【上海海归招聘会】UBS HR Summer Internship Programme






1. 要求应聘者精通日语某日资企业招聘客服代表,要求应聘者精通日语,负责为客户提供咨询服务,并解答客户的问题。


2. 诚招出色素质的应聘者某欧洲企业招聘市场营销专员,要求应聘者具备良好的沟通能力、熟练的英语听说读写能力,具有市场推广经验和较强的团队协作能力。


3. 招聘项目经理某美资企业招聘项目经理,主要负责项目管理、项目跟进、项目协调等工作。


4. 招聘技术支持工程师某韩资企业招聘技术支持工程师,要求应聘者熟练掌握电子面向客户的技术支持,了解网络系统,能够解决客户遇到的技术问题,并积极收集用户反馈信息,并推动公司技术方案的优化。


5. 招聘审核专员某国际外包企业招聘审核专员,主要负责文件审核,确保准确无误,同时要求应聘者精通办公软件,并能熟练操作计算机。







【招聘海归硕士】刚拿到贝恩暑期实习的offer,和大家分享一下求职经验刚刚拿到Bain 的offer -Summer Associate Consultant Intern -Hong Kong office 。

Major steps in the recruitment process:1 CV screen◆Mention leadership traits and internship experience◆my intern experience is mostly in the financial industry , eg banking and capital markets2 Written Test◆CV 过到后, 就会收到Written test invitation in regional office. Its basically equivalent to Mckinsey's PST, theres no way you can find Bain's past tests online , so i recommend practicing Mck's tests. 因为人太懒的关系我只是练了3个online mock PST ,真正Bain written test的时候差点做不完... Just try your best to understand the questions and the reading materials quickly and you will be fine .3 Group Interview◆面试官是三个AC,每人自我介绍后就开始讲辩题◆~10 candidates divided into 2 groups to debate on a random topic which is impossible to prepare . 10 mins prep and then 15 mins debate , 2min per candidate ending speech.4 1st Round case interview◆2 middle-level consultants , 1 on 1 case interviews , 30 mins each , conducted consecutively.◆1st case : video interview with a consultant based in the Beijing office, 面试case 的部分以普通话进行( 可能他见我是香港人, 所以想考考我的普通话吧哈哈)我的普通话真的挺差,所以面试的过程不太通顺,中英夹杂,他有时说得快的时候我有点听不明白,只好硬着头皮尽量抄底重点lolthe case is about a global logistic company's performance enhancement in the China Market . 问答来来回回20分钟,最后他问我有什么suggestion,其实我真的不肯定,然后就说去acquire 内地的middle market players 吧,合并派货流程(cost synergies) 和有更好的market penetration and client network.fit方面他问了我几次为什么想做consulting,given that I have a much longer history in the financial industry. 然后问了我Mck vs Bain 怎么选择,banking vs consulting 怎么选择等等.. 还真的挺pushy..◆2nd case : 香港人senior associate consultant (SAC) , 是港大的师兄, 问了一个based on his own client experience 的case ,主要是关于cost reduction, 要看一些图表,market research等等,然后发现客户面对low margin compared to competitors 的问题。

【海归招聘】RBS, PwC, FDM Group 三份Offer,不服来看!

【海归招聘】RBS, PwC, FDM Group 三份Offer,不服来看!

【海归招聘】RBS, PwC, FDM Group 三份Offer,不服来看!各位 Mandarin Consulting(MC)的小伙伴们,大家好。

我今年很幸运地收到了RBS,PwC和FDM Group 三家的录取通知书。

我是于 LSE 硕士毕业的时候加入的海归求职网。


然而,在 MC 的指导下,我意识到申请大公司的Graduate Schemes算是比较理想的出路。



从一对一谈话发现最适合我的行业和公司,到修改申请表格中的open questions,到准备电话面试,再到最后的Assessment Day 每项task 的剖析,MC 都在我的成功之路上助推了一把。

