



Unit 1
Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
What is the author trying to prove?
What is the author assuming I will agree with?
Do you agree with the author?
Unit 1
Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities
Critical reading and thinking
Example 2: water vs. diamond
Why is water so cheap, while diamonds are so
Necessary for survival
Unit 1
Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Example 3: a seat belt law
American laws require seat belts as standard equipment on new cars.
Unit 1
Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities
Text A
Key terms
marginal cost: 边际成本 the additional cost from an increase in an activity

ECONOMICS REPORT - Saving More for Retirement

ECONOMICS REPORT - Saving More for Retirement

ECONOMICS REPORT - Saving More forRetirementBy Mario RitterBroadcast: Friday, March 17, 2006I'm Steve Ember with the VOA Special English Economics Report.One of the most important questions a worker can ask is: "Will I have enough money for retirement?" For more than thirty years, Americans have used individual retirement accounts, or IRAs, to increaseretirement savings. Today, there are several plans that let workers invest. The plans also offer tax savings.The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of nineteen seventy-four providedfor the first IRAs. It set rules for retirement plans run by big businesses. Othermeasures provided for individuals who did not qualify for such plans, calledpensions.The first kind of IRA is now called a traditional IRA. A worker can put up to fourthousand dollars of his or her yearly earnings into a special account. Workers overthe age of fifty can invest four thousand five hundred dollars. Unlike a pension, thesaver controls the account and decides how it is invested. Money put in a traditional IRA is not taxed until it is withdrawn. But, savings cannot be withdrawn before the account holder is fifty-nine and one-half years old. If the money is withdrawn before that time, it is taxed like income and there is a ten percent fine. The account holder must start withdrawals by age seventy and one-half or there also are fines.At first, IRAs were only for people not covered by pensions at work. But in nineteen eighty-one, everyone could to open an IRA. Six years later, congress banned highly paid individuals from claiming tax reductions.A Roth IRA is a similar plan. Workers can invest up to four thousand dollars of earnings yearly. But there is no tax savings on the year's earnings. Instead, withdrawals from a Roth IRA are generally not taxed.Roth IRA withdrawals cannot start until the saver is fifty-nine and one half years old. There are also fines for putting too much money in them. But people over seventy can still invest.Small businesses can also set up a kind of IRA. Simplified Employee Pensions, or SEP IRAs, have elements of both traditional IRAs and pensions.SEP IRAs are simple investment accounts controlled by the saver. And, like pension plans, employers add money to them too. Limits on these accounts are higher. A worker and an employer can invest twenty-five percent of the employee's yearly pay up to forty-two thousand dollars. The money is not taxed until it is withdrawn.This VOA Special English Economics Report was written by Mario Ritter. I'm Steve Ember. Our reports areonline at . For more than 30 years, Americans have used IRAs to increase retirement savings.。

VOA慢速英语听力 Economics Report(word文本):special1030b

VOA慢速英语听力 Economics Report(word文本):special1030b

标题:voa慢速英语:US Says Economy Grew 3.5 Percent in Third Quarter对应音频:special20091030b.mp3听力内容:This is the VOA Special English Economics Report。

Early estimates show that the United States economy began to grow again in July,August and September。

The three-and—a-half percent growth was the first expansion in more than a year, and the strongest in two years。

The government said increases in consumer spending and exports and improvements in business investment led the growth。

So did increased federal spending and housing investments.President Obama had this reaction to Thursday’s report on the gross domestic product —— a wide measure of goods and services in the economy。

BARACK OBAMA:"This is obviously welcome news and an affirmation that this recession is abating and the steps we’ve taken have made a difference. But I also know that we've got a long way to go to fully restore our economy and recover from what’s been the longest and deepest downturn since the Great Depression."That downturn was partly caused by bankers and others taking irresponsible risks to earn huge payments. So say their critics. Criticism of Wall Street pay is nothing new。

