
MCR流变仪入门手册目录第一部分: 流变学基础知识 (3)一. 流变学基本概念 (3)1.1 流变学研究的内容 (3)1.2 剪切应力与剪切速度 (3)1.3 粘度 (3)1.4 流体的分类 (4)1.5 影响材料流变学性质的因素 (5)二. 流动特性的研究 - 旋转测量 (7)2.1 旋转测量的目的 (7)2.2 旋转测量的方法 (7)2.3旋转测量中的几种分析模型 (8)三. 变形特性的研究 – 振荡测量 (10)3.1 振荡测量的原理 (10)3.2 振荡测量的方法 (11)3.3振荡测量中的几种分析方法 (13)四. 化学反应过程中的流变测试 (14)五. 温度变化过程中的流变测试 (15)5.1 粘温曲线测量 (16)5.2 凝固、熔融过程 (16)5.3 有化学反应的相转变过程 (17)5.4 DMTA测量 (17)六. 流变测量指南 (18)6.1测试系统的选择 (18)6.2旋转测试 (18)6.3振荡实验 (20)第二部分: 流变仪基础知识 (22)一. 流变仪的工作原理 (22)1.1 旋转流变仪的种类: (22)1.2 MCR旋转流变仪基本结构: (22)二. 流变仪常用夹具 (24)2.1 旋转流变仪使用的测试夹具分类: (24)2.2常用标准测试夹具 (24)2.3 测试夹具的选择 (26)三. 流变仪常用控温系统 (26)3.1. 温度范围在-40~200℃内的Peltier控温系统 (27)3.2温度范围在-130~400℃内的电加热控温系统 (28)3.3 强制对流辐射控温系统 (29)四. 流变仪安装的条件要求 (30)4.1 环境要求 (30)4.2电源 (30)4.3 安装空间的布置: (30)4.4. 气源(空气轴承流变仪) (31)五. 流变仪可以扩展的功能模块 – 组合流变测量技术简介 (32)5.1 通过改变样品的受力方式、运动方式而拓展的附加测试功能 (32)5.2 把流变测试与结构分析方法相结合的附件 (32)5.3 在温度、剪切条件的基础上再增加其他影响因素的测试附件 (33)第三部分:服务与应用 (34)一. 安东帕流变仪的售后服务方式 (34)1.1 售后服务方式与联系方式 (34)1.2 应用支持方式与联系方式 (34)二. 流变仪的日常维护保养 (34)2.1 附属设备 (34)2.2 流变仪主机 (35)第一部分: 流变学基础知识一. 流变学基本概念1.1 流变学研究的内容流变学—Rheology ,来源于希腊的Rheos=Sream (流动)词语,是Bingham 和Crawford 为了表示液体的流动和固体的变形现象而提出来的概念。

CP 系列操作手册

4. 错误和警告
4.1. 一般信息 ...................................................................................................... 29
4.1.1. 错误和警告类型
4.1.2. 检查错误和警告信息
4.4.1. HV 001
4.4.2. HV 002 放电管过压错误
CP Manual 中文 0546-396-OE Rev B
Page 3
4.4.3. HV 003 高压电源错误
4.4.4. HV 004 变压器箱温错误 > 70 °C
4.4.5. HV 005 放电管在 2 分钟内 10 不平衡错误-放电管 x
版权 © 2005 Convergent(科威晶激光)保留所有版权。在未得到科威晶激光许可的前提下,本书的
CP Manual 中文 0546-396-OE Rev B
Page 1
操作手册 ........................................ 8
1.8.1. 安全标识位置
1.9. 培训课程 ...................................................................................................... 21
2. 规格
2.1. CP系列CO2 激光器...................................................................................... 22
欧姆龙继电器型号 文档 (2)

欢迎新老客户来电查询联系人:1 3 5 2 0 1 1 5 8 9 1 传0 1 0- 8 0 1 1 5 5 5 5转7 5 9 7 1 13F88L-RS173G3IV-PLKEB45P53G3JV-MANUAL3G3JZ-AB0223G3MV-A4075(YES)3G3MZ-A2004-ZV23G3MZ-A2007-ZV23G3MZ-A2015-ZV23G3MZ-A2055-ZV23G3RV-B418K-ZV13G3RV-B422K-ZV13G3RV-B4900-ZV13G3RX-A4220-Z43767-0010 MC374005-3066 UM5-3066C200H-ATT01C200H-BC101-V2C200H-CP114C200H-DA001C200H-DA002C200H-ID218C200H-ID501C200H-NC111C200H-OD501C200H-TS001C200HW-COM01C200HW-COM05-EV1C200HW-DRM21-V1C200HW-NC213C500-CE405CJ1W-OD263CP1W-20EDT1(Q)CP1W-40EDT1CPM1A-20EDT1CPM1A-40CDT-A-V1 CPM2A-20CDR-DCPM2A-20CDT-DCPM2A-30CDR-DCQM1-ID211CQM1-ME04RCQM1H-PLB21CRT1-AD04CS1D-CPU44SCS1H-CPU66HCS1H-CPU67HCS1W-BAT01CS1W-BI033CS1W-CN224CS1W-OC201CS1W-PDC55CS1W-SCU31-V1D4N-212GDRT1-232C2DRT2-AD04E2E-X10D1S DC12-24 2ME3X-DAC21-S 2ME5AZ-C3E5AZ-Q3E5AZ-R3E5CN-Q2HBT AC100-240 (Q)E5CN-R2HBT AC100-240 (Q)E5CN-R2T AC100-240 (Q)E5CZ-Q2 AC100-240E5CZ-R2MT AC100-240E5EZ-C3E6C2-CWZ6C 1024P/R 2M BY OMSG3JA-C425B AC100-240 FOR CHINA G3JA-C430B AC100-240 FOR CHINA G3JA-C437B AC100-240 FOR CHINA G3JA-D420B AC100-240 FOR CHINA G3JA-D425B AC100-240 FOR CHINA G3JA-D432B AC100-240 FOR CHINA G3JA-D451B AC100-240 FOR CHINA G3PB-535B-2N-VD DC12-24H5CN-XCN AC100-240H5F-BMKS2P DC12MKS3P-5 DC48MPT-CN550NS10-TV01B-V2R7A-CNB01S-ZR7A-CNB01SB-ZR7A-CNZ01C-ZR7D-AP04HR7D-AP08HR7D-BP01H-ZR7D-BP02H-ZR7D-BP02HH-ZR7D-BP04H-ZR7D-ZP01HR7D-ZP02HR7M-A40030-S1R7M-A75030-S1R7M-Z10030-S1ZR7M-Z20030-S1ZR88A-CNG01SB-ZR88D-GN01H-ML2-ZR88D-GN02H-ML2-ZR88D-GN04H-ML2-ZR88D-GN08H-ML2-ZR88D-GN10H-ML2-ZR88D-GN15H-ML2-ZR88D-GN20H-ML2-ZR88D-GN50H-ML2-ZR88D-GN75H-ML2-ZR88D-GT50H-ZR88D-GT75H-ZR88D-WN08H-ML2R88D-WN10H-ML2R88M-G10030H-BS2-Z R88M-G10030H-ZR88M-G1K020H-S2-Z R88M-G1K020H-ZR88M-G1K020T-BS2-Z R88M-G1K020T-S2-Z R88M-G1K020T-ZR88M-G1K030H-BS2-Z R88M-G1K030H-S2-Z R88M-G1K030H-ZR88M-G1K030T-S2-Z R88M-G1K520H-BS2-Z R88M-G1K520H-S2-Z R88M-G1K520H-ZR88M-G1K520T-BS2-Z R88M-G1K520T-S2-Z R88M-G1K520T-ZR88M-G1K530H-S2-Z R88M-G1K530T-S2-Z R88M-G20030H-BS2-Z R88M-G20030T-BS2-Z R88M-G20030T-S2-Z R88M-G2K010H-S2-Z R88M-G2K010H-ZR88M-G2K010T-S2-Z R88M-G2K010T-ZR88M-G2K020H-BS2-Z R88M-G2K020H-S2-Z R88M-G2K020H-ZR88M-G2K020T-S2-ZR88M-G2K030H-S2-Z R88M-G2K030T-S2-Z R88M-G3K010H-BS2-Z R88M-G3K010H-S2-Z R88M-G3K010H-ZR88M-G3K010T-S2-Z R88M-G3K020H-BS2-Z R88M-G3K020H-S2-Z R88M-G3K020H-ZR88M-G3K020T-S2-Z R88M-G3K020T-ZR88M-G3K030H-BS2-Z R88M-G3K030H-S2-Z R88M-G3K030H-ZR88M-G40030H-B-ZR88M-G40030H-BS2-Z R88M-G40030H-ZR88M-G40030T-BS2-Z R88M-G40030T-S2-Z R88M-G4K020H-BS2-Z R88M-G4K020H-S2-Z R88M-G4K020T-S2-Z R88M-G4K030H-BS2-Z R88M-G4K030H-S2-Z R88M-G4K510H-BS2-Z R88M-G4K510H-S2-Z R88M-G4K510T-S2-Z R88M-G5K020H-BS2-ZR88M-G5K030H-BS2-ZR88M-G5K030H-S2-ZR88M-G6K010H-BS2-ZR88M-G6K010H-S2-ZR88M-G75030H-BS2-ZR88M-G75030T-BS2-ZR88M-G75030T-S2-ZR88M-G7K515H-BS2-ZR88M-G7K515H-S2-ZR88M-G7K515T-S2-ZR88M-G90010T-S2-ZR88M-GP10030H-ZR88M-GP40030H-ZR88M-W10030T-S1SH-001-01MSH-001-03MSH-001-05MSH-001-10MV400-W23 3MV400-W24 3MWLCA32-41ZR-RX20A-CHROZR-RX40A-CHROZR-XRB1ZR-XRE1我公司是欧姆龙一级代理商,价格优势明显,质量有保证,有大量库存,供货期短。

