
(上西紀子「ひととき」2001年11月3日付朝日新聞による)(注1)なりな:なりなさい(注2)片づけをする:片づける(注3)同等「どうとう」:同じ程度(注4)ロ出し「くちだし」:他の人の話に横から何か言うこと(注5)(幼稚園)児「じ」:(幼稚園の)児童(注6)くぐる:下を通って抜ける(注7)大人びて:大人のように問1 筆者は最初「大人になりな」という言葉をどのような意味だと思ったか。

解 详 及 案 答 校 90多所淘院宝校店英ht语t:p专:1/业3/9s考8h6o研0p16真9113题6947资(23料武2.-汉t部a李o分b老a院o师.c)omQQ:1136798813 话 电
解 详 及 案 答 校 90多所淘院宝校店英ht语t:p专:1/业3/9s考8h6o研0p16真9113题6947资(23料武2.-汉t部a李o分b老a院o师.c)omQQ:1136798813 话 电
解 详 及 案 答 校 90多所淘院宝校店英ht语t:p专:1/业3/9s考8h6o研0p16真9113题6947资(23料武2.-汉t部a李o分b老a院o师.c)omQQ:1136798813 话 电
解 详 及 案 答 校 90多所淘院宝校店英ht语t:p专:1/业3/9s考8h6o研0p16真9113题6947资(23料武2.-汉t部a李o分b老a院o师.c)omQQ:1136798813 话 电
解 详 及 案 答 校 90多所淘院宝校店英ht语t:p专:1/业3/9s考8h6o研0p16真9113题6947资(23料武2.-汉t部a李o分b老a院o师.c)omQQ:1136798813 话 电
解 详 及 案 答 校 90多所淘院宝校店英ht语t:p专:1/业3/9s考8h6o研0p16真9113题6947资(23料武2.-汉t部a李o分b老a院o师.c)omQQ:1136798813 话 电
解 详 及 案 答 校 90多所淘院宝校店英ht语t:p专:1/业3/9s考8h6o研0p16真9113题6947资(23料武2.-汉t部a李o分b老a院o师.c)omQQ:1136798813 话 电
解 详 及 案 答 校 90多所淘院宝校店英ht语t:p专:1/业3/9s考8h6o研0p16真9113题6947资(23料武2.-汉t部a李o分b老a院o师.c)omQQ:1136798813 话 电


(1) ふるさとや家族について、はじめて意識的に考えたのは18歳のときだった。
1 ふるさとから離れていると、都会にあるものがふるさとにはない二とに気づくことがある。
2 ふるさとは都会から遠く離れていて、何もないように見えるが、よく探してみると、都会と同じような魅力がある。
3 ふるさとのように、あるのが当然だと思っているものの価値は、そこから少し距離を置くことでわかるようになる。
4 ふるさとで家族と暮らしていると、そのありがたさが意識できるので、なんでもない日常の生活の大切さがわかるようになる。
(2) 建物や部屋、家具などには直線が多く使われています。

广东外语外贸大学2004年硕士研究生入学考试英语语言文学及外国语言与应用语言学水平考试试卷Ⅰ. Cloze (20%)Fill in each blank with the words given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.The problem which the learner 1 in handling the meanings of such complex expressions (and those of the more numerous two-word combinations) are well known He may have 2 of understanding or interpretation(especially when the form of an expression is a poor guide to its meaning). He may have trouble in 3 accurately between various meanings of the “same” item-those of put out, for 4 ,or take in. And again, he may need help in distinguishing 5 expressions which are related in form (of level off and level up) 6 not necessarily in meaning. Among the features we have included in the dictionary to help the student deal with such problems 7 the regular listing in entries of “collocating” words. We can consider briefly the special advantages of this guidance here.The collocates of an expression are the particular words 8 are commonly combined with it to form sentences. 9 the words which regularly appear (as subjects) in the same sentences as bring to blows, for example, are disagreement, difference and rivalry and among those habitually associated (as direct objects) with bring to attention are troops, platoon, company. The learner normally becomes 10 of these word associations, or collocations, one by one through meeting them in books or hearing them in conversation, and as one association builds 11 another he gradually develops a firm understanding of the meanings of bring to blows and bring to attention. The advantage of bringing together a number of these associated words in one place—as in the entries shown just below—is that the student is 12 aware of several at the same time. As a 13 the learning process can be greatly speeded up. Another advantage, of course, is that the student can make up sentences of his own on the 14 of the collocates recorded in such entries, so strengthening. still more his grasp on the meanings of the headphrases themselves.Illustrative sentences in dictionary entries can 15 much the same purpose as lists of collocates. 16 the illustrations are carefully chosen, they too will contain words that are characteristically and unambiguously 17 with the headphrases, which help to develop the learner’s understanding of their meaning.18 collocates and examples have different and complementary parts to play in the definition of meaning. In a list of collocates some of the more important 19 to our understanding of an expression are abstracted form their real contexts and presented in a highly condensed form. In illustrations, various kinds of information-highly condensed form. In illustrations, various kinds of information grammatical and stylistic as 20 as lexical-are combined in actual instances of language use, though the most important clues to meaning may be rather thinly spread.Ⅱ.Proof-reading and Error Correction(30%)The following passage contains FIFTEEN errors. Each line contains a maximum of one error.In each case, only one word is involved. You should correct it in the following way. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in theblank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “A” signand write the word youFor an unnecessary word, believe .to be missing' in the blank provided atthe end of the line. cross out the unnecessary wordwith a slash "/" and put the word in the blankprovided at the end of the line.ExampleWhen A art museum wants a new exhibit,[1] anIt never buys things in finished form and hangs them on the wall.[2] neverWhen a natural history museum wants an exhibition, it must often build it.[3] exhibitWhy do some new products succeed, bringing millionsof dollars to innovative companies, but others fail, 1.with great losses? The answer is not simple, andcertainly we cannot say that "good" products succeedwhile "bad" products fail. Many products that functionwell and seem to meet consumer needs have fallenby the wayside. Sometimes, virtual identical products 2.exist in the market at the same time with one emerged 3.as profitable while the other fails. Mc Neal Laboratories'Tylenol has become success as an aspirin substitute, 4.yet Bristol-Meyers went into the test market at aboutthe same time with Neotrend, also a substitute to aspirin, 5.that quickly failed. 