MC 培训中最棒最精华的就是导师们。







不过如果你能够努力地完成 MC 培训中布置的任务,并保持积极主动的态度和永不放弃的决心,我相信最终你也能如愿以偿拿到梦想中的录取通知书!Hello everyone! I’m a lucky candidate received job offers from RBS, PwC and FDM Group this year.I joined Mandarin Consulting (MC) since graduated from LSE. At that moment, the UK graduate employment market for international students was not easy. Fortunately, thanks to MC, I realised that I should target graduate schemes of high profile international companies. They can sponsor visa, provide training and satisfactory salary, which are apparently the best way out for all of us.MC has expanded my horizons regarding to graduate programmes,from understanding what industry/ companies best suit me the best, to fillingin different questions in the application forms, to practising for telephone interviews, to how to behave in the assessment centres. When I look back at what I’ve gained from MC, these experiences and know-how are critical to my success.The best part of MC is the fantastic coaching team. They understand the gap between cultures and have insight into the industries we’re after. They care for Chinese candidates’ feelings and specifically tailor their coaching with in-depth understanding of cultural differences. They are stronglysupportive and warm-hearted in helping.I managed to build successful relationship with several coaches. After knowing I received these offers, they congratulated me and offered advice on my initial employment(this is obviously outside their responsibilities, but they went an extra mile).To those who are still striving to succeed and those who are hesitating where to go, I recommend MC coaching programme to you, due to its structure and fantastic team.If you follow MC’s coaching properly, do your work and stay proactive and tenacious, you will get an offer from your dream company!。

[海外人才招聘会] 瑞银集团UBS BJ 面经汇总

[海外人才招聘会] 瑞银集团UBS BJ 面经汇总

[海外人才招聘会] 瑞银集团UBS BJ 面经汇总看来很多面经,但是都是一个一个人很散的面经介绍,不方便大家要准备面试的人准备。


大部分都是BJ IBD的第一轮电面。

祝大家面试好运!!UBSS BJ DCM面经1、实习做什么,收获,英文2、团队合作无效的例子,怎么改进3、miss deadline的例子,怎么改进4、考反应,10点50分的夹角是多少度5、举出三个影响中小创业板的因素,不需要分析6、为什么申请这个部门?你的竞争力是什么?7、举一个最近的经济事件,对中国的影响怎么样?UBSS/IBD电面之前看到版上大家说两个电面,一个是IBD部门的banker,一个是HR,我第一次电面是个banker,所以误以为第二次是HR,没有准备专业问题。













6.问我有没有做team member的经历7.她说我有没有过和team leader冲突,并且是怎么解决,结果如何。



“ 专业 、 层次 、 高 无国界” 红豆 集 团对 招聘 会 ( 是 上 海) 的评价。 作为国内知名集团企 业, 以服装 业为核心业务 的红 豆集 团已经实现了产业的 多元化 。 为了在招 聘会 ( 上 海) 取得更理想的效果 , 红豆集团做了大量精细 的准备, 投
人了大量的人力物 力, 也带来了包括红豆药业销售 经理等大 招聘会多年
的合作伙伴, 也有今年才加入的新面孔。 与往届不同的是, 这5 家单位 中近 5%是企业, 7 0 而非学校和培训机构。 提供的
这一过程 中, 豆集团离不开优秀 的、 红 高端的、 专业的外籍 人才。 招聘会 ( 上海) 无疑将 是红豆集团吸 引专业领域高层 次 外籍人才的重要渠道和主要平台, 对于双方未来的合作 前景, 红豆集团表示充满了售 【。 = . 、 作为国家工业 、 科技 水平和 综合实力的集中体现 , 大
业要想做大 , 必须进人国际大循环 , 实现国际化发展, 这是
局 限于单个专家的引进或是具体合同的签 商发公司更希
望通过这个高层次平台向外籍高层次人才宣传 自己。
21 5I ENT NI L T 际 才 流 1 0 N RAI AT E 国 人 交 5 10 T J O N A
贝和我会在这里度过美好的一天。 这也成 了 ” 招聘会 ( 上
海) 的亮 点 之一 。
“ 了解到招聘 会 ( 我们 上海) 参会 的外 籍人才与其他 浓 香的 中国茶和咖啡 , 好吃的芝士小点 , 自 国的 来 美 姑娘R・笑着说: 找 工 可是个体力活, Ce s “ 作 穿梭在这样拥挤 的招 聘会现场, 我们需要这样的茶和点 , 、感谢组织者的贴
项 目管理等 多个高端职 位。 商发公司人 力资源部经理 凌云



