













关键词:《傲慢与偏见》;婚姻;爱情;金钱;启示AbstractJane Austen (1775—1817) is one of the most excellent female writers of English literature. Although in her short life, Austen only created six works,her effect in literary world has never changed. The theme of all her novels is love and marriage, and among all, Pride and Prejudice is the work that can best reflect Jane Austen’s views of marriage. Pride and Prejudice mainly focuses on the love and marriage of five girls from Bennet. The novel reflects the author’s views on love marriage: love, money, status and character. Marriage should be based on love and respect, and in addition, money provides the practical foundation for the stability of the marriage. Taking all of the factors into consideration, we can establish a happy marriage.This thesis aims at exploring Jane Austen’s marital views by analyzing the personality and marriages of the characters in the novel. It can be divided into three parts: the first part deals with the background of the society and Jane Austen’s life experience; the second part deals with the analysis of the main characters and their marriage with the aim of revealing the writer’s views on marriage; the last part focuses on the effect and inspiration from Jane Austen’s view on marriage. We can get the conclusion that marriage plays an important role in our lives, since it has a lot to do with our happiness. Choosing a suitable partner for marriage means a lot; therefore, love should be put on the first place. Jane Austen’s views of marriage give us much inspiration, it can also rouse female’s sense of independence and freedom.Key words: Pride and Prejudice; marriage; love; inspirationContentsAbstract (Chinese) (i)Abstract (English) (ii)Contents (iii)1.0 Introduction (1)2.0 The background of society and Jane Austen (2)3.0 Four different marriages in Pride and Prejudice................................. . (3)3.1 Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage (3)3.2 Jane and Bingley’s marriage (4)3.3 Chalotte and Collin’s marriage (5)3.4 Lydia and Wickham’s marriage... (6)4.0Analysis and understandings of the four marriages (6)4.1Perfect marriage based on true love (6)4.2Happ y marriage based on sense and similar int erest (7)4.3P at h et i c m ar ri a ge b as ed o n m on e y o r be ne fi t s (7)4.4 Absurd marriage based on lust and vanity (8)4.5J a n e A u s t e n’s v i e w s o n m a r r i a g e (8)5.0 The inspiration from Jane Austen’s views on marriage (9)6.0 Conclusion (10)Acknowledgements (11)References (12)Appendix: Thesis Proposal1.0 IntroductionJane Austen was born in a middle class family in 1775, and she spend her whole life in the countryside, she was so fascinated with the peaceful and ease life in countryside. Although she was unmarried the whole life, the theme of her novels were love and marriage, basically, the love and marriage between a gentleman and a fairy lady. Her best-known works are Emma (1815), Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Sense and Sensibility (1811).The novel talks about four different marriages: Collin and Challote’s marriage which is based on money; Lydia and Wickham’s marriage which is based on lust; Jane and Bingley’s marriage which is based on sense, Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage which is based on love. Which weighs the most in marriage, love, possession, or social status? Jane Austen has different attitude and description about the four marriages. The first sentence in this novel is impressive. It says: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not love but possession, but Jane Austen tells us a different story.The main story of this novel happens between Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy. Elizabeth Bennet is a 20-year-old young lady. She is her father's favourite daughter and inherits his intelligence and wisdom. Darcy is a pride and kind gentleman with great fortune. Although, they were not attracted by each other at the very beginning, because they all have some complaints about the other, Elizabeth loathes Darcy’s arrogance, and she also has some misunderstandings on him, Darcy thinks Elizabeth is a very proud girl, and her families leave an awful impression on him. But at last, they fall in love and have a happy marriage. What changes their attitude towards each other? Because the pride and prejudice between them is long gone. They finally know each other deeply and accept each other. Their marriage is rooted in their love and respect. Comparing with other marriages in the story, Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage is the perfect one. The story reflects the author’s marriage view: it is wrong to marry just for the possession, lust and position. She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage that we should marry for love and emotion.Elizabeth and Darcy have a happy ending not only because of their love, but to some extent, Darcy’s property provides them the material need. From this we can see the author’s views: marriage is based on love, but property and position should be taken into account. In modern society, a lot of people marriage for money and social status, sometimes, it leads to a sad ending. I think, no matter when, Jane Austen’s views on marriage are of great value in leading us to the ideal marriage.My thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter deals with the background of the society and Jane Austen’s life experience, and how does those factors influence her writings; the second chapter reveal the authors views on marriage and the standard of the ideal marriage advocated by Jane Austen through analyzing the characters and their marriage in the story; the last chapter talks about the conditions of the modern marriage and how to found the ideal marriage from the inspiration of Jane Austen’s view on marriage.2.0 The background of the society and Jane AustenIn 18th and 19th centuries, the England society’s had serious social problems. One of the severest of these was the tendency to marry for money. A person sought a partner based on the dowry receivable and their allowance. In the 19th century, women were not well respected compared with the ones in the present society. There was no equality between woman and man. Women were considered to be inferior to men in terms of intelligence and capacity. The central life of women was forced to be staying at home. Their roles were to deal with the family affairs, such as taking care of the children and serving for the husband. This process went both ways: a beautiful woman might be able to snag a rich husband, or a charring and handsome man could woo a rich young girl. In these marriages, money was the only consideration. Love was left out, with the thought that it would develop as the years went by. Jane Austen (December 16, 1775--July 18, 1817), an outstanding female novelist of British, was born in the village of Steventon, near Basingstoke, in Hampshire. Her father is the local vicar. She did not have the normal schooling, but she got good education from family's literature teaching. From the end of the 18th century to the early 19th century, “the sentiment novel” and “the gothic novel” were the themes of Englishliterature, while Austen made a different way. Most of her works were about romantic love. That might have something to do with her failure in marriage. Jane Austen was unmarried her whole life, but she had fallen in love with a young man. Their love was pure and faithful. However, this young man had to submit to the marriage that his aunt arranged for him, because he was under lots of burden from family. Then Jane broke up with him, since she did not want to stand in the way of the young man’s future, and a lso in her opinion, marriage should be based on love. She loved no one else after that. That is the reason why she was unmarried all her life. So she put all her feelings in creating romantic and happy marriages.3.0 Four different marriages in Pride and Prejudice3.1 Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriageOnce Mr. Qian Zhongshu has compared marriage to a castle, b ut I don’t think this marriage theory is suitable for Darcy and Elizabeth. The marriage is tortuous between them but deep-rooted of love based. As we all know, Elizabeth and Darcy left a quite bad impression on each other at the beginning. Elizabeth thinks Darcy is insolent and arrogant, and Darcy does not like Elizabeth because of Elizabeth’s social class and her indecent relatives. But Darcy finally rea lized Elizabeth's preciousness, and Elizabeth’s prejudice and misunderstandings towards Darcy are gone. They deeply in love and possess a wonderful marriage at last. Their love and marriage are tortuous and kind of mysterious. I will analysis their marriage start with analyzing the two characters.Elizabeth Bennet is a person who is worth our imitation. She is a model because she is different from the others. She does not adhere rigidly to the standards set forth by society, she is self-reliant and independent. She is wit and intelligent. Most of the girls married in pursuit of money and fame at that time, even her best friend Chalotte who married a rich man for changing her poor conditions. However, Elizabeth is not submit to this mood of society. She would never violate her principle and her integrity. She is like the pure lotus that lives in mud but never contaminated by the dirty. That is the reason why she rejects Mr. Collin's proposal, because she would not marry without love. On the other hand, she doesnot totally disregard social costumes. She has good manners; her slight breach of decorum is justified by walking alone to Nether field Park to visit her sister who is ill with her genuine concern. She has good manners. When Lady Catherine criticizes Elizabeth skill of playing piano, she can have good manners to keep polite. Mr. Darcy is pride on the surface, but we know he is warm-hearted. He is a good friend, he is afraid that Mr. Bingley would be cheated and hurt by Jane, although he is proved wrong later. He is a good brother; he takes care of his younger sister very well. He is kind; he helps Wickham and Lydia with money even though he was misunderstood by Elizabeth because of Wickham’s rumors. The two people’s personalities are clear and sharp. At the first time, Elizabeth and her sisters go to attend the ball held in Meryton, and she is coldly treated by Darcy, but she uses her healthy sense of humor to joke about Mr. Darcy’s rude behavior at the ball. Darcy is handsome, tall, and intelligent, but not convivial, his indifferent manners are seen by many as an excessive pride and concern for social status. He makes a poor impression on strangers, but he is valued by those who know him well. He gradually finds out Elizabeth’s intelligence, wisdom and beauty. He begins pursuing her. However, at the beginning, Elizabeth rejects his love expression, because she does not like him, even looks down on him though Darcy loves her very much. In Elizabeth’s eyes, Darcy is arrogant and unreasonable because he is rich and has high social status. Realizing that, Darcy begins to get rid of those bad habits quietly. Because of Darcy’s perfect behavior and good education, Elizabeth gradually eliminates the prejudice on Darcy. Most importantly, the misunderstanding, prejudice and pride are disappearing as they know each other better and better. Then they spontaneously fall in love. So Elizabeth accept Darcy’s proposal at the second time, then they get married and have happy family lives.3.2 Jane and Bingley’s marriageIn this novel, the combination of pleasant Bingley and mild Jane is one of the most blessed and happy marriages. The couple has similar interests and they insist on pursuing their true love which leads them to a happy and perfect marriage. Mr. Bingley was a handsome and gentleman with great fortune. As a young man who is well-bred, he wascordial and simple. With this character he never appeared dissatisfied. He is easy to get along and constant in love although he is extremely rich. However he is in short of strength and independence in his marriage which is a big weakness of him. In this story, Bingley is popular with almost everybody in everywhere. Jane is the oldest children in her family. She is an amiable and mild girl who possesses the most beautiful appearance among her sisters. As an introverted girl, she is faithful in love but lacks strength and self-confidence. She is too shy to profess her love towards Bingley, nor admit it, thought she has feelings for Bingley at the time they met. Sometimes she is a little innocent. In her eyes, everybody is nice. She never see through the rotten side of life even she is deceived. Her character is vividly showed in many parts of the novel. So it seems quite natural for Jane to fall in love with the pleasant and simple Bingley. They meet each other at the ball, they are attracted by each other at the first sight, and they dance and talk together. As times goes by, their feelings to each other are getting stronger. But Jane has no courage to express her love, she buries it in heart and for Bingley, he is not a strong and determined man. This is his advantage but also his disadvantage. His cordial and simple character causes his quiet romance with Jane. However, his weak and easily-led character causes his departure from Jane. He suddenly leaves Jane when their romance goes smoothly, which nearly put his pure love and marriage in end. To a great extent, Binley left Jane because of Darcy’s misunderstandings on Jane. They establish a steady and constant friendship although they have totally different characters. Darcy wants to help his friend. In his opinion, it is impossible for Jane to love Bingley. He thinks Jane love Bingley because Bingley is rich, but Bingley’s love for Jane is pure. He doesn’t want his best fri end get hurt. So he persuades Bingley to stay away from Jane and she is not a good marriage option. But they do love each other.During