6.The nature of the product is a factor in their success 7.or failure, but the important point is the consumer'sperception of the products need-satisfying ability. 8.Any new product conception should be aimed atmeeting any customer need, and the introductory 9.promotion should seek to communicate that need-satisfying quality and motivate the customer try the 10.product. Often, attitude change is involved, and, in theextreme, changes in life-style may be seeked. 11.Here the company walks a tightrope. A new productis more probable to be successful if it represents a 12. truly novel way of solving, a customer problem, butthis very newness, if carried too far, may ask the customerto learn new behavior patterns. The customer will make thechange if the perceived benefit is sufficient, but inertia isstrong and consumers will often not go to the effort that isrequired. During the late sixties and early seventiesBristol-Meyers met new product failures that exemplify 13. both of these problems. In 1967 and 1968 the companyentered into the market with a $ 5 million advertising 14. campaign for Fact toothpaste, and an $11 millioncampaign to promote Resolve. Both products failed quickly,--not because they wouldn't work or because there was 15.no consumer need, but apparently because consumersjust could see no reason to shift from an alreadysatisfactory product to a different one that promised nonew benefit.III. Gap-filling (40%)Fill in the following blanks with the CORRECT WORD or CORRECT FORM of the words given according to the MEANINGS of the sentences. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Exampleprolong, refuse, delay, postpone, lengthenI hope the of the appointment will not cause you much inconvenience. The correct answer is postponement.1. ally, league, unionUnder the military command of Ahmad Shah Mausood, a faction leader with Rabbani, government forces continued tohold much of Kabul late in the year, but fighting continued in the area.2. obligation, liability, responsibilityMembership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving states which accept the of the Charter3. prospectus, brochure, catalogue., pamphlet, leafletThe tells buyers how to identify fraudulent sellers andhow to cope with false claims on grading, certification, appreciation,and value.4. alter, convert, transform, varyA single genetic could allow the sunflower to convert some of itsoleic acid to ricinoleic acid, an extremely versatile oil that has numerousindustrial uses, including the manufacture of plastics, nylon, cosmetics, andlubricants.5. affection, emotion., feeling, sentimentAnna Roe of New York City stated that there are vocationally successful personswho are well-adjusted socially and yet who. show, according to tests, more or lesssevere disabilities.6. genius, gift, talentWith costs of educating handicapped children increasing, advocates of bettereducationfor children began demanding more financial support.7. celebrate, commemorate, inaugurate, representOn October 14, President Eisenhower's birthdate, the U.S. Post Office Departmentissueda stamp.8. career, profession, occupation, employmentThe problem of injury and sickness received a good deal of publicityand attention this year.9. criticism, mark, review, opinionCritics gave good to the movie featuring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant,which was a box-office hit all over the world.10. hedge, dyke. wall. moat. fenceThe castle was surrounded by a , which nowadays contained only occasionalrainwater.11. propose, agreement, suggest, adviceIn September, Constitutional Affairs Minister Joe Clark unveiled new aimed at satisfying Quebec's demands for federal reform.12. rare, scarce, scant, inadequateWith wartime food largely over in the United States, the return topeacetime methods in food exporting from this country will be quick or slow inproportion to the rate at which normal production and trade revive throughout theworld. Meantime, world relief requirements along with the continuance of worldshortages in items such as fats and oils and sugar delay the abandonment of thecontrols.13. cure, heal, remedy, treatSuch high levels of unemployment compelled measures in their view, andso deep a recession called for some economic stimulation.14. individual, personal, privateAlthough all humans share the same set of genes, can inherit differentforms of a given gene, making each person genetically unique.15. common, general. popularAs Peres's personal continued to rise in public opinion pollsfollowing the completion of Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon, bitter exchangesover Taba and West Bank settlement policy became increasingly common.16. just, fair, impartialIn this letter to Angelina, Sarah .enumerates the legal womensuffered in the 1830s and compares the plight of women in theUnited States to thatof slaves.17. prolong, extend, lengthen, enlargeAs he hasn't sorted -out his business in the UK, he intends to apply for a/an of his passport.18. exert, conduct, impose, implementOn April 1st the long delayed of the United Nations' plan for peaceand decolonization in South West Africa (Namibia), embodied in Security Councilresolution 435 (1978), finally began.19. crease, crumple, wrinkle, pleatDermatologists have been swamped with people seeking what they believe is theclosest thing to the fountain of youth: the anti-acne prescription skin creamRetin-A, known generically as tretinoin