T460HW04 V8 Product Spec ver 20_final_20100910_801

在完成环境变量设置后,可以直接在操作系统中启动 Pro.Engineer野火4.0。启动后,软件将自动加载相关配置和 模块,并进入主界面。
在首次启动Pro.Engineer野火4.0时,需要检查许可证是否有 效。许可证是确保软件合法使用的关键,因此需要确保已正 确安装并激活许可证。
04 常见问题与解决方案
确保您具有足够的权限来访问和修改 安装目录,并确保磁盘空间足够。
检查许可证服务器是否正在运行,并 确保您的计算机在许可证服务器允许 的范围内。
检查许可证是否正确配置,并确保许可证未 过期。
尝试重新安装Pro.Engineer野火4.0,并确 保使用正确的安装文件。
在安装过程中无法选择其他路径来安装 Pro.Engineer野火4.0。
充分利用Pro.Engineer野火4.0提供 的在线帮助文档和教程,以便快速学 习和掌握软件的高级功能。
确保计算机已连接到互联网,以便下 载和安装更新。
确保计算机上的防火墙允许 Pro.Engineer野火4.0的正常运行。

--------[ 概览]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------电脑型号联想20143 笔记本电脑操作系统Windows 8 64位( DirectX 11 )处理器英特尔第三代酷睿i5-3230M @ 2.60GHz 双核主板联想20143 (英特尔Ivy Bridge - HM77 Express 芯片组)内存 4 GB ( 海力士DDR3 1600MHz )主硬盘西数WDC WD10JPVT-08A1YT2 ( 1 TB / 5400 转/分)显卡NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M ( 2 GB / 联想)显示器LG LGD033F ( 14 英寸)光驱飞利浦-建兴DVD-RW DS8A9SH DVD刻录机声卡瑞昱ALC269 @ 英特尔Panther Point High Definition Audio Controller网卡瑞昱RTL8168F PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC / 联想--------[ 主板]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------主板型号联想20143芯片组英特尔Ivy Bridge - HM77 Express 芯片组BIOS H1ET73WW(1.16)制造日期04/10/2013--------[ 处理器]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------处理器英特尔第三代酷睿i5-3230M @ 2.60GHz 双核速度 2.60 GHz (100 MHz x 26.0)处理器数量核心数: 2 / 线程数: 4核心代号Ivy Bridge生产工艺22 纳米插槽/插座Socket H2 (LGA 1155)一级数据缓存 2 x 32 KB, 8-Way, 64 byte lines一级代码缓存 2 x 32 KB, 8-Way, 64 byte lines二级缓存 2 x 256 KB, 8-Way, 64 byte lines三级缓存 3 MB, 12-Way, 64 byte lines特征MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT, EM64T, EIST, Turbo Boost--------[ 硬盘]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品西数WDC WD10JPVT-08A1YT2大小 1 TB转速5400 转/分缓存8 MB固件01.01A01接口SA TA II数据传输率300 MB/秒特征S.M.A.R.T, APM, 48-bit LBA, NCQ--------[ 内存]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIMM 2: 海力士DDR3 1600MHz 4GB型号AD HMT451S6AFR8C-PB N0序列号: D032350C模块位宽: 64 Bits模块电压: SSTL 1.5V--------[ 显卡]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------显卡英特尔Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller显存1775 MB制造商联想主显卡NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M显存 2 GB--------[ 显示器]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品LG LGD033F屏幕尺寸14 英寸(31 厘米x 17 厘米)显示比例宽屏16 : 9分辨率1366 x 768 32 位真彩色最大分辨率1366 x 768Gamma 2.20电源管理Standby, Suspend, Active-Off--------[ 光驱]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品飞利浦-建兴DVD-RW DS8A9SH DVD刻录机缓存/固件: 768 KB / EL3A--------[ 声卡]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------声卡瑞昱ALC269 @ 英特尔Panther Point High Definition Audio Controller--------[ 网卡]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------网卡瑞昱RTL8168F PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC制造商联想无线网卡英特尔Centrino Wireless-N 2230 BGN--------[ 电池]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品三洋45N1043 - 29085 锂电池完全充电容量47930 mWh出厂设计容量47520 mWhID 29085SANYO45N1043--------[ PCI设备]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------设备Ivy Bridge DRAM Controller设备ID 0154h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Bridge / PCI to HOST子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh设备Ivy Bridge PCI Express Root Port设备ID 0151h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Bridge / PCI to PCI设备Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller设备ID 0166h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Display / VGA子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500317AAh设备Panther Point USB xHCI Host Controller设备ID 1E31h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Serial / USB (UHCI)子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh设备Panther Point MEI Controller #1设备ID 1E3Ah制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Simple Communication / Other子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh设备Panther Point USB Enhanced Host Controller #2 设备ID 1E2Dh制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Serial / USB 2.0 (EHCI)子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh设备Panther Point High Definition Audio Controller 设备ID 1E20h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Multimedia / Hi-definition Audio子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh设备Panther Point PCI Express Root Port 1设备ID 1E10h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Bridge / PCI to PCI设备Panther Point PCI Express Root Port 2设备ID 1E12h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Bridge / PCI to PCI设备Panther Point PCI Express Root Port 4设备ID 1E16h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Bridge / PCI to PCI设备Panther Point USB Enhanced Host Controller #1设备ID 1E26h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Serial / USB 2.0 (EHCI)子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh设备HM77 Express Chipset LPC Controller设备ID 1E57h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Bridge / PCI to ISA子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh设备Panther Point 6 port SATA Controller设备ID 1E03h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Storage / Serial ATA (AHCI 1.0)子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh设备Panther Point SMBus Controller设备ID 1E22h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Serial / SMBus Controller子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh设备Centrino Wireless-N 2230 BGN设备ID 0888h制造商Intel制造商ID 8086h类别Network / Other子系统制造商Intel子系统ID 42628086h Centrino Wireless-N 2230 BGN设备RTL8168F PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC设备ID 8168h制造商Realtek制造商ID 10ECh类别Network / Ethernet子系统制造商Lenovo子系统ID 500217AAh--------[ USB设备]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------描述未识别制造商ID 1C4F产品ID 0034类别0 / 0 / 0设备版本USB 1.1描述未识别制造商ID 147E产品ID 1002类别0 / 0 / 0设备UPEK TouchStrip Fingerprint SensorSerial ?版本USB 1.0描述未识别制造商ID 8087产品ID 07DA类别224 / 1 / 1设备? ?Serial ?版本USB 2.0描述未识别制造商ID 5986产品ID 0295类别239 / 2 / 1设备版本USB 2.0描述Alcor Micro Corp. Multi Flash Reader制造商ID 058F产品ID 6366类别0 / 0 / 0设备Generic Flash Card Reader/WriterSerial 058F63666435版本USB 2.0--------[ 其他]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------键盘PS/2 标准键盘鼠标联想指点杆鼠标HID-compliant 鼠标摄像头Integrated Camera--------[ 传感器]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CPU温度: 56 ℃显卡温度: 37 ℃主硬盘温度: 39 ℃。
LENOVO电脑拯救系统4.0(WINDOWS 8)操作

操作步骤:拯救系统4.0使用方法一键恢复主要功能:1. 从初始备份恢复:a . 如果你的电脑在出厂时预装有Windows操作系统,这项操作会将电脑的系统分区(C 分区)恢复至出厂时的状态。
b . 如果你的电脑在出厂时没有预装Windows操作系统,这项操作会将电脑的系统分区(C 分区)恢复至用户创建的初始备份状态(创建初始备份的方法参见相关描述)注意:在此操作中,系统分区中现有的数据将全部丢失,磁盘上其他分区不变。
2. 从用户备份恢复:将系统分区恢复至用户自定义的备份状态。
拯救系统在W i n d o w s 下为用户提供了创建不同恢复点的系统备份的功能。
注意:在此操作中,系统分区 C 分区中现有的数据将全部丢失,磁盘上其他分区不变。
注意:在备份操作后不要改变C 分区的大小,避免恢复操作无法进行。
3. 创建初始备份如果你的电脑在出厂时没有预装Windows 操作系统,将没有出厂备份,一键恢复允许用户在自行安装完成操作系统和常用软件后,自行对当前系统分区的所有数据进行备份。
建议您在安装Windows 和随机驱动和软件后,就进行此项操作,否则有可能出现备份空间不足。
4. 创建用户备份在Windows下,运行创建用户备份程序,建立不同时间点的备份,以方便恢复系统。
注意:系统恢复会覆盖C 盘的所有数据,为了确保您的重要数据不会丢失,请您在做系统恢复前一定做好备份。

T460HW03 V1
Document Version: 1.1 Date: 2009/1/13
Product Functional Specification 46” Full HD Color TFT-LCD Module Model Name: T460HW03 V1
() Preliminary Specification (*) Final Specification
* General Information
Items Active Screen Size Display Area Outline Dimension Driver Element Display Colors Color Gamut Number of Pixels Pixel Arrangement Pixel Pitch Display Mode Surface Treatment RoHS Specification 46 1018.08(H) x 572.67(V) 1083.0(H) x 627.0(V) x 50.6(D) a-Si TFT active matrix 16.7M 72 1920 x 1080 RGB vertical stripe 0.53025 Normally Black Haze 11%, 3H RoHS compliance mm Colors % Pixel NTSC Unit Note inches Diagonal mm mm With Balance Board
Product Description: T460HW03 TFT-LCD PANEL
AUO Model Name: T460HW03 V1 Customer Part No. / Project Name: Customer Signature AU Optronics Corp.
MU70-SU0 LGA2011插座R3主板 用户手册说明书

