Web Content




Login.html<html> <head><title></title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body><h1 align="center">欢迎进入登陆页面</h1><form action="LoginCheck.jsp" method="post"><table border="0" align="center"><tbody><tr><td>用户名:</td><td><input type="text" name="username" value="" size="20" /></td> </tr><tr><td>密码:</td><td><input type="password" name="password" value="" size="20" /></td> </tr><tr><td><input type="submit" value="登陆" name="submit1" /></td><td><input type="reset" value="重置" name="reset2"/></td></tr></tbody></table></form></body></html>Logincheck.jsp<%@page language='java' pageEncoding='GB2312'%><%@page contentType="text/html;charset=GB2312"%><%@page import="java.util.*" %><%if((request.getParameter("username").equals("zhanglan")&&request.getParameter("password").equals("zl"))||(request.getParameter("username").equals("xiao")&&request.getParameter("password").equals("x"))){session.setAttribute("Login","OK");session.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1);session.setAttribute("username",request.getParameter("username"));ArrayList list=(ArrayList)application.getAttribute("list");if(list==null ){list=new ArrayList();//application.setAttribute("list", list);}list.add((String)request.getParameter("username"));application.setAttribute("list", list);response.sendRedirect("chatroom.jsp");%><%}else{out.println("用户密码错误");%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>JSP Page</title></head><body><a href="login.html">点击此处返回登陆界面</a></body></html><%}%>登陆错误。







1.1 文字内容文字是网页中最基本的内容形式,包括网页的标题、段落、列表、引用等各种形式。


1.2 图像内容图像是网页中丰富多彩的内容形式之一,可以为用户呈现丰富多彩的视觉效果,吸引用户的注意力。


1.3 多媒体内容除了文字和图像外,网页中还经常包含音频和视瓶等多媒体内容。



2.1 吸引用户注意力精彩的content可以吸引用户的注意力,提高用户的停留时间,并增加用户的互动和参与度。


2.2 提升用户体验优质的content可以提升用户的阅读体验和使用体验,使用户更加愿意浏览和使用网页。


2.3 优化搜索引擎content的质量和丰富度也是搜索引擎排名的重要因素之一,因此在HTML中通过合理的内容设计和优化,可以提升网页在搜索引擎中的排名和曝光度。






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Webroot和webcontent区别Web项目发布到tomcat中,在Eclipse中生产webcontent目录,在MyEclipse中生成webroot 目录,这两个没有本质区别,都是web程序的根文件夹。




Web-inf文件夹中除了一个classes文件夹和一个web.xml文件夹之外,还有一个lib文件夹(用于存放的jar包)(用于配置,比如说用来配置过滤器等)不同点:Webroot是在webproject项目中属于MyEclipse的项目,可以添加一些开源的框架的支持,比如struts,Hibernate等,也就是说webproject是是Myeclipse扩展后的项目,webproject 具有dynamicwebproject特性,并具有一些方便开发的集成功能。
