and chemically related to Accutane. AJanuary report in The Journal of the American Medical Association said that Retin-Adiminished small and other aging changes caused by sun exposure.20. cunning, sly. crafty, shrewdThe Sino-Japanese peace pact was preceded in May by the opening of diplomaticrelations between China and the oil-rich Middle Eastern state of Oman. And it was immediately followed by the Premier's unprecedented 12-day visit to Romania, Yugoslavia, and Iran—a trip timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary ofthe Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.IV. Reading Comprehension (60%)In this section, there are six reading passages followed by a total of thirtymultiple-choice questions. Read the passages carefully and then mark your answerson your ANSWER SHEET.Text A15 Killed by Rebel Bomb in KashmirSRINAGAR, India--At least 15 people were killed when a car bomb exploded incentral Srinagar at midday Monday, witnesses said. Five of the dead appeared to besoldiers, they said. Officials at a government-run hospital said that 20 peoplewere admitted with wounds and that three were in surgery. One of the wounded diedupon arrival at the hospital.A caller identifying himself as a member of Hizbul Mujahidin, a pro-Pakistangroup, contacted several news agencies to claim responsibility for the attack.Hizbul Mujahidin is the most powerful rebel group favoring a merger with Pakistan.Other groups want independence from Indian rule.The bomb went off in a car near a police station and outside a branch of the government-owned State Bank of India, where Indian soldiers fighting the separatist insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir gather at the beginning of every month to collect their pay.Witness said an army truck was parked in the vicinity when the bomb went off. Three cars and five scooters' were destroyed in the blast.Witnesses said that two of the victims were women and that five others wore military uniforms. Some of the corpses were badly mutilated.Security forces arrived quickly and carried off the bodies. The police cordonedoff the area, fearing another attack.The blast was preceded by a grenade attack a few blocks away that appeared to have been a diversionary measure.The explosion was near Ahdoo's, one of the only hotels left open in the city. The hotel is full of foreign journalists covering the Kashmir hostage crisis, which entered its third month Monday.Four Westerners have been held hostage by guerrillas in the Kashmir Valley since July 4. A fifth hostage, Hans Christian Ostroe of Norway, was found beheaded ina remote region Aug. 13.The guerrillas have said they will kill the remaining hostages unless the Indian government releases 15 jailed separatists.1. claimed responsibility for the attack.A. A rebel groupB. An Indian groupC. A member of Hizbul MujahidinD. A pro-Indian group2. The bomb went off outside a bank branch where Indian soldiers gather to.A. fight the rebelsB. protect the bankC. fight the separatist insurgencyD. collect their pay3. Witnesses said that two of the victims wereA. children and that five others wore military uniformsB. women and that five others were probably soldiersC. women and that five others were childrenD. women and that five others were workers4. PoliceA. withdrew from the areaB. kept people at a distance from the area by means of a cordonC. cleaned the areaD. examined the area5. The blast was preceded by a grenade attack a few blocks away that appearedto .A. have turned people's attention away from the place where a bomb was exploded laterB. have drawn people's attention to the place where a bomb was exploded laterC. have been an entertaining measureD. have been a visionary plotText BBehave Like Your Actions Reflect on All ChineseBy the 1870s the easygoing cordiality that greeted the first Chinese in America had been replaced by an ugly resentment that often boiled into virulence. Racism and economic fear led many Westerners to believe that .the Chinese, who were willing to work cheap, were stealing their jobs ....Legal persecution took the form of taxes and statutes aimed at their livelihood, their customs and even their looks. Chinese families had to pay special taxes. Their children were barred from local public schools. A San Francisco ordinance, vetoed by the mayor at the last moment, would have required that the queues of Chinese jail inmates be cut off. Other harassments include laws making it illegal to carry baskets suspended from poles while walking on sidewalks, as Chinese laundrymen did, or to rent rooms with less than 500 cubic feet of space per person, as most Chinese had to do. The courts even prohibited Chinese from giving testimony in cases that involved whites.By 1880 Chinese immigrants represented only 0.002 percent of the population, yet the "Chinese Question"—which boiled down to finding ways to keep them out--had become a major national issue ....The Chinese responded to prejudice and persecution in two ways. First, they created an insulated society-within-a-society that needed little from the dominant culture. Second, they displayed a stoic willingness to persevere, and to take without complaint or resistance whatever America dished out.6. The first Chinese immigrants to the U.S. .A. were welcomedB. far outnumbered other minoritiesC. arrived in the 1870sD. were met with hostility7. The author believes that in the later part of the 19th century, Chinese immigrants received .A. adequate housingB. national acceptanceC. equal