03.5.012210_2.Economics Report

03.5.012210_2.Economics Report

1Obama Seeks Limits on Banks, Condemns Campaign Finance RulingThe proposals came the same week as he marked his first year as president and his party lost an important Senate seat. Also, a ruling cleared the way for independent spending by corporations and unions in political campaigns. Transcript of radio broadcast:Friday, January 22, 2010This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.President Obama is proposing rules to limit the size of banks and the risks they can take. He wants to prevent banks from usinggovernment-insured deposits to make risky investments. He also wants to keep them from owning hedge funds or private equity funds.Banks took big losses as they tradedmortgage-related securities that wentbad. That helped create the financialcrisis.Bank shares fell after the president'sannouncement Thursday. His earlierefforts at financial reform have faced strong opposition from financial companies and some members of Congress. In the Senate, sixty votes are needed to prevent unlimited debate on a bill. But the Democrats have lost their sixtiethvote. On Tuesday voters in Massachusetts elected a Republican to finish the term of Ted Kennedy who died in August.Scott Brown, a Republicanstate senator, celebrates in Boston after a special election for U.S. senator fromMassachusetts. He won the remaining three years in the term of Ted Kennedy, aDemocrat who had held hisseat for almost 50 years.Scott Brown opposes the health care legislation in Congress. His election could also affect other areas, like climate change legislation and reforms in the financial system.And at the same time a separate development could affect future elections. The United States Supreme Court has cleared the way for independent spending by businesses and labor unions in political campaigns. The court decided, five to four, on Thursday to overturn its own ruling from nineteen ninety.That case let the government bar corporations from using their own money to pay for campaign ads for or against candidates. Now the court says the restriction on political speech violates free speech rights guaranteed by the Constitution.But President Obama says the decision will reduce the influence of average Americans. He called it a "major victory" for powerful interests like big oil companies, Wall Street banks and health insurance companies. He directed his administration to talk with congressional leaders from both parties to develop a "forceful response."Elections for Congress are this November. The next presidential election is in two thousand twelve.Wednesday marked Barack Obama's first anniversary in office. But the Republican victory in liberal Massachusetts was seen in large part as a sign of voter anger across the country about the economy.Unemployment has doubled in two years to ten percent. Many people are angry that they struggle while the government rescued big banks. Some banks took losses last year but others earned record profits.And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report. I'm Mario Ritter.VOA Special English2。

ECONOMICS REPORT - Half of US Jobs Now Held by Women

ECONOMICS REPORT - Half of US Jobs Now Held by Women
ECONOMICS REPORT - Nearly Half of US Jobs Now Held by Women
Broadcast date: 11-20-2009 / Written by Mario Ritter
From /voanews/specialenglish/ This is the VOA Special English Economics Report. Women are on their way to holding more than half of all American jobs. The latest government report shows that their share of nonfarm jobs nearly reached fifty percent in September. Not only have more and more women entered the labor market over the years. But the recession has been harder on men. In October the unemployment rate for men was almost eleven percent compared to eight percent for women. Industries that traditionally use lots of men have suffered deep cuts. For example, manufacturing and building lost more jobs last month. But health care and temporary employment services have had job growth. Both of those industries employ high percentages of women. Thirty years ago, women earned sixty-two cents for every dollar that men earned. Now, for those who usually work full time, women earn about eighty percent of what men earn. And women hold fifty-one percent of good-paying management and professional jobs. Yet a study released Thursday said men still hold about nine out of every ten top positions at the four hundred largest companies in California. The results have remained largely unchanged in five years of studies from the University of California, Davis.