18、特性: 对于从中可获取计量或计数型数据的过程 或其输出(产品)的显著的特点、尺寸或 性能,适当时可使用目测法辅助。
19、编号: 必要时,填入所有适当的文件,诸如(但 不限于):过程流程图、已编号的计划、 FMEA和草图(计算机绘图或其它方式绘 图)相互参照用的编号。
42-44rpm 速度盘 1次 0.4-2mm 变速器 1次
每班 每班
工艺检查 记录表
二、控制计划(CP)表 栏目填写说明/解释
1、样件、试生产、生产控制计划: 表示各阶段适当的分类: 1.1 样件控制计划----在样件试作过程中,对所涉及 的尺寸测量、材料和性能试验的描述; 1.2 试生产控制计划----在样件试作之后,正式批量 生产之前,对所涉及的尺寸测量、材料和性能试 验的描述; 1.3 生产控制计划----在正式批量生产过程中,对产 品/过程的特性、过程控制、试验和测量系统的 全面文件化的描述。 1.4 在相应的阶段前“□”中以“√”表示控制计划 的不同阶段。
◆ 控制计划是质量策划过程的一个重要阶段,是对控制零件和过程的
◆ 控制计划是一份动态文件,它在整个产品寿命周期中得到保持和使
过程流 程名称
变差 来源
机器设备 /测量设备
搬运 方式
特殊 特性 备注 符号
过程 功能
潜在 失效 模式
潜在 失效 后果

3i 系列操作手册非接触式温度测量获取最新特性保保修卡Raytek 对其生产每个仪器,担保自售出之日起一年内,在正常使用情况下,不会在材料和工艺上发生故障。
如在此担保下的产品发生故障,并且担保方检查确认确实有故障,只要在初始购买后一年内送至授权维修点,Raytek 会修复此仪器。
无论在合约、民事侵权行为或其他情况下,Raytek 不对任何特殊事件、突发事件及其导致的损害负责。
®Raytek 是已注册的商标而3i 是Raytek 公司的一个商标©2002 Copyright Raytek CorporationRev K 2/02 56700-2全球总部Raytek 公司1201 Shaffer Rd. PO Box 1820Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1820 USATel:180****5478183****1110Fax:183****4561********************Raytek de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.13 Poniente #2313-2 Col. La Piedad Puebla,Pue. CP 72160 MexicoTel: 52 222 230 4380Fax: 52 222 230 4438*****************.mx中国Raytek 公司北京市朝阳区望京北路9号叶青大厦A座邮编:100102Tel: 86 10 6439 2255Fax: 86 10 6437 0285***************.cnRaytek Japan, Inc.Okajima Building1-2-14 Nishihonmachi, Nishi-ku Osaka 550-0005, JapanTel: 81 6 4390 5015Fax: 81 6 4390 5016*******************.jp South American Headquarters Raytek do BrasilAv. Américo de Carvalho 916 Jardim EuropaSorocaba, SP BrasilCEP 18045-000Tel: 55 15 32176046Fax: 55 15 32175694***************.br European Headquarters Raytek GmbH Blankenburger Straße 135D-13127 Berlin, Germany Tel: 49 30 4 78 00 8 400 Fax: 49 30 4 71 02 51**************英国RaytekPO Box 120 Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK1 1ZU United KingdomTel: 44 1908 630800Fax: 44 1908 630900*****************Raytek France5, Avenue du 1er MaiZae des Glaises91120 Palaiseau, France Tel.: 33 1 64 53 15 40Fax: 33 1 64 53 15 44*****************服务Raytek 提供的服务包括紧急维修和标定。

当出口(或提供给非居住者)本产品中属于外汇及外国贸易管理法所规定的出口许可、 承认对象货物(或技术)范围的产品时,必须有以相关法律为基准的出口许可、承认(或 官方交易许可)。
关于 CP 系列的「单元版本」
关于 CP 系列的「单元版本」
在 SYSMAC CP 系列中,为了管理由于版本升级等引起的 CPU 单元配置功能的差异,引 入了「单元版本」这个概念。
关于 CP 系列的「单元版本」
Ver. Ver.
1.0 1.0
Ver. Ver.
为了管理由于版本升级等引起的 CPU 单元配置功能的差异的标 签。
请根据需要贴在产品的正面。 These Labels can be used to manage differences in the available functions among the Units. Place the appropriate label on the front of the Unit to show what Unit version is actually being used.
EPSON 投影机 使用说明书 ( 详细版 ) 操作指南 CP-X8150 CP-X8160 CP-

1投影机使用说明书(详细版) 操作指南CP-X8150/CP-X8160/CP-WX8240/ CP-WX8255/CP-SX8350/CP-WU8440/承蒙您购买本投影机,谨向您表示衷心的感谢。
商标承认•Mac ® 是 Apple Inc. 的注册商标。
• W indows ®, DirectDraw ® 和 Direct3D ® 是微软公司在美国和/或其它国家的注册商标。
•VESA 和 DDC 是 Video Electronics Standard Association 的商标。
• H DMI TM 、HDMI 徽标以及 High-Definition Multimedia Interface 是 HDMI Licensing LLC. 在美国和其他国家的商标或注册商标。
• P JLink 商标适用日本、美国和其它国家和地区的商标权。
• B lu-ray Disc TM 和Blu-ray TM 是Blu-ray Disc Association 的商标。
• D ICOM ® 是National Electrical Manufacturers Association 公司的注册商标,其标准(出版物)与医疗信息的数字通信相关。
2介绍. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3特点 ..............3检查包装内容 ..........3部件名称 ............4投影机、控制面板和指示灯、端口、 遥控器设置. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7布置 ..............7现有器材的连接 .........10系紧电缆固定适配器盖子 .........15使用安全条和安全槽 .......15连接电源 ............16遥控器. . . . . . . . . . . . . .17装入电池 ............17使用远程ID 功能 ........17改变遥控信号的频率 .......18关于遥控信号 ..........18用作简易电脑鼠标和键盘 .....19状态监视器. . . . . . . . . . . .20<仅限CP-X8160、CP-WX8255、 C P-WX8255A和 CP-WU8450>显示投影机状态 (20)显示日志 ............22电源开/关. . . . . . . . . . . .24打开电源 (24)关闭电源 ............24操作. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25调节音量 ............25暂时关闭屏幕和音频 .......25选择输入信号 ..........26选择宽高比 ...........27调节投影机的脚撑 ........28调节镜头 ............29调节变焦和对焦、调节镜头位置、 镜头记忆使用自动调节功能 ........31调节位置 ............31校正失真 ............32使用放大功能 ..........35暂时冻结屏幕 ..........36暂时遮蔽图像 ..........36显示两个画面 ..........37<仅限CP-WX8240A、CP-WX8255A、 CP-WU8440和CP-WU8450>使用菜单功能 ..........39OSD(屏幕显示)中的指示、 各菜单包含的项目简易菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .42图像菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .44影像菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .47输入菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .50设置菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .54声音菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .57屏幕菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .59选项菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .65网络菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .76安全菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . .87演示工具. . . . . . . . . . . . .94无需电脑演示 ..........94缩略图模式、全屏模式、幻灯片模式、播放列表绘图功能 ...........104连接设备、使用绘图功能USB 显示 ...........109启动USB 显示、右键单击菜单、 浮动菜单、选项窗口维护. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113更换灯泡 ...........113清洁和更换空气过滤器 .....115其他保养 ...........117故障诊断. . . . . . . . . . . . 118状态监视器上显示的警告信息 ..118<仅限CP- X 8160、CP-WX8255、 CP-WX8255A 和CP-WU8450>相关消息 (118)关于指示灯 ..........120重设所有设置 .........122容易误认为是机器缺陷的现象 ..123规格. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1283•请妥善保管原包装材料,以备日后重新装运。
CP-E 24 0.75主动模式电源供应器说明书