those days when Jane stays in London at Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner’s invitation, she visits Bingley’s sister in person in o rder to get some information of Mr. Bingley. At last, they get together after the misunderstanding between Elizabeth and Darcy disappears. So the love and marriage between Jane and Bingley is pure and stable. They fall in love at first sight heartily. Thei r marriage is kind of tortuous just like Elizabeth and Darcy’s, but the truelove won’t stop them from being together.3.3 Chalotte and Collin’s marriageCharlotte and Collins’s marriage is the most realistic one in the story. Their marriage is based on money instead of love. Charlotte is the best friend of Elizabeth, but they are very different in the choice of marriage. Chalotte’s parents, like the Bennet couple, can’t give her much fortune, and she is as sensible and intelligent as Elizabeth, but her pursuit for spiritual happiness is not as strong as that of Elizabeth. In addition, Chalotte is a plain girl who is a little bit prudent. As a woman who is 26 years old, her choice of marriage is entirely out of realistic consideration. When she first meets Collins, she sees his folly. When he asks her to marry him, she also clearly knows that Collins is certainly not a reasonable person. But she immediately says “yes”, because “Marriage has always been her aim, what kind of man she is going to marry as is less important”, marrying a rich man can shelter her from suffering poverty. She thinks money can bring her sense of security. William Collins, a man of 29 years old, is Mr. Bennet's distant relatives, since Mr. Bennet has no son; Collins becomes the he ir to Bennets’ estate. Jane Austen describes him as “not a sensible man, and the deficiency of nature had been but little assisted by education or society”. Informed that the eldest daughter Jane has a boyfriend, he switches his aim at the second daughter Elizabeth, but Elizabeth has no feelings for him, what’s more, Elizabeth gets tired of him. Eventually, she rejects him with sharp tongue. However, Collins quickly seeks comfort from Charlotte who is desperately in need of love from a male and believes marriage is the elegant way to save a poor girl from suffering, and then they get married as quickly as the lightning. Such marriage without love is too practical and realistic, so it is a kind of superficial marriage without happiness.Marriage is just a task for them, but Collins couples get what they want from marriage: Charlotte gets the stability and prosperity of life; Collins also gets a warm home. This is how they understand marriage. There is no love and same interests between them; their marriage is based on benefits. Although they get what they want, marriage without love is not happy and stable.3.4 Lydia and Wickham’s marriageLydia, Bennett's third daughter, is a simple, frivolous, vanity girl. She is keen on social networking at an early age, enjoying contacting with Merry's officers, and even feels proud of it. “Whenever anyone urg es, she will be put into anyone's arms. Her feelings are always kept rolling, swing”. Wickham is a handsome, actual moral, luxurious, and treacherous man. At first, he seduces wealthy Miss Darcy, but his conspiracy fails. After joined the regiment, he first does everything to please Elizabeth, and then pursues wealthy Miss Kim, finally elopes with Lydia. Then, he gets into debt. So, he needs money and become rich and changes his social status through marriage. For his purpose, he seduces Lydia and wins her love easily, because she is young, innocent and frivolous, and loves to go ease and hates to work hard, and she is also spoiled by her mother. Getting love and praise from a man is what she dreams of. So when Wickham wants to reach his aim-getting wealth by loving and exalting her beauty hypocritically, she forgets who she is and feels she is the most beautiful and happiest girl in the world. Their love is forbidden by the parents, and then they elope. When Elizabeth hears the news, she believes that he does not love her but the wealth of her family. The marriage is admitted on the condition of Darcy's help. Their marriage is considered as a scandal to Bennett’s f amily. But Mrs. Bennet is not shameful of this marriage. The marriage between Lydia and Wickham is conditional. Thanks to Darcy's help, they get married and continue their lives. This kind of marriage is doomed to be unstable. After marriage, they are extravagant; just enjoy the pleasure at the moment, never considering their future. They always ask Jane or Elizabeth for help, counting on their support to pay bills. Wickham's love for Lydia soon suffer a disastrous decline, finally he is indifference to Lydia. They get what they want: Lydia gets erotic satisfaction; Wickham, he also gets the wealth; but their marriage is not satisfactory. This is how they understand marriage.4.0 Analysis and understandings of the four marriages4.1 Perfect marriage based on true loveElizabeth and Darcy’s marriage is intricate but is the ideal marriage because their love is based on love, they cherish each other, they tolerate each other, and of course after marring Darcy who has great fortune, Elizabeth’s life and socia l status are improved, and their marriage gets material security, but at first, Elizabeth refuses the rich man- Mr. Collins’ proposal without any hesitation because she does not and will never love him, from Elizabeth’s perspective, marriage without love w ill never be happy. Elizabeth has a deep understanding of all the things around her. She has a clear understanding about her own social status. Because of this, she resists extremely against the arrogance of Darcy, and she tries to protect herself from being hurt by Darcy's insolent attitude. She believes that she must make him know that she is not woozy. The ultimate failure wakes Darcy up. He is aware of his own short-comings. He accepts Elizabeth’s criticism, and faithfully corrects the shortcomings and mistakes. He is no longer arrogant and has a faithful love with Elizabeth. I remember when the sister asks Elizabeth how she would love Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth replies that she should date from the day she see the beautiful lane manor park. The statement seems to refer to the possession of Darcy. In addition to referring to the specific manor, she also refers the new Darcy seen in the garden.Elizabeth is a wise girl; she understands that marriage involves many factors, such as love, personality, status, property. Among all, love is essential to marriage, which is the author’s views on marriage that reflected in this novel. We should take marriage seriously; impulse will destroy someone’s happy marriage. Having a clear understanding about the person you are going to marriage is vital. Whether you can live a better life both physically and mentally is important to your marriage. That is to say, all the factors should be taken into consideration carefully. Those are the reasons why Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage is the perfect one in the story.4.2 Happy marriage based on sense and similar interestsJane and Bingley’s marriage is also rooted in pure love, and also their concern for each other. It seems that their characters are quite suitable for each other. It seems that only their marriage involves purest love with no tint of money at all. Then why is not Bingley penniless but a “young man of large fortune”? This arrangement can also reflect author’s views on marriage. Love is essential for marriage, and money is also plays an important role in marriage. According to the relationship between Bingley and Jane love and similar interests are also the basic factors of a successful and happy marriage. With many similarities in character people can understand each other easily. Above all, their understandings lead to helps and supporting between them. They can live happily together in this way. They don’t care about the shortcomings of their partners and even they don’t see any faults in each other. Just as the old saying going “Birds of a feather flock together people of a mind fill into the same group”.4.3 Pathetic marriage based on money or benefitsChalotte and Collins’s marriage is kind of beyond our expectations. At that time, a girl from the low class, who has no pretty appearance and good education, takes marriage as the only way to change their situations. Jane Austen objects this marriage that based on benefits. Maybe lots of people feel pity for the females who lived in that age, but in no time should we make such hasty decision about our marriage. Many do play an important role in marriage, but a marriage without love which is just based on money won’t be pleasant, at last, people will get hurt from the painful marriage. Once I read a story from a magazine, a girl from a poor family married a rich man, she almost did nothing rather than shopping and seeking pleasures, she squandered her husband’s money so quickly, later, the man got tired of her, they divorced. The woman lost the source of money, but she has gotten used to the luxurious life, she can’t live independently. At last, she tried to blackmail some rich man and ended in jail. This is a tragedy; girls should be independent and marry the person who really loves you just like you love him. So Chal otte and Collins’s marriage is doomed to beunhappy, Chalotte once said to Elizabeth, “I am not romantic, you know; I never was, I ask only a comfortable home; and considering Mr. Collins’ character, connections, and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state.”(Pride and Prejudice, 144) Therefore, Charlotte seems to have found some kind of satisfaction and happiness in her marriage without any love. It is interesting that in such a marriage based on money-transaction, the woman from poor family does marry a single man with a good fortune, but the husband himself has nothing to do with the enjoyment the marriage bring to her.4.4 Absurd marriage based on lust and vanityThe combination of Lydia and Wickham is absurd. Her admiration to Wickham is entirely up to his “handsome face, comely shape and charming talk”. Their relationship is entirely built on lust and impulse without love foundation. Their marriage is neither practical nor romantic. Lydia and Wickham’s marriage is built on sex lust and impulse. It is kind of ridiculous. They treat their marriage so carelessly, it is impossible for them to get a happy marriage. Lydia is attracted by Wickham’s handsome sur face at first. As a flippant girl, she seeks sexual pleasure. Then they make a rash decision to get married. This marriage is one without love. They don’t understand the real meaning of marriage; they only want to satisfy their aspiration. So this is a kind of impromptu love and marriage without true love and responsibility.4.5 Jane Austen’s views on marriageAfter reading the novel, we can see that people’s views on marriage in England at that time. In the 18th century, women longed for marrying a gentleman who possessed considerable wealth and high social status. Love, seems count for nothing. This was because at that time, women were forbidden from inheriting the possession. Marring a rich man was their only way to live a decent life after their fat hers’ death. That is the reason why Mrs. Bonnet is crazy to marry her daughters off. However, Austen has her own idea. She also emphasizes love. From her perspective, happy marriage is equal to “love + wealth +equal social status”. Marriage should be based on love and trust. People can’t just marry someone for whom he/she has no feelings at all. Austen also points that wealth and social status put great importance on marriage. Austen casts her criticism to the dark fact that people’s attention is only on property and high social status. In Austen’s eyes, marriage without love is contemptuous. We know Elizabeth and Darcy, also Jane and Bingley, both have a happy marriage. From these two cases, we can find out what kind of marriage Jane Austen prefers--- love is basic; enough wealth, good behaviors and equal social status are all necessary. These two examples are exactly the right explanation of Austen’s outlook on marriage. To draw a conclusion, in the novel Pride and Prejudice, Austen casts her criticism to people who take wealth and high social states as the only factors in marriage, with neglecting love. She expresses her views on marriage that marriage should be built on love but at the same time should take wealth, characters and social status into consideration.I think Austen’s outlooks on marriage are well worth our deep consideration even today.5.0 The inspiration from Jane Austen’s views on marriageJane Austen’s views on marriage have a profound effect on lots of people, especially on females. What is marriage all about? I think it is a question that is worth our deliberation. Marriage is an everlasting topic in our lives. Throughout the literary history, many masterworks are about marriage. Everyone has his or her own understanding of it. Some marry for money, some for passion, some for love and so on. Marriage plays an important role in our life. Whether your marriage is happy or not will influence you a lot. Austen shows us a different view of marriage; also let us think that what kind of marriage we want and we suit. Many people try to find out the secret of marriage, because everyone wants to own a happy marriage. Some think that marriage contains all sorts of worldly things: house, money. To get marry is to get money; marriage is their shelters that helps them out of plight and keep them from poor or other sufferings. However, Austen shows us that marriage is built on love. It is wrong to marry for wealth or for the sake of beauty and passion of blind. Those kinds of marriage can't last long a nd we can’t get happiness.The truly happy marriage is based on love and reason. Jane Austen leaves us lots of inspirations, especially。