三、超文本传输协议(HTTP)Hypertext Transfer Protocol超文本在互联网上的传输协议。

IPIP是英文Internet Protocol(网络之间互连的协议)的缩写,中文简称为“网协”,也就是为计算机网络相互连接进行通信而设计的协议。





http超文本传送协议(HTTP) 是一种通信协议,它允许将超文本标记语言(HTML) 文档从Web 服务器传送到Web 浏览器。

HTML 是一种用于创建文档的标记语言,这些文档包含到相关信息的链接。





WebKit Objective-C Programming Guide Networking,Internet,&Web:Web Client2009-07-28Apple Inc.©2003,2009Apple Inc.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted,in any form or by any means,mechanical, electronic,photocopying,recording,or otherwise,without prior written permission of Apple Inc.,with the following exceptions:Any person is hereby authorized to store documentation on a single computer for personal use only and to print copies of documentation for personal use provided that the documentation contains Apple’s copyright notice.The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Inc. Use of the“keyboard”Apple logo(Option-Shift-K)for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws.No licenses,express or implied,are granted with respect to any of the technology described in this document.Apple retains all intellectual property rights associated with the technology described in this document.This document is intended to assist application developers to develop applications only for Apple-labeled computers.Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate.Apple is not responsible for typographical errors. Apple Inc.1Infinite LoopCupertino,CA95014408-996-1010Apple,the Apple logo,Carbon,Cocoa,Mac, Mac OS,Objective-C,Pages,QuickTime,Safari, and Xcode are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.WebScript is a trademark of Apple Inc.Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliatesSimultaneously published in the United States and Canada.Even though Apple has reviewed this document, APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT,ITS QUALITY,ACCURACY, MERCHANTABILITY,OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.AS A RESULT,THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED“AS IS,”AND YOU,THE READER,ARE ASSUMING THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND ACCURACY.IN NO EVENT WILL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT,SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT OR INACCURACY IN THIS DOCUMENT,even if advised of the possibility of such damages. THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS,ORAL OR WRITTEN,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.No Apple dealer,agent,or employee is authorized to make any modification,extension,or addition to this warranty.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages,so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.ContentsIntroduction to WebKit Objective-C Programming Guide9Who Should Read This Document?9Organization of This Document10See Also11Why Use the WebKit?13Core WebKit Classes15Frame Model and View Classes15Data Model and View Classes16Provisional mitted Data Sources17WebView Delegates18Simple Browsing21Multiple Windows23Opening Windows23Entering URLs23Handling New Window Requests24Loading Pages27Sequence of Frame Load Delegate Messages27Testing for the Main Frame28Displaying the Current URL28Displaying the Page Title28Displaying Load Status29Loading Resources31Sequence of Resource Load Delegate Messages31Identifying Resources31Tracking Resource Load Progress32Paging Back and Forward35Enabling and Disabling the Back-Forward List35Adding Back and Forward Buttons35Setting the Page Cache353Setting the Capacity36The Current Item36Managing State36Managing History37Sharing History Objects37Adding and Removing History Items37Loading a History Item38Saving and Loading History Objects38Making Policy Decisions39Enabling Editing41Saving and Loading Web Content43Modifying the Current Selection45Changing Editing Behavior47Should Methods47Did Methods47Using Undo When Editing49Using the Document Object Model from Objective-C51Interpreting the DOM Specification51Handling Exceptions53Using the Document Object Model Extensions55Using JavaScript From Objective-C57Spoofing59Accessing the WebKit From Carbon Applications61Determining WebKit Availability63Testing for URL Loading System Availability63Testing for WebKit Availability634Isolating Your WebKit and URL Loading System Symbols64Conditionally Loading Code64Weak Linking Symbols64Document Revision History6756Figures and ListingsCore WebKit Classes15Figure1WebView and WebFrameView objects16Figure2WebFrame and WebDataSource objects17Figure3Typical website18Determining WebKit Availability63Listing1Determining if the URL Loading system is available.63Listing2Determining if the WebKit framework is available63Listing3Loading WebKit constants dynamically using CFBundle6578Introduction to WebKit Objective-CProgramming GuideConcurrency Note: The WebKit framework is not thread safe.If you call functions or methods in thisframework,you must do so exclusively on the main program thread.What Is the WebKit?The WebKit provides a set of core classes to display web content in windows,and by default,implementsfeatures such as following links clicked by the user.The WebKit greatly simplifies the complicated processof loading webpages—that is,asynchronously requesting web content from an HTTP server over the networkwhere the response may arrive incrementally,in random order,or partially due to network errors.The WebKitalso simplifies the process of displaying content that can contain various MIME types,and multiple frameseach with their own set of scrollbars.You use the WebKit to display web content in a window of your application.It’s as simple as creating a view,placing it in a window,and sending a URL load request message.By default,your WebKit application behavesas you would expect without error.The WebKit conveniently creates and manages all the views needed tohandle different MIME types.When the user clicks on a link in a page,the WebKit automatically creates theviews needed to display the next page.However,the WebKit doesn’t implement a complete set of web browser features.You can,however,extendthe WebKit by implementing custom delegate,view,and model objects.For example,you can implement adelegate to display load status,and the current URL.The WebKit also offers web content editing.If you enable editing in your WebView,users can edit the webcontent it displays.You can programmatically control the current selection and control editing behaviorusing a WebView delegate.You can also modify the Document Object Model directly using an Objective-CAPI.You can also access JavaScript from Objective-C and vice versa.Who Should Read This Document?The WebKit Objective-C API is specifically designed for embedding web content in your Cocoa or Carbonapplications—developing web client applications not web server applications or web content.It is also notsuitable for implementing non-GUI applications such as web crawlers.If you are a web content creator orJavaScript programmer,refer to WebKit DOM Programming Topics.What Is the WebKit?9Introduction to WebKit Objective-C Programming GuideImportant: Currently,this API is available in Objective-C only.A minimal C API is provided for embeddingweb browser views in Carbon applications.You can use Objective-C in combination with C.The WebKit workswith all versions of Mac OS X10.2that have Safari1.0installed.Organization of This DocumentThe following articles cover key concepts in understanding how the WebKit works:■“Why Use the WebKit?” (page 13)describes the purpose of the WebKit and why you might want to use it in your applications.■“Core WebKit Classes” (page 15)describes the core WebKit classes and the object-oriented design that is fundamental to understanding how the WebKit works.The following articles explain how to display web content in views:■“Simple Browsing” (page 21)shows how to embed web content in your application by following a few simple steps.■“Multiple Windows” (page 23)shows how to add support for multiple windows,and open windows automatically.■“Loading Pages” (page 27)shows how to track the progress of loading frame content.■“Loading Resources” (page 31)shows how to track the progress of loading individual resources on a page.■“Paging Back and Forward” (page 35)shows how to implement a back-forward list and add Back and Forward buttons to your application.■“Managing History” (page 37)shows how to maintain a history of all the visited pages,and allow the user to go to a previously visited page.■“Spoofing” (page 59)shows how to use user-agent strings.■“Accessing the WebKit From Carbon Applications” (page 61)explains how to embed web content in Carbon applications.■“Determining WebKit Availability” (page 63)explains how to determine if the WebKit is available on your system.The following articles explain how to implement web content editing:■“Enabling Editing” (page 41)shows how to enable user editing in a WebView.■“Saving and Loading Web Content” (page 43)shows how to save and load web content edited by the user.