2-3-6-1 IOAT 配置...................................................................................................84
2-3-2-3 CPU T State Control(CPU T 状态控制)............................................73
2-3-3 Common RefCode Configuration(通用 RefCode 配置)..............74
2-3-5-1 内存拓扑.....................................................................................................79
2-3-5-2 内存热效应................................................................................................80
包装箱物品...........................................................................................................5 MU70-SU0 主板布局..........................................................................................6 框图.......................................................................................................................9 第 1 章 硬件安装.............................................................................................10
联想 ThinkPad T460 用户指南

ThinkPad T460用户指南注:在使用本资料及其支持的产品之前,请务必先阅读和了解以下信息:•《安全、保修和设置指南》•Regulatory Notice•第v页“重要安全信息”•第163页附录F“声明”可在Lenovo支持Web站点上获得最新的《安全、保修和设置指南》,网址为:/UserManuals第三版(2017年3月)©Copyright Lenovo2016,2017.有限权利声明:如果数据或软件依照美国总务署(GSA)合同提供,其使用、复制或公开受编号为GS-35F-05925的合同的条款的约束。
目录重要安全信息 (v)用前必读 (v)有关使用计算机的重要信息 (v)需要立即采取措施的情况 (vii)维护和升级 (vii)电源线和电源适配器 (viii)延长线和相关设备 (viii)插头和插座 (ix)电源声明 (ix)外接设备 (ix)常规电池声明 (x)可拆卸充电电池声明 (x)内置可充电电池声明 (x)不可充电纽扣电池声明 (xi)热量和产品通风 (xi)电流安全信息 (xii)液晶显示屏(LCD)声明 (xii)使用头戴式耳机或入耳式耳机 (xiii)塑料袋声明 (xiii)玻璃部件声明 (xiii)第1章产品概述 (1)确定计算机控制开关、接口和指示灯的位置..1前视图 (1)右视图 (2)左视图 (5)底视图 (6)状态指示灯 (8)确定重要产品信息的位置 (9)机器类型和型号信息 (9)FCC标识和IC认证信息 (9)Windows操作系统的标签 (10)功能部件 (11)规格 (12)运行环境 (13)Lenovo程序 (13)访问Lenovo程序 (14)Lenovo程序简介 (14)第2章使用计算机 (17)注册计算机 (17)常见问题 (17)获取有关Windows操作系统的帮助....18使用多点触控式屏幕.. (19)特殊键 (21)ThinkPad指针设备 (23)TrackPoint指点设备 (23)Trackpad (24)轨迹板触摸手势 (25)定制ThinkPad指针设备 (26)更换指点杆小红帽 (26)电源管理 (27)使用交流电源 (27)检查电池状态 (28)为电池充电 (28)最大限度地延长电池寿命 (28)管理电池电量 (29)节能模式 (29)处理电池 (30)连接网络 (31)以太网连接 (31)无线连接 (31)使用外接显示器 (34)连接外接显示器 (34)选择显示模式 (35)更改显示设置 (35)使用音频功能部件 (36)使用摄像头 (36)使用闪存介质卡或智能卡 (37)第3章增强计算机 (39)查找ThinkPad选件 (39)ThinkPad扩展坞 (39)ThinkPad Basic Dock、ThinkPad ProDock和ThinkPad Ultra Dock (39)ThinkPad WiGig Dock (48)第4章您与计算机 (53)辅助功能和舒适度 (53)人机工程学信息 (53)舒适度 (54)辅助功能选项信息 (54)携带计算机旅行 (57)旅行提示 (57)旅行必备附件 (57)©Copyright Lenovo2016,2017i第5章安全性 (59)使用密码 (59)输入密码 (59)开机密码 (59)超级用户密码 (60)硬盘密码 (61)硬盘安全 (63)设置安全芯片 (64)使用指纹读取器 (65)有关从硬盘驱动器或固态驱动器删除数据的注意事项 (68)使用防火墙 (68)保护数据不被病毒攻击 (68)第6章高级配置 (71)安装新操作系统 (71)安装Windows7操作系统 (71)安装Windows10操作系统 (72)安装设备驱动程序 (73)使用ThinkPad Setup程序 (73)Main菜单 (74)Config菜单 (74)Date/Time菜单 (80)Security菜单 (80)Startup菜单 (85)Restart菜单 (86)更新UEFI BIOS (87)使用系统管理 (87)设置管理功能 (88)第7章预防问题 (91)预防问题的常用技巧 (91)确保设备驱动程序为最新 (92)保养计算机 (92)清洁计算机外盖 (94)第8章计算机问题故障诊断 (97)诊断问题 (97)故障诊断 (97)计算机停止响应 (97)处理键盘上泼溅的液体 (98)错误消息 (98)蜂鸣声错误 (99)内存条问题 (100)联网问题 (100)键盘和其他定位设备的问题 (102)显示屏和多媒体设备的问题 (103)指纹读取器问题 (107)电池和电源问题 (108)驱动器和其他存储设备的问题 (110)软件问题 (111)端口和接口问题 (111)第9章恢复概述 (113)Windows7操作系统恢复概述 (113)制作和使用恢复盘 (113)执行备份和恢复操作 (114)使用Rescue and Recovery工作空间..115制作和使用挽救介质 (116)重新安装预装的程序和设备驱动程序..116解决恢复问题 (117)Windows10操作系统恢复概述 (118)重置计算机 (118)使用高级启动选项 (118)在Windows10无法启动时恢复操作系统 (118)制作和使用恢复U盘 (118)第10章更换设备 (121)静电预防 (121)禁用内置电池 (121)更换可拆卸电池 (122)安装或更换Micro SIM卡 (123)更换底盖组合件 (124)更换内置存储驱动器 (126)更换内存条 (128)更换M.2无线广域网卡 (129)更换键盘 (132)更换纽扣电池 (138)第11章获取支持 (141)联系Lenovo之前 (141)获取帮助和服务 (142)使用诊断程序 (142)Lenovo支持网站 (142)致电Lenovo (142)购买附加服务 (143)附录A有关Ubuntu操作系统的补充信息 (145)附录B法规信息 (147)相关认证信息 (147)无线相关信息 (147)无线电合规性信息 (148)ii ThinkPad T460用户指南UltraConnect™无线天线的位置 (149)确定无线法规声明的位置 (149)出口分类声明 (149)电子辐射声明 (149)联邦通信委员会合规性声明 (149)加拿大工业部B类辐射规范一致性声明 (150)欧盟-遵循电磁兼容性(EMC)指令或无线设备指令 (150)德国B类一致性声明 (151)韩国B类合规性声明 (151)日本VCCI B类一致性声明 (152)日本关于连接到额定电流小于或等于20A/相位的输电线的产品的一致性声明..152日本交流电源线声明 (152)台湾地区Lenovo产品服务信息 (152)欧亚大陆合规性标志 (152)巴西音频声明..............152附录C WEEE和回收声明. (153)一般回收信息 (153)重要WEEE信息 (153)日本回收声明 (154)巴西的回收信息 (155)欧盟的电池回收信息 (155)台湾地区的电池回收信息 (156)美国和加拿大的电池回收信息 (156)中国的回收信息 (156)附录D有害物质限制(RoHS)指令 (157)附录E ENERGY STAR型号信息 (161)附录F声明 (163)商标 (164)©Copyright Lenovo2016,2017iiiiv ThinkPad T460用户指南重要安全信息注:请首先阅读重要安全信息。
T4 系列使用手册说明书

I T4 系列使用手册
5.2.4 测试打印...........................................................................................44 5.2.5 内存...................................................................................................44 5.2.6 表格...................................................................................................44 5.2.7 警告讯息...........................................................................................45 5.2.8 打印机状态.......................................................................................46 6. 故障排除 ................................................................................................................47 6.1 液晶屏幕错误讯息......................................................................................47 7. 規格 ........................................................................................................................48 7.1 T4+系列規格................................................................................................48 7.2 通用序列总线(USB)接脚图.......................................................................50 7.3 串行端口脚位图..........................................................................................51 7.4 以太网络脚位图..........................................................................................51
技嘉 W480 VISION W 使用手册说明书

关于技嘉主板售后服务及质量保证卡说明如下:1. 技嘉科技的主板产品在中华人民共和国境内(不包括港澳台地区)由宁波中嘉科贸有限公司总经销。
2. 技嘉科技为主板产品在中华人民共和国境内(不包含港澳台地区)提供3年保修服务,如参加4年质保活动的,则按官网注册时间延迟保修期。
3. 技嘉主板售后服务及质量保证卡仅适用于在中华人民共和国境内(不包括港澳台地区)通过合法途径购买的技嘉主板产品。
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联想P350 用户指南说明书

第 9 章 帮助和支持 . . . . . . . . . 47
自助资源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 致电 Lenovo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
联系 Lenovo 之前 . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Lenovo 客户支持中心 . . . . . . . . . . 49 购买附加服务 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3. SD 卡插槽*
可将支持的介质卡装入 SD 卡插槽中。
4. M.2 固态驱动器插槽
HP Zx20 Workstations UEFI Windows 7(x64) 安装指南说明书