文学术语Terms in English Literature1.Allegory (寓言)A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities.寓言,讽喻:一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力。

2.Alliteration (头韵)Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words.头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。

3.Allusion (典故)A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to.典故:作者对某些读者熟悉并能够做出反映的特定人物,地点,事件,文学作品的引用。

4.Analogy (类比)A comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them.类比:为了在两个事物之间找出差别而进行的比较。

5. Antagonist (反面主角)The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero or heroineof a narrative or drama.反面主角:叙事文学或戏剧中与男女主人公或英雄相对立的主要人物。

6. Antithesis (对仗)The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words, or sentences.对仗:两组相对的思想,言辞,词句的平衡。



丰富特色课程英语作文荣翻注In our school, the English department has introduced a variety of elective courses to enrich our learning experience. These courses are designed to cater to different interestsand skill levels, ensuring that every student can find something that piques their curiosity.One of the most popular electives is "Exploring World Cultures Through English," where we delve into the customsand traditions of various countries. This course not only broadens our understanding of global diversity but also enhances our language skills by learning new vocabulary and expressions.Another innovative course is "English Dramatics," which offers a platform for students to express themselves creatively. Through role-playing and improvisation, wepractice language fluency and develop a deeper appreciationfor English literature and plays.The "Business English" course is a practical choice for those interested in the corporate world. It coversprofessional communication skills, negotiation techniques,and the language nuances required in a business setting.For the tech-savvy students, "Coding in English" is a unique course that combines programming with language learning. It's an interactive way to grasp technical termsand understand the logic behind coding languages.In addition, the "English for Travel and Tourism" course is a hit among those who love to explore. It teaches us how to navigate different travel scenarios, from booking tickets to understanding cultural etiquette.Finally, the "Environmental English" elective is a call to action for students who are passionate about the planet.It educates us on environmental issues and equips us with the language tools needed to discuss and advocate for sustainability.These elective courses not only make learning English fun and engaging but also prepare us for a world that is increasingly interconnected and multilingual.。

litery terms

litery terms

1.The Romance (传奇,骑士文学) was the most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse(诗体), sometimes in prose(散文), describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. The central character of romances was the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapons.•The romance of King Arthur is comparatively the most important for the history of English literature.•Loyalty to king and lord was the repeated theme in romances. The romances were composed for the noble, of the noble.•Le Morte D’ Arthur (The Death of King Arthur) is a collection of stories about King Arthur, translated from French by Sir Thomas Malory.2. The English BalladsIn feudal England, written literature was intended for the upper classes. For the English people, their literature was oral.The Ballad is the most important form of English folk literature. It is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas(诗节), with the second and fourth lines rhymed.•The ballads are in various English and Scottish dialects. They were created collectively by the people and constantly revised in tahe process of being handed down from mouth to mouth.•The subjects of ballads:The struggle of young lovers against their feudal-minded families.The conflict between love and wealth.The cruelty of jealousy.The criticism of the civil war.The matters of class struggle.3. The Renaissance (French for "rebirth") was a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Florence in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe.Two features of the Renaissance:• A thirsting curiosity for the classical literature (Greek and Latin authors)• A keen interest in the activities of humanity- humanism.Humanism is the key-note of the Renaissance.4. The Spenserian stanza is a fixed verse form invented by Edmund Spenser for his epic poem The Faerie Queene. Each stanza contains nine lines in total: eight lines in iambic pentameter followed by a single 'Alexandrine' line in iambic hexameter. The rhyme scheme of these lines is "ababbcbcc."5. Elizabethan Drama:Elizabethan drama refers to the English comic and tragic plays produced during the Renaissance, or Amore narrowly, those plays written during the last years of and few years after Queen Elizabeth's reign. William Shakespeare is considered the most prolific and certainly the most famous Elizabethan dramatist.Other popular playwrights of the period included Christopher Marlowe (Dr. Faustus) and Ben Johnson (The Alchemist).6. Shakespearean Sonnet runs in iambic pentameter, rhymed abab cdcd efef gg. The 14 lines include three quatrains, with the last two lines in a rhymed couplet.•The collection of Shakespeare’s Sonnets contains 154 sonnets. They may be roughlydivided into three groups.•Numbers 1-17 are variations on one theme.•Numbers 18-126 are on a variety of themes associated with a handsome young man.•The rest is principally about the “dark lady of the sonnets.”7.Shakespearean Sonnet runs in iambic pentameter, rhymed abab cdcd efef gg. The 14 lines include three quatrains, with the last two lines in a rhymed couplet.。