—DATA S H EE TPower supply CP-E 24/0.75Primary switch mode power supplyThe CP-E range offers enhanced functionality while the number of different types has been considerably reduced. Now all power supply units can be operated at an ambient temperature of up to +70 °C.Characteristics• Rated output voltage 24 V DC• Output voltage adjustable via front-face rotary potentiometer “OUTPUT Adjust”• Rated output current 0.75 A • Rated output power 18 W• Wide range input 100-240 V AC (90-264 V AC, 120-375 V DC)• Typical efficiency of 77 %• Low power dissipation and low heating• Free convection cooling (no forced cooling with ventilators)• Ambient temperature range during operation -20...+70 °C • Open-circuit, overload and short-circuit stable • Integrated input fuse• Redundancy unit CP-RUD offering true redundancy, available as accessory • LEDs for status indication—ApprovalsAUL 508, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1 1)H UL 1310, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 223 (Class 2 Power Supply)H ANSI/ISA‑12.12, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 213 (Class I, Div. 2, hazardous locations)HUL 60950, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950 1)UL 62368‑1, CAN/CSA‑C22.2 No. 62368‑1R EAC ECCC 1)1) Approval refers to rated input voltage Uin— Marksa CE bRCM—Order dataType Input voltage range Rated output voltage / current Order codeCP‑E 24/0.7590‑264 V AC / 120‑375 V DC24 V DC / 0.75 A1SVR 427 030 R0000—Order data – accessoriesType DescriptionOrder codeCP-RUDRedundancy unitThe CP-RUD provides decoupling of two CP-E power supply units ≤ 35 V and < 5 A.1SVR 423 418 R90002C D C 271 017 F 0006OUTPUT L+, L–:INPUT L, N, PE:OUTPUT Adjust:Circuit diagramApplicationThe primary switch mode power supply offers two voltage input ranges. This enables the supply with AC or DC. Furthermore it is equipped with two generous capacitors, which ensure mains buffering of at least 75 ms (at 230 V AC). That is why the devices can be used worldwide also in high fluctuating networks and battery-powered plants.Operating modeBy means of the potentiometer “OUTPUT Adjust” the output voltage can be adjusted within a range of 21.6 to 28.8 V DC. Thus, the power supply can be optimally adapted to the application, e.g. compensating the voltage drop caused by a long line length.The green LED “OK” is lightening during proper operation.The red LED “LOW” is lightening when the output voltage is too low.MountingThe switch mode power supply can be snapped on a DIN rail according to IEC/EN 60715 as shown in the accompanying picture. For that the device is set with its mounting rail slide on the upper edge of the mounting rail and locked by lifting it downwards.2C D C 272057F 0b 06DemountingRemove the switch mode power supply as shown in the accompanying picture. For that the latching lever is pulleddownwards by means of the screwdriver. Alternatively you can press the unlock button to release the device. Then in both cases the device can be unhinged from the mounting rail edge and removed.2C D C 272058F 0b 06Mounting positionThe devices have to be mounted horizontally with the input terminals on the b ottom. In order to ensure a sufficient convection, the minimum distance to other modules should not be less than 25 mm in vertical and horizontal direction.2C D C 272059F 0b 062C D C 272 059 F 0b 06Connect the input terminals L and N. The protective earth conductor PE must be connected. The i nstallation must be executed acc. to EN 62368-1, provide a suitable disconnecting device (e. g. line p rotection switch) in the supply line. The input side is protected by an internal input fuse.Rate the lines for the maximum output current (considering the short-circuit current) or provide a s eparate fuse protection. We recommend to choose the cable section as large as possible in order to minimize voltage drops. Observe the polarity. The device is overload, short-circuit and open-circuit proof. The secondary side of the power supply unit is electrically isolated from the input and internally not earthed (SELV) and can therefore be earthed by the user according to the needs with L+ or L- (PELV).Connection diagramL-L+PE N LL-L+L N PEPWM2C D C 272054F 0b 06L+, L-Output voltage L, N Input voltage PEProtective earthIn operation pay attention to:• Do not modify the installation (primary and secondary side)! High current!Risk of electric arcs and electric shock (danger to life)!• Risk of burns: Depending on the operation conditions the housing can become hot.• The device contains no user serviceable parts. In any case of device malfunction please send the unit backto manufacturer.The device must be installed by qualified persons only and in accordance with the specific national regulations (e. g. VDE, etc.).The CP-E power supplies are chassis-mounted units. It is maintenance-free and does not contain any integral setting elements and should therefore not be opened.Before any installation, maintenance or modification work:• Read the operating and installation instructions carefully and completely!• Disconnect the system from the supply network and protect against switching on!CAUTIONImproper installation/operation may impair safety of personnel and cause operational difficulties or destruc -tion of the unit.WARNINGBefore start of operation the following must be ensured:• Connection to mains or DC supply according to the specific national regulations for class of protection I.Power supply cables and unit must be sufficiently fused. A disconnecting device has to be provided for the end product to disengage unit and supply cables from supply mains if required.• Rate the output lines for the output current of the power supply and connect them with the correctpolarity.• In order to ensure sufficient convection the distance to the other devices has to be considered.WARNINGDanger to life!Never carry out work when voltage is present. The power supply contains components with high stored energy and circuits with high voltage! Do not introduce any objects into the unit and do not open the unit. With some units of this range the output is capable of providing hazardous energy. Ensure that the service personnel is protected against inadvertent contact with parts carrying energy. If the internal fuse is blown most probablythe device is defect. In this case an examination of the device by the manufacturer is necessary.!!!Data at T a = 25 °C, U in = 230 V AC and rated values, unless otherwise indicated—Input circuitsSupply circuitsRated input voltage U in L,N100‑240 V ACInput voltage range AC90‑264 VDC120‑375 VFrequency range AC47‑63 HzTypical input current at 115 V AC335 mAat 230 V AC210 mATypical power consumption22.8 WInrush current limiting at 115 V AC15 Aat 230 V AC30 ADischarge current input / output0.25 mAinput / PE 3.5 mAPower failure buffering time at 115 V AC min. 20 msat 230 V AC min. 75 msInternal input fuse 2 A slow‑acting / 250 V ACPower factor correction (PFC)no—User interfaceIndication of operational statesOutput voltage OK: green LED V: output voltage OKLOW: red LED V: output voltage too low—Output circuitRated output voltage L+, L-24 V DCTolerance of the output voltage0 ... +1 %Adjustment range of the output voltage21.6‑28.8 V DCRated output power18 WRated output current I r T a≤ 60 °C0.75 ADerating of the output current60 °C < T a≤ 70 °C 2.5 %/°CMaximum deviation with load change statical±2 %change of output voltage within theinput voltage range±1 %Control time< 2 msStarting time after applying the supply voltageat I r max. 1 s with 7000 µF max. 1.5 sRise time at I r max. 150 mswith 7000 µF max. 500 msFall time max. 150 msResidual ripple and switching peaks BW = 20 MHz50 mVParallel connection yes, to enable redundancy Series connection yes, to increase voltage Resistance to reverse feed 1 s – max. 35 V DCCharacteristic curve of output Hiccup-modeShort‑circuit protection continuous short-circuit proofShort‑circuit behaviour Hiccup-modeOverload protection output power limitingNo-load protection continuous no-load stabilityStarting of capacitive loads7000 µF—General dataPower dissipation typ. 4.45 WEfficiency typ. 77 %Duty time100 %Dimensions (W x H x D)22.5 x 90 x 114 mm(0.89 x 3.54 x 4.49 in)Weight0.143 kg (0.315 lb)Material of housing PlasticMounting DIN rail (IEC/EN 60715), snap‑on mounting without any tool Mounting position horizontalMinimum distance to other units horizontal / vertical25 mm / 25 mm (0.98 in / 0.98 in)Degree of protection housing / terminals IP20 / IP20Protection class I—Electrical connection – input circuit / output circuit—Environmental dataAmbient temperature range operation‑20…+70 °C (‑4...+158 °F)rated load‑20...+60 °C (‑4...+140 °Fstorage‑25…+85 °C (‑13...+185 °F)Damp heat95 % RH, without condensationVibration (sinusoidal) (IEC/EN 60068‑2‑6)10‑500 Hz, 2 G, along X, Y, Z each axis, 60 min. for each axis Shock (half‑sine) (IEC/EN 60068‑2‑27)15 G, 11 ms, 3 axis, 6 faces, 3 times for each face—Isolation dataRated insulation voltage U i input / output 3 kV ACinput / PE 1.5 kV ACoutput / PE0.5 kV AC; 0.71 kV DCPollution degree2Overvoltage category II—Standards / DirectivesStandards IEC/EN 62368‑1Low Voltage Directive2014/35/EUProtective low voltage SELV (IEC 60950‑1)EMC Directive2014/30/EURoHS Directive2011/65/EUInterference immunity to IEC/EN 61000‑6‑2electrostatic discharge IEC/EN 61000‑4‑2Level 4 (air discharge 15 kV / contact discharge 8 kV)radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic fieldIEC/EN 61000‑4‑3Level 3 (10 V/m)electrical fast transient / burst IEC/EN 61000‑4‑4Level 4 (4 kV / 2.5 kHz)surgeIEC/EN 61000‑4‑5L‑L Level 3 (2 kV) / L‑PE Level 4 (4 kV)conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fieldsIEC/EN 61000‑4‑6Level 3 (10 V)power frequency magnetic fields IEC/EN 61000‑4‑8Level 4 (30 A/m)voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations IEC/EN 61000‑4‑11dip: >95 % 10 ms / >30 % 500 ms interruptions: >95 % 5000 ms Interference emission IEC/EN 61000‑6‑3high-frequency radiated IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class B high-frequency conductedIEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class B limits for harmonic current emissionsIEC/EN 61000‑3‑2Class D—Technical diagramsOutput behaviourThe switch mode power supply CP‑E 24/0.75 is able to supply at 24 V DC output voltage and • at an ambient temperature of:≤ 60 °C a continuous output current of approx. 0.75 A • at ambient temperatures of:60 °C < T a ≤ 70 °C the output power has to be reduced by 2.5 % per °C temperature increase.Temperature behaviourP T a [°C]2C D C 272016F 0211Characteristic curve of temperature at rated load2C D C 272022F 0011CP-E 5/3.0Dimensions accessoriesin mm [inches]2C D C 252188F 0b 05CP-RUD10DATA SHEET CP-E 24/0.75—Further documentationDocument title Document type Document number Electronic Products and Relays Technical catalogue2CDC 110 004 C02xx Power Supply Units Application manual2CDC 114 048 M020x Redundancy unit CP-RUD Data sheet2CDC 114 032 D0201You can find the documentation on the internet at /lowvoltage-> Automation, control and protection -> Power supplies.—CAD system filesYou can find the CAD files for CAD systems at http://abb‑control‑‑> Low Voltage Products & Systems ‑> Control Products ‑> Power Supplies.D ocum e n t n u m b e r 2C D C 114043D 0201 R e v . I (02/2021)—We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB Ltd. does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information inthis document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB Ltd. Copyright© 2021 ABB Ltd.All rights reserved /lowvoltage —ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH Eppelheimer Strasse 8269123 Heidelberg, Germany。