【上海留学生招聘会】吃螃蟹吃粗来的壕offer 我想可能有些人没听过这家公司,但在上海业内颇有名气。




无法透露太多的面经由于大钥匙家一直走神秘路线,笔试的卷子上写着不能外泄,offer 也特别说明薪水不能外泄,我就只能把我觉得能透露给大家的东西写在这篇面经上(希望不要收回我的offer啊!为了大家,我也是够拼的……)1、笔试我是之前就网申了,忘记还有宣讲会这件事,就没去参加,听说南大的宣讲会挺火爆的。








【上海海归招聘会】瑞银集团 UBS Summer HR Graduate Training Programme电面分享

【上海海归招聘会】瑞银集团 UBS Summer HR Graduate Training Programme电面分享

【上海海归招聘会】瑞银集团 UBS Summer HR Graduate Training Programme电面分享刚刚结束UBS AG的电面,惊魂未定,和大家分享一下问题,希望我们都能顺利地走到下一步。
















[招聘海外留学生] 瑞银集团UBS我来简单说下各个职位干嘛的

[招聘海外留学生] 瑞银集团UBS我来简单说下各个职位干嘛的

[招聘海外留学生] 瑞银集团UBS我来简单说下各个职位干嘛的看很多人选职位比较随意说点自己了解的情况。







另外在FICC里还会有structuring, sales, 和research. structuring的工作就是按照客户的需求把各种衍生品打包成绝逼复杂的产品卖给客户。





以上介绍的都是银行的front office. 不是那个漂亮的前台。

因为他们是revenue generating的部门,投行的主要收入都来源于他们。



然后讲middle office一般risk mgt应该算中台,他们不直接产生利润。

但是如果说trader像赌徒,那么risk mgt的作用就是让他们别下注太多,别一下子输光了。

但也有可能有更general 的risk mgt, 看的是整个银行的(就是包括商业银行那块的),跟巴塞尔协议有关的。

risk的pay 比较好,似乎是为了补偿他的无聊吧。


最后是 back office (?)主要就是 IT , operation这种。

什么是operation? 就是每天银行做了很多交易,钞票划来划去,有人要确保帐目正确。



algorithm trading有时候也会分在IT下面,但IT实在太大了。

[海归招聘] 瑞银集团UBS - Graduate Program Operations (Hong Kong) 面经

[海归招聘] 瑞银集团UBS - Graduate Program Operations (Hong Kong) 面经

[海归招聘] 瑞银集团UBS - Graduate Program Operations(Hong Kong) 面经在这里潜水有一段时间了, 今天刚phone in完UBS, 第一轮就是两个separate的phone interviews, (为了公平起见, 需要两个interviewers一起evaluate同一个candidate) 一个在早上, 一个在下午, 分别由Hong Kong Operations的人打来, 各持续了1个小时左右, 下面贡献一点面经, 也谢谢大家之前的sharing:)Questions from the first Interviewer:Tell me about yourselfWhy UBS?Why Operations?Understanding of operations?Your strength and weaknessDid you face any challenging situation? How did you handle that situation? Questions on teamwork (your role in the team? Any challenges in teamwork?) Questions on Operations (what do you think are the challenges faced by Operations now, and what can Operations do to improve the bank’s performance?)Questions on work experienceQuestions from the second interviewer:Tell me about yourselfWhy UBS?Why Operation?How are you going to convince me that you are a suitable person to this position? Why Finance major?How do other people describe you?Did you face a demanding situation? How did you handle it?Tell me your favorite teamworkHow to handle so many tasks in project?How to come up with a plan to develop your project? On your own or by team? Your type in teamwork (.........||||)How to assign tasks to others if you are the team leader?Any positive sides that you can see for financial industries in the current financialturmoil?What are the other channels that you learn about UBS except website, media, recruitment talk, operation awareness event, contacts at UBS?? (….>.<)很巧的是, 我的第二个interviewer是我在recruitment talk and operation awareness event 上见过的, 所以interview进行一半的时候, 发现大家原来见过, 哈~还蛮有缘的哈~他在teamwork上面问了很detail的东西, 虽然有些没准备到, 但是也只能瞎掰了~据两位interviewers说, 下一轮就是super day, shortlist会在11月底公布~~祝大家好运!。