Installing UEFI-based Windows 7(x64) on the HP Z420, Z620, and Z820 WorkstationsThis document describes the steps required to install the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)version of Windows 7(x64) on the HP Zx20 (Z420, Z620, and Z820) Workstations. UEFI is areplacement for BIOS that provides a 64-bit interface between system firmware and the operatingsystem.The Zx20 firmware is capable of booting in UEFI mode by enabling the storage controller’s EFI driverin Computer Setup. These instructions assume that you are starting from a blank disk drive, or single- ora multiple-drive RAID volume, or one that contains a BIOS-based operating system (OS). To simplify theinstallation, you should unplug all disk drives except for the one you intend to use to install Windows.Note that installing from an optical drive connected to the Intel C602 SCU controller is not supported.In UEFI mode, Windows requires a disk partitioning mechanism known as GUID partition table (GPT).GPT was introduced with UEFI, and allows for volumes larger than 2.2 TB. See the Windows and GPTFAQ at /en-us/windows/hardware/gg463525 for more details.Installing the UEFI version of Windows 7be installed to this disk. The MBR partition table must be removed, which destroys the contents ofthe disk. Back up the disk before installing UEFI-based Windows 7 (x64).1.If the target volume is a RAID array, then the array needs to be configured before the installationprocess.a.With all drives for the target volume installed, power on the workstation and press CTRL+I(Intel) or CTRL+C (LSI) to enter the RAID configuration utility.b.After RAID configuration, the system will automatically reboot.2.To set the embedded controller option ROM selections to EFI:Download. The embedded SAS controller, Z820 only, is identified as SAS Option ROMDownload.Installing the UEFI version of Windows 71a.Power on the workstation and press F10 to enter the Computer Setup menu.ing the arrow keys, select the Advanced menu.c.Press Enter to select the Device Options menu.d.Change the state of all embedded controller Option ROM selections from Enabled to EFI.e.To save changes, exit Computer Setup by selecting File in the main menu and selectingSave Changes and Exit. The system reboots automatically.3.To install Windows 7 (x64):/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c03255662&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=101&prodSeriesId=5225041&prodTypeId=12454a.Insert the Windows 7 (x64) Installation DVD.b.The installation DVD supports both UEFI and BIOS installation modes. Because boot time isshort, it might be necessary to press Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot the workstation.c.The Zx20 firmware defaults to the UEFI installer. You can also manually select the UEFIinstaller by pressing F9 to enter the boot menu, and then selecting the DVD drive under EFIBoot Sources menu.4.If the loader prompts you to Press any key to boot from CD or DVD, press any key.5.To continue the Windows installation:a.After the installer files are loaded, the Install Windows dialog box appears.b.Click Next to continue, and then click Install now.c.Accept the license, and select Custom (advanced).d.Windows shows the available disks.6.Windows 7 does not recognize the embedded storage controller drivers on all HP Zx20Workstations, so you will need to download new drivers. Follow these steps to download the HPAdvanced System Diagnostics utility from the HP website to a USB key:a.Navigate to and select Support & Drivers.b.Select Drivers & Software.c.Enter the product name:. For example, Z420 to search for the Z420 product media.d.Select the specific model of the HP workstation.e.Choose the software/driver language. English (International) is the default.f.Select the operating system.g.On the Quick jump to downloads by category list, click Driver - Storage.h.Locate the boot controller, and click Download and save the file.i.Double-click the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.2Installing UEFI-based Windows 7(x64) on the HP Z420, Z620, and Z820 WorkstationsAfter you download the drivers, click Load Driver from the Windows 7 Setup menu.7.Windows requires a GPT partition for installation. If all drive space is unallocated space, thencontinue with the installation of Windows 7.the disk has a MBR partition. Remove the MBR partition before installing Windows7.Back up all data before removing the MBR partition. Removing the MBR partition8.There are two methods to remove the MBR partition, both destroy the contents of the disk.To remove the MBR partition:a.Select the partition to be deleted, and then click Delete and OK. For example, select Disk 0,partition 1.b.Repeat for all partitions on the Disk 0.c.At the DISKPART prompt type List Disk to identify the MBR partition to removed.After deleting all partitions on the Disk 0, continue with the installation of Windows 7.Remove the MBR partition using the Diskpart application.a.Press Shift + F10 to access a command prompt.b.Type diskpart and press Enter to launch the Diskpart application.c.At the DISKPART prompt and type select disk [disk number], and clean toremove the partition.d.To exit Diskpart type exit to exit the command prompt.e.Click Refresh to update the disk contents. Repeat these steps for all disks with the MBRpartition, and then continue with the installation of Windows 7.9.Select Disk 0 Unallocated Space, and then click Next. The UEFI-based Windows installeroperates as a BIOS-based installer. The Windows installer automatically adds an option to theZx20 boot menu, under EFI Boot Sources, labeled Windows Boot Manager, and makes it the first boot option.Installing the UEFI version of Windows 73。
T460HW04 V6-1920x1080-400cd-20100730