■“Modifying the Current Selection” (page 45)shows how to programmatically modify the current selection.■“Changing Editing Behavior” (page 47)explains how to use the WebView editing delegate to customize editing behavior.■“Using Undo When Editing” (page 49)shows how to implement undo when editing web content.The following articles explain how to use the Document Object Model Objective-C API:10Organization of This Document■“Using the Document Object Model from Objective-C” (page 51)describes the DOM Objective-C API in terms of the specification.■“Using the Document Object Model Extensions” (page 55)describes the WebKit extensions to the DOM API.Read this article if you want to access JavaScript from your application:■“Using JavaScript From Objective-C” (page 57)shows how to access the scripting environment from an Objective-C application.You begin using the WebKit by first embedding web content in your application.Read“Simple Browsing” (page21),and,optionally,“Loading Pages” (page 27)and“Loading Resources” (page 31)to embed web content.If you want to add more browser-like features or implement a custom user interface,read“Core WebKitClasses” (page 15)first and any other articles based on your application needs.If you want to edit webcontent,read“Enabling Editing” (page 41).See AlsoFor more details on the Objective-C WebKit API,read:■WebKit Objective-C Framework Reference■WebKit Plug-In Programming Topics■WebKit DOM Programming TopicsThere are other technologies,not covered in this topic,that can be used in conjunction with the WebKit orseparately to solve related problems.Refer to this document for more details on the URL loading system:■URL Loading System Programming GuideIf you are accessing the WebKit from a Carbon application,refer to these documents:■WebKit C Reference■Carbon-Cocoa Integration GuideIf you are creating web content for Safari or Dashboard,refer to these documents:■WebKit DOM Programming Topics■WebKit DOM Reference■Dashboard Tutorial■Dashboard ReferenceThe/Developer/Examples/WebKit folder also contains more in-depth code examples.Other related text book resources are:See Also11■HTML and XHTML:The Definitive Guide(O’Reilly)■Cascading Style Sheets:The Definitive Guide(O’Reilly)■JavaScript:The Definitive Guide(O’Reilly)Also refer to the World Wide Web Consortium at for the latest information on web standards. 12See AlsoWhy Use the WebKit?Many applications need to display web content in windows,whether it’s live content on the web,or static files on disk.Some applications are full-featured browsers,but more often applications embed web content as a convenience,as in a custom document system.HTML is the de facto standard representation of documents on the internet,so it’s only natural that you will want to display that content without having to launch a web browser for each file or link clicked by the user.Some applications might want to display web content on demand but don’t necessarily want to parse it or understand its structure to display it.Applications like this may not want to open multiple windows or provide back and forward buttons.The WebKit provides a set of classes to support a variety of web content—from the most trivial embedded web content application(with web content displayed in a single window)to a full-featured web browser such as Safari.The WebKit does this by hiding the details of the complex task of loading and displaying web content.The web is based on a client-server architecture,in which clients make asynchronous requests to web servers for page content.During this process any number of problems can occur not only when transmitting these requests and responses over the network but also when displaying the content once it’s received by your application.Content may be complex.It can contain multiple frame elements,multiple MIME types,such as images and movies.Some MIME types require browser plug-ins to display them.By default,the WebKit core classes transparently handle programmatic and client requests.The WebKit creates all the necessary model and view classes used to represent and display the incoming content.When a user clicks a link,the WebKit automatically releases the old objects and creates new ones to handle the new page.The WebKit views are designed to handle multiple frames,each with their own scroll bar,and many MIME types.You do not need to implement custom views for your application to display web content in your application.On the other hand,if you are implementing a custom,full-featured browser or other internet application, you can extend the WebKit to handle the details of client requests,frame and resource loading,window operations,and downloading.You do this by implementing delegate objects.The WebKit provides a number of“hooks”allowing applications to customize the user interface.For example,you can specify the menu items that are displayed when the user clicks a particular type of resource.You can also implement your own document models and views to handle specific MIME types.Because of this extensibility,the WebKit can be used to develop some innovative internet applications.13Why Use the WebKit? 14Core WebKit ClassesUnderstanding the object-oriented design of the core WebKit classes is fundamental to understanding howthe WebKit works.You can display web content in a single window by following a few simple steps.Normally,to embed web content in your application you simply create a WebView object,place it in a window,andsend a load request message.However,if you want to do something more complex—for example,customizethe user interface,use multiple windows,or implement any other browser-like features,such as back andforward buttons—you will want to understand better how the WebKit classes work together to load anddisplay web content.Important: The object-oriented design diagrams in this article are meant to show at a high level how theclasses relate to each other.These diagrams are not intended to show instance variables.Frame Model and View ClassesThe WebKit loosely follows a model-view-controller paradigm—some objects represent view-controllers thatdisplay web content,and other objects represent models that encapsulate web content.WebView is the core view class in the WebKit.WebView objects manage interactions between WebFrameViewobjects and WebFrame objects.To embed web content in your application,you create a WebView object,attach it to a window,and ask its main frame to load a URL.The most common example of web content isa single frame containing multiple MIME types.The WebKit also fully supports HTML files containing compoundframes.For example,suppose a webpage contains a frame with two children frames,as illustrated in Figure1 (page16).To load this page,you send a request to the main frame of aWebView,an instance of WebView.Themain frame initiates a client request.While it receives the server response(that is,loads the page content),the main frame creates WebFrame objects to encapsulate the content contained in each frame element.Ahierarchy of WebFrame objects is used to model an entire webpage,where the root is called the main frame.Frame Model and View Classes15Figure 1WebView and WebFrameViewobjectsModelsViewsAs the content for each WebFrame object is loaded,a corresponding WebFrameView object is created to display that content.These WebFrameView objects are attached to the WebView’s view hierarchy.Therefore,there is a parallel hierarchy of WebFrameView objects used to render an entire page.In this hierarchy,the WebView object is not only a controller object but also the root view.The details of the view hierarchy are not shown because they are private to the implementation of the WebKit and may change in the future.Fortunately,you do not need to create these model and view objects directly.The WebKit creates these objects automatically whenever pages are loaded,either programmatically or when the user clicks a link.Data Model and View ClassesOnce the frame hierarchies are created,the actual content for each frame needs to be loaded and displayed.Since webpages can contain different MIME types,the WebKit implements different models and views to display them.The WebKit automatically loads and displays most of the common document types (for example,HTML,XML,plain text,images,and QuickTime movies).The WebKit selects the appropriate data model and view object based on the document’s MIME type.In fact,the WebKit design is extensible,allowing you to create your own data models and views for specific MIME types.Figure 2 (page 17)illustrates the relationship between WebFrame,WebDataSource,document representation,and document view objects.For each WebFrame object,there’s one WebDataSource object that loads the content for that frame.For each WebDataSource object,there’s one document representation object,conforming to the WebDocumentRepresentation protocol,that encapsulates the data for a specific MIME type.For each documentation representation