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Pantum 和 Pantum 标识是珠海奔图电子有限公司注册的商标。

标准型 CP1E-
N14DT1-A N20DT1-A N30DT1-A N40DT1-A
改良型 -
N30S1DT1-D N40S1DT1-D
为了提高生产效率和质量,必须掌握生产现场的情况。 配备Ethernet通信端口的CP1H-EX、CP1L-EM/EL型无需使 用扩展单元、选装件即可连接PC,从而实现信息管理。 实现低成本的系统构建。
装配装置、机床、工件搬运等自动化、省人工化需使用替 代人手进行作业的伺服电机定位。 CP1H可通过内置功能实现最多4轴的伺服电机控制。
N型 14点 8 6 不可拆装 14 不可
20点 12 8
30点 18 12
40点 24 16
60点 36 24
NA型 20点 12 8
输入中断/输入中断计数 4 器模式/脉冲捕捉输入
高速计数器 (加法脉冲输入)
CPU 单元

• 替代人工,解决近几年人工成本的增长和招工难的问题 • 人不愿意做的工作,恶劣环境下的工作,比如噪音大的环境,
污染的环境等等。 • 需要精度较高,人手难以实现的工作,比如中源的帖胶项目
很难用治具人工操作。 • 集成度高使用方便,通讯板卡
4轴 SCARA G系列LS系列RS系列主 要参数
系列名称 G1
最大负载 1Kg
重复精度 ±0.005
175~225 mm
<0.3 second
最高速度 3000 mm/s
RC180/ 适合控制器 RC620
± 0.008 mm
2. 机械手的手臂姿势
在使用机械手作业时,有必要使其用示教时的手臂姿势在指定的点上动作。如果不这样做, 根据手臂姿势的不同,会产生轻微的位臵偏移,或朝着意想不到的路径动作的结果,有干涉 周边设备的危险。为了避免这种情况,在点数据中必须事先指定使其在此点上动作时的手臂 姿势(如下图)。此信息也也可以从程序中变更(\L或者\R)。
一、关于机械手的基础知识 二、硬件概要 三、EPSON RC+ 用户界面
六、动作指令 七、I/O 八、Pallet 九、!...! 并列处理 十、多任务处理
工业机器人(industrial robot,简称RI):
费希尔熊猫 Panda xControl 手册说明书

Panda_xControl_chi.R02.114.11.16熊猫xControl 手册费希尔熊猫有限公司Otto-Hahn-Str.40D-33104 Paderborn 德国电话:传真:热线邮箱:网站:::::+49 (0)52549202-0+49 (0)52549202-550+49 (0)52549202-767********************www.fischerpanda.de当前版本状态创建人Fischer Panda GmbH - 技术文件标题Otto-Hahn-Str.32-3433104 Paderborn - Germany 电话:+49 (0) 5254-9202-0邮箱:********************网址:www.fischerpanda.de 版权在未获得协议和制造商许可的情况下,不得复制和更改手册。
费希尔熊猫有限公司, 33104 Paderborn,有关本文件中的文字和图形保留所有权利。
文件当前:Panda_xControl_chi.R02.1_14.11.16替代:修订:页码R02 Anleitung auf Basis eng R01.6 erstellt R02.1 Bild 3ph Spannung getauscht目录当前版本状态 (2)1熊猫xControl安全说明 (5)1.1人员................................................................................ (5)1.2安全说明............................................................................ (5)2熊猫xControl (7)2.1xControl组件....................................................................... (7)2.1.1xControl - CP-G (7)2.1.2xControl - GC-S (7)2.1.3xControl - CB-G (7)2.2安装................................................................................ (8)2.2.1安装电子控制单元 (ECU) xControl-GC-S (8)2.2.2安装接线盒xControl- CB-G (8)2.2.3安装xControl- CP-G (8)2.3操作................................................................................ (8)2.3.1开启发电机 (9)概览页面(自动启动激活) (10)2.3.2概览页面 (10)2.3.3概览页面中使用的符号 (10)2.4启动发电机.......................................................................... ..122.4.1启动准备/日常检查工作(船用版本) (12)2.4.2启动准备/日常检查工作(车辆版本) (13)2.4.3启动发电机 (13)2.4.4停止发电机 (15)2.5菜单................................................................................ ..152.5.1主菜单 (15)2.5.2子菜单:"Panel"(面板) (16)设置CP-G亮度 (16)设置CP-G对比度 (17)设置CP-G待机时间 (17)设置CP-G待机亮度 (17)设置CP-G概览页面显示模式 (17)设置CP-G页面文本语言 (18)设置温度装置 (18)设置声音警报 (18)设置闪烁显示(发生故障时)。
CP2320-RGB 安装和设置指南说明书

安装和设置指南020-102934-02 CP2320-RGB声明版权和商标版权所有© 2019 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. 保留所有权利。
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CP-E 24 5.0电源说明书

CP-E 24/5.0
Ambient Air Temperature RoHS Status
Technical UL/CSA
Connecting Capacity Input Circuit UL/CSA Connecting Capacity Output Circuit UL/CSA Tightening Torque UL/CSA
4016779669689 CP-E 24/5.0 Power supply In:115/230VAC Out: 24VDC/5A The CP-E 24/5.0 is a power supply from the CP-E range. The primary switch mode power supply offers a wide range input of 90-132 V AC, 180-264 V AC and 210-375 V DC, rated input voltage is 115 or 230 V AC (auto select). The rated output power is 120 W, rated output current is 5 A at an output voltage of 24 V DC. The output voltage is adjustable within a range of 22.5 to 28.5 V DC. The power supply provides an U/I output characteristic. In order to increase capacity, up to 3 units can be connected in

一、YS24的基本操作1.1 系统启动与关闭:按照操作手册上的步骤进行系统启动和关闭,确保设备正常运行。
1.2 程序加载:将需要贴片的程序加载到YS24系统中,确保程序正确无误。
1.3 贴片物料准备:准备好需要贴片的元件和背板,确保物料齐全。
二、YS24的操作技巧2.1 贴片参数设置:根据贴片元件的要求,设置YS24的贴片参数,包括速度、力度等。
2.2 贴片校正:进行贴片校正,确保贴片位置准确无误。
2.3 贴片过程监控:在贴片过程中及时监控设备运行情况,及时处理异常情况。
三、YS24的维护保养3.1 定期清洁:定期清洁YS24设备,包括清理贴片头、清洁传送带等部件。
3.2 润滑保养:定期对设备的传动部件进行润滑保养,确保设备运行顺畅。
3.3 零部件更换:定期检查设备零部件的磨损情况,及时更换损坏的零部件。
四、YS24的故障处理4.1 常见故障排查:根据操作手册上的故障代码,排查设备常见故障。
4.2 故障处理方法:根据故障代码的提示,采取相应的处理方法,解决设备故障。
4.3 故障记录与分析:记录设备故障情况,进行故障分析,找出故障原因并加以改进。
五、YS24的安全注意事项5.1 操作规范:操作YS24设备时,必须按照操作规范进行操作,避免操作失误导致设备损坏。
5.2 安全防护:在操作YS24设备时,必须佩戴相关安全防护用具,确保人员安全。
5.3 紧急处理:在设备发生紧急情况时,必须按照紧急处理程序进行处理,确保安全和设备完好。
Transition Networks CPSMP-130 和 CPSMP-140 电源模块用户指南