ECONOMICS REPORT - The Dow Jones Industrial Average

ECONOMICS REPORT - The Dow Jones Industrial Average

ECONOMICS REPORT —The Dow Jones Industrial AverageBy Mario RitterBroadcast: December 26, 2003This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.Doctors always measure the heartbeat of a patient when examining the patient ’shealth. The heartbeat of America ’s stock markets is the Dow Jones Industrial Average.No other measure of stock value is as widely known. Sometimes it is simply called theDow. It is published by the Dow Jones Company, an influential publisher ofinternational financial news.The Dow Jones Company is a product of Wall Street, the area in New York City that is the financial center of the United States. Three reporters, Charles Dow, Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser, started the company in eighteen-eighty-two. At first, theypublished a handwritten newsletter for financial workers. It was very successful. By eighteen-eighty-nine, the newsletter became the Wall Street Journal newspaper.The Dow Jones Company began publishing the Dow Jones Industrial Average in eighteen-ninety-six. The list had twelve stocks. It represented the biggest industries in the American economy at the time. Today, the Dow lists thirty stocks. They are often called “blue-chip ” stocks. These stocks represent an ownership share incompanies that are considered strong. These well known companies include Coca -Cola, Eastman Kodak,McDonald ’s and General Electric.When you read the Dow Jones Industrial Average, you quickly see that it is not the average price of thirty stocks. For example, the Dow recently increased to more than ten-thousand for the first time in more than eighteen months. Ten-thousand does not seem like the average price of thirty stocks.In fact, the Dow Jones Industrial Average does not represent a price but a mathematical average. When the Dow goes up, it gains points, not dollars.The Dow Jones uses what is called a flexible divisor to keep changes in individual stock prices from affecting the whole average too much. The Dow system generally divides stock prices by the flexible divisor. The result is the number we see in newspapers and on television news reports.Today, the Dow is just one of many stock averages. The Standard and Poor ’s Five-Hundred Index averages five -hundred stocks. Still others measure foreign stock exchanges.While stock averages are good research tools, many people consider them the heartbeat of finance.This VOA Special English Economics Report was written by Mario Ritter.Email this article to a friendPrinter Friendly VersionA Chart Including the Dow Jones Average.(Picture-DOE)页码,1/ - ECONOMICS REPORT—The Dow Jones Industrial Average2003-12-26。

04.5.012910_2.Economics Report

04.5.012910_2.Economics Report

1For Youths in US, a Jump in Media UseA survey finds that children and teens are doing even moremulti-tasking, and that heavy users are more likely to do poorly in school. Transcript of radio broadcast:Friday, January 29, 2010This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.American children and teenagers haveincreased their use of entertainmentmedia by more than one hour a day inthe last five years. On an average daythey now spend seven and a half hoursusing media.These are the findings of a new survey.It included devices like TVs, computers, mobile phones and MP3 players, but also media like books and magazines. It did not count media use for school.Vicky Rideout at the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health research group, wrote the report. She was surprised that kids could fit even more media time into their day.She found that they spent ten hours and forty-five minutes if you counted each device individually. But children multi-task a lot, and Vicky Rideout says this is not necessarily a good thing.VICKY RIDEOUT: "People who study the brain will tell you that you can't actually multi-task in that way. You're really switching back and forth sequentially from different tasks, just doing it rapidly, and that you don't really do either task as well as you would do them if you did them one at a time."The study suggests a link between heavy media use and lower performance in school. About one-fourth of those who used media the least reported that their grades were mostly average or below. But that was true of half the heavy media users.So where are the parents? Children who had any rule limiting the use of any kind of media were exposed to an average of about three hours less media a day. But only one-third of children had to follow any rules.Girls spent more time than boys on social networking sites, listening to music and reading. Boys spent more time on video games -- an average of forty-eight minutes more a day than girls.VICKY RIDEOUT: "It looks like the girls just sort of lose interest in the games and they drop off and start doing other things, whereas the boys' interest remains strong."Some other findings: Time spent reading books has not dropped in the last five years. But time with newspapers and magazines has, though some reading now takes place online.Blacks and Hispanics use media over four hours more a day than other groups. And for all children, media use appears to reach its highest point between the ages of eleven and fourteen. Vicky Rideout will try to explain these findings in future research.The report is based on more than two thousand students ages eight to eighteen. They took a written survey in class through May of last year.And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report, written by Mario Ritter. How much media use do you think is enough for children? Post your comments at , and you can find transcripts and captioned videos of our reports. I'm Mario Ritter.VOA Special English2。

