2017上海教育版英语五年级上册Unit 9《Around the city》ppt课件
课件_2017上海教育版英语五年级上册Unit 9《Around the city》ppt课件

How do I get to the toy shop? _____ Flower Road. The toy shop is on your ____.
How do I get to City Cinema?
You are here.
How do I get to the post office?
Go along Park Road. Walk straight. The post office is on your left.
You are here.
turn left turn right walk straight
I can see a doctor.
Jill has a toothache. She can go to the …
Jill’s father has a headache today. He can go to the …
Jill’s mother is having a holiday in Australia. She can
Aro song
Look and learn
Who’s sitting on your left? Who’s sitting on your right?
What’s on your left?There’s a library. What’s on your right? There’s a hospital.
Have a wedding.
上海教育版英语五年级上册Unit 9《Around the city》ppt课件

What does Alice want to see? How does she get tr Road and then turn right. The monkeys are on the right.
What does Kitty want to see? How does she get there?
I want to see … We can walk along … and then turn … We can see the on the … … …
1. Read the dialogue on page 60. 2. Think and write about how you find your favourite animal in the zoo. 3. Finish Workbook pages 54 and 55.
S1: What do you want to see? S2: I want to see … S1: How do you get there? S2: Walk along … Turn … I see the … on my …
What do you want to see?
I want to see … I want to see …
How do you get to school from your home? What’s on your way to school?
Group work: Find the animals
1. Choose an animal you want to see. 2. Find partners. 3. Talk with your partners. How do you get there?
牛津上海版五年级上册英语Unit 9《Around the city》课件(共21张PPT)

It’s a … It’s … and … There is/are… … work … People … I sometimes ...
What can you do in a hospital?
I can see a doctor.
Module 3 Out and about
Around the city
Look and learn
Who’s sitting on your left? Who’s sitting on your right?
What’s on your left? There’s a library. What’s on your right? There’s a hospital.
hospital hotel dentist’s
What’s around Jill’s home?
What’s your favourite place around your home?
Around our school
You are here.
Turn right at Park Road. You can see a hospital .
Turn left
walk straight
turn right
turn left
turn right
How do I get to the toy shop? _____ Flower Road. The toy shop is on your ____.
上海教育版五年级上册英语Unit9《Around the city》课件

S1: What do you want to see? S2: I want to see … S1: How do you get there? S2: Walk along … Turn … I see the … on my …
What do you want to see?
I want to see … I want to see …
They can eat and sleep here. What can you do in a hotel?
Have a big dinner.
Have a party.
Have a meeting.
Have a wedding.
It’s a place.
People can see many aห้องสมุดไป่ตู้imals there ...
The Palace Museum
People can see and learn many interesting things there.
People keep their money here.
It’s a place.
People can stay here for some time.
I want to see … We can walk along … and then turn … We can see the on the … … …
What does Alice want to see? How does she get there?
Walk along Summer Road and then turn right. The monkeys are on the right.
五年级英语上Unit9 Around the city课件1(上海教育版)优秀版

The Palace Museum Shanghai Museum
People can see and learn many interesting things there.
People keep their money here.
hotel Riddle
It’s a place. People can stay here for some time. They can eWathaantdcasnleyeopuhderoei.n a hotel?
ten and follow
smell, smooth, smart ...
spell, spoon, sport ...
stand, start, story ...
k and answer
How do you get to school from your home? What’s on your way to school?
Have a big dinner.
Have a party.
Have a meeting.
Have a wedding.
It’s a place. People can see many animals there ...
What animals do you like?
oose and find Group work: Find the animals
Ming, Ming, what can you see? I can see some cheese in front of me.
milk shop
cheese shop
沪教版五年级上册英语Unit 9 Around the city讲义(教师版)