Model Name: T460HW04 V6 Issue Date : 2010/07/30( )Preliminary Specifications(*)Final SpecificationsContentsNoCONTENTSRECORD OF REVISIONS1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION3-1 ELECTRIACL CHARACTERISTICS3-2 INTERFACE CONNECTIONS3-3 SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATION3-4 SIGNAL TIMING WAVEFORM3-5 COLOR INPUT DATA REFERENCE3-6 POWER SEQUENCE3-7 BACKLIGHT SPECIFICATION4 OPTICAL SPECIFICATION5 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS6 RELIABILITY TEST ITEMS7 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD7-1 SAFETY7-2 EMC8 PACKING8-1 DEFINITION OF LABEL8-2 PACKING METHODS8-3 PALLET AND SHIPMENT INFORMATION9 PRECAUTION9-1 MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS9-2 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS9-3 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROL9-4 PRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSURE9-5 STORAGE9-6 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECT FILMRecord of RevisionVersion Date Page Description1.0 2010/07/30 First release1. General DescriptionThis specification applies to the 46.0 inch Color TFT-LCD Module T460HW04 V6. This LCD module has a TFT active matrix type liquid crystal panel 1,920x1,080 pixels, and diagonal size of 46.0 inch. This module supports 1,920x1,080 mode. Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arranged in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the brightness of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 8-bit gray scale signal for each dot.The T460HW04 V6 has been designed to apply the 8-bit 2 channel LVDS interface method. It is intended to support displays where high brightness, wide viewing angle, high color saturation, and high color depth are very important.* General InformationItems Specification Unit NoteActive Screen Size 46.00 inchDisplay Area 1018.08(H) x 572.67(V) mmOutline Dimension 1076.5(H) x 634.7(V) x 22.4(D) mm D: front bezel to T-con cover Driver Element a-Si TFT active matrixBezel Opening 1024.5 (H) x 578.7 (V) mmDisplay Colors 8 bit, 16.7M ColorsNumber of Pixels 1,920x1,080 PixelPixel Pitch 0.53025 (H) x 0.53025 (W) mmPixel Arrangement RGB vertical stripeDisplay Operation Mode Normally BlackSurface Treatment Anti-Glare, 3H Haze=11%2. Absolute Maximum RatingsThe followings are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or damage to the unitItem Symbol Min Max Unit Conditions Logic/LCD Drive Voltage Vcc -0.3 14 [Volt] Note 1Input Voltage of Signal Vin -0.3 4 [Volt] Note 1 Operating Temperature TOP 0 +50 [o C] Note 2 Operating Humidity HOP 10 90 [%RH] Note 2 Storage Temperature TST -20 +60 [o C] Note 2 Storage Humidity HST 10 90 [%RH] Note 2 Panel Surface Temperature PST 65 [o C] Note 3Note 1: Duration:50 msec.Note 2 : Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39 and No condensation.℃The relative humidity must not exceed 90% non-condensing at temperatures of 40or less. At temperatures℃greater than 40, the wet bulb temperature must not exceed 39.℃℃Note 3: Surface temperature is measured at 50℃ Dry conditionNote 4: Storage period should refer to RA criteria3. Electrical SpecificationThe T460HW04 V6 requires two power inputs. One is employed to power the LCD electronics and to drive the TFT array and liquid crystal. The second input for BLU is to driver board.3.1 Electrical Characteristics3.1.1: DC CharacteristicsValueParameterSymbolMin. Typ. Max Unit Note LCDPower Supply Input Voltage V DD 10.8 12 13.2 V DC Power Supply Input Current I DD -- 1.32 1.45 A 1 Power Consumption P C -- 15.84 17.40 Watt 1 Inrush CurrentI RUSH -- -- 4 A 2 Input Differential Voltage∣V ID ∣200 400 600 mV DC 3 Differential Input High Threshold Voltage V TH +100 -- +300 mV DC 3 Differential Input Low Threshold Voltage V TL -300 -- -100 mV DC 3 LVDS InterfaceInput Common Mode Voltage V ICM 1.1 1.25 1.4 V DC 3 F DIM_IN 140 -- 240 Hz 4 DIM_IND DIM_IN 5 -- 100 % 4 F DIM_OUT -- 180 -- Hz 4 DCR InterfaceDIM_OUTD DIM_OUT5 -- 100 % 4 Input High Threshold Voltage V IH (High) 2.7 -- 3.3 V DC 5 CMOS InterfaceInput Low Threshold VoltageV IL (Low) 0 -- 0.6 V DC 5 Backlight Power ConsumptionP BL--105.6--Watt3.1.2: AC CharacteristicsValueParameterSymbol Min. Typ. Max Unit Note Receiver Clock : Spread Spectrum Modulation rangeFclk_ss Fclk -3% -- Fclk +3% MHz 6 Receiver Clock : Spread SpectrumModulation frequencyFss30 -- 200 KHz6LVDSInterfaceReceiver Data Input Margin Fclk = 85 MHz Fclk = 65 MHztRMG -0.4 -0.5-- --0.4 0.5ns 7Note :1. V DD = 12.0V, Fv = 60Hz, Fclk= 82MHz , 25 , Test Pattern : White Pattern ℃ 2. Measurement condition : Rising time = 400usDD3. V ICM = 1.25VID |V IC G N 0VL V D S -L V D S4. DCR Interface: Function TableInputOutput DCR_EnableDIM_IN DIM_OUT High PWM Input DCR Dimming OutLow PWM InputPWM Input NCNCKeep HighNote.(4-1) : During the deep duty control, partial darkness or center darkness might happendue to insufficient lamp current.Note.(4-2): At low temperature, more warm up time may be needed.5. The measure points of V IH and V IL are in LCM side after connecting the System Board and LCM.6. LVDS Receiver Clock SSCG (Spread spectrum clock generator) is defined as below figuresFclk Fclk__ss ss((max max))Fclk Fclk__ss ss((min min))Fclk7. Receiver Data Input Margin RatingParameterSymbol Min Type Max Unit Note Input Clock Frequency Fclk Fclk (min) -- Fclk (max) MHz T=1/Fclk Input Data Position0 tRIP1 -|tRMG| 0 |tRMG| ns Input Data Position1 tRIP0 T/7-|tRMG| T/7 T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position2 tRIP6 2T/7-|tRMG| 2T/7 2T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position3 tRIP5 3T/7-|tRMG| 3T/7 3T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position4 tRIP4 4T/7-|tRMG| 4T/7 4T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position5 tRIP3 5T/7-|tRMG| 5T/7 5T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position6 tRIP26T/7-|tRMG|6T/76T/7+|tRMG|ns3.2 Interface ConnectionsLCD connector: FI-RE51S-HF (JAE, LVDS connector)Mating connector:PIN Symbol Description PIN Symbol Description1 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 26 CH2_0+ LVDS Channel 2, Signal 0+2 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 27 CH2_1- LVDS Channel 2, Signal 1-3 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 28 CH2_1+ LVDS Channel 2, Signal 1+4 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 29 CH2_2- LVDS Channel 2, Signal 2-5 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 30 CH2_2+ LVDS Channel 2, Signal 2+6 NC No Connection 31 GND Ground7 GND Ground 32 CH2_CLK- LVDS Channel 2, Clock -8 GND Ground 33 CH2_CLK+ LVDS Channel 2, Clock +9 GND Ground 34 GND Ground10 CH1_0- LVDS Channel 1, Signal 0- 35 CH2_3- LVDS Channel 2, Signal 3-11 CH1_0+ LVDS Channel 1, Signal 0+ 36 CH2_3+ LVDS Channel 2, Signal 3+12 CH1_1- LVDS Channel 1, Signal 1- 37 Reserved AUO Internal Use Only13 CH1_1+ LVDS Channel 1, Signal 1+ 38 Reserved AUO Internal Use Only14 CH1_2- LVDS Channel 1, Signal 2- 39 GND Ground15 CH1_2+ LVDS Channel 1, Signal 2+ 40 SCL EEPROM Serial Clock16 GND Ground 41 NC No Connection17 CH1_CLK- LVDS Channel 1, Clock - 42 NC No connection18 CH1_CLK+ LVDS Channel 1, Clock + 43 WP EEPROM Write Protection High(3.3V) for Writable, Low(GND) for Protection19 GND Ground 44 SDA EEPROM Serial Data20 CH1_3- LVDS Channel 1, Signal 3- 45 LVDS_SEL Open/High(3.3V) for NS, Low(GND) for JEIDA21 CH1_3+ LVDS Channel 1, Signal 3+ 46 NC No Connection22 Reserved AUO Internal Use Only 47 NC No connection23 Reserved AUO Internal Use Only 48 NC No connection24 GND Ground 49 NC No connection25 CH2_0- LVDS Channel 2, Signal 0- 50 NC No Connection51 Reserved AUO Internal Use OnlyT460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 0LVDS Option = High/OpenNSP re vio u s C y cle C lo ckC u rren t C yc leN e xt C yc leC H x_0+ C H x_0-R1R0G0R5R4R3R2R1R0G0C H x_1+ C H x_1-G2G1B1B0G5G4G3G2G1B1C H x_2+ C H x_2-B3B2DENANAB5B4B3B2DEC H x_3+ C H x_3-R7R6NAB7B6G7G6R7R6NANote: x = 1, 2, 3, 4…LVDS Option = Low/GNDJEIDAC urrent C ycle N ext C ycleP revious C ycle C lockC Hx_0+ C Hx_0-R3R2G2R7R6R5R4R3R2G2C Hx_1+ C Hx_1-G4G3B3B2G7G6G5G4G3B3C Hx_2+ C Hx_2-B5B4DENANAB7B6B5B4DEC Hx_3+ C Hx_3-R1R0NAB1B0G1G0R1R0NANote: x = 1, 2, 3, 4…© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 11 / 31T460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 03.3 Signal Timing SpecificationThis is the signal timing required at the input of the user connector. All of the interface signal timing should be satisfied with the following specifications for its proper operation.Timing Table (DE only Mode)Signal Item Period Vertical Section Active Blanking Period Horizontal Section Active Blanking Clock Vertical Frequency Horizontal Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Symbol Tv Tdisp (v) Tblk (v) Th Tdisp (h) Tblk (h) Fclk=1/Tclk Fv Fh 70 50 47 60 10 1030 Min. 1090 Typ. 1125 1080 45 1100 960 140 74.25 60 67.5 365 82 63 73 Tclk MHz Hz KHz 400 1325 Th Tclk Max 1480 Unit ThNotes: (1) Display position is specific by the rise of DE signal only. Horizontal display position is specified by the rising edge of 1 DCLK after the rise of 1 DE, is displayed on the left edge of the screen. (2)Vertical display position is specified by the rise of DE after a “Low” level period equivalent to eight times of horizontal period. The 1 data corresponding to one horizontal line after the rise of 1 DE is displayed at the top line of screen. (3)If a period of DE “High” is less than 1920 DCLK or less than 1080 lines, the rest of the screen displays black. (4)The display position does not fit to the screen if a period of DE “High” and the effective data period do not synchronize with each other.st st st st© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 12 / 31T460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 0Tv Tblk(v) Th DE Tdisp(v) N L in eM pixelCLK Tclk Th Tdisp(h) DE Tblk(h)3.4 Signal Timing WaveformsCH1Pixel M-7Pixel M-5Pixel M-3Pixel M-1Invalid DataPixel 1Pixel 3Pixel 5Pixel 7Pixel 9Pixel 11Pixel M-5Pixel M-3Pixel M-1Invalid DataPixel 1Pixel 3CH2Pixel M-6Pixel M-4Pixel M-2Pixel MInvalid DataPixel 2Pixel 4Pixel 6Pixel 8Pixel 10Pixel 12Pixel M-4Pixel M-2Pixel MInvalid DataPixel 2Pixel 4© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.RGB DataInvalid DataLine NLine 1Line 2Line 3Line 4Line NInvalid DataPage 13 / 31T460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 03.5 Color Input Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color (red, green and blue) is based on the 8 bit gray scale data input for the color; the higher the binary input, the brighter the color. The table below provides a reference for color versus data input.COLOR DATA REFERENCEInput Color Data Color RED MSB LSB MSB GREEN LSB MSB BLUE LSBR7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Black Red(255) Green(255) Basic Blue(255) Color Cyan Magenta Yellow White RED(000) RED(001) R ---RED(254) RED(255) GREEN(000) GREEN(001) G ---GREEN(254) GREEN(255) BLUE(000) BLUE(001) B ---BLUE(254) BLUE(255) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 14 / 31T460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 03.6 Power Sequence for LCD90%90% 10% 10%Pow er Supply For LCD VD D (+ 12 V )G ND10%t1t2t5t6t7Interface Signal ( LV DS Data & CLK )G NDValid D atat3t4Backlight on / off control signal ( VBLO N )GNDt8t9CM O S Interface SignalG NDParameter t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9Values Min. 0.4 0.1 450 0*1Type. -------------------Max. 30 50 --------*2Unit ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms0 --500 10 0--50 ---Note: (1) t4=0 : concern for residual pattern before BLU turn off. (2) t6 : voltage of VDD must decay smoothly after power-off. (customer system decide this value)© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 15 / 31T460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 03.7 Backlight Specification (independent driver board)The backlight unit contains 4pcs light bar.3.7.1 Electrical specificationSpec Item 1 2 3 4 Input Voltage Input Current