【招聘海外留学生】瑞银集团 UBS面经

【招聘海外留学生】瑞银集团 UBS面经

【招聘海外留学生】瑞银集团 UBS面經lz這次人品爆發,拿到superday,又鑑於甚少看到ubs superday的面經,尤其是technology,決定碼之而後快,來篇長面經造福後輩。

申請職位:2016 Graduate Trainee Programme - Group Technology – HKSuperday日期:2015年12月初lz背景簡介:學校-港中文,專業-系統工程管理(類似信管),實習-券商+政府+咨詢,成績-全系top5%,活動-校內活動+ubs比賽,整體並不突出,但發展均衡。

整體流程簡介:ubs效率還是不錯的,lz在9月22日申請,9月23日收到online test,11月2日收到phone interview通知,11月7日完成phone interview,11月20日收到superday通知,12月8日superday。

建議-申請:ubs的申請部份需要填寫3個open question,建議認真回答,並且儘量體現你對ubs 的了解及你對ubs的熱愛,lz後來跟hr聊了下發現她們確實會留意。

建議-online test:logic+numerical,題目在應屆生裡找shl的就是了,ubs的test應該是最簡單的了,只有logic和numerical,比四大好做多了,做前練幾題找找手感就可以。


面經-phone interview:∙梗概:phone interview會先由hr發來通知郵件,後由line manager和你約定時間,不需要擔心突擊面,ubs從來沒這癖好。

lz因為在line manager給出的timeslot期間有考試,詢問能否提前一天面,line manager也是欣然答應。

line manager會準時打來,建議找個安靜信號好的地方等電話,全長約30-40分鐘。

btw, line manager的英文太好聽了。

[海归招聘会] 瑞银集团UBS HK CCS Summer面经

[海归招聘会] 瑞银集团UBS HK CCS Summer面经

[海归招聘会] 瑞银集团UBS HK CCS Summer面经UBS一面是两个电面,都在半小时左右,banker直接来约时间。

楼主是11月18号收到ubs一个analyst的邮件约接下来这几天面试,然后20号早上收到另一个associate director的电话直接约在当天下午4点面。

两次面试的问题主要有:Self-IntroWhy do you want to do IBDWhy UBSHow to deal with a difficult person in a teamDo you have any situation when you were challenged, but atthe same time you think your idea should be correctWhat was your thought process when you try to persuade apersonTell me about an experience when you need to change yourplan to work on some urgent tasksTechnical: a high P/E company is trying to acquire a lowP/E company with all stocks, will this be dilutive or accretive to the high P/Ecompany?Can you talk about the interview experience with CreditSuisse from thecompetition you've participated?What did you learn from this experience (of the interview)?Any other questions.Self-IntroWhy do you want to apply to UBS?You’ve had internship in both PE and investment bank, so doyou also plan to apply to other asset management / research / PE for yourinternship?Where do you see yourself in the next five yearsAre you the no.1 in your province? Why do you choose to come toHong Kong?Do you follow the market?I see you did a lot of research in another internship, tell mewhat’s your viewon the Chinese real estate market? What do you think of themajor players.You won the Champion of another competition, didyou do a lot of valuation in that competition?What do you think of DCF and comps? How do you comparethe two?in the projection period?What’s usually your role in a team work? What’s thefeedback of your team member towards you?You know it’s very important in investment bank to manageexpectation and meet the deadline. Tell me about a time when you almost missedthe deadline and how do you manage expectation.Are you also interviewing with other banks? What would youdo if all these banks give you offers?Any questions for me?主要都是competency based和基于cv来问。