educationD. unfair treatment8. A San Francisco ordinance, by the mayor at the last moment, required that the queues of Chinese jail inmates be cut off.A. suggestedB. rejectedC. supportedD. urged9. Which of the following is not the Chinese response to prejudice and persecution?A. to create an insulated society-within-a-societyB. to show a stoic willingness to persevereC. to show strong protestD. to take whatever America gave without complaint or resistance10. From the passage we can tell that many Americans were fearful because they found the Chinese were .A. an inferior peopleB. willing to work for low payC. lazy and stupidD. impossible to understandText CThree weeks ago, a story we published put us in the middle of a controversy. It was hardly the first time that has happened, but this instance-suggested an opportunity for more than usual colloquy in the letters pages. So for this occasion and others like it, we have revived a section of TIME called Forum, which begins on page 28, concerns our cover subject thisweek—the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Parrakhan.The decision to pursue an in-depth investigation of this subject was prompted by the anti-Semitic and otherwise racist speech that Farrakhan's aide, Khallid Muhammad, gave at Kean College in New Jersey. The story was newsworthy in large part because it came just as some mainstream black groups were attempting to form a constructive alliance with Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. News of the speech loosed a flash flood of reportage and commentary on the subject, at that time we began the kind of weeks-long investigation a cover story like this one requires. At the same time, we published an article on one telling aspect of the larger story: the fact that some black leaders were offended when whites called on them to denounce racism in other black leaders while seeming to ignore offensive remarks by whites--as, for example, Senator Ernest Hoolings, who had some time before made a supposedly joking reference to an African delegation as cannibals. The larger issue was that blacks feel they should be presumed to abhor anti-Semitism and other forms of racism without having to say no, and that they resent the attempt by whites to script their views, behavior or alliances.The story raised interesting and important points, and it clearly struck a nerve. The reaction was instantaneous and strong, most of it coming from white and Jewish readers. Some argued that our story was opinion masquerading as fact. Some people, both white and black, said that crediting white pressure for the denunciations of Farrakhan was condescending, that it deprived black leaders of credit for what was simply principled behavior. Some readers also felt that to concentrate on this issue was to minimize or downplay the virulence of Muhammad's speech. Andthere was a general view among our critics that no amount of good works by the Nation of Islam could justify any black leader's toleration of, not to mention alliance with, such a racist organization.The issues raised by the story's critics are important. Still, this much must be said: Muhammad's speech was wholly disreputable and vile, and I believe our story made that clear. Our focus, however, was not on black racism but on the perception of a subtle form of white racism--the sense among some back leaders that, as the story put it, "some whites feel a need to make all black leaders speak out whenever one black says something stupid." That this feeling of grievance exists is not just TIME's opinion. It is fact.11.We can infer that the author of the article is .A. a readerB. a criticC. a racistD. editor of TIME12. The purpose of TIME FORUM is .A. to present opinions on issues of importanceB. to carry views on present issuesC. to stir peopleD. to cause a sensation13. This article focuses on the problem of .A. racismB. whitesC. blacksD. Jews14. The author's opinion of Muhammad's speech is .A. sympatheticB. favourableC. unfavourableD. not known15. It can be seen that the story published by the TIME aroused reaction amongthe readers.A. noB. immediate and strongC. slow but strongD. everlasting and strongText DShylock on the Beach"When I direct Shakespeare," theatrical innovator Peter Sellars once said, "the first thing I do is go to the text for cuts. I go through to find the' passages that are real heavy, that really are not needed, places where the language has become obscure, the places where there is a bizarre detour." And then? "I take those moments, those elements, and I make them the centerpiece, the core of the production." In the sober matter of staging Shakespeare, such audaciousness is hard toresist--though a lot of Chicago theatre-goers have been able to. Typically, a third of the people who have been showing up at the Goodman Theatre to see Sellars' ingenious reworking of The Merchant of Venice have been walking out before the evening is over. It's no mystery why: the evening isn’t over for nearly four hours. Beyond that, the production pretty much upends everything the audience has come to expect from one of Shakespeare's most troubling but reliable entertaining comedies. The play has been transplanted from the teeming, multicultural world of 15th century Venice, Italy, to the teeming, multicultural world of 1994 Venice Beach, California, where Sellars lives when he isn't setting Don Giovanni in Spanish Harlem, putting King Lear in a Lincoln Continental or deconstructing other classic plays and operas. Shylock, along with theplay's