Input Power Inrush Current Symbol VDDB IDDB PDDB IRUSH ON 5 On/Off control voltage VBLON OFF IBLON MAX 7 Dimming Control Voltage V_DIM MIN 8 9 Dimming Control Current Internal Dimming Ratio External PWM Control Voltage External PWM Control Current I_DIM DIM_R MAX V_EPWM MIN I_EPWM D_EPWM F_EPWM HI 14 DET status signal DET Lo 15 Note Note Note Note Input Impedance Rin VDDB=24V VDDB=24V 0 300 0.8 Kohm VDDB=24V VDDB=24V VDDB=24V VDDB=24V 0 5 140 180 0.8 2 100 240 mADC % Hz VDC VDDB=24V VDDB=24V VDDB=24V VDDB=24V 5 2 0 2 100 5.5 VDC 3 4 VDC mADC % 3 VDDB=24V 0 VDDB=24V 3.0 0.8 1.5 5.5 mA VDC Condition Min VDDB=24V VDDB=24V VDDB=24V 2 22.8 Typ 24 4.4 105.6 Max 25.2 4.91 117.8 9 5.5 VDC VDC ADC W ADC 1 1 2 Unit Note6On/Off control current101112 External PWM Duty ratio 13 External PWM FrequencyOpen Collector1 : Dimming ratio= 100% (MAX) Ta=25±5 , Turn on for 45minutes 2: Measurement condition Rising time = 20ms (VDDB : 10%~90%); 3: Less than 5% dimming control is functional well and no backlight shutdown happened 4: Normal : 0~0.8V ; Abnormal : Open collector(℃)© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 16 / 31T460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 03.7.2 Input Pin AssignmentLED driver board connector : Cvilux CI0114M1HR0-NH Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Symbol VDDB VDDB VDDB VDDB VDDB BLGND BLGND BLGND BLGND BLGND Description Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Ground and Current Return Ground and Current Return Ground and Current Return Ground and Current Return Ground and Current Return BLU status detection: 11 DET Normal : 0~0.8V ; Abnormal : Open collector (Recommend Pull high R > 10K, VDD = 3.3V) BLU On-Off control: 12 VBLON High/Open (2~5.5V) : BL On ; Low (0~0.8V/GND) : BL Off Internal PWM (0~3.3V for 5~100% Duty, open for 100%) 13 VDIM(**) < NC ; at External PWM mode> External PWM (5%~100% Duty, open for 100%) 14 PDIM(*) < NC ; at Internal PWM mode>(Note*) IF External PWM function includes 5% dimming ratio. Judge condition as below: (1) Backlight module must be lighted ON normally. (2) All protection function must work normally. (3) Uniformity and flicker could NOT be guaranteed© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 17 / 31T460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 03.7.3 Power Sequence for Driver Board90%24V(typ.)90%Power Input for BLU (VDDB)10%T1T2T5Dimming Control Signal (V_IPWM,V_EPWM) T3 T4BLU On/Off Enable (VBLON)Dip condition for Driver BoardPower Input for BLU (VDDB)T6VDDB(typ.)*0.8Parameter Min T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 20 500 250 0 1 -Value Typ Max 10Units ms ms ms ms ms ms© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 18 / 31T460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 04. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’ and stable for approximately 45 minutes in a dark environment at 25° C. The values specified are at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of φ and θ equal to 0° .Fig.1 presents additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method.SR3 or equivalentParameter Contrast Ratio Surface Luminance (White) Luminance Variation Response Time (G to G) Color Gamut Color Coordinates RedSymbol Min. CR LWH δWHITE(9P) Tγ NTSC 3200 320 ---Values Typ. 4000 400 -8 72 Max --1.33 --UnitNotes 1cd/m22 3Ms %4RX RY0.638 0.328 0.327 Typ.-0.03 0.618 0.150 0.047 0.280 0.290 5 Typ.+0.03GreenGX GYBlueBX BYWhiteWX WYViewing Angle x axis, right(φ=0° ) x axis, left(φ=180° ) y axis, up(φ=90° ) y axis, down (φ=270° ) θr θl θu θd ----89 89 89 89 ----degree degree degree degree© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 19 / 31T460HW04 V6 Product Specification Rev.1 0Note: 1. Contrast Ratio (CR) is defined mathematically as: Contrast Ratio= Surface Luminance of Lon5 Surface Luminance of Loff52. Surface luminance is luminance value at point 5 across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying white. From more information see FIG 2. When lamp current IH = 11mA. the luminance with all pixels displaying white at center 5 location. 3. The variation in surface luminance, δWHITE is defined (center of Screen) as: δWHITE(9P)= Maximum(Lon1, Lon2,…,Lon9)/ Minimum(Lon1, Lon2,…Lon9) 4. Response time T LWH=Lon5 where Lon5 isγ is the average time required for display transition by switching the input signal for fiveluminance ratio (0%,25%,50%,75%,100% brightness matrix) and is based on Fv=60Hz to optimize.Measured Response Time 0% 25% Start 50% 75% 100%25% to 0% 50% to 0% 75% to 0% 100% to 0% 50% to 25% 75% to 25% 100% to 25%Target 0% 25%0% to 25%50%0% to 50% 25% to 50%75%0% to 75% 25% to 75% 50% to 75%100%0% to 100% 25% to 100% 50% to 100% 75% to 100%75% to 50% 100% to 50% 100% to 75%The response time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “any level of grey(bright) “ and “any level of gray(dark)”. Any level of gray (Bright) Any level of gray (Dark) Any level of gray (Bright)0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%100% 90%© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Photodetector Output10%0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%TimeT γ (F)T γ (R)Page 20 / 31FIG. 2 Luminance5. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The angles are determined for thehorizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to the LCD surface. For more information see FIG3.FIG.3 Viewing AngleHVH/6H/2V/2V/65. Mechanical CharacteristicsThe contents provide general mechanical characteristics for the model T460HW04 V6. In addition the figures in the next page are detailed mechanical drawing of the LCD.Item Dimension Unit NoteHorizontal 1076.5 mmVertical 634.7 mmOutline DimensionDepth (Dmin) 10.8 mm to rearDepth (Dmax) 22.4 mm to inverter cover Weight 10200 g Typ.Front ViewBack View6. Reliability Test ItemsTest Item Q’ty Condition1 High temperature storage test 3 60℃, 300hrs2 Low temperature storage test3 -20℃, 300hrs3 High temperature operation test 3 50℃, 300hrs4 Low temperature operation test 3 -5℃, 300hrs5 Vibration test (non-operation) 3 Wave form: randomVibration level : 1.0G RMS Bandwidth : 10-300Hz Duration : X,Y,Z 10min per axes X,Y,Z: Horizontal, face up6 Shock test (non-operation) 3 Shock level50G, 11ms in ±X, ±Y axis, 35G, 11ms in ±Z axis Waveform: half sine waveDirection: One time each direction7 Vibration test (With carton) 1 (PKG) Random wave (1.05Grms 10~200Hz) Duration : X,Y,Z 10min per axes8 Drop test (With carton) 1 (PKG) 25.4cm, Surround four flats and bottom flat twice (ASTMD4169)7. International Standard7.1 Safety(1) UL 60950-1, UL 60065; Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment Includingelectrical Business Equipment.(2) IEC 60950-1 : 2001, IEC 60065:2001 ; Standard for Safety of International ElectrotechnicalCommission(3) EN 60950 : 2001+A11, EN 60065:2002+A1:2006; European Committee for ElectrotechnicalStandardization (CENELEC), EUROPEAN STANDARD for Safety of Information TechnologyEquipment Including Electrical Business Equipment.7.2 EMC(1) ANSI C63.4 “Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical andElectrical Equipment in the Range of 9kHz to 40GHz. “American National standards Institute(ANSI),1992(2) C.I.S.P.R “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interface Characteristics of InformationTechnology Equipment.” International Special committee on Radio Interference.(3) EN 55022 “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interface Characteristics of InformationTechnology Equipment.” European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. (CENELEC),19988. Packing8-1 DEFINITION OF LABEL: A. Panel Label:*xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx*Green mark description(1) For Pb Free Product, AUO will add for identification.(2) For RoHs compatible products, AUO will add RoHS for identification.Note: The green Mark will be present only when the green documents have been ready by AUO internal green team. (definition of green design follows the AUO green design checklist.)B. Carton Label:Panel Unique IDAUO Internal Use8-2 PACKING METHODS:Cushion setCushion set7pcs Modules8-3 Pallet and Shipment InformationSpecificationItemQty. DimensionWeight (kg) Packing Remark1 Packing Box 7pcs/box 1160(L)mm*375(W)mm*690(H)mm 852 Pallet11180(L)mm*1150(W)mm*132(H)mm183 Boxes per Pallet 3 boxes/Pallet (By Air) ; 3 Boxes/Pallet (By Sea)4 Panels per Pallet 21pcs/pallet(By Air) ; 21 pcs/Pallet (By Sea)21(by Air) 1180(L)mm*1150(W)mm*822(H)mm (by Air)273 (by Air)5 Palletafter packing42(by Sea) 1180(L)mm*1150(W)mm*2466(H)mm (by Sea) 546 (by Sea) 40ft HQ9. PRECAUTIONSPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCD module.9-1 MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS(1) You must mount a module using holes arranged in four corners or four sides.(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. twisted stress) is not appliedto module. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so thatexternal force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the polarizer.Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the formergenerates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter cause circuitbroken by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizer with glass, tweezers or anything harder than HBpencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical treatment. Do not touch thesurface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth. (Some cosmetics are detrimental to the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materialslike chamois soaks with petroleum benzene. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning theadhesives used to attach front/ rear polarizer. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol becausethey cause chemical damage to the polarizer.(8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causesdeformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength.9-2 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS(1) The device listed in the product specification sheets was designed and manufactured for TVapplication(2) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage:V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(3) Response time depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes longer..)(4) Brightness of CCFL depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.) And inlower temperature, response time (required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomeslonger.(5) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature change. Condensation makes damage topolarizer or electrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur.(6) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnant image is likely to occur.(7) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic interference shallT460HW04 V6 Product SpecificationRev.1 0 © Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved. Page 31 / 31be done by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimize the interface.9-3 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wristband etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4 PRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSUREStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5 STORAGEWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep thetemperature between 5 and 35 at normal humidity.℃℃(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other object. It is recommended that theybe stored in the container in which they were shipped.9-6 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECTION FILM(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking tape. When the protection film ispeeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and polarizer. This should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains avery small amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on the bezel or its vestige is recognized,please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with normal-hexane.。