Unit 9 Around the city一、重点词汇及拓展1. post office n. 邮局词汇拓展:postcard 明信片postman 邮递员e.g. There is a post office near my home. 在我家附近有一个邮局。
2. quite adv. 相当十分词汇拓展:very 非常易混淆:quiet 安静的e.g. It’s quite far from here. 那个地方离这非常远。
3. along prep. 沿着e.g. Walk along the street. 沿着街道走。
4. turn v. 转向,转弯词汇拓展:turn on 打开turn off 关掉e.g. Turn left at the Spring Street. 在春天街道左转。
5. left n. 左边adj. 左边的词汇拓展:on the left 在左边e.g. There is a TV on the left. 电视在房间的左边。
6. straight adj&adv 直的,笔直地词汇拓展:curly 卷曲的e.g. Walk straight and you will see the supermarket. 直走然后你就会看到超市。
7. right n. 右边adj. 右边的,正确的词汇拓展:on the right 在右边e.g. On the right of the room, there is a hospital. 在房间的右边有一个医院。
8. between prep. 在两者之间词汇拓展:among 在三者及以上之间between ...and... 在......之间e.g. The flower shop is between the post office and the cinema. 花店在邮局和电影院之间。
9. flower shop n. 花店词汇拓展:shoe shop 鞋店the greengrocer’s 果蔬店diary 乳品店the grocer’s 杂货店e.g. You can buy beautiful flowers in the flower shop. 在花店可以买各种漂亮的花。
沪教牛津五年级英语上册Unit 9 Around the city

restaurant flower shop supermarket
Turn… WaGlkardaelnonStgre…et
Game: Help her find the place
Brown Street Green Street
Park Street Garden Street
Start: Home End: Park 1. W__a_l_k_a_l_o_n_g_B__r_o_w_n__S_tr_e_e_t 2. T__u_r_n_r_i_g_h_t_a_t_P_a_r_k__S_tr_e_e_t 3. It’s on your____le_f_t_____
office far from here?
Spring Street
Man: No, it isn’t. It’s quite near.
Kitty: How do I get to the post office?
Man: Walk along Winter Street.
Turn left at Spring Street. Walk Straight and
____t_u_r_n_l_e_ft____ and
Apple Street
Ask and answer
Grape Street Orange Street You are here.
Kitty wants to see… Alice wants to see…Peter wants Summer Rtooadsee…They can…
Winter Road
沪教版五年级上学期英语Unit 9 Around the city 课件

S1: Excuse me. How do I get to …? S2: …
S1: Excuse me. How do I get to …? S2: …
S1: Excuse me. How do I get to …? S2: …
S1: Excuse me. How do I get to …? S2: …
Let's chant
Spider, spider, what can you see? I can see a small star on the tree. Spider, spider, what can you see? I can see some smoke in front of me.
Flower Road. You can see the cheese shop.
A map of zoo
What do you want to see?
I want to see … We can walk along … and then turn … We can see the ... on the …
Mouse Ming: __C_r_o_s_s_ Wind Road. Go to Hill Road. __W_a_lk__a_lo_n_g__ Hill Road. The sweet shop’s on the__r_ig_h_t__. You can see Ice Road. Walk along Ice Road. The cake shop’s on the __le_f_t. Walk along Bird Street. You can
Help Tom find his way to different places.
五年级英语上Unit9 Around the city课件1(上海教育版)高品质版