other Jews, is black. Antonio, the merchant of the title, and his kinsmen are Latinos. Portia, the wealthy maiden being wooed by Antonio's friend Bassanio, is Asian. But the racial shuffling is just one of Sellars' liberties. The stage is furnished with little but office furniture, while video screens simulcast the actors in close-up during their monologues, (and, in between, display seemingly unrelated Southern California scene, form gardens and swimming pools to the L. A. riots). Cries of anguish come from the clowns, and the playfully romantic final scene, in which Portia teases Bassanio for giving away her ring to the lawyer she played in disguise, is reimagined as the darkest, most poisonously unsettling passage in the play. Some of this seems to be sheer perversity, but the real shock. of Sellars' production is how well it works both theatrically and thematically. The racial casting, for instance, is a brilliant way of defusing the play's anti-Semitisrn---turning it into a metaphor for prejudice and materialism in all its forms. Paul Butler is a hardhearted ghetto businessman who, even when he is humiliated at the end, never loses his cool or stoops for pity.' Wrongheaded and tortuous as this Merchant sometimes is, the updating is witty and apt. The "news of the Rialto" becomes fodder for a pair of gossip reporters on a happy-talk TV newscast. Shylock's trial is presided over by a mumbling, superannuated judge who could have stepped right out of Court TV. With a few exceptions--Elaine Tse's overwrought Portia, for instance--the actors strike a nice balance between Shakespeare's poetry and Sellars' stunt driving. For the rest of us, it's a wild ride.16. The passage mainly deals with .A. the staging of Shakespeare's Merchant of VeniceB. Peter Sellars who is an innovative director.C. people's dislike of the newly performed Merchant of VeniceD. The Merchant of Venice adapted by Sellars17. When directing Shakespeare, Sellars usuallyA. cuts the original text shortB. abrid ges the original textC. deletes and changes the original textD. omits some parts of the original text18. Sellars' The Merchant of VeniceA. satisfies the audience's expectationB. is popular with Chicago theatre-goersC. is not favored by the audienceD. is too short in time19. The play isA. relocated in. the teeming, multicultural world of 15th century Venice ItalyB. relocated in the modem world--Venice Beach, California, in1994C. C. transplanted to the teeming, multicultural world of 15th centuryVenice ItalyD. originally located in the modem world--Venice Beach, California20. Which of the following statement is NOT tree?A. The director's interpretation of Shakespeare's work is witty and aptB. The director's reworking of Shakespeare is awkward and meaninglessC. The adapted play, for some people, is a wild rideD. The adapted play is wrongheaded and tortuousText EResearchers investigating brain size and mental ability say their work offers evidence that education protects the mind from the brain's physical deterioration. It is known that the brain shrinks as the body ages, but the effects on mental ability are different from person to ner.q9n. Interestingly, in a study of elderly men and women, those who had more education actually had more brain shrinkage. "That may seem like bad news," said study author Dr. Edward Coffey, a professor of psychiatry and of neurology at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit. However, he explained, the finding suggests that education allowsm people to withstand more brain-tissue loss before their mental functioning begins to break down.The study, published in the July issue of Neurology, is the first to provide biological evidence to support a concept called the "reserve" hypothesis, according to the researchers. In recent years, investigators have developed the idea that people who are more educated have greater cognitive reserves to draw upon as the brain tissue to spare.Examining brain scans of 320 healthy men and women ages 66 to 90, researchers found that for each year of education the subjects had, there was greater shrinkage of the outer layer of the brain known as the cortex. Yet on tests of cognition and memory, all participants scored in the range indicating normal."Everyone has some degree of brain shrinkage," Coffey said. "People Lose (on average) 2.5 percent decade starting at adulthood.There is, however, a "remarkable range" of shrinkage among people who show no signs of mental decline, Coffey noted. Overall health, he said, accounts for some differences in brain size. Alcohol or drug use, as well as medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, contribute to brain-tissue loss throughout adulthood.In the absence of such medical conditions, Coffey said, education level helps explain the range of brain shrinkage exhibited among the mentally-fit elderly. Themore-educated can withstand greater loss.Coffey and colleagues gauged shrinkage of the cortex by measuring the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain. The greater the amount of fluid, he greater the cortical shrinkage. Controlling for the health factors that contribute to brain injury, the researchers found that education was related o the severity of brain shrinkage. For each year of education from firstgrade on, subjects had an average of 1.77 milliliters more cerebrospinal fluid around the brain.For example, Coffey's team reported, among subjects of the same sex and similar age and skull size, those with 16 years of education had 8 