User GuideCPSMP-130 48-VDC Power Supply ModuleCPSMP-140 24-VDC Power Supply Module13-Slot PointSystem™ AccessoryContentsIntroduction (1)Product Description (2)The Power Supply Module in the 13-Slot Chassis (3)Install the Power Supply Module (4)Connect to External Power (4)24 and48 VDC Power Supplies (5)Replace the Power Supply Module (6)Replace the Fuse (7)Technical Specifications (9)Troubleshooting (9)Contact Us (10)Compliance Information (10)Declaration of Conformity (10)Record of Revisions (12)IntroductionThe Transition Networks CPSMP-130 power supply is a 48-VDC slide-in-module that provides optional, redundant power to the CPSMC1310-100 13-slot PointSystem™ chassis and any installed media converter slide-in-modules and management modules.The Transition Networks CPSMP-140 power supply is a 24-VDC slide-in-module that provides optional, redundant power to the CPSMC1320-100 13-slot PointSystem™ chassis and any installed media converter slide-in-modules and management modules.Product DescriptionThe figure below illustrates the components of both power supplies:• An On/Off switch that, when set to “I”, allows the power supply module to supply power to the chassis, and any installed modules.• A panel fastener screw that secures the power supply module to the chassis.• A power LED indicator.• A handle for installing and removing the power supply module to/from the chassis.• A fuse installed on the circuit board inside the power supply module’s housing.• A set of three (3) external power connectors that distribute power from an external DC outlet to a chassis ground connector, a positive (+) connector, and a negative (-) connector on the power supply module.• A protective Terminal Block Cover fastened with two #6-32 X 1/8" screws (not shown below).Read and follow all warning notices & instructions marked on the device and included in the manual. CAUTION: All installation and service must be performed by qualified service personnel.CAUTION: Wear a grounding device and observe electrostatic discharge precautions when installing or servicing the power supply module. Failure to observe this caution could result in damage to, and subsequent failure of, the power supply module.The Power Supply Module in the 13-Slot ChassisCPSMP-130 Power Supply (48-VDC)The CPSMP-130 power supply module may replace an existing 48-VDC power supply or be installed in the second installation slot (see drawing below) of the PointSystem™ 13-slot chassis to become the optional, redundant power supply.CPSMP-140 Power Supply (24-Volt)The CPSMP-140 power supply module may replace an existing 24-VDC power supply or be installed in the second installation slot (see drawing above) of the PointSystem™ 13-slot chassis to become the optional, redundant power supply.NOTE: Both the CPSMP-130 and the CPSMP-140 DC power supply modules may be installed as the redundant power supply in any of the three PointSystem™ 13-slot chassis:∙ CPSMC1300-100 (AC chassis)∙ CPSMC1310-100 (48-VDC chassis)∙ CPSMC1320-100 (24-VDC chassis)For more information, see the user’s guide for the CPSMC13xx-100 13-slot chassis on-line at:.WARNING: Do NOT connect the power supply module to the external power source before installing it into the chassis. Failure to observe this caution could result in equipment damage and/or personal injury or death.Install the Power Supply ModuleCAUTION: Ensure that the power supply module has been disconnected from the external power source and the module’s On/Off switch has been set to “0”. Failure to observe this caution could result in damage to, and subsequent failure of, the power supply module.NOTE: The power supply module may be “hot swapped” (i.e., installed in the chassis while the chassis is in operation) provided the module to be installed has been disconnected from its external power source and the module’s On/Off switch has been set to “0”.To install the power supply module into the PointSystem™ chassis:1. Loosen the screw that secures the protective plate to the chassis and pull the plate away from thechassis.1. Set the On/Off switch on the power supply module to “0”.2. Carefully slide the power supply module into the installation slot, aligning the module with theinstallation guides.3. Ensure that the power supply module is firmly seated inside the chassis.4. Rotate the attached panel fastener screw clockwise to secure the power supply module to thechassis.Connect to External PowerCAUTION: Ensure that external power source is NOT powered and that the On/Off switch on the power supply module is set to “0” when connecting to the external power source. Failure to observe this caution could result in damage to, and subsequent failure of, the power supply module.24 and48 VDC Power SuppliesThis product is intended to be used in a restricted access location. Proper earthing (grounding) is required to ensure safe operation and to comply with customer installation requirements and local electrical codes. Prior to installation, use a voltmeter/ohmmeter to check the wiring for the presence of earth ground. WARNING: Disconnect requirements: A readily accessible, suitable National Electrical Code (NEC) or local electrical code approved disconnect device and branch-circuit protector must be part of thebuilding's installed wiring to accommodate permanently connected equipment. The approved disconnect device and branchcircuit protector must be suitable for the rated voltage and current specified. Failure to observe this warning could result in an electric shock, even death.”WARNING: External overcurrent protection requirements: In compliance with UL 60950-1 2nd Edition Clause the maximum recommended ampere rating of an external overcurrent protection device or external disconnect device for the IONPS-D is 15 Amperes. However, this recommended maximum overcurrent protection device or external disconnect device rating is not to be considered a branch circuit or power distribution protection device specification in conflict with local and national electrical codes. Branch circuit and power distribution protection device requirements must take into account installation wiring requirements, wire size, type, environmental requirements and specifications, etc., as mandated by local and national electrical codes and recommendations and as such the value of the overcurrent protection device may be other than the recommended maximum 15 Amperes.To power the CPSMP-130 or the CPSMP-140 power supply module:1. Set the On/Off switch on the power supply module to “0”.2. Verify that the external power source is NOT powered.3. Remove the Terminal Block Cover screws and remove the Terminal Block Cover. Retain the screwsand cover for further use.4. Connect the positive (+) terminal to the external power connector marked “+”. Turn the terminal screwclockwise to secure.5. Connect the negative (-) terminal to the external power connector marked “-”. Turn the terminal screwclockwise to secure.6. Connect the ground terminal to the external power connector marked “chassis ground”. Turn theterminal screw clockwise to secure.7. Set the power supply module power switch to “I”.8. Verify that the power supply module is powered by observing the illuminated power LED.WARNING: Do NOT connect the power supply module to the external power source before installing it into the chassis. Failure to observe this caution could result in equipment damage and/or personal injury or death.9. Replace the Terminal Block Cover using the screws removed in step 3 above.Replace the Power Supply ModuleCAUTION: Ensure that the power supply module has been disconnected from the external power source and the module’s On/Off switch has been set to “0”. Failure to observe this caution could result in damage to, and subsequent failure of, the power supply module.NOTE: The power supply module may be “hot swapped” (i.e., replaced while the chassis is in operation) provided the module to be replaced has been disconnected from its external power source and the module’s On/Off switch has been set to “0”.To replace the CPSMP-130 or the CPSMP-140 power supply module:1. Set the On/Off switch on the power supply module to “0”.2. Verify that the external power source is NOT powered.3. Remove the Terminal Block Cover screws and remove the Terminal Block Cover. Retain the screwsand cover for further use.4. Disconnect the positive(+) terminal from the external power connector marked “+”.5. Disconnect the negative (-) terminal from the external power connector marked “-”.6. Disconnect the ground terminal from the external power connector marked “chassis ground”.7. Rotate the attached panel fastener screw counter-clockwise.8. Carefully slide the power supply to be replaced out of the chassis.10. Carefully slide the replacement power supply module into the installation slot, aligning the modulewith the installation guides.11. Ensure that the power supply module is firmly seated inside the chassis.12. Rotate the attached panel fastener screw clockwise to secure the power supply module to thechassis.13. Replace the Terminal Block Cover using the screws removed in step 3 above.14. See the “Connect to External Power” section (page 5) for instructions on reconnecting the powersupply module to the external power source.Replace the FuseCAUTION: Ensure that the power supply module has been disconnected from the external power source and the module’s On/Off switch has been set to “0”. Failure to observe this caution could result in damage to, and subsequent failure of, the power supply module.NOTE: The power supply module may be “hot swapped” (i.e., serviced while the chassis is in operation) provided the module to be serviced has been disconnected from its external power supply and the module’s On/Off switch has been set to “0”.To replace the fuse in the CPSMP-130 or CPSMP-140 power supply module:1. Set the On/Off switch on the power supply module to “0”.2. Verify that the external power source is NOT powered.3. Remove the Terminal Block Cover screws and remove the Terminal Block Cover. Retain the screwsand cover for further use.4. Disconnect the positive (+) DC terminal from the external power connector marked “+”.5. Disconnect the negative (-) DC terminal from the external power connector marked “-”.6. Disconnect the ground terminal from the external power connector marked “chassis ground”.7. Rotate the attached panel fastener screw counter-clockwise.8. Carefully slide the power supply module out of the chassis.WARNING: Do NOT connect the powersupply module to the external power source before installing it into the chassis. Failure to observe this caution could result in equipment damage and/or personal injury or death.9. Remove the four (4) screws that secure the panel to the module (see the drawing below) and removethe panel from module.10. The fuse is located inside the power supply module on the circuit board. Remove the fuse from thefuse holder.11. Install a same size and rating replacement fuse in the fuse holder.12. Replace the panel to the power supply module and secure it in place with the four (4) screws.13. Replace the Terminal Block Cover using the screws removed in step 3 above.14. Carefully slide the power supply module into the installation slot, aligning the module with theinstallation guides.15. Ensure that the power supply module is firmly seated inside the chassis.16. Rotate the attached panel fastener screw clockwise to secure the power supply module to thechassis.17. See the “Connect to External Power” section (page 5) for instructions on reconnecting the powersupply module to the external power source.Technical SpecificationsThe CPSMP-130 or CPSMP-140 was designed to meet the following specifications.& CISPR Class A; CE MarkFCCStandards ULListed;Dimensions 3.4" x 2.5" x 11.0" (86 mm x 64 mm x 279 mm)Weight 1.8 lb (0.8 kg) (approximate)CPSMP-130 Power Input: 48VDC (38 to 58VDC) @ 2.63Amp (typical for a fully-loaded chassis) CPSMP-130 Power Output: +*************(maximum)CPSMP-140 Power Input: 24VDC (20 to 31VDC) @ 4.83 Amp (typical for a fully-loaded chassis) CPSMP-140 Power Output: +************(maximum)250V/6.3AmpFuseMTBF 520,441 hours (MIL217F2 V5.0) (MIL-HDBK-217F)1,087,866 hours (Bellcore7 V5.0)Environment Tmra**: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F )Storage Temp: -20 to 85°C (-4 to 185°F)Humidity: 10 to 90%, non condensingAltitude: 0 to 10,000 feetlimitedWarranty Lifetime**Manufacturer’s rated ambient temperature: Tmra range for these power supply modules depend on the physical characteristics and the installation configuration of the Transition Networks PointSystem™ chassis in which this slide-in-module will be installed.Information in this document was deemed accruate at the time of publication. For the most current information on the CPSMP-130 or CPSMP-140, view the online user guide at .TroubleshootingIf the power supply module fails, isolate and correct the failure by determining the answers to the following questions and then taking the indicated action:1. Is the power LED on the power supply module lit?NO• Is the power supply module inserted properly into the chassis?• Is the power supply module properly connected to the external power source?• Does the external power source provide power?• Contact Technical Support; see Contact Us below.YES• Proceed to step 2.2. Is the fuse on the power supply intact?NO• CAUTION: See the “Replacing the Fuse” section (page 8) in this user guide for the propermethod for replacing the fuse to the power supply module.• Contact Technical Support; see Contact Us below.YES• Contact Technical Support; see Contact Us below.Contact UsTechnical supportTechnical support is available 24-hours a dayUS and Canada: 1-800-260-1312International: 00-1-952-941-7600Transition nowChat live via the Web with Transition Networks Technical Support.Log onto and click the Transition Now link.Web-based seminarsTransition Networks provides seminars via live web-based training.Log onto and click the Learning Center link.E-MailAsk a question anytime by sending an e-mail to our technical support staff at **************************.AddressTransition Networks10900 Red Circle DriveMinnetonka, MN 55343, U.S.A.telephone: 952-941-7600toll free: 800-526-9267fax: 952-941-2322Compliance InformationUL Listed; C-UL Listed (Canada); CE MarkCISPR22/EN55022 Class ADeclaration of ConformityFCC regulationsThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in whichcase the user will be required to correct the interference at the user's own expense.Canadian regulationsThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise for digital apparatus setout on the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.Le présent appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limitesapplicables aux appareils numériques de la Class A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillageradioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.European regulationsWarningThis is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.Achtung !Dieses ist ein Gerät der Funkstörgrenzwertklasse A. In Wohnbereichen können bei Betrieb diesesGerätes Rundfunkstörungen auftreten. In diesem Fäll is der Benutzer für Gegenmaßnahmen verantwortlich.Attention !Ceci est un produit de Classe A. Dans un environment domestique, ce produit risque de créer desinterférences radioélectriques, il appartiendra alors à l'utilsateur de prende les measures spécifiques appropriées.In accordance with European Union Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament andof the Council of 27 January 2003, Transition Networks will accept post usage returns ofthis product for proper disposal. The contact information for this activity can be found in the'Contact Us' portion of this document.CAUTION: RJ connectors are NOT INTENDED FOR CONNECTION TO THE PUBLICTELEPHONE NETWORK. Failure to observe this caution could result in damage to thepublic telephone network.Der Anschluss dieses Gerätes an ein öffentlickes Telekommunikationsnetz in den EGMitgliedstaatenverstösst gegen die jeweligen einzelstaatlichen Gesetze zur Anwendung der Richtlinie 91/263/EWG zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über Telekommunikationsendeinrichtungen einschliesslich der gegenseitigen Anerkennung ihrer Konformität.Record of RevisionsRev Date Notesrelease.A 6/29/01 InitialB 7/30/03 Updated content and format.C 3/23/11 Added power disconnect and external overcurrent requirements text.D 5/22/15 Added Terminal Block Cover information.Trademar NoticesAll trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Copyright Restrictions© 2001-2015 Transition Networks.All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical - without written permission from Transition Networks.。