k and answer What does Kitty want to see? How does she get there?
Walk along
and then turn right.
Ming, Ming, what can you see? I can see some cheese in front of me.
milk shop
cheese shop
et’s chant
Spider, spider, what can you see? I can see a small star on the tree. Spider, spider, what can you see? I can see some smoke in front of me.
1. Read the dialogue on page 60. 2. Think and write about how you find
your favourite animal in the zoo.
3. Finish Workbook pages 54 and 55.
随着年岁的叠加,我们会渐渐发现:越是有智慧的人,越是谦虚,因为昂头的只是稗子,低头的才是稻子;越是富有的人,越是高贵,因为真正的富裕是灵魂上的高贵以 及精神世界的富足;越是优秀的人,越是努力,因为优秀从来不是与生俱来,从来不是一蹴而就。随着沧桑的累积,我们也会慢慢懂得:成功的路,其实并不拥挤,因为 能够坚持到底的人实在太少;所有优秀的人,其实就是活得很努力的人,所谓的胜利,其实最后就是自身价值观的胜利。人到中年,突然间醒悟许多,总算明白:人生, 只有将世间的路一一走遍,才能到尽头;生活,只有将尘世况味种种尝遍,才能熬出头。这世间,从来没有最好,只有更好。每天,总想要努力醒得比太阳还早,因为总 觉得世间万物,太阳是最能赐人力量和能量的。每当面对喷薄的日出,心中的太阳随之冉冉腾起,生命之火熊熊燃烧,生活的热情就会光芒四射。我真的难以想象,那些 从来不早起的人,一生到底能够看到几回日升?那些从来没有良好习惯的人,活到最后到底该是多么的遗憾与愧疚?曾国藩说:早晨不起,误一天的事;幼时不学,误一 生的事。尼采也说:每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。光阴易逝,岂容我待?越是努力的人,越是没有时间抱怨,越是没有工夫颓丧。每当走在黎明的曙光里, 看到那些兢兢业业清洁城市的“美容师”,我就会由衷地欣赏并在心底赞叹他们,因为他们活得很努力很认真。每当看见那些奔跑在朝霞绚烂里的晨练者,我就会从心里 为他们竖起大拇指,因为他们给自己力量的同时,也赠予他人能量。我总觉得:你可以不优秀,但你必须有认真的态度;你可以不成功,但你必须努力。这个世界上,从 来没有谁比谁更优秀,只有谁比谁更努力。我也始终认为:一个活得很努力的人,自带光芒万丈;一个人认真的样子,比任何时候都要美好;一个能够自律自控的人,他 的人生也就成功了大半。世间每一种的好,从来都只为懂得努力的人盛装而来。有时候,我真的感觉,人生的另一个名字应该叫做努力,努力了就会无悔,努力了就会无 愧;生活的另一种说法应该叫做煎熬,熬过了漫漫黑夜,天就亮了,熬过了萧萧冬日,春天就来了。人生不易,越努力越幸运;余生不长,越珍惜越精彩。人生,是一本 太仓促的书,越认真越深刻;生命,是一条无名的河,越往前越深邃。愿你不要为已逝的年华叹息,不要为前路的茫茫而裹足不前愿你相信所有的坚持总能奏响黎明的号 角,所有的努力总能孕育硕果的盛驾光临。愿你坚信越是成功的人越是不允许自己颓废散漫,越是优秀的人越是努力……生活中很多时候,我们遇到一些复杂的情况,会 很容易被眼前的障碍所蒙蔽,找不到解决问题的方法。这时候,如果能从当前的环境脱离出来,从一个新角度去解决问题,也许就会柳暗花明。一个土豪,每次出门都担 心家中被盗,想买只狼狗栓门前护院,但又不想雇人喂狗浪费银两。苦思良久后终得一法:每次出门前把WiFi修改成无密码,然后放心出门每次回来都能看到十几个人捧 着手机蹲在自家门口,从此无忧。护院,未必一定要养狗换个角度想问题,结果大不同。一位大爷到菜市场买菜,挑了3个西红柿到到秤盘,摊主秤了下:“一斤半3块 7。”大爷:“做汤不用那么多。”去掉了最大的西红柿。摊主:“一斤二两,3块。”正当身边人想提醒大爷注意秤时,大爷从容的掏出了七毛钱,拿起刚刚去掉的那个大 的西红柿,潇洒地换种算法,独辟蹊径,你会发现解决问题的另一个方法。生活中,我们特别容易陷入非A即B的思维死角,但其实,遭遇两难困境时换个角度思考,也许 就会明白:路的旁边还有路。一个鱼塘新开张,钓费100块。钓了一整天没钓到鱼,老板说凡是没钓到的就送一只鸡。很多人都去了,回来的时候每人拎着一只鸡,大家 都很高兴!觉得老板很够意思。后来,钓鱼场看门大爷告诉大家,老板本来就是个养鸡专业户,这鱼塘本来就没鱼。巧妙的去库存,还让顾客心甘情愿买单。新时代,做 营销,必须打破传统思维。孩子不愿意做爸爸留的课外作业,于是爸爸灵机一动说:儿子,我来做作业,你来检查如何?孩子高兴的答应了,并且把爸爸的“作业”认真 的检查了一遍,还列出算式给爸爸讲解了一遍不过他可能怎么也不明白为什么爸爸所有作业都做错了。巧妙转换角色,后退一步,有时候是另一种前进。一个博士群里有 人提问:一滴水从很高很高的地方自由落体下来,砸到人会不会砸伤?或砸死?群里一下就热闹起来,各种公式,各种假设,各种阻力,重力,加速度的计算,足足讨论 了近一个小时 后来,一个不小心进错群的人默默问了一句:你们没有淋过雨吗 人们常常容易被日常思维所禁锢,而忘却了最简单也是最直接的路有两个年轻人,大学毕
沪教版英语五年级上Unit 9 around the city 第一课时课件