percent to 10 percent more cerebrospinal fluid compared with those who had four years of schooling. Of course, achieving a particular education level is not the definitive measure of someone's mental capacity. And, said Coffey, education can be "a proxy for many things". More-educated people, he noted, are olden less likely to have habits, such as smoking, that harm overall health. But Coffey said that his team's findings suggest that like the body, the brain benefits from exercise. "The question is whether by continuing to exercise the brain we can forestall the effects of (brain shrinkage)," he said. "My hunch is that we can."According to Coffey, people should strive throughout life to keep their brains alert by exposing themselves to new experiences. Travelling is one way to stimulate the brain, he said; a less adventuresome way is to do crossword puzzles."A hot topic down the road," Coffey said, will be whether education even late in life has a protective effect against mental decline.Just how education might affect brain cells is unknown. In their report, the researchers speculated that in people with more education, certain brain structures deeper than the cortex may stay intact to compensate for cortical shrinkage. 21. According to this passage, all of the following factors could not account for cortical shrinkage.A. ageB. educationC. healthD. exercise22. Which of the following statements is true?A. The brain of an adult person shrinks 2.5% every 10 years.B. The cerebrospinal fluid of a person with 8 years of education may haveincreased by 17.7 millimeters.C. The cerebrospinal fluid of a person with 16 years of education may increase by 10%.D. The brain of an aged person shrinks 5% every 10 years.23. According to Coffey's research, the brain may benefit fromA. runningB. playing chessC. swimmingD. playing football.24. From this passage, we can conclude thatA. education is beneficial to mental development.B. education protects the brain from shrinking.C. education has a protective effect against mental decline.。



2004年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试日语试题 朗诵版明王道按:为方便亲们更好地理解真题,熟悉真题,特制作此朗诵版(假名注音)真题。
一 基礎知識20世紀せいきの技術ぎじゅつは、それ以前いぜんの技術ぎじゅつとまったく異ことなるものである。
ところが、 20世紀せいきにおける技術ぎじゅつは、「34」科学かがくによって確立かくりつされた対象たいしょうについての法則ほうそくを、「39」意図的いとてき、体系的たいけいてき、網羅的もうらてきに組くみ合あわせて用もちい、新あたらしいものを手当てあたり次第しだいに作つくり出だすというものである。
最近さいきんのもっとも注目ちゅうもくすべきことは、DNA DNAの存在そんざいの確認かくにんと、遺伝子いでんしとその意味いみの(28)が進すすみ、多おおくの生物せいぶつの遺伝子構造いでんしこうぞうが明あきらかにされ初はじめていることである。


しゃべりもしないで/「しないで」表状态Βιβλιοθήκη ▲全句翻译:一言不发地回了家。
問題 V次の文の___にはどんな言葉を入れたらよいか。1·2·3·4から昀も適当なものを一つ選びなさい。
(46) 私たちは、彼の突然の辞職に、戸惑いを___。 1おぼえさせた 2余儀なくさせた 3感じきれなかった 4禁しえなかった
(33) 著名な画家の行方不明になっていた作品が発見___、非常に喜ばしいことだ。
1されたとは 2されては 3されるのには 4されるかどうか
(38) ウイルスの感染経路を明らかに___調査が行われた。 1すまじと 2すべく 3するはおろか 4すべからず
(39) カメラマンは自らの命も___戦場に向かった。
(58) 毎日遅くまで、必死に頑張る___。そんなことをして、体をこわしては意味がない。 1べきだ 2つもりだ 3ことはない 4にちがいない
2004年语法真題解析.txt 問題Ⅳ 次の文の___にばとんな言葉を入れたらよいか。1·2·3·4から昀も適当ななものを一つ選びなさい。 (26) 当社では学歴を___多くの優秀な人材を集めるため、履歴書の学歴欄を廃止した。

2004年北京第二外国语学院二外法语真题及详解Ⅰ. Choisissez parmi les mots proposés. ( 15 points)1. Paule voudrait savoir _____ vous voulez.A. queB. ce quiC. ce que【答案】C【解析】句意:保罗想知道您想要什么。
Ce qui在从句中作主语,ce que在从句中作宾语。
2. La porte est fermée _____ le vent.A. deB. parC. à【答案】B【解析】句意:门被风吹得关上了。
3. Qu’est-ce que tu feras _____ 10 ans ?A. dansB. aprèsC. en【答案】A【解析】句意:十年后你将做什么?dans+时间,表示“在……之后”;en+时间,表示“用了多久”;après表示“在……之后”,可以指空间,也可以指时间,但是要用10 ans après。
4. Vous pouvez m’appeler _____ 8 et 10 heures, je serai chez moi.A. àB. entreC. pendant【答案】B【解析】句意:您可以八点到十点给我打电话,我会在家里的。
5. Il a pu finir ce travail _____ 15 jours, et nous aussi !A. enB. dansC. depuis【答案】A【解析】句意:他可以用15天完成这项工作,我们也可以!en+时间,表示“用了多久”;dans+时间,表示“在……之后”;depuis+时间,表示“自……以来”。

2004年北京科技大学216法语二外考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Choisissez le mot de chaque groupe qui se prononce différemment: (5’)1. A. pinB. painC. pleinD. pleine【答案】D【解析】pin[ɛ]。
2. A. GuyB. guerreC. gareD. geai【答案】D【解析】Guy[g]。
3. A. dansB. dentC. tempsD. dinde【答案】D【解析】dan s[ã]。
den t[ã]。
tem ps[ã]。
4. A. rivièreB. cinémaC. fêteD. veste【答案】B【解析】rivière[ɛ]。
5. A. fenêtreB. leC. maintenantD. lever【答案】C【解析】fe nêtre[ə]。
6. A. merB. allerC. lesD. chez【答案】A【解析】mer[ɛ]。
7. A. porteB. écoleC. potD. bol【答案】C【解析】porte[ɔ]。
éc ole[ɔ]。
8. A. chatB. cherC. ChristD. Chinois【答案】C【解析】chat[∫]。


北京第二外国语学院美学(无此试卷)比较文学与世界文学(无此试卷)英语语言文学日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础英语1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)综合考试(英1)(含英美文学、英美概况、语言学)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:其中英美文学部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美文学部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;语言学部分试卷惟独2001,2003——2023年年,语言学部分答案有:2001,2003——2023年年]综合考试(英2)(含经贸翻译、英美概况、国际贸易)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:经贸翻译部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,经贸翻译部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;国际贸易部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,国际贸易部分答案有:2003——2023年年]翻译1997(1997有答案)综合考试(现代汉语部分)1998——2002(2000——2002有答案)跨文化学(专业知识)1998,2001(2001有答案)美国研究1999——2001第 1 页/共 5 