object,there’s a document view object,conforming to the 16Data Model and View ClassesWebDocumentView protocol,that handles the display of that data.The document view object is containedin the corresponding WebFrameView object(for example,the document view of a scroll view contained ina WebFrameView object).Again,the details of the view hierarchy are not shown because they are private tothe implementation of the WebKit.Figure2WebFrame and WebDataSource objectsViews ModelsBecause document representation and view objects are separate,you can have multiple models and viewsof a MIME type,and extend the WebKit by defining your own.Once a data source is committed(the first byteof data has arrived),the WebKit selects an appropriate document representation and document view objectbased on the MIME type of the data source.The WebKit already supplies the model and view objects formost of the common MIME types.If a MIME type is not supported,you can supply your own model and viewobjects to handle that type,and register them with the WebView class.You can even replace the defaultmodel and view objects,although that’s not recommended.Again,you do not have to create any of these objects directly—they are automatically created when a pageis loaded.Provisional mitted Data SourcesWhen you send a request to load a webpage,you receive an asynchronous response because the request isbeing sent to another process on another machine over the network.Because of this,the WebKit needs tohandle the state of its objects between the time a request is initiated and the first byte of data arrives.Whenusing the WebKit you should be aware of the transitional state of the WebKit data source objects.Provisional mitted Data Sources17In addition to requests being asynchronous,many errors can result from requesting web content over thenetwork.For example,there can be network failures,bad URL strings,corrupted content,and no availableplug-ins.Or,you may initiate a load request but find the response slow,or delayed(the content trickles in).For example,a typical static website looks something like the one in Figure3 (page 18).Client requests,conforming to the HTTP protocol,originate at the user’s web browser.These requests are sent over thenetwork to the web server,which analyzes the request and selects the appropriate webpage to return to theclient browser.This webpage is simply a text file that contains HTML ing the HTML commandsembedded within the file received from the web server,the browser renders the page.Figure3Typical websiteIn the WebKit,client load requests are asynchronous.To handle the state of objects during the time a requestis initiated and content arrives,the WebKit creates what is called a provisional data source.The data sourceis provisional because it isn’t known yet whether the page will load successfully.Any existing data sourcefor a page remains valid until the provisional data source is validated.The first time a WebFrame object isloaded there’s no existing data source and a blank page is displayed.A data source becomes committed as soon as the first byte of data arrives.If the provisional data sourcebecomes invalid due to some error,it never transitions to a committed data source.When a data source iscommitted,an appropriated document representation and document view is created for the WebFrameobject.Note that the default WebKit behavior does nothing if a load request fails.Therefore,you need to implementWebView delegates to handle load errors(for example,to display or log a message).WebView DelegatesYou customize the behavior of the WebKit by implementing WebView delegates that intercept request andresponse messages,and make policy and user interface decisions.WebView uses a multiple delegate modelbecause there are so many aspects of the WebKit behavior that you can customize.And for large applications,it makes sense for different objects to handle the different sets of delegate messages.Of course,you canalways implement just one delegate to handle all these areas.WebView objects have four delegates:■Frame load delegate—intercepts frame-level request and response messages to track the progress and errors that might result in loading a webpage(see the WebFrameLoadDelegate informal protocol).18WebView Delegates■Resource load delegate—intercepts resource-level request and response messages to track the progress and errors that might result in loading a resource(see the WebResourceLoadDelegate informal protocol).■User interface delegate—controls the opening of new windows,augments the default menu items displayed when the user clicks on elements,and makes other window and control user interface decisions (see the WebUIDelegate informal protocol).■Policy delegate—modifies the policy decisions that are made when handling URLs or the data they represent(see the WebPolicyDelegate informal protocol).Because all the delegates use informal protocols,you can set the delegates and implement the delegate methods you want.If you don’t implement a delegate method,the WebKit uses a default implementation. For example,by default,error messages are not reported,and new windows are not opened when a link is clicked that results in a new window request.If the WebKit cannot reach a URL,your application window displays the old content,which may be a blank page.You typically implement a frame load delegate to handle these types of errors.WebView Delegates1920WebView DelegatesSimple BrowsingBy writing just a few lines of code using the WebKit,you can embed web content in your application and enable your users to navigate the web.The code example below assumes you already have a WebView object inside a window that represents the webpage.You can create a WebView object and attach it to a window either programmatically or by using Interface ing Interface Builder,drag a WebView from the Library into a window.You should also connect the WebView object to an outlet so that you can send messages to it programmatically.Next,you load a webpage by sending a loadRequest:message to the main frame of your WebView object, as in this example:[[webView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURLURLWithString:urlText]]];Here,webView is an instance of WebView and urlText is a valid URL address such as.You can do this after the nib file is loaded,so that your WebView object displays a default page.When you run your application you’ll notice that the URL(if it is valid)is successfully displayed in the window and most links are followed automatically when clicked.Content that contains multiple frames is automatically handled.The WebKit does this by creating a hierarchy of WebFrameView and WebFrame objects to handle frame content—even content that contains QuickTime movies,JavaScript,or Flash movies works.Even though navigating works,this simple example doesn’t contain many of the features you would expect in a web browser—namely,a text field for typing in URLs,back and forward buttons,a history menu,multiple windows,and status or error messages.You can add some of these features by assigning delegates to your WebView object and implementing delegate methods.Because the delegate methods are informal protocols, you can choose which methods you want to implement.21Simple Browsing 22Multiple WindowsIf you are building a simple browser application,you’ll want to allow the user to open multiple windows andtype in URLs.You also need to make some policy decisions about how to handle new window requests. Opening WindowsYou can implement multiple windows in a WebKit application easily by beginning with a Cocoadocument-based architecture as follows:ing Xcode,create a document-based Cocoa application.Your new project file will already contain theneeded classes and interface files to support multiple windows(namely MyDocument.h,MyDocument.m,and MyDocument.nib).2.Add the WebKit frameworks to your project.3.Open MyDocument.nib using Interface Builder and drag a WebView from the Cocoa—GraphicsViewspalette to your document window.4.Create a webView outlet in MyDocument.h and read the file into Interface Builder.Connect the webViewoutlet of the File’s Owner to the WebView object you created in the previous step.5.Add code to MyDocument.m to load a default page.You can add this code fragment to thewindowControllerDidLoadNib:method:NSString *urlText = [NSString stringWithString:@""];[[webView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURLURLWithString:urlText]]];6.Build and run your application.When you run your application you should see a window open displaying web content.You can also openmultiple windows by selecting New from the File menu.This example demonstrates multiple WebViewobjects independently displaying web content.Entering URLsIf you want a user to type in her own URL,add a text field to the window and make a new load request everytime the user enters a new URL.Here are the steps you follow:1.Add a text field to the window in MyDocument.nib.Opening Windows23。