1楼主发表于: 2013-10-05 14:48只看楼主 | 小中大如图所示,在安装C X-ONE的时候相信有很大一部分人都遇到过类似的问题,我今天也遇到。
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刚刚试了一下,确实解决了我的问题5OMRON CX-one_v4.24的安装及使用问题解决方案2013-07-19 11:14:43| 分类:『电气工程』| 标签:╠工业工程╣|举报|字号订阅下载LOFTER客户端OMRON CX-one_v4.24的安装及使用问题解决方案欧姆龙(OMRON)集团为全球知名的自动化控制及电子设备制造厂商,掌握着世界领先的传感与控制核心技术,集团基本理念—企业是为社会做贡献的,而CX-one v4.24软件程序压缩包为omron所有自动化程序的集合,此软件包也是omron所属的最新产品,但由于当下利益的趋势和产品的推广成熟化,欧姆龙官网已不再支持免费下载,而早期产品不更新已慢慢退出市场,由于最近急需掌握好热了解omron属下的PLC编程软件,搜索浏览了很多自动化网站及官网都下载或安装失败,功夫不负有心人,在工控人家园偶的一下载链接地址,经过四五个小时的解压安装测试排除问题后终于可以完美使用,为了使朋友们在急需时找软件和安装时遇到的问题无法解决,下面就详解一下安装和使用OMRN CX-one v4.24的经验。
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4 427 014 52 00 A 2 (04/10)1S V C 427 014 M 5200P r i n t e d i n t h e F e d . R e p . o f G e r m a n yABB Stotz-Kontakt GmbH Hauptstr. 14-1678132 Hornberg / Germany1. DIN-Schiene (TH 35-15 oder TH 35-7.5 nach IEC/EN 60715) wie in Abbildung I dargestellt auf der Montageplattebefestigen, horizontale Einbaulage, Eingangsklemmen unten, die Mindestabstände (siehe Abbildung I) zu benachbarten Geräten einhalten.2. G erät wie in Abbildung II dargestellt auf die DIN-Schiene aufschnappen.1) Gerät leicht nach oben kippen und auf DIN-Schiene aufsetzen.2) Bis zum Anschlag nach unten klappen.3) Unten gegen die Vorderseite drücken, um zu verriegeln.Leicht am Gerät rütteln, um Verriegelung zu überprüfen.3. E ntfernen von der DIN-Schiene wie in Abbildung III dargestellt. Schraubendreher zur Entriegelung verwenden.Anschluss:ElektrischerEingangsseite [L, N, o ]Frontseitigen Wahlschalter (…INPUT VOLTAGE SELECTOR“ - siehe Abbildung I, CP-S 24/10.0, CP-S 24/20.0) ingewünschte Position bringen.Elektrische Verbindung der Eingangsklemmen L, N, o (Abbildung I) herstellen.Leitungsquerschnitte, Abisolierlänge der Leitungen, Anschlussdrehmomente etc. - siehe technische Daten.Schutzleiter muss immer angeklemmt werden (Schutzklasse I).Steckverbinder (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) nur leistungslos betätigen.Die Installation muss gemäß EN 60950 erfolgen, geeignete Trennvorrichtung (z.B. Leitungsschutzschalter) in denZuleitungen vorsehen.Absicherung der Eingangsseite - siehe Technische Daten.Ausgangsseite [L+, L+, L-, L-]Leitungen nach maximalem Ausgangsstrom dimensionieren oder gesonderte Absicherung vorsehen.Absicherung der Ausgangsseite - siehe Technische Daten.Um Spannungsabfälle zu minimieren wird empfohlen die Querschnitte so groß wie möglich zu wählen.Polung beachten.Steckverbinder (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) nur leistungslos betätigen.Die Netzteile sind überlast-, kurzschluss- und leerlauffest (siehe Kennlinien).Die Sekundärseite der Netzteile ist galvanisch vom Eingang getrennt und intern nicht geerdet (SELV). Sie kann daher je nach Bedarf (wahlweise L+ oder L-) vom Anwender geerdet werden (PELV).Betrieb/Funktion:Betriebszustandsanzeige:Die grüne LED …OUTPUT OK“ (Abbildung I) leuchtet bei BetriebParallelbetrieb: (siehe Abbildung IV)Typgleiche Geräte können zur Leistungserhöhung oder zu Redundanzzwecken parallel geschaltet werden.Für eine symmetrische Stromaufteilung wird empfohlen die Leitungsverbindungen in gleichen Querschnitt und ingleicher Länge auszuführen.Redundanz:Um bei Fehlern (z.B. in der Verdrahtung, Auslösen der Sicherung im Primärstromkreis, Defekt einzelner Geräte)eine höhere Verfügbarkeit zu erreichen, können Stromversorgungen redundant aufgebaut werden. Tritt im erstenStromversorgungskreis ein Fehler auf (sog. Erstfehler), wird die Stromversorgung aller Verbraucher vom zweiten,redundanten Versorgungskreis übernommen. Hierzu werden die parallel zu schaltenden Stromversorgungen sodimensioniert, dass der Gesamtstrombedarf aller angeschlossenen Verbraucher von einer Stromversorgungvollständig abgedeckt werden kann.1. F asten the DIN rail (TH 35-15 or TH 35-7.5 acc. IEC/EN 60715) as shown in Fig. I on the mounting plate, horizontalmounting position, input terminals on bottom, respect the minimum distance to other units (see Fig. I)2. S nap on DIN rail as shown in Fig. II1) Tilt the unit slightly upwards and fit the unit on the DIN rail2) Lift it downward until it hits the stop3) Press against the bottom front side for lockingShake the unit slightly to check the locking3. R emove the unit from the DIN rail as shown in Fig. III. Use a screwdriver for the unlocking.Electrical connection:Input side [L, N, o ]Set the front-face …INPUT VOLTAGE SELECTOR“ (CP-S 24/10.0, CP-S 24/20.0 - see Fig. I) in desired position.Connect the input terminals L, N, o (Fig. I ).Cable cross sections, stripping length of the cable, tightening torque etc. - see technical data.The protective earth conductor must be connected (class of protection I).Actuate the plug connector (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) only when the power is off.The installation must be executed acc. EN 60950, provide a suitable disconnecting device (e.g., line protection switch) in the supply line.Fuse protection of the input side - see technical data.Output side [L+, L+, L-, L-]Rate the lines for the maximum output current or provide a separate fuse protection.Fuse protection of the output side - see technical data.We recommend to choose the cable cross section as large as possible in order to minimize voltage drops.Observe the polarity.Actuate the plug connector (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) only when the power is off.The power supplies are overload, short-circuit and no-load proof (see characteristic curve).The secondary side of the power supplies is electrically isolated from the input and internally not earthed (SELV) and can therefore be earthed by the user according to the needs with L+ or L- (PELV).Operating/Function:Operational status indication:The green LED …OUTPUT OK“ (Fig. I) is lightening during operation.Adjustment of the output voltage:The output voltage can be adjusted in the range of 22 to 28 V by means of the potentiometer “OUTPUT Adjust”.Parallel operation: (see Fig. IV)In order to increase capacity and to enable redundancy, devices of the same type can be connected in parallel.For a symmetric current distribution it is advisable to execute the line connections with the same cross sections and same lengths.Redundancy:Redundant circuits are used to increase the operational reliability in case of errors (e.g., wrong wiring, blow of the fuses in the primary circuit, failure of single devices). If a fault occurs in the first power supply circuit (called initial fault), power to all loads is then supplied by the second, redundant supply circuit. For this reason the power supply units to beconnected in parallel must be sized in such a way that the total current requirement of all loads can be completelycovered by one power supply unit.(F) Montage:1. Fixer le profilé DIN (TH 35-15 ou TH 35-7.5 selon IEC/EN 60715) sur la plaque de montage comme décrit dans la Fig. I,position de montage horizontale, bornes d’entrée en bas, observer les distances minimales (voir Fig. I) par rapports àd’autres modules.2. Encliqueter le module sur le profilé DIN comme décrit dans la Fig. II1) Pousser le module légèrement en haut et le placer sur le profilé2) Pousser vers le bas jusqu’à la butée3) Pousser vers l’avant pour encliqueterSecouer légèrement pour vérifier l’encliquetage3. Démonter du profilé DIN comme décrit dans la Fig. III. Utiliser un tournevis pour le désencliquetage.