页英语写作1998——2001(2000有答案)应用英语(英文写作)2001应用英语(英语语言文学专业国际经济合作方向)2001应用英语(专业英语)2001英美文学2000——2002(2000——2002有答案)英美文学专业知识考试1998经济学原理1999俄语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)德语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)日语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础日语1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(专业)1998——1999,2002(2002有答案)专业日语(日本文学史)2004答案综合考试(日)(含日本文学、日本概况、翻译)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)综合考试(日本概况)1998——1999,2002——2003(2002——2003有答案)综合考试(日本文学史)1998——1999,2002——2003(2002——2003有答案)综合考试(日语翻译部分)2003——2023年年(2004——2023年年有答案)阿拉伯语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)外国语言学及应用语言学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础英语1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)综合考试(英1)(含英美文学、英美概况、语言学)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:其中英美文学部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,第 3 页/共 5 页英美文学部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;语言学部分试卷惟独2001,2003——2023年年,语言学部分答案有:2001,2003——2023年年]综合考试(英2)(含经贸翻译、英美概况、国际贸易)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:经贸翻译部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,经贸翻译部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;国际贸易部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,国际贸易部分答案有:2003——2023年年]翻译1997(1997有答案)综合考试(现代汉语部分)1998——2002(2000——2002有答案)跨文化学(专业知识)1998,2001(2001有答案)美国研究1999——2001英语写作1998——2001(2000有答案)应用英语(英文写作)2001应用英语(英语语言文学专业国际经济合作方向)2001应用英语(专业英语)2001英美文学2000——2002(2000——2002有答案)英美文学专业知识考试1998经济学原理1999国际贸易学国际贸易与国际金融2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)国际贸易理论与实务1998——2003(2003有答案)经济学原理1999企业管理管理学综合(企业管理专业)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)管理学综合2023年年(2023年年有答案)管理学原理2000——2002经济学原理1999旅游管理管理学综合(旅游管理专业)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)管理学综合2023年年(2023年年有答案)管理学原理2000——2002旅游管理2004——2023年年(2023年年有答案)旅游经济学1998——1999,2003旅游学概论2000旅游专业综合考试2001——2003经济学原理1999第 5 页/共 5 页。
2004 北京第二外国语学院----综合英语

北京第二外国语学院2004年硕士研究生入学考试考试科目:综合考试(英美文学) 满分:40分考试说明:请将答案直接写在试卷上总分阅卷人I. Fill in the blanks with proper information (10 points):1.The Renaissance period in which Shakespeare wrote his poems and plays is generally known as ______________in the history of England.2. The novel of Waiter Scott that deals with a stage of English history, covering the days after the Norman Conquest, is .3. John Milton’s is a poetical drama modeled on the Greek tragedy, which takes its story from the Old Testament of the Bible.4. The rising of the naturalistic novel was influenced mainly by Taine’s application of deterministic theories to literature, Comte’s application of sci entific ideas to the study of society, and .5. A line of verse that ends on a stressed syllable, as any regular iambic line does, is called ending.6. The publication of the Lyrical Ballads in the year of marked the beginning of the Romantic period of English literature.7. The first major, self-conscious literary movement of American black writers after the First World War is known as .8. Falstaff is a comic character that first appeared in .9. Henry James sought perfection in his style and technique. He made various experiments in novel writing. In addition to an abundant production of fiction, he wrote a theoretical book on fiction, which is named . .10. William Faulkner’s novel The Sound and the Fury employs the technique of and introduces us to the Compson family through the mind of the idiot Benjy.II. Read the following excerpts and identify the author (full name) and work respectively (10 points):1. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.And sorry I could not travel both.And be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Author: Work:2. The grass-plot before the jail, in Prison Lane, on a certain summer morning, not less than two centuries ago, was occupied by a pretty large number of the inhabitants of Boston; all with their eyes intensely fastened on the iron-clamped oaken door. Among any other population, or at a later period in the history of New England, the grim rigidity that petrified the bearded physiognomies of these good people would have augured some awful business in hand.Author: Work:3. Thus consciousness does make cowards of us all;And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great pitch and momentAnd lose the name of action.Author: Work:4. April is the cruelest month, breedingLilacs out of the dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with spring rain.Winter kept us warm, coveringEarth in forgetful snow, feedingA little life with dried tubers.Summer surprised us, ...Author: Work:5. “What is it, Angel?” she said starting up. “Have they come for me?”“Yes, dearest,” he said. “They have come.”“I t is as it should be!” she murmured. “Angel--I am almost glad--yes, glad! This happiness could not have lasted--it was too much--I have had enough; and now I shall not live for you to despise me.”She stood up, shook herself, and went forward, neither of the men having moved. “I am ready,”she said quietly.Author: Work:Ⅲ. Analyze the following poem by William Wordsworth and elucidate how it illustrates Romanticism in poetic creation (20 points):I Wandered Lonely as a CloudI wondered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of daffodils;Beside the lakes, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the milky way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin ora bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced; but theyOutdid the sparkling waves in glee;A poet could not but be gay.In such a jocund company;What wealth the show to me had brought:For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.北京第二外国语学院2004年硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试科目:英语综合试卷(语言学部分) 满分:30分考试说明:请将答案直接写在试卷上I. Complete each of the following statements. (5)1. Consonant articulations are relatively easy to feel, and as a result are most conveniently described in terms of____________ and manner of articulation.2. transcription should transcribe all the possible speech sounds, including the minute shades.3. The sound[b]can be described with “bilabial, stop”.4. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words is called .5. An approach in linguistic study which attempts to lay down rules of correctness as to how language should be used is .II. Choose a, b or c for each blank. (5)1. When the word “root” means “part of plant that keeps it firmly in the soil and abso rbs water and food from the soil”, the meaning is meaning.a. connotativeb. conceptualc. reflected2. Of the three cavities, is the most variable and active in amplifying and modifying speech sounds.a. nasal cavityb. pharynx cavityc. oral cavity3. refers to the relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at particular place in structure, or between one element present and the others absent.a. Syntagmatic relationb. Paradigmatic relationc. Co-occurrence relation4. All syllables contain a .a. nucleusb. codac. onset5. The sense relationship between “John plays the piano” and “John plays a musical instrument” is.a. synonymyb. antonymyc. entailmentIII. Fulfill the following requirements. (12)1. Distinguish the two possible meanings of “more beautiful flowers” by means of IC analysis.(4)2. Tell whether each of the underlined part is endocentric or exocentric .(4)the politician who often lies the issue of great moment He will be arriving soon. The house fell into disrepair.3. There are several kinds of antonymy. Classify the following pairs of antonyms into three types such as complementary, gradable, and converse. (4)husband—wife dead—alive odd—even generous—stingy1. Why is it difficult to define language?2. How do you understand “displacement”, a design f eature of language?北京第二外国语学院2004年硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试科目:综合考试(英美概况) 满分:40分考试说明:请将答案直接写在试卷上.总分阅卷人: Instructions:Y ou are required to answer all the following questions in English.I. Explain the following (10%)1. the Pilgrims2. Boston Tea PartyⅡ. Choose the correct answer in each of the following (15%)1 .How many continental states were there at the time of independence of the United States ?A. 35.B. 13.C. 48.D.502. Which of the following was the last continental state added to the Union?A. Kentucky.B. Pennsylvania.C. Arizona.D. Alaska.3. Which of the following is not a New England state?A. Connecticut.B. New York State.C. New Hampshire.D. Vermont.4. Which of the following is not in New York City?A. Hollywood.B. Broadway.C. Rockefeller Center.D. Harlem.5. How many states are referred to as the mid-Atlantic states?A. 6.B. 5.C. I1.D. 4.Ⅲ.Answer the following question (15%)Explain the characteristics of the uniformity in American culture and give your own evaluation.北京第二外国语学院2004年硕士研究生入学考试试卷(A卷)考试科目:翻译总分:40分一、英译汉(20分)Directions: Translate the following two paragraphs into Chinese, provide your translation below the original text. The time for this section is 20 minutes.On LifeThe most refined abstractions of logic conduct to a view of life, which, though startling to the apprehension, is, in fact. that which the habitual sense of its repeated combinations has extinguished in us. It stripes, as it were. the painted curtain from this scene of things. I confess that I am one of those who am unable to refuse my assent to the conclusions of those philosophers who assert that nothing exists but as it is perceived.It is a decision against which all our persuasions struggle, and we must be long convicted before we can be convinced that the solid universe of external things is“such stuff as dreams are made of”. The shocking absurdities of the popular philosophy of mind and matter, its fatal consequences in morals, and their violent dogmatism concerning the source of all things, had early conducted me to materialism.二、汉译英(20分)Directions: Translate the underlined parts of the following into English. Write your translation below the original text. The time for this section is 20 minutes.合作的利己主义合作,任何形式的合作.都具有一定意义上的竞争。

2004 年考研日语(203)真题 全文本翻译

一 基础知识 20 世纪的技术与以往的技术完全不同,过去的技术,正像 art 这个词所表示的那样,它 是某个领域的专家,通过自身的直觉和努力而练就的一种技艺,是一种接近艺术的东西,是 与科学没有任何关系的。但是,20 世纪的技术,是将与科学确立的对象相关的法则,有意 识的,成体系的,成网络的组合利用,从而不断创造出新事物。这是现代技术的一个显著特 色。比如,在化学方面,自 1936 年高分子的构造被明确,根据这一理论,尼龙被发明以后, 高分子合成工业得到了强有力的推进, 新的物质被接连不断地创造出来。 新药品也以同样的 方式被接二连三地造出来。继 1957 年卫星之后,宇宙科学的发展也很显著,直至今天人们 甚至要在宇宙空间里建设自己的住所。核电的发展就更不用说了。 最近最应注目的是 DNA 的存在的明确,遗传基因及其意义的研究的发展,很多生物的 基因构造开始被明确。于是,遗传基因工程学领域形成。通过转基因等,合成新型蛋白质, 开始进入生命信息科学时代。就像过去半个世纪,科技创造了为数众多的新物质那样,遗传 基因工程学就这样正在不断创造出很多新生物。 如此看来,现在的科技几乎所有领域,都相继由分析时代进入一个综合时代。所以,如 果说 20 世纪叫做科学时代的话,那么 21 世纪叫做综合中心的科技时代是没错的。 但是,一个很大的问题在此浮现了出来。到目前为止的科学,一直是在对神所创造的这 个地球和自然,以及存在于这个地球上的事物进行观察和理解。限于此,科学是谦虚的,是 价值中立的。但是,今天我们人类掌握了从前只有神才能掌握的创造世间万物的秘密,没有 原则的将所有法则组合利用, 只要有能力做的, 都去做一下, 不断随意创造出新事物。 并且, 这些新事物对于地球,自然,生物及人类来说,肯定并不完全都是好的。即使一眼望去看似 很好的东西,从长远来看,也会带来很多严重的问题。 二 A 1 最近,各种各样国家上的地域上的交流都很兴盛,体验异域文化的机会虽然增加了, 但体验异域文化的的实质到底是怎么一回事呢?其一就是,可以体验不一样的空间和时间。 异域的空间,理所当然指的就是与我们所处空间和文化方面的不同,这个很容易理解,而异 域的时间,意思是,在时差的认识和感觉上有不同的地方。 在这里,举一个异域时间的例子,来思考下“黄昏”这个时间。黄昏,就是一天中的白 天结束后,还没有进入夜晚的间隔,一定阶段的时间。而工作间歇的休息,相当于工作和私 人的分界线。比如,在欧洲的一些酒店中,会设定一个舒缓的时间,一到了黄昏,就会在大 厅之类的地方,演奏起钢琴,使大家好好地准备就餐。在亚洲,有些人会在下班之后,在晚 餐前去寺庙参拜,上供些花、水之类。如果接触到这样的黄昏时刻,总会让人感到一种安心 的感觉。 与此相对的是,我们的现代社会,时间完全都被连绵不休的工作给覆盖了,早上起床到 晚上睡觉,基本上没有一个时间的分界线。最终,由于没有一个在日常时间中产生分界线的 结构, 整个社会变得都没有一点悠闲了。 因此, 欧洲酒店和亚洲社会中, 度过悠然舒缓的 “黄 昏” ,在工作和私人时间找到一个间隔,心情会变得安心而充实。也就是说,我们在接触到 了异域的时间以后,可以重新审视工作所占据我们日常生活的时间,舒展紧张的内心。在日 本, 虽然过去也有时间充当分界线, 但是在近代化和都市化的进程中, 几乎都丢失了。 现在, 有时在异域文化中,会重新发现我们的文化中丢失的东西,比如像时间的间隔。 体验异域文化的意义就在于,通过它,我们可以发现在自己文化当中所失去的东西,并