专利名称:VERY-LARGE-SCALE AUTOMATICCATEGORIZER FOR WEB CONTENT 发明人:LULICH, Daniel, Peter,GUILAK, Farzin, G.申请号:US2002013838申请日:20020430公开号:WO02/091216P1公开日:20021114专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A method and apparatus for efficiently classifying and categorizing data objects such as electronic text, graphics, and audio based documents within very-large-scale hierarchical classification trees is provided. In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, a first node of a plurality of nodes of a subject hierarchy is selected. Previously classified data objects (202) corresponding to a selected first node of a subject hierarchy as well as any associated sub-nodes of the selected node are aggregated to form a content class of data objects(206). Similarly, data objects corresponding to sibling nodes of the selected node and any associated sub-nodes of the sibling nodes are then aggregated to form an anti-content class of data objects (206). Features are then extracted (207) from each of the content class of data objects and the anti-content class of data objects to facilitate characterization (209) of said previously classified data objects (202).申请人:RULESPACE, INC.地址:225 SW Broadway Suite 600 Portland, OR 97205 US国籍:US代理机构:BAIN, Robert, M.更多信息请下载全文后查看。

flutter webviewx用法

flutter webviewx用法

flutter webviewx用法Flutter WebViewX is a powerful and feature-rich package that allows you to embed web content within your Flutter applications. It provides a seamless integration between Flutter and WebView, enabling you to display web pages, interactive web applications, or even entire web-based user interfaces within your Flutter apps. Flutter WebViewX 的用法非常简单直观,为开发者提供了一种在 Flutter 应用中嵌入网页内容的高效方式。

通过它,你可以轻松地将网页、交互式网络应用,甚至整个基于 Web 的用户界面嵌入到 Flutter 应用中。

To use Flutter WebViewX, you first need to add the package as a dependency in your Flutter project's `pubspec.yaml` file. This will ensure that the necessary code and resources are included in your app's build.要使用 Flutter WebViewX,你首先需要在你的 Flutter 项目的`pubspec.yaml` 文件中添加该包作为依赖项。


Once the dependency is added, you can import the package in your Dart code and start using its features. The WebViewX widget provided by the package allows you to specify the URL of the web content you want to display. Additionally, you can customize various aspects of the WebView, such as enabling JavaScript, controlling the zoom level, and handling navigation events.添加完依赖后,你可以在 Dart 代码中导入该包并开始使用其功能。