VOASE0201_Economics Report

VOASE0201_Economics Report

01 February 2007Computers: A New Windows, and a New Way to Make ProcessorsMicrosoft releases Vista, its first new operating system since 2001. Intel and IBM each announce, on the same day, the biggest change in transistor design in 40 years.This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.This week, with dancers and other events, Microsoftlaunched the general release of its new operating systemfor personal computers. Windows Vista became availablein more than seventy countries.This is the first new version since Windows XP in twothousand one. But the long-delayed release did not createnearly as much excitement as there was twelve years agofor Windows 95. Vista is designed to make it easier to search for files on acomputer. The appearance has also been improved. AndMicrosoft says the new system offers better security. Just how much better remains to be proven.Most PCs use Windows. But people who may want to buy the new version for anexisting computer first have to make sure that the machine can support it. This is true especially if a computer is older than a year or two.Apple plans to release its new operating system, called Leopard, this spring. But many industry experts say the future of software may be in providing services over the Internet, the way Google does now. That means a move away from loading lots of programs onto individual computers.Vista is not the only news in computer technology right now. Engineers havediscovered how to use new materials to make the brains of a computer.On January twenty-seventh, Intel announced the biggest change in forty years in the way processors are made. The company says the transistors in its next generation of processors will be made using hafnium, a kind of metal, instead of silicon. Intel says it will also use a secret combination of metals.Transistors control the flow of electrical current. The new transistors will be the smallest yet, just forty-five nanometers, or forty-five billionths of a meter. Twothousand of them could fit across a human hair. Hundreds of millions will go onto the new processors.Intel says the new technology will increase performance and use less power. It says it Events for the launch of Vista included dancers on the wall of a New York building。

ECONOMICS REPORT - Officials Target Mortgage Mess in U.S.

ECONOMICS REPORT - Officials Target Mortgage Mess in U.S.
ECONOMICS REPORT - Officials Target Mortgage Mess in U.S.
By Mario Ritter and online at voaspecialenglish / Broadcast date: Friday, June 27, 2008 Source: /voanews/specialenglish/ This is the VOA Special English Economics Report. American lawmakers and law enforcers are busy with the housing finance market. Many of the recent problems were caused by subprime mortgages. These highly profitable loans were marketed to risky buyers and then sold to investors. But even homeowners with good credit are having trouble with other new kinds of loans. A Senate bill could help some people get lower-cost loans. It would let the government guarantee three hundred billion dollars in new financing. The first big sign of problems with mortgage investments, which led to a worldwide credit crisis, came last summer. Two funds of the Bear Stearns investment bank collapsed. They were heavily invested in risky home loans. Investors lost almost one and a half billion dollars. Last week, the Justice Department announced charges against the two men who led the hedge funds, Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin. Officials say that by March of last year, the managers believed the funds were at risk of collapse, but lied to keep investors from leaving. Both men have pleaded not guilty. Separately, the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced the results of Operation Malicious Mortgage. That investigation led to more than four hundred arrests in the last three months.



ECONOMICS REPORT - Apple Computer By Mario RitterBroadcast: April 23, 2004This is Bob Doughty with the VOA Special English Economics Report. One of the most powerful tools ever developed is the P.C., the personal computer. Oneof the companies important to the history of the P.C. is Apple Computer. Apple isbased in Cupertino, California.Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs started the company in nineteen -seventy-six. Mister Wozniak designed an early personal computer, the Apple One. At that time, people who wanted to work with computers often built their own, or used larger systems. Early personal computers had limited uses. Users had to write commands. This wastrue of the Apple One. But other Apple computers operated with a system known as agraphical user interface. Users chose from little pictures called icons. Researchers atXerox designed such a system. But Apple was the first to make it popular. Today mostpersonal computers use icons. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs tried to sell their ideas to other companies. They were rejected. But soon they found investors. Apple began to sell shares to the public in nineteen-eighty. The company became worth more than one-thousand-million dollars.In nineteen-eighty-one, International Business Machines began to sell a personalcomputer that many people bought. I.B.M. was the biggest computer company inthe world. But Apple was known for its creativity. In nineteen-eighty-four, itreleased the first Macintosh. These computers were simple to use.Over the years, Apple gained a following of loyal users. But then lower-pricedcomputers appeared. These used the Windows operating system made by Microsoft.Most personal computers today use Windows. Apple does not compete with makers of low-cost computers. Many of its computers are designed for special uses like video and music production.The brain of a computer is the processor. For years, Apple used processors made by Motorola. In two-thousand-three, Apple joined with I.B.M. to create a faster processor. But Apple still has only a small share of the computer market.Now, one of its most popular products is the iPod. This is a small music player. It can store up to one-thousand songs. Apple says it sold more than eight-hundred-thousand iPods in the three months ending in March. Apple reported a profit of forty-six million dollars for the period. It says the iPod greatly helped sales.This VOA Special English Economics Report was written by Mario Ritter. This is Bob Doughty.Email this article to a friendPrinter Friendly Version Early Macintosh (Photo - )The brains of the Apple 1:Steve Wozniak, left, andSteve Jobs.。