What’s your favourite place around our school?
Report: Our favourite places around our school place restaurant park cinema library ...
How do you get there?
Turn right.
Walk straight
turn right
Walk straight
turn left
Turn left
walk straight
turn right
How do I get to the toy shop? _____ Flower Road. The toy shop is on your ____.
Jill’s mother is having a holiday in Australia. She can
stay in a …
hospital hotel dentist’s
What’s around Jill’s home?
What’s your favourite place around your home?
How do I get to City Cinema?
You are here.
Park Road Tree Road Flower Road
How do I get to the bookshop?
Walk along Brown Street. Turn right. Cross Tree Road. Walk along Water Street. Turn right. The bookshop is on your right.
五年级上册英语课件-Unit 9《Around the city》|沪教牛津版(三起) (共16张PPT)

k and answer What does Kitty want to see? How does she get there?
Walk along
and then tuing Road. The birds
k and answer
What does Peter want to see? How does he get there?
Turn … Walk along … The bears are …
S1: What do you want to see? S2: I want to see … S1: How do you get there? S2: Walk along …
The Palace Museum
People can see and learn many interesting things there.
People keep their money here.
It’s a place. People can stay here for some time. They can eWathaantdcasnleyeopuhderoei.n a hotel?
smell, smooth, smart ...
spell, spoon, sport ...
stand, start, story ...
k and answer
How do you get to school from your home? What’s on your way to school?
小学英语沪教牛津版五年级上册Unit 9《Around the city》(第1课时)教学PPT

Ask and answer
Where is the …? Walk along …. Turn left at… .
Ask and answer
How do I get to the …?
Look and learn
flower shop n. 花店
Look and learn
post offiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e n. 邮局
Look and learn
hospital n. 医院
Look and learn
toy shop n. 玩具店
flower shop
Walk along … and then turn right/left. You can see the … on your right/left.
Ask and answer
Excuse me. Is the post office far from here ? No ,it isn’t .It’s quite near. How do I get to the post office? Walk along … Turn …at… Walk straight and you can see the post office on your right. … …
1. Read the dialogue on page 58. 2. Think and write about how you get to the zoo.
五年级上册英语课件-Unit 9《Around the city》|沪教牛津版(三起) (共16张PPT)

What do you want to see?
I want to see …
I want to see …
I want to see … We can walk along … and then turn … We can see the on the … …
The Palace Museum
People can see and learn many interesting things there.
People keep their money here.
It’s a place. People can stay here for some time. They can eWathaantdcasnleyeopuhderoei.n a hotel?
smell, smooth, smart ...
spell, spoon, sport ...
stand, start, story ...
k and answer
How do you get to school from your home? What’s on your way to school?
milk shop
cheese shop
et’s chant
Spider, spider, what can you see? I can see a small star on the tree. Spider, spider, what can you see? I can see some smoke in front of me.
1. Choose an animal you want to see. 2. Find partners. 3. Talk with your partners. How do you get there?
五年级上册英语课件-Unit 9《Around the city》|沪教牛津版(三起) (共16张PPT)