électrique:RaccordementEntrée [L, N, o ]Mettre l‘interrupteur frontale de liaison au réseau (…INPUT VOLTAGE SELECTOR“ - voir Fig. I, CP-S 24/10.0, CP-S 24/20.0) dans la position désirée.Raccorder les bornes d’entrée L, N, o (Fig. I ).Sections de câble, longueur des câbles à dénuder, couple de serrage, etc. – voir Données Techniques.Le fil de protection doit toujours être raccordé (classe de protection I).Manipuler le connecteur multiple (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) uniquement hors tension.L’installation doit être exécutée conformément à la directive EN 60950, prévoir un dispositif de coupure approprié(ex : disjoncteur de protection) dans les câbles d’alimentation.Protection de l’entrée - voir Données Techniques.Sortie [L+, L+, L-, L-]Dimensionner les lignes pour le courant de sortie maximum ou les protéger par un fusible spécial.Protection de la sortie - voir Données Techniques.Choisir des câbles de grande section, afin de réduire au minimum les chutes de tension.Faire attention à la polarité.Manipuler le connecteur multiple (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) uniquement hors tension.Le module est doté d’une protection électronique contre les surcharges, les courts-circuits et la marche à vide (voir courbes caractéristiques).Le côté secondaire des alimentations est isolé électriquement de l’entrée et en interne de la terre (SELV). Pour cette raison, l’utilisateur peut mettre facultativement L+ ou L- à la terre, selon les besoins (PELV). La mise à la terre d’une des polarités est obligatoire pour la sécurité des personnes.Opération/Fonctionnement:Indications de fonctionnement:La LED verte …OUTPUT OK“ (Fig. I) s’allume en fonctionnement.Réglage de la tension de sortie:La tension de sortie peut être réglée dans la gamme de 22 à 28 V avec le potentiomètre “OUTPUT Adjust”.Fonctionnement en parallèle: (voir Fig. IV)Des modules de même type peuvent être branchés en parallèle pour augmenter la puissance ou pour réaliser un circuit redondant. Pour une répartition symétrique du courant, nous conseillons de réaliser toutes les liaisons de l’alimentations avec la même longueur et la même section de câble.Redondance:Pour arriver à une fiabilité de fonctionnement plus élevée en cas d’erreurs (p.e. en câblage, déclenchement du fusible dans le circuit primaire, défaut d’un module unique), on peut monter des circuits redondants. En cas de défaut dans le circuit primaire de la première alimentation (dit premier erreur), le second module redondant prend le relais pour assurerl’alimentation de tous les consommateurs. Pour cela, les alimentations à brancher en parallèle doivent être dimensionnées de manière à ce qu’un seul module puisse couvrir intégralement la demande totale en courant de tous les appareilsconsommateurs.(E) Montaje1. Fijación del perfil DIN (TH 35-15 ó TH 35-7.5 según IEC/EN 60715) sobre una placa de montaje como se muestra en laFig. 1, montaje en posición horizontal, los bornes de entrada deben de estar hacía abajo, tener en cuenta la distanciamínima con aparatos vecinos (ver Fig. I)2. Fijación del aparato en el perfil como se muestra en la Fig. II1) Posicionar el aparato en el perfil, encajar la parte superior de fijación en el perfil2) Desplazar el aparato hacía abajo para su colocación en el perfil3) Presionar sobre la cubierta para su enclavamiento.Mover ligeramente el aparato para comprobar su enclavamiento3. Para desmontar el aparato se utiliza un destornillador como se muestra en la Fig. III.Conexión eléctrica:Entrada [L, N, o ]Ajustar en la parte frontal el commutador-selector de red (…INPUT VOLTAGE SELECTOR“ - ver Fig. I, CP-S 24/10.0,CP-S 24/20.0) en la posición deseada.Conectar los bornes de entrada L, N, o (Fig. I).Secciones de cable, longitud a pelar del conductor, par de apriete, etc. - ver Datos Técnicos.El conductor de protección debe ser siempre conectado (clase de protección I).Accionar los conectores enchufables (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) solo en estado de apagado.La instalación tiene que realizarse conforme a las especificaciones EN 60950, preveer un dispositivo de aislamientoapropiado (p.ej. interruptores automáticos) en los cables de entrada.Entrada protegida por fusible- ver Datos Técnicos.Salida [L+, L+, L-, L-]Dimensionar los cables para la intensidad de salida máxima o preveer un fusible por separado.Protección por fusible de salida – ver Datos Técnicos.Los cables deben ser de la sección más grande posible para reducir la caída de tensión.Tener en cuenta la polarización.Accionar los conectores enchufables (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) solo en estado de apagado.Las fuentes de alimentación están protegidas contra sobrecarga, cortocircuito y circuito abierto (ver curvas decaracterísticas).El lado secundario de la fuente de alimentación está aislado eléctricamente de la entrada y no está puesto a tierrainternamente (SELV). Por ello se puede poner a tierra opcionalmente L+ o L- (PELV).Servicio/Funcionamiento:Indicador del estado de funcionamiento:El LED verde …OUTPUT OK“ (Fig. I) se ilumina durante el funcionamiento.Ajuste de la tensión de salida:Mediante el potenciómetro “OUTPUT Adjust” la tensión de salida se puede ajustar en el margen de 22-28 V.Funcionamiento en paralelo: (ver Fig. IV)Los módulos de igual tipo pueden conectarse en paralelo para aumentar la potencia o para realizar un circuitoredundante. Para obtener un reparto de corriente simétrico, recomendamos que las conexiones de los cables serealicen con igual sección e igual longitud.Redundancia:Los circuitos redundantes se utilizan para aumentar la seguridad de servicio en caída de un defecto (p.ej. cableadoincorrecto, fusión de los fusibles en el circuito primario, fallo en el dispositivo). Si en la primaria fuente de alimentaciónse tiene un defecto (llamado primer defecto), el segundo, redundante circuito de alimentación adopta la alimentación decorriente de todos los receptores. A tal fin, las fuentes de alimentación a conectar en paralelo se dimensionan de forma, queel consumo de corriente total de todos los receptores conectados se pueda cubrir por completo por una sola fuentede alimentación.11(I) Montaggio:1. Fissare la sbarra DIN (TH 35-15 o TH 35-7.5 in confomità con IEC/EN 60715) come descritto nella Fig. I sulla piastra dimontaggio, montare in posizione orizzontale, morsetti d’ingresso in basso, osservare le distanze minime (vedere Fig. I)rispetto agli apparecchi vicini.2. Applicare l’apparecchio come descritto nella Fig. II sulla guida di supporto1) Tenere l’apparecchio leggermente spostato verso l’alto, poggiarlo sul supporto sagomato2) Premere verso il basso fino alla battuta3) Spingere in avanti premendo in basso fino ad avvenuto arrestoVerificarne la stabilità scrollandolo leggermente3. Rimuovere l’apparecchio dalla guida di supporto