英语能力介绍1Oh my goodness! Let me tell you about my English abilities. I have been passionate about English for a long time, and it has become an integral part of my life. When it comes to speaking, I performed incredibly well in the English speech contest. I was able to express my thoughts fluently and vividly, and the audience was deeply impressed by my confident and clear pronunciation. How amazing it was!As for listening, I can catch the key points accurately when listening to English podcasts or news. I can understand various accents and dialects, which enables me to communicate smoothly with people from different regions. Isn't it wonderful?Reading is also one of my strengths. I can quickly understand and summarize the main contents when reading English original works. I can delve into the world created by the authors and gain valuable knowledge and inspiration. How fulfilling it is!When it comes to writing, I can express my ideas precisely and logically. I can use rich vocabulary and proper grammar to write beautiful essays and articles. Isn't that great?In conclusion, my English abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing have enabled me to explore the vast world of English and havebrought me countless wonderful experiences. How lucky I am to have such abilities!2Oh my goodness! Let me tell you about my English abilities. When it comes to communicating with foreign teachers, I can express my viewpoints smoothly without any obstacles. How amazing is that? I remember once during a discussion about environmental protection, I shared my thoughts and suggestions clearly. The foreign teacher was impressed by my fluent language and logical thinking. Isn't it wonderful?In terms of writing, I have a solid foundation as well. My grammar usage is always accurate, and the logic of my articles is strict and coherent. For instance, when writing an essay about cultural differences, I carefully organized my ideas and presented them in a well-structured manner. The teacher praised my writing, saying it was like a masterpiece! How proud I was at that moment!I believe my strong communication skills and excellent writing skills are my advantages in learning English. Do you think so? I will continue to work hard and improve my English abilities to reach a higher level. How exciting the journey ahead will be!3Oh my goodness! Let me tell you about how I've been boosting myEnglish skills. I used to struggle with this language, but now I'm making amazing progress! I firmly believe that consistency is the key. Every single day, without fail, I make it a point to recite a bunch of new words. This habit has really expanded my vocabulary. And reading English articles has also been a crucial part of my routine. By doing so, my comprehension skills have soared!Another thing that has worked wonders for me is attending English training courses. Through systematic learning, I've witnessed remarkable improvements, especially in my listening ability. Before, I would often get lost when listening to English, but now I can catch most of the important points. How exciting is that?I also actively engage in English conversations with friends and practice writing regularly. All these efforts have combined to bring about a significant transformation in my English proficiency. Isn't it amazing? I'm so proud of how far I've come and I'm determined to keep going and keep improving!4Oh my goodness! How important is the ability of English for personal development? Let me tell you! English proficiency can truly open up a world of opportunities. Imagine this, you have an excellent command of English, and suddenly, you are offered a chance to participate in an international exchange program. Isn't that amazing? You get to experiencedifferent cultures, meet new people, and broaden your horizons. This is all because of your good English skills!Also, when it comes to job hunting, English ability can be a huge competitive advantage. For instance, in a highly competitive job market, where everyone has similar qualifications, your outstanding English can make you stand out. You could land that dream job that requires frequent communication with international clients or partners. How wonderful would that be?So, dear friends, never underestimate the significance of having a strong English ability. It is like a key that unlocks countless doors to success and a passport that takes you to places you have never imagined. Isn't it time for us to work harder on improving our English skills?5Oh my goodness! When it comes to my English proficiency, it's truly a remarkable journey of exploration and growth. I have always prided myself on the accuracy of my language usage. Whenever I encounter a complex text, be it a specialized document or a profound literary work, I am able to dissect it with precision and extract the essence with ease. For instance, when translating professional literature, I can grasp the original meaning accurately and offer an impeccably precise translation. How amazing is that?The depth of my language understanding is another aspect that I amparticularly proud of. When delving into English literary masterpieces, I can penetrate the author's intentions and appreciate the subtleties of the language style. I can sense the emotions and thoughts hidden between the lines, as if I were having a profound conversation with the author. Isn't it fascinating?In conclusion, my English abilities have allowed me to navigate the vast sea of the language with confidence and finesse. I am constantly striving to enhance and refine these skills, for the world of English is a never-ending source of wonder and discovery!。



英文文献解读Reading academic literature in English can be a daunting task, especially for those not accustomed to the specialized language and complex sentence structures. However, with patience and the right approach, it becomes a gateway to a wealth of knowledge.Firstly, it's crucial to understand the context and the field of study the document pertains to. This initial understanding sets the stage for a deeper dive into the material. Familiarizing oneself with key terms and concepts is the first step towards grasping the content.Next, skimming the document is a strategic move. By quickly going through the headings, subheadings, and conclusions, one can get a sense of the structure and main points without getting bogged down in the details.As you delve deeper, take notes of the arguments presented, the evidence provided, and the conclusions drawn. This not only helps in retaining information but also in identifying the author's perspective and the study's implications.Critical thinking is essential when interpreting English literature. Questioning the methodology, evaluating the evidence, and considering alternative viewpoints enriches one's understanding and appreciation of the work.Lastly, engaging with the literature by discussing itwith peers or mentors can offer new insights and perspectives. This collaborative approach can demystify complex ideas and solidify one's comprehension.In summary, interpreting English academic literature is a multifaceted process that involves understanding context, skimming for structure, noting key points, applying critical thinking, and engaging in discussion. It is a skill that,with practice, can greatly enhance one's academic and professional pursuits.。