Content 常用于发送 HTTP POST 请求,用来以“键值对”的形式将

通常情况下,服务器会在处理完 POST 请求的信息之后,返回一个响

如果是一个成功的请求,则服务器返回的响应信息就是 Content 的内容。

在 requests 库中,Content 用来获取响应的内容,Content 中存放


通过使用不同的 Content-Type,可以根据需要将 Content 内容进

另外,在利用 requests 库发送请求时,我们也可以使用 headers
参数来指定 Content-Type 属性,以决定 requests 将要发送和接收的数



文章标题:深入剖析Vue中content的详细用法1. 介绍在Vue.js中,content作为一个重要的概念,承担着非常重要的作用。



2. 初识content在Vue.js中,content代表一个可插槽的内容。



3. content的基本用法在Vue组件中,我们可以通过`<slot>`标签为组件定义插槽,然后在组件使用时,根据需要插入不同的内容。


4. content的具名插槽除了基本的插槽外,Vue还提供了具名插槽的功能。



5. content的动态插槽除了静态定义插槽外,Vue还支持动态的插槽内容。


6. content的高级用法在一些复杂的场景中,content还可以发挥更加强大的作用。



element 描述contentstyle

element 描述contentstyle

element 描述contentstyleelement是一款非常出色的前端UI框架,它提供了许多的组件和模板,让开发者可以快速高效地搭建出漂亮、功能强大的Web应用。



在element中,contentstyle主要是通过以下几种方式来实现的:1.在元素内部使用style属性:元素内部可以通过style属性来设置其样式,如下所示:<div style="font-size:16px; color:red;">This is anexample</div>上述代码会在网页中创建一个div元素,并将其字体大小设置为16px,颜色设置为红色。


2.在CSS文件中使用class或id选择器:在CSS文件中定义class或id选择器,如下所示:.my-class {font-size: 16px;color: red;}#my-id {font-size: 14px;color: blue;}上述代码将创建两个选择器,第一个选择器.my-class将所有具有class属性为my-class的元素样式设置为字体大小为16px,颜色为红色;第二个选择器#my-id将id属性为my-id的元素的样式设置为字体大小为14px,颜色为蓝色。

在HTML文件中,可以通过添加class或id属性来指定元素应用哪个类或id选择器的样式,如下所示:<div class="my-class">This is an example</div><div id="my-id">This is another example</div>这种方式可以应用于大规模的样式控制,但是需要手动编写CSS 文件和HTML文件,并且容易产生选择器重复的问题。

常用contenttype -回复

常用contenttype -回复

常用contenttype -回复什么是常用content type(内容类型)?在互联网的世界里,内容类型(Content-Type)是指用于标识网络资源的媒体类型。





文本类型(text/)1. text/plain:纯文本格式,适用于普通文本文件,没有任何格式或特殊样式。

2. text/html:HTML文档类型,用于网页内容,可以包含丰富的格式、样式和链接。

3. text/css:CSS样式表类型,用于描述网页的样式和布局。

4. text/javascript:JavaScript脚本文件类型,用于在网页中添加交互和动态内容。

图像类型(image/)1. image/jpeg:JPEG图像格式,适用于照片和复杂的图像。

2. image/png:PNG图像格式,支持透明度和更好的图像质量。

3. image/gif:GIF图像格式,适用于简单的动画和图形。

4. image/svg+xml:SVG可缩放矢量图形格式,支持无损缩放和编辑。

视频类型(video/)1. video/mp4:MP4视频格式,广泛用于网络视频和流媒体。

2. video/webm:WebM视频格式,开放、免费的多媒体容器格式。

3. video/mpeg:MPEG视频格式,适用于广播、电视和DVD等。

4. video/quicktime:QuickTime视频格式,苹果公司开发的视频容器格式。

音频类型(audio/)1. audio/mp3:MP3音频格式,用于音乐和语音记录。

2. audio/ogg:Ogg音频格式,开放、免费的多媒体容器格式。



HTML中的context用法指的是在编写HTML页面时,使用context 属性来指定元素的内容。





1. `<menu>`元素`<menu>`元素表示一个菜单,可以通过context属性指定该菜单所属的上下文。

例如:```html<menu context="#fileMenu"><menuitem label="Open"></menuitem><menuitem label="Save"></menuitem><menuitem label="Close"></menuitem></menu>```其中,context属性指定了菜单所属的上下文语境为`#fileMenu`,这样浏览器就能够正确地处理菜单的显示和交互。

2. `<menuitem>`元素`<menuitem>`元素表示菜单中的一个选项,同样可以通过context 属性指定其上下文。

例如:```html<menu context="#fileMenu"><menuitem label="Open"></menuitem><menuitem label="Save"></menuitem><menuitem label="Close"></menuitem></menu>```这里,`<menuitem>`元素的上下文语境也是`#fileMenu`,与其所属的`<menu>`元素一致。