23.5.061110_2.Economics Report

23.5.061110_2.Economics Report

1Job Market an Extra Hard Test for New College GraduatesFriday, 11 June 2010This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.June means one more big test for many students finishing college -- a test of the job market. Wish them luck. Americans age twenty to twenty-four faced an unemployment rate in May of fourteen and seven-tenths percent. That was five percentage points higher than the national rate.This week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said his "best guess" is for a continued economic recovery. But the central bank chief expects unemployment to remain high for some time because of slow job creation. So where does that leave this year's graduates?The National Association of Collegesand Employers says about one-fourthof those who applied for a job havefound one. NACE says that is up a littlefrom last year . But the number is downsharply from two thousand seven, theyear before the financial crash.Starting pay is also down.Josh Safran graduated from American University in Washington with a business degree. He is still looking for a job.JOSH SAFRAN: "Once you get noticed by a company, it gets a lot easier, butAP Corey Fry. a graduate of theUniversity of California, San Francisco, nursing school, tries onhis cap and gown at his apartment Tuesday. He says he will have to move to another part of the country to find a’s so hard to get noticed because there’s so many people looking for so few jobs."One way to get noticed is through an internship program, says Reuben Smith-Vaughn, another graduate of American University.REUBEN SMITH-VAUGHN: "I know I personally got my job that way. And the people that worked there before me got their jobs that way. So I think it’s a key when getting a job."Internships may offer little or no money. Some students even pay for them. But NACE says ninety-two percent of the employers it asked had plans to hire interns this year.The Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Labor Department offers job market predictions through twenty eighteen. The highest growth is expected in biomedical engineering. Twenty-two year old Sarah Kramer just got her degree in biomedical engineering from Columbia University in New York. She found a job with a major consulting company in Washington. But her search was not easy.SARAH KRAMER: "I started in August before my senior year. And I set up appointments with career services. I applied to about a hundred and fifty jobs. I went on maybe fifteen interviews."Ms. Kramer says many of her friends have not found jobs. Many have chosen to go to graduate school instead. But she has suggestions for students entering their final year of college who want a job when they graduate.SARAH KRAMER: "Well, advice for a rising senior is to start early. Take advantage of your career services at your school as much as you can. And don’t give up, and just keep applying to as many jobs as you can.”Josh Safran says he may have to do what a growing number ofVOA Special English2recent college graduates are doing.JOSH SAFRAN: “Worst-case scenario, if I don’t find a job by the end of August, I move back with my parents."And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report, with reporting by Mike DeFabo. I'm Mario Ritter. 3。