英国文学 下 terms 名词解释 汇总

英国文学  下    terms 名词解释 汇总

1.Romanticism: It was a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment. It was influenced by three revolution: American and French revolutions, national liberation movements and democratic movements swept across many European countries.The essence of it is the glorification of instinct and emotion, a deep veneration of nature, and a flaming zeal to remark the world.2.Romantic movement: characteristic--subjectivism\spontaneity\singularity\worship of nature\simplicity\dominating note of melancholy\poets outpoured their feelings and emotions3.Luddite movement:it is a machine-breaking movement named after Ned Ludd. With the invention of new machines, many skilled workers were replaced by women and children. Workers organized themselves and gave voice to their distress by breaking machines. The riots lated from 1811 to 1818.4. Ballad:(1)a narrative poet that tells a story.(2) the beginning is often abrupt(3)have strong dramatic elements(4)often told through dialogue and action(5)the theme is often tragic(6) ballad meter:contains four-line stanzas. The odd numbered lines have four feet each and the even numbered lines have three feet each.Rhymes fall on the even numbered lines. And there is often a refrain at the end of each stanza.5. Byronic heroes: are men with fiery passions and unbending will and express the poet's own ideal of freedom. These heroes rise against tyranny and injustice, but they are merely lone fighters striving for personal freedom and some individualistic ends.6. Lyrical poets:the cavaliers were royalists,whose poetry was marked by courtliness,urbanity,and polish.(the theme is carpe diem,17th at the court reflected the extravanvgance and moral looseness of court life)7.Petrarchan sonnet:consists of an octave and a sestet, and the rhyme scheme is abba,abba,cdcdcd. first eight lines--an octave(abba abba)--raise problems;next six lines--a sestet(cde cde)--answer to the theme.8. Ode: in ancient literature, it is an elaborate, lyrical poem composed for a chorus to chant and to dance, to In modern use, it is a rhymed lyric expressing noble feelings, often addressed to a person or celebrating an event.9. Oxymoron: phrase combining two seemingly incompatible elements10. Terza rima: was used by Dante in The Divine Comedy. The first and third lines rhyme second line is in rhyme with the fourth and sixth lines, the rhyme scheme being aba,bab,cdc,ded,ee. This linked chain gives a feeling of onward motion; the verse has a breathless quality which is in keeping with the onward motion of the wind's movement. The metrical pattern of each line is basically iambic pentameter.11.writers at Victorian period:(victorian literature truthfully represents the reality and spirit of the age, vitality, down-to-earth, good natured humor and unbounded imagination--optimistic) Novelist: George Eliot, Thomas HardyProse writer: Thomas Carlyle, Mathew ArnoldPoets: Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browningthe early Victorian Period (ending around 1870) and the late Victorian Period. Writers associated with the early period are: Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892), Robert Browning (1812-1889), Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), Emily Bronte (1818-1848), Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882), Christina Rossetti (1830-1894), George Eliot (1819-1880), Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) and Charles Dickens (1812-1870).Writers associated with the late Victorian Period include: George Meredith (1828-1909), Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889), Oscar Wilde (1856-1900), Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), A.E. Housman (1859-1936), and Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894).12. realism: writing that stresses careful description of setting and trapping of daily life, psychological probability and the lives of ordinary people. Its practitioners believe they are presenting life"as it really is" Ibsen's A Doll House is an example.13. Dramatic monologue: perfected by Robert Browning, a type of poem, consists of a single speaker talking to one or more unseen audience,revealing much more about the speaker than he or she seems to intend, know more the personality of speaker rather than what's talking about. Penetrates to depth the psychology of his characters and through their own speeches, analyze and dissects his characters and reveals the innermost secret of their lives14. anapaestic: in the first two line two unaccented syllables of each foot are omitted,but the time is preserved by the three long pauses / (of a metric foot) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one15. Aesthetic movement: appeared on the literary scene of England in the late Victorian period. It was influenced by the French symbolists. The predecessor of the movement was the Pre-Raphaelists, a group of young writers and artists who were opposed to the materialism and commercialism of the Victorian age and who wanted to create or recreate literary forms like those before the period of Raphaol,that is ,they wanted to go back to the medieval age.16. Hedonism: the belief that pleasure is the chief good in life1.Allegory: is a story or description in which the characters and events symbolize some deeper underlying meaning, and serve to spread moral teaching.It has a primary meaning and underlying meaning.2.Alliteration: the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of two or more words that are next to or close to each other.3.Alliterative verse: paragraphs of long alliterative lines of varying length are followed by a single line of two syllables,called 'the bob' and a group of four-stressed lines called "the wheel"4.Anglo-Saxon prose: Created by King Alfred, not obscure.5.Ballad: (1)a narrative poet that tells a story.(2) the beginning is often abrupt(3)have strong dramatic elements(4)often told through dialogue and action(5)the theme is often tragic(6) ballad meter:contains four-line stanzas. The odd numbered lines have four feet each and the even numbered lines have three feet each.Rhymes fall on the even numbered lines. And there is often a refrain at the end of each stanza.6.Ballad: a narrative poem that tells a story. It has basic characteristics:the beginning is often abrupt;there are strong dramatic elements;the story is often told through dialogue and action;the theme is often tragic7.Border ballad: a group of ballad dealing with blood strifes on the English-Scottish border.8.Blank verse:unrhymed iambic pentameter.the chief verse used by Shakespeare.9.Caesura(中间休止):a cutting, break or pause in a line of peotry.10.Epic: a lengthy narrative poem, containing details of heroic deeds,may be oral ofwritten; have been written down at least since Homer, and Virgil, Dante and John Milton.11.Feminine rhyme: the rhymed words with one or more unaccented syllables as in subtle,rebuttal12.Fytte: one section of a poem13.heroic couplet: this verse form was introduce into English by Geoffrey Chaucer. It is traditional form for English poetry,commonly used for epic and narrative poetry;it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs(aa,bb...)of iambic pentameter(the ten-syllable line in rhymed couplets)lines.The rhyme is always masculine.14.Humanism(English Renaissance):man should be given full freedom to enrich their intellectual and emotional life. In religion they demanded the reformation of the church. In art and literature,instead of singing praise to God, they sang in praise of man and of the pursuit of happiness in this life. It shattered the shackle of spiritual bondage and opened his eyes to 'a brave new world' in front of him.15.Iambic: two-syllable foot consisting of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented one.Trochaic: if we reverse the order of accented syllable,placing the stressed syllable to the first, we habe a trochaic.16.Kenning(隐喻): a metaphor usually composed of two words, which becomes the formula for a special object.17.Lyrical poets: the cavaliers were royalists,whose poetry was marked by courtliness,urbanity,and polish.(the theme is carpe diem,17th at the court reflected the extravanvgance and moral looseness of court life)18.Meter: meter is the patterned count of accent of syllable group in the line.19.Metaphysical poetry: describing a school of highly intellectual poetry marked by bold and ingenious conceits,incongruous imagery, complexity of thought,frequent use of paradox, and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression.(the main theme are love,death,religion)tonic style(Latinate): instead of using the common English sentence pattern of subject-verb0object order, Milton uses more elaborate patterns drawn from Latin. He is very fond of using inversion and allusions.(the blank verse, the unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter,is used throughout the epic and is characterized by its employment of long and involved sentences,which run on many lines with a variety of pauses,and achieving sometimes an elaborately logical effect. This richness of poetical style has been called "Mliton style")21.Octave: the first eight lines of a sonnet or a eight-line poemSestet(六行诗节): the following six lines of a sonnet22.Petrarchan sonnet: consists of an octave and a sestet, and the rhyme scheme is abba,abba,cdcdcd.23.pun(双关):the usually humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more of its meanings or the meaning of another word similar in sound. It consists of a deliberate confusion of similar words or phrases for rhetorical effect, whether humorous or serious. It can rely on the assumed equivalency of multiple similar words(homonymy), of different shades of meaning of one word (polysemy), or of a literal meaning with a metaphor. Bad puns are often considered to be cheesy.24.Repetition and variation: the same idea is expressed more than once by the use of different words which are more or less synonyms.25.Rhyme: the pulse or beat in the poetic line.26.rhythm:the basic unit of meter is called the foot, a foot is one unit of rhythm.33.Robinson style: words are plain,simple,almost without any imagery of figure speech.monotonous without rhetorical devices27.Romance: 12th and 13th means the vernacular language;means a tale in verse, embodying the life and adventures of knights, about love, chivalry and religion. Motif is quest and test, meeting the evil, attack infidelity and super-natural elements and imagined maiden to accomplish a mission and a happy ending.(structure is lose, episodic;language is simple, straightforward) It falls three categories:(1) France,Charlemagne the Great(Chanson de Roland)(2) Rome, Alexander the Great and the siege of Troy(3) Britain,Arthurian legend,about Sir Gawain, Launcelot,Merlin, the quest for the Holy Grail, and the death of King Arthur.28.Soliloquy(dramatic irony): the audience know everything,but characters don't.(often used in drama)29.Sonnet:a short song in the original meaning of the word, contains 14 lines,usually in iambic pentameter with various rhymimg schemes.It was first written by Petrarch. Petrarch's sonnet: first eight lines--an octave(abba abba)--raise problems;next six lines--a sestet(cde cde)--answer to the theme.Shakespear's sonnet: consists three quantrains(abab cdcd efef)--theme is put forward and developed ; ends with a couplet rhyming(gg)--a surprise conclusion of shift of ideas.30.Spenser stanza:a group of eight lines of iambic pentameter followed by a six-stress iambic line(an Alexandrine),with a rhyme scheme ababbcbcc31.Synecdoche(提喻):when one uses a part to represent the whole.32.The 18th century: 文学- age of Neo-classicism科学-age of reason人文-age of enlightenment34.Three dramatic units: action,place,time35.The ideal of feudal knighthood:chivalry,chastity, piety,friendliness and free-giving36.The four subjects of Medieval knowledge: Theology, Philosophy, Medicine and Law.。



英文专业名词English Major Terminology1. Figurative Language: A form of language that employs figuresof speech to create vivid or imaginative expressions. Examples include metaphors, similes, personification, and hyperbole.2. Literary Devices: Techniques used by writers to enhance their works and add depth to the text. This includes imagery, symbolism, foreshadowing, irony, allusion, and allegory.3. Plot: The sequence of events in a story that follow a specific structure, including exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.4. Characterization: The process by which authors develop and reveal the personalities of their characters. This can be achieved through direct descriptions, dialogue, thoughts and actions, and interactions with other characters.5. Setting: The time, place, and environment in which a story takes place. The setting often contributes to the overall mood and atmosphere of the narrative.6. Theme: The central idea or message that an author wants to convey through their work. Themes can be universal or specific to a particular story and often explore complex human experiences or moral dilemmas.7. Point of View: The perspective from which a story is told. Thiscan be first-person (narrated by a character in the story), third-person limited (narrated by an outsider, focusing on one character's thoughts and feelings), or third-person omniscient (narrated by an all-knowing outsider who has access to multiple characters' thoughts and feelings).8. Poetry: A form of literary expression that uses rhythmic and often metered language to evoke emotion or convey complex ideas. Poems may be written in various poetic forms, such as sonnets, haikus, or free verse.9. Prose: Written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure. Prose is the most common form of written expression and is used in novels, essays, speeches, and articles.10. Rhetoric: The art of effective or persuasive speaking and writing. Rhetorical techniques are often used to enhance the impact of a text and engage the reader or listener.11. Literary Criticism: The analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of literary works. Critics may use various approaches, such as formalist, feminist, Marxist, or postcolonial, to examine the themes, structure, and symbolism within a text.12. Syntax: The arrangement of words and phrases to create coherent sentences and phrases. Syntax affects the meaning and rhythm of a text and can be manipulated to create different effects.13. Diction: The choice and use of words in writing or speech. Authors use diction to convey specific meanings, tone, andatmosphere within their work.14. Intertextuality: The connections between different texts and the ways in which they influence or reference each other. Intertextuality can involve direct quotations, allusions, or stylistic imitations.15. Canon: A collection of literary works that are considered to be of great importance or excellence within a particular literary tradition. The canon often reflects the dominant cultural and ideological beliefs of a society.16. Literary Theory: A framework of ideas and concepts that provides a way of analyzing and interpreting literary texts. Literary theories can be based on different perspectives, such as structuralism, poststructuralism, feminism, or postmodernism.17. Transcendentalism: An American literary and philosophical movement of the 19th century that emphasized the importance of spirituality, individualism, and connection with nature. Transcendentalist writers include Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.18. Modernism: A literary and artistic movement that emerged in the early 20th century, characterized by experimentation, fragmentation, and a rejection of traditional forms and values. Modernist writers include T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf, and James Joyce.19. Postcolonialism: An academic discipline that examines thecultural, political, and social effects of colonialism and imperialism, particularly in relation to literature. Postcolonial writers often challenge Western dominance and explore themes of identity, race, and power.20. Dystopian Literature: A genre of speculative fiction that portrays an imagined society or community that is undesirable or oppressive. Dystopian novels, such as George Orwell’s "1984" or Margaret Atwood’s "The Handmaid’s Tale," often serve as critiques of current political or social systems.These terms provide a foundation for understanding and discussing various aspects of English literature and language. By familiarizing themselves with these concepts, English majors can develop a deeper appreciation and comprehension of the works they study.。