内容定位英语作文模板英文回答:Content localization, also known as websitelocalization, is the process of translating and adapting website content to match the language, cultural norms, and preferences of a specific target audience. It involves translating text, images, videos, and other elements of a website to make it accessible and relevant to the target market.Content localization can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it is essential for businesses that want to expand their reach and engage with customers in different countries. It can help to improve user experience, increase website traffic, and generate more sales.There are several factors to consider when localizing website content, including:The language of the target audience: This is the most obvious factor to consider, but it is important to choose the right language that will resonate with the target audience.The cultural norms of the target audience: Different cultures have different ways of communicating, and it is important to adapt your website content to reflect the cultural norms of the target audience.The preferences of the target audience: Different audiences have different preferences for how they consume information, so it is important to consider the preferences of the target audience when localizing website content.Content localization can be a valuable tool for businesses that want to expand their reach and engage with customers in different countries. However, it is important to consider the factors listed above to ensure that the website content is localized effectively.中文回答:内容本地化,也称为网站本地化,是将网站内容翻译和改编为与特定目标受众的语言、文化规范和偏好匹配的过程。

表格控件SpreadJS在Java 环境下的应用

表格控件SpreadJS在Java 环境下的应用

表格控件SpreadJS在Java 环境下的应用本文主要介绍在Java环境下SpreadJS如何应用。

安装JDK (这里使用jdk 1.7 )配置环境变量新建环境变量JAVA_HOME:jdk 安装目录,比如C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79 Path:在后面追加%JAVA_HOME%bin; 当在控制台输入java时,系统会在这个路径下寻找。

配置结束在控制台输入java ,javac,java -version 。

如果打印出信息,那么配置成功!因为缓存,所以立即执行并没有成功,打开任务管理器,重启windows 资源管理器即可。

可以在控制台输入set JAVA_HOME ,set PATH 查看环境变量。

安装tomcat下载下载tomcat,解压至C 盘。


运行cd C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.72\binstartup.bat在资源管理器中可以双击打开,但推荐使用命令行。


会看到配置单击右上角,Manager App,会看到需要登录,单击取消,跳转到下面页面。


打开tomcat安装目录下的conf文件夹下的tomcat-users.xml 文件。

在tomcat-users 节点中插入下面节点。


打开tomcat安装目录下的conf文件夹下的tomcat-users.xml 文件。

在tomcat-users 节点中插入下面节点。

<role rolename="manager-gui"/><user username="tomcat" password="pawwsord" roles="manager-g ui"/>运行startdown.batstartup.bat重启服务。





1. 使用字符串使用字符串是最常见的使用content属性的方法。


示例:```span:before {content: "slogan: "}```2. 插入图片除了可以插入字符串,content属性还可以向元素中插入图片。


3. 插入一个计数器除了可以插入固定的字符串和图片,content属性可以使用特定的计数器,用于计数器后面的内容。

h1:before {counter-increment: counters;content: counter(counters) ". ";}```4. 插入属性值可以使用attr()函数获取元素的属性并将其插入到页面中。

5. 插入元素的文本可以使用content属性来插入元素的文本内容,举例来说:6. 使用unicode字符使用unicode字符是另一种使用content属性的技巧,可以使用unicode码来插入一些特殊字符。

7. 插入一个空白字符可以使用content属性插入一个空白字符,即实际上没有任何字符,但可以用来实现一些布局效果。






这个属性通常与:before 和:after伪元素一起使用,用来在元素的前面或后面添加额外的内容。


语法```cssselector:before {content: value;}```语法解释:当使用:before 伪元素时,这个伪元素将添加到选择器的目标元素之前。





值在CSS中,content属性的值可以是以下之一:- 字符串(用双引号或单引号包含):可以是任何包含文本的字符串。


- URL:可以指向任何有效的URL,并将其显示为图像。

可以是绝对URL、相对URL或data URI。

- 计数器:可以指向定义联合计数器符号的counter-reset或counter-increment。

- 直接引用html元素内容:即将选定元素的内容作为content输出。

撤销内容如果想撤销某个元素添加的内容,可以将content属性的值设置为空,如下所示:content属性的主要作用是为CSS中的:before 和:after 伪元素提供一个要添加到元素中的额外内容。


文本内容将文字添加到:before 或:after伪元素很容易,只需指定一个字符串作为内容值即可。





图书资源阅览之web网页上TXT电子书阅览翻页效果展示研究基于unity3d 可以很好的跟网页进行相互传递消息,故选择在web网页上先实现txt电子书翻页效果阅览,以供后续整合使用。


二、web网页上翻页效果实现原理:借鉴于网络上已有的一个jQuery.pagePeel.js实现卷页的原理(只是动画用的是flash 组件)。



而网页上的div等元素对象的排布显示同样是通过z-index 来控制的。

以左右两个div来作为当前左右页显示区域,默认z-index为0,在左区域的左下角和右区域的右下角各有两个不同z-index的div,一个div(id为trigger)默认style 为z-index=1层次高于显示内容区域,display为block用来响应鼠标的进入和离开事件;另一个div(id为pagepeel)用来包含表示卷页效果的图片,默认情况下该div的z-index= 10层次高于trigger div层次和显示内容区域层次,但display值为none,所以默认是不显示的,不会阻隔trigger div感应鼠标事件。