03.011609.2_Economics Report

03.011609.2_Economics Report

1Economic Crisis Hits ExportsWorld trade is expected to decrease by 2 percent this year as demand collapses. Transcript of radio broadcast:Friday, January 16, 2009This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.The economic crisis is claiminganother victim: world trade. Lastmonth the World Bank predicted atwo percent decrease this year -- thelargest drop since the nineteenforties.Economies that depend on exports forgrowth have been hit hard. Japaneseexports decreased almosttwenty-seven percent in November from a year earlier . Japan has theworld's second largest economy.A new report this week from China showed that its economy became the world's third largest in two thousand seven, passing Germany. China could also pass Germany as the world's biggest exporter . But Chinese exports fell almost three percent in December from a year earlier -- the sharpest drop in at least ten years.A story in the Chinese news magazine Outlook warned that factory closings could lead to unrest as the economy slows.The latest reports show that German exports in November were down almost twelve percent from the year before.Shipping containers on a dock at Port Elizabeth, New JerseyAmerican exports decreased almost two percent in November from a year earlier. They were down six percent from October -- but imports were down twelve percent. That reduced the monthly trade deficit to the lowest level in five years.Credit has improved in some cases since the financial crisis worsened in September. But falling demand, including reduced demand for oil, has cut trade around the world. The International Monetary Fund recently called for government spending, tax cuts and international cooperation to support growth.To ease credit, the Bank of England last week reduced its main interest rate to one and one-half percent -- its lowest ever. The bank was established in sixteen ninety-four. Britain's economy may have shrunk by one percent just in the final three months of last year. The first estimates are expected at the end of January.This week, Germany's coalition government agreed to an economic aid package worth about sixty-seven billion dollars. The two-year plan calls for spending on public works and a tax cut for low-income Germans. Critics considered an earlier measure too small to fight the recession in Europe's largest economy.Aides to President-elect Barack Obama have been negotiating with Congress on a two-year recovery plan for the world's largest economy. On Wednesday, Democratic Senator Charles Schumer of New York suggested that the price could reach eight hundred fifty billion dollars.And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report, written by Mario Ritter. I'm Steve Ember.VOA Special English2。



标题:voa慢速英语:高盛银行向Facebook投资对应音频:0107a.mp3听力内容:Facebook's New Friends Like the World of Private FinanceThis is the VOA Special English Economics Report.Facebook is the world's biggest social network -- and the subject of the movie "Social Network."(SOUND)The real Mark Zuckerberg and his friends at Harvard University launched the site in two thousand four. Facebook says it reached five hundred million users last July.Now, the American bank Goldman Sachs and the Russian company Digital Sky Technologies have friended Facebook. They are investing a total of five hundred million dollars in the company. The deal values Facebook at fifty billion dollars -- more than many publicly traded Internet companies.Goldman Sachs is expected to raise a billion and a half dollars more by selling shares of ownership in Facebook to rich investors. The plan does not include a public stock offering -- at least not right now.ThomsonReuters, Facebook, eBizMBAFor now, Facebook would remain a private company -- meaning a company that does not sell shares to the public. The plan has brought new attention to the largely secretive world of private financing and the rules for private companies in the United States.The idea is that investors in public companies have protections that investors in private companies do not. The Securities and Exchange Commission says a private company must report financial information if it has five hundred shareholders or more.A new business, a startup company, is usually considered too risky for average investors. But a promising startup may find a small number of private investors, often known as "angels." These investors are willing to lose everything for a chance at big returns.Rikki Tahta has been involved in raising money for startups. He is now chairman of his own investment company, Covestor, with offices in New York and London.Mr. Tahta compares the difference between public and private companies to the difference between marriage and dating. When people are dating, he says, there are understandings but few rules. In marriage, the rules are more clear and well-defined.In his opinion, the only real benefit for a private company is lower administrative and record-keeping costs. Yet he tells us Covestor remains a private company after a few years because it is still too risky for most investors.I’m Steve Ember.这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。



《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案Unit OneI.1. 资产C2. 边际变动E3. 市场势力I4. 劳动生产力(率)J5. 经济学A6. 市场失灵G7. 市场经济F8. 机会成本D9. 通货膨胀K10. 外部性H11. 效率B12. 菲利普斯曲线LII.Passage One经济学的研究主要分为两部分:宏观经济学与微观经济学。






