[留学生招聘会] 瑞银集团UBS quant AC经验

[留学生招聘会] 瑞银集团UBS quant AC经验

[留学生招聘会] 瑞银集团UBS quant AC经验彻底被UBS鄙视了。


在他们邮件里说:This stage of the recruitment process requires you to complete one competency based interview and a paper - based numerical reasoning assessment.The numerical assessment consists of 40 multiple choice questions which are designed to assess your ability to evaluate numerical data using facts and figures presented in various statistical tables.One or two line managers from the business will conduct a competency based interview with you where you will be asked to describe real examples of things that you have done in the past that demonstrate your suitability for a role with UBS.我还专程带着这封邮件跑到我们学校的career advisory service问了情况,也和他们说清楚了我面的是quant。


他们说这邮件里说的很清楚了,肯定要问你为什么选择ubs,为什么要做金融等等之类competency based questions。


【北京海归招聘】需要海归人才 上海觅海归

【北京海归招聘】需要海归人才 上海觅海归






















游泳俱乐部招聘实习生英文作文As a swimming club, we are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated interns to join our team. This is a great opportunity for individuals who are passionate about swimming and want to gain valuable experience in the sports industry. Our ideal candidates are motivated, responsible, and eager to learn. If you are interested in becoming a part of our team, please read on to learn more about the internship position and how to apply.First and foremost, our interns will have the opportunity to work closely with our experienced coaches and staff members. This hands-on experience will provide valuable insight into the day-to-day operations of a swimming club. Interns will have the chance to observe and assist with coaching sessions, swim meets, and other club events. This will allow them to gain a deeper understanding of the sport and the role of a coach. Additionally, interns will have the opportunity to learn about the administrative side of running a swimming club, including membershipmanagement, event planning, and marketing.In addition to gaining practical experience, ourinterns will also have the opportunity to develop their leadership and communication skills. They will have the chance to work with swimmers of all ages and skill levels, as well as parents and other members of the club. This will provide valuable experience in working with diverse groups of people and honing interpersonal skills. Interns will also have the opportunity to take on leadership roleswithin the club, such as organizing and leading swimclinics or assisting with the development of training programs.Furthermore, our interns will have the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of the swimming club. They will have the chance to bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the table, and to make a meaningful impact on the club's programs and initiatives. Interns will have the opportunity to work on special projects, such as developing new marketing strategies, organizing fundraising events, or creating new training materials. This will allowthem to gain valuable experience in project management and strategic planning.Moreover, our interns will have the opportunity tobuild a strong network within the swimming community. They will have the chance to connect with other coaches, swimmers, and industry professionals, and to build valuable relationships that can support their future careers. This networking opportunity can open doors to future job opportunities, mentorship, and professional development. Interns will also have the chance to attend industry events and conferences, and to learn from leaders in the sports industry.Finally, our interns will have the opportunity to receive mentorship and guidance from our experienced staff members. They will have the chance to learn from coaches and administrators who have years of experience in the swimming industry. This mentorship can provide valuable insights and advice, and can help interns to navigate their own career paths. Our staff members are dedicated to supporting the growth and development of our interns, andare committed to providing a positive and enriching experience.In conclusion, our internship program offers a unique opportunity for individuals who are passionate about swimming and eager to gain valuable experience in thesports industry. Our interns will have the chance to work closely with experienced coaches and staff members, to develop their leadership and communication skills, to contribute to the growth and success of the club, to builda strong network within the swimming community, and to receive mentorship and guidance from industry professionals. If you are ready to dive in and make a splash in the worldof swimming, we encourage you to apply for our internship program. We look forward to welcoming you to our team and supporting your growth and development as a future leaderin the sports industry.。



UBSCOO职位面试经验我的第一个面试是UBS的chief operating office,简称COO。












有什么是你的selling point。















两个director其实很nice.做了个自我介绍,然后问我“what do you know about this job?”在去之前我看了他们网站上的job description,所以心中有数,可是我说完之后他们说“ It is not what you think…”我就又囧了,他们跟我说这个COO实际上是做risk management的。