文献综述英文翻译Literature Review English TranslationA literature review is a process of reviewing the available literature related to a particular subject or topic. It is a comprehensive summary and evaluation of existing research that has been conducted on the topic, which may be organized in different ways such as thematically, methodologically, or chronologically.The purpose of a literature review is to provide an overview of the existing body of research on a given topic. It serves to identify gaps in the existing literature, assess the quality of research findings, and point out areas forfuture research. It is also used to establish the theoretical framework for a research project, and can be used to inform decision-making or policy development.When translating a literature review from English to another language, it is important to consider the target audience and the context of thetranslation. The translator should have a good understanding of both the source language and the target language, as well as the relevant cultural, historical, and political contexts.In addition to having a good understanding of the source language, the translator must also have an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter being discussed in the literature review. This includes understanding the terminology used in the original text, as well as the key concepts and theories that are discussed. The translator must also be familiar with the writing style and conventions of thetarget language, and should ensure that the translated text follows the same conventions.When translating a literature review, the translator should pay attention to the structure and organization of the original text. If the original text was divided into sections or subsections, these should also be followed in the translation. The translator should also pay close attention to the language used in the originaltext, and ensure that the translated text is written in the same style.The translator should also ensure that all citations and references in the original text are accurately translated. This includes making sure that any foreign names or terms are correctly transliterated, and that any links to online sources are still valid after the translation. Finally, the translator should make sure that the translated text reads fluently and logically, and that the ideas expressed in the original text are faithfully rendered in the translated version.。



Introduction to English LiteratureEnglish literature is the body of written works in the English language, including novels, short stories, poems, plays, and essays. It has a rich history that spans over a thousand years, from the earliest Anglo-Saxon poems and epics to the contemporary works of modern writers.One of the defining features of English literature is its diversity, in terms of both the genres and the themes explored. Works of English literature are often known for their complex characters, vivid imagery, and profound social commentary. Many of the most famous works have had a significant impact on the culture and values of the English-speaking world, and continue to be studied and celebrated today.In this course, we will explore the history of English literature, from its origins in medieval England to the present day. We will study a wide range of works from various time periods, written by authors of diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Through our readings and discussions, we will analyze the themes, styles, and techniques employed in these works, andgain a deeper understanding of the evolution of English literature.By the end of the course, students should have gained a strong foundation in the study of English literature and developed critical thinking skills that will enable them to analyze and appreciate literary works in a more informed and insightful manner.。



英美文学名词解释Terms in English Literature1.Allegory (寓言)A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities.寓言,讽喻:一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力。

2.Alliteration (头韵)Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words. 头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。

3.Allusion (典故)A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to.典故:作者对某些读者熟悉并能够作出反映的特定人物,地点,事件,文学作品的引用。

4.Analogy (类比)A comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them.类比:为了在两个事物之间找出差别而进行的比较。

5. Antagonist (反面主角)The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero or heroine of a narrative or drama.反面主角:叙事文学或戏剧中与男女主人公或英雄相对立的主要人物。

6. Antithesis (对仗)The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words, or sentences.对仗:两组相对的思想,言辞,词句的平衡。



文学与艺术英语一、单词1. Literature- 英语释义:Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.- 用法:作为不可数名词,可用于表达文学的总体概念,如“English literature”(英国文学);也可与定冠词“the”连用,表示特定的文学作品或文学研究,如“She is studying the literature of the 19thce ntury.”(她正在研究19世纪的文学作品)。

- 双语例句:Modern literature reflects theplex society we live in.(现代文学反映了我们所生活的复杂社会。

)2. Art- 英语释义:The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.- 用法:作为不可数名词,表示艺术的总体概念,如“Art is a universal language.”(艺术是一种通用的语言);也可作可数名词,表示某种艺术形式或艺术品,如“This museum has a large collection of arts.”(这个博物馆收藏了大量的艺术品)。

- 双语例句:She has a great talent for art.(她在艺术方面有很高的天赋。

)3. Poetry- 英语释义:Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.- 用法:作为不可数名词,表示诗歌这一文学体裁,如“He loves reading poetry.”(他喜欢读诗);也可作可数名词,表示具体的一首首诗,如“This poetry is full of deep emotions.”(这首诗充满了深沉的情感)。



中国文学的英译本出版情况述评一、本文概述Overview of this article随着中国文化在全球范围内的广泛传播和接受,中国文学的英译本出版情况逐渐成为学术界和出版界关注的焦点。





With the widespread dissemination and acceptance of Chinese culture on a global scale, the publication of English translations of Chinese literature has gradually become a focus of attention in the academic and publishing communities. This article will provide a comprehensive review of the publicationof English translations of Chinese literature, aiming to reveal the development trends and current situation of Chinese literature in the English speaking world, including its influence, dissemination channels, translation quality, and market response. By reviewing and analyzing the publishing trends of English translations of Chinese literature in recent years, this article will further explore the strategies and paths for Chinese literature to go global, providing useful references for enhancing the international influence of Chinese literature. This article will also focus on translation quality and cultural dissemination effects, in order to provide more targeted suggestions and improvement directions for the overseas dissemination of Chinese literature. Through the discussion in this article, we hope to win wider attention and praise for Chinese literature on the international stage, and further promote the global dissemination of Chinese culture.二、中国文学英译本的出版历程The Publishing Process of English Translations ofChinese Literature中国文学的英译本的出版历程,可以说是与中国文学的现代化进程紧密相连的。



古代文学名词英语The journey of ancient literary terms from their original contexts to a global arena is nothing short of remarkable. These terms, rich in history and cultural implications, have traveled through the ages, bridging the gaps between languages and cultures. From the ancient Chinese classics such as "Shijing" and "Shuihuzhuan" to the Greek epics of "Iliad" and "Odyssey," these literary nouns have become a testament to the enduring power of human creativity and imagination.The beauty of these terms lies in their ability to evoke deep emotional and intellectual responses across cultures. They are not just words; they are cultural icons that tell stories of heroes, gods, and mortals, reflecting the values, beliefs, and aspirations of different civilizations.In the English language, these ancient literary terms have found new life, often through translation and interpretation. While the original meanings and connotations may be lost in translation, the essence of these terms remains intact, allowing English speakers togain a window into the rich cultural heritage of other nations.For instance, the Chinese term "shanshui" translates to "mountain and water" in English. This term, whichoriginally described the natural landscapes of China, has come to represent a broader aesthetic and philosophical concept. In English literature, the term "shanshui" has been adopted to describe similar landscapes, bridging the gap between Chinese and Western art and culture.Similarly, the Greek term "hero" has found its way into English literature, carrying with it the rich mythology and legendary tales of ancient Greece. The English word "hero" has evolved to encompass not just the gods and demigods of Greek mythology but also the brave and virtuous characters of modern literature and cinema.The influence of ancient literary terms in English literature is not limited to vocabulary. These terms have also influenced the structures and themes of Englishliterary works. The use of alliteration, rhyme, and meterin English poetry, for instance, can be traced back to the ancient literary traditions of Greece and Rome.Moreover, the themes and motifs of ancient literary works have found their way into modern English literature, shaping the narratives and perspectives of contemporary writers. The quest for identity, the struggle between good and evil, and the exploration of the human psyche are themes that have been explored by writers across cultures and ages.In conclusion, the journey of ancient literary terms into English literature is a testament to the power of culture and language to connect people across the globe. These terms, while retaining their original meanings and connotations, have evolved to become a shared cultural heritage, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the diverse and rich cultural landscapes of the world.**古代文学名词的跨文化之旅**古代文学名词从其原始语境跨越国界,融入全球舞台的旅程堪称非凡。



大学生个人英文自我介绍Hello, everyone. My name is [Your Name] and I come from [Your Hometown]. I am a [year] year student majoring in [Your Major] at [Your University]. It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to introduce myself to all of you.Over the years, I have developed a strong interest in English language and culture. I believe that English is not only a language, but also a bridge for communication and understanding between different countries and cultures. Therefore, I have been committed to improving my English skills through reading, writing, listening and speaking. I am honored to say that I have achieved some notable accomplishments in this area.In terms of academic performance, I have mntned an excellent GPA throughout my university studies. I am especially proud of my achievements in English courses, as I have consistently ranked in the top percentile of my class. Apart from coursework, I have also participated in various English-related activities, such as English-speaking competitions, debate club and English corner. These experiences have not only improved my language skills, but also enhanced my critical thinking and public speaking abilities.In terms of personal interests, I am an avid reader of English literature, ranging from classic novels to modern poetry. I believe that reading provides not only knowledge and entertnment, but also a window into different cultures and perspectives. Moreover, I have a strong passion for volunteer work, especially in the field of education andsocial justice. Through volunteering, I hope to contribute to the betterment of society and learn more about the challenges faced by different communities.After graduation, I aspire to pursue higher education in the fieldof [Your Field], which requires a strong command of English. I have already taken steps towards achieving this goal by participating in research projects and internships. I believe that with continued effort and dedication, I can successfully achieve my career aspirations.In conclusion, I am a diligent and ambitious student with a strong passion for English language and culture. I look forward to meeting and interacting with all of you in the future. Thank you for your attention.。



英语水平描述范文I. Introduction (Introduction)中文:我的英语能力在长期的学习和实践过程中不断提升,目前达到较高的水平。


English: My proficiency in English has been continuously evolving through dedicated learning and practical application. Currently, I have reached an advanced level, having honed my skills through extensive reading of English literature, deep engagement in international academic exchanges, and daily life applications.II. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解能力)中文:在阅读方面,我能够快速并准确地理解各类专业及非专业性英文文献。


