个that 那,那个these这些those那些小学英语词汇g1、game 游戏2、garden 花园3、get 得到4、gift 礼物5、girl 女孩6、give 给,送给7、glad 高兴的8、glass 玻璃杯9、go 去,走10、good 另人满意的11、goodbye 再见12、goose 鹅13、grade 年级14、grandfather 外祖父15、grandmather 外祖母16、grass 草17、great 大的18、green 绿色的19、guess 猜,猜测20、gun 枪5 衣服T-shirt T—恤衫shirt 衬衫skirt 短裙cap 帽子(前边有帽沿的) hat 帽子(周围有帽沿的)shoes 鞋子shorts 短裤vest 背心pants 短裤dress 连衣裙小学英语词汇f1、factory 工厂2、face 脸,面孔3、family 家庭4、fan 扇子5、farmer 农民6、fat 胖的7、father 父亲8、February 二月9、film 电影10、find 找到11、fine 很好的12、finger 手指13、finish 完成,结束14、fireman 消防队员15、fish 鱼16、five 五17、flag 旗18、floor 地板19、flower 花20、fly 苍蝇21、food 食物,食品22、foot 脚,足23、football 足球24、for 给25、four 四26、fox 狐狸27、free 自由的,空闲的28、Friday 星期五29、fridge 冰箱30、friend 朋友31、frog 青蛙32、from 从…地方来33、front 前面34、fruit 水果35、full 满的4食物饮料三餐味道水果rice 米饭meat 肉noodles 面条fish 鱼chocolate 巧克力egg 蛋vegetable 蔬菜carrot 胡萝卜bread 面包orange 桔子apple 苹果milk 牛奶tea 茶coffee 咖啡cake 蛋糕candy 糖果cookie 饼干hot dog 热狗breakfast 早餐lunch 午饭supper 晚饭dinner 晚饭,正餐lemon 柠檬pear 梨peach 桃子banana 香蕉小学英语词汇d1. dad 爸爸2. daily 日常的3. dance 跳舞4. dark 暗的5. day 一天6. dear 贵的,亲爱的7. December 十二月8. deer 鹿9. desk 书桌10. dialogue 对话11. dictionary 辞典12. difficult 难的,困难的13. dinner 正餐14. dirty 脏的15. dish 盘16. dive 跳水17. do 做,干18. doctor 医生19. dog 狗20. door 门21. down 往下22. draw 画,绘23. dress 服装24. drink 喝,饮25. drive 驾驶26. driver 驾驶员27. duck 鸭子3、数字one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十twenty-one二十一thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty 六十seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十one hundred一百小学英语词汇c1. cake 蛋糕2. can 会,能够3. can’t 不会,不能够4. car 小汽车5. card 卡片6. careful 小心的,仔细的7. cat 猫8. cave 煽动9. certainly 当然10. chair 椅子11. change 找头,零钱12. cheap 廉价的,便宜的13. chick 小鸡14. child 孩子15. children 孩子们16. China 中国17. Chinese 中国人18. chocolate 巧克力19. cinema 电影院20. class 班,级21. classroom 教室22. clean 打扫23. clever 聪明的24. clock 钟25. cloth 布,抹布26. clothes 衣服27. cloud 云28. cloudy 多云的29. coat 上衣,外套30. coffee 咖啡31. coke 可口可乐32. cold 冷的33. colour 颜色34. come 来,到35. computer 计算机36. cook 厨师37. cooker 炊具38. cool 凉的39. corner 角,角落40. count 数41. course 过程42. cow 母牛43. cream 奶油44. crisp 炸薯片45. cry 喊叫,哭46. cup 杯子47. cupboard 橱,柜2动物panda 熊猫monkey 猴子dog 狗cat 猫bird 鸟bee 蜜蜂bear 熊horse 马pig 猪duck 鸭子rabbit 兔子tiger 老虎lion 狮子chick 小鸡fox 狐狸hen 母鸡cow 奶牛cock 公鸡B开头的单词如下:1. baby 婴儿2. back 向后3. bad 坏的4. bag 皮包5. ball 球6. balloon 气球7. ball pen 圆珠笔8. bamboo 竹9. banana 香蕉10. Bank 银行11. be 是; 成为12. bear 熊13. beautiful 美丽的14. bed 床15. bee 蜜蜂16. behind 在后; 向后17. BeiJing 北京18. bell 钟; 铃19. beside 在……….旁边20. better 比较好的21. big 大的22. bike 自行车23. bird 鸟24. birthday 生日25. biscuit 饼干26. black 黑色的27. blackboard 黑板28. blue 蓝色的29. blouse 女用短上衣30. body 身体31. book 书32. borrow 借33. both 两者都34. bottle 瓶子35. box 箱子; 盒子36. boy 男孩37. bread 面包38. breakfast 早餐39. bridge 桥40. brother 兄41. brown 棕色的42. brush 刷子43. bus 公共汽车44. busy 忙碌的45. butter 黄油46. by 乘47. bye-bye 再见boy 男孩girl 女孩mother 母亲father 父亲grandpa 爷爷(口语) grandma 奶奶(口语) grandmother祖母grandfather祖父dad 爸爸(口语) mum 妈妈(口语)uncle 叔叔aunt 阿姨sister 姐妹brother 兄、弟Ms 女士Mr 先生Miss 小姐1. about 差不多2. across 横过,穿过3. after 在…之后4. afternoon 下午5. again 再一次6. airport 机场7. alive 活着的8. all 所有的9. altogether 完全10. always 总是11. am 我是12. ambulance 救护车13. America 美国14. American 美国的15. an 冠词一16. and 和,与17. animal 动物18. answer 回答19. any 任一的20. apple 苹果21. April 四月22. are 是23. arm 手臂24. arrive 到达25. art 艺术26. ask 问,询问27. at 在28. August 八月29. aunt 姨,姑30. autumn 秋天。