经济报道的英语听力文章关于经济报道的英语听力文章From Learning English, this is the Economics Report.The United States says its economy expanded quickly from April to June. The U.S. economy grew at a yearly rate of 4 percent, much better than the first three-month of . During that period, the nations gross domestic product shrink at a rate of more than two percent. The GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced in the country.Experts credited increased consumer and business spending for the economic growth. The expansion appeared to extend across economy. U.S. exports grew sharply, businesses bought goods for re-sale, and state and local governments increased spending.In late July, President Barack Obama spoke to supporters in Kansas City. He said the latest economic numbers were another sign that things are getting better.None of this is an accident. Its thanks to the resilience and resolve of the American people. Its also thanks to some decisions we made early on and now Americas recovered faster and come farther than just about any other advanced country on Earth, said Obama.The economic news had little effect on financial markets. Investors appeared unmoved because this was just the first of several reports for the period from April to June.Economist Sean Snaith is with Central Floridas Institute for Economic Competitiveness. He says it is too early to celebrate the economic gains. He spoke to through Skype.。



This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。

President Obama announced an agreement with Congressional Republicans Monday. It would extend for two years the tax cuts put in place by former president George W. Bush. The tax cuts were to end in January. The compromise extends current income tax rates for all Americans for two years. That includes rates for the richest Americans.周一,奥巴马宣布与国会的共和党达成一项协议,将前总统布什推出的减税措施延长两年。



The agreement also cuts workers' Social Security taxes by two percentage points. Social Security is retirement insurance paid by almost all American workers and employers.该协议还将劳工社保税率削减了两个百分点。


The so-called payroll tax holiday would save a family earning fifty thousand dollars about one thousand dollars a year.这项工资税减免政策每年可以为年收入为5万美元的家庭节省1千美元。

VOA慢速英语听力 Economics Report(word文本):spec0041a0415

VOA慢速英语听力 Economics Report(word文本):spec0041a0415

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report。

The best example of something is often called the "gold standard。

” It sets the standard against which other things are measured. In economics, the term describes how major trading nations once used gold to set currency values and exchange rates. Many nations continued to use the gold standard until the last century.In the United States, people could exchange paper money for gold from the eighteen seventies until nineteen thirty—three。

President Richard Nixon finally disconnected the dollar from the value of gold in nineteen seventy-one. Some politicians from time to time call for a return to the gold standard。

But in nineteen seventy—eight the International Monetary Fund ended an official gold price。

The IMF also ended the required use of gold in transactions with its member countries.Since that time, gold prices have grown,but unevenly. Prices -- uncorrected for inflation —- are now at record highs. The current price is above fourteen hundred dollars an ounce. But people keep buying. Neang Chan Nuon is a gold shop owner in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh。

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Corporations can sell stock as a way to raise money. Stock represents shares of ownership in a company. Investors who buy stock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business.
Corporations can have a few major shareholders. Or ownership can be spread among the general public.
But not all corporations are traditional businesses that sell stock. Some nonprofit groups are also organized as corporations.
If shares lose value, investors can lose all of the money they paid for their stock. But shareholders are not responsible for the debts of the corporation.
This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.
பைடு நூலகம்
Businesses are structured in different ways to meet different needs.
The simplest form of business is called an individual or sole proprietorship. The proprietor owns all of the property of the business and is responsible for everything.
And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report, written by Mario Ritter. You can learn more about business and economics on our website, . We're also on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube at VOA Learning English. I'm Jim Tedder.
A company might use some of its earnings to pay dividends as a reward to shareholders. Or the company might reinvest the money back into the business.
ECONOMICS REPORT - A Quick Lesson in Ways Businesses Are Organized
For legal purposes, with this kind of business, the owner and the company are the same. This means the proprietor gets to keep all of the profits of the business, but must also pay any debts.
One kind of partnership is called a limited liability partnership. These have full partners and limited partners. Limited partners may not share as much in the profits, but they also have less responsibility for the business.
Partnerships exist only for as long as the owners remain alive. The same is true of individual proprietorships.
But corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetime. A corporation is the most complex kind of business organization.
Doctors, lawyers and accountants often form partnerships to share their risks and profits. A husband and wife can form a business partnership together.
A corporation is recognized as an entity -- its own legal being, separate from its owners.
A board of directors controls corporate policies. The directors appoint top company officers. The directors might or might not hold shares in the corporation.
Another kind of business is the partnership. Two or more people go into business together. An agreement is usually needed to decide how much of the partnership each person controls.