English: In terms of reading comprehension, I am capable of swiftly and accurately understanding a wide array of professional and non-professional English texts.Whether it's intricate scientific reports, profound academic papers, or everyday news articles and captivating novels, I can promptly grasp the essence of the content and decipher detailed information within.III. Listening and Speaking Abilities (听力与口语能力)中文:听力方面,我能无障碍地理解各类英语音频和视频材料,包括讲座、电影、播客以及日常对话。



介绍喜欢的语文或数学或英语书英文作文I love reading books about English literature. Myfavorite book is "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. The novel explores the themes of love, marriage, and social status in 19th-century England. I admire Austen's wit and humor, as well as her ability to create memorable characters.Another book I enjoy is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This novel tackles important issues such as racism and injustice in the American South. The character of Atticus Finch is one of my favorites, as he embodies integrity and courage in the face of prejudice.In terms of mathematics, I find "The Joy of x" by Steven Strogatz to be a fascinating read. Strogatz explains complex mathematical concepts in a clear and engaging way, making them accessible to readers of all levels. I appreciate how hedemonstrates the beauty and elegance of mathematics through real-world examples.As for language learning, I am currently reading "Fluent in 3 Months" by Benny Lewis. Lewis shares his tips and strategies for quickly mastering a new language, drawing from his own experiences as a polyglot. I find his approach to language learning to be practical and inspiring.Overall, reading books about English literature, mathematics, and language learning not only expands my knowledge but also enriches my understanding of the world around me. Each book offers a unique perspective and insight, making the learning process enjoyable and rewarding.。



literary和literature区别(精选1篇)literary和literature区别1例句:She has very eclectic tastes in literature.她在文学方面的'兴趣非常广泛。

She has published more than20books including novels,poetry and literary criticism.她已出版了包括小说、诗歌和文学评论在内的20多部著作。

literary和literature区别(精选1篇)扩展阅读literary和literature区别(精选1篇)(扩展1)——Literary Giant:Theodore Dreiser(精选1篇)Literary Giant:Theodore Dreiser1Literary Giant:Theodore Dreiser[1][2][3][4][5][6]literary和literature区别(精选1篇)(扩展2)——What is Literary Writing?(精选一篇)What is Literary Writing?1What is Literary Writing?Literary works are primarily distinguishable from other pieces of writing by their creative,or artistic intent.A piece of literature differs from a specialised treatises on astronomy,political economy,philosophy,or even history,in part because it appeals,not to a particular class of readers only,but to men and women;and in part because,while the object of the treatiseis simply to impart knowledge,one ideal end of the piece of literature,whether it also imparts knowledge or not,is to yield aesthetic satisfaction by the manner of which it handles its theme.The writer of this passage emphasises the distinction between writing of didactic purpose and literary writing which has that other, aesthetic,dimension.In fundamental terms literature is'an expression of life through the medium of language',but languageused more profoundly than when used simply to convey information.The following two extracts,for example,both describing onepartner's response to marital problems,are different in both their form and their intent:Many critics date the crumbling of their marriage back to that unfortunate episode,but David was delighted when he heard that Lynne had produced a daughter from her marriage to an American doctor.AndHer writing hand stopped.She sat still for a moment;then she slowly turned in her chair and rested her elbow on its curved back.Her face, disfigured by her emotion,was not a pretty sight as she stared at my legs and said..The first piece,from a newspaper,gives a typical tabloid account of a broken marriage.It plainly states the position of the two parties involved,(but with an attitude akin to'gossip').The tone of the second piece is less factual and more deive.Here the writer is sets out to depict a particular scene,that of a woman distressed by the discovery of some unsavoury information concerning her husband,and employs such devices as the use of emotive words,such as'disfigured',the gradual increase of dramatic tension,'slowlyturned in her chair',and then in the last line a humorous deflationof this tension,'her face...was not a pretty sight'.The author shows a mixture of intentions here,the structure and the use of language showing a different approach and purpose to the firstpiece's straightforward account of the everyday world.In contrast to such a plain factual account-Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life;what they have experienced of it,what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us.So literary writing,having creative and artistic intent,is more carefully structured and uses words for the rhetorical effect oftheir flow,their sound,and their emotive and deive qualities. Literary writers can also employ tone,rhyme,rhythm,irony,dialogue and its variations such as dialects and slang,and a host of other devices in the construction of a particular prose work,poem,or play.All fiction is a kind of magic and trickery,a confidence trick,trying to make people believe something is true that isn't.And the novelist,in a particular,is trying to convince the reader that heis seeing society as a whole.Literary writing is,in essence,a'response',a subjective personal view which the writer expresses through his themes,ideas,thoughts, reminiscences,using his armoury of words to try to evoke,or provoke, a response in his reader....it is not only a question of the artist looking into himselfbut also the of his looking into others with the experience he has of himself.He writes with sympathy because he feels that the other manis like him.In Welsh Hill Country,R.S.Thomas conveys his response to a landscape:Too far for you to seeThe fluke and the foot-rot and the fat maggotGnawing the skin from the small bones,The sheep are grazing at Bwlch-y-Fedwen,Arranged romantically in the usual mannerOn a bleak background of bald stone.Here the powerful evocation of desolation,of the stark brutality, even indifference,of the countryside is captured by Thomas through a pointed use of language which also conveys his grim mood.In contrast,Keat's To Autumn conveys a soft,sensuous depiction of this season which captured his imagination:Season of mists and mellow fruitfulnessClose bosom-friend of the maturing sun;Conspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;Both these extracts show a creative,imaginative response to a particular scene,and show contrasting ways in which a poet can use diction to capture his mood and provoke a reaction in the reader. Devices such as rhyme,rhythm,alliteration,and assonance combine to form a structure of mood,a structure recognisably literary....apart from the precise mixture of certainty and hesitation in the poet's mind,one of the sovereign gestures of art is to make the ideal real,and to project a dim impersonal awareness onto astructure of definite invention.Literature is a process of communication,it'helps us to understand life'.Perhaps we should also consider the motivation of the writer as a factor which distinguishes literary from other forms of writing.The writer's motivation is the energy that pulls together the strands of his creativity in the shaping of the finished work.Ernest Hemingway gives his reasons for writing:From things that had happened and from things as they exist and from all things that you know and all those you cannot know,you make something through your invention that is not a representation but a whole new thing truer than anything true and alive,and if you makeit well enough,you give it immortality.That is why you write andfor no other reason that you know of.Georges Simenon puts forward the idea of therapeutic value,a search for self:I think that if a man has the urge to be an artist,it is because he needs to find himself.Every writer has to find himself through his characters,through all his writing.Philip Larkin gives his reasons for writing poems as a need'to preserve things I have seen/thought/felt(if I may so indicate a composite and complex experience)both for myself and for others'.Here,in The Whitsun Weddings,his motive was to capture his response to a view seen from a train:As if out on the end of an eventWaving goodbyeTo something that survived it.Struck,I leantMore promptly out next time,more curiously,And saw it all again in different terms:The fathers with broad belts under their suitsAnd seamy foreheads;mothers loud and fat;An uncle shouting smut;and then the perms,The main impetus behind Edward Thomas's No One So Much as You,is to describe his experience of love:No one so much as youLoves this my clay,Or would lament as youIts dying dayWhile the motive behind Andrew Young's,On the Prospect of Death,is self-evident.If it should come to thisYou cannot wake me with a kissThink I but sleep too lateOr once again keep a cold angry statePersonal motivation is an essential characteristic of literary writing.It is the engine behind creativity,and the last twoextracts provide examples of some of the great themes which occur again and again,not only in literary writing,but in all the aliterary和literature区别(精选1篇)(扩展3)——literate和literary的区别合集一篇literate和literary的区别1She's the literary editor of the'Sunday Review'.她是《星期天评论》的文学编辑。



英文参考文献的常用格式The Common Format of English Reference LiteratureEnglish reference literature often takes a certain format forreaders to access valuable information, making it essential for authors to format articles accordingly. In simple terms, the common format of article references usually consists of an author’s name, the title ofan article or article, and the date of publishing or edition.First, when it comes to the author’s information, generally, it appears in the following format: the last name of the author, theinitial of the first name and the initial of the middle name. The surname should be listed first, followed by the initials, followed by a period.Second, the title of the article should also follow a certain format. Especially for books and journals, it should be italicized and written without quotation marks. For example, the title of a book shall bewritten as, ”The Great Gatsby”, and the title of a particular journal article should appear as ”Analysis of World War II”. Any other element such as volume and issue number follows the title in a certain order.Third, the date of publishing complies with certain rules as well.If the date of issue for a particular article is not available, the date of publishing is usually listed as the year of publishing. For example, the date of publishing for ”The Great Gatsby” is written as 1925. Additionally, if the date of issue is available, it should also bewritten in the same format as the date of publishing.In this way, authors are able to provide readers with accurate and effective information. By following the common format of English reference literature, authors are able to promote their articles and easily communicate their ideas.。