滑滑梯 slide 秋千 swing 跷跷板 seesaw 孩子们 children 花园 garden 在...里面 in 向上 up 向下 down 老鼠 mouse 网 net
书包 bag 盒子 box 书桌 desk 椅子 chair 房间 room 在...上面 on 放 put 书本 book 猪 pig 在...下面 under
盘子 plate
月亮 moon
汤匙 spoon
星星 star
筷子 chopsticks 天空 sky
厨房 kitchen
汤 soup
烧饭 cook
桌子 table
桌子 table
明亮的 bright
皇后 queen
小的 little
兔子 rabbit
光滑的 smooth
桔色 orange
软的 soft
年轻 young 年老 old 他 he 她 she 我的 my 你的 your 这 this 那 that 昆虫 insect 罐子 jar
头发 hair 头 head 脸 face 耳朵 ear 眼睛 eye 鼻子 nose 嘴 mouth 手 hand 风筝 kite 狮子 lion
狐狸 fox 河马 hippo 肉 meat 草 grass 伞 umbrella 面包车 van 窗户 window 狮子 lion 猴子 monkey 香蕉 banana
一 one 二 two 三 three 四 four 五 five 六 six 七 seven 八 eight 九 nine 十 ten
游泳 swim 跑 run 跳(绳) skip 飞 fly 骑 ride 画画 draw 唱歌 sing 写 write 看 look 大门



滑滑梯 slide 秋千 swing 跷跷板 seesaw 孩子们 children 花园 garden 在...里面 in 向上 up 向下 down 老鼠 mouse 网 net
书包 bag 盒子 box 书桌 desk 椅子 chair 房间 room 在...上面 on 放 put 书本 book 猪 pig 在...下面 under
一 one 二 two 三 three 四 four 五 five 六 six 七 seven 八 eight 九 nine 十 ten
游泳 swim 跑 run 跳(绳) skip 飞 fly 骑 ride 画画 draw 唱歌 sing 写 write 看 look 大sun
早上 morning 下午 afternoon 中午 noon 傍晚 evening 晚上 night 今天 today 太太,夫人 Mrs 先生 Mr 小姐 Miss 好 good
男孩 boy 女孩 girl 大的 big 小的 small 高的 tall 矮的 short 胖的 fat 瘦的 thin 名字 name 谁 who
年轻 young 年老 old 他 he 她 she 我的 my 你的 your 这 this 那 that 昆虫 insect 罐子 jar
头发 hair 头 head 脸 face 耳朵 ear 眼睛 eye 鼻子 nose 嘴 mouth 手 hand 风筝 kite 狮子 lion
狐狸 fox 河马 hippo 肉 meat 草 grass 伞 umbrella 面包车 van 窗户 window 狮子 lion 猴子 monkey 香蕉 banana
花 flower 树 tree 捡拾采 pick 爬 climb



salad umbrella
volleyball tea

出租车 小提琴
snake Uncle Booky


六 单

watermelon 西瓜
waterfall 瀑布
watch 手表 yellow 黄色
x-ray X光片 zoo 动物园
yo-yo 悠悠球 zipper 拉链
girl 女孩子 goat
山羊 lemon 柠檬 nest
hat 帽子 elephant 大象 moon 月亮 ladder
ink 墨水 fire 火 noodles 面条 jacket

grandfather grandmother aunt uncle father mother
zebra 斑马 yogurt 牛奶

四 单

爷爷;外公 brotster orange
quilt peacock
叔叔 panda 熊猫 rabbit
爸爸 queen 女王 puppet
妈妈 rat 老鼠 octopus

五 单

sun 太阳 turtle 海龟

一 单

apple 苹果 ant 蚂蚁
ball 球 boy
baby 婴儿 carrots 胡萝卜
cat 猫 door 门
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