Are you a motivated and talented individual looking for a new opportunity in human resources? If so, we have the perfect job for you! Our company is currently seeking a dynamic and experienced HR professional to join our team. 。

As a member of our HR department, you will be responsible for recruiting, interviewing, and hiring new employees. You will also be involved in creating and implementing HR policies and procedures, as well ashandling employee relations and performance management. In addition, you will have the opportunity to participate in strategic planning and contribute to the overall success of the organization.The ideal candidate for this position will have astrong background in HR, with at least 5 years ofexperience in a similar role. A Bachelor's degree in HumanResources or a related field is also required. In addition, we are looking for someone who is a strong communicator, a problem-solver, and a team player. 。

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【上海海归招聘会】UBS HR Summer Internship
I firstly knew UBS from Dan Brown's famousbook, the Da Vinci Code. Its culture with carefulness and professionalism hasalways been influencing me since then.
I appreciate the "One belief, Oneteam, One focus, now, One UBS" slogan. In face of the global financialtsunami, UBS had to cut several staff. However, it does not give up but keepingsearching for a new way to survive and develop. With the hardworking of thewhole UBS team, UBS's third-quarter 2012 results showed encouraging increase.The perseverance of the company attracted me and the vitality made me chooseUBS to do internship before I graduate. I wish I could be a member of the teamafter I graduate too.
Above all, I chose to apply to UBS due toits unique management and service culture, its confident and never-give-upspirit. I wish to see myself to be one of the UBS members. An internship at UBSwill be my first step to get more familiar with the working environment andprepared for future career at UBS.
My father is a professional human resourcesmanager in China. He has influenced me a lot and drove me to apply for being anHR myself. I found myself to be passionate in this area, and believe I amqualified too.
Through four years’ experience in media field,I've dealt with various people.
I developed strong interpersonal skills and theability to catch people's characteristics in a short time. I also learned howto work effectively either individually or in a team. Hereby, I'm confident topresent UBS my strong responsibility, teamwork spirit as well as the capabilityto work under pressure and follow strict timeline.
As the previous associate director ofexternal affairs at NUS Conjunct Consulting committee, I successfully led myteam to attract more than 60 attenders at the information session through socialmedia. I'd also recruited 2 project directors for the annual consulting event.I hope to contribute my passion and skills to UBS as well.
As a Chemistry student, the most proudthing to me is to win the first prize at National Olympiad in Chemistry duringsecondary school, and win the second prize twice at Provincial Olympiad inChemistry during high school. These achievements have proved my ability instudying carefully and devoting to the work I'm focused on. I believe with thisspirit, I could do my best on my job and make hundred efforts to contribute tomy company as well.
I'm also proud of my achievement in mediaarea. Being not relax on my Chemistry major, I also won Best Writer prize twiceat Singapore Press Holdings Student Journalist Club, and also top 15 at PhoenixUradio “U Sheng Duo Ren” Music DJ Competition (under Hong Kong Phoenix TV),etc. Therefore, I'm a mulch-disciplinary and open-minded person. With thesebackgrounds, I believe myself to be competence at applying the Human ResourcesInternship though I'm not majored in business field.
第四个是additional questions,我就说了一些个人经历
Have being selected as the NUS studentdelegate to attend the 2011 EPIIC Global Symposium, organized by the TuftsUniversity, USA, I did not only actively participate in the global youthpanels, but also self-drove to interview several of them and produced an newsreport on newspaper when I came back. It won our University Scholars Programmehigher social reputation and attracted more of my juniors to join in theprogramme. I hope with this personality and spirit, I could contribute more tothe UBS human resources team and serve our clients more efficiently andeffectively.
I'm also an easy-going person and enjoy workingin a team. I've made friends with many colleagues during my previous working experiences.This has provided me with strong social network and many guides. I wish to makemore friends and meet more teachers if I could succeed in applying for thisinternship. This experience would be invaluable to me and also led me to digfurther potential of working at UBS.