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CMOS 清除: JBAT ···················································12 键盘开机跳线选择:JKB ···········································13 2-4 连接器和引脚连接头 ··············································13 2-4-1 连接器 ·························································13 电源连接器(24 引脚) : ATXPWR··································13 ATX 12V 电源连接器(4 引脚) : PWR12V ························14 PS/2 鼠标和 PS/2 键盘连接器: PS2 ······························15 USB 端口连接器: R_USB1 ·········································15 LAN 端口连接器: USB_LAN1 ······································15 音频输入、输出、麦克风、环绕输出、中置低音炮输出、侧边 环绕输出:AUDIO1 ·················································16 2-4-2 引脚连接头 ···················································20 第三章驱动程序安装说明 ·············································28 第四章 BIOS 设置 ······················································30 4-1 进入 BIOS 主界面··················································31 4-2 BIOS 主界面························································34 4-3 标准 COMS 设定(Standard CMOS Features) ··················35 Date(日期) ························································35 Time(时间) ·······················································36 IDE Channel 0/1/2 Master/Slave (IDE 第 1/2/3 主/从通道) ·········································································36 Drive A/Drive B (软盘类型的设置) ·······························36

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以下是针对此问题的解决方法:1、安装时不输入序列号,直接忽略,系统会提示你有30天激活期;2、进入系统后,不进行任何升级,直接打开REGEDIT.EXE修改注册表,将HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Setup/OOBE/ 地址下的MediaBootInstall 键值由1改为0,保存;3、在开始菜单中搜索cmd,以管理员身份打开后,输入slmgr /rearm,回车后等待确认框出现;4、重启;5、重新输入序列号,激活将提示成功;[转贴]联想笔记本升级到SLIC2.1方法已出现目前,Windows 7最新简体中文版已经漏洞,联想OEM Windows 7旗舰版也在网上推出(真实性还有待检测,故笔者还没有推荐下载),一些小Y的朋友发短信给我,能否写个联想笔记本SLIC表2.0升级2.1的教程!作为联想最忠实的拥护者,这是笔者的义务,帮经过几天的琢磨,集各大玩家的大成,郑重推出本文,希望对小Y一族有所帮助!一、准备工作1、下载安装软碟通UltraISO 9.3。
下载地址请参考:UltraISO 9.3:最好用的镜像文件编辑刻录软件(附注册码)2、下载SLIC_Dump_TooKit V1.05检测软件,并解压备用。
下载地址:/files/70366c21-7d0e-11de-bcc0-0014221b798a/3、联想笔记本SLIC表 2.1文件,并解压备用。

如何使用本指南............................................................................................................................................................ 5 NVivo 和定性研究.............................................................................................................................................. 5 支持您所选择的方法.......................................................................................................................................... 5 了解 NVivo 版本................................................................................................................................................. 6 NVivo 关键术语 ........................................................................................................................................................................6 发掘示例项目...................................................................................................................................................... 7 如何探索我的研究项目?................................................................................................................................. 7

(1、先将"磁盘0分区2 删除 2、扩展"磁盘0分区1" )

联想 ThinkPad T460 安全、保修和指南

第三版(2017 年 3 月) © Copyright Lenovo 2017.有限权利声明:如果数据或软件依照通用服务管理(GSA )合同提供,则其使用、复制或披露将受到 GS-35F-05925 号合同的约束。
安全、保修和设置指南ThinkPad T460产品执行标准:GB/T 9813.2-2016关键 Web 资源Lenovo 用户论坛:https:///PN: SP40J65644 Printed in China机电池交流电源适配器注:您的计算机可能未附带 Windows ® 全套恢复光盘或 U 盘。
要恢复 Microsoft ® Windows 操作系统,请参阅《用户指南》中的恢复信息。
初始设置此系统仅支持专为此特定系统设计并由 Lenovo 或授权生产厂制造的电池。
注意:Lenovo 对于非授权电池的性能和安全性不承担任何责任,并且对于因使用此类电池所致的故障或损坏不提供任何保修。
3. 按电源按键可开启计算机。
控件和指示灯摄像头*麦克风屏幕(多点触控/非触控) 电源按键 指纹读取器* TrackPoint ® 按键 ThinkPad 轨迹板具有 Fn 锁定指示灯的 Fn 键 带扬声器静音指示灯的 F1 键 带麦克风静音指示灯的 F4 键 TrackPoint 指点杆 * 某些型号配备。
要访问《用户指南》,请执行以下操作: Windows 10:1. 打开“开始”菜单,然后单击 Lenovo Companion 。
如果“开始”菜单上未显示 Lenovo Companion ,则单击所有应用以显示所有程序,然后单击 Lenovo Companion 。