come descritto nella Fig. III. Usare un cacciavite per lo sbloccaggio.elettrico:CollegamentoIngresso [L, N, o ]Regolare il selettore rete sul lato frontale (…INPUT VOLTAGE SELECTOR“ - vedere Fig. I, CP-S 24/10.0, CP-S 24/20.0).Collegare i morsetti d’ingresso L, N, o (Fig. I).Sezione della linea, lunghezza di spelatura, coppia di serraggio etc. - vedere Dati Tecnici.Il conduttore di terra deve essere sempre collegato (classe di protezione I).Azionare il connettore a spina (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) solo senza potenza.L’installazione deve essere eseguita in conformità con EN 60950, prevedere un addato dispositivo di sezionamento(p.e. interruttore automatico) per i cavi d’alimentazione.Protezione dell’ingresso - vedere Dati Tecnici.Uscita [L+, L+, L-, L-]Dimensionare le linee a secondo della corrente d’uscita massima oppure prevedere una protezione separata.Protezione dell’uscita - vedere Dati Tecnici.Per minimizzare cadute di tensione raccomandiamo di scegliere delle sezioni più grandi possibile.Badare alla polarità.Azionare il connettore a spina (CP-S 24/5.0, CP-S 24/10.0) solo senza potenza.Gli alimentatori sono protetti contro i sovraccarichi, i cortocircuiti e il funzionamento a vuoto (vedere linee caratteristiche).La parte secondaria degli alimentatori è isolata in corrente continua dall’ingresso e internamente non collegata a terra(SELV). Pertanto può essere collegata a terra, a scelta L+ o L- (PELV).Operazione/Funzionamento:Visualizzazione dello stato di funzionamento:Il LED verde …OUTPUT OK“ (Fig. I) s’illumina durante l’operazioneImpostazione della tensione di uscita:Tramite il potenziometro “OUTPUT Adjust” la tensione di uscita può essere impostata nel range da 22 a 28 V.Funzionamento in parallelo: (vedere Fig. IV)Apparecchi dello stesso tipo possono essere collegati in parallelo per aumentare la potenza o per realizzare uncircuito ridondante. Per ottenere una ripartizione di corrente simmetrica si raccomanda di realizzare tutti icollegamenti di linee con la stessa sezione e con la stessa lunghezza.Ridondanza:Per aumentare l’affidabilità di funzionamento in caso di errori (p.e. di cablaggio, scatto del fusibile nel circuito dicorrente primario, difetto di un apparecchio singolo), si può costruire un circuito di corrente ridondante.Se sorge un difetto nel primo circuito di alimentazione di corrente (cosiddetto primo errore), il secondo, ridondantecircuito di alimentazione s’incarica dell’alimentazione di corrente di tutti i carichi. Perciò è necessario dimensionaregli alimentatori da collegare in parallelo in modo che il consumo di corrente totale di tutti i carichi collegati possaessere coperto completamente da un solo alimentatore.12(RU)Монтаж:1. Установите DIN рейку (TH 35-15 или TH 35-7,5 согласно стандарту IEC/EN 60715) как показано на Рисунке I, на мон-тажной панели в горизонтальном положении,входными клеммами вниз, сохраняя необходимое расстояние до другихизделий (см. Рисунок I)2. Установите изделие на DIN рейку как показано на Рисунке II1) Слегка наклоните изделие вверх и установите его на DIN рейку2) Потяните его вниз до упора3) Нажмите на нижний край лицевой панели для защелки. Слегка покачайте изделие, чтобы убедиться в его надеж-ном креплении3. Демонтаж устройства с DIN рейки показан на Рисунке III. Для освобождения защелки используется отвертка.Электрические соединения:На стороне входа [L, N, ]:Установите переключатель …INPUT VOLTAGE SELECTOR” (Выбор входного напряжения – только в изделиях CP S 24/10.0, CP S 24/20.0 – см. Рисунок I) на лицевой панели изделия в требуемое положение.Присоедините входные клеммы L, N, (Рисунок 1),длина зачистки кабеля указана в технических характеристиках из-делия.Проводник защитного заземления должен быть присоединен (класс защиты I).Работы с разъемом (CP S 24/5.0, CP S 24/10.0) должны выполняться только при выключенном электропитании. Сечение кабелей и усилие затягивания клемм указаны в технических характеристиках изделия. Монтаж должен осуществляться в соответствии с требованиями EN 60950, с применением соответствующего размыкающего устройства (например, линей-ного защитного автомата) на стороне подачи электропитания.Защитные предохранители на входе – см. технические характеристики.На стороне выхода [L+, L+, L , L ]:Рассчитывайте номинальные параметры линий на максимальный выходной ток или используйте отдельные предохрани-тели.Защитные предохранители на выходе – см. технические характеристики. Мы рекомендуем выбирать кабели с возможно большим сечением для минимизации потерь напряжения. Соблюдайте полярность.Работы с разъемом (CP S 24/5.0, CP S 24/10.0) должны выполняться только при выключенном электропитании. Источники питания оборудованы средствами защиты от перегрузки, короткого замыкания и отсутствия нагрузки (см. характери-стические кривые). Вторичный контур источников питания электрически изолирован от входного контура и внутри незаземлен (SELV), что позволяет заземлять его пользователем на линию L+ или L (PELV), в зависимости от потребности.Эксплуатация/функционирование:Индикация рабочего состояния: Зеленый светодиод …OUTPUT OK“ (Выход в норме – Рисунок I) светится в процессе работы.Параллельная работа: Для увеличения мощности и обеспечения резервирования изделия одного типа могут включаться параллельно. Для симметричного распределения тока рекомендуется подключать источники к линиям с одинаковымсечением и длиной проводов.Параллельная работа, увеличение мощности: (см. Рисунок IV)При параллельном соединении n изделий выходной ток может быть увеличен до n x I out.Рекомендуется использовать параллельное включение, если блок питания не может выполнить требования по отдаче тока, предъявляемые наиболее мощным потребителем. В ином случае, потребители должны подключаться к индивиду-альным источникам независимо друг от друга.Параллельно можно соединить не более 5 устройств одного типа.Параллельная работа, резервирование: (см. Рисунок V)Резервирование цепей используется для увеличения эксплуатационной надежности при возникновении ошибок (таких как неправильное включение, перегорание предохранителей в цепях первичного питания, авария отдельных устройств).Если неисправность возникает в цепи первого источника питания (так называемая первичная неисправность), электро-питание всех потребителей будет осуществляться от второго, резервного, источника питания. По этой причине, парал-лельно включаемые блоки питания должны иметь такую мощность, чтобы обеспечить одним блоком электропитание всех потребителей.13(CN) ΪΪɐ҄',1ኒ߷Ϊ 7+ ֶ7+ ܘ ,(& (1 ᅟๅ cΣ྇ ,iˋ̡ΪϽສcፏɃဲɥϽכ֛cၤԯˢኂͧړܛɩ൝ᔴ ޜ)LJ ,',1ኒ߷˺cΣ)LJ ,,ΉɐႦฎԚཋၤ',1ኒ߷лΉɎᎦϭɺॶɎᎦᎦϾ֛کဲcᔧցႦฎཋᆢႏᔧց',1ኒ߷ɐזՃཋcΣ)LJ ,,,c͂ᑓɆᔧeཋࣩடઅioஉցکࠍፏɃཋᎦፕእ ,1387 92/7$*( 6(/(&725§ &3 6 &3 6 ޜ)LJ ,டઅፏɃဲɥ/ 1 o )LJ , ཋࡅ͊ٽ۹ޜҌ༅ࢿ̦டઅ ज़ړᙶ&3 6 &3 6 ඩΕᒾཋرؗɎʐஈై׆eடઅኒᇃ࿀ࠍҏर೩ޜҌ༅ࢿeΪࣂ̦ܘ๑(1 cΕԜཋΑ༏ɐొԜሬؿ Σiᇃړᙶᗐ eፏɃ৯ ޜҌ༅ࢿe˞ɣፏˮཋݚϣᄬᇃ༏cֶʗП൬Ϸဇᒾኂړᙶeፏˮ৯ؿ ޜҌ༅ࢿeઐᔈသ˿ॶፕ͂ɣ࿀ࠍኒᇃ˞ಕɩཋᎦࠌe؇෮รֲe&3 6 &3 6 ඩΕᒾཋرؗɎʐஈై׆eཋ༦༗d༏ي༗ړᙶ ޜऋֲςᇃ eཋωज़ၤፏɃԜཋཋཋࣩངᔴcʑɺઅΔ 6(/9 cΐϊ˿͂ͅʸܘ๑߬અΔ / ֶ / 3(/9 e༜Ϸ ˲ॶi၆ϳ /(' 287387 2. )LJ , ༜ϷɻڋАݯʕЕcێ໔ؿཋ˿˞Ԏᐲeяጫʗݚۺᘪ༦டઅޚ࿀ࠍޚٽ۹ؿኒᇃྡྷଊeܨࣂ Σ႒અᇃdٱज़Α༏ဇᒾኂဇᒾc௰உௐܨ cʕЕ˿ᄈ˱༜Ϸؿ˿ቌ eΣΕȹԜཋΑ༏ɻೕ́ܨࠖωܨ cֺτ߲༗ؿཋੀͅɀԜཋΑ༏ÐʕЕΑ༏ֻኪeΐϊcԎᐲᅕܞཋɻؿҰȹॶѧͲӷֺτؿ߲༗e141516。