当鼠标进入trigger div区域,pagepeel div display 值变为block显示出来,并通过jquery的animate对pagepeel div的宽、高和左上角的绝对位置进行动态改变,形似卷起开始遮挡住内容区域部分内容。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Web Content(Concept & Securing Network)网页内容(内容与网络安全)Transparent Firewall (Understanding Concept)通透式防火墙(概念理解)Network Attack Prevention (Design and Managing)预防网络攻击(设计与管理)SSM Cards(Concept)SSM(System Safety Monitor)卡(概念)Controlling Traffic & Cisco ASA Advanced Features(Refer Chapter 7, 21, 24, 25)流量监控与思科自适应安全设备的优势(详见第7、21、24、25章)What is Web Content Filtering?什么是网页内容过滤?Content filtering is the technique whereby content is blocked or allowed based onanalysis of its content, rather than its source or other criteria.内容过滤技术即通过对内容的分析,从而阻止或允许该内容的传输,它并不分析内容来源或者其他方面Content filtering is the most commonly used group of methods to filterspam.内容过滤技术是过滤垃圾邮件的主要途径。

(Importance)?为什么要使用网页内容过滤(重要性)?Due to Number of increased Attacks on Web Server effects Users/Organizations Users Computers too. So, to protect their Database or related stuff. You need to Deploy "Web Content Filtering" for better Security measure.Java and ActiveX Filtering►Java与主动式X过滤器Web Content Filtering►网页内容过滤器Web Caching►网络缓存网页服务器受到的攻击与日俱增,这影响了广大用户和公司的电脑正常运行。


Explanation释义Java and ActiveX Filtering:Most Web Sites use Java applets and ActiveX scripts to add functionality to their Web services.Java 与主动式X过滤:大多数网站使用Java程序和主动式X脚本,为其网络服务添加新的功能。

Problem:Hackers Attack (Script and Application Building Attack)问题:黑客攻击(脚本与应用构建攻击)Solution:Applying/Enable Filters on ASA Firewall. (Practical DEMO)方案:应用/激活ASA防火墙过滤器。

(实验演示)Web Content Filtering:Also known as Internet content filtering is a process wherein online materials are either allowed to pass or blocked altogether based on the examination of its actual content instead of its source or other related filtering criteria.网页内容过滤:它也被称之为因特网内容过滤。



Problem:Hackers Attack (Flash Scripts and Web Services/Protocols)问题:黑客攻击(闪存脚本与网页服务/协议)Controlling Traffic -Web Content流量监控-网页内容问题:黑客攻击(闪存脚本与网页服务/协议)Solution:Applying/Enable Filters on ASA Firewall. (Practical DEMO)方案:应用/激活ASA防火墙过滤器。

(实验演示)A web cache is a mechanism for the temporary storage (caching) ofweb documents, such as HTML pages and images, to reduce bandwidth usage, server load.网络缓存:网页缓存是一种用于暂时存储(缓存)网页文件,例如HTML页面和图像,的机制。


Hacker Attack (Send Infected cache and Destroy Data Process)黑客攻击(发送受病毒感染的缓存,破坏数据进程)Solution:Applying/Enable Filters on ASA Firewall. (Practical DEMO)方案:应用/激活ASA防火墙过滤器。

(实验演示)What is Transparent Firewall?什么是通透式防火墙?A transparent firewall, on the other hand, is a Layer 2 firewall that acts like a "bump in the wire"or a "stealth firewall"andis not seen as a router hop to connected devices.通透式防火墙,换言之,它是一种链路层防火墙。


Routed Mode(Layer 3)vs Transparent Mode (Layer 2)路由模式(3层)与透明模式(2层)In, some types of traffic cannot pass through the security appliance even if you allow it in an access list. Alternatively, the Transparent mode firewall can allow any traffic through with either an extended access list (for IP traffic) or an Ether-Type access list (for non-IP traffic).在路由模式中,尽管你在访问列表中对其表示允许,但是有时候某些流量还是无法通过安全设备。



Cisco ASA Advanced Feature -Transparent Firewall思科自适应安全设备的优势-通透式防火墙What is Network Attack Prevention System?什么是网络攻击防御系统?Preventing Network Attacks is a process in which Firewall enables "Threat Detection"System through which you can make Secure Network.通过运行“威胁检测”系统,防火墙实现了其防御网络攻击的功能,增强了网络安全。

Cisco ASA Advanced Feature -Network AttackPrevention思科ASA 的优点-网络攻击防御What is SSM Cards?(An Expensive Solution)什么是SSM 卡?(价格不菲)The Cisco AIP SSM and AIP SSC are part of the Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliance solution, which provides superior firewalland VPN capabilities in a single, easy-to-deploy platform. With the advanced inspection capabilities of the Cisco AIP SSM or Cisco AIP SSC,this appliance provides integrated, converged protection of your servers and infrastructure without compromising your ability to use the network as a business tool.•Cisco AIP SSM 和AIP SSC 防火墙从属于思科ASA5500系列自适应安全设备方案中两类。

自适应安全设备是一种单一的、易于配置的防火墙,同时它还带有VPN 的性能。

正是因为Cisco AIP SSM 和AIP SSC 的高级检测功能,该设备为我们的服务器和基础设备提供了完备的安全保障。


•Cisco ASA Advanced Feature -SSM Cards思科ASA 的优点-SSM 卡Configuring Web Content Filtering(Securing Private Networks)配置网页内容过滤(保护私有网络)Designing & ManagingTransparent Firewall设计与管理通透式防火墙ConfiguringNetwork Attack Prevention System配置网络攻击防御系统ConfigureAIP-SSM Cards配置AIP-SSM CardsConfiguring Cisco ASA 配置思科ASA。