现在微软发布了win7 SP1,当然是要把系统升到SP1了。
过程看似复杂,其实归纳起来很简单:提取OEM版的BOOT.WIM文件->提取其中的Lenovo文件夹与Winpeshl.ini文件->修改Lenovo文件夹中的自动应答文件Autounttend.xml->把修改后的Lenovo 文件夹与Winpeshl.ini文件封装到旗舰版的boot.wim文件中,并修改旗舰版中的ei.cfg文件,最后另存镜像文件即可。
具体步骤如下:一、准备工作:1、两个工具:(1)光盘镜像编辑软件:UltraISO软碟通 简体中文版注册名:李明注册码:509F-BA54-BBA6-73C5(2)GImageX_2.0.17汉化版2、两个镜像:(1)随机恢复光盘镜像:LENOVO_WIN7_HB_32_ZH_CN_RDVD(或直接用随机恢复光盘);(2)MSDN下载的64位集成SP1的WIN7原版镜像:cn_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_618537。
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Model Name: T460HW04 V8 Issue Date : 2010/09/10( )Preliminary Specifications(*)Final SpecificationsContentsNoCONTENTSRECORD OF REVISIONS1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION3-1 ELECTRIACL CHARACTERISTICS3-2 INTERFACE CONNECTIONS3-3 SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATION3-4 SIGNAL TIMING WAVEFORM3-5 COLOR INPUT DATA REFERENCE3-6 POWER SEQUENCE3-7 BACKLIGHT SPECIFICATION4 OPTICAL SPECIFICATION5 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS6 RELIABILITY TEST ITEMS7 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD7-1 SAFETY7-2 EMC8 PACKING8-1 DEFINITION OF LABEL8-2 PACKING METHODS8-3 PALLET AND SHIPMENT INFORMATION9 PRECAUTION9-1 MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS9-2 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS9-3 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROL9-4 PRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSURE9-5 STORAGE9-6 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECT FILMRecord of RevisionVersion Date Page Description1.0 2010/09/02 First release2.0 2010/09/10 Update Min. Luminance1. General DescriptionThis specification applies to the 46.0 inch Color TFT-LCD Module T460HW04 V8. This LCD module has a TFT active matrix type liquid crystal panel 1,920x1,080 pixels, and diagonal size of 46.0 inch. This module supports 1,920x1,080 mode. Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arranged in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the brightness of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 8-bit gray scale signal for each dot.The T460HW04 V8 has been designed to apply the 8-bit 2 channel LVDS interface method. It is intended to support displays where high brightness, wide viewing angle, high color saturation, and high color depth are very important.* General InformationItems Specification Unit NoteActive Screen Size 46.00 inchDisplay Area 1018.08(H) x 572.67(V) mmOutline Dimension 1076.5(H) x 634.7(V) x 22.4(D) mm D: front bezel to T-con cover Driver Element a-Si TFT active matrixBezel Opening 1024.5 (H) x 578.7 (V) mmDisplay Colors 8 bit, 16.7M ColorsNumber of Pixels 1,920x1,080 PixelPixel Pitch 0.53025 (H) x 0.53025 (W) mmPixel Arrangement RGB vertical stripeDisplay Operation Mode Normally BlackSurface Treatment HC, 3H Hard Coating2. Absolute Maximum RatingsThe followings are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or damage to the unitItem Symbol Min Max Unit Conditions Logic/LCD Drive Voltage Vcc -0.3 14 [Volt] Note 1Input Voltage of Signal Vin -0.3 4 [Volt] Note 1 Operating Temperature TOP 0 +50 [o C] Note 2 Operating Humidity HOP 10 90 [%RH] Note 2 Storage Temperature TST -20 +60 [o C] Note 2 Storage Humidity HST 10 90 [%RH] Note 2 Panel Surface Temperature PST 65 [o C] Note 3Note 1: Duration:50 msec.Note 2 : Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39 and No condensation.℃The relative humidity must not exceed 90% non-condensing at temperatures of 40or less. At temperatures℃greater than 40, the wet bulb temperature must not exceed 39.℃℃Note 3: Surface temperature is measured at 50℃ Dry conditionNote 4: Storage period should refer to RA criteria3. Electrical SpecificationThe T460HW04 V8 requires two power inputs. One is employed to power the LCD electronics and to drive the TFT array and liquid crystal. The second input for BLU is to power inverter.3.1 Electrical Characteristics3.1.1: DC CharacteristicsValueParameterSymbolMin. Typ. Max Unit Note LCDPower Supply Input Voltage V DD 10.8 12 13.2 V DC Power Supply Input Current I DD -- 1.32 1.45 A 1 Power Consumption P C -- 15.84 17.40 Watt 1 Inrush CurrentI RUSH -- -- 4 A 2 Input Differential Voltage∣V ID ∣200 400 600 mV DC 3 Differential Input High Threshold Voltage V TH +100 -- +300 mV DC 3 Differential Input Low Threshold Voltage V TL -300 -- -100 mV DC 3 LVDS InterfaceInput Common Mode Voltage V ICM 1.1 1.25 1.4 V DC 3 F DIM_IN 140 -- 240 Hz 4 DIM_IND DIM_IN 5 -- 100 % 4 F DIM_OUT -- 180 -- Hz 4 DCR InterfaceDIM_OUTD DIM_OUT5 -- 100 % 4 Input High Threshold Voltage V IH (High) 2.7 -- 3.3 V DC 5 CMOS InterfaceInput Low Threshold VoltageV IL (Low) 0 -- 0.6 V DC 5 Backlight Power ConsumptionP BL--105.6117.8Watt3.1.2: AC CharacteristicsValueParameterSymbol Min. Typ. Max Unit Note Receiver Clock : Spread Spectrum Modulation rangeFclk_ss Fclk -3% -- Fclk +3% MHz 6 Receiver Clock : Spread SpectrumModulation frequencyFss30 -- 200 KHz6LVDSInterfaceReceiver Data Input Margin Fclk = 85 MHz Fclk = 65 MHztRMG -0.4 -0.5-- --0.4 0.5ns 7Note :1. V DD = 12.0V, Fv = 60Hz, Fclk= 82MHz , 25 , Test Pattern : White Pattern ℃ 2. Measurement condition : Rising time = 400usDD3. V ICM = 1.25VID |V IC G N 0VL V D S -L V D S4. DCR Interface: Function TableInputOutput DCR_EnableDIM_IN DIM_OUT High PWM Input DCR Dimming OutLow PWM InputPWM Input NCNCKeep HighNote.(4-1) : During the deep duty control, partial darkness or center darkness might happendue to insufficient lamp current.Note.(4-2): At low temperature, more warm up time may be needed.5. The measure points of V IH and V IL are in LCM side after connecting the System Board and LCM.6. LVDS Receiver Clock SSCG (Spread spectrum clock generator) is defined as below figuresFclk Fclk__ss ss((max max))Fclk Fclk__ss ss((min min))Fclk7. Receiver Data Input Margin RatingParameterSymbol Min Type Max Unit Note Input Clock Frequency Fclk Fclk (min) -- Fclk (max) MHz T=1/Fclk Input Data Position0 tRIP1 -|tRMG| 0 |tRMG| ns Input Data Position1 tRIP0 T/7-|tRMG| T/7 T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position2 tRIP6 2T/7-|tRMG| 2T/7 2T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position3 tRIP5 3T/7-|tRMG| 3T/7 3T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position4 tRIP4 4T/7-|tRMG| 4T/7 4T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position5 tRIP3 5T/7-|tRMG| 5T/7 5T/7+|tRMG| ns Input Data Position6 tRIP26T/7-|tRMG|6T/76T/7+|tRMG|ns3.2 Interface ConnectionsLCD connector: FI-RE51S-HF (JAE, LVDS connector)Mating connector:PIN Symbol Description PIN Symbol Description1 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 26 CH2_0+ LVDS Channel 2, Signal 0+2 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 27 CH2_1- LVDS Channel 2, Signal 1-3 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 28 CH2_1+ LVDS Channel 2, Signal 1+4 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 29 CH2_2- LVDS Channel 2, Signal 2-5 V DD Power Supply, +12V DC Regulated 30 CH2_2+ LVDS Channel 2, Signal 2+6 NC No connection 31 GND Ground7 GND Ground 32 CH2_CLK- LVDS Channel 2, Clock -8 GND Ground 33 CH2_CLK+ LVDS Channel 2, Clock +9 GND Ground 34 GND Ground10 CH1_0- LVDS Channel 1, Signal 0- 35 CH2_3- LVDS Channel 2, Signal 3-11 CH1_0+ LVDS Channel 1, Signal 0+ 36 CH2_3+ LVDS Channel 2, Signal 3+12 CH1_1- LVDS Channel 1, Signal 1- 37 Reserved AUO Internal Use Only13 CH1_1+ LVDS Channel 1, Signal 1+ 38 Reserved AUO Internal Use Only14 CH1_2- LVDS Channel 1, Signal 2- 39 GND Ground15 CH1_2+ LVDS Channel 1, Signal 2+ 40 SCL EEPROM Serial Clock16 GND Ground 41 SDA EEPROM Serial Data17 CH1_CLK- LVDS Channel 1, Clock - 42 NC No connection18 CH1_CLK+ LVDS Channel 1, Clock + 43 WP EEPROM Write Protection High(3.3V) for Writable, Low(GND) for Protection19 GND Ground 44 Panel_SEL reserve 0603 footprint of resistor to ground20 CH1_3- LVDS Channel 1, Signal 3- 45 LVDS_SEL Open/High(3.3V) for NS, Low(GND) for JEIDA21 CH1_3+ LVDS Channel 1, Signal 3+ 46 NC No connection22 Reserved AUO Internal Use Only 47 NC No connection23 Reserved AUO Internal Use Only 48 NC No connection24 GND Ground 49 NC No connection25 CH2_0- LVDS Channel 2, Signal 0- 50 NC No connection51 Reserved AUO Internal Use OnlyT460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 0LVDS Option = High/OpenNSP re vio u s C y cle C lo ckC u rren t C yc leN e xt C yc leC H x_0+ C H x_0-R1R0G0R5R4R3R2R1R0G0C H x_1+ C H x_1-G2G1B1B0G5G4G3G2G1B1C H x_2+ C H x_2-B3B2DENANAB5B4B3B2DEC H x_3+ C H x_3-R7R6NAB7B6G7G6R7R6NANote: x = 1, 2, 3, 4…LVDS Option = Low/GNDJEIDAC urrent C ycle N ext C ycleP revious C ycle C lockC Hx_0+ C Hx_0-R3R2G2R7R6R5R4R3R2G2C Hx_1+ C Hx_1-G4G3B3B2G7G6G5G4G3B3C Hx_2+ C Hx_2-B5B4DENANAB7B6B5B4DEC Hx_3+ C Hx_3-R1R0NAB1B0G1G0R1R0NANote: x = 1, 2, 3, 4…© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 11 / 30T460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 03.3 Signal Timing SpecificationThis is the signal timing required at the input of the user connector. All of the interface signal timing should be satisfied with the following specifications for its proper operation.Timing Table (DE only Mode)Signal Item Period Vertical Section Active Blanking Period Horizontal Section Active Blanking Clock Vertical Frequency Horizontal Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Symbol Tv Tdisp (v) Tblk (v) Th Tdisp (h) Tblk (h) Fclk=1/Tclk Fv Fh 70 50 47 60 10 1030 Min. 1090 Typ. 1125 1080 45 1100 960 140 74.25 60 67.5 365 82 63 73 Tclk MHz Hz KHz 400 1325 Th Tclk Max 1480 Unit ThNotes: (1) Display position is specific by the rise of DE signal only. Horizontal display position is specified by the rising edge of 1 DCLK after the rise of 1 DE, is displayed on the left edge of the screen. (2)Vertical display position is specified by the rise of DE after a “Low” level period equivalent to eight times of horizontal period. The 1 data corresponding to one horizontal line after the rise of 1 DE is displayed at the top line of screen. (3)If a period of DE “High” is less than 1920 DCLK or less than 1080 lines, the rest of the screen displays black. (4)The display position does not fit to the screen if a period of DE “High” and the effective data period do not synchronize with each other.st st st st© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 12 / 30T460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 0Tv Tblk(v) Th DE Tdisp(v) N L in eM pixelCLK Tclk Th Tdisp(h) DE Tblk(h)3.4 Signal Timing WaveformsCH1Pixel M-7Pixel M-5Pixel M-3Pixel M-1Invalid DataPixel 1Pixel 3Pixel 5Pixel 7Pixel 9Pixel 11Pixel M-5Pixel M-3Pixel M-1Invalid DataPixel 1Pixel 3CH2Pixel M-6Pixel M-4Pixel M-2Pixel MInvalid DataPixel 2Pixel 4Pixel 6Pixel 8Pixel 10Pixel 12Pixel M-4Pixel M-2Pixel MInvalid DataPixel 2Pixel 4© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.RGB DataInvalid DataLine NLine 1Line 2Line 3Line 4Line NInvalid DataPage 13 / 30T460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 03.5 Color Input Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color (red, green and blue) is based on the 8 bit gray scale data input for the color; the higher the binary input, the brighter the color. The table below provides a reference for color versus data input.COLOR DATA REFERENCEInput Color Data Color RED MSB LSB MSB GREEN LSB MSB BLUE LSBR7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Black Red(255) Green(255) Basic Blue(255) Color Cyan Magenta Yellow White RED(000) RED(001) R ---RED(254) RED(255) GREEN(000) GREEN(001) G ---GREEN(254) GREEN(255) BLUE(000) BLUE(001) B ---BLUE(254) BLUE(255) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 14 / 30T460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 0Power Sequence for LCD90%90% 10% 10%Pow er Supply For LCD VD D (+ 12 V )G ND10%t1t2t5t6t7Interface Signal ( LV DS Data & CLK )G NDValid D atat3t4Backlight on / off control signal ( VBLO N )GNDt8t9CM O S Interface SignalG NDValues Parameter Min. t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 0.4 0.1 450 0*1Unit Type. ------------------Max. 30 50 --------*2ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms0 --500 10 0--50 ---Note: (1) t4=0 : concern for residual pattern before BLU turn off. (2) t6 : voltage of VDD must decay smoothly after power-off. (customer system decide this value)© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 15 / 30T460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 03.7 Backlight Specification (independent driver board)The backlight unit contains 4pcs light bar.3.7.1 Electrical specificationSpec Item 1 2 3 4 Input Voltage Input Current Input Power Inrush Current Symbol VDDB IDDB PDDB IRUSH ON 5 On/Off control voltage VBLON OFF IBLON MAX V_EPWM MIN I_EPWM D_EPWM F_EPWM HI 11 DET status signal DET Lo 12 Note Note Note Note Input Impedance Rin VDDB=24V VDDB=24V 0 300 0.8 VDC Kohm 4 VDDB=24V VDDB=24V VDDB=24V VDDB=24V 0 5 140 180 0.8 2 100 240 mADC % Hz VDC VDDB=24V 0 VDDB=24V VDDB=24V 2 0.8 1.5 3.3 VDC 3 4 mA Condition Min VDDB=24V VDDB=24V VDDB=24V 2 22.8 Typ 24 4.4 105.6 Max 25.2 4.91 117.8 9 5.5 VDC VDC ADC W ADC 1 1 2 Unit Note67On/Off control current External PWM Control Voltage External PWM Control Current External PWM Duty ratio External PWM Frequency8 9 10Open Collector1 : Dimming ratio= 100% (MAX) Ta=25±5 , Turn on for 45minutes 2: Measurement condition Rising time = 20ms (VDDB : 10%~90%); 3: Less than 5% dimming control is functional well and no backlight shutdown happened 4: Normal : 0~0.8V ; Abnormal : Open collector© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.)