Walk along Spring Road. The birds
k and answer
What does Peter want to see? How does he get there?
Turn … Walk along … The bears are …
S1: What do you want to see? S2: I want to see … S1: How do you get there? S2: Walk along …
smell, smooth, smart ...
spell, spoon, sport ...
stand, start, story ...
k and answer
How do you get to school from your home? What’s on your way to school?
Walk along Summer Road and then turn right. The monkeys are on the right.
k and answer What does Kitty want to see? How does she get there?
Walk along
and then turn right.
Turn … I see the … on my …
What do you want to see?
I want to see …
I want to see …
I want to see … We can walk along … and then turn … We can see the on the … …
最新上海教育版英语五年级上册unit 9《around the city》教案.doc

S1: I can see a post office, a hospital, ...
T: Good! You can see some buildings and so many people on your way to school, and I can also see a lot of traffic signs on my way to work.
专题一Think and write
On Sunday afternoon, Kitty wants go to the _________. But shedoesn’t know how to ____ there. Now she is on ________ Street,. Walk ______ Winter Street. Turn _______ at Spring Street. Walk _______ and she can see the post office on her _______. It’s ___________ the cinema and the flower shop.
课题:Unit9 Around the city①
五年级上册英语课件-Unit 9《Around the city》|沪教牛津版(三起) (共16张PPT)

Around the city
பைடு நூலகம்
et’s enjoy
Ming, Ming, what can you see?
I can see a small shop in the street.
Ming, Ming, what can you see? I can see some cheese in front of me.
The Palace Museum
People can see and learn many interesting things there.
People keep their money here.
It’s a place. People can stay here for some time. They can eWathaantdcasnleyeopuhderoei.n a hotel?
milk shop
cheese shop
et’s chant
Spider, spider, what can you see? I can see a small star on the tree. Spider, spider, what can you see? I can see some smoke in front of me.
Turn … I see the … on my …
What do you want to see?
I want to see …
I want to see …
I want to see … We can walk along … and then turn … We can see the on the … …
Unit 9 Around the city 沪教牛津·五年级英语上册 课件PPT

Winter Street
Kitty is here.
Answer the questions.
1K.Witthyeirse’osnKitty Wnionwte?r Street.
Kitty wants to see… Alice wants to see…Peter wants Summer Rtooadsee…They can…
Winter Road
Spring Road Autumn Road
The children are here.
I want to see the birds. How do we
flower shop
toy shop
Listen and say
Walk along Winter Street. Turn left at Spring Street.
Kitty: Excuse me. Is the post
get there?
Walk along Summer Road and then turn right at Spring
Road. Walk along Spring Road and we can see the Summer Roabdirds on our right.
Winter Road
Spring Road Autumn Road
The children are here.
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1. Choose an animal you want to see. 2. Find partners. 3. Talk with your partners. How do you get there?
What does Alice want to see? How does she get there?
spell, spoon, sport ...
story ...
How do you get to school from your home? What’s on your way to school?
The Palace Museum
People can see and learn many interesting things there.
Ming, Ming, what can you see?
I can see a small shop in the street.
Ming, Ming, what can you see? I can see some cheese in front of me.
milk shop
cheese shop
Walk along Summer Road and then turn right. The monkeys are on the right.
What does Kitty wante?
Walk along and then turn right. Walk along Spring Road. The birds are .
What does Peter want to see? How does he get there?
Turn … Walk along … The bears are …
S1: What do you want to see? S2: I want to see … S1: How do you get there? S2: Walk along … Turn … I see the … on my …
Have a party.
Have a meeting.
Have a wedding.
It’s a place.
People can see many animals there ...
What animals do you like?
Group work: Find the animals
What do you want to see?
I want to see … I want to see …
I want to see … We can walk along … and then turn … We can see the on the … … …
1. Read the dialogue on page 60. 2. Think and write about how you find your favourite animal in the zoo. 3. Finish Workbook pages 54 and 55.
People keep their money here.
It’s a place.
People can stay here for some time.
They can eat and sleep here. What can you do in a hotel?
Have a big dinner.
Spider, spider, what can you see? I can see a small star on the tree.
Spider, spider, what can you see?
I can see some smoke in front of me.
smell, smooth, smart ...