文学类英文单词"文学类英文单词"Introduction:English language and literature have a profound impact on the world of literature. In this article, we will explore various words related to the field of literature in English. These words are essential for students, researchers, and enthusiasts who wish to further comprehend and engage with the world of literature in English.1. GenreA genre refers to a specific category or style of literature. It helps to classify and differentiate literary works based on their characteristics. Some common genres in literature include fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction.2. ProtagonistThe protagonist is the main character or the central figure in a literary work. They are often portrayed as the hero or the character around whom the story revolves. The protagonist is crucial for advancing the plot and engaging the reader.3. AntagonistThe antagonist is the opposing force to the protagonist. They create conflict and obstacles within the narrative. The antagonist can be a person, a group of people, an event, or even an internal struggle within the protagonist.4. SymbolismSymbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or concepts within a literary work. Symbols can be objects, actions, or even characters with deeper meanings that go beyond their literal interpretation. Symbolism adds layers and depth to the narrative.5. MetaphorA metaphor is a figure of speech that describes one thing in terms of another, drawing a comparison between the two. Metaphors create vivid and imaginative imagery, enhancing the reader's understanding and perception of the text.6. SimileSimilar to a metaphor, a simile is also a figure of speech. However, unlike a metaphor, a simile uses "like" or "as" to make a comparison. Similes also contribute to creating imagery and strengthening the reader's connection to the text.7. ForeshadowingForeshadowing is a literary technique used to hint or suggest future events or outcomes in a story. It builds suspense and anticipation, allowing readers to speculate about what may happen next.8. ImageryImagery refers to the use of vivid and descriptive language to create mental images in the reader's mind. It appeals to the reader's senses, painting a visual picture and evoking emotions or sensations related to the text.9. AllusionAllusion is a reference to a well-known person, event, or piece of literature within a literary work. It adds depth and richness to the text by connecting it to broader cultural, historical, or literary contexts.10. ProseProse is a form of writing that follows natural speech patterns and does not adhere to a specific poetic structure. Most novels, short stories, essays, and articles are written in prose, making it the most common form of writing in literature.Conclusion:These are just a few examples of the many words that are essential for understanding and engaging with the field of literature in English. By familiarizing oneself with these words and their meanings, individuals can enhance their literary knowledge and appreciate the beauty of English literature more deeply.。

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Terms for English Literature1.epic 史诗a long narrative poem, grand in style, about heroes and heroic deeds, embodyingheroic ideals of a nation or race in the making. Beowulf is the English national epic that was passed from mouth to mouth and written down by many unknown hands.2.caesura 停顿a break or pause in a line of poetry, dictated by the natural rhythm of the languageand sometimes enforced by punctuation. In Old English verse, such as Beowulf, the caesura is used rather monotonously to indicate the half line.3.alliteration 头韵the repetition of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are close to each other. It is a feature of Beowulf and other Old English poems.4.alliterative verse 头韵诗poetry written in alliteration. Nearly all Old English verse, including Beowulf, is heavily alliterative, and the pattern is fairly standard –with either two or three stressed syllables in each line alliterating.5.accentual verse 重音诗In this verse only the beat of the strong stresses counts in the scanning, while the number of intervening light syllables is highly variable. Usually there are four strong-stressed syllables in a line, whose beat is emphasized by alliteration. This is the meter of Old English poetry and many Middle English poems, for example, Beowulf.6.kenning 隐喻语a metaphor usually composed of two words and used for description andassociation. Beowulf is full of kennings, such as “helmet bearer” for “warrior” and “swan road” for “sea”.7.protagonist 主角the principal character of a drama or fiction. Hamlet is the protagonist of William Shakespeare’s drama Hamlet.8.antagonist 反角In drama or fiction the antagonist opposes the hero or protagonist. In Hamlet Claudius is antagonist to Hamlet.9.romance 传奇a type of literature that was popular in the Middle Ages, usually containingadventures and reflecting the spirit of chivalry. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a great verse romance, but its author remains unknown.10.poet’s corner 诗人角a part of Westminster Abbey, London, which contains the tombs or monuments ofsome famous English poets, such as Geoffrey Chaucer and John Milton.11.heroic couplet 英雄偶句诗two successive lines of rhymed poetry in iambic pentameter. Geoffrey Chaucer’s masterpiece The Canterbury Tales is written in heroic couplet.12.ballad meter 民谣体traditionally a four-line stanza containing alternating four-stress and three-stress lines, usually with a refrain and the rhyme scheme of abcb. Robert Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose” is a great love ballad.13.refrain 叠句,副歌a phrase, line or lines repeated at intervals during a poem and especially at the endof a stanza. It is very often found in English ballads, such as Robert Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose”.14.English Renaissance 英国文艺复兴the literary flowering of England in the late 16th century and early 17th century, with humanism as its keynote. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is considered the summit of this renaissance.15.Elizabethan literature 伊丽莎白时代的文学the English literature produced during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603).The Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the field of drama. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a masterpiece of this period.16.sonnet 十四行诗a fixed form consisting of fourteen lines of 5-foot iambic verse. It first flourishedin Italy in the 14th century. William Shakespeare is a great English sonnet writer famous for his 154 sonnets.17.meter 格律the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in verse. In English verse a line may have a fixed number of syllables and yet have a varying number of stresses;the commonest meter is iamb. William Shakespeare’s sonnets are written in iamb.18.foot 音步a group of syllables forming a metrical unit. We measure feet in terms of syllablevariation: long and short syllables, stressed and unstressed. The commonest foot in English verse is iamb; the commonest line is five-foot line, called pentameter.William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18” contains fourteen iambic pentameter lines. 19.iambic pentameter 五步抑扬格the basic line in English verse, with five feet in a line, usually an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable. It was probably introduced by Geoffrey Chaucer and certainly established by him in The Canterbury Tales.20.rhyme scheme 押韵格式the pattern of end-thymes in a stanza or poem, generally described by using letters of the alphabet to denote the recurrence of rhyming lines. For example, heroic couplets are “aabbcc” and so on.21.quatrain 四行诗节a stanza of four lines, rhymed or unrhymed. It is the commonest of all stanzaicforms in English poetry. Robert Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose” has four quatrai ns.22.image 意象a mental picture made out of words to represent an object or sensory experience.Images are either “literal” or “figurative”. Literal images are especially concrete and involve little or no extension of the obvious meaning of the words used to express them. Figurative images do not follow the literal meaning of the words exactly. Images in literature are usually visual. The rose in Robert Burns’ poem “A Red, Red Rose” is a n image of love and beauty.23.symbol 象征a word or phrase that signifies something beyond itself, i.e., the scales, the dove,the rose, the Cross, the Stars and Stripes. A literary symbol combines an image with a concept. A symbol can be public or private, universal or local. In the poem “A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns, the poet wrote the image of the rose into a symbol of passionate love.24.poetic license 诗的破格the liberty allowed to the poet to wrest the language according to his needs in the use of figurative speech, archaism, rhyme, strange syntax, etc. An example is the last se ntence of “A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns –“Tho’ it were ten thousand mile!”25.verse drama 诗剧drama written in the form of verse. It was most widely used in the Elizabethan Age. William Shakespeare’s dramas are all verse dramas, Hamlet being the most famous.26.blank verse 无韵诗,素体诗unrhymed iambic pentameter, the most widely used of English verse forms and usually used in English dramatic and epic poetry. William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is written in blank verse.27.Globe Theatre 环球剧场one of the most famous of all theatres in history, it was built in 1599, with three stories. The roof was thatched, with the centre open to the sky. Many of William Shakespeare’s plays were performed in it. It was destroyed by fire in 1613, rebuilt the next year and finally demolished in 1644. Again it was rebuilt in 1997.28.essay 散文,随笔a composition, usually in prose, which may be of only a few hundred words or ofbook length and which discusses, formally or informally, a topic or a variety of topics. It is one of the most flexible and adaptable of all literary forms. Francis Bacon is a great essayist; his “Of Studies” is a model of good essay.29.English Romanticism 英国浪漫主义a literary trend that aimed at free expression of the writer’s ideas and feelings andprevailed in England during the period 1798-1832. The English Romantics expressed a revolt against or an escape from the sordid daily life. A great representative of the movement is Percy Bysshe Shelley, the author of “Ode to the West Wind”.ke poets 湖畔诗人the three romantic poets who lived in the Lake District of England and wrote poems about nature. William Wordsworth is the most famous of the lake poets, his famous poems being “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”, etc.31.poet laureate 桂冠诗人a poet honored for his artistic achievement or selected as most representative ofhis country or era; in England, a court official appointed by the sovereign to compose odes in honor of the sovereign’s birthday and in celebration of state occasions of importance. William Wordsworth became poet laureate in 1843. 32.Victorian literature 维多利亚时代的文学the English literature produced during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). In the Victorian era the novel became the leading form of English literature. William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair is a masterpiece of this period.33.English Critical Realism 英国批判现实主义a literary trend that flourished in the mid-19th century England, aiming at aportrayal of life with fidelity and without idealization. The English critical realists powerfully exposed the ugliness of the bourgeois world and showed sympathy for the common people. The greatest representative of the movement is Charles Dickens, the author of David Copperfield.。