℃(Page 16 / 30T460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 03.7.2 Input Pin AssignmentLED driver board connector : Cvilux CI0114M1HR0-NH Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Symbol VDDB VDDB VDDB VDDB VDDB BLGND BLGND BLGND BLGND BLGND Description Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Operating Voltage Supply, +24V DC regulated Ground and Current Return Ground and Current Return Ground and Current Return Ground and Current Return Ground and Current Return BLU status detection: 11 DET Normal : 0~0.8V ; Abnormal : Open collector (Recommend Pull high R > 10K, VDD = 3.3V) BLU On-Off control: 12 VBLON High/Open (2~5.5V) : BL On ; Low (0~0.8V/GND) : BL Off Internal PWM (0~3.3V for 5~100% Duty, open for 100%) 13 VDIM(**) < NC ; at External PWM mode> External PWM (5%~100% Duty, open for 100%) 14 PDIM(*) < NC ; at Internal PWM mode>(Note*) IF External PWM function includes 5% dimming ratio. Judge condition as below: (1) Backlight module must be lighted ON normally. (2) All protection function must work normally. (3) Uniformity and flicker could NOT be guaranteed© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 17 / 30T460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 04. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’ and stable for approximately 45 minutes in a dark environment at 25° The values specified are at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a C. viewing angle of φ and θ equal to 0° .Fig.1 presents additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method.SR3 or equivalentParameter Contrast Ratio Surface Luminance (White) Luminance Variation Response Time (G to G) Color Gamut Color Coordinates RedSymbol Min. CR LWH δWHITE(9P) Tγ NTSC 3200 350 ---Values Typ. 4000 400 -8 72 Max --1.33 --UnitNotes 1cd/m22 3Ms %4RX RY0.638 0.328 0.327 Typ.-0.03 0.618 0.150 0.047 0.280 0.290 5 Typ.+0.03GreenGX GYBlueBX BYWhiteWX WYViewing Angle x axis, right(φ=0° ) x axis, left(φ=180° ) y axis, up(φ=90° ) y axis, down (φ=270° ) θr θl θu θd ----89 89 89 89 ----degree degree degree degree© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 18 / 30T460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 0Note: 1. Contrast Ratio (CR) is defined mathematically as: Contrast Ratio= Surface Luminance of Lon5 Surface Luminance of Loff52. Surface luminance is luminance value at point 5 across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying white. From more information see FIG 2. When lamp current IH = 11mA. the luminance with all pixels displaying white at center 5 location. 3. The variation in surface luminance, δWHITE is defined (center of Screen) as: δWHITE(9P)= Maximum(Lon1, Lon2,…,Lon9)/ Minimum(Lon1, Lon2,…Lon9) LWH=Lon5 where Lon5 isluminance ratio (0%,25%,50%,75%,100% brightness matrix) and is based on Fv=60Hz to optimize.Measured Response Time 0% 25% Start 50% 75% 100%25% to 0% 50% to 0% 75% to 0% 100% to 0% 50% to 25% 75% to 25% 100% to 25%The response time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “any level of grey(bright) “ and “any level of gray(dark)”. Any level of gray (Bright) Any level of gray (Dark) Any level of gray (Bright)0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%100% 90%10%© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.γ γ γ γγ γ γ γγ4. Response time Tis the average time required for display transition by switching the input signal for fiveTarget 0% 25%0% to 25%50%0% to 50% 25% to 50%75%0% to 75% 25% to 75% 50% to 75%100%0% to 100% 25% to 100% 50% to 100% 75% to 100%75% to 50% 100% to 50% 100% to 75%Photodetector Output0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%TimeT( F)T( R)Page 19 / 30T460HW04 V8 Product Specification Rev.2 0FIG. 2 LuminanceVH/2123456H78H/6 V/6 V/25. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The angles are determined for the horizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to the LCD surface. For more information see FIG3.FIG.3 Viewing Angle© Copyright AUO Optronics Corp. 2009 All Rights Reserved.Page 20 / 305. Mechanical CharacteristicsThe contents provide general mechanical characteristics for the model T460HW04 V8. In addition the figures in the next page are detailed mechanical drawing of the LCD.Item Dimension Unit NoteHorizontal 1076.5 mm Outline DimensionVertical 634.7 mmOutline DimensionDepth (Dmin) 10.8 mmDepth (Dmax) 22.4 mmWeight 10200 g Typ.Front ViewBack View6. Reliability Test ItemsTest Item Q’ty Condition1 High temperature storage test 3 60℃, 300hrs2 Low temperature storage test3 -20℃, 300hrs3 High temperature operation test 3 50℃, 300hrs4 Low temperature operation test 3 -5℃, 300hrs5 Vibration test (non-operation) 3 Wave form: randomVibration level : 1.0G RMS Bandwidth : 10-300Hz Duration : X,Y,Z 10min per axes X,Y,Z: Horizontal, face up6 Shock test (non-operation) 3 Shock level50G, 11ms in ±X, ±Y axis, 35G, 11ms in ±Z axis Waveform: half sine waveDirection: One time each direction7 Vibration test (With carton) 1 (PKG) Random wave (1.05Grms 10~200Hz) Duration : X,Y,Z 10min per axes8 Drop test (With carton) 1 (PKG) 25.4cm, Surround four flats and bottom flat twice (ASTMD4169)7. International Standard7.1 Safety(1) UL 60950-1, UL 60065; Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment Includingelectrical Business Equipment.(2) IEC 60950-1 : 2001, IEC 60065:2001 ; Standard for Safety of International ElectrotechnicalCommission(3) EN 60950 : 2001+A11, EN 60065:2002+A1:2006; European Committee for ElectrotechnicalStandardization (CENELEC), EUROPEAN STANDARD for Safety of Information TechnologyEquipment Including Electrical Business Equipment.7.2 EMC(1) ANSI C63.4 “Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical andElectrical Equipment in the Range of 9kHz to 40GHz. “American National standards Institute(ANSI),1992(2) C.I.S.P.R “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interface Characteristics of InformationTechnology Equipment.” International Special committee on Radio Interference.(3) EN 55022 “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interface Characteristics of InformationTechnology Equipment.” European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. (CENELEC),19988. Packing8-1 DEFINITION OF LABEL: A. Panel Label:*xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx*Green mark description(1) For Pb Free Product, AUO will add for identification.(2) For RoHs compatible products, AUO will add RoHS for identification.Note: The green Mark will be present only when the green documents have been ready by AUO internal green team. (definition of green design follows the AUO green design checklist.)B. Carton Label:Panel Unique IDAUO Internal Use8-2 PACKING METHODS:7pcs Modules8-3 Pallet and Shipment InformationSpecificationItemQty. DimensionWeight (kg) Packing Remark1 Packing Box 7pcs/box 1160(L)mm*375(W)mm*690(H)mm 852 Pallet11180(L)mm*1150(W)mm*132(H)mm183 Boxes per Pallet 3 boxes/Pallet (By Air) ; 3 Boxes/Pallet (By Sea)4 Panels per Pallet 21pcs/pallet(By Air) ; 21 pcs/Pallet (By Sea)21(by Air) 1180(L)mm*1150(W)mm*822(H)mm (by Air)273 (by Air)5 Palletafter packing63(by Sea) 1180(L)mm*1150(W)mm*2466(H)mm (by Sea) 819 (by Sea) 40ft HQ9. PRECAUTIONSPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCD module.9-1 MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS(1) You must mount a module using holes arranged in four corners or four sides.(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. twisted stress) is not appliedto module. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so thatexternal force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the polarizer.Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the formergenerates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter cause circuitbroken by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizer with glass, tweezers or anything harder than HBpencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical treatment. Do not touch thesurface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth. (Some cosmetics are detrimental to the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materialslike chamois soaks with petroleum benzene. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning theadhesives used to attach front/ rear polarizer. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol becausethey cause chemical damage to the polarizer.(8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causesdeformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength.9-2 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS(1) The device listed in the product specification sheets was designed and manufactured for TVapplication(2) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage:V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(3) Response time depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes longer..)(4) Brightness of CCFL depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.) And inlower temperature, response time (required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomeslonger.(5) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature change. Condensation makes damage topolarizer or electrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur.(6) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnant image is likely to occur.(7) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic interference shallbe done by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimize the interface.9-3 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wristband etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4 PRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSUREStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5 STORAGEWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep thetemperature between 5 and 35 at normal humidity.℃℃(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other object. It is recommended that theybe stored in the container in which they were shipped.9-6 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECTION FILM(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking tape. When the protection film ispeeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and polarizer. This should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains avery small amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on the bezel or its vestige is recognized,please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with normal-hexane.。